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Age-related neural activity during allocentric spatial memory

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Age-related neural activity during allocentric spatial memory E. Antonova, D. Parslow, and M. Brammer Institute of Psychiatry, King’s College London, UK G. R. Dawson Warneford Hospital, Headington, Oxford, UK S. H. D. Jackson and R. G. Morris Institute of Psychiatry, King’s College London, UK Age-related decline in allocentric (viewer-independent) spatial memory is seen across species. We employed a virtual reality analogue of the Morris Water Maze to study the effect of healthy ageing on neural activity during allocentric spatial memory using functional magnetic resonance imaging. Voxel- based morphometry was used to ascertain hippocampal volumetric integrity. A widespread neural network comprising frontal, parietal, occipital, thalamic, and cerebellar regions was activated in young and older adults, but only young adults significantly activated bilateral hippocampus and left parahippocampus, as well as right frontal pole and dorso-lateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) during encoding and right DLPC during retrieval. Hippocampal grey matter volume was unchanged in older adults; however, prefrontal and parahippocampal functional attenuation was accompanied by volumetric reduction. We conclude that the decline in allocentric spatial memory with age is associated with attenuated hippocampal function, as well as compromised function and structure of prefrontal and parahippocampal regions. Age-related changes in spatial memory are ob- served across different species and in various procedures that essentially measure allocentric memory, the ability to represent location or position independent of bodily orientation (O’Keefe & Nadel, 1978). Significant age-related decline in spatial memory in humans has been observed using both large-scale environments and laboratory-based paradigms designed to engage allocentric spatial memory, mimicking naviga- tional requirements of the real world (Caplan & Lipman, 1995; Moffat, Zonderman, & Resnic, 2001; Ohta, 1983; Ohta & Kirasic, 1983; Walsh, Krauss, & Reginer, 1981). There is a strong consensus that spatial mem- ory is dependent on hippocampal function. This is supported by lesion studies in rodents (Morris, Garrud, Rawlins, & O’Keefe, 1982), non-human primates (Lavenex, Amaral, & Lavenex, 2006), and humans (Feigenbaum & Morris, 2004; Par- slow et al., 2005), as well as functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) studies (e.g. Parslow et al., 2004), which implicate hippocampal involve- ment in allocentric, but not egocentric, spatial memory. Pronounced age-related performance deficits in allocentric spatial learning in animals have been shown to correlate with changes in cellular, pharmacological and metabolic function # 2008 Psychology Press, an imprint of the Taylor & Francis Group, an Informa business Address correspondence to: Dr Elena Antonova, PO Box 78, Department of Psychology, Institute of Psychiatry, King’sCollege London, De Crespigny Park, London SE5 8AF, UK. E-mail: [email protected] MEMORY, 0000, 00 (00), 119 http://www.psypress.com/memory DOI:10.1080/09658210802077348

Age-related neural activity during allocentric spatialmemory

E. Antonova, D. Parslow, and M. Brammer

Institute of Psychiatry, King’s College London, UK

G. R. Dawson

Warneford Hospital, Headington, Oxford, UK

S. H. D. Jackson and R. G. Morris

Institute of Psychiatry, King’s College London, UK

Age-related decline in allocentric (viewer-independent) spatial memory is seen across species. Weemployed a virtual reality analogue of the Morris Water Maze to study the effect of healthy ageing onneural activity during allocentric spatial memory using functional magnetic resonance imaging. Voxel-based morphometry was used to ascertain hippocampal volumetric integrity. A widespread neuralnetwork comprising frontal, parietal, occipital, thalamic, and cerebellar regions was activated in youngand older adults, but only young adults significantly activated bilateral hippocampus and leftparahippocampus, as well as right frontal pole and dorso-lateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) duringencoding and right DLPC during retrieval. Hippocampal grey matter volume was unchanged in olderadults; however, prefrontal and parahippocampal functional attenuation was accompanied by volumetricreduction. We conclude that the decline in allocentric spatial memory with age is associated withattenuated hippocampal function, as well as compromised function and structure of prefrontal andparahippocampal regions.

Age-related changes in spatial memory are ob-

served across different species and in various

procedures that essentially measure allocentric

memory, the ability to represent location or

position independent of bodily orientation

(O’Keefe & Nadel, 1978). Significant age-related

decline in spatial memory in humans has been

observed using both large-scale environments and

laboratory-based paradigms designed to engage

allocentric spatial memory, mimicking naviga-

tional requirements of the real world (Caplan &

Lipman, 1995; Moffat, Zonderman, & Resnic,

2001; Ohta, 1983; Ohta & Kirasic, 1983; Walsh,

Krauss, & Reginer, 1981).

There is a strong consensus that spatial mem-

ory is dependent on hippocampal function. This is

supported by lesion studies in rodents (Morris,

Garrud, Rawlins, & O’Keefe, 1982), non-human

primates (Lavenex, Amaral, & Lavenex, 2006),

and humans (Feigenbaum & Morris, 2004; Par-

slow et al., 2005), as well as functional magnetic

resonance imaging (fMRI) studies (e.g. Parslow et

al., 2004), which implicate hippocampal involve-

ment in allocentric, but not egocentric, spatial

memory. Pronounced age-related performance

deficits in allocentric spatial learning in animals

have been shown to correlate with changes in

cellular, pharmacological and metabolic function

# 2008 Psychology Press, an imprint of the Taylor & Francis Group, an Informa business

Address correspondence to: Dr Elena Antonova, PO Box 78, Department of Psychology, Institute of Psychiatry, King’s College

London, De Crespigny Park, London SE5 8AF, UK. E-mail: [email protected]

MEMORY, 0000, 00 (00), 1�19

http://www.psypress.com/memory DOI:10.1080/09658210802077348

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of the hippocampus (Barnes, 1979; Gallagher &Rapp, 1997; Rosenzweig & Barnes, 2003).

