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Studii şi cercetări, Geology-Geography 18, Bistriţa, p. 97-112 97 THEORY OF THE GEOGRAPHICAL AXES Călin Cornel POP Abstract. Geographic axis is composed of elements, and the way it works shows its functional state. The functionality consolidates in a united complex the ensemble of aspects which acts upon the systems, integrating the system its own natural environment, its history and relationships, so that it offers the method through which the system can adjust itself to the superior system complex. Geography is an integrated entity formed by elements, relationships, structures, dynamics, processes, phenomena, systems, functionalities, and endings in teleological way, balances, methods, models etc. The issue now in discussion is to see what extent the definitions; concepts; paradigm and technical- methodological structure would prove their creditableness. The tandem of the integrationist processes, so familiar to geography, could be understood from other levels avoiding the division between disciplines, which proves to be inadequate and devoid of understanding to cover the dynamics and magnitude of the phenomenon of integration. The integration is in fact interaction, inter-conditioning, interdependence and cooperation, meaning a system of influences and connections that manifest themselves in different ways, from the relations from and within the system's point of view, and regarding the integration problem in the facts and essence, we observe the dependence of the sub-systemic element towards the superior system, towards the element that commands. V. Mihăilescu, 1968, presents the geographic integration as being the most specific principle of the geography, because it shows the way for touching geography's goal - describing and explaining the territorial whole. The geographic integration has as a goal realizing an equilibrated dynamic for the superior geographic system, being an important mechanism because it assures the structural unity of the geographic reality and the dynamic equilibrium for the superior geographic cover. The geographic integration becomes a process, equilibrium, relation, unity, production, reproduction, adaptation, creation, hierarchy, reality, metamorphosis, finality etc. The geographic axis may be defined as being a force space-time line, a line which allow space-temporally the diagnosis and prognosis of a geographic territory, a territory which may embody different geographic shaping and dimensions in accordance with the components capacity of polarisation (Pop, 2003). The geographic Jibou-Zalău-Şimleu Silvaniei-Marghita axis is a functional territorial axis, defined by the following component elements: an urban nucleus, the territory periurban, a rural functional nucleus, a rural functional nuclei and the natural space. The axis as a whole, but especially the axis with its main components may be read from the point of view of integration (but also of analysis), under the following cognitive hipostasis: union, globalising, inclusion, fusion, superposition and belonging (non-belonging). Geographically, we approve the configuration of the natural and human elements in the form of axes. Also geographically, we have to search those structures, those territorial organizations which can achieve optimum of the sustainable needs of the potential opportunities of the geographical elements. These geographical “Babeş-Bolyai”University, Faculty of Geography, 400006 Cluj -Napoca, România.

Studii şi cercetări, Geology-Geography 18, Bistriţa, p. 97-112 97


Călin Cornel POP

Abstract. Geographic axis is composed of elements, and the way it works shows its

functional state. The functionality consolidates in a united complex the ensemble of

aspects which acts upon the systems, integrating the system its own natural environment,

its history and relationships, so that it offers the method through which the system can

adjust itself to the superior system complex. Geography is an integrated entity formed by

elements, relationships, structures, dynamics, processes, phenomena, systems,

functionalities, and endings in teleological way, balances, methods, models etc. The issue

now in discussion is to see what extent the definitions; concepts; paradigm and technical-

methodological structure would prove their creditableness. The tandem of the integrationist

processes, so familiar to geography, could be understood from other levels avoiding the

division between disciplines, which proves to be inadequate and devoid of understanding

to cover the dynamics and magnitude of the phenomenon of integration. The integration is

in fact interaction, inter-conditioning, interdependence and cooperation, meaning a system

of influences and connections that manifest themselves in different ways, from the

relations from and within the system's point of view, and regarding the integration problem

in the facts and essence, we observe the dependence of the sub-systemic element towards

the superior system, towards the element that commands. V. Mihăilescu, 1968, presents the

geographic integration as being the most specific principle of the geography, because it

shows the way for touching geography's goal - describing and explaining the territorial

whole. The geographic integration has as a goal realizing an equilibrated dynamic for the

superior geographic system, being an important mechanism because it assures the structural

unity of the geographic reality and the dynamic equilibrium for the superior geographic

cover. The geographic integration becomes a process, equilibrium, relation, unity,

production, reproduction, adaptation, creation, hierarchy, reality, metamorphosis, finality etc.

The geographic axis may be defined as being a force space-time line, a line which allow

space-temporally the diagnosis and prognosis of a geographic territory, a territory which

may embody different geographic shaping and dimensions in accordance with the

components capacity of polarisation (Pop, 2003). The geographic Jibou-Zalău-Şimleu

Silvaniei-Marghita axis is a functional territorial axis, defined by the following component

elements: an urban nucleus, the territory periurban, a rural functional nucleus, a rural

functional nuclei and the natural space. The axis as a whole, but especially the axis with its

main components may be read from the point of view of integration (but also of analysis),

under the following cognitive hipostasis: union, globalising, inclusion, fusion, superposition

and belonging (non-belonging). Geographically, we approve the configuration of the

natural and human elements in the form of axes. Also geographically, we have to search

those structures, those territorial organizations which can achieve optimum of the sustainable

needs of the potential opportunities of the geographical elements. These geographical

“Babeş-Bolyai”University, Faculty of Geography, 400006 Cluj-Napoca, România.

