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Ages of protolith and Neoproterozoic metamorphism of Al-P-bearing quartzites of the Veredas...

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Precambrian Research 250 (2014) 6–26 Contents lists available at ScienceDirect Precambrian Research jo ur nal home p ag e: www.elsevier.com/locate/precamres Ages of protolith and Neoproterozoic metamorphism of Al-P-bearing quartzites of the Veredas formation (Northern Espinhac ¸ o, Brazil): LA-ICP-MS age determinations on relict and recrystallized zircon and geodynamic consequences Gerhard Franz a,, Giulio Morteani b , Axel Gerdes c,d , Dieter Rhede e a Fachgebiet Mineralogie-Petrologie, Technische Universität Berlin, ACK 9, Ackerstraße 71-76, D 13355 Berlin, Germany b Gmain Nr. 1, D 84424 Isen, Germany c Institut für Geowissenschaften, Goethe Universität Frankfurt/M, Altenhöferallee 1, D 60438 Frankfurt/M, Germany d Department of Earth Sciences, Stellenbosch University, Private Bag X1, Matieland 7602, South Africa e Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum Potsdam, Telegrafenberg, Sektion 4.2, D 14473 Potsdam, Germany a r t i c l e i n f o Article history: Received 11 April 2013 Received in revised form 14 March 2014 Accepted 6 May 2014 Available online 27 May 2014 Keywords: Aluminium-phosphate quartzite Espinhac ¸ o São Francisco Craton Veredas formation Xenotime formation from zircon a b s t r a c t The N-S running Espinhac ¸ o fold belt, situated in the São Francisco craton in central-eastern Brazil, separates this craton in a western and an eastern part along the Paramirim Corridor, a Brasiliano- Panafrican (650–500 Ma) deformation zone. The (meta)sediments of the Espinhac ¸ o basin consist of several synthems with dominantly siliciclastic deposits. Among them, Al- and P-rich, lazulite-bearing blue quartzite, the amphibolite-facies equivalent of a phosphatic sandstone, of the Veredas Forma- tion in the Northern Espinhac ¸ o form a conspicuous horizon. Zircon crystals from these quartzites have been dated using laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. The zircon crystals are both detrital and metamorphic in origin, the latter exhibiting highly unusual textures produced by dissolution–reprecipitation reaction and concomitant replacement of metamict areas: (REE, Y, Th, U) zircon + fluid = zircon + xenotime. Detrital zircons reveal relict age groups of 3.1–3.3 Ga, 2.6–2.7 Ga, 2.0–2.3 Ga, and 1.5 Ga. The end of sedimentation and erosion of the magmatic and metamorphic rocks of the Sao Francisco craton can be estimated therefore as 1.5 Ga. The major metamorphic event recorded by reprecipitated zircon is Neoproterozoic and documented by a lower-intercept age of 634 ± 19 Ma, which was calculated from analyses of individual spots on19 grains with a common relict Orosirian- Rhyacian age of 2032 ± 31 Ma, temporal equivalent to Transamazonian. The Neoproterozoic age of the metamorphosed zircons of the Vereda formation corresponds to the Brasiliano-Panafrican remobilization of the São Francisco-West Congo craton along the eastern side of the Espinhac ¸ o fold belt in the Paramirim Corridor. © 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. 1. Introduction Detrital zircon geochronology has become a powerful tool for unravelling the history of sedimentation in siliciclastic rocks and their metamorphic equivalents. Furthermore, recent work has shown that zircon can recrystallize in metamorphic rocks, even at low grade or hydrothermal conditions (e.g., Balan et al., 2001; Geisler et al., 2003; Tomaschek et al., 2003; Rasmussen, 2005; Delattre et al., 2007; Tropper et al., 2007; Hay et al., 2010; Vorhies et al., 2013). With the introduction of sensitive radiometric age Corresponding author. Tel.: +49 30 31472217; fax: +49 30 31472218. E-mail address: [email protected] (G. Franz). determinations working in situ in thin section, it became possi- ble to accurately determine crystallization ages of small crystals, of replaced areas in recrystallized grains, or overgrowths on detrital zircon. We applied LA-ICP-MS (laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry) on zircon crystals to a rare type of metapsammitic rock, a metamorphosed Al- and P-rich quartzite from the Veredas Formation, Northern Espinhac ¸ o fold belt, Brazil, in which detrital and metamorphosed zircon occurs closely together. The Espinhac ¸ o fold belt is an inverted rift basin in the São Francisco craton in central-eastern Brazil. The Al-P-quartzite contains a con- siderable amount of zircon with textures typical of corrosion of old detrital zircon and crystallization of young metamorphic zircon by a fluid-driven dissolution–reprecipitation process. The associa- tion with less altered sedimentary zircons offered the possibility http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.precamres.2014.05.011 0301-9268/© 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.













Precambrian Research 250 (2014) 6–26

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ges of protolith and Neoproterozoic metamorphism of Al-P-bearinguartzites of the Veredas formation (Northern Espinhac o, Brazil):A-ICP-MS age determinations on relict and recrystallized zircon andeodynamic consequences

erhard Franza,∗, Giulio Morteanib, Axel Gerdesc,d, Dieter Rhedee

Fachgebiet Mineralogie-Petrologie, Technische Universität Berlin, ACK 9, Ackerstraße 71-76, D 13355 Berlin, GermanyGmain Nr. 1, D 84424 Isen, GermanyInstitut für Geowissenschaften, Goethe Universität Frankfurt/M, Altenhöferallee 1, D 60438 Frankfurt/M, GermanyDepartment of Earth Sciences, Stellenbosch University, Private Bag X1, Matieland 7602, South AfricaDeutsches GeoForschungsZentrum Potsdam, Telegrafenberg, Sektion 4.2, D 14473 Potsdam, Germany

r t i c l e i n f o

rticle history:eceived 11 April 2013eceived in revised form 14 March 2014ccepted 6 May 2014vailable online 27 May 2014

eywords:luminium-phosphate quartzitespinhac oão Francisco Cratoneredas formationenotime formation from zircon

a b s t r a c t

The N-S running Espinhac o fold belt, situated in the São Francisco craton in central-eastern Brazil,separates this craton in a western and an eastern part along the Paramirim Corridor, a Brasiliano-Panafrican (∼650–500 Ma) deformation zone. The (meta)sediments of the Espinhac o basin consist ofseveral synthems with dominantly siliciclastic deposits. Among them, Al- and P-rich, lazulite-bearingblue quartzite, the amphibolite-facies equivalent of a phosphatic sandstone, of the Veredas Forma-tion in the Northern Espinhac o form a conspicuous horizon. Zircon crystals from these quartzites havebeen dated using laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. The zircon crystalsare both detrital and metamorphic in origin, the latter exhibiting highly unusual textures producedby dissolution–reprecipitation reaction and concomitant replacement of metamict areas: (REE, Y, Th,U) zircon + fluid = zircon + xenotime. Detrital zircons reveal relict age groups of 3.1–3.3 Ga, 2.6–2.7 Ga,2.0–2.3 Ga, and 1.5 Ga. The end of sedimentation and erosion of the magmatic and metamorphic rocks ofthe Sao Francisco craton can be estimated therefore as ≤1.5 Ga. The major metamorphic event recordedby reprecipitated zircon is Neoproterozoic and documented by a lower-intercept age of 634 ± 19 Ma,

which was calculated from analyses of individual spots on19 grains with a common relict Orosirian-Rhyacian age of 2032 ± 31 Ma, temporal equivalent to Transamazonian. The Neoproterozoic age of themetamorphosed zircons of the Vereda formation corresponds to the Brasiliano-Panafrican remobilizationof the São Francisco-West Congo craton along the eastern side of the Espinhac o fold belt in the ParamirimCorridor.

. Introduction

Detrital zircon geochronology has become a powerful tool fornravelling the history of sedimentation in siliciclastic rocks andheir metamorphic equivalents. Furthermore, recent work hashown that zircon can recrystallize in metamorphic rocks, event low grade or hydrothermal conditions (e.g., Balan et al., 2001;

eisler et al., 2003; Tomaschek et al., 2003; Rasmussen, 2005;elattre et al., 2007; Tropper et al., 2007; Hay et al., 2010; Vorhiest al., 2013). With the introduction of sensitive radiometric age

∗ Corresponding author. Tel.: +49 30 31472217; fax: +49 30 31472218.E-mail address: [email protected] (G. Franz).

ttp://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.precamres.2014.05.011301-9268/© 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

© 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

determinations working in situ in thin section, it became possi-ble to accurately determine crystallization ages of small crystals, ofreplaced areas in recrystallized grains, or overgrowths on detritalzircon. We applied LA-ICP-MS (laser ablation inductively coupledplasma mass spectrometry) on zircon crystals to a rare type ofmetapsammitic rock, a metamorphosed Al- and P-rich quartzitefrom the Veredas Formation, Northern Espinhac o fold belt, Brazil, inwhich detrital and metamorphosed zircon occurs closely together.The Espinhac o fold belt is an inverted rift basin in the São Franciscocraton in central-eastern Brazil. The Al-P-quartzite contains a con-

siderable amount of zircon with textures typical of corrosion ofold detrital zircon and crystallization of young metamorphic zirconby a fluid-driven dissolution–reprecipitation process. The associa-tion with less altered sedimentary zircons offered the possibility

G. Franz et al. / Precambrian Research 250 (2014) 6–26 7

Fig. 1. (a) Tectonic sketch map of the Paleoproterozoic São Francisco craton, surrounded by Neoproterozoic (Brasiliano) fold belts (Bfb) and crosscut by the ParamirimCorridor. Rocks of the Espinhac o Supergroup are well exposed in the Diamantina Plateau (DP) and the Northern Espinhac o (NE), which is part of the Espinhac o fold belt,subdivided into the Northern, Central (CE) and Southern Espinhac o (SE). Black square shows location of (b). Simplified after Danderfer et al. (2009), Cordani et al. (2010). (b)Geological sketch map of the Serra da Veredas, compiled from Tavora et al. (1967), Santos and Souza (1983), Loureiro and Souza (1985), Schobbenhaus (1996), Danderfer(2002), Danderfer and Dardenne (2002) and own field work; asterisks show sample localities, in bold for zircon dating.

8 ian Research 250 (2014) 6–26







Fig. 2. (a) Photograph of a cut surface of the Al-P quartzite in the outcrop ofthe quarry Conservice (see Fig. 1b). The blue layers are enriched in lazulite anddumortierite and indicate the sedimentary layering, also shown as crossbedding (leftof the hammer handle); arrows indicate sedimentary discontinuities later enriched

G. Franz et al. / Precambr

o date the age of metamorphism as well as the age of the sourceocks of the zircons, thereby constraining the age of sedimenta-ion. Until now, all age determinations for the Espinhac o fold beltave been exclusively produced from intercalated igneous rocks.irectly dated metasediments have not yet been reported and thege of metamorphism was not well constrained. We show thathe Al-P-quartzite contains detrital zircons from 3.3 Ga down to.5 Ga. The later metamorphic rejuvenation occurred during therasiliano-Panafrican at 634 ± 19 Ma.

. Geologic setting

The Serra do Espinhac o fold belt (Schobbenhaus, 1996) togetherith the Diamantina Plateau (Chapada Diamantina) are promi-ent geological and physiographical features of central Brazil. Thespinhac o fold belt extends approximately 1000 km N–S from theouthern border of the States of Piauí and Pernambuco to theQuadrilátero Ferrífero’ (‘Iron Quadrangle’) in the State of Minaserais (9◦S–20◦S). It is subdivided into the Northern, Central andouthern Espinhac o (Fig. 1a).

The geological history of the Espinhac o fold belt is closely relatedo that of the São Francisco-Congo craton. The gneisses, migmatites,ranulites and charnockites of the São Francisco craton (Almeida,977; Santos and Souza, 1983; Lopez and Souza, 1985; Loureiro andouza, 1985, see also review in Alkmim et al., 2006) record oldervents such as the Jequié-Aroan tectonomagmatic cycle (Almeidat al., 1978; Brito Neves et al., 1990; Barbosa and Sabaté, 2002,004) at about 2.6 and 2.7 Ga. The craton was consolidated in theransamazonico event (Orosirian-Rhyacian ∼2.0 Ga) together withhe West Congo craton and locally rejuvenated, for example in thearamirim Corridor, by the Neoproterozoic Brasiliano event (equiv-lent to Panafrican). The São Francisco craton (Almeida, 1977) isurrounded by several Brasiliano fold-and-thrust belts, which are:n the southeast the Arac uaí belt as part of the Arac uaí orogen-

est Congo belt (see Babinski et al., 2012), in the south the Altoio Grande belt, in the west the Brasilia belt, and in the north theio Preto and the Riacho do Pontal belts (Fig. 1a; compiled afterarbosa and Sabaté, 2004; Danderfer et al., 2009). The Northernspinhac o belt (Serra do Espinhac o Septentrional; Schobbenhaus,996) forms the western flank of the so-called Paramirim Corri-or, a north-south trending belt of Brasiliano age (650–500 Ma;lkmim et al., 1993; Schobbenhaus, 1996; Danderfer, 2002). In

he Central and Southern Espinhac o, the fold belt is also bor-ered in the west by rocks of the São Fracisco craton, but inhe east it is overthrusted by rocks of the Brasiliano Arac uaí beltFig. 1).

