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Actin and Myosin in Plasmodesmata

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Chapter 28 ACTIN AND MYOSIN IN PLASMODESMATA Robyn L Overall, Rosemary G White 1 ,2, Leila M Blackman and Janine E Radford' School ofBiological Sciences, University of Sydney, NS W, 2006, Australia 1 Current address: CSIRO Plant Industry, Canberra, ACT, 2601 Australia 2 Department of Biological Sciences, Monash University. Melbourne. Victoria, 3800, Australia Key words: actin, cell-to-cell communication, centrin, intercellular transport, myosin, plasmodesmata, plants, regulation, ultrastructure Abstract: The motile proteins actin and myosin appear to be integral components of plasmodesmata, the channels through plant cell walls that provide a direct link between the cytoplasm of adjacent cells. Antibodies to both actin and myosin label the entire length of plasmodesmata in lower and higher plants. In combination with ultrastructural evidence, we speculate that actin could be arranged as a spiral around the central strand of endoplasmic reticulum (ER) within each plasmodesma, and myosin may form the observed links between the ER and the surrounding tube of plasma membrane that is also continuous from cell to cell. Inhibitor studies suggest that both proteins are important in maintaining the structural integrity of plasmodesmata. Actin and myosin disruptors also affect intercellular transport in some species, implying that actomyosin contraction may regulate transport either at the plasmodesma neck or by altering bulk flow from cell to cell. These findings suggest that, together with other contractile proteins, actin and myosin playa key role in regulating plasmodesma structure and intercellular transport in plants. 1. CELL-CELL COMMUNICATION VIA PLASMODESMATA Plasmodesmata are plasma-membrane-lined channels that cross the cell wall, providing a pathway for transport between the cytoplasm of neighbouring plant cells. They contain a central element of endoplasmic reticulum (ER) known as the desmotubule (Figs. 1a.b) which connects the ER of neighbouring cells (Overall et aI., 1982). The structure and regulation 497 CJ. Staiger et al. (eds.), Actin: A Dynamic Framework for Multiple Plant Cell Functions, 497-515. © 2000 Kluwer Academ ic Publi shers.

Chapter 28


Robyn L Overall, Rosemary G White1,2, Leila M Blackman and Janine E


School ofBiological Sciences, University ofSydney, NSW, 2006, Australia1 Current address : CSIRO Plant Industry, Canberra, ACT, 2601 Australia2 Department ofBiological Sciences, Monash University. Melbourne. Victoria, 3800, Australia

Key words: actin, cell-to-cell communication, centrin, intercellular transport, myosin,plasmodesmata, plants, regulation, ultrastructure

Abstract: The motile proteins actin and myosin appear to be integral components ofplasmodesmata, the channels through plant cell walls that provide a direct linkbetween the cytoplasm of adjacent cells. Antibodies to both actin and myosinlabel the entire length of plasmodesmata in lower and higher plants. Incombination with ultrastructural evidence, we speculate that actin could bearranged as a spiral around the central strand of endoplasmic reticulum (ER)within each plasmodesma, and myosin may form the observed links betweenthe ER and the surrounding tube of plasma membrane that is also continuousfrom cell to cell. Inhibitor studies suggest that both proteins are important inmaintaining the structural integrity of plasmodesmata. Actin and myosindisruptors also affect intercellular transport in some species, implying thatactomyosin contraction may regulate transport either at the plasmodesma neckor by altering bulk flow from cell to cell. These findings suggest that, togetherwith other contractile proteins, actin and myosin playa key role in regulatingplasmodesma structure and intercellular transport in plants.


Plasmodesmata are plasma-membrane-lined channels that cross the cellwall, providing a pathway for transport between the cytoplasm ofneighbouring plant cells. They contain a central element of endoplasmicreticulum (ER) known as the desmotubule (Figs. 1a.b) which connects theER of neighbouring cells (Overall et aI., 1982). The structure and regulation


CJ. Staiger et al. (eds.), Actin: A Dynamic Framework for Multiple Plant Cell Functions, 497-515.© 2000 Kluwer Academ ic Publishers.

