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and Victory in World War II - IBEW

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7/ ears II: The mEW and Victory in World War II SEE PAGE 4

7/ ~V

ears II:

The mEW and Victory in World War II


J.J . Barry, International President

"We Can Do It!" I\rrping Wlll'ld \hll' Irs Carl-l)o Spiril ,\Ih't'

From the poster. Ro"iic the Rive ler sta re~ righ l into Yoll!' eyes. Her arm

IS bene The "ilccve~ of her b lue work shirt an: rolled up reveli ng her Itl;xcO blccp~, T he caption over h~ r handanna­covered head ro"u,. "We ('''11 Do II !" Well. t1lllillg Ihe Sl!conu \Vorld War American and Canadi:lll working pt.!opie flul it At horne they tUfIlCU 11 tiepn:s!'Icu North A mcri an economy into thl! I1l(Ht prolific production line in hislOry, Alld "over then::' our fighting. men, alld women. hea l hack t ill! mosl iJggrc~~ivc tJ'lSHlIlt on

,k:nlOcri-icy ilnd frc(.:doJl1 ever waged . Thi"i mon lh the. w(ll ld t.:clch ratt.:"i Ihl.: 50lh anniversa ry

(If the end of thilt greal conflic t. I\s tkWllc<.1 in thi..; i,slIe (beginning un Pagc .J ). IHEW member ...... lllIuh.l IflkL' trcmendouc;; pridc 111 'he con tribution ... the union madc III \\ in the war. On land. :'L!il. in the ail. al horne. illlU il bro~d , J [) ~w rllem ht: I'i did till! job.

Howcvl!r. the contl"ihu l ioll'i un ion memher>;. made In

America, Ca nada . and thc workl between 1941 and [94.' were in fact f;u grea ter than the 'iUIl1 or thl.! wm 111ulel iul

Il)Clllhcr:-. prod llccd. or thl! numbe r' or I inc ~oIJic r\ thnl

illl1c 1'1' 0111 ollr

nlnk~. I I wa~ I hl.! ca n-do att it ude t h ill Ullr people brOil ! h t 10 the

j on an d to the batt lt.: fk lll . iJ..c Ro\il..! til' Ri v­Cter. 'h~y rolll,;d

up their ... Iccvc~ Hnd did whal it took 1(1 win . T hey \I orkcd har d e r thall C\'er. oeCaU>:C

I ha t '~ wha l it \Va.., going In tak~ . They

IOllghl harder than t.:vcr. bl!causc that":-:.

what it 'vas going to tah:e. Arter the

wa r Wil~ Wtlll. thilt nllitudc conti nued. anu work ing people opL:n~d up i.t m:w worlu or pru~pc;.: ri t)' amJ opportunit ',

During and nght ancr Ihe wa r. il wa,> d L:ul. North America wali home to th l! fillC~1 w(lrk cr~ producing the bC~ 1

qualit y products found anywhere in Ih t.; WOI It!. Almost cvcryollt.: believed t hH t thl!re ",;10;11 ' 1 i.l prtl hl em Ihal

couldn 't h · !-Iolvcd. 11\, nu coincidence either. that dur­ing th i" time or pror.;perity and opt imism. unitln ITIcl11bcr­,h ip_ u" 1I pl·lccn tap. .... o f the ove rall workrorce. w:t~ at ils pcnk ( ~lhout .16 pCl'ccnt).

Since thilt tinll.!. <I grc~1I d~\11 of publ ic opinion tHIS

hee n turned agai ll :-.t North A lIler ican wurken •. A nd also.

n(,) t co inclde nLa lly. union rncmhcrship is IlIchl)' down to about 1(, perccnt of thl! ovcrn ll workforce, Clea r ly then, there ili ~l con nection hclweCIl America 's ecollomic Clnd o;oc iul ht.:alth and ih IcvL'1 o f un ion 11le nl h" 1"'~hi p

Whc n worl...ing peof)lc (Ire given the opportuni ty to have II co ll ec tivL" VOIC!.! II) their wages. hOLlrs, and wu rking cOllu i liun:... II:, uilio ll I11 l"Il1bcr~ (Ire-t hen their pnxhlct ivtty il.; hOllnu 10 go up. I f yo u give ~omc­

une :t ~tHkL" in thei r fll tuJ't.: - \\.'hich collective harga in­ing. dtH . .: ~-tha t indi vidual I H.:cnI1lC~ pa rt of {I common I.!ffort. much ,I'" North AmcriC:II1S were parI o f 11 greilt d rill'! 50 yl!ar~ fJ g.o.

II I" encou r<J g.ing th ilt Aml.!l i can~ i:lnd Ca nadians arc rcllbccwcnng the imporl ance 01 unionr"in1. Dc",p itc Ihe PCI'~i\le n t job lo~~c~ in heavily un ionized industries. lInion rncmbcrt;h ip hi-ts act ua lly increased the liI"t few ycar\- fro11l 16A mill ion people 111 IY92 to 16,7 mill ion in 1994.

I'oday' ... clHll lengcs arc d ifferent from those o[ <l half

centu ry ilgo. There i ~ no IUtler and no Ax is. t111iancc to

right . Thcn! i,. ncvcrt h clc~:-:.. it revolut ion in technology. Ir.tuc. and economics Ihat ha~ turm:d the world upsiue duwll. i:lll cl cre:llccl unccrtairH), . fear, anu j oh insecu rity. Tht~l.: (..' lI l.:mic::, \:IJ'~ all the more insid ious beca use they ill"1.! ~o hard to pin UOWll .

So d'" th e world cckbralC"i th e viclOry of freedom

achicvl.:u hy lhe AIliL- ... 50 Yl: ar ... ago lhb month . we need to n.:mcmher Ro~ i c the I ivc.:lc r anc.l lH.:r can-do ~P ll it he represcn l :-:. what union members did dur­ing I he wur. tl1t tl \., hUI we Ilct!d 10 keep doi ng today. "We Call \)0 II I" •



4 14 "'I~ iliA lIiAh

J 0

50 , ,';u's 0 11 .. . WWII :

Lncal 1362 lembl!f', Budd COlllpo nc nl:-. fo r the I 1.:\\ 777

The 113EW Plowed

1I ~ Pan 16 Th(' O"I'('Aulatiml BalliI' (;UI'S 011 Th e IREW Fight,

p, (.II JI," UndCt......-:x'J<J ," 1m. 8oe'''!f 777 tlX~p'J rfIc doy beloIt!

InfO plant'" 1,,51 CQlJlmf'/c,ul ""I/" The rodp" 'J w~ molJ '1/

,hI1IBfW·,.,.ock 1't1V'Prrc'" ')'f! p/Oflf> IS localro

8 In Wil"cvnsin 19 24 G('I Oil

1I1'1'O('S 1\11 113l:. W ~krn hc r ;,; '

WW II Siuric, 18 Th(' WI\'! 1111'/ IlHlri IIlIm Sdwlm'shil) \\ illlH'l'S

12 l in ion·llld IIsll' il'S ShOll' Buy Union. Buy Am cr ic.1n

1 2 Vt~'1or5 90tMr nf /h is yoor J UnlOf>-lnduwiC's

Show CJround ihe IflEW exhib-II !he drowirog. whtd! is

SIlently monrltYed by '*"e 1Iov­err"9 f8EW SIorhopper

I'I'UAI'I'SS "1'1'1 iliA K('IIUI'I Ninth Di -; I r'ici MCI.: L:-.


F,r~ D.mid

Iftlef/lClbollOI P, .... , ~~ s.c •• lory 1l25-ISIiISt, N'w 112$-IStl.Sl,NW Wa$ll togttIn. D,C 2000J Washinglaf! DC 20005

THOMAS V-AN .-IlSOAU 1""1XII1Q1'Ol1teO_ ISS-11 HonyYanAnd,.1I A ....... ,h..oJung NewYorlJI36S


k!N J. WOOD!i ~nVIN W. HOII TON No, 2 ~I'gpl.x 01 .... Su.-30"

N."rt o.~ .. ""r 5 .11. Mo<CANN ISO NQrrh W's" t,m,. Su .. IOO

42 11':(: Kl'(lIIrl

COveR PHOTO: MeITle!1los of Wodd Wor ~om horne: Qnd oYef.

I~m, Including photO$ oI lSfW ro .. mbe,~ 'ecoillfle ~(Qn do" 'Pi"t !hIli prodd \1(lory 50 y~~ 090


Clio"""" cnDl I OWDlH • /0 IHEW loeo{ III 5818 N 7," SfI'~ s.., .. 201 Pt.oen. A"z, ",8SC114 r.'1</ fJoJft' JOSIEPH A. McCAFfUTY ,/0 18fW looo 380 JOOOR~ P,~. Cd...... Pen ... ,.t.an", 19 .. 20


SlXt/o DrJlrIlC

ALAN E. HEA.D 7940 I'btr.av. .. Rood Sv'Je • ~T_15230

,.,. .... ""'"" THOMAS J. SWIDUY 2051 1Itot/'flOl Rood Oo...lclld. cm,/orTttQ '.0602

£09""" (),ltrod JAMtS R. McAVOY .5999 Wot.raon PIocIll NafM:I"lIO. &r,th Cdu...w CODOdo WI 0"'>










IDEW JOURNAL J.J. leiIT)'. fJdor

Joy, •• 1 A." M.di ••• r.tl ••• lII.p.rl ....... C. Jo",_. 5~lIc," • •

"'-(Qrot A. Cipolari,

"-"-'hom Po .. en Ruth 1&. Cobb Carol M •• i .... r Angela M. laty_ MQry lIurd.loll

