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University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Albuquerque Morning Journal 1908-1921 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 4-12-1913 Albuquerque Morning Journal, 04-12-1913 Journal Publishing Company Follow this and additional works at: hps://digitalrepository.unm.edu/abq_mj_news is Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Albuquerque Morning Journal 1908-1921 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Recommended Citation Journal Publishing Company. "Albuquerque Morning Journal, 04-12-1913." (1913). hps://digitalrepository.unm.edu/ abq_mj_news/2720

University of New MexicoUNM Digital Repository

Albuquerque Morning Journal 1908-1921 New Mexico Historical Newspapers


Albuquerque Morning Journal, 04-12-1913Journal Publishing Company

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This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been acceptedfor inclusion in Albuquerque Morning Journal 1908-1921 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, pleasecontact [email protected].

Recommended CitationJournal Publishing Company. "Albuquerque Morning Journal, 04-12-1913." (1913). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/abq_mj_news/2720


Ily MilMnyloler, (111

Poplcs,( cult u


s. nt.tttv e I nil, ,ii, ,.f saint h I iako-o-

id mg t hat I he r, pu bin an.I Hot be bound bv the action el J P MORGAN'S BODPOPE PIUS SHOWS PRESIDENT HOPES SHOE MACHINERY ISP





No Headway Made TowardSuppressing Rebellion ThatHas Sprung Up in All Paitsof Nation,



Failure of United States to

Recognize Huerta Regime is

Regarded as Responsible for

Fnilliro in RiillTUV MnilPV.I uiiuiu iv ivi.v.. ,,,s,,is,,


Ex pi esses Confidence That

California Legislature, Cog-

nizant of Possible Complica-

tions, Will be Caieful,



However, Agi cement Hoes

Guarantee lhat Mikado's

Subjects Shall be Tieated

as Those of Fanned Nations,

(Ily Mi. ruin .l.nirn il S.n I il Unwl Mlw.) Cooper in wnnti il in Oakland "iiMexico City. April II. i'l.it ,,.,.,. .hiinn-H-Liui- . v. forgery and

withholding of official recognition "f j ohtniniiur money under false pre-th-

Vnlted States materially luiK t'nHx. While out on parole from Sanweakened th Huerta K" 'eminent, in j Qucnt in penitentiary in Jniiiiarv.til,, (.pinion generally expressed l.y'llil:', lie li"iirel in a prei eml.-i- l imil- -

thc public and privately admitted b.vrlage with a umnu woman of g

certain Mexican (.fin-lab-- family In tliiM city; deserting her in

(11? Morning .lotirnnl PiicImI I tuard n!rp.)jnir MnrnliiR .Ii,rnnl M,rH,il :,r,l M Ire.)Washington. A pill I I'resiib ul ashinul.'ii. April II In.

, M'i'css, d tod.- v the hope t h' I him i v mm lav-- I 4.. r andtile pending leci-la- l loll III I'll II o I II j . n win, ll a lednitlon to ..' ' p.

by which aliens p.lia'de to Aineii j w as plop,.-- . ,1 bv lb.' t,r,H i.,ii..ncan , iti., n ship would be prohibited bill, "as oi,h i,., liat,st,ri. d to lb.

from owning laud would hot pi m . e h-- t.'dav v the ,. in.., i.Hi- - . .nt-

oble'lioliable t , Japan. He 1' , '. It s , 11 s of Hie Inula' ll Was the Cm'

lhat Japan is lin lined P. vi. '.v Midi t,',l In. ik of (lie ,1, n ats t,,m theas a u of Ih. j.Mali.l mem; mitlie t

i... ...... ,i... I',, it... ahoiinh citlbr in I lie !' I' "''.'tit, s ami, while V.ffi.'.alh on ,1,1.-- ' pcllltelt'le ill 111'' Mill he ,'M.ress.l1,1 I onl idell. c tl'.'l t . nil i.c.lMlM'ina. a membe,

The new rehel movement has madegreater progiess man nus uievisional government in suppressinginsinK'-nc- and It no l"tm, r is a See-- 1

ret (hat tin condition of (lie lreasillIh mieh us w ill iml p. unit the cm-- j

tinualioti of militaiy , peratioiis imicli !

luliyer. Thin lias he, n puldh ly ml-- j

milletl Py die Mexican llllllIM, I oi un-

Interior, (larcia Cranados.The cliaml.cr ,., in puli.-- has IK't

apployell nil. priipi.'Cl loicmn loan. ;

hut ils failure to lake up this miittei'is (aid to he due to a ,1, lie to aw,ni,further eniharrassiin; the liname de-j.- a

: , n I, w hich so f ir has heeiito iirrani;,' for tin- floiulmii 'f

the loan, notw ithslaialiuK recent as- -

MiiraneeM to lhat eflc t from London.It is ussumed by tile eminent lliatjits inability ti i'Slle l lie loan Is due,directly to non-re- , ouniti.'h by Wash-- 1

liictun.i:ditoiial wrlicis ml upon

tins phase of Hie situation ami th'i;has heun a propa e;. n,l., in the localpl'e.ss (elldillK I" place cspi 'II si 'i i '

for (he fate of .;,Ai' ii motile t lilted j

St.'licit.Kiirther eompllcaliim the linaneiai

(htianiues f ti. K.nenimchi is ti,.-- :

Zl riurVi.ri's eo:,,:;: Eleven Hundred Pounds of

E'nJie'v'c; tnde'Vv.ireai Explosives Inln Town But


tO ,'OCOC.iz tin- S"- - nlh d 11, t l.li l ii mi ill. '

piui: ( tiMMiiiiM :i:s m:iii:mi n i:i m m m i s.

r:i riisu. ivx.. Apni 1.- -- Fightsilled i m i i' commissioners in riv ''ilhell, (iiil.i from Jlrti 1'ltx nil, I willpr,,, , ed to Til, son, Ariz., t, , mol t miTill V nil' lli'llotlllri'l! I,y loeil

itH so, li t agents of theIllicit. I gov riinieitl, p. ild lo l'i' i, i-

lium im: tin- - pirn for , e on liteu u n us (li.it the nisui m ill borderSillies Will Bl'l k 1111111 X.ll i, III til till'I'lilti-i- States, which ptngtnm has boonlie, I'll , SnIlolM .lllil Coullllllil lend-

ers. Tin' party is he, del liy Juki' Maria

j;;;;- ;;:;;:;,:1:,:ollltloll.



Oakland. i'iiI,, April II. Word wasI'V Chief of t'ollri' F, tolsoliI;;;,;,; from South Africa 1 1 Sir

ll.irry West wood Coper, alias lr.Milton Abraham, n notorious ("iM--

-- .rr.oi'.r'mmoriir;'.::!n"""y ' "i,u11;;il;i,r(1,f;T,;;.""'"""u;tJ1California authorities on the ..iii- -

..,,.,.,. ,,f i,i, ti'im of imprisonment.i'iiiiiit Is known in S'.iilli Africa as

orm:in .. M;u knv .

I.oihIoii while cm tn.ir mmo moon, nis known that at the time he had a j

if .,,, s,.v,.,,,, whom he had.. ,n rem,, m,I in,, ot i 'oMper's principal l'i

n jH, ,,f i nil. vv,is to ,a i. m l

tn wimu-- until he ol, tamed tln nlmoney, uiarrx in:; them if ii ss.ic. ii

the un a nt me..... .. "..

In r. was his Mi., liny immisi hi emu.:,,,,1 I'll Lii.iiiiiit.',' ih,- lirsl woman II

..., ,, 'i.. l,ii,iin ill

j.ur,.,. f, , ,,pe witli me within tw,tl,,H




Kcljels Send Lai LoadedI


ygQ () VVOI'K.

,,, jlrmir 5iccliil f.raMl Wlr.A i iz . Api il A ni'lher al

..,,, t,, amiilulat" Nun., Sniora, bv

Uctory boislci oiisly. To prrveht a reeurrcnee of the attcinpt. (Icneral(ijeda otileteil a loiiu section of I heraiiuay tra. k torn up below .Vac..The work was ac, omhlislicd withoutopposition.

There was no resumption of tineaniioiiaiiiiie to, lav, and the federalsrested in of their striumposition.

Kocoivim: needed artillery dtirimsth" ninhl. the stale troops surroiinil-ini- !

Nacn, Soimra. took the imures-h- v

in three distinct i nl beforeilnyliKht today. They poured shrap- -

into tin- Mexican boniertow n and im iil, nta lie into Naco.A tin. Ameilcan n sidents here hur-rie- ,l

from bed ami found shelter in

the (heater biiildim; and insts of theHotel Niiiii promplly abandoned theframe structure.

Hut I did in't fail to retain Idspositions and often t the ai;res- -

sive 111 the iii-'- fluhtims- In the firsttwo erieammellls lie state troopsw.re compelled b Hlieat. but by

.,,,,..,,(,, had u hied their loruur po

iwcre brisk in their movements this,rniiiK and tin- f. . arris.. n is

said to be Fiifferina r, ai-- in

killed and wounded than at any limein ini: Hie four da s" si. u'cllet.eral Pedro 'jcla l'i nil-'h- t '!- -

i I, in sivtv-ihin- l i! lid iv anni- -

versa ry. liesi.ved 'UlillL'lV

In happily c, .,,Vl.nvr,,.,Mn.r ,,,, ,m.,,1,,..,,,.,, h(1 (.(i iit ''V a champagne,,.,,,,,,., f,.r his offic and men

alike. Vow dot soldiers, many,.,. noiicha la in v sipped tin

frail glasses and pull. lal'imas lis

lls Inn si. over un ir he, is.

Colonel ilnilfoyle toil;,', ordered theNinth , avail v bord, r patrol to n'lrdn.,.,.(.. neutral, IV and keep Well Under

"I'd. nice " " 11in :,vcr. This was j

uders r. ived from It." " "' '

partmeiit. eaiicellim; a pre i" - ' i'i''ijiven by Colonel Huilt"'- saui u

ve been lo return foe 111" lire, , l , i r-

.Mneiicau " 'rile

Mould llotnin l avorcl atioii lausc.

Washineton. April H -- Pi,si,btWilson does not beli-i- e oimnessshould repeal the fa'oic.l nation

clause of the tariff law. under which

trade conventions h.ritotoie have

been made with other m. He

larel that the ,,, posed reeiprodtV

aiireeiiients. in his !"""" ',"";''1 "',n v iolation of th- - f .v o,., nation

clauses in existing tf. atn s.

an, ns, but should be f i , to vet,molding to "the ,h, tales of Ih, il

oils, b in es on legislative inattcl"."was allow,, 1 to go over lo the n,lim i tuiK-

Kept esetitat iv (laidmr, of Massa-chusetts, opened III,, talllf discussionbv presenting a re'iolution Insttu, tingthe republican inembeis of the waiin,l means coinmlt t,e (o prepare anant, in lm, lit lo Hie democratie tariffbill, piovlding for the appointment ofa tanlf , omiii P slon.

Heiiei.il iiithlsoi of ,h,. ,!, nici i at la

tariff bill was imlulgel In bj K, p-- n

seiital iv e Ml,, an, of N'ebra'-kii- whoutilised president Wilson tor 'inter-I- ,

ling vvi;h Hie flaming of tin bill."'We ale pot III tavor," he said, "of

ib b g it mg t In I ram in of a la i iff lullto any e, oidfllale l lam li of (he

i v, ll if (bat to ordinatebl.lil, I, be (he pl shield of the 1'll'tedHlali" wnh millions of pu, ion. ige athis dl'pos.il to be iii-e-l In uhliiig tin-- 'pas ,g,. ,,i that bill till. .a,,h I. 'Illhoi,:., 1 of CongtV H."

ill ofou , a ue us I ho i , p b , nlueoI.elN ,,) the hou.-- a i, plans ,,onirhl ..r a ii:..i..is ot ja.i,.ed oppo.

Ill, HI lo (ile I lab t W ,,o, 111 ll hill'I lie call, it. Old, led Hie , ' r ' pa I at oilol a in. mini cuts to the I tuli t vv ,,,,,1 Pillpi ov iihng lot a mm pat (salt lai n fI" a ml tor I . v iMolis ol he , ..Itojii, ml wool s. In , lilies ,., h, Iai il I.

K I'll Pill a It lllem I" s of the houseWavs and 111, alls , tlo II 1, Wcle tn-"-

il. 1, d t, ha e I il, e a memluo IdsI, ad I e , I .lit.,! , the , a in nsin-- Thoi ul iv

W In n 111,' ini. ii" no a leln h v debale .1 I..II to 1,1,1,,-h" in, ti " ,1 pu M i. .ill In the

,oui-- i the ,t ii in, i, , I ; (,t s, nt .

till low 0. o lew,, I: epl , .'IIlatue Moil!, ol I.I., , litter,',!the a. tlV ll ot s.d, III W ell 111

o, he I O 11 villi the 1,1 lm; of t heih ll l.iln' til It f la ll

The . so It loll , I'd,., si n ; ,he lain:boa ,1 W a pa vs. d Willi Ian lilt le ,,,.p, 'Ml loll, but 111,' ed I oil ml vv ool. h. il II Ii s ' ok (! II lather heated ionI oV - V bet , ell M HO U'lt ., d.Malill and K o s. Illative Lent'"!,!, ofVV colO'lll. pi oi-- l s i I, p ll ll, allI., p ,!!(.' ent ool v allied thecallcUs to ( ,1,1. l e the s It, dill, sflaUl, ll bv H.e I I U 1, alls of Ibe WaVSa, id means i . m ' III the .el emr i -. I. .it lie I , poi t of I lm tarII f boa ,1 a 11 ' . ll as a Mil" t lllltcto he li I. lo title coltoll ami W oonil Is p ,s-- , o n tee last lii The

III 11 e teat I as , t , I to the t'e- -

po n in a n fie,, m i , ,u tne vv ,, v andIII, ,1 11,4 . i ' '



Repiesentatiu. Baker Intro-

duces Measuie of DrasticSoit to Define Combinationsin Restraint of Trade,

(llr Morning .Imirnul Rimm-Iii- I Hrd Wire.)Wa'diiiiMloit. April II. Anti-tru-

locjslaliou is to eiiKaKe the li t It'll --

Hon of Hie d. on a i a t ii: onun ss earlyin (h iiKulnr session If not In theextra Hcssion, wlili li now Is wrestlingWilli the tariff.

Several bills ll lllelul i hi; tin- Shermanlaw are in coul, tn p a t It , ii mid one, al-

ready ill od need by I lepl eselllllt ive

Laker, of California, lias been re-

ferred to the judiciary committee.The linker hill would define speci

fically th,. law lllld public policy ofthe nm ernmellt with respect to com-binations. Comblitat Ions In la st i pintof trade would lie define! its all

w'ithoiit exception, limi-tation or ,iiiilll b illion, betw een tw o ormore persons which In any way or to

liny exieiii limit compel il but or lin.freedom to compete in ttadc, or whichclonic a ,Ja nm nm m probability "lhatIbe totality of n national tnole shallbe decreased for private profit." Sin h

c, ml, innllnn in which unlawful timiinsate used In further the purpose otcom I, ma iml, would be classed us conspiracy,




w I, Ian is of Oeoreja is Ex- -

pected Pi Succeed DaraDiuaiid as Oiiector of Unit-

ed Stales Census,

(111 Mi.nUiiK .l.aincl Kinlid Inlwd Wire)U ;i' liiin:l Al'i II I - W. .1. Harris,

ile.li " lain state 111, 11)11,11 of ' i ' ol V la

will I..- nominal, ,1 bv 'i cm, bid II- -

s,, toiiiol .OV lo be dire o' of Hiei n:", ,, sue , d :. hail i e l and.

M 1,. iiniioi n li.i nn, t. i if ti.l ill-

s', r il land off,. app. liniments, willhe s. Ill lo I In let, ow ,V ,the late depa i too nl has not v et reeei ed a forma hi-'j- o l'i ,,i,i l it ea t

111 it., in as to Ho- :o ept.it Ibtv of Wallor II. I :(- -( lm- m bass,, dor to thee, ,,n t "t M nm s that nominationprohaldv will mil be made untilwek.

liilrU I iml of W ould HeLondon. April 1 - The I'ckln

of the lmilv Telec 1, pli

reports dial an niisiicccssfiil nil, niptwas made to assassinate llcllelal l.lYuen-Him.- ', Mee piesulcli! of the re-

public, (Uie hundred exeelltlom fol-

lowed Ho- attempt, (ieueral Chi Yu- -

l.illur. tb" IllbHed Hill! leader, bcillK:ini,iiiii those decapitated.



Moit.d Remains of Gte.it F-

inancier Tempoiaiily Rests in

Libiaiy Anion;; PiicclessWoiks of Ait,



Many floral Offcikcs Accom-

pany Coffin, One TestimonialBeiiu; Fiom Empeior William

of Get many.

(Hr Xlurnlnff Joiirniil ,.c.'li.t I mrH U'lrf.l,,vv Yolk, April The body of

1. PI, i pout Moignn ll, " toniKhtalliom; the 1,1't I reaslll cH of Ills pl lV lltelb,v. It leached New Yolk "U til"ste, no r I' ram e this aft, i noon nml a,dii-- k was talon from the ship's nunn arv ihapcl to a motor henrse which'oiivevcl it Ir, ,111 the pier to thelibiaiv Hundreds braved the dreneh-iiu- :

run and stood In the Htreetit lowatch II pass. Anions the I, tonnes,costly pallltlltKH lllld oilier Hit objectswhnh he hi, , unlit hole from Kurope,the body of the ibiid financier willlm until .Monday niornliiK, when thefun, r.,1 services will be held In Kt.i Icot e, 's Pi ol, stunt I'piMcopitl ( hiireh.The I'latne came Into the hutborwith h,r flats al half-mas- ThrounhIhl, k weather and nnilil torrentit oft ,ln, she crept to her pier at the footof W est I'ifteenth Direct. All her pau-

se, cats, save the funeral pally, Wereash, ue Ii:' If tin hour before Mr. Mur-

ium' body was removed to thehe, I se.

Mrs Herbert I.. Sattel'lee. the deadf Inam lei 'h diiiiKhter. ami Mln HelenMori:. in Hamilton, Ills ti anddiiUKhter,the only women lii the f unci til party,were imt on boa id the vmnj by Mrs..1 P. Moiitnn. .Ir The three women1, (1 In an automobile Tor the Morganho before the body wait removed.I. P. Moikiiu. son of the dead miin,met the prune,' at ijunrantlne und

ii Hon i.l wltli Herbert t.. Hat.terbi', II. II. llarjeH, ti partner In Hm.Murium baiiklnir firm in PiiiIm, nndhr ,(1eore;p pixon. JuiiIiih S. Moritan,

of the fiininclir. Joined theparly when Hie .esse) docked.

When all ul hi r pii.isen,;er!i hud leftthe vessel the men of the funeralparty assembled In the mortuaryrhupel to follow the body to thehearse, The nilriolcd doors openedami ten uniformed men of thePrance's crew cmerKcil with theheavy casket. Across It w:m drapeda treat American flaii. the same f lnirwhich the Tnlted Stale nnvernmenlnave (o the France to commemoruteher niiiblen voyage nn the laritest hlpwhich the French ever had Kent tuAmerica. ,

'I'lie casket piissed between thbmhl,. file of the nhlp'8 cumiiany,

standinic at attention with baredheads 111 Hie paHSllKi'WIiy, tthllo thship'd orch. stru played "The StarSpannled Hiinner.

Alt, It, bints bearing Koine of thefloral offeiliiKM followed the funerfllparty to the henrse. Among those of-

ferings was a wreath wrouuht In ((olid

silver flout the town ofii beiiefi, Itiry of Mr. M oruii n'"

Kein roslty, A Mi'eat erosH of orchids,which ha,! withered on the trip ncrosntlo, Atlantic remained In the chapel.This was the offering of the Hermanemperor. Later It wiih Kent to theMoiKiin library. A garden of rnrflowers, which perlshi'd en route, werslr.wn upon Hie Aliunde before thship reached port. ThroiiKh the drlv-Iii- k

rain the heats,, slowly carried Its'biitden to (h Morgan home. Twoa iiloiiioblles followed It, one convey-ing Messrs. MoiKitn, .Saltei-lee- llerjedand hr. hlxon; the other Hie xervaiituand iittcndaiils. The mortuary cha-pel where Mr. MoikuiVh body hud re-

posed during the trip wan thrownopen after Hie casket had been takenaway and the nhip's officers and crewtrooped silently down lo nee It. Tlve

catarabiie oil which the casket hadrested was d raped with ll great cov-

ering of black with a gold embroid-ered cross 111 the Center.

A I the heud nml foot there rose twosb iiib'i' silver eleotrolyers, Pack of tileealatahpie there hung heavy draperyl.i i in nt III K"ld nnd silver trinimlnu;Hi,, walls of the dentil room wereHpautiiel with silver Hint's and luaitesonous, s, with flour de Us here nndthere.

In this mortuary chapel, J. PierpontMorgan, Jr., looked for the first timeupon the body of his father when hhoardel the France at liunriintlne.



Phoenix, Ariz. April 1 l.-- iii.t ernnrflcorvie W'l P. Hum vetoed today therevised penal ode of Arr.oiia, aspassed by the lei: isla I uie after sev-

eral weeks' woik. This action wastaken bonus,. It virtually removedthe pardoning power ,,f the governor.An amendment provided that the gov-

ernor onl, pot grant a stay of ex--

utiou of a sentence Involv lug thedeath petiallv unless there was llewevidence tending to show the inno-cence of the condemned person. , gov-

ernor Hunt is currying on n vigorouscampaign (tRitiuM capita! punishment.


LIST Of CAUCUSilFiist Real Bieak by House

Majoiity Fiom Rates I ixed

in Taiilf Bill by Ways ai d

Means Committtee,



Louisiana Repiesentatives Get

To. 'ether tn Oppose Plan

When This Schedule Cone:,

t'p for Ceusldeiatitio Today,

bad I to an u,.d, I oil, ledf I''I ' - "'"' ' ' nn

III,' com III il teclid in elian:.' el in O t ,1 S, lo ll'llc.

audi w bleb bad colli less (hallper i ii, zinc, w "iild admiiicl

dl.lv I'll I he III' , 'Ill a Mo d

it.pe i In '' in ii hi nel v a lnc ndii'i'lil,,..'. d by ll, pi I '.'.t ,Hv I!,. i landM i.--i.iit i and ' i i ' I bv a v i a

Voce Vole VV;lllolll sul'tautlal oppo-l- -

ot f em the III. Ill la s of the .Ul

inltli follow. ,1 a ,1 si ii"si..n In

h h Kepi , li la e e. 1," bv of N,

, n low mem' r. nii.ngncd tlo:so.cm 1" d ,1 machine, y -- trn t" and

,,.i, , (,, ih. 'i,e t mn an oppof- -

jl:,iy to lo, In compel il ion.,,.,t,,r ,, v, ..p-o-

, nt of th" d,y.(M ,,. mi nt of .,.n-tan- a nn m

,, .in ami fie,- ms pro I. ram III

the i ;iu, us, vv it It K, pr- sent 'tlv ,

I'a .on a i , on i:n aid I" ot i r a s it,of amendments to Ih,- mih.ii' s. heluh

re,e-',.- t the Mhtlmeli, of tinLouisiana eiii" sni;nr Inter, tt.i amithe lie t sin:. ii- tioiis.

The SlIK.ir s, hellllc W ill be taken ll

row, with an all ibiv li'.'.hl In

prospect. i:, 'present. itivo Hudwukof Ceomii d otli'is arc Insistentupon Immediate free u.'iir. Tin111 oiissu rd iiiiiimlimnt will make Hi,

Irel vvcluhl late on !ul dome.mm. ir from 'uba JIM on pass i;;e of

lm bill, if I .i.'. i mi .1 iiiic lie, li, a ml1' - (I , elds on June ipi, '.I I II, In

stead of $ I .ii I as Miller the presentlaw i ti.l ll.iuils in the committeebill. This would mean, by compari-son w tilt Ibe u ' - ' lit tal ll f law, a re-

duction of touiull.v :'H cents a! theoutset. U!l cents in I !i Hi and .1, cents

1, :i. i nt Inn ibii.e smuir, fromsources other than Cuba, the P.ioiis-siti- d

amendment would inal.c a netreduction Horn the present labs of

i; e nis , r humlrel pounds mipassaue of In- bill, :.tl e Ills 111 li

ami I'. J e nls in H a.

Another Iroussa t d a mcinluieiitmild evlelul Hie pel o,l of ,

, under which (ho i Olllenlplatcd freesuear basis Was lo be reached, to a

total of lour veals so as lo cany thewhole ipioNlion luyoiul the next mlliomi! eleelioii.

II '.'Setatic 11' .W a I'd. of I l'i'- -

ivia: (hud, of iihio. and othelssouclit to have machine

tools put oil the fne list, vvlll'e llop-fe-- a

illative llclu I. V. of ,M "So l'i . I'dvain fi'-'- a- ainst the tvilu. Inui of

the dutv on bad. Some ,,r tlo- ,ktats Ul :; d II, zinc iu da. ,. of theIt per cent d it

The wood sehed uie lib k vv as,.o..:ed of by tin- e:t Mens A ii a im ml

;i ili".i Ida If. e Ita kel , of

'a ifornia. lo r.i nsl i pu iim bio. Us.

laih oail ties and leph tclenaphami other p.d.s In Ibe tie- li t, in

place ol' the 'le 'd U I" I' centvv as v oted down,

I letliocr.il IC I.e. oh I' Ild, ,,, S.I ul

CI ileus oniil tod be a l,e o :;,

lu mi Ii th, bill im- scv, ril duv-- , andthat ils oolisid.-- ilioll bv Ibe homoproba bly w mild hot beidu for a not herweek.

I .null eds uf pi id. sts ii c.i in t I lo-

fates ill the proposed tai ill' ale I ll- -

mellili. I S id he senate, vv lel e adat, s ,,f liiuh, r proi i lion ii pp., r- -,

t n have ,bl, rmimd lo e lef their,,11.,, p; The s, uatf fiuaui ' couiuiii--

,. pent three Ioiimn today in em-,- i

, ti. oi , i' the boll -- e bill a ml. Willi

aid of tie a. lirv , Xl lis. vv lit

romh the no ta a ml en Iheuvv a r,

hedlllcs. Several small chillies In

.luths practically Were aifi I upon,Hm committee will tali" no for-

ma act not on a in f. al ui e of Hi" ill

colli .ift.-- It has pas-,- , ,1 the lioiee.Tin. repllbli, ti ns of Ibe bous,. lin t

tonicht In open caucus ami be:. in

olisulefatiolt of the tal iff.The r,u slion of maklni; the caucuspublic mo, Mni; kept Ibe i , p uhlha lis

secret, session for more lluin nilhour. As less limn half of the re-

publican repl'es, llbtl ii "S W cl e present,was decided to op. II Hm (loots to

press al toniiht'H m. ctimr. ami tonllovv the ,iiesli'.ns of tunkhut futuremucuses open, to be settle,! at ii cau-

cus next week lifter the democratictariff bill is reported to the house.

Minoiity Leader .Mann offered theresolution to op, n the doors of to-

night's ( aliens lllld Kepi, setitatlv e

ii'.h ii, of Illinois, present, ,1 (ho onemake nil republican mucus, s pub-

lic iiicetliiffs. A resolution offered by.

,.itn,ns. In an etloit to clic u u,npw aril tend, in y .1 the esclianm'late, the minister .f finance is niK- -

iiiU eoimress to authorize an nu t case.f lU pel' cent in I'.ie ipol1 ta on

ild. This lias brought .M,xuans t",,.


COND IThioe Aged Bishops Cm en

B'essings of Holy FalheiWho Gieets Them Pleasai.tlyii) Piivate Audience,



Pileiims Fiom Native City May

be Received at Early Dale;

Cardinal Meny del Vd Ad-d- i

esses Visitors to Vatican.

