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Disruption of Lateral Efferent Pathways: Functional Changes in Auditory Evoked Responses

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Disruption of Lateral Efferent Pathways: Functional Changes in Auditory Evoked Responses COLLEEN G. LE PRELL, 1 SUSAN E. SHORE, 1 LARRY F. HUGHES, 2 AND SANFORD C. BLEDSOE, Jr. 1 1 Kresge Hearing Research Institute, University of Michigan Medical School, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-0506, USA 2 Center for Alzheimer Disease and Related Disorders, Southern Illinois University Medical School, Springfield, IL 62702, USA Received: 24 April 2002; Accepted: 13 November 2002; Online publication: 21 January 2003 ABSTRACT The functional consequences of selectively lesioning the lateral olivocochlear efferent system in guinea pigs were studied. The lateral superior olive (LSO) contains the cell bodies of lateral olivocochlear neu- rons. Melittin, a cytotoxic chemical, was injected into the brain stem using stereotaxic coordinates and near-field evoked potentials to target the LSO. Brain stem histology revealed discrete damage to the LSO following the injections. Functional consequences of this damage were reflected in depressed amplitude of the compound action potential of the eighth nerve (CAP) following the lesion. Threshold sensitivity and N1 latencies were relatively unchanged. Onset adap- tation of the cubic distortion product otoacoustic emission (DPOAE) was evident, suggesting a reason- ably intact medial efferent system. The present results provide the first report of functional changes induced by isolated manipulation of the lateral efferent pathway. They also confirm the suggestion that changes in single-unit auditory nerve activity after cutting the olivocochlear bundle are probably a consequence of disrupting the more lateral of the two olivocochlear efferent pathways. Keywords: lateral superior olive, guinea pig, oli- vocochlear, compound action potential, distortion product otoacoustic emission INTRODUCTION The lateral and medial olivocochlear efferent systems can be distinguished using a number of criteria. These differences have been previously described and are reviewed here only briefly. First, the medial ef- ferent pathway originates in medial, ventral, or peri- olivary zones (depending on the species), whereas the lateral efferent pathway originates in, or near, the lateral superior olive (LSO: for reviews, see Warr et al. 1986; Warr 1992). Second, whereas the medial effer- ent pathway is primarily a crossed system (approxi- mately 60%–70% of the neurons cross the brain stem and innervate the ear contralateral to the site of ori- gin), the lateral efferent pathway is predominantly uncrossed (for reviews, see Warr et al. 1986; Warr 1992). Third, the medial efferent neurons that pro- ject to the cochlea and synapse on the outer hair cells (OHCs) immunolabel positively for acetylcholine (ACh) and c-aminobutyric acid (GABA; for reviews, see Eybalin 1993; Puel 1995; Le Prell et al. 2001). In contrast, the lateral efferent neurons synapse on the dendrites of the auditory nerve and, to a much lesser extent, the inner hair cells (IHCs). Immunocyto- chemical evidence suggests lateral efferent neurons contain a variety of neuroactive substances, including ACh, GABA, dopamine (DA), dynorphin (dyn), enkaphalin (enk), and calcitonin-gene-related pep- tide (CGRP; for reviews, see Eybalin 1993; Puel 1995; Le Prell et al. 2001). Given anatomical and neurochemical differences, functional distinction of the lateral and medial ef- ferent pathways would also be expected. However, a precise identification of lateral efferent function has not yet been possible. This is largely because surgical cuts of the efferent pathways disrupt only the crossed Correspondence to: Colleen G. Le Prell Department of Otolaryng- ology Kresge Hearing Research Institute 1301 East Ann Street University of Michigan Ann Arbor, MI 48109-0506. Telephone: (734) 764-8532; fax: (734) 764-0014; email: [email protected] JARO 04: 276–290 (2003) DOI: 10.1007/s10162-002-3018-6 276 JARO Journal of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology

Disruption of Lateral Efferent Pathways: FunctionalChanges in Auditory Evoked Responses


1Kresge Hearing Research Institute, University of Michigan Medical School, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-0506, USA2Center for Alzheimer Disease and Related Disorders, Southern Illinois University Medical School, Springfield, IL 62702, USA

Received: 24 April 2002; Accepted: 13 November 2002; Online publication: 21 January 2003


The functional consequences of selectively lesioningthe lateral olivocochlear efferent system in guineapigs were studied. The lateral superior olive (LSO)contains the cell bodies of lateral olivocochlear neu-rons. Melittin, a cytotoxic chemical, was injected intothe brain stem using stereotaxic coordinates andnear-field evoked potentials to target the LSO. Brainstem histology revealed discrete damage to the LSOfollowing the injections. Functional consequences ofthis damage were reflected in depressed amplitude ofthe compound action potential of the eighth nerve(CAP) following the lesion. Threshold sensitivity andN1 latencies were relatively unchanged. Onset adap-tation of the cubic distortion product otoacousticemission (DPOAE) was evident, suggesting a reason-ably intact medial efferent system. The present resultsprovide the first report of functional changes inducedby isolated manipulation of the lateral efferentpathway. They also confirm the suggestion thatchanges in single-unit auditory nerve activity aftercutting the olivocochlear bundle are probably aconsequence of disrupting the more lateral of the twoolivocochlear efferent pathways.

Keywords: lateral superior olive, guinea pig, oli-vocochlear, compound action potential, distortionproduct otoacoustic emission


The lateral and medial olivocochlear efferent systemscan be distinguished using a number of criteria.These differences have been previously described andare reviewed here only briefly. First, the medial ef-ferent pathway originates in medial, ventral, or peri-olivary zones (depending on the species), whereasthe lateral efferent pathway originates in, or near, thelateral superior olive (LSO: for reviews, see Warr et al.1986; Warr 1992). Second, whereas the medial effer-ent pathway is primarily a crossed system (approxi-mately 60%–70% of the neurons cross the brain stemand innervate the ear contralateral to the site of ori-gin), the lateral efferent pathway is predominantlyuncrossed (for reviews, see Warr et al. 1986; Warr1992). Third, the medial efferent neurons that pro-ject to the cochlea and synapse on the outer hair cells(OHCs) immunolabel positively for acetylcholine(ACh) and c-aminobutyric acid (GABA; for reviews,see Eybalin 1993; Puel 1995; Le Prell et al. 2001). Incontrast, the lateral efferent neurons synapse on thedendrites of the auditory nerve and, to a much lesserextent, the inner hair cells (IHCs). Immunocyto-chemical evidence suggests lateral efferent neuronscontain a variety of neuroactive substances, includingACh, GABA, dopamine (DA), dynorphin (dyn),enkaphalin (enk), and calcitonin-gene-related pep-tide (CGRP; for reviews, see Eybalin 1993; Puel 1995;Le Prell et al. 2001).

Given anatomical and neurochemical differences,functional distinction of the lateral and medial ef-ferent pathways would also be expected. However, aprecise identification of lateral efferent function hasnot yet been possible. This is largely because surgicalcuts of the efferent pathways disrupt only the crossed

Correspondence to: Colleen G. Le Prell Æ Department of Otolaryng-ology Æ Kresge Hearing Research Institute Æ 1301 East Ann Street ÆUniversity of Michigan Æ Ann Arbor, MI 48109-0506. Telephone:(734) 764-8532; fax: (734) 764-0014; email: [email protected]

JARO 04: 276–290 (2003)DOI: 10.1007/s10162-002-3018-6


JAROJournal of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology

portion of the medial efferent pathway or both themedial and lateral pathways (e.g., Liberman 1991;Kujawa and Liberman 1997). Electrical stimulationparadigms, in which medial olivocochlear (MOC)neurons are electrically stimulated by an electrodeplaced at the floor of the fourth ventricle (e.g., Rajan1988; Liberman 1991) or by an electrode near the siteof MOC origin (i.e., Gifford and Guinan 1987), acti-vate only portions of the medial efferent neurons.

