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Causal effect of disconnection lesions on interhemispheric functional connectivity in rhesus monkeys

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Causal effect of disconnection lesions on interhemispheric functional connectivity in rhesus monkeys Jill X. OReilly a,1,2 , Paula L. Croxson b,1,2 , Saad Jbabdi a , Jerome Sallet c , MaryAnn P. Noonan d , Rogier B. Mars a,c , Philip G. F. Browning b , Charles R. E. Wilson e , Anna S. Mitchell c , Karla L. Miller a , Matthew F. S. Rushworth a,c , and Mark G. Baxter b a Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Brain Centre, Nufeld Department of Clinical Neurosciences, John Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford University, Oxford OX3 9DU, United Kingdom; b Glickenhaus Laboratory of Neuropsychology and Friedman Brain Institute, Department of Neuroscience, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, NY 10029; c Department of Experimental Psychology, Oxford University, Oxford OX1 3UD, United Kingdom; d Oxford Centre for Human Brain Activity, University Department of Psychiatry, Warneford Hospital, Oxford University, Oxford OX3 7JX, United Kingdom; and e Stem Cell and Brain Research Institute, Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale Unité 846, 69675 Bron, France Edited by Robert Desimone, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, and approved July 15, 2013 (received for review March 19, 2013) In the absence of external stimuli or task demands, correlations in spontaneous brain activity (functional connectivity) reect pat- terns of anatomical connectivity. Hence, resting-state functional connectivity has been used as a proxy measure for structural connectivity and as a biomarker for brain changes in disease. To relate changes in functional connectivity to physiological changes in the brain, it is important to understand how correlations in functional connectivity depend on the physical integrity of brain tissue. The causal nature of this relationship has been called into question by patient data suggesting that decreased structural connectivity does not necessarily lead to decreased functional connectivity. Here we provide evidence for a causal but complex relationship between structural connectivity and functional con- nectivity: we tested interhemispheric functional connectivity be- fore and after corpus callosum section in rhesus monkeys. We found that forebrain commissurotomy severely reduced inter- hemispheric functional connectivity, but surprisingly, this effect was greatly mitigated if the anterior commissure was left intact. Furthermore, intact structural connections increased their func- tional connectivity in line with the hypothesis that the inputs to each node are normalized. We conclude that functional connec- tivity is likely driven by corticocortical white matter connections but with complex network interactions such that a near-normal pattern of functional connectivity can be maintained by just a few indirect structural connections. These surprising results highlight the importance of network-level interactions in functional connec- tivity and may cast light on various paradoxical ndings concerning changes in functional connectivity in disease states. resting-state connectivity | macaque | fMRI | split brain R esting-state functional connectivity [intrinsic correlations in activity between brain areas, measured in the absence of overt stimulation or task demands (1, 2)] provides a powerful tool for understanding the global organization of the brain (36), charting its connectional structure (e.g., refs. 711), and detecting brain changes in disease. Functional connectivity changes have been identied in diverse conditions including Alzheimers disease (6, 1214), Parkinsons disease (15, 16), multiple sclerosis (17, 18), autism (19), depression (20, 21), and schizophrenia (22, 23). To relate changes in functional connectivity to physiological changes in the brain, it is important to understand how func- tional connectivity depends on the physical integrity of brain tissue. However, there is a disparity in the conclusions that have been drawn from work on the healthy brain and patient studies. It is generally accepted that in the healthy brain, functional connectivity correlates with structural connectivity (the presence and integrity of white matter connections) (3, 24, 25), and computational modeling suggests that structural connectivity shapes and constrains functional connectivity (3, 24). However, the data from patient populations, which should pro- vide the clearest evidence of a causal and necessary link between structural and functional connectivity, remain equivocal. Re- duced structural connectivity in the brain does not necessarily lead to decreased functional connectivity. In patients with white matter damage (multiple sclerosis), decreases in structural con- nectivity have been observed to correlate with increases in functional connectivity (17). Even more striking is that nor- mal levels of interhemispheric functional connectivity persist in individuals totally lacking the normal corticocortical white matter connection between hemispheres: individuals born without a corpus callosum (callosal agenesis) (26) and patients with sur- gical lesions of the corpus callosum (27). In light of the observations that functional connectivity can persist when structural connectivity is compromised or absent, the assumption that corticocortical white matter tracts constrain and dene the pattern of functional connectivity in the brain is called into question. Alternative hypotheses have been proposed: One suggestion is that correlated patterns of functional connectivity and structural connectivity are set up independently and in parallel, driven by external forces such as shared sensory input and shared task involvement of correlated areas (26). Another possibility is that subcortical structures such as the thalamus or the superior colliculus play a greater role than previously thought in dening the ow of information between cortical regions (28, 29). To test whether the relationship between (corticocortical) structural connectivity and functional connectivity is causal or only correlative, data from individuals with white matter damage are essential. An ideal model system is section of the corpus callosum because the corpus callosum forms the sole direct structural connection between most parts of the two cerebral hemispheres; studies of other white matter tracts are complicated by the fact that in general, when a white matter connection Author contributions: J.X.O., P.L.C., C.R.E.W., and M.G.B. designed research; P.L.C., J.S., M.P.N., R.B.M., P.G.F.B., C.R.E.W., and A.S.M. performed research; J.S. performed histo- logical work; P.G.F.B. performed the neurosurgery; K.L.M. contributed new reagents/ analytic tools; J.X.O., P.L.C., S.J., R.B.M., and M.F.S.R. analyzed data; and J.X.O., P.L.C., M.F.S.R., and M.G.B. wrote the paper. The authors declare no conict of interest. This article is a PNAS Direct Submission. Freely available online through the PNAS open access option. 1 J.X.O. and P.L.C. contributed equally to this work. 2 To whom correspondence may be addressed. E-mail: [email protected] or paula. [email protected]. This article contains supporting information online at www.pnas.org/lookup/suppl/doi:10. 1073/pnas.1305062110/-/DCSupplemental. www.pnas.org/cgi/doi/10.1073/pnas.1305062110 PNAS Early Edition | 1 of 6 NEUROSCIENCE

