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Education Directory 1952-1953 - ERIC

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The Education Directory of the Office of Education

is issued annually in the following parts:

*1. Federal Government and States.

2. Counties and Cities.

3. Higher Edueation.

4. Education Associations.

As soon as each part is off the press, copies may

be purchased at nominal cost through the Superin¬

tendent of Documents, U. S. Government Printing

Office, Washington 25, D. C.

*Part 1. Federal Government and States was prepared by

Robert F. Will, Research Assistant in the Administration

Branch of the Division of State and Localj School Systems,

Ofl&ce of Education.



FEDERAL SECURITY AGENCY - Oscar R. Ewing, Administrator

Office of Education - - - Earl James McGrath, Commissioner

United States Government Printing Office, Washington : 1953. For sale by

the Superintendent of Documents, U. S. Government Printing Office

Washington 25, D. C. - - - - - - - - Price 20 cents




Office of Education_

Principal State School Officers_

Executive Officers of State Library Extension Agencies_

Principal Education Officers of the Bureau of Indian Affairs_





Office of Education Office of the Commissioner

Earl James McGrath^ Commissioner of Education

Rail I. Grigsby, Deputy Commissioner of Education

Raymond W. Gregory, Special Assistant to the Commissioner

Lucille G. Anderson, Administrative Assistant to the Commissioner


Ambrose Caliver, Assistant to the Commissioner

Research and Statistical Standards Herbert S. Conrad, Chief Emery M. Foster, Head, Reports and Analysis

Henry G. Badger, educational statistician

Lester B. Herlihy, educational statistician

William A. jaracz, educational statistician

Rose Marie Smith, statistician

Robert C. Story, Head, Statistical Services

Ruby Ballard, statistician

Neva A. Carlson, statistician

Margaret j. S. Carr, statistician

Maude Farr, statistician

Mable C. Rice, statistician

Mary M. Willhoite, statistician


John H. Lloyd, Chief, Reports Section

Rolfe Lanier Hunt, Chief, Publications Section Margaret F. Ryan, senior editor

Ada J. Kelly, editor

Edith Rogers, editorial assistant

Mary A. Walker, publications control

Mary S. Clancy, publications inquiry




Donald W. McKone, Executive Officer

Marie E. Schutt, Chief, Budget and Administrative Services

Claire M. O’Neill, Budget Officer

H. C. Christoferson, Chief, Personnel and Organization


STATE AND LOCAL SCHOOL SYSTEMS Wayne O. Reed, Assistant Commissioner


E. Glenn Featherston, Director

Ward W. Kcesecker, school legislation

Charles O. Fitzwater, county and rural school administration

Clayton D. Hutchins, school finance

A. R. Munse, research

Robert F. Will, research

State School Systems Fred F. Beach, Chief Paul L. Reason, records and reports

School Housing Ray L. Hamon, Chief

Nelson E. Viles, Associate Chief

W. Edgar Martin, school equipment

James L. Taylor, school plant management

Norfleet L. Carney, school facilities survey

Elmer C. Peering, school facilities survey

Paul j. Keith, school facilities survey

Harold A. Rice, school facilities survey

William O. Wilson, school facilities survey

James Woofter, school facilities survey

Jack D. Herrington, architectural draftsman

Ralph Rose, analyst

Robert Spelts, analyst


Galen Jones, Director

Elementary Schools Don S. Patterson, Chief

Helen K. Mackintosh, Associate Chief

Effie G. Bathurst, research

Paul E. Blackwood, science Glenn O. Blough, science and aviation

Mary D. Davis, nursery-kindergarten-primary education

Jane Franseth, rural schools Hazel F. Gabbard, extended school services

Wilhelmina Hill, social sciences

Gertrude M. Lewis, upper grades

Arne W. Randall, fine arts Elsa Schneider, health instruction and physical education

Howard E. Thomas, migratory education


Secondary Schools J. Dan Hull, Chief Harry A. Jager, Associate Chief

Kenneth E. Brown, mathematics

Willis C. Brown, aviation Howard H. Cummings, social sciences and geography

Walter H. Gaumnitz, small and rural high schools

Arno Jewett, language arts

Philip G. Johnson, science -, general adult and post-high school education

Holger F. Kilander, health instruction

B. Frank Kyker, specialist, business education John R. Ludington, industrial arts

Simon A. McNeely, health instruction, physical education and ath¬


Leonard M. Miller, pupil personnel and work programs

Albert L. Pelley, research

David Segel, tests and measurements

Ellsworth Tompkins, large high schools

Grace S. Wright, research

Exceptional Children and Youth Arthur S. Hill, Chief Romaine P. Mackle, schools for physically handicapped

Service to Libraries Ralph M. Dunbar, Chief Nora E. Beust, school and children’s libraries

Willard O. Mishoff, college and research libraries -, public libraries

Visual Education Seerley Reid, Chief -, Assistant Chief

Radio-Television Franklin Dunham, Chief

Gertrude G. Broderick, script and transcription exchange

Ronald R. Lowdermilk, technical phases of educational radio-televi¬ sion


Rail I. Grigsby, Deputy Commissioner and Director

B. Alden Lillywhite, Associate Director

John F. Hughes, Assistant to the Director


B. Alden Lillywhite, Director

Donald V. Bennett, special assistant

Esther Ruth Pcriing, special assistant

School Construction Section

Curtis O. Booher, Chief Lester K. Ade, construction aid

Edgar W. Glenn, construction aid Robert C. Rice, construction aid

Cameron M. Ross, construction aid


Maintenance and Operation Section David H. McEuen, Chief

Rita M. Burke, current expenses aid

Donald P. Davis, current expenses aid

Jesse M. Dunn, current expenses aid

James F. Hortin, current expenses aid

Sherrell W. Herrell, current expenses aid

Program Studies and Property Section Claude M. Hirst, Chief

Hugh P. Brinton, research statistician

Finance and Control Section Michael E. Kuric, fiscal accountant


Arthur L. Harris, Director

Andrew H. Gibbs, field operations adviser

Field Representatives Neil W. Ackland, Region I, Boston, Mass.

Donald C. DeHart, Region II, New York, N. Y.

Edward A. Saltsman, Region II, New York, N. Y.

Marlin V. MacLaughlin, Region II, New York, N. Y. -, Region III, Washington, D. C.

Guy H. Clark, Region IV, Cleveland, Ohio

W. Ray Holloway, Region IV, Cleveland, Ohio

Edgar E. Harris, Region IV, Cleveland, Ohio

Harley E. Talley, Region V, Chicago, Ill.

Horace L. Smith, Region V, Chicago, Ill.

Hiram S. Burdette, Region VI, Atlanta, Ga.

Edward W. Paulette, Region VI, Atlanta, Ga.

J. Fred Horn, Region VI, Tallahassee, Fla.

John L. Watson, Region VII, Kansas City, Mo.

Joseph R. Holmes, Region VII, Kansas City, Mo.

William R. Skipping, Region VIII, Dallas, Tex.

William E. Driskill, Region VIII, Dallas, Tex.

E. W. Jackson, Region VIII, Dallas, Tex.

B. C. Sweeney, Region VIII, Dallas, Tex. -—, Region IX, Denver, Colo.

Bluford F. Minor, Region X, San Francisco, Calif.

Ralph I. Choplin, Region X, San Francisco, Calif.

David M. Alexander, Region X, San Francisco, Calif.

Paul T. Jackson, Region X, Seattle, Wash.

Alfred V. Overn, Region X, Seattle, Wash.

INTERNATIONAL EDUCATION Oliver J. Caldwell, Assistant Commissioner

ADMINISTRATIVE BRANCH Arnold E. Scott, Director and Assistant to the Assistant Commissioner

Charles E. Dawson, administrative officer


Ralph Bedell, Director

Frank L. Sievers, program development

Ella W. Griffin, research



Bess Goodykoontz, Director

Delia Goetz^ preparation and exchange of materials for use in schools Marjorie C. Johnston, American Republics

Alina M. Lindegren, Europe and British Commonwealth Helen D. Reid, research

Abul H. K. Sossani, Near and Far East

Margaret L. King, research

Nelda Rose limbeck, research


Raymond C. Gibson, Director

Lane C. Ash, Associate Director

Walter j. Greenleaf, overseas staffing

L. D. Langley, overseas staffing

George H. Stiff, research


Paul S. Bodenman, Acting Director

Chester C. Axvall, exchange of leaders and specialists

Kenneth A. Bateman, exchange of leaders and specialists

Martha G. Bcihl, research

Potrick E. Cumin, research


Thomas E. Cotner, Director

Teacher Interchange Section Cornelius R. McLaughlin, exchange of professors, teachers, and


Geraldine M. Doon, research

Patricia A. Simmons, research

Teacher-Training Section Robert E. L. Crane, exchange of teachers and professors

John W. Grissom, research

Frank A. Knapp, Jr., research

Clara R. McMahon, research

William A. Shamblin, research

John B. Stabler, research

Robert L. Steiner, Jr., research Ruth M. Crary, research

VOCATIONAL EDUCATION Joseph R. Strobel, Assistant Commissioner

Ward P. Beard, Assistant Director James R. Coxen, Assistant Director

James H, Pearson, field representative -, head reports analyst

Iva G. Prisk, educational statistician

Clyde Humphrey, distributive education John B. Pope, distributive education

G. Henry Richert, distributive education

Walter F. Shaw, distributive education



W. T. Spanton^ Chief

Herbert B. Swanson, Assistant Chief

William N. Elam, program

H. N. Hansucker, program

Alvin H. Hollenberg, farm mechanics

Elmer J. Johnson, program

R. Edward Naugher, program

A. Webster Tenney, program


Edna P. Amidon, Chief

Berenice Mallory, Assistant Chief

Margaret M. Alexander, program

Muriel W. Brown, family relations and child development

johnie Christian, program

Beulah I. Coon, research

Mary Laxson, research

Ata Lee, piogram

Rua Van Horn, program


Lawrence Borosage, Chief

Tom Watson, Assistant Chief

Hartman Dignowity, program

Nathan B. Giles, program

Allen T. Hamilton, research

Margaret Knapp, practical nursing

W. P. Loomis, program

Edward G. Ludtke, program

Louise Moore, girls and women

Walter H. Cooper, consultant, employee-employer relations

Silas M. Ransopher, consultant, international education

HIGHER EDUCATION W. Earl Armstrong, Acting Head


Administration Section Ernest V. Hollis, Chief Willard W. Blaesser, student personnel programs

Robert E. Iffert, plant and facilities

Granville K. Thompson, business management Theresa B. Wilkins, research

Educational Advisory Services on College Housing Loan Program Section

George C. Decker, Chief John B. Rork, program representative



Ralph C. M. Flynt, Director

General Education Section Howard R. Anderson, Chief Walter G. Daniel, higher education

Jennings B. Sanders, social sciences -, natural sciences

William R. Wood, junior colleges and lower divisions

Elizabeth N. Layton, research


Henry H. Armsby, Chief, engineering education

W. Earl Armstrong, Chief, teacher education

Lloyd E. Blauch, Chief, health professions

CIVILIAN EDUCATION REQUIREMENTS Rail I. Grigsby, Deputy Commissioner and Director

J. Trevor Thomas, Assistant Director Carl j. Thye, architectural engineer


Robert j. Orcutt, Chief


Floyd L. Barloga, Acting Chief Royce E. Brewster, civilian education requirements

John A. Jessup, civilian education requirements

Marian H. Cooley, control section

DIVISION OF VETERANS* EDUCATIONAL SERVICES James C. O’Brien, Assistant Commissioner and Director


W. Arthur Ross, Director J. Harold Goldthorpe, accreditation and higher education

Howard K. Hogan, apprentice and other training on the job

W. Daniel Musser, proprietary and trade schools

Victor H. Wohiford, institutional on-farm training


Theodore L. Roswell, Director Regional Representatives

E. Francis O’Day, Boston, Mass. -, New York, N. Y. -, Washington, D. C.

-, Cleveland, Ohio.

Harry V. Gilson, Chicago, Ill.

Ralph Carl Moor, Atlanta, Ga.

P. Larry McKeever, Kansas City, Mo.

Murray I. Jones, Dallas, Tex.

Carroll V. Galbreath, Denver, Colo.

James W. Kelly, San Francisco, Calif.


. V--



State and officers Official designation Address


W, J. Terry—.. L. L. Still-. S. Reece White.. O. P. Richardson_ M. H. Killingsworth_ Annie Seay Owen. Virginia B. Weems. J. E, Wright.

Carl Q. Baxter. N. F. Greenhill.

S. D. Collier. Frederick D. Brock III. Roy T. A1 verson. Katherine Forney_

B. E. Dismukes-.. Floyd D. Dotson. A. T. East.. W. Morrison McCall_ James P. Floyd. Lulu Palmer.. Fannie Schmidt. Emerson S. Van Cleave. Geddes Self.. Jessie G. Mehling_ Frank N. Philpot. Martha W. Smith..

Guy W. Smith..

J. C. Blair... T. F. Burnside. Robert C. Hatch_ Carrie C, Robinson.. R. E. Cammack. E. H. Gentry. J. C. Cannon. R. B. Bagley. D. B. Byrne.. O. F. Wise. J. F. Ingram. M. A. Whetstone_

Ruth Stovall_ Troy C. Tullis.

H. F. McMillan. Carl Bugg. Melvin Hughes. Ruth Horn.

Alaska__ Everett R. Erickson. Dorothy Novatney.. Marguerite Schuman.

State Department of Education... Superintendent of education..-- Assistant superintendent of education__ Director, administration and finance..

Assistant director... Business manager... Principal statistician.... Statistician..

Supervisor, school plant operation and main¬ tenance.

Supervisor, school plant planning. Supervisor, textbooks and instructional sup

plies. Chief school architect.... Supervisor, school building construction. Supervisor, local school accounting... Consultant, school lunch__ Supervisor, school bus operation and main¬

tenance. Chief accoimtant.... Senior specialist in school surveys. School surveys specialist...

Director, elementary education... Supervisor, temperance education.. Supervisor, instruction..... Supervisor, school libraries... Supervisor, music education...

Director, secondary education.... Supervisor, physical and health education. Supervisor, resource education.. Supervisor, school attendance and community

relations. Assistant in curriculum. Supervisor, instruction...

Director, Negro education... Supervisor, instruction. _do_______ Library consultant, Negro schools....

Director, vocational education... Assistant director.. Supervisor, agricultural education. Supervisor, crippled children’s service.

Associate supervisor. Supervisor, vocational rehabilitation.... Supervisor, trade and industrial education.... Supervisor, trade schools and apprentice train¬

ing. Supervisor, home economics education.. Administrative assistant, veterans’ training

program. Supervisor, finance section... Supervisor, enrollment...

Supervisor, tabulating machines, IBM_ Assistant supervisor, trade and industrial edu¬

cation for practical nurse training. Department of Education... Commissioner of education... Deputy commissioner of education__

Certification supervisor.

Montgomery 4. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do.

Do. Do.

Do. Do. Do. Do. Do.

Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do.

Do. Do.

Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do.

Do. Do.

Do. Do. Do. Do.

Juneau. Do. Do. Do.



State and officers Oflacial designation

Alaska—C ontinued Lois M. Morey. Robert P. Isaac_ A. A. Ryan.

American Samoa_ H. S. Spencer. S. Faamausili. V. K. Ort.. V. W. Smith_

Arizona_ M. L. Brooks. W. Fred Miller_

Myron R. Holbert..

Lillian B. Johnston.

Mary B. Price.. John Crnkovic_ Harry V. Bene. J. R. Cullison. Edwin C. Gracey.. Delbert R. Jerome. Eva Scully_

Arkansas_ A. B. Bonds, Jr_ A. W. Ford.....

H. T. Steele.

Mrs. Thelma Spinnenweber..

A. W. Ford.. A. B. Wetherington_ H. Z. Snell..... J. L. Eidson..... Joe Hudson. Morgan R. Owens__ Dean H. Whiteside. Ralph McNieL... J. H. Wasson... Rudolph V. Burrough. A. G. Thompson__ Mary Louise McDowell_ Garland Beavers.. Heloise Griffon. Ed. McCuistion__ C. A. Hicks.. Maeleen C. Arrant.... Wm. H. Moore.....

G. A. Keeling. Charles M. Clarke.

H. C. Givens.. Guy Jones...

J. Marion Adams. George Sullards.. Alma L. Keys.. Frances Bailey.

Education supervisor.. _do______ Director, Alaska on-base schools... Department of Education.... Director of education__ Assistant director of education____ General superintendent, elementary education_ Principal, high school and vocational schools. State Department of Public Instruction__ Superintendent of public instruction__ Assistant superintendent and director of teacher

certification. Assistant superintendent and director of research,

accounting, and Indian education. Assistant superintendent and director of instruc¬

tion, curriculum and textbooks. Director, school lunch program... Consultant, school facilities survey.. Director, vocational rehabilitation.. Director, vocational education...

Supervisor, trade and industrial education_ Supervisor, vocational guidance... Supervisor, homemaking education.

State Department of Education.. Commissioner of education..... Assistant commissioner and director, division of

administration. Supervisor, textbook service__ Director, school facilities survey and super¬

visor, school plant service. Supervisor, school loans, and records and

reports. Consultant, school law..

Director, division of finance and transportation_ Supervisor, finance.. Supervisor, school transportation... Supervisor, transportation safety.

Director, division of instruction.. Supervisor, rural education—... ....do..... _do...... Supervisor, elementary education.. Supervisor, special education.. Speech correctionist... Supervisor, audio-visual education.

Film librarian___ Director, division of Negro education.

Supervisor...... Supervisor, elementary education.....

State agent for surplus property and coordinator, specialized Federal programs.

Assistant State supervisor for surplus property. Director, division of teacher education and certi¬

fication. Supervisor, institutional training for veterans.

Assistant supervisor, institutional train¬ ing for veterans.

Director, division of vocational education.. Supervisor, agricultural education. Supervisor, home economics education.

Assistant supervisor, home economics education.


Juneau. Do.

Elmendorf AFB. Pago Pago.

Do. Do. Do. Do.

Phoenix. Do. Do.



Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do.

Little Rock Do. Do.

Do. Do.


Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do.

Do. Do.

Do. Do.

Do. Do. Do. Do.


State and officers Official designation Address

Arkansas—Continued Supervisor, school lunch program_ Little Rock.

J. 0. Ruppert. Supervisor, trade and industrial education Do.

Hugh Lovett.

and distributive education. Supervisor, occupational information and Do.

guidance. Supervisor, vocational property.. Do. Supervisor, approval agency for veterans_ Do.

Victor Wohlford. Supervisor, veterans’ institutional on-the- Do. farm training.

Supervisor, adult education for veterans. Do. Director, division of vocational rehabilitation. Do.

Chief, rehabilitation services.... Do.

A. L. Bell . Do.

W. R. Ooley__ Supervisor, services for the blind_ Do. State Department of Education_ Sacramento 14.

Roy E. Simpson. Superintendent of public instruction and director Do. of education.

Administrative assistant.. Do. George E. Hogan. Deputy superintendent of public instruction and Do.

chief of the division of departmental administra¬ tion.

Chief, bureau of education research.. Do. Do.

Assistant to the superintendent... Los Angeles 12. Sacramento 14. Jay Davis Conner. Associate superintendent of public instruction

George C. Mann... and chief of the division of instruction.

Chief, bureau of adult education... Los Angeles 12. Sacramento 14. Francis W. Noel_ Chief, bureau of audio-visual education.

Helen Heffernan... Assistant division chief, elementary education. Do. Verne S. Landreth. Chief, bureau of health education, physical Do.

Frank B. Lindsay. education, and recreation.

Assistant division chief, secondary education. Do. Francis W. Doyle.. Chief, bureau of special education.... Do. Wesley P. Smith. Director, vocational education__ Do. Byron J. McMahon.. Chief, bureau of agricultural education_ San Luis Obispo. William R. Blackler. Chief, bureau of business education_ Sacramento 14. Dorothy Schnell. Chief, bureau of homemaking education... Do. Donald E. Kitch. Chief, bureau of occupational information Do.

Samuel L. Fick_ and guidance.

Chief, bureau of industrial education._ Do. Carma R. Zimmerman_ State librarian, chief of division_ _ _ Do. Frank M. Wright.. Associate superintendent of public instruction and Do.

Charles W\ Bursch.

chief of the division of public-school administra¬ tion.

Assistant division chief, school planning Do. Drayton B. Nuttall. Chief, bureau of school district organiza¬ Do.

Ronald W. Cox. tion.

Assistant division chief, school administration. Do. John R. Weber.. Supervisor, child care centers.. _ _ Los Angeles 13.

Do. Faye K, Bridges... Chief, bureau of Indian education Herbert E. Summers.. Chief, bureau of readjustment education.. Sacramento 14. Ralph R. Boy den.. Chief, bureau of school accounts and rec¬ Do.

James M. Hemphill. ords.

Supervisor, school lunch program_ Do. William A. Farrell.. Marion B. Sloss.

Chief surplus property officer. Supervising field representative, general

Do. Do.

Ivan R. Waterman.. school administration.

Chief, bureau of textbooks and publica¬ Do.

E. R. Deering. tions.

Consultant, child welfare and attendance. Do.


State and oflacers Official designation Address

California—Continued Herbert R. Stolz.. Deputy superintendent of public instruction and San Francisco 2.

chief of the division of special schools and services. S. W. Patterson. Assistant division chief, special schools and Sacramento 14.

services. Do.

Bemece McCrary.. San Francisco 2. J. Burton Vasche__ Associate superintendent of public instruction and Sacramento 14.

chief of the division of State colleges and teacher education.

Joel A, Burkman.. Assistant division chief, State colleges and Do. teacher education.

Do. Hubert H. Semans.. Specialist in higher education__ Do.

Do. Division of Schools_ Balboa Heights.

Do. S. E. Esser.... Director, secondary education... Do. R. W. Collinge_ Director, elementary education_ Do.

Do. Roger C. Hackett_ Dean, Canal Zone Junior College_ Do. Philip Green. _ Coordinator, industrial training_ Do.

State Department of Education___ Denver 2. Burtis E. Taylor'.. Commissioner of ediication__ Do. Helen H. Downing . _ Do. Lucy C. Auld_ _do___ Do. Burtis E. Taylor_ Deputy commissioner of education_.-._ Do. Marguerite R. Juchem_ Supervisor, secondary education__ _ Do. Lucile H. Latting_ _ Supervisor, elementary education _ Do. Charles E. Hathaway_ Director, finance and research__ Do. Eleanor Casebolt_ Supervisor, teacher certification_ Do. Carey J. Downing_ Supervisor, special education___ Do. Charles W. Lilley_ Supervisor, school-limch program_ Do. Gordon Bennett_ Librarian_ Do. George Walters .... Director of accreditation_ Do. John Coffelt_ Consultant, school administration and finance.... Do.

State Board for Vocational Education: E. C. Comstock_ Executive director, vocational education_ Do. A. R. Bunger__ . . Supervisor, agricultural education.._ _ Do. Paul Gray_ Assistant supervisor ___ Do. Wm. G. Flannery.. . Supervisor, trade and industrial education__ Do. F, W. Doelz___ Assistant supervisor, apprenticeship_ Do. Wilbur L. Buckner._ Assistant supervisor, REA training_ Do. Lucile C. Fee_ Supervisor, homemaking education_ Do. Olive Hamilton.... Assistant supervisor . . .. . . Do. John R. Waldeck_ Supervisor, distributive education_ Do. H. Edgar Williams__ Supervisor, guidance services.. __ Do. Dorsey F. Richardson_ Supervisor, vocational rehabilitation.. Do.

Connecticut _ State Department of Education_ Hartford 15. Finis E. Engleman _ Commissioner of education_ Do. William H. Fiaharty_ Deputy Commissioner_ Do. N. Searle Light- Chief, bureau of school and community services... Do. Richard Howland_ Consultant, buildings and groimds_ Do. George L. Dunkelberger_ Senior architect.. __ Do. La Verne Strong.._ Consultant, curriculum_ Do. Alan E. Hugg_ Consultant, adult education ..._ Do. Ann V. Foberg ... Consultant, elementary education . . Do. Harriet C. Nash__ Associate consultant, early childhood and Do

parent education.

> Acting.


State and officers Official designation Address

Connecticut—Continued Charles Prohaska.. Consultant, health and physical education_ Hartford 15. Ruth V. Byler. Associate consultant, health and physical

education. Do.

_do____ Do. Helen Watson... Service specialist, school nursing_ Do.

Associate consultant, school lunches_ Do. Service specialist, school lunches_ Do.

Mildred B. Stanton... .. Consultant, special education_ Do. Do.

Beatrice K. Bronson. Associate consultant, physically handi¬ capped.


Geraldine Garrison. Associate consultant, speech correction and hearing.


William J. Nolan.. Associate consultant, psychology testing.. Do. Henry C. Herge.. Chief, higher education and teacher certification... Do.

Do. Do.

Richard Howes. Assistant chief, bureau of vocational education and consultant, trades and industries.


Anne C. Moore__ Associate consultant, libraries and general education.


Schuyler Spaulding. Associate consultant, foreman training_ Do. Calvin Stanley_ Associate consultant, curriculum materials. Do. Joseph T. Nerden. Consultant, audio-visual education_ Do. James Frost..... Associate consultant, audio-visual educa¬

tion. Do.

Joseph Murphy_ Vocational school department head, audio¬ visual education.


Peter W. Bauer. Associate consultant, buildings and facilities.. Do. Ray L. Hahn.. Associate consultant, agriculture_ Do. James A. Dorsey_ Consultant, distributive education_ Do. Helen O’Donnell. Associate consultant, distributive educa¬

tion. Do.

Ruth C. Cowles.. Consultant, homemaking___ Do. Grace F. Harrison_ Associate consultant, homemaking_ Do. Paul D. Collier. Chief, bureau of youth services.. .. ____ Do. Franklyn E, Learned. Consultant, accreditation, veterans’ education

and safety education. Do.

James S. LeSure... Rftrvicp. specialist, veterans’ education Do. Paul M. Boynton. Associate consultant, business education__ Do. Victor E. Pitkin... Consultant, citizenship education_ Do. Harold J. Mahoney_ Consultant, student personnel... Do. Robert W. Stoughton. Associate consultant, counselor training... Do. G. Wesley Ketcham_ Consultant, industrial arts .. .. Do. Ethyl M. Francis. Service specialist, employment certificates

and high-school equivalency. Do.

Keimeth H. Lundy. Service specialist, handcraft education. Do. Leonard W. Joll.. Consultant, communication arts (English)_ Do. Roger M. Thompson.. Chief, bureau of Federal-State-local relations _ Do. Raymond J. Fay... Consultant, liaison with educational organi-

zations-citizen understanding. Do.

Clyde M, Campbell.. Service specialist, attendance and transporta¬ tion.


Alfred Kacynski.. Service specialist, editor . .. ___ Do. Edwin S. Przybylski_ Research associate, statistics_ Do. Helen Ridgway... Chief, bureau of libraries_ Do. Rheta A Clark.. Associate consultant, school libraries.. _ Do. Wilhelmina Moore__ Senior librarian, research library_ Do. Edward P. Chester.. Chief, bureau of rehabilitation__ Do. John W. Hekeley. Associate consultant, services for the tuber¬

culous. Do.


State and officers Official designation Address

ConnecticD t—C ontlnued Joseph L. Marra... Associate consultant, rehabilitation services... Hartford 15.

Do. Chief, bureau of research and planning_ . Do.

Consultant_____ Do. Frederic H. Spaulding. Associate consultant, school facilities survey.. Do. Ernest 0. Nybakken_ Chief, rural education___ Do.

State Department of Public Instruction_ Dover. George R. Miller, Jr.. Superintendent of public instruction.. Do.

Do. John Shilling-- Assistant superintendent in charge of secondary Do.

education H. B. King.. Assistant superintendent in charge of elementary Do.

education Rene L. Herbst.. Assistant superintendent in charge of business Do.


Do. Do.

Supervisor, maintenance service. Do. Calvin R. McCullough_ Supervisor, buildings and grounds... Do.

Lewes. Dover.

Edith L. Mitchell.. Director, art education____ Do. Do.

George W. Ayars. Director, health, physical and driver education_ Do. Do. Do.

R. W. Heim.. Duector, vocational education and executive of¬ Newark. ficer for rehabilitation.

A. B. Anderson Supervisor, trades and industries ___ . Wilmington. Frank M. Forstburg.. Assistant supervisor in charge of teacher¬ Do.

training, trades and industries. Harry Q. Packer- Supervisor, distributive education and busi¬ Do.

ness education. W. Lyle Mowlds_ Supervisor, agricultural education__ Dover. Paul M. Hodgson.- - Assistant supervisor in charge of teacher- Newark.

training, agricultural education. Emily A. King_ Supervisor, homemaking education_ Dover. John G. King _ Dii’ector, rehabilitation division __ Wilmington. Marguerite H. Burnett_ Director, Americanization and adult education_ Do. Grace T. Brewer__ Director, service bureau for foreign-born residents. Do. John S. Charlton_ Director, child development and guidance Dover. Robert J. Darling-- _ Supervisor, guidance services _ Do. James I. Lore, Jr_ Supervisor, child development services_ Do. M. Virginia Mason.. Supervisor, human relations classes and as¬ Wilmington.

sistant in guidance. Ethel B. Emmert.. Supervisor, school-lunch program Dover.

Florida_ State Department of Education . _ .. Tallahassee. Thomas D. Bailey_ Superintendent of public instruction _ Do. J. K. Chapman __ Deputy superintendent.. . _ . Do. James L. Graham. ... Director, division of administration and finance. .. Do. Thomas N. Morgan _ Assistant, administration and finance Do. L. S. Barstow_ _do ___ - Do. Forrest Kelley__ State school architect. ___ Do. Albert R. Broadfoot_ Assistant school architect.... Do. Francis A. Rhodes.. Specialist, surveys.. . .... Do. J. Pope Baird_ Consultant, transportation_ Do. James T. Campbell.. Assistant, surveys and attendance. _ Do. Robert E. Lee ... Assistant, research and information__ Do. T. Q. Srygley_ Director, division of instruction___ Do. J. T. Kelley.. Assistant director, division of instruction. Do.

school accreditation and teacher education. M. M. Ferguson_ Coordinator, certification services_ Do.


State and officers Official designation Address

Florida—C on ti nued Director, adult and veteran education... Tallahassee.

Do. Mrs. Genevieve McHenry_ Itinerant teacher and coordinator, veteran Do.

H. E. Wood. education.

Assistant director, division of instruction. Do.

O. C. Norman__ agricultural education.

Supervisor, veteran vocational agriculture. Do L. A. Marshall.. Itinerant teacher-trainer, Negro schools... (Florida A&M Col¬

Frances Champion,.. Assistant director, division of instruction. lege) Tallahassee.


Lucy Lang... .. home economics education.

Area supervisor, home economics educa- Do. tion.

_do .. -. Do. _do..... Do.

Mrs. Jessee M. Fears_ Itinerant teacher-trainer, Negro schools (Florida A&M and NHA adviser. College) Talla¬

H. F. Hinton_ Assistant director, division of instruction. hassee.


W. L. Hooper... trade and industrial education.

Assistant supervisor, trade and industrial Do.

C. Wendell Eckels..... education.

Coordinator, diversified and distributive Do.

Fuclede Threlkeld__ education, cooperative training.

Coordinator, part-time general contiima- Do.

Thurman J. Bailev. tion and business education.

Coordinator, related instruction for ap¬ Do.

William J. Hodges.. prentices.

Coordinator, visual aids for industrial Do.

Roy E. Larson.. education.

Coordinator, peace officers training __ Orlando. Wayne W. Black.... Coordirrator, REA job training and safety. Ocala. J. H. Allen___ Coordinator, commercial vehicle driver Jacksonville.

Oscar C. Forbes.. _ training.

Coordinator, railroad training . _ .. Do. Lucille Snowden.. Coordinator, labor-management relations Miami.

Claud M. Andrews. _ training.

Director, vocational rehabilitation . . Tallahassee. Dodd Pace.. Supervisor, rehabilitation casework opera- Do.

Mrs. Theima Flanagan. Florence Wagner... .

tiorrs. Supervisor, school lunch education.. ..

School lunch specialist ... Do. Do.

Doris Bilger.. . _do - - Do. Sam H. Moorer__ Director, division of instructional field services... Do. D. E. Williams. . Director, Negro education . . Do. W. H. Marshall__ General consultant, instruction___ Do. E. G. Rabom.. . ....do . . .. Gainesville. Katie Sue Echols.. Consultant, narcotics edixcation . _ Tallahassee. Charlotte Stienhans. __ Consultant, elementarv education Do. Ethel Holmes. _do..... .. .. Do.

Robert Gates.. . Consultant, education for e.vceptionai children. Do. Mrs. Alice Pearce... Consultant, instructional materials Do. Zollie Maynard. Consultant, physical education, health and Do.

W. E. Combs... recreation.

Specialist, secondary education for Negroes_ (Florida A&M

Minnie Hall Fields. Specialist, elementary education for Negroes..

College) Talla¬ hassee.




State and officers Official designation Address

Fieri da— C ont inued T. George Walker. Maston S. Hayes.

Director, division of publications and textbooks.. Specialist, textbooks___

Tallahassee. Jacksonville.

Georgia..... M. D. Collins_ J. I. Allman_

C. H. Hollingsworth_ F. G. Nelms_ R. D. Pulliam_ J. M. Gooden_ Claude Purcell_ A. L. Davis, Sr_ L. Miles Sheffer, Jr_ L. M. Lester_

J. J. Medlin, Jr_ H. S. Shearouse_ Mamie Jo Jones_ C, S. Hubbard...__

J. G. Garrison_ Garland C. Bagley_ Elizabeth Donovan_ Sarah Jones_ Grace Hightower_ Lucile Nix_ Roxanna Austin_ Beverly Wheatcroft_ W. E. Pafford___ P. S. Barrett_ A. P. Jarrell_ W. B. Gaines_ John S. Prickett, Jr_ R. L. Cousins..... Q. I. Martin.. T. G. Walters_ T. D. Brown, Jr_ Inez Wallace_

W. M. Hicks___

R. D. Pulliam_

Ed. Langford_

Eleanor Pryor_ Joe DeFoor_ A. W. Blackburn.-.. John Sloan_ Allen Smith__

Guam_ Jos6 R. Palomo_ Simon A. Sanchez_ Mrs. Remedies L. G. Perez.. Mrs. Agueda I. Johnston_ Pearl Heidorn_ Ignacio P. Quitugua__ Robert Meran_ E. E. Lewis__

State Department of Education_ Superintendent of schools_ Assistant superintendent of schools and director of

finance. Superintendent, Georgia School for the Deaf.. Superintendent, Georgia Academy for the Blind.. Personnel officer_____ Ccordinator, health education_ Director, division of school administration_

Assistant director_ Architect_

Director, division of teacher education, certifica¬ tion, and cuniculum.

Supervisor, teacher certification_ Public education administrator_

Consultant, curriculum development_ Director, division of instruction and instructional

materials (library service). Assistant diiector_ Supervisor, audio-visual education_ Instructional consultant_ Chief libiary consultant_

Library consultant_ Chief libraiy consultant_

Libiary consultant_ Head librarian_

Director, division of supervision_ Director, division of vocational rehabilitation_

Vocational rehabilitation e.xecutive_ Supervisor, services for the blind- Vocational rehabilitation executive-

Director, division of Negro education ... Assistant director, division of vocational education.

Supervisor, agricultural education.. Related activity supervisor_

Supervisor, home economics education pro¬ gram.

Acting supervisor, trade and industrial educa¬ tion and distributive education.

Director, division of guidance and occupa¬ tional information.

Director, veterans’ education on-the-job training program.

Director, division of school lunch program_ Director, division of commodity distribution- Director, division of war surplus properties_

Surplus property procurement officer_ Director, school surveys--- Department of Education_ Director of education_ Superintendent of schools___ Supervisor, primary grades___ Supervisor, upper elementary grades.... Supervisoi, intermediate grades- Agriculture specialist--- Vocational principal..;- Dean, territorial college of Guam and coordinator

of higher education.

.4.tlanta 3. Do. Do.

Cave Spiing. Macon. Atlanta 3.

Do. Do. Do. Do. Do.

Do. Do. Do. Do.

Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do.

Atlanta 2. Do. Do. Do. Do.

Atlanta 3. Do. Do. Do.




Do. Do. Do. Do. Do.

Agana. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do.


State and officers Official designation Address

Department of Public Instruction.. .... Honolulu. Do. Do.

Mrs Nell B Elder . . Do. Do.

F. Deal Crooker_ Deputy superintendent, division of instruction- Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do.

Clayton J. Chamberlin_ Deputy superintendent, division of special services. Do. Alfred M. Church.. Do.

Do. Do.

W. Tate Robinson. Director, health education and work with Do. handicapped children.

Do. Do.

Leila H. Silva_ Director, dental health education. Do. Frederick R. Frizelle.. Do. William H. Coulter. Deputy superintendent, division of vocational Do.

education. Do.

Tamotsu Horii... Do. Do.

Lucian J. Paulus.. Assistant director..... Do. Mrs. Helen McGill . Director, home economics education _ Do. Mrs. Rita R. Howe_ Assistant director... Do. Mrs. Nina C. Lane. Director, business education__ Do. Herbert S. Bowers. Director, occupational information and guid¬ Do.

ance service. Yeuell Harris.. Administrator, placement and training_ Do. Edith Doi... Specialist, occupational information and Do.

guidance. Robert R. Spencer. Deputy superintendent, division of administia- Do.

tive affairs. Henry S. Nakata. Director, school buildmg services . _ Do.

Idaho____ State Department nf Edneatinn Boise. Alton B. Jones.. State superintendent of public instruction. Do. Ross E. Barney.. Assistant State superintendent ... Do. Helen M. Bartholomew. Certification clerk...... Do. H. Maine Shoun..... State high school supervisor____ Do. Gertrude Eastman.. State elementary school supervisor ... Do. George E. Denman.. Supervisor, school transportation and reorganiza¬ Do.

tion. W. C. Sorenson.. State curriculum director __ Do. Allen P. Jeffries... Supervisor, health and Indian education . Do. E. Marion Hoyt.. Supervisor, school lunch...... Do. Garth 0. Reid... Finance officer ..... Do. R. M. D. Childs.. Accountant-auditor.. ..... Do. William Kerr__ Director, vocational education ... Do. Emory Howard. Snjiervi.sor, aericultural education Do. Robert Haynes. Assistant supervisor . Do.

Supervisor, home economics education Do. S. R. Glenn... Acting supervisor, trade and industrial educa¬ Do.

tion. J. E. Marmon... Assistant supervisor Do. Milo T. Means.... Director, vocational rehabilitation ... Do. Harold Willmorth. Director, teachers’ retirement system... Do.


State and officers Official designation Address

Springfield. Vernon L. Nickell.... Superintendent of public instruction.. Do. N. E. Hutson. . . _ Do. R. G. Smith.. Chief clerk.. . Do.

Do. C. C. Byerly.. First assistant superintendent and director, assist- Do.

ants to the superintendent. M. M. Cruft... Administrative assistant and building con- Do.

sultant. Albert L. Burgard. Do. Roy Clark__ _do. _ . .. _ .... . Do. Elden D. Finley .. . do Do. Otis Keeler. _ ... -. do .. -- .... Do. John K. Price. .. .do.. -- . ... Do. J. F. Short .. -. _do . - . -.. Do. Robert M. Ring.. _do. - .. . - __ .. -- Do.

do Do. Catherine E. Parks _do ..-. Do. Allen Edmundson. __ _do. _-__-... Do.

do ... Do. S. A. Alkire ... . Do. Ward N. Black... Director, G. I. institutional training.. . _ Do.

Do. J. C. Mutch .. Do. Mildred Nickel_ ... .. Director, school libraries.. .. Do.

Do. Ray Graham ... . Director, education of exceptional children__ Do. Iva Field Boyles___ Supervisor, physically handicapped. . ... .. Do. Martha E. Black_ Supervisor, deaf, speech re-education, and Do.

educable mentally handicapped. Dorothy Bryan Supervisor, blind and defective vision_ Do. Isaac Jolles . Staff psychologist .. Do. James TJnderdnwn Auditor, special education . . .. Do. Maura Conlisk. . . Assistant superintendent, health and physical Do.

education. George Mathis _do Do. Foster Keagle. . ..do... . ... - . Do. Hazel O’Neal Health coordinator .. .. Do. L. D. Bowker... Supervisor, textbooks and publications... Do. S. M. Bishop. . - Assistant superintendent in charge of statistics_ Do. Harold A. Wolfe.. Acting State supervisor, school lunch program_ Do. Eiither J. Black Secretary, State examining board _ __ Do. Aubrey J. Holmes.-- . .. Executive secretary, teachers’ retirement system. . Do. J. E. Hill__ Director, vocational education and chief, agricul¬ Do.

tural education. John A. Beaiimnnt Chief, business education _ Do. Rena L. Hodgen Chief, homemaking education . .. Do. C. A. Michelman.. Chief, occupational information and guidance. Do. R. K Eden Chief research and statistics Do. Edward M. Claude._ Chief, trade and industrial education.... Do.

Indiana State Department of Public Instruction.. .. Indianapolis 4.

Wilbur Young. .. State superintendent of public instruction... Do. C Emmet Filer Assistant superintendent .. _ Do. Paul R. Griesel Statistical officer . ___ Do. Mrs. Effie Talbott Attendance officer . .. ... Do. Russell H. Ravburn Director, division of school inspection... Do‘ Gerhard Ahrens. Director, division of special education.. Do. .Tames H. Ringer Director, division of driver education.. .. Do. Henry L. Smith .. . . .. Director, division of schoolhouse planning.. Do. Esther V. Burrin_ . Director, division of school libraries and teaching Do.



State and officers Official designation Address

Indiana—Continued Henry M. Whistler.. Director, division of teacher training and licensing.. Indianapolis 4. Mrs. Esther Ranstead.. Assistant director, division of teacher training Do.

and licensing. Do. Do. Do.

Edna Shidler... Assistant supervisor, home economics educa- Do.

Harold B. Taylor... tion.

Supervisor, agriculture education... Do. W. A. Williams... Assistant supervisor, agriculture education_ Do. Charles Edmonson. Earl Wilson.......

Supervisor, veterans’ training in agriculture_ Assistant in veterans training in agriculture...

Do. Do.

H. Q. McComb__ Director, trade and industrial education and dis- Do.

Paul Cyr. tributive education.

Assistant in veterans trade and industrial Do.

Edgar Kellogg.... training.

Instructor in safety and job training in rural Do. electrification.

Do. Floyd Hammond.. Assistant director and chief, rehabilitation Do.

Freeman D. Ketron.. service.

Chief, guidance, counseling and training.. Do. C. R. Bird . Do. Richard M. Phillips.. Lester C. Campbell ..

Specialist for the deaf and hard of hearing_ Area srrpervisor.. . . ....

Do. Do.

Leroy E. Burney. Director, Indiana State board of health, depart¬ Do.

Robert Yoho...

ment of prrblic health cooperating with depart¬ ment of prrblic instruction.

Director, division of health and physical education. Do. Hester Bland... . .. Consultant, girls’ physical education. Do. Russell F. Robinson_ Educational director, division of veterans’ affairs.. Do. Robert Hougham.. E.xecutive secretary, teachers’ retirement fund Do.

Iowa.. _ board.

State Department of Prrblic Instruction. Des Moines 19. Jessie M. Parker.... J. P. Street..

Superintendent of public instruction. Deputy superintendent and director of public

Do. Do.

R. A. Griffin.. . junior colleges.

Legal adviser _ Do. Paul F. Johnston . Director, administration and finance Do. L. Abels.. Legal administrative assistant. . _ Do. John G. Shultz. Consultant, reorganization.... Do. A. B. Grimes .. Supervisor, plant facilities _ . Do. Gerald W. Boicourt_... _do... Do. William M. Slaichert. Supervisor, research. ... Do. Paul Voskuil_ ___ Supervisor, finance . Do. W. T. Edgren.... Dii’ector, transnortation division.. Do. I. N. Seibert . .. Supervisor, transportation division Do. W. A. Winterstein _ Director, special education . Do. Arthur Carpenter . .. Director, supervision Do. Arthur C. Anderson.... Supervisor, graded and elementary schools_ Do. Thomas C. Green. _do . Do. Virgil S. Lagomarcino -do Do. Wayne L. Pratt_ . do .. .... Do. Gladys Horgen.. . ... Supervisor, rural schools.-... Do. Arthur Roberts. Supervisor, veterans’ education . Do. Wayland W. Osborn.. . Executiv'e secretary, board of e.xaminers. Do. Tom Orr... Supervisor, certification.. Do.


State and officers Official designation

Iowa—C ontinued Earl R. Cope_ Hampton T. Hall. M. Z. Hendren...

Director, vocational education__ Supervisor, agricultural education_

Assistant supervisor, agricultural educa¬ tion.

Gerald F. Barton_ R. A. Gilman-

M. H. Goeldner.. E. J. Mabon.. D. W. Martens_ Harry W. Carmichael. Roland G. Ross_

Louise Keller.. Marion Yule_

_do___ -do.....

-do___ _do______ -do____

Supervisor, trade and industrial education_ Supervisor, occupational information and

guidance. Supervisor, homemaking education__

Assistant supervisor, homemaking educa¬ tion.

Eleanore L. Kohlmann. Irene Friesner_ Howard L. Benshoof... C. W. Bangs... Lloyd Seaver_

Kansas____ Adel F. Throckmorton. W. A. Stacey_ J. E. Needham_ W. C. Kampschroeder.. George J. Frey, Jr- Ursula Henley_ John H. Nicholson_ Agnes Engstrand_ Maurice E. Cook_ Flossia Shepard_ Sol D. Dice.. Ralph Stinson.. R. E. Custer_ F. Floyd Herr__ Gladys Iske....

W. W. Wright_ Fay Young.. Ruby Scholz_ Mrs. Janet Hinther_ Mrs. Alta Smith.. L. B. Sipple_ Vemita Rich-- Mrs. Dorothy Waller_ John H. McCormick_ James E. Marshall_ George L. Cleland_ Olga House_

C. M. Miller_ L. B. Pollom_ Hazel E. Thompson_ O. H. Beaty_ L. W. Winkel___ H. D. Shotwell_ Ramon L. Charles_ Marvin A. Creech- Helen Ankeny_ Norman G. Evans_

_do....... Supervisor, distributive education_

Director, vocational rehabilitation_ Director, school lunch program___ Supervisor, educational agency for surplus and

excess property. State Department of Education_ State superintendent of public instruction_ Assistant State superintendent...__ Administrative assistant___ Director, school facilities services..__ Informational counsel..... Curriculum___ Director, instruction___

Supervisor, elementary education_ ....do..... _do_____ Supervisor, secondary education_ _do_____ _do____

Director, certification and college accreditation... Assistant director, certification and college

accreditation. Director, finance and school lunch__

Assistant director, finance___ Assistant director, school Itmch__

Supervisor, school lunch_ _do__

Director, special education_ Assistant director, special education_ Consultant, special education_ -do___ -do___

Textbook analyst___ Textbook assistant...... State Board for Vocational Education: Director, vocational education-- Supervisor, vocational agriculture... Supervisor, vocational homemaking_ Supervisor, trade and industrial education_

Custodial trades instructor_ Supervisor, business education--- Supervisor, guidance services___

Counselor trainer___ Editor of publications--- Acting supervisor, vocational rehabilitation_


Des Moines 19. Do. Do.

Do. Do.

Do. Do. Do. Do. Do.

Do. Do.

Do. Do. Do. Do. Do.

Topeka. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do.

Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do.

Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do.


state and officers Official designation


Wendell P. Butler... Gordie Young_ Paul W. Thurman...

William C. Bryant..

J. B. Williams.. Kearney Campbell.. Robert L. Mills. Earl E. Garrison_

Samuel Alexander...

N. T, Hooks. John A. Jones. W. W. Roschi. Ray N. Dryden_ John L. Vickers_ Boswell B. Hodgkin. Robert R. Martin...

Robert L. Greene... R. F. Flege_ C. T. Ward__ Anne Hoge Martin.. Mark Godman. Moss Walton_ Sam Taylor_

Louise Galloway...- Adron Doran..

Louise Combs_

Louise O’Donnell... O. B. Wilder. Fred Edmonds_ Mrs. Mary Marshall.. Claude Taylor. Frank R. Vittetow.. Ishmael Triplett_ E. B. Whalin_ Owen Retherford...

State Department of Education.. Superintendent of public instruction.... Assistant superintendent of public instruction.

Director, division of school buildings and grounds.

Assistant director, division of school build¬ ings and grounds.

Director, division of surplus property. Educationist...

Head, bureau of administration and finance. Director, division of departmental finance and

services. Director, division of local school district fi¬

nance. Accounting supervisor__ _do______ _do........ _do..-.

Director, division of pupil transportation. Director, division of research and statistics_

Assistant director, division of research and statistics.

Educationist-..... _do.____

Director, division of census and attendance_ Administrative assistant..

Head, bureau of instruction..___ Director, division of school supervision....

Assistant director, division of school super¬ vision.

Supervisor, school libraries.... Director, division of teacher training and

certification. Assistant director, division of teacher

training and certification. Administrative assistant__ Supervisor, certification.__

Regional supervisor, in-service training... _do_____ -do..... _do........

Director, division of free textbooks__ Director, division of health education_ Director, division of education for exceptional

children. Stella A. Edwards_ J. Mansir Tydings_

Watson Armstrong... E. P. Hilton_ S. S. Wilson..

Mary Lois Williamson. Mary B. Vaughan_

Annie M. Botts.. Harold G. Wilson_

Fred A. Martin.

Robert W. Sailing_

Administrative assistant__ Director, division of moral and spiritual edu¬

cation. Head, bureau of vocational agricultural education.

Director, division of agricultural education_ Assistant director, division of agricultural

education. Director, division of home economics education

Assistant director, division of home eco¬ nomics education.

Supervisor, school-lunch program. Director, division of trade and industrial edu¬

cation. State coordinator, division of trade and

industrial education. Supervisor, division of trade and indus¬

trial education.


Frankfort. Do. Do. Do.


Do. Do. Do. Do.


Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do.

Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do.

Do. Do.


Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do.

Do. Do.

Do. Do. Do.

Do. Do.

Do. Do.




State and officers Official designation Address

Kentucky—Continued W. H. Baldree-.—. Director, division of vocational rehabilitation. Frankfort. Olney M. Patrick_ Do.

Do. T. P. Leonard__ Do. Cleveland Moore__ Do.

Do. State Department of Education__ Baton Rouge 4.

Shelby M. Jackson_ Superintendent of public education__ Do. George B. Benton, Jr __ Do. C. E. Holly..— Supervisor, school housing and school facilities Do.

survey. Do.

S. B. Mallet_ Do. Mack Avants ... Research consultant, school housing service... Do.

Do. Do. Do. Do. Do.

J. E. Williams_ Supervisor, teacher education and certification_ Do. Do. Do.

J. B. Robertson- -.. Director, division of elementary and secondary Do. education.

Do. Do.

Paul E. Marionneaux . . . Assistant supervisor.. ... Do. Thomas R. Landry . Supervisor, elementary schools. .. Do. Mabel Collette __ Supervisor, primarv schools . _ Do. Tj. T/. TCilgrire Supervisor, Negro schools . . Do. Lloyd V. Funchess Supervisor, music _ .. _ Do. C. W. Hilton _ Assistant supervisor . __ Do. A. B. Davis. .- Supervisor, audio-visual education... Do. Irma S. Willard Consultant, art education . _ Do. Caro Lane Consultant, exceptional children. .. _ Do.

Christina Hackett _ Consultant, community health _ Do. Forrest Gaines . Supervisor, safety education... . . _ Do. Howard W. Kidd-..- Supervisor, health and physical education... Do. H. S. Bankston_ .. . Specialist, mental health education. . Do. Gladys Peck _ Supervisor, business education. .....__ Do. Tiena, V. de Grnmmond Supervisor, school libraries . __ Do. J. W. Bateman Supervisor, adult education . . __ Do. Ida L. King .. _ _ Specialist, materials of instruction. ... Do. A. E. Robinson... .. Director, division of vocational education and Do.

special services. Alexis A. Larriviere Executive assistant .. . . _ Do. W. J. Parent . .. . Supervisor, agricultural education.... Do. Charles Curtis Specialist, farm mechanics.. ... Do. A. D. Walker_ Executive secretary. Future Farmers of Do.

America. H. 0. Thomas Supervisor, industrial arts __ Do. T. E. Hampton___ Supervisor, trade and industrial education- Do. L. A. Brand... Assistant supervisor.... Do. H. F. Hays ... Special assistant .. .. . .. Do. E. A. Lee..___ Coordinator, trade extension training_ Do. Donovan R. Armstrong . .. Supervisor, distributive education . Do. Elizabeth Hickerson .. Training specialist, distributive education . Do. Lela Tomlinson Supervisor, home economics __ Do. Margaret Colvin Supervisor, guidance . . __ Do. Marion Souza_ Supervisor, practical nurse training... .. Do.


state and oflacers OfiBcial designation

Louisiana—Continued Evelyn Terrell . Ruth Kean_ Lula L. Carroll T. E. Kirklin...

Supervisor, school lunch. Supervisor, nutrition education. Supervisor, food conservation.. Supervisor, food distribution...

Charles Manning_

Sims S. Gauthier.

Curtis L. Johnston_ Seid Hendrix_ W. B. Swayze_


Herbert Q. Espy- Edward L. McMonagle. Helen E. Madsen i. Gertrude Griney-

John Collins__ Philip A. Annas.

Joseph J. Devitt_ Howard G. Richardson.

Howard L. Bowen.

Eleanor G. Powers

Irene L. Dresser_ Zelda J. Gordon_ Villa H. Quinn_ Fred L. Kenney... Chester Booth.. Paul D. Wood_

Robert T. Hall_ Marion Cooper_ Ermo H. Scott. Flora I. Brann. Margaret L. Arber_ Morris P. Cates...

Maurice C. Varney_ Florence L. Jenkins... Louise F. Fettinger.... Florence H. Titcomb.. John C. Cass_ John A. Snell_ Leroy N. Koonz_ Elmer L. Mitchell_

Maryland__ Thomas G. Pullen, Jr. James L. Reid_ F. J. Thuman_ Helen D. George.

Supervisor, veterans’ education on-the-job training.

Assistant coordinator, veterans’ education in agriculture. _do____ Supervisor, vocational rehabilitation..

Assistant supervisor.... State Department of Education...... Commissioner of education___ Director, schooling in unorganized territory- Director, school lunch program_ Acting director, school lunch program.....

Acting supervisor, school lunch program. Supervisor, surplus commodities and property_ Associate deputy commissioner for secondary edu¬

cation, division of curriculum and instruction. Supervisor, secondary education.. Director, physical education, health and recre¬

ation. Associate deputy commissioner for elementary

education, division of curriculum and instruc¬ tion.

Director, special education for physically handicapped children.

Supervisor, elementary education.. _do.. _do.......

Director, division of finance and control.. Accountant-auditor_ Field examiner____

Deputy commissioner, division of planning and research.

Director of building services_ Supervisor, statistics and publications_

Deputy commissioner, division of teaching services. Certification officer__ Placement clerk_

Deputy commissioner, division of vocational edu¬ cation.

Director, trade and industrial education_ Director, home economics education.....

Itinerant teacher trainer..___ ....do.....__

Director, guidance..... Director, agricultural education..... Director, vocational rehabilitation_

Supervisor, case work.. State Department of Education___ State superintendent of schools___ Supervisor, school plant___ Consultant architect.. Editor of publications_____

‘ On leave.


Baton Rouge 4. Do. Do. Do.



Do. Do. Do.

Augusta. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do.

Do. Do.



Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do.

Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do.

Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do.

Baltimore 1. Do. Do. Do. Do.

227532—53 4


State and officers Official designation Address

Maryland—Continued John J. Seidel. Harry M. McDonald. Elisabeth Amery-... Evel5m F. Miller_ Herschel M. James.. Dwight P. Jacobus.- Eleanor G. Weagly.. George A. Myers-

Frank H. Nachman. D. W. Zimmerman.. William S. Sartorius. Brian M. Benson_ Charles V. Akeley... R. Christine Hogan. C. William Anthony. T. Hofmann Clift L. James E. Spitznas... Willis H. White_ Grace A. Dorsey- Paul E. Huffington.. Herbert R. Steiner.. Ethel E. Sammis_ Gladys T. Hopkins.. George M. Crawford. Geneva Faith Ely... Dorothy W. Shires—

Assistant superintendent, vocational education_ Supervisor, agriculture.... Supervisor, home economics_ _do_______ Supervisor, industrial education_ Supervisor, educational services to industry... Supervisor, school lunch program_

Assistant supervisor, school limch program. Assistant supervisor, veterans' farm program. Counselor, veterans’ on-the-job training_

Assistant superintendent, finance and research_ Assistant director_ Supervisor, finance_

Assistant supervisor, finance_ Supervisor, research_

Assistant supervisor, research_ Auditor_______

Director, instruction___ Supervisor, high schools_ Supervisor, elementary schools_ Supervisor, colored schools_ Supervisor, physical education and recreation.

Assistant supervisor, physical education.. Supervisor, curriculum___

Assistant supervisor, curriculum_ Supervisor, special education...__ Supervisor, pupil personnel and parent edu-

Baltimore 1. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do.

cation. Merle S. Bateman... W. Theodore Boston..

M. Eleanor Rice___ Charles O. Conlon- Richard K. McKay.. Helen L. Widmyer.. W. L. Klingaman- Helen M. Clark___ Mae Graham... Nettie B. Taylor- R. C. Thompson_ W. Bird Terwilliger- Lionel Burgess_ George W. Keller-- Thomas D. Braun....

Massachusetts--- John J. Desmond, Jr_ Raymond A. FitzGerald_ Patrick J. Sullivan-

Wanen E. Benson_ Philip G. Cashman. Ralph H. Colson L.... Ina M. Curley.. Daniel J. Kelley.. A. Russell Mack... Martina McDonald Driscoll. Mary A. O’Rourke.. Thomas A. Phelan-

Director, certification and accreditation_ Assistant director and supervisor, teacher and

higher education. Assistant supervisor, certification__ Assistant supervisor, accreditation_ _dO—____ -do_ ....do_

Director, library extension___ Supervisor, school and children’s libraries_ Supervisor, county and institutional libraries..

Director, vocational rehabilitation_ Supervisor, guidance, training and placement. Supervisor, case services_ Assistant supervisor, services for the blind.... Supervisor, district office___

State Department of Education_ Commissioner of education_ Deputy commissioner...... Director, division of elementary and secondary

education ana State teachers colleges. Supervisor, guidance and placement_ Supervisor, special schools and classes_ Assistant supervisor, physical education... Supervisor, safety education___ Supervisor, physical education... Supervisor, secondary education. Supervisor, music___ Supeivisor, elementary education..... Supervisor, teacher certification and place¬


Do. Do.

Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do.

Boston 16. Do. Do. Do.

Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do.


State and officers Ofiicial designation Address

Massachusetts—Continued Boston 16.

Do. Carl E. Herrick_ Supervisor, administration, all fields.. Do. Francis J. Lombard. Assistant supervisor, administration, all Do.

John F. Wostrel . fields.

Do. Joseph A, Bedard.. Supervisor, field of cccupational information Do.

Robert F. Nclan. and vocational counseling.

Supervisor, field of survey and placement_ Do. Thomas E. Rafferty.. Assistant supervisor, field of education_ Do.

John G. Glavin. Subdivision of Supervision

Supervisor, field of agricultural schools and Do.

Wilbur T. Locke... departments.

Supervisor, Massachusetts institutional on- Do.

Leslie J. Nutting.. farm agricultural school.

Supervisor, field of industrial schools for boys. Do. Frank L, Allen. Supervisor, field of vocational art education Do.

Caroline H. Wilson. in industry and business.

Supervisor, fields of industrial schools, house- Do.

Clare L. Walsh.

hold arts schools and departments, and con¬ tinuation schools for girls and women.

Assistant supervisor, field of household Do.

Harold E. Shapiro__ arts schools and departments.


Jesse A. Taft.... Subdivision of teacher-training

Supervisor, field of agricultural schools and Amherst (Univer¬ departments. sity of Massachu¬

Charles F. Oliver.. Assistant supervisor, (part-time), field of setts) .


James L. Burke... agricultural schools and departments.

Supervisor, field of industrial schools for boys Boston 16.

William J, McConnell.. and men. ....do..... Do. _do ____ Do.

John I. Lusk... Supervisor, field of continuation schools for Do.

Anna A. Kloss. boys and public service framing.

Supervisor, fields of industrial schools, house¬ Do.

Helen J. McClintock..

hold arts schools and departments, and continuation schools for girls and women.

Assistant supervisor, field of household Do.

Marian R. Balboni... arts schools and departments.

Assistant supervisor, field of distributive Do.

Agnes M. Hornby. education.

Assistant supervisor, field of household Framingham arts. (State Teachers

John C. Stalker. Director, school lunch programs_ College).

Boston 11. Edward D. Callahan.. Director, division of vocational rehabilitation Boston 16. A. Arthur Rosse. Senior supervisor___ Boston 8. Louis M. Tracy__ Supervisor _ Boston 16. William F. Hickey, Jr.._ Medical consultant___ Do. Dorothy A. Oates... Supervisor, physical restoration.. Do. E. Everett Clark_ Director, division of university extension . . Do. Ellen Fitzpatrick_ Supervisor in education__ Do. Helen B. Garrity__ . ..do . __ Do. Otto Kiessling... _do.. .... Do. John P. McGrail. .. .do . _ _- ____ Do. Ursula K, Toomey. .. .do .. ..- . . Do. Leo F. A. Murphy__ iVssistant supervisor in education .. Do. Mary K. Prendergast_ _do .... Do. Kelsey B. Sweatt.. In charge of audio-visual aids__ Do.

Supervisor, adult civic education. Do.


State and ofiScers Official designation Address

Massachusetts—Continued Alice VV. O’Connor__ Supervisor, social service, division of immigration Boston 8.

V. Genevieve Galick_ and Ameiicanization.

Boston 16. Do. Do.

Alice M. Cahill.. Evelyn R. Robinson-_ Consultant, school libraries and library work

Rachel M. Santoliguido_ with children and young people.

Do. Boston 10. Boston 8. John F. Mungovan. .. .

Frederick D. Greehan, Jr_ Supervisor, vocational rehabilitation_ . Do. Ethel M. Frederick .. Do.

Do. Boston 10. John E. Marshall_ Administrator, school building assistance commis-

Franklin P. Hawkes.. sion.

Director, fair educational practices.. Boston 8. Thomas J. Curtin_ __ Boston 16.

Michigan..___ Department of Public Instruction_ Lansing 2. Do. Lee M. Thurston. _

C. L. Taylor. __ Do. John S. Haitema.. Do. Henry C. Allen __ Do. Edgar L. Grim_ Do. Leon S. Waskin_ Chief, elementary and secondary education... Do. Robert E. Martin. Do. L. Morris McClure . _ Do. Roland Strode.. Instructional consultant_ Do. Robert E. Sharer_ Chief, school lunch program_ Do. Cornelia Seinen_ Consultant, school lunch program__ Do. Julian W. Smith__ Chief, health, physical education and recrea¬ Do.

Eugene Richardson.. tion.

Consultant, higher education and teacher Do.

Marguerite D. McEnaney_ certification. -do.... Do.

Ferris N. Crawford.. Chief, community educational research_ Do. Esther Belcher . . Consultant, special education_ Do. Mary Blair _ ..do _ Do. Wilfred F. Clapp _ Assistant for educational organization and plant.. Do. Charles F. Lehmann. Consultant, educational organization and Do.

Dorr Stack . . . plant.

Chief, organization and transportation_ Do. William H. Roe.. Assistant for school facilities survey_ Do. Wesley B. Beadle Consultant, school facilities survey_ Do. Norman Tellar _ do ____ Do.

do - _ - _ Do. A. Mills Wilber. do -_ _ Do. Harold R. Brown__ Consultant, finance and child accounting_ Do. Willard DeJonge _ do -- _ Do. Harold B. Wagner ... Supervisor, school administration_ Do. Charles E. Forsythe Assistant lor interscholastic athletics_ Do. David C. Arnold_ Assistant director, interscholastic athletics- Do. Norm art F,. Borverann Assistant for administrative services _ Do. Georve S. We.sley Sunervisor, instructional aids_ Do. Marion H. McClench. Editor..... Do. Henry J. Pnnitz Chief, adult education_ Do. WUliam B. Hawley..... Assistant superintendent and director, vocational Do.

Robert M. Winger. _ education.

Assistant director, vocational education. Do.

Philip J. Proud . .. Educational consultant_ Do.

Roy E. Copp_ Supervisor, finance, vocational education_ . Do.

Harold J. Bauman__ Supervisor, private trade schools.. Do.


State and officers Official designation



Supervisor, trade and industrial education. _do__ _do ___

Malcolm D. Whale ..._ Mrs. Rex Todd Withers

Thelma Monical_ _do____ Glenn E. Smith_ Chief, guidance services...

Earl Miller___ _do..... .. H. Earle Correvont . Assistant superintendent and director, vocational

rehabilitation. Assistant director, vocational rehabilitation...

Supervisor, finance and statistics, voca¬ tional rehabilitation.

Supervisor, medical services

Mrs. Vesta Sturgis Cullen... Francis J. Labyak..

Dorothy Arny ... Ralf A. Peckham... Supervisor, special services... Jane Potts Supervisor, guidance, training, and place¬

ment. State Department of Education.... Minnesota___

Dean M. Schweickhard.. Commissioner of education.. T. J. Berning___ Assistant commissioner_ _ T. C. Engum_ Director, ungraded elementary schools.. Eugene Meyer... Assistant director, ungraded elementary

schools. Supervisor, transportation M. J. Haggerty....

W. E. Hanson___ Consultant, school survey and reorganization. _do __ B. N. Hendrickson..

John C. McKee.__ _do ... Grace Norgaard_ Supervisor, ungraded elementary .schools Catherine Casey... _do___ Marian Drake_ _do .... Olga L. Peterson_ _do______ F. E, Heinemanu.. . Director, graded elementary and secondary schools.

Director, graded elementary and secondary schools. _do......

Elmer M. Weltzin___

Walter A. Andrews. Roy H. Larson.. _do__ J. G. Neal.. Supervisor, physical and health education,

safety, and recreation. Assistant supervisor, physical and health

education, safety, and recreation. Supervisor, Indian education _ Philip J. Broen.

Mayme J. Schow.. . Supervisor, teacher-training departments and classes for handicapped children.

Director, libraries Russell J. Schunk. Ruth M. Ersted... Supervisor, school libraries Emily Mayne... Supervisor, extension librarv service Arnold E. Luce. Supervisor, audio-visual aids...


Lansing 2. Do. Do.

Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do.

Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do.

Do. Do.

Do. Do. Do.

St. Paul 1. Do. Do. Do. Do.

Do. Braham. Olivia. Fergus Falls. St. Paul 1.

Do. Do. Do. Do. Do.

Do. Do. Do.


Bemidji. St. Paul,l.

Do. Do. Do. Do.


State and officers Official designation Address

Minnesota—Continued T. J. Beming.. Director, business and legal division_ St. Paul 1. I. 0. Friswold-.. Director, buddings and business admtnistra- Do.

tion. A. R. Taylor__ Director, school lunch program_ Do. Marshall Way_ Assistant director, school lunch program.. Do. Grace Dougherty. _ Statistician .... .. . Do. E. R. Hush- ... Accountant.. ____ Do. F. R. Adams. __ Do. D. L, Searle_ Do. Harry C. Schmid... Director, vocational education . .. Do. Harold M. Ostrem. _ Do. A. Donald Beattie_ . Supervisor, distributive, business, and part- Do.

time education. Aura I. Keever_ Do. S. K. Wick___ Do. George Cochran _ Do. Elmer A, Mueller_ Supervisor, private trade schools _ Do. Guy 0. Tollerud_ Supervisor, occupational information and Do.

guidance. Ben R. Brainerd.. Do. J. H. Kerlan__ Assistant director, vocational rehabilitation... Do.

State Department of Education_ Jackson 106. J. M. Tubb .. Do. R. W. Griffith_ Assistant superintendent of public education _ Do. S. A. Brasfield. . . _ Director, division of instruction__ Do. B. L. Hill___ State supervisor, agricultural high schools and Do.

junior colleges. G. H. Johnston. .. Supervisor, secondary schools... Do. C.V. McKee..__ Supervisor, elementary schools_ .. . Do. P. H. Easom ... . . Supervisor, Negro schools Do. E. P. Rawson_ Assistant supervisor __ Do. J. T. Coleman... Supervisor, teacher education, certification Do.

and placement. Mrs. Vashti Ishee Cain_ Supervisor, narcotics education... Do. W. D. R. Stovall. Supervisor, audio-visual education__ Do. Annabelle Koonce__ Library supervisor. __ Do. W. S. Haynie... Supervisor, music education ___ Do. Ben F. Middleton.. _ Supervisor, school lunch program__ Do. W. B. McCreight Supervisor, direct distribution . _ Do. W. E. Williams State supervisor, adult education program Do. T. H. Naylor.__ Director, division of school building and trans¬ Do.

portation. Robert C. Jones Assistant director _ Do. A. P. Smith, Jr . . Supervisor, transportation _ Do. E. S. Bowlus__ Supervisor, school building surveys_ Do. G. J. Cain___ Director, division of administration and finance.. Do. Ruby Thompson Assistant director _ Do. H. E. Mauldin, Jr.. Director, division of vocational education _ Do. Eleanor Zeis State supervisor, guidance __ Do. Ruth Wallace ... State supervisor, homemaking education_ Do. A. P. Fatherree.. . __ State supervisor, agricultural education... Do. E. A. Parker__ State supervisor, trade and industrial educa¬ Do.

tion. W. H. Furr__ State supervisor, on-the-job training program.. Do. Travis McCharen_ Director, division of vocational rehabilitation- Do. J, G. Thomas.. Assistant director.. __ Do. J. M. Hamilton Supervisor, physical restoration__ Do. G. N. Sadka.. Consultant, medical social work_ Do. 0. B. Brewer_ Supervisor, guidance, training, and placement. Do. Rush E. Netterville Medical consultant_ Do. W. Q, Cole__ Budget and finance officer. Do.


state and officers Official designation Address

Mississippi—Continued W. E.Noblin, Jr.. Marie Hoffman... Mrs. Elizabeth Thrasher. W. R. Burris. N. C. Knight ^.. D. R. Patterson.. Russell H. Lyons.. A. D. Owings-.

Director, division of crippled children’s service- Medical social consultant.... Budget and finance officer.... Coordinator, cerebral palsy program..

Medical director, division of school health service.. Coordinator, division of school health service.

Supervisor, physical education. Supervisor, teacher trainer.

Jackson 106. Do. Do.

Do. Do. Do. Do.

Missouri... Hubert Wheeler. H. Kenneth Kirchner.

George B. John. F. E. Wolverton.. Earl M. Langkop. Cecil Jenkins_ Joy O. Talley_ H. Pat Wardlaw_ Oscar O. Schupp_ George D. Englehart.. Arthur L. Summers... Richard S. Dabney... Irvin F. Coyle.

