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A Study of Adult Education in Virginia - W&M ScholarWorks

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W&M ScholarWorks W&M ScholarWorks Dissertations, Theses, and Masters Projects Theses, Dissertations, & Master Projects 1939 A Study of Adult Education in Virginia A Study of Adult Education in Virginia Clarence Hardy Spain College of William & Mary - School of Education Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.wm.edu/etd Part of the Adult and Continuing Education Commons Recommended Citation Recommended Citation Spain, Clarence Hardy, "A Study of Adult Education in Virginia" (1939). Dissertations, Theses, and Masters Projects. Paper 1539272145. https://dx.doi.org/doi:10.25774/w4-vdcm-1b21 This Thesis is brought to you for free and open access by the Theses, Dissertations, & Master Projects at W&M ScholarWorks. It has been accepted for inclusion in Dissertations, Theses, and Masters Projects by an authorized administrator of W&M ScholarWorks. For more information, please contact [email protected].

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Dissertations, Theses, and Masters Projects Theses, Dissertations, & Master Projects


A Study of Adult Education in Virginia A Study of Adult Education in Virginia

Clarence Hardy Spain College of William & Mary - School of Education

Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.wm.edu/etd

Part of the Adult and Continuing Education Commons

Recommended Citation Recommended Citation Spain, Clarence Hardy, "A Study of Adult Education in Virginia" (1939). Dissertations, Theses, and Masters Projects. Paper 1539272145. https://dx.doi.org/doi:10.25774/w4-vdcm-1b21

This Thesis is brought to you for free and open access by the Theses, Dissertations, & Master Projects at W&M ScholarWorks. It has been accepted for inclusion in Dissertations, Theses, and Masters Projects by an authorized administrator of W&M ScholarWorks. For more information, please contact [email protected].

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s t a i # B a o o r d a i fSurvay o f Adult id naation in V irg in ia 17Educational C ^ o rtu a ltio s far- Adult* in Hiofenond 1$Regional Surfwy# *####**#***#§###*«***<►*#****#**«*******♦ 18

OF Is® FBOIllJK * #-•##«#*#**•*##*«***###»**#***• * 10

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H#*ttlt* from Quaatloimair* *#* * *********** *#**#•#******* • 81Btwiaioa* Initiating, Adult Mtaafttaa Profnot*Agauisi*# far Adult Idn cation * #• • • *-• * * * ** • * *«****#«*•#•*• 84!i#w#|i*p#r* **•****#•**»*•»#»** #*• §#* * *#••*#**#*«**•**#*# * 84-Radio Station# *#«♦*##• * • ** « *#*#****#***-#* ************** ■#■ 80Educational i##d# far Adalta * * •# ********* •* ** * * #** ♦ 88

&*•*»!%* FF#» X**t#r#i«w# with Oowrmmtal Agonei## ***#♦« 8 8Trad# and Industrial Education and Diatrtbativ# Bdooatloa 81Agricultural Education *»•,*«»••**••*•*•«»••**•«**««*•**• INIBmmi 8oo*io»A«i Education *#♦**♦#■*##*#****♦*#*#* 88tAhrnry scyal##Special and Adult Education ***#*##***#•«##•••*#•••*•#*#• 87Collog* J^ctanaian *-#***##*♦*♦**#*♦*♦**#*****#**#**##♦*#** 48P&ront fcaohcr A#co#t»tioao »•*«••*•*•#»•*••*•**»••»***•« 47Boric# frogr### Admlnl a tm t Ion ••«•••**#••##•##*•*#*•*•**# 47UFA state Bid# library Project **•***##*«*#*••*«*•**•###♦ 40National Tout! Admlnlatratlon •**###*##***#•*«***•*•**••* 81Oiwillan Conoorrntiou 8#rr#* ***••«*#****•#«***«•****#*•« m

Table o f Costeisfcs • Continued

S o il C<maervtttioa Service #*•#»*** t *««•#•« #*i» ♦#««#*** •Par® S ecurity M a liiis tra tIo n *#*****♦**##*•♦*♦*****' **# 64

c m m t i n n i m i m m o w m * o f sw u r w o m n m momm® ♦** 66

th e C arro ll County C ircu la tin g Public School M brary • i fM u lt Education in th e Suffolk fSLgb School ##*#****•** 66M u lt Education s t Oceana High School •«*•**••**••*•♦• 60M u lt Education a t Oak Grove High School **#***♦*«••*♦ 61IIllteiVMsy BdsiMtiea 1st Dinwiddle Csimtjr *»•••••**•»•• 66The B ris to l C ity Surrey fo r M u lt Kduestloa *•#«*##»*« 66

CE&FfEE r r wm um a w mcmmmmtm®

Evaluation o f th e P resen t Program ••*•••**•#*»»«***•»* 66O bjectives • * » « « • * » • « + • • • • # * • * * * * * « • * • « # • • * * * 66O pportunities fo r O eaerel hdttSStlCfiS e w e # s se e e ♦ #e s s a 66Ogporfcumitlos fo r Adult V ocational E ducation.Gfpef4eMt&ea fo r M u lt Outdance 66

Meed For A Here Mandates Pregrwo ee*esese*******«*se«* 70Croups Heaehed by M o lt Education Programs **•••#*#*•• fOMood For More Meipwste F a c ilitie s ***«•••#•••»•*••*#•« nMeed fo r F u lle r see o f P resen t F a c ili t ie s «**•»*#•#••• T1Heed For L ibrary f s e i l i t l e e 71Meed For V ocational Forecasts »«#«*•*•«•«••«•»•*«•*••• 71Iced fo r P illin g th e Osya h e ft % th e WPA •###»**#***• 76Meed FOr Besesroh 76

The Proposed Prograia 75O bjectives **•*«*•»•*•*•#•+**•««*•****•#***•*•*•**•**• 76Org^isaalsstlc^ sod Ad e ls l i t r t t l o a #*•*»***«•••#••»«•»•»# 74M o lt Iducstlofi s t th e s ta te le v e l 76Adult Education s t the- Local le v e l **♦****#*••••****•* 76

bxporl& ental sod Dem onstrations! P ro jec ts •«••******»*Eeeearsti i s M e lt Edaesblea.


fifo l* iif * continued

Eegl<mitX Gttid&no# ««••»*••*****«»•*«*«##**#*taHMWllQr **»*««**•»•«***»»*»»*•#«•*+**•*•*•***«

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tAB-LE 1 BopXlo# fro* V irg in ia Bad!* S tation* *#*##••+«•«»»#•**•* 8$TA1LE I I 8**d* fo r Aduita as Haportod by Cuparintendent* *«*««•*• $8

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Countloa 0 0 8 Cities Beaohed lay lodlo Station SHFA *****•********••***«*••*«**•**«*•*•«#***« 88Counties and Cities Beached ^ Bail® Station W8HL #****#*♦*♦********♦•*#•**#•#****#**#**#*# 8 t Counties and Cltie* Reached toy 8*81® Station WTAK •**#•*••*«•<»«#•*•*•***•*••*******•••***•• 88Count!** and Cltie* Reached % M l o Station %DBJ 29Count!** and Cities Reached toy ladle Station*SM B© , 8 € W p w ? a * m i • * * « # * « * * * * * • * # * • • « * ♦ * » + S©Count!** and C itie s Reached toy la d le S tation*m n , mm&9 m m *******#**♦##♦***♦*♦**♦ siLocation o f Public Softool C ircu la tin gL ib raries #»•*#****•*•«*•••**»#»••*#«•*•***#•# S8WPA state-w ido L ibrary P ro jec ts *•**#*««*«**** 49



The sym pathetic encouragement o f Dr* Sidney B* H a ll,

S ta te Superintendeut o f Public In s tru c tio n o f V irg in ia , tit* coopera­

tio n o f Mr* R* H# Anderson, Supervisor o f th e D ivision o f Special

and M u lt Education, and th e d e ta iled guidance given by th e c h a ir-

smn o f th e candidate»s advisory eooB ittce, Dr* George H* Armaooet,

have co n trib u ted nxeh in waking th is study possib le* Sincere ap»

p re e la tio n i s herew ith tendered Dr* Krower J« Hoke and Dr* daces B#

F a te , wee&ere o f th e candidate** advisory cosaaittee, fo r th e patience

and co n sideration shown in reviewing th e study#

th e author w ishes a lso to thank Miss .Amelia Garber fo r

shading th e waps in th is stu d y , and Mrs* A lta Thomas fear typing i t#

He is a lso indebted to Mr* R* H* Owen, P rin c ip a l o f Oceana High School,

Mr* Francis s* Chase, P rin c ip a l o f Suffolk High School, Mr* B ussell G il l ,

P rin c ip a l o f Oak Grove High School, and Ihr* B* D* French, Superintendent

o f B ris to l Schools, fo r inform ation furnished him* And to a l l those

persons who have con tribu ted to th is study sincere thanks cure extended#



Thiy do no wrong who toy t oorao no wore

lEhon tWN> I ontd fo il. ho fin d you |j i |

P«r c f iry doy 1 #fc«nd eotoido your door

And h id |« i m&e# ou t rie© to f ig h t and wi»#

WOop no t fo r ©oidm AjgOO 00- tho nOnO.§tftMfaOfcto. oo& jwifetifft frl’iinOUli oOfeMwkfcJfettliidi OK *0# Alt, ig at ari Tiif itciUH IK plHp # PW® wiMP # TOWilP w# v-IWp TOlatgrjJ

it ounrioo ovory soul io t o m again*

i>y »gh 3ti3eo o to y o t ooioodoro thoh htsw- Igwd#

fo tnwtotmd Joyo to tiS nS ond doof m d OnUhf

% ludpa&xita ooni th o dond i>*st w ith i t# do ad*

Though doop in odtrOf wring sot your tonOo omd woop$1. load «y ftm to o i l who ««y# *1 CA»t*

Up gfofw^fnrod outooot ovwr so Ooop But yo t r io t n«o to n wont

Boot thou tohol-d. t t y to o t youth o i l oghootf

P ort ro o l fro n righieouc ro trib u tlo n * s M oot

Thou tu rn fro® b lo tto d orohiooo o f tho p to t

And f i nd th o futuro*# pogoo whf to oo oaoo*

A rt thou o M sro o rt Boooo tho© fro a th y s p o ilt

a*4j them & olmoorf Bino mar to foygiwwii l■p*uo w looowowni w* wroonouowpsr © ©nunor w©wr <p-w©©i gwot qeowowf

Booh norniag gitwo thoo wings to flo© from M l |

Booh n ig h t * s ta r to guido th y fo o t to Esown*

visitor Hslono


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Mm* mtmmmn tt th a t e re o f le e tle g veloe e re not fteUy (NmMiem o f

th e i r elgsKlfteeiaee* e e p e e ta lly in th e i r e a rly otege** m& omttmqmx&ly keep

m eareftal aeeetxnt o f them selves. M u lt eiueatton* however, in m old th a t

i t a c tu a lly ejstetfatee th e keeping o f reeorde* The eldetrfc e ie llle e tlo m o f

th e re 4a any Ssa^ewledge le th a t o f e se le e t Chine# Mere* too* ee fle d

th e oM eet eyate® o f education , eb M t erne eeeaiitia& lir e ejretes o f ad u lt

i.ffi n ^tjeuxguretee in eaefeeifc Chiea soowler th e Toms aa*! feay* p rese t See

between 2400 and 2200 B*C*wi fheee laaaeeeleefc saeaarch* began a ep c tm o f

p o li t ic a l education to te e t every few years th e p o li t ic a l f itn e s s o f o ffioo*


“The Greeks* o f mmtm* e re th e te e t lateral rep resen ta tiv es o f i i d i

| y i y The ifff I t tniyy eiwt f o f nfwt f^part it eea e ecaMaasilty eelioot*

h igh ly organised and e f f ic ie n tly to eh ieh yowth* ee re adm itted

tttxm attainta*? eenhoodU1* OoMBasiitr l i f e a t Athena usub orcaiiiaed to n re fid e

iHhteat f nfe* 1 epportm iit le e fey ad u lts* *5Hbe |y e ff*ho te fttnf judges th e

B* 2«taMr» Th> V irg in!* jw r m l o f a h w t t w , n T O I (Sarwribwr, 1984)*p . 84 .

*XbM ., p . 8 4 .


f^ h r ewff more o f llehamw l y f effiil teach ers o f r& eial easterns

and m tusere c h ie fly fee ad u lts# Tim f i r s t Jewish in s titu tio n th a t m i

e s s e n tia lly educational in ebareeter* th « Synagogue* mas m in s titu tio n

p rim arily fo r adu lte*"!

because o f th e v a rie ty o f eee&al purposes bring ing i t in to being* c e rta in ly

th e moot outstanding phase o f th e movommat crow out o f a f e l t need fo r moral

* 4 J<wt Adtlilt **»» WSktZ Isfe* WtiHMaflHltill Clf *****1(11* ssw»* ss le ai ewe or ^sswwp*ws*s ss wsswjjBi'SWk aissipos sj asea wii ir

li te ra c y msm% th e poor la o rder th a t th ey might le a rn to rood th e Bible#

M o lt Education .1a B rltleh Is le s* a movement ca lled "C ircu la ting Schools*

m s s ta r te d la la ie a about 1?S$«$ ft© o b jec t mas to teach yeuag people

asad i l l i t e r a t e ad u lts to road th e B ible la Shiah* itlo o rw at teacher# m m

appointed and* a fter #pe*sdi»g a sh o rt tim e la m o d is tr ic t* ware thorn ooxst

on to another* a h ile th is .method mas ooly a peer su b s titu te for' regular

th e mommmmt attain ed to ooneidareble pre^mMblomo' w ith wonderful

re su lt# * fo r# "Between I fS t ami 1T60 I t m e m id 160*112 person# were

tought to rood th e Walsh B ible* th e scholars ranged from 0 to f© years o f

age**1®"The f i r s t s t r i c t ly ad u lt school m e es tab lish ed a t f r i a r tom # Sefefctag*

t e f 1m I f 00# by th e Society o f frien d s* This school 1# a t 111 in ex isten ce

today#** ^ o r Urn tim e being* however* th i s e f fo r t remained am iso la te d

H bid** p* 06*

t§« Currie Hartlm#p* 01*

I t s

m * Carrie Martin* lee* e it* p* 2 1 *

^ irtw rt Beers# p# If*


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© i^ r lean t* mad th © m l beginning was wad© a t B ris to l in l0 U t when m 'I n s t i tu t io n fo r In s tru c tin g Adult F o r tm to Bead th e Holy S criptures*

m o es tab lish ed by a hethod lst* w illiam Smith# ffce number o f schools in

t b i c i ty increased ra p id ly end th e a o m o l spread to flywoiKtii# leaden#

Yarmouth* Leeds* S heffield* Ipswich* end i m in to th© ru ra l d is t r ic ts o f

B erkshire mad Buckinghamshire #«#lt wet w ith opposition f r e a tho rn Oho

believed th a t to ©ducat© th e poor m o a dangerous sajmdmnfc*** They fWsrcd

th a t to educate th© pom? m o ld them d is s a tis f ie d w ith th e ir lo t wt ioh

would he had for eo e is ty aa a whole# However, sue machinery mm in tred seed

iwiifl iingiaad# th is a ttitu d e toward sduea t l wg th e working^ena ©hanged* as

a r e m i t M e lan ie s1 in stitu te © sprang up#® th e f i r s t o f th e se m e s ta r te d

im London in 1624* and th e mweweat sp read ra p id ly # eep ee la lly in in d u s tr ia l

© enters# “There were in I860* 61*610 L ite ra ry and Mechanics* In s titu te s

number o f 691*600

volum e in th e ir lib ra r ie s # th e Hnions o f In s titu te s began to eon* in to

ex isten ce i s th e la te * th ir t ie s * and th e Mechanics* ISagasine* published

under th e e d ito rsh ip o f Thome Bodgskin and Joseph td b ertsea* had a een&ttax#

am ©atstene© from 1624 onmrd#**®

Following c lo se ly on th e h eels o f th e Mechanise* In s titu te s* u n iv e rs ity

ex tension courses were s ta r te d in 18T6 by a young Scotsman* Janes S tuart**

fellow o f T rin ity College* Cambridge# Be wanted to help th e le s s fo rtu n a te

* x w m # , p . i s #

®1ftrfUl## p* 80#

*Ret>*rfe Bmmw# o p . » i t . | p . 81

*IbfcU , p . 88


In ■fetus nooulAtion vdio vm&e- to sum to CfiffllHrtd®* ft* thoii* *Miteuiysrife4.*ifflit

fey %&3eltsg tdbs ooJU^g® Imb> t^un smisbs* tih® b®gl&3i$jB{; our pF&tf#2xt* ©oXl®g#

BKg?®yi®Xcwni 8i XffE 1878 tli# Im&m tfa im rs ity Extension

S©8i«hv* « tt| fasnteteJt. tvrtA in ifltR til® U fiiV illItv Of QjrfOfd OPOVl^d aaiefe.a’w*****

.lSMBlSBroro#880t*^S StMSlsA'OMMh'OftSsA AwbS XfewAs hSMfrSMA SSMS jft&Jift OSSttA miMMlSJB&i A*!kfc to wMk fc MBtejto A Si JfiiteM^telfe 8E&9bS SS MAi IhteSsAsTomP sB»ssw9Pflr ssm p 9KlKw8ps9wm8Em« ostAs j F v 8sxpMsK1#- spwIoP ShKMP#Pw® #M!i wlWHBP® OfwfliMw JSnRsm

ttcniAd* Eithso* liuMMi a*« 4jwjwa» iufal fee fee stferesftsA* imp fetwrv fSsit tms fee fee■8i9IFSfl ^ #|A 9 t & Bp^p p p*p # *9 3p #FSir <00#8 SiO 4p OF F

tetejfe. *» MnWi'Pk-Ji <4fc Ok MmMSSmAi- fc»tfa«. -J^- .jMJMdfell’ M AfcSfeeMAiiditAttlSSAfeSOiiit1 w M.#r Aft* MIL jateMBAfcSltili!tJll.A JAM* - teSlkteA.AUk MA'Mfc JibJMAMAi J* *8'^*j£ ■^A|Mu||i© f is U r ^ w f l # © JO B S *#- IS Iw w 'O f l W l | O w ytB F *< g * 1 0 0 v J> y # 8 9 9 K w 9 * tip * < * B fJ O s w r S ® # * p p 9 1 M W B I S M F O

SSii StOSS t S th e Ol&SSOt ‘‘FPjfct bl- thS PtttBlt* thflrt* thS OOSfOStiSKtJ llSSf#

o f th * Forking m « # » no t h siag s» t* fo a s s t th is s i tm tlo n th s worhsrs*

E& aesttom l A esootstion38 m s f©wa»4 in 1908 to fcriag to g sth o r th s ooopermtivo

s m io tls s * trsd o nnloxitiu Anai th s ffltlror #i tv m ttnwaifln fisthey ltiesfc fhA

Aw*: s8'l8bp ^#s8tt®Sip’'Pik fel®l 9M8fk. P8-#S l jjSpjfctfcjak.jJte.JWIL aS8SllUflHkSWffc9ft ^ U | jh. #*^#8) *VteiM4MSPk<S*)l8ikSSk fll. *8stte« te ' tSSOMMHteJbpfK tttelte.i8|8'wSsBM8s3wl sMSfcwMF MRmP jPw»<R®pCnptP®l •rjijf is»iflPi- Jtw«®Rw#mP'

o f th s w«rl»r®* S lm s tis is tl Jsism lA tim p t a t i t s f s n s t l s i S s f ia it# ly m stssi

tliS hog4 fPff # f th# ^|r|upytte <*yt o f o isM lSStSkl f j »|»y^if® o f th@ sA llS

^fhs m rM M sseisticm fo r A ^olt mmtfolm mm os^cs&iso^ i a l i l t * M l

o f m is gsmr th s B ritish la s t im ts fo r ASolt IS o m tim (1981J#1* l a 1988 tfas

¥t*»*kw*JL o f KStMS8fclflai fSlBuelBSlSl m#<m*k4**ibmA o CffiwittM *at i^n li: lyfawMMfc4 «m *o9* #i S|SMS Sp» SFSte #Sf##0F^P#nte^W'Pw 9<*OBMw|Of S94 IOjf ^ ^ ^ # t e * p p ^ 8 i 8 ^ 4#*^#FSF #908 # 9|OnPSi0te#S Si*#S#SS|j PBS,iyi#SISiSO #p#S

o o ^ iim to m s m r im s s s t i r i t i o s im i M t s M ^ tio a # th u s th s m rh o folteJfteSlk tedSlA j«kA> A SIAM* -*>-AuJL* ^ Jfc tteow A-tn anr ^ MteBMMMOOJlte « t^AS*S*te*A» A SMMte 1 A. — - - A j.. jfc A tik^Mte o m m *nD^Pt®a'to,iSsB8Kv3w^p8^» oK^y^s®sB|^®#ra» w jjr s#sBo^sB®8roP sswtwA*®Ww* omssJHp ®f6iBw1s

through th s K stiim sl 8osr0» la 1084 m is BosrO fsm io so pA U o fm o s lesom

1X M 4., p* SO.

