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Aspects of computer-aided detection (CAD) and volumetry of pulmonary nodules using multislice CT

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See discussions, stats, and author profiles for this publication at: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/7825202 Aspects of computer-aided detection (CAD) and volumetry of pulmonary nodules using multislice CT ARTICLE in BRITISH JOURNAL OF RADIOLOGY · FEBRUARY 2005 Impact Factor: 2.03 · DOI: 10.1259/bjr/30281702 · Source: PubMed CITATIONS 71 READS 72 8 AUTHORS, INCLUDING: Rafael Wiemker Philips 102 PUBLICATIONS 905 CITATIONS SEE PROFILE Patrik Rogalla University Health Network 283 PUBLICATIONS 3,140 CITATIONS SEE PROFILE Ori Hay Tel Aviv University 13 PUBLICATIONS 149 CITATIONS SEE PROFILE Thorsten R Fleiter University of Maryland Medical Center 96 PUBLICATIONS 1,092 CITATIONS SEE PROFILE Available from: Rafael Wiemker Retrieved on: 03 February 2016




























Aspects of computer-aided detection (CAD) and volumetry of

pulmonary nodules using multislice CT


1Philips Research Laboratories Hamburg, Germany, 2Department of Radiology, Charite Hospital, Humboldt University

Berlin, Germany, 3Philips Medical Systems CT, Haifa, Israel, 4Philips Medical Systems CT Clinical Science, Cleveland,

OH, USA, 5Philips Medical Systems Medical IT, Best, The Netherlands and 6University Hospitals of Cleveland, Ohio,


Abstract. With the superb spatial resolution of modern multislice CT scanners and their ability to complete athoracic scan within one breath-hold, software algorithms for computer-aided detection (CAD) of pulmonarynodules are now reaching high sensitivity levels at moderate false positive rates. A number of pilot studies haveshown that CAD modules can successfully find overlooked pulmonary nodules and serve as a powerful tool fordiagnostic quality assurance. Equally important are tools for fast and accurate three-dimensional volumemeasurement of detected nodules. These allow monitoring of nodule growth between follow-up examinationsfor differential diagnosis and response to oncological therapy. Owing to decreasing partial volume effect, nodulevolumetry is more accurate with high resolution CT data. Several studies have shown the feasibility androbustness of automated matching of corresponding nodule pairs between follow-up examinations. Fast andautomated growth rate monitoring with only few reader interactions also adds to diagnostic quality assurance.

Pulmonary nodules are among the most common focalpulmonary lesions [1]. The presence or absence ofpulmonary nodules can be of great value in the differentialdiagnosis of lung diseases [2]. Therefore, the detection anddiagnosis of pulmonary nodules in CT data sets of thethorax is a standard procedure in radiological practice.Pulmonary nodules are often benign, or may be metastasesfrom various cancer types, but they may also be anindication for primary lung cancer. Cancer of the lung andbronchus (hereafter, lung cancer) is the second mostcommon type of cancer. However, owing to its aggres-siveness, lung cancer is the number one cause of all cancer-related deaths, with more than 150 000 deaths in the USAeach year [3].Early detection of lung nodules is crucial both for

close observation or biopsy to differentiate between benignor malignant nodules and for timely therapy. Amongthe most common methods to detect pulmonary nodulesare chest radiography and CT. Fibre optic bronchoscopyis also used but has limited value for finding nodulesother than those in the larger airways. CT offers bettercontrast than chest radiography between nodule andbackground, with no overlapping structures, and severalstudies have shown that CT can detect smaller, earlierstage nodules with a higher sensitivity than chest radio-graphy [4].Recently, CT technology has undergone a major

evolution with the introduction of multislice technology.With multislice CT (MSCT), a full lung, thin slice(,1 mm) scan can be performed within a single breath-hold. It is hoped that with the high resolution CT dataavailable from MSCT scanners, cancerous nodules can berecognised while still small and in an early stage of lungcancer. Many researchers assume that this downstaging

effect by early detection of lung cancer will ultimatelyimprove the survival rate [5, 6].