111 Mi.rnine .lotirn.il M(.liil W lr l

lin A I'll I 1. I t lie in

jinn tions i.l Ins physu in us and the le-

mons! ram , s of his ittteiiilants. I'.pcPlus received in andieiiie today tlilccbishops who had headed a 1 l: ti a k '

to Koine to i i t 111"1 and bestowedllpoll llieiu Ih,. ,il Jill blessing

Him holiness wiuihd by his efforts.i, into u deep .sleep Immediately., f, ,.r ,ljs ,,hvs lulls had made tin u

.' ,,,

The lillK I'elweell III,, iol,llll'and the tl,I lined hislmps was pa

tlnli' As t li V ml, led th mi k

tin y lilt , W tllellis, h ,K lit Hi''feet of III,' pope, Who was 111

.... .,,,(,,.,1 .,..,1inn u, iiliflinu Ins hands iiIm.v.. tin ir heads.l si,,u il his hi, ssints. These. In

said, were intended not lllolle lor til''p, i iai, s, but lor the pilgrims w hollad join I, eye, I to Koine.

The i,ish..ps. who ha,l bell warnedlo make the audience as short as pos-- ,

sihlo, h i t 1"' papal bedroom, their, yes I, mi, mini with tears. The pope'sph sn ia us ,1 i n' not pr, s. nt at the reception.

The e e ' i iv ot the pope from h"relapse iipi'iuciitly is ptonressinglapnlh. His sisl.is, speaking todaywnh the palish priest of niesse, theirl.i li i .l , c, said the condition of themi, Itlf now was so satisfactory lhat

il was possible he would be able to, u ,. wo, f tin, oilurims from hisnative region nil hill a few da.vs. TinyIceland il Was the ilcsili; ol thill,,,.,r to do so but that his physi

cians Wei,, strongly oppose! to hisdoing so as tin y w 'st)o,t their patientp, have immunity from excitement.

Tin pilgl'Mlls were leciveil ill III''royal hall this afternoon b Cardinal.M. !', I.'l Val, 111,' P.'P.'I secletaiy ol

state, at the special ivpn si of I'opel'ins. It was a solemn function. Thecardinal addressed the visitors ill thename of (he P"P'- ami imparled lothem the papal blessing. It was withmuch react the cardinal said, thatI'ope 1'ius personally was unable tosee the pilgrims, especially till! Vl

whom he greatly desired to

greet.The pilgrims, led by their arch-

bishops, carried banners and wore thecoslumes peculiar to their localities.They were presented to CardinalMerry hoi Val by the ai chblshop of

Chieli.Cardinal Merry Del Val explained

that I'ope Pius understood the Moii-h- ,

es the pilgrims had undergone in

coming to Koine mid would have beenextremely happy to see them if it

were possible. "At this moment," thecardinal continued, "mote than fromthe slight Illness, which, thank Hea-

ven, Is about In disappear, he .suffersfrom hav ing been deprived of the con-

solation of meeting you."Th,. cardinal lohl the pilgrims they

would nor lose the spiiitual advant-

ages of their v isit to Koine as the HolyFather had implored for tin in all theblessings an, mercy tiny might

lie concluded by .saving that tip-p-

n iff desirel that a copy of his lastallocution the liberty of thechurch be uivcii each of th,- - pilgrimsas a souv onir ,,f their visit

The first docii nt bearing thepapal signature since the relapse ifthe pope, appealed today. They w,cdecrees by which Cardinals pompilijand Van Kossiim are made membersof the coliglegalliill of Hie holy iil'fie'.


l'i-i,- idem .', K. . April ' L - hrl'i ied, rich I'. I'liedmann. who claimsto have a vaccine cure for lul.crculosis, was notified to.lav bv the man-agement of the hotel where he hasbeen receiving patients hole, that

not I',, allowed to Use his Suitefur professional pill p OSes. lie wassicking new niaitcrs tonight.

All his pati. id- - iu the ball wereaskcl to leave and private deletiveSWet',. Stationed at the dools to pre-

vent others from entering. Six peoplewho had taken rooms awaiting tin

i ,,i, n I vv el v ask. d lo v. male.Hr. Ti ielmanii treated tlltecll tu

hen lllosis patients at St. Joseph shospital I a, lb' left tonieh, forW'ashillUtoll to appeiir before theWashinvton A' ."Inn; of Sciem e to-

morrow am! attend Ho- (irldirmi dubbainiUet tomorrow- nivht.

Woman bin'- - lliith to live.Ithaei. X. V., April uiiinic'

of Infants was I. out ivemUv to M i

Charles Sin it ll. of Haiil v, a few milesyouth of here, Mrs. Smith writes hernephew. Kobe! Wafer, a proinliu lit

Ithaca street railway olfi, i i. that thefive are well and hcalthv and tinphvs'eiafl expects them to live. It issaid that the birth of i ll I ll l .1 hasbeen re otiiel in this country milvthree times.

the 1 , alizatinn lhat even the hat iotial ,,,., Iu j(i without a, patent (ale forcurrency no Ionise,- is liiaiiit.iincd ,,,, result to the Arizona town, failedu ;old l.asiii, 'lile today. Stat.- tioops loaded I'UMI

r.nsine.ss cimdil Ions In .Mexi' o a t e j,,,,,,,,,,, ,,- ,ijn.,miie and .",(u poiiiidsreflect intf Seriously Hie Tel olutii nai y f B., ,ovdcr on a ear and

es. Sim Iters nt Monti ivy, 'puiehed it Py ;:iai(y townrd the twoVelardeiui an,l Toncon hae been ,, ,, ,(,.,. ,.,, Tile imie ftn-'- failedclosed for luck of fuel. At San l.uis!,,, nM r i(,.INitosi, the Hiiieltcis uie rtinnihK oil . federals haub il the c.-i- to thehalf time and ut A.mias Calienles at , .,,,,1 , ,1,1, rati ,1 the hloinlh -- s

u third of cupaejty. At Chihuahuaand Matehuala the mills ale nmniiiHen full time.

Transportation facilities remainfcerioiisly crippled.

nebcin i.racti'.'itlly control theMates of Sonoia, C'(ahuila and Llur-aiif;- o

In the north, while the situa-tion In the south, where Kmillano Za-

pata still is in control, has notchunked materially. In Xuevo l.cunthe fcilci-al.- slowly are regaining

of tho railroad to Laredo, onthe Texas border, but the rebels,pushed back from this line of com

:, uie, , i: ii i ' 1, ol' pi . aid" Inler-- ,

lull ion., , ' nil a s, n I i tin I a law

thai would pro e ,,. i 1' table t" J a, ..,11

The pi csiib nt ilu.-- Informa liv llill

nbi.nl the i, ties, 1,, in his s.colli, nine with tin- now s,,,p, r nun,!

iuIndicating-- Hie d. II. at.- points involved, ,.W hile I lie present t eat V W ii ll .lastipulates that cili lis ,f each III

tl -, vv bile tl aV eliiu ill Hi, .(her, shaM

ha e a riiHil to own houses and ' " -w

tori, sand shop" and to base land. '

mvs nothing aim it the i Iglil to mi u

land, ('a (he oiler baud. Ihoivli theold lavs of Japan against fon-it--

ow i. t: hip of land hav e bcetiabio -

, ,1. the imperial , di. t ne to put'In force newly eiiaclel laws, has led

l , n issued so lhat American , ;l .. n, unitot own i ti il iu .lapari.

W llib- Hie 1,1 nisi i a lion does ladnisi i c I' li a in '. .la nn nese :i

specifically Hie luiilt to oVV 11 land. It

feels thai Hie a,ll, cll.cnt does till lllllltee thai Japanese shall be treated on j

the basis ,.f most favoiel nation con - t

dilions, under tile same clause IIS is

oni. lined ill many American treatiesW illi other I'oV ertllllenls.

The president stated that w bile thepoinls had heel, ,1 the diffi-


really proceeded from (he do-

mestic const t ul ion:, I a t t a to:, ,!!, nls iu

the I'nileil Slates, II,. , Iceland that ll,

while nobody for a moment would(halleiit:,. the constitutional ricbt ofCalifornia lo pass such land laws, as,

she pi, used, im ofar as the federal gov-

ernment had eon,. 1, ,'5 ond ils powersor domestic authority in making n

Intreaty, .lust so far was it liable lo

daiu.u'e. but lhat il really was help-

less In the .situation.The president explained that the ;;;

Japanese ambassador had acted 111 "amost proper and ibdichlfu!" manner,trcatim,' the Tinted States as it fi h ml

of Japan, who Would Vvs to sec thevv

best relations prevail. The Japaneseambassador understood the piiii'il'b'of state's l lit as applied in lb''I'nitel States, but asked thai the fed-

eral e.,v ernmellt look lilt" the leuls- -

latloti to sen if an.v thiim could he ,,.n,.to make IL a. ci ptalde to bis til, y.

.Mr. Wilson declared that with thisspirit, the fed, iai Koveri ul had en-

deavored iiifoi mally to use ils L'ood

offices lo sfcui,. an .amicable adjustiu,

aut of Ibe ipiestion.Keissiirii.j word lhat the Califor-

nia e: s e would so frame ils lawsso as to save the federal HoV el lilllelllfrom am. dipl lb' embai rassnu ntshav e come iiulii ecllv to Hie in bma mcapital and th" administration dm I

not believe il is likely to be confronte, v. h any MiioiiM situation.

Ki 00lint




NEXT WEEK oi,ilia

Burleson Confeis With Pie,t


Who Will Consult Willi s,

Senators and Representa-



Before Seiulin Names,

(He ApirnhiK .liairnal Str,'t:il , f:,,-,- l tVlrelWlistlim.l.'ll, Aplll II I'leM.lellt l

Wilson and Postmaster lienor.,! Huia

had a brief onf, r. in on postIn

masters lolli-'l- it but mad,, little hou.l-v- i

a v, ,l r. I In rb son said In- wouldonsalt be pi'esiib nt fi eoiieiit Iv In

lin- no vt vv da h so as to pi , p., i thea lati e number of nominations .,r llfsenate next week.

Th" proe ss will be cumbi tsomefor. in connection with the new ap-

pointments, Itieludho,' a bntil ,en thou-

sand first, second and third classpostmasteis. Hie president will fol-

low Hie ,11 tolll of Sllhinittlne; til" M

names first to senators whose slale-- ' toare a I'fcctc'l.

munication, are extending tne .one ".el shelloperations far to the eastward.

In southern t'oahiiila the rebelshold the immediate neighborhoodaround Torreon and between thereand Chihuahua inleriipt traffic onthe Mexican Central almost at will.

ni:r.i:i,s coxtiioi, i stati;or Ni:rvo i.ion i:sii.v

Monterey. Mexico, April 11. 1'as- -

eeiigers arriving here to, lay iiomMatninofus report that the towns nfisll,,llM , , , ,' I.- pits within ma yard-I'hin- a

and Ccrtuchc, iu the state ofllf ,,,,, t,,w n. Kncoiiratr. d by theIcon, near the Matamora i . :irmi-i--- tb" state troops

railroad, have been taken by rebelscommanded by Jesus farrau.a. Tele-grams received from Ccrralvo, in the


mountains north of the Maluiuorasline, say a force of rebels on the 's

ranch are threatening the town.Arrivals from Lustauiciite, Lam-paz-

and Villahhima. in northernNeuvo Leon, say sccriil rebel bandsare operating In the .Mamuli,iie nioiiu-- j

tains to the eastward of lhi.se ( iti( s.

(Icneral Mier has ,lispalche, troopto guard the Matamoras line and to ....attempt to drive the rebels back tothe westward. sln

AliltWZ rov i iM I S I K. Il l'.;ist i'Iiksidi nt iiri nrv.

New Hrleiins, April II. A state-ment given out today on the nuthoi'itof Veniistla no ('nrranz.i. leader of tinV..1...I u In I .. li i i:

.' ' ,.' ii Inin view ot his ease rreaciici v

the hriltal assassin:, ell of I'lvsub nt t n

Madero and Vice President Sua rez. ai, toriano Huerta has no more on

st itut Ion;, I riuhi. to Hie presidency of.Mexico that Would have had the no-

torious assassin, John Wilkes I'.ooth.to the ptvsidoncv of the Tinted Statesafter the murder of president. Lin-coln.

"Hin rta and his cohorts are usurp-ers without the sliiHnesl basis of con-stitutionality to their gov-


"The Aim rican '.:ov , inment cannot bela- too hlshly praised f,,r its refusal




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;i,n;..- - i. m.im s,i, -- ,.ri 1. ,! h..r.- -

j lii- - tn, in,' Tn 1! . I r; ' .1 n m ,.,!.. ,. m ,j

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iVr"'"' uu )):':i : u;: .l; ;r ;(.:: j ;;!,(;;'f ':z!: '

'"" -- I ' T " 'I -- t !..! j li "I ,,i, .! V ! ti.. 1,,,,.. j - .! fV 11 !t th..:. ' 'I .ft 'r. Lit. (,,,, Wh..iH,.- - i,.....,r. '.v .... - .......t.l ,r ' "'v f '

ih.t -- !. t" ... in, ,.ii ..t.v. i.t.A.. I'll-- ..f id,. t. .' ' "' ' '

SASH i ixcntiru, SI ITI V .

I:in1rll .mint. l.,i-- .

Mnti.r. ..iirl,k, I trrlliliij;J Jp.1rl.l f nrrl.il In M k.

T l. ,lmim Vii, J.

- .ii .(. r ',.......n f J 1, ririji.it11, r.. 1.1. .). ;.l ,.f tli- - 'I. I . ;. 1.1

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r f'- t.iIt ,!,.. 1,. . 1, ,,r, r ;., ,,f t ;' ' ' -.I I , I.' ,.. ';

' i ,. t i , . ... i,. a 1, .1 u- . :, ' I i;i ... 1 .. ,1 1, .1 n. i."'1 I; ('. i.'.r.tl. 1 h-- i.c r.,. 'ili.t- - ii ,f (. i .it k ... . ...ii . i,: tn.

Mi '.'

1,.. .)'

M -

N.I ll.ALBUQUERQUE CANDY r . i. ..,'.', .. - f 1;... i .:, 11, t

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l'i- - '1 - I. .. t mi. . Id.. .'.( LI I li' ;(.., !,,.-- .f;'. tl.' h. tn.- 1. 1." .11 I.. h.i f T- 'ijtV.' I, an Nit. I ,r. ... laill. ' nn.l t;. iitk'. . . iii..iir..tii . .k ill v nT .

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FROM SHEI .,!. H I,', ll !.. ,. . ,'t..t,. i. 111.. .i- - I., ..! 1, I .,r

' . .. .1n. I,n ! I . .,'' ' .1 iLiiik'' I I..t , .1 . . .,(.,. ..... Ml. LflfJEli" ' '"'. t - t: . :'.; it,'.i.'! i' '

.,1 ,, ... ..iv, ' ii iixi- M r 'I',-- . 1, ' !, . f

SPECIALS TODAYlux ni.ni: iiim.i: ami iti:ii

I im.i; 1 11 t.MI.4.IT III!S AMI (II. hi-I- . Ml j

l'l:MT I II. x

ri wit inns, iihiiim r r. tiAKKdlMT ksv s, 1 i -

' .. V .... k.j.t i;.r.ii,f!i k. ,1 ii ii.t:. n ,. ! i, -





j kl'' ''-- .' ' "'' ' t ' l'l"' I" I 'M .'!!! t!l. :v.;:vCc:r;:la":;t Fioai South DaA- - Fcl4::. -. n l(Ecc" 0:1f th.ft i.i.i

Cost 1 KhAo Wiil be N- -t

Ml: ,1 j 1; I, i .: , it, ,: .,!..:, ' .

.it.- .. l- i- 1.. - t....:.t' I ' I f . ,,(,1. f : , I ' s i

M :. .11,. I I. n. 1 .';:- li .'If

! .ii"iM M . . ,.-- r. . .1 ! k", -

t oltiui I V liank-i- - IM) 'IlilMilr.;. Aj i.l 1 l.-- -l'y !.! r ' f

,fLess Thai SS0D,000, arijf . ,

May f;c Much Create, if Liiil--.t... l...ir. f I',,- -.

'I'll MV .1 k i',iit"ii ix "'-;:- -' w .'1 i.- -t

Kmiiui-- ..jiir IH In ll,.-.i.- iV !iiiik'ti.i. ,A,i;l H.

(!i,iiiin rn. - ! 1.1 i.f (. Am. r. .inKnliiali-- ri i.f ,, i.i.r. m i,.nrn,.. h, ,,

hi.ni.il il In r, t),fal-ii- ' n .ili nI'iilil.u i.f lhtt I. ; , ,,r.

1 1...! :.! 11 I'. :. !",, M ii'i- - - ir 'i. s :. i. M.i . r.un ;.i. 'I

!i - I i.k !...:,! - . : . . I .11- -1

-- -' .!.'.' l.'ll.l..!! - I. -i' ' '( " If'.ll ..- tl.i I ;. lit ll- -- til.::- -'


' ' 11 r Ii .lit . :,.... ,1.- 1-

ill. Mi.rn'i-- J,,nrn ,1 "ih" i .1 ..m. I H irr"'- -' ' Ul' " ' ill. M,.i.l..r J.urn.. l... u,

of I')..- I 2. V. j U .i kt .ii. April 11. lnM.t:ii.- -

,!"' 'f th- .r,.i'.t .,f t!,i- Sniitli l'a- -

ta I, k r.. it l'.i i:.t "Ihn ;,l,mI'lU.--.' is. AlTtl II. kt.!tl.! S cut downI to M,,i,n,.,i ,),i-- , ,:,ix th, k'.mlai J

str.k.. In. is, it i, i'.r.l iMirti. r'.'.i.." ii- -- m)Re.:'! corns dont1.1 !. f;;1.:.l ,h

a;- -, j,. r .'lit ..f th.- - '.r..li.."tn.il i &

.r'.rv.s.'ivri..:'-1'- 1 tire MilsI. ! " II..IV Ml':! 1.. , 1. 1,. I !.v , .,..r..n it r..r,.HURT A BIT!

llnlfiil.i lm.-41'.i- i SirtUi' l . iilr,Luff.. In, N. . .V .i ,; ! i,.i

if ri!',t..rm .1 tu,.t . . '

liii ri.. ttin is,.! I;,, i. ,,, , ,i ,

I'Cilll l.tdt Hl.li'l.lt ... mi. ..ithf ..nil tl,, n..- -. ,11-- 11 ,.f ri,. ,

V uhrm,.iv. I;,. I, ,,,,1... ,,


1 . i.i.i : n -- f ,.'1 r. i irv l.:iii. i.f th-M ,J -- ."! .'I.' I th.i" m. , ',,.., I I ,. ilt,, ;, l!'i" r,..r ih ... tui r t. The liniuirv 1i1.1v

i t. iiil-- il t,. jn . i .'!:.i r . M.-r-- II. '. 1.1 l..!.. h.i I.in- - 111:1 v. aii:::it:,,n ..1 tin- - tr.'tl;. n- - Ig1.1 . - n .

' m I !, vy in, , I" '

.'hi a t" iK llli-ii- t- all si tn, in i.f fV"-- f vmm inywfTr.wwiyTTW'in . v , r j I iii'il, .(! . M' - in I .. I. ( .'i n.. '

nt.it(ill. Mornlnf J.III.H1I m 11 W Ire

' hi -- k . ;i ; ! . i; , ..

' 111 -. i t. ',,,.M h (li , , ... , ,, iiiiii-- . 111.1t r.i'i i,'i- - mill hi 11. - .:lat!n nml a ..f at

Mi.".' -- s .l ,11 i.i 'I ii- - rtlll.i tit.1 In, at a h'h'.I !', a k ,,!'. i 'i,!-tih'-,'

,.,i! t: 11

nl On. .. I,,.-- I ul- 'I i ;i I'm UiikI,

V, f

' 1, I11 ,.ii. - 1.

f.liai I j'.ira tiiii'S t. mint . m- -i h- - wvvwvwvvwwwvI .it h. i.l.i.1 l'i -

w hi- -, I, - ... ..

-II .. I, :.

. mm ,. n

.l'i i --

Uir. ii,. t,-- p.

stair r,:., si;.r 'T S'.inh I a K .ta, tn-j'-

., ii.''t-- Inn him 1h.1t .t .1

1. I rt -- ul itnc .i:!,l hi- s. nt an,! ii"'-:--j

il k-- th:,t h- - " jriw-- "mh h i.i.l a w:i!j I. .ul t.. ih- - aili..t:.'ii ..f mi a,iri..ri .t- -j

r. m, ,!v ,.r wl at-- w r i u n . xii-t- . Mr.l .it,.- - hi hr h.nl tt.1,1 itri Him Ii

t. r- t the n .'.lutl.-- i.f th.. Smith Im-- ita ,1 that 11 it . lit- r.- -l

in!" n,' .1. t u!s. ht- ui.ulil t'lai-ti- th.it


Ai 'lii.u t hitikt rtiii'its fr.iinlai -- r fit tlh 'iiil i.

I Ml1,,. -- - .i. - ami, i. a iiiii..-r'- i) -- ;,.! nfk- -ODIEIED FORM OFr H. St M Grocery:; VV -:- .:A;;. aa ; ; i I haiariy nun ahil ti!h- mi.i- -,

'ill- - , . l s ii -- f tl titM. u .i.

- j in th- - trii;.. has iia.u!i.,l JJ ri ..11 11 I n ,

:T::?n i Specials Today:This n-- ull ini'H ; ; ! J .,

t -- f $lk", hi''..,. Th. f a;.-



fnnh.MM. in btrav. berries 2 boxes tth- - ii'Mi, class (M-- 'i tat;, .11 i.f w lp. i J..m-ti- nt t.i $ I.n. hi. "an a m..nt!i. Ae lOf - 35C Xt r... l.,i t fui n' a ii;.ij"i-:t- "f T

,;ii i... Hii,,i).,i , 3 cans Sugar Corn 25ctn. it- .Mai. tu n i,l m-- aii a s ..I ;f!- - ' ilaily. 0 nin Dnoi.

ttw i.a udtwareir-nr- t j "") ..1 t . ,

(B4flt03 ,j .V' :V'Vf;, A'!

W rA0sllK Ii;;a'-vV:V1;;,a-


i! ! 11 "i,i ' I. . - I S .2 r

v.ll f , mar "r..r' r.K fln4 ' '' " ' ' ' '

Mt!lMMt WI ll, "o.ift.r Sl1 'h'1 i'l- -

tjj lm4 r.4 " r JW?" I '"' '"I'" I.I .1 .:.--- i ". !,.( 11

'ni4 "1.1.1 1' k '..ii K:. ii :t.-- in-- . 1, ul,.. in.

,', mrnJL" . '" It ' ll' I M. M ,. ,,.,1

tin ill. t:i "n whi-- li it wan haw il he.i;t iiitu th.- - hai,,l-- . i f lux ri .r-.- s' iitii-ti- )


"I wi.hhl iii. v," thin inmir- in111 ii r ftitc. wi'i.t.- - ih.- . ir. t.try.

"if it m i.- - i.n., ti i,l 1... ii, I,,ni.ik- - .Mil y. nii c 1. ii,. 11 ml hiih allth- - i.kliti i.f h-- in. .t. mil ri )v ,i.I n t, . 1, ,1 hv r. .... in ihi.. anil jti-- t1. k'uli.t.-i- is .uu! t. ii...-.r- th.- - (f'H . rn.n:-- ni s i'(.ri-!.-i)tati'.'- .li..riply in i...in ir thi-i- ili.ty. hut .,f i.urs... urhitrani.. t i.r tin, in ini.s ai ls iiiu.t h..

11... j; ih,. m.itt.r.l.an- - mill ri.miiliiit.t Hiiaini-- t . niak'fiii,-- . ..ft.-- tiiint- - fr..m 't r.ui.iiH nh,,

lie Hi., law.

25cTh. Aiitu.-i- .hi, 1. w in nr.

a. liZt'Tu- ha.'i Nice Bananas, doz. 30c th- - l uialli-,- . a? t.i ish.ih.r lh. y 'X

v .it.- - U At-- ) Puiiiuuvs Ji lt,'vr,V.ink Fe.Aie ,f (Hlah'iin.i!

Lua I. A, D.ll pKv.IJi for ' y, , S.I tf....i I, . ., ,. .,. linns th.MM it".:.- r.c'Onn, r.- fii- -t Inn. m, T!X V...1

'II in r :. !- ,- i .. .' h.t - : , ,. n...r 1. - ...t, Ii?,,!

link. i,n,i,iM.,r,;,. ,f:A Genuine Mocha andar- - i.. ii, g mail.- - t.i i.htai r. t nV ' l.ll MM, I,,, y ,:,, Java Coffee 2 lbs. 85ci a m th Hlrikf n;i, n', ,. 'I,.',i ft , .,,,' .1 n.r Mi- - 1: T, ".I...- i.f I', hi: ....

I; ' m "" f " - r a- (j t

t I 'i-- i, . i. t -- n, !,. ,1. I I..-.- , . ..1 n.i.k h, . V,.,... K .... , j,

'I' 'p Hi, in iv! hi- - 1. !.M,,t',- - tun -i s. . , mm . . (,

ill. M.irnlm ,in il lxi.nl w Ir. I

i.;..' i v lli'k.' lit, ii )m aal : a- in -- siiip i'ai't as it W"i:!. ...tl!' "p th ij

I r. i ;.i.ft i.r.l imp. It trail,Mar.v Hiifkni'i) ar- - ) ith.lr ,). ia- - I

ili'-i- niiiiiry frimi kaii k. l atiks. X

Toilet Soaps, 15c CakeToday - - - 10c


SEVERE EARTHQUAKE.. tl,, ..ill III-.. h,i..,,,: Vim! II li,i,.hfl-- ,t 'H'h.lil

f.,i ,,, I ,.,k , ....... ... ..1. ',..,: m"'" I ''I I I '. ' 'il'l I'l.-r.- i m . , 1

' - f .'ni', I , ( .1 , I .4j . , j j I ' H I lit I. - Ulf Mi! I Ml !,.., s. Ul t

.1 .1 i. .titu.v..: I , ip !tu',it,!i o. ,. t 1 1 '1111,' ii'- - t ' -r '. 11.

'riu.in . f m.. ,m .in.l nr- -it 1' I t ,:..".It - :,. I:!'.:.!IM' If., -I - , I , -

! Only On,. UI'.flMO Ql IMr:" Fresh Fruits and Veo- - iVpi-i- l I2.A,, That , I.AXAT1VK !l:i.',!. QtT-i- J olllinrto Id..T..I -- mlsj Ia-.- k for th- - Msrr.atur,. ,.f K :J IStJieS, UlVCllS, J

Salt I ii kr ill. IlHli.1. .1 I .',;:: !! . I' lit". !.. I! th. I . .'.I; 11. it -

'' '' I'll M " IH' Mm !' IM : ,,( ., ' rthnaak,.I.

It .' ll

I - )V n . x i, i i, i,, ,., I,, r,. :,t l j,i W. i;r.i''K. Cores a 'i i.i m i ine liay.N' - ' ' ' - - I, r i.i

7K. urnl ih iei ..hgt., ...U .'k...,i il. ....t,

".l!'.!. ilr W. k la.Iwi.l, .1 Itiaa ll. . ink h iUtil IHi,

S' 'I i i '" li - l'i. ill i.

th:..11... 1.III1V , .f,f .if Dl -

" Ii' II- - lafki' it. Ihi- - lal, I, . y.ui inakito llll.- - III. III. I,,.,i liter,, j, , .luul' ...ii tt .in . uh, - ... ( aii'l it..

. ll . an ( ..i.l-.-ni-

Vtm lli..n.r, l"f,,ji,... N. .

your orders; we can saveycu money.

h ,.r.s Ur.p in io I..ys. i'j- -. :

fIt. Mini. J

"nil, I j'lkt tlivuKht Z




I, I' .1 Hi -- I,' -- t ,l. ' t,, l; I...-' I .i.l h . a ... .I- -), mm1m h "' "i ' I. ! I., r .'1 I'.. I I ,!..!.

-i I.i. I i. It h. r. t k";c !:. -' - .1 III, ! Dl. :

'' ' i. .1;'. ..f hank il..- -

I' '". i "t -f ti- - . :.- h ir... it . f a! '! " !' li. ,i, 1. ,.n in, t,t ..' i"1 '"!- - .1.4 .! I -- m. , v I,. i, a 1,. iik- '! - ' l' .1. ..

tliw ti..rnltik' T. 1. pin. n.- - ..p-- ra .,ntin' fit'!)) fl.,.V -- f tti.- - t. nt- - hiaihl.Ir.k th.t t'".-- ,r tr.. risn. n t. t .

