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A mathematical model for incorporating biofeedback into human postural control

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Central Nervous System Postural Controller Body Dynamics Cardinal Decomposition Biofeedback Device Sensory Integration Body response Body response Biofeedback signals Sagittal biofeedback Coronal biofeedback Environment Sensed body states Sagittal postural control torques Sagittal joint torques Perturbations + + Coronal postural control torques Coronal joint torques + + 1 1 F s τ + 1 1 F s τ + S F K C F K A mathematical model for incorporating biofeedback into human postural control Ersal and Sienko Ersal and Sienko Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation 2013, 10:14 http://www.jneuroengrehab.com/content/10/1/14 JNER JOURNAL OF NEUROENGINEERING AND REHABILITATION

Central Nervous System






Body response

Body response

Biofeedback signals




Sensed body states

Sagittal posturalcontrol torques Sagittal joint torques

Perturbations+ +

Coronal posturalcontrol torques

Coronal joint torques+ +


1F sτ +


1F sτ + SFK


A mathematical model for incorporatingbiofeedback into human postural controlErsal and Sienko

Ersal and Sienko Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation 2013, 10:14http://www.jneuroengrehab.com/content/10/1/14


RESEARCH Open Access

A mathematical model for incorporatingbiofeedback into human postural controlTulga Ersal1* and Kathleen H Sienko1,2


Background: Biofeedback of body motion can serve as a balance aid and rehabilitation tool. To date, mathematicalmodels considering the integration of biofeedback into postural control have represented this integration as asensory addition and limited their application to a single degree-of-freedom representation of the body. This studyhas two objectives: 1) to develop a scalable method for incorporating biofeedback into postural control that isindependent of the model’s degrees of freedom, how it handles sensory integration, and the modeling of itspostural controller; and 2) to validate this new model using multidirectional perturbation experimental results.

Methods: Biofeedback was modeled as an additional torque to the postural controller torque. For validation, thisbiofeedback modeling approach was applied to a vibrotactile biofeedback device and incorporated into a two-linkmultibody model with full-state-feedback control that represents the dynamics of bipedal stance. Average responsetrajectories of body sway and center of pressure (COP) to multidirectional surface perturbations of subjects withvestibular deficits were used for model parameterization and validation in multiple perturbation directions and formultiple display resolutions. The quality of fit was quantified using average error and cross-correlation values.

Results: The mean of the average errors across all tactor configurations and perturbations was 0.24° for body swayand 0.39 cm for COP. The mean of the cross-correlation value was 0.97 for both body sway and COP.

Conclusions: The biofeedback model developed in this study is capable of capturing experimental responsetrajectory shapes with low average errors and high cross-correlation values in both the anterior-posterior andmedial-lateral directions for all perturbation directions and spatial resolution display configurations considered. Theresults validate that biofeedback can be modeled as an additional torque to the postural controller without a needfor sensory reweighting. This novel approach is scalable and applicable to a wide range of movement conditionswithin the fields of balance and balance rehabilitation. The model confirms experimental results that increaseddisplay resolution does not necessarily lead to reduced body sway. To our knowledge, this is the first theoreticalconfirmation that a spatial display resolution of 180° can be as effective as a spatial resolution of 22.5°.

Keywords: Biofeedback, Sensory augmentation, Sensory substitution, Mathematical modeling, Postural control,Vibrotactile feedback, Multidirectional perturbations, Vestibular, Balance

BackgroundBiofeedback can be used to supplement or replace missingsensory information by providing the user with informa-tion via a functioning sensory modality. To date, indivi-duals with vestibular deficits and older adults havedemonstrated improved balance when using electrotactile[1-6], vibrotactile [7-19], auditory [20-25], or multimodal[26,27] feedback displays of body motion during quiet or

perturbed standing and gait tasks. For example, vibrotactilefeedback of torso tilt has experimentally shown reductionsin the root-mean-square sway in subjects with unilateraland bilateral vestibular loss during both linear and rota-tional single-axis [10,11] and multidirectional [14,28] per-turbations of stance. Research is now underway to evaluatebiofeedback, also referred to as sensory substitution or sen-sory augmentation, as a real-time balance aid and as a toolfor balance rehabilitation.Biofeedback-related research aimed at improving balance

has primarily used experimental rather than mathematical

* Correspondence: [email protected] of Mechanical Engineering, University of Michigan, 2350Hayward St, Ann Arbor, MI 48109, USAFull list of author information is available at the end of the article


