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Anesu Daka CA (SA) - CAA

Anesu Daka CA (SA) - CAA



Anesu Daka CA (SA) - CAA


• Presentation of information about the historical

changes in cash and cash equivalents of an entity

by means of a statement of cash flows, which classifies

cash flows during the period according to operating,

investing, and financing activities.

CFS = to a reconciliation of the bank balance of an entity

Anesu Daka CA (SA) - CAA

Fundamental Principles• All entities that prepare financial statements in conformity

with IFRSs are required to present a statement of cashflows. [IAS 7.1]

• Cash & cash equivalents comprise (IAS 7.7-9):• cash on hand; and

• demand deposits (bank),• together with short-term, highly liquid investments that are

readily convertible to a known amount of cash, and that aresubject to an insignificant risk of changes in value.

Note: Guidance notes indicate that an investment normallymeets the definition of a cash equivalent when it has amaturity of three months or less from the date ofacquisition.

Anesu Daka CA (SA) - CAA

Fundamental Principles• Equity investments are normally excluded, unless they

are in substance a cash equivalent (e.g. preferred

shares acquired within three months of their specified

redemption date).

• Bank overdrafts which are repayable on demand and

which form an integral part of an entity's cash

management are also included as a component of cash

and cash equivalents. [IAS 7.7-8]

Anesu Daka CA (SA) - CAA

Cash flows from operating activities

+ Cash flows from investing activities

+ Cash flows from financing activities

Net change in cash during period

+ Beginning cash balance

Ending cash balance

Format and structure of the cash flow statement

Anesu Daka CA (SA) - CAA

• Cash flows must be analysed between operating,investing and financing activities. [IAS 7.10]

Elements of a Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows

□ Cash flows from operating activities;

□ Cash flows from investing activities;

□ Cash flows from financing activities;

□ Net changes in cash and cash equivalents,

representing the differences between cash and cash

equivalents at the beginning and end of the reporting


Presentation of the Statement ofCash Flows

Anesu Daka CA (SA) - CAA

Key Principles:

• operating activities are the main revenue-producing• • • /"T 1 * 1 • • /T« •

activities of the entity that are not investing or financingactivities, so operating cash flows include cash received fromcustomers and cash paid to suppliers and employees [IAS7.14]

• investing activities are the acquisition and disposal of long-term assets and other investments that are not considered tobe cash equivalents [IAS 7.6]

financing activities are activities that alter the equity capitaland borrowing structure of the entity [IAS 7.6]

Anesu Daka CA (SA) - CAA

Key Principles:

interest and dividends received and paid may be classified asoperating, investing, or financing cash flows, PROVIDED THAT

they are classified consistently from period to period [IAS 7.31]

cash flows arising from taxes on income are normallyclassified as operating, unless they can be specificallyidentified with financing or investing activities [IAS 7.35]

Operating cash flows shall be reported using the:• direct method of presentation (most encouraged), or•indirect method is acceptable [IAS 7.18]

Anesu Daka CA (SA) - CAA


The direct method shows each major class of gross cash receipts and gross cash payments, as follows:

Presentation of the statement of Cash Flows from Operating Activities

Anesu Daka CA (SA) - CAA

Presentation of the statement of Cash Flows from Operating Activities

Anesu Daka CA (SA) - CAA

Comparison of Direct and Indirect

Anesu Daka CA (SA) - CAA


The indirect method adjusts accrual basis net profit or loss for theeffects of non-cash transactions:

Profit before income taxes xxxxx

+/- Non-cash income & expenses:

- Depreciation expense

- Profit on disposal of PPE, e.t.c xx,xxx

+/- Changes in working capital:

Increase in receivables xx,xxx

Decrease in inventories xx,xxx

Increase in trade payables xx,xxx

+/- Items shown directly on CFS

Interest paid xx,xxx

Income taxes paid xx,xxx

Net cash from operating activities xx,xxx

Presentation of the statement of Cash Flows

Anesu Daka CA (SA) - CAA

• Analyse the movements in balance sheet for the yeari.e. Difference between prior and current year financialposition, and isolate the following:

• Part of the movements relating to the no cash transactions;

• Part of the movements relating to cash transactions alreadyentered else where on the in the statement of cash flows; and

• Part of the movement attributable to cash transactions thatare to be entered in the statement of cash-flows

• Note:

• Reverse the accrual principle and apply the Cash principle -identify cash in and outflows and record them appropriately.