. r. r,,i k. .1 I th. f..i, i.f th-t- ..Tr-- ,, ,', ,t. h, i ,.( tl,,. i ir...

k.iii f h.'rt 1. i- i- miri.ail i, ,un.-,- l th.,ith, .h.i, k f.iis th!,,ii(rh..!it )h-- '

l, l. tin.

I. fr i i.l KA'i L K

a.'Kil.tf .M'll til fiX thl- fh li. pipis f.,rI l.,.,ll.......',..M,t i,.,; i r.-.N,M I,- , ,,,,,,,.1 ,., ,,. ., ,, J .mi a . 'nthti'. t


,.,:, it , ;h;jt Phone 94-2- 11 W. Central II i'!.i. r. I k ... 1:,, u. 1 IV M'. II ... ,,,,1.,,,,,; "Just thr. n li ..t. K .kp . iuf n a . rII .ail a

I: !'- -I "... ,, , .1 !. h- - !,, I;, - I,, i, ,1 - . t l

'I . ii I i ,.t ..; Hiii-- h tn. j"V' r Ih.i !.'. t,i!"'.-H!.- . i -- :!.! - j.,i,l i!i,i!i...t,tli'!v, "! 'ii i.M,- ...

r ...i rr,, 1.,.: II:- - I II.

t h- - .... .!!.."..ii,.w ot qui. Iv 1,1 ...1 vitye ...... n

I , ;. I III, i , .

' I

".III till". It. lit-.- . M,.,,,,.I A tri. n

!.""!-- .' I. T',. l:.,'..,!'" A'A V'".hI tii.fe lirf ).,' iT-- t,. '...(,, ,

Uq i,a cv...., ri., 11. $1 m, $t

"'" i'"-'- '" Hi.- M- -i. ., ti i.fth-- ' .! f ::: i n .,,::. I,, a tl. at

I I... ... . ... :' '" T' ,I ' h I' IM . '.it! I,:.,,,

,- ' ' ' ,. . , . . ... ' I .'::.! i . i !: t It1,




' -- '' - Ih,) ,1. MI..),, ' -.l - u... .:..:..'ll.h -: ;, S., (M , (,(" l a .aft i'.- .in,.: "' - - l'lilli-,- 1 ,..l.,l, fil- -t t:-- -- lis as. ,i f.,. i; a

il. 'l- - "'!'!. V.. I.. f.-- .,... I, " .,:. f '"' I" !'- - !., ,,, ,l. , ,... ... ;,.: , j,,., ,., ,.,LUIV1BER lass-Pai- nt

Cement-Plaste-rAlbuquerque Lumber Co.

423 North Firt Street

I :m ,.'!., i j., ,.. ' .ii.l : '.. ' ' " '' "- -'' tl a - ..(. -.I I'm, ,, c .,, I I,,, ii1 ' fI: it I i'. i .11. - ; i n h, ,r ir

h" in ,n .fa, t , r. h . th::: ., th.h. 1. a 1: :. - i .. f ...

t iirn-ii- l I i.iinii.' H' h - .- i;..;f," hv w...-,it,.-

w, n

h 1 hiif Ki.on-n- y J'1. i'a':l',,.h

"H" I V..i, tha ,. I 1',ih ." ril Ha. Ma.

'l h- - H ainan i hv T. K.) -- it

'I'M. K - th- - llljil. ' I ) J .in... IV:;.II.' li"" t.. a C in r ii.ii,-- !

..,,! it.,., m , ,,t..Th- - 1: . : ..h, - ,.f . - .y

l'h :I .li.i-- r K ; ,.' y'v -- l ! T.-- i tn,- - y V. H Tit)

- ('.in irii;..!i Kia,n:i, r.

illTrv a Jnurr.ai Want Ad. Rpults. I'l h Liih.'.l . - ' i"'ia , t .. ,., I.,-- .

h S. I.liM. M A...... .,, !,.. ,,'.,,.- - ,, ,.,. ' a : I i i t I ..' r S t, f - i a)..i i l,ii,,iv ti. ,, i. v

a a i. til', v...ru! 'i-- i- tli)

laU'.f ,- 1- II K.'la : a . f tt-- . 1:1.11.'.'. i" ."..a- - a I

; : a . i: t a h I k ii

v. h. II it j It th- - tn l ti

kill v. , i ... ,, Start a Postal Saving M:r;:V,;,y,;r:n';l,(.am' ,l"COLONIAL DIES mCTSWiliiams Drug Co., 307 West Central

sk. I,, m nils run:

I ' .ii : m -- ', lh, ... ..

at ,.- r I...V. -- I l

Mi. i) v

I'., ',.-- . . ...I. '". :. ,v.'I'l. ih, -- .tit .hitr.-- tri.t ..i, .,srI.I I.l.-!- .

j lh,,la

St. "'t h. ...!,,. ,i. i.u-v- i..

ill th- - f. ii.t. i: . '.ti.s-ia- t v (,, ,. ,,--

.ll.lti.,11 f am . !,,. y ,, f,,,, J,.,;- -la'.i.n.

ROGERS DRUG CO., 212 W. Central, Phone 132IrOM chLwih'Pcsults fromjournaUVar.tAds



IN THE WORLD OF SPORT' Ti i loi v ,i ml . :..'i ii lilt.--

:... I,, t - v; fin,-- l :: t 1 iv..

nu: Mi l i. M i;m i'.

Nov. York. Api il II. Toppor, firm;nt hi, I. ir, I xpot to Jiilt, tll.Witi l.; ..

Tin-- I'd in. Spot, $ is !', u pi ,u;Apitl, IS n; ;i 4 '.i .17.

I.. .i.l- sto.i.lv: 1 :to i, ui.Sp. ltor - Woiik; $.'i.7.".'.i ,',.s"..

.11 SI, 11,1 V llll.l llllrll.i II", il.

Hunt Hntto fop. Mlni I :

I' llllkllll ,

I II nil V t 'oils, lllil. , toil '.'

OlMllllV ( '.tllMollil.it I'll !

i ; i vi no i ',, na hi m ; 4j

Islo 15.. VI. Ill- (l 'opp, I :'li l4

K.ir I .nko :t i,I'lko l'op,, ,,I ii Mill.' i 'opp. r . 4 'sM Im ml ( '..pp. r :' .', '4MohitM,N, :nl. i i 'on- oh, it. , ; i

.VipH iin- in, s n

North Hull. ::,ii,o l.llko 1

il.l I ,ln ll !,, M (",' oo oil ... in





Oitie.is of United Stales in

Pent Towns Ask That Wai-shi- ps

be Sent for Protpvtiou

Fioni Violence,

llv M it rill OS J.lilrtlll Klf ltd I r:li'il tVir.A. .II. 't nit r., r .1, t , II II. III

mi'": her.- or so.,m, n .1. c.v..iii!.hn- -

Ii .1

Calif, rnia leoiltod t...st fioni A mil i,- 'i mm nt

.V.iwil Inn thot a I ui-- er ! .1. laded i

..jri,, ,,,., IV. -

no.- in sum n hum' risiiiii"! in cuntI., has down tlio ti i st ooiisl, uinl a.



. . , I

Junioi s-- St niOi s Ne itiv Ti nn-- p

slum-.- . .ii ... ii

Mip.-- lorSup. i or I', M in '

'I'h hi. H i. kt '. S Sin , l;. t ,v V, ti 41 i4I S. Sin . K. f A Ai Pi pi I

1,1 h I '..II 'oll.l.ll,I I, ih t '..ppor o

ll.i.ti.i ... .

oh. in,,. ... ,,,, i.".

Hit u.o l.o nu or 1 1; x i l : .

i 'hi, an,,, A pi il I I 15. .i:ni'li,,n of"pi iiu who. it .'o.Iiik; ami 1,1. n I ioii- -

'lit ioi.s in ih.- ttinoi li,,it i rop lli"Pol ,to,l t,,,'i im.,iiit alu,s Tin

, " " 1 'IM'1 thoiihum in Annual mr ti.r hip-- n..m hi- -

Game With Profcssois ivjtXT'Z



n enit'ssii'ti is Belize, Hie

l.,!i;:t'!y to New Oi h! iiuis t.f

Many Additional Serin itieb

at limine and Ahio.nl,

(lit M.irl.iiiu .l,.lirn:lt rMtr-l.i- I t ioe.1 U reNow Vol I,. Api il 11- - Tho in n, oi

pi n os hoi .im.- more ,1, fniit, .,,tnon tho -- l, k . v, iniiuii' toil.tt,

Ti.oliis iippoiir. il I, i ho I, . linn th. --

ta In tho Ii.... ii itmu niai'iur tt In. hi ha- - . Iiara. tofi.o.l iloa linns nil I hi oukIi

tho woik hut tho oo,:o loi.a I npt urnsof Hi.' last l.",v Mats wore IIIOSlllLl Inilat ami th,, nnilt-rton- ti,,s oois.- -

llMtt. I'llloll I'll, ili.', lio.l.lllllt., hu h a Ih t A tnn In. i mat,-,- ami

Mi, in ,ai tniilar w .to iloprosso,). amiIn , .minion with oilier Import. tut isMlos nolo foreeil ilmvil I to 'J .

t ..l , Ceiili.il ami Ha II ini'lo .V.

i h i. . ton, h, lo w low n tees loi' tieI ., r.

It was mlioeal'lo lhal ks ofe,, l.olatlons will. Ii hate pill out Hew

- in s of s... in itn-- or al , I'oliei oil tol,o . ontoinpl imm sin li a. ti, oi won

. . i us, o pi iiio in pio.iiii'. Tinsaill. Inr, n Mole .(( UolK 111 lllo hor.ilin n k.t, A i mi, or that a m w lie of

I .N'eiv oik lilt h oil. W is In he I, I't oll'lllon was s U f III t depless two ofthe nit landnii; i i to lit tt low

He. -The lame olllpllt of soellllti.s of 111.

week and reports that mailt other no-

tations are peiidini; "Oolh al Inniie anduhroinl. consiitutcl perhaps Ih,- - mostdirect Influence In themat lo t, A coo, I deal of intention wasHiton to the plot. aide elf, 'it of sucholfellnys mi the nu, in t niaiket. undIn some oual tei s there wan a dlsposl- -

III. till pies... He Was on Mai .1.1 el t M' '" N. IfT lo- new i i on sul toi o,l s.n no he .is In it ! i;'l" '"

made an .ninii ::, t.ihi ol .nor then;t tv i.tinl".

W 'II to hull' oe. io iouoil t do fl-- hlhe-,n-

. . , , . ,,

i r aa i

cv pio or ii to 17Ii'i.1 - olo of lo I 7, 1. pi '

,1""is of h., unit .1 .lit la, u Ii t ilth.ir nl. nit j to' ooir.o l..i.-;i-

da t ' ion, n, v, Io n in a ii in.Im:- - I.. i II I. tied on 11'" t..inp,:s tinili i oi. il.-- Hi,, jri'lnr s. ntol- ,r-:- ;n .iitiioi ith ,i lil.ri.il .im. inn! ui i i i i I

Tin' i.i.t w.ih tho iiiiiiii.il Aii'i'i i

!" I .m.l it iln w n l.i u.- rro. oimini, nu mill iiit.r.M.'il spool. Mors

I lit- U.I lllo inu lit t l! lit I'O ',1

('nun ,K of i i r i. s. as in spli, t s on In., hSNl.-- I IV 111, I 'll.- insto.1,1 of tho , v.

A hi to tho 1 . in. .nitan ovt i n I,.ih ,!' so. n!vas. Tho ron -

Pt.ti'.fs i The mi i., ui',, at the laud ., i .(" 'o .

close Was Si- lower to ', hh;h.i''ttith Mat on tin- low side Coin made Kansas t'llv I Ite-loc-

a lot cam of , I.. ", .i i ,. oats w ,r. liii'-'- i ''lit, A i nl II- Catile I:- .-

inu liaii'-'- i il tn Co liiihi i, and pi ot - ' ' ifl- - tmladni; 5".i soiitheins:Stolis title UP It lo I , C.I in .11 Let M.llili to f'tl'lil'. Nalfo

uiott felt for ...in,, nn..' I.e. in-- .- '! 7 '.e 7.'.; .uilhoin sti.ts,of th.- i ,d, it. all, .1 whl. h mad ;?'.''" s 1111 Muitlniii . i.w . and h,

w henl si .ti in; Impt.s' ddo, t s, $ I ;.o i 7 li t It e cow s a ml hielided t'l.i wll.'ll r.'p.'l'll lllll.i j el's. X 4 7 .! S.'.ll, st oi kel s ami to, this,

Ihat I ho weal In r was . I. i r mnl w.ii in N pi; .'.'a T .". i alt .s,ei mnl licit actual Iln; had ' :. 'i :.: w.-le- iu whii,Tin to w a lit lo I. ii U. in oa i It pn. .s j I.".. l rn cws. I '.( ' i 7 .'..

oil np.ilt of ,,olt .ihs hill t, lo- - lit. IS He, elpls ;i,7"u, 11 I K.--

action came pr..mUh ami pi I, cs ' ' i ''' hicle r Hulk, Js :n, a :i I .".;

tllele ifl,! V.olo alttats I.eli.W Hi, !lu alt. It.tn.li S.IMt; I'.li kllH llll.ln i linn; ht. I. I'l llli.il'. loo,, pis of hlllehtls, si(i I'll... 111.. 111. l .'. 'U

wheat w.io 4 I , mol s .miiut ' !' pv.-- . S 7. 7 ', s. '.o.:',;ii,iii hii.li, s a tear ami s,,i.i Shi p - . i . ; - H.iU'O: mat Lethoaid ihar. s of wheat and flour,""' 'k to e low. r. Miiilous. J iiii.io,liallo,1 Ml' linn Im h. Is 17,1',. Colorado l 111 ". I ..'.0 l 00

'I in . mils,, of tin was ii nl n'. I "tit'e it.lhiis and $.i.r.li-.-

lit 1' :.,,it'.i; pin "has . , l t . Son, lain;,' . w , s, $..:' r 7.00,hut I i lot I' s w l o sea l oo , "f alt, r- --

W a .1 i had a Il.l d f lo Itllil I!'. 5 hut i .

. ton on Ihe .lo. Inu Til" lose, h.'tt- - 4

1, p; ,n ,, mi Koiill mil' l, f t In- st n

th,. prols h ,', nit; an ouihi-- i an.nJ,"'l,a,l in tho f'll'lh in n n I'll,' .Initio!-- .

iNi mors, hot-- o or, s . foi m ini.tlt mnl nlli Ininiiys, mi, tin!

Hon to look for i. n. wed tension Ifjniand. In Id slcidaio.lioalioiis f ir n.w- eanllal Pile lip'io

Standing of the Clubs

NATIONAL I I'.At.l i:.

Hub. WlUI. Lost. 1. t.

Fusion , . . . 1 .linn. K n , . . ... 1 ..".(HI

Philadelphia I .:,oo

'lilt ilK 0 .miiiSI. Louis 0 .nuoClmjiinutl 0 .000'itlthl!'i;, 0 .oho

New York o ,ouo

ami.kican i.i:a;ii:.Club. Won. Lost. 1M.

S' I .i ll - 2 l.no.iPhiladelphia 1 l.oooWnshiimtou 1 l.nuoClolelllllll I I iioiiI hl' MK ' " .000Foston 0 .oooN. tv York 0 .OUU

p.liott 0 .llOH

i. ii ic ( o.wr i.i:(,u:,I'luii. Won. Lost, pet.

!.!. Aii;:i'a . T 4 ,t;::r.i ., Ii i;i lid ... . . : . ii .Portland . . . i; i .i;no

S.n ii i: .. ..4 ii .0i: i . i ii im ii i . . :i :. .a;:.Yoidce .. 7 .K!

ni:i:i: tiidy ri. y touw.i i I i i i i : i I 1,11154110.

I'.i s;.,n at Now York.Hiouklyn nt Philadelphia.I'itlsl ui Mil nt ( 'il.rinnati.St. I.o.ils nt Chl.-n;;.,- .

Ann ricitii 1

chieavn nt Cleveland,polroit nt St. l.oul-i- .

i 1: i i li n lit I'.oston.Now York ut Washington

n ation vr, i.i:..r' !' '

No Laiii(s were nlat eil vest, nhiv In'

111.- - .N'ntioiial nil iu'eotnu ofrain or wet k rem ti. Im. J'it tutui iRh in

sohernil. il to open tho hoiisou toilay't t'n" i n ;

ami.kkan i. i:t.n:.

M. I onis, H; IX'iroll. U.

SI. l.onis. Mo., April 11. St. I.ouisanil Ihtroit riiKamal in h slum; in- -,

mi. toll li ila.v, the locals winiiint;, I"(1. St. l.ollis piioil Ui a Kooil leail illHie six! : , si orini; five runs, lietroitkno, keil Miiiniltun out "f the hnx Inihe eighth, si or in 5 two runs off loursin essive .sinyli'H ntiil ;i wild pitch.Ilauiiii,-ai'ilii- i r, who relieicil Hamilton,was tmstcaily. ( 'rawfonl'.H hitlini; nndYitt's lielilini; wi le the features.;S. i, re: li. 11. K

Detroit lOn L'"0 0- -1 13 3

St. Louis 200 10.7 00. S 14 2

lailtrrii's: Klawiitei-- , Hal an, Hon-loa-

llaiitilton, i'aiiiiiKariliU'l- mnlKticw.Suiiunary Ttvo-lms- e hits Wil-

liams, I'ruwToiil, liniiinr. Three-has- ,

hit Louden. Struck nut Ky Ilamil-toi- i,

Z; ,y Klawlttor, I!. Mils ofi"Klawltlor, i:i in 7 inniims; off llnni-ilto-

I'l in 7 inniims; off llauniKal'd-ner- ,1 in I innings; off Hall, 1 in

innitiK. stolen liases 'Shotten (Ji.Johnston. Lelt on ha.-e- Ii;

St. Louis, S. Time 1 :."..". ITnpircHIII, h i, rami .Mnl Kvali.s.

( leiclaml. :!; ( lili ao, t.I 'let eland, (i., April 11. Yean

r.riMK wan it puzzle to 'Iuciiku'k pluclihiltei'H today and I'levelanil won tin'oponiii'.; Kanip of the wnsnn here,to 1. A conihinalioii of hils anil er-

rors Have Clevelaiiil a two-ru- n leadin the second Iniiiutf, nnd they neverwi le headed. JackHoll, I'leycland'Hstar hatter, made two dotihlen and atriple in three times lit hat. Cieotto,who replaced Scott for Chicago In theseventh, held t'levi'land hi loss.ThrealcnliiB ruin clouds mid H chillyliree.i failed to dampen the ardor ofthe opening (lay crowd of 14, ooo.

Score: H. II. K.I'letelan,! OL'O 100 OOx 3 C, 2

ChhiiKo 000 OUO 001 1 7 '1

llatleries: (IriSR und Land; Scott,'icotte and Schalk.

S n miliary Two-h- a so hits Jackson("', Mattiik, Collins. Three-has- e

hit Jackson. Douhle play Chap-man to I.njnle to Johnstone. Stolenhas. Lord. , Hits off Scott, (I in ti

.irinitiirs; off Cicotte, 0 in '1 Innings.Struck out lly 1ivkk'. f; hy II;

hy Cicotte. 4. Left on liases Cleve-land, '1 ; Chica,i;o, . 'J'imi 1:41. em-pires O'Lounhliu anil Ferguson.

I'iiilailclphla at JPiston, postponed;lain.

( w York nt WashinRlnn, post- -

polled; rain.


At San FranciscoScore: K. IT. K.

l'oitlanil .OKI"'n kla nil . i 7 1

Mattel ies: Haei iinin, Carson andJ!orry; Christian anil Mitze.

t Los AnKoles' core: U. IL K.

V.tnice 1 6 3

San Francisco " 14llatleries: HaiknesM and Tonnu-lna-

FanninK and Siieneer.

At San Franciscos:orc: r. . E.

1os Anweles 5 10 2

Sficrarnenti) 4 s 2

Hutterlos: Chech, Toner and Holes;Uhorts and Bliss.


At Kans-a- s City; I.unisville, 2;

( At Miltiauk, 'ION .1. poMpomd;I Hill.

l M illl,'U po In. linn. I" p. .si- -

poind, ml Kt i .Is.i

sornii i; ii:.rr.At 'll.itlllllooi;.! ( 'liuttii 110015.1,

Atl.Ull:!,At j iihiikIi.iiii llirminuli.iiii 4 ;

Nnshi lllo. ::.

At Mi . i ".M. iiii.lii 4. Mont-- I

KunuTv, 1.At N. w i i l. .ins: Mol .Now '

Oilcans, II.


oi i i i'.si iti i., J..It Niu hiillc, Toiui, Ltd

vr.-lt-y. II; X": ml. t Mil, j




Califoinian Outfights Geoi

Roclell in Ten Rounds at New

York; Foreigner Takes theAn,,, Clrvlt T:.,,o "IOUU I Ulv-,11- 1 I II I It Oi

(FIT Mnrnln .fonriml Hprrlnl 1 fai.f.l WlrrANi'W Yolk, April 11.- - C.lltlhoat

Smith, the ( 'iiliroi'iii.i ho.iv weight,oiitf.iiii.ht i;...i'.:e Ko.loii, th,. . , i

pii-lli- in ; i t. . onto- - t . i .

tiiliinlit. The fun i. n lighter put up a

Itaine haltle, mun to the fiooi' oil, hilimes on Sd iih's hnnl piinopes hutreiiuuiii'.; tlio liulit en. h time.

Koilell in lOilll oil lllo ViMiolllor intile first three rnnii'l- - ami tli.w t,o, il

from Smith's not- ami anoilh In Ih,opi'ruiii4 r, mil, I.

I.., .ti. i oi oi ,1 in., oi... in , ii.. i, ., :,.,,, .,,, ,,, jn ,,,,. , ,,,, ,,,,

fmk a ooiii.t ,,f nine from a




The ITlit elsily of . W Mexico'shas hall leant is in uri at torin for Ihef i fry this afternoon with the Indianih'ol aU;iei;alton al Association

park. Loth teams have had a h'li'time for ttr.'iet ice, l.ut the universityl.eui-fitc- l.y this inure than th"I'lat.'S. The nine men who will caperahoui the lot for the Indians todayhave seldom all appeared on Hi"tralnlni; field at Ihe same time. A '

mil,! epidemic of mumps lit the s, Poolintoi'lored with team praolioe. It honly within the last week that nil "fthe players KlaP'tl for the first teamline he, 'ii uhle to work at the samelime. The came Is lo Mart at "





In a prat-ti- e name played yester-day afternoon at Ass." ialam park, theSt. Mart's team won from the HUhschool as. I.a II ti am y a col e of I

to II. Heavy hittim; and f ist llelil-Ill-

enahle.l tile SI. .Mart's hoys to an-nex the lope; elal of the S ore. Tilll.nlioiios utiv; SI. .Mart'.-- llarlh.Koniero mm Kill, n'loiise. h illSchool - llm't-.o- t d, Cl.rr.inl amiTha-hiry- .



Tiuiioriow I'lerionn at A socio linnpark, the Santa Fo Appientiees willtin t t Hie Ci'iilials. The name isscheduled In Halt at J -- n. The Ap-

prentices have lien piact,'inu allweek mid expect to trim ihe Centrals.The railroad Imts hate played onegame this season, that with tlio Alhu-(liiiriiu- e

t'olts, which tint Ini--t l.y a

score of 1 4 to !i,

New pictures. riiMinie-Crtsla- l.



Kmplnyos or the Fiircl Sett ice willclash tomorrow afternoon at l':.Tn

o'clock at Luna park with the lvi.r-pinize- d

Ilappt Co-Lai ky l.acoall !

HieMation. Tin- - Karne prolliiscs to hean interesting- ono.siiiie many ol thel'orest Service playeis an- former col-li'-

stars. The Happys. as Is wellknown, constitute one of the stt onc-

ost m s '!i tliccity.




San Francisco, April A K'milf-rnari-

of this city, won a ih imouover Jack Lester, of CI" l':l,lm-Wash.- ,

in a four-roun- d hoxinw coo-tes- t.

.V ... -No lisliins.

The Sunday school was l.elnu uues-tiolic- il

nl.,, lit Xoah and his vtitnia-i-

the ark. ".Vow," said the teacher,"what (h you children think Noun

did while he was in the ark will nil

those animals? How did he poss his

time?""Praylns." sunf-'csti'- il little

thought Hairy."Huh:" snorted Willie, who sat e

him. "Twoiild !' one nshlnwith only two worms, wouldn't it?"Metroiiolitan M.iKiii'.inc.

1 .41 'IS M'l l l l Ii.

i I... in April 1- .- I., a.l. I';rii,, i',t S,o, si, a,l ,

WW I U I 's'i't K K M HKI1- -.

( hi. .i:a. I lio-dir-

( 'IK l".o. A '! 11- -1 '.1 -

ipt: ,i',"i ir -- ' I. ;n os,dr. - '.' To.i" ,'oois $,, si,:, 7.:("l

: (. Ii. I, ii a ' ', sla.'Uoi s li mlI .i.'i 1n i a 'n v n ; , .m s ami hell s,j Im a a , , os i , mi

I ii.,H I.III'M Ml., !,ot.', ",' hl. 'i.'l I ..lit, NU. '. ,1 It !n.$ II 'a t " in. il. K'l.iHH Ji; pll,'." J ', hi - .7 ' i '.( 2 , ;

loiifh, ', ;, 'o s.'i.,,Sho, p la-- n '..ana; m,,i ki-- t

i, .' . a I " it . rn,,i I, u s, iii. 7 .i ,i t ;,it,

; ,. 'j l' w toi n


I National Foundry& Machine Company.

General Foundry Work,Iron and Grass Castings.


J Alhuqucrquc, New Mexico


Hudson for Signs

Wall Paper

HUDSON Fourthfor Picture Street andFrames Copper Ave.


Lumber, G!ass, Paintsand Cement



& Mill CO.

M0G0U0NStiirje and Aulo line

i m .

Lean-A- Mlvef Cilt--- a, ru.it i M ol4.illi.il - 1 p. in.

.ca t e Moi.ollon - 7 a. in..'write Silt a r ( 'in -4 p. in.

Spi .'Inl t'lii' on l.'eipiesl.Call or A. I, In-- -: 4 . W. Marilell, I'rop.

Siher 'ilt. . M.

P. .1. .lohii-oi- l. Ai'til.


SwSFipN andailifclm ,frfu Discharges !n I

JWf )?''h J2 HOURSV II"; ti fi sXC ' lnii.....lflt.'l,. ?

i ""r,"r- - "f.

I A Hr, ('KT4I oiiii' fbr Hitfimm HI JJtVtR IMOWM TO FAtl. IH.iJjj g1 for $I.(MI Ht HI on If ifti, to t.e p,: t MI lti ii r. ilfxf-1- Sbhi.1-- ' n. If Vnur apitil ii Iju wS

Sold in Albuqutrqut fry J, H. Q Ktilli 0 C


r h1 A .'l'il Amk .n.r Mriiaul.t l,,r A(S !,!.', A li.-- . h.,.r' I'lti.t. nt. J Tit

'J-- i '?V I'Ul.li' li-- '"' .,' ...n.lil.VV1V ' tlll Hin. kll,l..n. YM V V, 'l'l.o mi I.II.IT- ll.tr ..r y,i.rnr l)rti,:al.i. A I il ill i III s i r

l,v uniiiiMi uiiixn I'ii.ia (u. in.,yfan. m, mi. s e. Saint, Alw.vt K.li.l l.r MllBBmWilSlSfVmnHIBR


Paints, Glass, Cement, Roofinjand Builders' Supplies. '


tWilll .llnllcill nnnis tl 11 II pnn,a111 IV.

An olllri.il ini.iiir ivpiiri ir..n mioo-- v itno s of tin of 'i'ihio"il.ii::o! i ii:r'. ;:.i h th.it tHo Auk rir ins i r.

jiiinnk. Tin' moll ,uo s.ilil to hat.-h s,, , h,. hi, r of i,. ... I' .n

is. .in.' liiiio Ii i Mat ...ii on tin- - I a 1 oti . v 1,.., t.... ,. ... 1.1..,, ,i,l ,,,il ...1 w

,1 l.y tho pi, III Moi, ailv., t, is of Amoi loan t hips of nr. Al

a ' poi unit , I 1, on silole l.'iitchad i', il citeii strut upli r' to main-lai-

llii lllllV li'll i i, II'-- .