In animals the neurobiological mechanismsthat support spatial memory have been widelyinvestigated using a well-established paradigm,the Morris Water Maze task (MWT). The MWTconsists of a circular pool with an underwaterplatform hidden by opaque water. The rodent isplaced into the pool at a different location at thebeginning of each trial and has to find theplatform. The task requires allocentric memory,as the animal relies on distal cues around the poolfor orientation and guidance. The MWT has beenused extensively in rodents to demonstrate therelationship between spatial learning and hippo-campal integrity (Morris et al., 1982), as well as toexplore the association between ageing andspatial learning (Diana, Domenici, Scotti, Loizzo,& Sagratella, 1995; Gallagher & Rapp, 1997;Rosenzweig & Barnes, 2003). Human analoguesof this task using virtual reality (VR) have alsobeen developed and employed to study the effectsof ageing. For example, Driscoll et al. (2003)found that older adults required many more trialsto reach the same level of performance as youngadults in a VR circular ‘‘pool’’ surrounded by a‘‘square room’’ containing the distal cues. Olderadult performance was correlated with bothhippocampal volume and magnetic resonancespectroscopy measured n-acetylaspartate/creatineratios. Moffat and Resnick (2002) used anotherMWT VR analogue to demonstrate age-relateddecline, with older adults spending less of aproportion of the distance travelled in proximityto a ‘‘hidden platform’’ and having to rely moreon proximal cues rather than room-geometrycues. A similar age-related decline has beenobserved by Newman and Kaszniak (2000) usinga real-space tent-like enclosure with distal cues onthe interior walls. The participants had to walk toa pole within the tent and subsequently return tothe pole’s position from a different entry point.Older participants were impaired in finding thelocation of the target relative to the youngeradults.

Despite the link between hippocampal dys-function and age-related decline in allocentricspatial memory in animals, there is very littledirect evidence implicating changes in hippocam-pal function in age-related decline in humans.Moffat, Elkins, and Resnick (2006) reported thefirst fMRI study employing allocentric processingof a VR environment, representing several roomswith interconnecting hallways with six common

objects placed throughout. Compared with youngadults, older adults showed reduced activation inneural network supporting allocentric spatialmemory, including the hippocampus and para-hippocampal gyrus, medial parietal lobe, andretrosplenial cortex.

The aim of the present study was to provide amore direct link between animal and humanstudies of age-related effect in allocentric spatialmemory decline by employing a translationalparadigm, a VR analogue of the MWT. Thisprocedure, termed the Arena task, involvesnavigation in a circular arena, surrounded bywalls adorned with abstract colour patterns. Theparticipants start from the periphery and movetowards a ‘‘pole’’ trying to remember the positionof the pole relative to the landmarks provided bythe walls. After a delay, starting from a differentdirection and with the pole removed they have tomove to the remembered position using thespatial cues provided by the walls to determinethe original pole location. Since the pole has beenpresented away from the walls they cannot relyon proximity to a specific visual cue, but have tointegrate distances and directions from a numberof cues. Notably, this procedure differs from theoriginal MWT used with rodents in that theparticipants are presented with the target locationfrom the outset, rather than having to search forit, an adaptation that reduces the use of specificsearch strategies, whilst measuring the sameessential function. Parslow et al. (2004) havepreviously used the Arena task to explorethe neural correlates of spatial memory in healthyadults, demonstrating posterior hippocampus andthe parahippocampal gyrus activation duringallocentric, but not egocentric, encoding in agroup of male adults of a wide age range (19�45years old). Additionally, the task engaged severalother brain regions implicated in spatial naviga-tion, including the parietal lobe and thalamus,broadly consistent with previous studies examin-ing the neural network underlying spatial mem-ory (Burgess, Maguire, & O’Keefe 2002).

It was predicted that while young adults willshow significant hippocampal/parahippocampalactivation, older adults would show attenuatedactivation. We have also applied Voxel-BasedMorphometry (VBM) (Ashburner & Friston,2000) in the same sample of young and olderadults to investigate whether the attenuation inhippocampal function during spatial memoryprocessing in healthy ageing is accompanied byits volumetric reduction.


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Two groups of right-handed healthy adults tookpart in the study: 10 young adults with the meanage of 23.6 years (SD�1.78), range 20�26 years;and 10 older adults with the mean age of 72.14(SD�5.33), range 64�79 years. Older adults wererecruited from the healthy volunteer database ofthe Clinical Age Research Unit at King’s CollegeLondon Medical School and were screened by aclinical gerontologist (SJ) using the Mini-MentalState Examination (MMSE, Kurlowicz & Wal-lace, 1999). All participants had higher education(years of education more than 16) and were freeof any significant physical illness, with no historyof neurological or psychiatric conditions. Allparticipants gave informed consent.

Verbal, Performance and Full Scale IQ wasestimated using Wechsler Abbreviated Scale ofIntelligence (WASI; Wechsler, 1999). The twogroups did not differ significantly in Verbal IQ(Young group mean�117.90, SD�11.46, Oldergroup mean�122.85, SD�4.22) p�.205, at 5%level. The older participants had slightly higherPerformance and Full Scale IQ (Performance:Young group mean�121, SD�7.57, Older groupmean�132, SD�12.3) t15��2.29, p�.04 at5% level (Full Scale: Young group mean�121.90, SD�9.29, Older group mean�131.57,SD�8.16) t15��2.22, p�.04 at 5% level.Handedness was assessed using the EdinburghHandedness Inventory (Oldfield, 1971).

fMRI experimental task

The experimental task ‘‘Arena’’ is a test of spatialmemory, presenting a circular arena the walls ofwhich are rendered with abstract coloured pat-terns. The floor and the ceiling of the arena aregrey. Short markers are distributed on the arenafloor at random angles to each other and withrandom distance from each other to enhance theperception of motion and perspective.

