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Communication 58 1997

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COMITE POUR LA SIDERUR61E ANCIENNE de l'Unlon Internatlonale de. ScIence. Preh'.tor'que. et Protohl8torlque. W. U. Guyan. preside nt R. Pleiner. secretaire Siege du secretariat : Instilut d'Arclu!ologie. 118 01 Prague I. Letenska 4. Republi(lue Tsc hequ e. Corrwuuaica1ion 58 Edi ted by R. Pleiner AC"KNOWLEDGEME NT: For t.he distribution these Communications. the following scholars helped to cover the mail costs: Mrs L. Keys , Mrs Lein eweiJer (2nd help) , Dr. D. Horsurumn (4th help) , The editor expresses his tliauks for the friendly aid. . NEW MEMBERS, Mrs Ly nn Keys. Lolldon; Volkhurd Hirseknm. Dresdell; Hun""" Hcrdit.. Vienna. CONFERENCES: 60. VOLLSITZUNG DES GESCHICHTAUSCHUSSES DES VEREINS DEUTSCHER EISENHOTTEN· LEUTE IEisen ulld erohe l'U di e Ruhr! took place 20-30 Sept. 1995 at Dortmund. As to th e ear ly and medieval iron metallurgy papers were by Chr. WUbns: Arch3.o1ogische Uutersuchungen" zur frUh eu Eisenvel'hiltlung im Markischen Sauerland. illld by D. Horsbruum: Eisellverhnuung im Ma. rkischen SauerIalld. EXCUI'siolls lo the Lui se nhnUe at Voclllum and to the Deul'sches Kaltwalzmu se um at Hoh en limburg. ZUR ARCHAOMETALLURGIE D ES EISENS IN DER OBERLAUSITZ - ERSTE ERGEBNISSE IM PROJEKTVERGLEICH. This conference wa s OI-ganized on 11- 12 April 1996 hy th e undesmuseum filr Archllologie at Dresden in order to present the first investigation results of a research project. granted by the Volkswagen-Stiftung. The project was explained by the principal participants: V. Hirsekorn. O. Ullrich. Pro!. Linder. B. Wagenbreth . Pro!' Heymnran . Dr. Kirdler. Pro!' Junke . Dr. Lyschal'- P ape rs dealing with other similal' research projects were presented: CII!". Willms: Zwei archliologische Forschungs· projekte im rechtsrheinischen Miuelgebirge. Dr. Gussmann: Lateuezeit li che Eisengewinnung im Sild· deutsc hland - eute Ergebnisse. Ch. Habner: Geologische ulld geophysikalische Prospektion im Sud· deutschland. Dr. Nebelstick: Eisenartefakte iu del" Lausitzer Kult. ur. Dr. Ytll{:in : Frilhe Eisentechnologien in Deutschlaud - Rellllverfahren uDd Roh eise nv el"fahren. Ploof. Keesmunn: Eisenverarheitungsschlacken von der spa.ten Hallstattzeit bi s zurn fruhen Mittelalter. There was al so an exursion to th c iron smelting sit es in the Upper Lusatia. Aft.er V. HirscMr" , Dres den SCIENTIFIC ACTIVITY: Educatioll HISTORI CAL METALLURGY SOCIETY ARCHAEOLOGICAL DATASHEETS, The soc iety hegan to iss ue a seri es of Datasheets 011 differcnt. topics which are aimed al. helping archaeologists and curators recognize. interpret a nd conSC I've itcms of meLl l1UJ'gical illten:st. Several sheets co nce rnin g the meta· lIurgy of iron have been puhlished: C. McDonnell: Iron working processes (No 3); P. Crew: Bloo rn ery iron smelting slags and other residues ( No 5); P. Crew: Bloomery rcfining and smithing. slags and oth er residues (No 61; P. Crew; Currency bars and other fo rms of trade i1'on (No 8); D. Starley: Hammcrscale (No 10); D. StarLer: Metallographic e :Kaminatioll (No 11); C. Morl;,ner: Chemical analyses of metalwork and metalworking dehl'is (No 12). The individual shee t.s lH'ovid c co nci se (2-3 printed pages) and accessibly compiled information. ExcavatilHl.S A NEW IRON SMELTING CENTRE OF THE ROMANO-BARBARIA N PERIOD IN THE NIEDERLAU· SITl/SODBRANDENBU R G. GERMANY. Since 1994 an ironlllaking site ha s heen investigated at Wolkenherg. Niederlausitz. which is si tua teci at the edge of illl expl oi ted open-cast co al area. The smelting was locali ze d ill several groups within I km x 0.5 km . Bog h'o n ore W;JS the raw mat er ial for smelting Comit£ 1 57

COMITE POUR LA SIDERUR61E ANCIENNE de l'Unlon Internatlonale de. ScIence. Preh'.tor'que. et Protohl8torlque. W. U. Guyan. president R. Pleiner. secretaire

Siege du secretariat: Instilut d'Arclu!ologie. 118 01 Prague I. Letenska 4. Republi(lue Tscheque.

Corrwuuaica1ion 58 Edited by R. Pleiner

AC"KNOWLEDGEMENT: For t.he distribution these Communications. the following scholars helped to cover the mail costs: Mrs L. Keys, Mrs LeineweiJer (2nd help) , Dr. D. Horsurumn (4th help), The editor expresses his tliauks for the friendly aid. .

NEW MEMBERS, Mrs Ly nn Keys. Lolldon; Volkhurd Hirseknm. Dresdell; Hun""" Hcrdit.. Vienna.


60. VOLLSITZUNG DES GESCHICHTAUSCHUSSES DES VEREINS DEUTSCHER EISENHOTTEN· LEUTE IEisen ulld S~hl erohel'U die Ruhr! took place 20-30 Sept. 1995 at Dortmund. As to the early and medieval iron metallurgy papers were pr~se llted by Chr. WUbns: Arch3.o1ogische Uutersuchungen" zur frUheu Eisenvel'hiltlung im Markischen Sauerland. illld by D. Horsbruum: Eisellverhnuung im Ma.rkischen SauerIalld. EXCUI'siolls lo the LuisenhnUe at Voclllum and to the Deul'sches Kaltwalzmuseum at Hohenlimburg.