The rocks of the Serra do Espinhac o belong dominantly tohe Espinhac o Supergroup and consist of eight Paleo- and Meso-roterozioc synthems (Danderfer, 2002; Danderfer and Dardenne,002; Danderfer et al., 2009). The mostly clastic sediments of theifferent synthems have been deposited in rift basins during severalaleo- to Mesoproterozoic stages. By dating zircon from interca-ated anorogenic volcanics and granites (Danderfer et al., 2009),edimentation was determined to have begun at 1731 ± 5 Ma, thusonfirming previous assumptions that rifting on the São Franciscoraton occurred at ∼1.7 Ga. Basin inversion and the age of meta-orphism are constrained as Brasiliano. The so-called ‘Espinhac o

vent’ supposedly includes a metamorphic overprint, for whichges between 1.0 Ga and 1.5 Ga are given (Inda and Barbosa, 1978;rito Neves et al., 1979; Turpin et al., 1988; Cordani et al., 1992;lmeida-Abreu, 1995).

In the Northern Espinhac o Supergroup, the metamorphosedhosphatic sandstone forms a characteristic horizon within theeredas Formation, part of the Sitio Novo Synthem (Fig. 1b).hosphatic sandstones are typically interpreted as Precambrian

by fluid interaction in phosphate and borate minerals. (b) Photograph of a cut hand-specimen; white is quartzite matrix, thin blue layers are enriched in lazulite anddumortierite and show the metamorphic foliation.

shallow-platform sediments (e.g., Vallini et al., 2005; Morteaniet al., 2007). The most prominent metamorphic minerals in thesequartzites are lazulite, a (Mg, Fe)-Al phosphate, the mineral groupcrandallite-svanbergite-goyazite, which are solid solutions of (Ca,Sr, REE)-Al phosphates-sulphates, and, in the presence of B, theAl-borosilicate dumortierite. Cassedanne and Franco (1966) andCassedanne et al. (1989) were the first to describe these rocks.Fleischer (1971), Morteani et al. (2007) and Jordt-Evangelista andDanderfer (2012) discussed the petrogenetic aspects of the bluequartzites of Northern Espinhac o. The Al-P quartzites occur as anapproximately 30 m thick horizon (Fleischer, 1971) in the up to2500 m thick sequence of siliciclastic rocks of the Veredas Forma-tion, the lowermost formation of the Sitio Novo Synthem with anestimated total thickness of 12,000 m (Danderfer et al., 2009). Thesemassive and hard rocks display a beautiful colour contrast betweenthe white quartzitic matrix and blue layers rich in lazulite anddumortierite (Fig. 2). They are mined extensively all along the Serrada Vereda. Lopez and Souza (1985) and Loureiro and Souza (1985)show a total of 16 quarries in the “Carta Metalogenetica 1:250,000”.The dimension stones are sold with the commercial names “Azulde Macaúbas”®, “Azul Imperial”® or “Azul de Boquira”®. From theSouthern Espinhac o, Horn et al. (1996, 2000) and Morteani et al.(2001) described similar rocks.

3. Sample material

The samples have been collected in four quarries in the Veredasmountain ridge, located west of the towns of Boquira and Macaúbas

and part of the Northern Espinhac o fold belt: Conservice, São Marco,Sitio Novo and Vaca Morta (Fig. 1b, Table 1). The latter two aresituated south of Boquira and represent the southernmost samp-ling point of our study, but the horizon extends much further

G. Franz et al. / Precambrian Research 250 (2014) 6–26 9

Table 1Sample list and whole rock major and trace element composition.

Locality Sitio Novo Vaca Morta Conservice São Marco

Sample # 5859 5864 A 5868 B 13562 13567 13560 A 13584 BRock type lazulite-

quartzite +hematite-magnetitelayer

massivelazulite-quartzite +hematite-magnetitelayer

massivelazulite incontact toquartzite





wt.%SiO2 63.40 78.40 77.69 80.69 72.43 94.60 84.00TiO2 0.38 0.07 0.17 0.10 0.14 0.02 0.39Al2O3 12.90 5.96 10.10 5.43 9.23 1.78 7.20Fe2O3 10.38 9.00 0.29 0.27 0.38 0.07 1.38MgO – – 0.21 1.79 2.74 0.21 –CaO 0.03 0.11 0.09 0.13 0.16 0.23 0.05Na2O 0.04 0.02 0.08 0.03 0.02 – 0.04K2O 0.94 0.24 0.06 0.02 0.16 0.05 0.70P2O5 9.42 4.92 9.37 6.82 10.73 1.03 4.52S – – 0.05 0.02 0.06 0.03 0.01LOI 1.8 1.0 1.6 1.2 2.0 0.3 1.2

99.29 99.72 99.71 96.50 98.05 98.32 99.49ppmAs 75 31 90 – 22 – 38B 40 14 – – 13 188 29Ba 95 72 – – 24 – –Cr 30 24 17 27 32 19 14Mn – 8 7 16 19 12 9Ni – – – 15 22 – –Rb 20 6 – 5 – – 13Sr 208 193 1153 645 2567 532 452Th 11 – 6 – 6 – 22Y 156 274 144 352 249 8 72Zr 314 121 389 263 365 50 1132La 48.9 38.3 44.1 23.6 48.9 26Ce 75.1 48.1 48.2 19.9 40.6 46.6Pr 9.5 9.4 8.6 4.4 8.9 6.6Nd 46.7 52.5 38.1 19.3 40.7 34Sm 15.3 20.5 9.5 5.3 10.2 10.3Eu 6.07 9.24 3.73 1.48 2.7 2.4Gd 24.7 42.1 15.1 12.9 18.4 13.3Tb 5.3 10.3 4.1 4.9 4.9 2.5Dy 24.8 46.7 22.6 49.8 41.8 16.2Ho 5.19 9.38 5.41 10.6 8.3 2.8Er 9.1 14.6 10.6 26.8 20.6 7Tm 1.4 1.9 1.7 2.8 2.3 0.8Yb 7.4 9 9 15.1 12.6 5.1

B ≈10 pT




Lu 1.2 1.42 1.48

lank = not determined; – below detection limit; Cu, Pb, U below detection limit of

h 5 ppm.

outh-southeast (Morteani and Ackermand, 2004). All samplesere taken from active quarries and do not show any sign of weath-

ring or hydrothermal overprint. Seven samples were selectedor screening age determinations by electron microprobe analy-is (EMPA) on monazite and xenotime. The results showed a wideange of ages between ∼2.3 Ga and ∼200 Ma for monazite and2.85 Ga and ∼350 Ma for xenotime (Inline Supplementary Table1, Fig. S1). The data can be divided into two age groups, an oldne with dominant ages around 2.1 Ga down to 1.5 Ga (including

few higher ages up to 2.85 Ga), and a young age group with agesetween ∼900 Ma and ∼450 Ma. The large errors are due to the gen-rally very small and irregular grain size (two examples shown innline Supplementary Fig. S2), which makes the crystals very sensi-ive to retrograde reequilibration by diffusion. Two samples with aarge number of zircon crystals and the highest Zr content (Table 1:868B from Vaca Morta, 13584B from São Marco) were thereforeelected for subsequent LA-ICP-MS dating on zircon.

Inline Supplementary Table S1 can be found online atttp://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.precamres.2014.05.011.

Inline Supplementary Fig. S1 can be found online atttp://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.precamres.2014.05.011.

1.93 1.67 0.73

pm; other detection limits: oxides ≈0.01 wt%; S 0.002 wt%; As, Ba 20 ppm; Mn, Rb,

Inline Supplementary Figs. S2 can be found online athttp://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.precamres.2014.05.011.

4. Methods

Zircon grains were analyzed in situ in polished thin sec-tions for U, Th, and Pb isotopes by LA-ICP-MS techniques at theGoethe-University Frankfurt/M (GUF) using a Thermo-FinniganElement II sector field ICP-MS coupled to a New Wave UP213UV laser system (first analytical sessions in 2006) following themethod described in Gerdes and Zeh (2006, 2009) and Frei andGerdes (2009). Selection of spots for analysis was guided by internalstructures as seen in BSE (back-scattered electron) and CL (cathodo-luminescence) images while considering the 20 �m diameter and∼15 �m penetration depth of the laser. A teardrop-shaped, lowvolume laser cell (Horstwood et al., 2003) was used to enablesequential sampling of heterogeneous grains (e.g., growth zones)

during time resolved data acquisition (see Janousek et al., 2006).The second batch of analyses (Table 4c) have been acquired in 2011at GUF with a Resolution M50 193 nm ArF Excimer laser (Com-pexPro 102, Coherent) equipped with two-volume ablation cell

10 G. Franz et al. / Precambrian Re

Fig. 3. BSE images from sample # 13584B, Sao Marco quarry. Two sites in thin sec-tion (a and b) show detrital and metamorphic zircon crystals near to each other.The crystals sit in a matrix of polygonal quartz (Qtz), with muscovite (Mu) prefer-ably along quartz grain boundaries, accompanied by hematite (Hem), rutile (Rut)and rare phosphate (berlinite Ber; black areas in (a) near berlinite and in (b) nearmuscovite are outbreaks in thin section). Notable is a high micro-porosity, espe-cially well visible in (a). The zircon crystals also show the craters produced by laserablation for age determination.

Fig. 4. (a and b) BSE images of zircon crystals from the two sites in polished thin sectiabsence of a regular zoning pattern, the irregular shape with abundant inclusions of xenoas products of dissolution and recrystallisation of a euhedral or rounded precursor zircon.form classifies the grains 104 and 108 as relict detrital zircons. Zircon outgrowths and begiand well-preserved detrital crystals are not completely immune against dissolution and

indicating mobility of Zr. Dashed circles and squares indicate position for laser ablation (a

search 250 (2014) 6–26

(Laurin Technic, Australia) using a slightly modified method (Zehand Gerdes, 2012). Spots of 10–26 �m in diameter were fired with5.5 Hz at a fluence of 4 J cm−2, which yielded at a spot size in zir-con of 26 �m and depth penetration of 0.7 �m s−1 a sensitivity ofabout 13,000 cps/�g/g for 238U. Each analysis consisted of approx-imately 20 s of background acquisition followed by 22 s of dataacquisition. Correction for common Pb was applied whenever thecorrected 207Pb/206Pb was outside the internal error of the uncor-rected ratio and was based on the interference- (e.g., 204Hg, usingthe measured 202Hg and the natural 204H/202Hg) and background-corrected 204Pb signal and the two-stage terrestrial Pb evolutionmodel of Stacey and Kramers (1975). Reported uncertainties (95%confidence level) were propagated by quadratic addition of theexternal reproducibility (2 SD; standard deviation) obtained fromthe standard zircon GJ-1 (∼1.6% and 1.2% for the 207Pb/206Pb and206Pb/238U, respectively; n = 12) during individual analytical ses-sions and the within-run precision of each analysis (2 SD; standarderror). Repeated analyses of the reference zircon Plesovice, 91500,and Felix (Slama et al., 2008; Millonig et al., 2012) during the sameanalytical session yielded an accuracy of better 1% and a repro-ducibility of <2% (2 SD). All uncertainties are reported at the 2sigmalevel. Concordia diagrams (2� error ellipses), concordia ages andupper intercept ages (95% confidence level) were calculated usingIsoplot/Ex 3.00 (Ludwig, 2003).

Mineral analyses were performed in order to estimate metamor-phic conditions. We applied the Zr-in-rutile (Watson et al., 2006)and the Ti-in-quartz geothermometers (Wark and Watson, 2006).The analytical conditions for the JEOL JXA-8500F (HYPERPROBE)electron microprobe at the GFZ (Deutsches GeoForschungsZen-trum, Potsdam, Germany) included an accelerating voltage of 15 kV,a beam current of 30 nA and a beam diameter of one �m. Withcounting times of 500 s on the peak and 2 × 250 s on backgroundfor both trace elements, we attained a detection limit of 20 �g/g(Zr L� PETH) and 7 �g/g (Ti K� PET). In order to check for possibleimpurities we simultaneously measured Si, Fe, Ti and Nb in rutileand Al, Fe, Mg and Zr in quartz. Simultaneous analysis of two in-house reference samples (QTiP-7; QTiP-38) was used to check the

analyses of the samples. Zircon (Zr and Si), rutile (Ti), periclase (Mg),orthoclase (Al), hematite (Fe) and Nb-metal (Nb) were used for thecalibration and for quartz the theoretical values of 53.24 wt% O and

on where relict and metamorphic grains occur next to each other (cf. Fig. 3). Thetime (bright) and matrix minerals (black) identifies the zircon grains 105 and 109

The absence of xenotime or matrix mineral inclusions and the zoning and euhedralnning replacement along the rim of the detrital grains show that also homogeneousreplacement processes. Zircons are also found as nano-sized crystals in the matrix,pparent discordant Pb-Pb ages, relict ages concordant; in Ma).

G. Franz et al. / Precambrian Research 250 (2014) 6–26 11

F pointt ent adl








ig. 5. Cathodo luminescence images of (a) a largely pristine, relict zircon; arrowshe core, also on the lower tip. (b) Metamorphic crystal with a relict core; replacemow and high luminosity.

6.76 wt% Si were included in the CITZAF corrections procedure,hich is based on the ˚(�Z) method (Armstrong, 1995).

Major and trace elements of whole rocks were analyzed at theechnical University of München (Germany) by a fully automatediemens XRF (X-ray fluorescence) instrument using Li-tertraboratelass disks. Rare earth elements (REE), U, Th and B analysesere performed on commercial basis by ICP-MS (induced coupledlasma-mass spectrometry) by the X-Ral Co. (Canada).