Raymond A. Roberts. Alfred Bleckschmidt.. Alonzo Redmon... Tracy E. Dale..... Carl M. Humphrey.... Custer McDonald_ George E. Mowrer_ Ruth C. Alexander_ Merton Wheeler_ P. Larry McKeever....

Montana_ Mary M. Condon. Genevieve Squires_ William I. King. Mrs. Lilian Peterson... O. M. Hartsell_ Harry A. Norton_ Mrs. Sylvia Haight_ Mary D. MacKenzie... William J. Ernst.. C. R. Anderson..

Knute W. Bergan.

Leslie L. Brown. W. L. Emmert. A. W. Johnson..

W. Lyle Roeseler. Juha Menefee.. Truman Cheney.

Laura Nicholson.

State Department of Education... Commissioner of Education...... Administrative assistant to commissioner, ad¬

ministration. Director, school finance. Director, information and publications.. Director, school lunch.. Director, special services___ Director, vocational rehabilitation..

Assistant commissioner, instruction and plaiming.. Director, research and statistical information.. Director, school building services.. Director, district reorganization.. Director, special education___ Director, teacher education, certification and

curriculum. Director, supervision.... Supervisor, fine arts___ Supervisor, Negro education...

Assistant commissioner, vocational education_ Director, vocational agriculture... Director, distributive education.. Director, guidance services.. Director, vocational home economics.... Director, trades and industrial education_ Director, veterans’ and adult education-

State Department of Public Instruction. Superintendent of public instruction. Deputy superintendent..

Supervisor, high schools..... Supervisor, rural schools.... Supervisor, music education... Supervisor, visual education.. Director, State correspondence school. Textbook librarian... Director, donable property...__

Administrative assistant, finance, statistical, legal and publications.

Supervisor, Indian education and transporta¬ tion.

Supervisor, school lunch... Director, school facilities survey..

Director, vocational education and supervisor, vocational agricultural education.

Assistant director, vocational education. Supervisor, home economics education_ Supervisor, occupational information and

guidance. Supervisor, distributive education.

Jefferson City. Do. Do.

Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do.

Do. Do. Do. Do.


Do. Do. Do.

Helena. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do.

Missoula. Helena.

Do. Do.


Do. Do. Do.

Do. Do. Do.


* The Chief State Health Officer names the Medical Director. The division of school health service is a coordinated program sponsored by the State Department of Education and the State Board of Health.


State and officers Official designation Address

Montana—C ontinued Basil Ashcraft-. Supervisor, institutional on-farm training Helena.

Frank Hollenback. program.

Itinerant instructor, fireman training_ Do. Esther Schmidt.. Director, certification__ Do.

Lincoln 9. Do.

Nebraska_ _ Freeman B. Decker_ Superintendent of public instruction_ Stanley L, Hawley. Assistant superintendent, division of administra- Do.

Avery J. Linn.. tion.

Do. W. A. Rosene __ Director, certification___ Do. Allan R. Lichtenberger-.. .. Do.

Do. Floyd G. Parker.. Director, school building services... _ Donald 0. Bush. Do.

Do. Allen A. Elliott_ Director, school-lunch program.. Blanche Graves.. Director, education and registration for nurses. Do.

Assistant director, education and registra- Do.

Leo P. Black.. tion for nurses.

Assistant superintendent, division of supervision Do.

Floyd A. Miller. and curriculum.

Director, supervision and curriculum_ Do. George E. Rotter__ Editor and supervisor, conservation education. Do. Andrew A. Weresh. Supervisor, elementary and secondary educa- Do.

tion. _do______ Do.

LeRoy Ortgiesen... _do.__ Do. _do. ... Do.

F. K. Alexander.. Supervisor, elementary and secondary educa¬ Do.

Raymond M. Taibl_

tion, and normal training. Director, special education. _____ Do.

William R. Carriker.. Supervisor, special education_ Do. Dorothy Holland-.... _do____ Do. Otto G. Ruff . Director, veterans and adult education._ . Do. Evangeline Waite_ Supervisor, elementary education_ Do.

_do ...___ _- Do. Lowell A. Welsh __ _ Superintendent, State trade school_ Milford. G. F. Liebendorfer_ Director, vocational education_ Lincoln 9. Cecil E. Stanley.... Assistant director and supervisor, distributive Do.

Harold F. Duis-

L. D. Clements.

education. Supervisor, agricultural education...

Assistant supervisor, agricultural educar Do. Do.

Glen H. Strain. . .

tion. _do _ Do.

Chalmers A. Cromer_ _do..... Do. B. E. Gingery _do___ Do. William D. Lutes_ _do____ Do. Stewart A. Woods. _do__ Do. Rose Wanek_ Supervisor, homemaking education_ Do.

Lillian Schmidt... Assistant supervisor, homemaking educa¬ Do.

Howard L. Gorham.

tion. Supervisor, trade and industrial education.... Do.

Don D. Twiford_ Supervisor, guidance services_ Do. Paul M. Reid__ Supervisor, vocational rehabilitation_ Do. Roy B. Adams. Medical consultant, vocational rehabilita¬ Do.


tion. State Department of Education_ Carson City.

Do. Glenn A. Duncan Superintendent of public instruction_

R. H. Manning 3. Office deputy superintendent.... Do.

»Also serves as deputy superintendent of schools of si)ecifi6d counties; see Part 2 of the Directory for the names of these counties.


State and ofldcers Official designation Address

Nevada—Continued Kate St. Clair *.. Elko. Flo Z. Reed .. _do______ Ely.

Lovelock. Kathryn L. Scribner . .do.... ..do . -___ Reno. .do . ____ Las Vegas.

Carson City. Do.

Chrissie Kellogg__ State supervisor, school lunch division.. Do. E. A. Haglund... Do. John W. Bunten.. Director, vocational education and supervisor. Do.

agricultural education. Do.

F. I. Wallace___ Supervisor, trade and industrial education_ Do. Do. Do.

R. A. Petty___ Medical consultant, State department of Do. vocational rehabilitation.

Concord. Hilton C. Buley.. .. Do.

Do. Do.

Ruth M. Cutter.. Do. Do. Do.

Russell H. Leavitt.. Chief, division of instruction_ Do. Madeline E. Bartell__ Director, elementary school services_ Do. Alice A. D. Baumgarner_ Director, art education _ Do. Jack F. George... Director, physical education_ Do. John J. Kelley.. Director, secondary school services_ Do. Lena M. Thompson_ Registrar, placement director__ Do. John P. Walsh... Chief, division of vocational education and di¬ Do.

Earl H. Little...

rector, division of New Hampshire technical institutes.

Director, agricultural education_ Do. Verna Pay son.. E. John Radasch.

Director, home economics education_ Director, occupational information and guid¬

Do. Do.

Howard E. Swain... ance.

Director, trade and industrial education_ Do. Wallace D. Black_ Director, division of vocational rehabilitation_ Do. William F. Qlavin... District supervisor, vocational rehabilitation.. Do. Kenneth E. Shute_ _do _ Do.

New Jersey_ State Department of Education_ Trenton 8. F. M. Raubinger.. Commissioner of education__ Do. Chester Robbins.. Deputy commissioner of education and head, divi¬ Do.

Charles W. Hamilton... sion of controversies and disputes.

Executive assistant to the commissioner and di¬ Do.

Charles H. Jung.. rector, division of administration.

Assistant, special administrative services, Do.

William H, Khig. division of administration.

Coordinator, audio-visual education, division Do.

Joseph L. Bustard. of administration.

Assistant commissioner of education and head. Newark 2.

Harold A. Lett. division against discrimination.

Assistant director, division against discrim¬ Do.

Myra A. Blakeslee. ination.

Educational director, division against discrim¬ Do. ination.

* Deputy superintendent of specified supervision district; see Part 2 of the Directory for the names of counties composing each such district.


State and oflacers Ofllcial designation Address

New Jersey—Continued Everett C. Preston..

Clyde E. Weinhold.. Kenneth F. Woodbury_

Edward W. Kilpatrick III.. Seymour Williams.. Thomas J. Durell__

Anne S. Hoppock__ Monema E. Kenyon... Wilson G. Guthrie.-..

Lula P. Dilworth.... Everett L. Hebei. Janet N. Jardine. Robert H. Morrison.....

Herbert B. Gooden.. S. David Winans_ Edward J. Bambaeh_ Ablett H. Flury...

William H. Warner__ Roger H. McDonough.

Margaret E. Coonan. Janet Z. McKinlay.

Jane Hobson.. Kathryn B. Greywacz_ John A. McCarthy.

Robert P. Taylor..

Director, divisions of academic credentials, adult education, and secretary, State board of ex¬ aminers.

Assistant, adult education.. Assistant commissioner of education and head,

division of business. Assistant, division of business.... Architectural supervisor, school buildings_

Assistant commissioner of education and head, division of elementary education.

Assistant, elementary education. Assistant, early childhood education..

Director, division of health, safety, and physical education.

Assistant, health education.. Assistant, physical education___ Supervisor, school lunch program...

Assistant commissioner of education and head, division of higher education.

Supervisor, higher education.. Supervisor, research and publications_ Supervisor, finance and veterans services_

Assistant commissioner of education and head, division of secondary education.

Assistant, secondary education.... Director, division of the State library, archives and

history. Head, bureau of the law library... Head, bureau of public and school library

services. Supervisor, school library services..

Director, division of the State museum.... Assistant commissioner of education and head,

division of vocational education. Supervisor, trade and industrial teacher train-

Trenton 8.

Do. Do.

Do. Do. Do.

Do. Do. Do.

Do. Do. Do. Do.

Do. Do. Do. Do.

Do. Trenton 7.

Do. Do.

Do. Do.

Trenton 8.

Do. ing.

Arthur B. Wrigley_ Stanley J. Perkins_ Owen E. Kiser. George W. Lange. William H. Evans_

John J. Smith. John M. Fecher_ Stanley W. Ramsey.. Franklin Connolly...

Dorothy E. Brevoort. Verna Danley_ Helen W. Hazen.. Lois Holt.. Catherine A. Parent.. Lloyd H. Jacobs_ George S. Allen.

New Mexico. Tom Wiley_ Floyd Santistevan_

Ethel Vandenberg_ N. J. Barlow... R. P. Sweeney.. Mrs. Mary Watson_

Supervisor, trade and industrial education.... Supervisor, private trade schools_ Supervisor, vocational agricultural education. _do__ Supervisor, vocational agricultural teacher

training. Supervisor, industrial arts.... Supervisor, foreman training....... Supervisor, statistics.____ Supervisor, occupational information and

guidance. Supervisor, home economics__ _do-----. Supervisor, home economics teacher training. . ....do......—- -do-- Supervisor, distributive education___

Director, educational agency for surplus property. State Department of Education....... Superintendent of public instruction... Assistant superintendent of public instruction and

director, teacher retirement. Director of budget and finance.. Director of education, division of instruction. Supervisor, secondary education. Supervisor, elementary education.

Do. Do.

New Brunswick. Do. Do.

Trenton 8. Do. Do. Do.

Do. Do.

New Brunswick. Do. Do.

Trenton 8. Do.

Santa Fe.

Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do.


State and officers Official designation Address

New Mexico—Continued Frank Angel, Jr.. Consultant, elementary education and audio- Santa Fe.

visual education. Do.

Mrs. Ellen Vaughan.. Supervisor, certification and teacher placement_ Do. Do.

L. C. Dalton.... Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do.

Charles Witt__ . Do. Do.

J. T. Holmes. .. . Do. Allyn George...... Do.

Do. Do.

Albany. Do. Do. Do.

Frederick A. Morse__ Secretary to board of regents and commissioner_ Do. Lloyd L. Cheney... Administrator, business management and person- Do.

nel. Do. Do.

John R. Clark.... Associate examiner of methods and procedures. Do. C. Fred Hamel... Acting assistant administrative finance officer. Do. Edgar C. Wilson. . .Associate accountant.___ Do. Benedict A. Moloney. Supervisor, building and grounds maintenance . Do. Charles F. Probes.. __ Chief, bureau of publications. .. Do. Charles A. Brind, Jr.. Counsel.... . Do. John P Jehu __,_ Director, division of law Do. Elizabeth M. Eastman_ Attorney.... .. Do. George B. Farrington. _do___ Do. Howard A. Shiebler . Coordinator, public relations__ Do. J Cayce Morrison. _ Coordinator, research and special studies ... Do. Philip A. Cowen. . _ Associate coordinator____ Do. Warren W.Coxe_ _ Director, division of research.... Do. Ethel L. Cornell _ Associate . ..... Do. Edmund H. Crane_ _ _do..... Do. Paul A. Hedlund ... _do..-.. Do. W. Donald Walling _do ... Do. Mauritz Johnson, Jr__ Acting associate.... Do. Charles M. Armstrong, Jr... Statistician.... Do. Wayne W. Soper___ Chief, bureau of statistical services.. Do. Louis H. Conger, Jr __ Associate, statistics _ Do. Hugh M. Flick__ Director, division of motion pictures_ New York.

Associate commissioner for elementary, secondary Albany. and adult education.

Warren W. Knox.. Assistant commissioner, instructional services Do. (general education).

William E. Young... Director, division of elementary educa¬ Do. tion.

.. Chief, bureau of child development Do. and parent education.

Dorotha M. Conklin__ Associate..... Do. Theodora B. Reeve_ _do.. Do. Myra DeH. Woodruff _do ____ Do. Helen Hay Heyl. Chief, bureau of curriculum develop¬ Do.

ment (elementary).


State and officers Official designation Address

New York—Continued Walter A. LeBaron. Chief, bureau of instructional super- Albany.

vision (elementary). Elizabeth B. Carey.. Supervisor, elementary education. Do. Dorothy E. Cooke.. _do... Do. Ronald P. Daly... _do. Do. John 0. Dunn_ _do _ . Do. H. George Murphy__ _do.. Do. Werner H. Ruef.. _do Do. Harrison H. Van Cott_ Director, division of secondary education. Do. George K. Stone__ Chief, bureau of curriculum develop- Do.

ment (secondary). Harry B. Spencer.. Do. Vivienne N. Anderson_ Acting associate... Do. Ernest A. Frier.. Chief, bureau of instructional super- Do.

vision (secondary).

Do. Mildred F. McChesney_ Supervisor, citizenship education.. Do.

Supervisor, English__ Do. Roy E. Mosher _ Supervisor, foreign languages.. Do. F. Eugene Seymour. Supervisor, mathematics. .. Do.

Supervisor, music.. Do. Do. Do.

_do___ Do. .. .do.. Do.

Dexter Tilroe . __ _do___ Do. Anna C. Kennedy.. Associate, school library service... Do. Ellis H. Champlin. Director, division of health and physical Do.

education. Mary B. Rappaport_ Associate, health education_ Do. Caswell M. Miles- Chief, bureau of physical education... Do. Robert L. Carr _ Associate. _ Do. Arthur J. Muller_ _do...... Do. Marie R. Schuler.. _ _do _ .. .... Do. Ward C. Bowen_ Chief, bureau of audio and visual aids_ Do. Max U. Bildersee . _ Associate ... _ Do. Paul T. Williams.. ... _do_ .. _ . Do. Edwin R. Van Kleeck_ Assistant commissioner, pupil personnel serv¬ Do.

ices and adult education. John H. Moehle .. __ Coordinator, civil defense. .. Do. Rowland J. Pulling_ Chief, bureau of adult education.. _ Do. Arthur P. Crabtree Associate . _ . Do. John W. Herring_ _do..... Do. Alfred T. Houghton ^ _do . . Do. John H. Thatcher. __ _do ___ Do. Presco Anderson _ Acting associate __ . Do. Herbert F. Mayne_ _do_ ___ Do. Warren C. Shaver_ _do_ .. Do. Monika Kehoe _ _do ___ . Do. Francis J. Daly_ Director, division of pupil personnel serv¬ Do.

ices. Peter P. Muirhead__ Chief, bureau of examinations and Do.

testing. Sherman N. Tinkelman_ Supervisor, test development_ Do. Victor A. Taber_ Supervisor, high school equiva¬ Do.

lency program. Bruce E. Shear_ Chief, bureau of guiiiauce Do. Elizabeth J. Ewell_ Associate . . _ Do. Hubert W. Houghton_ . ..do _ Do. Paul B. Me Gann__ ....do_ Do. Burton K. Thelander_ _do. . _ Dn

* On leave.


State and officers Official designation

New York—Continued Joseph J. Endres.. Chief, bureau for handicapped chil¬

dren. Associate, mental.. Associate, physical....

_do .. Philip A. Klieger.... Chancey D. Van Alstyne_

Acting supervisor, general. Supervisor, oral hygiene.

Josephine L. McFarland... Associate, school nursing.. Assistant, school nursing._

Jane Anderson. .. .. Assistant, vision conservation_ Gerald B. Leighbody... Assistant commissioner, instructional services

Frank P. Johnston.... (vocational education).

Director, division of industrial education. William N. Fenninger_ Chief, bureau of trade and technical


_do...... _do__

Robert B. Metcalf. _do.... . .do....

Roy Q. Fales.. Chief, bureau of industrial arts edu-

Arthur F. Ahr . . cation. Associate____

Frank C. Campbell .. _ _do.... Roy V. Orendorf .. _do... .. Nelson J. Murbach.. Chief, bureau of occupational exten¬

Geoffrey E. Maclay.. sion and industrial service. Associate__

Edward L. Booth... _do.. .. R. Guy Foster... _do . ... E. Blanchard Brown... Acting associate.. . . . Erwin G. Simmons.... Consultant, industrial and technical

Kenneth H. Bailey. education.

Associate _ Richard G. Herd..... .. .do .... Edward L. Dalby . Acting associate_ . . Ralph C. S. Sutliff__ Chief, bureau of agricultural education_ James W. Hatch . .. Associate.... Everett C. Lattimer _ _do .. .. W. Jack Weaver ...... ..do -. .. .. Clinton A. Reed. Chief, bureau of business education Louis R. Rosettie.. Associate . Billings G. Burlingame_ Acting associate.. ..... John E. Whitcraft... . ..do.. . Dorothy S. Lawson.. Chief, bureau of home economics educa¬

Treva E. Kauffman. tion.

Associate ... . Kathleen Rhodes .. Acting associate.. Margaret E. Prentice..._ Associate, school lunch.. Eugene D. Fink. Chief, bureau of vocational curriculum

Gilbert G. Weaver_

development and industrial teacher training.

Director, industrial arts education_ Hemy L. Amonette. .. Supervisor, curriculum (private trade

Frank E. Howard. schools).

Associate ... G. Samuel Bohlin .. Director, division of vocational rehabili¬

John Cummings... tation.

Assistant director....



Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do.

Do. Do.

Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do.

Do. Do. Do. Do.

Do. Do. Do. Do. Do.

Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do.

Do. Do. Do. Do.

New York. Albany.

Do. Do.



State and officers Official designation Address

New York—Continued Arthur W. Schmidt.. Assistant commissioner, finance and school Albany.

Theodore C. Wenzl. administrative services.

Do. Charles J. Quinn. Assistant, school business manage- Do.

ment. Elvryn W. Thomas_ . . do .... Do. Basil W. Conrad.. Acting assistant, school business man- Do.

Don L. Essex.. agement.

Director, division of school building serv- Do.

Frank C. Gilson__ ice.

Acting supervisor, school buildings... Do. Albert D. Dotter_ _do ___ Do. Louis W. Armstrong_ Do. Basil L. Hick __ Do. Burton A. Stilson.. Engineer, building construction_ Do.

Do. Winold T. Reiss__ Do. Charles E. Fake..... Acting assistant architect_ Do.

Do. Do. Do. Do.

Philip J. Moore__ _do__ Do, _do ___-. Do.

Robert E. Wilson _ _do _ Do. Burdette E. Woodworth Acting supervisor .. . . Do. Wendell M. Sears_ Engineer_ Do. Joseph H. Salinger.. j Accountant__ Do. Francis E. Griffin_.1 Chief, bureau of rural administrative serv¬ Do.

1 Harry W. Langworthy, Jr...!

ice. Associate... Do.

Donald 0. Benedict . __| _do _ Do. Harold 0. Briggs- Acting chief. State education agency for Do.

Carroll V. Newsom . _ surplus property.

Associate commissioner for higher education __ Do. Ewald B. Nyquist _ Assistant commissioner, higher education_ Do. Edward S. Mooney, Jr Associate, teacher education _ Do. William P. Viall_ Associate, teacher certification. ... Do. Frederick H. Bair Administrator, education practices act_ Do. Albert B, Corey.. State historian and director of archives and Do.

Charles F. Gosnell_ history.

State librarian and assistant commissioner for Do.

L. Marion Moshier _ libraries.

Director, division of library extension_ Do. Carl E. Guthe_ Director of State museum and State science Do.

Robert C. Killough, Jr_ service.

Assistant commissioner, professional educa¬ Do. tion. Do.

A. James Coe _ Executive assistant___ .. Do. John W. Paige ... Chief, bureau of professional examinations Do.

George A. Gilger, Jr_ and registrations.

Supervisor, professional education_ Do. George A. Place do _ Do, August J. Bardo, Jr. __ Executive secretary for professional con¬ New York,

John R. Wilkinson. duct.

Secretary, board of examiners, certified Albany.

David W. Beier __ public accountancy.

Secretary, board of examiners, dentistry... Do. Newell L. Freeman_ Secretary, board of examiners, engineering Do.

and land surveying.

1 On leave.


State and officers Official designation Address

New York—Continued Stiles D. Ezell. Secretary, board of examiners, medicine... Albany. Mary E. Manley.... Secretary, board of examiners, nursing_ Do.

Associate___ Do. Leslie C. Jayne___ Secretary, board of examiners, pharmacy.. Do. James 0. Hoyle.. Secretary, boards of examiners, certified Do.

shorthand reporting, ophthalmic dis- pensing, optometry, podiatry, veteri- nary medicine.

Harold Brinkerhoff. Secretary, board of examiners, architecture Do. (part-time).

State Department of Public Instruction_ Raleigh. Charles F. Carroll_ Do. J.E. Miller.. Assistant superintendent of public instruction_ Do.

Administrative assistant... Do. C. D. Douglas.... Controller, State board of education... Do. A. C. Davis. Director, division of auditing and accounting.. Do. Paul D. Pendergraft.. _ Do. Boyst B. Swann__ Administrative assistant___ Do. Carl H. Walker... Accountant___ Do. Wade M. Jenkins_ Director, division of textbooks... Do. A. J. Dickson.. Assistant director.. .. Do. C. C. Brown.. Director, division of transportation..... Do. Delphos J. Dark.. Transportation assistant . . _ Do. R. B. Williams. . __ Do.

_do....... Do. C. W. Blanchard . Director, division of plant operation . _ Do. C, H. Jourdan_ Associate engineer___ Do. J. E. Hunter. . . _ Director, division of teacher allotment ---- Do. T. H. Winborne . _ Director, division of insurance . _ Do. Harvey K. Winslow _ Engineer_ _ Do. James E. Hillman_ Director, division of professional service ... Do. J. P. Freeman ___ Rating specialist_ . . _ Do. Mrs. Mary Alice Terrell_ Supervisor, certification.... Do. Lillian Moore_ _ Assistant supervisor, certification .... Do. J. H. Highsmith... Director, division of instructional service._ Do. A. B. Combs. . Assistant director.. ...... __ Do. Madeline Tripp __ Supervisor, elementary education.... Do. Homer A. Lassiter _do _ . . ... Do. Julia Wetherington. _do.. ________ Do. Patsy Montague _ _do .. _ .. . .. Do. Cora Paul Boinar.. . ... School library adviser.... Do. Henry A. Shannon Adviser, science and mathematics._ _ Do. Tavlor Dodson.. . Adviser, health education .. Do.

Adviser, resource-use education .. Do John C. Noe _ Adviser, safetv education... Do. A. E. Hollinann _ _ Adviser, music education . .. _ Do. John L. Cameron . Director, division of school planning.__ Do. William P. Duff, Jr _ Administrative officer__ Do. Floyd P. Barnes_. Engineer .. .. __ Do. L. A. Enersen Design consultant ..... Do. Marvin R. A. Johnson._ _do _____ Do. Farnham G. Pope . _ Administrative officer in research... Do. Bnyee IVT Mnrrisnn Educational survey supervisor. ... Do. G. H. Ferguson _ Director, division of Negro education _ Do. S E Diinean Inspector, high schools . ... Do. Ruth LawTence Woodson_ Supervisor, elementary schools_ Do. Daisy Walker do - .- __ Do. L. H. Jobe___ Director, division of publications and statistics... Do. H. C. West Statistician ____ Do. Felix S. Barker.. Director, division of special education.. Do.


State and officers Official designation Address

North Carolina—Continued J. Warren Smith_ Catherine T. Dennis_ Mary Hines Leonard_ Daphne Eller..... Arme W. Maley.... Pauline Jarma_ Mrs. Josephine Clanton. Christine Herring_ Virginia Moss_ Mrs. Reba Ransom_ Sara Ta3dor_ A. L. Teachey_ Roy H. Thomas_ R. J. Peeler..... Kenneth Stokes_

A. G. Bullard_

M. D. Thornburg_ Archie G. Bryant_ C. H. Warren_ H. E. Springer_ C. L. Haney_ A. B. Starnes___ T. M. Wilson_ R. B. Hawkins_

J. J. Beale_ Ella S. Barrett_ T. Carl Brown_ G. W. Johnson_ C. E. Spencer_ R. M. Fink_ Mrs. Annie Ray Moore.. Helen D. Stuart_ Mrs. Georgia Barbee_ Mrs. Julia P. Harsbaw..

North Dakota___ M. F. Peterson_ A. R. Nestoss_ Lorene York_ E. Helen lorns_ Richard K. Klein_ Howard J. Snortland..- Ethel Heising_ Harrie M. Selznick_

A. F. Arnason_ E. F. Riley_

G. W. Haverty_

Ernest L. DeAlton..

Director, division of vocational education_ Supervisor, home economics education_

Assistant supervisor..,_ _do_

Supervisor, school lunch program... Assistant supervisor.__ ...-do___ _do__ _do___ _do____ --.do_____

Supervisor, agricultural education__ Supervisor, agricultural research_ Assistant supervisor, FFA work_ Assistant supervisor, veterans’ farmer

training program. Assistant supervisor, subject matter

specialist. Supervisor, trades and industries education...

Assistant supervisor_ Director, civilian rehabilitation program_

Chief, rehabilitation services_ Supervisor, phj^sical restoration_ District supervisor_ _do_ Supervisor, advisement, training and

placement. Senior rehabilitation coimselor_

Supervisor, guidance services_ Supervisor, distributive education_ Supervisor, veterans’ education committee_

Director, school-health coordinating service_ Consultant, mental hygiene_ Health educator_ Adviser, phj'sical education.__ Health educator, Negro schools ___ Public health nurse for Negroes_

State Department of Public Instruction_ Superintendent of public instruction_ Deputy superintendent___ Director, certification___ Director, State examinations___ Director, secondary education___ Director, State equalization fund_ Director, State school lunch program_ Director, special education__ State Board for Vocational Education_ Executive officer.___ State director of vocational education, and State

supervisor of trade and industrial education. Assistant State supervisor, trade and indus¬

trial education. State supervisor, agricultural education_

Raleigh, Do. Do. Do. Do. Do, Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do.


Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do.

Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do.

Bismarck. Do. Do<

Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do.



Fargo (North Dakota .\gricul- tural College.

Shubel D. Owen_

Christine Einlayson. Majore Lovering_

Assistant State supervisor, agricultural education.

State supervisor, home economics education.— Assistant State supervisor, home eco¬

nomics education.


Do. Do.


state and officers Official designation

North Dakota—Continued O. M. Hager__ State supervisor, business education.

James D. Mathisen... Edward Erickson_ T. S. Allegrezza.


Clyde Hissong_ R. M. Eyman. E. O. Bartlow. Walter T. Brahm_ Susannah M. Warfield W. O. Scarberry.. E. R. Abernathy_ R. M. Garrison..

C. M. Simms.. L. L. Louthian_ Glenn A. Rich.. Edith M. Keller. Phila A. Humphreys., Robert E. Lucas_ Robert R. Findlay_ Paul E. Landis.

P. C. Bechtel..

Howard E. Hamlin_ Wade D. Bash..

P. S. Waldeck..

H. J. Bowers..

Hazle C. Mclntire_ Evelyn Eisnaugle_

Edith O. Cuthbert_ Elizabeth MacLearie.. P. O. Wagner.. Raymond Horn. Esther Hutchinson_ Amy Allen... Ralph A. Howard. Warren G. Weiler_ Marguerite Loos_ Enid W. Lunn.. Robert Reese..

W. G. Rhoten. Marlow B. Perrin... Robert L. Rohe_ W. Dwight Darling. E. J. Arnold..

Clyde K. MUler.. Ray G. Wood_


Oliver Hodge_ Truman Bennett. E. H. Gilbert_

State supervisor guidance services_ State director, vocational rehabilitation_

Assistant State director, vocational rehabilita¬ tion.

State Department of Education... Superintendent of public instruction..__ Assistant superintendent.. Chief clerk........ State librarian__ Supervisor, division of film censorship_ Superintendent, school for the blind..__ Superintendent, school for the deaf__ Director, division of elementary and secondary

education. School supervisor___ -do.... _do__-... Supervisor, music education_ Supervisor, elementary education..... _do...... Supervisor, conservation education. Supervisor, health, physical, safety, and re¬

creation education. Assistant supervisor, health and physical

education. Supervisor, health and narcotic education_ Supervisor, school lunch and business educa¬

tion. Supervisor, industrial arts education and field

supervisor, school lunch. Director, division of teacher education and certifi¬

cation. Director, division of special education.__

Supervisor, orthopedic education and sight saving.

Supervisor, education of the deaf_ Supervisor, speech and hearing therapy_ Psychologist, physical therapy.. _do..... Supervisor, physical therapy... Supervisor, slow learning...

Director, division of vocational education. Supervisor, agricultural education_ Supervisor, distributive education_ Supervisor, home economics education.... Supervisor, trade and industrial education_ Supervisor, veterans’ training and education..

Director, education sm plus property.. Director, vocational rehabilitation_ Director, division of school finance...

Supervisor, pupil transportation. Supervisor, school plant rehabilitation.. Supervisor, school planning..

Director, audio-visual education. Director, Ohio scholarship tests... State Department of Education__ State superintendent of public instruction. Assistant superintendent.... Coordinator, certification and teacher education..


Grand Forks (Uni¬ versity of North Dakota).

Do. Do. Do.

Columbus 16. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do.

Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do.


Do. Do.


Do. Do.

Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do.

Do. Do. Do.

Oklahoma City 6. Do. Do. Do.


State and officers Official designation Address

Oklahoma—Continued W. T. Doyel__ Oklahoma City 5. Standifer Keas_ Do. Jake Smart—..... Director, division of rural and elementary educa- Do.

tion. Clifford Powell_ Director, division of Negro education and adult Do.

education. Orion Jennings.__ Director, division of health and physical education. Do. A. Leroy Taylor.. Do. Phil Gruber __ Do. Earl Cross.__ Do. W. H. Clasby__ Do. Clay W. Kerr... ... Do. Roy H. Emans_ Director, division of finance_ _ . Do. Clarence L. Dewees.. Director, division of school bus purchases and Do.

rentals. Wesley L. Camp.. Do. Eddie Higgins.. Do. True B. Emerson__ Do. Drew V. Langley _ Director, division of school lunch.. Do. 0. E. Shaw.. Do. E. H. Bingham_ Do. J. B. Perky .. Executive officer and State director of vocational Stillwater.

education; State supervisor, agricultural edu- cation. %

Byrle Killian__ Do. Hugh D. Jones... .. do __ Do. Cleo A. Collins_ _do _ .. __ Do. Benton F. Thomason_ _do_______ Do. Ralnh R. Dreessen... _do .. ....-... Do. Jack N. Putman .. Executive secretary, FFA ..... Do. Kenneth Hieronymus __ Assistant executive secretary, FFA.. .. Do. M. J. DeBenning_ State supervisor, distributive education_ . Do. Harry A. Robinson..._ Assistant State supervisor_ Do. Frank M. Barrett . Coordinator, restaurant training _ Do. Marion C. Phillips _ Itinerant instructor ___ Norman (Univer¬

sity of Okla¬ homa).

W. M. Arnold.. State supervisor, trade and industrial education.. Stillwater. J. Perry Norris__ Assistant supervisor___ Do. M. Vurl Smith. _ _do . ..... Do. Blanche Portwood .. _ State supervisor, home economics education_ Oklahoma City. May Rollow District supervisor _ _ Do. Helen Jensen_ do ______ Do.

Esta Lee Ramsey.. _do _ . ____ Do. Bonnie Nicholson__ State supervisor, veterans agricultural education.. Stillwater.

Cecil D. Maynard _ Assistant State supervisor _ Do. Oregon_ _ __ State Department of Education_ Salem.

Rex Putnam . .. Superintendent of public instruction _ Do. Donald A. Emerson.. Assistant superintendent, supervision, instruction Do.

and administration. Florence E. Beardsley_ Director, elementary education..... Do. Neva Dallas __ Supervisor, elementary education__ Do. H. Irene Hallberg . . do __ Do.

do Do.

Elizabeth B. Rader.. _do ___ Do. Jean Spaulding __ do __ Do. Walter 0. Shold _ . _do .... Do. Cliff Robinson Director, secondary education __ Do. Henry W. Sorick . _ Supervisor, secondary education_ Do. Willard Boar do __ Do.

Clyde Martin. _do... Do.


state and officers Official designation Address

Oregon—Continued Joseph I. Hall_ George J. Simio..- Mary O. Bowman- Lester A. Wilcox...

L. E. Marscliat_ James L. Turnbull. A. L. Beck.... Dennis W. Patch... A. Harvey Wright.. Paul Q. Warren_

Walter E. Snyder...

John E. Taylor_

Lloyd T. Thomas. Marjorie Priger_

Director, curriculum and publications.... Director, health and physical education...

Supervisor, health and physical education. Assistant superintendent, business administration

and finance. Director, research and apportionment. Consultant, school buildings___

Assistant consultant, school buildings_ Coordinator, school facilities survey_

Director, transportation (haif-time).. Supervisor, transportation and driver ed¬

ucation. Assistant superintendent, special education and

certification. Consultant, speech and hearing programs and

field representative. State school for the deaf. Consultant, speech-handicapped children. Consultant, crippled and chronically ill chil-

Salem. Do. Do. Do.

Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do.



Do. Do.

Verna B. Hogg John W. Jones..

Laura P. Wells.. Janet Butterworth... Joy Hills_

Harvey Wright_ Oscar I. Paulson.. Ralph L. Morgan_ Maurice C. Buchanan

Allen Lee.. Borden F. Beck_

Livingston Y. Eaton.. Bertha Kohlhagen_ Mildred Deischer.

Glen L. Weaver.

William G. Loomis_ Willson G. Lee_

Donald M. Gilles_

John H. Gordon_ Elmer H. Halstead_ C. F. Feike... Irvin F. Bryan.. Harry E. Palmer_

Pennsylvania_ Francis B. Haas.. John N. Lumley_ Dorr E. Crosley_ Carl E. Seifert.. Robert V. Kerr.. W. M. J. McClure.. Roy W. Dixon.. Arthur F. Fellows_ H. Robert Nissley_ Rachel S. Turner_ Stanley C. Fellows_

School psychologist___ Consultant, visually handicapped children;

and field representative. State school for the blind.

Director, school lunch program... Supervisor, school lunch program_

Director, teacher education and certification... Director, Indian education (half-time)...

Director, division of vocational education... Supervisor, agricultural education_

Assistant supervisor, agricultural educa¬ tion.

Supervisor, institutional on-farm training. Assistant supervisor, institutional on-farm

training. Supervisor, distributive education.... Supervisor, home economics education....

Assistant supervisor, home economics education.

Supervi.sor, occupational information and guidance.

Supervisor, trade and industrial education_ .\ssistant supervisor, trade and industrial

education. Instructional materials specialist, trade

and industrial education. Supervisor, veteran employment training_ Supervisor, public service training..

Director, division of vocational rehabilitation- Supervisor, vocational rehabilitation.. _do______

State Department of Public Instruction.... Superintendent of public instruction... Deputy superintendent_____ _do____ _do..... Executive assistant....... Comptroller____

Assistant comptroller_ Senior control accountant. Senior specification specialist.

Editor_____ Legal adviser..

Do. Do.

Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do.

Do. Do.

Do. Do. Do.


Do. Do.


Do. Do. Do. Do. Do.

Harrisburg. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do.


State and ofRcers Official designation Address

nnsylvania- Continued Mis. Chariot O. Collroth_ Assistant director, credentials evaluation.. . ... . Harrisburg. Eugene F. Lohr.. Do. Teletha E. Long _ _ Do. E. A. Quackenbush_ Director, bureau of school administration and Do.

chief, school business. Carl D. Morneweck_ Do. J. Mahon Bonebrake.. Do. Jonas E. Wagner... _do . ...-. Do. Robert C. Wilson__ Do.

Do. Raymond W. Robinson_ Do. J. K. Bowman.... Adviser. . ... . Do.

. ..do .... Do. Do.

Harold F. Martin _ Do. Do.

Fred Berkebile .. .. . .do... . .. _ __ Do. Do.

E. A. Quackenbush. Chief, school business... .... Do. Do.

J. Hugh Henderson.. do. .. .. ... .. _ Do. _do . ..... Do. .. .do .. .. Do.

Do. Do. Do.

Nicholas C. Gallncci Adviser, school districts . . Do. Clayton B. Hershey Adviser, heating and ventilating. . _ Do. Paul L. Cressman. _ Director, bureau of instruction... Do.

Chief, elementary education Do. Adviser Do.

L. H. Snader Acting chief, secondaiv education. Do. Ernst A. Stocker Adviser. Do. Avis M. Cauley Adviser, junior historian ... Do. H. C. Fetterolf... Chief, agricultural education.. Do. V. A. Martin Adviser .. __ Do. John R. Haubert Chief, commercial education.. .. ... Do. Frederick L. Pond. Consultant, curriculum revision.. . .. .. Do. Elizabeth Warnock Specialist, aviation education . . _ Do. A. W. Castle Chief, extension education. ... Do. Elmer B. Cottrell. Chief, health and phvsical education. . _ Do. Mildred S. Cnvle Adviser, school nursing_... . .. . Do. Ivan J. Stehman Chief, highway safety education. . . _ Do. Frank Cash man Adviser. . _ _ Do.

Samuel L. Horst Chief, farm and home safety education_ Do. A. Pauline Sanders Chief, home economics education _ Do. Mrs. Edith D. Davison Adviser_ _ . __ Do. Frances L. Hoag __ Chief, school lunch and nutrition.. . Do. Jane L. Rees Adviser..... Do. V. Charles Weeks Auditor.. . Do. E. .T. Sullivan Chief, distribution of free foods. . _ Do.

Robert T. Stoner Chief, industrial education... Do. T/yle F. Weissenfliih Adviser ... __ . .. .. Do.

Roy G. Fornwalt_ Chief, accreditment of training facilities Do. for veterans.

Hugh Roberts ^ Adviser .. Do.

Rex E. Wright . do .... Do. Edgar M, Welch do ... Do. Tiawrenee M. Sheads Senior investigator.. .. ___ Do.

Jay D. Boyer. .. Chief, federal surplus property disposal- Do. fi. Harding Hartman Adviser .. _ _ Do.

Ellsworth Kellv... _do....... Do.

1 On leave.


state and officers O fficial designation

Pennsylvania—Continued M, Claude Rosenberry.. George T. Miller- Harvey A. Heintzelman. Mary L. Abraham.. Alfred S. Holt_ Kerry McAmbley_ Frederick H. Miller. William Q. Jenkins_ Edgar A. Spotz.. Harold W. Pierce- Lester N. Myer_ Gladys B. Fish. Elmer D. Kline- Armour A. Haines- Aurora Pucillo... Robert Karch_ Richard A. Rosenberry.. Mazie H. Hancock_ Ulna F. Goodall..

Clyde E. Klinger... Henry Klonower- Stanley A. Wengert_ John K. Trayer..

Nellie B. Stevens- Ellsworth H. Brininger. Douglas A. Portzline... Jessica C. Ferguson_ Dorr E. Crosley_ Edward R. Imies_ Ralph W. Woodruff_ Mrs. Edna R. Carrol... George H. Richwine_

Puerto Rico.... Mariano Villaronga_ Francisco Collazo_ Demetrio Cartagena_ Antonio J. Colorado_

Juan E. Silva..

Jose Leavitt.. Pauline M. Rojas_

Carmen R. Diaz de Olano... William Gil Pabon_ Julio Selims Sola_ Antonio Andino Lopez_ Pedro J. Bezares....

Miguel A. Rodriguez. Daisy F. Molina_ Pablo Roca.. Fred G. Wale_ Israel Planell_ Lorenzo Garcia Hernandez.. Fernando Roca.

Chief, music education___ Chief, art education....... Chief, occupational information and guidance. Assistant librarian, professional library_ Principal, public service institute..

Adviser, assessors training school_ Adviser, borough officers school. _do.... Adviser, fire training school__ Adviser, police training school..__

Chief, special education.... Adviser___

Adviser, private trade school registration_ _do__-.. ....do........ -do..... Chief, private academic school registration_

Adviser_____ Chief, private correspondence school registra-

tration. Chief, private business school registration_

Director, teacher education and certification_ Assistant director, elementary certification_ Assistant director, secondary certification and

placement service. Director, State library.....

Advanced librarkm, general libiaiy_ Extension librarian___ Law librarian_____ Head reference assistant, genealogy.__

Director, bureau of professional licensing... Chief, law enforcements (State boards)_ Chief, registrations and renewals__

Chairman, Pemisylvania State board of censois... Assistant secretary, public-school employees’ re¬

tirement board. Department of Education..... Secretary of education______ Assistant secretary of education, technical division.

Administrative assistant___ Consultant, social sciences, and director, de¬

partment of education press. Consultant and e.xecutive secretary, planning

commission for education. Director, bureau of school extension... Director, English program... Chief, book production section.. Director, school weekly “Escuela”_ Chief, publications and documents section_

Assistant secretary of education, finance division.. Assistant chief____

Senior administrative officer, personnel and school planning division.

Assistant chief________ _do...-.

Director, division of research and statistics_ Director, community education division...

Administrative assistant.. Director, vocational education..

Assistant director.....


Harrisburg. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do.

Do. Do. Do. Do.

Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do.

San Juan. Do. Do. Do. Do.


Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do.

Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do.


State and officers Official designation Address

Puerto Rico—Continued Manuel Hernandez.. Director, vocational rehabilitation San Juan. Domingo Collazo.-.. Assistant director_ .. Do. Antonio Fernandez_ Director, school lunchroom division_ Do. Edmundo del Valle_ Do. Pedro Gil_ Director, veterans education division .. Do. Lillian C. de Rivero_ Records administrator, records administration Do.

section. Luis O’Neill_ Do. Jose A. Buitrago. Director, public radio broadcasting station WIPR. Do. Jose Mercado Quiros_ Director, photographic laboratory_ Do.

Rhode Island __ . State Department of Education_ Providence 3. Michael F. Walsh.... Commissioner of education_ .. Do. William P. Robinson, Jr. Assistant commissioner of education and super- Do.

visor of teachers’ certification. Alfred Andreozzi.. Do. Renato E. Leonelli_ Do. Henry F. Nugent.. Supervisor of Americanization and adult educa- Do.

tion. Grace M. Glynn_ Do. S. Elizabeth Campbell_ Consultant on elementary education_ Do.

Do. Charles B. Lewis_ Do. Russell Meinhold_ Supervisor of audio-visual aids_ Do.

Do. Mrs. E. S. Ferguson. Do. E. Catherine Passarelli._ Dietitian, schocl lunch programs_ _ Do. Mary F. McGeough... Supervisor of the exceptional child___ Do. Kenneth E. Kane__ Supervisor of proprietary schools_ Do. George E. Newbury_ Acting supervisor of G. I. training_ Do. F. Sheldon Davis .-. Chief, division of vocational education__ Do. Raymond C. Northup_ Supervisor of vocational agriculture__ Do. Anne R. McCarthy.._ Supervisor of vocational home economics._ Do. Edward J. Medeiros_ Supervisor of vocational trade and industrial Do.

education. George F. Moore, Jr. Supervisor of vocational rehabilitation_ Do. Gilbert R. Siiro.. _ Assistant supervisor _ Do. Agnes E. Vale__ Supervisor of practical nurse education_ Do. Elizabeth McGuire . .. .. Nursing instructor_ Do.

South Carolina State Department of Education_ . Columbia. ■Tfisse T. Anderson Superintendent of education_ Do. Mary Watson Secretary .. _ Do. Fli/abcth Kctchcn Editor, professional publications___ Do. C. B. Seaborn... Director, school administration and special Do.

services. P. H. Bomar. . .. Finance Officer_ Do. David S. Matthews Supervisor, statistical reports_ . Do.

Agnes Tennant State aid accoimtant_ Do. Robert B. Holland.__ Supervisor, machine records_ Do. W. H. Garrison Supervisor, school lunch program__ Do. Kathleen E. Gaston_ Assistant supervisor, school limch pro¬ Do.

gram. Cnnrtp.nay Ba.teman Supervisor, food distribution_ Do. S. G. Stukes _ Supervisor, school attendance_ Do. W. A. Schifflp.y State director, veterans’ education_ Do, Marvin P. Busbee.. Assistant State duector, veterans’ educa¬ Do.

tion. J. S. Agnew_ Supervisor, hearing and speech corrections_ Do. J. R. T. Major, Jr.. Assistant supervisor, hearing and speech Do.

corrections. E. James Kreul_ Hearing and speech correctionist_ Do. Norman T. Lambries. _do... Do.


State and officers Official designation Address

Sooth Carolina—Continued J. 0. Holler.. Director, instruction..... Columbia.

Chief supervisor, elementary education... Do.

Minnie Lee Rowland.. Supervisor, primary and elementary edu- Do. cation.

Do. M. C. Bethea ___ Field supervisor, high schools. Do.

State agent, Negro sehools____ Do. V. L. Cannon_ Assistant State agent, Negro schools. Do. Mrs. Sylvia P. Swinton_ Supervisor, Negro elementary schools- Do.

Supervisor, library services___ Do. Do.

D. G. Phillips..-. Supervisor, physical education. Do. Do.

Supervisor, adult education.. Do. Sewell C. Hawkins.. Acting Director, teacher education and certifica- Do.

* tion. _ Supervisor, certification___ Do. Mary Eva Hite__ Supervisor, teacher education___ Do. B. R. Turner... Director, vocational education__ Do. J. E. Whitten . Editor of press and radio information... Do. R. D. Anderson.. Associate direetor of vocational education and Do.

supervisor, agricultural education. W. E. Gore. Assistant supervisor, agricultural educa- Do.

tion. P. G. Chastain..... Supervisor, veterans’ farm training program... Do. F. L. Barton_ Supervisor, young farmer training_ Do. Alma Bentley... Supervisor, home economics education_ Do. G. E. McGrew.. Supervisor, trade and industrial education_ Do. P. B. Waters.. Supervisor, distributive education.. Do. Harry Weber. Supervisor, occupational information and Do.

guidance. P. C. Sherer. Director, vocational rehabilitation.... Do. Dill D. Beckman.. Chief, rehabilitation services_ Do. J. E. Hammett.. Supervisor, guidance, placement and training. Do. J. T. Erwin__ Coimselor, special service for the tuberculous.. Do.

South Dakota.. State Department of Public Instruction_ Pierre. H. S, Freeman__ Superintendent of public instruction and director. Do.

vocational education. Mrs. Alice Frink__ Executive secretary, Y. C. L__ Do. Mrs. Olive S. Berg. Supervisor, elementary education.. .... Do. F. R. Wanek. Supervisor, secondary education. Do. John Artichoker, Jr.. Supervisor, Indian education __ Do. Roland H. Noll.. Director, research and supervisor, distributive Do.

education. Merle Hagcrty.. Assistant, research. ...... Do. Tillie Snyder..... Director, certification______ Do. Harold H. Schuler. Director, school lunch and commodity distribu¬ Do.

tion programs. Ervin Peregrine... .. Consultant, school district reorganization. . Do. James C. Schooler.... _do_____ Do. E. L. Walliser... _do_____ Do. H. E. Urton.. Supervisor, agricultural education Do. Margaret McEniry.... Supervisor, homemaking education___ Do. C. 0. Gottschalk _ Supervisor, trades and industrial education Do. W. Marvin Kemp.. Supervisor, vocational guidance.. Do. C. L. Eskelson_ Director, rehabilitation ... Do.

Tennessee.__ . State Department of Education... Nashville 3. J. A. Barksdale.. Commissioner of education..__ Do. Harry Carter... Executive as.si.stant to the commissioner Do. W. A. Shannon.... Executive secretary, school board members_ Do.


State and officers Official designation

Tennessee—Continued Harry Williamson_ Robert H. White. Maude M, Holman... W. B. Shoulders_

Joe Morgan. C. A. McCanless_ Fred T. Brovm_ Charles F. Kerr_ J. E. Hogan... Frances Mae Nave_ C. M. Hardison..

Louise Meredith. W. E. Turner_ R. R. Vance... R. Lee Thomas_ Arthur Jones.. J, B. Calhoun..

T. Wesley Pickel_ Harvey T. Marshall.. A. B, Cooper....

Rufus K. Lassiter_ G. E. Freeman...

J. W. Brimm. J. W. Carney_ Margaret Browder_ T. R. Petty_ W. A. Seeley...... S. L. Sparkes... J. Hank Smith_


J. W. Edgar.... Eugenia Sapp... Mrs. Stella Mae Floyd. B. W. Musgraves_

L. P. Sturgeon.

Preston Hutchinson.

Robert A. Allen, Jr. Bascom B. Hayes... Leon R. Graham_ J. B. Rutland-.. Joe R. Humphrey. H, A. Glass.. J. Warren Hitt.

T. J. O’Connor...

John E. Clemens. Vane C. Burnett .

Guy C. West_

Director, State museum.... Director, historical research___ Executive secretary, State board of education_ Codirector, division of equalization and field

service. _do........ Director, division of finance... Director, division of health'educatioiL:_

Supervisor, physical edueation..... Supervisor, special education___ Supervisor, school lunch program..

Director, instructional materials and library service.

Supervisor, school libraries... Director, Negro education_^.. Director, division of public schools (high)_ Director, division of public schools (elementary)..

Supervisor, census and attendance_ Codirector, division of schoolhouse planning and

transportation. _do—...... Director, educational agency for surplus property. Director, division of teacher training and certifi¬

cation. Director, division of veterans’ education_ Director, division of vocational edueation and

supervisor, vocational agriculture. Assistant supervisor, vocational agriculture... Supervisor, farm veterans’ training_ Supervisor, home economics...... Supervisor, distributive education... Supervisor, trade and industrial education_ District supervisor, vocational agriculture_

Director, vocational rehabilitation.. Texas Education Agency___ Commissioner of education__ Secretary, appointments and correspondence_ Secretary, board of edueation business__ Acting executive director, Texas council of public

junior colleges. Associate commissioner of education and director

of finance division, office of public school admin¬ istration and finance.

Finance review officer (foundation program funds).

Control officer (relations with school officials). Director, administrative services...

Specialist, school bus transportation_ Chief, school lunch program_ Specialist, school plant planning_

Director, textbooks and instructional materials. Deputy commissioner of education, office of agency

administration and director, research and statis¬ tics.

Business manager, payments to schools and depository reports. Audits.... School bonds, investments. State permanent

school fund. Supervisor of research and statistics.....


Nashville 3. Do. Do. Do.

Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do.

Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do.

Do. Do. Do.

Do. Do.

Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do.

Austin 11. Do. Do. Do. Do.



Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do.


Do. Do.



State and officers Official designation Address

Texas—Continued Lee J. Wilborn.... Assistant commissioner of education and director Austin 11.

W. R. Goodson.

of curriculum development, office of instruc¬ tional services.

Consultant, commimity schools. Do. Do. Do.

Consultant, elementary education.... Do. Do.

_do...... Do. Consultant, industrial education.... Do.

Do. Hugh L. Proctor... Consultant, audio-visual education_ Do. Virginia Hufstedler- Consultant, pupil personnel services_ Do.

Do. V. J. Kennedy, Jr... Consultant, music..... Do. Mrs. Theresa Carrell.. Consultant, supervision.... Do. Frank Hubert-.. Director, professional standards (accredita- Do.

Waurine Walker. tion, certification, college examining).

Assistant director, professional standards. Do. Do.

Paul T. Kantz_ _ Do. W. D. Thompson.. Standards for Negro schools__ Do. C. L. Kuykendall. Do. H. E. Robinson..-.. Director, special education for exceptional Do.

Mrs. Sibyl Gholson_ children.

Supervisor, speech therapy_ Do. Mrs. Ethel Westmoreland_ Supervisor, crippled children.. Do. M. A. Browning. Assistant commissioner for vocational education Do.

Robert A. Manire___

and director of vocational instruction services, oflice of vocational services.

Chief, vocational agriculture_ Do. Ruth Huey__ Chief, home and familv life education. Do. Plasco G. Moore_ Chief, distributive education._ Do. W. R. Cate.. Chief, industrial education.. Do. J. J. Brown_ Director, vocational rehabilitation_ Do. B. C. Davis... Director, veterans’ education_ _ Do.

Utah___ State Department of Education___ Salt Lake City 1. Do. E. Allen Bateman__ Superintendent of public instruction_

William P. Miller.. Assistant State superintendent- . _ Do. H. Lee Cannon . Director, school finance Do. Percy Burrup__ Director, research___ Do. Jennie Campbell. Director, elementary education _ Do. Vaughn L. Hall.. Director, health, physical education and recrea¬ Do.

N. Blaine Winters. tion.

Director, teacher personnel and school-community Do.

Fred M. Fowler. relations.

Director, school plant planning_ Do. Dale E. Jones. Director, publications production.... Do. Rodney A. Ashby_ Director, school lunch program..._ Do. Marjorie Meyers. May Poulsen.

Nutritionist, school lunch program... Supervisor, school lunch program_

Do. Do.

Mark Nichols.. Director, vocational education and agricultural Do.

Elvin Downs.. education.

Assistant director, agricultural education_ Do. C. Aileen Ericksen.. Director, home economics education... Do. Winifred Hazen .. __ Consultant, family life education_ Do. Vernon Larsen__ Director, guidance services_ Do. Von Robertson._ . Director, trade and industrial education_ Do, Algot Anderson. Supervisor, industrial arts. Do.


State and officers Official designation Address

Utah—Continued Hal C. Cheney. William C. Winder.

L. Claire Likes.

Bennett Cash... Harmon D. Bockholt. L. B. Harmon.... Warren Thompson... Marvin E. Smith.. Elmer Farrar... Marvin L. Mower. Phillip R. Clinger.

Vermont.... A. John Holden, Jr... Carl J. Batchelder. Max W. Barrows.. John W. Pasciutti. Newton H. Baker_ Gladys W. Lowe... Raymond B. Magwire... Ava Colgan Burgess.

Winn L. Taplin. Ruth W. Cobum. Nellie O. Streeter.. John E. Nelson. B. Howard Peake.. Cola D. Watson... John W. Morrow.. Helen Finnegan. Harold F. Graeme. Francis S. Irons.

Virginia. ___ Dowell J. Howard. Ray E. Reid. J. L. Blair Buck. Mrs. Nannie Mae Williams... J. G. Blount, Jr. S. T. Nystrom, Jr. F. F. Jenkins..... Alfred L. Wingo.. J. B. Patton..... Arthur E. Chapman.. L. W. Bishop.... James D. Wooldridge.. John P. Hamill... James V. Dale, Jr--- Raymond L. Wimbish. G. Winston Gilbert.. W. A. Sexton. Harry H. Foster..

F. B. Cale.. R. E. Bass.... Thomas V. Downing.

Director, business and distributive education. Teacher coordinator in distributive educa¬

tion. Assistant director of trades and industries in

charge of veteran training. Veteran coordinator. _do.

Director, vocational rehabilitation. Assistant director, vocational rehabilitation.. Commercial enterprises specialist for blind- District supervisor, vocational rehabilitation.. _do.. ....do.....

State Department of Education... Commissioner of education.... Deputy commissioner... D irector, instruction....

Supervisor, alcohol education-- Director, teacher education and certification.

Secretary, registration and certification. Director, health and physical education...

Assistant director, health and physical educa¬ tion.

Director, educational plaiming.... Director, arts and crafts service---

Assistant director, arts and crafts service- Director, vocational education.....

Supervisor, vocational guidance.. Supervisor, agricultural education.. Supervisor, distributive education-- Supervisor, homemaking education_ Supervisor, trade and industrial education-

Director, vocational rehabilitation... State Board of Education_____ Superintendent of public instmction.. Assistant superintendent of public instruction- Coordinator, teacher education_

Assistant supervisor, teacher education.. Supervisor, accoimts and records-----

Assistant supervisor, accoimts and records- Director, research and planning--

Supervisor, research..-.. Assistant supervisor, research--

Supervisor, school buildings-- Assistant supervisor, school buildings- _do......-. -do.....- Draftsman....

Supervisor, transportation... Assistant supervisor, transportation... ....do____

Statistician and recording secretary of State board of education.

Director, vocational education. Supervisor, agricultural education-

Assistant supervisor, agricultural edu-

Salt Lake City 1. Do.


Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do.

Montpelier. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do.

Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do.

Richmond 16. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do.

Do. Do. Do. Do.

Mrs. Rosa H. Loving. Helen G. Ward.

Mrs. Helen Hopper...

cation. Supervisor, home economics education...

Assistant supervisor, home economics ed¬ ucation. _do__-.

Do. Do.



state and officers Official designation Address

Virginia—Continued B. H. Van Got... Supervisor, trade and industrial education_ Richmond 16. Linscott Ballentine. Assistant supervisor, trade and industrial Do.

education. _do...... Do. _do...... Do.

R. S. Thomas_ _do..... Do. George E, Wallace... Acting assistant supervisor, trade and in- Do.

dustrial education. Do.

Ralph A. Rush—.. Assistant supervisor, distributive educa- Do.

Arthin* L. Walker.. tion.

Supervisor, business education. Do. L. Marguerite Crumley. Assistant supervisor, business education.. Do. Z. H. Taylor. Do. John L. Swann.. Assistant supervisor, veterans training Do.

William R. Crabill. (trade and industrial).

Assistant supervisor, veterans training Do. (agriculture).

_do ..... Do. Allyn G. Janney... Chairman, State educational agencies for sur- Do.

plus property. Do. Do. Do.

Floyd H, Armstrong. R. Claude Graham_

Assistant supervisor, rehabilitation. Director, instruction___

Do. Do.

Davis Y. Paschall_ Associate director, instruction_ Do. Merle Davis_ Supervisor, elementary education_ Do. E. Elizabeth Henson.. Assistant supervisor, elementary edu¬ Do.

Gerald Bosch... cation. _do... Do.

Virginia P. Sutton ... do ___ Do. Mrs. Margaret T. Haley_ _do... Do. Thomas T. Hamilton. Associate director, instruction_ Do. Woodrow W. Wilkerson_ Supervisor, secondary education. Do. Gordon C. Higgins... Assistant supervisor, secondary edu¬ Do.

Archie G. Richardson. cation.

Associate supervisor, secondary and Do.

G. L. X. Cowling.. elementary education.

Assistant supervisor, secondary edu¬ Do.

Francis W. Sisson. cation.

Supervisor, guidance and adult education. Do. Clarence L. Kent.. Assistant supervisor, guidance_ Do. Fred 0. Wygal. Associate director, instruction_ Do. Harold K. Jack... Supervisor, health and physical education. Do. Lester E. Kibler.... Assistant supervisor, health and phys¬ Do.

Gerald L. Quirk.. ical education. _do... Do.

Frances A. Mays.. _do_ Do. Marshall Brown... _do. Do. C. W. Dickinson, Jr.. Supervisor, textbooks and libraries_ Do. Z. T. Kyle. Associate supervisor, textbooks and Do.

Margaret E. Rutherford. libraries.

Assistant supervisor, textbooks and Do.

Lester S. Bucher. libraries.

Supervisor, music_ Do. Clarence J. Hesch_ Assistant supervisor, music_ _ Do. W. H. Durr___ Supervisor, teaching materials__ Do. Selden H. Watkins__ Assistant supervisor, teaching mate¬ Do.

Sara C. Joyner_ rials.

Supervisor, art_ . . __ Do. Mary E. Godfrey... Assistant supervisor, art.. Do.


State and officers Official designation Address

Virginia— Continued J. Edward Oglesby L. J. Sol Wrenn, Jr_ Arthur Mintz_ Edward H. Buckman.

Virgin Islands_

C. Frederick Dixon—

Jane E. Tuitt_ Nina Corneiro_ Enid M. Baa_ Huldah A. Joseph_ Gladise A. Gabriel_ Carlos G. Classen_ Aline M. Kean_ Hugh M. Smith.. Adele Galiber_ Raphael Wheatley_ Mrs. Anna C. Nealy..

Supervisor, film production___ Acting supervisor, film production..

Script writer.... ....do.....

Department of Education, St. Thomas and St. John.

Superintendent of education and director of voca¬ tional education for the Virgin Islands.

Assistant superintendent of education... Supervising librarian........ Library consultant___ Supervisor, elementary education... Supervisor, kindergarten education_ Manager, school lunch program__ Supervisor, art education_____ Director, physical education___ Supervisor, music education_ Supervisor, trade and industrial education_ Guidance counselor___

Richmond 16. Do. Do. Do.

Charlotte Amalie (St. Thomas).


Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do.

Christians ted (St. Croix).

Mrs. Pearl Byrd Larsen. Mrs. Juanita C. Gardine.


Pearl A. Wanamaker. G. W. Van Horn-..

Borghild Helgesen_ Glenna K. Magill.. Ralph R. Fields_ Elmer L. Breckner.

George Pasnick.

Harold Silver thorn_ Arnold C. Tjomsland_ Alanson T. Powell_ J. Guy Rowland_ Tillman Peterson_ Joyce Cooper__ D. Grant Morrison. Werner C. Dieekmann... Susan M. Lacy.... Max Berger_ Joseph P. Lassoie_ Harley L. Robertson_

Marjorie Eastabrooks_ Agnes R. Fitzgerald_ Ross E. Hamilton_ John E. Hansen_ Milton J. Gold.. E. E. Kirkpatrick_ Wendell C. Allen_

Boydie E. Rich_ Harry G. Halstead_

Department of Education, St. Croix. Superintendent of education... Assistant superintendent of education.... Office of State Superintendent of Public Instruc¬

tion. Superintendent of public instruction_ Consultant, administrative problems and super¬

visor, Indian education. Administrative assistant.. Supervisor of central services_ Systems engineer- Assistant superintendent in charge of administra¬

tion and finance. Director, school finance and administrative research.

Consultant, school budding facilities.. Consultant, community plarming__ Research assistant--- Director, transportation..__ Supervisor, school district organization_

Assistant superintendent in charge of instruction- supervisor, junior college education__ Director, secondary education_ Director, elementary education...

Supervisor, elementary education- _do---

Director, health, physical education and recre¬ ation.

Supervisor, health and physical education. Supervisor, school lunch program-

Director, education for handicapped chddren. Consultant, instructional materials services.. Supervisor, curriculum--- Supervisor, surplus property_

Assistant superintendent in charge of teacher edu¬ cation and guidance services.

Supervisor, certification_ Assistant superintendent and director of voca¬

tional education.

Do. Do. Do.


Do. Do.

Do. Do. Do. Do.


Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do.

Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do.

Do. Do.

1 On leave.


state and officers Official designation Address

Washington—Continued Herman N. Miller_

Clem C. Clarke-

Bert L. Brown- John W. Evans_ M. C. Knox.. H. M. Olsen_ K. Otto Logan- Nell C. Kantner_ Mariarme Andrews...

Assistant director and supervisor, trade and industrial division.

Assistant supervisor, trade and industrial division.

Supervisor, agricultural division... Assistant supervisor, agricultural division. _do__ ....do_____

Supervisor, distributive education division_ Supervisor, home economics division_

Assistant supervisor, home economics division.



Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do.

Anne E. Morgan. E. M. Oliver_ H. J. Socolofsky_

Austin R. McClintock John A. Elder_ Mary Seaman..

M. C. Smart__ West Virginia..

W. W. Trent_ A. J. Gibson.. John T. St. Clair.. Clarence A. Brock_ H. C. Hamilton_ Maud Broyles_ Blenda Proudfoot_ Clyde Edgar Johnson.

Kathleen Kerwood... Martha Bonar_ Paul Boggs..... Genevieve Starchcr... Andrew V. Ruckman, John M. Lowe_ H. N. Hansucker_ S. D. McMillen.. H. E. Edwards. Pauline Stout.. Edna Hall..... Genevieve Williams.. Virginia Thomas_ Fred W. Eberle.. Andrew K. Ault_ Paul W. Swope... C. D. Brown.....


G. E. Watson.. R. F. Lewis.. G. O. Boardman_ H. T. James__ Victor E. Kimball_ R. E. Jollifle.. Henry A. Olson.

_do_____ Supervisor, rehabilitation division_

Assistant supervisor, rehabilitation divi¬ sion.

District supervisor, rehabilitation division. Training officer, rehabilitation division_ Medical social work consultant, rehabilita¬

tion division. Disbursing officer__

State Department of Education.... Superintendent of free schools_ Supervisor, high schools..____

Assistant supervisor___ _do_______

Supervisor, elementary schools___ Assistant supervisor___ ....do_______

Supervisor, Negro schools--- Director, school plant planning___ Director, research and statistics... Supervisor, school lunch program-- Supervisor, school transportation_ Director, teacher certification-- Director, veterans’ education__ Director, vocational education..

Supervisor, vocational agriculture_ Assistant supervisor.__ _do------

Supervisor, home economics_ Assistant supervisor__ _do_____ Assistant supervisor, Negro schools_

Supervisor, trade and industrial education_ Assistant___ Assistant supervisor..

Supervisor, guidance services___ State Department of Public Instruction.... Superintendent of public instruction...__ First assistant superintendent____

Supervisor, publications___ Supervisor, school aids__

Assistant superintendent, legal services_ Supervisor, school district reorganization_

Assistant supervisor, school district reor¬ ganization.

Dii-ector, transportation....

Do. Do. Do.

Do. Do. Do.

Do. Charleston 6.

Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do.

Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do._

Madison 2. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do.

Do. Theo. Sorenson.


State and officers 0 facial designation Address

Wisconsin—C ontinued Frank V. Powell.. Assistant superintendent, special services__ Madison 2. Maxine Bennett.... Medical director_ Do. Catherine Birdsall_ Occupational therapist__ Do. Fae A. Henry. Consultant, physical therapy_ Do. Lois M. Mitchell_ _do_ ._ .. Do. Alfaretta Wright.. _do..... Do. Joseph Marks__ Consultant, hearing_ Do. Qretchen M. Phair_ Do. Virginia A. Stephenson_ Consultant, child welfare..__ Do. John W. Melcher.. Supervisor, exceptional children... Do. Leona Me Gann_ Medical social worker....... Do.

Do. Beryl M. Stmad... Do. Harold M. Williams_ Psychologist____ Do. Walter B. Senty___ Do, Charlp.<? B. Walrien Curriculum coordinator___ Do. Carson A. Hatfield_ Supervisor, secondary schools_ Do. R. 8. Ihlenfeldt. _do..... Do. Bert F. Johnson__ _do... Do. J. F. Waddell..... _do..... Do. Russell Mosley_ Supervisor, secondary schools__ Do. R. L. Liebenberg__ _do.. Do.

Supervisor, elementary schools . .. Do. Ida A. Ooley _ _do.... Do. William C, Kahl. _do........ Do. H. I. Peterson__ _do.......... Do. Martha Kellogg___ _do..... Do. Leona E. Fischer .. _do..... Do. Orlo W. Miller... Coordinator, school health__ Do. G. L. Schultz_ Supervisor, music_ Do. Irene M. Newman_ Supervisor, school libraries_ Do. Anna May Void_ ....do...... Do. Arthur R. Page. __ Assistant superintendent, administration_.'_ Do. A.. L. Buechner . .. Supervisor, school buildtng service_ Do. R. J. Hull...... _do....... Do. Palmer 0. Johnson Administrative assistant_ Do,

G. W. Gunderson__ Supervisor, school lunch program__ Do.

Edmond L. Lenahan.... Assistant supervisor, school Itmch pro¬ Do. gram.

R. J. McDermott. _do___ Do. H.C. Wegner _do_____ Do.

State Board of Vocational and Adult Education... Do. C. L. Greiber_ Executive officer and director, vocational educa¬ Do.

tion. Robert L. Welch Chief, trade and industrial education_ Do. L. M. Sasman Chief, agricultural education_ Do.

Ivan G. Fay.. Supervisor, veterans’ farm training_ Do.

John A. Kubiak Chief, rehabilitation division_ Do. J. H. Brown . Assistant chief_ Do. Roy Fairbrother Supervisor, distributive education_ Do.

Supervisor, occupational information and guid¬ Do.

ance. Kathrvn T. Gill Supervisor, home economics education__ Do.

F. J. Woerdehoff _ Supervisor, general adult education_ Do.

Martin Wesolowski. Supervisor, trade and industrial education.. _ Do.

H.C. Thayer Supervisor, teacher training education __ Do.

Dale C. Aebischer Teacher trainer, agricultural education_ Do. C. H. Bon .sack do - - __ Do.

Dorothy J. Barnett_ Teacher trainer, home economics education... Do.

Christine Nickel.. Do.


state and officers Official designation Address


Edna B. Stolt... Ray E. Robertson_ Beryl Brownlee_ Sam Hitchcock.

Percy B. Kirk.. Pauline Drollinger_ Raymond S. Orr.

Mrs. Mildred Cassidy. Miller Brown.. Jack M. Yeaman. William Allen.. Paul Albright. Dorris L. Sander.

Mrs. Florence Lyster. Grace Ruegsegger_ Carl A. Skow.

State Department of Education... State superintendent of public instruction_ Commissioner of education...... Deputy superintendent of public instruction. Director, vocational education and supervisor,

trade and industrial education. Supervisor, agricultural education. Supervisor, homemaking education. Supervisor, occupational information and

guidance. Supervisor, distributive education.. Supervisor, veterans’ training in agriculture...

Director, division of deaf and blind. Counselor and placement agent for the deaf...

Director, civilian vocational rehabilitation. Director, elementary education and education of

handicapped children. Director, school lunch program. Secretary, Wyoming Teacher Retirement Board Fiscal agent.


Do. Do.

Do. Do. Do.

Torrington. Cheyenne.

Do. Do. Do.




Alabama—Lois Rainer Green, director, Public Library Service Division, Depart¬

ment of Archives and History, Montgomery 5.

Arkansas—Irene Mason, executive secretary and librarian, Arkansas Library

Commission, 506)4 Center Street, Little Rock.

California—Mrs. Carma R. Zimmerman, State librarian. State Library, Sacra¬


Colorado-, State superintendent of public instruction and State librarian

ex officio; Gordon L. Bennett, deputy State librarian; State Library, 320 State Capitol Building, Denver 2.

Connecticut—Helen A. Ridgway, chief. Bureau of Libraries, State Department

of Education, State Office Building, Hartford.

Delaware—Bernice W. Hammond, librarian. Library Commission for the State,

State House, Dover.

