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An open source Galileo E1 software receiver

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An Open Source Galileo E1 Software Receiver Carles Fern´ andez–Prades * , Javier Arribas * , Luis Esteve , David Pubill * , and Pau Closas * * Centre Tecnol` ogic de Telecomunicacions de Catalunya (CTTC) Av. Carl Friedrich Gauss 7, 08860 Castelldefels, Spain. Email: {carles.fernandez, javier.arribas, david.pubill, pau.closas}@cttc.cat Universitat Polit` ecnica de Catalunya (UPC), Dept. of Signal Theory and Communications Jordi Girona 1–3, 08034 Barcelona, Spain. Email: [email protected] Abstract—This paper presents an open source implementation of a GNSS software receiver that targets Galileo E1B and E1C signals. After discussing the signal structure and the general ar- chitecture of the proposed software receiver, we provide detailed descriptions of the main signal processing algorithms involved in acquisition and tracking of such navigation signals. Experimen- tal results with signals broadcast by in-orbit Galileo satellites validate the approach. The connection to external software (that allows in-the-loop testing of algorithms implemented in popular commercial tools) is also presented and validated with real-life signals. I. I NTRODUCTION The race to complete the Galileo satellite constellation has finally started. Two In-Orbit-Validation (IOV) satellites are transmitting navigation signals since December 12, 2011, and two more IOV satellites were launched by October 12, 2012. An initial service constellation of 18 satellites is expected by late 2014, and by the end of the decade a fully operational service with a minimum of 30 satellites will be available, ac- cording to the European GNSS Supervisory Authority (GSA). As a matter of fact, the landscape of GNSS is going to change rapidly in the following years (modernization of GPS and GLONASS, advent of Galileo and COMPASS). A number of new signals will be readily available for navigation, providing means to determine position and time with an unforeseen degree of performance. Nevertheless, the multi- constellation, multi-frequency approach poses several tech- nological challenges. In that sense, the flexibility provided by the software defined radio approach appears as an ideal environment for rapid prototyping and testing of new receiver architectures and algorithms. In response to this growing demand, in previous publi- cations [1], [2] we presented an open-source GNSS soft- ware defined receiver (so-called GNSS-SDR, available at http://gnss-sdr.org) that makes use of the well-known GNU Radio framework [3]. It provides a working implementation of a whole processing chain of a GPS L1 C/A receiver, from the output of a RF front-end to the computation of position, velocity and time. It also outputs standard formats (KML and NMEA for graphical representation, and RINEX for observables and navigation data). In the present work, we extend the receiver functionality to acquire, track, and demodulate the navigation message of the Galileo E1 open signal, including both E1B data and E1C pilot components. Next Section describes the mathematical model of the target signals, and then Section III presents the proposed software receiver architecture and the signal processing chain. Section IV shows some experimental results, and finally Section V concludes the paper. II. SIGNAL MODEL The analytic representation of a signal received from a generic GNSS satellite can be expressed as r(t)= a(t)s T (t - τ (t)) e -j2πf d (t) e j2πfct + n(t) , (1) where a(t) is the complex amplitude, s T (t) is the complex baseband transmitted signal, τ (t) is the time–varying delay, f d (t)= f c τ (t) is the Doppler shift, f c is the carrier fre- quency, and n(t) is a noise term. The waveform s T (t) and its parameters depend on the particular GNSS and frequency band used by the receiver. The Galileo E1 band, centered at f (Gal E1) c = 1575.420 MHz and with a reference bandwidth of 24.5520 MHz, uses the so-called composite binary offset carrier CBOC(6,1, 1 11 ) modulation, defined in baseband as: s (Gal E1) T (t)= 1 2 e E1B (t)(αsc A (t)+ βsc B (t)) + - e E1C (t)(αsc A (t) - βsc B (t)) , (2) where the subcarriers sc A (t) and sc B (t) are defined as sc A (t)= sign sin(2πf s,E1A t) , (3) sc B (t)= sign sin(2πf s,E1B t) , (4) and f s,E1A =1.023 MHz, f s,E1B =6.138 MHz are the sub- carrier rates, α = q 10 11 , and β = q 1 11 . The E1B component contains the bit sequence of the Integrity Navigation Message, D I/NAV , transmitted at 250 sps and intended for navigation, integrity and Safety–of–Life (SoL) services: e E1B (t)= +X l=-∞ D I/NAV h [l] 4092 i C E1B h |l| 4092 i p(t -lT c,E1B ), (5) where is the exclusive–or operation (modulo–2 addition), C E1B is a pseudorandom noise (PRN) code (unique for each satellite), [l] L means the integer part of l L , |l| L means l modulo L, T c,E1B = 1 1.023 μs, and p(t) is a rectangular pulse of

