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Danger Mercaderes, RM.; Pla Santamaría, F.; Molina Marco, A.; Rosso, P. (2014).Towards a Protein-Protein Interaction information extraction system: recognizing namedentities. Knowledge-Based Systems. 57:104-118. doi:10.1016/j.knosys.2013.12.010.

Towards a Protein-Protein interaction Information

Extraction System: recognizing named entities

Roxana Dangera,∗, Ferran Plab, Antonio Molinab, Paolo Rossob

aDept. of Computing. Imperial College London. South Kensington Campus. UK.bNatural Language Engineering and Pattern Recognition (ELiRF), Dpto. de Sistemas

Informaticos y Computacion, Universitat Politecnica de Valencia. Spain


The majority of biological functions of any living being are related to Protein-Protein Interactions (PPI). PPI discoveries are reported in form of researchpublications whose volume grows day after day. Consequently, automatic PPIinformation extraction systems are a pressing need for biologists. In this paperwe are mainly concerned with the named entity detection module of PPIES(the PPI Information extraction system we are implementing) which recognizestwelve entity types relevant in PPI context. It is composed of two sub-modules:a dictionary look-up with extensive normalization and acronym detection, anda Conditional Random Field classifier. The dictionary look-up module has beentested with Interaction Method Task (IMT), and it improves by approximately10% the current solutions that do not use Machine Learning (ML). The secondmodule has been used to create a classifier using the Joint Workshop on NaturalLanguage Processing in Biomedicine and its Applications (JNLPBA’04) dataset. It does not use any external resources, or complex or ad-hoc post-processing,and obtains 77.25%, 75.04% and 76.13 for precision, recall, and F1-measure,respectively, improving all previous results obtained for this data set.

Keywords: Biomedical named entity recognition, Protein-Protein Interaction,Dictionary look-up, Machine Learning

1. Introduction

The study of Protein-Protein Interactions (PPI) has become crucial for manyresearch topics in biology, since they are intrinsic to virtually every cellular pro-cess ([1]). The majority of PPI information is available in the form of researcharticles whose volume grows day after day. In order to provide biologists withfast access to all this information, curators from various research institutes arededicated to extracting the most important descriptions from publications, and

∗to whom correspondence should be addressed. This work was developed while the firstauthor was working for the ELiRF Research Group at the Department of Computer Systemsand Computation, Universidad Politecnica de Valencia, Spain.

Preprint submitted to Elsevier December 6, 2013

to storing the extracted data on Protein Interaction Databases, such as: theMunich Information Center for Protein Sequence (MIPS) protein interactionDatabase [2]; the Biomolecular Interaction Network Database (BIND) [3]; theDatabase of Interacting Proteins (DIP) [4]; the Molecular Interaction Database(MINT) [5]; the protein Interaction Database (IntAct) [6]; the Biological Gen-eral Repository for Interaction Datasets (BioGRID) [7]; and the Human ProteinReference Database (HPRD) [8].

Currently, the curation load is shared amongst all databases, and is builton the MIMIx [9] (Minimum Information about a Molecular Interaction Ex-periment) resources, part of the Proteomics Standards Initiative (PSI), of theHuman Proteome Organization (HUPO)1. The MIMIx resources are composedby the MIMIx guidelines, the PSI-MI XML interchange format, and the corre-sponding controlled vocabularies for molecular interaction description.

The curated data are regularly interchanged using the common standardPSI-MI extensible markup language (XML). However, expert curators may needa whole day to extract all the relevant information from an article2, and it isestimated that about 5% of Pubmed articles are referred to PPI3. Therefore, asemi-automatic processing of these papers is a pressing need for biologists anda challenge for bioinformatics researchers.

Automatic PPI information extraction involves many tasks: article clas-sification (as positive/negative according to the PPI subject), biology namedentity detection (especially for genes and proteins), normalization, and entityrelation identification (especially interacting genes/proteins), which have beenbeen extensively discussed, mainly during the BIOCREATIVE Challenges4.

In this paper we introduce the general architecture of our system for au-tomatizing the process of PPI information extraction, PPIES, as well as itsmodule for named entity detection, and the results it obtains. The named entitydetection module allows the complete set of entities described by MIMIx to beidentified. It is a crucial step for the information extraction system and can alsoalleviate the curator’s task, since all important detected entities can be high-lighted, and the curator could go directly to extract the relevant informationaround them. It is composed of a dictionary look-up and a Conditional RandomField (CRF) classifier.

The dictionary look-up searches in a text for entities which can be associ-ated to a relatively stable set of terms for organisms, interaction detection andparticipant identification methods, interaction types, interactor types, biologicalroles, and tissue types, using soft matching. To assess the performance of thismodule is a difficult task, as there are no available corpora in the PPI contexttagged with all these entities. We have, however, used this module to solve theIMT task of BIOCREATIVE III [10], which consists in the recognition of the

1http://www.psidev.info/2Based on answer to query 26 at http://biocreative.sourceforge.net/ppi questions.html.3Based on motivation for ACT-BC-III at http://www.biocreative.org/tasks/biocreative-



interaction detection methods used in PPI discovery.The CRF classifier searches for entities that cannot be described through a

dictionary, due to their incompleteness or inaccuracy (new molecules are dis-covered day after day, new synonyms and acronyms for a specific entity can beintroduced and, depending on the data source, the list of names can be moreor less complete and the ambiguity more or less difficult to resolve), as in thecase of proteins, cell lines, cell types, DNA, and RNA molecules. In this sensethe JNLPBA’04 corpus [11] is the only available resource containing biomedicaltexts tagged by these entity types.

In the following section a literature review related to our named entity de-tection module is presented. A general overview of the PPIES system as well asof the implementation details of the named entity detection module are givenin Section 3. Section 4 describes and discusses the obtained results. Finally, inSection 5 conclusions are drawn and future work directions are discussed.

2. Background

The most important details related to the dictionary look-up systems arehighlighted below in Section 2.1. The JNLPBA’04 corpus and the solutionsdescribed in the literature for the annotation of its entities are summarized inSection 2.2.

2.1. Dictionary look-up

Dictionary look-up, a type of string matching [12] algorithm, is useful inmany Natural Language Processing applications, since it allows to retrieve termsof a given controlled vocabulary (CV) from a raw text. Normally, this vocab-ulary is formed by tuples of (Id, term, entity type). The identifiers, Id, can beused to normalize the recognized terms, which are also linked to entity types.The accuracy of a dictionary look-up depends on the measure function that isused to compute the matching score level between texts and terms. Examplesof soft matching measures are n-gram similarity, Levenshtein distance [13], andthe Jaro-Winkler measure [14]. More sophisticated approaches combine differ-ent soft matching measures and/or learn the weights of their parameters fromthe dictionary (e.g. [15], [16], [17], and [18]).

Various techniques that optimize the time searching and the similarity mea-sures have been proposed for dictionary look-up (e.g. [19], [20], [21], [22,23], [24]). Currently, search engines are used to create indexes of CV and/or oftexts and allow retrieve texts associated to terms entered by users. Many bib-liographic databases, e.g. PubMed, PubMed Central, Science Citation IndexExpanded, ACM, Google Scholar, Citebase and Embase, uses such approach,but only a few of them uses a CV for indexing texts.

PubMed and Embase are the most important examples, in the biomedicalarea, using CV to index texts. Indexing texts with a CV implies that eachtext is processed by a dictionary look-up algorithm to capture the mentionedCV terms, and to maintain the recognized terms along with the texts in the


index. Embase [23] indexes texts using their own Emtree thesaurus, formed byapproximately 60,000 biomedical terms with a large coverage of chemicals anddrug terminology. Part of the database is automatically indexed, but the detailsof the dictionary look-up algorithm are not provided.

PubMed is indexed using the NLM (National Library of Medicine5) MedicalText Indexer (MTI) which in turn uses MetaMap (see [21] for an overview), a dic-tionary look-up for UMLSMetathesaurus [25]. Other efforts for annotating textsfor UMLS and MeSH are MicroMeSH [26], CHARTLINE [27] CLARIT [28],SAPHIRE [29], KnowledgeMap [30], MGREP [31].

