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Actin Filament Dynamics in the Actomyosin VI ComplexIs Regulated Allosterically by Calcium–CalmodulinLight Chain

Ewa Prochniewicz 1, Anaëlle Pierre 2, 3, Brannon R. McCullough 2,Harvey F. Chin 2, Wenxiang Cao 2, Lauren P. Saunders 2,David D. Thomas 1⁎ and Enrique M. De La Cruz 2⁎1Department of Biochemistry, Molecular Biology and Biophysics, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis,MN 55455, USA2Department of Molecular Biophysics and Biochemistry, Yale University, New Haven, CT 06520, USA3Département de Physique, ENS de Cachan, F-94230 Cachan, France

Received 10 March 2011;received in revised form5 August 2011;accepted 31 August 2011Available online6 September 2011

Edited by R. Craig

Keywords:actin;myosin VI;calmodulin;cooperativity;phosphorescencespectroscopy

The contractile and enzymatic activities of myosin VI are regulated bycalcium binding to associated calmodulin (CaM) light chains. We have usedtransient phosphorescence anisotropy to monitor the microsecond rota-tional dynamics of erythrosin-iodoacetamide-labeled actin with stronglybound myosin VI (MVI) and to evaluate the effect of MVI-bound CaM lightchain on actin filament dynamics. MVI binding lowers the amplitude butaccelerates actin filament microsecond dynamics in a Ca2+- and CaM-dependent manner, as indicated from an increase in the final anisotropy anda decrease in the correlation time of transient phosphorescence anisotropydecays. MVI with bound apo-CaM or Ca2+–CaM weakly affects actinfilament microsecond dynamics, relative to other myosins (e.g., musclemyosin II and myosin Va). CaM dissociation from bound MVI dampsfilament rotational dynamics (i.e., increases the torsional rigidity), such thatthe perturbation is comparable to that induced by other characterizedmyosins. Analysis of individual actin filament shape fluctuations imaged byfluorescence microscopy reveals a correlated effect on filament bendingmechanics. These data support a model in which Ca2+-dependent CaMbinding to the IQ domain of MVI is linked to an allosteric reorganization ofthe actin binding site(s), which alters the structural dynamics and themechanical rigidity of actin filaments. Such modulation of filamentdynamics may contribute to the Ca2+- and CaM-dependent regulation ofmyosin VI motility and ATP utilization.

© 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved..


Interaction of actin and myosin is required forforce generation and contractility in muscle andnon-muscle cells. A large body of studies on themolecular mechanism of motility approaches theproblem by focusing primarily on one of the twocrucial issues of this mechanism: the structure ofthe actomyosin interface and nucleotide-induced

*Corresponding authors. E-mail addresses:[email protected]; [email protected] address: H. F. Chin, Department of

Biochemistry, Weill Cornell Medical College, New York,NY 10065, USA.Abbreviations used: CaM, calmodulin; TPA, transient

phosphorescence anisotropy; EGTA, ethylene glycol bis(β-aminoethyl ether) N,N′-tetraacetic acid; 2D,two-dimensional; ErIA, erythrosin iodoacetamide.

doi:10.1016/j.jmb.2011.08.058 J. Mol. Biol. (2011) 413, 584–592

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structural changes at the light chain bindingdomain of myosin. However, since biochemicalstudies indicate functional interdependence (i.e.,coupling) of the actin and light chain bindingdomains of several myosins, the two issues arelinked, and these interrelations must be elucidatedfor a complete molecular understanding of myo-sin-based motility.The essential light chain isoform bound to skeletal

muscle myosin strongly influences actin-activatedATPase,1 in vitro motility sliding velocity of actinfilaments,2 and the ability of the S1 motor domain toaccelerate actin polymerization.3 Actin-activatedATPase of smooth muscle myosin is regulated byphosphorylation-induced structural transitions inthe N-terminal region of bound light chains.4 Theactivity of molluscan striated muscle myosin isregulated by Ca2+ binding to the regulatory lightchain.5