An Open Source Galileo E1 Software Receiver

Carles Fernandez–Prades∗, Javier Arribas∗, Luis Esteve†, David Pubill∗, and Pau Closas∗∗Centre Tecnologic de Telecomunicacions de Catalunya (CTTC)

Av. Carl Friedrich Gauss 7, 08860 Castelldefels, Spain. Email: {carles.fernandez, javier.arribas, david.pubill, pau.closas}@cttc.cat†Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya (UPC), Dept. of Signal Theory and Communications

Jordi Girona 1–3, 08034 Barcelona, Spain. Email: [email protected]

Abstract—This paper presents an open source implementationof a GNSS software receiver that targets Galileo E1B and E1Csignals. After discussing the signal structure and the general ar-chitecture of the proposed software receiver, we provide detaileddescriptions of the main signal processing algorithms involved inacquisition and tracking of such navigation signals. Experimen-tal results with signals broadcast by in-orbit Galileo satellitesvalidate the approach. The connection to external software (thatallows in-the-loop testing of algorithms implemented in popularcommercial tools) is also presented and validated with real-lifesignals.


The race to complete the Galileo satellite constellation hasfinally started. Two In-Orbit-Validation (IOV) satellites aretransmitting navigation signals since December 12, 2011, andtwo more IOV satellites were launched by October 12, 2012.An initial service constellation of 18 satellites is expected bylate 2014, and by the end of the decade a fully operationalservice with a minimum of 30 satellites will be available, ac-cording to the European GNSS Supervisory Authority (GSA).

As a matter of fact, the landscape of GNSS is goingto change rapidly in the following years (modernization ofGPS and GLONASS, advent of Galileo and COMPASS). Anumber of new signals will be readily available for navigation,providing means to determine position and time with anunforeseen degree of performance. Nevertheless, the multi-constellation, multi-frequency approach poses several tech-nological challenges. In that sense, the flexibility providedby the software defined radio approach appears as an idealenvironment for rapid prototyping and testing of new receiverarchitectures and algorithms.

In response to this growing demand, in previous publi-cations [1], [2] we presented an open-source GNSS soft-ware defined receiver (so-called GNSS-SDR, available athttp://gnss-sdr.org) that makes use of the well-known GNURadio framework [3]. It provides a working implementationof a whole processing chain of a GPS L1 C/A receiver,from the output of a RF front-end to the computation ofposition, velocity and time. It also outputs standard formats(KML and NMEA for graphical representation, and RINEXfor observables and navigation data).

In the present work, we extend the receiver functionality toacquire, track, and demodulate the navigation message of theGalileo E1 open signal, including both E1B data and E1Cpilot components. Next Section describes the mathematical

model of the target signals, and then Section III presentsthe proposed software receiver architecture and the signalprocessing chain. Section IV shows some experimental results,and finally Section V concludes the paper.


The analytic representation of a signal received from ageneric GNSS satellite can be expressed as

r(t) = a(t)sT (t− τ(t)) e−j2πfd(t)ej2πfct + n(t) , (1)

where a(t) is the complex amplitude, sT (t) is the complexbaseband transmitted signal, τ(t) is the time–varying delay,fd(t) = fcτ(t) is the Doppler shift, fc is the carrier fre-quency, and n(t) is a noise term. The waveform sT (t) andits parameters depend on the particular GNSS and frequencyband used by the receiver. The Galileo E1 band, centered atf (Gal E1)c = 1575.420 MHz and with a reference bandwidth

of 24.5520 MHz, uses the so-called composite binary offsetcarrier CBOC(6,1, 1

11 ) modulation, defined in baseband as:

s(Gal E1)T (t) =


(eE1B(t) (αscA(t) + βscB(t)) +

− eE1C(t) (αscA(t)− βscB(t))), (2)

where the subcarriers scA(t) and scB(t) are defined as

scA(t) = sign(

sin(2πfs,E1At)), (3)

scB(t) = sign(

sin(2πfs,E1Bt)), (4)

and fs,E1A = 1.023 MHz, fs,E1B = 6.138 MHz are the sub-

carrier rates, α =√

1011 , and β =

√111 . The E1B component

contains the bit sequence of the Integrity Navigation Message,DI/NAV, transmitted at 250 sps and intended for navigation,integrity and Safety–of–Life (SoL) services:










where ⊕ is the exclusive–or operation (modulo–2 addition),CE1B is a pseudorandom noise (PRN) code (unique for eachsatellite), [l]L means the integer part of l

L , |l|L means l moduloL, Tc,E1B = 1

1.023 µs, and p(t) is a rectangular pulse of

a chip–period duration centered at t = 0 and filtered at thetransmitter.

