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Cognitive neuroscience of social emotions and implications for psychopathology: Examining embarrassment, guilt, envy, and schadenfreude Kathryn F. Jankowski, MS 1,2 and Hidehiko Takahashi, MD, PhD 1 * 1 Department of Psychiatry, Kyoto University Graduate School of Medicine, Kyoto, Japan, and 2 Department of Psychology, University of Oregon, Eugene, USA Social emotions are affective states elicited during social interactions and integral for promoting socially appropriate behaviors and discouraging socially inappropriate ones. Social emotion-processing defi- cits significantly impair interpersonal relationships, and play distinct roles in the manifestation and maintenance of clinical symptomatology. Elucidating the neural correlates of discrete social emotions can serve as a window to better understanding and treat- ing neuropsychiatric disorders. Moral cognition and social emotion-processing broadly recruit a fronto– temporo–subcortical network, supporting empathy, perspective-taking, self-processing, and reward- processing. The present review specifically examines the neural correlates of embarrassment, guilt, envy, and schadenfreude. Embarrassment and guilt are self- conscious emotions, evoked during negative evalua- tion following norm violations and supported by a fronto–temporo–posterior network. Embarrassment is evoked by social transgressions and recruits greater anterior temporal regions, representing conceptual social knowledge. Guilt is evoked by moral transgres- sions and recruits greater prefrontal regions, repre- senting perspective-taking and behavioral change demands. Envy and schadenfreude are fortune-of- other emotions, evoked during social comparison and supported by a prefronto–striatal network. Envy represents displeasure in others’ fortunes, and recruits increased dorsal anterior cingulate cortex, representing cognitive dissonance, and decreased reward-related striatal regions. Schadenfreude repre- sents pleasure in others’ misfortunes, and recruits reduced empathy-related insular regions and increased reward-related striatal regions. Implica- tions for psychopathology and treatment design are discussed. Key words: embarrassment, envy, functional mag- netic resonance imaging, guilt, schadenfreude. S O FAR, ABOUT morals, I know only that what is moral is what you feel good after and what is immoral is what you feel bad after. Ernest Hemingway, Death in the Afternoon INTRODUCTION TO SOCIAL EMOTIONS Social emotions are the driving force for maintaining interpersonal relationships, integral for motivating *Correspondence: Hidehiko Takahashi, MD, PhD, Department of Psychiatry, Kyoto University Graduate School of Medicine, 54 Shogoin-Kawara-cho, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto 606-8507, Japan. Email: [email protected] Accepted 17 March 2014. doi:10.1111/pcn.12182 319 © 2014 The Authors Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences © 2014 Japanese Society of Psychiatry and Neurology

Cognitive neuroscience of social emotions and implicationsfor psychopathology: Examining embarrassment, guilt, envy,and schadenfreudeKathryn F. Jankowski, MS1,2 and Hidehiko Takahashi, MD, PhD1*1Department of Psychiatry, Kyoto University Graduate School of Medicine, Kyoto, Japan, and 2Department of Psychology,University of Oregon, Eugene, USA

Social emotions are affective states elicited duringsocial interactions and integral for promoting sociallyappropriate behaviors and discouraging sociallyinappropriate ones. Social emotion-processing defi-cits significantly impair interpersonal relationships,and play distinct roles in the manifestation andmaintenance of clinical symptomatology. Elucidatingthe neural correlates of discrete social emotions canserve as a window to better understanding and treat-ing neuropsychiatric disorders. Moral cognition andsocial emotion-processing broadly recruit a fronto–temporo–subcortical network, supporting empathy,perspective-taking, self-processing, and reward-processing. The present review specifically examinesthe neural correlates of embarrassment, guilt, envy,and schadenfreude. Embarrassment and guilt are self-conscious emotions, evoked during negative evalua-tion following norm violations and supported by afronto–temporo–posterior network. Embarrassmentis evoked by social transgressions and recruits greater

anterior temporal regions, representing conceptualsocial knowledge. Guilt is evoked by moral transgres-sions and recruits greater prefrontal regions, repre-senting perspective-taking and behavioral changedemands. Envy and schadenfreude are fortune-of-other emotions, evoked during social comparisonand supported by a prefronto–striatal network. Envyrepresents displeasure in others’ fortunes, andrecruits increased dorsal anterior cingulate cortex,representing cognitive dissonance, and decreasedreward-related striatal regions. Schadenfreude repre-sents pleasure in others’ misfortunes, and recruitsreduced empathy-related insular regions andincreased reward-related striatal regions. Implica-tions for psychopathology and treatment design arediscussed.

Key words: embarrassment, envy, functional mag-netic resonance imaging, guilt, schadenfreude.

SO FAR, ABOUT morals, I know only that what ismoral is what you feel good after and what is

immoral is what you feel bad after.

Ernest Hemingway, Death in the Afternoon


Social emotions are the driving force for maintaininginterpersonal relationships, integral for motivating

*Correspondence: Hidehiko Takahashi, MD, PhD, Department of Psychiatry, Kyoto University Graduate School of Medicine, 54Shogoin-Kawara-cho, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto 606-8507, Japan. Email: [email protected] 17 March 2014.


319© 2014 The AuthorsPsychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences © 2014 Japanese Society of Psychiatry and Neurology

socially appropriate behaviors and seeking repara-tions for inappropriate ones. A large body of researchhas explored the neural correlates of social emotions,broadly examining moral cognition, empathy, andsocial decision-making, as well as investigating dis-tinct emotions, such as guilt and envy. This literaturenot only informs the neural bases of prosocial andantisocial behaviors, such as altruistic giving, recipro-cal cooperation, and social withdrawal, but alsosheds light onto atypical cognitive processes underly-ing neuropsychiatric disorders, ranging from depres-sion and anxiety to autism and frontotemporaldementia. This research is not only capable of eluci-dating the antecedents of clinical symptomatology,but also offers insight into future treatment avenues.Although a complete review of the neural bases ofsocial emotions is beyond the scope of this paper, wesummarize recent neuroimaging research – specifi-cally examining embarrassment, guilt, envy, andschadenfreude – and discuss clinical implications.

