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Colorado Pikeminnow (Ptychocheilus Lucius) Upstream of Critical Habitat in the Yampa River, Colorado

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262 vol. 51, no. 2 The Southwestern Naturalist COLORADO PIKEMINNOW (PTYCHOCHEILUS LUCIUS) UPSTREAM OF CRITICAL HABITAT IN THE YAMPA RIVER, COLORADO SAM T. FINNEY* United States Fish and Wildlife Service, Colorado River Fisheries Project, 1380 South 2350 West, Vernal, UT 84078 *Correspondent: samp[email protected] ABSTRACT The Colorado pikeminnow (Ptychocheilus lucius) is a federally endangered fish, which was once abundant and widespread in the Colorado River basin. During exotic fish removal sam- pling in the spring of 2003, 2004, and 2005, 2 Colorado pikeminnow were collected upstream of critical habitat in the Yampa River, Colorado. Collection of these specimens might be an artifact of low historical sampling effort, but they do serve to document potential habitat use of Colorado pikeminnow outside of critical habitat. RESUMEN El charalito del Colorado (Ptychocheilus lucius) es un pez catalogado en peligro de extincio ´ n por el gobierno federal, que anteriormente fue abundante y con una distribucio ´ n amplia en la cuenca del rı ´o de Colorado. Durante el proceso de remover el pez exo ´tico en la primavera de 2003, 2004 y 2005, se colectaron 2 charalitos rı ´o arriba del ha ´bitat crı ´tico en el rı ´o Yampa en Colorado. La colecta de estos especimenes puede ser un artefacto del bajo esfuerzo histo ´rico del muestreo, pero sirve para documentar el uso potencial del ha ´bitat del charalito del Colorado fuera del ha ´bitat crı ´tico. The Colorado pikeminnow (Ptychocheilus lu- cius) is a federally endangered fish (Federal Register 32 [43]:4001), which was once abun- dant and widespread in the Colorado River ba- sin (Tyus, 1991). Known subpopulations occur in the Upper Colorado River basin in the White, Green, Colorado, and Yampa rivers. Colorado pikeminnow in the Upper Colorado River basin, apart from the Colorado main- stem, exhibit seasonal potamodromy, moving considerable distances to find suitable spawn- ing grounds (Tyus, 1990). Critical habitat is defined as the area essen- tial for the conservation of a species (i.e., re- covery) to the point that the species no longer requires the protection of the Endangered Species Act. Despite this definition, the bound- aries of critical habitat can be set more by geo- political considerations than biological needs of a species (R. Muth, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, pers. comm.). In the Yampa River, crit- ical habitat for the Colorado pikeminnow ex- tends from river kilometer (Rk) 215.7 (Colo- rado Highway 13 bridge) downstream to its confluence with the Green River in Dinosaur National Monument (Federal Register 59 [54]: 13374). My study site encompassed the portion of the Yampa River from the upstream extent of Colorado pikeminnow critical habitat up- stream to Rk 276.5. While conducting removal sampling of intro- duced northern pike (Esox lucius), sampling crews collected a Colorado pikeminnow at Rk 232.9 (3 June 2004) and one at Rk 220.8 (9 May 2005), 17.2 and 5.1 km upstream, respec- tively, of critical habitat. The fish were 51.5 cm and 51.6 cm in total length, respectively. The fish were examined for the presence of inter- nal and external marks; neither was previously tagged. Both were subsequently tagged with in- ternal passive integrated transponder tags and released alive. Both were adults and were col- lected during 16 electrofishing passes across the width of the study site conducted from 2003 to 2005. Total electrofishing time for the 16 sampling passes exceeded 442 hours. Both fish were collected in swift moving water in the main channel over cobble substrate. Historical capture of Colorado pikeminnow in the area upstream of critical habitat in the Yampa River has been sporadic. Reasons for this sporadic capture history outside of critical habitat might be that the area is sampled in- frequently or that Colorado pikeminnow rarely occur outside of critical habitat. Areas within my study site were sampled in the 1990s by the

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United States Fish and Wildlife Service, Colorado River Fisheries Project, 1380 South 2350 West, Vernal, UT 84078*Correspondent: [email protected]

ABSTRACT The Colorado pikeminnow (Ptychocheilus lucius) is a federally endangered fish, whichwas once abundant and widespread in the Colorado River basin. During exotic fish removal sam-pling in the spring of 2003, 2004, and 2005, 2 Colorado pikeminnow were collected upstream ofcritical habitat in the Yampa River, Colorado. Collection of these specimens might be an artifactof low historical sampling effort, but they do serve to document potential habitat use of Coloradopikeminnow outside of critical habitat.

RESUMEN El charalito del Colorado (Ptychocheilus lucius) es un pez catalogado en peligro deextincion por el gobierno federal, que anteriormente fue abundante y con una distribucion ampliaen la cuenca del rıo de Colorado. Durante el proceso de remover el pez exotico en la primaverade 2003, 2004 y 2005, se colectaron 2 charalitos rıo arriba del habitat crıtico en el rıo Yampa enColorado. La colecta de estos especimenes puede ser un artefacto del bajo esfuerzo historico delmuestreo, pero sirve para documentar el uso potencial del habitat del charalito del Coloradofuera del habitat crıtico.

The Colorado pikeminnow (Ptychocheilus lu-cius) is a federally endangered fish (FederalRegister 32 [43]:4001), which was once abun-dant and widespread in the Colorado River ba-sin (Tyus, 1991). Known subpopulations occurin the Upper Colorado River basin in theWhite, Green, Colorado, and Yampa rivers.Colorado pikeminnow in the Upper ColoradoRiver basin, apart from the Colorado main-stem, exhibit seasonal potamodromy, movingconsiderable distances to find suitable spawn-ing grounds (Tyus, 1990).

Critical habitat is defined as the area essen-tial for the conservation of a species (i.e., re-covery) to the point that the species no longerrequires the protection of the EndangeredSpecies Act. Despite this definition, the bound-aries of critical habitat can be set more by geo-political considerations than biological needsof a species (R. Muth, U.S. Fish and WildlifeService, pers. comm.). In the Yampa River, crit-ical habitat for the Colorado pikeminnow ex-tends from river kilometer (Rk) 215.7 (Colo-rado Highway 13 bridge) downstream to itsconfluence with the Green River in DinosaurNational Monument (Federal Register 59 [54]:13374). My study site encompassed the portionof the Yampa River from the upstream extent

of Colorado pikeminnow critical habitat up-stream to Rk 276.5.

While conducting removal sampling of intro-duced northern pike (Esox lucius), samplingcrews collected a Colorado pikeminnow at Rk232.9 (3 June 2004) and one at Rk 220.8 (9May 2005), 17.2 and 5.1 km upstream, respec-tively, of critical habitat. The fish were 51.5 cmand 51.6 cm in total length, respectively. Thefish were examined for the presence of inter-nal and external marks; neither was previouslytagged. Both were subsequently tagged with in-ternal passive integrated transponder tags andreleased alive. Both were adults and were col-lected during 16 electrofishing passes acrossthe width of the study site conducted from2003 to 2005. Total electrofishing time for the16 sampling passes exceeded 442 hours. Bothfish were collected in swift moving water in themain channel over cobble substrate.

Historical capture of Colorado pikeminnowin the area upstream of critical habitat in theYampa River has been sporadic. Reasons forthis sporadic capture history outside of criticalhabitat might be that the area is sampled in-frequently or that Colorado pikeminnow rarelyoccur outside of critical habitat. Areas withinmy study site were sampled in the 1990s by the

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Colorado Division of Wildlife, who did notcatch nor locate radio-tagged Colorado pike-minnow upstream of critical habitat (T. Nesler,Colorado Division of Wildlife, pers. comm.).However, an angler in the late 1980s caught aColorado pikeminnow near Rk 260 (RecoveryProgram for Endangered Fishes of the UpperColorado River Basin, unpublished data). Year2004 sampling upstream (Rk 274.6 to 319.9) ofthe study site yielded no Colorado pikeminnowin 57.5 sampling hours (S. Finney, unpubl.data). However, year 2002 sampling below thestudy site (Rk 215.7 to 82.1) yielded 33 uniqueColorado pikeminnow, and year 2003 yielded31 unique Colorado pikeminnow (K. Bestgen,Colorado State University, pers. comm.). Thisevidence suggests that Colorado pikeminnoware rare within the study site, whereas they aremore common downstream and absent up-stream.

Despite the almost nonexistent historicalcaptures of Colorado pikeminnow upstreamfrom critical habitat in the Yampa River, mycapture of 2 Colorado pikeminnow outside ofcritical habitat provides evidence for limitedhabitat use in the area. Their presence mightbe isolated or random behavior. Or, perhaps,Colorado pikeminnow might be trying to es-cape environmental perturbations, such asdrought. Further, they might be attempting tofind and establish a home range.

Marsh et al. (1991) reported the discoveryof a Colorado pikeminnow in the Little SnakeRiver, Wyoming, a Yampa River tributary. It wasspeculated to be a possible migrant from the

Yampa River. Other investigators have cap-tured or located radio-tagged Colorado pike-minnow in areas outside of critical habitat inthe Duchesne and Green rivers (Recovery Pro-gram for Endangered Fishes of the Upper Col-orado River Basin, unpublished data). Sam-pling for, and the study of, Colorado pikemin-now in areas outside of critical habitat can lendfurther insight into the life history of this spe-cies.

I thank numerous seasonal technicians and per-manent staff for their help in field operations andthe Recovery Program for Endangered Fishes of theUpper Colorado River Basin for funding the studyunder which the Colorado pikeminnow was collect-ed. R. Muth, C. McAda, and an anonymous reviewerprovided helpful comments that greatly improvedthe quality of this manuscript.



R. J. TIMMONS. 1991. Rediscovery of Coloradosquawfish, Ptychochelius lucius (Cyprinidae), inWyoming. Copeia 1991:1091–1092.

TYUS, H. M. 1990. Potamodromy and reproductionof Colorado squawfish in the Green River basin,Colorado and Utah. Transactions of the Ameri-can Fisheries Society 119:1035–1047.

TYUS, H. M. 1991. Ecology and management of Col-orado squawfish. In: W. L. Minckley and J. E.Deacon, editors. Battle against extinction: nativefish management in the American West. Univer-sity of Arizona Press, Tucson. Pages 379–402.

Submitted 22 February 2005. Accepted 17 October 2005.Associate Editor was Kevin Bestgen.




Department of Biology, San Diego State University, San Diego, CA 92182 (MJM, RAC)Present address of MJM: Nature Reserve of Orange County, 15600 Sand Canyon Avenue, Irvine, CA 92618

*Correspondent: [email protected]

ABSTRACT We placed 72 plasticine replicas of large and small snakes near a California groundsquirrel (Spermophilus beecheyi) colony in San Diego County, California. Ground squirrels aggres-

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sively confronted both large and small replica snakes. Ground squirrels were more aggressive whenattacking small replicas relative to large. Ground squirrels bit the smaller replicas a greater numberof times, concentrating their attacks near the head of the replica. Large replicas were attackedmore frequently near the tail. From the results we conclude: 1) California ground squirrels rec-ognize increased risk of attacking larger versus smaller snakes, and 2) use of plasticine replicas isan effective method to investigate antipredator behavior of prey.

RESUMEN Colocamos 72 replicas de culebras hechas de plasticina, algunas grandes y otras pe-quenas, cerca de una colonia de ardillones de California (Spermophilus beecheyi) en el condado deSan Diego en California. Los ardillones agresivamente confrontaron a ambas culebras de plasti-cina, las chicas y las grandes. Atacaron mas agresivamente a las replicas de culebras pequenas quea las grandes. Los ardillones mordieron las replicas pequenas mas, concentrando sus ataques cercade la cabeza de las replicas. Las replicas grandes fueron atacadas con mas frecuencia en el areade la cola. De los resultados concluimos que: 1) los ardillones de California reconocen que haymayor riesgo al atacar a las culebras grandes que a las mas pequenas; y 2) el uso de replicas deplasticina es un metodo efectivo para investigar el comportamiento anti-depredador de una presa.

The use of plasticine (a plastic-based mod-eling compound) replicas in field studies ofpredator-prey interactions is becoming increas-ingly common. Plasticine replicas have beenused in studies of color-pattern evolution insalamanders (Kuchta, 2001), lizards (Castilla etal., 1999), and snakes (Madsen, 1987; Brodie,1993), and nest predation of birds (Keyser etal., 1998; Roos, 2002; Boulet et al., 2003). Theuse of plasticine replicas is a powerful methodto study infrequent predatory events undernatural conditions. Given the low cost and easeof making replicas, large samples can be quick-ly deployed with this method. Furthermore,imprints left on the surface of soft replicas re-cord disturbances and allow for identificationof attacking species (Madsen, 1987; Brodie,1993).

Although widely successful when employed,use of plasticine replicas has been mostly lim-ited to studies of the behavior of predators. Toexpand use of plasticine replicas in studies ofpredator-prey interactions, we used replicas ofpredators to investigate antipredator behaviorsof prey.

