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Avirulent Viable But Non Culturable cells of Listeria monocytogenes need the presence of an embryo...

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Vet. Res. 38 (2007) 573–583 Available online at: c INRA, EDP Sciences, 2007 www.vetres.org DOI: 10.1051/vetres:2007017 Original article Avirulent Viable But Non Culturable cells of Listeria monocytogenes need the presence of an embryo to be recovered in egg yolk and regain virulence after recovery Jean Michel Cappelier a *, Valérie Besnard a , Sylvie M. Roche b , Philippe Velge b , Michel Federighi a a Unité Mixte de Recherche INRA 1014 SECALIM, ENVN/ENITIAA, École Nationale Vétérinaire de Nantes, BP 40706, Route de Gachet, 44307 Nantes, France b Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique, Laboratoire d’Infectiologie Animale et Santé Publique, 37380 Nouzilly, France (Received 1 August 2006; accepted 30 January 2007) Abstract – The aim of this study was to assess the eciency of the embryonated egg model to recover Viable But Non Culturable (VBNC) cells of Listeria monocytogenes. L. monocytogenes cells were incubated in filtered sterilised distilled water. The VBNC state was obtained after a 25 to 47 days incubation period (concentration of culturable cells less than 1 cfu/mL). Fifteen days after the VBNC state was reached, non culturability was checked in various media. One milliliter of each VBNC suspension that contained 10 4 metabolically active cells (i.e. Direct Viable Count + cells) was inoculated into the vitellus fluid of embryonated and non-embryonated eggs. Culturable cells were detected in a large proportion of the embryonated eggs (18/32), but not in the non-embryonated eggs (1/32). The recovery rate was higher after culture of the vitellus fluid plus embryo (18/32) than after culture of the vitellus fluid alone (6/32). The results indicate that the embryo likely plays a prominent part in the recovery process. The virulence of recovered cells was assessed by the ability to form plaques in HT-29 cell monolayers and by the ability to colonise mouse spleens. Although the cells were classified as avirulent when in the VBNC state, the virulence was recovered after resuscitation. VBNC / virulence / embryonated eggs / Listeria monocytogenes 1. INTRODUCTION Many bacteria have been shown to en- ter a Viable But Non Culturable (VBNC) state, in response to environmental stress. In this state, bacteria may no longer grow * Corresponding author: [email protected] on conventional culture media, but re- tain metabolic activity. The VBNC state has been described in major human pathogens, including Salmonella enteri- tidis [43], Vibrio cholerae [51], Vibrio vul- nificus [28,34], Campylobacter jejuni [41], Legionella pneumophila [21], enterotox- igenic Escherichia coli [20], Shigella dysentariae [22] and recently Listeria Article available at http://www.vetres.org or http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/vetres:2007017

Vet. Res. 38 (2007) 573–583 Available online at:c© INRA, EDP Sciences, 2007 www.vetres.orgDOI: 10.1051/vetres:2007017

Original article

Avirulent Viable But Non Culturable cells ofListeria monocytogenes need the presence of

an embryo to be recovered in egg yolkand regain virulence after recovery

Jean Michel Cappeliera*, Valérie Besnarda, Sylvie M. Rocheb,Philippe Velgeb, Michel Federighia

a Unité Mixte de Recherche INRA 1014 SECALIM, ENVN/ENITIAA, École Nationale Vétérinairede Nantes, BP 40706, Route de Gachet, 44307 Nantes, France

b Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique, Laboratoire d’Infectiologie Animale et SantéPublique, 37380 Nouzilly, France

(Received 1 August 2006; accepted 30 January 2007)

Abstract – The aim of this study was to assess the efficiency of the embryonated egg model torecover Viable But Non Culturable (VBNC) cells of Listeria monocytogenes. L. monocytogenescells were incubated in filtered sterilised distilled water. The VBNC state was obtained after a 25 to47 days incubation period (concentration of culturable cells less than 1 cfu/mL). Fifteen days afterthe VBNC state was reached, non culturability was checked in various media. One milliliter of eachVBNC suspension that contained 104 metabolically active cells (i.e. Direct Viable Count + cells)was inoculated into the vitellus fluid of embryonated and non-embryonated eggs. Culturable cellswere detected in a large proportion of the embryonated eggs (18/32), but not in the non-embryonatedeggs (1/32). The recovery rate was higher after culture of the vitellus fluid plus embryo (18/32) thanafter culture of the vitellus fluid alone (6/32). The results indicate that the embryo likely plays aprominent part in the recovery process. The virulence of recovered cells was assessed by the abilityto form plaques in HT-29 cell monolayers and by the ability to colonise mouse spleens. Althoughthe cells were classified as avirulent when in the VBNC state, the virulence was recovered afterresuscitation.