An ‘‘AB’’ fMRI design was implemented. Thefull fMRI experiment consisted of six trials with atotal duration of 15 minutes (2.5 minutes pertrial). Each trial contained five epochs presentedin the following order: encoding, retention, re-trieval, first rest epoch, visual control, and a

second rest epoch. The duration of encoding,

retention, retrieval, and visual epochs was 30

seconds each, with 15 seconds for each rest

period. The order of the epochs in the trials and

the order of the trials were held constant across

participants.During encoding a pole positioned on the top

of a circular puck is presented within the

participants’ field of view (FOV). The partici-

pants have to navigate from the periphery of the

arena to the pole using a joystick, trying to

encode pole’s position relative to the back-

ground wall patterns. When the participants

reach the pole, the image freezes until the end

of the encoding phase. During retention the

participants are presented with a blank screen

and asked to rehearse the location of the pole.

During retrieval the pole is removed and the

participants are placed in the different starting

position in the periphery of the arena, having to

navigate to the remembered position of the pole.

The participants indicate the remembered posi-

tion of the pole by pressing a button on the

joystick. However, if no button has been pressed

during retrieval epoch, the participant’s position

within the arena at the end of 30 seconds is

taken as their best estimate of the pole position.

Since the starting position of the retrieval phase

is different from that of the encoding phase, the

accurate performance on the task requires a

viewer-independent knowledge of the arena en-

vironment, making demands on allocentric spa-

tial memory. During rest epochs a blank screen is

presented with no active instructions to the

participants. During the visual control epoch,

participants passively watch a static image with

abstract coloured patterns resembling those of

the arena walls (Figure 1).A standard computer game joystick is used to

navigate the arena. Tilting the joystick signals the

movement around the arena; pushing forward

accelerates forward movement to fixed speed;

and sideways tilt allows rotation movement to the

right or to the left. The movement velocity for the

joystick was set constant across trials, such as to

allow the participants to reach the pole no sooner

than 22�26 seconds, depending on the starting

position during encoding and retrieval phases.The Arena Virtual Reality Software was pro-

grammed by Third Dimension Ltd, Sherborne,



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Task training

Each participant completed a training session.

The task was presented via a standard computer

screen. The experimenter introduced the task

using a version with no time constraints, which

participants used until fully confident with the

task. In addition participants completed one trial

with the same time constraints as an experimental

trial. Training and experimental trials shared

identical arena environment (i.e., identical wall

patterns), but differed in the pole locations and

the starting positions for encoding and retrieval

phases. All participants were able to understand

the task requirements at the end of the training


Figure 1. Snapshots of the ARENA task representing: (a) a close-up of a view from the encoding starting position showing target

location (the pole); (b) a close-up of a view from the encoding finishing position; (c) retrieval starting position for one of the trials;

(d) retrieval finish position for a particular participant; and (e) visual control.


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A Dell computer with a Pentium III processorwas used during the fMRI experiment: 450-MHzmicroprocessor, 64-MB RAM, an 8-MB 3D AGPgraphics card. The images were displayed via aProxima 55100 projector onto a perspex screen atthe foot of the scanning table.

Function MRI data acquisition

Gradient recalled echoplanar MRI data wereacquired using a GE Signa 1.5 Tesla system(General Electric) retrofitted with advancedNMR hardware using a standard head coil.Hundred T2*-weighted images depicting theBlood Oxygenation Level Dependent (BOLD)contrast (Ogawa, Lee, Kay, & Tank, 1990) wereacquired at each of 43 noncontiguous near-axialplanes (3 mm thick, 0.3-mm slice skip) parallel tothe intercommissural (anterior commissure�pos-terior commissure) line; echo time (TE)�40 ms,repetition time (TR)�3 s, flip angle�90 degrees,number of signal averages�1.

Structural MRI data acquisition

Structural MRI images of the whole brain inSPGR format using a standard 3D T1*- weightedsequence were acquired for each participant.

Data analysis

fMRI experimental study

Individual maps. First, data were processed toremove low-frequency signal changes and mo-tion-related artefacts (Bullmore et al., 1999). Theresponses at each voxel were then analysed byregressing the corrected time-series data on alinear model produced by convolving each con-trast vector to be studied with two Poissonfunctions parameterising haemodynamic delaysof 4 and 8 seconds (Friston, Josephs, Rees, &Turner, 1998). Following fitting, a statistic de-scribing the standardised power of response wasderived by calculating the ratio between the sumof squares due to the model fit and the residualsum of squares (SSQ ratio). Significant values ofthis statistic were identified by comparison withits null distribution computed by repeating thefitting procedure 20 times at each voxel after

wavelet-based permutation of the time series.This procedure preserves the noise structure ofthe time-series during the permutation processand gives good control of Type I error rates(Bullmore et al., 2001). The voxel-wise SSQ ratioswere calculated for each participant from theobserved data producing individual maps con-trasting experimental and control conditions ver-sus rest.

Group maps. To derive group-level statistics,the observed and randomised SSQ ratio indivi-dual maps were transformed into standard space(Talairach & Tournoux, 1988) by a two-stageprocess (Brammer et al., 1997) using spatialtransformations computed for each participant’shigh-resolution structural scan. A generic brainactivation map (GBAM) was produced for eachexperimental and control conditions versus restby using the permutation-based inference methoddescribed by Brammer et al. (1997) extended tocluster-level analysis as described by Bullmoreet al. (1999). The latter method allows theexpectation of false positive clusters to be set atthe whole brain level at any desired level. Forthe present study the expectation of false positiveclusters was set to B1 per brain. To achieve this,thresholds of 0.05 and 0.001 were used at voxeland cluster levels respectively.

Analysis of variance (ANOVA). Randomisa-tion-based tests for voxel-wise and cluster-wisedifferences were performed on individual statis-tics maps (SSQ ratio) in standard space. First thedifference between the mean SSQ ratio values ineach group was calculated at each voxel. Themean ratio was then recalculated reiteratively ateach voxel following random permutation ofgroup membership. The latter operation yieldsthe distribution of mean differences under thenull hypothesis of no effect of group membership.Voxel-wise maps of significant group differencesat any desired level of type I error can then beobtained using the appropriate threshold from thenull distribution. Using identical permutations ateach voxel (to preserve spatial correlations) thismethod was then extended to yield cluster-levelas described above with the expectation of falsepositive clusters set to B1 over the whole brain.

