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CBC TIMESVolume XV, No. 13m ■ilSsAV.s'j u

March 24-30, 1962

Issued March 16, 1952, at Winnipegby the CBC


TV Programs

Saturday 6

Sunday 8

Monday 10

Tuesday 12

Wednesday : 14

Thursday 16

Friday 18

French Network 20

Radio Programs

Saturday 22

Sunday . 24

Monday 26

Tuesday 28

Wednesday 30

Thursday 32

Friday 34

Bousille DispelsOur Inferiority Complex

• The CBC is to be congratulatedon the production of such excellentprograms as “Bousille and the Just”on Festival recently. Not only was theplay in itself worthy by any standards,but it had the distinction of beingcompletely Canadian. It is programslike this which help Canadians out oftheir “intellectual inferiority” complex.

I am a teenager and I think it shouldbe known that many of our age groupappreciate something more thanBachelor Father and Bonanza.—MissE.C., Regina.

® When we have a chance to watchTV, we don’t want plays like the oneshown Monday Feb. 26th on Festival(“Bousille and the Just”), which wasdisgusting and good for no one’smorals. There wasn’t even a good storyto it.— Mrs. A.C., Semans, Sask.

® We have just this minute finishedwatching Festival’s production of“Bousille and the Just.” Congratu-lations are in order for a thoroughlyenjoyable play. We found it amusing,frank and absorbing, and we look for-ward to more productions of the samecalibre in the future.—W.A.E., Sas-katoon.

* “Bousille and the Just” hasprompted me to make a few remarks.

We would like you to know that thishousehold enjoyed the play verymuch. It was well constructed, well


acted, quite believable and highlyentertaining. Artistically, the playcould be improved upon very little.

Also I would like to compliment theCBC on having the courage to telecasta theme which we feel will cause somecriticism. You may however comethrough relatively unscathed sinceeveryone with the possible exceptionof our few Bousilles must admit atleast tacitly that most of us are dis-semblers of one sort or another. Surelythough you will receive a fewrighteous letters from viewers who donot see themselves in this way.

While the subject of this play maynot stir much controversy in this daythere are ideas that can. Doubtless theCBC has disposed of many of thesethrough lack of daring in the face ofimminent public outcry. I for one ammerely writing to offer a bit of en-couragement to you in whatever effortsyou may be making to give us humansa clearer view of ourselves, regardlessof where such a course may lead. . . .

We think you are doing an excellentjob on both radio and television. Youappear to be always striving forquality programming and we as Cana-dians should consider ourselves fortun-ate in having such a conscientiousbroadcasting system. J.M., SpringCoulee, Alta.

Judy Thrills Again® I wish to say “thank you” for the

Judy Garland Show. This is a wonder-ful girl and it was a great thrill to seeher once again.

I’d like to comment on a few otherprograms, namely Danny Thomas andDon Messer—we enjoy them immen-sely. Also thank you so much for allyour sports coverage. We are greatbasketball and hockey fans. Saturdayis a much looked-forward-to day.Mrs. N.S., Robinhood, Sask.

CBC Times (Prairie Edition) is publishedweekly by the Canadian BroadcastingCorporation at its Prairie Region Head-quarters, CBC Building, 541 PortageAvenue, Winnipeg 2, Man.


Information about forthcoming pro-grams—except signed articles—may bereproduced freely.

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March 24 - 30

Adult ProgramsAt Adult Viewing Times

• I sincerely hope that the homeinfluence and example set by theirparents have more impact on teenagersthan the so-called demoralizing TVplays that Mrs. G.M. of Firdale, Man.,complained of in the CBC Times,March 3-9. She must realize that wecannot always shield our children fromthe unpleasant aspects of life, and ifthey are allowed to sit up and watchTV in the evening, they must expectto see more adult programs. Person-ally, I thought “The Queen and theRebels” was first-class drama, as was“Bousille and the Just.” Thank you forFestival. I’m sure it’s not corruptingour teenagers’ morals. Mrs. H.M.,Didsbury, Alta.Lucky Students!

• Just had to let you know howmuch we enjoyed Shaw’s “Arms andthe Man” on CBWT March 6. What awonderful way for high school stu-dents to study a play.

The 15-minute introductory by JohnHirsch was most enlightening andpaved the way for two hours of superbperformance. Let’s have morel—Mrs.G.H.S., Headingly, Man.

• Lucky Grade Twelve students tosee such a delightful performance ofShaw’s “Arms and the Man”! It hadthe artistic direction we have come toexpect from producer A. P. H. Scott.The short talk by John Hirsch of theManitoba Theatre Centre added anextra fillip.

Please repeat this excellent playsoon and in a favorable evening spotso that folks who missed the morn-ing performance may have a chance toenjoy it.—Mrs. 8.W., Winnipeg.

On Our Cover

Fred Davis and Tommy Am-brose, two of CBC-TV’s best-known stars, were to be inWinnipeg March 23 to appearat the Symphony Fiesta, in sup-port of the Winnipeg Symphony.While in the West, they will beguests on the Winnipeg produc-tion, Music Break, on a video-taped program to be seen Wed-nesday afternoon, April 4. Fredis moderator of Front PageChallenge, Tuesdays, whileTommy hosts the variety showbearing his name, Friday eve-nings.

“IN THE HUNGRY THIRTIES, there were obvious reasons for being ahobo. But why today?” Interviewer Per Holting spent a week in Winni-peg’s hobo jungle trying to find the answer to this question. This Wed-nesday, Explorations presents a filmed account of what he discovered, asthe first of three programs from Winnipeg entitled “Hidden Worlds.”

During his experience, Holting became acquainted with a widevariety of down-and-outers—“Some, I recall as very bright, some prettydull, a few struck me as genuine victims of misfortune, others as chronicmalingerers.” Some of these men are introduced to the television audi-ence, as they tell their stories.

For further details on the series, see the feature on page 4. KenBlack and Frank Rasler are the producers.

TWO YEARS IN THE MAKING, a 13-week film series reviving a sig-nificant decade in Canada’s history, 1936 to 1946, will begin on theCBC-TV network April 3.

Canada At War deals with this nation’s war effort at home and onthe front, covering the wartime period chronologically. More than 16million feet of pre-war and wartime newsreel film were edited to createthe series by the National Film Board.

Donald Brittain, who wrote the scripts, comments, “It made meeven more horrified at the prospect of another war. Some film was sohorrible we couldn’t use it. But, without making people physically ill, wedo show how horrible the Second World War was. We don’t gloss itover. I didn’t write an antiseptic war.”

A PIONEER in the use of the recorder (wind instrument) on this con-tinent in the musical education of school children is heard alternateThursdays on the Saskatchewan Schools Broadcast, Let’s Listen to Music.He is Saskatchewan’s Supervisor of Music Rj Staples (he prefers that hissecond initial be printed in the lower case.)

A graduate of Moose Jaw Normal School in 1924, he taught schoolat Fenwood, Grenfell and Southey,Sask., before attending the Univer-sity of Manitoba, from which hewas graduated in 1931, and theManitoba Normal School. Hehas taken post-graduate training atthe University of Saskatchewan andtwo U.S. universities, and amongthe noted musicians he has studiedunder, Robert Shaw, noted choraldirector, is perhaps the most widelyrecognized.

Other teaching positions he hasheld were at Eriksdale, Man., Con-tinuation School, Central Collegiatein Regina, Florida State University,and as a visiting lecturer at theUniversity of Saskatchewan. Hisspecialty has led to publication ofmany related textbooks, and he alsohas written two songs, “Men of theRoyal Mounted” and “Hail FairCanada.” Rj Staples


A Look at


AN EXPLORATION into the “twilight” world occu-pied by three sections of humanity which exist inour midst but are generally unobserved by the restof society begins Wednesday, March 28, on CBCtelevision’s Explorations. Entitled Hidden Worlds ,

the three-part series investigates The Hobo Jungle,

The Fringe-Dwellers and The Old People of a Com-munity.

The first part of the series visits the banks of theRed River where each summer groups of transients—hobos who lead gypsy-like lives wandering acrossthe country—spend a few days or a few weeks inWinnipeg’s “hobo jungle” before moving on to an-other temporary resting place in another city ortown.

On April 4, The Fringe-Dwellers examines thefives of an Indian and Metis squatters’ settlement on


the Trans-Canada Highway, 70 miles west of Win-nipeg near the town of MacGregor, one of some 35such settlements in Manitoba. For years, this smallcommunity lived in shacks by the highway, isolatedfrom society and existing in poverty. Last fall, how-ever, the provincial government initiated a rehabili-tation program for these people, beginning with arehousing scheme which was recently completed.During the program, interviewer Theda Bradshawvisits the “fringe-dwellers” in their old homes andreveals how they had lived for as long as localresidents could remember.

The final part of the series, to be seen April 11,tells the story of an old man in the city, bringinginto focus the outlook and philosophy of the elderlypeople in the community whose lives most of usonly glimpse at from time to time.

Material for the first two programs in HiddenWorlds was originally seen on the Winnipeg publicaffairs program, Eye to Eye

, and has been adaptedfor use in this network series. The programs areproduced by Ken Black and Frank Rasler. PeterKelly directs the filming of the third program of theseries.


Speaking PersonallyIs Peace Research Possible? Lister

Sinclair recently spoke to scientists andlaymen in Canada and the United Statesabout research for peace. On this pro-gram he discusses the various opinionson this subject.W-7:20 pm K-7:20 pm X-7:20 pmNation’s Business

The speakers represent the Liberalparty: Fred T. Armstrong, candidate inYarmouth - Shelburne - Clare; James A.Byrne, candidate in Kootenay East; andJudy LaMarch, M.P. for Niagara. Theyare introduced by Herb Gray, candidatein Essex West.W-8:00 pm K-8:00 pm X-8:00 pm

Harry Boon TrioA program of music with the Harry

Boon Trio and vocalist Dorothy Harpell.Producer, D. R. McKerchar.Sunny Side Up OrchestraKeep Smilin’, Keep Laughin’,

Be Happy DorothyI’ve Got You Under My Skin. OrchestraI Feel Pretty DorothyI Love You OrchestraStars Fell on Alabama OrchestraGuess Who I Saw Today DorothyLullaby of Broadway OrchestraW-10:05 pm X-10:05 pm X-10:05 pm


Red SkeltonBride of Bolivar. Dorothy Provine is

guest when Red portrays BolivarShangnasty and takes a much-marriedHollywood actress as his wife.


Because each Issue of the CBC Times must be mailed so far In advance of theprogram week covered in it, some changes in scheduling and in program content

are inevitable. These are noted below:

RADIORecital in Miniature

Featuring violinist Thomas Rolston.Producer, D. R. McKerchar.Theme and Variations

(Violin Sonata) WaltonW-6:45 pm K-6:45 pm X-6:45 pmSpeaking Personally

Why Teaching Machines? Dr. T. H.W. Martin, former superintendent ofpublic school education in Toronto, ex-plains the special use of teachingmachines, devices which mechanicallyquestion the student and correct hiswork.W-7:20 pm K-7:20 pm X-7:20 pmJazz Workshop

Dave Robbins’ Workshop Group per-forms compositions by Robbins, PaulRuhland, Neil Hefti and Dick Grove.W-7:30 pm X-7:30 pmPrairie Chamber Music

The Corydon String Trio with LeaFoli, violin; Gerald Stanick, viola; andPeggy Sampson, ’cello. Producer, TomTaylor.Serenade DohnanyiW-10:05 pm K-10:05 pm X-10:05 pm


Perry ComoSpecial guest is Anna Maria Alber-

ghetti, star of the Broadway musical hit.Carnival.


The Case of Steenie Morrison. Thestory of Steenie Morrison who was

accused of murdering a man in 1911.Although he was saved from beinghanged, he died in prison some tenyears later.W-7:35 pm K-7:35 pm X-7:35 pmTHURSDAY, MARCH 22


Bob’s guests are musical comedy starEthel Merman, actress Piper Laurie andsinging star Fabian.

RADIOMusic for Strings

A string orchestra from Winnipegunder the direction of Bernard Naylor.Producer, Tom Taylor.Chacony PurcellConcertino Pastorale John IrelandW-11.-30 pm K-ll:30 pm


Perry MasonThe Case of the Melancholy Marks-

man. Mason defends a man accused ofmurdering his wife—a woman who hadbeen involved in a complex web ofblackmail, theft and forgery.

RADIOVancouver Theatre

A play entitled Pinpricks, by SallyCreighton.W-3:30 pm K-3:30 pm X-3:30 pm

Speaking PersonallyJargon in the Space-Age. John Gould,humorist from Lisbon Falls, Maine,satirizes the jargon of this age.

W-7:20 pm K-7:20 pm X-7:20 pmNight Spot

From Regina. Featuring the SwingingCanadians. Producer, Wm. Liska. Selec-tions: Mambo Jambo; Little Brown Jug;Everything’s Gonna Be Alright; Cana-dian Sunset; Percolator; Misty; Tea forTwo Cha Cha; Ja-Da; Irresistible You;Adois.W-10:05 pm K-10:05 pm X-10:05 pm


March 24 - 30




FOUR YEARS AGO when the Romeos first sangtogether as guests on a Juliette show on CBC tele-vision, they had three songs in their repertoire. Now,with a weekly spot in The Juliette Show (Saturdaysimmediately after the hockey game) and bookingsfor summer appearances in Ontario night clubs, themale quartet can choose from 250 songs, rangingfrom folk songs to semi-classics.

Within the next month another phase in thegroup’s career begins with the release of its firstlong-play record album. The album consists of 12standard ballads, sung in the straightforward stylewhich the Romeos have adopted since they wereorganized in 1958.\ Unlike other groups, the Romeos have not beenovernight successes. They readily admit that successhas been a slow process, mainly because they’vealways done a bit of everything; they haven’t stuckto any one phase as most vocal groups do these days.

An unusual aspect of the group—baritones VemKennedy and Rick Stainsby, bass John Garden andtenor Alex Ticknovich—is that it is compatible, de-spite the fact that each singer comes from a differentpart of Canada and that they all have different out-side interests.

“We’re actually a five-way family affair,” they allchime. “We all give our opinions and hash the ideasaround. When we say five-way family, we considerGinp Silvi (the quartet’s arranger) as the “silentfifth Romeo.” Fights? We’ve never had any. Andthis certainly helps. It’s much more enjoyable belong-ing to a group which enjoys working together.”

Silvi was the person who brought the four singerstogether. Before they formed the quartet they weremembers of the Gino Silvi Singers. When Silvi heardthe CBC was looking for a vocal group for TheJuliette Show, he believed the four singers had thetalent and ambition to do the job. He coached themas a quartet and arranged for an audition. The groupwas hired to appear on one program, but have be-come a weekly part of the show since.

The four young men are not only versatile singersbut also instrumentalists. Kennedy can play trumpetand trombone, Stainsby is also a trumpeter, Gardenplays guitar and Ticknovich is an accordionist.

During their club act, the Romeos make frequentuse of their instrumental talents along with somespontaneous comedy. Sometimes they’ll spoof othergroups. But they don’t copy any other quartet’sstyle; theirs is their own and they don’t believe ingimmicks.

Their versatility is displayed from week to weekon The Juliette Show. For instance, March 17, tohelp Juliette celebrate St. Patrick’s Day, the Romeoswill sing Brennan On the Moor and then join thefemale quartet, the Four Mice, in The Rose of Traleeand It’s A Great Day for the Irish.

A Sound InvestmentCANADIANS in Farm Forums coast to coast havesince November been engaging in heightened activi-ties—getting to know one another better in their owncommunities, feeling closer than ever before to otherForums across Canada, and all in the interests of anact of neighbourliness that will help to bring theoutside world, with its modem methods and theories,closer to thousands of farmers in India.

The project—Radios for India—began snowballingafter appeals were broadcast on the CBC’s NationalFarm Radio Forum series, heard Monday nights at8:30.

Auctions, baking and handicraft sales, bazaars,bingos, dances, concerts, plays, and fashion showshave been helping to earn money for the giantundertaking—and one group of Ontario fanners nearCobourg is even offering to chop wood for localresidents for so much a cord, turning over the pro-ceeds to the project, which aims at supplying atleast 20 special radios to Farm Forums in India at acost of $llO each. This price might seem a little high

(Please turn to page 7)




1:00 World of SportSoccer International

2:00 Sports Hall of Fame3:00 Bowling4:00 This Living World4:30 Bugs Bunny6:00 Countrytime5:30 Stranger Than



11:55 Devotions12:00 Horse Opera

“Range War”1:00 World of Sport

Soccer International2:00 Sports Hall of Fame3:00 Bowling4:00 This Living World4:30 Bugs Bunny5:00 Countrytime5:30 Stranger than

Fiction5:45 News6:00 Dennis the Menace6:30 Or. Kildare


12:30 Test Pattern, Music1:00 World of Sport

Soccer International2:00 World of Sport

Sports Hall of Fame3:00 Bowling4:00 This Living World i4:30 Bugs Bunny5:00 Countrytime5:30 Collegiate Beat6:00 Dennis the Menace6:30 CKX-TV News5:40 Weatherviews6:50 Sportscope


12:45 Program Preview12:50 Weekend Highlights1:00 Movie Matinee


2:00 Bowling3:00 Soccer International |4:00 Sports Hall of Fame |5:00 Teen Time5:30 Countrytime6:00 This Living World6:30 Bugs Bunny I7:00 Dennis the Menace I7:30 Stranger Than

Fiction (


10:00 Cartoons10:30 Western Theatre11:30 Hawkeye12:00 Kid Bids12:30 Dateline12:45 Cartoons

1:00 Family Theatre2:00 Tugboat Annie3:00 Soccer International4:00 Sports Hall of Fame5:00 Teen Time5:30 Travel Film5:45 Political6:00 This Living World

5:45 News, Weather6:00 Dennis the Menace6:30 Dr. Kildare7:30 Red River Jamboree8:00 N.H.L. Hockey9:15 Juliette9:45 King Whyte

10:00 CBC-TV News

7:30 Red River Jamboree8:00 N.H.L. Hockey9:15 Juliette9:45 King Whyte

30:00 CBC-TV News10:09 Weather10:10 Sergeant Bilko10:40 Tightrope11:10 Marquee 3

“Snows of Kiliman-jaro,” GregoryPeck, Ava Gardener,Susan Hayward

12:45 News, Sports,Weather

12:50 Devotions

7:00 Royal Playhouse7:30 Leave It to Beaver8:00 N.H.L. Hoockey

Detroit at Toronto9:15 Juliette9:45 King Whyte

10:00 CBC-TV News10:15 The Detectives10:45 The Big Movie

“The House on 92ndStreet,” WilliamEythe, Lloyd Nolan

12:30 Around the Clockand Sign Off

7:45 New DemocraticParty

7:50 Weekend Highlights8:00 N.H.L. Hockey9:15 Juliette9:45 King Whyte10:00 To Be Announced10:30 Saturday Night

Theatre“Song toRemember”

12:00 CBC-TV News12:10 Saturday Night

Theatre (cont.)CKOS Nite Cap

6:30 Bugs Bunny7:00 Dennis the Menace7:30 News, Sports,

Weather8:00 N.H.L. Hockey9:15 Juliette9:45 King Whyte

10:00 Ben Casey11:00 Peter Gunn11:30 Maverick12:00 CBC-TV News12:10 Nitebeat12:15 Maverick (cont.)



I :00 Cowpoke Cavalcade2:00 Bowling3:00 Soccer International4:00 Sports Hall of Fame5:00 Hi Five5:30 Countrytlme6:00 This Living World6:30 Bugs Bunny7:00 Dennis the Menace

7:30 News, Weatherand Sports

8:00 N.H.L. Hockey9:15 Juliette9:45 King Whyte

10:00 Movies for You11:45 Late Movie12:00 CBC-TV News,

Wrap Up, LateShow (cont.)



12:00 Hi-Fi Concert1:00 Bowling

2:00 Soccer International3:00 Sports Hall of Fame4:00 To Be Announced4:30 Countrytime5:00 This Living World5:30 Bugs Bunny

6:00 Dennis the Menace6:30 News, Weather

and Sports7:00 N.H.L. Hockey8:15 Juliette8:45 King Whyte9:00 To Be Announced9:30 Fabulous Feature

II :00 CBC-TV News11:15 Night Editor


If :30 T.P. Show12:00 Light Time12:15 Saturday School12:45 Cartoon Fun

1:00 The Hop2:00 Bowling3:00 Soccer International4:00 Sports Hall of Fame5:00 Crossroads5:30 Countrytlme6:00 This Living World6:30 News. Sports,

Weather7:00 Dennis the Menace


11:00 Teens on TV12:00 Top ’o the Clock1:00 Rocky and His

Friends1:30 Bunkhouse2:00 Bowling3:00 Soccer International4:00 Sports Hall of Fame5:00 Kid Bids5:30 Robin Hood6:00 This Living World6:30 Bugs Bunny7:00 Dennis the Menace

7:30 Sports, Weather,News

8:00 N.H.L. Hockey9:15 Juliette9:45 King Whyte

10:00 Wrestling10:30 The Detectives

i 11:00 Naked City12:00 CBC-TV News12:10 Saturday Playhouse

“Five Against theHouse,” Kim Novakand Guy Madison


1:00 Bowling2:00 Soccer international3:00 Sports Hall of Fame4:00 Big Picture4:30 Countrytime5:00 This Living World3:30 Bugs Bunny6:00 Dennis the Menace6:30 Stranger Than

Fiction6:45 News, Sports

and Weather

7:00 N.H.L. Hockey8:15 Juliette8:45 King Whyte9:00 Rescue 89:30 TV Hour of_Btars

10:30 Red River Jamboree11:00 CBC-TV News11:10 Final Edition11:15 Meridian Movietime

“Home In Indiana”

7:30 Cannonball8:00 N.H.L. Hockey9:15 Juliette9:45 King Whyte

10:00 Ben Casey11:00 Wrestling12:00 CBC-TV News12:10 Weather12:12 Nite Cap News12:22 Movietime

“Panic in theStreets,” RichardWidmark, PaulDouglas (Drama)

2:00 Sign Off

12:00 This Weekend on 71:00 Bowling

2:00 World of SportSoccer international

3:00 World of SportSports Hall of Fame

4:30 Countrytime5:00 This Living World5:30 Bugs Bunny6:00 Dennis the Menace6:30 Stranger Than


10:30 Test Pattern, Music11:00 Rumpus Room12:00 Midway (News,

Weather and Sports,Heckle and Jeckie,Susie, CountryFare)

1:00 Bowling2:00 World of Sport

Soccer International3:00 Sports Hall of Fame4:00 We the People4:30 Guys and Dolls5:00 This Living World5:30 Bugs Bunny6:00 Dennis the Menace

12:00 Hour of F.M.1:00 Bowling2:00 Soccer International3:00 Sports Hall of Fame4:00 Tempo5:00 This Living World5:30 Bugs Bunny6:00 Dennis the Menace6:30 National Velvet

9:30 Professor Calculus10:00 Dans les rues de

Quebec10:30 Un, deux trols

rideau11:00 Les Travaux et

les Jours11:30 Droit de Cite12:00 Saturday Heroes

1:00 Bowling2:00 Soccer International3:00 Sports Hall of Fame4:00 Expeditions4:30 Countrytime5:00 This Living World5:30 Bugs Bunny



8:15 Juliette8:45 King Whyte9:00 TV Reader’s Digest9:30 Peter Gunn

10:00 Route 66II :00 CBC-TV News11:10 Command

Performance“Blue Gardenia”

12:00 Sign Off

12:00 Test Pattern1:00 Bowling

2:00 Soccer International3:00 Sports Hall of Fame4:00 Sock Hop5:00 This Living World5:30 Bugs Bunny6:00 Dennis the Menace6:30 Rural Route 67:00 N.H.L. Hockey



6:45 Patti Page7:00 N.H.L. Hockey8:15 Juliette8:45 King Whyte9:00 East Kootenay

Theatre10:30 All-Star TheatreII :00 CBC-TV News11:15 Saturday Night



6:30 “30” News, Weatherand Sports

7:00 N.H.L. Hockey8:15 Juliette8:45 King Whyte9:00 Tombstone Territory9:30 Zane Grey

10:00 M. Squad10:30 M.G.M. 10:30

“Postman AlwaysRings Twice,”Lana Turner,John Garfield

11:00 CBC-TV News11:10 Late Nite Edition11:15 M.G.M. (eont.)12:15 Program Highlights12:20 Snooze News



7:00 N.H.L. Hockey8:15 Juliette8:45 King Whyte9:00 The Detectives9:30 You Asked for It

10:00 Ben Casey11:00 CBC-TV News11:10 Tonight11:20 East Country



6:00 Dennis the Menace6:30 Stranger Than

Fiction8:45 Metro News6:50 Weekend Sports7:00 N.H.L. Hockey

Detroit at Toronte8:15 Juliette8:45 King Whyte9:00 Peter Gunn9:30 Dr. Kildare

10:30 Red River Jamboree11:00 CBC-TV News11:09 Metro News11:15 Stardust Theatre

“Blood Brothers”12:45 Late News. Sign Off


March 24 - 30

Ptogtotn NotesMRRCH 24

See also page 4 of next week’s issue forpossible changes in these notes and

additional program information

Soccer InternationalTop European soccer teams com-

pete in this special film presentation.World Of Sport

Sports Halls Of Fame. Fred Sgam-bati and Steve Douglas are the co-hosts of this program taped at thenew building at Toronto’s CanadianNational Exhibition grounds whichhouses both the Canadian Sports Hallof Fame and the Hockey Hall ofFame.

