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An analysis of forecasts of livestock prices

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Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 18 (1992) 249263. North-Holland An analysis of forecasts of livestock prices* David A. Bessler Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, USA Jon A. Brandt University of Missouri, MO, USA Received December 1989, final version received January 1991 The paper studies forecasts of U.S. hog and cattle prices provided by both a commodity expert and organized futures markets. Some have argued that futures prices should be efficient forecasts of actual cash prices. We show that cattle futures prices are outperformed by the expert; for hogs, futures prices and the expert are about equal. Analysis of a vector autoregression of the expert’s forecasts, the futures prices, and actual cash prices, supports the finding that cattle futures prices are not an ef%ient forecast of actual cash prices. Differing supply dynamics may account for the difference. 1. Introduction This paper presents an analysis of quarterly judgment forecasts of cattle and hog prices by an expert. These forecasts are interesting because futures markets exist for the same commodities with contract maturity dates roughly corresponding to the expert’s forecast dates. According to the efficient market hypothesis [Fama (1970)] expert forecasts should contain no predictive information beyond that contained in the futures market ‘forecast’. Gardner (1976) suggested that a futures market price reflects the market’s estimate of next period’s cash price and can be justified by the hypothesis of rational expectations. Accordingly, in a vector autoregression of actual cash prices, futures prices and expert’s forecasts one should observe that none of the Correspondence to: Professor David A. Bessler, Department of Agricultural Economics, Texas A & M University, College Station, TX 77843-2124, U.S.A. *Thanks are due to Glenn Grimes for his expert opinion forecasts and for comments on earlier versions of the paper. Carl Shafer, the Editor, an Associate Editor, and an anonymous referee made substantive comments which improved the paper. Linda Crenwelge made editorial comments which improved the readability of the paper. Liisa Menzel provided word processing and graphics assistance. Ted Covey gathered the data on futures prices. Texas Agricultural Experiment Station paper number 22437. University of Missouri Journal paper number 11,195. 0167-2681/92/$05.00 0 1992-Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. All rights reserved

Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 18 (1992) 249263. North-Holland

An analysis of forecasts of livestock prices*

David A. Bessler

Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, USA

Jon A. Brandt

University of Missouri, MO, USA

Received December 1989, final version received January 1991

The paper studies forecasts of U.S. hog and cattle prices provided by both a commodity expert and organized futures markets. Some have argued that futures prices should be efficient forecasts of actual cash prices. We show that cattle futures prices are outperformed by the expert; for hogs, futures prices and the expert are about equal. Analysis of a vector autoregression of the expert’s forecasts, the futures prices, and actual cash prices, supports the finding that cattle futures prices are not an ef%ient forecast of actual cash prices. Differing supply dynamics may account for the difference.

1. Introduction

This paper presents an analysis of quarterly judgment forecasts of cattle and hog prices by an expert. These forecasts are interesting because futures markets exist for the same commodities with contract maturity dates roughly corresponding to the expert’s forecast dates. According to the efficient market hypothesis [Fama (1970)] expert forecasts should contain no predictive information beyond that contained in the futures market ‘forecast’. Gardner (1976) suggested that a futures market price reflects the market’s estimate of next period’s cash price and can be justified by the hypothesis of rational expectations. Accordingly, in a vector autoregression of actual cash prices, futures prices and expert’s forecasts one should observe that none of the

Correspondence to: Professor David A. Bessler, Department of Agricultural Economics, Texas A & M University, College Station, TX 77843-2124, U.S.A.

*Thanks are due to Glenn Grimes for his expert opinion forecasts and for comments on earlier versions of the paper. Carl Shafer, the Editor, an Associate Editor, and an anonymous referee made substantive comments which improved the paper. Linda Crenwelge made editorial comments which improved the readability of the paper. Liisa Menzel provided word processing and graphics assistance. Ted Covey gathered the data on futures prices. Texas Agricultural Experiment Station paper number 22437. University of Missouri Journal paper number 11,195.

0167-2681/92/$05.00 0 1992-Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. All rights reserved

250 D.A. Bessler and J.A. Brandt, An analysis offorecasts of livestock prices

partitioned forecast error variance in actual cash prices is att~butable to the expert’s forecasts (if that forecast is ordered below futures prices in a Wold causal chain). If, on the other hand, the partitions attribute considerable variation in forecast error variance to the expert’s forecasts, then the efficiency of futures forecasts is called into question.’