45 S~d Av. Em,. S\; '- 401 Q Iy 01 'Noatf1 rark WrUowdclle.Onmdo Ctt!'ltlda M2N SYI $«OtIdo.~ PAUL A. LOUGHRAN n o for", Rood. SuI .... 40.4 IIrolnl, .. , Mcu wx;h,,1ftfl.$ 021&.·2705

~~~~ AIoba.l

$; .. '" 0.""", JA.ME5 P. CONWAY Z200 Sovrh Mo,,, SIr .. , $4oi!e 303 Lombard. 1)1",'1"" 60148

Wainul a ... k C:cr.fot"'o QA598-2A9"

r ...... P"Ir~1 NORMAN D. s(HW",AUA 104QOW HIW~ ~1XId Su,,. 110 bJa1l'tOfl.I tn,,,,,,, 000 18

FRANK J. CARRou.JR. qalBEW locoI AII8 SOl Mo,nS"", Joule 2S M:",,~ Conn. ,,;111 00A~8

r/oirdDIIf'CI RICHARD D. AClON 32.S0 hel,d A._

Arthur D. 1."';_


199$ 1nttmoIiorIOI8rOflltrhood 01 . IIf!!!iI ~oOIlIWOl""1 ",~,.w..d . ~ PRlN'ffO IN mE U,S.A

~ - ON UNIOf'H.\Aoe "Af'E1t

Th"d Oumct IEDWIN D. Hill ~ ~r"(lre Cel'llflr Or_

COIOOpol", ..... "' y!von.g IS108 Fou.,11 Di, Ir'Ct 'AUL J. Win! 77 10 Reodlng Road 5.u1~9 C lrlClMotl, O hio ol5Zl 7

s....n"" DowlCt ORVILU .... rAn JR . 4400 Wili ltog.,. Pttft.wtty S\lI,. 309 OIJo~omo City. OUat.omu 7J 108

f~~,~;~:'nR5 330 Shovp A~,n\l' Sui .. 204 P.O 80 .. ,1216 kMo Fan •. Idqh¢ 83405

f,..."Iit Dillrod RAY fDWAaos 300 $oo.rh ;. r1.,,,,,,,, S!!,~JOO ~.ngro.ld. M,uoll" 05806

r~FtIl o,JJrtcl CARL LANSOEN ~'onliin lI ulidong Su, ... sao Cl\ellonoooo, """tI_ 3,AI!

C1e~nk .... d, Ot" 4A 1 15 fCMrI> OiJIo-od LANCE lLACKSTOCK 1;/0 lBEW 19w1 5.58 P.O 80.0.- Sl& SkeH.dd A~bu'tlo 3.5~O f,irh Dill,,,,r LYU KErJH QUERRY 1100 E Adm,,01 al.d

l::"nlO) ClIy Mllt!)un 04100

.,.. .]

DOL Regional Office In Good Hands The nex t lime tBE\V me m hers III

Arknnsils. Lou is iana. cw Mexico. Okla homa, ant! Tl!xa'\ con tac t the regional officI;! of the U .. Department of Labor (DOL), Ihey will be uca lillg with an ngene), di rected by one of our 0\\11 union B rO I IH!r~.

P'r\.!s idcnl 131 11 CllIl l olI recent l y nppoinlcd Sallti~lgo "J1m " C'lIltu. (l

member of Local 27 . Corpu~ Christi. Texas. Direclor of Ihe Lahor D~part· mcnt"~ t~cglon ix. headquartered in Dalln\, Bro th e l' antu ', crcdcnlial~

\tVatch Those Megawatts The map lIl1 Page 19 of Ihe June 1995 lUI- W Jour11l1l .,howing rura l electrical co-ops 111 the Oiled SI,I1~l-I has ca used

o 1- 15



Yl.!ar <i nd one hulf prior to hi" appOint m ent. Brother Canlu "icrved on the staff of r cxas Attorney Genera l Ben Morale ... . Throughout il all. he he kepi hi' card in Loca l 27K

arc IOdt!cu ImprCI;j~t\'c. lie j:, d former pre ulcnl and tn.:asurcr of. and org..a · ni7t!f for. Lilcal 27R: :-'c!"vl'd as Chillf of l he local's ar prcllli cc~ h ip

commi ttee: hctd ()1f1t~ on thc builuing In IlJ !!S cou ncil in Corpus C hri"i l i; a nd wurked in hl!tt lt h a nd ,,,rely Hilt! orgn nil.illg for the ~ t atcwidc huildin g trau l.!), in Tc a .... W allt more? l ie .1I,u \\(1., til e

Jim Cantu

" I wBnt to make ~u rc

t hil t working pl.!oplc know their right .... IIndl~ r

the law and arc aware ur the plogram::, availa hk 10 thl!1Il thruugh th e

Departmcnt:' Brolher CanLu educa tional director anti human re l i:l~

tions di rector for the TC\ iI') A FL-CI 0 and an cx~cutive board m~ITIbcr of th l' Labor Co unci l fn r L~l1in Amcri­c"n Ad\ :ll1cemenl (L/\ C'LA). For Ihe

I\OIll i,! confu ... ion. The- June map only mcludcd CO-<Ip .... \\ ilh ;1 p 'a" uemand uf 100 Meg'l\\;IU, or morc. What (01-Im\", j" a map ~huwi ng the Ivltll num­her or rllra l clcclrical co-ops in <:ach l-I l ate. Th~re 'Ire 1)22 or them III the lInilcd Stu I..:.... ,



Sovn:e E1ectn< w lllfltJ



· '995 O"«fOtytJI ~~WI·

16-30 31 -45 46.

Labur siud Oil a recent \j",it to \Val"hlllgton. D .C.. I thin" I II ;tt cuucati ng our mcmhe~ ant! ~III \\orke~ j, an IITIlx,r-1.1111 part 01 my joh." f

Meanwhile, On The Organizing Front. .. EiAhlh Ilisll'ifl OI'Aani7.r l'S 1\1t'('1

Eighth D islnct ol'gan i7t;! rs met on May 16-17. 1995. in Bo/cman. MUlllana. for tht: ir ql1a n crly org~l nl 7 ing meet ing. The ga thering ~I.!I ved n~ an effectlve educnt iona! tool and prov ided lhc practica l c!\pcricncc needed to orga ­nile Ihe - ighth Di,\ricl\ rallk alld file.


Rid, Bacr, Ilghlh Di,lflCI coon..iina· lOr preparcu all iIHcI1\1VC <I!!cnua for IIlL' tW(HJ.1\ IlH:cllllg\. inclilding morn­

ing arll\i tic, ,ut'h ,I' rl1Ol:-" upplica· tion s. hou"c c.III,. iJnd ~ililing, 1\\0 '-:illiunal I allor 1{ ~ lalrlln' Board memher, 'II I{ Ii ReglOll '2.7 Din.'cLur

Art lJcrwlllla. IlI lU NI RI3 ",upcrvj"mg

illlllrlley Dall h : r g ll\ IHl \"erc gth,:!'1

, peake,." 1\lId I I", MEMO alld CO M ET COll r,c'l 11.:1'1 rOI'L'mo,t in c\'eryonc\ mintl "',I" Ihil l orgall iLing i:­prio rit~ onl'. 0

IlIfI'l'asin~ SII'l'n~1 It \nd I nil,

In an IIPl'1l IcllL'r to mCl1lhcf"l. of Local 1106. la..,,,n , 1\lichlgan. I'\ccllll\e Board 1ll1'1llhl:r Ru:hartJ LilIl1<ldaic slroll~l~ cmph .. 'I/ell Ihe impoTlancc 01 orgitnllln!!, II r':illi

'((('lC 'lIth, I Irat! tlu- OP(WTlWlII\

UJ 1I1ll'IlIII(W .'li'IIort!, {lIItl OJfie ('n

Imllll/lC ill 1.1Im",.': /11 Ilk"! 11'11.\ II gre'II' (J1'1}()nlillll\' 10 t'nlullln' III,\"

,·k,II, m (I \({'h a,.,1 (/ful (~Jljn'r of L(I( (II IIO(). Ih l' (""lIIt ' or II/{, IrlJmmg \l'\\ltnl f·"II\ '('\'('I( tI", m(·~· \age III O/UiAlv'I/L I (/11/ nOli '

'lie pr(}ud fJll ·/wr of (f prrlll. Id/l('/i [('(/fUfl'l r/if' II'Ott! (J!ir;ANI Z/,,: ill I(/rge n.'tI Ir'fll'l \ he/wall, (j tlt'ph'· 11011 (If 111'0\1I'11I"1I/11g l ,sh. (Jw, oj tile /lsll " 1r11'1.W, U'I"'c'.\I'l/fing (lfl (-'mp/ou',.; ,11(' 01111'1 1\ 1/(" {/I//' F,II,

Orgoni:zet's onending fhe Eighth Dis fr'k , organizers' mecfing WCr"C ISlant/ing, from leftl Rkk 80«,. Eighth Distrk , coon/ino· kN; John Mkhelsi Bob l.egino; ROIl Von~'; Sian Dupree; [)on W"",,,,: Bob Chou",: 8i}} Campbell; and Do-ve Rochot-0/1 from VO';OCIJ locals in the Oistricl. Seafed. from leh, are Curl Williams, l.ocal532 AssfJlon' &siness Manager Ron Bvrke, and mem~ Greg Rotzloff, Chorlio Dockham, and Kim &orclough.


Above, Brother lonsdale 0 1 podillnt, wifh photo 01 print depicting organizing strategy.

hili ",d/twl tit mall\' fhh OIXtl­

m;('d ill flit' ,lIalW 01 tI hi}.! (,sh,

Iymholi:lII# ( 'II/I'''I\ 'I.'t'~ Iwlimgm,c: ((I a 10//(11/

TIll' ml' '\"\(I},:1' /\ o/witl/(\ l "i't·t! " '(' Htltul mI(l lUll (' ,III' l'OII 'f'r 10

ma/..,· ,II(' j'lIIl'lo\' ,('" rl'\IWC! liS;

dH"uh'd, In' .fnll fllill are' Iml. WId Hlbjt'U to IWlng }.!ohMc(llIp (" ,Iu'

/Jlg /i,'" (Jur "''''''''<'"IIip 11tI, hl'C'"

({('dilllllg. hut uc' .Hill nnp,mlltl'

iflll!t ' (I (arg, ' rhlt. I nm \1'. ' ,liar {i{II 11/ 111\ Imlll mHOI/(' "Ullt, ' fonm, SOlllellntCI If ,., 1I pilot ,17\11. li'ufilllR

I(W I'·tn'; fit (jllt / 'I "UW,', ct ()lntl/lta .

0,. it LOUll( !Ii' U UJO/Jl'f(lIII '(, dol­

pfrm- fI /111111111111111 ,hrt/ 1";1l'1I

,,.,'met! jill rI \' III i,1:, III, li',t:.11rtrlirrly speaking. hcll} (III /''''fJlrJ\'I' r ',\' .l'/IIJl

gel ill'o IlOrl Il ' itll II prnji'lIIhle cnrch Jb //Iliun 1I/{,lIIllen, Sland· ill),: lagt',h",., 1\'1' /1//\'1' II I(' 1)oII'i'" 10

(Icl (' f/eClil'{'ly. (Iwl 10 tlf/1/rmd flJ,~

n 's(J('('/ 01,111' Mg li\lr. A \ fill (lrgfl­

ni;.etlullil. 1\'1' IWI (' fill' UII}(U'II\' 10

lI1,ml on tmr (lwl I 'f/lltll lfl 'tm'Il '/tI

h.1 OI,r ('1II11/01't ' l ,\, ,.

Bro,hl·r Lan,J"lc "cn' on to remind 1llL:lI1hc ..... 10 CCHl'lllicr thL' gam, <l lr~.ttd) maLll' '" , I rc,ull ()r Ir,lInlng. and Ih.: rca'lull'" for 1 he 10".,1..'\ .,u:-\­laini.'Li h~ thL: IUl'a!. III.' urged Ihl! Ilh!11l he ro., whll ,lI'l' thL' hm:J...h(ln~ of th~ union. ttl un their p:lrt and pu ll togetht:r lu " furm tr 'lllIr1~ illlL! ,i /~ ­

ahle big Ii .... h Ilr our (1\\ II." ~

The ORGANIZE po.ter,

\\or king 'Ib ere.11 f' Oppol'lullii ii'S

rlltank!' 10 <I In lc IC"Jm

crrort on I he parlor the ofricer~. nH:mhcr~, Volunleer Organ i/ing COl1lll1i lleC (VOC) Loc<l 1 lOX. Tampa. Florida. rCCl'l1lly ol'£oa· ni z~d wo rk er ... ill Iht: PL~I CC Ri ver Elcc l r ic Co-op. 1311;.;jnc~'i 1all<l!!-cr Floyu Sugg:-. Clnd Al\"ii~ t an! nllsinc~s

M[I!la g(;!r~ Ji mm y ('ollll a! s!"!'!" a nd John rVlurphy wen: p lea:o.c d Itl fl!l Il OUIH':C the viclul'Y. :lnd CI' diled th e i eam fo r work ing. l irclcs~ly, wee k after \\ce\.. . an"iwcrrng qucsllon<.;

ithoUI union mt.: ll1b..:rslllP :lntl co llec­t ive hargi.linin~. The l'mp lo}ec:o. of Peace Ri\cr \tlled for un ion rcp rc­

"entation h~ ;l margin of :?:5 to 13 \Oles.

The r~Hl wllln~r ... of th~ c,-,mpalgn are the I11cmhC'f\ uf the VOC and the \\urker:o. at thl.! Pe:lcc River Co.op, \\ ho, III Ihe fa c of ~rn ;IIlU· UIlUIn earn­

r <lign h~ lllillwgt.:mcllI. \ u l eu fur uniu n rC'prc::,.c nl ~11101l i.I!oI a way of

securing parlll cr<.;hlp and dlgn ilY in the workpillcr.! , •


!SEW Journal cover from March 1943.

In 1945 lli e Ivorld challged fo r­ever, as Ihe horrors of World War II receded illlo Iht' exhilara­

lion of vicIOI), fo r Ihe A llies. As Ihe

1V0rid lIIarks Ihe 50lh olliliversary of lite IVai: llie illlpaCI of Ivhicil is ;Iill fe ll tot/a)" Ihe (BEW Journal provides the fo llOlvill1{ glilllp;es il1lo Ihe pasl, which siloll' Ihe role Iilal

Ihe /lien (lIld II/Ollle ll of the I BEW ill lli e Uniled 'Iale, IIl1d Canada

played i ll silaping liislory.

local 166, Sthenecracly, New Yorle , member Private Henry Kowa'ski (ce nter), Jfofionoo at Camp Lee, Virginia, tumed in his life savings to purchgse a S 1,000 war bond (rom I.ic4Jtenont Joseph Dennison (left). Privete Corter Ko/ustian, Arlington, Massachusetts, (right) ;s also buying a wor bond. "Irs the least we con do for our country, " /lJe soldiers remarked.

Then-LocaIB-1035, Newark, New leney,

and rhe management of rile Newark Service

Deportment, Westinghouse Eledric on

Manu/aeluring Compony, ioin~y .Ioge<! a wor bond rafly, Union members crowded around Motropoliton Opero Company slor Lucille Manners, who opened the program singing, .. Americo. Thore wos 700 percenr porth potion in me purchase of wa bondJ, and ,00 rally WQ'$ so succli.uflJl, 1i1t11000o/ w(ls ~mol tile lirst fa be presented me Army-Navy "EN Award.



One-Hall Century Jlgo. The Jlllies Jlchieved Victory In World War II: The

• •• lSEW Played Its Part

Population Then and Now In 1940 lhl:! population count in the lIilcu Slales \ .. a~ 1.11 million : in

'anada, 11.5 milli n. According 10 Ihe 1110:,1 n ... '(.'Cnl figures. 255 million pcople rCf\idc In the United Stales. and in 1'J9(). Canada'::; population \\ia!':! 27 million.

Shades 01 The Great Depression

The state of the nminn in Alm:ricl in the late 193(); found roughly 10 mil, lion people unemployed. and counl­

less olhers held subSlanda rd , low-paying joh:-r-Ihat i .. un Iii World War I r broke OUI in September 19JQ in Europe. \ orking men enlisted in the armed force:" which ex panded rapidly in the pcacelimc drilfl in cp­lember 1940, nd morc Ihan 350.000 wome n joined th..: military. "hile 6.5 million other \\Olll e n went 10 work 111

the defense industry and in office. In II," early 1941)0;. gas and fO<XJ \\ rc

ralioned. and \\alking or riding a bike became c0ll111l0nphlcc. ~nl e siluation ca ul:i cd Prcs ide nt Franklin D. Roo­"Cvelt to proclaim a limited nalional emergency. l\1nnufacluring incrcaseu hy morc lhan 30n percent. and average productivi ty was up by 25 percenl. Yel in spi le of incrcHscd production, itcm& bcc<1l11e scarce, a~ th e war e ffort lapped America 's resources. Pu rcha~

of U . . aviogs Bonds was high 011 Ihe agenda of union members. who held rall ies, and contrihuted Ihrough pay­roll deductions.

Any item mnuc of stee l \ a ra t ioned , "uch as cant\ fo r canJled goode;, hair pill"; . and bed 'ipri ngs. Con­sumer. hall 10 npply 10 I he local rat ioning b(}jud~ fur special ccrtifi ­C:1tc>; to purchase lypewri l e r~ or bicy­cles, Fam ili es co uld no t pu rchase refrigerators. washing mach ines. alann


clocks. Inl!WI offiCI! furn illirc or lawn­mower~. Even cuokinl! rOI wa., "' ree)­clcd" into glycr.::rint: for e~ pl()'lVCh.

Organizing Ellorts Then Organi/ ing during \\:tnimc was in

full s\\ln)! In 1943. One compan. Ihal played an imponant communications role for the annl.!d force>; . w,,~ Collins Radi o Ctll1ll)Ony. of Cedar Rapids. Iowa. Il~ prnduclionlinc . .... welled with new em ployee,. and \\i,h Ihl.! g.rowing national Inhor mO"l'lllcnl. lilt: 1 BE \V (affil;'IICd \\Ith Ihe A H ) ,clycd Lhe

opportu1111 to organtze the plnnl. An ilgrccmcnl between lahor nod

managcml:1l1 wa ... rl!acheu after cum­plaint~ i:lg:111l't the Col1l1l~ Radi o Emplo)cc< A <aciatlon (CR - A)- a company·UlJl1linah!U union- were filed scpa,,"cJ~ by the AFL and no, charging Ihal CREA \\;IS ntH a kgal collecti\ c bargaining unit. The

alional lahar Rdalion ... Board ( LRB) ruled in fa\(1<ollhc AFLaod the CIO. '0) In)! Ihal "becau,c of rapid expansion of Ihe company during Lhe previous two yean.. many IIrgani/ers of the CREA had heen made ,upcrvi'IDrs allhe IIIne c,)f the contract."

On Augll~t 3, 1943. an eJeclion was held for production nnd ll1aintc.:n:mce el1lploycc~ 10 choose i.l new collective hargalll1ng unit . rill! result: 1.095 employee, voted 10 he repre'cnLed hy Ihe I B EW and Ihey became Loca l 1362. The fir~1 contraci WB' ncgolial d on OClOber I I . 1943. The agreement raised the lllinirnulll ba~\! wage from 45 cent", 10 57 cents an ho ur: an d raised the ITI<-tXlmlim from $1,20 a n hour 10 1..65 pcr h Olil'. Equal pily was e tabli"hcd fo r Inell nnd wom!.!n doing the smne.! job, A stewaru s <.;tem to hand le gricvancc~ l1nd provide h liday and vacatitJn benefits WH~ incl uded in the con tract. Past h ll~ i nes~ manage rs

The pursuit plane, pnmmfed to the U.S. Government by Local " St. louis, Missouri.

of Local 1362. mcludcd Inlernational Rcprc~entali ... c Gary Ileald. prc~ent ly

assigned to I he I B \\1 pecial Projects Depart mcnl.

Labor Unions On The Home fronl

I B W loca l union, have a com­memJ"ble hi ,tory during Ihe war year. Il ere are some lidbils from ,orne of Ihe locll!>.

Local I, St. Louis. Missouri: Local I. 51. Lolli:;. Mbsouri . Illem­

bl!rs purchased a pursuil plane and presented il to the United lales Go\'­crmncnl.

I..1)C31 595, Oakland. nli rornia: Before the beginning f World War

II. onl~ a fc\\ oldtimcn, in the Marine Eleclricians craft worked at the Moore Dry Dock Company. There were only 42 ,uch craft men in the local. nlC~

coordinated the in\peclion , dC ' ign. malcrifll procurement and contractunl mailers related 10 the new construe· lion of naval vessels, and fash ioned the electrical equipmenl Ihal dro e mar· itime ships across the OCean .

Lotn126, Woshinglon, D.C: " Perhaps Local _6 was neve r so

busy as duri ng W\v II , when mil il ary and government build ing. and lemp -relry cmd pcnna ncnl huusing conslruc· tion were at thClr pC:-1k. Even before the war tartcd. work siles for Loca l 26 e lectricians proliferated. T hey includ"d FOri Belvoir; fI U.S. Navy hl11lding; a landp ln ne hangar a t I he U.S. avy provi ng grou nds: Washing-

(CVlllill l/ cd Oil Next I'oge)


AJ»,e, /he 55. Henry Mo"IIer

Iounched in CcliIonVo .... , named "" ".,. ,." ~,01 ""'/BEW.

8eIow1 one 01 the greot geleS 01

GrancJ Coulee going info pojirion. AI ".,. peak of iI>e """ , ..- !I.on 7,000 ISEW member, woriced on rh is pro;ea.

ton Natio"al AirrOft: The Navy . Med ical Build ing. in Bethc da. ~ Maryland ; and work a t the J. IWashingtonl "vy Yllrd. Then

1: there W3!\ the huge Pentagon ~ building. under construction by 1 t il o local in 1941 3. "hieh ! covered 34 aCf!.':!)." (Excerpt­

ed from author Priscilla cmeth. in her hook. "Liglll­

illg Ih' iVarioll', Capirol: Th . f/i"",y of / B EW LOC1I126. IH92- /1J92.)

Local 7. Springlicld. Massachusetts:

Local 7 mCnlhcr"i rurned in their o\cralb for khakis and We nt off 10

war.lllOse who Sl3)cd behind tried 10 keep up wit h w~lr protluclion needs. as well a5 Ih r conllnui ng electrical ne eds of the community. They worked al the Nava l u(lply Depot:

;~~~i1_~n;=::~J\~I~co~a~Aluminum: akima Contain-ment: the Air Depot: and the magnesium plant. pro­

ducing ite ms for wartime. omc members recall (hal

in 1943. Ihe local had pur­chaseu mo ,,, Ii,." $30,000 worth of war bonds.

LocalS-II, Los Angeles, Californi:l:

O n the high sea. the S.S. Henry Miller u,d ,IS h,t to wm

tbe wa r. Launched al Wilm· ington, Cnlifornia. On Novem­ber 27, 1943. t he 10.500 ton union-cra ft ed s bip. buil t by Local II member, r r the Cali­fo rnil! . hipbui ldi ng orpa ra ­l ion , wil h 1he approva l of th e

locol26 electricians andorhcr> who "",ked on"'" enormous Penlogon building in 1942 .

. . Mariti me Commi sian, was named III honor of the r,"1 Presidenl of Ihe IBE W- Henry Mille r. \ hen the ship was lallnched from Terminal Island. Wilmington, alifomia, Offi­cers of Loatl B-II. and members of the 'Ietal Trades Cou ncil , watched proudly a the ship slid gracefully inlo the channel.

Loo1173. pokoJlc, Wllshington:

Work,ng diligenl ly on the hOllle frollt. member of Loca l 73 were responsible. in part , for the comple­tion of the "Eigh th Wonder" of tbe world- The Grand Coulee Dam in OClober 1945. The Grand C ule<'s hydr electriC capacilY. loca led in three power plants. is abou t 6.263.000 Kilowalls . T he firs t powe r plant opened in 19-11. and provided much needed electrical power for wart ime production.

Local W3. /I"ston. l"lassochu ellS:

In the June 1942 JOllfll,,1 of F./{'clric(ll Workers. Local 103 Press ecrctary \Villiam

hcehan wrote, "The seriousness of this war ha, been kn wo to us fo r some time. O ur contact with shortages in coppe r wirc , steel pipe. cabinets and fi l­lings. lools and o ther essen tia ls to our craft extends ovcr quite a period ...


Vice Presiclenr ~egan ,,,,;rd ""'"

t/oe t.ftI pro;..o t/oe Anny lot- its orga­nization and train·

ing onJ Ieo<hing ... ",ad" aher he

and 75 union lead· ers spoo' 48 hours wilh the soldiers in

combat training.

International Vice President Regan Takes Basic Training

In FchrlJHry 194 4, Interna tiona l Vice President John Regan visited an Army cal1l p wi th 75 other un ion lcad­ers and learned ju~ t how the Army trainl\ liS solch er~. After laki ng a 48-hour "bl.l::,ic training" cUllr~c. living, ~Iccp i ng and tulking wiLh the soldiers ror 4X hours. the lahar leader were taught to drill. rind were taken ove r the nh~tac l e course. Vice President Regan praised the AmlY for it .. orga­n173lion and coordlna1lon. and its mcthod!ot of teaching and tcchnicall comb.1I IrHining.

Labor's "Rosie the Riveters" More tha n 350.00U women joilled

lhe milili.lry. while 6.5 million wenl to work in th e dcrcnsc inuu"it ry_ and even more workc..'d in officc!ot in sup­port uf Ihl: war crron . Women with-

()1I1 childrcn wcrce nco ura gc d to

o It! fi II ~cfcnse plan t a nd

u oth er impor tant jobs o H' va e a lcd hy fig h t ill g ~ men. 1 The entra ll ce o f f increasing number:, of 1 women inl o union shops 1 and factorie .. Wa" a chal-1 Icngc to the trade

" Ullions . Pressured by both governmen l and r women workcr~ lhem­

i sc l ve~, a number or tE th el\c unions rc\iscd

their admissi n policies loward women after Pearl H arbor. Wom e n h ecH 01 c wel ders. ship-


builclcr:ot. ci.l rpcnt crl'l. ironworkers, boilermakers and machmi IS. Th ey bui lt p l il nc~ and tank~ ; operated rivet guns, dri ll prcs~cs. lathes or stamping machines. They soon became known by the nicknam', "Rosie the Riv 'lcr." or " Kelly K alics ," :1 named give n

them by worke" "t Kelly Air Force Base in Texas.

The sk.llls of uni n women in the tel ephone compi-lOic:-, were casi ly passed from peacetime to wartime. Local 1067. Warrell. Ohio. wa proud to have the IB W', 0,,1 \VA E. Lou Rhea \Vnndcrs. who enlisted for aCl1vc duty [rom an mdependenl Ie Ie phone company. By the end of the war, women had en tered irtuall y every ph<lsc of inUu.3lry. and had worked in almost all ~I rc<' ''i of man ufacturing.

M any AfricHn -American women left lower-pa yin g job, for tlefe n,c plant work . The ir wages ;ncrc:lscd dramalically. e>1 ecia ll ~ r thn.e who joined union~. U nfortunate ly Ih e employment opportunilics Clva il t'lb lc to A(rican·Amcric[l1l women and men during the war did nut m81crilllizc in peacetime. It WilS not until lht.! civi l ri g.hl" movement . Io';()me 20 years laler. (hal many employment barricrs began to come down.

M any union mcmbcrl\ from locals aero s tbe co unlry PUI down their lools and picked up their \\ capons in defense of their country. puce: docs not pernlil the li,ting of Ihem all, hUI their commitment and service will remain in mcm rya -.econd 10 none.

Writcr Ferd inand Padula. in th e New York Deparlmenl (If 1~1bor's spe­cial puhlicmion, Stand rasl: A hrmli­cI(' of till: Workers' j\l/ovemem ;n New

r eleph""" operalOr Anna JeoneHe Rittmoier, joined t/oe WAACs, ond wos ouigned to

Signal ''''''' woB. Sheww an .",p/oyee aI

t/oe on" S/ondard Telephone

Componyond ,.,...,ber aI

t/oen·I.ocoI642, Co/umbYs, Ohio.

!Ftom JournoJ of EIKlfoeo/ WOI'kHl,

Vol <12. 19"31

York Slme, quoted ta listics provided by histOri an M.B . Schnappe r , who staled, " Na liona lly, an (1lllpul rise r nearly 9U percent between 194 1 and 1945 ",ade po>s ih le such achievemenls 31\

th e p roductio n of 300,000 a ir planes . 71,000 naval ves_e ls. 45 milli on ton> o f merchant shipping, 500.000 trucks. 2.7 million machine gun~ .

86.000 lanks and .5 million trucks.

Du ri ng the war. un ion memhcrshi p climbed at " rate of about one million work ers annuall . wilh the gre illc~ 1 gains in the steel, ai rcraft , shipbuilding and auto­motive indu\trics. ,-

The encmy col ­lapsed u n der th e

lIics' overwhelming superiority 10 develop, manufacl ur ~. nn d deliver large quanti· ti es or equipmenl- a movlTlg testimony to the fight ing men and women and those on Ihe home fro nt in lhe

nited Sl a t c~ an d Canada. •

l«aI18, 8/aom;ngton, Illinois, memb«1: UIfVe ;n

t/oe....".,j Ion: ... They ore, ""'" the lop, Ma,., Wayne,

Opal 0 '",". "" Helen s.,hilkohki, and Iyfa,

SatlerthwoU • .


T ~n; of Ihousonds of / B £\V members allswered Ille call of

their CUII/III) durillg tile Second lI'or/tllI'lIr. bUlh ill Ihe

U,,;red l{Jles lInti ill omllla, On this. tlte 501h (11111iver-

Charles Pillard mEW International President

Eme ritus Charles Pillard ~I.!rvcd in the

U.S. Army from 1940 to 1945. He w\!nl through Ofliccr Truining School m Fon Benning. Georgin. and rose to Ilu: nmk of Captain. He WB" assigncd the command ora rine comp;my in the 4ut Division of the 22" I I" f<l lmy. "nd was scm In Europe. He anu his com-

Abo .... p,.,mnl Pillard and his Mfe Helen on

/heir wedding day.

.,ar.l' of the elltl of Ihe war. Ille IHEW Journal (.,ked members

to senti ;/1 remembraNce..., and plrOlus from 'heir WlIr)'ctlrs. The

following fire lhe stories the Journal receiw!ll. 1I,\ well as the Top t.h. Iniemofiona' experiences of sel'eral members who (Ire (/ecensed. The Journal Pre5iden, Emeritus Pillard fodor. extcllfl.') heart/ell thllllk.\ to thole wll contribute,' to this article.

Joseph Keenan Lawrence lbrnan pany pnrlicipatcd in the Bmlle of thc Former 1 ntcrnalional Secretary Bulg~ anti he wns awan:Jcu the Bron.Lc Jo~eph Keen;:!n wa~ past enlistment St." medal. age at the uUlbrea k of World War II.

Meanwhi le. during lime he spent at hUl he answered his count ry's cal l FUll McClellan in Aluhama. he mel lIulI~thdr; f.. He served as the Ameri-the woman he would tn:'lrry . He £Inti Cilll Federa tion or Labor's rcprcscnta-the f rmer Helen Bratten were mill'- live on tht.! ational Defense Council ried April 7. 19+1, at the fort in fu ll and in the office of Production Man-military pageantry. Las t yC~Ir. the cou- agcl11cnt. Whe n the War Production pic celebrated their 50Ul anniversary Board was SCl up. Secretary Keenan together. \Va named its associate dIrect r. In

Of his Arm service President Pil- 1943 he became vice chairman or lard .aid. "It erved me well in leading Inbor production. in which capacity he the IBE:.W, both tlS busmes ' manager scncd unliltht! end of the war. and a~ International President.·· He A l war's end , Secretary Keenan went on to say. "Arler righting in continued his service to the military. Europe. 1 wa able t beller appreci- In 19-15 he was appointed laoor advi-ale what il great country A .. I11.~e.:r_ic:.:a:,-___ , sor to General Luciu Clay. truly i •. " and during the /lexttwo and

• l


a half years he spcnt time in Germany working to reor­ganize the trade unions there and in Europe. He was awarded the Medal of Freedom and tbe Medal for Merit by Presi­dent I-larry Truman for his wallin"te service .

At left, Secrolory Keenan (second from file rig"~ fours o robber company ;n Europe which WQS making tireJ for the U.S. Anny.

Forme r In terna tional Vice Presi­tlen1 Lawrence Farnan said that " nur­ing Worhl War [I. I was a 20-yea r-o ld corpora l ill H machine gun and mortar com pan of lhe IOJrd In fantry Divi sion in • urop~. We were in the Buttll: nf the Bulge on the southern !lank."

He I Itl abuul t WI.J 1);)l"licular mis­s ion~ Ihat l jv~ wit h him lu this uuy. " In

"vclllb'r of 1944," he sait! , "20 of us. carrYlOg explosives. roped Ollr cJves down a cliff and wen t several miles behind German lines and blew up a gasoline and ammunition dump. A monlh later Wl! carried 6 machine guns over a mountain and wiped out an ent.!my garrison. We did not lose a man in either operation,"

At righi, Foman il'l J 944.


John Johnson

mEW Members' World War 11 Sfories

H«>ry and

rhoma, Bowl .. 1Oday.

John Johnson {center} in the wor yeofS.

Henry and Thomas Bowles The Rowles hoys were double t rou·

ble on th e bench es of N rrllnndy. TIley an: twins. ilnd both arc ret ired IB EW I1Icmber, (Henry from LocHI 558. heffield. /\Iahama: and Thomas f ro m Locn l X6 1. L ake Charles. Louisiana). Abuut the D· Day inva:-,ioll Thomas aid. ''1~h t! heach \Va' litt ered with German ohstacles. barbed wire, dead hodic:-, noal ing in the watcr an t.l

Henry ond Thomas Sowles in December 1944.

J hn Johnson did hi' pan for th • wilr effort in O~h ilW:l, Ont ario. Jl e worked 10 build the large mu nitio ns plant in jax. Ontario. in 1940 and '41. He then went to work for a Cana· d i;l n war product IOn plan! rlln by Defense Industries. Ltd. The do est IBE\V local during thb time wn~ in Toronlo, about 40 miles away.

scatte red over the bC;lCh. and a , 10fl11 ...... -...-.-----==:.-J of fire coming from concrete German

Johnson said that he and a handful of other Oshawa eleCtrician decided to form an )B E W local clo c r to home. In 19-12. he l\.1Id. they rcccivt!d th e ir charter for Local 894. wh ich meets to th is day in Oshawa.

Robert Garrity I I Wil~ Thanksgiving Day ;n G er­

many in 1944 Hnd n.:lircu Intc rlliJliunal Vice Preside nt Rohe rl arrily and his CilniVan wCre lost. They ended up in ,1 small tuwn in no-man 's land bClWl'C: fI

the erman and American lines. n elderly German grnndmOlher helped Ihem gl.!l sheller rur the night. Gennan s ldicri came a~ clo~c as the backyard o f the house in which Garri ty and his men were sta ) ing. WIl,e next morning. he sa id, " 11 wa4j: gretlf to hea r the engine' of six .S. tanks as the) rolled up and stopped outside the house .. . : '

' I hnnhgiving dinner came scveral d~l y~ lai C for G(lrri l y'~ crew. II COIl­

sbled of fro7cn turkey " plus:' Garri ty said, "n stack of hard candy, which we appreciated ...


pill boxes." Thomas received a Bron'le Slar

medal for hb act iOns near Omaha Beac h. lIi s ci tation re ad ro: " When comm unication lines were Ii;Cv(!fcd by host ilc artillery. Priva te Bowles. despite hCHVY enemy rire. proceeded across vulnerahle te rrain and repaired the wires. I lis herOism con lribu ted mate rially tu the ~uccc~ of the ID­Dayl invits;on."

Brother. Henry. wo n <l i1vcr Star for hi ~ service ear lie r in t h ~ war in Nort hern Africa. In 1943, in Tunisia, Thomas said Ilenry "was in il position on a hill rclnying in l'ormalion tn the a rti llery. I h; stayed up there until the Germans lIve rran th e positi tln a nd then had t work his way hack through the enemy tu the Allied lines."

Robert Coulter In July of 1944. shortly after D · Day.

B·26 pilo t Robert uiter "'as shnt down on a mis~ion over occu pie d Fran c. He survived the crash (a ll hUI one of he, crew did) and he was c:tp~

t urcd by Germall ,oldie r '.; On the ground. Couhcr sa id hi S captors kepi him Con tantl on the move, usually only a ~ \V miles ahcud o f rhe Allied advance. lone point he escaped. hut was recap tu red ~cvcra l days late r. ri b pri";OI1 c}tmp wa!'l fi lially lihera ted by General Patton'<; 141h Armored Divi­sion I~ monlhs after hb capture.

mil le r. who laler b CCill11C Director of the I BEW'~ Electric Sign and Mlltor Shop Dt:partmcnt ill \V as hing lon.

r eceived '-l Purp le (Ieart for his war ser­vice. lie died in 19<)2. (lnd wn~ buried in Arlington alional Cel11etery.

Early ;n tho war, Coullet (seo"",. for right, p"""

wilh JOONI 01 hiJ Atmy hucJclieJ or Comp Gra/ing in Michigan.

(Comillued OJ!

Next P"ge)


(Colllil1/led fmlll Page 9)

Mede Milsom Mcde Mil50m and the res t of the

crew of the .. S. Baltimore carried ,ome d iS! inguished cargo in July 1944. In ilddition 1.0 his ship's regular provi. sions. on its trip from SCin Fr~nr.isc:o 10

Pea rl Harbur wus none olher than lhe president of the Uni ted Sta tes. Prcsi· de nt Roof.evelt was travelUng 10

Hawilii to mee t with Adm iral Nimitz

lHlld in an Hpplc tree, get fighting. and cl th is \\1m over with , the quicker the

belter. " Retired I BEW memher Yourko­

vich's plane was hit as it Hpproachcd the drop zone. All the parat rooper::, made it OLII hdorc the plane went down, hut th e p il o t and co-pi lo l were nol so lucky. You rko ieh indeed hHldcd ill an apple tree, and he went on to fight in France. Luxembourg, Belgiulll, 1101-land. and on into Germany.

~lnd General MacArthur to Pllaa:n __ =..::::==::::==::::=:=_--~ lhe inVAsion of the Phi li p- r pines.

IBEW me mbe r Mil am said his ship. aft!!T it safdy delivered t he presid e nt , fough l againsl Japanese fOrl i­fi ca li ns in Ch ina and on Ok i­nnw}! . Righi fin er the war, he

and his crew ferried a 101 of grateful Ma rines back La Cali­fornia.

Lows Yourkovicla "O n Ihe 28th of May, 1944. Ihe 2nd

Battalion moved to Saltby A ir Base. loc"Hcd ncar nl tingham. England ," sa id then-Sergeanl Louis Yourkovich. "We were given equipment tlull we could carry and were briefed on our obj ectives .... A rter several days of WHiting we began to load up in our as igned -47 aircraft.. .. The m rni ng hours o f June 6 I D-Dayl, our plane lefl for France. ros,ing the English

hannel wasn't a long ITip, but with all the equipment and two parachu les, il was ullcomforlilblc .... I wanted 10

Above, rourkovich gnd

hi5 buclcJy 80b Newhart;n 1944 .

n.. U.S.S. Eberl.

H.E: Grovenstein IBEW member I-I .F. Groven lein

was assigned to the U.S.S. Eberl in IY44. lie said " I quickly learned lhat rnOSI o f the e leclricians on board hAd lillie r no civilian electrical expert­ence. A fter being underway only a few days. I learned lhal one or our motor rooms had no circulation r air due 10

a nonworking electrica l con troller.'· He proceeded 10 rewire the controller, re tu rning alr circulnti n to that imp r· tanl pari of Ihe sh ip. For th is his chief petty officer lold him, "Thank God,

we now have an electrician 011

board: 1 He was made dUly elec­trician, and he no longer had to siand watch .

Frank Vondra A member of Ihe Nebraska

Nat ional Guard prior to the war , reti red In1 ernational Represenlative Fra nk Von­dra joined the regular Anny in 1941. As a om a l Infantry ergeant. he saw action in Nor th Arrica .

Ita ly. Fra nce. Au Iria. and Ger­many. He was wounded three times in baltic and received a Purple Heart , as well as an Infantry Combat BCldge. a

Bronze Star, and a Presidential Cita­tion ror Mcriloriolls ervice. Ilc also participated in lile liht: luliun of two

Nazi concentration camps~"_-::::::::~1J

Above, Refirec/ lnle nafional Reprewfct1 Fronk Vondra Juri. !he war yeon. AI/eft, Fronk Vondra in J989.

Robert Keliher Bresnalaan A retired Local 26, Washington, D,C'I

member, Robert Kefiher Bresnahan

served os on Electrician hI

Closs in the U.S. Navy (rom 194 1

fa 1946. He is shown here with

a friendly monkey nenr


William McBride

lack Currie Refired Lucul429,

Nashville, Tenneueo, mMiber Jock Currie

served ill the U.S. Navy as Chie' Electricion'J

Male figh~ng in baffle. a' EniwelOlt and

Okinawa. He posed here for 0 pre-embark­

ment pholo In '943.

Refired Assistant 10 me fnlvrnofional PreJiJcnt William McBride served as 0

F/;gh, line fngirtHring OHictn'in 1M: U.S. Anny Ai,. Corps During the war. He Is shown here in 1945.



Above, Retired Infemationof Represen fCtive CoI'I Brown served in the U,S. Navy from 1942 10 7946. He saw combo, in the North Atlantic. and in the South Pacific. He ;s shown her& in '946.

Nick Marino

Abov. righ" Refired ISEW momhor Nick Morino .. rrod in the U.S. Navy from 1942", 1946, reaching the ronk 01 Electrician's More 151 dou, He sow duty ;n the

North Arlon';c, Mediterranean, and the South Pacific. He iJ pictured here in 7942.


Above left, Reti~ I8EW member F",n/c Story serrod in the U.S. Anny Air Corp. from 1942 '" 1946. Hero he is pictured in 1943.


Joseph Clements Jr.

Abo ... loft, Refired Local 139, Elmiro, New rorie, member Joseph Clements Jr. setVed ;n the U.S. Navy from 1943", 1946. He_ action in the North Atlantic ond portkipoted in the D-Day invasion 01 France. He is shown here in 1943.

Robert Patterson

Above right, Retired law member Robert Pottersot'l sorved in file U.S.

Navy in the Poem, /rom 1944 fo 1946. He is shown I.ere in 1944.

While their photos were II0f

a\'(,ilable, 'he IBEW Journa l a/}}o walllS 10 acknowlelige other members alltl their

spOllseJ who i,,[ormed us of Ilreir w("rime service. J'Jley are: Vic/or Fumagalli. Tom Fly"" (s ubmilled by Rita F1.vr" ,). f:ugene akeley. Trov Burrell, Jack Currie, Fred Em';n (sllb­m;rred by Eve En'·;Il ). lIeur), Grim, C/llIrles Richeson, mid

Joseph ClIlI{Uwgh •

Pictured 011116 ribbon-cutting coremony, from Ief1 are: /.Deal 58, DetroJl, Mjchigan, Business Manage,. Noel Mullett; Locol , 7, Detroit, Business Manager Robert Sigouin,. Sillrh D;str;cI In ternational Vice Presidenl JomfU Conway; Union Lobel and Sorvi(cs Trode5 Depot1ment Seer-elary-Treasurer Cherles Mercer; I-hew,' AFt-CIO SecrefDry­Treasurer Tltomos Donohue; IBEW In;crnafional Secretory lock Moore,. Union Lobel and Services Trade Deportment Pre5idool James Hatfield; and Arlie Heard, 1BEW oxOCutiV6 oss;5tont 10 International Secrelary Moore.

he 1995 AFL-C IO Union-lndu ·t ri e ' Show, held at

Detroi t ' o bo Cente r. M ay 19-22. 1995, proved

oncc agcl in that buyi ng unio n. and buying menca n

are mutually bene fici a l. Th e show highlights the

many ski lls a nd services o f union worke rs through­

out American industri es. The IBEW "Ambassador: '

I-bew, "tal ked" a nd Iningled with visitors as they

made thei r way to the ma ny exhi bi ti on booths. which contained

m illi o ns o f d oll a rs o f uni o n-made. Am e ri ca n-made goods.

Demonstrations fea tured glass-blnwine. iron working. cake dec­

o rating. computer graph i s. a nd much more.

Vi~ it()1 s abo attcndcu a tr ihute to Ihe union men and women who pro­duced lhe Imu.:hi lH':::::' allLl (tlllliU Iil.;:; nts Ihal wcr . kI..:y to viclury in \.yorld W ar I I. Vivid photos of a hal f-dm'cn union­n'w de vehicles from the war Incl uded a wcapons cHrricL CI command cal'. an i-unhul 'lI1ce , a I r~ c kcd pCI'>.;onnel C,aJ'­

ri e l' Hil d a Jeep , New rea tll r c~ at II1\.: "ho w were a 10.000-~ qll a r c- rOlH


"Unio ll Town Thea ler." where live performance >.;, video prc~enta(ions and

pholos were di ' ptayed: an indoor park where vi:, ilors could hear labor SOIlg.') , huy from a J'cfrc ... hmcnt slltnd, or j ust res t: and an arcu where actors give "soap-box " ~pccchcl-l while portraying union lender'\. of ycstcryc'lr and today, This one-of-a-kl nd show re fl ects union pride 0 1'(\ All1cricu 's best. t

Men and women of orga 1111', ~~ EXIIIIIII OI(S WEill" L(lI.:al 8. TolccJu, Ohill

DCll nb . Duffc ~ . l3u .. i ll" ~~ Manage r;

Local 17, Delroil. Mlchig:tIl Robcrt J. Sigouin, Bu..,inc..,s Manager;