Scenes are shown outside and in-side the building along with picturesand trophies on the interior. Inter-views are held with such sports not-ables as; Harry I. Price, past presi-dent of the CNE, chairman of theCanadian Sports Hall of Fame, and

Jan Rubes, baritone, host of CBCRadio’s Songs of My People (Mondays

at 7:30 p.m.), is Juliette’s guestSaturday.

president of the Hockey Hall of Fame;Jack Purcell of Toronto, Canada’s bad-minton player of the half-century;Miss Fanny (Bobbie) Rosenfeld ofToronto, Canada’s female athlete ofthe half-century; skating stars Bar-bara Wagner and Bob Paul; NHLpresident Clarence Campbell; formerMaple Leaf Hockey greats, Syl Appsand Charlie Conacher; and formerToronto sports editor and NHLreferee, Bobby Hewitson.Bowling

Five - pin bowling action fromO’Connor Bowl, Toronto.This Living World

Steve Bloomer talks about someof the creatures of the African jungles.Bugs Bunny

The cartoon favourite, Bugs Bunnyin some of his antics.Stranger Than Fiction

Bruce Wyndham narrates this BBCfilm series which features visits tohistorical landmarks and unusualbuildings throughout Great Britain.Country time

Program features the Kamloops bullsale and the Calgary bull sale. Georgede Pape, a judge at Kamloops, is thecommentator.Gardener Stan Westaway pays a visit.Producer, Gren Bates.

Dennis The MenaceDennis’ Documentary Film. Dennis

enlists Mr, Wilson to act as his cam-eraman when he prepares a documen-tary motion picture for a schoolproject.Doctor Kildare

Richard Chamberlain and RaymondMassey are featured in this seriesabout a young interne in a city hos-pital.Red River Jamboree

Songs and tales of the old Canadianwest, with Stu Phillips as singing host,

The best of old-country soccer is pre-sented this Saturday afternoon on


Peggy Neville, The Altones, the ValleyBeaux and Belles, square dance callerJo Johannson, Ted Komar and theSelkirk Settlers. Produced at CBCWinnipeg by Perry Rosemond.

This week; a salute to the countryprofessional men.

Hillbilly Jamboree GroupFrontier Parson StuCowboy Camp Meeting AltonesDevils Dream Selkirk SettlersDance Melody .. Beaux and BellesDoctor, Lawyer. Indian Chief GroupBlacksmith Blues - PeggySquare Dance Jo and Beaux and BellesOld Doc Brown .. StuThere'll Be A Hot Time In The Old

Town Tonight Group

N.H.L. HockeyThe Toronto Maple Leafs vs. the

Detroit Red Wings at Toronto.

JulietteA musical half-hour with Juliette,

The Four Mice, The Romeos and theBill Isbister Orchestra.

Special guest this week is singer JanRubes.

Canadian Broadcasting Corporationtelevision programs have been sold tothe United Kingdom, Australia, theUnited States, the Netherlands, Ger-many, France, Belgium, Luxembourgand Switzerland.

A SOUND INVESTMENT(Continued from page 5)

to some, but it is explained by the fact that the radiosmust be equipped with—and powerful enough tomake use of—a loudspeaker—(each radio will be set upin a village square where the village leaders can listento broadcasts from Radio India, discuss the subject ofthe day, and plan appropriate action); they must bein many cases battery-powered, and must be pro-tected against the steamy Indian climate, and againstvandalism.

Several years ago, as a result of a UNESCO report

on the success of Canada’s Farm Forum movement,India decided to try to emulate it. India has over500,000 rural villages with under 1,000 persons ineach, who badly need basic education, health train-ing, new ideas for farming, sanitation, pest control,and training in those important but less tangiblethings like citizenship and democracy. The Indiangovernment decided that small Farm Forums wouldnot only help the villagers to learn quickly andeasily, but would encourage them to work out theirown destiny through group action. Canada has under-taken to supply these forums with their basic re-quirement-radios.




* •


11:30 Speaking French12:00 This Is the Life—

Good Life Theatre12:30 Country Calendar

I :00 Junior Magazine2:00 Concert3:00 Heritage3:30 Discovery3:57 CBC-TV News

4:00 Citizens’ Forum4:30 Reflections5:00 Walt Disney6:00 Hazel6:30 Parade7:00 Ed Sullivan8:00 Bonanza9:00 Close-Up

10:00 CBC-TV News


12:21 Devotions12:26 Headlines12:30 Speaking French

1:00 This Is the Life-Good Life Theatre

1:30 Country Calendar2:00 Concert3:00 Heritage3:30 Discovery3:57 CBC-TV News4:00 Citizens’ Forum4:30 Reflections5:00 Walt Disney6:00 Hazel6:30 Parade


12:00 Musi* At Noon12:25 Around the Clock12:30 Country Calendar

1:00 Junior Magazine2:00 Concert3:00 Heritage3:30 Discovery3:57 CBC-TV News4:00 Citizens’ Forum4:30 Crusade for Christ5:00 Dr. Christian5:30 I Believe *

5:45 To Be Announced

6:00 CKX-TV New*6:10 Weatherview*6:20 Sportscope6:30 Parade7:00 Ed Sullivan8:00 Bonanza9:00 Close-Up

10:00 CBC-TV New*10:10 Route 6611:10 Explorations11:40 Night Final,

Sign Off


12:30 Weekend Highlights12:40 Program Preview12:45 CKOS Neighbourly

NewsI ;00 Religious PeriodI :30 Speaking French2:00 Faith for Today2:30 Country Calendar3:00 Junior Magazine4:00 Concert5:00 Heritage5:30 Discovery5:57 CBC-TV News

6:00 Citizens’ Forum6:30 Reflections7:00 Bachelor Father7:30 Your Star Showcase8:00 Hazel8:30 Parade9:00 Ed Sullivan

10:00 Bonanza11 :00 Close-Up12:00 CBC-TV News12:10 Star Performance12:40 CKOS Nite Cap


11 ;30 Test Pattern12:00 Christophers12:30 Dateline12:45 Light Time

1:00 Rural Route 21:30 Crossroads

2:00 This Is the Life2:30 Country Calendar3:00 Regina Junior

Symphony3:30 To Be Announced4:00 Person to Person4:30 Armchair Holiday5:00 Heritage

7:00 Ed Sullivan8:00 Bonanza9:00 Close-Up

10:00 CBC-TV New*10:09 Local News,

Weather, Sport*10:20 The Pursuers10:50 Marquee 3

“My Gal Sal.”Victor Mature,Rita Hayworth.Phil Silvers

12:30 News, Sports,Weather

12:35 Devotions

5:30 Discovery5:57 CBC-TV News6:00 Citizens’ Forum6:30 News, Sports,

Weather7:00 Walt Disney8:00 Hazel8:30 Parade9:00 Ed Sullivan

10:00 Bonanza11 :00 Close-Up12:00 CBC-TV News12:10 Nite Beat



1:30 Speaking French2:00 This Is the Life-

Good Life Theatre2:30 Country Calendar3:00 Junior Magazine4:00 Concert5:00 Heritage5:30 Discovery5:57 CBC-TV News

6:00 Citizens’ Forum6:30 Sugarfoot7:30 Father Knows Best8:00 Hazel8:30 Parade9:00 Ed Sullivan

10:00 Bonanza11:00 Close-Up12:00 CBC-TV News



11 :30 Hi-Fi Concert12:30 Speaking FrenchI :00 This Is the LifeI ;30 Country Calendar2:00 Junior Magazine3:00 Concert4:00 Heritage4:30 Discovery4:57 CBC-TV News5:00 Citizens’ Forum5:30 Reflections

6:00 News, Weatherand Sports

6:30 Gale Storm Show7:00 Hazel7:30 Parade8:00 Ed Sullivan9:00 Bonanza

10:00 Close-Up11:00 CBC-TV News11:10 Night Editor


12:00 T.P. Show12:30 This Is the LifeI :00 News ReviewI :30 Speaking French2:00 Good Life Theatre2:30 Country Calendar3:00 Junior Magazine4:00 Speak Up4:30 Ask the Minister5:00 Heritage5:30 Discovery

5:57 CBC-TV News6:00 Citizens' Forum6:30 Reflections7:00 Top Cat7:30 Father Knows Best8:00 Hazel8:30 Parade9:00 Ed Sullivan

10:00 Bonanza11 :00 Close-Up12:00 CBC-TV News


I :00 It Is Written1:30 Speaking French2:00 Good Life Theatre2:30 Country Calendar3:00 Junior Magazine4:00 Walt Disney5:00 Heritage5:30 Discovery5:57 CBC-TV News6:00 Citizens’ Forum

6:30 Sports, Weatherand News

7:00 Bachelor Father7:30 The Flintstones8:00 Hazel8:30 Parade9:00 Ed Sullivan

10:00 Bonanza11 ;00 Close-Up12:00 CBC-TV News


12:30 Sask.-Alta. FarmReport

1:00 Good Life TheatreI :30 Country Calendar2:00 Junior Magazine3:00 Concert4:00 Heritage4:30 Discovery4:57 CBC-TV News

5:00 Citizens’ Forum5:30 Reflections6:00 Burns and Allen6:30 To Be Announced7:00 Hazel7:30 Parade8:00 Ed Sullivan9:00 Bonanza

10:00 Close-Up11:00 CBC-TV New*



6:00 Patterns forModerns

6:30 Father Knows Best7:00 Hazel7:30 Parade8:00 Ed Sullivan9:00 Bonanza

10:00 Close-Up11 ;00 CBC-TV News11:10 This Is the Life11:40 News, Weather.




5:30 Sports, Weather,News

6:00 Father Knows Best6:30 Bachelor Father7:00 Hazel7:30 Parade8:00 Ed Sullivan9:00 Bonanza

10:00 Close-Up11:00 CBC-TV News11:15 BBC News

11:30 Sunday Concert12:30 Speaking FrenchI ;00 Good Life Theatre1:30 Country Calendar

2:00 Junior Magazine3:00 Concert4:00 Heritage4:30 Dinscovery4:57 CBC-TV News5:00 Citizens’ Forum


5:30 “30” News,Weather, Sports(Our Town—s:3o--

6:00 Maverick7:00 Hazel7:30 Parade8:00 Ed Sullivan9:00 Bonanza10:00 Close-Up11 :00 CBC-TV News11:10 Late Night Edition11:15 955 Rideau Road12:15 Snooze News



5:30 TV Topic*5:50 Central6:00 Maverick7:00 Hazel7:30 Parade8:00 Ed Sullivan9:00 Bonanza

10:00 Close-Up11:00 CBC-TV News11:10 Man with a Camera

12:00 Hour of F.M.I :00 This Is the Life-

Good Life TheatreI ;30 Country Calendar2:00 Junior Magazine3:00 This Is the Life3:30 Faith for Today4:00 Heritage4:30 Discovery4:57 CBC-TV News5:00 Citizens’ Forum


4:57 CBC-TV New*5:00 Citizens’ Forum5:30 Reflections6:00 Walt Disney7:00 Hazel7:30 Parade8:00 Ed Sullivan9:00 Bonanza

10:00 Close-Up

11 :00 CBC-TV New*11 :09 Metro News11:15 Tightrope11:45 TV Hour of Star*

“The Money”12:45 News and Sign Off

11 :30 Test Pattern12:30 Bishop SheenI :00 Faith for TodayI ;30 Country Calendar2:00 Junior Magazine3:00 Concert4:00 Heritage4:30 Discovery4:57 CBC News5:00 Citizens’ Forum5:30 Reflections

11:30 Test Pattern. Music12:00 Midway (News,

Weather and Sports,Cartoons, Tumble-weed)

12:30 ChampionshipBowling

I :30 Country Calendar2:00 Box Office

“Phffft”3:30 Passport to Pleasure I4:00 Heritage4:30 Discovery4:57 CBC-TV News5:00 Citizens’ Forum

9:30 CF-RCK (French)10:00 Les Belles Histolres

(French)10:30 Paris Musique10:45 Comment dites-vous11 :00 Music Hall12:00 Embassies12:30 Speaking French

1:00 This Is the Life1:30 Country Calendar

2:00 Junior Magazine3:00 Concert4:00 Heritage4:30 Discovery


March 24 - 30

Program NotesMARCH 25

See also page 4 of next week’s issue forpossible changes in these notes and

additional program information

Junior MagazineHost Norman Welsh introduces

special guest dancer Don Gillies. DougMaxwell conducts another quiz withhigh school students. Ross Snetsingerdiscusses different styles of architec-ture, using a model for demonstration.In his filmed series of adventure underthe Indian Ocean, Dr. Hans Haasshows how his cameras are used inthe ocean depths. Hank Hedges dis-cusses special uses of television forsuch matters as monitoring traffic andindustrial use. A film entitled This IsYoung Canada shows young skiers inaction.Country Calendar

Interviews with three retiredfarmers, one retired on the farm,another to town, and the third to thecoast. Harvey Tolton, a retired farmeris the guest on the program.Concert

Chamber Music (Youth Concert).Host is Louis Applebaum. FeaturingJulian Bream, lutenist and guitarist;the CBC Youth Choir; and variouschamber ensembles.

Rondino for nine instruments AdaskinFirst movement. Sextet ....PoulencPinal movement. Quartet No. 14

in D minor SchubertTwo movements. Septet Saint-SaensSlovak Songs Bartok and SeiberLute and guitar pieces various composers

HeritageWithin A Silence. (Quaker). Heri-

tage examines the religious obser-vances of the Quakers at the Societyof Friends House in Toronto, wheremeetings and religious gatherings areheld.Discovery

Here There Be Giants AlexanderMacKenzie. Part II of the story ofAlexander MacKenzie, Scottish ex-plorer, whose ambition to discover awaterway to the Pacific from the mid-west led him in 1789 to discover theMacKenzie River which led to theArctic Ocean. He later made a memor-able journey through the Rockies tothe Pacific. Produced by MichaelRothery.Citizens’ Forum

A Company Town. The programexamines Kitimat, 8.C., a town builtin an isolated northern B.C. area by

the Aluminum Company of Canadafor its employees. The problems ofsetting up a company town are studied—the inducements offered to workers,allocation of housing, the possibilityof emphasizing class consciousnesswith practically everyone working forthe same company—and other aspectsof the situation.Reflections

A program of music and song witha regular cast consisting of violinistFrancis Chaplin, soprano Jean Mar-shall, baritone Clarence Fleiger, harp-ist Phyllis Ensher, pianist CarolHughes, and a string orchestra underthe direction of Gordon MacPherson.Host is Pat Napier. Produced byRobert Alban.

4th movement. St. Paul’s Suite OrchestraGreen-Up Time. Someday My Heart

Will Awake Jean MarshallNight and Day Clarence FleigerTonight Marshall and Fleiger

Les Patineurs Carol HughesTempo Blues, Cavatina Francis Chaplin

Walt DisneyThe Prince And The Pauper. A

film version in three parts of MarkTwain’s famous adventure story.

Part HI. Long Live The RightfulKing. Edward fails in his attempt toregain the throne before the coron-ation but his persistence is rewardedwhen he interrupts the coronation andpasses a critical test to prove he isthe rightful king.Hazel

Them New Neighbours Is Nice. Ayoung teen-age neighbor gets a crushon Dorothy thinking she is youngerthan he is.

ParadeThe Weight Problem. Comedianand

musical comedy star Stubby Kaye,singer Joyce Hahn and comedian JackDuffy point up some of the problemsof weight. Stubby plays the role ofsomeone who wants to lose weight,Jack finds it impossible to gain, andJoyce has no problems. The programincludes a sketch with four men whohave won many awards for theirphysiques. Musical numbers include:

ir I Had My Druthers StubbyFolks Who Live On The Hill JoyceThere'll Be Some Changes Made Jack

(This program has been rescheduledfrom February 18).Ed Sullivan

Special guests include comedian SidCeasar and musical comedy star CarolLawrence.Bonanza

The Guilty. Ben falls under heavycriticism when he fails to prevent theson of an old friend from being killed.

Joyce Hahn has no weight problem,it’s obvious, but Jack Duffy and

Stubby Kaye have worries in thisregard, Sunday on Parade.

Close-UpClose-Up confronts Canadian

leaders of the International Union ofMine, Mill and Smelter Workers withnew information alleging Communistactivity within the union. This spe-cial report also examines the relation-ship of alleged Communist dominationwith the union’s current difficulties inSudbury, Ontario, and at Thompson,Manitoba. Charges of Communist in-volvement in the union are tabled bya former “Mine-Mill” organizer, him-self a former member of the Com-munist party.CBXT-TV Hour Of Stars

The Money. A suitcase containing$150,000 motivates a chain of disas-ters to anyone who has contact withit.




1:00 Chez Helene1:15 Nursery School1:30 Open House

2:00 Dickie Henderson2:30 Verdict Is Yours2:55 Cross Section3:00 News3:15 Les Affaires

de I’Etat3:30 Friendly Giant3:45 Sing Ring Around4:00 Razzle Dazzle4:30 Hurricane

5:00 Metro News5:15 Intercom5:45 CBC News, Sports6:01 Seven-O-One6:30 Don Messer7:00 Danny Thomas7:30 Live a Borrowed

Life8:00 Room for One More8:30 Camera Canada9:30 Recital

10:00 CBC-TV News10:14 Viewpoint


12:51 Devotions12:56 Headlines

1:00 Chez HeleneI :I5 Nursery School1:30 Open House

2:00 Dickie Henderson2:30 Verdict Is Yours2:55 Cross Section3:00 Ladies First3:30 Friendly Giant3:45 Sing Ring Around4:00 Razzle Dazzle4:30 Hurricane5:00 Story Seat5:15 National Velvet5:45 Spotlight6:05 Sports6:15 News


12:00 Music At Noon12:55 Around the Clock

1:00 Chez Helene1:15 Nursery School1:30 Open House

2:00 Dickie Henderson2:30 Verdict Is Yours2:55 Cross Section3:00 Two for Tea3:30 Friendly Giant3:45 Sing Ring Around4:00 Razzle Dazzle4:30 Hurricane5:00 Scope6:00 Don Messer6:30 CKX-TV News


II :45 Test Pattern, Music12:05 Mid-Day ShowI :I5 Movie Matinee

“A Song toRemember”

3:00 Chez Helene3:15 Nursery School3:30 Open House4:00 Dickie Henderson

Show4:30 Verdict Is Yours4:55 Cross Section5:00 Friendly Giant5:15 Sing Ring Around5:30 Razzle Dazzle6:00 Sports, News

and Weather


9:45 Test Pattern10:15 Joy’s Journal11:00 Romper Room11:45 Reveen12:00 Monte Cristo12:30 Dateline12:45 Guest House

6:30 Don Messer7:00 Danny Thomas7:30 Live a Borrowed

Life8:00 Room for One More8:30 Camera Canada9:30 Recital

10:00 CBC-TV News10:14 Viewpoint10:20 Metro News10:30 Two Faces West11:00 Magic Moments

In Sport11:05 Sports, Weather.

Wrestling12.05 News. Sports.

Weather12:10 Devotions

6:40 Weatherviews6:50 Sportscope7:00 Danny Thomas7:30 Live a Borrowed

Life8:00 Room for One More8:30 Camera Canada9:30 Recital

10:00 CBC-TV News10:15 Peter Gunn10:45 Weatherman10:50 Night Desk11:00 Channel 5 Movietime

“Chicago Syndi-cate,” DennisO’Keefe, Abbe Lane

- —t ~6:30 Hurricane7:00 Robin Hood7:30 Donna Reed Show8:00 Peter Gunn8:30 Don Messer9:00 Danny Thomas9:30 Live a Borrowed

Life10:00 Room for One More10:30 Camera Canada

“The ElectoralProcess”

11:30 Recital12:00 CBC-TV News12:14 Viewpoint12:20 CKOS Nite Cap

1:00 Matinee3:00 Flying Doctor3:30 Open House4:00 Dickie Henderson4:30 Verdict Is Yours4:55 Cross Section5:00 Junior Roundup5:30 Razzle Dazzle


8:00 Huckleberry Hound6:30 News. Sports and

Weather7:00 You Asked for It7:30 Take a Chance8:00 Father Knows Best8:30 Don Messer9:00 Danny Thomas

9:30 Live a BorrowedLife

10:00 Room for One More10:30 Camera Canada11 :30 Recital12:00 CBC-TV News12:10 Nitebeat


3:00 Chez Helene3:15 Nursery School3:30 Open House4:00 Dickie Henderson4:30 Verdict Is Yours4:55 Cross Section5:00 Friendly Giant5:15 Sing Ring Around5:30 Razzle Dazzle6:00 Abbot and Costello6:30 News, Weather,


7:00 Donna Reed Show7:30 Real McCoys8:00 Colt .458:30 Don Messer9:00 Danny Thomas9:30 Live a Borrowed

Life10:00 Room for One More10:30 Camera Canada11 :30 Recital12:00 CBC-TV News12:14 Viewpoint12:20 Wrap Up, Sign Off



1:00 Hi-Fi Concert2:00 Chez Helene2:15 Nurnsery School2:30 Open House3:00 Dickie Henderson3:30 Verdict Is Yours3:55 Cross Section4:00 Friendly Giant4:15 Sing Ring Around4:30 Razzle Dazzle5:00 Hope for Today5:30 Hurricane6:00 Popeye

6:15 Variety6:30 News, Weather

and Sports7:00 Sports Show7:30 Don Messer8:00 Danny Thomas8:30 Live a Borrowed

Lite9:00 Room for One More9:30 Camera Canada

10:30 Recital11:00 CBC-TV News11:17 Night Editor


12:00 T.P. Show12:30 News12:37 Weather12:45 TV Today

1:00 HollywoodPlayhouse“Flight fromGlory,” ChesterNorris, OnslowStevens, VanHeflin (Drama)

2:30 Coffee Break3:15 Nursery School3:30 Open House4:00 Dickie Henderson4:30 Verdict Is Yours4:55 Cross Section5:00 Friendly Giant5:15 Sing Ring Around


11:15 Sallytime11:45 Tot Time12:00 Top ’o the Clock

1:00 Matinee“Wife Takes aFlyer”

2:30 Sallytime3:00 Chez Helene3:15 Nursery School3:30 Open House4:00 Dickie Henderson4:30 Verdict Is Yours4:55 Cross Section5:00 Friendly Giant5:15 Sing Ring Around5:30 Razzle Dazzle

5:30 Razzle Dazzle6:00 The Club6:30 Hurricane7:00 News, Sports.

Weather7:30 Donna Reed Show8:00 Whiplash8:30 Don Messer9:00 Danny Thomas9:30 Live a Borrowed

Life10:00 Room for One More10:30 Camera Canada11 :30 Recital12:00 CBC-TV Nows12:15 Weather, Local

News12:30 Sneak Preview12:35 Meditations12:36 Sign Off

6:00 Sports, Weather,News

6:30 Carnival7:00 Monday at Seven

(Movie)“Tin Pan Alley”Betty Grable,Jack Oakey

8:30 Don Messer9:00 Danny Thomas9:30 Live a Borrowed

Life10:00 Room for One More10:30 Camera Canada11:30 Recital12:00 CBC-TV News



6:30 News, Sportsand Weather

7:00 Father Knows Best7:30 Don Messer8:00 Danny Thomas8:30 Live a Borrowed

Lite9:00 Room for One More9:30 Camera Canada

10:30 Recital11:00 CBC-TV News11:14 Viewpoint11:20 Final Edition

2:00 Chez Helene2:15 Nursery School2:30 Open House3:00 Dickie Henderson3:30 Verdict Is Yours3:55 Cross Section4:00 Friendly Giant4:15 Sing Ring Around4:30 Razzle Dazzle5:00 Women’s World5:30 Hurricane6:00 District Roundup


6:30 Cartoon Quiz6:35 Spotlight on Today7:00 You Asked for It7:30 Don Messer8:00 Danny Thomas8:30 Live a Borrowed

Life9:00 Room for One More9:30 Camera Canada

10:30 Recital11:00 CBC-TV News11:15 Weather Vane11:18 Nightbeat11:30 Christophers12:00 Sign Off


WATERTON PARK, CHANNEL 126:00 Sports, Weather

and News6:30 You Asked for It7:00 Zane Grey Theatre7:30 Don Messer8:00 Danny Thomas8:30 Live a Borrowed

Life9:00 Room for One More9:30 Camera Canada10:30 Recital11:00 CBC-TV News11:15 Viewpoint

12:00 Today on Seven1:00 Stage Seven

2:00 News and Weather2:30 Open House3:00 Dickie Henderson3:30 Verdict Is Yours3:55 Cross Section4:00 Friendly Giant4:15 Sing Ring Around4:30 Razzle Dazzle5:00 Index5:30 Hurricane


5:15 TV Hl-Jfnks5:30 Hurricane6:30 “30” News,

Weather, Sports6:30 Lawman7:00 Jack Benny7:30 Don Messer8:00 Danny Thomas8:30 Live a Borrowed

Life9:00 Room for One More9:30 Camera Canada10:30 RecitalII :00 CBC-TV News11:15 Late Nite Edition11:20 955 Rideau Road12:20 Slim Gym12:35 Snooze News



6:30 Red Deer Recrea-tion Report

6:45 Facing Facts7:00 Pete and Gladys7:30 Don Messer8:00 Danny Thomas8:30 Live a Borrowed

Life9:00 Room for One Mora9:30 Rotary TV AuctionIf :00 CBC-TV News11:15 Tonight11:30 Rotary TV Auction

1:00 Test Pattern2:00 Chez Helene2:15 Nursnery School2:30 Open House3:00 Dickie Henderson3:30 Verdict Is Yours3:55 Cross Section4:00 Friendly Giant4:15 Sing Ring Around4:30 Razzle Dazzle5:00 Candid Camera5:30 Hurricane6:00 United Begins

with You

10:15 Test Pattern, Music10:45 Slim Gym11:00 Romper Room12:00 The Midway (News,

Weather and Sports,Tom Terrific, Furyand Country Fare)

1:00 Carousel2:30 Open Hounse3:00 Dickie Henderson3:30 Verdict Is Yours3:55 Cross Section4:00 Friendly Giant I4:15 Sing Ring Around I4:30 Razzle Dazzle I5:00 Blossoms and I

Blades I I

10:00 Hour of F.M.11:00 Romper Room12:00 Mid-Day12:30 Rotary TV Auction2:00 Chez Helene2:15 Nursery School2:30 Open House3:00 Dickie Henderson3:30 Verdict Is Yours3:55 Women’s World4:00 Rotary TV Auction6:00 Central


March 24 - 30

Program NotesMARCH 26

See also page 4 of next week’s issue forpossible changes in these notes and

additional program information

CBXT—Ladies FirstToday’s program features a YMCA

gymnastics demonstration.Nursery School

Songs and games for children.Open House

The Floating School. Canadian filmmakers Ray de Boer and James Mac-Lean recently joined 800 Englishschool children on an educationalcruise, with ports of call at Lisbon,Gibraltar, Malaga and Palmer. Theliner—a converted troopship—has class-rooms where the children are giventheir regular lessons, and at each portof call they are taken ashore to see thesights.