Just and Rausser (1981) found that forecasts made by several commercial forecasting companies were generally not superior, in a mean squared error sense, to the corresponding futures market prices. The Just and Rausser study does not conflict with the suggestion of Gardner to use futures prices as the market’s forecast of future cash price. Leuthold (1974), on the other hand, has found considerable bias in using the live cattle futures price as a forecast of live cattle cash prices. He suggests [Leuthold (2974, p. 276)] that ‘the producer who looks at the futures prices routinely to establish a feeding margin so that he can decide whether or not to purchase and feed cattle may receive false signals ( . . .) the producer would apparently receive better guidance from studying the present cash situation’. Martin and Garcia (1981, p. 214) find results consistent with Leuthold regarding the forecasting ability of livestock futures markets: ‘the performance of cattle and hog futures as a rational price formation agency is suspect’. More recently, Brandt (1985) suggested that forecasts by models or individuals can predict future price movements more accurately than the futures market and that producers and packers can gain (economically) from this information.

This paper compares the forecasts of Professor Glenn Grimes, Department of Agricultural Economic, University of Missouri, with corresponding futures and cash prices for hogs and cattle using vector autoregressions (VARs). Although the forecasts of future prices are about the same for hogs, the former are strikingly better for cattle, adding further evidence against the efficient market hypothesis.

2. The data

Grimes’ real time forecasts have been a regular output throughout his professional career. They have been made available to the general public through standard extension communication at dates corresponding to the release of the quarterly USDA market reports. They were made for one- quarter (or longer) lead times. Grimes forecasted the Omaha cash price for market weight choice steers and the seven market average cash price for barrows and gilts over the period 1972, quarter l-1986, quarter 2. (Only one quarter ahead forecasts were used in this analysis.) Corresponding futures

‘In particular, this paper considers analysis of ‘semi-strong’ form of efticiency, as the expert’s forecast is public information. See Fama (1970, p. 383).

D.A. Bessler and J.A. Bra& An analysis offorecasts of livestock prices 251


- Cash - Grimes


172 173 174 175 176 177 178 / 79 / 80 1 81 / 82 163 184 / 85 kS$

Year and Quarter

Fig. 1. Cattle prices: Cash market and Grimes’ forecast, by quarter.

market price data were obtained from Annual Yearbooks of the Chicago Mercantile Exchange.’

The data are plotted in figs. l-4. Fig. 1 shows the Grimes-forecast of cattle prices versus the actual cash price of cattle. Fig. 2 gives the futures market ‘forecast’ of cattle prices versus the cash market price of cattle for the corresponding date. Fig. 3 shows the Grimes-forecast of hog prices and the actual cash price of hogs. Fig. 4 gives the futures ‘forecast’ of hog prices and the actual cash price of hogs. It is apparent from the figures that both Grimes and the futures markets have extended runs of over or under- predicting. In addition, there appears to be some evidence of missing major turning points. The former tendency is seen clearly in the comparison of the hog cash price and Grimes’ forecast of cash price. For the years 1972-1973, and again over the years 1977-1979 Grimes generally underforecasted cash hog prices, The futures market for hogs shows this tendency as well - especially note the years 1977, quarter 1-1978, quarter 3. Grimes cattle forecasts over the last quarter of 1977 through the last quarter of 1979 are consistently below the cash price of cattle; while starting in 1980 through mid-1983 Grimes’ forecasts were above the cash market for cattle.

‘The first calendar quarter used the February contract; the second quarter used a simple average of the April and June contracts; the third quarter used the August contract; and the fourth quarter used a simple average of the October and December contracts. Actual cash prices used in the study were the quarterly average Omaha cash prices for live cattle (9OC~llOOlbs.) and the quarterly average seven terminal market barrow and gilt prices and were obtained from Livestock and Meat Statistics (all data used in the paper are available from the senior author).

252 D.A. Bessler and J.A. Brandt, An analysis of forecasts of livestock prices


- Cash - Futures



Year and Quarter

Fig. 2. Cattle prices: Cash market and futures market, by quarter.