Moreover, it is hoped that lung cancer screening ofhigh-risk patient groups may significantly increase the rateof lung cancer cases that are diagnosed before the cancerhas metastasised. These propositions will be investigatedduring a large-scale randomised 9-year trial conducted bythe US National Cancer Institute (NCI): the currentlystarting National Lung Screening Trial (NLST) will enrol50 000 current or former smokers and will take place at atotal of 30 sites throughout the USA [http://www.cancer.gov/newscenter/NLSTQA].

Two main areas must be distinguished where computerassistance can be used. First, there is the computer-aideddetection (CAD) of pulmonary nodules as such, be theymalignant or benign, calcified, solid or subsolid. Theresults of CAD are markers that draw the attention of thereader to locations of suspicious anomalies. In the contextof CAD, a marker is considered as a true positive even if itpoints at a benign or calcified nodule; false positivemarkings are then those that do not point at nodules at all(but at scars, bronchial wall thickenings, motion artefacts,vessel bifurcations, etc.). The outcome of CAD is not ayes/no decision, but rather markings at certain locations;therefore the term ‘‘true negative’’ is not defined and anormalised specificity cannot be given. Instead, theperformance of CAD is usually given as a sensitivity(detection rate) and a false positive rate (false positivemarkings per CT study).

The second area is computer-aided diagnosis (oftenabbreviated as CADx) and aims at the differentialdiagnosis between malignant and benign pulmonarynodules. Only a fraction of the pulmonary nodules aremalignant carcinomas from lung cancer or metastases

The British Journal of Radiology, 78 (2005), S46–S56 E 2005 The British Institute of Radiology

DOI: 10.1259/bjr/30281702

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from cancers in other organs. It is well known that thefraction of nodules that are actually malignant decreaseswhen smaller and smaller nodules are considered [5, 6] asthey become detectable by the still increasing resolution ofMSCT scanners.A number of different clinical approaches are aimed at

differential diagnosis: biopsy, observation of possiblegrowth by follow-up examinations [7], appraisal ofmorphological features (such as spiculated or smoothmargins), measurement of contrast enhancement in adynamic CT series [8, 9], and use of additional modalitiessuch as positron emission tomography (PET), etc. For allthese clinical approaches, software modules for computer-aided quantification can be used, not only to speed up theworkflow, but also to make the necessary measurementsthemselves more accurate, less prone to error and morerepeatable. Going beyond pure quantification, CADxsoftware can then compare the measured values in amultidimensional feature space to known benign andmalignant example populations, and retrieve similar caseswith known diagnosis from a database or give a likelihoodestimation for malignancy [10]. In the context of CADx,false positives are then nodules that are judged to bemalignant while really being benign nodules. CADx faces aclassical yes/no decision problem, or at least an outcomerange that can be normalised to a 0 to 1 interval, so thatits performance can be rated by normalised sensitivity andspecificity.Among the various needs for quantification of lung

nodules, volume measurement (volumetry) of a detectednodule is the most immediate (for reporting) and the mostbasic (for detection of possible growth in a follow-upexamination).As a software technology, CAD and volumetry aims at

three main objectives.

N Diagnostic quality assurance: by detecting and mark-ing suspicious lesions, CAD can help to avoidpotential nodules from being overlooked by theradiologist.

N To increase therapy success by early detection ofcancer: by downstaging the typical stage when a canceris diagnosed; it is hoped that detection at an earlierstage increases the survival rates.

N Reduction of biopsies: by computation of growth ratesand doubling times of lung nodules between follow-upexaminations, many of the detected nodules can beevaluated non-invasively to avoid the risks associatedwith invasive procedures such as needle biopsies.

From a technical point of view, a number of separatetechnical tasks can assist the reading radiologist, theunderlying principles, problems and results of which wewill address in this paper:

N automated detection of lung nodules;

N automated three-dimensional volumetry;

N automated image registration (alignment) of the lungsbetween previous and follow-up scan, and matching ofthe locations of each nodule in both data sets.

