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An empirical evaluation of Chernoff faces, star glyphs, and spatial visualizations for binary data

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An Empirical Evaluation of Chernoff Faces, Star Glyphs, and Spatial Visualizations for Binary Data Michael D. Lee Department of Psychology University of Adelaide Adelaide, SA, 5005 Email: [email protected] Rachel E. Reilly Department of Psychology University of Melbourne Melbourne, VIC, 3010 Email: [email protected] Marcus A. Butavicius Land Operations Division Defence Science and Technology Organisation PO Box 1500, Salisbury, SA 5108 Email: [email protected] Abstract Data visualization has the potential to assist humans in ana- lyzing and comprehending large volumes of data, and to de- tect patterns, clusters and outliers that are not obvious using non-graphical forms of presentation. For this reason, data vi- sualizations have an important role to play in a diverse range of applied problems, including data exploration and mining, information retrieval, and intelligence analysis. Unfortunately, while a variety of different approaches are available for data visualization, there have been few rigorous evaluations of their effectiveness. This paper presents the results of a controlled experiment comparing the ability four different visualization approaches to help people answer meaningful questions for bi- nary data sets. Two of these visualizations, Chernoff faces and star glyphs, represent objects using simple icon-like displays. The other two visualizations use a spatial arrangement of the objects, based on a model of human mental representation, where more similar objects are placed nearer each other. One of these spatial displays uses a common features model of sim- ilarity, while the other uses a distinctive features model. It is found that both glyph visualizations lead to slow, inaccu- rate answers being given with low confidence, while the faster and more confident answers for spatial visualizations are only accurate when the common features similarity model is used. Keywords: Data Visualization, Empirical Evaluation, Chernoff Faces, Star Glyphs, Spatial Visualizations, Cognitive Models. 1 Introduction 1.1 Data Visualization Data visualization techniques aim to present data to people in ways that accurately communicate informa- tion, and require minimal effort for comprehension. Good data visualizations can facilitate the efficient examination of large volumes of data, and provide the insight that allows inferences to be made from Copyright c 2003, Australian Computer Society, Inc. This paper appeared at the Australasian Symposium on Information Visual- isation, Adelaide, 2003. Conferences in Research and Practice in Information Technology, Vol 24. Tim Pattison and Bruce Thomas, Eds. Reproduction for academic, not-for-profit pur- poses permitted provided this text is included. Figure 1: A psychological framework for data visu- alization. Based on Lee and Vickers (1998, Figure 1). the observed relationships within the data. Because of this potential, visualizations are commonly applied to problems of data mining and exploration, informa- tion retrieval, and the analysis of tactical and strate- gic intelligence. It has been often been argued that a principled psychological approach to data visualization is war- ranted (Chernoff 1973, Purchase 1998, Schneiderman 1998, Ware 2000). Usually the emphasis is on us- ing perceptual principles to design data displays. It is certainly true that, in order to achieve accuracy and efficiency in comprehension, and avoid distortion of the information, visualizations must be designed to be compatible with human perceptual systems. With a few notable exceptions (Kosslyn 1994, Lokuge, Gilbert & Richards 1996), what is less often acknowl- edged is the role of more abstract cognitive represen- tational principles, not directly related to perceptual processes, in developing data visualizations. To allow for effective analysis and manipulation of data, the structure of the information conveyed also needs to be compatible with the representational requirements and preferences of human cognitive processes. 1.2 A Psychological Framework A psychological framework for data visualization (Lee & Vickers 1998) that incorporates both perceptual and cognitive components is shown in Figure 1. The motivation for this framework comes from viewing

An Empirical Evaluation of Chernoff Faces, Star Glyphs, and

Spatial Visualizations for Binary Data

Michael D. Lee

Department of PsychologyUniversity of AdelaideAdelaide, SA, 5005

Email: [email protected]

Rachel E. Reilly

Department of PsychologyUniversity of MelbourneMelbourne, VIC, 3010

Email: [email protected]

Marcus A. Butavicius

Land Operations DivisionDefence Science and Technology Organisation

PO Box 1500, Salisbury, SA 5108Email: [email protected]


Data visualization has the potential to assist humans in ana-lyzing and comprehending large volumes of data, and to de-tect patterns, clusters and outliers that are not obvious usingnon-graphical forms of presentation. For this reason, data vi-sualizations have an important role to play in a diverse rangeof applied problems, including data exploration and mining,

information retrieval, and intelligence analysis. Unfortunately,while a variety of different approaches are available for datavisualization, there have been few rigorous evaluations of theireffectiveness. This paper presents the results of a controlledexperiment comparing the ability four different visualizationapproaches to help people answer meaningful questions for bi-nary data sets. Two of these visualizations, Chernoff faces andstar glyphs, represent objects using simple icon-like displays.The other two visualizations use a spatial arrangement of theobjects, based on a model of human mental representation,where more similar objects are placed nearer each other. Oneof these spatial displays uses a common features model of sim-ilarity, while the other uses a distinctive features model. Itis found that both glyph visualizations lead to slow, inaccu-rate answers being given with low confidence, while the fasterand more confident answers for spatial visualizations are onlyaccurate when the common features similarity model is used.