Keep In Trim. Lorraine Thompsondemonstrates three exercises designedto give us stronger, prettier legs.Dickie Henderson

The Burglars. A half-hour of com-edy with Dickie Henderson, JuneLaverick, John Parsons and specialguest, actor Donald Gray.The Verdict Is Yours

Interesting court cases in serialform.CBWT—Ladies First

Mrs. F. H. Downing acquaints uswith the Handicraft Guild.Hurricane

Hurricane is over the Midge andthe islanders have gathered enoughfood and medicine to take care of thesick.CBXT—Busy Fingers

Hostess Betty Nickerson demon-strates the use of potatoes in creating


12:55 Headlines1:00 Glencannon1:30 Ladies First

2:00 Chez Helene2:15 Nursery School2:30 Open House3:00 Dickie Henderson

Show3:30 Verdict Is Yours3:55 Cross Section4:00 Friendly Giant4:15 Sing Ring Around4:30 Razzle Dazzle5:00 Kerry Wood

Storybosk5:15 Busy Fingers5:30 Hurricane6:00 Learn to Ski

6:15 Gateway6:30 Metro News6:45 Gateway. Weather

and Sports7:00 Pete and Gladys7:30 Don Messer8:00 Danny Thomas8:30 Live a Borrowed

Life9:00 Room for One More9:30 Camera Canada

10:30 Recitali 1:00 National News11:14 Viewpoint11:20 Metro NewsII :30 Naked City12:30 News and Sign Off

The ideal way to attend school—on board a sailing ship—is enjoyed by 800English students. They are seen Monday on Open House.

RecitalProgram of music for voice and lute,

performed by mezzo - soprano Chris-tianna van Acker and lutenist MichelPoldolski, both formerly of the ProMusica Antiqua of Brussels. Programoriginates in Vancouver. Produced byGeorge Robertson.Camera Canada

The Electoral Process. An examina-tion of the process by which electionmachinery is set up in Canada, fromthe standpoint of enumerating, ap-pointing returning officers, setting upof polls, counting the vote, and thework done to make sure that everyeligible voter in Canada has an oppor-tunity to cast his vote.

The program also examines the waycandidates present, their platforms tothe voters. Among those interviewedare Nelson Castonguay, Canada’schief electoral officer; Professor Nor-man Ward, University of Saskatch-ewan; Frank McGee, MP York-Scar-borough; Grant Campbell, MP Stor-mont; H. W. Herridge, MP KootenayWest; Keith Davey, national politicalparty organizer. Blair Fraser is nar-rator.CBXT—Naked City

To Dream Without Sleep. A lonelygirl registers with an escort serviceand stabs her first date.CBWT—Magic Moments In Sport

Half Pint Athletes. An amusingstory of child athletes with colorfulcommentary by Leo Durocher.

interesting and attractive patternswhich are used in many decorativeways.

CBXT—Leam To SkiThe last lesson in a 12-week course

of ski lessons and demonstrationsfilmed on location at the EdmontonSki Club Slopes with instructor BobLang, president of the club.CBXT—Pete And Gladys

Bowling Brawl. Gladys gets herthumb stuck in a bowling ball andcauses one of Pete’s uncles to wonderabout her sanity.Don Messer’s Jubilee

Special guest is New Brunswickfiddler Earl Mitton. Highlights:

One Little Grain of Sand Marg OsburneLonesome Valley Sally Charlie ChamberlainBeautiful Isle of Somewhere quiet-time song

Danny ThomasJose’s Protege. The elevator opera-

tor in Danny’s apartment buildingtries to wangle an audition for hisnephew.Live A Borrowed Life

Guest panelists are Stuart Keate,publisher of the Victoria Times, andVictoria-born actress Diana Ricardo.Regular panelists are Bill Walker andElwy Yost. Moderator is CharlesTempleton.Room For One More

I Retake This Woman. The Rosesbecome the centre of gossip when itis mistakenly rumored that they arenot married.




,v i

1:00 Chez Helene1:15 Nursery School1:30 Open House2:00 National Schools2:30 Verdict Is Yours2:55 Cross Section3:00 News3:15 Test Pattern3:30 Adventures of

Blinky3:45 Flower Pot Men4:00 Razzle Dazzle4:30 Mike Mercury

5:00 Metro News5:15 Ichabod and Me5:45 News, Sports6:01 Seven-0 One6:30 Beachcomber7:00 Garry Moore8:00 Red Skelton8:30 Front Page Chall.9:00 Inquiry9:30 Fighting Words

10:00 CBC-TV News10:14 Viewpoint


12:51 Devotions12:56 Headlines1:00 Chez Helene1:15 Nursery School1:30 Open House2:00 National Schools2:30 Verdict Is Yours2:55 Cross Section3:00 Ladies First3:30 Adventures of

Blinky3:45 Flower Pot Men4:00 Razzle Dazzle4:30 Mike Mercury5:00 Gateway to

Government5:30 Melody Lane5:45 Spotlight6:05 Spotlight on Sports6:15 News


12:00 Music At Noon12:55 Around the Clock

1:00 Chez Helene1:15 Nursery School1:30 Open House2:00 National Schools2:30 Verdict Is Yours2:55 Cross Section3:00 Up from Clay3:30 Adventures of

Blinky3:45 Flower Pot Men4:00 Razzle Dazzle4:30 Mike Mercury and

His Super Car5:00 Scope6:00 To Be Announced6:30 CKX-TV News


11:45 Test Pattern12:05 Mid-Day Show

1:15 Movie Matinee“Hotel Berlin”

3:00 National Schools3:30 Open House4:00 Susie4:30 Verdict Is Yours4:55 Cross Section5:00 Adventures of

Blinky5:15 Flower Pot Men5:30 Razzle Dazzle6:00 Sports, News

and Weather


9:45 Test Pattern10:15 Joy’s Journal11:00 Romper Room11:45 The Music Box12:00 Cannonball12:30 Dateline12:45 Guest House

if, tnMnncL i

1:00 Matinee3:00 National Schools3:30 Open House4:00 Conservatory4:30 Verdict Is Yours4:55 Cross Section

6:30 High Jinks7:00 Garry Moore8:00 Red Skelton8:30 Front Page Chall.9:00 Inquiry9:30 Fighting Words

10:00 CBC-TV News10:14 Viewpoint10:20 Metro News10:30 Eye to Eye11:00 A Song for You11:15 Sports. Weather.

Marquee 3“Escapade.”John Mills.Alastair Sim

12:45 News. Sports,Weather

12:50 Devotions

6:40 Weatherviews6:50 Sportscope7:00 Garry Moore Show8:00 Red Skelton8:30 Front Page Chall.9:00 Inquiry9:30 Bachelor Father

10:00 CBC-TV News10:15 Third Man10:45 Weatherman10:50 Night Desk10:55 Channel 5 Movietime

“You’re Only YoungTwice,” DuncanMacßae, PatrickBarr

12:35 Night Final andSign Off

6:30 Ernie Lindeli Show6:55 Yorkton

ConstituencyLiberal Ass’n

7:00 Favourite Movie“Dead Reckoning”

9:00 Garry Moore Show10:00 Red Skelton10:30 Front Page Chall.11:00 InquiryII :30 Fighting Words12:00 CBC-TV News12:14 Viewpoint12:20 CKOS Nite Cap


5:00 Junior Roundup5:30 Razzle Dazzle6:00 Robin Hood6:30 News, Sports

and Weather7:00 The Flintstones7:30 Jack Benny8:00 Rawhide


2:00 Melody Time3:00 National Schools3:30 Open House4:00 Feminine Fare4:30 Verdict Is Yours4:55 Cross Section5:00 Adventures of

Blinky5:15 Flower Pot Men5:30 Razzle Dazzle6:00 Jeff’s Collie6:30 News, Weather.




1:00 Hi-Fi Concert2:00 Chez Helene2:15 Nursery School2:30 Open House3:00 National Schools3:30 Verdict Is Yours3:55 Cross Section4:00 Adventures of

Blinky4:15 Flower Pot Men4:30 Razzle Dazzle5:00 To Be Announced5:30 Mike Mercury and

His Super Car6:00 TV Calendar


12:00 T.P. Show12:30 News, Weather12:45 TV Today

1:00 HollywoodPlayhouse“They Won’t Be-lieve Me,” RobertYoung, SusanHayward (Drama)

2:30 Coffee Break3:00 National Schools3:30 Open House4:00 Kaleidoscope4:30 Verdict Is Yours4:55 Cross Section5:00 Adventures of

Blinky5:15 Flower Pot Men


11:15 Sallytime11:45 Tot Time12:00 Top ’o the ClockI ;00 Matinee


2:30 Sallytime3:00 National Schools3:30 Open House4:00 Film4:30 Verdict Is Yours4:55 Cross Section5:00 Adventures of

Blinky5:15 Flower Pot Men5:30 Razzle Dazzle

9:00 Garry Moore10:00 Red Skelton10:30 Front Page Chall.11:00 InquiryII :30 Championship

Bridge12:00 CBC-TV News12:15 Nitebeat

7:00 How to Marry aMillionaire

7:30 Route 668:30 Stories of the

Century9:00 Garry Moore

10:00 Red Skelton10:30 Front Page Chall.11:00 Inquiry11:30 Fighting Words12:00 CBC-TV News12:14 Viewpoint12:20 Wrap-Up

6:15 Farming Today6:30 National and

Local News6:40 Weatherscope6:45 Sports Roundup7:00 Talk Back7:30 Charlie Chan8:00 Garry Moore Show9:00 Red Skelton9:30 Front Page Chall.

10:00 Inquiry10:30 Fighting Words11:00 CBC-TV News11:15 Night Editor

5:30 Razzle Dazzle6:00 The Club6:30 Mike Mercury and

His Super Car7:00 News, Weather,

Sports7:30 Real McCoys8:00 Route 669:00 Garry Moore

10:00 Red Skelton10:30 Front Page Chall.11:00 Inquiry11:30 It Is Written12:00 CBC-TV News12:15 Weather. Nitecap

News12:25 Sneak Preview12:30 Meditation12:31 Sign Off

6:00 Sports, Weatherand News

6:30 Quick DrawMcGraw

7:00 Sea Hunt7:30 Public Interest8:00 Father Knows Best8:30 You Asked for It9:00 Garry Moore

10:00 Red Skelton10:30 Front Page Chall.11:00 Inquiry11:30 Fighting Words12:00 CBC-TV News12:15 Viewpoint

2:00 Chez Helene2:15 Nursery School2:30 Open House3:00 National Schools3:30 Verdict is Yours3:55 Cross Section4:00 Adventures of

Blinky4:15 Flower Pot Men4:30 Razzle Dazzle5:00 Women’s World5:30 Mike Mercury6:00 Sask.-Alta. Square


12:00 Today on Seven1:00 Mr. and Mrs. North1:30 Kay Macleod

2:20 News and Weather2:30 Open House3:00 National Schools3:30 Verdict Is Yours3:55 Cross Section4:00 Adventures of

Blinky4:15 Flower Pot Men4:30 Razzle Dazzle5 KM) Georgia

10:15 Test Pattern, Music10:45 Slim Gym11:00 Romper Room12:00 The Midway (News,

Weather and Sports,Tome Terrific, TheLone Ranger andCountry Fare)

1:00 Carousel2:30 Open House3:00 National Schools3:30 Verdict Is Yours3:55 Cross Section4:00 Adventures of

Blinky4:15 Flower Pot Men4:30 Razzle Dazzle5:00 Zippo’s Show

10:00 Hour of F.M.11:00 Romper Room12:00 Mid-Day12:30 Rotary TV Auction2:30 Open House3:00 National Schools3:30 Verdict Is Yours3:55 Women’s World4:00 Rotary TV Auction6:00 Central



6:30 News. Sports andWeather

7:00 How to Marry aMillionaire

7:20 This Is the Life8:00 Garry Moore9:00 Red Skelton9:30 Front Page Chall.

10:00 Inquiry10:30 Fighting WordsII :00 CBC-TV Newt11:14 ViewpointII :20 Final Edition


6:30 Cartoon Quiz6:35 Spotlight on Today7:00 Real McCoys7:30 Country Style8:00 Garry Moore9:00 Red Skelton9:30 Front Page Chall.

10:00 Inquiry10:30 Ranch PartyII :00 CBC-TV Newt11:15 Weather Vane11:18 Nightbeat11:30 Scope12:00 Sign Off

1:00 Test Pattern2:00 Chez Helene2:15 Nursery School2:30 Open House3:00 National Schools3:30 Verdict Is Yours3:55 Cross Section4:00 Adventures of

Blinky4:15 Flower Pot Men4:30 Razzle Dazzle5:00 Fun Time5:30 Mike Mercury6:00 Four Show



5:30 Mike Mercury andHis Super Car

6:00 Sports. Weatherand News

6:30 Rawhide7:30 Time Out with

Al McCann7:45 Focus on Seven8:00 Garry Moore9.00 Red Skelton9 :30 Front Page Chall.

10:00 Inquiry10:30 Detectives11:00 CBC-TV Newt11:15 Viewpoint


5:30 Freeway6:00 “30” News,

Weather, Sports6:30 Hawaiian Eye

, 7:30 Bachelor Father8:00 Garry Moore Show9:00 Red Skelton9:30 Front Page Chall.10:00 Inquiry10:30 M.G.M. 10:30

“Holiday inMexico,”Walter Pidgeon,Jane Powell,

II :00 CBC-TV News11:15 M.G.M. (cont.)12:15 Slim Gym12:30 Snooze News



6:30 Whiplash7:00 Flintstones7:30 Rural Rambling*8:00 Garry Moore9:00 Red Skelton9:30 Front Page Chall.

10:00 Rotary TV Auction11:00 CBC-TV News11:15 Tonight11:30 Rotary TV Auction


March 24 - 30

Ptogtetn NotesMARCH 27

See also page 4 of next week’s issue forpossible changes in these notes and

additional program information

Chez HeleneHelene Baillargeon and her puppets

present a program of French instruc-tion for the very young.Open House

The New Baby Rooms With Mother.A film showing how a new baby iscared for under the rooming-in planprovided by some hospitals. Themother is Moyra Walker of Torontowho decided on the rooming-in systemwhen making plans for the birth ofher third child. The film shows howthe baby is cared for by his motherand father soon after birth.

Our Special guest. Special guest isMiss Leontine Young, executive di-rector of the Child Service Associationof Newmark, New Jersey.

National School Telecasts(1) Current Events. (2) Begin-

ning a four-part series entitled Look-ing At Land Forms, which deals withmountains, rivers, sea coasts and is-lands. This week. The Story of Moun-tains. The program illustrates howmountains are formed by volcanicactivity and examines peaks, glaciers,passes and foothills.The Verdict Is Yours

Courtroom drama in serial form.Ladies First

Mat Gauer shows how she makesoatmeal bread.

Anne Dyer returns for her secondtalk on how parents can help theirchildren speak more clearly, moreconfidently and more effectively.Razzle-Dazzle

A 1 Hamel hosts a show for young-sters of school age featuring cartoonsand contests.


12:55 HeadlinesI :00 To Be Announced1:30 Ladies First

2:00 Chez Helene2:15 Nursery School2:30 Open House3:00 National Schools3:30 Verdict Is Yours3:55 Cross Section4:00 Adventures of

Blinky4:15 Flower Pot Men4:30 Razzle Dazzle5:00 William Tell5:30 Mike Mercury and

His Super Car6:00 Town Topics6:15 Gateway

6:30 Metro News6:45 Gateway, Weather

and Sports7:00 National Velvet7:30 Sports Page8:00 Garry Moore9:00 Red Skelton9:30 Front Page Chall.

10:00 Inquiry10:30 Fighting Words11 :00 CBC-TV News11:14 Viewpoint11 :20 Metro News11:30 Stardust Theatre

“Is EverybodyHappy?” Ted Lewisand Larry Parks

12:45 Late News. Sign Off

How mountains come into being isshown Tuesday on the National

Schools Telecast.

A Game in the


is seen Tuesday evening, butas we went to press, the timehad not been announced.

CBWT—Gateway To GovernmentThe last in the series dealing with

the workings of the Manitoba Gov-ernment K. O. MacKenzie, deputyminister of Welfare, explains the roleplayed by welfare workers. RalphWenderborn, director of Health Edu-cation, describes with the aid offilm, the new laboratory in Winni-peg’s modern Norquay Building.

Students from the Tec Voc Col-legiate also take part in the program.Host is Jim Mitchell. Producer, RonBashford.CBXT—Town Topics

A weekly program dealing withproblems encountered in City Hall.This week traffic engineer Bert Huff-man is special guest.CBXT—Sports Page

CBC sportscaster Glenn Bjamasonhas as special guests this week ChuckConnors and other rodeo contestantsand acts.

Garry MooreA one-hour variety program star-

ring Garry Moore and featuring

Marion Lome, Carol Burnett andDurward Kirby.

Guests include comedian GeorgeGobel and vocalists Susan Johnsonand Vic Damone.

Red SkeltonEach week Red Skelton, master of

pantomime, creates one of his zanycharacters for a comical half-hour ofentertainment.

Front Page ChallengeFeaturing host Fred Davis and

panelists Pierre Berton, Gordon Sin-clair, and two guests. A mystery per-son appears in the studio and thepanelists must identify the news storyout of the past with which he isassociated.Inquiry

Controversial issues with many-sided questions are presented for theconsideration of Canadians.Fighting Words

This popular show in which panel-ists discuss controversial quotations ishosted by newspaper columnist NathanCohen.

CBWT—Eye To Eye

A public affairs program with ideas,comments and debates on questionsof importance to the people of Mani-toba.CBWT—A Song For You

Singer-pianist Jose Poneira with aspecial guest presents a program ofpopular music. Singer Maxine Wareis guest.

Garry Moore's special guest Tuesdayevening is George Gobel.




1:00 Chez Helene1:15 Nursery School1:30 Mile, de Paris

2:00 Music Break2:30 Verdict Is Yours2:55 Cross Section3:00 News3:15 Test Pattern3:30 Friendly Giant3:45 Maggie Muggins4:00 Razzle Dazzle4:30 Huckleberry Hound

12:51 Devotions12:56 Headlines

1:00 Chez Helene1:15 Nursery School1:30 Mile, de Paris

2:00 Music Break2:30 Verdict Is Yours2:55 Cross Section3:00 Ladies First3:30 Friendly Giant3:45 Maggie Muggins4:00 Razzle Dazzle4:30 Huckleberry Hound5:00 Busy Fingers5:15 Robin Hood5:45 Spotlight


12:00 Musle At Noon12:55 Around the Clock1:00 Chez Helene1:15 Nursery School1:30 Mile, de Paris2:00 Music Break2:30 Verdict Is Yours2:55 Cross Section3:00 Two for Tea I3:30 Friendly Giant I3:45 Maggie Muggins I4:00 Razzle Dazzle4:30 Huckleberry Hound I5:00 Scope I6:00 Nation’s Business


11:45 Test Pattern, Music12:05 Mid-Day ShowI :I5 Movie Matinee

“Always Together”3:00 Chez Helene3:15 Nursery School3:30 Mile, de Paris4:00 Music Break4:30 Verdict is Yours4:55 Cross Section5:00 Friendly Giant5:15 Maggie Muggins5:30 Razzle Dazzle6:00 Nation’s Business


9:45 Test Pattern10:15 Joy’s Journal11:00 Romper Room11:45 Music Box12:00 Lone Ranger12:30 Dateline12:45 Guest House

5:00 Nation's Business5:15 Sea Hunt5:45 News, Sports6:01 Seven-O-One6:30 Nation’s Business6:45 Mr. Fix-It7:00 Playdate8:00 Perry Como9:00 Newsmagazine9:30 Explorations10:00 CBC-TV News10:14 Viewpoint


6:05 Spotlight on Sports6:15 News6:30 Nation’s Business6:45 Mr. Fix-It7:00 Playdate8:00 Perry Como9:00 Newsmagazine9:30 Explorations10:00 CBC-TV News10:14 Viewpoint10:20 Metro News10:30 To Be Announced11:00 Sports, Weather,

Bowling12:15 News, Sports,

Weather12:20 Devotions

6:15 Agriviews6:30 CKX-TV News6:40 Weatherviews6:50 Sportscope7:00 Playdate8:00 Perry Como9:00 Newsmagazine9:30 Country Concert

10:00 CBC-TV News10:15 Tightrope10:45 Weatherman,

Night Desk10:55 Wagon Train12:00 Night Final and

Sign Off

i 6:15 Sports, News andWeather

6:30 Huckleberry Hound7:00 To Be Announced8:00 The Real McCoys8:30 To Be Announced8:45 Mr. Fix-It9:00 Playdate

10:00 Perry Como11:00 Newsmagazine11:30 Explorations12:00 CBC-TV News12:14 Viewpoint12:20 CKOS Nite Cap

1:00 Matinee3:00 Flying Doctor3:30 Mile, de Paris4:00 Music Break4:30 Verdict Is Yours4:55 Cross Section5:00 Junior Roundup5:30 Razzle Dazzle


6:00 Nation's Business6:15 To Be Announced6:30 News, Sports and

Weather7:00 Bachelor Father7:30 Zane Grey8:00 Hawaiian Eye


2:00 Melody Time3:00 Chez Helene3:15 Nursery School3:30 Mile, de Paris4:00 Music Break4:30 Verdict Is Yours4:55 Cross Section5:00 Friendly Giant5:15 Maggie Muggins5:30 Razzle Dazzle6:00 Nation’s Business



1:00 Hi-Fi Concert2:00 Chez Helene2:15 Nursery School2:30 Mile, de Paris3:00 Music Break3:30 Verdict Is Yours3:55 Cross Section4:00 Friendly Giant4:15 Maggie Muggins4:30 Razzle Dazzle5:00 Nation’s Business5:30 Huckleberry Hound

6:00 Popeye6:15 Variety6:30 News. Weather

and Sports7:00 British TV

Playhouse8:00 Playdate9:00 Perry Como

10:00 Newsmagazine10:30 Explorations11:00 CBC-TV News11:15 Night 9ditor


12:00 T.P. Show12:30 News. Weather12:45 TV Today

1:00 HollywoodPlayhouse“Night Song,”Dana Andrews,Merle Oberon(Drama)

2:30 Coffee Break3:15 Nursery Schooltime3:30 Mile de Paris4:00 Music Break4:30 Verdict Is Yours4:55 Cross Section5:00 Friendly Giant5:15 Maggie Muggins5:30 Razzle Dazzle


11:15 Sallytime11:45 Tot Time12:00 Top ’o the Clock

1:00 Matinee“Nancy Steele IsMissing”

2:30 Sallytime3:00 Chez Helene3:15 Nursery School3:30 Mile, de Paris4:00 Music4:30 Verdict Is Yours4:55 Cross Section5:00 Story5:15 Maggie Muggins

9:00 Playdate10:00 Perry Como11:00 Newsmagazine11:30 Explorations12:00 CBC-TV News12:15 Nitebeat12:20 Wrestling

1:20 Sign Off

6:15 Social Credit6:30 News, Weather

and Sports7:00 77 Sunset Strip8:00 Naked City9:00 Playdate

10:00 Perry Como11:00 Newsmagazine11:30 Explorations12:00 CBC-TV Nows12:14 Viewpoint12:20 Wrap Up

6:00 Nation’s Business6:15 People and Property6:30 H-Hound7:00 News, Sports

and Weather7:30 You Asked for It8:00 Rescue 88:30 Peter Gunn9:00 Playdate

10:00 Perry Como9 11:00 Newsmagazine

11:30 Explorations12:00 CBC-TV News12:15 Weather. Nitecap

News12:25 Sneak Preview12:30 Meditations12:21 Sign Off

5:30 Razzle Dazzle6:00 Nation’s Business6:10 Your Weatherman6:20 Channel 8 News6:30 Huckleberry Hound7:00 Sports Spotlight7:15 Screen Gems

“Prize of Gold,”Richard Widmark.Mai Zetterling

9:00 Playdate10:00 Perry Como11:00 Newsmagazine11:30 Explorations12:00 CBC-TV News12:15 Viewpoint

12:15 Encore Performance“Home in Indiana”

1:30 Woman’s World2:00 Chez Helene2:15 Nursery School2:30 Mile, de Paris3:00 Music Break3:30 Verdict Is Yours3:55 Cross Section4:00 Friendly Giant I4:15 Maggie Muggins I4:30 Razzle Dazzle I5:00 To Be Announced I5:15 Light Time I5:30 Robin Hood

12:00 Test Pattern12:30 Coffee Cup Theatre2:00 Chez Helene2:15 Nursery School2:30 Mile, de Paris3:00 Music Break3:30 Verdict Is Yours3:55 Cross Section4:00 Friendly Giant4:15 Maggie Muggins5:00 Gene Autry5:30 Huckleberry Hound6:00 Nation’s Business6:15 To Be Announced

9:15 Test Pattern, Music9:45 French Show

10:00 Test Pattern, Music10:25 Cooking Magic10:45 Slim Gym11:00 Romper Room12:00 The Midway (News,

Weather and Sports,Tom TerrificSergeant Preston.Country Fare) I1:00 Carousel I

2:30 Mile, de Paris3:00 Music Break3:30 Verdict Is Yours I3:55 Cross Section4:00 Friendly Giant I

10:00 Hour of F.M.11:00 Romper Room12:00 Mid-Day12:30 Rotary TV Auction2:00 Modes and Styles2:30 Mile, de Paris3:00 Music Break3:30 Verdict is Yours3:55 Women’s World4:00 Rotary TV Auction5:30 Huckleberry Hound



6:00 Nation’s Business6:15 Vermilion Markets6:30 News, Sports and

Weather7:00 Honeymooners7:30 Patti Page7:45 Mr. Fix-It8:00 Playdate9:00 Perry Como

10:00 Newsmagazine10:30 Explorations11:00 CBC-TV News11:14 Viewpoint11:20 Final Edition


6:20 Bulletin Board6:30 Cartoon Quiz6:35 Spotlight7:00 Pete’s Sake7:30 Mr. Lucky8:00 Playdate9:00 Perry Como

10:00 Newsmagazine10:30 Explorations11:00 CBC-TV News11:15 Weather Vane11:18 Nightbeat11:30 Midweek Theatre12:00 Sign Off



5:30 Huckleberry Hound6:00 Nation’s Business6:15 Sports, Weather

and News8:30 Family Theatre8:00 Playdate9:00 Perry Como

10:00 Newsmagazine10:30 Explorations11:00 CBC-TV News11:15 Viewpoint

12:00 Today on Seven1:00 Stage 7

2:20 News and Weather2:30 Mile, de Paris3-00 Music Break3:30 Verdict Is Yours3:55 Cross Section4:00 Friendly Giant4:15 Maggie Muggins4:30 Razzle Dazzle5:00 Georgia


4:15 Maggie Muggins4:30 Razzle Dazzle5:00 12 and Under5:30 Huckleberry Hound6:00 “30” News.