© 2013 Ersal and Sienko; licensee BioMed Central Ltd. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of theCreative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0), which permits unrestricted use,distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Ersal and Sienko Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation 2013, 10:14http://www.jneuroengrehab.com/content/10/1/14

methods to study the relationship between non-nativefeedback channels and postural control. As demonstratedby numerous physiological studies [29-38], mathematicalmodels can complement experimental work by allowingfor design evaluation and optimization prior to humansubject testing, explaining experimental findings and iden-tifying dominant underlying physiological mechanisms.The literature discusses different mathematical models

of human posture with varying levels of complexity. Thesimplest model used to describe bipedal postural controlis an inverted pendulum with feedback control [29-31],which is a one-link representation capturing a single de-gree of freedom. For example, Peterka used this modelto explain the experimental differences in the sensori-motor control systems observed in healthy subjects andsubjects with vestibular deficits [29]. When a more sophis-ticated representation is needed, the number of links canbe increased to capture additional degrees of freedom. Forexample, Barin adopted multiple regression techniquesand concluded that a two-link model is sufficient to ex-plain changes in center of pressure (COP) during posturalcontrol [32]. Kuo combined a two-link model with a full-state-feedback human sensorimotor control model andoptimal control theory to study responses to small pertur-bations in the anterior-posterior (AP) direction [33]. Kooijet al. developed a three-link model based on optimal esti-mation theory to characterize the contribution of multi-sensory information to standing balance and concludedthat a predictive element in the controller is essential tocompensate for neural time delays [34]. Unfortunately,all of these models only capture movement in the AP dir-ection. Thus, Winter considered two separate models formovement in the AP and medial-lateral (ML) directions[35]; yet, even his models do not capture the dynamic coup-ling between the AP and ML motions, which is often sig-nificant during multidirectional perturbations. Finally, noneof the models mentioned above incorporate biofeedback.To understand how biofeedback affects postural control,

Goodworth et al. developed a vibrotactile biofeedbackmodel for a single-link inverted pendulum model of stance[16]. In the single-link model, the ankle angle (which iscontrolled only through ankle torque) represents the com-bined kinematics of a number of body segments, i.e., therelative angle between the feet and legs as sensed by theproprioceptive system, the orientation of the head in spaceas sensed by the vestibular system, the relative position ofthe head with respect to the environment (which can beimportant in eyes-open scenarios although not consideredin eyes-closed studies such as [16]), and the orientation ofthe torso in space as measured by the biofeedback device.Because single-degree-of-freedom models have only onesway angle to measure and only one joint torque to con-trol, representations of the sensory integration and con-trol processes associated with biofeedback are relatively

straightforward. Although effective at capturing uni-directional postural responses to small perturbations,single-link models represent movement only along asingle axis and are limited in their ability to capturemultidirectional postural responses (especially duringlarge perturbations). Furthermore, Goodworth et al.’srepresentation of biofeedback is not readily scalable tomodels with higher degrees of freedom.This paper describes a new method to incorporate bio-

feedback into a multi-degree-of-freedom model for humanbalance. Rather than considering an integration on thesensory side, the method integrates biofeedback after theexisting postural control mechanism generates joint tor-ques and before they are actually applied to the joints. Thisscalable method is independent of the model’s degrees offreedom, how it handles sensory integration, and themodeling of its postural controller. The model is vali-dated against existing experimental data [28] to demon-strate its ability to replicate the experimentally observedaverage response trajectories of individuals with vestibu-lar deficits for three different perturbation directionsand three different feedback device display configurations.The model is then used to predict the performance of afourth display with a lower spatial resolution than thoseexperimentally evaluated. Although this study features avibrotactile feedback display, the unique approach pre-sented herein has the flexibility to describe auditory,visual, electrotactile, and multimodal feedback displaysand scale to single or multi-segmented models of humanstance, thereby rendering it suitable for a wide range ofbalance and balance rehabilitation applications.

MethodsThe procedure followed in this study is outlined in Figure 1and explained in detail in this section.