Keywords: Data Visualization, Empirical Evaluation,Chernoff Faces, Star Glyphs, Spatial Visualizations,Cognitive Models.

1 Introduction

1.1 Data Visualization

Data visualization techniques aim to present data topeople in ways that accurately communicate informa-tion, and require minimal effort for comprehension.Good data visualizations can facilitate the efficientexamination of large volumes of data, and providethe insight that allows inferences to be made fromCopyright c©2003, Australian Computer Society, Inc. This paperappeared at the Australasian Symposium on Information Visual-isation, Adelaide, 2003. Conferences in Research and Practicein Information Technology, Vol 24. Tim Pattison and BruceThomas, Eds. Reproduction for academic, not-for-profit pur-poses permitted provided this text is included.

Figure 1: A psychological framework for data visu-alization. Based on Lee and Vickers (1998, Figure1).

the observed relationships within the data. Becauseof this potential, visualizations are commonly appliedto problems of data mining and exploration, informa-tion retrieval, and the analysis of tactical and strate-gic intelligence.It has been often been argued that a principled

psychological approach to data visualization is war-ranted (Chernoff 1973, Purchase 1998, Schneiderman1998, Ware 2000). Usually the emphasis is on us-ing perceptual principles to design data displays. Itis certainly true that, in order to achieve accuracyand efficiency in comprehension, and avoid distortionof the information, visualizations must be designedto be compatible with human perceptual systems.With a few notable exceptions (Kosslyn 1994, Lokuge,Gilbert & Richards 1996), what is less often acknowl-edged is the role of more abstract cognitive represen-tational principles, not directly related to perceptualprocesses, in developing data visualizations. To allowfor effective analysis and manipulation of data, thestructure of the information conveyed also needs tobe compatible with the representational requirementsand preferences of human cognitive processes.

1.2 A Psychological Framework

A psychological framework for data visualization (Lee& Vickers 1998) that incorporates both perceptualand cognitive components is shown in Figure 1. Themotivation for this framework comes from viewing

data visualizations as a ‘channel’ that links informa-tion held in an artificial system with human cognitiveprocesses. To the extent that there is representationalcompatibility between the artificial system and hu-man cognition, and perceptual compatibility betweenthe visualization and human perception, an effectivemeans of conveying information between the two sys-tems may be established. In particular, informationrepresented in the artificial system may be displayedusing the data visualization, perceived by the human,and represented mentally. The process of the humanthen seeking useful patterns and structures in the vi-sualization involves, in effect, subjecting the infor-mation to the type of inferential cognitive processesthat are difficult to implement in artificial systems.Within the framework shown in Figure 1 there is alsothe possibility for the human to interact with the in-formation by taking actions that manipulate the datavisualization.On the basis of this psychological framework, Lee

and Vickers suggested data visualization techniquesthat perform little or no manipulation of the data be-fore attempting to represent it graphically, with theintention of ‘letting the data speak for itself’, maybe prone to error in comprehension and manipula-tion. On the other hand, they argued, those visu-alizations that restructure the information accordingto cognitive demands before representing it visuallymay communicate the information in the raw datamore effectively. The primary aim of this paper is toprovide a first empirical test of this idea.

2 Evaluating Data Visualizations

As Meyer points out, there are no generally ac-cepted guidelines for the optimal display of data(Meyer 2000, p. 1480). Part of the problem lies inthe lack of empirical evidence for or against the use ofdifferent approaches to visualization. Despite the im-portant role that visualizations play in informationinterfaces, it has been noted that the evaluation ofdata visualizations is rarely undertaken (Morse, Lewis& Olsen 2000). Even where evaluations have beenattempted, they often have adopted one of two ap-proaches that does not assess the data visualizationin a direct and general way.

2.1 Aesthetic Evaluation

The first of these approaches is to evaluate data visu-alizations according to their aesthetic appeal or com-putational efficiency rather than their ability to max-imize human performance. Previous research sug-gests that the relationship between the aesthetic qual-ities of an interface and performance is complicated(Purchase 1998). While humans tend to associate aes-thetic qualities of systems with perceived usability,this perceived usability may be independent of ac-tual usability (Tractinsky, Katz & Ikar 2000). Indeed,it has been found that data visualizations judged asmost symmetrical by participants may be associatedwith the highest rate of error (Purchase 2000). Cer-tainly, assessing data visualizations through measuresof their aesthetics does not provide a direct measureof their ability to facilitate human performance.

2.2 Cognitive Engineering Evaluation

A second approach to evaluation has focusedon the assessment of domain specific visualiza-tions (Graham, Kennedy & Benyon 2000, Trafton,Kirschenbaum, Tsui, Miyamoto, Ballas & Raymond2000). This approach reflects the influence of theprinciples of cognitive engineering, where the worksystem (computer tools and user) is believed to be

so tightly coupled to its domain that it does notmake sense to evaluate performance on a visualiza-tion independent of a specific subject area (Dowell& Long 1998). While this approach is appropriatefor answering specific applied problems, the degreeto which the results can be generalized to other ap-plied areas is open to some question, in the sense thatassumptions have to be made about the relationshipbetween two specific domains.