This paper resulted from a presentation at the BritishInstitute of Radiology on current developments in CAD ofpulmonary nodules. The aim of this paper is to show thatcomputer-aided detection and quantification of pulmonary

nodules have reached a maturity level such as tosignificantly contribute to quality of clinical diagnosis.

Computer-aided detection (CAD)

Lung nodules can be detected particularly well by CT,since they show good contrast in the lung parenchyma and,in contrast to projection radiography, cannot be hidden byribs etc. However, although in principle detectable withCT, a non-negligible fraction of small nodules may beoverlooked by the radiologist, particularly if they arelocated centrally and hidden in a maze of vessels of similarsize (Figure 1). This may be even the more so, as modernmultislice scanners can produce up to 1000 slices for athoracic CT examination, where all the small vesselsshowing up in the isotropic submillimetre resolution haveto be checked for their three-dimensional (3D) connectivityto rule out the presence of possible nodules. Therefore,computer assistance for detecting lung nodules in CT datasets is a straightforward concept and has been suggestedand investigated as early as 1989 [11–13]. The underlyingidea is not that the diagnosis is delegated to a machine, butrather that a machine algorithm acts as a support to theradiologist and points out locations of suspicious objects,so that the overall sensitivity (detection rate) is raised. Thiscould be particularly important in screening situations,with a massive reviewing load of CT studies.

CAD following the advent of MSCT

The large majority of computer-aided lung noduledetection approaches in the last decade have been designedfor and tested on conventional 5–10 mm CT slice thickness[14–22]. However, the reported sensitivity and specificityrates were often disappointingly low and failed to reachthe level of clinical acceptance and usefulness. On the one

Figure 1. Example of a central lung nodule (4 mm diameter)hidden in the maze of the pulmonary vessel tree (maximumintensity projection).

CAD and volumetry of pulmonary nodules on MSCT

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hand, the detection rate was not sufficient, while on theother hand the false positive rate was sometimes so highthat it annoyed and tired radiologists to the point ofnegating any potential gain in sensitivity. For example, atypical study on 10-mm slice thickness CT data [17]reports only 38% sensitivity (on 68 nodules) with six falsepositives per patient. Another study [16] reports 72%sensitivity (on 98 nodules) with 31 false positives perpatient. Moreover, both studies have restricted themselvesto nodules with diameters ¢5 mm.The principal problem of computerised nodule detection

in thick slices of 5–10 mm is that the opacity of nodulesthat are smaller than the slice thickness is reduced tosubsolid appearance by the partial volume effect.Therefore it is impossible to set a certain Hounsfieldvalue as a threshold for potential nodules. Rather, manydifferent thresholds have to be tried [18], and falsepositives cannot be rejected simply owing to a lowHounsfield value. Another problem with thick CT slicesis that a reasoning mechanism is required to recogniseconstellations where a small nodule is overshadowed by avessel of similar size within the 10 mm projection [22].Also, thin vessels may appear disconnected when runningobliquely through the slice images and thus be mistakenfor nodules.With the advent of MSCT scanners it is now possible to

obtain thin slice CT image data (e.g. 1 mm slice thickness)for the whole thorax within a single breath-hold(Figure 2). For example, at 60 mm coverage per secondfor a 40-slice scanner (detector coverage4060.625 mm525 mm, at pitch 1, no overlap, 0.42rotations per second), it takes less than 10 s to cover theentire lung area. Owing to the short recording time,multislice high resolution CT data have relatively low

motion artefacts, and with a slice thickness ¡1 mm allowthe detection of very small nodules.

At first, high resolution CT (HRCT) was used mainlyfor segmentation, characterisation and classification ofalready singled-out individual nodules [23–27]. Morerecently HRCT data have also been used for noduledetection (in contrast to nodule segmentation) within acomplete thorax data set [28–30].

