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Casting 1 d4f

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Ed. by Che-Chih Tsao, PME, NTHU P 1 機械製造 MANUFACTURING PROCESSES 講義參考資料 -- 清大學生本課程中參考用 Casting (1) Revision 4f

Ed. by Che-Chih Tsao, PME, NTHU P 1



講義參考資料 -- 清大學生本課程中參考用

Casting (1)

Revision 4f

Ed. by Che-Chih Tsao, PME, NTHU P 2


Processes and Equipment Fundamentals

Design, Materials and Economics

Ed. by Che-Chih Tsao, PME, NTHU P 3

Casting鑄 造

molten metal -- pattern -- mold

鐵(銅…) 水 -- 模 -- 範

模型 -- 鑄模

永久式(取出式)模型 消失式鑄模

消失式模型 永久式鑄模

Ed. by Che-Chih Tsao, PME, NTHU P 4

Fig. II.3

Ed. by Che-Chih Tsao, PME, NTHU P 5

Copper chariot of Shara temple, Tell Agrab (in today's Iraq), ~2700BC, Height 7 cm

(The earliest known metal casting by lost-wax technique)

(Ref. Past Worlds -- Atlas of Archaeology, Pub. by Harper Collins, 1999)

Ed. by Che-Chih Tsao, PME, NTHU P 6

Bronze ding tripod, Erlitou culture, Henan, ~1600-1400BC, Height 20 cm

(Study says this was an actual cooking pot for daily use.)

(Said to be made by 3-piece ceramic mold, with clay cores, casted upside down)

Ed. by Che-Chih Tsao, PME, NTHU P 7

(L) Bronze helmet, Jiangxi, Late Shang, ~1200-1050BC, Height 18.7 cm (Said to be made by 2-

section mold); (R) Bronze vessel, Late Shang, ~1200-1100BC, Height 35 cm (Lost-wax?)

(Ref. The Golden Age of Chinese Archaeology, and Past Worlds -- Atlas of Archaeology, Pub. by Harper Collins)

Ed. by Che-Chih Tsao, PME, NTHU P 8

Bronze, Sanxindui culture, Sichuan, ~1300-1100BC, Height 262 cm

(Ref. The Golden Age of Chinese Archaeology)

Ed. by Che-Chih Tsao, PME, NTHU P 9

Fig. 11.1

(a) Gray-iron casting

(b) Transmission housing

(c) (d) Die cast magnesium


Ed. by Che-Chih Tsao, PME, NTHU P 10

▲New HTC One 發表會現場展示了半成品狀態的手機外殼。 (Die casting?)

Ed. by Che-Chih Tsao, PME, NTHU P 11

Fig. II.1 (a) A die-cast aluminum transmission box. (b) A tree of rings by investment casting.

Ed. by Che-Chih Tsao, PME, NTHU P 12

Fig. II.2 (Kalpakjian & Schmid) Cast Parts in a typical automobile

Ed. by Che-Chih Tsao, PME, NTHU P 13


Rotor Hub Enercon E82 at Hannover Energy International Fair, Photo by WWEA http://www.wwindea.org/technology/ch01/en/1_2_1_2.html


Hub, SG Iron


Ed. by Che-Chih Tsao, PME, NTHU P 14

Processes and Equipment: Sand Casting (Permanent pattern, Expendable mold)

Fig. 11.3 Sand mold features














Ed. by Che-Chih Tsao, PME, NTHU P 15


Ed. by Che-Chih Tsao, PME, NTHU P 16

Green molding sand (sand + clay + water)

Ed. by Che-Chih Tsao, PME, NTHU P 17

Pattern making

Prepare cope 加砂打實

Prepare drag

流道 模板

鑄口(棒) 冒口(棒)



模型 Wood, plastic, metal, rapid prototyping


Green-sand (濕砂模): sand +clay +water

Skin-dried (表面乾燥模):

dry in air or by torch

Cold-box: +binder

No-bake: +synthetic liquid resin

Ed. by Che-Chih Tsao, PME, NTHU P 18

Core making

Set core Assemble cope and drag

(Rearranged from Fig. 9.12 of R.A. Lindberg)

砂心 sand (+binder)



Ed. by Che-Chih Tsao, PME, NTHU P 19

Fig. 11.4 Metal match-plate pattern

Fig. 11.6 Sand cores

Ed. by Che-Chih Tsao, PME, NTHU P 20

Fig. 11.5 Draft angle depends on actual pattern shape, size, materials and mold characteristics. But in general, external features use 10-20 mm/m (or 1-2%) internal features use 30-60 mm/m (or 3-6%) (Ref. 徐仁輝 機械製造學 CH2)


Ed. by Che-Chih Tsao, PME, NTHU P 21

(L) WATER JACKET for 4 wheeler Cylinder Head (Sand Core Mold) (R) WATER JACKET for 2 wheeler Cylinder (Sand Core Mold) (http://www.syegd.com/en/product-info.php?cid=17

SANYANG INDUSTRY CO., LTD. Engineering Division)

Ed. by Che-Chih Tsao, PME, NTHU P 22

Application of Virtual Development Tools for the Sustainable Processing of Multiphase Materials, Demonstrated for the Production of Foundry Sand Cores

BMBF Framework Programme Research for Sustainable Development (FONA) (http://www.fona.de/de/5266)

Ed. by Che-Chih Tsao, PME, NTHU P 23

Sand cast cylinder head


Ed. by Che-Chih Tsao, PME, NTHU P 24

KS Chaplets, Brazil http://www.kschapelins.com.br/

Ed. by Che-Chih Tsao, PME, NTHU P 25

Sand-molding Machines -- Sand hammering (tamping) 震搗製模

-- Vertical flaskless molding

Fig. 11.7

-- Sandlingers 拋砂機

-- Impact molding: Compressed gas or explosion to compact sand -- Vacuum molding (V process): Plastic film + Vacuum