Light chain regulation of actin–myosin interac-tions requires long-range allosteric communicationbetween the actin and light chain binding regionsof myosin. Crystal structures of muscle and non-muscle myosins indicate that small movementswithin the myosin motor domain can be transmit-ted through the converter domain to the lightchain binding region.6,7 Functional interdepen-dence between the motor properties of myosinand the light chain binding domain is particularlyclear in myosin VI (herein referred to as MVI)—theonly known myosin family member that movestoward the pointed end of actin filaments ratherthan the barbed end.7 MVI achieves reversedirectionality by rotating its lever arm in thedirection opposite to that of other myosins. Suchrotation is probably enabled by the presence of aunique insert between the converter and thecalmodulin (CaM) light chain binding (IQ) do-main, which influences coupling between the lightchain binding domain orientation and the nucleo-tide and actin binding sites.7,8

The insert and IQ domains of MVI each bind asingle CaM molecule. It has been suggested thatthe insert-bound CaM principally plays a structur-al role and the IQ-bound CaM may be involved inCa2+-regulation MVI function,9 namely, slowingactin motility, actin-activated ATPase, and ADPrelease.10,11 Early studies using gel densitometryshowed that binding of CaM to MVI HMM dimersis not affected by Ca2+ up to ∼100 μM.10 Massspectrometry confirms that CaM binding to theinsert and to the IQ region is Ca2+ independentand that CaM binds with a higher affinity(Kd ∼30 nM) to the insert domain.9 Furthermore,structural analysis by cryo-electron microscopyshows that Ca2+ weakens CaM binding to the IQdomain, but not to the insert.12 Since CaM bindsthe insert region of MVI independent of calciumwith a high affinity,9 while Ca2+ weakens the

affinity of CaM for the IQ domain of MVI,12 it ispossible that CaM binding and/or a CaM-linkedconformation of the IQ domain modulates actinfilament stiffening.There is increasing evidence that actin filaments

adopt multiple conformational states and that theequilibria among these states are modulated byinteraction with regulatory proteins, includingmyosin contractile proteins.13,14 Numerous studieshave shown that changes in the structural state(s) ofactin modulate filament sliding and actomyosinATPase15,16 and that the effect of myosin on actinstructure depends on the structural states ofmyosin.17–19 The impact of Ca2+–CaM regulationon the interaction betweenMVI and actin in terms ofactin structural properties is less clear.We initiated this study to determine whether

Ca2+–CaM regulation of MVI involves allostericmodulation of the actin binding regions thatmodulates the structural state fluctuations ofactin. We measured the actin filament microseconddynamics using transient phosphorescence anisot-ropy (TPA) and the actin filament flexural rigidityfrom images of thermally driven filament shapeconformations acquired using fluorescence micros-copy. Previously, we demonstrated that the struc-tural dynamics of actin is an importantdeterminant of functional properties of the acto-myosin complex.17,18,20 The present results withMVI reveal that the actomyosin interface andresulting changes in filament dynamics can beallosterically regulated by ligand-linked changes inthe light chain binding domain of myosin.

Results and Discussion

Effects of MVI on actin TPA decays

MVI binding affects the TPA decays of actinfilaments in a Ca2+- and CaM-dependent manner(Fig. 1). In the presence of free calcium (200 μM)and no added CaM, MVI substantially increasesthe final anisotropy, corresponding to a reductionin the amplitude of filament microsecond rota-tional dynamics (i.e., torsional stiffening; Fig. 1,red), as observed with other myosin isoforms.19

However, the effects of bound MVI are substan-tially diminished in the absence of calcium (i.e.,with bound apo-CaM; Fig. 1, blue) or uponaddition of 30 μM Ca2+–CaM (Fig. 1, green).Equilibrium binding assays confirm that MVIbinds actin stoichiometrically under these condi-tions (Fig. 2), indicating that the observed effectsreflect Ca2+- and CaM-dependent structuralchanges in actomyosin VI. Calcium and/or CaMalone has negligible effects on the TPA decays ofbare actin (data not shown).

