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contents - Hong Kong Football Club

Date post: 11-Jan-2023
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08 Mini Rugby Minis U8s of Sandy Bay! Mini Rugby Donates Kit

12 Hockey From the Captains My Hockey Story

14 Lawn Bowls Keep Rolling! Keep Bowling!

16 Squash HKFC Summer League

18 Netball Message from Chairwoman and Conveners Netfest 2021 Reports

21 Tennis US Open Social

24 Golf Golf Outings

26 Badminton Presidents Cup 2021

29 Swimming and Triathlon Swimrun Dinard Coach of the Month

33 Fitness Centre Exercise of the Month

03 The Thoughts of the Chairman

05 From the Desk of Mark Pawley

07 Corporate Social Responsibility


34 Highlights of the Month

37 Activities News

38 The Club History The McCubbin Mystery

40 Library







President Nick Hunsworth

Vice President Fook Aun Chew

Bobby Lawson

Iain Valentine

John Shanahan

Chairman Mike Wood

Hon. Secretary Neil Jensen

Hon. Treasurer Fredric Teng

Constitutional Affairs Jeff Lane

Membership Neil Roberts

Sports & Recreation Karin Looram

Hockey Officer Charles Poulton

Lawn Bowls Officer Mike Worth

Rugby Officer Jason Toms

Soccer Officer Stephen Tew

Squash Officer David Cross

Hong Kong Football Club

3 Sports Road, Happy Valley, Hong Kong

TEL (852) 2830 9500FACSIMILE (852) 2882 5040



General Manager Mark Pawley

Deputy General Manager Randal Linhart

Director of Operations Tony Sealy

Director of Finance Ricky Chan

Financial Controller May Chang

Executive Chef Yan Mak

Facilities Manager Evan Tao

Membership Services Manager Kerry Ogle

Human Resources Manager Angela Chan

Executive Housekeeper Lily Huynh

Digital and Communications Manager Denise Chow

Information Technology Manager Ken Mak


Monthly journal of the Hong Kong Football Club. For information and requests for placement of advertisements in “Club” please call 2830 9503. The opinions expressed in the articles are those of the writers and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Hong Kong Football Club or the General Committee. The Club reserves the right to edit and clarify all content. The copyright of all materials is held by

the Hong Kong Football Club.

On 12th October, we had a short memorial service (which took place earlier on the day than scheduled because of the approaching T8 and closure of the Club) for the Bali bombings which occurred 19 years ago, claiming the lives of 11 of our members. Allan Payne, who was the Chairman of the HKRU at the time of the bombing and a longstanding member of the Club, gave a eulogy, after which we had a very quick drink to toast our absent friends. The event was filmed and uploaded to the Rugby Section website where those that were not able to make the early start could are able to view the memorial service. Next year will be the 20th anniversary, and I am sure this will trigger a more elaborate ceremony to honour those who lost their lives or were affected by this tragedy.

After a two-year absence, we were able to conduct another Membership Survey at the end of September which had a record response rate, with 25% of members completing the survey. The preliminary findings from the Survey are very encouraging, and the full results will be published in due course in the member's login section of HKFC.com, and some headline numbers are as follows:

Membership of the HKFC meeting with expectations

How likely are you to recommend the HKFC to your friends?

Yes responses Average score (out of 5)

2021 94% 4.3

2019 92% 4.3

2018 88% 4.2

Rating of the HKFC by various attributes

The highest ratings are for Range/Quality of Facilities and Quality of Service. Feeling of Belonging also remains high, and it is interesting to see that Value for Money remains relatively high with an average score of 3.9 (2018 was 3.7 and 2019 was 3.8).

Overall, the responses of key benchmark questions continue to remain high and positive.

I would like to further remind Members that the Annual General Meeting (AGM) will take place on Thursday 11th November starting at 7pm. Although this year prevailing social distancing measures have been somewhat relaxed when compared to last year, the previous practice of holding a Cocktail Reception following the AGM will not be reinstated. As such no food or drinks will be provided after the AGM, although Members are welcome to join the General Committee for casual drinks afterwards in the Sportsman's Bar.

Notes for your diaries are the Christmas Carols on Monday 6th December and the Christmas Quiz Night at the Sportsman's Bar on Thursday 9th December (this year will also include a performance by the HK Pipe Band). The demand for the various Christmas festivities is high, so please do look to book early to avoid any disappointment.

Michael J. Wood Chairman


Michael J. Wood Chairman


We posted the Festive Events programme in mid-October pretty much in between the two T8s that we had in quick succession! I am sure delivery of the programme was sightly delayed because of the T8s but hope you all have now received it. As ever, please do look to book early for any of the festive events on offer in order to avoid any disappointment. And if you are looking for a festive party venue, then please contact our Catering team at 2830 9513 or [email protected].

For those of you that may not be aware, we have a shared box (with the HK Cricket Club) at Happy Valley Racecourse that members can book on Wednesday Race Nights. Please contact the Front Desk for further details.

In the Restaurant this month, we continue with the White Truffles: The Diamond of the Kitchen promotion, but we are also putting on a special Wine Dinner on Friday 26th November where the white truffles will be highlighted in the menu items. For champagne lovers, we are holding (in the Restaurant) a Veuve Clicquot Ponsardin Champagne Dinner on Friday 12th November, and later in the month on Thursday 18th November we are holding a Billecart Salmon Champagne Masterclass. We are obviously trying to get people “Champagne” ready for the Festive season!

And, if you are like me and your stocks of wine etc. are low, then we have the aptly named “Stock Up Your Bar” Wine Fair over the weekend of Saturday 20th November and Sunday 21st November.

The Coffee Shop will have a further month of the Taiwan Night Market buffet theme on Friday and Saturday evenings. The beverage promotion for the month returning by popular demand is “Cold Brew Tea” – I shall be interested to see how this one turns out.

In the Chairman’s Bar, we have the Tour d’Europe Set Tea promotion doing another month along with the “Ah Shucks Oysters” promotion (very nice they are too). And to follow the Set Tea and a few oysters, why not try a cognac, or two where we are focusing on introducing some new cognacs as permanent additions to our beverage menu.

Not to be outdone, the Sportsman’s Bar has the “Campfire Style Market BBQ” promotion throughout the month. Choose what you want from a range of items and we will cook it up for you – available every Friday, Saturday and Sunday evening!

In closing, as I am sure many of you are aware, there are Supply Chain challenges for some food products coming to Hong Kong (as well as the rest of the world), for various reasons. Surprisingly, many of these products are staples that one would never imagine to be sparse, such as potato fries, ground beef and some simple steak cuts. Chef Yan and the Purchasing team are working very hard to try and find alternate suppliers, recommend similar products or different cuts or preparation methods of the same products. Although we will look to find a way, please understand if you see changes in some dishes or pricing on our A la Carte menus.

I look forward to seeing you all at the Club.