*TbM ; p . S t .

Sg«ttMP E* Stroatg, ap. « lt ( | p . S i


m ^amah-atd11 to f*irthor th# oaaoo of iM t oduoatioa ahloti roffoooat* tfeo

lo o t lo^orbwat Oovslopg

hemmmr fcrisf* w m ld to sa ffio io a t w ithout aoa&loalag and rsoog& isiag th*

. ©f th a t fo ra o f a # o lt odaoatioa nflByldbaig in th# bm. • ootsabrtoSo

«M*«4*t»i ’Kjagnfcin 4jn tWamwfciiPtf Mm lABAfcBBltlti p f fiiwin Har4g . Aftoi* SSiOFOl

▼islhB to Shout 1S30 aftd jpypQi *Hsh*t to Oflllf lONMHOOO Of ftt*

froodom in ra tto ro o f f a i th «ad # itiso » sh l|> * li Iso w o ta o flro d to iovolop a

oo ltu fo #*#*#£ th® ffooii o* # o f hto om laxst* Thao t t s m m Sobools o f foaaark

m m in to ralstono#* f t* Folk Schools aro looafcod l a tfes ra m i mnMsm#* aa<t

Oh# ffcost tb s #%irtft (S tsaS la th # saasMME* noyyfeh# aa# th# «#» abhoad l a th#

w inter aoafcl**# I t I s o sb isatod th a t fa l% «ao* th ira o f tb s ra m i population

o o la a ta r l lr a t tra d thoso schools# i s a r e s u lt Doa&srk has Oavolopod mm o f

hho to o t oooporat I t# acu^hattat •ywtoas la th # world*

Adtalt Bdao&tloa la. tts* H alted s ta te s* Th® f i r s t a tto a fb to wsot th* educational

rmnirtm o f s O iits i a bhs TToltsd ffts tss was ttys IbvsnOeso i t s labor offaaarijBMi

irhm ChoiflaKBooB.« ^MUlhany» am ssaiiaio ttii' was bho f i r s t (a lt# ) to haw* a iammno

OflBONIOl* I t Wkfi maitin'h'ii afa*»A hy «fa*4»H ia r iBNStoror OO fltOOlfiOlf'

Mi Til at i l l -Mi nufMi t STitfrTif- Itlif'iHiSiiBSljtii Si Mu - PtaOfc NltMMttplf* YoMftOSOSSM IffjiBiSWai'ailll «^iO thisriM MHBgMligyf 3uO JWBWmHP9F|| AWVi *»P IJmov J wiKBR XTUFoiKQ IW Jiwrasww* ©y

Jbiois Rodpoth obcmt 1 0 0 6 * Th# f ir s t Chsatauwiaa oas ftuadad ty Mba H# Y iaosat

la Soaaaark» is ahstt Historioal taot p*ooM of adalt oaasatloa,

%« Ourrio M rtla t <^» o it* # f# «0 #

feumy ^

#itio«# p.* ta«

* ib i< i., p . e .

p . M 7.

dissem ination o f knowledge through pUbl l e speaker# # and people from e l l over

Jew ries sen# la th # suusaer to hear Hi# g re a t ajMseker# and en te rta in e rs*

As th e Lyraua rad d u o N a p a asrm w b# grew# "every #eif»reep*#t lag bom

la th# U nited S tate# supported e ith e r a lyeeum o r a Chautauqua* sad many o f

H m supported hoth#w " I t mm th # f i r s t g re a t popular campaign t# prevent

ed u ra tlen fir«a heeosaiiig a p riv ile g e fo r Hi# favored few* la lb# h#yd#y th#

Chmxxtomqm gathered a s many ## fo rty s& llio a A asrieans t# i t# h a lls sad to s t#

in a s in g le #•*##&#*$ % 1988 th # & raban$ra sad !$*##& e ire u it# had d ied

awsy* p e r tly heeeia## o f Hus onslaught o f th# radio# th# rav ing p ic tu re# sad

th # ub iqu itioue auto*

The m etropo litan p ress was a o t favorab le t# H e ravesw nta# mainly #a

M e m # e f sh a t h iss liiu&eren r a i l# th # fa u lts o f those rageged la th # ra th #

^Instead o f e lv in e I t a aroBwr p lace la th # sohesis o f th ins#* sa In s t Ibublon

through which le c tu re s and entertainm ent could h# brought to th # ru ra l

ooaam iitie# a t low cost# th ey held i t up as a rasred ran##* d estiaed to

rev o lu tio n ise th# world and b rin g r a Utopia#*1®

The u n iv e rs ity ex tension began la th # H alted S tate# in 1$$T#* The

U n iversity o f W isconsin sad O oirahla U n iversity ra re p ioneers in th # e a rly|V «| I *||| liiilM t III Ml ■111 d> W JtA d ifr - jfe *hfc .Rfc-BMl K JMMiikd th I* m IkdlwlUit lLBUtFi W VIseraiicsra*® esr e&rceraion oaasses ana were rrajew ea ay ra iie r eejjcge# ana

u n iv e rs itie s# to ta lin g over on# hundred and f i f t y % 198# v w ith a to ta l

L## a* »»

%Md»» p« f»

% hid#t p# sea

B u lle tin Ho# 81# H alv erslty o f Hi# S ta te o f Saw Terfc* Albany (*by# 1898)#P iT t

% erethy lewdea# Handbook o f Adult ^duration l a th# H alted S tates* pp» 279*881#


© nrollr«u t o f 161*408 ©tuiaist®* ffc© l*ati«maX OairoraXty B*tosk*X©a

A©©©©X&tion UBS- ©x aitXiMNi In. 1.0X6 a© pfouat© ssmstiS ©taadurd® w ith la

th© e o lk g t and u**Xr®r©lty m te * m tm fl# ld * Xt 1© ©a accred itin g ©goo©? fa r

thmm- In e titu tlo o a o ffe rin g extension cl&ssee fo r ©rodlt* today th© unXroraitl©©

bav© 9 g ro a t r a r ia ty o f ©sidoftohiii©®* t m h«y<mA ©hat i© u su a lly thought o f am

©chiOBt XossaX * fti©a© Xatsar ussdartaklagii la© Xu©© ©fff* I- r tf# # # t o ooMsaulty' orga©!**

cat!©©©* InformfclonaX and a& rieory ©anrlo©« Other d ire c t ©anrlo©© Inelud©

©li**ie©# hosp ital© # research t f f o s s i taolmtauX fmfcXXoatious* -and tti© lUtea*

fit© gr a—oh o f th # a d u lt ©duoatiois. tfi th© S n ltsd Stats® tad©y

t*®-® hrw i groatXy SsfXusoiiNS hy th® fir r r r g l# CkupjKuratiott* irtHHHf1 pr©®f fHffwt *

F redarlek P» EautMil* ftooauhlad th # f j r a t e&nfor&ftoo aa a d u lt education la.

4uu© of JM* la Mo* Iw t^ Aftor mmh «tu% and thought* th© Xa»rio©a. A©«©»

alaticm. for Adult Education ©a® forsiMd X© Hwftsli 1910* It®. pury©®© ©a® t©

proasofc© ##d i1o©oTojp adult #tun#l<Mfi la th©' tTnit©d stah©©* ### it undortoojc

t© |#*#vl#ft #rd *%$• t# Saf©r®ation. ©a th© topic# foday* ©rory ©tat© la

th© Q&Ioki ha# ofydaytat—— la ©a organload ©ay to rswlS© faolXlhl#©

far adults*

iwpjrwr t a # # iS S jtO O O c a r s e a r f o r t M c b lo n n lu E i t© h o a a a d tn r th © S h a h © B o a r d o f■HP W V 4K^HW W"«' gp ■FprUP WPPW»Wp(P^P^ WW1© :PPjp’ RlWPmp Br a —*—W eBPPfPUPM# ©# pPi#t

Fd&toatiem t© g iro to th le o u t* 0® Ju ly ©* 108$ a ©oendtta© o f

educator® aaet a t Cfeoyrlattoirrlll© t© discuss th e prcfclaia o f adult education

itittd t© adrla© ao^bora ©f th© © taff ©f th© stat© ©f yfduifiitjl®© la

thla loyortaafc tuork* fh© ocauMmou© ©f thlo ooafhras o© ©a© that ©au© tla© ^

4Ium ©©itfpAau.41'a® _ Plhfc©© f jaati’Si-ai) ©tfw?#*®©#© moj#<(E.©aftj© ©kBhh H-fbai tl te®©at ©Oi©ao©©o4i>©iHin© uog*©jatiir© cut virgsas© a t it© iswo ©©©©saa

hamm a* carfcarig h t, ©4t»t 0 # X8#

i s

©f eoOTaitt## tsoi in Eiohm&nd in th e hoard rooa o f th#

Stfth# J#pftitl8#Ilt Of SdWBWfei®®! Oft lllWldayf B#$it#aliey SS|| X0S0 ftt #hieh titt# i t

mtn *&**&*& Oh*# 4 Vm> rawnfiefi Of oroeram fif ftdKtlh BhOiMaMMiitjMt ig ai.wajl'V 'ill

earry out th# idea th at th© eehoole should#? th e ir re sp o n sib ility be th»

Uhol# e#x##gXS8itjr# fBH Irf„yig oXbll SPOtf# ftXfOftdy ift th© fi#Xd# I t w a l pP##d

bfct# th© Stiit# fends shoiiXd h# # ©#4 ## far as p ossib le bo nabob I###! fends

in f illin g gape new being negleeted in th# f ie ld «T education*

S ta te Reeorae* As a p ra o tie a l #h#p in sb teX sb iag th e ad u lt e d ito sb te program*

a Stab© soportisoy o f 4##!% f Hitiieftblo# no# added t# th# D ivision # f Behafeilitafeloa

by th e s ta te te r© o f te s s & le a In 1SSS to #ti»tX&t# sad to guid® th # a d u lt

education program In th e public schools o f th# Shah#* Im order th a t th#

si^ srv iso r* # o ffic e n ig h t p lan a program b u i l t on a baa^ r f *11***. o f fa c tu a l

inrldeae#* th is study hooaa# a xm##e#lby* without th is internM -on th#

sspwnri*##* # o f f l«# was unable to suggest a program th a t would f i t th# needs

o f th# ad u lts o f th# s ta te *

th e p rep ara tio n o f th is *Study o f A dult te n a b le a in V irg in ia1* g*w out

o# a d efia ib # need fo r sp e e lflo Inform ation oonooming th# ad u lt in s tru c tio n

new a v a ila b le to th# eitX see* o f V irg in ia fo r the reeeyd® of th# S ta te Board

o f .» F rlo r to th is tin©* e&iilt edosabion hflni reso lved no d e fin ite

guidance from th e s ta f f o f th # S ta t# I^pftrtaaesit o f l^u sa tio n # I t ua# ev iden t

to th# e s#6***! cd>#ei*ver th a t #088# splendid work ha© beau fMfr# Offffil | shod in th#

ad u lt education f ie ld by in d iv id u al teaehore* p a r t t e l a r ly by th# a g r ic u ltu ra l

n^d inwy Qftpfio iioo t#aoh#rsi o lv io w goftf §f#jo## § th # f r ogroiff o f th# S sats


ItHSgrOO® $ ttlO POll^^g# OBd lia tro ro tty fWH 1

#»4 o thnrd f tiooovo# tlioro 000 a to ta l lo o t o f ftfiMrorato afeotzb tlilo

lOSlftlOrOBt piNO hWfc#

Although ad u lt ©ducation is m o ld mi odooatloa i te o l f m& wm th& torn**

mmmmm «,# <«jr ftiTOOOnt SIWlWiR Of 11*00 W^tMM BdtlO&tlon* IMfOro thO ffflfflith ®fWRHfewftwwPrlP J|*W PPtwr iW m m wrwipw* ^F^V^nFw^^WVs *F1P*P* WP flWICTpqp»,ip,pp ^nP

1%y^i# i0S#t tin# ‘fNyyi*! tftdult ##®i8lSSiB* § fpm# not 1b boo la tfeo VnltONi StatonHi# iumrnm%mtk »*I WOHMm, BO Of^Bf i^ab* a f imiiMia'feiiMtt 4* fWitiliS’iBS' BPf© attBaa&foil

th an th a t Of Odult OdnoatlOSl* f h i 4#f l y BOOnfajPOrO* iHtifNMrf 0* 1 BMOtlXIgB*

IttOfatlOPBjji t*^ th® TBOOt OOFtOUB B6I9WBPB Of OB# IMlllOatOjrtS BIS

%0M* pPOOf to th® oror-groitlB g Im torost In th in broad f lo l i# Thm yrtnolpl®

th a t th® pub lic nchooii nhould to oporatod lo r * a ll th® ®hll<tr®ii o f o i l tfc®

p®opl®p ghould bo changed to mmd fo r *aX2 th® ch ild ren and o i l th® people **

Surrey o f M o lt .Ihbioitlaa San V tnsliiia« In l$ f$ a #t«t#*wi£# itudy^* l aa iMA OiOJfaL. sr&MPdBPHifePfekiMiMflfc jaffaM* dNk-f* W1 MMil «!■ ik %MidOidllkiHPi-dO JHUlbii 4lUOMMaft'A.4iauOi tMik Jtm MHPHtk. 0 .ooojpo#Ow*o*» w*i»i» www vB*v®r®*%»y o i virg*a io wEwoaoooa tapoyMMwnijp aa® nan® oy

Rnthar l f Strong ob an o ld la In to rp ro tia g th® nmaalag o f a d u lt education and

l t« nlgnlfloano® to th® l i f e o f to # S tato* f o r t X o f th in study nan aoOor*

toleoa to h»tp o lo rU y idooo on t t o aooalag oof oOlao o f o fo lt o^ootloB $ f o r t I I

g ltoo oa IdOo o f th o sawiaiiait la ta i# s to to o t tim t tl® s llo to t h t

o t owtSe la tOo f lo l f m d t to ooopo oaf oaosBBt o f omrte oodo r tofeoa tjr ooot>ip

^ ie r i i Am Cortw rirJit* fo a Toors o f A falt EOuootl<m» a* S»

gMolt jfoooteloa la Vlr&lala» Salwrolty of Virginia M m o l o a Syriant H 2I#


In, H ighroad,

fcaruibooh o f Iteormtloa eoroerteac ttm aduaatiomi for ate Ito

within the otty# glroa a aaaflate Xite of th© affartaga tetfel* tho olty#

aaoh as olteo orgaalateJm*# wmm** ©lobs# oromlag aohoola# ooXlogo atearoloro*a taaJt *»-ji- t i JU -Ml- A t » |M>WI <11<rfli*fi'Wri' W Hi »VWI ifr IW iWii |ii|111 ifiiMW n,iPMMRit arw*®®M* jyiarair jjwwwla

Borlorol ijg»«H i« $bo Jrorloaa teaoolabloii far Jteit KteoatlonP list* ooro trotey**«©ro© regional eurroyc of adult oteaatloa rote tethla th® last teoate# MiaoQr of tiaof surroys mro mro oy voamutiy vooaono o* i&GUit roroatioa#Boro rore a te oroo d tg a lflo d fey th© nan* o f aarroy* rtjoy rot® o o ro ite rad m m

aa in ro teerS aa o f aocieting f a e l i l t tea* fit* m m m par^oa# a t a i l tb a surroya

m * to g iro a l i s t a t a te te istg og$>orti*iiitiaa t a itearatete adu lts#

fit# roteSMNl Vlypgite* oarrloteosa la te d lo a to d t a th® ^ r la a i^ la th a t

growth la th a t a teo a tio o bagiro a t b ir th a&d o o te im as thrawgh*

a te U fa # f lits p r lro ip lo Saplloa th a t am ateoatioaa program m a t ba as

broad as U fa th a t ©ducatloo aa fa irad l a yotel* t e l l a te ruffle® to r o te

eem pltealy th a roads o f atelthood#

Tha rateaad flr g lsS a eurrloalum la a lso do d looted to tho priooipl®

th a t a te lt teaaatloa la a publi® resp o n sib ility broom * I t la a roroaaary

txrotatelra tetero fo r a teeaeoratlo for® o f aorororote*


a jlbuk. 10 jfet : Jk ml'wM9pw<mGrar 3UE&

Erorgaroy Bduoatlao frogman* ld&&»&6 #


HEtik ***** TliTliilnrtl 4i!t V&Mf WPffb&M*. Qdt lw w i*<iwadfciww 4 m 4ufr

$lMI IfflrtMMSfc ttlBbdi &llAXift9tMP Q&t ft&ft&tI SdNlSldfcSSIfc t fS fewi $$MMMH&%Jit$$ tt$ 'VSS’SS dfcB'/kin*# nw *ake IflOiL Jift MMnlkwriMi4! sitiltilibttHl.* ^*> mmmmaMjttm m fM 'fell* mm.mmmM»/4mtm

<tiT ttMi sdttSS yyc iNMi iuttfl %livi ISmHnbwi vti&pli BflWfc |px*fwi0%&ttg wr fi iiiillN ^||§

j ' ®BB3f*jKjJ0Ej§|i JJEi3SE2L3EB EjMPfeEBME BjEEjEBKSREjp?