98 Călin Cornel POP

organizations, such as axes, should be guided by the principle of maximum efficiency with

minimum consumption of energy and substance, so the trend of evolution of such

geographical organization works on a reverse direction that the entropy increases.

Key words: theory, axis, geographical axes, conceptual, cognitive hipostatis, axes



For a human being, knowing the inhabited and uninhabited territories

represented a challenge, a necessity, something useful in its entire existence. The

analysis bases have improved in time so much that from the mere observation of

the phenomenon and taking decisions according to that era, now it became a

permanent research of the territories from surrounding reality. Geography had its

own place, proper materialized in general or particular studies. Either it was a case

of physical analysis geographical, economic, social, political etc., the information

contained in there was the starting point of the future approaches. We can say that

there is, in terms of knowledge, at least two sets of elements: an indirectly

cognizable set, by intuition, based on assumptions, comparisons etc. and a directly

cognizable set through measurements, calculations, human perception. In time, the

geographic studies mixed both tackling, but what made the difference was their

expression, capacity of understanding, perception measure etc. Singular knowledge

was replaced, in the course of time, with integral approach. So, multidisciplinary,

interdisciplinary and trandisciplinary are driving the integrated study. In every

study, geography has to live in correlation with the offer of the other sciences,

which is still vast in its structure and content, because it cannot apart from it.

Therefore we can say that Geography is an unlimited base of information, but also

we can notice that it is an unlimited bas of information for others domains.

Essentially we do not do anything else than to express with words what has gone,

which is currently running and sequential what may be held. Historians, painters,

economists, sociologists, ecologists, architects, geographers, geologists etc. are in

the same circle, they demount what is mounted in a particular shape and they

mount it in their own way through forecast changes, through possible models of

what they think it would be better to come into sight. Thus, we want to prove in

this study the following: the integrator character of geography, the role of the

geographic study in the wind off of the territorial planning programs, because not

taking head of the geography of the territory can produce unlike surprises; the

availability of geography to subordinate itself but also can order the existing facts

and more the inclusion (co-optation, integration) and its acceptance for and by the

family of sciences; the necessity of inclusion of the new in the geographic study;

the necessity of creating the geographic product; the fact that is important to know

exactly what exists in the space that has been put up for debate but also the fact that

is more important to know what to do with the existence; the fact that none of the

studies can not reach the shelf beyond which is not necessary to make new

adjustments and innovations; the necessity of binging the geography and the

geographic studies in forefront; the fact that projective geography is the society

development; the opposition of the hierarchic methodology of analysis in the

Theory of the geographical axes 99

content of the theme; in the studies of “perspective” is necessary the ampleness of

the analysis.

The axes in the geographical dimension

The geographical dimension involves automatically limit establishment. In the

sphere of the two dimensional limits absolute namely: zero an infinity, appear a

series of other quantitative interior limits which separate dimensional qualities and

auto-dimensional. The study of geographical axis in specialized literature evoked

the interest of many researchers. A series of towns, interconnected alignments such

as the one between Jibou-Zalău-Şimleu Silvaniei-Marghita (Pop, 2003). Generally,

the quality dimension of a geographical system (geographical axis) is given by the

processes that act on that system, the continuing cause-effect relationship. The

quantitative dimension and magnitude is given by measuring, and the qualitative an

integrationist dimension represents the essence of a geographical system, essence

understood through the relational load built and still building in that system.

Reminding shortly, the technical meaning of the dimension –qualitative quantity-

we have to mention that choosing one or another level of dimension, and one or

another scale, in geography and other domain, depends essentially on the

integrative part of the items that have to be measured. For example, what integrates

an axis? Where is it integrated? It can be used all the scales, essentially is that the

scale be chosen according to the command, an the command is integration and

sustainable developing. So, choosing the dimensional criteria depends on the order,

the purpose of the measuring to result in the geographical command or the

geography of command. Technical acceptance of the fact that dimension is a

geographical command and/or the fact that the command is a geographical

dimension, allows the practice a deeper outline. Archetypical structures in space,

besides morphology as the first component, appear the dimension as the second

component in a rather abstract way, namely the dimension of the phenomenon that

is investigated (Mac and Pop, 2003). As representative examples for the axis are

the evolution dimensions, the size of the systemic-structure, the urban size, the

rural size, the demographic size, the agrarian size, the touristic size. For example,

the geographical axis theory in several studies which focus on Europe’s economic,

social geographical picture we find an axis across Europe with different names, for

example the Manchester–Rome urbanized axis, Europe’s vital axis from Greater

London to Northern Italy, the economic axis, from London to Rome, the axis from

London to Turin, a dominant urban axis from London to Milan, the great European

development axis. These axes are in the same geographical zone, they extend from

England to Northern Italy but these are not linear axes (Szabo, 2008). The

development of the polycentric networks determines the emergence of structuring

axes which, by their favorability, may attract investments and enable a superior

development on the accessibility routes between development poles (Peptenatu et

al., 2009). Morphology, as the first component, is recognized as being owned by

the size of some figures. The dimensional analysis of the phenomenon, as the

second component, is more like a technique, which depends on the dimensions

100 Călin Cornel POP

attribute, being used in the enunciation of the theory and the apology of the system