MetaMap is the best well-known technology, in the biomedical field for dictio-nary look-up. It has merged in one tool all experiences for annotating biomedicaltexts and outperforms almost all other similar systems (an exception is Knowl-edgeMap in the context of biological process). Text processing in MetaMap iscarried out using a series of linguistic steps for obtaining a mapping betweensegments of a text and concepts in UMLS: 1) tokenization, sentence boundarydetermination and acronym/abbreviation identification; 2) part-of-speech tag-ging; 3) lexical lookup of input words in the SPECIALIST lexicon; 4) a shallowparser to identify phrases and their lexical heads; 5) each phrase is analysed forobtaining different variations, and the Metathesaurus terms matching the inputtext, called candidates, are selected and evaluated; 6) a mapping between textphrases and a combination of the candidates is generated and evaluated. Themapping is filtered, optionally disambiguated, and given as final result. It isout of the scope of this paper to describe the whole complexity behind each ofthese steps. The interested reader can refer to [21] for a deeper understanding.

Using MetaMap and adjusting it according to a particular use case is difficult.One the one hand, it is open-source but uses SICStus Prolog which is not-open source software. On the other hand, many parameters (e.g. the syntacticanalysis algorithms and/or models) cannot be configured at the level granularitythat a developer could desire. So, our goal is to construct a highly-configurableCV lookup system with similar linguistic approach as in MetaMap for terms inthe context of PPI6, based only on open-source developments. The completedescription of the system is given in Section 3.1.

As previously mentioned, the dictionary lookup module will be used to solvethe IMT task of BIOCREATIVE III. IMT task consists in annotating full arti-cles with the experimental methods that were used to detect a protein-proteininteraction (PPI), where the PSI-MI ontology is used to obtain the controlledvocabulary that characterizes the experimental methods. The data given by theorganizers of the BIOCREATIVE III edition are summarized in Table 1. Thetask was evaluated considering macro and micro observations, that is, consid-ering only the documents for which a result was returned and considering alldocuments in the test set, respectively.

Eight teams participated in this task [10]. Six of them used ML approaches

5www.nlm.nih.gov6However, we have not yet addressed the word disambiguation problem.


articles paragraphs sentences words annotations

Training 2035 178523 2113785 15620104 4348 (in 2003 articles)Test 305 137047 346974 2600373 528 (in 203 articles)

Table 1: Description of datasets for IMT at BIOCREATIVE III.

to perform the required task. Basically, they focused the task as a multi-label,multi-class classification problem at document or chunk level based on bag-of-words after a lexical analysis (a few teams used n-grams and named entityrecognition). The probability output of the classifiers was used to rank and selectthe final list of experimental methods described in each article. Respect to themacro values, the system described in [32] obtained the best overall performancewith 55.06 of F1-measure, in 199 documents, with a precision of 62.46% and arecall of 55.17%. Respect to the micro values, the best overall performance was55.12 of F1-measure, 52.30% of precision and 58.25% of recall, obtained by thesystem described in [33]. In [32] a classification model was constructed for eachinteraction detection method. In [33] in addition to the multi-label, multi-classclassifier, the authors converted the problem to a binary classification and inboth cases a rich set of features, including contextual text and named entityrecognition, was used. Multi-label, multi-class classifier was a 5% superior tothe binary classification. In an experiment, after the Challenge, the authorsdescribe an improvement by combining the results of both classifiers and usingLogistic regression instead of Support Vector Machine (SVM).

Two systems did not use any ML algorithm. Both used dictionary look-up, but in different ways. The first system [34] used Lucene [35] to maintaindocuments in the test set and a set of searches was performed (one for eachmethod term). The top 100 documents for each search were recovered, and amethod identifier was associated to a document if the score during the searchwas above certain threshold. The second system [36], used an approach similarto ours: they created a dictionary look-up with the method terms, and returnedthe largest matching between an analysed text and a method name includedin the CV. The first system obtained, as best results, 29.10%, 45.04%, 33.60for macro precision, recall, and F1-measure, respectively, in a set of 219 docu-ments and 28.17%, 45.92%, 34.92 for the micro-measures. The second systemobtained 80.00%, 41.50%, 51.51 for macro precision, recall, and F1-measure,respectively, but returning results for only 30 documents. The results for themicro-observation are 80.65%, 4.74%, 8.96 for precision, recall, and F1-measure,respectively.

2.2. JNLPBA’04 corpus and current solutions

JNLPBA’04 Challenge [11] consisted in the annotation of biomedical textswith a set of five entity types: protein, cell line, cell type, DNA and RNA. Itscorpus training dataset comes from the GENIA corpus, version 3.02, consistingof 2,000 abstracts from a controlled search on MEDLINE using the MeSH terms“human”, “blood cells”, and “transcription factors”. The test data was made


Abst. Sent. Words protein DNA RNA cell type cell line

Training 2000 20546 472006 30269 9533 951 6718 3830Test 404 4260 96780 5067 1056 118 1921 500

Table 2: Training and test set description of JNLPBA’04 challenge.

up of 404 MEDLINE abstracts, most of which were retrieved using the same setof MeSH terms as for training. A general description of the training and testdata is given in Table 2.

Eight systems participated in the challenge, obtaining up to 72.55 for the F1-measure. Five of the eight systems used SVM (three of them in combination withHMM and CRF); the other systems used MEMM, HMM, or CRF in isolation.A large set of features was used by the systems, from the lexical (word) level upto syntactic tags and external resources. Table 3 shows the set of features anddifferent approaches for the systems participating in the challenge, and thosedeveloped later (separated by a horizontal line).

Lexical predominant features are word, affixes (prefixes and suffixes up to6 letters), word shape (replacing capital letters by “A”, lowercase letters by“a” and digits by “0”), brief word shape (replacing consecutive capital lettersby “A”, consecutive lowercase letters by “a” and consecutive digits by “0”)and orthographic features (binary codes denoting when a word holds a specificfeature, i.e., is capitalized, numeric, a punctuation mark, is all in uppercase, isall in lowercase, is a single character, is a special character, includes a hyphen,includes a slash, etc. and a combination of them). Abbreviation detection,word length, and DNA sequence detection have been less frequently used, andthe possible advantages of using these features have never been demonstrated.

Boundary error reduction is a problem that has been dealt with in differentways by various systems. Head nouns were used in [37] and [38]; word liststhat are highly associated to classes are extracted as lexicons in [52]; keywordlexicons are statistically computed in [39]; keyword and boundary lists in [50].

Part of speech (POS) has demonstrated to be a very useful feature and hasbeen used in the majority of the systems. Other syntactic features as chunkand syntactic tags and the governor of a sentence are used with caution sincethey could introduce errors obtained by the syntactic analysers into the entityclassifier. However, it has been demonstrated that, in general, syntactic featuresimprove the results of biomedical entity recognizers.

Six of the eight systems in the challenge used at least one type of external re-sources: 1) corpora such as the British National Corpus, the MedLine abstractsand the Penn Treebank for computing frequencies and trigger word extraction;2) personalized gazetteers extracted from Swissport, LocusLink, Gene Ontology,etc., for keyword identification; 3) specialized taggers to increase the accuracy ofcertain types of entities (for example, in [52] two gene/protein taggers were usedeven though the accuracy of protein type extraction was not highly improvedby this solution); 4) web searching of entity patterns was exploited by varioussystems in order to compute lexicons and/or assign weights to words associated


Lexical featuresP R F-1 W A WS Orth. Ab. WL ACTG K B

[37] 69.42 75.99 72.55 x x x x[38] 71.62 68.56 70.06 x x x x[39] 70.30 69.30 69.80 x x x x[40] 67.80 64.80 66.30 x x x[41] 62.98 69.41 66.04 x[42] 67.40 60.10 64.00 x x x x[43] 66.50 59.80 63.00 x x x x[44] 50.80 47.60 49.10 x x

[45] 71.62 68.60 70.10 x x x x[46] 68.30 67.50 67.90 x x x[47] 72.01 73.98 72.98 x x x x[48] 70.16 72.27 71.20 x x x[49] 70.40 75.66 72.94 x x x x x[50] 72.01 76.76 74.31 x x x x x[51] 67.90 66.40 67.20 x x x

Syntactic features External resourcesPOS TR HN GOV ST C G BT W

[37] x x x x[38] x x x x x x x[39] x x x[40] x x[41] x[42] x[43] x x x x[44] x x

[45] x x x x x x[46] x[47] x x[48] x x[49] x x[50] x x x[51]

ML approach Post-processingSVM HMM MMEM CRF Abr. CAS PH PRE NA POSE MAO PI

[37] x x x x x x x[38] x x x x[39] x x[40] x x x[41] x x[42] x x x[43] x[44] x

[45] x[46] x[47] x x[48] x[49] x[50] x x x x x[51] x

Table 3: Most important results related to the JNLPBA’04 task.W:word; A:affixes; WS:word shape; Orth: orth. features; Ab: abbreviations; WL: wordlength; ACTG: DNA sequences; K: keywords; B: boundary word; TR: trigger words; HN:head nouns; GOV: governor; ST: syntactic tags; C: corpus; G: gazetteers; BT: bio-tagger;Abr: abbreviation detection and exclusion of short forms in training data; CAS: cascaderesolution for nested entities [37]; PH: parenthesis handling; PRE: previous detected entities;NA: Name alias resolution; POSE: boundary entity detection expansion guided by POS tags;MAO: Merge and/or (as in the JNLPBA guidelines); PI: Pattern induction.


to entities.From the challenge, it was not clear which (set of) features, external re-

sources, or classification models really contributed to obtaining the best per-formances. The systems developed in the following years did not use externalresources as extensively as in the challenge.