The E1C component is a pilot (dataless) signal with asecondary code, forming a tiered code:

eE1C(t) =









· p(t−mTc,E1Cs − lTc,E1Cp) , (6)

with Tc,E1Cp = 11.023 µs and Tc,E1Cs = 4 ms. The

CE1B and CE1Cp primary codes are pseudorandom mem-ory code sequences defined in [4, Annex C.7 and C.8].The binary sequence of the secondary code CE1Cs is0011100000001010110110010. This band also contains an-other component, Galileo E1A, intended for the Public Regu-lated Service (PRS), that uses a so-called BOC(15,2.5) mod-ulation with cosine–shaped subcarrier fs,E1A = 15.345 MHzand Tc,E1A = 1

2.5575 µs. The PRS spreading codes and thestructure of the navigation message have not been made public,and hence E1A is not a target of the present work.

As is the case of other GNSS signals, the receiving powerlevel at the Earth surface of r(t) is extremely weak, wellbelow the noise floor. The minimum received power onground, defined at the output of an ideally matched right-handcircularly polarized 0 dBi user receiving antenna when thesatellite elevation angle is higher than 10 degrees, is −157dBW, considering 50/50 % E1B/E1C power sharing.


In order to acquire, track and demodulate those signals, webased on GNSS-SDR, an open source software receiver writtenin C++. The general software architecture was described in [2],and it is sketched in Figure 1. It currently allows the use ofseveral radio frequency front-ends, and it can also work off-line with raw signal samples stored in a file. Users can definea custom signal processing flowgraph (type of signal source,number of channels, algorithms to be used for each channeland each module, strategies for satellite selection, type ofoutput format, etc.) through a configuration file, and populatethe signal processing blocks with their own algorithms.

The flowgraph is managed by a Control Plane, a threadthat runs concurrently with the processing blocks and isin charge of receiving notifications and triggering run-timechanges in the application. Some of these notifications willbe sent directly from the processing blocks. For instance, anAcquisition block that detects the presence of a satellite’ssignal will send a notification to the control thread via amessage queue, indicating its success. The control thread willthen change the internal configuration of the channel and passthe results of the acquisition process to the Tracking block.

For the present work, we developed specific Galileo E1 im-plementations for the blocks labeled as Signal Source, SignalConditioner, Acquisition, Tracking and Telemetry Decoder inFigure 1, as well as the corresponding addition of Galileosatellites in the control plane (activating PRN 11 and 12, thetwo in-orbit satellites at that time), and a number of unit teststhat ensure the correct functionality of such implementations.

A. Signal source

The input of a software receiver are the raw bits that comeout from the front-end’s analog-to-digital converter (ADC).Those bits can be read from a file stored in the hard disk ordirectly in real-time from a hardware device through USB orEthernet buses. The Signal Source block is an abstraction layerthat hides the complexity of accessing each specific signalsource, providing a single interface to a variety of differentimplementations. Depending on how the signal samples areobtained, the user can configure the receiver for reading froma file (and thus specifying the file location, sample format, andthe sampling frequency and intermediate frequency at whatthe signal was originally captured) or for interacting with ahardware front-end, if the host processor is fast enough toallow real-time processing. Currently, GNSS-SDR providesinterfaces to the family of Ettus Research products throughthe Universal Software Radio Peripheral (USRP) HardwareDriver (UHD), allowing to set specific front-end parameterssuch as the center frequency and the front-end gain; to theSiGe GN3S Sampler v2 USB front-end, originally intendedto capture data for the Matlab-based GNSS software receiveravailable from K. Borre’s book [5]; and to some low-cost USBDVB-T dongles based on the Realtek RTL2832U chipset. Theuser can also write custom drivers for any other hardwaredevice and wrap them as Signal Sources, allowing to expandthe functionality of the software receiver to potentially anyother RF front-end.

At the block output, there is an amplified, downconverted,decimated, filtered and digitized version of r(t), becoming asignal stream source that injects samples into the flowgraphat the ADC sampling rate. Following the diagram of Figure1, the Signal Source block output feeds the input of a SignalConditioner.

B. Signal Conditioner

A Signal Conditioner block is in charge of adapting thesample bit depth to a data type tractable at the host computerrunning the software receiver, and optionally intermediatefrequency to baseband conversion, resampling, and filtering.Regardless the selected signal source features, the SignalConditioner interface delivers in a unified format a sample datastream to the receiver downstream processing channels, actingas a facade between the signal source and the synchronizationchannels, providing a simplified interface to the input signal ata reference, internal sample rate fIN . We denote the complexsamples at the Signal Conditioner output as xIN[n]. This signalstream feeds a set of parallel Channels.