facts; of the subsystems and surpasses. We can talk about configuration of the

geographical dimension, as something which indicates in actuality, but especially

we can talk about the fact matter of the figures as something that will dictate

further, in the future. The geographical dates are dimensions, but it must not be

understood as quantities, so that even the quantity itself is nothing else but a report

between qualities and it is impossible to dissociate the qualitative aspects from the

quantitative ones. According to this interpretation, the importance of quantity in the

dimension gives place to the relationship importance, of the link field that unites

the quantity and quality aspects of every object, process, phenomenon or

geographical system. Jean Piaget underlined the fact that the scientific phase of the

research begins when the researcher draws up (incorporates) special methods,

adjusted to his issues which are also methods of control and approach after he

dissociated what can be checked up from what can only be intuited. Excluding the

second part of the phrase, we can see that in the context of our subject are two

dimensions of the things (systems), one which can be checked up and an intuitive

one (planning), one which actually exists and one which is only potential or static

dimension (stable) and a dynamic one (unstable). Planning-organizing,

quantitative-qualitative, intensive-extensive, space-time, static-dynamic, stable-

unstable, linear-nonlinear etc, in conclusion are dimensional reports, and:

Geography is a science which becomes complete everyday with these reports.

Geography allows the dimension materialization. The volumes, the depths, the

highs or razes, etnas, populations etc. are figures of materializing of the dimension

of geographical matters. The size is recognized by the most of the geographers

when they organize their research in spot levels linear and areal. Being aware of the

dimensional consistence of the formula which involves them is necessary to

understand the relationships between and in all systems, not only the geographical

ones. Thanks to this fact, the dimension is useful and practical to geographers and

other researchers. Finally, it is pretty clear that the dimension and the morphology

are not independent of each other and that the dimensional relationships which

were discovered in a system, which has directly or intermediately impact on the

structure or cast of the system. The dimension, even if we refer to one dimension,

two dimensions or three dimensions, must be considered, along morphology, as an

integrated component of geographical structures and systems. Size, proportion,

largeness, capaciousness, volume, vastest, extension, capacity, progress etc. are

terms that can be found in the actual geographical terminology, are attributes which

are particular to geographical systems, are parameters which define the

geographical systems, are countable states etc, but firstly they are expressivenesses

and dimensional expressions.

Functional state of the Geographical Axes

A geographic axis is composed of elements, and the way it works shows its

functional state. The functionality consolidates in a united complex the ensemble of

aspects which acts upon the systems, integrating the system its own natural

Theory of the geographical axes 101

environment, its history and relationships, so that it offers the method through

which the system can adjust itself to the superior system complex. Geography is an

integrated entity formed by elements, relationships, structures, dynamics,

processes, phenomena, systems, functionalities, and endings in teleological way,

balances, methods, models etc. In addition, a classical axis is the one superposing

the interface line between two major geographical environments such as land and

water in the case of the Black Sea seaside. In all these cases, the a priori

achievement of a natural gravity turned into a genuine spatial matrix can be

ascertained, invariably followed by human gravity and concentration (Cocean,

2010). We can rediscover this notion as a syntagma: axis of terror, colonialist axis,

axis of environmental evil etc.


The most recent example that supports this theory is Geographic axes and the

persistence of cultural diversity (Laitin et al., 2012). The issue now in discussion is

to see what extent the definitions; concepts; paradigm and technical-

methodological structure would prove their creditableness. The tandem of the

integrationist processes, so familiar to geography, could be understood from other

levels avoiding the division between disciplines, which proves to be inadequate and

devoid of understanding to cover the dynamics and magnitude of the phenomenon

of integration. It must be said that geographic integration is in fact interaction,

interdependence, namely a system of influence and connection that occurs in

different ways in what concerns the relationships between the systems. The

geographical phenomenon is structured according to specific dimensions, which

give the possibility of systematic regulation of the geographical facts, such

conditions will be changed, always different from the previous ones, but with

proportional charge according to the material potential, energy and information

from the origin system towards he acceptance. The dimension of such geographical

system is just a function of the ability of perception and functioning of that system.

It appears according the conditions presented previously, the chance of enunciating

the first definition, the notion of dimension in geographical sense: in acceptance,

quantity with quality charge. This first definition, which is a philosophical one also,

can always receive other meanings, and it even allows a geographical

understanding if examples are used (the axis). Regarded as a moment of the

dimension, the quantitative dimension becomes a limit of the qualitative dimension

and reverse. This specification demonstrates not only the quantitative aspect of the

dimension, even geographical, but also reveals the intimate connection and

necessary for any item, relationship or transformation into a ecosystem

(geographical axis), between the qualitative dimension and the quantitative one,

materialized connection continue resize them. For example, when the quantitative

size of the axis is changed, by simply increasing or decreasing, beyond the specific

interspaces of the dimension, in the system will alter the qualitative dimension, so