ZUR ARCHAOMETALLURGIE DES EISENS IN DER OBERLAUSITZ - ERSTE ERGEBNISSE IM PROJEKTVERGLEICH. This conference was OI-ganized on 11-12 April 1996 hy the undesmuseum filr Archllologie at Dresden in order to present the first investigation results of a research project. granted by the Volkswagen-Stiftung. The project was explained by the principal participants: V. Hirsekorn. O. Ullrich. Pro!. Linder. B. Wagenbreth . Pro!' Heymnran. Dr. Kirdler. Pro!' Junke. Dr. Lyschal'- Papers dealing with other similal' research projects were presented: CII!". Willms: Zwei archliologische Forschungs· projekte im rechtsrheinischen Miuelgebirge. Dr. Gussmann: Lateuezeitliche Eisengewinnung im Sild· deutschland - eute Ergebnisse. Ch. Habner: Geologische ulld geophysikalische Prospektion im Sud· deutschland. Dr. Nebelstick: Eisenartefakte iu del" Lausitzer Kult.ur. Dr. Ytll{:in: Frilhe Eisentechnologien in Deutschlaud - Rellllverfahren uDd Roheisenvel"fahren. Ploof. Keesmunn: Eisenverarheitungsschlacken von der spa.ten Hallstattzeit bis zurn fruhen Mittelalter. There was also an exursion to thc iron smelting sites in the Upper Lusatia. Aft.er V. HirscMr" , Dresden



HISTORICAL METALLURGY SOCIETY ARCHAEOLOGICAL DATASHEETS, The society hegan to issue a series of Datasheets 011 differcnt. topics which are aimed al. helping archaeologists and curators recognize. interpret and conSCI've itcms of meLl l1UJ'gical illten:st. Several sheets concerning the meta· lIurgy of iron have been puhlished: C. McDonnell: Iron working processes (No 3); P. Crew: Bloornery iron smelting slags and other residues (No 5); P. Crew: Bloomery rcfining and smithing. slags and other residues (No 61; P. Crew; Currency bars and other forms of trade i1'on (No 8); D. Starley: Hammcrscale (No 10); D. StarLer: Metallographic e:Kaminatioll (No 11); C. Morl;,ner: Chemical analyses of metalwork and metalworking dehl'is (No 12). The individual sheet.s lH'ovidc concise (2-3 pr inted pages) and accessibly compiled information.


A NEW IRON SMELTING CENTRE OF THE ROMANO-BARBARIAN PERIOD IN THE NIEDERLAU· SITl/SODBRANDENBURG. GERMANY. Since 1994 an ironlllaking site has heen investigated at Wolkenherg. Niederlausitz. which is si tuateci at the edge of illl exploited open-cast coal area. The smelting was localized ill several groups within I km x 0.5 km. Bog h'on ore W;JS the raw material for smelting

Comit£ 157

Text napsaný psacím strojem
Archeologické rozhledy XLIX(1), 1997, 157-164

operations. Up to date there wcre 450 slag-pit furuaccs or hearths excavated which were concentrated in 'unorganized' clusters comlll'isiug 20-40 furnace units. Shaft. fragments c.lme to light. hut rarely. No tuyeres have been found. Slag hlocks were foulld only ill sevcral featUl·cs. The slag-pits must have been emptied aftel' the destruction of furnaces !in tOI~ll. 5 t of slag could be ,·egistercd). Of special interest are rectangular pits (2 m x 3 Ill. 3 nt X 4 rn) wit.h charcoal I.l ycns. containing completaly preserved charred logs. Stones appeal1!d in the fillings. as well as slag hlock fragmcnlS and burnt-red clay fragments. These pits ar e presumably sunken bottoms of charcoa l heaps. Thc wOl·ks are being continued by the Brandenburgisches Landesmuseum fOr Ur- und FI·Ohgeschichte. .' After I. Spu::.ier (Mrs), Cotthus

FURTHER FURNACE SITES IN TR0NDELAG. NORWA Y. The recent reconnaissance campaigns in the Trondheim area brought to light about 200 smelting sites. One of the five revealed furnaces has been excavated at Selba. N-E from Budalen. The iron making ilctivity seems to the spread about 200 km north of Trondheim (L. Stenvik). Radiocal'bon dates indicate that the production in I.hat area died out around AD 600. A slag heap wil.h a hig slag hlock (70 cm in clia.) has been investigated at Fj:irgen (Myggvollen). near the Swedish border.

In addition. medieval irOIl hloom examinations arc ill p!ygress. as well as experimental smelts under various conditions. After A. Espelund. Trondheim

BIBLIOGRAPHY (Supplements 1993)

B. History of Iron as Lt app"ared In ot/aer JluhllcatlOl'"

J. PAULI (Mrs): Dic latellczeit.liche Besiedluug des Kelheimer Beckells Iln German: The La Tene period settlement of the Kclheimer BeckellJ. l\allmiinu Opf. 1993. As a part of this monograph I.here is on p. 35 a chapter devoted to the metallurgy of iron connected with the Celtic oppidum at Michelsberg near Kelheim. There al'e mentioned I.he pre-war n:conllaissallces hy P. Reillecke . the mining pits within and beyond the oppidum fortifications and I.he domed smelting furnaces described hy Behaghel and Burger and Geislel' in previous years.


A. Speclallz;p.-d ltmlls

F. HABASHI (ed.) : A History of Metallul·gy. l'epl'illted from : A History of Technology (Oxford University Press), Quebec 1994.322 pp. Numerous figUl·cs. Fal.hi Hahashi. p"ofesso,' of Exll'active Metallurgy at Laval University in QUI!beC City. decided to I'e-edit. as a specific collection. the chapters on metallurgy as they appeared in the well-known History of Technology. edited hy Sillg(~ r. Hulmyrad. Hall and Williams in 1954-58. These chapters were written by renowned scholars. ad R. }. Forbes. C. S. Smith . J. V. Ne!, F. W. Gibbs. H. R. Se/lUber! and R. Chudwick. [",ntents, I Indroouction (F. Hab,,,,hi), 1-9. Ii. From Early Times to I.he Fall of ancient Empil'es. 11-42. Beginning of metal working. Gold. Copper. Copper Alloys. Iron. Ill. The Mediterranean Civilization and the Middle ages. 49-92. Metals in the Greco-Roman World . Gold. Si lver and Lead. Tin. antimony and Arsenic. Copper and its alloys. Iron and Steel. Medieval Metallurgy. 11'011 and Stcel ill I.he Middle Ages. IV. Fl'om the renaissance to the Industrial Revolution. 95-184. V. The Industrial Revolution. 185-245. VI . The Late Nineteenth Century. 247-306. Name Index 307-3 1 I. Subject IlIdex. 313-322.