. Results

.1. Petrography and whole rock composition

Deep blue lazulite and, in some samples, deep blue to vio-et dumortierite, slightly greenish kyanite, and white mica are

able 2epresentative electron microprobe analyses of zircon.

Sample grain # 5868B

8 met 6 rel 4 met 4 met 5 rel 5 r

SiO2 32.12 32.24 31.96 31.96 32.07 32ZrO2 66.02 65.88 65.98 65.98 65.75 65HfO2 1.10 1.32 1.23 1.23 0.98 1ThO2 0.021 0.035 – – 0.024 0UO2 0.029 0.048 – – 0.031 0Y2O3 – – – – 0.071 0Ce2O3 – – – – – –Nd2O3 – 0.022 – – – –Sm2O3 – – – – 0.038 0Gd2O3 – 0.027 – – 0.031 0Dy2O3 0.018 0.019 0.056 0.056 0.072 –Yb2O3 – 0.031 – – 0.072 –FeO 0.028 0.024 – – – 0PbO 0.052 – 0.083 0.083 0.043 0

99.42 99.65 99.37 99.37 99.22 99cations1)

Si 3.973 3.980 3.962 3.962 3.976 3Zr 3.982 3.966 3.989 3.989 3.975 3Hf 0.039 0.046 0.043 0.043 0.035 0Fe 0.003 0.002 – – 0.001 0Pb 0.002 – 0.003 0.003 0.001 0Y – – – – 0.005 0Nd – 0.001 – – – –Sm – – – – 0.002 0Gd – 0.001 – – 0.001 0Dy 0.001 0.001 0.002 0.002 0.003 –Yb – 0.001 – – 0.003 –

8.005 8.001 8.003 8.003 8.006 8

) calculated on the basis of 16 oxygen 2) includes minor amounts of other cations; Al2O3

to replacement areas along oscillatory zoning and to patchy replacement areas invances along cracks; arrows point to borders of areas in metamorphic zircon with

enriched in internally folded and strongly tectonically sheared lay-ers and patches. Patches and layers of hematite, often surroundedby dumortierite and lazulite-scorzalite enriched rims, are typicalfor the quartzites (Cassedanne et al., 1989). These aggregatesare ascribed to boudinage of former hematite-rich layers. Inrare cases, cross-bedding, marked by lazulite and dumortierite,is preserved (Fig. 2a) and sedimentary bedding is recognizableunder the microscope by distinctive layers of heavy minerals suchas hematite, rutile, zircon, monazite and xenotime. There is noindication in the sampled rocks for hydrothermal alteration. Inthe outcrop, enrichment of lazulite and/or dumortierite along the

sedimentary layering could occasionally be observed (Fig. 2a).A weak foliation is developed oblique to the bedding (Fig. 2b).In addition to lazulite-scorzalite (Mg,Fe)Al2[PO4]2(OH)2, otherrock forming phosphates are present and comprise complex solid


el 16 met 24 met 21 rel 20 rel 25 rel 26 rel

.03 32.87 32.17 32.31 32.02 32.41 32.46

.28 66.54 66.06 65.89 65.81 66.23 66.16

.31 1.49 1.10 1.23 1.38 1.29 1.44

.043 – – – 0.027 – 0.044

.020 – 0.058 0.016 0.044 – –

.180 – 0.073 – – – – 0.035 – 0.029 0.020 – – 0.032 0.039 – – – –.048 0.046 0.022 0.023 0.021 0.056 –.019 – – – 0.036 – –

– 0.016 0.018 0.033 – – 0.995 0.065 0.058 0.031 0.024 0.029.045 0.051 0.059 0.081 0.090 0.064 0.023.042 – – 0.068 – 0.021 0.061.12 102.07 99.70 99.80 99.55 100.15 100.27

.978 3.983 3.971 3.982 3.964 3.980 3.983

.953 3.931 3.976 3.960 3.973 3.966 3.959

.046 0.051 0.039 0.043 0.049 0.045 0.050

.005 0.005 0.006 0.008 0.009 0.007 0.002

.001 – – 0.002 – 0.001 0.002

.012 – 0.005 0.001 – – – 0.001 0.002 – – – –.002 0.002 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.002 –.001 – – – 0.001 0.001 –

– 0.001 0.001 0.001 – – 0.037 0.002 0.002 0.001 0.001 0.001.011 8.013 8.008 8.007 8.006 8.005 8.001

, CaO; (–) = below dection limit ≈ 0.02 wt%

12 G. Franz et al. / Precambrian Research 250 (2014) 6–26

Table 3Zr content in rutile and Ti content in quartz and calculated temperature ofcrystallization.

Zr-in-rutile thermometer (Watson et al., 2006)

Sample Ref-Value (�g/g) Zr (�g/g) Temperature(◦C)

Ref-sample (n = 10) 98(2) 107(21)13584B (n = 23) 97(30) 559(25)5868B (n = 15) 95(47) 556(45)

Ti-in-quartz thermometer (Wark and Watson 2006)

Sample Ref-Value (�g/g) Ti (�g/g) Temperature(◦C)

Ref-sample-QTiP-7(n = 5)

22(4) 18(4)

Ref-sample-QTiP-38(n = 6)

332(12) 323(5)

13584B (n = 16) 18(9) 576(45)5868B (n = 18) 20(10) 585(50)








Fig. 6. BSE-images of different textural types of metamorphic zircon; numbers atthe laser ablation spots are apparent ages in Ma, insets show the grains beforeablation. (a) Fractured crystal, with a dominantly pristine core and a metamorphicouter zone, with xenotime and mica inclusions (inset at lower right); the frag-ment right of the crystal shows the same age (∼2500 Ma) as the central grain, thefragment in the upper left a significantly lower age (∼890 Ma). (b) Pseudomorphicgrain, consisting of variably sized zircon crystals plus goyacite-svanbergite (Al-Sr-P)in quartz-muscovite, intergrown with small rutile. (c) Skeletal zircon crystal with

n = number of measurements; numbers in parenthesis are 1� standard deviationsf the last digits).

olutions of the crandallite – svanbergite – goyazite mineral groupaAl3[PO4]2(OH)5·H2O–SrAl3[PO4/SO4](OH)6–SrAl3[PO4]2(OH)5·2O, as well as augelite Al2[PO4](OH)3, trolleite Al4[PO4]3(OH)3,erlinite AlPO4, apatite, and amblygonite LiAl[PO4](F, OH)Morteani and Ackermand, 2004).

Whole rock compositions including the trace element contentsf the samples are listed in Table 1. The two samples for LA-ICP-S-dating were selected based on their high Zr content indicating

large amount of zircon crystals. The samples are B-poor with10 ppm B (Vaca Morta; sample 5868B) and with 29 ppm B (Sãoarco; sample 13584B), with negligible amounts of tourmaline

nd/or dumortierite and belong to the B-poor rock type (Morteanind Ackermand, 2004). Jordt-Evangelista and Danderfer (2012)istinguished among others a dumortierite-kyanite-muscovite-uartzite from a lazulite-trolleite-quartzite, and our dated samplesost probably belong to the second type. The concentration of P2O5

n both samples (9.37 and 4.52 wt%, respectively) is much higherhan in common clastic sediments, thus classifying them as formerhosphatic sandstones. Samples with such a high P-content showEE distribution patterns that are enriched in heavy REE (see Fig.

in Morteani and Ackermand, 2004) and slightly depleted or notepleted in light REE (normalized to North American Archaeanhale). The complexity of textures in outcrop (Fig. 2) in combi-ation with the equilibrium boundaries of the quartz grains anduartz-mucovite grain boundaries (Fig. 3; see also Inline Supple-entary Fig. S3, and Jordt-Evangelista and Danderfer, 2012, their

ig. 2D) documents a multistage deformational history with a finalervasive static recrystallisation. BSE images (Fig. 3) also show aigh amount of small pores aligned along grain boundaries but alsoithin quartz.

Inline Supplementary Fig. S3 can be found online atttp://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.precamres.2014.05.011.

.2. Zircon

.2.1. Textures and crystal chemistryTwo major types of zircon can be distinguished based on tex-

ure: relict (detrital) and metamorphic. Fig. 3 gives an overviewf the textural position of the zircons and shows that both typesre found near each other, only a few �m apart. They are sit-

ated in a matrix of polygonal quartz, together with muscovite,ematite and rutile; phosphate minerals are present in the sam-les, but not necessarily in contact with zircon. The relict zirconsre generally rounded (Fig. 4a; grain 104) or euhedral with rounded

abundant xenotime (bright), muscovite (black, lath-shaped) and quartz inclusions.Different contrast of the small and irregularly shaped xenotime crystals is causedby variable REE contents.

G. Franz et al. / Precambrian Research 250 (2014) 6–26 13

Fig. 7. BSE image of a metamorphic zircon grain with abundant inclusions (sample 13584B, São Marco quarry) showing two laser ablation spots, which yielded apparentdiscordant Pb-Pb ages (given in Ma) and an upper intercept age of 2092 ± 66 Ma. To better highlight the xenotime inclusions the inset at lower right shows the xenotimeinclusions at a contrast that is different in respect to that of the overview. Heterogeneities in the brightness of the xenotime grains (upper and middle inset, enlarged image)are due to differences in the content of rare earth elements. Rutile, hematite and zircon form a contact paragenesis. Rutile crystals from such parageneses were used fora



(Figs. 6b and 8) and textures such as growth on metamorphic zir-con, intergrowth with hematite and negative crystal faces towardsquartz (Fig. 8) suggest their equilibration during metamorphism.In such crystals we determined the Zr content (Table 3) in order

pplication of the Zr-in-rutile geothermometer.

dges and are characterized in BSE images by a mostly concentriconing pattern (Fig. 4b; grain 108). In some crystals the pattern sug-ests a well-rounded grain formed as a fragment of a former largerrystal (grain 104). Some large inclusions have been identified inhe relict zircon, consisting mostly of quartz, but no inclusions ofenotime or other phosphates were found. Very often, the relictrain has an inclusion-rich margin or specific parts of the crys-al are inclusion-rich; these parts are interpreted as metamorphiceplacements (Fig. 4b; grain 108). In some cases, relict crystalslso show outgrowths and the irregular shape of these outgrowthsxcludes them from being relict (enlarged part of grain 104 inig. 4a; grain 108 in Fig. 4b). Cathodo luminescence-imaging revealsssentially the same features (Fig. 5); dominantly pristine relictrystals show high luminescence along the zoning pattern, but alson patches in the core. A largely metamorphic grain with a preservedore shows cracks in the core (Fig. 5b), where the replacementdvanced, and the replacement area shows a generally homoge-eously distributed high luminescence, but also some areas with

ow luminescence.Most of the metamorphic zircon grains have shapes illus-

rated in Figs. 4 and 6, with all transitional stages of incipient toartial until complete replacement. Metamorphic areas have noegular zoning, but abundant inclusions of xenotime, quartz, mus-ovite, and other minerals, which are characteristic of the Al-Puartzite matrix, such as trolleite and svanbergite. In some cases,he amount of xenotime is very high. Xenotime is often hetero-eneous (Figs. 4 and 6) due to variable REE-contents replacing Y.ocally the metamorphic zircon grains are accompanied by minute≤1 �m) zircon crystals in the matrix (Fig. 4b). In addition, threether textural types of metamorphic zircon occur: fractured, pseu-omorphic, and skeletal. The fractured grain (Fig. 6a) shows a clearelict core, surrounded by a rim, and parts of the rim sit as smallragments in the matrix near to the original grain. Their shape andoning pattern identifies them as parts of the large grain. Clustersf anhedral zircon crystals (Figs. 6b and 7) ≤1 �m to tens of �m in

ize concentrated in round to oval shapes with a large amount ofatrix minerals are indicative of pseudomorphs after a precursor

ircon grain. Skeletal crystals (Fig. 6c) also show abundant inclu-ions, but the homogeneus appearance in BSE images (except for a

slight streaky zoning) indicates that they are single crystals. Moreexamples are shown in Inline Supplementary Fig. S4.

Inline Supplementary Fig. S4 can be found online athttp://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.precamres.2014.05.011.

According to EMPA (Table 2) the Hf concentrations in zirconvary mainly between 1 and 2 wt% HfO2, corresponding to 0.04and 0.06 cations per formula unit (pfu), respectively. There is noobservable difference between crystals classified as metamorphicand relict. Quantitative determination of REE, U and Th contents inthe metamorphic crystals was hampered by the abundant xeno-time inclusions. From the BSE contrast it appears that most ofthe replaced areas have a lower trace element content than relictzircon.

Rutile often appears together with metamorphic zircon

Fig. 8. BSE-image of a representative rutile crystal, used for Zr-in-rutile geother-mometry. Dark circle is the trace of electron beam damage. Small bright spots arenano-sized zircon inclusions.



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Table 4aAnalytical data for LA-ICP-MS dating in zircon, São Marco, sample 13584B, first analyses series (UP213 laser).