Moral emotions

Social emotions are broadly defined as context-dependent affective states, evoked during social inter-actions.1 These include moral and self-consciousemotions (SCE), associated with obedience or trans-gression of societal norms, and fortune-of-other emo-tions (FOE), evoked via social comparison. Moralemotions are related to the interests and welfare ofspecific individuals or society at large,2 and are inte-gral for promoting socially acceptable behaviors andinhibiting socially unacceptable actions.3,4 This classof emotions represents the recognition and adoptionof universally accepted rules and culturally definedconventions.5 Moll et al. characterized moral emo-tions as the product of ‘contextual social knowledge’,integrating event knowledge, social semantic knowl-edge, and emotional/motivational states.6

Self-conscious emotions

SCE are a subset of moral emotions and the productof personal reflection and inferred evaluation. SCEare evoked by direct experience or in anticipation ofothers’ evaluations. SCE are primarily supported bythree cognitive processes: (i) self-awareness, underly-ing self-referential processing; (ii) other-awareness,underlying mental state attribution; and (iii) socialnorm-awareness, underlying the identification andadoption of societal standards.7,8 Unlike basic emo-

tions (e.g., happiness, sadness), which emerge withinthe first 9 months, SCE are more cognitively demand-ing and emerge after 36 months, coinciding with theacquisition and internalization of social rules, expec-tations, and values.9 Similar to moral emotions, SCEpromote social goals, such as social regulation.7,10,11

Tangney et al. suggested that SCE serve as an ‘emo-tional moral barometer,’ providing feedback on theacceptability of one’s behavior.5 Consequently, thesepredicted or inferred evaluations guide moral behav-ior and social decision-making. Prototypical SCEinclude embarrassment, guilt, shame, and pride.

Fortune-of-other emotions

FOE are the product of social comparison and repre-sent affective responses to others’ attributes, posses-sions, or outcomes.12–14 Similar to SCE, which arisefrom a discrepancy between one’s ideal self andcurrent self, FOE represent a discrepancy betweenone’s current status and the status of another person.FOE are divided into four categories: ‘happy for’,‘sorry for’, ‘resentment’, and ‘gloating’, and are modu-lated by four factors: (i) personal desirability of anoutcome; (ii) inferred desirability of an outcome fora target; (iii) inferred target deservedness; and (iv)target likeability.12



Embarrassment and guilt are SCE, representinginferred negative self-evaluations in response tomoral or social norm violations. Embarrassment isgenerally evoked by less severe, but more personal,social transgressions.5,15,16 Embarrassment has astrong public focus and commonly :represents ‘nor-mative public deficiencies,’ such as acting clumsy orcommitting a faux pas. Embarrassment is typicallyshort-lived and more likely to be found amusing anddiscussed with others.5,15 Embarrassment is character-ized by heightened physiological responding (e.g.,blushing, increased heart rate) and universally recog-nized appeasement gestures, such as downward headtilt and eye gaze.17–20 Accordingly, embarrassmentserves self-regulatory functions, signaling the need tomonitor, hide, or change one’s behavior,5,11 and pro-moting prosocial or reparative actions.21,22

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Guilt and shame are similar SCE, typically elicited bysevere, moral violations, and are more painful andless fleeting than embarrassment. Guilt and shameare evoked by comparable situations that do notdiffer in severity, morality, or personal responsibility;however, they represent distinct attributions andpromote different behaviors.23 Guilt represents inter-nal attributions of unstable, discrete behaviors, whileshame represents internal attributions of stable,global self-evaluations.24 Guilt is evoked by specifictransgressions and motivates prosociality, other-oriented empathy, and reparation, while shame isevoked by perceived self-deficiencies and promotesself-defense, denial, and avoidance.11,15 A person mayfeel guilt after offending a friend (action-focused),but feel shame when perceiving oneself as disloyal(global self-focused). While guilt encouragesaccountability and atonement, intended to restorerelationships, shame motivates escape and with-drawal, intended to prevent further self-denigration.Thus, both embarrassment and guilt (but not shame)are psychologically adaptive emotions that servesocial regulatory functions, including inhibitingtransgressions and encouraging reparation.11


Envy is a ‘resentment’ FOE, representing displeasureevoked by another person’s fortune, or negative affectresulting from upward social comparison.12 A personmay feel envy when a colleague receives a sought-after promotion or a coveted role in a play. Disposi-tional envy is associated with feelings of inferiority,25

while episodic envy is modulated by domain self-relevance, perceived target likeability, and perceivedtarget deservedness, such that greater envy is evokedduring social comparison of self-relevant traits, par-ticularly when a comparison target is disliked or per-ceived as undeserving.12,26–28


Schadenfreude is a ‘gloating’ FOE, representing plea-sure evoked by another person’s misfortune, orpositive affect resulting from downward social com-parison.12 A person may feel schadenfreude when arival athlete loses a competition or a bully experiencespain. A related concept, ‘counterempathy’,or anti-empathy, represents incongruent affective

responding to others’ fortunes and misfortunes, andstrongly resembles envy and schadenfreude. Schaden-freude is modulated by target likeability and targetdeservedness.28–31 Schadenfreude is strongly relatedto envy: episodic envy is a significant predictor ofepisodic schadenfreude and mediates the rela-tionship between dispositional envy and episodicschadenfreude.28,32


Clinical studies

Two broad bodies of literature, clinical behavioralstudies and neuroimaging studies, have investigatedthe neural bases of social emotions. Clinical studiesallow researchers to examine naturally occurringsocial cognitive impairments, resulting from atypicalneural development or acquired neural damage.Studying clinical populations can help elucidate theneural mechanisms underlying distinct social cogni-tive processes and can offer causal explanations forthe manifestation of specific deficits.

A primary limitation of clinical research is areduced level of control and specificity, more readilyafforded by experimental manipulations. Clinicalpopulations demonstrate a wide range of social andcognitive deficits, making it difficult to determine,from behavioral studies alone, how neural impair-ments influence distinct abilities. In addition, clinicalpopulations often reveal impairments extendingacross multiple neural regions or complex neural net-works, making it difficult to ascertain which regionsare distinctly responsible for diverse deficits.

Neuroimaging studies

Neuroimaging research complements and extendsclinical studies by investigating the neural correlatesof similar, but distinct, processes using fine-grainmanipulations. Neuroimaging can shed light ontothe unique functions of neural regions and the inte-grative roles of large-scale neural networks, whileavoiding the confounds of comorbidity and extensiveneural damage. Neuroimaging can also elucidate theseparable cognitive and affective components under-lying varying processes. For example, neuroimagingcan help clarify if attenuated empathy is due topoor perspective-taking, emotion recognition, orinteroception, by revealing activation patterns of dis-

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tinct brain regions. This knowledge, in turn, canoffer important insights into intervention design.Neuroimaging can further provide information typi-cally inaccessible via behavioral methods. Self-reportmay yield inaccurate responses, due to poor self-awareness (alexithymia) or biased responding, par-ticularly when measuring socially undesirable traitsand events. Participants may be reluctant to shareembarrassing or guilt-evoking experiences or admitfeelings of envy or schadenfreude. Some studies evensuggest that the objective measurement of neuralactivity may better predict social behavior than sub-jective self-report.33 Neuroimaging may also shedlight onto modulators of social cognitive phenom-ena, such as reward-processing or in-group/out-group membership, which may lie outside consciousawareness.