Approach to Cashflows

Anesu Daka CA (SA) - CAA


• Applying the direct method

Anesu Daka CA (SA) - CAA

Operating Activities

Anesu Daka CA (SA) - CAA

Cash Receipts from customers

Balance b/d

Bad Debtors W/O

Credit Sales

New subsidiary Sold Subsidiary

FCTR/forex exchange rates gain

Bank (receipts from customers)

Balance c/d

Debtors Control Account

Anesu Daka CA (SA) - CAA

Cash paid to suppliers and employees

Direct Method- Method 1 Indirect Method- Method 2

Anesu Daka CA (SA) - CAA

Method 1

Use the following when the components of the P/L are clear:

Cost of sales xxxxx

+Other expenses xxxxx

Total expenses accrued xxxxx


+/- Non-cash items:

- Depreciation expense xxxxx

- impairment loss, e.t.c xx,xxx

+/- Changes in working capital:

Increase in receivables (not applicable in this formula) 0

Decrease in inventories xx,xxx

Increase in trade payables xx,xxx

+/- Items shown directly on CFS (if included in above items)

Interest paid xx,xxx

Cash paid to suppliers and employees & expenses xx,xxx

Cash paid to suppliers and employees

Anesu Daka CA (SA) - CAA

Method 2

Use the following when the components of the P/L is not given:

Profit before income taxes xxxxx

Less: Revenue (xxxxx)

Total expenses accrued xxxx

+/- Non-cash items:

- Depreciation expense

- Profit on disposal of PPE, e.t.c xx,xxx

+/- Changes in working capital:

Increase in receivables (not applicable in this formula) 0

Decrease in inventories xx,xxx

Increase in trade payables xx,xxx

+/- Items shown directly on CFS

Interest paid

Interest received xx,xxx

Cash paid to suppliers and employees & expenses xx,xxx

Cash paid to suppliers and employees

Anesu Daka CA (SA) - CAA

• Depreciation and impairment of property, plant and equipment

• Amortisation and impairment of intangible assets

• Share-based payment transaction expense

• Decrease in investment properties

• Decrease in financial instruments

• Gain on disposal of property, plant and equipment

• Fair value adjustment of contingent consideration

• Finance income 9.4 (1,635) (724) IAS 7.20(c)

• Finance costs 9.3 3,305 1,561 IAS 7.20(c)

• Other operating income

• Share of net profit of associate 7 (83) (81)

• Movements in provisions, pensions and government grants

• Forexloss and gains

• Employee benefits expenses on defined benefit plan

Non-cash items includes:

Anesu Daka CA (SA) - CAA

Interest and Dividends

• Classification:Basis of classification- entity’s accounting policy as

either operating, investing or financing activities (IAS7.31)

• Interest and dividends received: IAS 7 allows companies to classify them as either operating or investing activities.

• Interest paid: IAS 7 classifies it as either an operating activity or a financing activity; but it must be applied consistently.

• Dividends paid: IAS 7 allows classification as either a financing activity or as an operating activity.NB: always check the entity’s accounting policy on

classification and presentation of interest and dividends in CFS

Anesu Daka CA (SA) - CAA

• Investment income:• Show interest and dividends received - reconstruct the T - accounts for the

receivable of these amounts.