Florida—Dorothy Dodd, State librarian; Zella D. Adams, director of library

extension; State Library Board, Tallahassee.

Georgia—C. S. Hubbard, director; Sarah L. Jones, assistant director, State

Office Building; Lucile Nix, chief library consultant; Beverly Wheatcroft,

librarian. Library Extension Service, 92 Mitchell Street SW.; Division of

Textbook and Library Service, Department of Education, Atlanta 3.

Idaho—Mrs. Edith G. Robinson, acting librarian. State Traveling Library, Boise.

Illinois—Edward J. Barrett, secretary of State and State librarian; Helene H.

Rogers, assistant State librarian; Laura C. Libutzki, chief. Extension Service;

State Library, Centennial Memorial Building, Springfield.

Indiana—Harold F. Brigham, director; Harriet I. Carter, head. Extension Divi¬

sion; State Library, Indianapolis 4.

Iowa—Blanche A. Smith, librarian. State Traveling Library, State Historical '

Building, Des Moines 19.

Kansas.—Louise McNeal, State librarian; Henrietta Alexander, secretary;

Traveling Libraries Commission, Topeka.

Kentucky—Mrs. J. C. Cantrill, State librarian; Frances Jane Porter, director.

Library Extension Division; Department of Library and Archives, Old

Capitol, Frankfort. Louisiana—Essae Martha Culver, State librarian; Mary W. Harris, director,

Extension Department; State Library, Baton Rouge.

Maine—Marion B. Stubbs, State librarian. State Library, Augusta.

Maryland—Helen M. Clark, director. Division of Library Extension, Department

of Education, 400 Cathedral Street, Baltimore 1.

Massachusetts—Genevieve Boisclair Galick, director. Division of Library Exten¬

sion, Department of Education, 200 Newbury Street, Boston 16.

Michigan—Loleta D. Fyan, State librarian; Eudocia Stratton, head. Extension

Division; State Library, State Office Building, Lansing 13.

Minnesota—Russell J. Schunk, State director of libraries. Library Division, ,

Department of Education, State Office Building, St. Paul 1.

Mississippi—Eunice A. Eley, executive secretary. Library Commission, 535

College Street, Jackson.

Missouri—Paxton P. Price, State librarian. State Library, State Office Building,

Jefferson City.



Montana—Ellen A. Torgrimson, secretary, State Library Extension Commission,


Nebraska—Louise A. Nixon, executive secretary. Public Library Commission, Lincoln 9.

Nevada—Mrs. Constance C. Collins, State librarian. State Library, Carson City. New Hampshire—Mildred Peterson McKay, State librarian; Catharine Pratt,

assistant State librarian in charge of extension division; State Library, 20

Park Street, Concord.

New Jersey—Roger H. McDonough, director; Mrs. Janet Z. McKinlay, head,

Bureau of Public and School Library Services; Division of State Library,

Archives and History, Department of Education, State House Annex, Trenton 7.

New Mexico—Irene S. Peck, executive secretary. State Library Commission and

director. State Library Extension Service, Santa Fe.

New York—Charles F. Gosnell, State librarian; L. Marion Moshier, director.

Division of Library Extension; State Department of Education, Albany 1.

North Carolina—Elizabeth House, secretary and director. Library Commission,


North Dakota—Hazel Webster Byrnes, secretary and director. State Library Commission, Liberty Memorial Building, Bismarck.

Ohio—Walter T. Brahm, State librarian; Phyllis E. Hansberger, State library

organizer; State Library, State Office Building, Columbus 15.

Oklahoma—Ralph Hudson, State librarian, acting secretary. Library Commis¬

sion, Oklahoma City 5. Oregon—Eleanor S. Stephens, librarian, State Library, Salem.

Pennsylvania—Alfred Decker Keator, director; Ellsworth H. Brininger, extension

librarian; State Library, Education Building, Harrisburg.

Rhode Island—Grace M. Sherwood, State librarian. State Library, Providence 2.

South Carolina—Estellene P. Walker, executive secretary. State Library Board,

1001-07 Main Street, Columbia. South Dakota—Mercedes B. MacKay, secretary and director. Free Library Com¬

mission, State House Annex, Pierre.

Tennessee—Martha Manier Parks, regional libraries consultant. State Library

and Archives, Nashville 3. Texas—T. J. Gibson, State librarian, Texas State Library, State Capitol, Austin.

Utah—Nathan J. Barlow, assistant superintendent of public instruction and

director of libraries. Library Division, Department of Public Instruction,

Salt Lake City 1. Vermont—Dorothy Randolph, secretary. Free Public Library Commission, State

Library Building, Montpelier.

Virginia—Randolph W. Church, State librarian; C. Ernestine Grafton, head.

Extension Division; State Library, Richmond 19.

Washington—Maryan E. Reynolds, librarian. State Library, Temple of Justice,

Olympia. West Virginia—Dora Ruth Parks, executive secretary. Library Commission,

West Virginia University, Morgantowm. Wisconsin—Walter S. Botsford, secretary, Free Library Commission, Madison.

Wyoming—May Gillies, State librarian; Eveline Smith, deputy State librarian;

State Library and State Historical Department, Supreme Court Building,



Hildegard Thompson, Chief, Branch of Education, Bureau of Indian Affairs,

Department of Interior, Washington 25, D. C.

P. W. Danielson, Assistant Chief.

Earl C. Intolubbe, Education Specialist (guidance), Bureau of Indian Affairs, Washington 25, D. C.

Louise Eskridge Haas, Education Specialist (health), Bureau of Indian Affairs, Washington, D. C.

George C. Wells, Education Specialist (general), Bureau of Indian Affairs, Wash¬ ington, D. C.

Leslie M. Keller, Area Director of Schools, Area Office, P. O. Box 1150, Aberdeen,

S. Dak.

Louise Wiberg, Area Director of Schools, Area Office, 804 North Twenty-ninth

Street, Billings, Mont.

R. M. Tisinger, Area Director of Schools, Area Office, Building 1, Swan Island,

Portland, Oreg.

Charles E. Morelock, Area Director of Schools, Area Office, P. O. Box 7007,

Phoenix, Ariz.

A. B. Caldwell, Area Director of Schools, Area Office, Federal Building, Muskogee,


Henry A. Wall, Area Director of Schools, Area Office, Federal Building, Anadarko,


Vernon L. Beggs, Area Director of Schools, Area Office, Federal Building, Albu¬

querque, N. Mex.

John Carmody, Area Director of Schools, Area Office, Window Rock, Ariz.

Russell M. Kelley, Area Director of Schools, Area Office, 2908 Colfax Avenue,

South Minneapolis 8, Minn.

Max Penrod, Area Director of Schools, Aiea Office, Juneau, Alaska.

George A. Boyce, Superintendent, Intermountain Indian School, Brigham City,


Martin N. B. Holm, Superintendent, Chemawa School, Chemawa, Oreg.

Lawrence E. Correll, Superintendent, Chilocco School, Chilocco, Okla.

Solon G. Ayers, Superintendent, Haskell Institute, Lawrence, Kans.

Glenn C. Lundeen, Superintendent, Phoenix Indian School, Phoenix, Ariz.

Myrthus W. Evans, Superintendent, Sherman Institute, Riverside, Calif.

Herman Bogard, Superintendent, Flandreau School, Flandreau, S. Dak.








1 9 5 2 - 5 3 PART 2







FEB 27 r 53



The Education Directory of the Office of Education

is issued annually in the following parts:

1. Federal Government and States.

*2. Counties and Cities.

3. Higher Education.

4. Education Associations.

As soon as each part is off the press copies may

be purchased at nominal cost from the Superin¬

tendent of Documents, U. S. Government Printing

Office, Washington 25, D. C.

*Part 2. Counties and Cities was prepared by Adminis¬

tration Branch, Division of State and Local SchoolJSystems,

Office of Education.

FEDERAL SECURITY AGENCY-Oveta Culp Hobby, Administrator

Office of Education - Earl James McGrath, Commissioner

( United States Government Printing Office, Washington : 1953

For'sale by the Superintendent..^ Documents, U. S. Government

^ranting'Office, Washington 25, D.'c. 4- .Price 25 cents

i 1 PART 2



Superintendents of County, Supervisory District or Union, and Urban

Schools, by States_ 3

Superintendents of Parochial Schools_ 85


Gov/aty and supervisory district or union superintendents,—The county constitutes an area for school administration purposes in all of the States except Delaware, Nevada, New York, and the six New Eng¬ land States.

Twelve ^ States have a county-unit type of school organization the superintendent of which administers all schools in his area except those in independent districts. In Florida and West Virginia the only administrative districts are county units. Each of the other 10 county- unit States has one or more independent city school districts that are independent of the county. In Virginia, some “divisions,” the official designation for all school districts, include the territory of more than one county. Although most Utah districts are complete county units, the territory of some counties is divided into two or three districts each of which has its own superintendent.

In the other 27 States having county superintendents there are few county unit districts. In these States the county superintendent serves in an intermediate capacity between the State department of education and the local administrative districts in his county, typically perform¬ ing supervisory or service functions for the local units.

In New England the town (except for a number of city school dis¬ tricts and a few other instances) is the basic unit of school administra¬ tion. Town school systems that are too small for each to employ a full-time superintendent are grouped in supervisory unions for the purpose of providing a superintendent who serves all town systems in his union. In New York State towns have been combined to form supervisory districts each of which has a superintendent.

In Delaware and Nevada all administrative functions not performed by local districts are performed by the State department of education.

Urban place and superintendent.—The 1950 Census classification of

1 Alabama, Georgia, Florida, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, New Mexico, North Caro¬ lina, Tennessee, Utah, Virginia, and West Virginia.



urban places ^ has been followed in preparing this section of the Direc¬

tory and the list of such places shown for each State was taken from

Bureau of the Census Series PC-3, No. 8, Kevised “Population of

Urban Places: April 1,1950.” Unincorporated places are designated

by an asterisk (*). The 1950 population of each place is shown in

parenthesis. These numbers do not indicate the total population of

school districts except in cases where the boundaries of the urban place

and those of the school district are coterminous.

Superintendents administering urban schools are indicated as


Most cities and other urban places constitute independent school

administrative districts, each of which has its own superintendent.

Wliere this is true the name of the superintendent is listed after the

name of the urban place.

Some urban localities have separate districts for elementary and for

secondary schools; others maintain elementary districts only, with a

separate high-school district encompassing a larger area such as the

county. Where this is true, the districts are designated as “Elem.” or

“High” and the superintendent for each is listed.

In situations where the schools in urban places are administered as

a part of county-unit school systems, the name of the county for each

such place is shown.

In cases where urban schools in New England are administered by

superintendents of supervisory districts or unions, the number of the

union or name of the district is indicated in parenthesis. Where urban-

schools are part of town systems, each of which has its own superin¬

tendent, the name of the town school district and the name of the

superintendent are shown in parenthesis.

There are instances in other regions where schools in smaller urban

places are a part of nearby larger urban systems. IWiere this is true,

the name of the larger school district is shown in parenthesis.

Superintendents of local systems in Alaska^ Hawaii^ and Puerto

Rico.—Urban schools in Hawaii and Puerto Rico are administered

by district superintendents. The superintendent for each such district

is shown. Superintendents in Alaska, which does not have county

or comparable area superintendents, are listed by city.


Superintendents of Catholic parochial schools with their addresses

are listed according to archdiocese and diocese.

2 The Bureau of the Census in 1950 classified as urban places (1) all population centers which have 2,500 or more persons and which are incorporated as cities, boroughs, villages, and towns (except towns in New England, New York, and Wisconsin where the term “town” refers to units of local government which are not necessarily densely populated centers) and (2) all unincorporated centers which have 2,500 or more persons and which are located outside the immediate vicinity of cities above 50,000 population.


Superintendents of Lutheran parochial schools with their addresses

are listed by supervisory district.




County and Superintendent

Autauga—C, L. Harrell, Prattville. Baldwin—S. M. Tharp, Bay Minette. Barbour—P, A. McDaniel, Clayton. Bibb—Robert Brown, Centreville. Blount—G. E. Weaver, Oneonta. Bullock—R. J. Lawrence, Union Springs. Butler—F, H. Echols, Greenville. Calhoun—C. Frank Newell, Anniston. Chambers—Morse Haynes, La Fayette, Cherokee—Frank R. Stewart, Centre. Chilton—J. H. Boockholdt, Clanton. Choctaw—J. O. Bush, Butler. Clarke—Dayton Robinson, Grove Hill. Clay—M. G. Satterfield, Ashland. Cleburne—Noel Hand, Hefiin. Coffee—Kermit Crook, Elba. Colbert—J. T. Bozeman, Tuscumbia. Conecuh—Harvey G. Pate, Evergreen. Coosa—Hubert L. Street, Rockford. Covington—H. L. Taylor, Andalusia. Crenshaw—Charles S. English, Lu-

verne. Cullman—R. E. Moore, Cullman. Dale—Creel Richardson, Ozark. Dallas—Baxter W. Collins, Selma. De Kalb—Harold Hayes, Fort Payne. Elmore—John R. Formby, Wetumpka. Escambia—O. C. Weaver, Brewton. Etowah—J. O. Dickinson, Gadsden. Fayette—Clyde C, Cargile, Fayette. Franklin—V. H. Wood, Russellville. Geneva—J. J. Collins, Geneva. Greene—S. D. Bayer, Eutaw, Hale—R. E. Ramey, Greensboro. Henry—J. A. Roberts, Abbeville. Houston—Solomon Baxter, Dothan. Jackson—Delbert Hicks, Scottsboro. Jefferson—I. F. Simmons, Birmingham. Lamar—A. A. Chandler, Vernon. Lauderdale—W. H. Walker, Florence. Lawrence—Leon E. Moody, IMoulton. Lee—Martin C. Whitten, Opelika. Limestone—Floyd R. Johnson, Athens. Lowndes—Hulda Coleman, Hayneville. IVlacon—B. L. Balch, Tuskegee. Madison—Edward Anderson, Hunts¬

ville. Marengo—S. D. McKnight, Linden. IMarion—Solon Gregg, Hamilton. Marshall—McGreer Rains, Guntersville. Mobile-, Mobile. Monroe—H. G. Greer, INIonroeville. Montgomery—C. M. Dannelly, Mont¬


Morgan—H. R. Leeman, Decatur. Perry—L. G. Walker, Alarion. Pickens—I. C. Kuykendall, Carrollton. Pike—L. D. Bynum, Troy. Randolph—J. L. Lovvorn, Wedowee. Russell—H. B. Hammer, Phenix City. Saint Clair—Roy Gibson, Ashville. Shelby—Woodrow Elliott, Columbiana. Sumter—E. W. Mellown, Livingston. Talladega—N. F. Nunnelley, Talladega. Tallapoosa—J. A. Pruett, Dadeville. Tuscaloosa—K. A. Johnson, Tuscaloosa. Walker—Amos I. Waldrop, Jasper. Washington—T. B. Pearson, Chatom. Wilcox—W. J. Jones, Camden. Winston—C. B. Campbell, Double


Urban Place and Superintendent

[This State has 44 urban places where the schools are a part of county- unit school systems. The name of each such urban place is followed by the name of the county in which it is lo¬ cated.]

Albertville (5,397)—Marshall County. Alexander City (6,430)—P. G. Myer. Aliceville (3,170)—Pickens County. Andalusia (9,162)—J. H. Johnson. Anniston (31,066)—C. P. Nelson. Athens (6,309)—Julian Newman. Atmore (5,720)—Garland Butler. Attalla (7,537)—T. J. Campbell. Auburn (12,939)—Lee County. Bay Minette (3,732)—Baldwin County. Bessemer (28,445)—J. W. Letson. Birmingham (326,037)—L. F. Banks. Boaz (3,078)—Marshall County. Brewton (5,146)—W. C. DuBose. Brundidge (2,605)—Pike County. Chickasaw (4,920)—Mobile County. Childersburg (4,023)—T a 11 a d e g a

County. Clanton (4,640)—Chilton County. Cordova (3,156)—Walker County. Cullman (7,523)—L. W. Yates. Dallas Mills-East Side* (2,768)—Madi¬

son County. Decatur (19,974)—Walter M. Jackson. Demopolis (5,004)—W. B. Hitchcock. Dothan (21,584)—Bruce Flurry. Elba (2,936)—Coffee County. Enterprise (7,288)—J. R. Snellgrove.

♦Unincorporated urban place.


Eufanla (6,906)—O. B. Carter. Evergreen (3,454)—Conecuh County. Fairfax* (2,717)—Chambers County. Fairfield (13,177)—G. Virgil Nunn. Fairhope (3,354)—Baldwin County. Fayette (3,707)—Fayette County. Florala (2,713)—H. L. Nipper. Florence (23,879)—J. W. Powell. Fort Payne (6,226)—W. F. Gonce. Gadsden (55,725)—I. J. Browder. Geneva (3,579)—Geneva County. Greenville (6,781)—Butler County. Guntersville (5,253)—Marshall County. Haleyville (3,331)—Winston County. Hartselle (3,429)—Morgan County. Homewood (12,866)—Jefferson County. Huntsville (16,437)—H. D. Nelson. Jackson (3,072)—Clarke County. Jacksonville (4,751)—Ernest Stone. Jasper (8,589)—G. T. Patrick. Lanett (7,429)—J. T. Greene. Langdale* (2,721)—Chambers County. Leeds (2,907)—Jefferson-St. Clair

Counties. Lipscomb (2,550)—Jefferson County. Marion (2,822)—Perry County. Merrimack* (3,035)—Madison County. Mignon* (3,053)—Talladega County. Mobile (127,009)—Mobile County. Monroeville (2,772)—Monroe County. Montgomery (106,525)—Montgomery

County. Mountain Brook (8,359) —Jefferson

County. Northport (3,885)—Tuscaloosa County. Oakwood-Lincoln Mills* (4,447)—Madi¬

son County. Oneonta (2,802)—Blount County. Opelika (12,295)—T. H. Kirby. Opp (5,240)—Vernon St. John. Ozark (5,238)—Mrs. Emma P. Flowers. Phenix City (23,305)—Lucien P. Stough. Piedmont (4,498)—W. H. Kimbrough. Prattville (4,385)—Autauga County. Prichard (19,014)—Mobile County. Roanoke (5,392)—L. L. James. Russellville (6,012)—R. C. Tliomas. Scottsboro (4,731)—Jackson County. Selma (22,840)—W. E. Snuggs. Shawmut* (3,266)—Chambers County. Sheffield (10,767)—C. M. Brewster. Sylacauga (9,606)—C. L. Martin. Talladega (13,134)—Frank L. Harwell. Tarrant City (7,571)—W. A. Parker. Troy (8,555)—Roy E. Jeffcoat. Tuscaloosa (46,396)—J. H. Hadley. Tuscumbia (6,734)—Le Roy Brown. Tuskegee (6,712)—Macon County. Union Springs (3,232)—C. E. McNair. West End Anniston-Cobb Town*

(3,228)—Calhoun County. West Huntsville* (8,221)—Madison

County. Wetumpka (3,813)—Elmore County.


(No County Superintendents)

Urban Place and Superintendent

Anchorage (11,060)—A. W. Morgan. Fairbanks (5,625)—James C. Ryan, luneau (5,818)—Sterling S. Sears. Ketchikan (5,202)—J. E. Danielson.


County and Superintendent

Apache—Roland Hamblin, St. Johns. Cochise—Ruby Fulghum, Bisbee. Coconino—Bessie K. Best, Flagstaff. Gila—Jess Hayes, Globe. Graham—Wilford Hamblin, Safford. Greenlee-. Maricopa—John H. Barry, Phoenix. Mohave—Fay Logsdon, Kingman. Navajo—Mary A. Brown, Holbrook. Pima—Mrs. Florence Reece, Tucson. Pinal—Mary C. O’Brien, Florence. Santa Cruz—Cora Everhart, Nogales. Yavapai—Ed Lewis, Prescott. Yuma—Gwyneth Hamm, Yuma.

Urban Place and Superintendent

Ajo* (5,817)—W. M. Dicus. Amphitheater* (12,664) (P. O., Tuc¬

son)—Marion Donaldson. Avondale (2,506) : Elem.—L. F. Coor. Bisbee (3,801)—C. A. Hall. Casa Grande (4,181) :

Elem.—John Bendixen. High—Loren S. Curtis.

Chandler (3,799)—W. G. Austin. Clifton (3,466)—John F. Schlotfeld. Coolidge (4,306)—Jack Belzner. Douglas (9,442)—H. E. Stevenson. Eloy (3,580) : Elem.—Horace J. Ches-

ley. Flagstaff (6,771)—Sturgeon Cromer. Glendale (8,179) :

Elem.—Harold W. Smith. High—Robert W. Ashe.

Globe (6,419)—R. W. Taylor. Kingman* (3,342)—Matt Hanhila. Mesa (16,790)—Harvey L. Taylor. Miami (4,329)—Ivan P. Hostetler. Miller Valley* (2,953) (in Prescott

School District). Morenci* (6,541)—J. II. Fairbanks. Nogales (6,153)—A. J. Mitchell. Pasqua Village-El Rio* (5,466) (in

Tucson School District). Phoenix (106,818) :

Elem.—Loren Vaughn. High—^E. W. Montgomery .

Prescott (6,764)—A. W. Judd. Safford (3,756)—Lafe Nelson.

♦Unincorporated urban place.


Sunny slope* (4,420) : (P. O. Phoenix) : Elem.—H. A. Liem.

Tempe (7,684) ; Elem.—H. M. McKemy, High—F. J, Benedict.

Tolleson (3,042) : Elem.—Kenneth Dyer. High—John K. Herrera.

Tucson (45,454)—Robert D. Morrow. Wakefield* (8,906) (in Tucson School

District). Warren* (2,610) (P. O., Bisbee)—C. A.

Hall. West Yuma* (4,741) (in Yuma School

District). Winslow (6,518)—R. E. Booth. Yuma (9,145) :

Elem.—Pete Woodard. High—Alva Abbott.


County and Superintendent

Arkansas—John H. Martin, DeWitt. Ashley—Marvin Bankston, Hamburg. Baxter—B. B. Foster, Mountain Home. Benton—Lee Measeles, Bentonville. Boone—W. B. Mallard, Harrison. Bradley—Jessie Turner, Warren. Calhoun—Ivey S. Talbot, Hampton. Carroll—Coy Logan, Berryville. Chicot—James M. Hughes, Lake Village. Clark—R. B. Thomasson, Arkadelphia. Clay—L. D. Robinson, Piggott. Cleburne—W. L. Deal, Heber Springs. Cleveland—W. E. Baker, Rison. Columbia-, Magnolia. Conway—Custer Poteet, Morrilton. Craighead— Opal Cooper, Jonesboro. Crawford—I. L. Chrisco, Van Buren. Crittenden—L. H. Polk, Marion. Cross—M. M. Hinesly, Wynne. Dallas—J. G. Griswold, Fordyce. Desha—J. C. Rapp, McGehee. Drew—Clyde T. Ross, Monticello. Faulkner—J. D. Bollen, Conway. Franklin—Fay Jacobs, Ozark. Fulton—R. O. Richardson, Salem. Garland—Roy H. Morgan, Hot Springs. Grant—R. H. Thornton, Sheridan. Greene—E. W. Little, Paragould. Hempstead—E. R. Brown, Hope. Hot Springs—H. H. Overton, Melvern. Howard—Cecil Shuffield, Nashville. Independence—G. H. Moore, Batesville. Izard—Tom Simpson, Melbourne. Jackson—J. G. Albright, Newport. Jefferson—Fred Moore, Pine Bluff. Johnson—Eugene Lee, Clarksville. Lafayette—W. B .Wilson, Lewisville. Lawrence—Revis Casper, Powhatan. Lee—Alma Futrall, Marianna. Lincoln-, Star City. Little River—Herbert Parker, Ashdown. Logan—Mrs. Robin Whitworth, Boone-


Lonoke—Ed Wheat, Lonoke. Madison—Jasper O. Northcutt, Hunts¬

ville. Marion—G. B. Keeter, Yellville. Miller—Wallace A. Ely, Texarkana. Mississippi—John Mayes, Blytheville. Monroe—Harry Torry, Clarendon. Montgomery—Roy Wright, Mt. Ida. Nevada—J. B. Ritchie, Prescott. Newton—Custer Ham, Jasper. Ouachita—Homer L. Anderson, Cam¬

den. Perry—H. C. Loudermilk, Perryville. Phillips—B. A. Sugg, Helena. Pike—Robert Cassady, Murfreesboro. Poinsett—T. L. Smith, Harrisburg. Polk—A. W. Dodson, Mena. Pope—N. H. Bell, Russellville. Prairie—W. E. Castleberry, Des Arc. Pulaski—N. M. Hamilton, Little Rock. Randolph—Earl Smith, Pocahontas. Saline—Joe Lyman, Benton. Scott—Silas Rhoads, Waldron. Searcy—A. J. Keeling, Marshall. Sebastian—O. E. Roberts, Greenwood. Sevier—G. P. Bolding, DeQueen. Sharp—J. A. Carpenter, Evening Shade. St. Francis—W. V. Armstrong, Forest

City. Stone—J. O. Leslie, Mountain View. Union—Horace Williamson, El Dorado. Van Buren—D. E. Bradford, Clinton. Washington—J. R. Kennan, Fayette¬

ville. White—W. E. Orr, Searcy. Woodruff—Mrs. Grace B. Trice, Au¬

gusta. Yell—E. B. Wilson, Danville.

Urban Place and Superintendent

Arkadelphia (6,796)—L. M. Goza. Ashdown (2,741)—C. D. Franks. Batesville (6,371)—Lucian Abraham. Benton (6,263)—Howard Perrin. Bentonville (2,919)—Mrs. G. C. Tinnin. Blytheville (16,221)—W. B. Nicholson. Brinkley (4,126)—C. B. Partee. Camden (11,341)—F. W. Whiteside. Clarendon (2,541)—George W. Pat-

chell. Clarksville (4,350)—A. L. Kendall. Conway (8,546)—Hays Gibson. Cro.ssett (4,614)—Silas D. Snow. Cullendale* (3,220)-. DeQueen (2,987)—Lyal L. Bruce. Dermott (3,601)—W. C. Palmer. DeWitt (2,845)—R. H. Brotherton. Dumas (2,513)—D. W. Gill. El Dorado (23,047)—G. A. Stubblefield. Eudora (3,062)—Hugh L. Smith. Fayetteville (17,024)—Virgil T. Blos¬

som. Fordyce (3,743)—Jack H. Gresham. Forrest City (7,591)—M. S. Smith.

Unincorporated urban place.


Fort Smith (47,864)—J. W. Ramsey. Hamburg (2,648)—S. P. Portis. Harrison (5,545)—R. L. Smith. Helena (11,244) (in Helena-West

Helena School District)—J. F. Wahl. Hope (8,602)—James H. Jones. Hot Springs (29,298)—R. L. Bedwell. Jonesboro (16,260)—Lloyd L. Goff. Little Rock (101,387)—Harry A. Little. Magnolia (6,908)—R. H. Cole. Malvern (8,015)—Charles H. Tietjen. Marianna (4,525)—A. L. Whitten. Marked Tree (2,847)—Wylie G. Key. McGehee (3,875)—J. O. Clark. Mena (4,439)—W. P. Harlan. Monticello (4,498)—Crawford Whaley. Morrilton (5,462)—V. L. Boren. Nashville (3,528)—E. T. Moody. Newport (6,262)—G. E. Castleberry. North Little Rock (42,142)—C. S.

Blackburn. Osceola (5,055)—C. F. Sanders. Paragould (9,660)—Ralph Haizlip. Paris (3,250)—Hal J. Kennamer. Piggott (2,546)—J. B. Swift. Pine Bluff (37,147)—H .F. Dial. Pocahontas (3,829)—J. Marion New¬

man. Prescott (3,958)—J. E. Smith. Rogers (4,951)—B, L. Kirksey. Russellville (8,135)—Wallace Bailey. Searcy (6,002)—Loyal V. Norman. Siloam Springs (3,271)—Wayne H.

White. Springdale (5,836)—J. O. Kelly. Stamps (2,525)—Harry Tolleson. Stuttgart (7,094)—J. D. Clary. Texarkana (15,833)—W. M. Locke. Trumann (3,735)—C. P. Parker. Van Buren (6,399)—Everett R. Kelley. Walnut Ridge (3,102)—A. W. Rain¬

water. Warren (2,599)—P. H. Herring. West Helena (6,090) (in Helena-West

Helena School District). West Memphis (9,087)—Alfred Mad¬

dux. Wynne (4,139)—D. E. Blackmon.


County and Superintendent

Alameda—Vaughn D. Seidel, Oakland. Alpine—Mrs. Gladys Loganbill, Gard-

nerville, Nev. Amador—Charles H. Atkins, Jackson. Butte—Jay E. Partridge, Oroville. Calaveras—Charles F. Schwoerer, San

Andreas. Colusa—Lloyd G. Johnson, Colusa. Contra Costa—Bryan O. Wilson, Mar¬

tinez. Del Norte—Harland McDonald, Cres¬

cent City. El Dorado—Mrs. Juanita H. Emmerson,


Fresno—Walter G. Martin, Fresno. Glenn—E. P. Mapes, Willows. Humboldt—P. F. Woodcock, Eureka. Imperial—Mrs. Ruth A. Kepley, El Cen¬

tro. Inyo—Mrs. Dorothy Clora Cragen, In¬

dependence. Kern—Jesse D. Stockton, Bakersfield. Kings—Gerald Jacobus, Hanford. Lake—W. Rolland Hanson, Lakeport. Lassen—Lucille Gansberg, Susanville. Los Angeles—C. C. Trillingham, Los An¬

geles. Madera—Emerson Bain, Madera. Marin—Wallace W. Hall, San Rafael. Mariposa—Thomas B. Price, Mariposa. Mendocino—John W. Taylor, Ukiah. Merced—George W. Clark, Merced. Modoc—Mrs. Hallie M. Tierney, Altu-

ras. Mono—Miss Heiltje Wolzak, Bridge¬

port. Monterey—Gladys Stone, Salinas. Napa—James B. Riley, Napa. Nevada—Walter A. Carlson, Nevada

City. Orange—Linton T. Simmons, Santa

Ana. Placer—Albert F. Bequette, Auburn. Plumas—Eva Cayot, Quincy. Riverside—Ray Johnson, Riverside. Sacramento—T. R. Smedberg, Sacra¬

mento. San Benito—^William G. Cagney, Hol¬

lister. San Bernardino—C. Burton Thrall, San

Bernardino. San Diego—Cecil D. Hardesty, San

Diego. San Francisco ®—Herbert C. Clish, San

Francisco. San Joaquin—John R. Williams, Stock-

ton. San Luis Obispo—Alvin E. Rhodes, San

Luis Obispo. San Mateo—James R. Tormey, Red¬

wood City. Santa Barbara—Hal D. Caywood, Santa

Barbara. Santa Clara—O. S. Hubbard, San Jose. Santa Cruz—Edith E. Fikes, Santa

Cruz. Shasta—Mrs. Lucy Hunt, Redding. Sierra—Mrs. Laura M. Johnson, Dow-

nieville. Siskiyou—William E. Roberts, Yreka. Solano—Tennant C. McDaniel, Fair-

field. Sonoma—Chares W. Wiggins, Santa

Rosa. Stanislaus—Fred C. Beyer, Modesto. Sutter—Frank E. Willard, Yuba City. Tehama—Joseph C. Rapose, Red Bluff. Trinity—Mrs. Clara E. Van Matre,

Weaver ville.

Combined county and city school district.


Tulare—J. Post Williams, Visalia. Tuolumne—Alan M. Denison, Sonora. Ventura—Dean E. Triggs, Ventura. Yolo—Mrs. Eleanor K. Bandy, Wood¬

land. Yuba—Mrs. Agnes "W. Meade, Marys¬


Urban Place and Superintendent

Alameda (63,425)—D. M. Roderick. Albany (17,545)—Paul C. Bryan. Alhambra (51,284)—G. E. Bettinger. Alisal* (16,759) (in Alisal Union Elem.

District)—Virginia Barton. Alturas (2,812) (in Alpine Elem. Dis¬

trict—Mrs. Hallie M. Tierney). Anaheim (14,522) :

Elem.—Paul W. Cook. High—P. H. Demaree.

Antioch (10,983) (in Antioch-Live Oak Unified School District — H. R. Spiess).

Arcadia (23,041)—NorvellR. Dice. Areata (3,720)—Hugh B. Stewart. Arvin* (5,006)—Elem.—Frederick Am-

mann. Atascadero* (3,879) :

Elem.—Carl J. Tivel. High^—R. D. Gilstrap.

Atherton (3,591) (in Sequoia Union High District—Clyde L. Ogden, Red¬ wood City).

Atwater (2,872) (in Mitchell Union Elem. District—George E. Walston).

Auburn (4,647) : Elem.—E. V. Cain. High (Placer Union)—H. E. Chas¬

tain. Avenal* (3,957)— (in Reef-Sunset

Union Elem. District—Walter Zieg¬ ler).

Azusa (11,072) : Elem.—D. T. Dawe. High (Citrus Union)—G. G. Vani-

man. Bakersfield (34,540) :

Elem.—J. L. Compton. High (Kern County Joint Union) —

T. L. McCuen. Banning (7,022) :

Elem.—Earle B. Powell. High—Earle B. Powell.

Barstow (6,130)—Eli R. Steed. Bay View-Rosebud-Cutten* (2,767)

Humboldt County-. Beaumont (3,143)—William M. Sewell. Bell (15,206) — (In Los Angeles School

District). Belmont (5,548)—Mrs. Mae Nesbit. Benicia (7,275) (in Benicia Unified

School District—Tennant C. Mc¬ Daniel).

Berkeley (113,217)—T. L. Nelson. Beverly Hills (28,915)—R. G. Mitchell. Bishop (2,879) : Elem.—Harold G.


Blythe (4,086) (in Palo Verdi Unified School District—Murrell M. Miller).

Brawley (11,885) : Elem.—George K. Anderson. High—Victor Edney.

Brea (3,215) : Elem.—Vincent E. Jaster. High (Brea-Olinda Union)—F. O.

Hopkins. Buena Park* (5,464) : Elem.—Carl E.

Gilbert. Burbank (78,318)—J. R. Croad. Burlingame (19,817) : Elem.—George V.

White. Calexico (6,402)—Lewis S. Smith. Carlsbad* (4,342) : Elem.—Walter L.

Glines. Carmel-by-the-Sea (4,321) — Stuart

Mitchell. Carmichael* (4,468) (in Arden-Car-

michael School District—Laurel C. Ruff.)

Carpinteria* (2,906) : Elem.—Roger Casier. High—F. J. Greenough.

Chico (12,210)-. Chico-Vecino* (3,955) (in Chico School

District). Chino (5,788)—L. H. Dickey. Chowchilla (3,883) :

Elem.—Merle Fuller. High—Neal Wade.

Chrisman* (4,193)—Ventura County. Chula Vista (15,844) : Elem.—J. C.

Lauderbach. Claremont (6,229)—William C. Gaige. Clovis (2,757) :

Elem.—Glenn D. Reavis. High—W. T. Atkins.

Coachella (2,743) : Elem.—P. H. Pendleton. High—D. G. Brumwell.

Coalinga (5,520) : Elem. (Coalinga-Huron)—H. F.

Bishop. High (Coalinga Union)—James

Bunker. Colton (15,420) :

Elem.—Paul J. Rogers. High—D. H. McIntosh.

Colusa (3,014) : High—George H. Pence.

Compton (47,893) : Elem.—Ardella B. Tibby. High—S. F. McComb.

Concord (6,980) (in Mt. Diablo Unified School District—James W. Dent).

Corcoran (3,103) : Elem.—A. R. Beardsley.

Corning (2,525) : Elem. — Sherman Thompson.

Corona (10,219)—G. M. Kibby. Coronado (12,423)—A. E. Schaefer. Costa Mesa* (11,825) : Elem.—E. A.


^Unincorporated urban place.



Covina (3,968) : Elem,—D. I. Drummond. High—S. B. Shaver.

Culver City (19,646)—J. R. Singer. Daly City (15,111) :

Elem. (Jefferson)—Henry Z. Wei- bel.

High (Jefferson Union)—Stanford Hannah.

Davis (3,557)—Delmer Marshall. Decoto* (2,830) : Elem.—Harold Scho-

enfeld. Delano (8,672) :

Elem.—H. D. Butler. High—H. R. Olson.

Dinuba (4,935)—E. D. Morgan. East Bakersfield* (38,020) — Kern

County. El Cajon (5,418) (in Cajon Valley

Union School District—John A. Montgomery).

El Centro (12,484) : Elem.—Guy A. Weakley. High (Central Union)—Guy A.

Weakley. El Cerrito (18,015) (in Richmond

School District). El Monte (8,103) :

Elem.—Byron E. Thompson. High—B. L. Bergstrom.

El Paso de Robles (4,821) (Paso Robles)—George H. Flamson.

El Segundo (8,009)—R. B. Everly. Emeryville (2,870)—Otis E. Wilson. Escondido (6,608) :

Elem.—C. Delmar Gray. High—A. P. Beleal.

Eureka (22,913)—H. W. Adams. Exeter (4,074) : Elem.—Eugene O. Rice. Fairfax (4,065) ; Elem.—K. M. Forry. Fairfield (3,603) :

Elem.—C. L. Sullivan. High (Armijo Union) — Loren

Wann. Fillmore (3,879) :

Elem.—L. R. Emmert. High—Donovan W. Main.

Ford City* (4,346) (in Taft School District).

Fort Bragg (3,808)—R. V. Lawson. Freedom* (2,752) (in Freedom Union

Elem. District—Edith E. Fikes). Fresno (90,618)—Edwin O. Kratt. Fullerton (13,939) :

Elem,—D. R. Parks. High—T. S. Warburton.

Gardena (14,418) (in Los Angeles School District).

Garden Grove* (3,769) : Elem.—O. A. Peters. High—L. L. Doig.

Gilroy (4,953)—H. B. Long. Glendale (95,398)—N. C. Hayhurst. Glendora (3,992) : Elem.—D. DeVar

Felshaw. Grass Valley (5,257)—W. R. Wilson.

Gridley (3,021) : Elem.—Thomas E. Evans. High—R. W. Guilford.

Grover City-Fair Oaks* (2,782) (in Pis- mo Elementary School District—Mrs. Helen Cruikshanks).

Hanford (9,829)—Wesley Hull. Hawthorne (16,278)—Oliver McCam-

mon. Hayward (14,273) :

Elem.—Jack D. Rees. High—O. B. Paulsen.

Healdsburg (3,184) : Elem.—B. C. Gibbs. High—E. B. Christensen.

Hemet (3,371)—Jacob F. Wiens. Hermosa Beach (11,766) : Elem.—Wiley

K. Peterson. Hillsborough (3,519) (P. O. San Ma¬

teo) : Elem.—Carlisle Kramer. Hollister (4,890) :

Elem.—C. C. Trimble. High (San Benito County)—A. S.

Cakebread. Huntington Beach (5,258) :

Elem.—J. R. Peterson. High—R. M. Elliott.

Huntington Park (29,376) (in Los An¬ geles School District).

Indio (5,281)—Rex Johnson. Inglewood (46,046) :

Elem.—Theo. J. Norby. High (Centinela Valley Union) —

H. F. Heisner. Laguna Beach (6,188)—A. M. Davis. La Habra (4,974) : Elem.—C. J.

Brower. La Loma Airport* (7,864)—Stanislaus

County. La Mesa (10,908) — (in La Mesa-Spring

Valley School District—Elem.—Glenn E. Murdock.)

Lamont* (3,561) (in Mountain View School District).

Lancaster* (3,566) : Elem.—C. K. Boswell. High—Roy A. Knapp.

Larkspur (2,905) ; Elem.—Neil N. Cum¬ mins.

La Sierra* (3,826) (in Alvord Elem. School District—Ray W. Johnson).

La Verne (4,210) : Elem.—J. M. Roynon. High (Bonita Union)—R. E.

Walker. Lindsay (5,033)—C. A. Castle. Livermore (4,262) :

Elem.—J. P. Mitchell. High—R. T. Wattenburger.

Lodi (13,727)—Leroy Nichols. Lompoc (5,514)—David M. Florell. Long Beach (244,072)—D. A. Newcomb. Los Angeles (1,957,692)—A. J. Stod¬


♦Unincorporated urban place.


Los Banos (3,882) : Elem.—R. M. Miano. High (Westside Union)—L. J.

Spindt. Los Gatos (4,880) :

Elem.—Raymond J. Fisher. High—Prentiss Brown.

Lynwood (25,534)-. Madera (10,428) :

Elem.—Harvey Hood. High—L. C. Thompson.

Manhattan Beach (17,278)—F. A. Begg. Manteca (3,807) :

Elem.—A. Neil Hafley. Union High—J. L. Blanchard.

Martinez (8,216) : Elem.—Willard B. Knowles. High (Alhambra Union)—Willard

B. Knowles. Marysville (7,777) :

Elem.—John H. Palmer. High—Pedro Osiina.

Maywood (13,193) (in Los Angeles School District).

Menlo Park (13,527) : Elem.—M. J. Homfeld.

Merced (15,144) : Elem.—W. M. Smith. High—F. H. Poytress.

Millbrae (8,858) : Elem.—Earl R. Kuhn. Mill Valley (7,241) :

Elem.—R. M. Langesen. High (Tamalpais Union)—W. H.

Van Dyke. Modesto (17,347)—J. H. Corson. Monrovia (20,274) :

Elem.—D. M. Lydell. High (Monrovia-Duarte Union) —

S. C. McClintic. Montebello (21,754)—J. C. Whinnery. Monterey (16,120)—Glen T. Goodwill. Monterey Park (20,113) (in Alhambra

School District). Mountain View (6,548) :

Elem.—Kenneth N'. Slater. High—C. R. Crooke.

Mulberry* (2,537)—Butte County. Napa (13,542):

Elem.—H. M. McPherson. High—H. M. McPherson.

National City (21,132) : Elem.—James H. Rush. High (Sweetwater Union)—John

M. McDonald. Needles (4,040)—Kollin C. Fox. Newhall* (2,517) :

Elem.—Glenn A. Riddlebarger. High—(Wm. S. Hart Union)—I. A.

Schimmin. Newport Beach (12.220) :

Elem.—H. O. Ensign. High (Newport Harbor Union) —

Sidney H. Davidson. North Modesto* (5,039) (in Modesto

School District). North Sacramento (6,016) : Elem.—

F. K. Robinson.

Novato* (3,504) : Elem.—W. J. Smith. Oakdale (4,060) :

Elem.—B. W. Gripenstraw. High—C. W. Royse.

Oakland (380,576)—Selmer H. Berg. Ocean.side (Oceanside-Libby Union)

(12,880) : Elem.—Ben F. Fugate. High (Oceanside-Carlsbad-Union)

—F. M. Chase, Jr. Oildale* (16,616) : Standard Elem.—

Bryce Rathbun. Ojai (2,512) (in Nordhoff Union School

District) : Elem.—Albert A. Herman. High—R. H. Drewes.

Olivehurst* (3,564) : Elem.—Walter Swanson.

Ontario (22,823) : Elem.—Homer F. Briggs. High (Chaffney Union)—D. B.

Milliken. Orange (10,053):

Elem.—Don S. Danner. High—Harold Kibby.

Oroville (5,345) : Elem.—C. A. Fylling. High—J. C. Nisbet.

Oxnard (21,519) : Elem.—Richard Clowes. High—L. A. Wiemers.

Pacific Grove (9,573)—T. R. Turner. Palm Springs (25,290)—A. G. Hoff. Palo Alto (25,290)—H. M. Gunn. Paradise* (4,413)—E. J. Lindstrom. Pasadena (104,087)—Frank R. Walkup. Petaluma (10,390)—D. E. Twist. Piedmont (10,121)—T. L. Bystrom. Pittsburg (12,662)—Charles E. Ha¬

worth. Placerville (3,726) :

Elem.—L. D. Bullard. High (El Dorado County)— R. R.

Lichty. Pleasant Hills* (5,397) (in Mt. Diablo

Unified School District—James W. Dent, Concord).

Pomona (35,157)—LeRoy Allison. Porterville (6,857).:

Elem.—H. S. Beard. High—C. W. Easterbrook.

Port Hueneme (3,025) : Elem.—Ansgar Larsen.

Red Bluff (4,885) : Elem.—W. M. Metteer. High—Jack Martin.

Redding (10,137) : Elem.—Siebert Stephens. High (Shasta Union)—Jackson

Price. Redlands (18,411)—Ross B. Speer. Redondo Beach (25,208) :

Elem.—H. P. McCandless. High (South Bay Union)—W. E.


'Unincorporated urban place.


Redwood City (25,342) : Elem.—Andrew Spinas, High (Sequoia Union)—Clyde L.

Ogden. Reedley (4,133) :

Elem.—Theo. R. Nickel. High—Leo Wolf son.

Rialto (3,148) : Elem.—John H. Milor. Richmond (99,218)—George D. Miner. Riverbank (2,660) ; Elem.—B. H.

Mabie. Riverside (46,399)—Bruce Miller. Roseville (8,715) :

Elem.—G. H. Linsley. High—G. N. Arlett.

Rupert* (4,506)—Yuba County. Sacramento (135,761) — William J.

Burkhard. Salinas—(13,895)—J. P. Ching. San Anselmo (9,177) : Elem.—K. M.

Forry. San Bernardino (62,792)—P. Eugene

Mueller. San Bruno (12,409) : Elem.—W. R.

Engvall. San Carlos (14,339) : Elem.—Ruth Me-

lendy, San Diego (321,485)—W. C. Crawford. San Fernando (12,858) (in Los Angeles

School District). San Francisco® (760,753)—H. C. Clish San Gabriel (20,204: Elem.—Law¬

rence White. Sanger (6,376) :

Elem.—Rex Tyner. High—Rex Tyner.

San Jose (95,044)—Earle P. Crandall. San Leandro (27,498) : Elem.—Clar¬

ence Burrell. San Luis Obispo (14,162)—J. N. Regier. San Marino (11,199) : Elem.—Elmer C.

Neher. San Mateo (41,536) :

Elem.—Walter A. Jack. High—T. P. Reynolds.

San Pablo (14,511: Elem.—E. A. Palmer.

San Rafael (13,830)—O. R. Hartzell. Santa Ana (45,534)—L. H. Crawford. Santa Barbara (44,764)—E. W. Jacob¬

sen. Santa Clara (11,668)—B. R. Buscher. Santa Cruz (21,848)—H. H. Cornick. Santa Maria (10,403) :

Elem.—Robert Bruce. High—A. C. Van Wyk.

Santa Monica (71,299)—W. S. Briscoe. Santa Paula (11,039) :

Elem.—Raymond E. Denlay. High—Freeman M. Eakin.

Santa Rosa (17,905)—L. K. Wood. Sausalito (4,812) : Elem.—Clifton L.

Boyle. Seal Beach (3,558)—J. H. McGaugh.

Seaside* (10,251) (in Monterey School District).

Sebastopol (2,611) : Elem. — G. L. Glocey.

Selma (5,938) : Elem.—J. F. Parks. High—Charles O. Blayney.

Shell Point* (4,683) (in Mount Diablo Unified School District).

Sierra Madre (7,288) : Elem.—C. A. Skutt.

Signal Hill (4,059) (in Long Beach School District).

South Bakersfield* (12,124) (in Bakers¬ field School District).

South Gate (50,684) (in Los Angeles School District).

South Modesto-River Road* (4,672) (in Modesto School District).

South Pasadena (16,950)—Laurence Harper.

South San Francisco (19,250)—J. C. Cherry.

South Taft* (2,912) (in Taft School District).

Stockton (71,660)—Nolan Pulliam. Sunnyvale (9,849) :

Elem.—Stanley B. Ellis. High (Fremont Union)—A. C. Ste¬

vens, Jr. Susanville (5,320) :

Elem.—Homer Edgecomb. High (Lassen Union)—L. V. Green-

leaf. Taft (3,678) :

Elem.—Milton G. Ross. High—Eugene M. Johnston.

Torrance (22,206)—J. H. Hull. Tracy (8,455) :

Elem.—Wendell H. Russell. High—W. W. Crow.

Tulare (12,367) : Elem.—J. D. Laird. High—D. F. Cartwright.

Turlock (6,221) : Elem.—Robert Lee. Twin Lakes-Delmar* (6,680) (in Live

Oak Elem. School District—Frank A. Bricker).

Ukiah (6,135) : Elem.—Frank F. Zeek. High—W. A. Chessall.

Upland (9,166) : Elem.—H. W. Cook. Vacaville (3,159) :

Elem. (Vaca Valley Union)—Ken¬ neth Glines.

High—L. E. Williams. Vallejo (23,164)—Paul E. Crabb. Ventura (16,535) :

Elem.—J. W. Lawson. High—J. B. Crossley.

Victorville* (3,264) : Elem.—H. S. Irwin. High (Victor Valley Union)—M. J.


® Combined county and city school district. 'Unincorporated urban place.


Visalia (11,690)—H. D. Bell. Watsonville (11,516)—L. L. Jones. Weed* (2,744) : Elem.—Leno Lenzi. Wesco (5,580) : Elem.—K. F. Clemens, West Covina (4,524) : Elem.—C. S,

Thyberg. Westminster* (3,122)—Richard F. Har¬

ris. West Riverside* (3,789)—E. A. Miller. Westwood* (3,627)—J. C. Lucas. Whittier (23,866) :

Elem.—Fred W. Bewley. High—C. H. Wennerberg.

Willits (2,680)—Fred R. Leonard. Willows (2,988) : Elem.—Maybert A.

Brush. Woodlake (2,512) : Elem.—F. J. White. Woodland (9,318)—W. K. Cobb. Yreka City (3,139) :

Elem.—Robert B. Reynolds. High (Siskiyou Joint Union)—J. E.

Hurley. Yuba City (7,856) :

Elem.—Shirley Powers. High—Chester D. Winship.


County and Superintendent

Adams—Mrs. Bertha Heid, Brighton. Alamosa—Mrs. Mabel O’Laughlin, Ala¬

mosa. Arapahoe—Beulah L. Davies, Littleton. Archuleta—Mrs. Rachel Tichner, Pa-

gosa Springs. Baca—Mrs. Eva Acre, Springfield. Bent—Mrs. Hazel L. Martin, Las Ani¬

mas. Boulder—O. L. Dever, Boulder. Chaffee—Mrs. Bessie M. Shewalter,

Salida. Cheyenne—Mrs. Cecile G. McClaskey,

Cheyenne Wells. Clear Creek—Dorothy Carlson, Idaho

Springs. Conejos—Robert Montano, Antonito. Costilla—Polito Martinez, Jr., San Luis. Crowley—William Broadbent, Ordway. Custer—Frances E. Kettle, Westcliffe. Delta—Martha Savage, Delta. Denver—LeRoy Fisher, Denver. Dolores—M. Anna Engel, Rico. Douglas—Mrs. Elizabeth Ann Bean,

Castle Rock. Eagle—Mrs. Jeanette Buchholz, Eagle. Elbert—Mrs. Esther D. Carson, Kiowa. El Paso—Mrs. Lucy S. Perry, Colorado

Springs. Fremont—Mrs. M. Adella Archer,

Canon City. Garfield—Mrs. Alma M. Harris, Glen-

wmod Springs. Gilpin—Mrs. Nora L. Scott, Central

City. Grand—Mrs. Harriet C. Dolloff, Hot

Sulphur Springs.

Gunnison—Mrs. Emma L. Hards, Gun¬ nison.

Hinsdale—Mrs. Carolyn Wright, Lake City.

Huerfano—Frances Nelson, Walsen- burg.

Jackson—Mrs. Eva Meriette, Walden. Jefferson—Mrs. Mariam Martensen,

Golden. Kiowa—Florence Morris, Eads. Kit Carson—Mrs. Willa Zick, Burling¬

ton. Lake—Elizabeth Cavanaugh, Leadville. La Plata—Mrs. Vivian J. Maxwell, Du¬

rango. Larimer—Frank L. Irwin, Fort Collins. Las Animas—Harry Raye, Trinidad. Lincoln—Mrs. Irene Hamling, Hugo. Logan—Mrs. Janet E. Grauberger,

Sterling. Mesa—Mrs. Lucile Mahannah, Grand

Junction. Mineral—Wesley A, Brown, Creede. Moffat—Henry E. Steele, Craig. Montezuma—Mrs. Lotta W. Manaugh,

Cortez. Montrose—Mrs. Rosella Wallis, Mont¬

rose. Morgan—Marian Lockwood, Fort Mor¬

gan. Otero—Ruth R. Lytle, La Junta. Ouray—Mrs. Barbara Spencer, Ouray. Park—Mrs. Mary Horine Snell, Fair-

play. Phillips—Mrs. Earlean F. Jung, Hol¬

yoke. Pitkin—Mrs. Lettie Lee Brand, Aspen. Powers—Mrs. Nan S. Creaghe, Lamar. Pueblo—Stanley A. Leftwich, Pueblo. Rio Blanco—Mrs. Joyce Proctor,

Meeker. Rio Grande—Mrs. Mary M. Stone,

Monte Vista. Routt—Vivien Maxwell, Steamboat

Springs. Saguache—Mrs. Lulu K. Bell, Center. San Juan—Mrs. Frances S. Beaber,

Silverton. San Miguel—Irene Wichmann, Tellu-

ride. Sedgwick—Veta Stalcup, Julesburg. Summit—Mrs. Lilias P. Stafford, Breck-

enridge. Teller—Mrs. Loretta S. Davis, Cripple

Creek. Washington — Mrs. Phyllis Roderick

Guy, Alcron. Weld—Paul Lodwick, Greeley. Yuma—Herbert Oman, Wray.

Urban Place and Superintendent

Alamosa (5,342)—E. F. Evans. Aurora (11,396)—William Hinklev. Boulder (19,916)—Natt B. Burbank.

♦ Unincorporated urban place.


Brighton (4,326)—Walter L. Vikan. Canon City (6,313)—Ralph Monell. Colorado Springs (45,268)—Roy J. Was

son. Cortez (2,651) :

Elem.—Vincil S. Lester. High—(Montezuma County)—Vin¬

cil S. Lester. Craig (3,075) :

Elem.—John A. Gilchrist. High (Moffat County)—John A

Gilchrist. Delta (4,007)—Clarence Snyder. Denver (412,856)—Kenneth A. Ober-

holtzer. Derby* * (2,851) (in Westminster School

District—W. B. Fitzsimmons). Durango (7,437)—W. A. Ganode. Edgewater (2,590) (in .Jefferson County

School District—Paul C. Stevens). Englewood (16,619)—Ralph L. Jenkins. Florence (2,765)—William F. Chollar. Fort Collins (14,932)—David B. Lesher. Fort Morgan (5,292)—Carl B. Franzen. Golden (5,176) (in Jefferson County

School District). Grand Junction (14,4.54) (in Mesa

County Valley School District)—I. K. Boltz.

Greeley (20,286)—Leslie K. Grimes. Gunnison (2,729) :

Elem.—Harold C. Jeffrey. High—(Gunnison County—Harold

C. Jeffrey). Ivy wild* (2,838) (in Colorado Springs

School District). Knob Hill* (3,594) (in Colorado Springs

School District). La Junta (7,679)—Philip Rule. Lamar (7,715)—Alfred Young. Las Animas (3,229) :

Elem.—Elmer Burkhard. High (Bent County)—Elmer Burk-

hard. Leadville (4,078)—Joseph C. Weber. Littleton (3,370)—A. A. Brown. Longmont (8,061)—Kent Sanborn. Loveland (6,759)—B. F. Kitchen. Manitou Springs (2,574)—W. W. Bundy. Monte Vista (3,262)—Carl Brumfield. Montrose (4,848) :

Elem.—Philip S. Pratt. High (Montrose County—Hugh O.

Summers. Pueblo (63,.561)—Charles H. Davis. Rocky Ford (4,079)—L. V. Simmons. Salida (4,516)—L. A. Barrett. South Boulder* (3,804) (in Boulder

School District). Sterling (7,470) :

Elem.—R. J. Carroll. High (Logan County)—R. J. Car-

roll. Trinidad (12,206)—Gerald L. Smith. Walsenburg (5,567)—High (Huerfano

County)—Merle Chase.


Superintendent of Supervisory District ^

Charles H. Abell, New Haven. Arthur P. Bixby, Putnam. R. Daniel Chubbuck, Willimantic. George E. Graff, Rockville. R. Vernon Hays, Danielson. Eric A. Hirst, Waterbury. Frank H. Johnston, New Milford. A. Kurtz King, Deep River. Raymond A. Lumley, Bridgeport. F. J. Penley, Unionville. John C. Reilly, Willimantic. Bernard W. Schneider, Winsted. Wilmer L. Schultz, Canaan. Willis H. Umberger, Norwich. Merle B. Woodmansee, Warehouse


Urban Place and Superintendent

[In this State the basic unit of school administration is the town. In most instances the boundary lines of the city are coterminous with those of the town school district in which it is located. Other cities and unincorporated urban places are located in town school dis¬ tricts which contain additional terri¬ tory.]

Ansonia (18,711)—John J. Stevens. Bethel* (3,930) (in Bethel Town—

Ralph M. T. Johnson). Branford (2,542) (in Branford

Towm—Raymond E. Pinkham). Bridgeport (159,352)—Joseph E. Jef-

rey. Bristol (35,873)—Karl A. Reiche. Danbury (22,424) (in Danbury

Town—Walter B. Sweet). Danielson (4,545) (in Killingly Town). Derby (10,264)—James L. O’Hara. Groton (6,990) (in Groton Town—

S. B. Butler). Hartford (177,073)—Robert H. Black. Jewett City (3,699) (in Griswold

Town—Jo.seph P. Lojko). Leetes Island-Sachem Head* (2,551)

(in Guilford Town—Adelbert W. Cox).

Meriden (43,747)—Malcolm Rogers. Middletown (29,665)—John W. Good¬

rich. Moosup* (2,986) (in Plainfield Town—

Leonard G. Palopoli). Naugatuck (17,463)—Harold E. Chit¬


*Unincorporated urban place. * Supervisory districts in Connecticut do

not have permanent numbers or other desig¬ nation, hence no number or name is applied to them here. Each supervisory district is composed of a number of town school dis¬ tricts which do not employ a superintendent.


New Britain (73,663)—Ernest Forbes. New Haven (163,344)—Justine L.

O’Brien. New London (30,367)—John C. Albolim. New Milford* (2,662) (in New Milford

Town—Weldon R. Knox). Norwalk (49,458)—H. K. Idleman. Norwich (23,382) (in Norwich Town—

Thomas W. Mahan). Norwichtown* (2,909) (in Norwich

Town). Pawcatuk* (5,263) (in Stonington

Town—T. Allen Crouch). Portland-Gildersleeve* (3,968) (in

Portland Town—Creighton F. Ma- goun).

Putnam (8,165) (in Putnam Town— Albert J. Murphy).

Rockville (8,020) (in Vernon Town— Arthur E. Chatterton).

Seymour* (5,346) (in Seymour Town—Herman F. Urban).

Shelton (12,384)—Percy Kingsley. Southington* (5,948) (in Southington

Town—William M. Strong). Stafford Springs (3,390) (in Stafford

Town—Earl M. Witt). Stamford (73,583)—Reginald A. Neu-

wien. Taftville* (3,675) (in Norwich Town). Thamesville* (5,518) (in Norwich

Town). Thompsonville* (9,613) (in Enfield

Town—Karl D. Lee). Torrington (27,770)—.John F. IMurphy. Wallingford (11,943) (in Wallingford

Town—William H. Curtis). Waterbury (104,242)—John G. Gil-

martin. Willimantic (13,565) (in Windham

Town—George R. Champlin). Winsted (8,729) (in Winchester

Town—Frank D. Lawler).


(No County Superintendents)

Urban Place and Superintendent

Dover (6,322)—David M. Green. Elsmere (5,351)—Austin D. Baltz. Laurel (2,689)—Charles P. Helm. Lewes (2,891)—George H. Keen. Milford (5,179)—Ramon C. Cobbs. Newark (6,701)—Wilmer E. Shue. New Castle (5,399) — Joseph R.

Kleckner. Seaford (3,079)—Kenneth C. Madden. AVilmington (109,907)—Ward I. Miller.


Washington (797,670)—H o b a r t M. Corning.

♦Unincorporated urban place.


County and Superintendent

Alachua—Paul E. Peters, Gainesville. Baker—Edgar Crawford, Macclenny. Bay—Thos. Smith, Panama City. Bradford—Harmon P. Morgan, Starke. Brevard—Woodrow Darden, Titusville. Broward—O. K. Phillips, Fort Lauder¬

dale. Calhoun—Lewis Bailey, Blountstown. Charlotte—Homer Jones, Punta Gorda. Citrus—Roger Weaver, Inverness. Clay—Harrison Long, Green Cove

Springs. Collier—W. D. Reynolds, Everglades. Columbia—Albert Rumph, Lake City. Dade—W. R. Thomas, Miami. De Soto—Charles Weaver, Arcadia. Dixie—Leroy Locks, Cross City. Duval—Mrs. Iva Sprinkle, Jacksonville. Escambia—W. J. Woodham, Jr., Pensa¬

cola. Flagler—Mrs. Donnella D. Chastain,

Bunnell. Franklin—John Moore, Apalachicola. Gadsden—Maxie Walker, Quincy. Gilchrist—G. C. Roberts, Trenton. Glades—Velton Walters, Moore Haven. Gulf—T. A. Owens, Wewahitchka. Hamilton—Walter Wilkinson, Jasper. Hardee—H. B. Dominick, Wauchula. Hendry—Agnes Y. Thomas, La Belle. Hernando—Louis Fisher, Brooksville. Highlands—F. M. Wild, Sebring. Hillsborough—J. Crockett F a r n e 11,

Tampa. Holmes—Fred Johnson, Bonifay. Indian River—J. A. Thompson, Vero

Beach. Jackson—J. D. Milton, Marianna. Jefferson—Desmond Bishop, Monticello. Lafayette—L. R. McCallum, Mayo. Lake—C. A. Vaughn, Jr., Tavares. Lee—Ray Tipton, Fort Myers. Leon—Amos P. Godby, Tallahassee. Levy—A. E. Mikell, Bronson. Liberty—W. Olin Shuler, Bristol. Madison—Griffin Bishop, Madison. Manatee—J. H. Blackburn, Bradenton. Marion—Broward Lovell, Ocala. Martin—John W. Martin, Stuart. Monroe—Horace O’Bryant, Key West. Nassau—J. T. Weisner, Fernandina. Okaloosa—Lance Richbourg, Crestview. Okeechobee—Carl Durrance, Okeecho¬

bee. Orange—Judson B. Walker, Orlando. Osceola—James C. Tyson, Kissimmee. Palm Beach—Howell L. Watkins, West

Palm Beach. Pasco—Mark St. Clair, Dade City. Pinellas—F. T. Christian, Clearwater. Polk—Claude M. Harden, Bartow. Putnam—W. M, Thomas, Palatka,


St. Johns—J. A. Crookshank, St. Augustine.

St. Lucie—D. C. Huskey, Fort Pierce. Santa Rosa—C. F. Morris, Milton. Sarasota—Carl Strode, Sarasota. Seminole—R. T. Milwee, Sanford. Sumter—Broward Miller, Bushnell. Suwannee—Henry Folsom, Live Oak. Taylor—A. H. Wentworth, Perry. Union—T. S. Thomas, Lake Butler. Volusia—George W. Marks, De Land. Wakulla—C. L. Townsend, Crawford-

ville. Walton—J. F. Bludworth, De Funiak

Springs. Washington—William McFatter, Chip-


Urban Places ®

Apalachicola (3,197)—Franklin County. Arcadia (4,770)—De Soto County. Auburndale (3,769)—Polk County. Avon Park (4,639)—Highlands County. Bartow (8,675)—Polk County. Belle Glade (6,889)—Palm Beach

County. Bond-South City* * (4,619)—Leon

County. Boynton Beach (2,534)—Palm Beach

County. Bradenton (13,609)—Manatee County. Brownsville-Brent-Gaulding* (20,356) —

Escambia County. Chattahoochee (8,466) — Gadsden

County. Chipley (2,940)—Washington County. Clearwater (15,535)—Pinellas County. Cocoa (3,538)—Brevard County. Coral Gables (19,668)—Dade County. Crestview (4,986)—Okaloosa County. Dade City (3,792)—Pasco County. Dania (4,531)—Broward County. Daytona Beach (29,254)—Volusia

County. De Funiak Springs (3,065)—Walton

County. De Land (8,536)—Volusia County. Delray Beach (6,264)—Palm Beach

County. Dunedin (3,162)—Pinellas County. Eustis (4,011) —Lake County. Fernandina (4,388)—Nassau County. Fort Lauderdale (36,000)—Broward

County. Fort Meade (2,801)—Polk County. Fort Myers (13,145)—Lee County. Fort Pierce (13,418)—St. Lucie County. Gainesville (26,577)—Alachua County. Green Cove Springs (3,283)—Clay

County. Gulfport (3,699)—Pinellas County. Haines City (5,620)—Polk County.

6 The schools of the cities are a part of the school systems of the counties in which they are located.

*Unincorporated urban place.

Hallandale (3,863)—Broward County. Hialeah (19,742)—Dade County. Holly Hill (3,186)—Volusia County. Hollywood (14,135)—Broward County. Homestead (4,554)—Dade County. Jacksonville (203,404)—Duval County. Jacksonville Beach (6,242)—Duval

County. Key West (21,724)—Monroe County. Kissimmee (4,329)—Oseola County. Lake City (7,469)—Columbia County. Lakeland (30,846)—Polk County. Lake Wales (6,802)—Polk County. Lake Worth (11,714)—Palm Beach

County. Leesburg (7,365)—Lake County. Live Oak (4,048)—Suwannee County. Madison (3,150)—Madison County. Marianna (5,830)—Jackson County. Melbourne (4,188)—Brevard County. Miami (246,983)—Dade County. Miami Beach (45,541)—Dade County. Miami Shores (5,008)—Dade County. Miami Springs (5,099)—Dade County. Mount Dora (3,039)—Lake County. New Smyrna Beach (5,747)—Volusia

County. North Miami (10,721)—Dade County. Ocala (11,588)—Marion County. Opalocka (5,191)—Dade County. Orlando (51,826)—Orange County. Ormond (3,350)—Volusia County. Pahokee (4,476)—Palm Beach County. Palatka (9,172)—Putnam County. Palm Beach (3,865) —Palm Beach

County. Palmetto (4,099)—Manatee County. Panama City (26,248)—Bay County. Pensacola (43,293)—Escambia County. Perrine (2,854)—Dade County. Perry (2,787)—Taylor County. Pinellas Park (2,895)—Pinellas County. Plant City (9,208)—Hillsborough

County. Pompano Beach (5,708)—Broward

County. Port St. Joe (2,747)—Gulf County. Quincy (6,586)—Gadsden County. Riviera Beach (4,027)—Palm Beach

County. St. Augustine (13,418)—St. Johns

County. St. Cloud (2,988)—Osceola County. St. Petersburg (95,712)—Pinellas

County. Sanford (11,742)—Seminole County. Sarasota (18,705)—Sarasota County. Sebring (4,902)—Highlands County. South Miami (4,827)—Dade County. Starke (2,901)—Bradford County. Stuart (2,892)—Martin County. Tallahassee (27,158) Leon County. Tampa (124,073)—Hillsborough Coun¬

ty. Tarpon Springs (4,309)—Pinellas Coun¬



Titusville (2,590)—Brevard County. Vero Beach (4,750)—Indian River

County. Warrington* (12,964)—E s c a m b i a

County. Wancluila (2,857)—Hardee County. Westgate* (3,302)—Palm Beach Coun¬

ty. West Miami (3,892)—Dade County. West Palm Beach (43,053) —Palm

Beach County. Winter Garden (3,501)—Orange

County. Winter Haven (8,263)—Polk County. Winter Park (8,219)—Orange County.


County and Superintendent

Appling—Joe Pritchard, Baxley. Atkinson—Dan W. Lott, Pearson. Bacon—D. M. D. Tyre, Alma. Baker—H. E. Hall, Newton. Baldwin—Roy F. Lawrence, Milledge-

ville. Banks—C. L. Tucker, Homer. Barrow—J. O. McNeal, Winder. Bartow—L. A. McArthur, Cartersville. Ben Hill—J. C. Hunter, Fitzgerald. Berrien—W. H. Powell, Nashville. Bibb—Mark Smith, Macon. Bleckley—W. B. Brady, Cochran. Brantley—H. W. Herrin, Nahunta. Brooks—Burney Humphreys, Quitman. Bryan—F. C. Drexel, Pembroke. Bulloch—H. P. Wommack, Statesboro. Burke—A. H. Gnann, Waynesboro. Butts—F. C. Hearn, Jackson. Calhoun—Mrs. H. T. Singleton, Edison. Camden—Mary Lee Clark, Kingsland. Candler—Fred L. Miles, Metter. Carroll—J. H. McGiboney, Carrollton. Catoosa—John Emberson, Ringgold. Charlton—W. S. Smith, Folkston. Chatham—Wm. A. Early, Savannah. Chattahoochee—G. W. King, Cusseta. Chattooga—C. B. Aiken, Summerville. Cherokee—Mrs. Glenn Brady, Canton. Clarke—W. R. Coile, Athens. Clay—W. W. King, Fort Gaines. Clayton—Ware Callaway, Jonesboro. Clinch—Mrs. S. C. Patterson, Homer-

ville. Cobb—W. P. Sprayberry, Marietta. Coffee—E. M. Thompson, Douglas. Colquitt—Ray C. Bryant, Moultrie. Columbia—John P. Blanchard, Appling. Cook—F. M. Hughes, Adel. Coweta—Wilkins Smith, Newman. Crawford—C. P. Maddox, Roberta. Crisp—W. F. Smith, Cordele. Dade—Roy Moore, Trenton. Dawson—Mrs. G. D. Castleberry, Daw-


♦Unincorporated urban place.


