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Aquatic Heteroptera in New Guinea Assembling New Guinea: 40 million years of island arc accretion as...

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Assembling New Guinea: 40 million years of island arc accretion as indicated by the distributions of aquatic Heteroptera (Insecta) Dan A Polhemus 1 and John T Polhemus 2 1 Department of Entomology, MRC 105, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D C, USA 20560 2 Colorado Entomological Museum, 3115 S York St, Englewood, CO, USA 80110 Key words: New Guinea, island arcs, geology, biogeography, aquatic Heteroptera Abstract The island of New Guinea consists of the northern margin of the Australian continental craton that has collided over the past 40 million years with a series of migrating island arcs Each of these arcs has had a separate tectonic history and carried a correspondingly different biota Recent faunal surveys and phylogenetic analyses, coupled with evolving tectonic knowledge, are now allowing us to identify ele- ments within the New Guinea aquatic Heteroptera biota that may be correlated with particular accreted arc systems It appears that many Asian-derived groups arrived via a Papuan arc that collided obliquely with the northern margin of Australia between the Late Eocene and Early Oligocene, while other distinctively Melanesian groups evolved on an isolated Solomons arc that was initiated in the Oligocene and accreted terranes to northeastern New Guinea from the Miocene into the Pliocene This gradually improving under- standing of the islands interrelated tectonic and biotic his- tory is permitting a better comprehension of the complex patterns of faunal fusion and disjunction currently present within the Melanesian region Introduction A long standing goal of zoogeographers and his- torical geologists has been to integrate biologi- cal information and Earth history models No- where is this better pursued than in the young and tectonically complex region surrounding New Guinea The island represents the northern margin of the Australian continental craton, which has been uplifted through a series of col- lisions with southward-migrating island arcs that have formed along the boundary between the Australian and Pacific tectonic plates (Hamilton, 1979, 1988; Kroenke, 1984) Recent advances in our understanding of the islands geological his- tory have revealed that at least two major epi- sodes of collision and terrane accretion have occurred in the northern half of the island (Pigram and Davies, 1987; Davies, 1990; Smith, 1990; Pigram and Symonds, 1991), and each of these has in turn left a biological signature The current challenge for regional biogeographers lies in deciphering these signatures, and deter- mining, if possible, which plant and animal groups aggregated to the present faunal mixture via which arcs In a previous paper, Polhemus (1996) re- viewed the history of biogeographic concepts relating to New Guinea, in particular the devel- opment of the Inner arc versus Outer arc para- digm that has dominated most modern analyses of the islands biogeography The underlying geological concepts upon which this hypothesis was based were shown to be correct in the broad sense, but flawed in many other aspects In particular, the concept of a single Outer arc extending from New Guinea to Tonga was shown to be simplistic, since the arcs grouped under this concept represented at least four separate systems with dissimilar ages, origins, and subduction polarities (those readers unfa- miliar with the nomenclature, geological struc- ture, and mobilistic nature of island arcs are also referred to the paper cited above, which con- tains a review of these subjects) In this paper we seek to correlate particular groups of aquatic and semi-aquatic true bugs (referred to hereafter as aquatic Heteroptera) with particular arc sys- tems and terranes, assessing their probable time of arrival in New Guinea, and their subsequent Biogeography and Geological Evolution of SE Asia, pp 327-340 Edited by Robert Hall and Jeremy D Holloway © 1998 Backhuys Publishers, Leiden, The Netherlands

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