Int, si Iua I mil ol the fiiht hilweotitjie hill, j o ki ts and MeMcaii i;oti-da- l

im s discloses that at an early hourIhe police attempt, d to ipiiet a coloie-in:- : pit rly. Th, ir action was re-"- i

lite. hy I ho Aniei can se uiieii, and,i fr-- ht

, u s , il.So fir It is tod i . Main w hi, h side

find the first shots. The sillots iter,on siinr" leave. 'I he I'.nll. s of the twokilled Aim I'lc ins h ,to eu remoteilto the cruiser, The Anient mi r

a ml Maatl n atilhoi ithpromptly xehaii- - etl n uiets.


ci!iT 1 1. riioi'.r or km i inc.

W. shi'-- i toil, Apli! II.- - The attoii-lio:- i

of II. o slate ilep.iil nt, which! lately has li. n lit.-i- to a tivalioiispiohleiii arlHlnir fiotu the wouniliim olA no I h an so 1. his a n I ot her Ann ric.li, Illens :i m p; tin M, l, an wasdin tied tod iv to the S' lions situationivsnltii.:; from the s'atim; of a petitof fi. or a ml a sa ih.r mil th" 1'nitodStales i miser Califollila at (lll.lt lliasi hmlos 1 1. Tailor, i i.nsiil ir iitjem atlu.r, p., s. In leportnn; the ihaths to

tlio department, 'aid a Mrl t lnve-tii;.i-- ;

;. m was I,, in - mathThe shootin ; w as ih.i.e hy the i hh f

of pols," ol ua t a ami as A nu i i

c. n sailois t;t,iii.; ashore In a fonluncountry invarlahlv ko un.iiiii d. offi-

cials lu re w ill in-- i. t that the ( Ileumsialics of Ihe slatin.; ho prohoil to III"

ottolll.If tile M' Nil all atltllol'ilies an- - lilia-- l

!o to sho-- that tin ic was pr.noealionl"i the action of the allied po'leo,i nui : con-ciii- i ni i s mat ensue. It w ispt Intt'il out that Ihe iltiiiide kl'lin'ii.i-;h- l e taken i.s an I ml o allou of thein.nl ipiai ,. of Ho- pi t cut cot . rntiioiiland hate w h. n the I'nitedstales itiv. ts furl her consul, ration totile lleslit'll of I'oCOKIlit ion of theH in rla MU i l nun nl.

William Wallace Collies, seaman,and John Chase Klesow, liisl i

at aim-- , wot e the two nullkilled in the al Ciuaymas. LearAdmiral Cow h s report. l to the navtdepartment laic today hy tt h ch ss vm

the Sail I hem, station.( 'ci ries ncai isl I'eiat.ve s A. S. .1.

Con ies, oi' Los AliRchs, I 'nl. He hadst rvt d in Ihe navy two tuns, K I.

s neai est ivIatlM- is his father,who litis in San Lianiiseo. lie hailkeen In the nity eleven tears. I'.olhmen had ixcelleiit records. AdmiralCow I. s reports ll'i'v were not li'tolt Inhe ll'J'.'ressulS i:i ii strict fiRhl.

There haw cell I'l plllt'il (IH'I ay --

of a lean feclini; nl some ol'

Ihe Pacific purls of .Mexico of late. A

few weeks aKo. wlvii talk of Interven-

tion was at its InUht, two olli crs of

the irui.-v- r li.'iivir w ore assiulti d

while ashore nt Cuayiuas and on an-

other occasion when the navy had or-

dinal ihe li. nter to another port,atili-Ain- it an f.-- linir was runiiint: so

slron:; that lor orders were onllnler-mntid',- 1

and,.' he remained to protectAmericans and oilier foreinners.

A full r pott of the invostinalloli ofIhe affair hi Admiral Cowles will

naolt Hie naty ih part uieiil shoitly,and what is lo he done ahoul the lat-- .

si atlai k then will lie dci'lih ,1.

lil.LSIIW II l SIM.I7 11Hl toltl IN NAVAI, SI IIVK 17.

San Francisco, A in II 11- JohnKli.'.otv, the San Fiaiii'lsco marinewlui win killed at Huaynias, was a

native i f this , iiy, ,'!7 years of hko.His father is a lellred si a caplaln.

Kpsow was a letir.tii of Ihe Spani-

sh- A nu th a n war anil was ileeoiatedfor hi. i very on tin- lii lil. His rciurdin I hi- iiat.t wis a splendid one. ad

In en on the cruiser Californiah'sK tha n a .tear.

Neiulihoilv I'laiils.l licit you piani .tooi iiuie

In the spritiR,To Ihe planlinn of it. wnin'

I lisiTotinii hrinK.pon't plant pussy-willow- s near

The llok'tt ooil, please,'llioimh tis sate lo nine (.. ' um o' a

Near the peas.The 1 V's cousins arc the


Ami Ihi- shepherd's sprout w ill flourishNear the Phlox.

I'll snuircst that ragged, rohinMariKohl,

Ami .lack-ln-lh- pulpit's feeIP' wealth untold.

Follow Hies" diici lions closely.For thi' Mowers

Ni eii con5diial mati s, as well asSun ami showers.

Jessie 17. Parker, in Jiuliji'.

1 nucleoli. Culler."opportunity really knocks at many

li door.""Then why don't more of us suc- -

Ih Hi r"The troulde Is that opportutiily

t In- - so, ,i o. n tho . iv. ht h iiimiiit thol.n iill-- , inoinltoi'- so, nr. at a niiloail oi, a OI. otlor-- , a p ,' :. ,1

I'oa, I) lint, Inioon s tuo-hil- - "a 1. Inl,the stinlonl;-- w.ii hlanl.iil llus inn- -

inw. In the last loniiv; e.n h sale s, ,,i .

oil a run. htiiu'.ini, ih. t.n.il up t..tallies for the r to 7 for lllo

.iuiliols-selilol"- ..

Aft.-- the -- ,,m, ..1.1 f.o-h- ,1

ontilo.,1' h in In on t.i . njotoil on ih.',: Ill pus l.y 1,1 pa i i. pat in::. The mini'

of hot I. .tloo mill wienies.'mil ton: toil him shin, Hows. A hut:.-h-

n iv w a hull, a oi in w h n h I ho"nils ' wvro i nu-- a moil. S'oio;s wiler. ml. ml umler the illre. ti..n of Ali- -

Mart .; l i,., ,lii - tor of mu. le.The tt o tonus hioil up as follows

I'm illlt .Iiini II litisAim, 'I I. ipoh!i,,h, ri . ....

( 'ontt , ... I', as.ii'ch in on M. li'.'iiitis

St, P han ,ealClaik Marl. lies--U.eso .if. i:..l,!tMil, la II .of .... Nn lu.lSillier If W. Ilm-n- i:

Xt tt 'f t in e- I'a Cr.sl.,1.




Alaska! Dok Race Over Snow

and lee Grows Exeitina;' Leader Rests Docs hy Let-

ting Them Ride,

l!r Mitrnlna: Jtnirn il nirliil I nr-- l Wlr.)N'onn ALi. ka. Api 11- - The

'..' pst.iki s ,.i to im i ai--

oVer a 4 route developed hit"todat into a i ..ntest letnein John.JoluiMtn, dilviuu his team ofnlli' Silti'iian wolves, nod Fin lie z noto he I'll si lo the lurnln point at Can-dle, "mi miles from Xoine.

.lohii.'-'.n'- win n ht the stead-lll'i-

ilia, do Cod Iheir Pace lowat'ilniKht, wliih- lielz 'Hi 's, ndieshi'il hy a

rest nl liatiu, rnpldly made up Ihetime gained l.y Joins,, n this uiornl.'U'and were pressing Ihe ii aih r hard.

"Siiittt" Allan, iliiv.tii; the liarpimAllan ti'ii in, which won the last t.toa s' iten!-'- , rest-i- al CoalKlin, and will trv lo make the sixiy-inil- e

inn liem Hold Hun lo Caiullcand k to Hold Hun without a stop.

Johnson has kepi const, nl ly w,inu.without a list, It taking out one ortwo dens at a lime and carrtinu lliemon the sled until Ho ;,' had hei n re-

freshed. If he can keep Moins' to- en-

tire route without a slop, he unduitHt-edl- y

will hreak his ottn recoid of 74hours, It tuiii'itis mid second-- ,made in Hi lo.

New pictures. I'asl nie-C- slal.




o. C. W'tslmaii l.i-- -i ni- - ht i '.in pi. lin-

ed In the po'iei' Hint a m ill, tt hornthey mcl at I' ll'l street mid Co'davenue, sahl, "Hello, khldo," to hiswife, ami that while he was lemon-slr-

tin it with him anoilur noperculhim. W'.llnian tohl the police liewould o ahle to Identify the men.

New h luri I'a: lime-Crysta- l.

ni!; ',"

cut down

ire bills

ot . r. one, i a t s end r "I doil, spite the hi oa k

Th" luillih cut ci nuioiit it poll onhi. stot k . specialty thatpall showing in. it. rial ...- - in lm;:sfioni eV,o-iii- o and ilC'i',ii,i , M ill s

up. There was hastiIn 'ht'lti 111 Ihe final tin. Inn;.

Ir's ill i iii i: i ii vy.

Now Yoi k. April II I Hin" Hi i ieww ill at tomorrow

Coln lal Had" Is ipii. t for the linnI" inu. mmit radio, ids ami liidui It In

ii'lilcjs not hi.tiin; as til fully r- --

. titer. i fl.illl the i Ho, Is ot till' Wcsl-.'11-

Hi. oils. Sat isl a, toi pliU. lt"",hott. ici, Is r, pi lled at man. point".The lead lust incut of the tarill', now In

toot.' ress. pi 'iiltt, ,m mole or lo" ho-l-- la

loll III o ' trail, s. lilt 111 .pit.' orlliise two unl.it in Id.- liili.i'., 1i.

is no in. h. a' on of a pi t in, nn nl ...I-I- .

a. k in I'lisiiie-s- . An cmout ai; mi; d"-- t. I. .pun nt ol tin w cck w :, ., the v. t '

fasoialde iiptut on the i.ni.lnc'li oltt inter win-it- which Is far ahotit th--

atoiai'e P ink c'a iiinus tins itvi K

Wore .'..ml per it it under tln.se of lastIt'll', hill ;l.7 per c. lit ahull' PHI. The

iln'hnt i Hic nila t it e

nuirki'ln nn doiilil accounts is part furthe ihi i ipso Mtin I tii.,'s omnium

ill Ala i h it ore ,"i... p. r i a nt I, i t ti l' thanlast .liar,

PiK iron output ilurlnj Mat'i h sliow-- n

a 1. 1! elf from I'd. mat t , whilethe St. ' col p, nation's unfilled m il, usat Hi i, Mala h w . iv x ,.7,iX Im- -

less than at the close of I'. hianil i

The copper situation has Imprni d

lint i.'l I.l teller w cat her I'a Vol s

huihliiiK operations, Tin. dry linnihii ut Ik , I ! ai.. expel ion. un; a si'. idy,t holm H ii let. trade. Liunher showssleadv Inipi oi i mint, I'lU'oimi coin--

iiu'Icc maintain,. Its iiopoi iUM iliimslattaits for the latest w, il-

at Ni w 'l urk shotiiim a total irade In

aiul mil of ,f 2'.'. x'1,4 :t, iu.iIiimilas tear a... 5.111,4 HS.H72 In


I'.li HM HIT I s HI W.

New Vol k, April I. - - Pnnil'iU'cofslomoi rmv win sat

Trade Is li i eculur, rmiKim; fromslow to aclltc aceorilliit5ly as point i

of primary m final ilistrihuiioti ancotisldcreil. For Hits, weather irreKU-larily- ,

effects of past or prospectimin erf lows, mid lasl, I. ill not least,tallff agitation, are resonslhle. lies!ri'iioits coiiii' I'lom the iiorlhw, l andthe north Pa.h'ic .odious 'it,iii

shaile down to fair In Ihe upperMississippi talhy and Ihe soul heasl,while In Ihe east Ihe pllinan lexllliMooils marki'la an- reported In a wait-i-

i; sin ni' mnl some of t hem mm h tinsettled, With little P i II U p' II is; clear-er licivs of pos-ilil- e la I'll I i Iiiiil;. 'S,

Mewed Ir. ,111 nnoth. r atmle, Il mathe said thai rail Hade anil 1111:1111:

opll a t lon.'i hale hoell t lleeki'tt lit' r.lllt.ior snows, iiihhiiiM Hade lor Hie current season Is .pill. nelHC, hill filtlintrade lor ,i 111111 doln ori, s Is stllo al o lo-.l- i 11 led iii eoiisel ta t it c limit-

-:. 'I In one inipot'laiil i iop mot mmt.in:-- ' that of tt Inter wheal, Is In .":hill shape

on la il v it as shown (lie o

entitles iiciikel, s.iit hiieitlaffected hy the sin,,-,,- she an

iioiimvitii lit of scleral hii'M- Issues ofnew fii'i'iirllh a hy railn ail corporal Ions.

11 -- ri sh failures for Iln- week cinl-In- t;

April I ni h. vile Jl::, wlihli itun-- I

an s with :':', I in ho i... it, ek ofI II 2, Thet'e were L':' failiins in Can-i- t


Wh"al, Incliiiliiu; I'h mr ex ports fromI hi' I 'lilted Slates and '11 inula lor t howeek ii dim: April mh, nn;t 'd',a I"

hushels. iiunliiHl J ,'. -'.

huslli la last yeal


Ih.-lo- ll Wool.I'.oslon. April I I. C11in1110rcl.il

pulh Hit loinorrow w ill .'ay:'Ihe tariff and analt.-.- s

hate occupied Ihe major portion of thetime of the until ma 11 11I111 I iinrs this

a II h,,ui;h soni, hiisiiiess hashl'i'll done. Prices hate hoell llTeKU- -

kiruiiil III many i iisos li t ins liiit e hi'i ti

withhehl alloyclhcr.M a n iifiii ui ,'is an- kia pinu close

willed on Ihe market and reIii hlly oil a free Wool luisls.

In cm-o- tt here actual iiecesstltprompts the hupr he will pay thedealers' price as a mh', since onlylllllilid offel'illKS of KO01I Wool II o

ill 11 ila hie.News from the west is very meanre,

tariff chmiKi's hnvinK npparenlly puta dumper on purchases of new clip.

Shipmi nts from Huston January 1

lo April 10, were fill, lilts, SOU pounds,amiinst 7.1.4 2.4 73 pounds last year.Heceipts, 51, IMS, IIMi, lIKIIlnst ifl,SIi",- -

021 last yeiir,

at a time when the market h.w onlimn! Ihe leti-ote- r olfcriiu;s from P'e-lioti- s

nr. .Im ta it 11115s.

I'lititp.' continued to hilt stoi I.shole, iillhoiu h ,,11 a smaller scale than.liiriui; the hat low il.its. I, on, I. nispiii. h.c c" lo re neiv ahout I 'J.tiooshares.

Snivels of Hie week's illircllt t

mm emeiits iiulhated a ( ash Main f"lthe hanks w hn Ii hat e lost It -- s on

operations on account ol

cessation of Ionic shipments to Iheinterior for relief of the slorm andflood suffer, is. A iiain of M niiii.niioor $4,1110111101 was i 11 it atod. I'losini;SlocksA ma lua ilia led I 'ol pel' 7 7

Aniorh all Al5l i' lllUII al l

I '.eel Silli-l- - 'I 'A nu lea II

A tin rn u Ca nA null, 11 Can p' ,1 '"' '

Ann n a n 'a r A- I '. .11 Il.l '


na I'ioa n C t II li

Aiiii i I, c S. ui'ith s --'.1

A nn ii.ii 11 I .iie-e- il 0

in. 1. n 11 1. tut.' .yliii. l Sun II he-- : .V 15' fm5 7

110 r. Sin. i .N- Hof'ti;; pfd "

Amei i. an Sun 11 Kolininu '

Allierl. all Tel. .V Tel ' '2

A inci n a n Toi no 'en JA lull olid. Aliliitl'; CoAlohisoii n.yAt. Insoii pl.l I " '

I la til Ic 'oast Line I :','!

I'allillioiv .i; (ihlo HO

III thleh.'lll Sit .1 'I I

Ihool.lt n Hapi'l Tl.m-l- t !'l :1s

( 'auailia n I'.u ili" 2:t!'"

"eiilra I .ealht r -I 'In sapenl e .V ' dlio C 7

( 'hicaao ( '.l eal West"! n I'"'

Chicago, Mil. iV St. Paul HPichiiaKi .V' .iii hwvstt it i".::r'.Coloi nlo Fuel Inm :i:tu

Has( 'oi u I'i ..duds I o

Helawaro ,v Miidson I'iu'iii nt or .V I: la ( Ii .iii.l.' 21 ,

Pdit or K- lllo i it amle pl.l -- H

I listill. ra' S.i ulilhs I '

Hi j,, .'!'

Hrle Pt pld 4i'. '(,

I'd le -- .1 pl tl o a,

(hnoial i:. it i H0vri-- I Noll hei n d d. (ex. ill t . ;' 7 '

l! eat .Vol I III II ( He ( 'I Is I..

Illinois I ', til .1 I :ti

nl et horoiii; In M t 7 ,

Intel honuu'h-- , . pl'd 7Af.Inter. I l i l . s t. r 10.".',Iiiloi-Maiin- e pfil IkInternational Paper !'

Internationa I Puin) 10Kmniiii Cltv South, rn 2- -Lnidi'ili' Cas lool.ohic.h Vallev .".!! isl.oiilsvillo a- Nashville ..,..... t.rt t.j

Minn., St. P. .Si Sault St. M I'MMissouri, Kansas A- Texas 2i '

Missotiil Pa.ll'h' ItsNational Pis. lilt I

N'atiitliiil Lend 4'1-t-

Naii. Hts. , r .ievioo :M ptd i,N'otv York Central Iu:lNew York. ( mt. & Western .Hi 1,Norfolk i5- West em im!North Ann t ica n 711

N'orllu i n I'.u L ie I I "'

Pacific MallI 'i'li llsl K a ilia 1 "t

P.m. pie's Cas 112PillHliiiriih, C. C. .V- SI. Louis. . . III!

I'lCsl mull c,,a lop..Pri i d St, a Car :'7

Pullman Palace Car I .Ml

Hl.'e'.'.1,'i'puhllc Ir v sili id 2 il

Kcpiihlic Iron .V Steel pfd s.".

Iloi'k Island CoHock Island Co. pf.l IIS i

St. I.oiii". San Fran. 2'l pfd, . 2 2

Sc'ihoartl Air Lino PiSea I. on id Air Line pfd 4 It

SloK.i-S- 'field Slid Iron.... .'- !-

Southern Paeltic Km CSoiilht rn Hallway 2H '

South, in Hallway pfd 7!C,T.'I'lll Ssee Coplil'l' III!

Texas Pacific IX

I'niiiii Pacific i :.:!.,I'llloll Pai'llie pfd M '.j

rnilcil Slut, s Hi ally lisI'll, d Slates Hllltlt. r Id'.

nil, ,1 Slat' s Sti id 112',I'lllted Sillies Steel pl'd lux

' I 1. I '..liliol' I

v ja Ca rolina Cheiu In.U a hash 3 VWahash phi IlkWestern Maryland lo t,Wi'sl orn I n ion , , li -

W'esliimlloll.'le Klei trie 'I '.,Win idiim K I.a ke Fl ic li

Tidal sales for the ilat, I! I .",.,",00

shares.The Kent-ni- moivmciil of the hoiul

market was downward, with cimsid- -

lOrahlo weakness in soini' Issms. Totalail, s par Value. J 2. o .7. ooo.

Flllleit Stales hollils Were llncllallK'- -

ii on call,

nos'ioN ( i,osin; minim;,

Allou.. ri7

Amalgamated Copper 77 'iAin'n .im , l ,v- Sm -- 7

Ariauia Coniincriifil II '

Hos. Colli. Cop. H Sil. M.' '"n I'd) Vi.

I""";'& llecla ixo

HiH '','t

"na City, 5.At t. Paul: rolunihus;

fclu.Uk,lit W. Goli.want:! us to no to work.C 'i.TW.' N SI. Iflllk ('i,

t, Lou I.s, Aril 11.- Wool- AJiU-kw-

LiiiiistillcCopper Hans,.' Con. Co, . .Results IrcmJonalWaniAds. --"""" (.ourlsr-Jouinn- l, !





Sm vices to ho Ib'M T' ,n:.v.o !y' I FiVfli!)9. fc 4kt- - Hurt ru 8nri:.i 'vio.e ...L ..... i :,.i .. ......... ..a. , .,

;i' fi "'"'.nc(! f a It h i:i U;ns!i ' 11 A- :s fWlft.1 ,S- -I

L,:.! 'e.si!,C'-"p-- I rs-- , l aai.'i hen PtNM Brook.Nfon at Ini'iKua

tiuii Church, f u jos L?- ift. H'HISKTY -QMrEFRESHING 'iMiM''1itoilM'l'ii'"eu.wM.'rr!i"crliy ..r..lnic .l.inrn il jM'. i.il I nunl Hlri-.- l PVh fUE FOOD WHISKEY!i .,f ,xl .

Mil I ... ,; .' fil I . ,i.I''. t.lt'- -' .it III. 'I, I

' 'i ' " I, . . ' .! !

' i ' II. Ml II..I " i i" it I

i M .,, it,

- t il

n - l;i.t v

I I .: '. .,.' ll.ll.u ' -

h- VWi- - i ..!.... A( lit III' I'!.. I. ... , ,!',:.. Mi i.,i.,j in

I'M . ,1 ., n. ,i (.,z, n I. j, in till.'!.' i i..ii,,n. T!' li Ih ll 1 it li.T ,M ii i. , t r, j xx .i s i rii- lull nf a x. i . k . n I i. I m n'II :hC Ml '

I - f.... Iii i I h. f

in . . in. ii,lie .i . il. .

.'. It .' ! .4il f' ' i ii. i, "i


i. ,i.-l-- 11 I'. i. 'Mr. IXX" mi, ,.),, h.nf in il.,- - n.."I' ll.'K- l.i!' I.. I II -- III, IX I,. II ,.,,-- , :

I !," II,' ' II- - ' 'I HI 'It ' il I! I' I . f.i'.l V . lli; II. -

I'ImIIU-- 'I III!. i ,i Ml. IX iii.il I'li.l il.'l.ni.rt. 1C...111. ii i i iii- - H "ii

W llll.llll ..l.li'-- ..f M , II M.t ;'.I In li ..in. I h J. ,i- - , ,1 ii Mi. i

I' ..il ' t i in., ,, i,.

Tl.-'- ; j:rro.it tnnic r-- ct!'r.':1a,!n r !:'' rt;ts of SunnyBrook i..r ..' l.a.J t ;u.i r..i..i. i:s liif l:r!,ft dttlill, n ofJwe old ulii'li.y in tie ut!l. 1 r i.t.'.vh ;n v.if Sunny Brook lusI r.'vi hi ul v;i!':e t'i t. iii-i- w'i.k si i .' i.rnl ! n : 1"'- -' f anI '.ii'i i r. Wht-- energy is 1, k'n.; efficiency is Kare. ni l andI.Hi: ;,i-- );;,. Sunny 'Srooik, a. - a f.'i at k ; andl;.ai i . ',, wo: Si liviii.

Sunny Brock is Bottled in Bond buttle sealed

K.t ti . I'l .in. ,1, t ( .... .,.,,) , n::ti:xx ,,s K i xi h.-i- h,- - ii . ... , ... ri ,,1' 'I '1 li. .Iii'i-- i .V, ( . . ,, ,, (I,.Ii ii'l nam. . xi ii. -- . h"i:,.' is ,,, llii.,., v r.'i t.:c ( ,nvt n.m-i- .t S'.a arc genuine,

1.. .,- ," ' .i ,.,',.. ,,this i. . - li.iu. ..

.1" - .1 I in, , I.,11 . v

' M i A. I. Hi;,,... ,.M ' Il'lr-- i .1 in, i,, ! . !,..,(

inn II.. , i

.I'll, I', I, ' II

l:..,;..'. I!. ,'

' '"inn,., i - ,', i. ,i i .j ,,I A in .M I Is i :

lll'l .1 ., 1, ..,!'I. .11 .1. Ml- -. .." ,

I IHl I ,,l,,, .,.I " in I.. t

' - I. ti ,(,' t.. I"

f; ' .1 i. I.. I ,:, ,.f Hi,.:..'' ' '' 11 I I ' III.! II Mil t V. .. .. , ,. i .

,:-- -! - 11 'i - IM- - i..i i it... i ii fi, h itIf H.-i- til. .1 III ili,-- '

" ',,,! A III.. I."! til.- ..lli. r in !.n. i:. i:

trkight natural vhitkey, 1'. S. .v.ri.i.ti'l :(. Tli is stamp1," ,xTi'i'i . im!y s pur'ly, I ,:' :,- l quality. .V.v w1i!vkiv Iinttlfd In

'. ,:.,,! is mSm; straight w'.i Si--- I nt i "t a'l flui'shl xx hiski-- s aru poodxi s. V. ilen you stkv' Sunny 1'rook l b- - Pure Food WhiskeytS'. ti vim know that in nS Si'inA to tin- a .s.i'an.-- of Alimlutr Purity

j' '' '. !! . i. ,.). . .. ..i I ,.t ... -,

M 'I II. I. .... l!! .1, I'. I . ',,l." ' !"'! i'. ,.t,. I,.j 'i...i. ,1 i.l, .,, ,

'I 'I, i. - in im niii.i tu.ni. ; i .

.'. 1, ii. ,'.,i, ,,.t,,.h I' i ii. . id .,! h ., iti,

"An h. . i.t ii ). : .i ; i, r ii'; -'l I- :- IS. .i!i. .l ..I, s i,

i"'i I .''I. . i. if it . .' i, . ..' ' f l . in ,i. i,. i 1,, 1. . i,

j " I a..!. .,! . - 'I h.- -i HI'I ti- - a ... .., ,; ,h

''''''' I" Hi' ft II Il ll. II, . ,.'; iM'i-- i ii. .ii lr. .in ih" i.,-- ;t ,..ii

j ' ' u" - - .Hi'l .! - i" ill lli, :,il. Il I .... I, t ..f Kin- ti. ,ii li,,-..:it. f ..!. ., tin- a.ir.l. ii. 'liii-t- r .im

li" ut. it II, .11" 1,,...,. ,1 i , ;,,..j " 1" ' h .lll'l l II,, i l! II. .i i in,

i II..II. -, ,. il , !i y.l y i K I. the yuilft ( ? i rnnf ftt on tne C h. v .!! 1.- .- ;l s ia..il!'.e -- l c m tu'.tj VMlOI' " t;'it. wht.lcf in K wnrl.l.I iilC li.r.1 di.lillr. nlii U . II ' .1 '.'.'iii, K-- ii- - ' i' .

I 'II- --. .!. ' I . t II ..... V, I- K.

THE "I"'!"!' "r Mil ) I . ...I" 'I I I II M ' ' i . .,.i:. i. ,,l ,.f i..,.i -- I, ., ..... ..

. ll H ,. I."" 'I (

.1. ii' . K.u.- - - i '.: . .. a I'. .1 I.

"'"i. I I! . u. .. ..i.'l n , r.V.I I'l-- .. A .!-- '. .Hi. - I, - C...l,:x

',''. 'I I ."I t,. ti t II. ir II i li,.'I'll... .i;..i ..f 1... I. i.i , i.e..,,. !',,k,BREVffASTER'S The Sleyers Co.

General Dlatrlbula.-- s ALI'.tt)l L RfJLE. N. MEX.I., ti. ,,f ii,,. .ii,, t i; , ,, f' ' r t, ii,,.. n h. ii ii,.- ii , 'ti

:.i, inn, i.i I'"' Hi- - iinfi .ii.'i fil, .1 i" Hi-- 'i. m.j; .i ll'.-- i.i ,) in,., i

''!'-'iti- -. I I'll.-- - it ,,:i .1- - 'ii,..,..Ii- -ii "' il . ii tin. ii t it ii. . rJIasterBrev7

nnnn rppiurp toDI !'' . t",' I 'f. .'"ll

I! ,i .,",,..The Meyers Company Inf., Distributors

in!,!! i ' i I. .i.i, i. i. .ti, , .1 ,i li' - ii 'I I' ink :. I., .'il - ii i . . : .I,l"l ' I, "11 ll" I ... K T(.. 11', li) , I. ,.'- -' , ,,

...! I '"in in ,ii, i i u i ii ml Iii i h " , i ,' i ..v. I, 1., ,, 1,,'"!' I i - ..! i. 'II r.i. k ' , i,. ... (it. ''",' tl ill

l.'i' . ll - ,111' 'II i 4 f.n.l I,, ,.,,. I,,., I, i, ,,,,i I' !' - i"'i I i ii'.n ill.- it. .iii'i i.i t'...!i ii,.. ,,,, i, v.ii.i.

