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Albuquerque Morning Journal, 01-10-1916

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University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Albuquerque Morning Journal 1908-1921 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 1-10-1916 Albuquerque Morning Journal, 01-10-1916 Journal Publishing Company Follow this and additional works at: hps://digitalrepository.unm.edu/abq_mj_news is Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Albuquerque Morning Journal 1908-1921 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Recommended Citation Journal Publishing Company. "Albuquerque Morning Journal, 01-10-1916." (1916). hps://digitalrepository.unm.edu/ abq_mj_news/1536

University of New MexicoUNM Digital Repository

Albuquerque Morning Journal 1908-1921 New Mexico Historical Newspapers


Albuquerque Morning Journal, 01-10-1916Journal Publishing Company

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This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been acceptedfor inclusion in Albuquerque Morning Journal 1908-1921 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, pleasecontact [email protected].

Recommended CitationJournal Publishing Company. "Albuquerque Morning Journal, 01-10-1916." (1916). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/abq_mj_news/1536






by CrrleJrmimic


Mall, 60aSc.


C00LINO. i


WKATHKUDenver, Jan. 9. Now Mexico: In-

creasing cloudiness with sn.w northportion; much colder east portion Willicolli wave nort Invent port Inn. Tues-day generally fair; colder southeastportion.


Summary or War. News oTYestcrday

The complete evacuation of the'lullipoli peninsula by the Hi'IUhIi andFrench forces, the withdrawal of theFrench troops from the summit ofllirxslciti, south of Iliiilinans-Weilii'-kop- f,

In the Vosges monnt.-ijiiH- andthe. siiiklnit of tho Itrltislt hattli'NhipKing IMwnrd VII, after it had comelu contact with a mine, are tho out-standing features In the war news.


MEHD. 10







in n jo




LOCAL WKATHKU RKlfHlT.l or twenty-fou- r hours, ending GALL POLat

C p. m. yest.-rdny- :

Maximum, 00 degrees; mlnimuiii,20 degrees; rang?, 40 degrees; tem-perature of 6 p. m., 3f, degrees; south-west wind; cloudy. 1 5 U GIBRALTAR NOW

I A Ulltlsh soldier wounded wan On-

onis' casualty suffered in leaving theOallipoll peninsula, and there ubvWas no likSfl of life In the sinking of

Attorney Genera! Explains

Policy of Department of

which governs the federal und thestate courts In rases where they haveconcurrent Jurisdiction. Thai is tosay, in any such case. If the federaltrade commission were tho first toexercise jurisdiction, the tlepimmentof Justice would nwalt the conclusionof the commission's proceeding be-fo-

taklnK any action, unlu-- specialcircumstances should dictate a dif-lut- e,

a different course."

Justice to National Cham

the King lidward VII.Considerable, fighting is still going

on at i'artorysk on the Itussian frontwhere the Teutons twice have been

with considerable losses lu at-tempting to recapture, that town Iromthe Itusslans. I'etrograd also reportthat the AlC'tro-llungariai- is have beendriven from tho eastern lank of themiddle Strlpa river in east Cnlicln,

An attack by the Teutonic alliesagainst the. entente allies lu (lieecvhas not yet materialized, but aero-planes of tho central powers againhave bombarded the environs of

After Loss of 114,000 Men

and Several English andOne French Battleship theScheme Is Abandoned,





For New Haven DefendantsNot Freed Jury Is Reportedto Have Stood Eight to

Four for Acquittal,



District Attorney Says Men

Not Favored by VerdictWill Be Tried Again 'atEarliest Possible Date,

Excitement Has Been Allayed

and Disposition Seems toBe to Await Full Investiga-

tion of Persia Incident,



Georgia Senator Will Ask Why

Southern Cotton Is Being

Held Up iit British Ports;Has Received Cablegrams,

Evacuation Carried Out With-

out Loss, Declares OfficialReport From CommandingGeneral,



One of England's Big War-

ships Hits Mine and Sinks;No Lives Are Lost, Accord-

ing to Admiralty,

bers of Commerce,



Act, in Its Severity, InvokedOnly When It Is ShownThat Intent Has Been to

Violate Statute,

Plan to Capture Constantino-

ple and Relieve RussiaLoses Out Because of Many



Now York, Jan. 9. Immorality andcommercialized vice are being rapidlyeradicated In New York City, accord-ing to a report made today of a re-

cent survey by the bureau of socialhygiene, of which John I). Hockefel-ler- ,

Jr., is chairman.Tho report is intended to supple-men- t

nn lnvestiK-.i- ion made In 1912,and states that on November n, lillf,only Tit.', disorderly places were found

actions which, accompanied by Iheformation of n number of allegeddummy corporations, resulted in thetransfer of the steamships Harvardand Yalo to the Pacific coast.

tXlicrs Arc I'.xcumxI.The other directors were little

mentioned In the cWdcncc, and theirchief defense Was that they dependedupon the advice of Charles S. Mellenor IMward 1. ftobblns in Ithe1 ucts

'charged against them, which virtu-ally consisted of casting their votes illfavor of propositions that came be.fore the for approval.

) lhThe indicted'


London, Jan. 9 (9:45 p. m.) It Isofficially announced that the completeas compared with 2,42 such places in

191?. i evacuation or the (iauipoll peninsula

Y MOAMIHO JOURNAL SrtCtU. LCASOI WM)Washington, Jan. 9. The policy of

the department of justice in tho en-forcement in the anti-tru- st laws isoutlined flt length in a statementmade public tonight by the Chamberof Commerce of the United States,.uiiioiinciiiL, the result of several con

"Data secured during the present in- - mis been successfully carried out


New York, Jan. U. Six of the ''""don. Jan. 9 (lfl:in p. ni ) Thneleven former directors of the New rD""1'!,, pOM nM,n',',l hy the allies

" peninsula have now been(lUullYork New Haven a lluiiror.i. cbarg-- : abandoned with the wounding ofed by the government with cr muml , rmlon" mnn ,h ,,r"' "Sviolation of . Sherman anti-tru- st lirv' W'Tr K.ench, according a Britbth official' l ' 1 n" 1 'l "aw, wee found not guilty late today , state,,,,.,,! issued tonight.mo,; is :',7b,,trvlne- - tXJ ''' U' n, ;',, "" tM

T.m thera by kener observers? ,to th government and defendanta ofjuiy dtsagieed five others. ,,,,.,. , ,,,i.. ,,..,i...,(of the Near Kustern campaign forth,- -

vcstigalion shows that collusionexploiters of vice and officials

Cleneral Sir Chnrles Monro reportthat only one Itrldsh soldiers waswounded In th- evacuation, and lhatIhern viri. mi r.'oiiiiilti.iu nmnnir tnt

in the police department has ceased,"the report.ferences between Attorney Cenernl jstatcs

Gregory and a committee of the or. ! French; that all the guns w-r- saved,except seventeen worn out ones whichwere blown up. .....a L ii ri-- . uiii ii-- i n u iiiiiiiv.ii uiiiiiiin. .. . .. , -

""so .i:iiumii. l retirement of the troops from Annuo,BULGER JURY STILLUNABLE TO AGREE

iiKiultted were: 1,. NewtonThoseKnrilzatlon.

The outline, which was submitted lotr.nd approved by the attorney general, i

is prefaced by un explanation that thaichamber has constantly been present- -ed with Inquiries with regard to the)

I nioii Iv'ler Is Kllliil.Melenn, Mont., Jan. U. J. Duffy, '

former president of the Itutto Mln-- j

ft HORNINd JOURNAL SFIrlAL LF.ARHD WilliWashington, Jan. 9. After a week

of open discussion. In the senate andhouse, vongressiofiul incitement overthe foreign relations of (ho I'nltedStates has been considerably nlleyed.Administration leaders appear to havesucceeded In provttllinff upon ni'ist oftlu-i- colleagues to adopt a policy ofpatient waiting for complete investi-gation of recent war zone incidents Inwhich Amerloiin lives were sacrificed.

Kventually the ; foreign relationscommittee of thi iftenate will under-take deliberation (if all matters pertaining to the ICut .'iean conflict whichhave come before it, Including pro-posed lnvcntli.jnti.ul into I'.rltlsh Inter-ference with nc'itral shipping andbelligerent attacks upon neutral shipsIn which Ameri' an lives have beensacrificed or imperiled.

Senator llolti Smith, of Georgia,author of the res ijution which woulddirect inquiry into the British treat-ment of trade, h w given notice thathe will address lire senate this weekon Phases of the Icotton situation as

and Huvla, bay three weeks ago left nostrategic advantage to the retentionof tho tip of the peninsula.

t'auM"! Pbjir; r Itegret.

Barney, l'arnilngton, Conn.; ItobertW. Taft, Providence, U. I.; James II.Hemingwaj, A. Kenton Itobertson andFrederick 1'. Hrewster, New lluven,and Henry K. Mcllarg, Stamford,Conn.

era union and at one time a memIRV MORN, NO JOURNAL RRHCIAL LIA9CD WIRI)

Denver, Jan. 9. The Jury in the .Neveiin'-iex- s me news win be rerelationship that might be established ber of the state legislature, was shot!end killed late yesterday In phlllips- -

With the withdrawal of the Ulilishand French forces from the southernlip of the (lulllpoli peninsula, afterthe evacuation of the Anzae cove andSuvla bay positions on the westerncoast in the middle of December,there lias come to an end a move-ment begun with expectations that. Itwould have a ureal bearing on theou-co- of the. war.

ceived with a Pang of regret by thipeopl,, of the British Isten as well asIhn iiilfinlAu

between tho federal trade commission case of James C. I'ulgcr, whose mentaland the department, and with re-- i condition has been under investigation burg, Mont., by Mike i.onegan, aThose on whom the Jury disagreed

according to advices received u,.n-- .i .,iiViiu nt . nii,- -were: William itockefcllor. New York; miner,quests for information as to the gov-- 1 in Westsido district court for moroernmetifs attitude in future anti-!thn- n ft W,,k. w" s"" ollt rarV l0trust proceedings. The attorney gen-- 1 night. !t has been deliberating on.eral was told, the statement sav's, thntth" cm,c f"r twenty-fou- r hours, andan expression trom him "might be re-!n- o woru" was received as to whetherwarded as reassuring to the public or not n verdict was in sight.mind," and "might dispel some of the Counsel for Rulger, sentenced touncertainty which heretofore existed." na"K during the week of February 27,

The statement in pnrt follows: for the murder of L. F. Nicodcmus,

i.e.e i";.v. ,10 ,o ,..,, no.d hv ,n) Turuish official rom- -town authorities, met on the street munlcatlons in the past few day hnaand after some hot words which no presumably been In the nature offystander caught, I.oncgnn shot lnif-- ; preparatlonH for the final act of thefy, who was unarmed. Lonegan was Dardanelles tragedy. Tonlht' Turk-arreste- d.

, Ish official report, covering the period

Charles F. ltrooker, Ansnnla, Conn.;Charles) M. Pratt, Itrooklyn;Cass l.edyard, New York, and Kdward1). Itohbius, New Haven. i

'llfty-on- o Hours IH'lllicialinii.

Tho verdict was returned at 4:30!o'clock this afternoon after fifty-on- e:

Thousands upon thousands of menlost th''lr lives In effecting- landingson tho Turkish coast and in the fight-ing since, in addition, a number ofbattleships and smaller war crnfi ofthe entente allies have been sunk or

from Thursday to Haturday. recordsTeutonsaffected by the aitjtude of Great Brit-- ! hours of deliberation, and the Jury

"HV of intrnrinelinn tho ntfr.r. nenvrr noiei pro i, eoiiiciiueuMonaco SalonlUI.

0 16:10 p. m ) A

from SalonlklParis, Jan.aln. Senator Hotce Smith and otherwnl, discharged. The final vote on

member of con, ress todav received the five defendants upon which thoney general expressed the view 'mat ne is insane. i ne ncuring was uunn.(n,-u- .

mail , ...... . ., , ... Th ,,kii ...nn...... nA.. patch to theof thecomniei,-(- i ana went 10 me jury eariy i,im-i- imuch of the. misunderstanding that Jurors could not agree stood 8 to 4 forcablegrams from the American AssoSaturday, j Dardanelles campaign which was be-

gun In February, 19 Hi, with tho bom- -now exists in some quarter in relu-- ltion to the Sherman act is due to the?

the increasing effectiveness of rein-forcement of tho Turklah batterleawhich have been drawing in and con-centrating on the allies' remaining po-sitions, i

Hlg Ilauietditp lostAnother pang to the Hritish public

will be caused by the announcementtonight of the loss o( the hattleahlbKlnr Kriwnrit VII u hl,.w hu hn

says:"Tho concentration of Austro-Oer-ma- n

troops around Motumtlr Is con-

firmed. The llulgaiian forces massedIn the region of Olevgell, Dolran,

acquittal,K. L. Halts, chief counsel for the

government, announced that ho wouldmove for a new trial of these five.This will be done, hi, mild, before any

elation f Comr tree and Trade InBerlin playing fbr action to assistAmerican firms i Here declared to befacing ruin beca me of tho Hrltisliblockade.

"I did not liay t itch attention to thoHtrumltsa and Petrich ure estimated

effort will bo made to try tho six other nt five or six llvlsion.'

Frisco Polhvman Killed.San Francisco, Jan. 9. Thomas

Dcasy, n San Francisco policeman,died today from bullet wounds re-

ceived last night In an encounter witha supposed highwayman who he hadordered tn halt. Denwy'j murderer instill at large.

former directors, or the road that were:cablegram," aaid I Senator Smith. "Iint'T'" VI in Americana in ' mdloted, but won. obtulned the right.

blown up by a mine. The brief official' j statement on this subject doea not re-- f

veai the ju'enc- - or th action tihd'mer- -' lU UMV'U thilt lliA .1 ua !.. fiiimi.pu In

:u a notMerlin. i ....ik;.. i...... i..t!o hi. fried jw.nnr.if elv " : nmmi r miirrpr

j bardment of Turkish forts at tho w- -

trancii of tho straits, wbh the captureof Constantinople and the opening oftho Bosphorous, which connect theMediterranean with the Black sea, sothat Hussla might have nn avenue forthe receipt of arms and ammunitionand aso for the exportation of Uuh- -

Mian grain. For- England, successmeant the prevention of anotherTurkish Invasion of Egypt, and the

j permanent safety of the Suez canaland Kngland's communications withIndia,

In October, after the miceesaful In- -

i. mil nr ii. .iiiiiu m.'iicr i,i ... . ... , ...

fact that in the minds of many it hascome to be thought of as a statuteapart from the general body of laws.This, he pointed out, Is not the case.On the contrary, the Sherman act isenforced by the department of Justicelu the somi! manner and according rothe same rules of policy as other stat-utes with the same care and withneither morn nor less rigor. Plain orIntentional violations are proceededaialnst as vigorously as under otherstatutes. When, aa with all statutes,duubtful cases arise in which therewas no intent to violate the law, theyare dealt with lust as similar oasr-- un

the Americans who Slav at home. I Instructed ,y tottrt.want American citiiens in the t:nlt.edi The jurors did not reach their ver-Stat-

to have their rights." ! ullt" nfK'r they bad reported InHed Tapo on lrearelili'v'5. (Judge Hunt earlier in thn day that

Deliberation oil the HuMect of na-- j they could not agree. Cp to that time

a. heavy ne. despite which the entire;crew, wiia aaved before th ship won'tdown.



ni mit niDrrirntlonal nropo redness is now falrlv un. nunn they had lieeu deiiberattiiK Thu Kin F.'Jward VII represented

with a view to bringing la a verdictder way lu both houses of congress.The leaders agree Hint ft will tie manyI vaslon of Serbia by the Teutons and

the Bulgars, and the reports that Oerder other statutes are dealt with, that



null i miLimLu;

an Inveutrnentmeiit of nearly 1,800,000' pounds and was one of the finest ufthe last class ofcorresponding In general th the Amer-ican ships of the New Jerjey and Ne-braska type, and waa only slightlyolder than the Natal, which was auukby an Internal explosion about a week

man ammunition was on Its way toTurkey, a storm of bitter criticism of

on tho guilt or innocence or tno de-

fendants collectively. The court thenInstructed them to make further ef-

forts to concur and that If they couldnot agree upon all, to try and roacha decision on some. The vote on thequestion of all at (hat time also stoodfi to 4 for acquittal, It was learned.

Six I naiilmoiisly.

the govern ment's Dardanelles cumnalgn broke loose in Kngland. Sir

SEVERAL KILLED Fdward Carson, attorney general, re-

signed from tho cabinet because of adisagreement over tho campaign, It

On returning to the Jury room theJurors renewed their discussion withwan said, and Winston Churchill, firstmmm lord of the admiralty, the principal

, , i i ' target of attack, also resigned. ThereLXPIOSlOn IS Believed Ulie 10 also was a complete reorganization of

the courts lustrucliotm In mind, audiunanimously eliminated the six de-

fendanta that were acquitted. Two;of the four Jurors who had voted

weeks before any definite Idea cun oeformulated as to the naval and armybills. This week' the senate commlt-te- o

on military affairs will beginhearings on army reorganization, thohousn committee having begun lastweek.

Other committees will begin worktomorrow framing the rivers und har-bors bill which will aggregate approx-imately $4(l.000,nnn, the urgent defic-iency bill for which ostlmnteu aggre-gatin- g

$3,000,000 already are In forthe present fiscal year, the Indian ap-propriation till, aggregating $10,000,-00- 0,

und the postofflce appropriationbill.

The annual fight over the rivers andharbors bill will be launched tomor-row when Representative Krear ofWisconsin will make a speech againstthe forthcoming measure. Represcnt-fillv- e

Heflln of Alabama will speakTuesday, amplifying his churge of aconspiracy between speculators andspinners on the New York cotton ex

ago.Seventeen-year-ol- d Boy, Ar-- 1 nn(Ztl!Z

rested in Beaumont, AdmitsKilling M.lll and Woman ''i""" Announces that the Germans

,)nve l.(,n,p1.t(1 lhu ,.,. llture of p0Ml.Near Palomas Hot Springs, n1rM,rl,',r,,,m"B'fw,,lk'rak0,,t Klu,kp"

i 'Christmas.I Hreek correspondenta continue to

IRV MORN, Nil JOURNAL RRBCIAL LRARflO WIRIl aHSCf t tllttt tllB HulgaTlanS Uttd 0,r- -Heaumont, Tex., Jan, . Albert mans am hastening planrt for an

seventeen-vear.ol- d son of J. tack on Saloulkl. But the Austrlana

if. the French cabinet which was gencr- -ULltSICle mtlUenCeS and I W0 ally attributed to the Balkan situation.

is, wiui a. view oi onrorcing strictcompliance with the law, hut wlthoirtunnecessarily stigmatizing or unneces-sarily burdening with litigation per-sun- s

who have been honestly mistaken as to the law and who stand readyto rectify their mislak.

"Four points were then taken up:First: The complaint that the law

Is uncertain."Second: The. policy of the de-

partment of Justice as regards themethod of enforcing the law In ad-mittedly doubtful eaes.

"Third: Tho policy of the depart-ment in cases where it and the fed-eral trade commission are bothcharged with the enforcement of thelaw.

"Concerning the first point the at-torney general stated that while

there Is in the law ofof trade an era of doubt, In

the vast majority of cases It Is not

II.. J-- -' The sending of the Ileet to forceUl ltlcl the Dardanelltw without, the co-op- erMen Are Reported

Arrest for Crime, tUion of land forces wn generallyconceded to have been the big lut

against me ueienoanis originauystood firm against Messrs. Itockefcl-lor, Ledyard, Hrooker, Pratt and Rob-bin- s.

Tlifn lb,, other two (twitchedto their original position, leaving S

to 4 n the final verdict.Two Defendants Absent.

William Rockefeller, who Is 111, and

Itlal blunder of ihe campaign. The! inadequacy of the land forces whenjthey were sent was criticized as another.

The campainn was marked by three


riiiladelpbla, ,lun. 10. .At least;right persons arc reported to hacoeen kllhvl in an explosion at theplant, of the lii Pont Powder companyat Carney's Point. N. ,1., eaily today.

Ia. Houchln, of Weatherford, Tex., ar- - ire fighting hsrd against tho Ruimlanarested here yesterday upon a clue oh- - ud Montenegrins, and the Hulgars aretallied by a letter, bus largely occupied a resolute attemptadmitted to the police that is wanted to rein-- the Adriatic, from which theyfor killing R. i!l. Hammond, a horse are only forty miles distant, at Klbaa- -trader, and a woman whoso mime he win, Albania.did not know. Tho killing took place' Kngland's Internal affairs fire quiet,at Palomas Hot Springs, N, M., No- - pending the reassembling of parlia- -

major operations, ono by the tleetalone and two by the land forces assisted by the fleet. The Iiel result

Henry K. Mdlarg, were not presentwhen the Jurors filed into court. Thenine other defendants were In theirtksual seals, With the entrance ofIhe Jurymen, with their hats and coatsin hand, presaklng a verdlel, the men-- iI a state of the defendants was obvi-ously one of lensi- - strain.

Tile cour, thanked the Jury after'

change to beat down Hie price of coltori, ' iproposed The steamer Long- Hiwh, willed was was the conquest of the tip of the"iificult to tell whether a

Gallipot! peninsula for a distance oftransaction s or is not violation ofthree miles and a narrow segmentof its middle western coast about "MOUNDAY ARRESTED

just leaving; It.s lK.'ii, was- mown part-ly out of the witter. 'oiu of the

however, nre to havebeen hurt. The force of the explosionwas mo great that It wa heuril in this

twelve miles in length and hardly a A MR PI Arm IM (All i"1" verdict had been announced, but;nU ILMVjLU IIM JnlL; hardly had he concluded when de

the statute.(ises of MIsundei'stJicidlnR.

"On the question us to the policyof the department as regards themethod of enforcing the law in thosecases which are admittedly doubtful,the attorney general stated that.

mile deep.rlt.v, twenty-fiv- e miles distant. xho first disaster came March 10,

vcnibor 27, last. .incut. There will be a full dress de- -llouchin had been working for hate on the compulsion bill Tuesday.

Hammond, lie says Hammond abused with David Llnyd-Oeorg- e, minister ofhim. He tells the police that he shot munitions, and Arthur Henderson,Hammond with u Winchester In his '"hor member, who hna Just resignedtent on Ihe outskirts of Palomas and from tho cabinet, as the probable starthat when the woman advanced on speakers. Sir llenry Halislel, who hashim he shot her. lie admits to taking hecn one of the most consistent critics$4,oon from Hammond's trunk. From of the government, also will give htjPalomas ho went to Culler, thence lo reasons why ho supports the governDemlng and to Kl Paso. I'rom there ment on this matter.

Later reports said that, thirteen (when mines blew up the French batbeen killed and seven severely binned: tieHnjp liouvet and the Kritlsh bat


Kansas City, Jan. If. Don A.Mounbay, convicted of illegal use of

fendants' attorneys and others in thecourtroom were on their feet and'there was a gen era I handshaking.

