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CM Gehlot presents his 14th budget in state assembly!

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OUR EDITIONS: JAIPUR, AHMEDABAD, LUCKNOW & NEW DELHI www.firstindia.co.in www.firstindia.co.in/epaper/ twitter.com/thefirstindia facebook.com/thefirstindia instagram.com/thefirstindia JAIPUR l THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 2022 l Pages 16 l 3.00 RNI NO. RAJENG/2019/77764 l Vol 3 l Issue No. 259 TRYING TO WIN 2023 IN 2022! CM Gehlot presents his 14th budget in state assembly! Jagdeesh Chandra hief Minister Ashok Gehlot has it all. Keeping an eye on elections next year, he fulfilled demands of all the voting pop- ulation in one go. It was giving back time for him. Govern- ment employees got back their old pen- sion system, youth received one lakh job assurance, women smartphones and farmers got unprecedented pie of Rs 5000 crore separately. The budget laced with Gehlot’s unmatched political acu- men will certainly win him support from all the sections, especially from youth who were said to have been disil- lusioned after the REET and RAS fiasco. The budget looked more like a mani- festo with fancy decisions and unimagi- nable commitments. But with magi- cian Gehlot showing his ‘politricks’, repeat of Congress government looks round the corner, though it will mainly depend on the ‘free hand’ given by Gandhis to Gehlot in ticket distribution for 2023. Gehlot took a leaf from aspirations of Uttar Pradesh voters. Whether it was freeing up the electricity or announcing the return of old pension scheme, Ge- hlot knew exactly what can click to vot- ers in general. Gehlot’s budgetary provi- sions will certainly put pressure on Prime Minister Modi and many of the chief ministers who are also facing de- mands of reinstating the old pension scheme and creating government jobs at centre. Gehlot’s budget theme has been so impressive that even BJP leaders are finding it difficult to attack or op- pose the budget. In fact, the budget has put up a major challenge before state and central BJP leadership to effectively counter Gehlot in 2023 as- sembly polls. By making extremely smart and shrewd political remarks on Madam Vasundhara, Gehlot again success- fully created a sense of ‘alertness’ in the mind of BJP high command about Madam’s ‘silent’ equations and her ‘symbolic and indirect’ prox- imity with him. The other side of the story is that Gehlot’s this popular move has further enhanced Vasundha- ra’s chances to come back in mainstream, where Nar- endra Modi and Amit Shah have not yet made up their mind about the exact role of Madam in the com- ing assembly polls. The message is very clear... keep- ing in mind the growing popu- larity of Ge- hlot, only Mad- am Raje can match a tow- ering Gehlot! C CM Ashok Gehlot with his two principal commanders Kuldeep Ranka and Akhil Arora. Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot —PHOTOS BY SUMAN SARKAR



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twitter.com/thefi rstindia facebook.com/thefi rstindia instagram.com/thefi rstindiaJAIPUR l THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 2022 l Pages 16 l 3.00 RNI NO. RAJENG/2019/77764 l Vol 3 l Issue No. 259

TRYING TO WIN 2023 IN 2022!

CM Gehlot presents his 14th budget in state assembly!

Jagdeesh Chandra

hief Minister Ashok Gehlot has it all. Keeping an eye on elections next year, he fulfilled demands of all the voting pop-ulation in one go. It was giving back time for him. Govern-

ment employees got back their old pen-sion system, youth received one lakh job assurance, women smartphones and farmers got unprecedented pie of Rs 5000 crore separately. The budget laced with Gehlot’s unmatched political acu-men will certainly win him support from all the sections, especially from youth who were said to have been disil-lusioned after the REET and RAS fiasco.

The budget looked more like a mani-festo with fancy decisions and unimagi-nable commitments. But with magi-cian Gehlot showing his ‘politricks’, repeat of Congress government looks round the corner, though it will mainly depend on the ‘free hand’ given by Gandhis to Gehlot in ticket distribution for 2023.

Gehlot took a leaf from aspirations of Uttar Pradesh voters. Whether it was freeing up the electricity or announcing the return of old pension scheme, Ge-hlot knew exactly what can click to vot-ers in general. Gehlot’s budgetary provi-sions will certainly put pressure on Prime Minister Modi and many of the chief ministers who are also facing de-mands of reinstating the old pension

scheme and creating government jobs at centre.

Gehlot’s budget theme has been so impressive that even BJP leaders are finding it difficult to attack or op-pose the budget. In fact, the budget has put up a major challenge before state and central BJP leadership to effectively counter Gehlot in 2023 as-sembly polls.

By making extremely smart and shrewd political remarks on Madam Vasundhara, Gehlot again success-fully created a sense of ‘alertness’ in the mind of BJP high command about Madam’s ‘silent’ equations and her ‘symbolic and indirect’ prox-imity with him. The other side of the story is that Gehlot’s this popular move has further enhanced Vasundha-ra’s chances to come back in mainstream, where Nar-endra Modi and Amit Shah have not yet made up their mind about the exact role of Madam in the com-ing assembly polls. The message is very clear... keep-ing in mind the growing popu-larity of Ge-hlot, only Mad-am Raje can match a tow-ering Gehlot!


CM Ashok Gehlot with his two principal commanders Kuldeep Ranka and Akhil Arora. Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot



02JAIPUR | THURSDAY,24 � 02 � 2022www.fi rstindia.co.in I www.fi rstindia.co.in/epaper/ I twitter.com/thefi rstindia

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� Vol 3 � Issue No. 259 � RNI NO. RAJENG/2019/77764. Printed and published by Anita Hada Sangwan on behalf of First Express Publishers. Printed at Bhaskar Printing Press, D.B. Corp Limited, Shivdaspura, Tonk Road, Jaipur. Published at 304, 3rd Floor, City Mall, Bhagwan Das Road, C-Scheme, Jaipur-302001, Rajasthan. Phone 0141-4920504. Editor-In-Chief: Jagdeesh Chandra. Editor: Anita Hada Sangwan responsible for selection of news under the PRB Act

ajasthan Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot who is also the Finance Minister of the state presented the 4th budget of his third tenure on February 23. Focusing on Agriculture and Healthcare, the first sepa-rate agricultural budget was also presented, while the overall development of Rajasthan has been taken into account too. It had been evident that a welfare state keeps inclu-siveness in the develop-ment process as a prime object. From reviving the old pension scheme to a separate budget for agri-culture this budget held a benchmark by provision-ing an estimated outlay of Rs 78,938 crore for the ag-riculture sector, out of which Rs 11,000 crore for Infrastructural develop-ment and Rs 29,000 crore for the subsidy, while Rs 20,000 crore for credit sup-ply in the same. Budget allocation had been follow-ing a holistic approach by providing a developmen-tal expenditure of Rs 1.69 lakh crore under the schemes for the welfare mechanism to propel. Con-sidering the appropriation of the above-mentioned outlay, it showed that the highest appropriation had been made for the Social Welfare Sector at 46% of total expenditure under schemes, followed by rural development and the pow-er sector. Though there had been a surmounting pressure of employment

generation and rising in-flation in the retail sector, the budget managed to re-lieve the same by provi-sioning a cardinal pros-pect of generating 1.4lakh jobs under the petroleum sector, and providing the subsidy for electricity con-sumption up to 200 units. Recognizing tourism and hospitality as an industry would provide new hori-zons and prospects for in-vestment to be raised, con-sidering the economic importance of the same.

AGRONOMICS IN THE BUDGETThere had been various al-locations to the agricultur-al sector under different heads. From the provision-ing of Rs 1,439 crore for the horticulture to Rs 2,000 crore micro-irrigation, Rs 600 crore to organic farm-ing scheme and formulat-ing Millet scheme, the budget focuses on the sus-tainability of the agricul-ture sector. For better pro-viding a better agriculture marketing budget tends to

promote the establishment of micro-food processing enterprises by providing 50% subsidy for the same. Considering, farmers re-lief as concerned, it provi-sioned for about Rs 400 crore grants to 25,000 farm-ers, with Rs 100 crore inter-est-free loans to farmers and subsuming 5 lakh new farmers under credit scheme, while providing free seed kits to 12 lakh farmers and granting Rs 5,000 per family to landless farmers. Moreover, to over-come the challenges of ex-ternal factors on productiv-ity, it provisioned for about Rs 400 crore for Green House farming and dis-

bursement of 1,000 drones for insect attacks.

FOR SOCIO-WELFARE AND EMPLOYMENT GENERATIONThis budget had been for-mulated in a sense to pro-vide support to sluggish socio-economic develop-ment and unemployed youths. This budget, has created a provision to re-vive old pension scheme, for the government em-ployees employed after 1st Jan 2004, though it would create a fiscal burden but in the very long-run, may-be in 2034, thus it raised the question of sustaina-bility. Secondly, budget

has raised number of days of work under MGNRE-GA to 125 days and an-nounced an Urban Em-ployment guarantee scheme. The state govern-ment will bear the expend-iture of Rs 700 crore. On the side of health sector, it raised the insurance cov-erage under Chiranjeevi Scheme from 5 lakh to 10 lakh and development of 1,000 health centre. In the education sector, it provi-sioned for development of an education hub at JLN marg Jaipur which would provide better investment prospect for the state in the same. To ensure the quality of education in the English medium, budget proposes the crea-tion of a separate cadre of English medium teachers under all subjects. About 10,000 English medium teachers will be recruited in these schools in the first phase. Under the CM Digital Service Scheme, 1.33 crore women will get internet-enabled smart-phones for 3 years.

CONCLUDING REMARKThe budget held an expan-sionary stand of govt for devp of the state and tackle sluggish growth, but here it again raises the concern for source to generate the rev-enue for the same. It would indirectly raise the fiscal burden, though a welfare state could bear the deficit to propel the economic vari-ables and stimulate growth, but would create an infla-tionary impact on overall economy concerned. This inflationary pressure would be convenient to an extent if its effect would have been to create better investment opportunities and markets to get clear, after taking debt sustainability as a factor into account. The budget is like a river having tributar-ies and distributaries, this budget showed a number of distributaries in terms of expenditure without any indication towards the tributaries of the revenue sources.



This inflationary pressure would be

convenient to an extent if its effect would have

been to create better investment

opportunities and markets to get clear,

after taking debt sustainability as a

factor into account. The budget is like a river

having tributaries and distributaries, this

budget showed a number of distributaries in

terms of expenditure without any indication towards the tributaries

of the revenue sources



The writer is Dean, School of Humanities and Social Sciences

JECRC University, Jaipur

MR SUMANT KAUSHIKThe writer is Asst. Prof. Economics, School of Humanities and Social Sciences JECRC University, Jaipur

Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot who is also the Finance Minister of Rajasthan presents the 4th budget of his

third tenure at the State Assembly on Wednesday.







Silence the angry man with love. Silence the ill-natured man with kindness. Silence the miser

with generosity. Silence the liar with truth.—Buddha


Pralhad Joshi @JoshiPralhad

@CoalIndiaHQ and its subsidiaries are also incorporating the female workforce into aspects of their operations that were hitherto

beyond the reach of women. With their inclusive approach, coal

companies are writing a new story of women

empowerment. @mahanadicoal Look at the example!

Piyush Goyal @PiyushGoyal

World wants ‘Made In India’. 88% jump in exports of Electronic

Goods in Apr-Jan 2021-22 over same period in 2013-14. Government’s initiatives are boosting

domestic manufacturing of quality & globally

competitive products.


ED DEALS STAGGERING BLOW TO MVA, NCPumbai has be-come a hunting ground for the Enforcement Di-rectorate which

has been taking on leaders of the Sharad Pawar-led Nationalist Congress Par-ty (NCP). The latest to fall in ED’s net is Nawab Ma-lik, Maharashtra’s Minis-ter for Minority Develop-ment, who has been ar-rested for alleged money laundering in a property deal and links with Da-wood Ibrahim aides. Da-wood’s brother Iqbal Kaskar was arrested ear-lier. Last year the Narcot-ics Control Bureau (NCB) had arrested Malik’s son-in-law Sameer Khan in a drug-related case.

More than Malik it is the NCP and the Uddhav Thackeray-led Maha Vi-kas Aghadi (MVA) govern-ment which the ED is chip-ping away at and leaders of the coalition know that. Before swooping down on Malik the ED had arrested the state’s Home Minister Anil Deshmukh, also a senior leader of the NCP. Malik was the most vocal

critic of the ED, NCB and CBI when they arrested Deshmukh and Aryan Khan, actor Shahrukh Khan’s son. Defending Deshmukh, Malik had de-scribed his arrest as “po-litically motivated”. “It is aimed at scaring leaders of the MVA,” Malik said.

Deshmukh’s arrest was a setback for the NCP, but that of Malik has come as

a jolt. Sharad Pawar has accused China of using Central agencies to target MVA. His daughter Su-priya Sule called it a new brand of politics. There’s little else Pawar, Sule and Sanjay Raut can do, other than wait to see who’s next in ED and CBI’s cross-hairs. Or, maybe, quickly form a national alliance.










Aditi Nagar, Yogesh Sharma & Naresh Sharma

hief Minister Ashok Gehlot on Wednesday pre-sented the Budg-et for the year 2022-23, with the

main focus on sectors like health, education, infra-structure, social security and tourism during almost three-hour-long speech

INDIRA GANDHI URBAN EMPLOYMENT GUARANTEE SCHEMECM Gehlot announced the launch of the Indira Gan-dhi Urban Employment Guarantee Scheme with an aim to provide 100 days of employment in urban are-as. The Indira Gandhi Ur-ban Employment Guaran-tee Scheme is on the lines of Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guar-antee Act (MGNREGA), for which a Rs 800 crore budget has been proposed.

CHIRANJEEVI HEALTH COVER INCREASESGehlot also proposed to in-crease the health cover un-der the state government’s much ambitious Chiran-jeevi Health Insurance Scheme from Rs 5 lakh to Rs 10 lakh per year per fam-ily. He also announced that IPD and OPD services will be free-of-cost in state-run hospitals.

LIMITED UNITS OF FREE ELECTRICITYFor electricity consumers, 50 units free electricity for those using 100 units, Rs 3/per unit grant for all do-mestic consumers up to 150 units and Rs 2/unit grant for consumers of 150 to 300 units and above as per the slab. The state government will spend Rs 4,500 crore.

First India News

hief Minister Ashok Gehlot on Wednes-day presented his first agriculture Budget, proposing Rs 5,000 crore for the

CM Krishak Saathi Yojana to implement 11 schemes on a mission mode.

Last year, the state govern-ment had proposed Rs 2,000 crore under the scheme, which has been increased to Rs 5,000 crore in the Budget 2022-23.

“It is our aim to strength-en the financial situa-

tion of farmers and make Rajasthan stand among top states in the ag-

riculture sec-tor in the next five years. In last year’s

Budget, I had a n n o u n c e d Rs 2,000 crore under the CM Krishak Saathi Yoja-na, which I

propose to in-crease to

Rs 5,000 crore,” Gehlot said.



JAIPUR l THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 2022 l Pages 16 l 3.00 RNI NO. RAJENG/2019/77764 l Vol 3 l Issue No. 259OUR EDITIONS: JAIPUR, AHMEDABAD, LUCKNOW & NEW DELHI www.fi rstindia.co.in | www.fi rstindia.co.in/epaper/ | twitter.com/thefi rstindia | facebook.com/thefi rstindia | instagram.com/thefi rstindia

We all know that the employees associated with government services should feel secure about the future, only then they can make their invalu-able contribution towards good governance during the service period. Therefore, for all the employees appointed on or after January 1, 2004, I

propose to implement the old pension scheme —Ashok Gehlot, Chief Minister


It is my privilege that I am presenting the first separate agriculture budget. It will set a new horizon in the agriculture sector in the state

—Ashok Gehlot, Chief Minister

Raj presents first agriculture budget for 85 lakh farmers

Special focus on employment, health, education

Govt to buy 1,000 drones for farmers, `5000 assistance to landless agricultural labourers

...does ‘unthinkable’ by bringing back old pension scheme from next year for all employees appointed on or after January 1, 2004

REET examination will be conducted on July 23, 24 this

year. The number of posts for the REET recruitment were increased from 32,000 to 62,000. Candidates who had given the exam earlier will not be charged with any examination fees. He said that an anti-cheating cell will be set up in the Special Operations Group (SOG) of Rajasthan police.