13584B 207Pba



(ppm)Th/Ub 206Pb/204Pb 206P/238Uc ±2s (%) 207Pb/235Uc ±2s (%) 207Pb/206Pb ±2 (%) rhod 206Pb/238U ±2s (Ma) 207Pb/235U ±2s (Ma) 207Pb/206Pb ±2s (Ma) Conc.e (%)

Spot1-1 10,844 133 64 1.4 4338 0.3596 3.2 6.130 4.0 0.1236 2.4 0.80 1980 54 1995 35 2009 42 991-2 10,355 106 54 1.3 1647 0.3780 5.6 6.331 6.3 0.1215 2.8 0.90 2067 101 2023 57 1978 49 105

10-1 21,433 384 135 0.5 1584 0.3023 8.6 4.989 8.9 0.1197 2.5 0.96 1703 130 1817 79 1952 44 8710-2 22,659 387 121 0.6 1101 0.2591 5.1 4.268 6.0 0.1194 3.2 0.85 1485 68 1687 51 1948 57 7612-1 57,577 190 173 1.0 10,828 0.6314 3.5 21.92 3.7 0.2518 1.2 0.95 3155 89 3180 37 3196 18 9912-2 50,139 161 181 1.0 20,011 0.6412 2.5 22.17 2.8 0.2507 1.3 0.88 3194 62 3191 27 3189 21 10012-3 41,332 206 134 0.6 2846 0.5633 6.8 18.16 7.1 0.2338 1.8 0.97 2880 161 2998 70 3078 28 9415-1 25,563 150 90 0.5 6373 0.5168 4.5 13.12 5.0 0.1841 2.1 0.90 2685 99 2688 48 2691 35 10015-2 26,464 156 94 0.6 14,424 0.5170 2.8 13.25 3.7 0.1859 2.3 0.78 2686 63 2698 35 2706 38 9916-1 19,006 246 104 1.3 907 0.3307 4.7 5.575 4.9 0.1223 1.5 0.95 1842 75 1912 43 1990 27 9316-2 10,798 284 71 1.0 3615 0.1634 3.4 2.233 5.4 0.0991 4.2 0.64 976 31 1191 39 1607 78 6117-1 22,496 235 125 0.8 1589 0.4450 4.5 9.199 5.3 0.1499 2.8 0.85 2373 90 2358 50 2345 48 10117-2 21,713 184 109 1.4 1125 0.4113 2.9 8.299 4.7 0.1463 3.7 0.61 2221 54 2264 43 2303 64 9617-3 8824 100 37 0.7 1410 0.3186 3.6 5.996 5.3 0.1365 3.9 0.69 1783 57 1975 47 2183 67 8217-4 24,517 223 101 0.4 4208 0.4057 4.3 8.323 5.3 0.1488 3.1 0.81 2195 81 2267 49 2332 53 9418-1 12,099 168 75 1.2 937 0.3543 3.0 5.922 4.1 0.1212 2.8 0.74 1955 51 1964 36 1974 50 9918-2 34,766 356 156 0.6 5957 0.3717 4.5 6.231 5.0 0.1216 2.2 0.90 2037 79 2009 45 1980 39 10318-3 8708 114 52 0.8 1190 0.3430 4.4 5.743 4.8 0.1214 2.0 0.91 1901 72 1938 42 1977 35 9620-2 28,971 113 81 0.4 8826 0.6202 1.8 20.70 2.1 0.2421 1.0 0.89 3111 45 3125 20 3134 15 9920-3 39,395 152 113 1.1 2399 0.6260 2.1 20.89 2.4 0.2420 1.1 0.89 3134 53 3133 24 3133 17 10021-1 20,825 64 59 1.3 10,373 0.6695 2.8 24.51 3.0 0.2656 1.1 0.93 3304 73 3289 30 3280 18 10121-2 17,156 52 46 1.0 3609 0.6644 2.2 24.50 2.6 0.2675 1.5 0.82 3284 56 3289 26 3291 24 10021-3 25,779 102 90 1.5 9866 0.6785 4.4 24.80 4.6 0.2651 1.5 0.95 3339 114 3301 46 3277 24 10222-1 7071 179 66 0.7 2954 0.3309 9.2 5.554 11 0.1217 6.7 0.81 1843 149 1909 103 1982 120 9322-2 5074 142 34 1.2 1005 0.1849 4.8 2.583 5.7 0.1013 3.1 0.84 1094 49 1296 43 1648 57 6623-1 9936 188 80 1.6 3903 0.3569 5.3 6.311 5.9 0.1283 2.7 0.89 1967 90 2020 53 2074 47 9523-2 12,539 197 88 1.0 2134 0.3770 5.6 6.686 6.3 0.1286 2.9 0.89 2062 100 2071 57 2079 50 9923-3 7304 98 41 1.1 2528 0.3396 9.3 5.985 11 0.1278 5.5 0.86 1885 153 1974 99 2069 97 9124-1 14,371 239 73 1.5 1281 0.2172 3.8 3.288 4.9 0.1098 3.1 0.78 1267 44 1478 39 1796 56 7124-2 5425 81 23 2.3 1494 0.2032 3.5 3.090 5.0 0.1103 3.5 0.71 1193 39 1430 39 1804 64 6625-1 19,410 71 55 0.8 2822 0.6142 2.0 20.22 3.0 0.2387 2.2 0.68 3087 50 3102 29 3111 35 9925-2 47,000 185 143 0.8 5963 0.6132 4.0 19.94 4.2 0.2358 1.2 0.96 3083 98 3088 41 3092 19 10025-3 14,603 113 69 1.2 1427 0.5180 3.0 15.02 4.1 0.2103 2.8 0.73 2691 66 2816 40 2908 46 9326-1 40,085 149 106 0.3 6626 0.6216 2.1 20.69 2.5 0.2414 1.3 0.85 3116 53 3124 24 3129 21 10027-1 15,974 79 62 1.0 1968 0.4996 4.2 11.96 4.9 0.1737 2.6 0.85 2612 91 2601 47 2593 43 10127-2 14,547 63 47 1.9 5292 0.4930 6.7 11.93 7.2 0.1756 2.8 0.92 2584 144 2599 70 2611 46 9927-3 23,468 152 92 1.5 2852 0.4568 5.6 10.715 6.4 0.1701 3.2 0.87 2426 114 2499 62 2559 53 9527-4 5854 180 38 1.0 509 0.1530 9.7 2.160 12 0.1024 6.2 0.84 918 84 1168 83 1668 114 5528-1 16,150 298 75 1.4 3342 0.1915 7.4 2.878 8.7 0.1090 4.5 0.86 1130 77 1376 68 1783 81 6329-1 5186 153 82 1.6 584 0.3265 3.7 5.768 7.1 0.1281 6.1 0.52 1821 58 1942 63 2072 107 88

GJ1f 6632 289 26 0.03 24,072 0.1099 1.6 0.9121 2.3 0.06016 1.1 0.7


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250 (2014)


15Table 4bAnalytical data for LA-ICP-MS dating in zircon, Conservice, sample 5868B, first analyses series (UP213 laser).

5868B 207Pba



(ppm)Th/Ub 206Pb/204Pb 206P/238Uc ±2s (%) 207Pb/235Uc ±2s (%) 207Pb/206Pb ±2 (%) rhod 206Pb/238U ±2s (Ma) 207Pb/235U ±2s (Ma) 207Pb/206Pb ±2s (Ma) Conc.e (%)

Spot3-1 17,017 205 58 0.7 692 0.2419 4.2 3.773 8 0.1131 6.3 0.55 1397 53 1587 62 1850 114 753-2 39,433 105 59 1.9 379 0.2039 5.1 3.115 10 0.1108 9.0 0.50 1196 56 1436 83 1813 163 664-1 12,951 150 59 1.8 2780 0.2664 3.6 4.448 4.4 0.1211 2.5 0.83 1522 50 1721 37 1973 44 774-2 10,408 95 46 1.2 3876 0.3778 2.2 6.593 3.2 0.1266 2.2 0.71 2066 40 2058 28 2051 39 1014-3 9247 87 40 1.3 1505 0.3520 2.7 5.990 3.8 0.1234 2.7 0.70 1944 45 1974 34 2006 48 975-1 16,074 79 47 0.7 8154 0.5015 4.1 12.13 4.6 0.1754 1.9 0.90 2620 90 2614 44 2610 32 1005-2 26,155 131 79 0.9 20,150 0.4922 5.3 12.07 5.8 0.1779 2.4 0.91 2580 113 2610 56 2633 40 985-3 38,050 222 102 0.7 1448 0.3886 5.4 8.761 5.8 0.1635 2.3 0.92 2116 97 2313 55 2492 40 855-4 53,979 379 162 0.6 4678 0.3724 4.7 8.265 5.0 0.1610 1.9 0.93 2041 82 2261 47 2466 32 836-1 18,070 143 68 0.5 5223 0.4356 5.4 9.092 5.9 0.1514 2.3 0.92 2331 107 2347 55 2362 39 996-2 18,655 123 54 0.7 735 0.3710 4.1 7.620 4.9 0.1490 2.5 0.85 2034 73 2187 45 2334 44 876-3 28,248 449 97 0.8 662 0.1777 4.0 2.679 4.8 0.1093 2.8 0.82 1055 39 1323 36 1788 51 597-1 3158 57 20 0.4 2803 0.2654 3.0 3.573 6.0 0.0977 5.2 0.49 1517 40 1544 49 1580 97 967-2 4388 59 21 1.5 1976 0.2557 3.0 3.582 4.7 0.1016 3.5 0.65 1468 40 1546 38 1654 66 897-3 4338 70 19 1.1 778 0.1956 4.6 2.607 9.1 0.0967 7.9 0.50 1152 48 1303 69 1561 148 748-1 3046 22 14 0.9 739 0.3749 3.5 6.368 6.5 0.1232 5.5 0.54 2052 62 2028 59 2003 97 1028-2 4636 29 16 2.0 1069 0.2495 8.3 4.114 9.1 0.1196 3.5 0.92 1436 108 1657 77 1951 63 748-3 12,222 25 25 4.6 195 0.1850 10 3.061 22 0.1200 20 0.44 1094 100 1423 187 1956 357 568-4 11,777 17 30 7.8 296 0.1493 13 2.075 15 0.1008 6.4 0.90 897 111 1140 106 1639 119 559-1 30,681 292 84 0.8 1270 0.2086 3.5 3.271 4.3 0.1137 2.5 0.81 1221 39 1474 34 1860 45 669-2 26,267 314 90 1.0 1160 0.2164 2.2 3.365 5.2 0.1128 4.7 0.43 1263 25 1496 41 1845 84 689-3 58,795 146 105 1.8 1403 0.3061 2.8 5.099 6.4 0.1208 5.7 0.44 1721 43 1836 55 1968 101 879-4 94,911 114 133 2.3 961 0.2323 3.5 3.900 6.4 0.1218 5.4 0.55 1347 43 1614 53 1982 96 68

10-1 29,127 133 58 1.9 225 0.1999 7.4 3.145 9.4 0.1141 5.8 0.79 1175 87 1444 272 1866 105 6310-2 31,731 193 68 1.0 513 0.2380 6.1 6.872 6.9 0.2094 3.1 0.89 1376 77 2095 63 2901 51 4710-3 21,030 60 35 1.5 241 0.1813 5.8 2.782 12 0.1113 11 0.48 1074 58 1351 96 1821 195 5911-1 7183 20 13 2.1 297 0.1388 8.3 2.106 23 0.1100 21 0.37 838 66 1151 169 1800 382 4711-2 29,127 133 58 1.9 565 0.1999 7.4 3.145 9.4 0.1141 5.8 0.79 1175 80 1444 75 1866 105 6312-1 20,564 165 70 0.6 220 0.3413 2.8 5.732 5.6 0.1218 4.9 0.49 1893 46 1936 50 1983 87 9512-2 9181 113 37 0.7 832 0.2750 3.6 4.595 7.3 0.1212 6.3 0.49 1566 50 1748 63 1974 113 7912-3 18,692 14 31 5.1 470 0.3423 5.4 5.901 13 0.1250 12 0.41 1898 89 1961 122 2029 214 9423-1 55,640 157 108 0.6 833 0.4910 2.9 15.90 3.4 0.2348 1.8 0.85 2575 62 2871 33 3085 29 8323-2 34,932 173 95 0.9 1078 0.4473 6.1 13.79 6.4 0.2235 2.0 0.95 2383 122 2735 62 3006 33 7923-3 13,980 78 39 1.0 454 0.3621 2.6 8.972 4.3 0.1797 3.4 0.60 1992 45 2335 40 2650 57 7532-1 42,688 388 138 0.8 955 0.3015 6.6 4.989 7.5 0.1200 3.5 0.88 1699 100 1817 65 1956 62 8732-2 32,017 286 103 0.9 1294 0.2847 7.1 4.738 8.5 0.1207 4.6 0.84 1615 102 1774 74 1967 82 8232-3 22,468 159 57 1.7 944 0.1545 6.7 2.382 7.9 0.1118 4.1 0.85 926 58 1237 58 1829 75 5133-1 12,323 152 36 1.5 282 0.1454 5.9 2.038 8.7 0.1016 6.3 0.68 875 49 1128 61 1654 117 5333-2 10,205 65 20 0.5 157 0.1705 7.7 2.569 10 0.1093 6.6 0.76 1015 73 1292 77 1787 120 5733-3 39,179 295 98 1.2 581 0.1507 3.8 2.315 9.9 0.1114 9.2 0.38 905 32 1217 73 1822 167 5034-1 33,578 327 129 0.8 1990 0.3440 3.8 5.872 4.7 0.1238 2.8 0.80 1906 63 1957 42 2012 50 9534-2 20,404 261 97 0.8 1197 0.3376 6.2 5.583 7.1 0.1200 3.3 0.88 1875 102 1913 63 1956 59 96

Pleso.f 6552 704 36 0.13 12,500 0.05378 1.4 0.3966 2.5 0.05349 2.6 0.59 338 5 339 7 349 57 9791,500f 7313 73 14 0.41 0.90 0.1771 2.6 1.820 2.3 0.07456 1.7 0.56 1051 25 1053 15 1057 35 100GJ1f 9402 289 26 0.03 16,802 0.1129 1.7 0.9312 2.1 0.05994 1.1 0.84

Data acquired in November 2006. Spot size 20 �m, depth of crater ∼15 �m.a Within run background-corrected mean 207Pb signal.b U and Pb content and Th/U ratio were calculated relative to GJ-1 reference.c Corrected for background, within-run Pb/U fractionation and common Pb using Stacey and Kramers (1975) model Pb composition and subsequently normalised to GJ-1 (ID-TIMS value/measured value); 207Pb/235U calculated

using 207Pb/206Pb/(238U/206Pb*1/137.88).d Rho is the error correlation defined as err206Pb/238U/err207Pb/235U.e Degree of concordance = 206Pb/238U-age/207Pb/206Pb-age × 100.f Mean and 2 standard deviation of primary (GJ1, n = 12; ratios are not corrected for inter-element fractionation) and secondary reference standard (Plesovice and 91,500, n = 9) during respective analytical session.