Pharmacological manipulations initially appear tobe useful in distinguishing lateral and medial efferentpathways. The glycinergic antagonist strychnine hasbeen used to chemically block medial efferent func-tion (e.g., Desmedt and Monaco 1961; Bobbin andKonishi 1974; Sridhar et al. 1995; Dolan et al. 1999).Recent molecular characterizations suggest that me-dial efferent modulation of OHC function occurs atheteromeric receptors composed of both a9 and a10subunits (Elgoyhen et al. 2001). The distribution ofa9 (and a10) receptors suggests the effects ofstrychnine will be limited to MOC blockade. Strych-nine is also a potent antagonist at cholinergic a7 re-ceptors isolated from retinal (Gotti et al. 1997) andhippocampal (Albuquerque et al. 1998; Matsubayashiet al. 1998) tissues; however, and the a7 receptor hasbeen localized to type I spiral ganglion cells (Morleyet al. 1998). Given that the predominant target forthe LOC neurons is the type I spiral ganglion neu-rons, intracochlear strychnine may disrupt lateral ef-ferent function. The functional significance of apotential strychnine blockade at a9 receptor subunitsat the base of the IHCs (Elgoyhen et al. 1994; Park etal. 1997; Morley et al. 1998) is unclear.

In the present study we selectively destroyed neu-rons of the lateral olivocochlear system by injectingmelittin into the LSO. Melittin is a cytotoxic extractof bee venom that disrupts the lipid bilayers of cells,thus altering cell membrane permeability and leadingto intracellular ionic imbalance and cell death (Be-chinger 1997; Kourie and Shorthouse 2000). Theinjection technique was modeled after a procedurethat lesions the superior olivary complex (SOC) viainjection of kainic acid (KA) into the brain stem.Those experiments were conducted in guinea pigs(Gardi and Bledsoe 1981; Bledsoe et al. 1990), rats(e.g., Li and Kelly 1992; Sally and Kelly 1992), ferrets(Rooney et al. 1991), and cats (Zaaroor and Starr1991). One drawback to experiments in which KA isused to lesion the brain stem is that KA injectionproduces broad damage. Melittin offers an advantageover KA in that injection of melittin produces a dis-crete and well-localized lesion.

The LSO is the predominant nucleus of origin forthe lateral efferent pathway in the guinea pig (Strutzand Bielenberg 1984; Robertson 1985; Aschoff andOstwald 1987; Stopp 1990). In support of these

findings, lesioning the LSO resulted in selective de-generation of the lateral efferent innervation of thecochlea as demonstrated by reduced labeling of syn-aptic vesicles in cochlear tissues that were immuno-labeled with synaptophysin. The primary functionaleffect of lesioning the LSO was a reduction in CAPamplitude. This result supports and extends previoussuggestions that the lateral efferent innervation of thecochlea modulates auditory nerve activity (Liberman1990; Zheng et al. 1999).



Female guinea pigs (Elm Hill Breeding Labs,Chelmsford, MA) were used in these experiments. Anumber of animals were excluded based on elevationof thresholds prior to any experimental manipula-tion, evidence of middle ear infection at the time ofeuthanasia, or because the extent of damage to theLSO could not be assessed as portions of the SOCwere missing. Only one animal died during recoveryfrom the surgical brain stem lesion procedure. Theremaining animals composed an acute electrophysi-ology group (N = 14) and a chronic electrophysiologygroup (N = 3). All animals underwent electrophysio-logical assessment of auditory function by measuringinput–output functions for the sound-evoked whole-nerve compound action potential (CAP) response.

Animals in the acute electrophysiology experi-ments underwent CAP testing 7 days after a lesion ofthe LSO (N = 4); control animals included animalsthat were not lesioned (N = 9) and an animal inwhich the lesion missed the LSO (N = 1). Data from 5additional animals were excluded based on the cri-teria described above. For acute CAP recordings, asilver-wire ball electrode was placed on the roundwindow from a postauricular surgical approach.

In the chronic electrophysiology experiments,guinea pigs were implanted with indwelling plati-num–iridium ball electrodes that rested on the roundwindow membrane. Beyond the second day postim-plant, there was no evidence of time-related changesin CAP measures. These animals were allowed to re-cover for approximately one week, during which timebaseline CAP measures were collected, and then theanimals were lesioned. The melittin injections pro-duced either targeted disruption of LSO (N = 3; an-imals hereafter identified as ‘‘HIT1,’’ ‘‘HIT2,’’ and‘‘HIT3’’) or no damage to the LSO (N = 1; animalhereafter identified as ‘‘MISS1’’). We were unable toidentify any damage within the auditory nuclei ofanimal MISS1, thus, we suspect the injection failed todeliver melittin into the neural tissue. We note thatdata from HIT3 were excluded based on evidence of

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an active middle ear infection at the time of eutha-nasia, and data from a fifth animal were excludedbecause portions of the SOC were missing.

All animals were maintained with free access tofood (Purina guinea pig chow) and water. The animalcare program was AALAC accredited. Husbandry metor exceeded all applicable standards, including theGuide for the Use and Care of Laboratory Animals, pre-pared by the National Research Council (1996). TheInstitutional Animal Care and Use Committee of theUniversity of Michigan approved all animal care andtesting protocols.

Apparatus and procedures

Brain stem lesions. Guinea pigs (250–350 g) were a-nesthetized (108 mg/kg ketamine, 14 mg/kg xyla-zine) and positioned in a Kopf (Model 1404)stereotaxic head holder (David Kopf Instruments,Tujunga, CA). The surface of the head was cleansed,and, using aseptic technique, the skull was surgicallyexposed and then thinned with a dental drill betweenBregma and Lambda from approximately 1 mm leftof midline to 3 mm right of midline. The thinnedskull was removed using small bone rongeurs, ex-posing the midline blood vessels and the transversesinus.

A pulled glass pipette (tip diameter approximately20–50 lm) was affixed to a 1.0 ll glass microsyringe(model No. 700; Hamilton Company, Reno, NV).The syringe and tip were filled with melittin (SigmaChemical St. Louis, MO). Prior to use, melittin wasdissolved in normal Ringer solution (145 mM NaCl,2.7 mM KCl, 2.0 mM MgSO4, 1.2 mM CaCl2, and 5.0mM HEPES; pH 7.40; osmolality = 280–285 mOsm)for a final concentration of 10 mM melittin in solu-tion (pH 7.0+0.5; osmolality = 419 mOsm). The so-lution was aliquotted for storage at 0�C and warmedto room temperature prior to filling the microsy-ringe. Once filled with melittin, the microsyringe waspositioned 1.2 mm posterior to the center of the au-ditory meatus (measured posterior to the center ofthe fixed earbar position), and 2 mm right of mid-line, at a 4� (forward) angle off of vertical. The sy-ringe, which was also used for evoked potentialassessment as described by Gardi and Bledsoe (1981),was lowered through the cerebellum into the brainstem to an initial depth of 8 mm.