498 Overall, White Blackman and Radford

of these channels have been the subject of several recent reviews (Lucas etaI., 1993; Overall & Blackman 1996; McLean et aI., 1997; Ding, 1998, Dinget aI., 1999; Lucas, 1999; Overall, 1999; van Bel et aI., 1999). Until recently,plasmodesmata were considered to be simple conduits for the passivetransport of small molecules up to I kDa (Robards & Lucas, 1990).However, recent advances have shown that plasmodesmata are highlydynamic structures which under certain conditions, allow the intercellulartransport of much larger molecules (Lucas et aI., 1993; Ding, 1999; Lucas,1999). Despite these recent findings, we know little about the moleculararchitecture of plasmodesmata, nor the exact mechanism of transportthrough them, or how this transport is regulated.

Transport through plasmodesmata and its dynamic regulation might beexpected to involve motility or contraction generated by the cytoskeleton. Inthis chapter, we discuss the evidence showing that cytoskeletal proteins forman integral part of plasmodesma structure and that these proteins may beinvolved in intercellular transport or its regulation.


Actin bundles labelled with the specific F-actin stain, rhodamine­phalloidin, occasionally focus on pit fields in epidermal tissue, and faintstrands can be seen crossing cell walls that contain only individualplasmodesmata not concentrated in pit fields (White et aI., 1994). Pit fieldsthemselves are sometimes brightly stained by rhodamine-phalloidin (Fig. 2a)(Hush & Overall, 1992; White et aI., 1994). Antibodies to animal or plantactin label a single band at approximately 43 kDa on Western blots of wholeplant extracts (Metcalf et aI., 1980; White et aI., 1994; Blackman & Overall,1998). These anti-actin antibodies labeled plasmodesmata in young andmature cell walls of Hordeum (Figs. 2b,c), Nicotiana (White et aI., 1994),Zea (Reichelt et aI., 1999) and Chara (Figure 2d) (Blackman & Overall,1998) at the transmission electron microscopy (TEM) level.

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Figure 1. Electron micrographs comparing plasmodesmata with actin and brush bordermicrovillae. (a-b) Longitudinal images of plasmodesmata showing the plasma membrane(PM), endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and desmotubule (arrow). The desmotubule is surroundedby a spiral of electron dense material (arrowheads). (a) Azolla root conventionally fixed in thepresence of tannic acid (from Overall et aI., 1982). Scale bar = 25 nm. (b) Freeze substituted

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barley root. (R. G. White, unpublished) Scale bar = 50 nm. (c-d) Transverse sections ofplasmodesmata delimited by the plasma membrane and containing a desmotubule (arrow).The desmotubule is surrounded by a 'mottled layer' of electron -lucent particles which areparticularly clear in (c) (arrowhead). In (d-e), an electron-lucent cytoplasmic lumen is seenbetween the 'mottled layer' and the plasma membrane (PM). This region is traversed byelectron-dense spokes (arrowheads). (c) Azolla root (from Overall et aI., 1982). Scale bar = IOnm. (d) Barley root (S. 1. Brett and R. G. White, unpublished). Scale bar = IO nm. (e) Egeriadensa leaves (supplied by 1. E. Radford) . Scale bar = IO nm. (f) Cross section of a bundle ofnegatively stained actin filaments (from Maciver et aI., 1991). Scale bar = 20 nm. (g)Longitudinal section through a brush border microvillus. The core bundle of actin filaments(A) is connected laterally to the plasma membrane (PM) by myosin cross filaments (M). (h)Longitudinal section through a de-membranated brush border microvillus in which the crossfilaments retain their striped pattern . (g-h) From Matsudaira and Burgess (1982) . Scale bars =

50 nm. (i) Oblique section of plasmodesma with extracellular filaments (arrowheads) andparticles, fixed in the presence of tannic acid (from Badelt et aI., 1994). Scale bar =25 nm.

Since plasmodesmata were labeled along their entire length and at theneck where they open into the cytoplasm, we conclude that actin mostprobably lines the cytoplasmic lumen between the desmotubule andsurrounding plasma membrane, linking the cytoskeleton of adjacent cells.Actin integrity and antigenicity is compromised during preparation for TEM,and these results were obtained only after all measures to preserve actin(omission of osmium, minimal chemical fixation or freeze-fixation, lowtemperatures during polymerization) were taken.