Each Channel encapsulates blocks for signal acquisition,tracking and demodulation of the navigation message for asingle satellite. These abstract interfaces can be populatedwith different algorithms addressing any suitable GNSS sig-nal. The user can define the number of parallel channelsto be instantiated by the software receiver, and the thread-per-block scheduler imposed by GNU Radio automaticallymanages the multitasking capabilities of modern multi-coreand hyperthreading processors. In the following, we discuss














fs fIN








RF generators and signal grabbers

Real-time front-ends

GNSS external tools andscientific applications

Positioning applicationsInertial Measurement Unit

Intermediate signals analysis

Detailed receiver configuration sets


GNU Octave

Fig. 1. Overview of the proposed GNSS software receiver. The user can define the signal source, the flowgraph and the specific algorithms and parametersfor each of the processing blocks through the configuration file. Signal can be injected or dumped into a file at any stage of the processing chain, allowingthe interaction with a wide range of external data and analysis tools.

implementation details of those blocks specifically addressedto Galileo E1B and E1C signals.

C. Acquisition

The role of an Acquisition block is the detection of pres-ence/absence of signals coming from a given GNSS satellite.In case of a positive detection, it should provide coarseestimations of the code phase τ and the Doppler shift fd,yet accurate enough to initialize the delay and phase trackingloops. By exploiting the concepts and the methodology of theestimation theory, it is possible to show that the maximumlikelihood (ML) estimates of fd and τ can be obtained bymaximizing the function

fdML, τML = arg max


{∣∣∣Rxd(fd, τ)∣∣∣2}, (7)


Rxd(fd, τ) =1




xIN[n]d[nTs − τ ]e−j2πfdnTs , (8)

xIN[n] is a complex vector containing I&Q samples of thereceived signal, Ts is the sampling period, τ is the code phaseof the received signal with respect to a local reference, fd isthe Doppler shift, N is the number of samples in a spreadingcode (4 ms for E1), and d[n] is a locally generated reference.

The user can also configure the shape of d[n], allowingsimplifications that reduce the computational load. As shownin Figure 2, in narrowband receivers the CBOC waveformcan be substituted by a sinBOC modulation with very smallperformance penalty [6]. For the E1B signal component, thereference signals available in our implementation are:

d(CBOC)E1B [n] =





]p(t− lTc,E1B) ·

· (αscA[n] + βscB [n]) , (9)

d(sinBOC)E1B [n] =





]p(t−lTc,E1B)scA[n] , (10)

while for E1C, users can choose among:

d(CBOC)E1C [n] =







· (αscA[n] + βscB [n]) , (11)

d(sinBOC)E1C [n]=







·scA[n]. (12)

ï1 ï0.8 ï0.6 ï0.4 ï0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 10











Code phase ! [chips ]

! !





#! !


fI N = 4 Msps, d (CB O C )

fI N = 4 Msps, d ( s inB O C )

fI N = 8 Msps, d (CB O C )

fI N = 8 Msps, d ( s inB O C )

fI N = 24 Msps, d (CB O C )

Fig. 2. Normalized∣∣Rxd

(fd = fd, τ

)∣∣2 for different sampling rates andlocal reference waveforms.

The maximization in (7) requires a two-dimensional search ina function which output results from a multiplication-and-sumof N complex samples, becoming the computational bottle-neck of the whole process. A usual method to alleviate thisissue is to resort to the FFT-based circular convolution, whichexchanges the expensive multiplication-and-sum operation bya discrete Fourier transform, a vector product and an inversetransform, taking advantage of the efficient implementationsavailable for such operations [5].

The magnitude of (8), also known as cross-ambiguity func-tion, is also used to decide whether the satellite correspondingto the local replica d[n] is in view or it is not. Resorting tosignal detection theory, it is possible to define tests statisticswith desirable properties. A criterion commonly used for adetection problem is the maximization of the detection prob-ability (Pd) subject to a given false alarm probability (Pfa).It is well-known in the literature that the optimum solution tothat problem can be found by applying the Neyman-Pearson(NP) approach, which requires perfect knowledge of the signalparameters and constitutes the uniformly most powerful test[7]. Assuming additive white Gaussian noise and replacingthe true synchronization parameters by their ML estimators inthe NP detector, one obtains the Generalized Likelihood RatioTest (GLRT) function, that can be written as:

TGLRT (xIN) = maxfd,τ

∣∣∣Rxd(fd, τ)∣∣∣2


, (13)

where Rxx is an estimation of the input signal power. It can beshown [7] that this acquisition test statistic is a Constant FalseAlarm Rate (CFAR) detector because Pfa does not depend onthe noise power.