The obvious advantage of HRCT data is that with voxelspacings as fine as 0.560.560.5 mm3 the partial volumeeffect vanishes for nodules of size .1 mm (at least for thecentral voxel). Thus, the Hounsfield values can beevaluated as absolute attenuation values, and the fullyisotropic 3D shape information of potential nodules canbe utilised by CAD algorithms to resolve ambiguitiesbetween pulmonary nodules and vessels.

The CAD algorithm we have suggested in reference [30]works on pure geometric reasoning. It assumes that anyblob-like solid structure (which may on one side beattached to a plane-like structure, the lung wall) may be acandidate for a pulmonary nodule if all connecting vesselsare significantly smaller in diameter than the central blob-like structure.

For efficiency reasons, these criteria are first checked inthe 2D slice images. From each of the resulting seedpoints, a 3D region-growing procedure is then started todistinguish nodules from vessels that continue withapproximately constant diameter, as for nodules it isexpected that any connecting vasculature will be decreas-ing rapidly in diameter. To allow for the wide range ofanatomical variability of pulmonary nodules, we use acombination of several geometric descriptors to decidewhether a candidate will finally be judged to be a highlylikely nodule candidate to be marked by the CAD system.

CAD results on clinical data: detection rate and false

positive rate

A pilot study of a lung nodule CAD system (PhilipsResearch, Hamburg, Germany) was conducted on imagesfrom the Radiology Department at the Charite UniversityHospital in Berlin [30]. The images were acquired in theyears 2000–2001 by a 4-slice scanner over the entire thoraxat 120 kV and 100 mAs.

Each thorax data set comprised 300–500 slice imageswith 5126512 pixels. The x-y-resolution (inslice) variedbetween 0.5 mm and 1.0 mm, and the z-resolution(reconstruction interval) varied between 0.5 mm and1.0 mm, with a slice thickness of 1 mm (slightly over-lapping slices). In addition to the radiologist, the thoracicdata sets were read by the CAD software (computationtime was approximately 1 min for all 300–500 slices perthorax). The CAD software marks possible nodules on theaxial slice images (Figure 3) and gives an overview of allfound nodule candidates for inspection by the radiologist(Figures 4 and 5).

In total, 12 patients and 330 nodule candidates wereanalysed (for examples see Figures 6–8). All nodulecandidates were above 2400 Hounsfield units (HU),including pleural nodules (Figure 7). Comparison wascarried out per nodule for calculation of true andfalse positives, false negatives, and with respect tonodule size.

Figure 2. Vessels and airways of the lung, visualised afterautomated segmentation of a high resolution CT data set(1 mm slice thickness, 400 slices, inverted maximum intensityprojection).

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The automated detection showed a sensitivity of 84%(detection rate including nodules of all sizes). If theminimum nodule size for detection was set to 2 mm, thesensitivity was 95% with 4.4 false positives per patient. Fornodules greater than 4 mm, the sensitivity was 96% with0.5 false positives per patient.

However, we would not necessarily expect such a highdetection rate at an equally low false positive rate in allclinical settings. Examinations may be taken with low doseor ultra low dose imaging protocols, patient compliance tonot breath or move may be less, and moreover thedelineations and regularity of the nodule population inquestion may vary considerably.

CAD performance comparison

Experience with clinical studies has shown that themeasured detection rates achieved by CAD systems as wellas by radiologists themselves clearly depend on the numberof co-reading radiologists: the more co-readers participat-ing, the more suspicious lesions will inevitably be found,

Figure 3. Computer-detected nodule candidates (here a largenodule and a more subtle one, which is also three-dimension-ally rendered in Figure 8) are marked on the axial slice images.

Figure 4. Overview of the computer-detected nodules indicatedin a coronal view of the thorax CT data set.

Figure 5. Graphical user interface for inspection of the computer-detected nodules. A mouse click on a nodule yields a close-upwindow with a rotatable slab maximum intensity projection and the volume rendering of the automatically segmented nodule (bottomright).