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250 (2014)

6–26Table 4cAnalytical data for LA-ICP-MS dating in zircon, São Marco, sample 13584B, second analyses series.

13584B 207Pba



(ppm)Th/Ub 206Pc (%) 206P/238Uc ±2s (%) 207Pb/235Uc ±2s (%) 207Pb/206Pbd ±2 (%) rhoe 206Pb/238U ±2s (Ma) 207Pb/235U ±2s (Ma) 207Pb/206Pb ±2s (Ma)

Spot100-1 12,579 159 46 0.83 2.44 0.2132 3.9 3.086 4.6 0.105 2.3 0.86 1246 45 1429 36 1246 45100-2 14,866 322 52 0.51 3.84 0.1202 3.7 1.206 5.1 0.07279 3.5 0.72 732 26 803 29 732 26100-3 23,103 393 63 0.44 5.21 0.1164 3.4 1.136 6.1 0.07076 5.1 0.56 710 23 770 34 710 23101-1 13,647 107 49 6.40 8.36 0.1178 2.6 1.099 5.7 0.06763 5.1 0.45 718 18 753 31 718 18101-2 17,851 238 50 0.86 1.93 0.1563 2.4 1.679 3.2 0.07793 2.1 0.75 936 21 1001 20 936 21101-3 15,117 245 43 1.01 2.65 0.1111 2.1 0.9484 4.3 0.06191 3.7 0.50 679 14 677 22 679 14102-1 51,895 189 98 0.87 0.62 0.3694 2.2 6.525 2.6 0.1281 1.3 0.87 2026 39 2049 23 2026 39102-2 30,043 109 51 0.54 0.25 0.3735 2.2 6.594 2.5 0.128 1.1 0.89 2046 39 2059 22 2046 39102-3 51,380 175 78 0.45 b.d. 0.3708 2.1 6.466 2.3 0.1265 0.9 0.92 2033 37 2041 20 2033 37103-1 69,071 358 115 0.81 3.87 0.2328 2.7 3.58 3.9 0.1115 2.9 0.68 1349 33 1545 32 1349 33103-2 8448 169 37 0.83 2.94 0.1576 3.2 1.939 4.5 0.08922 3.2 0.71 943 28 1095 31 943 28103-3 33,156 228 48 0.70 4.12 0.1595 2.5 2.04 5.2 0.09277 4.6 0.47 954 22 1129 36 954 22103-4 3857 137 33 0.80 3.68 0.1742 6.0 2.389 7.0 0.09947 3.6 0.86 1035 58 1239 51 1035 58104-1 6535 45 14 0.49 0.03 0.2626 2.7 3.445 3.5 0.09514 2.3 0.76 1503 36 1515 28 1503 36104-2 21,994 148 54 0.83 b.d. 0.2623 2.4 3.429 3.0 0.0948 1.9 0.79 1502 32 1511 24 1502 32105-1 32,082 341 44 0.40 6.35 0.0961 4.2 0.8576 8.6 0.06472 7.5 0.49 592 24 629 41 592 24105-2 8205 94 25 2.16 0.06 0.1336 2.4 1.805 6.4 0.09798 5.9 0.38 808 19 1047 42 808 19106-1 152,699 327 182 0.24 0.30 0.4824 2.3 12.25 2.6 0.1841 1.3 0.87 2538 48 2623 25 2538 48106-2 62,210 474 81 0.39 5.86 0.1291 3.1 1.554 5.0 0.08729 3.9 0.62 783 23 952 31 783 23106-3 38,905 340 51 0.48 4.99 0.1133 3.7 1.145 6.2 0.0733 4.9 0.61 692 25 775 34 692 25107-1 12,238 99 55 0.91 0.63 0.3729 2.4 6.409 3.4 0.1247 2.3 0.72 2043 43 2034 30 2043 43107-2 9409 69 39 1.32 0.13 0.3709 2.3 6.391 3.3 0.125 2.3 0.69 2034 40 2031 29 2034 40108-1 26,350 96 41 0.34 0.40 0.3664 2.1 6.211 2.5 0.123 1.4 0.84 2012 37 2006 22 2012 37108-2 27,475 287 78 1.43 0.55 0.1786 3.9 2.335 4.6 0.09483 2.4 0.85 1059 38 1223 33 1059 38109-1 9359 96 18 0.74 3.89 0.1275 3.5 1.363 5.3 0.0775 3.9 0.67 774 26 873 31 774 26109-2 2139 58 10 0.75 3.84 0.1224 3.0 1.207 5.4 0.07148 4.5 0.55 745 21 804 30 745 21110-1 29,261 219 80 0.83 0.23 0.2664 2.6 3.471 3.0 0.0945 1.4 0.89 1523 36 1521 24 1523 36112-1 90,150 461 143 0.29 1.21 0.261 2.5 4.082 3.3 0.1134 2.1 0.77 1495 34 1651 27 1495 34112-2 18,312 621 89 0.61 3.16 0.1084 2.7 0.9584 7.0 0.06409 6.5 0.38 664 17 682 35 664 17112-3 26,543 364 75 0.76 5.43 0.138 2.9 1.533 5.0 0.08057 4.1 0.57 833 23 944 31 833 23113-1 119,537 258 132 0.31 0.74 0.4572 2.4 11.03 2.9 0.1749 1.6 0.83 2427 50 2525 28 2427 50113-2 118,199 280 153 0.14 0.49 0.4997 2.8 12.16 3.4 0.1765 2.0 0.82 2613 61 2617 33 2613 61113-3 85,433 505 98 0.41 5.61 0.1364 5.7 1.8 7.5 0.09569 4.9 0.76 824 44 1045 50 824 44114-1 5982 43 13 0.56 b.d. 0.2553 2.3 3.318 3.2 0.09427 2.3 0.71 1466 30 1485 26 1466 30114-2 5694 40 13 0.50 0.01 0.2658 2.1 3.48 3.1 0.09497 2.3 0.68 1519 29 1523 25 1519 29114-3 3173 48 17 0.80 0.58 0.26 2.5 3.433 3.9 0.09577 2.9 0.65 1490 33 1512 31 1490 33115-1 25,895 88 38 0.35 b.d. 0.3735 2.3 6.505 3.1 0.1263 2.0 0.76 2046 41 2047 27 2046 41115-2 18,034 69 31 0.37 b.d. 0.3768 2.2 6.654 2.9 0.1281 1.8 0.76 2061 39 2066 25 2061 39115-3 29,028 104 44 0.32 b.d. 0.3728 2.0 6.607 2.7 0.1285 1.8 0.73 2043 35 2060 24 2043 35116-1 51,578 428 85 0.50 3.00 0.1476 4.4 1.828 6.0 0.08981 4.1 0.73 887 37 1055 40 887 37116-2 36,308 274 62 0.70 4.05 0.1597 2.8 2.106 4.3 0.09562 3.3 0.65 955 25 1151 30 955 25117-1 22,544 195 40 1.14 9.20 0.1169 3.5 1.149 8.5 0.07129 7.8 0.41 712 23 777 47 712 23117-2 28,117 321 65 0.81 9.63 0.1219 4.7 1.459 9.6 0.08686 8.3 0.49 741 33 914 59 741 33117-3 29,383 297 88 0.55 1.76 0.2374 2.5 3.582 3.3 0.1094 2.1 0.76 1373 31 1546 26 1373 31122-1 25,199 233 56 1.25 3.21 0.1477 2.7 1.734 3.8 0.08513 2.7 0.70 888 22 1021 25 888 22122-2 21,269 248 53 1.15 2.42 0.1391 2.9 1.578 3.7 0.08228 2.4 0.77 840 23 962 24 840 23122-3 748 18 5 0.60 3.30 0.2036 6.9 2.811 10.6 0.1001 8.0 0.65 1195 76 1359 83 1195 76122-4 1598 118 19 1.03 2.79 0.1046 4.4 0.8837 5.6 0.0613 3.5 0.78 641 27 643 27 641 27123-1 74,224 147 89 0.29 0.02 0.5216 2.1 13.25 2.2 0.1843 0.9 0.92 2706 46 2698 21 2706 46123-2 62,880 121 72 0.26 b.d. 0.5153 2.1 13.09 2.3 0.1842 1.0 0.91 2679 46 2686 22 2679 46123-3 80,719 152 93 0.29 b.d. 0.5222 2.0 13.42 2.2 0.1864 0.8 0.94 2708 45 2710 21 2708 45124-1 20,419 344 47 0.53 2.85 0.1078 2.4 0.9369 10.8 0.06303 10.5 0.22 660 15 671 54 660 15124-2 5743 199 28 0.57 2.49 0.1045 2.6 0.8688 5.5 0.06028 4.8 0.48 641 16 635 26 641 16125-1 33,150 118 53 0.48 0.02 0.3756 2.0 6.493 2.5 0.1254 1.5 0.80 2056 35 2045 22 2056 35125-2 51,862 178 77 0.33 0.08 0.375 2.0 6.54 2.5 0.1265 1.4 0.82 2053 36 2051 22 2053 36126-1 50,670 201 98 0.64 b.d. 0.3738 2.2 6.51 2.4 0.1263 1.0 0.91 2047 38 2047 21 2047 38


