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Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1929-01-15

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January T3, -1929

Ascends ~rlcan bureau of mctal stn.. JOI·ted a moderate gaIn In ock. durIng December, but e still comparatively low, ,c,· pl'lccs arc I)redlctcd. 61 prices we.·c advanced at I, ancl the Atchinson, To , antn F'e anounced an· ;e equipment o.der. Aero wns the cOlorful pe.·­

clay, sclllng off 3 points at UI' a maximum of 18, and

Ith n g-aln of 10 Otis E le­mted mo. ethan 8 to a new

1 went nhead ahout 4 buying Influenced by the

" that the .ogular $1.50 dlvldencl on the old stock

he new stock, which IJa)" J,"terly. A111ClIcan Sugar mOl'e lhan 3 points and

111111 ol'ed on announcement < split up Illan. '1 g.oup was lal gely heavy, 1 Crucible Rnd Ludlum los, of yestelday's gain Van, 'ppeel up nelu'ly 2 points Ising sha. es were soft. Co. losing moro than 4

{adlo fl uctuated over a 9 ge a nd closed down more

• _..d

;W YOltl{ STOCHfj lligh I.ow Clo"~

t & Rcf. _ .. 96b 96~ 96~ 1 Ateel 8n 85l 86l Motor . 122~ 12l 122t ed Gas I08i! IOn 107i )e Nem 500 495 497 mectr.c 287 23 3i 235i foto"". ..198~ J9n 198 [otOl'S' 8G~ 85 86 , Central .. 189! 18n 189l lOla 78 77\ 77~ Paclfi . 131 130l 131 or N J . 52~ 52ij 52i

I' COlIJ. .. 87i 8Sa 87t ~ lfIc 21S 215~ 215! .bel' .. 52~ 60~ fiti 31 168i1 1GG Q 166t EJlec 143t 141 k 142} ~oach 39~ 30k 39l

1082 1338 208 9 134 0 209 8 134 9 145 4 120 8 20771333

. 120 0 117 0 ock sales yesterday

198 3 1992 J963 1280 1944 1264



-Il'regulal'. Wrl~ht Aero I points of reeo. d high Dull; St. rnul adjustment ~C.

exchanp;~R-Easy, Japan lwn ten I)olnt" -H.ghe.· , fh'rn Llverllool

Oulet and stendy Hlghel, EUlollean sup·

(' 111(';\ G 0 rm; unfavo. able weather trong, ClOP damage All,en'

Stead,. tcady to lower


~op lie Ribbon Food

fferson streets.


III kinds. Tele·

Dr call.

who sold 19ht have I counte.'r­hat many rl is justi~

lId be in deceased e alwayS .pear un-

. I

Home ~... Iowa Service


'Phone 249


.... "'"


Volume 28 8 PAGES AD A •• ro8llve rro.rellh'e

Vully Ne\\8l)aper

- . UI

Iowa City. Iowa, Tuesday, January 15, 1929 FvU Lea"," Wlr. R.portl ot Til. Alloolated l·r ...


THE AIR MAIL t. one of Iowa CIt,'.

croate!lt SlIlHl&l. USE IT!


.. Number 197

F V, 't H U S W'll A 'd R ' P I Crowd of 4,500 amous lSI or opes • • I I USSlan eop e Watches Hawks

Future Salvation Lies in Brotherly

Love, Says Duke Thinks Reconstruction

Will be Slow Process

RUSSin, I~ countl'Y tl1(lt Is ruled by sword and ha te, thlll le~ognlzes no Goo, that teache.~ IrnmOlallty, that blPnks down flintily ties, th<1t con­tNls even the consclenco of It.~ peo pIes, Clln bo IItl ved hy the spirit of IIhrutllerly lOvo", the Chnnd Dukfl AI~xnndN' told 1,200 students and to" nspeople in thp natu ral sclcnce Al dllorlum yestcl d,lY nfle. nonn

11 mny take hulf Il century to ac­comllllsh this fellt. the Gl'f.lml Dllk. At1\rS. but with tI.o aid of UnltP<I Stnl~ money, It can lJO accom· pll.llrd

"Willie the Unl trd Statos can loan money," he conLJnUf'(l, ··thelr prin­clpnl contl'lbullon will be spiritual Ie 1,IN ship )(u""I'l. a count. Y alx Uml's fiR lar.~c as the UuJtIlCl ~t,ttpS , will be n nOW country. wllh il u(:!w birth of fleedulII f()[' the '101S'1I of tho .ph It' "

1l4l\'olulion High.\Jghts The levolutlull ot tl!l7 could hnvo

I cen a voided It tho CZllr lIad wlalled It, the Granu ])ullo told l~ Hurm'lsed audience

"Nicholas II hnd 12,000,000 10ynl /lus.lan It'OOI'H Oil tho bllttl" lines 'Xlendlng f. om tho Dalilc 8e tS south, but ho l efused to wlthclraw IllS Nol· dlers f.'Om tho line of vattle to flKht InSUllectlon 1n hlH own counlty "

Hu"sln, w ith a llopullltlon of 160, 000,00(\ I. beIng I uleil by !ll'ptoxl· .nntely 800 000 nulshevlks

"1 givo onl~' IU!1cimlll ks," ~,lIcl ti le EUJopcUIl "(SJtOl, "I .. m lint a pre lchrr 01" It III Ullhct , but I know thu wlmt I snv I. t. lIC W hat I oo"ovo 1l'lve. me luy 'I jo~' lhat 1 wont all my Cdends to ha yeo

"1 wllJ uNk YOU jUHt to eOIl"ldt'l me as n 1lI1l1l. IlIl heron' "t' it.g ,I grand duke T alll :.I. nUHsidB .tnd bt' (01(\ he In", a HIISl'dall r , nm a ItWU," Slid GrPlld nul<o Ah'xluuICl.

Onll1l18011 oC Emperor "My (athe, \\lb tnC) SOH of

Nellollllt I wllo J ull·d <lV!'I' UII O S.Xlh oC Iho wmld I WIl8 rich , hud 'pu"1 ion Ulld powel, hut 11('\'(,.'1' h.n('w tllf'

value or tnouc'v. 1 tli lurled the' t'll'i ler 01 tlte 1,1.[ ~n\pl'rOI' 1l1l,1 Itllll a hnppy lIrc. lily (uthe,' ""H vlct'loy or caUC~LUSUS •

Seeing' UIlICIt of ,,{II hI IllS \ (1uth· rul dll) S. tIle UUf'f', iUII 1101,lf' ll1nll e,lrly enOiO to .. tuho, Jt 11 (' J1H~ !-;I ' (\ three l eurti bll t. lilt \ n I PI UhC r.f till' wolid ""tl alwll)!u studied the "!Jlllt­unl side ot the peol,16 he "It W. CJov­e.nmcllt pO~ltlollK Wt)TO his. 'J'1lf' destiny of man)- people~ lay III hl~ hands.

~ hun came illC J c \'o lu llOlI, (!ttLlS

(rophe, dell th (0" tit Ice clf 1.1" brolh~l", IIlId c"lle (01 ltlrns~lr. "Ono llIorniuJ..:' 1 n.wolt("\ with the l'tall%Mlon tlmt 1 hnd lo~t !'vel',\"' thln!;-wealtlt, powe" lind all-vut happily r ha,1 not lo"t IllY Houl 1 henrd the vo/co 0( I)l v ,"uul anti 1 might 8,\Y that I saved n.y Itf" by it"

F. ord f,01ll oXl l() b!, the III mlstice the g.llnd dulce "etlt to 1'1l1'l~ aud found .olace It. , eil!:lous thlnlcin g and writing H,' tried to Bilow the world powers I'" thol ed It. th" peace con tel eneo the elro," of the Bul~he­Vl919, but n" "ne would 1t.!PIl to hUn

Soviet Preaches Hate lIlR JlHH3SUgc, ho 8dld, \\ . ) th~\t

ot all observel', who coul,1 101·e.00 WhOle tho docl! Ine of hate ill' tI .e 80vlQt was leadlllS

In hiM tOUI' uf Amet·I~II. hc 1M oc l· vocntlng a r{)ilS'lon of " love" thllt 11"111 ulIlte !til nation-. Helb:; lon cunnot be sepal'llted tlllm II(~, he believes Ilnd must progre"8 flg rlm­Idly u. scIence I1l1d matm 1111 pro grtllH

Tlte rnntellfll Sldo cOIl"t.LlItes onll' One Ihh'd or hllmnn liCe to him ]<;u· u(ntloll 0110111(\ ,Ievclop th o "P.ti ll"ll qu(l1lt1es chIefly, he ~(\I,I I fe IlIMO wI'ocntes tcachlng the child thnt 1/0 II IXlrt or It g'~at llum,tH III nthe. hood Thhdly hI. plnn Include~ no Iurh )VOlcl !IS "best"

)[e dtcd capital punlshmont liS de~trol'III" the potentl.,lItle8 or thu lOul. l~veryUllnl!' thn t Iwlp" th e lOul IIclllH the body, h o said, bUL evrrylhhl" that help" th~ bollv doe. !lilt help the soul The So\,let gov, ernment, ' .0 decla. ad , Is stlrnng tho develolHnent at tho Bo ul In til e younKer generatlon

Ruc:ianick Writes Article for Etude

In the January IMBue ot '''1.'110 F.lude" appears an article by Prof. Christian A Ruckmlek, psychology

, .. .. Famous Symphony

Playa Here Today Appearing twlco In Iowa City to­

doy Is tho ~llnneapolls symllhony 01'­chestI'll. ~I hlch comes as the second ot the ulltvelslty at tlst series 'Lrought to the cum pus by Ule school ot music. The performances will be given at 330 o'c lock anel at 815 o'clock at the Iowa. Union.

'I'he orchestta, which Is In Its b,enty sixth season, Is on atouI' unctel' the pel sonal dil'ectlon of Al­thUI' J. Gains, manager Its conduc­tOl Is Hentl Verbruggben.

9 First, Second Year Scholars

Get A Average Nlnc stlld ent~ In the fLeshman

and sophomo. ~ cl!lSSCS of the college oC IIber[L! alts made pel [cct scholal" shll) l'ero. ds for tho s econd semeRte.' of 1927-28, areo"dmp; to fl~Ules .e· leascd hy II. C. DOI'ca~, legis t. Ul', yestelday.

] n the- freshman class, four "\\ om· en :lnd t\\'o mon rllJ ncd a stlalght A g. ade average. Thl ec men ,mel no women mad" this average In the sophomore class

These a"e the fresllm~n with jlC,' ­fect I erO"ds David Vannest, Iowa Cllv , Bulley 'Vebber, Ottumwa, Fern DeVl'les, ·PrlmKhal'; Martha Pot­gl~te.·, ~teamboat Roek , Betty Sole­man, Tama, and Irma Young. Clur­ellce, The sophomores nlG Leslle Ashel , Clarksvlllr: VeIllon Chase, Little Hock, and Bu.ton 1I1Il1e .·, Newton

Ninety ["eshmen with an average scholal'sh!tl of II 01' auove, a. e its t­ed by Mr Dorcns This numbe., Is evenly dIvided between men and women

A1110ng the 89 sophomo. os named, 47 are women, but non" or th is numbel' attalll~d an A averap;e, While th.ee of the 42 men made pe .·, ('ct "e,'ords

The offlcla l JIst A'ive n out at th. leglstllH's office Is Jlrlnted In full on puso th,·oo

Stanford Scientist Will Lecture Here

P. or T.uma n L Kelley or Stl,n­fo[(t llnlv~. s lty. wlll g ive II Irctu. e en tlw chelHl~llv nurll to"lum, ,Ian. 21, Itn,IN thp llUSplce. of the child \I el­ru r (' I C RCUI eh sta tion

Plofe'SOI Knll" I. wnll-Imo" n JIl the fi eld o( t<lallatl", ,1 lIH'thulls 'lila th,' Ill)pllc!ttlon of th,'~o methods to t'J,ental and educational mC<lHure lII~nt Some of t11 P hool<s which "ullll11a.lz~ his Investigations in fun­d.unenlal plohlelllti In thp m eHsure­n.~nt of Int~lllgence al'~. '''1'he In­fluellce of Nu, ture upon 1\'allve Dlr, Ie. ellcPH," "The Intcl p" etatlon 0[ Ed­u(':Dtionai !\le,u:julcmpnl." and "CI()SS­I oads In the Mind of M,m ..

PI·ore"so.· Kclley'a leclure wlJ1 1I'lI'~ j)loiJlcms In caucntlun and p..;ychology a~ fL sin! ling- pnint

PlO[O"SOr Kelle" I~ a fOl·me. flupil nf Plof Hcnry L Hle t?, head or th e mathematirR dell8rtnwnt. lind ront.lbuted a challte" to ProCe"gol Hictz'. bool< , "" lIanrlbool, of Mnl be­m:ttk 1I Htltll.llc-. " During a hrlef luu) PI orps~oe l(clll~v has H"lven lee­tUlC~ at ]( ')1 I',H'd , Ohio ~tatc, Min, 11e~ot::l, unrl Chicago

1"0110" InA' th~ lecture It I'ollml tllble wIll he held In Old Capital for the cllRClls"lon uf ttOlntA dthp. of th e topIc of thc lectulc 01 01 he. PlOt,· lell1s in "hlch thc <ludlence IHIS'ht be inlo, ested ----Man Buys Elephant

on Installment Plan CLAR INDA, Jlln 14 (~p) - A

chatlel mortgage on "a remale ele· flhunt, n ,ul1f'cl Ruhhf'I', aboul (Ive feet hl1;11 and weIghIng aroun el 1.000 PIJ1lIl(bi, u~d fOI ('xhl1)lt.lon pUl po!-!e~ ltlll . n J!'I tile llcs Ilptlon or an un· usual In"I"unwn t filed In the orfle(' of County Ht'col'del Huth Pa.l,ol hell'

('Inlluc \\'ebb, a fOrmer J3. adely-1'111(, • e"ld~nt, Is the Oll'nel' of the "Iephllnl which I" bNnS' shown In TpXOR Ifp I', poyln!: fOI tbe anlm!l l on th e InstaJll1'1cnt plllll.

Foeh ,Ful18 to JtlTllmvo PARI , J an. J5 (AP) ('I'uesduy)­

Tho s light .m[ll'ol'rmenl shown by MUI·Hh.ll Fe. dlnand J"oeh In the early pn .·t of the night I"," not beell In­c'(>llscd anel his condition cal'iy to­da~' "as Rt,1UOlHl.y. One of his Jlh ~­Blelan~ paid a visit Of (I. (ew minutes Just befo"e 1 a m

departmelll, ,'nlltled "Why an In- • ----------__ _ "rstment In Music Lessons Always I Pays." THE WEATHER

Professor Ruckmlck explains III + ____________ _ thiH artIcle tho cultulal values d e­rived rrom the active pursuit ot Inuslc f['Om the Psychological pOInt or vieW by saYIng, "Music gives us a Iplendld opportunity of Jl1.tttlng Into actual proc'tlee that which we thInk, we IU'e thereby crystallizing the thought" In OUI' minds."

"Not only Is music a vehicle oC I!ell exprPHslon ," he says, "but it Is also 1\ reposlto.y of humnn eXI)erl­ence The g'l'ent mastlll's hn ve t 1'1 d to unhurden their sou Is to us and as "e play their compo~ltton8 we Ceel that thoy nl'e telling us t!lelr thoughts In Il languago thnt we can underHtand. Another phase of Inusle Is Its diSCiplinary vnlue which takes two tOl ma, that of the nWm, t1ye value amI the dlsclpJln e of exact I1ertormanee. "

p.ores"or Ruckmlolc I_ Illso tho author of /I pOl'm wlalcll nll l)eU[od In the Decernbel' ISRue Of the Sigma XI QURltel'ly, "olll d~n Path~," Thp JlOem conoern. the ~earc" 0/ both the ~nuth IUl,1 th~ ~c\entlsl ror the ~aluell '~ t!'tll~\l.I·t, _,-,. __

IOWA. Fall' 'rll esduy Ilnd 'Vec1ncs­dny, coldel' JI1 "outhea.~t lllld rising temp<'lI'(l.lUI'O In 110l'thweHt nnd nOlth

centml POl tlOns 11"11Ig' tempe. 11.-ture Wednesday In southellilt <llld colde.' In nOl'th· west ]JOI lion

Lowest tempel'l1' tUt'\) Sunday night, G helow zpro; tem· pelotUI'\) at 7 u. m yeHtel clay , 0, h .gll­~"t t mpt'ratllt'e ye"t~. d.]), 9 tem, I) "[tt lit{' at 7 I) 111 yetitl"'1 day,:J tlllOr­

.... _11:.1...:: ........ 'Clelal ., ading at Fait' mIdnight , 6 below.

1"'eclJlt\a t10n fOI ~4 hOlll R e nding at 7 p m. yesterday, 0 07,

Relldlngs mode by Pl'of. John F Reilly, offIcIal w utilel obse. vcr

Sunl'i"e todn)' , 7'31 II m , RUn"et, 500 V.m , 111oonrl"o, 10,2(; ,~m , 11100n' tjCi, 3;61 1"m,


Lions Sell 450 Tickets to Dance

Workers Hope Charity Ball Proceeds Wiij

Total $1,000 That the success ot tho 1D29 Char·

Ity ban Is assured was lI>e Ol>inlon !'rlvcn last nl!;,ht by Dcan Ch estel' A. Phillips, head of ticket sales for the annual Lions' club enterpl'lse III be­halC 01 the Iowa City pOOl. About 401) tlckcts were rcported sold last n'ght ut a sales stimulation meeting of workers on the dllvc

The team cal)talned by Roscoe Ayers ,'ctalns tlJ o load. " 'orklnS' with MI' Ayels are Geol'ge Ball, John Duncnn, und Harrison Batie. Membol s of the 12 othe.' teams lire \\ 01 kll\g hard, acco"dlng to Dean Pllll1lll~ George Falk hll.'l oUel ed

:, wo. th of clS'al S 01 clga.rets to the hlp;h tcam

Proflls flom lhe ball wllJ go to t he social sc. vice league, to bo used fOl' poor famllles In Iowa City An Cfrol t Is being made to bette. last yelll"S total of $064.45, WIth $1,000 llS the goal.

The b,lll will be given Friday Iowa Un ion.

Many State. Buy Teats

-by Quin Hall Law Suits Filed ~--------------------------~

Against H. Secor

Leader of Salvation Atmy May Retire

l_O~DO~, JUIl 14 (.\P}-Deflnlto action of the contlnu ,. nee In oWce of (I n Dl'amwelJ Booth, ('ommanell'l' of the salvation al·nw. probablv will ('0111(" lomoll'ow, In 1h(· opinion or leade." In both (actions of the 01 gan­IzaUol1

Both sides saId they were III the da. k llS to whethel tlHl aged leader would nlake d counter move n~otnst • Nit ement \I hen thp high council "e­nSHClmbleH Tht" l'C'fOi m eh,"'ment de clal ed that l( he d~eJlncd to retire, the counCi l waul(] plocf:kcd nt once to \'ote On l\1s physical fltnes~ to "ontlnuc his dut.es They 1)1 edlctea that th hn llot-If the rn"O came tn that-would be overwhelrn!nS'ly In ta VOl' of 0, new head or the army and lefolm In Its basic Olsanlzn· tlon

I n the lette. \I hl (;h ho sent to thp CIlIII\f'J] Inst \I cek , (len erlll Booth "a 1(1 thIS.

"JTII(i I hecn usl<ed to rpslgn, It would hn\'e heen It ~cry different IllUltPI .:.,nd r 1:ihould nnt, on n1\~ own ,Icconnt, have much regretted the. e­quest."

"f'utheI11l01e, under hio;c own reg" ul,ltions, I eth ement of offl"el R of th& Mmy Is COlnou.ory when they reuch ~el·tain ase hmlts.

Mount to $53,900 Relatives of Accident

Victims Seek Damages

Snits tol41l1l1.- $;;:1,900 were rued yeAtertlay 1I~lIjJ18t Harvey SPcor and the (lentral Aurety IIllel lrumrance corporation b,­,Jo;;el.h R. OenlY, C"ther oC the lato ,Joseph .J. ('cmy, a nd Helen nusck. a.dI1lInlstrntrl:< Clf the es­tate of Ihe lale ('arl ,J. Chopek.

CerllY WIIS itl8tRlltly killed a~ Chopek WIIS fulllll), Injured when Secor lost control of Ihe CllrYR­ler roads ter ' n which the)' were li dlng Nov. 11 on Ihe Re d Blln 1'Clld north of Iowa City. Tho corone 'N jUll' decided that eer­nl' me lis death "I.n a. car driv­e n by H"rve>, ~ III excess of lhe speed Ibnlt of Iowa City" The fh'st suit flied by Joseph J

Cuny n<;alnst SecOl', c laims that Josel)h J Cern)', 19 yenrs old, was 1, llIed because ot the reckless drivIng of Secol; that he waR capahle oC ea. nln" mon~y to Which his father \\"H entitled, to the "mount of $3,500, and that Curtel'al expenses were $400 On thl. charge Cel'ny asks Judgment or S3900 wIth Interest nnd costs ot action

Aslt.~ S25,000 Juclgemcllt Ce"ny also asl<s judgement tor

, S~",OOO agllinst Secor and the Cen t. al sUlety and InsUl'once corpor­ation o( Kansns City, Mo, for al­le!l'ed damage to the estate of his SOli That he wa.. capable of ac· c1lmulatlng an estate; that because

, of his untimely death his estate sus' talned damages to that "mount; nnd that the CO,,))orlltion having In~Ul' eel Secor's cllr Is lIablr. "C1 e the grounds on which the petItion wo' - . , based.

Longworth Wants Special Session

Tariff Measures, Farm Relief Hold Center

of Interest WASHINGTON, Jan. 14 (AP)-

PI eSldent·eleet Hoove. Is expected to 10tUl'1l to 'Vashlngton well In ad­vance ot his InaugUl'lltlOn Rather deflntte Information to th.s efeect was receIved today as the next presl, dent continued his conference with • epu bllcan party leadel S.

It a lso became known that Speaker Longwol·th had been won over to t he move tOl' a n eal'ly exlt'a "efalon of lhe new congress to en· act farm relief and tarlft leglslatlun , and that he was cO'ol)eratlng whole­heartedly In this proposal

The wOl'd that Hoovel' \\ ould I'e' tUl n to thc cat1l tal thp latter part of l?ebrual'y to renew his conversa­tion. \lIth repu blican party leaaers on majol' appointments una other matters, left the question of his con­templated goocl will tour of the Vfes t Indies before March 4 In gleatel' dOli bt than ever.

Alleged damnp;es to the estate ot Cilopek \I e. e the lj'lounda ro.· Helen nllsel, 's suit fol' $25,000 She claims that on Nov. Jl Chopek lecelved .evere and palMul InJutles an[1 th"t he dIed (rom those Injuries on Nov 16. thllt he was 20 yelll" old .o)d capable or accumulating an estate, and thllt hIs eatnte Buffered for that sum Ce.n~, who was "Wlng in the rum­

ble smt of the Chl'Ysle. roudste. duvcn b" Seco.·, was Instantly klJled IW electlocutlon f"om a severeel e1ew tllc light II'lro HI" .l!kuli was frac­tlll eel In t" 0 1>laces, his neck "as bloken. 110d his Ilbs "ere caved In

ChOI)ell's WOWli!s Fatal Chopek Huff"'e<l I"om a had wound

on the hlp A piece of wood about two inche-s In dlnmetel" was driven through his leg sllallel'lng the bone and causing a sellous wound He d.ed IlS a result ot the wound fIve clnl's aCter the accident,

The car was completely demolis h­ed, and after swingIng across the ,oall It clipped ocr (110 electric light poles anel then turned o\'er. Secol te~t1fl~d to the COl'oner's jUll' that the steering a lmaratu. Jockeel, that he was d.I\,lng only 35 0.' 40 miles all hOUl, and that he "lost his head"

Raymond Hervel·t, another occu­pant of the ca. , a nd SCCOl- escapetl wIth mlno.' b,'ulseH !lnd injuries IIlesser, Clearman, nnd 018en are act· Ing atto" neys fOI th e plaintiffs.

Experiment Station Proposed for Amel

WASHINGTON, Jan 14 (i\l')­Establishment or an agl'icultural expel'.m ent station to cost $lr.O,OOO In cooperation II'lth 10\\ a Stute col­lege Ilt Ame" "as proposed today In a bill Int"o<1uced In the house or I lepre"entatlves by L, J DickInson.

Since thG next I)l estdent has de-Legal Battle Enda In yed his elel'Ltl ture [or Ji'lorlda and

ultered his original plan to l'eturn

The meaSUl'e would nulhorlze tho secreta,·y or asrlcultu"e to estab­li sh the stotlon, pal tlcul t ly with n. view of conducti ng tcsts as to the physica l anel ch('mlcal pl'opertlex of corn stalks, }>room stalks, wheat. oats, C1ax, bagaasos , cotton stalk s, colton Heed. and other agl'icu ltural products (1I1d waBte.

•• : e •• ;

Big Ten Standings MIchigan . . P urdue . WIsconsin IOWA Ohio .. .. Indlana Illinois NOI thwestern . C\t loago _. .. M'lnnesota

L . o o 1 I 2 2 3 3 3 ' a

Pct. 1 000 1.000 .160 .667 500

.333 250 2&0



Minister Defends Modern Religion

Praises Freedom Theological Ideas

at Vespers


Is relJglon too casy" This 18 the question the Rev C S Patlon or the Chicago theological setninnl'y, an­swered ill his add. ess <1t the vesper se"vlce, Sunday. Getllng rellS'lon Is easier today, the Rev. MI' Patton be­IIcves, but "religion, it...,lt, 18 stili th high, gripping, exacting thing it has a lways been

"Religlon,l' the speaker said, "Is easlel- today In tile matte.' of theo loglcnl belief TodllY, the fact that any Intelligent Ilersn is left to feel what to him Is rensonnble anel good, make .. r eligIon easier

Relieves Heligion Easier "l'oday, th d001' Into the lellglon

of God .s opened" Ide.', and left op n longer There arc many wa~'8 to bet tln ollgh the door, antl religious ex­pel fence Is ollen to evel"yone.

"It Is t.'ue," he "sRel·ted, "that J1t­tle Or no Incolwenlence Is suffered today on account of I ell1§.'1on, llnd the opinion Is held by some tbnt for thIs rell.'!On 1ellglo11 has become too CIlilY. Has the backbone of religion been taken out?"

The answer, accol'(llng to the Rev MI' Patton, 18 simple. Not only rell· glon, but eve l ythlng has become ollSler RUBIno"", education, and Inbol' UJ'Cl casler. Religion has be­come enslet· only because It I. 11nrt of human life, pal't of clvlUz.1.tlon, and It Is lhe alnt o( cllllJza.llon to n"lke tllings eURlel'

Condt'mn8 Hard i\(elltods "Vi'e c'tn't look back on whett I.

out·gl'Own In I'ellglon. The only "O!t sOn we follow the h[u'd Way In a ny· thing Is because we have not yt't dl. co\'el'l'd an caslel' way Hardness Of religion ne\'er made any 111(1.n bet ter,'t WlUI the speaktw'~ opfnlon. lilt only made It hurdet fo.· the man who wan teel to be good"

The Rev ;Ml' Patton concluded his tllik by expr .slng his gratitude tor the opportunity to live in this age, when men have learned to hold the door of religIon open II little wider anel a little longel' I~or himself he saId, "the fact tllat re ligIon today Is looked ulJOn In thc sense that It Is, will not mnke me C8reles", but wlil hE'lp me to tak E! I e ll l\'lon a nd my re' IIglous duties over more slncelely."

. --------------------. I Day in Washingtorl I • •

Chicago won the lake dlver­slOIl case before the SUllteme cuurt.

11m bo.·t Hoovel Illan" to t o' I Ulll to Wushlngton wcll III <,d­vallee of hiM Inaugu rat Ion '

A move to limit debate un the J(ellogg- treaty was blocked In the senate,

'1'he nOU8e U pj)l oveel :t $10,000,-000 Inclease Jl1 the w,u depart· '"~nt appropriation bIll fOl In· lalld "at€'l ways

'i'ho tariff neods of the II'0n ~l1 d .teel Industry we,e sludletl rbv the hom~c \\ttl's anO IIl C~1I1t; c011l1l1ltte~

The confCl ence on the cause an(] CUI e or ,,0 I', atten(led by ten Iwtlonal women's OIgam1.ation 's l'epl'eaen tatl v s, was opened

Aeronautical wll e less expel ts confe"red wtth fede l'al • UdlU l tlltllui&t;ion and the cummorce d~ I)Ort1l1en t on nh plnno ,ntllu nee"".

'rllh·ly·sevcn states, Alasl,a, and he ] JaWH..!1nn hl lal1r1 ~ bought t e8tH lnd m('fUHII ('mc llt~ trom the bureau of '(lucMlonu l le.eurch in thu ~x­en810n dl\'I"lon du.lng the month ,( Ueccmb"I, 19~ 8. In the las t RI" 110nlhs 0/ 1928, tests wero Nul<l to ' vel'y stntl' but Nevada and the District 01' Columbia, amI to Ca nada

FOR'I' DODOr~, .Jan 14 (A ")~ herE' on th e eve of the Inauguration , F'OUl' yea.·s of litigation en<led hcre thero would scarcely bo tim e to ac­todtty when the will of Mrs catlt-

j COm l)1I8h such a mission. as he has

e line I lowe.' wa..~ admitted to p.·o· yet to Jll'e pal'C his InauSul'al add.'ess bate, A su preme court ruhng las t and must of neceslty hold quite a week opened the way for a final set· number of conferences while he Is tlement ot the estate, valu d at a bout In the so uth ~40,OOO The bf'quest included a Arte"!L long luncheon conference fund fOl' the POOl' of the Sioux City with Hoover, Speaker Longworth Catholic diocese un<lCl direction of said he 1'1 eHumed an extnt session Bishop Heelan. of the new congl'esS, the 718t, "ould

Control of Sex of Offspring May ' nd l l~ n glllntl

Version of "Lincoln-Shields Duel" Says Abe Shot Ylith Pokeberries

SP IU1\'GJ"mr,D , rtJ , J a n 14 (AP) -~f1l8 1(els lo,lded with pokebelrles "PI e the weapons ot tile historic "Lmcolt.·Sh.elds du el" In the latest version to the lef{end of th e battle ",1·10h neve.' took plnce

The story which has been "" .. lied tn the alten lion of 1_lncoln a uthprl­ties hel'c-a nd rE'g(u'ded by them as "unothe.· mvth"-Is to ln by Nicholas A Tones, 87·year·old Civil war vet­I" nn of gnid OldR, an~ fathe. In 1.1\ of the state tl'ensUl'er of Okla-hema. .

Tl'ouhle a. 'o~e hetwe 1\ 1,lncoln und Gen"I,]1 J nl11es Shields over a se"les or INte . s In the Sp"lnglleld Journal, In 'II hleh Shields, then state" udltol. WIIS rlltl~ly.e(1 Shl~lil s accused Lincoln oC t heir nuthOl'Mhlll, nnll tlll1-1I1A' to ohtnln II • et,,"ctton, d~ml1nded sntlsfactlon At thlll pOint, ,Iono'" sto. I' devl!lte~ f"om othel tales,

"~'o. npl)efl"anre Rnl<e," the Civil Wttl' I'eteran I·ei!ltes. "thl' men ug. eerl to cove.· 111) the q1Io"'el, but ~ .·~tly lIl'langecl (01' It duel In !l nNll'b!, field. I WIUi 19 yea.'. old Ab~ Jonl'~, my fClther, " as chosen fm )'IhlelclM' second

"~utulul1r, ~ declded \9 8e~ lh~ !It,

fllil. I I'e slipped out Into a fIeld while It IVIlS s tili dark, and sot there first Just aH the sun WIlS a little "bove the hm .zon, we Raw Abe I W­Inl{ ,'CI 08~ tbe [jpld on his hOlse, his legs du.n gllllg down

"Lincoln dIdn't seem th lenst bit net vous The men had chosen

Shot 1)1 uskots for their well jlons The r efe. ce started them oft bacl, to back. 'rhey wa lked lO l,uee8 and then turned nnd fired

"I:lhleld~ sho t 80 fast that his aim lIent Wild. T hen Lincoln I'alsed hiM lllU Rket Ilnd took de li berate aim The s ltot hit ShleldH . Ight In the. rhe~t. npd spu. teu out on Shields' • hil t and hc d"opI\e(l tn til e g.ou nd lIe didn't stlly thel'e long, though, 'couse We Ill! bllist out laughi ng, 1.'ncoln hud IOlloNI hlH !:lIn with [lol<e bel.·' ps, Rhlelds thought h e wnH !;,olng to <llo"

The "enel <lily IlcceptM Vel slon or thp "cluel" 1M that broad swords welO soleded \\'Ith Il Illact' On the M 1"­sou.'1 ahol'o Just below Alton , Ill. , flS the l11peling' pIn cr. Before the men exchnnge(\ lllows , however, tl l/'h ftiendH h"oUght ubollt It ~ettle­mom of the dlsput~ 1

b~ called as eat'ly 8S possible. He added that his personal reeling had b£,e .l that It would be well to avoid Il summe.' session It furm relief could b' enacteel before the exph allon of th~ IlreSent congre~s but that thIs "e~m d to bo out ot the Question.

With tho speaker won ovel·. Sonn­tOl' Mosos of New Hampshire seemed to bo the only one of the mOl C plomlnent or the tepubllcan Congl'ca­•• onal leude.s opposed to th e oxtl"l scsslon Idea. Aftel- a caB at the Hoove.· headqual'let·s today, the New Humpshl re senator said h e s tilI was 11 recalcitrant and waR Hatl.ned that farm leglslntlon could be enacted at this sessIon If the congl ess would Qut Its mind to It.

Condition of Royal Patient. Improves

I_ON DON, Jan 14 (AP) - Kln~ Oeo. ge, Queen l\/iu'y lind P . itwt< Oco'gc, their ~o ungeMt Ho n we.e tlll I·PpD. ted tn Hatlsfactory condition to. night The Illlnc6 \\11" the l ut~8t additio n \0 the ro vnl nlltienls In lIue l<lnglnilu ,,"lac'e lit', like hie mothe.· Is ~u(Cel'lng II'om 11. cold and both arc confinecl to thelt· 1 oom~.

'rhe king enjoyed !1. comtonnble ti,l)' , this IV(II',l comi ng arte l' the mo. nln<r hull~tln had nnnounced that ho WIIH ma.klng P'·0I\'I·tl1!8. The dQc' torH "a Id another 80 hOllrs "'ould elupse boCore they would INsul' a n· 1,'~\\~1 ~Ol mal ~ul1~t11l,

Be Possibility, States Professor Th e pos"llJlllty thot sometlmn In

th e fulul'e ~ex cont"ol (If offspring' may become I~ matter of Kocla l OIgnn­I,a lion has h~n pointed out by l-lmli 'Vlt sch l profeHsol' or zoology at tho UnlvP,·.lt)' of 1011'a

A p hyslololl'lca l cllff~. ence, as yet unknown, exl~ts between the two t)' pes .' spe"ma \\ hlch ploducp mille lind fenta lo. t hlaa been (ound. how­eYe., tI.e I.ma HclenUst 1l.S!!Clted, that the male P"odu~ll1g Hpel ms !1I e q ulcke.· to fe. t1111.e the eggs.

When som o motho,1 ot sepal a(lng Ihe male and femftle ploduclng "'C nPI nU:I fR discovered. It . '1y be )lOM­

slLle to control the sex of tho oCf· "pt'i n <;, Profe"so.· \\·It .. ,hl " ll<1

Male RespQII8fble For J"'IUo In rna ny sl)qcics, t he sexes u . p

p.oduced In 11 n exact 1 I ' ·1<. t10 and BclenUsts know tlmt the mule Is Ie­sponatble for thl~, sInce haIr of tho mole gel'm ~eJl_ nl't OK lenmle ,Ie tel" mlnel ., find half IlM tn~ le dt' ter • ml n l' 1"1-l F'PnlulpM 1 on thp ol h £'I' hHlld, p"ouu ee 0111" 011' tIme of CA'g •.

flcx rl)l)lt 01, "c~ol',lIng to VI'Orp~, 60. Wits< hi, Ilh'l'acly 1M PI AC'tlclllg 11'\ tim Morllll Mtn.te or the hOIll'y h~e, males a nd femnle. being Iwoclucpt\ hI' the quee n lIt the comtnn.nd of the lal1ol' OI"U nlzallon

e)CP~llntelltM perfol'lIlecl by P .'ote~, ~O l' " ' Itschl "eveuJed thal a challliP> of t~n\ller"ture Ilffl'l<lls the sex or 1 ndpnl"M Twn .lltR of tlAdpol"H, ,Uf­I~\'QI!\,hA.tcd UI ~Q IICx) w~re l~r II

In water with [1, constant tempera­ture of 32 elcg"ceR CentigradE'. The Mvelol.mcnt of th" nllllcs, he Ie· 1'01 ted, went On nonnally, Lut the Ce· malcH tl ansfOll11eel Inlo males This Js en used 1>1' t" (jpvelonment " ltd deslt uc tion of cel'tfl ln g lands

Altholl!;h nOvel' Huc'~e~~ful In the (:aSl~ of HlJl.mrnnl~, Homo rl'8ullK h ~L\'f! been achieved In • pc"nt yem s In In duelng sP" Inversion P"ol'p""o, Wltsc lll said llecol elM conttlln Ie· po .'ts uf :L h Oll, an c XI'slhmt egg 1)1'0 ducer. whloh conh'nctrd "VIlJ IIlI tll­bp"culosI8 Sex tl'llnsformation fol· lowed, Ihe hplI a.~8ume<1 tilo 81'I)(,ll" uncc und 'behavior of n ,·ooste. anel Inthe. ed thl'ee chicks. FllCtO. ~ which bl'inA' nbollt this tl'Unsrnt'ITIll 1I0n h Olle\'el', lIle not fully uncle.· stood

E<voJutlon of Sues A .tudy or the 10\\ e., fo. m~ of Jlte

hOB Indicated tlmt the two snxes go I h tough a III'oCeSl! of evolution, with tho male Hex (l"v~IOlltllg In cOllse­Qucne" ot unfllvo. nblp cOllllltions In Ihl. co nnection. It h~~ bppn dle­t'ovc. ~d that g ,·RRM-frog. JIving III the mlirieMt ollmAte" have p,·ug.eM~el1 the Ipll ~t, "nd In th~ high A)ps there Is n .tl·let IWPllrutlon of 8exes.