1.33 CRORE WOMEN WILL GET SMARTPHONESUnder the CM Digital Service Scheme announced by the chief minister, 1.33 crore women will get internet enabled smartphones for 3 years.

INDUSTRY STATUS TO TOURISMLike always, we have taken care of every section in the Budget. Man-agement of corona crisis in state has been appreciated across the world, said CM. He announced to give industry status to tourism and hospital-ity, which were affected largely due to COVID-19 pandemic.

1 LAKH ADDITIONAL POSTSNow, I declare to recruit about 1 lakh additional posts in various departments in the com-ing year, said Ashok Gehlot, CM. During the present government’s tenure so far, more than 1 lakh youth have been appointed and recruitment is under process for about 1.25 lakh posts.

10,000 ENGLISH MEDIUM TEACHERS TO BE RECRUITEDTo ensure the quality of education in the English medium, Gehlot announced the creation of a separate cadre of English medium teachers under all subjects. About 10,000 English medium teachers will be recruited in schools in the fi rst phase.


1 The missions include Rajasthan Micro

Irrigation Mission, Rajasthan Organic Farming Mission, Rajasthan Seed Production and Distribution Mission, Rajasthan Millets Promotion Mission, Rajasthan Protected Cultivation Mission, Rajasthan Horticulture Development Mission, Rajasthan Crop Protection Mission, Rajasthan Land Fertility Mission, Rajasthan Agricultural Labourers Empowerment Mission, Rajasthan Agri-Tech Mission and Rajasthan Food

Processing Mission.

2 Under the Ra-jasthan Micro

Irrigation Mission, fi ve lakh farmers will be benefi ted with a proposed budget of Rs 2,700 crore. A centre of

excellence for micro irrigation will be set up.

3 Among the other major missions are the

Rajasthan Organic Farming Mission, for which Rs 600 crore has been proposed to benefi t four lakh farmers in the next three years. A total of Rs 100 crore has been proposed for the Rajasthan Millets Promotion Mission, Rs 400 crore grant will be given to 25,000 farmers in the next two years under the Rajasthan Protected Cultivation Mission.

4 CM announced 60 per cent subsidy to one

lakh farmers on installation of solar pump sets with an expenditure of Rs 5,000 crore. The government will also clear pending 3.38 lakh electricity connections to the farmers at a cost of Rs 6,700 crore.

5 Gehlot, in his budget speech, said interest-

free crop loans amounting Rs 20,000 crore will be distrib-uted and fi ve lakh new farmers will be included for which Rs 650 crore interest subsidy will be spent.

6 The state government also proposed to set up

11 mini food parks in districts at a cost of Rs 220 crore besides setting up phyto-sanitary labs in Kota, Jodhpur.

Labourers Empowerment Mission, Rajasthan Agri-Tech Mission and Rajasthan Food



First India Bureau

Lucknow: An average of 59.12 per cent poll-ing was recorded till 5 pm on Wednesday in 59 Assembly constitu-encies during the fourth of the seven-phase elections in Ut-tar Pradesh, accord-ing to the Election Commission.

While poll panel of-ficials claimed that voting was largely peaceful, the Samajwa-di Party has alleged

certain irregularities in some areas of Luc-know, Unnao, Hardoi and Sitapur and de-manded action.

In Lakhimpur Kheri, where eight people, in-cluding four farmers, were killed during a violence in October last

year, Union Minister and BJP leader Ajay Mishra cast his vote. Mishra did not speak to the media before and after visiting polling booth. Meanwhile, Lakhimpur Kheri re-corded highest voter turnout of 62.42%.

Mumbai (Agencies): The Enforcement Di-rectorate (ED) on Wednesday arrested NCP leader and Maha-rashtra minister Nawab Malik in con-nection with the mon-ey laundering case

against underworld don Dawood Ibrahim and his aides.

Stepping out of the ED office after ques-tioning, Malik told re-porters “Ladenge, jeetenge, sab ko ex-pose karenge. ED is looking into a Kurla property deal of Ma-lik, among others.

ED is probing a Rs 80 lakh payment by Malik to Haseena Parkar, sister of Da-wood, to acquire a 3-acre land in Kurla.

UP votes 59.12% in 4th phase, highest in Lakhimpur Kheri

ED arrests Nawab Malikin money laundering case against Dawood Ibrahim Bengal CM Mamata speaks to NCP chief Pawar, expresses support

What Would You Do? Pawar Asks Mamata; calls for an emergency meeting

SP chief Akhilesh salvo: BJP can defame anyone

Maharashtra govt says, “won’t sack Min Malik”

Shiv Sena’s Sanjay Raut slams BJP, calls arrest as ‘stab in the back’ by forces who can’t fight fair battle



Jaipur: A Division Bench of the High Court on Wednes-day put a stay on the decision of the single-judge Bench of Justice Mahendra Goyal scrapping the results of Rajasthan Administrative Service Preliminary (RAS-Pre) examination earlier in the day. The Division Bench also issued notice to the petition-ers of the case heard by the single-judge Bench and posted the date for next hearing date after 4 weeks.

Ajmer: The RAS Mains exam sched-uled to be held on February 25-26 has also been postponed and now will be held on March 20, 21. The decision has been taken in the RPSC full commission meeting under the chairman-ship of chairman San-jay Kumar Shrotriya on Wednesday. All the members of the Commission, Joint Secretary Ashutosh Gupta and Legal Advi-sor Bhanwar Bhadala were present in meet-ing. —Shubham Jain



Parts of Chandigarh have been left without electricity and water for over 36 hours in a major blackout following a three-day strike by electricity department workers. The ad-ministration, in court, accused striking workers of “acts of sabotage”.

Supreme Court dismissed a petition seeking cancellation of offl ine examinations for class 10th and 12th to be conducted by all state boards, CBSE, ICSE and the NIOS. Justice A M Khanwilkar observed that such a petition creates “false hope” and “confusion” all over.

In Lucknow, BSP supremo Mayawati, Deputy CM Dinesh Sharma and state minister Brijesh Pathak were among the early voters

INCREASE IN MGNREGA DAYS; SC-ST DEVELOPMENT FUNDHe also announced to make 125 days of employment in MGNREGA instead of 100 days. The state government will bear the expenditure of Rs 700 crore. Gehlot also announced Rs 500 crore for SC-ST Development Fund and allocated Rs 100 crore for EWS families.

Nawab Malik was sent to ED custody till March 3


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The budget presented by CM Ashok Gehlot is a milestone wherein, every section has been taken care of & more importantly, a monitoring system has been ensured for its implementation. The budget will boost state’s economy.

—Dhiraj Srivastava,Commissioner, Raj


The budget is the one which was on people’s mind. The budget presented by CM Gehlot has come as a magic wand for agriculture, tourism, real estate, businessmen, backward classes, women, etc., which will bring prosperity across the state.

—Rajeev Arora, President RAJSICO

In the fi rst Agri Budget, neither full loan waiver nor special announcement was made for farmers, who were cheated by presenting old schemes in a new format. After budget announcement, the farmer is feeling cheated.

—Rajendra Rathore, Dy LoP

The Congress government in its election manifesto, had talked about loan waiver for farmers, but in this year’s agriculture budget also, no such provision was made and thus, the farmers are anguished about the same.

—Kailash Choudhary, Union

State Agriculture Min

This year’s state budget had something for everyone, be it youth, farmers, traders, women etc. Its an employment oriented budget to boost self-reliance by providing relief to all sections of society.”

—Dheeraj Gurjar, President Rajasthan

State Seed Corporation Limited





Green fodder seed mini kits to be provided to 3 Lakh cattle farmers.

Grant will be given to farmers to develop fruit orchards in 2 years at a cost of Rs 100 Crore, Rajasthan Land Fertilization Mission will start, 1 Lakh farmers will get a grant of Rs 500 Crore for solar pumps.

60,000 farmers will get subsidy on Agricultural equipment, all outstand-ing electricity connections will be given in next two years, announcement of setting up of 1,500 custom hire centres through FPO.

Farmers in 17 districts to receive power for irrigation during the day.

The Chief Minister announced 60 per cent sub-sidy to one lakh farmers on installation of solar pump sets with an expenditure of Rs 5,000 cr

Rs 200 crore for renovation of Indira Gandhi Canal Project

To store the agri produce, godowns with 100 metric ton capacity at 100 village co-operative societies will be set up.

Dams and irrigation canal systems in various districts will be restored at a cost of Rs 800 crore to help increase the irrigation capacity.

Govt has sanctioned Rs 600 crore for Ground water refi lling projects and for constructing anicuts in vari-ous districts as well as for restoration works.

Plantation in more than 50,000 hectares of forest area

Botanical Gardens to be developed in Jodhpur, Bikaner, Kota, Udaipur, Bharatpur and Ajmer.

Captive Animal Sponsorship Scheme for adoption of animals.

‘E-Waste Disposal Policy’ and ‘E-Waste Recy-cling Park’ in Jaipur.




Increase in subsidy amount on milk from Rs 2 to Rs 5.

Milk plants to be opened in Rajsamand district at budget of Rs 30 Crore.

5,000 new dairy booths to be opened, camel protection de-velopment policy to be in place, GSS will be established at Gram Panchayat headquarters in 2 years.

Rs 600 Crore announced for organic farm-ing mission and Rs 200 Crore for micro-irrigation mission.

Cooperative crop loans of Rs 20,000 Crore will be distributed.

Rs 10 crore for camel protection and devel-opment policy.

Rs 1 crore 57 lakh for every Nandishala at block level. Gaushalas in Gram Pan-chayats will be operated through NGOs.

College of Veterinary Science in Malsisar Jhunjhunu.

A dozen veterinary hosps will be upgraded to fi rst class hospitals. Half-a-dozen sub-centres will be upgraded to veterinary hosps.

Drinking water to be made available to 12.24 lakh households in 5,833 villages.

Rs 5,182 crore has been allocated for rural water supply programme.

Rs 2,479 crore has been allocated for urban water supply programme.

Projects worth Rs 60, 600 crore approved, about 35,776 villages will be benefi tted.

46, 21,000 houses to have tap connections.

Under JJM, 36 big water projects worth Rs 10,000 crore will be developed. About 20 lakh houses of 5, 500 villages will be benefi tted through this.

Under the Jal Jeevan Mission-2022-23, DPR will be prepared for about 1,899 villag-es of Udaipur, Chittorgarh and Rajsamand districts for ‘Har Ghar Jal’ scheme.

Construction of 2 dams in Kotda Tehsil in Udaipur at a cost Rs 1,800 crore.

GEHLOT’s BOUNTY FOR HOME TOWNAs usual, Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot has announced a slew of goodies for his home town, Jodhpur in the budget pre-sented in the Assembly on Wednesday. Taking care of the health of his natives, he has focused on developing health infrastructure in the region. He has given importance to educa-tion and sports sectors also.

JODHPUR TURNS INTO A CITY OF INSTITUTESGehlot’s efforts earlier has earned the city AIIMS, NLU, IIFT, footwear designing institute as well as Ayurveda, agriculture and police universi-ties. Now, he gifted the city a Neuroscience Institute and a Dental College. Moreover, 7 more specialty courses are go-ing to be launched in the medi-cal college in the city now.

LARGESSE TO BUSINESSMENTo keep the business community in good humour, he declared that a multi-storied industrial complex is scheduled to come up in Boranada at a cost Rs 250 crore. Units related to IT, ready-made garments, jewellery and service sectors will be housed at the complex.

SPORTS INSTITUTES TOO IN PIPELINEThat apart, the city will have a State Sports Institute at a cost of Rs 10 crore. Besides this, an institute for para-sports will also be brought up in the city at an equal cost.

Construction of a PG hostel at Medical College.

Establishment of a medical institute at JK Lon Hospital.

Expert services to be available in the super specialty block of the hospital.

Establishment of Centre of Excellence in Micro-Irrigation at the zonal headquarter.

Grant for the garlic processing unit. Establishment of East Rajasthan Canal Corpo-

ration, benefi tting 13 districts including Kota, Bundi, Baran and Jhalawar, with an estimated expenditure of Rs 9,600 crore next year.

Establishment of Kota Development Authority. Sangod to become a Sub-Tehsil. Establishment of Indira Gandhi Knowledge Hub,

Science Centre in Kota.

Udaipur was made the development authority.

RIICO Industry will be set up in Vallabhnagar, Agriculture college in Kherwara, Additional CMHO offi ce will be opened in Udaipur.

Upgraded Jhalara PHC to CHC. Synthetic athletic track will be built at

Maharana Pratap Khelgaon. A sports stadium will also be built in

Girva, a new dam in Kotra Tehsil. An announcement was made to set

up a mini food park in Udaipur. A 250-room hostel will be built at

Udaipur House in Delhi. 40 crore worth of new roads will be

built in the municipal area. Botanical Garden to be set up in

Udaipur. Family court will open in Udaipur.

First India Bureau

Jaipur: To check inci-dents of rampant pa-per leak in state, CM Ashok Gehlot has an-nounced to form a cell in SOG to keep a check on such cases. Gehlot said that an anti-cheat-ing cell will be opened in the SOG. It will crack down on copycat gangs & increase sur-veillance. This cell will work under direction of ADG ATS and SOG. Around 2,000 police-

men will be included in this cell.

CCTV cameras will be installed in big buildings, coaching centres and commer-

cial buildings. It will be mandatory to install cameras outside and inside big private insti-tutions. The Centre for Cyber Security has

also been announced by the government at a cost of Rs 50 crore.

Apart from these, of-fices of Addl SP will be opened at Pokaran, Ka-man, Karauli-Hindaun. The Jaipur Police Commissioner-ate has been given one more police station. Bindayka outpost in the west district will be made a police station. 240 new houses will be built across the state for the prisoners living in open jails.

Anti-cheating cell in Raj to curb paper leakPUTTING A CHECK

With focus on security of the entire state,

for the fi rst time, on the lines of CISF, the CM has announced to create a security agency, RISF, in the state in a similar way. On the lines of 108, it has been announced to bring 500 mobile units in the state in the coming years by connecting the num-bers 100 and 112 with the Abhay Command Centre. These mobile units will prevent crime.






Jaipur: In a major boost to agriculture sector in a sepa-rate Agri-Budget-2022-23, CM Ashok Gehlot has made sev-eral announcements for farm-ers’ welfare.

Under various announce-ments, missions including Rajasthan Micro Irrigation Mission, Rajasthan Organic Farming Mission, Rajasthan Seed Production and Distribu-tion Mission, Rajasthan Mil-lets Promotion Mission, Ra-jasthan Protected Cultivation Mission, Rajasthan Horticul-

ture Development Mission, Rajasthan Crop Protection Mission, Rajasthan Land Fer-tility Mission, Rajasthan Ag-ricultural Labourers Empow-erment Mission, Rajasthan Agri-Tech Mission and Ra-jasthan Food Processing Mis-sion have been included.

Under Rajasthan Micro Ir-rigation Mission, five lakh farmers will be benefited with a proposed budget of Rs 2700 crore. A centre of excel-lence for micro irrigation will be set up.