Charles S Mellen, former presidentof the New Haven and Ihe chief wit- -,

niss In Hie case, was not. In court.

that I lie blast, was eniisen ny oiiisiue t,,1HhiI. 7rrpSM,ii,i nn.i (.,. whenwhere men have entered into a transtllat luflueiiiTs mid thut two men luui ite n , thiy WPI.(, a,t(.mpting a dash for theaction believing in good faith

tin, transaction is a lawful one. and arrested. .s all wire eommun u, .I1Hrrows. the fortifications of which

the mails In connection with the saleof New Mexico land, was arrestedand placed in jail tonight In KansasCity, Kansas. Postal authorities

' C'nriM'y s 1 olnt was eut bombarding for sev- -subsequently upon complaint made, j they had been city, then re-- ! inn moor party win meet early inat Weatherford. the week to consider its position. I'n- -the department reaches the Cofiolu . l,u-.,.- . ,,..,. ... .... - .., eral weegs. be went, to Kansas

turned to his pietils fattier, be says,sion that the transaction was not in said this action was taken because

ne iwiiirmeu.The explosion neeurred In the Hos- - advised him lo

accordance with the statute, ii has they believed MounDay was fleeing

Chief Issues Considered.While they bad discussed all Ihe

principal phases! of the case, Ihejurors said, Ihe chief liwues of debatewere Hie mailer of alleged suppres-- (sion by the New Ilaveii of eompeli-- ition, of Ihe Joy steamship line andthe acquisition of the Huston r Maine

Several other vessels were dam-aged at the, same time and the. fleetwithdrew to Ihe Aegean sea. On thesame duy, it was announced that Ad- -

leiier plant mill where tne niicfinot been and will not be the policy

less, however, opposition to the billdevelops a strength of which there lano indication now, there seems smalllikelihood thai the government willfeel tho need h uiiieu to the

o Canada. His appeal to the t'nitedStrifes supreme court, resulted recentErniles of smokeless ixiwder nre pre-

pared for shipment. It liapw-nii- l"f the department to invoke extrememlral Carden, the Hritish command- - ly in a. confirmation of his convic- -penalties against them. in such a , ,.,.., x.,.,.i,., i,,i er, had been replaced by Admiral lion lnr, Hi'lll I'll.'.. Ilf Itvn vIMiru illn? (,.lu'7;,r1('nl J"1'1 "f1,;ri changed at, midnight.

gel away.The boy was toing under Ihe name

of W, I), Kr nun. His father wroteto him, sending him $IOa In hills undtelling him to gel nut of the country,as the officers were alter him. Thisleller was delivered to another partywho tipped the officers off. Thesheriff at RohwiII notified the police

by which the governmenttil'tuon ii nil lh,. ivivmen, ..I ;i fii, nf I "I o,l(lI DeRoebeok. DeHoehecli continuedthe bombardment with an occasionaldash into the straits by the ships un- -

iih;$2,001) and Ihe defendant Was given ,

...v judv ttntl tim ru nu en- - j -


HAITIEN MURDER PLOTprort-edini- in which the question in- -imiTisii warmiip

mis mini; and sinkscharged the New Haven completed lisnnui'Mnily of the transport traffic of.New' Kngland.

The lilllard transar Hons

until Thursday of this week to sur-render himself.AMERICANS!1' Naval forces were landed MarchNIPPED BY MounDay urrived here todav from lonlght that he would come for Hon- -

'ii'.. n. t'O'llt'.llv n in I I hi, liiri.t'uTexas. said, having been in Iho opinion of,fPn,nLondon, Jan. fl fS.fi.', p. m.) The

Hritish battleship King Udward VIIhas been sunk after striking a mine.The entire crew was saved.

The sinking of the King Kdward

24 at Seddul-ltah- r, the tip of thepeninsula, hut they were, not strongenough to hold their positions,they destroyed the fortifications. Al- -

most of them rub'd out in the charge;( HORNING JOURNAL RMCIAL ICACIO WIRRI

Washington, Jan. 9. A wellDlot bv the llaitien black party

Paces Had Check t liurgc.East Las Vegas, N. M., Jan. fl. SCARCITY OF DOCTORS

HAMPERS INSURANCE ACTprilto assassinate President d'Artlguetiave j n, troops, for a landing, cameof Judge ilunt.

Regarded Not, 1'ertluent.There was ulso comparatively little

dlscu-Miio- on tho Metropolitan attain- -and set ud a new government underAccused of passing a forged checkfor $27. GO at the store of K. Rosen-wal- d

& Son, Hert Shlpman Is under ship deal, tho question being whether!

VII was announced by the admiraltyIn the following statement:

"II. M. S. King Kdward VII hasstruck a mine. Owing to the heavysea she had to be abandoned, and sankshortly afterward. The ship's com-pany was taken off without any lossiof hfc. Only two men were Injured."

arrest at French, Not until the checkreached the San Miguel bank Fridaywan it discovered that the signature,that of 8. L. Ha-rke- of Heulah, was

Vfdved could be contested or a con-''t- it

decree entered, or by a notice'it the department's conclusion withopportunity to abandon or modifyhe transaction.

"Wherein working out the. remedyhi a particular case difficult ques-tions of business organization and offinance shall be encountered, it willhe the desire apd the policy ol the'iPartment to seek the assistance ofhe. trade commission.

When Grounds Are Vnjust."The discussion then turned to the

measures tnken by the department'o guard against prosecutions forwhich there is not Just ground. Onhis point the attorney general elatedhat no proceeding is ever instituted

until the most painstaking and ex-

haustive investigation of the factswhich it is possible to maks. jVs aPart of this Inquiry, the person or

26, but meantime the Hritish bat-tleship Triumph had been uunk andIho submarine 5 Went agroundand fell a victim to Turkish fire.

The first contingent of Britishtroops under the cnimund of Gen-eral Sir Ian Hamilton, relativelysmall in lumbers, landed at Heddul-liuh- r

in April, but not without heavy

it was a private transaction of Rob-- 1

bins, or a Joint transaction of all tho!'New Haven directors. The liraudiTrunk also was not a pertinent issue,

either Paulir or Rourand, former sen-

ators, was behind the revolutionaryoutbreak at Port-au-Prin- last Wed-nesday, Rear Admiral Caperton re-

ported today in an aero message tothe navy department.

The message revealed for the firsttime that the new disturbance extend-ed bevond e. It titated

( Ariiiot'liilril Frr rnrrrspnnili-nr.- ,

London, Jan. !. Th operation oftho Insurance act, with its free medi-cal attention to the low waged class,is seriously hampered by lack of doc-tors. In London, the 1,4 Iff panel doc-

tor? have In eii reduced by 170 whohave Joined Ihe forces, leaving 1,27ato look after London's million and a

not genuine. Rosenwald s had ac-cepted the check the day previous.Shipniau was stopped at French onrequest of Chief of Police P.en- Coles

it waa salu.The Jurors explained that they had!

sought to follow the Instruction ofthe court In his charge that t hey i

should decide first whether the al-- ;Inged conspiracy, of which the de- -

i losses, french troops lunded on the.i . .1 l...:nn. j nun.. .. rt mr & hnrl of this city.Aliitl side but they stayed therebeen arrested and that the Americanthree days. The French suhse- -marines had the situation well in "nl.v

Th" King Fdward VII was a battle-ship of ii",,:i,i0 tons laid down InMarch, l!iu2. She was 453 feet long.

,7.H feet beam an, : feet draught. Shehail four four tt. and(en guns In her main butteryand was equipped with lour torpedolube", submerged, ller speed on heririal trip was 1 fl knots. She had acompliment ,.f 777 men.

victory, capturing the Turkish posl- - ffiuiuuts were accused, waa in rxist-tlon- a

before them, but the failure of!nce In IM'O, when the governmentUV,,'.Y loiiii'i, mr- nil nmg (ji uiu

Uriiish on Seddul-Hah- r.

Karl in May other Hritish troopshand.

Previous advices said that the ma-rinr- a

at Port-au-Prin- were attackedlanded on the north side of the pen- -,iH .iii.i in fin. fichtimr that followed'

on,, of the divisions of the Suvla bay charged it began, ann was continuousexpedition to accomplish Ihe task to the date of the indictment.Hlunerf ,o II. nrevented them fromlThey reached no agreement on thisar Art Harnu, which after- -Corporal Weder was seriously wound- -' insula ne;

ed. one Haltien was killed and others ame to lie known as Anaacenve.

'half Insured persons. If the remain-- !

log number is further reduced by thenew armies, the medical benellt ofthe Insurance ait may he allowed lolapse, which would bung great g

upon the poor,j ' Women must be encouraged to eti- -

l'--r the medical profession," said Kins-'le- y

Wood, ice-- i liairman of the Lon-idii- n

insurance committee, speaking ofthe need of doctors, "and It should

'also be made possible for poor butclever men to enter ihe profession.Dlhirwl.se tin-r- will be considera

driving it home. The Hritish succeed- -The name was taken from tho Initials d In effecting a junction of theirwounded.

question, they said.As lo Uoi LefHlcr.

Of tho five defendant!, whoso guiltor innocence was not decided, William

of the Austrian and New Zealand forces, but gainid no great militaryadvantage. The fighting here hasBANDITS AREMEXICAN landing forces. Their object was to


loiulon, .,i. in. The Londonmorning newspapers comment withsatisfaction and relief on the auccesi-fu- l

evacuation of Callitudl. They

was ihe only one whosebeen described as the. most awful of I RockefellerTUDT ATTMIMn PHRHFR croBH ,h peninsula und cut the eoni-- I

flnCM I LmINU DUnuU munications of th.f Turkish divisionsterm of service asm New Haven di-

rector was continued throughout theentire time of the alleged conspiracy.He anti-date- Charles K. Hronlu r bythree years. Messrs. Ledyard and

at no very great distance consider, despite (leneral Munro'able shoitagiof time." .

tho war, both Hide Buffering tremen-dous losses.

On November Premier Asqulthtold parliament that the Dardanellescampaign ha been a failure.' I'p toDecember 9 the total Hritish casual-ties on the peninsula were 1H,5!5men kll ed, wound' d or ip'tie-

corporation against whom complaint's made, unless it has already declar-ed its attitude, is given full opportun-ity to submit its defense before anyfiction is taken. This is done, hePointed out. not only as a matter ofJiistlco to those against whom com-plaints are made, but as a matter ofprudence on the part of the depart-ment, for iast of all hau the depart-ment any interest in instituting a suitwhich should subsequently turn nuto be without foundation.

' As to it policy in cases whereI'Oth the department and the federaltrad commission are charged wilhthe enforcement of the law as underhe Clayton act, he attorney general

stated that the department would, ingeneral, be guided by the principle

generous tribute to Oenerals Hird- -

Print took i.iirt In th,. trftiiSriilioi, 1

- at Seddul-Hah- r and storm the Turkish;cr UCRM1KO JCURHAL C!Al lAIO WIRtl I fort Otl tile (iOllipoll Kill, Of th nT- -

ISrownsville, Tex., Jan. 9. Despite i rows, thus opening the way fur thea peaceful Saturday night and Sun-- ! safe entrance of the Hritish fiVcl.day along the lower Texas border, They sustained terrible lossea and

of a threatened renewal of'rnosl from tnat moment the fightingbandit activities persisted tonight, and. settled down to trench warfare which,.rrtr.r, .rr i.oicil ni Fort Itrowu fori was maintained until August 6. when

which led to the acquisition of Ifiej Olui-goi- i llispilres Ssilalit.stock of the P.ostoi, & Maine in 1!i7, Ml Paso, Tev., Jan. !i. A special

The losuea In the evaeaatio of thi and aa directors of the latter road in bearing Dr. 11. fl. Klngley, of

wood und I 'n vies, thai credit for theremarkable double retirement shn'--be attributed to (ieneral Munro him-self. 'Ihe Times says edltorlallj;

'Twice within a few weeks UenernlMunro has managed to remove hismen Hnd guns under the eyes of thoTurks and their Herman officer. Wdoubt If a precedent for such mi

reinforcements landed, again withSuvla bay and Ansae cuv ies.o,i were came directors of the NV-- Haven Tucson, Ariz., to (leu. Alvuro Obrcgondeclared by the Hi itih at Ihe lime to when the boston & Main.' vn liiki-- mt Quen-laro- , left Juarez today. It washave been only three men wounded over. Kdward I. Robblna was gen- - said (ieneral Obregon was Bufferinghalf of two companies of infantry and

half of two companies of Cavalry toremain "within call" for use shouldemergency arise.

great casualiiea, in the famous Ansaecove and Huvla bay positions.

The veteran Anx-i- c troop won amaking the total caaualtiea in leaving, eral counsel of the road and figured from an affection of the throat and

in the Metropolitan steamship trana- - hud summoned the physiciun.the peninsula four men.





Make the lb"--l Medicine n( llmne--- lit Tcaspooii-l- ul fur .V) ( cnn




Money spent Tor the old Myle. ready-- , the worst cough nr coll 1. Villi'.'lll.lill'llll'SC NOT SUFFICIENT TRIAL FOR LIFE

noss and Whooping C..ngh. One la t- -

Is Sending Five! AdmiralThat! Ten French and British Offi- -i SwitzerlandState's Contention Is Winslow Reports by

ss That Carranza

lloiut- - n.r'l J. I in- - OrOHIIJholding only 2 to 2j ounce tM ;o .'0

tapoonful) I largely wasted, be-i'- d

uhp most of them are composedirlir-lv'uli- of sugar and wattr. Yet

you hnvp tn pay the ssme price s Ifit un alt medicine. Ftop wastinglhl( money. You can make n bitterremedy for bronchial affections, at$iome. nt one-fift- h the cmi. MoielyB.i to Hull's. Inc.. nnd k for 2 ounces

Twenty .Thousand Dollais

Needed but Only $247 Is

Raised by Tax Levy; FundPartly Raised,

Civilians; Madam Schwim-me- r

Takes Optimistic View

of Outcome.

Jealous Wife Hired Three'Men to Murder Husband; j

One Confesses,

Uiua kinui iiuu ouaiuuyiin Constantinople and 0th-- !er Arrests Contemplated,

Forces- - Are Effectively Pa-

cifying West Coast Country

Ip will nm hp nough home-mad- e

medicine to probably la-- thi Wholefamily th' Mitirp winter. Children

K It, l k ho pleasant I.) take. It junlike nny other mcilli ino, and posi-tively contain no chloroform, opium,tnorphln,, or olhr narcotics, n tinmost cough in I x t u i e. Keep It un handIn nmo of emergency and stop cuchcough before ii set ii firm hold. Theiibov druggist, In fio.-- any druggistIn tht city, will return the moneyljO the Ulllf US i doll" With S' hll'f- -

matin's famous at limit hr) In cvvrysingle ill Where It dos not glvtperfect satisfaction nr i not foundthe best remedy ever used. Absolute

ttHtUtt rMMI'MIIHCI T MOHNIHS JOUNAlKnnui I f, Jan. D. It would take

i.'Oc' wort 111 of Sohifrmurin's NewConcentrated ICxpeotorubt, which theyRimrantcp will bivp perfect satisfac-tion nr money will bo refunded. v''this with on pint .f ftramilatvd nigirniu! ons-hul- f pint of hMlimj water,whieh makes a full pintspoonsful i. TIi'k new. Ptip, pitas,tint remedy It uuiiint"d ii rollers

;l29,unO to make all the remd icpuii,'innl Improvement linked ycstirdayj front t2i county roud bnard by vnrl- -ly no link In run In buying thin rem

edy under thin positive guarantee.


f'rovltlenee, j;, ., Jan. y. , mnf Merlin. Jan. (by Vlrclee to Say-dn- r

trial of unusual lnterext in W hii'li ville. I The Turkish government, an n

Mr. FUralieth K. Mohr and two ne-- i meant) r or rer ricnl for the orrpHt ofgroes will appear a defenilanli on consul of the Teutonic allies in

growing out of t tie killing of lonikl, ha arre.ted ten French and.her hupband, lr. Kranklln Mohr, MrltlMi officials who had remainedlour inonthN ugo, Ih lo bilin here M-'- n einbiiscles in Conntantinople, theinorrmv. Mr. Mohr I under Indict-- j 'vei win New agency unnounccd nt

a an acces-ioi- before the fact, la.v.the Htate colileiition being that.j

ouit purl nr the I'ninty. However,iho rounty omrnlnnloneri made al'vy of only one-tent- li of a mill, whichthug fur linn yielded the niiinlfh ent

uni of $J4 7,'oltomitely, the roud boon! hasAZTEC FUEL CO.;

PHONE 251 i

been aecumulatiiig fund jmd In tiiree prompted by Jeiilouny, Nbe hired the ' A.MSI I ltl).M III. Its OTIIT:


Oiiaymas. Mexico. Jan. il (by Jimlioto San IUoro. ) Three thousand Villasoldiers and Maya Indians have

to Carranza foices uoderCcneral Madrigal in Hie vicinity of(Jhiriego. Sonora, according to reportsmade to Admiral Win-lo- command-er of the I'nited States l'acii'io fleet.

The Villa, troops end Mayas wereattempting to effect a junction v.iilithe ViKiui Indians when inter. epiej

The Maya Indians were reportednear starvation when they surreini.ered. Since their successful raids lastNovember upon the American colonyat I,os Mm his, Sinaloa, the Can.inzatroops have driven them from theirvillages, which have been destroyed.The Maya were under Chief llacho-in- o

and the Villa forces under CentralHandera .

("arranza troop are waging anniinpaigu against the Yaqnis

Alt I! I :s'l'H AHi: tOTI.MI'l,VTi:i)if the nolithern prei ltirts the loud tn i negroe to coimnit the i rime. fei il V.

' moosino jounhnk occiau ie8!n wait): The liaise. Jan. 9 (via l.o.idon,!!:."iU p. in.) Assurances receivcu to-

day from Switucrlnnd are thatSwitzerland is sending five civili..ns to

'Join thuye of the other neutral na-

tions in the permanent peace boardwhich it Is planned to fm in as a

of the Ford peace expedition..The Swi.4 delegates will nnive at TheHague as soon as possible.

'An effort Is on foot to have repre-

sentatives from Spain Join the peaceboard. Invitation sent to the leading

; Spanish pacifists, however, have notjyet been answered, on account of the'interruption to oummunioiitions.

An effort Is on foot to have rcpre-Isentativ-

from Spain Join the peace; hoard. Invitations sent to the h adingSpanish pacifists, however, have not

!yet been answered, on account of theinterrupt Ion to communications.

With the Americans bailing the(movement already has been joined

Willi delegates from Norway. Sweden,

ha been eollei ted oiilie t horotighly Ilrown and Henry Spellriinn, luilf-is- o

tluil 1 .J! HO are iivall.'ible from that j brother, are the in i;ioen who will beGOES Tl HftPPY tried for the murder.GALLUP LUMP i


Amsterdam, Jan. 9 (via London,H:'!1 p. 111.) According to reports re-

ceived here from Constantinople, theTurkish government In reprisal forthe treat mint of Turkish snrjects by

Ir. Mohr, who w,i accompanied byhi Kceretary, Mlm Kmily Hurger. wuh

Sotiri e.( eii'lllos-Sa- n I'edro lioad.

The board decided to exptnd 1 1,000on the ' 'errllltm-Sa- I'edro road which ihot from omhtiKh on the night of AnffcAzh SUGARITE LUMP

HIINTIfJC C NRh i a link in the l e

highway. An imrnedlate diproprluIIWII I I I W W I W W I M

gout 31, while his automobile wns'lhe entente powers in Salomkl, hasKtulleil. lie died without recovering Interned 1,00a subjects of entente

but Miss lluigcr, who were in Turkey,thouMi fihot twice, survived. It is Ihej II is understood, according; to theclaim of the stale that the a ntomo-- i reports, that the Ottoman govern-bil- e

wa nui i,oelv Ntalled bv (leoi ite , ment, in orderinir the arrest of offi- -

tlun of ll.fiOM wim made which willi bp matched by the date. Am noon as


O'MERA LUMP j'available anoiher $50U Will be ridded, nil Villa andand have intereepted

Mava ii'inrorcetnents.making a total of f.'.uno to which theSioux Chief, Comrade of Sit-- ! Utiii,- - nii.iu la (ion I W. Ilealis, lr. Mohr negro chaiil-itia- of the Itrltkdi and French em-jfe-

lit r, tiolnt previously agreed hassles, who had remained in Con- -,:'I hfi l,miw , li.c ,le,l to null il n r. ITn.! I nmarK and Holland, and the expeWood, Nallve NplitjNflilvff (liunk

Uoinl, iUiir lupon wilh the other negroes. siantinople, took this step only ns itlditlon this week Diirnoses to establishtins Bull at Custer Massa-!"- ". j'"i,. a. Kremn to iet u havej,mni Mill ftiuiuinu- - Ilealis will not be tried. l ast Frl-fl'- sl measure of repriwil for the a r- -. n, permanent board wilh five membersBARK BELIEVED LOST


line u nie irueg to grane ami gravenere, Dies at Ar,e of Ninety the road beiween Karitii Fe and I.al"" 1111,1 munier inoicnueni m oosuis oi uie leiuoou- - uo, jrom encli neutral nation, it n.iii vir- -

llfUada on the way to Albiitioiiio. I'oiimi ngainst nun liail i.een (iuisneii, i wiuiiuki ami mni iiiiuier urrcsip tiittlly been dei bled that the Americanne pieuneii moo comriiiieie in aiuie oiiii-uio,,- o. inemJii'is will inciuue William .1. iiry- -Years; Had Tired of Life,nnrge ot niansliiiightei'. .Sentence lias; an. Jane Addams and Henry l orn. Jan. 9. The ru- -i San J'rrinoiscn,lieeo deterred Ir U nn(1,.i .t,u,,l I lint' Wind Makes Merry In Vegas.

Fast Iji Vega. N. M., Jan. 0.The piiriios, of the board are, rn'st, vj.ul ,;irk Callo,

to obtain expert advice on how' to Veslerda v bv herwhieh was given iqiiiireiils as lost, put. in

be will appenr as tho state's principal;

There are thirty-fiv- e men nt work onthe road to (lloileta.

II a i ill no lien I anil Taos Hoiid.In view of the decision of the San

Miguel county road board to have thenatp engineer expend Sun Miguel'u

to take the initiative ,,t t;,in 'o today in distress, alas Vega people uwoKe .Sunday j proceed ; pecoiid,morning to view a city that looked un'in firiiiroacbiiiif the warring nationsthough the preceding: night had been with peace teims, and, third, to bP

Wit lies.Mrs. Mohr has maintained that she

and her bus innd Were both victims ofcoiispliacieM by the negroes ami thatthey falsely directed suspicion againstInr when they were apprehended.

lav uokhin joiiknm tnr.i,t. nun ,)Chicago, Jan. ! iMiief tiitallalnFire, who fought with Silting Mull Intho Cosier iniiacrp, died at. a hos-pital today, nged BO years. A weekago, apparently tired of life, lip cuthi throa't and wa iiiieoiisclon rtumt

a d Halloween, I'.

nnd small outhouses were up- -..... ...I...I.. .1 I...H llKMl.

jipiot.i of the half million dollar roadjbond Issue on Kl Cum I no Ileal be-

tween l,n Vegas and 1'eco. the hoarddecided to upend Santa Fe' $17,000

northwest gale off Cape Flattery hav-

ing whipped away all but two of linrsails a few days before Christmas.The boat sent calls for assistance t

Seattle, but a heavy fog prevented tlmroast guard cutter Snohomish fromlocating her.

prepared to sit indefinitely andand pass upon peace proposals,

from whatever source they may be of-

fered.This week the expedition will hold

1,1, ttlllWllW.1 Yr,l' ItllOM'll Ullll IIOIU.1'of treer were piled In fence corners

The dr. In part between Santa r e and lliori- -Of the time at thn hospital.wa nn a, o 1 tn t the ntgnwny trom e- -ceaed, lor many year, meetings at The Hague, Amsterdam

To lOxuiiiiiic Occidental.Simla Fe, Jan. . l'cter A. M.