- Cash -Grimes

172 173 (74 175 176 177 178 179 / 80 1 81 182 183 184 185 b3$

Year and Quarter

Fig. 3. Hog prices: Cash market and Grimes’ forecast, by quarter.

Both Grimes and the futures markets miss major turning points in the cash market as well. For example, major peaks in cash hog prices occurred in 1973, quarter 3, 1975, quarter 3, 1979, quarter 1, 1982, quarter 3, and 1984, quarter 3. Note that the Grimes-forecast missed the 1973, 1975, and

D.A. Bessler and J.A. Brand& An analysis offorecasts of livestock prices 253

$/CWT 70 /


Cash - Futures

172 173 174 / 75 176 177 178 179 180 / 81 182 183 184 185 !8i

Year and Quarter

Fig. 4. Hog prices: Cash market and futures market, by quarter.

1982 peaks, but did adjust in the subsequent quarters to lower levels of cash hog prices. The run-up in cash cattle prices beginning in early 1978 was missed by Grimes and the futures market. Both adjusted quickly, however, following the cash price run-up for the next seven quarters, through with a lag.

3. Statistical measures of performance

Table 1 presents mean squared error (MSE) and mean absolute percentage error (MAPE) measures for the Grimes forecasts and the futures market forecasts for both cattle and hog prices. The calculations are made over the entire sample period (1972-1986, quarter 2) and for each individual calendar year. In terms of MSE calculations, Grimes outperforms the futures market in eleven of the fifteen years studied for cattle prices and in eight of the fifteen years for hog prices. Overall the Grimes-cattle- forecasts had a MSE of 27.15; while the cattle futures market had a MSE of 33.34. For hog prices the Grimes forecasts had a MSE of 16.39 and the hog futures market had a MSE of 17.37.

With respect to MAPE the results are similar. The Grimes-forecasts outperformed the futures market in ten of the fifteen years for cattle and in nine of the fifteen years for hog prices. Overall the Grimes-forecasts had a MAPE of 07.9 for cattle prices; while the cattle futures market had a MAPE of 08.6. The Grimes-forecasts had a MAPE of 07.6 for hog prices and the

254 D.A. Bessler and J.A. Brandt, An analysis offorecasts of livestock prices

Table 1

Mean squared error (MSE) and mean absolute percentage error (MAPE) measures on hog and cattle price forecasts of Grimes and the futures market.’


Futures Grimes


Futures Grimes

MSE 17.37 16.39 33.34 27.15 (7) (8) (4) (11)

MAPE 07.8 07.6 08.6 07.9 (6) (9) (5) (10)

“Mean squared error and mean absolute percentage errors are calculated on quarterly data from 1972 through the second quarter of 1986. The numbers in parentheses indicate the number of years for which the forecaster (Grimes or the futures market) outperforms the other.

hog futures market had a MAPE of 07.8. In terms of raw forecasting ability, it appears that the Grimes-forecasts perform better than the futures markets (at least at first glance).

A factor which likely accounts for the lower forecast error in the hog market versus cattle market relates to the timing or issuance of the forecast. The hog forecasts by Grimes were generated immediately after a Hogs and Pigs report was released by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. This occurred during the last 10 days of each calendar quarter. Thus, the Grimes- forecast and futures market price were issued very near the beginning of the forecast quarter. Conversely, the Cattle on Feed reports were generally released by USDA in mid-quarter. The Grimes-forecast (and corresponding futures market price) for the subsequent quarter was generated usually four to six weeks before the beginning of the forecast quarter. Additional differences in market and biological dynamics may account for the differences in forecast performance as well.

We now consider the significance level at which the Grimes-forecasts are lower than the futures forecasts in MSE calculations. Following Ashley et al. (1980), write the differences in MSE as follows.

MSE(e,) -MSE(e,) = [S”(e,) -S’(e,)] + [m(e,)’ -m(e,)‘],

where S2(ei) represents the forecast error sample variance of method i and m(ei) represents the sample mean of the forecast errors on method i. Denote the following combinations of the observed errors in Grimes’ forecasts in period t(e,,) and futures errors in period c (ert).