We used plasticine replicas of snakes to elicitantipredator behaviors in California groundsquirrels (Spermophilus beecheyi). Ground squir-rels have an adversarial relationship withsnakes, especially rattlesnakes (Viperidae, Cro-talinae). Rattlesnakes are a common and per-sistent predator of California ground squirrelsthroughout their range (Fitch, 1949, Stebbins,2003). Adult ground squirrels, partially im-mune to rattlesnake venom (Poran et al.,1987), are known to aggressively defend them-

selves and their young against rattlesnakes(Swaisgood et al., 1999a), often confronting,harassing, and attacking the snakes when en-countered (Owings and Coss, 1977; Coss andOwings, 1985).

Larger snakes are more dangerous toground squirrels than smaller snakes. Largerrattlesnakes release more venom, hold on toprey longer (Rowe and Owings, 1990), and, be-cause snakes are gape-limited predators, areable to swallow larger prey items (Shine, 1991;Arnold, 1993; King, 2002). Swaisgood et al.(1999b) showed in experimental trials thatground squirrels recognize the greater threatpresented by larger rattlesnakes and take fewerrisks when confronting larger rather thansmaller snakes.

To assess the effectiveness of using plasticinereplicas to elicit aggressive responses from Cal-ifornia ground squirrels and learn whether dif-ferences in the antipredator response ofground squirrels exist when confronting moreor less dangerous snakes under natural condi-tions, we exposed free-ranging ground squir-rels to plasticine replicas of large and smallsnakes. Imprints left by the ground squirrelsallowed us to measure the presence, intensity,and location of aggressive confrontations andtest whether ground squirrels recognize the in-creased risk of attacking larger snakes.

Snake replicas were constructed from pre-colored nontoxic plasticine (Sculpy-III model-ing compound). Replicas were cylindrical andlight brown in coloration. On one end of eachreplica, we shaped a distinctive head regionand added a pair of eyes with black clay. Rep-

June 2006 265Notes

licas were constructed as either large (50 cmlong and 2 cm diameter) or small (30 cm longand 1.5 cm diameter). Replicas were threadedonto an S-shaped wire. Replicas were anchoredto the ground with a 5-cm length of wire pro-truding from either end of the replica.

To assess antipredator behavior of groundsquirrels under natural conditions, we placedsnake replicas near a California ground squir-rel colony at the Tijuana River National Estu-arine Research Reserve in San Diego County,California (328349N, 1178079W). Vegetation atthe study site consisted mostly of annual grass-es and disturbed coastal sage scrub. A set ofreplicas consisted of a large and small replicaplaced in the open and separated from eachother by 2 to 5 m. Squirrels encountered thereplicas independently because the space be-tween replicas was filled with dense grasses andshrubs, concealing the location of one replicafrom the other. We placed 3 sets of replicas at50-m intervals along 4, 100-m transects. Tran-sects were equally distant and radiated outfrom the center of the ground squirrel colony.By placing the replicas in sets of small andlarge replicas at each 50-m interval, we assuredthe size classes experienced the same densityof ground squirrel activity because squirreldensities were higher near the center of colo-nies. Replicas were left in the field for 96hours. Replicas were then picked up, scoredfor bite-marks, reshaped, and returned to thefield. This procedure was repeated 3 times dur-ing April and May 2004.

To identify the California ground squirrelbite-mark and confirm that ground squirrelswere attacking replicas, we matched tooth-marks left on the replicas with the dentitionpatterns of a museum specimen S. beecheyi skullat the San Diego State University VertebrateCollections. As a secondary conformationsource, we set up a motion sensitive camera(Non-Typical Deer Cam DC-200 Scouting Cam-era, Deer Cam, Park Falls, Wisconsin) next toa pair of snake replicas at the reserve during asampling session and captured multiple pho-tographs of California ground squirrels inter-acting with the replicas.

We scored each replica by first counting thetotal number of ground squirrel bite-marks,and second, by dividing the replicas into 6 sec-tions of equal length and recording whichbody sections were attacked by ground squir-

rels. We considered a body section attacked ifone or more bite-marks were present.

Analysis of the number of replicas attackedby size and the number of replicas attacked insets versus singularly was performed usingPearson chi-square tests. Analysis of the num-ber of bite-marks per replica by size was per-formed using a Mann-Whitney test becausenormality assumptions of t-tests were violatedby the data. Analysis of differences in the or-dered distribution of attacks across sections byreplica size was performed using a single or-dered Kruskall-Wallis R3C table test (StatXact,2001) because we scored bites along consecu-tive, non-independent, segments of the repli-cas.

We used 72 snake replicas during the study.California ground squirrels attacked 29(40.3%) of the 72 replicas. We found no evi-dence that squirrels attacked large and smallsnake replicas at different rates: 14 of 36 largereplicas (38.9%) and 15 of 36 small replicas(41.7%) were attacked (x2 5 0.058, P 5 0.810,df 5 1). Also, we found no evidence that squir-rels attacked replicas in sets more frequentlythan they attacked replicas singularly: 16 rep-licas (8 large and 8 small) were attacked in sets,while 13 (6 large and 7 small) replicas wereattacked singularly (x2 5 0.31, P 5 0.577, df 51).

Despite similar overall rates of attack, the in-tensity of the attacks on the snake replicas dif-fered by size class. The number of bite-markson replicas ranged from 1 to 63 (mean 5 8.8,SE 5 2.2, n 5 29). Although the mean num-bers of bite marks were similar between replicasizes (large: mean 5 8.6, SE 5 4.3, n 5 14,small: mean 5 9.0, SE 5 1.63, n 5 15), smallreplicas had significantly more bite-marks thanlarge replicas (U 5 55.5, P 5 0.029, n 5 29).If we exclude the replica with 63 bite-marks (alarge replica, with more than 3 times the totalnumber of bite-marks than the next most fre-quently bitten replica) from calculations of thesample mean and standard error, large replicashad on average 50% fewer bite-marks (mean5 4.4, SE 5 1.04, n 5 13) than small replicas.

The distribution of ground squirrel attacksacross sections of the snake replicas differed byreplica size (x2 5 4.016, P 5 0.045, df 5 1).Small replicas were attacked most frequently inthe head region, with the number of attacks inthis region averaging twice as many as any oth-

266 vol. 51, no. 2The Southwestern Naturalist

TABLE 1—Number of California ground squirrel (Spermophilus beecheyi) attacks on replica body sectionsfor large and small snake replicas. Attacks by body section are summed across all replicas within each sizecategory. The head of the snake replica is located in section 1 and the tail end of the replica is located insection 6.



1 2 3 4 5 6Total










er body section (Table 1). Large replicas wereattacked most frequently near the tail end ofthe replica (Table 1).

Our results indicate that plasticine replicasof snakes, when encountered under naturalconditions, elicit aggressive confrontations byfree-ranging California ground squirrels,which apparently treat plasticine replica snakesas a significant threat. Thus, plasticine replicascan be useful in investigations of antipredatorbehaviors of prey. In this study, ground squir-rels attacked approximately 40% of the largeand small snake replicas left in the field duringthe 4-day sample periods. Because the 2 typesof replicas were attacked at a similar rate, thisresult suggests the presence of a snake replica,regardless of size, near a California groundsquirrel colony is enough to elicit an attack.

When attacking plasticine replicas, groundsquirrels responded differently to large andsmall snake replicas. Ground squirrels attackedsmall replicas more aggressively than they didlarge, biting small replicas a greater number oftimes and concentrating attacks near the headof the replica. Ground squirrels seemed to at-tack the large snake replicas more cautiously,biting the replicas a fewer number of timesand concentrating the attacks away from thehead and closer to the tail end of the replica.

Differences in the intensity and location ofthe bite-marks between the 2 types of replicassuggests California ground squirrels recognizedifferences in the risks associated with aggres-sively confronting larger versus smaller snakes.Attacking ground squirrels seem to considersmall snake replicas less of a threat than largereplicas. This interpretation of the results isconsistent with the greater lethality of largersnakes and the well-documented ability of Cal-ifornia ground squirrels to assess risk whenconfronting predators (Swaisgood et al., 2003).

We thank J. E. Diffendorfer and 2 anonymous re-viewers for helpful suggestions on an earlier versionof this manuscript and J. Crooks for lending us useof the motion sensitive camera. Funding of this pro-ject was sponsored in part by a NSF teaching grantto J. E. Diffendorfer (NSF# DEB-0080754).


ARNOLD, S. J. 1993. Foraging theory and prey-size–predator-size relations in snakes. In: R. A. Seigeland J. T. Collins, editors. Snakes: ecology and be-havior. McGraw-Hill, New York. Pages 87–115.

BOULET, M., M. DARVEAU, AND L. BELANGER. 2003.Nest predation and breeding activity of songbirdsin riparian and nonriparian black spruce stripsof central Quebec. Canadian Journal of ForestResearch 33:922–930.

BRODIE, E. D., III. 1993. Differential avoidance ofcoral snake banded patterns by free-ranging avi-an predators in Costa Rica. Evolution 47:227–235.

CASTILLA, A. M., A. GOSA, P. GALAN, AND V. PEREZ-MELLADO. 1999. Green tails in lizards of the ge-nus Podarcis: do they influence the intensity ofpredation? Herpetologica 55:530–537.

COSS, R. G., AND D. H. OWINGS. 1985. Restraints onground squirrel antipredator behavior adjust-ments over multiple time scales. In: T. D. Johnsonand A. T. Pietrewicz, editors. Issues in the ecolog-ical study of learning. Erlbaum, Hillsdale, NewJersey. Pages 167–200.

FITCH, H. S. 1949. Study of snake populations in cen-tral California. American Midland Naturalist 41:513–579.

KEYSER, A. J., G. E. HILL, AND E. C. SOEHREN. 1998.Effects of forest fragment size, nest density, andproximity to edge on the risk of predation toground-nesting passerine birds. Conservation Bi-ology 12:986–994.

KING, R. B. 2002. Predicted and observed maximumprey size-snake size allometry. Functional Ecology16:766–772.

KUCHTA, S. R. 2001. Color pattern evolution in a ringspecies: Does Ensatina eschscholtzii xanthoptica

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mimic newts (genus Taricha)? American Zoolo-gist 41:1499.

MADSEN, T. 1987. Are juvenile grass snakes, Natrixnatrix, aposematically colored? Oikos 48:265–267.

OWINGS, D. H., AND R. G. COSS. 1977. Snake mob-bing by California ground squirrels: adaptive var-iation and ontogeny. Behavior 62:50–69.

PORAN, N. S., R. G. COSS, AND E. BENJAMINI. 1987.Resistance of California ground squirrels (Sper-mophilus beecheyi) to the venom of the northernPacific rattlesnake (Crotalus viridis oreganus): astudy of adaptive variation. Toxicon 25:767–777.

ROOS, S. 2002. Functional response, seasonal declineand landscape differences in nest predation risk.Oecologia 133:608–615.

ROWE, M. P., AND D. H. OWINGS. 1990. Probing, as-sessment, and management during interactionsbetween ground squirrels and rattlesnakes. Part1: risks related to rattlesnake size and body tem-perature. Ethology 86:237–249.

SHINE, R. 1991. Why do large snakes eat larger preyitems? Functional Ecology 5:493–502.

STATXACT. 2001. Statxact 5: statistical software for ex-act nonparametric inference, user manual vol-

ume 2. Cytel Software Corporation, Cambridge,Massachusetts.

STEBBINS, R. C. 2003. Western reptiles and amphibi-ans, third edition. Houghton Mifflin, Boston,Massachusetts.

SWAISGOOD, R. R., D. H. OWINGS, AND M. P. ROWE.1999a. Conflict and assessment in a predator-prey system: ground squirrels versus rattlesnakes.Animal Behavior 57:1033–1044.

SWAISGOOD, R. R., M. P. ROWE, AND D. H. OWINGS.1999b. Assessment of rattlesnake dangerousnessby California ground squirrels: exploitation ofcues from rattling sounds. Animal Behavior 57:1301–1310.

SWAISGOOD, R. R., M. P. ROWE, AND D. H. OWINGS.2003. Antipredator responses of Californiaground squirrels to rattlesnakes and rattlingsounds: the roles of sex, reproductive parity, andoffspring age in assessment and decision-makingrules. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 55:22–31.

Submitted 4 January 2005. Accepted 6 September 2005.Associate Editor was Cody W. Edwards.




Colorado Natural Heritage Program, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO 80523 (JLS, YRC, JRS, KLC)United States Fish and Wildlife Service, Colorado Fish and Wildlife Assistance Office, Lakewood, CO 80215 (KMC)

*Correspondent: [email protected]

ABSTRACT We report the collection of 4 specimens that extend the range of the least shrew(Cryptotis parva) in Colorado. The 2 collection locations are approximately 240 km and 290 kmfrom previously collected specimens documented from the Cimarron River watershed in south-eastern Colorado and approximately 300 km from those documented from the Arkansas Riverwatershed in Kansas. These 4 specimens are the first individuals reported from the Arkansas Riverwatershed in Colorado.

RESUMEN Registramos la coleccion de 4 especimenes que extiende la distribucion de la mu-sarana chica (Cryptotis parva) en Colorado. Las 2 areas de coleccion estan a aproximadamente240 km y 290 km de los especimenes previamente colectados y documentados en la cuenca delrıo Cimarron en el sureste de Colorado y aproximadamente 300 km de los que fueron documen-tados de la cuenca del rıo Arkansas en Kansas. Estos 4 especimenes son los primeros que se hancoleccionado en la cuenca del rıo Arkansas en Colorado.