-ms s u r j or ADUht xo wibcxoia ro s mmmt m m loss - xm®

nc m m a i i

The d ste fo r th is chapter were get!tered by mesas o ft ( I ) © <3u©stioxm©lr©

th a t WHO sent to o i l Division Superintendents la Virginia, ( I ) © quesiloansir©

sen t to th© twelve Bsdlo Brosdesstlxig S ta tions in Virginia, (Z) by personal

w ls its end interview * with th© d irec to r* o f th© varieu© governmental agencies

sponsoring programs in ©dolt education*

R esults from Q uestionnaire#

October t?* 19S8# th© follow ing le t te r and qw eetlefiftelre m settb to

o i l M v i eion auperlnteiidsa'tMi ixi V irg in ia!

mmmmmmmt® mmo* H orn t o B i f iB io B m m m m m m m B t

% Boor S irt

Thm information asfeed for on th© attached sheet I t wanted fo r tho record# o f th© S ta te Board o f Education m that I t w ill ho p o ssib le to determ ine th© M a lt need* now being scrved o© © oil a# to determ ine tho M o lt mod* now being neglected* This Inform ation i© b asic to any program o f superv ision th a t way b© inaugr»t»d«

% wad u lt education* o r "ad u lt ©lessee* 1# meant ©ay In s tru c tio n o r sapor* wised a c tiv ity o f people o f ©ay «ge th a t a re mot reg u la rly en ro lled la tho kimdergardcn* ©l*®*©mtary o r soooadory school*

I w ill thank you to lo t m ham th is inform ation ©t your o o riio o t ©seven** iene© oo th a t © questionnaire asking fo r more do to ile d inform ation, such os ©n~ rolliw m t* sub jects ta u g h t, ©he*, may be se a t to th e person in charge o f the program ©t eooh school*

S in c e r e ly yours* division or afeHi&rattfiot

Cloreace 1* Spain Supervisor o f M rnlt Education

The questionnaire re fe rre d to In th e shore l e t t e r Is reproduced on th e

n ex t pegs* % th e middle o f Bowember s ix ty fle e o f th e 109 superintendent#

had rep lied*


$m vz im c m tm <*Bate

1* Do j w school® o ffo r education fo r ad u lts o th er than th e w*P»A#t o r *«*•** ,

I f yes* give name o f each school* name .end address o f person In ©barge

o f the progress, a t each school* and number o f ad u lt © lasses a t eaeh school*

11* D iet th e agencies* o th e r than th e pub lic schools* engaged in programs o f

ad u lt education In your d ivision* g iving addresses*

S ocial Agencies • . . . ,

College# '.............. '............. . . . . ' .. ' V . ' . ' . . .L ib ra rie s . " . ' . . ' . , . 'P riv a te Schools ( . ,........ ..................... ...........ClUbS rrmrt.rrn.mr r nrrr' r - vr, ■ nr r,rlr r-.Pm-T ,Tu r.^rrr.irimm

A ssociations ' ............................ ... ' ,lellgiOUS Oy jiSd 'SSSCSSm r1rT„r-1-r-t--,-«'m,nWlrr,r ,r,rn-^ --,■ Tr- ~-....rrr -nmwtrr 1

Business P irns , . . ..Chorus Croupstra d e Union# .. ' . . .Parma# "17 t'~TTnrir^r ~n rr' r '11~rr'nrr1T'r~T 1‘''',,'^'^ 'mi"m n: ln.IITr- rrrnrrr,-1,-M»rr,ri.n ,■ ,,i-nn Lr.-,,..mrlT,-rr--r-lr. n, .n ~n tln,

led Cross ' . ’ .. ' ' .................. ' . . .Public H ealth , ' ................ . . .Dramatic gq g ^ |^ rrrm'Ty'fflT 'TJ,',fmTO',r,',,l',-,l' ''TI,,mrm'"''1*wmm'C thers . TO'nrWTrmrr mmff m''mw'vfTMIr :im',lr~1, rn ~"""IT'n ™T tTTTTrrvr irirrTTr-irr rwwnwrrw

111* What newspapers a re most g en era lly read in your d iv is io n !

Wha t rad io s ta tio n s are most re a d ily heard! ........

It* What «** to your ml»d * a re th e ou tstand ing educational needs fo r ad u lts in

your d iv is io n ! .


Qa Sovember 17, 19 S8, th e follow ing le t t e r mm emit to o i l ®uperintendent •

who hod n o t responded*

My Door S in

On October 27th wo sen t to o i l Superintendent# in tb s S ta te * q u ee tlean eire dealing w ith M u lt Mm&ttm In th e ir d is tr ic ts * th e response hoe been g ro t i lying* 1 few lik e y o u rse lf have no t re lu m ed th e foO'Otiomolr#* th e development o f * d e f iiilte progress; which w ill extend i t« eerv teee to o i l ooimasmitie# is our u ltim ate elm* Already wo h e n bogm to work on specie! probio©# mentioned by Superintendent# lit th e ir returns#

the demand# upon your time are §renb* and m f o f the fueotlost** metres. to «hloh you ' give attention■ seem to have l i t t le value# lie hope how* ewer* that pen w ill re tu rn the questionnaire m M ult Education with as mesh Inform ation as 1# readily available* We would lik e to get n il replies In before the end o f th is

S incerely years*W l$ 1 0 i Of

Clarence Mm % a ia Supervisor o f M u lt education

% th e end o f deanery* 1988, th ir te e n superin tendent« had mot y e t

re p lie d to th e q u estio n n aire , so t in follow ing personal le t t e r wee sen t

on J*aunry si* 19S9t

Dear Mr*wwne w*ne a

i am mow beginning to ta b u la te th e re p lie s sen t in by d iv is io n superintendent# cm the a ttached q**s*tioimalre# Itm ety*#!# euporlmtojadoate here rep lied* Our su rrey w ill not be complete urn!### every d iv is io n superin tendent In th e S ta te f i l l # out th is form*

W ill you k in d ly f i l l ou t th e nttnehed questionnaire end re tu rn i t to m n t your e a r l ie s t eenrem teiisef

S incerely yew#*ta n bom or m tc tk t Mm sm ut mm&mm

Clarence K* Spain Supervisor o f M e I t Education S10 S ta te O ffice Building

the mm& o f th is division, of the State .Beard of- Mucaiiem wee changed

In January 1 •» free omsiQH OF IBIIAIiMfAflOi to DmsiOB OF SFBCMt AID

A2901F llHCAfloi* th e result® given below represent the rep lies fre e a l l of

the 100 division superintendents in Virginia*

your schools o ffe r education fo r a d u lts o th e r then th e W*JP*&* o r I t

wee noted th a t only s ix coun ties end seven c l t ie # answered *y##** th a t i s ,

th e re were e ls counties and seven c i t ie s giving sources fo r a d u lts o th e r than

th e course® in vocational a g ric u ltu re sod vocational home economics* these

coun ties and c i t ie s were the following*

Counties* A rling ton , E lisab e th C ity , G loucester, H alifax , Puls sk i and % th s ,

C itie s i D anville, lyaehburg ,' le rfcU ?, fb rtsisou tb , tlchsaond, Boanokc and FuffsHc*

opportun ity m s given fo r th e l is t in g o f agencies o th er then th e p u b lic schools

o ffe rin g pregrs®* fo r ad u lt education* Although fo rty te c superin tendents

d id mot answer th is question , those rep ly ing In d ica te th a t the follow ing

agencies are av a ila b le fo r a d u lt education*

Hcrcmpapers* fhm f i r s t p a rt o f question 111, asking what newspapers a re most

g en era lly read in your d iv is io n , showed th a t the Bichnond lisie#**$l»j>aieh was

more w idely reed throughout th e S ta te than any e th e r newspaper* In second

£ In mmmw t e question 1 , Do

!s& fltaier question 11 o f th e questionnaire an

College ex tension Idhrari® #Wm*» o rganisation#

o rg an isa tio n s faren t« f«achor A ssocistiona Eel igloo# o rganisation* Chorus group#Forum# led CrossPublic H ealth organ!sation# YMCABramatle so c ie tie s newspaper#Business firm s P riv a te school#


p lace m s th# Richmond Iews le a d e r. th e follow ing newspapers were l is te d by

ex ac tly th e m number o f auperintendent#* D anville Bee* lemchburg Hew#*

Norfolk i*wlger*»t»p*tch# Horfolk f ir g ta ia a F ile t* and th e Seiuaoir© fine#*

ilm ee «e# t o f th# Su$«»*tetend#©t# rep ly ing to th is question 11 a tod th e

lo c a l county paper* and mieh o «MtU amaber l is te d th e la rg e r o ily paper#*

I t to believed th a t th e eu reet m y to reach the people o f * given #e»am tty

through mmmp&pmr p u b lica tio n s would to through no tice# o r a r tic le # 1m the

county o r lo c a l paper,

Bsdto S ta tio n # , th e »up#rl.jit®fidomt«i* rep lie # to. th© question* what rad io

s ta tio n s or# as##t re a d ily heard* e re p lo tte d on tho maps on page# 26 to 31,

When th is quifttltiMft mm a#k©df WTA m o tffeadeeetiag om 6000 w*# tu t 3m# #i»ec

ra ise d i t# broadcasting power to 6O*0OO w* which hat# g rea tly broadened I t#

reeep t ion In tlio coun ties o f V irginia*

In ad d itio n to tho question want th e Superintendents* each radio s ta tio n

In V irg in ia wa# asked th# power o f tho s ta tio n , hour# on a i r d a ily , and tho

par cent o f tin # oot asid e fo r educational purpose#* tho answer# to which aro

given below*

t& u t % ** mnaam m m vtmim& radio m&tmm

Hadle S ta tio nPower

. in W attsHours an A ir Daily Percent o f tin # given

to EducationwmAmmmbmrn 6000 # 16 I fm m m ietrnaM 100 I f 6*1WMEG-Riohmond 600 X?*6T/RIJL-Rlohfflcnd 600 1# 66WB£d»ibftn0k* 6000 I f I fVKMMferftlte 6000 I f I f$G5*Hewport heir# 660 I fWh?A*lynohburg 100 16 fWgfiWIhurrlmnburg 600 11*0 10WBflMBwaville 660 16 16.66w eH r^ h arie th eav ille 100 16 §♦76iPO Fi^^riatol 100 16 16

ha# recen tly boon inoroaoed to 60,000 m att# .

H tlm CO

-P £= ©Ja © no t*0 ,P •©rH -P »H

PjaPp ~M o P o O O© CO Pm i—I *H (Q -d

H jrt £ OrrJ 5 «*w

P Od | SM Cl1 • © r©W

O [x.|© M•H ©



S rH ©H HP

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fe <©W r©


o a? &P .

rH,P Oo . ... .

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P O P P© © o-P c ° <P

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po•H-p©■P CO CO - P

po ©•H >©*© p © ©pd +3. p*H,Q P

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•H pH- p ©p po © o ©





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- p fc*>5 *H P

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Many o f the s ta tio n # did no t rep ly to the question asking fo r th e p er-

cent o f tim e se t aside fo r educational purposes* I t was because no agreement

has been reached as to the d e fin itio n o f th e word "educational" as applied to

rad io programs* Program D irector* Henry Cowles Whitehead* o f radio s ta tio n

WTAR, Horfolk* made the follow ing comment* "We do no t a l lo t any tim e fo r

educational purposes but ra th e r give tim e to as many programs of th is type as

we can find*** Mr* M allory Freeman* Educational D irector o f radio s ta tio n

WML* Richmond* s ta te d th a t they were more than anxious to meet th e educational

needs o f h is community* th a t he had gone around to th e Riohmond schools in an

attem pt to fin d ou t what program they desired* and th a t h is s ta tio n had upon

occasions played e le c tr ic a l tra n sc rip tio n s o f music fo r p a r tic u la r c la sse s , a t

the time sp ec ified by th e school* Be fu rth e r s ta te d th a t i f th e school people

would make th e ir wants known h is s ta tio n would g lad ly cooperate by giving them

pro .grams to meet th e ir needs* I t i s o f in te re s t to note th a t Radio S ta tio n WRHL*

Richmond* is the only broadcasting s ta tio n in V irg in ia th a t has a person employed

as Educational D irector*

Educational Heeds fo r Adults* Superintendents were asked to s ta te th e educational

needs fo r Adults in th e ir D ivisions* Table I I shows th e needs fo r ad u lts as

reported by superintendents* th e number by each need rep resen ts the number o f

superin tendents l is t in g th is need*


So* Reed So* Reed37 C lasses fo r i l l i t e r a t e s 3 Night school in Ugh' School su b jects29 " V ocational education Z Safety educationU 'Parent education 3 Home Economicsa forums 2 C ontinuation education a f te r high acla H ealth Education 2 Competent teachersn L ibrary f a c i l i t i e s 1 Shop worka A g ricu ltu ra l education 1 V isual educationi C itizensh ip 1 S e c re ta ria l education6 R ecreation and le isu re ’ r I Dramatics6 Government 6 Music4 Guidance 3 Adult education im practical4 T ransportation o i ad u lts 19 No response

Iasm lbs fmm In terv iew s w ith d m r w f t t i l Agencies

Many govermaental agencies, a re supporting education*! pmprmm fo r adults*

th e ex ten t to which adult* ore av a ilin g them selves o f th e o p p o rtu n ities o ffered

le shown In the follow ing data*

Trade and In d u s tr ia l Education and Pi s tr lb u tlv e Education* th e s ta f f o f Trad*

and In d u s tr ia l Education la tempo»ed o f a S ta te Supervisor* a se c re ta ry end

one ^ e r t^ tto s a s s is ta n t in charge o f tra in in g In pub lic se rv ice tneetlene*.

The S ta te Supervisor has th ree f ie ld a s s is ta n t* employed by lo c a l school di<*

v is io n s whose s a la r ie s a re mlmfeursed wholly o r In p a rt by th e s ta te Board o f

Education. One o f these a s s is ta n ts has general supervision o f n ig h t schools,

foreman tra in in g end p*rt~tias* in s tru c tio n in trad es and in d u s trie s ) one has

charge o f education in tra d e s and in d u s trie s In th e se a l producing area o f

th e S ta te f and one has charge o f teaeh e r^ tra ln in g and superv ision in the. f ie ld

o f d i s t i l button* the woffc in th is d iv is io n Is d ivided in to the follow ing s in

se c tio n s«

1* Evening Trade Extension C lasses* in evening trad e ex tension c la ss la

one designed to teeeh th e s k i l ls o r re la te d tech n ica l knowledge to ewployed

persons* o r persons who are tem porarily ou t o f employment* The in s tru c tio n

must be re la te d to the tra d e o r venation pursued by th e student*

S# fart^T liae General C ontinuation Classes* These c la sse s are designed

to teaeh general in fsrw atlo n to employed persons o r to persons tem porarily out

o f employsent* The c la sse s m ist meet between th e hours o f i t 00 a*m* and

IStPO p*m* The purpose I s to Increase th e general inform ation o f workers*

Stseh sub ject* as emglleh* arithm etic* history* nursing* commercial subjects*

e ltissu eh ip * heme making* languages* ete« may be taught* These c la sse s

must la s t fo r a period o f 144 hours during any one calendar year) th a t is*

a year from th e s ta r tin g o f th e class*


3* PiuMb-Tim* Trade Entenslon Classes* These c la sse s or® sla& lor to general

continuation c la sse s except th a t th e in s tru c tio n mi a t ha re la te d to seme sp e c ific

trad e or vocation* These c la sse s provide o p p o rtu n itie s fo r unemployed persons

to pursue sh o rt courses (144 hour® o r mere) to prepare them to o u te r some trad e

o r In d u s tr ia l weee&lexu CeeNssrelel courses sennet he o ffered in tra d e extension


4# In s tru c to r Training* These a la s sea a re organised to t r a in in s tru c to rs

fo r a l l type* o f tra d e and in d u s tr ia l classes* whether th e persons a re p resen tly

employed o r n e t employed* fo r supervision o f s t r ic t ly vocational courses* fo r

c o o rd in a tio n o f p art-tim e classes* end fo r foreman tra in in g and tra in in g o f

in s tru c to rs deployed by in d u s trie s in which o lessee a re operated under p u b lic


3* Ferem n Training* These a re evening o r p a rt-tim e classes* th e e n ro ll­

ment in which i s lim ited to mm in executive o r supervisory capacities* o r

persons who hare p o s s ib il i t ie s o f developing in to eiseemtlves*

6* distributive Sdueatlon Claeses* These c la sse s are evening o r p art-tim e

c la sse s and th e enrollm ent i s lim ited to people who are engaged in the d is tr ib u ­

tio n o f products*

The p resen t enrollm ent (March 1039} fo r each o f th ese type® o f c l a s s e s I s

as follows*

Type o f C lass

Bowling Trade In ten sio n Part-Tim e General C ontinuation P art-tim e Trade Extension In s tru c to r T raining P©reman T raining D is trib u tiv e Bdneatlon



'Total student* la re lle d

A g ricu ltu ra l t» The s ta f f o f th e d iv is io n o f a g r ic u ltu ra l Education

1* opposed o f a s ta te Supervisor* A ssistan t S ta te Supervisor* th re e d is t r i c t

supervisors* ami urns secretary* The A ssis tan t S ta te Supervisor a lso has th e

d i s t r i c t o f Northern V irginia* th a t is* th e re a re th ree d i s t r i c t superv isors

in ad d itio n to th e superv iso r o f northern V irg in ia who i s a lso th e A ssistan t

S ta te Supervisor.