Gehlot in his budget speech said that interest free crop loans amounting Rs 20,000 crore will be distributed and five lakh new farmers will be included for which 650 crore interest subsidy will be spent.

In next three years, Rs 14,860 crore will be spent un-der Rajasthan Irrigation Re-structuring Programme for supply of water.

The Chief Minister announced 60 per cent subsidy to one lakh farmers on installation of solar pump sets with an expenditure of Rs 5000 crore

The state govt also proposed to set up 11 mini food parks in districts at a cost of Rs 220 crore besides setting up phyto-sanitary labs in Kota and Jodhpur

ERCP PROJECTJaipur: CM Gehlot said that even if Centre hasn’t accorded status of national project to Eastern Rajasthan Canal Project (ERCP), the government will continue working on the project with its resources. Works related to cost of Rs 9,600 crore are proposed to be taken up under ERCP in next year.

GOING ORGANIC...Among the other major mis-sions include, Rajasthan Organic Farming Mission for which Rs 600 crore has been proposed to benefi t 4 lakh farmers in next three years. Rs 100 crore has been proposed for Rajasthan Millets Promotion Mission, Rs 400 crore grant will be given to 25,000 farmers in next two years under Rajasthan Protected Cultivation Mission.

7 super specialty services at Bharatpur Med College.

Ayurveda Nursing College will be opened in Bharatpur.Girls college will be opened in Pipla, Uchhain of Bharatpur. ITI college will be opened in Uchhain town.

Hindi Sahitya Samiti of Bharatpur will go under government protection and Rs 5 crore has been

Science centre, centre of excellence for Apicul-ture to be set up at a cost of Rs 7 cr 50 lakh.

A mini food park will be set up in Nadbai. Bharatpur included in Rajasthan Smart City

Scheme. Grant for mustard processing unit.

Works worth Rs 250 crore JLN Hospital and other hospitals; 7 super specialty facilities at JLN Hospital

Dialysis facility will also be available at Panchayat Samiti headquarters.

People from far-fl ung areas will get mobile cancer diagnosis van.

Girls college in Beawar, Kishangarh, and Nasirabad.

No. of cameras will increase in Abhay Command Centre, mobile units to be set up. ITI will open in Arai

The REET exam will be held in July. Old applicants will not be charged.

Anti-cheating cell will be formed in SOG.

Savitri Bai Phule reading room will be opened in the district at a cost of Rs 50 lakh.Mini secretariat in Kekri.

Rs 74 cr for three roads of Ajmer.

Rs 108 crore for construction of three roads of Alwar, Rs 250 crore for a multi-story industry in Bhiwadi.

100 more beds will be added to dist hospital at a cost of Rs 35 crore.

A multi-storey industry complex will be developed in Salarpur Industrial Area, Greater Bhiwadi for Rs 250 cr.

Girls’ colleges will be opened in Baroda, Kishangarhbas and Rajgarh

in Alwar and an agricultural college will be opened in Mundawar.

Centre for cyber, cyber police stations to be set up.

Smart classes in madrasas. Water for every household. New industrial areas in Bansur &

Kotkasim. Rs 110 crore for roads. A big park has been announced in


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DPR is proposed to be prepared in the second phase from Sitapura to Ambabadi. The

foundation stone of a new era of public transport was laid

by us in the form of Jaipur Metro in last tenure. At present Metro is operated

from Mansarovar to Badi Chaupar.

—Ashok Gehlot, CM

It will encourage the tourism sector,

employment investment and

inclusive growth of the economy. The

announcement that the tourism sector is

being given the benefi t of the industry status, is a huge step forward.

Raj will be now the preferred destination.

—Apurv Kumar, President, FHTR

This budget shows Gehlot’s far sighted thinking. It will prove to be fulfi lling the hopes

and aspirations of every section

including farmers, women, employees,

entrepreneurs, differently-abled and deprived sections.

—Vishvendra Singh,Tourism Minister

Such a good budget will neither come nor will it ever come, the pendency of farmer’s

connections in the fi eld of energy will

end. Every common consumer will get

the benefi t.

—Bhanwar Singh Bhati, Mos for Power, IGNP,

Water Resource Department

Pink Line to be extended till Transport Ngr, 200 ft Bypass

Abhishek Shrivastava

n a major boost to the metro rail connectivity in Jaipur, Metro Corridor will be

built from Badi Chaupar to Transport Nagar on Agra Highway under Package 1C of the first phase of Jaipur Metro Rail Project. Similarly, Metro corridor will also be built from Mansarovar to 200 feet bypass on Ajmer Road under Pack-age 1D of the first phase of the project. Rs 1185 crores will be spent on the

expansion of the metro route and detailed project report of the second phase of the metro pro-ject will be prepared afresh. CM Ashok Gehlot announced on Wednesday in the State Budget.

Metro light train to run to connect Satellite towns with Jaipur city



DPR will be prepared for the satellite towns Chaksu, Bassi, Chaumu, Bagru, Phagi and Chandwaji along with the mas-

terplan to connect them with metro light train around Jaipur. At all these places the facilities will be developed as per Jaipur’s satellite towns. Light metro train, which will run at 25 kmph like a tram on the road. There will be a separate line on one side of the road, which will not affect the road traffi c.



UIT in Udaipur and Kota will be upgraded to Develop-ment Authority

The plan to improve dam-aged roads in urban local body areasto continue

Roads will be repaired by PWD for 40 km in Municipal Corporations, 25 km in Mu-nicipal Councils, and 15 km in Municipalities.

Raj Smart City Scheme in Jodhpur, Bikaner, Bharatpur, Alwar, Bhilwara, and Chit-torgarh at Rs 1500 crores in the next two years

Rs 525 crore will be spent on reducing traffi c jams, development work and beau-tifi cation works in Udaipur, Alwar, Sikar, Sri Ganganagar, Abu, Kota, Banswara, Barmer, Dungarpur, Jodhpur, and Bharatpur.

Rs 160 crores on infra de-velopment and beautifi cation workin Nathdwara, Pushkar, Pilani, and Mount Abu.

Rs 300 crore on drainage and infra development in Nawalgarh, Sagwara, Bhawani Mandi and Bundi.

Local bodies will be able to bring various schemes in the rural area adjacent to the cities, for this a policy will be brought to transfer the government land of the area to the concerned body.

First India Bureau

Jaipur: In major an-nouncements for urban de-velopment and housing, Chief minister Ashok Ge-hlot on Wednesday an-nounced that UIT in Udaipur and Kota will be upgraded to Development Authority and Rajasthan Smart City Scheme will be implemented in Jodhpur, Bikaner, Bharatpur, Alwar, Bhilwara, and Chittorgarh. Rs 1500 crores will be spent on this scheme in the next two years.

The CM announced schemes to address the problem of traffic jams in various cities, beautifica-tion, development of satel-lite towns in Jaipur, devel-opment corporation in Kota and Udaipur, strength-ening of drainage system in Jaipur. At the same time, in view of the need for in-creasing urbanization, pri-ority was given to infra-structure development.


`142 crores will be spent on strengthening the drainage

system of the capital. Under this, the completion of drain work from Vande Mataram Road to Muhana Mandi, Jaisinghpura Bhankrota Road, main roads in Jagatpura, Goner Road and Banad Road drains will be done.

Rs 1500 crores Raj Smart City Scheme in Jodhpur, Bikaner, Bharatpur, Alwar, Bhilwara, and Chittorgarh



Gehlot has announced exemption in stamp duty in case of resale of properties while presenting the budget on

Wednesday. Fifteen per cent exemption will be given in the fi rst year followed by 10% in second year and fi ve per cent in the third year of its resale. Percentage of stamp duty paid at the time of fi rst sale will be evaluated and exemption in stamp duty of that percentage amount will be given. Earlier, this type of exemption was applicable only in multi-storey.

Industry status for Tourism and HospitalityJaipur: Tourism and hos-pitality sector will be ac-corded the status of indus-try in the state, CM Gehlot said on Wednesday.

Gehlot made the an-nouncement in the state budget, saying it has been a long-pending demand and the decision will give sup-port to the sector.

With this announcement, govt tariffs and levies will now be payable by the sec-tor as per the industrial norms and this puts an ex-tra financial burden of Rs 700 crore on the exchequer.

At the same time, the CM announced to increase the amount of the Tourism De-velopment Fund from Rs 500 crore to Rs 1000 crore. CM announced to restart intra-state air services and link destinations as per de-mand and feasibility, adven-ture tourism promotion scheme, integrated online booking portal and mobile app with recruitment of 500 ‘Paryatan Mitra’ to assist tourists. —PTI


Now, 50 Units of free electricity for domestic users in RajasthanVikas Sharma

Jaipur: CM Ashok Gehlot had made several announce-ments for agriculture con-sumers with an aim to re-duce the burden of electric-ity bill. He announced 50 units of free electricity for those using 100 units per month, Rs 3/per unit grant for all domestic consumers consuming up to 150 units, and Rs 2/unit grant for con-sumers who consume 151 to 300 units per month.

The “powerful” an-nouncements will directly benefit 1.18 electricity con-sumers in the state and this will put a financial burden of Rs 4500 crore on the ex-

chequer.In the energy sector, the

CM’s focus was on increas-ing power generation. Two ultra-supercritical power units will be installed in Chhabra. The units of 660 MW each will be set up at a

cost of 9600 crores. Ka-lisindh-Jhalawar power project will also be expand-ed. 48 lakh electricity con-sumers will have smart me-ters. Meters will be replaced in two years at a cost of Rs 3565 crores.


Visionless Budget painted in election colour: RajeAishwary Pradhan

Jaipur: Former CM Vasundhara Raje termed the budget as disappoint-ing. “This budget is going to disappoint every section, the basis of which is poli-tics, not policy. There is no vision of development. This budget, painted in election colour, will neither change the condition nor direction of the state. There is an agricultural budget to say, but it is nothing more than a mere deception for

the farmers,” she said.Raje said that the govt

has not fulfilled the prom-ise of waiving the loans of farmers up to Rs 2 lakh.

Vasundhara Raje with Mamta Bhupesh

Congress MLA’s unique protest against his own government

Mukesh Mathrani

Barmer: After the govt ig-nored his demands, Con-gress MLA Madan Prajapat has protested against his own party govt in a unique manner. To mark his pro-test, soon after the budget speech ended, the MLA had left his shoes outside the as-sembly gate and moved barefoot. It mentioned here that a few days back, the MLA had earlier an-nounced that if his de-mands would not meet, he will remain barefoot for his whole life. As his demands were not addressed in the state budget presented on Wednesday, he stepped-on his pledged.

MLA Madan Prajapati removing his shoes. —PHOTO BY SUMAN SARKAR



Jaipur: With a popular and all-inclusing budget, Chief Minister Ashok Ge-hlot has prepared the road-map for the return of his government! How? Free electricity to masses is of-ten announced in the elec-tion manifesto of political parties which seldom come true and govern-ments dont act on it, but Gehlot gave the gift of free electricity on Wednesday.

Interestingly, Gehlot’s

first government went due to the displeasure of the employees, a fact which Gehlot had mentioned in the Congress session at

Birla Auditorium recently. But on Wednesday, the Chief Minister gave sev-eral gifts to the employees.

For the first time, employ-

ees were seen dancing with Gehlot’s photo as many ma-jor announcements includ-ing free medical and smart-phone were made.

Further, Gehlot gave, with open hands, what the MLAs asked for and with his ‘master stroke budget, Gehlot has wreaked havoc on the opposition. The dis-cusion, in every nook and corner, has now shifted to budget only and the gen-eral feeling is - Has Gehlot made preparations to re-peat his govt in 2023?

INFRASTRUCTURE AND UDH HIGHLIGHTS Announcement to repair roads in Municipality, Municipal Council, and Municipal Corporation area

Announcement of one percent exemption on stamp duty on commercial land up to 50 square yards

Exemption will be available on plots up to 100 square yards. Whether the plot is vacant or there is some construction on it, one per cent exemption will be given

Light Metro will run till Satellite Town like Bassi, Phagi, Chaksu









The government will give a compensation of Rs 50 lakh to the families of accredited and non-accredited journalists in the state who

die due to the Covid-19 pandemic. —ASHOK GEHLOT, CHIEF MINISTER



Free treatment for Cochlear implant, Bone-marrow Transplant, Organ Transplant, Blood Transfusions, Limb Prosthesis in Chiranjivi

Nursing colleges in 18 districts

New medical Institutes in Jaipur, Jodhpur and Ajmer

7 super speciality services in medical col-leges at divisional HQ

1K Sub-Health Centres

Up gradation of 50 sub health centres to PHCs, total 100 PHCs

Dialysis and den-tal facilities at Sub District Hospitals and CHCs at 352 blocks

600 crore given for medical infrastructure

Creation of posts of 200 Food Security offi cers

Construction of 15 hos-pitals, approx. amount Rs 1,224 crore

3,820 Secondary Schools to be up grad-ed to Senior Secondary Schools

1,000-1,000 Mahatma Gandhi English me-dium schools rural and urban areas

200 primary schools in Desert Districts

Education Hub at JLN Marg, Jaipur

36 Girls Colleges in 19 districts of State

Centre of Excellence and Research in Jodh-pur, cost Rs 15 crore

Engineering college in Khaitan Polytechnic college campus Jaipur, cost Rs 100 crore

Savitri Bai Phule library in each district.

Residential Para Sports Academy in Jaipur and Jodhpur, cost Rs 20 crore each

Multipurpose indoor stadium in Tonk

Rajasthan State Sports Institute, Rajasthan High Performance Sports Training and Rehabilitation Centre in Jodhpur


CM Ashok Gehlot has given special focus to the health and medical sector in the state budget with major an-

nouncement being the increase of insurance cover. CM has also given special focus on promotion of medical edu in budget. In SMS medical college 5 new departments will be opened and facility of robotic surgery and modular OT will also be provided. Development works worth Rs 300 crore will be carried out in Mahila, Janana hosp and state cancer institute. Also, 4 medical institutes will be built in the state at a cost of Rs 250 crore. A state-of-the-art cardiac lab will be established in Jodh. Ayurvedic nursing college in Bharatpur and Taranagar. —Vikas Sharma


Mining Lease/Quarry Licenses of minor minerals expir-ing on 31.03.2025 be extended up to 31.03.2040 on certain premium amount

Removal of maxi-mum limit of 4 hec-tares mining lease for minor minerals on Khatedari land

Execution of lease agreement with-

out environment clearance on the condition that min-ing activity will be started after getting environment clear-ance

Reduction in the limit of dead rent/license fee from 10 times to 5 times and maximum premium amount from Rs. 10 lakh to Rs. 5 lakh for transfer of minor mineral lease

6 Provision for transfer of ownership of resi-dential Nazool properties for lower income group persons occupied prior to year 2000

100% exemption of Motor Vehicle Tax for purchase of four wheeler with automatic transmission upto the cost of Rs 10 lakh and Adapted/Retrofi tted two wheelers/three wheelers by the specially abled people

100% exemption of Stamp Duty & registration fees on edu loan papers

Model Sub-registrar offi ces in Jpr, Jodh and Bhiwadi in the Passport offi ce lines

Reduction in stamp duty from 6% to 5% and registration charges from 1% to 0.5% on purchase of Immovable property by senior citizens more than 60 years of age

1% rebate on stamp duty on vacant or constructed commercial plots upto 50 square yards

Creation of Tax Facilitation and Support Centre at Commercial Tax Headquarter with the cost of Rs 100 crore and establishment of an additional divisional transport offi ce at Jaipur

100% exemption of Stamp Duty & registration fees on reverse mortgage executed in favour of senior citizens more than 60 years of age

1% rebate on stamp duty on vacant or constructed residential plots upto 100 square yards

Reduction in stamp duty from Rs 5k to Rs 500 on release deed of ancestral property Rs 10L above

Budget for “Late Shri Gurusaran Chabra Jan Jagrukta Abhiyan” increased from Rs 5 cr to Rs 10 cr



1,000 Indira Rasoi centres with annual expendi-ture of Rs 250 crore

5,000 Scooty in ‘Mukhyamantri Divyang Scooty Yojana’ and 20,000 Scooty in ’Kali Bai Bheel’ and ‘Devnarayan Yojana’

Mukhya Mantri Rehabilitation Home Scheme for homeless, old & working women

Implementation of ’Indira Gandhi Matratav Poshari Scheme’ in State.