The least shrew (Cryptotis parva) is distrib-uted throughout the eastern United States,

eastern Mexico, and portions of Central Amer-ica (Whitaker, 1974; Hall, 1981). In northern

268 vol. 51, no. 2The Southwestern Naturalist

Colorado, C. parva has been found in marshyareas (Beidleman and Remington, 1955; Lech-leitner, 1964; Williams and McArthur, 1972), intall, dry grasses (Williams and McArthur,1972), and in owl pellets near shortgrass prai-rie (Marti, 1972). In southeastern Colorado,Choate and Reed (1988) collected this speciesfrom riparian communities along the Cimar-ron River.

We report 3 specimens of C. parva collectedin pitfall traps at 2 locations in Colorado. Twoindividuals (DMNS 9689 and 10173) were cap-tured in terrestrial invertebrate pitfall traps (8-cm-diameter plastic cups) in the fall of 1999on the Pueblo Chemical Depot, Pueblo Coun-ty, Colorado (T20S, R62W, Sec. 14 and 22) atan elevation of 1,426 m. Surrounding habitatconsisted primarily of greasewood (Sarcobatusvermiculatus), rabbitbrush (Chrysothamnus nau-seosus), alkali sacaton grass (Sporobolus airoides),and blue grama (Chondrosum gracile). Othersmall mammals live-trapped in the immediatevicinity during an associated small mammalstudy included Dipodomys ordii, Peromyscus man-iculatus, Reithrodontomys megalotis, Perognathus,Neotoma, and Onychomys leucogaster. An addition-al male C. parva (DMNS 10884) was capturedon 1 October 2002 in a pitfall trap (16-cm-di-ameter plastic bucket) in El Paso County, Col-orado (T16S, R65W, Sec. 33) at an elevation of1,640 m. The pitfall was placed in a trailsideditch in a riparian shrub and grassland com-munity. Other small mammals captured alongthe trail were Peromyscus boylii and Reithrodon-tomys megalotis. No other soricids were capturedfrom either location.

In 1993, a C. parva specimen (University ofColorado Museum 17739 collected by E. La-pioli) was collected from El Paso County(T16S, R65W, Sec. 29), but was unreported.The location from which this specimen was tak-en is ,3 km from our collection location alongthe same creek.

The range of the least shrew has expandedwestward (Hafner and Shuster, 1996). Choateand Reed (1988) documented its westward ex-pansion in Kansas and into southern Colorado(Baca County), where it was locally common.These 4 specimens from Pueblo and El Pasocounties represent range expansions to thenorthwest by approximately 240 km and 290km, respectively, from the individuals recordedfrom Baca County. In addition, these are the

first specimens recorded from either county orfrom the Arkansas River watershed in Colora-do. The closest locality from the Arkansas Riverdrainage is in Finney or Scott counties, Kansas(Bee et al., 1981) and is approximately 300 kmto the east.

Other studies have noted westward range ex-tensions of C. parva in Nebraska (Benedict etal., 2000), New Mexico (Hoditschek et al.,1985), and Texas (Owen and Hamilton, 1986).Armstrong (1972) suggested extensive irriga-tion as a mechanism that facilitated the expan-sion of C. parva along the South Platte Riverin northern Colorado. This species could haveexpanded in a similar fashion from Kansasalong the Arkansas River in southeastern Col-orado. It is possible that these specimens rep-resent expansions of C. parva from populationsin the South Platte watershed, because the ElPaso County collection locations are approxi-mately 140 km the south-southeast from a col-lection location (DMNS 6972) in JeffersonCounty. However, it is more likely that the lo-calities in Pueblo and El Paso counties repre-sent a westward expansion in the Arkansas Riv-er watershed from Kansas or from the Cimar-ron River watershed in southeastern Coloradodue to the suitable habitat found along theseriver systems.

Pueblo County specimens were caught during aninvertebrate monitoring project on the PuebloChemical Depot funded by the United States De-partment of the Army. The El Paso County specimenwas caught during a small mammal distributionstudy funded by the Colorado Division of Wildlife.Voucher specimens were deposited at the DenverMuseum of Nature and Science.


ARMSTRONG, D. M. 1972. Distribution of mammals inColorado. Monograph of the Museum of NaturalHistory, University of Kansas 3:1–415.

BEE, J. W., G. E. GLASS, R. S. HOFFMANN, AND R. RPATTERSON. 1981. Mammals in Kansas. Universityof Kansas Museum of Natural History, Public Ed-ucation Series, 7:1–300.

BEIDLEMAN, R. G., AND J. D. REMINGTON. 1955. An-other record of the least shrew from northeast-ern Colorado. Journal of Mammalogy 36:123.

BENEDICT, R. A., H. H. GENOWAYS, AND P. W. FREEMAN.2000. Shifting distributional patterns of mam-mals in Nebraska. Transactions of the NebraskaAcademy of Sciences 26:55–84.

June 2006 269Notes

CHOATE, J. R., AND M. P. REED. 1988. Least shrew,Cryptotis parva, in southwestern Kansas andsoutheastern Colorado. Southwestern Naturalist33:361–362.

HAFNER, D. J., AND C. J. SHUSTER. 1996. Historicalbiogeography of western peripheral isolates ofthe least shrew, Cryptotis parva. Journal of Mam-malogy 77:536–545.

HALL, E. R. 1981. The mammals of North America,second edition. John Wiley and Sons, New York.

HODITSCHEK, B., J. F. CULLY, JR., T. L. BEST, AND C.PAINTER. 1985. Least shrew (Cryptotis parva) inNew Mexico. Southwestern Naturalist 30:600–601.

LECHLEITNER, R. R. 1964. Another record of the leastshrew from Colorado. Journal of Mammalogy 45:299.

MARTI, C. D. 1972. Notes on the least shrew in Col-orado. Southwestern Naturalist 16:447–448.

OWEN, R. D., AND M. J. HAMILTON. 1986. Second re-cord of Cryptotis parva (Soricidae: Insectivora) inNew Mexico, with review of its status on the Lla-no Estacado. Southwestern Naturalist 31:403–405.

WHITAKER, J. O., JR. 1974. Cryptotis parva. Mammali-an Species 43:1–8.

WILLIAMS, O., AND G. S. MCARTHUR. 1972. New in-formation on the least shrew in northern Colo-rado. Southwestern Naturalist 16:448–449.

Submitted 30 November 2004. Accepted 28 June 2005.Associate Editor was Cody W. Edwards.



Museo de Zoologıa ‘‘Alfonso L. Herrera’’, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico,A.P. 70-399, 04510 Mexico, D.F., Mexico (LAEM, LLP)

Laboratorio de Arqueozoologıa ‘‘M. en C. Ticul Alvarez Solorzano,’’ Subdireccion de Laboratorios y Apoyo Academico,Instituto Nacional de Antropologıa e Historia, Moneda #16, Col. Centro, 06060 Mexico, D.F., Mexico (JAC)

Natural History Museum, Cromwell Road, London SW7 5BD, United Kingdom (FG)*Correspondent: [email protected]

ABSTRACT New distributional mammal records are reported for Yaxchilan, Chiapas, Mexico,and Belize. Niceforo’s large-eared bat Trinycteris nicefori (Chiroptera, Phyllostomidae) is docu-mented for the first time for Mexico, providing the northwesternmost locality for the species. Anew Belizean locality also is reported and constitutes the northernmost record. The dark Mexicanshrew Cryptotis griseoventris (Soricomorpha, Soricidae) has been reported previously from the high-lands from Chiapas, in coniferous forest at elevations above 2,100 m; its presence in the lowlandSelva Lacandona (below 90 m) is surprising and raises questions about its specific identify. Furtherstudies are warranted.

RESUMEN Nuevos registros de distribucion de mamıferos se reportan para Yaxchilan, Chiapas,Mexico y Belice. El murcielago orejon de Niceforo Trinycteris nicefori (Chiroptera, Phyllostomidae)se documenta por primera vez en Mexico, proveyendo el registro mas al noroeste para la especie.Tambien se registra una nueva localidad para Belice, representando el registro mas norteno. Lamusarana obscura mexicana Cryptotis griseoventris (Soricomorpha, Soricidae) ha sido previamenteregistrada de las tierras altas de Chiapas, en bosque de conıferas arriba de los 2,100 m; su presenciaen las tierras bajas de la Selva Lacandona (abajo de 90 m) es sorprendente y plantea el cuestion-amiento acerca de su identidad especıfica. Se planean futuros estudios.

From December 1997 to February 1999, weconducted an inventory of the mammal faunaof the Reserva Biologica Yaxchilan, municipal-ity of Ocosingo, Chiapas, as part of a larger

project ‘‘The Biological Characterization ofthe Yaxchilan Natural Monument’’ and thefirst phase in developing a management planfor the area. The Reserva Biologica covers

270 vol. 51, no. 2The Southwestern Naturalist

FIG. 1 Map showing the location of Yaxchilan, Chiapas, Mexico, and the northernmost localities forTrinycteris nicefori in Belize.

2,621 ha (168509290 to 168549050N, 908569480 to918009300W) and is located on the Rıo Usu-macinta in the Selva Lacandona on the borderwith Guatemala. The vegetation is tall ever-green forest.

Trinycteris nicefori (Niceforo’s large-eared bat;Chiroptera, Phyllostomidae) is known from Be-lize, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, and Panama, southto Bolivia, and east to the Island of Trinidadand northeastern Brazil, but has not been re-corded west of the Andes (Koopman, 1994).The species is uncommon to rare in the north-ern portion of its distribution (Central Ameri-ca), but more common in South America,where it is found in both evergreen and decid-uous lowland forest (Reid, 1997). We mist-net-ted a male (testes enlarged) T. nicefori over anartificial pond surrounded by vegetation andnear the archaeological area. This is the firstrecord for Mexico and the northwesternmostfor the species. Although Ceballos et al. (2002)listed the species from Mexico, this is the first

documented record, and it increases the num-ber of bat species in Mexico to 139. The closestprevious documented records are from Agua-cate and Quebrada de Oro, Toledo, Belize(McCarthy, 1987; McCarthy and Blake, 1987).We also know of 2 male specimens[BM(NH)2003.111–112] collected at a cave en-trance at Pond, Las Cuevas Research Station,Belize (17.258N, 88.778W) by R. Harbord andF. Greenaway that are on deposit at the NaturalHistory Museum (London), and which consti-tute the northernmost record for the species.Pond is located straight from Yaxchilan ap-proximately 237.5 km slightly to the east-north-east, but just 42 km north from the Mexicanrecord (Fig. 1).

Trinycteris nicefori is a small bat (forearm, 35to 41 mm), and the only species in the genusTrinycteris (sensu Simmons and Voss, 1998). Itsdorsal pelage has 4 color bands; the basal bandis pale, narrow, and inconspicuous. This is fol-lowed by a darker band, then a broad pale

June 2006 271Notes

band, and the darker hair tip; most descrip-tions describe the dorsal pelage as tricolored.The ventral pelage has 3 bands: a narrow palebasal band, a broad darker middle band, anda relatively long terminal pale band. The mostcommon color pattern is brown above and pal-er below, with the ventral pelage tipped palegray to white. Less common is the reddish col-or pattern, in which the banding patters is ob-scured. This species has characteristic long,dark, and stiff hairs interspersed in the fur onthe throat and conspicuous in both color phas-es. Most specimens have a faint, pale mid-dor-sal stripe that is most evident on the lowerback. The ventral margin of the nasal leaf isfused to the upper lip and lacks any demarca-tion between the horseshoe and the lip itself.The metacarpal of digit IV is shorter than themetacarpal of digits III and V, the third is lon-gest; the second phalanges for digits III and IVare longer than first phalanx of the same digit.The calcar is markedly shorter than the foot(Sanborn, 1949; Simmons, 1996). The ear ispointed, with a concavity in the upper marginnear the tip; an interauricular band is lacking.The dental formula and trifid the lower incisorare the same as in bats of the genera Glyphon-ycteris, Lampronycteris, and Neonycteris (Sanborn,1949; as subgenera of Micronycteris).

The external and cranial measurements (inmm) for the specimen are: total length, 53;tail, 9; foot, 11.7; ear, 14; tragus, 6; forearm,35.25; tibia, 14.7; condyloincisive length, 21.0;condylobasal length, 18.2; zygomatic breadth,10.0; mastoid breadth, 9.9; postpalatal length,9.7; postorbital constriction, 4.8; braincasebreadth, 9.2; interorbital breadth, 4.9; maxil-lary toothrow length, 7.7; maximum widthacross molars, 6.5; mass, 7.5 g. Sturnira liliumand Myotis keaysi were also collected in thesame net.

On August 1998 and February 1999, 2 darkMexican shrews Cryptotis griseoventris (Sorico-morpha, Soricidae) were collected in pitfalltraps, a female in August 1998 and an individ-ual of unknown sex in February 1999. Neitherspecimen showed any sign of reproductive ac-tivity. The pitfall array was located in an areahaving numerous seedlings and a thick layer offallen leaves.