Antibodies to animal and plant myosin label bands in whole plantextracts consistent with either complete myosin or its breakdown products(Parke et aI., 1986; Qiao et aI., 1994; Miller et aI., 1995; Blackman &Overall, 1998; Radford & White, 1998; Reichelt et aI., 1999). Althoughmyosin was extremely difficult to preserve intact for Western blot analysis(Radford & White, 1998), the antigenic sites targeted by the antibodies usedappear relatively robust, and plasmodesmata can be stained by bothimmunofluorescence and immuno-EM (Blackman & Overall, 1998; Radford& White, 1998; Reichelt et aI., 1999). Immunofluorescence images showintense labelling of pit fields (Figs. Ja-d) (Radford & White, 1998; Reicheltet aI., 1999) and faint labeling of single plasmodesmata (Radford and White,1998) by antibodies to animal or plant myosins. TEM images revealed thatantibodies against myosin labeled the entire length of plasmodesmata (Figs.3e-h) (Blackman & Overall, 1998; Radford & White , 1998; Reichelt et aI.,1999). Radford and White (1998) showed that the antibodies that labeledplasmodesmata also labeled the surface of the ER, strands of cytoplasm andother organelle surfaces in cells, in locations where myosin would beexpected (Grolig et aI., 1988; Qiao et aI., 1994; Miller et aI., 1995). Myosinantibodies also labeled the modified central cavities of matureplasmodesmata in Chara cell walls (Figure 3h), indicating that, as for actin,

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the myosin cytoskeleton appears to be continuous from cell to cell in lowerand higher plants.

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Figure 2. Localisation of actin to plasmodesmata. (a) Confocal laser scanning microscopeimages of inner epidermal peels of Hordeum vulgare stained with rhodamine-phalloidin,showing actin filaments and fluorescent pit fields (arrowheads). Scale bar = 5 urn (fromWhite et aI., 1994). (b-d) Electron micrographs showing labelling of plasmodesmata by anti­actin antibodies. (b-e) Gold label (arrowheads) on plasmodesmata from Hordeum vulgare .Scale bars = 50 nm. (from White et aI., 1994). (d) Plasmodesmata branches (arrows) fromChara corallina. (L. M. Blackman, unpublished) Scale bar = 100 nm.



Overall, White Blackman and Radford

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-Figure 3. Immunolocalisation of myosin to plasmodesmata. (a-d) Adjacent optical sections ofa cell wall of Zea mays immunofluorescently labelled with anti-myosin antibodies, showingfluorescence traversing the wall at pit-fields (arrow). Scale bar = 3 um. (e-h) Immuno-EM ofanti-myosin antibodies on plasmodesmata. (e-t) Z. mays plasmodesmata (arrows). Scale bar =50 nm (a-f from Radford & White, 1998). (g) Immature plasmodesmata from Characora/lina. Scale bar = 100 nm. (h) Mature plasmodesmata from Chara cora/lina showinglabelled middle cavity (Blackman, unpublished). Scale bar = 100 nm.

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Fifteen families of myosins have been identified so far (Titus & Gilbert,1999) but only some of these have been identified in plants (Knight andKendrick-Jones, 1993; Kinkema & Schiefelbein, 1994; Kinkema et al., 1994;Yamamoto et al., 1999). Interestingly, the antibodies raised against the tailregion of a specific plant myosin VIII labeled only the plasma membraneand plasmodesmata but no other structures in the cells (Reichelt et al., 1999).In addition, the antibody used to localize myosin in Chara plasmodesmata(Blackman & Overall, 1998) probably recognizes myosin V (Plazinski et al.,1997). Since different types of myosin are involved in different functions(Baker & Titus, 1998), the identification of the types of myosin inplasmodesmata will be critical in determining the function of actin andmyosin in cell-to-cell communication.


The large size of primary and secondary antibodies , each of which isabout 8 nm (Roth, 1982), means that immuno-EM does not have sufficientresolution to localize actin or myosin to specific structures seen inultrastructural images of plasmodesmata. Therefore, the exact location andarrangement of actin and myosin can only be speculated upon.