Decatur—W. L. Lamb, Bainbridge. DeKalb—Jim Cherry, Decatur. Dodge—M. W. Tripp, Eastman. Dooly—A. E. Bush, Vienna. Dougherty—J. J. Cordell, Albany. Douglas—J. W. Shadix, Douglasville. Early—R. K. Sites, Blakely. Echols—J. E. Culpepper, Lake Park. Effingham—E. B. Mingledorff, Spring-

field. Elbert—Prince A. Hodgson, Elberton. Emanuel—W. O. Phillips, Swainsboro. Evans—George T. Durrence, Claxton. Fannin—Travis L. Guthrie, Blue Ridge. Fayette—F. A. Sams, Fayetteville. Floyd—R. H. Miller, Rome. Forsyth—A. R. Housley, Gumming. Franklin—Jessie Strickland, Carnes-

ville. Fulton—Paul West, Atlanta. Gilmer—Bryan Parks, ElUjay. Glascock—T. G. Kent, Gibson. Glynn—R. E. Hood, Brunswick. Gordon—W. L. Ashworth, Calhoun. Grady—Lloyd Connell, Cairo. Greene—F. T. Corry, Siloam. Gwinnett—R. C. Wilbank, Lawrence-

ville. Habersham—L. E. Nichols, Clarksville. Hall—H. G. Jarrard, Gainesville. Hancock—Mrs. Lillie Chamlee, Sparta. Haralson—Ernest Goldin, Buchanan. Harris—Zade Kenimer, Hamilton. Hart—W. A. Moss, Hartwell. Heard—N. A. Rogers, Franklin. Henry—Harold Turpin, McDonough. Houston—L. W. Tabor, Perry. Irwin—Mrs. W. Jack Willis, Ocilla. Jackson—Pitman Carter, Jefferson. Jasper—Gibson Ezell, MonticeUo. Jeff Davis—G. W. Beal, Hazelhurst. Jefferson—O. G. Lancaster, Louisville. Jenkins—C. B. Landrum, Millen. Johnson—Bob Hollis, Wrightsville. Jones—W. E. Knox, Gray. Lamar—W. Q. Gresham, BarnesviUe. Lanier—J. W. Threatte, Lakeland. Laurens—L. H. Cook, Dublin. Lee—H. T. Kearse, Leesburg. Liberty—Mrs. Jordye Bacon, Hinesville. Lincoln—Mrs. J. L. Colvin, Lincolnton. Long—Mary D. Gordon, Ludowici. Lowndes—James L. Dewar, Valdosta. Lumpkin—Fred Butler, Dahlonega. McDuffie—Louise Fluker, Thompson. McIntosh—Mrs. Lucy B. Pattillo, Dar¬

ien. • Macon—W. H. Martin, Oglethorpe. Madison—J. K. Brookshire, Daniels-

ville. Marion—A. J. Benson, Buena Vista. Meriwether—E. C. Mitcham, Greenville. Miller—Mrs. W. A. Grow, Colquitt. Mitchell—E. B. Hilliard, Camilla. Monroe—J. H. Clark, Forsyth. Montgomery—Paul Calhoun, Mount



Morgan—Custer Crawford, Madison. Murray—Ray Bagley, Chatsworth. Muscogee—W. Henry Shaw, Columbus. Newton—E. L. Ficquett, Covington. Oconee—B. C. Hogan, Watkinsville. Oglethorpe—B. E. Faust, Lexington. Paulding^J. C. Scroggins, Dallas. Peach—E. R. Anderson, Port Valley. Pickens—T. W. Holley, Jasper. Pierce—Duncan R. James, Patterson. Pike—Harold T. Daniel, Zebulon. Polk—Kankakee Anderson, Cedartown. Pulaski—Troy Hill, Hawkinsville, Putnam—D. T. Turner, Eatonton. Quitman—Frances K. House, George¬

town. Rabun—Berry Floyd, Clayton. Randolph—J. D. Shepherd, Cuthbert. Richmond—Roy E. Rollins, Augusta. Rockdale—C. E. Rich, Conyers. Schley—Raymond Duncan, Ellaville. Screven—J. K. Boddiford, Sylvania. Seminole—N. P. Malcolm, Donaldson-

ville. Spalding—B. C. Olliff, Griffin. Stephens—W. J. Andrews, Toccoa. Stewart—J. W. Richardson, Lumpkin. Sumter—R. H. Comer, Americus. Talbot—Mrs. G. L. Carter, Talbotton. Taliaferro—E. T. Portwood, Crawford-

ville. Tattnall—R. E. Kicklighter, Reidsville. Taylor—Herman Elliston, Butler. Telfair—Mrs. Evelyn C. Tharp, McRae. Terrell—Robert Pinkston, Dawson. Thomas—^W. H. Rehberg, Thomasville. Tift—H. B. Allen, Tifton. Toombs—J. B. Partin, Lyons. Towns—Ray Nicholson, Hiawassee. Treutlen—Mrs. Clifford Thigpen, So¬

per ton. Troup—R. S. Clark, La Grange. Turner—E. R. Pinkerton, Ashburn. Twiggs—A. M. Gates, Jeffersonville. Union—Pat Helton, Blairsville. Upson—G. R. Holston, Thomaston. Walker—F. D. Leake, LaFayette. Walton—Dennis D. Still, Monroe. Ware—T. L. Everett, Waycross. Warren—P. H. DeBeaugrine, Warren-

ton. Washington—J. C. Page, Sandersville. Wayne—Aubrey Hires, Jessup. Webster—Mrs. Ernest Joines, Preston. Wheeler—T. C. Fulford, Alamo. White—F. D. Allen, Cleveland. Whitfield—H. P. McArthur, Dalton. Wilcox—J. L. Faircloth, Pitts. Wilkes—H. H. Barnett, Washington. Wilkinson—John Miller, Irwinton. Worth—Mrs. Lilia A. Trammell, Syl¬


Urban PSace and Superintendent

Adel (2,773)—Cook County. Albany (3,978)—Dougherty County.

Alma (2,617)—Bacon County. Americus (11,367)—K. L. Carpenter. Ashburn (2,930)—Turner County. Athens (28,102)—Fred Ayers. Atlanta (327,090)—Miss Ira Jarrell. Augusta (71,507)—Richmond County. Bainbridge (7,568)—Decatur County. Barnesville (4,186)—W. L. Morgan. Baxley (3,416)—Appling County. Blakely (3,235)—Early County. Brunswick (18,086)—Glynn County. Buford (3,812)—A. L. Clark. Cairo (5,578)—Grady County. Calhoun (3,217)—A. A. Graves. Camilla (3,746)—Mitchell County. Canton (2,704)—B. B. Williams. Carrollton (7,767)—F. M. Chalker. Cartersville (7,282)—W. H. Brandon. Cedartown (9,469)—L. H. Gray. Chamblee (3,459)—De Kalb County. Cochran (3,361)—Bleckley County. College Park (14,464)—Fulton County. Columbus (79,510)—Muscogee County. Commerce (3,350)—W. R. Lang. Cordele (9,434)—Charles Rogers. Covington (5,176)—Newton County. Cuthbert (4,033)—Randolph County. Dalton (15,962)—Clifford G. Hale. Dawson (4,406)—Terrell County. Decatur (21,626)—O. L. Amsler. Dock Junction* (4,198)-. Donaldsonville (2,562) — Seminole

County. Douglas (7,437)—T. H. Wall, Jr. Douglasville (3,401)—Douglas County. Dublin (10,213)—L. H. Battle. Eastman (3,595)—Dodge County. East Point (21,628)—Fulton County. East Thomaston (3,071)—in Thomsa-

ton School District). Eatonton (2,746)—Putnam County. Elberton (6,753)—J. K. Acree. Experiment* (4,247)—Spalding County. Fair Oaks* (3,129)-. Fitzgerald (8,170)—C. V. Hodges. Forest Park (2,659)—Clayton County. Forsyth (3,131)—Monroe County. Fort Valley (6,826)—Peach County. Gainesville (11,881)—C. J. Cheves. Greensboro (2,683)-. Griffin (13,952)—E. A. Crudup. Hapeville (8,504)—Fulton County. Hartwell (2,967)—Hart County. Hawkinsville (3,335)—E. J. Harrell. Hazlehurst (2,685)—Jeff Davis County. Hogansville (3,772)—D. F. Osborne. Jesup (4,627)—Wayne County. Lafayette (4,858)—Walker County. LaGrange (24,954)—B. A. Lancasier. Lawrenceville (2,931) —G w i n n e 11

County. Lindale-Silver Creek* (3,218)-. Lyons (2,799)—Toombs County. Macon (70,106)—Bibb County.

* Unincorporated urban place.


Manchester (3,637)—M e r i w e t li e r County.

Marietta (20,688)—Shuler Antley. Medway-Hardwick* (14,792) —Baldwin

County. Milledgeville (8,850—Baldwin County. Millen (3,443)—Jenkins County. Monroe (4,540)—N. R. Haworth. Montezuma (2,925)—Macon County. Moultrie (11,612)—E. V. Whelchel. j Nashville (3,414)—Berrien County. ; Newnan (8,190)—W. H. Drake. North Atlanta (5,902)—Fulton County. Ocilla (2,689)—Irwin County. Pelham (4,362)—R. W. Dent. Perry (3,829)—Houston County. Porterdale (3,209)—Newton County. Quitman (4,750)—T. M. Atkinson. Rockmart (3,826)—Polk County. Rome (29,617)—H. C. Brewer. Rossville (3,897)—Walker County. ! Sandersville (4,475)—W ashingtouj

County. ! Savannah (119,689)—Chatham County. ! Silverton (3,390)—Upson County. ! Statesboro (6,089)—Bulloch County. j Summerville (3,994) —C h a 11 o o g a

County. Swainsboro (4,279)—Emanuel County. Sylvania (2,939)—Screven County. I Sylvester (2,626)—Worth County. j Tallapoosa (2,821)—Carroll County. | Thomaston (6,580)—G. R. Holstun. j Thomasville (14,446)—R. D. Blakeney. ! Thomson (3,489)—McDuffie County. j Tifton (6,817)—G. O. Bailey, Jr.. Toccoa (6,788)—W. M. Barnett, Jr. I Trion (3,018)—A. J. Strickland. i Unionville-Phillipsburg* (2,776)— -j -. I

Valdosta (20,004)—W. G. Nunn. i Vidalia (5,827)—Toombs County. Warner Robins (7,947) — Houston

County. Washington (3,795)—Wilkes County. Waycross (18,842)—J. D. Salter. Waynesboro (4,458)—Burke County. West Point (4,063)—W. T. Harrison. Winder (4,651)—Howard S. Peek.


Administrative Unit and District | Superintendent

Hawaii—Ernest B. de Silva, Hilo, Ha¬ waii.

Honolulu—Robert M. Faulkner, Hono¬ lulu.

Kauai—Malcolm W. Clower, Lihue, Kauai.

Maui—Franklyn E. Skinner, Kahului, Maui.

Rural Oahu—James W. O’Neal, Hono¬ lulu.

♦Unincorporated urban place.

City and Superintendent

[Each city of the Territory of Hawaii is a part of the larger school adminis¬ trative unit in which it is located.]


County and Superintendent

Ada-Boise. Adams—Mrs. Hazel McClymonds, Coun¬

cil. Bannock—H. L. Fawson, Pocatello. Bear Lake—Amos B. Hulme, Paris. Benewah—E, K. Kopriva, St. Maries. Bingham—A. H. Johnson, Blackfoot. Blaine—L. V. Hughes, Hailey. Boise—Florence Adams, Idaho City. Bonner—Mrs. Gertrude C. Bower, Sand-

point. Bonneville—Mrs. Eunice B. Meppen,

Idaho Falls. Boundary—Mrs. Feme Crowley, Bon¬

ners Ferry. Butte—Irvin W. Spencer, Arco. Camas—Mrs. Hattie N. Lamson, Fair-

field. Canyon—Fred Anderson, Caldwell. Caribou—Mrs. Gertrude Freeman, Soda

Springs. Cassia—Bern ell Wrigley (Acting), Bur¬

ley. Clark—Mrs. Bess Pollock, Dubois. Clearwater—Edith E. Crowley, Orofino. Custer—Dudley Cameron, Challis. Elmore—Mrs. Elma M. Goodman, Moun¬

tain Home. Franklin—Elvin Cutler, Preston. Fremont—E. O. Rich, St. Anthony. Gem—Kenneth Carberry, Emmett. Gooding—Mrs. Florence Massey, Good¬

ing. Idaho—Delmar Engelking, Orangeville. Jefferson—Donald P. Merrill, Rigby. Jerome—Mrs. Katharine S. Eakin, Je¬

rome. Kootenai — Mrs. Aunabelle Iverson,

Coeur d’Alene. Latah—Mrs. Nell P. Lafollette, Moscow. Lemhi—Mrs. Maemie R. Ellis, Salmon. Lewis—Mary Ellen McLeod, Nez Perce. Lincoln—Mrs. Lucille E. Allen, Sho¬

shone. Madison—Arthur Porter, Rexburg. Minidoka—Carl Warner, Rupert. Nez Perce—Mrs. Beryl E. Clem, Lewis¬

ton. Oneida—C. O. Simpson, Malad City. Owyhee—Mrs. Mary Grammer, Murphy. Payette—Mrs. Bessey D. Ransom, Pay¬

ette. Power—Mrs. Violet Butler, American

Falls. Shoshone—Mrs. Mildred S. Badgley,



Teton—R. La Verne Marcum, Driggs. Twin Falls—Mrs. Doris Stradley, Twin

Falls. Valley—Mrs. Doris K. Squires, Cascade. Washington—Mrs. Mabel Logan,


Urban Place and Superintendent

[The schools in some urban places are a part of reorganized county-unit school districts. Two of these have appointed superintendents in addition to the county superintendents listed for their respective counties in the preceding section.]

Alameda (4,705) (in Pocatello School District).

Blackfoot (5,180)—C. C. Evans. Boise (34,393)—Zed L. Foy. Buhl (2,870)—George M. Likeness. Burley (5,924) (in Cassia County

School District—Bernell Wrigley). Caldwell (10,487)—C. T. Gilley. Coeur d’Alene (12,198)—G. O. Phip-

peny. Emmett (3,067) (in Gem County School

District—Kenneth Carberry). Franklin-Whitney Airport* (7,791) (in

Boise School District). Gooding (3,099)—Leigh Ingersoll. Grangeville (2,.544)—Dorcey Riggs. Idaho Falls (19,218)—Clair Gale. .Jerome (4,523)—W. V. Olds. Kellogg (4,913)—Howard Andrews. Lewiston (12,985)—C. L. Booth. Malad City (2,715) (in Oneida County

School District—C. O. Simpson). Montpelier (2,682)—A. J.'’Winters. Moscow (10,593)—L. C. Robinson. Mountain View* (3,092) (in Boise

School District). Nampa (16,185)—Fulton Gale. Orchards* (4,477) (in Lewiston School

District). Payette (4,032)—W. R. Broadhead. Pocatello (26,131)—Milton V. Hartvig-

sen. Preston (4,045)—W. H. Simmons. Rexburg (4,253)—George Catmull. Rupert (3,098) (in Minidoka County

School District—Carl Warner). St. Anthony (2,695) (in Fremont Coun¬

ty School District—Melvin Gruwell). Salmon (2,648)—J. B. Alexander, Sandpoint (4,265) (in Bonner County

School District—Kenneth Dean). Twin Falls (17,600)—Ernest H. Rag¬

land. Wallace (3,140)—A. B. McDonald. Weiser (3,961)—Lloyd Eason. West Boise* (3,018) (in Boise School



County and Superintendent

Adams—Adam Priepot, Quincy. Alexander—Lucy Twente McPherson,

Cairo. Bond—Alex Long, Greenville. Boone—Charles Nihan, Belvidere. Brown—Minnie B. Flynn, Mount Ster¬

ling. Bureau—Floyd French, Princeton. Calhoun—Cuba M. Tureman, Hardin. Carroll—L. E. Brudi, Mount Carroll. Cass—B. W. Smith, Virginia. Champaign—E. M. Harshbarger, IJr-

bana. Christian—Cloyd Wright, Taylorville. Clark—Fred Huffington, Marshall. Clay—Robert L. Brissenden, Louisville. Clinton—Victor V. Barcroft, Carlyle. Coles—Gerald W. Dunn, Charleston. Cook—Noble J, Puffer, 69 W. Washing¬

ton St., Chicago. Crawford—Ray C. Duncan, Robinson. Cumberland—Wayne Hance, Toledo. De Kalb—Marjorie B. Leinauer, Syca¬

more, De Witt—A. W. Dickey, Clinton. Douglas—W. A. Bozarth, Tuscola. Du Page—Lewis V. Morgan, Wheaton. Edgar—Sam W. Arbuckle, Paris. Edwards—Virgil H. Judge, Albion. Effingham—Noble E, Jaycox, Effingham. Fayette—Lyn W. Price, Vandalia. Ford—J. A. Keefe, Paxton. Franklin—A. Gordon Dodds, Benton. Fulton—Howard M. Leinbaugh, Lewis¬

ton. Gallatin—H. G. Brown, Shawneetown Greene—G. W, Lowe, Carrollton. Grundy—Lillias K. Walker, Morris. Hamilton—Lodge Grant, McLeansboro Hancock—Olen L. Smith, Carthage. Hardin—Raymond W. Foster, Eliza¬

bethtown. Henderson—Chris S. Apt, Oquawka. Henry—Arthur L. White, Cambridge. Iroquois—R. P. Roberts, Watseka. Jackson—Virgil N. Wheeles, Murphys-

boro. Jasper—Harold G. Leffler, Newton. Jefferson—S. S, Hirons, Mount Vernon. Jersey—O. A, Wilson, Jr., Jerseyville Jo Daviess—Harold Taft, Galena. Johnson—B. W. Hunsaker, Vienna. Kane—E. E. McCoy, Geneva. Kankakee—Ruel Hall, Kankakee. Kendall—Irving A. Sliears, Yorkville. Knox—J. R. Peck, Galesburg. Lake—W. C. Petty, Waukegan. La Salle—R. C, Hawley, Ottawa. Lawrence—Glen Fiscus, Lawrenceville. Lee—John A. Torrens, Dixon. Livingston—Lucile Goodrich, Pontiac. Logan—E. H. Lukenbill, Lincoln. ♦Unincorporated urban place.


McDonough—G. F. Underwood, Ma¬ comb.

McHenry—R. L. Tazewell, Woodstock. McLean—R. F. Arends, Bloomington. Macon—Robert B. Ernest, Decatur. Macoupin—Charles McGee, Carlinville. iMadisou—G. T. Wilkins, Edwardsville. Marion—Margaret West, Salem. Marshall—C. W. Swanson, Lacon. Mason—Joseph Hobbs, Havana. Massac—B. D. Fowler, Metropolis. 3.1enard—Pauline Meyer, Petersburg. Mercer—E. A. Johnson, Aledo. Monroe—Norman W. Beck, Waterloo. Montgomery—Fred W. Ewald, Hills¬

boro. Morgan—John C. Deem, Jacksonville. Moultrie—Clark Dennis, Sullivan. Ogle—W. L. Pickering, Oregon. Peoria—Earl E. Downing, Peoria. Perry—Philip A. Provart, Pinckney-

ville. Piatt—Frank Wrench, Monticello. Pike—Boss J. Nichol, Pittsfield. Pope—Howard Wright, Golconda. Pulaski—M. C. Hunt, Mound City. Putnam—Wm. H. Glover, Granville. Randolph—Ned F. Carlton, Chester. Richland—Loren W. Cammon, Olney. Rock Island—E. S. Metcalf, Rock Island. St. Clair—Clarence D. Blair, Belleville. Saline—R. Dale Wilson, Harrisburg. Sangamon—L. W. Hinton, Springfield. Schuyler—L. G. Bedenbender, Rush-

ville. Scott—Hester L. Korty, Winchester. Shelby—B. Battershell, Shelbyville. Stark—W. S. Perrin, Toulon. Stephenson—T. R. Pfisterer, Freeport. Tazewell—L. L. Atteberry, Pekin. Union—R. D. Rendleman, Jonesboro. Vermilion—R. H. Elliot, Danville. Wabash—J. A. Gibson, IMount Carmel. Warren—'N'erne C. Conway, Monmouth. Washington—Kenneth Frieman, Nash¬

ville. Wayne—Lloyd L. Green, Fairfield. White—Walter L. Puckett, Carmi. Whiteside—Loren S. Young, Morrison. Will—Verne E. Crackel, Joliet. Williamson—Russell Emery, Marion. Winnebago—Paul S. Conklin, Rockford. Woodford—H. L. Dyar, Eureka.

Urban Place and Superintendent

Abingdon (3,2S9)—F. O. Prout. Aledo (2,900)—James B. White. Alorton (2,558)-. Alton (32,176)—J. B. Johnson. Anna (4,386) :

Elem.—Kenneth M. Jobe. High (Anna-Jonesboro Commu¬

nity)—P. J. Houghton. Arlington Heights (8,500) :

Elem.—R. E. Clabaugh. High (Township)—L. J. Kuoeppel.

Aurora (50,508) : East—John W. Gates. West—Wayne E. McCleery.

Barrington (4,190)—F. C. Thomas. Batavia (5,862)—J. B. Nelson. Beardstown (6,069)—W. L. Gard. Belleville (32,701) :

Elem.—Edward L. Allen. High (Township)—H. O. Hall.

Bellwood (8,689)—M. E. Ilattenhauer. Belvidere (9,417)—F. E. Brett. Bensenville (3,737) :

Elem.—W. A. Johnson. High (Community)—W. A. John¬

son. Benton (7,837) ;

Elem.—C. M. Johnson. High (Consolidated)—Robert Ul-

loni. Berwyn (51,176) :

Elem. (No. 98)—E. R. Selleck. Elem. (No. 100)—K. L. I’reston.

Bloomington (34,048)—G. N. Wells. Blue Island (17,580) :

Elem.—E. F. Kerr. High (Community)—H. L. Rich¬

ards. Bradley (5,716) :

Elem.—Carl Hughes. High (Bradley-Bourbonnais Com¬

munity)—S. A. Smith. Broadview (5,230)) : Elem.—R. W.

Gunderson. Brookfield (15,484) : Elem.—M. W.

Hummel. Brooklyn (2,549) (in Lovejoy School

District—William Terry). Bushnell (3,310)—H. A. Renwick. Cairo (12,217)—Leo C. Schultz. Calumet City (15,777) :

Elem. (No. 155)—E. E. Brown. Elem. (No. 156)—V. B. Harris. High (Thornton-Fractional Town¬

ship)—J. E. Leonard. Canton (11,910)—Ben Kietzman. Carbondale (10,911) :

Elem.—C. V. Winkler. High (Community)—N. A. Rosan.

Carlinville (5,129)—H. S. Littlepage. Carlyle (2,666)-C. K. Winn. Carmi (5,522) :

Elem.—Roy W. Jordan. High (Township)—U. B. Jeffries.

Carterville (2,702) : Elem.—Taft Baker. High (Community)—W. S. B.

Dean. Carthage (3,208) :

Elem.—E. R. Rogers. High (Community)—Byron West.

Casey (2,727)—C. M. Hadley. Centralia (13,814) :

Elem.—W. E. McAllister. High (Township)—O. M. Corbell.

Champaign (39,397)—E. H. Mellon. Charleston (9,146)—Harold Fearn.


Chester (5,388)—H. O. Marchildon. Chicago (3,606,436)—Herold C. Hunt. Chicago Heights (24,369) :

Elem.—Ben A. Sylla. High (Bloom Township)—Harold

H. Metcalf. Chillicothe (2,762) :

Elem.—Ralph L. Cusac. High (Township)—Lonnie F. Parr.

Christopher (3,540) : Elem.—Jesse Neal. High (C o m m u n i t y)—Orland

Kelley. Cicero (67,195) :

Elem.—C. W. Martin. High (J. Sterling Morton Town¬

ship)—W. P. MacLean. Clinton (5,870)—Ralph Robb. Collinsville (11,907)—D. K. Darling. Cottage Hills* (3,311). Creve Coeur (5,496) : Elem.—V. B.

Litchfield. Crystal Lake (4,826) :

Elem.—Leon J. Lundahl. High (Community)—Howard Ting-

leff. Danville (37,892)—J. M. Reed. Decatur (67,801)—Lester Grant. Deerfield (3,254) : Elem.—W. E.

Sheeham. DeKalb (11,567) :

Elem.—S. B. Sullivan. High (Township)—S. B. Sullivan.

Des Plaines (14,975) : Elem.—L^on Smaage. High (Maine Township)—H. D.

Anderson. Dixon (11,532)—A. H. Lancaster. Dolton (5,556) ; Elem.—Wm. L. Reaugh. Downers Grove (11,868) :

Elem.—Jack Elzay. High (Community)—Jack Elzay.

Du Quoin (7,139) : Elem.—Oren D. McClure. High (Township)—R. P. Hibbs.

Dwight (2,838) : Elem.—Warren D. Kuster. High (Township) —W arren D

Kuster. East Alton (7,311) : Elem.—C. T. Gab-

bert. East Moline (13,896) :

Elem.—H. M. Sohrbeck. High (United Township)—L. O.

Dawson. East Peoria (8,697) :

Elem.—P. L. Bolin. High (Community)—B. R. Moore.

East St. Louis (81,950)—M. E. Bruce. Edwardsville (8,8(X))—E. L. Alexander. Effingham (6,893)—Raymond Lane. Eldorado (4,500) :

Elem.—Ralph Slow. High (Township)—W. A. Knoop.

Elgin (43,534)—O. G. Thompson.

Elmhurst (21,204) : Elem.—M. C. Turner. High (York Community)—Paul A.

Young. Elmwood Park (18,771) (P. O. Chicago

35) : Elem.—(4. B. Calhoun. Evanston (73,030) :

Elem.—O. M. Chute. High (Township)—Lloyd Michael.

Evergreen Park (10,515) : Elem.—R. E. Ricketts.

Fairfield (5,575) : Elem.—Hubert H. Sutton. High (Community) — B. Floyd

Smith. Farmington (2,646) :

Elem.—Russell B. Troxel. High (Community — Russell B.

Troxel. Flora (5,250) :

Elem.—C. F. Hubbell. High (Township)—Flovd Smith.

Forest Park (14,946) : Elem.—W. S. Dimmett.

Franklin Park (8,897) : Elem.—Vance Hester. High (Leyden Community)—H. L.

Ylvisaker. Freeport (22,425)—B. F. Shafer. Fulton (2,712) :

Elem.—M. B. Neece. High (Community)—M. B. Neece.

Galena (4,665)—A. W. Cravens. Galesburg (31,357)—R. V. Lindsey. Galva (2,890)—H. M. Robertson. Geneseo (4,318)—James D. Darnall. Geneva (5,032) :

Elem.—L. H. Beaudin. High (Community)—L. H. Beau-

din. Georgetown (3,305) :

Elem.—Ralph Miller. High (Township)—Leo L. Cox.

Gibson City (3,027)—Warren M. Mc- Cartan.

Gillespie (4,105)—Emery H. Martin. Glencoe (6,950) : Elem.—Paul J. Misner. Glen Ellyn (9,533) :

Elem.—Mark T. Riedel. High (Glenbard Township)—F. L.

Biester. Glenview (6,112) ; Elem.—John H.

Springman. Granite City (29,139)—Paul A. Grigsby. Greenville (4,058)—H. E. Pinkstaff. Harrisburg (10,994) :

Elem.—Russell Malan. High (Township)—R. L. Foster.

Harvard (3,462)—Floyd E. King. Harvey (20,636) :

Elem.—Lee M. IMorris. High (Thornton Township)—Theo¬

dore R. Birkhead. Havana (4,382) :

Elem.—Kenneth C. Pittman. High (Community—S. H. Van-

Dyke. *Unincorporated urban place.


Herrin (9,401) : Elem.—John R. Creek. High (Township)—E. C. Eckert.

Highland (4,237)—J. C. DeLaurenti. Highland Park (16,767) :

Elem. No. 107—C. O. Dahle. Elem. No. 108—Charles Wilson. High (Township)—A. E. Wolters.

Highwood (3,830) : Elem.—W. A. Thomas.

Hillsboro (4,133) : Elem.—O. R. Nettleship. High (Community)—Don Beane.

Hinsdale (8,664) : Elem.—C. E. Spearman. High (Township)—C. E. Spearman.

Homewood (5,863) : Elem.—Elmer H. Schultz.

Hoopeston (6,019)—J. T. Lyon. Ingalls Park* (6,843). Jacksonville (20,374)—D. R. Blodgett. Jerseyville (5,787)—G. F. Roth. Johnston City (4,481)—Maurice P.

Clark. Joliet (52,460) ;

Elem.—G. N. Hiifford. High (Township)—H. S. Bonar.

Kankakee (25,873)—Eugene L. John¬ son.

Kenilworth (2,774) : Elem.—Arthur H. Oestreich.

Kewanee (16,770)—K. B. Beasley. LaGrange (18,178) :

Elem. (No. 102)—James E. Pease. Elem. (No. 105)—David B, Anrand. High (Lyons Township)—G. S.

Olsen. LaGrange Park (6,149)- Lake Forest (7,694) :

Elem.—F. F. Qninlan. High—Raymond Moore.

Lansing (8,677) : Elem.—L. P. Crawl. LaSalle (12,023) :

Elem.—E. G. Miller. High (LaSalle-Peru Township)—F.

H. Dolan. Lawrenceville (0,351) :

Elem.—Harry Keen. High (Township)—Harry Keen.

Lemont (2,748) : Elem.—D. L. O’Sullivan. High (Township)—Edward O. Bos-

sert. Lewistown (2,624) :

Elem.—Howard McMillan. High (Community)—Keith Parry.

Libertyville (5,420) : Elem.—R. E. Bnskirk. High (Consolidated)—H. E. Under¬

brink. Lidice-Raynor Park* (4,306)-- Lincoln (14,344) :

Elem.—H. F. Aiigspurger. High (Community)—W. C. Hand-


Lincoln wood (3,084) : Elem.—Ralph Riggs.

Litchfield (7,211) : Elem.—L. W. Fearn. High (Community)—L. J. Hill.

Lockport (4,959) : Elem.—Harry O. Yates. High (Township)—James M.

Smith. Lombard (9,799) : Elem.—Glenn West-

lake. Long Lake* (2,656)-. Loves Park (5,352)—Carl Dannenfeldt. Lyons (6,103) ; Elem.—E. D. Aurand. McLeansboro (2,985) :

Elem.—Ernest L. Hood. High (Township)—M. J. Carlton.

Macomb (10,586)—P. F. Shafer. Madison (7,960)—H. D. McCain. Marengo (2,721) :

Elem.—Kenneth Wilson. High (Community) —Everette

Nichols. Marion (10,130)—Robert E. McKinney. Markham (2,748) : Elem. J. Lewis

Winegarner. Marseilles (4,517)—Clyde Crawshaw. Marshall (2,980)—Charles Bush. Mascoutah (3,005) :

Elem.—Jess R. Nichols. High (Community)—Wiley B. Gar¬

vin. Mattoon (17,993)—L. L. Krantz. IMaywood (27,409) ;

Elem.—C. H. Pygman. High (Proviso Township)—E. R.

Sifert. Melrose Park (13,109) : Elem.—R. C.

Jennings. Mendota (5,131) :

Elem.—M. E. Steele. High (Township)—M. E. Steele.

Metropolis (6,079) : Elem.—C. J. Ramsay. High (Community)—C. W. Ste¬

phens. Midlothian (3,213) : Elem.—Paul H.

Weaver. Milton* (8,244)-. Moline (37,296)—Alex Jardine. Momence (2,643)—C. W. Crawford. Monmouth (10,190)—Paul M. Crafton. Monticello (2,601)—Wm. E. Baird. Morris (6,917) :

Elem.—Kenneth Hammer. High (Community)—A. W. Cra¬

vens. ^Morrison (3,528) :

Elem.—E. S. Simmonds. High (Community)—E. S. Sim¬

monds. Morton (3,704) :

Elem.—Ward G. Grundy. High (Township)—Wm. D. Morton.

Morton Grove (3,834) : Elem.—Edward E. Eckhart.

'Unincorporated urban place.


Mount Carmel (8,709)—Forrest Oates. Mount Morris (2,703) :

Elem.—Harold A. Hoff. High (Community) —Harold A.

Hoff. Mount Prospect (3,955) : Elem.—Ray-

mus L. Murphy. Mount Vernon (15,563) :

Elem.—J. L. Buford. High (Township)—Arthur Mil-

ward. Mundelein (3,181) : Elem.—Clyde O.

Travelstead. Murphysboro (8,417) :

Elem.—W. H. Carruthers. High (Township)—Theodore Shoe-

berg. Naperville (7,023)—Ralph Beebe. Newton (2,747) :

Elem.—Elmer D. Dalton. High (Community)—H. E. Wright.

Niles (3,580) : Elem.—Clarence J. Nel¬ son.

Nokomis (2,541) : Elem.—E. A. Yund. High (Township)—A. P. Von

Behren. Normal (9,832)—L. E. Starke. Norridge (3,443)-. Northbrook (3,319) :

Elem.—Prank Himmelmann. High (Township)—Norman E.

Watson. North Chicago (8,700) :

Elem. (No. 63)—Alex Wasiewski. Elem. (No. 64)—A. J. Katzen-

maier. North Lake (4,307)-. North Quincy* (2,983)-. North Riverside (3,230)-. Oak Lawn (8,732) :

Elem. (No. 122)—G. W. Lieb. Elem. (No. 123)—Edwin Kirchhoff. High (Reavis Community)—Carl

Thokey. Oak Park (63,175) :

Elem.—Bertrand L. Smith. High (Oak Park-River Forest Con¬

solidated)—Eugene Youngert. O’Fallon (3,032) :

Elem.—Elmer Murray. High (Township)—Elmer Murray.

Oglesby (3,925) : Elem.—Dominic Mat- tiazza.

Olney (8,541)—L. V. Krutsinger. Oregon (3,202) :

Elem.—Gerald Chestnut. High (Community) —R. L. Kiest.

Ottawa (16,951) : Elem.—W. P. Shepherd. High (Township)—MacRae Shan¬

non. Palatine (4,096) :

Elem.—Marion Jordon. High (Township)—Gerald A. Mc-


Pana (6,147)—Paul V. Fegley. Paris (9,794)—Harlie A. Hatfill. Park Forest (8,107) : Elem.—Robert H.

Anderson. Park Ridge (16,543) : Elem.—Blair

Plimpton. Paxton (3,801)—E. H. Schroth. Pekin (21,912) :

Elem.—Harry B. Green: High (Community)—P. M. Peter¬

son. Peoria (111,523)—M. G. Davis. Peoria Heights (5,402) : Elem.—A. L.

Ohlman. Peru (8,691) : Elem.—Frank K. Platt. Phoenix (3,604)-. Pinckneyville (3,286) :

Elem.—Hugh D. Malan. High (Community) — Roland

Keene. Pittsfield (3,571)—J. H. Voshall. Pontiac (8,968) :

Elem.—A. P. Speltz. High (Township)—A. C. Watson.

Princeton (5,737) : Elem.—P. L. Bone. High—Charles Holt.

Quincy (41,402)—L. O. Litle. Rantoul (6,379) : Elem.—J. W. Eater. Ridgewood* (5,572)-. Riverdale (5,780)-. River Forest (11,067) : Elem.—W. E.

Sugden. River Grove (4,837) : Elem.—W. W.

Patterson. Riverside (9,130) :

Elem.—L. J. Hauser. High (Riverside-Brookfield Town¬

ship)—I. E. Haebich. Robbins (4,746)-. Robinson (6,405)—R. M. Wright. Rochelle (5,415) :

Elem.—David Crawford. High (Township)—LeRoy Peter¬

son. Rockdale Junction* (2,826)-. Rock Falls (7,962) :

Elem.—E. I. Lehr. High (Township)—Forrest L. Ta¬

bor. Rockford (92,.503) —Wm. R. McIntosh. Rock Island (48,594)—E. H. Hanson. Rushville (2,673)—Orvall Briggs. St. Charles (6,691)—G. E. Thompson. Salem (6,108) :

Elem.—B. E. Gum. High (Community)—B. E. Gum.

Sandwich (3,032) : Elem.—Maynard Ferden. High (Township).—Maynard Fer¬

den. Savanna (5,037) :

Elem.—Harold Mackenzie. High (Township)—C. G. Wilcox.

Scraper-Moecheville* (2,883)—-. Shelby ville (4,456)-.

♦Unincorporated urban place.


Silvis (3,051) : Elem—G. O. Barr. Skokie (14,821) :

Elem.—George F. Savage. High (Niles Township)—James A.

Mason. South Beloit (3,230)—Clyde W. Mar-

tell. South Holland (3,245) : Elem.—George

Kingsland. South Lockport-Fairmont* (3,295) —

South Waukegan* (2,834)-. Sparta (3,573) :

Elem.—T. L. Wilson. High (Township)—F. H. Torrance.

Springfield (80,832)—J. E. Bohn. Spring Valley (4,914) :

Elem.—John Fabri. High (Hall Township)—Cecil A.

Sharpe. Staunton (4,041)—Don Beane. Steger (4,227) : Elem.—J. E. Patton. Sterling (12,761) :

Elem.—H. U. Challand. High (Township)—Roscoe Eades.

Stickney (3,320) : Elem.—Francis B. Bailey.

Streator (16,442) : Elem.—J. E. Crum. High (Township)—Z. H. Borland.

Sullivan (3,440)—Virgil W. Bingman. Summit (8,949) (P. O., Argo) : Elem —

C. E. Wingo. Sycamore (5,917)—Arthur C. Muns. Taylorville (9,124)—G. E. Cornwell. Tuscola (2,967)—G. R. Collins. Urbana (22,995)—C. C. Loew. Vandalia (5,480) :

Elem.—Thurlow Bannister. High (Community)—G. V. Blythe.

Venice (6,243)—J. H. Gore. Villa Park (8,807) : Elem.—John F.

Clark. Virden (3,208)—M. D. Clinton. Washington (4,290) :

Elem.—Roy W. Sprague. High (Community)—L. H. Elam.

Washington Park (5,842) (in East St. Louis School District).

Waterloo (2,752)—W. J. Zahnow. Watseka (4,277) :

Elem.—Glenn Raymond. High (Community)—R. C. Grant.

Waukegan (39,099) : Elem.—H. R. McCall. High (Township) — Clarence E.

Prichard. Westchester (4,182) : Elem. — J. K.

Beamish. West Chicago (3,968) :

Elem.—H. G. Booth. High (Community)—S. D. Bishop.

Western Springs (6,353) : Elem.— James V. Moon.

♦Unincorporated urban place.


West Frankfort (11,251) : Elem.—L. G. Patton. High (Community)—L. G. Patton.

West Kankakee* (2,793)-. Westmont (3,396) : Elem.—C. E. Miller. Westville (3,199) :

Elem.—Donald V. Buskirk. High (Townshij))—Norman Pat-

berg. Wheaton (11,574) :

Elem.—Darrell Blodgett. High (Community) — Darrell

Blodgett. W^hite Hall (3,077)—Fred H. Shappard. Wilmette (18,184) : Elem.—M. D. Bell. Wilmington (3,358)—Lester J. Stevens. Winnetka (12,545) :

Elem.—Gilbert S. Willey. High (New Trier Township)—M. P.

Gaffney. Wood River (10,217) :

Elem.—Glenn O. DeAtley. High (E. Alton-Wood River Com¬

munity)—A. Edson Smith. Woodstock (7,183) :

Elem.—Nelson N. Stork. High (Community) — Nelson N.

Stork. Zeigler (2,516) :

Elem.—C. II. Jennings. High (Community)—lanthus Krut-

singer. Zion (8,989) :

Elem.—H. L. Newenham. High (Zion-Benton Township) —

H. W. Pearce.


County and Superintendent

Adams—Glen B. Custard, Decatur. Allen—Lawrence E. Foote, Fort Wayne. Bartholomew—Walter H. Rice, Colum¬

bus. Benton—Edgar P. Williams, Fowler. Blackford—Colon E. Parks, Hartford

City. Boone—Clement T. Malan, Lebanon. Browm—Grover G. Brown, Nashville. Carroll—J. C. Yunker, Delphi. Cass—Raymond S. Julian, Logansport. Clark—W. E. Wilson, Jeffersonville. Clay—Harold E. Fields, Brazil. Clinton—Charles L. Hawkins, Frank¬

fort. Crawford—Verner Clay Austin, Eng¬

lish. Daviess—Ivan Ray York, Washington. Dearborn—D. B. Wilson, Lawrence-

burg. Decatur—Loren H. York, Greensburg. De Kalb—Roger A. Hess, Auburn. Delaware—Merritt C. Reed, Muncie. Dubois—John H. Teder, Jasper. p]lkhart—Clyde S. Sutton, Goshen. Fayette—A. K. Ewing, Connersville.


Floyd—Albert W. Koehler, New Albany. Fountain—Ralph M. Ingersoll, Coving¬

ton. Franklin—Norman Marcus Esarey,

Brookville. Fulton—S. Earl Rouch, Rochester. Gibson—E. J. Hemmer, Princeton. Grant—Fred Ratliff, Marion. Greene—W. J. Wakefield, Bloomfield. Hamilton—Forrest Groff, Noblesville. Hancock—Cecil E. Elliott, Greenfield. Harrison—Baxter Redden, Corydon. Hendricks—Melvin I. Sturgeon, Dan¬

ville. Henry—T. D. Edington, New Castle. Howard—Wilmer W. Bindley, Kokomo. Huntington—Harold A. Smith, Hunt¬

ington. Jackson—James Tatlock, Brownstown. Jasper—Ira L. Huntington, Rensselaer. Jay—Mardy L. Logan, Portland. Jefferson—Marion Brindley, Madison. Jennings—Wilfred H. Huelson, Vernon. Johnson—Custer Baker, Franklin. Knox—Lloyd Allen, Vincennes. Kosciusko—Glen Whitehead, Warsaw. Lagrange—Howard Yoder, Lagrange. Lake—Cecil A. Grayson, Crown Point. La Porte—J. Harold Tower, La Porte. Lawrence—Howard L. Gee, Bedford. Madison—Dale Prough, Anderson. Marion—Robert F. Gladden, Indianap¬

olis. Marshall—Frank McLane, Plymouth. Martin—Harry Q. Holt, Shoals. Miami—John H. Davisson, Peru. Monroe—Clarence Stewart, Blooming¬

ton. Montgomery—John W. Ward, Craw-

fordsville. Morgan—James H. Bourn, Martinsville. Newton—Richard D. Norris, Kentland. Noble—Joseph N. Adair, Albion. Ohio—Charles H. Johnson, Rising Sun. Orange—Orville E. Cornwell, Paoli. Owen—Thomas F. Hodges, Spencer. Parke—James W. Conlin, Rockville. Perry—Glenward M. York, Cannelton. Pike—John C. Corn, Petersburg. Porter—M. Earl Dinsmore, Valparaiso. Posey—Eldon R. Crawford, Mt. Vernon. Pulaski—George W. Gerichs, Winamac. Putnam—Eugene D. Hutchins, Green-

castle. Randolph—Paul Beck, Winchester. Ripley—Collins J. Wildman, Versailles. Rush—Charles M. DeMunbrun, Rush-

ville. St. Joseph—H. Paul Kelsay, South

Bend. Scott—Clinton H. Gamble, Scottsburg. Shelby—Thomas Fogarty, Shelbyville. Spencer—Carl J. Engelbrecht, Rockport. Starke—Donald Peregrine, Knox. Steuben—Ross Wilkinson, Angola. Sullivan—Jesse M. Boston, Sullivan. Switzerland—Charles B. Noble, Vevay.

Tippecanoe—L. R. Sackmire, Lafayette. Tipton—Owen Ratcliff, Tipton. Union—Hawley A. Gardner, Liberty. Vanderburgh — Elder J. Eberhart,

Evansville. Vermillion—Ward M. Beanblossom,

Newport. Vigo—William E. Purcell, Terre Haute. Wabash—Clarence L. Vandergrift, Wa¬

bash. Warren—Roland L. VanScoyoc, Wil¬

liamsport. Warrick—Harvey, K. Hendrickson,

Boonville. Washington—C. Ray Jones, Salem. Wayne—Arthur H. Hines, Richmond. Wells—L. C. Lieurance, Bluffton. White—Forest Lake, Monticello. Whitley—Harry T. Yoder, Columbia


Urban Place and Superintendent

Alexandria (5,139)—Kelro Whiteman. Anderson (46,809)—G. E. Ebbertt. Angola (5,082)—W. H. Boomershine. Attica (3,873)—John B. Troncin. Auburn (5,890)—H. L. McKenney. Aurora (4,783)—H. E. Driver. Austin* (2,939)-. Batesville (3,226)—Keith Stapley. Bedford (12,566)—H. H. Mourer. Beech Grove (5,689)—C. V. Kinsey. Bicknell (4,565)—Harold Axe. Bloomington (28,191)—H. E. Binford. Bluffton (6,058)—L. R. WiUey. Boonville (5,099)—Edward E. Glenn. Brazil (8,426)—G. R. Pell. Bremen (2,661)-. Brookville (2,568)—Charles L. Zuck. Cambridge City (2,554)—Stuart C.

Shipman. Cedar Lake* (3,945)-. Charlestown (4,760)-. Chesterton (3,160)-. Clarksville (5,890)-. Clinton (6,576)—E. C. Boyd. Columbia City (4,746)—A. G. Kerr. Columbus (18,365)—L. A. Lockwood. Connersville (15,545)—Dale E. Brock. Crawfordsville (12,804)—Lee L. Eve. Crown Point (5,862)—Austin E.

Walker. Decatur (7,272)—W. Guy Brown. Delphi (2,510)—Wayne Eikenberry. Dunkirk (3,054)—Charles B. Salisbury. East Chicago (54,124)—A. C. Senour. East Gary (5,606)—Virgil I. Bailey. Edinburg (3,294)—Leonard Ireland. Elkhart (35,556)—J. C. Rice. Elwood (11,350)—Keith Scott. Evansville (109,869)—Ralph Becker. Fairmount (2,643)—F. Stanton Galey. Fort Wayne (132,840)—A. J. Bindley. Frankfort (14,933)—S. M. Woodruff. Franklin (7,355)—Earl L. Wood.

Unincorporated urban place.


Garrett (4,287)—E. V. Minmear. Gary (132,496)—Charles D. Lutz. Gas City (3,750)—F. W. Hengstler. Goshen (12,977)—Robert B. Weaver. Greencastle (6,856)—Lee Zieg. Greenfield (6,142)—Charles S. Wise-

hart. Greensburg (6,599)—Gerald Alexander. Greenwood (3,059)—Stanley Porter. Griffith (4,502)—F. A. Van Slyke. Hammond (87,423)—Lee L. Caldwell. Hartford City (7,228)—E. Phillips

Blackburn. Highland (5,676)—Lon P. Monheck. Hobart (10,479)—Harlie Garver. Home Corner* (3,948)-. Huntingburg (4,057)—Ray Goldman. Huntington (13,033)—Burton Stephan. Indianapolis (424,683)—Herman L.

Shibler. Jasonville (2,931)—J. L. Owens. Jasper (5,213)—Bernard Gallagher. Jeffersonville (14,671)—H. F. Schulte. Kendallville (6,123)—L. S. Brumbaugh. Knox (3,009)—Floyd E. Overholser. Kokomo (38,600)—O. M. Swihart. Lafayette (35,508)—J. Russell Hiatt. La Porte (17,280)—Paul F. Boston. Lawrenceburg (4,810)—George W. Mc-

Reynolds. Lebanon (7,619)—T. L. Christian. Linton (5,951)—O. L. Johnson. Logansport (20,933)—Carl A. Zimmer¬

man. Madison (7,485)—E. O. Muncie. Marion (30,059)—Orville J. Hooker. Martinsville (5,994)—Glenn M. Curtis. Michigan City (28,379)—M. L. Knapp. Mishawaka (32,878)—John J. Young. Mitchell (3,273)—G. N. Bishop. Monticello (3,460)—F. H. Gillespie. Mt. Vernon (6,148)—Cyrus L. Gunn. Muncie (58,364)—R. D. Shaffer. Munster (4,750)—Frank H. Hammond. Nappanee (3,373)—William R. Kendall. New Albany (29,297)—Harry R. David¬

son. New Castle (18,227)—J. R. Craw. Noblesville (6,563)—Dale V. Swanson. North Manchester (3,975) — Owen

Moore. North Vernon (3,485)—Vance B. Col¬

lins. Oakland City (3,535)—Waldo J. Wood. Paoli (2,569)—Philip M. Wesner. Peru (13,281)—Clyde Cunningham. Petersburg (3,027)—C. D. Manhart. Plainfield (2,589)-. Plymouth (6,707)—Lyle K. Klitzke. Portland (7,050)—D. S. Weller. Princeton (7,636)—J. W. Pruett. Rensselaer (4,085)—Dan A. Schafer. Richmond (39,504)—Paul C. Garrison. Rochester (4,664)—E. S. Castor. Rushville (6,754)—J. Everett Light. Salem (3,280)—Robert B. Bulleit. Scottsburg (2,950)—H. D. Love.

Seymour (9,635)—James A. Campbell. Shelbyville (11,727)—W. F. Loper. South Bend (115,698)—Frank E. Allen. South La Porte* (2,732)-. Speedway (5,470)—Richard C. Jordan. Sullivan (5,430)—Phil N. Eskew. Tell City (5,768)—Fred D. Fechtman. Terre Haute (64,047)—Wayne P. Wat¬

son. Tipton (5,632)—C. B. Steman. Union City (3,566)—Prank A. Ross. Valparaiso (11,966)—G. Warren Phil¬

lips. Vincennes (18,798)—Ralph H. Banks. Wabash (10,594)—L. H. Carpenter. Warsaw (6,589)—Carl W. Burt. Washington (10,949)—Edwin Estell. West Lafayette (11,821)—William M.

Floyd. West Terre Haute (3,356)—G. E.

Nicholson. Whiting (9,235)—E. L. Riordan. Winchester (5,467)—Dale H. Brown.


County and Superintendent

Adair—Edna J. Barnes, Greenfield. Adams—Maude M. Friman, Corning. Allamakee—iM. H. Goede, Waukon, Appanoose—L. E. Johnson, Centerville. Audubon—Flora S. Rendleman, Audu¬

bon. Benton—Ella M. Mehlhaus, Vinton. Black Hawk—W. Harold Hartman,

Waterloo. Boone—Marvin E. Sturtz, Boone. Bremer—Mildred E. Smith, WaveiTy. Buchanan—Ralph J. Farris, Independ¬

ence. Buena Vista—A. E. Harrison, Storm

Lake. Butler—K. R. Rowley, Allison. Calhoun—Albert L. Wiseman, Rockwell

City. Carroll—B. G. Halverson, Carroll. Cass—Georgia Byrne, Atlantic. Cedar—L. N. Gill, Tipton. Cerro Gordo—Mrs. Hazel V. Chappell,

Mason City. Cherokee—Earle F. Berkler, Cherokee. Chickasaw—Alf O. Vaala, New Hamp¬

ton. Clarke—Ralph C. Evans, Osceola. Clay—George W. Johnson, Spencer. Clayton—H. F. Oelberg, Elkader. Clinton—F. C. Bowersox, Clinton. Crawford—Edwin Coen, Denison. Dallas—Lloyd Godfrey, Adel. Davis—Donald C. Milligan, Bloomfield. Decatur—Walter Petty, Leon. Delaware—Everette J. Hannum, Man¬

chester. Des Moines—L. L. Woodruff, Burling¬


Unincorporated urban place.


Dickinson—E. D. Baird, Spirit Lake. Dubuque—Joseph Flynn, Dubuque. Emmet—Zell Berryhill, Estherville. Fayette—A. S. Morse, West Union. Floyd—Fannie G. Howell, Charles City. Franklin—H a r r y G. Doeringsfield,

Hampton. Fremont—D. D. Fellows, Sidney. Greene—R. A. Morris, Jefferson. Grundy—C. A. Morris, Grundy Center. Guthrie—C. H. Konarska, Guthrie Cen¬

ter. Hamilton—Mrs. Edith Byerley, Web¬

ster City. Hancock—Charles S. Whitney, Garner. Hardin—M. Z. Albers, Eldora. Harrison—Mrs. Arlene Van Cleave,

Logan. Henry—Clarence E. Amen, Mt.

Pleasant. Howard—Abner A. Hendrickson,

Cresco. Humboldt—Francis I. Messer, Dakota

City. Ida—R. J. McNelly, Ida Grove. Iowa—Mrs. Cleone Watkins, Marengo. Jackson—L. L. Long, Maquoketa. Jasper—Edward Wilimek, Newton. Jefferson—Orissa Lyon, Fairfield. Johnson—Frank J. Snider, Iowa City. Jones—Joseph A. Beavo, Anamosa. Keokuk—W. W. Molsberry, Sigourney. Kossuth—A. E. Lauritzen, Algona. Lee—Charles L. Rupert, Fort Madison. Linn—Walter A. Shupp, Cedar Rapids. Louisa—J. O. Mecklenburg, Wapello. Lucas—Mrs. Gladys Kiburz, Chariton. Lyon—Lome F. Smylie, Rock Rapids. Madison—Lloyd H. Smith, Winterset. Mahaska—Peter A. Leistra, Oskaloosa. Marion—C. S. Thomas, Knoxville. Marshall—R. C. Ringold, Marshalltown. Mills—An>y Hammers, Glenwood. Mitchell—L. P. Ortale, Osage. Monona—W. K. Price, Onawa. Monroe—Ether Roberts, Albia. Montgomery—Lula B. Reed, Red Oak. Muscatine—Frank Ralston, Muscatine. O’Brien—J. W. Brouwer, Primghar. Osceola—Earle M. Crosswait, Sibley. Page—Esther Hensleigh, Clarinda. Palo Alto—J. E. Smith, Emmetsburg. Plymouth—Christine L. Petersen, Le

Mars. Pocahontas—Mrs. Frances Young, Po¬

cahontas. Polk—Ralph C. Norris, Des Moines. Pottawattamie—Ernest W. Barker,

Council Bluffs. Poweshiek—Mrs. Doris G. Hoy, Monte¬

zuma. Ringgold—Vera F. Dickens, Mount Ayr. Sac—P. A. Lauterbach, Sac City. Scott—Hartsel M. Perry, Davenport. Shelby—F. E. Brouhard, Harlan. Sioux—Charles H. Tye, Orange City. Story—Elmer P. Schindler, Nevada.

Tama—Ernest P. Simmons, Toledo. Taylor—Howard J. Spicknall, Bedford. Union—Ella M. Day, Creston. Van Buren—Ward T. North, Keo-

sauqua. Wapello—J. G. Turner, Ottumwa. Warren—Charles N. Elmore, Indianola. Washington—Lester B. Krabill, Wash¬

ington. Wayne—William A. Tock, Cory don. Webster — J. Clare Robinson, Fort

Dodge. Winnebago—S. T. Tweed, Forest City. Winneshiek—Charles G. Stoen, De¬

corah. Woodbury—C. G. Hadley, Sioux City. Worth—G. S. Cleveland, North wood. Wright—Claude W. Sankey, Clarion.

Urban Place and Superintendent

Albia (4,838)—W. W. Hartzell. Algona (5,415)—Otto B. Laing. Ames (22,898)—Harry R. McPhail. Anamosa (3,910)—Elmer L. Johnson. Atlantic (6,480)—A. H. Schuler. Audubon (2,808)—Harold H. Rice. Belle Plaine (3,056)—G. W. Argo. Bettendorf (5,132)—W. B. Eriksen. Bloomfield (2,688)—C. J. Johnston. Boone (12,164)—Donald F. Seaton. Burlington (30,613)—R. H. Brace well. Carroll (6,231)—R. A. Naffziger. Cedar Falls (14,334)—J. iH. Peet. Cedar Rapids (72,296)—Clyde Parker. Centerville (7,625)—E. W. Fannon. Chariton (5,320)—Frank A. Lunan. Charles City (10,309) —P. C. Lapham. Cherokee (7,705)—R. E. Creel. Clarinda (5,086)—Fred W. Johansen. Clarion (3,150)—C. J. Christiansen. Clear Lake (4,977)—T. G. Burns. Clinton (30,379)—J. R. Mounce. Council Bluffs (45,429)—R. J. Mourer. Cresco (3,638)—John L. Yonrd. Creston (8,317)—Burton Robert Jones. Davenport (74,549)—H. J. Williams. Decorah (6,060)—Walter L. Hetzel. Denison (4,554)—Kenath B. Koch. Des Moines (177,965)—^N, D. McCombs. De Witt (2,644)—C. A. Ekstrand. Dubuque (49,671)—M. R. Clark. Eagle Grove (4,176)—R. W. Gibson. Eldora (3,107)—F. K. Schmidt. Emmetsburg (3,760)—Kyle C. Jones. Estherville (6,719)—N. E. Demoney. Evansdale (3,575)-. Fairfield (7,299)—W. G. Pence. Forest City (2,766)—Keith W. Van

Horn. Fort Dodge (25,115)—C. T. Feelhaver. Fort Madison (14,954)—H. L. Paschal. Glenwood (4,664)—Morris C. Martin. Grinnell (6,828)—B. C. Holmes. Hampton (4,432)—L. V. Briggs. Harlan (3,915)—Ray A. Killion. Hawarden (2,625)—B. R. Feikema.


Humboldt (3,219)—Clyde D. Mease. Independence (4,865)—H. G. Vasey. Indianola (5,145)—Clifford C. Peterson. Iowa City (27,212)—Ivar A. Opstad. Iowa Falls (4,900)—W. C. Hilburn. Jefferson (4,326)—E. A. Prebm. Keokuk (16,144)—J. C. Wright. Knoxville (7,625)—Floyd A. Davis. Le Mars (5,844)—H. N. Kluckhohn. Manchester (3,987)—Joe P. Lambert. Maquoketa (4,307)—E. Paul Seydel. Marion (5,916)—C. B. Vernon. Marshalltown (19,821)—J. C. Ploglan. Mason City (27,980)—L. H. Shepoiser. Missouri Valley (3,546)—K. W. Miller. Monticello (2,888)—Boyd Shannon. Mount Pleasant (5,843)—C. A. Cottrell. Muscatine (19,041)—A. A. Johnson. Nevada (3,763)—Vernal Jones. New Hampton (3,323)—A. J. Bredall. Newton (11,723)—B. C. Berg. Oelwein (7,858)—A. A. Kaskadden. Onawa (3,498)—D. O. Carpenter. Osage (3,436)—C. T. Johnsten. Osceola (3,422)—Kenneth Kemp. Oskaloosa (11,124)—Joe L. Gettys. Ottumwa (33,631)—Frank W. Douma. Pella (4,427)—Clarence C. Buerkens. Perry (6,174)—J. S. Vanderlinden. Red Oak (6,526)—E. B. Lynch. Rock Rapids (2,640)—A. O. Voogd. Sac City (3,170)—C. S. Griewe. Sheldon (4,001)—R. O. Borreson. Shenandoah (6,938)—L. A. Logan. Sibley (2,559)—W. Paul Forney. Sioux City (83,991)—M. T. Nodland. Spencer (7,446)—W. F. .Johnson. Storm Lake (6,954)—Arthur R. Block. Tama (2,930)—Ben Jones. Tipton (2,633)—H. C. DeKock. Vinton (4,307)—H. .T. Eastman. Washin.gton (5,902)—M. M. Schell. Waterloo (65,198)—Jack M. Logan. Waukon (3,158)—B. H. Graeber. Waverly (5,124)—J. K. Haehlen. Webster City (7,611)—J. H. McBurney. West Des Moines (5,615)—Amos C. Lee. Winterset (3,570)—D. R. Lillard.


County and Superintendent

Allen—Mrs. Myrtle M. Pope, lola. Anderson—Emma Snyder, Garnett. Atchison—Mrs. Gladys M. Winzer,

Atchison. Barber—Mrs. Jennie McKinley, Medi¬

cine Lodge. Barton—Mrs. Eunice Folds, Great Bend. Bourbon—Mrs. Edna Golladay, Fort

Scott. Brown—Genevieve Lydick, Hiawatha. Butler—Lillian I. Dedrick, El Dorado. Chase—Mrs. Ida M. Vinson, Cottonwood

Falls. Chautauqua—Mrs. Catharine Sturges,


Cherokee—W. J, Davidson, Columbus. Cheyenne—Dorothy Lillich, St. Francis. Clark—Mrs. Ruth W. Fox, Ashland. Clay—Mrs. Leda M. Pettey, Clay Center. Cloud—G. B. Kappelman, Concordia. Coffey—Gladiola Bowman, Burlington. Comanche—Abraham F. Adrian, Cold-

water. Cowley—Oscar R. Brewer, Winfield. Crawford—W. L. Rambo, Girard. Decatur—Edith Anderson, Oberlin. Dickinson—Frank E. Correll, Abilene. Doniphan—Alden Simpson, Troy. Douglas—Mrs. Emma Semple Berg,

Lawrence. Edwards—Mrs. Annette K. Wilson,

Kinsley. Elk—Mrs.Mrs. Ruth Sexton, Howard. Ellis—Anthony E, Roth, Hays. Ellsworth—Mrs. Opal Meinhold, Ells¬

worth. Finney—Mrs. Ruth S. Towles, Garden

City. Ford—Mrs. Beulah B. Barnes, Dodge

City. Franklin—Lena Hutchins, Ottawa. Geary—Jane E. Roether, Junction City. Gove—Charles H. Johnson, Gove. Graham—Mrs. Veva Quint, Hill City. Grant—Mrs. Ethel Miller, Ulysses. Gray—Wilma Naylor, Cimarron. Greeley—Mrs. Edna Moore, Tribune. Greenwood—Mrs. June Hamilton, Eu¬

reka. Hamilton—Viola M. Osborne, Syracuse. Harper—John T. Smith, Anthony. Harvey—Florence A. Michael, Newton. Haskell—Mrs. Cora Williams, Sublette. Hodgeman—Mrs. Murriel Eichman, Jet-

more. Jackson—Mrs. Winifred M. Nelson, Hol¬

ton. Jefferson—Wyatt A. Gragg, Oskaloosa. Jewell—A. T. Menhusen, Mankato. Johnson—Mrs. Mabel Click, Olathe. Kearney—Mrs. Helen Coons, Lakin. Kingman—Mrs. Mamie Longenecker,

Kingman. Kiowa—Mrs. Sonora L. Garner, Greens-

burg. Labette—Alma DeBolt, Oswego. Lane—Mrs. Edith Caldwell, Dighton. Leavenworth—Mrs. Drusie Coffin.

Leavenworth. Lincoln—Dorothe Tarrence, Lincoln. Linn—John W. Wallace, Mound City. Logan—Mrs. Ruth E. Langdon, Russell

Springs. Lyon—Mrs. Hazel Miller, Emporia. McPherson—Vinnie Lindbeck, McPher¬

son. Marion—J. H. Franzen, Marion. Marshall—Joseph Swoboda, Marysville. Meade—Ola Granger, Me^lde. Miami—Mrs. Elsie Downs, Paola. Mitchell—H. T. Taylor, Beloit.


Montgomery—Marie Therkelsen, Inde¬ pendence.

Morris—Mrs. Marie Munsell, Council Grove.

Morton—R. H. Harrison, Elkhart. Nemaha—Mrs. Ethel B. Adams, Seneca. Neosho—Mrs. Gertrude Noland Salb,

Erie. Ness—Mrs. Dorcas Cole, Ness City. Norton—Mrs. Iris Olson, Norton. Osage—Paul W. Crawford, Lyndon. Osborne—LaVerne Arnold, Osborne. Ottawa—Mrs. Myrtle Thompson, Minne¬

apolis. Pawinee—Mrs. Della Andrews, Lamed. Phillips—David Van Dyke, Phillips-

burg. Pottawatomie—Mrs. Margaret Channel,

Westmoreland. Pratt—Lottie M. Clark, Pratt. Rawlins—Mollie McBride, Atwood. Reno—H. K. Thompson, Hutchinson. Republic—Mrs. Thressa Kelly, Belle¬

ville. Rice—L. F. Baldwin, Lyons. Riley—Mrs. M. L. Secrest, Manhattan. Rooks—Edith Harris, Stockton. Rush—Orville C. Young, LaCrosse. Russell—Mrs. Christiana D. Graf, Rus¬

sell. Salina—Ruth Gahnstrom, Salina. Scott—Mrs. Mildred Conine, Scott City. Sedgwick—Pearl Kensler, Wichita. Seward—Mrs. Olive Eddington, Liberal. Shawnee—C. R. Watson, Topeka. Sheridan—Warner Johnson, Hoxie. Sherman—Mrs. Martha Steele, Good-

land. Smith—Floyd Kugler, Smith Center. Stafford—Mrs. Ida L. Goodman, St.

John. Stanton—Mrs. Hazel A. Lewis, Johnson. Stevens—Mrs. Leora Rosel, Hugoton. Sumner—Kyle Trueblood, Wellington. Thomas—Mrs. Effie M. Hoobler, Colby. Trego—Nadine Ellis, Wakeeney. Wabaunsee—Ruth B. Travis, Alma. Wallace—Mrs. Rose Healey, Sharon

Springs. Washington—Mrs. Esther Rateuke,

Washington. Wichita—Mrs. Mabel Snell, Leoti. Wilson—C. E. Strecker, Fredonia. Woodson—Mrs. Margie Englebrecht,

Yates Center. Wyandotte—George D. Bell, Kansas


Urbon Place and Superintendent

Abilene (5,580)—W. C. Robinson. Anthony (2,779)—W. D. Carr. Arkansas City (12,887)—Jerry J. Vine¬

yard. Atchison (12,759)—Charles W. Laf-


Augusta (4,466)—H. H. Robinson. Baxter Springs (4,633)—P. G. Crisman. Belleville (2,858)—Robert E. Butler. Beloit (4,079)—John S. Morrell. Caney (2,863)—Jasper C. Witter. Chanute (10,241)—Buford E. Fisher. Cherry vale (2,956)—Howard Gill. Clay Center (4,518) :

Elem.—Ernest Tolin. High (community)—G. C. Stevens.

Coffeyville (17,114)—V. A. Klotz. Colby (3,843)—R. L. Dennen. Columbus (3,473) :

Elem.—Melvin E. Neely. High (community)—W. L. Brown.

Concordia (7,139)—Carl A. James. Council Grove (2,723)—K. O. Esping. Dodge City (11,237)—A. G. Schroeder-

meier. El Dorado (10,923)—Paul Hawkins. Ellinwood (2,565)—R. M. Schadt. Ellis (2,653)—E. A. Fitzgerald. Emporia (15,560)—W. M. Richards. Eureka (3,955)—Carl S. Knox. Fort Scott (10,330)—D. V. Swartz. Fredonia (3,258)—P. C. Hesser. Galena (4,019)—Clarence L. Wantland. Garden City (10,893)—J. R. Jones. Garnett (2,693)—Waiter E. Myers. Goodland (4,685) :

Elem.—Gordon A. Yeargan. High (community)—Gordon A.

Yeargan. Great Bend (12,620)—Hugh Brogan. Hays (8,600)—Clyde U. Philips. Herington (3,765)—E. T. Anderson. Hiawatha (3,300)—M. F. Stark. Hoisington (4,016)—E. D. Kroesch. Holton (2,701)—James E. Wilcox. Hugoton (2,783) :

Elem.—E. F. Timmons. High—C. C. Reynolds.

Hutchinson (33,524)—L. A. Small. Independence (11,432)—E. R. Stevens, lola (7,081)—Joe W. Ostenberg. Junction City (13,370)—D. A. McCon¬

nell. Kansas City (129,583)—F. L. Schlagle Kingman (3,195)—J. L. Engelhardt. Lamed (4,442)—Jesse O. Cullison Lawrence (23,292)—W. D. Wolfe. Leavenworth (20,543)—Hugh Bryan. Liberal (7,124)—M. P. Forker. Lyons (4,540)—Oscar E. Foote. McPherson (8,659)—R. W. Potwin. Manhattan (18,996)—F. V. Bergman. Marysville (3,860)—D. E. Wolgast. Neodesha (3,716)—Ray E. Heller. Newton (11,541)—H. W. Scott. Norton (3,058) :

Elem.—Leonard L. Wood. High (community)—Gerald Travis.

Olathe (5,589)—W. B. Kintigh. Osawatomie (4,334)—George A. York. Ottawa (10,051)—Henry A. Parker. Paola (3,971)—G. E. Watkins.


Parsons (14,706)—Wallace H. Gntli- ridge.

Phillipsbiirg (2,586)—Roland W. Peter¬ son.

Pittsburg (19,371)—Earl R. Bevan. Pratt (7,505)—Amos W. Glad. Russell (6,471)—Thomas L. Iden. Salina (26,141)—W. M. Ostenberg. Scott City (3,191) :

Elem.—Paul C. Loveless. High (community)—Robert Bur¬

nett. Sunflower* (3,854)—Charles L. Shug-

hart. Topeka (77,827)—W. R. Godwin. Wellington (7,770)—E. V. Reichley. Wichita (166,306)—Wade C. Fowler. Winfield (10,238)—Herbert C. Hawk.


County and Superintendent

Adair—Harbert Walker, Columbia. Allen—Noble Allen, Scottsville. Anderson—Mrs. Emma B. Ward, Law-

renceburg. Ballard—W. F. McGary, Wickliffe. Barren—Mitchell Davis, Glasgow. Bath—Bradley Sexton, Owingsville. Bell—W. M. Slusher, Pineville. Boone—H. N. Ockerman, Burlington. Bourbon—Ben F. Coffman, Paris. Boyd—Floyd Hall, Catlettsburg. Boyle—H. A. Cocanougher, Danville. Bracken—W. L. Knuckles, Jr., Brooks-

ville. Breathitt—Mrs. IMarie R. Turner, Jack-

son. Breckinridge—E. D. Brown, Hardins-

burg. Bullitt—W. O. Anderson, Sliepherds-

ville. Butler—Louis Arnold, Morgantown. Caldwell—Clifton Clift, Princeton. Calloway—Buron Jeffrey, Murray. Campbell—Charles E. McCormick, xVl-

exaudria. Carlisle—Lovey Raburn, Bardwell. Carroll—R. B. Cartmell, Carrollton. Carter—Heman TI. McGuire, Grayson. Casey—Charles E. Wesley, Liberty. Christian—H. Barton Fiser, Hopkins¬

ville. Clark—William G. Conkwright, Vv'in-

chester. Clay—Mrs. Mallie Bledsoe, Manchester. Clinton—R. C. Reneau, Albany. Crittenden — Braxton IM c D o n a 1 d,

Marion. Cumberland—Ray Logan, Burkesville. Daviess—F. T. Burns, Owensboro. Edmonson—Glen Duvall, Brownsville. Elliott—Curtis L. Davis, Sandy Hook. Estill—Douglas Miller, Irvine.

Fayette—N. C. Trupen, Lexington. Fleming—Frank D. Scott, Flemiugs-

burg. Floyd—Virgil O. Turner, Prestonsburg. Franklin—Roy True, Frankfort. Fulton—J. C. Lawson, Hickman. Gallatin—Mrs. Joe Smith, Warsaw. Garrard—John W. Marsee, Lancaster. Grant—Marion Gardner, Williamstown. Graves—James B. Deweese, Mayfield. Grayson—Oran P. Lawler, Leitchfleld. Green—Mrs. Lucile P. Guthrie, Greens-

burg. Greenup—Fred Maynard, Greenup. Hancock—R. I. Glover, Hawesville. Hardin—G. C. Burkhead, Elizabeth¬

town. Harlan—James A. Cawood, Harlan. Harrison—W. L. Case, Cynthiana. Hart—Mrs. Daisie Carter, Munford-

ville. Henderson—Martin L. Roberts, Hen¬

derson. Henry—John W. Long, New Castle. Hickman—Dentis McDaniel, Clinton. Hopkins—Harper Gatton, Madisonville. lackson—James R. Baker, INIcKee. Jefferson—Richard VanHoose, Louis¬

ville. Jessamine—Cornelius R. Hager, Nich-

olasville. Johnson—Verne P. Horne, Paintsville. Kenton—J. A. Caywood, Independence. Knott—Beckham Combs, Hindman. Knox—Jesse D. Lay, Barbourville. Larue—Ada Lee Graham, Hodgenville. Laurel—Curtis ^IcDaniel, London. Lawrence—William A. Cheek, Louisa, '^^ee—Sedley Stewart, Beattyville. Leslie—J. D. Begley, Hyden. Letcher—Dave L. Craft, Whitesburg. Lewis—Thomas W. Rowland, Vance-

burg. Lincoln—Joda Milbern, Stanford. Livingston—Barkley Walker, Smith-

land. Logan—R. B. Piper, Jr., Russellville. Lyon—J. Ernest Fiser, Eddyville. ^IcCracken—Henry Chambers, Padu¬

cah. McCreary—C. D. Harmon, Whitley City. McLean—C. V. Watson, Calhoun. Madison—William E. Pearson, Rich¬

mond. Magoffin—Roy IMarshall, Salyersville. Marion—Hugh C. Spalding, Lebanon. Marshall—Holland Rose, Benton. Martin—Sheldon Clark, Inez. Mason—Emory G. Rogers, Marysville. Meade—James R. Allen, Brandenburg. Menifee—Miss George Alice Notley,

Frenchburg. Mercer—C. J. Patterson, Ilarrodsburg. Metcalfe—Thomas R. Butler, Edmon¬

ton. 2tIonroe—Darrell Carter, Tompkinsville. Unincorporated urban place.


