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Canine leukocyte adhesion deficiency colony for investigation of novel hematopoietic therapies

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Canine leukocyte adhesion deficiency colony for investigation of novel hematopoietic therapies Kate E. Creevy a , Thomas R. Bauer Jr. a , Laura M. Tuschong a , Lisa J. Embree a , Lyn Colenda b , Kevin Cogan b , Matthew F. Starost b , Mark E. Haskins c , Dennis D. Hickstein a,* a Experimental Transplantation and Immunology Branch, Center for Cancer Research, National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health, Building 10, Rm 12C-116, 10 Center Drive, Bethesda, MD 20892, USA b Office of Research Services, Veterinary Resource Program, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD 20892, USA c Department of Pathobiology, School of Veterinary Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA 19104, USA Received 20 December 2002; received in revised form 10 March 2003; accepted 10 March 2003 Abstract The genetic immunodeficiency disease canine leukocyte adhesion deficiency (CLAD) was originally described in juvenile Irish Setters with severe, recurrent bacterial infections. CLAD was subsequently shown to result from a mutation in the leukocyte integrin CD18 subunit which prevents leukocyte surface expression of the CD11/CD18 complex. We describe the development of a mixed-breed CLAD colony with clinical features that closely parallel those described in Irish Setters. We demonstrate that the early identification of CLAD heterozygotes and CLAD-affected dogs by a combination of flow cytometry and DNA sequencing allows the CLAD-affected animals to receive life-saving antibiotic therapy. The distinct clinical phenotype in CLAD, the ability to detect CD18 on the leukocyte surface by flow cytometry, and the history of the canine model in marrow transplantation, enable CLAD to serve as an attractive large-animal model for the investigation of novel hematopoietic stem cell and gene therapy strategies. Published by Elsevier B.V. Keywords: Canine; Adhesion; Leukocyte 1. Introduction Irish Setter dogs with the genetic immunodeficiency disease canine leukocyte adhesion deficiency (CLAD) experience recurrent life-threatening bacterial infec- tions due to marked defects in the ability of their leukocytes to adhere to vessel walls and migrate to the site of infection (Trowald-Wigh et al., 1992, 2000). CLAD results from a mutation in the common CD18 subunit of the leukocyte integrin family of adhesion molecules, which is required for surface expression of the CD11/CD18 molecules (Fig. 1)(Kijas et al., 1999; Springer et al., 1984). CLAD was first described in the late 1970s in the Irish Setter and was referred to as ‘‘canine granulocytopathy Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology 94 (2003) 11–22 Abbreviations: CLAD, canine leukocyte adhesion deficiency; HOD, hypertrophic osteodystrophy; LAD, leukocyte adhesion deficiency; DLA, dog leukocyte antigen; FACS, fluorescent activated cell sorting; VNTR, variable number of tandem repeats * Corresponding author. Tel.: þ1-301-594-1718; fax: þ1-301-402-5054. E-mail address: [email protected] (D.D. Hickstein). 0165-2427/03/$ – see front matter. Published by Elsevier B.V. doi:10.1016/S0165-2427(03)00057-6

Canine leukocyte adhesion deficiency colony forinvestigation of novel hematopoietic therapies

Kate E. Creevya, Thomas R. Bauer Jr.a, Laura M. Tuschonga, Lisa J. Embreea,Lyn Colendab, Kevin Coganb, Matthew F. Starostb,

Mark E. Haskinsc, Dennis D. Hicksteina,*

aExperimental Transplantation and Immunology Branch, Center for Cancer Research, National Cancer Institute,

National Institutes of Health, Building 10, Rm 12C-116, 10 Center Drive, Bethesda, MD 20892, USAbOffice of Research Services, Veterinary Resource Program, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD 20892, USA

cDepartment of Pathobiology, School of Veterinary Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA 19104, USA

Received 20 December 2002; received in revised form 10 March 2003; accepted 10 March 2003


The genetic immunodeficiency disease canine leukocyte adhesion deficiency (CLAD) was originally described in juvenile

Irish Setters with severe, recurrent bacterial infections. CLAD was subsequently shown to result from a mutation in the

leukocyte integrin CD18 subunit which prevents leukocyte surface expression of the CD11/CD18 complex. We describe the

development of a mixed-breed CLAD colony with clinical features that closely parallel those described in Irish Setters. We

demonstrate that the early identification of CLAD heterozygotes and CLAD-affected dogs by a combination of flow cytometry

and DNA sequencing allows the CLAD-affected animals to receive life-saving antibiotic therapy. The distinct clinical phenotype

in CLAD, the ability to detect CD18 on the leukocyte surface by flow cytometry, and the history of the canine model in marrow

transplantation, enable CLAD to serve as an attractive large-animal model for the investigation of novel hematopoietic stem cell

and gene therapy strategies.

