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Crn7 Interacts with AP-1 and Is Required for the Maintenance of Golgi Morphology and Protein Export...

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Crn7 Interacts with AP-1 and Is Required for the Maintenance of Golgi Morphology and Protein Export from the Golgi * S Received for publication, May 16, 2006, and in revised form, July 11, 2006 Published, JBC Papers in Press, August 12, 2006, DOI 10.1074/jbc.M604680200 Vasily Rybakin ‡1,2 , Natalia V. Gounko §1 , Kira Spa ¨te , Stefan Ho ¨ ning , Irina V. Majoul , Rainer Duden , and Angelika A. Noegel From the Institute for Biochemistry I and Center for Molecular Medicine, Medical Faculty, University of Cologne, Joseph-Stelzmann-Strasse 52, D-50931 Cologne, Germany, the § Laboratory for Electron Microscopy, Cell Biology Department, University Medical Center Groningen, University of Groningen, Antonius Deusinglaan 1, 9713 AV Groningen, the Netherlands, and the School of Biological Sciences, Royal Holloway University of London, Egham, Surrey TW20 0EX, United Kingdom Crn7 is a novel cytosolic mammalian WD-repeat protein of unknown function that associates with Golgi membranes. Here, we demonstrate that Crn7 knockdown by small interfering RNA results in dramatic changes in the Golgi morphology and func- tion. First, the Golgi ribbon is disorganized in Crn7 KD cells. Second, the Golgi export of several marker proteins including VSV envelope G glycoprotein is greatly reduced but not the ret- rograde protein import into the Golgi complex. We further establish that Crn7 co-precipitates with clathrin adaptor AP-1 but is not required for AP-1 targeting to Golgi membranes. We identify tyrosine 288-based motif as part of a canonical YXX sorting signal and a major 1-adaptin binding site in vitro. This study provides the first insight into the function of mammalian Crn7 protein in the Golgi complex. The Golgi complex is a stack of flattened membrane cister- nae acting as a central sorting organelle that functionally con- nects the endoplasmic reticulum with other membrane com- partments and the plasma membrane. The total protein output from the ER reaches the Golgi complex at its cis-pole. Protein sorting in the Golgi requires constant cargo progression across the ribbon from its cis- to trans-pole and is accompanied by sequential modification of the cargo. Export from the Golgi complex is based on the interaction of the cytosolic tails of cargo molecules (or cargo receptors for luminal cargo) with elements of the cytosolic sorting machinery such as -subunits of adaptor protein complexes. Golgi export in the direction of endosomes and lysosomes requires the binding of cargo to adaptor molecules and adaptor interaction with clathrin (1). In the case of plasma membrane-directed transport, no adaptors have yet been characterized, and the mechanism of cargo selec- tion remains largely unknown. The coronin family comprises two groups of evolutionary conserved WD-repeat proteins (2, 3). Short coronins are actin-binding proteins playing accessory roles in the regula- tion of the dynamics of the actin cytoskeleton. Several of these protein have been shown to interact with Arp2/3 com- plex and help regulate the nucleation dynamics of actin fila- ments (reviewed in Ref. 3). Database search reveals up to six short coronins in human genome, and several of them have been characterized previously (4 –9). Two of the known long coronin proteins, Caenorhabditis elegans and Drosophila POD-1s, bind to actin as well (10, 11). Absence of the worm POD-1 protein leads to accumulation of large cytoplasmic membrane structures along with defects in eggshell forma- tion indirectly suggesting an exocytosis-related function. In Drosophila dpod-1-mutant flies axonal pathfinding is severely impaired (11). We have previously identified mammalian Crn7 as a novel coronin family member and POD-1 homologue and demon- strated that it is abundantly expressed in most mouse tissues, is developmentally regulated and distributed between the cytosol and the Golgi (see also Fig. 1A), but is not associated with actin filaments (12). Crn7 sequence analysis revealed two WD-repeat blocks characteristic for longer coronins, two copies of the coronin signature motif and the lack of coiled coil regions. The protein lacks predicted signal sequence or a signal sequence cleavage site, as well as trans- membrane domains (12). MATERIALS AND METHODS Reagents —Rabbit polyclonal antibodies against TGN38, GM130, and LAMP2 were generously provided by Drs. Mark McNiven, Mar- tin Lowe, and Anna Shestakova. Antibodies against Crn7 and Crn3 (monoclonal) and MPR46 and Erd2p (polyclonal) were reported pre- viously (9, 12–14). Monoclonal antibodies against -adaptin were from Sigma and against Src from Calbiochem, polyclonal antibodies against -adaptin and against AP-3 were from Santa Cruz Biotech- nology. GFP-VSVG(ts-O45) plasmid was from Dr. Jennifer Lippin- cott-Schwartz. Alexa-633-labeled CTxB was from Molecular Probes (Utrecht, the Netherlands). Fine chemicals were purchased from Sigma unless indicated otherwise. Short interfering 21-mer RNA oli- * This work was supported by grants from the Imhoff Foundation and the Maria Pesch Foundation (to V. R.) and the Deutsche Forschungsgemein- schaft and the Fonds der Chemischen Industrie (to A. A. N.). The costs of publication of this article were defrayed in part by the payment of page charges. This article must therefore be hereby marked “advertisement” in accordance with 18 U.S.C. Section 1734 solely to indicate this fact. S The on-line version of this article (available at http://www.jbc.org) contains supplemental Movies 1 and 2. 1 Authors are recipients of fellowships from Graduate Schools in Genetics and Functional Genomics, University of Cologne, and in Behavioral and Cogni- tive Neurosciences, University of Groningen, respectively. 2 To whom correspondence should be addressed: Division of Biological Sci- ences, University of California San Diego, 9500 Gilman Dr., MC0634, La Jolla, CA 92093. E-mail: [email protected]. THE JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY VOL. 281, NO. 41, pp. 31070 –31078, October 13, 2006 © 2006 by The American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Inc. Printed in the U.S.A. 31070 JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY VOLUME 281 • NUMBER 41 • OCTOBER 13, 2006 by on January 25, 2007 www.jbc.org Downloaded from http://www.jbc.org/cgi/content/full/M604680200/DC1 Supplemental Material can be found at:

Crn7 Interacts with AP-1 and Is Required for the Maintenanceof Golgi Morphology and Protein Export from the Golgi*!S

Received for publication, May 16, 2006, and in revised form, July 11, 2006 Published, JBC Papers in Press, August 12, 2006, DOI 10.1074/jbc.M604680200

Vasily Rybakin‡1,2, Natalia V. Gounko§1, Kira Spate‡, Stefan Honing‡, Irina V. Majoul¶, Rainer Duden¶,and Angelika A. Noegel‡!

From the ‡Institute for Biochemistry I and !Center for Molecular Medicine, Medical Faculty, University of Cologne,Joseph-Stelzmann-Strasse 52, D-50931 Cologne, Germany, the §Laboratory for Electron Microscopy, Cell Biology Department,University Medical Center Groningen, University of Groningen, Antonius Deusinglaan 1, 9713 AV Groningen, the Netherlands,and the ¶School of Biological Sciences, Royal Holloway University of London, Egham, Surrey TW20 0EX, United Kingdom

Crn7 is a novel cytosolic mammalian WD-repeat protein ofunknown function that associates with Golgi membranes. Here,we demonstrate that Crn7 knockdownby small interferingRNAresults in dramatic changes in the Golgi morphology and func-tion. First, the Golgi ribbon is disorganized in Crn7 KD cells.Second, the Golgi export of several marker proteins includingVSV envelope G glycoprotein is greatly reduced but not the ret-rograde protein import into the Golgi complex. We furtherestablish that Crn7 co-precipitates with clathrin adaptor AP-1but is not required for AP-1 targeting to Golgi membranes. Weidentify tyrosine 288-based motif as part of a canonical YXX!sorting signal and amajor "1-adaptin binding site in vitro. Thisstudy provides the first insight into the function of mammalianCrn7 protein in the Golgi complex.

The Golgi complex is a stack of flattened membrane cister-nae acting as a central sorting organelle that functionally con-nects the endoplasmic reticulum with other membrane com-partments and the plasmamembrane. The total protein outputfrom the ER reaches the Golgi complex at its cis-pole. Proteinsorting in the Golgi requires constant cargo progression acrossthe ribbon from its cis- to trans-pole and is accompanied bysequential modification of the cargo. Export from the Golgicomplex is based on the interaction of the cytosolic tails ofcargo molecules (or cargo receptors for luminal cargo) withelements of the cytosolic sorting machinery such as !-subunitsof adaptor protein complexes. Golgi export in the direction ofendosomes and lysosomes requires the binding of cargo toadaptor molecules and adaptor interaction with clathrin (1). In

the case of plasma membrane-directed transport, no adaptorshave yet been characterized, and themechanism of cargo selec-tion remains largely unknown.The coronin family comprises two groups of evolutionary

conserved WD-repeat proteins (2, 3). Short coronins areactin-binding proteins playing accessory roles in the regula-tion of the dynamics of the actin cytoskeleton. Several ofthese protein have been shown to interact with Arp2/3 com-plex and help regulate the nucleation dynamics of actin fila-ments (reviewed in Ref. 3). Database search reveals up to sixshort coronins in human genome, and several of them havebeen characterized previously (4–9). Two of the known longcoronin proteins, Caenorhabditis elegans and DrosophilaPOD-1s, bind to actin as well (10, 11). Absence of the wormPOD-1 protein leads to accumulation of large cytoplasmicmembrane structures along with defects in eggshell forma-tion indirectly suggesting an exocytosis-related function. InDrosophila dpod-1-mutant flies axonal pathfinding is severelyimpaired (11).We have previously identified mammalian Crn7 as a novel

coronin family member and POD-1 homologue and demon-strated that it is abundantly expressed inmost mouse tissues,is developmentally regulated and distributed between thecytosol and the Golgi (see also Fig. 1A), but is not associatedwith actin filaments (12). Crn7 sequence analysis revealedtwo WD-repeat blocks characteristic for longer coronins,two copies of the coronin signature motif and the lack ofcoiled coil regions. The protein lacks predicted signalsequence or a signal sequence cleavage site, as well as trans-membrane domains (12).