Moral cognition

The neural substrates of moral cognition have beenstudied in great detail.6,34 Broadly, research convergeson a fronto–temporo–subcortical network, includingmedial, lateral, and dorsolateral prefrontal cortex(mPFC, lPFC, dlPFC); anterior cingulate cortex(ACC); insula; anterior temporal lobe (aTL); poste-rior superior temporal sulcus (pSTS); precuneus(PC); amygdala; hypothalamus; and striatum.6 Thisnetwork represents context-dependent structuredevent knowledge, context-independent social percep-tual and functional features, and motivational andaffective states, respectively represented by prefrontalregions, anterior/posterior temporal regions, and acortico–limbic network.6,35,36


An important process underlying both moral cogni-tion and social emotion-processing is empathy.Decety described empathy as a functional bridgebetween first- and third-person information,enabling individuals to resonate with other people’saffective states while distinguishing between self andother.37 Empathy is supported by affect-sharing,perspective-taking, self-processing, and emotionregulation.37–39 Recent meta-analyses highlight theprimary roles of anterior insula and adjacent fronto-operculum (AI/FO; extending into inferior frontal

gyrus [IFG]) and ACC (particularly dorsal and middleregions [dACC/aMCC]).40,41 AI supports interoceptiveawareness,42 uncertainty monitoring,1 and salience-processing,43 while ACC supports motivation-processing42 and the integration of interoception andsalience.44 Some researchers advocate that AI anddACC/aMCC work together to represent and predictaffective states, compute prediction errors, and guidesocial decision-making,38 which support their roles inemotional inference and affective responding.


Self-processing plays a significant role in moral cog-nition and social emotion-processing. Self-awarenessand self-reflection are necessary for representing per-sonal agency and for monitoring, evaluating, andregulating social behavior. Self–other decoupling iscritical for distinguishing between one’s own cogni-tive and affective states and those of another person,in order to empathize with others while avoidingpersonal distress. Furthermore, self–other decouplingis necessary for social comparison, and self-relevancemodulates feelings of envy and schadenfreude.26 Self-processing primarily recruits cortical midline struc-tures, including mPFC (dorsal, anterior rostral, andventral regions [dmPFC, armPFC, vmPFC], and ACC)and medial posterior parietal cortex (mPPC; PC, pos-terior cingulate cortex [PCC], and retrosplenial cortex[RSC]).45–48

Theory of mind

Perspective-taking, or theory of mind (ToM) isanother important component. During SCE-processing, a person infers how his/her socialbehaviors are evaluated by others, and duringFOE-processing, a person attributes others’ affectivereactions to their fortunes/misfortunes. ToM is sup-ported by a distinct fronto–temporo–parietalnetwork, consisting of mPFC, pSTS, temporo–parietal junction (TPJ), temporal poles (TP), andPC/PCC.48,49 Broadly, social emotion-processingrecruits superior frontal gyrus (SFG), TP, andPC/PCC, underscoring the importance of mentalstate attribution.48 Research suggests that TP repre-sents social emotional, third-person perspective-taking;48 right TPJ tracks intention attribution duringmoral cognition;50 and mPFC, PCC, and inferior pari-etal lobe (IPL) support emotional salience-processingduring moral decision-making.51

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Reward-processing is highly relevant to envy andschadenfreude. Both primary and secondaryreward-processing recruits mesolimbic regions, inparticular dorsal striatum (DS; caudate, putamen)and ventral striatum (VS, including nucleusaccumbens [NAcc]). In addition, a prefronto–striatalnetwork is often recruited when processing lossesand gains.52–55 Social preferences and rewardingsocial behaviors, such as cooperation, punishment,and charitable giving, are also affiliated with striatalactivity.56,57 This suggests that envy may representdiminished reward-processing and reduced striatalrecruitment, while schadenfreude may representheightened reward-processing and increased striatalrecruitment.

While the general neural circuitry underlying socialemotions and associated cognitive processes has beenexamined extensively, the investigation of distinctsocial emotions is currently in its nascence. Moll et al.suggested that social emotions are supported by apartially dissociable prefronto–temporo–limbicsystem.6 Below, we review recent neuroimagingresearch exploring embarrassment, guilt, envy, andschadenfreude, and discuss important clinicalimplications.

NEURAL BASIS OF EMBARRASSMENTElucidating the neural correlates of embarrassment ishighly relevant towards better understanding clinicalsymptomatology. A host of psychological disordersare characterized by socially inappropriate behaviors,which can negatively affect interpersonal relation-ships and impair adaptive functioning. In particular,patients with mPFC damage (e.g., vmPFC lesions/orbital frontal cortex [OFC] lesions, frontal temporallobe degeneration [FTLD]) or mPFC dysfunction(e.g., autism spectrum disorders [ASD], schizophre-nia) demonstrate a diminished understanding ofembarrassment, commonly attributed to impairedToM.58–61

Faux pas tasks shed light onto atypical processesunderlying impaired embarrassment-processingwithin clinical populations. Patients with OFClesions, relative to lateral frontal, dorsal frontal, ornon-frontal lesions, or typically developing controls,demonstrate poor faux pas recognition, particularlywhen making inferences about transgressors’ inten-tions, yet intact first-order ToM, second-order ToM,

and empathic understanding.60,62 These results dem-onstrate that OFC damage may not impair cognitiveperspective-taking or empathy, per say, but the inte-gration of mental state attribution with empathicunderstanding and emotion-processing. The authorsposited that similar social cognitive deficits observedin mPFC damage and ASD may represent commonvmPFC/OFC impairment.62,63

Beer et al. were particularly interested in theimpact of mPFC damage on social regulation andSCE recognition.64,65 OFC patients, lPFC patients,and typically developing controls completed tasksassessing self-disclosure, teasing, over-praise, andemotion recognition. OFC patients provided appro-priate definitions of basic and self-conscious emo-tions, yet revealed impaired recognition of SCEfacial expressions and displayed inappropriatelyintimate self-disclosures and teasing. OFC patientsfailed to demonstrate socially appropriate embar-rassment and reparative actions following socialtransgressions, yet displayed socially inappropriateembarrassment when it was unwarranted. Ingeneral, OFC patients underestimated the inappro-priateness of their own behaviors, but demonstratedheightened embarrassment following increased self-monitoring. These findings suggest that OFCpatients have intact conceptual social knowledgebut fail to apply this information to infer others’emotions or guide social decisions. Consequently,OFC patients display socially inappropriate behav-iors, including atypical embarrassment, which mayrepresent altered self- and other-awareness.

FTLD is similarly associated with atypicalembarrassment-processing. In response to an acous-tic startle response task, FTLD patients demonstratedintact physiological and basic emotional responding,but impaired SCE responding (diminished embar-rassment facial expressions).66 Prefrontal, temporal,and subcortical gray matter volume was negativelycorrelated with physiological and emotionalresponding to embarrassing situations, and rightperigenual ACC volume was a significant predictorof physiological and emotional embarrassmentresponding.67 These findings highlight the impor-tance of PFC/vmPFC in self-monitoring and emo-tional perspective-taking, which are necessary forprocessing embarrassment. The authors suggestedthat socially inappropriate behaviors observed inmPFC damage, including diminished embarrass-ment expression, reduced embarrassment recogni-tion, increased social norm violations, and decreased

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reparative actions, may represent impaired self-awareness and poor affective ToM.