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and thus the individual sensitivity of each participatingradiologist and CAD system will decrease. But eventhough the absolute sensitivity figures have to beappreciated with care, all clinical studies have agreedthat a significant number of nodules have been detectedby the additional CAD software alone, while being

overlooked by all co-reading radiologists [30–33].Therefore, CAD can be seen as a strong quality assurancetool.

Up to now it is hard to compare the performance ofthe different CAD algorithms, as they have all beentested in different settings, on different patient data sets,and acquired with different scanners and imagingprotocols.

To allow a more objective comparison of CADperformance, the NCI has formed a consortium to buildup a lung image database with consensus-based diagnosticfindings [http://www3.cancer.gov/bip/lidc_comm.htm],which could then be used to validate and improve CADsoftware [34].

Typical false positive findings

In medical terminology, benign pulmonary nodules thatdo not require action are sometimes called false positives.However, in the context of CAD, the term false positivemeans locations that are indicated by the CAD algorithmbut are not nodules at all. Typical false positive markingsare:

N artefacts from respiratory or cardiac motion, e.g.vessels that are running close to the heart and areseemingly disrupted by cardiac motion, and thusappear as a series of small isolated nodules;

N thick vessel bifurcations;

N strongly bent vessels;

N hilus vessels that branch out of the mediastinum anddecrease rapidly in diameter so that they are mistakenas pleural nodules with connecting vessels;

N scars in the parenchymal tissue.

Since one of the major sources for false positive nodulemarkings is cardiac motion artefacts, it is clear that thefalse positive rate can be significantly reduced by usingelectrocardiography (ECG)-gated CT studies. In a small

Figure 6. Maximum projection renderings of a variety of pul-monary nodules of different sizes (ordered by volume from topleft to bottom right). The wide spectrum of possible sizes isone of the challenges that had to be mastered for computerdetection algorithms.

Figure 7. Volume rendering of a juxta-pleural nodule withattached vessels.

Figure 8. Volume rendering of a central nodule (4 mm) withattached vessels.

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pilot study at the Cleveland University Hospitals, we haveobtained ECG-gated CT scans from a Philips 16-slicescanner. To find the optimal point in the cardiac cycle, theimage volumes were reconstructed at 0%, 25%, 50%, 75%and 88% of the R–R cycle. These scans were thensubjected to a lung nodule CAD module [30] and theresults were compared with a reference reading of tworadiologists. The false positive rate varied between 3.5false positives per patient in the 88% phase and 6 falsepositives per patient in the 25% phase. This indicates thatperformance of CAD can be significantly improved byusing ECG-gated CT studies reconstructed in the latediastole. However, the additional burden of ECG gating interms of costs, examination time and exposure dose canprobably not be tolerated in all clinical circumstances, e.g.in lung cancer screening.In summary, utilisation of HRCT data from multislice

scanners for computer-aided nodule detection holds thepromise of increasing sensitivity while minimising falsepositives in such a way as to achieve a breakthrough forCAD in clinical practice.

Computer-aided volumetry of pulmonary nodules

Nodule volumetry is important for monitoring thesuccess of cancer therapy, as well as to evaluate the growthrate of small indeterminate nodules to evaluate thelikelihood of malignancy. Particularly the latter becomeseven more important with the increasing number of smallnodules detected by visual inspection and CAD in thinslice CT data [35].The aim is to detect malignancy at as early a stage as

possible on the one hand, but to avoid unnecessarybiopsies on the other hand.The advent of thin slice data from multi-array CT

scanners has enabled fully automated 3D segmentationand volume measurement of lung nodules.3D volumetry promises a better sensitivity to growth

than manually-guided diameter measurements in a singleimage slice, since an actual doubling of the nodule volumemeans a diameter increase of a factor of only 3!2 or 26%,which for small nodules might easily be overlooked in themeasurement error range.Slice-wise manual delineation of the nodules through

several adjacent slices is a tedious task and is operator-dependent. To improve workflow and reproducibility,algorithms for fully automated 3D computer-aidedsegmentation and volume measurement of nodules inCT data sets have been proposed [24, 36–39].