Mark Pawley General Manager


Mark Pawley General Manager














HKFC U8s were hosted by

Sandy Bay U8s on Sunday 26th

September, for our first set of

matches against another club since

February 2020. We had seven teams

from HKFC against five Sandy Bay

teams in a round robin format across

four pitches. Across the 100 U8s players

enrolled this season, many players had

a few seasons of mini rugby under their

belts. We also had a handful of players

who were new to mini’s this season,

and with only two training sessions, the

game format was a real baptism of fire

for the newbies.

The day was a big success with plenty

of thrills and spills as the U8s found

their feet again. Enterprising attack

play was more dominant than passing

and tackling, but a great way to get

back into the spirit of competition.

HKFC will be hosting Sandy Bay U8s

in early October, and we’ll be looking

to run similar home and away bilateral

tournaments with other clubs as the

season progresses.

Dean Cooper







Every rugby season has opening traditions. Part of the minis kick-off is donating old rugby kit to where

it is needed and welcomed.

Last year, Minis donated 888 items of used (but freshly laundered) rugby kit to ChildFund Vietnam, a charity connected with Laureus Sport for Good advancing rugby and sport among disadvantaged communities near Hanoi. Thanks to ever generous Club donors, both among minis and senior Rugby Sections, this season over 1,583 items of kit were donated, impacting not one but three charities:

ChildFund (Cambodia), headquartered in Phnom Penh, is an

international development organisation working to reduce poverty among children. They support hundreds of

children in Svay Rieng Province, Kratie Province, and Battambang Province.

Website: www.childfund.org.kh

South of Hong Kong, in the sunny Philippines, there are fewer rugby

connections. Nevertheless, Christ the King Lutheran Church, in rural Nueva

Ecija province, agreed to distribute children’s and adults’ jerseys, shorts, and other rugby kit in communities

where clothing needs can be pressing. No website, but our thanks to Rev

Rustico Cortes for mobilising his small and passionate church.

In neighbouring Laos, the mission of the Lao Rugby Federation is for “all people to have the opportunity to participate in the sport of rugby”. Football Club are proud to join Kowloon RFC who also

connect with them. Website: www.laorugby.com

Special thanks must ring out to our friends at DHL Hong Kong, lead coordinator Garry Kemp, and to Tom Wheeler on the Club side. DHL’s generosity to ship hundreds of kgs to Cambodia and Laos anchors this goodwill. Thank you Garry and Tom for bringing that to life.

At the front end, over three successive and long Sundays, thank you to Rosalina Natividad and Catriona Guy Ramsay for organising kit collection and laundering –with meticulous counting. Dave Stanton hoovered up donations of AFL, Aussie Rules rugby kit, including sports bags. Cameron McIntosh liberated dozens of senior jerseys.

At the back end, thank you Chris Cooke for refereeing the packing crew, including Carol Wong, a U12 parent, Nick Grenham of U11s, whose son Lucian also helped collecting, Allen Schoonmaker and daughter Alyssa Schoonmaker and Natasha Hearder, from U14G rugby. All of y’all: top job and thank you.

Rob Guy Ramsay

Christ the King Lutheran Church




Over 600 children and adults to receive at least one item of sports kit. Many children will receive a full sports kit of boots, socks, shorts

and jerseys.


Shorts 540 pairs

Jerseys 860 pieces

Ssocks 150 pairs

Boots 33 pairs


167kg donated kit to Laos Rugby Federation, Vientiane

82kg donated kit to ChildFund (Cambodia),

Phnom Penh

70kg donated kit to Christ the King Lutheran Church,

Nueva Ecija province, Luzon, Philippines

HKFC Minis have full-time first aiders at every training event (mid-week

and Sunday training). We have the excellent Shirley and Milton, working with Tim McCosker’s CoreOFIT, covering our training sessions at HKFC, Happy Valley and Sandy Bay pitches. They can be found pitch side, waiting to spring into action should any of our young athletes require attention.

Further to this medical support, several of our Minis coaches have been attending the Hong Kong Rugby Union’s (HKRU) First Aid In Sports course on how to


administer basic first aid to sick and injured athletes as well as ways to prevent illnesses and injuries from occurring.

These HKRU courses are designed to help parents, coaches and other players to know how to respond when athletes become ill or injured during practice or competition. Whether in training or matches, it is a good training course to know how we can be prepared to handle the common injuries and illnesses we will likely encounter during sport.

Dave Stanton

NOVEMBER 2021 11




The start of the season has been extremely busy and has had its challenges, but we are very excited to have a streamlined yet competitive and

energetic group of players.

I would like to welcome all of our new joiners to the Men’s section, and it is great to see everyone adapting to our core values, enjoyment, support, respect and discipline.

Across the 6 divisions, we have had a positive start and have several of our Men’s teams already battling it out for that top spot within each respective division with some amazing hockey and fantastic support from the stands. It is an extremely exciting sport to watch and hope we can attract more and more supporters throughout the year, so grab that drink from the Sportsman’s and wander over to watch some exciting hockey. (Never a dull moment!)

Training sessions have been well attended which is a reflection in the results achieved so far, but we need to maintain this energy throughout the season to keep that consistency and continuity in our performances.

Finally, I would like to say how good our teams look in their kit by our new kit supplier Phentex and sponsors Capco.

We are looking forward to an incredibly exciting hockey season ahead. Live the Code.


Mark Blumberg Men’s Captain

At the time of writing, we have finally had all our ladies’ teams kick off their 2021/22 season with good results so far. After the disruption of

the past two years, we are approaching this season with the hope that we can make it from start to finish disruption free. After very successful results across the board last year, we will look to build upon that for this year. Despite Covid, we are welcoming a number of new players into the Section to add support to the longer standing members of the Section. We also continue to reap the rewards of a very successful junior section, with a large number of young ladies rising through the ranks of our teams. A big thank you to Simon Chapman and our coaching team for getting all of us ready for the leagues through pre-season!

I look forward to enjoying many Saturdays watching all the teams – play hard, play fair and play to win, but most importantly play with a smile on your face and represent HKFC with your best foot forward.


Emma Sturgess Women’s Captain




MY HOCKEY STORY“Come on Umpire, please do your job…!!” I was so tired of umpires not taking their duties seriously back in the days, and I decided I would become a good umpire and make the game more enjoyable for the players. This is how I, like many others, started my officiating journey.

Officiating sports can be just as fun and exciting as playing if you have the right mindset and

the respect for the sport. Sometimes it can also lead you to places and events that you could never dream of, and I mean never…

After registering as a hockey umpire in 2001, I started umpiring matches in the Hong Kong local leagues. Like many junior umpires, we would initially got those 2030 weekday and 0900 weekend morning games. As I progressed, I started to get better games and eventually I was umpiring the premier games. However, in 2009, my hockey career took a turn as I was introduced to officiating as a technical judge for the first time in the 2009 East Asian Games hosted by Hong Kong. A year later, I was appointed for the Asian Games and my international hockey adventure began. I have taken part in many fabulous tournaments since then, like the SEA Games, World League, Indoor World Cup, Champions Trophy, Pro League and the Men’s World Cup in 2018.