Pre- and post-processing such as abbreviation detection, cascaded entityidentification, parenthesis handling, and previously predicted entity tag werealso integrated in various systems. The three best systems in the challenge aswell as [50] have demonstrated the importance of such kind of processing.

Two of the three systems with the highest F1-measure, [49] and [50], haveexplored the cascaded classification approach for named entity detection. Thisconsists of dividing the task into two phases: segmentation, in which each wordis classified as being part or not being part of an entity; and classification, inwhich each entity-segment is classified in one of the classes. This solution allowsto reduce the training time and also to improve the results. Its drawback is thatthe improvements obtained might not justify the extra time needed for newclassifications.

The main insights that can be drawn from the bio-entity classification sys-tems for the JNLPBA’04 data described in the literature are the following: 1)word shape, suffixes, and prefixes are important features; 2) the deeper and moreaccurate the text analysis, the more useful it is for entity recognition; 3) CRFseems to be the preferred classifier model; 4) external resources do not improvethe performance by more than 2%; 5) some specific pre- and post-processingsuch as abbreviation detection, expansion by parenthesis pairs, or noun phrasedetection are essential for increasing the accuracy of the recognizers.

Protein/gene taggers

Although JNLPBA’04 corpus contains protein/gene entities, we are inter-ested in testing the performance of our JNLPBA’04 classifier for tagging pro-teins in other protein/gene specific corpora, as obtaining the highest accuracyof protein/gene detection is essential for the PPIES.

Over the last years one of the bio-entities that more attention has receivedfrom the Bioinformatics Natural Language Processing community are the pro-teins, and various corpora contain protein/gene annotations. In addition tothe JNLPBA’04 corpus, the GM II [53], Penn-BioIE corpus [54], and Fsuprge-6 [55] corpora are now publicly available, in IEXML format [56], a uniformformat for annotating biomedical corpora. BM II corpus was released duringBioCreAtIve-II for the development of the gene mention (GM) task. It consistson a collection of 4171 sentences in which human genes and proteins are anno-tated. Penn-BioIE corpus is a selection of 1414 abstracts selected from a corpusdescribing oncology diseases linked to oncology. Fsuprge corpus, contains 3236abstracts covering immunogenetics and gene regulation events.

The task of tagging protein/gene has been addressed using two differentmethodologies: by dictionary look-up strategies for searching protein namesdescribed in protein databases, or by constructing a ML-model trained with aprotein/gene corpus. A detailed overview of the proposed solutions using each


Test Corpus System (train corpus) R P F1GM II BANNER(GM II) 71.2 72.9 72.1Fsuprge BANNER(GM II) 51.5 60.6 55.7Penn-Bio IE BANNER(GM II) 48.2 56.4 52.0JNLBPA’04 Abner (JNLBPA’04) 74.7 66.5 70.4

Table 4: Best overall results per protein/gene corpora, considering the available protein/genetaggers. From: Figure 3 in [57].

of the above methods, as well as a comparison of all available taggers againstthe same corpora set we are using here, can be found in [57]. Some of theirfindings most relevant for this work are:

• ML approaches outperform dictionary approaches, when tested againstthe same corpus for which the model was trained.

• BANNER system [58] obtained the best results across all corpora, exceptfor JNLPBA’04, in which the best performance was obtained when theAbner system was trained with the JNLPBA’04 corpus. The summary oftheir results is reproduced in Tabletab:reproducedResults.

• Using ML techniques for filtering false positives obtained by dictionaryapproaches does improve their results (improving the precision and notdiminishing significantly the recall).

The reference tool in protein/gene taggers is the BANNER system. BAN-NER is a CRF classifier, trained on a set of lexical and morphological syntacticfeatures that includes word shape, suffixes, and prefixes, lemma, word POS, bi-grams and trigrams and combinations of these features. BANNER has achievedthe highest performance for the GM task of BIOCREATIVE II, with a recall71.2%, precision of 72.9% and F1-measure of 72.1. The classifier is publiclyavailable and this gives the advantage of testing new ideas/features on the al-ready consolidated set of features, as well as testing its behaviour with differentcorpora. With this respect, the interested reader can find details in sections 3.2and 4.2.3.

3. Named entity detection

The general architecture of PPIES, the PPI information extraction systemwe are implementing is depicted in Figure 1. At the base of the whole system arethe two modules for Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Machine Learning(ML). LingPipe, Standford NLP, python NLTK, Lucene, Weka, libsvm, andMallet libraries have all been integrated in our framework. Above the basemodules are a set of modules placed horizontally on top of each other, and twomodules, text classification and domain knowledge integration located vertically,as they can be used by any other component of the system to improve, asses,or optimize intermediate results.


Figure 1: Architecture for PPIES.

Text classification can be performed without considering any named entitydetection process to make a coarse classification of biomedical articles. It canalso be used at paragraph/sentence level and considering disambiguated enti-ties to classify paragraphs and sentences as a particular description of a PPIdetection sub-process.

Domain knowledge, expressed as an OWL knowledge base, is used to: 1)reduce the complexity of some problems based on standardized rules, 2) reviewcollected information to avoid contradictions with well established knowledge,3) express all extracted knowledge using the same format, which is useful forinterchange purposes.

Horizontal modules at higher levels use the information recognized by inferiorlevels. Named entity detection module is in charge of detecting where namedentities (such as proteins, cells, organisms, interaction detection method, etc.)are mentioned in texts. The identification of the exact term and its associationwith a particular identifier in a biomedical resource is the goal of the entitynormalization or disambiguation module. Relations between such entities canbe solved with the relation detection module. Finally, at the highest level of thearchitecture, the ontological instance generation module produces an ontologicalrepresentation, as much complete as possible, of the all mentioned concepts andentities in a text. For doing this, we will follow the technique described in [59],which produced satisfactory results in the archeology domain.

In this paper, we are mainly concerned with the named entity detectionmodule, since it is crucial for the information extraction system. Moreover,highlighting of detected entities can simplify curators’ job, as they only need toassess the accuracy of the shown detections by reading the text around them,and then complete and link the missing information. A detailed description ofeach sub-module that composes our named entity recognizer can be found insections 3.1 and 3.2, respectively. Finally, a description of a greedy and prelim-


Entity type # of ent. names Head examples Source

Organism 548838 virus, sp. NCBI taxonomy

Interact. detection meth. 326 assay, study psi-MI.obo

Participant ident. meth. 75 assay psi-MI.obo

Interaction type 97 reaction psi-MI.obo

Interactor type 62 complex, acid psi-MI.obo

Biological role 15 donor, aceptor psi-MI.obo

Cell 1178 cell, neuron, lymphocyte cell.obo8

Tissue 1985 cell, gland, carsinoma tisslist.txt9

Protein 672744 synthetase, protein, precursor Uniprot database

Table 5: Controlled Vocabulary description.

inary approach to merge the results of both sub-modules is given in Section 3.3.

3.1. Dictionary look-up module for bio-entities associated to protein interactions

Although the MIMIx guidelines are based on general molecular interactions,in this work we limit our study to protein and gene molecules, leaving outthe recognition of chemical entity names (which could be obtained from thePubChem or ChEBI databases) and nucleotide sequences (DDBJ, EMBL, orGeneBank). However, we included cells, cell lines, and tissue types since theycould be useful for providing a complete experiment description concerning thehost system [9].