The known distribution for C. griseoventris in-cludes the highlands of Guatemala and Chia-pas, Mexico (Woodman and Timm, 1999) at

elevations as high as 2,100 m in pine (Pinus)and fir (Abies) forests, as well as in oak (Quer-cus) forests. Some of these areas receive frostand occasional snow in the winter (Goldman,1951). It is remarkable that these 2 specimensfrom Yaxchilan were collected as low as 90 m;the species had not being recorded previouslyin the Selva Lacandona.

Some of the diagnostic characters for thespecies C. griseoventris include darker and gray-er (less reddish) pelage than that in C. m. mex-icana. The venter is plumbeous, and they havea larger skull ( Jackson, 1933).

External measurements (in mm) for the fe-male and the specimen of unknown sex, re-spectively, are: total length, 116.0, 111.2; head-body, 81.0, 78.2; tail, 35, 33; hind foot, 12, 12;mass, 8, 6 g. Cranial and mandibular measure-ments were taken following Woodman andTimm (1993): condylbasal length (not includ-ing upper incisors), 20.6, 19.7; cranial breadth,9.8, 9.7; breadth of zygomatic plate, 2.4, 2.6;interorbital breadth, 5.7, 5.9; breadth acrossfirst unicuspids, 2.7, 2.4; breadth across thirdunicuspids, 2.9, 3.1; breadth across second mo-lars, 5.7, 5.7; palatal length, 8.4, 8.7; uppertoothrow length, U1 to M3, parallel to the longaxis of the skull, 8.0, 7.6; unicuspid toothrowlength, parallel to the unicuspid toothrow, 2.8,2.3; length of molariform toothrow length, P4to M3, parallel to the long axis of the skull,5.3, 5.5; posterior width of M1, across hypo-cone and metastyle, 1.6, 1.5; mandibularlength (from inferior sigmoid notch to poste-rior edge of mental foramen), 6.8, 7.0; heightof coronoid process, 5.3, 5.2; depth of coro-noid valley, 3.0, 3.0; height of articular condyle,4.2, 4.1; breadth of articular condyle, 4.0, 4.1;articular condyle to posterior edge of m3, 4.7,4.5; lower toothrow length, p3 to m3, 6.4, 5.9;and length of lower first molar, 1.9, 1.9.

A. L. Gardner kindly verified the Mexican bat spe-cies identification and reviewed an earlier manu-script draft, providing many changes that improvedthe text. L. Carraway studied the shrew specimensand agreed on their identification. P. Jenkins kindlyallowed the use and provided the data for the Que-brada de Oro specimens housed at The Natural His-tory Museum (London). Two anonymous reviewersprovided helpful comments for improving the man-uscript.

272 vol. 51, no. 2The Southwestern Naturalist


CEBALLOS, G., J. ARROYO-CABRALES, AND R. A. MED-ELLıN. 2002. The mammals of Mexico: composi-tion, distribution, and conservation status. Occa-sional Papers of the Museum, Texas Tech Uni-versity 218:1–27.

GOLDMAN, E. A. 1951. Biological investigations inMexico. Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections115:1–476.

JACKSON, H. H. T. 1933. Five new shrews of the genusCryptotis from Mexico and Guatemala. Proceed-ings of the Biological Society of Washington 46:79–82.

KOOPMAN, K. F. 1994. Chiroptera: systematics. Hand-book of zoology, volume VIII, part 60. Walter deGruyter, Berlin, Germany.

MCCARTHY, T. J. 1987. Distributional records of batsfrom the Caribbean Lowlands of Belize and ad-jacent Guatemala and Mexico. Fieldiana Zoology(New Series) 39:137–162.

MCCARTHY, T. J., AND M. BLAKE. 1987. Noteworthy batrecords from the Maya Mountain Forest Reserve,Belize. Mammalia 51:161–164.

REID, F. A. 1997. A field guide to the mammals of

Central America & Southeast Mexico. OxfordUniversity Press, New York.

SANBORN, C. C. 1949. Bats of the genus Micronycterisand its subgenera. Fieldiana Zoology 31:215–233.

SIMMONS, N. B. 1996. A new species of Micronycteris(Chiroptera: Phyllostomidae) from northeasternBrazil, with comments on phylogenetic relation-ships. American Museum Novitates 3158:1–34.

SIMMONS, N. B., AND R. S. VOSS. 1998. The mammalsof Paracou, French Guiana: a Neotropical low-land rainforest fauna. Part 1. Bats. Bulletin of theAmerican Museum of Natural History 237:1–219.

WOODMAN, N., AND R. M. TIMM. 1993. Intraspecificand interspecific variation in the Cryptotis nigres-cens species complex of small-eared shrews (In-sectivora: Soricidae), with the description of anew species from Colombia. Fieldiana Zoology(New Series) 74:1–30.

WOODMAN, N., AND R. M. TIMM, 1999. Geographicvariation and evolutionary relationships amongbroad-clawed shrews of the Cryptotis goldmani-group (Mammalia: Insectivora: Soricidae). Fiel-diana Zoology (New Series) 91:1–35.

Submitted 25 January 2005. Accepted 17 October 2005.Associate Editor was Cody W. Edwards.



Centro de Investigacion en Recursos Bioticos (CIRB), Universidad Autonoma del Estado de Mexico,Instituto Literario 100, Colonia Centro, C.P. 50000, Toluca, Mexico

*Correspondent: [email protected]

ABSTRACT We obtained dejection and expulsion rates for use as correction factors in studiesof diet and relative abundance of coyotes (Canis latrans). Feeding tests were performed at theZacango Zoo, Calimaya, Mexico. We tested 3 treatments with different categories of biomass (10to 80 g, 100 to 700 g, and 1,000 to 4,500 g). Dejection rates averaged 0.79 6 0.22 SD excrements/g of biomass, with no significant difference among treatments. Expulsion rates significantly dif-fered, with 1.33 scats produced/g of biomass for the first category (10 to 80 g), 4.69 scats/g ofbiomass for the second category, and 6.91 scats/g of biomass for the third. We compared thesevalues with those from other studies performed with wolf (Canis lupus) and lynx (Lynx pardinus).

RESUMEN Obtuvimos tasas de deyeccion y expulsion para utilizarlas como factores de correc-cion en estudios de dieta y abundancia relativa de coyotes (Canis latrans). Se realizaron pruebasalimentarias en el zoologico de Zacango, Calimaya, Mexico. Probamos 3 tratamientos con difer-entes cantidades de biomasa (10 a 80 g, 100 a 700 g, y 1,000 a 4,500 g). La tasa de deyeccion fuede 0.79 6 0.22 DE excrementos/g de biomasa, sin diferencia significativa entre tratamientos. Lastasas de expulsion difirieron significativamente, con 1.33 excrementos producidos/g de biomasapara la primera categorıa (10 a 80 g), 4.69 excrementos/g de biomasa para la segunda categorıa,

June 2006 273Notes

y de 6.91 excrementos/g de biomasa para la tercera. Comparamos estos valores con los de otrosestudios realizados con en lobo gris (Canis lupus) y el lince pardo (Lynx pardinus).

Insufficient economic resources and timehave reduced our ability to collect meaningfulinformation about the relative abundance ofcarnivores in the wild. Several methods havebeen proposed to estimate abundance of ter-restrial carnivores (Wilson and Delahay, 2001).One reliable and relatively economical methodis based on counting the deposition of scats(Guitian and Bermejo, 1989). However, to ap-ply this method, it is necessary to have reliableindexes, such as dejection rates, which, in spiteof their use, have not been sufficiently definedexperimentally (Sutherland, 1996). The use-fulness of obtaining these rates for partiallyfree-ranging individuals (Rogers, 1988) forsubsequent application in the field has beendemonstrated with white-tailed deer (Odoco-ileus virginianus) (Galindo-Leal et al., 1993). Inthe present study, we planned to obtain dejec-tion rates for coyotes (Canis latrans) and to ex-amine possible variations due to the amountsof biomass ingested. Such data then could pro-vide references for studies of relative abun-dance in the field with similar sampling effort.

Including the frequency of indigestible resi-dues in scats in dietary analyses of carnivorescan lead to imprecise conclusions regardingthe importance of certain foods (Delibes,1980; Gamberg and Atkinson, 1988; Weaver,1993). To determine the importance of variousfood items more precisely, various researchershave examined the dry weight of indigestibleresidues ( Johnson and Hansen, 1978) andconsidered the probability of detection inscats, realizing that one might underestimateor overestimate different types of food (Floydet al., 1978; Weaver and Hoffman, 1979). Fewstudies have shown that the frequency of ap-pearance of food in scats is proportional to theamount consumed. One possible solution tothis dilemma is to calculate the number ofscats required to expel indigestible residues(expulsion rate). Expulsion rates then alsomight allow us to predict more precisely theimpact of predators on prey populations.

We performed tests on 3 female and 2 malecoyotes, including 4 adults .1.5 years old ofapproximately the same weight (12 kg) and 1female ,1 year (8 kg) at the Zacango Zoo, Cal-

imaya, Mexico. One of the coyotes was trans-ferred out of the zoo during our study. Thetests were conducted individually in a cage of4 m 3 2 m.

Major dietary items of C. latrans includeMexican voles (Microtus mexicanus), pocket go-phers (Cratogeomys), and cottontail rabbits (Syl-vilagus floridanus) (Salas, 1987; Aranda et al.,1995; Servın, 2000). These items can be divid-ed into 3 categories of biomass: 10 to 80 g forM. mexicanus, 100 to 700 g for Cratogeomys, and1,000 to 4,500 g for S. floridanus (Ceballos andGalindo, 1984; Ceballos and Miranda, 1986).We offered our subjects similar categories ofbiomass in the form of mice (Mus musculus),rats (Rattus norvegicus albinus), and laboratoryrabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus). The experimen-tal design consisted of 3 repetitions for eachcategory of biomass for each coyote. Resultsfrom our pilot tests indicated that appropriateoffering periods were 3, 6, and 10 days for bio-mass placed in the small, medium, and largecategories, respectively. In both pilot and ex-perimental tests, prey items were weighed be-fore being offered and were left in the cagefor one day. Indigestible residues were weighedto determine the actual biomass consumed.During the periods between treatments, eachcoyote was provided 2,000 g of hair-free don-key meat daily, except Wednesdays and Sun-days; water was provided ad libitum.

Scats were collected daily, and we recordedthe date, number of scats, and wet weight ofeach dropping. To determine the number ofscats in which the consumed biomass was ex-pelled, scats were washed and the hairs andbones of the ingested prey were identified.Once the total number of scats of each individ-ual was obtained, we determined the averagenumber of scats deposited per day (daily de-jection rate). The data were classified by treat-ment, and the variation between them andamong individuals was measured using a Krus-kal-Wallis test. Variations among sex were ana-lyzed through a Mann-Whitney U-test. We com-pared these data for all treatments with indi-vidual dejection rates using correlation analysis(Sokal and Rohlf, 1995; Zar, 1999).

The scats deposited per biomass (expulsion

274 vol. 51, no. 2The Southwestern Naturalist

TABLE 1—Number of scats expelled per coyote(Canis latrans) per treatment, with consumed bio-mass (g) in parenthesis. Each treatment was pre-sented 3 times to each individual. Coyote number 2was transferred out of the zoo during the course ofour study.

Coyote 10–80 g


100–700 g 1,000–4,500 g

1 1 (38)1 (38)2 (51)

5 (483)5 (306)4 (400)

8 (1,794)10 (1,500)6 (3,971)

2 1 (39)1 (55)1 (20)



3 2 (78)1 (30)1 (40)

4 (511)4 (487)7 (420)

5 (1,350)6 (1,350)

10 (2,300)4 1 (28)

1 (34)2 (29)

3 (123)5 (220)5 (350)

5 (1,865)10 (1,800)7 (2,308)

5 2 (40)2 (23)1 (60)

6 (600)6 (143)3 (137)

5 (2,000)5 (2,963)6 (1,500)

FIG. 1 The relationship between ingested bio-mass and the number of scats deposited per coyote(Canis latrans) as described by the equation Y 50.321082 3 X(0.414961).

rate), were classified according to treatments(3 categories of ingested biomass) and a Krus-kal-Wallis test was applied to these values forevaluating variation between treatments. Therelationship between the ingested biomass andthe number of deposited scats was subjected tocorrelation analyses to determine the best-fit-ting model and to infer the number of scatsthat a coyote might deposit depending on thebiomass ingested (Sokal and Rohlf, 1995; Zar,1999).

We processed 159 scats, averaging 32 scatsfor each individual. Although the greatestamount of biomass offered was 4,500 g, thelargest amount of consumed biomass weighed3,971 g. The general average dejection rate(number of scats per day) was 0.79 6 0.22scats/coyote (mean 6 SD). Dejecting ratesranged from 0.70 scats/coyote for the smallestcategory of biomass (10 to 80 g) to 0.88 scats/coyote for the intermediate category (100 to700 g). The differences between dejectionrates in each treatment were not statisticallysignificant (H 5 3.94; df 5 2; P . 0.13).

A slight linear relationship (r 5 0.104; r2 51.086; P . 0.52) between the dejection rateand the consumed biomass resulted, suggest-ing that the average number of deposited

scats/coyote/day was independent of the con-sumed biomass. When increasing the ingestedbiomass and keeping the number of depositedscats per day constant, the weight of the scatsincreased, presenting a non-linear, positive,and significant relationship between theamount of ingested biomass and the weight ofscats (r 5 0.88; r2 5 78.85; P , 0.0001).