Montgomery—Mrs. Nell G. McNamara, Mount Sterling.

Morgan—Carl Stewart, West Liberty. Muhlenberg—Robert H. Shaver, Green¬

ville. Nelson—Charles W. Hart, Bardstown. Nicholas—Raymond J. Wesley, Carlisle. Ohio—Stanley Byers, Hartford. Oldham—Alton Ross, LaGrange. Owen—Howard C. Smith, Owenton. Owsley—Pleas Turner, Booneville. Pendleton—A. B. Arnold, Falmouth. Perry—Arthur Eversole, Hazard. Pike—O. H. Parley, Pikeville. Powell—Rodney T. Clark, Stanton. Pulaski—Orville L. Swearingen, Somer¬

set. Robertson—James W. Colvin, Mount

Olivet. Rockcastle—Mrs. Neureul H. Miracle,

Mount Vernon. Rowan—Mrs. Eunice S. Cecil, More-

head. Russell—John M. Wilson, Jamestown. Scott—M. L. Archer, Georgetown. Shelby—George Giles, Shelbyville. Simpson—Herman W. Taylor, Frank¬

lin, Spencer—L. C. Winchester, Taylors¬

ville. Taylor—George E. Sapp, Campbells-

ville. Todd—Claude Hightower, Elkton. Trigg—Roy McDonald, Cadiz. Trimble—John M. Potter, Bedford. Union—Carlos Oakley, Morganfield. Warren—C. T. Clemons, Bowling Green. Washington—J. P. McWhorter, Spring-

field. Wayne—Ira Bell, Monticello. Webster—V. G. Waggener, Dixon. Whitley—William H. Ball, Williams¬

burg. Wolfe—Taylor Booth, Campton. Woodford—J. W. Dennis, Versailles.

Urban Place and Superintendent

Ashland (31,228)—James B. McQuown. Barbourville (2,911)—R. H. Playforth. Bardstown (4,135)—Henry T. Cooper, Bellevue (9,036)—C. S. Dale. Berea (3,354)—L. R. Singleton. Bowling Green (18,424)—L. C. Curry. Campbellsville (3,452)—T. F. Hamilton. Carrollton (3,216)—Talton K. Stone. Catlettsburg (4,739)—Carl A. Hicks. Central City (4,037)—George T. Tay¬

lor. Corbin (7,715)—G. W. Campbell. Covington (64,282)—Glenn O. Swing. Cumberland (4,244)—Harlan County. Cynthiana (4,832)—W. H. Cason. Danville (8,649)—John Robinson. Dayton (8,943)—William T. Reiley. Earlington (2,762)—A. P. Prather. Elizabethtown (5,793)—H. C. Taylor.

Elsmere (3,481) (in Erlanger School District—Edgar Arnett.)

Erlanger (3,689)—Edgar Arnett. Fort Thomas (10,830)—Russell E.

Bridges. Frankfort (11,949)—0. D. Redding. Franklin (4,319)—Simpson County. Pulton (3,189)—W. L. Holland. Georgetown (5,465)—K. G. Gillaspie. Glasgow (6,964)—James W. Depp. Greenville (2,644)—O. L. Adams. Hamilton Park* (2,571)-. Harlan (4,779 )--Foyster A. Sharpe. Harrodsburg (5,239)—J. K. Powell. Hazard (6,850)—R. G. Eversole. Henderson (16,760)—H. L. Smith. Henry Clay* (6,094) (in Lexington

school district). Hopkinsville (12,531)—Gladstone Koff-

man. Irvine (3,258)—Roy C. Richardson. Jenkins (6,933)—C. V. Snapp. Kenvir-Redbud* (3,422) — Harlan

County. Lebanon (4,643)—Mrs. Lillian B.

Johnston. Lexington (54,449)—John M. Ridgway. London (3,406)—Joe Alsip. Louisville (367,359)—Omer Carmichael. Ludlow (6,357)—Robert G. Huey. Lynch-Benham* (7,946)—H. L. Kash. Madisonville (11,136) —Hopkins

County. Mayfield (8,959)—J. Marvin Glenn. Maysville (8,508)—Ted C. Gilbert. Middlesborough (14,419) — R. Case

Thomasson. Monticello (2,926)—Robert E. Woosley. Morehead (3,082)—Rowan County. Morganfield (3,283)—Union County. Mount Sterling (5,242)—Leonard Tay¬

lor. Murray (6,011)—W. Z. Carter. Newport (31,015)—Anderson D. Owens. Nicholas ville (3,404) —J essamine

County. Owensboro (33,983)—Ralph Cherry. Paducah (32,430)—Mark F. Scully. Paintsville (4,290)—J. C. Eddleman. Paris (6,901)—Lee Kirkpatrick. Park Hills (2,570)—Kenton County. Picadome* (7,304)—Fayette County. Pikeville (5,162)—John M. York. Pineville (3,879)—George G. Gilling¬

ham. Prestonburg (3,562)—C. H. Frazier. Princeton (5,384)—Ruel W. Cairnes. Providence (3,884)—J. D. Rayburn. Richmond (10,217)—A. L. Lassiter. Russellville (4,534)—R. E. Stevenson. Shelbyville (4,395)—Mrs. Willie C. Ray. Somerset (7,068)—P. H. Hopkins. South Fort Mitchell (3,139)—Kenton


Unincorporated urban place.


The Meadows* (3,740)-. Versailles (2,755)—Woodford County. Williamsburg (3,347)—H. L. Goodlett. Winchester (9,157)—Frank J. Ogden.


Parish and Superintendent

Acadia—S. D. Pollard, Crowley. Allen—L. L. Smith, Oberlin. Ascension—L. J. Babin, Donaldson-

ville. Assumption—N. E. Carmouche, Platten-

ville. Avoyelles—L. A. Cayer, Marksville. Beauregard—K. R, Hanchey, DeRidder. Bienville—J. A. Shelby, Arcadia. Bossier—R. V. Kerr, Benton. Caddo—R. H. White, Shreveport. Calcasieu—H. A. Norton, Lake Charles. Caldwell—T. L. Johnston, Columbia. Cameron—U. E. Hackett, Grand Che¬

nier. Catahoula—A. L. Brooks, Jonesville. Claiborne—F. C. Haley, Homer. Concordia—J. S. Burris, Vidalia. De Soto—S. M. Shows, Mansfield. East Baton Rouge—Rex Beard, Baton

Rouge. East Carroll—M. M. Walsworth, Lake

Providence. East Feliciana—P. H. Dupuy, Clinton. Evangeline—F. V. Launey, Ville Platte. Franklin—W. B. Glover, Winnsboro. Grant—C. C. Belgard, Colfax. Iberia—L. G. Porter, New Iberia. Iberville—L. P. Terrebonne, Plaque-

mine. Jackson—J. D. Koonce, Jonesboro. Jefferson—L. W. Higgins, Gretna. Jefferson Davis—L. H. Richard, Jen¬

nings. Lafayette—J. C. Landry, Lafayette. Lafourche—R. O. Moncla, Thibodaux. La Salle—F. H. Shiel, Jena. Lincoln—Morelle Emmons, Ruston. Livingston—Watson Bankston, Livings¬

ton. Madison—J. R. Linton, Tallulah. Morehouse—S. G. Lucky, Bastrop. Natchitoches—E. A. Lee, Natchitoches. Orleans—0. Perry Walker, Acting, New

Orleans. Ouachita—W. W. Ward, Monroe. Plaquemines—Patrick Olinde, Pointe

a la Hache. Pointe Coupee—S. P. Lorio, New Roads. Rapides—E. S. Aiken, Alexandria. Red River—A. L. Sigler, Coushatta. Richland—J. B. Thompson, Jr., Ray-

ville. Sabine—Roy Alford, Many. St. Bernard—J. F. Gauthier, Arabi. St. Charles—R. J. Vial, Jr., Hahnville. St. Helena—J. L. ^Meadows, Greensburg. St. James~E. L. Roussel, Lutcher.


St. John the Baptist—J. O. Montegut, Reserve.

St. Landry—S. A. Moncla, Opelousas. St. Martin—L. J. Montegut, St. Martin-

ville. St. Mary—B. E. Boudreaux, Franklin. St. Tammany—William Pitcher, Cov¬

ington. Tangipahoa—J. H. Newton, Jr., Amite. Tensas—V. C. Rives, St. Joseph. Terrebonne—H. L. Bourgeois, Houma. Union—C. C. Murphey, Farmerville. Vermilion—G. J. LeDet, Abbeville. Vernon—T. L. Harvey, Leesville. Washington—R. W. Magee, Franklin-

ton. Webster—J. E. Pitcher, Minden. West Baton Rouge—Remi Lavergne,

Port Allen. West Carroll—H. M. Thomas, Oak

Grove. West Feliciana—J. A. Broussard, St.

Francisville. Winn—R. L. Terry, Winnfield.

Urban Place ^ and Superintendent

Abbebille (9,318)—Vermilion Parish. Alexandria (34,685)—Rapides Parish. Amite City (2,788)—Tangipahoa Par¬

ish. Bastrop (12,775)—Morehouse Parish. Baton Rouge (123,957)—East Baton

Rouge Parish. Berwick (2,616)—St. Mary Parish. Bogalusa (17,722)—M. J. Israel. Bossier City (15,368)—Bossier Parish. Bunkie (4,559)—Avoyelles Parish. Church Point (2,888)—Acadia Parish. Covington (5,102)—St. Tammany Par¬

ish. Crowley (12,704)—Acadia Parish. Daigleville* (4,812)—Terrebonne Par¬

ish. DeQuincy (3,841)—Calcasieu Parish. DeRidder (5,776)—Beauregard Parish. Donaldsonville (4,150) — Ascension

Parish. Eunice (8,186)—St. Landry Parish. Ferriday (3,845)—Concordia Parish. Franklin (6,125)—St. Mary Parish. Goosport* (8,340)—Calcasieu Parish. Gretna (13,848)—Jefferson Parish. Hammond (8,015)—Tangipahoa Parish. Harahan (3,392)—Jefferson Parish. Haynesville (3,026) — Claiborne Par¬

ish. Homer (4,756)—Claiborne I'arish. Houma (11,480—Terrebonne Parish. Jackson (6,767)—East Feliciana Par¬

ish. Jeanerette (4,669)-—Iberia Parish.

♦Unincorporated urban place. ® Except for three independent city sys¬

tems, the schools in urban places are admin¬ istered by the school system of the parish (county) in which they are located.


Jennings (9,735)—Jefferson Davis Par¬ ish.

Jonesboro (3,062)—Jackson Parish. Kaplan (4,553)—Vermilion Parish. Kenner (5,512)—Jefferson Parish. Lafayette (33,465)—Lafayette Parish. Lake Arthur (2,845)—Jefferson Davis

Parish. Lake Charles (41,202)—G. W. Ford. Lake Providence (4,119)—East Carroll

Parish. Leesville (4,668)—Vernon Parish. Mansfield (4,268)—De Soto Parish. Maplewood (2,678)—Calcasieu Parish. Marksville (3,636)—Avoyelles Parish. Minden (9,776)—Webster Parish. Monroe (38,375)—Van D. Odom. Morgan City (9,739)—St. Mary Parish. Natchitoches (9,548) — Natchitoches

Parish. New Iberia (16,460)—Iberia Parish. New Orleans (567,257)—Orleans Par¬

ish. New Roads (2,811)—Pointe Coupee

Parish. Norco-Goodhope* (3,355)—St. Charles

Parish. Oakdale (5,560)—Alien Parish. Opelousas (11,600)—St. Landry Parish. Pineville (6,396)—Rapides Parish. Plaquemine (5,737)—Iberville Parish. Ponchatoula (4,075)—Tangipahoa Par¬

ish. Port Allen (3,078)—West Baton Rouge

Parish. Rayne (6,493)—Acadia Parish. Rayville (3,143)—Richland Parish. Reserve* (4,469)—St. John the Baptist

Parish. Ruston (10,346)—Lincoln Parish. St. Martinville—(4,604) St. Martin

Parish. Shreveport (125,426)—Caddo Parish. Slidell (3,455)—St. Tammany Parish. Springhill (3,377)—Webster Parish. Sulphur (5,991)—Calcasieu Parish. Tallulah (7,775)—Madison Parish. Thibodaux (7,733)—Lafourche Parish. Ville Platte (6,618)—Evangeline Par¬

ish. Vinton (2,582)—Calcasieu Parish. West Monroe (10,286)—Ouachita Par¬

ish. Westwego (8,281)—Jefferson Parish. Winnfield (5,616)—Winn Parish. Winnsboro (3,643)—Franklin Parish.


Supervisory Union Number and Superintendent

1— Lorey C. Day, Kittery. 2— Philip Hines, Wells. 3— Raymond B. Steward, Kennebunk.

4— H. P. Larrabee, Biddeford. 5— Howard I. Libby, South Berwick. 6— Maynard E. Wright, Alfred. 7— Cecil Cutts, Saco. 8— Melville Johnson, Hollis Center. 9— Lewis E. Webber, Cornish.

10—Robert B. Lunt, Scarborough. 12— Anthony Brackett, Westbrook. 13— William H. Soule, R. 5, Portland. 14— Hamilton Grant, Freeport. 15— Frederick H. Aikens, South Wind¬

ham. 18— Carl M. Harmon, Bridgton. 19— Merle S. Jones, Fryeburg. 21— Lester Harriman, Norway. 22— Donald M. Christie, Bethel. 24— Harvey C. McGuire, Ridlonville. 25— Lawrence A. Peakes, Rumford. 26— Charles L. Puffer, South Paris. 27— Bruce J. Kinney, Dixfield. 29— Frank E. Drisko, Mechanic Falls. 30— Elmer O. Small, Lisbon Falls. 31— Isaiah M. Hodges, Turner. 32— Alfred E. Bracy, Canton. 33— Gerald D. Cushing, Wilton. 34— Bertha W. Carter, Etna. 35— J. A. Green, Farmington. 36— Elwood A. Allen, Phillips. 37— Frank E. Dorr, Rangeley. 40—James DeWever, New Sharon. 42— Leroy S. Huckins, Winthrop. 43— R. W. Perry, Richmond. 44— O. C. Woodman, Gardiner. 46— Leon P. Spinney, Brunswick. 47— L, R. Additon, Bath. 48— -S. C. Gilman, Sebasco Estates. 49— H. B. Clifford, East Boothbay. 51— Aubrey H. Snow, Coopers Mills. 52— Carl B. Lord, North Vassalboro. 53— Hubert E. Redding, Oakland. 54— Gwyeth T. Smith, Fairfield. 56— Erwin A. Gallagher, Skowhegan. 57— E. O. Judkins, Anson. 59— H. P. Ingalls, Bingham. 60— Glenn Robinson, Greenville. 61— Lloyd H. Robinson, Monson. 62— Frank H. Kent, Guilford. 63— Harold E. Carson, Hartland. 64— W. G. Springer, Pittsfield. 65— Asa Gordon, Albion. 67—Lewis L. Gray, Liberty. 69— Buford L. Grant, Camden. 70— J. W. Russell, Rockland. 72--—, Thomaston. 73— Earle M. Spear, Waldoboro. 74— John Seekins, Newcastle. 75— Harofld A. Wiggin, Union. 76— Ralph S. Smith, Stonington. 77— Philip C. Libby, Belfast. 78— Bernard Pierce, Winterport. 79— Vance L. McNoughton, Brooks. 81— Julian P. Thompson, Newport. 82— Elwin F. Towne, Dexter. 83— Clyde Hichborn, East Corinth. 84— Frederick L. Mossier, Dover-Fox-

croft. 'Unincorporated urban place.


85— R. H. Dority, Milo. 86— G. H. Crockett, Howland. 87— J. A. Leonard, Old Town. 88— Albert E. Pillsbiiry, Brewer. 90— C. N. Gould, Milford. 91— G. H. Jewett, Bucksport. 92— Henry G. Perkins, Ellsworth. 93— Albert L. Skidds, West Brookes-

ville. 96— R. H. Haskins, Sorrento. 97— Orville J. Guptill, Bar Harbor. 98— Paul J. Brown, Southwest Harbor. 99— Charles F. Lawrence, Cherryfield.

101— Ralph L. Brown, Jonesport. 102— ^LeRoy W. Moan, Macbias. 103— Carroll Ronco, Lubec. 104— Alden W. Allen, Eastport. 106— Edward W. Hincks, Calais. 107— J. Raymond Brennick, Princeton. 108— Waldron E. Fernald, Danforth. 110— Merle S. Goodwin, Lee. 111— G. A. Bragdon, Lincoln. 113— William W. Hale, Millinocket. 114— L. P. Bagley, Island Falls. 11.5—Ernest G. Tupper, Patten. 117— Floyd C. Royal, Hodgdon. 118— G. J. Gumming, Houlton. 119— Clifford J. McGaughy, Mars Hill. 120— Francis L. Strout, Fort Fairfield. 121— R. B. Andrews, Presque Isle. 122— William C. Foster, Washburn. 12.3—Clayton A. Storer, Ashland. 124— H. L. V. Anderson, Caribou. 125— E. L. Linscott, Caribou. 126— Edgar Martin, Van Buren. 127— L. A. Violette, Madawaska. 128— Anna R. Madore, Eagle Lake. 129— Albert Cyr, Fort Kent. 130— S. A. Griffin, Livermore Falls. 131— E. C. McGraw, Hampden.

Urban Place and Superintendent

[Eight cities have independent school systems, each having its own superin¬ tendent. The schools in all other urban places are a part of town school systems and are served by superintendents of supervisory unions composed of two or more town school districts.]

Auburn (23,134)—Galen I. Veayo. Augusta (20,913)—Perry F. Shibles. Bangor (31,558)—Roland J. Carpenter. Bar Harbor* (2,533) (Supervisory

Union No. 97—Orville J. Guptill). Bath (10,644) (Supervisory Union No.

47—L. R. Additon). Belfast (5,960) (Supervisory Union No.

77—Philip C. Libby). Biddeford (20,836) (Supervisory Union

No. 4—H. P. Larrabee). Brewer (6,862) (Supervisory Union No.

88—Albert E. Pillsbury). Brunswick* (7,300) (Supervisory Union

No. 46—Leon P. Spinney).

Calais (4,589) (Supervisory Union No. 106—Edward W. Hincks).

Camden* (3,295) (Supervisory Union No. 69—Buford L. Grant).

Caribou* (4,494) (Supervisory Union No. 124—Hayden L. V. Anderson).

Dexter* (2,802) (Supervisory Union No. 82—Elwin F. Towne).

Dover-Foxcroft* (2,545) (Supervisory Union No. 84—Frederick L. Mossier.

Eastport (3,123) (Supervisory Union No. 104—Alden W. Allen).

Ellsworth (3,936) (Supervisory Union No. 92—Henry G. Perkins).

Fairfield* (3,741) (Supervisory Union No. 54—Gwyeth T. Smith).

Farmington-West Farmington* (3,101) (Supervisory Union No. 35—J. A. Green).

Fort Fairfield* (2,511) (Supervisory Union No. 120—Francis L. Strout).

Fort Kent* (3,009) (Supervisory Union No. 129—Albert Cyr).

Gardiner (6,314) (Supervisory Union No. 44—O. C. Woodman).

Hallowell (3,404) (Supervisory Union No. 42—Leroy’s S. Huckins).

Houlton* (6,005) (Supervisory Union No. 118—G. J. Gumming).

Kennebimk-East Kennebunk* (2,520) (Supervisory Union No. 2—Philip Hines).

Kittery* (6,408) (Supervisory Union No. 1—Lorey C. Day).

Lewiston (41,142)—A. A. Woodworth. Lincoln* (2,546) (Supervisory Union

No. Ill—G. A. Bragdon). Livermore Falls* (3,014) (Supervisory

Union No. 130—S. A. Griffin). Madawaska* (2,955) (Supervisory

Union No. 127—L. A. Violette). Madison* (2,544) (Supervisory Union

No. 56—E. A. Gallagher). Mexico* (3,809) (Supervisory Union

No. 24—Harvey C. McGuire). Millinockett* (5,739) (Supervisory

Union No. 113—William W. Hale). Norway* (2,679) (Supervisory Union

No. 21—Lester Harriman). Old Orchard Beach* (4,556) (Super¬

visory Union No. 7—Uecil J. Cutts). Old Town (8,261) (Supervisory Union

No. 87—J. A. Leonard). Orono* (3,623) (Supervisory Union No.

87—J. A. Leonard). Pittsfield* (3,006) (Supervisory Union

No. 64—W. G. Springer). Portland (76,933)—Harrison C. Lyseth. Presque Isle (9,954) (Supervisory

Union No. 121—R. B. Andrews). Rockland (9,138) (Supervisory Union

No. 70—J. W. Russell). Rumford* (7,866) (Supervisory Union

No. 25—Lawrence A. Peakes) .

♦Unincorporated urban center.


Saco (10,349) (Supervisory Union No. 7—CJecil Cutts).

Sanford^' (11,079)—Neil Sullivan. Skowhegan* (6,174) (Supervisory

Union No. 56—Erwin A. Gallagher). South Portland (21,732)—G. E. Beal. Springvale* (2,729) (in Sanford Town). Van Buren* (3,718) (Supervisory

Union No. 126—Edgar Martin). Waterville (18,232)—K. S. Nickerson. Westbrook (12,280) (Supervisory

Union No. 12—^Anthony Brackett). Winslow* (2,914) (Supervisory Union

No. 52—Carl B. Lord).


County and Superintendent

Allegany—Ralph R. Webster, Cumber¬ land.

Anne Arundel—David S. Jenkins, An¬ napolis.

Baltimore—E. Guy Stapleton, Towson. Calvert—Harry R. Hughes, Prince

Frederick. Caroline—W. Stewart Fitzgerald, Den

ton. Carroll—Samuel M. Jenness, Westmin¬

ster. Cecil—Wm. S. Sartorius, Elkton. Charles—T. Carlyle Martin, La Plata. Dorchester—James G. Busick, Cam¬

bridge. Frederick—Eugene W. Pruitt, Fred¬

erick. Garrett—R. Bowen Hardesty, Oakland. Harford—Charles W. Willis, Bel Air. Howard—John E. Tingling, Ellicott

City. Kent—Reade W. Corr, Chestertown. Montgomery—Edwin W. Broome, Rock¬

ville. Prince Georges—Wm. S. Schmidt, Upper

Marlboro. Queen Annes—Harry C. Rhodes, Cen¬

terville. St. Marys—Lettie M. Dent, Leonard-

town. Somerset—C. A. Carlson, Pnncess Anne. Talbot—J. Willard Davis, Easton. Washington—W. M. Brish, Hagerstown. Wicomico—James M. Bennett, Salis¬

bury. Worcester—Paul D. Cooper, Snow Hill.

Urban Place ^ and Superintendent

Aberdeen (2,944)—Harford County. Annapolis (15,016) —Anne Arundel

County. Baltimore (940,245)—Wm. H. Lemmel. Bel Air (2,578)—Harford County.

Except for Baltimore, the schools in all urban places are a part of the school system of the county in which they are located.

Bladensburg (2,899)—Prince Georges County.

Brentwood (3,523)—Prince Georges County.

Brunswick (3,752)—Frederick County. Cambridge (10,351) —D orchester

County. Capitol Heights (2,729)—Prince

Georges County. Chestertown (3,143)—Kent County. Cheverly (3,318) —Prince Georges

County. College Park (11,170)—Prince Georges

County. Crisfield (3,688)—Somerset County. Cumberland (37,679)—Allegany

County. Easton (4,836)—Talbot County. Eastport* (4,594) —Anne Arundel

County. Elkton (5.245)—Cecil County. Ellicott City-Oella* (3,364)—Howard

County. Frederick (18,142)—Frederick County. Frostburg (6,876)—Allegany County. Greenbelt (7,074) —Prince Georges

County. Hagerstown (36,260)—W ashington

County. Havre de Grace (7,809)—Harford

County. Hyattsville (12,308)—Prince Georges

County. Laurel (4,482)—Prince Georges County. Mount Rainier (10,989) —P r i n c e

Georges County. Pocomoke City (3,191)—Worcester

County. Riverdale (5,530) —Prince Georges

County. Rockville (6 934)—Montgomery County. Salisbury (15,141)—Wicomico County. Takoma Park (13,341)—Montgomery

and Prince Georges Counties. Westernport (3,431)—Allegany County. Westminster (6,140)—Carroll County.


Supervisory Union Number and Superintendent

1— Edwin W. Rowell, Baldwinville. 2— William A. Dexter, Easthampton. 3— Carl J. Peterson, Barre. 4— Roger K. Poole, Northboro. 5— Harold B. Swicker, Chester. 6— Harold M. Ladd, Monson. 7— Laurence A. Fogg, Sterling. 8— Theron B. Thompson, North Brook¬

field. 9— Ralph C. Sturke, Grafton.

10— William D. Shea, Millbury. 11— Philip Hallowell, Shelburne Falls.

Unincorporated urban place.


12— James F. Peebles, Bourne. 13— Alfred R. Kenyon, Bass River. 14— Carleton F. Rose, Warren. 15— Harold A. Truell, East Long-

meadow. 16— C. E. Bradley, Hanover. 17— Charles F. Ross, Provincetown. 18— Percy L. Rowe, Bellingham.

! 19—Herbert E. Hoyt, Harwich. 20— C. A. Miller, South Hadley Falls. 21— F. Sumner Turner, Northfield. 22— Chester V. Sweatt, Vineyard Haven. 23— W. D. Johnson, Georgetown. 24— F. M. Gifford, Fairhaven. 25— T. L. Warren, Charlemont. 26— Maurice P. Billings, Townsend. 27— Rexford S. Souder, Wayland. 28— J. R. Burgess, Sturbridge. 29— Wm. H. Buker, Holden. 30— C. Warren Gardner, Ashfield. 31— Carroll F. Johnson, Amherst. 32— Dana O. Weber, Huntington. 33— Hugh C. Gilgan, Avon. 34— Robert J. Jarvis, New Salem. 3.5—Arthur L. Welcome, Lee. 36— Earl C. Suitor, Hinsdale. 37— C. T. Ray, Kingston. 38— J. A. Wilk, Cheshire. 39— John D. Whittier, Topsfield. 40— G. R. Austin, Middleboro. 41— George C. Roy, Medfield. 42— John Somes, Sheffield. 43— L. A. Merritt, Williamsburg. 44— C. E. Doherty, Richmond. 45— J. J. Rolfe, North Dighton. 46— Hamilton Bailey, Seekonk. 47— Sidney Osborne, South Deerfield. 48— Roland Weeks, Granville. 49— George A. Sellig, Webster. 50— J. C. Page, West Newbury. 51— Harold G. Norton, Ayer. 52— L. G. Nourse, Norton. 53— D. J. Malcolm, Charlemont. 54— Gordon H. Fitzpatrick, Blackstone. 55— Thomas L. Rivard, Tewksbury. 56— Bert L. Merrill, West Bridgewater 57— Elliott A. Diggle, Pepperell. 58— Edwin J. Harriman, Littleton. 59— C. G. Hapgood, Manchester. 60— Walter T. Pulsifer, West Boylston, 61— Benj. D. Thomas, Dover.

Urban Place and Superintendent

[The schools in all unincorporated urban places are a part of the school systems of the towns in which they are located. The school systems in some towns do not have town superintendents but are served by union superintendents who have jurisdiction in two or more town systems.]

Adams-Renfrew* (11,626) (in Adams Town—J. Franklin Farrell).

Amesbury* (9,678) (in Amesbury Town—Fred C. English).

Amherst* (7,890) (in Union No. 31). Athol* (9,700) (in Athol Town—E. Per-

ley Eaton). Attleboro (23,665)—Anson B. Barber. Ayer* (3^113) (in Union No. 51). Beverly (28,855)—Starr M. King. Boston (790,863)—Dennis C. Haley. Bridgewater* (3,444) (in Bridgewater

Town—Albert F. Hunt, Jr.). Brockton (62,855)—Edwin A. Nelson. Cambridge (120,676)—John M. Tobin. Canton* (4,725) (in Canton Town—

John Glenn). Chelsea (39,038)—J. Frank Herlihy. Chicopee (48,939)—John L. Fitzpat¬

rick. Clinton* (12,295) (in Clinton Town—

John J. Mitchell). Dalton* (4,265) Un Dalton Town—

Allen J. Hill). Everett (45,789)—Frederick A. Ashley. Fall River (111,759)—William S.

Lynch. Falmouth* (2,704) (in Falmouth

Town—Harry S. Merson). Fisherville-Farnumsville* (2,598) (in

Union No. 9). Fitchburg (42,671)—George C. Francis. Foxborough* (2,779) (in Foxborough

Town—Charles G. Taylor). Franklin* (5,351) (in Franklin Town—

Edwin A. Cox). Gardner (19,617)—Frank C. Chace. Gardner’s Neck-Ocean Grove* (3,104) —

Gloucester (25,048)—L. Munroe Gran- dy.

Great Barrington* (3,915) (in Great Barrington Town—Kenneth F. Pres¬ ton).

Greenfield* (14,993) (in Greenfield Town—Frederick W. Porter).

Haverhill (47,213)—T. Joseph McCook. Holyoke (54,441)—William R. Peck. Hopedale* (2,793) (in Hopedale

Town—Donald S. Dow). Hyannis* (4,193) (in Barnstable

Town—Melvin C. Knight). Ipswitch (4,9.35) (in Ipswitch Town—

Robert H. Savitt). Lawrence (80,427)—James F. Hennes¬

sey. Lee* (2,833) (in Union No. 35). Leominster (24,084)—William B. Ap¬

pleton. Lowell (96,.523)—Vincent M. McCartin. Lynn (99,521)—Ernest Stephens. Malden (59,779)—Chester W. Holmes. Mansfield* (4,781) (in Mansfield

Town—Gerald W. Anderson). Marlboro (15,741)—John D. Coughlan,

Jr. Maynard* (6,687) (in Maynard

Town—Mary A. Doyle). Medford (66,109)—Betrand Hooper.

'Unincorporated urban place.


Melrose (26,919)—Harold T. Rand. Merino* (3,122) (in Union No. 9). Middleboro* (5,878) (in Middleboro

Town—J, Stearns Cushing). Milford* (14,361) (in Milford Town—

David I. Davoren). Nantucket* (2,874) (in Nantucket

Town—Richard J. Porter). New Bedford (109,033)—W. Kenneth

Burke. Newburyport (14,073) —R u p e r t A.

Nock. Newton—(80,996)—Harold B. Gores. North Adams (21,475)—Robert N. Tay¬

lor. Northampton (28,998)—William R.

Barry. North Brookfield* (2,597) (in Union

No. 8). Orange* (4,037) (in Orange Town—

Edward 0. Hempel). Oxford* (3,238) (in Union No. 10). Palmer* (3,437) (in Palmer Town—

Donald F. McCaffrey). Peabody (22,647)—William A. Welch. Pinehurst* (2,897) (in Billerica

Town—Edwin A. Martinson). Pittsfield (53,055)—Edward J. Russell. Plymouth* (10,589) (in Plymouth

Town—Burr F. Jones). Provincetown* (3,736) (in Union No.

17). Quincy (83,190)—Paul Gossard. Revere (36,663)—Carl F. Lindstol. Rockport* (2,882) (in Rockport

Town—David C. Bowen). Salem (41,842)—Peter F. Carbone. Sharon* (2,811) (in Sharon Town—

Herman H. Richardson). Somerville (102,254)—Everett W. Ire¬

land. Southbridge (16,744)—Robert H, Mc-

Carn. Spencer* (5,281)—(in Spencer Town—

Edward R. McDonough). Springfield (162,601)—Willian J. San¬

ders. Taunton (40,056)—Harold H. Galligan. Turners Falls* (5,167) (in Montague

Town—Arthur E. Burke). Uxbridge-North Uxbridge* (4,928) (in

Uxbridge Town—Walter H. Mc- Closkey).

Waltham (47,198)—John W. McDevitt. Ware* (6,192) (in Ware Town—Robert

L. Fox). Webster* (12,174)— (in Union No. 49). Westboro* (3,430) (in Westboro

Town—Charles M. Robinson). Westfield (20,961)—Thomas J. Aber-

nethy. Whitinsville* (5,624) (in Northbridge

Town—Beaumont A. Herman). Williamstown* (4,985) (in Williams-

town Town—Francis V. Grant).

Winchendon* (4,019) (in Winchendon Town—Donovan S. Jones).

Woburn (20,269)—J. Frank Hassett. Worcester (201,885)—Thomas F. Power.


County and Superintendent

Alcona—Charles G. Burns, Harrisville. Alger—Mrs. J. Vera Peterson, Munising. Allegan—G. Ray Sturgis, Allegan. Alpena—R. D. McNeill, Alpena. Antrim—H. C. Fischer, Bellaire. Arenac—L. Owen Noffsinger, Standish. ^Baraga—Joseph G. Hampton, L’Anse. Barry—^Arthur W. Lathrop, Hastings. Bay—Curtis S. Gustin, Bay City. Benzie—Mrs. Beryl H. Abbott, Frank¬

fort. Berrien—Mr. Beryl M. Dominy, St. Jo¬

seph. Branch—C. Alfred Rice, Coldwater. Calhoun—C. F. Whetstone, Marshall. Cass—John Dean, Cassopolis. Charlevoix—Mrs. Catherina C. Bergeon.

Charlevoix. Cheboygan—William J. Eng, Cheboy¬

gan. Chippewa—R. J. Wallis, Sault Ste.

Marie. Clare—John F. Brown, Harrison. Clinton—Carl Bates, St. Johns. Crawford—Willard H. Cornell, Gray¬

ling. Delta—Mr. Hagle Quarnstrom, Es-

canaba. Dickinson—Joseph Walsh, Iron Moun¬

tain. Eaton—Wendell Anderson, Charlotte. Emmet—Bruce T. Blanchard, Petoskev. Genesee—Mrs. Daisy E. Howard, Flint

3. Gladwin—Mrs. Carrie Ayre, Gladwin. Gogebic—Mrs. Mayne M. Ross, Besse¬

mer. Grand Traverse—George Eikey, Trav¬

erse City. Gratiot—Donald L. Baker, Ithaca. EEillsdale—John J. Drake, Hillsdale. Houghton—Earle B. Holman, Hancock. Huron—Ben L. Temple, Bad Axe. Ingham—Alton J. Stroud, Mason. Ionia—Elwood M. Brake, Ionia. Iosco—Russell A. Rollin, Tawas City. Iron—E. Burr Sherwood, Crystal Falls. Isabella—James A. Knapp, Mt. Pleas¬

ant. Jackson—L. A. Torrant, Jackson. Kalamazoo—Clarence E. Leonard, Kal¬

amazoo. Kalkaska—C. M. Sherwood, Kalkaska. Kent—Lynn H. Clark, Grand Rapids 2. Keweenaw—K. Wilbert Kuopus, Mo¬

hawk. Lake—L. J. Moothart, Baldwin. Lapeer—R. A. Grettenberger, Lapeer. Unincorporated urban place.


Leelanau—Harry R. Dumbrille, Glen Arbor.

Lenawee—Milton C. Porter, Adrian. Livingston—Gladys McCallnm, Howell. Luce-^live V. Mark, McMillan. Mackinac—Norman R. Wixson, St. Ig-

nace. Macomb—Will L. Lee, Mt. Clemens. Manistee—Albert J. Dablgren, Manis¬

tee. Marquette—Stanley Williams, Mar¬

quette. Mason—M. Elna Hansen, Ludington. Mecosta—Russell L. Borst, Big Rapids. Menominee—Mrs. Ethel Schuyler, Me¬

nominee. Midland—Fred C. Squire, Midland. Missaukee—Ford H. Finkel, Lake City. Monroe—Isaac E. Grove, Monroe. Montcalm—W. T. Simmons, Stanton. Montmorency—Mrs. Ruth Westcott, At¬

lanta. Muskegon—James Ten Brink, Muske¬

gon. Newaygo—Leon J. Deur, White Cloud. Oakland—Wm. J. Emerson, Pontiac 15. Oceana—E. A. Schimke, Hart. Ogemaw—Mrs. Delia Richardson, W.

Branch. Ontonagon—Henry J. Haskins, Ontona¬

gon. Osceola—Earl F. Lickert, Reed City. Oscoda—Georgia L. Fowler, Fairview. Otsego—John Makel, Gaylord. Ottawa—Jennie M. Kaufman, Grand

Haven. Presque Isle—F. S. Heron, Rogers City. Roscommon—Mrs. Emma T. Wiseman,

Roscommon. Saginaw—Harold W. Cornford, Sagi¬

naw. St. Clair—Mrs. Ruth N. Bacon, Port

Huron. St. Joseph—A. Jaffe, Centreville. Sanilac—John R. Francis, Sandusky. Schoolcraft—Mrs. Ada Watson, Manis-

tique. Shiawassee—Mrs. F. Margaret Smith,

Corunna. Tuscola—Joseph E. Liddicoat, Caro. Van Buren—George Schutt, Paw Paw. Washtenaw—Julius Haab, Ann Arbor. Wayne—Fred C. Fischer, Detroit 26,

2615 Cadillac Tower. Wexford—Olive M. Potrude, Cadillac.

Urban Place and Superintendent

Adrian (18,402)—George H. Little. Albion (10,395)—George Walkotten. Algonac (2,607)—Kenneth S. King. Allegan (4,777)—Arthur A. Kaechele. Allen Park (12,293) — (P. O. Dearborn)

William C. Harris. Alma (8,327)—F. R. Phillips. Alpena (13,053)—R. H. Wilson. Ann Arbor (47,279)—Otto W. Haisley.

Bad Axe (2,963)—Frank E. Dodge. Battle Creek (48,469)—V. M. Rogers. Bay City (52,372)—C. B. Park. Belding (4,461)—Fred E. Strong. Benton Harbor (18,612)—S. C. Mitchell. Benton Heights* (6,185) — --. Berkley (17,913)—Milburn P. Anderson. Bessemer (3,508)—Elmer J. Oas. Big Rapids (5,732)—Ed. Murdock. Birmingham (15,370)—D. B. Ireland. Boyne City (3,004)—L. E. White. Buchanan (5,241)—H. C. Stark. CadiUac (10,345)—Meryl A. Bird. Caro (3,454)—L. D. Mills. Center Line (7,643)—Clarence E. Croth-

ers. Charlevoix (2,664)—R. G. Bennett. Charlotte (6,589)—Clark Muma. Cheboygan (5,507)—H. O. Wetherell. Chelsea (2,585)—Charles S. Cameron. Clawson (5,176)—Paul A. Schalm. Coldwater (8,542)—E. B. Thomas. Dearborn (94,529)—James A. Lewis. Detroit (1,838,517)—Arthur Dondineau. Dowagiac (6,534)—Charles R. Canfield. Durand (3,173)—A. F. Lucas. East Detroit (21,373)—Evert W. Ardis. East Grand Rapids (6,357) — (P. O.

Grand Rapids)—Roy Fetherston. East Lansing (20,310)—Cecil E. Mac¬

Donald. East Lawn* (4,115)-. Eaton Rapids (3,512)—M. J. Beiser. Ecorse (17,457)—Ralph E. Brant. Englewood Park-Brownlee Park*

(4,147)-. Escanaba (15,068)—John A. Lemmer. Essexville (3,164)—W. R. Bush. Fair Plain* (4,118)—Max K. Petzke. Fenton (4,197)—George E. Peterson. Ferndale (29,670)—Roy E. Robinson. Flint (162,800)—Frank J. Manley (act¬

ing). Fremont (3,026)—Paul Emerish. Garden City (8,986)—Edward O’Leary. Gladstone (4,803)—W. C. Cameron. Grand Haven (9,466)—R. M. Van

Volkinburg. Grand Ledge (4,495)—K. T. Beagle. Grand Rapids (175,647)—Benjamin J.

Buikema. Greenville (6,656)—A. F. Allinder. Grosse Pointe (6,279)—James W. Bu-

shong. Grosse Pointe Farms (9,365) (in Grosse

Pointe School District). Grosse Pointe Park (13,029) (in Grosse

Pointe School District). Grosse Pointe Woods (10,407) (in

Grosse Pointe School District). Hamtramck (43,245)—Eldon C. Geyer. Hancock (5,216)—Harold C. Lent. Hastings (6,060)—L. H. Lamb. Hazel Park (17,791)—G. R. Robinson. Highland Park (46,155)—Max S. Smith.

* Unincorporated urban place.


Hillsdale (7,282)—Bernard L. Davis. Holland (15,742)—Walter W. Scott. Holly (2,644)—Charles G. Coggins. Houghton (3,776)—Irving S. Edwards. Howell (4,349)—John S. Page. Hudson (2,777)—Dale C. Fausey. Huntington Woods (4,919)-. Inkster (16,684)—Clarence F. Scharer. Ionia (6,466)—A. A. Rather. Iron Mountain (9,578)—John Jelsch. Iron River (4,023)—Pearl Windsor. Ironwood (11,506)—A. E. Erickson. Ishpeming (8,934)—H. C. Peterson. Jackson (50,904)—G. L. Greenawalt. Kalamazoo (57,326)—Loy Norrix. Kingsford (4,982)—A. T. Allen. Lansing (91,694)—D. H. Rich. Lapeer (6,116)—C. K. Schickler. Laurium (3,219) (in Calumet School

District). Lincoln Park (29,265)—Leo W. Huff. Livonia (17,413) (in Livonia Township

School District—Harry O. Johnson, P. O. Plymouth).

Ludington (9,066)—Oliver J. DeJonge. Manistee (8,598)—Dorr L. Wilde. Manistique (5,075)—A. F. Hall. Marine City (4,257)—Ralph Pfingst. Marquette (17,345)—W. M. Whitman. Marshall (5,740)—H. W. Holmes. Mason (3,506)—James H. VanderVen. Melvindale (9,475)—G. R. Robinson. Menominee (11,124)—Miles W. Robin¬

son. Michigan Center* (3,015) — R. F.

Keicher. Midland (14,202)—Ernest R. Britton. Milan (2,758)—L. A. Drevdahl. Monroe (21,275)—Geo. T. Cantrick. Mount Clemens (16,815)—William L.

Berkhof. Mount Morris (2,891)—E. L. Clark. Mount Pleasant (11,392)—Russell Le-

Cronier. Munising (4,319)—Wm. T. MacNeil. Muskegon (48,047)—C. W. Berner. Muskegon Heights (18,771)—W. R.

Booker. Negaunee (6,420)—^Edwin W. Born. Newberry (2,770)—C. L. Bystrom. Niles (13,117)—Paul Winger. Northville (3,221)—R. H. Amerman. Norway (3,275)—Hugo T. Swanson. Oak Park (5,243)-. Otsego (3,977)—F. J. Bragg. Owosso (15,821)—L. P. Cushman. Oxbow* (3,741)-. Petoskey (6,431)—H. Carl Spitler. Plain well (2,753)—C. W. Lubbers. Pleasant Ridge (3,565) (part of Fern-

dale School District K Plymouth (6,649)—Russel Isbister. Pontiac (73,112)—Frank J. DuFrain. Port Huron (35,597)—Howard D. Crull. Portland (2,806)-. River Rouge (20,366)—Carroll Mun-


Rochester (4,269)—Donald C. Baldwin. Rogers City (3,785)—Harry C. Gram-

bau. Romeo (2,988)—E. W. Van Aken. Roseville (15,801)—Carl Brablec. Royal Oak (46,817)—J. C. Covert. Saginaw (92,352)—Chester F. Miller. St. Clair (4,083)—Theo V. Eddy. St. Clair Shores (19,785) :

Lake Shore School District—^Ed¬ ward J. Engle.

Lakeview School District — Murl Momany.

South Lake School District—John W. Lewis.

St. Ignace (2,822)—E. J. Ossmann. St. Johns (4,948)—Earl Lancaster. St. Joseph (10,123)—Earl H. Place. St. Louis (3,333)—T. S. Nurnberger. Sault Ste. Marie (17,750)—Foss Elwyn. South Haven (5,596)—L. C. Mohr. Springfield Place-Lakeview* (13,172)

(in Lakeview Consolidated School District—James M. Kos).

Sturgis (7,789)—Elwyn J. Bodley. Tecumseh (4,006)—F. James McDowell. Three Rivers (6,757)—Watler Horst. Traverse City (16,679)—G. E. Loomis. Trenton (6,214)—W. C. Taylor. Vandercook* (3,185)-. Vassar (2,526)—William J. Thomas. Virginia Park* (2,758)-. Wakefield (3,337)—John W. Thomas. Walled Lake* (2,765)—Clifford Smart. Wayne (9,372)—S. L. Openlander. Willow Run* (11,334)—Albert Johnson. Woodlawn Orchard-Knollwood Park*

(4,015)-. Wyandotte (36,666)—P. J. Jenema. Ypsilanti (18,267)—Ernest H. Chapelle. Zeeland (3,072)—Julius Schipper.


County and Superintendent

Aitkin—Freeman Wold, Aitkin. Anoka—Edith L. Patch, Anoka. Becker—Myrtle J. Paulson, Detroit

Lakes. Beltrami—C. L. Stapleton, Bemidji. Benton—Kenneth Camp, Foley. Big Stone—Agnes Nelson, Ortonville. Blue Earth—Willis A. Boynton, Man¬

kato. Brown—Frank V. Heck, New Ulm. Carlton—Louise Swenson, Carlton. Carver—R. W. Siewert, Chaska. Cass—Olaf Oleson, AValker. Chippewa—Valborg Wallien, Monte¬

video. Chisago—Nordica Melin, Center City. Clay—Amy E. Andrews, Moorhead. Clearwater—Mae B. Barness, Bagley. Cook—Gordon D. Ose, Grand Marais. Cottonwood—Emma C. Sammons, Win-


♦Unincorporated urban place.


Crow Wing—H. T. Molstad, Brainerd. Dakota—Angeline Hiniker, Hastings. Dodge—Beatrice Bergman, Mantorville. Douglas—Olga L. Peterson, Alexandria. Faribault—Howard Prescott, Blue

Earth. Fillmore—Clair Dotzenrod, Preston. Freeborn—A. M. Vig, Albert Lea. Goodhue—H. G. Diepenbrock, Red

Wing. Grant—Lyle S. Bugbee, Elbow Lake. Hennepin—R. E. Scott, Minneapolis. Houston—Gladys Lapham, Caledonia. Hubbard—Lois M. Ogden, Park Rapids. Isanti—Jennie B. Coleman, Cambridge. Itasca—Gertrude Hall Burble, Grand

Rapids. .Tackson—Bert G. Mellum, Jackson. Kanabec—Esther Boyd, Mora. Kandiyohi—Dorothy E. Thorson, Will-

mar. Kittson—Ruth I. Younggren, Hallock. Koochiching—J. C. Kohlhase, Interna¬

tional Falls. Lac qui Parle—Melvin S. Wroolie, Mad¬

ison. Lake—Ray M. Stensvad, Two Harbors. Lake of the Woods—Elizabeth Rippy,

Baudette. Le Sueur—Francis W. Singer, Le Cen¬

ter. Lincoln—Adrian W. Little, Ivanhoe. Lyon—Jennie M. Frost, Marshall. McLeod—Caroline J. Howe, Glencoe. Mahnomen—Jerry Bisek, Mahnomen. Marshall—John O. Pearson, Warren. Martin—W. B. Richardson, Fairmont. Meeker—Harriette Anderson, Litchfield. INIille Lacs—Ruth Douglas, Milaca. Morrison—Leo S. Kroll, Little Falls. IVIower—Dora Tollefson, Austin. Murray—Audrey James, Slayton. Nicollet—M. R. Davis, Saint Peter. Nobles—Blanda C. Weitgenant, Worth¬

ington. Norman—Evelyn M. Lambert, Ada. Olmsted—F. J. Bandel, Rochester. Otter Tail—Louise Stondahl, Fergus

Falls. Pennington—Martha Mathesou, Thief

River Falls. Pine—Myrtle K. Larsen, Pine City. Pipestone—Florence C. Howes, Pipe¬

stone. Polk—H. E. Sorvig, Crookston. Pope—Herman Talle, Glenwood. Ramsey—E. B. Williams, St. Paul. Red Lake—Mary Drees, Red Lake Falls. Redwood—Inga Cragg, Redwood Falls. Renville—Vernice I. Schimming, Olivia. Rice—W. O. Nuernberg, Fairbault. Rock—V. M. Barrett, Luverne. Roseau—Charles Christianson, Roseau. St. Louis—Wilfred W. Salmi, Duluth. Scott—B. A. Herzog, Shakopee. Sherburne—Lucie Leighton, Elk River.

Sibley—W. C. Schueler, Gaylord. Stearns—C. A. Ohmann, St. Cloud. Steele—Melvin Jenke, Owatonna. Stevens—Norene Hanson, Morris. Swift—Myrtle Solem, Benson. Todd—Gladys Mathews, Long Prairie. Traverse—Cora Werner, Wheaton. Wabasha—Verma Olin, Wabasha. Wadena—H. K. Bluhm, Wadena. Waseca—Margaret G. Matson, Waseca. Washington—Grace McAlpine, Still¬

water. Watonwan—Addie Malmrose, St.

James. Wilkin—Linna V. Gordhamer, Brecken-

ridge. Winona—Jesse Jestus, Winona. Wright—Inez E. Anderson, Buffalo. Yellow Medicine—Clara Thorpe, Gran¬

ite Falls.

Urban Place and Superintendent

Albert Lea (13,488)—J. J. Halverson. Alexandria (6,326)—Arthur Hafdal. Anoka (7,379)—Morris Bye. Austin (23,035)—L. S. Harbo. Bemidji (9,935)—J. W. Smith. Benson (3,388)—C. H. Mogck. Blue Earth (3,840)—Lee R. Pemberton. Brainerd (12,558)—H. C. Nordgaard. Breckenridge (3,589)—Roy B. Aune. Brooklyn Center (4,267) —Hennepin

County. Cambridge (2,970)—G. G. Kottke. Chisholm (6,854)—E. R. Steffensrud. Cloquet (7,663)—E. C. Churchill. Columbia Heights (8,208)—H. C. Nel¬

son. Crookston (7,352)—Farley D. Bright, (h-osby (2,776)—John O. Lindahl. Crystal (5,697) — (in Robbinsdale

School District). Detroit Lakes (5,734)—Grant Johnson. Duluth (104,066)—Alvin T. Stolen. East Grand Forks (5,042)—K. P. B.

Reishus. Edina (9,659)—Milton H. Kuhlman. Ely (5,462)—W. J. Murphy. Eveleth (5,829)—M. W. Van Putten. Fairmont (8,175)—George A. Eddie. Falcon Heights (3,861) —(in Rosedale

School District). Faribault (16,012)—C. Willard Cross. Fergus Falls (12,873)—L. E. Wermager. Fridley (4,248)—W. Harold Hayes. Glencoe (2,797)—Charles A. Fairchild. Glenwood (2,646)—E. N. Nordgaard. Golden Valley (5,509) — (in Robbinsdale

School District). Grand Rapids (5,966)—M. L. Malm-

quist. Granite Falls (2,502)—James Ostroot. Hastings (6,563)—B. J. Polga. Hibbing (16,212)—James K. Michie. Hopkins (6,630)—L. H. Tanglen. Hutchinson (4,686)—S. R. Knutson.


International Falls (6,261)—Leo H. Dominick.

Jackson (3,316)—A. O. Myron. Lake City (3,450)—Donald D. Karow. Le Sueur (2,713)—I. T. Mickelson. Litchfield (4,596)—H. A. Jenson. Little Falls (6,670)—Paul J. Hanson. Luverne (3,657)—H. G. Eitreim. Mankato (18,785)-. Marshall (5,888)—L. M. Frey. Minneapolis (517,277)—Rufus A. Put¬

nam. Montevideo (5,443)—G. A. Pederson. Moorhead (14,798)—S. G. Reinertsen. Morris (3,809)—Frank J. Fox. New Ulm (9,312)—J. M. Herrmann. Northfield (7,471)—Erling O. Johnson. North Mankato (4,797)—H. P. Dubke. North St. Paul (4,227)—W. W. Richard¬

son. Ortonville (2,572)—Robert H. Norman. Owatonna (10,149)—Leslie J. Gustaf¬

son. Park Rapids (2,995)—Paul J. Steffen-

son. Pipestone (5,256)—Justin W. Swenson. Proctor (2,689)—A. I. Jedlicka. Red Wing (10,626)—L. M. Wikre. Redwood Falls (3,806)—Reede Gray. Richfield (17,415)—Harry E. Rumpel. Robbinsdale (11,239)—Edwin J. Cooper. Rochester (29,634)—N. Durward Cory. Roseville (6,433)—Emmet D. Williams. St. Cloud (28,375)—H. B. Gough. St. James (3,849)—A. J. Cole. St. Louis Park (22,495)—Harold R.

Enestvedt. St. Paul (309,474)—Forrest E. Conner. St. Peter (7,766)—H. G. Hegdal. Sauk Centre (3,140)—S. O. Aaker. Sauk Rapids (3,397)—K. L. Halvorson. Shakopee (3,180)—A1 N. Wurst. Sleepy Eye (3,287)—F. A. Lindahl. South St. Paul (15,996)—Irvin T.

Simley. Springfield (2,589)—Erroll J. Matheson. Staples (2,775)—P. M. Atwood. Stillwater (7,643)—E. L. Vitalis. Thief River Falls (6,923)—W. G. Claffy. Tracy (3,011)—G. H. Borneman. Two Harbors (4,399)—Lake County. Virginia (12,332)—G. A. Skustad. Wadena (3,954)—Theodore H. Tofte. Waseca (4,917)—K. O. Dahlager. West St. Paul (7,943)—H. L. Garlough. White Bear Lake (3,628)—R. J. Hanson. Willmar (9,338)—A. M. Wisness. Windom (3,161)—John H. Longstreet. Winona (24,965)—Harvey D. Jensen. Worthington (7,907)—E. A. Durbahn.


County and Superintendent

Adams—William A. Sojourner, Natchez. Alcorn—C. B. Burgess, Corinth.

Amite—Annie Andrews, Liberty. Attala—Johnnie White, Kosciusko. Benton—Harold Douglas Autry, Ash¬

land. Bolivar—A. H. Ramsey, Cleveland. Calhoun—G. A. Gulledge, Pittsboro. Carroll—Prank Irvin Lovell, Jr., Car¬

rollton. Chickasaw—Willie Mason Foster, Hous¬

ton. Choctaw—Doyle B. Tennyson, Acker¬

man. Claiborne—Robert A. Segrest, Port Gib¬

son. Clarke—R. L. McDonald, Quitman. Clay—Homer E. Catledge, West Point. Coahoma—L. L. Bryson, Clarksdale. Copiah—E. Ray Izard, Hazelhurst. Covington—Ellis S. Flynt, Collins. De Soto—J. P. Russum, Hernando. Forrest—Duncan O. Davis, Hattiesburg. Franklin—W. E. Boggan, Meadville. George—Leo R. Rouse, Lucedale. Greene—John Neel, Leakesville. Grenada—John Ervin Gray, Jr.,

Grenada. Hancock—E. E. Breland, Bay St. Louis Harrison—R. L. Ladner, Gulfport. Hinds—Robert M. Mayo, Jackson. Holmes—L. R. Thompson, Lexington. Humphreys—S. N. Brown, Jr., Belzoni. Issaquena—Dunbar W. Lee, Mayers-

ville. Itawamba—Glen C. Loden, Pulton. Jackson—M. M. Morgan, Pascagoula. Jasper—W. C. Grayson, Bay Springs. Jefferson—W. H. Winters, Fayette. Jefferson Davis—John Bynum, Prentiss. Jones—Plerbert Hosey, Laurel. Kemper—Henry W. Wyatt, DeKalb. Lafayette—J. D. Cole, Oxford. Lamar—D. C. Bilbo, Purvis. Lauderdale—M. E. Rhodes, Meridian. Lawrence—C. P. Wells, Monticello. Leake—J. D. Wiggins, Carthage. Lee—W. A. Roper, Tupelo. Lefiore—L. S. Rogers, Greenwood. Lincoln—Bart Calcote, Jr., Brookhaven. Lowndes—J. M. Thatch, Columbus. Madison—R. H. Posey, Canton. Marion—N. L. Watts, Columbia. Marshall—Mrs. Fort Daniel, Holly

Springs. Monroe—Herbert Nix, Aberdeen. Montgomery—Minnie Chesteen, Wi¬

nona. Neshoba—I. M. Latimer, Philadelphia. Newton—L. T. Cleveland, Decatur. Noxubee—J. L. Barrett, Macon. Oktibbeha—B. L. Moor, Starkville. Panola—L. R. White, Batesville. Pearl River—Edmond T. Mitchell, Pop-

larville. Perry—J. M. Smith, New Augusta. Pike—J. S. Brunfield, Magnolia. Pontotoc—Barney Luther, Pontotoc. Prentiss—Cecil Lauderdale, Boonevllle.


Quitman—L. V. Craig, Marks. Rankin—Morris W. Steen, Brandon. Scott—Mack D. Weems, Forest. Sharkey—Mrs. Josie G. Flanagan, Roll¬

ing Fork. Simpson—Mack E. Everett, Mendenhall. Smith—W. L. Thompson, Jr., Raleigh. Stone—L. A. Blackwell, Wiggins. Sunflower—C. J. Edwards, Indianola. Tallahatchie—J. G. Thomason, Jr.,

Charleston. Tate—Clarence B. Walker, Senatobia. Tippah—Eula Dees, Ripley. Tishomingo—George W. Stricklin, luka. Tunica—h"lorence Nelson, Tunica. Union—Woodrow Stokes, New Albany. Walthall—E. M. Duncan, Tylertown. Warren—Noel Nutt, Vicksburg. Washington—Mrs. Norma C. O’Bannon,

Greenville. Wayne—H. T. Strickland, Waynesboro. Webster—Corrine Lamb, Walthall. Wilkinson—D. O. Trevillion, Woodville. Winston—Julian W. Cunningham, Lou¬

isville. Yalobusha—Charles W. Crawford, Wa¬

ter Valley. Yazoo—W. C. Martin, Yazoo City.

Urban Place and Superintendent

Aberdeen (5,282)—A. A. Roebuck. Amory (4,986)—Charles L. Lewis. Bay St. Louis (4,664)—S. J. Ingram. Belzoni (4,067)—D. C. Brumfield. Biloxi (37,034)—A. E. Scruggs. Booneville (3,285)—H. N. Tutor. Brookhaven (7,780)—C. H. Lipsey. Canton (7,063)—D. M. Allen. Charleston (2,612)—Sale Lilly. Clarksdale (16,515)—H. B. Heidelberg. Cleveland (6,731)—W. J. Parks. Columbia (6,003)—S. F. Smith. Columbus (17,170)—C. N. Brandon. Corinth (9,698)—Hal Anderson. Crystal Springs (3,676)—George Myers. Ellisville (3,562)—]M. L. Trevilion. Forest (2,875)—Virgil L. Bigham, Jr. Greenville (29,914)—R. J. Koonce. Greenwood (18,002)—W. B. Dribben. Grenada (7,387)—J. C. Hathorn. Gulfport (22,428)—B. Frank Brown. Hattiesburg (29,432)—S. H. Blair. Hazlehurst (3,402)—L. D. Megehee. Holly Springs (3,269)—N. B. McKenzie. Indianola (4,384)—O. B. Reno. Jackson (97,674)—K. P. Walker. Kosciusko (6,741)—Tom S. Hines. Laurel (24,988)—J. M. Caughman. Leland (4,731)—W. E. Bufkin. Lexington (3,194)—B. T. Moore. Long Beach (2,686)—J. M. McQuiston. Louisville (5,276)—R .E. Hinze. McComb (10,386)—R. S. Simpson. Meridian (41,709)—H. M. Ivy.

Mississippi City-Handsboro* (3,394) : Mississippi City—J. W. Coleman. Handsboro—Douglas Allen.

Moss Point (3,782)—L. W. Tanner. Natchez (22,678)—D. G. McLaurin. New Albany (3,671)—W. P. Daniel. Newton (2,888)—E. L. Morgan. Ocean Springs (3,060)—N. E. Taconi. Oxford (3,948)—R. E. Keye. Pascagoula (10,797)—Thomas R. Wells. Pass Christian (3,365)—F. L. French. Philadelphia (4,469)—T. J. Durrett. Picayune (6,717)—J. E. Bond. Port Gibson (2,911)—R. C. Thompson. Starkville (7,116)—C. A. Johnson. Tupelo (11,507)—W. D. Allen. Vicksburg (27,344)—H. V. Cooper, Water Valley (3,217)—J. N. Bell. Waynesboro (3,421)—R. A. Sanders. West Point (6,423)—B. D. McCallister. Winona (3,432)—Robert H. Taylor. Yazoo City (9,741)—Fred W. Young.


County and Superintendent

Adair—Mrs. Stella Hills, Kirksville. Andrew—Daisy E. Robins, Savannah. Atchison—S. W. Skelton, Rockport. Audrian—J. Howard Maxwell, Mexico. Barry—M. M. Hess, Cassville. Barton—Donald Lee, Lamar. Bates—Mrs. Don Eubanks, Butler. Benton—^^John Owen, Warsaw. Bollinger—Glenn A. Seabaugh, Marble

Hill. Boone—C. D. Thorpe, Columbia. Buchanan—Leonard Jones, Saint Jo¬

seph. Butler—Fred Morrow, Poplar Bluff. Caldwell—C. A. Lemery, Kingston. Callaway—B. W. Freiberger, Fulton. Camden—W. R. Henry, Camdenton. Cape Girardeau—Edwin W. Sander,

Jackson. Carroll—J. A. Burnside, Carrollton. Carter—James S. Allen, Van Buren. Cass—W. Donald Stewart, Harrison-

ville. Cedar—Woodford Wilson, Stockton. Chariton—Mrs. Zoe Wiley, Keytesville. Christian—A. E. Gott, Ozark. Clark—^A. W. Brightwell, Kahoka. Clay—Ralph Ballew, Liberty. Clinton—Mrs. W. Leslie Myers, Platts-

burg. Cole—J. M. Wilson, Jefferson City. Cooper—C. A. Repp, Boonville. Crawford—J. H. Brand, Steelville. Dade—Albert Godfrey, Greenfield. Dallas—Byron Rea, Buffalo. Daviess—Ernest McNitt, Gallatin. DeKalb—H. C. Holt, Maysville.

♦Unincorporated urban place.


Dent—Walter M. Jenkins, Salem. Douglas—James R. Felton, Ava. Dunklin—G. H. Ridings, Kennett. Franklin—O. E. Burke, Union. Gasconade—L. A. Krueger, Hermann. Gentry—Leroy H. Elam, Albany. Green—Paul Alan Hale, Springfield. Grundy—Walter Liebhart, Trenton. Harrison—Ruth B. Milligan, Bethany. Henry—O. M. Kimbrough, Clinton. Hickory—Mrs. Nannie Jinkens, Hermit¬

age. Holt—Mrs. Maude K. Young, Oregon. Howard—Mrs. Pearl McKee, Fayette. Howell—G. Bernard Smith, West

Plains. Iron—Earl Trask, Ironton. Jackson—Homer M. Clements, Inde¬

pendence. Jasper—John Wilson, Carthage. Jefferson—Clyde Hamrick, Hillsboro. Johnson—Nellie F. Wells, Warrensburg. Knox—Bessie Hudson, Edina. Laclede—Wilbur C. Elmore, Lebanon. Lafayette—H. H. Schaeperkoetter, Lex¬

ington. Lawrence—Hugh R. Hembree, Mt. Ver¬

non. Lewis—Mrs. Merle T. Bradshaw, Can¬

ton. Lincoln—Mrs. Cleo Scheer, Troy. Linn—Mrs. Vera P. Rinehart, Brook¬

field. Livingston—Howard Leech, Chillicothe. McDonald—Alton Carnell, Pineville. Macon—Mary F. Graves, Macon. Madison—Roscoe Stephens, Frederick-

town. Maries—Frank L. Hodge, Vienna. Marion—Mrs. Mary Neher, Palmyra. Mercer—Gertrude Young, Princeton. Miller—Mr. Carrol McCubbin, Tuscum-

bia. Mississippi—Mrs. J. Abner Beck,

Charleston. Moniteau—Alfred Lloyd, California. Monroe—Mrs. Mary Acuff, Paris. Montgomery—Mrs. Ruth G. Snarr,

Montgomery City. Morgan—Moss McDonald, Versailles. New Madrid—Floyd W. Liley, New Ma¬

drid. Newton—C. M. Robinson, Neosho. Nodaway—Claude F. Pierpoint, Mary¬

ville. Oregon—Mrs. Klyde Vaughn, Alton. Osage—Mrs. Josephine Bish, Linn. Ozark—Everett Herd, Gainesville. Pemiscot—F. E. Hamlett, Caruthers-

ville. Perry—Mrs. Ora N. Guth, Perryville. Pettis—C. F. Scotten, Sedalia. Phelps—Ralph Marcellus, Rolla. Pike—Stephen Cornish, Bowling Green. Platte—Mrs. Majorie Aikmus, Platte

City. Polk—Mose Voris, Bolivar.

Pulaski—Norman Humphrey, Waynes- ville.

Putnam—A. B. Shelton, Unionville. Ralls—W. T. Crawford, New London. Randolph—Wm. F. Ornburn, Hunts¬

ville. Ray—Otis L. Chandler, Richmond. Reynolds—W. A. Williams, Centerville. Ripley—Mrs. Dacy E. Hawthorne, Doni¬

phan. St. Charles—George H. Stukenbroeker,

St. Charles. St. Clair—Edgar Hinote, Osceola. St. Francois—R. E. Wood, Farmington. Ste. Genevieve—Hilary J. Carron, Ste.

Genevieve. St. Louis—George Vossbrink, Clayton. Saline—Frank McGraw, Marshall. Schuyler—Mary E. Yates, Lancaster. Scotland—Callie C. Smith, Memphis. Scott—O. F. Anderson, Benton. Shannon—Floyd J. Smith, Eminence. Shelby—G. H. Jordan, Shelbyville. Stoddard—John A. Wright, Bloomfield. Stone—J. M. Hall, Galena. Sullivan—Basil D. Murphy, Milan. Taney—Elmo Ingenthorn, Forsyth. Texas—Leland C. Smith, Houston. Vernon—Herbert Cooper, Nevada. Warren—Edna R. Bolster, Warrenton. Washington—Otis L. Loomis, Potosi. Wayne—C. M. Randall, Greenville. Webster—Oscar L. Carter, Marshfield. Worth—K. E. Thompson, Grant City. Wright—Mrs. Essa Findley, Hartville.

Urban Place and Superintendent

Aurora (4,153)—J. H. Bailey. Berkeley (5,268)—T. L. Holman. Bethany (2,714)—Arvol Adams. Bolivar (3,482)—Roy Wood. Boone Terre (3,533)—Howard M.

Terry. Boonville (6,686)—Maynard M. Petti¬

grew. Breckenridge Hills (4,060)-. Brentwood (7,504)—B. George Saltz-

man. Brookfield (5,810)—Earl L. Gray. Butler (3,333)—Jesse L. Stinson. California (2,627)—George A. Riley. Cameron (3,570)—J. O. Teasley. Cape Girardeau (21,578)—L. J. Schultz. Carrollton (4,380)—W. L. Adams. Carthage (11,188)—J. L. Campbell. Caruthersville (8,614)—R. M. Pierce. Chaffee (3,134)—Fred Lewallen. Charleston (5,501)—J. H. Marshall, Sr. Chillicothe (8,694)—R. E. Houston. Clayton (16,035)—John L. Bracken. Clinton (6,075)—George D. Heltzell. Columbia (31,974)—Neil C. Aslin. Crystal City (3,499)—David P. Max. DeSoto (5,357)—Harry M. Talbot. Dexter (4,624)—T. S. Hill. East Prairie (3,035)—Raidt E. Lee.


Eldon (2,766)—B. W. Robinson. Eldorado Springs (2,612)—N. Earl

Walker. Excelsior Springs (5,522)—D. A. Mar¬

tin. Farmington (4,490)—C. R. Bell. Fayette (3,144)—J. E. Sutton. Ferguson (11,573)—V. C. McCluer. Festus (5,199)—Ralph B. Tynes. Flat River (5,308)—Ralph McCullough. Florissant (3,749) (in Ferguson School

District—V. C. McCluer.). Fredericktown (3,696) — Norval P.

Schaefer. Fulton (10,052)—Walter E. Evans. Glendale (4,930)-. Hannibal (20,444)—Emmett T. Miller. Harrisonville (2,530)—D. W. McEowen. Hayti (3,302)—C. M. Bell. Hermann (2,537)—G. W. Heying. Higginsville (3,428)—B. W. Hansford. Hillsdale (2,877)-. Independence (36,963)—L. G. Keith. Jackson (3,707)—R. O. Hawkins. Jefferson City (25,099)—A. L. Crow. Jennings (15,236)—Otis A. See. Joplin (38,711)—Roi S. Wood. Kansas City (456,622)—Mark W. Bills. Kennett (8,685)—H. Byron Masterson. Kinloch (5,970)—Sylvester L. Smith. Kirksville (11,110)—J. G. Van Sickel. Kirkwood (18,640)—Floyd W. Hen¬

dricks. Ladue (5,386) (P. O. St. Louis 5)—I. C.

Nicholas. Lamar (3,233)—T. R. Windes. Lebanon (6,808)—Frank Heagerty. Lee’s Summitt (2,545)—Bernard C.

Campbell. Lexington (5,074)—Leslie H. Bell. Liberty (4,709)—Raymond R. Brock. Louisiana (4,389)—J. E. Whitener. Macon (4,152)—Laurence E. Phelps. Malden (3,396)—W. I. Myers. Maplewood-Richmond Heights (13,416)

(P. O. St. Louis 17)—E. R. Adams. Marceline (3,172)—W. E. Moore. Marshall (8,850)—A. H. Bueker. Maryville (6,834)—Elmer F. Klein. Mexico (11,623)—S. Clay Coy. Moberly (13,115)—Carl Henderson. Monett (4,771)—E. E. Camp. Mountain Grove (3,104)—N. D. Hazel-

baker. Neosho (5,790)—R. W. Anderson. Nevada (8,009)—C. H. Jones, Jr. New Madrid (2,724)—L. L. Schuette. North Kansas City (3,886)—H. W.