VBNC / virulence / embryonated eggs / Listeria monocytogenes


Many bacteria have been shown to en-ter a Viable But Non Culturable (VBNC)state, in response to environmental stress.In this state, bacteria may no longer grow

* Corresponding author:[email protected]

on conventional culture media, but re-tain metabolic activity. The VBNC statehas been described in major humanpathogens, including Salmonella enteri-tidis [43], Vibrio cholerae [51], Vibrio vul-nificus [28,34], Campylobacter jejuni [41],Legionella pneumophila [21], enterotox-igenic Escherichia coli [20], Shigelladysentariae [22] and recently Listeria

Article available at http://www.vetres.org or http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/vetres:2007017

574 J.M. Cappelier et al.

monocytogenes [3]. The metabolic activ-ity of VBNC bacteria has been testedby several cellular tests: incorporation ofradio labelled substrate [41], Direct Vi-able Count (DVC) [27], double stainingCTC/DAPI [40]. All these experimentshave demonstrated the maintenance of cel-lular activity in part of the cell populationhaving lost culturable ability. The signif-icance of the passage into a VBNC stateis controversial. Is this VBNC state adap-tation or debilitation [29]? Some authorsconsider VBNC bacteria as a degenerativeform, leading to death, without any rolein transmission routes of pathogens [31].Others regard this state as a survival strat-egy, in response to adverse environmen-tal conditions and consider that VBNCresponse can represent a genetically pro-grammed physiological adaptation [39]. Inaddition, VBNC cells have been shown tobe able to retain virulence [16, 30]. Allthese experiments have led us to considerthe VBNC state in pathogenic bacteria asa potential threat to public health. In al-most all the VBNC virulence studies, thepathogenicity of VBNC cells was directlylinked to recovery. A number of animalmodels have been tested by various au-thors with different efficiencies: mice [33],chicks [45], embryonated eggs [11, 14]and human volunteers [17]. In Listeriamonocytogenes the VBNC condition hasbeen recently described and is well doc-umented [3, 5]. This major pathogen wasimplicated in the last two decades in sev-eral food borne disease outbreaks withhigh death rates [6, 18]. This bacteriumis capable of adhering to cell membranesand of invading eukaryotic cells like in-testinal or hepatic cells. Then, Listeriamonocytogenes is able to multiply insidehost cells, and to escape the immune re-sponse. The existence of the VBNC state ina foodborne pathogen like Listeria mono-cytogenes, which exhibits a high lethalityrate, needs to be taken into account. Forthese reasons, the levels of virulence of

Listeria monocytogenes VBNC cells wereassessed by in vitro and in vivo tests inCappelier et al. [12]. In addition, the abilityof such VBNC cells to recover a culturablestate must be investigated. The aim of thisstudy was to assess the efficiency of em-bryonated eggs and non embryonated eggsin the recovery of VBNC cells of Liste-ria monocytogenes and to determine theirvirulence potential in mice and in cellularmodels.


2.1. Bacterial strains and growthconditions

The Listeria monocytogenes strainsused are described in Table I. Theywere provided by the “Laboratoired’Infectiologie Animale et SantéPublique” (INRA, Nouzilly, France).Strains were grown for 24 h at 37 ◦Con Plate Count Agar (Biokar, Beauvais,France) for each test. These strains werechosen because of their origin (clinicaland food isolates) and because they werepreviously used in VBNC studies inwhich optimal conditions to induce theVBNC state were described [3, 5, 12].Two subcultures were performed undersimilar conditions and then the cells wereplaced in filtered sterilised distilled water(microcosm water) in order to induce theVBNC state. Table I indicates for eachstrain used, the temperature of incubationin filtered sterilised distilled water, thetime needed to reach a concentration ofculturable cells less than 1 cfu/mL, theactive cell count (DVC) [4] and total cellcount.