Near-field sound-evoked potentials were assessedfor right ear, left ear, and binaural stimulation at 8mm, and at depths proceeding in 0.5 mm increments.At each electrode depth, 10 kHz tone pips (0.5 msrise–fall time; 70 dB-SPL) were used to generateneural responses. Acoustic stimuli were delivered viaa 200 W Beyer transducer (part number 102.938, typeB4-31.05-00) housed in a custom-designed shielded

case and tightly connected to hollow ear bars at-tached to the stereotaxic device. Sound pressure levelcalibrations were specific to each ear bar and werebased on stimulus levels measured using a micro-phone (Bruel & Kjaer type 4136 microphone, type2619 preamp, type 2804 power supply) that was cou-pled to the ear bar at a distance of approximately 1mm. Coupling of the ear bar to the microphoneduring acoustic stimulus calibration was via vinyltubing selected to approximate the guinea pig earcanal.

Acoustic stimuli were generated using Tucker–Davis Technology (TDT) System II/System III hard-ware and SigGen 3.2 software (Tucker–Davis Tech-nology, Alachua, FL). Evoked potentials were filtered(300–3000 Hz) and amplified (1000·) using locallyconstructed equipment and then digitized using theTDT BioSig 3.2 software package. BioSig 3.2 softwarewas used to generate averaged evoked responses fol-lowing 5 stimulus presentations (2/s). The depth ofthe LSO was identified by the maximum evoked re-sponse. In addition, the binaural interaction compo-nent was evaluated to determine when the sum ofright ear or left ear stimulation was different than theeffect of binaural stimulation (see Finlayson andCaspary 1989; Wada and Starr 1989; Ungan andYagcioglu 2002).

Using the evoked potentials as a guide, injectionsof 10 mM melittin (0.2 ll) were made at depthsranging from 9 to 9.5 mm. Melittin was injected viamanually applied pressure delivered over a 1-minperiod. Following the injection of the cytotoxin,evoked potentials were reassessed. Approximately 2min later, the syringe was removed from the brainstem, the skull was covered with Durelon carboxylatecement (ESPE, Seefeld, Germany), and the skin wassutured. Warmed saline (38�C, 20 ml/kg) was in-jected subcutaneously at the conclusion of the surgi-cal procedure. In addition, animals were treated withthe antibiotic chloramphenicol (30 mg/kg, twicedaily) to prevent postoperative infections.

Inner ear electrophysiology—acute procedure. Ani-mals were anesthetized (108 mg/kg ketamine, 14mg/kg xylazine), screened for healthy tympanicmembranes and ear canals, and placed in a guineapig head holder (SG-1, Narishige Group, East Mead-ow, NY). A thermostatically controlled heating padwas used to maintain body temperature at 37–38�C. Aright postauricular incision was made, and the bullawas carefully exposed and opened. A silver-wire ballelectrode (diameter = 0.3–0.35 mm) was placed gen-tly on the round window and cemented in place.

Acoustic stimuli were delivered from the Beyertransducer, which was tightly connected to hollow earbars that were fixed to the Narishige head holder. CAPinput–output functions were determined for brief

278 LE PRELL ET AL.: Effects of LSO Lesion

pure-tone stimuli (2–20 kHz; 2 kHz increments) pre-sented at levels ranging from 0 to 100 dB SPL (5 mstone pips, 0.5 ms rise–fall; 10/s). Acoustic stimuli weregenerated using TDT System II/System III hardwareand SigGen 3.2 software. Stimulus calibrations specificto the ear bars that fit the Narishige head holder wereconducted as described above. Evoked potentials werefiltered (300–3000 Hz) and amplified (1000·) usinglocally constructed equipment. BioSig 3.2 software wasused to average 25 presentations within each fre-quency/level combination. Responses to 20 kHz 100dBSPL stimuli were discarded because of substantialdistortion of the acoustic signal.

Inner ear electrophysiology—chronic procedure. Ani-mals were anesthetized (108 mg/kg ketamine, 14mg/kg xylazine), screened for tympanic membraneinflammation, positioned in the Narishigi headholder, and placed on a heating pad to maintainbody temperature at 37–38�C. Aseptic surgical pro-cedures were used. From a right postauricular ap-proach, the bulla was carefully exposed and openedand a platinum–iridium wire ball electrode (0.3–0.35mm diameter) was placed gently on the round win-dow and cemented in place at the bulla opening. Thefree end of the electrode, which had been soldered toa pin-based socket strip connector (Samtec Inc., NewAlbany, IN) and sterilized prior to the implant sur-gery, was cemented to the top of the skull using JetRepair Acrylic (Lang Dental Manufacturing, Wheel-ing, IL). A ground wire was implanted into the mus-cles of the neck. Use of this two-pronged connectorallowed CAP responses to be assessed within the sameanimal over long periods of time, including prelesionand postlesion.

Following the implant surgery, CAP responses wereassessed. Acoustic stimuli were generated as de-scribed above. However, sounds were presentedthrough a piece of plastic tubing inserted into the earcanal. Use of this tubing avoided trauma to the earcanal as a result of repeated placement into the head-positioning device. CAP input–output functions weredetermined in anesthetized animals as describedabove; however, for a subset of animals, testing waslimited to 10 kHz. Stimulus calibrations specific tothe plastic tubing were used during collection andsummary of the data. Following injection of melittininto the brain stem, electrophysiological testing wasconducted at various time points, including immedi-ately, 1-day, and 1-week post lesion, as well as atweekly intervals extending to 17 weeks postlesion.

DPOAE testing. The lesioned animals in thechronic experiments underwent DPOAE testing at 1and 9-weeks postlesion. The cubic distortion productwas assessed. Testing was conducted in the contra-lateral ear as a control procedure, unless the tym-panic membrane of the contralateral ear appeared

cloudy, red, or otherwise irritated. A MatLab programwas used to control stimulus generation (TDT hard-ware) and data collection. Two Beyer transducerswere used to generate acoustic signals. Transduceroutput was tightly coupled to sound delivery ports inthe microphone used to measure sound-evokedDPOAEs (Etymotic Research, Elk Grove Village, IL;ER-10B+ Low Noise Microphone). The microphone(gain = 40 dB) was covered with an open-endedplastic tip to shield it from any wax in the ear canaland was placed inside the ear of the anesthetizedanimal using a microscope. The shielded micro-phone was placed near the tympanic membrane,which was inspected for inflammation or trauma be-fore and after each DPOAE procedure.

During DPOAE testing, the primary tones werefixed at 8 kHz (F1) and 9.6 kHz (F2). Initially, F1 andF2 levels were 60-dB SPL; sound levels were adjusteduntil the cubic distortion product (2F1 ) F2) was 10–15 dB above the noise floor. The level of F2 wasthen systematically decreased until it was 10 dB lowerthan that of F1. The level of F2 was increased to equalthe level of Fl (as a test/retest control procedure), andthen the level of Fl was decreased until it was 10 dBlower than that of F2. The level of Fl was increased toequal the level of F2 at the conclusion of the DPOAEtesting. Responses to 25 stimulus presentations werecollected and averaged at each sound level combina-tion (50 ms duration, presentation rate = 1/s).