"These tacts lead .c1entl~ts to hope that they may tl nd hlhoratnry method. to speed UI) 01' BIoI\' duwn the evolut!onon' Ilt'OCCH'," 1'lOtOHSOl Wlls~hl decJi1r~~ 1

Score Gophers Iowa Grabs, Maintains

Lead in Erratic Cage Game

By LEYLAND E, SKELLEY (The DUJly 10wlln Sports Editor)

All the eccentriCities of basketball we. 0 manifested at the fie ld house last night when Iowa triumphed over Minnesota 36,28 In a slip-shod exhi­bItion befOl'C 4,600 pel sons, Includ­Ing the Grand Duke of Russia who seemed to enjoy the gymnastIc ten­dencies of the pluyel's. Both teams performed In a manner s uggestive of "hangovels 'l 1'C8ulting f rom unus­ul111y strenuous tameR Saturday night Exc pt for oc as lonal spurtK of the Gophers, the Hawkeyes were never In dllnger of losing the leacl prooured immediately a£ter the !lrst tip-off

1I11nn080ta'6 Hhoolln~ was hopeless­ly erratic, the Norsemen 1Tt1ssing Ahot aCter shot Crol11 eMY angles. Addeel to their Inability to hit the basket, ... .~

Hawkeye Scoring Nelson and WUcox are now

tiell Cor IIISh honors In ltawk· eye scorln/:,. The Omaha. IIOpho­more made nine points in tne l\t!llnesot... game ht.~t nl.!tht to tOll the Iowa. team In 8COring for Iho g>Ullfl and to tie the team cllptain tor firs. pIlUle. Two, /rood ,uh 'allced from fourth to third phwe In 11/0 list, KiItuan anIJ J)avlcl tied with Pl.uukltt 101' si.dh position,

The scoring Is lIS followS:

wUcox Ne\s()ll Twogood SIln«1llnl:' Lecka Plunkltt David Killllan Geneva ......... ....... . \Vagner RogA'c Farroh .. .

ro, .~. 'I'-L. . 14 17 4~ . 16 13 45

_. 11 426 10 4 24 9 4 ~2 6 Ii 11 5717 6 5 17 3 :I 8 3 0 6 113 o 1 1


the GOllbe. 's tedlous passing gamo wus wild and orten sloppy AlwaYM Irylng to work the hall In fOl' a c1oso attempt, the visitors sacrlfled mQJOY medium Hholll<r, UBuaJly ''6HulllD~ 111. Iow't's getting pos~e!l,.lon of the ball l"red HOI de, the football hero, and SchoenIng, a. fllilt fo,",vard, wel'c tho outstanding men on the Minnesota squad

1'."0180ll, J{hUtall Lead Scorln&:' 'I.'he play of the low" team was at

times dIsappointing, a lthough thel'C were spasmodic flasbcs oe real bas­ketball, mdlcating the form of which the Hawks alO capable. The pasH­Ing and "hooting often wel'O m (li' OCt e, but Iowa always would arouso f"om Its lellta.·sy with hursts ot speed that preventeel the fighting Norsemen from getting too closo, Irving Nel.on, sOllhomol c forward, a nd Bobby Kinnan, vetemn guard playmS' Instead of Mike Farroh, led the Hawk scorers with nine and seven poInts respectively. One plellJ!­Ing featUl'e was thc ract that all oe the men In tho s tal·t!ng line-up scored e'Om the fIe ld, and Leeka, substitut­ed late In the game, collecteel hIs cus, lomal y field goal.

IOWll got off to a winnIng start and was never headed The game was not a. mInute old befm e Nelson was gIven two free thlOW., both ot which he 111aei'O. Kinnan contributed a fie ld S'o,Li unr1ol' tho baslwt, the rc­iult 0 somo sllele passes by bls a850-clILtes Minnesota scored ils flt"t field goal when HutchInson got loose (Ota ""t,up. Iowa. callecl time to I'e­'l.l'l'Ilnge its ,lefe nse The confusion .esulUng from FJ' d Hovde playmg


Question Mark Plans Non .. Stop

Refueling Flight SAN DIEGO, Cetl, Jnn. 14 (AP)­

Plobnbliity that the Qucsllon Mark, 'amous 1 ecord s mnshlng army en' 'lmnnce plane, wlJi make a non-stop I ~f uellng flight across the continen t to Washington WRS expressed here today by MILjor Carl Spatz.

Tho Question Mark woulel a.ttempt tho first non-stop t rnnsconttnental "efuellng flight In history. It th'l plnn Is Clll rted out.

Major Spatz said that finn.] de­cision wou ld be wIthheld until Capt, hll C. g _a l,c., ehler pilot In Its flight f mOl ethan 150 hours at Los An­

,!,eles last werk, returned from Tex· '1.8. Captain l,i:ukcr was caneel to his muther's homo nenr Snn Angelo whe t c she was eorlously 111.

"I n compllanco "~th our orderH to return to Washington M directly 'lnd speedily as pos8Ible," Major Spatz said. "WG may ttnd It advla' lblo to .avo time and make mlleage by nushln~ the Question Mark thlough a 'Iound the clock' flight wIthout landing and refuelins liB we go

"Refueling plane No. 1 wlJl be pi, loteel by CaptaI n Ross 0, Hoyt, Its regular pilot during the endura.n~ tlight and I_leut. Elwood R. QUIlll' "da, one ot the pilots ot the QUIII' tlon Mark In U" record endurance flight will be aboard Captain 1I0yt'. plane to handle the gasoline hose during contacts,

"Our pl'esent Itinerary," Major Spo tz ~ontlnued . "calls tor our reo tUl n by way of t he southern route with overnight stopa at Tucsoll'. Arlz. , Midland, Tex.; Shreveportr La; Montgomory, Ala..; and S'OlJ1!J p<l lnt between Montgomery tttld Wa@hlngton not yet .. teated, 1')1e rllBson tor this uncertainty Is tba1 we may 'be compelled to adjust jlUl coune to weather condition:) 010'11_ tp~ Atlnn\IC ~~oa.r "

l"age t nie D"iJy loWiii. lowl Cir. --~ , Tuesday, January' 15, 1929


Hazel W. Bunker Entertains Theta

Sigma Phi at Tea ~tpmbers nn,l plellges of Thela

Sigma. Phi. honorary journalism so' rority, were the guests of Hazel "'arren Bunker. J4 of Iown. City, at 0. Sunday afternoon lea at her apart· ment, D3 In the BUrlington apart· ment.. Grf'en tapprs IIghll.'d a. tea 11Ible cenlered by a bOU(1 U 1 o[ flow­er. which carried out the colo I' scheme of lavendN' ant! ST"en.

A rl.'"turp of th(' arlernoon's ('n­t"rtainment wo~ thp PI't'.~nlntlon of a farela! grand ollera Ill' the pledOf ~ of the sorority.

Guests Included );ptty Baxter. J3 of Iowa ity: Barbam Miller. J4 of Iowa City; Lola ~IOI'II1.'r, A3 oC , pencer: -Uuth 'Vllhlte. J3 of Em· melsburg; Kathryn L:Urd. J3 of (JII'I'I~j', Col.: Ku therlnp Atwalpr. 14 of )lIIwQuk e; Morjorle <.IUbert. J4 of Iowa, FuUs: Marell Dorothea JJoloul>ek, .I3 of lown. City; Kather· In O'~lurn, a or Benn"t; and Frun· ces Wlnkplmnn. l~tAnt university IlUbllelty ,lircclor.

I CongregnUOnlll Soclely 1(; J.ee[ Welhle Iby.

)Ir~. Hny Yodtr, 31G R. Capitol .U"'<'I. will ent r((lln lhe nwmberll of thp "'omen'~ :.If:sorlation or the Con­gre;::allonul hurch. Ot her home \\~l"dnesday llftl"rnoon.

The prlll;'l"llil will hI.' In chnrg(> of ~'rs. 1·:t1wnrci lJnrtow. who will speak on hel' recent \rIll ubl·oad.

~lr3. Bld"n Cole. )lrll. Davlil L. Yarnell. nnd .1 rR. -T. F. Gerkl;'n aro to he lIsalstanl hostes>eY fol' the oc· caslon.

+ + + Laolipq Guild Will M~el TOllwt'T()w

.11-';. Nilt(' MoorE'. on lhp T!ochester l'Oru) will .. ntertain the Ladle:!' Guild member or th" ~;ngl1.h Lutherall church al hpr homp tomorrow at 2:S0 p.m.

The reature of lhe aflernoon wHl be the Inslallutlon or new offlCl:>rs and the reports or old officers.

A.slstnnt hoste"""s Cor the meet· ing are. Mr~. John Z('lIpl'. lIfrs. A. n. Hem"lt'd, and Mr.<. Floyd K Moore.

+ + + t:llion f'tayer ~Ieeting

Union ['I'oypr meeting will be held \Vednelldny at 7:30 p.m. at the hom .. ot Ceol'ge Bane, 113U E. \Vushlng· ton Slr ct.

+ + + t'nitllrian Church (Jroul) Will Meet Wednestlll), . --------------0 An all dllY meetlllg or lhe ladies

I PERSONALS I ml"~lonury SOClelY or the Unltarlall ehUl'ch will be he ld Wednesday at

• • the homl' of MrR. JORPP" Brown. Devotionals will h E' led by AlrH.

)C. n. nuggs. I"'oprl"tol' of 0. res' .Iusl'ph Mc('mekell lind lhe hom e miH' tam'allt III Wclbnan, I" vh;lllllg In ijlon le8son will be In charge of Mrs. JOWll City. 1\'lIIlam AUHtJn. Tile foreign mi. ·

n. 'V. J(elly or Des Moines, 18 vlsil· Rlon Ics"on will be rend by M,· •. nob· Inl( In lowu City. ert 'ochran,

\\'. J. Jacobsen or Dav~nport, Is + + + Visiting In Towa Ity. CUl'flation Lodge

lIenry Vnndenbrook or Chicago, Is Drill IJI-actlcc fa" the Carnlltlon In Iowa. City on lJu~ln{'~". RelX'koh degr" "tafr will bc held

1;;. E. Collins. an altornCy from Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. In the Odd Cpt!ar HapldY Is In ~"'_ Cily on ['·cllows hall. I·",inp,s. + + +

Evplyn \\re"t of Gensco, Ill., spent Mrs. nnrl{ to Enlerlalu II,,· week·cnd wllh rdend. In thu Women's '\8socllllion

Warrants chm'giug a .. ault with in1rnt 'to kill are being sought in Detroit ugainst ~rl'''' Gruce ~L Wood, right; 'l'flylor Pierce; unci Willial11 Thompson, below, accllsed or being implicated ill a plot to "take for a ride" hel' wellithy hn. band, Rall,h A. Wooel, Il'ft .

The tll'O men chnrged that ~rl's. 'Vood l'l1~llged them to slay her hUf;banrl wi t h t 11'0 others, one of them, Am brOSl' RHgcrt,l', was sbot from ambnsh hy the police who had h~n informed of the plot hy the fourth, Ceci l H olt.

city. An all·day mpctlng of group No. ..,.""''''''.,., ... '''' • .,." ... ""."""', ;;. """''''''''''''",. 'V. , - . - . -Hut" McClenahan, <Iallgl,ler of 2 of lhe women'" u.ssoclatlon of lhe C . E

MI'. anu Mr". P. E. J\fcClcna11Iln, of Presbylerla n chul'eh wi ll he held OmIqg vents tha Berkley hotel. spcnt lhe week· WednemhLyat thp hom e of ~frs, John ~...."~""" __ """",.,,.,,,,,,.,~~,.,,..~ pn(1 In lhe Plly. She left !;unda.y to Huck. 211 l\1y,·tle uvenlle. M,· •. Huh- ,-!'c"ume l aching In lJo.venpol·t. I·t 1!untel' una Jl[I' •. Hel't McKp" will Today

B. E. Green or Mayfield, Ky .. a u!;HIIlt Mrs. Buck to ~~,.I'(! luncll~on . (;1"110/:;' dul,. ~:IU p.lII. )'ep"('sentaUve of the Mayflelll + + ·f ('11:1 " ... ·on " l'lul>, youd"" Inn,

lothlng 'ompnny, Allent the week· + + + 2.3'1 1I.m. entl In lOWlt CJly on bw:lint'BH. lnlnmculn.to l'CJlu'l'11Unll I';lk!i r..n;]I(,~1 l1Jn!"'lIcon, lO:1kH

R P. Nl'l~l'n and T. H. Halley of So<'irly l<~ I ~rts Offlrers dubllou>-p. p,." Moine., a.re In Iowa City on busl· Thc f;od,lIitv or lhr Tmmaculale ~linn .. "poll, R;'mphonv 01'-

)lC"S. Concellll<ln oelN:.- held a .hort busl· rh"strn. IOWa Union. ~:30 and H. W. Hosclw oC Dav n\lort, Is In ne"~ IlICl'tlnJ{ IUNt rvenln~ at St. pat· 8: 11i j).m.

th .. <'Ily 011 business. rlck's ~chool. l':lcrtion uf of(lcel'~ M. SIINt or New YOI'k clly I. 8Jlend· wus til(' maJ" fe(l(ur~ of the meet·

ing seve"al daYK hel'e on business. Ing. 'rhos" t'h'ClNI fut' the coming ])r. and MI' •. ,J. 1', )Jol'ton of Du- \,eu,' ",('1'1': pref",·t. 1,Jllzahcth Collin.:

buque llI-e visIting In th e city. vice Ill'rfpcl, ~111I'y WllklnRon. und C. I:: . McGlumphy nntl Fl. A. Man· tre,lRU I' I' •• Ial'l .. O'Toul"'.

gcl. of the Hnltetl RllI.te~ alrwaYR, + -I- + SIlent two day In Iowa. 'Ily examln· J(~ed Audll:u'Y tl) Ingo tho ull'fleld und left ye8terll~ Mc('t (In Wedllesday aHel'noon lO go to '1'llltoll. M"IIlbt'I'H Of th,. noccl auxiliary

M ,.". Oeorg<, H"own of Million ("Ily of the 1'reshyl"l'Ian ehul'ch. will ('nl"I"'d tho univorility hospital j'PS· nlCPt Wrtlne.dny Ul 1:30 p,m. In tlw t erduy. churCh 1 )l1I·101·~. I'n'cedlng the ,·egu·

\Vcduc"l)ny nUfrlness alld ('roCesolonal

\V ('mf>n'H ('Iuh party, Am('I'ielln 1.",:-Ion l)ull,lInl:.

J.".-[tno 'I'llft leclurt'. Tnw" t,~nion. 4 p.m.

\\'1>lIom Tooth. n:ttUl'1l1 sci. £>nc'e tlUlHto"lum. R 11.m .

Thursday "'i~doll1 Tootll . lIaturO..! sc.'iencc

auditorium. 8 p.m. }I'I·;t1:ly

11'I('onlon Iprtut't", ch('nli~h'Y

nudllol'ium. 7 l1.m. Mr •. F. 'V. ]\frycr and her Kister oC h,' hu"lneM!! meeting to he held at J'uRtvUle Ipet Y"Rterday uIlCl'Ooon to 3 l1.m .. white cross work" III be done. r,'tllI'n lo PORtvUlo u!tal' vl~IUng thc Host,,"st'" COl' the ul·"usiun ,u·t': Hlslm' or Mrs. )\fe~W' at the unlver- l\II'H. U. 1:1. l"tlwflrd H. MrR. C. II. Ham. lIelltl SI~IJ'" Pi ~Ity hospital, lIton •• \Il'H. W. I". HuU<cma, anll ~1,.s. ";IN'ls Officers

T. M. ThompRon of 10\\'0. Cily. reo . 1'. '1'. 'l'YllIlull. 1)elta. HI~ma Pi announcc. the [01· tUI'ned home yesterday arter a VIMlt ~ -I- + lowing officers for the coming In the en.~t. 'l'he!:. XI "rll1estn: head mllKtpr, Hugo 08t-

Mr. and ~frs. George L, Slout. and .Dlllner gucsts n t th~ Thetn. XI berg. C4 of Old~: "enlor wardel1, their Ron. Hob"rt, lett Sunday night hOllK" ~unduy wero VI'. and ~lrM. I,'ranl, J". Hagerman. C3 of J ames· for Cambridge, l\1u.ss., \Vh ro 1111'. D. 1If. Full,.. town. X D.: junior worden, Carl ~loul IR un the H (u·v,l.rd Inslructlun- + -I- + Shcllabnl'gpr, C4 of ~olumbu8 Junc, ul "Iart, Both Mr. l'tout 'lnll Mrs. I{III)llI' n.lta tlon: scnlur !;,ulde. Uurnw Unrr. C4 stout, formerly !\1u"!;,"l'et JJllyes. K,q'I'" I), Ila. unnnunce~ the pledg' Of 'VII1r!l'ld: junlOl' guide, F.-ank gl"lduatl~1 n'om lho unlverylty In '2 1 Ing or Hhlrl~y Uldwcil, Al of \\',,11. el~lk . C4 "' Wlnfipld: chllncf'lIor. unll '20 respectively. nnll hoth taught mun. Kennl'th Jolln"on. ("~ o[ 1':IIswOt'lh: In tho gruphlc Qn>! dep'lrlment. + + + .~ri"u. Kenl J!'IHh. \'3 of Cpntral

Mr. and I'I1I·S. J" . V. ;\IOI'rlllOn and Ocltll <Chi City; lI'o:lHlIl'pr, Kin!:' lIerr·. C:I of family of Hanovel-, III .. have roo Pl'Of. and M,-R. l..el' Travis lV"re Wilton .Iunction. nnd hl.torlon. Ken-turnl'(1 to thelr homp after vl~ltlng linn,." sue"t. ut lhe Della Cili n<'lh [·'pllow". ('2 of Lansln". Mr&. Mor"lson'~ ]Jarent". ~Ir. and nOUH" Sllntlny. -I- + +

Roya1 Neighbors to Sponsor Insta1lation

Th,' l:oyal NpighhOl'H or· Am(,l'l~n.. I \,'jl) lIll" l /II 7:311 ;1.111. tUIlI011'uw for

I t:IPir rl'~ULu' bi IlInlllhly ml'(\tlng nt 1:,·<1 111 :11' lIan. 1111llallatioll of oW­('<"I I will cnllow thp lJusln("I::lRL

'1':1(' ('I(lcth'(l offiCers al'O: ol'acl~ lla:~pl Rtl"aLJlty; vJeo Ol'acltl , Ctal'3.

I':: P' I"4t III H! ~ Je, .Jmwphitw 1.oonll)· Idn; c""ncelllll', ;\1ag/:lE' ~lI\lc .. ; ,e· ~ 'IJI"d()I' ('nrriC' Chapmun; ),(lcclvcr, Cal'l'i~' Patt(, ,-pun; lIlal'tihH I, ,Josif' (l,'oh: a~~lsl:\ lIt ItI'u·shal. I'luslo nol,­:-;hnw: Inn{lr R~nline), ]i"lreda Vill·

IllltU(,I': Ollt('I' ~(lntfnl'l, Amelia 'eluun­u'. UI;I(1 tht'pc·year lIIanll/W'·. 1,UIIl ~lill e r.

'I'he IMto.1\IlUOrt oCClcer w\1l hp Jo· ~{\JlI1inc Pumpkin, nnclo tJw ceremon­inl mIu·"hol. BlInn. KIO(1\.

'J'he 1I11Imlnt"·~ oW ~,: [alth, mo· desty, uj\selrJ~lln{'\s!;. coul"ng{'. t~ndur· anN'. lJlusi('ian, color-bem'p.I' f'>:1fHlI'n and P"PSH C'tJIT(?BpOndcnt wJll be an· 1I0unc('U laler,

-----Iowa Dames Pose

for Annual Picture JIIembers of tIle UniverRlty or

IOlYa Dn lOPH will meet o.t Newberi\"s "LUdlo Wedn esday at 7:45 p.m to hn VI.' a groun IllPturp tak~n for the lI(twk~ye. Aflerwnrd Ih~ re/:ul.r In, <:lh1~ or the club will be held In IILeml artA huildlng. At this (fmc Lom Iladl~y will slleak pn. "A n In· le,'prclntlon of Nn.vaho Rugs."

;ll1I·s. J. C. Brum, 22ii K ehul'cll Tho utlwum" high .chool u<lHket Ocll" l !)-UOII

Kathleen Morford Tells 'of Engagement

strp t. ball lNlln Wl'l'O gU{~Kb~ ut the l:huJl~ ])cltll ep~lJnn nnnOUnr(l<l lhf' PIPclt.;"·1 John V1,' inlo. 1I0rlon, A2 of Du· .e l· houeu last weck·end. 11" " Ll'l n () \\'I,-in '1 Al of Buck 'h I{ II " Im'Juc, Is 0. palhmt In thl' unlvcrslly· I ~, J, g, , . 1 p pnlra!:;ment of all een _"or,

hClRpHal. + + + ~yp. I fnri!. ;\2 of Aiello. TIl ., and Hol lln(1 Mu.\J!'l I.A'Cku. A of 1'U\)OI·. Is n. pa- Oplla (;"1111113 -I- + + T,yono. ' 1~2 or A "'<10. III .. WUH nn·

tJ~nt In the unlv "Klty ho~pltal. Vlnn",' gu s l. ai tho Delh c,[lm· Ill'1In (JlIlIllila I nounred at OlP Phi Mu .ororlly James L. KeZ~t·. AS or HUllwn.ter. m" hou"c' Huml,ly W""e: P, ·of. und )Ipm""r'l of t.h~ Dplta Gammn hou,~ with the tl'lldltlonal box of

Old'l., was dh;C'hnrgetl rrutn Rolli'- ~H!·s. !!Urton P. J'~IQn'.ln~ , Emerson tLlumn~ f1~~o("lntlOn ('fUel tn.tned the (·,tnr'y. Runc1.1y noon at dlnn{"l'. bacher's lI.c'lJ1ntorlum Hundny nfler. \\>. N,'lson. I,I~[ lh~rok~e: nntl 010(11:" " 01 " dinner vpql~"<l(\v evpn- MisH :'.Tnl'for<l I" n ml'mher of Phi

. _ d r I h:nl'y A , J [pIM., bloC Stel'llng, 111. In~ at the hflme Of Mr~, " ". n. Ho"· Mu ~r.torlty. anti the French club. ~Oc~~nh;;,Vlhr,; ::~.ovNe rom an n· Jo'ophlne '\': Hall • . At oC Fulr!lclll. l'g"ln, t:I<1r::I'\\,~o~ drIV:. Lyon. IH R m"mher of Theta XI,

V,' J E Ro"e hearl of thr depart· I wenl I,umo fo, lhe llcelt·end. . -I + -I J , , . .>. + -I- + AlnllU S·~tnn Phi mpnt oC ol·lhodontln. IK att('ndln,; th.. \1 I' ('II 0 TArt'( n O,I/I"n t)f 0,--1."-. (,h1rl.. Wl'lma SI'ms Reveals meeting of the Chicago dpnlal 80· Il .1\ , IIIPr::u • "

INy which openr'd YP"II'rrln}'1 ))Inne,' gue~l" at tho Alpha Chi Boyor or Oakland. (',L. '\.\ ,lIIam NalhanJel AI'ldln, 'HI ur BrooklYlI, Onwt:lI hOllso !;unduy lI'~re: pro[. / Bllnl'.~ of DUI-an,t. an,l 1'YI'pl,1 Tn/:"r- Engagement to D.U.

NY spent the wt-<'k- n<l In ednr ul]d "'fl'", 'V. 1'. Root and "aughtel', .~!I. "~ of (',,!lnl Rnlllc18, W{". week· R: id \nne' )Iarjorln WlldN' oC 'orl·cc· "nd ll'UC'lR nt Ih' chf\1Itr" 11OUH£,. J~arr~n McCr"gor of Eillon. n. slu- linnvlll,'; antI Lois Thornburg. A3 II tll'I'let .lamer, nr Town ('Ity, wn" a Thp ... n~agement of " 'ilma Sims.

clent n.t [owa. Slate coll('/I'I' at All'le. 'f n~" MlIlnc;,. '~Inll~", ~urRt al th~ chaptPl' h"u~~ A4 or Porl Arthlll', 1'px., to Virtu,' vf!<ited j\tuiR Ahlf'l"R, ('lor DuhulIuO, 1\1<.\.l'j01'I(I '\\lJlu C' ,' or COI'I'e('Uonvl1l,e Hun~l,l~. (,lmr fI' ;.;l' .... nNw. W'~ p.,"nllT1 .... ~cI "t nod Burke \V,lIkl't·. A4 ot Eldon. OVCI' \VII~ tllp w~cl'·~nll gUCHt of Hut" 4- + + thl' ;\Iflha Chi Omega chapler hou se the wN·k-end. Hawson. A3 or Anfllllo.a. Miss 11'11· \VII"len or 'tOl)!l('hpnl't , .. "t~'·"IIY evenlnA'. Announc~ment

John Van Dykp, 1J of Cedar Rnpld~. pel' J" II Hlucll'nl III r:1'I1l111'JJ. I.e··'/I " 10 ~h·et· "':1.' mafl" by lile usual bOx of ('andv spent Ih" w..e l{·end al hiM home , . +;!" + WOOl"" Qr :\l~os~hpal·t k~j,," will :.t [t "hOUR" meeUng" called fOr 10

n ohr-rt " 'alker' J\ l or F.:ldo~/lert .. ()(Ihnn of 10\\'n (Ity IIn\'!" UI(ljr l' '''tuln1" 11l f't"Iti nr.r ;It 7 .. 15 I).m. F'ullm ... hHt thE" f)nnounc~mcnt for hi. hom" S:n;,,·dny. t1~ r.l.lvcd " 'oma"'" ('Illb 10 Icrt o'clo I, [onl::111 lIt )Ioos lodl:(" l'efre~hOlenls werc servel. n hrol'I' n a,'m from n. fall On llle Ice. '''1'' '' 11'110"'" (jprnrnllo:, s"~tI"'n 01 ' + -I- + KinA'. who attended th e unlver~lty

n .. \. Glp.linp. of Alton. sPt'nt the tho IOWa Clly \Voman R •• clu::' wJl1 1'1'; III laRt yell", I, n member Of Della U,l' week-encl in [own. elly viMltlng Chcs. IneH lhl" afternoon at _.30 at the Phi ~III MI'O"it)! nnnoun~o~ IIII' Hllon fraternity. He is employ~d tcr :Masoll Al of Alton. ~omo of M,·s. Charles H. MIlI'Uth, h'llll11\lol1 oC l(ulll erll1P Plng-rl. ,,~ or I u~ ,,""Islant manag"r of lh .. 'Vool·

, + + -I- ~23 E . rtonuhls "t,·e~t. 'I'ho ,,[I PI" I,cystonc, worth store In Eau Clah'e, '\.Vls. '''olllen's 1';,luralio" 'oon will hr· ppent studyln).: c"a:t" ___ _ Club Has i\~eeUI1I: '"d ntln .. and dlql'IIRsln:: chlnu p:ch,l'

'['wenty membel'" o[ lhe " 'omen's tnS'o JIlts, ,t\hll'ulh will ... rve a" I,,· Educat ion cluh or, lowo. Jly were I' lruc.lo~. + -I- +

\lIxilhtl'y of l'resbyterian Chul'ch to Moet

enlm·taln",1 lasl c venlng n.t tho hom of Mrs. H. D, Welte, ~23 E. Brown slteet. Tha Rhort business mpellng wus follow",1 by an pnlcrtulnmrnt. Mrs. IT. A. J ell nnq Mr!!. 1'. B. ,Mo,·· bell """lsle,1 lhe 1'0 ('·RH.

'I'ho Hecu auxlllul'v Of lhc P,·e~h': · ('I';nn ('hur'('h \.\0'111 ll1ef'l at 1 ::W rUll.

lomo['l'oll' In lhr ehUl'ch l);\rIOl'H. \\. Ilih." 'l' IWS wOI'I( will pl'ecedo th,' l u~fn('~.1 ~('ts,.:ion,'


, 'I

Snow, Sub~Zero Weather Causes

Much Suffering

I Prizler Starts Suit

I for Injuries Caused

by Motor Accident N. '\Y. Prl.ler stal·tell action

agaln.t the Hoy II10to,' cOmllanY and Roy Butterba ugh for allcged Injuries to him.elf and to his cal' a~ the result of illl auto Il.Ccldent on .Iune 28. He

(,HTf'AGO, Jan_ t4 (..I.P)--The mW- agks judgment fOt· $4,706 ,lamagl.'s dlcwc~t WIlIl locj<ed tonight in the wtth Intcrest and co~tH. Icy l;'r1p or one of the most s"vcre Claiming lhLll a Cal' operated by cold waves and th" worst snow agents of the defcnd:lnt. ran Into storm III recent yenr". I his. wrecking It. ond Inflicting serl·

Sub·?ero temperatu"e. that yester- au" and permu.nenl Injuries upon day broke r('cords of 40 years we,'e him he selS $150 as osts for reo futlow('d today b~' a pnOWSlorm ex- pairing the cal', and $4.656 as the pected to Inst until tomono\\", with amount of dootor's bills. thp sevpre cold continuing. The accident occul'l'ccl on prlmury

The storm nnd cold caused the highway 32. west of Coralville. d~uths ot holt a dozen persons, and P,'I.I I' SluleS that his fnc(' WaR

Mlfferln .. ror thouMnds of othprs. bruised and scratched that hi" body had ulor.'«('d moJn hhrhwuvs in many \Va"! bruised. and thl~t he sufCered • tUle". bampered r:UI tran.porlaUon from Ii "pVere men till shock. nn<l 11M wire communication fa cll-Itlp~ Into n. snarl thnt threatened to become worse It the snow 1I1.~ts.

'fhe wPAthe,· bureau heW out IItll" hoPE' of ImmpdlatP rcller elth o,. frolll the cold 01- lhe Snow. »0'- the most

Garner Man Dies at Hotel S~lturday

\lart snow was predicted tonight (01' Joseph lIunzlll<. 69 yea I'. old of the "ntlrp arpn Crom the MJsslsAippl Oal'ner, dlod at Ow Central holel to the Ohio river valle~-, ,here Iln.turdo.y "ftrmoon. He had

In Chlcolto wllh a t"mp"rntur~ lJ.~en visiting his dall"hter. Mrs. Rose yeslerdny ot 9 "elow .pro und rcell- \1"jO". who IH III with Influ9n7.1l. IngH today o[ n. few points ahove. HnnzUk was horn In noltemlll and hundreds of men laborNI to kpep c.·nne to thlH e01.mtl·Y When very tlw street~ cle:.\l'ell. Four deaths young 1"0" many years he oJlorllt· hpre we"e ulirluuted to the cold. ell n furm nea,· Oal-ner, l"uneral

Firemen fought two disastrous sorvlce will be held at Ourne" to(la;,. bl'lZPR In lhe cold and snow, one yes· Sut\·lvlnJ{. lI e~lde M,'s, l1eJ08. are tel 'day on the fortY-Recond floOl- of t",0",on8. [{,dllh Hanzlik of lowo. City the un [lnlshed Foreman National lind Edward lInnzlll< of On"ael', nnd bnnk hulldln" in La.flalle .ll'eel and spven oUler dnughtel'S, Mrs. Eva the other todav In the south side DvorJi< of ~~ntervl\le. Mr •. Mnry plnnt of thc Inland Rubber com- Leukas oC CarnN', ~II'". Blla Ooch pnny. One hll;'h school was cloRed ot nAv"nllo,·t, Mrs. Bessie Chisel of because il was Impossible to provWe ~llllcl·. MI' •. Vincent Colgall of Chi· enough heat. cago. Evelyn Hanzlik of Iowa ity,

A Chicago and Northwestern )'ai!' ""d YC"om, lIun"lii< or Cedlll' J>al1". rnn d ('nginpf'I' \\'a~ Idll('d hy a ~now nlol\" at ]\I\nne"ola .Junction. "·Is. I • • Fenr. were npre,"o,l for Ihe ",rrty Cathohc Nun DIes or two pal·tles or fishermen. M H' I - - at ercy Osplta

DES ~IOJN8Il, Jan. 14 (.\P)-III lh" mld"t of a coW wave thilt Is .<lPttl n~ npW l ow 1'f'('or'r1Q (01' tf'mp(lr­alur nil over the eountry. Iowa got a "ample tOll;LY of tho p\'cn paid., "'pathel' In sto!'p for tomorrow.

"" !'pllo' I" In "'&fht f!'OlIl thl' ~ub· ;:pro w.~1 h",· of th(' IRHl two ~nl'R. 'he wenther bureau I'cnot'ts.

Young Woman Dies in Local Hospital

;\f,.,., B, .J. Crowle;-. 34 years olel. who lived raul' mllcs west of ,y",t Llh(>rty died HundllY artemoon at II 10cILI hospital. 'rhe H,·v. A. C, 1','oelll, pastor of lhe 7.lon Lulhernn ch'II"ch. will of[Jel,lte Ilt thO funl' l'Ill to be h('l<l lhls "ftHnuun llt tile J 10' henRchlih mortuary.

-:\11'~;, Cl'owlf"Y hi Hurviv cl hy hpl' hll~banrl, her pOl'cnt~. "fl'. llnrl MrH. .John M<'YOl'H. and 11. bl·(1tLe.·. (lc'urg" Ml'yprs of low" 'Ill'.

Slntcl' Mary 1:tI'l:nr~l. fol' many yeurs assocluted with otM,· members of hel' ordpl' !n the conduct of l\lcl'cy Ilo~\lilal, aCter bclng HI lh"QC weeks wJlh pneumonia. ,lieel al till' Mercy hOHplml Aatul'dny ut ~:45 1'.01.

~hE' WaR 110m In 11'l~land <llld first ... ntered th" ol'(le,· or SI.tel'" of ~tcrcy Itt Mere)l ho"plto I Ol Dnven· porl, 54 years ago. Far rnore than nO yenl'" "he h",1 lived In Town ('itY'1 SUl'viving het' arc H. nutnhel' ot niec~s and nel>he\\'~ In J',;ehrll~I'n nnt! IlIi· nol,.

Funeml service will be hel,l this mornIng at 8 o'clock at the Mercy ho,pital chillw i. J1ul'llll will be 111 Sl. Jm~eph's c~nl~ltel·Y.

/\ l)~ tlli"n u~ldng ju.lgmrnt rol' ~1J 0 wllh ~I" pel' ccnl Inlcl'eHt f rom :'o.:ov. · 14, nnd co~t!o\ or t\l'UOI), wa.s 111('<1 y(,All'l',lay agoin"t _\lnu(le Ball 1)\' \ '. II. I'al'k" who clalnl, that "ho (I\VP~ \lim th·U :lnltlUnt 1'0 1' 1,:tlnting­or 11fT 1.J'OP('I·ty,

Girl Scouts H"ld , Weekly Meeting

Cld Scouts of 11'0011 2 held thcir weekly meeting Itt Henry Sauln 8chool ye&terduy amI hen.rd .. epo"l~ rrom 'Ylnlfl'ed Lamb and Dorothy SOOpCl· who viSited th .. lusl meeting or lroop 5 at u nl ver~lty RchllO!. B,,· sides playing games, a demonslI'utlon In lable setting WL\8 Jlut on,

'['I'(lOP 4 met at the legion commun· Ity building and PlanH weI''' mild for lL constpln g T,al'ly to be held nexl Sut· urd llY at 4 p.m.

Two Brownie POCkS met yest('l" day. Paclc 1 met at Longf('lIow, and Pack 4 Ilt St. PUlrlck'" 8"hool. 130th . pent t110 lime Illtlylllg gameR ..

----Automobile Show

Committee Meets J . n. Ga'~lne" wa" appointed tell) .

pornl'Y chtlil'lTIun or a committee to conslde,' holding un 0 utomoblle 8ho,," Ilere. at a nleollng or uU lomoblle deal. ers and dealers or automobIle neColI­""rll'~ yesterda~'. nefo,,,, the meet. Ing n. ulnne,' was held In the Amer lean legion community building at 6 p.m.

lIeculise n gl'eat many of the Cal. ('I'H were not l'epres~nted it was not flnnlly dccldN' wl1ellle,' or 'jot to have the .[low. A. ""conei meeting olld llInnPl' Wal':) set fot' tomOl'row

Comml'ttee to DeCI'de night, al which lime lha dealers Will deCide "" to lhe place, time and exact natut·" or the ~xhlhition. Opening of Bus Line Revc"nl aulomoblle Rho",s hal'e he!!n held here. Ilrlo,' to Inst Yeur

The e:;~eull:" committe<; of th~ ",h('n laell Of sufficient floo,' "llUee' mel:Chants bU~ UU WI~I ~eet tomot: pr~v"ntpd the c,u" 'ying oul oC the row to dlscu •• tll~ .l(lVIS"bl!.lty .01. " lllM. It has been rumored that the operating n. bUR be tween lo\\ u (",t) show thl, year will b~ held in th an d Ce,<lnr l1aplds 0,- lJUI)U'lUO IJr lhe I uu,litodum or tile American leglO~ wny 01 Solon . comlTIunit~' building.