One approach to this speculation is to compare the staining patterns anddimensions of components of the plasmodesmata with that for actin andmyosin. Surrounding the desmotubule is a 'mottled layer' which may abutdirectly onto the plasma membrane (Figs. 1a,c) or there may be an electronlucent region between this 'mottled layer' and the cell membrane (Figs. 1b,d,e). This electron-lucent region may contain electron-dense spokes(Burgess, 1971; Tilney et al., 1991; Ding et al., 1992; Schulz, 1995; Cook etal., 1997) connecting the 'mottled layer' to the cell membrane (Figs. 1d,e).These images have been variously interpreted (for review see van Bel,1999), but one interpretation outlined in Overall (1999) is that the 'mottledlayer' consists of negatively stained electron lucent particles arranged in aspiral (Fig. 1b). This spiral is connected to the cell membrane via electron­dense spokes traversing the electron-lucent region or cytoplasmic lumen.

Actin filaments that have been fixed in the presence of tannic acid appearin cross section as electron-lucent particles (Fig. If) (Maciver et al., 1991).These particles are of similar dimensions and staining patterns to theelectron-lucent particles in the 'mottled layer' of plasmodesmata in tissuefixed in the presence of tannic acid (compare Figs. 1c and 1f). Thenegatively stained actin in Figure 1f is a little larger than a pure actinfilament as it has been co-polymerised with alpha actinin and actaphorin.

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This suggests that the spiral of electron-lucent particles around thedesmotubule is actin. In transverse sections of plasmodesmata, there isusually only one site per plasmodesma labeled with the anti-actin antibody(White et aI, 1994). Presumably, only one antigenic site was at the surface ofthe section, as would be expected if it were in a spiral arrangement.

Similarly, the electron dense spokes in the plasmodesmata are alsocomparable in appearance and dimensions to brush border myosin I (BBM)in epithelial microvilli (compare Figs. ld,e and 19). Here, actin is bundled toform a stable structural element in the microvillus, and around this bundle isa 'finger' of cell membrane which is anchored to the actin via regularlyspaced BBM molecules (Fig. l g) (Matsudaira & Burgess, 1982). When themembrane has been removed, the myosin retains a transverse striping patternaround the core of actin (Fig. l h), reminiscent of the patterning around thedesmotubule (Fig. 1b). The electron-dense spokes in plasmodesmata maywell be myosin.

There are other filamentous structures associated with plasmodesmatathat could also comprise elements of the cytoskeleton. For example, there isan electron dense connection between the plasma membrane and theendoplasmic reticulum around the neck region of plasmodesmata (Overall etal., 1982) and a variety of electron-dense filaments and particles surroundingthe plasmodesmata in material treated with tannic acid (Fig. 1i) (Badelt etal., 1994). The position of these structures suggests that they could beinvolved in contraction to regulate intercellular transport pathways so thatthe involvement of actin or myosin in these structures is also a possibility.


One possible role for actin and myosin in plasmodesmata could besimilar to that of actin and its associated BBM in the intestinal epithelium ofanimal cells (Matsudaira & Burgess, 1982), that is, maintenance of structure.Nevertheless, this myosin retains some dynamic behaviour in that calcium,and other regulatory molecules, can alter the attachment to actin and thetightness of binding to the plasma membrane (for review see Hammer,1994). There are several other animal myosins whose main role in cells is toprovide structural integrity, such as ninaC (Hicks et al., 1996), and similarly,both actin and myosin may serve to maintain plasmodesma structure. Plantmyosins are generally small compared to the large, motile myosin II ofanimal cells, and some of these may well have a primarily structural role, asis postulated for the unconventional small myosin VIII (Reichelt et ai.,1999).

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A structural role is further supported by the effects of the actin-disrupter,cytochalasin D, which caused plasmodesmata in the fern, Nephrolepisexultata , to open wide at their necks and to lose their extracellular structures,although little effect was seen in plasmodesmata from higher plants (Whiteet aI., 1994). One functional approach to assessing structural integrity is todetermine the largest size of molecules that can freely move throughplasmodesmata, termed the size exclusion limit (SEL). Ding et al. (1996)showed that in tobacco mesophyll cells, application or injection of the actinantagonists, cytochalasin D or profilin, increased the SEL of plasmodesmata,pointing to a role for actin in maintaining structural integrity. Furtherevidence for the role of actin and myosin in maintaining structure andcontrol over the SEL comes from studies in which ATP levels have beenexperimentally altered, leading to a change in the SEL (Reid & Overall,1992; Tucker, 1993; Cleland et aI., 1994). A myosin antagonist, 2,3­butanedione monoxime, caused plasmodesma closure rather than opening, inZea mays and Allium cepa (Radford & White, 1998). Tilney et al. (1991) andTurner et al. (1994) observed drastic loss of structure in plasmodesmatatreated with proteases, emphasizing the role of proteins in maintenance ofplasmodesma structure.


