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7 model-model insan bermoral

Date post: 20-Jan-2023
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Bakir Mahadi [email protected] 012 725 4129

Vincent Tan Syed Mokhtar al-Bukhary Dr. Mahathir

Mother A. Mangalam

Loh Boon Siew

tokoh: Tan Sri Vincent Tan Chee Yioun lahir: 1952 di Batu Pahat, mula bekerja sebagai kerani dan ejen insurans sebelum menceburi perniagaan ’80an

1982 beli Mc Donald Malaysia, 1985 beli Sport Toto mempunyai hubungan rapat dengan bekas PM Dr. M jutawan ke 9 terkaya di Malaysia dengan aset RM 4.2 B (menurut majalah Forbes 2010)

Ketua Eksekutif Berjaya Corporation Pemilik Kelab Bolasepak Cardiff City, Wales, England

Jasa dan sumbangan:banyak beri sumbangan kepada badan-badan kebajikan: Persatuan Perlindungan Kanak-Kanak (M) perlindungan kepada warga tua dan org. kurang upaya

Kiwanis Down Syndrome Foundation Malaysian AIDS Foundation bantuan perubatan – MERCY Malaysia National Kidney Foundation

Lagi Jasa dan sumbangan: menubuhkan Yayasan Better Malaysia – menyediakan biasiswa dan pinjaman tanpa faedah kepada ramai pelajar miskin

Berjaya Corporation memberi sumbangan RM6.6 juta kepada 30 badan-badan NGO

Berjaya Cares Foundation (BCF) – juga banyak beri sumbangan kepada persatuan-persatuan untuk tujuan kebajikan dan bakti kepada masyarakat

Video:Vincent Tan to donate RM 525 millions from Ascot Sport Stake sale

tokoh: Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar al-Bukhary

lahir: 1951 di Alor Setar, dari keluarga yang sederhana

biodata jasa dan sumbangan – rujuk artikel 7.1

Mother Mangalam menerima pingat Darjah Kebesaran Dato' Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah (DSIS) yang membawa gelaran Datin

Paduka (2010)

Mother Mangalam menerima Anugerah Merdeka tahun 2010

Mother TeresaJackie Chan & Jet


Bill Gates

Master Cheng Yan

Mahatma Ghandi

Make us worthy, my Lord, to serve those people throughout the world who live and die in poverty and hunger. Give them through our hands, this day, their daily bread, and by our understanding love, give them peace and joy.

- Mother Teresa of Calcutta 

Logo Tzu Chi Foundation

Volunteers from the Taiwan Buddhist Tzu Chi Foundation distributing food supplies door-to-door to victims of the Cyclone Nargis disaster

in Myanmar

Tzu Chi collegiate volunteers visit the immigrant school in their charity programme to interact with the children

and helping to teach them

Port-Au-Prince, Haiti – Members from the Buddhist Tzu Chi Foundation hand out 2,000 blankets and tarps to the

earthquake victims in 2010.

Mahatma Ghandi1869 – 1948 ( 78 tahun ).

1869 - born in Porbunder, India – he belonged to a family of the Hindu merchant class or Vaishya, he was brought up in an Orthodox belief system

1883 - he got married at the age of 13 with Kasturba Makhanji

1888 - Gandhi went to University College London to become a lawyer

- his lifestyle in London was bounded by the vow he made to his mother with a Jain monk Becharji; the vow included abstinence from alcohol, meat, and promiscuity

1893 - He accepted a contract with a legal firm in South Africa. At that time, racial discrimination was a norm and this even caused Gandhi to experience forceful eviction from a train compartment in the first class section.

- Gandhi remained in South Africa for 21 years despite the situation. He became an editor of Indian Opinion, a national newpaper that he came up with, as part of his advocacy for promotion of Indian rights in the country.

1906 - He applied his methodology of satyagraha or devotion to the truth by rallying in his fellow citizens to condemn the law promulgated by the Transvaal government barring the registration of the Indian population in the colony.

1915 - Mahatma Gandhi went back to India

1917 - He led a protest in July condemning the exploitation of the Indigo laborers in Champaran

1918 - Gandhi then headed a strike advocating for higher wages of the Ahmedabad Mill workers.

- In June same year, they were granted tax remission in the Khedan area that was hit by drought. This was the result of Gandhi-led no-tax campaign.

1919 - He initiated the Rowlatt Satyagraha, an activity combining prayer and fasting, hartals, and breaking of a few civic laws on April 6.

1920 - got elected as president of All India Home Rule League 1921 - emphasized the wearing of loin cloth only for the

propagation of the homespun cotton 1922 - committed to a five-day fast at Bardoli after

suspending the mass disobendience at Chawri Chawra - he was charged of sedition for his writings in the

publication Young India; he got sentenced for six years of imprisonment in Yeravada

1924 - After he got released from jail, he spread khadi and advocated for removal of the untouchability

1929 - Gandhi got arrested again after he burned the foreign cloth in Calcutta

1930 - In January, he started his campaign for a National Independence day and the 3rd all-India Satyagraha

- In April, he broke the Salt Law at Dandi - In May, he got arrested and detained to Yeravada jail

without going through court trial

In January 1931, they released him along with 30 other leaders of the Congress

In August, he sailed to London for the Second Round Table Conference

1932 - he got detained again on January at Yeravada jail with Sardar Patel

- he engaged into a 'fast unto death' beginning on September 20 to protest against the act of British government in providing a separate electorate to untouchables

- he ended this fast on September 26 when the government accepted the 'Yervada Pact' 

1933 - he started the Harijan, a weekly publication taking the place of Young India

 - In November, he embarked on a ten-month tour of India to advocate the removal of untouchability

1934 - Three cases of attempts to kill him took place 1942 - August 9, Gandhi got arrested along with Congress

leaders, they were imprisoned in Aga Khan Palace 1943 - He fasted again on February 10 to put an end in the

deadlock between Indian and Viceroy leaders 1947 - he had a tour in Bihar in order for the Hindu-Muslim

tensions to be lessened - he opposed the decision of the Congress to accept the

splitting of India and Pakistan on May 1948 - On January 13, he began fasting for five days for

unity among the areas in India - On the 30th, a Hindu fanatic Nathuram Godse shot him while

he was holding a prayer meeting at Birla House, Delhi