I.ncal 5K. Ot.:trOlI , Michigan Noe l M ullcu . l3l1 :'Ulc~" Mttnagt.: r:

Local 252, Ann Arhor, MiChigan G regory Step h cn~, BLI ., ;n r.:!~~ M :1 nage r:

Lucal 665. Lan::,i ng, J','lichigan Gl:urgc Wi lson. nu~i n...: :, .. M(HHlgt.:r:

A Local r 7, Delre membe,. clemons arcing, showing I ents and chj/dretl clongers. end the various safe~ precautions 10 fal

.-'" -

labor in {{ction.' LOC.l l fl92. B(n' Ci ty .• \l ldll l!a n

1'0111 R)dcl. nU'IIlC ..... l\lllll,I!! .... r

I.IK';t l q.l~ I hn l f\lu.:hil'illl (h;1rl~, \l aT\Il4l1 1 Jr .. UU'IIIC" \Id lhlgcr;

LucolI 1100. \ 1,N1O. lIt:hi.l!.1II Rubal EUJIloncl",. liu"lI1l.''' \ 1 ,1I\'I~I'r.

Lvc.tll )(~.I. ~ I an()n. l nt.llilna

Ru~ Full.! . Ru .. inc ... , 'I;m;ll!cr:

L()(:a l l..J24. Blnlllllin~ l oll. l m,h.IIlJ

Wllham ('~)t.. BII"n.:", M,lIl.I.l!l'r;

L(~iII1 512. J \\'III~I\C"'. W" c,m,m Shirky B ..... kcn . BU\I1I':, ... Mana!!,!!r:

AI righI, Loca/58's

Apprentice and rroining

F.hibjt "" (';ght/ ond

Ii=lij;o;;-, the MolD, Shop f><hibit


I I'H'ill224'), Blllllll1l11glon. Inlh,tn" StC\t.'1I '\Illrman. Bu\ mc.." \1 :1Il :1!!l'r :

I SEW s.( ;;t.), Rockford. \ hehl!!.:11l (il.'Uf.l!c 1...1.11 111.1. Ch;umlJn.

IB.)\ nll'l .o, II(, 1"\( UIII II

en E bl" Branch S.lk .. I hom'<m Con ... um~r L- !t.'...-1111111C'

I'ar:lf!on rlme~" itchc ...

(i ..:nc,,;,1 Elt.:u ri\.' R.,:fng(:riIlm ....

D dTI')11 EtJi"oll

\ 1 J I il.'C1 ric

POlr~ lel.11



A tronaut Vi its IB W Booth

On e of th e' hi ghl i ghts of t he , how

WilS th e gues t appeara nce of Li eu t e n a nt

o rnm andcr Rrent W J"II Jr.. m -' a N A a tronau\. at the IBEW', boo th . Je t t sa id. ··It is

Ueut.no.tc­W . ..... k "'SA- Bren,

.~ ''IM osirunour. ext remel) Importitnt for youngsters 10 continue lheir edu­ca l ion. 1 d id nlll co·mc fro m a wealthy fa mil y. bUI I was fo l'tu­nate to rece ive iI ~cho I H r~ hip al Annapolis lThe N aval Academyl: and had I nol gotten my educa­

t ion. I would not he where I

am loday .. · He emphasiLcd the importance of l abor union s.

saying" nions rcprc~cnl -orne of

the A A mployees, wh,) help mllke our P;1CC hi p·:' Ii"


LOCll/fS62 Build Components Par Baeing's N w 777

or DcWaync Hindman 1 a 22-ycar Local 1362. ed;lr Rapid. Iowa. member w rk­

ing on H small electronic com­p nent in a plant in America's

hcartJand, ii was hard to see huw h i~

work would fi l into gell ing the \"orld"s largest h\ in-engine ai.rcraft orr the ground. Il l' 1"1 a test techmclan for Coliins Commercial A\ionics. a dlvl ­'lOn of Rockwell . and he works 011 backup inslTumcnwlIon for the cockpit of Boeing's new 777 ai rliner.

llowc.!vcr. i l il il seemed lO come togelher when he «1\\' the plane ny. In an emotional momen t at the- ollins plant. Il indm"n and his co-workers \\atched a video of Ihe 77T5 fir-a noghl. I-Ie ~aid cheers \.\cnl up from the crowd when the plane lonk orr. He ,~ ai cl hI.! had a great feeling of "\a l i~faClion see­ing the results of his work 0) sk) ... ,ard.

Fellow long-lime Local 1362 member. \Vaync Seagren. shared I lindman', fecl­ing"i. lie work~ on the side dis­p\;I}S Ihe 777 pllol and co­pilot use 10 view ~ \aflcty 01 mformation. An a\ ialion b u ff who holds a pilot's liccn~l.:.

eagrcn 'i:aid he \Va, "pretty happ)' 10 see it gel off the ground .... Bu t I would have rather been nying II."

Walking into the COCkPII of Ihe 777. it i~ ca~y to sec why eagren would like to be al the conlrol . With it's fu ll­color liquid-cryslnl d isplays (LCDs) the cockpit look'i: like a combination vi rloo eam -Star War> space fig hler. Many of lhose L D~ . along with much of Ihe other high·tech gadgel ry which illlows the plclllC t gel 10 wht.'rc i t '~

going. are mode by Local 1362 mem­bers in Cedar Rapids.


Fly-by-Wire The elect ronics in the 777 BTl! a step

ahead of what 's being put o nto other com mercii!! uircrMI. " Il 's new technol­ogy: ' said Local 1362 IlI cmhcr Theod"l fc J Ie ....... ;. 11.: "" h . .'chllician iH

Collin.." He \\urJ..~ un ~OI1lC: of the 1110\1

cUlling.edge cquiJll11l.!nl on Ihe plclnt-! . iH. fligh l-COl1l1'ul \), ICI11 . I t'!!I ca ll ed "ny-h)-wirc:' ,and 1\ rr.:phtCc .... lhc mik ... and mile, of hea\ y hydr:llI11rs and cah le on ce neede d to sleer large

777 Pi!ol Jock Horefond eJCpJoio$ the plane" IIy-by. wire ~rJfem. The )fondby ;mlruments buil, by Locol 1362memben ore the three, smoller# verrj.

colly $tocked, squoredis­play, 10 iIoe left

01. oncl above, Horeland's finger.

plal1c'i, rhc II) lh ·

lnlY h il:-. u:.cu a vcrl-l ioll of ny-by­\ \ II'L' lor ~ome 01 il ~ fH.lvanccu

lightcr j c t~ for :o.cycrnl ) cars. hu t the 777 " the ro", American com ­mcrcm) JL'I 10 u~c

thl! 'Y'ICI11. 777 pilot Jack

lIa rcl alld . who IHI' f low n th e nc w plan e ror

United Ai rlinclI>. snid nflhc ny·hy.wire !:Iy~tcm . "Tho.! rCa~on il \ he re is weIgh !. Weight equate, 10 rud hum:

fucl burn t'qUdh..·.., 10 11l .. H1~) . '0 the \\ hole procc~.., 1\::1\ c.! ~ moncy for 1I!!1 ,and saves mone~ for the p",senge ro; , It also add~ to our ride. it hclp:-. the ride go a lillie I\l11oolhc r,"

Pilut Jim lIndel \ ("lOU. 'IUIIlp, Ilc,xt to Harelalld in the 777 cuck pit the day before the plant.!·s IIrq flight \\ ith pay· ing ra~sellgcr~, .... a id the ny.hy.\\ ire is "wonderfu l. it rcal ly 1'\. It'o; ca~y It ) fl y. il Il ie, like a , m,, 11 IBoeingl 737. YOll

don ', feel this gn~ at I1U l1l:S bl!hind you at all . He poin ted to II " re lan d and S<lld. "Look al him. he '~ been 'il11i ling ror four da~, , "

lll!.! "'y..,h:m. explained lie ' . \\ork wilh three corn pUlers. The pilo t 1110\ cs <:1 tr<1dllion a l-looking yoke. which !tend!) the I11c .... ,agc to the c mputers,

The computers then send electronic meso;ages to the naps and other In v· able ,urfaces to make lhe desired muvement or di rection change.

working to Build The Best

Formel LUCCI I 1362 Bu '\il l c~, tan­agcr-I:"jnancltll 'ccrela r~ Juhn Uy ,, '-lid that not only I' he proUlI of Ihe prod~

ucls hi, IlIcll1hl.!r~ huild for Ih ~ 777 project. hut fol' the manner in which thoy bu ild them. lie ,u id hb locill i, working with thei r l: ll)ploye r to maxi­m iz~ d ficlency. while at the o;",me ti l11l!: giving "'ath cmployee the biggc!)\ !:III)' in hi , or her \\Clrk cm'ilOll mcll l.

Twenty·one-year oca l U6:! mem­ber Jeff) Vuicha lu \\n:, a prune I11O\ l!r in c:-'ltlhlishil1g o ll in:,' ... e lf-directed work 1I,::.tms rhe Ihrea:·ycar·nld-pro­gram. VUlchard ~ai u . is !;,till III its infant) . II aJlo\\ the \\ or\..cr.., to lI1an­age thel11lid\e ..... Icltll1g l11anngcmcnl

know \\'hen overtime 1:-0 nee lled and what tuob illt.: nct:tlcd tl..1 do the job. Hc said . " \Vc fill hu vc onc goal : to bui ld qU:1\i tY rrnduc!s with Oil -l ime deliv('ry to the \,;u~tomei' , "

For T C!'I I Tech nician Seagren. work­ing 10 build Ihe hcsi mc},"! ~pcnding a 101 of lime In the lab \\ ilh the engl­m:crs den:loping Ihe I1C\\ L 0 equip­ment he "a~ then expecled to PUl together am.llcl,;,l ~I he previous gene r­alion of cock pu 111 trUnlcn!s worked \\'ilh cathmJc-ra) oluhc li::chn log). like I he screen on It Idl!vision set. L I) I ~ n fl a l dlS- pl;;l)' now bClng u~ed in ..,OnlC

lap-top co mput er scrcc n ~ . eagrc n said he worked for six l1lonlh ~ to a year ill Ihe lab tn h.:Hrn how the ~ys­tems. espeCIally th e ba c k ~ lig hl 'ng .

worked. He :,tt id hi:, lab \\urk greatly help~ him on the juh toda) .

Quality Was the Key Tht! o; t akc~ on qualit) \\ ere Plctt)

high fo r I hc 777 prolec!. BO" ln g (Comll1ued 011 PlIge;/ )


"E ven Ih" "uvO<:"I'" (If I rtu.l icaJ ckclric lItillly t1 c rcg111a ~

l iun in Wi~cons i n l ." ~aid Loca l 2304. MmJ i~ol1 . \Vi:-;­con'll1 . Prcsi(knt -Busincss M(l IlHgcr DlIve Pok l in· koski, ",ay II is (I had idee! who c lime has comt!." It seems the pu\h for rau it.:a l cJc f cgulutiun has reached \Vi .. con~ i n , a 'Ila i c with :-,o rm::

of th e.: Iuwe",l Uli li ly r;'l1c~ in America. nOI OUI ~)r nccc"ily. hu t by :-..hCi.l 1

mome nt um m011l.; nt um I r om the Fc.:dcral I:m:rp.y Regulil to ry Cummi:,­o.;lon , frOI11 ac tIOns 111 Illhcr ~tatcs li ke Ctlli fnrnia. unt! rrom large inveslOJ'-1I\\' IH.':u dccl1i(; uti li ties ill Wi~l!on si n .

Il'S 1hal nwml'ntUIl1 that Pokl inkoski

HIllI hi:.. coali ti ol1 !-In.': working to sluw down. $0 Ja r Ihcy' rc ~ uccccdi n g.

The Wiscon..;i n Pu J-lI ie S~rvicc Com­mi, ... ion (\\I I'~ C) ha~ ta ke n a slightly

di ffcrt.! ll t dpproach to dcrcg~lhll i ng th~

clr.;ct r i c ut ility inoust l)' than othe r

'ti.llc:o. ISec "On th l.! Dcrl.!g ul<ll io ll Fr,)nl ill Cn l lfurnia .... ·· I BEW .lO/mllll. July I{N.). Page RI. The \Vis-1.!()lhlll ('oln llli o.;s io n has hasically lIS\C l'tI.:u lhll l it inl~I1 J ~ to proceed with tlcl'cgulat illll . Hnd the n ~a i d it \\ iI'" looking lor (I1rect iOl1 1111 how best

1O achieve Ihal goa l.

A little History Thc cu rrent 'ly~kl11 of rl.!gl1iale.d.

monopDly, de,":11 ic utili t il.:s C<.l l1lc out

of fi.:dtrillir .j"Ii-ll inn in the mid- 19.1Os, I n til..: IY15 I' lloli e Uti lity Ii nkli ng

COmpi1l'1) Act. lIt i lilic~ wert.:' gran ted a monupoly III c,"changc rllr lhe oblig,l­l ion to sen..: l hl.: ir cll" t 01l1I.! r~ i l l the

publit' mten.':, I , Sliltc fl'glilato ry bod ies wcr ' c,labli , !lcd to n.:prc~cn t thi,; pub­

Itc. and to ell"iurC a rC~I"i(ln:lblc ra le or ret urn rur the utililic:, lit th o...: lowe~ t

po\~iblt..: CO", I 10 t h ~ Cll"it011lC r.

In \Vi,con'lI1. and in sevenlJ other \tall:~. the Public Service COllllll is~ilJn

went h~ytJl1ll \" lIpl y ~L:ltiflg nlln by I..! lIgaglll p. ill Inng-te rm p!:ll1l1 ing. Ut ili -


(BEW-Ied Coalition Deregulati

The jIg/II o\'er d{, ,,, 'gll'fllm~ tile l'Iectrk Willi.

illt/w./n' il hdllR 1I 'ltg~,t! (If! aU()j'\ IIIr.: UII;/Ct

Sfmi'.,. ('wuu/" '" nIH) looking all)O,\lihlc deregu

Imin l! I'l'oJlIJ,Iwh /'II(' folloll 'm~ ;'f 'he l{lfe im.ltllllll(·fII i ll IIIl' lO[W Journal\. c.:u lltilillin

ere ..... ties :lWllnd !he 'illi te :11'~ requ ired to

coordillHtl.! their l! ;"pi1n~ i on ilnd cut­oacl\.l.; ~(l a~ to provide the most effi ­cient (lowe:,1 CO'll) Hllll safc~t service 10 CU\t()lIIL:I\. rhc n':'iult ... have been impre'>"'lvc: WI:-.consin hal.; the Ihi rd

I nwc~1 t.:.iL:ctr ic ratel.; i ll A merica Hnd the lowe ... t I'al t.: 'i i n Ihe Midwest.

What's 011 the Table Thc I lIo~t Jadicall'liI'l:' undel d i ~cl.l s­

'ion by Ihe wl'se today wcre pll l for­WilnJ by th..: :-.t<ltc·~ I lIrgl!~ t ck:et r ic Ul lllty. W i,con'iil1 Fkcl ri c Puwe r

CUIll P" ")' (WEI'CO). and ,,,w lher large ulility. Wilicon\in Power Hnd Light (W I'& L). rhe WEI'CO a nd \VP& L plal1:>, ca ll rllr \Vi~COIl:.,i l1 dcc­Iric COIhlll11er'i to he able 10 IlcgOl.im...:

,I priCe fOl powe r lrom virtudlly any power producer they choo~e. \"'EPeO an I \VP&I. lah'l their plan!\ " d irect accc~s." hut 111 0:" t pC\l pk kno\\ th~

ider! il~ " rewil wh eel in g," WEPCO and \VP&L a rgll~ th "l rtl1C'S wi ll go duwn. hilt lI1any uther" Jbagrcc,

Ret,lll wheeling 1.!'i,-;cnli<lIly uve r­

turn:. lh~ iLl !;!a that powe r production Hll d ddivcry mu~ t hL: ill the puh l ic in teres t. II (lVcrt ll rn~ lite iLkiJ of enol'­

dinn tcu plnllnin p. of growt h in the illdll ... t ry, II thl'Cjllcn ... not only th e cus­tol11er 'o:; all il i lY 10 recei ve reliahle and

affol'dabl..: Pl)WCf ;J ba:.,i<.: nC(L:~Si I Y­

hut il (1 1",0. dlle 10 r.,;uuccu mai nte­nance. threil l l'l1"i Ihe puhllc .... ,arcty.

The Coalition Fighl5 Retail Wheeling

In ;1(.IOi1io l1 10 Ihe tli l'cat"i to electric COJl!,UIl H.!f:.,. retai l whl.'(!l ing also pre­

.... ~ Il t~ a n1aj<H' thl'Cill to utility cmp loy­ees. !1 ';C il lI '-;C wh~lI Ill ilitic ... cOInpetc


ting Rad!cal Utility WisconSin

o.'crllgc of 1111\ OJlI-:{JU1f~ l'o/milt' i,\~H(,. For ilIOn'

',/ormfllwII 011 dt'ft'J.:U/(lliulI Will '{'I"iI wh£'l'lmg

'Jegu{illfillj{ it /HICI ' (IJ/{I ImVlfIg POh'f'f direct/v "'um iH' prot/liar). \'1' (' " I 'rvdudl/g 11u: POWl!!' /(J

~/J(mge. "II3E\ J UUIIIHI. Jllh· /W5, Pagp-l.



oes hcau· to·lu.:atl on price. on..: of th..: fir", co"I'" lh('~ .He liJ..t: I) to cut I~ their manpuwcr. ~o. a\ It ha" III California ami ill olht:r stat..:s. the talk oj Ict ~lil

whee li ng ha, t:ncrgi7cu the IBF\V 1l1cmbcr\ III \Vj\consin in to i:H.: tion . In Wi\cnn'\in . they have ~()I11C inll!fC\I·

ing dll1c~. BlI~ i nc'i!ol Manager Poklinko .. ki anu

Loca l 2304 have joint::d \\ ilh the o ther I B \II l(lcal unions in t h~ , tat ,', I!nvi­ronmcl1 l :l1 groups, m unicipa l ..: Iccl ric u tili t h.:~ anu dcctric coopc fmivcl.;, lhc AlIll: rit.:all As'\ot:ialinn of Reli r'cd Pe r­o,;,on\, the \ Vbculisi n All iance o f (,iti~~.

Ihl! Wi:-,c(Jn~ in Farmers' nion . and tht! \ VrM;ol1o.;in Fcdcrnl10n or Cooper­(lI ivc~. The coalition 'let 10 \\o rk on d(!vc l upin~ an a lt c rmlt ivc to let;Irl \\ Ih.:cllilg. d "Iau P tJ l lillkv~kl t:dlb "Th~ Pub lic Intere,t Modd " It .., hnu ltl he r'ch.!a"icd soon. lie .,aicJ he al~o hope", 10 integrate till: VIC\\\ 01

uli l il~ uniun~ rcprc'\clll in g olher crafh. I Ie 1,\ ca ll1llg for a rnecllng in carl) Scph:mhcr for all ",Iflle lit iii!} UIllOIl". iI\ well a" lho~e from ncip,h­bOring. .Irca,. to plan ~Ir;.t t eg).

In the prucc..,~ of working un I heir retaIl wh!.!clrng alternathe. the conli ­li .. m 'Hotl.' a polic~ staIL'mcnl ~ltlTlg forth their ~harcu \ i"ioll. II rcau" In


" Il c\t! ucturing. of \Vbcon~in '~

ciectric utility industr} i~ a major ~ncial pol icy i'\:o.uc ami \Imu ltl hc tll.:-.Ilcd . 1"1 'lh .. h. \Vi:\CUII"I1iI h.I' d

trad ll lon of regu lator) cU ll l ro l that ha ... ,crvco uti lity COIl\UIIlCr\

\'cr~ ,\-eli. \Vi'cons in can ooa\t one 01 the finl!q \<lrety and 1!.!11a­hility I ccUld~ ill the electric p(l\\er ilH.l u"'try .... In ~hort .. th i, ~HHc h:t~ a utili ly ind ustry th,,{ work~ wry

n well under cx il\llng regulatory ~Iruc ­

lure. ~I ho'c \\ ho , e ek tn rdd i call~

chang.e thc ",y ... tcm mus t dcl11ono;;lnlle why '\uch chan~c i ... nccc"'!'Ii.lr~ and ho\\

~uch chang!.! \\uuld hl'ncfll con· ~umcr\

The cualitron statement goc.., on to lilOt under \\ hat circulTI~tal1cc~ change in the current ~) stem would be :lCC4..'pt· ~b l e. " If change i:-. to occur in Ihe eke .. lrie u tility induslr~ , " the 'lntcmc nl c.:ontlllue • "the change ITIU!)t not '\m:ri ..

fice: sa felY and rellahle service: fair and refl"ionable pnces: t..'m ironlllcnta l pro tection and e ne rgy co nscrvati 11: economic dcve lopmcll t: and ecollum ic dficiency,"

The cmlli l iol1 held prc~s cI.1Ilfc rCl1 ccs (t nd ra llies. and test ified at cou ntlc~'\

hcaril1g~ ami meellng"' .. For his p~lrt.

Po klrnko"ki focused o n thl! uange r that defe rring !l)Uin tcnHncc coulu \pe ll fo r customer>;' power Itcrvicc. thei r 'afet , un d th e safct) of ut i lil y emp loyees .... , kepi hamlllering aWi1Y a l thl.: \dfl: ty and reliahili ty i,sue," ht;

..,aid . "and no one CQullJ rcfmc what I \\'a"i saymg..

Peuplc wcrc appmcntly Ir .... lcnlng. Poklinkoskl "as apPOinted to a 22-member· bluc rihhon pa nd ch<1rged wtlh the rc'\ponsihllil} of rCCOIllI1lCHu­Ullt :l plnn of action to the \-VP later thi~ ~umlT1c r . Panel mt!mhcr/\ come from all 'ilde!J of the deregulation 1!o"UC. anu progrcs~. accorulIlg 10 Pnk­Ilnkn .... J...i 1~ ~I()\\ Bu t nOl1 c th cl ... · .. \. pro~n.:"'::, I!) being mudl.!.

Poklrnlo .... ki feci.., that than k, 10 Ihe carl) and qrong gra~~ rO~lh oppo:,i lion tll the must radicHI derl.:gul;Hion

plan!oo.. Ih..:: coal ilion ha, a good chance 10 makl..' the tlllal d crcglliathlil plan. if th.; rc j.. nC. far mor ... · fa Hll"ahh.! to IBE\V Illl.:l11ncr.., Hllll the gClleml pli O­til: . One th Ing hI..' know"! for ~ urc. the fight i'l fa r from OI/l,:L ,


.'.to l "(:lun •• ... C"'II; 11IUln ••


E MAVfAl. ().

nch ycn r.IB EW Internationa l Vice Presidents hold meetings where repre~

sc nt <ll ivcs of all loca ls within their respect.ive di~ tricls .... re invited to pnrlicipatc. Known as progress meetings, Ihest! conferences provide fill opportu nity for locals to share their own expe riences and d isc liss iss lies and strntegies from an intern<l1ioJl rl l ;)nd dis tr ict-wide perspect ive. T his YI.!H I" S first progress meeting on the

calendar \Va tha i of the Ninth Dist rict held in Palm Springs, Cal iforn ia, the 5 I SI Bll llua l such meeting.

Nilllh Dist ri t Vice Presiden t S.f{ . McCail n st rcs,cd orga n iz ing at the I'nccting, especially its importance in ma inta ining the. IBE W 's posilioll as .1 strong. crrective voice for wor kers. lie reported o n the orgunizing success of v(1ri LI S I cals in the disLr ict and the gr Wlh ill membership. including al' ilH..:r~ (t sl! (Ir 2; 164 .. A'; Inelnb(;1 s. Vice Presiden t Me anI' told the delcg:"ltcs about the nHlIly organizing and ed Llcn~

tional programs held for loca ls ill Lhe dist rict. including O M ET. M EMO. and sh p steward tra ining.

Addressi ng the ddcgiltcs WC rt.; the I BEW's Iwo lap [nte rnal ion al O ffi­cas. I nt~rIlfHi on('t1 President J. J . Barry st ressed tha t the principle that nil work Ims uignity was badly eroding in ,ocicty today. He sai d thaI the fB "W mUS1 rl!sr omJ with vigorous efforts in organ izing. lra ining. and the develop­men t of inlluvHlivc programs.

Ili ternatio nal Secrclary Jack Moo!'e assl:rt!.:d that the political d imatc in



, President Barry (Iefl), 5&cfelolY Moore (second from the right),

ancJ Vice President McCann frighr)

presenl Local 48, Portland, Oregon, Busine!S Manager Ed Bomes with the OUfslonding COPE

Contribution Award. The mem­

bers af Local 48 confributed on

average of 537. ld to COPE,

the I,ighes, per member conlTibu­flon in the dijlrict.

Un it ed t(l tes was in hos­pi tab le tu the well being of wor king families. and urged members to become involved ill the polit ical process to correct , ha l imbalance. He noted that the Nint h Dis tr ict has a !"trong. record of s.u pporl ­ing IBE W -C OP E. ca n· trihu lin g. SJ52.0 t)() in the last elecLion cycle.

Thl! del ega tes partic i­pateu in works hollS 011

Sharlene Bonnemaison of I.ocal Union 2 131, Oaklanel, Co/domio, choired the fourth annual Ninth Djjtrict Women 's Can(erelKe.

Tnt e rnational xccutivc Co un cil hai rma n Clyde Bowden. lEe Sevenlh D is­Lric t mem ber T homils Sweene.y, Regional Direc tor Diln Mc Peak o f the Naliona l Electrical Con~

tra l,; l O I ~ A~M'l.: j l:lt i tl ll , a nd Director ROyctHl Sa nfo rd o f the lB EW Human Se r-vices IJcparl lllcnl .

Prior to the opening of the full progress meet ing;

phase two of Lhc COMET const ruction orTan izing program and On ~tratcg.i cs

for industria l organizing. The lelegates iriSO broke in to smaller gruu ps La c!is­CII~S i ~ucli re!cvant to their pU l' licu lar i lHJ lIsl ricl'.

AI~IJ addressi ng the mecting. were:

many or Ihl.! de legat es ~Ittt!ndcd Ihe fo urth an nua l Ni nth Dis­t ricl \V omen's onfcr !l ee. T opi cs addressed at the meeting included thc changing demognlphics of the wo rk fo rce, preventi ng anti dea ling wi th scx­tJ ~ll harassmen t, politic.:at action. and other issues affect ing women workers. I L


Get Wired! Get I BEWnet is the IBEW's own lane on the information highway.

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ere's what you get for $12.95 per month DOwn tram.


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Return to: ISEW Research and Technical Servrces Deparlment 1125- 151h Sl. NW. Wasllinglon. DC 20005. FAX: 202-728·6056



Labor Legislation Protects You, The Wori{er Pal" \-1 nions Gain L('~ilil1la('~ \ s Rt'I)I'('S('III<lliws ul' \\url,c'l's

" OI'kel's' \{h orale: 8('lIalor RolwrL E \\ugller ( 1Il77-19"'3)

Scmllor Rohert F. Wagner. a

champion or conomic j ustiee for worke rs, was born in Gem,any in 1877. and cmigraled to cw York il> around 1885. lie obla.ned his law degree in 1900; then. as a New Y rk tale enator. earned a reputa tion as

an advocate ror progressive social legislation.

Afler servi ng seven years as a ~lale ,;uprcmc court justice. Wag­ner was elected 10 Ihe U.S .• n­a lc. He consislently intro c.luccd

legislation favorab le 10 labor and Ihe unemployed. He helped draft Ihe atiooal Indu'lri,,1 Recovery Act. I he Federal Emergency Relief AdminiSlralion bill. and Ihe law which eSlab lished Ihe Civil ian Conservation Corp~.

In 1935 Wagner spon red IwO bil ls which co nt inue 10 a ff~ct

Ihe American pub lic: Ihe Soc.al


ecuri ly Act and the a liollal L.1b r Relation, ACI (NLRA). He also championed nntional heallh­care legisla tion. hut hili efforts in Ihal campaign proved frui lle , .•

I n 1935 S.:na lor nuberl F. \VHgncr (D. I. Y.) introduced Icgi'\ lalion

\\ll1Ch 1,110 Ihe o,l:l1l1 tory founua ti uns, or prc'ent l~,h()r I;w,: the aHun:11 Labor

Ilclulilll1' ,\ <1 I LRAj. "he LRA. i,1 1,,0 kllo\l,n ;1 ... th..: Wagner /\ CI. and ib

")u h'leqUl,.'nl ~II1lClllllllcnt' IOtla) pro­\ ide the prinwr) body or labor I,w,

a ffecting worker, 111 till: p rivate ... ector.

Thi ... h.:gl,hHlon ~"'lahh .... hcd a fram\1 -work \\ilhll'1 wluch lahnr and manage­

ment lIH!IIl'cl\ c, can \hapc the ir \\orking cnnciilinn\.

"loR \ C:ulliailis S\\r('p in~ ''J'misiolls

Scn\ltor \ ago..:r 1x:lic\icU hi", Icgi~la­

lion \\(Julu fll., tCI· c(ononliC and '\nCI3I

pfOgr"" for Ihe Untleu Slale,. 111C LR cnUmlJralC'io ,uh,lanthc work­

cr\' right ... nod CI cille~ feoci al machin­

cr} to enforce Iho ... ' right ... , Section 7 i~

the Corncr:, IOIlI! of the act. It ~ Ialc..'s

tlHee hHl\i c right s of \.'Illp loyecs deemed c,l"c nllalto c,t:lbli, h equi ty of pO\\Cr Pdween the capita l .Ind other rC~OllrCl:S of t he employer ill1d Ih e concer1cd dfnrtc; 01 the cl11ploycl:s 10

rcalilc t!C(lIl OITIIC gain from the ir labor. Section 7 !'I I ale .... :

I:.mploy('£,,\' '/1fI1/ "(H'e /11 Ihe ril{lli 10 H.,I · or.~alll :mhm. to form,

IIJIII Of (I\,wl labor or){(/lfiai tiOlll,

/2} In IUlrgoiIJ (,OIl('I'liw'l\' thmugh rt'pn' \ <"'lUtltl\ 'l' .\' () thC'ir OWN ('/100\"­

illJ,:. lIllll /3/ If) (' / IK(IKl' ill OI11l' r

coII('I'I'Ic'1I (It'tll 'ff ie'S /01 Ihe IJwpm(.'

oj c(J llt'nil'f' h{/r~lI;!l ill~ ur Oili er Illuri/(// nirl or ()I ·()II't ·rion ....

SCL:liOI1 H ~pcdfil.:~ 5.cvera l unfaIr Ja h(lr pr.lclicc .... in which employe rs might engage to prevc!n l employees from cxcrci ... ing (h ' i l Section 7 rights.

Employe" ca nnOl kgil ll):

( I, hfl(" /"'f! wilh. fe,H I'll;" , ur foerC'i! ('mploy<'€,\ til tlw en!fci.'ie of thc' ,·ighu }:,lIuf,,,,teel/ til St'c/i,m 7 ...

(2) DOlllmllll' or mt"fJi're "ith the tor/llalum 0'- mlmml_\tralum of ,1/1\'

lahof org(llli:.mioll or c:omrib"te fimmcial ur Oilier l'UPI}()(t /() ic. ..

(31 /3\ d,.\c,.imlluuhm ill n'gllrtl to

hin' Of temlrl' of f'lIIp/mllle", or om 1,.,111 0,. nmdflioIJ 01 t''''plvy· 111('111. .. {'Jlcoura;.:e or discourage I1If'mhen/up III (/11\' lalJOr urglmi·


(-I) Di\c!wrKl' or fJI"('rwi~e di~·

ll'",,,,,,II(' a ,': tllIHI "" i'ml'loyee hecllIl\{' Ill' lu'-\ filed clUlr,~t'~ or gIl "II h'';lImoll.\ muler (111) fiIL'I/. .. (5) Refmt' to bllrgmll C()I/'clH'f~/.\

nt"h tllp n 'pn· \(·IItall1'e.\ of hil t!mplo\'('('.~ /111 a hllf!;IUllIlIg tllli,

deemed upproprime by tllf.' NflI/lmal l.llhnr UelaflmH Board/.

The LR provilk~ dn administra· Ihe hody 10 gC)\c rn th<.! Icgi,lalion anu

In enforce the subs lanllv,,; e mployee

nghh nlHi p ro leclion!'! il contain!:>. Sec­Ilono.; :3 through 6 authorize th e

lal jollal Labor Hc la lioll s Hoa rd

(NLIU~ ) anti tlc~cri he thl! dctaib of it.s

operatio n, Incluulng 'CicCI Ion of its mt! l11h e r~ , Sec tio n 9 introduces the

pnnciple of m ajority rule in to labor reldlions: th1)t i~, "rcpra.:l;cntalives

1,1". 11 be l lbignaleu or ,elecled fo r the purposc'\ 0 1 collectivc bargaining

hy the majont o f 1he employca;s . cc l io l1 9 ilbn afford, Ihe N LRB exclusive Ju ri~(hct ion (If ques tions per­

tain ing 10 cmpJo 'ce re i rc"cnla l ion . Section If) bC"itnw~ upon the board CXCIU\IVe j uri",J lcllon ove r thi,; i,;ction X ull fni l' labo!' p l'acti ces ~I nd oUlli nes



Month Yeor 11982·84=1001 11986=1001

May 1995 149 6 133.7

April 1995 149.3 133.4

May 1994 1449 1299

NLR B prucedure. includin g provj . "i ions for judicial re\ iew and COl\r\

enforceme nt of board ordl!rs.

Thn -llm'l h'~' '\mrllds I~I ,R \ BClwl!~n 1935 and 1947. un ion

memnersh ip c .... cfllah:.d [ron .. a hout Ihrec million 10 15 million, I-Iuwc \t=r. the actions of some lahor o rgani7a ­Lions led many people In believE' the halaoce or power between I11rlOagc­Int:nl and labor had ~llI ftcd 100 Illuch to the labor "lde. Some uppuncn l:-t uf th e NLRA ~()ught ils rt:p~'1 1. , hilc others offered amendments they COn­lended would reSlore the balanct! orig­inall) inte nded in IlJJS. P n.~Mdcnl

Truman vC!ned the lcghltlllon re,>ult­ing rrom th i:.. lIcb~d e. th t: Lahor- 11i,"_

agemenl Relation ... Act. also kno'\ n as Ihe Taff-I la rilc" alllcndmCIH~ lu lhe

LRA. I Ie ,ta lC":

f il l H'oultl rl'\'erw 1hl.' Im.lile tHrec-1;0/1 of Oil/' 1Itll lOJlai lobo,- policy. illjf'ci l<un:mmcllf ima prim/e f!CO­

lIomic ,~{fair.\ Oil an tmprt'c'l'dl'llfn/

scalc. IIl1d cmlmel willI IHr{Jonnm

prmC/ph'J of ollr (/('utOCm/it- \od­ely. II~ prm·i.\iol1.\ Iwwld elll/H'

mo,.(, " trikc;'], /lUI lell'llr. I t would

cO lllrilJlile nelflter If) IIIdllSlrw l

pence nor 10 economh: .\labilil\' ami prugre,n., .. II ('ol/laill.\ .wed, of dis­cord whit'h \I'(JIIld pillglle ,11/\ nfl/iOIl for ylial'\ to cOllie.

Thl: Rl'puh li can-ciolllinall!d Con­grcs"i overrode Trumar"s vdn: and Tnft -HJnley bccan"lc law on Allgll"l 2.2. IY47. The a\l\cndml!n\~ r\,;~ l ric\ cer­tain union activity and ))pl!ci fy certain

f reedoms or ~pcech and con duct to

cmp luycr~ amI inJi viJuill 1..' ll1pln I:L':-.

For CXi ll1lpl '. Til f r- Il ilrl l..:y provisions gjv~ clnpJoyc('~ Ihl! righl 1101 to j ilin a union Of engnge in collective ,",clion, forbid I1 cgu r ia l iOll lI f cln!'!t.:d -'ihup



ISO I J 1'0

130 C~ ...



100 ~ J , , • , I I • • 0 H • " ..

agrel!ll1enlS find rc~ lr iL' 1 pcnni:.,,,,i hility of unlnn-... hup agrl!cmcnl~. :lnd allow cmployL'rs .tlso to Pl.!lllion rur I'cpre­M.·nl tllill il e l ~c li ull" , Pl:rl1iIP~ Ih l.! 1110 ... 1 infillllOU\ of thc"iC pr{l\'i"ion~ i ... Ihe so­called "right-to-" ork" dllusc. \\ hiell pcrmit:-t " hiles and tcrritllri l!" to pro­hibit "I he cxccutlon or " pplica tioll or agreemen l !'! requiring ntClIlbCf!-lhip in a I"bor organi/allon ;1~ ~I condi tion llf

employmcnt." til addition. TH(I-J-!an ­Icy stipulate,," union IIn falr lahor pmc­IIces. ~lIch il~:

• C~llI ~ing or allclllpling 10 caus~ employer di!>.C rirn inHlifm agClin<>;1 an cmrlu~e~ t'tccau",r: or mCl1lhcr~hip or l~l c k lhereof In a 1'-lhor union. exce pl under :t dul~ aut h ori/~d

union-... hop contraCI:

• Rcru"'iing to harg..ain coJJccl l\'cl \\ il h t he e mploye r of clllployct.!s \\ hlrh tile- union rcp r\,;'\cn l ~.

• Requiring emlll())'cc~ l"o\ crcd by a duly aU lhori/cc.I unum-shop ;1grcc­Illent 10 Pil) il1l tia tiu ll h:C\ \\ hich Ihe 'lLRLl find., c~cc~.,ivc or dis­criminntol) :

• Cn u.,ing or ;lIlcmpling 10 C(1 U\C Hl l

employer to pay munc~ or ulht.:r thing 01 value fo r \crvice~ nOI per­fo rml:cl or no l 10 he performed.

On ;'1 pos itl\ c notc-. COIlt! re ~{"

r~ l ili l1 c c.l the ori!!.i ll al ucc!arHtloll or na tIOnal policy conlainl!u in Section I of Iho NLRt\ :

It L\ //{"/,(J/J.\ ,h'dat/!tI to 'n° Ihe polin' of {he U III{fr/ :>/ali',\ to clUlI­

maf(! till' ( 'trIlW', of ruraill .\'II!>.wmT­If(ll n"- IfIIf'1rUln rtJ "u' jn'f' pOU' of f Olllm{' yce {/I/(I to "' i l/~(/I I ' find I,/illl;/J(I/t' ,11(,\(, ,ilHtm crion.\ l1 'hl '"

111(' \' /it/I't ' (J('ctflTl'd tn' I.'IIC'OIlmg­

in}; '"t' PfOCl!U 011(/ fJ1'(I{'('(h lJ'i' II/ t'ull" "rh'c {lrH):,uinilfg (lnd /11 1110-

{{'(ling 'he e.H'rtiw /J\' 11 '01'''('1'.'' (If (/fit [n't 'deJlII u) u,~.\Odllli(!//, self'. (lr).f(/fri~(lli{lII, (II/(/ de"igllatirm of'

U S CPj W lflCm.iSod 0 31nde~ points dumg It'ie las.! month !)I' O_~4. Thf! K1cra<lse dlXlng l/1a past Yfjar was 4 7 Index poo nTa or J2%

Canada CPI f1{Jfoas(ld ll.31noox PO,nts. cilmng Inaia$! monlt1 Of 0.2% The InCf8i1S& during the paS! yew was 3.6 Ii1de~ point, or Z.9%

500" .. U,S. Dep,vtmltnt 01 Laber and StatistICS Gar\ild.1

PIlip-orad by lBEW ~pa"menl oj Researc.h tmd Teehrllcel $tl"llceS,June 1995.

,.t'pf{·\('IIf(lffl '~S of {heir ()I1'Il (Iwt)s­

m~, for l i lt' purpO'ie 0.1 lIeJ;olimiliR flU' (ams IIml ("Omfifium vf their

f!Jllpluwllt!1II or miter mUlII,,1 (//t/ or {)I'OIl'C/ioll.


CIII'I'('nl 1"01'111 Since enaclllle lll of Ih l! I LRA . the

I LR B has r~ndcred dccislon ... regard­Ing intcrprctntion and applicalion of l LRA an" Tart· I-lan le) provi, iun, in ~peci fic c:a"c~. Some NLRB deci ion~ have hl!ncfi[l'd work er,,: o thers have proved more adnlll l ilgeous (0 cmplu~ ~

ers. Congrc..,~ abo has t ried [0 refine both NLR ;.\ a m..! Ihe Taft- Ilarlley tlm~lHj m..: n\ ~ 11.) meet I hl! necd~ o f

\\ orkcri and cmploy~rs.

Tht.! In ... t major set of amelldmenb lO the NLRA i:, th ~ Landrum-Griffin Acl uf 1959. also called the Labur-

lunugclllclIl Rcpnrting and Disclo­sure A Cl (LM RD A) . Thi, law's pro,j'lon'\ regula te union:,' inlern al affai r!! i.IIlU pro\ iuc a "hill of rights" for union mcmber!>.. Tn help ensure d cmocrac~ \\ it h I n unions. lh~

LM H.1) A g\l.mmtees union members the right 10 cercl-ballot election!'! . to :o.pcak for or against un ion policies, to

run for nfficl!. and to slIe for denial of thl.!~": n ghl s. II 'ie ls proced ures fo r increaSi ng c.lue~ or fee~. impo~ i ng. fi nes. lI i:,dplining members. and conducting electiuns, It imposc~ fi duciary respo n­" bil111CS Oil officer~. requires them 10 report ce rtai n nusines, transtlctions and bar~ some persoll!) fmm hulding union ofnce, Final ly. Ih e L~j1 R 0;\ prov i!'Joion~ apply lu every lahor organ i­l<ll!on cng:lg.cd 111 ind u>;[ ry affecling COlmnL'rcc. luc:lUlhng uninn ... , uhject to Ihe Ihilwa~1 1...:lhor Ac .. <tlld almnst al l lIlllon au mll'I~ l raliw hod ics ("uch as CI

(.: 1)nfcr l,.:!1Cc, ,yqcm board or general cllmmiuce). ':



Saskatchewan Local 2067 Sets the Pace For Job Continuity Responding to the thrcat of dereg­

ulation and other major ("h;mgc~ in the electrical utility industry, Busi­ness Manager-Financial ccrelary Nei l

ollins and Assistant Busine s Man­ager Gord Laverdiere have bee n acllvely laking steps 10 ensure job :.-occurity fUf till:: 1.400 member of Regina, aska tehew"n, Local 2067, The companies that employ Loca l 2U67 members arc i:lskPower. Prairie Coal Company, and the ci t)' of wift Current.

Saliik Power. the largest employer, has swi tched its operations to bu incs~ UnIlS-3 joint cffor' between SaskPower and Local 2067 to iden ti fy am.i change areas of opcmlions. The

stnllcgy wm. to assess the co~t of opcr­fl l1l1 f . previously separate operations, such a:, electrical tfi.l n snt ission~ and Ch,:cLrical distribu tion and combin e both into one operation or bu,iness uniL The focus: to reduce expendi­tu res by $100 million.

aid Assista nt llusi nc . ~ Manager Laverd iere. ·· He lping Sask Powcr in the devciopment of business units is empower i ng our workers . It is a major goal Ito hdpi SA kp "cr to survive in a competitive eleclric utility busines And e nsu res job security for our member,. \Vc also had a dIrective from the a,kpower prc~ic.lent that lhen: will not be an) layoffs."


Empow(~rlllcni Strategic ' InCOl'llOral c '1\'aining

Loc,,1 2067 l11embers have a ttended mUlua l·galn bargaining training classc:, with Sask Powcr. and over 100 labour ;'"Ind management personne l have taken the course. And for the firs l time, joint ncgotia l ion~ cn lcrcd into. using the mutual-gains bargmn­ing <'I pproach. have been mure amica­ble . "nn " ,ati,factory OUlcome is expected. As~istanl Business Man ­ag.er La,·crdicre reportetl that t\ 0 education conferences were held- tht.: laltcr a l the end of 1ay. at which mcmher were briefed by Int erna­liulIHI Vice President Ken \Vood~ on the ,tate of the util ity industry. And 111

spite of dire predictions, Local 2067 rcprcscnlillive continue to lrain and inform their members. as well as eek way 10 keep the member.-. working. through jointly dC\'elopcd techniques to remain competi tive. I

adian-Built Cars/Trucks/Vans


" 00 RII~ " Union· '\sscmhlr(J \ rhiclcs A promi cd in the April isslIe of the 18£\1' iOlfmlll. here is a list of the vehicles thai arc union-made in Canada:

General Mo1ors: LUlllina-Osha"" Chrysler: Eagle Vision- Bramlea



Regal- Oshawa Monte Carlo-Oshaw" ("' of 2114/94)

·Chcvrolct/CK Pickup Trucks----Oshawa

M Sierra (Trucks)- O 'hawa amaro- leo Thcrc~c

Fi rcbird-Sre. Therese

GEO Mct ,u: G EO Swift : GEO Tracker

Suzuki Sidekick

nlnd Marq uis t. ~1l10mas

rown Victoria t. Thomas Windstar Mini Van- Oakville

OF-Series ( 150, 250,350) Pickup Trucks-Oa kville

Source: Natiolla' AIlIOJl/oMf". Aero,span! (Jml Agri(l({nmd Implt' l1u!1!I Work,' r,,' Uniol! o[CnlPodn rCA IV-TeA)


New Ynrker- Bral11 lea ' Dodge Intrepid-Bromlea 'Chrysler Concord: Chr slcr LH

Bramlea Dodge aravan- \Vindsor Dodge Caravan -V Mini Ram,

Wi ndsor Plymouth Voyager-Windsor Dodge Ram Wag n-Windsor Dodge Ra m Va n- \Vindsor

9401740" erie,- Hali f .. ,

• Som~ vehicles of this model arl! Canad ian-asremhlcd , bUI SOnll: !He ,1t;~~mhll!d in Ol her coun lric" I ~ sure 10 check Ih~ "'Parh ConH.:nt""' Inbc! OT the Vch it.:!c Idenllficatlon J\"umber (VIN) for the !ociu ion of the plant of l10al nsscmbly.

"" Moc:,;l VoJ"os are made 111 Sweden. Uc sure (0 check the slicker 10 ensure Canadian umon-huilt cnrs. Displayed i n the window of each new 'nr. tl'uck or van , i~ the 17 char,u.:ter V1N. The first c11l1r­aCl l.!T o f C:lnadIOln-1TI<1d!.! 'l:hic1!.!, i:-. "2.



IBEW Students Complete OSHA to-Hour Course The O ccupa l ional Sa fet y "nu

H l.!a llh Act plilcc~ certain respon­sibili ti c~ On cmploycT"i; \ hat mo .. 1 working peop le don "' reaJilc i .... that it also places ccr ta1l1 rc\pon\lhth IICS on employees.

Seclion 5 of Ihe Occupalional Safely a nd Health Act ,laiC;;; the follO\\ ing:

Section 5

((I) Ei.u:h ~mplu~cr

J) shall furnbh In cac h of his employees employlllcni and a p lace of employment" hich arc.: frer.! from rccogni7ed hazard!' lhat arc c3 u<;i ng or <.Ire likely to cau\C death or 'i1! r1 01l;;; phy .. ical harm to hi~ e mpluyee ... :

2) ... hall cnmrl~ \\ Ilh nccllpation<ll .,afel) and hCil llh ... 'antlard .... pro­mul,g;lIctiunticr 'hi .... Act.

b) Each employee shall comply wl,II OccliplIthnral la/el), aud heal'h s(Qlldarl/'i nud n/l r,,'e~. regula­'ions, alld orders ;ssuf!d plus/l rllli

to tllht Ael which lire applicable ItJ

his O h lll ac/ioll '; (HId emu/ll cl.

Tn help IBE\\, mcmhcr ... mc!.! 1 their reliirons ibilit ~. the 113 1~ \V ofre red lhe OSIIt\ IO- lI ou r ('ourse 10 III"," 11l r.! l11bcr ... illlcnu ing the ... pnng mC!.! llI1g o f the i'iauonal Safet. Council "'. Labor Oi, i\ion. I \w nl~-ri\'t ' f lt ' !i'gil ,,"\ look au \ anulgc o j t il, ... opportunit y. Th~

o hjec t lves of the course \" ere to i nstruct Ih\,; "I ullt.::nl ~ in the procedure 10 find the Cflrrt!CI OS ll A lltanc.l:1fu", in bOlll 29 eFR 1926 and 29 (TR 19/0. to be nh le to rccogni7t! hai";u d'i 10 the workpl;lcc and Iht: prnccdu fI.!\ to take to havc tho:tl.· ha la rds aba ted .

Th l' cu ur!o.l." \\ ~I 'i taugh t by Tom eiocc. OSHA, afl! !} Ol11mi tlc c e h.tirman . L II(.:: al ln4 . Jc r'lcy City, New Jersey: Fred Ehinger . Recordin g.


Scc rctury and afc l y D lI'cc to r . Loca l 573. Warrcil. Ohio : tlnd Jame' Ollel lo. DlrCclu l . IBEW SafCI) and II calih J)"par llll cnl. I:.ach 01 the llit.\\' In ... truCIOf1oi has hcell ealillcd hl OSIIA 10 leach Ihe cou r ... ~ . nlC IAl \V \\a!o. fortu­nate in that lhrc~ o f the cla~,c~ \\!,:TC taught h) 0 II A nfficl.'r\. Ed Egan. BO'l()n 0 11/\ office. laughl Subpan K. L1celrie"1. John 1'uli­pana. Kdn ... a ... OSIIA uffice. (H ughl Suhparl I. I-a ll Pl'tllCCliOn Ru'Sell Adan". C hicago OS IIA "fficc. cxpldi nc d em ployee righh \\ hen o II A COIHJ uct' a cumplla ll ce in~pccti()n . all t.:mployec·1\ right to

iii..: a complaml. ~lOd employee pr leclion pnwldcci h) Ih" O . H t\OI

