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CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT PLAN Principles of Classroom Management (Ed 238.1) Instructor: Ms. Rhodora F. Nicdao


Principles of Classroom Management (Ed 238.1)

Instructor: Ms. Rhodora F. Nicdao

Submitted by:

Maria Diana R. Gallardo

May 22, 2009



My class would consist of about twenty-five fifth

graders. These students of mine are always on time and

prepared or motivated to learn. They have a natural

curiosity and eagerness to increase their knowledge and

experience new things.

        When you are with my class, the meaning of respect,

courtesy, cooperation and camaraderie will be felt. A lot of

teachers enjoy being with them because they are always ready

for each class. They are attentive and cooperative during

class discussions or group activities. Furthermore, their

interest in your subject and willingness to learn is always


My students are also not afraid to ask questions

whether it is about things that they saw, encountered or

just curious about.  I believe that if students aren’t

afraid to ask question, they will, hopefully, be

intrinsically motivated to do things that interest them and

for the enjoyment of learning something new.  I want to work

with the students to find answers to their questions rather

than just providing them with the answers.  In my classroom

I won’t be the commander or the boss but rather be a part of

the class just as the students are.  We should all have

equal parts in making sure objectives are met, although, it

will eventually be my own responsibility if students are not

meeting their objectives.  However, I will not lower my

expectations if students do not meet their objective but

instead, examine what went wrong and how I might improve my

approach.  Not only would I have high expectations for my

students but for myself as well. I may be the one doing the

teaching, but I think what will be more important for me in

my classroom is that I will be “learning” from my students

and with my students.   

I would like to foster an environment that promotes a

sense of self-worth, self-respect, and positive self-image. 

I want all students to be proud of their accomplishments and

not be ashamed for their failure but come right back and be

able to examine critically what went wrong and how it can be

fixed.  Although the environment would be about one’s

“self”, it will not tolerate a “self-centered” attitude.  My

students would work in teams as much as possible.  I think

students can learn from each other more than they can learn

from me.  Being able to work with each other can help all

students.  Working in a group foster a positive attitude and

embracement of diversity and that is what I would like to

instill in all of my students.

A typical day in my ideal classroom would begin by me

greeting all of my students, looking in their eyes, smiling

and saying, “Good morning”.  I want my students to know that

when they step foot into my classroom, they are in a new

area and that they can expect consistency, respect and

kindness from me.  They also can look forward to high

expectations and a day filled with interesting lessons

filled with inquisitiveness and meaningfulness. 

Everyday, when I walk into my classroom, it’s like I

walked into an extension of my home, and an extension of my

family. Like in many families, I expect to maneuver through

many ups and downs with my students, but, if I am successful

in relaying my feelings to them – feelings surrounding an

appreciation for both our similarities and our differences

as fellow human beings – I truly believe that by the end of

every year, both my students and I will feel the kind of

sadness and pain felt whenever families become separated.

All in all, my ideal classroom is a safe, respectful,

responsibility-oriented, and cooperative place for the

students.  The class is about the students and not the

teacher.  The teacher and students would work as a team to

have the synergy, which would be the basis for the success

of their learning experience.

My philosophy of classroom management is based on the

individual relationships I form with each student, on the

relationships they form with each other, and on the

expectations I place on myself in relationship to my

capabilities as a teacher.  Just as with adults living

together in our global world, I believe that as a teacher,

it is my responsibility to recognize the individual

differences inherent to every child “living together” in the

classroom, and to implement an environment of mutual respect

and support of social camaraderie with an ambition towards


My management plan focuses on the students’ needs in my

class. By organizing many structured components of the

school, I am attempting to prepare myself for any discipline

problems that may occur. I will organize many aspects of my

class before the year starts, but I will also sit down with

my students during the first weeks of school and have

discussions about rules and expectations to determine what

they need from me and from each other. While I know that

some misbehavior will occur in my classroom, I am

instituting this plan to assist me in dealing with these

issues as they occur.