The work in th is d iv is io n o ffe rs in stru c tio n * In ad d itio n to th e reg u la rly

en ro lled high school hoy* to two types o f ad u lts as follows*

1* Part-Tim e Classes* These c la sse s -ere o ffered fo r th e young man* no t In

high school* engaged In farm ing as a vocation* o r attem pting to become es tab ­

lish ed in farming*

2* Evening Classes* A g ricu ltu ra l in s tru c tio n i s fo r th e a d u lt farmer*

At th e p resen t tin e (March 1030} th e enrollm ent fo r each o f th ese types o f

c la sse s i s os fellows*

Type o f C lass student Enrollm ent

P art-tim e m nEvening 6303

f e ta l Students E nrolled 6680

Bmm leoaomios Education* The s ta f f o f th is d iv is io n co n s is ts o f a S ta te

Supervisor* two f ie ld a ss is ta n ts* and one secretary* The m ajor o b jec tiv e

o f th e vocational program in homemaklng i s to m aintain and improve th e

q u a lity o f home and fam ily life * To carry ou t th is o b jec tiv e th e hems economies

teach ers a re encouraged to o f fe r evening c la sse s fo r paren ts In ad d itio n to

th e ir reg u la r work w ith th e high sehool g irls*

At th e p resen t tim e (March 1969) th e re a re in V irg in ia 21 negro and

14 w hite home economies teach ers o ffe rin g evening c la sse s w ith th e follow ing

enrellm entes


Typo o f c la ss Student Enrollm ent

Parent M a lt Claesea-Segro Parent Adult CXasse*~$htte | i

f e ta l S tudents E nrolled

L ibrary Service# The d iv is io n e f P ublic School L ib ra ries and Textbook*

eons la ta o f a D irector* A ssis tan t Supervisor o f School lib ra r ie s* and th re e

se c re ta rie s# This d iv is io n include® a p ro fessio n a l lib ra ry c o lle c tio n o f

approxim ately two thousand up*to«*date books* approxim ately fo rty educational

This lib ra ry serves members o f th e s ta f f o f th e s ta te Department o f

Education and lands books by m ail to superintendents* supervisors# p rin cip a ls*

and teacher® through th e State# charging only th e e a s t o f re tu rn postage am

books. borrowed*

About ene*»foorth o f the counties la th e S ta te a re mow developing a ©cunty

c irc u la tin g school lib ra ry under th e d ire c tio n o f a p ro fe ssio n a lly tra in e d

county school lib ra ria n * using th e mam general plan**® th a t adopted by th e

G erre ll County School Board in December* 1934#

The f i r s t fo u r counties adopting th e county c irc u la tin g public schooljlib ra ry i s shewn below*

magaslmss* the


Index# the D» S» * and th e

County Cate County C ircu la tin g L ibrary B erries S tarted

C arro llJttl# 1986 October 1996 duly lo ss


•For ao to ilo d dooorlp tlon o f tho p lan , or**rd*»tion and oporotlon o f thoC arro ll County c irc u la tin g pub lic school lib rary * see page 57.

mThe map mt th e follow ing peg# shows tho counties th a t or® now developing

c irc u la tin g pub lic school lib ra rie s* These counties* w ith tho exception o f

four named above or® Ju s t beginning th e ir p lans #M expect to begin eerv lee

from tho c irc u la tin g lib r a r ie s in tho F o il o f l$S@# Counties not oblo to

supply o tra in e d lib ra r ia n to 41 ro o t tho © Ironluting lib ra ry w ill use tho

Ilesne&tary Supervisor fo r tho d is tr ib u tio n and in terchange o f beck#* tho

book* oro c irc u la te d from on® n e u tra lly located high school during the reg u la r

ooooion# end from loon s ta tio n s during th e summer vacation* th e book® ore

av a ila b le to th e adult® o f th e county a® w ell a® to th e pub lic school children*

th e D ivision o f P ublic Sohool L ib ra rie s and Textbooks i s 3oint»epon®or

w ith tho s ta te L ibrary Board In d ire c tin g tho WA in th e development o f tho

S ta te Wide U b re ry F rojeet**

Special iai3d Adult duoatIon , th e LI v is io n o f Special and Adult bducation i s

composed o f a Bttperviaer# seven a s s is ta n t superv isors and two sec re ta rie s* Two

o f th e seven a s s is ta n t superv isors work w ith th e ch ild ren in th e pub lic schools*

one w ith th e lasn ta lly re ta rd ed children* th e o th e r w ith th e p h y sica lly hand!**

napped children* from tb s standpoin t o f a s ta te program* th is work w ith th e

m entally and p h y sica lly handicapped ch ild ren I s a new e n ric e which began on

September 1* 1958*

Four o f th e A ssis tan t Supervisor* mentioned above a re known as leh ab il*

I ta tlo n Supervisors* and th e ir se rv ice I s av a ila b le to adu lt* who have some

permanent physical d is a b ili ty which a t th e sans tin e co n stitu te* a d e f in ite

vocational handicap* The se rv ic e I s operated by th e S ta te bu t i t i s p a r tly

supported by fe d e ra l funds under th e au th o risa tio n o f th e Social S ecurity Act

* fb r d e ta ile d d esc rip tio n o f s ta te Wide L ibrary f r e je c t see page 48.


Ba 49o o•H -P ■PO Pi0 o

rH -rHrH "£?O P>O rQ

•HI r-1 PtK( -P Pi Pi


o o

CD .Pi -P •P

£ CD O <t 3 Pi cd

P h m

CQ >? ^ rCi8 § ■° ACD cd

0cd l>

p ! cd

g '*0 PJ0

•a £cd t t )

0 pd-PPiP!♦Hm•pm

0td5mw0rd *H


o f 19*6# tho Federal fund* fo r th is se rv ice e « i o r ig in a lly through a sp ec ia l

Federal ap p rop ria tion which began in 19*0# fo bo e lig ib le fo r re h a b ilita tio n *

o' ponton must bo o resident of tho State o f V irg in ia and a s s t bo old enough to

work but not too old to adjust in o sollVoupporting status* In ad d itio n to

futiaishi&g expert roootionsi guM saee to th is c la s s o f ind iv iduals* a ss is ta n ce

In v o catio n a l tra in in g i s furnished to tho ex tan t o f in s tru c tio n a l fee* and

textbooks a t educational institutions#

The statonaat below shows the number o f adults being served at the present

tin s (March 19*0 )•

Humber o f a c tiv e enro Unseats *1*7lumber in tra in in g programs i l$

dumber reh ab l11ta tio n s accomplished l a s t y ear f id

the other A ssistant Supervisor' in the Msialoxi o f special and Adult

Education I s known as th e Supervisor o f M u lt Education* the servicee o f th is

Supervisor i s av a ila b le to superintendents* principals and t*aeh*rs# and th is

i s a now se rv ice which began on September Xt 10$$* I t i s th e purpose o f the/

State Beard o f Education that the adult fund (at present Iff*$00 per y ear) be

need to f i l l the gaps in tho present education progress* by matching local ap*

proprlabioas as far as possible* The program for th is f ir s t rear co n sis ts of

th e follow ing*

I# C laeses a t S anatoria fo r Tuberculosis* The two san a to ria fo r w hites

a re a t Catawba and a t Blue Hldge* the axis for hegroes is a t P le tem t# At

each o f th ese th e adult fond was used to employ a teacher# These teach ers

moot with and teach th e p a tie n ts when requested by th e p a tien ts* Such sub­

je c ts a s hoacwaking, cu rren t events* typing* high school west:* elem entary

education and th e lik e a re taugh t th ese p a tien ts# The enrollm ents fo r

March# 19*9# a re given belowt

t o

■ t e t s l t .Catawfco«


Blae II4®»mnm*»»


Bogl iieefr B&gXiefe Boola#** A rithm etic lo t Orod*6th Grade $ th 4y*4otod-. fr* U gh Sobeol 4 th t r » High School

l e t GradeElejBeaiery ilrXttaaeti© m # Sohool Wm%U*h B to tioaary Study K isittin s•lliOMoeioklxig

IjtyMdUUlgK nglithsp o ilin gSigh Sehool I»gXI#hM tefo tiiroAfdttooetl©

^ iuM y hll s'ttfekeawttda

911XIB5 <* 21

8X4I6i * * f t

8f44i8 • * 84

2 . Woofcoro* S&tootioo* The H aieo re ity o f T irg la la laefce&eloa Tmp*.rtmr&

poye © no-half tho sa la ry o f a Worker*f education tooefaor, and tho Stab* ad u lt

food pay* tho o th er h a lf o f tho salary* The#* worker## olaa### e re hold in

ttetweaad and in Koe&oke. The © lasses so o t one# a week fo r SO eeofce* ond tho

follow ing oubjeota or# taken by a l l student© enrolled* H lator^ o f th e !» •

d u s tr ia l Berolution* H U tery o f th o Axaerican lab o r »oY*»ent, P ublic Speaking*

Aisorioen lab o r leader©# #«& tho Worker*» Job and Pay# The onroXXmooto a re

g lron below fo r la rc h lf&9»

.la a ia te . sa aM g g ©Blohnond £9


to ta l 'Student J&nroXlawi&b 78

I* Education fo r ! U ltif » o |« In i l l i te r a c y education seven mm&Um

and ooo e tty oro a*lag re g u la rly *8g>Xey*d teacher# to so o t w ith th o i l l i t e r a t e

ad u lt* one n ig h t f o r nook* Tho len g th o f thooo eowrete rang* from e ig h t week*


in ^uthaiapton ccm»ty to tw enty two week# in A rlington connty# This wort: i s

e n tire ly w ith Negroes end tho teacher* a re paid on on average o f tl*SO per

n ig h t e x tra fo r th is v o it by on equal co n trib u tio n from S ta te ond XoooX sohooX

boards* The ta b le below gives tho enrollm ent fo r th ese i l l i te r a c y c lasse s fo r

March 10SS#

Location Enrollm ent

A rlington County 40Pinwiddie 296lei® o f Wight 207Norfolk m zPrime® George 17Southampton 274$u#e®x 172Richmond C ity 77

T otal I l l i t e r a te s E nrolled 144®

4* P aren t Education* The d iv is io n recognises th® need fo r the development

o f o program o f paren t education and th® superv isor o f a d u lt education i s work**

lug w ith th® IN*re»t~Teaeher* A ssociation# and th® XoooX school a u th o r!tio s to

encourage th® parent# to form XoooX study group# on th® problems o f ehlXd pey*

ohoXogy# home mmaagement, end th® like# Th® leader# o f these groups w ill be

p a r tly paid from the a d u lt fbnd in those lo c a li t ie s where th® lo o a l school

hoard w ill pay ome*haXf th e e x tra cost* The few c la sse s a lready organised in

p aren t edueatioa a re shown w ith th e d a ta given fo r Coswsunity Centers#

&• Community Centers# One o f th e c h ie f o b jec tiv es o f th e program o f a d u lt

education Is to fu rth e r th e development o f th e school# as community c e n te rs t

The school i s th e lo g ic a l p lace around which th e ed u ca tio n a l, so c ia l and

re c re a tio n a l a c t iv i t ie s should caster* The school should serve th e community

w ithout regard to a r b i tr a r i ly fixed age lim its*

*Fer d e ta ile d d esc rip tio n o f th e development o f a school as the ooanaunity c a s te rsee page 59.

mTh* enrollm ents o f oX*a«a« a t th ese ©©sEminlty ««&t»r9 a re grouped % eoontleo

and given below f a r Haroh 193$*

Loo*Uon Type o f Course te o ll in x i t■r*„ % , . -im lifex A gricu ltu re f t

a iixseasblnii 64

Jsaee C ity Bandozmft 16

M iddlesex Sewing 40

Korthutoberland~Xsuio*ster C urrant B w nts 46e HaneaMthlxig t§M A gricu ltu re ma Haoroatl^wsL u

Sussex ITeeaX Music uIt Band Musi© 19a Conaaairoial 61n shop axt» Bomemaking 64m C urrant Event® 64

Mttimmd C ity 77mm aodH jss 49 Mji «m «u>ismtcl # r 16* Extending lib ra ry how* * ad u lts served 660a P arent education 16N C urrant events 46

T I b

'6* Outdance* flu© © it!*# o f leano&e and H&rfoXk eaeh esjployed* hogfimisig- V •' v •

septao&er l t 1938, a man to m rm as guidanee~oouna«l0r for ©ot**0f»*efce©X

youths and unadjusted adulta# H i t guidance nan con tacts each p u p il th a t

drop© ou t o f school and tr ie * to re a d ju s t Mm e ith e r % g e ttin g hits bacdt in to

•on© school o r In to esploysaimt* B* a lso a tie a p t* to roach as sasny o f th e

unadjusted e ld e r people o f tho c i ty a« possible* Thor* to a w ry oooperativ*

re la tio n sh ip between th is isaa and tho S ta te SiEpXoyjaent Service* fho data

given below shows to m m degree th© work o f th ese suns

Beport fo r Maroh 1969 Norfolk Roanoke

M a r o f conferences hold 116 666ta sb a r aohoola v is ite d 9 16Bomber m ental b ee ts given 66 76timbmr general -meetinga attended XI


Bmport -for March 1039 Norfolk

leather cases sen t to doctor 4Humber le t te r s w ritte n 43 139lumber dropped stu d en ts placed In school 10Umber feocnmended fo r HTA 3 4Muaher securing employment 13 3Humber v i s i t s to teas© 33

umber new cases en ro lled 33 n

A mm*mm guideace ter* !## fo r a Iergo c i ty 1* ijM teqpate* To dem onstrate

th e p ess ib llitX o s such » e e rrle e might accom plish when adequately s ta ffe d th e

MVA agreed to a s s is t th o S ta te Deparbeent In tho es teb lle lsaea t o f a guidance

se rv ice to out-of^sehool youths end unadjusted ad u lts fox* th© tlo ta m d C ity

area* Tho follow ing cooperative agreement «•« plam ed*

The s ta te XhteHttmat o f Education* using th o ad u lt fund* eispXoyed tho

D irecto r o f tho guidance eerrlee# la o rder so t to £•« tho name confused w ith

th o guidance given ©indents la tho Richmond high school©* tho name* lloheaoad

C onsultation Service m o adopted* The Ufa employed thro# counselor* (two mm

and one woman) and o secretary*?sy ohologi#t to handle tho correspondence fo r

tho ftorvloo md to adm inister and in te rp re t tho te s ts which were to ho given

tho c lie n ts# tho V irg in ia s ta te Employmmt sen riee reorganised I t s o ffice*

p u ttin g la «. dtm ier Flaeeaem t Dlvi siom to cooperate w ith tho Richmond C onsultation

Service* and els© provided o ff loo space froo o f ro u t to tho service* This

se rv ice began May I* 1930# There la ao rep o rt o f i t s work a t th io time#

Collo^a .la te o tlo iu Th© extension work o f th o various eolXeges eeeoplea aa

im portant p lace la tho f ie ld o f a d u lt education* I t la «a attem pt oa tho

p a r t o f thoao co lleg es to moot tho educational m ode o f adult© that* fo r one

reason o r ano ther, a re 'Dot ab le to re g is te r fo r a reg u la r co llege course a t

th e in s titu tio n * ih o re w r th e re i s a demand fo r m extension c la ss s u ff ic ie n t

to ju s t if y th e expenses Involved th e U n iversity o f V irg in ia o r th e co lleges


w ill provide an In stru c to r* Upon com pletion o f s a tis fa c to ry write th e studen ts

a rc allowed co llag e c re d it fo r th e courses pursued#

Below I s a l i s t o f th e co lleg es la V irg in ia o ffe rin g extension c la sse s

fo r th e school year 1930-49* and th e to ta l o aro llissiitsi

in v i ta t io n m sstss. a t la ex tension o lassos

Bedford S ta te faaohsrs College Bedford # f7U n iversity o f Bletaaond U niversity o f Biolaioad 444U n iv ersity o f V irg in ia U n iversity 5 i iW illiam and Mery College W illiam sburg #47Bsmpton I n s t i tu te Bsispton 157V irg in ia S ta te College For

legroe* fetershwr® 704V irg in ia fn ie n U n iv ersity Blehsscnd 105 ..

