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Almost periodic Schr�dinger operators

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Commun. Math. Phys. 90, 389Mll (1983) Communications in Mathematical Physics © Springer-Verlag1983 Almost Periodic SchriJdinger Operators III. The Absolutely Continuous Spectrum in One Dimension P. Delft* and B. Simon** Department of Mathematics, CaliforniaInstitute of Technology, Pasadena, CA 91125, USA Abstract. We discuss the absolutely continuous spectrum of H=-d2/dx 2 + V(x) with Valmost periodic and its discrete analog (hu)(n) = u(n + 1) + u(n- 1) + V(n)u(n). Especial attention is paid to the set, A, of energies where the Lyaponov exponent vanishes. This set is known to be the essential support of the a.c. part of the spectral measure. We prove for a.e. Vin the hull and a.e. E in A, H and h have continuum eigenfunctions, u, with [u[ almost periodic. In the discrete case, we prove that IAI <4 with equality only if V=const. If k is the integrated density of states, we prove that on A, 2kdk/dE>rc -2 in the continuum case and that 2nsinrckdk/dE> 1 in the discrete case. We also provide a new proof of the Pastur-Ishii theorem and that the multiplicity of the absolutely continuous spectrum is 2. 1. Introduction This paPer discusses the theory of one dimensional stochastic Schr6dinger operators and Jacobi matrices, that is H=- d2/d2x+ I/~(X) on L2( - oo, oo) and u ~ (hu)(n) = u(n + 1) + u(n- 1) + V~(n)u(n) on d2(Z), where V~ is a stationary ergodic process on R or Z. This set includes the highly random case and also the almost periodic (a.p.) case. As we will explain, our theorems are vacuous in the highly random case and are only of interest in cases close to the almost periodic case. A major role will be played by the integrated density of states, k(E), and the Lyaponov exponent, v(E), defined, e.g. in [2] or in [8] [in the latter, the rotation number cffE)=rck(E) is discussed]. In this paper, our primary goal will be to study the absolutely continuous (a.c:) spectrum. Much of what we do should be viewed as a development of themes of Moser [12], Johnson and Moser [8], and most especially Kotani [10] (see Simon [18] for Kotani theory in the Jacobi matrix case). Virtually all the theorems we * On leave from Courant Institute; research partially supported by USNSF Grants MCS-80-02561 and 81-20833 ** Also at Department of Physics; research partially supported by NSF Grant MCS-81-20833

Commun. Math. Phys. 90, 389Mll (1983) Communications in Mathematical

Physics © Springer-Verlag 1983

Almost Periodic SchriJdinger Operators III. The Absolutely Continuous Spectrum in One Dimension

P. Delft* and B. Simon**

Department of Mathematics, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA 91125, USA

Abstract. We discuss the absolutely continuous spectrum of H = - d 2 / d x 2 + V(x) with Valmost periodic and its discrete analog (hu)(n) = u(n + 1) + u ( n - 1) + V(n)u(n). Especial attention is paid to the set, A, of energies where the Lyaponov exponent vanishes. This set is known to be the essential support of the a.c. part of the spectral measure. We prove for a.e. Vin the hull and a.e. E in A, H and h have continuum eigenfunctions, u, with [u[ almost periodic. In the discrete case, we prove that IAI < 4 with equality only if V=const. If k is the integrated density of states, we prove that on A, 2kdk/dE>rc -2 in the continuum case and that 2nsinrckdk/dE> 1 in the discrete case. We also provide a new proof of the Pastur-Ishii theorem and that the multiplicity of the absolutely continuous spectrum is 2.

1. Introduction

This paPer discusses the theory of one dimensional stochastic Schr6dinger operators and Jacobi matrices, that is H = - d2/d2x+ I/~(X) o n L2( - oo, oo) and u ~ (hu)(n) = u(n + 1) + u ( n - 1) + V~(n)u(n) on d2(Z), where V~ is a stationary ergodic process on R or Z. This set includes the highly random case and also the almost periodic (a.p.) case. As we will explain, our theorems are vacuous in the highly random case and are only of interest in cases close to the almost periodic case. A major role will be played by the integrated density of states, k(E), and the Lyaponov exponent, v(E), defined, e.g. in [2] or in [8] [in the latter, the rotation number cffE)=rck(E) is discussed].

In this paper, our primary goal will be to study the absolutely continuous (a.c:) spectrum. Much of what we do should be viewed as a development of themes of Moser [12], Johnson and Moser [8], and most especially Kotani [10] (see Simon [18] for Kotani theory in the Jacobi matrix case). Virtually all the theorems we

* On leave from Courant Institute ; research partially supported by USNSF Grants MCS-80-02561 and 81-20833 ** Also at Department of Physics; research partially supported by NSF Grant MCS-81-20833

390 P. Delft and B. Simon

prove are true under the sole assumption that V,o (.) is ergodic, However, one of Kotani's results is that if V~ is non-deterministic, the a.c. spectrum is empty so our theorems are vacuous unless 1/~ is deterministic, i.e. close to almost periodic.

One of our original motivations was to extend a remarkable inequality of Moser [12], who proved that for E~spec(H)

dc~ 2C~d~ > 1 (1.1)

for periodic and then, by a limiting argument, suitable limit periodic potentials. Inequality (1.1) cannot be true for the general stochastic case. For suppose b(t) is two sided Brownian motion on a compact Riemannian manifold and V(x) =f(b(x)). Take f to be a continuous function whose minimum value is - 1 but so that the measure of the set f, where f ( m ) < 0 is very small in the normalized measure on the manifold. Then ct(0) will be very small. But [ - 1, 0] C spec(H), so if (1.1) holds, it would imply that c~(0)> 1. There are also strongly coupled a.p. cases where (1.1) can be seen to fail. Our first realization is that (1.1) shouldn't be required to hold on all ofspec(H) but only on a smaller set which equals spec(H) in the periodic case.

Given any absolutely continuous measure, d# .... it is mutually a.c. with respect to a measure of the form XAdX, where A is uniquely determined up to sets of measure zero. A is called the essential or minimal support of d#a.c .. Given any measure, d#, the essential support, A, of its absolutely continuous part is determined by the following pair of properties :

(t) There is a set of Lebesgue measure zero, B, so that #(R\(AuB))=0. (2) If #(C)=0, then Ac~C has Lebesgue measure zero. In the context of multidimensional stochastic Schr6dinger operators, it is a

theorem of Kunz and Souillard [11] (see also Kirsch and Martinetli [9]) that the a.c.-spectrum is a.e. constant (a.e. in o9). We expect that in that generality, it is even true that the essential support of the a.c. part of the spectral measure is constant, but we don't know how to prove it. In one dimension, however, one has the following beautiful theorem of Kotani [10] which uses the Lyaponov exponent, 7(E).

Theorem 1.1 ([10]. For a.e. co, the support of the a.c. part of the ,spectral measure is equal to {Ely(E)=0}.

Remarks. 1. This is only implicit in Kotani [10]. It follows from Theorem 4.1 of his paper.