Analysis of residual variance. The effect ofnormal ageing on the properties of fMRI signalis currently poorly understood. D’Esposito, Zar-ahn, Aguirre, and Rypma (1999) investigatedthe effect of normal ageing on the coupling of


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neural activity to the BOLD response and found

that young adults had a slightly greater signal-

to-noise ratio per voxel than the older adults,

which was attributed to a greater level of noise

per voxel in the older adults. We performed

ANOVA comparing the residual variance in

young and older groups to ascertain that the

difference in the activation of hippocampal/

parahippocampal region by young and older

adults was not due to greater ‘‘noise’’ in the

older group. The significance thresholds of 0.05

and 0.001 were used at voxel and cluster levels


Structural MRI analysis

Structural images were converted into ANA-

LYZE format (ANALYZE software, BRU,

Mayo Foundation, Rochester, MN) and pre-

processed using SPM2 (Wellcome Department

of Cognitive Neurology, London; http://www.fi-

l.ion.ucl.ac.uk/spm), running in MATLAB 6.1

(MathWorks, Natick, MA). The images were

pre-processed following the optimised VBM

protocol, as developed, validated and described

in detail by Good et al. (2001). Study-specific

templates of the whole brain and grey matter,

white matter, and cerebro-spinal fluid compart-

ments were created, with the images of all

participants contributing. The images were re-

sliced to 1�1�1 mm voxel size during spatial

normalisation to minimise the partial volume

effect, ensuring accurate segmentation. Normal-

ised grey matter segments were modulated with

Jacobian determinants to ‘‘restore’’ the original

volume altered as the result of non-linear spatial

normalisation and smoothed with isotropic

Gaussian kernel of 12mm at FWHM to make

the data conform to the Gaussian filed model,

which underlies statistical inferences as imple-

mented in SPM2. The significance threshold for

regionally specific differences between the

groups was set at pB.05 corrected for multiple

comparisons.The Montreal Neurological Institute (MNI) x,

y, z coordinates of significant voxels were con-

verted to Talairach and Tournoux space using a

non-linear transform (Brett, 1999). The voxel

locations were identified using the Talairach and

Tournoux atlas (Talaraich & Tournoux 1988) and

the Talairach Daemon software (Lancaster et al.,



fMRI study

Behavioural performance

The behavioural measure of Arena perfor-mance is the displacement error, which representsthe distance (in arbitrary units) from the recalledposition of the pole during retrieval to the actualposition of the pole as presented during encoding.The behavioural performance for each group wasestimated over three blocks, each containing sixtrials, to achieve a more reliable measure ofspatial memory. Older participants were signifi-cantly less accurate in recalling the exact positionof the pole presented during encoding (Younggroup: Mean displacement error�12.25, SD�5.915; Older group: Mean displacement error�21.27, SD�5.38), t17��3.542, p�.003).

fMRI group analysis

Encoding versus rest. Both young and oldparticipants activated a widespread neural net-work during encoding relative to rest, includingprefrontal, insular, sensory-motor, lateral tem-poral, lateral and medial posterior, left and rightparietal, visual, and cerebellar regions, as well asthe thalamus and the putamen (Table 1 & 2;Figure 2 & 4).

The young group showed activations in thebilateral hippocampus and in the left parahippo-campal gyrus, but this was not observed in olderadults (Figure 3). Other differences between thegroups included activation of right anterior fron-tal pole (BA 10) and dorsolateral prefrontalcortex (DLPFC, BA 9/46) in young participants,and of the corpus striatum in older participants.

Retrieval versus rest. During retrieval theactivation pattern in the neocortex and thecerebellum was similar to that of the encodingphase in both groups, whereas activation of thethalamus and the putamen was only seen inyoung participants. As during encoding, onlyyoung participants showed significant activationof the medial temporal lobe structures, includingright hippocampus and left parahippocampalgyrus. In addition, young participants showedactivation of the right DLPFC (BA9). In con-trast, the older participants activated the ante-rior-medial cingulate gyrus (BA 24) (Table 1 & 2and Figures 2 & 4).


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Visual control versus rest. Both young andolder participants showed activation of the visualcortex during visual control condition as con-trasted with rest, with both groups activatingstriate (BA 17) and peristriate (BA 18) areasbilaterally, with only older participants showingactivation in bilateral parastriate cortex (BA 19).

In addition, both groups showed bilateral activa-tion of the frontal eye fields (BA 8), medialfrontal lobe (BA 32), and premotor cortex andsupplementary motor area (SMA) (BA 6).Further, the young group activated right andthe older group bilateral frontal pole (BA 10),DLPFC (BA 9) and anterior cingulate cortex


Brain regions activated in young participants during encoding and retrieval

Encoding Retrieval

Maxima voxelNo. of


Maxima voxelNo. of



AreaBrain region x y z Side x y z Side

Frontal 25 41 20 6 R 10 � � � �36 33 23 11 R 46 � � � �36 41 30 10 R 9 47 33 30 10 R 9