Intercellular transport is thought to occur mainly through the cytoplasmiclumen between the desmotubule and the plasma membrane, but the ERlumen and membrane are also possible routes (Overall, 1999). Actin andmyosin may be involved in orchestrating or regulating this transport throughplasmodesmata. Certainly, components necessary for a functionalactomyosin system, such as adenosine triphosphate (ATP) and calcium,appear to be involved. ATPase activity has been localized at plasmodesmata(van Steveninck, 1976; Belitser et aI., 1982; Franceschi & Lucas, 1982;Nougarede et aI., 1985; Chauhan et aI., 1991). In barley roots, this ATPaseactivity has been shown to be calcium activated (Belitser et aI., 1982).Higher than normal intracellular levels of calcium will halt intercellularmovement (Erwee & Goodwin, 1983, Tucker, 1990; Lew, 1994; Holdaway­Clarke et aI., 2000).

5.1 Non-selective transport in the cytoplasmic lumen

Transport through plasmodesmata is defined as non-selective whensubstances below the normal SEL pass without requiring any special

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transport mechanism or modulation of the plasmodesma structure (forreview see Schulz, 1999). The non-selective transport can vary betweenspecies, tissue types and developmental stages. For example, while the usualSEL for plasmodesmata is in the order of 1 kDa (Robards & Lucas, 1990),free green fluorescent protein (GFP), which is a 27 kDa protein (Imlau et aI.,1999: Oparka et aI., 1999), and GFP fusion proteins as large as 50 kDa(Oparka et aI., 1999), can move from cell to cell in sink tissue.

Transport may take place by diffusion through the cytoplasmic lumen inthe plasmodesmata. In Chara, for example, the cell-to-cell movement ofradioactive chloride (Bostrom & Walker, 1975) and rubidium (Ding &Tazawa, 1989) occurs by diffusion. Disruption of actin filaments bycytochalasin E in Chara does not inhibit the cell-to-cell diffusion ofrubidium (Ding & Tazawa, 1989).

However, it is also possible that there is an actomyosin-powered bulkflow through the plasmodesmata, essentially allowing for cytoplasmicstreaming to be continuous between adjacent cells. In support of this idea isthat movement of carbon isotopes in Nitella flexilis (Zawadzki & Fensom,1986a,b) and N. translucens occurs by an active mechanism (Dale et aI.,1983). Carbon transport rates in Chara and N. translucens show a polarity(Dale et aI., 1983; Ding et aI., 1991) which is not explained by differences inphotosynthetic activity (Ding et aI., 1991). Treatments which decrease theATP concentration inhibit both cytoplasmic streaming and cell-to-celltransport in N. flexilis (Zawadzki & Fensom, 1986a) and Chara (Reid &Overall, 1992). The disruption of streaming in N. translucens by N­ethy1ma1eimide, which inhibits the action of myosin, also stops cell-to-cellmovement of radioactive carbon tracers (Dale et aI., 1983). Cell-to-celltransport in S. purpurea is inhibited by the secondary messengers IP2 andIP3 (Tucker, 1988). Interestingly, the injection of CaBAPTA, a calcium­loaded calcium chelator, stops cytoplasmic streaming in adjacent cells andcell-to-cell transport (Tucker, 1990). These findings predict that actin andmyosin may be involved in the intercellular transport in some species.

A final possibility is that since the actomyosin system is contractile,perhaps it could play a role in pumping materials through plasmodesmata,maybe even against a concentration gradient. If pumping were co-ordinatedat each end, a peristaltic type of contraction could force cytoplasmic contentsfrom one cell to the next. There is some evidence for asymmetry in theelectrical resistance of plasmodesmata (Overall & Gunning, 1982), but dyeinjection studies have, so far, provided no evidence for asymmetric transportof material from one tissue or cell to the next.