2.2. Recovery

Fifteen days after the VBNC state wasreached (Tab. I), non culturability was

Recovery of VBNC Listeria monocytogenes 575

Table I. Characteristics of different VBNC cellular suspensions inoculated in embryonated and nonembryonated eggs [12].

Strains Incubation conditions in distilled Concentration of suspensions at

sterilised filtered water inoculation timea (cells/mL ± SD*)

Temperature Timeb ± SDc Active cells count Total cells count

(◦C) (days) (DVC)d (DAPI)

CNL 895807 20 25 ± 4 4.33 104 ± 0.35 6.1 106 ± 0.4

LO 28 20 27 ± 3 4.22 104 ± 0.3 6.2 106 ± 0.4

ATCC 19115 20 24 ± 3 4.4 104 ± 0.4 6.1 106 ± 0.3

Scott A 4 47 ± 4 4.1 104 ± 0.4 6.2 106 ± 0.4

a The initial suspensions in filtered sterilised distilled water were almost 106 cfu/mL.b Time necessary (days) to lose culturable state. At this time, culturable cells were < 1 cfu/mL, metaboli-cally active cells were almost 104 cells/mL and total cells were almost 106 cells/mL and no resuscitationwas observed by traditional resuscitation techniques. Inoculation in eggs were done 15 days after thistime.c SD: Standard Deviation.d DVC: Direct Viable Count.

checked after incubation of 24 to 72 hin various media (BHI, peptone, water,Minimum Essential Medium, Fetal CalfSerum) [12]. Then, 1 mL from each ofthe microcosm water samples was inoc-ulated into embryonated eggs and intonon embryonated eggs. Seven-day-old em-bryonated eggs from specific pathogenfree chickens were purchased from Avi-bocage (Saint-Père-en-Retz, France). Non-embryonated eggs were purchased from aretailer. After disinfection of the egg shells(ethanol 70%), a hole was made with a ster-ile needle (0.9/40 mm) on the opposite sideof the air chamber. Then, 1 mL of eachListeria monocytogenes suspension was in-jected into the yolk sac of embryonated andnon-embryonated eggs with a 1 mL syringe(needle dimensions: 0.9/40 mm). Negativecontrol eggs were inoculated with 1 mL ofsterilised distilled water. Immediately af-ter inoculation, the opening in the shellwas obstructed with wax (CML, Nemours,France) and the eggs were incubated at37 ◦C. After incubation for 2 and 6 days,the egg shells were carefully broken. A

volume of 0.2 mL of the vitellus fluidwas harvested with a syringe and spreadon 2 Petri dishes of Palcam agar (Merk,Darnstadt, Germany) and PCA (Biokar,Beauvais, France). These plates were incu-bated 48 h at 37 ◦C. For the embryonatedeggs, the rest of the vitellus fluid and theembryo were removed and pounded in astomacher for 1 min. A volume of 0.2 mLof this mixture was spread on two Petridishes of Palcam agar and PCA and incu-bated 48 h at 37 ◦C.

2.3. Virulence tests

The virulence tests were described inCappelier et al. [12]. Briefly, the Lis-teria monocytogenes strains (culturable,VBNC and recovered cells) were testedwith HT-29 cell monolayers in a plaque-forming assay [48,49] and the strains werealso tested for their potential to colonisemouse spleens (Swiss female OF1) af-ter intravenous inoculation [1, 8] accord-ing to the methods described by Roche

576 J.M. Cappelier et al.

Table II. Virulence of culturable cells and VBNC cells of Listeria monocytogenes used in this studyassessed by in vitro and in vivo assays [12].

Strains In vitro virulence assays In vivo virulence assays

Plaque forming assaya Intravenous test (spleens)c

Mean (log ± SD)

Culturable cells VBNC cells Culturable cells VBNC cells

Mean Number of Mean Number of

(log ± SD) positive culturesd (log ± SD) positive culturesd

ATCC 19115 6.59 ± 0.04 0b 5.31 ± 0.15 5/5 0b 0/5

LO 28 5.56 ± 0.06 0b 5.86 ± 0.04 5/5 0b 0/5

Scott A 6.55 ± 0.3 0b 5.35 ± 0.16 5/5 0b 0/5

CNL 895807 0b 0b 4.2 ± 0.3 5/5 0b 0/5

Negative controle 0b 0b 0b 0b 0b 0/5

a Number of plaques for 4 log cfu deposited.b < limit of detection of the assay.c Number of bacteria per spleen homogenate recovered in spleens 2 days after intravenous injection ofimmuno-competent swiss mice with 3 log cfu in 100 µL.d Number of mice with positive culture of Listeria monocytogenes in spleen / number of mice inoculate.e Sterilised distilled water.