54 15 16 17 R 44 54 15 16 21 R 44

�43 0 13 11 L 32 � � � �43 11 13 7 R 32 43 15 7 8 R 32

Sensory�motor 51 7 20 30 R 6 51 7 20 28 R 6

�22 �7 56 23 L 6 �25 �19 56 41 L 6

25 �11 50 16 R 4 25 �11 50 7 R 4

�40 0 30 11 L 4 � � � �� � � �36 �44 40 32 L 1

� � � � 40 �41 40 20 R 1

Medial temporal 25 �30 �3 3 R Hippocampus 32 �37 �3 8 R Hippocampus

�36 �52 0 2 L Hippocampus 43 �44 �3 3 R Hippocampus

�18 �26 �7 3 L 28 �18 �26 �7 12 L 28

Lateral temporal �36 �48 20 6 L 42 32 �48 �7 29 R 37

43 �59 0 8 R 37 �51 �56 �3 4 L 37

32 �44 �10 4 R 36 32 �44 �10 6 R 36

�51 �41 20 6 L 22 �25 �41 �7 4 L 36

Parietal � � � � 54 �33 33 27 R 40

�58 �26 26 24 L 40 �32 �44 43 19 L 40

� � � � 32 �70 23 36 R 39

� � � � �32 �34 33 41 L 31

14 �44 40 13 R 31 11 �44 40 10 R 31

� � � � 14 �44 20 9 L 27

22 �9 0 12 R 27 � � � ��22 �0 0 5 L 27 �22 �19 0 20 L 27

�18 �70 43 59 L 7 22 �74 43 97 R 7

22 �70 46 54 R 7 �14 �63 53 49 L 7

Visual �14 �78 36 62 L 19 �14 �78 36 57 L 19

14 �78 40 45 R 19 25 �74 30 50 R 19

�25 �85 �3 51 L 18 14 �93 �3 82 R 18

29 �85 �3 48 R 18 �25 �85 3 40 L 18

�18 �93 �7 120 L 17 �11 �93 �13 132 L 17

Cerebellum �11 �89 �16 82 L � �11 �89 �16 112 L �18 �78 �20 22 R � 18 �81 �20 56 R �

Thalamus �18 �22 16 18 L � �7 �15 7 22 L �22 �30 3 11 R � 11 �19 7 12 R �

Basal Ganglia �22 �15 0 16 L Putamen 22 �22 3 8 R Putamen

�14 �19 �3 13 L Putamen � � � �

Only the largest clusters for each area are listed.


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Brain regions activated in older participants during encoding and retrieval

Encoding Retrieval

Maxima voxelNo. of




Maxima voxelNo. of

voxels Brodmann

AreaBrain region x y z Side x y z Side

Frontal 51 4 26 15 R 44 � � � �� � � � �32 4 26 8 L 44

�32 �30 20 6 L 32 �32 �33 7 4 L 32

47 7 13 4 R 32 43 �19 16 5 R 32

� � � � �4 �22 43 14 L 24

� � � 1 �11 46 7 R 24

Sensory�motor 47 4 30 18 R 6 0 �15 50 15 R 6

�25 �11 53 14 L 6 �4 �19 53 14 L 6

�40 �26 53 13 L 4 �29 �33 53 38 L 4

25 �7 46 8 R 4 � � � �54 �15 26 6 R 1 32 �41 40 26 R 1

� � � � �29 �30 46 10 L 1

Lateral Tempor-


40 �67 3 22 R 37 47 �52 �10 17 R 37

�40 �67 3 10 L 37 �40 �70 3 28 L 37

25 �44 �13 26 R 36 � � � �� � � � 47 �26 20 11 R 42

� � � � 32 �67 13 28 R 22

� � � � �36 �30 16 6 L 22

Parietal �47 �30 30 29 L 40 �29 �37 56 36 L 40

58 �19 20 11 R 40 40 �44 46 9 R 40

47 �59 10 25 R 39 36 �52 33 15 R 39

�25 �70 13 28 L 31 �22 �52 36 59 L 31

11 �22 0 4 R 27 � � � �� � � � �14 �30 0 4 L 27

22 �67 36 98 R 7 14 �63 43 92 R 7

�7 �74 43 84 L 7 �4 �74 40 60 L 7

� � � � �7 52 7 7 L 30

� � � � 0 �52 10 4 R 30

� � � � 0 �56 16 9 R 23

Visual 22 �74 33 115 R 19 36 �70 7 41 R 19

�25 �78 7 28 L 19 �18 �70 33 96 L 19

�25 �85 �3 50 L 18 �22 �81 13 59 L 18

29 �78 13 27 R 18 18 �89 �3 114 R 18

18 �89 �10 73 R 17 18 �89 �10 89 R 17

�14 �89 �3 5 L 17 �11 �89 3 4 L 17

Brain Stem 4 �22 �7 9 R Nucleus


� � � �

Cerebellum �22 �81 �13 39 L � �18 �85 �16 41 L �7 �63 �43 9 R � 22 �81 �16 32 R �

Thalamus �14 �15 10 29 L � �11 �19 10 30 L �14 �11 10 12 R � � � � �

Basal Ganglia �25 �4 13 16 L Putamen � � � ��14 �15 20 13 L Caudate


� � � �

Only the largest clusters for each area are listed.


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(BA 24), whereas the older group activated rightand the young group activated bilateral cerebel-lum (BA 71). Finally, both groups activatedBroca’s area (BA 44) and only older groupactivated corpus striatum (BA 68). (Data arenot shown.)

Analysis of variance (ANOVA)

Encoding. The group comparison of activationsduring encoding revealed significantly stronger

activation of the right medial parietal and occipi-

tal lobes in young participants, and significantly

Figure 2. Brain regions activated in young participants during (a) encoding and (b) retrieval (pB.001). Left side of the image

corresponds to the right side of the brain. The slices are designated by z coordinates of Talairach and Tournoux (1988).


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stronger activation of the left medial parietal and

occipital lobes in older participants (Table 3;

Figure 5).

Retrieval. Older participants showed signifi-cantly stronger activation of the left post-cingu-

late gyrus, right precuneus, bilateral visual cortex,

and bilateral cerebellum during retrieval (Table 4;

Figure 6). There were no areas of significantly

stronger activation in young relative to older


Analysis of covariance (ANCOVA)

Given significant differences in PIQ between

young and older participants, we performed

ANCOVA for encoding and retrieval taking

PIQ as a covariate. The results were essentially

unchanged, and therefore are not reported or

discussed further.We also performed ANCOVA for encoding

and retrieval taking the behavioural variable

(mean displacement error) to investigate which

between-group differences could be attributable

to between-group behavioural difference. In

young adults covarying for performance abol-

ished the right-sided activation during encoding.