Reagents—Rabbit polyclonal antibodies against TGN38, GM130,andLAMP2weregenerouslyprovidedbyDrs.MarkMcNiven,Mar-tin Lowe, and Anna Shestakova. Antibodies against Crn7 and Crn3(monoclonal) andMPR46andErd2p (polyclonal)were reportedpre-viously (9, 12–14). Monoclonal antibodies against "-adaptin werefrom Sigma and against Src fromCalbiochem, polyclonal antibodiesagainst #-adaptin and against AP-3 were from Santa Cruz Biotech-nology. GFP-VSVG(ts-O45) plasmid was from Dr. Jennifer Lippin-cott-Schwartz. Alexa-633-labeledCTxBwas fromMolecular Probes(Utrecht, the Netherlands). Fine chemicals were purchased fromSigmaunless indicated otherwise. Short interfering 21-merRNAoli-

* This work was supported by grants from the Imhoff Foundation and theMaria Pesch Foundation (to V. R.) and the Deutsche Forschungsgemein-schaft and the Fonds der Chemischen Industrie (to A. A. N.). The costs ofpublication of this article were defrayed in part by the payment of pagecharges. This article must therefore be hereby marked “advertisement” inaccordance with 18 U.S.C. Section 1734 solely to indicate this fact.

!S The on-line version of this article (available at http://www.jbc.org) containssupplemental Movies 1 and 2.

1 Authors are recipients of fellowships from Graduate Schools in Genetics andFunctional Genomics, University of Cologne, and in Behavioral and Cogni-tive Neurosciences, University of Groningen, respectively.

2 To whom correspondence should be addressed: Division of Biological Sci-ences, University of California San Diego, 9500 Gilman Dr., MC0634, LaJolla, CA 92093. E-mail: [email protected].

THE JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY VOL. 281, NO. 41, pp. 31070 –31078, October 13, 2006© 2006 by The American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Inc. Printed in the U.S.A.


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gonucleotides (siRNA)3 targeted against humanCrn7 (designed andsupplied by Qiagen): siRNA(1)123, siRNA(2)!520, siRNA(3)1452,siRNA(4)163, siRNA(5)2639, siRNA(6)2055, siRNA(7)!60,siRNA(8)2454. Lower indices indicate the starting positions of corre-sponding sequences in the Crn7 mRNA; oligonucleotides 2 and 7targeted fragments of the 3"-region of Crn7mRNA starting 520 and60 bases after the last coding base, respectively. COG3 siRNA wasfromDr.AnnaShestakova. “Fast forward” transfectionofHeLausingHiPerFect reagent (Qiagen) was performed according to the manu-facturer’s protocol. For plasmid transfections, we used the Lipo-fectamin Plus system (Invitrogen) or FuGENE 6 reagent (RocheAppliedScience)accordingto themanufacturers’ guidelines.The fol-lowingsyntheticpeptides,highperformance liquidchromatography-purified, were used: CON (KVEKIGEGTYGVVYK) was from JenaBiosciences, Jena, Germany and YEVV (GKGERQLYCYEVVPQ),AEVA (GKGERQLYCAEVAPQ), YELL (GKGDTRVFLYELLPE),andAELA(GKGDTRVFLAELAPE)wereall fromJPTPeptideTech-nologiesGmbH,Berlin,Germany.Cell Culture, Transfection, and Immunofluorescence—HeLa

andVero cells were fromATCC. Cells were grown according tostandard procedures (12). For immunofluorescence, cells weregrown on coverslips to approximately 50% confluence, fixedwith 3.7% paraformaldehyde, rinsed twice with 20 mM gly-cine, blocked with 0.045% fish gelatin in the presence of 0.2%saponin, and incubated with primary antibodies diluted inblocking buffer. 0.02% saponin was present at all washingsteps. Primary antibodies were detected using Cy3-, Alexa-568-, or Alexa-488-conjugated secondary antibodies (Sigmaand Molecular Probes).For immunofluorescence, siRNA was used to transfect 50%

confluent cells on 12-mm (5 nM RNA) or 25-mm (30 nM RNA)coverslips in all experiments. For electron microscopy, 3 nMsiRNAs were used to transfect 90% confluent HeLa cells on12-mm coverslips. ForWestern blotting, fresh cells were platedonto 6-well plates at 50% confluence and analyzed 48 and 72 hafter transfection with siRNA. As controls, mock-transfectedand scrambled RNA-transfected cells were used.Electron Microscopy—Mock- and siRNA-transfected HeLa

cells were fixed for 10 min at room temperature in 100 mMphosphate buffer containing 4% paraformaldehyde and storedat 4 °C in phosphate buffer containing 1% paraformaldehydeuntil further use. Cells were osmicated, dehydrated, andembedded as described above. Ultrathin sections were cut andcounterstained with uranyl acetate and lead citrate.Immunoprecipitation and Western Blotting—Immunoblot-

ting was performed according to standard procedures. Anti-Crn7 antibody (hybridoma supernatant) was used at 1:5 andmouse monoclonal anti-actin antibody (Sigma) at 1:20,000.Immunoprecipitation using protein A-Sepharose (AmershamBiosciences) was performed essentially as described (15).Where indicated, cellswere incubatedwith protein cross-linkerDSS (2 mM, Pierce) for 30 min at 20 °C prior to lysis.