2.3 Empirical Performance Evaluation

A more direct and general approach to evaluationhas been employed within experimental cognitive psy-chology (Haskell & Wickens 1993, Jones, Wickens &Deutsch 1990, Liu 1989), where different data visual-izations are tested by asking people to answer mean-ingful questions using the visualizations, and com-paring performance measures such as accuracy, con-fidence, and the time taken to provide answers. Thisprovides a direct and thorough test of how well the vi-sualizations facilitate human performance on the dataset used to generate the visualization. By then con-sidering a range of data sets, it is also possible toassess the generality of the results obtained, and pro-vide an evaluation of the data visualization methodsthemselves.We adopt this methodology to evaluate two com-

peting data visualization approaches best describedas glyph visualizations and spatial visualizations.Glyph visualizations require minimal pre-processingof data, and are archetypal examples of those visual-izations that claim to ‘let the data speak for itself’.Spatial visualizations, in contrast, impose a cognitivestructure on the data before it is represented visuallyby using a model of human mental representation.In our evaluations, we provide only basic instructionsfor using the visualizations, and do not provide anytraining. As a first attempt at evaluating the visual-izations in a general way that is not domain specific,we think this is a reasonable approach. The issue ofhow training might influence people’s ability to usethe different visualizations in specific domains is ad-dressed in the Discussion.

3 Four Visualizations of Binary Data

3.1 Binary Data

The data used in this study are binary, with objectsbeing defined in terms of the presence or absence ofa set of properties or features. While this is clearly arestriction, binary data are an important special casefor a number of reasons. There are important proper-ties or features that only exist in binary form, such asgender. There are also many occasions when a vari-able of interest is a binary quantization of an underly-ing continuous variable. For example, the distinctionbetween ‘virgin’ and ‘non-virgin’ uses a cut-off pointto define a binary variable over the countably infinitevariable ‘number of sexual encounters’.There are applied data visualization systems that

use only binary data. Sometimes, this is a matter ofnecessity, because the underlying data are inherentlybinary. For example, most applications of Netmapvisualization software (NetMap 2001), which is de-signed to assist in strategic investigation of fraud,criminal activity, and the like, involves the graphi-cal display of binary information. The raw data giverelational information such as whether or not two peo-ple are known to each other, whether or not a personis associated with a phone number, whether or nota car is involved in an insurance claim, and so on.In the same way, the visualization of social networks(Wasserman & Faust 1994) usually deals with binary

relational information between individuals. On theother hand, there are applied systems where moredetailed information is available, but binary data isused as a matter of convenience or scalability. Forexample, the “Galaxies” software product developedunder the SPIRE project, which produces visualiza-tions of text document corpora, represents documentsin terms of the presence or absence of a set of 200,000words (Wise 1999, p. 1226).Despite these theoretical and practical reasons for

studying binary data, however, we acknowledge thatthere are many variables of interest in the context ofdata visualization that are not amenable to a binarycharacterization, and so this study constitutes only afirst step towards evaluating the competing visualiza-tion approaches that are considered.

3.2 Glyph Visualizations

Glyphs provide a means of displaying items of mul-tivariate data by representing individual units of ob-servation (objects or cases) as icon-like graphical ob-jects, where values of variables are assigned to spe-cific features or dimensions of the objects. The over-all appearance of the objects changes as a functionof the configuration of values, giving the object a vi-sual identity that can be identified by the observer. Ithas been argued that examining glyphs may help touncover specific clusters of both simple relations andinteractions between variables (Chernoff 1973) .The visual possibilities of glyph formations are

endless. One commonly used glyph form is the‘whisker plot,’ where each variable is represented bya line segment radiating from a central point. Thelength of the line segment indicates the value of thecorresponding variable. A variation of the whiskerplot, used in this study, is the ‘star plot’. The staris the same as the whisker except that the ends ofadjacent line segments are joined.A second interesting form of glyph visualization,

known as ‘Chernoff Faces’ (Chernoff 1973, Chernoff& Rizvi 1975), display data using cartoon faces byrelating different variables to different facial features.Chernoff Faces were developed using the idea that,since they use the perceptual characteristics of realfaces, they may be particularly easy for people touse given our heightened sensitivity to facial structureand expression. It has also been argued that the facesallow people to perceive many data values in paral-lel, in the same way they perceive real facial features,and that this holistic perception facilitates the effi-cient recognition of relationships or patterns amongelements (Jacob, Egeth & Bevon 1976, Ware 2000).It has even been suggested that, because Chernofffaces are more interesting representations than manyother graphical techniques, they may be more effec-tive because observers are willing to spend more timeanalyzing the representations (Everitt & Dunn 1991).