The propoHltlOI) of the new lin'! I will be llresented lo the 10cn.1 bu"l· neSM men by J~ \V, Bradford, reple· senlll.tlve of the Cedlll' Haple'" and Iowa CllY r,tllwny cam]J>lllY which owns und opcrates u numb!:!}' of bus lines In eL\.~tc.-n Iowa.

Sherck to Officiate at Job Peel FUller"-1

1'ho Cune.-al Kervicc of Job :reel 62 ~'ral S old. who diecl Sll/urdrty night

B,'t:. Ph; /'lil:'ma at ~I nrcy hospital of pneumonia. will Deta l'hl Slgm:t. honor:u'y pharo he held lhls morning at II o'clock

rnacy fl'llt(,l'nlty. u"noullre~ j 11(' inl· at the nE'rkmn.n fUllel'al home. ~'ho tlat\oll Of Loul~ 9.:0"[. :":0l>r Is "ctln):; Hev, C. J{ 1111) Shere!, will orficate as rnuuo,!.Cc'I' of' thf' (lrug' rh:pal'llnf'nt and bul'ial will be in Oakland cerne. ~_~~~P ~g~t~J'n,n('Y, ~t'Y, _



Six South Clinton St. Across from Campus

Today 1

• IS

The Day Start n 1929 Christmas savings nc­

count today. Small weekly pay-

mc.lts will lead to a very handy

stirn for your next Christmas shop-

Ding list. ,

fIRST ~AT10NAL lei .... ' ..

ME""'"lA r('Dl~"l k[SFPY( ~"$1tHi


FARMERS LOAN & TRUST CO. v4ssefs Ovt:?r ~4,OOO,O~O.CO


"..-------''"'"' --==-=-====::-; ... +++1ui'++i"J,H'·!-+·H+1,,1o+·j..t'·H+·l,++++++++++·j.·H++i'++++++,j.

f I + + t + + ~ + + ~ +

You are

Missing an

Opportunity If You Are Not Watching These

Januar)' Clearance


Dresses $7-75 Specia\ly Priced Groull

Dresses $9*95 Tailored, Cloth and Silk;

'Formerly to $19.75

+ + I­i\lelhOllis t oeien-10 Meet Wednestluy

'rllo 'Voman 's J lome lIf,issJono.rv Rl1clety oC the Mclho<lLql chul'ch wl1l n,(·rt '\'cdnesdny at 2:30 p .m. at the U .. thodlst sludenl rent!!I·.

Tho program which Is In chargp of S. A, Swi«hN' will consl"t of devotion· als led by lIfl'!!. r". n. L:lwyel'. natl a 15 minut" talk on "VI tory Dav" bv Ruth OoJlugcl·. or the Stnte HI.tOl·I ·

JlOMtC·.,'·V" Il"(' JlI r~. K 1', T . 'l'yn­,lull, ~!rH \\'lIltpr A. Halkpma. M,' . C. II. Ham lito II , un,l M,· •. C. 11, J':<1 -WllrUs.

+ + + Camp Ol'icnt Association Will meet Tonight

'1'he Crimp OrIent ossodn.lion of Tow" City, will mel'l lon ig ht ttl 7:30. I~t the J.O.O.F. hall. ElecUon <If 0(' flce"" will -take placc.

100 GIRLS ihat can wear sizes 3 to 5 in foot­

wear, and want to buy $8.50 to $10.00 patterns at .... ----.-.... -.. .. -.--... $1.79

+ ~ I I 12E~~n~ffi~s$13 .95

cal SOCiety. 1'.11'9. C. G. FOI'l and lIfl's. D. C.

A bl'ams are to bc hostesscs for the occasloll.

+ + + ,\lph,. Della Pi

lum n"-p m(l11\>Prs of A Ipho. Delta Pi are to be th" gu",'t.~ of .r"'PRle )'ljilllllg . 72 1 :-:. Linn RlI'Cl'I, tonlgllt at 7:30 o'clOlck. .\ soei~1 m('rtin<: wlJl follow llile hl"IIII'8H s(,!<.qlon. LII-11:)0 FIIL'an w\ll tl.~fll~t tl.M Ilo~tCfS.

+ + + University Club lias llulIfid of l 'lIuritillllent

The aeconrl oC the tllI'ec sprics oC l;illlle" which arc Included lomorrow at 7:30 p.m. In lh~ University club rOoms al Iowa Union.




Across frOlil tho First National Danl{

+ + + SivII'" Phi Epsilon

U,'WIIlOntl Hlro- or L onl' Trc('. was n lIinn('r guest O[ his bl'other, Wayne RUc, A1 of Lone 'l"·('e. at Ihe Sigma 'Phi Epsilon hOIl"p Sunday.

Vol;;-ene Edmond.on. , \ t ot Mil' lOll, murle a trip 110111(' last wC'I'k· "nd.

+ + + 1(~'l:Ja. lCUPlla, G IIIll.ma

lI ,u'rlet MucMl li ll n of dar Rail' ids. wus a guest at thr d'al,l"r "ouso tlll~ wP('k·end , She r~tul'nrd to St. LOllis to kl.''''' an r ngag-ernent with st.\tlon KMOX. whe,-p she Is emllloyeil [llI blues s inger. MI." Jl[ac' :\llIIan nlp .. l~ined wit h vocal num­bers at tbe Mllltnry"J:u.l1.

Cleaning Service that Satisfies


,ZSJ Varsity

Wardrobe Cleaners "

150 GIRLS that C:l.11 wear sizes ~ to 8 in foot-

wear and want to buy $8.50 to 10.00 values at .... _._._. __ .. _. __ ... __ . __ ._._ $3.95

I 1 At_ .. ~~~~,~~ 14.95

t Nothing TooFr~i~ to '39.' •. ,

This is a Real Buying Opportunity


i For Us To Clean t Let us have your dantiest garments for cleaning. + We give them thE:' n10st carefu l of attention and

it will delight you with their appearance when they

come back to you. Our workmanshilJ and our care of your

~~.~ ± garments is guaranteed. Let liS

- ... ha ve our truck stop today.

~ ~' i PARIS ~::::::::::=::::::::::.=::::::::::::::.._......::;;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::=I, .t.+H ..... T-H .. l'fH.+{.{ .. : .. "'N,'l~'~t::'f~~:'f'f+t+ttH"' ....... +i'tt+

~ ........

~£,~£~~J y~Price Eve'ling Dresses


• prIce

Roman Nears

to subject Ill' two remained enUrely modify Or reject Icached.

Ethel Keller ~tertain

Ethel Kellr l'. d~tI~ an" MI',~. GC'flr{;,<, .1, d~nt at Sl. M:II' v's hi, "Ive n I! 1'O Il Il or 1)lan tile we.lay luncheori <I r1110 tmq iloO,1 Ii tRod

AI ,·cho'·t of the' m' Pt the 10\,·,,·Nel>l·n-"n 1,'u8lco. M Id h At F,·ld Neb .. \VH I 1]0 ",Ivon bv Mr. Rose \l'll~ the 10 gate.


All Coup R

----aVU'U,L Show

'Uee Meets waH apllolnted te of a committee Ill.

an automobile Shoto

oC automObile deai automobll(! acce . 13efOl~ the III s.

was held In the AIll<let• COJnlllun lty bulldln" er

" at n grcat many of the deal

l-epl'eSe nted it was . whethel' 0[' not n~!

A s~cond meeUn was aet for tornarro g Ich lime lhe de"Je l'~ w;;; the place, lime and ex

the exillbilfon act automobile Rhows h hrre, prior to last ave o( ~uCClclent floor st~ar,

the ral'rYl ng out or t~ I,een rumOred that tl

ye!1.r will be hcld in li't of tile Amellcan leglo'& bUIi(lIng. n

fram Campus




• price,!

Tues(Jay, ]anwny 15, 1929- The Daily Iowan, Iowa Cify

HospitalDirecto~ 179 Freshmen and Sophomores Speakson,t:hlna Achieve B Grades Last Semester

Dr, Wood Discusses . -

[ommittee Awaits News Concerning

U.S. Appointees

Human¥t .~~. Elects Officer.' at , Meeting Ye~~~rcm.Y

B lectlon or oCtlcel's 11'08 held n t lh" IIleelinli or the lIumanlst $9cl· et.v whIch "'>18 held 111.( nIght at t)U! hpme of CLl-I'fle ~ta.nle!', assoCiate 1',ofessOl' or l~ngJfS h, and' Alma lI~l'ey, 1Il8tl' ~ CtOI 01 I':ngUHh, 318 N. DlIlIuli UO btl eet.

Orien~ at C. of C. Meeting

"J3ecn[l~o or the [oct that the ",it· tenlanguogp iR 1<0 <lUrelent CLam tho spoken word In hilla, It Is impos' slbel [01' the lleoJlI~ to commun icate other than bv \Vorel fJf ll1outh," fMld D .. A. II. "·ood~. (lh~Clor uf the Ilsyrholmthlr hOspl tn l in 011 nd,lI'e"" to tbe m~mb~l's O[ th e Ch:IIl1 I)~ r of I'ommel'ce at LL luncheon h eld ~'estel' day.

The lunr heon II as 1ll'1L1 ,n the mnln dining 1'00111 o[ til e JI merican l('~lo ll rommu nltv hu lldln" ancl m ore than 85 persons nt t~nded

Dr. Wood$ hils I ecently I ctUlneri from a tl'l;-> to China w!Jel'p hc made an i nten8lv~ stud v or til(' cUstOnl. llnd h~ bIts of thn t I'ac~

Cllillrse ItPscl,,~1e Amet'imns Dr ,,"oOjls ioun,l thltt these p~oPle,

who hnvo llcen sep.traled [IlJIIl our stork »b6ut 70,IIOQ yel\l·., Ilre (l great ileill like Amcrlrnns In milny I e· Rpeel". Th('y I'euct iO ncn Ily a ll emotions, Often re"on to gestul'"s, an,l In ShOI·t, theh' social pel·for· lIIances (\I'e nearly the snm~ nA OUI·S.

One ]locullnl' 0ling thllt the sll<'nk­N ' noticed nboUt the Chme.e wIIS Ihat they Invlllib ly Itct In aceol'llance

·wltll tile c~owd. 'fhat Is to soY. they lI,to\1 10 the voIce nr t he cro"d pveTl thon!(h the counsel of an expcl t is at lIanel,

Pr \\"00f1 • , .. 'l~ 0 mn7.P(l to l ~al'n that th e villages In Chi na have virtually no fOl'm of ol'l':anlZetl go\" clnmertt. 1'hoy 1\:1)' littie atlentlon I" whn.t I!'I going' nroul1rl thl?Jn and they trust no one lnt l'a-vlllage cOIll· IIlr)'C'lu l y ll'un t.: n.etlonM HJ'C" almost \I hollv unknown

('III/) f'h !l "'~/'!I F':~eul Teal' "Stud nl. In Cllina al'e tl·ylng to

nill lhe villa.g('s' fo rm!o; or sovern· IIlcnt nntl In time the lnngua)(e and rustom" of the hnrk\\':\I·rl people WIll he chans:cd," R"ld D,' Wooci" "Yet. in Hlllle of th~ir Illa.ny faults. t he fhhlr"e nr. VO"y fl'iendlv, IIltelligent, nnd conscientious mce."

1', ,0,· to thp 11.1dl·08" P"of Rollin M relklnR, plo~ident of the ch~m · 1 .. ,', announced thnt the hoard of dl­rortol a had voled on, a nd p(ls<e<l :\ bill to rhano:e ih~ Cigcal yenr of the elul> 1'he pl'ovislons Of the bIll lIere Iltlt tn IL I-olc OC the Ilwm""l'" of the rhnmber or rornm~rce ond voted to tnke effoct ImmedIately

Thev pl'ovide thnt the (Ise(ll year 'hnll hN:ln and end wltll th£' I'egulnr rolendar. YNU' ----Roman Question

Nears Solution ROME, Jan 14 (AP)-It appears

that the vexed Roman question IS really about io be Rolved There IS no doubt that negotiators, who worked with full knolVlNlge ~[ the lioly See and the ltaUan govern· ment, It without full authority, have I'eached an ugl eernent on tC'r)'itoJ"J{t as well as fInancial conditIOns. The question now is in the hands of thr pope anel premle" to [tccellt these conc ill sione and decide the time n no means of Car I'ylnb' them out.

The IlgI'eement is bn.sed on the ces· slon by Hall' to the Holy flee of 0 smult extension of tcrl'ltory IYlllg FOlltheast of the vatican gunlens, In· eluding the vllla~ of BUllleleck and Dorla·Pamphll1, " Ith extra terri lorlal rights

There would also be payment of ar, IndemnIty of one blll10n IlIe, gold which at the III eMent exchangr amounts to about $52,633,600 Tills lIould conmen"ate for ChUlCh proper ties ta l'en by the Italian 1!'0V~l'nlllent In 1870 by annexution of the Papal Stotes


Devers Waives Removal Heating

sqrlloMORF;S Amlle, P~ul J .: Peterllon ........ '" '" ............ 3.2142 Anneberg, Reas, Carl'oil ..... .. ................... 3.4000 PARl.'; . J an 1 I (.1 ['-The I'epam' Ashel', Leslie. C1ru'ksVJIle' ........... ,4 0000 tlons commissloll tonight was "" alt· Austin, Lawrence " '.; ~'hompson 3.1 875 In~ ne\\ s from " -naili ng-ton concel·n· Ball,ema, " 'alten 10\\ a City . 3.7857 Inl( the Amel ic31'1s who \I III "ene Bannl"tel' ~lol'r[s' Ottumwa 3.3571 ,on the Anerln l committ • to I'"vise

, , ... . . ,the Daw{ls p1nn In OI~Cltil' that COl mal Bllrlooll , Manln; CaI'rOIl .. 3.8667 Invltatlolls mill' be sent to them. Becl,? ,', Call M'.; F'reell?l't, Ill ...... . 30000 The matter haR been 1.laced In the Bel' I<owlt~ , M'III'rls; Hoboken, N J . .... 3.5625 ""nd" Of Ihe B"ti.h "",bassadol' nl Bethko, 0,'8to,,; Jamestown, N D.. .30000 WashIngton 11'110 was to consllit with Covet·, VIl'gll; \Vapello ..... ...... ....... .. ... 3 0667 the othe.· ambassadOrs cOIl()('l'ned, In· Cor roll , James; Davenpol't .. ......................... 3.6250 eluding the German an,1 tallane e. " hll.:'e Vel'nO n ' LIttle nOck 4000" The Drltlsh anlbassodOl' will re-'" ." ", n . .. .... ........... .... • POrt fh'st to his government and DltmQn, Maurice; Mu~catllle. . ........... , .... 3.0000 then London wIll InrOl'111 the I'epal'a. Dustman, Paul; Bu"'lngtolt .... .. .............. 30000 tlons commission. A mel'tillt! or thIs Edwards, :r.~nte; 'IYlIHam.burg ... " ........... 3.0667 'ntter hody i~ expected about the Ehrhal'dt, LCI'o)!; Elkadel' .. ' .3.1875 (nn of th" weel, . Folkt'rs , Leonal'di AliI.on 3.0688 No officia l COnCll'lllation ~Ias been l-'I'lend, Dale , Mlssol"'1 Valley 3.2607 "erei ved hHe of the appointment 00.US8, COI'lIon Shenandollh . 3.1200 a nd acceptance of J. P ~101!1'all. yoldstelll Joseph' J el'sey City 3.2941 ()wpn D. YOllng nnd 1'hon"" Nelqon

I k " , . 9 P erldns, whose nRnles are contained I tal Jec , Hilln!! I' ; DavcnpOl·t .... 3.4.86 in clisllntchcn I'ccplved f' 00l I he Unl. Hal'dwlg, 0"wnh1; lIfnvel'ly . _3:60 0b tPti Stnt~s D.~pllp th l~. It 15 tal{rn IIartel', DO)lalcll 10Wn. City. 3 GGG7 rOI' g l'nnt<'d hy t hp French P"C"" Haynes, RUH"el!; MIl"selllc", 111 , ..... 30026 that Mor~l1n nnd Young wll! "PI'VO HennIngsen, Vlctol'; G),ullltingcl' .. 38750 '" th e two chier Amerlran dclella leA, Horwitz, HarJ'y; HobOken, N J. ...... .33125 with P el'k lns a9 oltel'nnt(>. Maaok, Rolltnd; 'Wolcott .. .. ............. 3 ()625 The French press have commrnled )lfacy, Robert; Adel .. .. .. 30000 favor'ably oh u ll three men, "{OIgan McMartin, Howard; BI'ldgewater, S.D ... _ .......... 3.3571 especially comln!!" in [01' PraIse. MilleI', Burton ; Newton . ., .. .. .. .. .,.. ....... .4 0000 Nield,. J a mes; Mal'cus ..... . .,..... ... 30565 Paulus, Edwa rd ; Iowa City . ., ............. 3.8334 Price, Stanl~y, South English .. , ............ 3.8000 Hcdrnond, Raillh ; MO'1ticello . .. ............ 3 0714 Spence, John H., Burlington ............ .. .. ., .... 3.3125 'l'homns, 101ar8hal1 ; FOrt JlIndlson .................. 3.00UO 'I' t·o-..<pl, Ii:mel'Y: Daxter .. .. .......... .. ......... . 31667 W a lter, CII\., ence; lown City.. .... . .. ............ 3 0714 Web1)!>!', l~t'ed, l~alrfleld . ... .... . .. .... ...... . . ..... 3,2000 \Vhlte, nola n!1 ; Marengo ... ......... ..... ... 3.7333 Wilcox, PI'ancls 0 , ltort Madison . .. ................ 3.2142 Baller, Gladys; Iowa City . .... 3.0000 Harger, Uowene, 10'\\'(1, City . ... 3.2667 Beers, June, lowa City. ......... 3.5625 Berne, Mary; Hartley . . .. ". . 3 1667 I:i~holl, Mal'Y, 10w/I. City 3.2500 Cool(, Sarah Marie, Muscatine . 3.4667 Coop"', Mal'gll L'ot M.; Ottumwa .. 3.8000 Echll n, Jl1algarct; Nevada 3.2307 J~lImallh, Emily; Lake,voo!l, O. F'lll.I1 na!;,an, r~dlthn; I owa City Floyd, Mltbc l; Cenier Point . Foust, Kath el ill i! ; Altoona :b"'l"eBe, nuth; DenIson . . _. .. ymhahl, nprnlce; Shellsburg OI'f'An((pld, Vclma; Iowa City .. I fal'gl'nve, Lois; Monte?umo. . Jlein~, Prlnccss; RtJger~, ATit. Ho<lgp, ElI"n, Dnnl'er., III . .. H,ol'n, P (l.uln, AYI'l;hh~ . . ... Irlgl'am , Jean, Iowa. CIty ... J"l)ko, Alma; CMal' Hu.plds .. , .. . Jaepet·, Mhdellne; ~ewton .... .. . Lal'son, dlMys; Esthel'ville ...... .. r',eel{(l, Elnln~; Thurman J,.lnkey, Uele n; Nevada .................. 3.3530

lJ)i~ts May Replace Dentists, Authority Informs Convention

CHICACO, Jan. 14 (A Pl-Totlth­bl'ush~s nnd dcntlsts wo uld be un· necessal''y I( people woulll eat whal t!lcy Rhoul(l . DI· . .,. J . liolllst~ I , el l'n· bll r1ivl~lon chler t)f t he I'pnll" vlvnllilt ~tale hNllth aePal'tOlent at )larlis· hurl( t olll thl' Chlcllf(a dentn l soci-

ty'S convention to,lny. P rope l' dipt 'L' lln OllJllct to gOod

teeth wa.. ono of the main It~m~ in the p l'ogram of "prevcntlon" stressed today.

" "Vo need to eat more COUrRO nl'Y food~," Dr. Hollister saId "'I'hev ~I"o .hn 10ll s til .. cxelcise thpy lI eed nnd the)' arc thc nnttll'ul 8COU I'el'~ or OUI' te~th , dolnA' the w!llie or a tilothlJrUBh

"Allple~ are ('xtremely conrluclv~ fo c le()nli neH~ \V(l wouldn't lw l!O' Ing to for to sa!' an II.PI)l .. is nntul"'. tOothhrllRh W e "ho[llll hI' eRp('cl.,l Iv cHl'eful to ~et Ill('nty of 1I11111'I'aI8 and \'Itamms In out' mPRls. The m1n ., als bulill II') the teeth, T he vita· tnlnS llre~el ve them. ThiH m(\nns 'atl ng quantIties oC \leg('tahles '.

D.A.R. to Designate , Hoover's -Birthplace,

'l'hose I cted al'e P I·Or. Frank L. ~)ott, hea.1 of the scllool ot journjlJ' ism. pl'esidenl; Bonno 'l'APPeI', as o· ciale Il I'oreS"ol' (It IJhllosophr, adCL·e· tlllY; (l nLl llelr n .\1. Eddr, a8soclate n,'ole,~OJ of ROlnancp IIlnguage" and L"tln and Cr eel" cha irman ot the nI mhcrshill con'ml~tee.

Vlll'ious rCllor ts at meetings whIch se"el'n l nlembeJ s atlended dUring Ihe hulidllY" "ele also giv~n. Pro· f~H or !\IOlt ga Ve /I. report Of the jou.nahsm m eU nt: which was held at Ann J\ rbol', Mich. A brlet out­,np '" "le ooneel'ence of lhe AI chU'l'

io;;lcal Institute !lssoclatlon of Amer­Ica which "'fl~ held in New York WIIS gll"'11 by rlOf. Roy C. FlIckln· ge l'.

P ,'OC Edwin D. Starbuck tolll at tho In~etlll !; Of th e ASSOCiation for the Ad vn ll ccmellt 01 Science whIch • lI so lool, JlHlCe I" New York. 'pl·of. Hnl llh I·J I lou~e gn l'e II. summary of tho mcetlnl': of the m embers o( th" ~l'Od~11l f .anguages associo tion held a~ 'l'ol'onto,

Special Lightingt

Sta.ge EffeG:ts to Eeatu~e fa~t~sy

AgalnRt n hnolq:;roUlld or. bl(lck rlrops. \\'It ll Impol'Htnt centers p lckNI f)ut In li¢htRt U CI'IHis in tht' chal'ac· trl' (levelop","nt of II. hUllI llle clerll 11'111 be nl c ttlt'ed h\ th .. 6Peliln~ of "Thp 'Wlsdolll T ooth' tomorrOI" nll"ht.

The Illay Wlllch Is by Marc can· nplly ('o ll tnlnA NevHal sMlIe. In which n cllntnqUc plpment '[9 doml­""1'If I., "1'h.. '''IRl1om 1'Ol'th." usually the I"congruous tran~ltlon trom the I'en l to th,! ll nrenl 'will b~ avold~<l bv means of special IIghtlnl" preect" Sove ra l new colorell untts have Ileen constructed so thnt thp 'ltmo"ph ere of the scenes ,vIII remain In harmony. i ,

'l' hr oUl"hout th. p roO) "ctlnn mURle will be "oNl to em:>hn"li~ hl"h points. Thprc will he nO lonl" wruts hetween f;C'en(\'H n nel chnnge!il In set .. tinp; WIll b~ incHcated by the , blaek drolls and Ret pieces.

Smelting Indu.try Pleaas, for ~jg~~~

Tariff ' ProtectiQD M,c0ovney, Ruth: New Haven, Conn ...... .. Moe lie I', :(.ola; Silencer ' Neoese, Evelyn; De. Moines ....

elsonJ. Eather; Bode ........ Og'le, Rufh, FOL·t b ·odge. . o 'ilIA ... , ', HOnOra, Bennett Pjllsley, Bet ty; Farmington Patton, Gwendolyn; Vinton Pdce, !feleni FOI'! Dodge Ratcliffe, F lossie; GIJdden

The blrthillace of lIel'ilcl t lIoovpr at WeRt BI'onch, I. to be marked hy WASlTINOTON . .Jon 14 (AP) , ­'1. g l anlte boulder heat'lng a SU Itably 1'ho iron a nd "teel Industry, repre· lllBcnbed bronze lnhlf't, according lo <.Jpl1ttr· ... It cfll)llnJ invPNtment of fou r plana Inaugurated bv the lowa City ~nd th: ('I' quart" .. IlII\fpns of <\01· chapter of the Dllughters of th e ,.,," -,.,,1 emnll'ving mil'r. than 1.-

32500 American Revolution '00,000 men. totla;' tl.dd"L1 Its plel1. to

Riggs, Mar;' . Des MOllles ................. . HobbIns, Jll Ua; Cedar Rapids .. Ruess, Mal'y; Iowa Cltl' ..................... ........ . Saxlon, Arleen; Io\va City.. . Schmitt, IInL'I'let; Maynal'd .. Schroeder, Uelen, ' Vellman . Streib, Helen: Clinton . Studer, Agnes; Wesley Tennant, Hl!len ; Wahoo, TOSllini, AUl'eUa; Sibley Untel'kll'cher, Margaret; Heynolds, Whlttl~sey, ~al'bal'a; Davent)ort

. 3'00 Consent 01. :\.Irs. Jennie Sceilal's. thp "m'lll~,' bUSiness fol' Incl'eased .... 00, own e.' of thl! old Hoover home at tariff protectIon.

, 38571 1 "" est Branoh wherp the PleSldent. / I\JlPealing on behfl.lf or 95 per cI'n t .3 6667 elect was born, has been obtrunetl Of thp il'on and steel producers, J ohn 31333 for the placing of the mal'kel'. It A 'ropping, viCe president or the 30769 is nl!lnned to IUlI'e the m emol'ial ;I,.,.." I·INII' " 'on "nct St~el Institute 34000 ready (or dedication Aug. 10, lIoo'l (leclarpd befol'p the house " dys ah" 3 3125 vcr's blt·thday means committee conslderlng tl\ritf 3 2142 rpvl~ On that the Industry h'ad borne 3'2500 MANSFIELD, 0, .TRn. 14 (AP)- '1n Hnnlllll IIcldltional cost of $24,000" . Milton D "Buck" W est, 68, out· 000 und~I' ~xlstlng law a nd that

36250 fielder and ftrst baseman wIth the higher llutles were lleeded to m~ln· .. .. 3 0000 Chicago Nationals, in the late 1880'~ lIlin Plesent WI\L( ~ and to further .... 3.2142 dleq at his hom e here today. "tallh?p tI'e 1;)llftl"~:

.:t==:L -~ -......:; .. 3.0000 .. 3.6000


Cillcago hal'bol' and the lower end oC I Lake Michigan.

In vatican circles It was sa d today thnt the net,;otlatOl·. excha ngpd theil views in convel'SULionH which weI" not oCfI~lal an!l which hud a "pllvat. and pel sonal chamcter" Nevel'tl'Le less, it is known lhat they wore au thol'ized to exchange Vtews on thl'" subject by t\\'o "high lXII ties'" wh( remltined entl rply f.·p~ to nc~cpt modlCy 01' I eject the conclusiOn' leached

WASHINGTON. Jan. 14 (AP)-ME:-IPH IS, Tenn, Ja n. 14 (A,Ph- Chicago's diversion ot water fr0"1

U'rank Dever., wanted on vilr lous Luke Michigan was' he1d. by the 's u­"hal'ges In a number of cities, ll1te preme COUI't toda.y to have been today \\'alved a removal h earing lD.wfully a uthorIzed by the secretaI'» -lchcdulcd fOI' tomorl'oW before U nit· of wal' J;lecause The lake levels had 'd St(ltcs COmmls8lo11er Lester B ren· beell lowered six ill'Ohea' Chlet Jus'

The Ilresent rate of withdrawnl, It was h eld, could not ue justified as an old to navlgntlon on the lninncl watel'lvay from the Great Lal(e. t o the Gulf of Mexico, and diversion ot watel' PUI el l' 'fol' salllta l'Y PUI'jlose~ could not be authorized undel' the exIsting low.

Most oC the Great Lakes and Mis· slsslppi valley states were parties to the 8ult. HUghes, by consul tln~ expel'ts , will report to the court n [arm oC decr'ee under which ChlcllgO will be requil'ed to reduce the llres· enl Intake and in which it will hc !(Iven II. definite time In which to make other a l'ra ngements lor the disposal of Its selV~ge .

ner J [e wi ll I", tal,en to Duluth , tlce Taft ruled that th e withdrawals

Dentists to Honor Dr. E. A. Rogers

.\fllln , to an~wer to a charge of rob· s ho ul<l be I'educet! as rapidly a~ Jlng n ruilway moll cle l'k at Hlb· practicable. bing, Mlnn , two yetlrs ago. The eoul·t announced that Cho.l·les

I. M King, rnilway ma.? c ieri, of E. Hughe~, who a1l a speclal masteL' Du luth, whose bag ot registered let· heo l'd testimony, wou ld b~ aplloln{ed te l s was I'obbed Nov. 5, 1 92~, as lie tQ de termine thr<lUgll expclt~ just \\lLS goI ng l(J JIibbing. Mlnn, pos t how rapklly the diVQI's loll could be WSUI PROQTV\l\1

The Pl ogrom as completed bY the office at tho end Of . a dIlY'S run, sately Increased. 9 a 1ll .-:'Ilal·I,et~ Wenthel', _'1ews.

at Clinic Feb. 8, 9

ronlm lttre fOl th~ ('olle"~ Of den .aId" today lhat Dev. ~rs , a lso known In deCIding the cuse , which ha~ D"ily slllllp. Rodio f~utUI'1' tislly nnd alum nI cHnll: which is to' '" . . )('en n can I'oversy or 1 years, '" 1° Bubhl ,n" Ovel Tom 1]nder II i l t 0 13 m -~Ius.!c ll'1 Vlvl,tn }1eese. be held Feb. 8.9, rol'llolll, lecture "ooel, and other ahases, wa s .one the cou rt aCted without a disse nt. plonlst. demonstra tiohs bY tWO noted Amerl. Jf tbe three men who robbed hmi. Ing opinion. It ruled thtlt the pet·. r.~ m.-MlIslc by the JeC[crson Mil aento l s/.ecialistn. Dr. E. A Governor H enry Hort~n has hon· mit gra nted the cIty by th e sccre. ~~o::..:t:::c:::[ :::0~1-,'c_;;:h~c:=,~t",r==a2' =======_ Hogel's . dh celOl of thp I I~ n t t l II1lh·m. oreu It rcqulsilion for Devers fl'om tnry of war was valid because the I nry. WI ll be honorod at a b:\nquet, ac. the governol' of 10WII, but oWcers methods u se" In the III "jlo~ llIon or USE THE AIR 1\1 ... lLt I (OI·(lIn:.: to the pIons. from that sltlte h(lve not pressed ~ewnge made the divel slon n ces· .'"\; t'~! I

'Dr g weH Nell of NashVIlle, T enn, their claim. Devers IS wanted tl1ere ~ar In the Irlte reHt oT navlgdtlon In • who IS well known to IOW1' g l a d- f~r the holdup ot !l. ba nk at. '¥aver- ' _ . --~ ... ,

, unto" IVili .. Ive a Icelm'c clomoJT. tra. ~ . +++of++" ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++of+++++++, +t ., . .. , . Roy Scott, Cle[lutv sherlft from ' Ii'

t l~n oro" ~he subj~,~t ~( 1, ",11 D~n· neS n1 0i nes , w ho oQtulnod the extra. !f-tll /0 (' n, t r uction rn o

al Ler '''''- dnlon pupel'" (1'001 Govel'nor HOI ton DAN E Iwtanl lecturer will he I) . Sherma n II as on \anrl today ' . , _ L Davis of Inlilanlt \lnll'( I "'ty, whO "Well If Ile's gOing hack I'm sat. '. 'r"1II shd l' On HOIlLi' ph li~" or ti,et as I"fled," 'ScOlt saId llne l: D~VCl'S hnd " . I . elaled to ucn ta l dlseusc ulld develop· ~ waived th e I'emoval hearing. "Our ' _

ment. 1 hiSg~st MHh'c i8 th"t he be made to _ •• - • ,~,. ~-The oWcers or the ILH~ocl:ttton stay in the penltentiaJ'Y " ,

Mve also arranged for a tcstllnon' AL'lested here llhOI:Uy before C' O' A' CO Inl Ilunquct to be glvl'fl III honoL of Chrl-tmas Devers demed crimes ' ~r. ~?A'e l 's, (lil'octol: of t he Infh mary, with·' which -~Jice sought to link ~ , • tlho hns p;lvon YLn l " 01 ~~rvlre to hIm . Th ese Includeci the Wal'erly • " ... ,- , • ~'~ ~I,nlv~1 sity lind the Ht,lle ur hunk robbcl'y, the H Ibbi ng ma ll rob. o a beD', Ilnd th o holdull of a gem sn les·

Most 01 th? seeont! d,'l' of the Ill nn In Minneapolis from whom evehing- 11'111 lJi! devotell lO till' t·tblC $a3 QOO In lleOlS were stolen cll~lcs, to be contllli"tcd Ily ulumnl rl!umonds found in the possession and othel pl'ac titi oh~I',8 Of the "IMc of Joha nna B ru re , Devel's ' comllnn.

Ethel Keller Will ~ntertain Kiwanis

m hel t,pll~ I·. dO 1I ~" ter oC Prof. n n~ M, " C:pn~g'p .f T{cllpl'. II stll­dent at $1. M u'v '" high ,ChoO I 11111 J:"lv(I a l!'I'OIlP 01 pJnno nllmbl'I''i n t ihe 'yppl:ly IUl1 chp",; 6t the J{fll'n nl .! clllb tlllq nOOn li t nod 'Rail Inn .

AI l ehol·t of tlle' m utel'lal ('OV~ I' 'II pl t ile rO il n·Nebrn"I(J1 conven tion ,,[, IllIstce. Mid h At Flhlnv at Llncnl" l\'eb . will ho g lvpn l,v l~dIJnl'(1 HOAp Mr Hosc II' '' ~ tho Iowa City (kle · gate.

ion. wel'C ltlentlfled .ts o lllong those ~Qlel1 from the salcsman.

'Gyro Club to Install . Officer.,al Meeting

(1)'10 c lull In enluel'S 11'111 holl1 thp[1' wcekly meetlllg lit the Je[Cmson hU II'1 'nllll!lJ t. 1'0110\\ In l( 0. G o'cloel' ~I,,"'" oltll'CIS rOI' the flext te,m will he IlIslallc(\

It ll. {,;>onul'<l I)r ClInton , secl'c, tlll~' of till' R~conl1 district oC thc C1Y L'o r l\111. vlll instnll !lhil ley 1.011" d~n ItS I" ('BI.lont, D,. n . E. ,Tllbbb· ~t' lL. I'I~I' III ~~ltl l' t; nl' K l'. P"tton, fH'C' TC' tU1Y, Hllll '\-. n Orlpple U"I h en· ..

DANCE \:V edn~~ay Night


Br<:wton and his Original Bhto Six:

All Couples Before 9 : 15-Adrpission 50c Regulal' Prices After 9 :15 ' ,

- :Cqme Early:-

Service Talk , .,


The check dra£t is all opening cut in the smoke piIlEl betwepn the damper anq,t}~e chimney, The check illl uaually op~rated by' a chain from up stairs, Its purpose is to allow some of the ch,iJl1J1~y " :puJl" tQ be taken away from the fire through di·awing air fliom the cf1l1ar direct, This slQw$ 40wrl the draft aJ1d so slqws thE) ~ate of burn!ng,

Once in a while, we finp a furnace without ~ check draft; but every f.urna.cEl should have one. 'Coal b'urll~ jus,t as fast or just as slow as y~u givfl it the draft,

With both check and, damper properly used, the qratt can be so almyed down that almqllf any Goal. w.1U hold, a tir-e for 24 hours, FUrnaces which "burn out" over nigl)t are not lleCtlss~rilN dtlfective nor is it the fault of the coal: '

A fire which burns out over night is self evi. dence that the drafts are not 'beinl{ <;orrectly adiu8t~d, ,

Irons a Ta.blecloth

in 4 Minutes

That took you 4() minute. to do by hand

THAT'S-just one example of flat work. And the flat pieces, you know, ma}ce

up some 90 % of the family ironing, It operates from your electric ligbting

circuit. It is portable-c~rried with ease, It slips into a corner or closet when riot ill use, And it heats in 4 minutes, that's as.. fast as an ordinary electric iron:

Ask to see a

tIji8' ROTARY IR0,~

COlts you o,!ly

$7~.50 $1.50 down-$1.50 a week

No Intere.t Added

~ Light ~Yower~' A United Light J,>~operty

~ ... ,~ .... WI ,.,* .... '

t+i+fi'",' " '" .,~t+t:,,:,,·t.t":+'+"''f:i:t.~t,tti:+f,tt1*t.i+,ttf ,L;;;=;;;;;;;;;;;;;;=:=::;:::=:=:=:=::::::=:;;;;;;;;;;:..:;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;lJ

G.:and Duke Alexander Attends I ~j Fi~st Basket Ball GaI)1e at Iowa

While the band played "G0<1 Rave 1<~lIjo~'s ('heel' Leader~ the C&nl," 4,500 spectators or tbe lie took delight In tiw a ntics or lowl\·~IIf1"esola game rOSe tn honoL' Ihe chppl'· l~adel'", and some of the of his Impcil'ia l higllne.s, the al'lln~ hl1.n(\'·llllnJ.:8 occasioned genuine Dukp Alexllndel', who la st night suw mirth 'I'h e g-ymnnstic" bet\\ een hIs first ba~lletball ):ame With the halves In Ited his admlrlltlon II.nd a ll­gl·and duke w el'e his SPCI etary, pla IlH£'. Arkady HOI1Olanoff, a f a I' me)' Pre"ident J C~SUll eXlllalned tho )foscow new"papel' ma n, and Capt. I U(hmelllM 01 thl' bl1.sketball gume, Wllllace \VIMecombe at )lew YOrlc, thp penllltle~. lhe scoring, and the who is s upet vIsing t he Husslan 's "Col>e oC Intel'colleglate sl)orts to his I~c tul'e tOllr. hlghn('ss, who was a 1 eady pupil.