Brain stem histology. At the conclusion of electro-physiological testing, most animals were anesthetizedand euthanized via intracardiac perfusion of fixative[4% paraformaldehyde, or 3% glutaraldehyde + 2%paraformaldehyde, in phosphate buffer (PO4: 0.1M)]. The brain stem was removed and placed in 4%paraformaldehyde for a minimum of 24 h. The brainwas then placed in a 30% sucrose solution for 24–48h, sectioned (70 lm) using a freezing microtome,mounted on glass slides, and stained with cresyl vio-let. We note that the placement of the pipette in thebrain stem transected the OCB in one guinea pig thatwas not included in this investigation. Because cresylviolet stain does not readily allow an evaluation ofOCB integrity, processing of neural tissues was dif-ferent for two animals (HIT2 and MISS1). Brain stemsections from these animals were labeled for acetyl-cholinesterase following Osen and Roth (1969; seealso Liberman 1990). The animals were anesthetizedand euthanized via intra cardiac perfusion of 10%formalin solution. The brains were removed, placedin 10% formalin solution overnight, and stored inPBS. The brains were later placed in a 5% sucrosesolution for 3 days and then sectioned (80 lm) usinga freezing microtome.

All sections were viewed under a Leitz LaborluxMicroscope, digitized using a Nikon Coolpix 990

LE PRELL ET AL.: Effects of LSO Lesion 279

digital camera, and analyzed using MetamorphImaging System (4.5a5, Universal Imaging Corpora-tion, Downingtown, PA). Following treatment withcresyl violet label, the lesion appeared as a darkenedarea where glia and scar tissue invaded the healthycell region (see Fig. 1). In contrast, in sections treatedwith acetylcholinesterase histochemistry, the lesionappeared as a loss of the brown neuropil staining.Brain stem sections were scored as hits when the lat-eral limb of LSO was completely disrupted and atleast some portion of the medial limb was also dam-aged. When LSO was hit, the area of the undamagedcell bodies within LSO was measured on both sides ofthe brain stem (see Fig. 2). To measure undamagedarea, regions containing intact cell bodies were cir-cled and the area of the circle was calculated usingMetamorph image analysis software.

Inner ear histology. After removal of the brain, thetemporal bones were removed. They were dissectedopen at the round window and the apex and gentlyperfused with 4% paraformaldehyde in phosphatebuffer (PO4: 0.1 M). Immunolabeling with antisyn-aptophysin mouse monoclonal antibody (1:10 dilu-tion; IGN Pharmaceuticals, Inc., Aurora, OH) wasconducted using procedures modeled after those ofBurgess et al. (1997). The tissues were then carefullydissected for surface preparations and mounted onglass slides or were dehydrated in graded alcoholsand embedded in resin (Embed 812; Electron Micr-oscopy Sciences). Synapse-specific labeling was ob-served in cochlear tissues from two animals that wereperfused with 4% paraformaldehyde (see Fig. 3).Tissues from one animal were limited to the basalturn due to trauma associated with dissection; tissuesfrom the second animal were available for all cochlearturns.

Lateral efferent innervation of the cochlea is noteasily quantified because lateral efferents appear as

distinct puncta that range in size as well as amor-phous bundles. Given that they cannot be readilycounted, we quantified lateral efferent innervation bydetermining the surface area of the immunolabeledlateral efferents in the intact ear and in the ear forwhich lateral efferent innervation was expected to bedisrupted (i.e., the ear ipsilateral to the brain stemlesion). Surface area was assessed across a 325 lmsegment from each cochlear turn in four sections ofapproximately 81 lm. Labeled area was measuredusing a sliding analysis window (area = 974 lm2) andfixed color/intensity exclusion criterion withinMetamorph. Labeling within each of the four sectionswas averaged for a final estimate of labeling withineach cochlear turn (see Fig. 4). To verify that use of afixed criterion did not bias the final result, we alsoevaluated immunolabeled area using a variablethreshold criterion that included only discrete, darklystained puncta, and a criterion in which thresholdwas adjusted until all immunolabeled area was in-cluded. Immunolabeled area varied with the appliedcriterion (i.e., labeled area was greatest when all im-munolabeled area was included), but there were nosystematic differences in the pattern of results. Be-cause there was nonspecific labeling of the remaininggluteraldehyde-fixed tissues, lesion success was veri-fied using brain stem analyses in animals with tissuesthat were fixed with gluteraldehyde.



Brain stem quantification. The area of LSO that wasundamaged (i.e., intact cell bodies were evident) on

FIG. 1. Representative brain stem section from an acute test animalscored as an LSO hit. Left: Intact (control) side of brain stem. Boththe U-shaped lateral superior olive (LSO) and the more mediallylocated medial superior olive (MSO) are evident (see labeled ar-rows). Right: The experimental (cytotoxin-injected) side of the samebrain stem as depicted in left panel. The lesion is centered over theLSO, with only the most ventromedial aspects of LSO appearingundamaged. The damage to the neural tissue does not extend to theMSO. Scale bar = 400 lm.

FIG. 2. Area of intact (undamaged) lateral superior olive (LSO) wasmeasured following injection of a cytotoxin into the vicinity of LSO(e.g., ‘‘Lesioned’’). Control comparisons were provided from meas-urements of LSO area in contralateral, uninjected LSO (e.g., ‘‘Un-lesioned’’). Section 1 was the most caudal section in which LSOappeared. Sections were sequentially numbered until LSO was nolonger evident. Asterisks denote statistically reliable differences be-tween lesioned and unlesioned sections (p’s < 0.05).

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the lesioned side and the area of the entire LSO onthe side of the brain stem contralateral to the injec-tion were measured in all cresyl violet-labeled sections(e.g., Fig. 1). For the acute test animals, which wereall sacrificed 1 week postlesion, measurements of in-tact LSO area were compared using a two-way analysisof variance (ANOVA), with section number andgroup (control versus lesion) as independent varia-bles. SigmaStat software (version 2.01) was used forall two-way ANOVAs.

The intact area of LSO was significantly smaller inlesioned LSO sections than in contralateral controlLSO sections (F = 21.831, df = l, 44, p < 0.001). Re-sults of pairwise comparisons, conducted using theStudent–Neuman–Keuls method, are shown in Figure2. The lesions were clearly centered toward the caudalend of LSO. At its rostralmost point, there was no

difference between lesioned and control LSO sec-tions. Along the medial–lateral dimension, the le-sions were consistently placed in the lateral limb ofthe LSO. Lesions of the lateral limb extended fairlybroadly along the rostral–caudal dimension; lesionsof the medial limb of the LSO were restricted to asubset of brain stem sections for each animal.

Immunolabeling of cochlear tissues. Evaluation ofsynaptophysin immunolabeling was possible in tissuesfixed without gluteraldehyde. Tissues from two ani-mals that were euthanized 1 week postlesion wereprepared using this protocol; representative sectionsare depicted in Figure 3. Synaptophysin immuno-labeling was quantified for the animal from which allcochlear turns were available. With the exception oftissues taken from the second turn of the cochlea,synaptophysin immunolabeling of lateral efferentsynaptic vesicles was reduced, but not eliminated, inthe cochlea ipsilateral to the site of the lesion (i.e.,the cochlea receiving lateral efferent projectionsoriginating at the site of the lesion). This result isillustrated in Figure 4. That there was a greater re-duction in synaptophysin immunolabeling in thelower-frequency apical turns of the cochlea is con-sistent with the observation that lesions disrupted thelower-frequency lateral limb of the LSO more thanthe higher-frequency medial limb of the LSO. Thelack of disruption to immunolabeling in the secondturn may correspond to the ventromedial region of

FIG. 3. Cochlear tissues were immunolabeled with antisynapto-physin to indicate the density of efferent terminals. Tissues from thecochlea contralateral to the injection site (i.e., the control cochleareceiving intact lateral efferent projections from the unlesioned sideof the brain stem) are depicted in the left panels. Tissues ipsilateral tothe injection site (i.e., tissues receiving projections originating in theregion of the lesion) are depicted in the right panels. All images werefocused at the level of the efferent vesicles in the vicinity of the innerhair cell and auditory nerve fibers. A. Animal GP2-1, basal turn, 63X.B. Animal CGL067, basal turn, 63X. C. Animal CGL067, third turn,40X.D. Animal CGL067, apex, 40X. Arrows indicate specific regionsof interest. a. Medial efferent vesicles under outer hair cells. b. Innerspiral bundle. c. Lateral efferent vesicles below the inner hair cells.d. Tunnel crossing fibers. All scale bars = 50 lm.