Weather and Sports6:30 Rawhide7:30 The Flintstones8:00 Playdate9:00 Perry Como

10:00 Newsmagazine10:30 Explorations11 :00 CBC-TV News11:15 Late Night Edition11:20 955 Rideau Road12:20 Slim Gym12:35 Snooze News



6:00 Nation’s Business6:15 Central8:45 Man from

Manufacturers7:00 Leave It to Beaver7:30 Let’s Spell8:00 Playdate9:00 Perry Como

10:00 Rotary TV Auction11 :00 CBC-TV News11:15 Tonight11 :30 Rotary TV Auction


March 24 - 30

Ptogtam NotesMARCH 28

See also page 4 of next week’s issue forpossible changes in these notes and

additional program information

CBXT—Best Of The PostTrumpet Man. A one-time trumpet

great, reduced to playing in small timeroadhouses, learns to believe in him-self again. Harry James makes a specialguest appearance.

CBXT—Ladies FirstToday, Helen Bentley presents an-

other class in sewing.Mile, de Paris

Montparnasse. Hostess Evelyn Dan-dry takes viewers on a tour of theMontparnasse district of Paris, whichafter the First World War was thebirthplace of the world famous artistsof I’Ecole de Paris, (The Paris School).


12:55 Headlines1:00 Best of the Post1:30 Ladies First

2:00 Chez Helene2:15 Nursery School2:30 Mile, de Paris3:00 Music Break3:30 Verdict Is Yours3:55 Cross Section4:00 Friendly Giant4:15 Maggie Muggins4:30 Razzle Dazzle5:00 Junior Highlights5:30 Huckleberry Hound6:00 Farm Focus6:15 Gateway

Richard Widmark, centre, stars in A Prize of Gold, seen Wednesday onCFQC-TV, Saskatoon, and Friday on CBXT Edmonton.

6:30 Metro News6:45 Gateway, Weather

and Sports7:00 Margie7:30 Provincial Affairs7:45 Mr. Fix-It8:00 Background9:00 Perry Como

10:00 Newsmagazine10:30 ExplorationsII :00 CBC-TV News11:14 Viewpoint11:20 Metro News11:30 Stardust Theatre

“So Goes My Love,”Myrna Loy,Don Ameche

12:45 Late News, Sign Off

She visits the restaurant called theFoyer des Artistes et des Intellectuals,and the studios of several of the artistsincluding Israeli sculptor Achiam, whoworks in stone and wood. She alsointerviews famous French writer andartist, Jean Cocteau.

Music BreakFeaturing singer Georges LaFleche

with the Bob McMullin Orchestra andannouncer Warren Davis.

Joan Karasevich is this week’s guest.

CBWT—Ladies FirstGerdine Crawford demonstrates

Trapumto Quilting.Germaine Warkentin discusses the

theatre and the arts.Miss Shirley Webster of the home

economics department, University ofManitoba, discusses nutrition for teen-agers.CBXT—Farm Focus

A 1 Richardson and Dick Bookingpresent interviews and films coveringthe Alberta farm scene. This weekinterviews are conducted with some ofthe exhibitors of championship live-stock at the Canadian Western Stock-Show and Sale.CBWT—Busy Fingers

Wire And Plaster Sculpture. Atechnique used by some of today’sbetter-known sculptors is displayed bygrade seven students from Mrs. H.Stasko’s class at Dieppe School inCharleswood. Wire is used as theframe and strips of cloth are dipped

in thin plaster to create figures ofhumans.

Along with awarding books for themost creative story illustrations sentin, Betty Nickerson also displays thepaintings and drawing sent to “BusyFingers,” Box 160, Winnipeg 2, Mani-toba. Producer is Ron Bashford.CBXT—Gateway

Host Colin MacLean chalk-talkstraffic problems with Sgt. EarlRoberts.Mr. Fix-It

Handyman Peter Whittall and an-nouncer Rex Loring show how torefinish furniture. An added featureis a film taken at the Sportsman’sShow at the CNE.Playdate

The Origin Of The Species, by M.Charles Cohen. Produced by GeorgeMcGowan. Starring Ted Follows andLarry Mann. Special guest star, AustinWillis.

Tense conflict arises when sevenmen and a woman, surviors of a worlddisaster, come together in a desertedcountry house.

Others in the cast are James Ed-mond, Irene Mayeska, Murray West-gate, John Vernon and Joe Austin.CBC Newsmagazine

Norman DePoe reports from Irelandon various aspects of the Irish Sweep-stakes. Tom Gould reports Canadianopinions on sweepstakes from Ottawa.Explorations

Hidden Worlds, Part 1: The HoboJungle. The first of three Winnipegprograms exploring the hidden worldsof three different groups of personswho exist in our midst but whose livesare generally unobserved by the restof society.

Viewers are taken to the banks ofthe Red River where each summergroups of transient men—hobos wholead gypsy-like wandering across thecountry—spend a few days or a fewweeks in Winnipeg’s ‘hobo jungle’before moving on to another temporaryresting place in another city or town.

In conversation with interviewerPer Holting, half a dozen transientstalk about the hidden world they in-habit on the river bank—just a fewhundred yards from the busy heartof downtown Winnipeg—and how andwhy they came to cut themselves offfrom conventional society to lead ahand-to-mouth existence on the out-side. Alcohol is one of the reasons,but other explanations come to lightas the inhabitants of the hobo jungletalk about their lives and their out-look on society.




CBWAT, CHANNEL 81:00 Chez Helene1:15 Nursery School1:30 Open House

2:00 National Schools2:30 Verdict Is Yours2:55 Cross Section3:00 News3:15 Test Pattern3:30 Let’s Look3:45 Rope Around Sun4:00 Razzie Dazzle


12:51 Devotions12:56 Headlines

1:00 Chez Helene1:15 Nursery School1:30 Open House

2:00 National Schools2:30 Verdict Is Yours2:55 Cross Section3:00 Ladies First3:30 Let’s Look3:45 Rope Around Sun4:00 Razzzle Dazzle4:30 Dick Tracy5:00 Stop, Look and

Listen5:45 Spotlight6:05 Spotlight on Sports6:15 News


12:00 Music At Noon12:55 Around the Clock1:00 Chez Helene1:15 Nursery School1:30 Open House2:00 National Schools2:30 Verdict Is Yours2:55 Cross Section3:00 To Be Announced3:30 Let’s Look3:45 Rope Around Sun4:00 Razzie Dazzle4:30 Dick Tracy5:00 Scope6:00 Robin Hood


11:45 Test Pattern, Music12:05 Mid-Day Show

I :I5 Movie Matinee“Badmen ofMissouri”

2:45 Kiddles Time3:00 National Schools3:30 Open House4:00 British TV News4:15 Davey and Goliath4:30 Verdict Is Yours4:55 Cross Section5:00 Let’s Look5:15 Rope Around Sun5:30 Razzie Dazzle6:00 Sports. News

and Weather

4:30 Dick Tracy5:00 Metro News5:15 Club 65:45 News, Sports6:01 Seven-O-One6:30 Toronto File7:00 Nature of Things7;30 My Three Sons8:00 The Defenders9:00 Ben Casey

10:00 CBC-TV News10:14 Viewpoint

6:30 Billy6:45 To Be Announced7:00 Nature of Things7:30 My Three Sons8:00 The Defenders9:00 Ben Casey

10:00 CBC-TV News10:14 Viewpoint10:20 Metro News10:30 Swingalong11:00 Sports, Weather,

Marquee 3“Smoky.”Fred Mac Murray,Anne Baxter

12:30 News, Sports,Weather

12:35 Devotions

6:30 CKX-TV News6:40 Weatherviews6:50 Sportscope7:00 Nature of Things7:30 My Three Sons8:00 The Defenders9:00 Alfred Hitchcock9:30 Zane Grey Theatre

10:00 CBC-TV News10:15 Man and the

Challenge10:45 Weatherman10:50 Night Desk10:55 Naked CityII :55 Night Final.

Sign Off

6:30 Tug Boat Annie7:00 Facing Facts7:15 Leave It to Beaver7:45 Manitoba Pro-

vincial Affairs8:00 Father Knows Best8:30 Zane Grey Theatre9:00 Nature of Things9:30 My Three Sons

10:00 The Defenders11 :00 TV Hour of Stars

“Quick Millions”12:00 CBC-TV News12:14 Viewpoint12:20 CKOS Nite Cap



9:45 Test Pattern10:15 Joy’s Journal11:00 Romper Room11:45 Music Box12:00 Dick Tracy12:30 Dateline12:45 Guest House

1:00 Matinee3:00 National Schools3:30 Open House4:00 Heckle and Jeckle4:30 Verdict Is Yours4:55 Cross Section5:00 Junior Roundup


2:00 Melody Time3:00 National Schools3:30 Open House4:00 Country Fare4:30 Verdict Is Yours4:55 Cross Section5:00 Let’s Look5:15 Rope Around Sun5:30 Razzie Dazzle6:00 Roy Rogers6:30 News, Weather

and Sports

7:00 Robin Hood7:30 Cheyenne8:30 The Detectives9:00 Nature of Things9:30 My Three Sons

10:00 The Defenders11:00 Sportsman’s Corner11:30 Late Movie12:00 CBC-TV News12:15 Viewpoint,

Wrap Up andLate Movie (cont.)



1:00 Hi-Fi Concert2:00 Chez Helene2:15 Nursery School2:30 Open House3:00 National Schools3:30 Verdict Is Yours3:55 Cross Section4:00 Let’s Look4:15 Rope Around Sun4:30 Razzie Dazzle5:00 Davey and Goliath5:15 Variety5:30 Faith for Today

6:00 Nutrition Tips6:15 Social Credit

Program6:30 News, Weather

and Sports7:00 Maverick8:00 Nature of Things8:30 My Three Sons9:00 The Defenders

10:00 the Detectives10:30 Whiplash11:00 CBC-TV News11:15 Night Editor


12:00 T.P. Show12:30 News, Weather12:45 TV Today

1:00 Hollywood“Run for YourMoney,” MoiraLister, AlecGuiness (Comedy)

2:30 Coffee Break3:00 National Schools3:30 Open House4:00 Robin Hood4:30 Verdict Is Yours4:55 Cross Section5:00 Let’s Look


11:15 SallytimeII :45 Tot Time12:00 Top o’ the Clock

1:00 Matinee“High Tension”

2:30 Sallytime3:00 National Schools

5:30 Razzie Dazzle6:00 Ray Little Show6:30 News, Sports

and Weather7:00 Donna Reed7:30 Knowledge Club8:00 The Real McCoys8:30 Pantomime Party9:00 Nature of Things9:30 My Three Sons

10:00 The Defenders11:00 Wagon Train12:00 CBC-TV News12:15 Nitebeat12:20 Stage 2 Spectacular

5:15 Rope Around Sun5:30 Razzie Dazzle6:00 The Club7:00 News, Sports,

Weather7:30 Maverick8:30 The Detectives9:00 Nature of Things9:30 My Three Sons10:00 The Defenders11:00 Encore12:00 CBC-TV News12:15 Weather, Local

Newsn12:25 Sneak Preview12:31 Sign Off

3:30 Open House4:00 Film4:30 Verdict Is Yours5:00 People and Places5:15 Rope Around Sun5:30 Razzie Dazzle

I ;00 Test Pattern2:00 Chez Helene2:15 Nursery School2:30 Open House3:00 National Schools3:30 Verdict Is Yours3:55 Cross Section4:00 Let’s Look4:15 Rope Around Sun4:30 Razzie Dazzle5:00 Fun Time5:30 Brave Eagle6:00 Spotlight Scrapbook

12:00 Today on Seven1:00 Topper1:30 Kay Macleod Show

2:20 News and Weather2:30 Open House3:00 National Schools3:30 Verdict Is Yours3:55 Cross Section4:00 Let’s Look4:15 Rope Around Sun4:30 Razzie Dazzle

10:15 Test Pattern, Music10:45 Slim Gym11:00 Romper Room12:00 The Midway (News.

Weather and Sports,Tom Terrific,Boots and Saddlesand Country Fare)

1:00 Carousel2:30 Open House3:00 National Schools3:30 Verdict Is Yours3:55 Cross Section4:00 Let’s Look4:15 Rope Around Sun4:30 Razzie Dazzle5:00 Trial at Tavia”5:30 Dick Tracy

10:00 Hour of F.M.11:00 Romper Room12:00 Mid-Day12:30 Parkland Matinee2:00 Chez Helene2:15 Nursery School2:30 Open House3:00 National Schools3:30 Verdict Is Yours3:55 Women’s World4:30 Let’s Look4:15 Rope Around Sun4:30 Razzie Dazzle5:00 Terry and His



10:00 The DefendersII :00 Third Man11:30 Fireside Theatre

“Madness of theHeart,” MargaretLockwood, PaulDupuis

12:00 CBC-TV News12:15 Viewpoint12:30 Fireside Theatre

6:00 Sports, Weatherand News

6:10 Your Weatherman6:20 Channel 8 News6:30 Yogi Bear7:00 Zane Grey7:30 Jack Benny8:00 77 Sunset Strip9:00 Nature of Things9:30 My Three Sons


6:00 Susie6:30 News, Sports and

Weather7:00 To Be Announced7:30 Real McCoys8:00 Nature of Things8:30 My Three Sons9:00 The Defenders

10:00 Riverboat11:00 CBC-TV News11:14 Viewpoint11:20 Final Edition

2:00 Chez Helene2:15 Nursery School2:30 Open House3:00 National Schools3:30 Verdict Is Yours3:55 Cross Section4:00 Let’s Look4:15 Rope Around Sun4:30 Razzie Dazzle5:00 Woman’s World5:30 Lone Ranger


6:30 Cartoon Quiz6:35 Spotlight on Today7:00 Whiplash7:30 Victory at Sea8:00 Nature of Things8:30 My Three Sons9:00 The Defenders

10:00 Naked City11:00 CBC-TV News11:15 Weather Vane11:18 Nightbeat11 :30 Sign Off



5:00 Kids Bids5:30 Dick Tracy6:00 Sports, Weather

and News6:30 Route 667:30 Country Capers8:00 Nature of Things8:30 My Three Sons9:00 The Defenders

10:00 Naked City11:00 CBC-TV News11:15 Viewpoint


6:00 “30” News,Weather, Sports

6:30 Walt Disney7:30 Real McCoys8:00 Nature of Things8:30 My Three Sons9:00 The Defenders

10:00 Ben Casey11:00 CBC-TV News11:15 Weather11:25 Late Night Edltios11:25 The Late Show

“Hell ShipMutiny,” Jon Hall,Peter Lorre

I :I0 Snooze News


BANFF, CHANNEL 105:30 Fury6:00 Central6:30 Citizen Asks6:45 Melodic Moments7:00 Frontier7:30 The Real McCoys8:00 Nature of Things8:30 My Three Sons9:00 The Defenders

10:00 M. Squad10:30 Alfred Hitchcock11:00 CBC-TV News11:15 Tonight11:30 Parkland Playhouse


March 24 - 30

Program NotesMARCH 29

See also page 4 of next week’s Issue forpossible changes in these notes and

additional program information

Open HouseArtist In The Kitchen. Elsuska

Ardizione cooks Spanish tortilla andtalks about Spain.

Help Wanted. Psychologist Dr.Margery King replies to letters sentin by viewers.National School Telecasts

A series aimed at arousing interestin biological and natural science, intro-ducing several principles of plant andanimal study, and encouraging pupilsto discover examples to illustrate theprinciples developed in the series.

Exploring Nature—Now You See It,Now You Don’t. Examines camouflageused for a particular purpose—to con-ceal an animal in its natural habitat,to enable an animal to approach itsprey more stealthily, or to frighten apotential enemy. Also, forms of camou-flage changing color, scare techni-ques, setting up a smoke screen,counter-shading and mimicking.Let’s Look

Host is Don Crowdis of the NovaScotia Museum of Science.Ladies First

Special guest is M. Jacques Chas-tenet, distinguished author, diplomatand member of the French Academy,who is touring Western Canada.

From England, film producer FelixLazarus sends a story on a uniquesolution to a traffic problem in the oldcathedral city of Durham.

The Consumer’s Association of Can-ada concludes its series with a sum-mary of solutions to problems sent inby viewers.Dick Tracy

Better Come Clean. Flattop and BBEyes operate a phony betting ring ina laundromat.


12:55 HeadlinesI :00 To Be Announced1:30 Ladies First2:00 Chez Helene2:15 Nursery School2:30 Open House3:00 National Schools3:30 Verdict Is Yours3:55 Cross Section4:00 Let’s Look4:15 Rope Around Sun4:30 Razzle Dazzle5:00 Stop. Look and

Listen5:30 Dick Traey

6:00 A Song for You6:15 Gateway6:30 Metro News6:45 Gateway, Weather

and Sports7:00 Two Faces West7:30 Eye to Eye8:00 Nature of Things8:30 My Three Sons9:00 The Defenders

10:00 Ben Casey11:00 CBC-TV News11:14 Viewpoint11:20 Metro News11:30 Bowling12:30 Late News, Sign Off

A Game in the


is seen Thursday evening, butas we went to press, the timehad not been announced.

CBXT—A Song For YouIn his own singular style Jose

Poneira has a song for you and eachweek has a special guest vocalist. Pro-ducer, Jeff Anderson.The Nature Of Things

Serengeti Must Not Die. Featuringa film made by a father-and-son teamof German biologists, Bernhard andMichael Grzimek, about the last majorrefuge of the African game herds—-the Serengeti Plain in Tanganyika.

My Three SonsThe Pencil-Pusher. Steve Douglas

finds it difficult to prove to Chip thathis job as an aeronautical engineer isjust as challenging as being a fire chief.The Defenders

Drama. A father and son lawyerteam are involved in court cases of a

The Serengeti Plain in Tanganyika, last outpost of African big game, isvisited Thursday on The Nature of Things. (See feature, page 19.)

unique nature. Stars are E. G. Mar-shall and Robert Reed.CBWT—Ben Casey

An hour - long dramatic series feat-uring a young resident in neuro-surgery at a large metropolitan hos-pital. Series details in authentic termsthe story of professional and personalproblems of young doctors in training.Starring Vincent Edwards as Dr. BenCasey.

SwingalongA program of songs with popular

singer Doug Crosley as host and theSwingalong chorus. Choral directorand arranger, Neil Harris. Musicaldirector, Mitch Parks. Neil Andrews,producer.

DixieCarnptown RacesPolly Wolly DoodleOld Black JoeDem Golden Slippers Opening medleyTake Me Along Doug

A Glen Miller-Modernaires medleyby the Quintet and Doug includes;Moonlight Serenade, Elmer’s Tune,At Last and Chattanooga Choo Choo.

A Tommy Dorsey medley by Dougand the chorus includes: On TheSunny Side Of The Street, I’m Get-ting Sentimental Over You and Marie.

The Night They Invented Champagne ChorusGigl Doug

CBXT—BowlingProfessional ten - pin bowling action

at its best.




1:00 Chez Helene1:15 Nursery School1:30 Open House

2:00 Quintet2:30 Verdict Is Yours2:55 Cross Section3:00 News3:15 Test Pattern3:30 Friendly Giant3:45 Sing Ring Around4:00 Razzle Dazzle4:30 Tidewater Tramp

5:00 Metro News5:15 Sports Huddle5:45 News, Sports6:01 Seven-O-One6:30 Expedition7:00 Country Hoedown7:30 Car 548:00 Tommy Ambrose8:30 Perry Mason9:30 On the Scene

10:00 CBC-TV News10:14 Viewpoint


12:51 Devotions12:56 Headlines

1:00 Chez Helene1:15 Nursery School1:30 Open House

2:00 Quintet2:30 Verdict Is Yours2:55 Cross Section3:00 Ladies First3:30 Friendly Giant3:45 Sing Ring Around4:00 Razzle Dazzle4:30 Tidewater Tramp5:00 Chatter’s World5:15 Cannonball5:45 Spotlight6:05 Spotlight on Sports6:15 News

12:00 Music At Mbon12:55 Around the Clock

1:00 Chez Helene1:15 Nursery School1:30 Open House

2:00 Quintet2:30 Verdict Is Yours2:55 Cross Section3:00 Two for Tea3:15 Friendly Giant3:30 Sing Ring Around4:00 Razzle Dazzle4:30 Tidewater Tramp5:00 Scope6:00 Jack Benny6:30 CKX-TV News6:40 Weatherviews


II :45 Test Pattern. Music12:05 Mid-Day ShowI :I5 Movie Matinee

“Quick Millions”3:00 Chez Helene3:15 Nursery School3:30 Open House4:00 Quintet4:30 Verdict Is Yours4:55 Cross Section5:00 Friendly Giant5:15 Sing Ring Around5:30 Razzle Dazzle6:00 Sports, News

and Weather


9:45 Test Pattern10:15 Joy’s Journal11:00 Romper Room11 :45 Music Box12:00 Fury

6:30 Ichabod7:00 Country Hoedown7:30 Car 548:00 Tommy Ambrose8:30 Perry Mason9:30 Travel Unlimited10:00 CBC-TV News10:14 Viewpoint10:20 Metro News10:30 Peter Gunn11:00 Sports, Weather,

Marquee 3“H.M. PulhamEsq.,” Hedy Lamarrand Robert Young

12:30 News. Sports,\ Weather

12:35 Devotions


6:50 Sportscope7:00 Country Hoedown7:30 Car 548:00 Tommy Ambrose8:30 Perry Mason9:30 Real McCoys10:00 CBC-TV News10:15 TV Reader’s Digest10:45 Weatherman10:50 Night Desk10:55 Channel 5 Movietime

“He’s a CockeyedWonder.” MickeyRooney, Terry Moore

12:30 Around the Clock12:35 Night Final and

Sign Off

6:30 Tidewater Tramp700 Crossroads7:30 Jane Wyman Show8:00 Profile8:30 The Detectives9:00 Country Hoedown9:30 Car 54 .

10:00 Tommy Ambrose10:30 Perry Mason11:30 Late Theatre

“George Washing-ton Slept Here”

12:00 CBC-TV News12:14 Viewpoint12:20 Late Theatre (cont.)12:30 CKOS Nlte Cap

12:30 Dateline12:45 Guest House

1:00 Matinee3:00 City Detective


3:30 Open House4:00 Quintet4:30 Verdict Is Yours4:55 Cross Section5:00 Junior Roundup5:30 Razzle Dazzle6:00 On Camera6:30 News, Sports

and Weather7:00 Yogi Bear7:30 Sea Hunt

8:00 State Trooper8:30 The Detectives9:00 Country Hoedown9:30 Country 54

10:00 Tommy Ambrose10:30 Perry Mason11:30 Starlight Showcase12:00 CBC-TV News12:15 Nitebeat12:20 Starlight Showcase



2:00 Melody Time3:00 Chez Helene3:15 Nursery School3:30 Open House4:00 Quintet4:30 Verdict Is Yours4:55 Cross Section5:00 Friendly Giant5:15 Sing Ring Around5:30 Razzle Dazzle6:00 Polka Party

6:30 News, Weatherand Sports

7:00 Top Cat7:30 Lawman8:00 Roaring Twenties9:00 Country Hoedown9:30 Car 54

10:00 Tommy Ambrose10:30 Perry Mason11:30 Late Show12:00 CBC-TV News.

Viewpoint, Wrap-Up& Late Show (cont.)