Hockey took me to many familiar places like London, Taipei, Ipoh, Seoul, Vancouver, Perth, Singapore; it also took me to many amazing places like Oman, Leipzig, Bangladesh, Bhubaneswar and Kakamigahara which would not be in my normal holiday plans.

It is not only about the places we travel to during the tournaments, it is more about the people we meet. The

dedicated local volunteers, the hockey players, the coaches, the managers and the hockey officials from every part of the globe, many of whom became my closest friends.

Back in 1988, I was sitting in front of a small TV with my friends and saw GB Men’s take Gold in the Seoul Olympics. We were delighted and I said to myself, “this is fantastic, I hope one day I will be able to watch an Olympic final in person.” Two years ago, I was fortunate enough to be appointed as one of the technical officials for the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games. After the 12-month postponement, I finally made it to Tokyo in July, my first ever Olympic Games. Unlike all the other Olympics before, we were in our sports bubble and were only allowed in the Stadium or the hotel throughout the games. Nevertheless, it was an experience of a lifetime and I ended up officiating 17 matches including the Women’s Gold Medal match on the final day. My dream finally came true. I was watching an Olympic final in person, and I got the best seat in the house, at the technical table…

Alfred Chan Chairman of the HKHA Umpires Section

NOVEMBER 2021 13




the sporting calendar in numerous ways, the second half of the

Premier League resumed and kicked off in late August. National games including Mixed Fours, Mixed Triples, 2-4-2 Pairs, Indoor Pairs and Novice Pairs are gradually returning to action. Bowlers’ greetings have changed from handshakes to fist bumps, but our enthusiasm to the sport will always remain the same!


Three HKFC teams entered the Final of this season’s National Fours Championship! For the men’s side, the open competition attracted a total entry of 103 teams from the local lawn bowls clubs. Our Edmond Chan, Patrick Choi, Warren Cheung and Y.S. Leung successfully gained their well deserved places in the final duel.

For the Ladies’ Championship, the final would be a “in-fighting civil war” by two HKFC teams! Both teams: Grace Chu, May Pool, Shirley Ma, Phyllis Wong, and Christina Yeung, Eva Yu, Phoebe Ho, Camilla Leung, in their current form can hardly be beaten. Though the game will only be played later this year, we can now proudly announce the Champions and the 1st runners-up would definitely be wearing a HKFC jersey!


Our Tony Cheung represented the Club in the final of the Men’s National Indoor Singles. The game was an eagerly awaited match between two current HK Squad members that did not disappoint. Playing at the opponent’s home green, Tony’s adaptation and confidence allowed him to come back strongly in the second half of the game. Despite the great effort, our Men’s Indoor Singles Finalist had to contend with the 1st runner-up title.


Pairs Edmond Cha, Warren Cheung, and Shirley Ma, Phyllis Wong attested to the strongest challenges posed by their fellow bowlers in the recent Club


Men’s Pairs


Edmond Chan and Warren Cheung


David Chiu and Heron Lau

Ladies’ Pairs


Shirley Ma and Phyllis Wong


Christina Yeung and Camilla Leung

Pairs competition and have proven themselves to be the best pairs in the Section.

This year’s Club Pairs featured a total of 15 men’s pairs and 9 ladies’ pairs for the knock-out games.


2021 IRC Invitation Triples Champion Team - Philip Sze, Mobin Yau and Wanis Sze

2021 IRC Invitation Triples 1st Runner-up - Raphael Chan, Matthew Lee and Phyllis Wong





What a perfect day for basking in not only mid-Autumn sunshine, but also bona-fide sportsmanship contributed by 48 lawn bowlers from the Section at the Outdoor Green on Wednesday, 22nd September.

Serving as the qualifying competition for the IRC Invitation Triples this year, the one-day tournament of 6-end triples

A total of 48 Club members, who formed 12 teams, took part in the game on the 1st September. Each team was formed with two players from the GS and two from the LBS. The game was played in a very friendly atmosphere with


Champion TeamWanis Sze, Philip Sze

and Mobin Yau

Runner-up TeamPhyllis Wong, Matthew Wong

and Raphael Chang

food and beverages being served. The golfers picked up the game of bowls really well, possibly attributable to the similarities of the two sports, namely the swing and green.

with round-robin in which 16 teams of bowlers competed against each other for the honour.

The team comprising Wanis Sze, Philip Sze and Mobin Yau proved to be the fittest in representing the Club for the 2021 IRC Invitation Triples to be held at Indian Recreation Club on 1st October.

Congratulations to our winning teams.

NOVEMBER 2021 15


This summer, 130 Squash Section members took to the courts for HKFC’s annual Summer League.

Some looking to sharpen their squash skills before the long awaited winter league, others, the pre and post-match pints. Over the course of 3 months, we had gruelling matches and shocking upsets as 22 teams battled it out on the league tables across 4 divisions. As was usually the case when adults are left to their own, we ended up with team entries such as “The F Ups”, “Deuce Lay Low More”, “Let's Stroke Rubber” and “The Untouchaballs”. Well played.

Starting with Division 4, “Team B”, led by Rahul Dansanghani, won the overall league on points, whilst “Team C”, led by Gordon Chan, took the final victory in the play-offs. Whether the final league position or the play-off results matter, more will undoubtedly be hotly debated. Until next year. Though Rahul, and the rest of Division 4 dare I say, struggled to come up with a creative and pun (pun intended) team name, he did produce fine form, making it through the Summer League undefeated and earning him an honourable mention here. Well done to both teams!

In Division 3, we had a tightly contested league with “The Racketeers”, led by Chung Leung, edging out “It’s Coming Home”, led by Arun Kirpalani, in both the overall league table and the play-offs. Sorry Arun, guess it’s not coming home after all. Clarence Lam of “It’s Coming Home”, however, did bring it home, not dropping a single match and earning himself bragging rights for the foreseeable future.

Now Division 2, “Let’s Stroke Rubber”, led by Adrian Ng, won the overall league on points, and in this author’s eyes, the team naming competition as well. “Cupping Room”, led by Teddy Pun, however, took victory in the play-offs, courtesy of a fine summer from Christian Hibberd who has yet to lose a match.

Moving on to Division 1, we had in the play-offs the old rivalry between Eric Ho and Vincent Yu and their respective teams “The Untouchaballs” and “J.A.R.V.E.S.”. After a hotly contested play-off, “J.A.R.V.E.S.” took the victory, as well as the lead in the final league position. “Maybe the real summer league was the friends we made along the way”, said a distraught Eric after



the loss. Anson Tong who remained undefeated took MVP of Division 1, and should consider perhaps quitting his day job and turning pro.

Play-offs day, in which all 22 teams played off to their final positions, was capped by an eagerly anticipated Squash Section social MC’ed with Shaggy’s smooth Scottish accent and expertly thrown by our own Romain Chatté and the HKFC F&B team. An evening of free flow barbeque and drink.

Congratulations to all the teams and players who took part and a big shout out to resident Director of Squash Carlos Cornes and the rest of the committee for putting it all together.