FIG. 4. Surface area of synaptophysin immunolabeling in thevicinity of the lateral efferent neurons was measured for cochleartissues ipsilateral (lesioned) and contralateral (control) to the brainstem injection site. Quantification was conducted on tissues fromanimal CGL067 (see Fig. 3); this animal was euthanized 1 week afterwe injected melittin into the brain stem. Labeled area was measuredacross a 325 lm region representative of labeling in each cochlearturn. Each region selected for analysis was broken into four analysiswindows measuring approximately 81 lm in length (total analysiswindow for each segment was 974 lm2). Average labeling withineach of the four 81 lm segments is depicted. We note that theanalysis region did not include inner spiral bundle or tunnel-crossingfiber labeling.

LE PRELL ET AL.: Effects of LSO Lesion 281

LSO that was not damaged by the melittin injectionin this animal, although we note that a precise ton-otopic map of the guinea pig LSO is not available.The reduction in synaptic labeling evident across theother cochlear turns was not accompanied by grosschanges in the inner spiral bundle or the tunnelcrossing fibers. Labeling in the vicinity of outer haircells was unaffected, suggesting there was no disrup-tion of the medial efferent neurons.


Threshold. Examples of typical CAP waveforms aredepicted in Figure 5. All scoring of CAP waveformswas conducted by observers blind to experimentalcondition. Threshold was defined as the lowest levelat which a CAP response could be identified by visualinspection. CAP amplitude was typically 3–5 lV atthreshold. There were several animals for which CAPamplitude, at 0-dB SPL, was greater than the 3–5 lVcriterion. Under these conditions, threshold was ar-bitrarily scored as 0-dB SPL for summary purposesbecause 0-dB SPL was the lowest level tested. CAP

thresholds were within the range of variation forpigmented guinea pig CAP thresholds as reportedacross different laboratories (e.g., Dum 1983; Thorneand Gavin 1985; Fechter et al. 1992; Charlet de Sau-vage et al. 1996; Mulheran and Harpur 1998).

FIG. 5. The sound-evoked whole-nerve compound action potential(CAP) response of the auditory nerve is shown for a subset of thelevels tested (20, 40, 60, 80- dB SPL). Waveforms are in response to a14-kHz acoustic signal (5 ms, see horizontal scale bar) and are froma control animal (top) and an animal in which the lateral superiorolive (LSO) was lesioned (bottom). Data from the LSO-lesioned an-imal were obtained on the seventh day postlesion. Vertical scalebar = 170 lV.

FIG. 6. Threshold, defined as the lowest signal level (dB SPL) thatelicited a compound action potential (CAP) response, was deter-mined for all animals. Top: Mean threshold (± SE) for acute elec-trophysiology animals. All lesioned animal thresholds weredetermined 1 week postlesion. Asterisks denote statistically reliabledifferences between lesioned and unlesioned control animals (p’s <0.05). Middle: Thresholds for chronic animal HIT1 were determinedbefore and 1 week after lesioning the lateral superior olive (LSO).Bottom: Thresholds for chronic animals HIT2 and MISS1 were de-termined at 10 kHz before and after the lesion surgery. Lesion-in-duced change from prelesion threshold is depicted. Brain stemsections from animal HIT2 exhibited targeted disruption of LSO;brain stem sections from animal MISS1 showed no cytotoxin-in-duced trauma. Postlesion assessment was conducted at time pointsextending to 17 weeks.

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Threshold data from lesioned and control animals(mean +/) standard error) tested in the acute pro-cedure are summarized in Figure 6 (top). For eachtest frequency, univariate ANOVAs were conductedusing SPSS version 10.1 (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL).Thresholds were significantly elevated in lesionedanimals at 2 kHz (F = 5.332, df = l, 11; p < 0.05). Thecorresponding data from the chronic animals aredepicted in the lower panels of Figure 6 (middle:HIT1; bottom: HIT2, MISS1). Both acute (top) andchronic (middle, bottom) lesion groups showed atendency for threshold elevation at various frequen-cies. Thresholds improved in only one case, that inwhich the lesion did not damage LSO (MISS1).

N1 latency. N1 latency was compared across fre-quency and intensity for lesion and control groupsusing a three-way repeated-measures ANOVA inwhich group was treated as a between-subject variableand frequency and intensity were treated as within-subject variables. There were no significant effects ofgroup, and no significant interactions for group ·frequency or group · intensity. Statistical analyseswere first conducted on the latency data using the rawdata. These analyses were repeated using a fitted dataset in which missing (i.e., subthreshold) latency val-ues were extrapolated from the existing data set. Thefitted data were derived using a 3-parameter modelwhere fit(x) = a0 * ln(x + a1) + a2. The use of this 3-parameter model allowed for an excellent fit of thedata across the wide range of intensity and frequencyused in this study. No significant differences weredetected between raw and fitted data. However, thefitted data set had the advantage of being a complete

FIG. 7. CAP amplitude, defined as the amplitude of the N1–P1response component, was determined for all frequency/level com-binations for acute electrophysiology test animals. The 20-kHz 100-dB SPL data were discarded due to acoustic signal distortion at thisfrequency/level combination. Mean CAP amplitude (± SE), averagedwithin levels and across frequencies, is depicted. All lesioned ani-mals were assessed 1 week postlesion. Top: CAP amplitude forsound intensity levels measured in dB SPL. Asterisks denote statisti-cally reliable pairwise differences between lesioned and unlesionedcontrol animals (p’s < 0.05). Diamonds denote differences that ap-proached statistical reliability (p’s < 0.10). Bottom: CAP amplitudefor sound intensity levels normalized to account for differences inthreshold sensitivity. Intensity is expressed as dB sensation level (dBSL, or, equivalently, dB above threshold). Because the overall sta-tistical reliability of the lesion-induced change in CAP amplitudewas greater than 0.10, pairwise comparisons were not conducted.

FIG. 8. CAP amplitude, defined as the amplitude of the N1–P1response component, was determined for all frequency/level com-binations for animal HIT1 prior to and 1 week after melittin wasinjected into the lateral superior olive (LSO). The 20- kHz 100-dBSPL data were discarded due to acoustic signal distortion at thisfrequency/level combination. CAP amplitude, averaged within levelsand across frequencies, is depicted. Top: CAP amplitude for soundintensity levels measured in dB SPL. Bottom: CAP amplitude forsound intensity levels normalized to account for differences inthreshold sensitivity. Intensity is expressed as dB sensation level (dBSL, or, equivalently, dB above threshold).

LE PRELL ET AL.: Effects of LSO Lesion 283

data set that was amenable to standard statisticalanalyses for repeated measures with greater powerthan was available with the raw data set that necessi-tated a multiple pairwise comparisons approach.Taken together, these data suggest the integrity of theLSO had very little effect on N1 latency. Data fromour chronic animals were consistent with this obser-vation. There was no evidence of lesion-induced dif-ferences in latency of the CAP assessed prelesion andpostlesion.

