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eBook SEO - Quint Digital

Date post: 18-Mar-2023
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Is your SEO doing $EO? If not, you might have a problem!

SEO is more or less the basis of all digital marketing strategies. After all, if you're not found online, is your brand doing any business at all?

As a crucial investment that has long-term returns, you would certainly have some expectations from your SEO campaigns. But are those expectations not getting met?

Not getting as much traffic from Google as you would like?

Is your organic traffic dropping regularly?

Not being found online at all?

If yes, your site's SEO could be costing you thousands of dollars each month in losses. Losses that were meant to be high-end revenue.

Keeping your business away from bad SEO is an utmost necessity if you want to expand your business and grow.

But how would you know if your SEO is heading in the right direction? You simply cannot afford to keep on losing money every single time.

Fear not. That's exactly what this eBook is for!

How can this eBook help your business?

There are some intricate details that go on to hurt SEO in a negative way. Sadly, most agencies aren't even aware of these owing to their habit of presenting their clients with 'plug and play' keywords and calling it a day.

This is where this eBook comes into the picture.

Made out of years of market research and our experience of working with several small businesses like yours, this content is based on a thorough understanding of the SEO practices that lead to a heavy loss in revenue.

Your business' online presence might be having some glaring gaps that, perhaps, aren't obvious or clear to you.

To make the job easier for you, this eBook will uncover 5 simple steps that you as a business owner can run a checklist on and find out why you could be losing out on the $$$ that you deserve.

Don't let these hidden SEO details negatively affect your pages any longer.

If you have been ignoring the "little bit of time" it takes to load your web pages, then you should know that Google uses site speed as one of the biggest factors in ranking pages. More precisely, the time to the first byte. In other words, it's the amount of time it takes for the first byte of information from your server to reach the user's browser.

Poor site speed doesn't just affect your organic ranking but also the user experience.

Pages with slow speed lead to high bounce rates, a lower average time on-page and little to no conversions.

1 :Poor Site Speed

Some of the common reasons your site speed may be slow are:

✓ Cheap hosting slows your speed down. ✓ Images are too big. Keep them under 100kB.✓ Externally embedded videos on sites like YouTube or Vimeo. ✓ Inefficient or dense HTML/CSS code


The meta title tag is a crucial on-page for SEO and having it optimised is one of the simplest ways to boost your SEO strength.

In the same sense, duplicate meta titles can also adversely affect your SEO rankings. This can also lead to your pages competing with each other for better rankings.

It is worth noting that poor meta titles also lead to low CTR (click-through-rate) even if your website is on page 1 of Google.

This concept even applies to duplicate content across your web pages. If different pages on your website share the same content (including H1 tags or blocks of content), this would also take a toll on your SEO rankings.

2 :Poor and Duplicate Meta Titles

Using generic titles like 'Home', 'Homepage' etc doesn't work. Go for more specific titles that target keywords.


Industry keywords are those that are particularly relevant to your business' niche of products or services.

If your website is not being optimised for appropriate industry keywords, then you have probably been sandboxed. In other words, the traffic you get

from Google drops drastically.

As such, it is crucial to not just target high volume keywords but also the keywords that are specific to your business. This way, your website can achieve footfall from your target audience more effectively.

3 :Low Search Presence for Industry Keywords

Google occasionally updates their ranking algorithm and they don't always announce such updates explicitly. There's always a chance that your website might experience a dip in its rankings.

However, it's worth noting that a Google core update that leads to lower rankings doesn't necessarily mean that there's something wrong with your website. It might just mean that you need to ensure unmatched quality and provide solutions to the search intent of your user base.

4 :Change in the Google ranking algorithm

Google mostly announces its updates on the official Google Webmasters blog. Any major algorithmic update is duly announced out there.

But if there's no announcement from Google, you can assume that it's a core update and all you should do is to ensure that your website provides the best user experience possible.


When users use links to get to or from your website, they naturally expect to find the content they're searching for. Broken links are links that send those users to a page that no longer exists. This does not necessarily mean that the web page has been removed. Broken links can also be generated if the URL structure of the website has been changed.

In the same vein, broken images result from HTML code and lead to an "image not found" message.

Both of these are really bad for SEO as your site's rankings take a dip as you're basically pointing both users and the Google crawler to literally nothing.


5 :Broken links and images

Want your SEO campaigns to generate legitimate revenue? Partner with us!

As the leading SEO company in Melbourne, we have worked with several small businesses and helped them carve a profitable online presence for them. We have generated phenomenal results for our clients, some of them summarised below:

● 124.16% increase in organic traffic and 358.33% increase in organic conversions for a home building and home renovation business in Ballarat, VIC

● 61.67% increase in organic traffic and 26.05% increase in organic conversions for a pear control company in Shepparton, VIC

● 2163% organic growth in just 4 months for a timber suppliers company And many more!

We always lay emphasis on generating not just an impactful online presence but also conversions and revenue for your business.

Never worry about losing money on your SEO campaigns again. Partner with the most reliable SEO agency in Australia and skyrocket your growth.


Book Free Consultation >