2. Kotani deals with the Schr/Sdinger case. The extension of his ideas to the Jacobi case can be found in Simon [18].

In interpreting (1.1), we begin by noting that since e is a monotone function, by a well-known theorem in measure theory (see e.g. Saks [15]), the symmetrized derivative lim (2~) i [~(E + e ) - ~(E - e)] exists for a.e.E. We denote it by d~/dE. The

~:,L0 extension of (1.1) that we will prove in this paper is

Theorem 1.2. In the Schrddinger case, for a.e. E in the set where ?(E)=0, we have that dcd(E)/dE > 1.

Absolutely Continuous Spectrum in One Dimension 391

As we have already noted, another theorem of Kotani [10] says that if {EI?(E)=0} has positive measure, then V is deterministic, so our Theorem 1.2 is only interesting in case V is deterministic, e.g. in the almost periodic case. An

b d9 immediate consequence of Theorem t.2 and the inequality g(b)-g(a)>-_ ~ - - d x for g monotone is : ~ dx

Corollary 1.3. Let A = {Ely(E) = 0}. Then for a < b :

~2(b)- ~2(a) => IAna, b)l,

where I" [ is Lebesgue measure.

We warn the reader that, in principle, 1%.c.(H)c~(a, b)j can be much larger than IAn(a, b)l.

If Theorem 1.2 and Corollary t.3 were true in the Jacobi case (they are, as we will see), they are especially interesting since in that case we can take b ~ and a ~ - ~ and obtain an absolute bound ]AI-_<rc 2. However, in the Jacobi case, 2~dc~/dE > 1 cannot be optimal. For, if we replace V by - 1/~ the resulting h is unitarily equivalent to the negative of the original h [under the unitary map u ( n ) ~ ( - 1)"u(n), which flips the sine of ho]. Thus, the new ~, call it ~, is related to the old ~ by ~ (E)=n-c~( -E) , so if 2~d~/dE>l and the same for ~, we see that F(oOda/dE_-> 1, where

F(~) = 2c~ if ~ <rc/2

=2~-2c~ if c¢>__~/2.

It is unreasonable that this F should be optimal. A hint of what is the correct F is that in the Schr6dinger case 2c~de/dE > t has equality when V= 0. This suggests the correct function should be the one that gives equality in the free case. This led us to find the following:

Theorem 1.4. In the Jacobi case, for a.e. E in the set where ?(E)=0, we have that 2sinc~d~/dE >= 1.

As before, this implies

Corollary 1.5. Let A = {EtT(E) = 0}. Then for a < b :

2cos c~(a)- 2 cos c~(b) => ]Ac~(a, b)l. (1.2)

In particular, tAI <4.

This inequality is new and, we feel, striking, even in the case where Vis periodic (although in that case, one can use perturbation theory to check it for small and large coupling). In general, it says the size of the set of energies where there are extended states shrinks, tt fits in welt with the idea that in the strong coupling almost periodic case, one wants to have some spectrum that isn't a.c. (but doesn't prove it).

We will prove Theorems 1.2 and 1.4 as "boundary values" of inequalities in the upper half plane. It is a basic fact [8] (essentially a version of the Thouless formula [6, 19] - see [2]) that f l (E ) - - - 7(E)+ ie(E) is the boundary value of an analytic

392 P. Deift and B. Simon

function [which we also call /?(E)] in the upper half plane; y - - Re/3 is the Lyaponov exponent in that half plane. Moreover, in ImE >0 :

"~(E)>0; e (E)>0; e(E)<~t (Jacobicase). (1.3)

The relevant inequalities are:

Theorem 1.6 (Kotani [10]). In the Schrddinger case,

2c~( E)y( E) > Im E . (1.4)

Theorem 1.7. In the Jacobi case

2 sin e(E) sinh y(E) > Im E. (1.5)

Intuitively, the idea is that if ~,(Eo) = 0, then these inequalities are non-trivial for E o + ie when e is small and yield an inequality involving #y(E 0 + iy)/@. By Cauchy- Riemann equations, this derivative should be ~?e/OE.

In Sect. 2, we show that Theorems 1.6 and 1.7 imply Theorems 1.2 and 1.4. In Sect. 3, we give a simple proof of Theorem 1.6 which, like Kotani's original proof [10], uses Jensen's inequality (in the form of the Schwarz inequality), albeit in a different way. We don't see how to use Jensen's inequality to get Theorem 1.7. We give a completely different proof of Theorem 1.7 in Sect. 4 which uses nothing but the Thouless formula. The extension of this proof to yield an alternate proof of Theorem 1.6 requires a new result on the asymtotics of k(E) at high energy. This result, of interest even in the random case, appears in an appendix. In Sect. 5 we show that in many cases, equality in the various inequalities implies that V is a constant. For example, in Corollary 1.5, IAI = 4 implies that V is constant.

After presenting this set of ideas, we turn to studying eigenfunctions of - u " + V u = E u for E on thhe real axis. In [10], Kotani only proved that the essential support of the a.c. part of the spectral measure isn't any smaller than {EI~'(E) =0}. That it isn't any larger is an older result of Pastur [13] and Ishii [7]. In Sect. 6 we study eigenfunctions for those E real with y(E)>0 and prove the Pastur-Ishii theorem by ideas close to those Kotani used for the other half of the theorem. Unlike Pastur, we make no use of the existence of eigenfunction expansions. The main tool is to study the boundary values as e$0 of the eigenfunctions for E + i~ which are L 2 at + c~ or at - o o . Using these same boundary values, we study eigenfunctions on the set where y(E) = 0 in Sect. 7. We prove the important result that if case Vis almost periodic, these eigenfunctions at least have an absolute value that is almost periodic. We have learned that Kotani found this result some months before us, and plans to have it appear in the final version of [10]. In Sect. 8, we study the generalized eigenfunctions for energies in the spectrum where y(E)>0. In Sect.9, we prove the a.c. spectrum has multiplicity 2.

Throughout, we have an underlying probability measure space (•, #) and a one parameter family Ty (y~R or yEZ depending on whether we are in the Schr6dinger or Jacobi case) of measure preserving transformations which are ergodic and so that V~,(y)=f(Tyco) for some function f on co.

Unless we specify" otherwise, the statement a.e. when applied to subsets of R denotes "with respect to Lebesgue measure" ; "a.e." when applied to #2 means with

Absolutely Continuous Spectrum in One Dimension 393

respect to #. We would like to thank Tom Wolff for supplying us with the proof in Appendix B.

2. Reduction of Theorems 1.2 and 1.4 to Inequalities for Complex E

Our goal in this section is to prove Theorems 1.2 and 1.4, assuming Theorems t.6 and 1.7. We will use the following, which is a consequence of the Thouless formula [2], or alternatively a direct result of Johnson and Moser [8] :

Theorem 2.1. dfl/dE also has a positive imaginary part in the region Im E > 0. In fact, in that region

dfi _ f dk(E') (2.1) dE " E ' - E "

As a consequence, we have

Proposition 2.2. For almost all E

lira (E o + iz) = ~ (Eo). ~3,0

For almost all E o with ?(Eo)= 0,

lim~+o e- 17(E 0 + i0 = ~_(de Eo).



Proof Equation (2.3) follows from (2.2) and the mean value theorem, so we

87 (E ° + ie,) only need (2.2). By the Cauchy-Riemann equations, for fi ....... 1' k ie, 0e

- •E (E° + ie), so (2.2) is equivalent to

dB d~ lim Im ~ (E o + ie) = (2.4)

, o d L dE"

We need some standard facts in measure theory [15] : if d# is any measure with S (1 + Ixi)- ld#(x) < o% then

(a) f ( x ) - - lim ImS d#(y) exists for a.e.x. ~o y - x - i ~

(b) d# .... = re-aF(x)dx, where d# .... is the absolutely continuous part of #.