Peter Wat


Division 1J.A.R.V.E.S.

Division 2


Let’s Stroke Rubber


Cupping Room

Division 3The Racketeers

Division 4


Team B


Team C



Midway through 2020, we had no idea what was about to happen. Some of us figured out how to

keep active, some upgraded our home gym setup or even subscribed to online coaching, group classes or freebies on YouTube. Most of us though, sat back, took a rest day, week, month or three and re-entered the courts with the all-too -common self-rhetorical justification of “well we haven’t had access so no wonder I’m not fit”. With the start of the new squash season upon us after 18 months off, it is time to put aside the excuses and proactively plan your training to continue your progress in the sport!


You utilise multiple energy pathways in order to meet the demands imposed by your body. These are adenosine triphosphate (ATP), creatine phosphate (CP), anaerobic and aerobic pathways. Here are the respective durations of each pathway: ATP <10s, CP 10-50s, anaerobic 10-90s and aerobic >90s.

What does this mean? Let’s imagine ATP is the tip of a matchstick: you strike it then it develops for a few seconds before settling down and burning along the wooden shaft of the match. If ATP is the tip, then CP is the wooden shaft. Likewise, if ATP is described as the diagonal court dive in Paul “Superman” Coll style, then CP would be the next 4 shots to win the rally.

In squash, most rallies are between 5-30 shots. And trust me, you know when you've been in a rally lasting 30 shots or over - just try getting a word out amidst all that heavy breathing! The higher the level, typically, the longer the rallies. A 30-shot rally will take approximately 90 seconds which arguably means the rally is done anaerobically (without the presence of oxygen). I wouldn’t recommend holding your breath while battling out such a rally! But the point is, as far as the player’s energy system

SQUASH FITis concerned, most squash rallies are performed anaerobically. You may ask, “so why am I blowing out of every respiratory hole?” This is due to the fact that our marathon coal burning system - the aerobic system - is there to replenish the other 3 systems you’ve just pushed to their limits during these rallies. All these are needed and all are important!

So, which do I train?

The legendary “German Tree-Chopper” Simon Rösner swears by hill sprints for his conditioning. “The Beast of Alexandria” Mohammed ElShorbagy opts for circuit training. Paul Coll and Nele Gilis love CrossFit as part of their off-court training. What do they all have in common? They train all energy systems. There is nothing wrong with a good old-fashioned run along the harbour to get you “fit”, but is that the kind of “fit” you are looking for to carry over to the court? How can a 5km run or 20 laps in the pool assist you in being a better athlete?

It can - but for only one energy system!

Here are some concepts to consider when trying an energy system training:

1 Sort out any dysfunctional shoulder or hip mechanics. If your posture is poor and it brings you pain, address that first.

2 Keep the exercises simple but choose movements that can be performed explosively. A cross trainer isn’t going to cut it.

3 You want as much muscle tissue involved in the safest planes of movement to allow you to exert maximal effort. High speed bicep curls will only serve you toward injury.

4 If you’re not used to pushing yourself hard, keep a bucket nearby!

Graham Mountford


SquatsPush upsWalking lungesBurpees

CIRCUIT FORMAT2 minutes break between A4 and A1Controlled tempo

ACCUMULATED REPSNewbies 80-160 reps,Gym tourists 120-240 reps,Gym rats 200-400 reps

HKFC GYM SESSIONA Rower 30s sprint 30s

rest 7 times.B Spin bike 20s hill climb

20s sprint 90s steady flat 6 times.

C1 Medicine ball burpee 50 reps (accumulated)

C2 DB thruster 8kg girls, 14kg boys for 50 reps (accumulated)

D Jump rope 60s on 60s off 5 times.

MODIFIED STRONGMANA1 Deadlift 20 repsA2 Battle rope 30 secondsB1 Farmers walk 20m with half

body weightB2 Plank front and sides 60s

front 30s each sideC1 Backwards sled drag 20m

at body weightC2 Prowler sprint 20m at half

body weight


3-5 sets

Super set from first to second exercise then rest 90s between second and beginning the first exercise again

Now let’s get into the fun stuff.

Above are only a few ideas on how to get squash fit! If you would like a more in-depth conversation on how to better manage your wellness, feel free to reach out to Graham Mountford!

NOVEMBER 2021 17




I t has been a smooth start to season 2021-2022. We began the season holding our internal team trials and then opened up the trials to those who had been

waitlisted with the HKFC JNA. Amazingly we had over 70 interested potential players to join our Monday and Wednesday training sessions. Our team structures are now all full, and we are looking forward to our new look kit arriving and the beginning of the autumn HKNA competition.

As a warm-up to the season, the HKFC JNA participated in NETFEST HK 2021. Well done to all our players who participated and thank you to Aqru Chan, Beauella Purcell, Hannah May, Rachael Alsop and Kath Ellis.

Rebecca Thompson and Mary Vlogianitis

Signalling the start of the season, ”Netfest” proved to be somewhat of a baptism of fire for our newly promoted Under 12s - many of whom had just tipped over from under 10s. Needless to say, at this age, the 2-year height differential can seem quite daunting. With reference to our opponents, several comments along the lines of “but they’re giants!” could be heard before we took to the courts! This, combined with the scorching heat, always meant it was going to be a challenging day at the courts. The girls got off to quite a shaky start. Remembering to find space was a particular challenge and the shots on goal were largely misfiring. However, to their credit, the girls were not disheartened. They listened well to feedback and as the competition progressed, they began to find their groove and the net! They managed to sustain their energy levels which was no mean feat, given the heat - helped in large part by copious amounts of frozen pineapple! A great time was had, and the girls were delighted to finally be back on court. Whilst they didn’t bring home any silverware, their confidence has grown and they went home with a valuable experience that will stand them in great stead for the season ahead. All in all, an enjoyable day out!

Beauella Purcell




A big warm welcome to all new and returning players! At the time of writing, the Senior Netball Section’s gearing up for a new season - having just completed 2 of 3 evenings of trials, with over 80 women taking court. After a summer hiatus, it’s been a pleasure to see everyone eager

to get fit and back in action. Thanks to Kath Ellis and Karin Looram for being part of the selection committee. Not to mention all the pre-work that has gone into the running and coordination of trials, so thank you to all our committee members.

There’s an exciting programme of events to look forward to - apart from, hopefully a less disrupted, season, another to note is the foundation coaching course organised by HKNA, exclusively for our members. We hope this programme will add more talent to our coaching team.

Sincerely, Natacha Cuvelier


Chairman Natacha Cuvelier

Secretary Jane Wakeman

Treasurer Gabby Honey

Attendance Officer Gemma Tregenza

HKNA Representative/Umpiring Marie Farry

Kit & Equipment Convenor Simone Maclay

Junior Convenor Rebecca Thompson

Membership Officer Suzie Keady

Netball Coordinator Helene Bibeau

Communications Convenor Jackie Law

Social Convenor Stephanie Huxley

Umpiring Convenor Cici Hui



U12 Blue aka Lightning (and with a few extra players) had an amazing Netfest and ended up winning the U12 category! Despite the heat, we had a fantastic effort from all the girls and were able to win all our round robin games, ending the day undefeated. With a mix of some younger players and others with more experience, the team did a great job in coming together quickly and learning to work with each other on the go. Everyone was extremely supportive of each other and were flexible in their playing positions, with some players discovering some new positions that they’re interested in. Huge thank you to all the parents that were helping out with drinks, photographs, ice and more! With an amazing start to the season, we hope this success carries on into the JNL season!