Our implementation is described in Algorithm 1. The com-putation of the Fast Fourier Transform and its inverse (steps

Algorithm 1 Parallel Code Phase Search (PCPS) acquisitionalgorithm.Require: Input signal buffer xIN of N complex samples,

provided by the Signal Conditioner; on-memory FFTof the local replica, D[n] = FFTN {d[n]}; acquisitionthreshold γ; freq. span [fmin fmax]; freq. step fstep.

Ensure: Decision positive or negative signal acquisition. Incase of positive detection, it provides coarse estimationsof code phase τacq and Doppler shift fdacq to the Trackingblock.

1: Compute input signal power estimation:Pin = 1


∑N−1n=0 |xIN[n]|2.

2: for fd = fmin : fstep : fd = fmax do3: Carrier wipe-off:

x[n] = xIN[n] · e−(j2πfdnTs), for n = 0, ..., N − 1.4: X[n] = FFTN {x[n]}5: Y [n] = X[n] ·D[n], for n = 0, ..., N − 1.6: Rxd(fd, τ ) = 1

N2 IFFTN {Y [n]}7: end for8: Search maximum and its indices in the search grid:{Smax, fi, τj} ⇐ maxf,τ |Rxd(f, τ)|2

9: Compute the GLRT function with normalized variance:ΓGLRT = 2·N ·Smax


10: if ΓGLRT > γ then11: Declare positive acquisition and provide fdacq

= fi andτacq = τj .

12: else13: Declare negative acquisition.14: end if

4 and 6) are performed by means of GNU Radio wrappersof the FFTW3 library [8], an efficient implementation forcomputing the discrete Fourier transform, and the productin step 5 is implemented with the Vector-Optimized Libraryof Kernels (VOLK) [9], which generates processor-specificSingle-Input Multiple-Data (SIMD) assembly instructions thattake advantage of parallel computing techniques and allowswriting efficient and portable code.

On top of Algorithm 1 (or any other providing the sameoutputs), we could integrate results from more than oneconsecutive code periods in order to enhance the acquisitionsensitivity, understood as the minimum signal power at whicha receiver can correctly identify the presence of a particularsatellite signal in the incoming RF signal within a given time-out interval.

D. Tracking

The Tracking block is also receiving the data stream xIN, butdoes nothing until it receives a “positive acquisition” messagefrom the control plane, along with the coarse estimations τacqand fdacq

. Then, its role is to refine such estimations and tracktheir changes along the time. Three parameters are relevant forsignal tracking: the evolution of the code phase τ , Dopplershift fd and carrier phase φ. According the ML principle

expressed in (7), obtaining the optimum estimators impliesthe maximization of the correlation of the incoming signalwith its matched filter. This is usually achieved with closed-loop structures designed to minimize the difference betweenthe code phase, carrier phase and frequency of the incomingsignal with respect to a locally-generated replica.

In the case of code phase tracking, the cost function is drivento the maximum using feedback loops that employ the deriva-tive dRxd(τ)

dτ zero-crossing as a timing error detector. This isthe case of the Delay Lock Loop (DLL) architecture and itswide range of variants usually applied for GPS L1 signals,where the receiver computes three samples of Rxd, usuallyreferred to as Early E = Rxd(τ − ε), Prompt P = Rxd(τ)and Late L = Rxd(τ−ε), with ε ranging from 0.1Tc to 0.5Tc,and then computes a timing error with some combination ofthose samples, known as discriminator functions. In case ofGalileo E1, the CBOC(6,1, 1

11 ) modulation creates correlationambiguities, as shown in Figure 2. The possibility of trackinga local maximum instead of the global one can be avoidedby using discriminators that consider two extra samples of thecost function, referred to as Very Early VE = Rxd(τ − ε′) andVery Late VL = Rxd(τ + ε′), with ε′ > ε.

In the case of carrier tracking loops, the pilot channel E1Ccan be used for the phase error estimation, since it doesnot contain data bit transitions, and, theoretically, coherentintegration of several code periods can be used for as long asneeded. As a consequence, a discriminator that is insensitiveto phase jumps can be used. Using pure PLL tracking on thepilot channel as well as longer coherent integration improvesthe carrier tracking sensitivity, the minimum signal power atwhich the receiver can keep the tracking process in lock.

In addition to track the synchronization parameters, theTracking block must also implement code and carrier lockdetectors, providing indicators of the tracking performance.