that we will confront some special even risky phenomena (e.g. floods, droughts


102 Călin Cornel POP

Definition and example for Geographical Axes

The multitude of correlations which are established at any geographical system,

as a result of connections between components, through their intimacy (regarded as

organization estate), or even the state of entropy, and here is the need for any

system to be under the planning activity. Deep analysis of correlations can lead to

great results in any plan of activities, especially defining the estate of a

geographical system. From our point of view, we set out that all systems benefit in

different moments a particular organization, the organization is the moment estate,

a dependant estate, but instead, through the planning action which represents the

estate that may be potential, are cut out the dependency. For example, the

geographical axis Jibou-Zalau-Simleu Silvaniei-Marghita, presents a particular

organization, but by planning and scheduling of some bridges instead of the current

crossing-points roads ate the same level with the railways, the axis changes its

estate (transport appreciation), cuts in the independence. Definitely, what happens

“after” is also called organization but with a new status. A closer definition of

geography can present the geographical axis as a territorial axis. The explication

comes from the meaning of the words “complex” and “territory”. The classification

of the conceptual expressions of this two terms, allow to some extent the opening

of the terminological proportions relating the geographical axis. The territorial

social realities seen through the axis theory have as an exponent a phrase that is

very publicized in the recent past called the “ axis of evil”, an axis formed by the

following countries: Iraq – Afghanistan – North Korea (DiFilippo, 2006). Another

example is related to our country (“The Geography of Romania. Fundamental

Problems”, 2002), where it is shown that “Romania is a country located at the

intersection of the most important geo-economical axes, and also the most

important geo-strategic axes of the continent”. The attribute complex for a

geographical axis derives from the fact that: geographical axes result through many

assemblages; they have many standards; genetically, a geographical axis is

composed by many elements; it becomes multivalent; it takes many shapes; the

axis development is and becomes many-sided; the events of an axis have a large

evolution. Territory: as a concept presents a range of meanings. Firstly, there are

accepted, according to various criteria (geographical or not), which can be the basis

for understanding the general notion of: area, perimeter, land, district, county,

surface, domain, region etc. Axis = flows configuration, connection fettle. Territory

= a concept with many meanings, from the surface to the Earth or a particular

place, with a state structure, to a land of somebody, to the area of a county or

surface with emotional meaning, a transaction area or an argument one an social,

political or military contest. The territory is first of all a material structure,

energetic and informative, therefore is a systemic structure, because it has an age, a

shape, relationships, entrances, exits, estates, matter, density, spaciousness,

relativity, mathematical expression, ecology, history, chemistry etc. All these

features are representative whether we talk about a place, land unit or land system.

The place is the part of a land, where the geomorphologic load, petrologic and

vegetal is the same everywhere. The land unit represents hierarchic the next level,

Theory of the geographical axes 103

constituted by many related places, which has a particular cast in a system. The

land system represents the superior form in territorial organization, and in the case

of our study, we can appreciate the axis set as a land system to make the analysis

easier but also the practical applicability of the necessities and chances for the axis.

To conclude, according to these short interpretations of the terms “complex” and

“territory”, we can say that a geographical axis, highlights the organizing way of

the geographic space, respective specifying the vegetal elements (optimum, risks

and hazards) which can appear, for a well-done territorial planning which is

defined. The geographical axis can be defined as a line with a spatial-temporal

force, a line which allows in a temporal-spatial way the geographical diagnosis

and forecasting of the territory, a history which can take many different

geometrical shapes and dimensions according to the capacity of constitutive

polarization (Pop, 2003). Other examples of geographical constructions axis type

would be the Prahova Valley axis, the Trotuş Valley, the Black Sea coast strip, the

Siret Valley, the Mureş corridor between Deva and Lipova, the Mureş and Olt

Valley in depressions, the Silvania axis (Jibou - Zalău - Şimleu Silvaniei -

Marghita), the intercounty axes (Târgu Mureş - Aiud, Sighişoara-Blaj) and so on.

According to these examples we manage the transition towards the terminological

specifications, but also the preliminary setting of a typology and the specifics

regarding the axis type constructions limits (Pop, 2005).

If the functional territory of the axis is considered by the transport networks and

the nearby of them, the analysis gets a more precise disposition, without the

integrated character, wishful in the axis analysis. Finally, the establishment of the

some precise limits, in the analysis of the geographical axis Jibou-Zalau-Simleu

Silvaniei-Marghita, would be foreign to the purpose. Actually, the axis is a setting

in the environment, it is a setting which falls under the head of Sylvan country-

historically, Bihor and Salaj counties – administratively; regional-administratively

it belongs to the north-western region; geographically to the Banato-Crisana Hills

in the unity of Silvano-Somesene Hills; Salaj type – climatic (Vintila Mihailescu;