Atypical embarrassment is also observed in ASD,neurodevelopmental disorders characterized bysocial and communicative deficits, restricted inter-ests, and repetitive behaviors.68 People with ASDdemonstrate impaired social cognition, includingatypical self-processing, complex cognitive andaffective ToM, and empathy,69–72 as well as alteredunderlying neural circuitry, including mPFC, ACC,AI, IFG, TPJ/pSTS, PC/PCC, and amygdala.59,73–78

Performance on moral reasoning tasks demonstratesthe impact of impaired affective perspective-takingon social decision-making. When evaluating moralbehavior, people with ASD often give more weightto outcomes than intentions, rating accidental andattempted harms as equally unacceptable,79 andrating agents of accidental harms as more respon-sible and more deserving of punishment than typi-cally developing controls.80 Buon et al. suggestedthat atypical moral reasoning in ASD may representmisattribution of intentions and elevated severity ofmoral evaluation.80

Similar to mPFC patients, people with ASD dem-onstrate impaired performance on faux pas tasks,including poor differentiation between sad andembarrassing situations, less frequent and explicit ref-erence to an audience, impoverished justifications,and atypical severity ratings.63,81–84 When asked toidentify the content of transgressions, people withASD more frequently referenced rule violations orpoor manners, but rarely referenced another person’swelfare.79 Furthermore, atypical severity ratings ofnorm violations were associated with impaired cog-nitive ToM (but not empathy).83,84 These findingsoffer additional evidence that people with ASD over-emphasize external outcomes and deemphasizemental states (intentions) during moral reasoningand embarrassment-processing. Thus, ASD may beassociated with intact conceptual social knowledgeand false belief-processing, but a diminished abilityto integrate social rules and mental states in everydaysocial interactions, particularly when mental stateinformation conflicts with outcome information.79,85

Overall, this research suggests that ASD are associatedwith atypical embarrassment-processing, due toimpaired mental state representation and evaluation,possibly indicating altered ToM neural circuitry.

Findings from neuroimaging research convergewith those from clinical studies, underscoring theimportance of prefrontal and temporal regions in

mental state attribution. Berthoz et al. investigatedthe neural correlates of unintentional (embarrassing)and intentional social norm violations in typicallydeveloping adults.86,87 Unintentional transgressionsrecruited bilateral prefrontal (right medial and supe-rior PFC, left middle and inferior PFC, left OFC),bilateral temporal (bilateral anterior and middle TP,left TPJ), and occipital regions. While unintentionaland intentional violations similarly recruited bilat-eral prefrontal (left medial, middle, and inferior PFC,left OFC, bilateral SFG), bilateral temporal (bilateralanterior and middle TP, left TPJ), and occipitalregions, unintentional violations recruited greater leftTP. Thus, processing social norm violations (regard-less of intentionality) requires ToM (mPFC, temporalregions) and negative emotion-processing (lPFC,mPFC), which likely aids in inferring transgressors’intentions, observers’ evaluations, and observers’emotional reactions. Furthermore, greater TP recruit-ment during unintentional, relative to intentional,violations likely represents enhanced emotionalperspective-taking and affective empathy.48,88,89

Takahashi et al. similarly highlighted the roles ofmPFC and temporal regions in embarrassment-processing.90 Participants read sentences representingfirst-person embarrassment (e.g., ‘I noticed that thezipper on my pants was open’), guilt (e.g., ‘I shop-lifted a dress from the store’), and neutral emotion,and rated emotional intensity. Embarrassmentrecruited bilateral prefrontal (bilateral mPFC, leftOFC), bilateral temporal (left pSTS, bilateral ATL, leftmiddle temporal, left hippocampal), and occipitalregions, and left pSTS and right occipital activity waspositively correlated with embarrassment intensity.These neural patterns underscore the importance ofperspective-taking (mPFC), social perception (pSTS),memory (hippocampus), and attention/salience(occipital cortex) in embarrassment-processing. Theyalso converge with reports of greater frontal (MFG,ACC), insula/IFG, and superior temporal/inferiorparietal (STS/TPJ, IPL/TPJ) recruitment duringembarrassment-processing, relative to neuralagency.91 Furthermore, compared to guilt, embarrass-ment recruited greater right ATL, bilateral hippocam-pus, and bilateral occipital regions. The authorsposited that greater temporal and occipital recruit-ment during embarrassment represented greatercomplexity (requiring greater discernment of socialconventions).

A German replication study reported similarresults.92 Embarrassment recruited bilateral frontal

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(SFG, IFG), bilateral temporal (left superior temporalgyrus [STG], bilateral parahippocampus), and occipi-tal regions. Embarrassment and guilt commonlyrecruited prefrontal, temporal, and occipital regions,but embarrassment, relative to guilt, recruited greaterright frontal (MFG, ACC) and bilateral temporal(parahippocampus) regions.

Overall, these studies suggest that embarrassmentrecruits a network of frontal (mPFC/OFC), temporal(pSTS, anterior and middle temporal cortex) andoccipital regions, representing self-processing, mentalstate attribution, social semantic-processing, andemotional salience. Relative to guilt and intentionalnorm violations, embarrassment recruits greater ATL,representing greater conceptual social knowledge andrichness of social detail.35,36 This highlights theimportance of identifying and understanding cultur-ally dependent social norms during embarrassment-processing and distinguishing between sociallyappropriate and inappropriate behaviors.

NEURAL BASIS OF GUILTGuilt-processing plays a significant role in the devel-opment and maintenance of psychopathology,including depression, anxiety, obsessive–compulsivedisorder (OCD), and somatization.93 In particular,impaired moral cognition and guilt are characteristicof antisocial personality disorder (APD) and psy-chopathy, likely representing intact ToM butimpaired affective-processing.94 Gray matter reduc-tions within prefrontal (mPFC, medial/lateral OFC),AI, and temporal (STS, ATL) regions are associatedwith conduct disorder,95 APD,96 interpersonal/affective psychopathic traits,97 and callous andunemotional traits.95 Psychopathy is associatedwith a range of social cognitive and emotionaldeficits, representing underlying cortico–subcorticaldysfunction. Violent psychopaths demonstratedecreased metabolism within prefrontal, parietal,and limbic regions,98 and prisoners high in psychopa-thy show reduced AI and ACC activity duringempathy-processing.99

A related set of studies has investigated the impactof adult-onset vmPFC/OFC damage on ‘acquiredpsychopathy’.100–102 A famous case study of Patient JSdemonstrated that OFC damage is associated withintact ToM and social norm knowledge, but impairedemotion recognition, affective responding, emo-tional reaction prediction, and moral judgment.101 Alarger sample of patients with adult-onset vmPFC

damage revealed typical responding to impersonalmoral dilemmas but enhanced utilitarian respondingto highly emotional, personal moral dilemmas.103 Blairet al. posited that diminished guilt, reduced empathy,atypical emotional responding and antisocial behav-ior may represent underlying OFC–amygdala dys-function, which impairs the prediction of negativeemotional reactions.101,104 These studies shed lightonto the possible neural mechanisms of guilt-processing by highlighting the importance of pre-frontal regions, particularly OFC, in the generationand application of emotional expectations, whichguide social decision-making.