Causal effect of disconnection lesions oninterhemispheric functional connectivityin rhesus monkeysJill X. O’Reillya,1,2, Paula L. Croxsonb,1,2, Saad Jbabdia, Jerome Salletc, MaryAnn P. Noonand, Rogier B. Marsa,c,Philip G. F. Browningb, Charles R. E. Wilsone, Anna S. Mitchellc, Karla L. Millera, Matthew F. S. Rushwortha,c,and Mark G. Baxterb

aFunctional Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Brain Centre, Nuffield Department of Clinical Neurosciences, John Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford University,Oxford OX3 9DU, United Kingdom; bGlickenhaus Laboratory of Neuropsychology and Friedman Brain Institute, Department of Neuroscience, Icahn School ofMedicine at Mount Sinai, New York, NY 10029; cDepartment of Experimental Psychology, Oxford University, Oxford OX1 3UD, United Kingdom; dOxfordCentre for Human Brain Activity, University Department of Psychiatry, Warneford Hospital, Oxford University, Oxford OX3 7JX, United Kingdom; and eStemCell and Brain Research Institute, Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale Unité 846, 69675 Bron, France

Edited by Robert Desimone, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, and approved July 15, 2013 (received for review March 19, 2013)

In the absence of external stimuli or task demands, correlations inspontaneous brain activity (functional connectivity) reflect pat-terns of anatomical connectivity. Hence, resting-state functionalconnectivity has been used as a proxy measure for structuralconnectivity and as a biomarker for brain changes in disease. Torelate changes in functional connectivity to physiological changesin the brain, it is important to understand how correlations infunctional connectivity depend on the physical integrity of braintissue. The causal nature of this relationship has been called intoquestion by patient data suggesting that decreased structuralconnectivity does not necessarily lead to decreased functionalconnectivity. Here we provide evidence for a causal but complexrelationship between structural connectivity and functional con-nectivity: we tested interhemispheric functional connectivity be-fore and after corpus callosum section in rhesus monkeys. Wefound that forebrain commissurotomy severely reduced inter-hemispheric functional connectivity, but surprisingly, this effectwas greatly mitigated if the anterior commissure was left intact.Furthermore, intact structural connections increased their func-tional connectivity in line with the hypothesis that the inputs toeach node are normalized. We conclude that functional connec-tivity is likely driven by corticocortical white matter connectionsbut with complex network interactions such that a near-normalpattern of functional connectivity can be maintained by just a fewindirect structural connections. These surprising results highlightthe importance of network-level interactions in functional connec-tivity and may cast light on various paradoxical findings concerningchanges in functional connectivity in disease states.

resting-state connectivity | macaque | fMRI | split brain

Resting-state functional connectivity [intrinsic correlations inactivity between brain areas, measured in the absence of

overt stimulation or task demands (1, 2)] provides a powerfultool for understanding the global organization of the brain (3–6),charting its connectional structure (e.g., refs. 7–11), and detectingbrain changes in disease. Functional connectivity changes havebeen identified in diverse conditions including Alzheimer’s disease(6, 12–14), Parkinson’s disease (15, 16), multiple sclerosis (17,18), autism (19), depression (20, 21), and schizophrenia (22, 23).To relate changes in functional connectivity to physiological

changes in the brain, it is important to understand how func-tional connectivity depends on the physical integrity of braintissue. However, there is a disparity in the conclusions thathave been drawn from work on the healthy brain and patientstudies. It is generally accepted that in the healthy brain,functional connectivity correlates with structural connectivity(the presence and integrity of white matter connections) (3,24, 25), and computational modeling suggests that structural

connectivity shapes and constrains functional connectivity (3, 24).However, the data from patient populations, which should pro-vide the clearest evidence of a causal and necessary link betweenstructural and functional connectivity, remain equivocal. Re-duced structural connectivity in the brain does not necessarilylead to decreased functional connectivity. In patients with whitematter damage (multiple sclerosis), decreases in structural con-nectivity have been observed to correlate with increases infunctional connectivity (17). Even more striking is that nor-mal levels of interhemispheric functional connectivity persistin individuals totally lacking the normal corticocortical whitematter connection between hemispheres: individuals born withouta corpus callosum (callosal agenesis) (26) and patients with sur-gical lesions of the corpus callosum (27).In light of the observations that functional connectivity can

persist when structural connectivity is compromised or absent, theassumption that corticocortical white matter tracts constrain anddefine the pattern of functional connectivity in the brain is calledinto question. Alternative hypotheses have been proposed: Onesuggestion is that correlated patterns of functional connectivityand structural connectivity are set up independently and inparallel, driven by external forces such as shared sensory inputand shared task involvement of correlated areas (26). Anotherpossibility is that subcortical structures such as the thalamus orthe superior colliculus play a greater role than previously thoughtin defining the flow of information between cortical regions(28, 29).To test whether the relationship between (corticocortical)

structural connectivity and functional connectivity is causal oronly correlative, data from individuals with white matter damageare essential. An ideal model system is section of the corpuscallosum because the corpus callosum forms the sole directstructural connection between most parts of the two cerebralhemispheres; studies of other white matter tracts are complicatedby the fact that in general, when a white matter connection

Author contributions: J.X.O., P.L.C., C.R.E.W., and M.G.B. designed research; P.L.C., J.S.,M.P.N., R.B.M., P.G.F.B., C.R.E.W., and A.S.M. performed research; J.S. performed histo-logical work; P.G.F.B. performed the neurosurgery; K.L.M. contributed new reagents/analytic tools; J.X.O., P.L.C., S.J., R.B.M., and M.F.S.R. analyzed data; and J.X.O., P.L.C.,M.F.S.R., and M.G.B. wrote the paper.

The authors declare no conflict of interest.