D.A. Bessler and J.A. Brand& An analysis of forecasts of livestock prices 255

Table 2

Coefftcient and standard error estimates on differences in bias and variance components of

Grimes’ and futures’ MSEs.

Regression” !%I B^i P

Hogs 0.11 0.08 0.09 (1.11) (0.35) (0.14)

Cattle -0.35 0.13 0.43 (0.75) (0.04) (0.14)

“The regression coefftcients are estimated from historical observations on errors from 1972-1986 forecasts from Grimes and the futures market. The coefficient fi, tests the difference in bias between the two forecast series. The coefftcient j1 tests the differences in the variances of the forecast errors. Standard errors of the estimated coefficients are in parenthesis.

bThe coefficient 6 refers to a first-order auto- correlation coefficient. It was estimated using the golden sections search routine in RATS.

C, = ef, + egra (3)

Then consider the regression equation

4 = PO + PI CC, - +)I + u,, (4)

where m(Z) is the mean of the historical Z,‘s and U, is a white noise residual. Least squares obtains estimates

JO = Me,) - Ne,), (5)

Pl = Cs2(ef) - ~"(e,)lP2(G (6)

If either of the two least squares estimates PO or p^, is significantly negative, then the null hypothesis, that there is no significant difference between the two MSEs, is not rejected. If one estimate is negative, but not significantly different from zero, then a one-tailed t-test on the other estimate can be used. Finally, if both estimates are positive an F-test, that both population coefficients are zero can be performed (although the significance level is + that of the usual alpha level).

Table 2 presents estimated coefficients from eq. (4) for errors on the Grimes-forecasts and futures forecasts for both hog prices and cattle prices. Note that both flo and fil are not significantly different from zero in the hog

256 D.A. Bessler and J.A. Brand& An analysis of forecasts of livestock prices

price forecast error regression. (An overall F-test is rejected at a significance level of greater than 0.20.) For hog prices, the futures market’s MSE is not significantly different from the Grimes-forecast MSE. The results on the cattle forecast error regression are not the same; the futures market results in a lower average error than the Grimes-forecast (by 0.35); however, this difference is not significant from zero at quite reasonable levels of signifi- cance. On the other hand, the difference in error variances (p^,) is quite significant, indicating that the futures market for cattle results in higher error variance than does the Grimes-forecast. Therefore, the Grimes MSE on cattle prices is significantly lower than that generated by the cattle futures market.

4. Multivariate relationships among the series

Now let us consider possible interrelationships among cash prices, the Grimes, and the futures forecasts. Correlations among the three series may provide insights into the dynamic processes generating them. In particular, if futures prices are efficient we would not expect to see Grimes prices in the process which generates actual cash prices. In addition, it is of interest to know if the Grimes-forecast represents additional information, such as physical measures of supply or demand, which is not fully captured in current and past futures prices ?3 The set of three price series is studied for each market using the recursive least squares procedure suggested by Hsiao (1979).

Suppose that X(t) represents a three element vector indexed by time, whose first element is the futures forecast, whose second element is the Grimes-forecast, and whose third element is actual cash price. Our purpose here is to infer the empirical relationship among the three elements of the X(t) vector through time; using the estimated autoregressive parameters (4) of the vector process

(4(8)X(t) = 40,

where the parameters 4(B) represent 3 x 3 matrices of parameters in the lag operator, (B) and e(t) is a three element (white noise) innovation vector. The vector e(t) is assumed to be uncorrelated through time, but has contem-

3The procedure is useful in modeling the dynamic relationship among time series variables when prior theory offers limited help on particular lags. No clear prior expectation exists on which series leads or lags or which individual lags are relevant. About all one can say is that lags beyond one year will probably not be important. That is, a priori, one cannot say that futures market traders do not look at actual cash prices or Grimes’ forecasts. Similarly, Grimes may or may not rely on the current cash or futures prices in his forecast generation. Of course one may ask Professor Grimes on what information set he relies but previous research suggests that experts are not particularly good at identifying such information [Wallace (1923) and Dawes (1979)].

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poraneous correlation given by the matrix 8. A more explicit representation of the (i, j) element of the parameter matrix is given as

(bijCB>) =


(l-$ii(B1)- ‘*. - ~ii(Bk)) for i = j,

(-4ij(B’)- ... - &j(Bk)) for i # j.