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Ca2+ and CaM dependence of MVI effects onactin torsional dynamics

We evaluated the CaM dependence of actin TPAdecays, specifically the final anisotropy and theaverage correlation time [Eqs. (1) and (2) and Fig. 3],with sub-stoichiometric MVI (myosin VI bindingdensity=0.25) to determine if torsional stiffening ofactin filaments by MVI is regulated by CaM. Thefinal anisotropy and the average correlation time ofactin depend hyperbolically [Eq. (3)] on the [CaM]when Ca2+ is saturating9,11 (Fig. 3), yielding anapparent binding affinity (Kd) of 0.6 μM (finalanisotropy) to 1.5 μM (average correlation time) forCa2+–CaM binding to the IQ domain of MVI. Ca2+–[CaM]-dependent changes in the individual compo-nent anisotropy amplitudes (r1 and r2) and correla-tion times (ϕ1 and ϕ2) yield essentially identicalresults as the final anisotropy and average correla-tion time (Fig. 4; Kd=0.5–1.2 μM). Thus, Ca2+–CaMsimilarly affects both slow (r1, ϕ 1) and fast (r2, ϕ2)components of the anisotropy decays. We conclude,in agreement with cryo-electron microscopy

Fig. 2. Equilibrium binding of myosin VI and actinfilaments. Binding of myosin VI to actin in the presence(blue) and absence (red) of 200 μM Ca2+ measured frompyrene actin fluorescence quenching. The continuousline is the best fit to a quadratic binding expressionusing the binding affinities21 and total reactantconcentrations,22,23 yielding binding stoichiometries of0.98±0.07 and 0.98±0.04 in the presence and absence ofCa2+, respectively.

Fig. 3. Effects of exogenous CaM on TPA decays ofactomyosin VI. Conditions: 200 μM Ca2+ (solid symbols)or 1 mM EGTA (solid symbols). The myosin bindingdensity is 0.25. The continuous lines through the datarepresent the best fits to rectangular hyperbolae [Eq. (3)].Uncertainty bars represent 1 SD from the mean.

Fig. 1. Effects of Ca2+ and CaM on the TPA decays ofactomyosin VI. Conditions: 200 μM Ca2+ (red), 200 μMCa2+ and 30 μM CaM (green), and 1 mM EGTA (blue).Bare actin (gray) is shown for comparison. Smooth linesrepresent fits to the sum of two exponential terms [Eq. (1)].Both panels show the same data over different timescales.

586 Actin Filament Dynamics in Actomyosin VI Complex

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studies,12 that Ca2+ lowers the CaM binding affinityofMVI and exogenous CaM is needed to saturate theIQ domain of MVI; binding to the insert IQ peptide

is much tighter (Kd∼30 nM) and independent ofcalcium.9Inclusion of exogenous CaM in the absence of

calcium [1 mM ethylene glycol bis(β-aminoethylether) N,N′-tetraacetic acid (EGTA) present] has nodetectable effect on the TPA decays (Fig. 3). Thesimplest explanation of this result is that MVI issaturated with CaM from the initial purification andthis endogenous CaM binds MVI with high affinity(Kdb130 nM) in the absence of Ca2+. Thus, threedistinct states that differentially affect actin rota-tional dynamics exist, and their distribution isdictated by the CaM and Ca2+ concentrations.

Allostery of MVI effects on actin torsionaldynamics in the presence and absenceof calcium and CaM

Experiments thus far (Figs. 1–4) evaluate theeffects of CaM at a single bound MVI concentration.We have previously shown that the perturbation ofactin filament microsecond torsional dynamics byvarious myosin isoforms displays non-nearest-neighbor (i.e., long range) cooperative interactions,such that an individual boundmyosin influences thedynamics of ∼10 unoccupied filament subunits.19

For determination of whether and how the extent offilament saturation with MVI affects the regulatoryeffects of CaM, actin was titrated with MVI in thepresence of calciumwithout and with CaM added atsaturating (30 μM) concentration as well as in theabsence of calcium, and the MVI-induced changes inthe final anisotropy and average correlation timewere fitted to a one-dimensional lattice model [Eq.(4) and Fig. 5]. In the presence of Ca2+ but absence ofCaM, the increase in final anisotropy is highlycooperative, and a single bound MIV affects thedynamics of 8.5±2.7 filament subunits, similar tothat observed for myosin Va.19 A comparablecooperative unit (N=8.2±3.7) is observed in thereduction in the average correlation time.Either addition of CaM in the presence of calcium