• Note the Share of profit from associate is a non-cash item

• Interest Paid - disclose in CFS, both the:

• Finance cost

• Borrowing costs capitalised - IAS 23

• Tax and Dividend paid

• Tax paid - use the tax payable account to determine tax paid

• Dividend paid - use the dividend payable account to determine dividend paid• Note -deferred tax is not a cash item so exclude this on calculating tax paid. -

reduce tax expense with deferred tax expense.• Note - scrip shares allotted in the place of dividend are not a cash-flow item.• Note - dividends paid by subsidiary to non-controlling interest shall be also be

included on the cash flow statement

Items shown directly on the CFS

Anesu Daka CA (SA) - CAA

Tax Paid

Bal b/d - current tax

Bal b/d - deferred tax

Bank (payment to ZIMRA/SARS)

New subsidiary income tax expnse -P/L

tax expense OCI

tax effect directly in SCE

Taxeffect on goodwill

Bal c/d - current tax

Bal c/d - deferred tax Balance b/d

Tax Paid Account

Anesu Daka CA (SA) - CAA

Dividends Paid

• Dividends Paid include:

– Dividends Paid by parent

– Dividends paid by subsidiary to NCI

NB: these amounts are either given on the SCE or need to be calculated (see next slide for formulas)

Anesu Daka CA (SA) - CAA

Dividend Paid by Parent

Anesu Daka CA (SA) - CAA

Bal b/d - div payable

Bank (payment to shareholders)

dividend accrued directly in SCE/RE

Non-cash dividend- scrip dividend

Bal c/d- Div Payable

Dividend Paid by Parent Account

Dividend Paid to NCI

Anesu Daka CA (SA) - CAA

Bal b/d

Bank (payment to shareholders)

New Subsidiary- IFRS3.19

Non-cash dividend- scrip dividend

share of TCI (P&L + OCI)-IFRS10.B86

Sub Lost (Carrying amount)-IFRS10.B98 Chanfe in NCI-IFRS10.B96

Bal c/d FCTR attributted to NCI

Non Controlling Interest Account

Dividends Received

• Dividends Received include:

– Dividends received from Associates and Joint Ventures (given or calculate)

– Dividends on IFRS 9 Financial asset (0-20% investments)- (Always given)

Anesu Daka CA (SA) - CAA

Dividend Received from Assoc/JV

Anesu Daka CA (SA) - CAA

Bal b/d Bal b/d

New Assoc- cost or FV of previously held IFRS9 Loss of sig influence (Carrying amount)- thru sale or to IFRS 3

Change in assoc without losing sig influence Impairment loss

share of profit Intra-group - unrealised proft-sale to assoc/JV

share of OCI FCTR

Loss of sub- FV of retined interest as an assoc/JV Dividend paid- Bank (payment from asso/JV)

Bal c/d

Investment in Assoc/JV Account

Interest Paid

Total finance cost as per P/L

Total borrowing costs capitalised

Less: Non-cash interest (effective interest or exchange gains and losses)

Add: cash interest actually paid (coupon interest)

Complex calcs maybe required for effective interest

Anesu Daka CA (SA) - CAA

Interest Received

Total finance income as per P/L

Less: Non-cash interest (effective interest or exchange gains and losses)

Add: cash interest actually received (coupon interest)

Complex calcs maybe required for effective interest

Anesu Daka CA (SA) - CAA

• Proceeds from sale of property, plant and equipment IAS 7.16(b)

• Purchase of property, plant and equipment IAS 7.16(a)

• Replacement & additions

• Purchase of investment properties IAS 7.16(a)

• Purchase of financial instruments IAS 7.16(c)

• Proceeds from sale of financial instruments IAS 7.16(d)

• Development expenditures IAS 7.16(a)

• Acquisition of a subsidiary, net of cash acquired IAS 7.39

• Acquisition of investment in associates &JVs

• Receipt of government grant

• Proceeds from sale of subsidiary

• Note - use T- Accounts to determine the cash items noted above

Cash flows from investing activities

Anesu Daka CA (SA) - CAA

• Proceeds from exercise of share options IAS 7.17(a)

• Acquisition of non-controlling interest IAS 7.42A

• Transaction costs of issue of shares IAS 7.17(a)

• Payment of finance lease liabilities IAS 7.17(e)

• Proceeds from borrowings IAS 7.17(c)

• Repayment of borrowings IAS 7.17(d)