The individual elements of the 4(B) matrix can be specified as non-zero either a priori or through one of several statistical search procedures.

Early efforts on problems with similar structure [see Hoffman (1960)] were carried out in experimental settings in which the researcher knew the particular cue variables which the subject saw prior to his forecast. Accord- ingly, certain elements of the parameter matrix (~ij(b)) were set equal to zero a priori. In this setting no control could be exercised over what Grimes or the futures market observed (relied on) prior to the forecast date. Con- sequently, the problem is approached as one of specification search. Hsiao’s procedure of searching over a wide variety of possible models is applied. The model which is optimal, relative to a predetermined loss function, is chosen.

Akaike’s (1969) Final Prediction Error (FPE) is used to evaluate alterna- tive lagged specifications for each series studied. The multivariate specifi- cation of each variable is determined by studying each series - one at a time. Hsiao (1979) suggests that one first select the best univariate model for each series by applying FPE to each series. Next, one ranks each additional variables as to its importance in the multivariate specification of current level of each variable. Additional variables are then introduced into the multi- variate specification at the lag which yields the lowest FPE-statistic, where the statistics are calculated assuming the order determined for earlier tested series is given. Once each series has been tested as a candidate in the multivariate specification, one then fixes the orders determined last and reevaluates the orders determined earlier.

The authors are aware of the literature which suggests that FPE tends to overfit relative to other loss functions [see Geweke and Meese (1981)]. FPE is used to guard against underlitting. If there is any evidence, however small, that Grimes is looking at the futures market to make his forecast, it is likley to be identified by FPE [more likely, say, than by its competitors, criterion autoregressive transfer (CAT), Bayesian information criterion (BIC), etc., see Geweke and Meese (1981)].

Table 3 gives the estimated equations for FPE-specified models on the cattle and hog market, respectively. The symbols F(t), G(t) and C(t) refer to the futures ‘forecast’, the Grimes-forecast, and the cash price in period t. Standard errors on the estimated coefficients are the entries in parentheses. The residual noise term for each equation is not specified.

258 D.A. Bessler and J.A. Brandt, An analysis of forecasts of livestock prices

Table 3

Regressions results on the FPE-specified models for cattle prices and hog prices.”

Cattle Hogs


F(-1) 0.36 0.31 - 0.37 - 0.49 (0.10) (0.12) (0.10)

F(-2) 0.10 -0.25 - (0.11) (0.13)

F(-3) 0.38 0.35 - _ - -

(0.10) (0.07)

F(-4) -0.15 - _ _ -


G(-1) -0.02 - _ _ _ -


G(-2) -0.38 - _ _


C(-1) 0.71 0.47 0.86 0.61 0.81 - (0.07) (0.07) (0.06) (0.17) (0.10)

C(-2) - -0.28 - -0.25 -0.11 - (0.12) (0.14) (0.13)

C(-3) _ 0.33 - _ -0.09 - (0.12) (0.09)

Constant 1.25 1.11 7.85 12.83 7.47 22.77 (1.80) (1.79) (3.44) (4.47) (3.86) (4.71)

R2 0.95 0.95 0.79 0.59 0.71 0.30

“Each equation is listed vertically in the table. Futures price lagged period j is denoted as F( -j), the Grimes-forecast by G( -j) and the actual cash price by C( -j). The numbers in parentheses are standard errors of the associated (above) coeffkient. Separate vector autoregressions were esti- mated for hogs and cattle. The orders of lags in each equation were determined using the search procedure outlined in Hsiao (1979). The FPE metric for determining lags on, say series F, is given as

FPE(m, n, p) = ;‘;‘?;+: ,$r (F,-~,(m,n>~))~iT

where m is the number of lags on series F, n is the number of lags on series G and p is the number of lags on series C. T is the total number of observations, F, is the observed value of each series in period t and P, is its within sample tit value using a mode1 with m lags of F, n lags of G and p lags of C [see Hsiao (1979, p. 326)]. The explicit program implementing Hsiao’s search can be obtained from the senior author.