The gt'an ll duke and hIs party The fOl mlllg ot the ch'cle of players were the guests at the game ot PI·es. occasioned a question. and th e pL'esl­WailCr A. J essup, and Prot. Benj. dent explained t ile defense Illanfl. F. ham baugh, c ha h man of the sen' a nd how each par ticipa nt "ploys hI J nte board on university lectul'es. man."

Visitor Approves Game "We come to know these pin), rs ," His highness .don cllug ht the th .. Ilresldent Bald . "No. 14 trom

spirit oC the contest and expressed Minnesota (Hovde) plflyeu footbll ll hearty approval of Iowa's basket8. down here last year, and made (\ "He t awn '! do It ," ho sold at a I\1ln· brilliant run" IIc80ta player who was tryI ng vainly , cI'etary Sees GUill!' to hit the elUSive circle. "It just It was :1180 the first baske lball c~ll1e" like that," he s..'l.Id of anothel', game " Ilne~se'l by :'Ill' Roumu nofC 1,lu~tl'atlng his remal'k with a n am· whom the ~rnn<l dlll,p I ~fel'red to 'b ulatlng gesture. as "my "pcl'~lar;-. ti, e lillie round

">\'e hnve not!Jing like th is in man-hI' is V('I v ",ce." RussIn," he ('xplalned. "The la8t Cnptaln Widdecombl', a n Engll~ iI • yea l' of thp rzaJ' thpy tool< nIl toot· man who ho~ arCom pllniNl :l nUlll" hall , and lately the B(llsI1<,vlsts have bel' of fOI'e lg n r~ l~bl'lt les ,>n l('c tul'" Introduced ~ame8 hk~ this to en to'" tours of this <'ountI'Y, nl"o RnW hi" tail1 the people and make them think first bask('tba ll game last nl~11t 'rhe evert·thlng' [s all right when It Is pl'ofusen 5S or hls thanks for beln!!" not ," h e continued. " I like to be brought to the game was equulled by myself-something simple," the onl v hy thp gr:lcefuln('~s of the bow !;rand duke added, evidently unable of "the little round man" to Pl.'esl. to follow the speedy playing. dent .Jessup. --- ~ .. ---------~--------.--------------------CorPQration Acts ,,, Again.t ~anshaws

Claiming th at on April 12, 1923, ML·. and ;'If r". Samuel R anRhnw s igned a promlsRory note for $1 G,· ono {Ol' whl~h they mOI'lgn!!"ed their property, the Mutual Benefit li re - in· sUI'ance coml'any of New Jel'sey. Ins tituted action agains t II II'. and MI·s. Ranshaw and others. in 11 petl­tton tiled In the oWee ot th e county clerk, yesterday.

Thp cal poratlon askg for fore· ~ I osu\'e ot the mortgage, $800 Inter· est '146 .4'4 nald In l'edemptf9n from tAX sales: and [or atl\l"ney's [ccs ,lnc1 cOsts of t he s uit .

Mail Carriers to Back Road Bill

A r Oall bill to hr Intl'odll CpU hefol'e the Io\\'n stntL' leg-IRlat",·p th[R 8<'S­slon, 11'111 receive the sunpol·t at tho Johnson C'ounty rUl'al ("m'l'teJ's' nsso .. elation of "hlch Ellis D Crawfol'd, 42 Highlan" drive . i. pl'esldent.

As 11. m~mbpr of the "tate organi­zation's legislative committee. 1\11'. CI'awfOl'Cl IllPt in Des ;'foln('8 Jan. 3 with n committee allPointed b)' Gov. John Hamm ill to Investlgntl' the situ­ation: The hil i. sponsOI'ed hy the Inllel' ~1'OU r' , plOvldes fo r pnttln~

E;" h B tt· township ron.d~ tinder th l' contLol of ~re. man .,. erl~s cOllnty otrlrlnlA'

W·II B . D t' n~lIevlng that ('ounty malntpn-,I , . egm a, rae lcel "ncp nnd Imlll'ol'ement w ilt materlul­

---_ I!, aid rands now untlel' townshl ll Freshman pitchers and catchers Illnn" g~m.nt, thl' locn l nssocintion

will ~ather In th e fIeld house this urA'e. el'CI'yonp tn favor or the bill eHnlng at 7.30 o 'c lock to be!!"in Ilrac, to ,,,,itp lo~I'lator", "oli('llin~ Sli p· ilC(' undel' the supervision ot Coael' 110l't for thp measure 0lto Vo~el. All 22 ,u.al m.lll em'I'lers 10 .John·

The othletea 11'111 have the a!lvnnt. son county IJplon<: to the ns~oclatlon age ot 80me weelts ot Instl'uction be. hel·e. ~feellngs al'e held at different ,tore they play a,l(alnst the varsity home. In the v:l.l·lous town. the th;st team on the outdoor diamond 1n ~loncillY in ~orh month. HOI'vey r. ea rly Sllrlng. It Is imperative nc. I\fUllCY, 325 Brown .tre~t, is spcre­cOlding to Coach Vogel, that battery tal I'. An nuxih,,,y fol' cal'l'lels' mell l'epol·t fOl- wlntel' practice. ' wives Is also being fOrmed In the

I . countl y,

Qud Staff' to Meet A bout 2.000 out DC 2.158 l'ul'al mall

cal'rier" In [O\\!l belong to the s tate 'ls~orlntJOn

The Quad rang le L' s taff will hol(1 a short meetlnll' In th e quadrangle council room tonight at 7 30 o'clock A gt!n<ll'al discussion WIll be h eld (} )Jr9mote a sa les cam polgn fOI' the ~lIlldran"ll . veal'·bQok . Plan~ are being made to have the book "ead" v, ",.,)osal the latter part Of Malch.

Dr, Smith Attend. Meeting of Dentists

01' K S flm Ith, henll of the de­pnl tment or cHnicll1 pl'otheUcs, yes­tel'(lay "ttentlNl the meeting , of t il" ofil~e l s or lhp Iowa "tatr dellt't l so­clrty of whirh Dr Smith Is prcsl­rlent. 'rhi" meetln,:: i. hehll~ " eld In C"hlc"go as ,In Jtc~ivlty of lila Amel'icnn socIety Of whiCh e'trh state composes a p ,tl t. Dl. Smith" III also uttenrl lbe meeting of the llicago

11"'1)· 11 QO(,jl'>l \"

Two Childt'en Oie CEDA llRAP1DS, Jan . 14 (AP)­

Two children at ~[ l, a nel Ml'jl. Geol'ge McG IllIn were burned to dllath hel'e tonl¥"ht and Mrs. JlfcGllIlIl l ecelved burns whl~r1 may prove fatnl In trr· ling to rescue them,

... ,...-.- Gras.

All ExPense, . Tour, $95



• In

~W' Orleans , America's Gayest. Greatest,


An astounding spectacle of carefree gayety-brilliant parades-gorgeous ftoats­milling throngs of masked revellers-and the fascinating old streets of New Orleans as a background--there's nothing else like it in America. See Mardi Gras this year-week ending February 12th.

~ TralDfrom I

nIinoilCen~:mthMid. Panama limi1o'! 1{lDterVacatlOnPartytoNew LtU Orli:WI dlreet or VI& Milaii-' .;pp[ Gulf COut luvea Chi: taIb 5atutda1. Pebruary 9th. on ~.da, trip to ~dl Gtu. Hpi Spong •• ide tnp $23." ad'ditic~1.

Jf';~ J'a~ ~1l1 Sm4 for_cklm~~ __ Cy, .. , ~ Gw at ~Ii Pebru­ar, 12th, I!rilllaiIt hiI~al paraclu:

The last word in elegance and lUI' ury--21 hours to New orleans. Leave& Chicago daily 12:30 p. m. Extra fare, Twootheral1-steel trains daily to New Orleans leave Chicago 9;00 a. m. and 6;15 p. rn. SpeCIal reduced Mardi Gras round trip fare from Iowa City $60.39. on sale February 4th to 10th. inclusive.

Send Without c~t to me, circular deacribinll allapen.e

H. S, Ooy, Aut. General Pa.nger A~ent l lUinoia ctntral Syatenl, Dubuque, Iowa

::.:=:.~~::~'.------. . ..... . 137 '

A~ .••• _ ••••••••••••• _. _ ............. _~ ~

Illinois Gntral R.OAD OF TRAVEL '"UXUR. ...



.... 11abed every momlnt" ""'04\Pt MODdq th. Utln r.u WJ Student Publle&Uon. lnoor}>Orate<l, at U,"II' low .. .... ue. ""owa CU7. IOWL

IIDtered ... """"nd daM mattar at the _tottU. at Iowa City, IoWL

.becrtptlOD rat.. by c&rrler, , 5 00 for 11 IDODUIe, by _n U 00 for II monthe Sinele ooplee , oe.ta

Boy 8arnbl\l, lne, 40 m. 34th St., N_w York , no Nort; IIIlclJIJran Ave., I<hlcago, Ill, Colle,"late Special Allvertla­... Ai"8JIC)', loc., 603 Filth Ave, New York, 612 N Iltab­laan HI, d, Chicago, III

TICLIIlPBONES Editorial Orrle., U'9 Bu.lneu OWe&, 190, Ztl,

BOARD OT TRUSTEES Prank L MoLL, chairman, E" en lI1acEwen, RIlymond

B. Kittredge, Sidney G 'Vlnter, Otto 'I, Stulck , Herachtl Q Langdon, James E Carroll, Frederlo A. Sohneller, Jobn 0 Falvey

HAIUtT S. BU'NKER, General MAnager_

EDITORIAL BTAFY IIa.rr:r JC. Bo,.e! _ __ ,_. ______________ Edllor Ralph p, Young ________ , ___ 1Wlnaglnl Editor Marjorie E. QllberL- ________ Soolely Bllitor Vlrlrll L. Lew" __ _ ______ ,_ _ City Editor Lola 0 Moell"" _______________ Oampue Editor Le,.land E Skelley _ __ _ _ _ Sporta &lllor Gordon Gau.. _ ___ _ _ _ _ Sports Editor LolWle E. Wolk. _ __ _ _ __ _ __ Alumni Editor

Tuesday, January 15, 1929 --------- -------mGm JliEWR EDITOR

nlU III WilIer As Ist~d by Gretchen Jl'ckel --------.:..

A CREED "It)OU work In a town. In liea,en. name \lork for

It H you II,. In a tOlVn, live for It, give for It Holp odvance your n IghborhoQ(\ H 'p~ct the I:re8.t power that protccts YOll that su rrounds you with the ad­, antaKes ot nd"Lnced civilization and Ihat make. It I ~\\)I tor you 10 achieve 1 •• ult8 "veak" 011 of It Stand by it Htand lDr lts clvlo ano commercial su­lin'mac) Jt you must Obslruct or decry those who stril'. to hell'. whY-Qult the town But as long as you nre a rnrt of It locality, do not belittle It If )OU do, ) ou ore loosening lho tendrils thllt hold you to the community, and with lhe tlrat high wind that 00"",. along )OU will Ii. upruoled and blo\\n away and l)rolllll)l), you will never know why"-Charles o Do'vt~, vice prealdent ot the United State.

The F enn Bill

TIlE FE;.JN DILL for rea[1porttonmcnt of congl't'~slIlPIl ha~ filIally passcu the

house of l'epl'('sclltalives aft{'r repeated f­jorts to d('f('at It on the 1'91 t of an OppO~I­tlOn gIO\IJI 'I'hls glOlljl IS compo~eu largely of r(,pl'l'~cntatm~s from those 'ew England ano sOllth(,1'n stlitt'S that WOlllt! lose 1'<'])re­sentlLtil'c~ unc!C'j the nell' prOVI~lOn. thoso mldille we tern Idtulc II here populatIOn I~ dcC1'ea Ing

'I'll(' I C.lppoltlonmcllt, If ~uccessrul , will be hased Oil the 1930 Cl'nsu'! antI WIll mflu­(>nc~ the s('lcnty-thll'l1 Ilml ~lIcecI'dmg eon-fne'scs 'I'hc JlI1~~lIlg of the bill by th hou~e ends n SCV(,ll-YI'ar fight to carry Ollt II constJtlltlOll!11 mllndllte .lgaillst the wl~hcs of some of the congtC'Ismen

Umler the prescnt b111 11 states Will gam from one to ~IX m('mh('l':; And 17 states Will lose frolll OIl(' to thl'('(' mrmllcrs 'l'wf'nty­three scats 1I1 ,lI l "Ill be sllJfled, lowa, ,1110 e lepICSl'ntntive Dlckll1~Oll 1'\ bncking the Lull, II III losp two reprcsentallv(,H,

Dlillng the dlscnsslOn of the bill the house cum(' wlthm four loles of attaelung all dm('numcllt "llIch 1\ onld hal'e meant the ultlmal!' nlllhfl('.ttion or the measure, 'l'he oppo~lllOn hu~ been almost cntllcly by rep-1 cseututn'es "ho feared iol' thmr own seats 111 sllcceNllllg (!ongres~cs Rcpl'csentatlve Hlack of ~rll' York, pnt~ the mattei' "eli whC'n hc say,,> tbllt COl1gl'l'~S, a body of para­mount Illw makl'rs, hilS r{'pelltcdlv Inslstcd Oil attemptrng to IJleak thc conSti tution in Ill'lf II1t 'I'l'Ht !Ill' Hlack obJect!! to u "eon­gres:;lOnul undel wOlld, made up of Illek-ctccrs," IIe suys that under the l.unous BaumeR law, cert!l\lIl repl,(! entattvcs me gUIlty or th\: fOllrth off('nsc, In that they bll~e Ilttcmpt('d to brenk the constltutlOlI alld 111'(' lor tlliH Icason leully subject to lIfe Imprl SOJllu('nt

L'erhl1ps ~Ir J31ack '8 statements Ill'e too strong, but when congrc men" III dehb­CI ately d£,j v the eonstlt1lt lon "hlCh I hey ale Npeelfl('o,lIy al)polllted to upholu, It would ~eem thut some type oJ: reapportIOn­ment "(,I C nC('l'ssar,v-1t type III "llIch Stlclt law mokcls nllght be olllitted flOm eomlng fie IOn" I

'rhea motll'('s, \I hlch 11111)' or DIlly not 1la"e had the 1II1el csf,; of their ~tates at 1wart, Ilt lc-ast bn\ e 110t been d(~mOcr!ltlC ill that they ltave not been" Illlng to see thosc sta te.'S t ha t really dt'ser\ e mor e rep! e­,entatlvc l'ceelve then' Ju"t de erts

The'lctol'IOllS faction IS to bc commend­ed und If the senate and the pIe ident of the mtcd tates conSider Jlllitlce and rIght and not then' own selfish mlerests the bill "Ill becoDle a law,

::=::::=:::==:==: A Municipal Skating Rink

ICE S;KA'rL G IS onc of the most health­ful as well all one of the most cnJoyable

r eel'cabons opcn to young people at this tllnc of YCO f ;\1 (heal authorilles agree that It IS a splendid "flll" preventive, because It keeps the llldmdual out ill the open rur,

ConSl(lCrlUg the e f,lctS, eclar Rap1ds has recently 011enctl two rinks, one at cach end of the city The rink:; arc merely flood­ed sectIOns of thc pal ks, Betl\ cen 3':;0 and 400 chtldren skate there overy afternoon,

Iowa CIty has made a ,Illall beg1l1nmg in tlus flCld , A short distance on Wash­mgton street below 1\IuscatlDe avenue has been ropcd off, und many children have been skatmg there dnrmg the last few days,

But, tho wOlk Hi only bcgun, The im­prOVised lJnk Iii JlOt large enough nor in tbc propel.- loeutwu to Illilke it a suceeSll,

Slllee the cost of It lJnk IS Ill'gliglble, amI 1 bo pleasure dCllVPc1 wou ld b· great, It IS hoped that Iowa Ity Will follow the ex­ample of Cedar Rllplds and other cities in provldmg a 1ll1miclpal skating rmk for lts elllidren,

The Professor Practical IN AN appeDl to the legislature of Ius state

for mcreascd salary approprIations for tlDlversity professors, huncellor Edgar A_ Burnett of the UnlVer Ity of ebraska men­tions the "btnkmg contl'lbl1tlons to wor1d elnlization" that ha\ e been made by the lIDl \'ersity professor,

COllSidermg outstllndmg deyelopmcnts of our present CI\'lhzatlOll, he calls attcnhon to the fact that the fundamental prmclples govcrnlng all of our great Sj stems of wire­less telegraphy and broadea tmg camo fl'om the uDI\'erslty; that the rllscoHry of radillm was made III a Ulli\'erSlty

In thc nineteenth centm y the HCl tztan 'IIa\e \I !IS dl co\'er('l! III the "urhH'Uhe Poly­teehll ic by Rudolph Hertz , Professor Ulghl of the l 'nlyer;;lty of Bologna became lIIter­ellted In the Rtlldy of till some waVE', and It "as hI pupil, larCOllJ, a young untver Ity student \1 ho uw the pOSSibILIty of usmg thesc waves III a practICal wuy to transmit messuges

RlItlllllU WIIS discovered III the Sorbonne ond the x-ray In the IlIYClslty of Wllrz­burg

Only rccently ha\ e we ,hud demonsit ated thp \ alu6 of the radiO to ships III peril ,It is no" pOSSible for the most I emote farm hout;c nlld rill ul school to enjoy the bc t of educatIOnal ndvontuges anll entel talll­lllcnt at long dl;;tllnce PhYSICians uucl SCI­entists now ha ve nt their dl~po al the llldlS­pen!<ablc radIUm WIlh aU of It wonder­worklDg' propcrtlPs And" hat made all of tlus pOSSible Somc UIllVC1'Slty professor plugging all .IY duy alter day In the seclu sion of hiS laboratory worked ont slowly and patiently n ba~LC puuclple which some­one put to practical use 'rhe lll\'entol' de­scrves crecht, but \\ottld IllS \\olk have been pOSSible Without a knollledge of funda-

mentals WhlCh a too-often unnoticed somc­one \\ orked ont before hlln Y

Another Chance

A 'OTIIER ehancc WIll be ]lI-o\lcled fOI Arthm BN'J'V, 13-) ('!II' old Oelr01t "blld

boy," prOVided he recovers from an OP('l'll­tlOn for removal of an ab cc!<s from hiS bra III In an effOl't to correct Ius tend encII'S to\\ Ilrd crIme

The assi;;tant tllsillct attorney, a \lOmall, became mterested III the boy wh('n IH' aclllllt­ted that he had taken 60 lettel'R eontrunlllg $1,000 in cheek~ from a mail box He could gn'e no l eason .for tllkmg tlll'mall.

After Ius trIal anel comnutmE'nt to Jad, he began to COlll]1laln of h ('ad!lch('~ When the attorney heard of tillS she a1'1'anged for an X-ray examlllllllOn, willeh reveal('d th(' ab­scc s, Now the operatIOn has been pcr­fOl'med

Federal Judge Paul Jones agr(led 10 defer the sentence to all lut the outcome of the ex­p('rnuent If the boy lignin turns to CI'Ime he WIll be sent to serve IllS SPl1t(,llcr

BlIt 11 he flllds hlJn~ell' f1('(' f10m the 111-

clinatlOn toward domg Wlong, the O]1CI'.ttlon ,ull be consldered succe~ ful, aUlI the charge w111 be forgotten

Thc ~xpet'llnent IN worth \d111e If It "Ill 8m c th Iud from a ll£e of \ll'on~ domg, and lIlstcac1 help hllll to 111'0 one of honesty, It IS domg both the boy and sOCI!)1 v a great sel vIce

, Next Summer in Europe

A 1\TTJIIIBER of students now l'llI'olled III

the UDlVel'Slty Will be fOl tunate ellollgh to tra\'el m Europe next snmmer Some WIU go mdependently but thc great maJority WIU be conducted by gllldes III studrnt tours For thosc who ate gOing abroad the first time, ,Ight-seemg may h(' a grand rush If It IS not supen Iscd hy a competent leaeler

POOl' guides ortcn dlag theil' partles through countless museums and cathedrals until the tOll1'lsh; arc completely "fagged out." On the othel hanel, If thc tOllr IS properly dIrected, the members \\111 embark for the Untted States on theil' I eturn feel. lllg sattsfied at what they haye scen, but keenly mterested m gomg bflCk om" day to view othcr rare Sights, lllcludmg additional beantlful churches and othel' no led muse­ums

'l'bc be t adVice fot the illCXpCIJcnceu trav­eler \\ ho pIU1I:; to go alone 1S to urge hnn not to attempt to VISit too many places 10 II short llumber of duys, and to take tbe trtp as lCH,;urcly as lus pocketbook \1111 permit

With Other Editors

Peace by Radio (From The New l' or" TUlles)

Pcace In the all' IS a JHltllral coroll,lry to peace on eal,th lICHee a plea. for the eontl'Ol of t1J(1 <lll' 111 "!lIe ll it manner as to pl'Pvent onc nation fl'om b1 o,tLlcasling IdcliS and opmlOns dlst,l~teflll to another-anll reeclvlDg-natlon [II l)lncc of propagall da I{ th tl'Utll" II> to bc put 011 the alI each \, el'k, for all the world to hem and appre­Ciate

It 18 not \uthout a smile that one reads that tbe RllmHntRn alld Poles arc charged "It It broadcastlUj:t ~o as to demolullze the H.u Sians, It If:> only It fl'1V ycm' s1I1ce the "\\ orJd was warned of the dlwgcl's or Bol­sheVist propaganda broadcast Over Europe, InCIdentally Germany rccenlly hall. an ex­perlCnce "'ltll a man rm lOusly repre entcd as a madman and It Bol~hcvist agent who cap­tured a Ber lin broadeustmg station and spread ned senttments OVCI Germany until he \Va detccted, A pparcntly Western ElI­ropeaml have learner! the RnSStall tcchnlCJ,ue l\nd are using Jt lIg,l1n~t th 'JU,

W1th all these projects for flfll 'cadlllg abroad lhe "truth" there ale at least two dJ£flCUltlcs- t he filet that there may not be ullllmmity about the dcci:;ion of thc mter­natIOnal eOmDlISS101l as to JlIst what the truth about the world is from \I eek to week, and the difficulty of "puttlllg the truth acl'OSS" withont a universal laDgLla~e,

Chills anel Fe~er H ello e.erybody_

I taw down, hut r don't say boom' It wosn t at Ihe MlUlary Bawl either


Don t ) ou "0.' e your nostrils at me ,-", 'fhree tinlC!:I four Is twelve ThOi e you are

• • • Did we rver have contrlbs or no?

l.ook at th"m II' you don t think ~o Hel e they al e una we hopc you like them • • • II1lss Betsy "'hashe! nume, 'rhe Dally Towan Deal Mls8 Whashername

r ,~rn n. young mlln ug",1 15 ;lnd conslaeled quite good looking I am madly In lurr \\ It 0. Sill ul only ~3 Y"Il"S my scnlo. Out' I)at onts thlnle ~he Is too ) oung tOI thb mometous slep :mll have my scrlng hOI What can I do. She IS tho only one who lhlnks r am good lool< lng, .lnd unless I see her the chu.ncc~ are lhut I will fo.get it myself - klllnklmkopr

• •• It Is '" "Ise man I ndeed who can

In this day and ugc " " cecs.fully hldo his talents beneath II. husllel or COUll:le 1 ah\uys knew I was a. great big, hnndsomc, talented, II reaUble brute, but little did I thInk th.lt the mcr!' wIlting or a lettet to I. gil I who needed contri butIons " ould ea U"P III this fUi UI 1~ver since the fool thing nppeared 1 have been bes[ ged w.", lolol;l'am8, 8peclal delivery Iclle l" and person 11 l'Cpresc,Jntath·es rront columnists In :LII corners or the globe 'Phe clul .. !? who l)uneys humor for lhe J\[al1cheijl~r (;u",(l1,,1I h"~ been I)m tlculurly Ilisistent lhat T 'l'lvr him exclusive lights on Iny stuff How­el'el I have 10nd recolleCllulI" ot KIII,I lre,ltment oi P P A.. and Hey\\ood Bloun befol e I became so dl.gusl Ingly rich n.nd .ucC,'"sCul Hey\\ uod ill Olin 1 remembel III IMI Uculnl fOI hi" g.'ntle lazzlng of YaJc, \\ hlch hltd fostered Sln<'l[l II Lc wls, \\ hen the boYH tlom At.tlll stl ee t announced till' Alma. .Matel of lim wi, drflcr or DIety I \\ould Ihlnl< heltel of R H J, a l:<o but fo. Ihl\t atrocity cnlled '1m for AI ana Katie' \\ hlch so completely I uilled hi. last Linebook

1'1118 1 .... lng dnngerously close to ex.m \\ el<, I shOUld Hay 1I0t .l II 01 tI mOl e nt Ihla time, eXcelJt thllt my )ls~u(lonynltl (w \I SP( II It ) OUI own w"y) woulll sound belle I us 08 Kopt If r may mix Lathl ,,"<1 G I m.\I1 HO rl cply \'0\1 by thl H Uille h.we doubt !t·ss dls{overed my it1rntlty No on(' PP,"(1I1 ,ould h" <sO !;'I eat, ~o good HO all pO'\£"lful so th,'>vflHtlting so n.nd ~o "lthoUt b"llI!l' Illomlnent on thld cumnWi

lienee, _ • • •

-Os Kopf

l\hlTlhl }fIlLn~nlt'ht, G~Lnlllla »111 unl>rol'CIl he •• t wa' e, h,Iq be~n slullllg aroulld thesp irt' fIIH'letl 811 eetq In It green dress luCel3 nnll II IS hp. lepresseol "Ish (Sociol"g 11'11 for ""PIJlr"~rl1 de~irc) thllC Rhc hlld It IMII or A'rt*n hose to We.lr Willi It If unyhlldy hUI)pCnR 10 h.,v(I 1111 old p'l[r of green sorl," Ia 1It~lllg 111 0111 III III Ihe.. Itllr ,rn(1 Ihem 0\('1 fo the du!; oul 011 N (hlltOIl ~[.,rlll' 3;11'1 a ba,1 Stllt ttl hal e mOllnd a( ihnt

• •• A ftrl n1'l I .~t pomr on HOlne o( lhe

boy" out t hUttH!' a couple mOl e of f~l ed me a C;lnacUan peni> , t \\ 0 Hu dne. ll('cl' check", butt" on a dime clgQI and tht I HUI n of illY beHt lie

' If I could grt thel names In IHlnl \\ ('II, hrrr th,'y ;ll r

II n Nt.:S S'l'OnD.\Un - lTelshfold

• •• '",'hI I P do \\ p comC' In fOI Dill !ihn 1 ('

of tll"t !>",,;ain' IJU\\ about lhc Canadian uno scpnt plc\l'1

• • • Some Iicotch

D[tl ) ou heo.l the onc nhout the Srutch"'''n (hat "nlked On hi. hand" n nd \\ hpit ItRked win he I elllle~ "When I walk on my hrulds I can t gct them III my pocleet. nnd when I can t g"llh"m In my pockets I can 1 spend my money"'

• • • And now onr on lhe lradll10nal In

i\1I s l-:t ltd 0 "l'ooh', 21 ~ CUts old, ~nll ;3 month-old b.lby fOt SlIP­

JlOl t of \\hom Hhe clsks aillnony hom her JlUsbund -J ohn Itlls'.cll O"l'oo]{', J11 'hlcagn ('OUl t O'Toole declare" Ihat Ill' t1unk;; bab) WII~ (,Ithel hOI 1'01\ ('(1 or .ltloptcc1 to gUlll eourt'~ s~tnpatby, "11~ 0"1'001(' "til have to.PIOI'" hel lllflll'l'llIty

Briefs ])1 Ilnd .Mrs St.wiry Vrgo,.s o[

Dcti'Q[t .1llnoUnCe the bit III ot a ~on Jan !j l\1ts Vegors, [01 metl)l E~thel Sharpe, '24, taught hlHtorv fit Iowa City hl,.h Hcllool tOI "CHI ,1 y~l ll' 1)1 Vf"'gut M gratlu.ltp(\ hPll' laMt June nnd [. Ael vlOg his Inlet ne"hlll 'l.l the III III > 1'01<1 hO"III1 •• 1 J)Cliu,t

lI,ill'{ tl 7UI N 'l W,'nty fourth Sli cet, Sl Jo"~ph , Mo

Halilet Sulll\un 21, Is \IWI at lite IItlion HOad Clevl, land 0

]fllel 1 Thlclman Flescler, '20. I~ IIV [ll~ in lam. Cltv

noCC'nt !leHhmlln Jjoy.ud BJnchy L.indh, "~thPl of , \1 ho ~ tlmt big sleepy guy.' he John ~f Llndly, ' 9. or "lnflclJ, <1It,,, Anno. ZUlU, 21 I" clolng lJllvale

,vant",1 10 l,no,v o· 11 COJn1)I,nlon nlllsln" duly In hlcapo, III ller ad , " n J.tn 5 lIt hi" home In \\'lnfl(' ld " .. Capllin Blown' 'rhls with ~ d,'C~s Is 6234 Un[v~ltilty avenue

laugh In hlH ,olcc All, It can i be, he a sllloldn' a

clgaret ' -£:1 !\fono, Quad

• • • \\'ell, deat

abolll all for this time \\ ell, a.u I cvoh What IlDi'S that

mf'tlJl Th~l.l'S goodbYG In Fl ~nch "ell c:u bollc :tC'ld What l1o,,~ that mpan" That moa.DS goodbye In any lungu~4fc, he said,

-Billy Buy

Publisher Releases Book by Graduate

Tl1p Ilulllln~ o( tlto Duf(ulo,' lhe CI('C"ontl hook of 1~ Doug-la, fh u .. nC'h. was l~lea"e(1 fOi sale I:Inturday by D Appl!'to]l amI cun'll'llny 1.Ir .. t lnrh H'ce lved his Ph D rlom lhe unhelHlb In Junc 1928 and I" n.t Ilr<'Hen t conn .. cted \\ Ith the flt.ltc 1I18101lenl soeletl' of lo\\a H e I. IIlso an hOllUIIllY nssoChllo in hi. lOI ,"

'rhr hO(Jk deals nufr 110 hUIIl\'1 S (lOtll I.hl'(\ In lhp d('cltdes bel\\epn 18ill lI!IeI 19~O Old dtnwtnr,-. IIl1d phOtOgl.lphs arc u.e(l [01 IlIU~tll~ tllIn"

It IH s lhnn tecl Iha t It one timo 80 000,000 huH,tloes IO!UllClI n. VI'"t I anr:e ot Amerl r,l n plah les .tnd tor ,,~Is liT! flln.neh hOunds Ih~h slampln!;' gro unds "llh till' ;\Il-sls q1P1)1 dtltn Ihe PNlnsvllanlrt mOtln Inlns nOi til ern Mexico, ond the Ilppel ShOl PH or th 0 lent I,ok,'" ;\ lOll(' tim(\ they OV£>I ran nca uly l\\ u (lftha or lho al ea or NOI th AmPllr"

In hi . prcr"ce th r lIUlhol de rial(" T lw I <,.tllction o[ tI,,_ I' ngc gili/lua I, then stlddcnl), rUlh Ir"" the (omllll! of Ilew ppoples Who hunlNl th~ \\ayH the tools the 1'''8 of the hunl tllat is lhe me.,t of thl::. n~1I1 nth (' ..

~ft Branch ha.~ previOUsly wlltlen "Thp Cow hoy 'tnd 11ls lnll'l plcters," ]lllhllsh"d In thf' fall of 1926 nD"S Sant e aulhOi or '\lOI se. a nr\ Men,' s,,~" of hi" "JllIng that It 'should hp 11 joy 10 pvpry on~ who I(no\~ s nnd In"e~ ho ren1 \, C!it I,

Williams Serves as Spanish Interpreter

Th~ n~,' Spcncel' \ VllllamH, 1 Blollm 'rellnce I eturned SundllY night to , VrKt rnlon "hel e h e III ~ I vlng a. Sp,mlsh In tt'rpleter he (o.e Ii grand jill y Inv('stigallng BeV­ril.l Mo)(lcn ns Tho Rev 1111 Spencer sponl I G

'1ral. In 0010mbln, South America, 'L, 11 Presbytetian m[sslonn.ry, and hill:! It 1 ea(ly command of the Sno.n [Hh I.tn/{ ua<;e A t PI eHcnt he hill< hOl-':'e of the PI eHbytelllln chul ches

, t HIlls llnel 1Tnll~'

Influenza Overtakes Senator WASHJNG'l'ON, J a n 14 (AP) -

lntlu~n?'\. Is moldn!: Inroads In tho .enate, ove.lakln!r SenatOl- Watson or Indlrma nnd till colenlng Vice Pr,,"ident, Elect CUI Us, nnd Senato. Corr I)t West \,lrll'lnln,

Gel tl udo Thoma '2~. '" living at 503l~ N Ottowa slreet, Joliet, III

Deulah Na~h Lichty, '22 Is livIng at 40a Franklin avenue, \Valelloo

Isab('l l\fcKn[ltht 26 I":L super Gerlt udo Van Zowl, '21 Is a SUllCI ,rsUi at unlvel slty ho"pltlll, Iowa vlsol II.t un[v('rslty htlSllltal, Iowa City ~~

Jnnet Bland, '37, IH a "~nervl"()1 at unlvel Hlty ho Illt.ll. 10wll. (;Ily Ludllo Field 1~LlII' R, '23, IH

pllvate nUl810g (luly In lJeuoII ,Mlch OI.ldys Williams, '22, Is as,l_t Int 11« addlel<>l [S ~60 Gladstono ~tleet

HUllet vjmll at IsolatIOn hospital, lo"u City Ella " 'clsbru d Smith, '21, Is llvlng

.,t 144 l"alrvlew bou levlLlll, In;;lc HlOSRO'" Eglin, '26, h'1 !lolng prhntp \\ood, CAl

uuty In Orrk Pm k III lIer address Is 412 N Taylor aV~IlU

Kltlhc!/ Ine G:',Mch. '21 Is It SUPQr vIsor at Lockwood hospitaJ, PctutJkey, 1I11clt

.Anna l~'r('dll('kson Ho\\ard, '26, !q '" ~UI)(''' IMor o.t Johns Hopltlns Itos Vllal, llllltlmOi (' McI

Esthel Hall 1I1cA11IslN '27, Is doln!;' pllvnlc mITRing duly In Iowa City !lei addl ss is 328 N OubuCjul' ~uect

Ruth Or andla \leI Ploeg, '26, [H lIll [n~truclol In the Dem el gcnel.tI hos pltal, Denver, Col

Mar" A Dunn '7 I" act'">: as .1 diellclan at ChIcago

WIlI,lrd H Fa.1 r, H, [s assocl.,t"d "Ith the Stewa.'t-""I.uner COlliOlo. lIOn of Olucago

Rulh 1I[ Schutzbank, '26 "lto is doing "oda1 SCI vice" ork at Chlcngo, II, ":t.t 6230 St Lawrence avenue

Catl F Kuehnle, '10, Is aHslRt.tnt eashl~1 of the Nation.tl Bank of Hepubllc [n Cltlco.go

A lice '" Kling, 23 Is cngaged In advellh:dng \\01 k rOt the- NuUonnl Plogrnrn und 1'1Inting com\lrlny o[ Chicago

Anna Dav," Pcnnlngt.on '20 i ~ a Hupel visor .It the out tUnic, ,oliver alt)- hospItal, Iowa Clly

GracC' 13ftr~r ~'\nntl '22, Is Jiving at 6186 \\'oodlawn Chi ago

MI11 tie S('sbeau LIth d, '20, la \lving In Ihe Voss ap.lI tmenls, Io\V,\ CIty

1<'10' nce K J ves, 16 Is sta)1 nil' al 7633 COl nell aV~flue, Chicago

NOI be t t R ThOl nton, '17 hi a n1em ber of tlte ('nglneCl C01PH or the Penn sylvania. nallWilY cOnt[lall)' or Chi rago

John lIllce '27 is ",.sorlnle,l wllh lhe (ldvert lslng dPpartm~nt oC T ,Vnl tel Thom\lson COlllpany III Chicago

Mlldled ,vhitcomb, '1ft .. IIvlllg 11.1 2407 OI'ChllJ d Htl ert, Chicago

n Il! old A ndre,,~, '32 who Is public <lit celm o( lho CllIcago Motor oach

ompan" Is living ,It 13H Glanvlllc, ClllCUgo

Rollin P Hoehl 'J~ fol' tho nlled Slates l)any or Chicago

....-­Cd ayee Drown '£ummel 22 18 do

I"" I\'enprul nUl King dilly al the psy chopathlc hospital Iowa CIty

Robert L Hunter, '2~, who Is Plac Helen Edgar, '25 iR doing private tldng la" lives at 19 S La )'lal1e nurs ing duty 111 Dca,cl jealls, PI! stl eet, Chicago Jl ~1 ucldrcsR I. 1806 RI~ til av"nuc

!Jorl. D Jones, 26 1l,'cs at 13~7 Greenl af ILvenue, Chicago

l\!UI y Dine, '28, II; leaching school Ilt Hm lIey

Vera Den nl" '22, Is dOing pll,ate Ilurq lng tluty III Chicago lIevaddress Is 6234 Unlvel slly I.l.v~ nue

01,\(1)'6 Buehl I '26, Is doing gen­NIlI IHII'Hing duty llt unlvelslty h08

Goldlo I feiney, 27 Is r\()ing 1" [valo \lllal, Iowa City nUl sillg' <luly In Northwood

T..eona oonsel' 22 18 an Insh uclol Mahel H flwitt Slm", '26, fs living at In lhe Allegheny Ounellli hospllal

0863 Cl andon :Lvenue, Chicago l'ltlsbulgh, Pa

Hnrllet Rutledge Newpol t '22, III ~[o.rlha nlrl<, '27, Is an assistant In living at 110 N Sevenleenth slreet, the nose and throat clinic at lho unl Clarlndn V~I slty hOHI)llal. low" Cily

Blolse Po.zdCta Sprowl, '20 III IIv[n~ Thelma Johnston, '22 Is doing g n al 2712 neave, avenue, Al ,l No 3, eral nurAlng cluly al Iho Cily hospl Des MoInes lal, Geneseo, III

nulh Frecll?rlrk Dunlop, '2i, Is lIv- Magdalena lIMley, 1!!3 III tloing In!; at 1156 E Coliege slreet. Iowa pl[vate nur sing dllty In lown. CIty

Ill' lIel add.-ess Is 824 El College stt'Cet

Roso Rndcllff, '20, is doing prlvn.t~ F. n McKinney, '22 Is clolng pri nUl sin}!, duty In Santa Anna, Cal 11e, vale nUl sing duly In Evanston , III add l'CSs ia 403 W First street

Maude Sieichlel, '21, Is doing P' I vate nurs lnl\" duty at Towa. Cily Hili 1L(ldrcss Is 114 N, Gilbert str ~t,

Fred E Skin ncr, '24, who lives I.l.t 195 Cayuga, Chicago, [s \\:prklng Il5 seoret8.l y for tho Secullty LIC\I InsUi ane romp"n,..