In older adults, left-sided activation in the pri-

mary visual cortex (BA 18) survived correction

for behavioural performance (largest cluster size

57 voxels, centred at x�14, y��70, z�40)

during encoding. During retrieval only the cluster

in the right visual cortex has survived in older

males, cluster size 32 voxels, centred at x�4, y��78, z��16.

Analysis of residual variance

There was no significant difference in themedian residual variance in the hippocampal/parahippocampal region between young andolder adults.

Voxel-based morphometry

The young group exhibited greater grey mattervolume in a number of brain regions, includingbilateral superior frontal gyrus, bilateral pre-central gyrus, left post-central gyrus, bilateralparahippocampal gyrus, left caudate nucleus,right thalamus, and bilateral cerebellum (Table5; Figure 7). There were no hippocampal volumedifferences between the groups. There were noareas of greater grey matter volume in olderparticipants compared with young.


In the young adults, allocentric spatial memoryprocessing was associated with the activation ofthe hippocampus and related mesiotemporalregions, including the perirhinal cortex. Theactivation at encoding was bilateral accompaniedby left parahippocampal activation, while thelatter extended to the right side in the previousstudy (Parslow et al., 2004). The mesiotemporalregions in young adults were also activated duringretrieval, including right hippocampus and leftparahippocampal gyrus. We did not observesignificant activation of hippocampal-parahippo-campal region in older adults either during

Figure 3. Coronal images showing right hippocampal activation in young participants during (a) encoding (y��30) and (b)

retrieval (y��37). The right side of the images corresponds to the right side of the brain.


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encoding or retrieval, and this could not be

explained by greater ‘‘noise’’ in this group. In

the young adults the task has also activated a

network of cortical and sub-cortical regions im-

plicated in allocentric spatial memory, including

the thalamus and parietal regions, during both

encoding and retrieval. The older adults showed

similar activation pattern, but lacked activation of

the frontal pole (BA 10) and dorsolateral pre-

frontal cortex (DLPFC, BA 9/46) observed in

younger adults. The young adults showed greater

right parietal and visual cortex activation than the

older adults, whereas the older adults showed

greater left parietal and visual cortex activation

Figure 4. Brain regions activated in older participants during (a) encoding and (b) retrieval (pB.001). Left side of the image

corresponds to the right side of the brain. The slices are designated by z coordinates of Talairach and Tournoux (1988).


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than the young adults during encoding. The VBManalysis revealed that while there were wide-spread reductions of the grey matter volume inolder adults, the hippocampus was not affected.

The attenuation of hippocampal function inolder adults was accompanied by poorer perfor-mance on the Arena task. The impaired spatialmemory of the older adults is in agreement withprevious studies using human analogues of theMorris Water Maze (Driscoll et al., 2003; Driscoll,Hamilton, Yeo, Brooks, & Sutherland, 2005;Moffat et al., 2000). In these studies the perfor-mance of the older adults seems to indicate a useof proximal cue guidance rather than cognitivemapping, in which the direction of multiple cuesis used to determine position, in search for ahidden platform. In the current version of theMWT VR analogue developed specifically forfMRI, there is no ‘‘search’’ component, as the

remembered location (a pole) is made visible atthe start of each trial, excluding the possibility ofspecific search strategies being used by theparticipants to aid performance. Therefore poorerperformance of older adults in the present studyis unlikely to be explained by the lack of strategyformation or implementation.

In the current study the bilateral hippocampalactivation in young adults was found during bothencoding and retrieval, whereas this was limitedto encoding in the previous study using Arenaparadigm (Parslow et al., 2004). An inclusion ofadults over the age of 35 in Parslow et al. sample(age range 18�45 years) might have ‘‘diluted’’hippocampal activation during retrieval. In thepresent study the attenuation of hippocampal andperirhinal activity with age was observed for bothencoding and retrieval; however, the differencebetween the groups was not strong enough to


Brain regions of significantly greater activation during encoding in young participants relative to older participants


Maxima voxel

Brain region x y z No. of voxels Side Brodmann Area

Parietal 29 �67 23 5 R 39

29 �52 26 2 R 31

25 �63 33 2 R 7

Visual 29 �63 30 11 R 19

29 �70 20 10 R 19

25 �78 16 5 R 19

29 �67 26 3 R 19

25 �67 26 2 R 19

25 �78 23 1 R 19

29 �70 13 3 R 18

22 �74 13 3 R 17

pB.001. There were no significantly greater activated areas in young participants relative to older ones during retrieval.

Figure 5. Brain regions activated significantly more strongly in young participants relative to older participants during encoding,

using ANOVA group contrast (pB.001). Left side of the image corresponds to the right side of the brain. The slices are designated

by z coordinates of Talairach and Tournoux (1988).


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Brain regions of significantly greater activation during encoding and retrieval in older participants relative to young participants

Encoding Retrieval

Maxima voxel Maxima voxel

Brain region x y z No. of voxels Side Brodmann Area x y z No. of voxels Side Brodmann Area

Parietal �25 �70 16 9 L 31 �14 �63 20 7 L 31

�25 �63 23 1 L 31 � � � � � ��18 �74 36 9 L 7 � � � � � ��14 �67 46 8 L 7 � � � � � ��14 �67 43 5 L 7 � � � � � ��14 �70 40 4 L 7 � � � � � ��14 �63 50 3 L 7 � � � � � ��14 �67 33 1 L 7 � � � � � �

� � � � 11 �74 40 9 R 7 � �

Visual �18 �74 30 11 L 19 11 �78 33 9 R 19

�22 �70 33 5 L 19 �36 �78 3 3 L 19

�18 �67 26 11 L 18 14 �78 �10 10 R 18

�18 �70 23 10 L 18 �22 �74 16 6 L 18

�22 �78 20 7 L 18 18 �70 26 4 R 18

�29 �74 13 4 L 18 0 �85 �7 5 R 17

Cerebellum � � � � �11 �81 �16 17 L �� � � � 4 �78 �16 12 R �


Figure 6. Brain regions activated significantly more strongly in older participants relative to young participants during (a) encoding

and (b) retrieval, using ANOVA group contrast (pB.001). Left side of the image corresponds to the right side of the brain. The slices

are designated by z coordinates of Talairach and Tournoux (1988).