A large body of neuroimaging research hasexplored guilt-processing within typical develop-ment. One of the earliest studies used positronemission tomography to examine guilt recollec-tion.105 Participants listened to audio-recordings ofguilt-evoking or neutral autobiographical events andused script-driven imagery to recall them. Guiltrecruited empathy regions highly connected withamygdala,106 including left AI/IFG, ACC, and bilat-eral ATL. Despite using stimuli that evoked multiplenegative emotions, this study offers preliminary evi-dence for anterior paralimbic recruitment duringguilt-processing, possibly representing negativeemotional responding.

A related autobiographical memory study extendedthese findings by comparing the neural correlates ofmultiple negative emotions.107 Guilt, shame, andsadness commonly recruited regions supportingToM, empathy, self- and other-processing, and emo-tional memory retrieval, including bilateral medialfrontal pole, left AI, bilateral RSC (extending intoPC/PCC), bilateral TP, left TPJ, left aSTS, bilaterallingual gyrus, and cerebellum. Guilt, relative toshame, recruited greater right dlPFC/anterior SFGand right amygdala (also recruited during other-processing). Guilt, relative to shame and sadness,recruited greater right lateral OFC (lOFC) and leftparacingulate/dmPFC (also recruited during self-processing), and lOFC activity was positively corre-lated with dispositional guilt. These findings supportthe role of self-reference and ToM in guilt-processing,and suggest that perspective-taking demands aregreater for guilt-processing than shame or sadness.Furthermore, the authors posited that lOFC activityrepresented inhibition of social norm violations oranticipation of negative outcomes, and proposed adissociation within PFC, such that vmPFC repre-sented general social emotion-processing, while OFC

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uniquely represented guilt-processing. Thus, lOFCactivity may not simply represent negative valence orSCE, but instead, serve as a distinct marker for tran-sient guilt-processing and guilt sensitivity.

Multiple studies have highlighted the role of pre-frontal, temporal, and occipital regions during imag-ined guilt-processing. Takahashi et al. reportedbilateral mPFC, left pSTS, and bilateral occipitalrecruitment during imagined guilt-evoking situations,and greater left mPFC recruitment, relative to embar-rassment.90 A German replication reported similarfrontal, temporal, and limbic recruitment, includingbilateral PFC, left OFC, left precentral gyrus, leftinsula, bilateral temporal (middle temporal gyrus[MTG], STG), and bilateral occipital regions.92 Guiltrecruited greater right amygdala/insula, left MTG, andright fusiform gyrus, relative to embarrassment, pos-sibly underscoring the greater role of negativeemotion-processing.108,109 Berthoz et al. similarlyreported bilateral PFC, left TPJ, bilateral ATL, andoccipital recruitment during intentional violations(guilt). Intentional, relative to unintentional, viola-tions recruited greater left PFC (mPFC, superior PFC,ACC), precentral/postcentral gyri, right TP, left IPL,PC, and occipital regions,86 which the authors sug-gested represented greater mentalizing demandsrequired to infer the motivations, and thus liability, ofintentional transgressors. Personal, intentional viola-tions recruited greatest bilateral amygdala.87

Recent neuroimaging studies have begun to inves-tigate cognitive and motivational modulators ofguilt-processing, including agency, social conse-quence, behavioral change demands, and guilt-sensitivity/aversion. Moll et al. investigated theneural correlates of emotionally neutral agency andmoral emotions.91 Neutral agency recruited prefron-tal, insular, and anterior/superior temporal regions,associated with ToM, empathy, self-reference, andconceptual social knowledge, and guilt recruitedgreater right anterior PFC (MFG, lOFC), left insula,right midbrain (ventral tegmental area [VTA], thala-mus), and left anterior/superior temporal regions(STS/TPJ). Conjunction analyses revealed uniqueneural patterns for distinct emotion categories:prosocial emotions (guilt, embarrassment, compas-sion) recruited anterior mPFC and STS/TPJ; empathicemotions (guilt, compassion) recruited VTA andVS; and other-critical emotions (self-indignation,other-indignation, disgust) recruited dACC, lOFC,and parahippocampus/amygdala. Relative to other-critical emotions, prosocial emotions recruited

greater medial OFC (mOFC) and TP, and empathicemotions recruited greater anterior PFC, VTA, and VS.These findings emphasize the importance of anteriorPFC, midbrain, and temporal regions in guilt-processing, supporting prosociality and empathy.

Morey et al. examined the impact of social conse-quences in guilt-processing.110 Imagining harmingothers, compared to harming oneself, was associatedwith greater right mPFC (vmPFC, dorsomedial PFC[dmPFC] frontal pole [FP]), bilateral pSTS, bilateralPC/PCC, and right occipital recruitment. Guilt-sensitivity was positively correlated with left PFC(dmPFC, SFG, OFC, ventrolateral PFC [vlPFC],paracingulate gyrus; subgenual ACC/septal area[SCSR] at a reduced threshold) and supramarginalgyrus activity. Furthermore, an interaction betweenguilt intensity and social consequence within leftvmPFC/FP, OFC, IFG, and anterior IPL suggested thatanterior frontal and parietal activity tracks guilt-sensitivity associated with harming others.

A strong motivator for behavior modification andreparation is fear of negative evaluation. Finger et al.examined how the presence of an audience impactedguilt-processing.111 Moral violations, which elicitedhighest guilt ratings, recruited greater left dmPFC andbilateral temporal regions (TP, middle temporal gyrus[MTG]) than social violations. Regardless of an audi-ence presence, moral and social violations recruitedleft TPJ, underscoring shared perspective-takingdemands; however, moral and witnessed social viola-tions commonly recruited left vlPFC and dmPFC,which the authors interpreted as representing behav-ioral change demands.

A final set of studies has examined guilt-pronenessand associated neural modulators. Using a donationtask, Chang et al. found that guilt-aversion and guilt-sensitivity were associated with dlPFC, as well asdACC, insula, supplementary motor area (SMA), andTPJ activity, which was positively correlated withcounterfactual guilt.112 In a study by Zahn et al., par-ticipants read sentences evoking guilt, indignation,pride, and gratitude.113 Guilt-proneness was posi-tively correlated with bilateral prefrontal (left ante-rior vmPFC, left subgenual ACC [sgACC], bilateralventral ACC) activity. A subsequent psychophysi-ological interaction (PPI) analysis revealed func-tional connectivity between right superior ATL (sATL)and bilateral sgACC during guilt-processing, whichwas positively correlated with guilt-proneness.114

Other research suggested that sgACC activity duringguilt-processing was positively correlated with indi-

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vidual differences in empathic concern.115 Theseneural patterns highlight functional integrationbetween right sATL, representing conceptual socialknowledge, and context-dependent fronto–limbicregions, representing distinct moral emotions. In par-ticular, sgACC activity may serve as a distinct neuralmarker for guilt-proneness, supported by disposi-tional empathy.