Cloning, Expression, and Purification of AP !-Chains—Thecoding sequences of truncated versions of !1 (residues 158–423), !2 (residues 158–435), and !3 (residues 166–418) con-taining 5"NdeI and 3" EcoRI restriction sites were generated byPCR and cloned in frame into the vector pET28b to create aC-terminal fusion with a hexahistidine (His6) tag. The recom-binant plasmids were used to transform Escherichia coli strainBL21, and protein production was induced by addition of iso-propyl $-D-thiogalactopyranoside for 3 h at 30 °C. The purifi-cation of!-chain proteins was performed according to a stand-ard protocol (Qiagen) using nickel-nitrilotriacetic acid-agaroseas an affinity matrix. The purity of the !-chain proteins, whichwere stored in 10 mM HEPES-KOH, pH 7.4, 500 mM NaCl, 10mM $-mercaptoethanol was controlled by SDS-PAGE, analyti-cal gel filtration chromatography, and CD spectroscopy. Beforeany BIAcore experiment, the proteins were centrifuged for 30min at 100,000 # g to ensure the removal of any possible pro-tein aggregates.Surface Plasmon Resonance-based in Vitro Binding Assays—

The binding of recombinant His-tagged AP complex mediumchains (!1,!2,!3) to the putative Crn7 sorting signal-contain-ing peptides and mutants thereof (see above) was measured bysurface plasmon resonance using a BIAcore 3000 biosensor. Allpeptides were synthesized as 15-mers harboring a typicalYXX$ motif close to their carboxyl terminus. In the mutantpeptides, the critical tyrosine residue and the hydrophobic res-idue in the !3 position were substituted for alanine (forsequences see “Reagents”). Throughout the manuscript thepeptides are named by their original or mutated tyrosine sort-ing motif. The peptides were immobilized via amino couplingonto carboxymethylated dextran (CM5) sensor surfacesaccording to the manufacturer’s instructions. To minimizemass transfer effects, the amount of immobilized peptide waskept low (%200 resonance unit). After the peptide immobiliza-tion, the surface was regenerated with a pulse injection of 50mM NaOH to remove non-covalently bound peptide. The APcomplex !-chains were injected in HBS-EP buffer (10 mMHEPES, 150 mM NaCl, 3 mM EDTA, 0.005% Polysorbate 20;from BIAcore) followed by regeneration. The obtained sensor-gramswere used to calculate the kinetic rate constants for asso-ciation (Ka), dissociation (Kd), and the equilibrium rate con-stants (KD). !-Chain binding to Crn7 peptides could be bestmodeled assuming a 1:1 interaction which is consistant withthe structural information on peptide binding to AP !-chains(16, 17) and several other published reports using the sametechnology (18, 19).VSV Envelope G Glycoprotein (VSVG) and CTxB Trafficking

Assays—Trafficking assays were performed essentially asdescribed (20, 21). In brief, for theVSVG trafficking assay,HeLaor Vero cells were co-transfected with GFP-VSVG-tsO45 andCFP-GalT plasmids, kept at 37 °C for 2 h, and at 40 °C for 16 h.Cells were then shifted to 32 °C in the presence of 150 !g ml&1

cycloheximide in phenol red-free Dulbecco’s modified Eagle’smedium high glucose medium supplemented with 10% serumand 20 mM HEPES to allow the synchronous export of VSVGfrom the ER. Where indicated, cells were transfected withsiRNA 16 h prior to transfection with VSVG. For the CTxBtrafficking assay, Alexa-633-labeled CTxB (500 ng ml&1) was

3 The abbreviations used are: siRNA, small interfering RNA; DSS, 2,2-dimeth-yl-2-silapentanesulfonic acid; ER, endoplasmic reticulum; GFP, green fluo-rescent protein; VSVG, VSV envelope G glycoprotein; RNAi, RNA interfer-ence; KD, knockdown; GPC, Golgi-to-plasma; TGN, trans-Golgi network;PKD, protein kinase D.

Role of Crn7 in the Golgi


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Role of Crn7 in the Golgi


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added to the cell culture medium for 3 min at room tempera-ture, followed bywashing, internalization at 37 °C, fixation, andimmunolabeling.


Crn7 RNAi Affects the Golgi Architecture—In mammaliancells, Crn7 is present on Golgi membranes and in the cytosol(Ref. 12, see also Fig. 1A). To reveal the in vivo function of Crn7in the Golgi, we used the siRNA methodology using eight dif-ferent siRNA oligonucleotides (Fig. 1B, see “Materials andMethods”). 48 and 72 h after transfection, cells were harvestedand analyzed by Western blotting. Although all tested siRNAconstructs were capable of down-regulating Crn7 protein (Fig.1B), the construct siRNA(8)2454 consistently showed the high-est degree of down-regulation and was used in further experi-ments. None of the tested siRNAs affected the level of coronin3 protein (Fig. 1B), which is an important proof of the specificityof siRNAasCrn7 andCrn3have several highly similar sequencefeatures (see Ref. 3).Western blot with actin antibody was usedas loading control.The effect of Crn7 knockdown on the architecture of the