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126-2 67,489 228 117 0.79 b.d. 0.3723 2.0 6.519 2.2 0.127 0.7 0.94 2040 36 2048 19 2040 36127-1 32,922 131 69 0.85 0.10 0.3705 2.6 6.546 3.9 0.1281 2.8 0.68 2032 46 2052 35 2032 46127-2 27,218 103 48 0.47 b.d. 0.3752 2.1 6.624 3.7 0.128 3.1 0.56 2054 36 2063 33 2054 36127-3 54,266 199 90 0.46 b.d. 0.3735 2.2 6.515 3.7 0.1265 3.0 0.59 2046 38 2048 33 2046 38128-1 63,263 205 89 0.21 0.12 0.4016 2.2 9.448 2.5 0.1706 1.3 0.85 2176 40 2382 24 2176 40128-2 6634 63 18 0.45 0.00 0.2412 3.9 4.233 4.7 0.1273 2.6 0.83 1393 50 1680 40 1393 50128-3 7282 69 21 0.31 b.d. 0.2635 2.7 4.767 3.1 0.1312 1.6 0.87 1508 36 1779 26 1508 36129-1 8303 241 53 1.37 2.32 0.1214 2.4 1.19 3.8 0.07105 3.0 0.63 739 17 796 21 739 17129-2 8495 191 39 1.40 6.54 0.1042 2.8 0.9113 7.8 0.06343 7.3 0.36 639 17 658 39 639 17129-3 67,324 398 102 0.86 4.33 0.1725 3.0 2.235 4.3 0.09401 3.0 0.71 1026 29 1192 30 1026 29130-1 46,502 151 67 0.40 0.20 0.3705 2.1 6.504 2.3 0.1273 1.0 0.90 2032 36 2046 21 2032 36130-2 9401 234 40 0.60 1.41 0.1333 4.6 1.5 5.5 0.08159 3.0 0.84 807 35 930 34 807 35131-1 75,332 126 77 0.31 0.05 0.5219 2.1 13.34 2.2 0.1853 0.7 0.95 2707 47 2704 21 2707 47131-2 80,300 146 89 0.33 0.01 0.5162 2.0 13.24 2.2 0.186 0.7 0.94 2683 45 2697 21 2683 45132-1 26,853 118 51 0.40 1.00 0.3701 3.1 6.519 3.4 0.1277 1.5 0.90 2030 54 2048 31 2030 54132-2 15,561 116 57 0.59 0.02 0.3789 2.8 6.74 3.3 0.129 1.7 0.85 2071 50 2078 29 2071 50133-1 137,112 130 102 0.24 b.d. 0.6542 2.0 23.55 2.3 0.261 1.1 0.88 3244 52 3250 23 3244 52133-2 122,502 126 97 0.19 b.d. 0.6518 2.1 23.2 2.3 0.2581 1.0 0.91 3235 54 3235 23 3235 54134-1 7235 170 41 1.77 5.47 0.1175 2.9 1.142 5.3 0.07047 4.4 0.55 716 20 774 29 716 20134-2 1473 31 8 1.74 3.39 0.1395 3.1 1.63 7.6 0.08474 6.9 0.41 842 25 982 49 842 25135-1 72,636 225 107 0.75 b.d. 0.3606 3.8 9.39 4.0 0.1889 1.2 0.96 1985 65 2377 37 1985 65136-1 89,488 167 102 0.35 b.d. 0.5083 2.2 12.77 2.7 0.1822 1.6 0.82 2649 48 2663 26 2649 48136-2 46,305 303 133 0.30 0.06 0.3764 4.1 8.908 4.3 0.1717 1.2 0.96 2059 73 2329 40 2059 73136-3 39,506 310 117 0.30 b.d. 0.3211 3.3 7.098 3.9 0.1603 2.0 0.86 1795 52 2124 35 1795 52137-1 21,691 610 106 0.94 2.58 0.1126 2.8 1.023 3.9 0.06592 2.8 0.71 688 18 716 20 688 18137-2 11,890 151 54 4.05 4.77 0.1658 3.3 2.026 4.8 0.08864 3.4 0.70 989 31 1124 33 989 31137-3 9683 146 35 0.73 3.13 0.1887 3.8 2.494 4.8 0.09585 2.9 0.79 1114 39 1270 36 1114 39139-1 11,580 374 101 2.18 0.00 0.1355 2.4 1.642 4.9 0.08789 4.3 0.48 819 18 987 31 819 18139-2 8717 240 67 2.26 1.26 0.1378 2.4 1.708 6.8 0.08993 6.3 0.35 832 19 1012 44 832 19140-1 10,255 283 55 1.36 2.40 0.1059 2.8 0.9093 4.3 0.06228 3.2 0.65 649 17 657 21 649 17140-2 21,243 430 89 1.49 5.80 0.1034 4.3 0.8871 7.4 0.06221 6.1 0.58 634 26 645 36 634 26140-3 23,537 295 63 1.61 5.34 0.1151 2.7 1.021 8.4 0.06432 7.9 0.32 702 18 714 44 702 18141-1 9056 126 29 2.53 3.89 0.1175 3.8 1.236 6.3 0.0763 5.1 0.60 716 26 817 36 716 26141-2 8983 176 41 0.92 0.39 0.1739 2.6 2.355 4.6 0.09823 3.8 0.57 1033 25 1229 34 1033 25141-3 7299 164 33 0.61 1.62 0.1566 2.8 1.903 5.5 0.08817 4.8 0.51 938 25 1082 38 938 25142-1 53,324 72 60 0.27 0.21 0.6719 3.0 26.17 3.2 0.2824 1.1 0.94 3313 79 3353 32 3313 79143-1 27,870 411 83 0.27 4.40 0.1695 3.1 2.141 4.4 0.0916 3.2 0.69 1009 29 1162 31 1009 29143-2 60,278 796 149 0.26 5.36 0.1429 2.7 1.63 4.5 0.08273 3.7 0.59 861 22 982 29 861 22143-3 36,795 341 130 0.17 0.10 0.3525 2.7 6.185 3.2 0.1273 1.8 0.84 1946 46 2002 29 1946 46147-1 3600 97 18 0.89 3.35 0.1231 3.0 1.317 12.6 0.07756 12.2 0.24 749 22 853 75 749 22147-2 7545 234 45 1.40 2.78 0.1125 3.5 1.029 4.8 0.06637 3.3 0.73 687 23 719 25 687 23150-1 28,479 162 92 0.25 0.05 0.4987 2.4 11.92 2.7 0.1734 1.0 0.92 2608 53 2598 25 2608 53150-2 40,936 216 119 0.49 b.d. 0.4281 3.7 10.03 3.9 0.17 1.4 0.93 2297 71 2438 37 2297 71155-1 31,053 122 54 0.45 0.03 0.3722 2.3 6.53 2.6 0.1273 1.3 0.87 2040 39 2050 23 2040 39155-2 22,698 89 43 0.55 b.d. 0.3743 2.2 6.539 2.4 0.1267 1.0 0.92 2050 40 2051 22 2050 40Pleso.f 3823 386 19.7 0.11 0.29 0.05411 1.7 0.3949 2.0 0.05293 1.5 0.54 340 6 338 6 326 3491500f 6650 41 7.5 0.47 0.91 0.1759 3.3 1.821 4.0 0.07506 1.9 0.53 1045 32 1053 26 1070 38Felixf 2644 172 18.5 1.49 0.20 0.08097 2.2 0.6414 2.3 0.05745 0.7 0.63 502 11 503 9 509 16

Data acquired in May 2011. Spot size = 10–26 �m; depth of crater ∼15 �m. 206Pb/238U error is the quadratic additions of the within run precision (2 SE) and the external reproducibility (2 SD) of the reference zircon. 207Pb/206Pberror propagation (207Pb signal dependent) following Gerdes and Zeh (2009). 207Pb/235U error is the quadratic addition of the 207Pb/206Pb and 206Pb/238U uncertainty.

a Within run background-corrected mean 207Pb signal in cps (counts per second).b U and Pb content and Th/U ratio were calculated relative to GJ-1 reference zircon.c Percentage of the common Pb on the 206Pb. b.d. = below dectection limit.d Corrected for background, within-run Pb/U fractionation (in case of 206Pb/238U) and common Pb using Stacey and Kramers (1975) model Pb composition and subsequently normalised to GJ-1 (ID-TIMS value/measured value);

207Pb/235U calculated using 207Pb/206Pb/(238U/206Pb*1/137.88).e Rho is the 206Pb/238U/207Pb/235U error correlation coefficient.f Accuracy and daily reproducibility was checked by repeated analyses (n = 8) of reference zircon Plesovice, 91500 and Felix; data given as mean with 2 standard deviation uncertainties.

18 G. Franz et al. / Precambrian Research 250 (2014) 6–26

Fig. 9. Concordia diagrams for LA-ICP-MS dating (samples 5868B and 13584B, see Tables 4a and 4b). Detrital zircon grains with metamorphic replacement are plottedtogether (a and e), for all other zircons (relict) the data are plotted in individual diagrams for each zircon crystal. In case of concordia ages the quoted MSWD, mean squareweighted deviation, is the MSWD of concordance. The data show a major Rhyacian age group (∼2 Ga), which is reset by a Brasiliano event, two ages of ∼2.3 Ga (b and f), earlyMesoproterozoic ages of Jequié (2.5–2.7 Ga; c, g and h), and Archaean ages (>3 Ga; d, i–m); for detailed discussion, see text.

ian Research 250 (2014) 6–26 19







Fig. 10. Concordia diagrams for LA-ICP-MS dating (sample 13584B, see Table 4c).(a) Relict crystals with a common concordant age of 2050 ± 50 Ma. (b) metamorphicgrains with discordant data points near to the lower intercept. The lower intercept of634 ± 19 Ma indicates the age of peak metamorphic conditions for the crystallizationof metamorphic zircon, the upper intercept is a common mean age of the precursor

G. Franz et al. / Precambr

o apply the Zr-in-rutile geothermometer (Watson et al., 2006),nd in associated quartz crystals the Ti-in-quartz geothermometerWark and Watson, 2006). Observation with high-resolution BSEmages allowed detecting and avoiding nano-sized zircon inclu-ions (Fig. 8); the presence of such inclusions ensures Zr-saturationn rutile. However, inclusions below the surface can still affect thenalysis and lead to anomalously high values, which were excluded.he average value (Table 3) for sample 13584B is 97(30) ppm Zr andor sample 5868B 95(47). The average calculated temperature ofrystallization is 559(25) ◦C and 556(45) ◦C respectively. Titaniumontents in quartz in these two samples (Table 3) are 18(9) and0(10) ppm, corresponding to 576(45) and 585(50) ◦C, respectivelyWark and Watson, 2006). The large spread in calculated tempera-ures is due to the very small trace element contents. Nevertheless,oth geothermometers agree quite well and for the later discussione use an average value of 570 ± 35 ◦C.

.2.2. LA-ICP-MS age determinationsDue to the small size of the metamorphic zircon crystals and

ue to abundant inclusions, overlap of the laser beam with matrixinerals or inclusions was unavoidable. We decided therefore to

nalyze in a first measurement cycle large inclusion-free grains (orreas in grains) compared to inclusion-bearing ones in order toetermine the influence of the inclusions. The clear grains yieldedostly concordant data; but when the laser hit a metamorphic

eplacement area the data are discordant near to the upper inter-ept. In both samples determinations yielded consistent resultsTables 4a and 4b; concordia diagrams Figs. 9 and 10) with con-ordant or slightly discordant data.

In order to obtain reliable ages for the lower intercept, weelected for a second measuring cycle metamorphic grains fromample 13584B, which has a high number of zircon crystals. Theajority of data from these crystals (Table 4c) are discordant withany points occurring near the lower intercept, thereby allowing

he calculation of the lower intercept’s value with high confidence.dditionally we selected inclusion-free relict grains in order to bet-

er constrain the age of the protoliths. Eight grains show concordantges between 2032 ± 19 Ma and 2069 ± 18 Ma (Fig. 10a). For thealculation of a discordia for the metamorphic grains, we selectedll analyses with an upper intercept around or below 2.1 Ga whichefine a common trend; the upper and lower intercepts of this dis-ordia are 2032 ± 31 Ma and 634 ± 19 Ma, respectively (Fig. 10b).he upper intercept of the metamorphic grains is within the uncer-ainty range of the concordant ages. The age of the lower interceptBrasiliano) is supported by three other grains with a higher relictge of 2.6–2.7 Ga (e.g., grain 27; Fig. 9g) and one grain with a lowerelict age near 1.5 Ga (Table 5).

In Fig. 7 we show a grain that is classified as metamorphic dueo its pseudomorphic shape. In two spots, this grain yielded appar-nt near-concordant Pb–Pb ages of ∼1800 Ma (lower intercept of). Assuming, however, a lower intercept of ∼600 Ma the upper

ntercept age is 2092 ± 66 Ma consistent with the age of the con-ordant analyses of the 8 grains mentioned before. In the discordiaiagrams (Fig. 9) similar grains from Vaca Morta (Fig. 9a) and Sãoarco (Fig. 9e) show an upper intercept age of 2020 ± 22 Ma and

033 ± 33 Ma, respectively, confirming our assumption of a com-on relict age for many (but not all) metamorphic grains. However,

he analyses on 10 grains from Vaca Morta (Fig. 9a) define a consid-rable younger lower intercept age of 347 ± 52 Ma, which suggesthat the grains were affected in addition to a late Neoproterozoic

etamorphism by some younger or recent Pb-loss. As the analy-es are relatively far away from the lower intercept the age is not

onsidered as reliable as the previously given value of 634 ± 19 Mand not interpreted in terms of a geological meaning.

The ages of the relict detrital crystals fall into the following fiveroups (Table 5): Seven zircon crystals yielded upper intercept or

zircon crystals.

concordant ages between ∼3.1 and 3.3 Ga. Three of these Archaeanages (São Marco; sample 13584B) are concordant with a small errorof ±13–20 Ma, two of them are shown in Fig. 11a. The analyzedgrains (Fig. 11b and c) have the rounded shape (Fig. 11b) typicalof detrital grains and a zoning pattern that reveals that they arefragments of larger grains (Fig. 11c). In addition to minor replace-ment textures, these grains also show small outbreaks near thegrain boundary separated by quartz and indicating minor fragmen-tation (Fig. 11d and e). Grains 12 and 25 from this sample (Fig. 9iand m) show two concordant spots in the inclusion-free centre ofthe crystals and one discordant spot in the inclusion-rich rim. Grain23 (Vaca Morta; sample 5868B; Fig. 9d) is discordant and its upperintercept also points to an old age.

Nine zircon crystals yielded ages of ∼2.6–2.7 Ga (Table 5; Fig. 9c,g, and h). Many of these ages are concordant or lie near the upperintercept. Two grains (São Marco; grains 106, 113) yielded lowerintercept ages of 651 ± 22 Ma and 638 ± 52 Ma, respectively. Twocrystals yielded ages of 2345 ± 42 Ma (13584B, grain 17; Fig. 9f)and 2385 ± 39 Ma (5868B, grain 6; Fig. 9b). These upper interceptages are well defined for both crystals by concordant analysis of

spots in inclusion-poor areas of the crystals. The discordant agesare in the inclusion-bearing rim of the crystals.

20 G. Franz et al. / Precambrian Research 250 (2014) 6–26

Table 5Age groups of zircon LA-ICP-MS data; zircon classified as relict and metamorphic (see text); R + M indicates strong replacement, however with some areas which are lessaffected. Concordant ages marked with ‘c’ (fifth column), grains with two digits = first session, with three digits second session. MSWD, mean square weighted deviation; -no MSWD quoted for two-point discordia’s; for ‘c’ MSWD of concordance quoted.