lllc ,tuuent ... n:cch..:d Im,t rucllun on c!e,en OS II A 'Id ndard,. l or each .. lilllf..htrcl thc lIl"'U u( t ur~ iLlcnti· fh:d thO'll: \Celio", lhal were 111()'o,1

clled hy O. II A. thll" idenll fYlIlg the COU'!!'" of dCCII.Jelll" IIIlU fn la lil ic" InfonnatHIIl "d' 1I1..,o ghen on aha I ~­men I tcchlllllllC\ lor ha/ .. mh fOlllld ~I

the joh "ite . In .tddi tlo ll tn the C011lplt:h: buok uf

~9 CP R 1926 \Iillltlartk each 'ludell ! received printed mat etiil l ili id ddeo l arh":' t ha i ca n I'll.' 11 .... 1.·(1 to in '\tr ll c t mI.' 111 her ... 01 thei r local union .

IBr\V mcmher ... \\ ho l'um plell:d the cuur ... c ~I IH..I rCl:eh l: u the O . itA 10· I-Iollr our-.l' Crllfic'IIC an::

NAME LU. Kt!n \'\''':I'(II11[1nn 41 rrtll ik , Forman 411 J)a, ,<1 R. Mel e1bn 411 SUI"an 1-:. Rohert... 1~:;

Dank l P. 1 li te 5)1 Ra nda ll Middlcl"n (,(,)

i crald J . Kraut er 673 .lames R. Ilow:lrd 673


feoc.hing the JQ(ety (QI.me were: (from left) Tom Cio<e 01 Ltxol , 64, o;redo( James OzzelJo of "., IBEW Sof.ty and /Ieo/lit Deporlmenl, and FmJ Ebi"9"" 01 Local 573.

Ed Egon (/ehl 01 "., Bo,"" OSHA office, laugh' o doss in Subpcr1 K procNurel, 01J;Jtec/ here by Randoll Middleton oIwol Mol, Mjlwnu~ee, Wi.sconsin.

NAME l.U. Ed\\a rd J. l enox 675 Willi al11 D. "Chico" 1\IeGill 73:' I ollgh" ollom Tn G..-:ne D . Sal11uc!o;on 965 Mi ke PPH': 965 Marilyn J. Jack"on 1377 John Pearl Yate;!" 171H John M. Fauncl.! 1718 Alfred C. I ,'urrow IHO'I Dan C'hmi lar IM05 K cnnl'lh Dig.g~ lS05 Rogcr W. M icllacl 2035 Roher! I) Sll70k 21 'ill Bob Bor"'lich 2150 \Va) Ill.' MorgHI1 ~1'iO

Robert M , Ilullh.:r 21'14 Ronald A . Kas in'\k i 2154 Fran k Fontan" 2154 I I


F Of allllo..,t ~O years. thl: TBEW

1111' .~\\aHl .... d Fuumlcr-.' Schul·

ill'lh IP'" to I BE \V mt:mbc rs

who i\~ pire to enhl1llce I lll~ ir

career s kill~ th ruugh colkgc or univer­

si ty swJ y in electrical - and labor ­

related field;. In 1%6 the IHEW

Instllu ted it" Found .... r·( ~cho l ars hip

Progr,am primarily a.., .tI way tu hUTlor

Ih e ..,ki ll 1I. dc dicm cd wireme n and

linemen who organi/c c.I the Bro ther­

hoou i ll 'ovcmbcr 1891. Member~

cumpete fo r .. I maximum of 12 annual

scholarshIps ror college or u\H\,ersity

stUdy leading t(l Bachelor, degrees io

field" rnnlrihll liv(' 10 Iht: development

anu improveme nt or t he e lectr ical

inu ll".tr). ilm.liualc:, from all hranches

of th!.: union arc eligib le for the

a\\ard~. Ul a ratio of on~ :-.cholarship

lor C\'Cf) 25 qU:lilficd appl1c<-In ts or

major (fac tion thereof.

I~ I

Congratulations t(

Before the seledion procen began: {(rom left} Research and rechnicol Serviclu Dcpor1mCn' Diredot' Ken EcJwordS; Con Behnlctt; Joseph f . Peschel~ 5J.; Garlo"e Grohom Howell: Internolional Presiden, JJ. Bony; and International SeerelDl")' Jack Maortt.

The Selection Process


The. cholar!'lhip election Com­millce cho~l' the awa rd winners in early M~'y. Members of this yea r's committee were Garlill1e Graham

I h.)wdl. PA. deputy ~xccu ti vc

<.hrCCHH. 5lan · Amencan Free Labor InstitUlc: Cart Behnke. vice prc::. h.h.·n l. - dbon Electric Institu te; and Jos.eph ~ . Pe'\chel, .J .. Jesuit

upcrior or Milford. Oh io. and Lex­

ington. Kcntuck . and di n:ctor of SpirilUa l ity Til,, 1 S u '\u~ins. RUTHI

MOl.ln tilin F:1il h ' upport Proj ect.

The co mll1itt!.;: !! ~xami lled tbe recnrJ ~ of I,:veryon c who fu lfi lled the app l ic~ltiu n requirements. Each

nppllca nt had to !'I uhrni l a form al

applicljliUIl ~ t a lin g coucutional

goal.. a resume:. It:u l!rs or reCOnl· m cnLiA l ion, Jlcndcmic tnln scripls .

SA T or IT !\COH!S. und an essay

de!icribing the henefit:, uf Ihl.! schol· arship rrograll"l for the BrOl hl!r ­

hood and Ihe ch:clrical indu:-.lry. In lt.!rnatioll tl l Prc::, iclcnt J.J . Ban-y

~nd Int e rnaliol1<l1 ccre la ry Jack Monre firm ly bel ieve th:-II the bet ­

ter CdL1Ci.Ht:! u un ion mcmbcrs ::Ire. the more capable they are of iUlIl ­

<.f l ing any ..,iIWl1ion . In <1dd ition . I!Jucat ion ha!'. a rip pl l.! effect. Its benefi ts affecl not onl the student. bul the ~ lu th! I1I ',,: fa mily. com mu­

nil Y. e mployer. fe llow work e r~ and

cuunllc::,s olher,. Therefore. conlin­Ulng educa t ion and tntiOlng ;He

among the highc~ 1 priuritich. III the

IB EW. Brothe" Barry "od M oore are plea~ed 10 announce the reci pi­e llIS of the 1995 1131:. W Fo unde r '

Schola rs h i p~ . a nd they hope these members' ach ievemen ts "encour­age a will 10 I C~ll' nil1g" in the rest of

the membe rship.

See the inside back cover for information aboul next

year's scholarships.


• I

ne 1995 Winners

Ronald and V'ICki Chrisl.

Ronald L Christ Brothl.'r Ronilld L. Clui,t of Local

4RI. lndi;Hltlpoli" In(han:l.I~ a 2~-~~ar mcmhC'r oj the I BE\V "hu currently ::'LTH'~ as director of training fu r LJll~

Ind1<.lnapoh~ Ekern ·~tl Joinl Appren­lIceship and rraini ng Committee. His Founu\!r,, ' Scholar ... hlp wi ll help rinanc~ hi, ' IUdles in business aumin­i~l nl lion at Illdiana Institllt..: of Tcch­I1I1 10gy.

Ron's IllC\V sl'}'vicl..' i l1l::1udc~ sti nts as <I "isi<.; 1 11 11 I bLJ:-. i lH:: "",,\ representative a nd Execllti\'e Board member. :1.S well as ::-.evt.:rul term:, a:'l an altc rn nle ur member of Ill\! Apprenticc~hip Com­

mitte e. li e is a m e mber of the Nat ional Fin: Protection As:-,ocial ion. Intl.!rnatmnai A\~()cialion of Electrical losreelo". L .S. Appren lieeship As>o­ciat iClI1 . Natioll<ll Etc trical T raining Directon. A\sociallOll. ,ecretHry-lr~a­~urcr of the Indiana Buildmg Trades Apprt:nlicc"hip CoordinatorfDircctor A ... socration. and ha, h~~n <l dck:galc In thc IIJI:. \V ConvcnllOn and the Sixth l)i~lrict Progn:s:, ML'cting.

BrutlH.;r Chri))1 i~ a Vktnarn vch.:nm of the U.S. A rmy where he :,ervctl in the 10 1,t Airborne. H i> c ~u cill i()n


cn.:Jit ... inclu tl l.! Il UI1H.::rmr:-, c.:our"c ... at

"pccia lt y ">chool,, ;'Ind seminar:,. incluu­ing ConMruction Org.anil.ing Mcmhcr­"'hip I::.duca l ron T raln1l1g (COrvl ET), and state a pprentice iTl:-lru('tor~ work­shop::... He \e rVe'i a:, a me m her of Avon I l rgh School Advio;;ory BO~)fJ .

lie anu hi~ \\·irc. Vicki Lynn. h.wc two 'on~. one of whol11 i.-.; a f i ft h-yea r apprentice! with b X:dl-k'-:1. t

Michael R. Dillier Brother Michael R. lJ illicr i pres I­

dent nf Local J09 in Coll in:,vi lk. Illi­nois. where he \' <1 ini ti ated in 1971 and ap lJrl.!nlic..:d <I "J a jou rneyman

wireman. He \\111 U~L' hi!'\ F()unu(.'r~·

Scho l a r~h ip I II 'tudy for .. I dcgr~l; \1 1

industrial re lations from SQu thern Ill i­nois Uni vt.:r~i t y at Eowarus\ ill '.

In ad tl ition 10 hi ~ \er\'lCC a~ prcsi­d ~ nt . Brot her Dil lie I' h "~ ht.:cn a rne mhcr of Ih ~ Hea lth ~l ll d Welfare Trus t Cornrnillc~. fou r Iilbor-manage-

Michael R. DilUer and family.

m ent COm Il1 I1ICC~, <-tnd four wireman ',;;; nego t iat in g comllli tl": L·~. lie ha~

served a:-. a dcleg;ne to the AFL-(' IO Convention ami on the local\ M arket Recovery COml11 illL"c. Blueprint or the 1990~ Com mitte..: (chairman), amJ was responsibl e fur forming t he Older fvlembers: Committee (\,"hich C\ oh'ed int o the lncal"'" R t!t ircc~

C lu b). I Ie i, 'killed In OS H A and ,a[ely nalning. eompleled CO~IET trainlll!!. 111 199~. anu cnorulllillco th .... · local union hlood h.mk.

\1 lchael graduated from IllS Illgh !lochool tJ!-. \.alcdiclnriun and Illi.:mhcr of

the National Honor Sockty. In 1')69 he wa, naml!<.j an ~11t~ rn:l1c lC) the U.S

Naval Academy. li e and hIS WIfe. Lor-

(Colllitl lfed Oil Next Page)



The Founders'Scholars (Cominllerl /;'0111 Page 25)

raine . havr..: rai~cd Iwo ch ildren who a re in college s tu dying busi ness an d malhelmll iDl. t

Timothy J. Dunnigan Broth er Timothy J. Dun ni gan of

Local 46, SeatTle, \Vashi ngton. wihhes to pursue a degree In business. He plan~ tu resume his studies at the Uni­versity of \OV ashinglon. using his Founders' Scholarship.

Brother Dunnigan was proud lo be iniliated inlo Local 46 in 1988. I-I e

serve d as a union sle .. ard. Sa e lY Commi Uee member. PAC 52 and COPE member. In 1993 he lVas a local union delegate LO the Washington Siale Labor Council. FL-CIO. annual convention.

Brother Dunnigan i very active in hi comm unity as a board member of lhe Klahowya H omeowner"s Associa­lion. KilSap Cou nty Democratic Cen-

Tim Dunnigan [second from the ri9h~ 01 Locol 46~ Seaffle, Washington. receive5 hi5 Fovnrlers Sc.hoIof5hip cerrifkote and the 'SfW's congrottJ­labon, from Pre,iden, Barry (righ~, 5e<re"'rr Moore (left, and lcx:0146 Busineu Monoger Bilf Mirand.

Iral Com mittee member. and delegate to the 1992 Democralic County Con­ven tion. H e waS a licensed genera l contractor who dl!signed. drafted. and built a home. He has been an edi tor fo r Olympic Collcgc'~ ncwspaper. Tire Olympian. .t

William Q_ Edwards Twelve-year Loca l 456. New

Bruns wi ck. New Jersey. lll emb ~r

\Villiam Q. Edwards has t.et his sigh ts un :1 degree in cJ f.'clrical enginct!ring. with a minor in labo r st ud i c~. He will pursue his ca ree r goa l at Rut gc n:

ni\'e r~i l y .


As a n IB EW Ilh:mber. Brothe r Edwards has worked for many (:Icctri­cal CO nt ractors. For the pas t se vc n ycars. he ha~ b~en with Schoono ver Electric employed at The Swr Ledge r. He has attended several journeyman tra in ing courses offered by Local 456 so he ca n maintai n and improve his eleclfica l skills. In IY87 he demon­strated cablc-spliting techniq ues at the Local 456 hooth at the nion Trades and Industrie Show. In a ddit ion. William is a certified emergency med­ical lec hn icia n qua lifi ed to provide emergency care to peopl e suffering from dive rse medical Or trau mat ic injuries.

Willigm and Karen fdwanl,.

Brot her Edwards is a volunlccr member of the MiddleLo wn First Aid and R seue Squad and is a membe r of Elks Lodge #2179 where he serve 011

the Safet y Commillce. For Ihe paS! Iwo years, he has he lped a l SI. Catherine ' s Church carnivals and worked as an assistant coach for Ihe Bayshorc Youth Alhletic Associa lion Lillie League Baseball. William 's fath er and three brothers a rc all trade uni on membe rs. He is married and has five child ren. •

Gregory J-Fischer Local 14...'1. PittSbu rgh. Penllsyl ania.

Brothe r Gregory 1. Fischer will attend the Geo rge Mea ny Center fo r Labor Studies to earn his deg ree in labor studies. He possesses an A ssocial Degree fr m Ihe Phi ll ip Murray InSli­tu le of Li.'l bor St udies of the Com mu­nity College of Allegheny COUIllY.

H is aCl:Idemic credits include cou rses in safclY. occupational hea lth. collective bargaini ng. steward train ing, and un ion counselo r tra ini ng. A t vari­ous times he has servcd the local as steward. Executive Board representa­live. and chairman. prcside nt/business manager. presidenl of Sy lem Council

Gregory J.


U-lO. and me mber of three o f Ihe council's nego tiatin g comm ittees. among olher offices. He also served as vice preside nt of the Pe nnsylvan ia AFL-C10_ chairman of Ihe _ YSlc m Council -1 0 Community Serv ice COillminee. and as a represenlat ive 10

a study to preve nt prejudice and vio­lence. In 1992 he received an award of merit (or outsfanding achil!veme nl in labor journalism for Ihe besl signed column_

Brother Fischer is VCr active politi­ca lly a the local' legislative repre­se n tat ive. as a mt:mber of t he Pennsylvania Utility Caucus, mt:mber of the stall: eleclrical workers associa­li o n. and member or Pe nnsylvania Energy for Economic Revitaliza tio n's St eering Comminee. He is a member of Ihe D uquesne Ligh l Compa ny's Employee Community Action Com­mi ttee. Ihe Labor Advisory Board of the Phill ip Murray Inst it ule and the Slee ring Committee of l he United Way Campaign at Duque ne Light. One of his con tinuing projects is the Alumin um Cans for Burned Children Recycl ing Program. which has raised more lhan $IGO.OIX) for the hurn uni l al Wesl Penn Hosp il ~1. H e and his wife. Lorrai nc. have th rec chi ldren. t..


l 0 CAL

local 24, Baltimore, MD, general faremtll1 Bernie Ebens and the day shift on the Sol­timore Gas Electric power generating sienon jH"ojecf in Perryman, MD.

GENERATING STATION COMPLETED L. U. Z4 (i . sp u&c~ ,. IIALTI ,\10RE, ~ID-The newesl Daltimore G~ Elte­LTic power generating station. in ('erry· man. ~ID. ".I~ compJelt:d in Jum: I..as\ fall, ilf1i:r 0 \omado ripped lhrou@h the JobSlIe and Jt:stro~cd th e cont rol house. the scheduled completion dale seemed Impossible. The BrOlhe-n Clnd Sisters of OUI' local c:nne through In the pinch 30d had the l-IO-mcgn""'3u plant r~3d) for lhe summer, on lIme The lkchtcl Corp. job is a roml:'lined cycle &M·(jrtd peaking Unit and is cn\ imn­menlall~' cleaner than s.imilar units..

BrO!>. Jun Kinnard and Bernu.: Ebe rts v..-trt g~ncral roremen on the gencr;3l­Ing. la llon prOject Our steward v .. as Bm. Carmen Voso. Congratu!s4ions are in order for the fore men and lour­neymen .... bo PUllhls lob back on track_

[I is \\llh reye! that we dnnOunce tht: feCent deaths of retired Bros.. Artist C. Bowers 'lOd John E. FaJ mcl Our sin­cere condolencC"S go out 10 their familie! .

The JA rc 1995 graduation ceremQ' ny ""as held the fi~1 Salurday in June Traimng Dlr. Fred Bachman was ma5-Ler of cc(l;mon u ..... as Bus. Mgr. \VoorJ )' McNemar and NECA ClMpte r Mg r. Andrew V Reed a\\ Rrdcd [he 5[) new journeyman wirel1lt:n ccrl ific a L~s of gtUdu;ltion.

A\\i'i.nls for highc~t IOIlI! gtauL'"S were prclentcd to Da,·id Lee Smith anll SCO\l Alden Young SCOII's n verB~e. o ... er the 5·yeaT progtllrn was an amaz~ 109 99 percent' Jl.;rfect allC"ndance .Iward ... \\~nl 10: Bt::ma rd Kaczorowski.

loco126, Wo!.hin9~n, DC, retired 8ro~. Joe GoneyQrld HD")' Creomer enjoy the local's golf outing.

lames Kohls. Robert Marr. Jamt.'"s Foreman and Soon Younll. Scott also recei\ed the award from (he Ekctric League


SCHOLARSHIP WINNERS I_U. 26 (i,es.go.·I.rnt,ttm&etsJ. WAS il · L.'-:CTON. VC-Local26 congratulates. th is I'car's ~ch o[a rs hlp winne rs: Michelle M. LaScola. t1aughl..:r of Bro. Stephen J. LaScola J r .. .and ('a.!h~ nne A. ,'-Iorian y, clau{!.hlcr of dCCCil'icd Bro. Danid J Moriarty. The Comullllel' hml a difficult lime picking only two of the man)' outstanding "ppliC'ilnts. Our best wi !.hes to ev~ry(Jnc in lhelr fu tu re endeavor.

O ur goll outing he ld MlIY I wns a huge sUc(:e.!".s. We: ne.cded tlirt'(> golf courses 10 accommodate all ihe p.anici· pains' t\ boo Local 26 \~~s utllc to nnse


o~er 5,000 for Dollars AgHlnsl Dia­be tes from th e outing' proceeds Thanks to aJllhe panIClpiO\s', sponsors and \ oIuDteen..

As of this .... riting. Ihe finishing louches are l1ein~ pUI on our picnic­sc:hedult:d for Aug 5. Hope \'OU hnH~ your tlckets in handl We a r~ looking fOT'oHHd [0 R dar of brotberbood and iami!~' fun al Mayo Beach LII bJgewa. tel.MD.

Arl' ~'ou ;1 regIstered voter? 1 he ongoing prob!e:ms con front ing o rga·

nited I.abor and the M"OrtingpeopJe of thrs counlry should be- the ma'nll\"e rOJ

union m~mbe~ 10 rCgl!Ite:r and 'Ole lf

)00 need llS!lS1anc~ in getting registered (IT ..... ould lik.e mfonnalion all .... hich can· didatts suppOrt labor union:., call Ihe umon ball. Our H.ncc must be hell.Id!

locol34, Peorio, ll, rf:tired Bro, Rob Shipley (Ieftl presents the Rerir~s Club's new charter to Bus. Mgr. Mork Aye-rs.

TRADE CLASSIFICATIONS fa., ' Alarm ,lilt.! \lgna1 tN. I:It.'ClWflIC r<c"Chml.,un .. (mp .. ) Mnltnn Picture SludlOS lao ) A tomiC' Kc<.carrh "tenlet" lfm) h:o;tUR \ lanuflJdunng (nsl! !\'\lckar &1"' ICC T !!"cbnk:ian

".,' IJridge OpeF.lto .... (gin!) GOlcmmcnl ,., Out~iJc

I ) Cal>h· Sph<X"T"" ti) 11I'IUe (p' r U\\emoUSt' !C".JI\. C"abk lell'n'i!OfI Iii) I n~lrum~ntl t'(hmaan!i. (p ~'1) Prolt, ... <;.ional. f:-:n~rnl'cr;

'" { IlmlDuml.-.. II(Jn~ 11l'1I1 1.\11" (h: .. r.anl"t: r r"" lnd 1 c.:hniC1:Jn~ Icr) (rnncm,,'11 1 rlllUIlIII!! ( pI!:") l'r,)I..."""'lonal. I echmc';ll ll't".". ~lcL1nC::11 EqUIpment Sen·K"\." Iml ) \1 Jmlenam"l." .IIlJ (·kor.:dl

It'i ) EIC{;lrrcallnsperuon 111101 \l a1l"ll1,:0;'111.:.;: .iltd 0f'l:l;JIIUIl 'n' RaIlroad Cem) EkClrica! ~Ianufac\uring (mow, ~hn UrilC1\lTlng Ollic~ Worl:1.':r.> i rllt , RadiO-TC'Ie:\I~l\m HIOdJc:aSllIIg CeSJ ElcC1nc Signs (mlln \i (l.nne (nm) R"dlO- l d';:\·lSIon i\ lanufactunng


Local :!6.lSsaddcned 10 repon the fol· Io ..... ing member dealhs: Bros.. Uord G. Richards. Paul S. Anderson. John S. Heller (retned) and Greg H. Wold We extend our eondolem.:~!. IO ihe:IT familles .

Congnllulalions to tbe follo\l.'i ng Brothers .... ho ba\~· retired slIIce our lUI article: Leslie P. WiggIc5~onh. Jack 0 Hu mphrey. John ~Iaher. Willie F. Woods 1II and EH ren R. Alcorn.

a.ct! H. SATrERFlfLD Jlt , B.M

RETIREES CLUB CHARTERED L.U. J4 (i.cm.ns&spa j. PEORIA. n.­T he Local 34 Re l! rccs Clut) recent Iv received lIs charter from the I 0 Th~ club usually meets the firs t TuCYiny of month. The membc~ enJoy a \'ariel), of ac' ivitje~ such a ... pOllucb, e:xcurslons on the Pur·A·Dice eambhnl!. boat. din­Ders. hr eakfasls. and much- more For more information contacE RetIrees Club Pr~ Bob Shipley al (309) 4.16-3lilX), or Board Chmn P.Jul Gardner at (]OI)

697-2808. Come Join the fun and rellow­ship with olner reuroo ml"mbe~

Bro. Rolnd Evans ha~ rcce:[\td ;\ p.,lent for II reciprocal condull bender that makei of IS in ont motion \\-llh· out udogs,W -~ Id .. ~ or lal:xlflous mea­suring. The bender also IS capahle of making -saddles- and can malC"b eXist· mg oHsel.& Yollhout mfonnalion on the degree of the exi!ling bend. Furthu·

(n .!it RadIO-Tck\ISlon Scl"'Ect'

( .. n) St:1"'1["C Ottupall0n' 1-) Shnpmt'D

I~' ~Ign l:.roXlor

b 1' 11• Suund atId Put-II..: \JJlc~

N) \\lunJ IcchntCl.lO' It) [ckphonc

(") Uilit~

(UI)"") l ilt hI}" orf\(."(: WlltJ..,·f'\

I""'" \\ archou-;e ;inJ SuppJ)


nwu:. lhe hemlcr 1:-. Ll\I).lh l~ I)f hcn(Jl II~ s('ven ~llC~ ur (tlndU)1 rnduJ lng "ttld. E\1T11II11 /\1'

J'lfilt\ll}P'- \lll tm ncw Ixnder h;,'1 compleled II \C~ iIICCI..· .. i{u l II ml1luh (Ield 11.;\1 un Ihe \ I .lh: F:unI CIUf'IOrlLlc!! Soulh prO)l.'cl In Bloom il1!l1C111 II Workmen (umt" (rum ull ll\cr Ihe hUII.1 in/o110 usc Ihe Ik .... bcntlcr rhey "lund Ihill II m,l.l.c\ I"rofc" .. ltInlil .11111 (\111\" len , ofbc h anI.! "HjJIc~ III ~ccl)n ds mlhcr Ih;ln ~c~cl.I I mIllU!~ 11111.1 dlnl) n,lIo.:i \o\.I~h;1.! nt.llcrial~.

fhe ~ndcr nr rTl.'nlly I~ h..!1n~ u\,Cd cm .1nuliler Pllllcd 111 Ihe nt\I(."11In~lon· I\onnal atea. lind liro. 1:\';1n\ 11 tlll.l.ln, .... nh plrr-pecme munu(aclulC'f'I, {Clf lhe benda. Wl:(QngnuulJlc Bro, ['anllon hIS m\enllon ..... hleh l~onC mme (,(11m pic of M .... nlj!.hly ,ksih:d unlvrl e!':clli· eians ("onlrr~utl.' 10 Ihe cleL:l rrclIl InduM!) III liMn, .... ;1)\

\\ orl. in Ihl: aru cOnlinue~ hi th! ~h';II')

WllU,\\1 A ,\ IE1(,\"iDfR.II\

COMMUNITY SERVICE PROJECT I..u. 48 lI.ru.(!m.rlb.SI&:"). rUM·r· L,\I\I). OM-,\ \ .. rl~ I ' of 'tK-al h1l11 nc:~St: ... a'on, "l i b Ihe \ F.CA Orelon.Columhrll Chnpl!:1 !lnr.! I tlcnl .as memhr:1 Ulnllllclor fnbcr~ rk~lric. ba\'( b.ndt'd IOll'lha,o Il1rn fnrmrr "drug hou'>C'i~ Inhl ;, lempor:u) hume for lbe: ,""orth Portland Bible ("oilt',.:

Tbt' collClc. ,..bleb h II r.:~mmunrl~' h.l<;~d \"~enln! ,,;hnol de~lsnt.d (ur ... or!r;.lll! Hul.!cna. hal been llpcrattn out of bnrm~cd facihll~.I' ~'UI1lmUI1lI, churchu for II )car, The eolh:,c rcccnily purch:l\cd II ell) h'ud un whlth ~at hH' dllolpldalcd hou\~'s in 'onh Portl:lnr.! Through Ill< ((Ion, of man\ H,lulllcCI!l and ("ont"u;lnr~, the hOOk .. arc l1<-ll1g r~modc:kd 1(1 pro\'ltk :I 1cmlkll." tr.>mc fnrillc: rullclle unlll • ocw.- building can be con'iuUCltd The \oclet~' nf nll\llan ~I,m .. od l 'n~1 neerin~ Pro(.:ulooah donAted plannin, fur Ille temodehn~ AISoO l.:lJfIlnbulln.J. In addi t ion t~I rribug [(coric. ,ue : Dough Corutrueuon. 'l.;orth~'Clt ~illurlll (ia\. Km!!sil:) I umller. \ icreer Indu\ Irie~. \\ III.melle Carpenter Tnunlnt ~chool. \\ .<..0 \ ' DC & ~on,". "' ,"kmtn 'lectramcai. Intal \-I l:\:h;I/I)I;I1. "'~trn P~nlUolb. and l iard IbiS tOf Chml

We wanl IlIlhank all t~ romp<tnlL'!lo Ind lnJlvrdualJ \\ bo Ila, ~ mllde jll.'ocr om l.!on3110"' In our colitSt tlul lthn~ pm!!ram.~ ... Iid 'crth Panland CvllcJl.C: Boord cnlnr r red \\ ihon 'They hll\'c i:lcall) cnooul1ll!l'd u~ In OUI CJlUl:,I,Hlf 10 dc\C'lop .. school with pO'"I\C ImrHICI nn the ' clrl h dnd !\ llIl hcllq communilici. Fribcr,. [Icctric'~ conln·

Locol 48, Porrland. OR, e_looo"l am H.od. rton o~ OO"eft Vir.11 WOf"k with member con' tractor Friberg Electric on the '101· unteer project to wire one of the !'wo building, being remodel&cl 0' a temporary homo for the North Portland Bible College.


bUliun h;1'1 he\-n ~lri.ltCIioI\" hi lht flrn&n!"~ \l' fa l ..

OnL'C Bi!u~h Cl ll r :-. t )lldr~'1 1 u'llipickJ baSIC \'\ orll. (10 thc rcmock: hn~ I.(leli 4:-. members employed b)' h lbt:fj.! ~Iecl ri\. 1I1on~d Inl\lllction, The elcclriciulI' eo mplelt'l ... rc pllH'ed Ihe old un .. liIft' ek ctm:JI wmng and Insu lled a nL'\\ . \Iate·o(·thc·;arl I IJtll m~ ")'~Cem for Ihe huildulg', Ade4uah! hllhll1\g and ~a r~

del.:lnnd wlnn~ IIrl: CTUCIiIIIO Ihe func~ tU)I1l1(lhc "" 1111111!!. ",llIeh huu~o;:" m\!1,;1 '"8 rooms. cl library Ilnd l'OII.:C~ ~lIfl!I\' 1\ ll l ~{ 1 1111 I<;5.UC, '" rhw .. mdude Ihe In:slull,UllI/I (l( mOlton·~mlll\·c Iightmg \"tem~ (01 Iho: c\h:riur nr Ihe buddlflg)

h lhr.' 8 JI)IMII. .. d p\er ;\(XI \HlrL. hou~ tll Ih .. proJc~'l. plus mlln~ hou~ 01 pro­JoXl m(ln.lgcmelll.lIlrl L\.IlH'Jm.lilon lime. Fk'(tn~'U1 ~uppl) \l,!ndlll'5 (M:ttl Ek!cInc. l: ('Iff I aylor Ficctrro.:. "urlh CU;I~1. and \\'e..I,II) ..... ork1l1~ tluuugn rriber8. con· tnbuted all maltnah necded for lhe d~'t\rKilllX)r\I~)n \., the rt'moJdmg.

HI rtberg. lik~ ~ man) of our memo her l:(ln lla(:I01" llnd electrrcmns. is ,II .... ,,)' .. r~<!d) 11) :.h:p an .ind I.:ml .l hand 1('1 theI r commun l tlc~.H ~illd 'ECA. l \eeull"-c Mgr llmuth~ liilulhler. Fnbcra l'(Oj«I \lgr Jim Johansen saId.

Wt:. appreciate Ihe '4or~ ' o rlh POrl~ Ia.nd nltrle College: is dOil'l@. 10 makt:. a pU~I1r\oe 1l1l1hlC! on Ihe \,'orl h lind Northeas' P,)l llilnd (ommunllies. WC'fC llad 10 be IIblc 10 hdp M

local JK arplaud .. Frrbel~ for labng Ih~ hm" lind tffcrrt ,n m"kr Ihi~ rom· mumt)·mmded oontnhU\)Cln ,\nd ron· !ltlUU'.iIItUl~ 141 our membc:r~ .... orkrng on llk: project for. job --.tU-<krne

ED\\"'RD I BAiL,n. 8 \ ' FS

WELCOME TO NEW MEMBERS I~. U. 58 1i.(!m.~jJ:I&.rlb ). DETROlT. ~ 1I--Gr(,C:llng~ frnm OcI""1 The: 199'i ."11 .( 10 l nlun· I n.Ju..l nc~ Sho~ he ld 'lI:rc 111 Detroit m '111~ .... IIS. big. hI! \lung .... Ith the rnlcre~lIng elCh,hIIS.

J,I\c.l .... a)' and rafl'k<.. the show P(O\ld-0.1 a 1t00l! orporlunrl) 10 taiL. .... -Ith the fllendly rcprC~ctll;lti~cs from lire "ari­(lUI unlono: Thinks 1(1 Ihe mlm .... ho \llilmlctrcd'II\JIutllspJOI) •

Work bas pICked up somc smcc our lo~t IM ide. Rook I hnd ,1o,",,,, decreased 1r(1fllUXl mcmtxl\ 10 around 100 as of thlJ ~Tl tm! m late \13~

AI pr~ IlmC' our mt:mhe~hlp ~a!> G~S5ing thi! packagt tht' ~fgOU:UUlg Cnmm illec had p l C'~cnled fo llo~'rng

tnttru.e bartalnlfl! sessions on our Inside Ap-ecmenl .... lth tht' ~,ulilcnst Mdugan "h.lpler or 'rCA AI thl~ ~nhng the

\,01 .... had nol been lallll:d. We hope ~e ~111 hBn~ good nc .... ~ til repllo regaldmg the (lu tcome at 1\ laler dale, Emotloas

tend 10 l Ull II1~h nl ~1lt1 ' 1iI~ ' IlIlle, 111111 11 11 1(111 I1\cct 1l1ltS .:l1 n 1\" il1kn .... ·: hill \l;h:l' IIIMler' 1\ Ih~1 .... e reflll'1I 1hel Ihe 1I111"lr lalK" uf \1,Imi1 t1l! I\l~rltk;r \\ e IlC~J (01 focus not un lh.· 1 ... ·I .... ulla l hUI 1111 m,rL. In!! Ihm/-.... I1C!Ha lUI Ihe m~mlkr:.11I1" Il..~ ;\ .... h,)'. AI", ~eq' 10 mmd Ihlll Un10t\ ck clm:al wor~e'" (lIld unmn cuntr;I'''''''' tlrc 111 Ihl' hU"ln~5~ ,ollclhcr The rcal ad ... er~atll:~ nIl: Ihe un~ul'llUluu .. nOnUlIlun crnph,}ct'lt.

Th\' Loeill ~s nr.l/.llnlllnS e;tm ll;lI~n I": uri III II ~U()J .,1 .111 (l r gll l1 l1ch Tum LMrJ.I. Larry Saugef and lloh Krn\llra report a dn/en lIe\\ mell1h~1\ Ihi~ monlh, ~lIh nUlle t~ll., I,WJl.:1 "iI~ Thos!! nonunion conlrnCIOr\ .... hn refuse-"\! In ~I!!!n .... Ith m h,llC gl\Cn lhelr cmplo)I!c.~ larg\! JaISL'l an order tu L.ec ... Ihem W e ",uuld hd~1! plderretJ to mg..lnr71! .111 Iheu \HltK.er .. bul Ihelle large \ltagc tnc,~n'o('~ h[1~c dmcn up Ih< cr,!>1 ur rUOIlIng a nHnunlon !lhllp In

DClToit. thus hcl~lO,ll, ou r union con· CrnclUf"'i lOll<! nUlU' l'oml)CtitlH! .... 11I:n i-ldd.llIgJuho,

One of (lur nl;' .... csl m<m~f" t\ :"S· \l-ar-oid J~ 'ol \laoo.::r. former nunUtrIl.lfJ

....Ir~mln .... bo "'as prC\rousiy nomin~lcd as OPrtcnlK"l: of Ihe \cdrlrom '\oulhcotSl \ hchlJ!dn Joe IS nov. 11 umon memt'Cr ~ortinl! for Smllh Brnlhcl"i Ek."Ctn~·

Cungrnlul8.lllJ~ and .... d.:.:lInll' til Joe and 10 all our nt~ mcmhc" WMn rou m",cl Ihem ulIlhe loh or al the unum meel tng~. ple.l~ ~hl\le lheir hnnd ..r.nd ~clcom(': them to the IBt:\\

"'ATIl)" DEVU', P ~

MEMBER PARTICIPATION IS KEY L U.6R IiI. n £l\·"En. CO-Our local held It:. electtoo of (ltf~ nn ~Iun:la)' , June ~ COn,l!"lluLrI",n~ I" Ihe (ollu\\.lnlt Bmlhe.rli elected to !ene the mtmb(r ,hip for a Ihu:lLqear term Ou Mgr.·Fin Scc Bot> Le!loo. Pr-C), Jim Rill('\'. \" 1l'C PIC''' K~lIh He'o\lII. l ie," l\lgtl PlUm~ and R«. !k'C, Da\~ RbKr Elected In Ihe l:tecull\c Board \le-n: Rill t\ ruicN)ll, Chu .. .I. (1efOcnSCln. Doln Cunin. Kcn \ Iackc). M<1nud fllno. 'I ll e Temple and ()clml~ Whalen Ille 10110 .... · 109 mernl'C .... ~~n: ek\.ie4.i IU Ih~ u..UI1· min,! Uoard Scoll BrodJI. \lIke Coopt'r RilJKh' 111,111o,t:$ ~nd P.tUl Wrhoorn. \ ll L.e Burch and Wayne Shc:It(ln lIo'l.'re c:kcted 10 lhe Bw'dlOq AhoClallon

Vnltr 'UI~OUI ~a( embarras!Oinj! l) hghl In"lead Ilf Me.r !i.J. Where A rl: You"" the Iluesiion might h.l\t 1~~11 "Ran I: Ill'll.! File, Wh.:rc Are You"" ,\ n: \o\a~es hX} hIgh .... ol krng rom,hl lom 100 good. thlC fm ure 100 bri~b t 10 parliti­pale in )nur IlCl1 unw n dcrtl(}f'I·.'

E,er'" Illll e .. l1Iel1lbel of the IO r\\ d isp l3r~ DpBl hy. h.:- or ~he play .. 11,111 IIIln thl: h(lnd .. of lilu'o( ~ho .... lsh III M.'C

organized \!Ibor cXllnrt Apal h~ come' III mOI1\' fo rm\ and" nll1re ddngcHlIl\

10 our gte31 Dro lholrhood Ihan :li n) nnnlllllon emplo)cl

Local 68 is nOI lhl: !Iatc 11r tlf(iCCU II~tccl atMl\C Local ~ '" ellLh III1I.! c\'el) memher. (10m ,he n[>pretl lice 10 lite gene:rIlllMe nHl n I he rne lt1her~h lp I~

thl: fuell hill \Jrhes Ihe 11)1,;,11 Atldlllil apalhy t() the mc m ber<i h ip 1', ukln l.) adurn\!: w,ller 10 ~a:-.olrne. l ligh perlnr mancc I~ out \ If the quc<;ll(l(l; in (n,t )'OU ;m~ lu ~~)' If thO! tLll11n I h r n~ rUI\:-. 111,111 1

VOIICr p.l l1 MCll'-l l1o n In UUI Inell l until!!

Ck W\1 11 I~ :1 w~rnlllg ~lgll Ihnl ~hlluld be h~'e:lll:d 1 hc parl ICI,li1lJ t1n of c;lch :l nd C\'i!1) ml!moor I~ .r kc) 1nllrcdu:nl lh:t t is I\\:cckd no .... 111{1f'C Ih;tll C\l:1

I t"~ IIUT '"C,r! nU l fu ltn~ •• llI tI o ll r lInl~ 11ll 1 ~e ~~IU (lIthe nc~1 ,"cellOS.

I " .. u<.n il l",n IInr..s

NEW ORGANIZER APPOINTED I..U. 76 (i.ftMI&C). 'rACO ' IA. WA­At Ihl'i "'film!! m laiC: Ma)'. II ~cmICd thaI t h l ~ mIght he a prcll~' ,out! ~V Il1 · m(.:r fl'l .... orL. The cmpl~}ymen l PlctUn: In lItU ulea ~~ pldang. u". ;lllhou~h we ~till had a 101 of P<orle on Book I

Lun8trtlll.! Locol 1fl member Darrel ~Dldi- [lder. "00 \t1'\'~11 as Ihe South· wc~ 1 Wlshangton rItelnca l JATC Irumll1p. drrector ..... 111 ~ n:llrmg J,\II I. 19%, Apprcn,icc!hip has bee n Ditk's lite. anI.! 11l~ dcdlcall(rn ha~ been OUI g.lIn. n 'ilnt" DII:L.. for )our ycan. of scf'\'k~. \\ e ... ·lIib lOU uil ihe ~I nf'uck .md Kuod hcdlth In \our fClllelllenl.

Lu" VO'IIl!C neJOllal1ons CAmC 10 a dU'iC reCt:nll~ wllh tht' r.lrhutlon o( the ,,,·,.nllatl':d modiflC.Ulons to (hc \\ lI'hlOglon SI.aIe- Addendum HI Ihe ' mlh n'~lf1f 1 <\nll",' imd f'lImnmnic;t· 110M "'Flccmen!. The- tbrC'c.year Igr~e· ment can lam' \Ioog!:' rncrc:l se~ 10lnllng Sl 67. It had bcen o\'er three years

mr::e the l.Q1Io LnelS) Ted\nIClan<> had an IllOea!oC m ~.igl':!l

Oro O::I\'C Conzalll has betn "l'J'C'uul':\f \I" oor ne--' OIjtanizer Oa\c hols been .. CO\l ET IrutructOf. and he­has done wmc \ailing fO I us. lie '\Cnt the roll(l~mg m~S;h!&: 10 tbe members In Ibe Or~ilflj:m~ ., .(" .. s: Hln Ibe shorl lime Ihnl I hn\'e been )OUI Ilr!anller, ,ht .. upmn .hQ\l;tI mt by the member· "hip hG.\ !x-en ,rellt I ..... i~h to chank Ihe memhcrUllp rl~1 th&~uppurl

D;a\~ "OfficumJ.'1. nffi~ the IVlulat-lh· t) til /II numher u' re!oum6. If \OU

~lluld be .... illlni 10 ICI him her. tI,':,unu: on fIle , please rill uul Ihe Infor nUliun Sheet in OUI ne~slener and f~lurn II to the IOCII union of her. 10 I.hc:: nlt!!nlu," 1)1 Ua\&: l on1JlHL as soon as p<l\\lblc. I fo r one v,.11 hll (lUI and relurn my 'lInn to hIm

I)un't fmlt,4:1 the I,olf tournamcnr iCheduled for Au," 1\1 It "'1"<1U.\ly Val· le~' Gulf (uurse In Yelm. r hi, hai bc:~'lImc 1M ~can'l mlis"1abortmanlge-· men' e\'cnl or Ihe- ,car

\lIntAFL L AtlOLS11'E. P.S

SUMMER WORK GOOD I .. U. HII U, (I , rl s &~ llil) . NO RFOL K. VA-Work 111 thc Tidewater arca has hecn \cry g\otld Ihmug.houl Ihe ~pnn8.

lind ~ummtr, wllh all our Brothers and 5;)11;'1"\ v.orkrn{!. If 0'4'(\ cr. h) Ihe '11IIe 11m il il icle 1)0 pUbh, bcd. ~ome 01 Ih~ \1i!IJer Jot-•. inc1 udlOg th( "urd plant. WIll hll\e ~ I o .... c d Jown or .... ill iun c been completed All Ihe members of 1.{\Cu l XU c.lIIll){) L. back wrl h i\IClI! pl1dc II I the qualh~ an d Hille fra",~ of Ihe \l;lIrk llrC{" 1\rh~ hl.'d. c"pecw1ly nl Ih e I '!lt d pili III. T h t' " cltd ~h)l(} r Com pi!' n)'\ :-'onolk lINrnblj rlanlls r~lcd l h~ hc,1 111 Ihc tJlIIlCl1 M.lle~ O u r h lghl) ~ ~lIIcd lind ' fained !BEW mc",~r.; arc pr" l1d 1\1 he.1 P,I1 C o l lhe 1lr:"

i\ rCii unulfl II::llk r'ihlp I~ nmkl nll n


local 80, Norfolk, VA, Bra. Joe Smith, ~Ieward of the Parnmoulh Navol H05pilol i.ohl presents Bro. Howard Ange wi'" (In ISW w(lt(h ot his retiremenl party, en Ofg<lnllor Brute Woalridgc lfor righl) 100li01 on .

concc:rlw dfurl on Ihe flt,lihc.allrnm The ·ndcv.aler Iluildmg and Construe­IIcm Tmde!> lind the Greater rid~'\o\3Ier Centra l Labor Council a l e i(,)l!lIlh~

tO~lher for a common CUlise-to '.OeCU1l!'

worker!.' tights ill th e: ",orkpl.H.c. n ~ ~UPfl'lrll\'~ (If lahnr-{'n(\Q~d cmdu;t.11("l fOI puhllc o ffIce. I III!. I!. iI cll l !Ci'll lnnl.' fOrlat"J('" and workingJX'opk 'fb.: "Take­Fin:~ camlJ,;lIgn \Io tll make d ~Mfclemr.

Welco me 3nd congfJ lul:Hion~ hi LOt:al ~(I''i newc,1 Incml>!!,§.. \\ e al"'l (!OlCh~ntl U}n~fnIUIIlIHln~ lit our r\!l'Cl1lh' rel ired memne~. \0\ \to 11;"< hung up then In{llt, We \\-I~h e.lth uf )IIU well IlOd ;Jprr(;clltle )our tklJlC'dtl(\n

l ocal ullum mcc-lIn~s arc helt! Ihe­fiNI lucsda, or each month. Pk3SC pl.lO In ;lltent!

OFFICERS ELECTED L U.9U Ii). , •. \\ 11 ,\ V"~1\. I-Our ltal held Ill. cil ... -c'IIon or OffKcr- Jun~ 2. Retiring forlllt' f hU~IIIt'~ nlllll.lger (iuu bposilo h was oll\'iousl~ not s\'cking rcck.'ClI(tn . .Ind:lll PUSlt llln" \IoCIC ' ~n.

Conl!.r31ul:uion\ II~ ,lllr ,,1,:\0\ OffICe(\. listed as folio ...... : n ll~ \1 gr.lhn .Sec Kcnllclh Km~ I'res. BII.m \Iah('r. VtCc Pre-s_ John ·D !;ROS3. R~c. Sec. [J "Ipuln:mll, Tror.!3'i RO) Ilarn"tln. anti I '(,-'CUlt\'" !juanl mcmhcrll l .111 Bclle In, Rober! Corrol('t. Ilugh McGuire. Paul P",kNin ant! AI f'lk osk)

\Vilh!he election!> owr. our I(x:al can gel b""ck down It'> Ihe kU~lne~;1I h.,rwt Our offlOl;l1 can .u:col'llphsh a 8rc;11 lied) willi the coopersl!nn or Ihe lIlf'mllcr;h'r

AI th l!> v.nhng lot.al 9U. along I';l lh

the CII)' of C"olo lIa\&:I1. ~.:t ~ pr'l!p:lrInl! tt) h l)~ 1 the }l195 'i[leclal Ol}rnrlc" World (james scheduled ror Ihe firsl ...... cck Clr J uh-

As ahI J·Ylo. sUPI)orl "(Iur lucal 111 .... h :llc~·t'-r m:ln n~r YOli elm

Pktured are Locol 90. New Hoven, a , Bus. Mg,­Kennelh King end Prel. Brion Moher.



BRO. JASMINE HONORED L V. 9~ (u&lcn). CR.,\f'\l8 UHY, NJ­On April 24 nu ~ A~elll JtJe J u\m ll1 t' ¥J!iS honor.:,1 .11 .I n:lllcmC:lI! dmllC-1 I ocnl 9~ I·r~·~ nll1r1.:~ Wolf..: rr.ll'icd }.)C Cm hi" IXlUru le-.. .. hnut'l' (If per-tlm,1 sacrincc .aIIU SCI'\IC": lu Ihl! UIlI{JU I hc I'Cllr..:menl dmn~-r WII~ hdd nl Ille 1'01· Ish iJomt" In \ (Julh 1'llIlIIrlcld. 'J \Imt' llun lCMI of J~'" fnend!, .Ind j'·,UCI.lh .... t<J,""d hllt~ '" n:khrallllp Ihl\ mllc\lnnc III hl~ !;o1rcer

Joe JOined Ihe 1111 \\ In 11}5~.1 .1

nll:w!J,;r Qf fvrml.'r L,U. 1.\:9. I hl~·ktn· S;lCl: . ~J .ther h.n,jog \l' I\ cd 10 Ihe Arm)' III: h,:c:lm..: rn':~ld\'nl of Ih.1t h:al In (Wit Jlle hcgan III'. lunlt tenure ,b hu-~in~,\ a.~nl III 1!J11, I II: \\.I~ 1I1~IIU mt'l'It.ll m the C(m'<)h..bllllfl tIl the koOlh IIMt now U llnlJrl -.c' I ,rcal 1,1-1 .I ~ ,I Il ... nll of Ihe IW-t ;lmnll/.,m,lImn. Pro.. \\ tllfe 1'1(1.1\':1.1 Joe for 51,1) III,!!. (In llo:ml :lnd as~lII~ lh~ cltun \\ 1.' 111141\\1.' II(() Ill~

nHne- .l dcbl or ,ltfoliliude .lIld "I-l.lh hllll Ihe tlc;1\1( lock m hi' rclm:menl.

I h ~ mUlual g;lIn~ meelml! hcltltn ~brch fur flJO.~11 gen~r:Ull1n V.0l!. j hUI:!6 )uct'e ..... The rerre~nlall\C~ rC\plln'l­h i..: fur 11m ... ueec .... Indude, (,hari..:, Wolfe. rh.lrle~ Ile'''o.:. \lt Le O'Ullell (,hip GenII)'. BIIJu}, rhl.lmtJn. "l oJn), ( 'I,,~a and Ste\!:- Iirlle'tC Cutlr.rOlw1.! 110m III .111 tln 3)111'1 \lodl·d1ilh:

The Pnli11cal Act ion ('omolllh:c 1\ au\\- m rull $WUlr. I tm Ctlllllllll h:e I" m(1dc up of: I:nlll.' \1C)~I. Fmn .. Brl:n· nllll. ~lIk c r agan. \lIke Wal\h . Pl.lu l Gro"i. 1 on)' ['clH~ ;lnd D1.)U£ Anlho­n)" I h..: c')lnmll1cl!'\ p"man' Uh)C!.:UHl i~ tu L!o:t:lIlhl,l Hlellll>t:I~11I1' III(UJlIII:J U II

Is~ue .. lh AI cunt-ern mil filum: lind Ihe IUllue III mgillillelll.,hor I hL')' aho endorw the obJcctlvc," of COI'[: li nd 1I[li'L' the UllllHl IIk'lIlbcr.hlP In \U pS.1)1t ("OPE. [vcn II ~mJ II oonlrlhullOn ~ot) II 'er) III1~g WRy I\fl~'r al l II I~ u ur

local 94, Cranbury, NJ, Pre~ .

Chuiles Wolfe (left] pl"e$tmb retired But. Agent Joe JoIMinfi with one of 1'nC;1O), 9ih' 01 JOII ' I renremellt dinner.

tUlufe ~UIXcS.\ III.I! v.(:' .Il'e ml \!\hng III 11 00 ~mg bc~'n Appotnl c:d prc:sli were­

Inn I" , l..-llCul 1M I WIll !>11m: III reprt!­....:111 all di\'I!oioo\or th~·IoI.-.:.I I .... i11 nl'i.'d the. heir lImJ Iou!,plJI'l Ilf cl'~I)(lnt'ln he .. uccc~){ul If )11U Of anyone In lOU '

dl\ l ~l~m hah' ne\!) 101 " I tical I II1C".­p\cilloC Wl11l1C 1.11 ~u~h.:"r bol 23tJ.t III (,Irop me;\ Ime c/u l'ucl(af Sm' Ser \ II:C). \'!all t'lldc. S17.

Ilk! (1 C, ~\11111, I''':''

TEAM WINS ISMC COMPETITION I .l. IJH (i.I·III.iI,S:iI ). IJIIII .t\O~ 1 -" ili A. I';\-On Salurdll). i\j'lri!!2 1)1\1,. ... II lit the Imc rnallHnlll Socto.' lJ hl l "'h·a\uror.!n1cnt Jot! (onlrol fnr­merly \'nll\o\n 03\ the In~l rllmCI1IiIlI(ln

\.li:ICI) III Anr cn~.1 ( I\A) held 11, ;\nnUAI r.;ludenl Uu\\, 1 t"omp..:llilon ill th~' ( ,III!;oI~(..:r Ih"'-l K~'!>Il'l m Lancl!>t

I:r.I'I\ Tho! .:' .mpclltll~n con~I ~ l e" uf 1Itl4.:,uoIn .. tn Ihe "I ndell ts on m.)trullIrll­tultl'O 1'.ltltol'.llIn,l' III Ih l.' £\)1110,1 ~ crc ~Iudcn l ~ (rum Dre\d L OI'cl'Ii,ty. Ihe;: IUH\ 1 (leoti vx J t\ I C \cllnol III rhlladdphi.:., Pl."nn l-ol1etc or Tl:chool· Ilr.~ In \\ Ilh!lIlI"p<lrl. anti \\'llIlllm"nn ScIl(,.111lI \I cdi.l I hor.! I {)(;.II 91.\ JA1( 'l('hc)I,1 v.un thoe l"C'lfnpc:UllIln, f11c'IoC SIU· ,I..:nh .... 111 1111\\ gil Imlo ~omlk:lc m Ih..: ml iional co nlc<;1 1\. th: held In ~~\I; Orlc;III'. l" III (klnllcr

I he membcu Ilf t he 1I1IW 1~;lIn 1O.;lud~·. Je< ~M"rt~'~h of t'btladclphll:l . IIrl,lI~ (,oll,dl.lll fir W,jllllllr.,l r,:r . CI1II11

\krcadnnh: ",I \1 eJla. Anti rev. Rock­\\,..:11 JIl>l RIt.l Ic)' 1'11110: "ntl ~1Jkc Bn:.,· lin lIf Phll.;tddphlll 11k: Loc:ll \)t~ ICJrn r,l!.:ull) ,ltI'·I .. or t\ "eler Hlln~!.:n tlr

I .. mgllllrnc 111l' mudcrnhlr 01 the ","om· pelilion Wll~ John MeGralh~ a rei ired I."mploll!e of Ihe Ph iladelphia l:Jecl nc Co. The jllut:!c!. of the e\c nl v.crc rdul'd ... nglllccr ~\Iom C1r~!!.\! llnd l m\ " 1."\'C.olII' (If L.1!>lcrn Contrul!\.. fht" I S\1 Secllnd ()1~lrlcl cncOOlpn~~cs L .. ~It' rll r':lIolo~ha11la. Smuh J e r~e~.

Ddav.vl.'. Easl(m ~I~·land . ;o.;onhcm Vm:mlll_ .lntl Wn~hmglon. DC fon~.nllhuloo~ W Oro, RIll C(1r;J./.o·S