The individual chapters ill this editiJ n are. ill fact. the titles of the original volumes of the Hisl.ory of Technology. These chaptel's used to he. suo lem/JOre. hefol'c the rapiti development of archaeometal­lurgy. textbooks for allY historian of technology. Now. after more than forty years. being reprinted as they appeared (incl . the hihliogl'aphy of that time). they arc ohsolete. especia lly those dealing with earlier periods. It is inexcusable I.hat the eclil.or has totally igllOl'cd the drastic rise of al'chaeometaJlur­gical reseal'ch during last decade without any hint in his intl'()(luctioll. which would he the proper place ror informed commcnls. Againsl il hackground of I'ccelltly acliif!ved illfol'lIIatiollthe work of our masters wo uld appe;lr ill its r ight. light.. Instead of tioing t.h:il. Hahashi simply co llected I.he relevant chaplers and edited them unci(~ 1' il titlc. which does nolmeel. the expcclal.ioll of a reader. who would be interested in new results illthc field of the hislm'y of metallul'gy . .. 1)QvI! all ill whal (:OIlt:CJ'IIS the e;arly and medieval periods.

A. j. NIJBOER: 11'011 production and iron votive offerings al. BO"go It: Ferriere/Satl'icurn (8th to 6th centuries). Palaeohistol'ia 35/36 1993/94. 89-105. 11'011 Sl.lgS revealed ;at the acropolis of Satricum. central Italy. during the University of Grollingen excavations in 1977. Three smithing slag concentra -

158 Cnmit.e

tions and a votive deposit containing spears. rings. fibulae. penciants and b"acelets 1147 items. dated presumably to the mid-7th century BC).

B. History 'if Iron as In ot/",r [,ubUcat/OIIS (1994)

M. SALESCH: Die archaologische Ausgrahung del' germanischell Sierlluug in Elsterwerda-Ost. Elbe-EI­ster-Kreis (ehemals Kreis Bad Liebenswercla). Summary: The ilrchaeologic.11 excavation of the German settlement in Elsterwerda-Ost. Elhe-Elster-Krcis (former Kreis Barl Liebeuswerda). Ethnographisch-Ar­chliologische Zeitschrift 35/2.1994, 277-286. In the westel'u part of a Romano-Barbarian village there was discovered an unorganized cluster of 184 slag-Ilit fUl'lIace remains plus another 55 slag blocks situ abed in an area of 70 m x 80 Ill .

BIBLlOGRAPIIY 1995 (as In S"ptember 191/6)

A. SpeclaU:;ed Ite",.

ARCHEOMETALURGIA ZELEZA V OBLASTI KARPATIAI'chacometallurgy 01 Iron iu the Carpathiansl. Studijne zvesti Archeologickeho uslavu SA V. Nitra 1995. 334 pp. Papers were presented at a symposium at HerJ'any 14-15 Sept. 1994. Contents: Dvod IL'. Mihok. E. Mirn$!uynvd IMrsl. 7.-8. E. MirnIIaynvd (Mrs): K poeiatkom vyrohy a spracovania ielez.1 lIa vychoduom Slovensku - On beginnings of iron metallurgy in eastern Slovakia. 9-21. ,P. Cengel. L'. Mi/lOk. D. Pu.touskj. S. Siika: Studinm zrnileho !eleza w zvarkovej strusky z lokality CCeejovcc - Study on grained inlll of welding slag from Ceeejovce. 23-29. In fact. what is pl'Csented. is a Hallstatt period hloomery slag with embedded iron prills. K. Markovd (Mrsl. K. Slrdnskj. A. nek: Allaljza ielclllej vj,tute nadoby 1 VeJ'kcj Lomllice - Analyse einer Eisenverfestigung eines eefa.sse aus Vel'ka Lomnica. 31-41. A Hallstatt period bronze cauldron with an iron rim (corrosion pl'oducts analysed). R. Pleiner: VYl'oha ieleza vc starokeltskem sv~te -Production of iron ill the ancient Celtic world. 43-50. A survey of materials published to 1994. L '. Mihok. M. Fr(jhlichova. B. Bald~: Vychodokeltske pece s troskovou jamou 1 Kysaku - East Celtic furnaces with a slag pit from K ysak. 51-63. Mineralogical and chemical analyses from slag-pit furnaces at Kysak. 10 fact~ no precise dating is availahle. and it could he considere,1 also to be of the Romano-Barbarian period. The grouping resembles a fragment of a furnace ·cluster·. L'. Mihok. V. C. KOligorrulro. A. Hollj. A.Pribulovd (MI·s). P.Cengel: Kov3.eska. vYl'oha na diickom hradisku mala Kopaiia - The smith productioll in the Dacian hill(ort of Mala KO(lalia. 65-88. 16 iron objects metallogl'aphicaly examined (63 BC - AD 106). Secondary carburization dominates. K. Bidenin: Frilhgeschichtliches EiseuhOttenwesen im Hei­lig-Krez-Gebirge. (G6ry Swit;tokrzyskiel und sei lle Beziehungen 1U Nowoklinowo in der Transkarpat­hischen Ukraine, 89-98. The Holy-Cross-Mountains (Poland) with tlle well-known 'organized' slag-pit furnace clusters have a single counterpart in the Transcarpatlliall Ukraine (the site of Novoklinove). J. Cerkun (MI's): Kovacske dielne 1 doby latell skej a rimskej v Zakal'patsku - Smithies of La Tene and Roman Periods in Transcal'pathiall region. '99- 103. Smithies excavated at Galish-Lovachka. Malaja Kopaiia and Matyjevo. Iron sCI'ap and hlacksm ith's tongs frolll Malaya Kopallya. P. Roth: Metallurgia !eleza v dohe lat.enskej a rimskej na SpiSi - EiscnmelallUl'gie in del' Latene· unrll'6mischen 'Zeit ill der Zips. 105-121. A list of slag finds in the suh-Tatrall region. E. Hajnalmlfi.: 2eleziarstvo z pobledu archeobolanika - Eisenmetallul'gie aus der Skht des Al'ch:iohotanikers. 123-134. Palaeohotanical analyses from some ironmaking sites. 1. M(lfrw.:.ic: 6000 years of metallurgy in Croatia. 135-143. Mostly the non-Ierrous metallul'gy discu,sed. L·. Mihok. A. PrihuIOlxlIMr>I. P. MaCula: Metalogralickj vjlkum !eleznych predmetov z pohrehiska z dohy avarskej riSe v Sebaslovciach - Metallographic anaiY5es of iron objects production from cemetery of Avar Empire period ill Sebastovce. 145-188.21 iron objects from the 7th - 8th centuries examined. A variety of materials and techniques (spearheads, knives, buckles etc.). Z. Cilinska (Mrs): Vyu!itie vysledkov archeometalurgickych analyz v historickej interpre­Ucii - Uses of archaeometallurgical analyses results in historical interpret.ation. 189-192. D. SLaUi­kmxi.-StuIrovs!ui. (Mrs): p6vod povl'chovych vl'stviev ie leznej sekery z pohrehiska v Borovciach -Herkuoft der Oberflichenschichten der Eisenaxt aus dem dem Grttberfeld in Borovce. 133-202. Glazed surface layers OD an Slavic axe-head. P. Br:.iak: Analyzy povrchu sekery z hrohu 221 v Borovciach -Analyse der Oberfl.3,che der Axt aus Grab 221 in BOl'Ovce. 203-205. Analytical appendix to the previous article. K. Strdnskj. V. Souchopoud (Mrs). J. Merla; experimeut.ilni tavby fe leza v Blansku v rekon­strukcfch !elezarslych ped 1 9. stol. 11.1. - Experimental iron smelting Isic! in reconstructions of metallurgical furnaces from the 9th cent. A.D. in Blansko. 207-215. 6 smelts ill Slavic furnace models discussed . . M. Longauernoo (Mrs), J. Kncich. S. Langcw.er: Porovllallie Uruktury kosakov 1 r~znjdl hislorickych obdobi - Comparison of tlle structure of sickles from different historical periods. 217-230.