Sample Grain R = relict M = meta morphic Spot age/upper intercept Lower intercept MSWD

13584B 142 R 3373 ± 18 c 2.55868B 23 R 3361 ± 91 1467 ± 130 0.39

13584B 21 R 3284 ± 24 c 0.4713584B 133 R 3243 ± 13 c 0.7913584B 12 R 3199 ± 34 1701 ±720 0.6813584B 26 R 3127 ± 20 c 0.2113584B 25 R 3115 ± 52 1856 ± 370 0.3613584B 106 R + M 2714 ± 26 651 ± 22 0.9413584B 15 R 2695 ± 24 c 0.1513584B 131 R 2703 ± 10 c 0.4613584B 123 R 2699 ± 14 c 1.313584B 136 R + M 2685 ± 30 722 ± 120 1.9

5868B 5 R 2623 ± 40 894 ± 210 0.5913584B 113 R + M 2630 ± 26 638 ± 52 0.2613584B 150 R 2589 ± 19 467 ± 370 –13584B 27 R + M 2568 ± 39 675 ± 97 0.33

5868B 6 R 2385 ± 39 656 ± 57 0.9813584B 17 R 2345 ± 42 777 ± 310 0.3813584B 23 R 2056 ± 54 c 0.3913584B 132 R 2069 ± 18 c 1.0613584B 115 R 2059 ± 15 c 0.7813584B 102 R 2055 ± 18 c 1.813584B 155 R 2053 ± 13 c 0.4613584B 127 R 2052 ± 18 c 0.5913584B 126 R 2052 ± 11 c 0.46

5868B 4 R 2036 ± 37 324 ± 250 1.1413584B 125 R 2047 ± 15 c 0.9413584B 107 R 2032 ± 21 c 0.1713584B 100 R + M 1984 ± 85 633 ± 34 0.0213584B 103 M 2092 ± 110 670 ± 66 1.0513584B 105 M 2440 ± 260 565 ± 40 –13584B 108 R 1996 ± 33 685 ± 66 –13584B 109 M 2722 ± 1500 707 ± 74 –13584B 112 R + M 2006 ± 58 650 ± 34 0.4113584B 116 M 2210 ± 730 660 ± 140 –13584B 117 M 1963 ± 130 576 ± 120 1.713584B 122 M 1937 ± 140 636 ± 36 0.1913584B 124 M 651 ± 20 c 0.2413584B 129 M 1942 ± 130 644 ± 31 2.213584B 130 R 2069 ± 24 634 ± 47 –13584B 134 M 2154 ± 320 655 ± 58 –13584B 137 M 1874 ± 98 650 ± 32 0.2513584B 139 M 2032 ± 31 634 ± 19 3.413584B 140 M 646 ± 14 c 1.513584B 141 M 1930 ± 160 580 ± 72 3.413584B 143 R + M 2093 ± 43 703 ± 37 1.613584B 144 M 2510 ± 1100 665 ± 44 –

5868B 34 R 2013 ± 50 580 ± 150 1.513584B 1 R 1998 ± 27 c 1.01

5868B 8 R 2036 ± 78 407 ± 140 0.9413584B 16 R 2023 ± 40 533 ± 88 –

5868B 12 M 1993 ± 110 122 ± 1000 0.165868B 9 M 2036 ± 150 403 ± 240 1.6

13584B 18 R 1980 ± 39 c 0.755868B 32 R 1985 ± 64 219 ± 140 0.12

13584B 10 R 1958 ± 96 78 ± 730 –13584B 24 M 2092 ± 66 ∼600 1.513584B 28 R 2172 ± 145 ∼600 –

5868B 7 R 1645 ± 120 247 ± 640 1.95868B 33 R 2128 ± 590 441 ± 390 1.8

13584B 22 R 2019 ± 170 601 ± 130 –13584B 110 R 1520 ± 21 c 0.04


13584B 104 R

13584B 114 R

13584B 101 M

The dominant age group, from individual, mostly concordantpot analysis and from upper/lower intercept ages, ranges from

092 ± 42 to 1958 ± 96 Ma (37 crystals; Figs. 9 and 10a), well inccordance with the known Rhyacian (2.25–2.05 Ga) consolidationf the São Francisco craton. From São Marco, 19 grains classified asetamorphic (Table 5) yielded relict ages that are identical within

1513 ± 18 c 0.621502 ± 29 c 2.31491 ± 130 670 ± 42 1.5

error between 2.0 and 2.1 Ga. This age corresponds to the majorityof concordant relict ages.

Beside some near-concordant ages of grains clearly affected bythe metamorphic overprint, the only concordant ages below 2.0 Gaare 1502 ± 29 Ma and 1513 ± 18 Ma (Fig. 11d; São Marco; nos. 104;114). Grain 114 (Fig. 11e) is completely homogeneous in BSE; it

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Fig. 11. Examples for oldest (a–c; Archaean) and youngest (d and e; ∼1500 Ma) detrital zircon grains in BSE images and concordia diagrams. All grains are relicts withoutinclusions, except for minor replacement in the outermost part (in b: grain 133) and metamorphic zircon near to the relict grain 114 (in e). Another grain (104) of the younga



ge group is shown in Fig. 4a.

hows an area of metamorphic zircon near to the rim, which wasot hit by the laser beam. One grain (grain 101, strongly affectedy the Neoproterozoic overprint, see Table 4c) yielded an upper

ntercept age of 1491 Ma (Table 5), a value that is near to these data,ut with a high error of ±130 Ma reflecting the enhanced resetting

f the U–Pb system.

In addition to Figs. 4–11 all zircon crystals with their results ofge determinations are documented in the Inline Supplementaryig. S4.

6. Discussion

6.1. Zircon formation

6.1.1. P-T-conditions and protolith

Previous P-T estimates for the Al-P quartzites (Morteani and

Ackermand, 2004) based on oxygen isotope geothermometry onhematite-quartz mineral separates and the presence of kyaniteyielded a minimum pressure of ∼0.4 GPa at 480 ◦C. Here we

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etermined a temperature of ∼570 ± 35 ◦C using the Zr-in-rutilend Ti-in-quartz geothermometers (Watson et al., 2006; Wark andatson, 2006). The higher temperature is interpreted to be the

ear-peak metamorphic temperature and, in combination with thege data of the associated zircon crystals, the temperature of therasiliano metamorphism. The lower temperature of 480 ◦C likelyesults from resetting during the retrograde path of the Brasilianovent. The temperature of ∼570 ◦C is consistent with the dominanthase assemblage in the rocks, muscovite-quartz, which rules outpper amphibolite to granulite facies conditions. Assuming that thebundant kyanite present in these rocks also belongs to the peaketamorphic assemblage, minimum pressure conditions can be

onstrained to 0.6–0.8 GPa. To the best of our knowledge, eclogitesave not been reported in the Espinhac o and own investigations onetabasaltic rocks from the area only showed the common amphi-

olite facies assemblages, and therefore there are no indicationsor high-pressure metamorphic conditions. The given P-T esti-

ates are in line with the phosphate mineral assemblage (Morteanind Ackermand, 2004; Jordt-Evangelista and Danderfer, 2012), butomplicated textural relationships between the phosphate miner-ls and the lack of knowledge about the phase relations of theseare phosphates hinder the construction of a reliable P-T path.

In a phosphatic sandstone, kyanite probably formed fromn Al-rich clay mineral, and in rocks poor in Mg, Na and KTable 1) a likely candidate is kaolinite. The protolith of the Al-Puartzite was probably a mature quartz-sandstone, deposited in ahallow-marine or littoral facies, as indicated by the very low Mg-nd the high B-concentrations (Danderfer, 2002; Danderfer andardenne, 2002; Morteani and Ackermand, 2004; Jordt-Evangelistand Danderfer, 2012). The presence of the Al-Sr-phosphate-sulfateinerals goyacite-svanbergite together with kyanite strongly

ndicates former diagenetically or hydrothermally altered andeathered kaolinite-bearing profiles. Hematite layers in these

ocks (Cassedanne et al., 1989) point to weathering with generationf lateritic beds. The Al-P quartzites are possibly similar to rockseported by Gaboreau et al. (2005) from Proterozoic unconformity-ype U deposits in the east Alligator River Uranium Field, Australia.hese authors speculated about originally monazite-bearing sand-tone, in which the Al-phosphate-sulfate minerals resulted fromhe interaction of P- and B-bearing fluids with Al-bearing clay min-rals. Deposits containing similar Al-Sr-phosphate-sulfate mineralsith a Late Precambrian diagenetic age were described from thearker basin in Argentina (Dristas et al., 2003; Martínez et al., 2006).

.1.2. Zircon reactionAs frequently documented in the literature detrital zircon

rystals are normally resistant to weathering and hardly reacturing metamorphic overprinting, even at granulite facies con-itions or during melting. In common pelitic metasedimentsetamorphic overgrowths on detrital zircon grains are <1 �m

Vorhies et al., 2013) or <3 �m (Rasmussen, 2005), and only atr above the sillimanite zone beginning dissolution–precipitationroduces rims of ∼10 �m width (Vorhies et al., 2013). However,he unusual textures of the metamorphic zircon crystals in thel-P quartzite point to a much stronger, in many cases completeissolution–recrystallisation process. There are no indications for

nvolvement of other Zr-minerals in the reaction, such as the exam-les shown by Tropper et al. (2007), zircon formation involvingaddeleyite, or by Pan (1997), zircon formation involving zircono-

ite. In the Al-P-quartzites, a high porosity (Fig. 3), the presence ofanoscale zircon crystals in the matrix around the pseudomorphsFig. 4b) and in rutile (Fig. 8) indicates transport of Zr in a fluid

nd thus a high mobility of the high-field strength elements. Theissolution–reprecipitation reaction is

ircon1 + P-bearingfluid = zircon2 + xenotime.

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In the metasediments, zircon 1 comes from a variety of possi-ble sources and its chemical composition must be very variable.Because most of the crystals come from igneous or high-temperature rocks, they contain a large amount of trace elements.During reprecipitation, Y, the middle to heavy REE, U and Thbecome concentrated in xenotime, and the necessary amount ofP is supplied by the fluid. Xenotime is very heterogeneous withstrong variation in REE-contents, indicating incomplete equilibra-tion (Fig. 7). Similar breakdown reactions for zircon were given byPidgeon (1992), Pan (1997), Hoskin and Black (2000), Tomascheket al. (2003) and Rubatto et al. (2008). Tomaschek et al. (2003)described metamorphic zircon from high-pressure metagabbrosand meta-plagiogranites from Syros, Greece (with textures of pris-tine magmatic zircon, topotactically replaced, and skeletal crystals)and argued for a dissolution–reprecipitation reaction. In additionto Y-phosphate (possibly xenotime) they also identified Y-REE-Th-silicate in the metamorphic zircon, which was not found in theAl-P-quartzites. Another example for metamorphic zircon, pro-duced by a dissolution–reprecipitation process from the LanzoMassif, Italy (Rubatto et al., 2008) shows pseudomorphs of zir-con microcrystals associated with Na-pyroxene and epidote fromhigh-pressure/low-temperature meta-plagiogranites. These tex-tures, especially fractured zircon crystals, are also very similar tothe metamorphic zircons shown here.

The fact that zircon in the Al-P quartzites reacts easily isexplained by the nature of the fluid in the quartzite. As indicatedby the presence of phosphates (e.g., berlinite, trolleite and augelite)and phosphate-sulphate minerals (e.g., goyacite-svanbergite), anyfluid generated within the rock during prograde metamorphism viathe breakdown of kaolinite (or other clay minerals) and hydratedphosphates such as variscite, producing berlinite (Drüppel et al.,2007) must be rich in P and S and thus very acidic. Fluid supply fromexternal sources as in the case of an igneous protolith is not nec-essary. Tomaschek et al. (2003) and Rubatto et al. (2008) describedhigh-pressure rocks and therefore argue for a strong influence ofpressure on the solubility of Zr. In case of the Al-P-quartzites,a minimum pressure of 0.6 to 0.8 GPa probably also enhancedsolubility. Rubatto et al. (2008) argued for a strong influence ofNa-rich solutions, but here the amount of alkalies is rather low(see Table 1).

Another factor that influences the dissolution is the extent ofmetamictization of the zircon crystals prior to the onset of meta-morphism and related fluid generation. Grains or parts of grainswith a high degree of metamictization will dissolve and recrys-tallize easier than non-metamict ones. Differences in the degreeof metamictization can be the reason why in some zircon crystalszones or patches are selectively replaced, e.g., by xenotime. Geisleret al. (2003) have shown that even low-temperature hydrothermalfluids can react selectively with amorphous regions of metam-ict zircons. The solubility of radiation damaged zircon and itsgrowth at low temperatures (∼250 ◦C) was described by Balanet al. (2001), Rasmussen (2005), Delattre et al. (2007) and Hayet al. (2010). Experimental treatment of natural metamict zirconat 450 ◦C and 1.3 kbar also confirmed that metamict zircon eas-ily recrystallizes by water infiltration and ion exchange (Geisleret al., 2001). Rubatto et al. (2008) and Tomaschek et al. (2003)argue that metamictization is not a necessary requirement as adriving force for the dissolution–reprecipitation, because of theyoung Paleocene-Eocene age of the rocks they described. In con-trast, the Paleoproterozoic, partly even Archaean zircons of theAl-P-quartzites are old enough to accumulate the necessary radi-ation dosage. Metamictization is accompanied by hydration and

a considerable volume increase. This might be the cause for thefracturing, observed in a number of grains (Fig. 6a and b). Theselectivity of the dissolution and recrystallization as a result of vari-able degree of metamictization is demonstrated by the fact that

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ompletely recrystallized zircons can be found at a microscopicistance from completely unaltered detrital zircons (Figs. 3 and 4).