Aqru Chan


What a start to the season for the U14’s. In the first game, we lost to pirates, but the team was getting to know how each other played with a mixed team of U14’s. Every match after the team grew in confidence and played to each other's strengths. Rachel had her eye in with most shots going in. Sara’s defence in the circle was outstanding, tipping and turning over the ball. I was proud of all the players on the court. The team and coach were very Happy with 3rd place!

Rachael Alsop

The annual Netfest tournament is a short and fast format where the girls play 4 games with 2 x 7 min halves. We combined our U16 teams and created a fantastic team especially for this event. It’s great fun and gives the girls a chance to play out of their usual positions and try something new. Armed with an esky full of ice and heaps of water, the girls battled it out in the heat. They played, among others, rivals HKCC, SCAA and Sai Kung. Bridie Benfield and Hannah Smeets were fantastic in defence, Ruby Sylvester and Emma Harries brilliant in centre court and Iris Peel popped in goal after goal. A warm welcome to new-comer Sienna Park who is a fantastic asset for our U16s. Welcome Sienna! Well done girls. A great fun start to the JNA netball season.

Kirsty Hulme



NOVEMBER 2021 19


US OPEN SOCIAL On the afternoon of Saturday

4th September, 48 players took to the HKFC rooftop courts in

yet another epic tennis social. With a US rock band dress theme, lots of great tennis, food, drink, prizes and music filling the air, the event was a hit!

Hosts Axl Rose and Slash (a.k.a. ATA coaches Toby and Nathan) set out a fun doubles format in the ‘open’ and ‘social’ categories, with matches counting towards each individual’s Universal Tennis Ranking.

Congratulations to all the winners.


‘Open’ category


Portia Chan and Nicol Cheung

Roy Cheng and Shane Wallis


Jason Wildman and Christian Quach

Shaan Bhojwani and Amro Abbas

‘Social’ category


Aki Hashimoto and Hanyan Healy

Adrian Long and Karen Chan


Jessie Maltby and Hnin Saing

Gary Guo and Kelly Wildman

Best Dressed

Helen Hancock and Katy Chandler


Christian Quach

NOVEMBER 2021 21


On Saturday 18th September, 15 players aged 9 and under hit the courts for the second event in the ATA mini orange ball junior series competition.

Players competed in a compass draw format; guaranteeing them 3-4 matches and the opportunity to play against others in the draw that had won or lost the same number of matches.

With 3 events in the series, players accumulate points during each event, the highest scorers going on to qualify for the series finals on 4th December.

ATA coaches were on hand providing support and tips to the players throughout the afternoon and ensuring the competition was a fun, positive learning experience for all.

Congratulations to the event winner Jake Long, first runner-up Chris Chow and second runner-up Marcus Tan.





On the 25th September, we had 50 fabulous League players from across all our adult teams partying the night away in LKF! HKFC players were also joined by their ATA coaches to celebrate the start of our new season and what we hope will be a COVID free and complete season! With drinks and nibbles a plenty, the party carried on into the small hours and we had a blast!

This Winter Season, the Tennis Society has entered four Mens Teams, four Ladies Teams, two Senior Teams, two Mixed Doubles Teams and three Juniors Teams into various Day and Night Leagues - we wish all our players some great games ahead!



NOVEMBER 2021 23


GOLF GOLF OUTINGSOUTINGSGOLF OUTINGSKau Sai Chau South CourseThursday, 9th September 2021


As seems typical at this time of year, Mother Nature was threatening to ruin our golfing

efforts again with the typhoon signal number 1 being raised the night before warning of no fewer than two typhoons heading our way. As usual with a typhoon in the vicinity, the weather was extremely hot and the air seemed to be thinner, making it feel hard to breathe. Despite the challenging conditions, many of our hardy golfers managed to shoot good scores.

The first to tee off were Jonny Brock and Alastair Murray up against Tom McColl and Terry Wright. On the first green, Jonny missed a tap-in par from literally inches! He informed anyone who was interested it was all because the edge of the hole had some uncut grass that stopped his ball. This miss put Jonny’s team one down, but despite the disappointing start, Alastair and Jonny rallied to shoot a very respectable 79 and 81 gross which was enough to give them victory. Meanwhile, Terry Wright shot an excellent 75 gross for 36 stableford points to claim third place while Alastair’s 79 for 37 stableford secured second.

Meanwhile in my group, Henry Lai demonstrated the value of regular play with an impressive display of straight driving. Over the front 9, he shot 2 over par with 5 pars ,1 bogey and 1 birdie, clearly giving him a great chance to win the tournament. However, the pressure took its toll as soon as he realized he was only 2 over par, and suddenly all his shots started going to the right. A rather sad 10 over on the back nine meant he only finished with 30 stableford points. Time to locate a sports psychologist!

The winner’s laurels went to late entrant Andrew Wood with an outstanding 76 gross for 40 stableford points. Well done Andrew. That is very respectable golf.

Happy Golfing

Ted Li


Hole 7 Matthew Keefe


Male Terry Wright

Female Helen Hayward


Hole 2 Alastair Murray

Hole 5 Matthew Keefe

Hole 11 Helen Hayward

Hole 16 Helen Hayward

Hole 15 Adrian Worth


Terry Wright 83 points

1st place Ted Li 34 points

2nd place Koen Pijpers

3rd place Law Ka Keung


Jonny Brock 81 points

1st place Andrew Wood 40 points

2nd place Alastair Murray 37 points

3rd place Terry Wright 36 points

Henry Lai

The happy prize winners - Alastair Murray, Andrew Wood, Terry Wright

Albert Lam



As ever, the weather threatened to wash us all off the golf course with thunderstorms

and pouring rain the day before. The day’s weather forecast predicted more of the same, and up until 6:30 a.m., there was still heavy rain and thunderstorms. Magically however, when we arrived at Sai Kung at around 8:20 a.m., we were welcomed by weak sunshine and a gentle breeze!

Today I was drawn to play with Dennis Hui Man Kit and Choy Sheung Ki, Gary. My swing hasn’t been very stable all year with a permanent tendency to hook to the left. Luckily, I found something on the range before the round, and it seemed to straighten out my irons. On hole 6, the toughest par 5 with index 1, I drove the ball perfectly with a 280 yard carry leaving 200 yards over a nasty hazard to the flag. With my new swing plane and a 5 iron in hand, I managed to land it on the green leaving 30 feet and an easy two putt for birdie. I was not able to attain these dizzy heights all round, but my final score was 84 with 10 pars and 1 birdie to finish the round with 36 points to secure first place!