6 hostels in ‘Savitri Bai Phule’ Hostel scheme

SIPF building, Civil Defence Training Institute

14 new municipalities to be set up

Kotputli and Kuchaman City Municipality to be up graded to Municipal Councils

Resolution of ACP related anomalies, annual expenditure of Rs 1,000 crore

Benefi t of 7th pay for Roadways, RTDC staffers

Old Pension Scheme for offi cials appointed on and after 01.01.2004







100% exemption of Stamp Duty & Model Sub-registrar offi ces Reduction Budget for


Benefi ts under RIPS-2010 and RIPS-2014 extended for 1 year

Enterprises availing benefi ts of customized package under RIPS-2003, RIPS-2010 and RIPS-2014 shall also be eligible under RIPS-2019 if their commercial production start or would be started in the operative period of RIPS-2019

Enterprises established in Petroleum, Chemicals and Petrochemicals Investment Region (PCPIR) at Ra-jasthan Refi nery Barmer for sunrise sectors will get ben-efi ts of RIPS-2019

The Capital

subsidy limit under RIPS-2019

for Thrust Sector-Gems and Jewel-lery increased from Rs 25 lakh to Rs

1 crore

Provision of capital subsidy for Sports Good Sectors and Private

Sports Academes up to Rs 1 crore under Service Sector of RIPS-2019

New Rajasthan Investment Promotion

Scheme-2022 will be introduced with better benefi ts to enterprises

Rs 150 crore for CM Small In-

dustry Promotion Scheme










A Budget Day tribute to a Kind, Warm, Gentle

and Sensitive Statesman: The People’s

Chief Minister of Rajasthan.

A message of Sandeep Verma,Roadways CMD with a sketch

of CM Gehlot made by him.






ALL EARS TO GEHLOT: Sunita Gehlot, Vaibhav Gehlot, Himanshi Gehlot, Kashwini Gehlot, Dharmendra Rathore, Pukhraj Parashar,

Sangeeta Beniwal, Niranjan Arya, and Naseem Akhtar listening to Ashok Gehlot presenting the State Budget on Wednesday.

Nehru Youth Transit Hostel and Facilitation Centre in Udaipur house Delhi, cost Rs 300 crore

’Rajiv Gandhi Knowledge Service & Innovation Hubs’ in Jaipur, Jodhpur and Kota cost Rs. 200 crore each

“Mukhya Mantri Work from Home - Job Work Scheme” for women

18th National Bharat Scout and Guide - Jamburi to be organized at Rohat-Pali

Science Centres in Bikaner, Bharatpur and Kota

Anti Cheating Cell in SOG

Recruitment on 1 lac posts in various departments

“Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar Rajasthan Dalit, Adiwasi Udyam Protsahan Yo-jna-2022” be introduced

With the cost of Rs. 100 cr. Incubation cum Train-ing Centre be established with cooperation of CII/DICCI for helping deprived sections of the society to establish industries

In RIICO areas, allotment of plot size up to the limit of 4000 sq. mtr. in place of present 2000 sq. mtr. limit and increase in res-ervation from 5% to 6%

100 per cent exemption from interest on install-ments of land cost and 75 per cent rebate on conversion charges

100 % exemption of stamp duty for purchase, lease and mortgage of the land

1 per cent additional interest subsidy under Chief Minister Small Industry Promotion Scheme

100% reimbursement of SGST for 7 years













The Gehlot government’s budget is like a gift whose wrapper is bright and attractive but the box is empty. People do not want to see announcements but work. —Gajendra S Shekhawat, Union Min

It is fooling public with magic tricks. As a magician fools people with tricks but the public does not get anything, the same work has been done by CM Ashok Gehlot in his budget. —Rajyavardhan Rathore, MP Jpr rural

Budget has been a welfare benefi ciary for milk producers and cattle farmers. Mukhyamantri Sambal Yojna, demand was made to inc rate of `2-`5/liter, which CM has accepted.

—Ramchandra Choudhary, Chairman, Ajmer Saras Dairy

The state budget for the fi nancial year 2022-23 is a development-oriented, commendable and all-inclusive budget according to the expectations and aspirations of the common man. —Govind Singh Dotasra, PCC Chief

CM Gehlot has taken care of every section of the society. I welcome concessions given in power tariff, AAP govt policy is a show-off. I also appreciate the Chiranjivi Health scheme. —Ajay Maken, Cong national gen secy

The budget for 2022-23 has been prepared keeping in mind interests of all sections of society. I am sure that this budget will defi nitely give a new direction and momentum to progress of Raj. —Sachin Pilot, Ex-PCC Chief

Gratitude to Honorable CM Ashok Gehlot ji for implementing Indira Gandhi Maternity Nutrition Scheme in the entire state. Every year about 350,000 women of the state will get benefi t.—Mamta Bhupesh, WCD Minister

Happy atmosphere all around. Employees greeting each other. Subsidy in domestic electricity. All-round development. Once again the status of the celebrated player was shown in the budget of 2022-23.—Sanyam Lodha, Sirohi MLA

Election like a lucrative budget, CM is a manifesto, there is a difference between words and deeds. Farmers & youth of state are angry to overthrow Cong in 2023 due to disobedience and false promises.—Satish Poonia, State BJP President



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Exemption of e-way bill for transportation of goods within the city extended from Rs. 1 lakh to 2 lakh

Exemption from conver-sion charges for convert-ing private agriculture land for white category industry/enterprises purposes in rural areas

Upper limit of stamp duty reduced to Rs 15 lakh for loan instruments/debt assignment executed by industries the industries in the state

Upper limit of stamp duty reduced to Rs 50 crore on instruments of merger/demerger of companies

The period of exemption for MSME enterprises from sanctions and inspection extended from 3 years to 5 years

In RIICO areas for speci-fi ed industries plots will be allotted directly along with auction process

Many other benefi ts given to the industries

Along with a copy of the budget, all the MLAs were

gifted Apple iPhone 13. MLA Sandeep

Yadav fl aunting new possession.


iPHONE 13!


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Kaushambi: In a veiled attack at the previous Uttar Pradesh govern-ments, Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Wednesday said that history has shown that State is not secure in the hands of family-orient-ed political parties.

"History shows that the state is not secure in the hands of family-ori-ented political parties. There were back-to-back terrorist attacks in Uttar Pradesh during their rules. Unfortu-nately, instead of pun-ishing the terrorists of these blasts, the Sama-jwadi government worked to get them re-leased," said while ad-dressing an election rally in Kaushambi.

He further said that dynastic politics de-prived Kaushambi of development.

"During the reign of the past governments, criminals roamed freely and forcefully took pos-session of other people's

land and properties. Our mothers and daugh-ters felt unsafe while coming out of their homes. Instead of pro-viding good govern-ance, the past govts ex-ploited the people and their leaders built lav-

ish palaces. We on the other hand have made homes for the poor."

Taking a jibe at Akh-ilesh Yadav, he said sev-eral scams came to light including mining, am-bulance, food grain and riverfront during the

Samajwadi party's rule."Scams were the se-

cret of their rule. Min-ing Scam, Food Scam, Ambulance Scam, River Front Scam. Today eve-ry penny of the State is being spent on the wel-fare of the people. This govt has done the work of saving terrorists. To-day, talent is being re-spected and industries are being set up in every district of the state."

Taking a dig at Oppo-sition leaders, the Prime Minister said that the 'mausami' (seasonal) leaders disappeared during the Covid-19 peak, reappeared at the time of the election and will again disappear af-ter election results will be announced. —Agencies

State not secure in hands of ‘Parivarwadis’: Modi in UPSamajwadi Party worked to get blast terrorists released, PM said in Kaushambi

Lucknow: Voting for the fourth phase of Ut-tar Pradesh (UP) As-sembly elections ended at 6 pm on Wednesday, 23 February with a 59.12 per cent voter turnout recorded. Counting of the votes will be done on 10 March.

Many high-profile leaders including Un-ion Minister Rajnath Singh and Bahujan Sa-maj Party (BSP) chief Mayawati cast their votes in the capital city.

Minister of State Home Affairs Ajay Mishra Teni cast his vote in a polling booth in Banbirpur of Lakh-impur Kheri. Teni's son, Ashish Mishra, is the prime accused in the

murder of four farm-ers, who were crushed under one of his cars.

Asha Singh, Con-gress candidate and the mother of the girl who was allegedly raped by former BJP MLA Kul-

deep Singh Sengar, also cast her vote in Unnao. In 2017, 62.55 per cent polling was reported across these seats, while in the 2019 Lok Sabha polls, it was 60.03%. —Agencies

Kheri records highest turnout at 62.42%

Voters take a selfie while showing their ink marked fingers after casting their votes during the fourth phase of the UP Assembly polls, in Lucknow on Wednesday. —PHOTO BY ANI

Churachandpur: On his maiden poll visit to Manipur, Union Home Minister Amit Shah on Wednesday said that the focus of Prime Minister Narendra Modi's Government at the Centre is to take the State on the path of innovation, infrastruc-ture and integration.

"Our focus is to en-sure that we take for-ward the dream of Prime Minister Naren-dra Modi. He has al-ways kept the develop-ment of Northeast and Manipur a priority. We want to take the state on the path of innova-

tion, infrastructure and integration," said Shah at a rally in Chu-rachandpur. He has visited the district al-most after 4.5 years.

“Improving the sports infrastructure is the focal point of both state as well the central government,” said Shah. —PTI

Manipur devp PM’s priority, says Shah

Lucknow: BSP presi-dent Mayawati on Wednesday exuded confidence that her party will repeat its show of 2007 and SP president Akhilesh Ya-dav's dreams of form-ing government will be shattered.

She also thanked the Union Home Minister Amit Shah for acknowl-edging BSP's relevance in the state, saying her party is getting votes of all sections of society.

"When the results are declared on March 10, BSP will form its gov-ernment like it did in 2007 with full majority," Mayawati told media af-ter casting her vote.

Asked about Akhile-sh's claims about Sa-majwadi Party getting Muslim voters' sup-port, she said the ground reality cannot be more different and can be known by visit-ing villages. —ANI

Mayawati sure of forming govt, says SP ‘dreams’ will be shattered

New Delhi: An amount of `18,000 crore has been returned to banks from fugitive tycoons Vijay Mallya, Nirav Modi and Mehul Chok-si, the government has told the Supreme Court, which is hearing a batch of petitions challenging the wide scope of pow-ers given to the Enforce-ment Directorate in connection to money laundering cases.

Over the last weeks, several senior advo-cates, including Kapil

Sibal, Abhishek Manu Singhvi and Mukul Rohatgi have made submissions before the Supreme Court on potential misuse of the recent amend-ments to the Preven-tion of Money Laun-dering Act or PMLA.

The law has been criticised over a range of issues — stringent bail conditions, non-communication of grounds of arrest, ar-rest of persons without supply of ECIR (paral-

lel to a First Informa-tion Report filed by the police), the broadening of the definition of money laundering, pro-

ceeds of crime, and statements given by ac-cused during investiga-tion made admissible as evidence during trial.

A very small number of cases are being taken up for investigation un-der the PMLA in India, compared to the situa-

tion abroad, the Centre told a bench of Justices AM Khanwilkar, Dinesh Maheshwari and CT Ravikumar.

As examples, the Cen-tre cited the UK, where 7,900 cases have been filed under the PMLA in a year, the US (1,532), China (4,691), Austria (1,036), Hongkong (1,823), Belgium (1,862) and Russia (2,764).

In India, 4,700 PMLA cases are being investi-gated by the Enforce-ment Directorate and the

total proceeds of crimes pending before the court amounts to ̀ 67,000 crore, the Centre said.

The number of cas-es taken up for investi-gation each year in the last 5 years varies from 111 cases in 2015-16 to 981 in 2020-21, the Cen-tre said. Over the last five years (2016-17 to 2020-21), 33 lakh FIRs have been filed for such offences. But only 2,086 cases were taken up for investigation, the Centre said. —PTI

`18,000 crore returned to banks from Vijay Mallya, others: CentreIN THE SUPREME COURT


In India, 4,700 PMLA cases are being probed by the Enforcement Directorate and

total proceeds of crimes pending before the court

amounts to ` 67,000 crore

Sharat K Verma

New Delhi: It seems that the Congress par-ty has no hope from Uttar Pradesh, be-cause if the Congress had any hope of even making a dent in the results, it would not have happened that Punjab Chief Minis-ter Charanjit Singh Channi, would have abused the people of Bihar and UP and ap-pealed to them to stop coming to Punjab, all while when Priyanka was sitting on the stage and she kept smiling on while lis-tening to the speech! Priyanka kept listen-ing to this speech be-cause she knows that nothing is to be achieved in UP, while in Punjab Channi

may bring Congress back to power. So why should the power of Punjab be lost in the affair of UP & Bihar?

Just imagine, Pri-yanka Gandhi Vadra even reached Uttar Pradesh with Channi, who gave a speech to stop the 'Bhaiya' from Bihar & Uttar Pradesh, and joined with Channi in Ravi-das Jayanti and also gave an election mes-sage to the Dalit soci-

ety. Earlier, in the presence of Priyanka, Channi had said on the stage that 'Broth-ers' from UP should not be allowed to even move about in Punjab.

When Channi said this, the crowd raised slogans of 'Jo Bole So Nihal'. Priyanka also joined this sloganeer-ing. Later she removed her 'shyness' and said that those coming from outside should be taught 'Punjabiyat'.

Congress does not have hope from itself in UP!


Defence Minister Rajnath Singh and his family members show their ink marked fingers after casting their votes for the fourth phase of Uttar Pradesh Assembly elections, in Lucknow on Wednesday. —PHOTO BY ANI

MATHURA: DALITS ATTACKED FOR CASTING VOTE, 6 HURTAgra: As the 2022 Uttar Pradesh Assembly elec-tion enters its fourth phase, it has been reported that people of the Dalit community in Adda village of Magorra area were attacked in which about a dozen people were left injured. It is alleged that the victims were attacked for not voting for a par-ticular political party. The incident took place in the Govardhan and Saunkh areas of Mathura district, which falls under Agra division. The polling in Agra and Mathura districts was completed in the first phase of the Assembly elections, on Febru-ary 10. The victims approached the police station to register a complaint, but were chased away. It was only after the intervention of the senior officials that a case was registered against seven accused. All those injured are reported to be of the “Jatav” caste. One of the victims of the attack, Bobby, spoke to media. —Agencies

Mayawati casts vote in Lucknow on Wednesday.

Home Minister Amit Shah

Cutouts of Congress leaders Priyanka Gandhi and Rahul Gandhi at a poll rally. —FILE PHOTO

PM Modi addresses a public meeting for the Uttar Pradesh assembly polls in Kaushambi on Wednesday. —PHOTO BY ANI

During the reign of the past governments,

criminals roamed freely and forcefully

took possession of oth-er people’s land. Our mothers & daughters felt unsafe while com-ing out of their homes.