In Table 5, each entity type that is included in our dictionary look-up isdescribed according to the number of terms it contains, the head noun examplesthat are commonly used in an entity name, and the source from which theentity names have been obtained. The head nouns of entities are important foridentifying the meaning with which the names are expected to be used. Forexample, the phrase “binding studies” can be associated to detection methodsinstead of recognizing “binding” as an interaction type. The majority of theterms of our dictionary look-up come from the CV of PSI-MI: the psi-MI.oboontology7.

Figure 2 shows a graphic description of the dictionary look-up module, whosefunctioning is divided in two stages: indexing and searching. During the index-ing stage the terms of the CV are firstly inspected to discover acronyms andexpand the vocabulary with them; secondly, analysed to normalize them and ex-tract head nouns; and finally, indexed using Lucene. During the searching stage,when a text is examined, a syntactic analysis is performed and fuzzy queries10

are constructed from the verbal and noun chunks. The terms in the CV thatare closest to the chunks, according to a similarity function, are returned as thelist of terms of the CV mentioned in the analysed text.

3.1.1. Indexing stage

Some issues are considered at indexing stage: a) normalization, to reducethe variability due to differences in writing styles; b) acronym discovery, to


10Lucene fuzzy queries allow non-exact matching phrases to be recovered.


Figure 2: Controlled Vocabulary look-up module.

capture entity names described by acronyms that are not explicit in the CV;c) head noun extraction, to reduce the ambiguity of the entity names found; d)CV expansion considering morphological variations.

Normalization considers the transformation of Greek letters to a single for-mat, Roman numbers to Latin numbers, uppercase letters to lower case lettersin non acronyms. Stopwords are removed, and diacritic marks are also removedfrom letters, e.g., naıve is converted to naive.

During indexing phase, acronyms are discovered by aligning the synonyms ofa term in the CV (e.g. BRET and bioluminescence resonance energy transfer)and corroborating the acronym (short form of a term) for a long form a termby searching in the web for expressions that associate large and short forms. Tothis end, long names in the CV are used as input to the Google11 and Yahoo12

searching APIs and the retrieved texts are examined to identify analogue expres-sions as those shown in Figure 3. Finally, all identified acronyms are maintainedin the index and are used to expand the CV with all possible combinations.

“<long form>,”“<long form>, also called”“<long form> (”“, <short form>, ”“(”<short form>“)”

Figure 3: Expressions used for acronym discovery over the web.

A set of head nouns which permit to infer the meaning of an extracted phrase



is also recovered from the CV. For this purpose, we define the head noun of aterm as the last word in the term, if it does not contain any preposition, or asthe last word before the preposition, otherwise. This approach is suitable to dealwith compound terms in our CV, such as: cytoplasmic complementation assaywhose head noun is assay; and colocalization by fluorescent probes cloning, whosehead noun is colocalization, and is similar to that previously used by [60, 61, 62].Head nouns appearing in more than five different concepts of an entity type areassociated to it, and used during searching as explained below.

Finally, two morphological variations are considered: a) the stems of thewords are stored instead of the whole words; b) prefixes with length three ormore are used to expand the vocabulary with semantically equivalent variations,e.g.: acetylglutamic acid is expanded into variations: acetyl-glutamic acid andacety-L-glutamic acid.

3.1.2. Searching stage

A first step during the searching stage is acronym discovery. Using againthe expressions in Figure 3, acronyms are associated to their long forms, whichare then used to replace acronyms in the analysed texts, and to enrich the CVas in the index stage.

The texts are then analysed using the same process as for indexing, and achunker13 is used to split the texts into phrases. Each phrase (chunk) is searchedfor in the Lucene index, and the closest entity names are returned. The Lucenequery associated to each phase is computed as described in the algorithm inFigure 4. The query states that numbers and words morphologically similarto acronyms, should occur in the retrieved text with exact matching; the otherwords should occur in the retrieved text with a minimum similarity of 0.8. Thisguarantees that little variations, e.g. due to misspelling, do not prevent termrecovery.

Lucene uses the Levenshtein distance to solve fuzzy queries. We have modi-fied the default Lucene similarity measure as described in Section 3.1.3, takinginto account the importance of each word in the different domains, and usingthe Levenshtein distance as a parameter: d(w′, w).

3.1.3. Similarity function

The similarity function is used to assess the answers of the searcher. Itestimates the importance of the matching words in relation to the complete term,considering relevant parameters that are usually disregarded, thus improving theeffectiveness of our dictionary look-up:

Sim(phrase, t) =

∑w′∈cw′ d(w′, w)log( freq(w)


w∈t∪cw′ log(freq(w)


13We have experimented with LingPipe and TreeTagger chunkers.


Require: chunk: chunk retrieved from an analysed text.Ensure: query: Lucene query associated to the chunk for recovering the closest terms.

{Following the semantics of Lucene API for BooleanQuery, FuzzyQuery and Oc-cur.SHOULD.}query = BooleanQuery()for word, w ∈ chunk do

if matches(w, (([A− Z][.]?){, 5}|[0 − 9] + (.[0− 9]+)?)) then{the word is a number or an acronym}query.add(new BooleanQuery(w), Occur.SHOULD)

elsequery.add(new FuzzyQuery(w, 0.8), Occur.SHOULD)

return query

Figure 4: Algorithm for Lucene query construction.

where cw′ is the set of similar words between a chunk, phrase, of a text and theterm t in the CV, w′ ∈ phrase and w ∈ t. Similar words are recognized by aLevenshtein distance d(w′, w) < 0.2. freq(w) = n/N , with n being the numberof terms in the CV containing the word w and N being the total number ofterms in the CV. freqNL(w) is an estimation of word frequency in commonlanguage, which is based on the Brown Corpus [63]. The cw′ set contains alsothe head of the phrase if it belongs to the set of heads of the entity type of t.

The importance of a word is based on its frequency in the CV and in thecommon language, and spelling errors are also taken into account, since thedistance matching factor has been introduced in the equation and in the fuzzypart of the constructed query.

For the search processing, a threshold value, δ, should be specified, and theoutput of the dictionary look-up system is the set of pairs (phrase, t) that hasSim(phrase, t) > δ.

3.1.4. Using the dictionary look-up for solving the IMT task

The dictionary look-up module was configured to detect the following enti-ties: interaction detection method, participant identification method, organism,interaction type, interactor type and biological role. However, the assessmentof the module was obtained only for the entity interaction detection method, asno corpus in the context of PPI is available for the rest of the entities. In thefollowing, the treatment of the input datasets and the steps to obtain the resultsfor IMT are described.

IMT task consists in annotating full articles with the experimental methodsthat were used to detect a protein-protein interaction (PPI), where the PSI-MI ontology is used to obtain the controlled vocabulary that characterizes theexperimental methods. The data given by the organizers of the BIOCREATIVEIII edition are summarized in Table 1.


We first preprocess the pdf articles to obtain the article texts, preservingtheir original structure (title sections, paragraphs). This is done for two mainreasons. On the one hand, some authors have recognized a few clues that linksection names and words with specific detection methods (various examplescan be found in [10]). On the other, hand our final system should be ableto provide a friendly interface for obtaining feedback from users, in which thearticle structure is used to make visualization and user interaction easier. Thepdf articles are first processed with pdf2htlm14 tool and, using the text visualfeatures (font type and size, uppercases, etc.) we recognize paragraphs, notes,and titles, and identify their levels. Even though the conversion might be notperfectly correct, it allows us to obtain better results and contains less mistakesthan the converted texts provided by the organizers of the Challenge.

For each converted article in the test dataset, we use our dictionary look-up containing the experimental detection interaction methods of the psi-mi.oboontology and different configurations. The tested configurations were: two dif-ferent shallow parsers (TreeTagger [64] and LingPipe [65], both using mod-els generated from Genia Corpus), acronym detection module in indexing andsearching phases, different threshold values for filtering the matchings.