,Tues(Jay, January 15, 1929:" • -Official Daily Bulletin

The University of Iowa Bulletins and announcements lor tbe ."Ielal Dall,

Bulletin column must be In Ihe bands of IAle Randall 101 JournallSIII building, by 4 pm" or 11 80 a.m, o~ Saturday, to lI\lpear In the 10llewlIJI: mornWI:'. DaU, Jowan,

,"olullle 1\', No 100 1JeCtlllllCt' la, 19%9


Corrections In the unlvelslly dheclOlY for lho l evlsed directors of the second semester must be made befol e Janual y 19 at lhe depa. tment of pub­lications, loom 6. Old Capitol, telephone 732



Recont action of lhe G.aduo.te Councli p.ovldes thnt th e required readIng knowledge of Fl eneh and Gel man shall be celUncd at the time ot the !lrst regJslt atlon fOI graduate wotle If the candIdate [s not prepared to ""Usly thc.e lequJrements It Is expected that he Shllil reglste, fOI one of these foreign lo.nguages Or moke othel adequo.te llrepatallon tOI the sallle nt the Ume of hiS fh at I egl.tr allon and conUnue lhls until the department certifies his reading knowledge ot that subject In case or deficiency In both lang uages II [s expecled Ihat the candldale shall mnk" similar llrov\Slon for the second rorelgn language as soon us he hUH complotcd the rcqulrem nnls for the fllst, These legistratlons may be entelcd wllhout credit and mo.y be carlled In adcUUon to the legular schedule Tho_e who (ue delinquent [n these subjects should make provision (0' this wotle in tho second s,mestc~ of the current year Special sections me plovlded C El SEASHORE

(,ERMAN EXAl\IIN,\TIONS I Examinations In German to test the reading oblllt y oC candidates {Ol the

degree of Ph D ,,111 be held by appointment five times a yem namely at tlte opening of the unhClslly In Sevlember. at til e end of each semester. and at the end of each summe, term CHARLES BUNDY WILSON

l\nNNEAPOLIS SYMPHONY ORCHZSTR\ The Mlnn~apoll8 S) mphony Olchestla will give two concerts at tho Iowa

Union Tucsday, J an 15, as lit e second number on th .. UnlvClslty AltiSts S. rles 'l'iJe afternoon concert 1s al 3 30 and tho cvenlng concel t Itt 8 15


OHms CLun Unlvelslly of Jowa D:mles will have plctur\' taken fOI the Hawl(eye

Wedncsda)', Jan I G at 7 4. I) m at Newbel g s studio A busIness meeting and plog'lam \\ III rollow In lh e IIlJeral ails dlll\vlng l'Oom


NOTI('E TO (lANOnM'fER FOR HIGHER nJ-;GREJ-::S Allentlon lH C.lne" to the requil emenl thot 11.11 the"e" In final fOI m mu~t

be PI csenled to lhe Dean IS office nOl Illter ttI.ln \Vednesday Jun 16 G IV STEWART

NOTl(''': TO (' \;'\JlII) \TES FOR AD' \;I;CED DEGREES Examinations III ps~ chology fOI candldntes (01 lldvllnced degrees .ll lho

JLl.llUfll y convocuUon who me maJorIng 01 mJnoring in l)..~ychology arc x pee ted to l'OI)Ort at 211l1belal arls SlltUrlllty Jun J9, at 8 o'clock to lake lhe final wlltten examln lUons Thoso who wish lo tol<o .he quall(ylng exam Ina cion ore expected to do so at lhls lime and ""ould notify the department In advonce CHRISTIAN A nUCI{l\1\Q{

SrxTli BA('ONIAN LECTl'RE T he _Ixth 1l1conlJln lecture will be glv"n lJ~ Prof Andrew C lIlcLaug11lin,

of Chicago university on 'Lincoln as a \\orici }o'igtlle,' Flldny, Jan IS at 7 o'clock In the chem[stl y aud[tolluill lIEXNfNG LAR!:lEN



All spcllon of Speech 1 \\111 m~N .Imu llrtneou.lv In 100 s specifIed t~low, Satulday Jan 26, a t 13 P 01 Thl~ vanatlon fl'Om the gene.al plan !~ made necC'sSluy hy conruet~ which Involl'e m ,ny tieCllOnH or Pllnclplps of Speech

SI)Cech I Sections A, B C, D, E, Ii' G 11, 1, T, K, L, 1\1, N, 0, P Q R S, T , U, V, N S Audltotlum

Speech I Sections W, X, Y, CC, DD, PF, GO IUI, II ChemisllY aucll tOllum

Spcech I Sections JJ, l{K. LL, MM, NN, 00, QQ, RR SS, TT, Geology lecturc room

S\leech I' Sections VV, XX, EA, LEA, EB, ED, EE, L[beral arts audi to.lum




Get rcglHtralion matellals (Rchedulo of (Jourses lind a ll neces-.1.ry teglstra, lion bl,lnks) .Lt neglsltar's Offtce, Hoorn 1, UnlvCI.lty 1[,ll1 (entel southeast dool of building)

WgDNBSDAY, THURSU\.Y and FRIDAY TANU\RY 161 8,1929 Follow clhecUon. on fhst tOLIl lnsldr pages oC &hedule of COU1'SOS Fees wtll be po.ld accOi !llllg to a Intel lIolice In 'rho Dally Iowan and on

tho bulletin boal ds, 1<~rld"y, Satu rd.LY and Monday Tnnu"r)' 26 26 and 28, in e lus[ve II C DORCAS reglstral

N n Studenls In th e Olhpr collegeA of the Unh'elslly will not reglsle.' pllol'tO January U They should watch The Dally Iownn for explicit an nouncements

IOTA SlGMi\ 1'1 The meeting of Iota Sigma PI .cheduled for Wednesday, Jan 9 1'0.8 been

poslponed to Jan 16 on account of Sigma XI MARGARET BUTLER, plesldent


Education 71C, being one of the course8 not r egulw Iy scheduled In tho ploglam ot namlno.tlons, will meet fOI final examlnat'on 1,'lldny, Jan 25, floml0 10 12 a m Please leport any confllels at once II A GREENE

lJAMLIN GARLAND Hamlin Galland lIlelary soelety will hold its tegular meeting Tuesday,

Jan 15, lit 8 I) m In the women's lounge OC the 10"':1. Union All membe.s are Ulged 10 be presenl since lhls Is lhe last meellng of lhe R<'mestCi and lhere Is much impot tant bus iness to be taken up Election of orfl~el s fOI the second semeslel will be held EVELYN NEESE

ISl'ERCOLLEGlATE DEBATI~ 'l'IUOUTS Any sllldenls who are not now members oC the Intlllcolleg[ate clebate

squad and who wish to tryout fOr th~ H COI1(\ ~eme"tcr squad will I cDorl tQ loom 13, l\I)cl.11 aIls, On 01 bcColo Jnn 10 for trllll debaleR


WOMEN'S },OREN Ie COUNCU, 'Women s FOlensle Counoll will mect Tueliday, Jan 111 at 4 30 p m In roont

114 IIbeml a lts IfA.RRIET I _ [AllN KEl, »1C'slc1ent

]~XMnN \TION IN SOLID OEO~mTRY An entrane" ~xamln:t.tlon In solid geometry for studenls 111 Ihe college

of engineering will he given Thu[sdaY, Ju.n 17. at 7 30 pm in rooms 222alld 224 physics building 11 L RIETZ

SOLID GEOMETIt1' EXMIJN,\TroN An eXamination In solid seometl y [01 lhe [emoval of enllo.nco eOlldlliolls

of "Indenls of lh~ coHegc of enghleellng will bo given 'rhu",jday Jan 17, III 7 P III In looms 222 and ~24 :physics building II lJ HIETZ

I<' RESUl\If\N PITCHEHS ANn CATCllEnS A II freshman pllrljel" anc] patchers QI r I eq ul'.tecl to I'cport In the fie ld

house Tuesday, Jlln It, at 7 30 1) m 0'£'1' 0 II VOG.BL, baseball coach

WillIam E Jones, '08, Is pr!lCt1clng GIo.OY8 Saylor D ()nnlnll', '32, I. \I,r, Ilc lives at 1514 ing al 210 Sanln. Anna avcnue, Long

llaach, Col

Rub) Hook" Knmmol cr, '25 Is !Iv ing a t 2110 N Koeble .tl e t, Ch[cllgo, 1II

Cat lyle 1~ Andru son, '20, who !ij SUpCl '"tendent oC tho Clayton Mark a nd company in ChIcago, lives aL 5431 E View Pal k Brl nice Bask"I', '22 Is wOl'kinli at

the Potlong l sanlt:l.llum, Monrovia, FileCla Olso n, '22, Is school nUL se Olll

at Cherokee

Grayce Chapman Ue8sclt1nc, '2., Is an otflce QlIslstant In lowlt Cily ~I<'I ni\(ILr~~ I~ 41ft S, CILpl\012tmt,

WilHam H DeBusk, '11, Is (t, menl' bel' or the law firm or Fr[cke &; !)e, iltls\<. ot hlcago Ills adtlre~, Is ilL U~wtll(lrn~ ~tI, t,

:rues day, January

••••• ••

°.".0 0•

Wltnt Has Go II "as late In the

catastrophe [ell upe knolln rotCea b,ough all! in lite eal th 's Nt b n Iltghland~ stink I usIng wutel'l! of the places what had bee tom lIOW steamed un or the Bun

On Ihnt tel rlbJo land sank In Englan nr:tlt'd MOl tin Tern w.r" Helen and the dl't'll He cou Id not "'ere drowned A flcr gle Jllarlln succeedel (I fnlrly lal8'll alea • rellllllned above wa l( .. ,

al DailJ [{andaU, '.1»., OQ

II Dlill

. IG, 1929 ._-.-..,.

r.Y 01 tha It O[ PUb-


LAN '1'0 080l'HI dreading the first

to satlHly Of these

,~e at the l Certlfle~ oth lang. n for the n cnts [or I may be ,quent In soamestcr l()(RE.

~ for the 'ly, at the !r, and at LSON.

the Iowa lrtlsts Se. ':t5. LCOX.

Hawl(eye 3 meeting


~l"m must 16.


IS "Ils at lho ;Y fU'e ex-~ t a ke the ; exum[na· ,rtmenl In MICJC

:LaughUn, ,11 . 1R, at 7 HSJ::N.


ned I-,:,low, In is made of Speech. ), P, Q, R.

lst,·y audio

r, Geol()gy

arts audio


2, 1929. A.ND THE

ry reg-Istra· " southeast

, 1929. Irses. ran and 011 and 28, in· 'glstral'. ,at reglste,' )xpl1c1t an·

9 has bean


ulod In the Cl', Jan. 2., tEENE.

Il' Tuesday, embers are end thero Is the ~econd


Inte (lebate II report to


.m, In rOOD! resident.

the c()lIege IIUS 222 and RIETZ.

I c()ndltionS Ian. 17, at 7 lHETZ.

In the field II coach.

;e 302. LBERT, _

'22, 18 11\'­c nue, LOng

" '2[,. Is 1!v, 't, Chicago,

worlung ILt , 1\10lll'ovhl,

. Is a. memo L:lcko ;. ])e.

drCBI Is 311


,"uesday, January 15, 1929

0i.P;;;.P;; ... 0ii.,...P;;".;.;;.p:; ...... P;; ...... P;; ...... P;;; •• ~.P;; •• ~.P;; •• ~.P;;.r •• ;.;;wr.u~w;;;;;iiic broltcn pale, whIch its sh'cngth might

DELUGE hu.ve been .ufnolcnt to break enth·e· Iy , but It happened, unfol'tuno.tely, that th~" e wus a projecting mIll th at had caught Into ILS back. It It pushell fOl'WQl'd It dove the null lIeepe ,·. Either It could nOL wriggle back or It lacked tbe sense to attempt It. What could IL do but \VI'lggle at Intervsis till the paln of the nail In ItI! protest· Ing ribs caused It to desist and squeal for the help of a mothe,' who was nl· "cndy !Jl'Comlng Indlffel'ent to the clulms or her half grown offspring, anll who was now [ully oc<:upl .. d with tt pwn which Mite could not rub out of her snout, however deeply she buried It In the cool dampness of the soli or the dlleh to which she hun re· so)'ted?

By S, Fowler Wright ...... .... ......... .. . . . . What nas Gono Before

It wns late h' lhe spring whcn tho calt18tl"Ophe tell upon :r:;UI'OPE". Un· known forces brought terrific upheav· ail! In the ea,·th 'j! Murface: what Imd h, 'n hlghlandll sank beneath the In· l'uslng waters or tho ocean: jn many places whut hae\ been the OCean bot· tom now .teamed u nde,· the tu II gla"e of the sun.

On tbat t errible night when the land 8ank In :Englaml, tho flood. sep· arMed Martin 'l'empleton f!'Om his wife, !Ielen, and their two small chll· dren. He could not doubt that they \\' 1"e drowned. After a difficult strug· g'le, Martin succeeded In swimming to a CaJ"ly large area of land that stili rBmoJned ab()ve wutel·.

• • • lIelen, separated from her husband

when the waters came, found refuge for hersell and babies In " smull boat. The rising walers set the boat adrift and It was found next morning on a newly fermed shore by Tom Ald· worth. an acquitted murde"er,

• • • Only the tact that she WitS a strong

$",Immer had saved 'lair" Arlington from the rising waters that had ldllf>d her husband and baby. 1"0" weeltH she lI\'ed on a small Islantl with two men. Their company became Intol· cpuble, and she resolved to to try find mOl'O land If It existed. She swam to another small Island, where she Jil'.u several weeks with an olLl Bhep· h!','d ami his Invalld daughter. Th~re Claire was sate, but unsatis fied; ah deblred a. mate. One mO"nlng In Aug· ust she again trusted her lire to the waters, l'OI)/lIg to find mo,'e land­nnd the man she desired,

• • • Martin sat on the Reashore, trou­

bl~d. Until tOday he had accn no hu· n",n beIngs on the land where h e was m' .rooned. Today he had s~en the sti ll w; "m body of a murdered woma ll, ar,1 three wild looking men who w"r~ cv dently her mu rdere rs . Ho wanted to tllink before h e "evealed his I> ,'{)s· en ~(" to theRe lawtes~ men.

.\S he watched the ","'tel's, a woman B" am In on tho tltlo and sunk p" hausled ()n the Sh()I'C. l'uzzled, M,"" tin approached her, H e was h(u'r1ly th1 hero of h"r el"~'"ns, bu t Clflh'r f~ t that sho could tL'Ust him , She 3~ oed to Callow him , a nd warily, th" III two made their way to the hut In a le<crted rnll road tunnel wh,'l'c II<' ha I stored the sup[llI('s he had fOI'-It (;U!'lng l.ho gunlmCr,

loy dl."usBed 11ft' since the del­u ~h,·t1n fou n (\ ,he was alone In tl' IVMld, and Ito was glau. He de· .1 ' I her fle,·cely . Both wore friend· Iy but guarded. He told her of th e nr \' dRng~r or th e lawlcsH men h. h' I seen, nnd u"!\'ed her to sray w 11 him at least an()thel' dny. To· gether they started for :t uese"led hOllSi" two miles away, where tl1f'Y c. lid find ciothln~: [111' Chh·.... M ". tit c:l.rrled a huntIng Itnife nod " ap or which he hall fO llnc!. On tI wry, an rncountt"r witlt a <log, g'l'own sa"nge in the now wlldel'nc,", /:.""1' pnof of Lhe va luo of tlw null!' wen polS. When 11ley l'each"d the hou,e, 1011' I'lln we nt u))stall'>l to S".U·,," fol' cl(,thes, leaving Claire In the gll,'cl'n. Willie she waited, she heal'd ;t noIR~, an,-} saw 0. .huge ~ow nppro:t('hing' Il ~I' through the we<,d", followed I!y a HLPr of hair grown 1>1;:.. I

Now go on with the slory.

Cln.lrc took a step fO""""'d ,hOU1'1 Inl: tlt the s()w to "ea,·c h~l". hlll HI,.. co"Unut-d to advance. Jl~,' Iml'ul", to I",,'e the basket to Its rnt~ hee';[II11' nlinost 1l"'eMIstlbk Hal'c f.,"t anli le/:s are a poor equlllllH'lIl fOl' ~llch cO llesl. But tilt' resolution which sh~ had just mnde bad sufflcl~nt fo rce to hold l1el'. ,h~ rp.ulized the C(t J1'a:;e that wa.1{ needed i f hlC'n werp to ,lumlnate In the changed c()nditt01'ls of me, and Htell]J"d boldly hefore the ba :ket.

ness , untl her rccent months of sav· CLg<' fJ"t>c(lnm, ill which th€'l'o ,had iJeE"n no creaLUrc to thwart her will . hall given '" l'onl'ldpnce which she h(ld not prc\"louMly known.

!:lhC jerl,c(1 1",,· head o.ngrlly. and advunc'l"d wilh II del']) grunt anti the menace of open Jaws.

H ad Olaltc been IWl' real ob]ecllve, 01' had Hhe IU10WIt how to uSo her ~t1'pngth, th,','e cou lll have been only one pussible t}:;R lIl' to liuch an al'gu· ment In "plte of lile knife which oj)' po!!('d he,'.

Hud CI'llrc ~hown a second's lack or co nfldonce the I'~sllit might have been the ~amo AS It WUS, her glance met thp small, cunnLIlJ:r eyes boldly, un,\ lhe I(nife s ln shetl at the advnnc· Ing he:td,

'rhe s()w dodged lhe .trolte with RlIrprl.ing nglllty, and all angry Snal) of jaws thM could have Cl·a.clted a thigh hone without effort. nut In an Instllnt Claire had H'peat~d Lhe stroke lind the lmlfe point caught In the 1l0 . .,tl'n of thl" flint'h ln~ ~mollt.

" 'ith n. ~'1 l1eal of pain the great pig turne,\ and dashed mnLY through the gUl'flen l with he1" half gruwn lilter, .tRl·tlco hy the s()unel of their moth· er 's terror, following ho,' In a wild eonru~lon,

Claire sLooet Ior (l moment Lo watch them , fl u l:ihcc1 and exultAnt, hm' hcad lilted, (l dn1p of blood ral1!ng f"om the knlte .h., he ld, sh()wlllg. h\ the close f!tUng hl\thlng dress that nelth· er Cl)nr .,led nOLO ~18to'·lI'd. llI,e a statue of tl'iuml)hnnt womanhood, combining all that I~ bcst In savag­ery and ivl llzatlon. Theil h er mood ilrolte in to laughLer "t hl'r trivial victory.

'1'he confused outcries of the flying IIlt('r dlell InLo distance, but left a so und or l'el:ul:u' and persistent "(luenHng. which b!'came more doml· nant us the olher nolse~ (lice\. 1 t ,'rune frolll th" furth~r ent! of the J'uin~c1 g'lu'(lell, I1p n h'ating anu mo­l1oton01l". It Ilcedt'd little wl~dom to '~Uc~s that one of the flying troop ' YUH jntrtgued fn 801'nO al'I'eRllng ca.­t,, "t"oplH', anti I!'.~ Lhan the curios· Ity of her maternal a ncesLor to In· dine CIn.il·C to Its Inve"t1!"at!on.

She foun d a young 1)0"1' I>II~ cau!(ht III a gap In the /tfu'd"n llal1ng.<, 1 t t-W'PlUrd I hat It hlinrl ""'ih at t1 hole:­which wnH ~t:al~c~ly 10 I'I~e pn(,ugh (01' Il~ IJa"suge had ~'ll'l'l~u 11 half way t h l'ough, bending heak <1 plt'ee of

Ctllh'c knew Uttle of pigs, I'xccpt that unde,· the postmortem circum· stances In which they had unwillIng· Iy contributed to the nout"ishment ot he,' own body. She vaguely supposed them to be g"eedy anll obstinate, which they n ,'e, and d!l·ty Ilnd Mtupld, which they are not. The MQueal of a pig does not awaken human Mympn­thr as I' adllr II-~ the cry of " lamb 0,· ca.lf. Thtll'~ are reasons for this, as for everything, and the subject Is not without Intel'est, but 0. consldera· tlon of pigs Is outside the scope o[ this reco,·d.

But Claire's Instinct for nearly 30 ycars hacl been to go to the help of any calling need. She tore away a tangle of kidney bea.ns which had grown ove,· the fence, that she might R e what wa.s wrong more clearly, She decided ttL"l If slm l}l,lIed the animal backWlll'd she could get It clear without any greM damage Or difficulty. She J.;rasped Its hind legs with that PU"pose, but as sha touched them It wrench d free vigorously. It r~newed Its efforts to struggle for· word, and pain and fright gave f"esh volume to Its voclferatlon~. I think that, had It tnken Its attempk>d rescue rn()l'e quietiI', Claire would have pulled It free, and It might have galloped 0/'( to he the fat he,' of hundreds. But the, attitude It showed ~tll'l'ed In he,' a mOl'e pl"imltlve Instinct than aym· pnthy-that of capture and acq ulsl· tlon, Why should s he not secure Jt? She realized thllt tho uses of a boal' pig are limited. But a pig lS·I'Ork. In fact, the pori, bef()!'e her was as fine u~ fl'ee I'u ngp and abundant feed­Ing could make It. Had it been less plumply I'oundecl it mlghl then ha.ve been rooting with Its companions In the rlitch ",hc"e Its mOLher lamented.

("iflire had a practical mind. and could act with pr()mptnes.~ and vigor. 01' Rh~ would not have bpen enjoyin!; 1Ifl' In the su nlight when HO many 1!l1111()n~ of hel' I<lnd had perished.

She looked at the pig (lOd she lo()ked at the knife which shu had stili cal'·

~-.. -. Scene finl11, ·No. Other \.Voman"Fox P.lcture

The animal hes itated ar;ain, htlt YI·ll .. or ",anderlng round· thr (orm· s{ ail had leC! her without the fear of man, which Is Instl nc·tivc III those 11 It have bee n born t o tile Wild e ,::



tkat Fifl the e


• A majority of the beacon lights used in airport Dnd airway illumination have been designed aod manu­factured by tbe General Electric Company, whose specialists have the benefit of a gt!neration's expcri-

, ence in the solution of lighting problems.

THE air map of America is now in the making-on the l ground.

'Ten years ago, there were 21B '~il~-~f air mail routes with two station stops; to-day, a network of sky roads bridges the country from the Adantic to the Pacific and from Canada to the Gulf of Mexico. ,

Can you imagine this growth without electricity - without illuminated airports-without trunk lines studded with elec­tric beacons? -", Men of vision are building for increasing traffic of the air, Soon, the skies will be filled with commerce. -I

Juse as electricity is helping eo conquer the air, the land, and the sea to-day, so to·morrow it will lead to greater accom· plishments in avilltion and in every human activity.


The Daily Iowan, fowa C'dy ~

Dean Kay Speaks to Club Members

Oeolo,,"y club membel'~ will meet In room 100 ()f the geology 'building to· day at 4:10 o·clock.

Dean c:eol'~(' \". Kay of tho college of IIbernl Itrts, heat! or the geo logy department, P"of A. O. Thomas, U 11(1 Assistant Pl'Ofesso)' J, J. HUnllel', all or whom nttendee! the meetings or tho Geolog\" society or Amedc'l, (lna the A Illerlean a"soclatlon fOr the ad· Vllncement of science. will speak at Iills time.

1'1l'<l In her hand us she had ome to lhe scene of acllon, and hMI !:tId on the g"ound ns she lenelt to II1\'estl· gate.

They seemed mude [0" one an· other,

But though Hhe W1U! unp"(lctlced In procuring thi' deceEUle 01 pigs, she felt sU"e that It would be wrong to COIlll1lenCe operations by u!iR<wIUng it In the hind quartet's. It seemed marc natural to nl>l)roach It at the other end, Dut th at end WI1~ beyoncl her rench. and s he did not len ow hOW dlf· rIcult It might be to grt "ouml to it. "Nevel' the time and the place ," she thought whimsically. as she pondered the pl·oblem. It OCCUrl'ed to her also that If Rhe sh()ultl IIPproo.ch from the other side the pig might m:tke a sue· cessful eHort to w"lggle backward and be lOst entlrelv,

The hUnting In~tInct hall not wak'!d In her mind f()r 20 "econds before she was SOUl'chlng lhe deb"is of the ga l'­den fol' tho thing she nceded. She found It Qulcl<1y enough In a length of "ope which IUttl been pegged down to mark the edge ()f a path which Someone had been trimming Melt· wlwd and had left unfinished.

Two mlnute~ later half a hundred· wolght of protesting pOl'k, Its hin rl legs tightly bound together, wUs he· Ing hauled backward from the !J>ll­Ing-s.

VI. Claire looked at her capture, wh:ch

WII" floundering awkwardly runon!( the trampled weeds, Iler toot upon th o end of the rope thllt tied it, in some doubt a.~ to her immediate pu,·· p()se. 'rhen she put the knife back Into Its shealh and decided to <'''''r)' the pig to the hOll.le lU ld consult with Martin as LO Its destiny.

1t was less eMY than ~h'C hod sup· posed, !lad it IJce n dead It would not have bepn IL vp'·y light ur NU'y bUl'­d!'n. Alive and wriggling, and with Its front leg~ klcklnr;: v lJ.;01·O U8iy, It was un a.wkward and vel'y sllpperr load.

M'l.l'tln, roused by the continued disturbance, and comin;; tlll'oug" the garde'l to diHcoVer its ol' ig'in, lTl(;t ht'f 8S She apfJl'oa.chcll the 11OU:SC, an ani· mal looking half as la,'goo as Ill'l'Self struggling furlouRly under he r rlf(I,t i:l.l"m and emitting squeals which w er e limited only by the c"paclLy of V'~ l' .V healthy lung",

Mar'lln Itwghe(l. "I thought till' !-Illes '\~I.'I"'C empty. .cut may I at)l~ where you o.re cU.l'J'ying the n.uthor of this deltghtful cone",·t " h e askl'd.

Claire Wll ... hot and b,·c'nthl.,"", i mi· IIUS with hm'"elf for the folly thaL had taken a livlngo hurd en wh" n 11 deael onu could htlve beel1 can'ied "v much 1110"C c"Rlly. Hhe hit hel' lower UP In a way she harl when he,' t em· pe,· f,Lllec!. Hhe \\'lUi carrying the al1l· m,lI wHh he l' "Ig ht a rm I'ound Its mhldle llnd he,' I ft hand Iloldlng a" e1L1' to "l .tVe of!' the wl'iggling Iwael, the shal'p teeth (lncl growing tusks of Which she did not view with ~ntl,'e complnc~nc,'. And why hn ' ln't Hhe tied Its front legs'! she thoug ht an· grill'.

AR Martin Rpoke , the pig, j) I'htlP" sth'red to t'r""h ('fro,·t oy his HI>' PI'oJLch , stlcc("('drod 111 n ba('!t w:u'c1 sU'uggle Lhat b!"Ought it" tied hlnu legl'5 to lhe gruunu, (L'om whletl ~Ile recove,'ed It with d lmculty.

"It ",asn 't In a ~ty. 1t won't much long'er. Don'l you know what »igs ai'e for?" s he replied ~omcwhat con· tU8edly, but lIIru·tl n understo()d \Veil ~nough, nnd also that he hau tulled to strlko the right n()te, as he had fa.iled beCore, with this Ilew compan· Ion. Thcre W'tS a grim mennln!;, in that emphatic phra.~e , ''It won't much much longer,ll that made hlln realize that he had still III ueh to learn of the characte" Of the woman before 111m.

With a chllnged tone, he Haid quickly: "You've d()ne well to catch It, anyway. Let me hell}." But she refused cll'·Uy. !:lhe dla not know

. why she was so angry. She said: "There Is eno ugh hel' to repay yOU (or what I shall eat till I go tomor· ,·ow. I like paying my debt"." ('£0 Em CONTINUBD, 1'!EXT.,JSSUEl

Hammill Presents Biennial Budget

Tlislorkal society of Iowa, $n" 400,

lndustrlil l comml$sion, $73,060. Depnrtm"nt or ju~tlce (J.lLomey

geneI'll I), $196,700. HUl'CllU Ul lubOl', $~3,800. LibraI')' comml"slon. $46,100. Slate library, 106,400.

DF.S II'IOIN'ES. Jlln, 14 (AP) - !:Ioal'lI or mine """mlllet·s. S2 6,9~ 0. T()wu 'S blennlal budget. recommended Hmll'd o( i};ll'ol l', S63 ,~Ou. by G()vernor Hammill. amou nting Phl\l·Ill:J.CY "x~mlnN's, $16,800. t() n l!Proxlmately $31,000,000 s how. ' State prlntlnl<' boa rei, S;l5.7UII. Hul· depllrtmenta l ltpproP,'latlons as fol· ades 'lnd expenses, n lso $287,640 tor lows: prillting, \?t c .

Adjutnnt genemi. Including main· Supnrlntp'hlent of public Instruc· tcnllnce or CUllIl) Donge. $J50,2flO. tion, $68,800 salaries nml expenses,

Department of agriculture, $942,- al~O 1109,91)0 for ~t:UI' llid to school •. 900. R eUef prnHI()ns, etc., $900.

Bonl'c! or audit. $8.400. Ho,u·,1 o( "aUI'O:td commiSSioners, A lldltor or stnte, ~55 , OOO. SI29,G10. COmmission tal' the blind, $24,000. !-,pcl'rtnI'Y or stllte, $~I,600_ BurJget director, $61,600. Clerk of supreme court, $21.200, Board of conge" "alioll , $1 0,000. Hcporter of supreme court a nd BOllrd 01 control. (not Inclu illnl: code editor, ~2~ .700.

' upport for .. tate Institutions): $109" I 'J'reaSUI'E" " Of stu Ie, $t80,890. 380. I Board ot v()catlonal ed ucation.

C'll,todln. n. 5117,840. $66,000, ,J udges ot supreme eoU,·t. $1~9.. !:SOHI'd oC control COl' SUI)PO,·t and

150. malntennncQ uf state III tltutlons, nlRt"lct court .1ud~e •. $004,000. $8,901, 199.48. DOllnl of education. (n()t Includln<t Doar(1 at education, support ;lnd

RtlppO,.t to,' state educatlonul Instl· maintenance ot "tuto eclucatlonal In. tullons) $88,22~ . stltutl()ns, $15,484,113.20.

State entomologist, $17,400. State fish and game department, l~xecutlvp council. $46,360, salaries; $3CoO,OOO.

$4nS,500 expense. Hn.nkill/t d!'I>nl'tment, 567,400 plus Stn.te tah' 'board, $126,000. salaries represented by allowance. to Agl'lcu!ture societies (stato aid) ~4 examiners whose sularle~ range

$320,00 0. Irom $1,200 to $4 ,000. 'Ul nua lly. li'h'e marshal, $34,000. Board of englnoering examiners, Oeologlst Hurvey. $17 ,8 00. ~ 1,200. OovernOI', '41,200. Educational examiners. $6,200 and Grand army Of the republiC, $1,· I othN' clerical allowances u" 09Caslon

600. demands at 55 cents pe,· hour per Historical department, $72.500. employe,


Only 4 Days



Where Do They Go? Who is to Blame?

StUl'tlln~ - Sellsa.tionClI <;"lpplng


. ffTH~~,


This plctu'"e you






.... ... ..... .

WI well a.'iI See

and a

talking "equence

Also Showing SynchrOIlJzcd Shor t i;ubjects

Tills Picture Only No Childl'en l\[lltinee ....................... _ ........... 40c Under 16 Admuted Evenlnl!: ........................... ......... 50c

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"No Otber Woman"

As the reigning queen of Europe's playground,

Biarritz, France.


in the brilliant cast­, ... ",

Look at the Fun!


Lane in his lawst "ONLY ME"

zsc With a Merchants' et.

Matinee and Night

Patrick Writes on Conception of Mind

G~orge T , Patrlcl<, proressor ot philOSOphy, is the !luthol' "t a book, " ~'hut Is th Mlnd'I" which hM re· cently hee n pllbllshed, It Is one ()f th!, serle", "Philosophy to,' Lay, men."

l'l'OfoPHO " Potl'iek tell. the story of man's chn nging conceptIon of mind. He points out that the older view"

LAST DAY Get The Inside Sto,'y Of

:a~_fjfi~~~il."i) ;;;CI 01 laughs

Comedy SportHght News




Movietone Sound Ef­fects-Featuring

"Irving Berlin's" Latest Song Hit, "Marie"

Today -as­

"Deadlegs Flint" Ruler of the African



~HZli~ I All In

SOUND EFFECTS and ________ M_us_lc ______ ~

" • .,APHONl Presentation

--l\i-t':"ey'::":ers.Haniord--The Arkansas Travellers'

.,VIEIONl Presentation

e has. (Chic) S""'al'-e­in Court in

"The Star Witness" ~8te News-Usual Price!

I"~ Page'

have grfldunlly gl\'e ll WilY to the I'CIl.lIzation thlll mind Is sim ply a term tOl' cerlllin 011~ratlon8 [l nd ac· tlvltles ot tho human organism aa a whol ,

Professol' Palriel< has been 1)1'0' fessol' of philosophy In the univer­sIty since 1 87 and I~ now on loave ot a\)SenCe.

-------Helen Hath Jones, '23, Is living Il~

1202 N. NelV street, Bethlehem, 1>a.

You Have Only

Today and

Tomorrow to see the greatest pictu on the marriage question

ever made Ever.y Person Should

see it


Betty Bronson

-also showing­J"ATEST PATHE NEWS


Sennett Comedy "HUBBY'S WEEK·


And to Think You Can See This Great Picture for Only

zse Afternoon and Evening


Oh,Boy! Here is a. Reul Show!

5 BIG ACTS 5 The Best in Vaulieville

nADIO·J{EITH·ORI'JIEU~1 Attractions

MARYLAND COLLEGIANS Twelve Entertainers Jo'rom


The Rolllcldng Comedian

ROE REAVES A I{id Glove Wdder


With the Tnjmit:tble

lORENA III a. Clllss!' Offering



The Indh'iduillity Singers

Latc of lUcJntyre & Heath Co,

BEE HO 'GRAY The Versatile Cowboy

5 BIG ACTSS And on the Screen

LON CHANEY III His Latest Thriller


TODAY and Tomorrow

IOWA Theater

Cedar Rapids

P~ge 6 • nie Daily lowa4. Iowa Gify Tuesday, January IS, 1929

Murphy Goes on Scoring Spree as Purdu@ Beats Boilermaker Five Crushes Maroon Hoopsters, 64-14

Big Center Accounts for 26' Counters

in Triumph LAFAYETTE. Ind .. Jan. 14 (AP)

-StretCh :lfurphy, Purdue unlver· slty's lanky basketball center, scored 26 points against Cblcago here to· r.lght which, Ildded to th trorts or his leammates, gave the Boller· make,·s a. G~ tOl 16 vk:lory, • [urphy broke th <peoro h ,et IMt week at Chicago by onl' point. .

Chlcngo manngN1 to stay on ralr· Iy v n te l mM <luring part or the (Ir8t period. thl' R~Ore at ont' time being IS to 10 ror Purdue. iPurdu I <I at the ho J(. 22 to 12 The score:

PURDUE (64) FCl. FT. PF. Cummins. t .~ ................ S 1 1 J la'·meson. r .................... 5 0 2 Murphy. C .. .... .............. 8 10 2 Schnalter, g ................... 1 1 3 Boots, g . ... .. ..... ......... a 0 2 Lyle. g ..... .. ........ _ ....... 2 0 0 Wclch, f ..................... 1 0 0 n~ck. g ....................... 0 0 1 O\'~~"mun, g . .......... .. ..... 0 2 0 (libb ns, t ... _ ................ 2 0 0

Totl!l~ .... _. 25 14 11 IIlCAGO '16) Fa. FT, PF.