CAP amplitude. The main effect of the LSO lesionwas a depression in CAP amplitude. This effect wasevident when responses were compared for equiva-lent sound levels (dB SPL) as well as equivalent sen-sation levels (dB SL). Moreover, lesion-induceddecreases in CAP amplitude were evident in bothacute (Fig. 7) and chronic (Fig. 8) test animals.

A three-way repeated-measures ANOVA was usedto compare control and lesioned animals across alltest frequency and level combinations. A main effectof frequency was revealed, indicating that CAP am-plitude was greater at the higher frequencies than atthe lower frequencies (F = 14.891, df = 9, 99; p <0.001). This result was not surprising as CAP was as-sessed at the round window. In addition, a group ·intensity effect was revealed (F = 3.744, df = 20, 220; p< 0.001), indicating that CAP amplitude in lesionedanimals was always smaller than CAP amplitude incontrol animals but differences varied with intensity.There were no significant interactions of group ·frequency or group · frequency · intensity. This in-dicated that the CAP amplitude depression in le-sioned animals was consistent across frequency. Wetherefore depict CAP amplitude averaged across fre-quency for each intensity level.

The statistical reliability of lesion-induced changeswas analyzed first at equivalent sound pressure levels(dB SPL) and then after sound levels were normal-ized to threshold (dB SL). The amplitude of the CAPsound-evoked response was smaller in lesioned ani-mals than in control animals when expressed as dBSPL (F = 4.547, df = 1, 11; p = 0.056). The statisticalreliability of the lesion-induced effect was reduced(F = 1.789, df = 1, 11; p = 0.208) after normalizing forsensation level. Therefore, pairwise comparisons wereconducted only for data expressed in dB SPL units.There were no reliable group differences at 0–10 dBSPL (p’s > 0.10); other within-level group compari-sons revealed the depression in CAP amplitude inlesioned animals was statistically reliable at 35-dB SPLand 45–60-dB SPL (p’s < 0.05). The differences ap-proached statistical reliability at all other levels in-cluding 15-dB SPL and above (p’s < 0.10).

Lesioning the LSO similarly depressed CAP am-plitude for animal HIT1, who was tested prelesionand 1-week postlesion (Fig. 8, top: dB SPL; bottom:

dB SL). Animals HIT2 and MISS1 were repeatedlytested at a single frequency (10 kHz) over a longertime interval. HIT2 was unlike other LSO-lesionedanimals in that CAP amplitude was unchanged, rela-tive to prelesion baseline, at 1–2 weeks postlesion.Testing was not conducted at weeks 3 and 4; however,by week 5, a very stable long-term (up to 17 week)depression was evident in both raw (dB SPL) andnormalized (dB SL) responses. In contrast, CAP am-plitude was not depressed in MISS1, the animal inwhich LSO was intact after the melittin injection.

FIG. 9. Distortion product otoacoustic emissions (DPOAEs) show arapid adaptation shortly after signal onset when the medial efferentpathway is intact. DPOAE adaptation is depicted for an unlesionedcontrol animal (top, CGL073) and HIT2 (middle); HIT2 underwent atargeted disruption of the lateral superior olive (LSO). Variation inamplitude of the adaptation component is consistent with unle-sioned animals tested in this laboratory as well as other laboratories.The ratio of levels of Fl and F2 were systematically varied across awide range for both animals. The amplitude of the adaptation acrosslevel combinations is depicted in the bottom panel for animal HIT2.

284 LE PRELL ET AL.: Effects of LSO Lesion

DPOAE adaptation. Adaptation of the DPOAE re-sponse was assessed in all of the animals that receivedchronic round window implants and lesions. Adap-tation of the DPOAE response was evident in control(Fig. 9, top) and LSO-lesioned animals (Fig. 9, mid-dle). The amplitude of the adaptation was variableacross animals, which is consistent with observationsfrom other animals tested in this laboratory as well asthe variability described by Maison and Liberman(2000). They classified animals with 10–25 dB of ad-aptation as ‘‘strong MOC reflex’’ and animals withless than 2 dB of adaptation as ‘‘weak MOC reflex.’’

DPOAE amplitude was carefully examined atmultiple level combinations for animal HIT2. As theratio of F1 and F2 levels was shifted, we observed achange in the direction of adaptation as well as theamplitude of adaptation (see Fig. 9, bottom). Theseeffects critically depend on the integrity of the cros-sed medial olivocochlear neurons (Liberman et al.1996; Kujawa and Liberman 2001). Taken together,these results suggest that the medial efferent inner-vation of the cochlea was relatively intact functionally,at least in the animals for which DPOAE amplitudewas assessed.


The present results suggest that lateral efferent in-nervation of the cochlea modulates auditory nerveafferent output. After lesioning the LSO, CAP am-plitude was clearly depressed. The effect was evidentwhen we compared lesioned and unlesioned animalsusing an acute CAP assessment paradigm. The effectwas similarly striking when we compared prelesionand postlesion data collected from the animals testedin a chronic paradigm. Neither differences in N1 la-tency nor overall changes in threshold sensitivity ac-companied the compression of CAP amplitude.Because there was a trend toward higher thresholdsin lesioned animals at some frequencies, however, weadjusted the CAP amplitude data to account for anydifferences in threshold sensitivity. After convertingto sensation level, the results were identical in thatCAP amplitude was depressed in lesioned animalsrelative to control animals.

Disrupting the lateral efferent pathway could de-press CAP if a relatively smaller population of audi-tory nerve fibers were activated in the auditory systemthat lacks (or has a reduced) lateral efferent inner-vation. Alternatively, a lesion-induced breakdown inthe synchronization of single-unit firing could resultin smaller overall CAP amplitude. The present datado not allow a distinction between these possibilities.However, the lack of effect of the lesion on N1 latencysuggests that if there were a lesion-induced disruption

in synchronous firing, the effect was limited to a smallnumber of neurons. Gross disruption of synchronousfiring eliminates N1 (Goldstein and Kiang 1958). Wenote that the possibility of the LSO lesion affectingadapted neural firing rates (as shown by Zheng et al.1999, after OCB transection) is not addressed by thecurrent data. Neural response adaptation (eitheracross the duration of the stimulus or across presen-tations of multiple stimuli) does not occur for briefacoustic stimuli separated by long inter-stimulus in-tervals (such as those used in the current investiga-tion; see Peake et al. 1962; Kiang et al. 1965).

Although we did not specifically include controlanimals in which the skull was opened but melittinwas not injected, we did examine electrophysiologicaldata from two animals in which the lesion missed theLSO. One of these animals was tested under the acutetest paradigm. Data from this animal (which are notdepicted) were indistinguishable from the controlanimals that had not undergone the lesion surgery.The second animal (MISS1) was tested in the chronictest paradigm. Animal MISS1 was unlike the lesionedanimals in that(1) thresholds showed no increasefrom prelesion baselines and (2) CAP amplitudeshowed no postlesion depression. Thus, it is unlikelythat the differences reported here can be attributedto uncontrolled consequences of the surgical proce-dure. That is, the placement of the lesion within LSOwas critical in evoking the observed depression ofCAP amplitude.