This article is a PNAS Direct Submission.

Freely available online through the PNAS open access option.1J.X.O. and P.L.C. contributed equally to this work.2To whom correspondence may be addressed. E-mail: [email protected] or [email protected].

This article contains supporting information online at www.pnas.org/lookup/suppl/doi:10.1073/pnas.1305062110/-/DCSupplemental.

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between two regions is damaged, alternative structural con-nection pathways remain, and these indirect connections maysupport continued functional connectivity (30).Unfortunately, evidence from studies of acallosal human subjects

is equivocal: although one recent study of individuals with cal-losal agenesis provided particularly strong evidence for normalinterhemispheric functional connectivity in a relatively largecohort (eight patients) and is supported by evidence from a casestudy of surgical section of the corpus callosum (27), other studieswith smaller numbers of patients have reported that functionalconnectivity is disrupted in callosal section or agenesis (31, 32).Interpretation of patient studies is complicated for severalreasons. First, these studies have used different patient groups(surgical disconnection vs. callosal agenesis; in the latter, non-callosal commissures may be enlarged), although disruption andretention of connectivity have been observed in both groups (26,27, 31, 32). Second, the surgical disconnection patients were notneurologically typical even before surgery since they suffered fromepilepsy (17, 23). Third, many of the patients may have de-veloped compensatory connections as a result of the patientdeveloping without a corpus callosum or a large amount of timeelapsing between the surgical disconnection and the resting-statescan (22, 23, 26).We probed the relationship between structural and functional

connectivity using a controlled, experimental approach in ma-caque monkeys. We gave macaque monkeys a complete sectionof the corpus callosum, either with or without section of theanterior commissure, and compared their resting-state functionalconnectivity 8 mo after the lesion to functional connectivity inthe same subjects before the lesion and to a group of 18 normalcontrol monkeys. We show here that the corpus callosum sectiondisrupts interhemispheric functional connectivity if the anteriorcommissure is also sectioned. However, functional connectivityacross the whole network was preserved in the case in which theanterior commissure was spared. Our findings confirm the stronglink between functional and structural connectivity but alsoprovide evidence for a complex relationship between even mi-nor structural connections and widespread functional connectivity.

ResultsWe collected resting-state functional magnetic resonance im-aging (fMRI) and structural scans from three rhesus macaquemonkeys, before and after complete section of the corpus cal-losum. All three monkeys (monkeys N, P, and R) receivedcomplete lesions of the corpus callosum. In two of the monkeys(monkeys N and P), the anterior commissure was also sec-tioned; in the third monkey (monkey R), the anterior commis-sure remained intact. We refer to these lesions throughout thepaper as “AC + CC” and “CC only.” For histology of the lesions,see Fig. 3. Additionally, resting-state fMRI data were collectedusing the same protocol from 18 control monkeys, which hadno lesion.Resting functional data were collected presurgery and post-

surgery, under light isoflurane anesthesia in accordance withveterinary advice, in conditions under which resting activity haspreviously been observed in macaque monkeys (33). We haveused this protocol in previous functional connectivity work inmacaques and observed patterns of functional connectivity sim-ilar to those that are observed in awake, resting humans (34, 35).Protocols for data collection and preprocessing are described inMaterials and Methods.We projected the fMRI data onto the surface of a macaque

brain template (the F99 brain) with 20,000 vertices. Data at eachvertex were normalized, and the mean activity over the entiresurface was regressed out at each vertex. Data were then summa-rized by one time series of activity for each of 56 Brodmannareas (28 in each hemisphere), defined as the mean of all voxels’time series within that region. The Brodmann regions were

defined using the Brodmann macaque atlas (36), transcribed intothe space of the F99 brain template (37), and implemented inCARET (Computerized Anatomical Reconstruction and EditingToolkit) (38).

Interhemispheric Connectivity Was Significantly Reduced PostlesionAcross the Group. To investigate the changes in interhemisphericfunctional connectivity following disconnection of the hemi-spheres, we constructed matrices of the pairwise correlationbetween brain regions, again using the 56 (28 × 2) regions fromthe Brodmann atlas.Matrices of mean correlation scores (Gaussianized as Fisher’s z)

for the three monkeys, prelesion and postlesion, are shown inFig. 1 A and B; the same data for the control group are shownin Fig. S1. It is striking on inspection of the data that althoughthe prelesion pattern of interhemispheric functional con-nectivity resembles intrahemispheric functional connectivity,postlesion interhemispheric functional connectivity is largelyabolished.To aid visualization, we defined four functional “blocks”—

clusters of regions that were correlated within each hemi-sphere. These blocks were defined by k-means clustering on theBrodmann areas’ time courses within each hemisphere, pooling

Fig. 1. Matrices of connectivity (Fisher’s z), prelesion and postlesion. (A andB) Brodmann areas are presented in the same order for LH and RH, so thatthe main diagonal shows the correlation of each region with itself, theupper left and lower right quadrants show correlations within hemispheres,and the lower left and upper right quadrants show interhemispheric con-nectivity. Color scale ranges from z = −1 to z = 2 in both cases. For visuali-zation purposes, we grouped regions into four correlation blocks (k-meansclustering within hemisphere, across all subjects and sessions). The coloredkey above and beside each matrix indicates to which block the columnsbelong. The four correlation blocks are indicated on the small brain images.(C) Dots indicate Fisher’s z for correlation between homotopic regions in thethree individuals, prelesion (blue) and postlesion (red). The shaded area isthe mean ± 2 SD for a group of 18 control monkeys. The postlesion datafrom monkey R (CC-only lesion; intact anterior commissure) is illustrated byopen red circles—the level of interhemispheric connectivity in this monkey,postlesion, is significantly above zero and resembles the prelesion data fromall three monkeys and the control data. The regions in the blue block whichretain strong interhemispheric connectivity in all monkeys are V1 and V2;this effect could be driven by smoothing of the fMRI data across the midlineor by passing of visual information via subcortical routes including the su-perior colliculus (61, 62). (D) Location of the connectivity blocks displayed onthe f99 brain template.