3.3 Spatial Visualizations

Spatial visualizations represent objects as points ina multi-dimensional (usually two-dimensional) space,so that objects that are more similar are locatednearer each other. This form of representation hassome considerable status as a model of human mentalrepresentation (Shepard 1957, Shepard 1987, Shepard1994), and is used to represent stimuli in various for-mal psychological models of identification, categoriza-tion, selective attention, and other cognitive processes(Getty, Swets, Swets & Green 1979, Kruschke 1992,Nosofsky 1986). The algorithms that generate spa-tial representations, generically known as multidi-mensional scaling algorithms (Kruskal 1964, Shepard1980), have also been applied to data visualization,

exploration and analysis (Lowe & Tipping 1996, Mao& Jain 1995).Multidimensional scaling algorithms require as in-

put measures of the similarity between each pair ofobjects in the domain of interest. Starting from bi-nary data, where objects are represented in terms ofthe presence or absence of a set of properties or fea-tures, there are a number of ways in which similaritycould plausibly be measured. Cox and Cox providea list of a dozen straight-forward approaches (Cox &Cox 1994, p. 11) , and there are other more sophisti-cated measures (Cohen 1997, Tenenbaum, de Silva &Langford 2000) that could be appended to this list.This study is restricted to considering the two the-

oretical extremes for assessing similarity from binaryproperties. Under the ‘common’ approach, the sim-ilarity of two objects is calculated as the number offeatures or properties they have in common. Underthe ‘distinctive’ approach, similarity is calculated asthe number of features or properties the objects ei-ther both have, or both do not have. Cox and Coxrefer to these alternatives as the ‘Matching’ and ‘Jac-card’ coefficients, respectively. Our terminology istaken from Tversky’s seminal psychological theoryof feature-based stimulus similarity (Tversky 1977),where the terms ‘common’ and ‘distinctive’ are usedto describe exactly the same measures.We use MDS solutions that represented the data

set in two dimensions. Primarily, this choice wasbased on the fact that, in applied settings, analyststend to work with inherently two-dimensional mediafor displaying data representations (e.g., computerscreens, sheets of paper, white boards). Any attemptto display three-dimensional (or higher-dimensional)spatial representations using two physical dimensionsinevitably involves distorting the MDS representa-tion. Empirical support for avoiding this sort ofdistortion is found in a recent study (Westerman &Cribben 2000), which compared information searchperformance on two- and three-dimensional MDSbased visualizations. While the amount of variancethat can be accounted for by a three-dimensional so-lution is greater than for a two-dimensional solution,they found that it did not offset the poorer perfor-mance associated with three-dimensional versions.

4 Experiment

4.1 Data Sets

Four different binary data sets were constructed totest the visualization types. These related to co-starring movie actors, movie genres, countries andtheir produce, and animals. In essence, each data setconsisted of a set of stimuli and a set of features, witheach stimulus being defined in terms of the presenceor absence of each of the features. Table 1 shows theanimals data set as a concrete example. Rows repre-sents animals, and columns represent animal features.Each cell contains a ‘1’ if the corresponding animalhas the corresponding feature, and a ‘0’ otherwise.

4.2 Questions

The areas chosen for the data sets were selected onthe basis that they could be expressed as binary data,and could be understood without needing any specialknowledge. This familiarity is important, because itallowed the development of questions to which therewere ‘clear’ answers, without relying on the data setitself. For example, any reasonable definition of theanimals ‘housefly’, ‘bear’ and ‘flea’ should have thehousefly and flea being more similar to each otherthan either is to the bear. This means that any effec-tive visualization should allow people to answer the

Table 1: The animals data set, showing the definitionof 20 animals in terms of 14 binary features.

Name Hair














Clam 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Crab 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Catfish 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0Carp 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1Haddock 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0Honeybee 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1Housefly 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0Flea 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0Lark 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0Parakeet 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1Bear 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0Boar 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0Elephant 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0Giraffe 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0Leopard 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0Lion 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0Goat 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1Seal 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 0Toad 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0Tuna 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0

question “Of a housefly and bear, which is most simi-lar to flea?”. By constructing questions in this generalway, a potential circularity is circumvented, becausequestions do not need to be developed from the visual-izations they are used to assess. We should acknowl-edge, however, that for a small number of questionrelating to the definition of a cluster, there was someambiguity regarding what constituted a correct an-swer. In these cases, several different answers, corre-sponding to clusters that both did and did not includethe problematic object, were scored as correctA set of eight questions was designed for each

data set. Rather than attempting to adhere to adetailed taxonomy of question types (Wehrend &Lewis 1990), two fundamental question classes wereidentified. These were named local and global ques-tion classes. Local questions required the considera-tion of only a few specific cases out of the set. Thesequestions took the form of a forced choice compari-son by asking the participant to assess specific casesin terms of their relationship to other specific cases.An example of a local question is: “Of 6 and 7, whichcase is most similar to 3?”. Global questions, in con-trast, required the consideration of the entire set ofcases to ensure a correct answer. Global questions in-cluded those that asked for an outlier to be identified,as in: “Which case is the least like all the others?”,and questions that required clusters to be identified,as in: “Which countries produce similar products tocase 2?”. As it turned out, each of the question setsinvolved more local than global questions, solely be-cause it proved much easier to generate local ques-tions with clear answers.Again using the animals data set as a concrete

example, Table 2 lists the eight questions asked, to-gether with the correct answers. It is important tounderstand that the ‘decoding’ of case numbers intoanimal names in square brackets was not provided forparticipants, but is shown in Table 2 as an annota-tion to assist in interpretation. Questions 4 and 8were classed as global questions, since they requirethe identification of a cluster. The other questions

Table 2: Annotated versions of the questions for theanimals data set, with answers shown in italics.