I am confident that one year from today, my students

know the rules and are still behaving well. My students are

involved, participating, excited, and motivated about

learning. I do not have to explain the rules or remind them

of the rules verbally, all I have to do is look or tap them

and they get back on track. I feel like a confident teacher

because I have maintained a positive classroom climate and

have developed a good rapport with my students. My class is

the best class that any teacher could have.



I believe the set up of a classroom has a big effect on

student learning and I hope that my classroom will be an

environment that will engage my students in critical

thinking, discussions and reflection.

My classroom will be organized in the same way as the

attached sketch. The students will have individual desks and

chairs, which are arranged in a traditional set-up. All of

the student desks are facing the chalkboard so they are able

to focus on learning the lessons the teacher is

teaching. There will be 5 columns and 5 rows. None of the

students are very far from the board, so they will be able

to see.  Students with visual impairments will be placed in

the front of the room to aid with their impairment.

 If there will be group activities, students can easily

rearrange the tables to face their classmates. As much as

possible, I want the students to be seated on the chair and

use their table instead of the floor.

The classroom will have white walls and cream floor

tiles. I think with the use of light colors, the ambiance is

more comfortable and pleasing.

There will be three bulletin boards placed in front of

the classroom. Two of them will be placed at the side of the

blackboard and the other one on top. The one on top of the

chalkboard would contain the core values of the school. The

bulletin board at the right side will have the Vision and

Mission of the school. The one at left side, behind the

teacher’s table will contain the virtues exemplified by

Mother Mary.

The students are also provided with three bulletin

boards. These are placed at the side of the classroom. The

first one will contain reminders, important announcements or

notices. The second one will be for H.O.T.S. Teachers in

each subject will post a trivia or question that would

challenge the students to think. A H.O.T.S. box is also

placed here to put their answers. The last bulletin board is

a freedom board. Students may post greetings, pictures or

any other notes they have either for the teacher or for

their classmate. However, these need to be checked by the

class officers or Homeroom Adviser to ensure that what will

be posted is something good.

The classroom bookshelves are located in the front left

corner of the classroom.  One section of the shelf will be

for their Bibles, the other one for their SRA books and the

one part for supplemental materials for students to have

access to for studying, writing or researching.

I believe that students should be constantly challenged

and provoked to think critically. The walls and windows of

my classroom may be posted with posters or their own

projects. Even if the students are not paying full attention

and their mind is wandering, I hope to catch a few of them

thinking about the posters inquisitively. I want to have

thought-provoking pictures to invoke interest in the

students whether it is an artwork of different times, or

pictures of people (men, women and all races and

ethnicities) or landmarks throughout the world.

There is another shelf for their lunchboxes and water

jugs. This shelf is placed at the back of the classroom for

easy access for the students.

The materials cabinet is placed beside the bookshelves.

When you open it, it has 3 divided portions. The first one

is for scissors, paper clips, thumbtacks, stapler and staple

wires. The other part is for coloring materials like

crayons, colored pencils and paint. The last portion is for

folders, envelopes, art papers, constructions papers, bond

papers, graphing papers and Oslo papers.

The classroom also has two trash bins. One is colored

green for the recyclables and the black receptacle for the

non-biodegradable. These are placed at the back of the room

between their lunchbox shelf and materials cabinet.

The classroom also has an LCD projector placed at the

ceiling and its screen in front, which may be pulled down to

cover the chalkboard. The switch is placed near the

teacher’s table.

This set up would surely support the learning

environment by being spacious and orderly.  This set up

would be truly ideal for a fifth grade classroom.

* Please see attached floor plan


We will come to class prepared and on time.

We will actively participate in class discussions

and group activities by sharing our ideas or

doing our assigned task.

We will listen attentively when someone is


We will ask permission when we borrow things

or materials and return it after use.

We will throw and segregate our trash in the

proper receptacle.


Watch your thoughts; they become words.

Watch your words; they become actions.

Watch your actions; they become habits.