Published by Elsevier B.V.

Keywords: Canine; Adhesion; Leukocyte

1. Introduction

Irish Setter dogs with the genetic immunodeficiency

disease canine leukocyte adhesion deficiency (CLAD)

experience recurrent life-threatening bacterial infec-

tions due to marked defects in the ability of their

leukocytes to adhere to vessel walls and migrate to the

site of infection (Trowald-Wigh et al., 1992, 2000).

CLAD results from a mutation in the common CD18

subunit of the leukocyte integrin family of adhesion

molecules, which is required for surface expression of

the CD11/CD18 molecules (Fig. 1) (Kijas et al., 1999;

Springer et al., 1984).

CLAD was first described in the late 1970s in the Irish

Setter and was referred to as ‘‘canine granulocytopathy

Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology 94 (2003) 11–22

Abbreviations: CLAD, canine leukocyte adhesion deficiency;

HOD, hypertrophic osteodystrophy; LAD, leukocyte adhesion

deficiency; DLA, dog leukocyte antigen; FACS, fluorescent

activated cell sorting; VNTR, variable number of tandem repeats* Corresponding author. Tel.: þ1-301-594-1718;

fax: þ1-301-402-5054.

E-mail address: [email protected] (D.D. Hickstein).

0165-2427/03/$ – see front matter. Published by Elsevier B.V.


syndrome’’ (Renshaw et al., 1975). Subsequent stu-

dies established the autosomal recessive nature of

inheritance of the disorder, as well as the severity

of the clinical phenotype, with terminal infectious

episodes in most instances (Renshaw and Davis,

1979). In the late 1980s CLAD was demonstrated

in an Irish Setter-cross-bred dog to be due to a

deficiency in surface expression of the CD11/CD18

leukocyte adhesion molecules (Giger et al., 1987).

Subsequently, two additional reports described the

clinical phenotype of CLAD in Irish Setters in Sweden

(Trowald-Wigh et al., 1992, 2000). Although CLAD

was first characterized in Irish Setters, it has now been

described in Irish Red And White Setters as well

(Debenham et al., 2002; Foureman et al., 2002).

In CLAD-affected dogs, the initial clinical signs

manifest shortly after birth with the development of

omphalitis, followed by frequent, severe bacterial

infections, typically accompanied by fever (Tro-

wald-Wigh et al., 2000). Despite antibiotic therapy,

CLAD-affected dogs in the community usually die or

are euthanized within the first few months of life

(Trowald-Wigh et al., 2000).

CLAD results from a single point mutation in the

CD18 gene, which results in a missense mutation of a

highly conserved cysteine residue (C36S) (Kijas

et al., 1999). This structural defect in CD18 pre-

cludes surface expression of the CD11/CD18 com-

plex (Fig. 1).

The phenotype of CLAD closely parallels the clin-

ical phenotype of the human disease leukocyte adhe-

sion deficiency (LAD). Children with LAD display

life-threatening bacterial infections (Anderson et al.,

1985; Anderson and Springer, 1987). In LAD, hetero-

geneous molecular defects in the CD18 molecule are

responsible for the disease (Kishimoto et al., 1987).

Fig. 1. Schematic of normal and mutant CD18 molecules in heterodimer formation and surface expression. The normal CD18 forms a

heterodimer with the CD11 subunit and is inserted into the leukocyte cell membrane, as depicted in the top panel. In CLAD, the mutant canine

CD18 is unable to dimerize properly with the CD11 subunits, resulting in the failure of the CD11/CD18 complex to be expressed on the

leukocyte membrane surface depicted in the bottom panel.