J.ienau of tho state insurance depart-ment left for Albuquerque today.

and aeros sidewalk. Tho wind wentout for a good time on Saturday nightand he "didn't go homn until morn-ing." tine of tho street lighting clr- -

nihlevpment can hp found In the ini-tial of war.

"TIip extraordinary frepdom - from(.'iKiuiltleii at llelli I explAltuible totHn extent hy thp fact that, unllkAnzno and Kuvla, It gave im onebench Kheltered from tho enemy' fire.Hut neither operation would havebeen poHiibln with any but the bold-e- t

and ateadleat troop. Th govern-ment may b congratulated on theirprompt derinlon of the complete evuc.uation of the ppninmila."

IIIU Tt nKlall VKTX)llVlhi MOHU I'N C L.IM

Ioiidon, Jan. JO (I2:A0 a. in.) Ainl-o- f flclai report from Coimianll-noid- c,

acrordlng to an Amiterdum dl.patch to lteuter'a Telegram company,I'lutrn "the (upturn by thn Turk ofa gnat enemy tump and nine guna,and the linking of an enemy vcmtilwith troops near Keddul-Mahr.- "

Tt'ltKK HY AMJI--81 l'l"Klti:i GltlCAT IXtHSI'K

tract Ion at circuses and wild West Has to Albuquerque via Santa fe willlbs one- of the finest In the southwest, and Rotterdam. QFMATnR

Vine lloallm KehU'lmmer Ibe 1 1 im. i w -ll I U II FALL'S NEGRO

KILLS HIS WIFEwnere no win spend next week cuits was disabled temporarily undjriiriun delegate, who was largely n COOKinlng tho Oocidenial Fire Insurance more or less damage of an Inconse c.Xpedt- -sponsible for organizing tlm(onipany. iquentlttl character wus done. So far

.as has been reported, no serious lossesiwerc caused by the wind.

land in part un tho road from Santa:Fo to Taos.j fh'caime of n difference of opinionas whether thp road hoard or thecounty commissioner hove tho rightto draw warrants on III Carnlno Healfund, that fund ha. been tied up thepnt two years, but it I undei stoodthat Attorney (lencral Frank W.

Clancy has given Slale F.ngiiicer

lion, said today:"Information hru reached mo from j :sriAi. cotpoNucsci to moknino johhnau

influential sources that the establish-- I Three Rivers, X. M., Jan. !. Mit-me-

of nn unofficial arbitration body chi li Jefferson, colored, cook at Son-wi- ll

not be unwelcome. This has glv-- j ator Albei t M. Fall's ranch home here,en us renewed encouragement that; shot and luil'd his wife about 2::iUpeace Is less remote than generally is o'c'ock Fridav afternoon. He was ar- -

shows.fhlpf OgallaU Tire was one f tho

Hloux Indian ihief who. With Hi-tting Mull, fought against the en-

croachments of the w hite settler andwho repeatedly gavp buttle to FulledHtate regular.

Ho was severely wounded in thehnttlp In which (Jerieral CiiHter andhis troop wire slaughtered and borethe wear of that encounter to hi(lenlh. Two bullet wound and n sa-

bre slash left him wounded on I hefield and It Wa month before hewa nblo to take part In other fights.

Trying: to Wake I (iuurd.Hast I.a Vei h, N. M., Jan. Ad-

jutant (leiieral H. T. Herring is herein un effort to revive Interest in Com-pany .'I of the New Mexico naiiotialguard. A public meeting will be bellcved.

It Is held Monday evening In the armory'.lunifH A. I'leie h un opinion, that

j Kalvutinn Army Congress.Denver, Jan. 9. The second session

of the annual intei niouiiluin congress:lof the Salvation Army tonight was ad- - i

Idi cssed by Commissioner Thomas Fs- - j

Itlll of Chicago, who spoke on "Sin and'Salvation." Tomorrow night (lov-- iel nor Carlson will address ihe on- -gress, which is attended by officers!from all Rocky Mountain States.

for the Vui'pose of adding rerrui'.s tothe company. PALOMAS COMMANDER


the right of tho road board to draw;on the fund. There l n balance ofit'iS.t in the fund, and thn road boardvoted to expend It on the rebuilding

'nf Ihn hrliluo aeroHM the (iiilLacn atAniMlerdnm, Jan. 9 (via Ixnidon,

10. 3 p. m.) The irltih a a remilt Hp whs known a fine of thn brnv- -of a Violent battle havp completed j rKt of the Indian chief who followed ,OrriloK. the eountv lind state iiro- -

rested anil held by .hoi; M. Fall, soilof Senator Fall, and later in the after-noon sent to the county jail at Alanm-goi'd-

in charge of Rat Carillo. Hesaid that he did the killing with arifle, ns a result of a quarrel, but didnet say what the quarrel was about.

Arrangements are being made tohold a preliminary trial before 11. 11.

Kellogg, justice of the peace atThe witnesses and the

weapon with which the killinpr wasdone, will be sent down to the trial.Jefferson is a mulatto. 2 years ofage and came from San Antonio. Hehad been m the employ of SenatorFa!! since November of last year.

(iimera Club to Meet.Santa Fo, Jan It. An important

meeting of the New Mexico Cameraclub will be held tomorrow evening atthe Palace of the ( iovei nors. I'resi-den- t

Ralph IC. Twilchell will submita numler of important propositions tothn club, which is flourishing and

membership applications fromall parts of the state.

Sltllng Mull and the nnnnls of west-- j vlding the balance necessary,em warfare have many tab of raid j n UM decided that in the futureplanned anil executed by Chief ogal- - the road fund for each district shalllain Fire. b kept separate n as to encoiii ime

lllef Tames n)W. jthe cdhction of the road tax. KnellWhen Hem e em n,i lo th Rionv ml member of the board I to make out

int. evacuation fi pa(lul-llllll- r, wungrent louses, snys a dispatch from

Not a slnglo manbehind.

The dispatch adds that newspaperreports from tho llardanelles say theTurkish troops havp completely driventhn French and Ilrltlwh from Seddnl-Fah- r

and that Oalllpoll ponlukiila "Isnow clear of the enemy."

Cambria Increases Wages. j

Johnstown, I'a.. Jan. !l. TheCambria Steel company today an-- 1

nounced n ten per cent increase inwage of all its employe except thoseworking on salary ami tonnage. The j

increase will affect about O.UOO men j

and will add ahoiit $1100,000 to theaniuuil payroll. i

tV MORNINO JOURNAL SPEC! At. LIAtCO WtKIlFl Paso, Tex., Jan. !i. deneral Ku-lal- lo

Coiiti'i'ras, Villa commander atI'nlomr.s, i inht!i:;iii.-i- , today surrender-ed with 400 soldiers to the do factogovernment of Mexico. Controras andhis men nr,. marching toward C.u.mauwhence they will take train to Juarez.

I'alomas, which is on the interna-tional line opposite Columbus, N. M.,was the lart 1,'order port held by theVilla forces. Announcement of the

a report on road conditions and hardwork Hi his own district which will beembodied In the general report lo the j C OU It VI ntOlT.Ht'i.te- highway commission. j '1 have a little:' t'1' fci years old

I who has a great ileal of trouble with'IVvlmr to Mnk.. Ilonil. croup," writes W. K. Curry of Kvans- -

Want bin" grailf ompbiy Or thbiot,:r Kriole of Ri ivanls? Make use of theHHiit ,'i.luninn of the Journal.

surrenuer was miutn at tnc .Mexicanconstilato here tonight. jE cm"1 havo used Foley's Honey) ville, IivlT"ar !.as Vegas, N. M., Jan Good MedicineobtainiiiK Instant relief forI...,,., I ... ,.i...ll !, m il, ,n ..f lhnlulll

Sitting Hull was a pi Is. hut, ogallalaadopted less warlike pursuit and be-

ginning with tho Chicago WotitrFair day, was one of the w"!hT westhIiow Indians. In hi bead nnd Warbonnet ho traveled for more thantwenty jenrs with wild went showsvisiting many cities in this countryand ircHHlrig Ihn ocean. Mors re-

cently h" played for motion pictureand hi advanced age, he was thenover eighty, seemed not to Interferewith his activity, luite in HM.'i hebcenm,. afflicted wth his first Ill-

ness, a tumor which confined him tohis lied. Ili had often suffered from

her. My wife and I also use it and i

will say It Is Ihn best cure for a bad 2B WEEKS AJIDruistsgrand Jury for .Mora county, AndreasAbel Is endeavoring (o procure bail In

cold,ih ui ,.r II II il 'l'lw, ViOllie 111:111 BREAHUPACOLDcough, throat trouble and croupI ever saw." Those terribleIII OHIO AW 1.. ...0 ,.r lirinw i,f.,,. tOi.uu ni 'that

Tliet.Hilniiie Unit DoesNot Affect ITcuil. Ihieiurs Condition l airReeuuso of Us tonic and laxative effect E, .n!ti Tex.,-Ja- n 9 The comll-Raxati-

llrnmo Quiiiine can be taken, tion of (ien. Victoria no Ilu'iti wasby anyone without causing nervous- - unchanged tonight, acconlm- - to Rrties nor ringing- in the head. There is ,, j. .Schuster, who said the iiged y

one Rromo gulnine," K. W. Idjer was In no immediate danger hisOIIOVK'S signature I on box. 2.ic. pulse and temperature being normal

I1U Inseohloe I'.n lieco nt Rov oil i eoilg h t ha t seem to tear one to ces TABLETSI MAHoney and Tar. Sold ii?a prompt rurtj in 1- -yield to Foley s

, every w here.liecetnber 22. because the girl, who Isbut 11 years of age, refused to marry wus mtm wqmi 1

him. Abel had his preliminary hmr- -iENDED M wound but never from lllncs and M'1 here




tho Inactivity and suffering preyed onhim. The old chief Wanted to die and j

Sunday morning, January , l!)lf, hetiHked bis granddaughter, Mrs, 1. IdleHear, at whose home ho lived, for n,rator that he might shave. Not gueas-lo-

hi real puipoHn she compiled and j

soon after fcho had left the roomChief Ogiillula slashed hi throat with j

NOW IS THE TIMESituation is Quiet and Many

Foreigners Are Under Ar-

rest for Having Taken Partin Riot and Burning,


Clovls, N. M., Jan. 9.- - The SantaFe's 1'eco vallev line which form nthe r.nor. Medical aid was sumtnon- -

ed und the Indian w hurried to a junction wun the main line here. Ishospital whi'ie the How of blood Was i,elns taxed these (lav to Its utmost

j staunched nnd efforts were mnde to j capacity. Kmpty curs are going southiiiiiiki jdumu incni. mini ,! nave his life. j as fst a motive power can be gotten

To Buy a Lot and to Thinkof BUILDING A HOME.Take Your Pick ofVonnioin moo ii. o n..ii..e. On the hospital cot Ihe aged In- - i to haul them, and loaded car are

Imc the steel 'mill sinks' situation lsdlan said he did not like to talk oficomuig out of the valley with thewell under control following two day Ihe old day of Indian wars. "We j snm rapidity.of tranquility after ihn rlotinr FrblnVidld not understand the way of the This all comes about by reason ofnight, preparations am helnir made toi while men. We had to yield. It Is the fact that nil agent of the Mrilishreopen the plants of the Toiingstown j not right for me to talk of thn daysHie,' and Tubs company in Fast when we went on the warpath be. 25 CH0IC LOTS' cause now It Is not cot'-sldcr-i d brave.youngHtown and Struthers

Jame A. Campbell, president of thecompany, said tonight that formeremployes who reported tomorrow'would be put to work making repairsIncident to resumption of operationwltlmi s few days. He denied thatstrikebreakers would be imported andriuid the company would assist thnHtate authorities to brine a settlement

government has been down thn valleyrecently nnd ehmed an order for 1.000cars of alfalfa to bo shipped to n,

thence to Knglnnd, the entireorder to bn on the car and under waynut later than January IS, The alfalfagrowers In the valley are also the

to the extent of severalthousand dollars, ns last fall the bestoffer they could get for their hay wasin the neighborhood of $7 n ton, sotliy stored it and are now getilnftTtoin $13 to $n n ton.

It is salii that the same man whocontracted fur the I'ecos valley hayhus gone to Mesilla park to contract

Mild the old chief.One of the proudest possessions of

the old man I a soldier's belt whichthe chief suld ho had taken trom anadversary killed by him at Custer'lnt fight. The belt is now coveredwith bead.

When Chief Ogulbila Fire made hisfirst nppetiranee in a wild west showhe wore a long chain made of $it and

Situated in the Fourth Ward

Pay $10 Down'

ANDfill gold pieces. His granddaughtersaid that be gave nearly all of thngold pieces to children in neighbor-hood in which he had lived. for a like amount.


i grm HftlI 1 j l

BilSBfv, fropcrfy of I

irtii -

Hrl l j I p-- n )




CHAVES COUNTY TO BE $10 a MonthThe Plat Shows the Location of the Lots Offered on theEasy Payment Plan. Those in heavy black are for sale.,PCIAL COMOPOMNm TO UCRSJNO JOUKNAt)

Santa. Fe, Jan. 'J. - Local forest of

Prices F

of the troubln.t. nurds Not ltsHiiishlo.

President Campbell also declared'that many workmen had informed tintcompany that they desired lo returnto woik but were afraid u their fam-ilies had been threatened nnd deniedthat guards employed by the companywere leHponslldn lor the riot Fridaynishl which cost the lives of two per-eo- n

nnd resulted In property lossamounting to ll.OUO.ooo, or that theylind thn lirM shot.

Mediation of the strike began betetoday. Fred C. Croxton, represent in:the mate, and sent here 111 nn effort toMttle the labor difficulties, coufeiredwill) ri piesentntlve of both side Hel fusel to tllHl UK the result of theseconferences, but said that otherswould follow tomorrow.

Twenty-fiv- e thousand sightseersthronged the rum in the sired ofl.nst YoungHtown today, arriving inspecial trams from varioii part ofeastern Ohio and western l'eunsyi-vani- s.

Fv rv Mr, it car from Youi.as-tow- n

was filled jnd m.my privateowners of automobiles ttaostoriii'dthe riiai-hin-

e into Jitney busso to imulthe throng to the scene

The situation Mas quiet tbr.oiKliootthe illy. Al Struthere, where m bun-dri-

militiamen ate Mallcnid, foin(hots were filed by umpcr bin none

rom $225 to $275



i Roswell, N. M., Jan. S The boild- -

inu of a new bridge across t h, Recosa.. rtli of this clly will make a vasthang" in the road conditions In

Chaves county. AllhouCli this bridgehas been petitioned for a number oftimes by the people in the northern

' part of the county, the county com-- j

mission, i bnv not seen their wayclear lo make the appropriation until,t slerilay, when they set aside 1,0(iiii lor the new structure. In thn past Itj llw.H been io cvseary o thp people of

K una, A' ni,. and F.Uda U come toRimwcll from the east, criwyqug the

! I', cos on the bridge east of this city,j The greater distance wa a S' tioushandicap to ti ,iv el.

The new bruin,- will open a goodt r ad ill the w.iv to Ki nmi. The!,. Isalready it sood load from Clovl to

i I'ortale and it is hoped that in the

ficers yesterday held a cnnferi iu ewith Oovernor .McOonald In which heexpressed hliiKelf a heartily In favor j

of the name protection movement In'New Mexico. He especially commend-- !ed the proposed organization of a;game protect ie association in SantaFe, and cued the success of the No- -

tioiuil Forest Livestock associations as j

a good example of what game protoo-- ilive association could accomplish by j

with the stale game do-- 1

pnrtment and the forest service In '

enforcing the game law and Interest-- ,lug the public m the idea of game .

protection,The governor Mated that if the'

V'hamheii.iin-H.ivde- n bill for the creu-- ition of game refuges went through.)csi'h piojvot would. In accordance with)the provision of the bill, receive bis,

These lots are in one of the most healthful and most de-

sirable residence locations in Albuquerque. Public andprivate schools nearby; ten to fifteen minutes walk tothe business section of town; New York avenue car linetraverse's the area in which the lots are located. Gas,electric light, telephone, sewer and other public utilityconnections easily accessible.


P. F. McCannaSole Agent, Ground Floor, State National Bank Building

personal scrutiny to make sure thatthe desired ohject are attained with-out interference with grazing or agri-culture. He expressed himself llSvta-voiabl- e

to the tamo refuge pllnci-pl- e

The Idea, eceiillv advanced by thevarious game piotcetive association,of tending their urine to

ithe variously livestock association Inhandling" the predatory animal prob-lem, no. t wiili the governors heartyapproval "The more varmints killed,the belter off We are," he said, and

lnnr future il will be possible to builda good road from Roiiabs to KciiiiuIn onb r to open the I'ecos valley forits entire length with good automobileloads. It will hlliiji the litu andtow iij along ihe si.,nia Fe in muchcb ser touch nnd it is believed resultin much more than hasexlsi'd heretofore.

The new bridge will probably beWo.-d- , r, htrctur.'. a the Mate engi-

neer believes it will be Impractical toi niiMi ui t a sic, I or concrete bruiseat this place heraupo of the characterof the ground on which the founda-tions will rest.

ws injured.Mililluineii ii t.ouid.

Piigadier ; l Joiin c. Pp tiksannounced late today that the trainIn which troops have been qtiartiioiinside the plant f the Y.'IiiiksIow ntbi-e- t arid Tube coiiipuny sin.,- - iloirarrival Saturday will be mov-- , tonightto points j"" oalnde the yards.

The roundup of who areto have participated In the loot-ii- ,

l"r;.i.iy ;.if. e.ooiroiii to,iMyNearly 2'jO foreigner unruledwhile wagon bad of sriab of tv,iydescription found in their homes andvaryln from shocg to dri-e- i pisnwrtt brouaht to tho Ka?t Y"ouuBt.iw n,o!ic station.

Ihete thing, ai c ording to the po-

lice, mr aliened to have teen stolenfrom stores attacked by the mob.

SIGNS ON THE LOTS WITH PRICESadded' that the influence of the fsnifassociations would doubtless add ly

to the effectiveness of the

SAIT-SMF- Wil l. HEMAY BE IVri ltFSTH).crnci: ori;x intii. o clock i..cn i;vi:mng this week.in tbefilipl...W.ti,

Wllrdsuipjign al. .ins! iTie wdd animals,which are so destructive to game andilivestock.

lilsh (iald.tr el tenantbti.n of It,? J.

? l4kr titmail.









an exam-


Mc Better Thefor mine Inspector for New




be held






Who lias3C




fice to Cheaper'H l Ruud

for health reasons.


Ml 13



Fifth Annual Congress Best Lord Brunham, Proprietor of Nipponese Taking Readily to If Height and Strength Were Water HeaterAttended and Most Import-

antDaily Telegraph, Dies at Other Athletic Games; Find Best Claims to Chance at

in Every Respect That Age of 82 Years; Had Re-

ceivedThat Golf Fills a Want the Championship Willard

Has Ever Been Held, Many High Honors. With Them, Would Be Kept Busy, 7mi) It TH Ja m(AowlHlrtl l'rt rrrrninilrai-i.- ) AkHix'lHtiMl lrM 4 iirrrniiinrni'e.)

i New York, Jan. s. Americans in- - New York, Jan. 9. AVhile someI uncei ta lii( exists as to lust whenUnd where Jess Willard will defend


V MOflNIK JOURNAL SPECIAL l.KAttO Wmi)London, Jan. it. Lord Kurnhain

dleii today after an illness of morethan a month.

Lord nurnhani, the proprietor ofthe Pally Telegraph, was the last oftho old school of Ixmdon newspaperowners. Through his working years,from vounir manhood to an older nne


terested in sport, returning from Ja-pan, report th:it in- - Japanese arerapidly assimilating occidental sportsIn general, 'un ;i they did baseballiulluiWng its in'rodin lion into thu


Hid of Nippon. Golf, tennis midthan most men remain in harness, he'

his heavyweight title during DUG.

there appears to lie little doubt thatthe champion will be seen in one ormore battles during the coming twelvettvnths. There Is also some ques-

tion ns to which of the challengersfor the title will be accorded firstchance to meet Willard In the ring.

If height, strength and youth werethe only qualit li'Htiolis necessary loinsure their possessor the right to

STERN.SCIIl.OSS A CO.General PeitribntonAll'u.iiif rijiir, N. M.

Here's a little heater with a lonecopper coil and a quick-actin- g high

power burner that will supply all thehot water you need without vexatiousdelay or worry, and at. a surprisinglylow cost for gas. This- - heater isstrongly constructed and neatly tic-sign-


and finished.A visil In our showroom w ill jjivi' you comploU in

ami n inspection of the heati r in operation.


POWER COMPANYi'ihim: iih,


Stati Collide, N. M., Jan.bet day of the fifth Hinnial farmers'week, Which has been tin host at-tended ami niont Interesting a nit

short course ever held at theJilli-Hi'- , was devoted to tin- - following

fuliji'" 'Is: ".Silos and Silas';" "Kxtcn-hin- ii

Work In tin- - I'niti'd .Slates;""lloin" economics Iicmonstrations;"

Heading for the Honn," and a can-ning demonstration.

lieu H. F.ldrldKc, who has had auid experience in the west as a dairyfanner, discussed in detail the'

of silos and the feeding ofsilage. He stated that where cementrusts more than a dollar a sack, themonolithic concrete silo would befound to be very satisfactory, andeconomical in the long run, if properl-y constructed. He emphasized theimportance, however, pf having plentyof reinforcing, especially near thebottom of the slo. "Woven wiivfencing," he mated, "is very good fortins; two rows near the bottom, andone toward the top. Inbuilding such:i villi, often much of the old scrapiron that is found around the farm,such ns discarded wagon tires, oldmower stcklCH, or even horseshoesif properly interlocked can be used

meet the champion in the squaredcircle. Wlllard's prospects for a busyNotwithstanding the enormous pro-

portions of the present champion, heis not the only giant In his class forthe heavyweight field today consistsof bigger men than ever before in

Hudson for Signs

controlled the business affairs and theeditorial policies of that paper, tiemade; It one of the greatest propertiesanions newspapers, as well as a greatpaper from the news standpoint.Horn Kdward Levy, on Peci mber 118,

1103, oldest of a family of eight chil-dren of J. M, l.evy, he assumed, in1S7G, the surname of his uncle, LionelUiwson, and was Kdward Levy-Law-so-

On October 13, 1892, he was cre-ated a baronet, and on July 31, 1903,he was raised to the peerage as l!aronliurnham. His title was taken fromthe Hundred of liurnham, llucks,which contains most of the Hall Humestate which was his county seat.

On the occasion of his eightiethbirthday, in 1913, the journalists ofGreat Hritaln paid a remarkable trib-ute of their respect. A large delega-tion headed by Lord Northiiiffe visit-ed Lord Liurnham's country house andpresented on address to the dozen of

-- nRWall Paper

HUDSON for PictureFrames

motoring are all gaining devotees bytho hundreds and s"nv of the Japan-ese 'ilayers are showing a profhlcncyon the court and links that prom-ises to make them formidable oppo-nent! In the course of a few yeals.

In a recent discussion aiicnt sportIn general, and golf in particular, uprominent ' Japanese, who was grad-uated from the University of Penn-sylvania, not so many years ago, said:

"You know, w, really have nogame, perhaps, except it:g tennis,which a man may continue as hisyears pile up and we know that ex-

ercise is necessary to keep tit.' Gob'fills tile bill for us. As a nation weare fond of games. Wrestling andfencing have for centuries been com-pulsory in the education of all Jap-anese gentlemen and recent yearshaw seen our schools taking up base-ball, tennis, hockey and football withvery considerable success."