Q1. Of cases 3 [catfish] and 19 [toad], which is mostsimilar to 18 [seal]? 19 [toad].

Q2. Do 1 [clam] and 2 [crab] share any of the samephysical features? Yes.

Q3. Of cases 7 [housefly] and 12 [bear], which ismost similar to 8 [flea]? 7 [housefly].

Q4. Case 4 [carp] is an aquatic animal. Name theothers. 1 [clam], 2 [crab], 3 [catfish],5 [haddock], 18 [seal], 19 [toad], 20 [tuna].

Q5. Do cases 9 [lark] and 10 [parakeet] havefeatures in common that set them apart fromthe others? Yes.

Q6. Do cases 16 [lion] and 17 [goat] share featuresin common? Yes.

Q7. Of cases 3 [catfish] and 13 [elephant], which ismost similar to 15 [leopard]? 13 [elephant].

Q8. Case 14 [giraffe] is a land animal. Name theothers. 11 [bear], 12 [boar],13 [elephant],15 [leopard], 16 [lion], 17 [goat].

Figure 2: The faces visualization of the animals dataset.

were classed as local questions, since only the animalsreferred to in the question need to be considered toprovide an answer.

4.3 Visualizations and Instructions

The glyph visualizations were generated using Statis-tica software (Release 5, 1997 edition), with defaultsettings. All features were present on the Chernofffaces whether or not the corresponding feature waspresent in the raw data. This means that the presenceor absence of a feature in the data was representednot by the presence or absence of, say, a mouth, butby extremes in its length or curvature correspond-ing the software’s default values. Figure 2 shows theface visualization of the animals data set. The in-structions given to participants using this visualiza-tion were: “The following visualization represents aset of twenty animals that each possess one or moreof a selection of physical features. Each face (or case)represents a separate animal and each facial featurerepresents a different physical feature. Two cases thatshare a particular feature will share the same corre-sponding facial feature”.For the star glyphs, the presence or absence of each

branch was determined by the corresponding data fea-ture, but the length of every branch was the same.

Figure 3: The stars visualization of the animals dataset.

Figure 4: The distinctive spatial visualization of theanimals data set.



34 5













Figure 3 shows the star glyph visualization of the an-imals data set. The instructions given to participantsusing this visualization were: “The following glyphvisualization represents a set of twenty animals thateach has one or more of a set of physical features.Each star (or case) represents a separate animal andeach branch on the star represents a different physicalfeature. Two cases that share a particular feature willshare the same corresponding branch of the star”.The spatial visualizations were generated by ap-

plying the metric multidimensional scaling algorithmdescribed by Lee (Lee 2001, p. 156). The Euclid-ean distance metric was used, and similarity measureswere derived using both the common and distinc-tive approaches. For each visualization, ten indepen-dent two-dimensional multidimensional scaling solu-tions were found, and the best-fitting configurationwas used. A Procrustes transformation (Sibson 1978)was also applied, ensuring the best possible alignmentbetween the common and distinctive spatial visual-izations that was achievable using distance-preservingtranslations and rotations.Figure 4 shows the distinctive spatial visualization

Figure 5: The common spatial visualization of theanimals data set.
















of the animals data set. The instructions given to par-ticipants using this visualization were: “The followingspatial visualization represents a group of twenty an-imals that each has one or more of a set of physicalfeatures. Each number represents a different animal.The numbers are arranged according to their degreeof similarity, with those animals that are more simi-lar being placed closer together. Similarity betweentwo animals is calculated as the number of physicalfeatures they have in common, added to the numberof physical features the two animals do not have, outof the total number of physical features being con-sidered. That is, two animals are considered simi-lar if they share many physical features and if thereare many physical features that both animals do nothave”.Finally, Figure 5 shows the common spatial visual-

ization of the animals data set. The instructions givento participants using this visualization were: “Thefollowing spatial visualization represents a group oftwenty animals that each has one or more of a set ofphysical features. Each number represents a differ-ent animal. The numbers are arranged according totheir degree of similarity, with those animals that aremore similar being placed closer together. Similar-ity between two animals is calculated as the numberof physical features they have in common out of thetotal set of features being considered”.

4.4 Participants

The participants were 32 adults (24 males, 8 females)ranging in age from 21 to 59 years (mean=34.41,sd=10.98) with varied experience using data visual-izations.