Mathematical modelingBiofeedbackTypical biofeedback systems consist of a motion or forcesensor to detect body kinematics or kinetics, respectively,a processor to estimate body kinematics or COP, and afeedback display to provide the user with an additionalchannel of information. This study assumed that the bio-feedback signal was either given in cardinal directions (i.e.,in the AP and ML directions) by the device, or wasdecomposed by the individual into these cardinal direc-tions. Regarding the latter, if the biofeedback signal wasgiven at an angle of θ measured clockwise from the navelas viewed in the transverse plane, we assumed that the in-dividual decomposed the signal into its sagittal and coronalcomponents according to cos θ and sin θ, respectively.Accounting for experimental observations that indivi-

duals control balance in the sagittal and coronal planesindependently [18,39], the biofeedback signal was also

Ersal and Sienko Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation 2013, 10:14 Page 2 of 12http://www.jneuroengrehab.com/content/10/1/14

assumed to be processed and utilized independently in thecardinal directions. Specifically, additional torque signalsTFS and TF

C were assumed to be generated due to bio-feedback independently for sagittal and coronal planes,respectively, as follows:

TSF sð Þ ¼ KS


τFsþ 1; TC

F sð Þ ¼ KCF

τFsþ 1ð1Þ

where TFS and TF

C are the additional sagittal and coronalbiofeedback torques, respectively, and are vectors with adimension equal to the number of joints in the model.Thus, they are scalars in a single-link inverted pendulumrepresentation of the body that models only the ankle joint,whereas they become three-dimensional vectors in a modelthat considers ankle, knee, and hip joints. The variable τF isthe time constant associated with the reaction to the feed-back. It was assumed to be the same in both sagittal andcoronal directions; hence the superscript S or C to differen-tiate the sagittal and coronal plane is omitted. The variables is the Laplace variable, a standard notation for represent-ing transfer functions in the frequency domain. KF

S and KFC

are the steady state magnitude vectors of sagittal and cor-onal torques due to feedback; i.e., TF

S =KFS and TF

C =KFC in

the steady state.The biofeedback torques TF

S and TFC were added to the

joint torques generated by a postural controller as follows




F ð2Þ

where TJ represents the vector of joint torques and TPC

represents the torque vector generated by the posturalcontroller model. Figure 2 illustrates the integration of thisbiofeedback model into a generic feedback-based humanpostural control model. Note that the integration of bio-feedback in this approach is independent of the manner inwhich the human body, sensory integration, and posturalcontrol are modeled, and thus is easily applicable to multi-degree-of-freedom models without any constraints on themathematical representations of the sensory and controlsystems.For validation purposes, the proposed modeling frame-

work was applied to experimental results for a representa-tive biofeedback device as follows. The device used aninertial measurement unit to detect body motion and avibrotactile display comprising 48 vibrating actuators (sub-sequently referred to as tactors) to provide a feedback sig-nal related to the measured torso tilt. The direction θ ofthe feedback signal was measured clockwise from thenavel and was equal to the torso tilt direction (azimuth),which was computed based on the arctangent of the APand ML tilt components. The device feedback algorithmwas such that the magnitude of the feedback signal wasequal to the tilt angle (inclination) plus half the tilt anglerate-of-change (see [14] for details). Direction was displayedusing as many as 16 columns of tactors based on a “nearestneighbor” principle in which the column closest to the ac-tual tilt direction is activated. The columns were placedaround the torso at 22.5° intervals starting from the navel.Within each column, three rows of tactors encoded three

Mathematical modeling Model parameterization Model validation

Two-link representation of human body

State feedback representation of postural control

Additional torque representation of biofeedback

+ +



Average error

Cross-correlation value

Validate models

+Anthropometric data

Experimental sway and COP data w/o biofeedback

Tune the postural control parameters by minimizing the difference between simulation

and experimental data

Parameterization ofbiomechanical model of stance

Experimental sway and COP data w/ biofeedback

Tune the biofeedback parameters by minimizing the difference between simulation

and experimental data

Parameterization ofbiofeedback model

Figure 1 Procedural schematic of the methodology employed in this study.

Ersal and Sienko Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation 2013, 10:14 Page 3 of 12http://www.jneuroengrehab.com/content/10/1/14

different levels of feedback magnitude; no tactors wereactivated within a 1° dead zone and tactor activationprogressed from the bottom to the top tactor row in astepwise manner as sway increased. Tilt magnitude wasmodeled based on the algorithm used during the experi-mental studies (see [14] for details). KF

S and KFC were

expressed as a function of the activated row r and thefeedback direction θ

KSF r; θð Þ ¼

kS1 cosθ r ¼ 1kS2 cosθ r ¼ 2kS3 cosθ r ¼ 3

; KCF r; θð Þ ¼

kC1 sinθ r ¼ 1kC2 sinθ r ¼ 2kC3 sinθ r ¼ 3




where ki, i = {1, 2, 3} for the three rows, are constantvectors. To ensure that biofeedback torque monotonic-ally increased with the activated row, the elements of kiare constrained as k1,j ≤ k2,j ≤ k3,j. Here, ki,j refers to thejth element of the vector ki.Sienko et al. showed that this vibrotactile feedback device

quickens subjects’ return to upright and reduces sway fol-lowing a discrete surface perturbation [28]. Furthermore,they varied the number of active tactor columns to deter-mine the effect of spatial resolution on postural perform-ance [14,18,28]. For example, in a 3×4 (3-row, 4-column)display configuration, only four of the tactor columns(navel, spine, and left and right sides) were active, pro-viding 90° spatial resolution. No significant differences

were observed among the display configurations, i.e., fourcolumns were as effective as sixteen columns [28].