The expulsion rate (number of scats pro-duced per ingested biomass) differed signifi-cantly among treatments (H 5 30.57; df 5 2; P, 0.0001). Average rates ranged from (mean6 SD) 1.33 6 0.48 scats/g of biomass/day (n5 15) for 10 to 80 g of biomass, up to 6.91 62.06 scats/g of biomass/day (n 5 12) for 1,000to 4,500 g of biomass. When presented food inthe smallest category of biomass (10 to 80 g),coyotes ingested from 23 g to 78 g of meat andproduced 1 to 2 scats/g/day. For the secondtreatment (100 to 700 g), they ate 123 to 600g and produced 3 to 7 scats/g/day. In the caseof the third treatment (1,000 to 4,500 g), theconsumed biomass ranged between 1,350 gand 3,971 g, and 5 to 10 scats/g/day were ex-pelled (Table 1).

There was a non-linear, positive, and signifi-cant relationship between the ingested biomassand the number of scats expelled (expulsionrate; r 5 0.887; P , 0.00001), which can beexpressed by the equation Y 5 0.321082 3X(0.414961) (Fig. 1). In this relationship, one ofthe variables (expulsion rate) is adjusted to anexponential scale. This relationship suggeststhat when increasing the amount of ingestedbiomass, the number of scats expelled per coy-ote increases exponentially, demonstratingthat analyzing the importance of the prey in

June 2006 275Notes

the coyotes diet through the frequency or per-centage of appearance is not entirely reliable.

The average dejection rate was 0.79 6 0.22scats/coyote/day (mean 6 SD) for vertebrateprey; dejection rates might increase when themain foods are fruits (Andelt and Andelt,1984; Servın, 2000). Our average is smallerthan that reported for wolves (2.6 6 0.6 scats/individual/day; Weaver, 1993). This differencesuggests that the ability to digest prey betweenthe 2 species might differ or might reflect dif-ferent study designs; biomass was offered adlibitum to the wolves, after 72 hours of fasting,and the data were obtained from a group rath-er than from individuals. However, similar re-sults were obtained elsewhere for wolves(Weaver, 1993), where the average dejectionrate did not vary with respect to the ingestedbiomass; results indicated a linear relationship(r 5 0.09; P . 0.81) and there was a non-linear,positive relationship between the amount ofconsumed biomass and the weight of the scats(r 5 0.84; P , 0.004) similar to that in ourstudy. One can deduce something similar withrespect to the non-linear relationship of theselast variables (r 5 0.91; P , 0.0005) from thedata from Floyd et al. (1978).

The increase in expulsion rates following arise in ingested biomass observed by us hasbeen reported for other carnivores, such aswolf (C. lupus) and lynx (Lynx pardinus) byFloyd et al. (1978), Delibes (1980), and Weaver(1991). The number of expelled scats per bio-mass might vary due to different digestionrates for different prey (Floyd et al., 1978;Weaver and Hoffman, 1979; Gamberg and At-kinson, 1988) or to different energetic needs.Therefore, when analyzing the importance ofprey in the diet of coyotes through the fre-quency of appearance, small prey (,100 g) areunderestimated in numerical terms in relationto large prey (.100 g). A nonlinear relation-ship also has been reported in other studies,as in the case of lynx (r 5 0.81; P , 0.03) (De-libes, 1980) and wolf (r 5 0.86; P , 0.003;Weaver, 1993). Expulsion rates can be used toassign correction factors to estimate impactson prey populations more precisely. This couldbe done by dividing the frequency of appear-ance for each kind of food by the correctionfactors recommended here. If working withprey of larger mass than those in this study, thecorrection factor can be calculated using the

equation Y 5 0.321082 3 X(0.414961) or by takingthe value of 3,971 g as the largest amount ofbiomass ingested by coyotes in a day, where Y5 the number of scats deposited (expulsionrate) and X 5 weight or average biomass ofthe prey.

Our indexes can be important tools for con-ducting studies on relative abundances and di-ets in the field. We recommend that indexesbe obtained with partially free-ranging animalsto decrease the possible bias generated by cap-tive conditions, as was done with cervids (Rog-ers, 1988).

We thank Fondo Mexicano para la Conservacionde la Naturaleza for funding this study through pro-jects C-1-97/7 and D-0-97/041; the Comision Estatalde Parques Naturales y de la Fauna, at Estado deMexico (CEPANAF), for the facilities to work withthe coyotes; the Sciences School at Universidad Na-cional Autonoma de Mexico, the Biological SciencesSchool at Instituto Politecnico Nacional and the Vet-erinarian Medicine and Zootecnia School at Uni-versidad Autonoma del Estado de Mexico, for thedonation of the laboratory animals to feed coyotes.We also thank G. Arnud, V. Urios, and R. P. Silver-stein for comments that enriched this manuscript,and T. de Jesus Pacheco Pinal and V. Vazquez Mar-quez for the translation of parts of this article. OMVthanks V. Vazquez for sharing her life with him. Fi-nally, we are grateful to our students at the BioticResources Research Center for their interest and en-thusiasm.


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Submitted 4 January 2005. Accepted 6 September 2005.Associate Editor was Cheri A. Jones.



Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources, University of Idaho, Moscow, ID 83844 (JFH, JLR)Center for Research on Invasive Species and Small Populations, University of Idaho, Moscow, ID 83844 (JLR)

Present address of JFH: Department of Ecosystem and Conservation Sciences, College of Forestry,University of Montana, Missoula, MT 59812

*Correspondent: [email protected]

ABSTRACT Morphological abnormalities can be associated with inbreeding depression or heri-tability in natural populations. We explored a genetic basis for antler and pedicle deformitiesdocumented in a population of reintroduced elk (Cervus elaphus) on the Hualapai Indian Reser-vation in northwestern Arizona. We used 12 microsatellite loci to compare individual multi-locusheterozygosity (IH) and internal relatedness (IR) between bull elk with antler malformations (n5 23) and individuals with normal antler conformation (n 5 17). Additionally, we used 3 pairwiserelatedness coefficients to determine whether males with deformed antlers were more closelyrelated than males with normal antlers. Mean IH and mean IR were not significantly higher forthe group with deformed antlers. Similarly, the relationship between antler malformations andpairwise relatedness also was not significant, suggesting that deformed males did not share theantler trait because of a closer genetic relationship. Other factors, such as nutritional or environ-mental characteristics, might be associated with the deformities. Further research is necessary todetermine the underlying causes of the antler and pedicle malformations documented in theintroduced elk herd in northern Arizona.

RESUMEN En poblaciones naturales las anormalidades morfologicas se pueden asociar con ladepresion por cruzamiento consanguıneo o la heredabilidad. Exploramos una base genetica paralas deformidades de cuerno y de pedunculo (base del cuerno) documentadas en una poblacionreintroducida del alce (Cervus elaphus) en la Hualapai Indian Reservation en el noroeste de Ari-

June 2006 277Notes

zona. Usamos 12 loci de microsatelites para comparar la heterozigosidad individual de multiplesloci (IH) y parentesco interno (IR) entre alces adultos machos con malformaciones (n 5 23) eindividuos que presentaron formacion normal de cuerno (n 5 17). Adicionalmente, utilizamos 3coeficientes de parentesco pareados para determinar si los machos con cuernos deformados es-tuvieron mas estrechamente relacionados entre sı que los machos con cuernos normales. La mediade IH y la media de IR no fueron significativamente mas altas para el grupo de cuernos defor-mados. Asimismo, la relacion entre las malformaciones de cuerno y los coeficientes de parentescopareados tampoco fue significativa, lo que sugiere que los machos deformados no comparten estacaracterıstica entre sı debido a una relacion genetica mas cercana. Otras causas, como factoresnutricionales o ambientales, podran estar asociadas con estas deformidades. Se necesita investi-gacion adicional para determinar las causas fundamentales de las malformaciones de cuerno y depedunculo documentadas en el grupo de alces introducidos en el norte de Arizona.

Inbreeding can reduce fitness in naturalpopulations as a result of an increased fre-quency of deleterious alleles and a decreasedfrequency or loss of beneficial alleles (Charles-worth and Charlesworth, 1987; Ralls et al.,1988; Crnokrak and Roff, 1999). Increases inhomozygosity through inbreeding also havebeen correlated with reduced heterosis, or hy-brid vigor, where individuals that are hetero-zygous exhibit greater fitness (Rossiter et al.,2001; Keller and Waller, 2002). Consequently,inbreeding can negatively impact a variety oflife history traits (e.g., neo-natal survival andfecundity), as well as morphological traits(Coulson et al., 1998; Coltman et al., 1999;Reed and Frankham, 2003). For example, mor-phological abnormalities in wildlife popula-tions, including malformation of sperm in theFlorida panthers (Puma concolor coryi; Hedrick,1995) and failure of testicular development inkoala bears (Phascolarctos cinereus; Seymour etal., 2001), have been linked to inbreeding andlow genetic diversity. Horn or antler size andgrowth in bighorn rams (Ovis canadensis) andwhite-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) alsoseem to be influenced by genetic variability(Scribner and Smith, 1990; Smith et al., 1991;Fitzsimmons et al., 1995).

Heritability of quantitative traits in the wildhas been challenging to quantify because ofthe difficulty in reconstructing pedigrees forindividuals outside of captivity. However, theadvent of marker-based estimators of heritabil-ity has allowed for determination of related-ness between individuals of unknown pedi-grees (Ritland, 2000a, 2000b). In addition,merging estimates of relatedness and pheno-typic similarity has provided a method for es-timation of heritability in wild populations(Ritland, 2000a, 2000b). Studies of various cer-

vids, including captive elk (Cervus elaphus) andnatural populations of red deer, have docu-mented a significant heritability of antler size(Williams et al., 1994; Wang et al., 1999; Kruuket al., 2002). Antler size is of particular impor-tance in polygynous ungulates in the wild be-cause males with smaller horns or antlersmight mate less often and, thus, might exhibitreduced fitness (Van Ballenberghe and Mi-quelle, 1993; Kruuk et al., 2002; Coltman et al.,2003).

Rocky Mountain elk (C. e. nelsoni) were re-established on the Hualapai Indian Reserva-tion in northwestern Arizona in the 1960s withindividuals translocated from Yellowstone Na-tional Park. Deformities in antlers and pedicleswere initially documented in small numbers ofelk on the Hualapai Indian Reservation in theearly 1990s (Rachlow et al., 2003). Severity ofthe antler malformation varied, but size of thedeformed antlers was smaller than antlers ex-hibiting normal conformation. Furthermore,in each case, the malformed antlers were as-sociated with abnormal and asymmetrical ped-icles, and in most cases, only one antler permale was deformed (Rachlow et al., 2003). In1993, only 3 deformed bulls were recorded onthe Hualapai Indian Reservation, but duringannual aerial surveys in 1996, 47 bulls with ab-normal antlers were observed. Although thedeformities might have been present in thepopulation prior to the 1990s, the frequencyof bulls with abnormal antlers and pedicles inthe population seemed to increase throughoutthat decade (Rachlow et al., 2003). Additionalindividuals with similar antler and pedicle de-formities have been observed on adjacentlands. Interestingly, one of the original malesfrom Yellowstone National Park was harvestedfollowing translocation, and asymmetry of the

278 vol. 51, no. 2The Southwestern Naturalist

pedicles was visible in the taxonomic mount ofthat animal (Rachlow et al., 2003). This sug-gests that a heritable gene or gene complexmight be responsible for the deformities.

Several factors might contribute to the ob-served antler and pedicle malformations, in-cluding nutritional deficiencies, environmentalcontaminants, and hormonal irregularities(Fennessy and Suttie, 1985; Gogan et al., 1988;Colburn et al., 1996; Carrasco et al., 1997). Ad-ditionally, the Hualapai elk herd exhibits a rel-atively high bull-to-cow ratio, which might re-sult in more aggressive interactions amongmales and ensuing damage to pedicles and ant-lers (Rachlow et al., 2003). Our goal was toevaluate a potential genetic basis, either in-breeding or inheritance, for the observed de-formities by comparing bull elk in northernArizona that displayed malformed antlers andpedicles with those that exhibited normal ant-ler-pedicle conformations. Specific objectiveswere to determine whether abnormal bullshad lower levels of genomic diversity than non-deformed bulls and to evaluate whether therewas increased relatedness among bull elk shar-ing deformed antlers and pedicles, whichwould support the possibility that the trait washeritable. Our analyses help narrow the searchfor the underlying cause of antler-pedicle de-formities in this reintroduced population ofRocky Mountain elk.

The Hualapai Indian Reservation encom-passes .3,800 km2 of semidesert grasslandsand woodlands in northwestern Arizona. Inthe 1960s, Rocky Mountain elk were intro-duced to the area when approximately 35 in-dividuals were translocated from the northernrange herd in Yellowstone National Park. De-mographic information was not documentedduring the initial years following the reintro-duction of elk to the Hualapai Indian Reser-vation, and therefore, population growth ratesare unknown. However, the biologists in theHualapai Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks Pro-gram estimated the population size to be ap-proximately 1,900 in 1999 based on aerialcounts (R. K. Riley, unpubl. data). Althoughportions of the reservation are fenced, elkmove readily between the reservation and theadjacent lands.