—Narendra Modi, Prime Minister

Samajwadi Party chief Akhilesh Yadav.

Bahraich: Akhile-sh Yadav on Wednes-day said the Sama-jwadi Party-led alli-ance will score a double-century of seats by the fourth phase of Uttar Pradesh polls and asked people to en-sure a historic win for the coalition.

He also took a dig at Union Home Min-ister Amit Shah over his reported promise of provid-ing laptops to those who take "admis-sion in Inter after passing class 12".

Inter is the short form of Intermedi-ate and refers to classes 11 and 12.

"There is a leader in the BJP who... made a statement on distributing lap-tops and whoever heard it has gone

'lotpot' (split their sides laughing)." "He said those who take admission in Inter after Class 12 will be given lap-tops. Good that he did not say those do-ing class 10 after In-ter will get a laptop, else people would be perturbed," Mr Ya-dav said at an elec-tion meeting here.

Making light of the BJP targeting the Samajwadi par-ty with new sobri-quets, he said, "They are going A for this, B for that ... and reading ABCD these days." "I want to make them learn Hindi... 'kaka' stands for 'kala ka-noon' (black agri laws) which have gone and so will 'Baba' (Yogi Adity-anath)." —PTI

SP supremo claims double century seats by 4th phase


Mehul Choksi Nirav Modi Vijay Mallya


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EXPANSION OF WOMEN LED SHGS NEEDED: MODIHE WAS ADDRESSING A WEBINAR ON BUDGET 2022, THEME“LEAVING NO CITIZEN BEHIND”New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Wednesday said that financial in-clusion has ensured greater participation of women in economic decisions. PM Modi also said that women are major pillars of the rural economy.

Prime Minister stated that there is a need to increase ef-forts to ensure more and more Startups in rural parts of India. He also stressed that the participation of women through Self Help Groups (SHGs) needs to be expanded further. "Women's power is a major pil-lar of the rural econo-my. Financial inclu-sion has ensured greater participation of women in econom-ic decisions in house-holds. This participa-tion of women through SHGs needs to be expanded fur-ther," said PM Modi while addressing a

webinar on the Union Budget 2022 with the theme of "Leaving No Citizen Behind".

PM Modi also em-phasised for more Startups to come up in rural India. "The target

of 'Leaving no citizen behind' can only be achievable with such," he added.

"Today, in most of the states of India, there is a need to em-phasize the outcome

more than the output. Today, a lot of money goes to the villages. If that money is used at the right time, then the situation of the villages can change," he said. —ANI

New Delhi: Digital connectivity of villages is no longer an aspiration but the need of the day, Prime Minister Narendra Modi said on Wednesday. "Digital connectivity of villages is no longer an aspiration but the need of the day. Broadband connectivity will not only provide facilities in the vil-lages, but it will also help in creating a large pool of skilled youth in the vil-lages," said Prime Minister Narendra Modi while addressing a programme on the Union Budget 2022. "When the service sector expands with broadband connectivity in the vil-lage, the country's potential will increase further. If there are any problems in optical fiber connectivity, then we have to identify them and find solutions," the Prime Minister said. He said that the citizens

of the country need to inform the rural population about the proper usage of optical fibre networks. "We need to identify and solve all optical fibre connectivity issues across the nation's rural areas. We also need to i n f o r m the rural population

about the proper usage of optical fibre networks

in villages that are now connected," he said.


Vibrant Village Programme in budget is important: PMNew Delhi: PM Modi on Wednesday said that the 'Vibrant Vil-lage Programme' an-nounced in the budget is very important for the development of our border villages.

Addressing a webi-nar on the Union Budg-et 2022, he said, "Vi-brant Village Pro-gramme announced in budget is very impor-tant for development of our border villages." On Feb 1, Union FM Nir-mala Sitharaman had proposed to cover vil-lages on northern bor-der under new Vibrant Villages Programme.

Speaking further, the PM said, "In this budget, a clear road-map has been given by govt to achieve this lofty goal of satu-ration. 'Sabka Saath, Sabka Vikas, Sabka Vishwas & Sabka Prayas' are driving force.” —ANI

‘OVER 172.68 CR DOSES WITH STATES/UTS’New Delhi: More than 172.68 crore doses of COVID-19 vaccines have been provided to the States and Union Territories, said the Union Ministry of Health & Family Welfare on Wednesday. A balance of more than 10.98 cr vaccination doses is still available with States & Union Territories, added ministry. "More than 172.68 crores vac-cine doses have been provided to States/UTs so far through Government of India & through direct state procurement category. More than 10.98 Cr (10,98,57,832) balance & unutilized COVID Vaccine doses are still available," ministry.

15,102 new Covid cases recorded, 278 deaths

New Delhi: India re-ported as many as 15,102 fresh COVID-19 infections and 278 fa-talities in the last 24 hours, the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare informed on Wednesday.

With this single-day rise of COVID-19 infections, the coun-try's tally of cases touched 4,28,67,031 in the country. Active cases stand at 1,64,522 which account for 0.38 per cent of the total cases. The ministry informed that 31,377 fresh recoveries from Coronavirus were logged in the last 24 hours thereby in-creasing the total re-coveries to 4,21,89,887 in India.

The recovery rate is currently at 98.42 percent.

Bengaluru: The Karnataka govern-ment said the state has crossed 10 crore COVID vac-cination doses on Wednesday. State Health Minister Dr Sudhakar K said on Wednes-day, "Karnataka has crossed 10 crore COVID vac-cinations doses today." Dr Sud-hakar said that to achieve this milestone, the state took 1 year and 39 days. The state health minis-ter also congratu-lated all the health workers and the district adminis-tration. —ANI


A beneficiary reacts as she gets inoculated.


Mahesh Sharma

New Delhi: Assembly elections are over in three states. All the seats in Uttarakhand and Goa went to the polls on Feb 14 and in Punjab, polls on all the seats ended on Sunday. But instead of Con-gress' concerns ending, it has increased drasti-cally. Not much about Punjab, but the Con-gress leadership in Utt-arakhand and Goa is worried. There is no worry in Punjab be-cause BJP is not con-testing as a major force there, so there is no situ-ation that the govern-ment will be formed by BJP, whatever the out-come after the elections.

Two issues are trou-bling the Congress in Ut-tarakhand and Goa. The first issue is the possibil-ity of EVMs being re-placed or any malprac-tices in them and per-haps that is why Con-gress party leaders are guarding every place where EVM machines have been kept. In every district where counting centers have been set up, EVMs are kept in strong rooms and Congress leaders are guarding them outside. This raises a big question on the credibility of the Elec-tion Commission, how-ever, the commission ap-pears to be not a bit wor-ried about its credibility.

However, the state BJP leaders are attack-ing the Congress party for guarding the strong room saying that Con-gress is losing but is now doing drama to blame on EVMs. But remem-ber, this is not a unique

thing. In many other states also it was seen that the leaders of the opposition parties stood guard outside the strong room from the day of polling till the day of counting. Think, what kind of distrust has aris-en in the entire process of voting and counting.

The way the Congress is concerned about the guarding of the strong room, in the same way there is concern in the Congress about its poten-tial MLAs. In Goa, the Congress is busy guard-ing all its candidates who are likely to win the as-sembly elections. The Congress has also ac-cused the BJP and said that the BJP leaders have already started working to break the po-tential Congress MLAs. However, this time Con-gress has given tickets to less number of defectors and has also got them to file affidavits and still the Congress party is worried. Then party leaders said that Chief Minister Pramod Sawant and Health Min-ister Vishwajit Rane are in touch with some Con-gress leaders and are already trying to break them. In Manipur too, Congress party is worry-ing about same thing.

The modern age Congress dilemma: Strong rooms and defecting MLAs

Polling staff marks a voter’s finger with ink at polling station. —PHOTO BY ANI

Puducherry: The Puducherry Assembly was adjourned sine die after a brief session of 22 min-

utes on Wednesday. After transacting the scheduled busi-ness, Puducherry Assembly Speaker R Selvam adjourned the House sine die.

As the Assembly session began, the MLAs of DMK and Congress staged a protest, demanding exemption in NEET examination.

Mumbai: Former Mumbai NCB Zonal Director Sameer Wankhede arrived at Kopri Police Station in Thane on February 23 in connection with an alleged forgery case. A complaint was filed by Maharashtra Excise Department official Shankar Gogavale, in which he alleged that Wankhede was below 18 years of age in 1996-97 while obtaining a licence for Sad-guru Bar in the city. Bombay High Court has granted Wankhede interim protection till February 28.

Mumbai: Reliance Industries Limited (RIL) chair-man Mukesh Ambani on Wednesday said India is likely to become world’s third largest economy by 2030. He also exuded confidence that India would take over Japan to become the second largest economy in Asia.”India is likely to over-take Japan as Asia’s second largest economy, and the world’s third largest economy by 2030,” Ambani said while speaking at the Asia Economic Dialogue (AED) 2022. India could become a global green energy superpower, he added.





Delhi HC on Wednesday issued notice to Centre & Judo Federation of India (JFI) on the plea by the Bombay Judo Association seeking restoration of voting rights. Justice V Kameswar Rao issued notice.

Mumbai: Bombay HC on Wednesday dismissed 2 petitions against Alia Bhatt-starrer movie 'Gangubai Kathiawadi' and disposed off another peti-tion against it. Dismissed petitions include one filed by Cong MLA Amin Patel. The HC has disposed off the petition of Hiten Me-hta. The film directed by Sanjay Leela Bhansali.

On Wednesday, Delhi HC dismissed a PIL seeking direction to the Union of India, for implementation of Whistle-Blowers Protection Act, 2014. Union of India has not brought any notification under the provision of Whistle-Blowers, said plea.




A Delhi HC judge on Wednesday recused from hearing an appeal moved by social media platforms challenging a single judge order which had asked to remove video content. Next hearing on March 21.

New Delhi: The Supreme Court on Wednesday said it will hear on March 9 a plea of BJP leader Subra-manian Swamy seeking direction to the Centre to declare 'Ram Setu' as a national heritage monument.


Shivamogga: A friend of Bajrang Dal activist Harsha, who was stabbed to death in Karnataka's Shivamogga, said Harsha received repeated calls from unknown numbers asking him to come outside. He said they were together till around 7-8 pm when Harsha received video calls.

Hyderabad: Activists of Vishwa Hindu Parishad and Bajrang Dal held a ‘Mashal Rally’ here on Wednesday in memory of a Bajrang Dal worker who was allegedly murdered in Shivamog-ga on Sunday Calls to ban the Popular Front of India (PFI) and the Students’ Islamic Movement of India (SIMI).



8 arrested in Bajrang Dal caseBengaluru: As many as 8 people have been arrested in connection with the murder of Ba-jrang Dal activist Har-sha in Shivamogga, Karnataka Home Min-ister Araga Jnanendra said on Wednesday.

Speaking to report-ers, Karnataka Home Minister said, "Until last night, six suspects were arrested and to-day two more arrests." "Eight persons have been arrested as of now officially, others are be-ing interrogated, inves-tigation going on.”—ANI

Unnao: BJP MP from Unnao, Sakshi Maharaj, on Wednesday demanded a law to ban wearing of hijab across country. He also slammed the Opposi-tion for stoking hijab row.Members of Rashtriya Bajrang Dal burn an effigy. —PHOTO BY ANI

Mumbai: After Maha-rashtra Minister Nawab Malik’s arrest in a money laundering case, the BJP has de-manded the NCP lead-er’s resignation and warned of protests if he did not step down.

Speaking to media persons, Maharashtra BJP chief Chandra-kant Patil said, “Nawab Malik has been arrest-ed, he should resign now. We demand his resignation. If he

doesn’t, we will pro-test. How are they run-ning the government? There’s a long list of allegations against

Maharashtra Minis-ters, will get tired read-ing it.” Speaking to media persons, Maha-rashtra BJP chief

Chandrakant Patil said, “Nawab Malik has been arrested, he should resign now. We demand his resigna-tion. If he doesn’t, we will protest. There’s a long list of allegations against Maharashtra Ministers.”

Earlier in day, ED had arrested National-ist Cong Party leader in connection with un-derworld don Dawood Ibrahim’s money laun-dering case.

BJP demands Nawab Malik's resignation, warns of protests

New Delhi: Flight AI 1946 comprised mostly of stu-dents. Indian em-bassy in Kyiv had earlier asked stu-dents to temporar-ily leave the coun-try amid the rising tensions in region after President Pu-tin said his regime would recognise 2 areas in eastern Ukraine escalat-ing tensions with the West. Delhi.

New Delhi: Amid ris-ing popularity of cryp-tocurrencies in India, the Advertising Stand-ards Council of India (ASCI) has framed guidelines for virtual digital asset advertise-ment. The ASCI noted that crypto advertise-ments often do not ad-equately disclose the risk associated with cryptocurrency and NFTs. To ensure that these ads do not exploit consumers, the body introduced new guide-lines to carry neces-sary disclaimer.

Indians arrive in AI flight from Ukraine


Nawab Malik raise slogans as he is being taken for medical examination, in Mumbai. —PHOTO BY ANI

PM Modi addressing a webinar on Wednesday.


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������� ��� ������ ��� ������ - ��� �� (����)क्रमांक: न.पा.कक.रे./PSKS-21/2021-22/6118 किनांक : 23.02.2022

-: आपत्ति सूचना :-सर्वसाधारण को सूकित ककया जाता है कक प्रशासन शहरों के संग अकियान-2021 के तहत नगर पाकिका में कनम्ानुसार आरेिकों ने अपने सराकमतर

िसतारेजों के साथ कृकि िूकम कनयमन/कनमा्वण आज्ा हैतु आरेिन ककया है।क्र.सं. नाम आवेदनकराता क्षेत्रफल

वर्गरज खसरा नं. योजना का नाम त्व.त्ववरण

1. श्री जयकुमार जांकगड पुत्र श्री जगन्ाथ जांकगड 40.44 893 कशर कॉिोनरी जररये रकजसट्री2. श्री सुरेश कुमार पुत्र श्री ओमप्रकाश सांखिा 66.05 1095, 1096 पेट्ोि पमप के सामनेे जररये इकरारनामा3. श्री महाररीर प्रसाि पुत्र श्री गोपरीराम सरामरी 222.33 1107 पेट्ोि पमप के पास जररये इकरारनामा4. श्रीमतरी लरीलावतरी देवरी पत्री श्री सांवर मल कुमावत 400.00 367 राज नगर करक्रय पत्र5. श्री पूराराम पुत्र श्री नानगराम जाट 337.80 794/1276 कप्रनस कॉिोनरी करक्रय पत्र6. श्री पूराराम पुत्र श्री नानगराम जाट 199.22 818 गुिाब करहार करक्रय पत्र7. श्रीमतरी सरीमा देवरी पत्री श्री ववमल कुमार शमामा 500.00 892 ककसान कशर कॉिोनरी जररये इकरारनामा8. श्री बालकृष्ण शमामा पुत्र श्री रामेशवर लाल शमामा 378.00 892 ककसान कशर कॉिोनरी जररये इकरारनामा9. श्री सुवालाल विसाव्णयां पुत्र श्री वकशनाराम विसाव्णयां 203.33 818 गुिाब करहार करक्रय पत्र10. श्री जुगल पुत्र श्री चोखाराम रैगर 200.00 939/1296 अमबेडकर कॉिोनरी आंरटन पत्र

11. श्री रूिमल पुत्र श्री घरीसा लाल, श्री वगरधाररी पुत्र श्री लालाराम जाट 67.50 1116/1 रेलरे फाटक के पास जररये ईकरारनामा