George W. (Ultlirie, the Americanambassador, who is an enthusiasticgolfer, has presented the Tokio clubwith a. beautiful challenge cup whichwill probably be selected as the clubchampionship cup always to remainthe property of the club, the winnerreceiving a replica. In honor ot thedona tor and the country

the final round will always beplaed off annually on the Kouith ofJuly.

1 :Fourth Su anil CopKr Ae.tn advantage. If the silo is only ten

twelve feet in diameter, the wall newspaper proprietors, which wasor LUMBERsigned by all the leading Ttrltish news LEATHER AND FINDINGS

llnrnesit, ttiuliUn, Devoe I'ulnln, IloolI'alnts, JOlo.



ralntH, Oils, Gins, Maltliold Knot-In- s

nml Itnildliis rnper.



paper men. Messages of congratula-tions were sent by the kind r.nd queen,by many public men and organizationsand telegrams of congratulations camefrom all parts of the world,

The career of the proprietor of theDaily Telegraph was one of hardwork and steady advancement from asmall beginning. After an academicschooling at the University Collegeschool in London, where he won sev-

eral pri7.es, he was given the choice

need be only four and one-ha- lf or fiveiurhefl thick; but if larger than this,it should be six inches. A good meth-od for making the concrete impervi-ous to moisture is to give the silo, onthe Inside, a coat of coul tar to whichu little gasoline has been added." Mr.Kldredgo stated that corn and the

sorghums were hardto beat for the making of silage, butthat it was best not to put them intothe silo until nearly mature. "L'nlesRa person has a Rood deal of stock tofeed," said he, " it is better to havetwo fitnall alios, rather than one largoone, so that the silage can be fed outrapidly enough to prevent spoiling,"

K$U'1lsIoii Work tixiilalnctl.

the history of the ring. wtliarristands six feet six Inches, and weighs

lose lo -- 40 pounds, when In condi-tion.

In the older days of pugilism bewould have lowered above the aver-age heavyweight like a Oollalh amongpygmies. Such Is not the case atpresent, however, for there are sov-ir- al

candidates for the title who, phy-sically at least, clans with Willard inmany respects. Lee llodin, one ofthe latest aspirants for ring honors,stands six feet six and n half Inches;Ured Kulton in six teet four and ahalf Inches; Cowler six feet three mida half Inches; Welnert six feel twofind a half iilihes; Coffey six feetine and a hall (aches. Moran six feetone inch: Harry Wills, the negroheavy, six feet, two inches; (ieorgerarpi ntler, now serv ing In the Frencharmy, five feet eleven and a half In-

ches; while (iunboat Smith Is thesmallest of the group being but fivefeet eleven Inches.

Among the older school of heavy-weights Jeffries ttnd Corbftt aloneapproached In height the big menwho today are fighting In the sameclass. Jefiriea Mood six feet, one andn half Inches when at the top of hisling career. Corbel t measured sixfeet, one Inch when he defeated Sul-

livan wh'i was but five feet, ten anda half inches. Jack Johnson Wan halfan inch over six feet; Kitzslminona aquarter of nn Inch under six feet,while sharkol. Ohoynsk! and TommyHums were all under live feet teninches.

Results From Morning Journal Want Ads


San Miguel MicaCompany

Is now on the market. 1'or Mica

fiuis nml l ull informal Ion,

address llio

SAN MIGUEL MICA CO.i:n;i.n, . m.

beveial of the other principal citiesoeiween ci wn uu i uii.. , llavt ,,stllbiHn,.j golf clubs, notablyur JOIHIUK Ilin ilium ill uunoit

YOUR ATTENTION, ONE MINUTE, PLEASE'w r, i.i.imiwti: i m; i:svitv pisi'lw vm kai'KNsi..

i: lY NO Itl.NT.v, i:.ii'M)V no s.vi,i:s,mi:.

I'Iiiiiiih shipped illrivi from Im toi v (o pinclia-M-r- . Appointmentliiinle by telepliiilie, lelegrapli or li lter.


Yokohama, and Kobe, while n othersections organizations of a similarcharacter are in progress of forma-tion. The turf in Japan lends itselfleadily to ideal fairways and greensand the courses have sufficient na-tural and artificial bunkers and hat-aid- s

to test the skill of the best play-er- s.

Another indication of stridesgolf is making in Japan is the factthat a publication, devoted entirelyto the game and bearing- the title"The Hunker," is now publishedmonthly in Tokio.

That the game will be a success inJaps i) returning tourists say is cer-tain. They point out that the younger

"dected the latter pursuit. His fatherwas head of a printing firm, and InlX.'C had acquired a small newspaper,the Daily Telegraph and Courier.Young Levy wan given chargo of thisproperty In 1855 and spent his life indeveloping it into a great newspaper.In that year the paper was reducedfrom two pence to a penny (twocents) and was the first London dailypaper at that price, which it hasmaintained to the present day, al-

though all Ijondon competitors withtwo exceptions now sell for one cent.The "stamp tax," which was u heavyhandicap upon Knglish newspapers,had recently been repealed, but the

DUKE CITYCleaners-Hatte- rs

O. Mux 7(1. SI I South Waller Street.

P. W. Working, agriculturist, incharge of the extension work in thenorthern and western states, after go-ing somewhat into detail in explainingthe beginning of the agricultural ex-

tension woj-- In the United States,stated that its ohjirols were "to maketho business of farmers more profita-ble: lo conserve the fertility of thenoil; to increase crop production, andto develop a more wholesome and sat-isfactory home life." His address wasillustrated by slides sdiowing variousphases of work being carried on bythe county agriculturists and other ex-

tension workers; from the starting of

Telephone Hill.

220 West Gold Tllone 411

Glass-Pai- nt

Cement-Plaste- rLUMBER"paper duty," another burden re-- 1 Japanese generation, which wasmained, and Lord liurnham played an

THE WM. FARR COMPANYWholenale and Ketnll Dealer In

IjUKKI! ani halt micathSmiMigMt H Specially

For Cattlo and Hogs the ltlggntMarket rrlceg Are I "a Id

important purt in securing its auuli-itio-

Jn those clays the leading editorial,gasoline, engine to the harvesting of

improved crops introduced by the Albuquerque Lumber Company4M NORTH FIJtST BTKECT

Jn" the governing circles of tennisIt is accepted uh a certainty thut(ieorge T. Adee will succeed IlobertI). H'renn as presldenl of the Na-

tional Iiwn Tennis association.Wrenn has announced that the pres-sure of business will not permit himto devote, in the future, the time nec-eww-

to the proper discharge of the

chiefly educated in the United Statesand Kngland und is now mostly

In successful commerce athome, means to establish there thesame healthful sport and gameswhich they found in occidental coun-tries. Horse racing has taken on

known ns the "leader, was the mostimportant feature of a ISritish paper,overshadowing Its news columns.Young levy's first work was writingloaders. Since that time the length

new interest and successlul automo

county men and the vaccinating ofjlio8 to prevent cholera.

The subject of "Home KconoiiiicsJKimonstrations" was treated by MissGertrude McC'heyene, who is superin- -Undent of the home economics dem-- 1

onstration work in L'tah. .She empha-- 1

sized the Importance of there being I

full by all of the mem- -

Will Tri ii r us m.art-- duties of the office.bile and motorcycle race meets

being held at frequent intervals,The latest records of Joe Steelier everymonth fii?

and the relative importance of theleader have declined, but the editorialcolumn of The Telegraph adhere morenearly to the old tradition than those

I of most London papers. The Dailybeis of the household, asserting that FRENCH 111everyyear


n is useless 10 ounu up me m rms, j p(, raph was always in the lead Mthe revolution of the production of t fJ 5ine suk'K anci ine oitnii ac- -

counts, unless due attention is also

Inn Dodge, Neb., wrestler, show thathe has engaged in no less than fifty-on- e,

contests since Is 12 and that withthe exception of three bouts withouta full all have resulted in victories.Ueorge Turner and "Strangler" Lewisare the only gmpplers who have metthe Nebraskan unit star und escapedwithout having their shoulders pin-

ned to the mat.

Wn..o tiniru by improved machinery.paid to the home. Hy means of '

nd u. revolution of news gatheringslides she pointed out how man homes hv thp uso 0f the elegraiih and cable. SAYS HUSBANDhad been made more attractive, iioih .,f which came durinu the life of

tho lute owner. Ho was almost the

DESERVES HONORonlv London newspaper man whocould have told from his personal en-- 1

peric-ne- e the history of those chaaues. j

Was Once largest PmHr. I

For many years the Pally Tele-- igraph was the largest London paper;in the number of its columns, und!probably no uewspaper in the worldhas expended more money In tele- -

lV HOMNtllfl JQirllNAl bPCLIAl WIHI.JCans, Jan. f U 3 0 p. m. ) The

ploasant and efficient.At the afternoon session a home

canning demonstration was given byProfessor Conway, stale leader inboys' and girls' club work for NewMexico, assi-ste-d by A. H. Kite andMls Itlchio, the, latter having recent-ly boon appointed to take charge of'he home economics extension work inthe stale. The simplicity of thu pro-oess-

for canning the various vegeta-bles, fruits and men to produced on the,average farm was brought out. as wellus the economy that can be effectedby preserving such products in thismanner, and the variety that is thussecured In the diet.

tlefore adjourning, those in attetid-ii'- c

at the short course went on rec-ord in favor of a suitable rural creditline.

graph and came tons, it nas aiw.u ( wlj0w of the late General Moussy ofbeen the paper of the middle classes, i , )l0 preiUh armv has written fromas the Times was traditonally the pa-- i U.pjl t(, lelair, saying that "sheper of the diplomatic and olflclal flf)(,s no( wi)jh ,0 1(.t hHtry ))t. falsi.world, of the universities and "! fied," and as her husband is no longerChurch of Kngland. and as the Morn- - 8jvt. t() vlndio.lto lliH cl..m,Hi Hh(.

Indoor rowing practice will be re-

sumed at the eastern universitiessupporting crews, with the next fewdays and until the shift to lake orriver Is possible the tank machines,will be used to prepare the oarsmenfor the races of .Many and June. Tinswork and development of the Yalecrews will be watched with partlcii-ua- r

intercut since the lilis will tryout a new eourse "this spring. A

stretch of several miles of excellentrowing water has been marked outon the Houstaonic river near NewHaven and Couch Nbhalls will sendhis crew over the new course at theearliesf opportunity. If the coursetunics up to expectations dual raceswith other college crews may bustused on tho Jlnusatonic later.

City Basketball

(Cp s, (p (p


mzs-jhapp-y days h .::

Uling ro.--i nas lo enter olijection to the asciety. The number or us columns in sumption of the title of Viscount ofadvertising for many years gave vi-- 1 yI)r,,s ,)y Fi(,,(J Mar()nal Kir Jl(hndence that it was the moat profitable j,,,,,, on U)(, t,roun( (hat t wu8property. Ceneral Moussy who saved Ypres on

Lord Uurnham was active ami lhl, Hx(h of November. 19H.governor Apixnnts Aoou'ies. prominent tnrougn nis i.iu-- i o. ... Tn(, wll)uw aHH,.rtH t,ut ,,

Santa Fe. Jan. 9. Governor Mc-- ! the Newspaper Press fund und u,e were that f'eneral Mous.s-y- , command-Ponnl- d

has appointed the follovving i institute of Journalists, and in various in )h Tnl , ,,f K h ....notaries public: George W. JtcCrack-- i public movements, and was a pronii- - f,in( , riesnerata resistance ofen, Fort Sumner; Clyde II. Jones,lanta Ujta: I'earce C. ltodey, Albu-'Ueiiii- e;

Agnes Nit'derhorne, Roswell.

nent Freemason. A few years ago ntf hj( d,,tuchinent, sent to Zillebeke on

retired from avtiye newspaper worK. ,,PtoU.r 31 to ,h,, r,.u.f of , 1!rt.and spent most of his time surrouna- - m ftl Yp).H a1( ,)V hf) utoical, calmed by his family at bis 'ountry plate. an(J tpnacious u,ti,(,1( reassured theThere, he enjoyed shooting and o hi i u1.itisni W,1(J r,.ffai11(.d confidence, thusoutdoor pursuits and entertaine.l u arr,,ed tnP (;,rman advance nnd pre- -different times the late King Ldw.ua ventlnR. the (;,.,., frun,and King George. ,.... Calais, by his decisive intervention.

Lord Hurnhnm married on '' AgiUn. the Bemral's widow saysary 20, 1862 Henrietta, only dauRht r (hul t on ,)rC(,mb,.r at (h( h(..ltlof ltenjam.n Nottlnghom V eb.s I. r the of ft , tpoo Qf noutS he diedfamous actor manager. a u).m t t0B,.,h,.r b ,;eeral1SH7. The couple had wo sons and MoUMy.H Maff thft, . ,ra,one daughter The old '.st ton tn c

t.harreri wh(.n thu G(.rnlans. Hlu.mvlHon. Harry lwson, is "c! to pierce the line ut Ynres wh made.

Hot Water forSick Headaches

'Tux" is the Imppy smoke. It just packs the smoker's calendarso plumb full of fragrant delight that a gloomy day can't crowd itself

in edgewise. That mild, soothing taste of "Tux ' has introducedmany a man to the joy of pipe-smokin- g andja regularunendingprocession of happy days.

,.n',.nr t,t (he Telegraph and on- iTollt why evipywie hou!d drinkhot water with phopht

In it before breakfast.

London districts in thehouse of commons since ISSu. The

League to StartTomorrow Night

Much talked of for years, the Albu-querqu- o

Uasketball league uppears tobe about to become u certainty. Whilethe organization hus not yet been per-fected the glrst games will be playedtomorrow night unb'SM change is mudnin the plans agroed upon last week.While the schedule has not beenmade, of course, it was said that th'ncgames would count in the officialstanding.

Tentative plans, and those whichprobably will be finally adopted, cullfor eueh team's Playing once, a week.There will be six tennis in tho organ-ization, the Cnlvcrifity of New .Mexico,Albuquerque llusiness college, Cnltrd.states forest service, Albuqueiquohigh school, national guards und In-

dian school.The schedule w III call for a double-heade- r

on Tuesday nights and a singlegame between lengue teams on Fridaynights. Following the Friday nightBarnes dancos will be Riven. Owing tothe fact that only one league gamewill be ifch'-duk- d for Friday nights,preliminaries between girl teams orward school fives will be arranged forat times.

The unlvers.it' against the businesscollege md the forest service againttthe national guards are billed to Martthe pennant trip in a double-heade- r

at the armory tomorrow night. Thisleaves the Indians and high (tchool tofinish the first week's schedule Fri-day night. The preliminary for Fri-day has not yet been arranged.

routed two liavarian regiments, nndin the end saved Ypres by capturingHill No. 60 between .Sewartelin andZillebeke, thup rendering the marchon Calais Impossible.

In further support of her claim Inbehalf of her late husband, the wid.ow quotes a letter to General Mousjiyfrom General Halg, dated January 2.1915, thanking General foussJ' forthe conduct of his troops at Vpres,and adding: "It wan really a verycritical moment, and it was only thistouching camaraderie which assuredthe allies' ttuceess."

Headache of any kind, is caused by

which meansLiver and bowel poisons

nailed toxins, sucked into the blood,through the lymph ducts, excite thuh"nrt which pumps the blood so taut'hat it congests In the smaller arteries

nd veins of the head producing vlo-b-

throbbin ruiin ,n.i rilKlress. call- - The Perfect Tobacco for Pipe and CigaretteJd headache. You become nervous, j

s By far the most pleasant pipe-smok- e in the world irhillock Keorlies Tlio Hague.j The Hague, Jan. 9 (via London.

fi'dtl ii m l Thi- - steamer Untterrln m 1 uxedo. 1 hintc ot tnc supreme sausiacuon 01 uciug ui&

to smoke your pipe all day, and day after day, without afnrtf You can do it with Tuxedo

because Tuxedo is made wonderfully mild and absolutely;

arrived last evening from Kottcrd;imafter a tempestuous voyage from New-York.

Urnnd Vhitlock, the Ameri-can minister to Itelgium, who was apassenger, left immediately for TheHague, where he Is visiting today withDr. Henry Van Dyke, the Americanminister. He will leave tomorrow

second son is Lieutenant loionn insHon. William Lawson. commandingthe Second regiment Royal bucks

All frd Burnham's three grand-

sons were engaged on active servicefrom the first day of the Europeanwar. and two have been killed In ac-




WOININU JOUl- - PCIt tsto Wl)Rome, Jan. S (8: So p. m. Delayed.)

decree signed by Duke of Genoa.as lieutenant general ot King VictorKmnmnuel. orders that a census ofall grain b taken not biter than Jan-uar- y

25. 11 1" provided that any per-

son' failing to announce the quantityof grain he poss-sse- s. or who makesany fals statement, is punishable by

a year's imprisonment and $1,000 fine.Another decr e establishes rules for

the requisitioning of grain by the mil-

itary authorities, ltesistanee to requi-

sition is punishable by u ar' impris-onment and 2,000 fine. In addition toconfiscation of the cereals.

The census and requisitioning meas-

ures are intended to prevent specula-

tion in cereals, to insure a sufficientsupplv for the necessities of the armyand tiie population, and to keep downprices.

The price of the cereals reqiiisiti-jn-e-

is to be established by committeeappointed by army officials and us toto be within limits fUed by the min-istry o( war, . ......

sick, feverish end muter'uhe. your meals sour and almost nau-faii- c

you. Then you resort to acetan-"de- ,

aspirin or the bromides whichtemporarily relieve but do not rid theblood of these irritating toxins.

A glass of hot water with aof limestone phosphate in It,

drunk before brcakfa.it for awhile.'ill not only wash these poisons frorfiyr system and cure you of e

but will cleanse, purify and""""dieti the ontire alimentary canal.

Ai--k your pharmacist for a quarterT"'nnd of limestone phosphate. It i

'"xpensive. harmless as sugar, andimns tasteless, except for n sourish

twing. w hlch in not unpleasant.U vou a.ri.n' flin if

(morning for urussels.



" Oming to Iti mild,

twect flavor, Tuxedo hsuperior to oil oilier lobac-c-

enjoy imolin itirntncmciy or.A recommend

i! to oil siuoken. "

biteless by the original 1 uxedo rroccs9. '

That process is what makes Tuxedo different from'any other tobacco made. Otheri have tried to imitateit, but never successfully.

Juit try Tuxedo for a week and you'll imokc it evenafter.


Convenient, elamiue wrapped, Famous grryi tin with gold lei- - 1H- -Miomure-pro- o pouch .... )C leting, curved to lit pocket . . lVV.

In Tin Hum'Jfn, 40c and ICt In Gtau HumiJiri,S0c 90t


Vngue jR coated or you wake up with)

OI K JTTXKY OH:rt TIUs and 5DON T MlS TiUS. Cut out thi

slip, en'-los- with 5o. and mail it toFoley & Co., Chicago, 111., writinnyour name and address (dear-ly. You will receive in return a trialpackage containing Foley's Honey andTar Compound, for coughs, colds andcroup; Foley Kidney Pills, for pain Insides and back; rheumatism, back-ache, kidney and bladder ailments;and Foley Cuthartie Tablets, a whole-some and thoroughly cleansing- - ca-

thartic, for constipation, biliousness,headache and sluggish bowels, told,everywhere.

Stock llring nig ITcmluiu.Santu Fe, Jan. 9. In compliance

with the request of the insurance de-

partment of New Mexico the GuardianCasualty and Guaranty company ofSalt Lake City has Issued and soldR,0ft0 shares of its capital stoek for$75,000. The stock was sold at a pre-mium of 50 per cent, bringing $25,01")which has been added to th com-pany's aiirplu. Wilh this increasethe compuny states Its annual state-ment for 115 ylll show assets of oversi, loo. ooo and a net surplus of moietlua UJM'Jti.

; i ia.ste, roul breath or have colds,'"digestion, biliousness, constipation

r our. acid stomach, begin the phos-wnat-

hot water cure to rid your''"i of toxins and poisons.

Ktnults are )uick and it i claimed'"at those who continue to flush outae stomach, liver and bowels every

rnorning never have anv headache or


'31 i 11,knot 4 miserable moment.



lit MwrnmMr. I.edf.cld i, right. Condition!

have changed and are changing. Ik-f-ore

the ur there was a surplus oflabor in r.urope and it a no cheapthat American labor could rnt main




; Naval Base in North Sea Pre- -

tain I's standards of living add comp-t- with It in man) line. The War(hangerf Hint. Wlon jm . ? comitn-- r will t.e far more work thanworkers arid there will - a, new

age alf for Purope probably nolfar I" low the ' i;i the I'nitedtft.itf n possibly it mar ' hlKherthan that of the lint- - 1 Sdtes.

White ih tariff w.U he a fa torin ruining o. ...os ' wwi'ij, i

id 1 k I y that necessity for it a, hprotcctixa m asm, ..ept in or- -

tain line like siilCar and ds and'some of the tittiic uitur.ti product,

till disapp-a- r lih the restoration of

' CPnll nprtirlp fif Mni'Ve!- -' time that my kidney were not

ous Po,er Watching for! ron JtGermans at Exit of Canal, h. SlXI

t box of Doan's Kidney Pills was all I! "

j npeded for a permnnent cure."j London, Jan. S. I'nder escort or j jrj(.p f.oc, at all dealers. Don'ti orficci- assiKiu-- by the admiralty, a; sjmpiy ask for a kidn;?y remedy seticorrpondeiu of the Associated Preen j jioan's Kidnev Pills the same that'and a party of foreign juurnalMsi cured jjp. Kyan. Co.,Aitere jciyen th-- firvt opportunity to; prPj, , Buffalo, X. Y.' viMit one of the great naval ase on ,

; the coa.it where cruisers, destroyers; '

and submarine are as.embled for j h(v waf ,n thifl t.oluiti,,n he tried toItheir watch over the North sea a,ul : kill bis neohew. He was taken intoifrom which point the big ocean-som- ? ,.list,,'dv an,i complaint was made that

are t in forays to the f0r him to remain at

peace.Old methods are (har.Kit'B With

conditions: mid It beif the old achwot politic jiitix arr


T. A. M AfPH KP.SOJf . . F'rt'.'iWtW. T. Met fiKPiHT Baals MnTR. U I. M.AM.InTER.A. X. MOKUAN .".....cur leantat-- L. FOX E4.lor1

WirrI. 4. AMll .

Karqa-rt- l IUII-l.- Cbl-- f a, DL

tlsrasll.s.HAITH . MIII.KJAK,

II far Him, . 1 rk.th!Kntf4 ..! .(r at

pnstrfla ttf Ailuiimiw. X. Vi uoif Act .

a lit March 1. III.Imrgtt eircuiaiiuR Ihss anr nhr pf

in M'l'.. T oaljr mir Is titUtile mw4 rrr lr Is ll.t yesr.


TCRMI Of Kl'Uhtllil'lKJM. ;

D!1r, tr eft!f fit nil, on montb. ..""NOT ILK 1U H ItHCIliBEKS.INitiacrtbrr it il Jumal. tb vrlttaf

(a h ibir 'J-- r ctmMtrd 1 A nw 4- -

Wnlr! Jcmraal bu b;lir etr-- - '

Hu m mini (. u "M.4 t r h i

pP in AmtrlcAa

TBK JOf RtAL UkM aM Bflatiitr kn ai4 thlrt aris-ata- a

( irlaalia AMM-lal- FraMImiihI rtr arir Mri mM.Ma tr aawaaaovf yablithad laKw Mcilaa uka ra tbaaHraatj-taa- r tuttm at milU

Mrrlaa )uUaj tA

--w !