!loop"l!!r .. fm ~lI1n"'J Ihe loeal',l( Annu.lllnl' .JTJ\urAI n.l~kl'lb.lll ('h"mpl­o,,~tllP L"d t>~ pa('\.! ~c lI .:r I3ro\ Jim I H) ilnd Slc\{" Poi lb.!!c. COI.1I.0\ It·.lm .... as .. 'clonous

\ 1\ nIH \\, }l JlIXA- " S

LOCAL UNION ELECTIONS L.U. I(JD (i.o_c nl.rls.c&stl. FRESNO. ( -A -AI In!';. .... nll0t: Ihe June luelll Unllul c.ll:cllIJn I';.I~ Ibrcl:: J,I\!Ii .1\\.1)

I CI'~ \Ioclcol11r :lnd ~tJprlHl nUl IIC .... ul rl\:.Cr';

Sc"I!."C: pillS are betn!! \Io'orked on OIl

"II~ wnllng Bm. J:llk BfI) \o\ lI .... ,11 hI,'

rccci ... in~ hi~ M·~car [,in, and Oros. C1el1rgc Wekqcf anti Ru;-hard fuel. thell hO-t .... af pm." r"l1glillullllll)n~ 10 all

R~ccntl) .... hlll: l~lininJ! Ihe Retirees t'luh for Unl' ~d Ihclr lunchcun meel !O,ll' (hl."M thl: "<.:mnd Tu..."Juy of 1.".lch mORlb h.:l!rnmnj!. 31 III a.m at fkllnv '~

Re"durd'nl .11 hrllol ilnJ Shaw). I kll.med t:loout bo\lo our rn."<1I1 UntO\] was­,tarlell by Iln,.. I J M,lcha,l. Fr.lllk f(lrt'man ~ncl lo)J \ Ire=" ill Ihe l al e 1'14th l1~ing [untl~ prtnllled h~' th e­Ihre!.: uf Ihem. n ro. Myen. b~-.ughl a tYI1(!II>J ller ' .... &Ich he ~111I11Il"} and an

locol98. Philodalphio, PA, JATC opprel1,keship ~tudellt~ who won the Distritlll ISMC Student BQWI Compctirien .oro om0l19 thoso pi(turod here . Shown fr(lm left ere: Local 98 appren'icc loom membe" Colin Mercodante, Mike Broslin o~ Joe McCreesh; ~ i sl!or Chorles Greskoff; apprentice Icall'lll'lember Andrew Rcxkwell; Insln.tctOf' Ed Grogg; Bus. Agent James A. Forrow; illsttlJdor Mike Ra in~s ;. app~llnti~e teo~ ~em­ber Brian Gottlcholl; foculty odvisor Pele Hon~en; <:Ind Trolnlng DIf. 8111 WU5lnlch.


LocnllOO, Fresno, CA, is FH'oud to hove irs first hu5.­bene!, wif. and SOn reom as kK:ol u-nioo membeMo_ pictured from ~(Jre: Bfo. RidKm:l Greto; his wiF-, Sistet" Potrit:io Gre.:o; olld PCl t', MM, ""'. Kdly Martin_

adding machine. With business assist­ance from the Postal Workers Credit Union and the Fireman's Credll Union. our Credil moo was born.

At prtSS tlmc "'·c were looking 101 a June \'Ole on a merger with Safe Amer­Ica Federal Credll Union. y,.hieh ha~ $164 million in as;e&. This m~rg~r wdl increase tbe number of services avail­able 10 Ihe local. Lel's support OUI Credit Union. and len remember thai we are Illdetlled 10 the early dforls of our Rcurcd Rrothers on behal f of the membership.

Set- you 81 the next union meeting..


ACTIVITIES COMMlnEE L.U. 101 (1&0). PATERSON. NJ-On a Saturda:.' in ea rl )' Aprd , Local 102 htld i(5 3nnu:l1 Eo.lster e~ hunt for the childrc n of our members This IS ,I fine t radi tion In our local. and it ..... as a grt~il t

suC(css again this >·car. Th c selting for the hUIlt was a ha ll fie ld park In Easlon. In prt:paration for the event. many hun­dreds o f eggs had to be coo ked and dyed. Spc!cial pru.es were dlstribuled, and all the children recei\eJ chocol:ile bunnies and o ther good ies. iarll:e. floppy-c:arcd collontail "isited IQ rou-Ilu out the aflernoon. The delight of lhe children wllh tbe Ol,.lltng could be seen on their faces as the)' ran and played.

Activities like this one. and oth~T5 such as lhe Christmas party and outing. do not just happen. Many BrOlh~rt and Sislers work bard behind Ihe scenes to mah these events possible.. The mem­bers \\'ho worked on tb is particular e,e[lt InC"lude Ihe following: Bros. Bob Au. Joe Daley. Bob Rulan, Earl Kocher_ And'l CU\'o and Bob Renaldl. Our Ac1IV1b~ Committee supportli all

.,the l..ocal102, Potef"SOf' ,

NJ, annuul Easter egg hunt for the chil­dren of local union members, rt.e Ealter bunny



sucb local union aUairs. as well as our alhletlc teams in bowl mg. sortball and golf. As the commlltee helps wilh all tbe funeuons . 11 needs our help IQQ_ The Act" Illt'.S Commillee need:!; our members to remain acli\'el)' invoh'ed and 10 suptXlrt Ihe locars ' ·I)rious fund­raising dfons.

Hope 10 see !'OU at the next meellng..


CREATING OPPORTUNITIES L.U. 108 fu.ml.es,s,mflf,ces.rfb.rts,spa. e m,I&ldl), TA,\IPA, "-1--Our 10000 l"s organizing campaign al the Peace River Electric Co-or has met with SUCCCS$.

The cmplo)'f!CS there recently voted (or un ion represc ntation . For a furthe r account of this po~iti\'e de,,·c!opm cDI . pleMc se e. the ~Cu rren\s" f~atute ill th.is month·s Jo//rnal

In other news. Iln mtcnSI\'C lobbying effort orga n ize d by Bus. Mgr. Floyd Suggs pro\'ed successfu l in re minding the Tlimpa Port Authorit ), of its duty II) represe nt all Hillsborough County cit i­zens and not sold), big busmess mlcr­ens. T he POrt Authori l)' vote d not to accept a Conlract·of-sale proposal by nonunion Int e rnational Ship. and thereby paved the ""ay for Forum Mar­itime .A. (fl Comp3n) wil ling 10 ~i!!-n a union mnlract) the opportunity 10 pl1r­chase Tampa Sh ipyard. Forum Mar­ilime S.A antiCipates hinn.g. 1,000 lD 1.500 shIpya rd workers_ with an est i­mated $100 million economic impact per year rOt 10 year on the Port of Tampa. The compan} plaM to bUild 24 cargo ,·essels and operate a TCpair lard fQf 115 enrm Heet

Getting invoh-ed in your union­o rganwng aad pohltcal dTlv~s do.:~ produce results_ We 0'>1 e It to ou~l .. es.

PicturN ~ it. rt.e local 112. Kennewick. WA, groclU<lting don of 1995: from left. boQ. row. Greg ~(. Doug Morton. Kraig Kamminend, Jon Patteuon, Kevin Sc.hoortover, Rid: Wil.wn ond Mike St&in; frontl'OW. Ste .... Weis, Terry Tote. Ed 8ofe~. Todd linton ood Brian McMurphy. Not pictured: Bob Martinson, Jim ~ruon and Jade wood.

OU I famllll!:!i and our commuDltll!:S to m.3ke the effort.. lefs work together for a country lbat offers opportunity LO all


APPRENTICES HONORED L.U. 112 (i .SI&C), KENNEWI CIi , WA-On Ma rch 19 OUI local held a gradua tion b anquet for the 1995 appre nlice class. Fami ly. friends and \\.-el l-wisher.. wert On hand to congratu­laiC the grcldull tes and e:t1~(1d best "",i:;h­es fOI a bright and prosperous. futUre.

Outsta nding achievers a nd their grade Ilve rages ure as fo ll o 'ol's: T erry TalC. 93.5 percent: Greg Goodyear. 91.69 percent; Bnan McMu rphy. 90.08 percent. Once lignin. congratulRtioMto nil on a job well-done.

At this writ ing we were gc llmg ready for the June 9 loca l uniun election of officers. Election rc.sults will fo lluw in our nCXI article. Thanks ~o ou l to all the candidates for their ~upporl of our local. T he co ntin ued suppor! o f th e entir.: membership is io Ihe best inler· est o f the. loca L

Local Il1's annual picniC \\,111 be held Sepl Q al Howard Amon }lark in Rlcb­land, \VA_ All members and lh~ir rami· lies arc oordially im;ied IQ a!lend. The fllrnic WIll begm ,Iround 12 nOOn. with good food . .sames_ friends and mHles.

At press lime "'e were lookmg for­'>lard to the all-ullion so(tb311 Iouma­men I scheduled fot Ju l)' 15-16 at Lawr..:nce SCali Pa rk- III Kenne .... lck-.. The proceeds from the tournament go 10 diabetes researcb Local 112 ha~ he~ n aCI"e in this charitable evenl ~t[lC~ lIS inception

The follo'>lillg journe~'man training classa are a\'lIilable: Hazardous Loca-

lions, A \1P ACT I Fiber-Oplic Train­ing Update_ Fm: Alarm, C-STOr, and Crane Tnlmmg CertlficaLlon for Ole­gon_ For informat ion call the training offICe at (509) 1 9.

LA1\;E L..CARRlER.I-'.5_

ANOTHER BUSY SUMMER LU. 12:4 ( i.sc.cm , r '5 ,5 1' ~ ,ets &mlolf ).

!O:: ~\NS,\S CITY. MO-Full employ~

menl has bee n the norm here for the la.~t couple o f ~·ClI rs. and thlS year looks no differen t. Book 1 ha rema in ed deo r . and se\'eral h lllld red travelers continue 10 gl.lce our work force.

As we approach the u'bor Day holi ­day. let's rededicate ourrelves as union­iSt:!i 10 the princip les thai remalll lhe bedrock of our behefs. We all cnJo), our be nefits. and it is importa nt Ihat we find Ihe time to 1I1su re they contlOue. Vo lu nte ers are t. he lifeblood of a ny organizatio n: ours is no e.xce pt lOn. Your lime and Illlenl lS wrely needed fo r the myriad chores that require our Ilttent ion A lthough our local is blessed With enlighlened leadcrship and a solid core of members wbo conSiStently glve of Ihcmseh'es, there is a huge need (or more member partieipatlon. The results of our organizlOg efforts have heen superb: both paid and unpaid yolu n­teers hll\'e acmomlnlled \lih,,! the ~UM m uniomsm is a ll about Come on, Jom the fun and do rour pan!

With deep re~rel we nole the passing of th~ follo'>ling m e.mber§; rt l irees Earnesl G Ball , Wesley A , Bro'>ln. Ledru 1\1 Moore. RaJph ~ Rehm, Bill} T. SkteD_ :Sicholas WaIz and Holland o Watson; and William t\ ~'Ii les Jr .. IIoho was an ~he ll1ember_ Our condo­lenCC"$ go oUltol.hc(r (amllies

locll l 124, KIlf"iSGS City, MO, 4V-year member Mike Owen5. (rightl recentty eetebrated hii retirement. He is fojnecl here by his fother, Bra. Colton Owens la reti~ 57-yeCIr loc(l l 124 member), und his WfI 81'0. Mick Owem, (I 22-YClClr locol '24 membet-.


ongralu lalions and he .. r w!~h l$ [0 Our newly relired mcmhcl'5: Ed Andle r. William C. Drown. Zane I 1·3nninr.. J.lml" I.: John .. nn I'ny,1 ~M i t l"-"

wens. Donald A i':Ivheh. lill l E. Shllmlhlln and l::.d ..... ard ZIIkari.HI,

MIKL 1)"1011('0. P.S,

Loc.oll30. New Orleans. LA, Bro, John Bruno, who Tecenriy pcmcipoltd in the Italian American Marching Club', 2Srft anniversary (elebf"otiOfl, PO:W:J 01 It.e Piana D'ttolio in his (o~tI,Ime ,

GRAND PALAIS CASINO PROJECT I..v. 130 (1&0). NEW OHU:,\ NS. lA- lllc uru nd Palr"s. wh ich ..... i ll be rhe larg~t c:Mino in rhe ~ mkl. IS hL"COm· mg A ICAI1lY. This $840 million job IS now in the early 'Iagc~ of COIISnUCII{)Il, The !{w<.!TJ1,ale. a former convention facility, h:ls bee n !t) rn down. nnd Ihe Gnnd Ilnlais will rise in ItS place. 11m. Joh should pUI our memher, 1(1 work and help rclic \'c the fI.:cc.ssi')l1 "OIl IHIVC expc­d" IlI't·,1 ;n rhl~ lHi~H ffIT Ihr l'n~ r III )'1'1I1"i

Ine Jrll1ian Americ.l n M:m:IHng Oub. whu;:h po ra des rhroug h Ihe French

ufll'ter of ' cw Orleans lind f'im .. hc~ al rhe Piazza D' h al ill in Ihe dllwlJ.rOwn urea, cclcbmlcd its 25th allmvcr.mT)' thig ,enr, Local no Bro, John Rruno,'n 23· ~ea, member of Ihe cl ub. rei,gned as Fnl peror Caesar XXV lie ""a~ III~ lOdllcled tnlO the italian I tall of Fame 1000ted on South I'eler;: SUcCI near the New Orlenns COIwentlOl1 ('cnter

liu\ Mgr TIger llammond has "ppoinled ,In addltionlll or[l;anllcr to hi \ laH Bro. ~ltchile l [mil Jr ..... bo ",IIi m:m thoe office In Ihe lloumafTh i· toodawc area, joins Dros LoH!nl,O $wit Md Joseph Caramhul II I to ~OIklflg 10 or~nll~ and recapture our IlItls(hchOn

LORRAI'b II Orr. r.s

LABOR DAY PICNIC L U. 146 (i& r1s ). nt:CJ\ TUK. It.-AI thn l.tnllOl In hue Ma)·. 'Aor). had slo\lcd. hul most locnl mcml~" \Io'ere employed We thank Ihosl: Irn\c!crs \Ioho rca:nll,' helped us man our 'IIoork

Local 146 (Jus. Mp. "hch,ld ('amgan ""a\ clL-clI:d 1~1 Ihe Decatur CII) Coon· ell In ,\ pril The nc\lo mil} or of Dec-dlur 1\ 're rr)' Ilowle)'. who hn~ ~upporled labor . ew Insight .md Ilppoll unit ic5 \10 il l now be more 8\'llilablc: 1011100..,

Ill EW locals fro m ;'Icros~ rhe slate \l cre \Io·ell·rep nled In Sprin,ncld at all AFL·('[O Labor Kalil'. An csllmnt· cd 8.000 un ion membcn glli hercd lil t


LoborETieflcUy stote Sen. POflny Sevetnl i" "Imounded by loc:ot 146, Deca tur, I~, members gnd glMn on -Lobor lobby Doy" held May 10 at 1M s!ole Capi~, From Idt: lot;oI 146 members Man Vohting. &rett McCLeBond, Kenny HoyeJ. Rondy Hoy." Mark HouMf, Aoron POhent, Gory Underw<JOcl oM Jim Uodefwood; Sen. SewtmSi Roof*" loco! uniOfl Bus, Mgr. Mi~. Shampine. Loc:ol146 V'Ke Pre •• Joe MoJIey, Loc.ol 146 8us, Mgr. Mike Corrigan, and Locol 146 oppt"tntK. Chuck CgppIti.

Ihe ('apiiol to prot~1 Ihe Republican all:k,;k ('In ~orkers' nghts. On fclumln~ tt') Yt1),L, 22 of oor o-.-·n memhe ... · n&hl" .... ere n(llared Ythen they 'Al!re rcrml1lo1l t'd for t~kTn!t IhlK dlol) orf ro uppon thclr bchdi, These unJusl It'nmn:IllOIl5 arc hem! challcnged ","h all of our re.,.oull:c!~

\1an)' thants to Local 134. <.. hu;al!.O. I L rVl 11d\l1l~ uuue II rllUld\l ... ),a(, lto)l· ing the 51~1 annual IIlL\V 1I(1~ITng rllurnamt:nt In UnCI8\} in Mil} . Our lv.o IClnd "'cn.: among lhe 4-U) IHl::W mem­be ... fmm 1lCI'06S Ihe CooIIII) v.ho hml .. greal time compcr ,"~ We challenge eycry local 10 p.u1lClpate tiel I }CIU

ApllrCnllCC classes have finished up. and the nc \Io' fUSI -)Car ellis. .. II f 12 have stll ncd their careers.

Lllhur Day mlunlecl"i are needed (or Ihe annui'll picllic, 0 0 }nu r p:ll t 10 "Hike "OtU

M day a success. 1'-ew r· ~h i m. jackets, hnls and swcat,hlrts Arc for SAk III the hall.

Cungratultll ions lind good luck to rim Brandl (Bra ndt Etecr" t) !lml Bill SlI1 gll!lOl1 ( BIII's EleclrlClI1 Service), BOl h ore local me mbers \I hn h(l"'c lu ken Ihc pili nge lind gone Inlo eo n· !Tocr lng.

C0\1E'1 1115 coming. Sray lO\ul\ed.

JI\\lES R. U~D[R" OO(). P S

LOCAL ELECTION L.U. IS(lIIJ~pa&t:!I ). WA Ut(EG /\ l' . 11..- Uf ncwl)' elected officcr!! arc: Ous. Mgr. Roger Ank le~, I're, Dan Kohcr, Vicc Pr Gene CrOH·tt1, Tle .. ~ Jue Longo. and Rcc. Sec. I).We SprlJUI. Lx'eculi\ Board members .lte , l)cl1nlS Mi'llec. \1lke 'W.ldaro. Ed ftrennJ. Rtcl.. Rottman .. nd Da\e rzrn~kl On rbe " ,umllllng noard arc: Tim I,kllnen. TOIll Soun and Don Larsen rhnnl~ to tht elcetl n tellers: Jim T()bC"~. rc:d Dell lon\ I U('Cnle. ~hke ""u~n. Mall McGrain and Stan f'lllMCnsll,

In June "'c rK'ketoo for Ihlce ""eeks at the former Shone~"s Rt..!llaur.lnl al I ake,CQ()k Road and Route In. The ce~laUI" .. 1\1. 00\10 an Inlern;llwmal House

of I}.nca~c . .... 8 being tI::modded pnur tn I~~ntnl! /\lth(lo@h ""e "bdn'l ~Illk: .tab turned around. ~e did make our dl'iplc:t~lre kno'''''n. We hope 'A hen tht comp.ln\' renH.K:Ick Its rel>t:m ranl In

Vernon !lill It \lill u e union IJtw" Ill3nL~ III the rellrce~ and members' kuJs \I ho bdpcd us man Ih~ pd:el

("oll~rBlulatl()n 10 our 18 nc'A Jour­UIi:'),III.UI wllellll:1I .unt eig.ht IIew Ie\! denlml ""Ircmcn. who were honored at Ihe .. pp rcnrltc glaJualion hanquet Jcrl) Schafer \Ioas nailled CtulSlanJrnl'! apprentice for 1II11111111mmg the highest fh'e-yellr gmdc lJ\crllge Mati \td irarn a nd I{ub (jl)mel ach ieved B pufect fivc ·)'cn r aLtcndtlllcc record . Torn Gallur w.ns named outs-tanding re!lidcn· 11.11 rrBlIlee fOI co.r nlllg the ht~he51 Ib r~c·year gr.J tle l1v~ri'lge. A I Fllc tl le had n Ilcrfeci Ih rce-year attendance record. Twenty new journcymllll wire ­Ill an :II'pre nlU';C~ and 10 rC"siden lla l train/'c''i WI' '' ' n'rl'n l ly accI' pt r lll lltn uur I rflinmJl prog.rams.

WENDY COIU)f\ , '·.5

STEWARDS SEMINAR t.U. IMI ~o.II&IcIl ), II I1NNEA IJ OU S, !\IN-Thc Local 160 .a nnua l Union Me\l!lrd.\ Scnllllilr wa~ held M.arch 4 at tile Union hall

T he 6S chlrt "lcYt.3rds., ~rc"'ard and local umon omce~ In 1I liendanQ: heiu d (.'(CellC'fl l rre'C'nllItlon! by 3Ito rne)'. Sail)' SPCCII"lr ,lIId Joe Herblock. from Ihc 13\1 firm of /\ bram and Spector. 0t'I

Iht tilrl of Mlllncsota ""orkeM com· pen~h('on b""., and hoY. they affect lhe ",orl.lng dd~ After Ihe presenlluJon, Ihc Ilnome,.'5 conductcd a. qucsllon·nnd .tII~YtC:1 pcntK.I I he sle\lo3rds rl'CCI\cd excellent tnformaiion to tRl.e bacl. 10 our members on Ihe JOb

The local supplied a met: luncheon and dra\lo,"J.~ fnr It \'artely (If door prizcs [email protected] Ihe 1995 semlnur 10 a ~uCU!S~ful ronclu~lOn.

Than" ~, 1~1 ou~. Mer. Da~e Rm,R. Ibl." Illcal union. and all Ihose \10 ho

Loccl 160, Minnec~is, MN, srewcrcb, chief steWCI,d~ ond locol unIon offken oneM the Iocol's <1nn\ICI1 Union S~Qrds Semifl(lr held in March,

worked 0;0 hard (In Ihe pJan nmg. food. preparation, cleanup. and nil that &\)~ lO W pUlli ng w3cl her a day li t e IhIS. Thc min:)r W,U for Ihe bencfit of our memlJcrs, and e\'el)'onc did a great Joo. ll1aJlLs II) all wh(l p;lrl lclpatcd

GAR' LCAvI'ESS. 11 3

NEGOTIATIONS L. U. 166 Il.eh.rb.rlb.!;tj , 1.I&ul v), SCltE'\'t:tTAI)l'.I' ... ·- Work rcnwns t:iUSlH!. 110'111'1 .. lot of JOurne~'fT1lln "" lfC men on !Joo). I. A (air amount of 'Aork I~ hed up ""llh the ~-due "ew York "laiC budget. When ./I budgel is p3~d ~e \100111 ha\C~ 1'1 helle, Idea as to whal prDtCCb WtJlbe Inctud.:d or cancelled

",11,1\ T\ Uml ncJOI~IK)fh tined May 111. 'Allh a contract annnersar) dale of June 30. 199~, As of thiS ~m· mg. only Ihl' fir",t negOlmllOg m('('llng. had yel laken pileI:.

onlrol 'C:IYt(Hl. Cnmmumcal1on~ members rallfied a long O\crdue ralSl:

on \ la> 30 The anm'ellllf) date for rlk pr~ ... touJ COn l r~cl \lrltj ScrtcmN:' 1994 The wages ~erc increased by 3 per(;tlll on a ll \Io'uge rale ... RetroaClive wale Increases 'A ill be.: r aid In I""o.so percenl pa , menl5 In Augusl and OClOber These mcmbers arc "",tiling 10 sec ""hal 1~ gom@ to emcrAc from Ihe pr stn l "(dedi"a" lyI"C lIt:reCIIICnl The lelcda· la agreeme nt is dlleeled at an Moulside plall l H project II I hoped tbe change Of.3 new agreemenl '01111 beller addrese. Ihe buslnes we arl! operating in.

"nt': city of Scheneelady electricul1I s rccenrly rllli fi cd a n e~ rh ree- y~:" agreemc nt, nfter hnnnf worked IWO )can wllhom:t ll upd:l lclllI~rccmcn l.

Conginlul;'lllons IQ Richard Garneau and Kfl7 SeL urs ln (I n their JUli e I ret ireme nt. We 'oI' i ~ 1t them all Ihe besr in Ih~ }'tlMS ahc,ld

We "' ill rcpon m our next article on rbe local'l Sicuk BaLe I hope c \ cry~lIIe who oHtllded cnlo)ed the day.

Sfl.lI' GOYETIT:, I',S

'CHANGE IS GOOD!' L.U. 204 (u&t). CI-: OA R R ~\ PIUS . IA-Chanle- that's one of rhe (e'" thrngs III hfe v;e can he sure of, ",hi? Coom on II! t am 001.11 SImple hnemiln but e\cry once In II Vohllc I sec th,"g.~ happtoing Iha t COnceTn. and quile fmnkl)'. dl~lulh me

The ulllit) IIldu tt) IS ehanglllg! Ye~ II is no longcr I rlacC' .... ·bere onc can ha\e Ihr: )tuhllll) and seeurit) one' parenlS and ,nndparenu had in Ihelr JObs. The killd of s.ccuril) Ihal let! to happy h~es. Siable familll!s and secure rrttremcnlS for most unlll. hke ~Ior' rell. the compao)" loo~ our reluees hcallh·ca rc benefit aVoa), from Ihem Pcrhup-ii the COt'llroln" figures Ihat. \ldl. reluce. nrc nQ 'onzer employees. and health CJle cor;tS;'l WI of mOlle~. Af;k.a fellree ho ... he feels about chllnge ('ompames arc: uch:mg1l1g lon~ held valuC's for a ne'A nnd e~citing II sl of oplltln~ 5uch as cluly retirement, \·01 UIl!:H) PMfttl(l(\, 'n\·olunliu·y StparA­tion. lUl l Ion rClmb urSl!mcnt. la)uffs, rake·~d.!o. etc. Enou,Sh excitement?

Someone mlgbt sa). MS IOP sCi'lrl nll Ihe mcmben!" Sorry. Quite frankly. It i!> tIme to he dlmll hcd Actually. the tl me 10 he dls turbct! was in 1993. Now it


I~ 11m.! In I'k; dll~nnlllll .... uITh.:d We Itll: ICCCI\lIl1! Ihe 'olme lInuhle: ~pe.IL !h Ix'iorc. vlllu...·~ \Ullt.:ITl<.'nl". mutual gOlm .. <;cho{tl~. rTlectll1f' .... lth UUILCrs olthc ((lmpany. Was Ihl~ all 10 rlcn IlS up!

we an: c:~pcCIf:d In .. hlln: Iho: ["IIU hut ~I\t· ul' Ule: }:"I" I .. II .. : ... Iud.ltvld en. Wcll. I did thai ' .... 0 )dn ~o. An.! \OU .. nfl .... \Io·hUI.1 I he .. lOll. 1\ Im .. cr O~ lh.tn II \\ol. ... Ib..:n. l1uu mU'i1 mean Iho: 8m"'> nlnntng Ih.: piaU" lit· .. " I ~lnlUl' Ihl.:l1 ,hMo.; . \\ h.lt un .... e: do unOUI Ihat1 The cllmp .. n~ lIn ...... cr I~ 111 ~"Ume IMd. I .... U \I.:;lr\ Lih:I ,.\lid ,:..:1 1U1'1""\.: s.to million. SkU nllliton plt.:l. lIumher l"he~ call I gel II ;til h"m U~. cnrn:dlun Ihey woult.!lf Ih..:y coult.!

It I~ UIlS\, 10 !!!r! I"IC. hul ""11111 enn thc a\cragc unilla nlcmb..!r d .. ~OUI all or Ihi~~ HIl\'e louh In nur nf(u;cr; 01 II",: local Jn d our '1e~t1 I I .. ljnl! Cumnlll1ce for one IhmG I ht.:st people IUC ~ork· In!! man)- long. hour .. 1(1 reaLlI !loome kind of agreement .... 'ith thc campan) Whal If Ihey c.tnnOl rendl 11 11 ag lee· men! '-A ilh ~o much 01'1 Ihe I"ble Ihis tlmc" I"hcy Willi II Wi ll he up In u~ 10 stick l o~ell\l:r and ~nd Ihe nll.ht mc!lo' SlIfe .... heD tbe tlm oome~

SOlida n l:-J 111\ nOI JU!>I a I.:alch\ phrase It IS /loll JUSt thl.: " in lh lng" 10 '>Iiy al negtllllilltm time. It i .. 't(lmelh1n~

we h;ld btuer h\c e~er)tLty! We can make 1995 II 'car to n:mem·

ber l\OI for what .... ,,: lhdn'l do We c<ln ma.ke it the }c:lr ¥oc PUI our t .... o largesl ('onlrllCI'I IUgethc r Ilnd dId ntH i l\'C a ..... ay e\e rrlh,"!!. ~e h.lvl! wurked i)Q

bard to gain. ra all the ml!mbe~ ""hu fecllhc) lire

nOI dirccdy in\olh:d In the: utility milO-118110n\. lememher We 1Ire all In lhl"

I~ther We ~Itck up for you \\ben .... e Degotlale. We may necd you to write lellers. allend 'l'nme ell .. (Oun":ll mtel· Ings. It I! our union!

JURl' Sl:.9L.RI. r.s

BROTHERS HONORED L U. 212 lo&kIlJ. ORLANDO. fl.­On Apnl Z7 Obun Hennc lind I ~x:al 22 honored Bros, lI "btrt E, Den ne\l anti Benlamm F rrld~on wllh a n.: lllemCnI dm ner rl l the Rdmlltitl Illn ill j .lck· somi l1e. FL The dlnncr w3 wclI-attend­ed. li nd the food wo~ cxce llent IJII ~

Mgr. Mi~e Dc ll prc cntcd 1l 1'Q. Pridgeon with II 40·)-car plf\ and Bill, Hcn1lett with /I J5·)e!H pin. W\:l ,III widl them hl:a lth und hAprllll.~ In Ihl!lT n:tm,!tI1(: n1

local 2::12, Orlando, Fl, Bus. Mgr. Mike Bell <ongrollJiorel 40·)'00' memw Benny Pndgeon 01 0 retiremenl dinner hetd for Bfo. P,idgoeon and 35·yeor member. HIlt"Oert E. Sannett (nol pic­tured),


AI Ihl~ ",tlIIIIK our "(Ilk I~ ,III .... Ihe d~r~!!ul.I IIlln of tho.; lltlht) muu'l!") h •• " hill.! a mlll!H ne~lItlVO: Imp:".1 III Ih ... Jun\llll.UOII II., hoped ullldlllHn~ Yoill tmpro\~ <.0.>00 and ~~ c:tn ~I nur m..:m, bo.-r. bao:k It' .... tlrl a.1 hume:

(JUI Ofl't.Ull1JI\J cff6tU Me bc,tllOln, I.., t;&il.c huJll.'; hn"'~\er.lhc nnnunmn contractor ... t11: IcdlllJt Ih, nq~Jtl\e cUca .. of dcrl,.'Iulaui'ln ~ ",dL 'Inc:) an.: ""I hllln,. .1",. III II,,· .. 11I .... ltm~ n '" .... ("IIl. Dro~. (.,.11)- Ur()v.n ud R"lph ~":UI1 ,m: pllln",n!t 'c~erul (()1\1J- I d .. ~.,. for the no::u (Ulull.: hll;llnlmut; to educale !lur memhel\hl ll lin Ihe !teed 10 or~Jn"e IJUr IIIIIU,II"\'

I he lllem\: CQmmllice IS b\.,,) plnn rtlllg nUl IInnU1i1 Lillur U.IY PIJ:lltl.

..... hich will be hcid n~oin ftl Li~t Lllke l'uhopciwll)o1lt '" KI"'lIIll11ce. I I

R.::mt'll1her 1(, Fe l inn,hed in }I'UI

unmn and IlIIe nd Ihe mee tmg'

JAM I·!> \I HH I H \ 11 "i

ELECTIONS HELD I U. Zl" fI .I" tlh ,"p"SIfI'o:), 1' ,,\1'101 . VI 1.1 . .... CA -C"unp.rol!ul.Jtlun\ 10 lI u\ \1~r Ron Carpe nter nnd Pie, Rny 'litho Is. " ho rt:ct:nrl}' ..... er~ reelected unopposed for lnoth..:r term of of liCe. Run tmd Ral, alons with l·on .... 1 HJ\'er, our full time \II~.ln"!,lr, hll~c been m.'>ttumc.ntal '" seconn, ami mninl"IBlnll ..... ork In Ih ... 'Htd \\ Ith the Incn:m.tnl! up~utge o( nonunion 1tI.,I"ity hert. ~I b. [I

C'Cm~"'n' OOlile III tel_m nur .... Iuk; (Ind the o~er.dl""llge PilJ:k. I .'I~. l-IuPIJOl1 Ihe Davls·Dacon Act. the prc\ailmg ""lie ki\\. h)' Yo'nUIl!! yuur 11!!t~all~~ repre.en liIU~1: Il)' "orlm" to@l:lh~r and stl}ln, mfnmlCC.i, \o\c can m"kr a dllfen:nct

lIat .. 011 til Jim 110(" ..... 1\1.111 rclmng In 'rh:mbcr We "",U ml" him JUI! w,11 be do!.In? Il1It a Gm:c. of mort: Ihdll 44) )''t:aJ'l as.ll qua1trtcd umoo clo.;nncUn. lie Wll~ cmrl(I~..:d ftlr Ihe In~1 26 uf Ihtl'\,( )C:lrl.n Cnh.:rpfI!K: Oo.;~'rK; In Iloll~ler

A ,>pcClalthlln l~ III leliled ",cmher RdY Talter. "ho h"lo bt.:en II lcadu In

dc:\'dllplns nUl Il..;al Unl(1O Pl:n ~){Jf\ "nd IlcoIllh ~nd WelfAre (ru.,1 jund" Rol\ Iw" contnbuted much o j hi. lllllC (I'" the p;.t~t 17 year ... to hdl' .... nit: ~l'"t: ul the finesl benefit in the Indusl!,),

\VOI L I~ conlumUl; ulIl he e'(pmN ;.ltt or SolcdntlllfiSl)n, Nen r It.:Lwd (1IIII fll ll, (lVer Ihc 1'111\1 WIRier ~ 11 )wtd Ihc proJecl ~omewhal I I".' nc.w ;,hforlll;t -'t!l le UoweTslty pro]":CI 01 Iht ('lId Fror l Ord ~i lc i:,. nnw under .... ay wil h Ihe rehuh 01 over 20 on·slte bUtldIlI R~. Our MPB,II/,· cr; Arc b lJ ~y "Im'1t1g 111 resam '-Ollie (If Ih l ~ .... lIl k 10:<;1 10 Ibe non union

PleD~ ~upp\Jrt }'(lUr locnl Unton; reg· ullll l)' 1111":111.1 "UUI UlIIIIIl 1II&;&;hll~" h..,IJ Ihe ,eoond \\ ednc~1\' o f each nwnlh .11 7;..10 pili .

Rtluuu" f nLl I"

COMMUNITY SERVICE L. U. 280 lI . rl~.SI.f . C t'5,IIII.e!ll rno). S I\I F\I, O R-The .... rio: p"lure ~(m· MUo t\) Iov~ $C'klti In QUI IDL.II.

Our "fcflnd ~nnu"llUt \\ I\Ff'A 'iolt rOr l-Il't.-c.11 Ol\mrmo. I HUrnnlllc.nl rlll5ed ncarl) S~.(J()(J ror the 'J,ped:.1 ')lymp'C\ "I Oregon

Ou.r m.:mbcr.r. \olunlcerct.! Ihclt !ler· lice .. 10 "gil l the 1",o,ct"aall field t!) r Kuj, Inc vf )}alla\. OR. The pro,e,' Wfl.~ It g.t\:1l1 MJt.:e~' .. , 111t~ 'Hit: III puhltL '>CH ILC

IllYOIhClllo.;nl HI L(ItfUIlUnll l~ ..... 11111 11 our 11"0(:;,1 It", 1lI",,1e J mea~Utublc dllkreoce tit tnc puhlll \ p.:lU::ptlon ul UnilIfU..rn In

gl:lIeroal .. nd Ihl. lU I "' In po.nlCul.i.r, 1113nl.. ,OUI" tu Rick Gra.mcll. .... hu

sr<.,rheJtdcd the prclfCc1 ilndlu Ihe: ful IU\\In, ml.mbct! fat lhC'tr \lllun!eer con luhullull III the ICk:al .md III the cunlmulhh \ltl." \t!1Utn. '\11':\1: KI.t~ .... cr K~lth \\ e,1\(;r. l>.tI.: l.mdl'. Shane HUrl",n, Jlk: ('Ul1Irlln~l."r. Rllj:c:r UJU~ cr. Jllhn R1rphn.cr. Gre, \ldk:r. I)a\"<: (lul-.on tilen Kll..c aRtI \ Iou. {JcdtJc...

(,I ()R(.f '-"'0'" l'~

JOURNEYMAN TRAINING I..U. 188 ( l.u.rl'&~I)a) . WATERI.OO. IA -"iutntncr grt'cllnt:s It) lllllJm llIe," 1)Co., I he pol\1 (e\\ mllnlh~ h;He heel\ huw.)nc W..: havc held !ie"crnllflur­ne}' IIHIII Ir,II!IIng C\ ' UI"!lol.:lo, IIIdud l n~ .1

u'oC;11 AI'C II '1ct .... ork nnd a Fibi:r-Opllc Cnllic dll\~. l'lun, fi lre ll d\ IltC hCl n/ot IIllidc rIll' 1.111 oUld .. prtnj; cln~,I.:", 1((;lIlcm~r. "'e need 10 keep updlHcd III Ih l~ wn<,t;IIlt!\ Ch ,, "g lll~ IIIUU!loIIY. III m dcr 10 he loc Ite~t In t)UI field ..... !! nol IInly mil" IUHe t hc he .. 1 Journevmnll .md .Ippro.;ntice~h lp 1f'lllnlO!! rrQgruOls t!v",llIblc, ....... al .... , miN itC!u.lIh aticnd the d,1'>SC~ o!fered,

Wc hau 'EX Iraduatln~ apprenllces Ihl" ~C/ll Ille le;lehero. ror Ihl! rl\t! ~·t!ar

j'lfuj!rJm h.l\e dWlt II rine tt~ In tmllltng the 'pprcntltts (1.\ hlPl qU3lit)' JOUrney­lIIeli Congrdlulallun, In all, Dnd bc~1 wlShc~ fQr tb~ coaune; YC:OI1), !:.ach )o,;ilf lhe loelll Iccnl=nl .. e~ nne 3raduIIIJIlg "prre:nti~t' fllt hi.'> or her out .. tandin~ Jchie\'cmenl lind umon ,0\'01\l;menl Thc ...... drd l!o pre-.c:nlcd In mcmor} of Oro. LCllrgro J Ptulp. our former ~~l­nt:!>' ",an:t~e ..... ho p;KSCd a .... a\ In 1910 durtn~ hi!> lerm 01 ufilco.; 'I hi .. n~ar RhundA rket.l~ .... "" chtJ\('n .' I~ ~Orl enl of Inc,\\11 lrd

Orla0l7108. hI:> been II maIVr pr(lJC(' uf L()utl21tH for Ihe ra~1 }eOlt. \\ e I1U.· ml\ l ln, prng.I C"~. Ihllnk ~ to some 'e rJ Im,11 1lIt:1II1"tt.:", whit II/ne Ot:cn wlllkin!' (m orglnll.lng Ihe la rge non,unlon ~hnlYS In Ihe W;lIclloo Illea nnd In Ihe le,t n( Ihe IlX:dl'~ Juri!>diClitl ll

\1 cmbcn. ll( Loeal 28l! ..... ert in"Hcd 10 ma . d l \\'llh the UllIck II lIwk I ahur Councll m lhc '" My Walerloo Dnys" par.lde hc.ld June 2. I.oc.ll unlOll me m­hers <11;\) help ~c t up j')(l\\" for di~pla>s lind I,t her ",'t h 'IIICS Ih rnuglwul the ","e~k h)llg 1e:!>I",ll

At tin ~nl ,"g ""C were gctt lnB ready 1m Ihe .llIl1ual ..... llIkUll\ -.chcduled ror June' Ihli yeoilr. ;I( Ihe Iluy SCOUb ("amp Inp:n .... lmi\ '1 hi .. event ul .... ar .. pro\~ 10 tw! :I 101 or fun. alld It 1\ h\:no.;­rll..I,l l ttl Ihc I:dmml.lRlI\

RIIO iJ)J\ J I)Hlh." \.

DAD'S DAY RECORD I .l. JOO (i .• ~n,·t) . '10" PFU I:: R. \'l --(:~rur:t .. luIJIItlIl" I() 13m G~lfgt' nlln f(\r hi \Anrk ~ Ibl! Vo.;rmont O,\ n \ I>a\ chatfman for 1«111' The d{matlClD cuUe":lcd lur tho.; lJulla~ Ajltlm .. \ DUlherC\ fuml·nu'>L!l rCI'IC"'Cnl 11 I"~W ro.;l:llrdlot Lo..:al"\Of1 Keep up Ihe )/(lo .. l .... url: Brother-. ,Ind SI~l cn;o

1 hi1ll k 'OIl unce IIg.lln Itl ~ectJlld 1J1'loU lnl I{l'P I II CI1I1IU~ tm elll\

dUl,.llIIg .tIIl.lher ~u,.(;. ... ~lull tlhly Sle ..... Md\ lr.umng (1 .. , .. A, u ... u." thc cillo)" .....1' 'Aellll.:l.:..:i\I.:LI.tnd ,en hc:ndkial (m ,III Ih\1SC .... ho particlp.1tcd.

\ I~n,)e;" .1~rl."Cmenl ha:-. been rati~ hed fill l 0117, ,100 ,llhr':'c·\""r ;I(.!l"l!t· m~'nl hl1' neen rlUlftet.!lIlT· H3rd~ld{. I ~Inl.: lJcpl \\III:C IIrene,.., h;ue been -...:nlcd f(lr the lown l'( 'orthr,dd &nd \Iurrl\\-"'c Wilter dnd Liehl Dept. Cumml,1 up lhi~ rail i\f"C V(rmonl Ekc· Ifle ("1I(.Pl:rJll\·e. ("cntr~1 Vermont Puhh~ ~o.;nlcc Corp .• (ru:en \fountain P(I\\cr and Lrnoon\'ille OeC1nc Do.;PL Cinuti lut.L. Iu ,IlIlho .. c ,",ohed Wllb Iltt negotiating eomnllltees.

l n,,1 nctt tIme.: Hu~ lI.llrth Amen­I:,m.antl hu, muonl

1"\IL~ ' ILRRltJA' JR. R.S

APPRENTICESHIP DINNER HONORS 24 GRADUATES loU. 302 (i . (I , tl\&~ P !l). I'L": ASAf'lT BIM., CA-TIlc ninth .Innu.lI ' \ rlpren­ItCl!shlp omplcl ioll Dinner sponsored Iw tht: JA rr \'o ilS Ik:ld 3t LlO Fnlt::do's Re~ I .lur;1II1 III 1}le,,~,}nt Ihll 011 Junc I '1 we oly-four nc .... JOfJ rnc)men were honn,eu JA I( ("hmn Doug WaL~Cln I.I\'c an ifhpiring pet.:ch, and the e\ltnl \1;[\\ 3 hl@ ~ua:C""" InelU/,hnlt the !!-uests. IilJnorcc~ lInd ~pe .. L.cr~, 190 people .... ~r~ in tHu:ndance.

Ille IIrl'ldu"tc~ nrc jam~ Alc.under, DaVid Avid .!, RI(bdld Bohler. Todd llutler. \ fanhe .... Cargo. M)Ic. .. Chc"'u, el. I Ill. Clllllmtrt\, Palrlck Ebert, RIChard Greig. Jeff Ifcp\\ortb. Patrick HUllhlllmn. Gerald """rlill III. Paul \hnnda, llreu Orttand, j" Padill~ \hnc Plilell~. 0\'";111.1 IldlL.!;:I. L;lUICII Richmond. Om RoarL.. hed Rogers. \ hchllel Ko~q. GeQrge: ligman. 11m­olh\ Whllehuust nnd Klch;ard Yoder We eongr8lulltc the g.radua t!'; aDd .... lSh them t:\en !loIlCCl. ... \

\ Ian)' or lhe ~raduales arc working al Ihe Bec hlel Shell 011 Clean Fue ls I' rojcct In \l arl inci ('A This IS cur­re ntl) IlnL" 01 the: lu rgf<t CI)ll~l rut:llU" rrnJcctr. In Ihe CI)Ul1l ry. and It has lin (~cdlt'nl ~afct)' record. Wi th o\'cr 1 mil· Ilun mun-h()ur~ ..... t' rkecl '*lth\Jul a lust­lime ,Ieddcnl l'he~ 11t;: \o\ journeym~ n

li te a big plifl (If Ihe grQUp known ali the ":>J.ltC\! W,lrkef\ 10 tin:: World ~

1(tIIlA R!) LYN=-,. P.S.

VOLUNTEERS NEEDED LU. 336 (I&e"I " I, III CJ\ GO. IL­l ""111 memocrs IIcrUM Ih~ ct.lunln· arc \oluntecnn@ IMlr lime in an eff~n 10 bnnilielt.:ph"~ Itl the beihtd6 of diS­abled \CIL"fIIlS n:ttn Ul~ CUL" in \'arioL15 Vctenn\ \dmln"trallon ho~pltal .. II ro~\' uur n!,lliun l'bc -I' I Phonl: 11"1111:- nmr'I1!-n 1'1 a not,fot-profit CHilli Ih .. 1 ~g"n til 'eYo Ynr~ \Iale. 1"hc kkll came from {WA I...ocal II~O. POUI/.M,t:cplole. ''". memhcr f rank. DO'I\>. no'o\ II,,: e'(l:cuti\t: direclor of P T (>hon..: lI unlt: fnc ,\ ' c .... York. telephune tllmpdn\ ledlnlclan ;tnd \"Ielnnm '·c lenn. Uro Demo recog­nlled Ihl' need 01 hu:opHnil/ed \ c:ts IU hlwc phone ~~'''''Ice at Iheir bedsides. llnlorlulI..ttt:I \" lhul !>en ICC I~ 11111 lIvuil­;Il1lc [11 1I111n\ \ i\ hl~piluls tada)'


Bro. D(lsio PUI log!:lh!:r .1 l:Olllllum lhal ,nd ud.:d "ulll n lc("1~ frnm the !DEW. CWA. I cI ~ ph ()llt: l'umccH •. V I \\' nnd AmencM Legion Wllh til\,

coopcrlllion o r Ihe I{cg!ofllil Bell Oper :1I!flg ("ompli n lo.!S. \'oIUnlecu have hc~un \ 11 \~ II t: VA h{l~pl l u l ~ wllh hell side phon\:~.

Ihl \ dl\1II I1,I" rClIchcd th~' 'tnle 1/1 Ilhnois. Our SiSllI hica!!11 k,c"l, LII~.II 1M. lind Iht: .lbm'cmt"nlmnt"d ur,am· l31i()11S h.l~e IMtll~ lp,.lctllll thc Wlnuf ur I ;} L e\ld~ HO'PIH\1 In Chica~o \\ lIrL h.~ bc!o!un nn We\l\lIk \ 1\ Ilthl'lIl1l

In Ihe nC .. I (UIUII;. 'olunh:t"'" from I.ncall1(j \1111 hl" nceded Iu "'lie \ ./\ Ilu~IJI I,,6 III IlU. ~u lIll ullI.lmjl ,In: •• " \ 'nl unlCer!> will ht· 1l~l..ed 1\1 run "'In: tIn IhCII 0" " lillie. cllher .:.ller "·nrL III (111 Snturdny ..

OU I hI1'I"Inllll'J ,·cl\ ccru.lnl~

&;~nc Ihl.: pmikg..: ,If it bcw."k Ilhlllll! l lHI'oC ", 1M) \lnuld h~ ... In ,,,I"OI(l'l nul\

t:.l!1 Ihe UlUun ,lUll ..... 11 (71 ~) !,Lilli wil and ICII'c II m\. ... "ll:c Illf bilk: {.ul'cnll.:r 111" ..... \lOIlh, \;.oj ll~ ,m..! lk-..cn .. " L1UI full (oopcr.lUon. J'k~ hdp

I '\RR'J \ 1(II IIIR,R,'I JtI \'

TRAINING CENTER GROUND· BREAKING I. . • 3-10 U.o, II'.t"m&"l!p." ~ \ C }( \ . 1\IF~TO. (' \ -Ibe rnln hoi' Iln11h kl U1-' • .t."J IO~ h.n\; lllu~"u ,r'l'UnJ UII \lur rtr-,I I:\ .. r [raining C't"nlef rtu: ItdlllO· 'quar.:·hwi l.Juhl\ \\111 ht.- n'olined Itll1 pen: ... nl h, I uC:11 '\Jl) m.:mh..-I'fi 1"1"". (IIllIm "III k,lIurc ('",lrl1lcr,. 1'1II)1,1,lm· mahk ,,'nITllllen .. nJ motor ":llnHol,. anu rci.lI ... d Ihe.ln "'III he 1.111,111 In addlll"n. J ;.5l.H~u .. re·I\JO,'1 ~"T I'Itll r"ll.o... Ir.slllln~ lor Illlf mcmtx-f' In Ilk· follo'o\lI1, (tllc",nc" ... L1l1du.1 hcm.!mr: " Ih.' pullmp:, h'rmll1:tllon'. ,In: "nd~, ",ddln)! IC\ltknll .. 1 mud,u~ ami loll'l ,·01t".I.: 11\'''(", 'W1und, and fire .[Iarm ennllol '''Il:m, The 1I i1lnln,: ecnlef ,h,'IUJd t'l: , .... 111\ 1m ,Iud.:nh In Ih .. 1.111 \ 'rcl.'tlilhank,'; hi ~lnlh Di'ln~1 Inl \' u: ... ", ... , "'l H. - I:u:t.. \h·( .lIm ,lntJ Inl Rei' \IIL. .. · \l1I"'r ... ' lur luL;lllIt tun ... out (II ch .. ·u hu\\ ,(hcdult, It ... lIl.:nd IIUI rllllllH.lhlC:"lun\= ccrcmOIl\

On ~PI \j I A.II '-'41 .Ilunl! ,ulh Ihl" t il' 01 S;,,:r..m..;nto. ~ III c.:l~hn ll: 111~ (jr.llk.! (.nn",11 ul LIVhl' I hi'" ..:('kllr.l lIon I~ d .. dIC31 .. tllo !!I~';:ln~II~·, pJ'1.

JlIL">Cfll Rnd rull,l lc. Olle hundred years ngo. F('Ibom PI1\\crhou!.c w~nl on .. llllc ~~II " 1ll 1 In,it 11 .1)")(1 '<oils or I\.C rurrcnt \J ~":I 22 llllk·l!o. 1111: hlllge\1 Inu I'l Ill ',lUn (If Ihul (W l"he tHy of Sacramen10 eel· ehr,tlled wllh !lll1glll p,tJdUl' lcawrmg flt);)I' r,!;,:eoruled wilh dcctric light~ and 111\110' 11 II) eJcfl nr 'Irc~'1 l"Im nl(,' Fol· '('1m P()wc lhou ~ .. ~I\lmb In 113 oTlgm:11 '1.11 t:! 100llY lind i ~ dl'dll;tJlcU .(l~ .. ~l1l1 e rark .

\\ nr\.; r.;mll int sli)\\ In our Jumdic. Iwlt (}nl.:c ,,!!.un "' ~ tll.!n~ 'tnroumhn!! hlc"I'! ror pl(l\' ldln, emplc)~IlICnl (Ipfl'lTlumtl\:\ lor OUT IUcrnbcf't

11 IS I'Io llh s.Jdnc~~ Ilw "'e Il:porl Ihc dt'.tlll ,1/ , ccend~ rCliled Bro UIII l. .Utl"\eltJ 0 1,11 um.l"lcllcc\ VI! nUllo lI lll' .. l :ullll~

'\( Sl1FI\I, ... Ja I'S

ANNUAL CLAMBAKE 1..1I. 358 0 &' 0). N .. H11I "\1110 \ . ~J- \\lIh Iht!' end or ~ummt'T

.1rt~nl .. "lInf!. the IlfIll' ,,"eM 1(lr lIur

.mllll,\1 d.lmNiKc. 11n I!I II ua~' rC~f\·ed rm ealm!: Ihe rClltll'lollctl d.\rn f lll h.·", .1nJ ~'njo~ull "h.uctl lIle"ItUle~ • .J da, fm lill'ln!/. \lUr fIllli-" 10 11)3)1 Brolh..:r: dliJ ~1:'1\.n flU Iollr~' "'III, ~ M'IL.e II.! I'l1Inl IU 1Il1li.'N

IkL.IL-dh. "'c l"mll1~ lk.!l lrll (·annme thllUl..'"t1 and hl~ commltllr;: f~lf Ihe fin.. rlfnrl Ih," 11111 r"nh In nl ~all ... m!1 300 adtnInL~I~'nll' I l"Ie L ... ler r~~ IIUn\. t\ ,peudl lh.mh 1\ due 'hlcl (,hrhllnc nhkl/ln~"[ fill betn", ,. p:rc.11 - I ;"tt'r nunm

( ()n~r.dul.lIl1'KI' tn 11m Be*, \ 1L"CiIiI (III hr. 11'10" wm~ II \\ aU SUkhum RdCl.'· \\11\ "'lin COIf ' II .t~x \\ .. "'I~h him l'lHlln~d '1;\.1("\'\."", and S.Jfc ra..:lnf.

\\t' huf'C t1, Ihe lime Ih .... lI\1ck , .. J"lIhll,hed {Iur tmrkl\lIll.:llt PldUI': ",!II IIII\c InJllrl1h·J OUI ml:mher~ hll\·c CIIUfJtcllU!.l) .... 111,,1111,0 Iht' COll1l"llI~ .nd cmClllon.a1 "\~;lUIt~ o( unl:mplo~· lltelll Kl!r"~mllOlI(lf IhlN,; "'ho d l~play

und"unh.:d bch,t l I\)r III II!..: 100I.c ilr ",n~I" 1\ arf'ropfI"lc a~ "' .. nCln Laror Dit~·. \\!! "lIen ncgltl:l 111 113\ Hur ~rlfltu:d Ju .. ~ on lLl\\ '4:1 .""J .. lUi" "ft\.-.:IIk: ,,:lIm· m..'lJIflr.lII,..,llI, .. La~lIr Dit~. 1.1~e lhe hill..: III Idlet:! Ull the Ju,:I11I\ mherenl III Ihc Am .. rlt: .. n lI\ourhr, .1 d l ~nll' III1T1n'll.lll eOldl (lnc III u,

Gathered for the ground breaking of Ihe lOc."o1340, Sauomento, CA, h'aining cenler are, Irom left: Tr<r inin9 Oir. Oon fither; R:obert Welles. of the Sccl'OnMnlO County Boonl of SUpc!l"IlsOf'"!i i Nlnlh Dlw tC1lnt. Vlco PrOf. S.l . -Jock- MtConn; Locol340 !.us. Mgr. Chuck Coke; JATC Sec . Mike Slinson; ond Ninth Distri(1 Inl . Rep. Mike Mllwrey .


PicTured or. lOme of tn. locgl 380. Norrhlown, PA, apprentice, who volunteered their ~fVice5 to upgrade tM lighting ot the Volley Forge Council8oy Scouts heod­quol"tefllo oda ...... greal.,. enOfgy effici~.

65TH ANNIVERSARY BANQUET I_U. JH() (i.ci.c,S,ilJ. 'OKRI~TfI\\ '\ . Pt\ - Oll , :lturda" Md~ b, UUI h)~,,1 held II ~ flSth an nl\er\ar) ttanqu~l .. Wc.,lu\cI ellu" ll\. Clull. "lie. JIlIIl t'I . llurLi DI~"tcI 'nl. VIC .. Pres, Ld'o\ln D 11111 ga\ c a muun ", "r.ocl·ch Olhel' !l1I<:\1 spca hn wcre Bus .. \l 8r. ,Ind If( m"II1No I ItI'>('ph\ \ 1cf'HH.:m I'enn Dd·Jcne, NrC ('h.II~tCI M~r Lin \, Bradlc\, uno conlrntlOr Silm~ Bold Th, (\Cnllll.' rfll\IJcd a ~ f ('at 0l'llt1r!u nit, ror fn..:nd .. ,,1..1 and new to ,a'\''o4,:m hi'; m Iht:! I!lcal 'Jl'nl n( hl'olht:rlul\.J(1