(c) G(x)= i dp(x) has a classical derivative at a.e.x. - - o 0

(d) d# .... = G'(x)dx. Looking at (2.1) and recalling that e = =k, we see that (2.4) follows from (a~(d)

above. []

Proof of Theorems 1.2 and 1.4 (assuming Theorems 1.6 and 1.7). 2c~(Eo+ie)7(Eo+ie)>e and ?(Eo)=0 implies 2c~dc~/dE(Eo)>l for a.e. E o by

394 P. Deift and B. Simon

Proposition 2.2. Similarly, since lim sinh 7(Eo + ie)/e = lim ?(E 0 + ie)/e if 7(E0) = 0, ~,LO ~$0

we see that 2sinc~(Eo+ie)sinh?(Eo+ie)>e implies that 2sined~/dE(Eo)>l. []

3. Complex Energy Inequality: The Schr6dinger Case

Kotani proved (1.4) in [10] using Jensen's inequality [in the form E(e s) >=exp(E(f))] on a suitable integral. Here is an alternate version: In the SchrSdinger case Kotani introduces a function h+(~o, E) defined to be u'+(O)/u+(O),


where u+ solves -u% + l~u+ =Eu+ with S lu+J 2dx< ~ and h+ is Herglotz. For Im E > 0, he proves: o

Theorem 3.1.

E(1/Im h__ ) = 2?(E)/Im E. (3.1)

Johnson and Moser [8] prove for I m E > 0 .

Theorem 3.2.

E(Imh + )=c~(E). (3.2)

Given these results, we have

Proof of Theorem 1.6. By the Schwarz inequality

1 <=E(1/Imh+)E(Imh+).

Now use (3.1) and (3.2). []

For the Jacobi case, the analogs of (3.1) and (3.2) are written in terms of the function m+(co, E)=-u+(1)/u+(O), where u+(n) solves u+(n+ 1 ) + u + ( n - 1 )

+ Vo~(n)u+(n)= Eu+ (n) and ~, [u+ (n)12 < oc. They say [18]: 1

Exp(ln(1 + [Ime/Imm+])) = 27(E), (3.3)

Im [E(ln (m +))] = c~(E). (3.4)

We do not see to obtain Theorem 1.4 from these relations and Jensen's inequality, so we turn to a different proof in the next section.

4. Harmonic Function Proof

In this section we will prove Theorem 1.7 for bounded potentials. The idea will be to obtain (1.5) by noting that both sides of the inequality are harmonic functions, so we need only prove the inequality near infinity and on the real axis. Near the real axis, it is trivial and near infinity we will have asymptotic equality. To be more explicit, let

F(E) = - 2 cosh(fl(E)) - - 2 c o s h ( - ?(E) + io:(E)).

Absolutely Continuous Spectrum in One Dimension 395

Then (1.5) is equivalent to:

Im F(E) > I m E. (4. t)

Theorem 4.1. Consider the Jacobi case. Suppose

Edk(E) = Exp (V(0)) = O. (4.2)


F(E) = E + O(IEI- 1) (4.3)

uniformly as IEI--' oo in the upper half-plane.

Proof. The Thouless formula says that

fl(E) = - SIn (E' - E)dk(E'), (4.4)

where the branch of In is taken with I n ( - 1 ) = - ire and ln(z) continuous in the region ImzN0. By (4.2) and (4.4)

fl(E) = - l n ( - E) + 0(1/[E]2).

Since le x - eYl < I x - Yl [leXl + lerl3 < leXl (e + 1)Ix- Yl if Ix - Yl < 1, we see that

le -e(~) + EI < tEl O(IEI- 2) = O(]EI- ~),

and so

e -È(e)= - E + O(IE]- 1),

e ' ( e ) = O(IE[- 1),

and thus (4.2) follows. []

ProoJ q[' Theorem 1.7. Fix e>0 and let H,:(E)=[ImE -c]. Let DR,:= {El[El<R, ImE>e.}. Then we claim that for all sufficiently large R

ImF(E)>H~(E) if EeSDg,~. (4.5)

For, letting E o = Exp(V(0)), (4.3) becomes

F(E) = ( E - G ) + O(IEI- 1),

so ImF(E)= I m E + O(IE]-1). This yields (4.5) on the segment of ODR, ~ with [El = R so long as R is large. On the segment with ImE=e , H~(E)=O<ImF(E) =2 sinc~sinhT, since ae[0,~] , 7>0.

This verifies (4.5). Since both sides are harmonic, the inequality holds inside DR,~ and thus on U DR,~= {E l imE>e}. Now take e--+0. One obtains (4.1) and

Rlarge so (1.5). []

One can ask about whether Theorem t.6 also has a harmonic function proof. We only see how to do this with a mild regularity condition on V The analog of (4.4) is

fl(E) = ] / Z E + ~ [k(E')- ko(E')] (E' - E) dE', (4.6)

396 P, Deifl and B. Simon

where k o is the free density of states, i.e. ko(E' ) = 7c-1 Vmax(0 ' E'). To see (4.6), we start with the following formula from [2] :


fl(E) = ] / Z ~ _ lira S l n ( E ' - E)d(k- ko)(E'), R - ~ o9 - - c o

and integrate by parts using the fact [2] that (k-ko)(E')=O((E')-l /2). Alternatively (4.6) is proven in Kotani [10]. The analog of Theorem 4.1 which is required is

Theorem 4.2. Consider the Schr6dinger case. Suppose that Exp(V(0))=0, Exp([ V(0)t 2) < oo and Exp(I V(x) - V(0)I) = o(1/[lnxl) as x ~0 , G(E) = - f l ( E ) 2. Then as IEl--' oo

G(E) = E + o(1)

uniformly in each region ImE>e .

Proof A new bound on the high energy behavior of k which we prove in Appendix A says that under the above hypotheses k(E')-ko(E')=o((E') -1/2 (lnfE'[)-~), so that by an elementary estimate in the region ImE >e :

and thus

~(E) = ~ + o(IEP- 1/~),

-(fl(E))~ = E +o(1) . [ ]

Given this, we obtain an alternate proof of Theorem 1.6, but only with the weak regularity condition Exp(IV(x)-V(O)l)=o(1/ltnx[). Of course, the trivial proof in Sect. 3 doesn't require this.

5. Conditions for V=const

In this section, we will prove that unless V equals a constant, most inequalities in Sect. 1 are strict, e.g. (1.4) and (1.5) are strict at all E with I m E > 0 and at almost every E with 7(E)=0, we have that dcd/dE>l in the Schr/Sdinger case, and 2s ineda/dE>l in the Jacobi case. In particular, in the Jacobi case I{E[7(E)=0}] < 4 if V4=const. In his paper, Kotani [10] proves related theorems which imply that V=const, and his work motivated this section.

We begin by proving that if fi(E) is the free one, then V= 0. We note that since k is the boundary value of Imfi, k is the free one iffl is the free one. The converse of this is also true; it follows from (4.4) and (4.6).