W a t s t a

th e cnroH w eots f o r a l l co lleges la V irg in ia , n o t includ ing tho ex tension

enrollm ent i s show on pages 44 and 40#

th e V irg in ia F d rte e h n te In s titu te a t Blacfesburg does th e la rg e s t amount

o f ex tension work o f any in s t itu tio n In V irginia# I t s worfe i s confined to

a g ric u ltu re and hone economies and no co llege c re d it i s allow ed toward gradua­

tio n fo r th is type o f wofk# To ca rry forward- th is ru ra l progress th e follow ing

people a re employed*

Farm dem onstration agents and a s s is ta n ts , w hite 144te a s dem onstration agents and a ss is ta n ts* w hite 57FOsm dcM istrable® ag en ts, colored 44Bone dem onstration agents* colored 0Subject m atter s p e c ia lis ts 40M mtni « t r a t le e o ff ic e rs and d i s t r i c t supervisor# 15

A rlington was th e only county n o t so rted by a fan s dem onstration agent

in 1450#

Hr# dohn 1# Hutcheson, D irecto r o f th e Extension Herb in A gricu ltu re

and te e s Economies re p o rts th a t the ex tension agents and s p e c ia lis ts p a r tic ­

ip a ted in approxim ately 13,000 w estings during 1540 o th e r than th e 5*10#

tra in in g w estings fo r lo c a l lead ers and the 10,045 dem onstration w estings held*








f t

f t

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f t

g 8 f e f t S f t j |

3 ®m S ift

« « ~ > a a f t





and th a t th e to ta l attendance a t a l l m eetings and dem onstrations hold during

th e year was mere than one m illio n people* Since th e re was no accurate record

k ep t o f th ese m eetings and ae th e re i t m way o f te l l in g how many in d iv id u a ls

were being a s s is te d by th e program from th e above figures* th e numbers given

below by Mr* Butehesen w ill be used fo r t id e study*

Howber farm ers p a rtic ip a tin g la th e ex tension work (Approxim ately) 81*000Mumber farm women members Berne Economies Clubs 191471

Paren t teacher. A ssociations* th e p*re«t~ tcaoher asso c ia tio n s a re encouraged to

form le o a l study groups In ad d itio n to th e ir reg u la r monthly meetings* th e idea

to form ie e a l paren t study groups la new and a t th e p resen t w ritin g th e re i s me

reeerd o f th e number o f sueh groups* o r o f th e number p a rtle lp a tln g in th ese

groups* th e approximate to ta l enrollm ent in Parent-Teaoher A ssociation* fo r

th e sessio n o f 1933*»S9 m s 41*000*

AdUalni e tra tio n i s conducting eiaeeee fo r a d u lts in 78 coun ties o f V irginia* A

c la ss w ill be organised a t any p lace where th e re i s a teach e r c e r tif ie d by th e

le e a l w elfare a u th o ritie s as d e f in ite ly in need o f re lie f* provided an average

attendance o f 10 o r more ad u lts eaa be m aintained fo r th e class* fo r a c la s s

In i l l i te r a c y education an average attendance o f 8 o r more w ill be accepted*

These c la sse s meet fo r a two-hour period* fiv e n ig h ts a week* This a d u lt

education work began In Hevsmber* 1983* under th e ESA (Emergency B elie f Ad*

m in is tra tio n ) and was supplanted by th e UFA (Works P rogress A dm inistration)

In duly 1938* Since December* 1938* th e MPA re p o rts th a t i t has tau g h t about

17*000 I l l i t e r a t e s to read and w rite* The enrollm ents fo r th e various MPA

c la sse s a re given below fo r th e month o f Marsh 1939«

T otal ad u lts en ro lled 80*471

a Admlai e tra tio n * The education d iv is io n o f th e Works Progress


ty p e o f Glass,, «* f!*A anrollee*

t lt s r a o y Mmmfoim 7076M*M© a f f a ir s 188ftSNssth Jldoost&oii saoIfes^sstttki ®f% $$dfes©ah 1 ©m 8881vmmmimml JMuoatio® 1188t» i mam f tmm Mwmfo&tm i mG eneral adult idnsabio® 4®NI0

F ir s t a id t rstm im i . . i m ..

t o t a l Umpol lo s s Si ■HiiliirtiiAWimmm

wm 0m$m *14# t&bmmr fts© Stsfe# library Board lm J#liat»sp m m t m%%h

%lm Siwissisn of pk&H© sohool $**feh#ok« im dirootiisg th* W k Btst©

WL4m Vbr#ry Jfeo-jMrfe* 4 490*00$ s$j$#©^rl#fc.io» tw m WP& tm&m mm m$$® for IM i

watte m.4 m tmmmhm* #* 4 foolmtool Si*p©*ms©r m s % tfe# * 4 %@

a s s is t in *m«&ltsblm& #10 th# nop ©» th# fo lloodn i pot# show* t in ffrm

wtmm that haw# boom s#3#ot©4 to mxvy m mi library

w rvlm * Th® work that w ill b# mdsrtstan In those fir© area© rej##«#afe thro©

%yp&s of dsaioiishFSb lorn© *

type Sms* fko to bo su n itfi out In ©rose ono# two end four

n il l attempt to show few m rvim to th© publio own ho- nM«4 to tho ©Iro&dy

m m m & fnl tohool oipoolabiiti libraries* fh# regolwr litm rlan of sash

©ouia&y © ill ostahllsh © munfeor o f loon station* fo r th© pub 11© * ©on© I® »®hool«#

attar# in ®%®rm m € hmm®, smd ®mm to b# 8 m w I d iro o t % from th© book brook#

fb© WPA m il furnish two hook truofes* on© for mem I# and oros for m m , IT, at#

books fo r ad u lts* Arm 1.1 H ill no© th©' G horlotto mmmfcy book tru«& .on© wook out

o f ©wry fou r o r f it# * wapplsiawabod by s o r tf ®# from sohool hot#©# L ibrary

helper* fiM hatkwtifmstr 6rit*r* © ill ho prosridod by th# UPA*

$y$w» Two* th# ©©©mild type of t a n r M in i i © ill bo- «md#rtok« In or©# in *

HblSh i s Ghsrlobb© ©ot&sfcy# th is mw&& has & ©oum&y library whose bolMlmg*




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c o lle c tio n m*a tm &l m ro provided by a m s ltb y n a tiv e o f th e county*

The reg u la r lib ra r ia n bud mads plana fo r th e extension o f the lib ra ry se rv iea

b a t lacked th e necessary f a c i l i t ie s # fin s# January I* lid t* . * eom tract has boon

reached hetm an th e School Board end th e lib ra ry Board to make an i n i t i a l o rd er

o f 1410*00 n o rth o f books to be pl&eftd In. th e oouaty lib ra ry end about 6*000 book*

here been v o lu n ta rily added to th e lib ra ry by th e schools o f th e county* In th ie

oeee th e WPA S ta te Wide lib ra ry F re ja a t a l i i prori.de a book tran k end a c o lle c tio n

o f books fo r ch ild ren end adu lts* the lib ra r ia n w ill s e le c t f le e learn s ta tio n *

to serve th e people who cannot e a s ily g e t to th e county lib rary *

type three* d ree t# tem&m ee th e "Taj^fcaimoek Areaw rep resen ts th e th ird

type o f dssaomstratien* Im th is a rea th e IP i f te te Wide lib ra ry F re jee i 1« a t*

tem pting to s e t up e reg io n a l lib ra ry under th e lev s o f the- S tate* th e re e re tom

coun ties Im th is area* and a l l but Ease** lim g and Queen* la th e e s ami' M iddlesex

have agreed to th e follow ing terms*

Each county lib ra ry board m s asked fo r t $80*00 fo r books* lib ra ry supplies*

and gas and e l l fo r th e truck* th e S ta te Beard o f Id aee tio a has' reserved |E100*00

im s ta te a id fo r th e se eetsmby school boards im th is a rea which decide to p a rtic ip a te *

th e lib ra ry beards o f eaeh eouxaty a re asked to co n trib u te 1110#00 per county fo r

books assS lib ra ry supplies* th e S ta te lib ra ry has purchased #1*000*00 n o rth o f

mm books to be loaned to th e reg io n a l lib ra ry by I t s Extension Pi v ision* th e

wm, m ill co n trib u te a f ie ld te c h n ic a l superv isor to a c t as reg io n a l lib ra ria n *

a book truck* and 11500*00 w orth o f bosks* th e to rn Council o f fappahannock has

agreed to fu rn ish th e headquarters fo r the- reg io n a l lib ra ry © olleetlon# Although

th e bool: tru ck has bam ordered and many o f the books have been ordered* th is

p ro je c t I s mot expected to g et In to f u l l operation, u n t i l the school* open la th e

F a ll o f 1$$0*


fic tio n al Icm th A dm tnlstrati oru This brcneh o f th i Federal Government m m in to

ex isten ce in V irg in ia In August* 1066* a t which tin # i t m s estim ated th a t th e re

im # @0,000 youth* in V irg in ia twtwe#*i th# ages o f 16 and 24 y ears who wore not

in school* nor# n o t employed* end had l i t t l e o r no tnmma o f th e ir own* I t has

been th e p o lic y o f th# 8TA to cooperate w ith ead stln g agencies in an c&tenpt to

meet th# wants o f needy and deserving youth* Th# serv ices o f th e ffA are found

in tin*## c la ss ific a tio n s* Students in college* student* In high school* and

unemployed out~of»#ehool youth* Th# co lleg e end high school studen ts or# paid

from BVA .funds fo r work Job® i M k a tten d in g school* At th is w ritin g , la rc h , 106#*

th e re or# 1662 student* rece iv in g co lleg e o id ond 4T6# rece iv in g Sigh School old*

Th# out-*of<*#0ho©l w i t s program o f th e KVA i s function ing in o i l .of th#

coun ties In V irg in ia eacept Both, Blend, Buchanan, Clark#, Hanover, le n ry find

P atrick# TM# work progress, i s d iv ided in to th# following*

1* Boneswklng F yo jeet# , Th# purpose o f th* hoswnsklng p ro te s t 1# to mm

phaslse th# maintenance o f the hem# through work end tra in in g **peri#nee in

housing* slo th ing* food* and health* Thor# or# 60 o f th ese hcNB#meking center* in

which th# minimus se t-u p approaches a eos&lned living-room end dining"*#©** a

kitchen* * bed-room end *p#o# fo r bathing* Th# g ir l* work TO hour* * month*

fo r whioh they #r# psid* end rece iv e 20 hours o f co rre la ted tr* lnim g on tfee ir

own tin s#

2* School Umoh P ro jects# Th# 2YA assumes th# operation o f sehoel lunch

p ro jec t* in c a re fu lly se lec ted schools* In o th e r schools th is program fu rn ish es

a s s is ta n ts to p ro je c ts under th# supervision o f th# WPA* th# Pareat-T eaeher

A ssociations o r son# o th e r e tv io o rganisation*

6* Sowing P rojects# G irl* employed in th# BVA sowing room# rece iv e i s i t

experience through th# © instruction o f c lo th in g and supp lies fo r d is tr ib u tio n

to needy fam ilies* fo r Bed Cross* c h a rity wards* and th# like*


4* Mnt&mm T raining P rojects* Parb^tiia® and fn ll~ tim e residence tra in in g

i s provided fo r both g i r ls and boys# At th e parb*tli»e p ro je c ts th e youth# cone

fo r too weeks, go book hosao fo r too weeks# i*o a lte rn a tin g group# are served in

th is way* th e studen ts spending two nook# out o f oooh mouth o t th e residence*

The g ir ls e re bought th e fundam entals o f howswsking e t th e residence tra in in g

p ro jec ts# At th e to p i residence tra in in g p ro je c ts th e various tra d e s e re of*

fa red , such as onto tepefying* e le c tr le w iring , pointing* woodworking, etc#

T raining e t th ese p ro je c ts e re provided by County end S ta te Boards o f Education*

$* C onstruction P rojects# Work experience i s provided fo r boys on 38 eon*

•in a c tio n p ro jec ts* these p ro je c ts a re p u b lic b u ild in g suoh as a g r ic u ltu ra l

b u ild in g s, hone eeeaeale co ttag es, eta#

6* C le ric a l P ro jects* Tooths a re given o p p o rtu n ities to work in pub lic

o ffic e s end to become fe e t l i a r w ith general o ff ic e ro u tin e wort*

7# L ibrary P ro jects* Youths e re pieced in pub lic ami school l ib r a r ie s and

rece iv e experience in re p a irin g books, indexing and c la ss ify in g books* and as*

s la tin g the l ib ra r ia n generally*

8# Sen&sottplng P rojects# This work i s provided through the landscaping o f

school grounds and the repair and beautification o f highway roads and s tre e ts#

9# Public fisa lth and Hospital Project* This wort experience i s given In

hospitals under the direct supervision of the Bead fwrse o r ttoeter®

Use fig u re s below give th e number o f out*of*«ohool youths rece iv in g work

experience under th e RYA during March 1939«

o f Experience Humber 8YA Youth®

Homemeking Centers

Sowing Boons Residence T raining C onstruction P ro jec ts C la risa l P ro ject* L ibrary P ro jec ts Landscaping P ro jec ts





Out**of-’#ehool youths rece iv in g w i t «n$#rl#ae# under %h# HTA continued*

F u tile H ealth m i H ospital Z§0Mi###li#n#ott# SlitA ssistin g fff*A, P ro ject# t%M

T otal youths rece iv in g work eaperieao# 4150

C iv ilia n Conservation Corns* B deeatlenal o p p o rtu n itie s or# o ff ©rod en ro lls##

in th# CCC canape. I f eamps nr# located near o itie # where n ig h t schools nr#

operated , th# enroll##* nr# allowed th# opportun ity o f a tten d in g th### schools*

W m ©assps mm »e«r co lleges assay o f th e enroll### take reg u la r ©©liege ©ours##*

T rain ing i# o ffered enroll### a t th e mmmpm In

end high school subject#* end la th e e e rie e e trades* in Harsh* I t i i* th e re war#

in th e i i swap# 11*680 enroll###*

The following represent th e educational a c tiv itie s mt th e C0C e&sjps im

lirg ia la fo r Harsh I f 8§»

lite ra c y ole#### $5$SlSHwofary c la sse s 5011Mgh School © lasses 1473College Courses ' $WTrad# © lasses 4451

T otal 10851

S o il Cqneervetlon $#rvle#» fh#r# a re 4 S o il Coa##rvmtioa Service P ro ject# in

V irginia* one each in P ittsy lv a n ia , Appoaettox* Albemarle and Bookinghaja

counties* There a re 10 t o i l Conservation Cgopa o perating e l th in th# State*

Th# mampm a re located te e in P ittsy lv an ia* on# each In Im rf# Franklin* B alifa* ,

Meoklonhnrg* Bedford, Ap|^aaattoa# $©tt©way* and S ta ffe r! eo m tie t# Tim S o il

Conservation Servle# i# a Federal Agency trhleh atte*a$?t# to t#a#h farmer* w ith

washed o a t farm land# o r w ith lands th a t a re tegliiaftng to erode hoe to re c tify

th i# condition


In I f i t tlimm m m fOIT farm er* %the en tered in to co o p erstit# w ith

th e S o il Congervation Servian*

Earn S ecurity A dm inistration* th is program eervee Im Income fam ilies w ith

necessary c re d it and superv ision to eetvy on th e ir fam in g operations* Only

farm fam ilie s a re ceesspted fo r t t l « w i t f and these m a t hare no o th e r c re d it

resource* In o rder to ho e lig ib le to toko f o r t in th e ESA program* th e form

S ecurity Admin! s t r a t i on program was in i t ia te d I f th e fe d e ra l Government In th i

attem pt to com* to th e resem* o f o farm fam ily when hi# resources wore *meh

th a t no local loading agency would finance th e fam ily through th e period o f

cu ltiv a tin g . a crop* thereby , enabling th e fondly to renoin on th e fsr»# th is

program served approxim ately 10,000 fa ree r* during I f Si#

Very few eossmmitiea ore providing o p p o rtu n ities fo r odu lt education o p art

from th e programs sponsored by governmental agencies* Hoot o f the program* p ro -

vided a re concerned w ith improving th e vocational e ffic ie n cy o f admits*

The e ffo rt* made % counties to provide po t H o eomnty l ib r a r ie s and ease*

b in a tlo n pub lic and school l ib r a r ie s a re co n trib u tin g to th e development o f

a d u lt education*

the agencies sponsoring these oppertimsitle# fo r admits In V irginia w ith

th e number o f students enro l led- are as fsllo w st

Supervised by State Board o f Edmoationi

tra d e and In d u s tr ia l Education A g ricu ltu ra l Education!%MaMee t? ea*i*.waSMr4t aa^ HE ^ c* d» d ** e*fw&m &oomcai&os isamestxoii Behabi lib a tio n Education Speoial and Admit Education

Admit Student* Bare lied

M i s8,156

698t #l i f


AgenciesBrought foroardCollege ExtensionCollege* and Higher Institution#W t In ten sio n {Approx*}P aren t feaoher A ssociation# {Approx*} Bs*t» Progress Adi&inl Stratton Satisxial Youth M mlul s tr a t io a C iv ilian Gi^servmMim Corps B oll Conservation Services Farm S ecurity A dm inistration ( Approx*)

M u lt Students Enrolled

3,24222,956s®«*n41,000sc*?©84* f i t

l0 #88f t* 0 lf

Breed f e ta l




Approximately 166*460 people a re a v a ilin g them selves o f the ad u lt educational

o p p o rtu n ities provided* th is i s approxim ately one-seventh o f th e to ta l population

18 years o ld and over fo r th e S ta ts o f V irg in ia la. I860* I t was n o t th e purpose

o f th is study to determ ine th e re s sens why stlaere were n o t enrolled* however* many

o f th ese would be in te re s te d i f th e program m s extended to inelude to p ic s o r

problems o f v i ta l concern to thro*






Many types o f ad u lt education a re being used* The follow ing samples

have been inoluded in order th a t th e reader may understand sense of th e

various ways in which th is work Is being done*

The C arro ll County C ircu la tin g Public School L ibrary

This county c irc u la tin g lib ra ry was estab lish ed in th e F a ll of 1054 fo r

th e purpose of providing a l l th e ch ild ren o f th e county w ith good books to

read* Since C a rro ll County has n in e ty -fiv e one and two room schools* a

separate c o lle c tio n o f books a t each school would be a very c o s tly under­

taking* The problem could not be solved except through one c e n tra l

tra v e lin g lib ra ry *

The teachers* th e school board, and th e S ta te Board of Education co­

operate in financing th e lib ra ry * Each o f th e 183 teach ers in th e county

ra is e o r co n trib u te #5*00* The county school board co n trib u tes #600*00*

and the S ta te Board co n trib u tes #1500*00* thus providing #3*000 fo r books*

The lib ra ry now contains 12,702 volumes* more than h a lf of which are easy

books fo r th e lower grades*

Before schools open in th e f a l l the lib ra r ia n a l lo ts to each school

i t s p roportionate share o f books* The teach ers take th e ir f i r s t c o lle c tio n

to th e ir schools when they re tu rn from th e teachers* conference in September*

One month la te r th e lib ra r ia n s ta r ts ro ta tin g th e se c o lle c tio n s w ith in

d is tr ic ts * Books fo r both high schools and elem entary schools are d is trib u te d

and exchanged in th is way*

An in te g ra l p a rt of th e county lib ra ry i s a p ro fessio n a l lib ra ry which

c o n s is ts of 300 c a re fu lly seloo ted books* Teachers near th e K ills v ille High


School m y com In on Saturdays or a f te r school to borrow sny book from

th is co llec tio n # For the convenience o f o ther teach e rs , th e lib ra r ia n

c a rr ie s w ith her a number o f th e se books when she v is i t s th© o ther schools

o f th e county*

Cm of the most in te re s tin g fe a tu re s of th© county lib ra ry i s th e

p rov ision made fo r summer reading# The c e n tra l lib ra ry , which i s located

in th e E il ls v i l le High School b u ild in g , i s open daily* S tory hours held

weekly during the p ast two summers have g re a tly stim ulated an in te re s t in

books and reading among th e younger children* A llotm ents o f books a re

d is trib u te d each summer to homes and s to re s in a l l p a rts of th© county*

These book co llec tio n s a re exchanged by th© same system of ro ta tio n by

which books fo r th e schools are exchanged# These reading cen ters r e a lly

become sm all community lib ra r ie s# The to ta l c irc u la tio n in th e summer of