(Ca2+–CaM) or removal of calcium by EGTA (apo-CaM), two conditions favoring CaM bound at theMVI IQ domain, has substantial effects on actindynamics. Cooperative changes in final anisotropyfor Ca2+–CaM and apo-CaM are less pronounced(N=4.6±0.1 and N=6.1±1, respectively), with amodest reduction in the magnitude of change infinal anisotropy. The effects on the correlation timeare noncooperative (Fig. 5). These data indicate thatthree MVI states with distinct actin filament

Fig. 4. Effects of CaM on the individual TPA decaycomponent correlation times and anisotropy amplitudes.Conditions: 200 μM Ca2+. The myosin binding density is0.25. The continuous lines through the data represent thebest fits to rectangular hyperbolae [Eq. (3)]. Uncertaintybars represent 1 SD from the mean.

587Actin Filament Dynamics in Actomyosin VI Complex

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interactions and cooperativity (Table 1) exist in areversible Ca2+- and CaM-linked equilibrium(Table 1). MVI with bound apo-CaM or Ca2+–CaMweakly affects actin filament microsecond torsionaldynamics compared to other myosins (e.g., musclemyosin II and myosin Va19). CaM dissociation frombound MVI stiffens filaments (Fig. 6), to an extent

comparable to that of other myosins.19 Ca2+- andCaM-dependent modulation of acto-MIV filamentdynamics may contribute to regulation of myosin VImotility and ATP utilization.10,11

Bending persistence length of actomyosin VIfilaments modulated by Ca2+ and CaM

We determined the actin and filament bendingpersistence length, Lp, by fitting the two-dimension-al (2D) average cosine correlation function, hC(s)i, tothe average cosine of correlated tangential angles (θ)along segment lengths of actin filaments.24,25 MVIincreases the actin filament Lp from 8.8±0.8 μm to15±1 μm (in the presence of 1 mM EGTA; Fig. 6).Adding 200 μM Ca2+ to actomyosin VI dissociatesmyosin-bound CaM and stiffens filaments, asindicated by a higher Lp of 23±2 μm (Fig. 6).When additional CaM is supplemented to favorCa2+–CaM binding, actomyosin VI filaments havean Lp of 14±1 μm (in the presence of 200 μM Ca2+

and 30 μM CaM; Fig. 6), which is comparable toactomyosin MVI in the presence of 1 mM EGTA.These measurements indicate that myosin-VI-,Ca2+-, and CaM-dependent changes in actin

Table 1. Summary of actomyosin VI filament interactions and dynamics

Conditions CaM occupancy Actin cooperativityFinal


High Ca2+, low CaM IQ domain: unoccupiedInsert: bound CaM

Induces cooperative (N∼8 subunits)actin structural changes

High Cooperative acceleration

Ca2+ free (EGTA) IQ domain: bound apo-CaMInsert: bound CaM

Weakly/noncooperative Intermediate Noncooperativeacceleration

High Ca2+, high CaM IQ domain: boundCa2+–CaM

Insert: bound CaM

Weakly/noncooperative Intermediate Weak acceleration

Fig. 5. Effects of myosin VI on the final anisotropy andaverage correlation time hϕi of actin filaments. Condi-tions: 200 μM Ca2+ (red), 200 μM Ca2+ and 30 μM CaM(green), and 1 mM EGTA (blue). Myosin binding densitieswere calculated from the equilibrium binding affinitiesand total concentrations. Molar ratios ranged from 0 to 1.2myosin per actin. The continuous lines represent the bestfit of the data to the expression for binding to a linear one-dimensional lattice with cooperative non-nearest-neigh-bor interactions [Eq. (4)]. Uncertainty bars represent 1 SDfrom the mean.

Fig. 6. Bending flexibility of actin filaments modulatedby myosin VI. The best fits of the average angularcorrelation of actin filaments to the 2D persistence lengthfunction [Eq. (7)]: bare (black) and fully myosin VIdecorated with 200 μM Ca2+ (red), 200 μM Ca2+ and30 μMCaM (green), or 1 mMEGTA (blue) yield persistencelengths of 8.2±0.2, 21.4±0.7, and 12.8±0.2 μm, respectively.