Mi-- - in. . Mii.h'. ...:.,ni' j I !i" in i i.l.iii ,,i .1

'' " ' IH " ' ' A ,')l' ( IT , 'IHI, I. I. f. fl"!:

't !l il, m ,.ii'l in ;, .,', ,.? , ii,,lit " h.i .Mi.- (.ill ii. I hi Hi. i :.. ;

ii i.n.l ii.-.,- i t .!..,,, '11, ii t ". i

' ' - li HI '. H . .'ll I ''HI l

lli' i in i . i . i

'I Ii. im: :i- -t ,i. , ,, ki.,,,1,1. g,;,' ,i "I II,.- in i ,.f 1,,,. i. ( ,, .,

I' ,11.' .. 111.' II 11 Il 1.1,1 H,, .',,,,1,11in '.I Hi. "i ). r i.hht (.. -- h,,,, i,.i 'i ii Ii . lli t ,.- ,,i ii t ,,f I ,,.

nub iLOdiiLJ IU fi 'I

A I I.I VI Mil;! I , M Ml l II i.i i i.. . .i ii.. r pi

:' .: I.'l f "I.'l !'"!1' . 'l " I. ' '. !' "HI 1, f, '.'

' ' ' ..I'l I" 'I- - I. -;" ,., ,,,, . ill, ,,!I.IHII- -. I...-II- - llll,s, i.'.MII I'. '111. 'II I,,,' ,,,. , ,,v."1 ;'"''"'" " "- -" - i. un.. i i.r in, - ,.' X.JRRf Wll


THEIB WORK1 RETURN::!i'!: r. VXHi. I", k.

i:i i ii i 1 1; i iiium.i, i

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MI'il.HH (I,. nil' 'II, I, ill. ' 1,11 hi

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Ii. ii. t In r ii i, hi

SEALED VERDICT IN , II Kill M til.' --

III, I .1 c. I,, I,. ,tijII' I 11 .' 'Il l.i II, u V . ,.! Ih.

"I I h" in i ,t In !..) .'i V "I " i A

ir.' .y W::'i L"S:SANTA EE CASE- ii- - l.i"!

M' ,1 I! ,f I!" .'

IH:- - ,..itll-.- , . X' i ;. t in n1.. - li t i, I l.i I'j.in I,, ii i .'!,.i ,,,i

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W illi.iiii A , i i.i ii' 'I ' 'In - ii'n- . i i' i.. .1 ;,, i,

I.-- i. ii. - x ,. I;. , H, ,. ; ,,, ,n . i xx ii h ..( i !: ,i :i

K'-'- -it W..I..I, t,. ,.,;, I 'li'-'h- l TI,.,--,- - vxhn ,i.', ,:iIII!"- I'!il,.,, ll.ilt.i I ... .,- . il I..,.! X"i.- lini.i, ,11 .'.iii" i ' i ii. x.i fii i .ii. ii. i ' -- ,! f "iii 1.' i i t.iri i a:, i

'il'il.llll ,. lltll-- l.lih.l.i, II, II ll".-;,-lt ,. nil, I.- Ill-- .,!.. ,",IMxn.', Ilui.fi.. . i, ii, ,ii, .1,, ,, ... i,i,.,. I', ,i 'M.,M.ir;,iii.t Km. I,, IMi'.. M' .., mi,! .1. ; 1, -i i ., , ,.

'' ll. V.i. I. .I.'L !'. - I'li.l!!'. ti . 1' u ;

i.i IMM KM.!!i iiiri's i'iiii i.' i h.ml 'I .'.I, l, I I, . ,i II ,i

ir .t.ix. I, .,1 tuulit, I. Ih, I ','CHILDLESS II... h'In il.lMI.' ,ll J ,

, ,,. I...I. ti,". li.-.-.- Mil'.-- , M.,i , I,!

WOMENII. XI. r, .i,i .l.nrn .1 Sf,..-- il I 'k, Wire I

W I. 'illsix s ,if I,. ' .",- - .. .1 ': ,

!' "l l, T ).: ;. I! ,,i, ;i. . i:

;Cj j'j lie, mi'hI iv s, liii.il li. i Ti xx lum. r '

U: A - ' I .I'll. KHi. I S..IM. tun- - I ll'ix' I.Hi." .i'h I. I..-- .Hill '.l. II . '. I., Ill,

j I. - t nl h.


,1 I ll ..( - t il- -l Jlllx I .I'll, i !',s.' ' 'i" "i ii' xx ;. in -

' ..- - "': -i.i'-- . ml!. ". i. ii

'.'... ' II ' 1.1 4X. Ml II.

i : i :. 'i h. -.- iii.-, m.i :. i ., ., u ,.,"in I In... 1. "I-.- ii i ... .i i,. ,, - !:

111. Mi. il IP Mill.- -. SmIm,' ,f iii,- n, I'ii'. ,.

'Ml In. tr. I'. -- in ,l it ii, ,i !i,i t

I"!' ti. , !"l . .i i I i.l" K ,n '

I ii i'l Akii-- s .il In'-'- II.. ' imi.. :,i i .ii. ha. i. AI..H.I ,ii, ii ,,

ll. I" !., Ilj, .1 ., ..il!!.- -M n li. . til. V ,!: I.- ' i ,., Jul tl

Iii hi, A .i ,s, I. i.i", "ii st,,i,'r.. ti i I i t .mi. M.i : i.i 'i ,,, ",'X I'.,

t i ii i--'

' iJh il i i,

i!n 'I-


"t 'I I,,,'.I. . ... fwt

I. ' il , II

ill i I'm ,1 ,. I ...til.. 11. is. A"" "

v ai.;.i- - ,' iii-ii- I'i I's-i- Htix- -.

tf.. M.-- ,m.l xx ..I", 'ii ; iii.,- hi,- 1,. ,,i I,

I'l l X' "! ii: .1 I' t

- 1. '.!. "!,',, ll

ill I i, il

f!" i".l-l.'i- " .'.,1I, t! ".. "i.i j 'i,i. i,. t .( i,.

I.. -- .! I', I.!:- -' I.

I," A -- 'ii MRS. MELHORN.r iMK if. in. urf t !. In ,! .., , ,,- I'll in. .(Mini., m illi i .,,11 ....l li 'ii'l (.

ENTHUSIASTIC'lli. .1,1,1i, t - ,:n

i.i. n . mi tour to m U'.,l .

Ik.1.1 i,i,v. i.i .. . i xx

11- 1- -i , (I,,- V, i;!- - ,,'t 1- 1- l.llllll.X III" l'.'.!lll -- 11,1 i.-- I'f

'. -f.. r -

'I', h

I! ., - ..I-- .' t ,, ,.


' ' '" IX . tit. .1 II 1! III-- !', IIS. 'I'll,. U'- -t , M,' I' 11- 1- .1 IH. H l, t h , , I'l t,i Im- -i II

i'. llll ii 1! I !', I IiIiil'i - -- 'im ti

j -- i' in ii xx - k, ii- -, i.r il. ': I, iii'i it i

'HI i" ii ,,f 1,. .,. , m n in, ii t ...

ilills ili ,!' - !i,' - ,,. ,',.f, 'til,. ' t ' i'l.,,'' f IimiIx un, ruin, an. I in Mi- -i ft HI "lli .!.'t. II. 'VX I'll!- il -l ' -

I i'.Ii It - IX I'll,! A ). H

!!" I'' i tli., .i.i !H ill. I, i, ml l;.'-i,,- s llil.iin, ,

i t I,, r , i it 1 hi i in I - i.r i n (in i,'' t;i - i" Mil.: 'I III I M!II

' - l,,;l(,'' 1 '"" "'i'l !. i ii .1 A I., .i i, ii. i i l,i..

.'il' ' !; ."'I I,,; .lit'.' M, .'lli im. I, ,.,'.- - ...II ... 'i. It Hit.. ;,,.. .). t I'll III ',IM t ... ... llln I.i i'l X.' .. ,,

' "'' " i' ''I'l t.'.l I' "W ii P I' h .! I Hll'.ill'l''' ''" ''! ml- "I I .i. I"- I .ill ..xi-r- .iii'l i.ul I '.'t.n'"' '' "i 'il 'I. i' i, Ii, in!. h.. I,. i .i xxii.. I" vx.i'l.

' ' '"' ' ''I'' 'I l, l;, ,,. ,,,,,,, un ,, ,,!,,,,,,, t,,

fl, .;;!:.::. ..::.'.v ;' ',"I CjS 1i. .. ; ....

',li. M.I I

.' " r x i; xx A l -

,i :, i. ,, i . . M

I ,lnl I '! il


I'l 'i' (.,. I, ,1 I'' ""1' -- II it" ' " i"!l i !,, i. ""- - - ' .1 i" i'i' mm i' ...;' .,,H " I' - '

!' f'. '. !)-- ; ,lix.- u " :" '

"I I," . m .. - - ,,. . .... ,:,., , ,,i ... ,

i " " v 'iii. II." 1 ,,'' '

'I- -' ''' ' '"it, - ""i. !., i.r. it":! a. -- I'i"1 .M - .ii- -, i .(,.. ii- -i ,.

'' V"l"l"i-H- I Ml ll".,liiS K ,,'1" " T. H.I"- -. r 1'. n.'"'"I' ,,,',: MM

" r I. xx ,r.' i i, t.i ix t ( ', ,i. iii,". xx .' ..'!'.': '

"t j. :,!.,'I'- - "I Hi'i .. !! I'll .',:(, :tM ,. "

'' " ' ' I'' I It 'I '.'. "I i. '..' ".,',".;.li"!'! - I'!.'',... ''."i l, !'. 'x'

x .in.. ini. t t.il- u .- !- , i, !,i;. ,, "Mi

m St f v1x.vin l-'" 41 ' I 1. r - ti J , ,

'" ' I V. 'I- - 111,1 f, it'i'1' i"i .1 i . ..,ii ii.,)'i -- , ii, ii. i .,'" ii,,.

I ' " 'Ill ll", "I ., "I Mill. II. " , L,.''I'.' I. i "I ii - ii xx ll ... I .i,i i ' i ,i . . i nl li,"'',. 'I'.,, ', i . i i , i h, v. ,.;n in -

i i'iills II Is

I 'I'll I" XXll.it lliil IMtsl., j, til" -- s- -

K( u;iil ,lin,, j,, ,., M ,

-- :i.l ki--- Ih.- - muli V i , i,"M V. . I'i IvK'll'tl 10 V ISil IMiii ti'ins iiii, I ii, I,,-- i'li'in

T. I f Ii ll'XX ... i.ill I,', "III- -

vt'iy (,.ti!,ty in Stale bf-- ; , , l,:,ritUl ,.,r ,,f"io New Mtn! so Sunday1 " ""

I'll'i'ls l!. 11- 1- ll,," l, llll, fitsS(,iKH'i SSSOl'intilln HiCC'S, 'ii' n ii "'I xx. .in. ii -r Ih.'s.' iiiuli .,-- .

Mil.' ili, if.

I iCTSl ir.';::;:;'.-!'';-E .i I l I !..!,., .1 i...P A r i - M "- l,..l ; I 'l ,. ll ii. ". V Im

il."!'' .M I.. I k 1" M ' M., ( .,!!- -

At JDH - !

... i I., i., :i I,, ir !...; h. ,'ii,l, - li. " I. "Hi. II. l .', ' I',

- '" .I'U -r x ,.,iii; .milf r rH tl ll t . t DEATHS AND FUNERALS

.l ill'i ". Xli l.llil,'.

'I'h- - Ii- -i W (' A!, i lit iiii. t:,i- -

1? a .'' I HlllUI.,! l,"t I.l It I'mI illl

I.'l llM "I I'l. '!! I'..'" " I" " "- li - li -- "'I.

'll iii.'...,,: ii n ,i, ,;,Every Moving Part Pitied to a Hair's Breadth

lull Mllrli to i;i..l."U Inn I I'll If. m' t" . ,."."

ni. l.'r.'.ft :s il it il- - "in, ,

ii'. lii im k ih- - in in. '

1. .ii-- . I., , ..r N' xx .'.i,-- , ii.t hi ,,, xi I- '- illl I Hi ..( 1,.- si ,,

I" - il- - ill l.i Ih.' i -- li'. nl mi; u!ill,- A.- -H .,, S, 111, ix S' li',,,1 s ...

i, it mil ti. - in ill .lit,-- , i :: nt s .i.t.,I,,,',', ,,,

- llI I

"I iImii- - In- ii il i -- ii." r.i. I.III ll . -- illiL .il c7I'M I'n.l-- , I jii.tii,. Will .mi II ll.it-l.iir- i " I'i! i! s.ii'nl l.i in- - '''-.- it

I'M"', .M-- I.. .! .'f till- .I" ;,'"'.' .il- - j.- 1- l.lli:- - ,,s Mi,,;- .''.lini: - ii,",.".

'' i nil; III" , ' I i. .; j, , - in I !i, i, t ,, ' ," , ., I,!,,,''.'! il ..11 .,' !l ,l ..... -

' 'I'", tin ,, ,'!'.'- - Mi ,. I' .,.!,-,- ,1 I lillllflillliilM

i ,(

fT J


: zi ft .7 ' 111, lillli.il! .-' Ill till - t" ..' cmmM-- f

ihiiii'i ," .i.-- ti i' :,,n si r

it- - I" "tl. tillMi A.. nt I i...ir, .1 fv - t'

'I ii IX - -- ..1.- 1- -1 Mn ll . Im t

xx. ' I. - i. I" 1,1!,,,' v ., ilft . ' 1

tl 'J Js

I " H "I.- !,- I' xx. ', . t

''' '" ' - -I" ll il" , :"

''I'' - ;r. M ' .".i.'l.. I'll'. f HI"m i :i i, i.. ir. , i I, i,,., :,

' ' - "I i 'I,, ii

" ' ' ' " I -- s ii h h' !i"' ' "t "il,' VI, "i, im I,,,.

i r fill! h W ii ft






in i nl im ii 1, xx i Im, I, mi,,I.. H..I ' ,in ii iii i, in ih, ,,,niuj.s: I iiiniil a ('till- - I'nr liiii'iiiiiiiilsm.in H ... ii ii iin-i-- ii , , i, "1 snl xnili i li,"i m.i i -- in f,,

Im ill , ,'. I, ,1,1 ill. ,', .i,i,.x j tXX .1 I -- ills ,,, -- ,,ii ;m! ,;,-- II,;. li'Ii-1 ix . r , , , v .' i, 1, 'ii, A it :i iiimI li t nil tn my iih-- .i h I'm!' th.it I, t, .;!

.'". ' it ii ,iii ;' null -- f inn,," xxrl.-- i - I.. ' '

I ..is Tin-i.-- in-l- it ul- -. ai.i.i :'.; M.i .Ii I..xxii. "I siii'i.-ii-- i , j

Ililis'.MiM, . "ii ..rii :' t .m.l j I'iiiii s,, ; . I im: si,.,,i ,,.i" v "HI "ll I. .1,. A il ;',' I I. M lit -- 1, i i.i; ,i h, 11.1 'I li ...U- -it ll. Apiil 's. j in 'Im iiii. -- I Initio l.lt.it.'i. nl iiii.l in tutitui", Vj.ut .s u i - in., nilis xx.i.s xx- -ll nil,! h.,w -l -- uf

Hit- -. A .ii. Mi Im--- ., iiiM.i.i-- . Mn fit" il xvilh rii-ii- ti .:i ism r.,n "I . I AI'1. 1. 1" .Ml". At., V " 'll j ... by llll llrtlt'SIHlK.

Mill I'll, l"ll. '.,x l.li'. I. ' iili'ii.1,1. . . x . " . mul r, A mul , - j

III Mil- - llf ,? ."I.

t- -


I' U , I,',- !" Ail', i"l",!' ' t .II..I i: , ,,. ti,- , ,,

'"- - ', " '"'' '. T. mi., -r S ml In-

':"" ' " - !'i'I ''I I I,, II -- in.' ' '" W..1H. 11," H. n in j,.i.

I' ' '11. "I.

' ss- J( ,'' V "-

7 'liin -jjjjlij'ji'Jjj

'I il- -. li lit I! ". .1 S I . S .' .11 in-- 'it it- -, M.i' '. Mi, im. ii- - t ili Al ix

n ,i ml I. I ! M "In. in t it iii l 1.

:t ,,, I'.l l".l ,,H III?.'. .M..X 11.1 '.l-lll"", 1. Al I .'.. '!'" I..r. - i. i'i-- it .il- - .M.u ' . ;. II i.. i'.i ' i; "!" .in i

' t im li M , tn -- nt .Inn- - :':-l .1 .! I! " 11 I tl "il. .1 :. II,

., 'I'l .", ""11 lit "II .Illl- - '."'

""' '""'iW"m'iiin1


FreshTo-da- y

m:y eoiMoisi: uiii iixiik

wi n 1. 1: iniiis1 i: i.i in i:


ni i'.i(.i;e i ii i o'. l it

"The lest of the puck! ng is in the eating thereof."

Mrnllilit at ll.'I'li-- ti' is ii,, ,,f i,iir ''lii'iitim.'

, Mill, II... Inish." . ll, li; h! us ix- -Ii

M,t xxitli it In l ,is las! . xx. lilt Xi.ll!M tl I llll III I'. il II S l ' . '

tn- - in xi i ii:,' ,,.i h.ix- - a i ii h mi, m,1, ','hi !,; is I,,, , us,, U SM (.,,' ;,5-- in si ,. hy x.iii -- hMiihl in it J,i sii, This

Sunictlijihj The test of an automobile is the hills it will climb o 1Something

Useful uiu ticiiiu n win pun.ei. palatini! i ils. I f n i.t it. .i hi- - I'wi'fs

No car ever went where a Buick can"t.li.is natiii'il a xx. i hi will- - i'i iiun!!Miimil H'nU' spi'iik -- f H inI'i, hiKh-- st '.Ins i.f linns- -, ll is f,,l".il- - In nil .IH'msls. They are net the best because we sell thnm. hut wr 1

T --- II il l .. . ' " Tf ben incni cecause they A IE THE BEST.N, xx .(, I in .s r t in - i i i.

i' i a try in sIih'L as lainr usmuI- -

sin in itmi snN s

oitw.rs.iti-i- : l ltMT


im s.s.1 ix roi i.riiv;ioi i i . svsem Mi':

Ask for a ride powder house 1up hi!! on hinh or a lowin. hi ul stt'.i a mn .. loiiitii in i in- -

yuai it'M un "dUICK ti:!l.

Not a (hcip. oofl lot tmtliin ailiclt. lmt sornctliiiig you'llfind s i vii'KaliSr and iw (ul every ilay.

Advcrlise Your Wants in the Morning Journal

With every prepaid, fiftv-o-nt- , ( laslficd ad you'll pet a pres-ent, and you'il ;u t UIISUILS. Make the Journal Want Adyour neiit. It w ;: rent, sdl or trade your house; furnish em-ployes, or land hat "better position" you arc looking for. It

thousands of client it will interview every clay for YOU.

Vv'e have a second hard Studebaker. nprrlv nnod a t

iiuit or Vc Vnrk. un fill xt.iir or-i- li

r in tfii it i . 'l.i i.nlif I linnllll' I'ltsl XXI, III, I l., It'll tlilX- -. Iliill- -

.Iri'iis ,f ..,ii, unnlt'ii. Ilt ltl ami th.xi-i- tIllii-iniii- 'il s, r, i alal.i',iic

mall. tl ti..- - in sun nihlrt-- s. if ,m xxill-- t'llll .tll- - llll'IIO. '

. I'l l',.'III . I ..'ii, Ax,..

N'.-i- j'l.iii.-- r.i.-- 1 -! 'ii si,

lira, ui a uur gam.

Buicli Auto Co. of New MexicoW. L. Hawkins


MAFKET1 (HI. Ill N.VM"i.inl Sln-.- .

lMmiH's : i nmi i.

STRAYED OR STOLEN.i Albuquerque, N. M.

tiff sTi'l.KV A sni.HMf'liiliniiliii.i ,),.(;, im mi- ,.r

"Mhi' .i " l iii.l. r h as- - i.liii ii l.i I I n j i Phone 2i2. Cor. Sixth St. and Central Ave.



tr twin,.. -- Mr.,s awl"J5





I!'vi7 '-'-i' i'Vm N vA


V4 w. 1 I,;: ......New Secietaiy Asseits People;

Musi he Informed That a

Stion;; Navy is foi Pic'cc-- tion of Their Homes,

.s.- - . . -' w .; i .'.'si- f. i

l llls M'Al i: HI M lt I I)

Home Baking Easy.better food than baker's.

no baking powder like itbiscuit, hot breads and cake.

Pure Grape Cream of Tartar.

(Hi M.irniiK Ji.iirn il liwlnl lf.i.r.1 Wlrr.lv .ishiiiKtiiii. .Vpiil ll. urn ii tin'

i.'.Mil fin- a Kiv.it. r Ann I n inHal i. w i' will havr II, ami nut til!thi ll.'' ilurhui'il Hi'i l'i tall Ihlllii'lM 111

mi ii'Mus. nl ilu' iitmiial l aii'iui'l uV

tin- ,nv liaiiMH' "f 111.' I'liili.l StatustuniLihl.

"If in- - (an runvliui' llin 1'i'upln of111" liuti'il Slali s Ilia! tlm n.iv y !

lliills .iti.1 Hint lull nn.l 1 al'u ll.Tf n"th.il- - Miiiiiils In rally .nil tlii'ifuisli.'s .iinl iiit.T.'Mx in l. tal'.l to II."aal thu Ii'tall. "1 will t"ii tllat nil

Mill, r Inn' lias ti"l a .in in vain. I

ilu n't want the i.u'i.' In l.'i'l Huit til.'naiv is an. iuni'il hoiiu ii In ri' nwa'.lium tin in III llm fal' liiiil-ii- , run uf

i.f t ssj. ma lism, but thai It iiuu.r.ala I'iiikmiIc uf Ihu .Viiuiiiaii Imini'. (iinlI'm its .rnt.i linn. I w .i lit Hi. 'in tu Unuw

... H II, II, it ntlly its past Ulnfu-K- hiltpii si iit i I'i ii K'iu ami Hs futiiri'ihihti. s.

li us liaic lilii' nil. .' ami ri'l'.'i. t'.Willi lh,. silly bnas'tlllKH III.' Ulip-- I

hit, that Hi' all' ablu tu Hi k any n.i-- i

"ii mi tailh, .'t us liaiu il"iii' Willitill. .its. but h'l us, hair il'iiu- Willi Ihui.ii.l.'i . sl.iiinhnu uf mil' ' i tininiiiimui!l(. uf .nil- naial ..spi at il.. .a - nf thai Kpil lt w ha I. wiuilila, in that .nit naviil In l.i. s i.f tmlayan. initial!;, as faiimits as lhi'(in.'liv, la a. nanu s niu mi cii'ti t"iiL'i.c."

In i'i.iu li'sinn, fVri . tat i IVii'h'ls ilc- -

.1,1 "il that tin i' llllisl I"' . I

tint) bi'lui'i'it naial cxi'i its .mil IluI'li.pl,. If tlm latl.T nr.- In I... nln'i:

-- a t in I ..l inn Inn.

p.'npli' must b.' Iniii.il tu uiiki'sii".'Ktiniis mi. I to riilli iM." ho saul.

'I'll - public nfllccr who ibn-- mil likeIlllll lit IClHlllu II IS II"

bllMIU'SS 111 till' public H'htl'.', whl llU'l'il be Ilu- - man who pii.s I ill thill itll.HI III s nt till' 111" II III I

While II..1IS,."

v- - IS W

' , Jf ""Si

trvr. I'.'"; ' .0

w i






Dr, William A, Evans Make-Suc- h

Announcement to Na-


Draina'w Coi-.rp4- i

Addiess at St, Louis,

Itv M..rn1p.r .T.airn I fc.'. fil I ..'. 1 b I

St. I in, April 11. A plan for a

i ,. iiiiiiissuiii In llll calif. il" nialal i i

Ihinir.'hniH the l'liilcl Suites nn.l it

In Ihe Natlunal ir. iiaue ei.n-cti's- s

il. At veal', was iiuthtu'il by n

S"l Illlllitlec ImlaV nil. 11 be Mlb- -I

iiiilt,.! in lh.. eenui'.ss linmni "W.

Ihe i rnaiisa I. Hie in (I an a.iuies-- :ni nialali. tml.ii In IT. William A.

i.l ul elan. tl. S'.ia,. enul.llI,,. , i i.li,al,"l frmii th" I'liilnl Slal.sv u inn In., ears by pii.p.r measures.

A saleeiiiiiiiM f the c.itii in It c,n r. .. Inn. him I. imiilai. il ii

plan f,,r a nail, ni, il f. ,1. tal . .inventionef .It ainaue i .imiiilssiniiels. '

The siibeniiiiuiiti c plans in reportt,, a si. in. ling .'..niiiilil. e, In which IheI'V-t-l- tlir.-i- local (Iraiiiat'e l umniis- -

si, as hi parts ef the I nii' il

.M lies sh iU Sill'llllt their pluie. t. Tilea in'llililt"" ill review Hi"

i i ' pi .. ii eis a r .1 il",'i,l" w hichfll-ll- be pi "S.'lll. In the I'tile,! Stat.s!cm "i, s ,,i'i! iihi. li shall be presentedtn the vali.i t.s slate legislatures.

The . vecai:,.' luniiiiitt".' h'l. I n.'l,k.i;.".I alc t.iniKhl just what ivconi- -

im ila I, 'lis ll ttlllll.l Mail..' ill l'ii;al'.l1.. !l" pi i, p. S"l lleparllllelir i.f publicv., l.s. nti.br a cainncl minister. j

.. in phu " ul ineetim; will be,' le Sell l.ll'i .111' Is , hale, I tulimr- -

Watch and Read

llori' will ln cl llic civnli'sl pliitio

biHKiiins rirr kII'iTiiI

Learnard-Lindeman- n Co.

Tin Siini' lusli' 1iIom

i nt t,i i hi t r. m:v Mi'xict)

I stllbllsll.sl I'lOII



Statutes Piovide That School

Board Shall be Made Hp of

lit i.r tin- .luv. niU' I ri t i'ictiiirni'd lliat iim iliv

l.nimi" ly pn-ioii- i'i' fiiMl I'li'H.if in urn mi ,! laM'ivioiiN I'n: cf

lillK'itlK IllllotlU i'M'l' "Nil Vl'I'M'i:t,iii in f i iihI'I i xi rlnl." Ii .' S 'i I.

A I'ililnl mii, iv l'.i! !' "I'ulli m i'i' lh"i.l" if his .'. "' li'MIt UlliliT III' S'i

1. i .i ml iaiisi,l lh"i ii l.i i ,t!l t'.ni'i.i r I inn in. 'H

1. vifv , t'.imliiu i ' f

nli' 111 ";!!.1;" h'itil: illlll .

T"!!i ii k.i i'i hi- anil Ii,. : in..rlI'I ... 11 I'i Mi!r;. . .11 til" .. a

rai Ii i ii-i- i'.l until l!i" filln In n h'1 K.i i til1 ' I " ''ii aii'l

';, in li.ix ini'i la 'i.i ,(' lu r n:thiinl ini'ili. :.! alt, nil. Hi. Mi' liiin- -

f- -ll i'i !'-- : i"uii' an. a- -

II a! il a." t:ik"!l t" II Ii": I'llalwlh'M' Ii. r.iiia .n.'il a i nli i'i inor- -

.. .,f I',!.- rili's .".II.'. H III il In- v. is." an i .1 ,,ii, h, Ii"'-inl- i Ii" ln. I

ll 'U Ml,- ll.ul lIlM-'- III" (I".IH'rnll.s .iiid hun-M'- ami finally Ii ail

!. n ii.i.i lh,- . in In i.f a i hil i', , r 'l'!i I nil. I !). .n,k In r lif.-- .

i'i.t. i,"- 'I' t. Mifi '.I that i.f

.':""u i i ' -- r.,,('.i. ""..."..11.. Ii 1. . Mis a

.... .a ... ". n i" 1" il."Jl'ii.l- -

,V l I" !:!! "I ill'i'l "

"! i ll:a I" II i'lllir 111 ill. t

.. I! il'l" II a a Ilia : ll.'H r. 'I' -

rlMili-i- Ilia tii.y' I, i.f tin- "' lu

',.',,, a, ,,,, ..'." 11 il'",,,. h llis I. t" :.a. -.( ,., ,,: . .i ai ill.