Proposition 5.1. Consider the Jacobi case. I f k is the fi"ee one, then V=0.

Proof We have that

Exp [(~o, ~X26o)] = ~ E2dk(E) = S E2dko(E) = (~o, Ho~6o) .

But (6 o, H26o) = II H6o II 2 = (6o, H~6o ) + I V(0)I 2, so

Exp (1V(O)I 2) =0 .

Absolutely Continuous Spectrum in One Dimension 397

Thus V(0)=0 a.e. and so by stationary V-=0. []

There is a similar argument in the Schr6dinger case [using (H + a) - t as a ~ ov] but it requires some regularity on V. Here is an argument that requires nothing:

Proposition 5.2. Consider the Schrbdinger case. Suppose that fl(E)= ~ . Then V=0.

Proof Fix E o in the upper half-plane. Then 2?(Eo)e(E0)= -Imfl(Eo)2 = ImE0, so by the proof in Sect. 3 (equality in Schwarz), Imh+ is a.e. constant and that

constant must be E ( I m h + ) = I m ( ~ ) . Thus, for a.e. V, the function Cx3

r(x)=u'+(x)/u+(x), where u+ solves - u " = ; + + Vu+ Eou with [u+12dx, obeys 0

Imr (x )=Im( - ] f ~ o ) for a.e. x and then by continuity for all x. Now r obeys the Ricatti equation

r ' = ( v ( x ) - E o ) - r 2 .

Since Imr '=O, we see that

Im(r 2) = _ E o .

It follows that Rer(x)= + R e ( - ~ - E 0 ) , so, by continuity, the same sign works at all x. Thus r'= 0 so Vow(x) is constant. By ergodicity, the constant is co independent. By the value of Refl(Eo), the constant is 0. []

Actually, the above only used fi(Eo)= - ] f ~ o at a single E o in the upper half- plane. This is not surprising since the next result says that a weaker fact implies

that fl(E)-- I/-£-E.

Theorem 5.3. I f equality holds in (1.4) (respectively (1.5)) at a single point in the upper half-plane, then V= const

Proof Both sides of the inequality are harmonic functions, indeed Im (-f12)__> ImE [respectively I r a ( - 2 coshfl)> ImE]. Hence equality at one point implies equality at all points, and then by analyticity we see that fi2= _ ( E _ E o ) [respectively coshfl = - ( E - E o ) ] for a real E o. Hence, replacing V by V - E o, we see that the fi(E + Eo) is the free fl and thus, by the last two propositions, V= E 0 a.e. []

Our final circle of results concerns when equality holds on a set of positive measure on the real axis. We will need the following result which Tom Wolff proved for us; we give his proof in Appendix B.

Theorem 5.4. Let G be a function analytic in the upper half-plane with a derivative dG/dz which is Herglotz. Then G(z) has boundary values on the real axis G(x + iO) for all x and for almost all x o in the set where Re G(x + iO)= O, we have that

lira Re d~ G-G (x o + ie) = 0. e,0 a z

Of course, this theorem is only interesting if Re G(E + i0) = 0 on a set of positive Lebesgue measure.

398 P. Deift and B. Simon

T h e o r e m 5.5. Consider the Schr6dinger case. I f there is a subset, S in R, of positive Lebesgue measure on which 7(E)= 0 and de2/dE = 1, then V is constant.

Proof By the last theorem and the fact that dfl/dE is Herglotz, we see that 87

l i m ~ ( E o + i e ) = O for a.e. E o in S. By the proof of Proposition2.2,

1' 8e de l m~(Eo+ie )=d-E- (Eo) for a.e. E 0 in S. Thus on S, dfi/dE(Eo+iO ) is a.e.

ide/dE(Eo). Obviously fl(E o + iO) is ie(Eo). Thus G(E)-~ 2fldfl/dE has a boundary

value which is - 1 by hypothesis. It follows that the Herglotz function ~ has a boundary value i on almost all of S and so on a set of positive measure. Since boundary values of Herglotz functions on sets of positive measure uniquely

determine the function ] /G = i and so dflZ/dE = - 1 which yields fl = 1 / - ( E - E0). As above, V is a constant. [ ]

T h e o r e m 5.6. Consider the Yacobi case. I f there is a subset, S in R, of positive Lebesgue measure on which y(E)=0 and 2sinede/dE= 1, then V is constant.

Proof. As in the last theorem, dfi/dE(E o + iO) is ide/dE(Eo) for a.e. E0e S. Similarly the Herglotz function sinh (fi(E)) has boundary values/sine. The above argument applied to G(E) =- 2 sinhfldfl/dE implies that d/dE(2 coshfl) = - 1. This implies that Vis a constant. []

With this last theorem, we can improve Corollary 1.5:

T h e o r e m 5.7. In the dacobi case, I{EIT(E)=0}] < 4 with equality if and only if V i s a constant.

6. A N e w P r o o f o f the P a s t u r - I s h i i T h e o r e m

Pastur [13] and Ishii [7] proved that on the set where 7(E)>0 there is no absolutely continuous spectrum. Kotani [10] used their result for one half of his theorem that {E]7(E)=O} is the essential support of the absolutely continuous spectrum. In this section we will give a proof of the Pastur-Ishii theorem using the same philosophy (and even the same equality) that Kotani used for his half of his theorem. Our proof is related to that of Ishii.

Let h+(e~,E) be the function defined in Sect. 3 for I m E > 0 . Then [10]

dl~ + ( E', o~) h+(e),E)=~ E ' - E

for a positive measure d#+. Fix E o real. From this representation, we see that

_ . , r d/~+(E',co) e -1 Imh+(c9, E o + ~,) = 3 e2+ ~ ~o)2 (6.1)

is monotone decreasing in 8, so

S+(co, Eo) = lim Imh +(co, E o + it)/~ e;0

Absolutely Continuous Spectrum in One Dimension 399

exists in [0, oo]. Applying the monotone convergence theorem to Kotani's relation (3.1), we see that

E(1/S + (co, Eo) ) = 27(Eo). (6.2)

This implies that S+ is a.e. infinite when 7(Eo) is 0. What we will show is that S+ is a.e. finite when Y(Eo)> 0. Parenthetically, we note that if ~(Eo)> 0, then

E(S + ((9, Eo) ) = lim E(Im h + (co, E o + ie)/e)

=limc~(E o + ie)/~ = oo

so, even if S+ is a.e. finite it is unbounded and non-L 1. Below we will prove that

Theorem 6.1 (Continuous Case). I f T(E)>0, then S+ is a.e. finite.

Assuming this, we have

Theorem 6.2 (Pastur-Ishii Theorem). Let P"£° be the spectral measure class of H~. Then for a.e. co

a . c . P~ ({EIT(E) 0})=0.

Proof(Continuous Case). Fix E o with Y(Eo)> 0. By Theorem 6.1, for a.e. co, S < so Imh+(co, Eo+iO)=O. Similarly, Imh_(co, Eo+iO)=O. For a.e. pair (co, Eo), h+ +h_ has a non-zero limit. If h+ +h_ has a non-zero limit and Imh+ and I m h have a zero limit, then I r a ( -1 /h+ +h )(co, E o + i0)=0. Thus for a.e. (co, E) with 7(E)>0, we have that I ra((-1/(h+ +h))(co, E+iO))=O. Since this is the Green's function, we conclude that P~ic({E[y(E)>O})=O. []

To prove Theorem 6.1, we define, following Kotani [10], for I m E > 0 , the function f+(co, E) to be the solution of - f " + ( V - E ) f = 0 with f+(0)= 1 and f~(0) =h+(co, E) s o f i s L 2 at co.