Meanwhile, Dennis struggled around the first nine, missing most greens. However, his short game was out-standing, and with a series of accurate chips and good putts, he still managed to par many holes.

Kau Sai Chau East CourseFriday, 24th September 2021


Hole 12 Stephen Thompson


William Taam 94 points

1st place Ted Li 36 points

2nd place Joel Simon Gasche

3rd place Allan Homeming


Hole 3 Ted Li

Hole 5 Stephen Thompson

Hole 8 Allan Homeming

Hole 13 Susan Hall

Hole 15 Donald Roberts

Gary’s problem was more self-inflicted as he battled a hangover for the front nine. We could still smell alcohol in his vicinity, so not surprisingly he was not very sharp for the first 7 holes. However, the secret with golf is to learn to play with the swing you have on the day. He worked this out by the 8th, and found his “drunk swing” by aiming 45 degrees to the left and sliced the ball elegantly 190 yards onto to the green!

In the other group, the star was Stephen Thompson who hit a series of excellent irons. On hole 5, I had left the near pin marker 5 feet from the hole and was eagerly expecting my prize, but Stephen had other ideas and placed his tee shot 2 feet closer. He followed that up by winning the “nearest to the pin in two” on hole 12!

Happy Golfing

Ted Li

Dennis Hui taking on the rather scary tee shot on the 2nd - “DON’T SLICE!"

William Taam with his prize. How long will they survive?

A smug looking Gary Choy

NOVEMBER 2021 25









HKFC Ladder Competition 2021 Championship Final

YMCA Youth Age Division Team Tournament 2021

Our young juniors will compete in the upcoming YMCA team tournament in October 2021.

Club Championship 2021 The first Club Championship

will be held in November 2021.

Inter-Club Friendly Match The first inter-club friendly match

with Ladies’ Recreation Club will be held at the LRC in December 2021. Join in the match with the deadline

for sign up being on 5th December 2021!


Men’s competition has always been very competitive and the players put up an excellent fight against the “All In One” team and lost 0:3 in the first round.


HKFC is able to put together a ladies, team this year again to compete in the President Cup intermediate level ladies' team competition. Team members were composed of JAM, SPM and talented junior players. They competed against a strong team Heep Yan and lost 1:3 with the Coraline and Hoey partnership winning one game of doubles.


Our intermediate level mixed team was composed of young performance players including our JAM Coraline Lo, current national youth team player and as well as our SPMs to put up spectacular fights against some of the strongest teams in Hong Kong. They won the first round against Wai Lap by 3:2 and then second round Dream League also by 3:2. They will be in the semi-final on 17th October 2021.


This is the first time HKFC put out a young junior team to participate in the President Cup. Since this is an open-age competition, these young talents were up against adult players. They were not at all intimated and courageously beat the team in the first round by 3:2. Even though they lost in the second round (0:3), these young players have gained more than just experience, but friendship, teamwork and confidence that will be with them for a long time.


This is the first time our JAM Saloni Mehta, now also an Undergraduate at the University of Hong Kong, to represent Hong Kong as the full-time national player and participate at the 14th Games of the People’s Republic of China 2021. Although she graduated in preliminary rounds, the experience and exposure in the professional senior level competition is a good start for her.

This long-standing high-level competition divides into open and youth (age division) tournaments, our JAM, Coraline Lo, took the girls’ doubles second runner-up home.

Our first JAM Representing Hong Kong National Badminton Team – SALONI MEHTA

Results of Bank of China Hong Kong Youth Tournament 2021 – CORALINE LO

NOVEMBER 2021 27


Swimming and Triathlon Society member Nicolas Gontard (Nico) participated in Dinard Swimrum on 11th September 2021. This event took place on the beautiful Emerald Coast in Brittany, France.

Nico competed in the gruelling and challenging long course of this event. The long course

included a total of 10 runs and 9 swims which includes a total of 5.4km of ocean swimming in ultra clean but cold waters and 25km of trail run following the old customs path on the coast.

There was a total of 220 participants (including 90 teams and 40 solo competitors). Nico came 7th overall in a finish time of 3 hours and 21 minutes.

Nico, at the finish chute, smiling after a productive day



NOVEMBER 2021 29


HONG KONG TRIATHLON ASSOCIATION2021 AQUATHLON RACE SERIESThe Society member Mayank Vaid participated in the Aquathon races on 5th September (Race 1) and 26th September 2021 (Race 2). In both races Mayank participated in the Challenge distance which included 500m swimming in a designated pool and a 5km virtual run.

Races 1 and 2 Mayank placed 1st in age group 45-49 in a time of 28 minutes 46 seconds (swim 08:50/run 19:56) and 28 minutes 48 seconds (swim 08:52/run 19:56), respectively. Mayank received Gold in both events.

The Society members joined the Hong Kong China Swimming Association, 2021-22 Short

Course Masters Swimming Competition (Part 1) on 26th September 2021 at Shing Mun Valley Swimming Pool. Alex Fong, Lachlan Wolfers and Craig Nortje represented the Club at the event bringing in excellent results. Alex set a new Hong Kong Masters swimming record in 200m breaststroke with a time of 2:30:19.


Alex Fong Men 40-44 1st 200m Breastroke

Lachlan Wolfers Men 45-49 6th 50m Freestyle

Craig Nortje Men 40-441st 1st 3rd

25m Butterfly100m Freestyle50m Backstroke

Alex, Craig and Lachlan celebrating the success and great day out at Shing Mun Valley Swimming Pool

Mayank at Ma On Shan Swimming Pool at Race 2 of the series together with family joining Trikids races



Dominic Tsui, lovingly called Coach Dom, is coaching champions at the Swimming and Triathlon Society and shares with us his life and his thoughts on rewards of working hard and preparing for the fairest game.

Who is Dominic Tsui? Please tell us a little about yourself. “I grew up in Hong Kong and swam with the YMCA team in my teens. I was Interschool Divison 1 Champion and also Hong Kong Junior gold medal winner. I went to school in the UK, got my PhD in Electronic Engineering, before working in finance in London, Tokyo and Hong Kong. I have been a Masters swimmer since 2006, having swum in 6 World Masters Championships in various continents.”

When did you start swimming? “Started training late at age 13 attending a local secondary school when my PE teacher introduced me to a swimming club.”

What motivated you to become a swimming coach? “I wanted to improve my swimming, so I got to learn more about coaching and the more I found out, the more I fell in love with the sport. I could be on deck all day watching people swim and thinking what the swimmers could do to swim better.”

Does your family love swimming as well? “Nope, my boys hated going, but eventually came round to swimming for fitness. So it really is just me being passionate about swimming. But of course, everyone, including friends, is affected by my love for swimming. The swimming or coaching timetable is very unsociable. I am at work when others are not at work. That is first thing



in the morning, noon time and after work in the evening. So, I don’t go out much for dinners and socialise as much as I used to.”