12. श्री प्ेमसुख रैगर पुत्र श्री हरीरालाल रैगर 200.00 939/1296 अमबेडकर कॉिोनरी आंरटन पत्र13. श्री प्ेमसुख रैगर पुत्र श्री हरीरालाल रैगर 200.00 939/1296 अमबेडकर कॉिोनरी जररये बैिान पत्र14. श्री मालरीराम कुमावत पुत्र श्री रामेशवर लाल कुमावत 143.50 727 िािू कॉिोनरी आरंटन पत्र15. श्री बोदूराम पुत्र श्री लालाराम शेषमा 266.66 794/1276 कप्रनस कॉिोनरी जररये करक्रय पत्र16. श्रीमतरी सुशरीला देवरी पत्री श्री बाबूलाल सैन 150.00 673 मोहन मननिर जररये करक्रय पत्र17. श्री नानूराम चौधररी, श्री कालूराम चौधररी पतु्रान भूराराम चौधररी 45.50 1093, 1094/1 करषणु करहार जररये इकरारनामा18. श्री नानूराम चौधररी, श्री पेमाराम चौधररी पुत्रान भूराराम चौधररी 108.33 1093, 1094/1 करषणु करहार जररये इकरारनामा19. श्री नानूराम चौधररी पुत्र भूराराम चौधररी 47.66 1093, 1094/1 करषणु करहार जररये रकजसट्री

20. श्री मकबूल शेख, वनजामुदरीन, मो. इसलामु शेख, आवमन, मो सत्ार, मो. मुसताक अलरी पुत्रान गफुर 43.33 1095, 1096 पेट्ोि पमप के पास आरंटन पत्र

21. श्री जगदरीश प्साद रैगर पुत्र श्री रतन लाल रैगर 200.00 939/1296 अमबेडकर कॉिोनरी आरंटन पत्र22. श्री मुन्ालाल रैगर पुत्र श्री भूराराम रैगर 137.00 939/1296 अमबेडकर कॉिोनरी आरंटन पत्र23. श्री बाबूलाल पुत्र श्री भूराराम रैगर 137.00 939/1296 अमबेडकर कॉिोनरी आरंटन पत्र24. श्रीमतरी वपंकरी कुमावत पत्री श्री रमेश कुमावत 272.22 1106, 1107 रेलरे फाटक के सामने जररये इकरारनामा

25. श्री भगवान सहाय पुत्र श्री चुन्री लाल एवं श्रीमतरी प्रीवतदेवरी पत्री श्री भगवान सहाय रैगर 400.00 939/1296 अमबेडकर कॉिोनरी जररये बैिान पत्र

26. श्री भगवान सहाय पुत्र श्री चुन्री लाल 315.94 923/1469 अमबेडकर कॉिोनरी आरंटन पत्र27. श्री राजेन्द्र प्साद कुमावत पुत्र श्री प्भुदयाल कुमावत 200.00 849 केसररी करहार आरंटन पत्र28. श्री वकशन लाल कुमावत पुत्र श्री प्भुदयाल कुमावत 262.00 849 केसररी करहार आरंटन पत्र29. श्री ओमप्काश कुमावत पुत्र श्री प्भुदयाल कुमावत 200.00 849 केसररी करहार आरंटन पत्र30. श्री पुषपेन्द्र पुत्र श्री नाथूराम अहरीर 24.00 675 मोहन मननिर उपहार पत्र31. श्रीमतरी प्ेम देवरी कुमावत पत्री श्री रामेशवर लाल 400.00 890, 891 ककसान कशर कॉिोनरी जररये करक्रय पत्र32. श्री ओमप्काश धायल पुत्र श्री भैरूराम 218.50 1130 पेट्ोि पमप के पास जररये इकरारनामा

33. श्रीमतरी प्वमला देवरी पत्री श्री पवन वमामा 200.00 1047, 1048, 1049, 1051 शंकर करहार आरंटन पत्र

34. श्रीमतरी सन्तरा देवरी पत्री श्री गजाधर 200.00 1047, 1048, 1049, 1051 शंकर करहार आरंटन पत्र

35. श्री सुवालाल झरवाल पुत्र श्री भैरू लाल मरी्णा 200.00 कनमा्वण आज्ा बजरंग नगर कक. रेनराि जररये पट्टाअत: उपयु्वकत आरेिकों के पक्ष में कृकि िूकम कनयमन/कनमा्वण आज्ा जाररी करने बाबत ककसरी िरी वयनकत को कोई आपकति हो तो रह अपनरी आपकति

किकखत में मय िसतारेज इस सूिना के जाररी होने से 7 किरस में इस काया्विय में प्रसतुत कर िे। बाि कमयाि प्रसतुत आपकति पर कोई करिार नहीं ककया जायेगा। सूिना में अंककत अरकध पशिात पत्रारकियों के कनसतारण करी काय्वराहरी करी जारेगरी। िसतारेज/साक्य के प्रसतुतरीकरण के अिार में कनयमन नहीं होने के किये आरेिनकता्व सरयं कजममेिार होंगे।

(हररनारायण यादव)अत्िशाषी अत्िकारी

नरर पात्लका, त्क. रषेनवाल


The State Budget presented by Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot was celebrated by Congress leaders and workers across the state on Wednesday. In Adarsh Nagar assembly constituency, people distributed sweets and burst crackers under the leadership of Rajasthan State Commission for Minorities Chairman, MLA Rafeek Khan at Ghat Gate.

‘Vasundhara ji, I learned to speak in this manner, inspired by you’


CM delivers 2 hr 57 mins long speech breaking his record of 2 hr 46 mins speechYogesh Sharma &Naresh Sharma

Jaipur: CM Ashok Ge-hlot did not only open up the coffers to com-mon people’s prosper-ity, but also made a re-cord, of sorts, reading the budget speech that went on for nearly three hours. The 2 hours 57 minutes long budget speech saw sev-eral announcements made through the 125-page budget speech. Interestingly, the pre-vious record of 2 hours 46 minutes was also set by Gehlot in 2021.

Gehlot started and ended the budget speech with ‘shayaris’. In fact, his political comments, praising former CM Vasundhara Raje, were also discussed a lot. In-terestingly, he narrated the ‘sher’ twice, both times directing his words towards Raje.

After commenting

on Raje, Gehlot said, “Na Poochho Meri Manzil Kahaan Hai, Abhee To Safar Ka Iraada Kiya Hai. Na Haarunga Hausla Umar Bhar, Yeh Maine Kisi Se Nahin Khud Se Vaada Kiya Hai.”

Ending his budget-ary speech, Gehlot again read out a poetry,

“Na Thake Abhi Paer, Na Himmat Haari hai, Hausla Hai Zindagi Main Kuch Kar Dikhane Ka, Isliye Abhi BHi Safar Jaari Hai.” CM Ashok Gehlot

Interestingly, before finishing the budget speech, Gehlot, taunt-ing the BJP legislators, said, “Give some praise

(to the budget). Why are you sitting quietly? Say something or com-ment. Don’t know what’s the matter? Vasundharaji has come so everyone sat silent, otherwise sometimes there was laughter, it used to happen earlier also. Today you all are completely in disci-

pline. I admit, a leader’s aura does play its part.”

During the last rule and while in the Opposi-tion, Gehlot used to give scathing statements on Raje, but this time that ‘fierce attack’ was miss-ing. On Wednesday, Ge-hlot tried to stress that only Raje was above all other BJP leaders.

CM Ashok Gehlot recited poetry in between his Budget speech pointing towards Vasundhara Raje’s (inset) leadership acumen.

9 Raj students return from Ukraine

Social media friend rapes, blackmails for `5 lakh

Delhi HC to hear phone tapping case today

Suspended RAS Mamta denied bail in JDA bribe case

Jaipur: With CM Ashok Gehlot’s initia-tive, 9 students of Ra-jasthan returned from Ukraine to Jaipur on Wednesday amid Rus-sia-Ukraine war

threats. Two students from Jaipur, 3 from Kota, 1 from Khanpur, 2 from Aklera and one of Ramganjmandi re-turned to Jaipur from Sharjah by Air Arabia

flight at 3:25 am Wednesday. Protocol of-ficer Naresh Vijay and ADM Vishnu Goel re-ceived them at airport and sent them to their destinations. —FIB

Jaipur: A 38-year-old woman has re-ported rape and blackmailing by a Facebook friend. A case in this regard has been filed in this regard at Man-sarovar police sta-tion. The woman alleged that ac-cused befriended her and got Rs 21,000 from her. He reached her resi-dence for returning money but raped her, took obscene photos and de-manded Rs 5 lakh from her. — FIB

Jaipur: Phone tap-ping case related to Lokesh Sharma, OSD of Rajasthan CM, will be heard in Delhi High Court today. The Court had stayed arrest of Sharma. — FIB

Jaipur: The Spe-cial Anti-Corrup-tion Court-III here on Wednesday re-jected bail applica-tion of suspended RAS officer Mamta Yadav, who was Deputy Commis-sioner of JDA and was arrested by ACB for taking bribe of lakhs of rupees. The bail plea of accountant Ram Tofan Mundo-tia was rejected by the court last week. Junior Engineer Shyam Malu, AAO Vijay Meena and computer operator Akhilesh Maurya are also behind the bars. — FIB

Vasundharaji, I have learned to

speak in this manner, inspired

by you. I never used to say such

things. When you used to speak, I took inspiration

from you.—Ashok Gehlot,

Chief Minister


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Kalraj Mishra virtually addresses convocation ceremony.

Kalraj was speaking at Raj Tech varsity’s convocation ceremonyKashiram Choudhary

Jaipur: Technology plays a key role in making education ac-cessible to all, Gover-nor Kalraj Mishra said while speaking at the convocation of Ra-jasthan Technical Uni-versity in Kota on Wednesday. Address-ing the audience virtu-ally, he added that to democratise educa-tion, there is a need to encourage research

and innovation through e-syllabi and online studies sys-tems. Pointing out that online studies fa-cilitated continuity of imparting education unhindered during Covid times, Mishra said that in view of its utility, the online edu-cation system needs to be made more lucid, communicative and attractive for both the students and the teachers.

Vikas Sharma 

Jaipur: In a relief to JDA and the state gov-ernment, the mini-mum financial bid opened for IPD tower to be built in SMS hos-pital is merely 5.75 percent higher than the estimated cost.

It is for the 3rd time that tenders were in-vited for project. The lowest financial bid this time is of Rs 456.80 crore by Rama con-struction. It is nearly 5.75% higher than esti-mated cost. In the past,

the JDA had invited tenders for the project twice but tenders had to be cancelled because of high bidding. Against the estimated cost of Rs 405 cr, the lowest bid for the first time was Rs 455 cr and the next time, the low-est bid was Rs 614 crore against the estimated cost of Rs 431 cr.

 PK Agarwal 

Chittorgarh: In news related to action against drug smug-glers, the police have caught MD worth about Rs 2 crore. MD is essentially a short form of methylenedi-oxy methampheta-mine (Ecstasy). The action was taken un-der the leadership of DST in-charge Vikram Singh Ranawat. A Ma-hindra Scorpio was confiscated which was used in drug traffick-ing. About 2 kg of

MDMA and 4.30 quin-tal of Doda-Chura were recovered from the Mahindra SUV. DST had put a block-ade in the Bhadsoda-Akola PS area on the tip of. Police carried out the action near the village Karunda. The smugglers were laced with weapons and managed to flee by tak-ing advantage of the darkness. Police have started the search for the absconding smugglers by register-ing a case under NDPS Act.

First India Bureau

Udaipur : A crude oil-laden tanker over-turned near Bhadvi Guda on National High-way 27 of Gogunda. The tanker overturned after crossing the divider and falling into a 15 feet deep pit on the side of the road. Due to this two people died. The Gogun-da SHO reached the spot along with an am-bulance. A total of three vehicles collided on the spot when the tanker overturned. Two in-jured have been shifted to Gogunda CHC.

Doctors referred the

seriously injured to Udaipur. According to the information, a tank-er full of oil coming from the Gogunda side was hit by a boring ma-chine car from behind it due to high speed. The collision was so terrible that the oil-laden tank-

er crossed the divider on the other side of the road and fell into a 15-feet deep gorge. At the same time, Khakhle’s empty car coming from the Udaipur side also collided with the tank-er. Three vehicles col-lided one after the other.

Ajmer : Two youths died when an under-construc-tion well collapsed in Ajmer. The well owner’s brother and a laborer died in the accident. Actually, deep repair work was going on in the well. But the excavation was tak-ing place without safety measures and equipment. During this suddenly he collapsed. After the accident, a crowd of villagers gathered at the spot. Police arrived with the JCB and started the rescue operation.

First India Bureau

Pali/Sojat: Three uni-dentified miscreants cut the bag and stole sixty tola gold-silver jewelry worth about 30 lakhs, after enticing two sisters sitting in the bus at the bus stand of Sojat in the district. Po-lice filed the case and started investigations.

According to the po-lice, Kanaram Jat re-ported that on February 19, his wife Nathidevi Jat and sister-in-law Sitadevi while sitting a bus three unidentified youths boarded the bus and after entising them they stolen the gold jwellery from bag.

Substantial provision has been made in the Union Budget to fur-ther develop the online education system un-der Digital India mis-sion. A digital skilling platform ‘DESH Stack e Portal’ has been launched for the skill development of the youth of the country

Kalraj Mishra, Governor

Vinod Tiwari 

Dholpur : The ACB team arrested the e-Mitra operator and an inspector in the labour department for taking a bribe of Rs 3,000 in Dholpur on Wednes-day.

DSP Surendra Sin-gh said that the com-plainant Kalyan Singh complained to the ACB that the applica-tion of scholarship of his cousin Suraj and Jayshree was rejected several times by the department. After this, the complainant met inspector Vimal Pratap. The inspector

sent him to e-Mitra op-erator Vijay, who asked for a bribe of Rs 3,000 for the inspector.

After getting the verification done, the complainant gave the bribe money to the e-Mitra operator and the ACB team arrested Vijay Kumar.

First India Bureau

Jodhpur: A soldier working in the Air Force has filed a case against his father for killing his mother. The soldier’s father is an inspector in the trans-port department. The son says that the fa-ther is of an angry na-ture. He has been beat-ing his mother and sister. Due to social pres-tige, the people of the house remained silent till now. But the father forcefully grabbed the mother’s throat and gave her poison. Her health deteriorated

and she died during treatment. When pro-tested, he threatened to kill him. After the death of the mother, the son lodged a case against the father at the Banad police sta-tion. According to the po-lice, Mahipal Singh Jat, currently working in the Air Force, resi-dent of Saran Nagar Hanuman Colony, gave a report against his father. The report said that on the night of February 20, his fa-ther Likhmaram Jat caught mother Sita Devi’s throat and gave her poison.

First India Bureau

Jaipur: Endless scams in competitive exams and recruit-ment are giving rise to frustration among the unemployed youths in the state. Demanding law enabling issuance of non-bailable war-rants against the peo-ple involved in such scams, the jobless youths have planned to gherao the Assem-bly again on Thursday, informed Rajasthan Berojgar Ekikrit Ma-hasangh president Upen Yadav.

President of the Ma-hasangh Yadav alleged that there is a huge gap between what the government is saying and what it is doing on the ground.

SMS IPD tower issue: Relief to JDA, govt

Police seize narcotics worth `2 cr in Chittor

Oil tanker falls into gorge killing two

ACB traps labour inspector, one more

Air Force man accuses father of killing mother

Unemployed to gherao Assembly today


After the oil tanker fell into gorge, 3 more vehicles collided.