588 Actin Filament Dynamics in Actomyosin VI Complex

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filament flexural rigidity correlate with effects ontorsional dynamics assayed by TPA.

Origin of CaM-dependent actomyosin VI filamentdynamics

CaM-regulated dynamics of actomyosin VI (Figs.3 and 5) does not result from CaM binding to actin(e.g., bound CaM interaction with actin's C-terminus, as observed for the essential light chainof muscle S126) since the light chain bindingdomain of actin-bound MVI points away fromthe actin filament, while that of muscle myosin IIand MV tilt toward the filament.7,8 It is morelikely that CaM-regulated dynamics of MVI-boundactin occur via allosteric structural changes at theactin binding regions of MVI that originate fromthe light chain binding IQ domain. Reorganizationof the actomyosin interface presumably compro-mises the energy and/or interface area betweenfilament subunits, which influences the filamentcompliance.27

We observe a remarkable agreement betweenMVI-induced changes in the microsecond torsionalrigidity and the millisecond flexural rigidity of actinfilaments (Fig. 7). Correlated, but opposite, changesin the twisting and bending motions of actinfilaments are induced by cofilin—bound cofilinlowers the torsional28 and flexural rigidity of actinfilaments.25 These observations are consistent with acoupling between actin filament twisting andbending motions.27 The non-nearest-neighbor ef-fects on filament dynamics and elasticity couldinfluence the stepping behavior of dimeric myosinVI and interaction with filament regulatory proteins.

Actin subdomains 1 and 2 are regions likely to beaffected by MVI binding as it results in reorgani-zation of the actomyosin interface.29 We expectMVI-induced changes in subdomain 1 to be subtlesince the phosphorescence lifetime of erythrosiniodoacetamide (ErIA)-actin (156.8±5.4 μs)—a sen-sitive indicator of accessibility of the probe envi-ronment—is not significantly affected by MVIeither in the absence of Ca2+–CaM (148.4±3.6 μs)or in the presence of 30 μM CaM (137.1 μs).Alteration of the DNase loop within actin sub-domain 2 has been implicated in determination ofactin mechanical properties, 30 as well as thedynamics and distribution of structural stateswithin actin filaments, particularly upon interactionwith a variety of actin-binding proteins.13,25,28,31–33

The increased flexibility and dynamics of cofilin-decorated actin filaments were interpreted interms of possible disruption of stabilizing inter-subunit contacts, particularly contacts involvingsubdomain 2 induced by rearrangement of theDNase loop.25,33 It is possible that MVI stiffensactin filaments by stabilizing the same DNase-loop-mediated intersubunit contacts that modulatethe dynamics and rigidity of actin filaments. MVIcould potentially favor formation of a subset ofthe various actin filament subunit solutionconformations.13,14 Differences in the TPA ofMVI as compared to other myosins (e.g., finalanisotropy, correlation time, or cooperativity19)may reflect different distributions of the variousfilament thermal conformers that are populatedwith bound myosin.

Implications for biological functions of MVI

The effects of Ca2+–CaM on the dynamics ofactomyosin VI could potentially have functionalimplications. MVI stiffens actin filaments andpossibly makes them more resistant to fragmen-tation, similar as bound MV,19 dystrophin, andutrophin.34 MVI is present in many non-musclecells, and Ca2+-associated modulation of actomy-osin VI stiffness may be one of the structuraldeterminants of the mechanical properties of actinbundles such as in hair cells in the inner ear.35

Studies on the dynamics of hair bundles indicatethat the bundle stiffness increases with Ca2+

concentration, interpreted as Ca2+ modulation ofactin filament stiffness.36 A significant increase inthe hair bundle stiffness is observed at ∼200 μMCa2+,36 which agrees with the increased actinfilament stiffness upon the addition of MVI and200 μM Ca2+ observed here. Thus, Ca2+ regula-tion of CaM binding to the IQ domain of MVI(i.e., by Ca2+ fluxes in the inner ear) likelyenhances the “grip” of MVI on actin filamentsand the mechanical stiffness of actin-based cyto-skeletal structures.