1:00 Hi-Fi Concert2:00 Chez Helene2:15 Nursery School2:30 Open House3:00 Quintet3:30 Verdict Is Yours3:55 Cross Section4:00 Friendly Giant4:15 Sing Ring Around4:30 Razzle Dazzle5:00 This Is the Life5:30 Tidewater Tramp6:00 Popeye

6:15 Sask. CCF Program6:30 News, Weather

and Sports7:00 Hope for Today7:00 Real McCoys8:00 Country Hoedown8:30 Car 549:00 Tommy Ambrose9:30 Perry Mgson

10:30 Peter GunnII :00 CBC-TV News11:15 Night Editor11:20 Million $ Movie


12:00 T.P. Show12:30 News, Weather12:45 TV Today

1:00 HollywoodPlayhouse“Happy Landing,”Ray Walker, NoahBeery Jr.(Adventure)

2:30 Coffee Break3:15 Nursery School3:30 Open House4:00 Quintet4:30 Verdict Is Yours4:55 Cross Section5:00 Friendly Giant5:15 Sing Ring Around5:30 Razzle Dazzle6:00 Popeye


11:15 SallytimeII :45 Tot Time12:00 Top ’o the Clock

1:00 Matinee“Slave Ship”

2:30 Sallytime3:00 Sask. Schools3:30 Open House4:00 Quintet4:30 Verdict Is Yours4:55 Cross Section5:00 Friendly Giant5:15 Sing Ring Around5:30 Razzle Dazzle6:00 Eyes on Sports6:10 Your Weatherman

6:30 Local Farm News7:00 News. Sports

and Weather7:30 Official Detective8:00 Tiny Talent8:30 Zane Grey Theatre9:00 Country Hoedown9:30 Car 54

10:00 Tommy Ambrose10:30 Perry Mason11:30 Friday Theatre12:00 CBC-TV News12:15 Weather, Nitecap

News12:25 Friday Theatre

(cont.)1:30 Sneak Preview1:35 Meditations1:36 Sign Off

6:20 Channel 8 News6:30 Carnival7:00 Real McCoys7:30 Donna Reed8:00 Take a Chance8:30 Peter Gunn9:00 Country Hoedown9:30 Car 54

10:00 Tommy Ambrose10:30 Perry Mason11:30 Premier

Performance“Under Fire”

12:00 CBC-TV News12:15 Viewpoint12:30 Premier


2:00 Chez Helene2:15 Nursery School2:30 Open House3:00 Alberta Schools3:30 Verdict Is Yours3:55 Cross Section4:00 Friendly Giant4:15 Sing Ring Around4:30 Razzle Dazzle5:00 Woman’s World5:30 Tidewater Tramp

6:00 Talk of the Town6:30 News, Sports

and Weather

1:00 Test Pattern2:00 Chez Helene2:15 Nursery School2:30 Open House3:00 Alberta Schools3:30 Verdict Is Yours3:55 Cross Section4:00 Sing Ring Around4:15 Friendly Giant4:30 Razzle Dazzle5:00 From the Choir Loft5:30 Tidewater Tramp6:00 Staff Party6:20 Sports Profile6:30 Cartoon Quiz

12:00 Today on Seven1:00 Stage 7

2:20 News and Weather2:30 Open House3:00 Alberta Schools3:30 Verdict Is Yours3:55 Cross Section4:00 Friendly Giant4:15 Sing Ring Around4:30 Razzle Dazzle5:00 Georgia5:30 Tidewater Tramp6:00 Sports, Weather

and News

9:15 Test Pattern, Music9:45 French Show

10:00 Test Pattern, Music10:25 Cooking Magic10:45 Slim Gym11:00 Romper Room12:00 The Midway (News,

Weather and Sports,Tom Terrific,Silent Service, andCountry Fare)

1:00 Carousnel2:30 Open House3:00 Alta. School

Telecasts3:30 Verdict Is Yours3:55 Cross Section4:00 Friendly Giant4:15 Sing Ring Around4:30 Razzle Dazzle5:00 Square Dance Party

10:00 Hour of F.M.11:00 Romper Room12:00 Mid Day12:30 Parkland Matinee2:00 Chez Helene2:15 Nursery School2:30 Open House3:00 Alberta Schools3:30 Verdict Is Yours3:55 Women’s World4:00 Friendly Giant4:15 Sing Ring Around4:30 Razzle Dazzle5:00 Terry and His




7:00 To Be Announced7:30 U.S. Marshal8:00 Country Hoedown8:30 Car 549:00 Tommy Ambrose9:30 Perry Mason

10:30 The Detectives11 ;00 CBC-TV News11:14 Viewpoint11:20 Final Edition11 :25 SA Theatre

“Unchained.”Elroy Hirsch.Barbara Hale


6:35 Spotlight on Today7:00 Detectives7:30 Two Faces West8:00 Country Hoedown8:30 Car 549:00 Tommy Ambrose9:30 Perry Mason

10:30 Wanted: Deador Alive

II :00 CBC-TV News11:15 Weather Vane11:18 Nightbeat11:25 Marquee

“Black Tide”12:55 Sign Off



6:30 Sports Calendar6:35 Look at Agriculture7:00 Real McCoys7:30 Pete and Gladys8:00 Country Hoedown8:30 Car 549:00 Tommy Ambrose9:30 Perry Mason

10:30 Peter Gunn11:00 CBC-TV News11:15 Viewpoint11:20 Mystery Theatre


5:30 Tom Terrific5:45 Tumbleweed6:00 “30” News,

Weather, Sports6:30 Cheyenne7:30 Pete and Gladys8:00 Country Hoedown8:30 Car 549:00 Tommy Ambrose9:30 Perry Mason10:30 Peter Gunn11:00 CBC-TV News11:15 Weather11:20 Late Night Edition11:25 Fashion Show11:30 The Late Show

“Jamaica Run,”Ray Milland.Arlene Dahl

I ;00 Square Dance Party1:30 Slim Gym1:45 Snooze News



5:30 Tidewater Tramp6:00 Central6:30 Play at Home Bingo6:40 To Be Announced6:45 Man with an

Answer7:00 Sugarfoot8:00 Country Hoedown8:30 Car 549:00 Tommy Ambrose9:30 Perry Mason

10:30 Tightrope11:00 CBC-TV News11:15 Tonight11:25 Between the Lines11:30 Parkland Playhouse


March 24 - 30

Program NotesMARCH 30

See also page 4 of next week’s issue forpossible changes in these notes and

additional program information

Open HouseTicket To Turkey. A film in which

Johnny Morris continues his journeyfrom London to Istanbul. Today hetravels down the Rhine to Nurenburg,on to Vienna for a rainy afternoon ofsightseeing, and has an early morninglook at Budapest.

Our Special Guest. Mr. JulianRowan, an authority on design inplastics. He demonstrates and talks


12:55 HeadlinesI:00 Glencannon1:30 Ladies First

2:00 Chez Helene2:15 Nursery School2:30 Open House3:00 Alberta Schools

Telecast3:30 Verdict Is Yours3:55 Cross Section4:00 Friendly Giant4:15 Sing Ring Around4:30 Razzle Dazzle5:00 This Is Alice5:30 Tidewater Tramp6:00 N.F.B. Film6:15 Gateway

6:30 Metro News6:45 Gateway, Weather

and Sports7:00 Project IS7:30 Ichabod8:00 Country Hoedown8:30 Car 549:00 Tommy Ambrose9:30 Perry Mason

10:30 First Nlflhter11:00 CBC-TV News11:14 Viewpoint11:20 Metro News11:30 Stardust Theatre

“A Prize of Gold.”Richard Widmark,Mai Zetterling

12:45 Late News, Sign Off

Cannonball, a drama involving truck-drivers Mike Malone (“Cannonball”)and Jerry Austin, above, is seen Fri-

days at 5:15 p.m. on CBWT.

about different kinds of plastic andshows some of the new quality pro-ducts which are combining plasticswith wood and stainless steel.Quintet

Music and song from Vancouverwith singers Eleanor Collins and BudSpencer, and the Chris Gage Trio.CBWT—Ladies First

Mrs. Alix Vlassie recently visitedGreece and shows us some Greekhandicrafts.

Mrs. E. Dowton is back to demon-strate another spring hat.

CBXT—Project 13Professor Frank Bueakert and stu-

dents from the University of Albertademonstrate speech and voice tech-niques used in theatrical work.Country Hoedown

Music and mirth country style—-with Gordie Tapp, the Hames Sisters,Tommy Hunter, Tommy Common,Al Cherny, Johnny Davidson and theSinging, Swinging Eight.Tommy Ambrose

Starring Tommy Ambrose withspecial guests, the American comedyteam, the Smothers Brothers andHollywood choreographer Bill Foster.Perry Mason

The Case Of Paul Drake’s Dilemma.Mason has an unexpected client whenhis associate, detective Paul Drake,becomes the defendant in a murdertrial.CBXT—First Nighter

A sparkling musical variety showspotlighting some of Edmonton’s finesttalent. Host Neil Smith and regularsDorothy Harpell, Glynn Williams, theRuth Carse Dance Trio and the HarryBoon Quintet welcome special guestseach week.

Special guest this week is a youngItalian chromatic accordionist, JohnnyScivolletto, who has recendy come toEdmonton.

Must Not Die /X

CBC TELEVISION’S The Nature of Things willpresent a program about the Serengeti National Parkof Tanganyika on Thursday, March 29. A portion ofan outstanding film of what is probably the lastmajor refuge of the great African game herds willbe shown. Entitled “Serengeti Must Not Die,” thefilm has not been shown in North America but itmade a good impression at various Continental filmfestivals in the last year.

The film was made by the father-and-son team ofDr. Bernhard and Michael Grzimek. Dr. Grzimek iscurator of the Frankfurt Zoo in Germany and he andhis son decided to visit the Serengeti National Parkin an effort to answer for themselves the ideologicalquestion of whether or not man has inviolable rightson earth or whether wild life should be preservedat all costs. The Grzimeks, in 1958 and 1959, madethe first thorough survey of Serengeti. The twocounted the park’s large animals and traced theirmigrations. As roads and trails were impassable inwet months, they learned to fly an airplane and

trained themselves to estimate the number of ani-mals from aloft. In this way they counted 366,980animals—giraffe, hippo, buffalo, elephant, lion,leopard, zebra and many other species.

Next, they captured a representative number andmarked them with bright plastic collars, enablingthem to observe the movements of the animals andin this way they learned that about half the park’sherds graze and breed regularly east of the proposednew borders for the park. (The park is located in theBritish Trust Territory of Tanganyika and the gov-ernment plans to open the park’s eastern third to thecattle, sheep and goats of 5,000 Masai tribesmen toprovide needed agricultural and stock-raising land.)

Dr. Grzimek believes that if the government goesthrough with its plans, the great herds of wild grass-land animals will be all but wiped out. He admitsthe importance of providing for people but asksthat reasonable measures be taken to protect theanimals from extinction. “What is the use of the newpark when the animals have to leave it every dryseason, only to be killed in huge numbers on theoutside?” asks Dr. Grzimek.

Unfortunately, the Grzimeks’ expedition was mar-red by the death of 24-year-old Michael in an air-plane crash as the two were completing the survey.


cbc!samedi 24 mars (Sat.)

2:00 Fon Fon3:00 Coucou3:30 Domino—Jacquens Zouvl, Jacqueline Vezina4:30 Le golf et ses etoiles5:30 Les uns les autres—Religious program6:00 Orientation. Host: Richard Perusse6:30 Tribune libre (Public opinion)7:00 Nouvelles7:15 Une semaine avec . . . Michele Taxyl.7:30 Les Apprentis: Young students and workers8:00 Le Monde du sport—Rene Lecavalier8:30 Illusions. Series on magic and magicians

with Jean-Claude Deret8:45 Long metrage: La Grande Aventure (Swed-

ish). Poetic documentary by Arne Sucks-dorff.

10:15 Le Club des autographs—Pops singers . . .

10:45 Long metrage: “Serie noire” (Fr.). HenriVidal, Eric Von Stroheim. Police drama.

dimanche 25 mars (Sun.)

2:00 Les travaux et les jours2:30 Opinions3:00 Pierres Vivantes3:30 Long metrage: “Les derniers jours de

Pompei” (The Last Days of Pompei).Micheline Presle, Georges Marchal. Histori-cal drama.

5:00 La Parole Vivante—lnitiation to the Bible.Rev. Jean Martucci

5:30 L’Heure des quilles—Bowling6:30 Dictionnaire—magazine7:00 Robin des bois (The adventures of Robin

Hood)7:30 Papa a raison (Father Knows Best)8:00 Kanawio serial on the Iroquois by Guy

Dufresne8:30 Music-Hall: Gilles Vigneault, Renee Claude.9:30 Theatre du dimanche: “La Porte”—Jean-

Louis Roux, Dyne Mousso, Jean Coutu.10:30 Actualities poiitiques11:00 Vous, famille.11:30 Presence de Tart

lundi 26 mars (Mon.)

4:00 Revue de la maison—For the housewife4:30 Tele-disques—Musical5:00 CK-RCK5:30 La Boite a Surprises (a Monday through

Friday feature)6:00 Bobino—Cartoons. (Monday through Friday

feature)6:30 A la pointe de I’exploration, The grottoes of

Tassiii with Henri Lhotte.7:00 Nouvelles (News)7:15 Une semaine avec . . . Colette Devlin.7:30 Comment dites-vous?7:45 Tele ’628:00 Les Belies histoires des pays d’en hout8:30 Le Poule aux oeufs d’or—with Roger Baulu9:00 Leclerc enquite: Phillipe Nicaud.9:30 Le choix de: “A Day Like the Others.”

10:00 Votre courrier Viewers’ mail answered;Jean Desprez, Suzanne Marcoux, RaymondLaplante

10:30 Long metrage: “Rigolboche” (Fr.). Mistin-guett, Andre Lefaur, Jules Berry.

mardi 27 mars (Tues.)

4:00 Mademoiselle de Paris—with hostess EvelynDandry in a tour of aPris

4:30 La Marguerite: For the housewife JeanDesprez; Guy Hoffman; Jean Gascon

5:00 La vie qui bat5:30 La Boite a Surprises (see Monday)6:00 Babino (see Monday)6:30 Ouragan


NETWORK7:00 Nouvelles7:15 Une semaine avec . . . (see Monday)7:30 Camera ’628:00 Joie de vivre—Serial by Jean Despraz8:30 Edition speciale—Quiz, hosted by Paul-Emile

Tremblay9:00 Un. deux, trois . . . rideau.9:30 Insolences d’une camera (Candid Camera)

with Doris Lussier10:00 Premier plan10:30 L’Homme devant in science. Series on science

and man in the modern age11:00 Temps present: “La machine a penser.”11:30 Les couche-tard—Roger Boulu, Jacques Nor-


mercredi 28 mars (Wed.)

4:00 Votre cuisine madame—The culinary art5:00 Roquet belles oreilles (Huckleberry Hound)5:30 Le Boite a Surprises (see Monday)6:00 Bobino (see Monday)6:30 Au bout du monde7:00 Nouvelles7:15 Une semaine avec . . . (see Monday)7:30 Sur deux notes: Marc Gelinas—Variety8:00 Le cote de sable—Serial by Marcel Dube8:30 Dans les Rues de Quebec. Iris Robin, Michel

Noel.9:00 Destination Danger (Danger Man) with Pat-

rick McGoohan9:30 Droit de cite. Integrity and Municipal

politics.10:00 Recital: Devy Erlih, violonist.10:30 Long metrage: “La tentation de Barbizon”

(comedy). Simone Renant, Pierre Larquey,Francois Perier, Daniel Gelin.

jeudi 29 mars (Thurs.)

4:00 Casse-tete. Quiz, with Jean-Paul Nolet4:30 Reflexion faite5:00 Le Grand Due5:30 La Boite a Surprises (see Monday)6:00 Bobino (see oMnday)6:30 Champion7:00 Nouvelles7:15 Une semaine avec . . . (see Monday)7:30 Cle de sol8:00 Les Filles d’Eve8:30 Rendez-vous avec Michelle.9:00 Heure du Concert: “Don Giovanni” (Mo-

zart) part 2, Cesare Siepi, ElisabethGrummer, Lisa Della Casa, Otto Edelmann,etc. (See Highlights).

10:30 Long metrage: “Aventure en espagne”George Marshall, Loretta Young.

vendredi 30 mars (Fri.)

4:00 L’Eternal feminine fashions, beauty andhealth care

4:30 Actualities feminines5:00 L’Ecran des Jeunes: Teen-age club. Claude

Laroche, Serge Rainville5:30 La Boite a Suprises (see Monday)6:00 Bobino (see Monday)6:30 L’Epee de Florence7:00 Nouvelles7:15 Une semaine avec . . . (see Monday)7:30 L’Art et son secret8:00 Le Mors aux dents—Serial Lise Lavallee8:30 Filles ets garcons9:00 Cinema International: “M. Belvedere au

College” (Mr. Belvedere goes to College)—(U.S.A.) Clifton Webb, Shirley Temple.

10:30 Inspector Blaise—stars Jacques Duby as apolice inspector of the Paris police.

11:00 Cinema: “Le dernier quart d’heure”—GeorgesRiviere, Lucille Saint-Simon, Dora Doll.(Fr.) Police drama.



Channel 6—CBWFT

Music HighlightsSunday, March 25 at 8:30 p.m.

Music-Hall features Canadian songsterGilles Vigneault, a versatile and pro-lific writer and singer who, with FelixLeclerc, may be branded as a genuinetroubadour—that special breed of menwhose popular songs of today becomethe folk songs of tomorrow. One ofhis hits of recent years, “Jack Monol-loy,” is not unlike the traditionalIndian legends of Canada. It sings ofthe brave warrior’s love for the white“princess” and the disapproval of themoon and the trees, the forest animalsand the humans’ pride. It has won him

Cesare Siepi sings the part of DonJuan in Mozart’s great opera, the sec-ond part of which is seen Thursday,March 29, at 9:00 p.m. on CBWFT,

Channel 6, Winnipeg.

wide acclaim in Canada and abroad,and definitely placed him among thiscountry’s top song writers.

Also featured in this week’s Music-Hall telecast; singers Renee Claudeand Paolo Noel, comedian ErnestGunmond and singing master of cere-monies Jacques Normand. HenryMatthews conducts the orchestra;choreography is by Jack Ketchum.Dancing on “Le Choix de”

American dancers Marge and GowerChampion will be featured in a half-hour play on Le Choix de . . ~ Monday,March 26 at 9:30 p.m. The episode

(Please turn to page 25)


March 24-30

Aaron Copland:Champion of American Music

DISTINGUISHED American composer Aaron Cop-land is the guest of Music Diary this Tuesday at3:30 p.m. He will be heard discussing his own com-positions together with his views on contemporarymusic in general.

The interview with Aaron Copland was recordedduring his recent visit to Vancouver when he con-ducted the city’s symphony orchestra in a programof his own works and those of other leading Ameri-can composers.

Aaron Copland was bom in Brooklyn in 1900 andtoday makes his home just outside New York Citywhen not on extended tours of Europe and othermusical centres. In his youth his musical tuition camefrom such notable figures as Wittgenstein and RubinGoldmark in the United States; and later NadiaBoulanger in Paris.

He twice received the Guggenheim Fellowship—in1925 and 1926—and throughout his life has been agreat champion of American music, taking an activepart in many organizations including the Inter-national Society for Contemporary Music and theLeague of Composers.

He has written an opera “The Tender Land”—tobe performed on CBC Wednesday Night later thisyear—three symphonies and numerous orchestralworks, including the popular “El Salon Mexico,” and

some of his mostfamiliar music hasbeen composedforthe ballet (“Ap-palachian Spring’’and “Billy theKid” being twowell known ex-amples). Themore severe andabstract side ofhis work is repre-sented by suchpieces as thePiano Sonata andPiano Fantasy, aswell as variouschamber works.

Listeners willhear illustrationsdrawn from asmall cross sec-tion of AaronCopland’s music on “Music Diary” when the com-poser is interviewed by producer Robert Chesterman.

Aaron Copland also writes about music. His books“Music and Imagination” and “What to listen for inMusic” have reached a wide public.

Federal Elections:Getting the $11,000,000

7on the Road

THE COST: nearly $11,000,000. The item: Can-ada’s next federal election.

Once the Prime Minister decides on or reveals thedate for the election, the chief electoral officer, Nel-son Castonguay, is notified and he immediately sendstelegrams to the 263 returning officers across thecountry, giving them the election date, the dates forenumeration, the nomination day date and all other-dates they require to launch the election. Twenty-four hours after Castonguay is told of the electiondate, the public knows the date.

What happens once the Prime Minister announcesthe date of a federal election is the subject for CBCtelevision’s Camera Canada, Monday, March 26. The

program deals with the preparations which the chiefelectoral officer must make in order that he can getthe election machinery moving on 24 hours notice.It also delves into the selling job of an election—-what and how the political candidates do in the wayof campaigning for a federal election.

The program examines the process by which elec-tion machinery is set up in Canada, from the stand-point of enumerating, appointing returning officers,setting up polls, counting the vote and the workdone to make sure that every eligible voter in Can-ada has an opportunity to cast his vote. Representa-tives of the four major political parties in Canadawill be interviewed along with other people closelyassociated with a federal election. Guests includeCastonguay, Norman Ward, professor of economy atthe University of Saskatchewan and a winner of theLeacock Medal for Humor, and the following Mem-bers of Parliament: Frank McGee (York-Scar-borough), Grant Campbell (Stormont), and H. W.Herridge (Kootenay West). Keith Davey, a nationalpolitical party organizer, also will be interviewed.

(Please turn to page 27)





cbc dominion networkFor list of Dominion Network Stations see page 32.

SATURDAY PROGRAMSSing Something SimpleMan. 6:00 pm Sask. 6:00 pm Alta. 5:00 pm

A Sportsman ReflectsGordon Howard recalls past events in the sports

world and introduces recorded music.Man. 6:30 pm Sask. 6:30 pm Alta. 5:30 pm

Jean Cavall CallingJean Cavall reminisces about France and plays

recorded music with a French flavour.Man. 7:00 pm Sask. 7:00 pm Alta. 6:00 pm

Memory Music HallGerald Peters recreates a music hall atmosphere

as he introduces recorded music and variety.Man. 7:30 pm Sask. 7:30 pm Alta. 6:30 pm

Dixieland DownbeatMan. 8:30 pm Sask. 8:30 pm Alta. 7:30 pm

Casa Loma OrchestraMan. 9:00 pm Sask. 9:00 pm Alta. 8:00 pm

Denny Vaughan OrchestraMan. 9:30 pm Sask.'9:3o pm Alta. 8:30 pm

Dal Richards OrchestraMan. 10:30 pm Sask. 10:30 pm Alta. 9:30 pm

Macbeth. Opera in four acts by Verdi.Text by Piave, after Shakespeare’s play.

Cast: Macbeth—baritone; Lady Mac-beth—soprano; Banquo—bass; Macduff—tenor. Banquo’s son. Duncan, King ofScotland. A messenger. Nobles, re-tainers, soldiers, witches, etc.

Act I. A windswept heath. Prophet-ically, the witches hail Macbeth asThane of Cawdor and King of Scotland.Banquo is acclaimed as father of kingsto come. A messenger arrives fromDuncan with news that the Thane ofCawdor has been executed for treasonand that Macbeth is appointed in hisstead. Thus, part of the prophecy isalready fulfilled.

Change of scene: Lady Macbeth readsa letter from her husband and learnsof the witches’ predictions. Macbethreturns and she puts before him a planto kill the king who has arrived at thecastle. At midnight, when Duncan isasleep, he is murdered by Macbeth. Aknocking is heard and Macduff andBanquo enter to discover the murder.They arouse everyone in the castle.

Act 11. A lonely spot. A group ofassassins set upon Banquo and his son.They kill Banquo but the son escapes.

Change of scene: a banquet given byMacbeth who now exercises the pre-rogatives of the murdered king. WhenMacbeth leaves his chair he returns tofind Banquo’s ghost seated at the table.Lady Macbeth encourages him to go onwith the festivity. Macbeth resolves tovisit the witches again.

Act 111. The witches are seated arounda cauldron in a dark cave. Macbethenters and demands to know the future.They conjure up apparitions for him.The first, that he should fear Macduff;secondly, that he should fear “none ofwoman born”; the third, that he willnot be vanquished till Great Birnamwood shall come against him; and inthe last, he is shown Banquo as thefather of future kings. Lady Macbethenters and he tells her what he hasseen and heard. In a fury she calls uponhim to exterminate all those who standin their way.

Act IV. Near Birnam wood. Scottishexiles bewail Macbeth’s tyranny. Mac-duff tells of the murder of his wife andchild. Malcolm, leader of an Englishforce, commands that every soldier hewdown a bough of the forest and carryit before him.

Change of scene: In the castle. Ob-served by a doctor and a lady-in-wait-ing, Lady Macbeth walks in her sleep.“Out damned spot!” she cries, herfamous speech being converted into anoperatic scena.

Change of scene: a hall in the castle.Macbeth learns that his wife is dead.He prepares for battle remembering thepromise that none of woman bora shallslay him. As the enemy approaches, themass of green boughs carried by thesoldiers gives the illusion that Birnamwood is moving toward the castle.