Note from table 3 that the futures ‘forecast’ does not enter the cash cattle price equation. However, the futures ‘forecast’ does enter the Grimes-forecast. Notice also that the Grimes-forecast enters directly into the representation of cattle futures prices. Evidently Grimes is obtaining and incorporating some important ‘predictive’ information to which cattle futures prices are respond- ing. From the Grimes equation for cattle, part of the information set to

D.A. Bessler and J.A. Brandt, An analysis offorecasts of livestock prices 259

which he responds may be futures prices - or additional information which is correlated with futures prices.

The cash hog price (table 3) has only past futures prices in its repre- sentation. Similarly, the Grimes-forecast has just past cash prices in its representation. The Grimes-forecast does not enter the hog cash equation or the hog futures equation; suggesting that both the futures market and cash market for hogs do not rely explicitly on the information contained in Grimes’ public forecast.

5. Innovation accounting

The lag structures suggested by the equations in table 3 are rather complex. Information from both the cash market, Grimes’ forecasts and the futures market impacts on the current values of each series at lags beyond one period. Direct interpretation of the dynamic structure which these equations suggest is not easy. Where complex lag structures appear, Sims (1980) suggests that one study the moving average representation which is implied by the estimated autoregressive structure. In this section, the error decompositions for each series are examined. Error decomposition refers to the partitioning of the innovation standard error in the multivariate rep- resentation (summarized in table 3) and not the actual forecast error. These are calculated under the FPE-specified model. The error decompositions partition the within-sample errors in each series at successive horizons into parts due to past innovations in each alternative series. The partitions are described in several places including Doan and Litterman (1985).

Critical to interpretation of these decompositions is the choice of ordering of contemporaneous correlation among the innovations from each equation. Here a Choleski decomposition is applied. The variables are ordered as follows: Futures prices, Grimes’ forecasts, and actual cash price. This allows current futures price and Grimes’ forecast to influence current cash price; but current cash price cannot influence current futures price or Grimes’ forecast. As these latter two variables occur in real time before cash prices this assumption appears appropriate. So too, the assumption allows current futures prices to influence Grimes’ forecast but not vice versa.

The cattle partitions are given in table 4, the hog partitions are in table 5. The cattle futures price (top of table 4) is explained by its own innovations in the very short run. As the horizon increases, the cash price series explains considerably more of the variation in the cattle futures series. The Grimes- forecast explains very little of the uncertainty in cattle futures prices, at all horizons considered. Futures prices account for a modest 46% of the variation in the Grimes-forecast of cattle prices. The cash cattle prices series accounts for considerable variation in Grimes’ forecast at long horizons.

Futures prices account for none of the variation in cash cattle prices. The

260 D.A. Bessler and J.A. Brandt, An analysis of forecasts of livestock prices

Table 4

Error decompositions on vector autoregressions of cash cattle prices and forecasts of Grimes and futures market.a


(1) (2) (3) (4) ~ - Std. error Futures Grimes Cash

Futures 0 2.39 100 00 00 1 4.33 33 06 61 2 5.97 17 04 79 4 8.26 09 05 86 8 10.01 07 05 88

Grimes 0 2.41 05 95 00 1 3.48 07 50 43 2 4.04 06 39 55 4 6.09 04 22 74 8 8.72 02 14 84

Cash 0 5.01 00 10 90 1 6.61 00 10 90 2 7.59 00 10 90 4 8.69 00 10 90 8 9.54 00 10 90

“Error decompositions are derived under the following ordering of contemporaneous correlation (Choleski decomposition) Futures, Grimes, and Cash. The figures in columns (2)-(4) in the table refer to the percentage of the innovation standard error [column (l)] which is attributable to each series in the moving average representation. The partitions sum to 100 horizontally.

Grimes-forecast accounts for about 10% of the error variance of cash cattle prices at all horizons. This is particularly interesting since Grimes’ forecast is ordered below the futures prices in the Choleski decomposition of con- temporaneous covariance [see Sims (1980) for details on the Choleski decomposition]. This latter result suggests that the cattle futures price series does not capture all public information relevant to subsequent cash price.

The VAR attributes from one-third to one-half of the variation in cash hog prices to futures prices (table 5). This result stands in contrast to the partition of cash cattle prices. A similar result holds for the Grimes-forecast. The VAR attributes a considerable portion of short run variation in the Grimes-forecasts to future prices. Again, this suggests that the futures market price on hogs is important in the Grimes-forecast and subsequent cash prices. Futures prices appear to be influenced primarily by their own past innovations.