Fig. 7. CaM-dependent microsecond dynamics andmillisecond flexural rigidity of actomyosin VI filaments.The amplitude of the microsecond dynamics calculatedfrom the average anisotropy r from 400 to 500 μs (blue)and bending Lp from fits of the average angularcorrelation (green) of actin filaments upon the additionof saturating concentrations of myosin VI alone and with200 μM Ca2+ and/or 30 μM CaM. Error bars indicate thestandard error of the mean.

589Actin Filament Dynamics in Actomyosin VI Complex

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Materials and Methods

Protein preparations

Actin was prepared from rabbit skeletal muscle andlabeled with ErIA (AnaSpec)17 or pyrene-iodoacetamide(Invitrogen) at Cys374 or Alexa 488 succinimidyl ester(Molecular Probes, Eugene, OR) and gel filtered.25,32 Alabeling efficiency with ErIA of 0.83±0.13 (mean±SD,n=11) was determined from the absorbance at 538 nmusing an extinction coefficient of 83,00037 and ∼0.8 forAlexa 488. Freshly prepared ErIA-labeled actin wasimmediately stabilized against label-induced destabiliza-tion by adding a molar equivalent of phalloidin. Actin-bound Ca2+ was exchanged for Mg2+ with 200 μM EGTAand 80 μM MgCl2 immediately before polymerization.Single-headed porcine myosin VI (T406A mutant; trun-cated at Gly840) with bound CaM light chain21–23 waspurified from Sf9 cells by Flag affinity chromatography.The purity was N98% for all preparations. CaM waspurified from Escherichia coli using calcium-dependenthydrophobic interaction chromatography on phenylSepharose 4B.38

TPA experiments

Phalloidin-stabilized ErIA-F-actin was diluted inKMg50 buffer [50 mM KCl, 2 mM MgCl2, and 10 mMimidazole (pH 7.0) with 0.2 mM CaCl2 or 1 mM EGTA] to0.5 μM, and 0.05–0.6 μM MVI was added to form theactomyosin VI complexes, as indicated in the text. Toremove residual ATP and ADP from actin, we incubatedall samples prior to measurement for 20 min with0.5 units/ml apyrase. To prolong the excited-state lifetimeand prevent photo-bleaching of the dye, we removedoxygen from the sample by 5 min of incubation withglucose oxidase (55 μg/ml), catalase (36 μg/ml), andglucose (45 μg/ml).17

TPA data analysis: Model-independent fit to the sumof exponentials

Time-resolved phosphorescence anisotropy was mea-sured at 25 °C as described previously19 by recording 30cycles of 1000 laser pulses (500 in each orientation of thepolarizer). The initial anisotropy r0, rotational correlationtimes ϕ1 and ϕ2, and corresponding amplitudes r1 and r2were determined by fitting the anisotropy to the sum oftwo exponential terms and a constant r∞ as describedpreviously:20

r tð Þ = r1exp −t = f1ð Þ + r2exp −t = f2ð Þ + rl ð1ÞThe time course of TPA decay was fitted in the 10- to

500-μs time range. The fit quality indicated residuals b2%of the signal. Extending the fit to the full scale of decay(1 ms) increased the residuals due to lower signal-to-noiseratio at long times but yielded r∞ values within 5% of thecalculated average r(t) in the 400- to 500-μs time range,since the decays are nearly completed within thistimescale. The calculated average value of r(t) in the 400-to 500-μs time range has been shown previously to

provide the most sensitive and precise measurement ofactin's microsecond rotational dynamics20 and thereforewas defined as the final anisotropy, determining theamplitude of microsecond timescale motions in actin. Thecomponent lifetimes and amplitudes of the two exponen-tial fit were used to calculate a single weighted averagecorrelation time hϕi:

hfi = f1r1 + f2r2ð Þ = ðr1 + r2Þ ð2ÞThe apparent affinity Kd of CaM to MVI was deter-

mined by fitting the effects of CaM on the final anisotropyand average correlation time (y) to a rectangular hyper-bola with offset using the Origin.8 program:

y = y0 + ymax CaM½ �ð Þ = Kd + CaM½ �ð Þ ð3Þwhere y0=y in the absence of CaM.The effects of bound MVI on the observed final

anisotropy (robs) of actin were analyzed in terms of thelinear one-dimensional lattice model with non-nearest-neighbor interactions,20,39 in which binding to an individ-ual actin filament subunit allosterically affects the dynam-ics of a filament segment containing N protomersaccording to:

y = ymax − ymax − yactinð Þ 1−vð ÞN ð4Þwhere yactin and ymax are the limiting values of finalanisotropy and average correlation time ⟨ϕ⟩ at 0 andinfinite concentrations of MVI, respectively, and v is theMVI binding density (i.e., bound [MVI]/[actin]). Theunconstrained parameters in the least-squares fit wereymax and N.The phosphorescence intensity (unpolarized) was cal-

culated as I(t)=(Iv(t)+2⁎GIh(t))/3, and fitted to

I tð Þ = a1 exp − t =H 1ð Þ + a2 exp − t=H 2ð Þ + a3 exp − t=H 3ð Þð5Þ

The amplitudes (ai) and the triplet excited-state lifetimes(τi) were used to calculate a single weighted averagelifetime, hτi:

hH i = a1H 1 + a2H 2 + a3H 3ð Þ= a1 + a2 + a3ð Þ ð6Þ

Equilibrium binding measurements

Myosin VI binding to actin filaments was measuredfrom the [myosin] dependence of pyrene actin fluores-cence quenching.22 MVI was mixed with 500 nMphalloidin-stabilized pyrene actin and equilibrated at25 °C (±0.1 °C) for 40–60 min in the presence of theindicated [CaM] and [Ca2+]. Steady-state fluorescenceintensities were measured using a Photon TechnologiesInternational (New Brunswick, NJ) Alphascan fluores-cence spectrometer.

Determination of filament flexural rigidity

Cation-exchanged Alexa-488-labeled actin was poly-merized in KMg50 buffer and equilibrated with andwithout saturating concentrations of myosin VI. Sampleswere diluted with KMg50 buffer supplemented with

590 Actin Filament Dynamics in Actomyosin VI Complex

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15 mM dextrose, 100 mM DTT, 0.1 mg/ml glucoseoxidase, and 20 μg/ml catalase and either 200 μM Ca2+,200 μM Ca2+ with 30 μM CaM, or 1 mM EGTA to a finalactin concentration of 50 nM. Analysis of filamentsundergoing thermal fluctuations and those adsorbed topoly-L-lysine-treated slides yielded comparable results.24

Images of individual filaments were acquired using aNikon Eclipse TE300 microscope equipped with a Cool-snap HQ cooled CCD camera (Roper Scientific, Tucson,AZ) and μManager, processed using imageJ† and ana-lyzed with a code written in Matlab (The Mathworks,Natick, MA) as described previously.25 The bendingpersistence length (Lp) was determined by fitting theaverage of N100 angular (θ) cosine correlation measure-ments hC(s)i of a segment length, s, corrected formeasurement variance, to the following 2D correlationfunction:

hC sð Þi = hcos u sð Þ − u 0ð Þ½ �i = e

−s2Lp ð7Þ

Statistical analysis of data

Each result is reported as mean±standard error of themean, unless indicated otherwise.


Phosphorescence experiments were carried out inthe Biophysical Spectroscopy Facility, University ofMinnesota. The authors thank Octavian Cornea forassistance with preparation of the manuscript. Thiswork was supported by grants from the NationalInstitutes of Health to D.D.T. (AR32961, AG26160)and to E.M.D.L.C. (GM071688, GM071688-S1, andGM097348). E.M.D.L.C. is an American HeartAssociation Established Investigator (0940075N), aNational Science Foundation CAREER Award re-cipient (MCB-0546353), and a Hellman FamilyFellow. B.R.M. was supported by American HeartAssociation predoctoral award 09PRE2230014. H.F.C. was supported by National Institutes of Healthpredoctoral fellowship F31 DC009143 and in part bygrants from the American Heart Association(0655849T) and Yale Institute for Nanoscience andQuantum Engineering to E.M.D.L.C.


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