12 K.E. Creevy et al. / Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology 94 (2003) 11–22

Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation provides the

only definitive therapy for LAD (Thomas et al., 1995).

CLAD represents an attractive model for the inves-

tigation of novel hematopoietic stem cell transplant

regimens as well as hematopoietic stem cell gene

therapy approaches. The dog has been used exten-

sively for the development of clinical marrow trans-

plant protocols for more than 30 years (Storb and

Deeg, 1986; Storb et al., 1967, 1997). More recently,

dogs have been used to test novel gene therapy

approaches (Kiem et al., 1999; Schuening et al.,

1989). In this report, we describe the derivation and

detailed characterization of an outbred CLAD colony,

and the advantages of this model for the testing of

novel hematopoietic stem cell therapies.

2. Materials and methods

2.1. Dogs

All dogs were housed in facilities approved by the

American Association for Accreditation of Laboratory

Animal Care on the NIH Bethesda campus, the NIH

Animal Center inPoolesville, MD,and the University of

Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine. Dogs

were immunized against parvovirus, distemper virus,

canine infectious hepatitis virus, and rabies virus.

Research protocols were approved by the Institutional

Animal Care andUse Committee of the NationalCancer

Institute, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD.

Research was conducted according to principles out-

lined in the Guide for Laboratory Animal Facilities and

Care, provided by the National Academy of Sciences.

2.2. Pedigree

CLAD dogs used in this study were derived from a

breeding colony established from two Irish Setter het-

erozygous males. These heterozygous sibling males

were mated to normal mongrel females to generate

mixed-breed heterozygous males and females. These

heterozygotes were subsequently outbred to additional

normal dogs as shown in Fig. 2 (Pedigree/Draw#,

Population Genetics Laboratory, Southwest Foundation

for Biomedical Research, San Antonio, TX). These F1

Fig. 2. Partial pedigree of the CLAD colony derived from two founder male heterozygous littermates (dogs 1 and 2). Circles represent

females, and squares represent males. Normal dogs are depicted as open figures, heterozygotes are denoted by half-filled figures, and CLAD-

affected homozygotes are shown by filled figures. CLAD-affected animals were produced in the F2 generation. The colony mean coefficient of

inbreeding is 0.025.

K.E. Creevy et al. / Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology 94 (2003) 11–22 13

breedings were carried out at the NIH Animal Center in

Poolesville, MD, and at the University of Pennsylvania

School of Veterinary Medicine.

2.3. Litter management

In F2 litters all pups were identified and typed for

CLAD status at 7–10 days of age. Subcutaneous

microchips (AVID Friendchip#, Norco, CA) were

placed in all pups at this time to provide definitive

identification within the litter and the colony. An

aliquot of peripheral blood was used for white blood

cell count, flow cytometric analysis, DNA sequence

confirmation, and histocompatibility testing. White

blood cell counts were obtained on a commercial

automated counter (Baker 9118 CP, Biochem Immu-

nosystems, Bologna, Italy).

2.4. Flow cytometry

Peripheral blood leukocytes were analyzed by flow

cytometry. For these studies, red blood cells were

lysed with ACK lysing buffer (BioSource Interna-

tional, Camarillo, CA), leukocytes were counted and

standardized to a concentration of 5 � 106 cells/ml in

phosphate buffered saline (BioSource International,

Camarillo, CA) þ1% bovine albumin (ICN Biome-

dicals Inc., Aurora, OH), and aliquots were then

stained with fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC)-

labelled mouse anti-human CD18 monoclonal anti-

body (Dako Corporation, Carpinteria, CA). FITC-

labelled mouse anti-human isotype IgG1 antibody

was used as a negative control (Dako Corporation,

Carpinteria, CA). For each sample, 50,000 cells were

analyzed using a FACScan (Becton Dickson, Moun-

tain View, CA). Dead cells were gated out using

7-amino actinomycin D (Sigma–Aldrich, St. Louis,

MO) added to cells at 1 mg/ml. Commercial software

(FlowJo#, TreeStar Inc., San Carlos, CA) was used to

analyze the results. Neutrophils were gated, and ana-

lyzed on a histogram with an age-matched known

normal and known heterozygote, in both linear and log

fluorescence expression.