We used samples of skin and muscle tissuefrom bull elk on the Hualapai Indian Reser-vation and adjacent areas for genetic analyses.

We collected samples of dry skin from theskulls of 29 males with abnormal antlers thatwere harvested on the reservation during 1997through 1999. Muscle samples from individualswith normal antler conformation were collect-ed during 1999 and 2000 from 9 males har-vested on the reservation and 8 males harvest-ed in Arizona game management units 10, 15,and 18B that border the reservation. We de-fined normal antlers and pedicles as those ex-hibiting the usual conformation observed forthis species (Hudson and Haigh, 2002).

We isolated DNA from all tissue samples us-ing standard protocols for the Qiagen tissue kit(Qiagen Company, Valencia, California). Dryskin samples from the skulls of malformed elkwere extracted using a modified Qiagen tissueprotocol. Buffer ATL was replaced with 1X Nu-cleic Acid Purified Lysis Buffer (Applied Bio-systems, Foster City, California), which assistsin the saturation and lysis of desiccated skinsamples (Qiagen Company). Polymerase chainreaction (PCR) was used to amplify extractedDNA at the following 12 dinucleotide (CA/GT) microsatellite loci: BL42, BM203, BM415,BM4107, BM4208, BM5004, BM6506, BM848,BM888, FCB193, MAF109, and RM006 (Buch-anan and Crawford, 1992; Swarbrick and Craw-ford, 1992; Kossarek et al., 1993; Bishop et al.,1994). Protocols for microsatellite amplifica-tion followed Williams et al. (2002). We used3 multiplex PCRs (BM4107/BM5004, BM4208/BM888, RM006/MAF109) to maximize effi-ciency; all other loci were amplified individu-ally. We ran negative controls with each set ofreactions to detect PCR contamination and toidentify bleed-through during allele scoring.PCR products were electrophoresed by using6% acrylamide gels and an ABI 377 DNA au-tomated sequencer (Applied Biosystems, Fos-ter City, California). We used GENESCAN soft-ware to extract and track gel-lanes, and GEN-OTY PER 2.5 software (Applied Biosystems)was used to size alleles. Genotypes from 6males with abnormal antlers were excludedfrom analyses due to inconsistent amplifica-tion.

We tested for deviations from linkage andHardy-Weinberg equilibria with GENEPOP 3.4using an exact test based on a Markov chainalgorithm (Raymond and Rousset, 1995a,1995b). Tests were adjusted for multiple com-parisons using sequential Bonferroni correc-

June 2006 279Notes

TABLE 1—Mean (6 SE) multilocus individual het-erozygosity (IH), mean internal relatedness (IR),and mean pairwise relatedness values (r, R, W) formale elk (Cervus elaphus) with normal (n 5 23) anddeformed (n 5 17) antler conformations harvestedin northern Arizona from 1997 through 2000. One-tailed t-tests (IH, IR) and 2-group randomizationtests (r, R, W) were used to evaluate differences be-tween normal and deformed antler groupings.

Mea-sure Normal Deformed P


0.564 (0.026)0.032 (0.037)

20.040 (0.016)20.040 (0.006)

0.139 (0.031)

0.540 (0.025)0.057 (0.036)

20.017 (0.019)20.028 (0.007)

0.168 (0.064)


tions (Rice, 1989). Observed heterozygosity(HO) and unbiased expected heterozygosity(HE) were calculated per locus using Cervusversion 2.0 (Marshall et al., 1998). We quanti-fied the amount of gene flow (FST) betweenthe Hualapai Indian Reservation and neigh-boring Arizona game management units usingFstat version (Weir and Cockerham,1984; Goudet, 2002). Additionally, we investi-gated potential inbreeding in deformed bullsby determining individual multilocus hetero-zygosity (IH) and internal relatedness (IR) foreach individual, both deformed and non-de-formed. We calculated IH by scoring hetero-zygosity at each locus (0 5 same alleles, 1 5different alleles), and then dividing the sum bythe total number of loci at which an elk wasscored. Individual heterozygosity values werearc-sine transformed, and per group (i.e., nor-mal and deformed) means for IH were com-pared using one-tailed t-tests (null hypothesis:normal . deformed; StatView 5.0.1, SAS Insti-tute Inc., Cary, North Carolina). For each in-dividual elk, IR was calculated as:

2H 2 fO iInternal relatedness (IR) 5

2N 2 fO i

where H is the number of loci that are homo-zygous, N is the total number of loci, and ƒi isthe frequency of the ith allele contained in thegenotype (Amos et al., 2001). Mean group IRvalues also were compared using one-tailed t-tests (null hypothesis: deformed $ normal).

We explored potential heritability of de-formed antlers using relatedness coefficients.We used SPAGEDI 1.0 (Hardy and Vekemans,2002) to calculate the pairwise estimators ‘‘r’’(Queller and Goodnight, 1989), ‘‘R’’ (Lynchand Ritland, 1999), and ‘‘W’’ (Wang, 2002) be-tween each pair of individuals within each ant-ler group. We calculated mean relatedness es-timates per group by using the pairwise esti-mates, and jackknife standard errors (acrossloci) were computed for each mean related-ness estimate by using SPAGEDI 1.0 (Hardyand Vekemans, 2002). For each of the 3 rela-tionship coefficients, we tested the hypothesisthat pairwise relatedness values within antlergroups did not differ from randomly selectedrelatedness values assorted between antlergroups by using a non-parametric, 2-group ran-domization test with 5,000 permutations (So-

kal and Rohlf, 1995; Onorato et al., 2004).Thus, we could determine whether males withmalformed antlers were more related to oneanother than males with normal antler confor-mation.

DNA from 40 individuals (n 5 23 deformed;n 5 17 normal) was amplified at 12 microsat-ellite loci. Pooled observed and expected het-erozygosities per locus ranged from 0.270 to0.737 (mean 5 0.547) and 0.478 to 0.723(mean 5 0.585), respectively, and the numberof alleles per locus ranged from 2 to 6 (mean5 4). Significant linkage disequilibrium wasnot detected after adjusting for multiple com-parisons (P . 0.05), but deviations from Har-dy-Weinberg equilibrium were detected at 2loci: BM4208 and BM888 (P , 0.001). How-ever, our other research, which incorporated 4other reintroduced elk populations, indicatedthat no other populations deviated significant-ly from Hardy-Weinberg proportions and that,globally, BM4208 and BM888 were not out ofHardy-Weinberg equilibrium (Hicks, 2004).

We did not find evidence of inbreeding inthe deformed elk when compared to elk withnormal antlers conformation. Mean IH andmean IR were not significantly higher in de-formed bulls (Table 1). Additionally, we doc-umented a high degree of gene flow (FST 50.013, C.I. 5 20.015 to 0.042) between the Hu-alapai elk and herds on adjacent game man-agement units, which suggests that the Huala-pai elk are not an isolated population. In-breeding is most common in small, isolatedpopulations (Ralls et al., 1986; Frankham et al.,

280 vol. 51, no. 2The Southwestern Naturalist

2002), which does not seem to be the scenariofor the Hualapai elk herd. These results sug-gest that loss of diversity from inbreeding hasnot affected the Hualapai elk population.

Recent research indicated that life-historytraits exhibited greater inbreeding depressionthan morphometric traits (Coltman and Slate,2003); therefore, quantifying a link betweenantler deformities and reduced genetic diver-sity might be difficult, even if the 2 character-istics were related. Further, the power to iden-tify inbreeding-fitness associations using micro-satellite heterozygosity is low, and other ap-proaches might provide a stronger test (Slateand Pemberton, 2002; Pemberton, 2004). Con-sequently, our ability to detect a correlation be-tween antler deformities and inbreeding prob-ably was limited. However, we found no evi-dence that deformed males exhibited lowerlevels of genetic diversity than males bearingnormal antlers.

We investigated potential heritability of de-formed antlers using 3 pairwise relatedness co-efficients. Mean relatedness estimates for all 3coefficients did not differ significantly betweenbulls with normal and deformed antlers (Table1). Thus, there was no evidence that deformedbulls were more closely related than normalbulls, suggesting that there might not be aninherited genetic basis for the occurrence ofdeformed antlers. However, inheritance couldbe further assessed by examining the distribu-tion of mtDNA haplotypes between antlergroups, which would provide informationabout matrilineal substructuring.

Neither inbreeding nor heritability seemedto be correlated with the presence of pedicleantler deformities in elk in northern Arizona.Therefore, it is possible that other, non-geneticfactors are ultimately responsible for the ob-served malformations. The proximate cause ofthe deformities might be injury of the pediclesfollowed by abnormal antler regrowth in thenext year (Rachlow et al., 2003). The elk pop-ulation on the Hualapai Reservation and ad-jacent game management units has a relativelyhigh bull-to-cow ratio (67 bulls per 100 cows in2000), which might result in more sparring be-tween bulls during rut and, consequently, ahigher number of pedicle injuries. Alternative-ly, environmental contaminants and nutrition-al deficiencies also might influence pedicleand antler structure. For example, copper and

phosphorous deficiencies have been correlat-ed with antler breakage and malformations intule elk (C. e. nannodes) in California (Goganet al., 1988). Future research should be aimedat investigating these and other potential fac-tors to ascertain their role in antler and pedi-cle malformations in bull elk.

Funding for this work was provided by the RockyMountain Elk Foundation and the University of Ida-ho. Our thanks to G. Rhodes and C. Williams forsharing information on primers and amplificationprotocols. Thanks also to L. Waits, C. Anderson, C.Miller, D. Onorato, A. Metge, J. Aycrigg, and manyothers who provided assistance in the Laboratory ofEcological and Conservation Genetics at the Univer-sity of Idaho. We appreciated the comments of R. J.Hudson in reviewing the manuscript. We thank theHualapai Indian Nation for access to the elk skullsand tissue samples.


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Submitted 26 April 2005. Accepted 17 October 2005.Associate Editor was Cheri A. Jones.



Desert Bighorn Sheep Restoration Program, CEMEX-Direccion de Tecnologia, Independencia 901-A Ote.,Colonia Cementos, Monterrey, NL, 65200 Mexico (AE-T)

Borrego Cimarron Wildlife Consulting, P.O. Box 238, Chacon, NM 87713 (AVS)Laboratorio de Ornitologia, Facultad de Ciencias Biologicas, Universidad Autonoma de Nuevo Leon, A.P. 425,

San Nicolas de los Garza, 66450 NL, Mexico (AJC-B)*Correspondent: [email protected]

ABSTRACT Historically, desert bighorn sheep occurred throughout Coahuila, Mexico, as farsouth as latitude 258439020N. The subspecies Ovis canadensis mexicana probably was extirpated inCoahuila by 1970. We determined the historical range of desert bighorn sheep through a reviewof the available literature, interviews with long-term local residents, and a subjective habitat as-sessment. We found historical documentation of bighorn sheep in 14 mountain ranges (SierraAlamitos, Sierra Maderas del Carmen, Sierra la Encantada, Sierra Hechiceros, Sierra del Pino,Sierra Mojada, Sierra el Rey, Sierra San Marcos y del Pino, Sierra Gavia, and Sierra la Paila),including 4 previously not recorded (Sierra el Fuste, Sierra el Almagre, Sierra de la Madera, andSierra la Fragua). In addition, one archaeological site with remains of bighorn sheep was identified(La Candelaria Cave). The introduction of domestic livestock, particularly sheep and goats, andunregulated hunting probably were the major factors contributing to the extirpation of the sub-species in Coahuila. These factors persist in 7 areas, and we learned of the presence of aoudad(Ammotragus lervia) in 3 mountain ranges (Sierra Mojada, Sierra Hechiceros, and Sierra la Fragua).

June 2006 283Notes

RESUMEN Historicamente, el borrego cimarron presento una distribucion amplia en Coahuila,Mexico, llegando al sur hasta la latitud 25843’02‘‘N. La subespecie Ovis canadensis mexicana prob-ablemente fue extirpada en Coahuila para 1970. Determinamos la distribucion historica del bor-rego cimarron mediante una revision de literatura disponible, entrevistas con ancianos residentesdel area, y un analisis subjetivo del habitat. Encontramos registros historicos del borrego para 14sierras, (Sierra Alamitos, Sierra Maderas del Carmen, Sierra la Encantada, Sierra Hechiceros,Sierra del Pino, Sierra Mojada, Sierra el Rey, Sierra San Marcos y del Pino, Sierra Gavia y Sierrala Paila) incluyendo 4 que no habıan sido registradas (Sierra el Fuste, Sierra el Almagre, Sierrade la Madera y Sierra la Fragua). Adicionalmente, un sitio con registros arqueologicos de laespecie fue identificado (La Cueva de la Candelaria). La introduccion de ganado domestico,particularmente borregos y cabras, y la cacerıa sin regulacion probablemente fueron los princi-pales factores que contribuyeron a la extirpacion de la subespecie en Coahuila. Estos factorespersisten en 7 areas, y nos enteramos de la presencia de aoudad (Ammotragus lervia) en 3 sierras(Sierra Mojada, Sierra Hechiceros, y Sierra la Fragua).