4.5 Procedure

Each participant answered the same set of eight ques-tions for each data set, and used each type of visu-alization exactly once. The pairing of data sets withvisualizations was balanced, so that, across all par-ticipants, the questions associated with each data setwere answered using each visualization an equal num-ber of times. The order in which participants used

the different visualizations was also balanced by pre-senting glyph and spatial visualizations using everypossible combination of alternate presentation. Fi-nally, the order of presentation of the data sets wasreversed for half of the sample. This means that thefirst participant was presented with the data sets inthe order: co-starring actors, movie genres, countryproduce, animals; and used the visualizations in theorder: faces, common, stars, distinctive. The secondparticipant then received the data sets in the reverseorder and used the visualizations in the order: faces,distinctive, stars, common.Participants took part in the experiment individu-

ally with an experimenter present to record the timetaken to answer each question. They were instructedthat, although they were being timed, they shouldtake as long as they wished answering each question,and that the questions could be completed in any or-der. The questions were presented in ‘pen and paper’format and the visualizations were presented on a sep-arate page together with the instruction paragraph.Participants were asked to indicate their level of con-fidence in every response by circling the appropriatenumber on a confidence scale that appeared with eachquestion. The scale ranged from 1 to 5, with 1 indi-cating a guess and 5 indicating certainty.The time measure was taken between the act of

writing answers to successive questions on the paper,and did not include the time taken to read the ini-tial instructions. The decision to use manual timingwas made to accommodate the ‘pen and paper’ test-ing format, and avoid a computer administered test.Many of the global questions required ‘free form’ an-swers, involving un-ordered lists of stimuli. We be-lieved that, for our participant pool, any computerinterface able to accept these sorts of answers wouldlead to individual differences in response times thatrelated to computing skills rather than decision mak-ing processes. For this reason, the small increase inmeasurement error arising from relying on manualtiming seemed worthwhile to avoid the larger mea-surement error expected to be caused by differencesin computing skills.

4.6 Results

4.6.1 Accuracy

Figure 6 shows the mean accuracy, together with onestandard error in each direction, for each visualizationtype, broken down by the two questions types. Whitemarkers correspond to local questions, black markerscorrespond to global questions.Two-way Analyses of Variance (ANOVAs) were

conducted with respect to visualization type andquestion type for the accuracy, confidence and timemeasures. Mean accuracy varied significantly acrossthe different visualizations (F(3,93)=11.721, p < .01).Planned contrasts between each visualization pairrevealed significantly greater accuracy for the com-mon approach when compared to the distinctive(F(1,31)=22.677, p < .01), faces (F(1,31)=39.135,p < .01) and stars (F(1,31)=12.447, p < .01). Noneof the remaining contrasts were significant.Mean accuracy for local questions was significantly

greater than for global questions (F(1,31)=60.963,p < .01). There was also a significant interac-tion between visualization type and question type(F(3,31)=10.839, p < .01). This indicates that theinfluence of visualization type on the accuracy of re-sponses was dependent on the type of question asked,which seems to be largely attributable to the in-creased accuracy for global questions when using thecommon spatial visualization approach.

Fa St Di Co0









n C



Local Global

Figure 6: Mean accuracy across the four visu-alization types (Fa=‘face glyph’, St=‘star glyph’,Di=‘distinctive spatial’, Co=‘common spatial’).

Fa St Di Co1








ce R



Local Global

Figure 7: Mean confidence across the four visu-alization types (Fa=‘face glyph’, St=‘star glyph’,Di=‘distinctive spatial’, Co=‘common spatial’).

4.6.2 Confidence

Figure 7 shows the mean confidence, together withone standard error in each direction, for each visual-ization type, broken down by the two questions types.There was a moderately significant difference in

mean confidence across the different visualizations(F(2.037,63.150)=4.001, p < .05). This value wasadjusted using the Greenhouse-Geisser correction be-cause Mauchly’s test of sphericity of variance wassignificant for this comparison (W(5)=.445, p <.01). Planned contrasts between each visualiza-tion pair revealed significantly greater confidence forthe common approach when compared to the faces(F(1,31)=10.377, p < .01) and stars (F(1,31)=15.491,p < .01), but not the distinctive visualization. Aswith the accuracy measures, none of the remainingcontrasts were significant.Mean confidence for local questions was sig-

nificantly greater than for global questions(F(1,31)=65.645, p < .01). There was also asignificant interaction between visualization type andquestion type (F(2.310,71.599)=9.258, p < .01). Thisvalue was adjusted using the Greenhouse-Geissercorrection because Mauchly’s test of sphericity

Fa St Di Co0












se T




Local Global

Figure 8: Mean response time across the four vi-sualization types (Fa=‘face glyph’, St=‘star glyph’,Di=‘distinctive spatial’, Co=‘common spatial’).

of variance was significant for this comparison(W(5)=.627, p < .05). The presence of an interactionindicates that the influence of visualization typeon the confidence of responses was dependent onthe type of question asked, which seems to beattributable to the increased confidence for globalquestions when using spatial visualizations.