Our implementation is described in Algorithm 2. The com-putation of the complex values VE, E, P, L and VL instep 4 was implemented using the VOLK library. The PLLdiscriminator implemented in step 5 is the extended arctangent(four-quadrant) discriminator, and for the DLL we used thenormalized Very Early Minus Late Power discriminator pro-posed in [10] (step 9). For code lock detection (step 12), weused the Squared Signal-to-Noise Variance (SNV) estimatorproposed in [11]. In the case of carrier lock detection (step13), we used the normalized estimate of the cosine of twicethe carrier phase [12]. The values of the lock indicator rangefrom −1, when the locally generated carrier is completely outof phase, to 1, that indicates a perfect match. When either thecode or the carrier detectors are below given thresholds duringa consecutive number of code periods ϑ, the Tracking blockinforms to control plane through the message queue.

E. Decoding of the navigation message

As shown in Equation (5), the E1B signal componentcarries the I/NAV navigation message, which provides thespace vehicle identification (SVID), an Issue of Data, theephemeris data, a signal-in-space accuracy (SISA) indicator,

clock correction parameters, a ionospheric correction, theBroadcast Group Delay (BGD), signal health and data validitystatus, Galileo System Time (GST), GST-UTC and GST-GPStime conversion parameters, the almanacs, and Search andRescue (SAR) service data. The message structure is depictedin Figure 3: each frame contains 24 subframes, and eachsubframe contains 15 nominal pages, having a duration of2 seconds transmitted sequentially in time in two parts ofduration 1 second each. Each page part (denoted as even orodd) consists of a 10-bit synchronization pattern followed by240 coded symbols, corresponding to 114 data bits and 6 tailbits (sequence of zeros) that allow Viterbi decoding. Threelevels of error coding are applied to the Galileo messagedata stream: i) a Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) with errordetection capabilities after recovery of the received data, ii)a one-half rate Forward Error Correction (FEC) convolutionalcoding, and iii) block interleaving on the resulting frames, with30 columns (where data is written) and 8 rows (where data isread), providing robustness to the FEC decoding algorithm byavoiding error bursts.

Frame i

Subframe j

Page k

Navigation Data

720 s

30 s

1 s

Frame 1

Subframe 1

Page 1





Subframe 24

Page 15

Frame N

Interleaving FEC coded



... ...



Navigation Data 1 sSync



000000Interleaving FEC coded

Even Page Part

Odd Page Part{Fig. 3. I/NAV navigation message structure.

F. Connection to third-party software

Each processing block can be configured to dump internaldata to a file, thus allowing the use of tools such as Octaveor Matlab for analysis, graphical visualization and debuggingpurposes. Provided that GNSS-SDR is designed to easilyaccommodate new algorithms, we cannot ignore the conve-nience of other third-party tools for rapid prototyping widelyused by the industry, such as Mathworks’ Matlab/Simulink orNational Instruments’ LabView. These are commercial tools,often with machine-related licenses that constrain the useof the software to certain computers, maybe remote to theuser’s machine. In order to use them for algorithm validationwithin the framework of GNSS-SDR, we developed a so-calledTransmission Control Protocol (TCP) connector, that allowsby-passing internal processing blocks by external ones, runby other software tools and, optionally, in a remote computer.

This TCP connector allows, for instance, to performSimulink model-in-the-loop testing, using signal samples froma file and integrating the model in a complete GNSS receiver.In such a setup, the developer enjoys the design environment,block libraries and tools for modeling, simulating and ana-lyzing dynamic systems provided by Simulink, while usingGNSS-SDR for rapidly integrating the Simulink model into afull receiver, which will make use of that model just as forany other of the existing “native” loops. However, the TCPconnection severely slows down the execution of the wholereceiver, preventing its use in real-time mode. In practice, itcan be used with GNSS-SDR in post-processing mode only,that is, capturing raw bits at the RF front-end’s ADC output,storing them in a file, and then processing the signals offline.


The software receiver described so far was tested usingreal signals broadcast by the in-orbit Galileo satellites. Thehardware front-end consisted of an active antenna (NovatelGPS-600), which has a 3 dB pass at E1 of 1575 ± 8 MHzand a built-in low noise amplifier that provides 28± 3 dB ofgain. The antenna was connected to a DBSRX daughterboard[13], in charge of amplification, downconversion and filtering,followed by a USRP v1 Rev. 4.5 [14] for analog-to-digitalconversion, fine downconversion and decimation, and USB 2.0interface.