Golgi complexwas evaluated using electronmicroscopy studieson Crn7 knockdown (KD) cells. Mock-transfected cells dis-played a characteristic Golgi morphology with several flat cis-ternae surrounded by transport intermediates (Fig. 1C). In con-trast, Crn7 siRNA HeLa cells were characterized by the loss ofGolgi integrity and exhibited significant scattering of Golgimembranes. In most cells, the Golgi was present as a denseaccumulation of vesicles still containing one or several cister-nae-like structures. In the most extreme cases, no cisternaewere observed, and the density of Golgi remnant compart-ments decreased (Fig. 1C). To better understand the effect ofCrn7 knockdown on Golgi architecture, we studied the distri-bution of cis- and trans-Golgi markers in fixedmock- and Crn7siRNA-transfected HeLa cells (Fig. 1D). In Crn7 KD cells, theGolgi ribbon disappeared, and smaller Golgi fragments werescattered in the perinuclear area. The trans-Golgi proteinTGN38 and the cis-GolgimarkerGM130were both still detect-able in predominantly non-overlapping domains localizedclose to each other, some of thembeing organized inministacks(Fig. 1D).Defects in Anterograde Transport in Crn7 KD Cells—The

dramatic defects we observed in Crn7 knockdown cellsprompted us to address the questionwhether these defects cor-relate with impairment of Golgi transport. We monitored theGolgi export of the VSVG, known to hijack the anterogradetransport system to reach the cell surface after proceedingthrough the ER and the Golgi. The experiments were per-formed with a mutant VSVG (VSVG-tsO45) carrying a singlepoint mutation F204S (22), which renders it temperature-sen-

sitive with regard to its intracellular trafficking. The mutantprotein accumulates in the ER at 39.5 °C and is released to theGolgi complex upon a temperature switch to 32 °C (see “Mate-rials and Methods”). This mutant is widely used to study thedynamics of protein trafficking along the biosynthetic pathway(20, 23).Inmock-transfectedHeLa cells, VSVG-tsO45-GFPgradually

accumulated in the Golgi complex upon shifting the tempera-ture to 32 °C (data not shown). Starting at 10min after the shift,formation of characteristic tubular compartments originatingfrom theGolgi was observed. These intermediates,morpholog-ically similar to Golgi-to-plasma (GPC) membrane carrier pre-cursors described previously (24), released vesicles targeted tothe plasma membrane (Fig. 2A). Apart from vesicles derivedfromGPCprecursor-like tubules, we observed direct formationof vesicular transport intermediates leaving the Golgi in thedirection toward the plasma membrane.Cells treatedwithCrn7RNAi and recognized as Crn7 knock-

downby their scatteredCFP-GalT (Golgi galactosyltransferase)pattern were imaged under the same conditions and demon-strated a similar rate of accumulation of VSVG in the Golgiapparatus (data not shown). However, we did not observe anyrelease of VSVG inGPC precursor-like tubules or vesicles fromthe Golgi even 120min after the temperature shift. At all times,the VSVG GFP signal was present in the scattered Golgi rem-nants (Fig. 2B). We further quantified the VSVG GFP signalintensity at the plasma membrane in 100 images spanning 30min of time in mock-transfected and Crn7 RNAi cells usingMetaMorph image analysis software. In control cells, the GFPfluorescence intensity gradually increased to nearly double theinitial value, reflecting the delivery of VSVG from the Golgicomplex, whereas in RNAi cells, the GFP fluorescence signal atthe plasmamembrane remains at basic threshold level, which isapproximately 50% of that of mock-transfected cells (Fig. 2E).To confirm our data on VSVG export defect, we assessed

VSVG trafficking in Crn7 KD Vero cells, a primate kidney cellline.We did not observe any GPC-like structures in either con-trol orKDVero cells (Fig. 2,C andD). However, vesicular trans-port of VSVG from theGolgi to cell surface was greatly reducedin Crn7 KD cells as compared with the control (Fig. 2D, see alsosupplemental Movies 1 and 2). Note that in Vero cells, Crn7knockdown led to the formation of significantly larger, com-pacted Golgi remnants than in HeLa cells (compare Fig. 2, Band D). Quantification of cell surface VSVG further confirmedthe defect inVSVGdelivery to cell surface comparablewith thatin HeLa cells (data not shown).The Golgi does not only export trafficking intermediates but

also receivesmaterial by retrograde trafficking. To test whetherthe retrograde transport to the Golgi requires Crn7, we studied

FIGURE 1. Crn7 is required for the maintenance of Golgi architecture. A, Crn7 (red) co-localizes with the Golgi marker Erd2p (green) in fixed human HeLa cells.B, down-regulation of Crn7 protein by RNAi in HeLa cells. Upper panel, 48 h of RNAi treatment; middle and lower panels, 72 h. Upper and middle panels, theWestern blot was probed with Crn7 antibody to validate the knockdown. Lower panel, as siRNA specificity and loading controls, a mixture of coronin-3 and actinantibodies was used. See “Results” for details. C, morphology of the Golgi in HeLa cells at the electron microscopy level. Left, typical appearance of the Golgicomplex in a control HeLa cell. Note the membrane cisternae organized in a stack. Right, disassembly of the Golgi ribbon in a HeLa cell treated with Crn7 siRNA.Note marked vesiculation of the Golgi and the presence of disorganized separate cisternae. D, appearance of TGN and Golgi compartments in HeLa cellsstained with anti-GM130 (red) and anti-TGN38 (green) antibodies. Left, high magnification immunofluorescence image depicting a lateral part of a Golgi stackin a control cell. Right, abnormal organization of TGN and Golgi in a siRNA-treated cell. Note the disorganization of the cisternae.