These findings have important implications forunderstanding and treating major depressivedisorder (MDD). Patients with MDD demonstrateexcessive or inappropriate guilt associated withheightened self-blame.116 Research investigatingguilt-proneness in MDD revealed intact ATL andSCSR recruitment, but reduced functional couplingbetween right sATL and left SCSR, as well asbetween bilateral medial frontal pole, right hippo-campus, and right lateral hypothalamus.117 Further-more, sATL–SCSR decoupling was positivelycorrelated with self-hate ratings. The authors sug-gested that this decoupling represented reducedintegration of conceptual social knowledge,35 spe-cific memories, and guilt-processing,114 resulting inovergeneralized self-blame, and thus, elevated guilt-proneness. Preliminary research suggests that SCSRdeep brain stimulation may effectively treat abnor-mal guilt-processing in MDD.118

Neuroimaging research investigating guilt alsosheds light onto OCD etiology. Clinical studiessuggest that OCD is associated with atypical guilt-processing, driven by inner moral rule viola-tions.119,120 Research by Basile et al. found that OCDpatients recruited a typical prefronto–temporo–occipital network when processing anger andsadness, but reduced ACC, bilateral AI and left PCrecruitment during guilt-processing, which was nega-tively correlated with OCD symptoms.121 Thesefindings demonstrate intact basic negative emotion-processing in OCD, but impaired (possibly overlyefficient122) guilt-processing, elicited by personalmoral transgressions.

These studies suggest that guilt-processing recruitsa network of anterior prefrontal (vmPFC, mOFC/lOFC, sgACC), fronto–opercular (AI/IFG), temporal(ATL, TP, STS, TPJ), medial posterior parietal (PC,RSC), limbic (amygdala), and occipital (includingfusiform gyrus) regions supporting perspective-taking, empathy, self-processing, other-processing,and negative emotion-processing. In particular,lOFC–amygdala and sATL–SCSR coupling maysupport guilt-proneness. Relative to other negative

emotions, such as embarrassment, shame, andsadness, guilt recruits greater PFC (mPFC, dmPFC,dlPFC, OFC, ACC), amygdala, and ToM regions (TP,pSTS, IPL, PC). Furthermore, neuroimaging findingshelp dissociate the cognitive and emotional modula-tors of guilt-processing: social agency recruits aprefronto–insular–superior temporal network, asso-ciated with moral cognition; empathic motivationrecruits VTA and VS, associated with social attach-ment; negative emotional prediction and respondingrecruits lOFC and parahippocampus/amygdala;prosocial motivation recruits anterior mPFC and STS;and behavioral change demands/compensatorybehavior recruits vlPFC and dmPFC.

NEURAL BASIS OF ENVY ANDSCHADENFREUDEA large body of research has examined the neuralcorrelates of social comparison and its relation toprosocial and antisocial behaviors. Typically, thesestudies have either adopted a neuroeconomicsapproach, where participants made monetary allo-cation decisions or competed against a confederatefor monetary rewards, or a social psychologicalapproach, where participants made costly helpingdecisions or compared themselves with others alonghighly self-relevant domains. In general, thesestudies underscore the importance of a prefronto–striatal network, particularly VS, for processing envyand schadenfreude. Critical work by Fleissbach et al.investigated the neural correlates of relative reward-processing.123 Participants competed against apartner in a dot estimation task and received mon-etary rewards for correct answers. A main effect ofinequality was found within OFC and posteriorregions (angular gyrus, PC/PCC, occipital), suchthat larger reward discrepancies between the part-ners were associated with greater activity. A maineffect of relative reward was found within bilateralVS, such that relatively larger rewards recruitedgreater VS activity, equal rewards recruited interme-diate activity, and relatively smaller rewardsrecruited reduced activity, independent of absoluterewards. This VS response was positively correlatedwith willingness to reciprocate, such that greaterconcern for relative outcomes was associated with agreater tendency to reciprocate prosocial and antiso-cial behaviors. Related electroencephalography(EEG) studies revealed similar neural patterns; rela-tive outcomes recruited prefrontal (mPFC/ACC),

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striatal, and parahippocampal activity, possibly sup-porting perspective-taking, monitoring, and reward-processing, and unequal gains were rated morepositively and recruited greater mPFC and caudateactivity than equal gains.124,125

Research exploring inequality aversion extendedthese findings.126 Pairs of participants played a mon-etary allocation task after economic inequality wasmanipulated (one participant received a large mon-etary endowment [‘rich’], the other did not [‘poor’]).‘Rich’ participants rated transfers to others (advan-tageous inequality aversion) positively and recruitedincreased frontal and striatal activity. ‘Poor’ partici-pants rated transfers to others negatively andrecruited reduced frontal and striatal activity, eventhough these transfers did not influence their ownfinancial status (envy); however, they rated transfersto themselves (disadvantageous inequality aversion)positively and recruited increased activity. Thesefindings offer further support that inequality-aversesocial preferences modulate vmPFC and VS recruit-ment during relative losses and gains.

Research comparing the neural correlates of abso-lute and relative losses and gains offer additionalevidence for a prefronto–striatal network underlyingenvy and schadenfreude. Using a game of chance,Dvash et al. found that relative losses evoked greaterenvy but recruited similar VS activity as absolutelosses, while relative gains evoked greater schaden-freude but recruited similar VS activity as absolutegains.127 Thus, relative losses and gains were pro-cessed similarly to absolute losses and gains on theneural level. Research exploring private (absolute)and public (relative) lottery outcomes revealedsimilar neural patterns.128 Results revealed a maineffect of outcome valence within OFC and DS; a maineffect of outcome context within PFC (mPFC, dlPFC),VS, and TPJ; and an interaction effect betweenoutcome valence and context within DS. Participantsrecruited greater caudate during relative gains com-pared to absolute gains, and reduced caudate andNAcc during relative losses compared to absolutelosses. These results highlight the impact of socialcontext on the subjective value, affective experience,and neural basis of reward-processing.

Research examining the modulatory role of learnedpreferences in empathy and counterempathy offeradditional support for an underlying fronto–striatalnetwork. In a seminal study by Singer et al., partici-pants observed confederates play fairly or unfairlyduring a neuroeconomic game and receive painful

stimulation. Both male and female participantsrecruited empathy-related AI/FO and ACC activitywhen they observed fair players in pain, which waspositively correlated with self-reported empathy.129

However, male participants recruited reducedempathy-related AI/FO activity and increased reward-related VS activity when they observed unfair playersin pain, which was respectively correlated withdiminished empathy and an enhanced desire forrevenge.