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Brain regions of greater grey matter volume in young adults relative to older adults

Maxima voxelP value corrected

(family-wise error)Brain region x y z Side Brodmann Area T value

Superior frontal gyrus �12 52 �13 L 10 7.25 0.012

�24 64 �7 L 10 6.89 0.02

15 48 �14 R 10 7.15 0.014

15 55 �9 R 10 6.87 0.021

Precentral gyrus 46 �12 41 R 4 8 0.004

�45 �18 37 L 4 7.63 0.007

Postcentral gyrus �51 �25 47 L 2 8.53 0.002

�59 �18 37 L 3 7.9 0.005

Parahippocampal gyrus �30 �53 �6 L 19 8.35 0.003

�24 �57 �5 L 19 7.74 0.006

39 �34 �10 R 36 8.33 0.003

22 �57 �4 R 19 6.76 0.024

Caudate nucleus �3 4 3 L � 8.03 0.004

Thalamus 2 �2 9 R � 7.72 0.006

Cerebellum �22 �58 �24 L � 7.86 0.005

3 �73 �11 R � 7.66 0.007

39 �68 �18 R � 7.36 0.01

27 �56 �22 R � 7.31 0.011

26 �48 �23 R � 6.59 0.031

Figure 7. Statistical parametric map thresholded at pB.05 (family-wise) corrected for multiple comparisons overlaid on axial slices

to show all significant clusters of greater grey matter volume in young adults compared with older adults. The left side of the image

corresponds to the left side of the brain.


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differentiate them in the between-group analysisof variance. Hippocampal activations normallyobserved in fMRI studies have small effect size,affecting the power of between-group analysis.

Despite the attenuated hippocampal function,there was no detectable loss of hippocampalvolume in older adults. The volumetric integrityof hippocampus in the ageing brain is consistentwith previous studies using VBM (e.g. Goodet al., 2001; Maguire & Frith, 2003). The lack ofassociation between hippocampal loss of perfor-mance and volume has been found in otherstudies exploring age-related effects on episodicmemory (for review, Van Petten, 2004). Hippo-campal volume decrease does not seem to havebeen demonstrated convincingly across studiesand those studies that have correlated volumeand age did not yield significant results (VanPetten, 2004). Furthermore, the studies that havedemonstrated significant hippocampal volumereduction using longitudinal design have failedto demonstrate its association with memoryperformance (Cohen, Small, Lalonde, Friz, &Sunderland, 2001; Rodrigue & Raz, 2004). Thepreservation of hippocampal volume in the age-ing brain suggests that more subtle changes mightbe driving the loss of function. One possibilitythat has been suggested is a reduction in hippo-campal neurogenesis, which correlates with MWTperformance in ageing rats (Drapeau et al., 2003),or neuropharmacological changes such as loss ofcholinergic modulation of hippocampal function(Furey, Pietrini, Alexander, Schapiro, and Hor-witz, 2000). Alternatively, the attenuation ofhippocampal function with age might be relatedto the degeneration of its cortical connectionsand/or of functionally related structures.

In addition to hippocampal activation, theyoung adults activated left parahippocampalgyrus during both encoding and retrieval. Theboundaries between hippocampus and parahip-pocampal gyrus are difficult to determine giventhe spatial resolution of fMRI in combinationwith Talairach mapping. Nevertheless, this isin keeping with studies that have supported therole of the parahippocampal region in spatialmemory through representation of spatial layout(Brewer, Zhao, Desmond, Glover, & Gabrieli,1998; Kirschhoff, Wagner, Maril, & Stern, 2000;Weis, Klaver, Reul, Elger, & Fernandez, 2004)and the geometric analysis of spatial scenes(Burgess et al., 2002; Epstein & Kanwisher,1998). Furthermore, spatial view and place cellsare found in this region in non-human primates

(Nishijo, Ono, Eifuku & Tamura, 1997). Meulen-broek, Petersson, Voermans, Weber, and Fernan-dez (2004), using fMRI, have previouslydemonstrated reduced parahippocampal activityin older adults relative to young in egocentricroute learning task. Our study extends theirfinding to allocentric spatial memory, as well asdemonstrating reduced grey matter volume ofparahippocampal gyrus in older adults. The de-generation of parahippocampal function andstructure might have more direct (or earlier)involvement in ageing-related decline in spatialmemory.

The Arena task activated a range of brainstructures implicated in allocentric spatial mem-ory alongside the mesiotemporal lobe. Theseincluded the parietal cortex (Burgess et al.,2001), the thalamus (Goodridge & Taube, 1997;Wiener & Taube, 2005), and the cerebellum(Lalonde & Strazielle, 2003; Rondi-Reig & Bur-guiere, 2005). Interactions between the parietaland the mesiotemporal areas are likely to supportthe processing of allocentric spatial representa-tions. One possibility is that visuo-spatial and self-motion cues are initially processes by the asso-ciative parietal cortex in an egocentric frame ofreference, with the subsequent transfer of theseegocentric representations into an allocentriccognitive map by the hippocampus (Save &Poucet, 2000a). Alternatively, the allocentricrepresentation might be progressively derivedfrom the egocentric representations in the par-ietal cortex itself, with the allocentric representa-tion than being transferred into a long-termstorage by the hippocampus (Save & Poucet,2000b). Burgess et al. (2001) have proposed thatthe posterior parietal lobe has the specific role inrecoding body-centred representations into view-independent ones.