Measuring the 3D nodule volume falls into two differentsub-problems.

N The general accuracy of volume measurement dependson the spatial CT resolution (inplane resolution, slicethickness, slice spacing, pitch), as well as on partialvolume effect, dose, choice of reconstruction filters,Hounsfield threshold, etc.

N Lung nodules often cannot be delineated unambigu-ously, as they may be connected to vessels, the lungwall, the diaphragm or the mediastinum (Figures 7and 8). Therefore, an automated algorithm has tomake consistent decisions regarding where to cut offthe tumour from the surrounding vasculature. Thesecut-off decisions will always be somewhat arbitrary,but have to be as consistent as possible in order toallow comparisons between different nodules, and evenmore important between the same nodule as imaged inthe baseline and a later follow-up CT scan. This is nota trivial requirement, as not only the volume but alsothe morphology of a nodule may have changed duringa given time interval (e.g. by angiogenesis).

Computer-aided volumetry gives rise to a number ofquestions that we want to address in this section.

N How accurate is the volume measurements of artificialobjects (phantoms) with known real volume?

N Does the accuracy depend on the dose used for thescan?

N Does computer-aided volumetry give the same resultsas careful manual 3D segmentation?

N How does computer-aided volumetry depend on theslice thickness used for the CT scan? Can measure-ments be compared between scans with differentimaging parameters?

The choice of the Hounsfield threshold above which toaccount for the nodule volume is a crucial parameter, asthe number of visible attached vessels increases withdecreasing Hounsfield threshold (see Figure 9). The slicethickness also plays a role: with decreasing slice thicknessof the CT image data, more and more surroundingvasculature connecting to the nodules becomes visible thathas to be cut off by the segmentation algorithm (seeFigure 10). In thick slice data, the connecting vessels canbe cut off by raising the Hounsfield threshold [36]. Thisimplicitly utilises the partial volume effect, which assignslower Hounsfield unit values to thin vessels. This principledoes not work in the isotropic resolution of thin slice CT,

Figure 9. Example of a single nodule as it appears above different Hounsfield thresholds: the vascular connectivity increases withdecreasing Hounsfield threshold (surface renderings, CT data: 0.8 mm slice spacing, 1 mm slice thickness).

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and several algorithms to cope with this problem havebeen proposed [24, 36–39]. A method to determine theHounsfield threshold that yields the strongest gradientbetween nodule and surrounding parenchyma was pro-posed by Wiemker and Zwartkruis [40].In our previous publication [39] we have suggested a

volumetry algorithm that starts out from a given seedpoint selected either manually by mouse click or by theCAD module. The seed point does not necessarily need tobe in the centre of the nodule. The software module thenstarts a 3D region growing process (see Figure 11). Theregion growing first grows into all areas that are sphericalor lobular around the current seed point. Then, from allboundary points of the current region expansion, a furtherseed point is automatically chosen that is closest to thecentre of the surrounding mass, and from here the region

growing continues into all areas that are spherical orlobular around the current seed point. This iterativescheme ensures that the region growth first expands intoall ‘‘roundish’’ parts of the nodule, and only later alsogrows into the attached tubular vessel structures andpossibly into adjacent flat parts of the lung wall (seeFigure 11). The growth process stops only after it hasgrown far from the original start seed point. Then, aretrospective decision is taken regarding where the optimalcut-off point during the growth process would have been.We propose to choose the cut-off point such that thestructures that are attached to the nodule are cut throughat their thinnest connection, or in the case of an attachedlung wall, at the strongest inflection. As an objectivefunction we therefore propose the surface integral over thedistance values of the 2D surface of the current 3D region

Figure 10. Example of a single nodule as it appears in different slice thicknesses (simulated from original data of 1 mm slice thick-ness): the vascular connectivity decreases with increasing slice thickness (surface renderings at a threshold of 2500 HU).