Bipedal stanceThe human body was modeled as a two-link inverted pen-dulum in three-dimensional space, where one link repre-sented the legs and the other link represented the upperbody. The feet were not considered; rather, the body wasassumed to be connected to the perturbation platform(described below) through the ankles.Standard vector second-order differential equations were

used to express the rigid body dynamics of the two links[40]. Translational dynamics for each link were given bythe following concise vector second-order equation

F ¼ mv̇ ð4Þwhere F is the total external force acting on the link and vis the velocity of the center of mass of the link with respectto the inertial frame. Rotational dynamics were given by

T ¼ Iω̇þ ω� Iω ð5Þwhere T is the total external torque acting on the link, ω isthe absolute angular velocity, and I is the moment of iner-tia matrix for the link coordinate frame at the center ofmass.The ankles and hips were modeled as ideal spherical joints.

No passive stiffness or damping effects were considered in

Central Nervous System






Body response

Body response

Biofeedback signals




Sensed body states

Sagittal posturalcontrol torques Sagittal joint torques

Perturbations+ +

Coronal posturalcontrol torques

Coronal joint torques+ +


1F sτ +


1F sτ + SFK


Figure 2 Block diagram representation of the biofeedback model. The variable s is the Laplace variable.

Ersal and Sienko Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation 2013, 10:14 Page 4 of 12http://www.jneuroengrehab.com/content/10/1/14

the joints, as the role of passive torque during stance hasbeen reported to be negligible [41]. The knees were lockeddue to the fact that the perturbations were small. This alsohelped reduce the degrees of freedom in the model.The postural control mechanism was assumed to com-

prise two independent linear state-feedback controllers forthe AP and ML directions. The assumption of independ-ence is supported by experimental studies [18,39], and thelinear state-feedback control assumption is standard in theliterature [33,34]. State feedback was assumed to be with-out noise, but with delay. No feedforward or estimationmechanisms were considered. The equations for the pos-tural controllers had the same form in both the AP andML directions, given by

TPC tð Þ ¼ �K x t � tdð Þ ð6Þwhere TPC tð Þ ¼ TPCa tð Þ TPCh tð Þ½ �T is the vector of posturalcontrol torques at the ankle and hip,K is a 2×4 matrix of gains,and x t � tdð Þ ¼ αa t � tdð Þ αh t � tdð Þ _αa t � tdð Þ _αh t � tdð Þ½ �Tis the state vector of ankle and hip angles and angular vel-ocities with a time delay of td.Sensory integration was neglected for simplicity. The

states from the human body model were directly fed intothe postural controller; i.e., the Sensory Integration blockin Figure 2 was not used.The model was implemented in 20-Sim (Controllab

Products B.V., Enschede, the Netherlands). Inputs to themodel were the discrete surface perturbations used in[28], which are described next.

Discrete surface perturbationsPerturbations were applied using a custom-built 2.1 m2

platform [42,43] that could move in an earth-horizontal

plane by independent control of motion in two orthog-onal (x and y) directions. Figure 3 shows the platformvelocity inputs for the three perturbation directions con-sidered in this study (90°, 180°, and 225°). Perturbationscomprised a constant acceleration phase for 100 ms, fol-lowed by 200 ms constant velocity and 100 ms constantdeceleration phases. The perturbation magnitude was sub-ject specific and ranged from 50 to 70 mm. Two-axis tilt(roll and pitch), COP, and platform position were collectedat 100 Hz. Additional details about the perturbations canbe found in [28]. The average control inputs to the plat-form from the experimental study were used in the simu-lations described below.