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all scans (prelesion and postlesion); details are given in SI Materialsand Methods. Note that the purpose of defining these functionalblocks was purely illustrative: the intention was to make Figs. 1and 2 easier to interpret by labeling within-hemisphere corre-lated regions in the same color. The clustering analysis wasexplicitly not performed with the intention of drawing conclusionsabout the organization of functional connectivity within hemi-spheres, about which there exist numerous studies (e.g., refs.5 and 39).To provide statistical tests of the changes in correlation be-

tween hemispheres postlesion, we entered the values of Fisher’s zfor each pair of homotopic regions (each region and its contra-lateral homolog, e.g., left auditory cortex and right auditorycortex; these pairs are represented on the leading diagonal ofthe upper right and lower left quadrants of the connectivitymatrix) for each monkey into a repeated-measures ANOVA(repeated measures were the prelesion and postlesion values ofFisher’s z for each of the 28 different region pairs; betweensubjects, variability was also modeled). There was a significantmain effect of prelesion vs. postlesion on connectivity betweenhomotopic regions across the group (F2, 165 > 10.5, P < 0.00005).The correlations (Fisher’s z) between homotopic pairs in eachmonkey, prelesion, postlesion, and in the control group, areplotted in Fig. 1C.

Multidimensional Scaling Reveals a Striking Impact of Corpus CallosumLesion Across the Group. To further visualize the global changes infunctional connectivity patterns prelesion and postlesion, we ap-plied a multidimensional scaling analysis to the correlation datafrom the group of three monkeys. Multidimensional scaling isa visualization technique in which data points that are distrib-uted in high-dimensional space are remapped to a low-di-mensional space (in this case, 2D) in such a way that pointswhich are close together in the original data space remain closein the “similarity space” (the 2D visualization). In the present case,the high-dimensional data set we wished to visualize consisted ofthe pairwise similarity between time courses for each pair ofBrodmann regions.The results of the multidimensional scaling analysis are shown

in Fig. 2. Clearly, the dominant pattern of organization shiftsfrom functional blocks of paired regions (before the lesion) totwo separate networks, with component functional blocks (aftersection of the corpus callosum). In other words, when the corpuscallosum is intact, each region is closely correlated with itscontralateral homolog (Fig. 2A) and its functional block; after-ward, the lesion regions and their contralateral homologs aremuch less closely correlated (Fig. 2B), although functional blockswithin each hemisphere are maintained. Conversely, before thelesion, the data points for the two hemispheres overlap in simi-larity space; after the lesion, two separate clusters are formed forthe two separate hemispheres (Fig. 2 C and D).Note that the results of the multidimensional scaling are de-

scribed only qualitatively because multidimensional scaling isa visualization technique rather than a statistical analysis; theseresults should therefore be considered an illustration of thestatistical tests presented in the previous section.

Sparing of the Anterior Commissure Resulted in Surprisingly WidespreadSparing of Interhemispheric Functional Connectivity. Notably, the re-duction in interhemispheric functional connectivity was much lesssevere in the monkey with intact anterior commissure (monkey R;CC-only lesion) than in the other two monkeys (monkeys N and P;AC +CC lesion). Data from this monkey are indicated by open redcircles in Fig. 1C. The difference between the effects of AC + CCand CC-only lesions can also be seen in the individual functionalconnectivity matrices (Fig. 3) and in the plots of the distributionof interhemispheric functional connectivity across the cortex(Fig. 4; raw difference in correlations is shown in Fig. S2).

Statistically, there was a significant interaction between session(prelesion vs. postlesion) and monkey (F2, 165 = 4.3, P = 0.015) inthe repeated measures ANOVA reported above; post hoc testsconfirmed that the magnitude of reduction in interhemisphericconnectivity was less in monkey R (CC only) than in monkeysN and P (AC + CC).In all monkeys, there was a within-subjects reduction in in-

terhemispheric connectivity from prelesion to postlesion scan(paired-samples t test comparing Fisher’s z for 28 pairs ofhomotopic regions in each monkey prelesion and postlesionresulted in t27 = −5.9, −6.0, and −4.6 and P = 0.000013,0.0000098, and 0.00004023 for monkeys N, P, and R, respectively).However, the magnitude of the reduction was less after CC-only lesion [mean change in Fisher’s z across pairs of homotopicregions was 0.34 in monkey R (CC only) and 0.91 and 0.62 inmonkeys N and P (AC + CC)]. The mean values of Fisher’s z forhomotopic pairs, prelesion and postlesion, illustrate the greaterchange after AC + CC lesion (for monkey N, prelesion = 0.90 andpostlesion = −0.0045; for monkey P, prelesion = 0.57 and post-lesion = −0.044) than in CC-only lesion (for monkey R, prelesion =0.97 and postlesion = 0.62).Comparison with a group of 18 control monkeys allowed us to

determine the distribution of the lesion effect, i.e., to determinewhich parts of cortex were most disconnected after the lesions.We calculated t statistics for postlesion interhemispheric func-tional connectivity (Fisher’s z for each pair of homotopic Brodmannregions in the postlesion scan, compared with 18 control mon-keys) in each region in monkeys N, P, and R. In Figs. 3C and 4, itcan be seen that after AC + CC lesion (monkeys N and P), mostBrodmann regions had significantly lower interhemisphericfunctional connectivity compared with the group of 18 controls.In contrast, after CC-only lesion (monkey R), only one region(visual area V2) showed a (barely) significant change in

Fig. 2. Multidimensional scaling plots. These plots illustrate the correlationbetween Brodmann areas in resting-state data, before and after corpuscallosum lesion (using averaged correlations for the three monkeys). (A andC) Prelesion and (B and D) postlesion (note that the data points in each pairof plots are identical). Each Brodmann region is represented by a dot (circlesfor LH and squares for RH). Dots are arranged (by MD scaling) such that thedistance between each pair of dots is proportional to their dissimilarity(inverse correlation as defined in the main text). Therefore, dots that arecloser together represent regions with stronger functional connectivity. In Aand B, regions are colored by hemisphere (blue circles, LH; red squares, RH).Each region is linked to the mean position in the scaled (illustrated) space forits hemisphere; note that before the lesion, the networks for the twohemispheres are heavily overlapping, but after the lesion, they move apart.In C and D, the same data are presented as in A and B, but now each area islinked to its homotopic counterpart in the contralateral hemisphere, andareas are colored according to the within-hemisphere blocks (defined by k-means clustering;Materials and Methods). Note that before the lesion, thereis strong pairwise organization with each pair of homotopic regions fallingclose together in scaled space; after the lesion, the pairs are separated.