Watch your habits; they become character**********************************************


I do believe that setting clear classroom rules and

consequences aid students in gaining an understanding of the

set of values that norms are built upon. Character Education

is based on the idea, that once students understand how a

set of concrete rules relate to a set of abstract values,

students can internalize norms.

My classroom rules are then based on the virtues that

Miriam Grade School upholds. Through these rules, students

would be able to concretely show and practice these values.

I made sure that my classroom rules are observable,

measurable, positive, limited to five, and related to a set

of values that are held by all members of the learning

community. One would also notice that I also used “we

statements.” Through this, it gives the impression or

suggests that we are together in applying these rules

including the teacher.

To motivate or encourage the students to follow these

rules, I will use social reinforcers. For middle school

We will come to class prepared and on time.

We will actively participate in class discussions

and group activities by sharing our ideas or

doing our assigned task.

We will listen attentively when someone is


We will ask permission when we borrow things

or materials and return it after use.

We will throw and segregate our trash in the

proper receptacle.


Watch your thoughts; they become words.

Watch your words; they become actions.

Watch your actions; they become habits.

Watch your habits; they become character**********************************************


students, this type of reinforcer works for them. They

appreciate it with the simple gestures made by the teacher

that affirms them of their behavior. Specific praise is also

something that I would use. Students value it more if they

know what specific or concrete action made the teacher


To easily understand the rationale for each of my

classroom rule, I provided a table consisting of the

following: (1) classroom rule, (2) the value or virtue being

instilled, and (3) the norm upheld.


VIRTUE / VALUE(abstract)


We will come to



- Through this rule the

obligations and responsibilities

of a student is emphasized.

Students should know that they

are expected to be prepared with

the necessary materials that

they need for the day and show

that they are ready to learn.

Likewise, teachers always

Students are



for their own





organize their instructional

materials ahead of time for the


- The value of time is

highlighted as well.

Responsibility also includes

promptness which means you need

to be on time. When you are

late, the consequence is you

miss out on something that might

be important and it gives the

impression that you are not

ready or you don’t give

importance to school.

* Through this rule students

would be reminded that this is

the key to all development and


Being punctual

not only

refers to

being on time

for school or

work, for

meetings or


but also being

ready and

prepared on


We will



in class

discussions and

group activities



- Through this rule, student

involvement is stressed. It

shows that their participation

is essential in making the

learning process or experience

successful and fruitful. This



shows active





also teaches the students that

when you actively participate

you experience your connection

to other human beings. You share

your ideas, bond with others and

learn from each other.


VIRTUE / VALUE(abstract)


We will



when someone is



- It feels good to learn

something, to grow. It also

feels good to be heard.

Unfortunately, the temptation to

"talk first" and "listen second"

can be overwhelming. Students

need to know that we all deserve

a chance to be listened to. They

cannot listen and talk at the

same time. Even if all of them

have the opportunity to share

their ideas, it is only fair

that when it is the turn of the

teacher or one of their

classmates to impart, they need

to listen too. This also shows

that their full attention in

Social skillsallow us toshow respectfor each otherin many ways.

Treat othersthe way you

would like to

class is needed in order to make

the discussion productive.

- Having someone genuinely

listen has a big impact on the

speaker. You show fairness,

respect and honor to the person.

This is one big advantage to

listening. You feel validated in

your views even if the listener

eventually disagrees with you.

You know that you have been

heard. You know that your

position has been understood.

Most of all, you feel respected.

be treated.

We will



when we borrow

things or

materials and


it after use.


- This rule gives emphasis in

showing respect to one’s

properties or belongings.

Students need to know that

taking something that doesn’t

belong to you without asking

permission is wrong. The

students would learn how and

when to ask permission politely.

They will also learn the

boundaries of borrowing. Once

Do unto others

as you would

have others do

unto you.

you borrow something, you need

to take care of it as if it was

your own and afterwards return

it. Instilling this important

value is very important to avoid

conflicts such as stealing or

misunderstandings. Taking and

borrowing would be

differentiated as well. Through

this they would understand the

concept of ownership and respect

for property.