Model parameterizationThe model was parameterized using experimental and an-thropometric data from six subjects with bilateral vestibu-lar hypofunction who participated in a study aimed atcharacterizing the effect of multi-directional vibrotactilebiofeedback on postural stability during discrete multidir-ectional support surface perturbations [28]. Detailed infor-mation about the subjects can be found in [14,28].The average subject height and mass was 1.78 m±0.09 m

(SD) and 86 kg ±5.4 kg (SD), respectively. Body link mo-ments of inertia were calculated based on standard formu-las for the cylinders and ellipsoids used to approximate theshape of the subjects’ legs, torsos, and heads. The massesand lengths of the body links were found using percent-of-total-weight [44] and percent-of-total-height [45] data.Postural controller parameters were found by minimizing

the integral of the square of the sum of the normalized dif-ferences between the experimental and simulated trajector-ies of the AP and ML sway and COP data. Normalization




2 3 4 5 6−0.2





Time (s)








2 3 4 5 6−0.2





Time (s)








2 3 4 5 6−0.2





Time (s)










Figure 3 Perturbations. Bird’s-eye view showing the perturbation directions, the positive directions for the x- and y-axes, and the platformvelocity inputs for each perturbation direction.

Ersal and Sienko Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation 2013, 10:14 Page 5 of 12http://www.jneuroengrehab.com/content/10/1/14

was performed using the corresponding peak experimentalquantities. Hence, the optimizations sought to minimizethe following function

J ¼Z φS

exp � φSsim


max φSexp

������ þ

φCexp � φC



max φCexp




exp � COPSsim


max COPSexp

������ þ




max COPCexp






where φ represents sway, COP is the center of pressure,subscripts exp and sim denote experimental and simula-tion data, respectively, and superscripts S and C denotethe sagittal and coronal planes. AP sway was not includedin Eq. (7) for 90° perturbations, and ML sway was notincluded for 180° perturbations, because the model exhi-bits a unidirectional response in these cases. Differentcontrol gains were used for the three perturbation direc-tions to ensure best fit.The bipedal stance model parameters were held con-

stant while tuning the biofeedback model parameters forthe 4-, 8-, and 16-column display models using the averaged

experimental data from the 4-, 8-, and 16-column dis-play configuration studies, respectively, and minimizing thesame objective function given in Eq. (7). Only the 225° per-turbation direction was considered for the 8- and 16-column displays, because they are identical to the 4-columndisplay for the 90° and 180° perturbation directions.A 1×2 configuration was also considered to determine

if a configuration simpler than those tested experimen-tally could be as effective, recognizing that such a con-figuration could correlate with fewer electromechanicalcomponents and lower device cost. In this configuration,the two columns were assumed to be aligned with the APaxis. The parameters for this configuration were tunedusing the 3×4 experimental data. The 90° perturbation dir-ection was not considered, since the 1×2 configurationdoes not provide any feedback in the ML direction.Minimizations were done by a parameter sweep in the

design space followed by using the best point as an initialguess for an optimization with the Perpendicular Searchapproach. In cases where the design space was large, suchas the 225° perturbations due to the simultaneous tuningin both sagittal and coronal controllers, a sensitivity ana-lysis was performed to reduce the parameter sweep spacefor tractable computation. However, all of the parameterswere included in the subsequent optimization.

2 3 4 5 6






890° perturbation

Time (s)


ay a




Sim MLExp ML

2 3 4 5 6






8180° perturbation

Time (s)


ay a




Sim APExp AP

2 3 4 5 6






8225° perturbation

Time (s)


ay a




2 3 4 5 6−0.1





Time (s)


P (


2 3 4 5 6−0.1





Time (s)


P (


2 3 4 5 6−0.1





Time (s)


P (


Figure 4 Average experimental and simulated responses without biofeedback.

Ersal and Sienko Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation 2013, 10:14 Page 6 of 12http://www.jneuroengrehab.com/content/10/1/14

Model validation metricsThe following metrics were used to quantify the model’squality of fit:

1. Average error: absolute value of the instantaneousdifference between the experimental response andthe simulated response averaged over 3 s afterperturbation; values near zero indicate a good fit.

2. Cross-correlation value: cross-correlation valuebetween the experimental response and thesimulated response over 3 s after perturbation; valuesnear 1.0 indicate a good fit.

The duration of the time window was chosen as 3 s tocapture the entire transient response following perturb-ation. The transient part of the response is of interest,because in the steady state the model returns to the ini-tial states of zero sway and COP.