Change of scene: Outside the castle.Macbeth and his followers give battle.Macbeth comes face to face with Mac-duff who was “from his mother’s wombuntimely ripped.” They fight and Mac-beth is slain. The opera ends with therejoicing of the liberated Scots.W-2:00 pm K-2:00 pm X-2:00 pm

HALIFAX THEATREThe Golden Age, by Thomas Rad-

dall, adapted by J. Clyde Douglas.W-11:05 pm K-ll:05pm X-10:05pm


6:00 The Queen, Weather,Clock Watcher

6:30 News, Weather,Sports, Clock Watcher

7:00 CBC News, Weather,Marine Forecast,Clock Watcher, RoadReport

7:30 CBC News, Weather,Sports Parade, ClockWatcher

7:55 Family Worship8:00 CBC News8:07 Weather, Road Report,

Clock Watcher andCBC Reporter

9:00 CBC News, Weather,Road Report

9:15 Clock Watcher9:30 News9:33 Morning Devotions9:45 Family Favourites9:55 Play It Safe

10:00 Just Mary10:15 Playroom10:30 I.Q.11:00- BBC News11:15 Sports College11:30 Highlights of Melody12:00 Road Report, Soccer

Results, March Past12:15 CBC Camera Club12:30 CBC Farm Club12:45 Broadway Melodies1:00 News, Weather1:15 Movie Scene1:30 Time for French

1:45 Chansonettes2:00 Metropolitan Opera5:30 Canadian Patterns6:00 Legislature in Review6:30 British Weeklies6:45 This Week at the U.N.7:00 Prairie Sports Final7:25 News7:30 N.H.L. Hockey

Detroit at Toronto9:30 News9:35 N.Y. Philharmonic

11:00 CBC News11:05 Halifax Theatre

"Portraits in Salt"11:30 Downbeat12:00 CBC News12:10 Weather and Sign Off


6:00 The Queen, Weather,Dial 540

6:30 News, Weather,Dial 540

7:00 CBC News, Weather,Dial 540

7:30 CBC News,Temperature Roundup

7:37 Sports7:47 Tom's Corner7:55 Family Worship8:00 CBC News8:07 Weather, Road Report,

Dial 5409:00 CBC News, Weather9:15 Dial 5409:30 News

9:33 Morning Devotions9:45 Sask. Calendar

10:00 Just Mary10:15 Playroom10:30 I.Q.11:00 BBC News11:15 Sports College11:30 Music from Movies12:00 Road Report,

March Past12:15 CBC Camera Club12:30 CBC Farm Club

, 12:45 Musical ComedyHighlights

1:00 News, Weather1:15 Movie Scene1:30 Time for French1:45 Chansonettes

2:00 Metropolitan Opera5:30 Canadian Patterns6:00 Sing It Again6:30 British Weeklies6:45 This Week at the U.N.7:00 Prairie Sports Final7:25 News7:30 N.H.L. Hockey

Detroit at Toronto9:30 News9:35 N.Y. Philharmonic

11:00 CBC News11:05 Halifax Theatre

"Portraits in Salt"11:30 Downbeat12:00 CBC News12:10 Weather and Sign Off

6:00 The Queen, Sign Onand Morning Pops

7:00 News (Winnipeg)7:07 Weather, Morning

Pops, Morning Sports7:55 Family Worship8:00 CBC News8:10 Weather, Morning

Concert8:33 Morning Concert9:00 Singalong9:30 Bands on Parade9:45 Alberta Memos

10:00 BBC News10:15 Playroom

CBX, ALBERTA CBXA, EDMONTON101 on your dial 74 on your dial


10:30 Just Mary10:45 Morning Devotions10:55 CBC Reporter10:59 Time Signal11:00 World Church News11:15 Sports College11:30 I.Q.12:00 CBC News, Weather12:15 CBC Camera Club12:30 CBC Farm Club12:45 British Weeklies

1:00 This Week at the U.N.1:15 Time for French1:45 Chansonettes2:00 Metropolitan Opera

5:30 Canadian Patterns6:00 Prairie Sports Final6:25 CBC News6:30 N.H.L. Hockey

Detroit at Toronto8:30 CBC News8:35 N.Y. Philharmonic

10:00 News10:05 Halifax Theatre

"Portraits in Salt"11:30 Downbeat11:00 News11:10 Weather, Saturday

Hoedown12:00 Weather, Sign Off


March 24 - 30


Macbeth, by Verdi. Joseph Rosen-stock conducts. Featuring baritoneAselmo Colzani as Macbeth, sopranoLeonie Rysanek as Lady Macbeth,bass Giorgio Tozzi as Banquo, andtenor Carlo Bergonzi as Macduff.W-2; 00 pm K-2:00 pm X-2:00 pm


Under the direction of WilliamSteinberg.

Symphony No. 3 in D SchubertSymphony No. 7 ..Mahler

W-9; 35 pm K-9; 35 pm X-8:35 pm


Under the direction of Roland Le-duc. Guest artists are Rafael Masella,clarinet and Rudolpho Masella, bas-soon.

Concerto for Clarinet and Bassoon Stamitz

K-ll :30 am X-ll :30 am

DISTINGUISHED ARTISTSFrom Winnipeg. Featuring Joan

Maxwell, mezzo-soprano, accompaniedby Chester Duncan, piano. Producer,Norman Lucas.

Evening Hymn of Purcell Benjamin BrittenSleep, The Lover's Maze,

Cradle Song Peter. WarlockA Nun Takes the Veil, I Hear an Army,

Sure on This Shining Night...Samuel BarberStaircase of Jade, The Limpid River,

The Inlaid Harp, On a Rainy Night,Parting at a Wine Shop John Beckwith

W-3:00 pm K-3:00 pm X-3:00pm

CANADIAN STRING QUARTETQuartet, op. 127 BeethovenQuartet No. 2 Weinzweig

W-6:oopm K-6;oopm X-6;oopm

SUNDAY CHORALEFeaturing the Choristers of Win-

nipeg under the direction of FilmerHubble. Ben Horch, producer. Num-bers refer to the Anglican hymn book.

Blest Are the Pure in Heart (554)Ye Holy Angels Bright (357) J. HarwellHear O Thou Shepherd of

Israel Samuel WesleyI Trust His Precious Word J. S. BachLord Teach Us How to Pray Aright

(449) H. PurcellO Lord Give Thy Holy Spirit Thomas TallisNunc Dimittis Herbert HowellsMy Song Is Love Unknown

(596) John Ireland

W-10:30 pm K-10:30 pm X-10:30pm

THE WORLD OF MUSICRecorded music from Toronto, pre-

pared and introduced by John Beck-with.W-I1;00 pm K-11:00 pm


The Royal Philharmonic Orchestraunder the direction of Sir ThomasBeecham. Recorded.

Symphony No. 41 in C major(Jupiter) Mozart

W-9; 15 amSONG ALBUM

Featuring baritone William Goert-zen accompanied by Sydney Bryans.Mr. Goertzen won the top operaticsolo class at the Manitoba Music Fes-tival in 1949, appeared as a finalist inToronto on Stars of Tomorrow in 1953,and has since performed on numerousradio programs. His most recent ap-pearance was as the main soloist inthe Winnipeg Philharmonic Choir’sperformance of William Walton’soratorio “Belshazzar,” under the di-rection of Sydney Bryans. Producer,Benjamin Horch.

Pieta, Signore (aria dachiesa) Alessandro Stradella

Lungi Dal Caro Bene Giuseppe Sarti-MoffatWeyla’s Song Hugo WolfIch Grolle Nlcht Robert SchumannJaegerleben (Hunter’s Life) Yolkweise

W-6:45 pm K-6:45 pm X-6;45pmCBC WINNIPEG ORCHESTRA

Under the direction of Eric Wild.Featuring soprano Nona Mari. Pro-duced by Tom Taylor.

Symphony in B flat. op. 44 Muzio dementiScena, “Ah Perfido,” op. 65 BeethovenLe Tombeau de Couperin RavelLisa’s Aria (Pique Dame) TchaikowskyOverture. Abu Hassan Verdi

W-9;oopm K-9:oopm X-9:OOpm


Recorded music. The Royal Pliil-harmonic Orchestra under the di-rection of Sir Thomas Beecham.

Divertimento No, 2 in D major MozartViolinist Nathan Milstein plays;

Polonaise in D major WieniawskiW-9; 15 am

RECITAL IN MINIATUREFeaturing pianist Carlina Carr of

Calgary, recently returned from Eng-land, in an all-Debussy program. Pro-ducer, Tom Taylor.

Reflets dans I'eauHomage a RameauMouvements

W-6:45pm K-6:45pm X-6:45 pm


Replacing the Vancouver ChamberOrchestra this week, a string en-semble. Program to be announced.W-9; 00 pm K-9:00 pm X-9:00 pm

PRAIRIE CHAMBER MUSICFeaturing the Dirk Keetbaas Play-

ers. Producer, Tom Taylor. From Win-nipeg.W-10:05pm K-10:05 pm X-10:05pmCBC CHAMBER MUSIC

Featuring the Toronto WoodwindQuintet.

Minuet, op. 72, for piano andwind instruments D’lndy

Quintet in D minor, op. 41,for oboe, clarinet, horn,bassoon and piano Danzi

W-10:30 pm K-10:30pm X-10:30pm


Recorded music. St. Louis Sym-phony Orchestra under the directionof Vladimir Golschmann.

Movements 1 and 2,Symphony No. 5 Shostakovich

The Hollywood Bowl SymphonyOrchestra under the direction of Car-men Dragon.

Volga Boatman Trad.W-9:15 am

PERSEPHONEComposed by Igor Stravinsky, based

on a work by Andre Gide. Performedby tenor Pierre Boutet, mezzo-sopranoDenise Parent-Rousseau and the choirsof the Quebec Basilica and Laval Uni-versity. Quebec Symphony Orchestraconducted by Francoys Bemiere.W-8:30 pm K-B;3opm X-8:30 pm

MUSIC BY STRAVINSKYMusic for two pianos and for ’cello

and piano played by pianists JohnNewmark and Charles Reiner and’cellist Walter Joachim.W-9;30 pm K-9:30 pm X-9:30 pm

LATE CONCERTRecorded music. The first two selec-

tions feature the Choir of Radio-television Zagreb (Yugoslavia), underthe direction of Slavko Zlatic.

Jocundare Fllia Synon— Jacobus Gallus PetelinJesu Meine Freude

motet No. 3 J. S. BachUnusual for a state radio choir be-

hind the iron curtain is the perform-ance of a great religious choral workthat is almost the exclusive liturgicalproperty of the Christian church.

(Please turn to page 31)

Mus/o on FlslcUo ±tii& Week



MARCH 25CBW, MANITOBA—99 on your dial


Report, Music8:00 News, Weather,

Music8:30 News, Weather,

Marine Forecast, Music8:35 Postmark U.K.9:00 CBC News9:04 Weather, Road

Report, Music9:15 Sunday School of

the Air9:45 World Church News

10:00 News10:03 Neighbourly News10:15 Prairie Gardener


7:45 The Queen,Morning Concert

8:00 News, Weather,Morning Concert

8:30 News, Weather8:35 Postmark U.K.9:00 CBC News9:04 Weather, Music9:15 Sunday School of

the Air9:45 World Church News

10:00 News10:03 Neighbourly News10:15 Prairie Gardener10:30 Sunday Morning


CBX, ALBERTA CBXA, EDMONTON101 on your dial 74 on your dial


Morning, Weather8:00 CBC News, Weather8:04 Weather, Morning

Concert9:00 CBC News.

Morning Concert9:15 Negro Spirituals9:30 Sunday School of

the Air10:03 Neighbourly News10:15 Prairie Gardener10:30 Sunday Morning

Magazine10:59 Time Signal11:00 Carl Tapscott Singers

cbcdominion networkFor list of Dominion Network Stations see page 32.

SUNDAY PROGRAMSChurch of the Air

Rev. C. M. Stewart—United.Man. 3:30 pm Sask. 3:30 pm Alta. 2:30 pmJourneysMan. 4:00 pm Sask. 4:00 pm Alta. 3:00 pmAudubon OutdoorsMan. 4:45 pm Sask. 4:45 pm Alta. 3:45 pmMusic from the Films

A program of film music prepared by GeraldPratley and announced by Frank Herbert.Man. 5:00 pm Sask. 5:00 pm Alta. 4:00 pm

10:30 Sunday MorningMagazine

11:00 Church Service11:59 Time Signal12:00 Carl Tapscott Singers12:30 Foothills Fables1:00 Young Highroads2:00 CBC News2:03 Capital Report2:30 Religious Period3:00 Distinguished Artists3:30 On a Sunday

Afternoon4:00 Points West4:30 Critically Speaking

11:00 BBC News11:15 A Song For You11:30 Little Symphonies11:59 Time Signal12:00 Carl Tapscott Singers12:30 Foothills Fables1:00 Young Highroads2:00 CBC News2:03 Capital Report2:30 Religious Period3:00 Distinguished Artists3:30 On a Sunday

Afternoon4:00 Points West4:30 Critically Speaking

11:30 Little Symphonies12:00 News12:03 Postmark U.K.12:30 Foothills Fables1:00 Young Highroads2:00 CBC News2:03 Capital Report2:30 Religious Period3:00 Distinguished Artists3:30 On a Sunday

Afternoon4:00 Points West4:30 Critically Speaking5:00 Project '626:00 Canadian String


RADIO5:00 Project '626:00 Canadian String

Quartet7:00 CBC News, Week-end

Review, SpecialSpeaker

7:30 Report on the Arts8:00 CBC Stage9:00 Sunday Showcase

10:00 CBC News10:05 Weather, Sports10:15 In Reply10:30 Sunday Chorale11:00 World of Music12:00 News, Weather,

Sign Off

5:00 Project '626:00 Canadian String

Quartet7:00 CBC News, Week-end

Review, SpecialSpeaker

7:30 Report on the Arts8:00 CBC Stage9:00 Sunday Showcase

10:00 CBC News10:05 Weather, Sports10:15 In Reply10:30 Sunday Chorale11:00 World of Music12:00 News, Weather,

Sign Off

7:00 CBC News, Week-endReview, SpecialSpeaker

7:30 Report on the Arts8:00 CBC Stage9:00 Sunday Showcase10:00 CBC News, Weather,

Sports10:15 In Reply10:30 Sunday Chorale11:00 CBC News, Weather11:15 Life and Literature11:30 Melody Fair12:00 Weather, Sign Off

Continental CarouselRecorded music from around the world Intro-

duced by host Walter Kanitz.Man. 5:30 pm Sask. 5:30 pm Alta. 4:30 pm

Pat’s Music RoomPat Patterson introduces light classical music on

records.Man. 6:30 pm Sask. 6:30 pm Alta. 5:30 pm

International ConcertAlta. 6:30 pm

Christian FrontiersMan. 7:30 pm Sask. 7:30 pm Alta. 7:30 pmHere Come the ClownsMan. 8:30 pm Sask. 8:30 pm Alta. 10:30 pm

Bod’s ScrapbookMan. 9:00 pm Sask. 9:00 pm Alta. 8:00 pmHawaii CallsMan. 9:30 pm Sask. 9:30 pm Alta. 8:30 pm


Program NotesPOSTMARK U.K.

Arthur Bush interviews famouspersonalities and inhabitants of Edin-burgh, capital of Scotland the pre-cipitous city, as Robert Louis Steven-son called it—the city with its ancientcastle on top of its rock, and the citywhich still retains its grandeur andmajesty with a sense of pageantry.W-8;35 am K-8;35 am X-12:03pm

SUNDAY SCHOOL OF THE AIRThe Rev. R. E. Whyte concludes

his series on the Apostles’ Creed. W.H. Randall, producer.W-9:lsam K-9:lsam X-9:3oam

WORLD CHURCH NEWSNews regarding current events in

church organizations all over theworld.W-9;45 am K-9:45 am


Notes on happenings in rural com-munities, gleaned from the weeklynewspapers and read by C. E. L’Ami.W-10:03 am K-10;03 am X-10:03 am

PRAIRIE GARDENERGardening hints read by George

Secord and prepared by H. F. Harpof the Morden Experimental Farm.W-10:15am K-10:15am X-10:15am

SUNDAY MORNING MAGAZINENews, headlines, weather reports,

local and national sports, and newsreporting in depth.W-10;30 am K-10:30 am X-10;30 am


Conducted by the Rev. M. Yurkiw-sky of the Holy Trinity UkrainianGreek Orthodox Cathedral, 1175 MainStreet, Winnipeg.W-11;00 am




March 24 - 30

CARL TAPSCOTT SINGERSA half-hour of light choral music

sung by the Carl Tapscott singers,from Toronto.W-12;00 noon K-12:00 noon

X-11:00 am

YOUNG HIGHROADSA children’s magazine show with

the emphasis on literature, drama andoccasional talks. Host is Bruce Smith.W-1;00 pm K-LOO pm X-l;00pm

CAPITAL REPORTObservers in major capitals report

on political affairs.From London, John Beavan, editor

of the Daily Herald; from Washington,William Hines of the WashingtonStar; from Ottawa, James Stewart ofthe Montreal Star. iW-2:03 pm K-2;o3pm X-2:o3pm

CRITICALLY SPEAKINGCritics review current movies, books,

radio and television programs.W-4:30 pm K-4:30 pm X-4;30 pm

PROJECT ’62A documentary in song of the men

of the coalfields from the Tyne to theVale of Neath.W-5;00 pm K-5:00 pm X-5:00 pm

WEEKEND REVIEWCommentator this week is J. B. Mc-

Geachy, associate editor of the Finan-cial Post.W-7:05 pm K-7; 05 pm X-7:05 pm

IN REPLYJ. Frank Willis answers listeners’

queries on CBC programming.W-10:15 pm K-10;15 pm X-10;15pm

Mezzo soprano Joan Maxwell is heardSunday on Distinguished Artists, in a

program from Winnipeg.

FRENCH TV HIGHLIGHTS(Continued from page 20)

is titled “Un jour pas comme lesautres” (A day unlike the others) andconcerns a dancing couple’s maritaltroubles.Don Juan, Part 2

Thursday, March 29 at 9:00 p.m.,CBWFT presents the second half ofMozart’s opera “Don Giovanni,” star-ring Cesare Siepi as Don Juan, Elisa-beth Grummer as Anna, Lisa dellaCasa as Donna Elvire, Erna Berger asZerlina, Anton Dermota as Ottavio,Otto Edelmann as Leporello, DeszoEmster as the Commandante, andWalter Betty as Masetto.

This is the unabridged, originalrecording of the Opera as performedduring the 1954 Salzburg Festival inhonor of Mozart. The State OperaChoir and the Vienna PhilharmonicOrchestra are conducted by WilhelmFurtwangler.South American Blends

Friday March 30 at 8:30, Filles etgarQOns will have a Canadian-Latinflavor as Yoland Guerard introducesthe Tlaloc Trio and the Canadiangroup Le Petit Bonheur, in Mexican,South American and Canadian songsand dances. M.C. Guerard will per-form, singing the ever-popular Gran-ada and the program also will featurethe usual blend of Canadian songsand country dances.This Week’s Movies in Brief

Saturday, March 24, 8:45 p.m.:“La grande aventure,” a wonderful

documentary by Sweden’s Arne Sucks-dorff, concerning a baby otter cap- ihired by two lovable youngsters whotrain it with much patience and loving icare.

Saturday, March 24, 10:45 p.m.:“Serie noire” is a French police dramastarring Henri Vidal and Eric vonStroheim. It deals with a detective’sapparent defection into the ranks ofgangsterism.

SATURDAY, MARCH 24Metropolitan opera. “Macbeth” (Ver-

di).CHFA-CFRG 12:00 poop MST


La soiree du hockey. Chicago BlackHawks vs. Canadiens at Montreal.Rene Lecavalier gives the play-by-play description.


SUNDAY, MARCH 25La Revue des arts et des lettres.

Claude Debussy and the art of writ-ing.

CFRG (oply) 6:00 pm MST

MONDAY, MARCH 26Festivals europeens. Debussy and

Berlioz. Maryvonne Kendergi com-menting.


Sunday, March 25, 3:30 p.m.: “Lesderniers jours de Pompeii” (Fr.) is afilmed adaptation of the book TheLast days of Pompeii. A historicaltragedy and warm love story starringMicheline Presle and Georges Marchal.

Monday, March 26, 10:30 p.m.:“Rigolboche” (Fr.) is by ChristianJacque and stars Mistinguett with

(Please turn to page 33)


Note: Readers should consult local radio listings to ensure that the programsare effectively scheduled in their area at the times and on the stations indicated.

TUESDAY, MARCH 27Concert symphonique. The Mon-

treal Symphony Orchestra conductedby Zubin Mehta. Soloist: Byron Janis,pianist.

c CHFA-CFRG 8:30 pm MSTCFNS-CKSB 9:30 pm CST

WEDNESDAY, MARCH 28Concert du mercredi. “Persephone"

(Stravinsky): Pierre Boutet, DeniseParent-Rousseau, soloists. FranpoysBernier conducting.

CHFA-CFRG 8:30 pm MST. CFNS-CKSB 9:30 pm CST

THURSDAY, MARCH 29Les Grands Chanteurs du passe.

Ezio Pinza, basso.CFRG 9:00 pm MST CFNS 10:00 pm CST

1 FRIDAY, MARCH 30Createurs du XXe siecle. Edgar

Varese.CHFA 11:02 pm MST CFRG 7:30 pm MST





MARCH 26CBW. MANITOBA—99 on your dial


6:00 The Queen, Weather,Clock Watcher

6:30 News, Weather,Sports, Clock Watcher

7:00 News, WeatherMarine Forecast

7:15 Farm Bulletin Board,Clock Watcher,Road Report

7:30 News, Weather,Sports Parade,Clock Watcher

7:55 Family Worship8:00 News, Direct Report8:10 Weather, Road

Report, Livestock,Sports, Clock Watcher

8:30 News8:33 A.M. Commentary,

Clock Watcher8:55 CBC Reporter9:00 News, Direct Report

Weather, Road Report9:15 Morning Concert9:45 Now I Ask You


6:00 The Queen, Weather,Tom's Corner

6:30 News, Weather,Tom's Comer

7:00 News, Weather7:15 Farm Bulletin Board,

Tom's Comer7:30 News, Temperature,

Roundup7:37 Sports7:47 Tom's Comer7:55 Family Worship8:00 News, Direct Report8:10 Weather. Livestock,

Tom's Comer8:30 News8:33 A.M. Commentary8:37 Weather, Tom's Corner8:55 CBC Reporter9:00 News, Direct Report,

Weather9:14 Just Music9:30 News9:33 Just Music (cont.)9:45 Now I Ask You

10:15 Playroom

CBX, ALBERTA CBXA. EDMONTON101 on your dial 74 on your dial


6:00 The Queen, Sign Onand Morning Pops

7:00 News, Direct Report,Weather, Morning Pops

7:15 Farm Bulletin Board7:30 News, Commentary,

Morning Pops7:45 Morning Sports7:55 Family Worship8:00 CBC News, Weather8:15 Morning Concert8:30 CBC News8:33 Morning Concert9:00 Concert Types9:30 Now I Ask You10:00 BBC News10:15 Playroom10:30 Morning Comment10:40 For Consumers10:45 Morning Devotions10:55 CBC Reporter10:59 Time Signal

10:15 Playroom10:30 News10:33 Morning Comment10:43 For Consumer10:48 Morning Devotions11:00 BBC News and Home

News from Britain11:15 Manitoba Memos11:30 The Archers11:45 The Common Touch11:59 Time Signal12:00 News12:04 Marine Forecast,

Weather. Road Report,Music

12:15 Don Messer12:30 Farm Broadcast1:00 News, Weather1:15 Tommy Hunter1:45 John Drainie2:00 CBC News2:03 Tran-Canada Matinee3:00 School Broadcasts3:30 Drama in Sound4:00 Scored for Strings4:30 Tempo

10:30 CBC News10:33 Morning Comment10:43 For Consumers10:48 Morning Devotions11:00 BBC News and Home

News from Britain11:15 Traditions in Music11:30 The Archers11:45 The Common Touch11:59 Time Signal12:00 News12:04 Weather, March Past.

Road Report, Music12:15 Don Messer12:30 Farm Broadcast1:00 News, Weather1:15 Tommy Hunter1:45 John Drainie2:00 CBC News2:03 Trans-Canada Matinee3:00 School Broadcasts3:30 Drama in Sound4:00 Scored for Strings4:30 Tempo, Sask. Calen-

dar. Road Report

11:00 Alberta Almanac11:30 The Archers11:45 The Common Touch12:00 CBC News12:15 Don Messer12:30 Farm Broadcast

1:00 Grain Prices andWestern Rhythms

1:15 Tommy Hunter Show1:45 John Drainie2:00 School Broadcast2:30 CBC News

-2:33 Trans-Canada Matinee3:30 Drama in Sound4:00 Scored for Strings4:30 Tempo5:30 News5:35 Weather5:40 Sports Desk5:50 Tempo (cont.)6:10 Parliamentary Report

5:30 News, LivestockReports, Weather,Sports

5:45 Festival Highlights6:15 Parliamentary Report6:19 Byline6:24 Roving Reporter6:30 Rawhide6:45 Song Album7:00 CBC News, Roundup7:20 Speaking Personally7:30 Songs of My People8:00 Provincial Affairs8:15 Agenda8:30 Farm Forum9:00 CBC Winnipeg Orch.

10:00 CBC News10:05 Harry Boon Trio10:30 The Reith Lectures11:00 Talk "Life and

Literature”11:15 Songs and Choruses11:30 Now I Ask You12:00 CBC News12:10 Weather and Sign Off

5:30 News, Sports5:45 Square Dance

Notebook6:15 Parliamentary Report6:19 Byline6:24 Roving Reporter6:30 Rawhide6:45 Song Album7:00 CBC News Roundup7:20 Speaking Personally7:30 Songs of My People8:00 Provincial Affairs8:15 Agenda8:30 Farm Forum9:00 CBC Winnipeg Orch.

10:00 CBC News10:05 Harry Boon Trio10:30 The Reith Lectures11:00 Talk: "Life and

Literature11:15 Of Songs and Singers11:30 Now I Ask You12:00 CBC News12:10 Weather and Sign Off

6:14 Byline6:19 Roving Reporter6:25 CBC Reporter6:30 Rawhide6:45 Song Album7:00 CBC News Roundup7:20 Speaking Personally7:30 Songs of My People8:00 Provincial Affairs8:15 Agenda8:30 Farm Forum9:00 CBC Winnipeg Orch.

10:00 CBC News10:05 Harry Boon Trio

■ 10:30 The Reith Lectures11:00 CBC News11:10 Weather11:15 Choral Concert11:30 Now I Ask You12:00 News, Weather and

Sign Off


Program NotesNOW I ASK YOU

Panelists pit their encyclopedicknowledge against the far rangingquestions mailed in by listeners.W-9;45 am K-9;45 am X-9:30 am

PLAYROOMA program of stories, music and

games for pre-school children.W-10;15 am K-10:15am X-10:15 am

FOR CONSUMERSAdvice to consumers about various

products, particularly food stuffs.W-10:43 am K-10:43am X-10:40am

MORNING DEVOTIONSCBW—Rev. M. Yurkiwsky of the

Holy Trinity Ukrainian Greek Ortho-dox Cathedral, Winnipeg; CBX—TheRev. Mary Haggart, Balmoral United,Saskatoon; CBX—The Rev. Robert J.Leighton, Westminster United, Ed-monton.W-10:48 am K-10;48am X-10;45 am

MANITOBA MEMOSA public service program giving

announcements of meetings and socialoccasions being held in the province.W-ll:15 am

THE ARCHERSThe trials and joys of an English

farming community are portrayed inThe Archers—the BBC series writtenby Geoffrey Webb and Edward S.Mason.W-ll;30 am K-ll:30am X-ll:30am


See Music Column, Page 23.

cbc dominion networkFor list of Dominion Network Stations see page 32.