Comite 159

Metallographic analyses of some Hallst:IU period ;uHI IIlcd i(!Vill sic,kle hlades, completed with some post-medieval items. J. Glimiir;: Novsie iu'cheologicke vyskum y lIalczlsk ll'osky 1 vyrohy ieleza v Ma­darsku - Ncue archaologische Forsc;hulIgclI VOII EiseuschlackenCunrtstdlcll in UlIgarn. 231-241. K. Faryomi (Mrs): l.lCia t.k y st.l'cdovckeho ielezial'st.va v Gcmc l'j - Allfiillgc del' miUcl"llcl'llchc lI Eiseume­ta llurgie in del' Gemel·-Regioll. 243-247. A medie val irouwol'ks at gemerskj Sad. having been a lready (?ublished. J. LubtuUl. L ', Mihok. M. FrtlhLichmHi (Mrs): Medieval met.allurgical objects in Banska Stiavnica. 249-264. Fayalitic slags. M. j enliw(l (M.,s). C . MiJlO~. J. Briancin: Metalurgicka dieloa na hrade Cieva - Entdeckung eiuel' metallnl'gischen WerksUilte anf del' Bm'g Cieva. 265-278. A post-me­d ieval smithy and foundry in the castle of Cicva. B. Toroh: Chemica l and me tallographic anal ysis of iron ores and s lags found in medie val hloomery and smithy sil.es and ohtained by smelting e xperime nts. 279-295. Y. Ustnhal. K. Slrd,nskj: LitillOvc k<lnon y a lIIullice lI a Moravc v 17. a f 19, stol. - Cast-iron cannons and ammunit ion from MOI'.1Via in the 17th-19th centuries. 297-303. Y. MUJ,'Ula. J. Sinal: Zvarauie vystu fneho sochol'a Mal'ifill skeho stl'pa - Welding of the Vil'gin Mary's column I'e inforcemenl. F. Benkovics: A vaskorszak uagy fOl'rlulOpontjai cs ha tAsuk a Kal'p;itmede ncehell - Mal'kanLe Wende­punkte in rler Eisell ze it uud ihr Ein£luss auf das Kal'p4.lthenhecken. 315-325. M , Kovdf.: Muzeum vyroby ieleza- Zachrana kultu l'nej techllickej pamiatky FI'allti ~kova huta v Podhie li - Museum del' Eisenpro­duktion - Rettung des techllische ll Kultul'dellkmals HilU.e Fl'allz in Podhiel, 327-331. Zozllam autorov , 333-334. List and addresses of part.icipant.s. Note: The t.it.les of English and German summaries are re produced according to the prin ted venion.

PALEOMETALLURCIE DU FER ET CULTURES. Acl.es clu Symposium In tern.liooal du Comili pour la side rurgie ancie nne de rUls Pp 1 - 3 Novemhrc 1990 (P. Be noit. and Ph. Fluzill eds). Vulcain Belfort 1995. 542 pp.

This symposium vo lume ,·ep,·esenl.s ;l large collectioll of imllOl'UlIIt papers. Contents: Introduction (by P. Benoit and Plo. Flu:in). 9- 10. I Melhode, . N. Dieudouue-Clad (M,·s). Ph. Flu,iu. P. BenoiL C. Beranger : Etude de la reduction dil'ect.e a r.lirle rI 'unc pl.1 t.e fol'lue experimcntale . 13-20. Survey of some ~xperimental work. methodology. descl'iption of some tl'ial s OI'ganized as a special project. Y. Serneels: A propos de !1"ue lques scories: Le fe r en Suis~ l'Omallde. 21 -28. Tap slags from B~urt discussed . eva lutatioll of analyses. K. Bieleni,,: Bloomel'y iroll slag sites ilS ilrchaeological SOUI'ce, 29-32. Proposition of organized field recollnaissance in I'egions with e xl.ensive early iron making. B. Prukash: Some aspects of process control of ancie nt iron making. 33-40. Reflections on the hloomer y smelting and reheating processes. carburizing of iroll . production of wootz st.eel. A. Espclund: Formation and properties of bog iron ore - some re lation between hloomery sil.e's and topogl·"phy. 41 -47. The role of roasting. formation processes of bog iron OI·CS. Norwegian il1m-producing regions. E. NfMck (Mrs). A. Maz.ur: The forging and carburi zing of high phosphorus il'OlI . 49-58. Successful trial s wiUlthe material of phosphoric axe-shaped bars from the medieva l hoal·rl at Krak6w. D. KiUic Isic/: Variations in African Iron-smelting Practice: Implications for the study of prehistoric iron technology iu Europe. 59-64. Portable shafts on slag-pit furnaces. Induced draught. tapped-slag models. ver t ica l tuye res, Ph. Andrieux: Les temoius archeologi· ques et leur restitution experime ntale dans I'etude de la gestueJle et conceptions culturelles: Les liens entre I'objectivite et la sensualite 65-69. P. Merlu::o. C. Forriercs et, al.: Les premieres etappes du travail du fe r e n foyer de forge . scion des pl'ocedes Lraditionnels japollais. 71-86. Smelting and forging operations effected hy Japanese smit.hs in 1989 at the Musee d 'Histoire du Fer; Heterogenity of piled sword constructions wan ted. Ph. Andrieux: Etude t l'.1 cCologique sur les st.ructures d 'e laboration thermi­que et les pal'o is argilo-sable uses - Applic.1tion a la paleometallul'gie du fer. description attraiteme nt des experime nta tions 1982-1988.87-98. The behaviour of the struci ul'e aud refractory materials applied to experime ntal furnaces. A. Ploquin: Une hase de dOll nee de volue aux compositions chimiques des scories e t produit assocics a la paleometallurgie. 99-107. 11 Cultures. Han Rubin (Mu) - Tsun Ko: Ancient Iron and Steel Technology in China. 111-117. The em'ly dating of some iron ohjects before 500 BC. application of il'on castings. smelting s ites, Th. L. Lowc (M rs): India n iron ores and the technology of DeccaD wootz production. 119- 129. Whit.e cast iron frolll crucihles. J.-B. Kiethegu: Le travail du fer au Burkina Faso a J'epoque prccoloniale . 131-141. Medieval and post.-medieval furnace structures. H. Bocoum: La metallul'gie du fe l' au senega l des origines au XXe siec le . 143-149. Three stages of iron use, before 12th century. between Lhe IOLh and 20th centuries and between the 17th and 20th centuries AD. F. Yandia: La me tallurgie du fer en Republique Centrafr icaille d ',1pres les sources ecrites. 151·154. Survey of some reports from Ule 19th and early 20th centuries concerning the metallurgy and working of iroo. H. Dognon (Mrs): L'hisloire du fer ell Bellin. 155-157. J. P.Zeilkr: Metallverarheiluog io Hall' lall und fruhlatenezeitli chen Siedlungen NOl'ostbayerlls Isicl. 159· 168. Some sites with evidence of HalJstalt and La Time periods metalworking. 0, Yair-in . A, HuuptmuIJn. M. Kernpa: Al'ch:iometallurgische Untersuchungen ZUI' frOhell Eisengewillllullg auf del' Schw!thischc lI Alh. 169-182. The Alamanian