The LSO is tonotopically organized such thatlower frequencies are represented more laterally.Tonotopic distribution across LSO has been mappedin gerbils (Sanes et al. 1989), rats (Sommer et al.1993; Kelly et al. 1998), and cats (Tsuchitani andBoudreau 1966; Guinan et al. 1972; Tsuchitani 1977).Injections of dye into the base or apex of the guineapig cochlea produce labeling in LSO suggestive of asimilarly organized tonotopic map (see Stopp 1983;Aschoff and Ostwald 1987; Robertson et al. 1987).Based on the general tonotopic organization of LSO,lower frequencies might be relatively more affectedthan higher frequencies in the current experimentalanimals because lesions predominantly affected thelateral limb of the LSO. Such an effect was generallyevident in the current investigation [see Tables 1 (80-dB SPL) and 2 (60-dB SPL)]. However, the lack ofstatistically reliable interactions of group · frequencyor group · frequency · intensity indicate differencesacross frequency were not statistically reliable. Takentogether, the lack of statistically different effectsacross frequencies probably reflects the fact that themedial limb was at least partially damaged in all le-sioned subjects. Moreover, the medial limb wascompletely lesioned for most subjects in a subset ofbrain stem sections.

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Because frequency-specific effects presumably varybased on the specific pattern of damage to the LSO ineach individual animal, we explored frequency effectsfor HIT1, the only chronic animal tested at multiplefrequencies. The melittin injection into the brainstem of this animal disrupted virtually all of the LSO(see Fig. 10, top). Intact cell bodies were observedonly in the ventromedial region of the LSO. Postle-sion CAP amplitude for HIT1 was most depressedat our lower test frequencies (i.e., 4–10 kHz), some-what less affected within the 12–16 kHz frequencyrange (presumably corresponding to the intact cellbodies within ventromedial LSO), and more de-pressed at the highest test frequencies (i.e., 18–20kHz). This effect is evident at the arbitrarily selectedlevels presented in Tables 1 and 2, as well as acrosslevels as shown in subset of frequencies depicted inFigure 10.

That the brain stem lesion targeted to LSO in factdisrupted the lateral efferent innervation of thecochlea is demonstrated by the reduction in synapt-ophysin immunolabeling in the animals showing sy-

napse-specific labeling. With the exception of thesegment taken from the second turn of the cochlea inone animal, synaptophysin-immunolabeling was re-duced in the ear ipsilateral to the LSO lesion (com-pared with the control ear contralateral to thelesion). Thus, the LSO lesions decreased the inner-vation of the auditory nerve dendrites by lateral ef-ferent neurons. Of particular importance, we notethat the lesion in the brain stem of CGL067 wascentered in the lateral limb (i.e., the lower frequencylimb) of the LSO and only a small portion of ven-tromedial LSO was intact after the injection of me-littin. In the cochlea, synaptophysin immunolabelingwas most reduced in the upper turns, correspondingto the lower-frequency regions (see Fig. 3, panels B–D; Fig. 4). That labeling was intact in the second turnof the cochlea may reflect innervation from ventro-medial LSO, which was intact in some brain stemsections. A frequency-specific correlation could notbe ascertained for GP2-1 (Fig. 3, panel A), as theupper turns of the cochlea were damaged duringdissection of the tissue.


Percent change in CAP amplitude at 80-dB SPL

Frequency (kHz)

2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20

Acutea )74 )53 )39 )46 )39 )45 )47 )48 )50 )39HIT1b )54 )54 )58 )56 )56 )43 )55 )48 )58 )66HIT2c )75MISSIc,d )3

aPercent change calculated using 1-week postlesion guinea pig animals (n = 4) relative to intact controls (n = 9). Negative numbers indicate that lesioned guineapig CAP amplitude is smaller than that of intact controls.

bPercent change calculated using 1-week postlesion HIT1 animal data relative to prelesion within-subject control data. Negative numbers indicate CAP amplitudewas smaller at 1 week postlesion.

cPercent change calculated using 17-week postlesion HIT2 animal data relative to prelesion within-subject control data. Negative numbers indicate CAPamplitude was smaller at the final 17-week postlesion time point.

dLSO intact.


Percent change in CAP amplitude at 60-dB SPL

Frequency (kHz)

2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20

Acutea )87 )56 )37 )42 )41 )44 )54 )57 )53 )45HIT1b )36 )56 )58 )53 )54 )46 )47 )50 )64 )64HIT2c )83MISSIc,d +54

aPercent change calculated using 1-week postlesion guinea pig animals (n = 4) relative to intact controls (n = 9). Negative numbers indicate lesioned guinea pigCAP amplitude is smaller than that of intact controls.

bPercent change calculated using 1-week postlesion HIT1 animal data relative to prelesion within-subject control data. Negative numbers indicate CAP amplitudewas smaller at 1 week postlesion.

cPercent change calculated using 17-week postlesion HIT2 animal data relative to prelesion within-subject control data. Negative numbers indicate CAPamplitude was smaller at the final 17-week postlesion time point.

dLSO intact.

286 LE PRELL ET AL.: Effects of LSO Lesion

It is unlikely that disruption of the medial efferentpathways resulted in the observed effects. First,functional integrity of the medial efferent neuronswas verified empirically in the chronic test animals.Specifically, DPOAE amplitude adaptation was meas-ured as in the studies of Liberman and colleagues(e.g., Liberman et al. 1996; Maison and Liberman2000; Kujawa and Liberman 2001). While DPOAEadaption revealed at least some functionally intactmedial efferent innervation of the cochlea, we notethat the data do not allow evaluation of subtle lesion-induced changes in medial efferent function becauseDPOAE adaptation was not assessed prelesion. Sec-ond, integrity of the medial efferent neurons was

evaluated anatomically. For those brain stem sec-tions stained with cresyl violet, the integrity ofthe regions of the brain stem medial to LSO,i.e., areas in which medial efferent neurons originate,were assessed. This stain does not permit an as-sessment of the integrity of the OCB, composed ofboth medial and lateral efferent neurons traveling tothe cochlea, however. Thus, brain stem sections fromtwo animals were labeled using ACh-based histo-chemical reactions to allow visualization of the OCB.There was no evidence of damage to the OCB inthese animals (HIT2, MISS1). Finally, there was noqualitative reduction in synaptophysin labeling underthe outer hair cells in the cochlear tissues that werefixed with 4% paraformaldehyde. Thus, medial ef-ferent projections to the cochlea did not appear to bedisrupted in any of the functional or morphologicalanalyses. Taken together, the evidence suggests theobserved lesion-induced depression in the sound-evoked CAP was not a consequence of consistentdisruption to the medial efferent innervation of thecochlea.

Our findings support and extend previous sug-gestions that the lateral efferent innervation of thecochlea modulates auditory nerve activity. Liberman(1990) sectioned the OCB in cats and observed thatsingle auditory nerve fibers showed a significantdecrease in spontaneous activity. Although both me-dial and lateral efferent pathways are disrupted bysectioning the OCB, one explanation of the observedchanges in auditory nerve activity was that the intactLOC system has a ‘‘net excitatory’’ effect (see Liber-man 1990). De-efferentation-induced decreases inspontaneous activity have since been observed inchinchillas as well (Zheng et al. 1999). Finally, Groffand Liberman (2002) recently presented preliminaryevidence that delivery of shock trains to the LSOenhances the sound-evoked CAP response of the au-ditory nerve. This enhancement of CAP amplitudewas observed only in the cochlea ipsilateral to thestimulation site within the brain stem.