Role of Crn7 in the Golgi


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Role of Crn7 in the Golgi


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the intracellular dynamics of CTxB, the non-toxic B-subunit ofthe AB5 toxin, cholera toxin (25). In control cells, Alexa-633-labeledCTxB (CTxB-633)was internalized by cells and reachedthe Golgi complex approximately 30 min after its additionto the cells (Fig. 2G), which is in good agreementwith data fromthe literature (13, 21). In Crn7 RNAi cells (asterisk in Fig. 2, Fand G), CTxB-633 reached the scattered perinuclear Golgiremnants present in these cells with kinetics indistinguishablefrom those observed for its arrival in the Golgi complex in con-trol cells (Fig. 2G). Thus, the protein import into the trans-Golgi network (TGN) is Crn7-independent.The Golgi export block that we detected in Crn7 siRNA cells

can be due to numerous reasons, such as defects in proper cargoprotein modification and/or machinery for protein sorting andrecruitment. To experimentally assess the possibility of inter-play of Crn7 with cargo glycosylation, we used LAMP2, a cargoprotein destined to late endosomes and lysosomes, in Crn7siRNA and control cells. In Crn7KD cells, the fully glycosylatedformof LAMP2 appeared at approximately 110 kDa, and a bandof similar size was detected in control siRNA-transfected cells(Fig. 2H). As a positive control, we used siRNA directed againstthe COG3 protein, a part of the multisubunit Golgi proteincomplex acting at several stages of glycoprotein and glycolipidmetabolism (Ref. 26 and references therein). COG3 knock-down is correlates with a massive defect in Golgi glycosylation(26). In accordance with literature data, immature LAMP2migrated as a protein of lower molecular mass at approx.80 kDa in COG3 RNAi but not Crn7 RNAi cells. Thus, Crn7knockdown influences the Golgi export of cargoes but notcargo glycosylation.Interaction of Crn7 with the Clathrin Adaptor AP-1—We

further wanted to test whether Crn7 knockdown affects cargoselection and export vesicle formation. Adaptor proteinssuch as monomeric GGAs and heterotetrameric adaptorcomplexes (AP) are the key factors for the incorporation ofcargo membrane proteins into nascent coated vesicles (1,27). AP complex subunits are called adaptins. Binding of themembrane proteins to adaptor proteins is mediated by smallpeptide sequences (sorting signals), localized in the cytosolicportions of the proteins, such as tyrosine-based signals of theYXX$ type (X, any residue; $, a bulky hydrophobic residue).The !-subunits of AP complex tetramers interact withYXX$ motifs of cargo proteins, while $-subunits interactwith clathrin (1). There are four AP complexes in mamma-lian cells (AP-1 to AP-4), all of them functioning in the sameway but at distinct cellular sites. While AP-2 is restricted tothe plasmamembrane and is involved in clathrin-coated ves-icle formation during endocytosis, AP-1 has the same func-

tion in the TGN andmost likely in endosomes. The functionsof AP-3 and AP-4 are less well understood (1).Crn7 harbors two sequences matching a classical YXX$

motif localized directly downstream of each coronin coredomain (Fig. 3A). We tested whether these motifs of Crn7 canbind to purified !-subunits of the AP-1, -2, and -3 adaptorcomplexes. 15-mer synthetic peptides harboring each of theYXX$ motifs close to their carboxyl terminus were used alongwith mutant peptides where the tyrosines and the hydrophobic($) amino acids in the !3 positions were replaced by alanineresidues. The peptides were covalently coupled via their aminoterminus to a CM5 surface of a BIAcore 3000 biosensor. Sub-sequently, purified recombinant !1, !2, or !3 subunits wereinjected at different concentrations. The peptide comprisingTyr288 boundwith high affinity to !1 and!2 but not to !3 (Fig.3B, YEVV). Binding was specific as indicated by the low degreeof background binding observed for the mutant peptide. Thesecond more distal Crn7 peptide containing Tyr758 also boundto !1 and !2 but only at a very low level (Fig. 3B, YELL).Although the evaluation of the data for the Tyr288 peptide bind-ing to!1 and!2 did not perfectlymatch the expectedmodel fora one-to-one type of interaction, we could estimate the in vitroequilibrium binding rate constant KD at %150 nM, which fitswell to published data on signal binding to !-chains (28). Bind-ing of both !1 and !2 subunits was concentration-dependentand reversible, withminimal re-binding during the dissociationphase (Fig. 3, C and D). Fig. 3E shows the purity of !-subunitpreparations.To ascertain that the Crn7 binding to AP-1 and AP-2 is sig-

nificant in vivo, we tested whether Crn7 can be co-immunopre-cipitated with AP complexes. As the YEVVmotif was shown tointeractwith!1 and!2 in vitro, we performed immunoprecipi-tation experiments using antibodies recognizing the complex-specific subunits of AP-1, -2, and -3. Crn7 was detectable inAP-1 pull-down, but not AP-2 or AP-3 pull-downs (Fig. 4A),inferring an in vivo interaction of Crn7 with AP-1 but not withAP-2 or -3. This observation was confirmed by reverse immu-noprecipitation of AP-1 together with Crn7 from cell lysatederived from HeLa cells treated with protein cross-linker DSS(Fig. 4A, lower panel).Crn7 co-localizes with AP-1 on the Golgi but not on AP-1-

positive endosomes (Fig. 4B), suggesting that the interaction ofCrn7 and AP-1 takes place at Golgi membranes. Takentogether, our in vitro binding and immunoprecipitation datasuggest that Crn7 interacts with AP-1.While theAP-2 interaction appears biochemically possible (see