et al. [42]. The level of virulence deter-mined by in vitro (PFA assay) and in vitro(inoculation in mice) techniques, for eachstrain used, in the culturable state andin the VBNC state were previously de-scribed in Cappelier et al. [12] (Tab. II).The VBNC cells of Listeria monocyto-genes were unable to colonise the spleenafter intraveinous inoculation. In the PFAassay, no plaques were observed for anyVBNC cells.

2.4. Identification of recovered strains

To confirm that the strains recoveredwere the same as those inoculated, Lis-teria monocytogenes cells were submittedto restriction enzyme analysis with the re-striction enzyme ApaI (Boehringer, Ger-many) and CHEF DRIII pulsed field gelelectrophoresis (Biorad, Ivry-sur-Seine,France) [7].


3.1. Comparison of recovery ratein embryonated and nonembryonated eggs

Table III shows the number of embry-onated eggs from which Listeria mono-cytogenes culturable cells were isolatedafter inoculation with VBNC suspensions.The results of restriction enzyme analysispresented in Figure 1 ensure that recov-ered strains were the same as inoculatedstrains. Culturable Listeria monocytogenescells were recovered from 6 out of 32 em-bryonated eggs when the culture was madeof vitellus fluid only. All the recoveredcells came from the eggs inoculated withstrain Scott A. When culture was madefrom the vitellus fluid and embryo, recov-ered cells were isolated from 18 out of32 eggs. For three strains (CNL 895807,LO 28 and ATCC 19115) the recoveryrate (number of eggs colonised/number of

Recovery of VBNC Listeria monocytogenes 577

Table III. Number of eggs (embryonated and non embryonated) colonised by Listeria monocyto-genes, after inoculation with VBNC cell suspensions.

Strains Incubation timea (days) No. of eggs colonised / no. of eggs inoculated

Inoculation in embryonated eggs Inoculation in non

embryonated eggsVitellus Vitellus fluid

fluidb and embryoc

ATCC 19115 2 0/4 2/4 0/4

6 0/4 2/4 1/4

LO 28 2 0/4 2/4 0/4

6 0/4 2/4 0/4

Scott A 2 2/4 2/4 0/4

6 4/4 4/4 0/4

CNL 895807 2 0/4 2/4 0/4

6 0/4 2/4 0/4

Total 6/32 18/32 1/32

Negative controld 2 0/2 0/2 0/2

6 0/2 0/2 0/2a Incubation time of eggs inoculated at 37 ◦C.b Only the vitellus fluid was cultured.c The vitellus fluid and the embryo were cultured.d Sterilised distilled water.

eggs inoculated) was 50%, but higher forstrain Scott A (6/8). After passage in non-embryonated eggs, no recovery was ob-tained after two days of incubation. Onlyone egg inoculated with ATCC 19115strain showed recovery after a six day in-cubation period.

So, the probability to obtain recov-ery of VBNC cells of Listeria monocy-togenes was higher after an embryonatedegg passage than after a non embryonatedegg passage. For the embryonated egg pas-sages, the recovery rate was higher whenthe culture was made of vitellus fluid andembryo than when it was only made ofvitellus fluid, except for strain Scott A thatbehaved identically in both conditions.

3.2. Virulence tests

Virulence was determined by in vitro(PFA assay) and in vivo (inoculation in

mice) techniques, for each strain after re-covery in embryonated eggs. The resultsare presented in Table IV. The loss ofpathogenicity of these VBNC cells wastransient, since after an embryonated eggpassage, the virulence of recovered cellswas identical to that of culturable cells.