Ed. by Che-Chih Tsao, PME, NTHU P 26

-- Core shooting machine


Ed. by Che-Chih Tsao, PME, NTHU P 27

Videos on the Internet for reference: (1) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rgL2Jn5mk1A Al casting in a lab environment -- University of Memphis (2) http://www.machinetools.net.tw/casting/taiwan_sand_casting.htm Cast iron for machine parts -- Cheng Feng Company

Ed. by Che-Chih Tsao, PME, NTHU P 28

Processes and Equipment: (Permanent pattern, Expendable mold)

Shell Molding 殼模

Other than sand, molds can be made from Plaster 石膏模

Ceramics 瓷模

Ed. by Che-Chih Tsao, PME, NTHU P 29

Shell Casting殼模法

fine sand + thermosetting resin binder

metal (175-370 C)

+ parting agent (silicone)

5-10mm thick

Bake before

remove shell

Ed. by Che-Chih Tsao, PME, NTHU P 30

Ceramic molding (or Shaw process) 瓷模法


Ed. by Che-Chih Tsao, PME, NTHU P 31

Fundamentals Fluid Flow

Fig. 10. 8 (徐仁輝 機械製造學 CH2)

-- Bernoulli's theorem: -- Mass continuity:


p1 h1 + = +

v1 2

2g g

p2 h2 + +

v2 2

2g + f

A1 v1 = A2 v2


A2 =


h1 √

√ v = c 2gh

0< c < 1

√ v = c 2g(h-x)

Eliminating dross/slag


Ed. by Che-Chih Tsao, PME, NTHU P 32

(From NTHU PME Prof. Hochen's course slide)

Ed. by Che-Chih Tsao, PME, NTHU P 33

-- Reynolds number (for duct)

v: flow velocity D: duct diameter (characteristic size)

: fluid density

: fluid viscosity Re < 2000 laminar flow Re between 2000 ~ 20000 mixed Re > 20000 turbulent flow turbulent flow is bad!

vD Re =

Ed. by Che-Chih Tsao, PME, NTHU P 34

Fig. 10.9 An example of fluidity index test method

Ed. by Che-Chih Tsao, PME, NTHU P 35

Heat Transfer Flow too fast causes air inclusion. Flow too slow causes premature chilling and solidification.

Ed. by Che-Chih Tsao, PME, NTHU P 36

Thermal conduction:

: heat flow per unit area per unit time (W/m2) K: thermal conductivity (W/(m K)) Thermal convection:

h: heat transfer coefficient Heat equation:

: internal energy of material

specific heat capacity, density, volume, A surface area

thermal diffusivity







Ed. by Che-Chih Tsao, PME, NTHU P 37

-- Solidification Time Flat mold wall: Solidified thickness L = Chvorinov's rule: Solidification time = C ( )

n n = 1.5 ~ 2

See Example 10.1

Fig. 10.11 Growth of solidified "skin" (shell)


Surface area

b t √

Ed. by Che-Chih Tsao, PME, NTHU P 38

-- Shrinkage Molten metal contraction while temperature decreases Phase change contraction Solid metal contraction while temperature decreases to ambient temperature

Tab. 10.1

Affect dimension Could cause microcracks and porosity

Major amount of shrinkage

Ed. by Che-Chih Tsao, PME, NTHU P 39

Tab. 12.1 Linear shrinkage

Ed. by Che-Chih Tsao, PME, NTHU P 40

Solidification -- Microstructures

(a) Pure metal (b) Alloy (c) Using nucleating agents

columnar grain

homogenous nucleation

Ed. by Che-Chih Tsao, PME, NTHU P 41

Pure metal

Ed. by Che-Chih Tsao, PME, NTHU P 42


columnar dendrites

freezing range

Width of mushy zone depends on alloying elements: Ferrous casting -- narrow Al, Mg alloys -- wide

Ed. by Che-Chih Tsao, PME, NTHU P 43

-- Effect of cooling rate Slow (~100 K/s): Coarse dendrites Higher (~ 10000 K/s): Finer dendrites Fast (~10


8 K/s): Amorphous [Ref. Sec. 6.14]

Finer grains: higher strength and ductility less microporosity (interdendritic shrinkage voids) less cracks (hot tearing) G/R ratio, for kinetics of liquid-solid interface

Thermal gradient G = T / x ~ 100-1000 K/m typical Interface moving speed R ~ 0.001-0.0001 m/s (1-0.1 mm/s) typical

(a) Columnar dendritic (b) Equiaxed dendritic (c) Equiaxed non-dendritic G/R ~ 10


7 G/R ~ 10



Ed. by Che-Chih Tsao, PME, NTHU P 44


-- Hot tear: metal unable to shrink freely during cooling due to mold/core constraint

Solution: Exothermic (heat producing) compounds at critical sections

Ed. by Che-Chih Tsao, PME, NTHU P 45

-- Voids etc.

Solution: Mold design and/or pouring procedure

Ed. by Che-Chih Tsao, PME, NTHU P 46

-- Porosity due to shrinkage

Solutions: Plenty of molten metal

Using chills at regions of thicker sections

Steep temperature gradient (fast cooling) by molds of

better thermal conductivity (for alloys)

Hot isostatic pressing

Ed. by Che-Chih Tsao, PME, NTHU P 47

-- Porosity due to gases

Gases released when metal solidifies.

Solutions: Vent and mold design

Flushing or purging with an inert gas on the molten metal

Melting and pouring in vacuum


Ed. by Che-Chih Tsao, PME, NTHU P 48