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interhemispheric functional connectivity, compared with thegroup of 18 controls.

Primary Visual Cortex Connectivity Is Partially Spared Postlesion. Anexception to the overall pattern of results was observed in theprimary visual cortex (V1), in which interhemispheric connec-tivity was preserved postlesion (Fig. 4; also note the “hot spot” ofpreserved interhemispheric connectivity in Figs. 1 and 3). Com-parison of postlesion scans with the control group of 18 monkeysindicates no significant effect of lesion on interhemispheric con-nectivity in V1 (P > 0.05 for all monkeys). It is possible that theshared time course of activity in left and right V1 may have beendriven by shared visual input (although the monkeys’ eyes wereclosed during scanning, light does pass through the eyelids andwould be in phase in both eyes).

Intrahemispheric Functional Connectivity Increases After CorpusCallosum Section. In addition to our main findings, we were sur-prised to note, on inspection of the connectivity matrices, thatintrahemispheric functional connectivity appears to increase af-ter the disconnection of the hemispheres by lesion of the corpuscallosum and anterior commissure. Again, this effect was greatlymitigated by sparing of the anterior commissure. We carried outpaired-samples t tests on the value of Fisher’s z for each pair ofnonhomotopic regions within each hemisphere; i.e., values of

Fisher’s z for 756 = 27 × 28 pairs of regions (all possible within-hemisphere pairings) in each hemisphere in each monkey wereentered into paired-samples t tests for prelesion vs. postlesionfunctional connectivity. After AC + CC lesion, in both hemi-spheres, there was a significant increase in within-hemispherefunctional connectivity postlesion [mean change in values ofFisher’s z in monkey N was +0.29 and +0.35 for left hemisphere(LH) and right hemisphere (RH), and for monkey P it was +0.49and +0.24 for LH and RH; t755 < −3.9 and P < 0.0005 for bothhemispheres in both monkeys N and P]. In contrast, after CC-only lesion, there was a very small decrease in within-hemispherefunctional connectivity postlesion: for monkey R, the meanchange in Fisher’s z was −0.069 and −0.026 for LH and RH;t755 = 2.8 (LH) and 0.75 (RH), and P = 0.0027 (LH) and 0.23(RH). This effect is not significant for the RH; for the LH it isbarely significant after Bonferroni correction for hemispheres ×monkeys (significant for α = 0.05 but not for α = 0.01). In con-clusion, there was a significant increase in intrahemisphericfunctional connectivity after the lesion of corpus callosum andanterior commissure but little or no change after corpus cal-losum lesion only.

DiscussionWe have presented evidence for a causal relationship betweenstructural and resting-state functional connectivity. In macaquemonkeys with section of the corpus callosum, our resting-statefMRI results show that disconnection of the interhemisphericcorticocortical white matter connections (corpus callosum andanterior commissure) causes near-total abolition of functionalconnectivity between the cerebral hemispheres. This result pro-vides strong evidence that corticocortical white matter connectionsare indeed necessary for the propagation of resting-state activitybetween cortical regions.However, two further observations speak against a straight-

forward one-to-one mapping between structural and functionalconnectivity. These observations concern (i) the surprisinglystrong and widespread preservation of interhemispheric func-tional connectivity in a monkey with intact anterior commissureand (ii) changes in intrahemispheric connectivity following dis-connection of the hemispheres.Sparing of the anterior commissure resulted in a surprising

magnitude and extent of spared interhemispheric functional con-nectivity, suggesting that the number and directness of struc-tural connections may not be the key factor driving functional

Fig. 3. Effect of anterior commissure sparing. Each column corresponds toone monkey. anterior commissure section was attempted in monkeys N andP but not monkey R. The first row shows T1-weighted anatomical MRI scans(sagittal view of the midline) showing the extent of the corpus callosumsection. The anterior and posterior limits of the section are shown by whitearrows. The corpus callosum was fully sectioned in all three monkeys. Thesecond row shows a coronal brain slice stained with Cresyl Violet. The slicewas taken at the level of the posterior extent of the arcuate sulcus (∼18 mmanterior to the interaural line, according to ref. 63; shown by the red line onthe T1 images) and shows the corpus callosum (black arrow) and anteriorcommissure (inside black box). The third row shows a close up on the an-terior commissure from the same slice (shown by the black box on each slice).In monkey N the anterior commissure was sectioned, with just a few fibersspared. Monkey P had a complete section of the anterior commissure, asevidenced by the complete degeneration of the fibers. Monkey R hada completely intact anterior commissure. The fourth and fifth rows showmatrices of values of Fisher’s z for each pair of regions. These matrices arethe same as in Fig. 2, but here data for each monkey are presented sepa-rately. Note that interhemispheric connectivity is more intact in monkey R,in which the anterior commissure was also intact.

Fig. 4. Distribution of interhemispheric functional connectivity prelesionand postlesion. The figure shows the 28 Brodmann areas, colored by thevalue of Fisher’s z (Gaussianized correlation score) between each region andits homotopic counterpart in the other hemisphere. Each row representsa monkey (the figure labeled C in the prelesion column is the average of 18control monkeys). Note the widespread decrease in interhemispheric func-tional connectivity in monkeys N and P (AC + CC lesion) but not in monkey R(CC only; intact anterior commissure). Right column shows P values for in-terhemispheric connectivity in postlesion scan vs. 18 controls.