• Interest paid IAS 7.31

• Dividends paid to equity holders of the parent IAS 7.31

• Dividends paid to non-controlling interests

Change in NCI transaction- payment or receipt

• Note - use T- Accounts to determine the cash items noted above

Cash flows from financing activities

Anesu Daka CA (SA) - CAA

Reconcile as follows:

Net Change in cash and cash equivalents

Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the yr

+/-Forex rate changes for foreign cash (IAS 7.28)

Closing balance




Disclosures required:

• Policy of determining cash and cash equivalents - IAS 7.47

• Show the components of cash and cash equivalents - IAS 7.47

• Disclose circumstances around availability of cash

Reconciliation of cash and cash-equivalents

Anesu Daka CA (SA) - CAA

Specific CF Aspect

Anesu Daka CA (SA) - CAA

Foreign currency transactions - use the spot rate at payment or receiptdate [IAS 7.25]

Cash flows of foreign subsidiaries - use exchange rates prevailing when thecash flows took place [IAS 7.26]

• Cash flows of associates where the equity method is used, the statement ofcash flows should report only cash flows between the investor and theinvestee;

• Cash flows of joint ventures- where proportionate consolidation is used, thecash flow statement should include the venture's share of the cash flows of theinvestee [IAS 7.37-38]

• aggregate cash flows relating to acquisitions and disposals of subsidiaries and other business units should be presented separately and classified as investing activities, with specified additional disclosures. [IAS 7.39]

• The aggregate cash paid or received as consideration should be reported net ofcash and cash equivalents acquired or disposed of [IAS 7.42]

Foreign Currency Cash Flows

Anesu Daka CA (SA) - CAA

Principle:• Where control is obtained or lost, include in the CFS under

investing activities the following:□ the amount of cash paid less amount of cash and cash equivalents

acquired on date of acquisition (purchase of a subsidiary)□ The amount of cash received as sales consideration on disposal date

less amount of cash and cash equivalents sold (sale of a subsidiary)

Disclosure of the following may be required:• The total consideration paid or received;

• The portion of consideration consisting of cash and cash equivalents;• The amount of cash or cash equivalents in the subsidiary over which

control is obtained or lost; and• The amount of the other assets and liabilities in the subsidiary over

which control is obtained or lost, summarized by each category (IAS


Acquisition and Disposal subsidiary

Anesu Daka CA (SA) - CAA

Example 1 (Disclosure investmentin


H Ltd acquired 80% of equity of S Ltd for 1.6 m at date of acquisition and net assetsacquired are as follows:

Land & buildings

Plant (8ook-3ook)

Mortgage bond








Cost of Investment (Bank)

Less Cash and cash equivalents taken over















Anesu Daka CA (SA) - CAA

Example 2 (Disclosure a

proceeds from sale)

H Ltd sold its entire interest in S Ltd for $850,000 at 30 September

Land & buildings 350,000

Plant (800k-300k) 240,000

Inventory 180,000

Receivables 420,000Payables (120,000)

Bank (30,000)

NAV 1,040,000

NCI (260,000)

Goodwill 70,000

Cost of Investment (Bank) 850,000

Less Bank-overdraft sold 30,000


Anesu Daka CA (SA) - CAA


• Take into account the non-cash mvt arising from acquisitions anddisposals on calculation of cash movements:• Assets

• Liabilities


not have inventory there will not be an impact in the inventory accountdue to acquisition of subsidiary.

• Also now calculate profit or loss on sale of subsidiary and include incalculation of cash flows to suppliers and employees as well as thereconciliation of profit before tax to the cash flows from operations.

• Profit from sale at date of sale is calculated as follows:

Proceeds on sale 850,000

Less % of NAV sold (75%X $1040K (780,000)

Profit/(Loss) on disposal of subsidiary 70,000

Anesu Daka CA (SA) - CAA

A non-cash or part cash


• No cash flow arises in this case, however, the followingshould be shown under investing activities.

Cash and cash equivalents held by a sub at date of acqRXXXX

Acquision of a subsidiary for part cash.

- show the cash paid less the cash and cash equivalents

Disclosure as shown in slide 25 above is still requiredwhether cash is paid or not.

Anesu Daka CA (SA) - CAA