Chm'gnon. r. . ... . . 1 2 3 Cooper, r ............................ I 0 1 O:FtJ C ..... ..... .. .... ... 0 2 4 FIsh, g ............................. 1 1 ~ J\ hbol, g . ... .... ... ..... I 2 3 Crawford, g ............... 0 0 2 Ka.plnn, ( ........................ 0 1 0 Yntes. t ...... .... ......... . 0 () (I

Eoe~el. c .......................... 0 0 0

Totals ............................. 4

Badgers Dim Indiana's Champion.ship Hopes

8 17

MADISON. Wis .• Jan, 14 (AP)­\\ IOconRln dimmed In(lIan8's hOJle~ of a 1lI1l' 1'en bMketl)aIJ hall1plon· Rhlp tonight by edging ou~ the lIoo· ~I'· I's. 24 to ~O. In a «Rmo Cull ot

'8peclnc)!l"r l'nl!!(,N, It was loell· all(l's ",'cond deCent.

'Vllh the score knolt~d near the end of the game o.t 20·all. Tcnhopen and Kowalczwk broke th rough to cllgc field goal. and give the Bad· g~rll their triumph.

Indiana 9tarLed out fast, pUlng up It" (Ive to on, leud withIn tho fll'Ht six minute" of ~ Iny . At the half. W Isconsl n led, 13 to G. " ' Ith six mlnutes to pillY, Indiana led. IG to 1;; -

The s ummary: WISCONSIN (24) Fa. FT. PF.

Fo~ter, f . ... ...... . . 2 2 0 )TlII 1', f .......................... 1 1 1 Tenhopen, ~I t .... _" .... 4: 1 ;! J(owulczwk. c ...... .. .. 1 2 1 t'hmlrlew"I,I, g ................ 1 0 0 )cllel'lJlun. g ............ 0 0 1

Totlll~ . .......... ....... .. 9 G 6 INDIANA (20) FC. FT, rI".

l<u·lckl.lIld. f .................. 4 0 1 \'(;'118. f ," ........... 1 1 ~

!>IcCI'acken, e .................... 2 0 2 ('orrell, g .................. 2 1 3 ~rheld, g..... . ........ 0 0 3

TotnlH . 9 2 11 ()frI~laIR - n~(c!'('(', f;chomm('r

(Chlcagu); umph'e, Uelche!l (St, Thomas).

Illinois Bows to Wolverines, 21 to 17

A:-IN A IWOn, MiCh., Jan. 14 (AI') -)J!chlgal1 won I[s fourth alralght ~onference M~kelJJll!l vIctory h", e tonIght. dereatlng Unlvel'Rlty M lIU· lJolij 21 to 17.

noth ("'''1 '1I'lllny~a light dr· f .. n~eH. tl1l lloi~ waK held RcorplcRH ""l'ing- (Il~ f1, .~ t 1~ minutes. Michl· It"n INi 13 to G ilL tl,e half. At lite 'I",~innlng or the !I(',Ond p I'Jod the visitors Rhowf'(1 hrtter fOI m 111111 drcw IIJl within ono I10int or Michl · j;un, wllh the gron' 14 to 13.

Aftel' takln~ tlmo Ollt. th' Wolv(,I' in£'R agaln USHum ctl thp uCfenMivp and kept them out of (1lIngpr lhp I' •

il Sport Heroes of 1928- Billiards I

~~----------~ "lltII,JOo;r:rw.tuta S~,JlIo" Ctoa~ IIrllal4 rlahlo ...... ned.'

Ill' QUiN HALL rested led up to a cUm.llo: whl'n T"b· 'When the bUlinI'll shn"ks oC th(' ol'Kld f(lhll'd up hi. 'tiC l'n<1 r1 "!ll:lI1(\'

country gnthered In Chicago laxt e<1 ll. fOI f"lt. J>rr·t ty "n"r!ll1~ h0· month fol' the purll0Hl' of deciding twe('n the 11Il1!' \\.1>1 plaln lr (\ ILl" .. t in lhe pocket bl!!h,rd ",,,I threc·cushlon tile enrly rounds, n.nLl finn.lJy (:' l'cn· !:lllllnnl chlunl,lonshi)l. of tile world. lea r I~rt th" loom of pial' Which. (lC'

It lou ked Ilk" a nice qulrt"lI1t1e gath. cordill;;' 10 ,"1 old CU"IOIt1, I" nll ga g l ~rlng of th,' hO~H fOI' a f~w E'venlnll" wh~n It Cltmc~ 10 rhmol'lonshl" I,ll· Of AllOt·!. Il' fu,'(' it WIIS Dve,· there lia rd match,,". Ta), '1'.,1.1 ohJ~ctl'<l to were I'Umot'K floating m'oun,1 tho tillR hul lhe objection ""s Ilot HUS· Windy Cily that Jill' Mull!'n who L'lned by Itef",cl' Joe 01 .... w ho \\'a~ de·,'K In thin!;" fislle 111 C'hIN'!\,O, ihc lhlrd man In th" ,'III/: or a"ound might Hprlng II nllL"l('r rtl'oke by th" Illbl<- ,\' II"nll,II ,I1" .,Ik, tI UlIl on bll.Jding- COl' futUi t.' hllll:u'd tOUt"nrl' thr;o ';l':'ly I~ox fm' tlw s('(' OIul tiOlt" I hl' mentH In hi. pugHi tic. paillc". If"me wa, Rtol,pu<i ano! tl", III Illl'"

{'Clntt'~ l nllt" SjJllw I,'un,l!s r fel'INI til th ,· COl!lIll1tll·.·. whIch ']'ho thrcl' ('ushlon (,'Ypnts W(ltl'€" l"ul('o(] tlhll til(' g,l111e Hhould ht' re·

all(l unl'l'flned '1 "h('CHIt! \\'on the fil'St game

rrom G I'renleaf, 125 to 9 i, and the "hamlllollslJlp by defeating hln> the ~I.;conu time In one evening, 1~5 to 41. \\'Ith the tlll~ wellt $2,500 III "ash, n "''tlnty of $6,000 rOl' ono yenr. 40 11('" cent of half the tournament gol(' I'"ceil,ts and a. jlOdslbllity thl\t '1\,h~I'sl,1 may yet hullcl himself up ttl " point WhN't' he will get n shot n som" of the tOUI Ilaments whlcll

.""!!~n Is constllntly running off In pugilistic Cll'cles, This angle drpcn(ls un Ihn (l,"y I'ox ann his Ilttltu(\e tflwartl pugilism. but l"l'ank showed he had plenty of coloI' an(\ :lluilen Is .1" cl'llzy about coloI' ns an old lady nln off aK ~~h <iul",1 In the usulIl 1)1 •• y d.

qllietne". wltll whle·h tho green· tab l('d b"llmp hu .. 'i lJ('('ulllc aSHoclu.tcd.

C ' U~[OIl1I'1'!f !'ill Ha!! Ja allotlt her tatting.

But when It came to thr pocket· bllUo.rd tou, nnm~nl It finished wllh tht' twu Inst conteRtnnts showing th~il' flings lind Rnllrllng like hungry wo1\ l~9, fJgulll.l1vely H»ealt1ng.

The toul'llumenla were cOllducted In Orchestl a huil-whlch bounds rather too !'itz)' nnd "'dulc for wmnJ;' ling. but. not",lthslnn(lIng. th re \\'a" wl'UngUI)A' and It a 11 Mlo.l ted In .L

gamr "hleh wnq I1dng ~I!ot ocr hy Ralph Gre"IlI~at and Frank 'fu""r"· kl, who hilS won thc U'lc oC tho eMY (0'0" of Schenectady

Mlnol' clllJ!hes In Ih~ match on which lhe world '. chlltIlplonshll>

Nalul'"lIy nlllllu' 1'.,h'r,I,1 IWI Tab('rsld First Chamili on (1rr~nl< \I was Inclined 10 "Onr1 elwh Till uugh his Victory the S henec· other flow~r" prior 10 Ih" 1,I,LYlllf, lady cup·wlelder Is the first recoil" WId us " result the refHPc had d,ff!· I1lz"d \\,OI' lrl'" )locket bl1l1artl htUlI' culty In reRtI\tlnlng Ihem froll1 I",It· pion lIe's been II ch[ul1ploll 01' In Ing play to do (L IIttlf' l'l!;;ul,u' llu"!'l~I· the chamilionshll) cia"" (01' mOI'e Ing. And tl1nl'~ no \;tIY (0 net In thnn l~ year;; lind Is notNI U9 one or Orchestl'., hull, If )'fllI I,now whq "t' tho btHl HlrateglHt known on the 1l1('Ull. Vndf'l~ llH' <. fl (,UU"lHla.nl'1 ~ hoth grt' n tableH. lie is a. coul'ugeou8 boy" were oCf lhell' "tl'llle und til!' plnyer ant! " fin!' Hhol. A 11u!;e In.sk plnl' "11M aM I';lgged a.~ a 110bo'M to';". confronted Tnb<:~Skl when 10" Cll· Uut 110"'" of til!' "'lullhbllng hud tPI "d the IMt lap at Chicago, :tnd I,';l leed out onel th .. hull W,~" fill, I wll!!e bolh Jllayel'~ WPl'e off form , to lh~ ""rl~1 H, Ahowltll; 1'0> "l b1 } l"mnk nHlly outplayed o.n<1 oulgen· th:lt lh" (,"HtomCl" would hp IlI te," ('J'fll~d Rnlph and the flI)IHh was one <'Mtell In "llllllrd If lIwy 'Hit' I'll\\' of the hig "tII'p"i"e9 of the yea.r,

Ames Wrestlers . .-.......... ,. +.;-;-- .. Dixie Leaguers Whip Indiana, 17 .. 11 BOWLIN G I to Meet Majors

Knoxmen to Meet River City Five

In Battle Friday Davenport Slated as

Hard Competition for Hawklets

Undismayed by thelL' ill rated be' glnnln" whlrh h~s lowered tliem to the humble positions on the bottom cellnr step, Iowa City hlgh's Hawk· let basketeel's are grooming to meet the leaders of the )nH~I~sl l»))1 Yalley confe"ence E't'Iday nlghL

Coach Knox's boys will oppose the Davenport high quintet on the latter's court with every method or dbplng the game favoring the Rlv I' City flv!'. 'rhc leaders h'lYe swept aside all cOl)feronce OPllosltlon with d(.clelvc Bul)erlorlty for an IInblem· I,,~,ed reeol'el this "cason.

The Knox coached men. although unable to win a canference contest out Of five starts. showed I' mark· IIble Impl'Ovement II) (orm last Fri· d:ty against Ol'ant hll\'ll of edaT HUIlId". It look the Parlo,' City an nddltlollal period to win It decision oVe., th e Hllwldets nfter the local leom hnd led neal'ly the enUre la~t hulf.

There was 1)0 IndlcaUon ot a let· down In mo,'ale among the Little Hawks shown In practiCe yesterday. The same combination 'wh ich played against 01 nnt last i"rldny execulod a 'Isnnppy" signal practice with even mOI'e SPirit than prevnll d In p,·nc· tlce last week.

The chleC problem which the l1awl<l t conch Is facing IK to Jm· prove lh e team's passing game. 'fhe Knoxmen have .hown flashes Of winning bllskethall since the opell· Ing oC the season, bul these Inter· mlltent (Iasile" have been offset by el'l'lIUc passing and 0. slow driving ufren se.

Stre"s In the drill was placed on offensive play with the attemPt to speed up play In WOI kin!\' the hall flom the center of the floor to a Ill,"llIon under the basket.

Prnctiee on rree th rows also cam~ In fo,' a Share of attrl)ttOn. As nn added Incentive to improvo the >hootll)~ rrum thc charity Ilne. Cllach Knox ILIl nounr~ll thnl a gold bnRkelbnll would lle awnl tied to tM man who registered the most frP~ throws In practice and gam~H. 'fhe llophy wll be worn each week l,Jy th~ man credited will) the mo~t gift shots and '" ill become the perma· n~nt PO"HOSAlon oC th e man with the 1,IAhest total til the end of the sen· son.

Armour Falters in Final Rounds of Los Angeles Open

1.0S A:\,O E LEI:;, ,Jun. 14 (AP) -F'lnn I echo~M of thp atO,OOO T,o~ 1\'" geles 01ll'J1 reverherated throu/:h Hnntll. :\tonicn. rrthyon todllY whclI II dozen ,'olfe"s tlnlshNI "ollllll~ th~y hn<l ra.lled to complete sund,ty hc· eau"c Of (]1I1'1(!)es' ~nl't'hl(1 tho fI,l ' terln!; notes II) Tommy AI ",OUl··. cluhs.

The Rlender "'·Ilshlnl'ton. n. (' .. professional who hll<l pal'ed lho !i1'''1 with plwnomen11 )llnv Ih,oullh lllf (1"f4t tw,., "nl'nll~ only to InhC'l" ill the finlll 36·hole drive. In th~ ul'le! "~'V r oclAV nlmn"-lt bla~t{'d hll1\c.~('lr

rout or ,,('~ond place. ArmOIlI' ho,1 hut onp hol(' to pIny, hlwlng "1'1<'1<<.'11 U11" Sunnnv nll':bt on Ih e R~"pn · tcenth, IIls play on thnt InHt hnl~

, ~ htJof\l ·. h"~"''<tng, for' h(' 11e "t(l steven !=itl'okps, thr('D DVC'\, pal' , to hu1(' "'llt. )f" mnnru!'NI tl\ tnkp ,-;(,C'on f1 place llna money. $1.750, wltJ\ II n· holp a.<:t:I'co;atl' (If 2!)J . Hilt mn!,~ thnn \[""Onnnl(l Smith, the whIner.

AI mour ht>nl OUI Len 1)1('0;1'1 or

"nlnrl('I' or the gnme. JlllnC/18 Is A~lES, J nn. 14 (A1')-l,\ ItR fi rst the ilr~t Bil! Ten teRm to hold )[!chl

..... . .... I ATLANTA, Jan. 14 (AP)-I1ome ~ ~ b"y" of the lhree prlnclIJal Dixie

h .. "'''Uft (""111 <> '11" f"Ollntry ('luh in

MexiCO, :lm1 nation11 professional fthn lllpton. hv Il Rlngl,.. "ItJ'nkf~. DII"' gel's 1Ii{llregate of 2~2 r;-avl' him Ihlrd 11lftc<' anrl $850. HOt'lon Smith 21 y!'Q!'s ~Id. JOlllln. ~fo .. prof~qsion' 1\1. fin(1 a"orge Yon Elm. amatP!!!' "ronl notl'ol' (1e:tQlorl,p(l at 391. ~mlt h l'C'rrm"ct (lfP wit" (0111' h place mon"l', SOOO. while Yon Elnl. who " plrked \I,," l:tt .. yesterday On th .. ·~vpnt~~nth. hol~~ ~ut II) 1111.1' !o(lay ror the low gl'Oss amD.teuI· trophy.

gllJ1 to less than 30 paints. Intercolleqillte mert oC the Bcnson. "'''",mHry: the Iowa Iltote "re8U1n~ team de· Michigan (2 1) FO. FT, rF' feated Jndlana university hero to·

OrwIg, t... .. ... .... tOo night 17 to 11. l~uch leam won 0110 'l'l'uSkowskl. t ....... ....... 2 2 2 tall. Juhl of Iowa. Stllte downing ("hopman, c ............ 2 0 1 B r I dl ft k I ... 2 0 ~ uchunnn 0 n ana a er eell ng Ho~e. g.. ........................ 1 behind him for ~I!\'ht minutes and .I,'Coy, g .. - ....... _... I 3 Unger ot Indiana. ~('oring the Invad.

Totals . .............. 8 ILLI NOlI:; (171 FG.

How. f . ........ . ....... 0 I Carpel', f ....................... I :lIn)" e . .... ....... .. .. .. 1

ers' ol)]Y fnlt wh n he thl'PIY Zink SOon afte,' th!) flv ·mlnule mark.

lown StlIte had the ndvantage In tht lIght!'r weight m:ttehes. but o,bove 155 the Cyclono gl'applel's ,\( I'c unable to present as strong Do!'n, 1\' ......................... 'I

:lIJII", . g ... _. .. ...... . 1

Ii'rr. 1 o o 1 1 o

2 opposition. Herg son, g ................... 0 o

Totrus ......................... 7 3 7 orncluls-Rrt""r~, K a. r" 8 (De,

Pauw); umolre, leary ()oIotrc Dame).

Wildcats Whip Ohio State Five, 27-24

COLU:I\DUS. 0., Jan. 14 (AP) -NOrlhwe"t~I'I)'g h 8 R Ie e t b a I I team mud" good tonight In Its fOUl'lh at· tpmpt to wtn n "'eBtem conference game. Ohio State was Its vlctlm. 21 10 2+. and th-e decision r evers d a th,·cp·polnt win Inken by the Buck· y~s f,'om lhe PUI'llI one week ago.

NOI'thweslel'n led at ha.lt time 13 to 8. As the seco11(1 halt begun Oh io SL'tte l'ush~c1 to the front on fleid goals b,· Ervin IInrl l':vans, led 20 to 19 with 10 minutes to play.

S ummal'Y: NORTB"rERN (27) FG. P T . PF.

C lelchmann. f .......... 4 2 0 Bel'ghern, t ................... 2 1 2 "'/liter, C ................... 8 0 1 i\lbrRhall. g ...................... 3 0 0 Sch ultz. g ...... ........ 0 0 2

3 FT.

o 1 1 o (l


6 PF.

1 o 1 o 1 o

'I'otn.ls .. ... . ... ... 10 4 3 Ofrlrlal~-n~fN'p . [.'1ne (D~trolll ;

um lli!'e, J , J. Molony (Notre Dame).

Britons ~ecline, Polo Bid NE,,10 YORK. Jlln. 14 (AP)-Army

pll lo tenms l'epresenUnf: the United ~tn.teH lind Englnnd will not m eet this yen1' I" renewal ot t hell' rivalry lJegun In 1923, It wall ann ounced to· day on r~celpl: of a letter f"l1m Eng· I,, " r] rl prlil1l nl{ "I) Invltntlon to 8011(1 n. British arm y t l'nm to tllc United l:it:ttes III.'>:t summel .

Summary: 115·pound-~(cC;oflnlcl< (,\ mes) (Ie'

cision ov I' l->orlh (Indiana). 126·pound-Qrlrtlth (Ames) decl·

s ion over Connor (India na). 136·pound-Holdlng (Amr") decl·

slon over D''(lnnan (Indiana). 145·pound-I~lnn (AmCii) decision

ovel' Fox (Indlann). 156·pound-Juh l (AmeR) threw Bu·

Chanan (Indiana) eight minutes, 30 seconds.

lSi/·pound-Scolt 'Indiana) decision over Campbell (A meR)

176·pouncl- :\loss (lndlann) deCision o,'er Kuhicek (AmeH).

Heavv "'elgllt- nger (Indiana) threw Zink (Ames) Clve minutes. 15 s~condH.

Bas~ Beats Abad PHTL.\ DELPTTTA. Jnn . 14 (AP)­

BOnny Bass, P h!luilelohla. won tho decl~lon from Davey Al)ad. J.'nnamn, III 10 rounds here tonight.


Phone 68

~(ac'R I';,ortlng- (lOOt1H 'lulnl~l will minor lengues wll\ get their fling b an on lh p low L (;ily bowlers l'n. against majm' opposition this sprint;

e 'r;-. ,. the big cll'l'ult sq uads move terln~ thp state tolt"n amcllt al I" t. norlhlluru following condlUonlng t>od~l', to Ill' bo.,1·<1 next ::Ilolllhy. a,lll~. Six of th - lopal men m~kllll( th.' Thirteen major lenl':u€ clubs .al.

• 'lnely have announced their spnng trip ru'p ". Jon<.'., Jl'"" JfoUitt, t, a.lnlnl': ijchedules showing 47 games John no~. Chadl noed" Froel ~lr' llI "l rd ngnlnsl tenms of the Southern ('hr"ncy, ,l n,l Fr.lnl, fo'r)tlur. n,socinUon, the South Atlantic asso·

Te:1mH (ompetl' In thn nftl'rllool) c:ation und Southeastern league. , ?hlrty·rou,· co ntests will be In

'Illd "Ingl~H ant! I ouhl," In the cv,· I!· ollie" of thc Southerl) . Eight games ing ~o lo the Southwestern and five to

'I'he Solon 1·lrat ·, fallt I to altack Ill" Sally. lht' JlIIl,,'H at I)"," ', ,11 y, HlIndo, Th" Carcl\nals. Robins, Yankees so a plck'U11 quintet .,1 !')o·,1 h"wl~ I'H and R dH a ll come to Atlanta, !:jt. conteste,l tbe tIW·. Thl' Hulon :;uh.U Louis anrl B"ookl"n playing two tut(S tllok I\\'II of tho ~ '!IIl'H but lost g .• me~ (arh, ntrminr;-ham. on the 'h~ ."·leR 254-1 10 23R4. :,",18 of schedu les (lJInounced, will

1··I ·,"I, )" rvauf \\u n two of tho scc five games b~tween the Darons hOIlO!. .• 23K tor the r ingle ganlr. dnll 'tnd the big tenlel s. The Yanks, 6'23 [or th"~r !!~mr~. Th~ "1';,,11l1I" Indians and Browns and Reds pro· team h>l(1 high gllm" "ltll sso ,.In" \'Ide thr opposition.

The .cores were: As tor Sa1\y exhibitions, the Cal·di· nillcl'~ nolH. Robins :lIld Red. an have stop

C, Tauh~r .... IIG 171 ~11 ov~rR set for Macon J'8cksoO\'1116 P~n!'Chek 1!iO 1:,~ IliG wll! get four games In the South· KnrnK . I Sr. !GO 1 I ~ eastern, the Tars mcetlng the Ca rds, A. Tauber ...... 11! 13S laR Rollins. Yanks and Atbietlcs, Fryaut ..... _ ....... ~3~ 200 lXo

Tolals ...... ... R4~ R:l~ 8GB Luther Beats St. Ambrose "Sol~1l I'itntr," DECORAH. In .. Jan. 14 (AI')-Tne

Tomol'row 1ll0l'1J I nl:' tile "Hme a~ la,'" or "tars who h.,tt1ed tl1"Olll'l1 thp Lo. Angele. tournament will swing Into acllon on the municipnl ~onr ... at Pa"lulenn, CuI, In a $4,000 open.

WilJiamz Gets Decision DALTIMORE. Jan 14 (AP)-Kld

'YIlllams, formel' bantam weight champio n now o.ttemjltlng n. come· back In lI1e lightweight ranks. won n. close decIsion over Bob Garcia In 'h,,"· In·r~''nn tl<rht hprp t'lnl<iht

1928 Isaac Walton Goes

Poetic Now nnrn~" . .. 11~ 133 l~R I,ulhel' college q Ullltet dereated tile Bingham, Maine Linder ............ I RS 131 JS~ Ht. Amb"ose cRgers here tonight 25 flna"Ny ... _ 1 H 1'~ ~ 7~ 10 22. T he Snlnts counted first w he/\ Jan. 31, 1928 Sha lla ........... 2 1~ 1 ~7 1M l>:kerll fouled on O'Connor, wno When you've planned a t rip for 'V. K"nul( ..... I!'~ UG 170 m".ll' his tree throw good. Ekern fishing,

-- - - -- -- got tho flr~t poi n ts rol' the Norse· And you've spent a lot of kale, Total, ..... f.~~ G;;~ ~O ~3S I m ell on 0. selup. Bet the whole of your vacat ion -- - ...... - -- On some adyer tiser's tale

r~ +.".,H .. ~1-'HB': .. loe· .. t·tl .. e~-rHt·lo-l~B·}'eH·S·Ha'}f·le'+T++h++a+n++S++or++r-y.k~ An~ia~~ ~~ : I~a:d ~: ::~ Where the air is clean as sUnshine

Haunted by songs of crystal streams. Comes the moment when you're

~ FI-nal Exallls And a Bmll,'lher hits your Iin;,ast iOg

... ' , Then you play him like a game$ter t ~.~~~ t Till a snag, a yank, and silence ;.; J 21 t 26 And the line is hanging .Iack, + anuary 0 While you grit your teeth and whistle t k And reel the 6shline back, :t We Have AU the Text Boo s Take the pipe and ftllwith Edg8worth,

t You Need for Review Tbr;:\~h~~Py~~da:-:f:tefn ~ To the Club of Try Aglnl

t 1lllams' A. R, M., Jr.

~ Iowa Supply Edgeworth It i - HigHrado

I t+'H+H"l':;f~:'}~~~~':~~:':+::f::;::.::t+++++++++ Smoking Tobacco

Basketball Results Collrtrt

lo \\'a 36; ~11"nesotu 2R. ( ' lIhI06 6~: (' Itlra ~u 16, ~1ich{gall 21; OhIo HI ntll N. Wlscoll sln :14; I ndillll~ 20. D"rlmoulh ~4; \'["e ~t WQ..Shlnglon ana Lee 41:

U. 25. Cornell 24; C(le 11. CnI'leton 28; Ht. 010[ 2;;.

Iflg h SehOll l st. Ambrolle tD"\'~nllOl't)

~[a,'y's 18.


U. High Cagers Schedule Battle

With Monticello Regular Lineup Will

Oppose Invaders at S~art

Th e croweled U, high 8ehp<lulc hl'ln<c;' another till liP fol' the Alden· men tonl1;"11t whC'll they mix with tlH' ~fontlce !l () hoOp,Il'1'S. Coach f;klel) will hove hiS regular lIn ell]l to op· 110(ff' thE' Invou(ll'~ 1'11('1 f1l'olnhlc stlll·tcr6 al'~ Sial buel, no,1 Achmltl. (pI'\\ ol'ds, Tholl1lHJ, cenL(,I'; !\Iycl's and aowc, "ua!(I~.

In thp pl'n~lJ~c RP""lon I",t nll\'ht ~tnrb\lck and ),rY(,l'~ \\If'l p nh"('llt. lOr the grcater (J(ll·t of the ttlllV fl" lIwy 1\'1" sUllc!'in l": filli-!'"htlv fl'om ('olth However, COnch I:;k,en StaleR thnt they ,dn both be i1l the game lO' nlgllt.

'rh(' "rO.,!Jrrl1o nl!gE'gat Ion should !\'Ivc the U hl!lh hills" toUgl1 bllttle UM they have lQsl only 011(' ;:;'lm~ this s~n.on. Co"ch Hklt'n 'H I'rot~g(" came thl'uugh the Otlumwn. game n !!nnd s hope "n,1 ~houltl bl' In gooel Wthtln~ tl'im tohl"h(.

In lhe "hort Fcrhllll1:lI'C In~l IIIr;-ht CoaCh Sklcn Il'o.ve nowmlln n It Inl 'It 0. guard nO"iit ion , whl'l'C' he showed UP Mtter than Ill' hl!. "l I'rntPl' 'rhom~5. "ho wuS Hta~Ul~ ,1 bn.ttle wllh Bowmnn fo.· the raJl (It centrr, ,ho\\'('<1 0 m'\1 ked Impl'ovemel)t Inst ni ght In cn!\'ln~ Ihe ]lelIl't. ThiH I" o:raUtylll!: to the onoh U!l shootln~ ~'Ulq been one or 1I1~ \vclll\lI(lR'~rR.

'flto 1':11111' \\111 h~ Nllo,1 tonight at 7:30 o'cIOcl( III tI,l' I I. hlSh gym, with Lar~(ln 01 flcllUlnlt.

Coe Scores Only Two Field Goals

in Cornell Game MOUNT VERNON, Jal). 14 (AP)­

In " bn,kelbLllI r;-nme fllled with on· elent rivalry. Cornell defeated Coe college 24 to 11 hel'" tonight. C r· npli never relinquIshed the Irad, 1'he game wns leatuted by the close guar,lIng of lIle Cornell quintet , "llleh resulted in ('oc scoring hut two rleld gMI,. bolh of which were I In thp last halt.

Dul'in!\' the first pe!'!od the !Pur· pic heid Coo 13 to 3. Co·captaln nell Hayrno n(], COI'Mll forwnrd. let1 Iho scorI ng with three baskets and rt fJ'ep thl'oW. Johnstont' was the most trollble:lorne of the visitor.

Large Squad O\l~ for F rosh Track •

Forty-four Neophytes Practice at Field

House D~ily

~rot·" th'l n 4 I fre"lunun lI'tck can· l:cln.t~R e.l e l'e)o&'ting- n~~ui:lI'ly to iHlrlt8 n. 11l'ool{llIM, ns~i~t'lnt u'nel{

'u:\(' h in thl?' r H'hl hOU!:lll e\"(~l')T unCI­lOOn.

The frl'shmnn tram IQol'~ excell' tlonully gON) tl1i~ y('n~, \\ Hh tin lhundnncl' or high ~Chool 9la! ~ 1'1'0111 a ll n'L! ts of 1I1~ cOllltlry wOI'lun;r out.

'l'hc yC'arlJng~ WIll gct :::;l'v~'I'Ul clHln('~!4 t,) Mhow tllell' ~luf[ in tlw inl1oOl' s('fison. 'rwu dUlll tn('('ts 111 n "1llCduled wllh tlW vll"~lty, nml Fell ~3 thc freshmen will compele III the ul1-univer:ilty re)nv cltrnlval

Those now re'"O!'t!IlJl lo Co:tch JjlouklnH rollow: J)owurd 1,', ]):.1". ~Oll, A~ of Man~hnillown , J!. rJh l?I't E, .\dam""n. A I or Mlchlr;-un Cltv, tl1~ .. Obln L D(>tUe. A t of lJuc1"on, S, D .: Le tc.lY O. 11'unck. AJ ot l\{usc~ tine: '~ Il~PI1(' J. Xft.glt.\ A'-l ot ('ltt,r ioll,

DC'I nnl'(l T l. BvC"rl-lnl ~'('r. A 1 01 'IU·~ · r.IUI)e, Dill! I\' J OllIes. Al Of \Ylltl'''' 100

lr.,l1',r Jl: r ne 't r-.T('TI"t 11tlllcl, ;\11 or \ mrs; l·~l Yd \\" ].;l'n ",t, J\ 1 of ] 'om·

I' T. /I ('lrllH'lIQ, A 1 of Amann: 1.

\. Thu,·, lOll .. \ I 01' (,linton, T. AI, l~"\"I'('111 \1 01 ('linton; l-J ~"\llken· Iwlnll I'. 1':1 Of A Igoll.\: P. n. con\~ay, J3 or Cn~t\Jn; .Iu(' 1\]aHtllsl(y, A.l o~

!olo ('H, • J ... \ 1'111(, Andel'sOn , At If ('r\l11I' r'll\~, Utah. 11. J ebcns. Al.­e J),lvPTll"l1 r: J\ KlepPer, Al ot \\ \ ") orl{ C'itv,

1'hel" I. "tlll Iflllm (or plenty ot n llditillC {, flC'C'OI'dln:t' to Con.ch

1 1 noldn'h lind fl"C'shn1,,'n who have d'11 1tv Ill'" U1'gNl to ('(1m£' out tL'i they \" 111 II(I\'~ IlI"nt" of Ollpol'luulty to ~I.uw thd,' :;lllff.

They're on Display Now Coupe



. Landau

NaIl Chevrolet' Co" 111:c. New Location, 120 East Burlington St.

Phone 481

Great state~ from wheat seeds TT was unprofitable wilderness, most ~ m<;n thought. But J a mes J. Bill had faith that it could grow wheat and so he b~lt his railroad. Settlers turned the waste-laQd into whe"t·land, the wheat into weaJth. the wealth into great west· t:rn states.

I Faith illthe- economic future still ppints the way. Right nQw men in the Bell

, System are planting the seeds of vast pos· sibil ities for even better communication.

Out of the belief that the public needs a broader use of the telephone is grow. ins a constantly improved long distance telephone service, L ike the railroads of an earlier llity, this service is now tapping and helping to develop rich new terri. torie~ of commerce,

BELL SYSTEM v'/ fl ll tion-fuUt sJste m of ill t fr-(O/l 7lUlillg Itlepho/ll/

• ,. ,


St. .. Davenpor


'l 'nIH \ ·s 7:0C lUll.

1i,lnru. Eta Chi

Helt:. 'fan lI",eg'l ](,lllPll Siglllll

'llhcL, 8:00 rUIl.

SiAm;~ r i wo; . I . '

J'III lIeL, nd £:lti Sigma

('hi HtlJl1"1 I'i

Plti 1 )~Il ,\ I ~tcllu n IJ I I tI,,·CO \\ltY t!~ h ·am t ('tUl II. "lIlt 1(:\1)0(1 :-;igtllll. awl J :('tll Thela PI ,p"'on with live (aclt . Pill l>t' ll" foul' goo H1(1 ~ d 1111 l'Jug' :111 Ul)~rt, thcl'(:~ orl fu,' (Ill' HI'( liolt III

- [_.

'J'i1e flls l h'u\'e li ll QUl ll tct, I'(lled as 011 ""il c~ fv ,' tlte frnl! IlloltHhlll, "'~Ct8 the Si~1!l1l 1'111. ill [It" I" rer !Jo(h le,IIIl~, ' !lerd (h i~ vll'llll'y d im'h thu scrlllln "


WI"I~ Phi n~tn nrl Il.<ult o( It 11I,ll'" III .hlll (ligh t fly n win c Chi RIJlmt'", lite SII; hI} h"Wlmt Ih l' ,~cel!l! KnpJ1a PI f,vl' fOI' "( ~ortl~n I r. J)" Iln lIn 3weel!tcol'ls will derer clltS.


MI ~I' thl' Il l'rll lll ir (1I'41l' l" INlJ.;:n~s r PUSl l hlll SI'h r(l~llrr 111:1 11' ""llu~ lilo nctl l!'tllllCS III Il ny tI~R III III l'U.f"S. Ilrl'llIl ~C fur I IlInllll'ifll1S"II' 1'01111 begin \1 11 111 Iho srl'lI

- 1-

'fhi1t I·pel·he/tlled HI)O Ihe Ltltnll . P'Lul ~JIIcl twu Ill! RtOl' fo;(! lI!1cls I

r""h tiL lh~ ,·10," of t \,OlnvetJllon j 11101 W£"II

lJt:htWl'iBltt lut<l hC:l1

anuary 15, 1929

• llcag~

Out l

TrC}ck 1

II I of IImann, 'to II •• \ I 01 ('lInton , 'I' hi

I of ('II n tnn. I J. ~'nlken. of ,\ Iflon.L. P 11 Conway,

•• IIK' ~1UH'U sk)' . .01,1 u( J., ,\ I ni~ II nLler~On, A(

" {,Inh, H. Jehens, AI. , ,\ KI~Pfler, II I ot

dlv. .lIIl IOllm fOI' Illen\..)' 01

:11 cOldln~ tu CO~h ,Ind fI'('~hnl('n who hnve \11')1"0,1 to ('omo Ollt ,,~ they "I('ntv of 0111)01 tun lty to "tllfl


eeds of vast pas·

communication. the public needs

is grow­long distance

the railroads of is now tapping

rich new terri-




Tuesday. January 15, 1929 TIie Daily lowd, Iowa ~j~ 01,

St. Mary's 23 -Davenport Five

Holds Lead All Through Game

Dewitt Scintillates for Visitors With

I J Points flt .I1ary's cng~rH wer!' \In,,blp to

cope \11th the reputabl<> St. AmbroAe team or Unvenport and \\ Ple (OI'{'N) 10 accept th(' small nd of a 23 to 18 1!C0re, hpi c Inst night.

A1lhough th. highly 10UIPd St Am­bro~e caA".'·. l;\ckN\ any concclvahlP brilll"ncy they mnn,'g,'d to IN'I the loenl Cap;<>r~ throuA"hout thp gtl"'~ by n r~w points. Ulng shots w~rc at­tempted f1'{'qurntly hy hoth lpaln" with St IImb,oHP Ilol<lInl( th!' advan­lOll'~, chien" .Iue to Dewitt Sl. A Ill' bro9;C fonvnrd who nccounted COl f""r of the se,en fl('111 go,ll" c' edltt>u to the vlsltor~ 'rh" ]):l.\,enport cagel S \\ pre "d ilt.h" 011 fr('le thro'\ ~ and Heidorn ml""et\ on theKe vart, \I' lnr 0111'01 tunltle.

St, nJal'~"s Rallies The locn I~ threa(en"d to l)aS~ Uw

\'Isltor. In the l,lSt t\\'o minutes wi"tPn Captain Gilln foun(1 the !loop t" 'ce flom mld·IlIlO' to hi InA' thell totnl within {Iv," Ilolnl" of the \1"ltol'" ,\ nln(' point ad\',mtage was sported b, (he I'll. AllIhl o"~ en"PI" ,It tl1e end of Ihe 1I11L'cl '1'1.11 tel I'lifi lIan.,m of I'll Mary's !lnd Donohue for ~t A 111' hrosp "er(' o1lstNl \\ Jth fum' pel ,on· als in th" third J1Pllod

Two len"," of Hl. M"'l'IJ third and fOl" th 1'1 a~e, gnv{' nn InlN""llng fl· lu.lI-dUftn of ha.,kel 1J,11i IH ec,oed.ng Ih" malnt tilt

LocnlB flrol'e Fil-st 8t ~rUl Y'!'C 1l('f'l)lInt['d for til'" fll At

flt'l\{ OUllt('1 hul Wtlre ~oon O\"(ll· tuken and ,wl<l in ('Iwck h)' the Ht AmiJlo~e d~len'!e The Ch'Ht pCllod found the local. tralllng n·2, and ,\I half-time the HCO!" gn v<> the Davcn· I)Ort Cilgel ~ It 13'0 ,l<lvanttl~~. Uo,lch Sueppel 's bH~k('t(,(\I'!'; jllit lip ,1 ~('ral)·

Iliel I~~tlle th(> la"t half and thrtlllt· rned to knnt tho cnunt, hut their ef rOl't..; \V(ll"t) dllvl1< .. ,tpd hy thp. \"H~ltorH

DeWItt, Uw vJHltlng- fOI Wi.trd ",\"i the ou"tanding Il/.:ht 01 thr A"a'l1ft 111. Mcejlt!ve taclics fcatul ed, while hl~ ~billty to Hlnl{ ountCI'S "'om "" angle" of the floor CI edIted hIm with )1 flotnlA. (\lpt r-J Olln1 l(U:1.f(i II

the local team not only was a bul­w.trk On der('n~[' hut t()ok III1Vallht,r.