MOMMY. J A N I ' A I ; V 10.-- a- rr- - ,r ; ;

HOW itovr I'M. i'.k.i.ti:i.,

Th.. li of i;iu" nr" iiy far the

(hanif'-- for a riwr whool mor In

harrtiony lt!i th" rn-- nt-- hlin-- t Jf

liiih ion ttiupt l,c l.rouKht into t.,

n our K"Vrn-,- ( iit;.l afialr.

wtn i.it vin.i ur.mf."KK.IIJS.

Tin- - iii' xt ato!i;.hSl.it di vclooiiji fit

o f ir in thi of (oiigrff.n, l

the ipiind on ih- - Xlo'ir

o ilic t Ijy I'otli andtiiMin' rut ( f ;n oraM t jiiMins thviii;ht of the fiu'oj Htjl under In-- t

riottiohnl l.iv to the t.riliirf-rMtfl- .

KMiutort lift priivid)' urtd th. t

An-rii.;i- i itii n hotilil - w,trn-- d

Baltic and the Dardanelles. I

; It wan an impressive sight ofpower and alert readinesi?,

with long lines of battle-scarre- d cruis-- !ers stretching seaward and headed by

' Wie famous Aretha. back t.f them;a vast flotilla of destroyers, thin acountless nunilx-- of sabrnarlrn s ot

ithe latest I) and K t pe. w hich have; recently perfcrir.ed such brillianttworK from the uamaneiies to ine i;os-- 1

J phorus and throughout the IlalUc. J

! WcatlH-- r Is 15igoruu.I The day was typical of the r.oiS;jthe Ilritssh fleet is now experiencing;in tile .Nurtn sea. wnn ram peitnig me l

: sauors in onsKins, a norm w ma cm- - iIJlt'fKiiri!, it not rohil(itd from, trav- -'

lioiKi jiotiitdo writtnK of fhal-a;- n

'ting the sea into foam and sea gulls I ,,y r,,.l( ,ime distam-- from hisThe little fishing village a luu,.t jn his brain. It is sup- -

on the coast had been transformed by h committed suicide.thr war into a vast naval rendezvous. "

to,rjff l01.OIUir went thewnh storehouses strcUhmg a half !

a ,.. , investigate. It inImi.e, prepared to an armada j mlt had had ser.ous,and send i, tuu-- t sea w.tlun lwo Jpjuble with his wife., hours afier its arrival.

re also were the mother- - ships , roR kevt Koom. SaiSO. fi1n.ranged in long lines about the i,uay, . business gectlon, miltable forreadv to receive back their fighting i "e7children each time they came from a ; plumbln or tin shop, or storage:

I raid or battle. bM nd wtei deluded. Apply thii! The huge establishment was ibrat- - ! oltlMu: ing with energy, and in the hartmrj

linib. und tin-- mot notniilc of ttiow

vhnK on tii- - uiiarnifj ;awne-- r ahiM I

,"' '"' That ""''" I

(ion t,f William J. Iiryun whilft ) j

rHary of nt.it- - and it an up-- 1

th.it jtnt h aim! Ih t'ridrnt J

a.rt-i'i- l n raui'-all- to taii! hinl

oild in.ofivnilUmn, mid thnt till, as the- - i

uri-aift- nation, fihould not ,

pit Id any ic usni7.i d rnfht to theiKi'iicltg of ar.

la the eay on "Tin- - (iriKiti of HohsiI r "iKhatloii from the Cubim't.1'iK." TIi- - tory in told l,y Ijunb in i I'Mnidi nt Wllnoir .ntfit iuit i

lu iii'mt (hurmtiiit v'ylc (,f how th that tin- - l iiited Htatu i in m "I"'i'liltx , durttiK thi Ir fimt wv-nt- y

j for thn war, thatUK'--

, ulf tln-i-r fiKat tw, j riirht of liavf Won d fin d

--j WdfKfflV' ,; IfBY THE SCHOOL S;'yBL. '

OLD (UTTER' U tfVV &J r-$-l.

luiiiK or tiitmif it from tin- - liviiigjliy thii ru-a-t nations of th

Nirt only has the polity of Wunli-I- ""

IriL'loii hfen directed to that end Imt'that

mine sw- - pers were coming back lrom i

itheir work: hydro-aeroplan- werei maneuvering and black smoke fromthe funnels of the cruisers and de-stroyers told of their readiness to dash

jout to sea..Scanli for (.crma n Nliie.

i The Afethusa. and the light cruiser ,

.on o..u W reiu.neu no.,svouuns ttioiig nit i.eiiiiiin in;

,"e:.rch of a Herman fleet which was!xrxnrT' .. .. .. ... ,. .or ine sniis ana me :usnofficers tho same who had receivedtheir stars in the famous fights under

tb fur.nel touches the openingf the tank. Be doubly sure thai youike ihu me. i ut ion

as ot.-hitsmm-

.i.... i. .. ti .iiikiii-- iimo'.i

"m of tilt1 t:irct niagazincM hastaken nute Mrioiiflj tlo- tti sti'ii ofWhat Kiik-laii.- t thinkx of ; Ice AHmiral Mr Uavid l.eatty Inneiilralilv and wile .i of I tie ,.t Am.-ri.-- w . r.. visited l,v 111 -

And, wow, Tarn saw an unco rishV.

And whether the name or row- -

ihatan was derive,! from th.s ancient:v,rle:isf snini- - n head-hitte- r, II- -

i' mH ieMinioii oi api.J""n v'"i'h. whose f:ratitute to t oca -

hontas for eseaj, jng the Amen, a n izeujshiHalah is of . And lien there

still stronger evidence: "i'oca'' is

for ' a hag." und the celerityw ith whi-- Pocahontas bagged theKngli.-hma- n Kolfe is almost coneluive evidence that she had Irish In her

blood, a circumstance ouitc in accordjvvjth t!ie strenuosity of John Iian-doli- h

and others of her descendant!!.The tedium of the historical narra

tive will be in a considerable c'egrei.-relieve- d

if it is found that AmericanIndian gh"st dan-- are mere vestigialechoes of ancient Ceremonies at Don-- :nybrook and Kilkenny and that the. .. r i . . i . ti I. . T.,ll1'"""

nat ure of thii conflict and unbiased inJUdgmcm.

,"' ,!w",,'::-oI-: :,i:v

hi . .i ne i 'ii in yi er-- inn t en oi ii i..jm-- i

In a Joint meeting of the Anieri -

, and the American .Historical'ie,.,lii,i? I,, show Mini I he

la mi.hi sailors lorn before t'olJinbusventured across, rab'-- s most interest-- !im. ,ilj, v.t it.nw i.ttd if lite ti I'oot In

, . ..... ,;,..,. .,!I.... 1, .,!,...,.. ... u in tl,,!

rial nr.- of myster;. s.Ibac did tin- Jnilian warwhoop ong- -

ln;ite'' A plausiljjt- - explanation sugi.o ,ted by this ii' w view is that It was i

imitative In origin; l Ing the Jesuit ofthe deep inpr'-ssl'-- made upon inesimple savage mind in listening to tinsoiioiiiuh shouts nf those early hind1.... ...,rli.. ..f l..lto. u:.d.iru h'l lie' I

u II I club. the use of Wlli.ll SllggC.-ti- d

inal'y i arly pwneeis long practice;"!twii hn, ; it on the part of the

Animut, Junt at thiy do in Abyiitla '

t thin day," and linw tlu-- uiiip byaccident ti know that took'd food

r to tin; lante. I

A eW'ltJth-i'.bT'- K hC'tiK" w.i !,''.nn-- d i

down nnd noun- - ynuiiff ii(f that wereIn it v' roarli-- In Hit? 'onfl,irtt-tiol- i. jit

Tin- - no h rdrr yoiiiiaf ii.inliked til" Kimll of tin- - lo,it (iltf and lafitiully tanlfd mm of them, then he j

fell to of It. The futhir heKiin j

to Ml uImi. After that time it ). e,im !

urtomary, In ftiinu, till they lisirmd'Litter, tor the .e,. n h. n tiny!wai'led fo.iHl i . i n to firms tto- - vinto Ho le Im.hki I ih.n luu o th.liounea.

An lyiiml. (biltd It:"The. tiung look wlim, ,,nd now

then; wan not hum in In- - butfires in lurv illieclion. andpiK trevv enormously u,ar all tIverthe (lisir:et. Th" IniuraiKc officeone and nil shut g shoji. peo,lbuilt sliKbt'-- tuiil slighter every dayfntil it was fenced that tin- - veryciicni of nrc hitci'tute would in nol,.ntr lliiw. I... t,,.t t.. il... u..tl.l nliii.the custom of firiinr Imiisi ci.nf itioedtill, in process of lime n suKe nro '

bke our I,oi ke, who made tl llsfov- - (

'!', thiit the f lei ii i,f swine, or, in- -

bed, of lu.y oilier nnlinal mbiht liecooked Hint us they culled ill with- -

out the nei of i unsmiling ahole house to dres-- i II. Tiins- litat :

la j' iM the ru le f irm of a ei id. run." jFollowing something ,.f the came

;llsh took the magazine Just iis serioiiH -

lv, it Is t.i know that one or lwo.iif the I :r i)Ot. hull. l,i Siilu

i. ,..i.h .. , in,,.,,,!M .llin II It ',.llu 1,,nrl,e llnlillJiiiih s Pryce t'on.jn undmimber of oil rs are latin r hurt, bull

goodly coiiii'imy of Oi'.-a- l I'd Itain'slbdii ve thatiAmer'nrJHrif, s own busi-- j

n,.M, Im;i(i .angwili sa . ' The'M,, nine iloetrln- - will !..n ils ;: ve-- 'lige of men ni tifr if America inti t veio s

In the Kur-.pea- War" licrii.-.r- Shawib i lares that neutrality is nonn-ns-

iiinlili U Worth .sainir. ami Soi.u.! AllMiiUi-rcii- e l"tdo Know IIoWj to Nave It.i Slanv A!'iunieriUe people takotheir lives in their hand-- ! by iitglect-- !imr the kidneya when they kno- - these

'organ need help. Weak kidneys urei responsible- for a vast amount of suf- -

ferine and ill heaitn me slightestdelay if dangerou. I e wan s Kidney Pills a remedy that hag helpedthousand of kidney sunerers. litreis an AlLuiju-rqu- citizen recom-mendation.

J. J. Kyan, 323 North Broadway,iii.ii,.Mnrriia 43VE' "I notired ff,

h taken to Alamoironlnyesterday afternoon by T. A. Pace,constable, and committed to the coun-

ty Jail for safe keepinK. What dispo-

sition is to be made of him is a ma-iler to be by the courts.




riayton. X. M . Jan. 9. SamuelJmiih rieh ranchman living on the(.imarr(ia fiV(.r thirty miles from here.

..,,, f,,,,n,i ,i...,fi hist mehr on a ccun- -

SPECIAL TO WOMENThe most economical, cleansing and

germicidal of all antiseptics is

A soluble Antiseptic Powder to

be dissolved in water at needed.As a medicinal antiseptic for douches.treating catarrh, inflammation or

ulceration of nose, throat, and thatcaused by feminine ills it has no equal.For ten years the Lydia B. PinkhamMedicine Co.has recommended PaxtinoJn their private correspondence with

women, which proves Us superiorityWomen who have been cured say

It is "worth its weight in gold." At

druggists. 69c. large box, or by mailThe Paxton Toilet Co., Boston, Mass.

Attacks of Indigestion

' I lielieve Chatnlieiiuin's Tablets havesaved niv life, writes Mrs. Majfcjie Coil,'tolilen Citv, Mo. "I had pains in niv

stomach so bud I

51 thought, I could n"tijtv . live. Our doctor said

it was congestion of

the stomach. I wouldiife:(f goto bed pert ec 1 y we

and wake tip in tiI r P night as bad as IconH

be and live. Our doc-

tor said it would dono good to give uicli-cin- e

internally. 11 e

had to inject meiliciti'-iuiuyann-

Since t ik

ing Chamberlain-Tablet-

I can eat any-

thing I want within:'hurting ine." Thir form of indigestion pextremely painful ati'loften dangerous. Byn taking Chumls-rlain--Tablet-

after e;it;n",and especially when you have fubi'-ani- l

weight in the stonia-r- after rutins.Ih" disvi-- e may lie warded off ati'lavoided. ( 'hamberlain's Tablets n..t !'aid iligi'-ition- , but strengthen and in-- ,

orate th- - stomach. ft

$2,500.00Will buy a business cor-

ner opposite the new

shops. Ten room build-

ing. A rare chance for

a sure money-makin- g

Terms to suit pur-


FOR SALE$3500. Six-roo- mod-

ern brick residence in the

Highlands with 50-fo-

lot. Two blocks south

of Central avenue. Termseasy.

$000. Two fine resi-

dence lots in 4 th ward.Cement walks. Largeshade trees, good location.

Terms to suit purchaser.

$1000. Four-roo- cot-

tage with large lot, on

Kelcher Ave., near s.

Easy terms.


We male a specialty ofFIRE INSURANCE.Business solicited for the

best companies at lowest


and that Ameitia is Hot neutral,is.'' he saya, "taking a very iictivi-ji- al.-,'''- 1

d t.eronimo emanated from the anil ne pant-- uiis terrn ie nain-m- e

sort of vibrations that domimit-- ! dealing engine affectionately, as if iti r M...-v..i:- I were his child. Sars of battle were

f.ritsines in it not clearly derivedfrom the shillalaV The wild gyra-- jHons of war clubs above the heads of.

ivuges mound th amp fire lo'ticallyii rv us back to the musK rings of

were derisive at the idea that the Germans would venture forth.

nie of the officers was in com- -'

mand of th" torpedo tnties when thyfired the deadly missiles which struckthe ib riiian cruiser r.bieeh' r. and s tit l

her to the bottom last January. Hopointed out these self-sam- e tubes, andtold how they had worked.

"First we let go that one." be said."and then this one. It was this onethat hit the llbiecher amidship. She'was lying- off about fift.-e- hundred

.yards. The thing- that impressed ter

We hit her was the deathly still- -

i ness, j

! Show .Many ISatlle Scars.. .- : ;.. .1. .I,... .1 ; I i.I..-- , in..-- . w - ...ai no. o

''all over the ship. The upper worksw rp li,,.ray I)(.1M,(.red with shrapmlbut the scar.s were neatly bandagedwith two-inc- h riveted steel plates. s


that the saucy Aiethusa was again asgoon as ever.

The party now went aboard the bit -. , . , .. -

j v,,ry 'fasIi POme of them making thir -

or thirty-eigh- t knots,, j.ylng outside of them were the;submarines) of the D and . type, the;latter being seagoing craft of great i

I radius."They can stay under water for sev- -

rnty-lw- o lio'irs. ne saul. yes, threeiuavs wnnoui ineonveiiiein-e-

There were muny famous seaflght-er- s

among the destroyers, includingthe which helped sink theKoenigin Luise off Harwich and whs

'in the Heligoland battle. In fact allthese ships had seen battel. service

i unless they hail Just come fr olll the

1 pilcplic Kuns Amuck.

, ' C,, afTibl !

wilh epilepsy som,, time, pad an un- -

usually severe attack yesterday, whichtemporarily unsettled his mind. While

K.l"lsttr mid Cor.naugh' in the time ofhab'Knu, Coin holiur

-mode. ..r r. ..soiling:, it has been thejfnim the "School Hoard Journal," theciist.ii,, f the world wlcn n reform meeting nt Detroit this ear has un- -

Winn blue eyes flashedAnd heads were smashedShlbalahs never miss fire sir.

''I - "

'"' l.ol mmhe and Denned M.o nmr -


SOI.DII'.II'S l rS (.r. TO Ills Will",ii, .,oi.. Ti,i i

K,.,,., of I he list SIOIII-- of t!lt-- Warne from the base hospitals, and

Mire ticsioweo i n ine ooeiois 10 '"same spirit that grat.ful parents be -

stow gifts n their medical attendantsin civil bfi i .hi told recently has trav- -

farthest outposts inA Turkish officer, cap -

t m cd in the Mesopotamia!! c:impaign.nskeii atnl IO'l ived permission to i..n .

graph to his wife when newbrought to Basra. His message read:

Safely ruptured."

A book of beauty secrets will becent frpA to anv w oman w riting theCas.tiliun Products company of Mbu- -

iucrpi Abo it contains scone veryvaluable and interesting information

Linguistic investigations tend to the;,!,,! from thesame com lie-io- that aboriginal life i Mesopotamia.

part in the war by sii. plying us withammunition and weapons. The fu-

ture lies within an alliance to vni' h!i Jri lit Prilaln, cieriuanv, piaie e and

the find andIndispensable parties, Jerome.

iJeroinw livows that Americanothing to do with tins war except asthe coliflbl in. iv affect tin- - go .oral

'future of biiiitaiiitv While CilhcrtIK. t'hesterton .houses to reimiid usthat "a rich and disd.iinf al ib niocrio y

lacrosM the Atlantic is hoinetliing whichHie tiermiin empire simply cannot

(ford to tolerate," lie Kcncroiisly statesthat the only way an flnKlishmiin canprofitably e press bis resp. i t forAnn ill a is by p. t petually iciii'ndinghHusi If that the Declurallo i of liide -

pendeiice wiis not only n lit rarv ruiis-- itet piece, but a historical fa. t. ThenSir (iilbrrl stnki-- s the bur funilaiiien- -

',l,ll of Ame... as altitude that bothr.ng In ltd and licrmanv fell in t w hiitmakes America stupendously important is that she Is the only ndeiiuate ,

witness capable of Judging the moralwe!ab.,ut h,w to your ocer,

hai Won on every vital point. Yet,:even In the f.ie,. uf jt)j vl' toi ics for j

ireat intitnatioiiiil principle, Poreare nnmbeis of the. l'liited states:enate whr, wich to yield it all venj

afler the iioty J,a lieen won. J

HITli n M'IIMI Mi:illuis.We in lot i lM'Wheie im editorial

from the ' Hi hool Hnnnl Journal" ofM w a u k on the value derived for

jthe public Mi hoots from the annual ;

meetiiiif of the shim rintendeiits. whichthis liar is held nt Inn oil. The city

A" -- '" ''''' -

temlent Milne mid the iminly com- -

missloneis should send Supt. .M"ii -

toy.i, and doubtless will ib. so.The niembecshlp cmhrae pla'ti- -

all of the state, eountv alnl cityupei inlendenls of tin- - country. The

subjects) di liswd lire of the mostpi a. tli al sort and thioiu.'h these!,, ...al.. Ihe Mandard of durationh.'iH been raised and school methods rImproved In everycountry. ;

As will be noted in the eihlori ,1i


(usual talent and the subl.cU for cmsldertition ale of spei lal ilit lest toeducatois every here.

The Ford party Is how atHague, but II doesn't know' what todo with Itself ufter getting there.


With Scissors and Pasteal tl nlL.i: lui lie,7lAmericun 4'hauffeur )

.ft-- . .. .... -- t . . -i oeiievei v on illiei KJn"llli

through i hamois oil are pbivilig bidend siek with one of the deiiolu Ht

combinations known to man eketricity and gasoline.

vver stiiiin gasoline tlnouKh a!chamois.

Let us utsiiiiie (hat ion ure about to,fill your tiinli. The funnel is 141 t It.'lijulr. A chamois strainer is In the1funnel. The gasoline Is turned on and'hn It pours through the strainer It'generates atb' electricity. St.'. en!,electricity ma) be defined as ele. tinty that Ik at rest. It Is an agent neith- - j

er of construction nor destruction, so!boig as nothing is done In unleash it.'I nleash it. knowingly or unknowingly.,ind you have to den I with th.- - most I

diabolical idivsi.al agent know 11. a

force thai with the tiuickuess!'

f hchtning,So long as the funnel fits snuanlyj

the mouth oT the tank, th is crc -

(atllig ,1 ' giound," JOII Are safe.Now for the sake of excitement, let t

us assume Hint you did not a!!o.v the;funnel to lest inside the norrle of"iir i.in'K. as the gasoline cccpcd

tin i.i!i;h the ihnmois kin. Lither:your-c- lf or somebody els.- - held thef"i in In midair or it rested f r. i f

I Ihe sid,. of the tank. No "Mound'w a-- ft nu d

I We I1.1M1 mi 11 thiil gasoline, a Vol- -'

utile siibi-liiu- i e, passing through chamois forms etatic electricity, wbl. h(bulges lilt funnel. When theamount of ib t tiiiity is sufficient '

produce .1 Juu the spark, fol-

lowing the incvnable law of clcctiicityiitir.iction. Jumps to the nearest'mound." which is your tank. In do-

ing so II must pass across the open-

ing between tin- - end of the funnel andthe edge of the lank through which

vapor is rising. Suddenlyiheie is a violent discharge.

iiiiny nave lain nuriieu nunj for bte through ignorance of thisfiend of electricity. Many nuue. It issad to relate, havo been measured outon their !.ti cool bed. No oneable 10 tell Jum why they mtd.

Th nioru.1 to be derived 4rom thisargumtnl u. lo not put gasolinethrough chamois kln. Bui If von willinsist on taking chances I n sui thati ju haw ' ground' vu it. by jeiins

What Superintendents Learnat Their Annual .Meetings

$2,000.00RAILROAD FRONTAGE, do in, is

surest investment for increase in value, 'Ihe

is limited. As the cily grows, whole-(Continu-


was strong!'.- affected by i isilationsSTISSI i!X and Piuste . . .alley 2 . . .

from the Linel Id isle. Powwow,though to be an Indian word, is

foimd in tb early loieiic, mougn mdisjointed form. ' pow" being a cor-- 1

ruption of "poll, the m au. wun n

vviis loiunioniy hit, and "Wow" ex- -

JUC-M- U the result. Pad 11 liisti andSi nttish barils nave noi.-- n- - us- - 01

the word "" in coniieelioii wnn

various sons i f surprises,have in Tarn n'.Shanter:

Jul UN M .)

not to l e measured Ill lalll-- t

far. nnd hotel expenses. j

IP ports from Detroit Indicate tual,vi tv previ-.!- convention of the de- -

p:irt:ii"iii will be ex. colli ! .a the num-

ber of st hool executive,, m attendance,lis well us in the importance of thediscissions. Springer's bul- -

tin prom.ses a rich program.'Citited States Commissioner of

P. P. Claxton wilt "ive an ml-- j

dress on "A National Kducutional j

Ca mnci-ii- ."

There will b- - tl debate on "The Difreiitiiited versus the ilenerul Kssen-- ,

lials corns.!, of Study for the Seventhland Fighth Orailcs." Messrs. Spauld-- ;

Ing tool snetidt n taking on. side and ,

Mrs. Coffman and Bagl-- y taking the,other.

im.. ...si-io- will be known us-- S. hool Hoard Session." the speakeisteme Thomas W. Churchill. r. sident, j

;iioiiitj of eibn iitioii. Ni w York. X. Y.;

ii. C. Creclimin, lluclph, Ontario; .

CuM eri.y, Stanford univcrsltv; A.'V insine. . nston. ami a. vic"sci

la 111. nun isoui g. 111.