160 Gomit£

ironworks at Hermaringell. the hioolllel'Y at Linsellhof (7th - 8th centuries) ;lIId cast il'on production at Metzingen (10th - 13th centuries). V. SoucllOp(wa (Ml's): The changes of the il"OlI smelting connected with the fall of Great Moravia. 183-186.J. GlimlJri: Arch.'lologische Oherreste alter Schmiedewerkst1iUen in Ungarn. 187-201. Smithies at Tarjanpuszt_a and Hidegseg Ileal' Sopron. metallography of selected. artefacts (nails etc.). N. Dieudonne-Clnd (Ml's) et F. DUlntz.sy (MI's): l...;1 metallurgie du fer dans le Berry avant la reduction iudirecte. 203-212. Reconnaissances in t.he environment of Saint-Marcel and Bourges on the territory of the Bituriges Cuhi. ferriel' at Maillet.. H. Cleere: Reflection on the iroll trade in the Roman World, 213-216. Cargoes of iron in ship wl·ecks. hlooms. the annual consumption of iron for a Roman soldier in Bl'it.ain assumed as high as 16 kg. P. Crew: Decline 01' Prohibition? The end of prehistoric iron working in north-west. Wales, 217-227. Small-scale pl"Oductioll of a considerable local importance has been suhstitut.ed by the import of iroll presumably from the Forest of Dean after the establishment of roman I·u le. A. Faivre. M. MW'lJin. J.- P. P(!ti~ . Ph. Brunt!liu et a!.: Etat des recherches sur la carte archeologique de la sidCrurgie ancieune du centre-est ilt. du nord-est de la France. 229-248. Reconnaissance in the Lorraine. Franche-f.omte. Saone-el.-Loire. Burgundy etc. M. Leroy et J.- T. CassaroUo: 'Mluette' et 'Fer [OI·l' - Une nouvelle allpl'oche de I'hisl.oil'e de la sidel'urgie ancien ne en Lorraine. 249-262. Reconnaissances and programmes. L. RO/lira et. al.: Alldol're. le fer depuis le Moyen Age - Projet pour l'etude de la metalluq;ie rlu fer dalls les Pyrcnees depuis le Moyen Age jusqu a l'apparitiou de la farge cat;llalle. 263-264. Slags ami high-gr'lde iI'oll orc at San!. Yincenc d'Enclal'. a smithy. M. Tiwmi: Ahout some rlocument.s de:lling wil.h iroll mining and smelting in medieval Lombardy. 271-272. Discussion of written suurces £1'.0111 the 14t.h to 17th centuries. R. Yergalli: Dans les Alpes orientales au XIVe siecle: Les hommes des champs etles hommes des fOUl'S, 273-276. E. BUl'aldi: Recherches minieres et experiences de fusiun (~n COI'SC (1620-1631).277-281. J.-F. Belhoste, Chr. Claess (Mrs), .F. Corbineau.: Naissallce et origill du pl'ocede d'affinage appe le comtois. 283-290.

III Sit e s. Th. Rehren, A. Huupllful,.,l. C. Weisgerber. St. Wcmg: Meroitische Eisenohjekte von Musawwarat. Nord Sudan, 293-297. Metallographic and chemical analyses of 50 iron .objects, edge-car­burizing, heterogeneously carhul'izccl steels. F. Yundia: Un fuul' de reduction de la I'egion de Ouadda­Djalle en Republique Centrafri caiue. 298-304. A furnace dated to 1629 AD. ].- L. Flouest: Bragny-sur-Saone (Saone-et-Loil'c) - Centre d'activites metallul'gillues di Ve siecle anut ].C., 305-311. Blacksmith's work residues and 2 t of slag at a river-hank se ltlement. C. Domergue: Archeologie siderurgique aux Martys (Aude, France): Des f.ourlleaux a la forge? 313-323. The furnace f 20 A. which was situated just heside of furnaec F 20B is. in t.he light. of sl.l·atigraphy, earlier and cannot be functionnally connected with t.he latter as an operation complex. K. DUIlikollJski: Approche methodolo­gique d'un ferrier - L'cxemple du site de Clerimois. 325-332. The I'esults achieved at CIel'imois have since puhlished as a monograph. M.- Chr. Brully-Mu;lre (Mrs). A. Plnquin: Mines et forges au Moyen Age et au dehut des temps lIIoderues - Reflexioll autour de I'exemple de Brandes. 333-347. Smithies at the silver mines for making and repairollg t.he miners' tools at Brandes. J. PiaslrolJ}sk~: The metallographic