O( oPlIOltunltles to bCOL-e eight points. HUUlm:l1)' •

ST MllllY 'S (I~) SillY, f •

FG FT o 1 1 o I)

It l"ny, f Knoedrl, c J (:tIm, ~ Human. A' O'l:lien, c l' Fay c L Ol'lmm,

To~als . .. 8T A,\l fmO:;b; (23) Dewitt, r 1'OWCl'S, r Nrl,on, c Dolan, g Donohue, g Del ine, g Sullhan, I

2 o o

7 4 1'-0 F'r 4 3 2 3

. 1 ~ o 0 o 0 o 0 o 1

_ 7 ~

.-------------------- . I Intramuralights "

by Red • •

r or Ihr Ihh'd Hull' Ih i. Reason, Ihl' 'lu.ttlmJl;:lc IM~ll ellH,lI ~allles have bf'l'Jl f) ,:-;1z)uned L.t .. t ni,c. ht, b(H tlll~l~ Ow (~ol'h('I'R \\ero nln"ln~ HIP v:'lrsHy, Paul 'II{"h"1I nhlfled 1hr (olll.' , I~ III Th il l ,II",. 011 th"t elate botlt ~.I'llul\ ';\ le~m..__light"ciAht-' ,mil !I"",,) \l eill'ht~wUl e n!1"av-0' I.) 1'!1l( h the ('hal11llioll_,hip3 ill Illek re,pp~tl\'c .Ii".,lon" by l,e,llh lA Ihe J"','lion C quintpts,

-[-UI tll(, two te L.ns lepleS(\ntm~

:I<llut\ ,\ tile' 11~ltt,vel~hl' !tl'e (on ~Idll'ld th(' hl'bt at tl\P \'HJ.dng game Hhlflv, f,l,t, ,lI1d go~tl I JU~",'r", thc whh'(>t, hnve !-,;'1t£'llt all OIl1)OHltlOJ1 I ('\C'I (> th£,1ll I lf' ~irl('H theil' orren· ,..I\C ~tl ('nt-,ll! wJliCh hus nettl'd th(m, .UI !LV~ I ,lh'l' or UHpl (lximotf'ly 2~ llOllIh lb('y I IUVl' 11 hli n l UI 11 (\(1 an .. ll-1Il0 t llIlll'r~n.llJ lp tl"f("n~(' Whlt'h it; ,'1111'11( .·,1 hv LII" [,'( t thut :;"CUOII A h,I"I hc!\11 th( I, OP1HHH)1I1~ to a nlel'C fl\l.\ puint .t\'( 1.1I~(' rl'hC' (,I'owning: ('('(l'n~iv(' (( ,It or tim; tC" 1m \\IlH tl ~1·1) <IN,.I' lnflktcd lIPon Ihe one(' ttllln( I (.1118 HC'l lion I)

-1--'1'00,\ \ 'R RI'lm'I'LImiT!'>

7.00 11.'\1 H,um, .. II:t,1 U:"llll.1 vs, ))ell (t

Chi H.lt" '[U II Ilel:,t I ~. l·.i (llI1eg,~ KlIlPa Signtu I'S I'hl n ella

'I'hel , 800 n III,

SiPII ,~ )'i I'R. ,\ll)ha HI;\lltlL t . ,

i'hl n~I. 1 Heltu \'S. ,\ II)\r1L ChI SI;;III,'

( 'hI HUlma Pi \ A. Si~ IIHl Chi -l-

I'ill )Jrlla 'L'h"t,l mny III, ow Ih~ P('ClInn 11 [ h.I'iIwtl1nll I rtf e JJ1to fl (Jtlec I\tLY til' fill th"t 1,1.t< e Jr It, t"am t('l1l1 11 H vl('todoliH In Iff; tilt 1\llh li:lJlO' :-;IAIII,t. 1IoLh Sigllll\ Nu ,llltt H('I:l 'J' ht.'tn PI have \ inhdlf'tI tlw If)3 S0n with Ilvo wlnH and on," ) O~8 (.lell lilt! j)l'ltu 'l'IIPLl hll!04 Hlltlt'X()(\

fOUl g'OIl1PH IIl1cl lu!otl bUt. 011(\ H'u, IIII!; "" 1'1''''(, thpl (, will he :1 III L}­ufr fUI thL' "cclilJll title.

- [ --'I'lle fllR( Cra"eJlIIA' flhlllla 1'1

qulnl el, I :tIed a~ OliO of UIl' fnv · ""itCR fCJI ' (he frlllel'lIity dlllln · 1111I118hlll, ,,"'ds the lowly ;\111h" SI~III" )'111. ill I ho la. t ellrounle!' (Ilr boll l le,III1 '. 'J'ho Nllt 1'1. IIrrd til l. vlt'tot'y ill 01 jlcl' to tlillth Iho ~rdlnll '· 'H·C.

- [ --

Whllr Phi lktll n "lla lR n8Rul'lng It~c1t 01 1\ piau ' II, the rhl\mplo11-phil) fllKI1t by a will 01'",' tho Alphn. Chi 81I:n",", 1 hI' S ll~ ('hi gll llS' wlll II<) I .. 1tI1 ng Ih l' )~ceI1 Uy dele,lted Chi J(nDl'fl PI fiVe 10) second Illo.ce In ~prlloll If. 1)111'0 1111. It 1 hill tho 3weeth rm ts 11'111 clefeo.t the ll OPllol1-enls


J\ff"" tho 1II't'lilllin:ulr. ill (11(' (:rNllt IN "'lIl'S ('PU Sl~ un tl ... ,.. 16 IlIUI S!'I I1,.;/.,lrr I l hl!l ~ 10 ('(IIl111Irl(' 1111 plI~IPOl1cd I!Ullle~ IIl1d. In (',IHA of lilly tlc~ III tho till Is III II:') IlIre~, "I" 11111(0 flit' Ill l\ )'utr~, 'l'I'e ,h"lIIpilln~hIIJ runll,1 will not beGill 1111111 (\r(l Re('mlll sCl1IesC Cl.

- T-

That "pt\lwld d "POlt. II1I'ntol' nl th~ 11110.1 , l \t~1 1 MIt!'1I~\I, wil l J1 kk tWII ull Htll r K'ltlIIll a of ,'I~hl IIWI1 (\ar' lI llt til(' ,In.zf\ of the qU'l(1I'fl I1 1~1t' t ompplltlon lid" wf'Pl\ Iln t II til " llI;hlll'Clll'hl and heu v)'lvol&'ht clivi·

-----------------------------------------TILLIE THE TOILER- Baumg~rtner Will

SeleCt Gymnasts Following Exams

1"U1111 selection of the gy m team .ha l 1\11\ , Ill esent lo\\a In the dual 'lleet with IllU101s at ha mp:llgn, I"cl>. 2, has not ret I>epn made, a nd \UI."ltj' g)/m nJ.sts ale wOIk lnr; out lIall)' fol' b~1 ths 011 1he tNm. No <(' I~rtJons will Ill' m'lM untll li fter ,'xa mlnatlons, In Ol'dor Lha t CoaCh r:u umgal tt'h?I' JURY J(now fot' SUI'e \\ hnt m en I\ I'e ell3'lllle

..,. , .

Caplaln H erl c,·t C ee, AS o( _ \.na­mo~", though back in school, hoe ' ,j hlt ICPOltecJ fOI da il), ""o'kouls ~er, ." lollowlng un "tw.ok or the "flu," .• ontra,·tPlI (lulln;; the holld'l),s Me , ~ pxpprle(] to begin wUI'k ln r; out oon n n(\ \\ !J1 b' 111 condition for the

d I'Nt l1ll'et


This and That in Sports British Ryder Cup

Golf Team Named Officials Postpone

Relay to Feb. 23

r ,,,h workouts ",,11 be held th is week and next, on account of the ·x,LmirI!lIlOn ~chcdul(), but l\l1 val'­In men l1,e til (l'ed bv Ibe coach to

l'epol't for wo';\outs whcnevCl" possl. iJ]('.

Crack Heavyweight . Grappler T emlered Professional Offer

Evel ett 0 "I,Ll shall, runta Col. IH·tlvywelght \~J{"ith t

11,<1 ,,, sLwhlle holtl I' o( \11" ,,11 \1111-I ~I ,·It)' It' ll 1)'1\ d;.,ht rhrLlnlllon <IiiI',

Madison Square Garden Magnate Will Go to Florida •

Free Throws Give Tutors 26·24 Game

CF:J)AR FALLS rnn 14 (\Pl­SCO,1I1!:, 10 frce thl 0"" II) ('IIlull1 hla R eight. 1 own ~t"'o Tpnrhcl'" bat' kC'ttmll l''l'lm WOn n. 2fi to 21 10\\,H COnfN'('llCe VlclOI'\' lonl~ht llul:"n IIf Columhll\, hod hoth (,'an," In "ro,· 111A' with five fl~ l d ll'oal" :lnjl ,\ {reo 1I11 ow

.;\ t the hn If Rt'\te Tr'lchcl'~ \\fls In thp lelul 16 to 0, a nd for th(, fliRt 10 ",llIules of the S ond pellod nrl­tIIet' lenm srol-ro N~,'r th~ rlo'l'. th e ('o\tlmhln. ~ulntet rallied antI tll reut~ned to tie lhe gDm"

Greenleaf·Seahack Even NI~'\' Yont<. Jiln 14 (A P)-RolPh

Qr('enl"nr onll ('hnl'leA Sellhuck (1I­vltled the flr.t two hlocks of thell' 1,500 Tlolat llo('ic ct hllllal<1 mat h to­dny hut (;rcrnleaf holds a HlI!iht lelld III totnl ])olnl s. 'l'h" count st:lllllH: Q"e" nI Nlf 258, Senhncl< 24 6

Hove an "n il" it'UOl. - [ -'I'ho three 1:111110 serle (n l' the

nI l" IImld I ".t111!lioJl~hllJ or Ihe 1IIII II lrlll,<,l(1 l)JItw"c n tit" lIr.;hl. IIml tI .. , hrll" iI'~ will ' niH' 1l1n('j' III I ho fir at wcell uf the &c"o)II1 tenu,

Crowd of 4.500 Watches Hawks

Score Gophers

Current Comment ... wow ... W .......

1n ,. ~n ll! o \I hich 'lis plavctlllll SU'l s of bll' hetbll ll (I'um HIe be t Ii) Ihe " "t'St. thc Jluwl< l'YPs (h",ned Ihe ill val lin MlnlleSllt ll fiVt' aud gni lled SolUe ln eOS lll' of rC\' en~ e for Iheir r eccnl dl" I ~"t Ilt the 10'111111 IIr Mldligll u. lhlr-inl(' thll first Pili t of I he con­tes~ low:. I(lolled hll It "'''''

laying' II "hllllg-o let'" :I£tel' th e IN'I in" Mlel1lgun batt I.. 'J he (1' lJ)lwr~, hll ~l\ lse, II pp~IIJ"I: \1 none 1')(1 fresll "fter (J.cb- O, e\'­tim e II lIgl e \1",t1o Indlllll:l Salur'­rlll)-. UO\\ evel', "long ,,'" a ni th,' la~t ofi ClIO ronte.l, the Old W,I. l alhletes snJl PfJ~rl out of theil' s lullIll (' III1~ldcrlthlr nlHI Ihtir Illay \Ill S IIIl1ch nllne IlUI­ished.

Among the 10lla five It I~ • h.ll II tu lllde: Oul u ~ial' on the ba~ls ot the piny Inst night Co"'ll(\l~Ll lO the g.lmc t\lO uaJ'H be-furl', no 1'"0 lookrd like hhn­~plf. A~ neu" ly as any man slood out, jl waH Bohh.)' Klnn 111

11'\10 ~ta, led In pl,lee or :l\llkll J· :1t I oh }(lIlnun pl.lycd n sweet o((clI"lve game fo,' It gua,d, and 11\"'0 diu l-;omc g-ood \Vul k un th ~ dell'''Ke All Of the lo\\':w~ h",1 f1,.~h." of oltl time fOlI1l, .)Inti JJ.H tht' cont(>~t PI ag'1 eS!-lcc1 thCHe he­,',llllo mOle ,lnil mOle f,cquent

III tho filial nn,lIYRiR, llow, ever it Inu~t be lIdmiUetl thut t he Old Guill hoopStet'S were aid· j'el j'o ll ~idel'.Lbly by the jllahll­ity of the l\tilll1esotlllls 10 hit th o hOOI) consistently. 'lime .. nd "J:Jl in the GOl1hers tooll lho ball dowlI the flool' wit h IlCrleet Icanl\\'lIrl, ollly to \VtlS(c 1heh' UfJIIOlitu lilY hy poor Rhootlng. 'I hpy Illaye(l with a s!)ll'it Illld .In ~h tlu'Oughout Ihe cllWe COII­t esl, allll th e worll of }lonie pho wed Ihe surne speed he dem­(Hl, II'llted lusl full on tho grid­Ir<lll. The flash), Jitlle glU. rd "US Ito spoed IlellLlln who wns It Ilcl'lletual source of 1\01'1)' 10 eh e l ow:llls.

By Guss

a SUllP' bo.llle If the> e evcl' WO.S cme 10\\'8. won the same hand­Ji), tul.ln;! on enl ly 1",1.(\ which n~v~, ","us hcaded. T he OOJlh~rs loughl dogg dly and at times ')I'llll"ntl)' , In t heir ntt~l11pt to overcome (hI' oh~tncle, hu t It \\:lS too glen·, and the lI awks O:JRt"u ilIon!! continually In-

CI casing th"lr tPIL ~ \l 110 lime lim In;; th" ~am(' <1ld th~ 1I1"ud­(16 ~hu\V allY Hllllt'rlu1"it v 0\ ~r 10\\(1, anrl the Hall ymci, Iwpt thinK' w~ll In hand :.t all .L,,!;., .. ot the gume PCI haps tills In some me:lsure accounts to!' t heir '''thcl medloc, c showing, antI if they htld been III CHSC<I mOl c, they might hl\\'e n,,"lwd ., hl!;h­CI CILlKS hmnd' ot baRke1ball

Metlllwl1r, (h Wolvel il1 e~ :lIul Uuilennalwrs were s(retd1ing (,lit thel>' I'C"I>e<'ll\'o wlrUling sh-ealcJl In their' I .. we 10\\'1Il·,1 II,,' ml; 'fen title. J\ t pl'psent, it ,,'ust be admitted thut these hll) le,l1n~ lunk 1iI,1) Ihe llotclI­tlul Cllllllili'ttes for (he rhnllllllon· s hill. '11ult RII IIW Jallt Hlililite I, ffel)~ il't' whlrh jh'oppe(l Iuwa. ti l". sl)('II,-,1 .iI,f •• Lt fUl' lhe rilini In Ihch- bnlllc nJ:ltln~t Michl. ~all. Alwill thp \Vul l'el'inel "I,llCjl with !lilly Ill" SlImc f,,·o lIlen, tI,,<I IlIl'IIln eueh or tlIPso "I hide "(OI'Ct! ()"~ 0" 1I111re field ~oul8, }<'Ol' J'ul(lu~, it \Vpo the sa1l1e 0111 slol'), or " smnllth runc­lilllllllJ:' offense hlll't nl <lund tho high ali etd,illJ( ~hll'Phy , who scol'etl 26 '''>Ltlts himself.

We cannot hplp hut com­ment Upull tho ]J,g Tell ruhng In the C!1~e ~[ LUllton, North­weRtern Jlo-pound wre~tle •. Jl e lecontly wns Il. cln,ed cllgl!Jlc fOI another BeaHon or confe," enco \\1 estllng, hI. thll d ]Je· fOI e he wellt to NO! UIW stern h e atlentle,l Co, n~ll ('011 ge (or one year und WI'PSUPU thl'rp with the vursltj. So fur as we cun "ee thp,'e Is llltle ,lIffE'rence m the stMus of l.upton, who lHllls from Toledo, ] owu, and :llnyes MeI.am, whom the con­f!'.(' nce officials havl' declaled hilS plJ.l'ed pnough footbull ai­I eady Yet the JJllf ('(1)ef must henC'etol·th. now. and forever "It on the sidelines

"Old Dogs to Learn--New Tricks" on League Diamonds Next Season

NEW YORK, Jan 14 (A P)-lIalC a dozen majol' Ipngue In(leldE'rs wil l "3SL~ many stPDs next Rummer look Ing for their gloves F"om force o( hnblt ll1ey w,ll walk to a "pot dedl­rn tp~ o. a depOSit place fOl' It Ahol t­stoP'" mitt when they shou ld gO to

In'lnl\' :'\rlHon Ront II' IL Ihl'lllp" 'he 1J1!J'd bllse !'Iu\,. lese' vation 0, f, om far out In the COU I t only to th~ nlhpr way al·ound. hnv~ J lovde duplicate Ihe feal fol' • No Reaso n In yeUl s has hrou ghl ~lInn "otn Kinnal1 a,I,lel1 n. fl ef> SUCh a readjustment of mflel(iel s tlll'ow lit thlH jun~tuw, ~lInnl'"ot I In a hlghlv ApaclnHzrrl hp"~hnl1 o~p 11':\- shOf)tln~ "I!lllv, ml_"II1<: 111111'1' It I. not SO sllnple to te lJ a third ~'OUR shots n(',l1 thp h:ud .. t"t 'I'wo I hr!Rem.ln, "YOu play short,fI or non­~'Oo'l n10lM his spcon<i (lel.1 ~c,a l with (hnlantly ~Ull"ge"t to 0. short stop, III"", left In til!' hnlf 10\ltt called "move over to third" tlm~ John :r ~ rcCl'aw, a great infielder

('o·tch ])(\\'{' ;\fc,:lfIl1nn Insc,'tecl 'I'annci and (,llffOl d wl.u ad<l~d '\ nepdcrl punch to th~ Gophel' nllac', ReKU"clbtctl hy the p'!'~elJ( e (If fre sh ",on, Mlnne"o'n ,'arlcd on!' /If 11K Intell11lttent lalhe". ()lte'MS-l Inldng (I sl10t from !lw -'de, anil

Tnnn(\l'on 11llmoltl~t(ld I'lhtlt 110m tHI -1M, the haNlwt CHffO! ,I 'Hid' ,1 " f' eC tllIOW, follOIVClI by ~cl~ol1'" I,)n!:' . hot 111111 put Ihe ('lopher" f:Vt' points h~hll1d. "\\'11 ox cI1cJNI 0,' "COl in.; rOl' the lmlf with a nput f,elll goal, lhc :-COl ~ sl~lI1(hng' 10-12.

GO)lhel's Miss Shots

Scho~l1ing ~nt~1 cd the game for MJI1nesota at the o;lnrt of the seco'ld half Tunn.. foull'd Pnvicl who made good on lhe o.ltemnt to start thC" ~(,ol'lnS' rplH~ OOI)h crs n..gnln d~mon H t"tlt <1 th II' l11consistencles by missing mo.ny 11M)' shots schoo enlng fln~lly dehvered with a dlff! 1'1111 long shot, Imt Kll1IlItn nnd Davit! came thl'ough with IJnsl{cts to m ake the HCOIO 24·]4

Engpbl'ctson "cnt In for Clifford fo,· Mlnn 01.. T,lI1nel mllde a ~hol·t "hot aft(\!' II. series of pa.Qge9 The Clo\\'ll SCOVel ely hi"sed IhA offlclal,; wh~n t hey mIHs",1 nn otwlou. fO\ll lin NelHOn "" he was shoved in the b.'lcll wh~n attempting a "hort shot

l(lnnlln commlttecJ his fourth fOlll ,Inti Mlkl; }?,llroit e ntorl'd the game ) [ovde went bacl, III the gam~ tO I' \,)llcI nrt.". With thc aCOI'e 24 16 SchllNlin" mnde :>. clever ove,'·hand .hot, pnlnfully I emlnlsc,'n t of tho Michigan fOI'Wn.I·dH Davlcl waR death 1111 lwa fH'C th,ow" nnll N,-IAon udd~d Iwo I11Me points by a field goal. Ills na.lll~ akc KCO,-e<1 for Mln"o~atn, nod lown. Iml11('dlately w~nt In to a <lP­I'}NI affenH~ thlll (!t'e\\, out the Mln­""RotlL r1l'fen~" glvlog thl' n l<W1'H 1\ cho I1Cl' to WOl k th~h' fn"t breaking pn~" gllml? ''' Ith five mlnut('H to go, lown le-d. 32·21

1.1 Ike FlllTOh a tldNl 0. charity t o"" uncl '\'lIrox n fI"ld !-roal fOl' lown [;;"ho('n lo l: put In 11 I nA'lhy tOSS fOI' tito (1nph(>I'", but Conch flllL'ry """ not Illwl11cd, "end ln A' In Ihl'l1l1 "uh~U tulpH, ;;1)1 allIIn!!" Plunkllt, I1ml L ~ko..

lP Ie;). WOH fouled un dp,· thc b aI, t nnll mlHI!> I-:Iloil onQ of thl' Khot. Slll'ntlllng alMo s hot a f, 'Pe throw , L cel'a endod Ihe ~co'lng with" nlcc

III his day, and lhe b~st p layer tOl' his all'~ In th" mnjOL' lenJ(ues tod:lY, \;IlR cnlled on 10 give some expert t.,lImony.

"tc a man is n. good shortslon cun It be tnken fOI' granted that he 1V0uid I e a gOOd third baseman n s well 'I " )\JcG,aw \vns :lsked before II(' -nlleo away to Cuha.

TIIP ma n wbo played third base fOI the old Orio les WRR quick. with hi. reply. H was "no."

"Both Il loyel's of coursl', fiel(1 a 101 of ground halls and throw the bl\ JJ to first 01' one of the other hnses nflr!' !!~llln)1" possession of the ball , bllt the I e IS much more t o maJol' leng ue ",neldlng than that.

"A third I\nscman for In~tance must he aelept at coming In fust on slow·hlt balls and taking them with onp hand fOI I he . nop lh,ow to t h'St

Sjlr"dlln;;, r WlIco l< , c (c) Loella, C • Kinna n, Ii Fru-I'oh, It David, g


FG FT o 3 3

o 2 I 3 o

... 1


FO 1

1 2 1 1 o 4


~old Prevents Trip to Play in Dubuque

B~eau"o Of cold weatber, Coach T J, Lew hal! n nno'1I1ced thnt St. Patr!ck's hi.;h Rehool team wlll not \ mnke lh~ tr ip 10 DlIbuquc to meet Columbia tonll1'ht 'rhe S'alllC will \ br 1110yed al n latcr (lute

NegotiatIOn" nre un(ler wny to Hrhedule tlie fost Snc i NI H eal't team fl (1m Ft Dodl!' . fOI' two games wltb tIl) locnl St. Pat cagers --

MINNESo'rJ\. (23) Hutchinson, f _ Schoening, f hngebretson, f Clifford, f Nelson, C

_ .. 3

Oltet ness, g (e) ... Norgaa.rd, g . Ilovde, g,.

o .. 0

2 1 o 1

FT. o o o 1 1 o 1 o o

Spanish Box.er ReturDl z NEW YOnK. Jail . 14 (AJ.»-;Paul-1 Ino U:tCudun, SI)aniAh hea"ywelght, 3 I'etul'n~(l to New Vol'I{ todll)' fl om 2 PantUlln. a!'ter MfCl'ldlng hlR Euro-o peo n champion ship "ll"al nRt Ja~k

Tanner, g ..................... 2 o R e nault In Cali , Colombia. Jle salel S h~ wa- I ,,~ d\' tol !\;.:ht T.im Il eeney

In th p unD" " bracket ('If Ow CUll ent TotalR .. .. 10 3 13 heav:vwIIIght ~llmln a!lnn toul'namcnt Offlclal_Relel' e, T"avnlce k , (Chl- lIS soon n.~ tho match coulel be nl'

cOgo). umpire, I.evl " t\vl"con ~ln) ranged.

Y.le Wins, 25·24 NT'l'W HAVl;;)oI, Conn .. Jan. 14

(A P)- r(llc \\'on It~ sccond con.oou­\lv(' Inter.colleglate J)(lsl;~tball game tonl,;ht, wl'eating vlc lo' y from Dol'l­mOll th In Lhp In.et SO ~econds , Th o Scole W(IS 2G to 24,

Pirates Release Twirler PITTSBURGH, .Inn. 14 (AP)­

Pitch cr Ehnci' TUb' IIPI' , 23 yenrlj old, o\llnln'c1 bv thp Plttsbu\"A'h Plr3le~ IOMt A " RlIst from Sa VlUlnab of the Sbuthe:lst"rn lenlltlc , 10dnv wna I'e­lpoRPd olltl'lght 10 Omaha ot thc Westcrn ICPBUC,


LO:'\DO:'\ Jun, 11 (AP)-T he TId- The all unlvel s ity relay cnrnlval, O"I¥lnally schNluleti fo, J a n Itl h!1~ bee n pos lpon ed to }'·eb. 23 It wa~

\'al" It" nrc n [, 0111 which the ~cl ec- "" tio n of t.he te.llll will be made nro: ,;

HILh h," \\ " Iliel' Hende!'son, , I tlsh R)'der {'Up J::0Jr tc,tllI fOI' n1ntches "Ith 111 ofl~sloll!l l golfe I ~ Irom the United ~tates lit I,eclls In :"11.11 \I as naml<\ todny wllh OeUl !;" Duncan

Ilnnouncf>(1 ye8tel'<1I1 \' by Coach -\12 Of I n,lependcn~(' Louis Un~lellk, .. , 03 of IImann nntl nco Dostlc:<, A2 " )f IPt. " nrth. 'rex Ge O! ge T . B , eAnahan.

(Jlfl<lalH dpcld"(l to postpone tllO m et, bell~vln::, th ILt it Illight InV'I'

'l,H cllptnm Olh('r~ nOmin(llrrl Lll'(' Cere with the t:ltlJ(lf>nt~ 1)( fO)ld l t\UOIl~ PNe)' Alll-", Hte,,:.rt llUln<, Aub,py rOI- the fina l ~xamln"tlons which nOOIl1~I', .II','h!e Compston, 'J' II Cot- be~ln n xt alom\,LI-.

1 I 'I'llI' ncw <llltP I, an ouen one on lon, Aile :-lItclll'll, F'PII to 1son, thE' In,loo, It,L"k rard, lincc It \Va. (,h~lle" '\'hltcOIlIlJc and Rrn lot founel ImposNlblp to ~Qhedule a dU'L I I'·hltcombe. "" "t w ith till' ll\lnol~ J\ thle!lc club

The Unlt~11 Stl\t~~ team to deferIC1 at that limp h(\ ('\'1), 11 ('lrt o~ Il let-mIl u! n 1:.121 I ----------

I"CtOI Y at "Ill c~~tN', ~ l tIS~ .. hoa not 1>een "",m'd ',uL It will Ill' captlll,, ~d ROKlIlst "B.-anch Miller, '26, 18 \lvlng bv ,,'nltel' lJ :tgen. In Hock hlnnt!, III

» ,I''(\ lIe l !J,lrs. Ca ptain lIel h2r t . ,CP. A3 of j\ purnos,,: "~\Ik pl' lIen· lC'l"FOn' 11"111 f!:l,Yl11(Hld 1:;01 g-el, A2 ,( On ven port

F lyl nlt "nw<' "'a:kcr H~ndel'Ron; -Wvomn 1 TIC'I:';C' nnd He~ TI'Ostlrk, 1 oJ

't'11mhhn;:t ' en"'tnin 1J f'1'1l£'I,t Grc, I

T,'lW'-' n~~ (l'1 wold. A2 or 1o't, ~fad l- ~:, ,;(111 and \\',I(o,'(] 'fcmby, A3 of Dos _, :'fnlnc~. "

St':e ho,""(O' Loui, l'nglcn k . I\[el­I"n I~"'V<" 1)1 C'r WlillfLnJ.hul'g; a nd 11[1\)1) Nelron ,\4 of K ooku l<.

I ,llilan c1ul.~. \\'lIford T emby



------------.------------------------~~~~~-- " PROFESSIONAL HELP WANTED I,OST l\.ND FOUND LOST-BLIICK" -N O'.rEDOOI{:.... WJ\NTJ::D-:STUtlENT CntL TO

not~s on Fl'cneh litera lUI e and R<1- work for board a nd room and part vtlnced comPosition. Heturn lO desk nav P:.,..:;h,,,o.;.n": • ...,.:,11:=:2"'7':'---:==:--:-:c:-:-:-;:;-;-; In HOI1l"""o IIll1 tl.y 100m 3 L. A. i'ii'I::P \VANTl'lD-vV1DE AIVAKJi: ~w",d _ 'I'hank l'OU _ student l'ePtesentatives for 0' san·

T.OST-PR1\ CTIC,\ L ZOO L 0 C Y IzaUon "ork during summer vaca· lion In home commun ities. 'V tlte noL~bQok. Flnde. plNt"e call 305~. 22 1 ChUi ch St" low a City, 10..

LOST-)[AN'S BLACK LEATHEn W AN'l'En bag. Rewn"d-Call YellOW Cab -;:,='Y .. _____ _

Co or 3213·J, mNTEo:..WASHINO AND IRON· - GOLD " 'A 'l;CI-l Inl\". P hone 1137. _____ _ [,OST-WHITE, --

. and cho.ln Inlllnis I~ :1\ [ r on T YPEWRITING CLASS NOTE~. b~cl< _Phone 3671. Reward. outllnp. the8es and manuserlpta. LOST-PATR OF DAnK Rn[:I!ED I Also mimeographing. Reasonabh

glusse. beforo Ch,lstmus. Call prlces Mal'Y V. Burns_ 8 Paul-

EYES EXAMINED FREE. Greer-l08 E. College.

A. 1\1. H J

Pholl& CI~~~~~2-~J~. __________________________ ,

DA)oICTNG LESSONS. l:'llONlll , I ~ ~~s. 'Ya lter Schwob. __ "

DANCI NC SCIIOOL--GOOD DANe- , ing 01 no dancing at a ll Come "

and let mo teach YO U how to <lance , cOI'rect ly. Cull 114 Burkley hotel. p) or. ll oughton.

____ .,:...FO.=..;R"'-"S_A""L""'E---- ' , FOR SA LE-CJ-,O'rHIN G-E Y E-

mng dress and othel' drcsses. Size' d

36 Vel y cheap Phone 3013·\\'. ~869'lV Rewal'd _ _ _ __ Helen l3Idg. ,5.00 RE"'ARD AND NO QUES- WANTED-LAUNDRY--PIIONE

tlons asked It the pe,son who FOR RENT-NIUJi:LY l'-VRNISH- ' FOR RENT-ROOMS _:.,

found a man's c hecked Rcarf un - ",2A3N91,;,WI", n - R 00" ,,[ A 'r' E ed \\Ial m I'oom (01' men PhonG ' del tile east section of south bleach- , " _~." 13 Y era du,'il1~ MI hl~an "Qme will Ie· <Ientnl Rtudent Phone 901-J .!l!!7'l-' V. - -----

M "M - - - - -- !o'OR HENT-APPllOVED ROmIS turn to 421 South LUPUH (01- !dent!- LUaJ'f J{~'J~.J<:KE~f'INO ROOM!" for me n "tudents-~ blocl<s flom elcatlon afternoon 01 evenlng.__ I I • I) <-

fOn REN'J.'-CLOSE IN, WELl. campus-double li nd S ng e . • 1 .0. / LOST-BROWN SUEDE PURSE heated fUl'nl.he<1 IIght-housekeAP'! !CUllton, • " contnlnlng IUlgp compact, rOMO.l·y Inll" apartment. Also <lownstalr. FOR RENT-DOUDLE I!OOM 1021 I "\nd black (ountaln I)en. Lpave at fron t ' 00111 an.1 kitche nette. D rey· Slid n Avenu Phone 2701 townn __ ~r'R . 20 F: 'Vnshlngton ler a e. , ~OST AT :lIILlTARY llALL.

Pair of men'. ),plloll', unfinished calf .kln gloveR. Please rpturn to rnfl' lelln. offlce-lo\\ 0. Memo,lul ([nlon ne .Lal'd,

FOR RENT-FURNISHED Or un t ur ll ished room~ tor light hou8~

kccpJn~ l'l,olHi 29:;2

FOR RF.::NT-ROO::\fS FOR CIRLS_ 'or Close ill 115 I\o CHitton. 2 0~:;· ,,.

'V, ~:,'


-~-rortimNT---'\--l' A-::-n-::'I'c-M=-lJ::Ij"--l-'S=--- I i"OR -RE>:' l'-I"m~ 1 - WEf.L Want Ad


Single, double. $10.-$.0, 611 I:l, Clinton __ _ _ ___ '-

~-OR RENT-NJCELY FURN1SIl- , ed room for gids. Close In. 1e5.- "" healecl ,I roOm mllllel'n u nfurnished

apartn}ellt. Phone G17-v" _

I"OR RElNT-WOODLA WN AP~T' men to. Ph_o_n_e_67_ o_r __ Sl8Z:.:.,-~ __ One or two days, 10e per

l1ne It day­'l'hree to rive daY8, 70 per

line a day. Six d~l'S or longer, 50 per

line f\ day. Minimum charge, 30c.

Count five worde to the llna. Each word In the advertise­ment musC be counted. The prefixes "For Sale/' "For Ren." "Lost" and almllar one8 at thO beginning o( o<ls are to be counted In the total number ot woeds In the 04, The number and lettor In a bUnd ad are to be counted Il8 one word

OJassllled dlllpla" &Oc per

per month, ,!ii,OG.

"'-I ~'O[t R)O~N'r-THnEE DOUBLE , ..

,ooms In ne" hou se {Olll blocl<" I flom compu, Approved for men­

Jl8 S. Capito l Phone 3748·W. f.'ORRENT-S1NG LE-O I't- -'D<F0"U""'1;;-31;-~Mn"


room for girls. 228 M, l!looml ng· ton. Close 111.

1"ORREN":::::T!!!!_'C",':P"'po:R=-O::":,Y:"'E::P=-=S"::IN:-:'"::O::L-::::E " and dO\lblo rOOm 1 ~. N VUIl ,II

nur~ , __ __ ___ •. :~ FOR RElN'r-APPROVED nOm1S

tor me n. Double or s ingle Prlotl fcn~onable 320 N. J oh nso n 2343· ; W. I'OR RENT WARM ROOM FOR ..!'Y~oys. Good locatlg.'!.... 471·J , II'

FOR ltENT 1"O-R-R-],;-"N-T"--~GARlo\.OI,} 220 lllYER

sl!..!'et . PitonI' 210

One t.;~h busJnetlll eardl. ,U ~E A • L1-ClaSSified Udve~tlslnlf In by & ..,,,., _T_.Ap D J p .m . will be pubJlshed the tal. 'C','"",, ,

WANTED-POSITIO)ol BY EX- lowing mornlnr. perlenoe(\ cool< SOI'ol'lty p,'e- ,'-______________ 'j '. '.

fened Bes t I'e rerc n ce~ Address, ' Box 329, city.

DIREC1'ORY --------------~------------~--------------------------------I,--------------~ .

When You Think Of

Shoe Repairing , . Remember

JOE ALB~T (Across from Englert)

I All Work is Guaranteed

Here is a sample of the! Jirices - Brown shoes dyed J

Black (or only 40c , .' -_.

Dr, O. D. UmDsoth

CHIROPRACTOR 2a~ S Dubuque-Next to Reich's

'We make hOUse cnUs D~)' hours. 9 to 12 am. 1 to 6 '30 p.m. N'ght hO\lrs . 7 to 8 p III -Mon.,

Wed, Sat. Offlce-279 Res. 10G3

U llholstcl'lng Rortnlshlnt;-llIlJltlll'lng

'We have 0. full Ilt'C of fUL'nlturo COVet Ill!\, nllll HUp oovers.

Rel\o!onnble 1', Icos All Work GUt\.l'IInteed

l'hone 366

Suits anil O'CollBts To Oriler $Z5.00 up I

T. Dell Kelley The Reliable Cleaner



Wouldn't you lust 8.1 wlillnlTly, send your magazine orders to Mira Troth at Magazine Shop, Burkley

Place, city. lUI to Ihe publ\aheF'lT It dOftts you no more and enough com· ml8slons lIIean lfiilependenOe,

FOR SALE On pn)'ment I>lan-$2ti,OO down and '25,00 per month-the p, v. N, M)'ers home In West Brancll, lowll-ptice $4,000 OO-Int, rate 5 Der cent, First Nutlono.l Bank ot Iowa. City,

.. , ..


CoBllce of DenU.tr:r

Open tor Clinical Service beJrln­nl,,- Sept, 17th, 1828. Hournt- '

10·13 a.m .• 1-& p.m,



2'raIIIfep Se"iee LooaI aIId ()'OU <loUIFtr:r Haulln.

Phone 2208 211 ]!I, College With Kelley's


, " , u

I ~. :~

• _______________ """"!! .... t:d

I.ola Clark HllbeB. M,D.