Similar neural patterns were found in studieswhere participants observed out-group members inpain. In a study capitalizing on a real-word sportsrivalry, Yankees and Red Socks fans watched clips ofa computer-generated baseball game.33 During abso-lute and relative losses (favorite team lost or rivalteam won), participants recruited right sensorimotor(insula, ACC, SMA) regions. During absolute andrelative gains (favorite team won or rival team lost),participants recruited left frontal (MFG, SFG), bilat-eral striatal (right VS, bilateral DS), and bilateralsensorimotor (left insula, right SMA) regions, andthis VS response was positively correlated with self-reported pleasure and likelihood of harming a rivalfan. This suggests that absolute and relative gainsare similarly rewarding on a subjective and neurallevel, and VS activity associated with schadenfreudepredicts antisocial behavior. In a related study, localsoccer players recruited reduced empathy-related leftAI and increased reward-related right NAcc activitywhen they observed rival players in pain.130 Further-more, negative impressions of rivals predictedgreater AI reduction and NAcc recruitment, andboth negative impressions and NAcc recruitmentpredicted costly helping behavior (volunteering toexperience pain on behalf of another player).

Research has also examined neural modulators ofsocial cooperation and competition. When observingracial out-group members in pain, participants dem-onstrated diminished empathic responding, includ-ing reduced ACC, SMA, and insula recruitment.131

Research also suggests that stereotypes of warmth andcompetence influence empathy/counterempathy,beyond the effect of out-group membership.132,133

When envied targets experienced negative events, par-ticipants felt greatest pleasure, yet when enviedtargets experienced positive events, participants feltgreatest displeasure, which was associated withincreased right insula/MFG and superior parietalrecruitment. Furthermore, bilateral insula activityduring positive events was positively correlated with

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willingness to harm envied targets, but negativelycorrelated with willingness to harm pride targets.Overall, these findings suggest that a fronto–sensorimotor–striatal network supports empathy andcounterempathy for pain and predicts prosocial andantisocial behaviors.

Several studies have investigated envy andschadenfreude via social comparison of self-relevanttraits. Takahashi et al. reported fronto–striatalrecruitment, including mOFC, dACC, VS, and DS,when participants compared themselves to superiortargets.134 dACC activity was positively correlatedwith envy, striatal activity was positively correlatedwith schadenfreude, and envy-related dACC activitypredicted schadenfreude-related VS activity. Theauthors suggested that dACC activity representeddistress resulting from self-concept threat (similar tocognitive dissonance135) or social pain resultingfrom salient upward social comparison (similar tosocial exclusion136), which motivates cognitive dis-sonance reduction via attitudinal change orschadenfreude. The authors interpreted the resultsto suggest that greater pain during self-conceptthreat (greater envy-related dACC activity duringupward social comparison) was associated withgreater reward during cognitive dissonance reduc-tion (greater schadenfreude-related VS activityduring others’ misfortunes).

Friederich et al. investigated a highly salientdomain of social comparison, body shape, in femaleadults.137 Participants recruited bilateral frontal (leftACC, right dlPFC/precentral gyrus), right inferiorparietal, and bilateral occipitotemporal regions whencomparing their own bodies to images of slim, ide-alized figures, converging with ACC recruitmentreported during envy-processing. Anxiety duringbody shape comparison was positively correlatedwith body concerns, disordered eating, and ventrallimbic recruitment, including dACC, vlPFC, basalganglia, amygdala, and occipital regions. The authorssuggested that these neural patterns supported fear-processing, motivation, and emotion-processing, andrepresented body dissatisfaction and risk of eatingdisorders.

A follow-up study explored social comparison inanorexia as a means of understanding body dissatis-faction.138 During body shape comparison, patientswith anorexia recruited right lPFC, right PC, left supe-rior parietal, and bilateral occipitotemporal regions.Relative to controls, patients reported greater bodydissatisfaction and recruited reduced left rostral ACC

and increased right sensorimotor (AI, includingputamen and premotor) activity, which was nega-tively correlated with anorexia symptoms. Theseresults suggest that body dissatisfaction in anorexiadoes not represent atypical envy-processing, as dem-onstrated by intact ventral limbic activity, butinstead, likely represents altered self-processing/interoception and motivation/emotion-processing,as demonstrated by atypical sensorimotor activity.Interventions designed to improve body satisfactionin anorexia should address distorted self-perceptionsand unhealthy motivations.

A final set of studies has investigated atypical envy-and schadenfreude-processing associated with pre-frontal dysfunction. Shamay-Tsoory et al. examinedFOE recognition and ToM abilities in lesion patientsusing an eye gaze task.139 Patients with both vmPFCand dlPFC lesions demonstrated impaired cognitiveand affective ToM; patients with vmpFC lesions orboth vmPFC and dlPFC lesions demonstratedimpaired envy recognition; and patients with vmPFClesions, both vmPFC and dlPFC lesions, or inferiorparietal/temporo-parietal lesions demonstratedimpaired schadenfreude recognition. Furthermore,envy and schadenfreude recognition were associatedwith real-world perspective-taking. These findingsunderscore the importance of complex mental stateattribution in FOE-processing. In particular, vmPFCis important for processing envy, while both vmPFCand inferior parietal/temporo-parietal regions areimportant for processing schadenfreude. A follow-upstudy examined FOE-processing in adults withASD.140 Participants with ASD demonstrated intact1st- and 2nd-order ToM, but impaired real-worldperspective-taking and diminished envy andschadenfreude recognition. These findings lendfurther support for the role of complex mental stateattribution in FOE, and suggest that impaired envy-and schadenfreude-processing in ASD may representunderlying ToM deficits.

Overall, these studies offer evidence for aprefronto–striatal network underlying envy andschadenfreude and highlight a neural basis for themodulatory roles of target superiority and trait self-relevance. In particular, research underscores theroles of vmPFC and inferior parietal/temporo-parietal regions in perspective-taking and self-relevance; striatal regions (especially VS) inreward-processing; and a ventral limbic networkin fear-processing, emotion-processing, and motiva-tion. Research further highlights the influence of

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social context on reward-processing. Similar to abso-lute losses, relative losses (envy) are associated withincreased dACC activity, representing cognitive disso-nance, and decreased striatal activity, representingdiminished subjective value and reward. Similar toabsolute gains, relative gains (schadenfreude) areassociated with reduced insular activity, representingdiminished empathy, and increased striatal activity,representing enhanced subjective value and reward.Finally, neural recruitment during social comparisonsignificantly predicts prosocial (costly helping) andantisocial (physically harming) behaviors.