Figure 11. Top: Example of a true nodule attached to the lung wall. Bottom: Sketch of such a nodule to illustrate the segmentationalgorithm; left: start point is set, not necessarily at the centre of the mass; right: the areas that are iteratively added to the regionexpansion, growing first into lobular areas, but then eventually also into the lung wall and connected vessels. The final cut-off surfaceis denoted by a solid black line.

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expansion, where the distance value for each point isdefined as the distance between this point and the closestoutside nodule point (the surrounding ‘‘dark’’ parenchymatissue).This cut-off objective function works in the same way

for isolated nodules, or for nodules attached to vessels, thelung wall or diaphragm, and does not require priorsegmentation of the lung.For the proposed nodule segmentation algorithm, we

have studied the effect of slice thickness on the measurednodule volume in order to determine the consistency andcomparability of nodule volumes measured during follow-up examinations [39]. Considering the delicate vasculaturenetwork around the pulmonary nodules, the robustness ofcomputer-aided nodule segmentation algorithms cannot bevalidated on data from CT phantoms with smoothboundaries only.Analysis of 41 nodules between 150 mm3 and 350 mm3

(6.6–8.7 mm effective diameter) showed that the connec-tivity of the nodules to the surrounding vasculature clearlyincreases with thinner slice thickness, so the segmentationalgorithm has to cut off more and more thin vessels. Onthe other hand, in the finest slice spacing there is theweakest dependency of the nodule volume on theHounsfield threshold (owing to the diminishing partialvolume effect). The cut-off decisions for surroundingvessels to be made by the algorithm are different for eachHounsfield threshold, as more or less vessels are visibleabove a given threshold. Nevertheless, we found that thesegmentation algorithm yielded consistent volume estima-tions with varying slice thicknesses using a threshold of2400 HU. The average variation in volume estimationstayed within 3%. This confirms that the proposedsegmentation algorithm yields consistent decisions regard-ing where to cut off the attached vessels. The segmentationalgorithm is shown to be robust enough to comparenodule volumes between follow-up CT studies even ofdifferent slice thickness.In another study at the Hematology–Oncology Clinic of

Little Rock, Arkansas, we have compared manualsegmentation by two radiologists to a computer-assistedautomatic segmentation (Lung Nodule Assessment andComparison Package; Philips Medical Systems, Best, TheNetherlands) for 33 nodules, varying in size from 3.3 mmto 30.0 mm effective diameter. The nodules were classifiedas difficult or isolated based on whether they wereattached to vessels, lung wall, or close to other nodulesor scar tissue. Several types of nodules such as solid,spiculated and calcified were included in the study. Usingidentical image window, level and image zoom, bothradiologists drew contours along the boundaries ofnodules in every axial image in which the nodule ispresent. All nodule images were acquired at 1660.75 mmcollimation and reviewed at 1 mm slice width and 1 mmincrement. The total volume from manual segmentationwas calculated by summation of the individual slice-wisecontour areas. For automatic segmentation, a seed pointwas placed on the nodule in only one axial slice.Comparisons were made of manual measurements

between the two radiologists, manual vs automatedvolume segmentation, and time for segmentation usingautomated and manual methods. The correlation betweenthe manual measurements by two radiologists was 0.987.There was also a strong correlation between automated

and manual segmentation, with the correlation coefficientequal to 0.972 and 0.986 for the two radiologists,respectively. Thus the agreement between manual andcomputer-aided volumetry proved to be equally good asthe agreement between the two human readers. Theautomated measurements required minimal user interac-tion, with average volume estimation time per nodule of afew seconds. Manual measurements on the other handtook an average of 5 min per nodule.

Another question is how robust computer-aidednodule volumetry is against varying radiation dose. Hayet al [41] have studied the effect of using low dose imagingprotocols for lung nodule volumetry. In their phantomstudy with 34 different artificial spheres and cylinders ofdifferent sizes, they found the segmentation accuracy to bebetter than 5% both for standard dose and low dose CTscans.