Schooling. Overland (11,463) (in Ritenour School

District—Arthur A. Hoech). Pagedale (3,867)-. Perry vine (4,591)—A. O. Hilpert. Pine Lawn (6,422) — --. Poplar Bluff (15,064)—George R. Loug-


Portageville (2,658)—L. G. Wilson. Richmond (4,299)—Cordell Thomas. Richmond Heights (14,827) (in Maple¬

wood-Richmond Heights School Dis¬ trict—E. R. Adams).

Rock Hill (3,843)-. Rolla (9,354)—Aaron C. Hailey. St. Ann (4,556) (in Pattonville School

District—M. A. Holman). St. Charles (14,314)—Stephen Black-

hurst. St. John (2,522) (in Mehlville School

District—Emil H. C. Bernard). St. Joseph (75,572)—G. L. Blackwell. St. Louis (856,796)—Philip J. Hickey. Ste. Genevieve (3,998)—Raymond W.

Thomas. Salem (3,620)—Glenn C. Smith. Sedalia (20,269)—Heber U. Hunt. Shrewsbury (3,376)-. Sikeston (11,663)—Noah E. Gray. Slater (2,828)—Chas. A. McMUlan. Springfield (66,302)—Willard Graff. Sullivan (3,008)—F. L. Sexton. Trenton (6,110)—S. M. Rissler. Union (2,907)—John A. Rauh. University City (39,595)—Julius E.

Warren. Valley Park (2,962)—Carl E. Wagner. Vandalia (2,617)—W. E. Morlan. Warrensburg (6,845)—Fred B. House. Washington (6,860)—C. J. Burger. Webb City (6,886)—Robt. H. Clark. Webster Groves (23,289) —(P. O. St.

Louis 19)—Leonard A. Steger. Wellston (9,361)—Millard M. Halter. West Plains (4,923)—C. W. Farnham.


County and Superintendent

Beaverhead—Mrs. Theo. E. Bay, Dillon. Big Horn—Lura P. Strand, Hardin. Blaine—Thelma Turner, Chinook. Broadwater—La Vella Morris, Town¬

send. Carbon—Violette V. Romek, Red Lodge. Carter—Mrs. Mildred E. Lavell, Eka-

laka. Cascade—Margaret Holland, Great

Falls. Chouteau—Mrs. Margaretha K. Thomas,

Fort Benton. Custer—Feme H. Kimball, Miles City. Daniels—Alma Shipstead, Scobey. Dawson—Opha Suckow, Glendive. Deer Lodge—Mrs. Mary K. Leonard,

Anaconda. Fallon—Lucille Riley, Baker. Fergus—Elizabeth F. Barsness, Lewis¬

ton. Flathead—Lulu Barnard, Kalispell. Gallatin—Martha Haynes, Bozeman. Garfield—Mabel Pollard, Jordan. Glacier—Laura J. Taft, Cut Bank.


Golden Valley—May Y. Spearin, Rye- gate.

Granite—Waive K. Poese, Philipsburg. Hill—Mrs. Opal Sherle, Havre. Jefferson—Agnes Mikkelson, Boulder. Judith Basin—Mrs. Mabel Jackson,

Stanford. Lake—Mrs. Ina Mae Kain, Poison. Lewis and Clark—Mrs. Dorothy H.

Simmons, Helena. Liberty—Alice Ternstrom, Chester. Lincoln—Mrs. Glessie Kemp, Libby. McCone—Edith Kalberg, Circle. Madison—Myrta MacLeod, Virginia

City. Meagher—Mrs. Adeline R. Swan, White

Sulphur Springs. Mineral—Mrs. Anna J. Murphy, Su¬

perior. Missoula—Winafern H. Moore, Mis¬

soula. Musselshell—Frances B. Stalcup,

Roundup. Park—Hilfred Paterson, Livingston. Petroleum—Harry G. Todd, Winnett. Phillips—Margaret Cruickshank, Malta. Pondera—Elsie Campbell, Conrad. Powder River—Grace C. Carter,

Broadus. Powell—Ali E. Valition, Deer Lodge. Prairie—Selma W. Gaub, Terry. Ravalli—Agnes Hannon Cooper, Hamil¬

ton. Richland—Mildred Thorsen, Sidney. Roosevelt—Alice Fossen, Wolf Point. Rosebud—Delia Carolan Forsyth. Sanders—O. B. Kendall, Thompson

Falls. Sheridan—L. A. Markell, Plentywood. Silver Bow—Maybelle Hogan, Butte. Stillwater—Florence Roseau, Columbus. Sweet Grass—Margaret Deegan, Big

Timber. Teton—Murial Reiquam, Choteau. Toole—Mrs. Mable Potts. Treasure—Helen M. Hendricks, Hy-

sham. Valley—Ruth Putz, Glasgow. Wheatland—Mrs. Ethel Sivertson, Har-

lowton. Wibaux—Ray E. Eisenbart, Wibaux. Yellowstone—T. B. Pemberton, Billings.

Urban Place and Superintendent

Anaconda (11,254)—^E. J, Nordgaard Billings (31,834)—M. C. Gallagher. Bozeman (11,325) :

Elem.—John D. Shively. High (Gallatin County)—H. E. An¬

derson. Butte (33,251)—George E. Haney. Cut Bank (3,721)—H. C. Davis. Deer Lodge (3,779)—Henry Ruppel.

Dillon (3,268) : Elem.—Laurence A. Walker. High (Beaverhead County)—Mar¬

tin Ahl. Glasgow (3,821)—R. L. Irle. Glendive (5,254)—W. W. Wetzel. Great Falls (39,214)—R. B. Farns¬

worth. Hamilton (2,678)—Chas. D. Haynes. Havre (8,086)—Warren E. Stegner. Helena (17,581)—E. H. Fellbaum. Kalispell (9,737) :

Elem.—D. P. Langbell. High (Flathead County)—Kenneth

A. Rawson. Laurel (3,663)—Fred W. Graff. Lewistown (6,573)—D. W. Githens. Livingston (7,683) :

Elem.—Keith Haines. High (Park County)—V. G. David¬

son. Miles City (9,243) :

Elem.—G. A. Berges. High (Custer County)—C. E. Hood.

Missoula (22,485) : Elem.—C. S. Porter. High (Missoula County)—D. H.

Beary. Red Lodge (2,730)—Wm. R. Evans. Roundup (2,856)—Conrad Baum. Shelby (3,058)—D. L. Johnson. Sidney (3,987)—R. A. Gerber. Silver Bow Park-Floral Park* (5,128)

(in Butte School District). Whitefish (3,268)—E. A. Hinderman. Wolf Point (2,557)—E. Ford Slaght.


County and Superintendent

Adams—Wenona Harris, Hastings. Antelope—Harry W. Hahlbeck, Neligh. Arthur—Mrs. Anna Mae Harvey, Ar¬

thur. Banner—Mrs. Kathryn K. Lee, Harris¬

burg. Blaine—Mrs. Goldene Baxter, Brewster. Boone—Oma Thompson, Albion. Box Butte—C. E. McCafferty, Alliance. Boyd—Eva M. Barnes, Butte. Brown—Mrs. Grace A. Hamaker, Ains¬

worth. Buffalo—Mrs. Elva M. Jackson, Kear¬

ney. Burt—F. E. Brown, Tekamah. Butler—Otto Hasik, David City. Cass—L. A. Behrends, Plattsmouth. Cedar—J. Mike McCoy, Hartington. Chase—Mrs. Lorena A. Cook, Imperial. Cherry—Zetta C. Tate, Valentine. Cheyenne—Edith Oldershaw, Sidney. Clay—Mrs. Mary Ward Rippeteau, Clay


♦Unincorporated urban place.


Colfax—Wilfred T. Semrad, Schuyler. Cuming—Mrs. Edward Kafka, West

Point. Custer—Mary Gilmore, Broken Bow. Dakota—Mrs. Virginia C. Konegni, Da¬

kota City. Dawes—John Castek, Chadron. Dawson—W. C. Bloom, Lexington. Deuel—Mary E. Wiltsie, Chappell. Dixon—Mrs. Myrtle V. Day, Ponca. Dodge—Lillian L. Larson, Fremont. Douglas—W. J. Hauser, Omaha. Dundy—Mrs. Katye E. Logan, Benkel-

man. Fillmore—Emma Renken, Geneva. Franklin—Maurice F. McAvoy, Frank¬

lin. Frontier—Emma H. Gugelman, Stock-

ville. Furnas—Mrs. Rheta O’Sullivan, Beaver

City. Gage—H. W. Munson, Beatrice. Garden—Mrs. Velva M. Mumford, Osh¬

kosh. Garfield—Gertrude M. Banks, Burwell. Gosper—Doris E. Bigelow, Elwood. Grant—Theo. A. Frye, Hyanuis. Greeley—Ida Foster, Greeley. Hall—Eldon P. Cunningham, Grand

Island. Hamilton—Alta Louise Otto, Aurora. Harlan—Nelle Booher, Alma. Hayes—Mrs. Ada Hanley, Hayes Cen¬

ter. Hitchcock—Mrs. Ida M. Marshall, Tren¬

ton. Holt—Alice L. French, O’Neill. Hooker—Mrs. Flora Donohue, Mullen. Howard—Lena Deininger, Saint Paul. Jefferson—George T. Boone, Fairbury. Johnson—Lloyd D. Halstead, Tecumseh. Kearney—Golda Canaday, Minden. Keith—Mrs. Elizabeth J. Eggers, Ogal-

lala. Keya Paha—W. E. Snyder, Springview. Kimball—Mrs. Irma Grosshans, Kim¬

ball. Knox—Mrs. Dora Rock, Center. Lancaster—Glenn E. Turner, IJncoln. Lincoln—Paul E. Exstrom, North Platte. Logan—Mrs. Alice Hill, Stapleton. Loup—Mrs. Marcia C. Smith, Taylor. Madison—Mrs. Musetta Gilman, Madi¬

son. McPherson—Mrs. Annabel Warren,

Tryon. Merrick—Clair C. Dixon, Central City. Morrill—Mrs. Augustine Peonio Rhodes,

Bridgeport. Nance—Jessie G. Kreidler, Fullerton. Nemaha—H. D. Bugbee, Auburn, Nuckolls—Mrs. Miriam B. Cramer, Nel¬

son, Otoe—Merritt Whitten, Nebraska City. Pawnee—Bessie Fay Eckard, Pawnee


Perkins—Mrs. Ruth Rees McQuiston, Grant.

Phelps—Mrs. Grace Huff, Holdrege. Pierce—Clara E. Parks, Pierce. Platte—Robert A. Quick, Columbus. Polk—Olive M. McBeth, Osceola. Red Willow—Mrs. Edna Bratten, Mc¬

Cook. Richardson—Mrs. Helen Hanika, Falls

City. Rock—Glen C. Estes, Bassett. Saline—Mary Dodson, Wilber. Sarpy—E. C. Henthorn, Papillion. Saunders—Mrs. Elizabeth A. Ellison,

Wahoo. Scotts Bluff—Jesse E. Shedd, Gering. Seward—^Johanna Roerden, Seward. Sheridan—Jennie Bennett, Rushville. Sherman—Mrs. Ruth Long, Loup City. Sioux—Mrs. Edgiththa G. Rathbun,

Harrison. Stanton—Mrs. Bess J. Waring, Stanton. Thayer—H. E. Barbee, Hebron. Thomas—Mrs. Marietta C. Day, Thed-

ford. Thurston—Clara Ottoman, Pender. Valle.y—Fred B. Appelget, Ord. Washington—Mrs. Anna Huber, Blair. Wayne—Marie Wright, Wayne. Webster—Maurice F. McAvoy, Red

Cloud. Wheeler—Mrs. Minnie Lawson, Bart¬

lett. York—Mrs. Hazel Comstock, York.

Urban Place and Superintendent

Alliance (7,852)—W. A. Schindler. Auburn (3,398)—F. Don Maclay. Beatrice (11,788)—Barton L. Kline. Bellevue (3,837)—Raymond B. Carey. Blair (3,800)—Glenn A. Lundstrom. Broken Bow (3,406)—C. H. Hare. Chadron (4,645)—H. A. Schroeder. Columbus (8,844)—J. P. Young. Cozad (2,896)—L. L. Patterson. Crete (3,682)—C. H. Velte. Fairbury (6,385)—Homer C. Kelley. Falls City (6,193)—R. R. Andrews. Fremont (14,639)—M. G. Farrow. Gering (3,839)—R. M. Wilkie. Gothenburg (2,963)—B. H. Mead. Grand Island (22,835)—E. W. Wiltse. Hastings (20,108)—R. A. Watson. Holdrege (4,367)—Howard P. Schroe¬

der. Huskerville* (2,728) (in Lincoln City

School District). Kearney (12,106)—Paul Morris. Lexington (5,061)—Glenn E. Miller. Lincoln (97,423)—Steven N. Watkins. McCook (7,642)—Ralph G. Brooks. Nebraska City (6,851)—E. G. Light-


Unincorporated urban place.


Norfolk (11,231)—A. P. Burkhardt. North Platte (15,390)—Otto Oakes. Ogallala (3,441)—L. E. Hanson. Omaha (247,408)—Harry A. Burke. O’Neill (3,050)—Delbert E. Nelson. Plattsmouth (4,880)—Thomas I. Friest. Schuyler (3,084)—Melvin Olson. Scottsblufe (12,833)—0. H. Davis, Jr. Seward (3,174)—Cecil E. Walker. Sidney (4,894)—Orrin J. Weymouth. South Sioux City (5,557)—E. N. Swett. Superior (3,230)—Ross B. Bonham. Valentine (2,668)—Donald Tewell. Wahoo (3,088)—Paul E. Seidel. Wayne (3,563)—E. W. Willert. West Point (2,664)—Eugene L. Rarick. York (6,189)—T. R. McNickle.


Counties or Parts of Counties, by

Supervision District and Superin¬ tendent

OflBce Deputy® (Douglas, Ormsby, Storey Counties and specified schools in Lyon County)—R. H. Manning, Carson City.

First District® (Elko County)—Kate St. Clair, Elko.

Second District® (Northern Nye and White Pine Counties)—Flo Z. Reed.

Third District® (Eureka, Humboldt, Lander, and Pershing Counties) — Kathryn L. Scribner, Lovelock.

Fourth District® (Churchill, Lyon, Min¬ eral, and Washoe Counties)—John H. Fant, Reno.

Fifth District® (Clark, Esmeralda, Lin¬ coln, and Southern Nye Counties) — Roxie Copenhaver, Las Vegas.

Urban Place and Superintendent

Boulder City* (3,876)—Elbert B. Ed¬ wards.

Carson City (3,069)—Donald Robert¬ son.

Elko (5,389) : Elem.—Byron F. Stetler. High—Neil R. Jones.

Ely (3,500) : Elem.—H. M. White. High—E. H. Ward.

Henderson* (5,368)—Lyal W. Burk¬ holder.

Las Vegas (24,418)—^Walter D. John¬ son.

® This supervision area has no designated district number ; counties and schools indi¬ cated in it are supervised by the office dep¬ uty of the State Department of Education.

® The superintendent of each of the five supervision districts having numbers is des¬ ignated by law as Deputy State Superin¬ tendent of Public Instruction.

♦Unincorporated urban place.

North Las Vegas (3,838) (in Las Vegas School District).

Reno (32,225)—Earl Wooster. Sparks (8,172)—Proctor R. Hug. Winnemucca (2,816) :

Elem.—Albert Lowry. High—Burnell Larson.


Supervisory Union Number and Superintendent

2—Almon W. Bushnell, Meredith. 4— C. M. Gray, Bristol. 5— Ralph H. Meacham, Charlestown. 7—E. B. Dana, Colebrook. 9—David Appleton, Conway.

10—E. H. Parkinson, Derry. 14—Louis L. Ramsay, Epping. 16—Raymond A. Hoyt, Exeter. 18— Fred W. Snell, Franklin. 19— Lewis F. Foote, Goffstown. 20— Albert P. Knightly, Gorham. 21— Roy W. Gillmore, Hampton. 22— Howard F. Mason, Hanover. 23— P. A. Bennett, Woodsville. 24— J. Harold Moody, Hillsboro. 25— Chester C. Lees, Hinsdale. 26— W. C. Sterling, Contoocook. 27— Henry J. Hastings, Hudson. 31— C. Newton Heath, Lancaster. 32— Hammond A. Young, Lebanon. 34— Ronald A. Perham, Lisbon. 35— L. S. Cummings, Littleton. 36— E. H. Brasier, Ossipee. 38—Charles L. Bowlby, Marlboro. 40—Harold C. Bowley, Milford. 43— Gordon B. Flint, Nevvport. 44— Chester W. Doe, Northwood. 46— William B. Hounsell, Penacook. 47— L. B. Badger, Peterborough. 48— Arthur S. Rollins, Plymouth. 49— John W. Day, Pittsfield. 53—M. H. Watson, South Deerfield. 55— Jonathan A. Osgood, Salem. 56— Arthur W. Danielson, Somersworth. 58— Howard D. Fowlie, (Jroveton. 59— Gordon L. Fox, Tilton. 60— Elliott W. Keach, Walpole. 63—Newell J. Paire, Wilton.

Urban Place and Superintendent

[The schools in all unincorporated urban places and two incorporated cities are a part of the school systems of the towns in which they are located and are served by superintendents of super¬ visory unions which are composed of two or more town school systems.]

Berlin (16,545)—Caleb H. Niles. Claremont (12,058)—F. Lester Trafton. Concord (27,984)—Harlan E. Atherton. Dover (15,911)—L. Munro Grandy, Durham* (4,172) (in Union No. 56).


Exeter* (4,966) (in Union No. 16). Franklin (6,551) (in Union No. 18). Hanover* (4,938) (in Union No. 22). Keene (15,631)—Laurence O. Thomp-

son. Laconia (14,722)—Rhoden B. Eddy. Lebanon* (4,581) (in Union No. 32). Littleton* (3,784) (in Union No. 35). Manchester (82,581)—Austin J. McCaf¬

frey. Milford* (3,268) (in Union No. 40). Nashua (34,666)—H. Raymond Dan-

forth. Newport* (2,992) (in Union No. 43). Portsmouth (18,793)—Raymond I. Beal. Rochester (13,768)—John H. Frye. Somersworth (6,909) (in Union No. 56). West I>erry-Derry* (4,944) (in Union

No. 10).


County and Superintendent

Atlantic—M. A. Stratton, Mays Land¬ ing.

Bergen—R. R. Zimmerman, Hacken¬ sack.

Burlington—John E. Mongon, Mount Holly.

Camden—A. M. Bean, Camden. Cape May—W. B. Matthews, Cape May

Court House. Cumberland—L. R. Winchell, Bridge-

ton. Essex—Frank B. Stover, Newark. Gloucester—J. H. Rodgers, Woodbury. Hudson—Urban W. Chase, Jersey City. Hunterdon—Eric Groezinger, Fleming-

ton. Mercer-, Trenton. Middlesex—Robert R. Blunt, New

Brunswick. Monmouth—Joseph E. Clayton, Free¬

hold. Morris—W. H. Mason, Jr., Morristown. Ocean—Carl M. Bair, Toms River. Passaic—J. Harold Straub, Paterson. Salem—Albert 0. Shuck, Salem. Somerset—Sampson G. Smith, Somer¬

ville. Sussex—Clifford E. Dennis, Newton. Union—A. L. Johnson, Elizabeth. Warren—Will G. Atwood, Belvidere.

Urban Place and Superintendent

Absecon (2,559)—H. Ashton Marsh. Asbury Park (17,035)—Harry S. Hill. Atlantic City (61,642)—John P. Milli¬

gan. Atlantic Highlands (3,090)—Herbert S.

Meinert. Audubon (9,563)—Ernest Schrieber. Barrington (2,648)—Louis L. De Hart. Bayonne (76,657)—Howard E. Merity. Belleville (32,059)—Evan H. Thomas.


Bellmawr (5,223)—Hazel Holcombe and Mrs. Ethel M. M. Burke.

Belmar (4,606)—Mrs. Ella S. Ricketts. Bergenfield (17,611)—Roy W. Brown. Bernardsville (3,935)—W. Ross Andre

(acting). Beverly (3,078)—George Betor. Bloomfield (49,313)—H. T. Hollings¬

worth. Bloomingdale (3,248)—Walter Bergen. Bogota (7,668)—Earl E. Purcell. Boonton (7,581)—Clarence E. Boyer. Borden town (5,454)—R. M. Oberholser. Bound Brook (8,356)—R. P. Gallagher. Bradley Beach (3,899)—Earl B. Gar¬

rison. Bridgeton (18,385)—R. H. Mulford. Buena (2,638) (P. O. Minotola) —

Domenick M. Garofalo. Burlington (12,083)—Joseph W. Howe. Butler (4,063)—N. B. Easterbrook. Caldwell (6,222)—Paul H. Axtell. Camden (124,543)—Leon N. Neulen. Cape May (3,585)—William B. Marvin. Carlstadt (5,614)—Edward F. Krom. Carteret (13,003)—Edwin S. Quinn. Chatham (7,321)—Ralph F. Bates. Clayton (3,003)—T. Franklin Kershner. Clementon (3,199)—Howard R. Fur-

beck. Cliff side Park (17,123)—Robert Burns. Clifton (64,567)—William F. Shershin. Closter (3,354)—High: Wilbur W.

Warfel. Collingswood (15,255)—C. M. Deifeu-

bach. Cresskill (3,535)—Warren Rosenberger. Dover (11,210)—H. A. Kuntzelman. Dumont (13,030)—Charles A. Selzer. Dunellen (6,288)—Walter A. Miller, jr. East Keansburg* (2,599)-. East Orange (78,057)—H. E. Kent-

onp. East Paterson (15,391)—T. A. Fitz¬

simmons. East Rutherford (7,4.80)—^A. S. Faust. Eatontown (3,020)—Margaret L. Vei-

ter. Edgewater (3,917)—Mary Bugler. Egg Harbor (3,846)—Charles L. Spragg. Elizabeth (112,675)—J. H. Adams. Englewood (23,092)—Harry L. Stearns. Fair Haven (3,550)—Mrs. Viola L.

Sickles. Fair Lawn (23,865)—E. C. Grover. Fairview (8,676)—E. H. Medes, Jr. Fanwood (3,221)-. Flemington (3,048)—Clifford W. Parli-

ment. Florence-Roebling* (6,791) —Jerre L.

Moreland. Fort Lee (11,611)—J. B. Thompson. Franklin (3,867)—E. E. Hollobaugh. Freehold (7,603)—Lloyd S. Cassel.

♦Unincorporated urban place.


Garfield (27,605)—John R. Rozema. Garwood (4,619)—Louis L. D. Nico-

lello. Gibbstown* (2,540)-. Glassboro (5,906)—Leon C. Lutz, Glen Ridge (7,640)—Carl M. Bair, Jr. Glen Rock (7,138)—Eugene J. Bradford, Gloucester (14,283)—David Brightbill,

acting. Guttenberg (5,575)—^Anna L. Klein, Hackensack (29,207)—J. Hobart De

Puyt. Hackettstown (3,989)—Leigh M. Lott. Haddonfield (10,500)—W. W. Reynolds. Haddon Heights (7,329)—Robert A.

Flood. Haledon (6,190)—Marjorie Stansfield. Hammonton (8,426)—Hubert H. Smith. Harrison (13,535)—W. F. Grant. Hasbrouck Heights (9,157)—C. C.

Hitchcock. Hawthorne (14,828)—S. W. Moshier. Highland Park (9,706)—Ernest Gilli-

land- Highlands (2,957)—Lex H. Copeland. Hightstown (3,706)—Melvin H. Kreps. HiUsdale (4,120)-. Hoboken (50,510)—T. F. McFeely. Irvington (59,142)—Herschel S. Libby. Jersey City (300,447)—J. E. Reynolds. Keansburg (5,604)—Harold E. Butter¬

field. Kearny (39,828)—Edmund L. Tink. Kenilworth (4,920)—Edwun W. Kraus. Keyport (5,900)—John O. Hartzler. Lakewood* (9,902)—HilmanH. Harker. Lambertville (4,467)—Frank Dee. Leonia (7,371)—Harold F. Hoffman, Lincoln Park (3,381)—Ray L. Bowers. Linden (30,434)—Paul R. Brown. Lindenwold (3,462)—Elem.—Thomas

Toale. Little Ferry (4,960)—Charles Mastik. Little Silver (2,594) — Charles A.

Thompson. Lodi (15,384)—A. H. Della Penta. Long Branch (23,049)—Harman M.

Bradford. Madison (10,412)—Robert C. B. Parker. Manasquan (3,172)—Fred W. Evans. Manville (8,298)—John W. Zorella. Margate City (4,780)—E. W. Shronk. Matawan (3,725)—Raymond Stettler. Maywood (8,649)—Warren Butler. Merchantville (4,189)—J. Edgar Bishop. Metuchen (9,858)—William E. Bragner. Middlesex (5,933)—Von E. Mauger. Midland Park (5,146)—C. H. Taylor. Milltown (3,798)—Edward Rickards. MillviUe (16,116)—Joseph L. Schultz. Montclair (43,775)—C. E. Hinchey. Morris Plains (2,6^)—Myron D. Head-

ington. Morristown (17,078)—F. P. Bogle. Mountain Lakes (2,792)—Earl W. Ani-


Mt. Ephriam (4,502)—Sarah W. John¬ son.

Mt. Holly* (8,216)—Ernest L. Saul. Neptune City (3,068)—William H. Som¬

erville. Newark (437,857)—J. S. Herron. New Brunswick (38,768) — Maurice

Rowland. New Milford (6,018)—Bert F. Gibbs. New Providence (3,381)—Allen W.

Roberts. Newton (5,771)—Stuart R. Race. North Arlington (15,977)—W. R. Hol-

bert. Northeast Vineland* (5,646)-. Northfield (3,496)—Elem.—Charles M.

Kresge. North Haledon (3,550)—Harriet Fair-

clough. North Plainfield (12,760)—Thurman H.

Bare. Northwest Vineland* (3,833)-. North Wildwood (3,164)—J. Elwood

Chester. Nutley (26,746)—Floyd E. Harshman. Oaklyn (4,872)—G. P. Moore. Ocean City (5,949)—Charles B. Pierce. Ocean Grove* (3,718)—Onsville J.

Moulton. Oceanport (7,662)—Elem.—Charles C.

Magill. Oradell (3,675)—Mrs. R. A. Merching. Orange (38,413)—Frank L. Yost. Palisades Park (9,617)—J. W. Fuchs. Palmyra (5,800)—John P. Geissinger. Paramus (6,253)—George Hodgins. Park Ridge (3,168)—S. H. Cynamon. Passaic (57,851)—Clark W. McDermith. Paterson (139,423)—L. B. Schmerber. Paulsboro (7,840)—Phillip Q. Stumpf. Penns Grove (6,678)—Allan Tomlinson. Perth Amboy (41,291)—W. C. McGin¬

nis. Phillipsburg (18,909)—C. V. Sloan. Pine Hill (2,551)—Christina M. John¬

son. Pitman (6,993)—L. Arthur Walton. Plainfield (42,212)—Ralph E. M’Leary. Pleasantville (12,032)—John S. Helm-

bold. Point Pleasant (3,977)—Lawrence De

Beilis. Point Pleasant Beach (2,877)—G. Har¬

old Antrim. Pomp ton Lakes (4,664)—High—Wil¬

liam Gillespie. Princeton (12,160) — B. Woodhull

Davis. Prospect Park (5,251)—Amelia B. Ber¬

dan. Rahway (21,287)—Austin L. Singer. Ramsey (4,651)—William S. Twichell,

Jr. Raritan (5,158)—Joseph Ruggieri.

Unincorporated urban place.


Red Bank (12,710)—M. Gregg Hibbs, Jr.

Ridgefield (8,306)—George B. M’Clel- lan.

Ridgefield Park (12,001)—A. R. Palmer. Ridgewood (17,467)-. River Edge (9,139)—H. M. Davis. Riverside* (7,201)—Robert C. Shoff. Riverton (2,791)—Henson Evans. Rockaway (3,831)—Charles L. Curtis. Roselle (17,646)—George Freifeld. Roselle Park (11,521)—Elmer F. Smith. Rumson (4,013)—Charles A. Wolbach, Riinnemede (4,238)—Alida G. French. Rutherford (17,394)—Guy L. Hilleboe. Salem (9,077)—Herbert K. England. Sayreville (10,323)—R. S. Pollack. Secaucus (9,857)—Albert R. Cassazza. Somerville (11,566)—W. F. Lawrence. South Amboy (8,430)—James F. Tustin. South Bound Brook (2,898)—Jacob H.

Jones. Southeast Vineland* (6,407)-. South Orange (15,175)—Curtis H.

Threlkeld. South Plainfield (8,012)—H. C. Fries. South River (11,323) — Anthony

Agnone. Southwest Vineland* (2,848)-. Summit (17,890)—R. V. S. Reed. Tenafly (9,619)—Burt Johnson. Toms River* (2,505)—Clyde W. Slocum. Totowa (6,050)—Joseph A. Gorab. Trenton (127,867)—Paul Loser. Union Beach (3,623)—William W. Ram¬

sey. Union City (55,322)—Albert C. Parker. Ventnor (8,104)—Mary V. Peters. Verona (10,910)—C. Vincent Geiger. Vineland (8,128)—Ardah Donley. Waldwick (3,999)—D. Frank Work¬

man. Wallington (8,916)—T. L. Harty. Wanamassa* (2,507)-. Wanaque (4,220)—Raymond Heinze. Washington (4,789)—Leon O. Fisher. West Caldwell (4,014) (in Caldwell

School District). Westfield (21,335)—S. N. Ewan. West Long Branch (2,720)—William H.

Ryder. West New York (37,754)—H. L. Bain. West Orange (28,624)—M. W. Brown. West Paterson (3,933)—Elem.—Charles

Olbon. WestviUe (4,772)—Edith W. Willey. Westwood (6,775)—C. S. Muschell. Wharton (3,862)—Moses Lowry. Whitesville-West Grove-Bradley Park*

(7,472)-. Wildwood (5,468)—J. Harold Conner. Williamstown* (2,635)-. Woodbury (10,909)—Warren J. Mc¬

Clain. Wood-Lynne (2,794)—Raymond Mow¬

ers. Wood-Ridge (6,271)—Paul G. Davis.


County and Superintendent

Catron—Mrs. Mary Snyder, Reserve. Chaves—Mrs. Martha Donaldson, Ros¬

well. Colfax—Mrs. Loren Malcom, Raton. Curry—Maude E. Pierson, Clovis. DeBaca—Mrs. Jean D. Stearns, Ft.

Sumner. Dona Ana—Haskell B. Smith, Las

Cruces. Eddy—Mrs. R. N. Thomas, Carlsbad. Grant—Fred W. Foster, Silver City. Guadalupe—Mrs. Mary Lucero, Santa

Rosa. Harding—Mrs. Ethel B. Solomon, Mos-

quero. Hidalgo—Ima Fairly, Lordsburg. Lea—Mrs. Joella Robinson, Lovington. Lincoln—Mrs. Lorine Samelson, Carri-

zozo. Los Alamos—F. Robert Wegner, Los

Alamos. Luna—Mrs. Herman Millard, Deming. McKinley—Mrs. Aileen Roat, Gallup. Mora—Canuto Melendez, Mora. Otero—George T. Haile, Alamogordo. Quay—Nile L. Baker, Tucumcari. Rio Arriba—Tito Valdez, Tierra Ama-

rilla. Roosevelt—Wayne Owen, Portales. Sandoval—Mrs. Ethel M. Lopez, Ber¬

nalillo. San Juan—Mrs. Nell Drolet, Aztec. San Miguel—Mrs. Toni Angel, Las

Vegas. Santa Fe—Diego De Vargas, Santa Fe. Sierra—Mrs. Roy D. Owston, Hot

Springs. Socorro—Melchora Gonzales, Socorro. Taos—Felipe Trujillo, Taos. Torrance—Mrs. Corona McWhirter,

Estancia. Union—Mrs. J. R. Hughes, Clayton.

Urban Place and Superintendent

Alamogordo (6,767)—Barnie Caton. Albuquerque (97,012)—John Milne. Armijo* (4,502) (in Albuquerque school

district). Artesia (8,115)—Tom Mayfield. Atrisco-Five Points* (7,389) (in Albu¬

querque school district). Belen (4,502)—Adeline Sanchez. Carlsbad (17,915)—Irvin P. Murphy. Clayton (3,268)—B. N. Alvis. Clovis (17,168)—R. E. Marshall. Deming (5,697)—R. R. Lewis. Farmington (3,572)—LeMoine Lang¬

ston. Gallup (9,143)—Charles S. Owens.

♦Unincorporated urban place.


Hobbs (13,801)—Charles MiUs. Hot Springs (4,580)—Ray Stinnette. Las Cruces (12,280)—C. S. Conlee. Las Duranes* (2,909) (in Albuquerque

school district). Las Vegas City (7,449)—W. J. Robert¬

son. Las Vegas town (6,250)—Phillip Ludi. Lordsburg (3,543)—Wesley Freeburg. Los Alamos* (9,927)—F. R. Wegner. Lovington (3,117)—H. C. Pannell. Portales (8,093)—M. G. Hunt. Raton (7,927)—W. H. Foster. Roswell (25,572)—J. D. Shinkle. Santa Fe (27,547)—T. C. Bird. Silver City (7,019)—G. W. Stout. Socorro (4,476)—J. T. Clegg. Tucumcari (8,369)—L. H. Rhodes. Zuni Pueblo* (2,561) (U. S. Govern¬

ment, United Pueblo Agency, P. O., Albuquerque—Vernon L. Beggs).


Superintendent of Supervisory District, by County

Albany—Olin Bouck, Newtonville ; Henry E. Briggs, Westerlo.

Allegany—Frank L. Tuthill, Fillmore ; W. H. Garwood, Canaseraga; Wilfred J. Coyle, Wellesville.

Broome—Howard R. Johnson, Deposit; Glenn A. Slater, Binghamton; Hiram Goodrich, Whitney Point.

Cattaraugus—James D. Sproul, Dele- van; Grant Walrath, Salamanca; K. E. Gibbin, East Randolph.

Cayuga—Raymond T. Sant, Cato ; C. H. Owen, Sennett, Mabelle L. Rodger, Moravia.

Chautauqua—Frank C. Brown, West- field ; J. W. Anderson, Kennedy; Dor¬ othy B. Connelly, Ashville; Ruth B. Winch, Westfield.

Chemung—Pauline G. Bush, Horse- heads; CaiTeton J. Jackson, Elmira.

Chenango—Glenn L. Wallace, Norwich ; Ernest G. Youmans, Sherburne; Fred P. Foster, Afton.

Clinton—Everest T. Allen, Peru; John W. Harr old, Ellenburg Depot; James W. Codding, Chazy.

Columbia—Cecil S. Mapes, Chatham; Ellsworth Miller, Valatie; H. W. Holmes, Copake.

Cortland—Chester Lacy, Marathon ; Ruth C. Rathbun, Cincinnatus.

Delaware—J. E. Smith, Deposit; H. E. Wieand, Walton; Zena R. Travis, Roxbury; Amenzo W. Merrill, Tread¬ well; M. C. Carpenter, South Kort- right.

Dutchess—Hugh N. Garwood, Fishkill; W. G. Hakes, Poughkeepsie; M. F. Winchester, Millerton.

Erie—A. W. Harkness, Snyder (act¬ ing) ; W. R. Buell, East Aurora; W. D. Ormsby, North Collins.

Essex—Edmond Yandon, Olmstedville; Claude R. Clark, Bloomingdale (re¬ districted from 3 to 2 districts).

Franklin—W. B. Livermore, Malone; M. J. Finnegan, Malone; C. M. Berry, North Bangor; John F. Brynes, Brushton.

Fulton—Bessie D. Miller, Johnstown; John M. Paris, Broadalbin.

Genesee—George A. Barber, Batavia; J. L. M. Uphill, Batavia.

Greene—Franklin B. Clark, Athens ; W. Elwood Hitchcock, East Jewett.

Hamilton—William C. Hopkins, Wells. Herkimer—Philip A. Wyckoff, Frank¬

fort; Harold S. Hausner, Mohawk; Edwin S. Hopson, Dolgeville.

Jefferson—Earl B. French, Great Bend; Earl E. Chisamore (acting). Cape Vincent; Elwood A. Forrester, Red¬ wood.

Lewis—J. J. Brainerd, Copenhagen; Howard G. Sackett, Port Leyden.

Livingston—J. C. Foote, Jr., Leicester; Charles G. May, Livonia.

Madison—Alfred G. Zeller, Munnsville ; Leon W. Hamilton, Morrisville.

Monroe—Lester B. Foreman, Pittsford ; Andrew D. Oliver, Brockport.

Montgomery—H. G. Bowerman, Fort Plain; George F. Bowman, Amster¬ dam.

Nassau—John W. Chisholm, Mineola ; Harry W. Gross, Mineola.

Niagara—F. K. Frohlich, Middleport; Mabel S. Lee, North Tonawanda; M. G. Hoffman, Lewiston.

Oneida—E. S. Shoemaker, Yorkville ; Arthur A. Radley, Waterville; Frank J. Ryan, Sherrill; D. Everett Bliss, Whitesboro ; R. C. Vrooman, Camden.

Onondaga—De A. Smith, Manlius ; E. L. Asselstine, North Syracuse; DeVillo Sloan, Elbridge.

Ontario—Clinton T. Sears, Honeoye; J. E. Loveless, Clifton Springs; Con¬ rad C. Muehe, Stanley.

Orange—^Amy B. Crist, Montgomery; Edgar R. Schriber, Middletown.

Orleans—Luella P. Hoyer, Medina; Harold R. Osborn, Kendall.

Oswego—Audra W. Hadley, Sandy Creek ; Arthur B. Chapman, Pulaski; Aura A. Cole, Constantia; H. D. Sylvester, Fulton.

Otsego—N. C. Southworth, East Spring- field ; John E. Wilcox, Worcester; Naomi B. Bilderbeck, Hartwick; Harold C. Tyson, Unadilla; G. G. Preston, South New Berlin.

Putnam—Stanley B. Hoffmann, Carmel. Rensselaer—Elton J. Hakes, Troy;

Mildred H. Craib, Berlin; H. A. Smith, East Greenbush. 'Unincorporated urban place.


Rockland—J. F. Hopf, Jr., New City. St. Lawrence—L. J. Baker, Star Lake;

Wesley D. Ehle, Brasher Falls; C. B. Olds, Waddington; C. E. Armstrong, Canton ; Melissa N. Carroll, Potsdam.

Saratoga—C. H. Brown, Greenfield Cen¬ ter ; F. D. Myers, Wilton; R. O. Winans, Round Lake.

Schenectady—John H. Fink, Sche¬ nectady.

Schoharie—W. D. Aker, Cobleskill; W. F. Spencer, Middleburg.

Schuyler—I. D. Goodrich, Watkins Glen.

Seneca—Mernette L. Chapman, Ovid ; H. F. Miller, Seneca Falls.

Steuben—C. U. Smith, Painted Post; George R. Daulton, Bath; V. H. Hus¬ sey, Greenwood; Guyon J. Carter, Avoca.

Suffolk—Harry B. Ward, Riverhead ; W. M. Ormsby, Patchogue; John P. McGuire, Huntington.

Sullivan—Walter T. McKernan, Sum- mitville; Henry G. Paul, Livingston Manor.

Tioga—H. M. Nickerson, Candor; Dwight L. Riegel, Nichols.

Tompkins—E. C. Donnan, Newfield; J. P. Munson, Groton; Leon A. Olds, Ithaca.

Ulster—C. A. Johnson, Saugerties; R. H. Johnson, New Paltz; L. J. Roosa, Stone Ridge; R. R. Bennett, Phoe¬ nicia.

Warren—L. F. Perkins, Lake Luzerne; Joseph Keenan, Bolton Landing.

Washington—Helen B. Bartholomew, Whitehall; Caroline P. Perry, Cam¬ bridge ; F. J. Fahrenholz, Argyle.

Wayne—George H. Use, Lyons; Orrin M. Smith, Wolcott; M. J. Livingston, Williamson.

Westchester—Robert E. Bell, Chap- paqua; H. E. Hollister, White Plains.

Wyoming—Victor H. Blom, Attica; H. J. Harrison, Castile.

Yates—S. L. Underwood, Branchport.

Urban Place and Superintendent

Albany (134,382)—John W. Park. Albion (4,839)—Carl I. Bergerson. Amityville (6,139)^®—Henry A. Kittle. Amsterdam (32,269)—E. V. Cushman. Arlington* (5,338) (P. O. Poughkeep¬

sie)—Harold C. Storm. Attica (2,666)'®—Peter P. King. Auburn (36,667)—C. G. Hetheringtoii. Babylon (5,994)'®—Percy M. Proctor. Baldwinsville (4,482)'®—Paul H. Bene¬

dict. Ballston Spa (4,935)—Willard T. Jones. Batavia (17,807)—Edward L. Osborn. Bath (5,409)—Vernon E. Wightman. Bay Shore* (9,648)—George H. Gatje.

Beacon (14,110)—Earl D. Hewes. Binghamton (81,132)—Martin A. Hei¬

fer. Blasdell (3,116) (in Central School

District No. 4, Buffalo 19). Brentwood* (2,802)'®—Elem.—Leigh P.

Stuart. Brockport (4,743)'®—H. L. Vaughan. Bronxville (6,718)—Howard V. Funk. Buffalo (577,393)—Benjamin C. Willis. Canajoharie (2,753)'®—John M. Deis-

seroth. Canandaigua (8,296)—Arthur E. War¬

ren. Canastota (4,489)—Walter Clifford. Canisteo (2,617)'®—N. F. Miller. Canton (4,360)'®—Hugh C. Williams. Carthage (4,434)—Robert G. Wallace. Catskill (5,336)—Paul T. Sellers. Cedarhurst (6,021) (in Lawrence school

district). Central Islip (3,039)'®—Fred W. Sher-

tenlieb. Cobleskill (3,194)'®—W. D. Firman. Cohoes (21,235)—F. Herrick Conners. Cooperstown (2,716)'® — Nicholas J.

Sterling. Corinth (3,169)'®—William D. Banks. Corning (17,723) :

District No. 9—William E. Severn. District No. 13—Hugh W. Gregg.

Cortland (18,120)—Franklin S. Barry. Coxsackie (2,715)—Robert Chaloner. Croton-on-Hudson (4,863)'®—O. Wendell

Hogue. Dannemora (4,129)'®—John P. Glasgow. Dansville (5,238)—Lewis W. Bradley. Depew (7,219)—William F. Phelan. Dobbs Ferry (6,246)—Wayne L. Lowe. Dolgeville (3,197)'®—Emory Tooley. Dunkirk (17,965)—Thomas E. Harney. East Aurora (5,962)—Walter L. Bum-

gar dner. East Hills (2,547)-. East Islip* (2,831)'®—Lawrence H.

Gallagher. East Northport* (3,820)-. East Patchogue* (4,095)'®—Elem.—

Verne Critz. East Rochester (7,020)—L. C. Obourn. East Rockaway (7,973)—Harold F.

Stud well. East Syracuse (4,771)—Theodore I.

Stewart. Ellenville (4,202)'®—John C. Braun. Elmira (49,690)—Oscar F. Kerlin. Elmira Heights (5,020)—Harry H. Hat-

ten. Elmsford (3,150)'®—Robert A. Loefller. Endicott (20,168)—William J. Krum,

Jr. Fairport (5,263)—Frank A. Brokaw. Falconer (3,253)'®—Harvey C. Fenner.

♦Unincorporated urban place. Supervising Principal administering Cen¬

tral School District.


Farmingdale (4,477)—Fred B. Paynter. Fayetteville (2,647)^®—Raymond Van

Giesen. Floral Park (14,535) :

Elem.—John W. Robertson. High—Harold TV. Wright.

Fort Edward (3,781)"®—C. A. Hopkins. Fort Plain (2,896)"®—John E. Ridder. Frankfort (3,840)—James A. Beha. Fredonia (7,070)—Howard R. Bradley. Freeport (24,589)—John W. Dodd. Fulton (13,903)—G. R. Bodley. Garden City (14,364)—McDonald F.

Egdorf. Geneseo (2,822)"®—Albert O. Jenkins. Geneva (17,087)—W. Lynn Houseman. Glen Cove (15,084)—Walter R. Smith. Glens Falls (19,448)—Alexander W.

Miller. Gloversville (23,576)—Fred Ambellan. Goshen (3,281)"®—Charles J. Hooker. Gouverneur (4,907)—Frank W. Mason. Gowanda (3,172)"®—Donald H. Wing. Granville (2,831)"®—Clarence L. Top¬

ping. Great Neck Plaza (4,228)-. Great Neck (7,921)—Ruel E. Tucker. Green Island (4,010)—Norine B. Keat¬

ing. Greenport (2,989) "®—Wallace E. Lamb. Hamburg (6,936)—W. Howard Vander-

hoef. Hamilton (3,534)"®—Andrew L. Lane. Hastings-on-Hudson (7,547)—Philip B.

Langworthy. Haverstraw (5,816)—^A. J. Lynch. Hempstead (29,021)—W. A. Kincaid. Herkimer (9,397)—Henning J. Martin. Highland* (3,023)"*—William H. Yates. Highland Falls (3,918)"®—Thomas E.

Dight. Homer (3,206)"®—Louis J. Wolner. Hoosick Falls (4,288)—A. Herbert

Campbell. Hornell (15,055)—Harrison S. Dodge. Horseheads (3,600)"®—C. J. Wheater. Hudson (11,656)—John T. Kaemmer-

len. Hudson Falls (7,217)—Dana M. King. Huntington* (9,267)—Carl V. Warren. Huntington Station* (9,898)"®—Dodd B.

Craft. Ilion (9,322)—Earl P. Watkin. Irvington (3,646)"°—Philip E. Sanborn. Islip* (5,259)"®—Charles B. Cosman. Ithaca (29,395)—William L. Gragg. Jamestown (43,250)—Carlyle C. Ring. Johnson City (19,563)—H. B. Eccle-

ston. Johnstown (10,861)—Eugene F. Conant. Kenmore (20,232)—Frank C. Dens-

berger. Kings Park* (10,944)"®—^Ralph J. Os¬

good. Kingston (28,860)—Arthur J. Laidlaw. Lackawanna (27,646)—Leo A. Joyce. Lake Placid (2,981)"®—L. R. Proulx.

Lakewood (2,991)"®—Holland W. Rood. Lancaster (8,678)—MiltonW. Brown. Larchmont (6,293) (in Mamaroneck

school district). Lawrence (4,653)—Lawrence V. Dodd. LeRoy (4,713)—Matthew W. Gaffney. Liberty (4,652)"®—David E. Panebaker. Lindenhurst (8,632)—Lawrence C. Lo-

baugh. Little Falls (9,522)—Joseph S. Horton. Liverpool (2,943)"°—Frank Mosher. Lockport (25,136)—George F. Jammer. Long Beach (15,534)—David G. Salten. Lowville (3,653)"®—Leon A. Davis. Lynbrook (17,258)—H. Arthur Schu¬

bert. Lyons (4,213)"°—Archie F. Bowler. Malone (9,490)—^Donald W. Dunnan. Malverne (8,034)—Howard T. Herber. Mamaroneck (15,041)—T. James Ahern. Massena (13,123)—Walter S. Wilson. Mechanicville (7,506)—Melvin C. Liv-

ington. Medina (6,187)—Arthur E. Trippensee. Middletown (22,565)—Ralph L. Shat-

tuck. Mineola (15,574)—Raymond H. Os¬

trander. Mohawk (3,196)"®—Harold J. Rankin. Monticello (4,237)"°—Kenneth L. Ru¬

therford. Mount Kisco (5,919)—Harold M. Jen¬

nings. Mount Morris (3,457)"®—Joseph A. Lon-

cao. Mount Vernon (71,837)—Jordan L. Lar¬

son. Newark (10,275)—Norman R. Kelley. Newburgh (31,924)—Snyder J. Gage. New Hyde Park (7,323)—Elem.—Mer¬

rill Colton. New Rochelle (59,626)—Donald K.

Phillips. New Windsor* (2,745)-. New York City (7,835,099)—William

Jansen. New York Mills (3,387)"®—J. William

Quinn. Niagara Falls (90,875)—William J.

Small. North Pelham (5,057) (in Pelham

School District). Northport (3,820)—Roy R. Waite. North Syracuse (3,337)"®—Maurice S.

Hammond. North Tarrytown (8,833) (in Tarry-

town School District). North Tonawanda (24,730)—Richard

A. Jensen. Norwich (8,945)—Earl F. Soper. Nyack (5,867)—Kenneth R. MacCal-

man. Ogdensburg (16,126)—Frank C. Roda. Clean (22,842)—W. Cecil Davis.

♦Unincorporated urban place. “ Supervising Principal administering Cen¬

tral School District.


Oneida (11,367)—Willard F. Prior. Oneonta (13,531)—Harold V. Hager. Ossining (16,055)—Harold V. Loomis. Oswego (22,611)—Charles E. Riley. Owego (5,352)—W. G. Morgan. Oyster Bay* (5,228)—John M. Lahr. Palmyra (3,030)^“—Fredrick T. Deci. Patchogue (7,359)—Paul A. Bassett. Peekskill (17,746)—J. E. Scott. Pelham Manor (5,293) (in Pelham

School District)—W. W. Fairclough. Penn Yan (5,479)—William F. Joslyn. Perry (4,560)—Donald S. Keeler. Plattsburgh (17,726)—Carl G. Soren¬

son. Pleasantville (4,843)—Harold Davey. Port Chester (23,969)—Evan E. Jones. Port Jefferson* (3,293)"—Earl L. Van-

dermeulen. Port Jervis (9,348)—Ervin R. Fletcher. Potsdam (7,489)"*—A. A. Kingston. Poughkeepsie (40,975)—Fox D. Holden. Rensselaer (10,745)—Kenneth H. Mac-

Farland. Riverhead* (4,896)"°—John B. Thomas. Rochester (331,252)—James M. Spin¬

ning. Rockville Centre (22,274)—Herbert F.

Johnson. Rome (41,379)—Lydon H. Strough. Rye (11,745)—W. Wendell Hoover. Salamanca (8,850)—Julius C. Braun. Saranac Lake (6,900)—Charles T.

Cowan. Saratoga Springs (15,434)—Claude Van

Wie. Saugerties (3,927)—Grant D. Morse. Sayville* (4,240)—Samuel K. Munson. Scarsdale (13,086)—Archibald B. Shaw. Schenectady (92,070)—Harry J. Linton. Scotia (7,854)—William H. Martin. Sea Cliff (4,897)"*—F. R. Furlong. Seneca Falls (6,629)—Arthur L. Baker. Sidney (4,788)"°—Ralph F. Pyle. Silver Creek (3,053)"°—Walter W.

Thompson. Sloan (4,706) (P. O. Buffalo 12)—J.

Ernest Wilson. Solvay (7,667)—Clinton H. Atwood. Southhampton (4,022)—J. Wilbert

Jones. South Glens Falls (3,628) (P. O. Glens

Falls)"®—Chester B. Ostrander. South Nyack (3,073)-. Spring Valley (4,492)—Robert H.

Wiley. Springville (3,313)"°—Charles M.

Knapp. Suffern (3,992)"°—Lester E. Rounds. Syracuse (220,067)—David H. Patton. Tarry town (8,819)—Delbert O. Fuller. Ticonderoga (3,510)—Raymond W.

Nash. Tonawanda (14,610)—James H. Green. Troy (71,659)—Dudley P. VanArnam. Tuckahoe (5,999)—William E. Cottle.

Tapper Lake (5,449)—Joseph F. Dono¬ van.

Utica (101,479)—R. A. Lopardo. Valley Stream (26,833)"°:

Elem. (No. 13)—Stanton Miller, acting.

Elem. (No. 24)—Dudley C. Snyder. Elem. (No. 30)—Sherwood Quick. High—Richard M. Udall.

Walden (4,547)—Kenneth E, Smith. Walton (3,933)"°—Thomas H. O’Neill. AVappingers Falls (3,498)"°—E. Joseph

Kegan. Warsaw (3,708)"°—Gilbert P. Ball. Warwick (2,670)"°—Roy W. Epting. Waterford (3,005)—Charles H. Field. Waterloo (4,448)"°—Albert S. Brown. Watertown (34,280)—Charles E. Sabin. Watervliet (15,036)—Edward C. Dia¬

mond. AVatkins Glen (3,017)"°—Warren E.

Hertenstein. AVaverly (6,031)—Donald W. McClel¬

land. Wellsville (6,358)—Alden T. Stuart. Westbury (7,055)—Everett A. Mc¬

Donald, Jr. West Elmira* (3,800)-. Westfield (3,649)"°—Edwin L. Fisher. West Haverstraw (3,098)"°—Elem.—

Leslie Freeman. Whitehall (4,451)—Page E. Cole. White Plains (43,501)—Parmer L.

Ewfing. Whitesboro (3,903)"®—H. W. Forbes. Williamsville (4,624)"°—Walter J. Her¬

rington. Williston Park (7,469)—Elem.—Lester

Peck. Yonkers (152,533)—Stanley AVynstra. Yorkville (3,521) (part of AVhitesboro

School District).


County and Superintendent

Alamance—M. E. Yount, Graham. Alexander—S. W. Payne, Taylorsville. Alleghany—Clyde Fields, Sparta. Amson—J. O. Bowman, Wadesboro. Ashe—A. B. Hurt, Jefferson. Avery—W. Kenneth Anderson, New-

land. Beaufort—W. F. Veasey, Washington. Bertie—J. L. Dupree, AVindsor. Bladen—D. M. Calhoun, Elizabethtown. Brunswick—J. T. Denning, Southport. Buncombe—T. C. Roberson, Asheville. Burke—R. L. Patton, Morganton. Cabarrus—C. A. Furr, Concord. Caldwell—C. M. Abernethy, Lenoir. Camden—J. F. Pugh, Camden. Carteret—H. L. Joslyn, Beaufort.

♦Unincorporated urban place. Supervising Principal administering Cen¬

tral School District.


Caswell—Thos. H. Whitley, Yanceyville. Catawba—M. C. Campbell, Newton. Chatham—J. S. Waters, Pittsboro. Cherokee—Lloyd W. Hendrix, Murphy. Chowan—W. J. Taylor, Edenton. Clay—Allen J. Bell, Hayesville. Cleveland—J. H. Grigg, Shelby. Columbus—T. Ward Guy, Whiteville. Craven—R.*L. Pugh, New Bern. Cumberland—P. D. Byrd, Jr., Fayette¬

ville. Currituck—W. H. Tuck, Currituck. Dare—Mrs. Mary L. Evans, Manteo. Davidson—Paul F. Evans, Lexington. Davie—Curtis Price, Mocksville. Duplin—O. P. Johnson, Kenansville. Durham—Lester A. Smith, Durham. Edgecombe—E. D. Johnson, Tarboro. Forsyth—Ralph Brimley, Winston-

Salem. Franklin—W. F. Mitchell, Louisburg. Gaston—Hunter Huss, Gastonia. Gates—W. C. Harrell, Gatesville. Graham—F. S. Griffin, Robbinsville. Granville—^D. N. Hix, Oxford. Greene—B. L. Davis, Snow Hill. Guilford—E. D. Idol, Greensboro. Halifax—W. Henry Overman, Halifax. Harnett—G. T. Proffit, Lillington. Haywood—Mrs. Lucy Tate Jones,

Waynesville. Henderson—R. G. Anders, Henderson¬

ville. Hertford—Russell P. Martin, Winton. Hoke—K. A. McDonald, Raeford. Hyde—N. W. Shelton, Swan Quarter. Iredell—S. H. Helton, Statesville. Jackson—W. V. Cope, Sylva. Johnston—E. S. Simpson, Smithfield. Jones—W. B. Moore, Trenton. Lee—J. J. Lentz, Sanford. Lenoir—H. H. Bullock, Kinston. Lincoln—Joe R. Nixon, Llncolnton. McDowell—N. P. Steppe, Marion. Macon—Holland McSwain, Franklin. Madison—William W. Peek, Marshall. Martin—J. C. Maning, Williamston. Mecklenburg—J. W. Wilson, Charlotte. Mitchell—Jason B. Deyton, Bakersville. Montgomery—J. S. Edwards, Troy. Moore—H. Lee Thomas, Carthage. Nash—L. S. Inscoe, Nashville. New Hanover—H. M. Roland, Wilming¬

ton. Northhampton—N. L. Turner, Jackson. Onslow—I. B. Hudson, Jacksonville. Orange—G. P. Carr, Hillsboro. Pamlico—A. H. Hatsell, Bayboro. Pasquotank—J. H. Moore, Elizabeth

City. Pender—T. T. Murphy, Burgaw. Perquimans—John T. Biggers, Hart¬

ford. Person—R. B. Griffin, Roxboro. Pitt—D. H. Conley, Greenville. Polk—James W. Gantt, Columbus. Randolph—R. C. White, Asheboro.

Richmond—P. D. McLeod, Rockingham. Robeson—B. E. Littlefield, Lumberton. Rockingham—J. Allan Lewis, Went¬

worth. Rowan—C. C. Erwin, Salisbury. Rutherford—J. J. TaiTton, Rutherford-

ton. Sampson—D. V, Carter, Clinton. Scotland—J. J. Pence, Laurinburg. Stanly—James P. Sifford, Albemarle. Stokes—R. M. Green, Danbury. Surry—John W. Comer, Dobson. Swain—W. L. Lathan, Bryson City. Transylvania—J. B. Jones, Brevard. Tyrrell—W. J. White, Columbia. Union—Dan S. Davis, Monroe. Vance—J. C. Stabler, Henderson. Wake—Randolph Benton, Raleigh. Warren—W. B. Terrell, Warrenton. Washington—R. F. Lowry, Plymouth. Watauga—W. H. Walker, Boone. Wayne—R. S. Proctor, Goldsboro. Wilkes—C. B. Eller, Wilkesboro. Wilson—H. D. Browning, Wilson. Yadkin—Fred C. Hobson, Yadkinville. Yancey—Frank W. Howell, Burnsville.

Urban Place and Superintendent

Ahoskie (3,568)—Hertford County. Albemarle (11,751) Claud Grigg. Arlington* (5,085) (in Gastonia City

School District). Asheboro (7,674)—G. B. Teachey. Asheville (52,208)—J. W. Byers. Beaufort (3,217)—Carteret County. Belmont (5,341)—Gaston County. Bessemer City (3,965)—Gaston County. Boone (2,964)—Watauga County. Brevard (3,893)—Transylvania County. Brown-Norcott Mills* (4,802)—Cabar¬

rus County. Burlington (24,495)—L, E. Spikes. Canton (4,924)—A. J. Hutchins. Caroleen - Avondale - Henrietta*

(3,489)—Rutherford County. Chapel Hill (9,169)—C. W. Davis. Charlotte (133,219)—Elmer H. Garin-

ger. Cherryville (3,486)—Fenton L. Larson. Clinton (4,399)—E. C. Sipe. Concord (16,720)—R. B. McAllister. Cramerton* (3,208)—Gaston County. Cross Roads-Bannerton* (2,941)—Surry

County. Draper (3,629) (in Leaksville School

District). Dunn (6,325)—Harnett County. Durham (70,307)—L. S. Weaver. East Gastonia* (3,718) (in Gastonia

City School District). East Marion* (2,952) (in Marion City

School District). Edenton (4,454)—John A. Holmes.

♦Unincorporated urban place.


Elizabeth City (12,682)—E. C. Funder¬ burk.

Elkin (2,844)—N. H. Carpenter. Erwin* (3,344)—Harnett County. Farmville (2,941)—Pitt County. Fayetteville (34,605)—C. Reid Ross. Forest City (4,965)—Rutherford

County. Gastonia (23,003)—F. M. Waters. Goldsboro (21,399)—Ray Armstrong:. Graham (5,013)—Alamance County. Greensboro (73,703)—B. L. Smith. Greenville (16,713)—Junius H. Rose. Hamlet (4,917)—H. M. Kyzer. Henderson (10,942)—W. D. Payne. Hendersonville (6,061)—A. D. Korne-

gay. Hickory (14,691)—^W. S. Hamilton. High Point (39,930)—C. F. Carroll. Jacksonville (3,928)—Onslow County. Kannapolis* (28,451)—Cabarrus and

Rown Counties. Kings Mountain (7,193)—B. N. Barnes. Kinston (18,278)—Jean P. Booth. Laurinburg (7,126)—A. B. Gibson. Leaksville (4,057)—J. M. Hough. Lenoir (7,863)—J. G. Hagaman. Lexington (13,562)—L. E. Andrews. Lincolnton (5,419)—S. R. Lowder. Louisburg (2,541)—Franklin County. Lumberton (9,164)—B. E. Lohr. Marion (2,726)—Hugh Beam. Midway Park* (3,709)—Onslow County. Mills-East Rockingham* (5,181) (in

Rockingham City School District). Monroe (10,113)—W. R. Kirkman. Mooresville (7,118)—R. R. Morgan. Morehead City (5,055) —C a r t e r e t

Comity. Morgantown (8,252)—Maston S. Par¬

ham. Mount Airy (7,194)—L. B. Pender-

graph. Mount Olive (3,728)—Wayne County. New Bern (15,784)—H. J. McDonald. Newton (6,015)—R. N. Gurley. North Belmont* (3,951)—Gaston

County. North Wilkesboro (4,370)—J. F. Wood¬

ward. Ogburntown* (3,670)—Forsyth County. Oxford (6,703)—Budd E. Smith. Plymouth (4,471)—Washington County. Ranlo-Smyre* (2,914)—Gaston County. Raleigh (65,123)—Jesse O. Sanderson. Reidsville (11,760)—C. C. Lipscomb. Roanoke Rapids (8,123)—I. E. Ready. Rockingham (3,319)—J. E. Honeycutt. Rocky Mount (27,644)—D. S. Johnson. Roxboro (4,047)—Person County. Rutherfordton (3,139)—Rutherford

County. Salisbury (19,999)—J. H. Knox. Sanford (10,004)—Malcolm A. McLeod. Scotland Neck (2,758)—H a 1 i f a x

County. Selma (2,634)—Johnson County.

Shelby (15,508)—W. E. Abernethy. Smithfield (5,574)—Johnston County. South Fayetteville* (3,426) (in Fayette¬

ville City School District). South Gastonia* (6,471)—Gaston

County. Southern Pines (4,179)—A. C. Dawson,

Jr. Spencer (3,226)—Rowan County. Spindale (3,890)—Rutherford County. Spray* (5,533) (in Leaksville School

District). Statesville (16,763)—M. T. Lambeth. Tarboro (8,069)—William A. Mahler. ThomasviUe (11,126)—G. H. Arnold. Valdese (2,735)—Burke County. Wadesboro (3,409)—W. L. Wildermuth. Wake Forest (3,701)—Wake County. Washington (9,616)—Edwin A. West. Waynesville (5,288)—Haywood County. Westend* (2,800)—Moore County. Whiteville (4,245)—L. A. Bruton. Williamston (4,978)—Martin County. Wilmington (44,975)—New Hanover

County. Wilson (22,964)—S. G. Chappell. Winston-Salem (86,816)—J. W. Moore.


County and Superintendent

Adams—Mrs. Marie H. Roberts, Het¬ tinger.

Barnes—Ray Earle Fearing, Valley City.

Benson—Alice Thompson, Minnewau- kan.

Billings—Mrs. Beatrice L. Thomas, Me- dora.

Bottineau—Mrs. Jessie M. Page, Bot¬ tineau.

Bowman—Mrs. Alice G. Benson, Bow¬ man.

Burke—Glaudia Wade, Bowbells. Burleigh—Margaret Gillen, Bismarck. Cass—Caroline J. Evingson, Fargo. Cavalier—Gladys M. Shanks, Langdon. Dickey—Helen Sprouse, Ellendale. Divide—Mrs. Ida Romsos, Crosby. Dunn—Mrs. Edna Kolstad Paulson,

Manning. Eddy—Mrs. Agnes A. Davies, New

Rockford. Emmons—Mrs. Philippine B. Berglund,

Linton. Foster—Edna Cusack, Carrington. Golden Valley—Mrs. Natalie Adamson,

Beach. Grand Forks—Florence Rasmusson,

Grand Forks. Grant—Mrs. Esther H. Erickson, Car-

son. Griggs—Ralph Olgaard, Cooperstown. Hettinger—Mrs. Agnes Espeland Svi-

hovec, Mott.

♦Unincorporated urban place.


Kidder—Mrs. Hazel O. Patton, Steele. La Moure—Jessie ScRmoker, La Moure. Logan—Vera Engelking, Napoleon. McHenry—Elsie Kramer, Towner. McIntosh—Herbert Roth, Ashley. McKenzie—Julia Thompson, Watford

City. McLean—Dan O. LeRoy, Washburn. Mercer—John Boyko, Stanton. Morton—Sarah Motsiff, Mandan. Mountrail—Mrs. Helen Hardy Vedvig,

Stanley. Nelson—Grace Carlson, Lakota. Oliver—L. B. Cox, Center. Pembina—Gertrude Quam, Cavalier. Pierce—Mrs. Nettie I. Hunter Thorsen,

Rugby. Ramsey—Gladys Smith, Devils Lake. Ransom—Laura Endersbe, Lisbon. Renville—George W. Finley, Mohall. Richland—Effie Muir, Wahpeton. Rolette—Mrs. Luba E. Johnson, Rolla. Sargent—Lillie V. Bowser, Forman. Sheridan—Mrs. Doris Barnstable, Mc-

Clusky. Sioux—C. A. Stockert, Fort Yates. Slope—Mrs. Clara D. Brown, Amidon. Stark—Roy L. Swenson, Dickinson. Steele—Robert O. Erickson, Finley. Stutsman—S. A. Lokken, Jamestown. Towner—Susan Smith, Cando. Traill—Mrs. Myrtle Oien, Hillsboro. Walsh—A. G. Strand, Grafton. Ward—Wilhelm Haugen, Minot. Wells—Mrs. Mattie Backen, Fessenden. Williams—Mrs. Helen Jacobson, Willis-


Urban Place and Superintendent

Bismarck (18,640)—T. E. Simle. Devils Lake (6,427)—F. H. Gilliland. Dickinson (7,469)—A. L. Hagen. Fargo (38,256)—H. H. Kirk. Grafton (4,901)—H. B. Ensrud. Grand Forks (26,836)—E. H. Schroeder. Jamestown (10,697)—W. S. Gussner. Mandan (7,298)—W. L. Neff. Minot (22,032)—Paul A. Miller. Rugby (2,907)—J. I. Pennington. Valley City (6,851)—Minard McCrea. Wahpeton (5,125)—M. B. Zimmerman. Williston (7,378)—Leonard T. Havig.


County and Superintendent

Adams—Elmer M. Teets, West Union. Allen—W. M. Floyd, Lima. Ashland—Virgil B. Moffett, Ashland. Ashtabula—L. M. Finley, Jefferson. Athens—George E. Christman, Athens. Auglaize—L. F. Schumaker, Wapa-

koneta. Belmont—W. J. Greenlee, Saint Clairs-

ville. Brown—H. D. West, Georgetown.

Butler—C. H. WiUiams, Hamilton. Carroll—R. H. Longsworth, Carrollton. Champaign—H. M. Loudenback, Ur-

bana. Clark—Oscar T. Hawke, Springfield. Clermont—Frank B. Hoggatt, Batavia. Clinton—Carl H. Shanks, Wilmington. Columbiana—James L. McBride, Lis¬

bon. Coshocton—J. F. Lautenschlager, Co¬

shocton. Crawford—S. K. Sollars, Bucyrus. Cuyahoga—W. L. Shuman, Cleveland. Darke—Carl A. Baden, Greenville. Defiance—Paul H. Underhill, Defiance. Delaware—G. B. McFarland, Delaware. Erie—W. E. Weagly, Sandusky. Fairfield—P. R. Cummins, Lancaster. Fayette—W. J. Hilty, Washington

Court House. Franklin—George C. Beery, Columbus. Fulton—C. P. Weber, Wauseon. Gallia—B. Lewis Jones, Gallipolis. Geauga—F. R. Schofield, Chardon. Greene—Sherman O. Liming, Xenia. Guernsey—Robert P. Murphy, Cam¬

bridge. Hamilton—C. B. Crouch, Cincinnati. Hancock—E. J. Joseph, Findlay. Hardin—Frank C. Ransdell, Kenton. Harrison—George E. Redman, Cadiz. Henry—M. E. Brandon, Napoleon. Highland—W. G. Williamson, Hills¬

boro. Hocking—S. H. Dillon, Logan. Holmes—^D. C. Egger, Millersburg. Huron—Ralph R. Brown, Norwalk. Jackson—Vernon W. Barnes, Jackson. Jefferson—Ray B. Roshon, Steubenville. Knox—Glen M. Hanes, Mount Vernon. Lake—John R. Williams, Painesville. Lawrence—George W. Webb, Ironton. Licking—Harold Sebold, Newark. Logan—John M. Stanfield, Beliefon-

taine. Lorain—C. A. Gibbens, Elyria. Lucas—H. E. Ryder, Toledo. Madison—Rolla D. Webster, London. Mahoning—W. C. Smith, Youngstown. Marion—D. T. Mills, Marion. Medina—Harold A. White, Medina. Meigs—O. O. Patterson, Pomeroy. Mercer—Glen C. West, Celina. Miami—C. V. Thompson, Troy. Monroe—F. L. Pollock, Woodsfield. Montgomery—W. A. Driscoll, Dayton. Morgan—William O. Porter, McConnels-

ville. Morrow—T. A. Gantz, Mount Gilead. Muskingum—Asa O. Tom, Zanesville. Noble—H. C. Secrest, Caldwell. Ottawa—Edwin E. Digby, Port Clinton. Paulding—A. C. Bell, Paulding. Perry—O. E. Hearing, New Lexington. Pickaway—George D. McDowell, Circle-

ville. Pike—J. E. Way, Waverly.


Portage—C. P. Rausch, Ravenna. Preble—C. R. Coblentz, Eaton. Putnam—R. M. McKibben, Ottawa. Richland—E’ale B. Kinney, Mansfield. Ross—Albert E. Gower, Chillicothe. Sandusky—W. A. Whitman, Fremont. Scioto—E. R. McCowen, Portsmouth. Seneca—S. E.Martin, Tiffin. Shelby—C. E. McCorkle, Sidney. Stark—T. C. Knapp, Canton. Summit—Carl Coffeen, Cuyahoga Falls. Trumbull—F. B. Louys, Warren. Tuscarawas—W. E. Laws, New Phila¬

delphia. Union—Gale W. Baldwin, Marysville. Van Wert—R. G. Brand, Van Wert. Vinton—D. M. Bryson, McArthur. Warren—R. F. Hatfield, Lebanon. Washington—C. L. MclMahan, Marietta. Wayne—Ralph Ely, Wooster. Williams—H. C. Vannorsdall, Bryan. Wood—C. S. Harkness, Bowling Green. Wyandot—D. W. Oman, Upper San¬


Urban Place and Superintendent

Ada (3,629)—I. T. Warthman. Akron (273,189)—Otis C. Hatton. Alliance (26,112)—Russell E. Schafer. Amherst (3,523)—F. R. Powers. Ashland (14,277)—W. J. Springer. Ashtabula (23,093)—E. I. Gephart. Athens (11,604)—Willard P. Barker. Avon (2,764)—W. H. Jones. Avon Lake (4,287)—J. I. King. Barberton (27,893)—P. G. Gunnett. Barnesville (4,650)—Donald W. Shep¬

herd. Bay (6,562)—Charles M. Patterson. Bedford (9,073)—Dale D. Heskett. Bellaire (12,553)—F. N. Reinbolt. Belief ontaine (10,259) — Charles C.