2.5. DNA sequencing for CLAD mutation

Genomic DNA was isolated from peripheral blood


Kit (Promega Corp., Madison, WI). Using primers

specific for canine genomic DNA that flank the site of

the CLAD mutation, a 442 base pair PCR product was

amplified using AmpliTaq Gold DNA Polymerase

(Applied Biosystems, Foster City, CA). After purifi-

cation using Microcon Spin Columns (Amicon, Milli-

pore, Bedford, MA), the template was commercially

sequenced (ACGT Inc., Northbrook, IL).

2.6. Radiographic findings

Skeletal radiographs were obtained from affected

animals during periods of clinically symptomatic

lameness or limb pain (CGR model SPG512S, Balti-

more, MD) and were developed on commercial X-ray

film (Kodak, Rochester, NY).

2.7. Canine histocompatibility testing

Genomic DNA from canine peripheral blood leu-

kocytes was isolated using a Genomic DNA purifica-

tion kit (Promega Corp.) according to manufacturer’s

protocols. DNA was subjected to PCR amplification

in a reaction containing a Cy5-endlabelled (Synthe-

gen LLC, Houston, TX) reverse primer and Platinum

Taq DNA Polymerase (Invitrogen, Carlsbad, CA).

Each sample was amplified separately using primer

sets to two highly polymorphic microsatellite mar-

kers: C.2200, near the class I dog leukocyte antigen

(DLA) major histocompatibility complex loci, or to

C.2202, near the Class II DLA loci, to ensure com-

plete DLA representation (Wagner et al., 1996).

Samples were amplified in an Applied Biosystems

GeneAmp PCR System 9700 and analyzed using a

Visible Genetics MicroGene Clipper according to the

manufacturer’s directions.

2.8. Preparation of bone for histological analysis

Bone tissue from the distal ulna and radius was

taken from a 2-month-old CLAD female euthanized

as a result of intractable infections that did not respond

to antibiotic therapy. The bone samples were

immersed in neutral buffered 10% formalin for 24 h

then transferred to a formic acid solution for decalci-

fication. Bone samples were then rinsed liberally with

tap water, dehydrated through a series of graded alco-

hols to xylene, and embedded in paraffin. Samples

14 K.E. Creevy et al. / Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology 94 (2003) 11–22

were cut into 5 mm sections and stained with hema-

toxylin and eosin.

3. Results

3.1. Establishment of a colony, and phenotypic/

genotypic identification

Two Irish Setter male CLAD heterozygous litter-

mates, who had the identical heterozygous genetic

defect at the CD18 locus (C36S), served as the foun-

ders for the establishment of the CLAD colony. These

two founder males are designated 1 and 2 (Fig. 2). This

molecular defect is the only CD18 mutation reported

in CLAD (Foureman et al., 2002; Kijas et al., 1999). In

the litter from which these males were obtained, three

female heterozygotes were also identified, as well as

one affected male pup, who displayed typical clinical

signs of CLAD and was euthanized at 4 months of age.

The two founder males were bred to four unrelated,

genotypically normal mongrel females to produce the

F1 generation. Two of these matings are depicted

(Fig. 2). Heterozygous males and females from these

breedings were used for further outbred F1 and F2

crosses. For clarity, the generation within the pedigree

is defined by the dam. CLAD-affected animals are

shown in Fig. 2 as filled figures, CLAD heterozygotes

as half-filled figures, and normal dogs as open figures.

CLAD heterozygotes selected for subsequent breed-

ing had few or no siblings in the colony, or displayed a

unique genotype by variable number of tandem

repeats (VNTR) analysis of the dog DLA loci. The

Fig. 3. Clinical manifestations characteristic of the CLAD phenotype. (A) Size difference of a CLAD-affected pup (left) and a normal

littermate (right) at 4 weeks of age. (B) Omphalitis and umbilical abscess in a 2-week-old pup. (C) Umbilical abscess in a 3-week-old pup. (D)

Metaphyseal swelling of the left carpal joint typical of HOD in a CLAD-affected pup at 3 months of age.

K.E. Creevy et al. / Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology 94 (2003) 11–22 15

establishment of the pedigree also served to confirm

the autosomal recessive nature of the mutation (Fig. 2).