The results presented in this studyshow that VBNC cells of Listeria mono-cytogenes could be recovered after anembryonated egg passage. It has been es-tablished that VBNC Listeria monocyto-genes cells are unable to grow in con-ventional culture media and cannot beresuscitated by traditional reviving tech-niques [3,5]. For the four strains inoculatedin filtered sterilised distilled water at theinitial concentration of 106 cells/mL, theactive cell count was almost 104 cells/mLand the culturable cell count was below

578 J.M. Cappelier et al.

Figure 1. Restriction enzyme analysis of Listeria monocytogenes: 1: Lambda ladder marker; 2: Pos-itive control for strain CNL 895807; 3: Strain CNL 895807 recovered after an embryonated eggpassage; 4: Positive control for strain Scott A; 5: Strain Scott A recovered after an embryonatedegg passage; 6: Positive control for strain ATCC 19115; 7: Strain ATCC 19115 recovered after anembryonated egg passage; 8: Positive control for strain LO 28; 9: Strain LO 28 recovered after anembryonated egg passage.

Table IV. Virulence of recovered cells of Listeria monocytogenes after embryonated egg passageassessed by in vitro and in vivo assays.

Strains In vitro virulence assays In vivo virulence assays

Plaque forming assaya Intravenous test (spleens)b

Mean (log ± SD) Mean (log ± SD) Number of positive culturesc

ATCC 19115 6.15 ± 0.05 5.51 ± 0.51 5/5

LO 28 5.88 ± 0.04 5.39 ± 0.49 5/5

Scott A 6.46 ± 0.13 5.23 ± 0.49 5/5

CNL 895807 0e 4.05 ± 0.27 5/5

Negative controld 0e 0e 0/5

a Number of plaques for 4 log cfu deposited.b Number of bacteria per spleen homogenate recovered in spleens 2 days after intravenous injection ofimmuno-competent swiss mice with 3 log cfu in 100 µL.c Number of mice with positive culture of Listeria monocytogenes in spleen / number of mice inoculate.d Sterilised distilled water.e < limit of detection of the assay.

Recovery of VBNC Listeria monocytogenes 579

1 cfu/mL at the time of the recovery ex-periment. The recovery rates (number ofeggs colonised/number of eggs inoculated)obtained ranged between 3.1% and 56.2%according to the model used (non embry-onated eggs, embryonated eggs with cul-ture of vitellus fluid alone, embryonatedeggs with culture of both vitellus fluidand embryo). Recovery of VBNC cellsof various enteropathogens has alreadybeen described. Restoration of such cellswas investigated either in in vitro or invivo experiments, but only few recover-ies were obtained by the in vivo exper-iments. These ones looked like revivingtechniques. Roszak et al. [43] were thefirst to report the recovery of VBNC cells.Non culturable cells of Salmonella enteri-tis were obtained by incubation in ster-ile water. Recovery was observed aftersupplementation with nutrients (BHI infu-sion), but only occurred four days afterentry of the cells in the VBNC state, andnot after an extended period. So, the au-thors concluded that reviving VBNC cellsunder prolonged starvation requires addi-tional factors. Roth et al. [44] succeededin reviving VBNC cells of Escherichiacoli obtained by osmotic shock. Eightypercent of the cells became culturable af-ter addition of betaine. Recovery occurredin the presence of chloramphenicol. So,the authors demonstrated that the recov-ery did not result from the multiplicationof a few cells remaining culturable. Waiet al. [50] described resuscitation of VBNCcells of Aeromonas hydrophila by cultureon media supplemented with H2O2 degrad-ing agents, catalase and sodium pyruvate.In vivo recovery was also observed inVibrio by increasing temperature [33, 34].Other authors estimated that this recov-ery was probably the consequence of arapid multiplication of undetected cells re-maining culturable [23, 38]. VBNC cellsof various pathogens have also been re-covered in animal models: mice for Vib-rio vulnificus [35] and Campylobacter je-

juni [10, 24]; rat gut for Campylobacterjejuni [45]; chicks for Campylobacter je-juni [10, 46]; rabbit ileal loop for Vibriocholerae [15]; human volunteers for Vib-rio cholerae [15] and fertilised eggs forLegionella pneumophilla [21] and Campy-lobacter jejuni [11, 14]. For this species,it appears that inoculation of VBNC cellsin the yolk sac of embryonated eggs wasthe best way to obtain recovery at a cultur-able state [11,14,47]. In contrast, Medemaet al. [31] did not succeed in recoveringVBNC cells of Campylobacter jejuni af-ter inoculation in fertilised eggs. In thisexperiment, VBNC cell suspensions wereinoculated into the allantoïc cavity, wherethe pH and the presence of antimicrobialsubstances were not favourable to bacterialgrowth. These findings allow speculationon the factors responsible for the recoveryof VBNC cells, which are likely located inthe vitellus fluid or in the embryo, ratherthan in the allantoïc fluid.