1938 was 13,721 j o f th is number 2618 were from th e c e n tra l lib ra ry and

11,102 from th e summer centers#

The lib ra r ia n has' th ree fu ll- tim e WPA a s s is ta n ts who help w ith typ in g ,

mending, keeping reco rd s, m echanical p reparation of books fo r c irc u la tio n

and o ther ro u tin e work# Under th e new WPA state-w ide lib ra ry p ro je c t, th e

WPA i s fu rn ish in g a much needed bookmobile, a d riv e r fo r th e bookmobile, and

$728*00 worth o f books fo r adu lts* These books w ill be c irc u la te d over the

e n tire county from schoo ls, s to re s , homes, and d ire c tly from th© bookmobile#

The C arro ll County C ircu lating lib ra ry has been successfu l in providing

good books reg u la rly to many schools and homes which form erly had few or

none# Teachers, school o f f ic ia ls , and paren ts e n th u s ia s tio a lly endorse th is

p lan of county-wide public school c irc u la tin g lib rary *

Adult Education In the Suffolk School

lift an evening tNaaoosi wsm propompa w& warn «Ap»

daring tha a**3f f a l l o f 1938, and aw ry ma8»ar o f th* s ta f f mm

a *» t ,a>ir*5,fta<t Ins jmmjipayata In mith a santora# At the ansmal Patraaa

iNSaaattan Up©!*, Wavartbar 7 , la id , the high school— .--.i— .A .o>- a.. .MLAA -j—u u . MadB *MMiAfciK: LiiK ^ ©■'«, A,Jfc, JS a te ^ tuggifcAt Wife A. j Sug MkflKVi'saaas th e a a g g a sts* fw s a p i w g iM s c ia i soya®® high aanoa*

I n a l and so ttin g vqp tho wjuiveOonfc o f a ta lk aohool ar iN f la i1 in a titu to *

This opsotsfl favorable bat no spaaSfSa pfa§aaal aaa afl#fJm ip)k ’fjfctSdh Adh- IvttL'Jl jfli diidtanNNi 4Mkaaa SMi laaaftAwaaifcl ninnvMiOmoismikiJd KSuiedlyaitiMyifc an wfibdiadAaaaii JWtePiWWBBBWN y <***0 JsWHp# JKw wltiUB wWMP wBpp J T II nlJ1aJPp m iN||.3P0VW m fflP#1a5yD^J 9m

w K 9MfM9Qf tf lffim W im m <1* flHlft TW W wM rS H im wTO*-

tf.awfyi |st aaaa dab*!! aaggeehlone fa r an evening ftofieel i r QttaatlOBaalraa naia

d istrib u ted a t th is sea tin g to dleoorar iM ati oanrsea would ha la greatoaffc

aasaad# I t aaa awaaHaaad that elosaee avoid ha offered la say aaib$oeh fa r

atdtsli laatfaah ssa aaaa ava ila b le and far eiil oh there anus eefftelon b dens®d#

i t aos jpaagawad ta abort olbh aa oojporlaawBbol hoe® a f a la m obs iiseteao t lao©

to ini gaaina ay WMiBiMrB amawpiie aaaaNaaMssassi# a a course aaaia so «a aaarga a* a tawapar a* ana asga v a u a i arnjEx, ana anpacinai iy ^paykssaae aaasaaaau:>m JLi©. .-- tWikk ^tiaHiiik.Jai' ©Emilft ©k-aSftdnhJl JkMMk ©ftiAM«HnfeMi ©b iftaiaii ka *«#ar m aaaaiBRw r awra aa aa aaaaa aa anasaa w»a» aapaaiJi. eaaaraaa#

f t e .iNiaaoilatl aa a# Ittaaaui^ K ap ils, and faaustaaNi agaaad ta aaaaaap1 tha

a*Mfy>ffBg n haal ain# »»«w^ a epaoial aaiM dttaa to «*♦» infonaatlim aan©

aavwina tha oouefaaa ta ha aflhsaNl* iseaha*^ a f th is aaaadttaa v ia lta d tha

oaaNnay fNaaaaA ojaaaas ixi tn a cray ana appaaTaa oazw i aavaa iNPgaaiiaao*oaa mi

tha omiraaa and ta idtas aat cmaMrtlaanailiaNB an trhfiaa ladatiNMdbedlivrlaitfli a^h jf it> daalrad#

JUp a raaajta ar anaaii aoaw3>aaraoi<a aaNaiaai aaus ar'ouaaci a«Ka wimi amwaa*.

am form ally apenad an t t e atiadUag a f ftiaraafif I f w ith a paglatsatSan a f la i


him mil ran til i»iiia Mm &L 4a 4&a>s 4b%feJNkiiliWtk uiwiLiiUh rfiyiri aaaa1? *fe SfcJPtott aii wtnrH ift4: ii^y.IW'rwvBS# JsJFwF X *Wf WPwK9m vj^mfVmv«l3i P0 wmFw TmJLL Zwi S*Pi*«?S|f Qi.mm

%rlb«fc«4 as faU aaa*

BaslaMMi law fflf•^"pw aMa aBraaaa aw “

M«mi3K«fc|y| fH">.*t- 3MBIbysio& l I*Mteiaal&&cai jfW

flyftf AJfjfSlkjjjpa 40


0<p < $9 aiMpa tljaaBife 4HP 8®B T4 aa&a ansi aunt &$& impi naann# TMHp

pyt> jPaa a t tmm\ mmim#J&4Nmrn4i 44# a&aaaaa naan afensrfeadi fay a aayiMNI IMP aHiti? NA#ioa# iljifrsyaab

ana urtMrf* 41in% 44aap nasaa ata&iNNiAil Jfey baa Aaa-tea* TViwr Hy awMFy

in 4&a

Itas 44# spring wwo$Axs% jtrosk HwMBi 4# .4fflrM l>£h$0«

Ob# V iwPlyftl IMP 4Imi Oaaaaa &&£jjfci $M4MWA3i. liiytMfibfr 44hi fflnalftray IMP foiifTf:Ti4 elaas## Titr iM*a hi InMEJApa AIia INmmnI IMP OIsnnpImmni osP 44a 4pTitri4* aaff4ai"y Atcotffft t it j fHla Oaayd aan PaTaya MI m* and naIaNI 44a fyf' tit ift^ %n jaNaasxfe 44a

•sNtefeat* bafaaa 4fea ragtilay naaA&an aA ^ affitPwpff Aasoci*ti«w Thi# ba4S4ji tin iiaaadPISa ba baldbivaa t la yny aaeaaaalzly tnitlfi


receive as a result of such a movement# It was decided to Invite the State

Supervisor of M ult Education to com© to the January# 1039# meeting of the

Association# and in the meantime to publish artic les in the local paper and

the two Korfolk daily papers# When the State Supervisor appeared before the

meeting on January 17# plans were ready to put the program into operation#

the Association agreed to sponsor the program which would consist of any

classes in which there was a su fficient number to Justify it# the following

Monday night was set as th© date of the opening of night school# Classes

were organised in community singing# dramatics# shop work# commercial and

Eed Cross work# Th© Educational Advisor of the nearby CCC camp m s appoint*

©d as leader for th© dramatics class# a retired Army Doctor m s appointed as

director of the Eed Cross work# The other classes were assigned to the

teachers of the regular school faculty# Since many of the adults wanted the

Eed Cross work in addition to th© other classes# i t was decided to have the

classes in Community singing# dramatics, shop work, and commercial on Monday

nights# and th© Eed Cross on Tuesday nights# Permission was granted from

the General Eed Cross Chapter to award certificates to the 60 persons com­

pleting the course# Th© to ta l enrollment of the adult school was 126# with

an average attendance of 110#

Adult Education at Oak Grove High School

The adult program at th is rural high school is correlated with th©

agricultural and home economics education* The classes meet duo© a week#

The men maet with the agricultural instructor and the women with th® Home

economics teacher for the fir s t hour# Then th© two group# com© together

for a general meeting for another hour# in what they ca ll a •oitisenship

0 t

Him IsnbSeW' INsi* fetiijt 62sbS|i Ireri*

fe© le&d 4ia©as«i*»*ii# Uni tej&oa tured fey tM s #4%lMfe»

6«lp QlilS ffif tM l«W ©Sgfeffi 380*fe&ft$ft Wttl

Chit1 t**fflftH.

Ffjp© $XIPtC*fti©<§$ **

TfeS fl pMI HJf fefeS fin tfet* #S%ls#SSh^i IftllHffM' fSZIg.0 JtattR 2 | t4 ? 0 |

JMMIWBWffiWII 3fl> iaHWtwKiiiir VWHIIy

wayfe fefen ^ss^f© $"I%. % riyfei>ti &&& yy&| fc»% 0 w&Gfef yffy* ** ffiHifflt $$><§@0-

utet ©swtife fell© Hfeafe® Jwlnife Jfrnwf ©©©MiisiOUE* fehflt ©sEfejwt ©0©fe#j

A flLttk-©©- 'MttMUMMMHlMfeMM afe©lHMMfcMpi©!&©l©ftfc©hldP A-iMtt X-AA ©Ifcffe "SNfe .-J|mHi sSfeftMpstfe* ^ i p P PP3pl w*WNW~ *Jr JpPPr

©fj lfcfefi 0%. fei * Sy5»©fe©3L ffilfcflyfef S©is©©2t 4Bfe© felt© SNNBsS Nst <jLflWBEN**ft0 ©©wfe fell© ©3 ©©&s©

0n *%yf% g;0 3PRP© fe# li l lll fell® JM£|HP©S10 ftf INEfl N ll

29 3fcWR3jN(K(W(WR9pw99ii 39t& fcfl0fc 3SSStl8flN8Ktei489flk

fen Urn fHpfe<WI ftfelOTtl fell# #1|UMNNI IBWNi%T


3* What should be the length of th© classes?1 hour* hours| 2 hours (Please underline)

4# Should the plans for an Mult Education program m aterialise, please enroll m for the oourse or courses ohooked below or courses added on lines le ft for same*

(a) Courses in oitisenship a ) Courses In businesscomprising sociology Englishand economics#

O) Courses in bookkeeping0 0 Practical arts courses and accounting*

in general shop, woodand electrica l work* (k) Courses in Safety andmechanical drawing and fir s t aid#home making #

(1) Courses in public speaking<*) Courses in music and art*

(a )u> Courses in religious


<•) Courses in th© proper\ Uy

use of leisure timeor recreation# M • ........................................r i ........................T r . - ........ - ............................................ . ■..........

<f) Courses in physicaleducation* (p)

(u) Courses in the use ofthe library service*

0 0 Courses in reading,writing and arithmetic*

Tho Superintendent also put notices in the Bristol paper and made one

radio address concerning the needs and p o ssib ilities of adult education in

B ristol City# At th is writing a hundred and eighty*sewm replies have been

received with the following result at


(a) Courses in ©itisemship comprising sociology and ©oomomioe* 18(b) Practical arts and general shop* 11


mWSmlmrr#q«im tiag

(0) c<mr«## in m m in $M art* 0<d> Cow*## in roltgio**# laifertmteim* m(# j C&wm* in. th# proper um o f leisure t i m or Fmrm$d®m 10i t ) onmtmm in pfcy*l«fel ©duo&tion* 10(g) Ce*tr### In the uee o f th# library eerrtee* f(w Ceur### M vwmB&B$# w lttr® ##4fch##fcI## l i(1) Cour®#® in. hw$’&n&ffl6t IhsgslltvW 14(4 / (Sotr### in bo^tog^ping' #*>*& ifceeaurtioc# 10fit) Oeww# in ®af€fhy and f i r s t aid* 1$(1) Cmrw# in jni>lle ipttMng* If

£#pli«* &#» th# eltIsons of B ridal c ity mm s t i l l mmimg i% but

enough haw already requested, oourse© to Justify the b#gims4ni of th# adult

night mboot mmt ewsalots* Th© euperirteisdetit be# planned to an^lesewit the

i«a#h#r«* talari#® for thi# adult work* and 3m* requested th# St#t# Mu It

Fmi t# anniet M s with th# toot# M appropriation m% t© ©wood !0§®*O0

ha# boon granted thi® p*e$fiM»t*

A sisiligr" -^wstScto^alr# w&m ##nfe to- a l l of th® nsgro patron® of th#

imgr© m h m t and although the mptimm haw not bee® tal^ilatod# th# Super**

irtendim t Mwimm that they ar# Jurt an *ag«r a t the #h lt## im m ®ppm*«

b v n lty t# a tten d th # isohool in ©Moh #1##### w ill b# o ffe red t# meet th e ir


It i t -net- ©aspoobod that any ©wmmiby wlihiag to begin a program of

adult ©donation would oepy ©molly any o f the mmpl## iiw n # Th# wrnpl##

do ©arry many praetio&l suggestion# that oould b© adapted In any Virginia



mtmm rr

wmmr s$$ my&mmmmicm



I§wiXiistio& o f th 0 ItMROfib lyOfsyost

Th» pmmmfe s ta tu s o f e d s lt ^doeatlea in V irg isis# sponsored by th e

‘OTfcjpi.mi* iNBnewii attKla&il a&eiisiea* h*>-* heoti oiMMiSKbflNi i& b r ie f t« th # tsi*6e#dljsu5?

AlHMsfeerft,* I t os* m**k ftfiNBglblt ho sales await lo o o f i l l aaes&iae whleh mala*

valuab le ©isibrlbtatXess is. th is broad floXdf to do so osmld req u ire a

oyoXegjodio oo xffiioa to a .s

SVISk SfllB$etdlSVw!ifWlMt& OfeV . * M JM iU kikkV sdhft dEakdfedbfrJiiMMMtt.Ilift Sfedh M'Ap Wfc flbiM4fedted«t£ JkPfc dfrbfeSfci .MMMMtihr 4e.Mfc dKSMMb*laO gOSOJPft* fS>300»100S 0» vMRKSv OOUOSvjUpSi OTO OSO SPBBS OS iOr

o i l eduoatioai sanely* fo r adsaaoiag indiri&nml o e lfh ro and so o ia l frogros*#

ep® oifie o b jec tiv es fo r ad u lt edueatio ii, however* « i« looking booaxiso o f

ttse s m « i | vagpoaoso ssa o b sstio itg r o f th# H old* and tho fa ilu re to oo»

ordisftfee a d u lt edueatioii a i th education « t o th e r lev e ls# Although two have

s t b ir th tad

end© a t death** * school pm > $1# g en era lly ***** o ssm sa th e re sp o n s ib ility

o f ©duoaticm beyond th e bigb seheeX age#

omRtDigngg to tKgam, nm tum m * mthim th« total progren of potuoeO aeatlea th e a tte n tio n given. to genera l « d » lt eOtxsablaa Is re la tiv e ly

s& ell# Ooxkorai tduXt ofooo t Ion i s th e leurgor o itio o is f i a q jn t h t

m l areas sohools hmm &m* l l t t i o to o ffe r th is *pp® o f odsoo tios to sd slto #

I# P aro st K ise stio s# i^ to s tlo s fo r is a iv ia s s i od|ostm »st i s 1mm l i f e sad

fOadljf i s iro sid o d by th o ^owff *afi&t i^ :f^ ,lr % ■Oft e^osto ssd o r tfeo

V irg is is Polytoohslo X sstito to Wmtemmim O orri«o# tqr th e E«m Eoososio tooehero

i s th e ooM edofy oohoolsi by th e study grosye o f tho Porost^feoohore A«oooioti«oi


and by th# sBTMiy seheels and paren t education o Insane e f th© werfca Progress

A dm inistration*

Although education far home l i f e ©©6 fam ily rela tion sh ip s are gradually

expending* th© need 1© a© great th at th# present ©tat# f a c ilit ie s are not

su ffic ie n t to provide stim ulation and eoapetemfe supervision for an adequate

2« Consumer Education# LVary in d iv id u al 1© faced with th# problem e f

©hat i s b ea t to buy# and « © t in d iv id u als a re faced w ith th# problem o f ©hat

h© ©an a ffo rd t© buy* S peeifte inform ation on general eeBsaoditiee 1# hard

to get# ViidoBt agencies give in fo rm atics o f mom Vi** o r another to consumers»

Bern© ©oonomlo® m r s a s ©©ad ©1th th© problem o f consumer education in th e

purchase o f food and homo fu rn ish ings* a g r ic u ltu ra l education deals with th©

purchasing o f f e r t i l i s e r and form equipment • u©aever* fo r fe a r of severe

criticism teach ers refuse to pot them selves im th# p o s itio n o f recGmmsxtdlmg

a p a r tic u la r brand by name# Consequently, th e Ind iv idual consumer, unable to

understand th e e lab o ra te sp e c ific a tio n s or label# on goods* Is lo f t to th©

mercy o f th# a d v e rtis e r , and th # spell o f th© talSsativ# salesman*

Zm M eeatlem For Leisure* re c re a tio n a l a c t iv i t ie s , ©«p©#l©ily in m l

a re a s , a re met; provided fo r ad u lts* U sually th© only av a ila b le f a c i l i t i e s fo r

such a c t iv i t ie s ar« th e oehoel auditorium aad th© sohool gymnasium* Eero th©

adult© g en era lly p lay th e passive ro le as sp ecta to rs*

la © itiee and town© shore there la a greater proportion o f le isu re tim e*

there la proportionately larger f a c ilit ie s far adult recreation al a e tlv itle * #

However* th ese f a c ilit ie s are largely in th e hands o f departments other than

educational departments* The d iv isio n o f c ity pastes* for ©nasple* eoeferel*

the c ity 1© playgrounds*

d* lib ra ry F a c ili t ie s * L ibrary f a c i l i t i e s , msager as they are* are n o t

being mad* av a ila b le to ad u lts* Th# p u b lic school l ib ra r ie s a t# not equipped

id th books am th# a d u lt le v e l because th ey ©ere ordered spec i f i e a l ly fo r th e

school ch ild ren* Beeevor# im easy o f th e lib ra r ie s a re books th a t th e a d u lts

be gluni to read# tu t th e lib r a r ie s a re n o t ©pox* d e fie s th e y fe sfegs ©hem

i t would be eoBveBlemt fo r a d u lts to frequen t th e lib ra ry * Our sea S ta te

L ibrary# intended e n tire ly fo r adu lts# i s mot open jf> th e evenings e leees

a t aeon on Saturday* The eaployed person i s denied th e use o f th is lib ra ry

because th e lib ra ry is open only daring the- working hours e f t h i day#

qppORTTOfW m dUfliT TOSITIOIIL lOTSMicm* Most a d u lt education i s vo*

eatiom al im character# This i s because ad u lt studen ts e re m otivated by

eeomcKa*© o r fHWp$ipa©*cu*e* ejr«vee # waps© ©* ©ne pregjvuao # mowever * a re spe#4*1

ia lis e d and l i t t l e p rov ision is made fo r broader * genera lised educational