Jibou, Zalau, Simleu Silvaniei region), code (b, 1+, o, t0, p+, x+, V), si Satu-Mare

type (Marghita region), code (b, 1, o, t0, p+, p, x0, V); periglacial, the transition

domain within discontinuous permafrost and the mountain one (Jibou-Zalau-

Simleu Silvaniei area); areal belongs to the Depressions Somes-Guruslau-Salaj

Hills-Zalau Depression-Simleu Depression-Camarului Hills-Barcau Alley;

hydrological to Tisa hallow; economical to national level to poor places; sylvan

(forest frequency), to values 20-30%; according to the regional agrarian production

position; according to the livestock and potato crop area (Jibou area), the region of

vine culture and livestock (Zalau area), the zone of culture of fruits trees and vine

(Simleu-Silvaniei area); the area of farming for meat and grain crop (Marghita

area); urban, of the smalls and medium cities; in terms of human landscapes, the

grain landscape in the low forest (the Somesan table land); touristic – with

medium-high potential, studied and analyzed in consequence; according to the

functional setting of the north-western region, critical areas (Zalau and Simleu-

Silvaniei), under-privileged areas (Jibou).

104 Călin Cornel POP

The geographic axis organization and the relationships

The geographical axes work by integrating the components so that every point,

place, level, formation command, derived axes, main axes, local spots etc, have

their own organization rules. For this subject you can think the organization of the

axis, so that its functionality is relevant to the optimum standards.

The geographical axis (Pop, 2003), Jibou-Zalau-Simleu Silvaniei-Marghita, is

a functional territorial axis, defined through the next components (Figure 1):

a) a functional urban centre, built from four unequal parts, which is

constituted from the dominant urban spots, the most important: Jibou, Zalau,

Simleu-Silvaniei, Marghita;

b) the territory adequate to the urban centre (peripheral), which is limited to

the urban from the natural, social and economic;

c) a functional rural core, structured according to the capacity of the

geographical rural space of the axis, referred to the communal centre;

d) the rural functional cores, referred to the villages which belong to the axis

e) the immediate neighborhood of the rural, namely the axis peripheral;

f) natural environment given by the vertical and spatial-plan extremities of the


Fig. 1. Geographical axis Jibou-Zalău-Şimleu Silvaniei-Marghita

There are different relationships in an axis, they are complex and accomplish

many functions: material, energetic, informational and relational. The relationships

are under the incidence of the permanent factors, temporal or casual, which also

influence them and give them directions. The relationships are of different types:

synergetic, co evolutional and mutual assertion. Through the relationships

reflection, in different time moments results various estates of fragility,

Theory of the geographical axes 105

degradation, stability or repressiveness. An axis is a function of what has been

enforced to it by the pair chain. An axis has its own identity, but because it is a

subordinate component at the independent predicator and hierarchic holons

superiors and inferiors. Concurrently an axis is bond to the function that it

accomplishes. The relationships in an axis depend on the bond level, on the bonds

hierarchy, the axis is a structure where communication and cooperation between

the components give strength to the axis, resulting the fact that the axis would be of

high quality. The levels of associations in an axis depend on the segments

cooperation. This level of the bonds, sometimes can be strong or very strong, or in

other places of the axis, very week. In this moment or from this moment, in the axis

there can be risk estates, of weakness etc. Systemically, if we add the “on” particle,

we can say that the axis is an “ax on” (as proton, neutron, holon etc), namely it

represents more than just the amount of its parts taken individually. The

geographical axes depend on what is offered by the combination of its components.

The Americas span a much greater distance north-south (9,000 miles) than east-

west; only 3,000 miles at the widest, narrowing to a mere 40 miles at the Isthmus

of Panama. In contrast, the major axis of Eurasia is east-west. This simple

observation facilitates an understanding of broad historical patterns. The rapid

spread of grains, animals, technologies, and empires across Eurasia is attributed to

the low level of variation in latitude along the lines of settlement. Meanwhile,

agricultural innovations in the Americas (treated as a single continent) and Africa

were slower and less successful. These continents’ north-south orientations made

technological diffusion inappropriate and counter-productive. Continental axes,

therefore, are one of the four important factors explaining Eurasian world

domination. However, the continental axis theory has even broader contemporary

relevance. One implication of the theory, is that east-west expansion of states

delimits cultural diversity but north-south expansion sustains it (Laitin et al., 2012).

Like this appear the new qualities, dependent and taken rise from parts

combination. From what was said up until now and thanks to the fact that in the

axis will always exist estates which will allow any estates which will not allow any

manifestation, we can conclude the following about the axis semantics. The axes

(geographical axes) go about people, groups, beings, generally solids, liquids and

gases, energy and information with the purpose of conservation, namely rest

entropy elimination or any other way of treatment. These paths can be useful for

everybody, and also be used for only some particular products, to some explorers

or costumers, with or without services in both cases: they can be technical,

geographical (functional), cultural and aesthetic. All these paths are programs

elements, not only at the level of their creation but also at the level of their

exploitation, causing mobile interference and different expansion or retreat, in the

axis complex that has been created. Structural, a geographical axis has the present

estate at its basis, and also it takes into account the potential directional

intercessions development according to the co evolution and polarization ground

rules. The general model of the axis, has at its basis the support element (the real or

imaginary line), has the developing poles in natural and human profile, but it also

106 Călin Cornel POP

have components with a bigger natural load. The main line has the role to canalize,

to concentrate all the material flows, energetic and informational in an integrative

way (inside). This activity it must be kept out of agglomeration (e.g. the main line)

to avoid a defect.