~ examination of iron implements fl'OIII mediaeval village in Dracy. Bourgogne, 349-361. 21 items exami­ned (knoves. scissors, hOI'se-shoc, arrows), t.he majority made of phosphOJ'ic irOIl . iron-to-steel welding, I pattern-welded knife. C. Sleck-Hrwss (Mrs), J. GuiillJt. P. Benoil: Milms cl- melallurgie a Minot. 363-373. Evidence from tlle La Tellc period up t.o tlw Rellaisstlnce. npt~ n c;lsl.mining. A find of a ctlsl iroll fragment. A. Conin. I. GuiUot. J. Grundemange. p, Bmwit: LI rorgt~ du S;unson. 375-386. 17t.h century smit.hies at a silver mine at Saillte-Marie-aux-Mines, hardened steel points of mining picks. Cl. Dubois: Metallurgie du fer en An-iege de I'antiquite au XVIIe siccle -le poillt SUI" les doullces arc:hoologiqllcs. 387-396. Remains of a Catalan forge or the 16th century (at Auza!.. les MouliIl3S). L. Escllenlohr: Le sit.e sidel'urgiCfue de Boecourt-Ies-Boulies (Jura-Suisse). 397-403. The ironworks of the 7t.h celltlll'y AD (already published as a monograph). A.- F.lncOUl'I (Mrs): Les fm'ges de Melliel'-Haut. XVIle - XVII siocle. 405-414. P. Fluck. G. Gassmann. G. Goldenberg: Le fer clans les regions Rhenans (Vosges. ValJee du Rhin , Foret-Noire) avant la guerre de trente ans - rudiments d'une ca l't.ograllhie, 415-427. 11'011 ores, toponymy. field evidence. D. Morin: Dynamique el. evolut.ion rles syslemes d'ext.l'act.~on de fer de XV lie au XIXe siocle -l'exemple des plateaux de Saone et du Jura Sepleulrional. 429-45 1. Mines. D. Moir: The metallographic and scanning electron microscope analysis of some il'OIl sllearheads from t.he AlIglian cemetery at West Heslerton. north Yorkshire, 453-463. Iroll-ancl-steel welding observed among 12 spearheads examined (AD 450-650). I. Keesmtlntl. P. Mm·er . A. Heege: Kupfer in dCI' Schlttckc rlel' Eisenverarbeitung vom ·Steinbohr bei Nort.en-Heidenberg. Ldh. N.ortlleilll. Bundesl'cpuhlik Dcutschland. 465-473. Minera­logical composition of copper':'colltainillg sm ithing slags. B. SrtUllko: Eillc Sturlie zum eisernen Dolch del' Frilhhronzezeit aus dem.,GrahlIl1gel bei G~r.1simovka , 475-480. A colToderl nickel-free iron blade with non-rerrous spine fl'orll a 18t.h cent.ul·y BC f:ontexl.. C. Luci,,; (Ml's): Le Travail du fel' 3 Pisa aux Xlle-XIlIe s~ec les (Toscalla) . 481-484. Admiuislt·at.iun dO(:u!lI~nt-" colu;t!I'ning the exploitation of iron ores 011 Elba (end of 1399). IV 0 h j et s. F. Yruulia: Etude metalJographiqlle et. interpretation

Comit.e 161

socio-culturelle d'un bracelet e ll fer de Cenll'afriflue . 487-490. A steel orllall1ent. f!"Om a not well dated ancient grave . . F. Yandiu: Etude raieoll1etallurgiflue des uhjets pre-molletaires et un fer de lance de Celltrafrique, 491-500. Two iI-olI curre ncy hal's and 3n iron-and-steel spearhead examined. ]. Rebiere. P. Remy, I. Cuillot. P. Benoit: Les enclumes l.as gallo-romaincs - Le cas de Jouars-Poncharlrain, 501-508. A survey of Gallo-Roman stock anvils which revcalthc welding-together of several hlooms and steeling the worldng surfaces. I . Guillot, F. Bertin IMr!) . Ph. Fluun. C. Beranger: la p6intcrolle. uutil des mineurs du XVIe siecle: Synthese des eludes metallographiques. 504-524. 39 itcpJS investigated; the miners' pick were regularly equipped W.itJl welded-in steel points and quenched.R. Maddin, A. Hauptmann, C. Weisgerber: The metallography or'Roman iron tools. 525-535. A report on metaJlographic examination of iron implements from Feldberg and Zugmantel. Already puhlished. R. Ple;ner: The development of cutlery techniques in Medieval Bohemi.1, 537-539. 77 analyses mentioned. concerning the medieval knives and their manufacture technology fOI" 4 sites in Bohemia. Remerciements. 541. The volume represents . again. a profound source of inrormation on the archaeometallurgical activities during the last years (Unfortunately. the texts of non-French papers a have frequent with linguistic mistakes). It will be used as a constant source of reference hy lIlany scholars.

B. History of lroll as m.lldo/led b, odaer p"IJllcad,"1S (1995)

N. VENCLOvA (Mrs): Speciailzovana vyroha: Tcorie it mOOely. Summary: Specialized production: theories and models. Archeologicke rozhledy 47 1995. 541-564. Refle&tions all specialized production as revealed by archaeology. Example or the La Tenc period sapropclitc hracelet working and ironmaking in the region or M~c. westerll &c nl.ral Bohemia.

DIBLIOCRAPIIY 1996 (as In Scp("moor 1996)

A. SpeclalUed Uems

HISTORICAL METALLURGY SOCIETY NEWS 33 1996. Roman iron production iu the east Midl,nds is the title of research work planned by Mrs I . Schaejer-Kolh (p. 3). Reports on crucible steel making in the East are mentioned by D. Starley {p. 4). }. lIodkinsnn repol·t.s on the Wealden Research Group Bulletin 16 1966 (pp. 6-7)- newly discovered bloomeries at Outwood. SUITey and Dallington (date not given).