As far as we know, this experimentrepresents the first demonstration of re-covery of VBNC cells of Listeria mono-cytogenes. It confirms the efficacy of theembryonated egg model as described inprevious works in Campylobacter jejuniVBNC cells [10, 13, 47]. Moreover, twoimportant findings described in this workneed to be taken into account. First, em-bryonated eggs allow better recovery thannon embryonated eggs. In addition, re-covery was improved in the presence ofthe embryo: better results were obtainedafter culture of the vitellus fluid and em-bryo, when VBNC cells were inoculatedin embryonated eggs, whereas the recoveryrate significantly decreased when VBNCcells were inoculated in non embryonatedeggs. So, according to the present re-sults, the substance that allows recoveryseems to be located in the chick embryo.Such recovery factors have already beendescribed as bacterial cytokines [26, 32].These authors have demonstrated the ex-istence of a resuscitation promoting factor

580 J.M. Cappelier et al.

(RPF), which was shown to increase theviable cell count of dormant Micrococcusluteus cultures and also to stimulate thegrowth of other bacteria. Kaprelyants andKell [25] presented a variety of eukaryotichormones, which have been shown to stim-ulate bacterial growth. Recently, Chemalyand Salvat1 suggested that the ion-proteincomplex of the embryonated eggs, whichprotects against oxidative stress, could beinvolved in the recovery process of VBNCcells.

It has been previously described that en-try into a VBNC state is accompanied bya loss of pathogenicity of Listeria mono-cytogenes [12]. VBNC cells of Listeriamonocytogenes were not able to colonisethe spleen of mice, and did not adhere toHT 29 cells. So, these cells can be regardedas avirulent. But, we showed here that thisvirulence loss was transient since, after anembryonated egg passage, the pathogeniceffect was restored at a level identical tothe initial one. Such a transient loss ofpathogenicity has already been describedfor Campylobacter jejuni [11,45]. The vir-ulence signals (accumulation of fluid in thegut or attachment index on HeLa cells) de-creased in the VBNC state and increased tothe baseline level after recovery. However,some experiments have shown that VBNCcells retain pathogenic effects. Oliver andBockian [36] observed a lethal effect inmice inoculated with VBNC cells of Vib-rio vulnificus. Other works established thatEscherichia coli VBNC cells kept theirpathogenicity by keeping the ability to pro-duce little amounts of enterotoxin [2, 37]or by preserving plasmids involved inpathogenicity [9]. Chaiyanan et al. showedconservation of cholera toxin and toxin-associated genes in VBNC cells of Vibrio

1 Chemaly Z., Salvat G., Physiologie de larevivification des formes viables non cul-tivables chez Campylobacter jejuni, 6th na-tional congress, Société Française de Microbi-ologie, 2004, Bordeaux.

cholerae [13]. It seems difficult to know ifsuch pathogenic effects were due to VBNCcells or to cells that reverted to a cultur-able state. But, recently, Fischer-Le Sauxet al. [19] detected a cytotoxin-hemolysinmRNA produced by a non culturable popu-lation of Vibrio vulnificus. They concludedthat special attention should be given to thepresence of potentially pathogenic VBNCcells in environmental samples when as-sessing public health risk. In the presentwork, the virulence of VBNC cells of Lis-teria monocytogenes seems to be indissol-uble from the ability to grow and need toreturn to a culturable state to express itself.

Even if some of the results of the VBNCexperiments published are sometimes con-flicting, and if the demonstration of thepresence of VBNC cells in foods other thanwater has not yet been made, the VBNCstate of food bacterial pathogens must betaken into consideration, because classi-cal microbiological methods do not allowdetection of such potentially pathogenicbacteria. The solution would be to createa specific culture medium making it possi-ble to recover VBNC cells. For that, furtherstudies are needed to identify one or sev-eral factors involved in the switch from anon culturable to a culturable state.


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