We also introduced the following post-processing phases in order to generatethe final list:

• filtering by parent concepts (FPC): this filters a term from the mentionlist if it is a parent of other mentioned terms;

• filtering by negation context (FNC): this filters a term from the mentionlist if it is preceded by a negative pronoun in a window of less than 5words;

• filtering by reference mention (FRM): this filters a term from the mentionlist if it is mentioned only in paragraphs containing references;

• adding relevant mentions (ARM): we notice that almost half of the falsepositive corresponds to ’MI:0019’ (coimmunoprecipitation), and half of thefalse negatives were associated to any of ’MI:0006’ (anti bait coimmuno-precipitation) or ’MI:0007’ (anti tag coimmunoprecipitation). Therefore,we substitute any ’MI:0019’ for both ’MI:0006’ and ’MI:0007’.

The obtained results for the IMT task using our dictionary look-up moduleare detailed in Section 4.1.

3.2. Classifier for proteins, cell lines, cell types, DNA and RNA entities

We use CRF for training, considering only the previous word to classifythe current one (order 1). Each sentence is considered as a sequence of words(tokens) and is transformed into the IOB2 format [66]. Therefore, each word istagged as: B − ent if it is the first word of an entity name of type ent; I − ent



if it is not the first word of a entity name of type ent; O if it is not part of anyentity name.

Taking into account the previously well-tested set of features for the JNLPBA’04corpus, we associated the following features to each token: a) word; b) wordshape as explained in the previous section; c) brief word shape; d) prefixes andsuffixes of length 3 and 4; e) POS; f) chunk tag.

In addition, we use word numeric normalization, substituting all integernumbers by ’0’, since it was previously proposed and used satisfactorily in [50].This allows some common name types to be normalized, e.g. IL − \d+ byIL − 0, thereby increasing the generalization capability of a classifier. Words,POS, and chunks are combined in bigrams and trigrams of (Featn−1, F eatn),and (Featn−1, F eatn, F eatn+1), with Feat being the word, POS, or chunk tagthat is associated to an instance word.

Extended set of classifier features. We also defined a set of experiments to findother features to join satisfactorily with the previous ones (the basic configura-tion). The following features were selected:

• cell line lexicon, since cell line is the entity that is more difficult to recog-nize, we tried to improve its recognition using a lexicon that was extractedfrom the Cell Line database15. The lexicon is formed by the words in thename, description, andmorphology fields of the database that appear morethan 20 times. The cell line lexicon feature tells if a word appears in thecreated lexicon;

• DNA sequence, a boolean feature which tells if a word represents a DNAsequence;

• head noun, a boolean feature which tells if a word is a head of a phrase;

• distance, an integer measuring the distance to the head noun;

• greek, a boolean feature which tells if a word represents a Greek letter;

• roman, a boolean feature which tells if a word represents a Roman number;

• GWC, this feature substitutes the word shape feature, and is computedas word shape by replacing any Greek letter by “G”;

• preferred class, this feature indicates the preferred class (entity type) of aword, if it appears in the training data set and its preferred class exists.The preferred class of a word in the training data is the entity type that ismore often associated to the word, and presenting a significant differenceof at least 95% with respect to the rest of associated entity types.



• previous tags, for each entity tag, a boolean feature is added representingwhether a word has been previously tagged in the same abstract as theentity type.

• frequency tags, for each entity tag, a double is added representing thefrequency with which a word appears associated to the given entity type.

The experiments were designed in order to address the following hypotheses:

• An improvement in the results of the basic configuration can be obtainedby complementing it with the extended features, or their combinations.To this end, we first train a CRF classifier with the basic set of fea-tures (the basic configuration), and then the extended configurations areconstructed, and used to train new CRF classifiers, by adding extendedfeatures to the basic set. We want to check if improvements in the overallperformance are obtained as a result of these additions.

• The CRF model of the best obtained classifier outperforms or obtainscomparable results as an analogue system trained with SVM algorithms.The same set of features that achieve the best results were used to traintwo SVM algorithms. The first one algorithm, multi-class SVM, uses theclassical SVM solution for multi-class classification problem16; the secondalgorithm, multi-class SVM HMM, uses the results described in [68]17

which considers the pattern structure of the training examples. In ourcase, it is the information about the sequence of words that constitutethe sentences of the input texts. The results of both computations arecompared with those obtained using the CRF algorithm.

• The best obtained classifier can be used for tagging proteins with similarresults as obtained by the BANNER system. We have used the bestobtained classifier for tagging the proteins in corpora GM II, Penn-BioIE,Fsuprge-6, and compared its results with the best ones available in theliterature.

• The set of features included in the best obtained classifier could be com-bined in the BANNER system to improve its current performance. Wehave adapted BANNER for allowing the construction of a model with anycombination of the extended feature set, and tested its results when usingthe set of features in the best classifier for the corpora GM II, Penn-BioIE,Fsuprge-6.

Answers to all the above questions can be found in Section 4.2.

16We use the libsvm (http://www.csie.ntu.edu.tw/~cjlin/libsvm/) library.17We use the SVM-hmm (http://www.cs.cornell.edu/people/tj/svm_light/svm_hmm.

html) software.


3.3. Merging dictionary look-up and ML classifier results

Results obtained from the dictionary look-up and the ML classifier aremerged and returned to the user as a unique answer of the entity recognitionmodule. One the one hand, the dictionary look-up module returns the terms inthe CV with maximum similarity and longest matching for each noun phase ofan analysed text. On the other hand, the ML classifier returns the JNLPBA’04entity type associated to text segments. In cases of ambiguity for a same textsegment, we have proceeded in the following way:

• entity types recognized by the ML classifier have priority over the entitiesrecognized by the CV, since the ML approach obtained a better perfor-mance than the look-up approach;

• if two or more terms from the CV are assigned to the same text segment, allthe terms with three or more occurrences in the whole text are returnedto the user, assuming that the tool is being used for the recognition ofmolecular interaction entity types in full research articles.

4. Results

The dictionary look-up module was configured to detect the following enti-ties: interaction detection method, participant identification method, organism,interaction type, interactor type and biological role. However, the assessmentof the module was obtained only for the entity interaction detection method,as no corpus in the context of PPI is available for the rest of the entities. InSection 4.1 below, the treatment of the input datasets as well as the obtainedresults for the IMT are described. The results of the CRF classifier, for theentities protein, cell line, cell type, DNA and RNA, is given in subsection 4.2.The overall results of the whole named entity detection module are given insubsection 4.3.

4.1. Results on the IMT task

Maintaining the positions where evidence for term annotation are found isindispensable for verification purposes. We called this the “hold term evidenceposition” principle and our solution is based on it. ML-approach can managethe problem of discovering implicit mentions (textual, usually complex patternsassociated to terms) and therefore obtain better results than non-ML solutions.However, they are unable to satisfy the “hold term evidence position” principleand therefore cannot be used to highlight in the text the fragments associatedto a particular interaction method. This is a fundamental drawback, as it makesthe result validation more difficult. On the other hand, for obtaining competitiveresults, a very rich set of features is required (e.g. named entity detection,precomputed score per words and n-grams, and MeSH terms identification areall required in [33]).

We investigate here the results of using various different configurations forour dictionary lookup module and few simple post-processing steps to discard or


Configuration P R F1Dict. look-up, no filter by δ 5.76 100.00 10.89

+δ = 0.7 28.30 30.08 29.26+Acronyms (searching) 32.30 39.00 35.33+filterParentTerms (FPT) 35.07 37.76 36.36+NegContext (FNC) + RefMention (FRM) 40.71 33.19 36.57+AddRelevMentions (ARM) 36.8 58.11 45.06

Table 6: Results for IMT-task using non-ML approach, micro-observations. Dictionary look-up module uses Lingpipe for shallow parser.

include specific detection methods, as were described in Section 3.1.4. We com-pare our results with those obtained by non-ML approaches which can returnthe term evidence position.

Using LingPipe parser the dictionary look-up recovered about 3% more enti-ties that using TreeTagger, in all configurations. The use of acronym discoveryat indexing stage decreased the precision and was switched off. The filteringthreshold, δ, was empirically obtained by testing different values in the trainingand development datasets. The threshold for which the best results were ob-tained, δ = 0.7, was used for the test data, and the initial interaction methodmentioning list per article was obtained. Finally the post-processing steps wereexecuted, generating, in this way, the final list.