28. Actin and Myosin in Plasmodesmata

5.2 Selective transport in the cytoplasmic lumen


Transport of large molecules through plasmodesmata, made possible onlyby modulation of the structure of plasmodesmata or a specific transportmechanism, is defined as selective ( for review see Schulz, 1999).

One such example may occur in the plasmodesmata between companioncells and sieve elements in the phloem. These plasmodesmata appear toallow the movement of specific proteins into the enucleate sieve element thathave no protein synthesis machinery (Fisher et aI, 1992). Up to 200 differentproteins, with molecular sizes between 10 and 200 kDa, including actin andprofilin (Schobert et aI., 1998), have been found in phloem exudates (Fisheret aI., 1992; Sakuth et al., 1993; Nakamura et aI., 1993; Balachandran et aI.,1997). The sucrose-transporter protein, SUTl , and SUTl mRNA are alsofound in the sieve element, indicating that both the protein and mRNAundergo cell-to-cell transport into the sieve element (Kuhn et aI., 1997).

Complex molecular interactions occur between viruses andplasmodesmata during cell-to-cell (for review see Reichel et aI., 1999; alsosee McLean & Zambryski, this volume) and long-distance movement ofplant viruses (for review see Carrington et aI., 1996; Gilbertson & Lucas,1996). Viruses such as tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) temporarily modifyplasmodesmata (Oparka et aI., 1997) and move from cell to cell in anuncapsulated form. Essential for cell to cell movement of TMV is a virus­encoded 30 kDa movement protein (MP) (Deom et al., 1987). The MPincreases the SEL (Citovsky & Zambryski, 1991), binds to the TMV mRNA(Citovsky et aI., 1990) and chaperones unfolded viral RNA through theenlarged plasmodesma (Citovsky et aI., 1992). Recent findings show thatthese functions are not restricted to viral MPs. For example, a plant proteinwhich can modify plasmodesmata and transport sense and anti-sense mRNAhas been identified in Cucurbita maxima (Xoconostile-Cazares et aI., 1999).Interestingly, the TMV MP also co-localises with actin filaments (McLean etaI., 1995) and microtubules (Heinlein et al., 1995; McLean et aI., 1995),indicating a role for the cytoskeleton in cell-to-cell transport (also seeMcLean & Zambryski, this volume).

During development, regulation of the permeability of plasmodesmataoccurs, creating symplastic domains (Goodwin & Lyndon, 1983; Duckett etaI., 1994; Rinnie et al., 1998; Gisel et aI., 1999) and presumably triggeringorgan development in a similar manner to that seen in animal systems(Kalimi & Lo, 1988). Also critical to normal development is non-cellautonomous action of some transcription factors (for review see Jackson &Hake, 1997). The shoot meristem consists of three distinct layers, theepidermal layer, the subepidermal layer and the inner core (Szymkowiak &Sussex, 1992; Carpenter & Coen, 1995). Through the use of chimeras, it hasbeen shown that signals from one layer can affect the development of the

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other layers (Szymkowiak & Sussex, 1992). For example, the 45 kDatranscription factor, KNOTTED1, is found in all layers of the meristem,however the mRNA is only ever found in the inner core of cells (Jackson etaI., 1994). Microinjected fluorescently labelled KNOTTEDI protein hasrecently been shown to increase the SEL of plasmodesmata and catalyse itsown movement, and that of the KNOTTEDl mRNA, through theplasmodesmata (Lucas et aI., 1995; Mezitt & Lucas, 1996). Other examplesof non-cell automonous acting transcription factors include the Antirrhinumfloral homeotic genes FLORICAULA (Carpenter & Coen, 1995; Hantke etaI., 1995), DEFICIENS and GLOBOSA, the Arabidopsis trichome patterninggene, TRiPTYCHON (Schnittger et aI., 1999) and LIGULELESS-l frommaize (Becraft et aI., 1990). Central to our understanding of plantdevelopment will be the exploration of plasmodesmata function andregulation.

We propose that actin and myosin may be directly responsible for thespecific movement of viral and plant proteins and mRNA. In yeast (Long etaI., 1997; Takizawa et aI., 1997) and Caenorhabditis elegans (Guo &Kemphues, 1996), actin is directly responsible for the correct distribution ofmRNA and hence for subsequent developmental events .