We will



our trash in the




- Integrity refers to the

rational use of creation, a use

that is respectful of its

purpose and destiny and is

mindful of the needs of future

generations. Creation calls for

collaboration in an ongoing

process and a contribution

towards the realization of an

unfinished potential. Through

this simple rule, cleanliness is

given importance. Students are

also able to contribute in

We are

stewards of



The future


upholding the integrity of


- The school, considering as

their second home, should be

kept clean and orderly. It’s

also a way of showing respect to

school property. Furthermore, it

makes the students see how the

environment plays a big role in

how they will learn. Studying in

a dirty classroom won’t be

productive at all. They would

have difficulty or unmotivated

to learn. As compared with a

clean classroom, a comfortable

and pleasing atmosphere would be

seen and felt. This kind of

ambiance or tone would be

conducive for learning.

deserves to

inherit and






I will follow the “The Three-Step Approach to Teaching Classroom Procedures.”

1. Explain: State, explain, model, and demonstrate the procedure.

2. Rehearse: Rehearse and practice the procedure under your supervision.

3. Reinforce: Reteach, rehearse, practice, and reinforce theclassroom procedure until it becomes a student habit or routine.



Teacher’s table / area - check if it is clean- documents, notes or slips to be signedor read by the teacher should be placed atthe right side of the table

- go to the teacher’s area only ifnecessary or permitted

Student’s desk- place your bags at the back of your seat- place needed materials for the day underyour desk

- keep your area clean at all times (novandalism)

LCD projector and screen - only the teacher and assigned monitor areallowed to turn on the projector and pulldown the screen

-don’t touch or play with the switches andscreen

Shelves and cabinet- place and arrange your bible and SRA bookson the book shelf by class number

- log in the notebook if you wish to borrowsome materials from the cabinet

- after using the borrowed material, makesure you return it right away

- lunchboxes and water jugs must also beplaced on the assigned shelf

Trash bins- throw and segregate your trash properly


Lights, fan and air-conditioner - once you are in the room, turn on the air-conditioner and lights

- always turn off the lights if the classwill go to another place

- if the class will be gone for an hour ormore, turn off the air-conditioner as well

- if the air-conditioner isn’t working or ifit’s too cool, fans may be used

Classroom door - doors must always be kept closed- pull down the door blinds if the projectorwill be used by the teacher

- if the class will go to another area,locator chart monitor should place thechart outside the door and indicate wherethe class is going

-the key monitor should lock the studentand teacher’s doors if the class will gosomewhere

Classroom windows - when the air-conditioner is being used,make sure the windows are closed

- pull down the window blinds whenever theteacher will use the projector

-when you have some projects, the teachermay display them by the window

Bulletin boards - the three bulletin boards at side is for

students’ use- if you want to post reminders, notes or

Students who need to go to the lavatory, drinking fountain or clinic, should ask permission to the teacher through the use of corresponding hand signals only. Only one student at a time will be allowed to go out.

to go to the lavatory to drink to go to the clinic

If the teacher nods, that means you have been permitted to go out. Before going out, make sure you log in. Sign your name, the time you left and the time you returned on the clipboard. You are only given 3 minutes to be out of the room. If you need to go to the clinic, the teacher will signal you to go in front and give you a clinic pass. The clinic assistant or one of your classmates will help you to go to the clinic.

DISMISSAL ROUTINE (end of the day) Dismissal Time: 3:15 PM* The clock or bell does not dismiss the class. The teacher does.

1. Once you hear the 3 o’clock prayer habit, stop with whatever you are doing, stand up, prayer position and recite the prayer. This doesn’t mean that the class has ended after the prayer. It also serves as a signal to the teacher that it’s almost dismissal time. Don’t start fixing you things while praying.

2. Teacher will give the signal if you could start fixing your things.

3. Stack chairs and clean up around your area.4. Assigned monitors for each column will check if the area is clean. She will give the teacher a thumbs-up signal to show that she has checked everyone’s area and is clean.