Gold jewellery worth `30 lakh stolen from bus

Tax evasion: CGST team raids 2 IVF centres

‘Doc’ booked for raping & posing as bachelor

Udaipur: The Cen-tral GST team raid-ed the Indira IVF centre in Udaipur on Wednesday for evasion of Rs 24 crore on GST taxa-ble income of about Rs 157 crore. Mean-while, GST anti-evasion branch of-

ficials from Udaipur and Delhi raided Neelkanth Fertility and Woman Care Hospital. GST theft of Rs 5 crore has come to the fore. This is 2nd IVF cen-tre that has been raided on second consecutive day.

Ajmer: A case of rape has come to light in Ajmer as ac-cused pretended to be a dental doctor and a bachelor. The victim gave a com-plaint against him

and in in-laws’ to Adarsh Nagar po-lice station. The vic-tim alleges accused got married by ly-ing and then started raping, beating and harassing.

OWAISI BEING ASKED TO TEST WATERS IN RAJASTHAN! With the Assembly election in Rajasthan to take place in 2023, some leaders of a community have started flexing their muscles from now on, in a bid to show their power to other ‘relevant’ political parties in Rajasthan. Therefore, these leaders are trying to shine their politics in the name of AIMIM Chief Assadudin Owaisi. In such a situation, the ‘opportunists’ are busy in claiming themselves to be the ‘powerful’ leaders and spread-ing rumors of displeasure with the government. Interestingly, the existence of AIMIM in ‘Marudhara’, has already been denied because of the lessons learned from the elec-

tions in West Bengal and Bihar. In such a situation, Owaisi is not able to get support in Rajasthan till now. But the ‘self proclaimed leaders’ are repeatedly stressing and asking Owaisi to tour their area, even if the party contests or not, they would get to say that a senior politician has come to them, which in politi-cal term means they are trying to exert their relevance! —Ziauddin Khan





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Humility is a virtue but don’t undervalue what you do or the world will place little

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No one expected such an excellent Budget: Gehlot‘Employees want their future to be secure, that’s why we decided to implement old pension. Other States too get inspiration from this’

First India Bureau

Jaipur: After present-ing the State Budget for 2022-23, Gehlot said on Wednesday that a historic decision has been taken for the em-ployees. “With the new pension scheme, there was an apprehension among the employees regarding how they will survive financial-ly in old age. Dr. Man-mohan’s Government had decided on a new

pension scheme, but the States will have to think about it.

The employee wants his or her future to be secure. That’s why we decided to implement old pension. Other States will also get in-spiration from this. I believe that Budget is such that every citizen will have to welcome it. Despite Covid, no one expected that such a Budget would come,” Gehlot said.

Rajasthan Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot with Akhil Arora addresses a Press conference after presenting the State Budget, in Jaipur on Wednesday. —PHOTO BY ANI

Chief Justice Akil Kureshi visits HC Bar Association


RAS Mains exam on 20-21 MarFirst India Bureau

Jaipur: Chief Justice Akil Kureshi visited the office of the High Court Bar Association on Wednesday and spent some time with bar association presi-dent Bhuvnesh Shar-ma, general secretary Giriraj Prasad Shar-ma, vice-president Bharat Yadav and Ni-dhi Khandelwal.

Advocates Sanjay Mahla, Hitesh Bagri, Deepti Jain and others were present in the of-fice. After that Kureshi visited the HC and checked the arrange-ments at the court.

First India Bureau

Jaipur: REET exam will be conducted on July 23 and 24 in Ra-jasthan. CM had an-nounced to conduct the exam in July in the State Budget. Later, the government an-nounced the dates of July 23-24.

Recruitments on a total of 62,000 posts of teachers under level-1

and level-2 are to be made. Out of which the process of recruit-ment on 15,500 posts of Level-1 is going on.

The recruitment process for 46,500 new posts- 15,000 for Level-1 and 31,500 for Level-2 will start. The applica-tion fee will not be charged who had ap-peared in level-2 exam of REET-2021 which was cancelled.

Shubham Jain

Ajmer: The RAS Mains exam scheduled to be held on February 25-26 has also been postponed and to be held on 20-21 March. This decision has been taken in the RPSC full commission meeting under the chairman-ship of chairman San-jay Kumar Shrotriya on Wednesday.

Commission Secre-tary HL Atal said that the next date of the ex-amination will be in-formed in time. All the members of the Com-mission, Joint Secre-tary Ashutosh Gupta and Legal Advisor Bhanwar Bhadala

were present in the meeting.

Notably, the HC on Tuesday cancelled the

result of RAS-Pre 2021 exam. The HC ordered to form a committee again on five contro-versial questions. The answer key of the pre-exam will have to be issued afresh on the orders of the court. The bench of Justice Mahendra Goel gave this order on the peti-tion of Ankit Sharma and others and advo-cate Rampratap Saini argued in the case.

The HC has upheld option one of question number 62 of RAS-Pre exam as correct. In such a situation, now the Mains exam can be held only after the RAS-Pre result is an-nounced afresh.

Rajendra Chhabra

Jaipur: One more sen-ior IAS from Rajasthan cadre — Rajesh Ku-mar Yadav — will soon be heading to Delhi on central depu-tation as he has been appointed as Joint Sec-retary in the Depart-ment of Empowere-ment of Persons with Disabilities. The DoPT issued the much await-ed appointment list of Joint Secretaries on Wednesday under

which only one officer from Rajasthan, among a total of 43 of-ficers, has been named. As of now, Praveen Ku-mar Gupta, Ajitabh Sharma and Subir Ku-mar are ‘in-waiting’.

It is worth noting that out of the the list of containing names of 43 officers, only 17 IAS cadre officers have been given a chance as JS while the remain-ing 26 are non IAS of-ficers. It is the Union Government’s policy

that it is handing re-sponsibilities to offic-ers from other services also. As such First In-

dia was informed, by relevant sources, that out of the four candi-dates for the JS post, by any luck, only 2 may get a spot. But even then only one of-ficer has been includ-ed in the list. There-fore, now the remain-ing three officers will have to wait a little long for next list.

On the other hand, in Rajasthan Secretar-iat, speculations are rife as to who will be appointed in place of

Rajesh Yadav in PWD, who has been handling the reins of the depart-ment since October 2020. He will therefore have to be relieved soon. PWD is an im-portant and huge de-partment of the state government and there-fore a senior and capa-ble officer should be made its head. Sources reveal that this respon-sibility can be handed to an ACS also and therefore all eyes are no on DoP.

Another babu heads for Central deputationNEW DEPUTATION

Camaraderie growing between Raje & GehlotFirst India Bureau

Jaipur: The growing mutual honour and ca-maraderie between two stalwarts of oppo-site political parties — CM Ashok Gehlot and Vasundhara Raje — has become the talk of the town.

On Wednesday too, Gehlot made many positive comments about Raje and again put many people in Jaipur and Delhi in ‘worry’. But what can the ‘Dilliwalahs’ do be-cause such incidents leave many questions

and doubts? On the other hand both Ge-hlot and Madam are oblivious about all these things.

Interestingly, during the budget speech Ge-hlot accepted that he learnt to speak poetry in the budget from Vasundhara Raje to which the former CM smiled and gave silent nod. Gehlot then went on to say yet another remark in honor of former CM that the BJP MLAs were disci-plined because their leader was present in the house.


Birla visits construction site of Swaminarayan Temple in UAE

DR Rituraj Sharma

Jaipur: After a revolu-tionary budget, Ge-hlot’s ‘Finance Warri-ors’ are being praised by all sects in polity and bureaucracy! Principal Secretary (Finance) Akhil Arora conducted his ‘home-work’ thoroughly and inspired the team to keep public duty above personal grief or work. Despite the death of his mother, he engaged in regular monitoring of budget

work. The day after the death of his mother, Arora got back to com-plete CM’s vision and prepared a pragmatic and all encompassing budget. Then there is Finance Secretary (Revenue) Suresh Chandra Gupta, but played a key role in formulating popular tax proposals.

At the same time, Sudhir Sharma took over the entire respon-sibility of the manage-ment part related to the budget. In this, his

experience of finance came to work in favour. Similarly, Finance Sec-retary (Expenditure) Naresh Thakral not only kept the details of all the expenditure of the government.

Additionally, Direc-tor (Budget) Brajesh Sharma came true in his role and that’s how the whole team creat-ed a “comprehensive budget”, which is be-ing praised by the op-position are singing peans about, albeit in a subdued voice.

Aditi Nagar

New Delhi: Devotees will be now able to wit-ness the confluence of the holy rivers Ganga, Yamuna and Saraswa-ti rivers in the Swami-narayan Temple being built in the United Arab Emirates.

The three streams are made inside the temple in which the holy water from Gan-ga, Yamuna and Saras-wati will be present. Interestingly, the arti-sans of Rajasthan are giving shape to these streams in the UAE.

When Lok Sabha Speaker Om Birla reached the temple on Wednesday, he also met these artisans.

Lok Sabha Speaker Birla is currently on a five-day visit to the United Arab Emirates

with the Indian Parlia-mentary Party. Speak-er Birla informed that the decision to build this temple was taken in 2015 while the work started in 2018. Its work is expected to be completed in 2024.

Lok Sabha Speaker Om Birla with HH Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi.

Rajesh Kumar Yadav

Govind Singh Dotasra addresses the media. —PHOTO BY SUMAN SARKAR

Satish Poonia arrives to attend the Budget Session at State Assembly.

CM’S REPLY, BILL AGAINST CHEATING ON MARCH 3 & 4Jaipur: Chief Min-ister Ashok Gehlot will reply on 3rd March on the budget debate, where CM can yet again open his ‘bag of goodies’. Moreover, the word is that Anti-Copying Bill will be presented on March 4.


State Budget historic, devp-oriented: Dotasara

First India Bureau

Jaipur: Terming the state budget as his-toric, PCC president Govind Singh Dotas-ra on Wednesday said that chief min-ister Ashok Gehlot has made several im-portant announce-ments for all sectors.

“The Budget pre-sented today is his-toric. The decision to revive old pension for state employees is a great decision in fa-vor of employees. The employees and their family members are doing celebrations to-day,” he said.

Dotasara said that the farmers will get electricity in the day-time for irrigation, which is another key announcement.

“It was for the first time that a separate budget was presented

for the agriculture sector. Congress ben-efits the farmers in true sense,” he said.

There has been a ruckus over the state-ment of Satish Poonia comparing the budget presented by the state government to that of a black woman. The

ruling Congress has demanded an apology from Satish Poonia in this matter. Mean-while, the State Com-mission for Women has also opened a front against Satish Poonia and asked him to withdraw his statement.

Jaipur: A Division Bench of the High Court on Wednesday put a stay on the decision of the

single-judge Bench of Justice Mahendra Goyal scrapping the results of Rajasthan Administrative Service Preliminary (RAS-

Pre) examination earlier in the day. The Division Bench of Chief Justice Akil Kureshi and Justice Sudesh Bansal also asked petitioner Rajasthan Public Service Commission (RPSC) to resched-ule the dates and proceed with conducting the RAS Mains exams accordingly. The Division Bench also issued notice to the petitioners of the case heard by the single-judge Bench. Argu-ing on behalf of the state government, Advocate General MS Singhvi gave the reference of a similar case in Himachal Pradesh.

Jaipur: BJP state president Satish Poonia on Wednesday put his foot in his mouth by com-paring the state budget with the face of a bride transformed after a good make-up. Talking to the reporters after Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot presented the Budget, Poonia said, “It seems to be a daubed budget. It seems like a black bride has been taken to the beauty parlour and presented after a good make-up. Nothing more I can see in this budget.”

OSD LOKESH SLAMS POONIA“Respect for women is paramount. Such a racist comment by Satish Poonia ji against women for criticising the budget is not appro-priate. We all have a responsibility to respect women,” Lokesh Sharma, OSD to CM tweeted.




GUDDIThe good girl...

This Throwback Thursday we take a peek at one of the first reel-real films which threw

light upon the world of Bollywood vs reality and in the hands of Hrishikesh Mukherjee,

Jaya Bhaduri nee’ Bachhan’s debut film became one of her best till date!

umko man ki shakti dena was actually a prayer in our school and every time I would

close my eyes in the morning assembly, Guddi would imp-ishly peek and wink at me- Jaya Bhaduri actually immortal-ised Guddi with her charm and sheer bril-liant essaying of the schoolgirl with a crush on her favour-ite star Dharmendra, a young chirpy, fun-loving girl on the cusp of becoming a beautiful and viva-cious young woman. What a transition the consummate actress displayed, and in her debut film too.

Guddi is a movie with many layers and delicately handles the issues of Bollywood Stardom and its pit-falls with the reality of behind the screen sensitively handled, raising the concerns of disenchantment, inequality, failure and monotonous hard work. Hrishike-sh Da highlights how m o v - ies are

teamwork and the old adage- all that glitters is not gold. At that time, most of the pub-lic had zero ideas how films are actual-ly made and Guddi threw real light on this world. Written by Gulzar the movie abounds in meta-phors and stays close to the theme.

Dharmendra is h e a r t - s t o p p i n g ly handsome and we mooned over him as much as Jaya did, coupled with humili-ty, sensitivity and su-per-cuteness- he is totally lovable in the movie. Utpal Dutt, Samit and Smita San-yal have good strong characters, I quite like Smita Sanyal both in Guddi and in Chupke Chupke too. And frankly, we all need an Uncle like Ut-pal Dutt in our lives.

But Guddi belongs to Jaya Bhaduri. She is hilarious as the schoolgirl, I can think no other actress who would do justice. Watch the play of emotions as she sings Bole re Papihara, unre-quited love for Dhar mendra flashes across the eyes and her smile s u b c o n -s c i o u s l y woos Samit. We watch her grow, subtly, from a tongue in cheek naugh-ty school-girl

wearing skirts and sporting pigtails to a perky young woman who understands love. I loved the scene where she first wears a saree, of the natural awkwardness, so charming. Jaya was like a breath of fresh air in the 1970s of bouffant-ed and jew-elled decked up hero-ines.

The special appear-ances of Ashok Ku-mar, Mala Sinha, Am-itabh Bachhan and Vinod Khanna make it very interesting. In Guddi, we have a family drama that showcases the effect movies have on the real-life of people, still a watch.

ANITA [email protected]


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STATUE! In the movie the characters play this game with various in-depth meanings, we started play-ing this game after watching Guddi, though we did not use the game to profess love as she does, it was a lot of fun.


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DIVYANJALI, Infl uencer


Health tips from an expert will enable you to get closer to your fi tness goals. Chances of being misled by

competitors in business are high, so remain alert. Your generous behavior would enable to enjoy some lovely moments with family. Love comes your way.


Some of you are going to experience emotional fulfi llment on romantic front. Yoga would help in

raising energy levels and improve your metabolism. Place emphasis on domestic affairs to enhance the domestic tranquility. Associate yourself with social groups.


On professional front, recognition for good work would motivate you to work harder. Efforts made

to improve looks or personality will bring desired results. Those awaiting an affi rmation on romantic front are likely to get lucky today, as partner responds positively.


Your hard work and dedication are likely to be noticed by seniors, paving way for promotion or

increment. Family will be supportive of career aspirations. A promising day overall as you stay in limelight without any efforts. Harsh words may create a rift in your romantic relationship.


A sound fi nancial health of businessmen would enable to give monetary benefi ts to employees. Your sole

dependency on friends may fail to bring any respite from loneliness today. It is good day to confess your love as stars appear favourable for positive reply.


You will succeed in resolving misunderstanding with family members, normalizing ties. Seek

proper valuation of the property you are planning to buy. You will remain much in demand on social front. You need to stand by romantic partner during testing times.


You succeed in completing an important project well before deadline. Disagreements on the

family front are foreseen. Be careful about the legal apprehensions in the property you are planning to buy. Your intuition will save you from a tricky spot today.