,;,: III!,",. HI. I .111 ' II,,. ;,. i, : I: lav.av nl -,, , :,, ,,, ,, ., i 1, !" in 11 .'I ' ana

"I .,t. .1 It," V.


m. 4.l.. - . .

HakesGives nicer,There is

I for hotMade from







Fn.ho Into MlW' ,

l'1-1 Jli 11


Learns IJ njilc:(:a'o I'i la.... i '

Aie Lured to Ui'U,'Ull" .in.

ranp,o" DJiK-- 0;idemuu illIlllll

f(tit Mnmlng 4onnMl ! '" n'' ' ' -

rH, ,,i, , pi ll I. I "Si " y as toHi,. i i v by r. "ln n tnwn

j. en

ll, am.' nl wax Sttt'tt at ("tlay'si i

,.r the lllilli'lH l.'.'islalil.. Wllil"

t!....V I'.lllllli.'-Ni.'lt- , Uhirll ik all' 'Hint- - !!

in., to tiii.'i'VtT tin' ' uii ls

dull int. i iiiim. .nil hi ' y.

Al'l. l i 1 ' Uill' en' I t i.f! in. i

.... i.. v.ak.iH hail t. still",in:: imni'Tal ilaltrc Ii.his.s ami "in- -

fl.,,mKiil v.nn. - li.ul t"l'l Hi" M..ry ..f ln--

nil', lanlM" 'r.'ll.'ll. all llll'll'V.' I'fsi I" 'hi a li IK f t i v

). nlii..rl"is, l""U II"' st. in, ami ti.l'l ,,,

..f In." UrN ii i'1'- - 1 ill sI'I

v.. I,. l.r..nyht to th" I'la. i'. t'M'S'S.

Vi. IIIIC Weill. 'II .'ft' il iv' i

I h. i ,. In la i":i lis', in a stat" '.m'.'iCOUTY..I,.,,,. T. Il. li il.- - lar. .'la- ha.l inlt.'il lual.l i:irls an it ami.. ..liuit; ill tin' li.m. 'i'' s',sl'"ii;

i as- ..(' th.' .la. i i i " f'iit".l muii t -

K l.i an av.TaK" i.f himi'.r. .1 m-- 1

I'l'S. ha'!l.' ".I'ii't"r i'f fit" 'la!'' '' It IL

).,nt;ht iiiln mint aft.'i' his n m:i. ha'lIn-- n nii.n l.y thr .1'iMnil. I ' s.'t ' I . M' a s

a i. i.i t i. ill. ass. Ha, thai Ii" h' in a in

I'. .i:l.,l.,' il:tcc. i""I in t In- satin. !' inn a a, ";. s r..ni" a

Ihi ia I'l'.-r- Satni'il.ii ." nsla-- l 'I.,

l.i. lit. II, lilt I l.ll aril. a i 'lla ra."1! is no iii. sli..n i f is ami CIS

alwa.s "all th.'lii lia" amiiii'. u . i . il th.- wit in "I l! - ;

nauiil tu Hat' nvi'i'v 11 n,r p;."l il i.a ... en n I'.'"

Mi Cel ll'll.le I I i .11. I'n si- - lake


Smilesless than

s as' . a s, .: , i h , .!,,',"'.


mini men say sniiie iii lluu with thaiend in view already has been taken,Hallway circles liele have tin Infor-mant, n further Ihau the report incn-II- .

Hie, I.

"The ulllthils hinder up have nlventhe KUhlei t Bullle cnlisl.lera t lull, billnn iiiili has been Hindi'. ll Is saidthai Ihe lucreasiiiK tleiiia tuts mi thepari uf eiiiplnvcs has mini" a policyif r. I pin Inn. at tieces-- n i s , and Hipi llininalii.n nf free a m porta t imi run-M- il

liti s a l.ii i:.- Hem,"The stieiiiimiM i I f.n t nf llic

ralll.iiiil liialiiiiiciiienl uf today Isdlict liil Inward liu reused efficiencyuf service fur the piddle, which menusincreased cust nf npernllofi nml maln-teiiiiin- c,

ll Is i I ii iiil that lii,l,.:-ii- ll,,il'.li. lia. I , ,i retneli I s ilu reused

Thicc Loim-Tei- m and Two! expeniiiiiiris ami hher nc-- . mr,'impluvcs, with threaleiied icilinllun

Shoit-Tei- m Memoers, m i"i", '" fon-in- uc taiimadH toI It W hi t cver iussible.

I'.'W. Illpc hie. IlinllV es Iccclltiy ul'ileieil "j sanla Ki- - railrnnd. arc In be as-

sail, 'cll'-h.'- il inc. ir 111 111!' I, lllllis. tinned tu the A lbliuuel-- lie (livisliill.

small liiiailrcd iuiinils ui The uther twelve will iu to San llcr- -

ai lna.U I !. . I ce.




Di.ty on Flour is Not Asked

Provided Wheat is Admitted

Fiee So Competitio i May be

Had With En-lan- d.

llli Miiri.lnii .1 n I Snril 'l Irl'fl Hire I

t'hicajiu, April he prniuseilla.tilf nn fluur nliil wheat wiih ile- -

liuiinced ill I'i suliiiiutis iidupted tnilaynl ihe annual eunvelitlnii nf Ihe Millers' National Federal mil. The millers.In imi want any tariff prntectionwhatever, hut uikciI Unit if a tariffbe placed nn vi heat (hat all eqiialiv.int;tariff be placed mi Ihe piuilncts uluheat and ihal if the plndiicU ofvvheai he ailinitti'il ln'c that wheatiiiH.i he admitted free nf duty.

"The duty mi wheal," said Williami'. Kdmir, ihaiiiiinii nl (he r.'Huliitimiscmnniittec, "nce.ii'.liiiK to bills In t ro-

il in . l In the hulise uf teircsclltatlv esmi Apnl 7, will be in cents a bushel,Ihe dulv nn flour 1(1 per cent 'l va-

lorem except when Imported from acuiiiiiiy vi hu h ilocN nul Impum- - a tar-iff nn American Hour, In which cast)il Is admitted Iiti'.

"This means that flour from Can-- Iiiila, I'.erniiiny and other countrieswhich maintain a tariff on fluur willhave tu iiny n duly until they see11 to their lulvaiilaae tn . hunt!" laws,but fluur from Ureal I'.rltaln will havefree access tn American markets andIn mcelliiR British cninpetltluii Ameri-can millers will he handicapped by aduly on their raw material uf 10 centsa bushel. The duties on wheal andfluur Hhiilild be specific, If the dutyon wheat in In he 10 cents 11 bushel,the tariff on fluur shniild be f.O centsa barrel, a change In the lellur, lulllint in the spirit uf the pr.ipused law.If cniinress will malic Ihe duly nnfluur ahsuliile, in apply nn all flouradmitted tu this cmiiitry, millers stillwill he handicapped by the tee ad-- n

issiun nf ls."The American miller asks fur no

preli'Ctlnii, hut demands Justice."



HOLD PI'') r'!EET!!r,


Th, I ' Ci.iaitv 'I la -,i ih,. ;,r.'u,

f..r :l. 1,1111 lllia lh" ...I hniiiiine. 'I'i

I l i: - I. ni i :: if' I."r 11 ii.i lua .1 ft'. Ill II

,. " ,lL. I,, , . ni "(.ii-- " ..I I' ll'ill thr main .li.-- ti ii Male

i,.. n:.ii I, I Aii 'in S. Whitapeak ml 'I" ' "llli ilte, has pi -

1. il all i:, ,1 i" 'la I'I : l a iii Th..pupils "f lh' I.l: I'' s"ln vi e

pall. i

for Salea cent eac

-- pi7l,.rT.. rrv-i- a -

. i . :

& k

" ,',,. i''' " "" "'- -'

Vim knew w hat liiippcns In a hniisi-in which Ihe phi:iibln Is In puur cuti- - ;

il lull - - ci cri b nl y In the lun Ik lla- - j

liln tn cuntiaet lipln.iil ur snnif nth-

cr fever. Tin' illK' stivc ..in. inn per- -

fnfni thi pain.' fiiiiellnii.i In the llli- i

man burly (in tlm plumbim; d"is fmHi,, huii'i', ami they slmul'l be k, il in

f,rt class ci'lulil inn all the time. K,vim hav iiiw trnublc with ymir dineslinn lake f'ha inbeiialn's Tablet linovim are certain tn H"'t (iii.ii relief.I'nr sale by all ilriiituisis.

evv pli tun s. I'.uti I I l.'. I.

, nn AinTirrlacw Luuuiviu i iv toFOR LOCAL DIVISION

J.'lvi- - nf the H'Vfll I ee n lU'W l'llciric





For the smallest coins you carry, please andbenefit your children, your wife and yourself.

Isn't it worth a few cents to give this deliciousmint leaf enjoyment to the family to give con-tinuo-

benefit as well? Teeth, appetites anddigestions improve steadily with it.

Almost nny shop ell9 it any purseaffords it. Get it tnjoy it touijjhlt

"S.nil.i Fa ami !o. k Island ufflcinlsIn Tup' ka vvniilil not emu Inn ur denythe Illlll . , t H."

you can cure that backache,' rilitlui;UilMK k,ili)tinri,lial' ft int ;f u?'

,.v, k,., 10 ,',,, r,, r.f,,r n knlin-y- , lliililfr uiul i:rlimr tr.iul.l.c W Iany,,n IM ml run ilown. tln-- l, nmk ami nli"itf n.Ti;r inn. Ilu, ntiimrltHlili, ef iihIiii.' 4IhtI.i an.l r.Hiu, A Kt.uili' Iniiitiv.' ll In. i.i,i".iiilMml.t ,,,, ArII11 ,.,.Mr ,, ,,,, h, p,.,.eimn nr ait tir mail Im hmiii.m n'lii I' ld.ii,AU.Iri'U. 'ihe Mullitir Utaf Co., It liar. 'V


Strawberries Every Day

New PotatoesHead LettuceCauliflower

Younrj Onions andRadishes

AsparagusCalifornia Celery

Young Spinach

Native Rhubarb3 pounds for 25 cents

tFlorida Grape FruitBananasApples


Cooking Bags15c pkg.--Toda- y Only

Fresh potato chips 30c lb J

Heinz Sweet Relish 20c pt

Sunshine Butter tBelle Springs Butter

Chase and Sanhorns

Teas and Coffees

A 1 iainti tt

i iPhone 172

The tcaill uf the fact (hat Hi

lalluls used at the schuul huliril ideethm contain.., Ihe names nf tun can.dldnlcs fur a bunt term and three fur

nyirl:;,";.::;;.;,,;;,!TK;:;:;:;:!pre M cm fr I'OJinl of (hl 'c Iik- -

term niemb. is and milv tw o Hli.n -

term meiiil.ers, liirnlshcN the ciindl- -

dates who received pluralities suine- -

thinu fur reflectinll '

Ibis iiuestiuii may he can led Intoeuiirl f,,r adjust mcnl. 'J he form of tli"balluts may Invalidate Ihe entire ellinn. Hul Ibis oversight nn Hie partnf Ihe printhm cinnmll lee may onlycause the substitution of A. .. Malovfur l.uuis A. Mcllne In the pcrsutinelnf Ihe new hiiard. ( . X. Marrnn andM. Iv Mickey, null-pa- isa 11 candblaleHfor Hie IniiK term, led that part "fthe ticket. A. .1. Malo.V was nexthighest. The uther three nun. parti-san candidates, W. W. Slmim, l.milsMcltae and Sim, II. 11. Hay wereslated fur short terms. Mr. Slrnnuand Mrs. Hay ran ahead ul MrMcac.

New ph i ni l I'

Iced lull., 11 local ur cake 1,1

,oiir rmvs, Iioisi'h, shi'i'p, I'liirkciis orhulls, (liu- - hundred pounds ciiial InKill poiinils nf cm 11. ureal sinlnyll')' It. I ceillim illlis lbuis furnishedins-- . 1:. w. iii-- , aia-2- 1 --t

I,em I Ave.

Nell' pic! HI !. I'. ill!" 'I v slu




Are etnphiyes of the Simla I'c tn he

deprived of free transportation ovctIhe cniiiiaiiy'H lines'"

That is the (iieslluii will' h seems Inbe il lMt 11 rlil UK Hie eastern end uf Ihesyslem a ureal deal nf lain and linnreached A Ibluiucnine, where t'liipbn esare lalkin or 'be rumored cliaimc Inthe pass syslcin which lias been Ineffect fur years. It Is nellher ileiiledmir firmed by iiffleliilM, y i t It is,cnuiiuh In cause smnewhat uf a fltil-

I.r I111111IIK I lit' men nil Hi" pay rnll'-- 'uf Ihe ii.mpany here. The TnpoknS . .luiirnal has the I'.dlimiiiK In"." '

nf the mnltcr:"Itallway empluves In Tnpckn ai--

Kiealh ilislurbcil limit a pel-lsli-

rtillinr that the Issuance uf pa" s i

In be dlscuntiniied. The i I.a i . ..m. s

tu Tnpckn from Culm. id", w In n tal-


Wholesale and Itetal! IVaVr. In

ritllSII A! T VIM.HUUSIIKI'D -l l s l .

I'nr CaHle nml II. n tv.. Ikki-s-

Watkel I'lb i i l'int

PUMPS, WELLS, EGIESWIlidiiillN ' iKallon f'lni'iti and

Water ehipph I'lunts. KiiKlncs l..rCrude. Kol.lt Oil or Htcel

ail. W eed SltbstrUctUt CM.

Wtll.KINt; NOV,

Oll'ln' 112 W. Topper Aie. l'lmno 110

if you buy

bv the box ($Sr?T7x

S,ri iid t'nrrr.iMili.li'nrff lo Mi.rnlliff .Int.rniillHelen, X. M., April I l. i in Tues-

day mornlnt;, while a number ufis were nn their way In the I. una

S'll l p lallclleS f.'l' Hie hllllbllllt 'Illdshenriiiy 'eason, I'l'a n.lsci, ('luniv.illlll Jnse V'allle., Willi were I'ldillK nil..p nl a w.moii load of soppl.es, fell

In the urnuiul, holll bcllll! Injured.Chavez's ininries were uullc sci bms.ll seems that III lallin.; his headstl'iick th" hard rend, caiiFini.' a Irne.tin uf the skull. He was caliicd Inlnll limine llcalbv Illlll 11 phvslelan.all".

I'll 'c.IueMlaiV nlisultat inn nfplivsli inn" win. held, win n l was

In lake thu Injured luali tn thehnsinlal nt Albuiiieriiuc. ir. Wllkln-su-

111 cuiiipanled him t lui and anuperatb.n was perfurmed. The linnlal bnne was crushed In such a man-ner that Ihe parietal bnne overlapped

In- lemur, All"f lainlim Ihe frniitalbnlie In its pnsitiun a II I tint wasI', aim mi Ihe I, inln, This uns re-

lieved, bill the patlcni Is still In a a

condition.Vnlihz fell In front uf (Hie uf the

n heels uf Ihe w auuii and une ii heelpassed nver his arm, crii'hlnur II bad-

ly. Unilever, he cuiil lulled bis Juur-lie-

with th" ullur members id the.aity.

Vcvcr 'ialu.Sh" Mllinked lust line-- -

Xu more, you bet '

She calls II 11 "ii

A "sh kan lb ."

the 1WfAr--r- 'Chicago-spear



-- j




A ;vi t i j tLEGAL f.'OTICES. !

i J ! l - in; t. expl-n- -, w..tk. r. ... ,,

t ! IH PRESIDE!U 0!FSftfj JOfli miih. t ... ;, :...-.- ..t..i . ,t- - h - .. .'

; ; ! .: : .' i ,:,: m- - i. .r. i. . , ,!

morning journal '": ,:. Mi :r, . .., :. ..... .... .,; ,-- :"



- I , ... .. t" .)..!,.., .... I'

Is1 ' 1 ! i .. .: ,r ".' - f in J ' ' r : '..dVX r.Vi hi.l;T. . tj.s a.--.. .;. t,.. . , .,JOURNAL PUBLISHING COJ . . . ..... ...'.v l g I , y, t i I ' .1,. t Mili v vi i .


r r;A W



' t ; ' . ;


TO BE NAMED lEWflmLhiD. I ! '

v " !.. ! " .r.I V. . a f t; !. Thf ' t...n is, i 'i i tt iVI I,, -' it l,

i. i; ...'. .it r... 'i' i ;i.!t.-- l r i;.,, fc,.w,il.tlt., T r ; P,-- .

' I ... , .n i . f i. t:i . tii.. ! ,: ;

I J III Kli, r--rt..i...r. - . . . I -- " ' ''-- ! ! It,t- -

WarMtla ftu.'Jifig, ( btraf. III.I


I' 'lD; :.V e T.l"s Sicc r V,.r P'o G:a ,', l, :J S:a-- d- : ' .A. I' ! '

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r' :m'." ;:i ' !': iii I' ::.! !.-- . t, j j;' 't A!: :.f f i t i j, ! n r k. x. v. ... l: r- - f i! ! ' f I! . .; y.

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u-.- t mi. li lint uii f,.t iii. . ii. i. nit 1 : 7 .

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in V. Ui mi Wti.'l'i i.f, tin- ..ai l fi.rii'.- - fi. ik.if kiil.il .1 . ,! ,. ,,.a .. nr. f.,r fir,. i.,..ir.t. .fl a. if', rw f...

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V..M. T. A. f.II'.llKK, IM':';' Si.',!.- - .,f Xiv. ('mi".. . .

. ,l. t ... . ;..i ' i uti I :.;

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" 'Ml. itv if i:,T- -

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'': if! ' ..f '.. i.i. r;t I., i. ,1 ,ni.f, mi th,. ,, ., . .. I.,., ,,,,,..,

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M i. .1 I,.. I

- . If ' . Lf. I." "I.l li.lllilll .

j. t;. iisi.'.x;:. is...iii Tiuk .fii'inmi ut v... fii.- i f ,r i.i.r'' til- - Slii .1 iv i.f Aj.ril. !'.'.; at

SIM.- ..f X. v M. m im. i.l' ff M..r;. ,. ,. k .,. ,; ): ;,. v.''" A'. "'. II. f. Til i i.f ,H . ,..::,:v.

ti I", r ,,r ,1,i f.,. ) i.i

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"--' h n f en r.;h .i..v if ! - r.ii,., A.- walk;:,:-. Im - i. . ji.i ii:, i" : . i U " 'M ai iT.-r- ,..i.l l: ..i...li. t - !,

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. i,l. tii.- ri c 'I r. 'ii... in. ii Si,,t,. ,,f X'. v M. i ... CiTifiin hl:..wi. ilLi.-.- tliat I - . I.t. d 1 r.il.-lli.- I'r., ,1 W ,i.

' I.itii.ln.l'. I'.-i i:i' il I.- n"iiii In- - .,..1, t.iitv i,i, i, i, ,i . 11 fl.L. . . . . '. . f i ..... I ... I " tvririiiri i.iini it i ti u w i iii.- ;, iiiiii i.f tin i,i- - ';nv ' ! al-- I i' . t Hlif ..f , i . .., i t

Ml nil. I I'V j .1.1 I ,i i. l II, . ' sii.'i, a. I:ii ir . ;,i t ..i.d A if.-n- a, St..t-- of X. ivW'".t "i ii iii'.'l if.t'iii! . il It im Ik- r I. t.rtifn-- that tin n- -

I .. ... ... I i i. r 1. .1 ll il t, 1. ,1 a ... ..,1 .. f.ii . -Some Suggestions for r. i in.- - 1, r at,. . tv

. fi i ; ii- - i . 'li i'i ; - n in ti,.- int. -

t.i M', i K v. Hi v .,. h s i:il . . jn-- it:,, i," .I i "If im la i.'iVil,.-.- ill I,,, f.f;,iif .in. tn. j f. iii--

,in, ,

ai;tii i.i: v.Ti,f I' ilil.'S I.lnl ,. ;,,,r. .....

. i. iii. I. ,ii ;i nit i i itv.iitt'ii. IT'AI'.I.I.S 11. Ki.il..-- . trail., rli.i i.f Hm i .fit:. ..... ,t u.Safeguarding Health !


' r -..' i .. k..i, . .. t.- .1. ,.i!' ' ' h Hi- I t li'l 1 . .. j

it i I t. ii.. ill nr.- I. . li .,ii ii,.- - ii,, n. !

i it ih.i; i'lii. tt. in iulh iiiil f.it.i

i in i i : 1 1 i .iiiki i:.

' U.ih ,, j i,i, ri, t.., iif: f ,.. hi i,


;i i.r.i!i.'iii ii

l,,j"f tii" ii.. .!. i ,f. ui-; t!i- - r.'irl..ri"-'l'- l Hilt f II .1 .1.1.. ll I.l I.- 11,.- .M i ii, I. I :i i, i

(X.. filial S'.iii, X.tli'iv !''i'.iic SI. T.t hni.1. ' y i.f Th SuiHriori - Ti!'. X, u .Mi x.i... ' c.i,,l ( p ,ny. iX'... w;.li th.;M-- . .ii .xi.r. - u t. I, ni"!iit .. iii.-- ai 5.,m.,

'''1 ; I'liiii i'h fh an, ,,f r rd in th. .f- -

ti. id thi Statu Citi'l'i.r.tti-.- ''.itariii!- -

ii nl.i In il tin- I ill. In li. t III.Mi . ili'ii: .i.n-- .i::! I .... ',,ii''"f hur.-- . . .' t I f,.r hv -i, h ri f

i.i.r ,.i,.l i VVi-i- . )' A, 'Ji.ik.-- .i.i'M-l- l I'l II,. vm.iII. 'll,, ( j ,!,. ,.fii .!( li- - .i- -t .. .. r,. th- - ii.i.iil'i:.. liMi'li X.-H- ' M. xi' t). r.n 'i.,r,al. r i i d In .,, i i. ar J..I

.1Th. t i ,i., i ii. f . 1 i . .H.I1, y i.f ll.--

U Ii Ih. ;' i. I

tin- I.. llli f ..i,l I n

.id . f lul .1 ,! '

IT" 'I. ;.... ., ,:t nil t: ,!. i. ....I t

ifui.In t"(!imrT.V iv!i(.r..,if .. k.,i,.

' 1"'" ''''-- 1 A- - " A i 'i. r i :if . X, ..v M. x. ki.... ,. X, w .MmI":,. i.',l - l .. Mi !,.. r. ......I n I. I'' im.,1 li.tl'f l, HI ,, -- ., ,., .

!. -. t ih h ill! II. T.Tilt' I : . I hi v t

"i- - ii. , . i ... ..r

;' in.- I

. I

in . ..! .1--

f nv ii, ,n !', a ,f. i I , h'. ,i'1. Ilinl.tfl ill tililt. w hi... n ,.,..,,, . . I:, ii. I J. :. I ..-..-.. Aihu-.u-- ;i,., X.-- ,. iiii'l i l. rk i f ii. i.l i'iitnii:i...sj..n h ui"i 'ii this ti. duv nf Ai r.:. 1 I'H. Ifi '.'t,: ;. ..I, til.. . .I.l .li , ..!-., nit- - i.fhi I Mien nr.tn n.'t th-- ir hn-- i fln,t aif.i.ilI "' " ' " -- ' f.,r- - in.- Jr n1;' t:.,i,M in ih. it. ii I s . . j v ..,;i,..,. il A.I..I I., tt i, in i,.. I, ii,- Tl,,., ,.

Thi i -- . i . if ul,,,... .,;...,:,.(,..... ...i i . i... ... ... ' i "t Sail! i ' ii : i i n . ill til"' ' HV !l ti, '.. I .) . ttl. I II h

it ti ,1, i , ... .1 ... t IMOTICij i,,.i,.i . ,, m-- i.li.l, l iliil 'itv ..f .v., m , iv. i.n I'm i Ichtii .1 ivi''''"" i tllti.il l!l.,l,..,l.,l ,!.,! tii 1... ..... t..,,.. i,..ri- .l.-.- -i .1 it, ..nil"" ihf.ilth ..f th" .,1'.'. U'. I.. i. th,,: , ,, If. n if irv tn .i.ii'l j '' I v. m. . i. . ut.-.- th.. f,.r. ir..iru- -' ,,f !'''''. Y '' 11."

fi".- III. 11 Hill !!,!, nil. ti.l'.iH III ii:,I ll'lti. . ,l til, - !.. ll, ., i,;, H ,.r

:k. Th- ii..,....,.: i r fi. !. i, i,t In- -

I A ill I ft'.!. I l l ... ... Ihf , ,;

ti" Ilil iiii.k. , f,l.!rf.,t,v h' ilih .a Mi. .I ,...(, iv tri ., f I. , i ., ... iin;!i ii. uiu.iAMs.m n ir en ,i..iii;t ul ..,nis f.! ... AilTi'T.K VI. :i . i.t uti.l a- r,nns tli.it th- -. X- -

i I ... l tii- - it. i i .a,.. it,., r- -' ' h" i. it "t 'fl'ital xt.i. !!n. .1 j , .ft:t., thi um- as tlu-i- five in' l :T:ii tlirt il,-- . i. .,),, ivi.-.f.- i ', ' " ' V 111! irn.iUl.'ii tit. wrMiirv (d th.- tr. .I- ii

i. f i'i- .,,,,,..,. ,, ii,,, ,, ,.f n. . . . .i 'i , ,i iii' I . - at; r if' ,,,,,,, , "T.-- . r .turn sh.f! ,i, ,i',.,.,. At.M: 1'. C..p.t. rk

,V '. :,t '"' .1 "I H- i- f i, .1 ,.f st- - !,i'- -, iii-- nr ,.t x,i. h j iir,,s, niv hainl and iiMarial s. ,tl, ,l,l-- -.' ,',- .n. ...'..in .!,., u ,,,,. ,,..,( f v t,(. .,, v,.,,r ,.,.( i,, r. in a;, M.. 1'iiitv "f Thu ajpi-rin- Cal Cnni- -

' i h's ' '- 1". ..th, r in Miitt.-n- . T : M A X X. )'A 'K i: I IT.

im. if 'i iii.ni'if .. vi, r win, 1 , ,,, :i"':-'"- " IT. hi' iti'i-- - tin (If,' In . f

Mii, I i,.; ,,. ., ,.f . r..t. Ml..,.. ,,, '" " X

IlliV ..Hi' I .l i.f. " l,,.,!:,.,,,)y ,,ftil.' II- - ill hf 1, ' h" a.l ..'.- i,i

iii Ih f ; I'. !,;. ,,.

I: V. I 1 . I V. ill I i.l .. p r. f i' v, ,! I,

Hi it III HIT flu I' 11 ... I. . f, . ,,

l.ii This is tn rrtif" th u tun ,m.1. r.' ' '' i, mi ..."'' i.'H.lkif II ,,. i,,,,, (, . Ml S'li h.', II ..lil'V, l..ii i.,-- t. K.,11.,1 ,I, II. .,

I..T, v. ri i, i.i- - ii:;-- . nth. r 1 ,::;:;i!,ii-- i.i- thirit. ..ml in tin. :.i

iieinir all th inTai! inicii"!- -r,,t..r-- uh.i h.i-- . - f", th- - , rtilantn

-. 1 ,ih, ail -i-s.

i '.r.ii liv in, it.-- I t. i

i Xi. I. it in! Siaii rin.iiv U riai- -

i:iln l'..nnty, X'.w .:- -. ...M . ..ii, ml--I- . .n . ;. r.-- A1141M 7.