Table 6 summarizes the results of using our approach for micro-observations,that is the global performance for the whole test set. As it could be expected,without using the threshold value, our dictionary look-up find all mentioneddetection methods, but with a very low precision, as in the system describedin [67]. The optimum threshold found at 0.7 improved in more than 20.00 pointsthe precision but removed 70% of the previous findings. Discovering acronymsdefined in the text improved both precision (by 4%) and recall (by 9%), whichhighlights the importance of acronym detection. The post-processing steps ofFPT, FNC and FRM all decrease recall but seems to improve precision andoverall F1 measure. Finally, the post-processing step ARM allows us to achievea 58.11% of recall and a 45.06 of F1. ARM is a basic heuristic that showsthe importance of considering semantic relations amongst recognized terms anddetection method popularity in order to select the correct one.

The above described post-processing steps allowed us to obtain a final pre-cision, recall, and F1-measure of 36.8%, 58.11%, and 45.06, respectively. Thisincreased by 10% the best results of the two systems that did not use any MLalgorithms, obtaining the same recall as the best solutions among those usingcomplex classifiers. The relatively low precision is a consequence of the largenumber of significant words in the controlled vocabulary of interaction detec-tion methods that can be used in a different context (i.e. immunoprecipitate,phosphorylate). This could be, in part, because we searched for terms in thedictionary in all of the paragraphs and titles of the full article, without makingany analysis of the article parts (some researchers have described the impor-


tance of using only the title, abstract, and methods sections). Recall could behigher with a more complete CV. Synonyms discovery could be useful for CVexpansion: we observed that 14 of 46 interaction detection methods in the testdataset are discovered with a precision greater than 85%.

Our approach for the IMT task addresses the problem of acronym discovery,which had never been considered before in this context, and satisfies the“holdterm evidence position” principle. It is also very fast (5 seconds per article, ina normal PC), and easily extensible to new terms and domains. Combining thelearned-lessons from the ML classifiers described during and after the Challengeand the insights drawn here should allow to further improve our current resultsin the future.

4.1.1. Failures and successful examples

As can be noticed from the figures of precision, recall and F1-measure, themost important problem is the high number of false positives. The most impor-tant source of false positives is introduced by the ARM post-processing step,which replaces any MI:0019 finding with both MI:0006 and MI:0007, and inmany cases (96, in case of test dataset) only one of both interaction methods isused (see for example the articles with pubmed identifiers 19008223, 18337465and 19864460 ).

Following this, MI:0096 (pull-down), MI:00248 (imaging technique) andMI:0051(fluorescence technology) were the second source of false positives (80, 52 and 31respectively). A possible explanation of such failures is the use of these terms incontexts different from the interaction detection method description. For exam-ple, in the article with PubMed identifier 19088068, a figure caption describes aWestern blotting analysis as: “The presence of H2AZ was detected using anti-H2AZ. A, H2AZ binding of SWR1(1681) and SWR1(∆N2) complexes. SDS-PAGE (14% gel) and Western blotting analysis of H2AZ pull-down by SWR1(1681) or SWR1(∆N2) complexes at the 0.2 or 0.3 M KCl condition...”, not ac-tually describing a pull-down assay for discovering a new interaction.

In the article with PubMed identifier 19933576, the green fluorescent proteinis used for the experiments, and the system has recognized “fluorescent” as ahighly important word for the CV domain (see the equation 1 in Section 3.1.3),and tagged all mentions of “fluorescence” as a fluorescence technique.

Other false positives, a total of 39, were counted in less that 10 articles.With respect to false negatives, MI:0416 (fluorescence microscopy) was un-

detected in 61 articles and MI:0019 (coimmunoprecipitation) in 51. Variousarticles use fluorescence microscopy but either employ the prefix immuno, as inarticle 18480411 ; or the matching between a nominal phrase in the text anddetection method name was not enough to exceed the prefixed threshold, as inarticle 20467437.

In 22 articles, neither MI:0006 nor MI:0007 were found, as coimmunoprecip-itation does not appear in the text, neither the variations included in the CV.Other mistakes were introduced after using the post-processing step: 18 in thecase of MI:0096, 7 in MI:0405 (competition binding) and 5 for MI:0114 (x-raycrystallography). In spite that these strategies improve the overall performance


of the system, more sophisticated methods need to be used in order to reducethe number of removed “good” findings. Other false negatives, a total of 57,were counted in less that 5 articles.

The following three segments of paragraphs from article 20133654 showexamples of successful findings and the tagging made by the system:

• Using [x-ray crystallography – MI:0114], we show the structural basis fortitin-M10 interaction with obsl1 in a novel antiparallel Ig-Ig architectureand unravel the molecular basis of titin-M10 linked myopathies.

• We investigated the importance of this particular side chain in both OL1and O1 by [isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC) – MI:0065] and[pull-down – MI:0096] assays.

• This single-chain M10-O(L)1 complex was then sandwiched between threeconcatenated ubiquitin domains (scheme in Fig. 4A), which serve ashandles for attachment to the cantilever and the surface of the [AFM –MI:0872]. Notice that in this particular case, the acronym recognitionsub-module was used first to match the acronym AFM with its long form:Atomic Force Microscopy, and then, recognize the term when mentionedusing its acronym.

4.2. Results on the JNLPBA’04 challenge dataset

The results we obtained on the JNLPBA’04 dataset with the basic config-uration of our system are: 72.52%, 70.10% and 71.29, for recall, precision, andF1-measure respectively. This is the best result amongst the systems which donot use any external resources, neither any post-processing steps, and it is threepoints less with respect to the best F1-measure result in the literature [50].

As usual for the JNLPBA’04 task evaluation, the results of the classificationare expressed in terms of recall, precision and F1-measure, and consider threematching types between a recognized entity and its corresponding entity in thetest dataset. A right (left) matching is achieved when the end (start) of arecognized entity coincides with the end (start) of the corresponding entity inthe test dataset. A complete matching is achieved when both right and leftmatching are observed. Details of the results per entity and for complete, right,and left matching are given in Table 7. Protein was the entity for which theclassifier retrieved the highest percentage of names, and with the best balancebetween recall and precision. Cell type was the best recognized entity. This isnot surprising, since protein and cell type entities are best represented in thetraining set, providing more examples to detect them correctly.

Seven (cell line lexicon, DNA sequence, distance, roman, GWC, preferredclass, frequency tags) out of ten configurations do not improve the results ofthe basic configuration. Only one configuration (previous tags, with 76.13 ofF1-measure) produces a significant improvement of up to five points with re-spect to the basic configuration, and approximately two points above the bestcurrent result in the literature. Tests performed by combining the three fea-tures (previous tags, head noun and greek) that improve the basic configuration


Complete matching Right matching Left matchingR P F1 R P F1 R P F1

protein 78.07 69.57 73.58 83.68 74.57 78.86 83.05 74.01 78.27DNA 65.62 68.41 66.99 72.35 75.42 73.85 67.80 70.68 69.21RNA 67.80 66.67 67.23 77.12 75.83 76.47 69.49 68.33 68.91

cell type 65.28 78.52 71.29 73.09 87.91 79.82 66.22 79.65 72.31cell line 59.80 54.86 57.22 69.60 63.85 66.60 63.00 57.80 60.29[-ALL-] 72.52 70.10 71.29 79.05 76.41 77.71 76.11 73.57 74.82

Table 7: Results of the basic configuration

result did not lead to further improvements. The set of features that producedthe best performance is summarized in Tabletab:featuresBestClassifier. So, thefinal JNLPBA’04 classifier uses a model trained with a CRF and this set offeatures.

For all measures, entities, and configurations, right matching shows betterresults than left matching. Right matching is easier because in a large amountof noun phrases the head noun is the last word of the phrase, summarizingits meaning (in our context, its type). Left matching is especially difficultfor deciding whether an adjective should be included as part of a name. Forexample, the adjective “human” appears in at the beginning of 657 cell types,213 proteins and 354 DNA entities, but was missed in other 96 equivalent cases:31 for cell types, 29 for proteins and 25 for DNAs. A description of otherinconsistences and annotation problems detected in the training set can be foundin [47] and [45].

Considering both recall and precision, the worst recognized entity is cell line.Protein obtains the highest recall while cell type obtains the highest precision.However, the F1-measures for these two entity types are comparable (less than2% of difference for complete and right matching; and 6% for left matching).Entities DNA and RNA obtain similar values of recall and precision of about65% for left and complete matching, and as much a 6% more for right matching.The difficulty of classifying a biomedical phrase into one of the goal classes andthe trade-off between precision and recall cause the improvement of one measurein one entity type to be related to the decrease of other measures and/or entitytypes. This makes it difficult to find features that help to improve the overallclassification results.