5.3 Transport via the endoplasmic reticulum

In general, the ER component of plasmodesmata, as viewed in TEMimages, is tightly constricted and is only rarely seen dilated (for example , seeFig. l e, Overall & Blackman, 1996). Most studies have assumed thatintercellular transport would not occur through this compartment (Gunning& Overall, 1983). However, a recent micro-injection study has shown thatthe ER lumen can provide another intercellular transport pathway .Fluorescent probes up to 3 kDa injected into the ER of tobacco and 10 kDainto Torenia stem epidermal cells can move into the ER and nucleus of theadjacent cell (Cantrill et aI., 1999). In contrast , probes of 3 kDa and abovewill not move into the adjacent cell if the injection is cytoplasmic. Inaddition, Gamalei et aI., (1994) have shown that a contraction of theER/plasmodesmata system of the intermediary cells is associated withdecreased phloem loading at low temperatures.

Studies using fluorescent lipid and phospholipid analogs have shown thatthe ER membrane can also form a dynamic pathway through plasmodesmata(Grabski et aI., 1993). In addition, fusion proteins of GFP and MPs fromTMV (Mas & Beachy, 1998; Reichel & Beachy, 1998) and alfalfa mosaicvirus (AMY) (Huang & Zhang, 1999) localize with the ER. The biochemicalstudies of the MPs of AMY and TMY indicate that they behave as integralmembrane proteins (Moore et aI., 1992; Schaad et al., 1997; Huang &

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Zhang, 1999). Perhaps the ER membrane provides a pathway forintercellular movement of these proteins.

These intercellular movements via the lumen and membrane of the ER,may be simply diffusive. However, it is possible that there is some selectivefiltering within the ER lumen. Indeed, an antibody against calreticulin, acalcium-sequestering protein found specifically in the ER lumen, is localisedto plasmodesmata, whereas antibodies against two other ER proteins, theHDEL retention signal and BiP (immunoglobulin binding protein), did notlocalize to plasmodesmata (Baluska et aI., 1999).

It is a tantalizing possibility that the ER may actually move throughplasmodesmata. In the cytoplasm, actin (Goosen-de Roo et al., 1983; Quaderet aI., 1987; Lichtscheidl & Uri, 1990) and myosin (Grolig et al., 1988; Qiaoet al., 1994), which are intimately associated with the ER, act together toprovide constant rearrangement and movement of the ER (Grolig et aI.,1988; Kachar & Reese, 1988; Knebel et aI., 1990). If ER does move throughplasmodesmata, which way would it travel? Is all of the actin in aplasmodesma oriented parallel, and is the orientation within a cell wallaligned? Perhaps the recently characterized myosin VI, which movescontrary to other myosins (Wells et aI., 1999) would allow for bidirectionaltransport . Before we can answer these questions, we need to determinewhether actin or myosin antagonists affect this ER trafficking. In addition,intercellular movement of the ER would need to be reconciled with thesuggestion that ER can be divided into a number of domains, including thatwithin the plasmodesmata (Staehelin, 1997).


Centrin has been localised to the cytoplasmic opening of individualplasmodesmata in a number of species and is particularly prominent in theforming cell plate when primary plasmodesmata are forming in the new cellwall (Blackman et aI., 1999). Centrin may be responsible for regulation atthe neck region, since it contracts in response to calcium and relaxes inresponse to ATP. This work correlates with several studies showing effectsof ATP on cell-to-cell transport . At present, it is unclear how this mechanismwould be coordinated with a structural or functional role for actin andmyosin.

Interestingly, tubulin was found in protein extracts of walls containingplasmodesmata and not in extracts from walls without plasmodesmata fromChara (Blackman & Overall, 1998). It may be that microtubules areinvolved in bringing macromolecules such as viruses (Heinlein et al., 1995;McLean et aI., 1995) to plasmodesmata where actin and myosin are involved

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in the movement of molecules through plasmodesmata. Such systems, wheremicrotubules provide long-distance transport and actin provides short-rangemovement, have been identified in the transport of vesicles in animal cells(Langford, 1995; Allan & Schroer, 1999).


We conclude that, although the evidence is only beginning to emerge,actin, myosin and their associated regulatory and structural proteins, willprove to be essential components of many types of plasmodesmata. It nowremains to clarify what role these proteins play in the operation ofplasmodesmata.


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