'1 V.i . .... . . ' ' f"t.fi t in ( I n li i t , n if,., . t.- - 'ri . ... . . ...


tl' Il.'lll M l H'li-- ilil Id , l liTI .' i t I i . I .. i ... ' r tin ;"' '' " ,'"!M,,. nt ..f th. h.i.,..i

n I'll.. t,l ,,s tn the 1 .'nil ,,f til: it

ir.i'iii'.i.i;Hi,,n of the iilniif. n.iiii"'!. j "iTli'l'illn.n, tiler," In- ha, m;

i. i ...ir a,),.,- ,i ,,).s.' ' ' ' . n. .Mm if mi mi.. iivn ... Mt..t IUiv hi., i. int. i. Ih, i, .hi Ml,., ll I,, i- -l .if ,.

III. I. ,1 III, I, I, (., I,. ,, III,, ll I" t ik. 11 111 .:- lit t'l M ,. 1;v. ATiii; M i'i'i.v .'.H'AVV. jI" i.'ir I hilill II. . 1 ' I t,,i, :, J ,, .,In ill I. t .hill, l . i.. I...- I, i t , th,n Ti il lii.M . II. ,1 I,. . ill . I n

if' ilil, I. if , fit. hi. ,i v- - inn

f''l'"l'M f.lil ll.'l.i,..- - f,, (, ,l,l;,.""i" ' ""'i "ii v hn h i ,, i f ,,. ,

"' '..ilflH f.,i viihiiif-lii- ' r. (, i. im,.. :, ),,,h. r ii .. I,,

AllITi ' i; Ui.T h- - tt rin t f . y nt - .f


"I'- f.-- Mia, hi I!' ii'. n i .. i i . ,ii i '. r.t i .. i , .,

fi". i i .in in i h- ih.v vimWORKING HUNDRED MEN! """a-.tm-u-

.' ' '11- ati.'iis ih- -

II, it li- - ' .in a a , a, I, ,,f i,,i,, .,i . itn in

il'-l'i- v : s i'ie,, r liiiii.-- tin- - iT'iv,- -

s'"ns "f S,, !i"" '""il'lT T.t. -',' -- :;' en i- , i v I , -

.1!. i.(M... iitiimii'i - N"tl- - ( y,.w M. x:,.,., v,,,r,,V(.,i Ml,,h ,;lat.iiity ul'.!.., .;;,, !h . , ,, (lj ff f' ;

m.,,IflT, "f "V";'. oih-- M.,.iil,.,!,l,,s ho mav h'- -,!. !..!.!; '. a. in. ,,.,,, nss..i;,,,. with ,.', s...' ineinI' t I

...ini'iited K.tci... am;. : ,:r;;;-k;- . r'i!itv on cf nnv s!,i.kINI1':M'I ; by th s ud erpratin. and that nil

M!e of Xeiv M,i;,i., I i.un'.y -- f , M - j .; ,k ,.,,,,., s f s.,j( ,,, ,, ,

n.ilill'i l". i I... ev.tnii. ..11 11.. 1. ;n.

n... .;., ,.,,;f ,,,,, i.M;!;l.."V.'.f. I"'".: v,,'"""r:;! i'- - i..,,r.i".C:tt";.ul,. .,

', , , ' ,1 ,. . ". .1 .i.l.,l. mi (, , m.-rn- rr In Mi.mlnc J.nirDtill 'f h"' i, - Ihall I'll'. - In I' I, m.I 111, ""J '""", -' - r. ,T H,,k s;ii,, .',,;,. X. M , Ai.t.l ll.-- Th-i liv,. ,1, ,,..-,- ,,,, .h;, ,.

' t'l- - I.n ,ii. ,.,l,. "it., illf; 111. .Ill ;,, lift, l,., th !!.,,, h.,.1.,1 . nint 1 . . i'i ti 1. ,,.1 Ih, antll.nl ,,. .: :,i,-,,..l- , ,,..,

i.ii, l, a n. nil . " ... i, ,,f , ht ah.'"" !; if fi- - fl.n Inn... II'. in,! If,.

I"'1 'f Th. .nl,,'i, i i,iu i,,,i i -- . Ill i.l i I.' If:; i h . r Mill

mil, iiii Th.' i .. nit i.i fi- - (..,! , , i,."'U ,h" I" 'in- -. I. I'i. . "'Mi' in'" v ..1.-. A il,- -. .It!,.- s, iihiiiit Mil', i,,.m h, ,,M

' '''! "i .tin- - .,f tha st... kin. hi.linn-- , III Ih, , ii, i.,,. ,, , . ,, r... .! .a-- . . a. h Mini, if t k. ii" .':;, ,r fit .,, ..I,..,,, , 1, ,, ,i, ..,1 if' Iff. a . 11. a t I,. 11, ',-- , ,1,,nail Iii I Iii 11, , .j j,, r Id This instrument was fih-.- f..r reel of

'1,1 III!.!,,,.,!'. I'.t in n.av ,.,,.s ,., ""'' "'"f'"'t"'i I . . . j ...u at v- -k and is Mfunin tr..,,, .'' 'i' Ih'-- ' ' "''"',. .,,, . ..rd , tn,. 7,h .i.y ,.f .m.,.1, . .. .. ,,. ,;:- -

exceptun .,,.

sni h ZT, .rwiM.i.' h. ui". I h.ij,,, 1," ""Ii I" llf.lil I' I ll.tl ;, S III ,11 11, '' " ti i i' i a r I s, ,., r-i- hTuu, ,, j , ;;, - 15 ..Vl.irk P m. Iivi ..nl.'.l in V,;!. ,, ,,r ,h,: ,,. - ,,,,..it,. hi,, al ,,r!., t, .,,;, h,,.Ml !,, t , r ,iii ..... , ,.1 1 1,,

- i 'i .ii .l n ., , ,,m. tt. .1 ,,,! ' j 11 "II. ' t. .1 h. 1.

H I' III,. th .1 the ,in;ii, ,,

" M "li!. I. ,k Ml- - ll

i ,1 th- - ,.,.., .., a,,;,,,.-.- ' ' '

'" ';"k "''rs-hai;"!l"- f '"n...r.....i m 11 Id tl..- ..,; '' f'i'Mil-'"'"'- !x" li-l- . in iinni.Tty or .ash.i,i , .... ,,, - 1,1 h- - ' '""...'m.-s'.i- .l.r.-.t.- shaii ,.,.,., ,,f ,.. V; ' -- 3'"

. ' ,' ' .' !" t!m. of th,- - comm.no.i.,ont ..t. , '' ' v s '' " '' ! UL- - n inn, .1 ;im! it a... - iii.ii, ilia!--- 1 !.m in- -- m ..,i,s, wii.. at. ail r. . .'. 1.

' k ilni1 T.I.r. I luisin.-si- .

""; !,';, I,',',,',',,, "" " "' " M.v mi" H- i- ,,.,,. fa,t.i .,,) . i!l....lim.l n:,..,,. ..t tl St.,,.. t X,'m.s. i2ini.''."lJlW-,,.MM-Vt

j Th,. rouist.r..,l rfi,P nf thf r.itpi- -' "

stl, I"' i'i": ""i 'I-'- li'i'i'i '"' 'f -- "'l' I 111 Aril. I.- V .f tn.. ytat,. ,.f X.-- M.xi-n- -1 ifii at- - f.f, ' ! is Incut. , at t,P jniHtiiHi nf" ' ''' r 'J

,.- -i, ''..-.- .I

' ir"" ' "" ll tt'tiii ..'i ll.. Lis tni.iii I at Tir.in. C.tni.aris.m. rnitml States ,; l'H"t :n.iiii, uml ll. ,',.ili',.iiil innkl' ti "! ;s ,K.. n u,i .,., ,,,,.; tt'M. I'. A : : : K I :. Am.-ri.;.- . Slut of Nov t.o Atchison. & Santa

ik "' ' in,..,.,,,,.. ,. ..',,-.!- ,'ii iii- - f. n- -s at' "' "';l',:' I ' is hereby ."it tied, til, it the an-- 1a'!,v'''-- ' '"T.pr.n;.- in th,. fity nf Al- -

,, - "" ' " "' - v., . ; J l" 'ANK. n.M-- il is a full, tra- - ami c,n,,l.le -- r. , u... X.-- Mnvi. ..; Rn(l Mr.I'"' V'""lH; ,"',",,,iliv ;"K l'M ... mi.1 f

""'M.i ". m; ..un-- .. AllTli'l.l-- ; IX. transcriiit of Ok Vrtificto nf In. or- - ' h''rlos Knnz is ilcsii.-natc- lis th.'

'"in--!- ' .ink,," 1,,., I,.,!,,,,. r,

' ''', I) ll .'1, I'l i ,,,, ,. II,

"' iy ii ..ii. .1. thi. k t a 11 i

iM" - ir. . t, , , H,. h ,. kl.. i,. ,,r a ....

I '!' I' li l.-- Ti' f l, hi.li, t ,.,,,If T. lid' l lli. 1, ;, U.., ,, , ,..

' i" ' ' ' ; ... , ... ;,.'' '''I' 't'l' '' ' ft t 11 . . I '.: .If'" f ' im II .ill, I;. ,, f ,1 1,,, f.I ..."nt r ,ii... 1,. .,, ,. i ,ih ,,f'l I. i ,' .1 !. 11 . .,., j, I,, 1,

il "' ':'H Hi' t. hi, ,1 I 1, ,!,!,,' " "" : 'I" ' n .11 i. -- i.f ai !,,

"'' M.'l, s.i,.il;... ,,,,, ,.,'.. which ; In I'arlh. i;,.i, ,. . .il :nI, 1. .1., 1, ,,,, ,., , ,. l' j

lul. - 1,,-- 11 Mil tn I t I'i. thi. li-- ii i.f the pinv-r- s ..,t- -!s w !: .' a ', pi 1 p '1" ' "' ' '" "" tl I'"'' Lul a 1 If Well, .h's' ' " ' I "'''' - I. nil. I. r s:, h '' '"I I' "! add

' If .i.l,! !" 'l '.I.i 11 i t ,1, II'' .11, al, lilt tn ..

ifll l il .'t a

Ml. 11 v In, 11,.. 1, r p. i

I .11,.t 'l!'' .1 "II

If n

- -- . c. Ii'l l'il "I (I II- I- , v.'Ilil. M Y.K Sl'l.l.s IIII'M ,!'' iiiiil,,,r.-..- , :,n. eii.i,u , , ,.,1

t in I'ulsii.iht In an al fu ilia:,! ,

i'.ii .mil ', sol.". ink. and hold, rs of a 1,,.,.,..,,,, ,,f

1!'e-illl"- anilnill t

p.. ration of The Sup. rior i'.,,,! ( ..m-;,"uu"r nscnt therein, (n ch umi

puny (X'o. T'llm. uph tin eniioi s- .- j "rf,"f. Hud upon i linm pr.i.,sfmrnts thei'ciin, as vain- - a.nirs on ;'''jr',!,st '' orpnrutinn tuny be

ami of r.ord in tin- office of the, '

State ('orporati'in '. inmissnin. n i!n"ss whereof, ivc, the sit i.l

In ti stiinonv li. ii i.f. H- i- chaii tTiatr , u'"1l""';,t"rs' h;ir Ifreunlo set ouraii.l i I. rk of said e,,mmi,i.m have, iin'l sen Is "ii this scientli ilaV

li.THKi'ii s.t Un ir hands and affixed:"' April, A. r.. HH.'I.tin seal of said commission, nt the! (Sif-neil- )

ihtv of Santa on tiiis ciehth ,htv KI.IZA1SKTII 0. Kt'NZ (Sc.il

I V. . r ll. i ,, ,n Iif un ,., "f Mm k 1. s in, ami iiiii..i.,i,,hiI', in,.,..

tt 11 k a- - tt iii'. .,s iii i '"bun: pin.Ill'cilil

.,. ' "" 'I 'I m lllie I 'il... Mai- - .1,. hi ,,. i a,. , , .

a Kiel's rii.Mim; .lul, ("ii,,a- -

1" ei.. tn il. Hansl-- r ,.r i.t h.-r-

IH' llf pi.se I.l the pinpilli i, ti,,,SI.IMIs fnlplirlltinli pro! i.-,- l nillai I), t;,,.


i.f April. A. If. 1J13." lni.KS I'. KI'.VZ (Seal!"' " !"" ' "'''' t''..t nf - Al.l l'i." Tigl'i; WnM AX' S f I'l" "f' Ml I'l.li'l' hilill lli: 1,, .. ..

liUlne li,- IliiM. Illlline: Ill, III lltl ItV nf the whole hiianl ci.ncir IUT1II 1!. WILLIAMS '

. " 1 ""t.l-K- iSfiiil(Sell .Tiairman.: ,il,f,."f X,'w 'lexhti. County of 1t.r--th.i-i- n.

ii'l The ( '.ri.iira I inn in.,I.rc

"'' '' ''" I' " l' ti Mln'""' - HI,. I'l itar ., I a ithnt!""' Ii' ' I' 'I" if i I.l il.- I. ,

' ' " "'"" t"iVI" I' f..' thu pin p,.,Ml "li.li- th- - f IV

"U ' "' :! vt. ui "' 11,, ,. nv" " I '' I "'- ..r - I ilil .1,11

itn.'-- ' -i. .., (..,,r p,.,, ,.,I 11., Ill- - ..,l....jt. ,,i. .,

' I" ' ' l ul .; h in V - ..,..

i n vi 11 r 10 mom m (.im

. ti. ..nil,.. . . , i i .t....' ' 1, I' I Is. nil s ', ihl V f ,,

" k li .lul I . ! Ill , .1,1 u i, ,t , , ,,

' ' 1. mid Ih. II h,.. s ,.,.' ' " ' il ll an--in- th it tin- "... ,

'"! M "I" '1 is .,l p ...1 iv , M,i.

2..c '" ..,r. p.al an pin'- si. .n ' . n I e m tiiis


SAN JUAN COUNTY',' T'" ,l,,lh'"b.iaiils

Att-s- t: KI'.WIX F. CiiAKI). Clerk l ""'"Ccriificnie of In. ni'i.tiiatinn , f The "n t,1:s "tn ,1:V of April. IS 13. '"'

Superior Coal c,,n p:, nv. 5','r"' me pefsonnlly aiipi'urcil .Mr-'- -

We. the iii.ib rsiv-n.d- . In to a,''',h ,; Knnz. Chnrles I

a eorpi.ra'uni for the purpose J1"1 n"'1 f!V I- - Knpers, to me knownafter stated, uin'-- r and pursuant tot hl ,h' Persons described in amithe provis-inn- f ,n .( t of the Lei;-- !

' ('x''' tited the foreftrtlnK Insini- -

i.i...;.... i ... r ... , . nicnl. Iinil i.eknr.vi-l.,.1.....- ...... .1 v.

ih. pi, 1. t.

' i . i nil. i.t." in a in. inner n...v m h.Te- -""'

j nfll-- I'l esiTli'. .1 I.y statu',. In, Hi,(i."ll II IliCftll III. lit nf a cert llieate "i iliii-Sl.lt- .l'

i "fill. ,11.

SI.."..", In W itn.Ss tt hereof. He ll.tl- - ),,XI. '"" " I our hands and Is tin. luth

' tii ion. i.ii.i- -a( ui'lalii .ic. her.Sl,, I 1 f t1 , ,.. .(...!.. t isiniiie ii n i hi 111,1 inrritorv o" - ........... ...IK,,, mm m- -

eeute.l th.. sum.. .. .i..au .....1A"'" N M. M m ll. 'I h,. i.ni.ks d loilic, iIimii- - ruck X'eW .Mexico, clilitied: 'An Act tn res- - - '.' men lice IK I an

"f t'l.lllttv I . .1 - -- , - ll.Iilll . In.,. Ill 111 1 ttllltllnll Iniliu. l..ll...i t at th,. I. ...... , .

lay or chriian , A 1 1., II ;j.

w.M. i'. a i;ii'.i;Ki:. is-a- h1 I I .1 . I - ...

tilfitp the formation and liovcrnment 't

of corporations fr Mininn, Manufae-- i wiUlcsis whereof, I hnve heroimturirii?. Iniiustri.il atul o, her pursuits s,(t my ,1:ind i'ml affixed my "f'

th,, a.l " '"'if iv li is a hn,;- -, it. .. Si. .MlIh.l'iiiiii" "i. hand. Thin is ,t,l,i I nilip bllthelTin i.

I "' b '' l"'. V ,' In , VI- - ' ' 'A'- .- I,..v 111 th.

''' 'I, llli r .ii Ilcinl seal (he (lav nnrt vent first n hovo1' lit I

the Si mi l"ii! on l.( i.f s.ihil'!, pi tin' 2 . IP her illllll SI.S.-- ,'

i !..' ' . II.. v

Ih. ., ai" f .'i.. ..ml i i

' "i.l I'll f

T. f ilil;- M



Approved .11,11(11 u, i a u . (i,i hori'iiycertify us follows:

I.The corporate name is The Superior

Coal Company.

I. I,.". a VI il h ,,

ii) Ih. ll', il. I,

In. p.,.. a- f i

"ytten. K. K, I.AXTOL1T.(N';,I Xolary Public.lfl,Lv commlssh.n expires March 1.

Knilorscd: Xn. Tail r,,r nnhl Vol.

St - i f X- -i .M.i. ii, faiinty i f Mm-.- i

Ss"ii this Huh (lav of I", brii nv, iii;before me pcit-.'iiall-y npp.-ai,- Win. I'.'

A. 'ileri..'. t.t 11- 1- klluwn I,. I... ,1...

X i- i- - t


.,, .,, ,i in in i io i ". a pin in r pinup 2,v' "'" ,n" " v - ' i! ' I M', f .r . l,ni.in, iill pnnip .. slno'"! " I'.l. r Pi $Mf M. J.ll; ,,- Mar. h. J ? ;.'. v v. I'iiivc pumps ,, ,h'

i'"' Vx .'.fi .f fnimii .',.l,ic, r,., S5.IMI in nilI'arhh;:,..! ln.i.i.I.r ll.'hn's ,.,,,, ,;,.isM..,. ,,...v ,nr,.., ..t... ciinty a p.,, ,, , ,,.WM. hi Mil:

nt ,., I ii, '""" ' t : i"t' 2U Smtli llr--d M.r-- ' """y -,, ,.

f. t'.T,e 213. Certificate ,,f MtockhnliThe rcfistered ofrice of tile rorpn- -ration is locat-- d at the junction nf P of The Siiii'rinr I'n

"i'i a li I tii !., !.,,.. I tn t ,.on. fa I. il ii . i a, I, p i .,.;,

Ciln in S. . , ,ii am, a ,,, ,,

bun and i i , in., i,iiii,, I,,,,,. ,,,

f...,. .....riiiia,!. I,,:,

i" - If .i! nf all

j person dftiib-- d In an. who cx- -e. M- -. I tin- frn cKOiim instriiimiu, an,in kln.u I,, .In, ,1 ih.it lie ,,, 'at,-,- l th,.

is.iuc as liis free a. and iii ed.W'tlliess -v h.inil iinil n..i,.,,i

I'ruit avenue and the riulnrul tricks! ' ln nf!'ice of St.1t.- for..f the At. htson. Top. ka ata J' .ri',",n ('onip.iss!,,n. April S. 1913liailtt-a- Company in the City of i a' m' KHWIX l C"Al:1.nnerfiiu. New .Mexico: and .iir ri,;,rl,.J Clerk

i Mn in n.i li.i ? , . a . i'.i 1... I Ih.t .,.,. .., ,i. r,8li Meilicln,. IW fhil.Iirn.I in I 11, . ., .' ... ,.

, ..if.,. ,. ' """' '" """I ""' mil Ml ear,' i',ilin..t IIll i.lnl is p I), 11 te.I.liiitf .. , ii, 1,, j ,,, Compared lalic to JJO.' (Illrt I'- -, runt is nesir.iiieii iis the statutoryanent therein, jn chan-'- e thereof, and

' "'!.'- - inn ami ...ir iifi ro r, n, a i..icunty s.l.it ,u; coiKl, ,..:,. In- - fr chil- - iv,l,,.. 'I ! A I! I.l lit I! KKVI'S: ,v.ai, ,:.h'.?'e! Jr, fc1"'. xz A- -. , ." ,

.' ' I'' '""I. I"". tiiat he v.,, he f.,,1,.1 Hl"liyui.

' " I I.I.J.,,!,.,.! ,,, ,,f ,l. Iu on whom process against the cor- - Sln(l lM)K.im.jralion may be served ' "' New .Mexico, Cinmtv of Mer- -

n. j ' ni.Iill.v s..(l,llti ,.r I ..... ........ " "st I'll" tilth I III III I it- t'hi II s ('..."'I. .,. ,, i nn. -i 'i , p ,,i i, ', "V , "v cniinissioii cxiures ihtolfr ISI'""iM"i,.l .!' MTH.Ini;. h, H V' ""''is these and j in--I't.M.i, ,,t 1 1,,, 1U, .1, ... ,m,i, r Is.rr.d.,i. . ... .. .. ... , 's ii I.n. til.- - iiih the mothers of i

Tills itiNlriiitti.nl .,., rii.a r,..'- -

,...-- . . - i i, ,. ii en ii ii a i - I'lIlil. is ilie piiMshlticlit ( iiiii.-- afal I;.,l'l'-- e f f lotitf n '- - with ti ,i ti.nnnciiii:. s Ih- - i.ii,,j. It n: nt i .,).. .

The oltjects for which tn.. ,.r,,..' " """"- -' ' ""it some ..ill- - .' ,

" '"""I'- - ,r" ""'Millie chMll-- n ..venuilere .. ..r ,i I.'. ,,, t ,, ,. t, ., i.cln.l-l- liifiii-ninilo- In r. ,v ail ,lrc.,.is ' ' '" X'-- al :ci, I of I'a r- -

ti..n is established, are: To buy, sell.niortsiiKo, lease or. otheraisi. licuiireor disi'ose n,' any mines, minim; rights

tin ill)., s1Mb .Id Ihf .x,.!,.,!!..,, (.f ceIUis, ,.,., f,.,. a f),. ... .. .., un sun. ,, ;cn friH..

nrd on the pth day of April. 1913. id..V1,? "''loik n. m. Recorded in Vol.

( Mis. (,f Uecorils of said County.''C'" A. K. WAIik'Ell.(s,'al1 Clerk and Jeconb r.

t'oni'pd. GW to J1W. U;30 d. m.

in. i ia mis in me Mate i,i .w Mexico

iwiWit-rtWi- t ryf.'tmur' ,fmm ...P".. - iv. li i



I T- - --rv A



Of a poow.cute- -r. xTVv.'. X

X T.i J

:1 V'teH "V



V s XVE (rT

f.ir ,


"attorneysIOIl . WILSON

Attorney-nt-Law- .

Itoonig Hi l, Cromwill l.hK'. lie.Phone 122W; office Phone 117

.IOI IX C. 1.1 WISAttorncv w.

Sul'e 2, Law Librarv bide. Officeplton 014; Rcsidei phone lillfiW.

I. Ill so XI AM I I.

(I'l'imiiiti lal Law Practice)1S-l- Stern I'.ldK. Phonn mi


MIL J. Ii. Kit ITDental Sui'Reon.

RotuuH 2 .1, Harnett I'.ld. phono 744AppolntmeiilH .Made bv M.n'

til AS. A. Fill It, IIFNTISTAlbuiiieniue, N. A.

Room 14, N. T. Aniiljo Ehltf. PhonoMil). Appointments itinde by mail.


toiummOvLJIR H llCLiA.il



A. Mioitn 1; m. ilPractice Liniiled to Tuberculosis.

Hours: 10 lo 12. Phono 1177224 'j W. Central Ave.

Alhu.Uci.Ue Sanitarium. Phono M3

Pit. IIS;1'I T Alt IAVUK. IIT'SPlll All: SN VKikll M.

l or Diseases of Wi.nn u and ( hllilren.I'l e .".71. I l'j;t I ast t fiilial

Albii(iieriiie, X. M.

W. M. SHERIDAN, M."d!Practice Limited to

Gcnito Urinary Diseases andDiseases of the Skin

The Waserm.inn and Noiiucp.l Tc)f'alvnrsatt "itmi" A rti n lot PI ed

Citizens' Rank Piiildln.All'iniueroue New .Mexico



TwAr theBullae Witt i rToftrA LOOSE.

- ox t, . r


' ;v'

See ThisOne

I'our-roo- modern house,lot, east front, (food Malawi i nJ

f 1,700.00; $200.00 down, bal.i ice lilietent. This Is pome bargain, Let US

show il to you.



HO, FOR KANSAS CITY.$1,000 Ei ii it y in nice

K. C. home for exchange forlots or close In acrenne,

What have you?$S00 Oood cottao and

l.irae sleeplnir porch; frull tri'es andbain, near university. For sale, oneasy terms.Fire Insurance Surely Honda

Loans Notary Public.

TIIAXTON & CO.211 W. (.old 'lione Ii."i7


bm KENT Furnished room, mod-ern. 218 H Walter street.Full KENT Furnished room; mod-

ern; no sick. Apply60H W.Ccntriil.Foil RENT Hootim, furuliihoiT, at

Hotel Denver.FOR I; FXT Furnished front room;

modern. 1110 Slate Ace.FOR RENT- - Furnished mom, Ciant

bulldine, .TniOi W. Cintral.iR R EXT Rooms, with or willio utboard. Mrs, Sunder; . 4 10 S. Ainu.

For RENT one and two rooms forimhtjiousekoepim,-- . phi. in- 1 r. 7!iv.

FOR KENT Nicely "turninheil momfor nenljeman, H. 310 S. Waller.

Folt KENT Furnished looms; mod-ern. 422 W. Alarqiicltc Ave.

FOR REXT 2 rooms, one for house-keeping. State hotel.

1 OR REXT Nicely furnished roomsfo liMllt- housekeepliu;, close In.

Call 42:i W.Marquelle.FOR HENT Nicely furnished rooms

(modern), with board. Table boarders nccoiniiiiHlated. Summer prices.224 N. ElKlith St.

FOR REXT Clean, airy rooms, neat-ly furnished; very close in and de-

sirable for summer; shade; in privatehome; no sick taken. Address (!. W.,car,. Journal.

When In Las


Till: ROYAL HOTEL.iiUDj Soulli First.

Larce furnished rooms for lUMhoiiHekeepliUf; rooms by day, week ormonth; with or without board. Hoiand cold water each room

FOR RENT Apartments".

FOR RENT Modern furnishud andhoiiHekeeplriK rooms, week or

month. Westminster. Phone 1073.FOIC HKN'f Niceiy f urniuhed 1, i

and apartmenta for lighthouekeepin. "The Ennlewood,"Stronr block. Recnnrt nl ConnerFi.iR RENT room buiiKaloH' with

larie sleepinK porch, furnished com-plete for holisekeepiiiK; also one lawroopj with sleeping pen h, niodern.

D! V. Coal,

F0RJREN JrrgsFOR RENT .Modern house.

See Dr. Cains, liiant I. Ida.

FoR REXT modern fuinish-e- d

house, corner Scond andApplv 40;i X. S ml.

FOR RENT fiirniabed brick,cornel', close in; bath, ;as, electric

lilits. lniUire COX W. Silver.FOR RENT Two lo s f ' liKhl- -

housckccpjiu;: s leciod pi h; ii.7:il S. A l no.

FOR RENT House partly furnished.212 N. Hill ST., $l.'i per month,

i: W. Oodd.

FOR "RENT 4 -- room" iiiibTrr'iishcai

modern flat with linth; very desir-able, divvn-stair- f,21 W. Silver,

FnR RENT WvTT furnished" bunna-lov-

mcdrrn, bath, khh and sterlrant'c, screened slecpini: porch. Cor-ner Fourth and Lead i.'!2"i. Tniiiii'"202','. West Central. Room Z'J.




nM'arliiu ill of tilt! lnlri lnr, I'liitt'dHl.ili-- HImI OITIrt. ut tUi'lllil l;S, M., April 1, 1913.Vi.f in licivliy Kivcti thai Kuki-iii- '

Mlilitl, i'l' .ilKUIl:l, N. M ., who, (111

inl 7, IIM'S, nmil huni.-Mr.-ii- l rnlryIN''. N- i:is37. for nwv

i, 'I ,ivmij-IiI- j S X, ltiiic 3 W, N, M,iij. i iihaii, lin.i filed iiiitioo of liili n- -

tn inn lit I.M' year proof, loli.iim p llio Iiiml iilioto iliK- -

i!" 'il, lirfoi'c If. 1. W lining, Cniloil!;.! "i iM"ticr. ut All'iiiui;riuf,

M.. "ii M:iy Hi, ian.i'i;iini,int M :i m fs wltnt'ssi'f;'I'. M. Duvry, F. U. iiiiiorn,' V. V.unnuloii, l'liillipl .. Uiirtia, ull ofll'U.iifi glit. N. M.

mamkl, n. oti:i;o,Iti'Kislrr.

n i u or M i r,i 1lir hisli-U- Court, County of !:, T.1..1I1II0. .lati' of New .Mcxii o.