3.2. Clinical features of CLAD

Privately-owned CLAD pups typically presented to

a veterinarian as juveniles with severe, recurrent, life-

threatening bacterial infections (Renshaw et al., 1975;

Trowald-Wigh et al., 2000). The clinical phenotype of

the mixed-breed CLAD dogs in our colony closely

paralleled the phenotype described previously in cases

of CLAD among client-owned dogs. Characteristics of

the clinical phenotype of CLAD are shown (Fig. 3). A

failure to gain weight at a rate commensurate with

littermates represented an initial indication of CLAD

(Fig. 3, panel A, compare the CLAD pup on the left

with its normal littermate on the right). Second, all

newborn pups in our colony who were ultimately

diagnosed with CLAD displayed delayed umbilical

cord detachment and, in several CLAD pups, the

delayed umbilical cord detachment progressed to

omphalitis and umbilical abscessation (Fig. 3, panels

B and C) (Table 1). The umbilical abscesses required

both drainage of purulent exudate, and prolonged

treatment with parenteral antibiotics. In addition, all

CLAD dogs developed fevers within the first 8 weeks

of life (Table 1). Several CLAD pups in our colony

also developed hypertrophic osteodystrophy (HOD)

with marked physeal swelling and lameness (Fig. 3,

panel D). This syndrome of HOD is described further.

The first pup with CLAD in our colony developed a

series of life-threatening infections. Thereafter, we

treated all CLAD pups with prophylactic, broad-spec-

trum antibiotics upon confirmation of the diagnosis of

CLAD. These episodes of pyrexia responded initially

to the institution of antibiotic therapy. Although pro-

phylactic therapy might be expected to alter the

clinical course, CLAD pups in our colony continued

to experience frequent infections, which responded

more slowly to antibiotic therapy with each subse-

quent episode.

Leukocytosis has been previously described in

CLAD, and was strongly correlated with the clinical

phenotype of CLAD in our colony (Table 1). The

leukocytosis developed as early as 1 week of age in

the CLAD dogs and consisted almost exclusively of

neutrophils. This leukocytosis ranged from a moderate

increase of 37,300/ml to a marked increase of 338,000/ml

(normal range 4000–15,500/ml) (Table 1).

3.3. Hypertrophic osteodystrophy

Lameness secondary to hypertrophic osteodystro-

phy (HOD) developed in the majority of the CLAD

Table 1

Summary of clinical signs, radiographic findings, and concurrent peripheral leukocyte counts in seven CLAD-affected pups



Age Clinical signs Radiographic


White blood

cell count (cells/ml)

57 10 days Omphalitis 57.5 � 103

6 weeks RF lameness, pain HOD RF 39.7 � 103

13 weeks RH lameness, pain, fever, anorexia HOD RH 37.3 � 103

15 weeks R/LH lameness, pain, fever, anorexia HOD of R/L stifles, tarsi, elbows, carpi 60.4 � 103

88 9 days Omphalitis 112.0 � 103

7 weeks Pustular dermatitis 53.6 � 103

8 weeks Fever, lethargy 47.4 � 103

90 9 days Umbilical abscess 338.0 � 103

10 weeks Fever, anorexia, lethargy 47.0 � 103

95 5 days Umbilical abscess 113.0 � 103

9 weeks Arthralgia, joint swelling, fever HOD of R/L stifles, tarsi 60.9 � 103

102 9 weeks Emesis, fever, lethargy 49.8 � 103

103 9 weeks Fever, anorexia, lethargy 70.9 � 103

11 weeks Fever, anorexia, lethargy 58.8 � 103

107 9 weeks RF lameness, fever, lethargy HOD of R/L carpi, elbows 37.0 � 103

109 9 weeks R carpal pain/swelling, fever, lethargy 46.5 � 103

Abbreviations: R, right; L, left; F, forelimb; H, hindlimb; HOD, hypertrophic osteodystrophy.

16 K.E. Creevy et al. / Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology 94 (2003) 11–22

dogs in our colony, and was treated supportively with

non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID’s).