In summary, we conclude that for solid nodules,computer-assisted volumetry is accurate, robust, repeata-ble and consistent. For subsolid nodules (ground-glassopacities) however, definitions of meaningful characterisa-tion still have to be agreed on.

Follow-up registration and matching of nodules

Evaluating the potential growth or shrinkage ofpulmonary nodules between a former CT examinationand a current follow-up examination is a routine task inradiological practice, not only for diagnosis of detectednodules, but also for monitoring the response tooncological therapy. The typical manual matching proce-dure is quite time consuming; the user has to separatelyscroll through the slice stacks of the two studies and locateeach nodule and then locate the same nodule in the follow-up study, perform the volumetry and copy down theresults. In contrast, the computer-assisted matchingindicates the corresponding nodule location in the otherdata set when the user points to the nodule in either one ofthe data sets (see Figure 12). Moreover, a list of matchingpairs is automatically compiled for all nodules found in thetwo data sets (detected both manually and/or by CAD).

To perform such a statistical growth analysis withmeasurement and matching in a manual fashion is ofcourse possible, but might simply not be undertaken for allcases in the clinical practice with high case load pressure,owing to its forbidding time consumption. Therefore, thecomputer-aided follow-up matching may be more than aconvenience tool but indeed may contribute to diagnosticquality assurance.

The automatic nodule matching approach described byBlaffert and Wiemker [42] starts out by segmenting thelungs out of the overall thoracic CT data volume of thecurrent and former study. The two lung volume images areregistered (aligned) using an affine coordinate transforma-tion. The similarity between the former and current lungvolume is tested by virtue of the cross-correlation of bothdata sets. The coordinate transformation is then varieduntil optimal cross-correlation is reached. By using Gauss–Newton optimisation methods in variation of the coordi-nate transform, and by employing a coarse to fineresolution multiscale approach, the optimal alignment ofthe two lung volumes can be reached in typically 5 s.

In general, an affine coordinate transformation is notexpected to always suffice for the alignment of the same

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lung between a former and current CT study, since thepossibly different respiratory state and patient pose on theCT table may cause elastic deformations. However, elasticimage registration is too time consuming at the currentstate of the art, and the experimental results indicate thataffine image registration comes close enough to allowcorrect matching of the nodule positions in the former andthe current study: after alignment of the lungs in the CTstudy pair, the mean distance between the location of anodule in the former and the current study was 4 mm [42].124 of 125 nodules were correctly matched even if the CTstudy pairs were recorded with different field of view, slicethickness or slice spacing [43].Betke et al [44] use a different algorithm and test set

and report a mean distance of 8 mm between the locationof a nodule after automated image registration, and 56 of58 nodule pairs correctly matched. Another equallyfavourable result was given for an algorithm of Shenet al [45].


With the advent of MSCT scanners and their possibilityto acquire submillimetre slice data over the whole thoraxwithin a single breath-hold, software algorithms for CADof pulmonary nodules start to reach a level of sensitivityand specificity that can significantly improve the diagnosticquality and can provide radiology departments with theincreased safety of a ‘‘second reader’’ at low cost.As more and smaller lung nodules become detectable in

thin slice CT, automated and reproducible computer-aided 3D volumetry of lung nodules becomes important tospeed up workflow, to compute growth rates betweenfollow-up examinations and thus to avoid unnecessarybiopsies.With ever refining spatial, dynamic and temporal

resolution of CT scanners, more applications of computer-aided detection and quantification are likely to emerge.


We would like to thank Noah Weg, MD, of Weg &Associates, Suffern, New York, and Thomas W Koonce,

MD, and John E Slayden, MD, of the Hematology–Oncology Clinic of Little Rock, Arkansas, for evaluatingthe Philips Lung Nodule Assessment and Comparisonpackage.


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