The DBSRX is a complete receiver system for 800 MHz to2.3 GHz with a 3-5 dB noise figure. The DBSRX featuresa software controllable channel filter which can be madeas narrow as 1 MHz, or as wide as 60 MHz. After theantenna SMA input there is a 17 dB amplifier, followed by aprogrammable (0-56 dB) amplifier, feeding two (I&Q) directconversion tuners (Maxim’s MAX2118, covering from 925 to2175 MHz) followed by a another programmable (0-24 dB)amplifier, a programmable lowpass filter (2 to 33 MHz) anda switchable 5 dB amplifier. The output signals are connectedto the USRP, that ships with a voltage controlled, temperaturecompensated crystal oscillator as a 64 MHz reference clock(±20 ppm) and samples the I&Q signal components with anAnalog Devices’ AD9862 (14 bits per sample, fs = 64 Msps).Then, an Altera Cyclone EP1C12Q240C8 FPGA performsdigital downconvertion to baseband with programmable deci-mation rates, and finally sends the digital signal through USB2.0 (which provides a 32 MBps bandwidth) to the computerrunning the software receiver.

The host computer was an Intel Core2 Quad Q9400 proces-sor at 2.66 GHz with 4 GB of RAM, running Linux Ubuntu12.04 32 bits as operating system and GNU Radio 3.6.2. TheSignal Source block was configured with the UHD, settingfc = 1575, 420 MHz and an amplification of 60 dB (the driverinternally adjusts the programmable amplifiers in order to geta low the noise figure while avoiding ADC saturation), usingdecimation rates of 8 and 16 (corresponding to fIN = 8 Mspsand fIN = 4 Msps), and then capturing samples in a hard diskusing a capture-to-file utility of the UHD driver.

Fig. 4. GLRT statistic of Parallel Code Phase Search acquisition algorithmfor a configuration of fIN = 4 Msps, a frequency span of ±5 kHz with stepsof 250 Hz, and using the E1B sinBOC local replica for Galileo’s IOV satellitePRN 11.

Then, we configured the Signal Source to read from thecorresponding file, thus avoiding real-time constraints anddelivering a stream of complex, baseband samples with realand imaginary parts in float data type (IEEE-754 32 bitfloating point). The Signal Conditioner was deactivated (pass–through) and the Channels were configured to use Algorithm1 for Acquisition and Algorithm 2 for Tracking.

The parameters for acquisition were set as Tint = 4 ms,N = TintfIN (thus N = 32000 and N = 16000 samplesper code period, corresponding to a receiver bandwidth of 4MHz and 8 MHz, respectively), γ = 50, fdmin

= −5 kHz,fdmax

= 5 kHz and fstep = 250 Hz. The local referencewaveform were d(sinBOC)

E1B [n], defined in (10), for the Galileosatellite identified with PRN 11. Figure 4 shows the search gridcomputed in steps 2-7 of Algorithm 1. Similar results wereobtained when using d

(CBOC)E1B [n], d(sinBOC)

E1C [n] or d(CBOC)E1C [n],

for both bandwidth configurations.The tracking algorithm was configured with Tint = 4

ms, T = 0.85, ε = 0.15 · Tc,E1B , ε′ = 0.6 · Tc,E1B ,U = 10, CN0min = 25 dB-Hz, ϑ = 20, BWDLL = 15Hz, and BWPLL = 2 Hz (see description of those parametersin Algorithm 2). Figure 5 shows the evolution in time ofthe correlators VE, E, P, L and VL obtained with suchconfiguration.

In order to provide a simple example of the possibilities ofthe TCP connector described in Section III-F, we configuredthe software receiver to use a tracking block implemented inSimulink instead of a C++ implementation, with the sameparameters. We established a TCP connection just after thecomputation of the correlation samples VE, E, P, L, and VL(step 4 in Algorithm 2), and the DLL/PLL discriminators andfilters (steps 5–11 in Algorithm 2) were implemented in aSimulink model, as shown in Figure 6. Some details about theimplementation of the block labeled as Galileo E1 Tracking

8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 160







Time [s]








√V E2

I + V E2Q√

E2I + E2

Q√P 2

I + P 2Q√

L2I + L2

Q√V L2

I + V L2Q

Fig. 5. Evolution of VE, E, P, L and VL computed with a C++ implemen-tation of the Tracking block.


control ID




Galileo E1 GNSS-SDR



control ID













Galileo E1 GNSS-SDR



control ID













control ID










Discrete-TimeScatter Plot


Fig. 6. Simulink model-in-the-loop testing using GNSS-SDR and the TCPconnectors.

are shown in Figure 7. A TCP connector returned back theresults of the Simulink block to the software receiver, whichcontinued with the processing flow in the same way it does forany other block implementation. Figure 8 shows the obtainedscatter plot, showing the data bits of signal E1B.

