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Department of Rural Development and Panchayat Raj

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a ? j , Inviting Expression of Interest for Empanelment of NGos/ CBos for Public Participation/Advocacy/Outreach Work in the DEPARTMENT OF RURAL DEVELOPMENT AND PANCHAYAT RAJ, Govt. of Karnataka Department of Rural Development and Panchayat Raj Government Of Karnataka Office Of The Principal Secretary 3m Floor, Gate -III' Multistoried building, Vidhana Veedhi, Bangalore-560001 " Karnataka No. / RDP 4SEP 2012 Dated: 17.03.2012 1. The Department of RDPR' GOK invites Application /Letters of Interest for empanelment from interested legally nonprofit organizations experienced in providing services within the broad context of Rural Development. It aims at seekingNGOs to convene, catalyze and facilitate works in a participative mode for its advocacyl outreach/public participation activities relating to the Rural Development across the State. In order to achieve the objectives to sensitize various stakeholders on their role and on schemes/projects works and to reach out to communities for their support, the RDPR will appoint few NGO/s having experience of working in public participation, advocacyand outreachwork in all areas of rural developmentacross the State. Therefore, NGOs that have been involved in community participation, environment, and conservation work and have experience of working in public participation, advocacy and outreach work and fulfill the pre-requisites as follows are invited to apply for the task.

a? j ,

Inviting Expression of Interest for Empanelment of NGos/ CBos forPublic Participation/Advocacy/Outreach Work in the


Govt. of Karnataka

Department of Rural Development and Panchayat RajGovernment Of Karnataka

Office Of The Principal Secretary3m Floor, Gate -III' Multistoried building, Vidhana Veedhi,

Bangalore-560001 " KarnatakaNo. / RDP 4SEP 2012 Dated: 17.03.2012

1. The Department of RDPR' GOK invites Application /Letters of

Interest for empanelment from interested legally nonprofit

organizations experienced in providing services within the broad

context of Rural Development.

It aims at seeking NGOs to convene, catalyze and facilitate works in a participative mode

for its advocacyl outreach/public participation activities relating to the Rural

Development across the State. In order to achieve the objectives to sensitize various

stakeholders on their role and on schemes/projects works and to reach out to communities

for their support, the RDPR will appoint few NGO/s having experience of working in

public participation, advocacy and outreach work in all areas of rural development across

the State. Therefore, NGOs that have been involved in community participation,

environment, and conservation work and have experience of working in public

participation, advocacy and outreach work and fulfill the pre-requisites as follows are

invited to apply for the task.


2. The Department of Rural Development and Panchayat Ruj,

Government of Karnataka proactively seeks partnerships with Non-

Government Organtzrtions (NGos) and other Civil Society

Organizations (CSOs) to be involved in the implementation of projects

& activities in the field including social mobilization, tivelihood supporto

developing large scale prototypes, innovations etc.

The NGOs will also be called in to perform specific functions within their diversified

areas of competencies, such as research, documentation. The engagement with NGOs

will be based on outcomes and deliverables will be converted to concrete targets in a

given context in terms of output.

3. Last date of submitting applications is 30.04.2012. The empanelment

of 1\GOs/CBOs will be based on Quality-and Cost based selection

(QCBS). The evaluation criteria are based on qualifications such as

voluntarism, nonprofit status, Iocal knowledge, scale of operation, and


4. The Department reserves the right to verify the particulars furnished

by the firms independently and also reserves the right to reject any

application without assigning any reason thereof in the interests of



Karnataka has 56,682 rural habitations including 27,0I7 Revenue villages. According to

2001 census, aboul348 lakhs of its people, out of a total population of 448lakhs live in

these rural habitations. That constitutes about 69Yn of the State's population and, about 62

lakhs households who live in the rural areas depending mainly on agricuiture. The

Deparhaent's Vision is "sustainable and inclusive growth of Rural Karnataka along

with empowerment of Panchayat Raj Institutions". The development of rural areas is

through a number of Central sector, Centrally sponsored, State & District sector

programmes. The Department of Rural Development & Panchayat Raj (RD&PR)

monitors a total of 18 programmes with a total budget of Rs. 6834 cryores for the

financial year 2012-13. The firnding source related to the bidding is from grants /loans

received by the RDPR from Govt. of India and lnternational Agencies. There are 12