"The Junior High Si hool Pro and;Con'' will be the subject of a discus- -

si.,11 led bv Chart. s 11. Judd. Cnivcl-- !

of chi iigo, Chicago, and 4 armnPease pieMdeut Slat.. Norma!

s. hool. Milwaukee. Wis.Ill educational interest no city in

th- - mid. He west offers so many Im-- j

portant hi hi' venient as ivirolt. Hiis necessan to recall only Its rapid jgrow tii in population ami iniuuni.,,and the cm responding scnooi growia,vv Inch has been met lu every essentialby the school board and the supenn-- j

lemi-- nt and his asuociaves.We are certain that every . hool

hoard whuh ends iu superintendent

v,iB I,,.,!,.,! t0 K ,,lr Kei,i,e it.and not liifti-mieiitl- the fire of war

as stalled for somrj other purposethan to secure the things which nft- -

i wards were shown t., be It great-est benefits Snliictlh'.ia the Warswere brought about by accident, Justli the t't.iliese swineherds house W lis

sl on lite by an blent with thetliMovery oC toast pijj.

Ihus the irus.Kbs were f ,

puri .( uiiiK hi) lioly Seoul.!III.; fl otil tbe bifid. In. The SI pul-- ,

i !(! was. .oi u.,1 for long, bill I

eiiditi i, was fst.ihlit.hiil betweenpeoid-Hi- ,f ii., u . i and the , (ll4,

. igici.t 111,1 till Wan g.vi n t tn.--i

biiriiiii of l.arope. The obje.-- t ofNapoleon Was I,, bitono nvi ilotd of1Fim.pe and establish s Napoleonicl! Itasty. The object failed, b'H a

tievv freedom u to ihe p. i.,e ofKiiroi-- and a new imp-tt,- to coin.Inenlal t,ln bllsilil-H- mthltv beiuuseof the No poll-toil.- wiii n.

The .r. sent gigiiita Uttu-i-l.- iiwon in Knrope is sine to .ike the

"I Id, CnoIllloaUi i.hd s i..l!v andJon. It of It pobte ally. Hn 'ii it vi at-

mulct t.tkt 11 f..r Ihe pui j "'' ,,;j

taMiMiiog the dominance .f T. iilond j

ii.tliien, e ihrooghout t . - Wot I und I

for ii lu il c .11 t of pail f

lopeAl a e alt . ,0 b f til. St I tig- - I

fi'- -s lb.-- people bav, f ft lit l lights '

i' Ml. d then, l , f ,le, and it is to bel"pi d 'h it ih. .ii t thing I .. rtii df oiii t he pj i s id w ,,f will I that '

Ii is i,..t ii- e- -. ti a lioote '

lltli til!,, Vs. ,l. loot ,lg.

The b r. I , tci n! aVS tlll.t tlllfjis. u time no asui t t and that mmcount f.. ,t pup. and that belocmi't want hi... name iliv. t Up v Ith

party po s s.t this time.

IOI 4 1 1 is Ml s (,

Su 1. tti y l:.dili Id poinls o!jtthat we c.niiot lope to out iliiie.alter p-- U feslor. d. t!t vast ex- -

port tiatl - wit:( Lui' pe I a.lse t hecf those lyiititiiis ale not

onlv senditia us their incomes buttheir capital us w, U.

Put tin- - this coun-

try can Income the dominant f- torIn the business snd commerce woild.provided we util!i the ineana we

have now for manufactiirlnl moreerietdifwally dr..i 11 unsporting nn-r- s

(n( HM)L BlM!;l

A sup. rinleiitleiil, who for obviousretisoiis must icmaiii uiiiiamed, wroteus last spring a b 1 . r of which thetollowing Is the substance: 1

' .My uttvlitlaii. e at tin- - Cincinnatitouveution was opposed bitterly by amember of tin- board of education,who In all things educational is theiiu-- influential man in . By a h

lu i.v. coin, idem e he was oblig-ed to v isit Cincinnati during the weekof the meeting und put up at theS:uton. I was a little surprised at bisappearance in the lobby on Tuesdayevening. As It hupm-ncd- I was stand-ing

fiIn 11 giou,, with Prof. P iling '

about a scheme for a Junior highInch St hool that I felt would solveh pressing o. t.i .rhctu. Mr.0.as ..o,.n id the midst of it discussionthat ha- - sine-- , given us not only theJunior high school but some otherv.ry n in h 10 oih ,t iidthtions to thi iicurriculum. . . . lie filtered thoroughly into ihe spirit and stayed tinill Filtlav. going to several day sis-- ! I

sloiis. when bis business permitted,il 11 tl to all Ihe eveo'iug meetings. . .

In March he demanded that Ihe bourdpity my txpcii-c- s bccau-ic- , lis be sa'.d.

have ,11111 will receive

nuis. 1 no 000.. -- 01

about January first. AVrito now - j

you will be sure to get a copy.

BARGAINA tract of land in the

4th ward. Belongs to an

estate and is ordered sold

without delay. Anthat can be turn-



for double the price spacewithin one year. Parti-

culars on application.

FOR RENT$10.00. A thrc-too- m

n house o. Pa-

cific avenue near Fourth

street, perfect repair; good


$ 15.00. New

brick with bath. On

North Fifth street. De-

sirable location.

$50.00. Storeioom be-

tween South- - Second and

First streets. Brick, 25bv 100 feet.

WE' HAVE salers

Vacant lots for sale in all

parts of the city for cash haveor on installment plan. theAUo ranches, large andsmall, in diffeicnt partsof the valley. jhis


REALTY CO.Established 1888-Incorporat-

ed 1903



ten llni' S the Willi,, of this sum.' . . s.!-H-

maintained that lea. hers are over;';convent loniri-- but Is hi dofei t,f the net suy i f Sell. ling meeach iar t" the di pal tment me. ting."

Wt nee positive that this superin-tendent's exp-ri- en e would be repeat- -

cd ind. findelv if every s. hool excen -

ttve could htlng the member of hishoard J A meeting of the dcpji ticenl j

of tfupcrinten.-lcnee- . In the import - ,

anee of the flep.hf ration, in the (.tana -

Ing cf Ihe speakers and In the ctfe,l.w hlch the concliisiona arrived at. have

and manufacturers must, have these lo-

cations, and they will pay the price. Wea rare bargain in a tract that is worth

price without considering the value as front-

age. If you want to make money wk into

at once.

upon the school of the coirtry, no to txtroit will be more man rip-.n- i

educational gath'ring approactieg tbfjfor the ttme and money outlay. Themeetings of the department. The val-- . reward will rcme in greater efficiencyliable, fr.-th- . Informntion w hich super-- 1 of the superintendent and ronsentient-iMendf-i.l- s

f an secure and the lie pit t-- lv 11. gu..l.i t I f.-- i til e .1 .cs f! thetu ii wim u they Ai.lv. t fall to imbibe,, xth-oi- .--

M.BUQUftQU MORNING JOURNAL, MONDAY, JANUARY 10, 1916. fatBringing Up Father Copyright lilt

International Newt Bervlo. By George McManm



tl 11

'L.I ' '- -.


nr nnrminiin yourself, it doyon nu. you are nhot 1111 I., ii itrue to yourself, not true to the I'nit-- ,ed States of America." Treaties be.1tween nations are hardly concluded.1 , .... ... M.y.,, .. fl -- ll A IV.T VN.T 1 1 I l 1 1 1 l 1 1 11 fl --II 1111 IVJ HtV IVT s't,JJ

Tel III Throng ieIIIlHHLW Ul k 11 UIIM nre changing wiUi kaleidoscopic I I

IVlnlXLu I LLtt I U 1 1

T, U McSpaddin E. I.. MoSpaildoTi


their signatures are not dry beforethey are abrogated or broken. Alli-ancesrapidity. One. day, It's England andJapan: tomorrow it will bo Japan andGermany. Tomorrow, and llien to0late for Belgium, too late for Serbia,too late it will be, too, lor you ,uidthe I'nited States.

F.mmplo 0r I'jiabind.'Tor a half century England has

been preaching preparedness. Rob-erts and Kitchener preached, pleadedfor ornaniwilion. They saw the dan-ger., and proclaimed t; but the peo-ple of l'ngland did not believe, couldnot understand; and today, after w.ing their bcht seventy-fiv- e thousand,men of the regular army,

si:roNi iiwu ;xns iioujht;AM) KOM

nicyclo lleiidnunrteM j six ,ilding lots on corner SixthPhono 1111. 120 West Gold. st reel, and Marble avenue, No better

residence, property in city. An cxeel- -

FOR SALE12,700 two-stor- y stucco, mod-

ern, and adobe in rear, lot6x1 42, including furniture. A real

bargain.$1,S00 94 ncres fine bench land, four

miles from town; 4 0 feet to water.f 4,000 two-stor- y frame

dwelling, modern. South Edithstreet, close in.

$3,300 New bungalow, justfinished, modern, fireplace, finesleeping porch, good location, high-lands. cloRA in.

" lent buy.Commander of Famous Bat-

tery A and Former SwissOfficer Delivers Interesting

FOIl niON'l uunnm.

We offer for sale one ncro of bind,with good piled roof adobe, home,

grapes, ( berry, peach, apple and(ilii'kot trees, anil fine soil for t:,lao.This property is Just outside the o

limits nnd Is convenient to earline.

T1ATON & CO.211 Went G).I1 Avenue;

Kijihl-rooi- n modern brick,near-in- , lowlands; hot waterbent; corner lot, Trice, nndterms right, or will trado fora smaller house.

.Nb'K hllllt ! hulHIlIt,'l i, lei, a ' , Weit

I'lHK I,HtmlSeries of Lectures,

i after sacrificing their best troops from, the colonies in roll ItKNT - Nil', lythe Dardanelles a $2,7f0 brick, modern, large 115 Soutli StH-on- St. riiona 7741U! liiMtfl.

t.'-- N See.tiente,! lielll t.hundred and twenty-fiv- e thousandlili.n tt ttin tnnct rin.l irn v'ouft Vmv a r,i lull IlKNT-Tv- v..

l..liel'.i.eplliM. 415it.eins furnish.-- ) f,,rN.illll Cimll--7.

Hixr WANTi:n.

ICMcyAL COaaCftPCNOENCt TO UOHNINS JOUNiltoswoll, X. M., Jrui. 9. C'npt.

Charles Do lirt'inoml, who w.ai at onetime nil officer in the Swiss nrrny midwho now the efficient and success-fully commander of Ilatery A, Na-tional Guard of New Mexico, has lust


roil lu.vr- - i r.en.H iVi tic litelicnp. 4" N.iiih tv....n.l mrix-t- ,

fOll RICNT SUeum lleateil IlllUnlleJr..nmi. 3oa ( West tvntral. Aply

ftoom :'9.

uasnment, n. Walter street; easytorma.

$1,700 frame, mod-ern; corner lot, North Eighth St.

$2, COO frame dwell-ing, modern, S. Arno St., close In.Many other bargains in improved

nnd unimproved property.



lilt. J. K. hllllhiiiliil Nurgwn.

Ituenn Ttiiniftt Iii.l. Phon ?44Apn .Intnicnti Mu.li l.v Mall.

retreating before the Turk, despisedand the laughing stock of Europe.My friends, what a lesson! They arecalling today for volunteers, and theVolunteers are not forthcoming. Lackof patriotism? No; they nre patrioticlike you ate; but the civilian will notenlist when be knows that his officer

Porterfield C.216 Won Gold.

Ileal Estate, lire Insurance, Ixtana.

WANTKD Meilenn lau.ircri, 11.76 pt(la. Emplnvmiini Aitmio, 114 loutb

Thtnl itrwt. Phono HK4.

IVmalx.completed a series of lectures bi fore r'oU lll". T - F 'uniltiieil, :i Ii.mih.

r.i.mei, nleepUiK p.ir.'li, n.i Kirk, leiim.iuibl...1010 .N.,r'li M ml.V V'I'HII I'nielle

VAN'l'i;il- - II. ,,,S. ke,-.e- f,.e .,11.- i,.lv. A,.ply 111 i. lee. Illl.l H.iulh W.lller sli'e.t.

Real Kstato and Insurance,III South Fourth Street.

are going to lead him to defeat andslaughter. You may doubt that di.s-- lcipline is the secret of success in this j

world. Hut it is, in the bank and onthe farm, in the college in your

I nil JiK.Vi r, ii mill. i'i.iui i..,. in ,,i ,,n,,el' l'ii iel.li. In, liiil.. (Il,"i Went ('..(i-pe- r

ft'efnt.. t'tielle 4!'0,l.

l'DIt UK NT- T.i lui (in mi'ilei ii Im nllii..Tri.oins. ii ,,in unit I. ii. k entnini i. i,.r Unlit

lu.iii)ili.iiliur. i:..n. Til We it Mm .iiel le,

VAN"l'l:li i 'mi en Mt.iiiiiii I'm

ht.m;eworl(. f.lfl Henth Tlilnl.

r.Xt'KITlOX 1 MIT M VS.Four lots, corner First and Koinn,

only $900.Two lots, between Fifth nnd Sixth

on Marble, $150.One lot on East Central, $150.

It. MTIA'UIIAN210 West (iold Ave. l'liono 1)07

gamfs, and on the battlefield; and AN'TII- H- Mexl, nn till l.i u.lk ri ..in !l l.i1'J In tile iii'.rnliiKH. A)ilv 1'tt I Smith

Ivllth si t Month.Applications for Grazing Permits,

ati:h rosnnun

tnis ornms me to my subject. ;

"As I stated before, the reason forartillery is its ability to assist otherarms on the battlefield. The only tis- -

sistance which can be given by the ur-- .tillery is through delivering an oper-- 1

KoK 1I.;.N I ll.niiiijlieeiiiiig I'.ii.iiig el,, mi In;IV. i. k. I4 Went (lei. I.

l insu lANH AMI SI MiKONM,

HOI.OMIIN I . Ill It lON. M. IIriiyalelHU and Bortioin.

I'llonr. 017. llurilPtt Dldf.

IHIS. 'I I II. S II KI.SI'm. (I.e 1 Imliil t.i :i, Knr, Nn nnd

'I'll runt.Stiitn N'utlmiiil llnnk Klilir.

KM. T. I'. TANM.HSielHlll In i:nr, nnd 'Hi runt.

Hultn liiniieit 11, Ik. Alliutiiirrnu.im. n. i. von ai..mi:n

I'nielle l.liintril In Kye, Knr, N.mmill 'llirimt.

Ofi'leo llouin: o to lj- - 5 to 4Jill'..! em Celill'fll Avenue. . l'lioim CIS


Tuliee, ni,h. of t hr Ih run I nml I uni.ITiy (ilfle... IlKlii, Went ivmrnt Aotnue.tiffli o II. him: 0 In 11 (I. nt. i S to 4 p. m.

I'Ii.iiik f.'.T. ; Nnnntorlum I'lnile 401.

W.NTl:i 1. Hit t..n l.y iriietleiil lilll'He,nn.l ini.i .Inlin ptreei.

KlltN'ISHIJK veelim, ll.il wnler mint,flek, no rlillilren. Ill Went Sliver.

NOTICE is hereby given that all ap-

plications for permits to graze cattle,

tlio battalion of cadets nt the .WwMexico Military Institute, Captain Iellremond's lectures have been mostinteresting and instructive. His prin-cipal theme hns been along tlm lineof iirtillery drills and artillery fire; inmodern war far and the inability ofhandling field guns by inexperiencedmen.

Captain Pe llrcmond is a most de-lightful talker and his lectures havebeen followed closely by l oth officersand cadets. In his concluding lecture,which was delivered Thursday after-noon, January ti, Captain Ie liremonddeparted somewhat from his subjectby starting his address and talkingto the cadets along' general lines be-fore entering upon the technical partof bis subject. In part, he spoke asfollows:

Address,"This, the last time I have the hon-

or to address you on artillery, will bean hour that I hope you will all r- -

IjOST.powering firo. The only way this fire II l".N T It rIlKe.lCull

U'.nililll l milM I'm. Hnllel'flebl,LOST- ,..llli), Hll'llIU tlint,

C'efuriit nveniin.will be delivered is through "f ire dis- - horses, hogs, sheep and gnats withinH ANI I.I .Ml.l.lle

iv'nrk ml i.nieh.V. H . r. A

mii' I'lionfrt k In sse. lli'wunl foj.ttlif,'!', Stern n I'l inenl H.rotiu n

nit 1: i;nt -- 1 in ee t ut 11 ii. i.,i f.,rI1..11M. keeiilie: Me. rn, let; '. t.elltl nve,

KO II UIC.N'T Twu uleely (un.liihKd room

cipline," which means that 'condition the SANTA FF. NATIONAL FORESTresulting from training and practice during the season of 1U16 must bowhich insures an orderly nnd effic- -

iu nl ,,,f" " Bt hnnta 5'e' Nelent working of the personnel in the ",'

WANTIUI- - Kveiliim ,lni eleileul tierk l.yeil.nhlt lui,lllii.i-)i.'t'- Aitll-en- II, .x 311.

enre .leutniil.

l.OHi' I'atr or n,H nla:,Bes w::li jtniU ehnlnlei'l fliKiavnil M. I'. I,. Telephnnr KIIW.

l.OHT (i,imi liiei.ii Kljiii wabh Finderpleaf tn .1. W. 10

Seutli Hrnnfhvnv nnl rTelv rewio-a-

for Unlit Ii..u.kei.iliiir, nmttern, 1S07 Bnuihk In Rpeonil. l'liono nr.S.delivery of fire. .iieAieo, tin or oeiore I'coruary I, jhiu. W A.NTKI.i l'..Bil.,n l.y expelleiiei-.- l

l'lcii for National Guard Full information in regard to thegnminar fees to be charged and blank

inUuie fiiinily or liHiiiiitl.ui. Cull HISS, Wnllel' mre.'t.SALICMMA.V Vuui.u lii.ill HJ ye .11 .., m illl

"After addressing the cadets foriI'l lli I; KN'T 'I'lvn inoilol'ii I'.m.iiih n.l Mlcep.

Ililf i..rell, tin i.lslied f..r Unlit limine.lit piriH (Uiii Went Iron. I'liohn IM? V.til HKNl' Dwellings

IV. 'I'. Milliliter. M, I)., Meilleiil MrprtorKtiuni. pletily of a lll y. Inm hint II yi.m sue- - jirj(7J lliri'KI, ,111.1 CiiIi-hI- .L'fiu ui.'.T-- , ... .... . . IeeHHiiii h.'iiiiik exnelien.o 111 i.evenil lht,t. '

formH to ,,e ,ls''1 in nal(ing'vividly nppllca-for- emond in closing brought be-- ,his audience the necessity of the tions will be furnished upon request,

young men of the country entering the ION 1 JOHNSTON, Supervisor.v. ......j v nt,.. 1'n.eni !ioutB. . inner new itni .oreiiii'il : 11 ee. elp.m rum DR. W, W. DILLnionern. incnnre 4 0 went l.eml. n,..-- ,

u,.,i iUM.k DleefilllK I'.XltlH.iiifmner, Riving nip credit for one eplllr nnd'.,it ji.--only (.1 il.iy.Mile una mini now, ),ii inlineK)lt lih.S 1 lii'ee-roo- t urnmlieil

;lioime , , , '""thino- nnlv h f,.,.. iht i national guard, ii,. especially request

n.i h.nn r.,-- i Ji.., j,,,, .n. l .lll j IlltfTnnaat.here f,.r fuinllv's henltli. A.l.lli'hB b. J.fore you for the sole purpose of sow- - Tu, sl!!",or1t ot the young men ofing into your mlnda the seed of n '.his "'"J'. n maintaining Hattery rouui e.iKinii ir Key. .letirnril. FOIt KI'.N'I' -- i Hie aoiiih room lunnmied.

I'Jl RoiKh Wiilier, I'hi.nn 1HTI,craving for knowledge of an art which ' "''"" ' '" ' ," lOH hlCN'T Two lniKe iiienia iilecly fur-l- imlwd for Iioiidi keeping, in, Min n. $lu.;,0

per month, filt. ( mil.number of years been ranked high, infact among the very best volunteer

tNTW---I)r-ssiMnklii- K.

WAN'l'Hle-ljidliia'rlr- nT flremimiililiiir'milh Hivnlli

lluht- -400 I'lMI rooina forli..iiekoeiiinf. MK souiii Wnlter.

Tl'BKKCUI.OSlll.New Armlln Hldir. I to 4 p. m.

W, M, SHERIDAN, M. D,Praotloa Limited

Gcnito Urinary Diseases andDiseases of tho Skin,

Tha Waaarrmann and Nomiolil Ta1"llOi" AdmlnUitarait


'.'02 .V,WANTI-ll- IEooiiim.

some people may, and do, call mur-derous, but which you will recognizens most necessary.

"Gentlemen, if I could introducebefore you today some lielgians whoin 1913, like you and me, were toobusy in the pursuit of Dleasuro a.nd

Foil HI.'NT--- ' Ine..nmlied fur IImIii


FOIl HKNT Well fill IllKhell hoilMl, lllo.l- -ern, nan nnd a lot I inline. lull South

Fourth "'reel. Apply Ilonm US. Ornnt Ill.tif.Foil lion,, uell Im- -

nlheil, I'lf. "W. Miiriiieito; nl, lhrn-root- n

flnt, furnliihed. 113 V. Mtunnelti.Inoulrr ;u;t South Firm.

organizations' of the I'nited States.Captain Deltremond feels that a great-er interest should be taken in artil-lery at this time on account of theestablishment of a number of newbatteries, most notable among which

;Bie four which have been organized

Applications for Grazing Permits

NOTICK is hereby given that all ap-plications for permits to Braze cattle,horses, sheep and Boats within theMANZANO NATIONAL, FORK ST dur-l- n

thp season of 1916 must be filed in

WA.N'TKli Four or five-roo- modernImuio. tintiirhlnhed. tih wnr.1 pieforre.l

AiMi,' (I. II M.. Join mil.gold, and who, like you and me, trust -

W A NTKU M IsceimitcniiK.erl in fl,ol II ". ,IIIlhlHB..

it ; ;;;," '7,,', . ""V,. Ul'" nd which arc diligently working nti'hiina 18. IS. WWANTK1 llruiii aa.cka.


Full lti:.N'T l inn,, r ,oei I'liriiislipil forholHekeepniH. Sloeplnn pot cji Itloileril.

I'hoim II.U v fill s. A erne

Foil HUN T -- N'lee inoili in front room,boiird If (leHired; uNn I rileonn nt roeirta

for IikIiI lioiweld epiiii.. M7 H. llrnudivur."Tanrnrr) -- v,n - i(Jfnrnil oll ItFN r- - Fui nihlied l. lun lieuli d tli.iit

ri.oin. e,.Me m. foi one or tuo sentle-men- ;no il, k I'linne 1?:.'.'.

my office at Albuquerque, New Mex-- 1

Cltlian Bank Bldg.Alhuqilorriua, NaW HaKlM


Offlca: VVhltlnv llulldlng. Phoaa IIImTn ATfoHwwr'ii" m"ii Hi"HvTcroii!4

I'ITT ItOSrt, founty tauriraynri KdmundItoaa. U. H. Mlnerul durvuvor. 110 Waal

FOR HUNT Two-roo- furnlvhed eoltuRewith Hlopplnit pr.rell. l'.'DH Soulh IMIIh.

FOIt UK .N'T Four-room holme emnplelelconvenient to Bhojut. Ji;, month,

Hill Month Amu.