THE IMPORTANCE OF IRONMAKING - TECHNICAL INNOVATION AND SOCIAL CHANGE 11 (G. Magnusson ed.). Jernkontorets Berghistoriska Utskott H 62. Stockholm 1966. 312 pp. Some additional papers and publication of the exhibi ted posters. pl·esenl.ed at the Norberg 11 Conference. May 1995. Contents: Foreword (by G. MagnussolI), 7. Erratum conceruing the paper hy V. SerneeLt in volume I (table). 5. D ir e c t I r 0 n m a kin g. regional studies. A. Espel.und: The Trondelag Bloomery - its operation and metallurgy revea led, 13-27. Discussion of Heglesvollen and MygvoUen furnace models. E. Hj(J.rtner-HoidtJl'" (Mrs) and P. Kn.'tten: Continuity and change during 2000 years of iron making. 29-46. New excavated furnace sites fl"Om prehist.oric and medieval periods. Dating is based on radio­carbon measurements. H. Lyngstrmn (Ml's): Prehist.Ol·ic Iron Technology in Denmark. 47-48. Comments on some exper iment.al smelts. }. Pt!ets: Forschungen im Gehiet. del· RaUil saatmemAed (Eisenschlacken­berge) vou Tuiu in Saarc ruaa (Est.la lld). 48-55. Slag heaps of the 10th - 13th centuries AD. 19 smelting sites. paleobotanical dat<l. }. SttuJw..,: 11·011 Blooms in Lithuania . 57-62. Examination results concerning 4 blooms, dating from the istto 2nd 1.0 13th &cnt.uries AD. Het.erogeneously carhurired . ill the case of Lieporial droplets of cast iron. K. Creut:. (Mrs:): P.ltle ru-wddillg in focus of an aJ·chaeologkal inlerpre­tation. 63-79. A study or the Late ll"Ou Age (AD 800-1150) spearheads and !&ramasaxes in eastern Latvia. typology of patterns and thei.· geographic .. 1 distribution. P. rh. A. de Rijk: Iroll Production and Manufacturing in the Elbe-Weser-Area. 81-86. 24 iron production sites in the left bank territory of the Weser estuar y. smiUlillg slags. sheet. iron hlanks. hlooms. / .}omten (Ml"s) and M. lHJ.Il N;e: Experiments with Different Types od Dutch 11"011 Smelling Furnaces. 87-94. Dalfsen and Hcctell models tested. S. Forenius and R. SnlungluJI'"achchi (Mrs): Furnace reconstruction - ract or fake. 95-102. The find of a multi-tuyere furnace al Dehigaha-ala-k'lIIda , Sri Lank.1 corl"ected the rC&Ollst.ructiou of other furnace remains excavated. The site. dated by l·adioc."lI'hon 1.0 -200 BCJAD 300. yie lded a slag heap of 1000 t. Technical Studies . . A. Ploquin e l. al. :Recouslructioll of ironmakillg procedure: a progress report about petrographical studies of slaggy wastes from ancient ironmakillg sites. 105-119. Analyses of slags from important French and Suisse i,·ollworks. M. Curill: Sint.el·ing in the Time of Bloom Formation in the Ancient and Medieval Metallurgy or Irol1 . 121-127. Metallographical examination of early iron blooms from Belaru! (Belaya Russia). D. Sl(U"b~y: Direct or IlIdi,·ecl.? Delermining the Produclion Technology

162 Cnmite

of Ferrous Artefacts. 129-134. 60 samples f,'om 45 medieval plate annours investigatecl from the Roya l Armoury at Tower. which seem lo he all made of hloomery il'OIl. C. Possncrt: Radiocarbon Dating of Iron. 135-1 39. New methods rCfluil'ing minimal amounts of metal fol' sampling. Indirect Ironmaking. Social Organization. A. PuuJinyi: The lI'ansitiou to the indirect proc(~ss in the Hahshurg Monarchy between the 16th and 19th century. 143-158. Ph. Braunstein: The Forest. the Iron and the Water . 159-162. Export of jn)U commodities dUl'ing the Medieval and post-Medieval periods in Europe. A. Weuerholtn: Early Medieval Blast Furnaces i ll Nora Parish. Ol'ebl'o County - A New Way of Determining the Age of a Blast Furnace. 163-166. Surprising radiocarbon dates shifting the hlast fu rnace technology hack to the past (MoshyUall: AD 800-1150 (afrel' Possnert). 1. Lnl'raz(J/Jal: Iron Mining and metallurgy during the Roman and Medieval Periods in Zamol·il. (Spain). 167- 175. Chr. Willms and A. lockenNsvel: Eisen- ulld StahlcruugunG im Markischcn Saucl·laud. eine Produktionskette von der RennfeuerverhUltung his zum Begiuu des Oscmuudfrischens (ca 800- 1600 11 . Chr.). 177-184. The site of Marienheide. discussed: stone-walled furnace remains of the 14th-15th centuries. C. Verna (Mrs): Innovation and Social Change. The Case Study of I.he Vicdessos Valley (XIVth-XVth Centuries) . 185-189. Archaeological fiuds and written dOf:umcllts £rom Arriege and Comt.e de Fois. M. Senn-Luder (Mr!): Der Kanton Zug: Das BeispieJ e iuer haupts:tchlich metallverarheitellden Region in der ZelltraJ­schweiz. 19 1-199. Roman and medieval smithing slags in city centres. Mining. D. Morin - P. Rosenlhal: Techniques minieres et vicissitudes de J'approvisionnement en minerai du district siderurgiflue de Montbeliard (Franche-Comte. Francie). 201-210. Mines of the 16th-19th centuries. Preservation. Restoration and Reconstruction. Conservation. N. Cossons: Ironmaking sites: conservation and interpre­tation. 2'13-223. R. Tow-ischeva (Mrs). Conservation of Museum Ohjects in Ferrous Metals. 225-229. Material u'sed for the protection of iron. Ironworks and TransporLltion. Ironmaking and Landscape. M. E. Torres Baulista: Ironmakiug ill the hegilllling of the illdustrialzatioll in Mexico 1830-1867.233-240. P. BeMit. Ph. DillmtUJ. Ph. Flu. zin: Iron. Cast Iron and Bronze. 241-257. Investigation into medieval and post:medieval gun barrels and ;Immullitioll. Trallspol't.s. C. DosUlald: 'Erzwege' - Ways and means of iron ore transport in pre- industrial Switzerland. 259. Com lementary remarks to the article in vo lume I . J. S(J./l:)'kova (Mrs): The Turkestan-Siherian Railway Construction in Photographs. 261-266. Remarks. M. Nwer (Mrs): Concluding Remarks. 269-271. Enclosul'es: Final PI·ogl'amme. 275-294. List of Parti­cipants. 295-306 (incl . adresses).

H. STRAUBE: Fcrrum Noricum und die Stadt auf dem Magdalcusbcrg IIn German: Ferrum Noricum and the oppidum of MagdaleushergL Wil.h contrihutions hy H. Dolenz and G. Piccotilli. Springer-Verlag. Wien. New York 1996. 187 pp. 84 figs. Hal'alcl Sl.r.luhe. Professol' of ma teria ls sc ience at the Technical University in Vienn.l. is one of the scholars. who organized. in 1962. slllelting experimeuts with early furnace models from the point of view of physiC411 metallurgy. Togdher with his collaborators (B. Tt1/' ­IIUJJUl und E. PliJck;nger) he puhlished the results as a monograph (I 964). In suhsequent years. he continued his studies on the principle of the' hloomcl'Y process. especially taking into account the raw material conditions and tradition of the relevant region. Carinthia. the nucleus of the former Regnum. and , later, Roman Province of Noricum. heing renowned by the production of -Ferrum Noricum-. The present book partly summarizes Stl'auhe's I·esu lts. putl.illg it into relation with tbe role of a foremost centre, the oppidum of Magdalenshcrg. hosting HOlllall merchants as an impOI·tant trading post.