1# Jig riso lb u rsl Kdueatioa# The txtemsioi* xepartsieat o f V irg in ia Poly*

te eh a le In s ti tu te through i t# Item Agents# th e A g rleu ltu ra l Division, o f th e

S ta te reparleaast e f Bdneatioii# -the S o il Comaervatieu ie rv io e end th e farm

S eea rity Program probsbly teatili mere in d iv id u a ls in th e programs e f ig y i*

c u ltu ra l edueatlom th an im oey e th e r hrameh e f a d u lt edtse&t ion # Beverthe*1*

le ss* only a sm all percentage o f farm ers a re re g u la rly attend ing a g r ic u ltu ra l

c lasses* and the sereeabage e f farm ers organised fo r ©©operative buying and

m arketing i s s t i l l sm aller* A casual observation © ill she© th a t th e re is

much farm laud going to © aste through s e l l erosion# caused by th e lack e f

th e use o f s e ie o tlf ie farming methods#

2# Trade eed In d u s tr ia l Bdusetlom# Trade eed XiubisiriaX Education fo r

workers is being extended as fa r as th e lim ited funds a t th e d isp o sa l o f th e

S ta te Department o f Education © ill perm it* That th i* kind e f ad u lt edueatlem


la inade*|uate la shown In a etudy made by th e V irg in ia S ta te ItyleyMKttfc Service

In A pril U se# At th a t tl« # th e re were $£,$4$ pereoa# reg is te red w ith th#

Service and 81,#46* o r about ME&# had never hod any prevlem# woeatiemal tra in *

lmg» Warn i t In considered, a# prewiemely rep o rted , th a t th#?# or# only

8,969 admit# en ro lled in th i# type o f viMmhiott&l education l i t t l e remains to be

•a id eacep t th a t a ssueh broader e*t#n#ien o f tra in in g o p p o rtu n ities should be


S* B ehaM lltatlem Education* Probably th e n ea t e ffe c tiv e vocational

education c a rrie d on by a pub lic agency in th# S ta te o f V irg in ia 1# th a t in

connection w ith th# re h a b ilita tio n work o f th # D ivision o f Behabi11t a t i on,

S pecial and: AdmIt Education o f th e S ta te Pepaiiaeent o f lo c a tio n * While the

program i# fo r th e v o ca tio n a lly handicapped, i t decsomatmtedi the p e e e ib lliile a

in h eren t in may a d u lt program which con tribu te# to th e problem o f unemployment*

flpEOWTOfSia mn r n t t m wm m * n » eery ©at*©f*#ehoel youth# and admit# who

a re m ed ley ed * and mmp o ther# who' a re employed in occijpatioa# fo r which they

a re n e t p roperly ad jected c le a r ly ahotr th e need fo r a guidance service* th e

choice o f m occupation 1# probably th e meet im portant decision 4m Ind iv idual

hae to make, (Getting a jo b 1# n e t an im portant a# g e ttin g th e r ig h t job# ho

system o f v o ca tio n a l education cm# make i t# maximum co n trib u tio n withomt th e

ben efit# o f a guidance service* Outdance in an admit education progress 1# n e t

te l l in g persona what they tract do* Guidance le baeed on th e assumption th a t

person# can saake in te llig e n t choices only when th e fact#, a re before then*

th e duty o f th e guidance o ff ic e r 1# to a e e le t Individual# to get a t th e nee*

eecary fa c te , in help then analy te a l l th e p o s s ib ili t ie s fo r cho ice , and then

to re f ra in from in fluencing th e decision# to be reached#

1# Guidance In B orfelk and Boanofce* . t ta t l l September 1, 19S8, when Norfolk


and Beanofe® appointed a p im a eaeh to |s id « mid a s s is t eut~of«aeheol youth*

and unadjusted adu lts* no p rov ision f« r a d u lt guidance was W ing wade fey any

echool d iv ls le u o r lo e a lt ty In V irg in ia# th e work o f ad ju stin g ind iv idual*

fey ©neb o f th ese gulden©® © ffloars has mrnm than J u s tif ie d th e expenses to*

▼©rWK*m iMssswsr* sues© oro proves©® nor® -©jmnray uvhnhwi** ■*•« 0210 sjMMwuuasy

o f a m#*mm guldens® oonrloo fo r a largo area*

f « Guidance la liehaaad* P ro fitin g from th e experience o f tho Norfolk

and gaidaaoo asfiria t* a were ©l&fe©r&ie p lan o f geidam©© was undertaken

4« I*®** adult® in th a t aroa*. Th& ner&omiel. fo r tho gulden©© aoroim i

eon®late o f a P iree to r* th roo counselo rs, and a seer©tary«*psyehel©glst * fho

d lre e to r a s s is t* w ith th o d u tie s o f swunaellag and has general eo n tro l o f tho

i f f y l f f t ft® ooorotary^payohologiot handles tho eorraspoaSm oo «w^ sdsdslstorw

and in te rp re ts tho to o t# th a t a r t given th o © lients • fh lo servi©© to £tmmm&

©©operatively fro a tho s ta to M u lt fund* tho n a tio n a l Youth A dm inistration and

tho f ta te B&ploynost Serwlaa* Yfee se rv ice nan s ta r te d mi % 1 , 1939#

tj^muai' ft hfisaatfun A ®Blss jaooOK<ttjik ^fesstfnammmtttk£i9W 4P fHT #* mPTV lllif^lilm FTv PWCBi

th e need fa r fipeelfi© o b jec tiv es fo r adm it odaoatlon has toon pointed out*

lis t a d u lt ©donation la © till Iter from fearing tmm adequately defined* Yhis

study reveal* many Ofeotaoloo th a t a n t feo removed I f tho to ta l program o f a d u lt

education w ith in tho s ta to i s brought In to harmony w ith tho general o b jec tiv es

lis te d *

Grooms Bsashed fey M a lt M u sa tlea jrejarame# Appeals to p a rtlo o la r groups are

to ho found In o a tta in o f th e programs © fitted* For sam ple# a g ric u ltu ra l

©donation is fo r f tn a s rs f parent education* fa r paren ts 1 hams ©esnesd©*# fu r

hOMVSotfeerei w ooatlonal education* fa r th e worker o r p rospective worker in th a t

p a r tic u la r vseatim t* Most pr©grans reach only tho "upper le v e ls % For example


th e A g ricu ltu ra l program® ere mainly for land owners, «M U tenant* end tmm

Iaberer* mm not being reeehed* th e more u p -to -d a te housekeeper® mm found

in th e program* fo r homemakers, w hile these famlll*® moot in ne*d o f th i*

in s tru c tio n mm- no t being served# Th© w rite r found from th© i t w r t l WPA

c lasse s th a t they more re la tiv e ly aaeeesafu l in reaching adult© from

th e low er tmmmm level**

Heed Wmr Mope Adequate F a c ilitie s# Four pub lic school building® here been

constructed w ith a r im toward complete u*e o f eehool p la n t th ro w # la te

afternoon and evening, and p ra c tic a lly l i t t l e mm 1* made o f aohool b u ild -

lag* fo r a d u lt a c t!v itie # # th e need fo r adJuBtable o r movable e^piljasant

fo r ©ohool* la sm all eemNimlti#® and fo r awheel building® designed fo r a d u lt

center® 1® apparent*

Heed fo r F u lle r use o f fV eaaat F a c ilitie s# There X# l i t t l e ju s t if ic a tio n

fo r th e p resen t p rac tic e o f using eohool bu ild ings and equipment only s ix

hour® a day* f iv e day* a week* mm hundred and e ig h ty day® o f th e year®'

Sound business p ra c tic e s do mot allow la rg e investm ent* te remain Idle* th e

p reeeu t f a c i l i t i e e should be made av a ilab le te adult® through th e e n tire

tw elve month® o f th e year in th e afternoon* and evening**

Heed fo r lib ra ry F a c ilitie s# A* ha® been poin ted out* eehool llb ra r ie * a re

n o t open a t hour® su ita b le fo r a d u lt attendee*®* Book® and magaeinee an

th e a d u lt le v e l a re n o t provided# There la a lee th® need fo r a d u lt reading

room® convenient to th® lib ra ry th a t would be u®ed by adu lt* during th e

reg u la r ®ohool hour* w ithout d istu rb in g th e aehool program*

Heed f a r V ocational fo recasts# One o f th e moat im portant needs la th e f ie ld

e f vonational education i® th e com pilation e f inform ation re la tin g t e ooou-

p a tlo n a l outlook# W ithout th is inform ation reasonably vocational foreoaat®

eaxmot be made* The s ta te Ifeiploymeiit Service la new gathering soma


^jf type» J&t&Masib iihi I’H1! #foff i w§- if ytMrfflFw a ss atrt iiiy%,f’ii*ff %© a sv slo s

His t s easipsiMi ta ssab H is assSs eJ? His ttsse^ tb sy ass IsBmmpIsb iia lss Hie

H»»d fw mil** «». Qw .1*0. te tfc»..w»« It hM IMWK prwfeMljr «t«t»d

**fr*m% ti$s W'A Itpsssasi was jNk|jf3y i wsinr>tf¥ l ** swsabiyag imhIHNi lean tb s lea se

l&eon* lew sls# H0n w # th# 1?PA Is eperatlag I*1 sa iy esissS y f le e e f tb staaasSWi ^S NBeMMBwSftSh- SkSM£ttWab*'£SfeHi BseSS S S SSSS i ^ahHfSSSSMiae SaBb fetbaSS 1MKPA. waMSSIaiwWiaailaSHBsJ ^wsw(sss*BiBsi sws&s*iifc b ^P ssjeSMjwBeaP ^r*sswe sPi sp Hw

a rise IlFisi tits fa s t jiKfA tb s | n Sffffsdisd jw tsss ily fee sw ite f jeoN*

pomoi eesxtiltl& s; tb s is fe e s sa H ef m ile * saS sfcbswytisis Ins s t t H e

♦ la sses f le e adgb&s a week* 1% i s b elieved H a t admits w ill net attend

Hn*A jReww ttS IISSHrilltl ■ SS fin d t h i ttdlfiiiCBIt be H e MMKtMf mPftblMBft #Muftliiu» sSttHl

easss& tss l a t is g ia le teday#. sin eebeselve fse a tssi e f as$ssisaittlablae sad

be wsSssbskssi b sessse tb s issa llb lsS ji wimble I s U ssshni pirspsyly tb e iy

sta te Adult IbsSa Sis sssg ssb sa siv s s ia dy s f lb s s f fs s t lv s s s s s e f sS a lt

saf&dlyji sad beeswse a sst jiragfawe ssw l a tb s eaparistSKgtel stage# freb sb ly

la a la sse s swtwwi#

^yniii i |y g |s ia bas ssasea I s %♦ ps s H sS H is ib is IsaSaps Wbs a ss sssw las I ff

tb s H a lit asS wbass v ls le s s as*s ssd^y IlsSttsS ty tb s sw ssiw sss a t baaft#

f t

tEhs Propoood Program

O R Itm W -i I t OMOt'fcO uMorotood th at any & M fTOfOioi f ir n§Ottag tho

wmrim o f odoit* In d iffo ro a i lo o ed itio * to contingent open th* l i f t * roooorooo*

and oeptrotiooo o f tb* odalto i f i t in to fuaaotioiu Siaaoo thooo footoro t**y

fn m 1*110 to in o llisr tlso pri pposi o f odoit odiiffffittfffi Iftoolfohmm to t»rgr# Hmoor* thoro 0*0 oorto ia priaoiplo* on* alum o f M olt of*nftnH oitiKls iyauf adult »OseB6iifoBe3L »»*«****» h tfln n i oo smmhO000000OwjOOWSO iOO®OOIOP' OOOO WONOIOO Ol OrO’

thooo to form m foundation upon 0 » |^ to M il* »r# M mllGt* lio to t&o

fOiiOOtOf Oijgtt Oflffff o f fMNffit QilTlOOtio llfI - o f t to a uiMifcjui»M>t4»44fc lOttOi*l | Sxoortioo iiiforooitoii omA iitoroo^lfic t o otoro of t0« Dorolnpliio tbo ^ ility to tlifriwfft oloorly frotb loOivldi&&lly niNI

#iy til

fo r oorrying i t ohi«8# isrfotopiag M r if opprooiatlooo and loiooro^tio® o o tlo ltto o $On WorSflolBE lOMVOlodOO 1*0# tT ol& log t in t o i i i lo o t to rOOMtOttAl# P HlEdM# o o f o o m # # 0 ^ 0 # % ^ i4 l# y m O lM k # iO f c f'&Ot. Jfe rilllA H i& O n ' t i I t*jQ LiO JLJiiO O a k o j I #frdlk Ok *fcki flittifcOOMOo # W W jf r y M H ^ # w B N p 'w m m m m ^ f m m m m W rn R n P w w P w I M i t ^ p M R o J l w i w W i P W J P t H H w oH Sf # » l l * ^ | i M r

otooOori of iSwloB#0 # :T i l f 'f f t l l l Hff O f t t O O O o i t I fmiib ip ^ wt rf

FlofO W# tooooo®# I f o iotisid tN i roooooo ofcjf o fo ito In Hor fontn

jjftrticipoto lii oittUti o#^tfft f -fo ooiirit& oo § ^ itoo o oat o f t in t «oy

ooroo oo o oohkoO bool® fo r o® o fo it oQoo o tioo pfotm oo ft®®® roooowo ® m

i* to f i l l # o i « |i In foroot odoottloo*O'H fo yroporo fo r o##Nkiio ot ioo#

0# fo oooiot in lodON#' oofooooS iNtjfo#owoi8 to ft*?16! obmI oooiflili- w riroooN oto #

0# To froiMOto to o it% { ty v le s l sffio ls® #y#f A T t t iM UHUM I f tW M i lam m M kM jaett* O l l iO ^ B L O B O IN M K tl jH I^ f ln ^ l t a a y m f t a w <HKDOFm»

M t^xw gnm U B *

*A. d. MUar, Priactol— »m Brtawfl» to *a«l.t & m * tiim . pp.

n«jpc w . k m , "A S tate I te sm t o f Adult £duootlettn( ta a > Rote o f B uJteUMOOaSteBF *r teuta a. »ii.«. p. 147.


3* fo assist la timmt&pla® M&er fcueeriod&o «a£ tafcereett* t# fa prepmro for parfctoip&tloa la eooporttfclee ©aterprieos*

3.0* To itaeraM* effootilvuaise* l a oeuufMr oot&Mtl***l i t To JjiarMM woofcionai efflolemey#

4 U ot o f «&•» or ehjoefciw* «m ho fewod 4m «»st book*# « l ttnsmgb ym

aey find m diffOremoe* in to p o in t o f Motr tuw& l a eeope they

or* w ry Mnoli m illet M alt Maoatioa la fe&eieally a progress for Mwuedmg

IM iM daal wolffer* -&M eeo lo l program*# I t Is a proems s whisk enables a poreoa

wore o fflo loatiy to neot Mo pm&®ml mo#<te# aM more offee& lwly to pertiel**

pat© a* an Im&oillgoafc ftinetioming masher of eoelefcy* The perpetw etton o f a

diMore&le se ste t y Its $mpmn&mfc apes* am Muomted and imteroetod ©lbieoBry*

M alt odueafcioa is o f dual oo&eern* Sa&ief&oMeae for the im&iMdml toad

the eolfejre o f the S ta te a re both ecmeermod* In tlso to ta l i ta r ia n S ta te s ©do*

motion i s t ir o o to i w holly to tin t npbMldimg o f th e S tate* th e ether m&vmm

Mow weald k w odao&tloa dlreotod wholly la tamo of IMlM&ml set 1 ©feet ion*

Our utm iurt athoaistee to ah©» th e #3ee* r#i$s&ioa#Mf*ii ufeleh eM st M i m i th e

IMiMdii&l m& the eeeiety of -whisk ho is m etfufeer*

fh&t th o o&bm&I** prooooo I s rniMmaepm meed* to fee mph&eited* C ertain

sM ll-% amok oo readlxtg and writing* ^a^airod la ekildfieM* iivft m m im rnlty

preotleed* mrm tho M alt throughout hie period of lit®* B&psMietafele

efeongpe are eemehantiy oeearriat* Seeiefcy ie erMa&liy growing mom eaoplex*

Ho«r problems mmkimm to develop* Thooo slmncimg sitm tiom sa il for now

eo latioao as th ey a rise*

OHCJ a ATIOl? AHD Am!INISTMTIOig> cue of th© fir s t p o ta to to outtftldur for tho

farther dew*pM i of M alt ©daoatioa ie tho Ms&aiMrahiee orgeatsat lea* to

effeetdim .M M atetmtiw orteatm tloa is moeossstry i f tho State to to die**

ohorgo I ts responsibility to M alt edueatlom* It w ill mot bo th e purpose here

to state la d etail what the otroetierml mt odM U sietrutlre lo eo l


ah&U b s9 b u t e a r ta ln eo s^aetimm a re included tm a t t t e

e ta ta an i lo e a l le v e ls o f *d*dj& ietratl«u

Ada]* Eaw K ttw i* TbP s t « f ftw rt* In « » or*pni«*tl«» o f t t e Stwte Bppprt-

n ea t, adult education i s c la s s ifie d as mm mt tha several d iv isio n s mt th e Depart-

sent# i t la th at ad u lt id a ca tia ii be oi gBoSsaa as a sen d iv isio n

nhioh d n U w rt I t «a a pastty wi t h tha dS.vS.aS.aaa ©£ Elaaaaalaa^f^Saaaa^aa^ and

fj<jtnaatfjlftw » Thip elev a tio n o f adult frtfaesticflfi he ayes i t ty w ith other

le v e ls a l i i m t i t s e l f M he th e afiwrlri

M alt Education a t ^ a le s s l le v e l* C ity school system s hearing large progress

o f evening ssh ee ls vtaa'ld il lu r the adnitealahtiihses he devote f a l l t in s to th is

work, rather t haflft bawling H is day $flp wiftil|>a li a ssess the the

rr twluc xHifw ef.. » The dsyhlso sorvtoe mt th e yrjl Mtyftii mt th e evening vtihfHfrl

o f public and private progress a t adult education w ithin t he ooflsiMftl ty » I t s

fr«i%|.|^ r esn aan iiies# e sp e c ia lly In the rural d latrlata^ fvivt1 a yTtiih say he

g In awmf* eatses# th e d i r t ie s ea rn o f teach ers vw# vt fe to rs

he l ig lMwrriod owfft th e even!so eerie eonsidsred aa a p a s t o f th e ir angular

d u tie s ra tlm r than a d d itio n a l to I t#

m:FmtiMWM, &M& iMWMTU&tl QM.L BRQ@CTS» i t has been poin ted o a t th a t th a

le e a l l t ie a a re wwtb le t a fin e sse an eshsnslve p roaran fa s a d o lt e# sv stte n.-» I t

ftf tha re liev in g pra^aota tuMurlsg tha antSm aaat a f la stsiia tla n and

tandhina n atartala fran the auinlt edooatlan l\and*

Baaearoh In ddait. Edneatlaau Tha aapaaalan o f th a raaaaroh la a l l l t lM o f th a

s ta te l'%partmfat o f ^ ■ ro^to a t a d aa i iiiaii'1 f lo itily o t t li a^ yl t ad aaatlan la

noa Qa<l fa s th a darvalapaant o f a s tla fa o ta a y m tir r la la fo s th a

tieaeti'inr e f ad a lta* Thla awmaaah tm lt a a a la t teaehesa and adnlaisw

ia*»ttfflNi l a aiwaa to dlneewaF ite r marthiida nod m tiiiil ute aaad


<lp cmmmi pjboooft ImuI fa ll nil && otiiorti* *«h8 otoygg* tnul'ffi'f ■ ■ HfifEtf** roooooi&i&pOOdNPtfeaMftHllllMMO .jl w*fcaOO ^RORTMlOlMllhOOlfe dtNMNO MitfHyjirlRPO'OO ji lO xo tr twHwSipPtPrlPt lp totiO tr ^0,iop'dfcOPirin^^at? ^ipjpowiri rosoor dooro*

t ith iartMMittt ftM lifitttiflfi o f tfeo sr in o lo la o f OhoflM mil oou viii^ ffif aMr