HOD is a clinical diagnosis manifesting as migratory

metaphyseal pain, swelling, tenderness, fever and

lameness (Abeles et al., 1999). Radiographic lesions

provide definitive diagnosis of the syndrome, and

include radiolucent metaphyseal intramedullary foci,

with a radiopaque band bordering the physis (‘‘dou-

ble physis sign’’), and flared metaphyseal regions,

with deposition of periosteal new bone in one or

more concentric layers (‘‘periosteal cuffing sign’’)

(Fig. 4, compare the normal radiograph in panel A

with the radiograph of the CLAD animal with HOD

in panel B). Secondary angular limb deformities are

common sequelae of HOD and were exhibited in

several of our CLAD-affected animals (Abeles et al.,

1999; Woodard, 1982). The majority of CLAD

dogs within our colony experienced recurrent epi-

sodes of HOD commencing at approximately 2 mon-

ths of age. In the bone sections from a CLAD dog

with HOD who was euthanized at 2 months of age

due to intractable infections, there was microscopic

evidence of focal bone necrosis, loss of trabecular

bone and irregularly arranged new bone formation

(Fig. 4, panel D). The distorted medullary trabecu-

lar bone architecture with HOD was particularly

Fig. 4. Radiographic and histologic evidence of hypertrophic osteodystrophy in CLAD. (A) Lateral radiograph of the normal distal radius and

ulna from a 4-month-old dog. (B) Lateral radiographs of the distal radius and ulna of a 4-month-old CLAD dog with HOD. There is marked

soft tissue swelling, and a flared metaphysis with increased radiopacity at the physeal margin. There is a radiolucent area of intramedullary

lysis within the distal ulna indicated by the arrow. (C) Normal metaphysis with normal bone trabeculae displaying organized, linear areas of

bone formation (H and E staining, 100�). (D) Bone histopathology from the CLAD dog with HOD demonstrating loss of bone trabeculae with

disorganized new bone formation (H and E staining, 100�).

K.E. Creevy et al. / Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology 94 (2003) 11–22 17

apparent when contrasted with the microscopic sec-

tion of normal medullary trabecular bone (Fig. 4,

panel C).

3.4. Flow cytometry for analysis of CD18


To identify normal, CLAD heterozygous, and

CLAD-affected dogs, peripheral blood leukocytes

from 7–10-day-old pups were analyzed by flow

cytometry for CD18 expression. Although CD18 is

expressed on all leukocytes in association with the

leukocyte integrin CD11 subunits, the distinction

among the normal, heterozygote, and CLAD-

affected phenotypes on flow cytometry is best

observed by analysis of the neutrophils, because

the CD11/CD18 complex is one of the predominant

surface receptors of the neutrophil. The results of

analysis of peripheral blood neutrophils from a

representative litter are displayed (Fig. 5). While

CLAD-affected animals were readily apparent in

both linear and log fluorescence expression, histo-

gram analysis of linear fluorescence highlighted the

difference in CD18 expression between normal and

heterozygous animals. Normal neutrophils expressed

high levels of CD18, neutrophils from CLAD hetero-

zygotes demonstrated slightly lower levels of CD18

surface expression, and neutrophils from CLAD-

affected animals lacked surface expression of

CD18 (Fig. 5).

3.5. DNA sequence analysis of the CLAD


DNA sequencing at the CD18 genomic locus was

used to confirm the status of the CLAD alleles. The G

to C base pair substitution at codon 36 denotes the

CLAD allele (Fig. 6) (Kijas et al., 1999). CLAD-

affected animals are homozygous for the mutant allele

(Fig. 6, bottom panel).

Fig. 5. Flow cytometric analysis of neutrophil CD18 expression from a CLAD litter produced by the mating of two CLAD heterozygous dogs.