State of geographical integration in the axis and the geosystemic


Geographic integration as being the most specific principle of geography

because it shows the way which leads to the purpose of geography, that being: the

description and the explanation of the territorial unit (Mihăilescu, 1968). The axis

as a whole, but particularly the axis with its main elements, can be read from the

point of view of the integration (also of the analysis etc.), using the following

criteria (Pop, 2005):

Immersion, meaning that the major components are incorporated, are an

integral part of the axis, same as the subcomponents to the ultra structural level

are incorporated to the organized states.

Associations, of several subsystems, for the formation of the axis in order to

statute some interests and common purposes in terms of natural, social and

economic point of view. Please note that the building-up of the major systems

and also subsystems is still done through the process of association.

Inclusion, considering that any of the axis elements also belong to the four

major components, as the elements that give the structure of the major

components belong to the subsystems also.

Fusion, understood as the merging og the axis forms (subsystems) in the

fund (axis), so the axis becomes a single system that has a proper functioning for

the new state.

Affiliation (no affiliation) meaning that the components are consecutive

subsystems of the axis system, whether they are considered punctual or area, but

remember that some subcomponents of the four major components may not

belong to the axis area as well as they can belong entirely or to be only attached

to the axis.

Overlapping, which involves explanations of bifurcations, when the axis, as

a whole, coincides with the subcomponents or vice versa, subcomponents

coincide with the axis, which means you can talk about the axis and understand it

partial or talk about components to the level of axis.

If different particles have the tendency to organize into more and more

complicated systems, it means that beyond the order principle and system

organization, there should be a system of universal integration (Restian, 1989). The

functionality and the operation of a geographical system has an appropriate and

active characteristic because of the need to assure its sustainability in different

environmental conditions, as geographical transformations follow a certain finality.

At this juncture, the reason for the geographical axis Jibou-Zalau-Simleu Silvaniei-

Marghita to exist, to be taken as a geographical system in dynamic balance is given

by the active and appropriate character of the herein reactions which can take place

Theory of the geographical axes 107

in and out of the system. If a geographical system (axis) would react chaotically to

the received information, it would destroy itself. For the studied axis, this would be

observed partial through sequential analysis of a geographic system which is

integrated within, such as a city. In another train of ideas, the functional self-

adjustment (self-conservation of the axis is the premise of balance therefore the

durability. Adequacy can be considered a sequential parameter, so that does not

deplete the character of the variations, being merely a response to an immediate

utility (sustainability sequential) for the geographical system. The adequacy of the

geographical system integrated to the axis took place and should be in line with the

purpose of sub sequential changes of the environment. Notice that two states of the

geographical system, adaptation and adequacy, emphasize two major features of a

geosystem, namely the component and the sequential. Adaptation and adequacy,

for a geographical system are also two initial moments of the progress, of a future

state, actually being the consequence of the interaction with the changed and

changeable (permanent change) conditions of the environment. It is known that

environmental conditions have a relative stability, they maintain themselves

relatively constant between certain limits, to the extent that within those limits do

not appear catastrophe variations. In order to demonstrate the capacity of a science

to integrate the multiplicity of territorial components in a unitary whale, it is

sufficient to build up a unitary epistemological system, whose basis can further

lead to inter and trans-subjects communication (Ianoş, 2000). This relativity, which

arises from the some states of the time, allows shaping particularities of the

functional a structural improvement for a system. Component, sequential,

functional and structural, are realities that characterizes a geographical system

(geographical axis) and that lead to an additional fifth major features, namely the

behavior improvement.

The axis – example of environment (natural – antropic) territorial model


Territory - a concept with a large meaning, starting from that of a potion of

Earth or a given space, or the area of existence of a state or of a nation, or a space

of spiritual belonging to, of economic administration or of social, political and

military dispute (Mac, 2000).

a. Functional environment

1.1. Functional state of the functional environment (deep)

1.2. Residential state of the functional environment

1.3. Recreational state of the functional environment

1.4. Relational state of the functional environment

b. Residential environment

2.1 Functional state of the residential environment

2.2 Residential state of the residential environment (deep)

2.3 Recreational state of the residential environment

2.4 Relational state of the residential environment

c. Recreational environment

108 Călin Cornel POP

2.5 Functional state of the recreational environment

2.6 Residential state of the recreational environment

2.7 Recreational state of the recreational environment (deep)

2.8 Relational state of the recreational environment

d. Relational environment

4.1 Functional state of the relational environment

4.2 Residential state of the relational environment

4.3 Recreational state of the relational environment

4.4 Relational state of the relational environment (deep)

Methodological Analysis

It must be said that in its entire set, the axis has at least the following initial

properties (Pop, 2013):

It is caught between certain limits, so it has a space (in the case of

the axis itself, we will consider the geomorphologic compulsion given by the

top of the slopes as the limit benchmark), it has duration (time) , depending on

the case, has its own surrounding areas, it has relationships (intrinsically,

extrinsically, between elements and the environment, the system and


It presents certain material component, not only plan-spatial but also

vertical, including the natural element, man, derivates or new items, the visible,

or even those hidden resources and also the no mineral ones – climate, but of

high impact

It has a shape (geometric), which can be extremely useful, especially

in local studies of high complexity (foe example – transport, distances,


It has functions (motion), which in a graphic representation would

be on the ordinate axis, levels of contrast.