Special lhank ,0 IU lo .... 1 ttj!J

drp'cI1lKe' ",tH! \!,lunlc.; Ied a '1I1llf

day III urrrllJ .. lht hc.!dquar[c" ,,( thl' 8 01 ScHUh ol \ menc;1. \'.III:~' I (!fIe ('"unc,1 I ",c:nh ·t hree .Iw'cnl~ t"'l1

m~IIUCCCl" .• nd Jt\ T(" Olr Oiln Sdkn. JI.1TIIClplllcd III Ihl.' r"'Jccl I he IlIh Included r~lrorhtlnG 40 In,Jndt.:\t;cn1 h~h'" 3J111 Ihil nIKl~'\:nl fi'\lurC' \\(Ih n~I'Io cn~rg)·~ .. \in!! halla h 100mp". rdl.:cUl ... an,ll ... n'<4'" IbuHll!h lin ,,:lIcr· ~) .}udill.:llntludeLi h, Iht: :"'mlprurll Fnerlt\ ~:tHnl1ln\Cllml:nl l)roJ!!ram t" ~11'1. III~ II", ,,=nUI\ o;'(re-ct hI ... 1\ <:, ~I f'Cn.'\:nl un fUlure ckC1nc bllb.

(hI..:.: IIgaUll111:> ~~III, lhe Iot'-.d'fi IIl1nu 3.1 F.A'>I .. , rr~l' Hunl ""lI.1 gre'll ~I.k.n·'" fH'n thllugn Ih .. "cluhcor "'R' qUJl~ hrce)). ~ I llhlldrcn f!lund nil 01 lho: IJf. citv .. n ..:,!!£!> hiaklett h\ Ih.: E..I~tt'l ll uml\

II '" \\tlh r..:gu:l lhol "" ... IInn~lunce Ihl. lie.l lh of r~'ll r cJ HHI }(unald KUfod .... .... bo formerl\ i:o'.:f\ed Ilur kIL.11 a ... " lIu" n..:"'i rCrR ...... nlllll'< H.nnrald '~n..:\J,I" l1u,HlI. ... , rep hum (lH1 1n I'IX7 IInll rcured '~l l h '1 ~'I!"f' of l!I!f\I(": la1h( IlXdl " ~I.':lilcntl nur 'IJICCIt' CllJIJU lem· .. ., III hIS f.tmll)

\c 111"1 R '"(.\1111 '1; "\

MEMORIAL DAY SERVICE L l:. 4UU H.u&e .. ). \ SRL I{\' r \W K. NJ-Tl!n ~~"I .. .!jkr the lIu \I;11 tlk .. "' ....

loutl 438. Troy, NY, e.ro~. Tom Cowie!oOn (tented and Genie McDonoid {rightl or. joined by locol 166, Sc:henectody, NY. Bro. lorry Zuroyin in (J handbill tampoign 01 the AlbclIlY Sports slore.

IH\llh~ll l\.rw JeN\ \ Viel! t.llII \'elef (l1l\ \il-m(lnlll!~ .. realilY The "'C'~ntlll: 'pcd~el tm HIt' dedl(,lIlmn CI.'II.·1II 01l)

held \1 .1) 1 ......... Ne .... J f,:r,,~\" n:. l1\ c '.1111 (n·n. H '111111,111 '.:h'olorikllpf. ",III"~ ... "mlntnl., were qUlle pt'1I!,Il,ml

I he menu.mlll lic. '" Ilhm UUf I~"ar~ JUlI.,Jld If1l1 «lid 1'1.1\ hUl11 UllkMt "" l'Of1·

"0l("1 ,lO t.! ~~\Iunl\;"cr I .. ~\)r Sldl untl\;[ CIIII\ IJUCIII\f) nn Ihe \tlC ., ~ \ 1.:In;tm cr!lIllU'..: UnI

I "c.I I JIOcnndu..:led tlur ,I"'" \ lel1l(l­" <II n.n 'lCT'olll! helllle th..: lIIonumcni Tll~ \\.·f\l~\: '\\11 ",dl·,lu .. nlll.:iI <lnd wn· ... ~I ... d IIr it nit" r.lI'tn~ wr ... mnn~ lind 11 h lld h l\hln III hI)" Ihe d,1\ [Olmt' abc)uI

lite ""ul. "IIUlllo"lI 111.:1 .. 1t'1I101I"\

r'i"'1 ~~L:}lJb.. ate oul Ih",rc. hut lull rmrk'\m~·nI ",,11 "ClI 110.' r~Okh\'d In Ihc "~"J fulu,,:

Um \1 ,k W(lnhk~ nUt or,anl/cr. "'I,h~~ w thlllll. 11'111 Ihnlhl."1'" "'ho

)oCf\l.:d ," '1111\ (anJ .... 111 1"1114'11 .. mlll\ mult'!llur 11 ,1111 ",,,.11'01111 .. ' '" (I\IT OIJ:J·

JlI/lI\jf dturh M(I1~ ill", ur~c' 11m IIK:.IJ Unlun mcn\"~·",. :lntl.1I mf \V nh:nl· hel-". In (lIme 1{!tv •. lTd .. nJ I .. lun .... er Ihcl' ~ f'\ 1\. ........... '.tlt, ,If .1\ \'Ihcr ,;;ajl.K:l'

It, ... hI l!dpllr~III1Jlllr \\ . ml"l t)lnt1l1· u~ Iii ur"IIU' ... If "'c an: I" R~~"m ",h.11 "'C hair: k .... ;too \'nIUl': "unl\31

!lIJ \uu Lnll'ol I he aH·',I~e \mer! coin U\L:\ el!1bl Irm~' mill..: Iud ..:n,,'I!\ Ihnn It..: .,cra!e pc~'n 'n\"\\h~ r .;-...I~ IIIlhl'''''mlJ

.... It 1101 \'i J \1111" II 1''''

FUND.RAISING FOR CHARITIES l.l . ·us ti). THu\. ,\ -Oil \I.n 201 1\111 jllc,u.lel1l .. ml"I"J,rnlh' J.1 n:J .... If'

h~')!er. \1,.1' I II~Ln' ur Ih· "',I' rlc~c!.l ul' h\· m ... mh~·r III th .. 1111:31 dUIIII!!1 til Ihe \lu\~lt l "r ll y\trtlplW A~"1\: .HlJ hdJ unlll"~.111 ",,*, ,,., ... ted. \1l'mlx'r, lind ,urr"f l ~ r, .. 1 L'1\:ill·n~ 1<II...:d SL'il O .... llhll\ a 'hHII tllllC .lntl d

"Inall \'" nllnJl.: nl c .. k~rlll .. J til' r...le.l .... {H"~cr' nl lhc hll .,1 \\ere nnl Ihe

I'Jnl ~ p.afllltpJ.nl\ In t":l."Cni lund J.INn~ e'enl, fur ( hanll'" It "'''l.'n ll\'. \1\1.' 1 liX'


.Ipp ... :mkcs ~'Hhin Ihe I rl·(·iIY JA I ( 'Alliked In Ih~' \'InTch IIf Omll,,\ C.1111 11.li!!l1. M.III~ nlhel .Illlut:nli....:~ IlnduJ· ing Iho~c In my (nunh·)cUl cllI~')

.. pun~urcd their leill'''' cI""~fl1.lh:' whl) wAlked

('vngrlllltl.llinns III the ful lo .... 1II1: gr.ldu;Jtc~ .... hu c(lmfli.)~I:t.l lhl: cI;t~~ (It 19Q5: Andre~ Ashle\,. r.'ltchut=l 130d:. Itoben nUH1~, F;ank r.lmphL'lI Wilhilm ('I!Jh,,~. R lchlml ('llllMIIt: ;Il.l. Ddlrd Ludu.ick. Slcn~n \lortnCJ'. Tim· olbv rOller t)TId \hchael Verdlk

(ongratulllUolls aL">(1 II! Ihe full.twlll); on thl:lf d;l~ l ftC' .. II\)n up(lradc~: Sha~n Crlsliansen. RllnrJ~ IlId,uk lind \ mhc'A Kuba

()rj!.iIIll/Jng e!lorb COOllllue \\llh 5311· ing projecl~ and J(lI1 flpplicDlllllI't 1(1 nonuntnn contrallon.. rht:~e dftuh hil~c resulh:d In UpCUl1l1ni: I'LRn cases. More ~'oluDIt'ef5 arc urfl.t:nll~ nCt·d.:d to enable the locll i 10 mecl Ib conltnUmg ntg.tnwng. a'lmtnilmelll'"

We Ihank our (istu local (Local 1M. Schen-:etad\. ' Y. anJ 10\.'31 "114. \Iham \ Y) r~r parIIClI'Mtll1!: 111 Ihe

dl,ulbullon of handbills nI Ihe Alhany Sports storc.

n·,;!::.'I" \ 1("00'.,\1 D. P Ii

local.t40. Midland, TX. Bros. Gene Hill; and Doyle Crrrwl"Ofd we,.. among those wtla participated in "'. laced's annual fishing toumament.

PICNIC ON SEPTEMBER 4 L U. 400 fI&u). \IIU1 1\0.1 X-AI (hl" wnlmg In talt Mal. ~ork \tiM slo .... In the JurudlCtioo. "'UI \I.~ e~ ~I!d Ihe I!mrlmment ~l l ualton 10 Imprmc duro mg lilt ummel monlhl.

'omll1aliom (or loall unIOn Oilicers '01 crc held 'olay II. rhere 'Acre no con· tt.,ltd racti.

Thc local c:.ttnds an inVIto lion 10 nil unIOn nll!mocu In lIS Junsdiclion 10 allend the upcoming 38th annual Luoor Dny pIcniC sponscm.·d b~· the Permlllll Basin Ccn,ral Labor Union AFl·ClO The picnic is scheduled for pl. J Cell Ihe hnll fOf mCire detQlI~

Our local held liS .Inn u.d fi hlnil tou rnament April I II I Oak ('reek lake. and the turnout ",a~!!ood Bro oene Sl.~ won the lourn'll11cnl.

ItANDV MoNTt;()\t~KY.1' 'i


lCKaI48S, BrM:igepon, CT, 8UJ. Mgr. Fran. J. Corroll Jr. Ueftl prO$oOnts (heelt repnu ent· ing tM IOCCII', s.emement with HOUlton Metro E~ctric 10 Bra. lolry Regan I(enter) (II SuJ. Rep. and Of9a' nizer Patrick A. Donahue looits on.

SALTING PAYS OFF AGAIN 1.L. .uu~ (I ' ml ,. UNIOGt-~ I·()R r.

r-On \ b)' lq Du \1,T I ,ont.: J Cllnoll J, prt'-...:nte:tl II ch~'d flK $1.111111 to Urn I"'IT) )ttl-.In rlk! l1\un~~ terre 5tnled I~ sc:ule:mcni ('Il.If loc.11 reached \l.llh Hum;!on Melrn flcllrlt; In c. or fiilU'lon. TX

Uro, RClllln :mt.l h\c nlh!:1 l.oca14)\H memhcrs (nro'!; " Cole Il l. A Rcgrnlbur!cr . K M\llh~.'n 1 Snnm!> and J MoCC\Unlllo) \:.l led;l 1I0Ulo!On

\lello D«1rk Joh lnd \l.CTC \C'~. suc· «,!\ful I hrnuRh Iht' t'llorb ot Ihc'.: Brothers. \l.C 'fIae ahle: !(l filc unl.:lir l,boT rr~~I'cc eh:u,"c\ a1!aln~! Ihe empll)~er I he NI Ril I \ued;l <om plaint on one or tbe chllr~C" \lC'an u.hllc. lI omlun Mcllo ~.I" c ... n~!ilnll~ railing out of favnr \\, Ilh thc ,"encral cun!r.lCIor on the IIIOJt:ClllmJ ".u rin;&1 I)' rcrno\cd anti replaced b) anotber clI.'Clne:al "'lI1lra~'lfIt

A\ one tll Iht or(lIlTllJu·, (or Local JAA. I anno! !h.ml;, Ihe ~h~ enou!:h ;\nd ... .: ao,. d 10.;411 unnol Ih;lnt. them wfflaenlJ\ fOf the" cff(1n on bchl1U llf Ihe mtrnhcrih'Jl

Brnlhcrhnod ·thar .. 'hal it"~ all .. bout

P IIUn.. t\ t)(Y"'AlIllL, 8l.:, Rl.1'

ORGANIZING SUCCESS L • m (I.t.m.nu.m&5pa). \tl t WAU­~E, \\ 1-LcQ1 4W mcmhen tbl%lvred 'SOmc 81cat ne"'~ ""hen Jerr)' Kel'cn· helm. bu inC 5 rep from Ihe: K-:ule \1oralnt l nil. nml(lUnCl!d Ihe ICSUIt" ,)(

rI 11: .... "\:1' 1 ~l Ril cemliClIlIIm Hil I!, I he (11111111)Ce M DE. Thome Lieelrlc. IlInd du I at'. WI. \(lled 10 become mcll1hc .... t,f Ihe IIlf\\. 'lUI fine to ~il on hl~ burch. Jerry proceeded III ~~I It

mnlr,]ct \ll(l1ed ~hortll aflcr Ihe d~llnn re\ulh ".:t, knO"-n \\lIh the addmoo \,r lhe rhome emplo}e~'$. m~mhcrnllp 111 Ihe l\cl1l~ \ h.il'llll1t' l)nit inerc.!. ~·d by HI percen l Jenv hn~ uncI!' Bj(81ft

lumcn thai IIU lhllilengt· I~ (uu romli Ilahle. When 'A OOMldcr the dll(tC\llty unltln .. hil~e had 111 or,:nnl7lng clfort~. Ihl'l\ Iruh "tnumentOtb occa~lon It might be qUlle Ifltere$lIng 10 ~ec hu" man)' olhc l IBF\\ lm;;lJ~ aCHH Ih I:ountn hl\e b.:en \-icIOrtOU~ tn '''''0 Certlh~Dlllln clcCtllln\ mcr thl: pa~1 ~t:.cr, nuS. \Iv I'aul \\ c:IrukhilS~kC'1' cd II hard·""orli:lnl laff. and the fCSUIt~ nrc m'pr~~c.

rnd.ll. I\pnl' ""3\ an C'\t:nt'ulw) fur I llCal -lIJ.1 Q\CI ~(t members IOO~ ICI the Jude! hne at the DI~ctlYcr\ \\(Hld 1nu~um JuoJCC\ 10 flClu;dulh prot I'" the subslandard I ... ag~.fld hen <fil hem, paid It) It nonunion contrac· tn, 1 he rupun e \tillS gralif~inl Orolbe" and I\te".. nov. v.c nced 10 Ul£reOl'oC allendance ;II union ""telmgs It lime: 10 get actll e And St3), aClI\'c \\ IIh Ihc- lInll·Lt"'m ..entlmc.nl III W;i)h­,"!lton and Madison. union m~m"cr throughoul Ihc SlalC musl bectJl1l" rnllrc "I~arous ln (lclting th( melS3(1c 10 Ihe publlc Thl~ rWlcSI 91 Dls\·O \'t~:r ..

\\inrld wa\ A good Ullrl Rcrnl!mbcr. Ihi: e ra! oontraclon are .ffecllna our ~nnd;ml of It\ tn& also

AI Ihl .... u tin!. Bus. R(p . Jerry KC lrenhelm had broughl morc ,ood ne"'" (rum Ihc O:unhoo bronch o( Ibt Ktllic Mor.atne Lnll of Local 494 The IO EW ... orkcn III ' cell. fln rnmond rC(:~nll~ \1~nr:U n new cunlraCI Ihnl 5111-

Pictured are newly organiZ4Id lOl;Cl149.4, MllwoukC41, WI, memben Iwithin thllt Kettle Moraine Unit) employed by O.f. Thome Eledric in fond du 1cK, WI : fram left, fretnt retw, Gory 5<mh:r, JO$o()n Hodgdon, K(tith leleb<tr and Ron Goebel; badl raw, Mik. W.in, Thomas 5<hmih., Craig HerlOt'l , Jllf d. COlier and Mel Kr~ .

IlIftc:lI1tl)' IU"CS th r..:11 IH'cr"!!.1: I~age.

lI .. mg lhl' ...... m·"'ln w b.II ~3 I11 ing !cch·

niques . ..."i th ~Ir' \ ng wltdart l\' amon!! I h ~' IIIcmbcr.lllp .1 'Inl...:: "'.1' nitrrnw!y .wcrled on a VOlt: for aCCl.'plllnCe of a new lhrec-"cill ~'nntmc t Nl.lclI Il a lll­lIIilnd mimDi!l.:ment I(Sled Ihe rcsolve (If Ihc IUEW IlIcmhcn.lllpllnd found il 10 I1c ""lid ,tntl '1II~1; 1 ~. The fina l wage­sculemenl v.'a~ almost d(luhle Ihe Inlriol company nffeT. I'Ih il.h 'A;I ~ rt:Jecll!d 9(1 h) 4 In I.u( rebruary. oogralUllIlions IV our BrOlhers and SI\ler5 al I\e:co­Iiolmmundl

LLo .. Bt Rn '~Kt. P.S.

TARGET PROGRAM APPROVED L U.5OtI (i,n&II), S \ \'AN"~~\ "' , G~\­

t\l a recent lIl~dm~. our local toot. ao imponan\ step toward ~1'\'Ulg ,ts future b) \Ulmg for a b~hlu. ~ chunge !hOlI "'Ill Increase tiSessmenu in ordcr 10 fllnd a Joo·w"cl1ng program The appropna· l10n of mon\'!} rllr OrganllJng bad been defeated sc\cmlllmt\ in Ih~ past, but Ihr.> mcdtn~ pro\ltkd a \leIOr)' for Ihe mt:mhtrship, I conp11tulalt! Bus. MAr I \\ Cocltnln and hIS staff on the h.an­dlmg of the b~IJ,;\ chan . Congratula­II n ali .. ell 10 thc mcmhcrshlp rOT'"

IllImg (0 appro\\'! the: mcl.\uri!. This lugel program should he a

,aluable tool III our rl~h l iI~al8st the nonunion contractor. Thc membership t'\l ql5.o uullzlng Ihe pIckel, IoI hlch is aMlh~J \alulbli: 1001. WI!. Ir( finall)'

tung. ~me recognlllOu v.·llh our ptd:­et~. mdudlOg !toOmC nl:tdcd co\'eragc on lhe Ioc.aJ 1;:le\lnon nc~ AlthOl.l~ the !o&tuatJOn \\-dS I'lQI rcported accuratel> it .. ;u still good lhal \Ioe II1.Idc the nc\\~

FinnlJ). OD a Soul note, .. e expt"C5S OUl'"

ckt:PCSI sympath) 10 Bro. DoD \\ iogatc on !he ro!a!'nI death of hiS ""Ire (ollow­lR!! her b,uUc 'oIlth C1Jnet:r .

DA\ ID !..AMB. P.S

ORGANIZING SEMINAR L. . 520 (I&",p.). \ USTI~ . TX-On March I, IBU\ C'omtrutlton Organiz­ing Dlr Jim Rudicil put on an organiz­ing seminar ((H" Dppro~C1m(lId) 100 neu. members of Lac:al S20 and their 5pGUS­es. The staff and members or our Iocill Ihnnk am Rudicil ror hiS dcdicaled errOrt~ In cducating Ihe membership of the- mEw on the nced rot and bcnefils of organIZIng.

Bro Rudlc'ilaJso conducled an excel­lenl program for organizers and busi' nes managers from Ihe Fi[lb and Se ... enth 01~tnr..:1S on Apnl 26 and 27. This se mi nar was follo ..... C'd by a b u lour of the- Auslln area and the con· slruclion proj~ct under way here.

Our local is ex peri encmg full cmployment al Ihb wntmg. and ~c 3re th an kru l to Ihe gOO· plus traveling Srolhen and Si"lers who arc current!) helpmg us man our work.

Local .'\20 mourn~ the lo~~ or Oro John W Carlson Jr. "" ho ,,",as 1I 23~)ear member of our local. l ie fo rmcrly ~n·i!d a~ press secretBT) and Exceull~e Do.lrtl mcmber. unlil multiple scicrl»is. fllrced hLll l to lake II (hsllb tluy retI re­ment in 1992. John was ~ ~'CJ')' dedicat-


Approximotely 100 new mem­Mrs 01 L(I(ol 520, Austin, TX, ond meir SPOUw!S ottend a n 0190l1i1;in9 seminar con­dueled by IBEW Con$fNC­tiot1 Organix:­ing Oif_ Jim Rudieil_

ell ISfW member. and hI! v-1I1 he <;one­h missed_ W~ e,;tcnd our oondolence to his IlIrnll~

J1M~' St;,\V1SI0'll. 8 \ 1/F,S.

JOIN THE LABOR DAY PARADE L U. 538 (I), OASVILLE. IL-AI Ihl" Wtllln@: we "'I!'rt prep,uing (or the June 17 l(lCilt union cleclion or orfio:rs J\s the election had not \'el loken Jllace at prt:-\S ume. t v.illliSl our new officers in OUI ne'l1 <llUck. \1an~ hlne Itslcd v.hv Local SJS-s ,snick is nOI n in t\ I) I§.!,ue of the J(H1f1tlJ1. The reason 1~ Ib't odd · ,HId tH!n-numbcH"d locals are puhllshed In altemlb.' months. so C'3ch local ha!i all opportunll\- to subnul an artiel (,·cl) OI.h.cr momh.

ConsralulallOns to all Ih~' 10(01"5 m:v.ol J(lurne~men

On Apnl :!S a memorial se'''-Ke was held <II the Workers \l emOHal for v.orken kilkd 00 the job

OUI nello' eonUBct b.:came eHenne June I . Than\;. g() 0\1\ \0 1M: 'tgOhil\­mg Comnullee lor brulging ta back a fauCOt1lr.tCt IO\meon.

AI pr.: lime "''-c .... ere tooling (Or· IIolllrd 10 lhe June 1J local unson PIcniC"

al Forre I Glen This pIcnic ~ an cnJO)­able lradmon. and Ifs alW1. good 10 ~e c' cryoM al tb~ outing.

On Aug. 12 and 13, Ihe soflb31lleam 1\111 tra\l'110 Champ31f!.n, IL. for Ih~lr annual IOUrn3meni rm sure en!r)one Will h:we a good tunc

If ~'<lU ~ b,· \ hchlg;in and \"ome(..'S treC'1S these da~~. you .should Set s.igns

01 progt~ 00 the ~ hall. It is with regret that \I.e report tht

p-.1s.-.mg or Bro. \I arlln Kr~\'3h5. lie IS $ildh ml»C:u_ We c.l'tcnd our S\'mpalh\ \0 the K.n: ' ·3IiS ram,h·.

• pl . oJ IS Labor 03) A remmder [0 all that Loca l 538 marches in the Oao"lle p.lrade e,en' ~·ca l ('ome on out and ~how your pride Call Ihe hall for detB i l~ As al ..... 3)·". remember 10 alll:nd Ihe lecal Union monl hl~ melC!t­\08


Locol 538, Danvil"', Il, graduating closs memo ben: sitting, Steve Wesley; standin9, In>m loft, Andy ",""" Ma~ Koch, Troy Wolker. Riclr NaSsel", Tom Murray andJomel Gorrett.

GRADUATION BANQUET l..U. 5$8 (l.o,un l1".nb.n, m.spa&ml). SI-I EFrn-: LD, AL-GrlC!elm~_ Broth­ers J.nd Siste.n! I nopt ~ach ot}OU h.l\e bcoen enJoYHI& sarlC! and prosplC!touS \\-orling coudillons L;lIch \I.e haH been \'CT) bu~~' .II Loc-d.1 S~.

At lh" "'Tllmg. In hlle \ \a) . "\\1: ~"t're prepanng for the local union electiOn of offictrs. , hop( e~n or lOU \Irdl ha\C'

e..t~'ctsed }!lut pn''1k,e and obli",lion 10 \ote. II is imf"lrtant Ih.1I CH'I") Oll!'m­ber take an ae-li\¢: pan . The dectlon affect.~ all of us Your 'ole does count!

Than\s 10 all the candld'1tc;s fot thCIT inlerest and parllcipation in Ihe ellC!c­lion. And congr.lIulalions 10 our ncw(r elcrted officers

I also lip m~ hal to all past de .. '1ion Judges- and tellen Ha\'ing bid the bonor of .servrn~ 3S deCllon Judge IIlthrs elt'cllon. Ildmtd v.hat a I:>lg Job and mopooqbLlny Il rta.U) rs. I appreaate much the: \l.on. m\ Iellers JlUIIn Thanks 10 Darrell. Larrl, Ralph. DicklC!~ and Jimmy. E\e~ member ocoeds Inc chance 10 se n e at Icast once. Than L ~ (or rn} challO! , It ..... as qUIte an expetknc.e

I will hI! ""nllllg Iht irmrlHll arucle for our Loc.,1 SSii RCllrees Clui:1, and I could use IOL" of Input , plClures and .!.uggcsllOns from our rcllree~ or Irom Ihose v,·ho knov. ~mcone v, ho IS a local union rellllC!e

LocolSSS, Sheffield, AL, memberlo participate in the area Ma rch fJf OimeJ WfJlkfJt\lon.


The graduation banquet for the TVA- Bra,..n ·) Ferry apprenuct' clast v.illl>c hdd Au~ 5.a1 Dale 's leo.l1. House in north-ceo Congratu13l1ons lind the tw:st of lock to aU the gradll3tei

Remembel_ K~ep t\mlC!nca Sirong; Leep Amen..;.) ,..od.ing unJOn!

BELI~DA PHtlJ..ll'S. p.s

CLiNIQUE DE SANG ET ELECTIONS L.t.. 568 (I.o,r&tm' . i\101\'THEA L PQ-Le r:onscd Pronnci.al du Qu~he(' d~ MellC'n de 10.1 CO~lTuc"on leoarl sa collecle d( \ang annuelie Ie 20 jam·ict dt-rmer 700 dl)nneul'\ 5'l' 'IOnl pt.!sen· t6 doni .u.. tie ~ membres a Quebec. Trois·Ri~· iere I Montr.!a!. Merel l ('.w'( qUI Oftl pm de leur lem~ pour ialrlC! un don de \Ie IC!I aUSSI aU.l con· frhes qui onl aid notre prchidenl, Y\·IC!.. t-G(.'rmuln. ~ hire I'mslallalion flcctflquc potu 13 C'roi.x-RouglC!

llC!~ nominatlons pour les postes (j 'officielS onl cu lieu en IWnL Taus k:s emden. S(}rtanl' ont t i l! rttlll.!,. Pr~'\I' lknt: y,t!s SI-Gennam, Vice· Pr idenl­ROlldld "Tom" R ous~e. Sccrel3lre ­Arehl\I)le: Gknn :-anion. Tr~soncr 8ernard Gendron. Gcranl d·Artalresl Secrclalt(·finanCler. Paul OucJllC!t el 3 mem" res de rElecuuf: O,' lIa BesseHe.

y­St-Germain, presidMI du Local 56S , ManlflKll, PQ, anlOUr' de quelque~ mambras a, coniointe~

qui on' por­ti 'ipe a So Cliniqu. da Sang.

YVCt Mondor cl Ilermn" Tremb lay Fehciiallons it tous les officlel~ reel us. \ 'Ierei nu}! membres pour k ur suppan! Plu~rcurs dens nous al tendcnt pour les3 prochalnc.s annte£. Continuons :'I ~trlC!

MlhdH ire~ Ics un~ ct les uutrcs cl des rcsu!l ats lansih lcs sero nl obte nu s. '\ '!Juhlle] pas d'm''il,l.:r IIUI( lI\o;e fl1 to l~cs

de: I'umul'l luldllon, :I lOllS, ,,~clal~· men! b n(lS memhr<:~ ,u r la route'

PAl1l nt'fll.FT GlRA.'1 O'AJ/AI~


BLOOD CLINIC AND ELECTIONS LU. SoK lI.o.e&cm) . MO"l;THEA I ... P~n Jan, 20 Ihc Quebc(" BUilding frudes Council held m Bnnua! lJ looJ Clime \\e "ere pka.. .. c:d tho.l t 700donors atlended I hl~ CH'n l Thank5 10 th<: ~S members from ~ Ionlreal . Tm ... RI\iert'S and Quebec ll.bo donaled a g,irt of life and al!o() 10 the 8rolh~f'I "\\ho hdped Pr 5. Y"CS 51·Germaln 10 lOstali the elccrricaJ equipment for the R<!J 00»

omanaliom for Local ~H omeers v.ere held In Arnl. and all Incumm-nlS ¥I~IIC! returned b} ac'CIamalron Cnn gr.ltulBlions [0 ill clt.'"Clt-d Offittb, W

Ihanl 1111 Ihe nlemb.th rm thlo"H ~up pori ! The nexi Ihre e ~lC!allo "'111 M: a ('hallenging and hQPcfull~ rC"'JrdUlg Illne for ou, local \\ (' must rellll.'rnher Ihal Ihrouj!.h our )\)hdaru) v.~ can athle\€' the 203.15 \\C h3\1! oct fo( our !.tl\ts a~ a u~ron. Rememt>cr 10 dllt:nd \Huon meellnl!S

Thanks 10;11 locals hefpln,!!.our tm\ cUing mt'mbcrs.. and greelinp, ILl allr

PAL" O\r.tltl B\\ FS

CONGRATULATIONS TO GRADUATES I_U. 510 Ii.u&.spa). TLCSO~, .\ l..-AI Ihi ¥lnhng In IIlte \13), IIo'e \l.ere preparing rOt Ihe June !4 e\eellfm of tocal union officers. B) Ihe lime Ih,(' article is pubh5btd . the del'llOn \\-Ill na\c taken place. We hore all member!;. ,..111 btulC! cI(ermed Ib<n npllia \·OIC

\\erk has been 90\\ latch romlTU.'lJI IIoeahh • • \Ianin. Stark and Sturgeon Elccl ri (.. ha,1C! \l.llrl hned up for Ihl!> summer, 50 'tI-C hore some 0( our U2\'cl­mg members can relurn home 10 ',\ork. for a ~hiJc, In mlC! meamime, h~!10 10 all our 1r.ll\Chn2 members In Phoeni\: and Albuquerque. Rem.:mbc:r: Safel)' I~ no !1ct'1denl, "" he c;lIdul OUllhere

('ongr.slulations 10 the lale"l gl<nlu­IIlmS llpprenllce d.ll~~1 The 101l0 ..... ln' passed thelf Joum~\miln "'lflC!maJl ICSI

MI\ 0: Ken Knchen. Ke\lD lIeilman. Ke~1Il Brandl. SIC'·C I-Iopl ln~ . Jason


~lm~' I1 O. I{o~s Lall!, Mark liaurl1~art, J~us \1arllllc/ .. Fl!rJlil ndl) Sll!r ra, G ahc: Orn i.!ls), MII II Ur(),cn, V<: lh n~ l\ ndrl!\Io \, l _rnC~ltl MorCllo and lony GeniI). We ..:a n'l for~~ 1 Da\'e I lol lis, who we Imo\\ \10 III ra~~ hi~ teSI : I ~ ~( Nm a~ he ¥et'i. hl~ hnu" in, Ag,lin, tungra! ulallons and bl.' 1 \\I~h(,:s Hl nil of )'ou. Rememher II, gel Ihme Im mp ¥u idcs from Mary, ha·hal

Also, wlIg,rdlul:Jt id ll\ to Kcn I-..:It(hcn un /'Ikm,g (11 ,1 plol lC HI tl lc Oul~IIIIIJ i ut; Appt~ nlicc l.~ml C<:;t 1 h i~ ~l,Jcees~ quail , h(!d 111m fnr Ihl' \I II~ lIN:; r l'~lO l1 ii l l;O Il test in [J Poso, Good luck, Ken l

Ilmnh 10 \ l lk e I\IC"L' I, \1 hu tallf/.11l lhe fifth' )'c:tr class, for mIlki ng Ihe IMI y..:ar enjl' y(t hh.', t..'l lh IS IIIm'lIlg 1[' Arkan~<I~, ,tIlU v.c wl~h him alll h(! he~1 Rcm~mbcr t~\ cu ll r!!ld/or ",rile your

CllJ)l!fl'''!>ltlrHI I re pl e''': I1 I ;ItIYe~ lir~l n J.: them nOI to repeal or mo<hf~ tbe Da\is· BII(~n ll A{'t 111 lin)' wn~

It I:. (If ullm):.t Impon !lnce (e~pccill ll)'

flJf ri~hH ("\Iomk" 'HII ~'~ like: Arl/oml, whcre Ihe rnt ~ llInlml the \\o(L I lh,lt \lot pre~em.! Ihl,: prcv:uling WIli!": 1;1\10, "" hId. reqUire., thlll ,lI ca prcyal llllS! \\oJ!!C, he p,lid un fttl!!r,,1 ' t' Ol,lnJlIlOO pmjc!ct·

\peci ;tl thanh gil out to \{ ilY ,\rel lallO ' lIId hi' ~n!\Io fliT their "t)rL tin the Chmtmas In Apri l commU nl l) cum p<Hi:n 1 hc) v, m~ell on 111m' hlluo;;c, HI the community, donallllB Ihclr timl.' and kllll\\.ledge 11\ hnnr Ihtl~ k,,>,t lcncc\ ul' 11) code. Mtllcrhll , we re ([ tlllaletl hv bu~iness(~ ~u l.' h ll ~ !'iITI;(I, thn k One lind Ilume U':POI

rrc~. rom nl.: rr~ h:h announccd Ihlll Lvc ... 1 ;70\ ;u1I1I1II1 P1C"1I1(' will he Scpt. 21,11 lJuult 1',lI k I he [l1(;1 1II •. h,$' Ih:l' ll ,. 10.: 11 1 :)U\. \.\. .Io) I l l .. I It ~ t lVuplc v f )"(:nr~. Hupe HI ~C ":,"~fy(Jne Ihcl l'

~ 11 \-,1· !(OI'KI"\, II \.

WORK LOOKS GOOD L. U, 5116 fi ,o& ul . CI. AltKSII UHG, W\ -nlt.' \Io ilik PIClLi lC here III nmth \.-enlr.11 We,t ' Irglll l" I, .. 1111 r rl!tly gexteJ, We tum: full CI111'lo\'ll1l.'nt, ,111(.1 :I

le\lo I r.l\clc r~ III I.' ~ I I II \10 Ith u, T hc 1I .IIIi .,uu 1'1)\\er \taUn n $02

~enlhher Sy_ t lnl I~ 111 full 0PI.' Tll IlUI1. Wll h Ihe ol1c ' yeUT \\lIrr,1I1IY J'lLlllllU nc,uly ~lIIlIp lctLlJ. the Itlil IIml ..... 1~ e~ l! · mRted Rt :S72~ mil lion COI rnc III on !1I1l1.' li nd under hudge! III $'i'i~ 111 1111011 Prel 1\ ~\lod, .!!II},I We Ih:U1L Ihc Irnvek'TS who hdpcu (Ill nm proJe~' 1 AI thi' wrilmg, \Ioe ~!III hlld ~I\ del:'l rll llln\ (II' the job.

!lIe I- B I plUJecl h,l' ull lMl'k ct.l n~ld

eruhh r\ (lW 1II1"'t uf Ihe I! ll ~" are wMk· Ill.!!, 00 Ih l: Jll J'l CT fe~yclll1g mill II I I illrmmll ,md J fl" \ tllher 1>maller pm leclS.

We reccntly met (ur thl.' ftl':'1 ume III o ur n C\lo I} rcmmlclr.:ll .III1J cxrld l1il ~ 1 1

uni o n hall, \10 h ieh It (l'" hec" ~e\cr{ll lII{Jll lh ~ m the m nlc.lI1~. W ith Ihc adJ i­Honal cl.l~r illS and ofllcel, thc new ha ll should 111 .;.(:1 Ol,lr ne(:d~ for qlUI( .. u rne II rne to ClIniC. Oll r ctllI1plnnenh to all in~oh cd,

The IUC:I II~ maklll!! pJr.ll\ III cunduct l' I A~\l'''' f. lI Ill" III wi) nrril n i/ l~ rI ml'Ill' he r; , rh l' ~eh()tl li nlt \ huuld l;l~t /lhoul 12 v.ceb, and .... e-·fC: hopmg (or ahuul 30 ~ l udcnl5 to Ali enJ T he cl ns~ l.' ~ .. hl)uld hLl Jp ~el U\ .I tlll li llie cio\er lUI the $am .. wave lellgth

"'OIHU ~ I I T'I~i\Vl IJS


LOBBYING EFFORTS SUCCESSFUL L . 602 li.o.rt u). M, IAJULLO,'I X­We n'ccnl h h:an: cnml)lcll'll netlCllUI 1111n, 1"'llh nU l In~llle ('nn l l , .dllt~ !l 1)d ASt\ RCO

Ou r 1 11 ~ i dc mc m!!c:" IJ,lvt: II II CV, Ihr~e-\ea r contract Ih,1I pfl)\'idcli 1m II :'in {"Cn l~ llCf hnn r \\, :I~l' 100'fCjj\C III Ihe firsl )I!ur, Arid a ~~ ce ll ts irh:ICa'lll In \:lol h Ihe ~ej)nJ li nd third yellro;

A:'AI{l O mC ll1hCI~ havLl :1 II CW Ihrcc-)eltrC<1Il1rnCl lhal rC ll1U l c~ reti re-· me n t I nl I1HIVt! I11 t!II I \: :l ~Il ":l'l1 h [Je l hour w;t~c i nc rcfl~c for Ihe ON y~lIr; :lilt! 114() ce ll l ~ per hml1l11el l' lI M' 111 !lllth the .,ccomll1 nd thltd \'t:n l',. or (,II th~ Ipcpl un ll1n'lI opl illn) lin I n ~'rCIlSC

flppln:J 11\ a PClti! lI lll/!C rllc fI) Ihl,. \Cl ond lind lhlt iJ years.

Kccclll lU I \\' lohhvlI1V dll1t1~ IIIl he :.Intl: Ll!iHsl:l1ure h;we )I1dJed c~edk; nt H!"U!tS, Whcllt hc l.cpI'lalurc wn l'cne,1 in Jn nuary. We f il Cl'd th le .. S..: li tlU\ threal\.. One, there V"I( 1I ",'n uu" 1I111\'C me n l uniler .... ,1\ 10 h,c,l \': tI/') Ihe in"e510r,,,,v.ned u t ll h tc:~ ,"1(1 I .... t . p'cc .. ~ l:l ililll!' .... ,m le-d lit ~cl Il l) .'Ihl ... le~, c\.cmplcd Wh.., lo.: slI lc Gcnerol(1' ~, il nd then INlll~ l c r c" l~ hll!, 81.' 11CIIIIII)11 11I (;lh tiel; 1(\ lhe Il ffi llUln rhe ItCcvlld th relll \\;'u, Ihe t.;1 ' II t:c rll.'d dfml of cerulI lI I,II~W 1II,lu\t n,11 CI)fj1l1l,l hulI ' h) plhh !m f\llllil 'tI hec li nF. 11 )' \\ h lch intire Illccu'lc!I ) v. lll1ld Ile pmvldcd by UUHI )!IIT1 I1I.'t1ll11d uureguhued fK)\\cr pHxluceJ'\ I h ~' lhlrd Ih rem \\'11\ Ihe III CIJtC I nr~II Jto ol lll ill tu,'"

IlH!\e l lm,!e I h l 'elll ~ "'Wi( IlI ~IV wnuld hAW result..:d in the 11)\ll (If 'lIlmlrcd~ III !lB' \\' lo ll:. In I ll e C(l!I,nut'tltln IIlld

o pe l allun of uI,li l \' f,lcl l ~l le" O~CIII II , Ihe !l'!!,,!ulI\'e d l m l" nf Ilw

IJII~W rcg tll dlll~ Ihe uill)Y\! IIleutlllllC,1 m~ucn h:ld r u:.J! iH' re~ult-; linll . Ih~' hrellL ul' of the c\cel ll{ \.-1 ' l1Ip lI l)le\ I~ Uillikeh tll \occur hj:euu\\: 01 'IJ k ~u .lId ~

\h<l l \\ o.:rc: a(.klcd til Ihe 1L'!lI~hll ltlll, 'kl undo 1 ,l n ~U,I!!c III ellcutl l llge rd ,l il v.h~'ehng W;l" dlmm;JlctJ (rom the 11 i11 ·llunl. worker prulect inn IlrO\ IMuns \\I!rc Ilu(.kt.l I ~) the !>ale. tra n\r..:r ,I OU mel!!C I .. eelllll1\ (If lhl' Ilnhhl I II ll t)' Rcp.uIIlIOI\' At't

nUl '\\tl t ll, I'''i

BROTHERS SAVE A LIFE I .. U. ti,H'IIl,:I '~~l l u &(·mj, !'(,MO N r O, ON- Ilnls lIft til Il rl" It un II lncimHlre li nd Sieve I' urre~ l CIllf1li l >CC~ II I ( ;11 11 bri u)!.\! lI ~dr<"l, wlll1 'Were in\lrllnlcn t,iI 1/1 \11"'1118:11\ lII !ure\1 c\L II ~ I \ IIIe I lIc'>C

1\\\1 11II\:IlIell, hll \llIg rcccl\'Cd It,llnl l1ll In tll\1 ImJ, l'erfort1u;d Ih ~' nCce~(II I " ,11I 11lI" In \ll\C lite q-dl~t's life lolluw · In, Ihe Injury I3ro~, Blnckmore and h .rll,",1 re\.~I \ l.' d Ihe 1Il1' '''' 1 ifC\lIYlnl! ,' ",1ft! lind tltey ...,ert thc rcl"PICllt ~ of II ~I) clal presc nuUlon from Ihe 0 1111 hnd!!l' IUld ...... urlh UUlllhIC~ t umrnl\ ~Ion in rC~ll~ ll1I iOf\ of thcl ' l'(fflflll,

' I,tc, ll enlW \l cFee ll tt endcd l he HI..::ld Mil Itmc.s "Vllmen\ Cllnferel1C1! In " i n~.ua ra il" T he c('in fetenc:e fe n tured wurLshull' Otl cmpnw<: rmen l i~,u~~, ~ I r<:,~ h:UU\,; I I~)II, and workplllcc ehll l1 ?~ nt.'l~~III C\ rnll11 ucrms ( 'lIlWd,1 I'I'I'rl' in ilm 'nolIHI\'(,

A I llcul M(I Ud Cgllllfl ll n.llende(1 I he { ,HI,Hl lII ll r'edCrf! l ill n Of L .. I'll ur COIl­\'c nlilln in Niogu rn Fil lh, A nHl lIg the I C\lll ll li"Il ' p, I~'i.Cd WIIS IInc r;ll hll~ (lit Ilw 1I1'P0 Il1 \lnl!l1t of a full-t ime E)(~'cu· IIYe A~'I\l lI n t In hll nrlle the 1I1f1l1l ~ o f Ihe ( I L Ontil rlo (\)uncil , This will he II o llc ·yelu 111\.11 prnlcd , li nd i l WIll be l e"' l" wo.:J ,,11111; n~ \ 1 l"lI \ o.:lI l l~III,

Durrl.'r.< li re 1\.:nllndcd Ihm I h~ IInllual I lIe, lI h'lfl (i u ll I "urn il rnen l \10 111 he held "u~ 2t'l at I h~ Tynnungll volf li nd ('Ull nl f \ nllh 1)ll"u'>t., l,'Hnlnl\ \1I11f ,1t1 ',l

l C\lte~c·nlll tIH; I(lr more ," formation I he 121 h An nuli l Llfl cm,lII\ Rodcu

wil li,\., held Se pt. 23 III Kansa .. City, /10'10 Inl l' lesle(j mcmhl' l\ IHC luh·iscd II' wn lllt1 rhl! \ OlOnlo lIf(iu: It ll addi· Imnlli llll lJm):tIWIl

C'Ullp,I,II Ulull uns to o ll r rCl:c nl 1t! lII ec.s: nfl), 11 m CimcUJllrm of A lenel (')111.1,1" Wtre til 1'1.'111.11"; 11Ilt! Ihos, POII I :-' nll \lI, I" hll \\ 11.. he 1Ill:!l and Juhn IInmlltun 01 Guelrh lI}dfll WI.' w ,~h

Ih e~l' !l l\1lhc l ~ a I(lng 1111\1 hejll1 h ~

r(.lllrcmcn i DAi'~ ti ll ~UlU.lll l, r,s

COPE SUPPORT l., , (j-lM (1 ,IJ,lh'(: \ IIU) . 1I;\\lIL1'nN, 011- n il! \Hlrl:: In (lur JumdJct lO1l It" .. ll~cn blead,' O\'er Ihe pasl I~ Vo' nillll th, I he or~,III" IIl ~ cl lnTh \I I ,,"r melllhcr­);h il' :lnd o ur nClghllo ri n!! loenl hn~ llcell !I '" lIJtIT laetm 111 IIllllnl.l lI1l11g full t:!Upkl)'lllcn l

/\ ~pct;lIIlthIl I1 I..S HI Ihe 1 J"1t: nl h4X rel l rcJ IIll'IIIhcf"J who h,lIl' he.:n ull ing 'Volunleer work for \lur loell l Ch ll nll1!~

'I hl' nlt: lIl he l ~ h ll' ;,"d the (;0 111111111 11 1\ ,Ill' ]' l\ltId Ilf \ HUI d fllll, KC"JI up th" ~IJ(KI \\ llrk

C'uugrutu lal lUlb tll Ihl' n.:wl} 'ekel ell Urrrl' ntil."el>hip das~, T he ml.' mhcr­~h l p I" I tli l !.; lIl /!. fo r;~ ;u d 10 wI.rk lllg IlIge lhc l \\il l! )tlU for m .lO}' )'Cll r~ 1(0

~1I\ 1t:, • I hc 111\:l11'~ CO I'E- (\JI11I1Htt l!oe i:; \1:1)'

l'fOud IhBI Local MH WtlS fo urlh II mong tnl W h,clI l .. IIUI I\HI\\lclc it l Ic rn l" III

Pidu rl!d from left OIl!' tot:01636, lOlontr.r , ON. Iko~ PUIII Smith, Inhn Wiphftnon nnn John Ham ilton, WM recenlly retired from Guelph Hydro. Not pittvrod il Bro, ail l Gructzma n, who retired from Alcorul Canada Wir. ,

conlnbulIOn!> 10 IBEW-COPE III I99J . I"he 1>l1ht1C,11 bllllie Illf \l llfhr.!> right.!> ~ flU frl .1lI .... on It will takc evcn local in the IBl:W 10 \\ lIIlh" wll r And ~c \\·ill .... ml

ORGANIZING GAINS WORK I~U. 6K8 (i,lJ, IM: m &I ). MANSnEl.D, O il - Work 111 O\lr JurrsdictlOll CQntl!l ­ilC' WI(K)L good 11)1 Ih i~ >t:ar, Our casl· cr projcci w~'nl \'cry wt;lJ. We lhrulk till Ihl' I l"lwl'lcl~ 1m IhelTht.: lp

UI org!lnl/ inll efforls haYc hl' lpcd liS !,t rlln wur ~ In tht'- ctlll1lncrcili l diyi­sill n The- "slfl ppinj!" efforts we em plo~ed hliVe pUI i)nt: no numon con­ITlll1m ( lU I or bU~ lIl e~ ... Woe ~oon will be ~I anmg 311 nggrcssh c hllndbill dlSlnbu­lion Urt\C II) hrmg .. l\~nt lon tu the ~uh­

it.'l nd.lfd WI18CS and bendJl ! ptlld b~ 1I01lUnl(1n conll ,lcturs Ii ... cOlIClll lIIg Ihc cummunllic~, 'We hope to receive their ~Ll ll pl 'rt,

,\ ' PL:l'I,-. ll hj\fl ks I'LK':S ()UI to all of ou r IJ flllhcrs and St,ll!rs llli Ihe" help 111 (l lir ur~lI n i / ll1g effor ts, Wilhuut Iheir Ittlp .... c wouldn ' t be ac htc \iog such ~tlll is and reclI [1luring nur shur~ or t h~ IIl lll ke t.

A\ tim I~II IIII I/. \Io e \\e rc con l111uillg ncgllllil l ll lTis \\·llh N!.!t:f M anufactu ring to help brmg 1l00Ut boi:ucr \\0 I"k11l8 ('on· (\1111 111 '

PAI l! !o. ... IITH. R .~

UNION· INDUSTRIES SHOW I.. , (W 2 U~'t' Ilil t. II /\ V Cl rV , \1\ ­Al1rrel11ices from Local 6(12 took part 11) Ih e A l l ( 10 UnHl Il In uu ~ tli c~

~hm\ h" lulll Dell ol l on M3Y 19·12, I h , ~ '>'" 11\ Ihe f1T~1 li me ,II .. show hlld bee n hmtcd III \Oltdliglill 5incoe 1961. More th ull 300 cxhlbits rculu red the \\Iltk (II union \\. ofkc J'~ lind the plOd U(;[.S tho.:) IlfVd tlCt!.

Mldll[tall r~ Ihl,' hllllll! 1)( KtI,(KM) AI--L­(10 uninn consl l u"tlllll memben., We urc qUIte plcll~ed to ho\'e bt.'cn able to pnrl ll'limll' 111 "uell II speclat evenl ~ llC

CIa\ Ih ,I IlL ~!!tJ ou t to c\trY(J ne who he lpc d lO mil kc L(h;1I1 b92 PllU the IUI· W plOlltl

Local union electton re! u\ts wcrl,\ n" t }'~· t 1I\' lI dutJ!c II I "rc~ ~ l il lie. WI! will repMI Ihe re ulls in the Oct(Jbc r issue nllh..: Jmmlll/ 1 WI' llr nur urricers whu hll il , .'I H' II '1IIn: IIJ~HI h;1\'1.: 'i lepPl:d Jown- \111rk Ullucr. (lur formcr [C("(ITU­III£: ~eLrC I Ilf) :Hld Chm tHlc Galt,mul. for mer tre asurer. O n oc haU of the melllhef~, we I 11II n ~ Ihem hOlh for lhe \lut"a ndillp. Jt)b~ the), pe rfo rmed fo r I ~l!,.,,1 !\In.

I he IlI lIg·;\WiUh:J ,", PA ploJc.,;1 thl.t W8..!> to hu\·c: been bUilt In Do" CiI,' W,tS

dealt a dellth 1111) \10 h.,. II,e R~jJuhiiLII II­c(,nlrolleJ C ngrcu 111 Washington. 1II1\1o'cYer. the !Jeha ('1)11o.:&e Plnnetan ­um i ~ IIU .... unul,; l" \Io av jll !la)' City, T he wl.rk !'lelU re 11 11 ncro<:~ ('UI Juri..v ic l!on rellHl lI1~ j;ln w, wll h Ihe 1 1J9 ~ !{ o ild T Cllm ~~'allcrcd througho ul the Sh:lh I)I\tm;1

Remember 10 d rtve cllrcfull,. th is MI t1l1l lcr

rw,t U'il LrNO, I< .s.


PKturecl o,e loco1696, ~Ioaire. OH, members employed (IS linemen in East Liver­pool, OH, witft I'M ohio Power Co.: from left, front row, BrCH.. Fred Robinson ond Dun lyon; betel!. raw. BrOs. Ron Yaron, Jim Givens, Geotge Summers, 001105 Yeager and Roy Hays.

FIGHTING FOR OUR JOBS I_U. 702 fi ,u,u.uuw,em.ns.nb pa.l.cal" &lcll ). W .. : ST f 'HANKFOHT, IL­Our local is fighling ror thl! JOIl!. of 2~ of our hnc clearance tr<ee Irimmers. .. bo .. ..:rc put UUI of \loud ... h!!n '\Qulh ..:m Indmna vas Electrh.. Co opened the bIdding process to nonunion con· traclOr~_ Thc~e memoe l S haw! \:1~tn tnmmlng on SIGECO propcTl~ for o ... ;:r 30 years and werc 1'\:pl.\ccu b) OUI­of·~tHtc ~cflll wnrh~rs makmg it:; hilI..: as 4U percen l of Ihe ~fabllshcd wagl-'S (l od enjoyin~ 00 bCllefit~ wh"II~Ot:vt:r.

Cuslomcr wmpltlinlS htlve increased l! rc311y a~ these no nunion cmployecs hack and slash the ir v.lt} down HH! .a venuc Ul a comica l cHort to emulnle reaJ lr mHlICr., 'I III~ dc"elopmenl I~ II threal 10 all our JObs . .,nd we must I;l ll} alO!,I nd o ur me mbers and cl aim ou r WC\l I; We v.tl uld like to hear from o ll1er loc;\b. r,u::mg Ihis or s1mlla r ~IIU'" lions so 11111t we migh l consolida1e: our efforts tQ r<:'lncd} tbe "lluatlon

The lIIsldc wnrk plCwrc conllnul:S to look good \11 Our art:a. The il: an~ ~tlll rome linc::mc::n and groundmen on Ihe hool;s

At Ih is ""Tllinl!. a h:ntall\e agree· ment 'oIo ith Illinois Po .. er had bee I'! reached and a '"Ole b\ tbe membCl'~ ",a ... !)oChcduled to take place QUI k.:al bargains jointl~ with Local 309. CollinsVIlle. IL. Loa! 5t. Springfield. IL;and 1~1C111:m6. Dt."ClIIUr.IL

I)A \ II> E. "CNEEt Y. t'.5.

WORK UPDATE L U. 712 (i.x,em.cm·&gmt). 111-::"\ \ EK. PA--One {If the larger Jobs in our area tillS p::ll ha5 bt!ell al the ... Ilt! uf the old Sharon Sted Plant in Farrell. PA. The property "as purcha~cd hy CapaTO Steel Corp. last )ear. PhaS( o~ of Ihc project included lefu rll.shlng the Dlooming and Rolling mills In onc hm ld inl!- a nd ''''0 c1eCitle rutn aCe~ In al10lher. Man<w- of the merhc .. d crane-~ "'tTl! brought 'to "l'rktni! order. Includ· ing th,lse In th~ ~t nppcr buildlllg. slnb Yl1rd, learning b3}' and charsing hal' of the electric fUfOllr.:e hUlllllng

As Ihe plant had been shul down for ncarly three! }'e!ars.lI .... n~ quite tllMk to bring the equipmcnt hack 10 .... orking order. Sargenl Eleclric was the l-'Ol\ l r;IC·

lor o n Ibe job. wilh C} Aabc:a nec as ge nera l fo re man and I.c~ Mc('nlll$ serving a~ s(c ... ard (In Ihe d;!,·hght shi ll. The second Shlfl v.as run 11) UQb Ileek. :tnd Bob l-f ricl k Wi\!o steward_ Ant)lh~r portion of Ihe job. the insta !iullon of f iber optics. W:l~ done hl' I-Ie.u·t hmd Electric Corp out elf Shawnee MiMion. KS Mike Champ "Il~ [melOlin. with o;c\ocn men manning !he )oh. The firSt phtKe ('Onc!lI~.:-d lIt lhe t:nd Qr \ taywlth much more ""'OrL: m the planmng siage. poSSibly IIlcl udsng a ne\\ conltnuous ca~ler. AI Ihl~ ~nlsn!!- there "cre <;ull 11 men at tbc plant. 8u~ \ 1gr \\ luren I .eck appOinted

~1ikc:: Stott as business rcprcstnlati\c. CongrutulallOlI ... \ ltkc. anu good luck in your new position.

Allhls YI' tlU'l! In \111) ..... ork had .!.Iu .. ed down In our JunwKhun. \IIllh

loc(l1702, West Frankfort, Il, line d eor(ln<e tree trimmers pickel Southern Indiona GelS & E&edric Co. ro prorest their replacement by nonunion oul"(lf·state em~yees. Shown from le ft are: 8 r(l$. Mike Reeder, Richord Big91, Rod Pike , Don Woolridge, Sttv. Hughart, John Town5end and Doug Hall .


Pictured ore $OmC of the more thon 100 loco1712, Beaver, PA, members wna monecf tbe Coporo Steel Corp. job il\ fo""-U. PA.

wme: ltIembcr~ \lUI (If to""I1 and 'iOmt' sliII on the book 1I0we\tr_ Ibln!:'\ shuuld gel Ji!01l1!t a~am b\ ~ummcr'" end.

Sc .. · )011 nt the m~ctmg.

Jt"l HAR,1U.Y, P$

RALLY PROTESTS TVA LABOR POLICY I..U. 7(i11 li , n , lI.rh'~I,a&l('iI) . l\.NOX· VILLE. TN-The IBEW sponsored ... rnlh' t\ I'TlI 1.1} In Knox\llIe 10 prOLeSl Tennc~~c<e Val le)" AU lhcmlY (TVA) laoor pohnt."'I

Ra U} patllclpanls incl udl!d IDEW members rrorn loca ls in T e n nessee. Kenluck),. Alnbama and ~IISSISSIJ1Jl I-

10C31s Ihal havc member:. cm~oyo.:J 00 the "'anous TVA pIOJCC1S.

llt~ f;l lI} W;I~ k<1 by Twem h DIstrict 101. Vice Pres. Carl Lansde ll and Ten· nes~ct! AFt-CIO l ahor CounCil Pres Jim Ned ... and Iheir staffs.