3?ha imnNI f wp* i&A Ininlignftoy &§ i^ l t |^f#jrtigwf ****#

60090 tO %6 iiqportCUOfe m il

rf>Ot>TnEftE-d»rf tllOt fTT r fMMHfipiif!*f | ,| $£j0 jj^ttiy yltyy#* jftfl OOOtOFO tlO OOtOiM*

ISslwNle ffiltiftfa OOSXtOF *»%*»«1t tOTO II rtOdfiF JfOF |JI 0irjWM>lifiRI OOFltOO 6380 O I Rlf f l*0y tdohnlfunt om too# I&ipi&sofo t otooortod. onlr I** tooo&?&ii& fii*fWTflfof rifi nor* ooyHtif f>ntfrr1rc9ilttot dor jgytyfynl ^ *Bftjfy%t.iMR 01161.0 to# arfJOjRPOd to %ln# s^hhSinb »nifrfi fho til u n ii OooOiQHtii ^ IwfUji irtftO ooro Otfoot ly futimmHNHf Ss

6lt&&lo0 tOOtOdoOlt' rOoFF £ W»U OtPI&PFdO Witix tilO OortOOQ OOOdOd $31 tlli tftdliOjL dloosxioo&o or tar ty po H F ilid or %y tlto Oov Tort doo&or Oooowlltodtiwi SsFidUia*

FhtO r0$d69066 OOOtOF 0lMW03fafll tO OlOlOiJly oXlJMOfit tO tin F6lk3U§>6 9$d3si©63t>6 66d ttO

£aop$ostdoo&t SsyvSsa tteo o m i jftfiiPTi-6 iii'Tlt t o p&ooo mO oxoMrtMrlxi oF ^HHt1!.!* ^NniIjni#

ii i yr1 frtrti fff»iH|: ln *l# # HiSS' gadUlBBtt# sastwr yfii i ftjyaa laa iwal lul l# %q sl?ia#69ikB

m m m tlfo tlwa ftU th#ir parests m t M en li #a w% to n iM to do# or «a»t tbey mo tort f o l t f l i l to do*

I t

Xho ttwirtin o f tfat p y ili^ rrt*1*! 1433. ijnmei fetor

m i l i t m r m i tw o to lo o«iiiial% « lavootuamfca la itiw o l buildings* U tP «H i« i

•Isoi** playground*, M l tho life** oro largo* fbooo x t s m i t ahoold 3* s*do

levotXtbXo to *11 tho pooylo f w tho ty *** for tho oa tiro too l** woofflb*

o f tho yoor# fho fwntll i o tofoflgy to tho iN#***dMby im i in tfeorofao* tho

lo g ia o l ooislor taroaad ofatofri to gp oo odtolt oAtxoo&la* aotlY ltioo *

Par tho ol3wi& otto» o f oootofu l o f f art and dup llootioa o f o o tlv itlo a # M l

to o ooM*s&hjjf i fito o ooopor*t» I n a p lr it o f onlor!,1** 1* 1*-.^- *fe wh» O *o(ft 4k>£ 0*0* 40&h#iiiMk v AM**XOOOM o ft sodot Ahthoo sojoon&hfeoo APtk-4k *i poOkoo hfeOk.'IMBraUiw mPoW*onMWp WowpifiJWI OV yytwwyWjBI WW- wIWP VQKKtKHfmKmwjp WPWRf“F9 oflH 6MI Bf

ao©oo*Xiofe*A b p tho foraotlaoi o f XoooX ©oaaaoHity aotixioiXo* ohaoo opt looObjk ioyfhoiiho aoolut oMmfcxiRjoaoiffe *k*oMMo4loMai <hOol tBsoo oooot £oM**hhtooo* <Aioo.oWpt Twtr oMiWWwwBWPoo wR*o*w oWBR wHB’Apa j oPwWPaKXr AWX *»aPBP onHhw *mBf *01mwI *mm*GX jowD rvtSHp oo*r

tho oMMonasafca IVObobXo ono o f tho f ir o t PmOA*!* o f tho !«**«* t aoaasoli m ilA Is*

tO tO Slot# ft* «fft»pf|X f tH^IA «jMlnpy<1y IzioliaOO* tho dlvioiOtt. NWgOrl**’

t ondoafco o f oohoolo# ooXforo oarboro* RoA Crooo jbbopoo* com ity oad Eoe* &ooa*»

ottvotlflo mmamisM mgui 00101*101 inflsaoix&lol oitioom i o f tho fifiniinltm ii I t lo ooO


fom ilorfNHI*. y***p moot to toooA t to oooAo Xjoto rootto of ofoSto*

ft oliOMjotHMI# WHi JfFVFmtBSB W flwtJPP* ®tt WUJlJl *MP*KCUBl wBro*VWiy t yOH HW® fiHMBHBBHI

ai 4EVktlS3L4 3bi

o f 10 or I t oAolto* fto oohoolo o tto n o tio s M i Aovolofnm t o f ooMonttgr

^ yit ryr | |^ n* Oto*ootf*tiNl t to for t t ia oortioo* Xo ooot a*oo* t to owro13**

h ^ i i L A m pmmummSpmS OSBMUStfldiXOflB* m.

E««a— bi«> ^ ia«af3M gr.« «w% w fcj^ t* w «i u «n tw «a i» « m b fe«

o fftfo d o t t to o o o w tit^ ooosNhts* olooooo for iXXitorotoo ox* to o t toxidXoA

4I38M4 j Rk 4j4RM4t3k3L 4|RfWB4M4 &tt N44k(j8RRRP4R 4N 4$!feWRM444 4R!!&4k4R4R4MRI 4R4li4k fcRk

ihooa jpooyloa fhob th o iX liia ra to oAolb owsto to Xooro to xooA ooA orAbo too

bP'ttkBlMAMjlHteiAJMMBlAl-JOOilfa SMAlr Oi Bfcf atfi JLr jft Q.jto muMmAI fifeiAt feO Jto. 'SnBASMteO Jkt Biflilklkb'-A' JkilifeA - jj -ijL mbiAb Ai*%fe*lk J L ^ J t tA J iJliSSSSSlfi& A mpopoooxow o» obo tnooo

th o AqomomA o rito o # dooooo*. oXsnu* in c t t ABtinitlilp ooA 30* ISIco iAmvOXA to

Wf J t l S R i fliidNteifiiobAooi Ob SooootNMrSsi woB finS^ostioxy

yoOMosoo Soo* o il btio A lto o f oooAoty* to t i t 44JLJ3 &•$$ t&MKRk 4441(4 4W4MWW(k

b h o ir oAnAo owl toA ios oo th o t t hoy soy lood rioiwor and ftBUNup iiooo* mod boilO




Ik oka

Skwwrl# Chmrim* Am Tb© of itm m Afltoro* Mm York* Tm l&weAl'XmJmw*

Bit lingor* Mmm Joy* Hotbed* ia .JMStto UtmmAmtw MmmMm* Mm Y©rfet Chari#* s « r i S S ^ i r ~

$o»d# f * Wmmm-9 M m Tm tm W mm York* m om m ^Lll BookOosspaasr *S5iriSS$52ir IW r " i r am rm im i :

Beyl* rnXlitmm thm History of m&%mm Mvm&ion* Am Ij C* Slook** 4 4 *, < * * *""■»* A ^ iWw^wMiwr i .w.hii.hw.iw i ' 9jL&S tou f IPSjl#

Bry»onf Ip iB i Affiajfe SSSBIffis *l<w York* Amrimm Beok Ccmpemp, WM*

C ortw tght* iM m At&uui* jjwi fonro o f M o lt M w Btios* 8*w fork* ft*# aaoiiiYYai* c »(««5RrT®flKr ~ ew

Oawimgii# F• Am tmwd ntm ^hm m& tho aooioty Y«r tho o&ffution o f Oooftxl.« j tiipjWMMiw ■ «i-Wi*qpPi>N|W»#wi i t l f im f ■**»**% nnmiw■«»«»»■» imwit»i <|»i>nwim KminiWBtt. i ii>j »»iim«im»r"«1iiMiifrjp| wnwm- iniwt.xi Miiinw1 S K T leprimw

w i l of Mult Mwrnfclmijg T9$ Ho* I (Ootobor, lift)*iTt-Alk aMfLto- m lis Aii it'trt *0 ■'ft.’l'Jryik Tt t «n jiii.lijia. At/' Kto ** Jfch ih'ria Mk j& w m lr 1JV it L=.——I.A.. ,-u, ,- ‘rttWa -MarfcMi A>- -0 .mi- frUfrt ■-fam *!£#►.».'..—a.* ... -UQwM-g IJHAOlfcll*. &©&* * IsSJLvh IJSy* ilwil* I!o©@Rt 3LOO,# mWA YOTAt

atm rloij Sorthaor** B®m* iis ff jT ~ ’ '"

Bokot In* fToxik M* AOrlt&l st rot los© ©Y jkltsXt tkh$©$>t ion.* Hnt York* Aiiierioi&xsiW,**>,"|i|w> * |, W>(WMI»lAl’lll,'l,tllll*l»l'*ll<M' Wm—w '•iw»ii»i»»1l«<m»fii»i iwi Hwwiww—w awntenfc.miook 0 # ^

BlotoMmn* mmmrn# ompam* of tho F«ft»Ua sohool# lio fork*. jmtIomxiM t M i t n u r T O s s r s 5 7 w r

Soiswol, ond other©* Thm Co-mmwlty mefaml* Wm Yorki 0 * Applotcm co^iaf^r Oanpawgrt idaKT"

Bair* Bthol il* Co^rywi<So library Sorrloo* CAvIcm oi Amrlmm Library. *iiiijpMiiMWuiiii flimwp *i|jf |iiBW]ll* x >raw*^iiuow«wi<i&» **wm ©n wma»nM»inw ▼As am3 1»& IPS##

Flob0r# Iknrotliy Conflold* My stop JfiS £^2£? Bow Yorkt Huroourt* irao# aikl Oowpasay# litfiT

3artt Joseph I* A^ult M^oatioa* Mr York* Ytaos Y* Crwoll Coapiu r, l@g?«

On *, MXlimm S*t Moiaroo* tuth* Tho Boc Iim IsxtorootO' oM Ilablte ofAM&gm mm York 1 th»

%rot%* mud wmhrnt* llrtloy F# Moootion* A craeM#tmm&tmym km York* 0* A p p liw#


t l

tom* Bite*# SMom -Orcmp Fulallo m&P rlm t# * M r M & i fb# w*W*my£iSm F < 5 p i^ r ^ ^ * ni

tottaek^, Butt** .gg| tfe#^ool*I Soobo» Mm York*

ljua&ift* Sisiofi Y*f m& Y&ll«f&t Joim 0# HwfeX Mult. Mr York*The Wmmtllmt Coapwagr, Xf$$* "1,r' 'T' m'#11,r'n , r 'm ' :

tm m * Watemwt 1111* B w salvo Sohool* M r fork*

taw# cimpbmm* tini B#looti®» of took# for Mult itn 4r Mw#M r York!

I f ST*


Mgr* goy»lly y M il Almga Bottom tm m m®A CMpttyr*XBBBm

liirtl% 0# Currlo* tip M ult Sokool It# CrijgftaM m tt ™

U D*l o5 3 E 1 I7

S a ilo r , 4* D* iriuoiple-fi !**«§ MothM® 1b Mult Bdue&tloxu ll«t York*^ n w 7 “ .......................

Itrrsi totwfc* M ult ld«©#tlo» 1m fr&otloo* lonM u England* Mooss&IIob hm iitS iW f r'i,,’rw:mT''1"*'"

Mr**** F* W*, Fftnft3*r» f*# «®t ii&rl#* 0* 0* Mult fti« &*&*»&«Iskgttiry* Mr Yurkt the MOrwN^linSSSE ^S^^F^lBBorpersted, 1888*

M M i* Mwfctgrt o f M y lt Mg0fetlom^lB^4O M r

Soyfort*. M rrwa 0*

liS f*

^ Hgtat ‘Emmy® <hk M B it S&tMMfctlon#

Sotm»% M tm t* Mult ##♦ SMotttfoH** IM mnm**# fb# OBlYoreitro f llm »#i^E Sr^<S^T M E *

Stftoy* Williaia U# Xoto^ratlaii of M ult Mmm&im* vmm York t Bu*mu of PoMiOfttioB#* Yeft&fier» GoIl©fo# Ooltrtiit Haiwrelty,. XtSS*

Ccwrafc tileon* Corotey life lo&derg* Hlehmoctd* Ylrglai** t# P* J e M i

Studobakor* jogra W* fit# MorlOBB My* Mr York* HoSiw^llll Book Oos ftBr#** mmww * w

fhorMlkOt Hmrd L*# Br©iwm# Eleio o*# m*& Bllm# Mult Im m lm *Bew T&rte* tfm c&Mpmpt l i t i *

Thsmt$&%®9 Mwmrd L* tm York* fbo tstgn iilftn Ctoia$Mny*

Torbort* ftg* of m Mtait How Yorkt

Carolina a*# Gtptan# iter £*«• tteri®#* gii*&b®th c* f m i i t e i o f M o lt stn&on&a* Mtalnefccm*i n r w i s i w -® ^ — ------------

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Wilton* trn&m 1* Tlw Bol# of th® Library in Miilt Mnonttaj** Chio&iot 7h« i;a i'tp ^ if7 ^ f7 !V 3 ,Stt;’o — — -

Xnoro&sod so o ia i

liaiM iaoii# BtxHofela*# mMmt*m'im}mf**mm$i''mtrt ir mmmm>

tbromb Qwmmm&w ?lmm%m* liewtsbnrt* , murni'<w■giiwiir<» irffir y wi jlwiiwrtwjwwwfo * *b f p o b i io lafffem@rfeiom# ltM »

M$®y Sor t# _tmd M mm M m* wm York* fbt womm*$ Wmm9 Xf$S*

Calvin# anil Bin®# ir t i l iM 1* An 1oow aio <mi tooi&l, .iw w y o f GowWy» GrAvortsity o f W i S G r ^ ^ ^ ^ S B E S i l'S r lS T ^ S B iS S F # * ^ ) •

Vm%&tmrB tfeMMl# tfcm to Study# Mmlt Sbody Ctatliii»s* Ho* 1* I w York*York O&X varsity# XC38»

C hariot 8* Mtfeliigfe®©/

Of Mssltjl# 0o ll* t£n Ho* 0# I Qffio*#- IStS#

MUton# Ipim $g»loer« .4 Itoml oftlrt3S®a&#'

Mmmm&mm# C trm tm M6*‘ ' ttxi..... t* Qollof,© o f ^urion lttjro*

©tlo* 0* §*# and oamm®* 4m^mm» Mmri&m H isto rr tbronsb n o tio n *Sit York* 8*rri«# varsity*tmtrn

Qmmmt mi Mui t E&uaofeion* Wm York* Jtaorloan M B aci i w r ^

MmAtift* fteokbr* fM*ll«£iy for Mnit SM ipn# Mr York* @«rvio» i i m t S S F 'iff lE liiiw rs ity *

Strong# ioth#r S# Mnlt mumHm®, %n IMvwmity of VirginiaB^m#ioiw"^i<Sr, $lTr^STTT®^&or* ld$0}* Uni orffity# Virginia*

Stndobitor# <1* w# .fiojfo B a llo tla

mmmmmy % l Mtetifo Civie Mno&tioa#

otnm§ imh *M m inpSni }«» IT ®

mm%mn$ Louis s* M hm nr mgrnm pmwmiim4 bmimrm lib ra ry

BiM?£iii $ ,W % 3SSFm ^ mi €fc&«i(ge# Ck&m^&t vm&mvm&tef of CM**®* Pr#»it 1998*

J4M» Mnontton gnn»*la« 111* «*» f (April* 1M»)«W f*.*-i«^ttiis*,eflii. 1 j u ) R ' Jt, JL . O ft .Jltt .. ~ -m.'-^.A . a t ^ ^ ^jotrogy.. w w&wQ %<m

Bay}** Hnnor iHMbwfciMi m& fttatiar of %*• of iifcwapy ■mm&m inth o Public Schools o f Bapablia^od lfa&*r**of c«3iiaftil& fft&mwity Solioel of Mformfy Sorsrioo* liSf#

la th e r A* **!*# stafew* o f in o io Sdtaaafeiim in th* fgfeli* Bmfamti of ifrlrginl*#* $ogwfe2£«Mi f&&mw%wfoim m i immshmmC ollet#* U&iimr*£ty mi 1$$®*