Peripheral blood leukocytes from 9-day-old puppies were stained with a FITC-labelled anti-CD18 monoclonal antibody and analyzed by linear


18 K.E. Creevy et al. / Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology 94 (2003) 11–22

3.6. Dog histocompatibility testing

Histocompatibility testing of all dogs in the colony

was accomplished using two microsatellite (VNTR)

markers, C.2200 and C.2202, which are closely linked

to the dog leukocyte antigen (DLA) Classes I and II

loci, and which are highly polymorphic (Wagner et al.,

1996). F2 crosses between heterozygotes were gov-

erned, in part, by pursuit of a diploid VNTR marker

mismatch between mates. That is, given two equally

distantly-related heterozygous male potential mates

for a given heterozygous female, the male who dif-

fered more substantially at the two VNTR loci was

selected as the mate. Crosses between animals who

were haploidentical at the VNTR loci, or who differed

in fragment size at any VNTR allele by fewer than

2 bp, were avoided whenever possible. These efforts

were intended to maintain as outbred a colony as

possible, and to maximize tissue type diversity, in

an attempt to mirror the situation in humans. VNTR

typing of carrier animals was used to identify those

who would be most useful additions to the breeding

colony and was also used to screen the littermates of

affected animals for potential hematopoietic stem cell

donors. The VNTR type of the F2 litter whose flow

cytometric profile is displayed in Fig. 4 is listed

(Table 2).

4. Discussion

We describe the establishment and characteriza-

tion of a mixed-breed CLAD colony. Despite the

severity of the clinical phenotype in the homozygous

state, knowledge of the precise molecular defect in

the CD18 subunit in CLAD permitted early and

definitive identification of CLAD-affected dogs, as

well as CLAD heterozygotes, using flow cytometry

and DNA sequencing. This allowed appropriate anti-

biotic therapy to be instituted in CLAD-affected

dogs within the first few days of life. Histocompat-

ibility typing, which was performed at the time that

Fig. 6. DNA sequence analysis of a normal, a CLAD heterozygote,

and a CLAD-affected dog is shown. DNA was obtained from

peripheral blood leukocytes, and sequenced with big dye termina-

tion sequencing. The G to C transposition was present on both

alleles in the homozygous CLAD-affected dog.

Table 2

VNTR identification of 8 littermate pups, generated by the mating of two CLAD heterozygotes

Dog Allele 1 (bp) Allele 2 (bp) VNTR

MHC Class I


MHC Class II


MHC Class I


MHC Class II


94 524 439 A 536 413 M AM

95 524 439 A 528 426 C AC

96 538 462 H 536 413 M HM

97 538 462 H 536 413 M HM

98 524 439 A 536 413 M AM

100 538 462 H 528 426 C HC

101 524 439 A 528 426 C AC

102 538 462 H 536 413 M HM

Alphabetical abbreviations for VNTR type are arbitrary. In this litter the father was VNTR type CM, and the mother was VNTR type AH.

K.E. Creevy et al. / Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology 94 (2003) 11–22 19

CLAD-affected and heterozygous dogs were identi-

fied, facilitated the retention of appropriately mat-

ched littermates. Detailed histocompatibility typing

using VNTR markers linked to the DLA loci also

allowed dogs with diverse tissue types to be purpose-

bred in the colony.

There are several features of CLAD that enable it to

serve as model for the development of novel hema-

topoietic approaches to therapy. First, the close clin-

ical parallel of the clinical phenotype of CLAD to the

phenotype of LAD indicates that therapeutic

approaches that are successful in CLAD are likely

to be relevant to therapy in LAD. Second, affected

CLAD dogs are homozygous for the identical mole-

cular defect in the CD18 subunit, which results in a

distinct clinical entity in which different therapies can

be assessed. Third, there are distinct and quantitative

parameters in CLAD to test for correction of the

disease phenotype. Fourth, the canine model is well

established as an experimental system in which novel

hematopoietic approaches to therapy, such as hema-

topoietic stem cell transplantation and hematopoietic

stem cell gene therapy, can be evaluated.

The clinical phenotype in CLAD closely resembles

that of LAD (Anderson et al., 1985). Omphalitis is

frequently a presenting sign in both CLAD and LAD,

as is the clinical picture of severe gingivitis, lympha-

denopathy, poor wound healing, and episodes of pyr-

exia and anorexia (Anderson et al., 1985). Infections

in both humans with LAD and dogs with CLAD are of

sufficient severity to be lethal if not treated promptly

with antibiotics. Thus, therapeutic approaches that

reverse the disease phenotype in CLAD would be

expected to be efficacious in LAD.

The genotype–phenotype relationship in CLAD and

the molecular defect in CLAD have recently been

shown to be a TGT to TCT change in codon 36 that

results in a missense amino acid change from a highly

conserved cysteine residue to a serine residue in the

extracellular domain of CD18 (Kijas et al., 1999).