IU ILMI.N'I und rrp&lrlnii dun cluupwell. I'hnnn ltiJl,

J, ,,''rou Yale university. Captain DeBremond's

Hie ,d(h.evaereadP,a,r,, td"" l?' , Mloi

Z ' ; V- G- - KHtabllshed in 1910; went tozer'l in, iut, CT n- - I'':k ?l California, Captain Mountains, lem-- J'

ilhth Samo """l'ty. b't!ing, Fort Sill; at every camp modelUl,0t evfir.y .man' '1. llirood: comoetltlon in 1 916-se- ventv

ico, on or bofore February 1, 191C.Full" Information in regard to the

grazing fees to be ehnrRed and blankforms to be used In making appllca- -

WAN"! fcli Colunilil.t or ittiipiiii-phon-

Addrei; P. .toiiiintl.Foil HUNT I'uriilBlied two. room it(HKeclfun.I aleenlnff noreh: nenL nn.l

tions will bo furnished upon request. lMi South Wnlter mrept.i fluid venue. Hon 41. Alliuquarquo, N. at

WA.NTi;i Hutulla wiinhlnir; work uar-nle-

40C Bonth Heeonil at reel.I'AIU'UT CI.KANlNil, furniture and tov

repairing. W, A. floff. I'honc M.J. F. MULLEN, Supervisor.

F'OH fi.tlili oliscrrllnneous.

CFIiAll I'OS'IS nnd firttliitor. I'huno 1S4SIV.batteries of national Kttard, Yale with j j FOIl IIK.NT Tlllee-roo- fui tiuhu.l flat,

with aleeplnit pueh; iiiodern. SJO Southtour companies, sixth. Inquire! Savoy hotl. WANTliD AutumuMIn atoruKo liHllrriM in Foil H A . .U - Unlii.er lhi l.uioty, alnu iiildlulie iriudo ua fioud oa nevi'. Ilutler Auto nluioHt. new. I'lionn ItiTl,

Co.AI.I KINDS, both naw and aecoud-han-

bought, aulil, ranted ann rwimirad, Alhu-quani-

Typewriting Kieliunue. I'hona 771.R South He, 'i, nd afraatWil.lj pay eueli for sooil twin eyllnd.--

motorryele. Thn KxehnnRo, 110 W. Hold.l'liono nit,

FOIl ItKNT Two. loom furnished eotlnne.$10 per month, vutur pnlrt. Apply 113

V. fluid or 4M S Filltn utreet.FOIl HBNT Three room eTiitajT M luxaed- -

In le. phn pnreli. lurniahed. eloun andaiveft. Inquire loi'i K. Iron Arentif.FOIl HUNT Fui niidied, mixicrn

Iiiupo, front, nnd HleejMnir porehej, ijmonth. 301 North Kdlth. f all ut rear forInforiTifitlo.i.

reared with the same idea that heowes his country some of his time Inheider to learn how to defend the lib-erty nnd tho autonomy of his lath-erlan- d;

and today Switzerland is freeand unsoiled by the nrmies of a vic-tor.

"And so it is with the United Statesof America; you may trust In yourconst defenses, your regular army, andlive like llelglan's in a fool'w paradise,

Weaver says in his report:Our regular army is too small. Thiscountry is exposed to attacks of oth-er powers well prepared, well armed

and reny. Your duty U to prepare

We iii o now I, .ruled In our new ..I'tlee ut.Ul Hold nve,, iiei-ua- from pout office uncieuu tukti euri of your wiinta on new

Uentiili) nnd tepulm. I'hon Ut.t'Nii:itwoon ri'fl'.wnrTFli COMPANY.

From now on the serneant detailedby the I'nited States army to trainour men will be your practical teach-er; his work is given free for tho goodof the artillery, and when I say that,free gift of time and thought for thegood of the artillery, 1 say a greatdeal. 1 will be with you as often aspossible, and your progress will be n

"We need the help of every younumnn in town. I have amonj you afew good and efficient

officers. I need more of themIn order to compete successfully withYale and Utah and New York. Thesuccess of Hattery A will help thosuccess of your school, and vice versa.For the last three years we haveworked together and I flare to ask youto help in maintaining this sound pol-icy, working twether, keeping: thefriendly spirit which should exist be-

tween organizations in tho same town.

Foil SAI.K Flvn iifed ema, A- condltloii;in leea i IB 'it Hu er Auto Co.

Foil HAI.KH.ioil enr eorn. II. I i,el,one nrel It tnllei 'i.i ,.f

Foil HAt.K 'I wo n ii u eoiil Ktovm aivtpipe, n, liiininln; l nt .i.'l Went Hold.

POR HAI.K Underwood typewrtlar, goodorilar, Inn tin Second atroxt l'hon 77

Foil MA1.B iM'imglal'a preaerlpllnn (!chefip. The ICxell'inife, K'l VVeat fluid.FOIt BAI,F,Oe. Idelioil 7iT atocki 110

ulinrea ut II tin. Willis Ford, Itoswell,N M.

WANTFI foetid Unnd liloycle liouuhlami aold. The KiehanM, Jill Weal Oold,

Phong 1 m.W.l NTKD Se.deli eollla puppln or u. Heoteh

terrier, mule. l'liono l"2'J, or u .1(1 fn711) F. fen t r.i lire. Ileal FKtatii proliterr.tiepurehaaea.

aalea or trade nr dually aolved hyJournal Want Ada. Head them, uthem. 1o It today.

WANTKH Auto repnhlnK to keep ulir KHIHIof 4 l meehanlea employed thla winter.

I'rloea rlitlit; any mnka of cor. Ihitler Au- -

t o f'o.

FOIl HUNT OHiimf. neaily furnMlied, 3ruomi, with hnih complete, l. life Bleep-lu-

Iioreh, perfeetly winltury. Apply lyUKnot Central. Pln.ni 381.

loll IllON'F r.l ; :;,.uth Jm.adwayirealdenee, modern. No stek. A nine,

roinfortiitile home tor urown people. AIhoa rtlee reldenie.

Foil KA Ll: Four-hol- (.'linrter (ink luiiKe,priH'tieully new. mjii in f,ir, :at (ii nul

nvehuelU-po- of Uio Condition of

WANTUI To hear troin ui,nri ..l' goodtmiiiiieiia fr anle; atale eiiali firl.-- aiul

complete pm ilculiu n, 1). F. liimh, .Mllinr-apoli- i.

Mum,mrE CAnns.

source of great satisfaction. If, as Istated, I can give a few of you a de-sire, to lenrn artillery, my time willhave been well employed."




Clovls, N. M-- , Jan. 9. The officersior have been making some catches

(.norm.The Citizens Bank of Albuquerque, N. M. EoewelQ-Carnsai- o IM UmHill hAI I -- I,ivoii k nml I'oiiltrfFOIl ItKNT Modem Itouwa 4 t.. Moms,some furnished, iileo flnt,!. Hfeiin

W. II. M, Million, '.'11 U'esl lj,.d,

Foil MAI. I. 11, old I.IIKKV. M0...I mil, llftyle. flrilt cIiihh eoltdltloll. I'ilil ha neeli

at FiiH.iinore'a ah..pKA4K- A' tilll reyol's lei,,. nml Irillioll,

ehenp; hIh". elntlne. I'nll (itVilli. twu. ln J W. yi t'.llll.ilFOIt SAl.t; At leimniii, 1111

Koo.l, I it r soi deiii'.'iy h..i'Mi, wiioii andliarneeH. M'l Wei.t ('.'iilrnl

IX)I1 KI.NT Kooiiin With floard

Dolly imanenger ervlca leavlnf RoiWtUand I'nrrlKiiio at 1:00 a. m.Ihroukh fure, one way ,. Ill.ltIntermedial,) e.liila. per mlla If

(0 Ilia. free Kieeaa Carrltt.IIOSIVKI.I, AUTO CO.,

Owner and oporutnra. I'hon 111

ft cull Jel l..')'Fol! HW.I-- Voiinn,I'h one 11 If M.$175,007.79

koo.l Htoek.KiltK'l!

HAI.K llelnllin lliilNoilll Fifth atreel.Itooiii and lionrd, with

i' North Flfteenlli alreet.Foil ItU.NT- -f

iihT poreh.Ption 18H2.

, nt thfi close or business lVfnilKT 31. 1915.. TtKsm;nci:s.

and discount."! ,

(a) Secured by real estate . . $4 1.7R4.21lb) Secured hy collateral other than real estate 45.629.09() AH other loans 87,594 49

OverdraftsFurniture- and' fixtures' . . .

'.. . . .

'. '.. .

' '. .

'. . . . .

'. '. '.iI hie from banks . .Hieeks and other cr.sh itemsActual cash on hand

(a) flold roin . .11 ft fid

Foil HAI.K Al lu to 1 per eent off I Hit

to clone out two Uioa of fully gimriuiteadtin a to mnku room for new llru a. UullerAuto ('11.

of much wanted criminals during tlelast few days. After having but bare-ly gotten rid of W. K. High, who waswanted for an alleged murder com-mitted near Cordell, Okla., fifteenyears ago, they received word towatch out for three men who hadbroken into and robbed a store inAmarillo. - The men were located here

FOIl SAl.U Ono largo hoi sn and liai- -nead, J LI. I). H" l Molllltlllll Itoud.

Foil SAt.K No. ihivliik nii'i lidlliK homeor will triide f,.r e,.w. r."i North Se. ,011.1.

fioi.nIi, 632.42

64,41.1.052,960.196, 266. 5.1

M.'KFI.bAll HANI t un.J iituaetirhealth resort, two milm north of j.. ,sl .,f

flee, frefdi eKKa. J rm-- milk, frun eonvey- -

Phee. eleeplnif potv'tl or eottHRe. Phone lr,?l"V' H niolilliaa. :.'Hi W. lluifl- -

I'dlt H.M.Ii At .1 tin 11)111. I .1 llliuliafor room looiiiln lioin..-- , ulno furn-

ished hoiiMe lr n ut, i ll. im. :i I r, Vj SouthKee,,n.l Dtl-e- t, I'll-- lie 111 :' .1.

lOK MAI.U l.lewellynold; ulao ljelnlnii Inn


DAILY AUTOMOnil.B 8TAOO.r I'aaanngjr Harvtc.

I.eiivn silver t'lty ll.tO p. m.Leave Mogullon 1:00 a. m.

Oar me.t all trnlna. Largeat and ballequipped auto llrrry In the aouthwaat.

olt HAMi A pair f K"od furill llolHeM.

LOCK H AKT IIANCII Tha no,at ttrai;tlYehealth reaort. One mil north of town.

All milk, oraam and KKa produced tin plaeaFro carrlaaa fur Kueati. Elnr.trlo Itajhta,cltr mall arvlc. Room or cottairaa. t'bonaina Mrl w H .il

M.a. eneli. 1. hiu ',, 'fiold certificates Slft.tirtSilver coin 2,075.70Silver certificates , 77.01

IY)lt HALF Hil Kstnw.w elt lit 1100'I ) ill. -- fee line. IIICNNF.TT AUTO CO.,I'll AVert r,,,p, r,



ul sai.i: on Tit AIM-- nai nere farm mix' nMT,'r ln ' "w "'LeR.il tender notes 1.500. on

lliileH f utll of I, ; liVat slate.National bank notes 1,.160. 00Foil SAI.K-- - wo Uoi.n IU101I11 Island He.l

pulletx, man eomh, blue rll.hou hlrda 01tale ahow. J. llratigle, Mil North lSlghthmrcft.Cash not classified 3.8.1

' 'llir--

yesterday and taken into custody, giv-ing the fames of Paul Uibrce, lienFierce and Trice Stewart.

The particular crime willi whichthey were charged was breaking Intoa hardware store in Amarillo a fewnights ago and stealing a large quan-tity of knives, cutlery and revolvers.After the. arrest of tho trio and thearrival of the Amarillo officers It wasdiscovered that Stewart was wantedfor breaking into a store in Amarilloseveral months ago, rolling tho safeout into the street and blowing It openand that he had robbed the First Na

resources 1.76.-- ). 56 Foil SA I.I-- - l;e..tVVAN I yoimii loilll. Ill-- I.D 1.

to b.Mid 1111. r... 111. with poreh.Flooie DTI, W.'Kriy

.III.. pupD. :t uioiitlia

Foil A , 10 A l.iiiinun, I 1,10111 l.rlek houae,I.HKH II Oil illei l.:t, k pornllea. Illllll,

ir. ee. ni.i..- ;,.-- niiii i tn. k"ii y.ud.Iniiotri. of oum. 1, ,11 s,,iith 'nM.r,

I'oll n. l.lT Al.'.ut .11 m-r- "Ci.1 nlfuii'IInri.t. I'.' I.iilni."-- i uitd.-- eulilMi'

old; iKirenla of Btork; enn heh,,lliiht ..r IT) If tiiken at r.nee. i'. o. HonI'll. Helen N. Al.

: t

Total IlesourceaLIARIHT.'IvS.

J.apital stock paid Inwlivided profits less expense and taxes paid.


C.11)11 lil-N- l AliHcclbineoiiM.

Foil ItKNT ofrlee r.om, lii'iuuo roomII, Stern niilldinir.

QUALITY COUNTS Uuff Orpingtona and'11"". 1 ""u " "" "'" dlieh. IlirBlaelt Minorraa; eirda nd buhy chlcki r""m B'1"'"- Apply owner, L., Care "i Heallwund.

in aeaaon. L. 11. Morgan ttuna, ll Boutb10 nnnka No. (Tlaaa.'

1. California Fipr.ia .,


.$ 50,000.00' 55.21

1,677.79. 1IH.4S7.34. 26,240.03. 2K,liS7.4 2


ItrSINUSH ril'lNCKIn Arno. Phone 117.Individual deposits subject to check...'SUVirtPw rion. ,,,!).. I'lllt SAI.K Furniture-- .tional bank at Woodward, Okla., two

Arrlvea Dervt.. 7:IOp l:!(ip.,11:00a 11:30.. 10:16.ll:r,r,op 12:20.. 7:t0a l:00t)

Tim,. years ago.Full hALK S. i'. It. I. lle.l branding cu lt.

(felo. iiiIhi.I from falK'y e.'mti'l'il Hloek,ems ft end II per fifteen; rhiika In aeaa

l'oH KAI.r Itoonllnir houae, well I'.emod,di'ftl with owner una a.,e rommliioi"ii.

)ddr)-i.- A. .1. nnl offl. e.certificates of deposit H VI. t;- - One inlDMlon tealher couch,

one iiitKo.li boil tod, Indltresa and

I. California Limited .,7, Fail KipreaaI. Fuat Mall

19. Da Lllla (Thuradaya)Noutlibouiid

ertiljp.l one( i.on. r. v. van Norm iitrh utre JpliiOT?, cheap. 71". W.'Mt Lend iieuue.asnier-- ; checks outstanding I.KGAIi NOTICFS. TliMY LAY, they win, they pay, inulaGF.T TUI OF A n.VCKl.VG I.A t , 0. El Paao Eaprcea 19:10Hilt Itl'NT Store Hooiiia.NOTK'K OF SI If. enough to eay, Navajo. II. I. Hade. Block

nd eirca. U H. Thomaa Poultry Yarda. 717Total Liabilities .J257.651.67.

Baat Haaeldlne avenue. All.uou.r.iuo. N. M ' I t'll II KNT r Fi l.ruui y lt nt..i,m now .)(', njnt-.- l.y Lrwnod Itakt ry

M. 1'. stanim.

1815. Fl I'aan Eipreaai nelliounaj,j II. Allantlo Kipreaa 7 S5 l:0Sa

t. F.aatern Kiprraa S :1 t.p S:40n4. Callfonila Limited t:4lp 7:00p

I I. K. (' Chicago Kf. .. 7:Hp l:IDp10. V Luxe (Weduaadava).. up

I'rom Houth.111). Kanaat City A Chicago... T'MaKit. Kanaaa City Chicago... up

lull -I Ithode Hlit rid ll.l pullelaiaIiI.Ii nre pio.iii.-in- tsK dully. f:'IOu

taken llle poll. Have other ehund ducks In cell. I'h. no ltd. Ada I'l.ll-h- t

o k

KOU nKVr-)ff- lcf Itnonu.

(.ltirri; on ;n it wi;.kkxs.For the severe racking cough that

comes with la grippe, Foley's Honeyand Tar Compound is wonderfullyhealing and soothing. It eases thotightness over the chHt. raises thephlegm easily and helps the racking,tearing cough that is so exhaustingand weakening. II. o. "Collins,

Barnegat, N". J nay:"Foley's Honey and Tar Compoundeoon tttopped the severe la grippecough that completely exhausted me.It can't be bent." Sold everywhere.

Foil HUNT )ftleea. Apply I). A. MacpbarLai aon Journal nfrina.Unu HA 1. 1.1 Humhoiilli.,! U.tn.a.

amnolh, lieavy-wool'- ring ralaed. 'FOIt ItKNT Si. nm healed olitce rnoina,

Grant IJUIg, sos Weal fenlral. ApplyHiiiihi so.

In the Dlatriet Com 1. ruate of New Mexlw,County of HemnWlo,

No, 10279.Mury Hepner ) a ,'iei ml . rTo the Aboi-- Nuni.-- Ilefen.lant

You nre Id ihiil n xuit haabeen filed ttiaint .,ii In tile haid eouitand county hy the iii.oye namul plaint, ff.In wllleh tlie an i H plaintiff plan ailal.aolufe dir..r.-- on th nr'-un- of ciueliy.aliitndonmeut unit I. Andare turthrr boiiiied tliut unl(-b- you ejitt--

or caua to be nil. red your appearance Inaald eatiae cn or lofora tho lal day of Ffb-ruat-

A. U. lfl. a deeree pro eoiilmowill I.e taken ngjiiikt you and il.a ruli.--prayed (or mill be granted. The name ,fthe ptaUitiffa attunay la W. A. Keleher.

hoif poatefflco ad'li. la A)huHJ',r-Ue- ,N'ew Meilco. A. Ii. WALlililt,fSEAt.i fleik.By TJI09. K. V. SUDUISOX, Deputy.

.M.nr 0f ,,,w Mexic0i county i Bernalillo, ss.H- - W. Willey, Assl.ant Cashier, and Jerre Hansard, Vice President, and

brre Haggiird, Director, and It. . Jaffa, Director, and D. A. Fort'-rfield- ,

"ircetoi, of the Citiicns Unnk of Albuquerque, New Mexico, a bank orK.mizedunder the laws of the State of New Mexico, upon oath duly sworn, each forhimself, and says, that the above nnd foreROinw statements of tholCcsources and Liabilities," Depositors, Interest I'ald on Deposits and DividendsPaid on Capital Stock, ot the above named hank at the close of business De-cember ii, 1915, rc correct und true.

B. W. WILLEY, Afst. CashbrJL'KRH HACOARD, Vice I'rcsldentJERKK ILVOGARD, DirectorB. O. JAFFA. DirectorD. A. PORTER FIELD, Director.

Suhfcribed and sworn to before me this 7th day of January, A. D., 1916.(SEAL) , FREDERICK 11. KENT,

'. Notary I'uhlic.

My commission expire March 1, 1916.

1lt TIIAHK.v

rliamplnm.hlp at Arllona atate fair. Bendfor further liifi.rnal,.n to Aubrey Inveat-men- t

Co.. Preeootl, Aria, Kanob addreaaNelaon. Aria.F(7RfiALl'- - Single comb Whlit Lenlioit"1.

YV.ung'a atram, from D. w, Young di-

rect. Flrat pruo winntia wherever exhib-ited; unaurpaaeed tavern. Cnckereia forfile. 12. io and I' each, tjirgj ''',r hjtchlmland day-di- d lneka. Sain elonea when 5'""enainlne ec'e k und prove aatlafnr lory. It.J. Luinlty, ranch oppoilto atockyal'd.

AUTO LIVERYGive Call. We Will TrMt


WON CO.MMrdalenu . W. M.

FOIl TrtALIi-SO-a- cia farm III Mlaelealpfilfur Alhiiouerqua pr.p.ny. Adrlrem A.

B. C. Journal.Kel fatate problems purehaae.ealea or trado ara eaaily aolvrd by

Journal Want Ada. Read them, uaa(hem. Do It todaf.

T" THAI,I Ismail pir of for alaree pair of nmlea or fnurea; will pay

difl. iciu 11. il. Yan iw, .'m; . t


CRESCENT HARDWARE CO.toy, Ranf. IlnnM rurnlahlnf CJoa1a, Catlery. TtsnU, Iron Pip. Tftitct

and rutin. Plamhtnf. Heatlnf. Tin tod Copper Work.











Mar1p Olll of




Office anil WiKi h.m-.r- , TI(Tas


IIS W. Central Ate.

TODAYWM. I'OX Presents

Robt. Mantell, GenevieveHamper



, I'uwt rl'ul Society hrama InSl runs Ffatnrinir 'lli"M' Two

Wcl ii Sim keM'iii-iai- i

Actors.i nn: or snows:

I. 2:;, :l:."0. ft:i;. Bill), 8:0,',and U:3.' p. III.




B. C, Graduate Resigns

Position in Business De-

partment of Bisbee High

School to Work for U. S.

!' '' Korinoy, a well known Albu-- I, niieruue jimnK; man. and popular

among theschool crowd,and who figur-ed nuite promi-nently in athletic eircles. ha8,,0O)iILYRIC THEATER


The Forbidden AdventureSFAItkl.lVO WITH IT.ItlMH's PI.IDS AM) lKIi UVI-'.-

I UIVfi Till: ItltO AHWAY STAItsLouise Glaum, Hcrschel Mayall and Charles E. RayA MITT. l, MAWli;itll(Tt lti: IS FIVE flH.OSKAL ACTS SPl EX- -

MDI.V NT$(.l;l AM) I)

TTie voting adventurer fell In It.ve with tlaa Arabian Ptliioc. andthe Council of lllgli Prh-wt- s wntoneod the two in Im Imprisoned In"11m 1 Ii of tJvr 1nh4," oavcf-iMn- pit In the rtoiinutliis. Theirhalr-hrcdi- li pwaiM is the liiriiinw point In till wonderful photoplay.

jvmt ween ten-dered

Ki m acceptedand




in the V.H. Foreatry of-fice.-,DM WlllianiH.Ariz., and willbei'.in hie du

ties Immediately.Mr. Kortney made an exceptionally

fine record wliile in attendance in theAlhtiqilf rcpie ItllmtHKS t'oileRe, com-pleting the Combined ntiHiness-8teno-Bi;,phi- o

course, and the CommercialTea. herx' Normal courae in tenmonths time. He nb,o found lime totake aomc upc lnl Civil Servlc studiea,and took the I'. H. Civil .Service exami-nation for Foreatry CU'rk.

fall Mr. Fortney waa electedinstructor In the ItusineNM Tiepartmentof the ItlNbee. Arizona, hUrh school,w hich pOKilinn tie ,, j in a lnarhly sat-isfactory manner uut when 1'ncle-Sa-

made him nn even more flatter-ing offer, he decided to accept thepla.'e.

Ther are at present fifteen formerA. It. C. studenla employed in govern-ment service in Albuquerque alone,and many others have accepted ap-pointment throughout the aouthwtst,in Washington, I). (.',, and some atescattered throuifhout the country andeven In the Philippines.