What are your most cherished moments as a coach? “As a coach, seeing my swimmers perform. It is a total thrill to see the hard work swimmers put in turn into measurable results. Seeing them break records, winning races at the world level including Asian Masters and World Champs are very satisfying.”

How does it feel to be married to an Olympian swimmer? Who is the better swimmer? “It’s great to show her off saying, 'my wife is a 2-time Olympian and she was only 13 years old in her first Olympics

and she swam the 200m Butterfly!'. Sandy is faster. But the really good thing about a partner with swimming experience and being also a swim coach is that we understand our work schedule, we wake up similar times, we go home at similar times (more like she waits for me at Football Club). We understand our programmes, we understand the terms in swimming, don’t have to explain what Free IM is or what descending set is. You should see us watching swimming races together, we even enjoy doing that together!”

What advice will you give to new or accomplished athletes? “Learn to love the sport, to feel the funny medium of water. 'Feel the Water' someone very famous says that too. Enjoy swimming, the best sport ever! As athletes, trust the process, identify your goal, train and achieve. You are rewarded with what you put in, the fairest game.”

Dominic coaching at Fastlane Swimming session

Dominic with Society members after Clean Half swim race

NOVEMBER 2021 31





FUNCTION This exercise is to train up our leg muscles to improve balance, muscle control and strength of lower limb muscles in order to maintain personal endurance for running.

1 Start by holding a dumbbell at chest level seated on a chair

2 Lift up one leg (knee bent), then try standing up with one foot on the floor

3 Keep the same posture and try sitting back down slowly, repeat



Complete 12 repetitions with each leg and do 3 sets.


NOVEMBER 2021 33

Be Joyful, Be Grateful, Give Thanks!

Celebrate the joy of Thanksgiving with your family and friends at the Club.

If you prefer to host your party at home, just pick up the Thanksgiving Takeaway Order Form and contact the Coffee Shop right away!

In the Sportsman’s Bar


Campfire Style BBQ

There’s no need to camp out in the forest to cook up a BBQ, just head on down to the Sportsman’s Bar throughout the month of November and pick your dinner fresh from the market stall display and we’ll cook it up for you at our pop-up cooking station at the Front Patio every Friday, Saturday and Sunday evening.

In the Chairman’s Bar


Raclette and Cheese Fondue

Hot, gooey, melted cheeses are back to warm your hearts and your bellies. Served alongside some tasty garnishes.

Throughout the months of November and December.

In the Restaurant


White Truffles: The Diamond of the Kitchen

The distinct aroma and intense earthy flavour can transform any dish into exquisite experiences. Ancient Romans attributed therapeutic and aphrodisiac properties to the truffle, and though this remains unproven today, there is certainly a love bordering on fervour for them.

Try these white truffle dishes throughout the month of November at the Restaurant.


Scan the QR Code

for Restaurant’sSet Menu

Scan the QR Code

for Coffee ShopTakeaway Form



In the Lockhart Room


In the Coffee Shop

Buffet Theme: Taiwan Night Market Festive: Thanksgiving Specials Beverage Promotion: Cold Brew Tea

In the Coffee Shop

Christmas Buffet Dinner Takeaway: Christmas Items

In the Sportsman’s Bar

Turkey and Ham Carving Station Beverage: Mulled Wine Activities: 2nd Annual Ugly Sweater Contest

In the Restaurant

Italian Christmas Dishes

In the Chairman’s Bar

One Plate Festive Platter Set Tea: Winter Theme Beverage: Christmas Cocktails

In the Family Lounge

Mince Pie


In the Captain’s Bar

Puff the Magic Dragon Puffs Mulled Wine

In the Chairman’s Bar

Set Tea: “Tour D’Europe” Set Tea Food Promotion: Ah Shucks Oysters Beverage Promotion: New Cognacs

In the Sportsman’s Bar

Daily Specials: Thanksgiving Items Beverage Promotion: Vodka Based Cocktail

In the Captain’s Bar

Razilla, the sequel! Itadakimasu! Beverage Promotion: Liquor Coffees

In the Family Lounge

Apple Pie, Tart and Crumble Beverage Promotion: Hot Chocolate

In the Restaurant

FRIDAY, 12TH NOVEMBERVeuve Clicquot Ponsardin Champagne Dinner

In the Happy Valley Suites

THURSDAY, 18TH NOVEMBER Billecart Salmon Champagne Masterclass

FRIDAY, 26TH NOVEMBERWine Dinner with White Truffle



In the Lockhart Room


In the Restaurant

FRIDAY, 10TH DECEMBERLong Meadow Ranch Wine Dinner

Festive Events

Celebrate the Christmas and New Year at the Club! New Year’s Eve count down dinner is available at the Restaurant and Happy Valley Suites with live entertainment.

MONDAY, 13TH DECEMBER“Rest of the World” Masterclass


NOVEMBER 2021 35


T: 2830 9562E: [email protected]

T: 2830 9569E: [email protected]

T: 2830 9531E: [email protected]

T: 2830 9559E: [email protected]

T: 2837 2622E: [email protected]

T: 2837 2663E: [email protected]

T: 2830 9531E: [email protected]

T: 2837 2678E: [email protected]

T: 2830 9513E: [email protected]

Thanksgiving seems like a holiday that’s as American as apple pie, or pumpkin pie for that matter. But actually, there are variants of this day all around the world. Their meanings, dates, and customs may vary, but they all revolve around the concept of gratitude.



GERMANYA religious holiday that often takes place on the first Sunday of October, Erntedankfest is essentially a harvest festival that gives thanks for a good year and good fortune. In rural areas, the harvest aspect might be taken more literally, but churches in cities also hold festivities. This might include a procession with an Erntekrone, a harvest crown made of grain, flowers and fruit. Although turkeys are making inroads, fattened up chickens (die Masthähnchen), hens (die Poularde) and geese (die Gans) are favoured for the feast.

JAPANKinrõ Kansha no Hi is a national public holiday that Japan celebrates every 23rd November. Derived from ancient harvest festival rituals named Niinamesai, its modern meaning is more tied to a celebration of hard work and community involvement, hence its translation: Laboyr Thanksgiving Day. While Niinamesai's traditions reach back thousands of years, Kinrõ Kansha no Hi was created officially in 1948. It was intended to celebrate the rights of workers in post-World War II Japan. Today it’s celebrated with labour organization-led festivities, and children creating crafts and gifts for local police officers.

CANADAArising from the same European origins of harvest festivals that led to the United States’ version, Canadian Thanksgiving was first celebrated in 1578, when English explorer Martin Frobisher gave thanks for his fleet's safe travels in present-day Nunavut. Parliament made it a national holiday in 1879. But in 1957, Parliament moved it to the second Monday in October, declaring, "A Day of General Thanksgiving to Almighty God for the bountiful harvest with which Canada has been blessed."