Lemma 6.3 [- - Eq. (1.7) of Kotani]. ~ ]f+(x, co, E)12dx =Imh+(co, E)/ImE. 0

Proof Let W X P ()=f'+(x)f+(x)-f '+(x)f+(x).

Then dw/dx = 2i Im E[f+ (x)t 2 and w(x)--~ 0 ar ~ with w(0) = - 2i Im h + (co, E) so the equality follows. []

Since f+ is the unique solution L 2 at + ~ with value 1 at x =0, we see that

f ~. (x, Tyco, E) = f + (x + y, co, E)/f + (y, co, E) , (6.3)

from which we see by the lemma that for y >0 :

Imh + (Tyco, E) ~,_2 [Imh+(co, E ) , ~[L(x, co, E)12dx. Y ] ImE - f+(y , co, t:) [ (6.4)

] 0

Next we want to note:

Proposition 6.4. Suppose that S+(co, Eo)< oo. Then h+(co, E o + it) has a finite limit.

400 P. Deifl and B. Simon

Proof By (6.1), if S+(co, Eo)< co, then

Since ~(tE'J+ 1)d#+(E',co)< co also, by the dominated convergence theorem, h+ has a finite limit. []

Proof of Theorem 6.1. By (6.2), S + (co, Eo)< oo is finite on a set of positive measure, so by the ergodic theorem there exist for a.e. co, yo'S with S+(Tyoco, Eo)< oo (indeed a set of yo's with positive density). We will show that if S+(T~.oco, Eo)<co , then S+ (Tyco, Eo)< co for a.e. y, in which case by the ergodic theorem again S+ < co a.e. By changing the meaning of co, we can suppose Yo =0. By Proposition 6.4, h + (co, E o + ie) has a finite limit, so f + (x, co, E o + is) has a finite limit f + (x, co, E o + iO) for all x. This f+ solves the Schr6dinger equation, so its set of zeros has measure zero. Equation (6.4) shows that if f~ (y, co, E o + i0) + 0 and S + (co, Eo) < co, then S+(T, CO, Eo )<co ; so we have that S+(T~co, Eo)<co for a.e.y. []

The above proof has to be slightly modified in the discrete case. The zeros off+ no longer have measure zero since the measure on Z is discrete. Define S+ now as the limit of Imm+/ImE. We replace Theorem 6.1 with

Theorem 6.5 (Discrete Case). Let ?(Eo) > O. Then for a.e. co one of the followin 9 is true:

(a) S + (co, Eo) < ~ , Im m + (co, E o + i0) = 0 and m+ (co, E o + iO) has a finite limit. (b) S+(co, E0)= co, Imm+(co, E o + i0)= oo and there is a non-zero solution, u, of

the Schrgdinger equation which is d 2 at + oo and with u(O)=0.

Proof (6.2) has to be replaced by

E(log(1 + [S+ (co, Eo) ] - 1)) = 2y(Eo) '

which follows from Simon's formula (3.3). As above, for a.e. co, there exist some n<0 , with S+(T-"co, Eo)<oo. Using this n, we find a solution f+ (m + n, T-"co, Eo)=-u(m) of the Schr6dinger equation for V~ which is E 2 at + oo. If u(0)+0, then using the analog of (6.4), we see that S+(o), E0)< oo from which alternative (a) follows by Proposition 6.4. If u(0) = 0, then the half-line operator has a Dirichlet eigenvalue, so Imm+(co, E o + i0) = oo so, a fortiori S+(co, Eo) = co. This verifies alternative (b). []

With Theorem 6.5 replacing Theorem 6.1, the proof of the Pastur-Ishii theorem goes through in the discrete case. If I m m + = o % then m + + m _ - ~ o % so I m ( - l / m + +m)(c~,Eo+/0)=0. Similarly this is true if I m m = ~ . Theorem 6.5 says that for a.e. co, either Imm+ = co or Imm_ = oo or Im(m+ + m )=0. In the latter case, the argument in Theorem 6.2 shows that for a.e. co, E, I m ( - 1 / m + +m)(cO, Eo+ i0)=0. This proves Theorem 6.2 in the discrete case.

We suspect that alternative (b) of Theorem 6.5 always occurs on a set of measure zero, but we don't need to know that.

Absolutely Continuous Spectrum in One Dimension 401

7. Continuum Eigenfunctions on the A.C. Spectrum

In this section, we will prove a basic result which we learned Kotani proved some months before us.

Theorem 71. For a.e. pairs (co, Eo)~f2x {EI?(E)=0}, there exist linearly inde- pendent eigenfunctions u+.(x, co, Eo) of -u"+(Vo,-Eo)u=O and /'or a.e. E o in {EIT(E)--0} a function H(co, Eo) on f2,

(i) u+ = ~ _ ,

lim 1 ~ (ii) t~.oo 2-R _ tu+-(x'co'E°)]2dxff(O' co),

(iii) ~ IH(co, Eo)t2d#(co) < co, ~9

(iv) tu+.(x, co, Eo)y = u(rxco, Eo). We have not been able to control the phase of u+. but we conjecture that

u+.(x, co, Eo)e ~:i~'~ = U+.(T~co, Eo) for a complex valued function on £2. Conditions (iii) and (iv) say that if case V is almost periodic, lu+.l are L2-almost

periodic with the same frequency module as V Our conjecture would imply that on the set where y(E)= 0, there are Bloch waves with quasi-momentum exactly equal to c~. For this reason, we regard the proof or disproof of our conjecture as a significant open problem. It would have interesting consequences; e.g. by Aubry duality and Gordon's theorem [5, t7] one would obtain that in the almost Mathien equation with Liouville frequency, there is only singular continuous spectrum also for coupling 2 < 2 (this is known of 2 > 2 [2]).

We remark that if the solution u+ is written u+(x)=r(x)e i°{x}, then 0 will obey O=l/r 2 and we will see that Exp(1/r2)=c~. Thus our conjecture that O-c~x is almost periodic with the same frequency module is seen to be related to a small divisor problem. In the periodic case, there is no problem and we obtain a rather involved proof of the existence of Bloch waves for the periodic case. We recall that for certain almost periodic potentials, Dinaburg and Sinai [4] have constructed Bloch waves : If our conjecture were proven, the essence of their result would be that {Ei?,(E)=0} had large measure for small coupling or large energy.

As the proof below shows, u+. will be the f+. of Kotani [10] but normalized with the normalization preferred by Moser [12].