MONDAY PROGRAMSProgram ResumeMan. 3:45 pra Sask. 3:45 pm Alta. 4:30 pmAssignment

Interviews of personalities, actualities and fea-tures of interest to Canadians. Hosts are MarlaBarrett and Bill McNeil.Man. 8:00 pm Sask. 9:00 pm Alta. 8:00 pm

CameosDrama, story and light verse.

Alta. 10:30 pra


March 24 - 30

The stories and advice given to Es-kimo children by their parents is thesubject of a talk Monday on Trans-

Canada Matinee.

DON MESSERJigs, reels, ballads and folk songs

with the Islanders.W-12:15 pm K-12;15pm X-12:15 pm

TRANS-CANADA MATINEEBilingual Street Names In Mon-

treal. The pitfalls of translation whenyou attempt to hand out bilingualjustice in a two-language city aresometimes disastrous, often confusingand frequently amusing. Attempts byMontreal to be linguistically fair areexamined by Hugh Quetton, editor ofa Montreal trade paper.

Eskimo Stories. Mrs. FlorenceWhyard talks about the stories andadvice given to Eskimo children bytheir parents.

Daily Features. News commentaryis read by Anne Francis of Ottawa;Lister Sinclair reads The WhisperingLand by Gerald Durrell.W-2;03 pm K-2;o3pm X-2:33 pm


AlbertaListen And Sing. For grades one to

three. A 15-minute program of nurseryrhymes, and action songs in whichchildren can learn to sing togetherand act various characters to music.Prepared and presented by MaryMercer.

X-2:00 pmTime For Music. For grades three

and four. Singing and listening as wellas musical participation. Prepared andpresented by Alan Rumblelow.

X-2:15 pmManitoba and Saskatchewan

Sing And Play. Designed to encour-age children to respond to music—tosing and move freely to the songs.Movement is both guided and free,encouraging listening and responsewithout imitating each other.W-3;00 pm K-3:00 pm

Le Quart d’Heure de Francais. Aquarter hour of French instruction.W-3:15 pm

lei le Francais. An opportunity forchildren to hear French spoken andread with the correct intonation andaccent.


The Band Master, by Alfred Harris.W-3;30 pm K-3:30 pm X-3;30 pm

FESTIVAL HIGHLIGHTSHighlights of performances at the

Manitoba Music Festival.W-5:45 pm

SPEAKING PERSONALLYCanada’s Earthquake Record. Part

1, Eastern Canada, by Dr. John H.Hodgson.W-7:20 pm K-7:20 pm X-7:20 pm

Soprano Nona Mari is guest Mondaywith the CBC Winnipeg Orchestra at

9:00 p.m.

CBW—PROVINCIAL AFFAIRSThe Conservative Party is repre-

sented by this week’s speaker.W-8:00 pmHARRY BOON TRIO

A program of music with the HarryBoon Trio and vocalist, DorothyHarpell. Producer, D. R. McKerchar.W-10;05pm K-10:05pm X-10;0SpmTHE REITH LECTURES

Margery Perham, Fellow of NuffieldCollege, Oxford, continues her serieson the Colonial Reckoning. This week:The Problem of White Settlement.W-I0:30pm K-10;30pm X-10:30pm

LIFE AND LITERATUREAt Random With Earle Birney. Con-

tinuing the series featuring teacherand writer Earle Bimey of Vancouver.This week; The Writing of Prose Fic-tion short stories and novels withsome account of the origins of Turvey.W-ll;00pm K-ll;00pm


(Continued from page 21)

Narrator and interviewer during the hour-long pro-gram is Blair Fraser, editor of Macleans magazine.Producer is Norman Caton.

Castonguay says that before he can reach theideal state of being able to operate on 24 hours’notice, a great deal of preliminary work must bedone, as is presently being done:

“I must first get the supplies—about 500 tons ofmaterial which normally takes about six to sevenmonths to get into my warehouse. Then the return-ing officers have to get the polls in shape. This

means that in urban areas we try to reach for thetarget of between 200 or 300 electors per pollingdivision while in the rural areas we try to givemaximum coverage to the electors and, therefore,some of our polls consist of as few as 30 electors.Then the returning officers are given courses whichlast as long as six months. Once the courses are com-plete and they have done their preliminary work inthe districts, I ship them their supplies. Then I’m ina favorable position to operate overnight.”

As for the next federal election, Castonguay esti-mates that the over-all cost will be approximately$10,700,000 and among some of the items which con-tribute to that cost could be such things as the useof an ice-breaker to help electors get to the pollingbooths in northern districts.




6:00 The Queen, Weather.Tom's Corner

6:30 News, Weather,Tom's Corner

7:00 News, Weather7:15 Farm Bulletin Board,

Tom's Corner7:30 News, Temperature,

Roundup7:37 Sports7:47 Tom's Comer7:55 Family Worship8:00 News, Direct Report8:10 Weather, Tom's Corner8:30 News8:33 A.M. Commentary8:37 Weather, Tom's Corner9:00 News, Direct Report.

Weather9:15 Just Music9:30 News9:33 Just Music (cont.)9:45 Reith Lectures

10:15 Playroom


10:30 CBC News !10:33 Morning Comment I10:43 For Consumers !10:48 Morning Devotions (11:00 BBC News and Home (

News from Britain (11:15 Traditions in Music (11:30 The Archers (11:45 Win, Place and Show11:59 Time Signal12:00 News12:04 Weather, March Past i12:15 Along with Elan t12:30 Farm Broadcast J

1:00 CBC News, Weather1:15 Tommy Hunter Show 1(1:45 John Drainie It2:00 CBC News2:03 Trans-Canada Matinee It3:00 School Broadcasts 1!3:30 Music Diary4:00 Nice and Easy 134:30 Tempo, Sask. Calen-

dar, Road Report IIII

5:30 News5:35 Sports5:45 Tempo (cont.)6:15 Parliamentary Report6:19 Byline6:24 Roving Reporter6:30 Rawhide6:45 Recital in Miniature7:00 CBC News, Roundup7:20 Speaking Personally7:30 Pioneer Ranch House8:00 Business Barometer8:30 Prairie Playhouse9:00 CBC Vancouver

String Orchestra10:00 CBC News10:05 Prairie Chamber

Music10:30 CBC Chamber Music11:00 New Records from

Europe11:30 In a Manner of

Speaking12:00 CBC News12:10 Weather and Sign Off

THE REITH LECTURESMargery Perham, Fellow of Nuf-

ield College, Oxford, continues herseries on the Colonial Reckoning. Thisweek; African Nationalism.W-9;45 am K-9; 45 am X-9:30 am

MORNING DEVOTIONSCBW—Rev. M. Yurkiwsky of the

Holy Trinity Ukrainian Greek Ortho-dox Cathedral, Winnipeg; CBX—TheRev. Mary Haggart, Balmoral United,Saskatoon; CBX—The Rev. Robert J.Leighton, Westminster United, Ed-monton.W-10;48am K-10;48am X-10:45 am

TRANS-CANADA MATINEEMatinee Quiz. The members of to-

day’s panel are Dr. T. W. Martin,president of a company which wasformed recently in connection withnew developments in education; E. J.Tyrrell, an industrial chemist; andMargaret Pope, the CBC’s morningConsumer broadcaster.

Daily Features. News commentaryis read by Barry Supple of Montreal;Eric McLean selects records; ListerSinclair reads The Whispering Landby Gerald Durrell.W-2:03 pm K-2:03 pm X-2; 33 pm

cbc dominion network

MARCH 27CBW, MANITOBA—99 on your dial


6:00 The Queen, Weather,Clock Watcher

6:30 News, Weather,Road Report,Clock Watcher

7:00 News, Weather,Marine Forecast

7:15 Farm Bulletin Board.Clock Watcher,Road Report

7:30 News, Weather.Sports Parade,Clock Watcher

7:55 Family Worship8:00 News, Direct Report8:10 Weather, Livestock,

Sports, CouncilComment

8:30 News8:33 A.M. Commentary.

Clock Watcher8:55 CBC Reporter9:00 News, Direct Report.

Weather, Road Report9:15 Morning Concert9:45 Reith Lectures

10:15 Playroom10:30 CBC News10:33 Morning Comment10:43 For Consumers10:48 Morning Devotions11:00 BBC News and Home

News from Britain11:15 Manitoba Memos11:30 The Archers11:45 Win, Place and Show11:59 Time Signal12:00 News12:03 Messages, Marine

Forecast, Weather,Road Report,March Past

12:15 Along with Elan12:30 Farm Broadcast

1:00 CBC News, Weather1:15 Tommy Hunter Show1:45 John Drainie2:00 CBC News2:03 Trans-Canada Matinee

t 3:00 School Broadcasts3:30 Music Diary4:00 Nice and Easy4:30 Tempo

5:30 News, LivestockReports, Weather

5:40 Sports5:45 Festival Highlights6:15 Parliamentary Report6:19 Byline6:24 Roving Reporter6:30 Rawhide6:45 Recital in Miniature7:00 CBC News, Roundup7:20 Speaking Personally7:30 Jazz Workshop8:00 Business Barometer8:30 Prairie Playhouse9:00 CBC Vancouver

String Orchestra10:00 CBC News10:05 Prairie Chamber

Music10:30 CBC Chamber Music11:00 New Records from

Europe11:30 In a Manner of

Speaking12:00 News12:10 Weather and Sign Off

6:00 The Queen, Sign Onand Morning Pops

7:00 News, Direct Report.Weather,Morning Pops

7:15 Farm Bulletin Board7:30 News Commentary,

Morning Pops7:45 Morning Sports7:55 Family Worship8:00 CBC News, Weather8:09 Morning Concert8:30 CBC News8:33 Morning Concert9:00 Concert Types9:30 Reith Lectures

10:00 BBC News10:15 Playroom10:30 Morning Comment10:40 For Consumers10:45 Morning Devotions10:55 CBC Reporter

CBX. ALBERTA CBXA, EDMONTON101 on your dial 74 on your dial

(MOUNTAIN STANDARD TIME)10:59 Time Signal11:00 Alberta Almanac11:30 The Archers11:45 Win, Place and Show12:00 CBC News, Weather12:15 Along with Elan12:30 Farm Broadcast

1:00 Grain Prices,Western Rhythms

1:15 Tommy Hunter Show1:45 John Drainie2:00 School Broadcasts2:30 CBC News 12:33 Trans-Canada Matinee ]3:30 Music Diary4:00 Nice and Easy4:30 Tempo 15:30 News 15:35 Weather 15:40 Sports Desk5:50 Tempo 16:10 Parliamentary Report

6:14 Byline6:19 Roving Reporter6:25 CBC Reporter6:30 Rawhide6:45 Recital in Miniature7:00 CBC News, Roundup7:20 Speaking Personally7:30 Jazz Workshop8:00 Business Barometer8:30 Prairie Playhouse9:00 CBC Vancouver

String Orchestra10:00 CBC News10:05 Prairie Chamber

Music10:30 CBC Chamber Music11:00 CBC News, Weather11:10 Musical Showcase11:30 In a Manner of

Speaking12:00 News, Weather and

Sign Off

For list of Dominion Network Stations see page 32.


Interviews of personalities, actualities and teatures of Interest to Canadians. Hosts are MariaBarrett and Bill McNeil.Man. 8:00 pm Sask. 8:00 pm Alta. 8:00 pro

Montreal Symphony OrchestraMan. 9:30 pm Sask. 10:30 pra Alta. 9:30 pm

Matinee HighlightsMan. 10:30 pm Sask. 11:30 pm Alta. 10:30 pm




See Music Column, Page 23.


March 24 - 30

SCHOOL BROADCASTSWords At Work. This series discus-

ses the creative use of language inpoetry, prose and drama. Each pro-gram emphasizes the idea that creativewriting differs from scientific state-ment because it uses the resources oflanguage in various literary forms(lyric, epic, descriptive essay, nar-rative, play) to communicate an ex-perience.W-3;00 pm K-3; 00 pm X-2; 00 pm

MUSIC DIARYAaron Copland. The distinguished

American composer is interviewedabout his compositions and 20th cen-tury music in general.W-3:3opm K-3:3opm X-3:3opmSPEAKING PERSONALLY

Canada’s Earthquake Record. Part11. Western Canada. Dr. John H.Hodgson talks on earthquakes in Can-ada.W-7:20 pm K-7:20 pm X-7:20 pm


An adaptation by Peter Manneringof a story by Paul Heyse entitledVArrahiata (The Fury). Set in Italyit is the story of a young girl who isextremely independent and determinedshe will marry no one. There are com-plications however when she crossesa strait with a young man and a stormarises.W-B:3opm K-B:3opm X-B;3opm

■ ' - ■ w.*v'' --V- »■. • ■ ■ ■ A -V, / - •CZ-aDriDT


BY THE TIME this gets into print,the Canadian curling champion-ships, the Scotch Cup and possiblyeven fourth place in the N.H.L,standings will have been decided.

With the Stanley Cup playoffsscheduled to get underway thisTuesday, March 27, and Thursday,March 29, CBC television viewers will get a preview of the actionSaturday night, the 24th, when the Detroit Red Wings are entertainedby the Toronto Maple Leafs. This game (I predict) will feature theprotagonists from series “B” of the 1962 Stanley Cup playoffs. The Mon-treal Canadiens will end the regular season in first place, Toronto willfinish second, the Chicago Blackhawks third and the Detroit Red Wingsfourth. The reason I’m sticking my neck out so far in advance andpicking Detroit to nose out New York is because I think the Wings havejust a little too much fire power up front with goal scorers like GordieHowe, Norm Ullman and Alex Delvecchio, not to mention their red-hotrookie Larry Jeffery.

However (to prepare my alibi) times of the games as yet aren’t set,mainly because nobody knows, except the author, just which teams willtake part in the playoffs.

The 1962 Stanley Cup finals show promise of being the highestscoring ever. At the time of this writing (alibi) the Montreal Canadienshave an excellent chance of breaking the all-time record for total goalsin one season. The Habs have been averaging very close to four goals agame and if they can maintain that pace until the end of the season,they should end up regular play with something in the neighbourhoodof 260 goals. The all-time record which, incidentally, is held by Montreal,is 258 and it was set back in the 1958-59 season.

The Toronto Maple Leafs are also within “shooting down” distanceof their team record, while the Chicago Blackhawks have surpassed theirall-time goal scoring record. And while on the subject of records, theBoston Bruins will likely set a new team mark for goals against. TheNew York Rangers currently hold the record with 310, set back in the1943-44 season when teams only played 50 games.

I look for the Montreal Canadiens to complete a great year bywinning the Stanley Cup in a thrilling final with the Toronto MapleLeafs, which should go right down to the wire. A victory for the Habswould certainly be a fitting climax to a great year. A year when a greatmany hockey observers picked them to finish as low as third before the

season began. The 1962 seasonfinale in Montreal on March 24climaxes a great come-back by theCanadiens’ Jacques Plante, whocould well top it off being namedthe most valuable player in theN.H.L. There’s little doubt thatPlante has inspired the Habsthroughout most of the season andparticularly when they were minusstars such as Tom Johnson, BoomBoom Geoffrion, Dickie Moore andJean Beliveau for long stretchesduring the regular campaign.Plante and the youngsters carriedthe load, but mainly Plante. Withthe emergence of Claude Provost,Gil Tremblay, Ralph Backstromand rookie Bobby Rousseau as topgoal-getters, the Montreal Cana-diens will be tough and the StanleyCup finals exciting.

For all the “bowling buffs”there’s the usual Saturday bill offare from the O’Connor Bowl, inToronto, to hold their interest.

Also on Saturday, sports fanswill be treated to a glimpse at theSports Hall of Fame in Toronto.Fred Sgambati and Steve Douglaswill conduct the tour, and will talkwith such greats of the past as SylApps, Charlie Conacher, FannyRosenfeld and Jack Purcell.

Another Saturday highlight is aEuropean soccer game, with twotop teams. Details are to be an-nounced, but it promises to be aninteresting match to fans of the old-country sport.

Everything considered, this weekshapes up as the most exciting inweeks for CBC television sportsfans.






6:00 The Queen, Weather,Tom's Corner

6:30 News, Weather,Tom's Corner

7:00 News, Weather7:15 Farm Bulletin Board,

Tom's Comer7:30 News, Temperature,

Roundup7:37 Sports7:47 Tom's Corner7:55 Family Worship8:00 News, Direct Report8:10 Weather, Sports,

Tom's Corner8:30 News8:33 A.M. Commentary8:37 Weather, Tom's Comer8:55 CBC Reporter9:00 News, Direct Report

and Weather9:15 Just Music9:30 News9:33 Just Music (cont.)9:45 Fighting Words

10:15 Playroom


10:30 CBC News10:33 Morning Comment10:43 For Consumers10:48 Morning Devotions11:00 BBC News and Home

News from Britain11:15 Traditions in Music11:30 The Archers11:45 Camilleriand

Company11:59 Time Signal12:00 News12:04 Weather, March Past12:15 Don Messer12:30 Farm Broadcast1:00 News and Weather1:15 Tommy Hunter1:45 John Drainie2:00 CBC News2:03 Trans-Canada Matinee3:00 School Broadcasts3:30 Let's Meet Jose3:45 Introd. Donna Wright4:00 Johnny Holmes Show

4:30 Tempo, Sask. Calen-dar, Road Report

5:30 News5:35 Sports5:45 Tempo (cont.)6:15 Parliamentary Report6:19 Byline6:24 Roving Reporter6:30 Rawhide6:45 Road to the Yukon7:00 CBC News, Roundup7:20 Speaking Personally7:30 Introduction to

Wednesday Night7:40 Culture by Royal

Commission8:30 Persephone9:30 Music by Stravinsky10:00 CBC News10:05 Western Campus10:30 Architects of Modern

Thought11:00 Prairie Talk11:15 Late Concert12:00 CBC News12:10 Weather, Sign Off

FIGHTING WORDSNewspaper columnist Nathan

Cohen is the referee on this programof opinion.W-9;45 am K-9;45 am X-9;30 am

PLAYROOMA program of stories, music and

games for pre-school children.W-10:15 am K-10:15am X-10:15 am

FOR CONSUMERSAdvice to consumers about various

products, particularly foodstuffs.W-10:43 am K-10:43 am X-10:40 am

MORNING DEVOTIONSCBW—Rev. M. Yurkiwsky of the

Holy Trinity Ukrainian Greek Ortho-dox Cathedral, Winnipeg; CBX—TheRev. Mary Haggart, Balmoral United,Saskatoon; CBX—The Rev. Robert J.Leighton, Westminster United, Ed-monton.W-10;48am K-10:48 am X-10:45am

THE ARCHERSThe trials and joys of an English

farming community are portrayed inThe Archers—the BBC series writtenby Geoffrey Webb and Edward S.Mason.W-ll;30am K-ll;30am X-ll:30am

TOMMY HUNTER SHOWWith Tommy Hunter, the Rhythm

Pals, guitarist A 1 Harris, fiddler Wally

cbc dominion network

MARCH 28CBW. MANITOBA—99 on your dial


6:00 The Queen, Weather,Clock Watcher

6:30 News, Weather,Sports, Clock Watcher

7:00 News, Weather,Marine Forecast

7:15 Farm Bulletin Board,Clock Watcher,Road Report

7:30 News, Weather,Sports Parade,Clock Watcher

7:55 Family Worship8:00 News, Direct Report8:10 Weather, Livestock,

Sports, Clock Watcher8:30 News8:33 A.M. Commentary,

Clock Watcher8:55 CBC Reporter9:00 News, Direct Report,

Weather, Road Report9:15 Morning Concert9:45 Fighting Words10:15 Playroom10:30 CBC News

10:33 Morning Comment10:43 For Consumers10:48 Morning Devotions11:00 BBC News and Home

News from Britain11:15 Manitoba Memos11:30 The Archers11:45 Camilleri and

Company11:59 Time Signal12:00 News12:03 Messages, Marine

Forecast, Weather,Road Report,March Past

12:15 Don Messer12:30 Farm Broadcast

1:00 News and Weather1:15 Tommy Hunter Show1:45 John Drainie2:00 CBC News2:03 Trans-Canada Matinee3:00 School Broadcasts3:30 Let's Meet Jose3:45 Introd. Donna Wright4:00 Johnny Holmes Show

4:30 Tempo5:30 News, Weather,

Livestock Reports5:40 Sports5:45 Festival Highlights6:15 Parliamentary Report6:19 Byline6:24 Roving Reporter6:30 Rawhide6:45 Road to the Yukon7:00 CBC News, Roundup7:20 Speaking Personally7:30 Introduction to

Wednesday Night7:40 Culture by Royal

Commission8:30 Persephone9:30 Music by Stravinsky10:00 CBC News10:05 Western Campus10:30 Architects of Modem

Thought11:00 Prairie Talk11:15 Late Concert12:00 CBC News12:10 Weather, Sign Off

6:00 The Queen, Sign Onand Morning Pops

7:00 News, Direct Report,Weather, MorningPops

7:15 Farm Bulletin Board7:30 News, Commentary,

Morning Pops7:45 Morning Sports7:55 Family Worship8:00 CBC News, Weather8:10 Morning Concert8:30 CBC News8:33 Morning Concert9:00 Concert Types9:30 Fighting Words

10:00 BBC News10:15 Playroom10:30 Morning Comment10:40 For Consumers10:45 Morning Devotions10:55 CBC Reporter

CBX. ALBERTA CBXA. EDMONTON101 on your dial 74 on your dial

(MOUNTAIN STANDARD TIME)10:58 Time Signal11:00 Alberta Almanac11:30 The Archers11:45 Camilleri and

Company12:00 CBC News, Weather12:15 Don Messer12:30 Farm Broadcast1:00 Grain'Prices,

Western Rhythms1:15 Tommy Hunter1:45 John Drainie2:00 School Broadcasts2:30 CBC News2:33 Trans-Canada Matinee3:30 Let's Meet Jose3:45 Introd. Donna Wright4:00 Johnny Holmes Show4:30 Tempo5:30 News5:35 Weather5:40 Sports Desk5:50 Tempo

6:10 Parliamentary Report6:14 Byline6:19 Roving Reporter6:25 CBC Reporter6:30 Rawhide6:45 Road to the Yukon7:00 CBC News Roundup7:20 Speaking Personally7:30 Introduction to

Wednesday Night7:40 Culture by Royal

Commission8:30 Persephone9:30 Music by Stravinsky

10:00 CBC News10:05 Western Campus10:30 Architects of Modern

Thought11:00 News, Weather11:10 Prairie Talk11:30 BBC Jazz Club12:00 News, Weather and

Sign Off

For list of Dominion Network Stations see page 32.


Interviews of personalities, actualities and fea-tures of interest to Canadians. Hosts are MarlaBarrett and Bill McNeil.Man. 8:00 pm Sask. 9:00 pm Alta. 8:00 pm

Memo from the U.N.Man. 9:45 pm Sask. 10:45 pm Alta. 9:45 pm


See Music Column, Page 23.


March 24 - 30

Traugott and a special guest in a pro-gram of popular songs and westernrhythms.W-LIS pm K-l;15 pm X-l:lspm

STORIES WITH JOHN DRAINIEJohn Drainie reads short stories

written by Canadian authors on thisprogram heard Monday through Fri-day.W-l:45 pm K-l :45 pm X-l :45 pm

TRANS-CANADA MATINEECanadian History. A series about

unfamiliar characters and incidents inCanadian history. Rex Lambert of To-ronto discusses Dr. John Troyer whomigrated from Ontario in 1787 andsettled with his family near PortRowan in Norfolk County. He becamethe first medical practitioner in thedistrict and Rex Lambert tells how heprobably learned his skill from study-ing John Wesley’s popular manual on“Primitive Physic.”

Daily Features. News commentaryis read by Anne Francis of Ottawa;Eric McLean selects records; ListerSinclair reads The Whispering Landby Gerald Durrell.W-2:03 pm K-2:03 pm X-2:33 pm

SCHOOL BROADCASTSIt’s Fun To Draw. Through the use

of dramatic excerpts and selectedmusic an attempt is made to evokestrong visual images for children touse in their drawings.W-3:00 pm K-3:00 pm X-2; 00 pm

LET’S MEET JOSESinger-pianist Jose Poneira leads a

quintet and vocalizes for a programof popular music. Alan Tasker, pro-ducer. From Winnipeg.

Too Close for Comfort Instr.Quero Ver Voce Sambar VocalThe Song that Haunts My Heart Instr.Good Night My Someone VocalZing Went the Strings of My Heart Instr.

W-3:30 pm K-3; 30 pm X-3; 30 pm

INTRODUCING DONNA WRIGHTWinnipeg-bom Donna Wright in a

program of songs with Doug Parkerand his quartet. From Vancouver.W-3:45 pm K-3:45 pm X-3:45 pm

THE JOHNNY HOLMES SHOWVocalist Sheila Graham with the

orchestra of Johnny Holmes in a pro-gram of music from Montreal.W-4:00 pm K-4:OOpm X-4:00 pm

FESTIVAL HIGHLIGHTSHighlights of performances at the

Manitoba Music Festival.W-5;45 pm

On Dominion Day, 1912, disasterswept Regina as it slept, when acyclone wreaked death and destruc-tion. Lyal Brown recalls the eventfulday on Prairie Talks, Wednesday at


RAWHIDE“Ole Rawhide” portrayed by Max

Ferguson introduces music fromvarious lands and satirizes news,people and places.W-6:30 pm K-6;30 pm X-6;30 pm

ROAD TO THE YUKONA series about the people who live

along the Alaska Highway. Commen-tator is Bill Herbert.W-6:45 pm K-6:45 pm X-6;45 pmWEDNESDAYNIGHT INTRODUCTION

A preface to the evening’s programsby James Bannerman.W-7:30 pm K-7:30 pm X-7;30 pm


A talk on Claude Debussy by com-poser Harry Somers.W-10.-30 pm K-10;30pm X-10:30pmPRAIRIE TALKS

The Regina Cyclone. A descriptionof that eventful Sunday of July 1,1912, when the slumbering capitalcity of Saskatchewan suddenly founditself the scene of a national disaster.Speaker is Lyal Brown of MedicineHat.W-11;00 pm K-11;00 pm X-ll:00pm

MUSIC ON RADIO(Continued from page 23)

The Rinat Choir with the IsraelPhilharmonic Orchestra under the di-rection of Gari Bertini sings:

Sing Oh Barren (motet formixed chorus) Paul Ben Haim

In contrast, a contemporary Israelicomposer is heard in a work that isframed in the form of a motette. Pre-pared by Benjamin Horch.W-ll:15 pm K-ll; 15pm


Recorded music. The St. LouisSymphony Orchestra under the di-rection of Vladimir Golschmann.