As in other works, i.e. [39], the use of lexicons does not have a positive effect.In our case, the three measures, all entities and configurations were negativelyaffected by using this feature. Description field in the Cell Line Database detailsthe cell line growth and maintenance. References to cell types, organisms andother biochemical entity types are frequent. Therefore, using all these terms asa lexicon for cell line is inappropriate. In fact, without this lexicon the CRF isable to capture cell line entities based, for example, on highly correlated wordsappearing near the cell line entities (such as cultured).

Although we have observed certain trends that could suggest the opportunityto use features such as DNA sequence, distance, roman, and preferred class, we


Name DescriptionW word in lowercaseLemma Lemma of the word, according to stemming algorithm by M.F.

Porter, available at: http://snowball.tartarus.org/POS POS tag of the word according to Lingpipe parser trained with

the GENIA corpusChunk Chunk tag of the word according to Lingpipe parser trained with

the GENIA corpusWC WordClass of the wordBriefWC Brief wordClass of the word3Prefix; 4Prefix 3 and 4 prefixes3Sufix; 4Sufix 3 and 4 prefixesLemmaComb unigrams of the lemmas in positions -2, -1, 0, 1 and 2; bigrams

of the lemmas in positions [-2, 1], [-1, 0], [0, 1] and [1, 2] andtrigrams of the lemmas in positions [-2,-1, 0], [-1, 0, 1] and [0, 1,2]

POSComb unigrams of the POS in positions -2, -1, 0, 1 and 2; bigrams ofthe POS in positions [-2, 1], [-1, 0], [0, 1] and [1, 2] and trigramsof the POS in positions [-2,-1, 0], [-1, 0, 1] and [0, 1, 2]

ChunkComb unigrams of the Chunk in positions -2, -1, 0, 1 and 2; bigrams ofthe Chunk in positions [-2, 1], [-1, 0], [0, 1] and [1, 2] and trigramsof the Chunk in positions [-2,-1, 0], [-1, 0, 1] and [0, 1, 2]

Window feature a combination of the features W, WC, BriefWC, prefixes and suf-fixes, in a window of [-1, 2] respect to the word.

previous tags tag boolean representing whether a word has been previously taggedin the same abstract as the entity type.

Table 8: Set of features with the best performance.


Complete matching Right matching Left matchingR P F1 R P F1 R P F1

protein 82.16 74.10 77.92 88.47 79.80 83.91 86.20 77.75 81.76DNA 70.27 74.65 72.39 76.33 81.09 78.63 72.92 77.46 75.12RNA 64.41 69.72 66.96 73.73 79.82 76.65 66.10 71.56 68.72

cell type 71.94 83.00 77.08 79.59 91.83 85.28 73.30 84.56 78.53cell line 65.60 61.89 63.69 73.80 69.62 71.65 69.20 65.28 67.18[-ALL-] 77.25 75.04 76.13 83.98 81.58 82.76 80.47 78.17 79.30

Table 9: Performance of the best result for JNLPBA’04 task.

have not obtained good results using them.Greek and head noun improve slightly the results obtained with our basic

configuration, with 72.56%, 70.16% and 71.34 and 72.27%, 71.34% and 71.80of recall, precision and F1-measure, respectively. While greek feature does notshow any particular pattern in the results obtained for entity types and mea-sures, head noun feature improves the precision for all matching and entitytypes. The DNA entity type obtains approximately five points of precision im-provement, and only the F1-measure for the RNA class does not increase usingthe head noun feature.

Table 9 shows the results obtained by using previous tags, with an overallperformance of 77.25%, 75.04% and 76.13 of recall, precision and F1-measure. Itis not only our best configuration, but also the current best result amongst thedescribed systems solving the JNLPBA’04 task. The previous best result [50]with 76.76%, 72.01% and 74.31 of precision, recall and F1-measure, is also morecomplex than ours, since it uses two classification models (one for biomedicalentity boundary detection and the other for classifying a biomedical term in aspecific class) and a post-processing step that is made up of 4 algorithms.

4.2.1. Failures and successful examples

The system outputs for the abstracts 21184079 and 21066742 are shown inFigure 5. The annotations of the system are highlighted in the text, and thecorrect annotations are underlined. The first example shows a large coincidencebetween the correct annotations and those obtained by the system, both in typeand matching. The exception is the first appearance of AP1, which was taggedas a protein, but corresponds instead to cell type AP1 site. Our classifier isless successful in the second example, especially when lists of entities appear. Itcan be noticed that the identification of the correct left ending of the entities isespecially difficult.

In both examples, there are mistakes related with discrepancies in the anno-tations when parentheses and conjunctions list of entities appear. The IeXMLformat for entity corpora annotation can solve this type of mistakes, and in-creased stability could be achieved by systems that consider entities with non-adjacent words.

For a better understanding of the performance of our classifier, we have com-


(a) Example 1 (article: 21184079)

(b) Example 2 (article: 21066742)

(c) Color legend

Figure 5: JNLPBA’04 classifier output examples


Real classificationprotein DNA RNA cell type cell line



protein 562(68.4) 162(19.61) 27(3.27) 51(6.17) 24 (2.91)DNA 64(37.43) 100(58.48) 4(2.34) 2(1.17) 1(0.58)RNA 7(35.00) 0 13(65.00) 0 0

cell type 13(5.39) 0 0 181(75.10) 47(19.50)cell line 11(5.67) 0 0 117(60.31) 66(34.02)

Table 10: Disagreement matrix. Between parenthesis the percentage in relation with the totalof false positive cases for the corresponding row.

puted a disagreement matrix (Table 10) which shows how many false positivesof an entity type correspond to true cases of each entity type.

The first consideration that can be drawn by observing Table 10 is that agreat part of the disagreement is due to incomplete matchings (one or morewords of the entity are not detected), especially for cell type, protein, and RNAentity types. Incomplete matchings are shown on the diagonal of the matrix,where the entity type for false positives and real classification coincides, and itcan be observed that all diagonal values are the highest of their columns. Thisissue elicits a research question: are the current matching criteria reflecting therelevance of the named entity set found? During the curation task, for example,it is important to mark as many entities as possible, even if their complete namesare not well detected. In fact, by using incomplete matching, the overall resultsof our classifier improve up to 84.96%, 85.77% and 85.36 for recall, precision andF1-measure. As future work, we plan to study more flexible matching criteriaand their inclusion in quality measures.

A second issue is related to the errors made by confusing pairs of differententity types: all false positives of RNA type are classified as proteins ; the 60.31%of cell lines as cell types (19.50% of the cell types as cell lines); and 37.43% ofDNA as proteins (19.61% of the proteins as DNA). The reduced capabilitiesof the current ML algorithms for dealing with imbalanced datasets is, in part,responsible for these errors. However, we also think that the background knowl-edge of curators has not been reflected in the features tested until now. Anotherresearch question arises: How should background knowledge be integrated intoML approaches? This is another future direction of our research.

4.2.2. Results using SVM algorithms

As described in Section 3.2, we use the set of features in Table 8 for trainingthe multi-class SVM and multiclass SVM-hmm algorithms, and the classificationprocesses were updated in order to consider the previously tagged entities inan abstract. The resulting models do not improve the performance obtainedby using the CRF algorithm. Tables 11 and 12 show the performance of theseclassifiers in terms of recall, precision and F1-measure for left, right and completematchings.

On the one hand, as expected, multi-class SVM is outperformed by bothmulti-class SVM-hmm and CRF. This justifies the importance of using the word


Complete matching Right matching Left matchingR P F1 R P F1 R P F1

protein 75.65 68.83 72.08 88.79 80.79 84.60 83.42 75.90 79.48DNA 58.71 60.19 59.44 77.27 79.22 78.24 67.33 69.03 68.17RNA 51.69 65.59 57.82 77.97 98.92 87.20 55.93 70.97 62.56

cell type 60.59 72.66 66.08 79.85 95.76 87.08 69.65 83.52 75.96cell line 52.00 52.53 52.26 74.20 74.95 74.57 61.40 62.02 61.71-ALL- 68.55 67.56 68.05 84.41 83.19 83.80 76.76 75.65 76.20

Table 11: Results of the JNLPBA’04 classifier using the features in Table 8 and multi-classSVM algorithm for training.