ResultsFigure 4 shows the experimental and simulated trajec-tories for the tactors-off case. Figures 5 and 6 show the tra-jectories for the 3×4, 3×8, and 3×16 display configurations.Figure 7 shows the simulated 1×2 display configuration and

3×4 experimental trajectories for the 180° and 225° perturb-ation directions. The average error and cross-correlationvalues are summarized in Table 1.While obtaining these fits, the maximum ankle and hip

torques were observed to be approximately 75 N·m and25 N·m, respectively. As an example, joint torque trajec-tories for the 225° perturbation direction are shown inFigure 8 for the tactors-off and 3×4 configurations. Dur-ing the tactors-on conditions, the maximum additionalankle and hip torques due to biofeedback were about8 N·m and 3 N·m, respectively. It was observed that noadditional coronal torques were needed to obtain thebest fits in the tactors-on conditions, including the 90°perturbations. The joint torques obtained by fits to themodel were biomechanically feasible [46-48] and con-sistent with previously reported values [49].Based on these results, the bipedal stance model com-

prising a multibody model and two independent full-state-feedback controllers for the AP and ML directionswas considered valid for representing human stanceduring discrete multidirectional support surface pertur-bations, and the biofeedback model was consideredvalid for capturing the effect of vibrotactile biofeedbackon balance.

2 3 4 5 6








ay a




2 3 4 5 6








ay a




2 3 4 5 6








ay a




2 3 4 5 6−0.1





2 3 4 5 6−0.1





2 3 4 5 6−0.1





90° perturbation

Time (s)

Sim MLExp ML

180° perturbation

Time (s)

Sim APExp AP

225° perturbation

Time (s)

Time (s)


P (


Time (s)


P (


Time (s)


P (


Figure 5 Average experimental and simulated responses for the 3×4 display configuration.

Ersal and Sienko Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation 2013, 10:14 Page 7 of 12http://www.jneuroengrehab.com/content/10/1/14

DiscussionSensory reweighting [11] and sensory addition [16] havepreviously been described as potential mechanisms bywhich biofeedback devices supplement native sensoryinputs to inform corrective motor torques and therebydecrease postural sway. Sensory reweighting is a generalterm used to describe both the real-time (i.e., while bio-feedback device is being worn during a single trainingsession) and long-term/plastic (i.e., post extensive train-ing in the absence of wearing the biofeedback device)effects of supplemental information on the gains of native

sensory inputs. In other words, the improved quality ofthe information about the body’s motion with respect tothe gravito-inertial vector supplied by the non-nativesupplemental channel of information would result in anincreased reliance on native inputs that correlate highlywith this information. This approach infers upstream in-tegration of the supplemental information within thecentral nervous system (CNS) (e.g., non-native informa-tion from the biofeedback device may be integrated withnative inputs upstream within the multimodal sensoryassociation areas in the cerebral cortex). However, to date,

2 3 4 5 6






83x8 tactor configuration

Time (s)


ay a




2 3 4 5 6






83x16 tactor configuration

Time (s)


ay a




2 3 4 5 6−0.1





Time (s)


P (


2 3 4 5 6−0.1





Time (s)C




Sim MLExp ML

Sim APExp AP

Figure 6 Average experimental and simulated responses for the 3×8 and 3x16 display configurations. Plots are for the 225°perturbation direction.

2 3 4 5 6








ay a




2 3 4 5 6−0.1





2 3 4 5 6








ay a




2 3 4 5 6−0.1





180° platform perturbation

225° platform perturbationTime (s)


Time (s)


P (



P (


Sim MLExp ML

Sim APExp AP

Figure 7 Simulated responses for the 1×2 configuration.

Ersal and Sienko Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation 2013, 10:14 Page 8 of 12http://www.jneuroengrehab.com/content/10/1/14

there is limited or no evidence in the literature to supporteither the real-time or long-term/plastic sensory reweight-ing scenarios.Sensory addition is based on the notion that the infor-

mation from the non-native channel is added to the infor-mation from native channels, with the gains of the nativechannels remaining unchanged. The modeling resultsreported by Goodworth et al. [16] suggest that the infor-mation obtained from their vibrotactile biofeedback device

added to the native vestibular and proprioceptive feedbackwithout changing the reliance on the native sensory inputs(i.e., the vestibular and proprioceptive gains remained un-changed). However, it should be noted that this approachalso requires upstream integration of the supplemental in-formation with the native inputs within the CNS.This paper contributes to the literature by integrating