Fig. 3B), theCrn7 andAP-2 proteins are localized in very differentcellular compartments and are unlikely to interact in vivo due to

FIGURE 2. Protein trafficking defects in Crn7 siRNA-treated cells. A, the export of VSVG-tsO45 from the Golgi in a control HeLa cell. Arrowheads point at GPCprecursor-like tubules, and arrows point at Golgi-derived vesicles. B, block of the VSVG export from the Golgi in a Crn7 KD HeLa cell. Note the absence of GPCprecursors and vesicles. Bar, 5 !m. C, the export of VSVG-tsO45 from the Golgi in a control Vero cell. Arrows point at Golgi-derived vesicles. D, block of the VSVGexport from the Golgi in a Crn7 KD Vero cells. See also supplemental Movies 1 and 2. Bar, 5 !m. E, dynamics of perimembrane VSVG-GFP fluorescence in control(blue) and Crn7 KD (red) HeLa cells during 30 min of the Golgi release. x axis, time (in min); y axis, cell surface VSVG fluorescence intensity (in AU). The time scaleis the same as in A–D. F and G, retrograde transport into the Golgi is preserved in Crn7 KD cells. HeLa cells were incubated in the presence of Alexa633-labeledB-subunits of cholera toxin and could internalize and transport it to the Golgi in both untransfected and Crn7 KD (asterisk) cells. F, Crn7 staining; G, CTxB-Alexa633 signal. H, trafficking defect in Crn7 siRNA cells is not due to a glycosylation deficiency. HeLa cells were treated with Crn7 siRNA for 10 days and assayedfor LAMP2 glycosylation. No defect in LAMP2 glycosylation could be observed, in contrast to COG3 RNAi cells (positive control, see “Results” for details).Western blot with Crn7 antibody (top) or LAMP2 antibody (bottom).

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spatial restrictions. AP-3 likeAP-1 is present at theGolgi but doesnot interact with any YXX$ motif of Crn7 as demonstrated bysurface plasmon resonance experiments, and it does not co-immunoprecipitate with Crn7 (Fig. 4A). This important obser-vation strongly infers that the presence of a putative sortingsignal in the protein sequence is not sufficient for the interac-tionwith any given sortingmachinery. Specificity of such inter-action may be regulated by amino acid composition in thevicinity of the sorting signal or by additional protein factors.

Localization of AP-1 and AP-1-de-pendent Cargo in Crn7 KD Cells—Next, we were interested to knowwhether Crn7 acts upstream ordownstream of AP-1 in the Golgiexport pathway andwhetherCrn7 isrequired for the targeting of AP-1 tothe Golgi. Subcellular distributionof AP-1 in control and Crn7 KDcells was studied by immunofluo-rescence microscopy using an anti-body specific to "-adaptin (Fig. 4C,upper panel). In both control andRNAi cells, AP-1 was detectable onGolgi membranes and endosomes.Crn7 KD cells, however, displayedmarked increase of "-adaptin on thescattered Golgi. Thus, Crn7 knock-down appears not to interfere withthe ability of AP-1 to be recruited tothe cargo, and Crn7 possibly actsdownstream of AP-1 recruitment.VSVG export from the Golgi has

never been demonstrated to dependon AP-1. As we have established theinteraction of Crn7 with AP-1 invivo and in vitro, we were interestedwhether bona fide AP-1 cargoesrequire Crn7 to be exported fromthe Golgi complex. To this end, westudied the distribution of 46-kDamannose 6-phosphate receptorMPR46 in HeLa cells treated withCrn7 siRNA. In Crn7 KD cells,MPR46 was retained and markedlyaccumulated in the scattered Golgi(Fig. 4C, lower panel). A lysosomalmarker protein LAMP2 showedsimilar behavior (data not shown).


Coronins constitute a phyloge-netically conserved group of pro-teins (reviewed in Ref. 3). Accordingto their structure and function,coronin proteins can be subdividedinto two subfamilies. The first groupcomprises shorter, approximately45–50-kDa coronins are abundant

actin-binding proteins implicated, among other function, innucleation of actin filaments. The second group consists of justtwo highly homologous POD-1 proteins from C. elegans andDrosophila, along with their mammalian counterpart coro-nin-7. A fourth subfamilymember has been recently discoveredin the social amoeba Dictyostelium discoideum.4 POD-1 pro-

4 A. A. Noegel, unpublished data.

FIGURE 3. Adaptor binding properties of Crn7. A, localization of putative tyrosine-based (YXX$) signals in theCrn7 protein. B, surface plasmon resonance-based analysis of adaptor !-chain binding to Crn7 tyrosine-con-taining and control peptides. Purified AP !-chains were injected over the peptide-derivatized sensor surfaces.Only the peptide harboring Tyr288 bound !1 and !2, while specific binding to !3 was not detectable. Thesecond peptide containing Tyr758 bound only the AP-2 !-chain with very low affinity which may be insufficientto mediate binding in vivo. C and D, examples of concentration-dependent binding of the AP-1 (C) and AP-2 (D)!-chains to the Crn7 Tyr288-containing peptide. Purified AP !-chains were injected at concentrations rangingfrom 15 to 500 nM over the peptide-derivatized sensor surfaces. The depicted sensorgrams were used tocalculate the affinity rate constants for !-chain binding to Crn7. E, purity of !-chain preparations as analyzed bypolyacrylamide gel electrophoresis followed by Coomassie staining.