Flagship Programmed monitored through Karnataka Development Project such as

Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act, (Jat Nirmal World

Bank), Suvarna Gramodaya etc. The Department also monitors Development of

Rehabilitation of Bonded Labourers, Watershed schemes and Bank subsidy schemes. The

functioning of Panchayat Raj Institutions at 3 levels with 3.5 lakhs employees is

supervised through the department. There are 10 Services included in the new

66Karnataka Guarantee of Services to Citizens A& 2Al?'. Some of the new

innovations in service delivery inelude PGC Janamitra to redress the grievances to be

implemented in all PRls; e-Transfer of grants to all the PRIs; Service Guaranteed Act

to be implemented in all the PRIs. Awards to the department include the 2010-11

National e-Govemance Gold Award for Panchatantra Software and Implementation; the

flagship programme PMGSY in Kamataka - Znd position in India and MGNREGA -

Best implementation award - Dharwad, Belgaum & Gulbarga...

o4. A The thrust areas of the department are as follolvs:

a- Democratic Decentralization (Gram Swaraj)

b. Poverty Alleviafion (Self Employment Programme)

National Rural Livelihood Mission

Mahatrna Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act

c- 'Western

Ghats Development Programme

d. Rurallnfrasfructure

Development of Rural Roads

Rural Water Supply

Rural Sanitation

e. Rural Energy

National Programme for Bio Gas Development

Solar programme

f. Suvarna Gramodaya Yojane

4. B. The empanelment is for partnerships with organizations in the areas of:

f. i. Gram Swaraj - to conduct evaluation/concurrent rtoayl ies of Panchayat Raj


ii. Self Employment Programme

iii. National Rural Livelihood Mission- to conduct base line survey of SHGs; for

Social mobilization; training of youth; institution building; livelihood


. iv. Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act- to conduct

IEC activities and Social Audit

v. Western Ghats Development Programme- to conduct evaluation studies.

2. Rural Infrastructure

i. Development of Rural Roads- to conduct Trainings

ii. Rural Water Supply- to conduct Surveys for coverage, sustainabilily & water

quality; to conduct Trainings for water quality testing/ operation & maintenance

iii. Rural Sanitation- to conduct IEC activities on creation of awareness for hygiene

and adootion of oav & use culture

3. Rural Enerry:

L National Programme for Bio Gas Development- for the construction of Bio Gas

Plants; Training; Evaluation studies

ii Village lightning (Solar) - for installation and electrification

4. Suvarna Gramodaya Yojane - to conduct Trainings and to prepare Perspective and

Annual Action Plans

5. Others - Surveillance work and inspections on rural development schemes

4. C. Pre-qualification criteria:

1. The orgarization must be a legal entrty, i.e. a registered NGO working in the State of

Kamataka at least the last five years with strong presence and good track record in the

State (Submit certified copy).

2. Necessary infrastructure and manpower support with transparent, responsible and

decentralized structure minimum of 10-15 staff (listing of the same to be attached with

:* t"T"T:t]"e

of work retating to public participation and/or school outreach

programs/advocacy, programs in community participation, environment, pollution

control, conservation and other related issues of rural development for the last at least 5

years. The area of work of the orgarization must include: livelihood, social mobilization,

education, skill development, social communication.

4. List of clients for whom similar work was undertaken in the last Five years in


5. The organization should have a budget of at least Rs. 25 lakhs per annum.


ANNEXURE(4"C Pre-q ualification criteria)

(to be fi l led and sent by the NGOs)

Secfion A: Basie Information1. \ame ofthe Organization:2. Postal Address:3. Telephone: Telex/ Fax/ E-mail-t. Legal status5. Total membership in the last Five years, year wise s: ( ) Society ( )

Company ( ) Others (specify)6. Registration Details: Registered on (Date)7. Managing Committee/Governing Body/Office Bearers - provide the current list.8. Total membership in the last Five years, year wise9. Particulars of legal consultancy firm, if any, of the organization10. Name and particulars of women legal practitioners, if any, who are members of theorganization11. Major Charity activities undertaken in the last three years12. ConLact person

Section B : Organizational B ackground1 3. Assets/Infrastructure of the or ganization14. Please provide details regarding the annual budget of your organrzation.15. Principal sources of its funding for 20IA-11;2009-t0;2008-0916. Audited accounts for the last three years

Section C: Current Programmers being run by the organization17. Geographical location of Work - Village, Panchayat, Block, Taluk/Sub-Division,District.18. Population with which they are presently working:(a) Rural/Urban; (b) Socio-economic group; (c) Occupational group; (d) Sex groups; (e)Students/Educational lnstitution; (0 Youth; (g) Women groups; (h) Others19. Principal field(s) of activity/operationPlease provide basic information on the key projects carried out by your organizationsince the last three years: Community served; Objective; Strategies; Main outcomes:Evaluation methods employed: Evaluation results

20. Major initiatives, if any, taken by the organuation A brief write up on the currentprogrammes of the organization specifuing the area of specialization.

21. Whether the organization has been graded by NABARD? If yes, please provide thegrade the organization has obtained.

22.How many assignments would the organization be able to take?