biofeedback into a postural control model as an additivemotor torque. Our approach integrates biofeedback onthe torque side, unlike sensory reweighting or additionapproaches that integrate biofeedback on the sensory side(i.e., within the Sensory Integration block in Figure 2).Our approach is important for three reasons. First, thereis a lack of evidence for either real-time or long-term sen-sory reweighting. Second, the device used in this and ourprevious studies [7,11,14,16,18], which requires subjects toproduce volitional (cognitively processed) responses to thesupplemental information provided, suggests that it is morerealistic to model the addition of the non-native body mo-tion cues further downstream within the CNS, such aswithin the motor association cortex or primary motor cor-tex. Third, this approach is compatible with single or mul-tiple degree-of-freedom representations of the body,multiple sensory integration models [16,29,33,34] (althoughnot explored in this study), and various feedback modal-ities. Although both the sensory addition biofeedbackmodel of Goodworth et al. and the additive torque bio-feedback model described herein fit their respective ex-perimental data well, we believe that the flexibility andscalability of the additive torque biofeedback model makeit more suitable for a wide range of applications.While looking for the simplest model to represent

human stance in this study, we also considered a single-link representation. However, even though this repre-sentation was reported to be successful by Goodworthet al. [16], we found that it failed to adequately capture theexperimental responses we considered. Specifically, the APsway average errors were about nine times larger than thoseobtained with the two-link model. We postulate that the dif-ference in adequacy of the single-link representation may bedue to the difference in the types of perturbations. In par-ticular, Goodworth et al. used continuous rotary platformperturbations, whereas we obtained our experimental datausing discrete translational support surface perturbations.Hence, a direct comparison with the sensory additionmodel was not readily possible.The two-link biomechanical model with associated

controllers and biofeedback scheme is capable of captur-ing experimental response trajectories with low averageerrors and high cross-correlation values in both the APand ML directions for all perturbation directions and de-vice display spatial resolutions. Since the optimal fits toexperimental data were obtained without the need forany coronal biofeedback torques, we conclude that the

Table 1 Model validation metrics (average error andcross-correlation values) across display configurationsand perturbations

Average error (Sway)


180° 225° 225° 90°

Tactors off 0.16° 0.19° 0.09° 0.19°

1×2 0.85° 0.27° 0.11° -

3×4 0.33° 0.36° 0.10° 0.18°

3×8 - 0.21° 0.14° -

3×16 - 0.30° 0.12° -

Cross-correlation value (Sway)


180° 225° 225° 90°

Tactors off 0.998 0.99 0.97 0.95

1×2 0.94 0.97 0.98 -

3×4 0.98 0.95 0.98 0.96

3×8 - 0.98 0.95 -

3×16 - 0.97 0.93 -

Average error (COP)


180° 225° 225° 90°

Tactors off 0.47 cm 0.21 cm 0.33 cm 0.46 cm

1×2 0.49 cm 0.26 cm 0.51 cm -

3×4 0.46 cm 0.23 cm 0.51 cm 0.42 cm

3×8 - 0.34 cm 0.49 cm -

3×16 - 0.27 cm 0.42 cm -

Cross-correlation value (COP)


180° 225° 225° 90°

Tactors off 0.98 0.99 0.98 0.98

1×2 0.97 0.98 0.93 -

3×4 0.96 0.99 0.93 0.98

3×8 - 0.97 0.92 -

3×16 - 0.98 0.95 -

Results for all display configurations, with the exception of the 1×2 case, wereobtained by fitting the model to the corresponding experimental data. Themodel for the 1×2 display configuration was fit to the experimental data fromthe 3×4 case. All parameters obtained for the tactors-off condition were heldfixed in the tactors-on configurations.

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benefit of increasing the display resolution is question-able. Thus, our simulations support the experimentalfindings [14,28] that higher resolution displays do not ne-cessarily correspond to better performance, possibly dueto: 1) the larger effective stiffness in the ML direction thanin the AP direction; and 2) the feedback display scheme.Specifically, the multidirectional perturbations elicitedgreater body movement in the AP than in the ML direc-tion. This phenomenon, coupled with the “nearest neigh-bor” display scheme used in this paper, means thatdisplayed information typically aligns with the AP direc-tion for all display resolutions. Thus, the increased reso-lution has a negligible effect.In fact, the simulation study with the 1×2 configuration

showed that this configuration can match the experimen-tal data for the 225° perturbation well and hence can be aseffective as the 3×4 configuration for the 225° perturb-ation. However, for the 180° perturbation, the body swayfit obtained for the 1×2 configuration was not as good asthe other fits (see Table 1), possibly because the 180°perturbation causes a larger body sway amplitudes.Therefore, a higher number of rows could be beneficialfor larger sway amplitudes. These results should encour-age further studies with lower display resolutions [50].In the simulations for the 3×4, 3×8, and 3×16 configura-tions we observed that no biofeedback torque was gen-erated in the hips when the first row of the device wasactive; instead, it caused biofeedback torques only in theankles, whereas activation of the second row causedbiofeedback torques in the hips. These observations alignwith previous observations that standing human subjectsemploy the “ankle strategy” for small perturbations andthe “hip strategy” for larger perturbations [33].In the simulations for the 3×4, 3×8, and 3×16 config-