The axis has also another geographical load such as history, demography,

settlements, social, education, politics, administration, culture, religion, ethnicity,

technology etc., that may be used in a speech and another phrases for axis, such as

(axis in the form of): humanized landscapes, (micro) region, (anthrop) geographical

location, geographical landscapes, cultural landscape, industrial environment,

financial environment, anthropogenic landscape etc., according to the criteria,

conditions, expression scale, infusions, adjacency, paradigms (ways of dealing in

knowledge) etc. The axis type settings are open to major changes in their evolution,

in some cases very rapidly, that the old states (forms) are replaced by the new ones.

When in comes to inhabited territories in the axis, the transformations can evolve

very alert, but more and more configurations have traces (inherited) of the already

consumed states (for example- the axis cities case, or even outskirts structures).

The analysis on limited territorial spaces of Sylvania will follow it objective, to

present to each of these territorial units, the elements in integrated geography made

available in the perspective of sustainable development. These units (m.t.m.) will

be hierarchical reported, so that every regional environment would have a final

Theory of the geographical axes 109

synthesis after the particular analysis, which is also the axis reported to the superior

levels. Ts to reduce space (S) and grow the analysis (A). In this way, on the axis

and each territorial environment in the axis taken into geographical integrated

analysis will distinguish the areas (states) which have a greater territorial

favorability degree, so a necessary and useful optimal of sustainable development

in relation with other states. Thus, for the axis can be established the territorial

centers of the axis, of the environments (major, medium, reduced to its

importance); the places which have a greater need of infusions; the places around

which, logically, may gravitate the other elements (territorial satellites); the

regional inventory of the environment, also could be found the areas of the axis and

the small symmetric territories (boulevards, linear villages etc.) with more entropic

load than the asymmetric ones (more natural), which introduce tension in the

territory and break the monotony. The territorial load of the axis, keeps to the

ground rule based on the “spot theory”, in other words, the extent and intensity of

the load will decrease from centre to outside (from 1 to 9), will have a path from

the agglomerate environments to the almost natural, infrequent.

Thus can identify which are:

The fragile environments, which need more so that it can be useful to the

sustainable development;

The strong environments which develop and support sustainable;

The medium environments, which can improve but it also can fall to the

opposite side;

The decrease elements (infrastructure, facilities etc.);

Constructive and destructive conflict states in the axis;

Rare or crowded environments;

New support elements of sustainable development;

Juxtaposition, junctions;

Functionalities, no functionalities;

Possible models;

Agrarian, sylvan environments (ecological graves);

Urban and rural settings;

Exploitable environments and the exploited ones;

Reconstruction environments, out warned, restorable;

The natural environment from the entropic (educational, religious

administrative, commercial, economic etc.).

All these environments, territories or items will show different states in relation

to one another, but none will be removed and unschooled, because each has its own

geography, moments and spaces of entropy or has the potential for sustainable

development, both for itself and for the entire axis system.


To sum up, the geographical system, such as axes, are beneficiaries of the

memories where, according to the characteristics state above, are accumulated a

110 Călin Cornel POP

number of essential parameters of the various states in their most effective form for

enriching the state with the purpose of hardening the system (improvement of the

state states). For example, integration or no integration of a new feature in the axis

would be a very important change because the axis would have a different status in

terms of numbers, functions etc. Regarding the previous and later evolution of a

system (axis), the first moments of the structural and functional changes have a

savage character. Integration, actually, the perpetual nature of integration, allows

the start of a process of improvement for these changes. Finalities are the states

defined by the efficiencies growth, effect and reducing unnecessary loss of

substances, energy, information, space, time etc. in the axis. Viewed as a whole, the

urban architecture of the axis should have a greater role (as attractors) to allow

increasing behavior complexity, advancement of throttles and self throttles, as well

as a more sustainable, faster system of geographical axis Jibou-Zalau-Simleu

Silvaniei-Marghita. Geographical axes are firstly system. Systems have structures

and structure is given by elements. By a simple equation, there is clearly that a

geographical axis has a structure, elements, relationships, so that it can be regarded

as a system. The element always has potential opportunities, which can exist in a

chaotic way, they have to be organized, do that they form a system structure.

Historical organizations (empires, provinces etc.) or current administrative

organizations (counties, regions, contest etc.) seem to have based on a need for

territories organization. Geographically, we approve the configuration of the

natural and human elements in the form of axes. Also geographically, we have to

search those structures, those territorial organizations which can achieve optimum

of the sustainable needs of the potential opportunities of the geographical elements.