Desert bighorn sheep (Ovis canadensis mexi-cana) in Mexico were widely distributedthroughout the northern states of Chihuahua,Coahuila, Nuevo Leon, Sonora, Baja Califor-nia, and Baja California Sur (Baker, 1956; Le-opold, 1959; Tinker, 1971; Cossio, 1975; San-doval, 1985). However, the subspecies is extinctin Chihuahua, Coahuila, and Nuevo Leon(Krausman et al., 1999). Viable populationsstill persist in Sonora, Baja California, and BajaCalifornia Sur (DeForge et al., 1993; Lee andLopez-Saavedra, 1993, 1994; Lopez et al., 1995;Lee and Mellink, 1996; Tarango and Kraus-man, 1997; Sandoval and Espinosa, 2001). In-formation on desert bighorn sheep in Mexicois lacking. During the past 85 years, only 39articles on desert bighorn have been published(Tarango and Krausman, 1997). Little isknown regarding the historical distribution ofthe subspecies in the states of Chihuahua, Coa-huila, and Nuevo Leon (Eaton-Gonzalez andMartinez-Gallardo, 2001).

A program to reintroduce desert bighorn inCoahuila was initiated in 2000 with the estab-lishment of a propagation facility in Sierra Pi-lares, in extreme northern Coahuila. The ob-jective is to raise surplus numbers in captivityfor restoring free-ranging populations innortheastern Mexico. The purposes of ourstudy were to determine the historical range ofthe subspecies in Coahuila, to identify theprobable factors responsible for the extirpa-tion of the subspecies, and to determinewhether these factors persisted.

The state of Coahuila is located in north-eastern Mexico and is bounded on the east byNuevo Leon, on the west by Chihuahua, andon the north by Texas in the United States.

The present study was focused on mountainranges in those municipalities that historicallysupported desert bighorn sheep, i.e., CuatroCienegas, Sierra Mojada, and Ocampo (Baker,1956; Villa, 1959; Cossio, 1975; Monson, 1980;Sandoval, 1985).

This region is situated in the Sierra MadreOriental Province. Basin and range landscapesprevail throughout. A vast expanse of rain-shadowed basins, outwash plains, low hills, andbajadas occupies the lower elevations. Most ofthe north-south trending mountains are largeanticlines, some of which rise .2,000 m fromthe valley floor and are covered by chaparral,pines (Pinus), oak (Quercus), and firs (Abies).The climate throughout this region is charac-terized by hot summers and cold winters. An-nual precipitation means range from a low ofabout 200 mm to .300 mm. Most of the pre-cipitation falls as summer thunderstorms (Se-cretaria de Programaccion y Presupuestos,1981).

Vegetation of the study area is typical of theChihuahuan Desert. Lower elevations are char-acterized by a succulent-scrub community,which intergrades into a rich assemblage ofsucculent scrub (such as Agave) and stem suc-culents (such as Yucca and Dasylirion). A varietyof large woody shrubs and cacti is associatedwith these succulent-scrub upland communi-ties, including creosote (Larrea), ocotillo (Fou-queria splendens), Opuntia, and catclaw (Acaciafarnesiana). These succulent-scrub communi-ties grade into semidesert grassland at their up-per limits. Grassland and herbaceous compo-nents are varied, and dominant grasses includeMuhlenbergia, Bouteloua, and Heteropogon (Villa-real and Valdes, 1993).

284 vol. 51, no. 2The Southwestern Naturalist

The study was accomplished in 2 phases.During phase 1, a review of the available liter-ature on desert bighorn sheep in Mexico wasundertaken to delineate areas of known histor-ical occurrence (Baker, 1956; Leopold, 1957;Monson, 1980; Hall, 1981; Desert BighornCouncil Transactions, 1959 through 2003).The archaeological report for Coahuila by Gil-more (1947) and a publication on hunting inMexico by Imaz (1949) also were reviewed. Re-cords of historical occurrence were then delin-eated by specific mountain ranges and plottedon topographic maps published by the Insti-tuto Nacional de Estadistica Geografia e Infor-matica, with a scale of 1:250,000.

During phase 2, we visited communities nearreported areas of historical occurrence to in-terview local residents. Interviewees were cat-egorized according to age, length of residency,and occupation (e.g., ranchers, hunters, andlivestock herders). The interview consisted ofa series of general questions regarding existingspecies of wildlife in the area. These were fol-lowed by questions on wildlife that no longeroccurred in the area, specifically desert big-horn sheep. To corroborate descriptions ofbighorn sheep, interviewees had to identifycorrectly a desert bighorn sheep from a seriesof photographs, which also included images ofaoudad (Ammotragus lervia) and mouflonsheep (Ovis musimon). The interviews were re-corded on magnetic tape.

Historical bighorn habitat was evaluated sub-jectively based on known habitat requirementsof the species (Krausman et al., 1999). The pa-rameters that we evaluated were physiography,ground-cover height, water availability, and for-age availability (Hansen, 1980).

The review of literature documented thatdesert bighorn sheep had occurred in at least12 mountain ranges in Coahuila, including Si-erra Los Alamitos, Sierra Santa Rosalia, SierraSan Marcos y del Pino, Sierra La Paila, Picachode San Antonio, Sierra Maderas del Carmen,Sierra de los Hechiceros, Sierra de los Apare-jos, Sierra del Rey, Hacienda la Encantada, thesouthern portion of Sierra el Pino, and the vi-cinity of Sierra Mojada (Fig. 1). Hall (1981)specified that the locality of bighorn sheep onPicacho de San Antonio reported by Baker(1956) was 8.5 km east of San Lazaro, Coahui-la. Hall (1981) also referred to a single individ-ual in Boquillas Canyon on the Mexican side

of the Rio Grande, between Coahuila and Tex-as.

We interviewed 36 adult males from the mu-nicipalities of Cuatro Cienegas (n 5 17), SierraMojada (n 5 10), Ocampo (n 5 5), and Saltillo(n 5 4). Ages of interviewees ranged from 45to 90 years, and the mean age was 79. The larg-est age group (n 5 14) was between the agesof 71 to 80 years old; there were 6 men aged81 to 90, 7 were 61 to 70, 6 were 51 to 60, and3 were 45 to 50 years old. Based on the inter-views, we recorded 52 reports of historical oc-currences of bighorn sheep. Of these, we iden-tified 10 interviewees as actually having seendesert bighorn.

The mountain ranges identified by thesemen as historically occupied by desert bighornsheep included the Sierra de la Madera, SierraSan Marco y del Pino, Sierra la Gavia, Sierra laFragua, Sierra el Fuste, Sierra Hechiceros, Si-erra del Rey, Sierra Mojada, and Sierra Alma-gre (Table 1). Four of these ranges (Madera,Fragua, Almagre, and Fuste) had not been re-ported in the literature, and 5 ranges recordedin the literature (Alamitos, Carmen, Encanta-da, Pino, and Paila) were not mentioned bythe interviewees. However, 5 ranges (Hechicer-os, Mojada, Rey, San Marcos y del Pino, andGavia) were identified as historically occupiedby desert bighorn both in the literature and inour interviews (Fig. 1).

Gilmore (1947) reported bighorn sheep re-mains from 2 caves in Cuatro Cienegas, and ahorn from a mountain sheep found in La Can-delaria Cave that was carbon-dated to approx-imately 1200 A.D. (Gonzalez-Arriata, 1999).Petroglyphs depicting bighorn sheep were re-ported from Ejido Fruastro, in the municipal-ity of Ramos Arizpe (R. Rodriguez, pers.comm.). R. A. Baker (pers. comm.) providedus with the only photographic evidence of adesert bighorn sheep in Coahuila. The sheepwas taken on Picacho de San Antonio in 1934;this site is between Sierra San Marcos y delPino and Sierra la Gavia near Puerto San La-zaro, Coahuila.

Free-ranging aoudad were reported from Si-erra Mojada, Sierra Hechiceros, and Sierra laFragua. Physical evidence consisted of the skulland remains of skin of an adult male that weexamined, which was taken near Sierra Hech-iceros. One interviewee reported having ob-served aoudad in the vicinity of Sierra Mojada,

June 2006 285Notes

FIG. 1 Records of desert bighorn sheep (Ovis canadensis mexicana) in Coahuila, Mexico.

286 vol. 51, no. 2The Southwestern Naturalist

TABLE 1—Mountain ranges in Coahuila, Mexicoidentified by interviewees as historically occupied bydesert bighorn sheep (Ovis canadensis mexicana) andthe number of times that the species was reported,March 2003 through March 2004.

Mountain range Reports

Sierra el AlmagreSierra la FraguaSierra el FusteSierra la Gavia (San Lazaro)Sierra HechicerosSierra de la MaderaSierra San Marcos y del PinoSierra MojadaSierra el Rey



and a second interviewee reported seeingthem in Sierra la Fragua. These reports wereconfirmed by correct identifications with theseries of photographs.

Four habitat components are essential to de-sert bighorn sheep: food, water, escape terrain,and living space. Desert bighorn sheep re-quirements relative to living space depend onquality and quantity of food, water, escape ter-rain, and competition (Krausman et al., 1999).The historical desert bighorn sheep habitat inCoahuila is extensive, consisting of numerousinterconnected mountain ranges extendingsoutheasterly from the Chihuahuan border for450 km. Few natural or artificial barriers forintermountain movements and dispersal of de-sert bighorn sheep exist. The habitat is char-acterized by steep, rocky, and broken terrain,providing the high degree of visibility pre-ferred by bighorn sheep. Plant communities,especially at higher elevations, are relativelyheterogeneous with high species diversity. Themajor limiting factor in many areas is the lackof permanent water.

Our results concur with the report by Baker(1956) regarding the historical distribution ofdesert bighorn sheep in Coahuila. Subsequentauthors (Leopold, 1959; Villa, 1959; Monson,1980; Hall, 1981) referenced Baker (1956).However, from our interviews we were able toidentify 4 additional areas of historical habitatnot recorded in the literature: Sierra Almagre,Sierra el Fuste, Sierra de la Madera, and Sierrala Fragua. In addition, the archaeological sitesat La Candelaria Cave had not been included

in documented historical occurrence of desertbighorn sheep in Coahuila.

Baker (1956) reported that the gradual dis-appearance of desert bighorn sheep in Coa-huila was due to a combination of excessiveillegal harvest, displacement, and competitionwith domestic livestock, particularly goats. Sixof the individuals that we interviewed men-tioned hunting bighorn sheep, confirmingthat the species was subjected to some level ofharvest.

The grazing of domestic livestock, particu-larly sheep and goats, has been detrimental be-cause of the transmission of fatal diseases (For-eyt and Jessup, 1985; Sandoval, 1988; Rudolphet al., 2003), which have been the principalcause for the extirpation of bighorn sheepthroughout much of their native range (Grosset al., 2000).

We learned of 3 reports of direct contact be-tween bighorn sheep and domestic sheep inCoahuila. Pablo Bernal Valdez, a 70-year-oldresident of Ocampo, related the following ac-count of an event that took place around 1935in Sierra la Madera: ‘‘A bighorn sheep ram fol-lowed a herd of domestic sheep into a corralafter they were rounded up for the night at LosPuertocitos ranch. This was observed for sev-eral days until the bighorn was finally caughtand killed by a dog.’’ Imaz (1949:507) report-ed the following story: ‘‘several years ago abighorn sheep ram came down from Sierra losAlamitos, and briefly mixed with a herd of do-mestic sheep; something startled the ram, andhe rapidly returned to the Sierra.’’ Marsh(1937:42) mentioned an occurrence in the vi-cinity of Sierra la Encantada: ‘‘Several yearsago a strange sheep followed a mixed herd ofgoats and sheep into a corral down from themouth of Catedrales Canyon. When a man en-tered the corral, the animal hurtled the corralfence and fled back up the mountain side.’’These accounts indicate that mingling of do-mestic and wild sheep did occur and suggestthat the transmission of disease, at least insome areas in Coahuila, was a distinct possibil-ity. Bighorn sheep die-offs have been docu-mented following association with domesticgoats (Rudolph et al., 2003) and domesticsheep (Sandoval, 1988; Singer et al., 2000).

The archeological site at Fraustro, near Si-erra la Paila, was identified by Baker (1956) asthe southernmost distribution of desert big-

June 2006 287Notes

horn sheep in Coahuila. The site contains 16petroglyphs depicting the heads of bighornsheep and numerous other forms of rock art,including atlatls (spear-throwers). Similarforms of rock art can be found ,20 km awayin Sierra la Popa, Nuevo Leon. These sites areapproximately 5,000 years old and were asso-ciated with the hunting of bighorn sheep bypre-Europeans (Murray, 1999). Undoubtedly,indigenous people took bighorn sheep, butthe impact on the overall population of sheepwas probably negligible.

We found unconfirmed reports of small re-lictual populations in Sierra del Diablo, ,15km from the Coahuila border in Chihuahua,and Sierra el Almagre, which bisects bothstates. It is conceivable that a few free-rangingdesert bighorn sheep exist in Coahuila. A re-cent record from Sierra San Vicente, in north-ern Coahuila, consists of one photograph ofthe skull of a 3-year-old ram. We think that thisspecimen might have originated from the herdat Black Gap Wildlife Management Area (n 5100) or Big Bend National Park population (n5 25) in Texas (C. Brewer, pers. comm.).