urations, we observed that activation of the first row ofthe device caused biofeedback torques only in the ankles,whereas activation in the second row caused biofeedbacktorques also in the hips. These observations align withprevious observations that standing human subjectsemploy the “ankle strategy” for small perturbations andthe “hip strategy” for larger perturbations [33].

The fact that the model can account for the experi-mental tactors-on responses without changing the para-meters of the full-state-feedback controllers of postureconcurs with previous findings that biofeedback does notnecessarily have to act through sensory substitution, orcause sensory reweighting to have an impact on real-timebalance performance [16].This paper’s limitations are as follows. A strict focus on

perturbed stance indicates that the model and results maynot be immediately transferable to studies of gait. Ourmodel is deterministic in nature and thus does not capturethe variability of the response in its current form. Becausethe model was developed and validated for small perturba-tions that do not elicit a need to move the arms or the feetand do not elicit nonlinear postural responses, studieswith more severe perturbations will likely require morecomplicated models with nonlinear control schemes. Fi-nally, the model does not consider the cognitive load asso-ciated with using the feedback device.We believe that our biofeedback modeling approach has

broad applicability within the field of balance rehabilitation.While this study considered a specific (vibrotactile) bio-feedback device, the model is not limited to this feedbackmodality. Our model is easily modified to capture posturalresponses to auditory, visual, electrotactile, or multimodalfeedback displays by incorporating different reaction timeconstants (τF) and feedback gains (KF). Although we haveillustrated the model’s utility for studying display reso-lution, we suggest that the approach can be used to studydifferent device feedback algorithms and tactor activationschemes. The application of the model can also beextended to a wider range of subject groups, e.g., preg-nant, obese, and aging populations. Such studies are be-yond the scope of this paper, but are important directionsfor future research.

ConclusionsThe effect of biofeedback on body sway trajectories duringperturbed stance can be accounted for by modeling thebiofeedback as a torque signal that is added to the existingjoint torques generated by the postural controller. Unlike

2 3 4 5 6−20






t tor




Tactors off

2 3 4 5 6−20






t tor




3x4 tactor configuration

Ankle MLHip ML

Ankle APHip AP

Figure 8 Simulated joint torque trajectories for the 225° perturbation.

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the sensory addition approach, this torque addition ap-proach is independent of the way the body, sensory integra-tion, and postural control are modeled and hence providesa scalable method to integrate biofeedback. The proposedmodel suggests that biofeedback can work without neces-sarily requiring a sensory reweighting or substitution. Forthe specific validation study performed, the model also sug-gests that increased resolution in vibrotactile biofeedbackdisplays does not necessarily lead to better performance interms of reduced body sway. In fact, providing feedback inthe sagittal plane may be adequate even during small multi-directional perturbations.

AbbreviationsAP: Anterior-posterior; CNS: Central nervous system; COP: Center of pressure;ML: Medial-lateral.

Competing interestsThe authors declare that they have no competing interests.

Authors’ contributionsTE conceived the study, performed the modeling, simulations, and analysis,and drafted the manuscript. KHS conceived the study, provided theexperimental data, performed the analysis, and drafted the manuscript. Bothauthors read and approved the final manuscript.

AcknowledgmentsThe experimental data collected was supported by the National Institutes ofHealth (NIH NIDCD R01 DC6201) under the direction of Dr. Conrad Wall. Thiswork was partially supported by the National Science Foundation’s CAREERprogram (RAPD-0846471, funded under the American Recovery andReinvestment Act of 2009). The authors gratefully acknowledge thecontributions of David Balkwill and Vivek V. Vichare.

Author details1Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Michigan, 2350Hayward St, Ann Arbor, MI 48109, USA. 2Department of BiomedicalEngineering, University of Michigan, 2200 Bonisteel Blvd., Ann Arbor, MI48109, USA.

Received: 30 December 2011 Accepted: 23 January 2013Published: 2 February 2013

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doi:10.1186/1743-0003-10-14Cite this article as: Ersal and Sienko: A mathematical model forincorporating biofeedback into human postural control. Journal ofNeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation 2013 10:14.

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