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connectivity. Although full section of the forebrain commissures(AC + CC) resulted in the near-total abolition of interhemisphericfunctional connectivity, the effect after CC-only lesion was signif-icantly smaller—indeed, interhemispheric connectivity remainedwithin the normal range defined in terms of a group of 18 controlmonkeys. In other words, a small proportion of the structuralconnections (those carried in the anterior commissure) were ableto maintain a large proportion of the functional connectivity.It is intriguing that although the anterior commissure carries

interhemispheric structural connections between only a subset ofareas [the temporal lobes, the orbitofrontal cortex, and amyg-dalae (40)], interhemispheric functional connectivity was main-tained between a much wider set of regions, including those (e.g.,parietal cortex and dorsolateral prefrontal cortex) with no an-terior commissure projections (Fig. 4). The contrast between thestructural connections of the anterior commissure and the mapof intact interhemispheric connectivity in monkey R is illustratedin Fig. S3. The anterior commissure in monkeys has been shownto be responsible for a large amount of visual and mnemonictransfer between the hemispheres (41, 42). We note that theanterior commissure is substantially larger in rhesus monkeysthan in humans: around 5% of area of the corpus callosum asopposed to 1% in humans (43). However, humans with an intactanterior commissure also have preserved interhemispheric trans-fer of information (44).Our results indicate that although recent studies in acallosal

human subjects reported intact interhemispheric functionalcorrelations (26), this effect need not imply a dissociation betweenstructural and functional connectivity. Instead, preserved func-tional connectivity could be explained in terms of the existence ofnoncallosal commissures, particularly the anterior commissure.Indeed, noncallosal connections may even be enlarged in callosalagenesis: developmental pruning of axonal projections in the ACsis reduced in monkeys in whom the corpus callosum does notdevelop (45), whereas in genetically modified mice with agenesisof the corpus callosum, the number of unmyelinated fibers in theanterior commissure is increased (46). Furthermore, people withcallosal agenesis often display additional interhemispheric con-nections in the form of sigmoidal white matter bundles that con-nect the frontal lobe to the contralateral occipital lobe (47) andare not present in neurotypical subjects.More generally, the present results, taken together with the

studies on human patients (26, 27), indicate that even weak andindirect connections between the hemispheres are enough tomaintain interhemispheric functional connectivity. This findingsupports a hypothesis from modeling work: Adachi et al. (30)modeled the effect of different types of indirect connections onfunctional connectivity in macaque monkeys. They found thatsurprisingly, functional connectivity between pairs of regionswithout a direct corticocortical connection depended morestrongly on whether the two regions (a and b) had commoninputs and outputs (a ← c → b; a → c ← b) than on whetherthere was (two-step) information flow between them (a→ c → b).Hence, they hypothesized that functional connectivity dependsmore strongly on network level than on pairwise interactions. Thepresent results support that view.An additional observation, concerning changes in intrahemi-

spheric functional connectivity, also has implications for ourunderstanding of functional connectivity in terms of networksrather than bilateral connections. On complete disconnection ofthe hemispheres (AC + CC lesion), correlations between regionswithin each hemisphere actually increased. This finding is com-patible with a framework of input normalization (where the ef-fect of each input on a given region is scaled by the total numberof regions) and with previous theoretical work: In a brain-likenetwork, simulations indicate that although lesions decreasefunctional connectivity along pathways which are immediatelydamaged, parallel pathways actually increase their connectivity

(48). This observation offers a potential explanation for “par-adoxical” results in which functional connectivity between someregions increases in disease or predisease states, including inearly-stage multiple sclerosis (17) and in carriers of the APOE4allele, a genetic risk factor for Alzheimer’s disease (12, 49).Overall, although our results support the general assumption

that functional connectivity depends on structural connectivityand is not entirely driven by, for example, shared sensory input,they also reveal two interesting features of functional connectivitynetworks. First, it appears that these networks are sufficiently stablesuch that even weak connections between a subset of areas inLH and RH sections of each network are enough to maintainrelatively strong correlations across almost the entire bilateralnetwork. Second, the loss of some structural connections mayincrease functional connectivity via other routes. It is worth con-sidering, therefore, that there is not a one-to-one mapping betweenthe existence of pairwise structural connections and functionalconnectivity patterns.The concept of disconnection has long been important in

neurology (50–52), and several of the major neurological syn-dromes, including aphasia (50, 53), amnesia (54), and neglect(55, 56), can result from white matter damage rather thandamage to the cortical gray matter. In that context, resting-state functional connectivity could provide a useful tool fordetermining the nature of the functional network retained af-ter white matter damage, for example, in stroke, and targetingtherapies accordingly (57, 58). However, even in the simplecase presented here, the strength of functional connectivity be-tween each pair of nodes is not a linear function of the strength ofdirect structural connections between them because partial lossof structural connectivity does not necessarily cause a partialloss of functional connectivity. Furthermore, network effects, aswell as bilateral structural connectivity, contribute to functionalconnectivity patterns. It therefore seems that a greater under-standing of network interactions will be an important step inthe translation of resting-state fMRI from laboratory to clinic.

Materials and MethodsMonkeys and Lesions. We collected resting-state fMRI and structural scansfrom three rhesus macaque monkeys (Macaca mulatta): one male (R) andtwo female (N and P) with ages ranging from 3 to 6 y at the time of thepreoperative MRI scan. The monkeys were socially housed in differenttroops. All monkeys received complete lesions of the corpus callosum in-cluding the genu and the splenium. The hippocampal commissures and thefornix were spared in all cases. In two of the three monkeys (monkeys N andP) the anterior commissure was successfully sectioned, and in the thirdmonkey (monkey R) it was left intact. All three monkeys received a pre-operative MRI scan 3 wk before surgery and a postoperative MRI scan 8 mofollowing surgery. We also collected resting-state fMRI and structural scansfrom a further 18 rhesus macaque monkeys (the control group) using thesame protocol.