Proof of Theorem 7.1. For a.e. pairs (co, E0), h+(co, Eo+ie ) have finite limits. Moreover, by Kotani's argument [10], Imh±(co, E0)>0 for a.e. pairs. If h_+(co, Eo) are finite, we can form the limits f+º(x, co, E0) and by the limit of (6.3)

f_+ (x, Tyco, Eo) = c ± J~ (x + y, co, Eo) , (7.1)

where c_+ are functions of y, co and E o but not of x. If also Imh_+ 4:0, define

u +. (x, co, Eo) = f +. (x, co, Eo)/ ]/Im h ± (co, E0). (7.2)

Since the Wronskian o f f+ and f+ at 0 is -T2iImh+., we see that

if'+ u + - u~ if± = -T 2i. (7.3)

402 P. Deift and B. Simon

While (7.3) is proven initially at 0, it holds at all x since fi+ also solves the Schr{Sdinger equation (this is where E o real enters). Since (7.1) holds and (7.3) holds at any point for both u+(x, co, Eo) and u+(., T~,co, Eo), we conclude that the constant relating u+(-, co, Eo) and u+(., 7~co, E) must have magnitude 1, i.e.

lu +(x, r, co, eo)i = tu+ (x + y, co, G)I .

Since f+(0, co, E o ) - 1, we conclude that

lu + (x, co, No) 1 = Jim h + (Txco, Eo)] - i/2, (7.4a)

proving (iv) with

H(co, E) = [Imh+ (co, E0)] - 1/2. (7.4b)

(iii) then follows from Kotani's relation

E(1/Im h + (co, Eo) ) < lim 27(E 0 + ie)/e. (7.5) aS0

(ii) is then a consequence of the ergodic theorem, indeed


lim 1 !R fu± (x, co, E0)l 2 = Exp(1/Imh + (co, Eo) ) (7.6) R~oo 2R _

Finally, (i) follows if we note that

u_+(0, co, E0) = l /J im h± (co, E0) ] 1/2,

u'± (0, co, Eo) = + h ± (co, Eo)/[Im h ± (co, Eo)] 1/2,

and then use Kotani's relation [103, that for a.e. (co, Eo) in Ox {Ely(E)=0}, we have that

h_(co, Eo) = - h+(co, No). []

While we give the above proof in the Schr6dinger case, it extends without essential change to the Jacobi case if we replace Kotani's work by Simon [18]. Since m e is defined to be -u~:(_+ 1)/u±(0) in the complex plane, we have this relation in the limit. Then (Eq. (2.6) in [t83)

u_(1) =m_ + e - v(0)


and u + = fi _ requires

m_ + E - V(0)= - ~ + ,

which is exactly (3.6) and (3.7) of [18]. The above proof shows the significance of Kotani's relation h_ = -/7+. It is an expression of the fact that the solutions u± are complex conjugates of each other, which as we will explain, we believe is an expression of the fact that almost periodic potentials are reflectionless.

Inequality (7.5) and our argument in Sect. 2 imply that

i dc~ (7.7) lim 1 lu+(x, co, Eo)12dx<2~(Eo). R~cO e 0 -

Absolutely Continuous Spectrum in One Dimension 403

Moreover, since ~i+ and u+ have Wronskian -2 i , we see that if u+(x,o),E) = r(x, co, E)e i°( .... E), then r2dO/dx = 1, so

lim 1 i n-~ -R ]u±(x'c°'dE°)l-2dx=e(E°)" (7.8)

two relations and the Schwarz inequality yield a proof that 2ed~- E >1 ; These

indeed, this is just the analog of Moser's proof in the periodic case [ 12]. The astute reader will see that this proof is not really any different from the one in Sects. 2 and 3.

In the discrete case, one has the analog of (7.7), viz

1 N - 1 d ~ N-~lim ~ ~ ]u±(J'°~'E°)12<2~E (E°)" (7.7')


It is an interesting open question to see if the proper analog of (7.8) holds, viz whether

lim 1 N- 1 u-~o N ~ Pu+-(J'o)'E°)l-2=E(Imh+-(c°'E°)) o

is smaller than sine. We note a rather striking formula implicit in the above construction:

i Reh+(TyCO, Eo)dy=½1n[Imh+(co)]- ~ln[Imh+(Txo))]. (7.8') o

This formula just says


ee(u'+(y)/u+(y))dy = In lu +(x)l - I n lu÷(0)l • o

We believe that (except perhaps for sets of measure zero with respect to both Lebesgue and spectral measures) there are only eigenfunctions with

i lu+[2dx > 0 if 7(E)=0. Specifically, we expect (but cannot prove) that for lim R1-- o

a.e. E (with respect to the spectral measure) in the singular spectrum there are

solutions with lim 1 ~. R--,oo ~ _ lU(X)12dx=O" S u c h a result would imply that the

singular spectrum has multiplicity 1. Using the differential equation and assuming the boundedness of K it is easy to

see that

li--m 1 i[lu+12+lu,+(x)l~]dx<oe, R~c~ e o

and from this one sees that

lim ]xl- ~/ 2 lu +(x,o~,Eo)] < oe , x - * c/3

404 P. Delft and B. Simon

and in the almost periodic case

lim lxt- 1/2 [u+ (x, co, Eo) I = 0 .

This mildly improves the lxI 1/2 +~ bound which is automatic a.e. from eigenfunction expansions (see e.g. [16]).

The existence of two linearly independent polynomially bounded eigenfunc- tions suggests that the a.c. spectrum has multiplicity 2 and this could probably be proven directly from these solutions. However, since one easy direct proof exists which we give in the next section, we don't pursue this here.

In [3], Davies and Simon show that for any bounded potential, one can find four spaces ~ r so that

= + . . . .

the absolutely continuous space for H, and so that

+ Zr ee-~turP 2 = 0

where Z,.(e) is the characteristic function of the right (left) half line. They call H reflectionless if ~ - = d4°~ +, i.e. if states which are on the left in the distant past are on the right in the distant future. We believe that almost periodic potentials are retlectionless and that this is connected with Kotani's relation h+ = - h _ . For the fact that u+ is a boundary value from I m E > 0 of functions decaying at + oo suggests that ~ - is the "span" of the functions u+, and similarly ~ - is the span of the functions u_. But time reversal implies that (see [3]) ~,+ = ~ - , so u+ = ~ would be an expression of the reflectionless nature of almost periodic Hamiltonians. Of course, this is only a vision without any proofs yet. In the periodic case, where one can easily identify -~x+~ in terms of eigenfunctions [3], one can check that this vision is correct. The periodic case will differ in one way from the almost periodic case: Using stationary phase, one finds a dense set in ~ - in the periodic case for which q~ decays rapidly in x and for which I] L.e -~tu (Pll decays faster than any power of t. The occurrence of only recurrent spectrum in the a.p. case [1] will not allow that.

8. The Singular Support

We have seen that {EIT(E)=O} is the a.e. co common essential support of the a.c. part of the spectral measure. Here for each co, we want to define a natural set, ®~, in R which supports the singular part of the spectral measure and which is intrinsic to it. Basic to our definition is the theorem of de Vatlee Poussin (see Saks [15]):

Theorem 8.1. The singular part of any measure # is supported on the set of E where

lira Im S d#(E') ~o E ' - E - i e - ° ° "

Afortiori, it is supported on the set where lira . . . . oo (and it is quite a bit easier to prove this weaker result). This motivates

Absolutely Continuous Spectrum in One Dimension 405

Definition (Cont inuous Case). Let Go(x, y ; E ) be the integral kernel of (H o - E ) - 1 Then ~o, is the set of E 0 in R for which

lim Im [Go(0, 0 ; E o + it)] + Im Go(O, 0; E o + ie) = oo. ~$0

(Discrete Case). Let Go(n , m ; E) be the integral kernel of (Ho - E ) - 1. Then ~ is the set of E o in R for which

lim {Ira [Go(0, 0; E o + it)] + I m [G,o(t, 1 ; E o + ie)] } = oo. e l 0

Our goal in this section is to prove the following pair of theorems, and to relate ~,o to h+ and to solutions like f± .