'1 he TV A has a Ill ho l policy th ll l makes the present U .. Congrc!.S 1001.. g( M)d It t'Ont IllUCS II ~ IJol ley to Jcpmc OUI mC lll ber, of " ,r&d ,md Jobs lhroughout Ihc regIOn. We hope out protest ~uccc~d s In bri ng in g: 10 the :.1II~nt ion of Ihl! public (and responsible pc:'lple al rVi\) Ihc."I! le pugn ant labor policies.

A hearth·1t Ihanks goes out to the

1.01;(11760, Knoxville, TN, 6rotnen and Si sters (togetner with me-mben flam ISEW local union I ocross .... $totel of leM.nee, Kentudty, AIoaooma oncl Miswnippi) gather for orally in Kno~ille to proteil .... labor poIiOet of the Tenneuee Val~ Authority.

mal\\ IBF\\ a'OIhel'$ ,,00 SI')le~ from Ihc ~<lrIOUli tocab <lnd olhcr; .. oo par IIclpalcd to tbe rally Congratulations I() ;111 "ho helped nUI"c lhe C\C'l1 a sue· c

Remember t{l ;lI!end Ihl' local 760 10..'"31 union ~c:lmgs hdd Ollihe founh I ndar of each month.

Sec ~ 01.1 Ihere'

GlE.~ \IC!IIllI_·" B \1 ·"F.S

UPDATED BYLAWS AVAILABLE I.... ,79-1 (rr), C I-IICA ca •. I I.-The updated local union b~ law at~ now t\\luI3hlc. They \\111 be dl$ \TIbutcd It !he monthl ' meclmg.'i. '>0 m .. kt:: jlIanslO OIU:nd oq)OO Inc meetmgs arc held the third Thursda) of cach monlh a l the Blue Isl and Eag les lI all. 2427 \\ . Gro\'c St , Blut" Island. IL

RA n.1O"'-O WILKr P.S.

TOYOTA BREAKS GROUND L U.1«14 (i5:11), KITCI-II-:'\' I-:K, ON­T he official gro u nd Dresking (or Ihe Tmuta plnnl has til ken place in C ·:Im· bridgc. AI Ihis ",riling. erc\\s ",c n:: in pille..: mSLallm~ Ihe IcmJXImry '>Cr'vIIX-" needed. Hov"c\·cr. no substantial crews \\111 be 111 place untillhe fall

loaI1804. K,itdaener, ON, ~mbon WOfi<:ing at tM. Guefph Sewage Treolmenl PIon) jotnite fOf Quon~h: from Ieft-. lony TtIth, Vice Pres. Oo¥e Chomberlin ijobti1e fore· manl. Stew Boggan<! HOf(ltd Koohtrcl.


OUf work picture appear~ 10 he Impro\'lng. At press ume aprro:umalC'· I)' 40 members ,,'trt' wlihout a JOb ~ local's slabdmlltJn fund. In ron·

junction ,,;lh our market reoo\'cry pro­gram. h;n been an Gllremt'l)· Imponant mecbam!im In belping our local acquire work thai olherW1Se deflnltel)' would ba\e go ne to tbe n(lnUnlOn eClor. Without 5tabilizlltion. uncmploymenl amonIl our memben;; "'ould h3\e been Ignlficantl) hl!hcr dUring 5uch IOUP.

economic lima In addition. calls from flflet Local

773. Windsor. ON. have helped pu l some of our membenh,p bdck to work. We appreciate these employment opport ullll ics ror our 1Ilt!lIlbcl'll.

Continue 10 work 5afcly. and rcmcrTI bet 10 oltend the union mcetings hdd Ihe Ihlrd Wednesday of each monlh at Ihe umon hpJl

CONSULTANT SELECTED LU, 1l.38 (u •• W1LML~GTON. DE­n Job Task AnalyStS .nd Compcnp lIOn Committee. m8de up of umon and compan) te~ntaU\a. hassc1et1ed a tbudpa-ny consuh.anl for tbe -bench marking~ proJCCL The CQnjultanl .. ;11 assist m fKilitatmg the pJ"OOe§s and act as Ihe deciSion mak.er In the (:\'e,,1 thr union aDd Delmarva Power fall 10 reach muw,,1 ngreemCnI on the pncmg of any c1:.uific-atlon. All mcmbet1 can help the local's Core ('ornrm ll ce hy for ­WAlding updaled job descripllOn inror­mat ion to Dw. Mgr. PauJ J. SImon [ll 01 Pres Marshall AnlOnSOIl

['he peak summer vacation period is illSl about o\'e r. ond soon Ihe fall ~ell~ son ~dl be upon us. Whi le man) of )ou cnjoycd Ihe summer. Ihe local's Pollll· cal Education Commlllee lI.as I'JU$Y keeplhg. the membcnhip mformed of legLslatlon \' Ilal to labors' InlereUs­legulLwon that could .ffeCI ),our Job. your family. \'our Slandard of h\lII~

AHordable Health-Care:


Everyone's Right, Everyone' 5 Fight

ign up for pa)roU dedu~101l for Ihe local''' P(lhILOIl PdU(:dW,ln I)mn'lllh:e­We need )our continued ,>upporl Coli the union hall for mUle detaIls.

Be mformed and a\lcnd your um n mctunp. And remember 40 hu)' Nnnh Americfln, ulllon·made pMducI\'

GERALD 1'.1, ('O'''i()R. P.s

ELECTION OF OFFICERS L.U. 1306 (uow), I) ECi\'I'OK. 11 -rh i.ng." nC\'er ~et!m 10 flow dawn here in central llllOOil on the illinOIS Power property We- h:lve- stlyc-1II1 dcyt:\op nlen lS 10 repmt since o ur 1~1 arlicle.

Finall),. after one )'cur of negotia. lIOns. a conlutet plOJ)os:l1 packag.e has been negoliated. and al Ihls ..... nllng .. "'11$ gOInJl OUI 10 the members (or ~ vOle The pr posed four-)'ear agree· ment (rctrOJC1I\'e I" Jul)' 199J) call~ 101 .. nge rncrea8e!o of 3 percent. J.S per· cenl. 3 percenl and .l percent It also rea lures 11 "tlc-almn dll)' tmrllnem('nl aDd mOle mdl\'ttlualand 112 day ... nea· lIon options. The enu~ pIIckage deulIl~ 1113,or change'§ In WOI L pntChces, and II addrcs c work relocation. new Job 1111es and ne .. J(1b (UnctIOns In all. the propo!oec.l pactll!\! conlllins b8 pagesl

Mutual'lains baT,alnlO, ~'. u~ed to negohale Ib(' pfOrO cd IIgt('emenl VOlnlg on the proposed paekaic sbould hoyc been oomplelcd h)' June 9 ami II count CClntlutSed MXln aft('r

Our former bu~lne$s lI'I(lnogcl , Bro ~ Ichllrd A n,kuOII, luu rcslgl\c d nnu rcturned 10 lIlinOi Power. I hDve been IIppn/nled 10 complete the unexpL rcu lc.mllLS buslne.'IS mDnllgcr.

At pre~~ lime. I ()CII I 1)01; WO\

prepnnng to Iwld ,IS triennial elecllon of ([jeers in Junc . Sc\'c ral members II.cre ru""'"g for Illl offices lhl! )cl\r. It relllly is encouragin., 10 fCC 50 mlln) members .... hn \Ioilnl 10 gel 1Il\ol ... ctl In

tht!lr uni n FleCllon re~ull will bl'lH' been toll ted June 17. C{tnllf8lulatl(lns 101111 who 11oIrll~lp.aled.

Brothers and Sisters. we want you to have your JOURNALI When you haye a change of address. please let us know. Be sure 10 mclude your old address and please don'l lorgot 10 fi ll In L.U. and Card No. This informalion will be helplul in checking and keeping our records Slralgh1.

If you have changed locsl unions, we must hsve numbers of both.

Mail To Address Chango Depanmont International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers 1125·15th Suoel, N W Sui1.903 Washlng10n, D.C. 20005

PIcMed ore locol1560, AII~ntown , PA. Pres. Judith HfJIll)' (Ief~; AT&t Acodemic Aword recipient Kri5fopher Helnh.ttlmon; and Kristopher'1 mother, Local 1560 mem­ber Catherine Heinl1.elmon. Not pictuled if fe llow award recipient Randyl Helfri[h, the daughter of Local 1560 member Williom WilkinlOfl.

A5 we enter Ihl' wave 01 ehunge at 111111111'0 l'o\\'l:.r. ~upport rour union and all l:nd your me':lin!,. ivc mput 1'11'1 deNtOn'. lind ~e(p yaur unlCm OfflCCfS mfntlned Remember: Kn wledgc i


TWO W IN ACADEMIC AWARD L. • I!'IM (mo ... '. ALLE'·TOWN. PA-fll.o Local 1S60 m mbc:rs' chil· dren ha\'c been chosen IlS rtCipH:n~ of Ihl5 yell l 'lI A 1&1 AClIde:mie Award . 11 1'0. William Wilkinson'. daughler Kandyl IIclhic h nnd Cathe li ne I lclO ... .clln1lln·s son Kristopher J [emile I· mILn huve rece ived 0 SII \'cr I\WUnl fmlll Ihe I t,llJ5 aW;HOs prOgl,11Il ROlh slucicntS \\ ro cbestn for their supcnor oc8t1e.mu:= ~1t;11I'i lind CQntnhuullIIS to thelT cocnrnu nltlC

!'be prOilram, neJounted h)' JIlE \\ anu A r or in 1992, wu de igned 10 help children of cmpl yet .. pUr1\ue 001· lege dCLVe~ on a fulI-lJme ba))i~. Sci c­tlon I~ bilscd on academiC excellence:,

gnlde,pollli avcr .. ge and communilY SCI'\'.ct.

Randyl . a ~enior al WII~on Iligh School. plans to allend L .. fa)'clle Col· lege to punue a degree- In Engf h. Her parents are emplo)ed al AT&T MK'fO­clecuonics located m Allentown. PA. Rand),I' (:uher. Bro. Wilkmson. bas !>ten:t Local 1560 O1cmN:r ~mcc 1983 nnd 1'1 emplo)cd In Ihe \lOS I Fur· nace Area, and her mothcc. Helen \\'i lkIDSOR. is employed 10 the Markct­Ing Dqll

Km,topher, a senior .It Parkland !-hgh School. plans 10 all end Muhlen­he rl ColleBe In September tll study hlol-.)U. Kri topher's mother. Sister Ca therine HeLntlelman. hH" been a Locnl 1560 mcmber smce liS beginmng II'l 1979 and 1 presently employed in thc GloballJrocurem cnl Divl'iion III AT& r MICfocJeclromcs 111 Allento ..... n. I-l iS fallier, Dflnicl. i cmplo)'ed al Tar­keu Inc. of Whllchall. I>A

We ~He \cry proud of bolh siudents and kno", Ihe)' ",[II con tmue to make greal contributions 10 Ihe commumt)' We comme nd Ihe parents on tbe flOe lob Ihe) hll\c done in raising and edu· eallng then chIldren.







CARD NUMBER (H 1HlknowrI, chtK;J. With Lrx;aI L1Iw:xI)




CITY STATE ------~ZIP~~----


Oon' llorgsllo regl'ler 10 vote a l you r new a dd ress.


A TRI BUTE TO BRO. SCUNZIANO n ETIH E I~ S ASS OC IATIO 1 O F C U . • \, NEW "OHK. 1" '1' , Ni\. ' A CO UNTY CII ,\J'T ER- O ut April IIlCel lll i! \\o il" l! vcry nlO,·ing ~xpcncncc. We we re honored to ha~c our I{cl i rl'c~

A ~"ndatl{ln prc"idC'nI , Um. Joo Jacob· son. 01111 lin). I lomc.: I'ctw rl , the A ~"I) ci ;H i\)n '~ recordi n!!. sccrcUlI)'.IH!cnd our iIl cctulg ,lilt ! luuchclJ ll Ill o Jlicllb~ ' ) 11

announced th:n our Ihcn.chnl)ICr t h.nl" nlOn, Ih o. J ohn IOiCtm711l lltl, .... as r tiring due 10 poor he •• 111I 11 m. V i ll!1lc D. 1'''71() (Ihen·<: hnpr(r v,,( (1\,\lfIntul ,111..1 lrc l in g ch :ll rm a n ) Wlt ~ I1 UllI cJ liS OLIr new chapler chulrnHlII J1)h ll I h n n~cd Vi nnie rOl ull im help

n TH. Si.:u r1!lann hdrl ltll' 1'10 .. 11 11111 II I N; I ~S.'11 ('( 'UlIl ) ( 'hnplcrchrurnmn r(11 13 years, lind h Jid :w c,Xct,:l lcnl job He pru\'iul!(l ~rnn!l lcndl'"",ll1r nnd dc-';('Il cd hi~ efforts 10 In l1 klll~ mil duh \I Ill!! II I~ I(,dny II gren l chll plcr of L\lcn l ) n:: l lrt:c~. A l llll.~ wril ll1 ~ .... ~ w~r(! fllIIklllN pluns 10 pily lribule IU Brv. Scunl.inrm ,II .. (hnna in Ills hUII()r .11 ()Il l JU lie n11,.'C1 1118" ... I n. l ~ II\: 11'1 11 !.;n.., he\! 11 I'rL-:.cnled wllh II ~ l'ccl!I l pla(IIlC nf HX'Cl!1." 11 1< 11I

Bro. John OT'ol\o,OI' {wIJn SCf\'C' .m 11\11 B(mrd (I f DireclOr.; !In\! nlso "i the hl'lwling 11\;lIl1!c ,llk r) r" I1"" " 11I1I 1 Ihc IlllwllIl g lelll11 hn~ bcen gct tlng high ~corcs ,lIId good tCO Ill .l \ crallc~ 1\1 1 1 1I ~

writing Ihe bowl ing lealll luudIC,)u W,I ~

planned fur \1 0)' 11)j)~ for t he chISm", .,f the season, To ,l lI lh!! b;,wlcl~ . ,"cep urI the grcll' dforl lind ~ pi nt

/\ bl'lll l Ilrc!> ~ tllll e . I)IIT 1,1:1 11" f(Jr It

wcek III (h I.: Calsk ill MOIHl1a lnS IV CI C

be ing tm:lli1ed Our picnic i~ schedulcd (or I\u~ 24.

BII ~)'. hUsy. hu~)' !

Remelnl'ICr 111 sUI'P<lrl l",)l.:.all. wll h (lu i II, none or l hl ~ \~ou ld he rx .... gible.

RIf'HAIW J. Kil l ~S"lll R, I'~.

SOUTH FLORIDA CHAPTER UPDATE R ET1RE ES A SS tl C I ATI O N O F I.. U. 3, NEW YO RK. NY. SO U'!'II I' I~OH I U .. \ CI-l i\ I'T .. ;H- r hc N()uh li nd Soulh RoriJ a ChIlPICI!> cc ll:hn'llcd their [mn unl Joml luncheon lind entcr ­lammenl UII 51, P'I!ri"k'lo. n ;IY In Nnrl h "londa. We hlld II good tUm()ut for the occ&siOn, and II wa~ II m'l~1 heautl ful Qlgl'll s~em g our old friends lo~cthcr

a83 m

LocolJ, New YOI"k, NY, Retiree, Anoc;" orion, SDlJIft flonM Chaptor Tree), Horry (Kud er Gild Roc, s.c, Esthet'" Drucker were nonored ot a meeting of the South florida Chapler relirH' on Mcry 1'2.



BOlh Non h FlOri da hapler Pre'!' ;\ lI thoIl Y B n dnm lllll ~1 SQlJl h FIQml1i Ch npl er Pres, Joe D,l lln grcete d Ihe glllh cn ng , J\t the co mpletion of Ihe .o H:ti r. y l) lIr~ In ll )' wr. ~ en lied Upl J11 II) :t:I )' n few wQrlJs, nnd I enjoyed sharing. $OIIIC 1\ ) la:~

NOr1 h Flond" \hnplcr I'res. R:1d:1ml 1~I ~nted ~JlI!utll p h'(ltlc" to ~evcrall, f Ih ul cl u t~·.5 Ill Cl1lhc~ III rccogmlHln l,f Ihe lr hurd wm k un hcllll if t.r l h e lt chuplc r

SO ll lh 1·1t1 r1 JI1 (,hnpl~ r Pres . J IJC BOlin prescul s Cl1111'1er pl all'l C-.!o ,I I tlB! duh'~ IIHlnlhl\' ml·~l l nI:S. AI tillS writ­Ing. Ihe. l"c~en l .ll ll1 l1 o f [Ita ques WIlS "iChedlllc;.l fl)r Ihe J\ pn l 11)1}5 mecti n~. ., ht1\c ~tal cLlItI h.I"c rel.:c i\cLl chaplel h(lI101' rnel ude : [ Si ller and lI arr} 1) l udcr , l{hlH,l u t iu ld .. tcl n , Shlrlc.y '\h ll[, jttl. Anne Uunn. Au n Oohhl ll S. I'en rl alld i{ldllmi WI!!:O~l. Charlollc F(,)c, Mildred Lo~a n anti Ii Met K re­It lCI A ll dC!lCr",c i'tII t h un b . We can n~\'cr forgcl l.tl l lH: "ondclh ll guys \\111)

Im",c IIInde H UT Snllt h Flondu Ch ilpler the fl nc'!'l anywhere; ;1 11111ng th()$(' who l\)1I1C ttl Il1 U1U lin; 11MI")' Ucnlid cl. hek Weher and 1 . (Jtu~ ( h fl~

I IIC ' 1JlJ th Horido Chapter is estl l!' .. ul lI) furluml le III Im'lc such truly deJI ('Ille d ... . , rkcr as Rec, Sec . EMliel Drucke r .llId I ren~ HI1 II )' I) ru ckcr 'Ille Druckenr: contrthute m,IIlY haUl '> In !;CIVICI.' II) OUI l'Iull We e~pres" (Jur sm­Lac uppn.:C1.I ' II)1\ III hnl h (If Iht:m :t ne In ull wlw work [1(' di ligently on bch!t[f o( thl.' chaplcr.

lI ec!II,.I~ or poor altendaflce during Ihe mUlllh ( 1/ JUlie, holll the North ;lf1d South l10mla Chapters hove vOIc,ll0 C'lIICc\ JUlie lIIt:cl l l1 gS, 'il m:e M ;I ~ was 10 he llUr In~ I lT1Ce l jnll unt il Sc lllcmhcl, we dcciltcll 10 h:I\'c [I IllV- pilrt)' at the Mny mecti ng wit h a pad::.lt!ed lu nch and ~pcclII l Clllen(lI nnH'nt.

AI [)re.ss 11Ille, Prc~ h ie Bo nn h:Jd J U~ I relu rned from Ihe hO~[) l t al. where he uulieNcnl plOsl llle \urgcry A$ vIce prcsid': llt 1l1l.J pl t:!>,!. ~C"!t:t .1I1' I 1 •• lIe ngrccll l() kecp thc oUlh Florida Chap· ler '5 ru"ct l(Jn~ 11lltlr:rt mg wll ilc he rceu· pt: nHe~ We 4111 look for Joe Hon n 10 ( .'II''I\'/' I ~l1l1U ,11111 wr. ~""d hll1l our hesl

,\ \ a l .... ap. !lur thank .. go (lUI to Lm'nl ~ OUS. MgT. n h}nlaS V:1U t\ rr,dal.: 11 I1ll im staff nf uHiccrs, who Iuwi! hec l! \0 II l1 enli\'( 10 Ihe need'!' of re ll ree,!.. A nd we Me C\'CI tlmlerul w our f(mnCf employers anJ the JOIl1I Indusl r\' llmm l Cor dcmul1slrntmg great concc~ Cm 1I:111.:C. ...

I urge 11 11 OlJr condommlum Bromen and S ISlers 10 bccllmc ncllVe on Ihclr condo bOll rd of direc,ors so Ih ey can lII(irk II) St'l' Ihll l a ll Wf ITll'nnlrttctl't1 (J UI by their condos gocs 10 union con· Irlll; h lr ~

Dc I wishes to out membershIp for gooo hcahh nnd an enjo)'ll blc summer. WI! looJ... forward 10 our reulllon in Sep­tClIlhcT.


20TH ANNIVERSARY K .. ;TIR EES Ct lJH OF L . 6, SAN FR.AN ISCOr CA- The Senior Si.~c s

muu HHmHl nUmUfRs' roLUS I I



, /

Pictured here jJ the origlnol Certilic tllo of lI: ec::ognihon issued in 1975 10 the Loca l 0, Son FrancilCo, CA, Senior Si.xe~ Reti ree~ Club.

fccen t l) cdehflued Ihe cluh'~ 21h1l ann i\c rsar\. In Ih l! yc nn il11CC uur fou nding. we h:t\'~ Ao n!! frolll 11 fC\I rll llmher'. III il gOll d ~llO \: I\lh . A, or March 1995, tippro\lmnlcly b2.~ L, ~.I I f1 rtJt i rcc~ arc d il l> IIIcm h er~ W~· un: pleased that S(:\er:1 1 hllmcr club offi eers sti l i \I H r: nrJ our mon thly mee t rngs- I l ermn n n udu". fm mcl cluh prcs id~ nt : Hurry Wehr. fo r m~r vicl.' I're~idc n l; tllld IlIrrv Ihll11 CIl I, fortncr E.xccul ivc Don rJ m~ rnhcr.

On dl"plny in the vestIbule of IIIC! I Ut::tlolllflce I~ Ihe on~1I1n t ( 'crll lll; iltc or Recognl lion iss ued HI Ihc ~c n l llr I\IXes }{cllreL. ... Cluh !lIe certiftcntc lABS <it" ed!J.), Illcrr· l u l !'-I c,,_ Jo"c l, h n Keenan and Int..:rntUionat Pres. I!mcd IllS Chl1 rl~~ H I'lllnrd. \V(o "no! grmcful II) thai gre.11 butldlll( g lly~ \'oho (onncl[ our corutitulion and gOI our club off ' l )

liS proper ~laTl Our d uh CIlIOY,!. 0 luncheon follO"l nll

eve ry meel l n~ , .... lIh i\ diff erent chcJ crenllllil h is {lwn mc nu cach. monlh. In Janu ary. Ihm nan [)u dllk mll de hIS great ell ili benn:,;, In I'chlll:l ry il W:IS (IIY lmn. nnd ..... e lurd InslI.!l na In Murch, ..... t! cUJo~'ed (:alelcd cornell heef ond cnt,· bage. wl l h (Bnlasl ic Irr!>h hr~ lId nnd dC'icrts b) {.ur ladu:s At t he March (lIcetlllg, the musical ~ tII Cnllln fl1Cn l In Ihe form of Imh sonp.s Wfl ~ eOllt tibll lc(l oy Bros. Itlch Mc(' nbc lI nd Tommy O' Rega n. !n M:r y we had Jack Lapoinle's delicious ham li nd pll51a We arl! lookmg fr'TWnrd 10 our IInnunl bur· N:ello in Stlptemh\'lr, WIth m:l~ter chef WUITCn OrlandI kmg Ihc 51i:aks :li nd chick en. I\ mll t JUS I !te l ~ better eAch month as Ihe years 1011 tllong.

O ur IOllr (hrecto r, Oro, Geor~c Boyle. ono 1m wife, Mnr1l1n, put logeth­er a speelacula r fi\le ' ll ny trip 10 Las Vegas and Lnughll n On the lIigh t home, Ihe luck) .... 'innt!1'S and Ihe re<il of liS who paid ou r due talked 3houl thc nell Reno lnp 111 c'klnl-w.: r

Ou r " m il ·olog ls t," Dick Overho lt , who has heen rerfornrmg miracles ror 10 rCd!,!.. j~ 1I:1 i l lll g " !> 10.11 1t: IIl.l t: r ~1I 1 ~1

pl:ms I() enjoy the SOCIal sIde of Ihe bar \1 any Ihanks. !l1d:1

We're looking forward 1('1 a grctllsum 1l1{'r wlth good friends fi t our meetings

J ERRY RAy!l, I' '\

Local II , lo'\' Ang(ll ll ~ , CA, lI:etiree~ Club Soard member~ Bert Horingor (left) and Roy Herillgt" a ... ill chi;rrge of s.eIKliflg ond P'lfch osir.g door prizes for club events.

AUGUST 9 POTLUCK It f.TI It Et:S I. II O f1 I.. U. II . I.OS ,\ Nf: ": I. E~. ('A Our members hQ\'c been enJoYIII!l.1II oId l\ C )r.:ar 'o\llh {llIT

lO{urrnn llvc t1lccl1 n jl~ li nd our recCIII ~lJlIIg I\lIIdleOIl Il!I rl ~ We li re I(")klll~

(orw:1 rd 10 Vllr u.pcoming ,wII UJI A U,!lllst floll llck

The " 1I t1~c \\IurlC) i ll l1 c h C()II" [ II I h l lul n direcl i\'c III Bm. Worle>', heque .. 1 !rl llur d llh In le llvlII,tt Ihe d uh !l h Bnd~onl l.: leg.II.:). II I icc !IIl pu l n t~ d Ilr at pun II I till' 1U!llh toe sp..: nl 011 a p~n~ wll l1 g'~lil fuu!.! 01H1 warm fellow­~ h ljl. 'rhe luucheon W:l~ held May 10 at 11r \: (1l'\\.lIl l lwlI 1m AIII'c:ks II l)h u;IY

Inn. lind we did I\ ,I\'C II ~\lod t lll ie. Our ne t l ~lId,11 evenl ..... ill hc the

Wedlil!,dny. IIg ~ potluck ill Ciral.:C SIlT1(1n l l)dgc: in E.I IIIn " il rk arl Il a.m. A gilll1 we 1'001 11 CIlJIl) t/.re:l! fmH.I. Il~ .1ur memhers trenl us \() Iheir IWl\lcmade ~ pcclull l e ~ We' l l Il lso buvr: games. pri/e~ II lld cllIel l:llll l1lCnl

BUI 1111 I~ IIIH hl n and ga me . Our pT~llt Congrc\~ ~ I!CIl\_~ to wanl 10 toal· !"Illce Ihe hudget Oil t h ~ t"lck~ 01 ~enrur t'1t i1 c n ~, nnd I' e lIll' ~ce111g th rcats 10

5.ill'tnt ~ecu llt ). Mc~hcll re 3nd MedIC­aid. S(l, we IlIwc ,I bu\)' )'1:3 r ;rh elld III u ... We II\ \I ~ I eontllcl {) lI r se nators and I C [) l eM! n l :1 11 \ ~' 10 I~I them kllll" we lire ang.ry We musl "-!'-15ter 5tnl()r ,·n t· ers alld scc Ih 1l 1 Ihe~' UluJer'lUlI1u thc iSSUCS- Olld "'OIC. l e i " IlOt .l lIn ..... ('on gren \(I !mllnee II tn Cllt for the weillt lly Il}' l:lJ lI lnr MI'dirnrt' I1 nll MI'II ­Icuid hcncflls for Ihe elderly and poor.

l{ 11'1\ LI\~KI". I' S.

CLUB OFFICERS ELECTED R I~l' IlU~ t: S CL II Of L. U. 26 . WAS II INl:T()N. DC-Atthc Rl!lI rcc~

Cluh nlcetlng nn May 1.l. Ihe follo"'lng officers WC l e clected: Pres. lI arry W. Cre:t111lJr, Vice Pres. W"dt! H. Shenlf Jr., Rec. Scc. Euge ne S. Long, f rens RlIbc. 1I FIWrC:lU amI SlIl at A rm s WYMI T. IlIlek ncy, EleCled as bxecu· Il \·~ Uwtrll I1\ Cl1lbC I ~ were: WIlliam ('III· hoon. WillIAm G David. J)oml ni<:k Dell b.rb:1, Flnnels J 1 tcaty and George l:. ReddIng Jr.

AI Ihc Apnl meet ing, 45·yeDT service: pIns were pn:scll1 cd 10 Iht! follu\\ ing nlcmbers III Il tl cndllTl CC (II Ihe mcetin g:


Ed .... lIrd Cll:rrua ... . "ranci!> Coleman. D;lllicl Duff Jr .. Joseph [ line. hA"CI~ Ilcaly. lAw Hockmlln. AIIIJJlm) J om· hardi. Don tAu. Anhur McKne~ Jr., Dan McQuaid aml l'aul Webb.

AddlWm,l1 4'i.):t' ar ~cr\1ce a\O,ard reCIpients ..... ho were unable to allend tbe April m~cllng . arc as follo 'o\'5.: \tor­ns BI(IYo:O, E ll IS f osle r. Warren lIo,an. Harry NO~'e5 J r .. Joseph OrlandI') Jr Robrrt Reddrng nnd \V-JJlwm T('uell.

Coogr.11ulolOOns 10:111 the:award t«tp­tents and to (Mlr nc",h' dcctL'lI uITM:£B.

EU(jEl'\I- S LONG, R.S.

RETIREES ON THE GO! KETlK EI-.:S I. un OF LU. 99. PROVlOt: NCE, "'--Ou r I()Cl1 l lH1s enJoyctl a number (lr trip!; and (lUtinl!S t his year. In Februa ry we ~'isl l e(J the Delancy Huuse III Il ulyo kc. MA We had 71 people along for thtlt tr ip. and c\'c r)'onc enjuyed the c n tcri lli lllllc il l alllJ good food .

In Marc h '/lie wen t to W()Il:C~ l cr Mall We hlld lunch at tbc Cock & Ket· tie in Uxbridgc. MA, and it ",",us 0 \1.011-derful day

In April \I.e took in the Oeaullful l:.ast· ershow III Rlid tO City MUSIC Hnllll1 C\\ York The Rockeues wen: lU lltelf bcl;1! For Ihal tnp. WI.' had 9Z panlClfl3nb..

OUI local IS (leepl) "hIdr.lencd b), Ihe umimcl)' passin! of Bus. \1!f Omlllne uCJlm~ Ge1sonllnu We ex tend our deepesl sympathy 10 his family \Iol}' he rt$1 in pence

The becuh\'i! Bo3rd 3ppoinl~d Br;). Tom Lyn('h 10 fililhe unexpln~d term n~ Locnl III) touSlnc!>s man;}ger Ous. \t !r Lynch's lIuictanl '\\.111 be 8m \ hke Dale)', v..ho m~1 rettnllY!oCt\cd as Io-.;;al ulllon proidl!nt. We all wish lhem boIh Ihc bcsI let's help imd .. up· pori our officcrs 10 keep lOC:1I1 99 strong.

We also arc saddened 10 annOUnte Ih e re ccnt pnssl ng o( Il ro rom McCunnkll.. Ma) he fest III PC ift.:C Our sinctrc condole nces go QUI to his rami I)

We ;He plcJ!.ed to wdco mc n new membcr, BrtI , John S. Me( Lie. who recell tly JOllied thc Rellrcc:. ('[uh.

Best wishcs for a happy nnd ~8fe su mn]\:1 1(1 "I I1 C rClirues who ;1f\;) alwn~

on Ihe gil '" KC. l1I en1he l to kee p th e spiril of b tOlhcrhood S\rllllg. May G(ld hlc'iS yOll a)w,I\ 'S

1',0\ I (01 un. I,I'~.

GREETINGS EXTENDED RETIREES CJ.U II Ot lo U, IU5. HAMIl. TO!' . ON-Gre ehngs from Ihe l oclli 1Q5. H3mlli nn Onl:IfIO. ~nior MenlbeB Ouh 10 alilhe mEW R.e\lree!lO ('lu ll'S In mlh f\ mcnC'd We In''ll.: ;,my of our Mstcr dub51ho t might be Im-crested In (Iorntt so [0 OOfItUCI uo; hl c~chan!:te Ideas and rn(omldllOtl for our mutual benefit.

C.ongralulaliOns 10 Oro Ed ('nrm;-rll (picluroed in the accompaJ1ymg rholU) on receivlhg IllS 55-,.CIlI mbW M!r\la: pin. Local 105 Bus. M,gr. Joe Bean ie and Sellin, ('(ub .. res George Ruli lc made thl!: preSl:nlatlon.

On Ma:,o II . 11}!)3. BrQ. 11(,yd " I)cc· Wec~ 01ief .... :1 l::hd tn fe'll in n quiel


local 105, Hamil!on. ON, Retirees Club Pre!.. creo. lie Rume I'ehJ and local 105 Bu,. Mgt. Joe Beattie (rillhtl pre~t retired 9ro. Ed Cor· mon with his SS-ytIClr ISEW let'Iice pin.

nr<::11 Q\'crlnl.lkln[ll hc Iltll hUl ld ll1~ <l 1I~ 1 slct.l1 111111 5 Il c he ll)CrJ buil d o .. cr lhe ycars. Ik W3~ Lu<::u l 1(15'", 11I ~1 hVlnR charter lIu:III"'-:r We t:x tcnu OUI c\1nJo­It.lnce~ to Bro. Ozier'li rllm ily t-Irul y Ihll ll k ~ fur yllur JcJlcUlc(l service. I)cc W(:c.

U!lOlWF Rl rm b. I'IU·'

NEW MEMBERS WELCOME RETIREES CL n (W L..U. 13ft, I'IE\\' OH I~EANS. L.t\-Our club ~ (onumlle 10 hnvc J 10 JIC!I\'C rnemhen F vclI Ih~'tJ~h Ihl" IS II step In the righl ducc · 110 11 . y,.~ ,",a uld IIle \(J h.:a~c C\cry Locil 130 ret iree JOin thc I( cllreo (lub nml atlc:nd our tlun rlc: rl) nleCUngs.. The ne", m~cbngorthcclub"'llIhcScpl 21

Oul members cnJu}' UOCII~llllI.l1 Otll mgs III J ,roup, JU)I rtttntly we hid &; mernbl:~, "[l(IU-.c.s and fnc:nus on tW(1 t-Ul>C!o trol\'chng to one or Ihe p.mbhn, ca~tI)O'l on the ~h~"l~IPPI Gulf ('(Ia'" bCl}flllC c:nJ(1)cd the fret tluflet pro· "iJtd b) Ibe clI~ ino. T he cluh rhln\ anolhel tllP (Ill lk:tohcl (lied, )lJur M:hcduk and Il!,a);c plnns 10 JOIO U"

ReClrees C luh Pres , ~ CJ n lllc C,III'''' W.1S hl)~l'pll il]j;,cd fCO!:ntly. We wish him II !ipccdy recQvery and 10(lk fnrw rud til tmmlg hlln ha~k (JII the podium

Llt}Nl I. G I )I:~ If'\iUI.. 1)$

70-YEAR PIN AWARDED Ut:'f l HF: I';S (' I. II O F I..U . lJ4 . e ll l _,\ .0. 11.- 1 hope evcrYOll(: enjoyed llUT Hc:llrcc-~ (luh rln lcle III Ihe \by I~"'UC (If the } Wlrlflil. rIlC f'1{'lUl\:

"'3~.1 lill Ie 'Cr ious looking. but we Will

gel Ihc snulL'S hack 11 (11'1' 111:11 Ihe l a ~ cJ,

,ale paid. Cungra tuluhOn!i 10 charter membcr

rdwllld J Sh.:hold ...... OO n't:~i"ed hl5 70. )'ellr pIn If4Im Ihc Internalmnal Let'", gil fnrXtl.l::d

We "W1\1.' ull Ihrl'oC ""hi) ha\e rel lred IWn1 Illetl B~ In ,llIn Ihc: R':lrrei!S Club. Mec llO, 1111: held the c(~l1ld WedncMli.~ 01 cudl nft)lI lh aI Ihe loc.ll union holl

\\ e hne h«n ~lIddcncd by .he 1(& of Rlch.-Ull J ("11m. ~ho W<l~ a charter member :lnd an ntficcr ur IIUI Fxceu· live: UO;,t,J. Did. ~t\'ed 11\1.' clul> well and Will he ml~~d . ()ur ""lCere conJ o Ic IlCC~ gl' tlu t to hl/l l.tllIity.

f\t a r~c.:nt r..:guhlt mcctmll (I f Ihl.' I( ctltces ClII~. aWllrds ¥ocr" IHd\:iil ct! tn Ihe 1111' il\'r;: l " cl1l III UPI,reIIlICc\

and prc~cnl ~~pcnc.l1tl,·l! a~ lI1 L' mhers (If Loclll "Sli.

l.c:l me first encourage cach aryau to c('me 11\ Ihe Rcllrcc!, Club lIIcr:lrngs held the ~tcond Thurs day of each monlh 3t 1:-'0 p.rn (luh Pre~ Cha rles Richeson con.hnlly In\l le, e \ cr}onc to attend ;u orten 3S possible

In my nell t anlc!;: I plan 10 hlghlighl our 1\\0 nldt!~t ","ing Illcmhe.rJ. Acrord· ing 10 the maste r fill!'> 1!11 the: Ullion hull Ihe\ arc U,O"o Joe: I~o,,"j,!r and William roo~. II anyone' na .. JHrIUI~ or recol­ledlulls of Ihese Il rf.thcrs Ih ol Ihi!~ ""Quid Ilk" 10 shall: as a mbulc. please J!I\C Illl" a l-all

I hOJlL" 1Il.IIIY uf you ",,"ere able to come: lind "I~it Wi th o lh er members dUling the J11 ne 2 lnc:.ll unIOn electron

The locol1341 Chicago, IL, Rerir~ Club presented award. to rhe. top five local 134 gpprt'dtkes. Shown he,.., frorrrieft. are: Ed Huber, Lome Monning, James ROO<.h gnd Angel Rivero. Not mown if. apprentice Vernon Smirfr.

WI: prc:o,cl1ll;l!.l Cocoal 134 Jllck~ 1 ;tnd Ihc fln:trlcal Cmllfi1('fflr U/ullIl.mr to th c <Jppfcnl ltc!-. fuur uf ~hoRl arc 5~n III thil accomp..ln)'tng ph(ltn

11 (t \ c II sufe: und haptly SWIUll CI

01('). 13RUf'oAfCi. P IU 'J

RETIREES ARE APPRECIATED lu r rllums CLU U 01.' L. U. 5SR, SIIE t',·' IE IA), AI,-A ~ I hcgln to rcl'(1rt on t he thl j)pi!nlngs wlI h (Iu r lr>cnl unll)ll Ictln:!:s, I Will need loIs \lr IlIplli f lUli l c.1ch \I f HJU ICl ire d mem· ber!'. I look forwhrd \1) 1lI1.:1;I II1 Jt 11I :II1Y III yo u lind Icnrn i llg ,Ibuli l \t) lI r p.l:':1

of o(fic..:~ Relirees an: an Importanl p3rl of Ihc local I ~anllbesc ar1lck:s tn hI: a ..... 1\ !If helprn!! li~ lI.C!cp in toucb. You atc p.m of LhC' rools or Ihi loall Y(lU helped mll\.:1: II wha t II IS loda},. ;lO c.I all uf ~·ou :u': appreclaled. ~cc.:n l l )· an lHl1ci..: III OUI reglOna [

I1 CMpallC r hlghligbted Woeh.! Wa r II storks. The artu:k pilld trif:iulc It) \Jlle

1\( \JUI Jelli ed mc.mhers. Bm, I knr}' U. Illlw lc~. Il cnry and h i~ hrother we re pllrl or tt." 1)· I):1Y InYaSlOn .m Ihe bcoch e~ !If N(Hrn,ln ll y 81)l h wt:re member!> of the A rmy's Fim In r .. nlry D IVISIOII , ·'TII ... Big « cd Oll ......

Un llllle '< t tlille when I have morc to sha re wil b you. Sin), ~lrong :l nd be pl'Uud!

BElINlJA 1'1I1l11l~.I'.S

P;,tur$d Of. some of those in ottendance at a focol'lllo<ClI 558, Sheffield, AI, Retirees Club lurn:heon.


TRAVEL CLUB TRIPS R ET IR EES CL n Of' L.U. 595. OA J.i: Ll\..,"Il:D. CA-Thc follo""ing ufr!· l--ers for Iho: 1995 Il!rtn Y,":f": mSlaUcd ill our J'II1. IJ Int!clmg: Pres. Jeanne i\lvr­Tis. First Vic\: Pres. Richard Palmer. Sec. Pam DCIl!1. t\~'l. SCC\ Anll(.' ;l~.

~id, . Tr.:as. E \'chn FnIL. aml A .. ~'­Treas. Ah"UDa BOllel>. [xl.!CUli\c Board mcmb.:rs IHe: Lucilk C'3pdc­\leJlc. l\ill,;k Fluno, J ohn rira.~. Ko d l-I l}'Il13n. [lenny Kool~ . Boo Lodge sod Ted W31J1~: 1! lI crn [\ t ~ ~ a rc Bill Q UIr1t1 , Bob SChCllllII1! and D a.c ~I\cr

-J h~rc i~ not {pace her", 10 lisl the narm. ... of all thusc v.ho ~nc un o ur ::'.11 or s.o h.m,l·"orlmg cummillco. A par­li:ll Ir-t 1n1!. or o ur R":lir<:es Club com­mllh.'cs f(~It1w~ l.undn:un, DCCOnllmg, Rdrc~hmcnl . 1\:lI:r 11<)n.: , Col n: cilid Co nl'crn. l'olilH:a l, I ll sw rica1. Nn ..

\1 cmber, PhllllnthrupH.'. I'rcs~ !"c(' rc­I:H)' , T r:ln:1 ;10(\ E rllert;sinrm!nt. N.lln\! Tag. ROSier and Newslctter. A nd WI!

h:n c work crc~ Cummill l:t:li Ihal hdp ~rlh Ih~ !'.c:tup and la~e -(kl" f1 al our month!} luncheon functIOn.

Thanks 10 all v.hn conlnhulc 10 our club by serving in an electivc o ffice or nil g cnlll l!111lo:c.

W I:. l' nJo y a 101 of support for o ur monthl\' Inf'" wllh IIw Ironel ell/h. We haH~ \ lsi ltd numerous hislorh.'al Sl les in ..... orlhem (' .. MomIJ. iLnd (If (UUN Ihc annual Roeno lrip is aJ\\ .J}'S a sdioul

Our n1~mbc rs illl! pnlud II' Ihe PhIl· anthropic Fund, which cnal1k~ oWl'e Ihlll1 50 nf ll ur out-uf .... ork Rff)lhCf~ and Sister:; 10 c nJO) 3 turkey dinner 31 nlUn~!!I\m l!:

OUT RellrCeS nuh mcm\-.e" h:Ht:;') 101 or r un, ~u come on tL.~\\ II ::a nd lOin u~ on til l! S\:l!und Frida}' lIf c\cn [\lonth.

Besl wi~h ~.., to 1I1111llr ~i~t c t loc~ I ~.

JIJII\I (, R,,, t',).

MEETINGS TO RESUME IN OCTOBER RETIREES Ct 8 Of l .L. 6 .. 0, I' II OEN IX. AZ-Ilcc~u!oe (1f Ih e !'hm!",.'\: '>Ic;tlhc:r. '>Illh lemperalurc:s in Ihl: I!X~ fr(11ll l h ~ l' n<J ( Ir MtI)' Ihrougll &pll:ml"l er. (lur rnel.:l rng yeor ~lme 10 an ,;:nt! wllh our ;"I n\ 19 bt~;tlf;t"t \k"Ctm~ I\I JI n:~ume ~llh our Oct. ZO


AI Ih\: \I.n brC'!~lldit!> 1 v.c hclt! ..In dl-'"C\ I"n 10 rrJl -Iwo ".Cim on Ih" Go lden A;!~ RII<ld RlIIlIICI'; Board 01 D II~ct/ll 'i

'\.tl'~·C I{u~~ d ~cill~d nOI 10 run fo r reeledilln Ih l\ lime arou nd. He h.I" "C::f\'l~d fOUl tc::rm~ fflr 3 [01;11111 !;lehl \<'"3'-';. Soh I'cll ~lIn his reelectIon hid ilt I h~ l:hl.lrJ. Cllngr.llulall1m~ lu Boh llll ~')' till l~m!! ckCI..: r.110 hl ~ flrsl t~rm ;1 1> a nOi!rt! rne mi1 <!r. A hlg wcl clll11c bad 10 Vice Pres. [one [fuel'. \\ ho

ft:c <! ntl y underwenl he r .!tI:Cl)n d knee f<!placcment surgefy.

Thil nk s to Enh: rlamm enl hmn. Charlc\' Lmncnz fO f Ibe fine talent he hool.:~ 101 Ihe br~akfasl lIk!ellll~ Ihi<; ~ tar

Reti rees Club members Keno)" and Rua Irvmg do ailihe C()(lkml! and <;(! f\' ­

ing III lhe !:m:akf.1s1 mc d mgs. Them '10-ye ar-old ~on Davjd lost his life i n. a mOlort-:-cle 3rrnielll IhlS pa~1 Apn!. We eX1end Ilur deepesl condolcna:s 10 the


\\c arc ~;uJdcncd III fl'I}!''" the de:llh nr the fllll' lWlIlg RClln:c~ Club lll l:fII­hoer~. who Pll5SCd away lhis lasl quar­ter: rhnn]:l~ E. Call . J:JIlIC~ R Merrill. Jilm,,-~ ~I<!\\iul ;lI1d RoIh:n Fi~hcl OUf '-meer!! ~\mp:tlh\ goc:~ OUI lu Ih elr l::amilies.

Be"1 wlsh c~ fo r tl safe fl ntl h::app) ~u t11rncr lil all


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TIll) rqubr rDetlmtt oIlho.- Inlcrutlonal Oecull\"e Councd ~ tiVlcd w onkr b:- Sc~UII) \lcA~-oy II 8:00 LnL. \'onda\l. \b\'~ I~ Othoet rncmben oI'thc council in <lncndanl:t: wen: Mc{:."t/1crt). Hc:oW, AdDll, Blxblod.. 'i .... ~ne!.OtJerry. ,nd Carmi] Clwnrum Bowden'WiU

UCIbCd d~ h) 0Irn:-1 ~I~ of tbe Brottll!rhood..

n,'TE R, ATlONt\ L PR F,.5lD El\'T f'>reQdenl Ilvr, mel ~Ih ,he IEf' II nu:m~r oIl1JJK:S 10

dlloalSS. \'sneLyof m.uLcrs.ff~,all hnllldlesofibe nrorherilood


Seat:lar, \inorc r~nl ed fi!Ul.ndIlI fl!pCIru; OO'o't':ring the tBEW r.:mtOIl Fund and the m\otnlC'flt portfolio(jr the BIOilherhood- l>oIh In Canada lind lhe l' nnllll SUUes.

TrcUun-r Van A,iGale al1endC<l Lbe: meeting. and ItMISIC'd Ihe: IEC ()n~\l:ral mlll ",'n.

LEGAL Ol Ft:NS t: 1'llymC:fl~ Jur h:g.tl ddclbC mHik from (he G~Jknll Fulld

• 'ere tmmmed :Ind tIoJIPro~ed In accmdarlC(! .... ILh the reqUlre­men~or A, I,,1e XI. ~~Ion l,of lhc IDEW Coostitution.

FIN,.\ NCIA I. HE I' O ICTS n.c Inh:rnal llm:d Sccn:I,uy', rqlOlb fOl'"~ '<lriQu,; fwu,b

oftbe BroIIhc:riIoo)d lII'e~ prClCnLet.I IU Ihe lEe. e.umll~J and riled-

RESOLlITlON TIle Inll:matilllal &«1111\1: COlIIlCII arJlfO\·ed a rtJ;Olu­

IIUQ rtgiHdlug Amendment or tIk: IlUl.'100N and lQSVoC'~ COI'I­rt'mlngill.! P"I'"1Sion:t lind pr~oJures tlf lhe 18E\\ Pe~1fl Bcndil Plm

k ESOtlIllON 1"hc I",emllionnl ueaJli\'C Council -rrro",:d II n:so/ulioh

~11nr: Wllbpcnsalfl ~fo)r 181:.'" eml1lo,-~OIfllOen.. rep­resef)la"lIe~ 1I1'1d a'I:IISUnl'

t'"t-~TRUSTE.::S TIle Inlern.W<tOOIl beaall'c CI.lUI1CI s.llllllll ~ the

lruQo:«. aloaJ _;1]) III.! InleMUlMlnal Pn:sMknl and

NOlMA1. f'fNSlONS _,"""L Amovm ...... ",",I

n..~EucutNe ~ ...... ' c:.-ca oppro....d tow hvndr.d

..... , --, .... -.my-..... t219I ~ c-. idwri) p.r._~. Of, IoIotwJ: ....,-... MEMSfRSHIP ~,blrC

~LU. s....~l _ .... '""" ,""". CaIIona~Sr. WoI_ M. Hodo iar~C C1or\,~f SIQI. """"1. /k;(". .!oM S '-10001 M.", ..... ~T U-"fIO froM: G~ W,.f ....... "".wL /k.C.tw., ~~ ...... """C !:roor:1V.. RII!Id.d f. _"'J 1!Iftt~. w.rlla B WN'tIIQI, aliordE Caomll, te)'ll"lOtld E Yael_ttl Hc~1III ,l.l;;iltlltll8<~W ~J' Wp!Ii • ....... N;eOtr.~J • wcod, C.oIC Hoher JoIw, H , wODCk.rd. MnrM J M.tl.r )I: , Httbtrt , ,

M.:WNr.ney Jidad J ::t ..... , • AIIdI.t. Edwlft 1 "' ..... , ~~,RDtIJ

Cmgr_. kaeI M II a..,;, ,laI.~W ~,[)a...dW IJ &an!ac.)osepli S Bp\. £:- S 14 (ol" fro-;;qW ~(r-J " L.~J. W.,bb.ftE 14 _,"-W c.- "" " fOlOrJ), s-tl .......... , ,. .......... , _W'" " '-Sr,~D w,. ~cib.o! " ............ N"';'-;"LP ,. --, ',,"_I'Ii f ,. ""' ..... """'" ..... JI lade., Jc-s P .......... , " ~Jt . .... _( ............ , n _w .... ..... "". " w .... ~l

=r...~ " y,~.G , ....,._J

""""'" '""" " -..., ".....IHd'l! " . .,., ... -- .. C. "". n.c- lrrr-d~ .. ~I w_c

~1OI!.c.tO " W.'9O' ....... l

~n!:.~ 57 Id.. P;i,!C

" ... """ Iuu, DoW! E " .IDst. C1ar\es I tbwood, Nor-! " o.Iono. W.n..:...1 I(oul~. Iol.:t ~ " ::'1"""" -"""" " V_I ~,,.,.,.i .. ... _oyL


" .. 13 13

" 76

" _J7 .. ,. ,,. " ,.

_.102 JOJ

"" _, 10 III '16

.lle. '16 '16 '16 12' '" '" '" 'JO ,., '" '" '" '" '" '" ". '" 1).

'" '" ". ," '" "' '41 ". In In

'" '" '" '" '" 1Il 112

InlermlllOlW Scc:n:1M) 01 the 10£'" PetwOa Ikodil Fund. ~~ed fund in'oeamenu and related malle~

L, 'VESTi.\1 [SI'S ~ rrplI"I (>f Iht fund lIl\eiUnem CbOn ""· tlx: Inlcmah(:&Ii

rreudenlOlQl,\ Illtnnaltan&l So:crcun- lID« tbt au. counril mcdmlt _'" p~"Dled 10 ,Ix: IEC curruned am appnwcd.

LOCA.l U"I10N UNDE R S P ERV1SIO~ l're:sllknl Dam· inf~d IfIr InlcnutlOILIl Ex.:cume

COOtICIllitaltlv:: folJm.t.lIl!: 'ueal UI110n bas bcPl pbg:d Wldel InlernlllJ&>rt.tJ Ch.u"Je: l~ Lnl\.'f111&i, TorOfno. OnlinQ. C .. nadm.cfl'eclI\C' \J'fi'7.19'-I ~


,\rpfOwQI ..... <15 ~raoletl h)' the lEe to the fCJIlovtln~ rep'c-~lItall\~ requestma rt\lremenl

l\.h .... ln Cuol~lIlXh.r M.~ I. 1m (i niemlllional Rc:p~nlall\·c '-= mlh DislnCl)

R.::gm~hJ Gdllllln--df~1J ' July I. 1995 (DirectDl IREW nroadcaSfing & Rcrouhng)

GrnoJy pijrk~ffo:.:lI\ e Jul)' I, IWS (1 Illematil'lnal Rel'lre\l!l'IullI"c-T,..'elft h DI(lrict)

Rich;url H Mllb---cffccllveScplell1 bcl I IIJ9S (l nlcmatll>rldl Kq\~nl .II'·t- \'llnuf3<.'1urinit Dept)

Rohen Whiu:head-<ft«II\ ': (kll){>CI I 199" {l nl~m,lIional Repl'CI:ol.tl_Fu-ll Out"eU

t\ PP!-:A LOf' UOUGLAS \1 . HAK ER On l\u~IJ.'iI~ . IWJ ,harp5_eu: liIet.lllmh VICe l'resn:knt

(lid L:und<:n CJf I h~ '",dflh DDtncL by LoeaI Uruoo II~. PreWknuAclI~ A~I\C~ Ma~'I Boh ("unrs .gtlmSll.ocll lalOO I D6 Vitt Praildo:!nl ~ M Oaur, The d1.u~ "'~rt: brooght un..kT Anlde XXVI uflhe IRFWCOMlilUl1OIl, RnJ i'nlCle J oIll\t 1.01.'111 l lnllWi Ihla",s. an alleged IUlcrf.:r­<'1n-IIIllb lhe lIul.o.01 Ihc kx"al umon p'~n".ldJntt~ PC:$:> maMIt(" hy the local wOOn.n JI1nldi:nl

IJfl SqKemhc:r 11.1~~ Va- Pusuknl C ... r\ Lmst.leo lem­pUBI'lI)' rClllU'<cU 01\)100 Uu,« from ot6c:c pe:nd,n~ II JhmI. ca~ h..""IInn~

On Sl:ptember J6.IQq..\ \K't rrr- Ik:DJ Cui ~n Infonned Brnthu R:tlcr lhal he: had ~~d Tn~honaJ Rlo"J'f\-"iCn. ... II.-cU~d l.)nch ,c>lbe~nnjl.uffaJ~~t

!alb4. t.....,I r '''' Hel.ldadf '" 0_", llO "'~1YrJ ,.. Word Oawidf llO ::!. ...... , ... WIsJ<>A III .... wo.-D u, """""' -, " . .......... .. ' l::%'t: ..... ,., ............. C '" 0-. lSl 0...-, la/piIl m .... , "" ". """" "" l ." ... - '" T~,Q.t 41' Ce_ Howard D '" ...... """'. "" Mclrp,Jf '" [loo".~l

,,. - """' '" AIu;d ft...-u ~ 05' c.,;. Ho;1W "0 ~JJJII w.,naO -'" )QiIooiQII.Il;unO '80 'l'~,o.n." '" L)'ion:I~C , .. ~. c-aJiE "" W.....u.I,,~ '" IobIfJl Horr,E 57' 'iI:"~<l, 'f1l'lC."'J '" \JIb-FIll, Gtr.,ro SOl McII.StaflityS JOO VII, .. a,.-O ,OJ MIioId, AlooIL )0' lourla.,lo Fn ... eoll '" Cyl, .kMphO JOJ Si:fr..(I1.l, fc;.,..g,dG '" f'l\l3y NorbIn J )OJ H_,f,.uE '" ~",Geer9':W Jl' Slrwnn fd.,.,,, ! '" MclWIII., C"J P '" Sr;h-o~I,mO .," Milu fir! J., KOI1~,joJo .. M MIS Fflrur., f1<Jyd '" SAo<~,ja~D lOS 5c/.1..~ G.or9' J" w~ IWI_M "" tMlgiM /II __ ~

'" O!¥lI4"( . .IaroesJ '" Saum.~D '" l..:iW~E 61' 1\IrjIt .. K"""'" m .,w~ '" I'artw, Grahr.1 m r~, .. EGMC '" .", a- m c..., '- '" """ '""" m "'-- ,"",,' ..., "'- m w ....... ;, .... !t '" __ tMJ

'" """"'-, ... "' _G ll. ·-Itt tt.d.nW 1M bi..on,L '" ""," '" .... '- m ,...." ~A. '7S