The impact of the futures market on Grimes’ forecast differs between cattle and hogs. Note that the cattle futures price series accounts for little of the variation in Grimes’ cattle forecasts; while the hog futures price series accounts for considerable variation in his hog forecasts. Recall that Grimes’ cattle forecasts outperformed the futures market, while his hog forecasts did

D.A. Bessler and J.A. Brand& An analysis offorecasts of livestock prices 261

Table 5

Error decompositions on vector autoregressions of cash hog prices and forecasts of Grimes and futures market.”


(1) (2) (3) (4) ~ ~ Std. error Futures Grimes Cash

Futures 0 4.60 100 00 00 1 6.51 83 00 17 2 6.78 84 00 16 4 6.96 84 00 16 8 6.97 84 00 16

Grimes 0 3.80 58 42 cm 1 5.91 45 18 37 2 6.32 51 16 33 4 6.55 53 15 32 8 6.57 53 15 32

Cash 0 5.55 36 01 63 1 5.99 45 01 54 2 6.40 47 01 52 4 6.50 49 01 50 8 6.51 49 01 50

“Error decompositions are derived under the following ordering of contemporaneous correlation (Choleski decomposition) Futures, Grimes, and Cash. The figures in columns (2)-(4) in the table refer to the percentage of the innovation standard error [column (l)] which is attributable to each series in the moving average representation. The partitions sum to 100 horizontally.

not outperform hog futures (in terms of significant MSE measure). Perhaps the reliance on the futures markets for hogs is not that helpful. (It is speculation on the authors’ part that Grimes looks at futures prices on hogs in forming his forecasts; certainly he may be looking at a third variable which is correlated with futures prices.)

6. Discussion

The results of the paper were shown to Professor Grimes. He offered several comments with respect to the findings. First, he suggested that he ‘trades’ a great deal of information about the cattle and hog markets with several industry participants (packers, producers, etc.). This is largely an experience and contacts issue. The information he uses tends to be much more supply side than demand side (as he suspects other analysts’ infor- mation is as well). He keeps track of producers’ breeding, placement, and slaughter data. Much of this data is on a weekly basis, which USDA does not report (at least as frequently as he received it). In addition, the cattle data are less seasonal than the hog data. It may be that cattle prices require greater predictive ability from fundamental demand and supply variables,

262 D.A. Bessler and J.A. Brand, An analysis of forecasts of livestock prices

relative to hog prices. Perhaps his ability to gather and process this information is somewhat better than the futures market.

On the demand side, in the early 1980s Professor Grimes ‘felt’ that his simple models for projecting cattle prices were overprojecting price. He attributes this to reduced demand for beef (health concerns, etc.). So he built in an ‘adjustment factor’ which reflected this reduced demand. He suspects that other analysts and the futures market did not respond as quickly.

As a final point of speculation, Professor Grimes has the belief that the cattle market is the more difficult market to forecast (of the two markets studied here); a hypothesis which tends to be supported by the performance measures. Grimes, as mentioned above, uses primarily supply information on each market (breeding numbers, placements and slaughter data). The longer production cycle on cattle has led many (in his judgment) to substitute univariate pattern recognition methods (charting) which have no explicit link to the fundamentals. As he does not follow these technical rules, he does not make their implied errors. Of course, this is only speculation on Professor Grimes’ part. It certainly requires research before being accepted.

This paper indicates that commodity experts can perform as well as futures markets in forecasting actual prices several months ahead in time. The expert studied in this paper was experienced - having spent much of his pro- fessional career making such forecasts. Thus, his ‘good’ performance, relative to the futures market, may not be that surprising. What is surprising is the relatively poor performance of the cattle futures market. Futures market participants could use the same information as Grimes or they could use Grimes’ forecasts. That the dynamics of cattle production are more compli- cated than those of hog production doesn’t explain why Grimes’ forecasts of cattle prices consistently out-perform the futures market. Clearly, additional study is warranted. Such study should include differences in market organiza- tions, and their implications for relative costs of arbitrage in the two markets.


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