Theorem 8.2. ~ o is translation invariant, i.e. ~T ,~ = ~o"

Theorem 8.3. For every E o ~ R, {colE o E ~o~} has measure zero.

Theo rem 8.3 extends the result that {colE o is an eigenvalue of Ho} has measure zero (see e.g. [2]).

Our final result supplements the fact that a.e. on {E[7(E)=0}, we have that h + (co, E o + i 0 ) : - )~ _ (co, E o + i0) (continuous case) or m + (on, E 0 + i0) = - m (co, E o + i 0 ) - E o - V(0) (discrete case).

Theorem 8.4. (a) (Continuous Case.) E o e ~ i f and only if either lim [h+ (co, E o + ie) + h_ (co, E o + ie)l = 0 or lim th + (co, E o + i t )- ~ + h_ (co, E o + ie)- 11 = O.

(b) (Discrete Case.) E o ~ o i f and only i f either limlm+(co, Eo+ie ) + m_ (co, E o + ie) + E o + ie + V(O)I = 0 or lim Im+ (co, Eo + i8)- ~ + [m_ (co, E o + ie) + E o + ie + V(0)] - ~ = 0.

Remark. Thus (a) can be pa raph rased by saying h+ = - h _ , a l though the possi- bility that bo th limits are infinite mus t be al lowed as must the possibility tha t we go th rough a subsequence.

Proof We prove (a). (b) is similar. Im G has an infinite limit only if (h + + h _ ) - 1 ~ oo and ImO2G/c3xdy has an infinite limit only if h + h _ ( h + + h _ ) - ~ = ( h S ~ l + h l 1) --+ C~. [ ]

To link ~ to solutions of the Schr/fdinger equation, we need to deal with the fact that f+(Tyco, x, E o + ie) can be singular because f+(co, y, E o + ie) has a zero as ~+0. We thus define

t/± (co, x, E ) = f ± (co, x, E)/(1 + ]he(co, E)12) 1/2 ,

so t / i s normal ized by t/± (co, 0, E) > 0, tt/± (co, 0, E)12 + IU'+ (co, 0, E)I2 = 1.

Theorem 8.5. E o ~ ~ i f and only if, for some sequence e,+O, limr/±(co, x , E o + ie,) =- ~1+_(o9, x, E o + iO) exists and for a constant c :

r/+ (co, x, E o + i0) = ct/_ (co, x, E o - i0). (8.1)

Proof Define two dimensional vectors a _+ = (1, ± h ±)/1/1 + [h ± f2. Using compac t - ness of the unit vectors, we see that Eo6 ~ o if and only if there exists en$0 so that

406 P. Deift and B. Simon

a__(E o + its) have limits which are equal up to a factor (the factor is only necessary if lim[h+[=oo). From this, (8.1) follows (and c is only necessary of limlh_+t= oo). []

This last theorem illustrates the difference between the a.c. spectrum, where u+ = ~_ 4= u_ and the singular spectrum and supports our belief that the singular spectrum has multiplicity 1.

Proof of Theorem 8.2. If ~1+(co, x, E o + i~) has a limit, so does tl+(Tyco, x, E o + ien) for all 7 and it equals const~7+(c,),x+y, Eo+ie.,), so if (8.1) holds for co, it holds for T ~co. []

Proof of Theorem 8.3. By Lemma 6.3 and Fatou's lemma, ~ ]rl+_(x,~o, Eo)12dx 0

<S+_(o),Eo). Thus if S + < e o and S _ < o o and E o e ~ , , we see that E o is an eigenvalue of Ho,. Thus, in the continuous case, where S+ < oo and S < oo a.e. have that

{o)]Eoe ~ } C {co[E o is an eigenvalue of H~o} (rood. measure zero). (8.2)

The set on the right has measure zero [2]. In the discrete case, we use Theorem 6.5 and note that if Imm+ = oo and Eoe ®o,, then Imm_ = oo. Thus if Eoe ~ , , either S_ < 0% and S+ < oo or else there exist #2 solutions at + 0o and - oo vanishing at zero, or we are in a set of measure zero ; so again (8.2) holds. []

9. Multiplicity of the Absolutely Continuous Spectrum

We want to note the following, which is connected to ideas of Davies and Simon [3] and the stationarity which says V looks the same near + ~v and - :~.

Theorem 9.1. The absolutely continuous spectrum of a stochastic Schrgdinger operator or Jacobi matrix is uniformly of multiplicity two.

Proof We give the details in the Schr6dinger case. The Jacobi case is similar. If H~ + is the operator on [0, oo) with Dirichlet boundary conditions, then

8 2 lim G(x,y)=h+(o),E), where G(x,y) is the kernel of ( H ~ - E ) -1 and h+ is

y>x>0 y,[O

the function discussed in Sect. 3. By the arguments in Kotani [10], for a.e. co, limh+(co, E + i0) is non-zero and finite precisely for a.e. E in {EJy(E)=0}. Thus H +~. has as its essential spectral support this set. By general principles [16], the spectral multiplicity of H~ + is exactly 1. Thus H+~@H~o has a.c. spectrum of uniform multiplicity 2. But by the Kato-Birman theory (see e.g. [14]), the absolutely continuous spectrum of H o + V~-H~ is unitarily equivalent to H~@H~ [since (H~ + i)- 1 _ (H + + i)- 10(H~, + i)- 1 is finite rank]. []

The point spectrum clearly has multiplicity 1. We conjecture that the singular spectrum also has multiplicity t. This conjecture would follow from one that says that for the continuum eigenfunctions associated to the singular spectrum, we have

lim 1 !R R~oo R _ [u'(x)l 2+[u(x)12dx=O.

Absolutely Continuous Spectrum in One Dimension 407

Appendix A. High Energy Behavior of the Integrated Density of States

Let k(E) be the integrated density of states for -d2 /dx2+ V(x), where V(x) is a stationary ergodic stochastic process. When V is uniformly bounded, Avron

and Simon [2, remark following Theorem 3.2] showed that [k(E)-zr -1 ~ - [ = O(E-1/2). In Sect. 4, we need to obtain the O(E-1/2) term. We will prove this using the "rotation number" point of view for k [8], rather than the direct density of states arguments in [2]. Let E=~: 2, and let u solve - u " + V u = E u with boundary conditions du/dx(O)=O. Make an energy dependent Prtifer transfor- mation to

u'(x) = - ~cr(x) sin O(x) ,

u(x) = r(x) cos0(x).

Straightforward calculations show that 0 obeys:

dO(x) - • - K- 1V(x) cos2 0(x). (A.1)


Moreover, it is a basic fact [8, 2] that

k(E) = lirn (rex)- I O(x). (1.2)

To illustrate the power of (A.1), we remove the boundedness hypothesis of the above quoted result of [2] :

Theorem A.1. I f Exp([ V(0)t) < o% then

I k (g ) - re- 1 V ~ I <= z~- 1g - 1[2 gxp(I V(0)I).