Hoop. Bellevue (6,901)—F. D. Swigart. Berea (11,964)—J. F. Koeppe. Bexley (12,235)—E. D. Jarvis. Bowling Green (11,972)—H. L. Bow¬

man. Brecksville (2,656)—C. M. Burnett. Bridgeport (4,305)—H. B. Waldorf. Brooklyn (6,307) (P. O. Cleveland) —

Clarence L. Rice. Brook Park (2,602)-. Bryan (6,405)—H. W. Rogge. Bucyrus (10,289)—I. James Miller. Cadiz (3,011)—V. L. Raver. Cambridge (14,693)—A. E. Rupp. Campbell (12,830)—Andrew S. Klinko. Canton (116,312)—Harold H. Eibling. Carey (3,261)—G. A. Hartman. Carrollton (2,671)—J. W. Herron. Celina (5,686)—C. J. Rasmus. Chagrin Falls (3,054)—Lewis Sands. Cheviot (9,927) (in Cincinnati School

District). Chillicothe (20,121)—Merrill M. Berry.

Cincinnati (500,510)—C. V. Courier. Circleville (8,655)—Frank Fischer. Cleveland (905,636)—M. C. Schinerer. Cleveland Hights (58,782)—O. E. Hill. Clyde (4,060)—V. J. Briegel. Columbiana (3,363)—D. W.Bailey. Columbus (374,770)—N. G. Fawcett. Conneaut (10,072)—J. H. Wanamaker, Coshocton (11,626)—G. A. McConagha. Crestline (4,590)—Ayden A. Remy. Crooksville (2,957)—Wm. F. Worthing¬

ton. Cuyahoga Falls (29,076)—F. H. Bode. Dayton (243,108)—R. B. French. Deer Park (7,245) (P. O., Cincinnati

13)—Carl E. Crawford. Defiance (11,270)—J. G. Demyan. Delaware (11,783)—David R. Smith. Delphos (6,269)—Robert H. Cristy. Dennison (4,435)—E. F. McCarroll. Dover (9,787)—D. C. Lemmon. East Cleveland (39,875)—O. J. Korb. Eastlake (7,460) — (in Willoughby

School District). East Liverpool (24,072)—Ralph W.

Betts. East Palestine (5,189)—T. R. Hersh. Eaton (4,233)—Ralph H. Mikesell. Elmwood Place (4,116)—C. H. Wil¬

liams. Elyria (30,197)—L. N. Nicholas. Euclid (41,447)—W. G. Fordyce. Fairborn (7,874)—H. K. Baker. Fairport (4,325) (P. O., Fairport Har¬

bor)—Elijah H. Brown. Fairview (9,248) (P. O. Cleveland

16)—L. F. Mayer. Findlay (23,806)—F. L. Kinley. Fostoria (14,348)—Herbert L. Ford. Franklin (5,372)—J. Forrest Burns. Fremont (16,533)—U. E. Diener. Gallon (9,921)—Marion E. Shank. Gallipolis (7,^2)—Edwin E. Higgins. Garfield Heights (21,606) (P. O. Cleve¬

land 5)—O. E. Schaaf. Geneva (4,700)—DwTght Musselman. Girard (10,068)—W. J. Moore. Golf Manor (3,606)-. Grandview Heights (7,605) — (P. O.,

Columbus)—W. C. Rohleder. Granville (2,647)—Maxson F. Greene. Greenfield (4,853)—B. R. Duckworth. Greenhills (2,988)—Ray A. Young. Greenville (8,820)—R. W. Duncan. Hamilton (57,717)—W. S. Crewson. Hicksville (2,644)—G. L. Rader. Hillsboro (5,110)—Paul L. Upp. Hubbard (4,581)—R. C. Reynolds. Huron (2,504)—R. L. McCormick. Independence (3,092)—K. G. Feick. Iron ton (16,329)—E. S. Harrison. Jackson (6,508)—Kermit Daugherty. Kent (12,383)—Lewis L. Burkhart. Kenton (8,467)—Crawford Bower. Lakeville (3,429)-. Lakewood (67,878)—Martin W. Essex. Lancaster (24,140)—Paul Wenger.


Leavittsburg* (2,532)—A. L. Bascom. Lebanon (4,604)—Oscar L. Musgrave. Leetonia (2,5(>3)—D, D. Riimmel. Lima (49,880)—G. G. Humbert. Lincoln-Coal Ridge Heights* (2,696) —

Lincoln Heights (5,528)—Theodore J. Malone (P. O., Cincinnati).

Lisbon (3,289)—Vaughn J. Ullman. Lockland (5,723)—J. U. Dungan. Logan (5,965)—George E. Carr. London (5,196)—J. J. Hartley. Lorain (50,819)—John W. Evans. Londonville (2,540)—R. F. McMullen. Louisville (3,787)—R. A. Strausser. Lyndhurst (7,320) — (in South Euclid

School District). Madeira (2,681)—W. M. Sellman. Mansfield (43,363)—W. L. Miller. Maple Heights (15,556)—A. E. Hadfield. Mariemont (3,410)—J. D. Blackford. Marietta (16,024)—H. L. Sullivan. Marion (33,786)—Lester L. Dickey. Martins Ferry (13,214)—Harold A.

Mayer. Marysville (4,272)—H. W. Carr. Massillon (29,524)—L. J. Smith. Maumee (5,521)—Joseph L. Baird. Mayfield Heights (5,806)—Harvey A.

Scheetz. Medina (5,086)—Sidney M. Fenn. Miamisburg (6,421)—F. M. Young. Middleport (3,441)—L. W. McComas. Middletown (33,634)—Wade E. Miller. Minerva (3,273)—Haskell F. Paulding. Mingo Junction (4,454)—M. L. Dennis. Montpelier (3,845)—W. A. Howald. Mount Healthy (5,557)—A. W. Milner. Mount Vernon (12,021)—J. D. Geiger. Napoleon (5,326)—C. D. Brillhart. Nelsonville (4,845)—Lloyd C. Gray. Newark (34,178)—Paul B. Edwards. New Boston (4,752)—F. M. Jackson. Newburgh Heights (3,680) (in Cleve¬

land School District). Newcomerstown (4,512)—D. B. Roeder. New Lexington (4,227)—Myron H.

Fowler. New Philadelphia (12,966)—Jay B.

Rudy. Newton Falls (4,451)—Milan Mattes. Niles (16,733)—S. J. Bonham. North Baltimore (2,772)—Wood

County. North Canton (4,027)—R. E. Trachsel. North College Hill (7,910)—Earl V.

Thesken. North Olmsted (6,574)—K. E. Lower. North Royalton (3,936) — Cuyahoga

County. Norwalk (9,779)—^James H. McBride. Norwood (34,626)—Harold S. Bates. Oakwood (9,618)—Delbert Woodford

(P. O., Dayton). Oberlin (6,457)—Charles E. Wigton. Orrville (5,164)—R. E. C. McDougall.

Ottawa (2,960)—Putnam County. Oxford (6,926)—Butler County. Painesville (14,365)—R. B. Oldfather. Parma (28,852) (P. O., Cleveland 9) —

C. C. Byers. Perrysburg (3,989)—J. S. Rinehart. Piqua (17,426)—W. F. Hoerner. Pomeroy (3,666)—William A. Smith. Port Clinton (5,538)—^D. D. Sims. Portsmouth (36,663)—H. W. McKelvey. Ravenna (9,783)—H. Larry Brown. Reading (7,824)—Warren M. Durkee. Rlttman (3,806)—W. H. Hauenstein. Rocky River (11,080)—T. S. Davis. Rossford (3,953)—G. Hoy Burns. Rossland-Steel Mill* (4,295-. St. Bernard (7,057)—C. W. Howell. St. Clairsville (3,036)—B e 1 m o n t

County. St. Mary’s (6,211)—Harold H. Cook. Salem (12,683)—E. S. Kerr. Sandusky (29,060)—Karl E. Whinnery. Sebring (4,035)—Leon S. Force. Shadyside (4,418)—Paul F. Smith. Shaker Heights (27,980) (P. O., Cleve¬

land 20)—William Slade, Jr. Sharon* (2,857)—Geauga County. Shelby (7,905)—Byron H. Carmean. Sidney (11,413)—H. C. McDermott. Silverton (4,738) (in Cincinnati School

District). Solon (2,558)—Cuyahoga County. South Euclid (15,415)—William B. Ed¬

wards. Springfield (78,029)—E. E. Holt. Steubenville (35,695)—Ralph M. Gantz. Strongsville (3,504)—Cuyahoga County. Struthers (11,905)—O. J. Gabriel. Tallmadge (5,811)—T. O. Morgan. Tiffin (18,943)—Paul V. Brown. Tipp City (3,290)—Leonard T. Ball. Toledo (301,358)—E. L. Bowsher. Toronto (7,258)—D. B. Metzger. Troy (10,628)—G. B. Jeffers. Uhrichsville (6,609)—Glenn W. Zeller. University Heights (11,488) (in Cleve¬

land Heights School District). Upper Arlington (8,170) — (P. O., Co¬

lumbus 12)—Walter B. Heischman. Upper Sandusky (4,393)—Roger L.

Downing. Urbana (8,439)—W. W. Purdy. Van Wert (10,317)—R. D. Bennett. Wadsworth (7,943)—M. H. B u r k-

holder. Wapakoneta (5,771)—R. E. Augspurger. Warren (49,674)—Paul Miller. Warrensville Heights (4,109)—George

Walker. Washington Court House (10,457) —

Stephen C. Brown. Wauseon (3,528)—F. S. Huyck. Wellington (2,982)—Walter L. Harris. Wellston (5,687)—C. H. Jones. Wellsville (7,856)—Seward H. Daw.

Unincorporated urban place.


West Carrollton (2,883)—W. E. Shade. Westerville (4,121)—M. Ray Morris, Westlake (4,906)—L. G, Biirneson, West Portsmouth* (2,605)—Scioto

County. Whitehall (4,007)—Franklin County. Wickliffe (5,004)—Gerald H. Michel. Willard (4,736)—Dale W. Gates. Willoughby (5,574)—J, Barnes Wood-

side. Willowick (3,660)—Lake County. Wilmington (7,412)—James M. McDon¬

ald. Windham (3,947)—Portage County. Wooster (13,896)—D. P. Bodenbender. Wyoming (5,558)—P. O., Cincinnati

15)—Harold Bush (acting). Xenia (12,871)—R. J. Warner. Yellow Springs (2,876)—Greene

County. Youngstown (167,643)—Paul C. Bunn. Zanesville (40,424)—D. F. Summers.


County and Superintendent

Adair—W. S. Mays, Stilwell. Alfalfa—Ila Craumer, Cherokee. Atoka—Roy Trent, Atoka. Beaver—Olan G. Corley, Beaver. Beckham—Mrs. Baker Bonnell, Sayre. Blaine—B. D. Gambel, Watonga. Bryan—A, F. De Lashow, Durant. Caddo—Maxine Frey, Anadarko. Canadian—Neal V. Golden, El Reno. Carter—Omer Rowe, Ardmore. Cherokee—Zeke Chapman, Tahlequah. Choctaw—Eugene Nash, Hugo. Cimmarron—Louis Maynard, Boise

City., Cleveland—Ethel D. Burkett, Norman. Coal—W. D. Underwood, Coalgate. Comanche—Clarence J. Scott, Lawton. Cotton—Earl Pinkerton, Walters. Craig—W. E. Foster, Vinita. Creek—J. L. Darnell, Sapulpa. Custer—Glen Sheppard, Arapaho. Delaware—Wilbur H. Wilks, Jay. Dewey—Dale Liston, Taloga. Ellis—S. J. Knowles, Arnett. Garfield—Lloyd W. Spencer, Enid. Gaiwin—Willis Morgan, Pauls Valley. Grady—O. E. Owensby, Chickasha. Grant—Betty Schultz, Medford. Greer—Ray Garrison, Manguin. Harmon—Blair McGee, Hollis. Harper—Edna Campbell, Buffalo. Haskell—R. I. Cross, Stigler. Hughes—Herbert L. Friend, Holden-

ville. Jackson—Eddie Weaver, Altus. Jefferson—Mrs. Amos Kimberling, Wau-

rika. Johnston—Arthur Askew, Tishomingo.

Kay—Pearl Keen Dunlap, Newkirk. Kingfisher—Tom G. McGee, Kingfisher. Kiowa—Charles W. Latimer, Hobart. Latimer—Fletcher Davis, Wilburton. LeFlore—David F. Howery, Poteau. Lincoln—Charles Good, Chandler. Logan—Eva Redman, Guthrie. Love—Marion J. Burch, Marietta. McClain—Mrs. Angie Hester, Purcell. McCurtain—Ben P. Chapman, Idabel. McIntosh—Paul Toon, Eufaula. Major—Victor Kehn, Fairview. Marshall—Marvin Wheeler, Madill. Mayes—Ward Neel, Pryor. Murray—Oscar E. Hufiines, Sulphur. Muskogee—Arthur W. Torn, Muskogee. Noble—William E. Shoop, I’erry. Nowata—Evelyn Lay, Nowata. Okfuskee—Mrs. Leona Abshier, Oke-

mah. Oklahoma—0. E. Grady, Oklahoma

City. Okmulgee—Doyle Sullivan, Okmulgee. Osage—T. E. Allen, Pawhuska. Ottawa—Fred Jimerson, Miami. Pawnee—Walter F. Benson, Pawnee. Payne—Joe F. Carrier, Stillwater. Pittsburg—Douglas Hamilton, McAles-

ter. Pontotoc—Norman C. Mitchell, Ada. Pottawatomie—R. E. Conaway, Shaw¬

nee. Pushmataka—Lonnie D. Killian, Ant¬

lers. Roger Mills—Wesley B. Hunt, Chey¬

enne. Rogers—James R. Lee Master, Clare-

more. Seminole—Curtis C. Christian, We-

woka. Sequoyah—Faye A. Randolph, Sallisaw. Stephens—Clifford J. Frederick, Dun¬

can. Texas—Theo l^arbrough, Guymon. Tillman—J. I. Akin, Frederick. Tulsa—Leslie Guy Ferguson, Tulsa. Wagoner—Joe C. Eidson, Wagoner. Washington—Grover Harmone, Bartles¬

ville. Washita—Carl Jones, Cordell. Woods—Clarence D. Johnson, Alva. Woodward—J. F. Quisenberry, AVood-


Urban Place and Superintendent

Ada (15,935)—Rex O. Morrison. Altus (9,548)—Clifford Peterson. Alva (6,495)—Earl L. Geis. Anadarko (6,164)—M. Forrest Towry. Antlers (2,502)—W. A. Obuch. Ardmore (17,831)—George D. Hann. Atoka (2,650)—George Morrison. Bartlesville (19,262)—G. M. Roberts. Bethany (5,690)—H. L. Edwards. Blackwell (9,218)—J. A. Herron. Bristow (5,404)—B. R. Nichols. *rnincorporatecl urban place.


Broken Arrow (3,251)—G. L. Holla- baugh.

Chandler (2,709)—^Dave Phillips. Checotah (2,624)—Fred C. Ogle. Cherokee (2,626)—H. N. Buchanan. Chickasha (15,753)—Bruce J. Myers. Claremore (5,530)—T. F. Hames. Clinton (7,545)—A. Harris. Cordell (2,878)—J. M. Welch. Cushing (8,396)—W. D. Carr. Dewey (2,518)—Max Crouse. Drumright (5,015)—A. C. Wiemer. Duncan (15,260)—Dion C. Wood. Durant (10,521)—G. A. Godfrey. Edmond (6,055)—M. W. Glasgow. Elk City (7,953)—Richard Burch. El Reno (10,971)—Paul R. Taylor. Enid (35,942)—Dewitt Waller. Eufaula (2,538)—E. G. Manser. Frederick (5,449)—Prather Brown. Guthrie (10,019)—E. C. Crooks. Guymon (4,704)—George W. Spenner. Healdton (2,567)—Noel E. Vaughn. Henryetta (8,010)—E. E. Battles. Hobart (5,366)—Earl Hamon. Holdenville (6,191)—J. E. Stiewig. Hollis (3,088)—Ray Claiborne. Hominy (2,703)—Russel E. Van Bus-

kirk. Hugo (5,950)—Ira R. Armstrong. Idabel (4,621)—G. S. Sanders. Kingfisher (3,350)—Henry Avery. Konawa (2,699)—J. A. Davis. Lawton (34,527)—John Shoemaker. Lindsay (3,018)—Guy E. Robberson. McAlester (17,809)—S. Arch Thompson. Madill (2,782)—M. C. Collum. Mangum (4,257)—B. F. Johnson. Marlow (3,388)—Ed. Olvie. Miami (11,703)—R. C. Nichols. Midwest City (10,152)—Oscar V. Rose. Muskogee (37,255)—H. D. Simmons. Nichols Hills (2,505)—(in Oklahoma

City School District). Norman (26,972)—J. Don Garrison. Nowata (3,972)—Jesse W. Martin. Okemah (3,450)—Cecil E. Oakes. Oklahoma City (242,450)—J. Chester

Swanson. Okmulgee (18,298)—James R. Frazier, Pauls Valley (6,867)—Paul B. Allen. Pawhuska (5,307)—Oren Terrill. Pawnee (2,778)—Homer Shaw. Perry (5,155)—George Spraberry. Picher (3,923)—Ray Harrell. Ponca City (20,185)—J. W. Payne. Poteau (4,778)—Elbert L. Costner. Pryor (4,441)—Earl Ludlow. Purcell (3,527)—Jack T. Riley. Sallisaw (2,886)—G. R. Hurd. Sand Springs (6,932)—Clyde Boyd. Sapulpa (13,018)—Jennings B. New¬

man. Sayre (3,356)—FerriU Martin. Seminole (11,853)—O. D. Johns. Shawnee (24,457)—A. L. Burks.

Stillwater (20,159)—R. R. Russell. Sulphur (4,373)—George S. Portman. Tahlequah (4,729)—O. W. Jones. Tonkawa (3,626)—A. J. Evans. Tulsa (180,586)—C. C. Mason. Veteran’s Village (3,352)-. Vinita (5,501)—G. R. Griffin. Wagoner (4,400)—H. A. Lucas. Walters (2,740)—E. B. Coward. Waltonga (3,233)—M. M. Vickers. Weatherford (3,514)—Elmer P. Cecil. Wewoka (6,753)—Calvin T. Smith. Woodward (5,896)—^Wilson Riley.


County and Superintendent

Baker—Mrs. Myrtle Lee, Baker. Benton—Mrs. Helen P. Baker, Corvallis. Clackamas—E. A. Woodworth, Oregon

City. Clatsop—E. D. Towler, Astoria. Columbia—Mrs. Lois Kent, St. Helens. Coos—Mrs. Martha M. Purdy, Coquille. Crook—Cecil M. Sly, Prineville. Curry—C. H. Voelker, Gold Beach. Deschutes—Velma Buckingham, Bend. Douglas—Kenneth Barneburg, Rose-

burg. Gilliam—Mrs. Lovena S. Palmer, Con¬

don. Grant—Mrs. Estella C. Boyer, Canyon

City. Harney—W. W. Sargent, Burns. Hood River—George A. Corwin, Hood

River. Jackson—Alf B. Mekvold, Medford. Jefferson—Asa Eaton, Madras. Josephine—L. C. Moffitt, Grants Pass. Klamath—C. B. Howe, Klamath Falls. Lake—Mrs. Anne Sprague, Lakeview. Lane—Mrs. Lucille L. Klinge, Eugene. Lincoln—Joe T. Longfellow, Toledo. Linn—William Dolmyer, Albany. Malheur—W. E. Leggitt, Vale. Marion—Mrs. Agnes C. Booth, Salem. Morrow—Leslie E. Grant, Heppner. Multnomah—Errol Rees, Portland. Polk—Josiah Wills, Dallas. Sherman—Wily W. Knighten, Moro. Tillamook—T. J. Langton, Tillamook. Umatilla—W. E. King, Pendleton. Union—Mrs. Veda E. Couzens, La

Grande. Wallowa—Janette Willgerodt, Enter¬

prise. Wasco—T. F. Brumbaugh, The Dalles. Washington—A. T. Scrafford, Hillsboro. Wheeler—Dee A. McLin, Fossil. Yamhill—D. L. Gubser, McMinnville.

Urban Place and Superintendent

Albany (10,076) : Elem.—I. R. Halseth. High—A. J. Hagen.


Altamount* (9,381) —(in Klamath County Unit District).

Ashland (7,702)—Leland P. Linn. Astoria (12,220)—Thomas A. Wells. Baker (9,425)—J. R. Evans. Beaverton (2,504) :

Elem.—Erroll Hassell. High—I. R. Metzler.

Bend (11,347)—R. E. Jewell. Burns (3,068) :

Elem.—H. L. Slater. High—Donald Gabbert.

Coos Bay (5,956)—M. B. Winslow. Coquille (3,529)—R. C. Hunsaker. Corvallis (16,173)—W. L. Van Loan, Cottage Grove (3,521) :

Elem.—Elmer Fleming. High—Virgil Kingsley.

Dallas (4,744)—S. E. Whitworth. Eugene (35,672)—Clarence Hines. Forest Grove (4,332) :

Elem.—Loy W. Marshall, High—Paul A. Menegat.

Grants Pass (7,980)—Ralph E. .Tones. Gresham (3,048) :

Elem,—Gordon Russell. High—Harry Thompson.

Hayesville* (2,699) (in Salem School District).

Hermiston (3,783)—Armand Larive. Hillsboro (5,122) :

Elem.—J. W. Poynter. High—John R. Cox.

Hood River (3,696)—Wayne Foster. Klamath Falls (15,803)—A. L. Gralapp. LaGrande (8,596)—Lyle Riggs. Lakeview (2,804)—Holman B. Ferrin. Lebanon (5,829)—J. W. King. McMinnville (6,593)—Fred J. Patton. Medford (17,170)—E. H. Hedrick. Milwaukie (5,254) :

Elem.—Dale Ickes. High—Owen Sabin.

Newberg (3,934)—H. E. Armstrong. Newport (3,217) — (in Lincoln County

Unit District). North Bend (5,960)—D. H. Armstrong. Nyssa (2,510)—Henry H. Hartley. Ontario (4,412)—Arthur Kiesz. Oregon City (7,616)—L. A. King. Oswego (3,310)—Harold T. Santee. Pendleton (11,701)—Wallace W. Mo

Crae. Portland (371,011)—Paul A. Rehmus. Prineville (3,178) — (in Crook County

Unit District). Redmond (2,927) :

Elem.—Hugh O. Hartman. High—James Lee Brown.

Roseburg (8,205)—M. C. Deller. St. Helens (4,703)—Floyd Light. Salem (43,064)—Frank B. Bennett.

♦Unincorporated urban place.

Seaside (3,843) : Elem.—S. W. Babock. High—J. M. Jandrall.

Silverton (3,117)—Howard M. Balder- stone

Springfield (10,771)—Eugene H. Silke. Sweet Home (3,620) :

Elem.—Wm. Meidinger. High—Harold C. Dishaw.

The Dalles (7,645)—David E. Bates. Tillamook (3,658)—Glenn W. Todd. West Linn (2,938)—Chester L. Tunnell.


County and Superintendent

Adams—J. F. Slaybaugh, Gettysburg. Allegheny—Alfred W. Beattie, Pitts¬

burgh. Armstrong—C. Nicely Hanner, Kittan¬

ning. Beaver—H. Curtis Elder, Beaver. Bedford—William Mowry, Bedford. Berks—Newton W. Geiss, Reading. Blair—J. E. Butts, Hollidaysburg. Bradford—J. A. Morrow, Towanda. Bucks—C. H. Boehm, Doylestown. Butler—J. T. Connell, Butler. Cambria—A. M. Stull, Ebensburg. Cameron—Earl C. Smith, Emporium. Carbon—S. E. Prutzman, Mauch Chunk. Centre—T. E. Sones, Bellefonte. Chester—C. T. Saylor, West Chester. Clarion—B. M. Davis, Clarion. Clearfield—D. A. Tingling, Clearfield. Clinton—N. L. Bartges, Lock Haven. Columbia—Ray M. Cole, Bloomsburg. Crawford—Floyd B. Peters, Meadville. Cumberland—J. P. Burkhart, Carlisle. Dauphin—I. D. App, Harrisburg. Delaware—Carl G. Leech, Media. Elk—O. G. F. Bonnert, Ridgway. Erie—M. E. Kolpien, Erie. Fayette—H. J. Brownfield, Uniontown. Forest—Frank L. Watson, Tionesta. Franklin—R. G. Mowrey, Chambers-

burg. Fulton—H. C. Welsh, McConnellsburg. Green—D. C. Longanecker, Waynes-

burg. Huntingdon—Frank Magill, Hunting¬

don. Indiana—W. J. Norman, Indiana. Jefferson—John H. Hughes, Brookville. Juniata—Beaver S. Faust, Mifflintown. Lackawanna—Thomas Francis, Scran¬

ton. Lancaster—Arthur P. Mylin, Lancaster. Lawrence—R. F. Conway, New Castle. Lebanon—Foster G. Ulrich, Lebanon. Lehigh—Hobart A. Farber, Allentown. Luzerne—E. S. Teter, Wilkes-Barre. Lycoming—C. H. McConnel, Williams¬

port. McKean—R. P. Barnhart, Smethport.


Mercer—W. M. Pollard, Mercer. Mifflin—W. Clay Burkholder, Lewis-

town. Monroe—John C. Litts, Stroudsburg. Montgomery—A. M. Kulp, Norristown. Montour—Fred W. Diehl, Danville. Northampton—Robert N. Taylor, Naz¬

areth. Northumberland—C. E. Hilbish, Sun-

bury. Perry—R. C. Swann, New Bloomfield. Pike—C. B. Dissinger, Milford. Potter—^A. P. Akeley, Cloudersport. Schuylkill—A. H. Henninger, Pottsville. Synder—A. M. Felker, Middleburg. Somerset—L. S. Williams, Somerset. Sullivan—John M. Lumley, Dushore. Susquehanna—W. O. Webster, Mon¬

trose. Tioga—Walter G. Clark, Wellsboro. Union—Frank P. Boyer, Mifflinburg. Venango—William C. Frantz, Franklin. Warren—Horace L. Blair, Warren. Washington—W. H. Donaldson, Wash¬

ington. Wayne—H. B. Ammerman, Honesdale. Westmoreland—James Hughes, Greens-

burg. Wyoming—E. H. Kehrli, Tunkhannock. York—Harvey E. Swartz, York.

Urban Place and Superintendent

Aldan (3,435)—W. A. Klinger Aliquippa (26,067)—L. M. Wilson. Allentown (106,233)—J. S. Cartwright. Altoona (76,844)—A. B. Denniston. Ambler (4,551)—E. E. Kerschner.” Ambridge (16,415)—H. G. Squires. Annville* (3,565) (in Annville Town¬

ship District—Merle Keim) Apollo (3,052)—A. L. Campbell.^ Archbald (6,335)—J. F. Moran. Arnold (10,271)—H. D. Berkey. Arnold City-Fair Hope* (3,221) —

Ashland (6,185)—W. R. Lecron. Ashley (5,235)—R. C. Metz. Aspinwall (4,084) (P. O., Pittsburgh

15)—C. A. Sherman.^ Athens (4,421)—Richard Bartholo-

mew."^ Atlas* (3,090) (in Mount Carmel

Township Edstrict; P. O. Locust Gap—P. J. Burke).

Avalon (6,438) (P. O., Pittsburgh 2) — C. C. Wepsic.

Avoca (4,037)—T. F. Kelly. Baden (3,817) (P. O., Rochester, R. D.

1)—James A. M. Bodkin."^ Bangor (6,409)—Donald B. Keat. Barnesboro (3,438)—W. M. Leonard.” Beaver (6,345)—C. B. McMillan. Beaverdale-Lloydell* (2,566) (in Sum-

merhill Township District—John M. Urban,” P. O,, Beaverdale).

Beaver Falls (17,335)—L. D. Smith. Bedford (3,503)—C. D. Sproul.” Belief on te (5,614)—Kenneth W. Mil¬

ler.” Bellevue (11,573) (P. O., Pittsburgh

2)—Edwin B. Long. Bellwood (2,552)—Charles D. Met¬

calf.” Bentleyville (3,300)—B. J. Hartzell.” Berwick (14,022)—Kenneth L. Terry. Bethel (11,118) (P. O., Library, R. D.

D—T. M. Buck.” Bethlehem (66,027)—J. W. Hedge. Birdsboro—(3,155)—Cora L. Hand¬

work.” Blairsville (5,014)—R. Leslie Simp¬

son.” Blakely (6,848) (P. O., Peckville)—R.

T. Carvolth. Bloomsburg (10,621)-.” Boyertown (4,080)—G. B. Swinehart.” Brackenridge (6,180)-. Braddock (16,518)—C. J. McMahon. Bradford (17,281)—Floyd C. Fretz. Brentwood (12,312) (P. O., Pittsburgh 27)-.

Bridgeport (5,823)—C. C. Smith. Bridgeville (5,653)—H. J. Colton.” Bristol (12,690)—W. P. Snyder. Brockway (2,652) (in Brockway-Sny-

der Joint District—James L. Hy- song).”

Brookville (4,247)—H. S. Rockey.” Brownsville (7,644)—R. D. Conn.” Burnham (2,946) (in Burnham-Derry

Joint District)-.” Butler (23,511)—John D. Anderson. California (2,823) (in California Com¬

munity Joint District—William H. First).”

Camp Hill (5,780)—L. J. Kline.” Canonsburg (12,049)—C. A. Mathewson. Carbondale (16,235)—Mary B. McAn-

drew. Carlisle (16,232)—David L. Swartz. Carnegie (12,154)—Roy M. Hickes. Castle Shannon (5,439)—J. L. Trevas-

kis.” Catasauqua (4,934) (in Catasauqua-

Hanover Union District—C. S. Frank- enfield).”

Centerville (5,874) P. O., West Browns¬ ville, R. D. 1)—W. R. Williams.”

Chambersburg (17,205)—J. F. Faust. Charleroi (9,864)—W. H. Clipman, Jr. Chester (65,824)—A. H. Showalter. Clairton (19,418)—Karl Bohren. Clarion (4,438) (in Clarion Joint Dis¬

trict—A. A. Murphy).” Clarks Summit (2,940) (in Clarks Sum-

mit-Abington Joint District—A. E. Minnier).”

^Unincorporated urban place. “ Supervising principal.


Clearfield (9,348)—S. F. W. Morrison. Clifton Heights (7,547)—J. J. Kushma."' Clymer (2,502)—Hugh A. Kelley."^ Coaldale (5,230)—R. B. Harvey Coatesville (13,839)—Samuel E. Mc¬

Donald, Collingdale (8,473)—F. E. Stengle. Columbia (11,962)—K. L. Preisler. Connellsville (13,302)—Ned Culler. Conshohocken (10,909)—R. C. Landis. Coplay (2,993)—William Shetlock.” Coraopolis (10,491)—Marcus Davies.^ Corry (7,872)—L. M. Douglas. Coudersport (3,209)—A. G. Barrett."^ Crafton (8,001) (P. O., Pittsburgh

5)—P. L. Maxwell. Cresson (2,563)—F. K. Shields." Curwensville (3,317) (in Curwensville

Joint District—Harry G. Heil)." Dale (3,310) (P. O., Johnstown)—E. D.

Ott." Dallastown (3,303)—Ralph Me Sherry." Danville (7,057)—Harry S. Ruhl," Darby (13,188)—Edward B. Deery. Derry (3,754)—W. H. Landis, Jr." Dickson City (8,947)—G. M, Turock. Donora (11,831)—Andrew S. Sukel. Dormont (12,731) (P. O., Pittsburgh

16)—D. H. Stewart. Downingtown (4,926)—C, P. Emery." Doylestown (5,263)—J. E. Smith." Dravosburg (3,586)—James A. Waite." Du Bois (11,466)—Karl M. Brewer. Dunmore (20,302)—J. R. Gilligan. Dupont (4,110) (P. O., Avoca)—Miss

Cecil Dugan." Duquesne (17,612)—F. C. Gillespie. Duryea (6,676)—J. J. Joyce." East Conemaugh (4,087) (P. O., Cone-

maugh)—S. E. Wissinger." East Lansdowne (3,523)—Thomas G.

McCollom, Jr." East IMcKeesport (3,168)—Mrs. Jose¬

phine Muir." East Mauch Chunk (3,133)—L. B. Mor¬

ris." Easton (34,410)—James C. Bay. East Pittsburgh (5,175)—H. G. Beamer,

Jr. East Stroudsburg (7,272)—Carl T. Se-

cor." Ebensburg (4,081) (in Ebens1)urg-Cam-

bria Joint District—E. M. John¬ ston)."

Eddystone (3,018)—Wilmer R. Fryer." Edgewood (5,283) (P. O., Pittsburgh

18)—Foster C. Crouse." Edgewood-Ferndale-Fairview* (8,757)

(in Penn Township District; P. O., Pittsburgh 35—John H. Linton).

Edwardsville (6,705) (P. O., Kings¬ ton)—A. J. Hozempa."

Elizabeth (2,620)—C. S. Storer (act¬ ing)."

Elizabethtown (5,095)—T. H. Eber- sole."

Ellwood City (12,898)—J. E. Bell. Emmaus (7,785) (in East Penn Union

School District)—H. J. Yeager." Emporium (3,657)—J. F. O’Malley. Emsworth (3,122) (in Avonworth

School District; P. O., Pittsburgh 2— A. G. Clark)."

Ephrata (7,050)—C. H. Hartzler." Erie (130,125)—John M. Hickey. Etna (6,744) (P. O., Pittsburgh 23) —

N. E. Adams. Exeter (5,122) (P. O., Pittston)—J. B.

Campbell." Farrell (13,667)—John Hetra. Faxon-Kerma* (2,983)-. Fei'iulale (2,604) (P. O., Johnstown) —

Frank Keller." Ford City (5,356)—Paul N. Marsh. Forest City (3,140)—Jules J. Kerb" Forest Hills (6,337) (P. O., Pittsburgh

21)—D. P. Jones." Forty Fort (6,164)—F. W. Walp." Fountain Hill (5,440) (P. O., Bethle¬

hem)—Elmer F. Greene." Frackville (6,518)—W. R. Trautman." Franklin (9,992)—Harry PI. Aloore. Freedom (3,000)—Richard Fruth." Freeland (5,900)—George Feissner." Freeport (2,673) (in Freeport Area

Joint District—F. L. Myers)." Gallitzin (3,102)—J. F. Bernard." Gettysburg (7.043)—L. C. Keefauver. Gilberton (2,645)- Girardville (3,860)—H. S. Rausch." Glassport (8,698)—Melvin J. Naser." Glen Lyon* (3,919) (in Newport Town¬

ship District; P. O., Wanamie—W. E. Rushin).

Glenolden (6,452)—Mrs. Jessie O. Mol- loy."

Greencastle (2,659)—H. A. Grove." Greensburg (17,237)—S. B. Bulick. Greentree (2,814) (in Pittsburgh

School district). Greenville (9,177)—Joseph A. Hart¬

man. Grove City (7,408)—J. N. Mowls. Hamburg (3,797)—Charles E. Price." Hanover (14,065)—W. Edward Sheely. Harrisburg (89,091)—C. E. Zorger. Hatboro (4,800)—Charles S. Jones." Hazleton (35,486)—T. L. Hinkle. Hellertown (5,444)—M. E. Illick." Hershey-Swatara (6,072) (in Derry

Township District; P. O., Hershey) — R. H. Koch.

Highspire (2,773)—La Rue C. Derr." Hollidaysburg (6,456)—J. H. Plenshaw. Homestead (10,031)—Port Eckles. Plonesdale (5,650)—H. F. Manbeck.

♦Unincorporated urban place. Supervising principal.

12 High-school principal.


Hummelstown (3,784)—David J. Emer- ich.”

Huntingdon (7,344)—R. F. Getty. Indiana (11,706)—Edgar C. Perry. Ingram (4,158) (P. O., Pittsburgh 5) —

Lynn Hayes.“ Irwin (4,230)—J. W. Clawson.^ Jeannette (16,179)—C. F. Saylor. Jenkintown (5,114)—Requa W. Bell.” Jermyn (2,543)—R. J. Trucott.” Jersey Shore (5,571)—L. E. Jacques.” Johnsonburg (4,581)—G. T. Davies.” Johnstown (62,723)—Roy W. Wiley. Kane (5,664)—Glennis H. Rickert. Kenhorst (2,533) (in Cumru Township

District, Berks County). Kennett Square (3,695) (in Kennett

Joint District—M. E. Prettyman).” Kingston (21,061)—J. B. Kennedy. Kittanning (7,705)—J. Maurice Strat-

tan. Kulpmont (5,195)—Albert W. Ross.” Kutztown (3,115)—Paul C. Dunkel-

berger.” Lancaster (63,601)—H. A. Smith. Lansdale (9,767)—Ralph R. Smith. Lansdowne (12,140)—E. C. Abbott. Lansford (7,477)—John E. Lauer. Larksville (6,276) (P. O., Kingston) —

Michael J. Shimko.” Latrobe (11,952)—J. G. Hulton. Laureldale (3,585) (in Muhlenberg

Township District—C. S. Crumbling). Lebanon (28,134)—H. S. Bolan. Lebanon Independent (2,784) (in Le¬

banon School District). Leechburg (4,041)—Victor R. Blanch.” Lehighton (6,557)—H. L. Tennyson. Lemoyne (4.601) (in West Shore Joint

School District—R. A. Wert).” Lewisburg (5,232)—Robert E. Beck¬

man.” Lewistown (13,875)—C. V. Erdly. Lititz (5,548)—G. Marlin Spaid.” Littlestown (2,634) (in Littlestown

Joint District—Paul E. King).” Lock Haven (11,325)—J. F. Puder-

baugh. Luzerne (6,165)—T. S. Williams.” Lykens (2,729)—C. R. Coyle.” Lyndora-Highfield* (5,393) (in Butler

Township District, Butler County). McAdoo (4,255)—Thomas F. Boyle.” McChesneytown - Bradenville -Loyal-

hanna* (3,274) (in Derry Township District—Harry W. Hardy).”

McDonald (3,542)—James C. Dunn.” McKeesport (51,223)—J. H. Lawson. McKees Rocks (16,278)—W. H. Church. McSherrystown (2,507) (in Conewago

Township District, Adams County). Mahanoy City (10,930)—J. E. Boyle. Manheim (4,244) (in Manheim Central

Union District—H. C. Burgard).” Mansfield (2,642) (in Mansfield Joint

District—W. L. Miller).”

Marcus Hook (3,796)—C. E. Dalton.” Marshallton* (3,384) (in West Brad¬

ford Township District, Chester County).

Masontown (4,553) (in Albert Gallitin Joint District: P. O., Point Marion— William M. Hanley).”

Mauch Chunk (2,949)—T. O. Mitman.” Meadville (18,906)—W. P. Norton. Mechanicsburg (6,772)—Carl R. Koch. Media (5,735)—Frederick E. Tanger. Meyersdale (3,124)—E. H. Stuempfle.” Middletown (9,166)—George W.

Feaser. Midland (6,472)—Ralph H. Jewell. Millersburg (2,862)—G. D. Davies.” Millersville (2,545) (in Manor Town-

ship-Millersville Borough Joint Dis¬ trict—A. N. Ranck).”

Millvale (7,275) (P. O., Pittsburgh 9) — V. C. Holsinger.”

Milton (8,573)—Albert G. W. Schlegel. Minersville (7,792)—E. A. Brady. Monaca (7,410)—Phillip H. Petrie.” Monessen (17,^9)—Michael Duda. Monongahela (8,921)—John H. Door. Montoursville (3,304) (in Montours-

ville Area Joint District—^Ralph C. Smith).”

Moosic (3,960)—John B. Weir.” Morrisville (6,770)—M. R. Reiter. Mount Carmel (14,298)—G. A. Beier-

schmitt. Mount .loy (3,014)—W. I. Beahm.” Mount Oliver (6,790) (P. O., Pitts¬

burgh 10)—Charles M. Campbell.” Mount Penn (3,633) (P. O., Reading) — ‘Roscoe H. Ward.”

Mount Pleasant (5,911)—J. C. Ha- berlen.

Mount Union (4,690)—F. W. Cameron.” ^Tuncy (2,761)—L. C. Williamson.” Munhall (16,422)—Earle O. Liggitt. Myerstown (3,069)—H. L. Nitrauer.” Xanticoke (20,140)—.John Smith. Xanty-Glo (5,427)—Tliomas W. Davis. Xarbeth (5,409)—J. S. Roddy, Jr.” Nazareth (5,818)—F. A. Marcks. Xesquehoning-New Columbus* (4,173)

New Brighton (9,-503)—E. B. McNitt. New Castle (48,563)—F. L. Burton. New Cumberland (6,200) C. W. Gem-

mill.” New Holland (2,592)—J. T. Auld.” New Kensington (25,226)—E. T.

Chapman. Norristown (38,193)—E. A. Geiges. Northampton (9,359)—G. A. Eichler. North Belle Vernon (3,155) (in Bell-

marette Joint District; P. O., Belle Vernon—G. E. Fee).”

*Unincorporate(l urban place. “ Supervising principal.


North Braddock (14,724) (P. O., Brad- dock)—F. D. Zuerner.

North Catasauqua (2,630) (P. O. Ca- tasauqua)—Agnes I. Souder,

North Charleroi (2,546) (P. O. Charle¬ roi)—A. K. Shaffer.

North East (4,254) (in North East Joint District—E. C. Davis).“

Northumberland (4,176)—W. B. Hen- ninger.^^

North Wales (2,998)—Gerald Hotten- stein.^

Norwood (5,287) (in Glen-Nor Joint District—R. E. Bamberger).“

Oakmont (6,988)—P. H. Carson (act¬ ing).

Oil City (19,556)—H. V, Grumbling. Old Forge (9,745)—Clinton Weisen-

fluh. Olyphant (7,019)—John Metrinko. Oxford (3,072)—J. W. McMullen.” Palmertou (6,632)—J. N. Roeder. Palmyra (5,910)—R. E. Hartz.” Paoli* (3,018) (in Tredyffrin Town¬

ship District; P. O. B e r w y n— -).

l‘arkesburg (2,611)—C. F. Buck.” Parkville (3,299)-. Patton (3,146)—J. W. Cogley, Jr.” Pen Argyl (3,861)—William E. Muth.” Penbrook (3,678) (P. O., Harrisburg) —

J. R. Edwards.” Perkasie (4,392) (in Sellersville-Perk-

asie Joint District; P. ()., Sellers- ville—L. N. Snyder).”

Philadelphia (2,064,794)—L. P. Hoyer. Philipsburg (3,991) (in Philipsburg

Area .Joint District—F. E. Ehren- feld).”

Phoenixville (12,913)—H. F. Hare. Pitcairn (5,863)—T. J. Kelly.” Pittsburgh (673,763)—E. A. Dimmick. Pittston (14,992)—Elizabeth G. Battle. Pleasant Hills (3,808) (in Pittsburgh

School District). Plymouth (13,026)—Harry S. Jones. Polk (4,007) (in Polk-Frenchcreek

Joint Elementary District). Portage (4,362) (in Portage Joint Dis¬

trict—Edwin J. Flegal).” Port Allegany (2,504) — Fred N.

Hardy.” Port Carbon (3,019)—H. R. Konrad.” Port Vue (4,756) (P. O., McKeesport) —

O. H. Petted.” Pottstown (22,616)—George A. McCor¬

mick. Pottsville (23,642)—D. H. H. Lengel. Prospect Park (5,851)—R. L. Wil¬

liams.” Punxsutawney (8,902)—J. T. Downie. Quakertown (5,682)—J. S. Neidig. Rankin (6,952)—Gordon F. Gallaschun. Reading (109,062)—Thomas H. Ford. Red Lion (5,087)—Dan B. Kulp.”

Renovo (3,753)-.” Republic-Cardale* (3,029) (in Red¬

stone Township District, Allegheny County).

Reynoldsville (3,568) (in Reynoldsville- Winslow Joint District—C. G. John¬ son ).”

Ridgway (6,251)—Arnold C. Nelson. Ridley Park (4,912)—J. L. Moore.” Roaring Spring (2,762)—G. B. Rep-

logle.” Rochester (7,169)—Robert P. Earner. Rockygrove* (3,097) (in Sugarcreek

Township District—R. G. Carter). Royersford (3,860)—O. C. Kuntzel-

man.” St. Clair (5,863)—C. R. Birch. St. Marys (7,852)—L. T. Kelly. Sayre (7,682)—H. A. Snyder. Schuylkill Haven (6,608)—P. S. Christ¬

man.” Scottdate (6,245)—Clinton M. Puff. Scranton (124,747)—Richard F. Mc-

Nichols. Seliusgrove (3,497)—H. L. Bolig.” Sewickley (5,730)—Harold S. Irons.” Shamokin (16,884)—J. L. Hackenberg. Sharon (26,305)—C. M. Musser. Sharon Hill (5,465)—Vernon H. W.

Dessenberger.” Sharpsburg (7,292) (P. O., Pittsburgh

15)-J. B. Veltri.” Sharpsville (5,397)—H. E. Pebly. Shenandoah (15,792)—C. J. Stauffer. Shillington (5,058)—H. L. Hendricks.” Shippensburg (5,710)—R. Todd Lloyd. Slatington (4,339) (in Blue Valley

Union District—R a y m o n d R Bauger).”

Somerset (5,940)—Guy F. Eberhart.” Souderton (4,514)—E. M. Crouthamel.” South Connellsville (2,616) (P. O., Per-

ryopolis)—J. E. Beck.” South Pork (2,618)—G. E. Utts.” South Greensburg (2,974) (P. O.

Greensburg, R. D. 5)—H. C. Jones.” South Uniontown* (3,426)-. Southwest Greensburg (3,134) (P. O.,

Greensburg)—C. E. Marsh.” South Williamsport (6,342)—Raymond

R. Rommelt.” Spangler (3,019)—D. R. Lovette.” Spring City (3,269)—C. H. Wise.” Springdale (4,932)-. State College (17,142) (in College Area

Joint District—Jo Hays).” Steelton (12,.564)—Harold T. Griffith. Stowe* (2,528) (in Stowe Township

District; P. O., McKees Rocks— Samuel S. Roth).

Strabane* (2,855) (in North Strabane Township District, Washington County).

Stroudsburg (6,313)—Earl F. Groner.

♦Unincorporated urban place. Supervising principal.

66 EDUCATION DIRECTORY, 195 2-5 3 l’

Summit Hill (4,922)—Francis S. Ger¬ ber.^

Sunbury (15,600)—J. Fred Jones. Susquehanna Depot (2,653)—J. T.

Yurkewitch,^ Swarthmore (4,822)—F. R. Morey Swissvale (16,467)—C. S. Baily. Swoyerville (7,793) (P. O., Kingston) —

Walter S. Buda.^^ Tamaqua (11,491)—R. B. Stapleton. Tarentum (9,540)—G. E. Engstrom. Taylor (7,167)—William J. Powell. Throop (5,871)—John A. Keyasko. Titusville (8,921)—M. A. Fisher. Towanda (4,056)—J. G. Raffensper-

ger.“ Trafford (3,933)—A. B. Carnack.“ Trevorton* (2,549) (in Zerbe Township

District—John H. Carter).“ Turtle Creek (12,347)—R. C. Hughes."' Tyrone (8,200)—Norman Miller. Union City (3,883) (in Union City Joint

District—D. B. Hudson)." Uniontown (20,423)—Fred E. Bryan. Upland (4,052)—C. R. Engle." Vandergrift (9,581)—John R. Kurtz. Verona (4,311)—Howard C. Douds." Warren (14,747)—Carl E. Whipple. Washington (25,898)—M. B. Plorner. Waynesboro (10,321)—M. C. Little. Waynesburg (5,494)—W. W. Mont¬

gomery." Weatherly (2,607)—R. V. Lauden-

slager." Wellsboro (4,298)—Donald P. Gill." Wesley vine (3,410) — W i 11 i a m B.

McKee." West Chester (15,109)—G. A Stetson. West Hazleton (6,982)—August Mar¬

tin." West Homestead (3,246)—E. B. Chip-

ley." West Mifflin (17,929) (P. O., Terrace) —

D. H. Bruce. Westmont (4,381) (in Westmont-Upper

Yoder Joint District—W. E. Ackley)." West Newton (3,647)—Claude Mitch¬

ell." West Pittston (7,206)—R. J. W. Temp-

lin. West Reading (5,065)—R. A. Rosen-

krance." West View (7,551) (in North Hills Joint

District; P. O., Pittsburgh 29—R. S. Rice)."

West Washington* (4,452)-. West Wyoming (2,865) (P. O., Wyo¬

ming)—G. V. Perry." West York (5,740) (P. O., York)—A. H.

Martin." Whitehall (7,286) (P. O., H o k e n-

dauqua)—C. M. Gockley." White Oak (6,166) (in Versailles

Township School District—L. P. De- Woody, P. O. McKeesport)."

Wilkes-Barre (76,638)—A. E. Bacon. ' Wilkinsburg (31,281) (P. O., Pitts- j|

burgh 21)—William M. Potter. Williamsport (44,964)—George H. t

Parkes. Wilmerding (5,316)—N. I. Reist." Wilson (8,099) (P. O., Easton)—W. P.

Toilinger. Windber (8,046)—Clyde E. Bounds. Winton (6,256) (P. O., Jessup)—J. L.

McCloskey. Wyoming (4,501)—Gail B. Young." Wyomissing (4,195)—Allen W. Rank." Yeadon (11,322)—R. G. Wallick. York (59,704)—Arthur W. Ferguson. Youngwood (2,724)—Quentin Kinligh." Zelienople (2,978)—William Rode-



District and Superintendent

Adjuntas—Jose Fournier. Aguada—Juan Ruiz. Aguadilla—Severn Torrens. Aguas Buenas—Juan Rodriguez Llabres. Aibonito—Ricardo R. Vasquez. Anasco-RincOn—Vicente Acevedo. Arecibo—Isaac Santiago. Arroyo—Carlos Zuazuaga. Barceloneta—Juan Collazo. Barranquitas—Maria Arroyo. Bayamon—Rafael Blanco (acting). Cabo Rojo—Angel R. Feliberty. Caguas—Patricio Ortiz. Camuy—Jorge L. Chaar. Carolina—Pablo Garcia Valdedios. Catano—Josd Vasquez Berrios. Cayey—Rafael Rivera Reyes (assistant

in charge of district). Ceiba—Camilo Valles, dales—Dionisio Perez. Cidra—Pedro Diaz Fonseca. Coamo—Jesus Mauras Poventud. Comerio—Victor Rodriguez Bou. Corozal—Fidel Lopez. Dorado—Angel Suro Cortes. Fajardo—Rafael Bonilla Colon. Guanica—Jose de Jesus Angulo. Guayama—Pedro F. D’Acosta. Guayanilla—Luis Rodriguez. Guaynabo—Pedro Rosario. Gurabo—Jose I. Irizarry. Hatillo—Jose Olmo Figueroa. Humacao—Gumersindo Cordero. Isabela—Jose E. Sifoutes. Jayuya—Federico Jose Modesto. Juana Diaz—Luis A. Biaggi (assistant

in charge of district). Juncos—Pedro Bosch. Lajas—Tomas Agrait. Lares—Luis F. Tirado.

Unincorporated urban place. Supervising principal.


Las Marias—Luis F. Iturrino Brussi. Las Piedras—Rafael Mufioz, Loiza—Pedro Gutierrez. Luquillo—Ram6n Jimenez Principe. Manat!—Lorenzo Guarch. Maricao—Ildefonso Prats Velez.

I Maunabo—Bartolom6 Gonzalez Horta (acting).

Mayaguez-Hormigueros—Jose R. Lopez. Moca—Luis A. Duprey. Morovis—Juan A. Otero. Naguabo—Rafael Brenes. Naranjito—Jose Vazquez Olmedo. Orocovis—Cdsar Quinones. Patillas—Manuel Martinez Sandin. Penuelas—Moiiserrate Maldonado. Ponce—Mariana Suarez de Longo. Quebradillas—Jose Badia Estrada. Rio Grande—Francisco de Mari Al¬

varez. Rio Piedras—Ramdn Garcia. Sabana Grande—Mario F. Milan. Salinas—Giro Gutierrez Benliza. San German—Salvador Morales Sal-

gado. San Juan—Erasto Rivera Tosado. San Lorenzo—Tomas Rosario Ramos. San Sebastian—Gonzalo Navas. Santa Isabel—Herminio Echevarria. Toa Alta—Francisco Oanales. Toa Baja—Leonardo Vargas Colon. Trujillo Alto—Jose Santiago Torres. Utuado—Tomds Flores. Vega Alta—Aurelio Perez. Vega Baja—Juan F. Arzola. Vieques—Marla M. Simons de Rivera

(acting). Villalba—Jose D. Hernandez Adrover. Yabucoa—Ramdn Quinonez. Yauco—Regino Rios.


Supervisory Union and Superintendent

Exeter and Glocester Towns—Clovis W. Mitchell, Harmony.

Foster and Scituate Towns—Charles B. Leonard, North Scituate.

Urban Place and Superintendent

[Except for seven cities maintaining separate school systems, the schools in urban places are administered by town school districts.]

Bristol* (10,335) (in Bristol Town— Edward J. Fitzgerald).

Central Falls (23,550)—Earl F. Calcutt. Cranston (55,060)—C. W. Bosworth.

♦Unincorporated urban place. 13 All except four town school systems have

their own superintendents and are not com¬ bined into supervisory unions.

Manville* (3,429) (in Lincoln Town, P. O. Lonsdale—Vincent Nevins).

Newport (37,5(>4)—Carl H. Porter- Shirley.

Pawtucket (81,436)—Percy R. Crosby. Providence (248,674)—J. L. Hanley. Wakefield-Peacedale* (5,224) (in South

Kingston Town—James E. Conlon). Warwick (43,028)—Charles B. Mac-

Kay. Westerley* (8,415) (in Westerley

Town—Charles E. Mason (acting)). Woonsocket (50,211)—Leon M. Farrin.


County and Superintendent

Abbeville—P. H. Mann, Abbeville. Aiken—A. J. Rutland, Aiken. Allendale—J. L). Livingston, Allendale. Anderson—Mrs. J. Homer Ford, Ander¬

son. Bamberg—G. E. Bamberg, Bamberg. Barnwell—H. J. Crouch, Barnwell. Beaufort—Allan Paul, Beaufort. Berkeley—Stafford Feagin, M o n c k s

Corner. Calhoun—Mrs. Nell B. Harrison, St.

Matthews. Charleston—G. C. Frampton, Charles¬

ton. Cherokee—Boyce L. Crocker, Gaffney. Chester—C. B. Blakely, Chester. Chesterfield—J. H. C. Dalrymple, Ches¬

terfield. Clarendon—L. B. McCord, IManning. Colleton—C. M. Padgett, Walterboro. Darlington—R. C. King, Darlington. Dillon—W. B. Carmichael, Dillon. Dorchester—M. S. Judy, St. George. Edgefield—W. G. Yarborough, Edge-

field. Fairfield—J. Ben Cox, Winnsboro. Florence—W. C. Poston, Florence. Georgetown—Albert Green, George¬

town. Greenville—J. F. Whatley, Greenville. Greenwood—W. R. Dunn, Greenwood. Hampton—Robert F. Causey, Hampton. Florry—T. W. Anderson, Conway. Jasper—Edward Huguenin, Ridgeland. Kershaw—Arthur Stokes, Camden. Lancaster—Joe C. Plyler, Lancaster. Laurens—J. LeRoy Burns, Laurens. Lee—W. J. McCutchen, Bishopville. Lexington—Charles V. Harmon, Lex¬

ington. McCormick—Mrs. Bertha S. Harris,

McCormick. Marion—Esther Stackhouse, Marion. Marlboro—Charles Hunter, Bennetts-



Newberry—James D. Brown, Newberry. Oconee—T. V. Derrick, Walhalla. Orangeburg—Mrs. Ellen P. Chaplin,

Orangeburg. Pickens—W. F. Welborn, Pickens. Richland—W. H. Cobb, Columbia. Saluda—E. M. Mitchell, Saluda. Spartanburg—S. Townes Holland,

Spartanburg. Sumter—Buford S. Mabry, Sumter. Union—Harry B. Farr, Union. Williamsburg—T. J. Appleby, Kings-

tree. York—L. M. Sherer, York.

Urban Place and Superintendent

Abbeville (5,377)—S. S. Moffatt. Aiken (7,067)—E. K. Hfagood. Anderson (19,718)—M. F. Hawthorne. Andrews (2,704)—C. C. Garris. Arcadia* (2,552) (in Dentsville Dis¬

trict). Bamberg (3,014)—M. G. Gault. Batesburg (3,179)—J. M. Crout. Beaufort (5,087)—O. K. McDaniel. Belton (3,363)—T. P. Wright. Bennettsville (5,108)—Arthur Smith. Bishopville (3,067)—J. H. Stafford. Brandon-Judson* (11,027)— -. Camden (6,953)—J. G. Richards, Jr. Cayce (3,288)-. Charleston (68,243)—George C. Rogers. Cheraw (4,843)—J. K. MeCowan. Chester (6,891)—H. L. Sneed. Clinton (7,158)—W. R. Anderson, Jr. Clover (3,258)—T. G. Kinard. Columbia (85,949)—Guy L. Yarn. Conway (6,083)-—. Darlington (6,615)—H. A. Marshall. Denmark (2,810)—M. L. Hite. Dillon (5,162)—J. V. Martin. Duncan* (3,960)—Edwin S. Lake. Easley (6,311)—J. O. Brice. East Gaffney* (4,284) (in Gaffney

School District). Eau Claire (9,258) (in Columbia School

District). Edgefield (2,515)—R. O. Derrick. Equinox-Appleton Mills* (5,408) (in

Anderson School District). Florence (22,378)—John M. Harllee. Forest Acres (3,277) (in Columbia

School District). Fort Mill (3.205)—A. O. Jones, Jr. Gaffney (8,087)—B. D. Lee. Georgetown (6,012)—Henry A. White. Graniteville* (3.354)—L. M. Togneri. Great Falls* (3,516)—T. L. Dobbins. Greenville (57,932) (in Greenville

County School District). Greenwood (13,672)—T. I. Dowling. Greer (5,060)—C. H. Chewning. Hartsville (5,643)—T. H. Ulmer. Honea Path (2,837)—J. H. Coleman. Kingstree (3,614)—M. F. Montgomery.

Lake City (5,097)—J. P. Truluck. Lancaster (7,161)—G. T. Myers. Lancaster Mills-Springdale* (4,326) (in

Lancaster School District). Langley-Bath* (3,705)—John S. Reeves. Laurens (8,658)—O. K. Wright. McColl (2,679)—T. C. Bristow. Manning (2,796)—W. H. Weldon. Marion (6,848)—C. D. Joyner. Mullins (4,888)—Edgar Cox. Myrtle Beach (3,286)—J. H. Spann, Jr. Newberry (7,5^)—P. K. Harmon. North Agusta (3,661)—Paul Emox. Orangeburg (15,311)-. Orr Mills* (2,625) (in Anderson School

District) Park Place Poe* (3,580) (in Greenville

School District). Pelzer* (2,691)—A. B. Hair, Jr. Piedmont* (2,683)—H. A. Loftis. Riverside-City View-Woodside* (8,468)

(in Greenville County School Dis¬ trict).

Rock-Hill (24,472)—W. C. Sullivan. Sans Souci-Union Bleachery* (9,342)

(in Greenville County School Dis¬ trict).

Saxon* (3,087)—Howard Moody. Seneca (3,637)—J. N. Kellett. Shannontown* (5,822)-. South Greenwood* (3,732) (in Green¬

wood School District). Spartanburg (36,674)—J. G. Mc-

Cvacken. Summerville (4,315)—F. M. Kirk. Sumter (19,812)—James D. Blanding. Union (9,699)—T. C. Jolly, Jr. Victor-Mills* (2,646)-. Walhalla (3,097)—E. B. Stoudemire. Walterboro (4,601)—P. M. Coble. Ware Shoals* (3,028—M. B. Camak. Whites Bridge Road-North Winyah

Heights* (5,085)-. Whitmire (3,010)—R. C. Lake. Williamston (2,783) (in Pelzer School

District). Winnsboro (3,266)—L. McKnight. Winnsboro Mills* (2,938) (in Winns¬

boro School District). Woodruff (3,826)—S. C. Brissie. York (4,170)—J. C. Doggette.


County and Superintendent

Aurora—F. C. Woodall, Plankinton. Beadle—Margaret Long, Huron. Bennett—Russel B. Spragg, Martin. Bon Homme—Barbara Haase, Tj’ndall. Brookings—Mrs. Helen Simmons,

Brookings. Brown—Ruth Johnson, Aberdeen. Brule—Mrs. Maude B. Schjulstad.

Unincorporated urban place.


Buffalo—Mrs. Pearle I. Fraser, Gann VaUey.

Butte—Neva E. Pluimer, Belle Fourche. Campbell—Fred W. Renner, Mound

City. Charles Mix—Mrs. Margaret B. Sprick,

Lake Andes. Clark—Florence A. Bohri, Clark. Clay—Mrs. Elvira E. Bliss, Vermillion. Codington—Muriel Hoover, Watertown. Corson—Mrs. Ellen M. Beranek, McIn¬

tosh. Custer—Mrs. Nellie Bridges, Custer. Davison—Ida King, Mitchell. Day—E. C. Opliger, Webster. Deuel—Maria Holen, Clear Lake. Dewey—H. L. Hodgeman, Timber Lake. Douglas—Albert Vander Tuin, Armour. Edmunds—Nellie Weiszhaar, Ipswich. Fall River—Mrs. June Martin, Hot

Springs. Faulk—Mrs. Beulah H. Bateen, Faulk-

ton. Grant—Mrs. Lydia Lueschow, Milbank. Gregory—Elmer L. Bell, Burke. Haakon—Mrs. Catherine Griffith,

Philip. Hamlin—Mrs. Doris Boadwine, Hayti. Hand—Mrs. Winifred Lorentson,

Miller. Hanson—Julia Haehner, Alexandria. Harding—Mrs. Paul L. Ellis, Buffalo. Hughes—Mrs. Evelyn Randolph, Pierre. Hutchinson—Ella Schaal, Olivet. Hyde—Mrs. Anna Sieger, Highmore. Jackson—Ruth M. Solon, Kadoka. Jerauld—Earl G. Gregory, Wessington

Springs. Jones—Mabel Eggers, Murdo. Kingsbury—Norma Koehne, DeSmet. Lake—Mrs. Helen J. Walker, Madison. Lawrence—Mrs. Hilda Wells, Dead-

wood. Lincoln—Thelma B. Eidsness, Canton. Lyman—Mrs. Florence Gollesch, Ken¬

nebec. Marshall—Celina Gronseth, Britton. McCook—Mary Carmichael, Salem. McPherson—T h e o d o r e Meidiiiger,

Leola. Meade—Mrs. Marion Middlel)rook,

Sturgis. Mellette—Mrs. Zona Rajewich, White

River. Miner—Mrs. Ada Gehring, Howard. Minnehaha—Edgar Hervig, Sioux Falls. Moody—Selma Severson, Flandreau. Pennington—Amos Groethe, Rapid

City. Perkins—Mrs. Marion Edwards, Bison. Potter—Mrs. Lisa B. Hixson, Gettys¬

burg. Roberts—Mabel Lee, Sisseton. Sanborn—Edna M. Titus, Woonsocket. Shannon—Mrs. Hattie Twiss, Pine


Spink—Mrs. Gladys Bymers, Redfield. Stanley—Mrs. Ellen Scheel, Ft. Pierre. Sully—William C. Buol, Onida. Todd—Mrs. Viola Longcor, Mission. Tripp—Ray H. Zimmerman, Winner. Turner—Pearl Hemphill, Parker. Union—Margaret Toomey, Elk Point. Walworth—Mrs. Inez Theilen DeSart,

Selby. Washabaugh—John Sherburne, Wan-

blee. Yankton—Mrs. Reta Y. Sly, Yankton. Ziebach—Neoma Bierman, Dupree.

Urban Place and Superintendent

Aberdeen (20,976)—C. H. Holgate. Belle Fourche (3,517)—A. H. Morten-

son. Brookings (7,730)—J. E. Martin. Canton (2,532)—C. E. White. Dead wood (3,270)—H. S. Berger. Hot Springs (4,980)—H. R. Woodward. Huron (12713)—J. F. Slocum. Lead (6,419)—R. V. Hunkins. Lemmon (2,756)—L. W. Moser. Madison (5,142)—Floyd Thompson. Milbank (2,981)—H. E. Marquette. Mitchell (12,062)—L. T. Decker. Mobridge (3,747)—E. L. Holgate. Pierre (5,690)—M. L. Reynolds. Rapid City (25,179)—E. B. Bergquist. Redlield (2,642)—A. P. Sonstegard. Sioux Falls (52,161)—E. W. Skarda. Sisseton (2,873)—O. K. Thollehaug. Spearfish (2,750)—E, C. Mikkelsen. Sturgis (3,461)—E. E. Grunwald. Vermillion (5,328)—H. O. Vanden

Berge. Watertown (12,662)—D. D. Miller. Webster (2,.506)—H. H. Newman. Winner (3,239)—W. M. Brower. Yankton (7,704)—L. H. Baumann.


County and Superintendent

Anderson—Frank B. Irwin, Clinton. Bedford—Helen Womack, Shelbyville. Benton—Bert Cagle, Camden. Bledsoe—Roy D. Greeson, Pikeville. Blount—Hugh A. Coulter, Maryville. Bradley—Sim L. Beaty, Cleveland. Campbell—Marshall E. Rasnake, Jacks-

boro. Cannon—William Bragg, Woodbury. Carroll—J. C. Denton, Huntingdon. Carter—K. P. Banks, Elizabethton. Cheatham—Mrs. Bess Jordan, Ashland

City. Chester—Thomas B. Armour, Hender¬

son. Claiborne—C. L. Moyers. Tazewell. Clay—M. L. Brown, Celina.


Cocke—W. O. Bryant, Newport. Coffee—W. C. Wiser, Manchester. Crockett—R. E. Black, Alamo. Cumberland—Glenn Martin, Crossville. Davidson—J. E. Moss, Nashville. Decatur—G. T. Kennedy, Decaturville. DeKalb—M. M. Harney, Smithville. Dickson—W. H. Garrett, Charlotte. Dyer—H. Claude Moore, Dyersburg. B'ayette—Joseph R. Martin, Somerville. Fentress—Claude Pearyhouse, James¬

town. Franklin—James A. Clark, Winchester. Gibson—C. H. Cole, Trenton. Giles—Thomas A. Birdsong, Pulaski. Grainger—A. V. Combs, Rutledge. Greene—Glennon C. Brown, Greene-

ville. Grundy—E. J. Cunningham, Tracy

City. Hamblen—George W. Jaynes, Morris¬

town. Hamilton—Roy C. Smith, Chattanooga. Hancock—Fred Zackary, Sneedville. Hardeman—Quinnie Armour, Bolivar. Hardin—H. F. Snodgrass, Savannah. Hawkins—J. O. Harville, Rogersville. Haywood—Joe T. Naylor, Brownsville. Henderson—Ira C. Powers, Lexington. Henry—John R. Miller. Paris. Hickman—Grant Coble, Centerville. Houston—Samuel G. Smith, Erin. Humphreys—Henry Gentry, Waverly. Jackson—D. C. Williamson, Gaines-

boro. Jefferson—D. C. Denton, Dandridge. Johnson—Ross Fritts, Mountain City. Knox—Mildred E. Doyle, Knoxville. Lake—Jack Brewer, Tiptonville. Lauderdale—Edric Owen, Ripley. Lawrence—C. W. Holt, Lawrenceburg. Lewis—J. H. Warf, Hohenw^ald. Lincoln—Thomas W. Towry, Fayette¬

ville. Loudon—Robert Cassady, Loudon. McMinn—E. K. Baker, Athens. McNairy—Carlie Hughes, Selmer. Macon—Carlos Hargis, LaFayette. Madison—Alton Copeland, Jackson. Marion—E. A. Bird, Jasper. Marshall—W. M. Connelly, Lewisburg. Maury—J. R. Baker, Columbia. Meigs—Dudley Culvahouse, Decatur. Monroe—Roy Ferguson, Madisonville. Montgomery — John M. Matthews,

Clarksville. Moore—J. Marvin Byrom, Lynchburg. Morgan—Dudley Human, Wartburg. Obion—Milton Hamilton, Union City. Overton—Thomas H. Parrigin, Living¬

ston. Perry—Jack Stevens, Linden. Pickett—Harold H. Hassler, Byrdstown. Polk—Isham Lyle, Benton. Putnam—D. C. Huddleston, Cookeville. Rhea—Virgil Watson, Dayton.

Roane—J. F. Brittain, Kingston. Robertson—C. F. Fisher, Springfield. Rutherford—Ira B. Daniel, Murfrees¬

boro. Scott—Mrs. Ord S. Robbins, Huntsville. Sequatchie—Grady Griffith, Dunlap. Sevier—Roy L. Ledwell, Sevierville. Shelby—George H. Barnes, Memphis. Smith—Woodrow Piper, Carthage. Stewart—Earl Sexton, Dover. Sullivan—J. Craft Akard, Blountville. Sumner—V. G. Hawkins, Gallatin. Tipton—Shannon Faulkner, Covington. Trousdale—Cordell Hull Wilburn,

Hartsville. Unicoi—Hassel Evans, Erwin. Union—J. Howard Collett, Maynard-

ville. Van Buren—J. M. Taft, Spencer. Warren—H. E. Scott, McMinnville. Washington—Fred Neil Smith, Jones¬

boro. Wayne—Glenn S. Gallien, Waynesboro. Weakley—J. T. Miles, Dresden. White—Beecher E. Cooley, Sparta. Williamson—W. P. Scales, Franklin. Wilson—Carl J. Chaney, Lebanon.

Urban Place and Superintendent

Alcoa (6,486)—V. F. Goddard. Athens (8,599)—W. F. Whitaker. Banner Hill* (2,873)-. Belle Meade (2,827)—D a v i d s o n

County. Bemis* (3,254)—Madison County. Bristol (16,721)—Clement M. Eyler. Brownsville (4,659)—E. D. Thompson. Chattanooga (130,333)—L. G. Derthick. Clarksville (16,208)—C. H. Moore. Cleveland (12,445)—Thomas C. Bower. Clinton (3,713)—K. N. Finchum. Columbia (10,921)—Maury County. Cookeville (6,900)—Putnam County. Covington (4,372)—R. K. Castellaw. Dayton (3,191)—Carroll S. Tallent. Dickson (3,504)—Dickson County. Dyersburg (10,865)—G. D. Stephenson. Eagleton Village-Blount Hills*

(3,530)-. East Ridge (9,640)—Hamilton County. Elizabethton (10,734)—T. A. Dugger,

Jr. Erwin (3,401)—Unicoi County. Etowah (3,263)—R. G. Carr. Fayetteville (5,441) —Ralph Askins. Franklin (5,510)—Don N. Emerson. Gallatin (5,102)—Sumner County. Greeneville (8,693)—M. L. Pinkston. Harriman (6,387)—C. R. Black. Henderson (2,533)—Henderson County. Highland Park-Litz Manor* (4,855) —

Sullivan County. Humboldt { 7,435)—Gibson County.