(s.e'.ui. cotnfovniti to yo..4 wu.nhi

Prohibition Fight Has Caused

Entirely New Alignment and

Former" Enemies Are Now

Working Side by Side,


Clovis, N. M Jan. !,. I'olltics, t heysay. makes stranKO bedfellowa, and aprohibition campaign auch as is 'onhere now does not serve the purposeof relieving; the strangeness of the sit-

uation In the least. Men who havebeen notoriously In favor of open sa- -

are now lined up with deaconsin the church, and certain millionsdenominations which ordinarily can-not acree on the mode of life a fellow must lead here or what hope, ifany, he has in the hereafter, aremarchinif arm In arm In the battlethat i heiiuj waned aaainst demonrum. On the other hand. In some

icases. at least, pillars in the churchare openly advocating maintaining thewell regulated saloons as they exist;here at piesent, not that they favorbooze, but believe that it ia better tojhave it sold in the saloons than to!turn it over to the hootlecRers.

Knch side Is watching every move!of the other side like a cat wa'chlnula mouse. Charges of attempts to padthe registration list have already been j

made by the pros auainht the untis, al. j

though it does not appear that there;are any grounds for such a beliet.while on the other hand the amisclaim to be "hep" to several caseswhern the tuns have not toted fair.

Theater Manager Neutral. '

Sunday niftht the pros held ablf mfctinir in the theater, and in-

tended using the same place lo holdmeetings each Sunday nittht duringthe ampaijn. Hut apparently therewas some slip up in their arrange-- 1

mcnts, us the antis began liegotiatlngfor the theater, which led to a Jangleand resulted in the manager of thetheater refusing to rent the building i

to either faction. Then the pros madeia bee line lor the Klks auditorium and

got iin option on it for their meetings,much to the apparent chagrin of the,untia, although as the antls at-e- to:br deficient in oratory it Is not plain

i why they would desire a building In.

ana ciaim mey nave tnc victory cincn- -

ed, while the pros are equally as eonfi.dent that victory will be theirs onelection dav.


I'i'it 11 FN A furnished room,ground floor, private entrance.

per month. Call 30t Soulh Hroadway.

GHap Lamp HahnOrrUJoa Lamp

Ten Thousand Cattlemen of

Southwest Urged to Comefor Convention; News Sup-

plied to 200 Papers,

Arrangement are completed andticket are on sale at the I'umni, realnut) for 1 no business men s conventiondinner l the Rika club oti Thursday.January I'd. Officers ,f the eli'ii will

jvl.li th business tni'ti of the city dur-H-

Hit k with llekits. und .ill are.urged to attend ha matters of greatimportance to the bin cattlemen's con-

vention in March will he discussed. ItIm a I no desired to have a lure uttend-junc- e

meet J. It. Nations, of Kl Paso,president of the Panhandle and Southwestern Cattlemen's association, win,will addrcs the gathering.

This Week will uen the completionof th pinna for tho convention. Theoffice force at the club in In full swinggetting-- In touch with lfl,0n cattle-men in the southwest, urging them toattend, and the prewi htireau Is al.work supplying news of the conven-tion preparatlona to I0rt newspap, ts inNew Mexico, Texas, Arizona, Oklaho- -

Ima and Colorado. It in climated thatJ.000 letters will g-- out weekly fromthe clur offices until the time for theconvention. Special convention

has heen printed shouting thenews of the gathering In red ink undwith the call, "firing Your Hope andUrandimr Iron, We'll Meet You Withthe 'Hull' at AlhiMiuerqite, Marrh 6,7 and H."

Commit (co Ih F'jilargivl-Th- e

club Committee for the WeekL composed .f twenty member., theincrease belnjf made beeauae of theimportant work to be done iiefnre

j.Saturday ntkht. Those on Ihemittee are M. Mandell, John M. Moore,

1A. DiivIm, A. KleuKiher, C. T. Kienrh,if t rrKn.H.. 11i..K..u II 1

Kile. Laurence e, A. MalNO.i, KmilMann. W. H, McNicol, nipt. W. O.

ItH - U. n. 1C. ft. fiellera. i:. I. Hisk,Lloyd HturHes and W. C. Tlvixton.This committee in called to meet atlhe Commercial cluh promptly atocioek this afternoon for oiaaniai-- iHon. But two hours' work will berequired of each man durini; tlmj!

week. I

The executive committee is alsocalled to meet al the club thb-- . afternoon at ti n .'lock to d lacuna the im-

portant matter aa to where the scs-ulo-

of tha convention are lo he held.Thera la aome difference of opinionaa to the proper place for the holdimiof the buaineisa acBKiona of the conven-tion and the other committee hawpaaaed the matter up to tho executiveforce for its decision.

Seek Hotel Itescrvatlou.ItequfNt for rraervatioim for hotel

a.iccommodutiona fire beinif receivedin large numbers at the cmi. ana uis ijby stockmen of the city. The uceom-- ;

'modatlona committee will meet Tues- -

(day to organize it system or taaingcure ot an soeu nuiuiiim mm i" inlinereatTvationa for all who write j




Miss 1 fester K. .Hosford ''1"r J"7'Wnand lecturer, will he nt the highschool audlloriiim the night of a no itary I' I to give the second of the Kanta


Fe railway'a .dies of reading roomntertalnments. Miss Hosford is said

to ho the only person In the Fulled t

Ktules who can quote perfectly wlth- -

Sdiit t I V, .Ian. 9. Waldo Twitchell, I w hich to hold meetings, in fact therein charg" r.f the New Mexico building is a tumor only a f lint rumor, re--

San Diego, reports the following member that the antis really did antvisitors from New Mexico: O. K. I'at- - care for a bniblins but were merely;terson, Clovis; Miss Mabel Fracoli and 'Irving to throw dust In the eyes of thej

jMiss Rica. Coors, Albuquerque; Mrs. I pros.ttoneri k reuger, nartes ll. I rnc antis are nannicappeq ny rea-Mr- s.

C. It. Ki'hols, Santa ltlta; J. W. son of the fact that they ore without!Webtter, IS.iton; a total of 37,000 peo-;!h- e support of either newspaper. Inpie passing through the grounds on i one papi-- r they can get a small amountthe last day. ! of space weekly by paying for it, but

The main exposition buildings, in j th, other paper positively refuses tofact, all the buildings except the nave its columns defiled with booze;southern California, are closed until advertisements or reading matter,March first, iluge trucks loaded I ,'v'r lf I1""1 for- F!l" ln sl,t,1 f 1111

with outf-oin- g exhibits or incoming j (ni' 'Irawhai ks the untis have encoun- -

ones block the main avenues and the I tprfd .,llP' are making a harq fight

s,,,,,, of ,np w H,1() lhv hammer is,.,., ,.n ,lav .,n nilrht ,,ini. T1,,l anadian exhibit came down in twen- -

itv-eig- fcrniture freight cars lond- -(.t capneity. The (leliruin exhibithas arrived and the (ierman and Aus-tria- n

exliibits are Waiting for the for-jeig- n

arts display to be cleaned out.Ten times more exhibitors than canbo accommodated "are seeking space,


Boxed PaperA splendid pradc of Linenf 'iKT in colors, white, pink

and blue. Regular price

25I4 per 1m)X.

Full mc, quire pnjer niv--

24 etiel'.ies per lx,x.

Our Special Sale Price


I5c the Box

STRG7Book Store

Your Maury Bach YouWant It."

X-Uil- Jg



Good Show to Be Given

Amateurs and Profession- -

HiS at ColOmbO Hall; DanCe

tO Wind UP FeStlVltieS!!

" ' l

Tllf ir will be bl dolnua at ColomboPall tomiiht. It will he more fenthnnja box of monkeya, and anybody who!wanta ti put on mourning la adviaedto atay away. The friendt of JimmyIx--e will be on hand with all flairs My-lii-

und there ih RolnK to he one biglime.

To bejrln with, local admirer of Mr.I.ee mid Ills company have arratiKedu program of entertainment that will j

bo worth anyhody'a ni'iney. The bentI local amateur talent will combine withtnc I lever proieaainuaia 01 thecompany to put on a show that wouldb, it hit m liroiidway, Erneat Im-dol- fl

and Frank Vack have a Dutchsketch a la Weber and Field that in

a acieam from beaiiniinu- to end. lienl'uryeur will render aoloa na only HenI'uryear ihii, MIkk Abbie lleaeockadmitted lo be tho most talenteddaneera in the southwest, will alve anexhibition of Ip r art. Aliss tlortenseSwltzer and "Hill" Mclronald will beheard In songs that all will want tohear. Miss Uohlberg and Miss n

will demonstrate the newestdances and the other amateur acts,combined with what the professionalshave to offer, will make up one of thebest eiitert.iinmentf: ever put on inAlbuquerque.

Anil Then llu- - Ihnico.After everybody has finished in tilth-Hl-

ov, r the show the chairs will becleared away and there will he ti bigda n c:i fof i lie remainder of the even-in-

KMis' baud will furnish themiisle, and every body is assured of abiir time. The testimonial will b aMK ial as well us u theatrical cventoflutthe seiihon.

There has been a brisk advancesale of tickets, und the prospect la thattho hull will he crowded when the per-formance begins at H U o'clock to-night. Ticketa are on mile at Miitson a,or they may be obUiined at the doortonhiht. There will bo no reservedseats



I Ileplet, with thrllla and absorbingsituations, lh film story, "The Ftilly

j of a Life of Crime," featuring Son-- ;tag and l.'vans, is destined to takfl

i its place umouK the notable featureswhich will be presented to the pub-lic this coming year.

According to mi nnnouncementhy the I'niled States Feature

Flint company, "The Folly of u. l.ll'oof Crime" will be exhiblltsl In Albu-querque ul the Crystal Iheutre onTuesday, January II. matinee andnight.

Aside from the intrinsic merit of(he piodiu linn, i onsidcr. iMe Interestis attached to the lilm owing to thoLo t that many of the most remarka-ble and Hturinu scenes were takenon the grounds where tho trouble oc-

curred with Soiling unit Fvans, undshowing their stronghold against theposse.

You should not miss seeing thisdramatic photographic triumph.Adults in cents, children 6 cents

AUTOS FOR SALElluick roadster, valve. In. the-hen-

makes vxcvllt nt delivery car JlaO.l'ord touiini; car ill tine

condition, n vv tires S'.'iO.116 rVidge, practically new, with

extra ilie an. bumper, 167.'i 00.These ate bargains,

AUinil'KKUVK MOT'lll Ct.Photiit 7 1.

STUAYI'D.A uuiu' er of cattle branded with a

he.ui brand on tight ribs and lightl.tw . Keward for informattcn. Phone

I ,13 or c.t;i North mira street.

t.aort wiuri: ijx.houxs.lieiliry's egg" buie Iwt-- Ihr

hlshiKt ol siamlaitl lor vars. Theyare candied, stamMI wiul gmirantefd.Sold hy lalla. .lo., ankltut.

itxk's nc.Gc.r .xn vakcelDKl.M I'.HY

l'rompt Auto SfrttcArilOXK T. Xoltlll lTnsr



Henry hauls baggage and

other things. Phone 939.

Make MustSYRUP

Dolletoiw IlrcaUfast


HIDES AND PELTSpiiiu- - and Kallroad Tract.

cdiu-wl- ii ami Thursday


The PriceAn Oiuitublr Ftufuie

pill; HEARS OF



Youngest in Hospital, Wound- -

ed for Third Time; OldestCaptain in Military Admin-

istration of Poland,

Thai ti im yoiinaeHt brother, woundedfor tho third time alnee the outbreak

(of the Kurooean war. la now In n tier- -man honpliiil, wuh learned yeHterdayby i'airolman Ch.irbw Main, in a letter from another brother. Tim letterwas Hi nt from KYankfoiand lated December K'. Although It

probably palmed Ihi ouuh tli, handa ofla renaor none if the worda were deleted with (ho black ink Hplotchea thathave appeured on Hume coiumunUa-tion- a

received here from the wnrrlmtciqintrlia.

His yommeni brother enlisted atFnink lot at the open-ing of hohtllilicH uh acting officer Inan Infantry regiment, die now hathe rank of firm lieutenant. He habeen with tho tlet man troopa in Hel-Iliu-

and France.Itroilicrln-lu- Willi Turka.

The letter broiiHlit newa thatoldcM brother la aafo. lie had luendrilllna: recruita and poli.HhiiiR re.serv- -

Inta. He went to Ituiala laat aummerai an officer of the l.indwrhr and nowhciid the rank or captain In the mill-Ital- y

uriminiMratton of l'olund,The brother, who wrote, la with lh

commiHHary department of tho liediohm cionc to nm nonu'. lie nan nev-

er been in the army on account of aninjury received in hln youth.

A brother-in-la- of Albuquerque'hiKKciit policeman Ik with the TiirkiHhaimy. He Ih an officer of the end- -

Heel?-- , He one ot lite lemons w nnhelped Hum the Mimleni oldirra andonxcqiirnt ly when the road w.ia

opened by M.ickeimen'H driven in Ser-

bia he wan Kent to the Cresient em-

pire with i, them who. like him. werefamiliar with the Talks. Anotherbrother-in-la- l first MtKcant withthe lindwehr in KiM.iia.

Two of Family lcd.Two of the Main, family, ilialant

iclatics of the Albuquerque police-m.in- ,

Imve died in the war. i Mie wasan officer of an undelNe.iH crafi Th.only news of him learned bv 1'atrol-iiuii- i

I'harb'N Is that he wioi killed orot off tin' west coast ot the conti-nent. Another Mainz, a member ofthe tihliinH. died m the em Iv i ani- -

piignmg in Itrlglum.



AlhiiqitcPltl Lodge No S!i, Fratetu-a- t

Aid Fnum. a meeting held Sut- -

iurday hal insinuation ser- -

itp'es, whiih were followed by a litr-- j

k'v (innerThe follow in;; officers were in

stalled President. I r.tnklo t ochran;ici .president. 11 11 tlobbel, secre-

tary. Ida Mason. I reasiu el . Mara.it etSheehan. Fllwibeih .'Wil-

son, gtiiile, I). Mclvenuie: timer rfilat'd,ileum,. Mamiim,. inner guard, JohnT.tndberg. eapiain, Carry Tandbi rg.Ciiige F. M.tunifiK acted ns inst illingof! a - r


To Heilac That nmkm Window


rtmno 411 ss if. rira

tl HOT i: 11F.AM

Hot I tnMi nt 12. SupiM-- r at 64 'ANDY.

GRIMSHAW'SSo-oi- and Central.

i ne .ti"iiiiiii.i Him i i,,o i,iiiio,iif,H ui e j

being renovated and Mrs. Tlngley with,her Theosophifit exhibit is moving,into the Kansas structure. Two wings!

built to the Nevada build-- ;, ... i, , .ituA f,.in un,,,-- nvv.it. ii i.ii.i

Coal Co.PHOXE Bl

AJmHlACITE. ALL 61ZFJS; STEAM COALCofce. HUl Wood, Factory Wocal. Cord Woo!. Native Rlndllnf. Um

notes all of president Wilsons

Fnchilaiins Tnmalrs, Chill. Freedelivery, l'lionc 400. Sp.inlih Kltcheu.

FridayMCrystal January


thi: Musical OTPPositively All New This Trip

thi:AND Fun World




See THf.X TKY ANDstop l..vi (;ni;!

MITIXTK PRICKS. 25c. 50c, 73c1;IIT P1MCKS, MU; 7.V. 91. l.30



Wednesday, January 12

Gallup StoveOerrlllm Slot


THE POOR," Two Parts

nt Home

w w


Divalr SkUtf CwtuanVKt -- 11 fill ft Stf. 661-44-

i o o ikt at dfiignt.

public iKldresiHS since ne entered po- -

illtical lifeMla Hosford is author or tnrce ul

hooks; "Woodrow Wilaon andNew Jersey Made Over," "The Fort-runne-

of Woodrow Wilson," "Wood-ro-

Wilson. His Career, His States- -B

THEATERbest o snow vt


KYUtT DAImunahlp and Ills Public Pollclea." Thejsllfp jjHturiiing Madder trouble, and

Ncal of the Navy

Episode 13With Lillian Lorraine


Are Now Only 35c per IDozen. These Are the

Eggs That Never Give Us

Any Trouble.

H lbs, Beet Sugarfor 91.00

13 lbs, Cane Sugarfor $1.00 I



1 tIS Marble Ave. I'hooea StU-B-


Strong BrothersUndertakers

ritOMIT KEUVICK. I'HOMJt bTitoxu ru.K, cornat


or iT&nBsr)

Mi. ., Mia. (ieore C. T.ilr,Aith iluii Inl.jnt aoii, returned l.ml

nlaht irom llichninnd, Va.Cora, tcn-y- , ar-ol- d dautihler t.f

C le H,,c,i, (.iistaiued it brokeninn wlun ahe fell while rollerikatnm yesteroay afternoon.

The ft, ndin,tvi.in club met yeatev i

,lav itlternuon et the A. D. I". W. hill.Tin- all, lid ii..'. nn lariie. The nextiinelma will be held next month.

William V. Mei-ti;m- who formerlylived here, itl'd ill Itrooklvn IXiem-l.- i

r 'J'.i, tii'i'oi-dln- o w,1l1 i f.tei iluv l. f i lends.

The boaid of flrei..i-- i und ndvm-..i- v

i iimii.'.tim. of the Y. S C. A

will meet ,it 7 :in o'clock Veilne-..'ii-

iiq-h- l al the V. M. C. A ..true,I i hi t'nil.-- S'.i I ( M :t rh.il .1.

K, li.ilnulM p'li lasl nii:lii l.i I'or- -Illb'S, .. M., Ill W'l I' Fll III I1H.1IMH in.ti.it e..e before the Vnii'il Hi.iH"

i li t i i. lil t at Smla Ke.It I.. Woollen bit yeMerd.iv .ill'i

root-- , (or Tijei Ciininn, when- hewill take rhiiiie of the ( imp ill ion- -

I, is l work t he I o.ol I hrougiiI be canyon.

n Killer ki.iicl si "ion of II. , Hutit.ul A A i. . M. S w ill j

.e l ill l iO. k tonight. Olti- - ;

. I h M ill be IHM.llle.l It. treshmentsu ill be b, IA ed lr.tttt.Vl lllellll.el'' 111 be l lci.ine,

John Kahmoi, ii. tl, i(t theI

hotel, leiuineri I.Kt nlghtIrom Cfenv III-'- , Mp'h, whci be has j

betm VUtltlC.g lor a month.Hugh l,osln, inubt ilelk. will leaielod.iy for 'abtoi ma. to he gone sev-

eral Wtlk.Mis. t'oioljn V.t it Mel, r. of lies

Motlife. Iowa, ,.hd Mis Samuel F.. J

Jlut.ir, of Wateiloo. Iowa ytete unit-- !

d ill matriage yiti n1a nt noon a!,the home of O-- bi ,de ntoihir. Mrs.Cutherine S Hiker, F.diih;tr'el Hev Ati htv Tooth.iki r, of

the f'l.l.gi' t;all.'t .1 , lunch, .ct !.. :c.ed the eeiemoty in ihe presence of.ll few libit.- - alnt iiitutta,f Irieut!-- .

B. at. WIUXMH !

DeiillallUrona 1 and . Wbltlnrt MulldlM.

Comt.( foona ana Uiafhna No. 4





RECKONING DAY-Th- ree Part S and A MasterpieceALMOST A KING--Bu- d Duncan Comedy.

New Mid-Wint-er Style Dresses

tasiiy iviaae


iuatemala vvi ll move into the Wash- -

ingion building, adjoining thi New'Mexico building.

1IR COFI.I) It ltLY liO."About tw'o years ago I ot down

on my back until 1 hardly could go,"writes Solomon Heqtiette, Flat River.Mo. "1 got a f.Oc box of Faley KidneyPillH and they straightened me rightup." Common symptoms of kidneytrouble are backache, headache, rheumatie paina, aorees and stiffness.puffiness under eye, blurred vialon

a languid, tired feeling. Folay KidneyPills help tu eliminate the poivonouawaste matter that causes thews symp-toms, sold everywhere.



l'lnmf 511. 221 W. fiol.,1 A to.

omciAX.Moved to KHH South Thlnl Street

(atiens Hank Itullillng.


White aiut red table wines, guar-untv-d

to ho pure and aitfor Initli table and inccli-(T- il

Use. IJIntiiI discounts on liUWquantities. Write for prices


Bernalillo. X. M..

6 InterestPaid T on Our Otwt,TAio. Thrts?, or I'tvo-ye- ar IVmdsof SHMI.IHI and up.

It Is onr practice to rttlermany of our bonds at any time lfour ciis1omert nntl tho money.

Circular on request.

Western Mortgage Company

CAPITAL SllHMKMlAllMiqiierqtic, X-- Mrxlcu.

NOTICE TO TAXPAYERSTaea for lite first hulf of

1WI.1 am wat' due and jaiyaldeat my offltMi at Uie roonhoiwe.No tueTt tvlll h oliargrd ratIHiymcnfs ntado up to and In-

cluding January 11), 19 IK. In-- c

rest Mill le rhargvd posititc-l- y

on ail pajmnils ntado afUTthat date.




latter volume has been translated IntoThese volumes were, ud us

campaign hiographlea in 1912, whenMlsa Hosford was engaged to speakofficially for the democratic nationalcommittee. She made a successfulspeaking tour, covering the principalcities of California.

Miss Hosford ia u Chautauqua lec-

turer. She has .spoken with pro-nounced success before audiences inNew York, Chicago, San Francisco,Cleveland and many other cities.

(otiniv Tax Kcmlltances.Santa Fe, Jan. S. State Treasurer

f). N. Marr.m today received the fol-

lowing remittances of taxes collectedin December: Colfax. $ i! 3, K r, ."..9i : San-

doval, HI. TO; F.ddy, '."'jr..sfi; Koose-vel- t,

IXC.i.ar., a total of $ :'5,L' 1 .1.1 1

Santa Fe county collected last monthMi, Ml. ",i4 In taxes, of which the cityschools and municipal goVel nnu nt get$:i,s!o.ii and th" state $IO,:n9.T4. Forthe Sena high school $l,fL'S.71 willbo paid over, for general purposes ofthe city ll. ti'il. 4?: Interest on schoolbonds, 1:12.1.::.; on city bonds 4.".0.Sa,

for redemption of city school bonds'X390.30. Front the apportionment ofthe state school funds, the city re-

ceived $3, 94'.'. till and from liquor Ii-- 1

cense $736. Assessor Telcsforo ltiveraleft today on a two weeks trip of thpiprecin.Ms of Nambe, Chimnyo, SantaCrni, lltlefoiiso, ojoaqtie and Testiqueto make the IS IK ussessnient.

wan: 'Eft Clran gotteu rijra at tba J. ur.Hal efrir

Livery ami aaddln tiorar. Trlinbltf'fHed liarn.


Attn Uobrrtsoii.Miss tinier Koberison. lo years

old, died at her home. 419 SouthHigh sheet, ut 9:30 o'clock last night.Her mother. Mrs. 1C. M. Kohertson,sister, Lam a, and brother. Harold,were with her when death came.Miss ltobertson cime here sevenmonths ago from padtieah. Ky.. onaccount of ill health. The bodv wastaken to C. T. French's undertakim? ,

rftoms. Flin, ml arrangements hadnot been nuide last night.

Mrs Ac ihw IWimrck.Mrs. Acn.' l:.tz.irek. C4 years old,

wife of Vincent Hafarek. died at 5

o'clock yesterday afternoon at herhome north of lha ctav. She camehere from Chicago last August, a''- -

companied l y her hnb.ind and onechild, both of whom survive. Kela-- Ilives live in Chicago. The body wastaken to C. T. Kreneh'a undertaking j

rooms. Funeral arrangements had jnot been made last night. '

A whole season's .smarteststyles are accniuti lv fore,ast in the heuutirullv



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