Contents: Vorwort. pp. VII-VIII. 1. Der lange Weg VOII den NaturwerkstoCfen zur Bronze. 1-10. Native copper. smelted copper. arscnic and till bronzes. 2. De .. Obergallg zur Eisenzeit. 11-1 6. Iron ore as £lux in the ancient copper smelting processes. 3. Vom Beginll der Eisenzcit his zur Romische ll Kaiserzeit. 17-25. A short sUI'vcy of the use of iron up to the first ancient quotation of the Noric3n steel. 4. Die SLldt auf dem Magdalcnsberg - Norischer Stah!. 26-32. Epigraphic monuments on wall of the tabernae at Magdalensbc"g hringing the evidence of long distance trade with iron from Noricum (first published by Egger, 1961). This was. from the metallogr;lphic examinations (Schaaher et a l.) highly carburized steel. 5. Beitr:tge zur Metallurgie des Reunofens dUl'ch Versuche. 33-39. Smelting trials up to sixties quoted. With certain exceptious the yield was usu!!Iall y carbon-free hloomery iron. 6. Ein­fUhrung in die Grundlage des Reduktiollsvorgallges irn Rellllofen. 40-58. Favourahle conditions for primary carburization of iroll reduced in a bloomel'Y fumace allalyzed (temperature. pressure , ore composition, composition of reducing gases). C .. il"C411 zoncs for secondary occal'burizatioll and oxidation. Behaviour of differenl e lements under conditions of the hloomcry process. 7. Reduktiollsversuche auf dem Magdalensberg. 59-89. TI~~ resu lts with shaft furnaces (two size variants) of the Lolling model. MnO-rich ores used. Conglomerates of iron and slag at the tuyere moul.hs have shown that certain parts of the mctal were nol only higHly carhurized (to eutecLoid values) but also molten to cast iron (up to 4 96 C). 8. Diskussion del' Vel'sll chsc rgehnisse und Folgerullgell . 90-96. The best conditions for the primary carbur izing of particles of reduced .iron WCI'C ill the upper zones of tile furnace shaft; the

Comite 163

carburization. under I .vollr.,hle COn dil.i~ns. w." so intensive that the steel pieces hecame liquid. However in the combustion zone at the tuyel"c level of the furnace. the I'coxidatioll was very high and much of the iron reduced could be decarhudzed or even cOllverted back Lo the slag. Some of the metal preserved, its quality and was inten tionally co llect.ed and wOI'ked by skilled smelters. 9 . El'gehllisse aus Funden und anderweiligen ReduktiollSVCl'suchcll. 97-114. Several blooms from Magtlalensberg, as well as fragments from the G6rlschilz valley (a cont.emporary smelting site) show highly carburized structures corresponding with samples from the Sll'3Ubc's smelting tests. Results of other experiments quoted. which have yielded steel hloom, ;,' highly carhurized portion, (Pleiner 1%4. Hagleldt 19661. 10. Interpretation zeilgenOssischclI Sdu'ifUums aufgruud dcr Ergehllisse vom Magdalensherg. 115-121. Possible explanation of some technical terms in the PlillY's Natu ra lis Historia chapter XXXIV 41 such as strictura (wrought il·on) . acies (edge. point. hardness. steel). nucleus fel'l'i (steel bloom). molJior complexus (soher iron shells f01' steel blades. welded-on) etc. as they have appeared iu the translation hy Yellers -'1966) with solne complementary rem;u'ks by H. Stl·auhe. 11 . Ceklal·te und orrene Fragen. 122- 134. The problem of treatment. of highly cat'burized prooucts in the hlacksmitJl pl'actice (primary steel or beginnings of steel filling?). Blooms having heclI delivered by iron works in the environment were presumably worked within the oppidum. relevant fiuds of 5emi-wOl'ked 0 1' discharged blooms. 12. Eisenverarbeitung auf dem Magdaleushel'g (von H. Dolell=). 140-167. Smithies. iron hars. blacksmith's tools. signed and punched artefacts. slags. evidence from the inscriptions (the tmders as well as the smiths were probably Ita lics. organized in a sort. of COIweniWl negoulllnrum). The florllit of the iron. trade and working was in the lal.e Republican up 1.0 Augustean pel·ioo. Witll tile Roman occupation of Noricum the irollworking at Magdalensherg came lo end. 13. Die Stadt. auf dem Magdalensberg. Geschichte - Handel - Kultur (vou C. Piccotim;' 167· 187. Cultural relat.ion of I.he Magdalensberg site with the Roman wo..Jd. the £Ioruit hetween 50 BC and AD 50. t.he activity of Roman merchants. tabernae. basilica. craftsmen's (Iuarters. Gold production for the Imperial court in the lat.er phase. Non-ferrous metallworking. The presence of milit.al'Y troops. In the mid-1 st century AD the Magdaleusbel'g has been abandoned for the MUllicipium Claudium Virunum. the C.'pitia l of the proviuce of Noricum.

Harald Straube syuthetized his view 0 11 the mechanism of the bloomery process. belonging to that group of metallurgists. who see integrating moments both in the bloomery and blast furnace processes. The conditions of the latter were all'eady in the hloolllcry period. hut manifested themselves under specific conditions. Very often they were suppressed. Nevertheless. some ancient smelters understood how to pr:oduce a highly carburized steel and realized it intentionally and pl·actically. as the example of the Noricians shows. The hook is lIot lal'ge hy volume. bUl contains a lot of data concerning the technology and economy of the ea rly production of iroll.

B. History of Iron as tne/ttlfJl.eflln od.er publications (1996).

V. SALAC: 0 hospodarstv l. oppidech a Mal'ohudovi. Summary: 011 econoniy. the oppida and Marobudus. Archeologicke rozhledy 48 1996.6-97. A critical treatise devoted to recent views 011 the economic role of the Celtic oppida in Bohemia and some related historical problems. The sub-chapter 2. l. is concerned with the irollmaking. III the aut.hor·s opiniou there is a discrep.ll1 cy between the few iron smelting furnace finds and the abundance of iron ohjecu (ound which ;u'e dated to the La Time period. He is inclined to believe in existence of other types of sme ltill~ ;IPP.lI'.ltus than the attested slag-pit furnace. He means a model. which did not. le;lve any t.race in the field. This met.hodic.,1 approach should be however submitted to serious discussions.

Acknowledgement. The edition is much indekted to all who provided him with papers. hooks information on their work in progress. Peter Crew. MtlenLwrog. kindly read the manuscript or the prescnt issue.

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