Proof By (A.1)


Io(~)- ,~xl _-< ~-~ ~ [ v(y)l dy. 0

If we divide by x, use (A.2) and the ergodic theorem, the theorem results.

Our main result in this appendix is:

Theorem A . 2 . / f Exp(I V(0)I 2) < oe, then


k(E) = ~ - I ]~l-E_ ~ - 1 E - I /2 Exp (V(0))+ o(E- ,/z). (A.3)

Remarks. 1. We emphasize that by stationary stochastic process, we mean a separable probability measure space (f2, N, #) and one parameter measurable family of measure preserving transformations T x with V~(x) =f(Txo ) for some function f Since U ~ f = f o T x is continuous on L 2, f e L 2 [i.e. Exp(tV(0)[ 2) < oe] implies also that Exp(IV(x)-V(O)I)<Exp(tV(x)-V(O)12) 1/2 goes to zero as x+0. We use this below.

2. After the proof, we discuss improved estimates on the o(E-1/2) term in special cases.

408 P. Deift and B, Simon

Proof. We rewrite (A.1) as

dO 1 1 1 - to- ~ to- 1 V(x)- ~ ~- V(x) cos 20 (A.4)


The idea will be that the last term wants to average to zero, since the cos oscillates faster and faster and at a more uniform rate as K~oo. Explicitly, set x,=Tzn/t~, Ax=~r/~, and O,=O(xn). Note first that by (A.1)

10(x)- 0. - ~c(x- x.)l < K- i i I V(y)l dy. (A.5) Xn



By (A.2), we must show that

lim 1 ,~1 - rAil = o(E- i/2). n ~ o o F/ j = O

In fact, since k is a.e. independent of co, we only need prove that

Exp( lim 1 "~,I ) \ , ~ nj=oIAfl =o(E-1/2). (A.6)

By (A.4) X n + l

A.=(2~)-I(Ax) -1 J V(x)cos(20(x))dx-B,,+C., xn

Xn+ l

B.-~(2~cAx) -1 ~ V(x)cos[2~c(x-x.)+2OJdx Xn


=(2~cAx) -1 ~ [V(x)- V(x . ) ]cos[2 ,c (x-x . )+20. ]dx , xn

since cos integrated over one period integrates to zero. Thus

gxp ,li~ nl j=o" tBjl =<(2~:Ax) -1 of E(tg(x)-V(O)t)dx.

By the first remark above, this is o(rc-a) as ~c~oo.

X n + l

C,,-(2~cAx) -1 j V(x)[cos20(x)-cos(2~(x-x,)+ 20,)]dx, X~

so by (A.5) and Schwarz (~ , )2

IC,[<(2~2)-I(Ax) -1 ~+ IV(x)ldx \ Xn

X n + l

<(2/c2) -1 J" [g(x)[2dx. x n

Absolutely Continuous Spectrum in One Dimension 409


gxp(l-~m !n~-f~ 1 [Cj[)<(n/2~c3)Exp(IV(0)[2). \n-~oo n j=0

This is O(~-3), and so (A.6) is proven. []

The above proof shows that

lk(E)- n -1 [ / -E- ½~- 1/2 Exp (V(O))t _-< b + c

with (recall Ax =- hE- 1/2)

b = J" E(t V(x) - V(O)l)dx , ½E- 1/2 (Ax)- 1 0

c = ½hE- 3/2 Exp(t V(0)tz).

In explicit cases, one can show b is better than o(E-1/2). For example, if V i sa smooth function of Brownian motion on a manifold, E([ V(x) - V(0)[)= O(xl/Z), and thus since (Ax)t/2= O(E-1/4), we see that the error is O(E-3/4). If V is itself smooth so V' is in L ~, then by the above proof the error is O(E- 1). We believe that with more effort, one could get O(E -3/2) with sufficient smoothness on V. If, as we require in Sect. 4, E(I r(x) - g(0)]) = o(1/]lnx[), then b = E- 1/2o(1/[lnAxJ) = o(E- 1/2(ln lED- 1).

Appendix B. A Theorem from Hard Analysis

In this appendix we want to give Wolff's proof of Theorem 5.4. Since dG/dE has

~dG E boundary values which are finite a.e., so does G ( E 0 ) = - ! ~ F ~ ( o+iy)dy u - -

+ G(E o + i). Let 7(x, y) = Re G(x + iy). The real point is to control lim ~7 ,,o 3xx (x'y)" We introduce the non-tangential maximal function:

W*(xo) = sup {]da/dz(x + iY)[[ 0 < y ~ 1, I x - x 01 _-< y}.

It is easy to see that W* is lower semicontinuous and in particular, { W*(xo)> 2} is open for any 2. Since ln(dG/dz) is locally in H 2, we can apply results on the non- tangential maximal function for H 2 (which is controlled using the Hardy- Littlewood maximal function) to see that

Proposition B.I. For each interval (c, d)

I{xI W*(x) > )v; c < x < d}I < D/ln (t)~t + 2),

and in particular, the measure goes to zero as 2-+ co.

By this proposition, it suffices to prove for each 2, c, d, that lim 3y y~o ~-x (x ' y )=0 for

a.e. x in the set where W*(x) <= 2, c < x < d and y(x) = 0. Henceforth, fix 2, c, d. Define S={x] W*(x)<2; c < x < d } and for xe(c,d),

y(x)-=dist(x, S) ;

410 P. Delft and B. Simon

y trivially obeys ]y(x)-y(x')l <[x-x'] , so it has a derivative y' a.e. and it is the integral of its derivative. Indeed, since S is closed, (c, d)\S = U (% b) is a union of disjoint open intervals and y ' = 0 on S\{al} w {bl}, y ' = + 1 on each (a i, ~(a i + bl) ) and = - 1 on each ((½a i + bi), bi). For each e > 0, Ji:(x) -= ?(x, y(x) + e,) is kipschitz and thus

07 87 y(x) + ~)y'(x)] dx. A XO

N o w suppose that Xo, Xl~S and I x l - X o [ < 2 . Then for all xE(Xo, Xl) and all e

small, we have that (x, y(x)+ e)lies in U {(x3Y3)IY3 < 1 ; [ X a - x2[ < Y3}, and so in x2eS

the last integral the integrand is uniformly bounded (by 22). Thus, by domina ted convergence, we can take e to zero and find that if x o, x 1 ~ S and J x ~ - Xo[ < 2, then


? ( x , ) - y(x o) = ~ g(x)dx, where xo

87 g (x)= l i m w - ( x , y ) if x~S

y;O UX

87 87 , = ~x(X,y(x))+ ~y(X,y(xl)y(x) if x¢S.

N o w we need only use Lebesgue's theorem on differentiation of integrals twice. First, applying that theorem to the characterist ic function of T = {xeS[y(x)=O}, we see that a.e. x o in T is a limit of o ther points x~ in T. Secondly, applying that

87 theorem to geL ~, we see that for a.e. xoeT,9(Xo)- l im=-(x ,y)= lira

y+0 OX xl ~xo X1

(x I - x 0 ) - 1 ~ 9(x)dx. Taking the limit th rough a subsequence in T, we see that for XO

a.e. x o in T, we have g(Xo)= 0, which is the desired result. [ ]


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Communicated by T. Spencer

Received April 22, 1983