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teins and Crn7 are characterized by a high degree of homologyin their core WD-repeat-containing domains and a far lessersimilarity in flanking sequences.Crn7 is the first coronin found to be localized to the Golgi

and to directly execute a membrane trafficking-related func-tion. Althoughmutant phenotypes of bothworm and fly homo-logues (see Introduction) may be explained by defects in Golgifunction and anterograde trafficking, we do not envision thesame function for Crn7 and either of the two POD-1 proteins.We have no data implying any interaction of Crn7 with thecytoskeleton, while there is no indication for the Golgi localiza-tion of any of the POD-1 proteins. We anticipate the Golgilocalization and Golgi-related function to be unique for verte-brate ormammalian POD-1 homologues. This consideration isin line with the fact that Tyr288 and Tyr758, parts of the twoputative tyrosine-based sorting signals in Crn7, are not presentin theC. elegans POD-1 protein, while inDrosophila, a tyrosineresidue is present in a vicinity of Tyr288 position, but its aminoacid environment is very different, and so is the predicted ter-tiary structure in this area.5 We suggest that the specificity offunctions of POD-1/Crn7 subfamily of proteins is specified byunique non-core subdomains rather than conserved WD-re-peat-containing core regions.Here, we provide detailed characterization of the function of

Crn7, a novel mammalian Golgi protein belonging to the coro-nin family.We establish that Crn7 is a protein indispensable forthe maintenance of both Golgi architecture and function. Crn7knockdown leads to a breakdown of the Golgi structure and toa disruption of anterograde Golgi-to-plasma membrane trans-port. Crn7 binds to AP-1 in vivo and in vitro via the interactionof its Tyr288-based sorting signal with !1-adaptin but does notbind to AP-2 or AP-3. The protein is not required for targeting

AP-1 to Golgi membranes, as the amount of AP-1 on Golgi inCrn7 KD cells is enriched rather than down-regulated. Mostprobably, the accumulation of AP-1 on Golgi membranesreflects the fact that the cargo stuck in the compartment isalready primed for export, e.g. the complex between cargo andAP-1 has already formed, but the formation of transport inter-mediates is impaired.The marked accumulation of AP-1 on the Golgi together

with accumulated cargo would suggest that the role of Crn7 inthe Golgi export may be confined to the events downstream ofthe cargo-adaptor interaction. Such events include the genera-tion of membrane curvature followed by membrane fission.Another such event may be interaction with (hypothetical)non-clathrin, non-COPI/II coat proteins.Several proteins have been implicated in the membrane fis-

sion reaction in the TGN. One of the most intriguing is proteinkinase D (PKD), an enzyme localizing to the TGN by means ofinteraction with diacylglycerol and required for the formationof post-Golgi transport intermediates (29–32). The role of PKDcan be precisely attributed to membrane fission as the overex-pression of kinase-inactive PKD leads to the formation of longTGN-derived tubes containing cargo but not resident enzymesor coat proteins (29, 32). Our data allow us to speculate thatCrn7 acts upstream of PKD in the secretory pathway as Crn7KD does not result in the formation of stabile cargo-containingtubules arrested in fission.It remains to be established how exactly Crn7 is targeted

to the Golgi, what other proteins it interacts with, and whatthe role of the cytosolic pool may be. Another importantquestion arises from our earlier observation that Crn7 istyrosine-phosphorylated on membranes (12) but not in thecytosol. Further studies will be required to find out whetherphosphorylation is required for Crn7 targeting to Golgi5 V. Rybakin, unpublished data.

FIGURE 4. A, upper panel: immunoprecipitation with adaptor-specific antibodies followed by detection of Crn7 by Western blotting supports the in vivointeraction of Crn7 and AP-1 (top) but not AP-2 (middle) or AP-3 (bottom). Lower panel: proof of AP-1 interaction with Crn7 by reverse immunoprecipitation.Crn7 was precipitated from DSS-treated HeLa cell lysate using Crn7 antibody, and "-adaptin was detected in precipitate by Western blotting. B, co-localizationbetween "-adaptin, a subunit of AP-1 adaptor complex (top left) and Crn7 (top right) in the Golgi area. Bottom left, merged image; co-localization is reflected byyellow signal. Bottom right, visualization of co-localization points (CP) between AP-1 and Crn7 by the “co-locolization finder” module of the ImageJ program(white area). Note the absence of co-localization in any non-Golgi area. C, both "-adaptin and AP-1 cargo protein MPR46 are accumulated in scattered Golgiremnants in Crn7 KD cells. Upper panel, demonstration of the independence of AP-1 targeting to Golgi membranes of Crn7. Left, control cells; right, Crn7 KDcells. Note that the depletion of Crn7 leads to the enrichment of "-adaptin on Golgi membranes. Lower panel, distribution of MPR46 in control (left) and Crn7KD (right) cells.

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membranes or for its function and what kinase(s) participatein this event.

Acknowledgments—We thank Drs. J. Lippincott-Schwartz, M. Lowe,A. Shestakova, and M. McNiven for generously sharing key reagents.D. Kalicharan and P. Wood are acknowledged for their help withmicroscopy. We also thank Dr. Vivek Malhotra and members ofMalhotra laboratory for their critical comments on the manuscript.

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