6. The teacher will give the go signal for the class to be dismissed. Say your goodbyes to the teacher politely.

7. Going to the dismissal area, make sure QRS rule is still followed, although, there is a possibility of merging with other students from the other sections to have continuous flow of traffic.


MORNING ROUTINE (beginning of the day)

When you get to the classroom place your bag at the back of your chair, arrange the materials you need for the day under your desk and put your lunchbox / water jug at the shelf. If there’s still time, you may read a book or do advance reading for the subjects. When you hear the first / 7:10 bell, go to your morning line (2 lines by heiaght) outside the classroom. The second / 7:15 bell means complete silence and are ready for the morning exercises. (Prayer, flag ceremony [“Lupang Hinirang”] and pledge [“Panunumapa sa Watawat ng Pilipinas”])

* Prayer – stand up straight and be in prayer position

* Flag ceremony – stand up straight, right hand on your chest, look at the flag, and participate in singing the national anthem

* Pledge – stand up straight, right hand raised in 45 degree angle and participate in reciting the pledge

After the morning exercises, the first line nearest the student’s door quietly enters the classroom and remains standing. Followed by the next line. Respond to the greeting of the teacher properly. “Good morning miss or sir.” (not in singsong voice or manner) When the teacher signals you to sit, say thank you miss or sir. Class secretary checks the attendance and writes on the attendance notebook and blackboard the absentees and late comers. Be ready for Homeroom period.

* If it’s a Wednesday, students have a Marian Journal Reflection period instead of Homeroom. They will still do the morning exercises outside but only the flag ceremony and pledge. Once they enter the room, they will be seated right away and listen to the Marian reflection for the day in the PA. Their Marian journals are distributed before the morning exercises buy the assigned monitors.



MORNING ROUTINE (beginning of the day)

When you get to the classroom place your bag at the back of your chair, arrange the materials you need for the day under your desk and put your lunchbox / water jug at the shelf. If there’s still time, you may read a book or do advance reading for the subjects. When you hear the first / 7:10 bell, go to your morning line (2 lines by heiaght) outside the classroom. The second / 7:15 bell means complete silence and are ready for the morning exercises. (Prayer, flag ceremony [“Lupang Hinirang”] and pledge [“Panunumapa sa Watawat ng Pilipinas”])

* Prayer – stand up straight and be in prayer position

* Flag ceremony – stand up straight, right hand on your chest, look at the flag, and participate in singing the national anthem

* Pledge – stand up straight, right hand raised in 45 degree angle and participate in reciting the pledge

After the morning exercises, the first line nearest the student’s door quietly enters the classroom and remains standing. Followed by the next line. Respond to the greeting of the teacher properly. “Good morning miss or sir.” (not in singsong voice or manner) When the teacher signals you to sit, say thank you miss or sir. Class secretary checks the attendance and writes on the attendance notebook and blackboard the absentees and late comers. Be ready for Homeroom period.

* If it’s a Wednesday, students have a Marian Journal Reflection period instead of Homeroom. They will still do the morning exercises outside but only the flag ceremony and pledge. Once they enter the room, they will be seated right away and listen to the Marian reflection for the day in the PA. Their Marian journals are distributed before the morning exercises buy the assigned monitors.

TRANSITIONS IN AND OUT OF THE ROOMWhen entering and exiting the classroom, students should follow the QRS rule. This means they should be Quiet, staying at the Right side and in Single file. This applies whenever they leave the room or has to go to another area in the school. The only difference if it’s recess, lunch break and dismissal time, their line may merge with other students from the other class but still following the QRS rule.


(Library, Art, Music, HELE, PE & any other time when the class will go to another area)

1. Line up properly in single file at the back of the classroom.

2. Class President should always be positioned at the front of the

line. The Vice-President and key monitor will be at the back.

3. Lights must be turned off the by the monitor. If the class will

be gone for an hour, air-conditioner must be turned off as well.