The between-group analysis of variance hasrevealed dissociation in the activation of right andleft visual/parietal cortices during encoding, suchthat young adults activated right hemisphere andolder adults activated the left hemisphere signifi-cantly more strongly. This different locus ofactivation may reflect different modes of repre-senting spatial information by young and olderadults. Kosslyn and colleagues (Kosslyn, Chabris,Marsolek, & Koenig, 1992; Kosslyn et al., 1989)provided evidence for two types of spatial in-formation processing: categorical or relative(e.g. above�below) and coordinate or metric(e.g. near�far). Empirical evidence suggests thatthese qualitatively different computations are


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processed in separate neural systems, with the lefthemisphere having an advantage for makingjudgements requiring categorical spatial relations,presumably as they are language-based; while theright hemisphere having an advantage for makingjudgements requiring coordinate spatial relations(e.g., Hellige & Michimata, 1989; Kosslyn, 1987;Kosslyn et al., 1989; Okubo & Michimata, 2002).Both types of information could be used toencode the pole’s position within the virtualarena. In fact, a combination of both types ofrepresentations would yield the most accurateperformance: categorical information would aidencoding of the pole’s position relative to thelandmarks provided by the walls, whereas co-ordinate information would aid encoding thepole’s distance from the arena walls. From thepattern of the observed activation it appears thatyoung adults may have made greater use ofcoordinate processing to encode the pole’s posi-tion, which resulted in more accurate perfor-mance compared with older adults who appearto have relied on left-hemisphere-based catego-rical processing, yielding poorer performanceaccuracy. The analysis of covariance seems toconfirm the association between these activationsand the behavioural performance. Thus, covary-ing for performance accuracy has abolished theright-sided visual cortex activation during encod-ing in young adults, suggesting that right-hemi-sphere-based coordinate processing duringencoding is related to the accuracy of locatingthe pole’s position during retrieval. Left-sidedvisual cortex activation in older adults duringencoding was not related to the accuracy ofperformance; however, the left-sided activationduring retrieval did, indicating that reliance oncategorical processing during retrieval is asso-ciated with less accurate performance.

In keeping with this notion, Bruyer, Scailquin,and Coibion (1997) have reported a detrimentaleffect of ageing on coordinate spatial relationprocessing on the measures of performanceaccuracy in a perceptual task. Our results furthersupport the idea that coordinate representation ofspatial information might be compromised inhealthy ageing. A simple possibility is that therelative loss of right parietal lobe activity withageing reflects accelerated functional loss in theright hemisphere, as indicated by the right hemi-ageing hypothesis. This hypothesis was originallybased on the finding that performance on spatialtasks tends to decline more rapidly with agethan performance on verbal tasks (Goldstein &

Shelley, 1981). However, this difference may bedue to the spatial tests used being more sensitive,since when task complexity is matched thedifference disappears (Elias & Kinsbourne,1974). Studies comparing hemisphere functionusing dichotic listening have produced mixedresults (see review by Dolcos, Rice, & Cabeza,2002), suggesting that the effect may be taskrelated. Alternatively, some structures in the righthemisphere might age more quickly than others(Gerhardstein, Peterson, & Rapcsak, 1998). How-ever, the current study did not observe a differ-entially greater grey matter volume reduction ofthe right hemisphere in the older group, and thereis no evidence for this from other volumetricstudies (Raz et al., 2004). Another alternative isthat reliance on categorical representations mightbe a strategic switch by cognitive systems in thepresence of compromised hippocampus-basedallocentric spatial processing and/or fine-grainedcoordinate representations.

The between-group comparison of the retrie-val has revealed no significantly stronger activa-tions in young adults and significantly strongerbilateral activations of the visual and parietalcortices in older adults. The reduced lateralisationof brain activation during cognitive performancewith ageing, particularly in the prefrontal cortex(PFC) (for review, see Cabeza, 2001) has becomeknown as the HAROLD (Hemispheric Asymme-try Reduction in Older Adults) Model (Cabeza,2002). This effect is observed for both encodingand retrieval of verbal information, with thefindings for retrieval being more consistent (e.g.,Backman et al., 1997; Cabeza et al., 1997; Maddenet al., 1999). Our results further support thiseffect during retrieval, and extend it to the tothe posterior regions of the brain during theprocessing of non-verbal stimuli.

The young adults activated the frontal anteriorpole (BA 10) and the right DLPFC (BA (9/46)during both encoding and retrieval. These areasare known to be associated with maintenance andmanipulation of memory representations (Smith& Jonides, 1997). These areas of activation werenot seen in older adults, with the lack of frontalpole activation being accompanied by its reducedgrey matter volume. The under-recruitment ofPFC has been previously observed in the studiesof ageing on verbal memory decline and wasinterpreted as lack of self-initiated effectivestrategies in problem solving (Cabeza et al.,1997; Grady et al., 1995; Logan, Sanders, Snyder,Morris, & Buckner, 2002). Age-related decline in


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allocentric memory might, therefore, occur due toa functional and structural degeneration ofdorsolateral�mesiotemporal network. However,this is a tentative conclusion since we have notperformed co-activation correlation between theprefrontal cortex and the mesiotemporal lobestructures in the present study. Our future workwill extend to age-related functional connectivityof brain regions supporting allocentric spatialmemory. Finally, both young and older adultsactivated ventro-lateral PFC (VLPFC, BA 44),with young adults showing right hemisphereactivation during both encoding and retrieval,whereas older participants activated right VLPFCduring encoding and left VLPFC during retrieval.Whereas the DLPFC is thought to be involved inspatial processing, the VLPFC is suggested to beinvolved in processing the features and identity ofobjects (Romanski, 2004).

In conclusion, the Morris Water Maze analo-gue procedure, the Arena task, has been used inconjunction with fMRI to demonstrate age-re-lated decline in brain neural activity associatedwith allocentric memory. Although the olderadults did not have reduced hippocampal volumethey had attenuated hippocampal activation, bothat encoding and retrieval, and this was accom-panied by a decrease in performance accuracy. Inaddition, an intriguing crossover interaction be-tween age and parietal lobe activation wasobserved, suggestive of a ‘‘switch’’ from coordi-nate to categorical processing of spatial informa-tion with age. The findings are consistent withprevious work using human MWT analogue tasksin ageing showing an age-related decline in spatialmemory, with this study using fMRI measurementshowing this is related to loss of hippocampalactivity.

First published online day/month/year


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