DIIeUeI lit Women

101-4 .1ohnlOn Count, BlMk Bid.,.

Bour. I to • p.m. .

" I ',1 rr


Page 8

School Activities on Increase This Week

Horace Mann School Starts Band Under Direction of Dr. William Larsen;

Operetta Cast Chosen Dr )lite the extreme coM lYeatJwr IInti continuing threats of an

influenza epidemic, 1011'8 ity children 11Il\'c lll'pi on with their school work. .Activities baye bcen well supported and mnny fnnc· tiom;,are being planned fOt' the coming wcek.

Dr. William Larsen i~ starting a band ut BOnlce Mann ~hool and selections fOt' an opercttu lit the Iowa City bigh sebool have been mad. 'rbe dramatic club at the high !'chool held 8 dinnCI· and l)arty Il\.8t night as part or Its ,_. year'. progran). At HortWo Munn, plans are being mnde for a I)arty to\' those members of the 6A whu will enter junior high school at the end of this semestel·.

Since Mayor J. J. CI'Il.'01I has 01'· d .'Cd parts of three streets set o.slde for coaHllng, you ngsterM hlLVe fou nd this one ot the mORt popular ot out· dOOr SllOt·te, especilllly aftel' the favors shown them by Lhe weather· n\nn.

Twelve Pupils Write Perfect Spelling Tests

COllnectlon with certain phases of school work.

Latit week lim'ace Mann banked 9G l)Or cent, th e Influenza having l(lwet d the Previous week 's mark of 99 I)er cent.

John D. Lemons Of room lA, Mon· da)' donated five foreign coins 10 be PUt In the Rclence rooms. The coins 01'<) fl'om ~'ra nce , the ,Philippines, t:I'.nada, nnd Japan.

Herbert Dill Leads Annual Sales Race

Twelve IIUplls at the Intermrlll'Lt" The plane or H el'ber t Dill Is lead· gmdes Ilt Lincoln school hu.ti It 1'''1'' hl/o: In the rocr for univers ity hlih foct RP IIInA' record last week. They hchool Hawl,eye subscriptions, with w ere: DOI'othy Uhea, J..oulso \\·nl· 26 hOllrR. The 1)IIot hlmselt Is first l eI'S. J ohn Killen. Jack \\'altel's,' III number ot sales \l'lth 18. Helen J llme. SIt'onks, and Dorothy BI'I'un./l'erklnB, second, hQS seven, and

In the pl'lmary gradeN, Lau"a JUlie Philip Ball, prlllcll)"I, thll'd, has sold Dempster, John ~'I'eund, a nd Eslh,>l' clhht. 'fhe sule will close ·Wednes· l(oS€r recel\'l'd 100 per cent In spe ll· dill' noon und the business s taft an· lng. The children ot th!" room who nounce. tha t If there aro not 100

, I'e absent yesterelay, were NormlL HU\J~cl'iptlo nR by lh"t tlllIe there will Je~n Carlson. Mru'y Dremmn, and b~ no annu,\!. N(lI'OlUn CRrlson. A s pecl!!1 high school assembly

P-asketball pl'acllce untler the SUo m eUn" was call cd yesterday nftcr· pervhdon of G. ~' . Duncan, Ilrlncl· lIuOIl by the pl'lnclpnl, ,Philip Ball. pal, has been begun by th e 10UI'th, J~ lementllry school children coast· firth, ancl sixth gntd 8, overy ~ron· • d fOI' tho firs t time yesterday on <lay, \Vednesdav, and ~'dduy ov~n' thr·lr new slldeN whIch the sixth lnl{ nfter school. ~l'lId{' boy" prepnred nnd tried OUt

--- Fdelay a(tel'noon The fifth find Kindergartnen Learn sixth gl'urleij huve one slide with the

f('UI·th and thIrd sharlns- the other, Winter Poems, Songs The first n nd secone! gl'udo children

<:0 down the l'o:Hl because the slleles nre rath~I' Hteep. l;;ach rOom ha" hlld a safety Ics80n find formulated a sot of rules.

MI·H. Ruth 1IlIlIer r~PQI·t" those p/>rf~cl In spellln!; at Rhlmok fOI' the ""rel< ending Jan. 11 as Dolol'es E!~hIN', J(utherlno Ruppet, Mal'lon l'I··k~rlnA'. William Fischel', and Jo.cph Benesh.

Hobert Poggenllohl Is III thIs \ VC k.

In thp klnd~rglll'trn supel'vl_ed 11" L)'Il1\ Fot'wlIl'd on Iy two wer. ab· f! nL Th e oonklng fOI' the In.st week dropped to on ly a little bettel' than 50 PCI' cent.

The Idndel'l(artnel's al'e leol'nlng songs nnd poems o[ Jacle Frost nnd t llklng o l·tleuln.l· notice oC the fan· tn.tlc desIgns on the WIndows (lul'lnl!' th(' cold weather. Tleulth hool, lt" heve been stal·ted which include Ilk· tures of cleaning the leeth, drinking I'U 11 k, exel'clslng, all<l othel' health I)rnc tlces.

'rhe "oom I. decol'aled with po"tel'S anel plctu.·c" ot wlntel' ~Lt Iles made by the pUlllis.

Install New Bell at Henry Sabin

<llnce the fllil or lSHG the same Ibe 11 ha.~ Rummonpd chlldl'en (0 work In the H enry Sabin .chool hilt, lIue tc' .:\n untortunn.tl" n("cluent, the old b. II was emclll'll juot \1"[(11'" (,hrl 'lt· nllt d va~ntlon lind u II~W \)plI lIa" b, en Muppll,.d tl) lak~ It~ nhle~,

All or till' gr:lft~H IHlVP IIl'f'n (tolnA n rt work UllTll'Opl'lntt" lo lh(' ~ettHlO. 1't", rOOIllH U\'p decoI'lLlet! with Ilk­turN' uf hn~'!4 Hnt! gil'l!'I M1ittln~. enlist Ing •• klln!:. anrl sl<ntlng.

Th IIl~l'll'UlIon fol' 1h,' I'ktul'~~ I~ attrlbuled In Ilal't to lhp Allol,. nrrol'c1ed th .. chllrll'pn by I'oplng- orf l'reutlsij street and the stlLtlonl llY of a policeman.

Two children who hov" 1wcn nn Bent On account of 1IIn~" '1 hiIVe I'" turned to IB, I,oltlc Jo'lnk nn.1 .Tlm· m il' :MorgRn . 1)o1'iN .Ton,..,.. lind J o­~t"lhlno Jluwthornc we\'o absent yes· t el'cla), .

The thll'd grat'll' l'eport~c1 a perfect attC'ndunce yestel'dill'. Hn rry Niece t\,ansfel'l"d to Long(pllow Hchool. I~d· win i'ofy ... ·s l'ctuI'neel hi. bluo denial card Indlcutin", that hl~ dental \Vork h Ud been completed,

'1'wo pupjls WCI'C abspnt [1'0111 the f l(tll g"lld~ yeRterclfl)" Christine }o'ow· Ie I' and 1I1a1'l'Is Morelock.

C'hllrlcH Funck returned to the f OUl·th grad. nfte.· a long nb~enro. Grace Powlel' nnd Bruce Hiscock ,\rO'e absE'n t.

Detty Draverma n a perfect score or t ORtlng drlll~ held

of 6.\, I'CCelVNl 10, In the selt ye.lcrdsy.

Horace Mann Plans Party for, Graduates

Pupils Give llecltal Pupils of the sl)cclnl music clnsses

of the elenlentary sc hool will give a I1ll1no nnt! vIolin recltnl at 3:80 p.m, 'l'hul's.ltlY. 'rhe (ollowlng students will allpear : Du,'ld Armbruster, 1\lerlln Armbruslel', PIlLricia Hald· win, Allee Jeml Dates, Bonnie Bate., Dl' tty l:Iralnerd, Ann Crago, John Crogo, J"08tOI' Fleming and Wily 111118.

Ruth 1I0use, Hugh Houghton, Hobert .Iones, Betty Alice Keyser, Dorothy KeY8er, En'l!'n Kiser, Mary ('uroll' n l< .. uevel', Mary Lambert, FI'nnc('~ 1I1'lI>e", Belly Martin, Otorge l\lIller. Sidney :Miller, Rohert • 'eft, ,lue!lth Pa!:e, Ruth .Plass, SUMan nunn •• ·, Helen ROBe, Billy Rlenow, Porth, flhowers, Josephine Hltlw"II , DlLvlll '1'lIylor, Betty Utter· bf" ' I" Hnrah \Vnllace, HallS Wltschl, Wilma Tellol', nnd MII.·y \Yoo<\wflrd.

'I'h~ thi rd grade modelle<1 mbblts with cltlY In H.·t class yesterday.

Ele!'t Room Otlkers Room officers to 8erv" fOI' a

'lIc,"th W~I'e elected In the third ""ad~ yesterday, They were MlLry WOOllworll, chlllrmal1 ; GeOl'ge :'Uller and DOI'othy Wt'lt, playground; Revu Nelson and Il am llton Ries, hallS: and l1etL~' Keyser, housekeeper.

II"IC oC tile sixth gl'lIele m illie <L ).<,rfett 81lelllng recorel laot week. They wel'e: Alice lJateH. John ("rago. l\lnrk lJou ~~r, Hob Jessul1, ~\l1.' l1l1\e K"uegel', Barhara [ .. !I lick , FI·unce. Mapes, Clara Perkins, POI" lia Showers and Billy 'VeIl.

The [ourth g"ade opened n pack· ,go fl'om Lucy Scott, Houston, Tex., ycst('rda)~, which co ntained unre· fined cuttonseed oil, cotton bolls, 'lull. nnd seed ••

Dorothy K cy.el· conducted openlJlj; """I'e1ses In tho foul·th grade yes· tenlay and gave II. talk on sequoia tl'('~', illustrating It with plclures.

Thh'd g l'Rdo st udents who mude 110 spelling mIstakes lust week were X)'le Jonl' •. ~Iary Carolyn Kuever , r.~orge ~[lIlel', llichard NeH, Ruth .I'IJlHS, J .. ouls Hupel·t, Dorothy 'Velt, Lcl'OY \Vlldman, RevlL Wilson, 'fhelma 'Vlnflold nnd Mary Wood· wllt·d.

Longfellow Installs Additional Radiatorll

The cold wClLther of lhe IMt few duys mado hemtlng dlCClcult at the Longfellow !!Chool. and Marle t::ar· 1'1)0;, teac hOl' o[ grade 4A Wll.ll forced to itoW he l' classes In the gymnnslum. \ 'cstCI'(!'o..y aCt'l'noon George l'Jdel· sleln, Bu pcl'lntendent of buildings IInri grounds, brought plumoo.·s to

The annual party fol' lhc PUlIII . In the building and made an·n.llgement.~ gra de GA at HorAce ~fnnn who rOI' Installing additional radiators In gr:trluate Into JunIor high lIt th" nd some of the rooms exposed the most oe th" emester Is being planned Il\' to cold winds. thp pnrents and teachel·s. nd will Thc 28 l'COm was th e only one II.t 1>0 given Tuesday, Jan. 22 In the f.ol1 g(cllow !lCh()ol to make 100 per scl' eol gymna@lunl. cpnl In banking Illst week. and only

Tt hllJ! heen a custom in 110(' post fh'c 2H's fO.!loel to mako perfect t hat the teachers decoratc thp room Ift'llde" In spelling. nnel plan the program ",I hlle thc pal" Thp rollowlng eh!lllren ure reporl· ents Curnlsh the refl·cshment s. 'fhat Ing the l..oni;fellow Hchool new" this s cheme Is being (ollowed tills yC'ltr. week: 1\1""gal'et Phelps and Mildred

'rhe rlLrent·lenchel· assoclatlun of Dusby o( grad~ 6A.: Helen Clover, H orace Monn meets Thul'sdo.), IlCtC'r· A lice Knight, Haymond Chlttendon, n oon at lhp school. Tho pUl'Il. o( noh~rt Chehock, Mildred }o'llzgerald, :rOOIllS 5A, 56, GA, and GB will give ,101m Sproat. Robert TUI'ley, Pauline th e progrnm und"r thp supet'vlslon SWlll'tZ. Rut h Palmer, Lois MilloI', of their Instrll ctO['8, The J)l'oj(t'am I' H~. tty Tloilel', and Clifford HuCt of will Include muslcnl and d.'mon.lI·n· grade 00. . tlve numbel's, the lattel' belnj(_ In In "elf·testlng .11'111 numbel' ~Ight,

• ~ •• 111.4.IIII.t+ •• l.J.JJJI+++++++.IIJJI •••



OLD FASHIONED Horehound Drops

Since October 1st

29c pound . : Also tOe Bags

~ HENRY LOUIS, Druggist i 121 Ellst Col\e,e Sh-eet



l'j't'f'ttttfftfftttftf'fff, f rf ,fttttftttf't'tt T I , I I I I T I

The Daily lowin. Iowa at, -- Tuesday, January 15, 1929

New. AbOut To~" Musical Groups . •• on • • • • • e •

(Jourt. Dlamlues Court WIU! dlsml88&d yesterday be·

en use ot the I1Ine.... ot District Judlte liarold D . Evans. The case ot Rlchul'd E. Regan versus the City of Iowa City In an appeal trom a pavlns a_SHment was postponed.

orfl('bl~ Make Trip Sherlft FI'ank L. Smith and F . B­

Oisen, county attorney, went to Ceo lIar Hnplds )'estel'C1ay on business.

Drown Pa)'8 SI Fine A. D. Brown, charged with leaving

ihe motor of his car running Un· attended, was fined S1 and ~osts "v Police Jndge Pnul E . Custer, yes· t~l;:Jay.

Properiy Trallllterreid 1\11', and Mrs. Gilbert Haman con·

\'el'ed to John Mentzel· part of the RE. qual'tel' ot section 8 and po.rts of lhe N.E. qunrter of sect.lon 17 of townshIp 78 ~, of rnnge G, W , at 5 )I.m., In n WOITunty deed riled at the office or John M. Kadlec, coun·. ty I'ccordel', yeslerday.

Eureka Lod,e 10 i\leet li1l1l'ckn lodge No. 44 , 1.0.O.F'., will

meet In reg-ular 1I<:II810n at the Odd 1"ello",9 hnJI tonl,..ht (,It 7:80, wllh tho I'egular officers In thell· chall'8.

ARierkan Leltron Meettl The American legion held Its reg·

ulal' monthly meeting In the legion rooms ot tho American legion com· munlty building YQs\.erday at 9 p.m.

IA-glon Auxiliary Meeltl The AmerIcan legion auxiliary

held It. monthly meeting In the aux· Illnr)' rooms of the AmerIcan legIon communjty building lit 2 p.m. )'ester' dny.

Springer Awul,. Ilea rinK Tom $prlngpr, Negro whom Des

Mulnes police arrested when they found him In )10s8e.slon or a sedan owned by Braverm:tn t.ncl 'VhOI·tOIl . loctll .garago Illen, Is still conflnell to the county Jail here awtilUng ar· ralgnment. The car found In his )losesslon was one whIch was stolen hL'l'e ca"lIer In th" 1II0nth.

Troop A nrillM Troop A of the 113th 10\\,1L nallon·

al guard met for the workly drill period In the gymnasium of the AmcrlClln legion community \Julld· U1g at 7:30 p,m. Yesterday.

11118pll_J Ullit In 01'11/ The ]86th ho"pltal un it ot t ho nil'

tlonal guard will rno9t fot' the wOIII,· Iy drill In the gl'OInnsllfm of th e America n leglol1 communIty build· Ing nt 7:30 O'Clock today.

Dorothy Zager, Ogd~n IPrazier, and Henry Bush receIved n 8eore or tell. That;'! who made u. tt(!ore ut nine were Florence nsina, Scott Swlshel', Paul Travl., Konn th Hmlth, and Dol'othy .McOlnnl. Eight pupils had LL Hcore ot eight.

The children or the first >llld sec· ond grades at 'Longtellow IIchool were entertained by MI' •. .T. (1 . Rhlnd, last mondaY atternoon. 'l'he cl\lldl'en a.~. .embled In the klndergnl·ten room , and 1111'S. Rhlnd H>lng children songs, Chinese lullabies , and Mother Coose Bongs.

"Paint and Patches" Entertains at Banquet

" As yOU like It," wnR Ih e theme of the dl'amatl c>I club tllnnor ball' que t held In the dlnhlI; I'oom of the Towa Clly gym at 6:1 r. la~ t c,'enlng. IIfembel 's ot the club were !j()1'\'ed II three coul"lle I1h,nCl' by r.lI'H. Helen Ho.rtsock and her mother, MI·fI. "f. I •. MO"gun , n90 l(h'kwood uvenu~ .

During tile e \'enlng tOM ts wel'e ))I·e· sented by Dorothy Hpen_er, Allan Barth, Olive Ruby. Paul .Miller , 'I;;\lnlc(' Howell, J ' lne Dutcher, and Hobert COI·nog. Harry Burrell, win· nel' ot th., Iowa Nine oratorical COn· lest, acled UN toa.lmnster.

After the dln!161' lhe members of lhe club were enlortalned by " num· bel' of Mtunts anti later In the e\'e· nl ng dancing was featured. 'l'he ~ra· maUc wOI'k for the cOllllng semestel' was dlscUSBCd and plans for several programs were mad!'. Lola Hughes Is adviser to the group, "Paint and Patches."

Attendance Remains Normal at City High

Attendnnco I,t JtJwa Clly hIgh reo malnM n()l'lIlal nccordln", to attend· ' .n. ·o recurds In Ill" seoretal'Y's of· c1cp.

Membol·. of thp Sll')s' dl·amlltlc. seclloll ot thc Iowa Nine held an 'IImlnatlon contcHt last evening ILl I:H, In the 8rhool I\ ~s(onobly. ~ lole n Hayes, physle,,,t education

III'ectol' Ilt 10\\'" CIf y high, will help with the dant·e. ot the choru~e8 and h" NOlo dance. ot tint Icadlng reles

In tho school 0l'Crett1. 'rhe "chool oon(1 hl'ld Jll'actlce

laBt IIlgbt atter Achool In the band

Attract 50 Pupils Horace Mann School

Organizes Band, Orchestra

The first m eeting of the pro@pec· t1v(' band and orchestm group ot HOl'l\ce :'lllnn convened Monc1ay aftel'noon wllh 50 pU)II1. present. Dr. Wllllum urson 18 to dh'ect tho orgllnlzal!ons.

At the meeting :'Ionday, 2~ had all'en.dy purchllsed the Instruments ndvlsed by Dr. Urson and six othel·. were definitely sure what ,hey would purcha"e. Others will join IlLtel·. Those who al'e nll'eady en· rolled are, violinists. Josephine Zett· Immel, Ol'etchen Hughes, Thelma Simmons. Ellan BenIsh, Lois Kanak, Chestel' Plckel'lng;

Max Otto, Marcia Epstein, Elalne ,Pl:ckelt, Donald Muncy, LeHoma l'owc rs: clarlnetlstR, Donald Floyd, Albel·t Souce k , Charles Anderson; cOl'netists, Be.'tho. Grltflth , Margaret Barauek. Lee Segar, Donald Ora.· ham, Rlchnl'd Cambridge, Grant Pickering, Elelon Parizek, Charles Beckman, Junior Johnson, Jay Mat· hews; drummer, Frances Cl'oyne:

Max Otto, Lee Segar. Floyd 1I1aun; 'IIl"ophonI8t8. Charles Anderson, J&ck Hughes, Arthur Goldberg; trombonists, Dudley Hutr, David FlshcI', William Stron), Harold Bright; cellolst, Rolo Norman.

Tho next meeting of the ol'ganlza· tlons will be Saturda), at 9 a.m . In Dr. Larson's office wllh the office of the cIty s upel'lntendent of schoolS.

City High Picks Cast for Operetta

Final selections and grouping of Ih(\ s ixty IowlL City high 8chool atu· drnts who comprise the choruses ~Ild the leads In the Hchool operetta. "Lel"lValo. 01' The Maid of Nlagal'a," "'as b~ld last night In the Hchool aE"pm"ly at 4:15 p.m,

The beautiful legend of NIagara the 'Thunder ,,'aters' DC the Indian", pl'ovlde8 the background Cor the piny. In time gone by, during a famlnt', tile Great Rplrlt called tOI' a "acrlflce of IL "iI'gln alld Necia, the Chief's daughter, volunteered . On' a Ket day she drlfled ave.· the Calls at Niagara. In a white. C1ower·decked canoe; the nn",el' ot the great SpirIt was appeased and the fam ine enaed.

Afler three try·outs. eleven men 11 nd six women choRen from the val" lous classes have been assigned to places In the ma in C118t nnd will be· gin pl'actlce In th e school auditoriUm this week.

Those who have hepn selected to take th e leads In the cast arc: Rob· ert Ma.nle)" LI~"d Kent, Vlr/flnla Can, Rodney Stewart. Pauline Has· t~tler, Lester Ollck, Robert Berry, /'lld"'ell Smith, Ra,y BywQter, Ruth Aurner. Olive Ruby, Paul Harper, Oeorglo. McColIIstcr, Floyd Clark, Graco Donovan, Allan Bal·th, nnd Harry Burrell ..

The operetta will bo, presented about Feb. 2& at the l'lnglert.

Pythian Sisters Hold Installation of Officers

Athens temllie No. 81, Pythlan Sisters, In stalled Its o!rlcers fOI' 1929 108t n1ght at Corinth lodge hall. In· st"IJlng oW ers we" e: MI·s. Gertn.de ~ouck. dPlluty I\"l'and chief; 1111'S. ~[ary O'Unru, d epuly grand scnlo!'. and Pearl \Vhltebook, deputy gl'anll manageI'.

TheKe WOmf' n win mA na ge the nr~ fnh" of Athen. tempi\! thl. yea I': Mrs . Carrie Kloos, past e'hl~f: G~n'" "Ie ve Bra nclfltnitel'. nloHt excellent chief; \\frs. NOI·a. ' Un<;umnn . excell· ent senIor; 1\[.·s. Ella Rogel'S, ex· tellent junior, and Mrs. l .. eona l"'rOlnm, manager.

1111'8 . Annette Mavrla9, mistress or finan ce; Mrs. Esther Mm'l'ay. IlIls· tress or I'pcords n nd COl'l'cspOJlllence; 1\fl·R. Mildred Kircher, j)l'otector; Mrs. Anna Sutton. guard: l\Jrs. Mar~' O'Hura. lilt· •. Mnry Tuckcr. a!ld ~f.rs . Elsie 1"lgg, trustees; 1111'8. Ruby Har· per, musIcl"n. (lod Dorothy Hutton, press correspondent.

A l'"slness meeting prcceded the Insta lilltion ond refreshments were ser\'ed followIng the ceremony,

C. of C, Dlrectol'll Meet Following tho chamber o( com·

merce luncheon held In the dining room ot thp American legion com· munlty building, Iho board at dl· fectol'S of the club met and author· Ized D. ·W. Crum, secretary or tho club, 10 make 0. stvtcment or the 111'Ojlosed budgct In the weekly bul· letln which Is IS8ued on },Tldo.y.

"ooln. Bocek Visit" Durllngton ~1embel'8 of th" ~chOOI rifle leams Poliee OWcel' Charles Bocek wa.,

will hold a. cl,,~s ~hoot In the SChOOl I In Burlington Sunday. where he par· ~" flprln. thl.. gn~ 4:15. "nl"f\tNI In " howling toul·nament.

,LUX 2 Large pkgs.

4SC Today and Wednesday .

~f~, ~.~.~~.~~ ....... 25c Quaker Milk Macaroni

~o~~~" ................... 25c ___ I

H!llligan's Chocolates, 1

:~~: ........... .. :.~ ........ 25c' ~/~~: ................... 49c Pears, Armour's Ve.'ribest

~o~~· .. ~.~~~ .......... 69c

Phone Your Order We Deliver

Phones 128-129

Wilkinson & Condon , . ,

Falling Com Crop Boosta Argentina

Com Prices Again CHlCAGO, Jan. 14 (AP)-Fllcker'

Ing out oC chances of 0. \Jumper corn crop In Argentina sent corn, wheo.t and oats today to new hlgh·prlce records for the seuson. Increased buying accompanlell the Ul)tUI'nS, but "nonymous proflt·taklng sales arterwa.rd wiped out much ot the da)"s galns.

Ciosl ng CI uOlatlons on corn were unsettled, ' .@ic to 1;Ie net higher. Wheat fInished .c to Co up , oats lc to »~ lLdvanced, and pl'ovlglons vary· In" from 5c decline to a rise ot 2c .

All deliveries ot Corn lind outs surpassed tollay lhe peak quotations In the 8Ca$on's trading heretoforo. :FOI' wheat, the new tOI' record estab· lI.hed today was for the July de· livery n.I6ne, but othor months at· talned tho hlghesl point yet on the present upward movement of values. Thl'oughout most of Ihe day, atten· tlon focused on Buellos Aires ad· vlces to leading . housE'S here thllt propects of a big new crop ot AI" A"gel\tlne corn this year had finally been canceled by drought Which haa prevailed In the greater part of Ar· gentlna,

Another outstanding feature In the corn lIlt today was the fact that corn export business from the UnIted Stales by way ot the Oulf of Mexico waS under '\\'ay ILt Increase" premiums as compared wUh the market for future dellvel'les. Mean· while, country otfcl'lngs of corn to come herp wcre of liberal volume, but were smaller than had generally been looked for In view of the recent Sharp advu.nce In prices. About as expected, the domestIc corn visible Hupply todlLY .howed o.n Inet'euse ot 1,339,000 bushels for the week, lind Is now 20,182,000 bushols, against 8,750,000 bushels a year ago. Oat8 iollowed corn.

Failing off of 3,143,000 bushels In the United States wheat visIble supply total for the week, together with the fact that for tho first time oC Ia,te the European wheat markets were tully reClecting odvances scored on this sIde of the Atlantic, gave a stimulus today to wheat buyers herc. A good deal ot on offset. though , was Increased spl'Cad trad· Ing In which wheat was sold against purchases ot corn. On the other hand, severe cold '\I'eather In domes· tl~ winter wheat territory was a bullish Influence despite heavy snow tails ove.· muoh ot the belt, .


Stocke-Strong; Wright Aero to new record peak .

Bonds-[rregular; Public Service of Ne-,' Jersey agaIn establishes n new high.

ForeIgn exchanges-Mixed; Japan· ese yen Hlump 27 poInte.

Cotton-Hlghcr; flrme.· 81)ot sltull' tion. Sugal~Easy; Increased spot o[fer·

Ings. Cortee-Stendy; bettel' Brazilian

report8. omCAGO 'V heat-Steady; decreased visible

SUP1)ly. Corn-l~lrm; Improveel export <le·

mand. Cal tle-Sleady to lower. Hogs-Lower.

Unsteady Markets Feature Sensational

Advance in Stocks NEW YORK , Jan. 14 (AP)-I'rlces

&gain drIfted In rathel· listless fash· Ion on the stock mnrket today, al· though a handful ot Issues wero bill up vigorously on rumo.·s of higher

close. Curtlos ACI'o mounted more than 6 polnt9.

iPennsylvanla rullrOll el ngaln broke Into the highest ground s ince be· fore the ~\'ar, touchIng 801, UI) near· Iy 3 poInts. Cnnadlan Pacific anel U nion Pacific o.lso Imlll'oved , while Pero Ma rquette enco untered fur· ther pro()t taking.

MotOl's Improved somewhat on wl,at appeo.red to be short covering. Studebaker IlI'oke Into new high gl'Ound, and Ceneral MotorA (old stock) sold abo ut 3 [>olnts I1lghel' at one time.

American Sugar Rcflnlng 80ld up nelll'ly 4 pOints to \tlthln aU' lIdng lllbta,nce ot Its 1928 high 011 repol·ts Lhat It. 1928 eat'nlngs will run nl'oulld $JO 11. share. Huhbel's Wel'C 1\S'''i n strong, U . H. seili ng up about 3 flolnt •.

Otis Elevator, Intel'Tlntional 'l'ele· phone. Llud Amet'jcnn Tvpe Founc1Pl"H Illade extreme gains ot about 8 to 9 I.olnts.

National Bellas Hes" slumped l5 pOints, a nd Midland Steel l'roducts Ilre terred 10.

Foreign exchanges were fealured by the firming up of sterling, the de· mand "Me I'Islng 1·16 of a cent to $4.84e. Japanese yen clrol>l)ed ~7 points to 45.13 cents.

dIvidends, melon cutting, or split· NEW YOR.K S1'O('1{S UPS. High Low Clo~e

1'otal "ales, however, aggregated AI. Chern & Dj'e .... 275 259* 275 but 3,291,050 shares. 'fhe outlook Am. Smelt & Ref ..... 97 94U 97 remain cd unsettled and b locked tho Am. Tel. & Tel. .... 197 195~ 196~ way for ambitious buH operations. Bethlehem Steel .... 86 85 85a Call money renewed at 7 per cent, Ch I. R. I. & Pac . .... ]32t I8H 131f In contrast to FI'lday's 6 pet· cent Chrysler Motor .... .. .. 123~ 120~ 122

Transport Planes Travel 2,178,365

Miles During 1928 Phtn~~ oporated lIy the Boeing Air

Transl)o rt system on the San Fran. cisco·Chlcago route piled UP a mlJe. ago ot 2,178,36~ during 1928, a re­view or tbe year shOWS. A total 01 ] .8G8 passengers trave led 1,279,771 miles along this routo. Total DlIIU poundage was 986,279 pounds.

Only .00041 pel' cent of air mall 'was lost by tim and othel' causeH dur, Ing the year, according to the traffic vlc~'llresldent, 'V. O. H erron, of the Hoeing comllllny. 'rhls figure "lIS Cor the cntll'o U. S. alr mall service. Second AssIstant Postmaster·O~me"'l W. Irving Olover says that the tl'e hazal'll by air Is nO greater than by railroad 01' steamship.

"Amerlco n cUsU1nces demand air mall," explaIns an offIcIal ot a tmn .. vort .company on tho western coast, relative to the Increasing volume 01 nown comm unication . lIe says that development of postal transporln. lion by all' contributes much to our present standing In aeronautlcl.

In Europe distances are not Its gl'Cttt and air mall Is not as much used. For that reuson, all' tr"nlPol'[ companies 011 the conUnent are all .ubsldized by their governments In the amount Ilf from 40 to 100 Per cent of their eXpenses. CommerCial aviation In America Is malnlalned al· most without expense to the Govern· rra'n t.

renewal rate, and held at that rate Consolidated GaH .... 108 ]06~ ]07'1 all day. Dupont De Nem .... 500 500 500 Supervlsol'll Mcet

Time money he ld perSistently at General Electric .. .. 236 232l 2a3~ The county hoa" d of Huervlsorl n per cent COl' all maturIties. This Grneral MolOl's ...... .. 20] a 19H ] 99 held lhelr regular weekly busln~ Is the hIghest fOI' the 6·month mu· H1/.dson Motors ........ 55 54~ 54~ I session at the court hOU8() ye~ter. turlty seen In mld·January In mOre Inter. liarvester .... 951 93~ 94 tlay. The meeting was devoted to til8n 20 years, save for 1920. The 1 New 1'01'1< Centra.l .. 1 90~ 189 189~ ullowlng bills. They "ill consIder decline In sterling late last week, Packard Motol's ...... 145~ 140~ 143i1 committee work toda~. which revived hone of gold Imports Pennsylvania ....... .. ... 80~ 771 80\

J)AJr,Y I.oCAL RETAIL l\lARKJ!'! Furnished The Dally IOWPII by K&lJ.

en mayer & Sons

from London, was cheoked. R"dlo Corp . ....... ..... 36n 3r.7~ 360 The department of commerce's I'll-- Southern ,Pacific .... 130~ 130~ l 30.

pOI·t that American foreign trade In Stnnd. 011 of N. J ... 52~ 52 52~ 1928 reached the highest level for Union Pacific ...... .... 219 215, 219 Oats ..................................... .. ........... , .60

Wheat: any year save 1920 had been dis· U. S. Rubber .......... 551 5H 541 counted market·wlse several weeks U. S. Steel ............... .1 68} ] 66B l6R Iowa (owt.) ...................................... 2.00 ago. A further Indication ot th e 'Vesllng-. Elec. .. ...... 143 140 141 a s tl'ength of tl1e steel Industry was Yel Tr. & Coach .... 40 381 381

Nehraska (cwt.) .............................. 2.%5 Barley................................................ .85

the "tatement at the Otis Steel company, showing the hIghest CIIrn· Ings In Its hlston' In ]928.

Allied Chemical shot up 18 points t'.l a new high price at 275 on rumors of a stock 8pllt up, Wright Aero was alsl) oanled up 18 points 10 a record price at 294; to the ac· companlment of unconfIrm ed reports that a 100I'go melon would be cllt through the granting of valuable t'll(l1t9, but Cell back to 291 at the

Corn ........................................... ........ 85 Cracl,cd corn (cwt.) ...................... 2.00

STQCl{ l\(ART<WI' AVERAGES flugur (cwt.) .... ................................ 6.00 60 Ind. 20 Rails. 20 Utll. ' Flour 49·1b. saclt ............................ 1.75

Yesterday .. .. ..... . 208.7 134.8 ]98.3' Straw (bn.le) ....... ................................ 60 Satm'day .... .. ...... 208.2 133.8 198.3 Hny (bale) ................ ......................... ,8. Week ago ......... . 207.1 ]33.5 193.1 Oyster Shells .................................. 1.00 Year ago ............ 144.1 119.9 ]27.1 Shorts .... ..... ...... ............. .................. .. l.95 High 1928 .. ..... ... 207.7 133.3 194.4 Tankage ............ ................................ 3.8S Low 1928 ...... ...... 140.0 117.0 126.4 011 IIIeal .. ........ ................................ 3,10

Total stocl, sales yesterday 3,~~l,· Laying :'Ila~h .... ..................... ....... .. 2.7; 0'0 Shal'e8. lIen I,'ood .. .. ............... ..................... 2.2i

-- -------------~----

u sca:,

The Last Five Days of Our Unrivalled

JANUARY SALE Huge event '

• saVIngs which

mark this Store-IS

Wide. Come and see! Th.ree feature groups of SUITS AND OVERCOATS

$2625 $30 $3750

Volume 28

E State Legi: Convenes, AddresS€

New Bills ( Consider.


el'nor John Hamm members of Iowa's at assembly to the of the ir sesRlon toe ho made his blennl state ot the coml blll. were In the •

Tho first bill of the senalol'lal red II offered jointly by Andel'son ot Strul W. Patterson of B tlal Irouble·makel· 1 the district" COnrOl'I censua ratios.

Sepa ..... le Senab It would make s.

distrIcts of Blnckh do and W ebster co ,ng , their senatol' (lOuntles. On the would e!epl'ive ClaY1 Bon, Ma .. shall, and of separate ~ellres' Ing them wi th a. The big dlsttict no fiuth, Emmett, Pal, DickInson counties Into three districts adjacent counties. rangements would wloere. ~enator Otto F.

buque Jost no time etore bill Into the I license, tor a $100 opcmted by 11 chull lown pl'ovlded six aNI In the chain.

Brush Off The third blll Ca'

S. A. Brush of Cil enablo county board oountles ho.ving In. to contract with th, men t to operate sc t cl'Vallons,

Oo\'erllor Hamml duced 10 01' more 8 mUon In hf~ blcnnh he read under dl lolnt session ot 8( this afternoon. 8t cold which threal loe of \'olce, the s \lortloos of his mess Jng Ibtl! members ~h' In tJie l)l'lnte Cull matt~j' ornltteu. , Sollie or His

That amendments workmen's compen~ mony with recomm cernmlsslonel' and I tarmers be perm Itt, provide com pensatl, Ihelr workmen;

That the crlmlnl J~wa be revised t .t,uctive technlcalltl form Of Indictment

That all cl\.I·nlng8 rame department b B~rvatlon;

That arrangement for new construe Dodge, 1)01'1 of the • by the federal govel

That a unlIol'm dJanshlp act be glv( • That a unlrorm la

of alrcl'a.ft , In ha.rT Of other states be I

That tho Inhedta ccmpletely remodeJe( Iowa's Incomo ma} '400,000 each blenni

That the unl!onr COde be adopled.

Historian to I

on Lincoln Baconiar

PrOf. A. C. MeLl thc foreOlost ot Amo author ot various tleles, will gl ve til( lure Friday In the torlum at 7 p.m, H "Lincoln as a \Vol'l,

The spenker ror n bead of the history the University of C~ .. rver! Cor some tim the bureau ot hltitol' the Cal'negle Inslltu l!1anaglng editor o( rultorlcal Review f~ and Wllll eleoted lo of lhe American III 1.I0n .

On Sutu I'day at 1 lOr McLaughlin wll uate .tudents, and , et!ter! In the social 8 phue of hlato.'lcal s ledure will be held chamber 1)( Old Capl

Halaey TranI to U. of

Elizabeth Ha)sey, ,,"omen'S physical Itudy and teach Ir physical ed ucatlon /the Unlvel'"ltl' Iof .. meotel'. M18. Hul to Io"ra In Ume (0" t lion.

Marjorie Camp, ass ot .. omen'. I.hyslca l be ",,-{Ing director ment during 111 h.8 I16n... M. IilIl.nbHh I ••• town, ~fas •. , wi the atatt .

SymphOl1Y C Draw LarK'

A mrge crowd heu' ""rta of the Mltlllani orche,tl'll In Iowll U I' ttr4a.y .fternoon ano oroheetra. WaH COil plecea Ilnd was cond Yerbl'Ullghen,

The 8 tle"noon n n, ,ram. were both III ~~,