Finally, the obtained navigation bits are decoded by apply-ing a de-interleaver, a Viterbi decoder and a CRC, as explainedin Section III-E. Figure 9 shows the correlation of the data bitsand the preamble (10-bit synchronization pattern), showing theexpected periodicity of 1 s (corresponding to the start of eachdata page, as shown in Figure 3).


In this paper, we presented an open source software radioimplementation in C++ of the acquisition, tracking and nav-igation message decoding of Galileo E1B and E1C signals.We discussed the main signal processing aspects of suchstages, and experimental results using signals coming fromthe in-orbit Galileo satellites validated the approach. Thereceiver software architecture was designed to allow severalimplementations for each processing block, as long as they

EPL Scope5
























Code Tracking(DLL)








Code Tracking


Carrier Tracking (PLL)









Carrier Tracking




















Fig. 7. Implementation details of the Simulink model of a Galileo E1Tracking block (the yellow block in Figure 6).

Fig. 8. Screen capture of the discrete-time scatter plot scope of Figure 6.

follow a minimal common interface. As an example of suchflexibility, we implemented a tracking algorithm in Simulinkand performed model-in-the-loop testing using TCP connec-tors for the communication between the software receiver andan external third-party application. The documentation andthe source code of the software receiver described in thiswork, as well as ongoing developments, are freely availableat http://gnss-sdr.org.


This work has been partially funded by the Google Summerof Code 2012 program (GSoC 2012).

8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 160












Time [s]










Fig. 9. Correlation of the data bits and the 10-bit synchronization pattern.The peaks spaced 1 s apart mark the starting of the data pages.


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Algorithm 2 Implemented tracking algorithm.Require: Complex sample stream, xIN; estimations of code

phase τacq and Doppler shift fdacq ; buffer size forpower estimation, U ; carrier lock detector threshold, T ;CN0min; maximum value for the lock fail counter, ϑ; cor-relators spacing ε and ε′; loop filters bandwidth BWDLL

and BWPLL; integration time Tint.Ensure: Track signal’s synchronization parameters within a

given lock margin. Inform about a loss of lock.Initialization: Using τacq and a sample counter N , skip

samples until xIN is aligned with local PRN replica. Setυ = 0, k = 0, fd0 = fdacq

, φ0 = 0, ψ1 = 0,N1 = round(TintfIN).

1: Increase the integration period counter: k = k + 1.2: Generate local code references: for n = 1...Nk,s[n] = dE1B/E1Cp

[round(δk · n+ ψk)], where

δk = 1Tc,E1B ·fIN

(1 +


f (Gal E1)c

), and the Very Early, Early,

Late, and Very Late versions with ε and ε′.3: Generate local carrier: for n = 1...Nk,c[n] = e




.4: Perform carrier wipe-off and compute the complex sam-

ples VEk, Ek, Pk, Lk and VLk.Example: Pk = 1


∑Nk−1n=0 xIN[n]s[n]c[n] .

5: Compute PLL discriminator: ∆φk = atan2(




6: Filter ∆φk with a bandwidth BWPLL: hPLL(



7: Update carrier frequency estimation (in Hz):fdk = fdacq

+ 12πTint




8: Update carrier phase estimation (in rad):φk = φk−1 + 2πfdkTint + hPLL(∆φ).

9: Compute DLL discriminator: ∆τk = Ek−Lk

Ek+Lk, where:

Ek =√


+ VE2Qk

+ E2Ik

+ E2Qk

, and

Lk =√


+ VL2Qk

+ L2Ik

+ L2Qk

.10: Filter ∆τk with a bandwidth BWDLL: hDLL (∆τk).11: Update code phase estimation (in samples):

Nk+1 = round(S) and ψk+1 = S −Nk+1, whereS = TintfIN(


f(Gal E1)c

) + ψk + hDLL(∆τk)fIN.

12: Code lock indicator:ˆCN0 = 10 · log10(ρ) + 10 · log10( fIN2 )− 10 · log10(LPRN),

where: ρ = Ps

Pn= Ps


Ps =(

1U∑U−1i=0 |PIk−i


, and Ptot = 1U∑U−1i=0 |Pk−i|2.

13: Phase lock indicator:

Tcarrier =









)2 .

14: if Tcarrier < T or CN0 < CN0min then15: Increase lock fail counter υ ← υ + 1.16: else17: Decrease lock fail counter υ ← max(υ − 1, 0).18: end if19: if υ > ϑ then20: Notify the loss of lock to the control plane through the

message queue.21: end if22: Output: Pk, accumulated carrier phase error φk, code

phase N ← N +Nk + ψk, ˆCN0.