We found no physical evidence, such astracks, beds, droppings, skulls, or photographs,of bighorn sheep in the areas that we visited.Physical evidence was limited to a picture of amounted head that was obtained in 1934, 8.5km east of San Lazaro. We were unable to lo-cate any specimens of desert bighorn sheepfrom Coahuila in any scientific collections.

Based on the results of our work, it was im-possible to delineate the precise historical dis-tribution of desert bighorn sheep in Coahuila.We did, however, learn that the grazing of do-mestic goats and subsistence hunting still per-sist in most areas that we visited. In addition,a potential new threat to desert bighorn, thepresence of free-ranging aoudad (Simpson etal., 1978), exists in 3 areas that we visited.

Given that desert bighorn sheep in Coahuilawere near their southernmost limit of distri-bution, it is conceivable that they were neverabundant, even prior to the arrival of Euro-peans. The available records, however, suggestthat desert bighorn sheep occurred through-out a wide geographic area of the state. Follow-ing European settlement of the area, mostpopulations became extinct and a few persist-ed to the middle of the 1900s in the most iso-lated and inaccessible portions of their former

range. Loss of habitat, disease introduced bydomestic livestock, competition for food andspace, and excessive hunting collectively con-tributed to the gradual extirpation of desertbighorn sheep in Coahuila.

Based on literature accounts and interviews,we conclude that desert bighorn sheep persist-ed in the northern part of Coahuila until ap-proximately 1940, and in the region of CuatroCienegas until the late 1950s. Apparently, thelast stronghold of the subspecies was SierraMojada, in the extreme western portion ofCoahuila along the Chihuahua border, wheredesert bighorn persisted until about 1970.

Desert bighorn reintroduction programs arerisky, expensive, and time-consuming, both lo-gistically and politically. The restoration of de-sert bighorn sheep in Coahuila will take time,perseverance, and a major commitment of re-sources. It is imperative that suitable habitat beavailable, that the probable factors responsiblefor the loss of the subspecies be identified, andthat corrective measures be undertaken toameliorate possible limiting factors to ensurethe success of a reintroduction. Our study rep-resents the first step toward realizing the rein-troduction of free-ranging populations of de-sert bighorn sheep in Coahuila.

Our study was made possible through financial as-sistance provided by CEMEX- Desert Bighorn SheepRestoration Program. For valuable support, wethank Unidos Para La Conservacion and Agrupa-cion Sierra Madera. For corroboration and assis-tance in locating documents and individuals to con-tact, we thank O. Gonzalez De Leon, B. R. McKin-ney, R. H. Baker, D. E. Brown, C. Brewer, and M.Gonzalez Felan. We also appreciate the support pro-vided by Pronatura Noreste (Reserva Pozas Azules)in Cuatro Cienegas, and assistance in the field pro-vided by O. Gonzalez De Leon, C. Gonzalez, J. Her-nandez Pena, A. Rodriguez, F. Villa, R. Gonzalez,and M. Barraza. We thank R. Valdez and J.Heffelfinger for review and constructive criticism ofthe manuscript. This work represents partial fulfill-ment of the requirements for a doctorate degree inbiological sciences by the senior author at the Univ-ersidad Autonoma of Nuevo Leon.


BAKER, R. H. 1956. Mammals of Coahuila, Mexico.University of Kansas Publication, Museum of Nat-ural History 7:327–329.

COSSIO, M. L. 1975. Report from Mexico. In: J. B.

288 vol. 51, no. 2The Southwestern Naturalist

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DEFORGE, J. R., S. D. OSTERMANN, D. TOWEILL, P. CY-ROG, AND E. M. BARRETT. 1993. Helicopter surveysof peninsular bighorn sheep in northern BajaCalifornia. Desert Bighorn Council Transactions37:24–28.

EATON-GONZALEZ, B. R., AND R. MARTINEZ-GALLARDO.2001. Analysis of the current knowledge of thepeninsular bighorn sheep (Ovis canadensis cremo-bates) and its implications for the conservationand management in the state of Baja California.Desert Bighorn Council Transactions 45:26–36.

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Received 2 November 2004. Accepted 27 August 2005.Associate Editor was Cheri A. Jones.

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U.S. Forest Service, Pacific Southwest Research Station, Redding, P.O. Box 31, Cedarville, CA 96104 (RJL, retired)U.S. Forest Service, Pacific Southwest Research Station, Redding, P.O. Box 208, Cedarville, CA 96104 (WFL)

Department of Biology, San Jose State University, San Jose, CA 95738 (TD, KV)Department of Biology and Museum of Natural History, University of Wisconsin–Stevens Point,

Stevens Point, WI 54481 (CAL)*Correspondent: [email protected]

ABSTRACT We report a second instance of erythrism in North American badgers, Taxidea, inwestern Nevada.

RESUMEN Reportamos el segundo registro de eritrismo en el badger tajon, Taxidea, en el oestede Nevada.

A dead, red-furred North American badger(Taxidea taxus) was found near the California-Nevada state boundary, T41N, R17E, Sec. 10,Mount Diablo Meridian, 4,700 feet (1,430 m)elevation, Washoe County, Nevada. The pelageentirely lacked blackish melanins and alsolacked white markings to the extent that thefacial badges and mid-dorsal striped patternwere invisible. There was an irregularly shapedwhite patch on the left cheek. This reddish col-or phase is rare in all the Carnivora, and ourspecimen (we have photos on file) showed in-tense red. The head and lower legs were brightrufous, as red as in any red fox (Vulpes vulpes).The nosepad and claws were nearly black. Mostof the pelage resembled the horse color‘‘strawberry roan.’’ There were no conspicu-ously pale bands on guard hairs in this roancoloration. The eyes were dried out, butseemed dark and opaque.

The habitat of this red badger, inhabitedalso by numerous normally colored badgers(always having short, white head stripes, as inT. t. jeffersonii), is basically sandy with alkalilakes. At higher elevations, there is less sage(Artemisia tridentata), saltbrush (Atriplex), andjuniper (Juniperus), and more mixed conifers.

Our reddish badger seems only the secondrecord of erythrism for Taxidea (Grinnell et al.,1937; Roest, 1961). The other reddish badger(Museum Vertebrate Zoology Specimen 19744,Berkeley) from Marin County, California,about 300 miles (about 483 km) southwest of

our specimen from Nevada (Grinnell et al.,1937) was described as ‘‘pale reddish brown’’but ‘‘abnormally pallid,’’ with a pinkish brownsubstituted for the normal black or brown pig-mentation. W. Z. Lidicker examined this spec-imen for us and added the following descrip-tion: Overall, it is pale reddish. Some hairshave 2 bands, with a light tip, and what is nor-mally a blackish band is the same color as thebuffy basal band. On the flanks and rump,there are 3 bands, the middle one light brown.This pelage seems grizzled. The underparts arepale buff, except for a narrow patch of whiteon the mid-venter. The head markings of thetypical badger are evident, with the white stripeextending a little posterior to the ears. Thedark areas and ‘‘badges’’ are visible, but lightbrown, resembling the middle bands of colorin the rump hairs. There is a typical whitepatch below and behind the eyes. The clawswere light brown, but not too different fromthat seen in other badgers. Of particular inter-est, the semblance of head markings was evi-dent, and the underfur was reddish and notpure white. Roest (1961) described a badgerspecimen from along the Cuyama River, in Bar-bara County, California, as having ‘‘partially’’albinistic pelage. Its underfur was pure white,the eyes ‘‘light,’’ and the tips of guard hairswere ‘‘cinnamon.’’ This specimen also showedthe semblance of head pattern, even though itlacked black or brown pigmentation. Its whitedorsal stripe was discernable to the base of the

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tail (long-striped badgers belong to the taxonT. t. berlandieri).

In Taxidea, most of the body fur typically isa mixture of black, brown, reddish, and yellow-ish colors. Usually the head markings are near-ly black, as are the eyes hidden by the mark-ings. Rusty brown or ochraceous underfur andsome pelages with reddish subterminal band-ing are not uncommon in western badgers,which also might show creamy yellow underfurin some geographic regions (Long, 1972; Longand Killingley, 1983). The 3 aforementionedreddish badgers ranged from pale white with areddish cinnamon suffusion and with a palehead pattern, to reddish tan with a semblanceof brownish pattern, to bright rufous and roanwith no sign of a pattern. In raccoons (Procyonlotor), some specimens of which have dilutedmelanins that obscure facial markings, and in-clude albinism, the albinism was shown to re-sult from 2 genes, and yellow-tan and golden-red pelages resulted from other genes (Longand Hogan, 1988). In these abnormal rac-coons, masks and tail rings were absent or dim,possibly due to penetrance and variable epis-tasis. In the 3 badger specimens discussedhere, the one from Nevada was unique in en-tirely lacking the head pattern and in havingintense rufous pelage on the feet and head. Itresembled the Marin County badger in lackingwhite underfur and resembled both of the oth-er recorded badgers in having a reddish suf-fusion.

A literature search for erythrism providedfew other examples. Grinnell et al. (1937)mentioned a skunk (?Mephitis). Hall (1951) ex-amined 5,457 specimens of weasels, of which‘‘a large share’’ was skulls without skins, andthat large sample yielded only 3 erythristicspecimens, none of which resembled our bad-ger. One showed dilution of brown dorsally,with ventral color spotted over the rump andback; apparently, the ventral color was un-changed. The second had the buff-yellow (notred) color of the underparts expanded onto‘‘each foreleg, the axillary regions, and a sad-dle-shaped area over the shoulders.’’ The thirdweasel was white, resembling winter color, buthad a faint wash of ‘‘ochraceous or reddish col-or.’’ This weasel seems much like the albinisticbadger of Roest (1961), except the eyes werenormally dark, the white was purest on the topof the head and nape, (which normally are the

darkest brown), some facial markings are pre-sent, and the black tail tip was missing. These3 weasels all represented Mustela frenata. Pitt(1921) described much the same coloration inpole cats (M. putorius) and ferrets (M. furo).The erythrism was ‘‘certainly dominant over al-binism’’ and recessive to ‘‘black-brown’’ (mel-anin) coloration. This would follow the geneticpatterns seen in the raccoon (Long and Ho-gan, 1988).

Even in numerous style names for mutantselected ranch mink (M. vison), to our knowl-edge there is no erythrism recorded. If we con-sider the color red that has become well estab-lished in carnivoran species, there is the foxgroup, especially V. vulpes (but the underpartsare pure white) and the lesser panda (Ailurus),which has white markings on the head. Thedefinition of erythrism was blurred further bycomments such as those by Hall (1951) thatthe erythristic condition is seen in the pelageof some northwestern races. Badgers of thesubspecies T. t. jeffersonii and many westernspecimens in the Mexican taxon T. t. berlandierihave richly ochraceous or reddish underfur,but the guard hairs show no reduction of mel-anin. The definition of erythrism should be amutant form; that is, it has a probable geneticbasis, showing the reduction of melanin andan abundance of reddish color over most partsof the body, dark eyes (not pink), and someobscuring of facial or body patterns. The lastmight be unnecessary as part of the definition.

The frequency of erythrism in carnivoresand in Taxidea was reported rare (Roest, 1961).As for ascertaining the frequency quantitativelyin the badger, which has only one species inthe genus Taxidea, one of us (Long, 1972) ex-amined more than 1,000 badgers in the UnitedStates Museum of Natural History in his revi-sion of the genus. The data were recorded onfile, in the University of Wisconsin Museum ofNatural History, on the Smithsonian data cardsused then. The cards contain mostly external,cranial, and dental measurements, but thereare also careful notations on stripe length, fa-cial pattern, color of pelage, bleaching, andmolt for 735 skins. Adding other counts (Uni-versity of Illinois, 28 specimens; University ofKansas, approximately 70; and University ofWisconsin-Stevens Point, 10), and subsequentexamination of badgers from Minnesota andthe University of Wisconsin-Madison, Long

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found no albinism or erythrism in about 1,000skins. It seems likely that Roest (1961) andGrinnell et al. (1937) had examined numerousbadgers from California, because they foundthe 2 aforementioned badgers noteworthy.The study by Long (1972) included 145 skinsfrom Nevada and California, from the regionour red specimen was found.

We thank Dr. William Z. Lidicker of the Museumof Vertebrate Zoology, University of California,Berkeley, who examined the Marin County badgerand sent needed information.


GRINNELL, J., J. S. DIXON, AND J. M. LINSDALE. 1937.Fur-bearing mammals of California. University ofCalifornia Press, Berkeley.

HALL, E. R. 1951. American weasels. University ofKansas Publications, Museum of Natural History4:1–466.

LONG, C. A. 1972. Taxonomic revision of the NorthAmerican badger, Taxidea taxus. Journal of Mam-malogy, 53:725–759.

LONG, C. A., AND A. HOGAN. 1988. Two independentloci for albinism in raccoons, Procyon lotor. Journalof Heredity 79:387–389.

LONG, C. A., AND C. A. KILLINGLEY. 1983. The badgersof the world. Charles C. Thomas Press, Spring-field, Illinois.

PITT, F. 1921. Notes on the genetic behavior of cer-tain characters in the polecat, ferret, and in pole-cat-ferret hybrids. Journal of Genetics 11:99–115.

ROEST, A. I. 1961. Partially albino badger from Cal-ifornia. Journal of Mammalogy 42:275–276.

Submitted 4 January 2005. Accepted 27 August 2005.Associate Editor was Cheri A. Jones.