These geographical organizations, such as axes, should be guided by the principle

of maximum efficiency with minimum consumption of energy and substance, so

the trend of evolution of such geographical organization works on a reverse

direction that the entropy increases. The entropy trajectory is to the analyzed axis,

with two-way, towards the inside or outside that is depending on what changes the

place and how, or how we see the axis: static or dynamic, depending on the

organization, according to the planning, depending on the paths, according to the

attractive, to the risks and hazards etc. for and from organized levels,

heterogeneous organization. The analysis to the level of geographical axis of

Sylvania must take into account the scale levels, which are worked out and what

exist and what we integrate to this levels. Thus, the total level of the axis will be

the macro scale, meaning the maximum level that is not required to adopt certain

specific limits (see figures). This level, in this context, has the greatest degree of

heterogeneity, and the study should cover areas, the axis components but also those

of malfunctions at the axis. The three sectors (Jibou-Zalau; Zalau-Simleu Silvaniei;

Simleu Silvaniei-Marghita), for example, will give the level of the medium scale,

and these levels are interpreted as heterogeneous units ranks. At this level could be

taken into account the major relief stairs or any other organizing ways (more of

compartmenting) of the axis. The components that give the micro scale will mark

the detailed evaluation of the axis. At this level can be considered the four

Theory of the geographical axes 111

depression units (Guruslau Depression, Zalau Depression, Simleu Depression,

Marghita Depression or Barcau Basin) or the settlement in the axis, but whatever

we integrate at this level has to be tracked the aspects of integration and integrated

background and the axis shape. The ground rule underlying the relationship

between these scaling levels is the continuous integration principle, namely a series

between scales. Levels: macro, medium, micro; setting: rural, urban,

administrative, agricultural, forestry; structures: ethnic, religious; shapes: rectangle,

square, triangle, scope; networks: road, rail; dimensions: natural, social, economic,

historic, in the axis. Any aspect of the load may alternatively relation with two or

more elements, for example- the axis or the environment and territorial model can

be defined as those segments, moments, creations, or geographical constructions of

a major territorial construction (a geographical region), in which human

relationships with the natural environment where he exists and proliferates is so

much refined through connections directly or not, so that both of the existential

realities, joint in one unit namely geography (combined into a whole), are in

different moments, depending on the tempo-spatial scale where it is developing,

closely connected with each other. Such reports can set different sceneries resulting

areas or favorable conditions (to follow), or imbalanced (those which claim the

sustainable interventions).

Rezumat. O axă geografică se compune din elemente, iar modul în care acestea se

comportă reflectă starea ei de funcţionare. Funcţionalitatea cimentează într-un complex

unificat ansamblul aspectelor care acţionează asupra sistemelor, integrându-i sistemului

mediul său natural, trecutul istoric şi relaţiile, oferindu-i astfel mijlocul prin care sistemul

se poate adapta sistemului complex superior. Geografia este un tot integrat care constă din

elemente, relaţii, structuri, dinamici, procese, fenomene, sisteme, funcţionalităţi şi finalităţi

în sens teleologic, echilibre, metode, modele etc. Problema care se pune acum este aceea

de a întrevedea în ce măsură definiţiile, conceptele, paradigmele şi structurile teoretico-

metodologice îşi vor dovedi fiabilitatea. Tandemul proceselor integraţioniste, atât de

familiare geografiei, trebuie înţelese de pe alte paliere, adică evitând scindarea între

discipline, fapt ce se doveşte insuficient şi lipsit de comprehensiune pentru a cuprinde

dinamica şi magnitudinea fenomenului integrării. Trebuie spus că integrarea geografică,

este în fapt, interacţiune, intercondiţionare, interdependenţă, adică un sistem de influenţă şi

legătură care se manifestă în moduri diferite în ceea ce priveşte relaţiile din sisteme. În

arhetipul structurilor spaţiale, pe lângă morfologie ca prim component, apare într-un mod

mai degrabă abstract ca şi un al doilea component dimensiunea, adică dimensiunea

fenomenului ce se cercetează. Ca şi exemple grăitoare pentru axă ar fi, dimensiunea

evoluţiei, dimensiunea structurii-sistemice, dimensiunea urbană, dimensiunea rurală,

dimensiunea demografică, dimensiunea agricolă, dimensiunea arabilă, dimensiunea

vitipomicolă, dimensiunea turistică etc. Morfologia, ca prim component, este identificată

ca fiind proprietatea dimensiunii unor forme. Analiza dimensională a fenomenului, ca al

doilea component, este mai mult o tehnică, care depinde de proprietatea dimensiunilor,

fiind folosită în formularea teoriei şi explicarea realităţilor sistemului, ale subsistemelor şi

ale suprasistemelor. Putem vorbi de forma dimensiunilor geografice, ca de ceva ce dictează

în prezent, dar în special de conţinutul faptic al formelor ca de ceva ce va dicta ulterior,

adică în viitor. În concluzie, sistemele geografice, de tipul axelor, sunt beneficiarii unor

112 Călin Cornel POP

memorii, unde se acumulează funcţie de caracteristicile enunţate anterior, o serie de

parametri esenţiali ai diferitelor stări, în forma lor cea mai eficientă, pentru a îmbogăţi

stările în perspectiva durabilizării sistemului (perfecţionarea acestor stări de stare). De

exemplu, integrarea sau nonintegrarea unui aspect nou în axă, ar fi o modificare foarte

importată întrucât axa, ar beneficia de o altă stare din punct de vedere numeric, funcţional



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