Movements 3 and 4.Symphony No. 5 ShostakovichThe Hollywood Bowl Symphony

Orchestra under the direction of Car-men Dragon in a performance ofMeadowland.W-9:15 am

BBC SYMPHONY ORCHESTRAUnder the direction of Malcolm

Sargent with guest artist, JosephineVeasey, mezzo-soprano.

Joan of Arc’s Farewell, Symphony No. 6in B minor (Pathetique) Tchaikovsky

W-9; 00pm K-9:00 pm X-9; 00 pm

MUSIC FOR STRINGSA string orchestra from Winnipeg,

under the direction of Sydney Bryans.Producer, Tom Taylor.

Masques Suite Handel-DunhillAndante Cantabile TchaikovskySt. Paul’s Suite Gustav Holst

W-ll:30 pm K-ll :30 pm


Recorded music. The Royal Phil-harmonic Orchestra and the BeechamChoral Society under the direction ofSir Thomas Beecham.

Peer Gynt Suite No. 1 Grieg

The Paris Opera Orchestra underthe direction of Andre Cluytens.

Beatrice and Benedict Overture .BerliozW-9:15 am

CBX—PRODUCER’S CHOICEFeaturing flautist Harlan Green, so-

prano Lucille Bahlay and pianistThelma Johannes.

Gypsy and the Bird (fluteand voice) Benedict

Bourree (flute) ScarlattiO Luce De Quest Anima (voice) DonizettiCantobile and Presto (flute) EnescoThe Juggler (piano) TochChanson from Six Album Leaves

(piano) SmetanaPolka in F (piano) SmetanaScherzino (flute) .AndersonRussina Nightingale

(flute and voice) Alawleff-LleblingX-5;00 pm



MARCH 29CBW, MANITOBA—99 on your dial

(CENTRAL STANDARD TIME)6:00 The Queen, Weather,

Clock Watcher6:30 News, Weather,

Sports, Clock Watcher,Marine Forecast

7:00 News, Weather,Farm Bulletin Board,Clock Watcher,Road Report

7:30 News, Weather,Sports Parade,Clock Watcher

7:55 Family Worship8:00 News, Direct Report8:10 Weather, Livestock

Report, Sports, ClockWatcher

8:30 News8:33 A.M. Commentary,

Clock Watcher8:55 CBC Reporter9:00 News, Direct Report,

Weather, Road Report9:15 Morning Concert9:45 Travellin' Balladeer

10:00 In Reply10:15 Playroom

10:30 CBC News10:33 Morning Comment10:43 For Consumers10:48 Morning Devotions11:00 BBC News and Home

News from Britain11:15 Manitoba Memos11:30 The Archers11:45 Maurice Pearson

Show11:59 Time Signal12:00 CBC News, Weather12:03 Messages, Marine

Forecast, Road Report,March Past

12:15 Stu Davis12:30 Manitoba Farms

1:00 CBC News, Weather1:15 Tommy Hunter1:45 John Drainie2:00 CBC News2:03 Trans-CanadaMatinee3:00 School Broadcasts3:30 O'Connor's Corner3:45 The Song Peddler4:00 Music from Halifax

RADIO4:30 Manitoba High-Lights5:00 Tempo5:30 News, Livestock

Reports, Weather5:40 Sports5:45 Festival Highlights6:15 Parliamentary Report6:19 Byline6:24 Roving Reporter6:30 Rawhide6:45 Sports Special7:00 CBC News, Roundup7:20 Speaking Personally7:30 Leicester Square8:00 Democracy in America8:30 Citizens' Forum9:00 BBC Symphony

10:00 CBC News10:05 Shenandoah10:30 Eventide11:00 Nocturne11:30 Music for Strings12:00 CBC News, Weather12:05 Nightcap12:10 Weather12:15 Sign Off



Stu Phillips accompanies himself onthe guitar in a program of westernmusic.

801 l WeevilHorse TraderLittle Green ValleyWhen a Cowboy's Dream Comes TrueI Wonder If They Miss Me

W-9:45 am K-9:45 am X-9:45 am

PLAYROOMA program of stories, music and

games for pre-school children.W-10; 15 am K-10:15am X-10;15am

I OR CONSUMERSAdvice to consumers about various

products, particularly foodstuffs.W-10:43 am K-10:43 am X-10:40 am


6:00 The Queen, Weather,Tom's Corner

6:30 News, Weather,Tom's Corner

7:00 News, Weather,Farm Bulletin Board,Tom's Corner

7:30 News, Temperature,Roundup

7:37 Sports7:47 Tom's Comer7:55 Family Worship8:00 News. Direct Report8:10 Weather,

Tom's Corner3:30 News8:33 A.M. Commentary8:37 Weather, Tom's Comer8:55 CBC Reporter9:00 News, Direct Report,

Weather9:15 Just Music9:30 News9:33 Just Music (cont.)9:45 Travellin' Balladeer

10:00 In Reply


10:15 Playroom10:30 CBC News10:33 Morning Comment10:43 For Consumers10:48 Morning Devotions11:00 BBC News and Home

News from Britain11:15 Traditions in Music11:30 The Archers11:45 Maurice Pearson

Show11:59 Time Signal12:00 CBC News, Weather12:04 Weather, March Past12:15 Stu Davis12:30 Farm Broadcat1:00 CBC News, Weather1:15 Tommy Hunter1:45 John Drainie2:00 CBC News2:03 Trans-Canada Matinee3:00 School Broadcasts3:30 O'Connor's Corner3:45 The Song Peddler4:00 Music from Halifax

4:30 Tempo, Sask. Calen-dar, Road Report

5:30 News5:35 Sports5:45 Tempo (cont.)6:15 Parliamentary Report6:19 Byline6:24 Roving Reporter6:30 Rawhide6:45 Sports Special7:00 CBC News, Roundup7:20 Speaking Personally7:30 Leicester Square8:00 Democracy in America8:30 Citizens' Forum9:00 BBC Symphony

10:00 CBC News10:05 Shenandoah10:30 Eventide11:00 Nocturne11:30 Music for Strings12:00 CBC News, Weather12:05 Nightcap12:10 Weather and Sign Off

CBW—Rev. M. Yurkiwsky of theHoly Trinity Ukrainian Greek Ortho-dox Cathedral, Winnipeg; CBX—TheRev. Mary Haggart, Balmoral United,Saskatoon; CBX—The Rev. Robert J.Leighton, Westminster United, Ed-monton.W-10;48am K-10:48am X-10:45amMANITOBA MEMOS

A public service program givingannouncements of meetings and socialoccasions being held in the province.W-ll;15 am

cbc dominion network

6:00 The Queen, Sign On7:00 News, Direct Report.

Weather, MorningPops

7:15 Farm Bulletin Board7:30 News, Commentary.

Morning Pops7:45 Morning Sports7:55 Family Worship8:00 News, Weather8:15 Morning Concert8:30 CBC News8:33 Weather, Morning

Concert9:00 Concert Types9:30 In Reply9:45 Travellin' Balladeer

10:00 BBC News and HomeNews from Britain

10:15 Playroom10:30 Morning Comment10:40 For Consumers10:45 Morning Devotions

CBX, ALBERTA CBXA. EDMONTON101 on your dial 74 on your dial

(MOUNTAIN STANDARD TIME)10:55 CBC Reporter10:59 Time Signal11:00 Alberta Almanac11:15 Melody on the Move11:30 The Archers11:45 Maurice Pearson

Show12:00 CBC News, Weather12:15 Stu Davis12:30 Farm Broadcast1:00 Grain Prices and

Western Rhythms1:15 Tommy Hunter Show1:45 John Drainie2:00 School Broadcasts2:30 News2:33 Trans-Canada Matinee3:30 O'Connor's Corner3:45 The Song Peddler4:00 Music from Halifax4:30 Tempo5:30 News5:35 Weather

5:40 Sports Desk5:50 Tempo (cont.)6:10 Parliamentary Report6:14 Byline6:19 Roving Reporter6:25 CBC Reporter6:30 Rawhide6:45 Sports Special7:00 CBC News, Roundup7:20 Speaking Personally7:30 Leicester Square8:00 Democracy in America8:30 Citizens' Forum9:00 BBC Symphony

10:00 CBC News10:05 Shenandoah10:30 Eventide11:00 CBC News, Weather11:10 The Senior Set11:30 Nocturne12:00 News, Weather and

Sign Off


Interviews of personalities, actualities and fea-tures of interest to Canadians. Hosts are MarlaBarrett and Bill McNeil.Man. 8:00 pm Sask. 9:00 pm Alta. 8:00 pm

Roll Back the YearsOld and historic recordings are played and com-

mented on by Ed Manning.Man. 10:00 pm Sask. 10:00 pm Alta. 9:00 pm

Court of OpinionDiscussions on topics submitted by listeners.

Panel members are Pierre Berton, Dofy Skaith,Lister Sinclair. June Dennis: moderator is NellLeßoy. .

Man. 10:30 pm Sask. 11:30 pm Alta. 10:30 pro

Dominion Network StationsCKRC 1 WinnipegCKX BrandonCJGX YorktonCKRM ReginaCKBI Prince AlbertCFQC SaskatoonCHAB Moose JawCFRN EdmontonCFCN I_l Calgary


March 24 - 30

Mary Ferguson returns Thursday withher regular weekly talk about garden-

ing, on Trans-Canada Matinee.

THE ARCHERSThe trials and joys of an English

farming community are portrayed inThe Archers—the BBC series writtenby Geoffrey Webb and Edward S.Mason.W-IL3O am K-ll :30 am X-ll :30 am

STU DAVIS SHOWCanada’s cowboy troubadour in a

program of western songs.W-12:15pm K-12;15pm X-12:15pm

TOMMY HUNTER SHOWWith Tommy Hunter, the Rhythm

Pals, guitarist A 1 Harris, fiddler WallyTraugott and a special guest in a pro-gram of popular songs and westernrhythms.W-l:lspm K-l:lspm X-l;lspm

STORIES WITH JOHN DRAINIEJohn Drainie reads short stories

written by Canadian authors on thisprogram heard Monday through Fri-day.W-l :45 pm K-l;4spm X-l;4spm

TRANS-CANADA MATINEEThe Art Of Gardening. A series of

talks by Mary Ferguson of Montrealon the subject of gardening. Todayshe discusses how to start a herbgarden.

Physical Fitness. Geoff Scott inter-views Dr. Peter Karpovich who is


See Music Column, Page 31.

president of the American College ofSports Medicine and an advisor toPresident Kennedy on physical fitness.

Daily Features. News commentaryis read by Barry Supple of Montreal;Janine Paquet selects records; ListerSinclair reads The Whispering Landby Gerald Durrell.W-2;o3pm K-2;o3pm X-2;33pm

SCHOOL BROADCASTSManitoba and Alberta

Listening Is Fun. A program ofsuch wide and various selection thatit whets the appetite for greater musi-cal interest and proves to children thatlistening to music really is fun.W-3:00 pm X-2;00 pm

SaskatchewanLet’s Listen To Music. The purpose

of this series of broadcasts is to assistteachers in directing the record listen-ing programs required by the Dept,of Education. For the student theseprograms are designed to provide aframework of understanding of music.

K-3;00 pm

THE SONG PEDDLERA program featuring folk singer

Tom Kines, from Ottawa.W-3:45 pm K-3:45 pm X-3:45 pmMANITOBA HIGH LIGHTS

A program featuring various highschools and collegiates around theprovince and highlighting studentactivities, their schools and their tal-ents. Announcer, Jack Turnbull. Pro-ducer, Dan Wood.

This week, the Steinbach Collegiateis featured.W-4:30 pmFESTIVAL HIGHLIGHTS

Highlights of performances at theManitoba Music Festival.W-5:45 pm

ROVING REPORTERA behind the scenes report from

various places in Canada about atopical event taking place.W-6;24 pm K-6:24 pm X-6:l9pm

DEMOCRACY IN AMERICABased on the works of Alexis de

Tocqueville. Written by Lister Sin-clair and starring Barry Morse andAlan King. This week, The Chief In-strument of Freedom—a study of theAmerican press.W-8; 00 pm K-8; 00 pm X-8:00 pm

SHENANDOAHSinger Reg Gibson and guitarist-

vocalist Jim Pirie in a program of folksongs.

A tribute to American poet WaltWhitman, by actor Orson Welles,

above, is heard Friday on Rad.oInternational.

Sweet Betsy from Pike RegThree Ravens RegWhen the Ice Worms Nest Again -DuetMy Gentle Harp JimSam Bass DuetJohnny Has Gone for a Soldier JimOld Blue RegI’m Sad and I’m Lonely Reg

W-10;05 pm K-10;05 pm X-10:05 pm

FRENCH TV HIGHLIGHTS(Continued from page 25)

Andre Lefaur and Jules Berry. It tellsof a woman’s brush with the law andher subsequent escape to Paris whereshe becomes a great star.

Wednesday, March 28, 10:30 p.m.:“La tentation de Barbizon” (Fr.) acomedy by Jean Stelli, dealing withthe relentless combat between anangel and the devil in order to snareBarbizon.

Thursday, March 29, 10:30 p.m.:“Aventure en Espagne” (Adventure inSpain) stars George Marshall andLoretta Young, in a British comedyabout a policeman caught betweenlove and his duty.

Friday, March 30, 9:00 p.m.; “M.Belvedere au College” (Mr. BelvedereGoes to College), one of a series star-ring Clifton Webb as the strait-laced,blundering and lovable Mr. Belvedere.In this episode, our hero must passuniversity exams before he can accepta literary prize.

Friday, March 30, 11:00 p.m.; “Ledernier quart d’heure”—Police dramastarring Georges Riviere, Lucille Saint-Simon and Dora Doll. A woman isfound dead and police can find noapparent motive to suspect foul play.




6:00 The Queen, Sign Onand Morning Pops

7:00 News, Direct Report,Weather, MorningPops

7:30 News, Commentary,Morning Pops

7:45 Morning Sports7:55 Family Worship8:00 CBC News, Weather8:15 Morning Concert8:30 CBC News8:33 Weather, Morning

Concert9:00 Sing a Simple Song9:30 Court of Opinion

10:00 BBC News and HomeNews from Britain

10:15 Playroom10:30 Morning Comment

CBX, ALBERTA CBXA, EDMONTON191 on your dial 74 on your dial


10:40 For Consumers10:45 Morning Devotions10:55 CBC Reporter10:59 Time Signal11:00 Alberta Almanac11:45 Patti and Peter12:00 CBC New, Weather12:15 Don Messer12:30 Farm Broadcast1:00 Grain Prices,

Western Rhythms1:15 Tommy Hunter1:45 John Drainie2:00 National Schools2:30 CBC News2:33 Trans-CanadaMatinee3:30 Vancouver Theatre4:00 Chicho's Place4:30 Tempo5:00 Producer's Choice

5:30 News5:35 Weather5:40 Sports Desk5:50 Tempo (cont.)6:10 Parliamentary Report6:14 Byline6:19 Roving Reporter6:25 CBC Reporter6:30 Rawhide6:45 Peach's Almanac7:00 CBC News, Roundup7:20 Speaking Personally7:30 Radio International10:00 CBC News10:05 Night Spot10:30 Anthology11:00 CBC News, Weather11:15 Northern Messenger12:00 Weather and Sign Off

COURT OF OPINIONPanel discussion on questions sub-

mitted by listeners. Neil Leßoy ismoderator. Panelists are Pierre Berton,Dofy Skaith, Barry Morse and BarbaraMoon.W-9;45 am K-9:45 am X-9;30 am

MORNING DEVOTIONSCBW—Rev. M. Yurkiwsky of the

Holy Trinity Ukrainian Greek Ortho-dox Cathedral, Winnipeg; CBX—TheRev. Mary Haggart, Balmoral United,Saskatoon; CBX—The Rev. Robert J.Leighton, Westminster United, Ed-monton.W-10:48 am K-10;48am X-10;45am

TRANS-CANADA MATINEEAt The United Nations. Kathleen

Teltsch, United Nations correspondentfor the New York Times, gives herweekly report on activities at the U.N.

Let’s Be Frank. The last in theseries in which Betty Shapiro of Mon-treal answers letters from listenersabout personal problems.

Daily Features. News commentaryis read by Anne Francis of Ottawa;Vancouver actress Pat Williams reads“Hons and Rebels” by Jessica Mitford.W-2;o3pm K-2:o3pm X-2:33pmNATIONALSCHOOLS BROADCAST

Finding Out About Music. A seriesdesigned to provide the listeners withsome awareness of the creative processinvolved in the making of music. Be-ginning with simple concepts and pro-gressing through to those more com-plex and varied, the broadcasts areintended to build up a responsivenessto music in students, which in turnwill aid in bringing them to a keenerappreciation. This week, Melody andHarmony.W-3:00 pm K-3:00 pm X-2;oopmFESTIVAL HIGHLIGHTS

Highlights of performances at theManitoba Music Festival.W-5:45 pmRADIO INTERNATIONAL

7:30 p.m.—lntroduction7:33 p.m.—Light Music from Germany8:03 p.m.—My Word, a quiz game from the BBC8:30 p.m.—France ni Your Home9:00 p.m.—Joan Sutherland in Belgium9:30 p.m.—Excerpts from Walt Whitman’s

Song of Myself,” read by Orson Welles.

ANTHOLOGYA review and discussion of liter-

ature with readings of Canadianstories and poems.W-10;30 pm K-10;30 pm X-10:30pm

MARCH 30CBW, MANITOBA—99 on your dial

(CENTRAL STANDARD TIME)6:00 The Queen, Weather,

Clock Watcher6:30 News, Weather,

Sports, Clock Watcher7:00 News, Weather,

Marine Forecast,Farm Bulletin Board,Clock Watcher,Road Report

7:30 News, Weather7:40 Sports Parade,

Clock Watcher7:55 Family Worship8:00 News, Direct Report8:10 Weather, Clock

Watcher8:30 News8:33 A.M. Commentary,

Clockwatcher8:55 CBC Reporter9:00 News, Weather,

Direct Report9:15 Morning Concert9:45 Court of Opinion

10:15 Playroom

10:30 CBC News10:33 Morning Comment10:43 For Consumers10:48 Morning Devotions11:00 BBC News and Home

News from Britain11:15 Manitoba Memos11:30 The Archers11:45 Patti and Peter11:59 Time Signal12:00 CBC News, Weather12:03 Messages, Marine

Forecast, Weather,Road Report,March Past

12:15 Don Messer12:30 Farm Broadcast1:00 News, Weather1:15 Tommy Hunter1:45 John Drainie2:00 CBC News2:03 Trans-CanadaMatinee3:00 National Schools3:30 Vancouver Theatre4:00 Chicho's Place

4:30 Manitoba MirrorNewspaper Highlights5:00 Tempo

5:30 News, LivestockReports, Weather

5:40 Sports5:45 Festival Highlights6:15 Parliamentary Report6:19 Byline6:24 Roving Reporter6:25 Interlude6:30 Rawhide6:45 Lea Foli Plays7:00 CBC News, Roundup7:20 Speaking Personally7:30 Radio International

10:00 CBC News10:05 Night Spot10:30 Anthology11:00 Musical Encores11:30 Announcer's Choice11:45 Carnival in Music12:00 CBC News, Weather12:15 Northern Messenger1:00 Weather and Sign Off

6:00 The Queen, Weather,Tom's Corner

6:30 News, Weather,Tom's Corner

7:00 News, Weather,Farm Bulletin Board,Tom's Corner

7:30 News, Temperature,Roundup

7:37 Sports7:47 Tom's Corner7:55 Family Worship8:00 News, Direct Report8:10 Weather, Livestock

Report, Sports,Tom's Corner

8:30 News8:33 A.M. Commentary8:37 Weather, Tom's Corner8:55 CBC Reporter9:00 News, Direct Report,

Weather9:15 Just Music


3:30 Vancouver Theatre4:00 Chicho's Place4:30 Tempo, Sask. Calen-

dar and Road Report5:30 News5:35 Sports5:45 Tempo (cont.)6:15 Parliamentary Report6:19 Byline6:24 Roving Reporter6:30 Rawhide6:45 CBK Recital7:00 CBC News, Roundup7:20 Speaking Personally7:30 Radio International

10:00 CBC News10:05 Night Spot10:30 Anthology11:00 Melody Fair11:30 Announcer's Choice12:00 CBC News, Weather12:15 Northern Messenger1:00 Weather and Sign Off

9:30 News9:33 Just Music (cont.)9:45 Court of Opinion

10:15 Playroom10:30 CBC News10:33 Morning Comment10:43 For Consumers10:48 Morning Devotions11:00 BBC News and Home

News from Britain11:30 The Archers11:45 Patti and Peter11:59 Time Signal12:00 CBC News12:04 Weather, March Past12:15 Don Messer12:30 Farm Broadcast

1:00 News, Weather1:15 Tommy Hunter1:45 John Drainie2:00 CBC News2:03 Trans-Canada Matinee3:00 National Schools


March 24 - 30

COOK'S TOURwith Mat Gauer



BAKED WHITEFISHWipe out the cavity of a whole

whitefish with a clean damp cloth.Sprinkle with salt and then fill.STUFFING

2 cups day-old bread (brokeninto fairly large pieces)

1 medium onion, chopped% cup chopped celeryVz teaspoon each of—salt, thyme,

marjoram and sagePepper to tasteVz cup melted butter1 slightly beaten eggPut dry ingredients into bowl.

Saute onions and celery and addto dry mixture. Add egg and mixwell. Stuff and lace fish and placeon oiled pan with strips of baconlaid on top. Bake at 400 degrees—-allowing 10 minutes per inch ofthickness. If frozen, allow 15-20minutes per inch.HOME MADE TARTAR SAUCE

1 tablespoon sugar1 teaspoon saltVs teaspoon cayenne pepperVi. teaspoon mustard1 cup oil2 egg yolks2 tablespoons lemon juice1 tablespoon tarragon vinegar1 tablespoon chopped capers1 tablespoon chopped olives

His News Beat;

MICHAEL MACLEAR, CBC’scorrespondent in the Far East, hasone of the largest new beats in theworld; a vast triangle of territoryextending from Japan to India toAustralia. Tokyo, world’s largestcity, is his home base.

Maclear’s job is to submit reportsto CBC radio and television newsand public affairs programs, and tofollow major news trends in theFar East so that he is ready andwaiting when and where importantnews stories break.

Born in London, England, Mac-lear is a graduate of WestminsterCollege, and the City Literary In-stitute of London. He joined theCBC as a news writer in 1955 andby 1959 was a supervisor in theCBC-TV national news office inToronto. After six months of super-visory work he returned to his firstlove, active reporting, and the nexttwo years travelled through Africa,Asia and Latin America, specializ-ing in documentary reporting. Hethen returned to Canada to serveas writer-host of a CBC-TV publicaffairs series, Background.

When CBC established a Tokyobureau in 1961, it came as no sur-prise that Maclear, well-travelledand thoroughly experienced innews reporting, was chosen as FarEast correspondent.

“The Far East has always fasci-nated me, both as a reporter andas an individual,” says Maclear.“The great social transition nowtaking place in the East, and thevarious approaches to this change—

1 tablespoon relish1 green onionWhen using a blender, blend all

ingredients for about a minute oruntil well mixed. When using abeater, mix dry ingredients, gradu-ally add oil, beating continuously;then add egg yolks, lemon juiceand vinegar and beat again. Thenadd rest of ingredients. Store inrefrigerator.

persuasion in India, compulsion inChina and adopted democracy inJapan—influence the future of theentire world. Personally, I am alsointrigued by the social and culturalvalues the East might offer theWest.

“Tokyo provides a natural baseof operations for news gathering.It is the political capital of theWest’s foremost ally in the FarEast, and the home of what is per-haps the world’s most distinct cul-ture, But the East offers a greatchallenge to Westerners who wouldunderstand its complexities. Lan-guage barriers must be overcomeand Eastern character and conceptsunderstood before a correspondentcan do accurate, objective report-ing.”

Maclear does not visit all thecountries on his beat regularly. Heclaims the important thing is todetect general moods and trends,in order to understand events andbe ready when they occur. Toillustrate his theory, he points outthat he was in India prior to therecent infringement on Indian terri-tory by mainland China, and waswaiting in Vietnam when the U.S.set up a military command.


Half the World’s People


MRS r: 3oyer123-2ND ST N E

I ’ -E LA PRAIRIE MAN 13rEC 63 0‘ 2.3 j{

CBC TIMES: March 24-30Postmaster: If not delivered within 5 days please return to CBC, Box 160, Winnipeg. Manitoba

LOUIS APPLEBAUMhosts another

YOUTH CONCERTSunday/ March 25th



Performers:• Julian Bream/ guitarist and lutenist• Toronto Woodwind Ensemble and

other chamber music groups

• CBC Youth Choirconducted by Lloyd Bradshaw

in works by John Adaskin, Francis Poulenc, FranzSchubert, Bela Bartok and Camille Saint-Saens