4. Key monitor should place the locator chart outside the room and

indicate where the class is going before locking the student and

teacher’s doors.

5. Once the teacher gives the go signal to leave the room, follow

QRS rule.

6. Handrails are for hands ONLY.

7. After the class, return to class immediately still following the

QRS rule. No detours allowed.



Recess: 30 minutes Lunch: 1 hourAfter praying the prayer before meals and once the teacher gives the go signal, you may go at the back to get your lunchbox, water jug and meal card quietly. Once you have your things with you, line up properly at the back of the classroom. Wait for the teacher to allow you to go out. Key monitor will be the last one at the line and lock the doors. Going to the café, students should follow the QRS rule.

(Quiet, Right side, Single file)At the café, go to the assigned tables of your class. You are expected to eat with your classmates and not to loiter around or eat with the other sections. When you’re done eating, throw and segregate your trash. Go to the lavatory to freshen up and brush your teeth. Afterwards, go to the assigned area of the class at the hallway and wait quietly for the bell. If you need to do some errands such as buy something at the bookstore or go to the library, make sure you inform your Homeroom Adviser or one of the class officers. The recess bell will always ring 10 minutes before the time and the lunch bell 20 minutes before the time. This is to give you time to walk back to the classroom and ensure that you are not late for the next class. The extra time after lunch, you’ll have Quiet Time. This is a time for you to rest, take a nap, do your homework in advance or prepare for your next class. Wait for the next teacher quietly.

* Café pictures:

The Homeroom Advisers will eat with their class during lunch time to check if the students are eating healthy food.




For my attention signal, I am going to teach my students a rhythmic clap. I am using this type of signal because it gets students’ attention and it involves physical movement and a little bit of concentration. Students will get ready for each activity by starting with a clap, which sets the tone that we are here to work together on a task, and we are ready to learn. I will use this signal for beginning activities, transitioning, and when I need my students’ attention throughout the day. Eventually I would like to make-up some words to go with the rhythmic clapping so that my students will really need to stop what they are doing in order to clap and rap along with me.

FORMATION OF GROUPINGS: Students may have their assigned groupings at the start of every quarter made by the teacher. They will be provided a time to meet the members of their group and discuss the following: goals, expectations and role of each member.

Roles: Leader, Secretary, Timekeeper, English Monitor and Materials Manager

Assigned task for each group and directions will be given first before they go to their groupings. When they go to their groups, they should do it quickly and quietly. Once the go signal of the teacher has been given, students go to their assigned group and area. Materials manager must immediately get the things needed for the group task. The leader will discuss the objectives that the group should accomplish. The secretary will start taking down notes. Timekeeper will remind them of the remaining time and English monitor will ensure that they are using the English language.


SMALL-GROUP INSTRUCTIONREMINDERS: You are responsible for your own job and the results of the group. In the working world, you are responsible for your own job and the results of

the people you work withIf you have a question, ask your support buddies. In the working world, you seek, ask and research because you are expected to

act on your own initiative. You must be willing to help if a support buddy asks for help. In the working world, you are expected to apply teamwork skillsIf no one can answer a question, agree on a single question and appoint one person to raise a hand for help from the teacher.

In the working world, negotiating and reaching agreements are the keys to success.


Know you’re the objectives of the group. Share your ideas and at the same time listen attentively and respect the opinion of your group mates.

Know your role or assigned task.

Do assigned task immediately.

If you have any questions, ask help from your teammates first then to the teacher.

Once you are done, inform the leader and share with the group what you have accomplished.

If you finish early, have the initiative to help the other members of your group in accomplishing their task.

When all of the members have done their assigned task, share what you have learned from the group task and summarize everything.

Do the “We’re Done Clap,” to let the teacher know that your group has accomplished the task. * When group work is assigned, it is MANDATORY for ALL students to participate actively. Students will use voices that cannot be heard across the room but loud enough for your small group to understand. If there is a question or need for clarification, you will ask your group members first before asking Ms. Gallardo.