~~~ ,., GIBoot : w ,]A

'" 0..., Jod. Lot ... ~"N ... r '" .-......0-• "" "'" .... 1.10 "'51,"'-' fI17 iao:!eSr w ........ J~l !al:.k.Gwg.f 10' 'Moto, G.orgt L '" F~~" -"" .... ..... .... G '" ~.f"W ,-"" ......."". '" eo.,. ....,. '16 i::r> "'"'" , ... w.a--. o.ti L 71. f~ JaM' '" D""-rq,~~ , .. w", ...... w '" """"', '""" L JIIJ v..tryY '.odrG .AU l.JroIka. !dr N '60 CaobIry.ldoJd 0 '" ~,'i""

, .. r...w.i, Gw.I! • '" , .. r~~~ '" 0I_,p'~€ '"~ .,. MtElII< Dooak! l ]111 5QII_,WohrE ... WntJIIJt .I..o W ", Tlw<b.r. DemiR ... hoo« BIG '"

Daot>cr:?ll I~ U lbe dale f(lf the Viaor. cause beannJ. The: Issue lobe dcaded h~ lhc shmI. Q~heanng .... iI.\ -...he:tbtr the tcmpanry ~JIMn-.l uI the Iu..:.tI WU<Jn '-""C" ('f"oJetn ~hOOJd t.c IMdc rerman.::nl ~

The ~ a_ bc;m .. 'll;C!nl;B .'<beduIN JD ultk Rod. ArUMti. Oft O:1-Clber!tl. 1* RroLher 81m K'ted (Of him­~f:t.Dd fntemaUOfl.lJ Rrp~nlltln:~ ~ C~"'-fnrd 110-. awpt(110 pttklll the CA.'" .plllS! Bmdle-r Baker Aha in alten~ ... en:. numhc:rd .... lt~

On J.IInlYl) 2O.19'JS. \ ICC PT~nl c..rllan~n mlormcd 8f<Jlher Ih.kc.r lhal he IIIZ. JlCf1IWt1ently m11U\ta from ot:6Ce

On Febrtury l'i. I~. RroIhcr Ibkerappenlrd \o~1tt l'rbKknt L&mdc:rn dectYoo 10 InlemallOn,1 I"":$ldenl llaT'l)'

Ikca~ of Incorr0C11edmlCailtiC!oO 10 tilt filing of lhe charse...wd tbe pnlrwy (k1 !.hili Inlcrn&\IOnI1 Reprnenl'lllVC" Cn",fonJ p~nled ItIc at'iI:: fe. Local UI1/QD 11:J6. I'r~"1 Illlll)'.on Apol IJ, lm,Ulforrncd IJrolb¢f Bater of the follt.n\,"s: 'All h< lIIgh I hJl\~ no qUeSlion wn­cemms ),l)\Ir gUlII. 1 .In '~t.tmm8 )VUI .pp:.iI' f'reu<k."nl Barry indicated also rhal IhI: local un l(lO ... ould he onllfJed thai Arotber n liler ... ;eolo UIIlC tho: ~111OU of vICe PJt"Sf­dcnllllihe local union

Pn:w,knl Ibnywndl.ldcd 10 h" ktter IU rulkl "' ~ ~J .. ·ill fun hl!r ~ule, for Ihe ' cwrJ. lhat onv (uflher action by you • IIIbeR Ill )\lll IlIler/cle 11, 11 11 the dU II~ "f Ille b~lHeNi manll!;er. Vo'dl be deah IIoll h IIppn'Prialcl)·

011 M a} 10. I I,Il):';. Bn:Mhcl 1I.ll"'l arrcOlkJ Pre.ldellt 13 11r!)"~ tk"'tis.oo 10 11M: I nlcm;all~1 F~cculh"(: Council under Arude X,\:VI '\cc:IfflO H;'. o(lhe IBeW Cun.\bluho!) ~ 'N:I.}

of an II pagt \lJbMa»IOfI The Inlco1.8tl<)I\1I1 1- 'l'CUI I\C f'uilOClI thercfOl'c 15 III th¢

un~lI.11 pQ\IlIOII Qf(k:t~mUlIllll!-lIn appeidO(A" thallhe cru..l1!l.'d pan, h",,..10 !'l411 ... 'lI hsmndm.r: ttl.: furegnrn!e- the 11:;(· h"-l. ruled th3l th~ appe:tJ IIIU p'o.1pCrl) be-I()(C It. anoJ IIInqldlnokJUlbefoct ol lh",c:al/oe

II I'> app;irt:1Il from lhe rteurJ th:Il lhen: ~ JK!I11K:;a/ tum""'" lII"blll Loc:alllnlOll II \(I. Unit Rock .• \rk:t~ 11 ilalsodcat" fmm the !l!UMdollhb~.lld hum Brothct" Bak':'·"U'I\n ~ lillk"")". 1n.1 tic "'11$ ,tullY of Inlertenn, lIIilh lhe dullc.1 oClhc b:aI unl<lI"~ plOIrJentiocun~ htNntSl managc-r

\\ c_ilicnJ(I,,::.1I1U"tt ""th tho:: &ctlOlt liken by Inlern:\llonall'1"1!'Mdo!nl Harrr Jy,j'lh in tbe f1:11l:\J;aIC1llCn.I or th" kx:;alunKlll'1QC p"C"Il.knl Ami th< SI .. lcl1\C1lli mt\taJfICd in Pro:sMlml 6arrv'~ "=tte,~'" Ami 11, I~ Thcrcforc.lhc ~aJ~JeruN..

-, ..... ,~ ~ _ ...... M

J!' '""" «< • OS) \DIIe.l_E 19' ...... J '" 80._ s..,.-G '" W"fi,: ,-nrS '" '-', '" Mo ... , t.-.E '"

....... _, m ......... '" r",." 'f, Ioaw ,., ............ ,or. I~" .... E m

....~.s-..; M "" ......... m '..:nl w-t.-.. ,,. ,eod i..,[ ". .....""" 11.1 Gri"III,...., M ." ........- "0' o.x..E_G .lI ( ... ~J 1319 """"' ..... lA, ~ ArdJIWo"I "" .......... , ." ""'- 10M' 1.527 '-..!>IJnE ." Cbl.JoI,~C 15.7 ~JO"~D ... "'" """ IS" Mcta\IU". f!bir. C .,1210

"""", "<', 1.5 .. 7 ~,CtIr.w "" R"b.!! Cl IIIOrd L 15.7 rio floyd J "50 'I pdl. cliffoo-.m I '''' K~1.Jo iJbtnff 1710 OPTIONAL EARLY m lREMENT

N.w.I~, C<lrtylt E "" PENSIONS Af'f1tOVED Chcmey Cn! ... C. 17S9 The I"~ Ext<utivcr Gtas-.WII.!I!IJ 1788

Counc:1I 0c ~ven hun· Mu,pI, lloyd 1852 .... ..1 <1M ft.to (1 1sl opli<Jn<Jl -- ""'. "" .............. "" -'Y r..nmenl pemicn oppi-

'- .... , "'" rCltioM, as d.own:

-""" 122' MEMIEISHIP ~.;, Cla.. l2,. lNLU.

CARD'N """,,In --, THE LO. Of LU. ........... , ~.< .... J __ """'W . ""'" , .......... , , ~, :-dt ,

~ ...... 11 -""" , ....... , " sw-o.- £-V-f , Gaod. ~l " ..... a..-J , fQY6jcMr '" ..... -,£~. , w-.,.w",p .. till.! t..a f , ''-_1 76 ~ .... GawI l C._I .. """" ...., J J

"" """ "" <>-- ... , J f_...,.."'" 'I' --......... ,

"'.=ln~C , . ...... Woadroor- l ~.COIfJ ". ...,...,... . J '- ..... , '17 --, J f~o..rt il' , ............ l ~".'I*rd '" iodI,joIrr.8 J W __ bo/':;U

'" ~~.fa-d , S-~IG '" I"", .karIJ l c.w.I W,,",,, P '5] Sdw.beo-, bald J Howt., ,k.ra"C '" s...."-",E..!E , Gan~.Gor6oti )OJ s..th,I'iI"C'IJ l Sm.f" ChibrdJ '" WeIBar! ~M. l


'(obto.<l1~ .M.c.o.IG ) !o;W,~J.~ " !::r~LlIJd:"f '" A1dtI~'Y !iIl1') 'l) 'II, _1 Eh.rw 'li ~ ',limN '" CN, Daorcld ~ , Chamber._ ~"R ., ". ~w~"t1.1OJY1I'I '" 0IMd fr~U." D '" w,..,,'" ° "" On_d, 00rI01ll' , "tlpti_.ltctlCldG " S<!".loII'l fl ". (gt'lhy ~~ R '" l/III W,I_~ '" Hl(.I" WQ!t.tl '" ~,.lcmIrIC , ~_N '" $pall!. om. A '" CI!!bta<1, )'''1 '" BtudI, )r • '-'I D '" 0I1Q11 ~d<:rld I- m He<r, wailpG , BoiL,l:fj' " Tlo.rot ,j},,,. ". C~II,krhn '" G:>ki., Wil_l '" W .., fcok"H '" """', ....... , ~,t.oG " lkilord s.dt.t,f 130 '-,_I '" tat..1011 ChorioB I '" ... dI ... .IOI. Edwnr D ...

(rrM wailrlti( , r-..aI, Nwldw I' ...., ...... , ), tI;~""1Of LJo,o:j '" z,tl (.......,0 '" "",~, u.ry" '" ""'" """'. , .....,""", " I-,\JoM' ')0 r..t-I Alb,S '" lor ... Gobroel '" etl)oMl. HQ...," '10 ~"~,,,Woll .. H. , W41~ DtItdd D 12 "",,-, o-J l '" rJ..Id Gc.f~ '" """.w ( ,,,

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I, ""', &.. q'I"~ I " God"tlCIW V,,_, " 5t1CtEer (!en",. V '" :::.t:' ,- m E_"l~l '" Corf., f'!<lfou~~ 179 ... " " 1_0\ ;.,.,.A 7, '".-gi,I, F' H '" 0. .Il""~d '" ~r.,o)oM M ". ~';r.w '" WIoI .... ~. f J JI rw.n.t, Otl.,!1'Id H 77 W!I '-1, "'~9. N III Mach. wllOftl e '" Krrlo .lcII>" C '" ." .Ie.t '" N.~, ~:obe"C " '''''1;.''''' n I,,) i;iet" III ~Vj1\l. fb,y" .11'2 s""hEI. w ~=.t'rD '" PQ/o. Jvi.'E " CIC'~' d.I<Tf""'~d E " !~),W.F '" ~orooR.n. P.cuII m Web. W LQI1I L '" '" R~".II W, ~Q"'I " C' ''d~ Ce,"" M 77 Dcnuh •• , Gl.un C '" C=pb.I. John D m ",[," ~1C1.g,-d H 117 s.,.-, p<'., p '" 801..1.0-£ ,. OKI, I'Ner"; E T1 EL"""tI, V"on::""IH '" Gt.t.,R Ii .. 213 DQyl' Etlftl. . '" WD\ld"",,,~ MIIQI"t l ." kl""l, CtfIQldO. " O,bbt. Glen" ( 77 Kepilort, AlII&d R '" Mill"" And< ..... J ", Gtllf,~, Geo:ttg. to: '" 'f".ltlOn. leIT~. G <SO

r,I '\lUI SurHI f " fllel, Ve,,,.,,, l " lt~,;rC '" Paul":.., Mil, ", ~~~~5 117 'MIIJ, John! ." Te>011 m,e,M

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O"''f,i'! I II "'«"'1 81.,.1 77 M,n!Jgd.,loviIH ", lcwll"llln, h#lD '" ss.c..1. [)g.w," ( " .. GWd pj,~plol ... $ __ ht-t"~J 15 V • .,.1 W 77 K'GI Ge<l:-geW ", Mall.le, f~W "' KoJ.- Ab,,1 3.\7 Du;{I l\iblll! S '" Ju<.150n ...... ~ " OIbtwn Jt Mock n .... -1Ot< I(II.'C " . C--.nl'oo hr. ,~V '" h"rI9'l,And!,.P '" .',\a!tl"C fllWl('" '" ~I"'O~( li ~"'c-\ I .. b.w!J 77 ...... ~ I. Il. Stg<1I1. C I '" ColUOll ~okMoI ' ,., Stelocw. Pf, opJ ." w •• ", ~-4~,J JO i .. ~,[ '<I 77 iIM~"4I\ WIJ.n.II H ". Fe'gl.lO" !tlIItr V ,,, WIt:I"1t~ '" S,,..,lwrh W.wtr.rf ... ~ JoY. t '" £uwi w, icI .. , " ledr,t ~ 1!' lottl. G '" Ga,.+vt~O '" w,~ !:it. ... 10IIII Jd'nol " SuI, ........ " " ~""'!!. MQ,hO '" (~I_IW '"

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PBF Death Claims Approved for Payment in May 1995 100,' ,,- ...,,, ,,," -.. """'" 100,1 "'- - 100" "'- .... ,

CouIhtn. J. Rt)'noI&t, J. '#,O ,,*rr. 1. A.. Mory~G , 5 b.,H. G. s-I " Tnngolt, f. D ~auQnon" , J. J. Comer, D. T Wiws". C G. alw. E.C R.~, l. t>.nwtddie, V B Wynne. J M. WOSntf, C. L ~nng lI., H. f , CU,qy;It, po Koop, S. iolar, O. P. Wahlt!', I ~ fbm , ~. P. Eltel , W.G. Corey, B. Weif9'ad, J. D. fiarr il.(.E. BlKkMel , C. D. ~edilt., f , E. Johnteln, L R. fioynel, D W. !ean.k"LM. Cllentf III, M. L CON, 0. G. JoI!n~,N. O Ekon, J.M. Cie<><)" J.f. Jt\tgmlrl, J. ~tJIeJ , P H. lUM, R. I. Combs, O. L tbnd, B. J _ .D.W. IoII, tG. t:,r.. J. W ArrtdoMo, A J. RomnrJ W. .....LM. 5pu n. G. A. H.l'Kleultot, K. G. ~,. O lome, C. G """-<I , N >r....I,W ~ .......... ,c. ..... , D L to ArvtW, W. H . IWhn, W V Nwr •• 't Ke.adl. l J. tar, J, V. ,.... J , ~JW. A. '"'r, L W. ...... t-d.11. .,.... Lf. PDImon c.. A. s..;Jo. M. T '-.DL 1ooIomo. . .. 51K\1e<, ( V. AJbnKII, 1. A. ftWt.r.1. L """r. & 1L...ot., V tl ....... M. J. w.-OW. O'Bn., O. F. "","", .. L

=~A Rabold D. T. Pitman, H W. l_h.r, ' C, 1ac~1H G L r~pIa. ""J CCIO'tf , E.I. EMIII''''" t. t Conh,n. G. W BooooIfS, kC Acton. L c. Wlliter. W L KtI1o), S. L Cobflfll. P. L ,den. K.A. !loy' .. "'. John~n, L. L Hartnetr, T _ F ktberel, R. F. Mcdure, J. 8. Gamer, t). W MI~t"ffl:h . J. chmtt'niftl, W. C. ~!one, M. M. Boulthtr, C J Co~, M . E. Clau~~ , M. !. KoufmGn, A. We<k.mon, I. M. Nithokn P. M. """"",,,'. H Bininger, .0.. P. , , "'""', M. L iu~.dr W J. Hor\(er, S. E " (oilton. N. t. Hrn* Jr . f G MlngII'i ~ f Juu, A G. (oc* , H. 4l1en. M R .... m,c. larOfe, C. J. Hoady, LI tloi9~. & .. 0..,11-..,., J. P. MlitleUe:h, W I. Tedder, !. H. , GraYMIII. S. L "..... .. 0 K. NoulTI6, D. M.. (orton, J, C. Wd~. J. 1 fooft- J. L Ptonon, J. M. WiliamMIII, T. a. SIWI\CI!I S. l _ ,&0 .,...,.,. C. G. Hoo.I L L McA5u.r, ,, L 8.tne ,,~ A. Sowo. H. T. Ne/sc., J l KQrlIICho\ 1. A. 01-,. P. l SudiD. w 1. Trowell, ' J. SttcM " .. 1. S. lerry, G S XhmchlD, I. Q ..,,,,"U. J. W .... , G. __ , 0 .

50'11(, J J. HtoI.. .. J. V_,J H. Mns,M.l WoidluG~ W. J. GrO"flll', I G. ''9'10 .. k .. 1.L Wdl"-r, J. H. z.doI , A. Thomt"'O".Cf ' ..... W eJan o. W DeMmote. O. ( Wahtn, C. N. !loy' • V. faronel, a E. Hotel. D. &.11, J.t. 0.1(011, A.C. ""etn. 1. M. Wntcrvdl. M.. Eo MiIer,e. £. GeoIgt.' I( Smilll, [ £ OvIey, G.D Porter, O. J. (hombeftOln, K. (. '-\011. ",. • . "" , U . rltld$, I B. Choll, C R. Wherley, W.w Vouglloll. R. L Rowlett, A. P. Ailtenl, H B fo<\.Ier , W. J Soller. J, J. finl, C. F~ftr, l.C, &owtn, £. L GroIh, K. f . BIIhop, J. A. Ihonton, ,A. D, MI:G~or. '1'. C. O'CaMor, G. E Ch.Wlty. W. £. Mod , D Co¥,JI , W H BogenKhvtt.C. F. fbt~ey, R. L OidMel, R L "-.G. fer~. J. H. _ , J. H . Oothlti.ll , F. W .J.Iu.l.. R. J. A..Ino.lo W tmd, I I

""'" J. W. I'tumb. H. D &Nand, E.A.. S"ogm, G. E. Hom! f , L , Rodolf F L Nogel. F. W lall9, (j, tt. MeMe, f M -'hultr f , A. ..... Il .McDonald, K. R. O'Wo!.ll ~. OS. Slumel.G. l woddd, R I W..a"c" c.. Wcdrw, M, W cool I . V C'.iddet, W. l

XTs·· ~J· ~Wt XnnIOll, J G. Wrigho, W l 11,11 , S. J ~kllld Ul MaiC/I, D. RfOfdon, P. B. Iiot~;, t J S<"""""A.L Corton-I9~, F. O. Iorlef. I. H. BoccI, A. _ .V, 1renruI, J. f. Hi:lynes, f D. , CI~IS. A P ltlt-nok P A. Mlnef, H. S. (ooftl, H. S. Ourty, H. J IeMtIt, D. H. Gorwooc/, R. S Pritt, P. t Otf,.. itg$, ( . Cu~, c.M. K,~.l Ccrttt, N.H.

flo"" To •• f. J. Dltk, f E. Di rlltf, 8. P~. G.D. :' ")

ICrOUil, K, R. Hul l, A. A. eft, I. H .... , . I ~tlvtrtflll, L G land. ( E. lyon, C H. Pouluk M I ~1mO", R W. Penno, .... Millet. L W Bohr. D. L ' I P. M. pt.~Jr"J. p. o.bom • •• t< Mcwk\t, £. W. !loylo,"S. R , T. G P",ull, R, J. GUIt'lfi1ler , P. V. Siembo~, W. f Rudi W.J 10Wl W. E. (ompbtI1. J. W Wllltr.J Salerno D. Sulbvon. A. A.. O .... P ...... ,. Sb>. S S Torp, E. Konltn,ll , Ntubowr. (j.

~' . """""". D. H. TIty. 1l WellworTh, ~, J. ,c. F. Iorber " J. L .......... l.L BItton, Eo H.

~td.ond, L CoIdwd.G.M.. IIoo*J.ld l W. W!.oldoo, tl L loll .... C. P. c..p.I.C.O. SobM. f. Crowe, H.'" ....... WJ SdI.....-n I. M. Thl!lpe!l, J.' w\ite, l. F. Mtnwucti, W. G , WO)'GR, LJ Ca\ler, l ! .Imntt, W I W.~.., ... " W. 11ffIn. P H." i<;k. D. l , Whitt, L N. O1oo1e, M. J. Savino, M. A.. -, """,,, T. M.


"' . ...... - '-' "'. ,~

_. "'. ""- "- ",.1 ..... - .-

...... !l .. c...Iond, I , ToI.y.W .• , ..... .. , '~, M. A. Mcrint, B. S. _t~ bftonuel, J lhoinos, C. L Morlin, N J. 6r00k5, J, S. Fw.,G. M. Wbider. J. G. liles, W. CooOy, p, L Frib<h, H, I.

P O'CQflfIDI' Jr., C. Sltinhoustr. W. E. nn~. J.P. Gam51er j lJ.

" Byrum, L D. Venntlo, C. liohw, W. L 0.7,..1, C. H.

" t GrMCin, G. Randi, J. e. ICHel'll.n, W, L c Gr . W. l.

I', '. COtInW!li, 11. L .' . Tebor, £. C. &lewn, J. R. wlI, I. S,

" forth, P. W. 7.'.1 Spadaro, C. s. Mothoch, W. E Hamderf, L ~~. W . .. Peaf$Qll, 1. A. iloy. H. L Hllndfw.j, T W let. W w, Ho)dd, E.J. Talbert. J. C. Howlo:ey.l D "rd«. G. D. SoY«. H. f. __ . l E. HoIt. ••. hk<""-nt. tl N. Pridt.U ..... , LL Hoowr • • L. Conliin, H. D. too-.c. w. 0- . .. ......, ..... IOI'TDI', LK. "':t:'.W" Mc(0ftIIic . H. '" ~- ,'-~t.L~. W ,I.. PioWl, J. JOIIiIOtl. W

"-Ll. lOll" D. 1l <rowe, I. V. Jc.ynel. H. K. Itooftt, ll. Will,. C. H. ~, J Ionr~, I . l leese, I . L TUJnfIf, ".1. • C. N. Jontl, W. aiGII(O, J. f, Sutler, It. Wlllllhmal. J. l W..I. W , OC. ~. f. JoHe, M. Gil, H. H. ..,.11'" leYfruieln, S. ~OOOO II. , W. M. Kopb>. M. ' . {;tits, C. V. IIu l.ewil, H. A.. I. 4000) , ..,...... H. W, rlCl , c. A.. 'I Elling)en, R. J, luc:orl, D. J ,:>oro

, I rheriauh, lC. V. Howrey, J.l 'ur' Fdtcn. D. A. Morin, R. 5. HouKhuiI, G. E. .... " • Groomer, L G • "'..,. A.D. Flenuog, ,. J. Fron~ , A. C J Harrit., J.l "'Io,O,f. Podo, N. A. WiIiIerS, W. A. Anderson, c. l MlxW,W. Z. ~J. E. aorfa.. , L l Houlton, 4. T. Mootw, O. ..........,.JD. c..,. J. H. ff'ttl,.A. C.

~ NeI)OII, ,

Aodonoo, I. c. Trohcn. Jr., J.. c.. Shaw, 1t.M. .. O'Nd.Lf . HDmt, J. W. tn... W. ' . B.toob, H. l 0-, 1. 0. RoenfeidI, L f. ~!lG, loy, J. t """"'.L _G.A. CaItI, l . l 'o~j.,H. " Pii«~ v. ,. _G. 1l 1iIIo.1ft C-,A.M. r . ...... , LT. J Arnglcl, A. M. knt·M.L A1wp, l C. sdlOef. St .. 1. 1. , 8orrCM'l , t. ~ , P. F Andeuon. l a. S/Itor), K.l " CXl

',1 Wtltldi, C. W. , <00 , King. J C. Iandwo, A. .... 0 ...... , A.A, '''' 88 ", fu, 1.0. Koliltl: Jr .. I. "'" SoII, G. W. . ' '" ' .. Sindai" J. W. ] ,WvOC

'. Cliff, I. E.. koiset, W. A. .. Beggl, t E. ,l'),) iJ'J , ..,;... ~ W. ] 01(0000 .... II. H hger, L p, 8enavidn. J. M. .. '\) )J ... Staley, W. I . • .I! 0() X Slewwf, J. W. Well, I. A. BL..t, H.l 400 ,x. 0 S""""",, M. I. d' 00

:. rouch, i. C. ,....."LJ. '" Borger, W. '" SIM, J. H. • -\ Xl 00 J """'"'. I. ....... D.~ "-.H. .~ SuIi-. J.l • .\).)00

""". ' . C. H8ne, H. H. Brown. D. K. .... Svso, F. C J loDH!l.o, N. ........ Cairn~ H. P. .... : Thom_O.t 1-1: I_, F. ¥-es, v, o..dt, A. .. r~. J.!l -<Xl 00 1'DUngIr., lK. PiIb, H.l a;,..J.l Yo,..O G. • ~1Xl ......... . . !l ~, H. f. '-.1 . VlIIClf, til WetM, P. A. woodburn Sr.. N. I. Dorney, H.l " WosoiIn, I. 'Xl Godoob. f. .Iock1oOll.W. a. ," Dougherty, f. L WIIIffhov .. , H. W. • JylOO . , Habel, C. R. Iohruton, T. 5. , . 0; , B. B. W~""hb,. C . J. n.i l'

" Writ e. Sol"l'el, £.l ,to Oom, A.M. leilir" A. C. .: ., . .]:);) ,", ~9'1. '. Clo,k Jr., W. f , ) ·11~ r , ""r· G

. . , Wi ,c. W. Judnic:k, I. S. • • Il EOf • H. W . TOIaI Miount S 1 .49~,D6J . 5 1


Intemational Sl'NEAT RJ BENEfIT fUND

Brotherhood of Number admitted to pension last month 426 285 Electrical Total number on pension Q() 6 1 64 551 Workers

Pension and Totol pension payments last month $ 5355011 14 $ 2492758 82

Death Benefit Total pension payments last 12 months 3, 63769 08? 59 $ 294 167252.48 Payment Report Death benefits paid last month $ 1 57007751 May'995 Death benefits paid last 12 months $ 1630 1

Boeing'S New 777 (Cowi"uell!rum Puge 15)

promised its air line customers thiH its new phlne wou ld be abh.: 10 ny o n long distance over-ocean n ight:, from d;:,y onc. U~ua ll y plane:, la.ke ~cvl.! rul years of :,crvicc over land before the .. gO\'·

ernrnenl give (he gO-OIhe<1d t [I) vcr walcr-cl)pccially planes. like the 777.


with on ly tWO engine');. s Locnl 1362 member '·Iess sa id. "We

were expected 10 del iver a q uality prod Liel

rcady 10 get over-water certi fica tion o n its

first commercia l night. \Vc were expected to meet thai goal and wc dId." There im­ply waso', any margin of error.

Go\'crnmcol regulalOrs In Ihe oiled Slates and Europe were so impressed Wilh

850 84

,he plan('!'s demonstrated quality and re lia­

bll il tha t they granted it the ovc r~water

~lpprova l for il s first commercial night o n June 7. 1995. On that day passengers were 13kcn from London 10 Washinglon. D.C., In OIl1(O(t, in style, and wi thou t a hitch.

Among the thousands of men und women who m'ldc thal t rip po Ihlc. members of IU E\V Local 1362 Ia.ke Iheirproud plncc.


rrT he IBEW Founders' Scholarships honor the dedicated wi remen and linemen -'- who, on November 28, lB91, organized the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers. The Officers of the IBEW are pleased to offer its working mem­bers as many as 12 scholarships annually on a competitive basis. It is hoped that the awards will not only contribute to the personal development of our members but also steward the electrical industry that our founde rs envisioned. There will be one scholarship awarded from each group of 25 qualified applicants, or major frac­tion thereof.

The maximum scholarship of $12,000 is to be used for the member's fi rst Bache­lors Degree from an accredited college or university in any approved field. Funds are distributed according to credit-hour achievement. The normal distribution per semester credit hour is 5100 and is paid until graduation. The scholarship du ration is a maximum of eight years.


The independent Founders' Scholarship Selection Committee will be composed of . academic, professional. and community representatives. They will examine the com­

plete record of each scholarship applicant to choose the winners. All applicants will be notified, and the scholarship winners will be featured in the IBEW Journal. ~

----------------------------------, SEND FOR YOUR ISEW FOUNDERS'


Affi. your IBEW foumal labelto this coupon. or print the information requested.

NAME ~~~_


ICITY- ---




_ ________ _ ZlP/POSTAt CODE

_ ____ CARO NO. ___ _

_______ {If unknown, (neck wIth loca l union.)

Note: All information must be suppl ied.

SEND TO: ISEW Founders' Scholarship. I l 2S-151h Street, NW, Washington, DC 20005


Founders' Scholarship competition is an adult program, to be used solely by IBEW members. It is NOT for the children of members.

1. Applicants must ha.e been in conllnu· ous good standing for the four years preceding March 1 of the scholarshIp year, be charter members of a local union. or must have become members under a certIfIed COMET or MEMO organizing campaIgn. The certification comes from the local union business manager In the form of a letter.

2. Each applicant must be recommended in writing by their local union business manager. If there is no office of busi ­ness manager, then the recommenda· tion must (Ome from the local union president, system council chairman Or general chairman.

3. At least two additional letters of rec, ommendation must be sent by indi.id· uals testifying to Ihe attributes of the applicant.

4. Copies of all academic transcripts from high school. college. apprenticeship, or other educationaf and de.elopmental programs must be submined.

5. A complete personal resume is required. The resume should outline: education and work history. military service, plus involvement in union, local, civic. com­munity and religiOUS affairs .

6. Applicants are required to submit a 250·500 word essay. The title and topic must be: -How the founders' Scholar· ships Will Benefit the Brotherhood and the Electrical Industry." The essay must be typewritten and double· spaced.

7 _ Applicants must submi t their test scores from the SAT I 01 the ACT. The judges must have a uniform standard of com­parison; thelefore, NO OTHER TESTING SERVICES ARE ACCEPTABLE. Previous scores or new test registration may be obtamed by either writIng: SAT I. The College Board, Box 6200 Princeton, New Jersey 08541 -6200, (609) 771· 7600, or ACT National Office, P.O. Bo. 451. Iowa City, Iowa 52243. (319) 337-1000. To send SAT I scores directly to the IBEW. fIll in Item 1t with the IBEW code number 0485, and for the ACT fill in Block U with the IBEW code number 0697.

8. All materials need not be sent al the same time but must be received prior to March 1 of the scholarship year.

mEW,Iu .. ",al

1125- IS lh Ir~el. N.W. W",llIngllln. D.C. ~(XK)S

The First IBEW Political/ Legislative Conferenci September 20-28, 199~ Hyatt Regency on Capitol Hill

Washington, D.I

Notices have been sent 10 alilBEW locals; Consult you local un ion for further details.