.2. Geological evolution of the Espinhac o fold belt

.2.1. Ages of source areas and sedimentationThe zircon-bearing clastic sediments of the Veredas Fm. orig-

nated from the erosion of gneisses, migmatites, granulites andharnockites of the Archaean to Paleoproterozoic São Franciscoraton (Almeida, 1977; Almeida et al., 1981; Santos and Souza,983; Lopez and Souza, 1985; Loureiro and Souza, 1985). Theão Francisco craton consists of the Gaviao, Serrinha and Jequiélocks, and the Itabuna-Salvador-Coruc a belt, which collided inhe Transamazonian orogenesis around 2.0 Ga (e.g., Barbosa andabaté, 2002). The basin that originated the Northern Espinhacoold belt was flanked on both sides by rocks of the Gaviao blockith ages predominantly between 2.8 and 2.9 Ga. From the tonalite-

rondhjemite-granodiorite massifs within this block ages between.1 and 3.6 Ga are recorded that belong to the Gurian cycle, the old-st tectonomagmatic cycle identified in South America (Teixeirat al., 1996). In the amphibolite facies Serrinha block, ages areround 2.9 Ga, and in the granulitic Jequié block ages around.7–2.8 Ga are reported. Both ages belong to the Jequié-Aroanectonomagmatic cycle (Almeida et al., 1978; Brito Neves et al.,990; Barbosa and Sabaté, 2002, 2004, and literature therein).

The four age groups of the relict zircons of the Vereda Forma-ion correlate with the ages in the craton. The oldest age group from3.1 to 3.3 Ga corresponds to the ages found in the TTG-gneisses of

he Gaviao block, the oldest crustal rocks of the São Francisco cra-on (Teixeira et al., 1996) that have been eroded and transportednto the Espinhac o rift. Valeriano et al. (2004) reported similar agesrom the southern Brasilia belt. The age group around 2.7 Ga cane attributed to the Jequié-Aroan tectonomagmatic cycle as it isresent in the Serrinha and Jequie blocks. The frequent ages ofhe detrital zircons around 2.07–1.95 Ga put the vast majority ofhe eroded source rocks in the Rhyacian, the time span postulatedor the plate tectonic assembly of the Transamazonian-Eburneanupercontinent (e.g., Alkmim and Marshak, 1989; Martins-Netot al., 2001; Eriksson et al., 2001) and the major crustal consolida-ion of the São Francisco craton. This time span is slightly youngerhan the time span of 2.25–2.05 Ma given by Danderfer et al. (2009).

The two ages near 2.3 Ga (Table 5) do not correlate directlyith a known major tectono-thermal event. Valeriano et al. (2004)

lso found several ages between 2.2 and 2.4 Ga in the south-rn Brasilia belt, which were attributed to the Transamazonianvent, and together with the age spectrum given by Danderfert al. (2009) this might indicate a relatively long time span forhe amalgamation of the Transamazonian-Eburnean superconti-ent. Alternatively, these crystals might come from igneous rocksssociated with intraplate magmatism in the Jequié craton or per-aps from a minor orogenic event not detected until now in the Sãorancisco craton.

The spectrum of relict ages goes down to 1.5 Ga (Table 5; see alsohe age spectrum obtained on monazite and xenotime, by EMPAating, Inline Supplementary Fig. S2), indicating minor activity onhe newly assembled supercontinent. Similar ages are present inhe age spectrum of detrital zircons from the Brasilia belt (Valerianot al., 2004). The age spectrum is also similar to that determined byabinski et al. (2012) for the Macaúbas formation in the Arac uaírogen further south, however they also found ages between 1.5nd 1.0 Ga. The age of the youngest detrital zircons in the Northernspinhac o determined here is similar to the youngest zircon ages

n the Tiradentes quartzites (1536 ± 33 Ma; 1540 ± 45 Ma; Ribeirot al., 2013) in the São João del Rei basin from the southern endf the São Francisco craton (Tiradentes Formation in the Ribeiraelt), which further underlines the correlation of these rocks with

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the Northern Espinhac o (Ribeiro et al., 2013). In the coeval Cha-pada Diamantina metasedimentary sequence Silveira et al. (2013)dated crosscutting mafic dikes and sills with an age of 1501 ± 9 Ma(U-Pb badelleyite), indicating an important intraplate event in theNorthern Espinhac o, which continues into the southern range.

The current model of the evolution of the Espinhac o basinassumes sedimentation in a rift that opened during the Paleopro-terozoic Statherian taphrogenesis between 1.8 and 1.7 Ga in theSão Francisco craton (Brito Neves et al., 1979; Brito Neves, 1992;Schobbenhaus, 1996; Chaves et al., 2000; Martins-Neto et al., 2001;Eriksson et al., 2001; Almeida-Abreu and Renger, 2002; Valerianoet al., 2004; Knauer, 2007; Danderfer et al., 2009; Pedrosa-Soaresand Alkmim, 2011, and references therein). The beginning ofrifting and sedimentation is based until now on a combinationof stratigraphic-tectonic relations, U/Pb ages of about 1750 and1748 Ma for synsedimentary alkaline volcanic rocks of tholeiiticaffinity (Machado et al., 1989; Schobbenhaus et al., 1994; Dussinand Dussin, 1995), an age of 1746 Ma for granitoids of the LagoaReal unit (Pimental et al., 1994), and SHRIMP and evaporationzircon ages of ∼1.7 Ga from intercalated metavolcanics (Chaveset al., 2000; Danderfer et al., 2009). Danderfer et al. (2009) andPedrosa-Soares and Alkmim (2011) presented a detailed modelon the rift evolution of the Northern Espinhac o and showed thatrifting occurred during several stages. They separated the wholesedimentary sequence into a number of synthems (see their Fig. 3)based on major unconformities. The first synthems, called Algo-dão, São Simao (with felsic igneous rocks, dated as >Statherianwith 1731 ± 5 Ma) and Sapiranga, mark the beginning of rifting. Thefollowing Pajeú Synthem has volcanic intercalations, dated withzircon to be Calymnian with 1570 ± 30 Ma. It is overlain by theSão Marcos Synthem, which contains mafic intrusive dykes thatintruded the lower part of the sequence (see Fig. 1b). The mini-mum age of sedimentation given by zircon dating of these dykesis Tonian with 854 ± 23 Ma. Danderfer et al. (2009) therefore spec-ulated about a possibly younger age of the upper sequence. TheAl-P-quartzite from the Veredas Formation belongs to the base ofthe next overlying Sitio Novo Synthem. The ages of ∼1500 ± 30 Maof the youngest zircons from this formation are well in accordancewith the ages given for the Pajeú and São Marcos Synthems.

On top of the Sitio Novo Synthem with the Veredas Formationfollows the Santo Onofre Synthem, deposited in the Santo Onofrerift (or Macaúbas rift; Alkmim et al., 2006) in the time intervalbetween 1000 and 900 Ma (Schobbenhaus, 1996). This rift borderedthe already closed Espinhac o rift to the west. The deposition ofthe pelites and turbidites, overlain by breccias, conglomerates andcarbonate rocks of the Santo Onofre-Bambuí Synthems (Danderferet al., 2009), indicates a continental margin environment ratherthan intracratonic rifting. In the Macaúbas (Santor Onofre) rift sedi-mentation started at 900 Ma and continued through the Cryogenian(Babinski et al., 2012).

Closely related to the Espinhac o Supergroup is the assumptionof an Upper Proterozoic tectonometamorphic ‘Espinhac o event’,for which ages between 1.3 and 1.0 Ga (Inda and Barbosa, 1978;Brito Neves et al., 1979) or between 1.4 and 1.5 Ga (Turpin et al.,1988; Cordani et al., 1992; Almeida-Abreu, 1995) were assumed.These ages correspond to that of the two major Mesoproterozoictectonic provinces in South America, the Rondonian-San Ignacioand the Sunsas ones (Cordani et al., 2010), and are temporal equiv-alent with the North American Grenvillian province. However, inour dataset from the metamorphic zircons, there is no indicationfor such an Espinhac o event, in contrast to the investigation ondetrital zircons from the Brasilia (Valeriano et al., 2004) and from

the Arac uaí belt (Babinski et al., 2012). This would be consistentwith the assumption that the sedimentation ended earlier than∼1.3–1.4 Ga (depending on the exact age of the Espinhac o event),possibly due to closure of the rift.

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to the subdivision of the Precambrian in South America. Revista Brasileira deGeosciências 20, 267–276.

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.2.2. Brasiliano metamorphismThe lower intercept age of 634 ± 19 Ma (Fig. 10) is interpreted as

he age of the metamorphic overprint during the Brasiliano event.he large number of spots that are near-concordant or lie near tohe lower intercept underline the reliability of the age determina-ion, even though many analyses were influenced by the presencef xenotime (and other) inclusions. The similarity of the mineralssemblages and textures in the Al-P quartzite sampled in the fouruarries (Fig. 1b) suggests that the here determined ages of the pro-olith and metamorphism are representative at least for the wholeorthern part of the Espinhaco, but possibly also for the central andouthern Espinhaco fold belt.

Alkmim et al. (2006) analyzed the structures of the Brasiliano-anafrican deformation produced by the Arac uaí-Westcongorogeny in the south of the Sao Francisco-Congo craton wherehe Paramirim Corridor (in their terminology Paramirim aulaco-en) ends. They concluded that the closure of the Macaúbas rift,hich had opened as an aborted rift in the São Francisco-Congo

raton at ∼900 Ma, started to close as a result of differential move-ents in the large craton at ∼600 Ma. Full closure was achieved at

85–560 Ma. Our age data of 634 ± 19 Ma for the metamorphismn the northern Espinhaco would therefore correspond to the earlytage of the Panafrican compressive tectonics in this orogeny. Sim-lar ages for metamorphism were found in other Brasiliano beltsurrounding the São Francisco craton: e.g., for the Brasilia belt50–640 Ma (Piuzana et al., 2003; granulite facies metamorphism),630 Ma Valeriano et al., 2004; synmetamorphic granites and mon-zite ages from migmatized rocks); from the Ribeira belt, southf the São Francisco craton, Heilbron et al. (2010) reported lowerntercept ages of 590 ± 5 Ma for granulites. In the Pernambucoelt north of the São Francisco craton Neves et al. (2006), Nevest al. (2007) also presented ages of 626 ± 15 Ma and 619 ± 36 Maor high-T metamorphism, however with later (<592 Ma) shear-ng, indicating a similar development of the crust, with a dominantransamazonian crust formation and Brasiliano overprint. de Souzat al. (2006) inferred that north of the São Franciscon craton theeak of the high-T metamorphism (from upper amphibolite toranulite facies) and ductile extensional or transtensional defor-ation for this area may be placed at about 578–574 Ma (Sm–Nd

n garnet and U–Pb on zircon). Monazites ages of 540–550 Maecorded another phase under slightly lower temperatures beforehe ending of the Brasiliano event.

. Conclusions

The age spectrum of the relict zircons found in the Al--quartzites of the Vereda Formation (Espinhaco Supergroup)anging from the oldest ages as determined in the Gaviao Block3.1–3.3 Ga) to ages of around 1.5 Ga show that the basin accu-

ulated in that time debris from the whole São Francisco craton.he youngest age of about 1.5 Ga determined on detrital zirconsan be considered as the time where the sediment input into thespinhac o rift ended, but not necessarily as the time of the closuref the Espinhac o rift. The time of the opening of the Santo Onofreift at the western side of the already sediment-filled Espinhac oasin is under debate as long as age data of the zircon popula-ion of the sediments of the Santo Onofre supergroup are missing.uring the opening of the Santo Onofre rift, also the western mar-in of the São Francisco-W Congo craton along the Espinhac o wasemobilized leading finally to the Paramirim Corridor of Brasilianoge that finds its southern continuation into the Arac uaí fold belt.

ur radiometric data do not confirm the debated existence of a

pecific Espinhac o tectonometamorphic event. Instead, the Brasil-ano age of the amphibolite-facies metamorphism provokes theuestion, if there is a connection between the Arac uaí fold belt

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and the northern fold belts, which surround the São Franciscocraton.

Remarkable is the widespread remobilization and recrystalliza-tion of zircon and replacement by xenotime and inclusion of otherminerals during recrystallisation. The dissolution–reprecipitationof zircon was driven by the P- (and B-)rich fluids produced by thehigh-pressure amphibolite facies Brasiliano metamorphism. Suchdifference in reactivity in combination with in situ age determina-tion makes the zircon population of Al-P-bearing quartzites, such asthat of the Vereda formation, prime candidates for unravelling thehistory of psammitic sequences. Ongoing investigations on an Al-P-quartzite from the southern Espinhac o fold belt near Diamantina(see Fig. 1) supports our model of selective dissolution and repre-cipitation of zircon under amphibolite facies conditions.


We thank O. Appelt (Potsdam) for her help with themicroprobe analyses, F. Galbert and J. Nissen (Berlin) for theBSE-documentation, B. Dunker (Berlin) for art work, A. Liebscher(Berlin) for helpful discussions, C. Schobbenhaus (Brasilia), and H.D.Schorscher (Sao Paolo) for critical comments on an earlier versionof the manuscript. C. Preinfalk (München) is acknowledged for herhelp in the field and E. Berryman (Berlin) for polishing the English.Thanks also to J.B. Thomas who has made the two QTiP samples.This work was supported by DFG grant number FR 557/19-1. Threeanonymous reviewers are thanked for thorough reviews and help-ful suggestions.


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