4.6.3 Time

Figure 8 shows the mean confidence, together withone standard error in each direction, for each visual-ization type, broken down by the two questions types.Mean time varied significantly across the different

visualizations (F(3,93)=11.148, p < .01). Plannedcontrasts between both spatial visualizations lead toquicker response times than both glyph visualiza-tions; common visualizations were quicker than facevisualizations (F(1,31)=16.174, p < .01) and star vi-sualizations (F(1,31)=6.434, p < .05), and distinc-tive visualizations were quicker than face visualiza-tion (F(1,31)=24.561, p < .01) and star visualiza-tions (F(1,31)=10.985, p < .01). The remaining twocontrasts, between the common and distinctive visu-alizations, and the face and star visualizations werenot significant.Mean response time for local questions was

significantly faster than for global questions(F(1,31)=29.964, p < .01). There was also asignificant interaction between visualization type andquestion type (F(2.270,70.373)=10.965, p < .01).This value was adjusted using the Greenhouse-Geisser correction because Mauchly’s test of spheric-ity of variance was significant for this comparison(W(5)=.519, p < .01). This interaction indicates thatthe influence of visualization type on the responsetime dependent on the type of question asked, whichseems to be attributable to the faster response timesfor global questions when using spatial visualizations.Having presented these statistical analyses, how-

ever, we should note that we are sensitive to criti-cisms of Null Hypothesis Significance Testing (NHST)as a method of scientific inference (Cohen 1994, Ed-wards, Lindman & Savage 1963, Howson & Urbach1993, Hunter 1997, Lindley 1972). In particular, weacknowledge that NHST violates the likelihood prin-ciple, and so does not satisfy a basic requirementfor rational, consistent and coherent statistical de-cision making (Lindley 1972). For this reason, wehave also undertaken Bayesian analyses of the data

(Carlin & Louis 2000, Kass & Raftery 1995, Gelman,Carlin, Stern & Rubin 1995, Leonard & Hsu 1999,Sivia 1996). Fortunately, the Bayesian analyses areconsistent with the NHST findings, and so we do notpresent them here. They are available from the firstauthor on request.

5 Discussion

5.1 Summary of Findings

The experimental results show that the common spa-tial visualization was the best performed, largely dueto performance on the global questions. Both glyphvisualizations lead to slow, inaccurate responses toglobal questions, and participants reported low con-fidence when using these visualizations. Meanwhile,participants reported high confidence and took lesstime to answer global questions when using the twospatial visualizations. The accuracy of responses toglobal questions was high when using the commonspatial visualization but low for the distinctive visu-alization, suggesting that the distinctive visualizationseemed effective even though it led to inaccurate re-sponses.These findings are consistent with Lee and Vick-

ers proposition that visualizations presenting the un-processed raw data do not convey information aseffectively as those that restructure data accordingto cognitive demands. It is also consistent withthe previous finding that coordinate locations are anaccurate way to display information (Cleveland &McGill 1984). The difference between the two spatialvisualizations demonstrates, however, that choosingthe appropriate representation is important. In fact,the distinctive spatial visualization may be consideredthe worst of all the visualizations evaluated, since it isquickly and confidently used, but leads to inaccurateresponses for global questions. Although responsesto the glyph visualizations also tended to be less ac-curate, the low confidence reported by participantssuggests that they were at least aware of the level ofaccuracy being achieved.The long response times associated with the glyph

displays are consistent with the idea that participantswere processing information serially, as has previ-ously been found for Chernoff faces (Morris, Ebert& Rheingans 2000). If this was the case, the glyphdisplays were functioning as little more than graphi-cal versions of the raw data. Given that one of thepotential advantages of data visualization is to facil-itate the effortless comprehension of large data sets,this would be a worrying finding.

5.2 Implications for Application

The extent to which this difficulty manifests itself inapplied settings, however, is not entirely clear. Noattempt was made in our studies to assign data fea-tures to glyph perceptual characteristics in a way thatwould encourage the generation of emergent features(Sanderson, Flach, Buttigieg & Casey 1989). For ex-ample, if the types of features that correspond toaquatic animals were assigned to adjacent branchesof star glyphs, an emergent ‘aquatic’ structure maywell become perceptually obvious. Similarly, thesefeatures may be able to be assigned to facial charac-teristics in a way that made Chernoff faces look happywhen representing aquatic animals, and this emer-gent structure is also likely to be perceived readily.The important question in this regard is how easilythe appropriate assignments can be found. In somewell understood domains, it may be straightforwardto identify how data features should be configured in aglyph display. In more exploratory situations, finding

the appropriate assignment may be as hard a problemas making the inferences for which the visualizationsare being designed in the first place. Nevertheless,it should be acknowledged that where useful emer-gent perceptual effects can be achieved, it is likelythat glyph performance will improve beyond the lev-els suggested by our results. Performance is also likelyto improve in an applied settings, like stock marketsand military environments, where analysts have sig-nificant training and practice interpreting the stan-dardized glyph visualizations used in the domain.