Both Liberman (1990) and Zheng et al. (1999)have proposed a model in which lateral efferent in-nervation of the cochlea produces a tonic, low-leveldischarge of auditory nerve fibers (i.e., spontaneousactivity) which is reduced after de-efferentation. Thisexcitatory effect could be mediated through achronic release of neuroactive substances that directlyexcite the afferent fibers. There are at least twotransmitter substances that, if eliminated from theafferent synapse, could produce the spontaneous ratedepression described by Liberman (1990) and Zhenget al. (1999), as well as the depression of the whole-nerve response described in the current report. Spe-cifically, disrupting a tonic release of either ACh ordynorphin (dyn) from the lateral efferent neurons

FIG. 10. Top. Area of intact (undamaged) lateral superior olive(LSO) was measured following injection of melittin into the vicinityof LSO (e.g., ‘‘Lesioned’’) in the animal identified as HIT1. Controlcomparisons were provided from measurements of LSO area incontralateral, uninjected LSO (e.g., ‘‘Unlesioned’’). Section 1 wasthe most caudal section in which LSO appeared. Sections were se-quentially numbered until LSO was no longer evident. Bottom, left.Amplitude of the compound action potential (CAP) response of theauditory nerve is depicted across stimulus levels (dB SPL) at threefrequencies (6, 12, and 18 kHz). CAP was assessed prelesion using achronically implanted electrode, as well as 1 week postlesion. Right.Percent change in CAP amplitude induced by the LSO lesion, atfrequencies corresponding to those depicted in the left panels.Negative numbers represent a depression in CAP amplitude. Percentchange in CAP amplitude at other test frequencies is summarized fora subset of stimulus intensities in Tables 1 and 2.

LE PRELL ET AL.: Effects of LSO Lesion 287

could depress auditory nerve activity. Although nei-ther tonic nor sound-induced release of ACh or dynfrom lateral efferent synapses has been empiricallyverified, there are functional and anatomical datasupporting their ability to modulate the output of theauditory nerve.

When applied in the vicinity of the auditory nervedendrites using microiontophoresis, ACh (0.5 M)increases subsynaptic spiking and enhances gluta-mate-induced auditory nerve activity (Felix and Eh-renberger 1992). The prediction that CAP would bedepressed in the absence of lateral efferent release ofACh is consistent with these results. This should beinterpreted with caution, however, as Bobbin andKonishi (1971) reported that intracochlear perfusionof ACh (250 lM) has no effect on CAP. Moreover, thecombination of ACh (250 lM) and eserine (10 lM), asubstance that blocks the metabolism of ACh, de-pressed the amplitude of CAP. Murugasu and Russell(1996) reported an elevation in CAP threshold whenACh (100 lM) and physostigmine (20 lM), a sub-stance that prevents the breakdown of ACh, wereperfused in the cochlea. Although Murugasu andRussell (1996) did not report the effects of the AChperfusion on CAP amplitude, the threshold eleva-tions they describe would likely be accompanied by alevel-dependent depression in CAP amplitude. It ispossible that the differences between the results ofFelix and Ehrenberger (1992) and those of Bobbinand Konishi (1971) and Murugasu and Russell (1996)are related to the different perfusion procedures.Whereas Felix and Ehrenberger (1992) restrictedACh delivery to the vicinity of the auditory nervedendrites, those investigators reporting inhibitoryeffects of ACh (e.g., Bobbin and Konishi 1971;Murugasu and Russell 1996) perfused the entirecochlea with ACh. Perfusion of the entire cochleawould result in stimulation of ACh receptors on theOHCs as well as those on the auditory nerve dend-rites.

A second putative lateral efferent neurotransmitterthat appears to have excitatory effects on afferentactivity is dynorphin. Chinchillas treated intrave-nously with a dynorphin-like substance, ())pentazo-cine, showed an enhancement of CAP amplitude andimprovement in threshold sensitivity (Sahley et al.1991; Sahley and Nodar 1994). These excitatory ef-fects were antagonized by intravenous naloxone(Sahley et al. 1996b) and norbinaltorphimine appliedto the round window membrane of the cochlea(Sahley et al. 1996a). The effects of dyn agonists onwhole-nerve potentials have not yet been evaluatedwhen dyn receptor agonists are infused directly intothe cochlea. In addition, the effects of dyn agonistson single-unit auditory nerve activity remain to bedetermined.

Perhaps the best-characterized putative lateral ef-ferent neurotransmitter is dopamine (DA). DA ispostulated to mediate protection of the auditorynerve dendrites against trauma-induced swelling(Pujol et al. 1993; d’Aldin et al. 1995a, b), and also topreserve threshold sensitivity after trauma (d’Aldin etal. 1995a). This suggests that DA might ‘‘turn down’’driven activity in the normal auditory system. Duringinfusion of DA agonists, auditory nerve single-unitdriven rates (Oestreicher et al. 1997; Ruel et al.2001), the whole-nerve response (d’Aldin et al. 1995a,b; Ruel et al. 2001), and spontaneous firing rates[according to Ruel et al. (2001) but not Oestreicheret al. (l997)] are in fact decreased. Taken together,DA consistently depresses auditory nerve responses.

DA appears to reduce auditory nerve activity, buteach of the past de-efferentation investigations (e.g.,Liberman 1990; Zheng et al. 1999), as well as thecurrent LSO lesion experiment, supports a net exci-tatory effect of lateral efferent innervation of thecochlea. That is, auditory nerve activity has been de-pressed in the absence of lateral efferent innervation.Thus, it initially seems that DA is not a primary de-terminant of auditory nerve activity. Although morespeculative, we acknowledge there is at least onemechanism through which disruption of DA releaseby the lateral efferent neurons in the cochlea couldresult in a depression of CAP amplitude, as shown inthe current findings. When DA receptors in thecochlea are blocked with the D1 receptor antagonisteticlopride or the D2 receptor antagonist SCH-23390,high-spontaneous-rate auditory nerve fibers show atransient increase in spontaneous rate followed by adepression in rate (Ruel et al. 2001). At least theeticlopride-induced depression in rate is accompa-nied by auditory nerve dendritic swelling (Ruel et al.2001). If lack of D2 receptor activation underliesdendritic swelling and a related suppression of neuralactivity, then a lesion that reduces or eliminates theendogenous supply of DA might similarly result indendritic swelling and depressed auditory nerve ac-tivity. Swelling following de-efferentation has beenreported in monkeys (Bodian and Gucer 1980) andrats (Spangler and Warr 1987) but not cats (Liber-man 1990).

In summary, our data show that the gross sound-evoked auditory nerve potential, the CAP, is de-pressed following disruption of the lateral efferentpathway. These data support the suggestion that de-pressed single-unit auditory nerve activity after tran-section of the medial and lateral auditory efferentpathways is a consequence of lateral efferent de-in-nervation (e.g., Liberman 1990; Zheng et al. 1999). Inthe current investigation, the medial efferent inner-vation of the cochlea appeared to be functionallyintact, at least in the animals in which we assessed

288 LE PRELL ET AL.: Effects of LSO Lesion

DPOAE amplitude, and there was no morphologicalevidence of disruption to medial efferent neurons.Given the recent demonstration that electrical stim-ulation of cell bodies originating in the LSO en-hances sound-evoked auditory nerve response (Groffand Liberman 2002), the data provide compellingevidence that lateral efferent neurons modulate au-ditory nerve activity that occurs spontaneously and asa result of acoustic stimulation.


Support was provided by NIH-NIDCD P01-DC-00078 (SCB)and F32-DC-00367 (CGL). Acetylcholinesterase immuno-labeling was conducted at Eaton–Peabody Laboratory;cochlear tissue preparation was done in R. Altschuler’slaboratory; D. Dolan, H. Drewior, C. Ellinger, R. Griffith, K.Halsey, E. Macpherson, J. McLaren, D. Payer, and L.Pierchala provided technical assistance. We thank D. Dolan,M. C. Liberman, and J. Middlebrooks for comments on anearlier version of the paper.



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