THE NETHERLANDSBefore the Pilgrims boarded the Mayflower for the New World, they lived in Leiden in the Netherlands, where they settled after leaving England to escape religious persecution. They lived and worked in Leiden from 1609 to 1620. The Dutch have claimed influence on several elements of colonial American life from this contact, including civil marriages, ladder-back chairs, and wood-planked house construction. Some even suggest the Pilgrims’ Thanksgiving found inspiration in Leiden's annual commemoration of the breaking of the Spanish siege of 1574. Regardless, the people of Leiden still celebrate the American settlers who once lived there with a non-denominational church service on the fourth Thursday of November. Afterwards, cookies and coffee are offered.

NORFOLK ISLANDLike Grenada, this small and remote Pacific Island that sits between Australia and New Zealand owes its Thanksgiving to contact with the U.S., specifically with its whalers in the mid-1890s. It began when American trader Isaac Robinson proposed decorating the All Saints Church with palm leaves and lemons, hoping to attract whalers to a Thanksgiving service /celebration. Though Robinson passed away before the following Thanksgiving, the tradition caught on. Now on the last Wednesday of November, families bring fruit and vegetables to the church to celebrate, tying cornstalks to pews, and decorating the altar with fresh flowers. Where they would once recollect their offerings afterwards, now these are sold to raise money for the church.

Sorce from: www.mentalfloss.com

For Club’s Thanksgiving programmes, please refer to the poster on the left and you may scan the below QR code to access our Thanksgiving Takeaway Form from Coffee Shop, if you would like to plan your party at home this year.

Scan the QR Code

for Coffee ShopTakeaway Form

NOVEMBER 2021 37


In the world of George Hutton Potts, the only game bigger than rugby was risk. If there was one to be taken, he never blinked.


When he landed in Hong Kong in 1885, he was a 21-year-old toughened on the pitch at Harrow playing that school’s unique football code. He put on his boots for the last rugby match staged three days before the Hong Kong Football Club was formed in February 1886, then again for the first Club match a few days later. A HKFC founding member, G.H. Potts was elected Club’s first Rugby Captain, for four seasons starting in 1894-95. But the rugger field was not a dangerous enough place for a man like him.

Potts was not one to be led. He did the leading, from out in front. He was not one for committees – they were for others, those who could sit still for more than a few minutes. He was born into a successful shipping family in a manor on a hill in Middlesex near Harrow School, the school of choice for the many brothers and cousins he grew up with.

The Hutton Potts clan spread themselves around the world. His siblings went to Yokohama and Shanghai while George opted for Hong Kong, where he fidgeted behind a desk at Russell & Co., the original American opium traders who rivalled Jardines until they went bust in 1892. By then George had quit the desk, was into the stock-broking business and on his way to becoming a multi-millionaire.


His first broking partner was fellow HKFC founding member C.S. Barff. George soon graduated into the big league, linking up with celebrated money men like Solomon Sassoon Benjamin and, later, the Kadoorie brothers who in those days used the pseudonym ‘Kelly’. His autograph, along with that of C.P. Chater, was one of twenty-one signatures hat in February 1891 brought to life Hong Kong’s first formal stock exchange, shares of listed companies


George Hutton Potts – First Club Rugby Captain (the man, of course, holding the ball); part of a group photo taken before the HKFC and Royal Navy XVs squared off on the Club pitch inside the racecourse on 18th March 1895.


until then being traded on the verandas of the Hong Kong Hotel.

But what turned George on was physical action. When Hong Kong was ‘anticipating an unfriendly visit from the Russian fleet’ in the 1880s, he was one of the first to join the Naval Volunteers. After the outbreak of a bubonic plague epidemic in the heat of 1894, he stepped up as a Plague Volunteer, going into infected areas, doing what he could to help and being awarded the Plague Medal, specially crafted to honour the Shropshire Light Infantry who lost men in the government’s fight against the disease.


Just after he hung up his rugby boots in April 1899, Potts set out on a private adventure. The British colonial administration, ready to occupy the New Territories ceded from China the year before, had been warned it would not be welcome. Warlike elements from rural villages collected into a force 2,000-strong to resist the takeover. Warnings never fazed George Potts. They inspired him. As J.H.S. Lockhart – Club founder and Colonial Secretary – hurried off to raise the British flag at Tai Po and the Garrison mobilised to spend six days in the hills of the New Territories dealing with the local resistance, Potts gathered his mates on his launch. They sailed into the danger zone for a picnic and a spot of bird-shooting to celebrate the addition of the ‘Kowloon Extension’ to the British Empire. Confronted by armed militants who had the temerity to chase him off and ruin his party, bravado dictated that George was back the next day with reinforcements.

A few months later, news arrived that war had broken out in the Transvaal. Potts volunteered for that fight, too. The British Army turned him down. Then along came a conflict he could get into – the Boxer Rebellion. He sailed



By Denis Way

Potts, aged 71 at left, Club President in 1935-36, watching Governor Sir Andrew Caldecott presenting the Blarney Stone Shield (the Rugby Sevens trophy) to Club Captain L.G. Robertson, an accountant with HSBC.

The Club insignia in 1898-99 – Potts’ last season as a player. (This is the earliest HKFC logo

so far discovered.)

north with the Volunteers as a transport officer, entered Peking (Beijing) with the British troops commanded by General Alfred Gaselee, and came home with more campaign medals for his war chest plus ‘a captain’s commission in the Regular Army.’


Potts then concentrated on Shanghai and settled down, relatively speaking. His broking business thrived. He accumulated the necessary status to earn admission into the elite horse-racing

scene and created his own stable, called The King’s Stable. His ponies regularly took out the blue-riband trophy events in Shanghai and in Hong Kong where he had a house called ‘Clovelly’ on May Road and became Chairman of the Stock Exchange. In May 1933 he laid the foundation stone of the new exchange building in Ice House Street.

HKFC’s plans for its Jubilee Year in 1935-36 included the fitting choice of George Hutton Potts as Club President. But his one year term was to be his

swansong. On 4th January 1937, he died in circumstances that were very much in character – he contracted pleurisy on a shooting trip in Swatow (Shantou) in the middle of winter at the age of 72. In his honour, the Stock Exchange closed on the day he was laid to rest in the Protestant Cemetery in Happy Valley, above the Jockey Club where he had been a member of prominence – and above the Football Club he helped to get started when he was a young buck of twenty-one, about to set out on the hunt for his fortune in a life loaded to the full with risk.

NOVEMBER 2021 39



The Other Emily Dean Koontz

We Begin at the End Chris Whitaker

Near You Mary Burton

Sooley John Grisham


Catch the Bullet Jay Pickett, Gattlin Griffith

The Gateway Shea Whigham, Olivia Munn

F9: The Fast Saga Vin Diesel, Michelle Rodriguez

Masquerade Bella Thone, Alyvia Alyn Lind


Black Widow

12 Mighty Orphans

F9: The Fast SagaF9: The Fast Saga

The Gateway

Masquerade Crazy Fist

Crazy Fist Collin Chou, Kai Greene

Black Widow Scarlett Johansson, Florence Pugh

12 Mighty Orphans Luke Wilson, Vinessa Shaw

Great White Katrina Bowden, Aaron Jakubenko




12 Mighty Orphans

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