Since this mutation most likely arose in a single

founder dog, and has been propagated through the

breed, all CLAD dogs reported have been homozy-

gous for the identical mutation (Debenham et al.,

2002; Foureman et al., 2002; Kijas et al., 1999).

CLAD in dogs is inherited in the same autosomal

recessive manner as the disease in humans. The tight

genotype–phenotype relationship in CLAD results in a

uniform clinical picture in untreated animals, against

which therapeutic interventions can be assessed.

The third feature of CLAD that makes it attractive

as a candidate disease for hematopoietic stem cell

therapy is the presence of distinct markers of disease.

These disease markers in CLAD include: (1) the

distinct clinical phenotype of frequent, life-threaten-

ing infections; (2) the lack of CD18-positive leuko-

cytes in the peripheral blood; and (3) the presence of a

marked elevation in the total peripheral blood leuko-

cyte count as a proxy for disease. Regarding the first

point, reversal of the disease phenotype remains the

cornerstone of any therapy in CLAD. Since most

CLAD dogs die or are euthanized by 4 months of

age due to infection, this outcome represents a clear

end-point against which future therapies can be com-

pared. In the second instance, since CD18-positive

leukocytes are not present in the peripheral blood of

CLAD dogs, the presence of CD18-positive leuko-

cytes in a CLAD dog, either from an allogeneic

hematopoietic stem cell transplantation, or from an

infusion of autologous, CD18 gene-corrected cells,

could be correlated with reversal of the disease phe-

notype. The presence and number of CD18-positive

leukocytes in the peripheral blood is easily detected

and quantified by flow cytometry. The third marker of

disease in CLAD is the peripheral blood white blood

cell count. This value is easily measured. A persistent

peripheral blood leukocytosis, typically characterized

by a mature neutrophilia, is readily apparent from an

early age in CLAD and LAD.

Children with LAD and dogs with CLAD, as well as

mice in which the CD18 gene has been disrupted by

gene targeting, exhibit a marked peripheral blood

leukocytosis, as well as myeloid hyperplasia in the

bone marrow (Anderson et al., 1985; Mizgerd et al.,

1997; Trowald-Wigh et al., 2000). The leukocytosis

could result from the inability of leukocytes to margin-

ate and egress from the vasculature due to CD18

deficiency. Alternatively, the leukocytosis could be

reactive in nature due to the inability of the leukocytes

to respond to chronic bacterial infection. Although the

precise mechanism for this leukocytosis remains

unclear, it appears that even low numbers of CD18-

positive leukocytes may reverse the leukocytosis,

which suggests that similar low numbers of CD18-

positive leukocytes may reverse the disease phenotype

(Horwitz et al., 2001).

20 K.E. Creevy et al. / Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology 94 (2003) 11–22

The previous history of the canine model itself in

the field of marrow transplantation and hematopoietic

stem cell gene therapy recommends CLAD as a model

for testing new approaches to hematopoietic stem cell

therapy. Dogs have been used successfully for the

development of clinical marrow transplant protocols

for more than 30 years (Storb and Deeg, 1986; Storb

et al., 1967, 1999). The dog major histocompatibility

complex has been defined by molecular and serolo-

gical techniques, regimens for conditioning prior to

stem cell transplant have been developed, canine anti-

CD34 monoclonal antibodies directed against hema-

topoietic stem cells are available, as are a variety of

antibodies which identify canine leukocyte subsets

(McSweeney et al., 1998). More recently, gene trans-

fer techniques involving canine hematopoietic stem

cells have been reported (Kiem et al., 1999). Impor-

tantly, insights into issues of hematopoiesis and trans-

plantation derived from canine studies have been

successfully extrapolated to humans.

The CLAD model described in this report now

provides a disease-specific, large-animal model for

assessing new therapeutic approaches that should be

directly applicable to LAD and other human hemato-

poietic stem cell disorders.


Kris Eckard and the staff at the NIH Animal Facility

at Poolesville, and Patty O’Donnell and the veterinary

staff at the School of Veterinary Medicine at the

University of Pennsylvania. Dr Haskins’ research

was supported by NIH grants RR 02512.


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