MRI Data Acquisition and Analysis. We collected fMRI data under light iso-flurane anesthesia, using a previously published protocol (34, 35). Details aregiven in SI Materials and Methods.

Data were acquired in a 3-T MRI scanner with a full-size bore using a four-channel phased-array coil (H. Kolster, Windmiller Kolster Scientific, Fresno,CA), using a previously described protocol, which is redescribed in SI Materialsand Methods. We acquired 1,600 volumes (53 min) of functional data. fMRIdata were analyzed using tools from Oxford Centre for Functional MagneticResonance Imaging of the Brain (FMRIB) Software Library (59, 60), FMRIB in-house software, and MATLAB. Data were preprocessed in the followingsteps: removal of nonbrain matter from images, removal of head motionartifacts by linear regression (MCFLIRT), Gaussian spatial smoothing (FWHM3 mm), temporal band-pass filtering between 0.01 and 0.05 Hz (to reducenoise from scanner drift and respiration, respectively), manual identificationof noise components (from vasculature, respiration, and head motion) usingindependent components analysis (MELODIC), and removal of these usinglinear regression.

At the single-subject level, voxelwise time series data were translated ontoa surface representation of the cortex with 20,000 vertices, derived from

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a macaque brain template [the F99 brain surface from CARET (38)]. Data ateach vertex were normalized (such that the mean of the time series at eachvertex was 0 and the variance was 1), and the global mean across the surfacewas regressed out at each vertex using linear regression. Finally, the meantime series for each Brodmann region in each hemisphere was obtained.Pairwise correlation coefficients (Pearson’s r) for each pair of Brodmannareas (56 areas, 28 in each hemisphere) were calculated and transformedusing Fisher’s r-to-z transform.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. J.X.O. was funded by UK Medical Research Council(MRC) Biomedical Informatics Fellowship G0802459. P.L.C. was funded by theCharles H. Revson Foundation. S.J. was funded by theWellcome Trust. C.R.E.W.was funded by Fondation Neurodis and a Marie Curie Intra-EuropeanFellowship. R.B.M. was funded by UK MRC Research Grant G0802146. A.S.M.was funded by UK MRC Career Development Award G0800329. M.F.S.R., J.S.,and M.P.N. were funded by UK MRC. M.G.B. and P.G.F.B. were funded byWellcome Trust Grant 071291. The MRI scanner on which data were collectedwas funded by UK MRC Grant G0400593.

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Supporting InformationO’Reilly et al. 10.1073/pnas.1305062110SI Materials and MethodsAnesthesia. We collected functional MRI data under light iso-flurane anesthesia, using a previously published protocol (1, 2).We selected isoflurane because resting-state networks can be

reliably detected using this protocol even under relatively deepanesthesia (3). However, as described below, we monitored a rangeof parameters to ensure that we maintained light anesthesia (heartrate, blood pressure, core temperature, and clinical checks formuscle relaxation before scanning). During the acquisition of theMRI data, IsoFlo 100% (Isoflurane) mixed with medical oxygenwas used to maintain anaesthesia. The inspired isoflurane con-centration was in the range 1.0–1.8% (vol/vol) (mean 1.45%), andthe expired isoflurane concentration was in the range 0.9–1.7%(vol/vol) (mean 1.38%).Other anesthetic agents including sevoflurane (4), propofol (5),

and ketamine (6) have been shown to lead to breakdown of resting-state networks. We therefore commenced the resting-state func-tional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) part of the scan 1.5–2 hafter induction with ketamine, at which time it would no longerbe present in the system in sufficient quantities to affect resting-state brain activity.Anesthesia was induced using intramuscular injection of

ketamine (10 mg/kg) combined with midazolam (0.1 mg/kg) andbuprenorphine (0.01 mg/kg). Monkeys also received injectionsof atropine (0.05 mg/kg intramuscularly), meloxicam (0.2 mg/kg intravenously), and ranitidine (0.05 mg/kg intravenously).Local anesthetic (5% lidocaine/prilocaine cream and 2.5%bupivacaine injected s.c. around the ears to block peripheral nervestimulation) was also used at least 15 min before placing themacaque in the stereotaxic frame.Protocols for animal care, magnetic resonance imaging, and

anesthesia were carried out under authority of personal andproject licenses in accordance with the UK Animals (ScientificProcedures) Act (1986) issued by the Home Office and approvedby the University of Oxford Animal Care and Ethical ReviewCommittee.

MRI Acquisition. Data were acquired in a 3-T MRI scanner witha full-size bore using a four-channel phased-array coil (H. Kolster,Windmiller Kolster Scientific, Fresno, CA), using a previouslydescribed protocol (1, 2). The anesthetized monkeys werescanned in the sphinx position in an MRI-compatible stereo-tactic frame (Crist Instrument Co.), in a horizontal 3-T MRIscanner with a full-size bore. Monkeys were intubated andventilated, and light anesthesia was maintained with isoflurane.A four-channel phased-array radio frequency coil in conjunc-

tion with a local transmission coil was used for data acquisition.Whole-brain blood oxygen level-dependent fMRI data were col-lected for 53 min and 20 s from each animal, using the followingparameters: 36 axial slices, in-plane resolution 2 × 2 mm, slicethickness 2 mm, no slice gap, temporal resolution = 2,000 ms, echotime = 19 ms, and 1,600 volumes. Structural scans were acquiredfor each macaque in the same session, using a T1-weighted MP-RAGE sequence (no slice gap, 0.5 × 0.5 × 0.5 mm, temporalresolution = 2,500 ms, echo time = 4.01 ms, and 128 slices).