5.3 Scalability of Visualizations

A particularly promising feature of the common spa-tial representation is the scalability offered by its vi-sual and conceptual simplicity. A meta-analysis ofsix studies investigating human performance on in-formation visualizations demonstrated that simplervisual-spatial interfaces offer a performance advan-tage (Chen & Yu 2000). In particular, they foundthat, for users with the same cognitive ability, re-sponses were faster for simpler visual-spatial inter-faces. Both spatial visualizations may be consideredsimpler than the glyph visualizations because eachitem is represented simply by a point, and the onlyinformation required for determining similarity rela-tions is the Euclidean distance between these points.This means that spatial visualizations are less lim-ited than glyph visualizations in terms of the num-ber of objects they can display. The common spatialrepresentation has the additional advantage of con-sidering only the (generally small) subset of sharedfeatures when assessing similarity. In addition to itssuperior performance in facilitating accurate, confi-dent and quick answers to a variety of questions, thisscalability makes a compelling argument in favor ofusing the common spatial visualization approach inapplied settings.

5.4 Role of Perceptual and Cognitive Factors

An important question raised, but far from com-pletely answered by our research, relates to the rel-ative contribution of perceptual and cognitive fac-tors in determining the effectiveness of a visualiza-tion. For example, the relatively better performanceof the stars than the faces could be attributed to bothperceptual and cognitive factors. On the perceptualfront, Chernoff has acknowledged that some displayfeatures are difficult to detect in some face visual-izations (Chernoff 1973, p. 366), and it is also notpossible to omit facial features to indicate the ab-sence of a property. On the cognitive front, it seemslikely that the problem of assigning underlying vari-ables to perceptual features (Everitt 1978, Toit, Steyn& Stumf 1986, Manly 1994) is more severe in the caseof faces, because of their inherent meaning and differ-ent saliencies. There is also a possibility of individualdifferences having an impact in the semantic percep-tion of facial features (Chatfield & Collins 1980). Theextent to which these competing explanations are re-sponsible for the poor performance of Chernoff facesis not addressed by our findings.More generally, our results do not allow for the

effects of representational analysis to be separatedcompletely from those of perceptual presentation. Wewould claim that the spatial visualizations used in thisstudy are the canonical means of displaying MDS rep-resentations, and so the different performance of com-mon and distictive approaches using this visualizationsuggests different cognitive and perceptual effects. Itwould be possible, therefore, to argue that glyphs re-main an effective visualization technique when dis-playing data that has undergone an appropriate rep-

resentational transformation. For example, a starglyph with two continuously varying branches coulddisplay the coordinate locations of each object withina MDS representation. In either case, of course, theneed for representational analysis is consistent withthe ideas put forward by Lee and Vickers that moti-vated this study. Nevertheless, an empirical evalua-tion of the relative performance of glyphs and spatialpresentations that use the same underlying represen-tation is an important area for future research. Thisis particularly true since, to the extent that glyph vi-sualizations facilitate a similar level of performance,they have the attraction of generalizing more read-ily to display three- and higher-dimensional repre-sentations. In a sense, there is a tradeoff betweenthe perceptual simplicity of the spatial display andthe generalizability of glyph displays to large num-bers of dimensions. Future evaluations may well showthat spatial visualizations are very effective for inher-ently low-dimensional data, but that some form ofglyph representation is needed for inherently high-dimensional data.A second empirical approach to determining the

relative contribution of cognitive representations in-volves examining a wide array of alternative visual-ization approaches based on cognitive models. Theseinclude techniques such as additive trees (Carroll1976, Corter 1996, Sattath & Tversky 1977), addi-tive clustering (Arabie & Carroll 1980, Lee 2002a,Lee 2002b, Shepard & Arabie 1979), trajectory map-ping (Richards & Koenderink 1995), and others(Shepard 1980, Tenenbaum et al. 2000). All of theserepresentations would use different displays from thespatial configurations of MDS representations, thusbreaking the confound between representational mod-eling and visual presentation. This means, to the ex-tent that these techniques prove to be effective, fur-ther evidence is accrued for the role of cognitive rep-resentations in generating useful data visualizations.In the end, we suspect that the best choice of rep-resentational technique and similarity model will al-most certainly depend on the nature of the domain.Some data will be better suited to spatial representa-tion in terms of underlying continuous domains, whileothers will be amenable to characterization in termsof the presence or absence of discrete features, ora hierarchical tree structure. There has been someresearch in cognitive psychology attempting to de-velop indices that determine the appropriate repre-sentational strategy for any given data set (Tversky& Hutchinson 1986), and this line of research shouldbe pursued to enable visualizations to be tailored todata in an automated way. Determining which ap-proaches yield the most robustly useful visualizationsacross all domain types is a topic that could be ad-dressed by future empirical evaluations.

5.5 Extension to Continuous Data

A final, but equally important challenge, is a need tobroaden the type of raw data considered from binaryto continuous data. The glyph approach to data vi-sualization extends naturally to continuous data, andit is also possible to generate continuous analogues ofthe common and distinctive spatial displays. Evaluat-ing the performance of spatial visualizations of contin-uous data generated using these similarity approacheswith glyph visualizations, and with other alternativeapproaches, is yet another worthwhile topic for futureresearch.


This research was supported by the Australian De-fence Science and Technology Organisation. We wish

to thank Chris Woodruff and Ben Stamley for theirassistance.


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