Those suffering from chronic ailments may fi nd remarkable improvement in their health with home

remedies. Today you will enjoy the trust of senior management. Minor domestic disputes may snowball into a major row, so give attention to the family.


Implementation of new ideas and projects would add to your prestige on the professional front. A sound

monetary position would enable you to keep pace with changing times. Avoid raising controversial issues at home to maintain harmony. It is a wonderful day to build connections.


You will have an awesome day today .Continue to put in efforts at work and you will see promising

opportunities coming your way. Matrimonial match for siblings will bring happiness for entire family. You will get a good price for your property.


Paying special attention to plan your career would give immense joy. You are likely to get clearance or

approval for your construction plans. You fi nd things moving in the way you want them. Gifting something to your beloved is likely to make the day memorable.


Seek the opinion of your family before fi nalizing a property deal. An impromptu invitation to a

function from an unexpected friend is likely to be received. Your bold initiatives on romantic front bring back passion and spark in romantic relationship.


Horoscope by Saurabbh Sachdeva

Travelling Time:

A State Amalgamating Multiple Centuries!

efining Rajasthan has never been easy for the natives who dwelled on its dunes for centuries. From the magnificent pal-aces and havalies to

the golden spread of Thar, Rajasthan is a charmer who spells its divination not only to its own born but to every voyager who beholds it for the twinkling of an eye. Among the high sought-after tourist destinations, Ra-jasthan stands tall, but the fact cannot be brushed off that it is a crucial segment of the economic lifeline of India. It has modernized state of art industries and it nurtures the 21st century’s commercialized enterprise. It is phenomenal to ponder how Rajasthan lives in mul-tiple centuries every day, fabricating it as its strength and vulnerability in the same breath.

There are conglomerate cults of music and dance that have evolved in this magical state. Some eco the senti-ments of its bygone legacy

that is told through mesmer-izing songs picturing the bravery of its kings and queens. These can be heard in the streets of Rajasthan and you don’t have to possess that eye of a tourist or rotate your premier cameras to for-ever freeze that fascinating nostalgia. Not far away, around the corner is the new rock company which repre-sents the youth of the 21st century who knows the latest launched trend lingering around the globe and can twist that high stilettos in the symphony of universal notes of a contemporary era on online streaming tools.

This is the state which has gifted some of the finest fe-male talents in various fields. Yet it is ironically also the state which sometimes struggles to match the edu-cation aspirations of its female segment due to the engulfed mindset. A journey through the tribal Rajasthan to metropolitan look-alike Ra-jasthan seems like t r a v e l l i n g through time in terms of how much has changed and how much remains to be changed.

Handcraft has always been patron-ized by the soil of Rajasthan. It is not

laying it on thick that prob-ably it is the soul of this state. In handcrafted items, it may be in fabric or other, this state breaths its spirit in alpha and omega? Consid-ered a crucial segment of economic wellbeing this area engages a massive amount of locals who have inherited and skilled into this loom from generations. Juxtaposed to its contempo-rary competitors it wran-gles to meet the

pepped-up demands of the encyclopedic industry.

From a clothing shop in the village of Bagru to the on-line sale portals, this state breath in several centuries in a moment.

Over time Rajasthan has lived the sectoral growth in this segment and has wit-nessed a remarkable perfor-mance in other manufactur-ing domains too. This also derives attention to the agri-culture, or construction sec-tor where one sees greater possibilities of change as there remains awaiting re-sponse which may be a pos-sible explanation of poverty and lesser development. In the same line, it has gradu-ally groomed the informa-tion technology industry which needs surely a facelift to engage its powerful youth’s capacity and would also help in barricading the talent

drain from the state.A state enriched in

wonderful world herit-age sites offers a treat

to the soul. It has more to offer the world than desti-nation wedding venues. Promot-ing the beautiful sites in Ra-jasthan for the event industry

will not only buck up the penny val-ue but also push up the local talent of music, food, art, and so on. The

uniqueness of cultural be-quest, if bridged with the au courant demand of trade can bring Rajasthan to the forefront. Its absolute strength of keeping alive the gone by centuries can be its successful strategy. This unique charm can be a game-changer. An umpteen number of people still envis-age Rajasthan as a state holding on to its gone-by era. Whether it is food, clothing, its signature hospitality Ra-jasthan is viewed as mirror-ing the sentiments of previ-ous centuries which is equally the case of many cultures and countries. The threshold of the difference comes in when the contem-porary takes over the posi-tivity of the previous centu-ries and cements the devel-opment. Rajasthan has a captivating culture. Would not it be a mesmerizing ex-perience for the people liv-ing and visiting Rajasthan when they catch a glimpse of how Rajasthan has blend-ed its culturally diverse fac-ets with the ever changing pace of the developing world: be it education, in-dustry, or civic manage-ment? “What should modern cities offer to people? What are some of the most impor-tant factors that determine a city’s success?” It may seem unbelievable but, ancient cities like Rajasthan offer many such answers.

DR JYOTI [email protected]


Katrina Kaif will soon start shooting for the final schedule of Tiger 3 with Salman Khan. The two actors were sup-posed to start shooting for the film in

Delhi from early January but due to the surge in Covid-19 cases in the country including the capital city, several cities are now under par-tial lockdown and several restrictions, be-cause of which the shoot was pushed. Katrina and Salman are going to shoot for some dramatic sequenc-es in this schedule which is expected to be for about 15 days. —Agency 

Sophie Turner cele-brated her 26th birth-day on February 21 and the actress decid-

ed to drop a glimpse of her celebrations for the same on

Instagram. Taking to her Ins-tagram story, Turner posted a photo of herself posing along-side a giant cake with a cake topper that was designed like Queen Elizabeth’s crown.

Sophie’s five-tiered British themed cake celebrated all English things including the UK flag, the Lon-don skyline and more,


Pooja Banerjee to exit Kumkum Bhagya

P ooja Banerjee is presently seen portraying the character of Rhea in the popular show Kumkum Bhagya. The actress today shared that she has quit the show. She is expecting

her fi rst baby, and is in her last month of pregnancy, due to which she has decided to bid adieu to the show. She wrapped shooting for the show on Febru-ary 21. She got a surprise from her Kumkum Bhagya team on the last day of her shoot.The team planned

a farewell party for the mom-to-be Pooja. She shared pictures and

videos of the party with her fans. She took to her Instagram ac-

count and shared a video of the surprise farewell party,

along with an emotional note thanking everyone for their constant sup-port and love. In the post, she mentioned

that she will always be grateful to the entire team for making her feel special.


King Khan to make a


ETCwww.fi rstindia.co.in I www.fi rstindia.co.in/epaper/ I twitter.com/thefi rstindia I facebook.com/thefi rstindia I instagram.com/thefi rstindia JAIPUR | THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 2022


THAT RUMOURED BF!ollowing engage-ment rumours, Adele has now been spotted cosying up with boy-friend Rich Paul. The couple was snapped sitting be-

side each other at the 2022 NBA All-Star Game in Cleve-land, Ohio on February 20 as per ET. The two had a good time on their date night by the court. Beside Adele was another big name, Mary J. Blige who recently head-lined the Super Bowl Half-time show.

Subsequently, in February the Grammy Award winner created a further buzz on the Brit Awards 2022. Not only did she win big at the award show but she also stepped on the red carpet with the most gorgeous ring on her left ring finger. Fans and specta-tors alike made many specu-lations, “did Adele get en-gaged?” —Agency


Singer Billie Eilish was performing in New York City over the weekend when she urged the

crowd to “sit down” if they needed to, and take a moment to compose themselves. In footage shared by TMZ, she said: “If you want to sit down, you are al-lowed. Go ahead, sit down, take a

breath.” The in-cident comes after Eilish stopped her show at the State Farm Arena in Atlanta, Georgia earlier this month when she spotted an audience member struggling to breathe and ap-pealed to her crew to get an inhaler for the female fan. Fans sure-ly go gaga over this gorgeous beauty. —Agency

W ith less than two months until Fantas-tic Beasts: The Secrets of Dumbledore hits cinemas, the threequel’s marketing machine is ramping up, with a brand-new

trailer coming this week. To heighten fan excitement, Warner Bros. has chosen to unveil a slew of character posters featuring the cast of characters that will be returning to the Wizarding World. Eddie Redmayne and Jude Law reprise their roles as Newt Scamander and the eponymous Hogwarts professor, respectively, in Fantastic Beasts: The Secrets of Dumbledore, starring Ezra Miller, Dan Fogler, Alison Sudol, Callum Turner, Jessica Williams, and Katherine Waterston. —Agency


In Wednesday’s episode, Priya wakes up and wonders where Ram is. Ram thanks Vedika for coming with him. She asks him if he bought something for Priya. He tells Priya doesn’t like

clothes from expensive places. Vedika tells Priya’s clothes are simple like a uniform. Ram tells they look really good on Priya. Akshay asks Shivina why did she disturb Ram and ask him to get clothes for him and asks which shop will be open early in the morning. Shivina tells they shop from malls and not shops. Akshay tells he doesn’t care. Akshay tells Nandini that he doesn’t want new clothes. Ram comes with shopping bags and Mami sees the bill and tells the bill is only 4 lakhs. Ram tears a button of his shirt. Priya stitches his shirt and they have a moment. Priya thinks Ram does so much for her, so the kachoris aren’t even a big deal. —Agency

Saucy insights onBade ache lagte hain 2HEART OF




Prem Bhandhari addressing the audience

Prem Bhandhari addressing the audience

Sophie Turner

...her IG story

Deepika Padukone Pooja Banerjee

While Shah Rukh Khan’s fans are ea-gerly waiting for the actor to make a comeback, they are more excited as SRK will be seen with Deepika Padu-

kone in his upcoming movie. For those unaware, Deepika shared the screen space with Shah Rukh Khan in Farah Khan’s directorial Om Shanti Om.

And the on-screen pair is now all set to return with this actioner. SRK will resume shooting for Pathan in Spain with Deepika Padukone in a few days. Re-cently, Deepika Padukone got in touch with a news portal and opened up about her reunion with SRK. While Shah Rukh Khan’s fans are eagerly waiting for the actor to make a comeback, they are more excited as SRK will be seen with Deepika Padukone in his upcoming movie. —Agency

SWAGAT NAHI karoge humara

Billie Eilish

Katrina Kaif

he fashion and glam-our indus-try is all set to witness the best of the fashion

world on the runway at an exotic destina-tion, Leh. In the Leh Couture show, 2022, by First India to be held on Friday, Feb-ruary 25 at Hotel Sinjee Palace, people will catch the attractive de-signer outfits and the extravaganza of the fashion world.

Jagdeesh Chandra sent across his wish-es to the entire team and wished them successw. Directors of Leh Couture Show, Gaurav Gaur, Ankur Jain and Na-kul Vijay are beyond excited and grateful

to the entire team for the grand show com-ing up.

Sharing details, Gaurav Gaur said, “There will be 4 de-signer sequences in which models will showcase their ex-quisite collection on the backdrop of snowy mountains.” He further added,

“Sequence No. 1 will showcase the beautiful aesthet-

ic gowns of Ash-faque Ahmad. Ash-faque Ahmad is one of the FDCI (Fash-ion Designing Coun-cil of India) with stunning supermod-el Akanksha Bhalla as the show stopper.

Sequence No. 2 will witness the beautiful Jewellery Collection of Brand Citrine by designer

Radhika and Ayesha with the ravishing model, Swati Jangid as the show stopper.

Sequence No. 3 will witness the beautiful Indo-west-ern garments by brand LAMHE with another star, Tripti Sharma being the show stopper. The Grand Finale will witness 25 beautiful gowns from Moon Bohra, an ace de-signer from Jaipur showcasing her beautiful Brand ‘Dungri’. Elite Miss Rajasthan 1st Run-ner up 2020, Riya Sain will be the show stopper for the se-quence.

The official pho-tographer and vide-ographer of the show will be Sunny Rajwani.

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Fashion in the land of Lamas

MITALI [email protected]


Jagdeesh Chandra was greeted by Jitendra Nath, a prominent social worker, hailing from Alwar, Rajasthan, as the latter paid a courtesy visit at his residence on Wednesday, February 23.


Jagdeesh Chandra was greeted by Vice President of Forti women Wing Sunita Sharma and member of Forti women wing Toshi Vijay on Wednesday as they paid a courtesy visit at his residence.

Photography Contest @ JNUCITY FIRST

In a bid to encourage and inculcate the passion for photog-raphy among the stu-

dents, the School of Me-dia Studies, Jaipur Na-tional University (JNU) under the aegis of Lens Quest Club organised a Photography Contest on Wednesday. The con-test themed on ‘City vs Emotions’ was an attempt to foster the hidden talent of pho-tography in students who are passionate about photography and love to spend more time immersed in the pho-tographer’s vision.

While inaugurating

the event, JNU Chancel-lor Dr Sandeep Bakshi

said, “Photography’s function is not only to preserve memo-

ries but also to main-tain public conscious-ness and sensitivity. The fading social sen-sibility can be revived through photography.”

More than 130 en-tries from different in-

stitutions of Jaipur city were received for the Photography Con-test. Keeping in mind the theme of the event, the photographs were mainly focused on the essence of human love, women empower-ment, urbanization, natural beauty, road-side life etc.

[email protected]


Shubhashish Homes hosted a vendor and consultant meet on Wednesday. Shub-

hashish Homes is the real estate vertical of the Shub-hashish group, led by its Chairman, JK Jajoo and CEO Mohit Jajoo.

The event took place at Shubhashish Geeta where all the vendors of Shubhash-ish Homes were invited for a day-long event ac-knowledging vendors and consultants that have eventu-ally become successful part-ners of the group. A core value Award segment was also kept for vendors and consultants working for Shubhashish Homes, as it is

a core value-driven compa-ny. Some of the awardees for the same were KC Parwal, Sukh Sagar Singh, Sharad Maithel, Himanshu Taneja, Himanshu Goyal, Ramswa-roop Kumawat, Ranauk Raw-at, Arun Jain, Suresh Shar-

ma, Satyanarayan Sharma, Siddharth Goenka, Vivek Gupta, Biram, Vaibhav Achtani, Rameez Raza and Bhupesh Mathur.

The event was a unique op-portunity for Vendors and Consultants to come and en-

joy a good time and food to-gether. More than 250 ven-dors from across the nation, belonging to various indus-tries from construction to marketing took part in the event.

[email protected]


A Special Day for Guru Maa

Nirmala Sewani, ace astrologer, popularly known as Guru Maa celebrated her birthday on Wednesday, February 23 at Panigrahi, Jaipur with family and friends who reached to greet her on her special day and wished her all the best.

Mohit Jajoo addressing the audienceJai Krishan Jajoo and Mohit Jajoo felicitating Sukh Sagar Singh

Dr Sandeep Bakshi with others during the photo exhibition

(L-R) Virendra & Sarita Choudhary, Nirmala Sewani, Anu & Sanjay Poonia

Birthday beauty, Nirmala Sewani

Jagdeesh Chandra with senior advocate Hemant Nahata

(L-R) Jaideep Singh Bika, Mohan Singh Tada, Narendra Singh, Nirmala Sewani and Vishaal Mathur

Jagdeesh Chandra greets Nirmala Sewani, also seen are (L-R) Ajay Bhupesh,Director First India News Virendra Choudhary, Mohan Singh Tada and Sanjay Poonia

(L-R) Sudhir Mathur, Vidhya Jain, Kamla Poddar, Sarita Singh,Nirmala Sewani, Alka Batra and Deepa Mathur

Model showcasing 3 Lamhe’s collection

Model fl aunting grand fi nale designer, Moon Bohra’s collection Model showcasing Ashfaque Ahmad’s collection