Regionwise Correlation Analysis. To provide statistical tests of thechanges in correlation between hemispheres postlesion, we en-tered the values of Fisher’s z for each pair of regions, for eachmonkey, into a repeated-measures ANOVA (repeated mea-sures were the prelesion and postlesion values of Fisher’s z foreach of the 562 different region pairs; between subjects, variabilitywas also modeled).In the correlation matrix visualization, we constructed corre-

lation matrices, representing the pairwise correlation (Fisher’s z)between Brodmann areas in each monkey and the averagevalues of Fisher’s z, for each pair of regions, across monkeys.The matrices presented in Fig. 2 show the mean value of

Fisher’s z for each pair of regions, across the three monkeys, ineach condition.

Multidimensional Scaling Visualization. To visualize the globalchanges in connectivity patterns prelesion and postlesion, weapplied a multidimensional scaling analysis. We defined our“distance measure” (a measure of the dissimilarity between eachpair of data points) as zmax − z, where z is the mean Fisher’s z forthe correlation between the time series of the two areas across allthree monkeys and zmax is the maximum value of this distancemeasure across all pairs of brain regions, such that the “distance”between the two most similar regions was zero. Multidimensionalscaling was implemented using the MATLAB tool mdscale, whichminimizes Kruskall’s normalized stress criterion. R2 values of 0.97and 0.96 for the relationship between distances in data space and2D space for prelesion and postlesion data, respectively, indicatedthat the 2D representation is a very good fit to the data spacedistances.

Correlation Blocks in Multidimensional Scaling and Correlation MatrixVisualizations. To obtain a sensible ordering for the region pairswithin the correlation matrices (to aid visualization), we dividedregions into four blocks based on within-hemisphere correlations,using a data-driven (k-means) approach. The purpose of thisclustering analysis was simply to provide a manageable number ofanatomical labels for the correlation matrices and multidimen-sional scaling plots, to aid interpretation of the figures.First, we calculated a correlation matrix (a matrix of Fisher’s z

scores) within each hemisphere and across both prelesion andpostlesion data [i.e., for each pair of regions, we averagedFisher’s z between the two regions for 12 “hemispheres”: 3monkeys × 2 hemispheres (left/right) × 2 conditions (prelesion/postlesion)]. We submitted the resulting values of Fisher’s z tothe k-means algorithm, an iterative algorithm that assigns datapoints to a fixed number of clusters (k), which must be pre-determined in k-means clustering; k = 4 was chosen arbitrarilybecause it gives a useful level of specificity for visualizationpurposes.The result of the clustering was a classification of regions into

four blocks, roughly corresponding to occipital, parietal, inferiortemporal, and frontal/superior temporal cortex. We used theseclusters to select color labels for the points in the multidimen-sional scaling visualization and to order correlation matrices.

1. Mars RB, et al. (2011) Diffusion-weighted imaging tractography-based parcellation ofthe human parietal cortex and comparison with human and macaque resting-statefunctional connectivity. J Neurosci 31(11):4087–4100.

2. Sallet J, et al. (2011) Social network size affects neural circuits in macaques. Science334(6056):697–700.

3. Vincent JL, et al. (2007) Intrinsic functional architecture in the anaesthetized monkeybrain. Nature 447(7140):83–86.

4. Peltier SJ, et al. (2005) Functional connectivity changes with concentration of sevofluraneanesthesia. Neuroreport 16(3):285–288.

5. Boveroux P, et al. (2010) Breakdown of within- and between-network resting statefunctional magnetic resonance imaging connectivity during propofol-induced loss ofconsciousness. Anesthesiology 113(5):1038–1053.

6. Moeller S, Nallasamy N, Tsao DY, Freiwald WA (2009) Functional connectivity of themacaque brain across stimulus and arousal states. J Neurosci 29(18):5897–5909.

O’Reilly et al. www.pnas.org/cgi/content/short/1305062110 1 of 3

Fig. S1. Connectivity in a control group of 18 monkeys. Note the similarity to pre-lesion data from monkeys N, P, and R. (A and B) Multi-dimensional scalingplots for the control group, with regions labeled by hemisphere (A) and by functional block (B). Plotting conventions are as in Fig. 2. (C) Connectivity matrix forcontrol monkeys. Plotting conventions are as in Fig. 1. (D) Functional blocks used in B.

Fig. S2. Effect of lesions on homotopic correlation. Left column shows the difference in Fisher’s z (correlation score) between each region and its homotopiccounterpart in the other hemisphere for 18 controls vs. the postlesion scan for each monkey (monkeys N, P, and R are presented in separate rows as indicatedby row labels). Positive values (warm colors) indicate lower interhemispheric connectivity in the postlesion group. These are the raw data for the statistical testpresented in Fig. 4. Right column shows the difference in Fisher’s z as in the left column but now comparing each monkey’s postlesion scan with its ownprelesion scan. Note that the pattern of effects is very similar whichever comparison is made—monkeys N and P (AC + CC lesion) show widespread changes inconnectivity postlesion compared with both the control group and their own prelesion scans, whereas monkey R (CC-only lesion) does not.

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Fig. S3. Connections of the anterior commissure (AC) (from tracer work) and interhemispheric connectivity maintained by the anterior commissure. Leftcolumn shows regions with direct projections to the anterior commissure. Black dots indicate regions in which tracers, injected in the anterior commissure,arrived at the cortex. Figure after Demeter et al. (1). Right column shows the correlation (Fisher’s z) between homotopic regions in monkey R, postlesion. Inmonkey R, the anterior commissure was intact, but the corpus callosum (CC) was lesioned. Although we might have expected postlesion connectivity to re-semble the structural connectivity profile of the anterior commissure as shown on the left, in fact, strong interhemispheric connectivity persists betweenregions that are not connected by the anterior commissure, for example, the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex.

1. Demeter S, Rosene DL, Van Hoesen GW (1990) Fields of origin and pathways of the interhemispheric commissures in the temporal lobe of macaques. J Comp Neurol 302(1):29–53.

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