Complete matching Right matching Left matchingR P F1 R P F1 R P F1

protein 73.95 70.35 72.11 82.83 78.80 80.77 79.99 76.10 77.99DNA 61.17 75.91 67.75 72.82 90.36 80.65 63.35 78.61 70.16RNA 50.85 64.52 56.87 70.34 89.25 78.67 51.69 65.59 57.82

cell type 65.90 81.84 73.01 79.07 98.19 87.60 69.08 85.78 76.53cell line 53.20 68.91 60.05 67.40 87.31 76.07 58.40 75.65 65.91-ALL- 69.09 72.96 70.98 79.72 84.18 81.89 73.91 78.04 75.92

Table 12: Results of the JNLPBA’04 classifier using the features in Table 8 and multi-classSVM-hmm algorithm for training.

sequence structure in NER problems, as has been previously described (see [69]for example). Both SVM-hmm and CRF algorithms consider the dependencesbetween the states in the HMM machine and between the states and the fea-tures of the training examples. This brings advantage over the independentwords vision in SVM algorithm. SVM, however, slightly outperforms SVM-hmm in both right and left matching. Once again, the inconsistencies in thetraining samples in the endings of the recognized entities could justify that anindependent-structure provides some advantages when non-complete matchingis observed.

On the other hand, CRF outperforms the solution provided by SVM-hmmin all matching types. Given that both algorithms have been executed withidentical set of features, and use the finite machine state model of HMM, thedifference on their performance could be expected to be smaller. However,a subtitle implementation issue, associated with the use of different featurefunctions to compare the HMM states, causes this problem : while the CRFalgorithm implemented in Mallet uses a second order forward functions, theSVM-hmm implementation uses first order and token independent first andsecond order functions, as was noticed and proved in [70].

4.2.3. Protein tagging with the CRF classifier

Considering our best solution for the JNLPBA’04 task (the CFR classifiertrained with the features in Table 8), we proceed to verify if its results are


Corpus Recall Precision F1GM II 72.66 56.64 61.72

JNLPBA’04 proteins 81.67 75.00 78.19Penn-BioIE 43.05 49.13 45.89

Fsuprge 54.43 58.54 56.41

Table 13: Results of our JNLPBA’04 classifier for the test dataset in protein corpus.

comparable to those obtained by classifiers trained with specialized protein cor-pora. We fed our classifier with the test dataset of corpora: GM II, Penn-BioIE,Fsuprge and JNLPBA’04 tagged only for protein entities. In Table 13 the resultsobtained by our classifier for complete matching are shown.

It can be observed that our classifier obtains significant better results thanthe BANNER solution for the JNLPBA’04 corpus. This support the hypoth-esis of a highly dependence between the tagging guidelines of the training setsand the results obtained when testing the models with other corpus (same be-haviour as observed in [57]). Notice that the training set used in our classifierdifferentiates between proteins, DNA and RNA molecules, a differently from theapproach used in BC II, Penn-BioIE, Fsuprge corpora in which DNA and RNAmolecules, are also considered as sometimes proteins, depending on the context.We obtain also a slight improvement compared with the BANNER results forthe Fsuprge.

As the most beneficial feature for our system was previous tags, we wanted toverify if the BANNER system could also benefit from its inclusion. We have alsotested frequency tags feature, as GM II corpus is formed by sentences insteadof abstracts, and therefore previous tags feature is not applicable. frequencytags has a similar aim as previous tags, but is applicable independently fromthe length of the texts in the training dataset.

The details of the performance obtained by our version of BANNER, withthe four combination of using these two features are shown in Table 14, andrepresented in Figure 6. As it can be noticed, none of the models seem toimprove their F1-measure as a consequence of using using previous tags andfrequency tags features, while precision increase and recall decrease by similarquantities. For the JNLPBA’04 corpus, however, the opposite behaviour isobserved (precision of 41.31%, and recall of 73.77%), which is compatible withour results for the CRF classifier respect to protein entities, and with the resultsin [57] for the BANNER system tested with the JNLPBA’04 corpus.

BANNER using FTR P F1 R P F1

GM II 71.20 72.90 72.04 71.99 84.85 77.89JNLPBA proteins 60.30 59.50 59.90 73.77 41.31 52.96

Penn-BioIE 48.20 56.40 51.98 43.86 58.96 50.30Fsuprge 51.50 60.60 55.68 46.88 63.55 53.96


using PT using FT and PTR P F1 R P F1

JNLPBA proteins 41.65 71.34 52.6 41.99 71.38 52.88Penn-BioIE 48.39 54.96 51.47 46.23 58.39 51.60

Fsuprge 51.36 59.61 55.18 49.32 62.97 55.32

Table 14: Results of our version of BANNER using any combination of frequency tags andprevious tags features. FT: frequency tags; PT: previous tags.

(a) Recall (b) Precision (c) F1

(d) Legend

Figure 6: Results of our version of BANNER using any combination of frequency tags andprevious tags features. FT: frequency tags; PT: previous tags.

4.3. Merging dictionary look-up and ML classifier results

The results obtained from the dictionary look-up and the ML classifier aremerged (giving priority to those obtained from the JNLPBA’04 classifier andrepeated at least three times in the text) and returned to the user as a uniqueanswer. In our experiments, only a 5% of the noun phrases presented the am-biguity problem, and just the 2% of them needed the second strategy.

Given the way of merging the results, the performance of the system forentity types proteins, DNA, RNA, cell type and cell line (from the JNLPBA’04classifier) remained unchanged, as described in Table 9. The performance forentity type interaction method detection after merging showed a 1.7 points de-crease of recall, obtaining 35.10%; a slight improvement (0.31 points) in preci-sion, achieving 58.32%; and an F1 measure of 43.82.

A demo of the system is available at: http://www.doc.ic.ac.uk/~rdanger/cgi-bin/biochemicalER/biochem_demo/pcpal.cgi.

5. Conclusions

In this paper, we have described the architecture of PPIES, our PPI in-formation extraction system, and detailed the named entity detection module,formed by a dictionary look-up for standardized vocabulary and a ML classifier,which allows the complete set of entities described by MIMIx to be identified.

Various techniques for normalization and for acronym detection were ex-plored in the dictionary look-up system. The best results we obtained improves


by about 10% the current solutions for the IMT task that do not use ML,highlighting the advantage of using these two strategies. Automatic synonymand term discovery will be addressed in the future to mitigate the effects ofvocabulary dynamism.

We developed a CRF classifier for protein, cell line, cell type, DNA andRNA entities, based on the JNLPBA’04 data set, which contains a useful setof well-tested features: word, word shape, POS and chunk, and we tested aset of other features which have revealed to be not useful for this task. Ourbest solution was obtained by adding a contextual feature at abstract level,improving by approximately 5 points our basic configuration performance. Theobtained final results of 77.25%, 75.04% and 76.13 of recall, precision, and F1-measure, respectively, outperform the results of all current available solutionsin the literature for the JNLPBA’04.

Two interesting conclusions have come from these experiments: 1) the needto define new quality measures considering more flexible matching criteria; and2) the difficulty of obtaining better results without integrating background do-main knowledge into text processing. Combining natural language processingwith knowledge domain modeling, as in the PPIES architecture, could be away to obtain better results. In the case of dictionary look-up, a second phasecould use conceptual density, for example, to select a term that is described butnot mentioned. In the case of named entity recognition using machine learn-ing algorithms, constraining the statistical computation with some backgroundknowledge could help to guide algorithms in selecting the appropriate featuremodeling. We plan to study these issues in future developments.

The most remarkable achievement of this work is the availability of a systemthat harmoniously integrates a dictionary look-up and a CRF classifier modules,highly configurable, for the most important PPI entity types, which obtains bet-ter or comparable performances that the current available state of the art. Ourtool can be applied and was tested on different corpora and configurations. Weplan to employ the insights drawn from this work to perform new experiments,in which the outputs of each module will be contextually taken into account,for the mutual improvement and better integration of their results.

6. Acknowledgement

This work has been funded by MICINN, Spain, as part of the “Juan de laCierva” Program and the project Text-Enterprise 2.0 project (TIN2009-13391-C04-03), as well as the by the European Commission as part of the WIQ-EI IRSES project (grant no. 269180) within the FP 7 Marie Curie PeopleFramework.


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