FUTURE DIRECTIONSThe current literature provides a strong foundationfor elucidating the neural patterns of distinct socialemotions, as well as for shedding light onto neuraldysfunction underlying psychopathology. The neuro-biology of social emotions is a bourgeoning fieldwith several lines of research ripe for investigation. Inthe following sections, we discuss ongoing questions,suggest topics for future research, and describe poten-tial treatment avenues.

Ecologically valid paradigms

This review has summarized popular paradigms forinvestigating social emotions, while highlightingprime areas for further development. Since thisresearch is still in its nascence, previous studies havegenerally implemented strictly controlled designswith straightforward manipulations. Future studiesshould adopt more ecologically valid paradigms,using stimuli that more closely resemble variables ofinterest.

Research investigating SCE has commonly usedvignettes, encouraging participants to imagineemotion-eliciting situations or rate the severity ofhypothetical transgressions. While these tasks useprototypical examples of social emotions, they oftenlack personal relevance and emotional salience,characteristics that drive the experience of theseemotions in the real world. Future studies shoulduse more realistic, interactive stimuli, such asdynamic videos, or elicit emotions online. Researchwould benefit from adopting a combined approachof evoking emotions in real-time, tracking subjectiveratings of emotional intensity, and measuring self-reported emotional tendencies and real-worldbehaviors.

Research examining FOE has typically adoptedneuroeconomics paradigms, tracking donationbehavior or measuring responses to monetary lossesand gains. These tasks afford the development ofcomputational models that further the understand-ing of social cooperation and competition.However, these tasks serve as abstract proxies forFOE, and may not accurately reflect real-worlddecision-making. Future research should elicit socialcomparisons online, along highly self-relevantdomains, relative to salient, familiar social targets. Apopular paradigm for studying schadenfreude hasassessed empathic/counterempathic reactions whenparticipants observe rivals in physical pain. Futurestudies should extend this research to examineempathic/counterempathic responses to more real-istic, non-physical misfortunes.

Developmental and clinical samples

Previous research has primarily examined typicallydeveloping adults, yet few studies have exploreddevelopmental trends. Adolescence is a stage of sig-nificant growth, characterized by enhanced self-awareness, perspective-taking, and social comparison,as well as neural maturation of the ‘social brain’.141–144

Adolescence is an ideal developmental period forinvestigating changes in social emotion-processing. Inaddition, preliminary research suggests that SCE-processing may continue to develop into late adult-hood.145 Future studies should investigate theneurodevelopmental trajectories of social emotion-processing from pre-pubescence, through adoles-cence, and into adulthood.

Research should also more extensively explore dif-ferences in social emotion-processing within psycho-pathology. Embarrassment has largely been studiedwithin the context of prefrontal damage, yet mini-mally within neuropsychiatric disorders, and envyand schadenfreude have rarely been investigatedoutside of typical development. Future studiesshould examine a wider range of clinical populations,particularly patients characterized by diminishedperspective-taking abilities, atypical self-awareness,and altered reward-processing. Additionally, findingsfrom typical development should be applied towardsclarifying the etiology of clinical symptoms, as dem-onstrated by Friederich et al.,137,138 as well as towardsexploring compensatory mechanisms adopted inresponse to social cognitive impairments.

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Avenues for treatment/intervention

Investigating the neural correlates of social emotionshas significant implications for designing clinicalinterventions. First, researchers can determine theimpact of specific cognitive deficits on socialemotion-processing and design interventions toincrease these abilities. For example, Beer et al.64 dem-onstrated that atypical embarrassment in patientswith PFC damage might reflect diminished self-awareness, and increased self-monitoring via videoobservation may improve embarrassment recogni-tion. Future cognitive interventions may aim toincrease self-monitoring, perspective-taking, orinteroception.

Second, neuroendocrine interventions mayenhance social emotion-processing and reduceassociated clinical impairments. In particular, asubcortical neuropeptide called oxytocin signifi-cantly influences broad social behavior, includ-ing social bonding,146,147 empathy,148,149 and socialsalience,150–152 as well as FOE.153,154 Oxytocin adminis-tration modulates cooperation and competitionamong in-group and out-group members, empathicresponding to others’ pain, and associated neuralrecruitment, including prefrontal, inferior parietal/temporo-parietal, and striatal activity.153 Of particularrelevance, oxytocin administration increases envy andschadenfreude when participants process relativelosses and gains.154 These findings suggest that oxyto-cin may effectively increase the saliency of socialemotion-processing. Future research should examinethe impact of oxytocin on a range of social emotions.

Research has also highlighted the role of oxytocinin the manifestation of clinical symptoms. A popularline of research has explored the impact of oxytocinadministration on reducing ASD symptoms, reveal-ing decreased repetitive behaviors,155 enhancedemotion recognition,156 and increased socialsalience.157 Future research should examine theimpact of oxytocin on social emotion-processingacross multiple clinical disorders, such as schizophre-nia or MDD.

A third line of research has examined the efficacy ofreal-time functional magnetic resonance imaging(fMRI) to measure and modulate brain activity.158

EEG neurofeedback and transcranial magnetic stimu-lation have reduced spatial resolution, which limitsthese methods to only measuring cortical activity;however, real-time fMRI affords the measurement ofsubcortical activity, such as striatal and limbic

regions, which is integral for investigating socialemotion-processing. During real-time fMRI, partici-pants complete tasks in the MRI scanner while neuralactivity from regions of interest are simultaneouslycollected and preprocessed. Participants receive feed-back of their neural activity from an image of a ther-mometer with a dynamic bar level. Participants usethis information to train themselves to self-regulateactivity in specific brain regions, while associatedbehaviors are measured. Previous studies have dem-onstrated that real-time fMRI is effective in modulat-ing physical pain-processing and associated rostralACC activity,159 emotional prosody-processing andassociated IFG activity,160 and negative emotion-processing and associated AI activity.161 Futureresearch should examine the efficacy of real-timefMRI on modulating neural patterns supportingmental state attribution, self-awareness, and empathyfor non-physical pain, as well as enhancing socialemotion-processing across typical development andclinical disorders.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTSThis work was supported by grants-in-aid for scien-tific research A (24243061), and on Innovative Areas(23120009), from the Ministry of Education,Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan(MEXT); Grants-in-Aid for Young Scientists A(23680045) from the Japan Society for the Promo-tion of Science (JSPS), and a Health and LabourScience Research Grant for Research on ApplyingHealth Technology (H25-seishin-jitsuyouka-ippan-001) from the Ministry of Health, Labour, andWelfare. This work was partly the result of the ‘Devel-opment of BMI Technologies for Clinical Applica-tion’ project carried out under the Strategic ResearchProgram for Brain Sciences by the MEXT. K.F.J. wassupported by a Japanese Society for the Promotion ofScience International Research Fellowship and aNational Science Foundation Graduate ResearchOpportunities Worldwide (GROW) Fellowship – acomponent of a National Science Foundation Gradu-ate Research Fellowship (2011122786).

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