No. H 3 18.l'h isrlu'r, Kxofiitor of (he t.'

..I' Jaruij Sthauli, dooi'iiHt'il, plalii-t.f- f,

s. Mrs. Jlcnry liner, Vi'IhIhiCiuKriuh, ana HfOCKo

'n tin1 aliovo namotl (lrfoiHlants:Vuii art' lirreliy initil'li-i- l that a uniti ffll f ilKuinst you l,y tht'inf iraiio-i- l plaintiff, wlioroin t lienl plaintilf piavs that tin- - ri-- is-I- .'

of J. troti .Srhauli, dffi asrtl, lie no,lpay off tlir Inilclitt'ilnrsH a'ali'.Ht thr

"f llio "aid Jarob (Jr- -.'1S..I.

i "ii are lirirby furtlicr in i r if. I thai'ni'?s yon ci.lrr, or iiin.si' to . ( n-- iml onr appearance in the distrirtin t of the Second judicial district,and for thr county of llci lialillo,a. of .e' .Mexico, iit Alil(llrrillc, j

--x Mrxh ii, on or 1'cfoic the i:uhy "' May, l!U'!, a decree pro con-- I

tll he taken and the lelitf.1 imI for will (,e uraiiled.

A. K. W AI.KICIt. '

Clerli of lijslrict Court.( I Hsl rict Court Seal)

l:y 'J'lli is. K. I). XIAHIjISi i.Deputy.H. I'. Cornell, iittoniey for pialn- -I, I'. II. aihlle.-s-, A llUillcripie, X. M.

Ntiru i; or MIT. the llish iit Court, state of .NewVtxico, County of J lernalillo.

o. '.c'TS.av Ii. Coh nian, plaintiff, v.--. V. T.'ul' lliail. ilell I'.lhlllt.

In the aliino named defendant:.",i are h, rehy notified tlwt a suit

v h.i-i- file, ajrainsl yon in tin' ilis-'- tciiai't and In the above name.

nty. M the aliine naiiied plaintiff,wiii'li tin; .s.i ii pluintiit piay.s lorai'i'oilllr diol'c oil the Hlound

;,inl for the care a, id'l'"t.v of the two minor children of

M plaintiff an, oiic-ha!- f of the""n. any prop. riy. .i;( are

notified that unless y, enterinn.',, to l.(. cud n d your a.pear-- 1

v in mill i aim,, on or before the' "f .May, 1:11::, ;, decree pi""hs'o will be taken against ou,

1,1 H'e r. l;,-- praed r,,r will I"''"'"I. The liain.'K of Ihe plainlill's,"r".:s "" 1'icfce & l'iercc, whose""Mir.; addlCSS iS Albl illU'ltjUe-- v .Mi xii o

A. K. WALK lilt.'I'iMnrt Court Seal)

i;y Tims. k. l). xiaduisox,Iicputy.

Forest Timber for Salellril "ill be receive by tile

tiiit F, rosier. Albll'lllel'ime. '.I" and incluilinir .May .1.

lor all or any part of the ,.

',ir tnl tint; on a iles-bi- lair i within p. ( x., It. 6

'' d., Torreon (.'an.von waler- -

Miinzanu Xatlonal Forest. .NewAire liniateil to be :;,000,(iuOt of ilern Vi'llnw nine "o bbl

"' "'an $;.:.() will be considered.K;' ith bid, The riprht'"'' aay and all lilds reserved.

r'. ' an- Hiibniittcd, full in- -

conceriiiicr tlo. timber llio!ii!:f sa'e, and the submission

I'll,, 'lid be obtained from then AlbuiiucriiiK', Xiiv


""d liouses In MiKh-Il"",- s'

f""r rooms each, wreon --

f1 Porches, Riid water plantoi'll '"""00, on lot 100x1 42.""' '' aled. Will H( I entirel:" i "r ? 1.7,0, If joiiKlit at

Realty CoI'lione

DCDCrvm a I

t r ... -

Mte rTu hon ''lVPd or iregular.J..,.,,n"lh I'lUx: always depend- -

itn v ,!'u'f" nn(l particulars free.ike . (v.n;i1 IriMitut.x Mil.

Vt is,

pits, in 1

-- peclabst'.- live, Ii,

Slate NationalPin ne

liMiliSif, Nose, Tilt oat.Rank IlldK.




IO'2-Acr- c Ranch

i I.ols I'ark Aililillon

loom fnirnc I'm-Iling- . MoutdainHoail and I oiicstcr Axi nuo.


(.round l'loor Mali' Xiilinioil I'.i.il.'UtilhlliiL'. 112 X. Srcond Si. I'l.oii,. ii l:t

vJJELPJrVmED--Mal- e.

KM I'l.OYMKXT Afil V.210 . Mlvi-r- . rtiimc SSI.

W.'NThii) ToaniHtiTi n:id laborcra,$1.75, i and t2 i!5 day; tai pentt-r- ;

wit i tresses.

l.ct UK help you net oi.r helji. AnyIiiml f uinishcil on .short notice,

Xfiv Mi'vico I mi l i tiii'ii I Agency,1 1 1 W. Silver Ac.. I'l I!is.

W A X J'l il i boys at theLtdcr7ToblW. Central.

WA.VTKl). d''irnt-clio;- icuti for ranchv,"ik. (i. I: Cl.,iKe. phone ii J M

Vol'.X'i men lor positions in autoino-bil- e

biisiioss. We prepare you bymail in ten Weeks. Assist you to posi-tion. Automobile model furnished.First lesson free. American Aatomo-bi!cInslitn-

l.o.s A iiaeles. c.tl.Y A X T K ")

. I liool"li7'iH'r I'crma-licntl-

Retail business out of town.Married man; must be perfectlyhealthy, accurate, wide-awak- athoroui h detail office man, and. nobooze-fip.htc- r. XI lift come well

and be willing lo w oi k andtake interest. Do not apidv if you can-not produce the Kiulity dollar:!with brltel pro.spccl.'i. .1. II. XI., raleJournal.

HELP WANTED Female.WAX'I'l.'h iixperiencod suii'.sl.tdy

the 1'a'otiotniHt.WA.XTI'iD i:pc i'iellced ladv clerk al

lohle's. 2 0 S. SecondWAXTFD At once, a cirl for rii' ial

liousrwork, :tlo S. Walter.W A XT K A liouscliec,cr to K" t"

' Ciibcro, X. XI. Address Win. VohsK- Co.. Cllbero, X. I.

U'ANTKD At once, two ;mhu millin-ery makers and two uood in'dllncrv

trinimers. linrlley .Millinery, .'! 2 W.Central.WAXTI'' I ATidiilo iikciI wo'inan as

workiiii.; housekeeper, in a family oflive; must be a rood cook; Americanor Swedish. Apply at 42!! S. s''r"jsl-WAXTF-

You UK laily in t ;

saleswoman and bookkeeper, "0"w ho will lie permanent and conies wellreeonimended. Call Sunday between10 a. in. and 1 p. m. Sinner Sewinc,.Machine Co., 21 South Second Si.

WANtTKD Position as salesman; 7

years' experience. Speak Fnslisband Spanish. Oood references. Am 27

years old. . C,., all S. Waller.

WANTED Miscellaneous.WANTED Stove repairing. W. A.

Ooff. phonn K68. 205 R. Central,WAXTFD To buy lamp brooder.

jLloydJlunsi.k! r. Mox 2i;;i, ,

WAX'TKD SewliiR by the day. I'ricreasonable. A. V... care Journal.

WAXTFD A phononiaphic courSpanish. 10S S. I Iroadwa y.

WAX'TKD To buy a spring warunnini; t'cir must be ill uood

dit ion. .Mill S, I lied, St.

WANTED ffouao buildlm? end Jobcarpentry. Barton Kellpr 72$ N.

Fichth ptr.-e- t. Phonn 1 292W.WANTED Some nooil second-hani- l

dininn room and bed room furni-ture. Address liox 70n. Journal.WA XT F I Tii en f Imrse a nil I.hbbv

two afternoons week, for two orthree hours. Address C, care Journal.


'I'll l iS 1'. It TF.S (.VAKAXTFFI).SALARY, IT" RXlTI'll E, VIANiiH,

LOANS.Porrovv . .$10.00 l'ay back. .V.C'''Porrovv . . 20.00 Pay liaclf. . 21.00Itorrovv . , 20.00 Pay hack. . Hl.'iflr.orrow . :,0 00 Pay back. . S2 f.o


Kooms !. 11. Over 1st Natl. bk. bid'"



WANTED Piano, houvhold Hoodu,etc., Hored nafrly at reimonabl

rate. Advance mado. Phonn 640.I'he Security Warehouse A Improve-ment Co. t)fflc(.: lliimiii I and 4,Orant Mock, Third itreet and Centralivepiui


Transfer Company.Movei EverythlnK. I'lnnop and

t'urnlture a specialty.Phone .Hit 2: S. Ilrst St.

FOR SALEIIiisIiiCsh I'l'opei'ty. Itiisincs ( linn,it's; resiliences, iioili laiicjiiitl small

R. nl. is, Uiiins, Ahsiract,Flic Plate (.lass In-

surance, lliiilarv I iisiiraiice.We have the larpst lis of

pl'i'l" I tie:, a ml oppol llllllticM In

Ihe t il , in1 w II as many i hob cfa rms. I ;' von wish to hoc abi'i'te or make a rood Inv

iio'iit, w c i an furnish you Justwhat vou wish, ibir in-.i- to e

c'liipinbs ale sound and re-



Realty Companypin .'o. 10 214 w.

J5ALE RcaMEsjSALE The best ranch

(price considered) In tho valley forJ.I.CiO; mostly In alfalfa. ThaxionCo., 21 1 Cold avenue.D'O ACKEs homestead I n i

In the rain rear limberand school. Price $12.11)11; li u Hi letIn the rhallow wadr bi ll, some iin- -

pi'o'. CIlielllK, $IIII.IMI; i'lj. tnile.s torailroad town. Hood deeded land.Well located for cash or tAchaiine, Hit,-fre-e

list Soul b west em Iteal EstateExchange, Morl.ir'y, N. 5t.

FfJALE Houses.Ft)I SALE At a barKaln, rooiolnx

house, In Bplendbl locution, well.furnished. Inquire Clarke Muala Co..1 1 4 S. Second street.For SALE--Reaul- dul new

biniaalow, rooms, balh. 2 porrhrn.$101) down, balance like rent. Fine lo-

cation, John Laloli Run; Realty Co.,2 04 W. Hold AveFi 1 SA I . E ons,. a iii'niit7w'l 11 1 2

fruit trees, lii'juiro owner, 42s W.Santa Fc Ave.FOR SALE' frame bouse, 2

screened porches; baifain; leavtnitcity. .Must sell hi once. 6 22 S. II lull St.Plmne 1210,1.

r.rjL?ALE r ret- -

FOR RENT OR SALE Hood 11019and mi, lea, plowa and waKons, or

liKht rigs. Simon (iiucia, 1 202 N. ArnoSt


Tati or j10 8. 2d 81

Phone 42J

Trunk, llanII a g a, 8 u 1

Case, etc.made, repalretand exehKiiitei

READ THISWin sel a or 10 acres on NorthFourth st reet miles fromtown, at a sutvifioc. A new house,barns nnd chicken yards on thoplace. Water nirhts. Terms toBult purchaser.

A. D. t. H HAM,

lliit Xnilli Fourth StreetTclcpboncs fi ami 7


(General Contrai tors and liulldrrs.

We buy everything wholoale whlclenables us to make you very lowprice". We operate our own rnachincry for making Sash, Doors, FrameCabinet Work and Interior Finisheither pine or oak. Wo buildInuiKa lows for 1000.00 and up. Wibtti Id huiiKulow for $7ii0.0'lal lip. Thifio are cor.y, tyllslnouses. plans furnished free. Wian build your homi's clieaper thai

any other (am In the city. If yoihavii no money to build with, --vu caifix you out.Office nh City Hash Door On.

101-40- 3 Hoiilh l lrtt atrial.

FOR SALEHualnoss property Improved and un-

improved.jr.,0UU 7 loom, modern brick rel-drn--

hot Water heat. Rood lawnnud Hliade, sleeping porch, FourthWard, cl is" In. terms.

JL'.'IUH ceniont Idock cottage,niodern, corner lot, Highlands, oncar lino.

I - 2 a o lirlck, modern, corner,close In Highlands; terniH.

$ 2 it " o b'lck, modern, Fourthw.'rd, near cur line.

H7G0 framp, larse lot, uhadeHnd fruit trees. R. I'muduay; tornm.

J2000 frame, modiTn, cementw.i rg, lnwn, chicken hoiisRit, barn,B. Edith t . close In.

MOXKV TO LOWI'l H' isr HAxrii:


A. FLEISCHER1 1 1 South Fourth Street,

rimne 74 Xoit lo I'oMtofflcts.

Abstracts, Fire Insurance

Engineering and Surveying

Surety Bonds, Loans


GIERKE, OGLE & DOANE,Abstracts nT Title, Fire Insurance,

Surely r.onds, Surtryiiiv.( iffice next to XIornliiB Journal.

J'hone 13:.

M. P. SAWTELLES'ucct'ssor to Sawtello & lllckH.

tienoral Contractor.Office find clmp L'li West (Jold.1'lionc (!GU. Specially of Job workKstimutes furnished free.

JUSITHAi11.25 lGK WORD Insertlnu classified

ada In .50 leadintt pupem In the.('. H. Send for list. 'I he Dake. Adver-tiMl-

Aency, ii'i XUin St., Logor 12 (iearv St. San Francisco.

FOR SALE Ciniil mercantile l.usT-r.e-

In one of the last towns of thestate. $7,000, Will take part real es-

tate in trade. Owner. P. ()., Lux 622,A lblliliei f) tie. X, XL

WA.ST K i ) "a ruovTTTiiTa to takea one-ha- lf Interest and help start a

Bond puvJnK business; handle yourovi n money. Address L, Journal.A ti()(l P.FSIXFSS OPI'OIITFMTY.FOR SALE OR TRADE For small

taiiili In or around Albiiqiier'iue,"A good pool hall." Answer statingwhat you have to offer. P. O. Ilox 5hli,AlbllUerillc, X. At.

FOR SALE flood paying cafe, con-fectionery, ice cream, soda water

and einar business, in i;oo, location,w ith 5 or 20 steady boarders. Lowrent and attractive ijuarlers. No shortorder restaurant in town. AddressSam D. Driver, Socorro. N. XL

FOR SALE A snap.. Mudt Ron neenunt of health. The New

Statfi Cafe and Spanish-- rueri-ca- n

ncstaurant. Rest In SantaFe. $.",00; $200 down, $20 amonth,

FOR SALE Miscellaneous.

Full SALE Fine Sinner machine;time given. 4 Grant building.oi : SALE-lepho- no One Oliver ty pevvritcr,

1 2H2W.FuR SALE Xo. 7 KomiiiiUo.i type-

writer, in perfect condiiion, $2.r..Thaxton & Co.

i'uR SAL': First-clas- s team ofmules, and ranch for rent. See Ed.

Alilliilre, old Town.F Ht SALE One I diver typewriter,

almost new; 2 Dcnsmoiv typewrit-ers, cheap; one small sale. Phone fir.s,

Fill; SALE A fine Emerson piano,in Biiml condition; cheap for cash.

Iiapiire myridiiR's. 2 (i S. P.roadway.

F(i; SALE Three Rood work ordriving mares, one horse, two

vvsjmn, harness, sprinu' wayon.Cran.le'u Wimon Yard, 10 X. Krcad- -


Full SALI-- : OR TRADE For cityproperty, one

hlRh class automobile, fullyeiiiippod and in fine condition. Room2, Whitintr bids.

WAN'I'F.D To rent, small unfurnish-ed, modern house, near telephone

buildinR; no sick; no children. Call I

W Uoiid, telephone office.

FOR SALE$2, SOD for a niodern 7 room lurtieIn llii;lilands renting' for $;!.! 00

per IMontli, .'"l down; balaiucS per cent, or monthly payments.

Thos. I:. Iiinkcrtlit) S. Third Phono .ML!

XITlll.i:WOOI PARK.At Juilrlloii of propo rd Nt'W Railroad

1ols, with abundant water rlbt forFruit Raising at pilcta wltich will

you. SeeX1AV MF.MCO ltF.Al.TY to.,

111 . Silver Avenue.

FOR SALEUvestccK,oultry".I'm; SALE R I. Red chickens and

canarv birds. Call ;' I s s. Walter.I' o R SALE - 'I'm kcy"ci;KS "for" halTio

ini;. i.ood stock, I'ltcne voiir order,K,;,i;r.I' l'R SALI1, v ear-ol- d sound iiiol

Kcntle delivery horse, weight lujolbs. Dobie, 210 s. Second St.Foil SALE .Mountain lai-ei- i pair

l l olie till key eitKM, 2 "i crnis each.Miss Alice l.cnham, '"I'he Willows,"Pines, X, XL

pi 'It KALE Fvus lor halchan,, I i

LlM'b Island l!cN, ibn re. I Rci.and W illie l.eahorns; ;,o ci nis for '!.4 j X. Fourteenth St.FOR SALE Raliy chicks and "toKU

for hatching, from 8. C. White,Rult and Ur.iwn LeKhorns. XL K.Hunt, 721 S. Edilh. Phone 12DU.For SALE Ileus, ,a by clinks and

(KL's for hatrhilitf from U. 1. Reds,W. Rocks and W. ( rplni;tons. 41,1 S.troadway. Phone l.'ilOW.

FuR SALE liuoil in.rse"; w il "w"m u"

Klnule or double, or i,e; w ill selldie, t)i. 722 I.'. Cold Ave, or cilv cn- -

fcllle, r's office,UARiiED R( ICES Ekkh tor halcliiiiKi

$l.fiO o $,i.(in per si tliiijS id j ...

leurlmn hi lis, $1.2,7 each. lil'elhiPoitllry Vard.- - J, D. NolKrass, (in.) X.Si'cup. sljeet, Albiaiin nine, X. M.

FOR SALE Sellings of i kh; l.tnc.vl tcd RulT Orplni;lori-4- $1.00; Elaol:

Minorca, $1.00; plvin iulh Rock, 7.'o;Leghorn (white), 7ric. Pliouj ;t(0. Callcorner of X. l.'lth and Roma.FoU SALE i'.KKK tor liatehlnK tiaTni

tliorounhbieil W. OrpliiKtoiiH, R. I.Reds, II. Plymouth Rocks and li.Minocras, J per 1G; $5 per loo. Win,Riot, III W. Atlantic Phone HKilW.I'l 'H SAI.E-'D- ay ol,rcTtlcks barred

Rocks, 20c and ,'!".(' eacli; $Ix and$22 per iim. s. C. Whit" I.ei'horns,Die each; $14 p.r Hit). W. V'Hiider-s!ui-

box .14S. Phone r..'!4

Folt SALE White WyandoTte'rKiHT$1.50 per 16; lust lajcra, jiroven,

winning 2nd In two world contests.J. M. Cook, 1 2 f N. Fifth,

HHiAL I'Ol IT KY H N( II,Old lbiiiMcrquc, X. M

has i'Kkh for had lilnir from eleven dif.ferent laviitK strains for sale, Alsoliroii'e turkey ei;s. Call phone EiaH,or write for particulars.For SALE Alatiimoih bronze tur-

key citvn, 2o cents each; Peirystrain Kellerst m i.s White Orpington(BUM, $2 scttlm;; I "i w hile l.echoni lay-In- if

hens; W. Orpimiton coclierelH.Hillswell Rancli, Phone t ft o J

THEY LAY, they win, tney (my. Wonfour firsts, one second, nl Mate fair.

191 1 ; six firsts, two neconds, 19J2.R. C. II. ' Reds, Mottled AncomiH, S.(.'. White firpiniftons, Huff OrplriKtons,Silver Laced Wyandotte and I. It.duck. Ekrs and chicks for sale. Wealso do custom hatching. L. E. Thnin-B-

P. O. liox 111. 717 E Hazeldlno.


I", t). San Aciiela, Socorro Co., Xr. M,Kbk from the finest laynR strains

bred and raised on the b"st openlaiiKe poultry farm In the state, at$1 per scttlm:. orders chipped by ex-

press or parcel post, as desired. Choicecockerels for sab. from $2 to $10 each.HATi'HIXi; LOOS mil sttoiiK, heal-

thy winter layers. No White Diar-rhoea ever m my flocks. White Diar-rhoea en n lie Inherited from parentsand very eontsnliniK. Re sure yourerus are from healthy pnrcitis. Inn.e-ria- l

Red Feather, !!. I. Red or I'PleAndaliisians. per 13 ecus, $1.00. TheP.lmj Andalnsian Poultry Vard, liox117 Helen V. M


Ll S T Hold HiiK. set with rubies and!' alls. Ri turn to 1007 X. Second

St. Reward.L( 'ST - Lady's brow 11 hand Hil-

ar-lainlm; bank books and oilierlieles. Reward. W. :. ZcicSecond St.

.rosi pii s. ni'iis, yt. i.I :t Whlliim RiiildliiK.

Hours: 10-1- a m.; 2 4 p. m. Phones;'fl'ii c. Ill:1; Sanitai ium, 1.7.

SOLOMON !,. P.I It ION, M. !.Phwd"!. n and SuiK'nn.

Phone CI7 Pariictt IlldM


ALL KINDS, both new Hnd secondh uid, bought, sold, rented and f

oalred. A lluuiui r iue Typewriter Tilt imre, 1'bone 144. 321 Wen Oolit

Tin: stui: 1 'oit tub hotSPltl(i.S OF JIOM I'Jt, N. M.,

Leaven Albuquerque otofflcedally except Sunday at t t. in, 4("an carry three passenger at atime. First cornea, first rred.For tickets apply to

r.WIVO fJAKCIA, Prop1401 S. Proatluyy. I'lione Tai

ItOSWII.I ( VRRIOZO M ML LINKI'ailv leloter S' lee leavllIK RoM- -

wi II and t 'al ' tZ' at K.IKI a. tit.Wi I Round. East Round.

An Iv e A rrivoRi.'iVVell. .1:4a p. m.

I I an a. Plea. ho. .1:40 p. m."0 a. Ti 11 . , ..1:15 p. m,:.." a. loado. . I2 .'.0 p. m.00 p. I. 'm oln. .11:30 a. m.mi ,,. ni Ft ; taidon. . 10:20 a. m..1.1 ,.. ipl'iin I0:0ii a. m.

p. in Nie.jnl . I); 00 a. 111.

4 4 ii p. in Co i.io , , . . .

Tliioia,h l.iie, one way $10.50Intel iiiediaie pi Inia Klc per mile

- H's. Iai:,.;,ii4e. free - Excess carried.KOSWT I I. AI TO CO.

Owners aril Op.crnlors Phone I Nil,


Itetlsed Time T.tbln.(Effective December N, Itll.)

WfstbiMiiiil.No. Class. Arrives Depart

1 California Express. 7;2I.p S:10p7 California Ey press , 0: Op I1:0f.p

('al. Fast Mail 1 1:501) 12:4&a3 California Limited . 10 Sf l 11:15

1 !) D11 Luxe (Thur.i 1 . 7:0.i :00aI list bound,

19 Overland Express., ?:00a S:J52 Easier 11 Evurv.---. . . 3:lif.p 4:06b4 California I in ilcd . 5:351) 6:00p8 K. C. A. Chi. i :v;. . :S5p 8:4f.p

20 De Luxe ( W ' ) . .. :00p :10pSotilhOoniul.

S09 Kl V. & M.-X- . tivii.. l!:30a15 El Pa.t.i Pimr.'tiKer :I0

811 feci) 'Hlley Exp.. 7:t5(Over Helen

Norllibouod.?10 From Mex. Kl P. :00atSU From El ro.... I.JOpSI 2 From Pecos Valley

ami Cut-of- f S;4Biry a Journal Want Ad, Results


Crescent Hardware Company i A. POHL IS ANXIOUS FINAL ATTEMPT 18 1...

f"T- - J '7 II' I r - ' ' ft ? f . I r(l.ii. 7 l' Ii J w.4 t A GREAT


l! V I MUM!!

, ill- I f I s I...-I- - I !.. Till




TO BE I E HandkerchiefMatthew's Velvet Ice CreamPhone 420


Charles Ilfeld Co. Every Letter Yen Writs

Wholesaler s of EverythingUl VEGAS ALBUQUERQUE SANTA PCS

Gross, Kelly & Co. (Inc.)Hlx.lnalr t.fmft. ! III

CRANE'SLinen Lawn Beginning

TodayWool, Hidws Pelts and Goat SkinsH lu Yrct. X. M.: Ali'fiir, V 'I . Ifuwi'i, M ; Trnu.U.1,

..... I'M.- -, M t . r. i N M

t STRONG'S SOU STORE :in LAUIiDRT v..., m...., ... u ,f

J i h- - t. WHITE


Sfu t linen initial handkerchiefs

i reaclv for i:s- -) worth 2 for

Extra Special while theyia-- tII' l I I M l



A . . .. . 3Tli.lrfn- - "J I -.- i, ho 4 to A . ,v '

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On Display in Front Show CaseJ -.- Ii-. It n.II Uutl( Ae. IIm.im JM. Iti DELEGATES FR OUR BETTERjf


' h.- r I, rI Studebakcr U; DugyClieap lj1 e In h ..

M fur f tik. : x

Hi;i J(c simply give ou iWlcr shoe values

at any price that's the advantage

you have in buying your hocs hereChicago Mill A Lumber Co.

Cenefu! Planrg V '!.

3j and Marquette. Phj-.- c bCombination-Auctio- n

Today, at 2 p. m., at

frank's Auction Room. 120 South Fourth St

v;allace hesselde'jl. in f .il ul r !. r

r ; .. i r 4 ; - .


9i ii r.mi: i i mm. ui

I luini ml T.

.$2.00 to $5.00

.$1.50 to $4.50

.$1.00 to S3.ro

Men's spring shuts

Woman's spring shoes. .

Children's spring shoes.LET US SEND A MAN

Tu It. l. . I lint Hrnki ii Uiin.,

Al lu gi i : i 1 1 i ri ittV

ni..n 4JI 1.' N I ir- -l ED FRANK, Auctioneer1 d.,J2:rr WEST CtNTRAL AVT .';


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BERNALILLO COUNTY iiiiii' t i m'mgiitii l',ny wjwii mn

" .,fl.f fc..!..., ..l

Skinner's GroceryIVrnlli Lump MAM RI f . I f rrrllli Slow

l.l!p lump nHniV lUML WU.UIIUP Sl.irtriniSK si.

AVTHHYMTK. M.I. SIZFS HTFAM COAL.ikr. Mill V.mhI. r'n.forjr WimjiI. CuM atlT Klmlllne.

J'.rli k flro SM!a p Brlok. Oiinmnn Brick. Mrri.

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hi TomatoesI ..I '1






New Potatoes


Florida Grape Fruit

Large Bananas

Head Lettuce





Colorado and California

Potatoes. - SI. 50

Fancy Ben Davis Ap-p!?- s.

per box. SI .50

r,' ". '. " i

Special for TodayOnly

27 and 32 -- inch

Dress Gingham1 5c and 18c values, fast colors

l2V2c a Yard


RF F x T F rJ n F n A R fl r ic V

;r"I- - - ' I - !.1. T. M. - I..,, 41 .1

J. A. Skinner205 S. First St. Phone 60


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,4I II -- ll I'HI'I I'T i.ll .,!:!- - ,.1 IO.i,l.i(i ir.n. I I... - .ti.-- i i5 .fti.

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Uh"l-ial- r ihI ItallSTAMM FRUIT CO.

lit (l MltT ATei.II, oM ll, M It I) 11.


!:. Careful FURNITURE MOVERS; 1fJJ.1 !: h

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