* Unincorporated urban place.


Jackson (30,098)—D, E. Ray. Jefferson City (3,646)—Jefferson

County. Johnson City (27,778)—John H. Ar-

rants. Kingsport (19,636)—Ross N. Robinson. Knoxville (124,183)—Wilson New. LaP^ollette (5,791)—Campbell County. Lawrenceburg (5,483)—L a w r e n c e

County. Lebanon (7,915)—Roy Dowdy. Lenoir City (5,160)—J. Guy Buckner. Lewisburg (5,156)—Marshall County. Lexington (3,571)—Paul G. Gaywood. Loudon (3,566)—Loudon County. Lynn Garden-West View-Fort Robin-

son-Morrison City* (8,602)—Sullivan County.

McKenzie (3,656)—Walton Warren. McMinnville (7,599)—J. L. Nunley. Martin (4,093)—Weakley County. Maryville (8,362)—Claude D. Curtis. Memphis (394,012)—Ernest C. Ball. Milan (4,942)—Gibson County. Millington (4,696)—Shelby County. IMorristown (13,016)—A. B. Wallen. Mount Pleasant (2,925) —Maury

County. Murfreesboro (13,027)—Baxter E. Hob-

good. Nashville (173,359)—W. A. Bass. Newport (3,897)—E. L. Radcliffe. Oak Ridge* (30,236)—W. G. Fordyce. Paris (8,818)—W. O. Inman. Pulaski (5,760)—Giles County. Ripley (3,307)—Lauderdale County. Rockwood (4,265)—Roane County. Rogersville (2,544)—Ben A. Cunning¬

ham. Shelbyville (9,461)—Ervin Thomas. South Harriman* (2,759)—Roane

County. South Pittsburg (2,541)—M a r i o n

County. Sparta (4,280)—James C. Ward. Springfield (6,540)—Robertson County. Sweetwater (4,158)—Ed. C. Dough¬

erty. Trenton (3,861)—Gibson County. Tullahoma (7,521)—R. E. Lee. Union City (7,632)—J. C. Maddox. Winchester (3,977)—Franklin County.


CounJy and Superintendent

Anderson—R. H. Johnson, Palestine, Andrews—Milton Ramsey, Andrews. Angelina—T. J. Wilroy, Lufkin. Aransas—John D. Wendell, Rockport. Archer—J. C. Strawn, Jr,, Archer City. Armstrong—R. S. Morris, Claude. Atascosa—J. 11. Galloway, Jourdanton.

♦Unincorporated urban place.

Austin—George W. Hill, Bellville. Bailey—Cecil H. Tate, Muleshoe. Bandera—A. V. Pue, Bandera. Bastrop—Fred G. Haynie, Bastrop. Baylor—Mrs. Hallie Longley, Seymour. Bee—C. L. Houlihan, Beeville. Bell—Connally Neal, Belton. Bexar—C. E. Smith, San Antonio. Blanco—E. D. Harrison, Johnson City. Borden—C. S. Harris, Gail. Bosque—Joe White, Meridian. Bowie—Ben Fort, Boston. Brazoria—J. P. Rogers, Angleton. Brazos—W. D. Bunting, Bryan. Brewster—F. P. McGaughy, Alpine. Briscoe—J. W. Lyon, Jr., Silverton. Brooks—Morris S. Strong, Falfurrias. Brown—H. H. Black, Brownwood. Burleson—Andrew J. Faulds, Caldwell. Burnet—Earl L. Williams, Burnet. Caldwell—R. E. Harris, Lockhart. Calhoun—H. G. Hartzog, Port Lavaca. Callahan—L. C. Cash, Baird. Cameron—J. D. Koonce, Brownsville. Camp—L. E. Richardson, Pittsburg. Carson—O. R. Beddingfield, Panhandle. Cass—Stringer Wommack, Linden. Castro—Robert E. Estes, Dimmitt. Chambers—F. PI. Williams, Anahuac. Cherokee—Robert L. Banks, Rusk. Childress—James A. Steed, Childress. Clay—Donald C. Noll, Henrietta. Cochran—Fred Stockdale, Morton. Coke—Jeff Dean, Robert Lee. Coleman—D. E. Loveless, Coleman. Collin—Wendell PI. Moseley, McKinney. Collingsworth—B. W. Beaird, Welling¬

ton. Colorado—Lavo Wegenhoft, Columbus. Comal—M. H. Specht, New Braunfels. Comanche—EIzo B. Brinson, Comanche. Concho—Carl Peek, Paint Rock. Cooke—Plubert H. Moss, Gainesville. Coryell—Leoma Campbell, Gatesville. Cottle—Mrs. Jessie G. Thomas, Padu¬

cah. Crane—Joseph A. Beyer, Crane. Crockett—Houston S. Smith, Ozona. Crosby—D. A. Edwards, Crosbyton. Culbertson—J. A. Terrell, Van Horn. Dallam—W. D. Henson, Dalhart. Dallas—L. A. Roberts, Dallas. Dawson—P. K. Humes, Lamesa. Deaf Smith—Horace L. Schloss, Here¬

ford. Delta—Goebel Templeton, Cooper. Denton—Charles E. Silk, Denton. De Witt—W. P"*. Hancock, Cuero. Dickens—Robert Williams, Dickens. Dimmit—T. B. Kellogg, Carrizo Springs. Donley—Ruth M. Richerson, Clarendon. Duval—R. L. Adame, San Diego. Eastland—Carl Elliott, Eastland. Ector—W. A. Miller, Odessa. Edwards—H. W. Bierschwale, Rock-



Ellis—J. E. Wakeland, Waxahacliie. El Paso—John T. Bean, El Paso. Erath—L. E. Robertson, Stephenville. Falls—Robert Burton, Marlin. Fannin—J. W. Moulton, Bonham. Fayette—Fritz Lobpries, La Grange. Fisher—C. J. Dalton, Roby. Floyd—Clarence A. Giiffee, Floydada. Foard—Leslie Thomas, Crowell. Fort Bend—Guy N. Wynn, Richmond. Franklin—L. E. Seay, Mount Vernon. Freestone—Ruel Wilson, Fairfield. Frio—R. D. Fritch, Pearsall. Gaines—Arzie L. Kirk, Seminole. Galveston—Paul Hershey, Galveston. Garza—Dean A. Robinson, Post. Gillespie—Victor H. Sagebiel, Fred¬

ericksburg. Glasscock—J. F. Jones, Garden City. Goliad—Mrs. Verna Linburg, Goliad. Gonzales—Mrs. Genevieve B. Vollen-

tine, Gonzales. Gray—B. R. Nuckols, Pampa. Grayson—Ray B., Short, Sherman. Gregg—J. W. Hagler, Longview. Grimes—Willian T. Wilcox, Anderson. Guadalupe—Max Weinert, Seguin. Hale—Mrs. Willie M. Haithcock, Plain-

view. Hall—Mary A. Foreman, Memphis. Hamilton—Forest O. Harper, Hamilton. Hansford—John C. Lee, Spearman. Hardeman—Garland C. Turner, Qua-

nah. Hardin—Neal House, Kountze. Harris—J. Hall Sheppard, Houston. Harrison—Morton Smith, Marshall. Hartley—Garland A. Green, Channing. Haskell—Mrs. Iva Palmer, Haskell. Hays—George Wentz, San Marcos. Hemphill—H. M. Wood, Canadian. Henderson—Harris Ballow, Athens. Hidalgo—R. D. Beane, Sr., Edinburg. Hill—M. L. Brockette, Hillsboro. Hockley—T. O. Petty, Levelland. Hood—Henry Davis, Granbury. Hopkins—H. Clay Cheek, Sulphur

Springs. Houston—Marcus Mason, Crockett. Howard—W. G. Bailey, Big Spring. Hudspeth—Walker Carson, Sierra

Blanca. Hunt—J. L. Miller, Greenville. Hutchinson—M. W. Graves, Stinnett. Irion—S. B. Thomas, Mertzon. Jack—E. B. Whitaker, Jacksboro. Jackson—Lillian Knopp, Edna. Jasper—Johnnie McLeod, Jasper. Jeff Davis—Howard L. Bell, Jr., Fort

Davis. Jefferson—Only Greer, Beaumont. Jim Hogg—F. B. Guerra, Jr., Hebbron-

ville. Jim Wells—C. A. Thormalen, Alice. Johnson—J. B. Bright, Cleburne. Jones—Everett Beaver, Anson.

Karnes—J. L. Hardy, Karnes City. Kaufman—J. W. Sellers, Kaufman. Kendall—M. J. Lehmann, Boerne. Kenedy—Lee H. Lytton, Jr., Sarita. Kent—Enel D. Harrison, Claremont. Kerr—John R. Leavell, Kerrville. Kimble—W. W. Leamons, Junction. King—V. L. Morris, Guthrie. Kinney—Chas. Beltmann, Brackett-

ville. Kleberg—Mrs. Bernice W. Smith,

Kingsville. Knox—Merick McGaughey, Benjamin. Lamar—W. C. Wooldridge, Paris. Lamb—J. Ernest Jones, Littlefield. Lampasas—John T. Higgins, Lampasas. LaSalle—Mrs. R. F. Knaggs, Cotulla. Lavaca—W. A. Filers, Hallettsville. Lee—R. J. Hejtmancik, Giddings. Leon—Jay S. Winn, Centerville. Liberty—W. O. Crawley, Liberty. Limestone—C. H. Laurence, Groesbeck. Lipscomb—G. A. Jenkins, Lipscomb. Live Oak—Mrs. G. W. Givens, George

West. Llano—R. P. McWilliams, Llano. Loving—McKinley Hopper, Mentone. Lubbock—Roy Boyd, Lubbock. Lynn—Mrs. L. M. Tunnell, Tahoka. Madison—C. N. Heath, Madisonville. Marion—Alvin Hood, Jefferson. Martin—James McMorris, Stanton. Mason—Marcus Grant, Mason. Matagorda—T. P. Hale, Bay City. Maverick—R. E. Bibb, Eagle Pass. iMcCullouch—J. E. Herrington, Brady. McLennan—J. E. Batson, Waco. MoMullen—J. P. Crain, Tilden. Medina—C. F. Schweers, Hondo. IMenard—J. W. Scruggs, Menard. IMidiand—Christine Galladay, Midland. IMilam—Hinton H. Pruett. Cameron. Mills—L. B. Porter, Goldthwaite. Mitchell—R. D. Coles. Colorado. Montague—H. W. Johnson, Montague. IMontgomery—G e o r g e L. Anderson,

Conroe. Moore—A. B. Cluster, Dumas. Morris—Douglas Wright, Daingerfield. Motley—Vance Galbreath, IMatador. Nacogdoches—Beeman Justice, Nacog¬

doches. Navarro—J. C. Watson, Corsicana. Newton—O. R. Newberry, Newton. Nolan—Red C. Dill, Sweetwater. Nueces—D. D. Snow, Corpus Christi. Ochiltree—H. R. Slaughter. Perryton. Oldham—J. T. Singleton, Vega. Orange—J. B. Peddy, Orange. Palo Pinto—B. H. Martin, Palo Pinto. Panola—Worth Yarborough, Carthage. Parker—Coy D. Young, Weatherford. Farmer—A. D. Smith. Farwell. Pecos—Paul Counts, Port Stockton. Polk—Luther C. Moore, Livingston. Potter—C. W. Whittington, Amarillo.


Presidio—W. B. Johnson, Marfa. Rains—Arthur Jones, Emory. Randall—Burney Slack, Canyon. Reagan—W. D. Hudson, Big Lake. Real—W. B. Sansom, Leakey. Red River—Haskell Peek, Clarksville. Reeves—Richard C. Slack, Pecos. Refugio^—T. G. Jeter, Refugio. Roberts—0. E. Haynes, Miami. Robertson—Lad Nickelson, Franklin. Rockwall—Ralph M. Hall, Rockwall.

I Runnels—W. E. Elkins, Ballinger. ' Rusk—Jim Whitley, Henderson.

Sabine—Robert B. Sewell, Hemphill. San Augustine—J. P. Wright, San

Augustine. San Jacinto—Maggie Lee Trapp, Cold

Springs. San Patricio—W. E. Nicholas, Sinton. San Saha—E. L. Oliver, San Saba. Schleicher—E. W. Craig, Eldorado. Scurry—Forrest W. Beavers, Snyder. Shackelford—I. M. Chism, Albany. Shelby—Earl Biggers, Center. Sherman—Robert C. Ferguson, Strat¬

ford. Smith—R. S. Boulter, Tyler. Somervell—A. L. Hooker, Glen Rose. Starr—A. S. Martinez, Rio Grande City. Stephens—Mrs. Edith James, Brecken-

ridge. Sterling—G. C. Murrel, Sterling City. Stonewall—T. A. Moore, Aspermont. Sutton—George Wynn, Sonora. Swisher—Claude T. Shelton, Tiilia. Tarrant—O. H. Stowe, Fort Worth. Taylor—Tom McGehee, Abilene. Terrell—R. S. Wilkinson, Sanderson. Terry—E. G. BIrownlee, Brownsfield. i Throckmorton—D. D. William s,

Throckmorton. Titus—James V. Adams, Mount Pleas¬

ant. Tom Green—F. M. Jackson, San Angelo. Travis—I. W. Popham, Austin. Trinity—Calvin Moore, Groverton. Tyler—T. E. Howell, Woodville. Upshur—Jesse K. Denson, Gilmer. Upton—G. H. Fisher, Rankin. Uvalde—Guy D. Dean, Uvalde. Val Verde—Mrs. Eno M. Fokes, Del Rio. Van Zandt—W. FI. Oliver, Canton. Victoria—R. C. Pickett, Victoria. Walker—Mrs. Marjorie P. Oliphint,

Huntsville. Waller—Jimmie Rene Ogg, Hempstead. Ward—Carl D. Estes, IVIonahans. Washington—W. O. Dannhaus, Bren-

ham. Webb—Elmore H. Borchers, Laredo. Wharton—Mrs. W. T. Voiding, Whar¬

ton. Wheeler—Jesse J. Dyer, Wheeler. Wichita—B. M. Dinsmore, Wichita

Falls. Wilbarger—Mrs. Roy Hughes, Vernon.

Willacy—V. H. Tmnlinson, Raymond- ville.

Williamson—John O. Rodgers, George¬ town.

Wilson—S. J. Irwin, Floresville. Winkler—W. E. Cook, Kermit.

j Wise—Leu D. Jordan, Decatur. Wood—T. A. Browning, Quitman. Yoakum—John Derryberry, Plains. Young—W. E. Harty, Graham. Zapata—M. B. Bravo, Zapata. Zavala—R. A. Taylor, Jr., Crystal City.

Urban Piece and Superintendent

Abilene (47,102)—A. E. Wells. Alamo (3,026) (in Pharr-San Juan

School District). Alamo Heights (7,950) (P. O., San An¬

tonio)—Edward T. Robbins. I Alice (16,414)—W. M. Hadley. Alpine (5,256)—Peyton Cain.

I Alvin (3,541)—A. G. Welch. Amarillo (73,737)—Charles M. Rogers. Andrews (3,309)—T. D. Hamilton. Angleton (3,247)—Charles M. Kelso. Anson (2,703)—N. H. Touchstone. Aransas Pass (5,389)—H. T. Faulk. Arlington (7,686)—W. R. Wimbish. Athens (5,206)—J. R. Lowe. Atlanta (3,770)—B. H. Hudspeth. Austin (131,964)—Irby B. Carruth. Ballinger (5,293)—Ernest Caskey. Bastrop (3,158)—P. J. Dodson. Bay City (9,418)—John H. Cherry. Baytown (22,927) (in Goose Creek In¬

dependent School District). Beaumont (93,715) :

City School District—Fred W. Hunter.

South Park Independent school dis¬ trict—J. J. Vincent.

Beeville (9,328)—Floyd W. Parsons. Bellaire (10,147) (in Houston School

District). Belton (6,255)—L. A. Holmes. Benavides (3,009)—R. W. Milligan. Big Spring (17,258)—W. C. Blanken¬

ship. Bishop (2,732)—R. S. Morgan. Bonham (7,043)—O. H. Dillehay. Borger (17,949)—Curtis A. Cryer. Bowie (4,530)—Claude H. Thompson. Brady (5,923)—W. E. Whitten. Breckenridge (6,605)—John F. Bailey. Brenham (6,919)—Frank W. Allenson. Brownfield (6,160)—O. R. Douglas. Brownsville (36,176)—John F. Barron. Brownwood (20,140)—J. D. King. Bryan (18,072)—W. R. Carmichael. Burkburnett (4,516)—R. M. Davis. Calvert (2,561)—L. B. T. Sikes. Cameron (5,227)—W. T. Hanes. Canadian (2,671)—A. H. Breazeale. Canyon (4,349)—Joe A. Gibson.


Carrizo Springs (4,343)—Ben A. Gus- tine.

Carthage (4,751)—Q. M. Martin. Center (4,318)—F. L. Moffett. Childress (7,587)—Newell H. Odell. Cisco (5,216)—Arlin Bint. Clarendon (2,572)—H. T. Burton. Clarksville (4,350)—D. M. Tate. Cleburne (12,845)—M. D. Murphy. Cleveland (5,194)—F. L. Muston. Coleman (6,512)—W. Terrell Graves. College Station (7,898) (in A & M Con¬

solidated School District)—L. S. Richardson.

Colorado City (6,709)—Ed. E. Wil¬ liams.

Columbus (2,862)—Marley Giddens. Comanche (3,832)—W. D. Drummond. Commerce (5,866)—Avery R. Downing. Conroe (7,313)—W. D. Wilkerson. Corpus Cliristi (108,053)—R. L. Wil¬

liams. . Corsicana (19,108)—W. H. Norwood.

Cotulla (4,425)—C. R. Landrum. Crockett (5,923)—W. L. Jordan. Crystal City (7,195)—Sterling H. Fly. Cnero (7,456)—E. B. Morrison. Dalhart (5,899)—H. F. Railsback. Dallas (432,927)—W. T. White. Decatur (2,925)—E. L. Gantt. Del Rio (14,191)—P. A. Tanksley. Denison (17,444)—B. McDaniel. Denton (21,345)—C. O. Strickland. Dickinson* (2,640)—Oscar J. Baker. Donna (7,161)—R. E. Byrom. Dublin (2,746)—W. D. Raley. Dumas (6,108)—E. A. Wooten. Eagle Ford (4,679) (in Dallas School

District). Eagle Lake (2,775)—D. D. Fletcher. Eagle Pass (7,247)—C. J. Garland. Eastland (3,606)—W. G. Womack. Edcouch (2,925) (in Edcouch-E 1 s a

School District)—A. L. Peay. Edinburg (12,340)—Ohland Morton. Edna (3,845)—Oscar E. Bounds. El Campo (6,216)—A. B. Templeton. Electra (4,934)—W. G. Barber. Elgin (3,155)—T. R. Coffman. El Paso (130,003)—Mortimer Brown. Elsa (3,175) (in Edcouch-Elsa School

District). Ennis (7,817)—James F. Gardner. Fabens* (3,093)—T. A. Pollan. Falfurrias (6,697)—M. S. Strong. Floydada (3,214)—I. T. Graves. Fort Stockton (4,444)—E. W. Smith. Fort Worth (277,047)—J. P. Moore. Fredericksburg (3,847)—A. K. Krause. Freeport (6,008)—Terrell W. Ogg. Gainesville (11,219)—Roy P. Wilson. Galena Park (7,162)—W. C. Cunning¬

ham. Galveston (65,898)—J. D. Hill. Garland (10,291)—H. D. Pearson. Gatesville (3,848)—L. C. McKamie.

Georgetown (4,943)—J. C. Barnes. Giddings (2,524)—Don B. Slocum. Gilmer (4,114)—H. Lee Clifton. Gladewater (5,310)—Dana Williams. Gonzales (5,630)—A. O. Bird. Graham (6,756)—I. T. Gilmer. Grand Prairie (14,707)—H. H. Cham¬

bers. Greenville (14,697)—Ray D. Brown. Halton (5,740) (in Fort Worth School

District). Hamilton (3,080)—A. M. Whitis. | Hamlin (3,564)—I. R. Huchingson. : Harlingen (23,202)—C. E. Burnett. Haskell (3,832)—Samuel H. Vaughter. i Hearne (4,778)—M. E. Jones. | Hebbronville* (4,290) (in Jim Hogg In- I

dependent School District)—Howard | C. Cochran. :

Henderson (6,802)—E. W. Adams. Henrietta (2,820)—F. W. Richardson. Hereford (4,808)—George L. Graham. Highland Park (11,307) — (P. O. Dallas)

W. B. Irvin. Highlands* (2,715) (in Sheldon School

District). Hillcrest* (2,823)-. Hillsboro (8,352)—J. D. Wilson. Hondo (4,220)—J. G. Barry. Houston (594,321)—W. E. Moreland. Huntsville (9,802)—Joseph R. Griggs. Irving (2,575)—John L. Beard. Jacinto City (6,848) (in Houston School

District). .Jacksboro (2,928)—J. B. Sharp. Jacksonville (8,550)—W. D. Maudlin. Jasper (4,404)—J. F. Parnell. Jefferson (3,161)—E. M. Smith. Karnes City (2.584)—D. E. Moore. Kaufman (2,715)—Ben B. Hines. Kenedy (4,177)—J. Lyle Hill. Kermit (6,884)—G. E. Thompson. Kerrville (7,665)—E. L. Wildman. Kilgore (9,693)—Robert Ashworth. Killeen (7,110)—Lee Peebles. Kingsville (16,857)—George W. Wier. La Feria (2,937)—C. E. Vail. La Grange (2,729)—C. A. Lemmons. Lake Jackson (2,896) (in Brazosport

School District). Lakeview (3,083) (in Port Neches

School District). Lamarque* (7,358)—E. H. Black. Lamesa (10,706)—C. W. Tarter. Lampasas (4,872)—Harvey C. Ballew. Lancaster (2,627)—J. Elvin Dawson. La Porte (4.957)—J. H. Baker. Laredo (51,694)—J. W. Nixon. Levelland (8,265)—O. W. Marcom. Liberty (4,161)—J. H. Lockey. Littlefield (6,558)—Joe C. Hutchinson. Livingston (2,855)—C. M. Owens. Llano (2,960)—C. E. Brown. Lockhart (5,531)—J. L. Buckley.

* Unincorporated urban place.


Longview (24,445)—R. E. Slayton. Lubbock (71,390)—Nat Williams. Lufkin (15,147)—J. A. Anderson. Luling (4,285)—J. D. Fulton. McAllen (20,005)—T. E. McCollum. McCamey (3,104)—H. S. Fitzgerald. McGregor (2,664)—T. H. Jenkins. McKinney (10,525)—Jack R. Ryan. Marfa (3,595)—C. G. Mathews. Marlin (7,006)—Albert M. Tate. Marshall (22,255)—Vivian H. Hackney. Mathis (4,038)—T. A. Harbin. Memphis (3,803)—W. C. Davis. Menard (2,674)-C. R. Brace. Mercedes (10,065)—L. W. St. Clair. Mexia (6,618)—C. S. Hereford. Midland (21,756)—Frank Monroe. Mineola (3,621)—H. W. Goodgion. Mineral Weils (7,763)—FI. M. Carnes. Mission (10,756)—J. Mil Auld. Monhans (6,260)—R. D. Lee. Mount Pleasant (6,348)—M. E. Amer-

son. Nacogdoches (12,303)—B. A. Copass. Navasota (4,976)—O. Dan Carter. Nederland (3,801)—C. A. Mathews. New Boston (2,679)-Weldon McCord. New Braunfels (12,196)—E. A. Sahm. Nocona (3,001)—E. W. McPherson. Oak Knoll (3,925) (in Ft. Worth School

District). Odessa (29,432)—W. T. Barrett. Olmos Park (2,813) (in San Antonio

School District). Olney (3,753)—W. O. Echols. Orange (21,100)—C. O. Chandler. Ozona* (2,877) (in Ector County Inde¬

pendent School District)—W. A. Miller.

Paducah (2,940)—Alton Farr. Palacios (2,913)—Ralph Newsom. Palestine (12,455)—E. D. Cleveland. Pampa (16,522)—Knox Kinard. Paris (21,636)—Thomas S. Justiss. Pasadena (22,444)—V. W. Miller. Pearsall (4,461)—W. Guy Gunn. Pecos (8,054)—Ray H. Whitley. Perry ton (4,399)—Gilbert Mize. Pharr (8,678) (in Pharr-San Juan

School District)—D. U. Buckner. Phillips* (4,096)—Lee Johnson. Pittsburg (3,157)—Fred Covin. Plainview (14,023)—W. H. Avinger. Pleasanton (2,903)—W. J. Everitt. Port Arthur (57,377)—Z. T. Fortescue. Port Lavaca (5,062) (in Calhoun

County Independent School DiS‘ trict)—C. S. Chilton.

Port Neches (5,477)—D. T. Craver. Post (3,136)—D. C. Arthur. Premont (2,533)—R. R. Hardin. Quanah (4,594)—W. E. Hancock. Ramona* (2778)-. Ranger (3,951)—G. B. Rush. Raymondville (9,135)—W. J. Box. Red Cut Heights* (2,554)-.

Refugio (4,680)—A. R. Pointer. Rio Grande* (3,982)—R. A. Dela Garza. River Oaks (7,113) (in Fort Worth

School District). Robstown (7,248)—B. C. Banks. Rosenberg (5,758)—F. C. Herndon. Kotan (3,159)—D. Y. McKinney. Rusk (6,617)—Gerald B. Chapman. San Angelo (51,889)—C. B. Wadzeck. San Antonio (406,811)—T. B. Port-

wood. San Augustine (2,506)—B. R. Mathews. San Benito (13,264)—E. L. Pritchett. San Diego (4,394)—F de. Pena. San .Tuan (3,407) (in Pharr-San Juan

School District). San Marcos (9,961)—Fred Kaderli. San Pedro* (7,996) (in Zapata School

District). San Saba (3,390)—S. G. Boynton. Seguin (9,696)—A. J. Breisemeister. Seminole (3,480)—F. J. Young. Seymour (3,778)—J. W. Hamilton. Shamrock (3,326)—Elmer J. Moore. Sherman (20,073)—C. D. Landolt. Silsbee (3,178)—Lester D. Self. Sinton (4,270)—E. M. Smith. Slaton (5,045)—P. L. Vardy, Jr. Smithville (3,.381)—Hailds R. Pearce. Snyder (12,012)—C. L. Yarbrough. Sonora (2,635)—A. E. Brodhead. South Houston (4,116) (in Houston

School District). Stamford (5,806)—L. W. Johnson. Stephen ville (7,065)—J. B. Merrell. Sulphur Springs (8,994)—Jack F.

Gibson. Sweetwater (13,580)—O. G. South. Taft (2,985)—D. L. Woodson. Tahoka (2,831)—Otis Spears. Taylor (9,083)—T. H. .Johnson. Teague (2,908)—Llewellyn Notley. Temple (24,970)—S. P. Cowan. Terrell (11,553)—J. E. Langwith. Terrell Hills (2,702) (in San Antonio

School District). Texarkana (24,657)—H. W. Stilwell. Texas City (16,577)—B. R. Brooks. Tulia (3,167)—W. V. Swinburn. Tyler (38,864)—Hollis A. Moore. University Park (23,823) (in Dallas

School District). Uvalde (8,6.59)—M. B. Morris. Vernon (12,684)—T. B. Golden. Victoria (16,102)—T. A. Roach. Waco (84,-300)—E. N. Dennard. Waxahachie (11,196)—T. C. Wilemon. Weatherford (8,053)—L. B. Wilson. Wellington (3,669)—Chas. T. Roberts. Weslaco (7,487)—Grady Hester. West Orange* (2,552)—Mrs. Mildred


Unincorporated urban place.


West University Place (17,053) (in Houston School District).

Wharton (4,456)—C. Graves Sivells, Jr.

White Settlement (10,836)—G. F. Brewer.

Wichita Falls (67,709)—J. B. McNeil. Winters (2,671)—I. L. Lasater. Yoakum (5,225)—George P. Barron. Yorktown (2.596)—A. E. Teltschik. Ysleta* (4,778)—J. M. Hanks.


District and Superintendent

Beaver—D. R. Pearce, Beaver. Box E 1 d e r—Kenneth E. Weight,

Brigham. Cache—Lloyd M. Theurer, Logan. Carbon—Mont Harmon Price. Daggett—John G. Church, Manila. Davis—E. J. Hartvigsen, Farmington. Duchesne—Dean C. Christensen, Du¬

chesne. Emery—C. L. Frye, Huntington. Garfield—Sherman G. Eyre, Panguitch. Grand—Helen M. Knight, Moab. Iron—lanthus Wright, Cedar City. Juab:

Juab district—L. E. Anderson, Nephi.

Tintic district—Alexander Blight, Eureka.

Kane—T. L. Esplin, Kanab. Millard—Angus M. Maughan, Filmore. Morgan—L. W. Christensen, Morgan. Piute—J. E. Oscarson, Marysvale. Rich—Earl F. Passey, Randolph. Salt Lake:

Granite district—David Gourley, Salt Lake City.

Jordan district—A. E. Peterson, Sandy.

San Juan—Z. L. Black, Monticello. Sanpete:

North district—Howard C. Evans, Mount Pleasant.

South district—Maurice C. Bar¬ nett, Manti.

Sevier—A. J. Ashman, Richfield. Summit:

North district—R. S. Chipman, Coalville.

Park City district—Carl Winters. South district—Wilburn N. Ball,

Kamas. Tooele—S. R. Harris, Tooele. Uintah—H. M. Lundell, Vernal.

In most cases the district includes the entire county and bears the name of the county ; where the county contains two or more districts such districts are listed by county.


Utah: Alpine district—D. R. Mitchell,

American Fork. Nebo district—W. W. Brockbank,

Spanish Fork. Wasatch—Rowan C. Stutz, Heber City, j Washington—M. E. Moody, St. George. | Wayne—Owen M. Davis, Bicknell. ; Weber—A. P. Bates, Ogden.

Urban Place and Superintendent

American Fork (5.124)—Alpine dis- ’ trict.

Bingham Canyon (2,570)—Jordan dis¬ trict.

Bountiful (5,969)—Davis district. Brigham City (6,777)—Box Elder dis¬

trict. Cedar City (6,172)—Iron district. Clearfield (4,675)—Davis district. Dragerton* (4,702)—Carbon district. Heber (2,929)—Wasatch district. Helper (2,882)—Carbon district. Layton (3,454)—Davis district. Lehi (3,636)—Alpine district. Logan (16,802)—H. G. Vest. Magna* (3,532)—Granite district. Midvale (3,975)—Jordan district. Murray (8,998)—J. Easton Parratt. Nephi (2,989)—Juab district. Ogden (56,910)—T. O. Smith. Orem (8,338)—Alpine district. Payson (3,979)—Nebo district. Pleasant Grove (3,183)—Alpine dis¬

trict. Price (5,999)—Carbon district. Provo (28,899)—J. C. Moffitt. Richfield (4,209)—Sevier district. Roy (3,709)—Weber district. St. George (4,545)—Washington dis¬

trict. Salt Lake City (181,718)—M. L. Ben-

nion. South Ogden (3,764)—Weber district. South Salt Lake (7,668)—Granite dis¬

trict. Spanish Fork (5,227)—Nebo district. Springville (6,481)—Nebo district. Tooele (7,265)—Tooele district. Vernal (2,842)—Uintah district. Washington Terrace* (5,813)—Weber



Union Disfrlcfs, by County and Superintendent

Addison Coimty; Northeast—Milton Moore, Bristol. Northwest—Lloyd W. Moulton,

Vergennes. Central—R. W. Goodrich, Middle-


^Unincorporated urban place.


Addison County—Continued Addisou-Rutlaud—Theodore Sar¬

gent, Orwell. Bennington County:

Southwest—L. E. Wagner, Ben¬ nington.

Bennington-Rutland—E. L. Bige¬ low, Manchester Center.

Caledonia County: North—Urban C. Wakefield, Lyn-

donville. Central—Llewellyn Roberts, Dan¬

ville. Caledonia-Orange—J. S. Garvin,

South Ryegate. Chittenden County:

East—George W. Bountress, Essex Junction.

West—K. D. Lull, Shelburne. Central—A. D. Lawton, Essex,

Junction. Richmond—E. H. Clowse, Rich¬

mond. Essex County:

Essex-Caledonia—Daniel B. Dyer, Concord.

Essex-Orleaus—R. E. Currier, Is¬ land Pond.

Franklin County: Northeast—Tobin Haggerty, Rich-

ford. Northwest—Raymond Anderson,

Swanton. Franklin-Chittenden West—C. W.

Demeritt, St. Albans. St. Albans-Fairfield—John W. Ur-

quhart, St. Albans. Grand Isle County: Grand Isle—Ed¬

ward Stefaniak, Alburg. Lamoille County:

North—Edson E. Phelps, John¬ son.

South—R. J. Spencer, Morrisville. Orange County:

East—Fay G. Whitcomb, Bradford. Southwest—C. P. Boright, Ran¬

dolph. Orange-Washington—C. G. Fussell,

Barre. Orange-Windsor—A. O. Parker,

South Royalton. Orleans County:

North—L. L. Wells, Newport. Northwest—Ernest M. Codding,

North Troy. Central—H. A. Keniston, Barton. Southwest—Joseph R. Mallard,

Hardwick. Rutland County:

Northeast—R. D. Dopp, Pittsford. Southwest—A. C. Oulton, Poultney. Rutland-Fair Haven—Frank 6.

Stiles, Fair Haven. Rutland-W i n d s o r—J e r o m e Q.

Bullis, Ludlow.

Rutland County—Continued West Rutland—F. N. Hinchey,

West Rutland. Washington County:

Northeast—J. N. Perrin, Plainfield. West—F. W. Fiske, Waterbury. South—W. D. Gallagher, North-

field. Windham County:

Central—W. H. Pelkey, Newfane. South—Harlan B. Allen, Brattle-

boro. Southwest—James L. Gunn, Jack¬

sonville. Rockingham - Westminster — N.

Richard Butler, Bellows Falls. Windsor County:

Northwest—Wallace A. Martin, Rochester.

Central—Clarence Amsden, Wood- stock.

Southeast—T. J. Byrne, Windsor. Southwest—C h a r 1 e s P. Nason,

Chester. Hartford—Eugene Hoyt, Wilder.

Urban Place and Superintendent

Barre (10,922)—Charles G. Taylor. Bellows Falls (3,881) (in Rockingham-

Westmiuster Union District). Bennington (8,002)—Allan J. Heath. Brattleboro* (9,606) (in Brattleboro

town—Harry N. Montague). Burlington (33,155)—Lyman C. Hunt. Essex Junction (2,741) (in Chittenden

Central Union District). Middlebury (3,614) (in Addison Cen¬

tral Union District). Montpelier (8,599)—Donald W. Mc¬

Clelland. Newi)ort (5,217) (in Orleans North

Union District). Rutland (17,659)—Homer B. Ashland. St. Albans (8,552) (in St. Albans-Fair¬

field Union District). St. Johnsbury (7,370) (in St. Johnsbury

town—Frank R. Adams). Springfield (4,940) (in Springfield

town—Lyman W. Bole). Waterbury (3,153) (in Washington

West Union District). Windsor (3,467) (in Windsor Southeast

Union District). Winooski (6,734) (in Chittenden West

Union District).


County and Division Superintendent

Accomack—H. A. Wise, Accomac. Albermarle—Paul H. Cale, Charlottes¬


* Unincorporated urban place.


Alleghany—Wm. R. Beazley, Covington. Amelia-Nottoway—C. M. Bussinger,

Nottoway. Amherst—A. J. Camden, Amherst. Appomattox—J. A. Burke, Appomattox. Arlington—T. Edward Rutter, Arling¬

ton. Augusta—Hugh K. Cassell, Staunton. Bath—Edwin E. Will, Warm Springs. Bedford—A. G. Cummings, Bedford. Bland—R. P. Reynolds, Bland. Botetourt—H. M. Painter, Fincastle. Brunswick—B. F. Walton, Lawrence-

ville. Buchanan—P. V. Dennis, Grundy. Buckingham—Irving S. Driscoll, Buck¬

ingham C. H. Campbell—J. J. Fray, Rustburg. Caroline—W. A. Vaughan, Bowling

Green. Carroll—R. E. Kyle, Hillsville. Charles City-James City-New Kent—

Clarence Jennings, Toano. Charlotte—R. W. Bobbitt, Keysville. Chesterfield—E. S. H. Greene, Chester¬

field. Clarke—George W. Burton, Berryville. Craig—J. W. McCleary, New Castle. Culpeper—Paul Hounshell, Culpeper. Cumberland-Prince Edward—T. J. Mc-

Ilwaine, Farmville. Dickenson—James M. Skeen, Clint-

wood. Dinwiddle—W. A. Scarborough, Din¬

widdle. Elizabeth City-Hampton—C. A. Lind¬

say, Hampton. Essex-Middlesex—Thomas P. Harwood,

Center Cross. Fairfax—W. T. Woodson, Fairfax. Fauquier—C. M. Bradley, Warrenton. Floyd—A. Strode Brockman, Floyd. Fluvanna—J. P. Snead, Fork Union. Franklin—H. W. Ramsey, Rocky

Mount. Frederick—Robert E. Aylor, Winches¬

ter. Giles—G. F. Poteet, Pearisburg. Gloucester—D. D. Forrest, Gloucester. Goochland—^Ashby W. Kay, Goochland. Grayson—Burt C. Rhudy, Independ¬

ence. Greene-Madison—S. C. Morgan, Madi¬

son. Greensville—E. R. Riedel, Emporia. Halifax—R. L. Lacy, Halifax. Hanover—D. B. Webb, Ashland. Henrico—C. K. Holsinger, Henrico C.

H., Richmond. Henry—J. Foster Hollifield, Martins¬

ville. Highland—Roscoe V. Buckland, Monie-

rey. Isle of Wight—L. T. Hall, Windsor. James City. (See Charles City-James

City-New Kent.)

King and Queen-King William—W. E. Garber, King William.

King George-Stafford—T. Benton Gayle, Fredericksburg.

King William. {See King and Queen- King William.)

Lancaste r-Northumberland—R. E. Brann, Heathsville.

Lee—S. J. Shelburne, Jonesville. Loudoun—O. L. Emerick, Leesburg. Louisa—Byrd W. Long, Louisa. Lunenburg—Macon F. Fears, Victoria. Madison. (See Greene-Madison.) Mathews—D. D. Forrest, Gloucester. Mecklenburg—^Alonza B. Haga, Boyd-

ton. Middlesex. (See Essex-Middlesex.) Montgomery—S. T. Godbey, Christians-

burg. Nansemond—H. V. White, Suffolk. Nelson—W. E. Kidd, Lovingston. New Kent. (See Charles City-James

City-New Kent.) Norfolk—Edwin W. Chittum, Norfolk. Northampton—W. F. Lawson, Jr., Cape

Charles. Northumberland. (See Lancaster-

Northumberland.) Nottoway. (/See Amelia-Nottoway.) Orange—C. J. M. Kyle, Orange. Page—C. C. Graves, Luray. Patrick—James V. Law, Stuart. Pittsylvania—H. R. Elmore, Chatham. Powhatan—J. B. M. Carter, Powhatan. Prince Edward. {See Cumberland-

Prince Edward.) Prince George. (Part of Hopewell

City-Prince George County School Division—C. W. Smith.)

Prince William—J. M. Garber, Manas¬ sas.

Princess Anne—F. W. Cox, Princess Anne.

Pulaski—Frank J. Critzer, Pulaski. Rappahannock-Warren—Q. D. Gasque,

Front Royal. Richmond-Westmoreland—B lake T.

Newton, Hague. Roanoke—R. D. Nininger, Salem. Rockbridge—Floyd S. Kay, Lexington. Rockingham—Wilbur S. Pence, Harri¬

sonburg. Russell—G. H. Givens, Lebanon. Scott—C. F. Starnes, Gate City. Shenandoah—B. S. Hilton, Woodstock. Smyth—J. Leonard Mauck, Marion. Southampton—B. T. Watkins, Franklin. Spotsylvania—J. S. Caldwell, Spotsyl¬

vania. Stafford. {See King George-Stafford.) Surry—M. B. Joyner, Dendron. Sussex—T. D. Foster, Waverly. Tazewell—J. L. Walthall, Tazewell. Warren. {See Rappahannock-Warren.) Warwick-York—T. R. Sanford, Jr., Hil¬

ton Village.


I Washington—K. P. Birckhead, Abing¬ don.

I Westmoreland. {See Richmond-West- moreland.)

Wise—J. J. Kelly, Jr., Wise. Wythe—Fendall R. Ellis, Wytheville. York. {See Warwick-York.)

Urban Place and Superintendent

Abingdon (4,705 ) —W ashington County.

Alexandria (61,604)—T. C. Williams. Altavista (3,379)—Campbell County. Appalachia (2,898)—Wise County. Arlington-Five Forks-Kenwood*

(4,122)—Prince George County. Ashland (2,610)—Hanover County. Bassetts* (3,421)—Henry County. Bedford (4,050)—Bedford County. Big Stone Gap (5,158)—Wise County. Blacksburg (3,352)—Montgomery

County. Blackstone (3,528)—Amelia County. Bluefleld (4,204)—Tazewell County. Bristol (15,897)—J. B. Van Pelt. Buena Vista (5,219)—F. W. Kling. Charlottesville (25,909)—H. C. Sul-

fridge. Chincoteague (2,719) — Accomac

County. Christiansburg (2,952)—Montgomery

County. Clifton Forge (5,769)—Paul G. Hook. Colonial Heights (6,075)—Chesterfield

County. Copeland Park* (7,107)—Elizabeth

City County. Covington (6,238)—Alleghany County. Culpeper (2,518)—Culpeper County. Danville (34,537)—O. T. Bonner. East Hampton-North Phoebus*

(3,427)—Elizabeth City County. Emporia (5,654)—Greensville County. Ettricks* (3,031)—Chesterfield County. Falls Church (7,534)—Irvin H. Schmitt. Farm ville (4,351) —C umberland

County. Ferguson P ar k * (4,692)—Warwick

County. Franklin (4,653) —So uthampton

County. Fredericksburg (12,143)—G. H. Brown. Front Royal (8,121)—Rappahannock

County. Galax (5,230)—Carroll and Grayson

Counties. Hampton (5,957) —Elizabeth City

County. Harrisonburg (10,764)—M. H. Bell. Hilton* (4,474)—Warwick County. Highland Springs* (3,185)—Henrico

County. Hopewell (10,184) (in Hopewell-Prince

George County School Division— C. W. Smith). I

Jericho-Lloyd Place-Pleasant Hill* (4,663)—Nansemond County.

Lexington (5,9 6 5)—Rockbridge County.

Luray (2,722)—Page County. Lynchburg (47,639)—Paul M. Munro. Madison Heights* (2,828)—Amherst

County. Marion (6,941)—Smyth County. Martinsville (17,210)—M. L. Carper. Newport News (41,571)—R. O. Nelson. Newsome Park-Hilton Park* (14,891) —

Warwick County. Norfolk (188,601)—John J. Brewbaker. North Hampton - South Hampton*

(5,905)—Elizabeth City County. Norton (4,293)—Wise County. Orange (2,553)—Orange County. Petersburg (34,948)—John D. Meade. Phoebus (3,700) — Elizabeth City

County. PorMock (3,800)—Norfolk County. Portsmouth (71,294)—Alf J. Mapp. Pulaski (9,136)—Pulaski County. Radford (8,979)—F. E. DeHaven. Richlands (4,635)—Tazewell County. Richmond (229,906)—H. I. Willett. Riverview* (14,227)—Elizabeth City

County. Roanoke (91,089)—D. E. McQuilkin. Salem (6,820)—Roanoke County. Saltville (2,677)—Smyth County. Sandston-Seven Pines* (3,898)—Hen¬

rico County. Schoolfield-Jaffa* (4,835) — Pittsyl¬

vania County. Sherwood Park* (2,528)—Elizabeth

City County. South Boston (6,079)—Halifax County. South Norfolk (10,408)—William J.

Story. Staunton (19,884)—L. F. Shelburne. Suffolk (12,287)—William R. Savage

Jr. Vinton (3,646)—Roanoke County. Virginia Beach (5,344)—Princess Anne

County. Waynesboro (12,337)—F. B. Glenn. Williamsburg (6,726)—Rawls Byrd. Winchester (13,766)—G. R. Quarles. Wytheville (5,405)—Wythe County.


County and Superintendent

Adams—Mrs. Mary C. Pierce, Ritzville. Asotin—Dewey Scheibe, Asotin. Benton—Margaret Thompson, Prosser. Chelan—Herbert J. Kinkade, Wenat¬

chee. Clallam—Mrs. Inez V. McLaughlin,

Port Angeles.

♦Unincorporated urban place.


Clark—Mrs. Ada Gill Holliday, Van¬ couver.

Columbia—R. A. Berry, Dayton. Cowlitz—Mrs. Lydia F. Crosby, Kelso. Douglas—Florence Dahlke, Waterville. Ferry—Mrs. Evelyn Modini, Republic. Franklin—Mrs. Edith K. O’Brien,

Pasco. Garfield—A. L. Cabbage, Pomeroy. Grant—Mrs. Trilby M. Nelson, Ephrata. Grays Harbor—Mrs. Lota King Wiley,

Montesano. Island—Mrs. Helen A. Baker, Coupe-

ville. Jefferson—Thomas Lieb, Port Town¬

send. King—L. M. Dimmitt, Seattle. Kitsap-, Port Orchard. Kittitas—J. E. Miles, Ellensburg. Klickitat—Mrs. Grace M. Forry, Gold-

endale. Lewis—Mrs. Florence Kennicott, Che-

halis. Lincoln—^Earl L. Anglemyer, Daven¬

port. Mason—J. W. Goodpaster, Shelton. Okanogan—Mrs. Ella Poffenroth, Okan¬

ogan. Pacific—Neil Bailey, South Bend. Pend Oreille—Mrs. Claire Howe, New¬

port. Pierce—Mrs. Ruth Bethel, Tacoma. San Juan—Mrs. Julia Jensen, Friday

Harbor. Skagit—G. Ira Loree, Mount Vernon. Skamania—Mrs. Lura A. Grenia,

Stevenson. Snohomish—Mrs. Dorothy J. Bennett,

Everett. Spokane—Clifton A. Hussey, Spokane. Stevens—Lewis Miles, Colville. Thurston—Martin S. Miller, Olympia. Wahkiakum—Mrs. Myrtle Smalley,

Cathlamet. Walla Walla—Mrs. Eva Stull, Walla

Walla. Whatcom—Clinton S. McBeath, Bel¬

lingham. Whitman—Mrs. Ruth S. Timm, Colfax. Yakima—A. W. Allen, Yakima.

Urban Place and Superintendent

Aberdeen (19,475)—Edward F. Bloom. Anacortes (6,916)—Clarence E. Hen¬

ning. Auburn (6,494)—R. H. Upton. Bellingham (33,934)—C. P. Shangle. Beverly Park-Laurel Heights-Lowell-

Pinehurst* (8,357) (in Everett School District).

Bremerton (27,746)—Armin G. Jahr. Buckley (2,689) (in White River School

District). Camas (4,705)—Clifford A. Duncan. Centralia (8,648)—W. H. Bloom.

Ohehalis (5,639)—Chester V. Rhodes. Cheney (2,685)—Charles Salt. Clarkston (5,589)—William J. Harmon. Colfax (3,054)—Howard C. Moses. College Place (3,166)—E. W. Thoring-

ton. Colville (2,989)—Myron G. Colburn. Dayton (2,960)—Carl A. Nelson. Ellensburg (8,417)—Edward K. Erick¬

son. Enumclaw (2,788) (in White River

School District—Morgen Owings. Ephrata (4,584)—Noble S. Moodhe. Everett (33,807)—Charles A. McGlade. Fairview* (3,296) (in Fairview School

District). Fruitvale* (3,598) (in Castlevale School

District—Aubrey Dunnington, P. O., Yakima).

Grand Coulee (2,735)—Lyman D. Stamper.

Hoquiam (11,100)—William F. Bohrn- sen.

Kelso (7,324)—R. G. Dennis. Kennewick (10,086)—Erwin S. Black. Kent (3,260)—W. S. Wynstra. Kirkland (4,691)—Morton A. Johnson. Longview (20,256)—E. J. McNamara. McMicken Heights* (2,550) (in High-

line School District—L. D. Baker, P. O., Seattle 88).

Mason* (2,638) (in Coulee Dam School District—J. W. Stansfield).

Medical Lake (3,015)—Arthur H. Ir¬ win.

Moses Lake (2,668)—C. B. McFadden. Mount Vernon (5,198)—Wendell T.

Phipps. Navy Yard* (3,000) (in Bremerton

School District—Armin G. Jahr). North Richland* (3,132) (in Richland

School District—P. A. Wright). Olympia (15,711)—Leland P. Brown. Omak (3,792)—E. E. Newland. Pasco (10,177)—Herman F. Jaeger, Port Angeles (11,172)—J. D. Glann. Port Townsend (6,837)—W. H. Carder. Prosser (2,614)—William E. Frasier. Pullman (11,979)—Louis V. Bruno. Puyallup (9,967)—Paul B. Hanawalt. Raymond (4.041)—Ira Overstreet. Renton (16,039)—Oliver M. Hazen. Richland* (21,793)—P. A. Wright. Seattle (462,440)—Samuel E. Fleming. Sedro-Woolley (3,288)—G. L. Carter. Shelton (4,962)—R. W. Oltman. Snohomish (3,124)—G. A. Moore. South Broadway* (3,220) (in Broad¬

way School District—Norman L. Westling, P. O., Yakima).

Spokane (160,484)—John A. Shaw. Sumner (2,715)—C. E. Willard. Sunnyside (4,169)—K. P. Mallery. Tacoma (142,975)—Alden H. Blanken¬


"‘Unincorporated urban place.


roppenish (5,247)—A. K. Temperley. u Tumwater (2,727)-•

Vancouver (41,449)—A. Dale White- ij ^ nack.

Walla Walla (24,071)—Arthur D. Jones. Wapto (3,181)—H. J. Kramer. Wenatchee (12,965)—Paul F. Furge-

1 ; son. jWest Wenatchee* (2,678)-.

epiyakima (38,375)—M. L. Martin.


County and Superintendent

4 Barbour—Bretsel, Harris, Philippi, y Berkeley—James L. Creasy, Martins-

I burg. Boone—C. D. Tamplin, Madison.

^Braxton—Roy Cartwright, Sutton, f Brooke—Olen Riitan, Weilsburg. ) Cahell—Olin C. Nutter, Huntington. [ Calhoun—G. W. Yoak, Grantsville. i Clay—Harold Proudfoot, Clay, t Doddridge—J. K. Randolph, West

Union. i Fayette—Otway Gunnoe, Fayetteville.

•| Gilmer—Roland Butcher, Glenville. Grant—A. Neil Frye, Petersburg.

[ Greenbrier—J. F. JMontgomery, Lewis- 1 burg.

Hampshire—A. Clinton Loy, Romney. • Hancock—A. L. Rabenstein, New Cum¬

berland. Hardy—R. S. Dispanet, Moorefield. Harrison—A. V. Upton, Clarksburg. Jackson—C. Otis Casto, Ripley. Jefferson—T. A. Lowery, Charles Town. Kanawha—Virgil L. Flinn, Charleston. Lewis—Robert Crawford, Weston.

: Lincoln—B. F. White, Hamlin. Logan—Paul C. Winter, Logan,

i Marion—J. J. Straight, Fairmont. Marshall—Louis R. Potts, Moundsville.

i Mason—Kenneth Shaffer, Point Pleas- [ ant. I Mercer—C. H. Archer, Princeton. I Mineral—H. L. Idleman, Keyser. i Mingo—Troy Floyd, Jr., Williamson. I Monongalia—Floyd B. Cox, Morgan¬

town. ] Monroe—Hugh Hughes, Union.

Morgan—Verl W. Snyder, Berkeley Springs.

McDowell—George W. Bryson, Welch. Nicholas—Harry Straley, Summers-

ville. • Ohio—J. P. McHenry, Wheeling.

t Pendleton—Floyd J. Dahmer, Franklin. ‘ Pleasants—L. F. Rosenlieb, Saint

Marys. ' Pocahontas—Eric S. Clutter, MaiTinton.

Preston—Paul Watson, Kingwood. ' Putnam—'O. O. White, Winfield. - Raleigh—D. W. Bryson, Beckley. ; Randolph—Stark Wilmoth, Elkins.

Ritchie—Orval P. Hill, Harrisville. Roane—R. Myles Spencer, Spencer. Summers—J. L. Perry, Hinton. Taylor—R. Virgil Rohrbough, Grafton. Tucker—Jason Wolford, Parsons. Tyler—L. O. Lawson, Middlebourne. Upshur—Brown Trussler, Buckhannon. Wayne—Renick E. Wilkinson, Wayne. W e b s t e r—J o h n Shock, Webster

Springs. Wetzel—Leslie Garrett, New Martins¬

ville, Wirt—Charles Cline, Elizabeth. Wood—E. S. Shannon, Parkersburg. Wyoming—Jesse W. Morgan, Pineville.

Urban Places

[In this State the schools of the city are a part of the school system of the county in which the city is located.]

Beckley (19,397)—Raleigh County. Ben wood (3,485)—Marshall County. Bluefield (21,506)—Mercer County. Buckhannon (6,016)—Upshur County. Charleston (73,501)—Kanawha County. Charles Town (3,035)—Jefferson

County. Chesapeake (2,566)—Kanawha County. Chester (3,758)—Hancock County. Clarksburg (32,014)—Harrison County. Cora-Mt. Gay* (4,201)—Logan County. Dunbar (8.032)—Kanawha County. Elkins (9,121)—Randolph County. Fairmont (29,346)—Marion County. Follansbee (4,435)—Brooke County. Gary-Ream* (2,858)—M c D o w e 1 1

County. Grafton (7,365)—Taylor County. Hinton (5,780)—Summers County. Huntington (86,353)—Cabell County

and Wayne County. Kenova (4,320)—Wayne County. Keyser (6,347)—Mineral County. Keystone (2,594)—McDowell County, r.ogan (5,079)—Logan County. McComas* (2,999)—Mercer County. McMechen (3,518)—Marshall County. Mannington (3,241)—Marion County. Marmet (2,515)—Kanawha County. M a r t i u s b u r g (15,621) —Berkeley

County. Montgomery (3,484)—Fayette County

and Kanawha County. Morgantown (25,525)—M o n o n-

galia County. Moundsville (14,722) —Marshall

County. Mount Hope (2,588)—Fayette County. Mullens (3,470)—Wyoming County. New Martinsville (4,084)—Wetzel


♦Unincorporated urban idace.


Nitro (3,314)—Kanawha County and Putnam County.

Oak Hill (4,518)—Fayette County. O m a r-B a r n a b u s* (3,073)—Logan

County. Paden City (2,588)—^Wetzel County

and Tyler County. Parkersburg (29,684)—Wood County. Philippi (2,531)—Barbour County. Piedmont (2,565)—Mineral County. Point Pleasant (4,596)—Mason County. Princeton (8,279)—Mercer County. Ricbwood (5,321)—Nicholas County. St. Albans (9,870)—Kanawha County. Salem (2,578)—Harrison County. Shinnston (2,793)—Harrison County. South Charleston (16,686)—Kanawha

County. South Parkersburg* (10,808)—^Wood

County. Spencer (2,587)—Roane County. Sprague* (2,626)—Raleigh County. Verdunville-Mudf ork* (2,941) —Logan

County. Vienna (6,020)—Wood County. War (3,992)—McDowell County. Weirton (24,005)—Hancock County

and Brook County. Welch (6,603)—McDowell County. Wellsburg (5,787)—Brooke County. Weston (8,945)—Lewis County. Westover (4,318)—Monongalia County. Wheeling (58,891)—Ohio County. White Sulphur Springs (2,643)—Green¬

brier County. Williamson (8,624)—Mingo County.


County and Superintendent

Adams—I. S. Jones, Friendship. Ashland—D. M. Kenyon, Ashland. Barron—Hazel M. Calhoun, Barron. Bayfield—John W. Howell, Washburn. Brown—Joseph Donovan, Green Bay. Buffalo—O. J. Sohrweide, Alma. Burnett—Byron T. Smith, Grantsburg. Calumet—F. J. Flanagan, Chilton. Chippewa—Anna Thorpe, Chippewa

Falls. Clark—Russell Drake, Neillsville. Columbia—Clifford Barnard, Portage. Crawford—Leonore M. Feldman, Prai¬

rie du Chien. Dane:

First district—Harry Hanson, Sun Prairie.

Second district—Blanche Losinski, Mount Horeb.

Dodge—Ira Cravillion, Juneau. Door—Curtis Tronson, Sturgeon Bay. Douglas—Gladys Lynch, Superior. Dunn—Archie A. Shafer, Menomonie.

♦Unincorporated urban place.

Eau Claire—Jennie L. Webster, Eau Claire.

Florence—Ruben Bergsten, Florence. Fond du Lac—Lester A. Timm, Fond du

Lac. Forest—Mrs. Julia Bushman, Crandon. Grant—Alex M. Jones, Lancaster. Green—Mrs. Irene F. Quinn, Monroe. Green Lake—Wilmer Gorske, Green

Lake. Iowa—Mrs. Lillian Ellis, Dodgeville. Iron—Eve Grubisic, Hurley. Jackson—Hal Dyar, Black River Falls. Jefferson—Mrs. Eva N. Bock, Jefferson. Juneau—Beatrice Burgdorff, Mauston. Kenosha—Margaret A. Diehl, Kenosha. Kewaunee—Mrs. May Smithwick, Ke¬

waunee. La Crosse—Mrs. Hazel Leicht, La

Crosse. Lafayette—Paul F. Gleiter, Darlington. Langlade—Orris Mork, Antigo. Lincoln—Harold R. Edmund, Merrill. Manitowoc—Gretna T. Brown, Mani¬

towoc. Marathon—W. E. Moore, Wausau. Marinette—Christine A. Christenson,

Marinette. Marquette—C. R. Bartz, Montello. Milwaukee—Michael S. Kies, Mil¬

waukee. Monroe—Ollie M. Swanson, Sparta. Oconto—Russell L. O’Connor, Oconto. Oneida—J. M. Reid, Rhinelander. Outagamie—H. J. Van Straten, Apple-

ton. Ozaukee—Elmer Keil, Fredonia. Pepin—Wilbur M. Gibson, Durand. Pierce—Elsie Schorta, Ellsworth. Polk—L. R. Bune, Balsam Lake. Portage—Rowena Allen, Stevens Point. Price—Elizabeth Dunn, Phillips. Racine—Henry G. Brach, Union Grove. Richland—Theo. Jacobson, Richland

Center. Rock—D. E. Upson, Janesville. Rusk—G. T. Longbotham, Ladysmith. St. Croix—N. EL Erickson, Hammond, Sauk—Kurt R. Schoenoff, Baraboo. Sawyer—Carl Borge, Hayward. Shawano—Mrs. Theresa Van Horne,

Shawano. Sheboygan—R. B. Lightfoot, Sheboygan. Taylor—Arthur Prochnow, Medford. Trempealeau—Tillie Sylfest, Whitehall. Vernon—W. J, Schallock, Viroqua, Vilas—John B, Matson, Eagle River. Walworth—Sheridan Ellsworth, Elk-

horn. Washburn—Marie Kennedy, Shell Lake. Washington—Harry D. Sheski, West

Bend. Waukesha—^Winston Brown, Wau¬

kesha. Waupaca—Louis Drobnick, Waupaca. Waushara—Clifford Larson, Wautoma.


Winnebago—Ida May Bower, Oshkosh. Wood—Matt Knedle, Wisconsin Rapids.

Urban Place and Superintendent

Algoma (3,382)—Harvey Cornell. Allouez* (4,084) (P. O., Green Bay,

R. 6)—Leo Helmiith. Antigo (9,897)—Morgan Poulette. Appleton (33,892)—J. P. Mann. Ashland (10,594)—G. A. Bassford. Baraboo (7,217)—G. L. Willson. Beaver Dam (11,833)—Eric L. Becker. Beloit (29,541)—Fred N. Johnston. Berlin (4,688)—Carl Wolf. Black River Falls (2,806)—Melvin

Schmollenberg. Bloomer (2,555)—F. E. Herrell. Burlington (4,774)—Edward C. Austin. Cedarburg (2,814)—Clarence Thorson. Chippewa Falls (11,072)—R. N. Holm-

stead. Clintonville (4,652)—K. O. Rawson. Columbus (3,242)—R. P. Moser. Cudahy (12,090)—John E. Jones. Delavan (4,000)—C. H. Wileman. De Pere (8,112)—T. J. McGlynn. Dodgeville (2,515)—Milton Fischer. Eau Claire (35,862)—Homer E. De

Long. Edgerton (3,495)—Roland A. Klaus. Elkhorn (2,917)—Stanley Helms. Evansville (2,530)—John C. McKenna. Fond du Lac (29,826)—H. C. Bauer. Fort Atkinson (6,257)—James F.

Luther. Fox Point (2,549) (in Joint School

District No. 2, Milwaukee County). Green Bay (52,443)—Fred Wandrey. Greendale (2,747)—J. R. Ambruster. Hartford (4,547)—W. E. Casely. Horicon (2,658)—C. W. Spangler. Hudson (3,436)—E. P. Rock. Hurley (3,030)—Joseph E. Murphy. Janesville (24,829)—V. E. Klontz. Jefferson (3,620)—R. J. Marshall. Kaukauna (8,361)—T. H. Boebel. Kenosha (54,360)—H. R. Maurer. Kewaunee (2,576)—E. F. Waterstreet. Kimberly (3,181)—J. E. Gerritts. La Crosse (47,396)—Arthur Jordan. Ladysmith (3,910)—Howard Schiotz. Lake Geneva (4,279)—V. O. Pollock. Lake Mills (2,529)—Melvin Fuszard. Lancaster (3,245)—H. G. Gall. Little Chute (4,151)—H. C. Obarski. Madison (95,594)—Philip H. Falk. Manitowoc (27,444)—A. B. Rothwell. Marinette (14,198)—Wm. F. Waterpool. Marshfield (12,377)—G. D. Tinkham. Mauston (3,168)—M. A. Kjeseth. Mayville (2,995)—Woodrow J. Sizer. Medford (2,795)—Orvus Dodsworth. Menasha (12,360)—M. J. Gegan.

Menomonie (8,184)—W. G. Ballentine. Merrill (8,913)—Russell S. Way. Milwaukee (632,651)—H. S. Vincent. Monona (2,533)—Loyal Sargent. Monroe (7,008)—E. O. Evans. Neenah (12,418)—H. R. Mennes. Neillsville (2,655)—Donald E. Peters. New London (4,908)-. New Richmond (2,869)—Cedric A. Vig. Oconomowoc (5,322)—H. E. Olson. Oconto (5,046)—Walter R. Bruce. Onalaska (2,561)—Henry M. Tall. Oshkosh (40,934)—Perry A. Tipler. Park Falls (2,933)—F. G. MacLachlan. Perrygo Place] (3,312)-. Platteville (5,718)—R. E. Balliette. Plymouth (4,540)—E. G. Burnkrant. Portage (7,283)—Douglas Brown. Port Washington (4,754)—W. R. Dun-

widdie. Prairie du Chien (5,392)—B. A. Ken¬

nedy. Preble* (5,078) (in Brown County). Racine (70,749)—Ernest G. Lake. Reedsburg (4,078)—R. T. Normington. Rhinelander (8,728)—W. F. Kruschke. Rice Lake (6,911)—Louis M. King. Richland Center (4,620)—Gilbert H.

Grosenick. Ripon (5,610)—R. H. Licking. River Falls (3,877)—L. H. Dawson. Shawano (5,869)—N. P. Cupery. Sheboygan (42,485)—H. E. Smith. Sheboygan Falls (3,604)—D. F. Davis. Shorewood (16,105)—T. J. Jenson. South Milwaukee (12,826)—E. W. Lu¬

ther. Southwest Wausau* (2,680) (in Roths¬

child Joint District).—Franklin Mc¬ Intyre.

Sparta (5,878)—William R. Bruce. Spooner (2,610)—H. J. Antholz. Stevens Point (16,550)—P. M. Vincent. Stoughton (4,813)—A. Moldenhauer. Sturgeon Bay (6,913)—F. W. Kellar. Superior (35,091)—Leslie W. Johnson. Tomah (4,771)—E. J. McKean. Tomahawk (3,541)—Melvin F. Asher. Two Rivers (9,890)—H. G. Knudtson. Viroqua (3,788)—R. E. Clausen. Watertown (12,.393)—Roger B. Holtz. Waukesha (21,186)—R. G. Hein. Waupaca (3,922)—G. W. Hendrickson. Waupun (6,725)—H. E. Kujath. Wausau (30,386)—G. W. Bannerman. Wauwatosa (33,300)—Harley J. Powell. West Allis (42,945)—E. G. Kellogg. West Bend (6,845)—Fred R. Holt. West Milwaukee (5,417) — Mathew

Barkley. Whitefish Bay (14,626)—C. L. Mulrine. Whitewater (5,085)—John A. Bjorge. Wisconsin Rapids (13,518) — Floyd


♦Unincorporated urban place.



County and Superintendent

Albany—Helen J. Nelson, Laramie. Big Horn—Mrs. Myrtle L. Hunsaker,

Basin. Campbell—Mrs. Viola W. Warlow, Gil¬

lette. Carbon—Helen A. Irving, Rawlins. Converse—Mrs. Frankie Hern, Douglas. Crook—Mrs. Hazel L. Kelly, Sundance. Fremont—Helen Petersdorf, Lander. Goshen—Mrs. Fern Allen, Torrington. Hot Springs—Mrs. Jessie C. Thompson,

Thermopolis. Johnson—Mrs. Gladys E. Westover,

Buffalo. Laramie—Mrs. Rosella Carson, Chey¬

enne. Lincoln—Mrs. Eflae Alleman, Kem-

merer. Natrona—Morgan D. Davis, Casper. Niobrara—Mrs. Grace E. Kuns, Lusk. Park—Mrs. Florence E. Wogoman,

Cody. Platte—Mrs. Florence

Wheatland. B. Redfern,

Sheridan—Mrs. Hazel Sheridan.

M. Conley,

Sublette—Mrs. Rosalie Pinedale.

E. Hockett,

Sweetwater—Mrs. Carrie Sprowell, Rock Springs.

Teton—Mrs. Beth H. Francis, Jackson.

Uinta—Mrs. Jennie M. Isherwood, Evanston.

Washakie—H. T. Emmett, Worland. Weston—Sybil Jackson, Newcastle.

Urban Place and Superintendent

Buffalo (2,674) : Elem.—Theodore B. Stevens. High (Johnson County)—J. M.

Maggard. Casper (23,673)—Dean C. Morgan. I Clieyenne (31,935)—Jesse L. Goins. Oody (3,872)—Frank G. Kraus. , Douglas (2,544)—Lee Bruce. Evanston (3,863)—Clyde W. Kurtz. Green River (3,187)—J. V. Bernard. ( Lander (3,349) :

Elem.—J. S. Starrett. ( High (Fremont County)—R. W,

Thompson. Laramie (15,581)—J. E. Thayer. ' Newcastle (3,395)—V. T. Harman. Powell (3,804)—C. W. Richard. i Rawlins (7,415)—Robert B. Lee. Riverton (4,142)—Ralph A. Forsythe. Rock Springs (10,857)—E. M. Thomp- ^

son. Sheridan (11,500)—Karl D. Bell. i Thermopolis (2,870)—E. J. Bush. Torrington (3,247)—Roy Gingles. Worland (4,202) : I

Elem.—Frank R. Watson. High (Washakie County)—Ralph i

G. Wellman.


[Supervising Officer and Address]


Baltimore, Md.—Rev. Leo J. McCormick, diocesan superintendent of schools,

415 Professional Building, 330 North Charles Street.

Boston 15, Mass.—Rt. Rev. Msgr. Cornelius T. Sherlock, diocesan superintendent

of schools, 468 Beacon Street.

Chicago 10, Ill.—Rt. Rev. Msgr. D. F. Cunningham, diocesan superintendent of schools, 205 West Wacker Drive.

Cincinnati 12, Ohio—Rt. Rev. IMsgr. Carl J. Ryan, diocesan superintendent of

schools, 5418 Moeller Avenue, Norwood, Ohio.

Denver 5, Colo.—Rev. Edward A. Leyden, diocesan superintendent of schools,

230 East Seventeenth Avenue. Detroit 26, Mich.—Rt. Rev. Msgr. Carroll F. Deady, diocesan superintendent of

schools, 305 Michigan Avenue. Dubuque, Iowa—Rev. A. A. Halbach, director of education. Eleventh and Bluff

Streets. Indianapolis 4, Ind.—Rev. John B. Casey, diocesan superintendent of schools,

144 West Georgia Street. Los Angeles 15, Calit.—Very Rev. Msgr. Patrick J. Dignan, diocesan superintend¬

ent of schools, 1531 West Ninth Street.

Louisville 2, Ky.—Rt. Rev. Msgr. Felix N. Pitt, diocesan superintendent of

schools, 151 South Fifth Street.

Milwaukee 12, Wis.—Very Rev. Msgr. Edmund J. Goebel, diocesan superintendent

of schools, 437 West Galena Street.

Newark 2, N. J.—Rt. Rev. Msgr. W. F. Lawlor, diocesan superintendent of

schools, 31 Mulberry Street.

New Orleans, La.—Very Rev. Msgr, Henry C. Bezou, superintendent of parochial

schools, St. Patrick’s Rectory, 724 Camp Street.

New York 22, N. Y.—Very Rev. Msgr. John J. Voight, diocesan superintendent

of schools, 451 Madison Avenue.

Omaha 2, Nebr.—Rev. R. C. Ulrich, diocesan superintendent of schools, 2507 Cass Street.

Philadelphia 3, Pa.—Rev. Edward M. Reilly, superintendent of parochial schools,

310 North Nineteenth Street.

Portland 1, Oreg.—Rev. Martin Thielen, diocesan superintendent of schools,

2053 Southwest Sixth Avenue.

St. Louis 8, Mo.—Rev. James E. Hotlich, superintendent of schools, 3810 Lindell Boulevard.

St. Paul 2, Minn.—Rev. Roger J. Connole, diocesan superintendent of schools,

240 Summit Avenue.

San Antonio 5, Tex.—Very Rev. Msgr. John L. Morkosky, superintendent of parochial schools, 230 Dwyer Avenue.

San Francisco 17, Calif.—Rev. James N. Brown, diocesan superintendent of

schools, 1000 Fulton Street.

Data furnished by the National Catholic Welfare Conference, Washington, D. C.



Sante Fe, N. Mex.—Rt. Rev. Msgr. William T. Bradley, diocesan superintendent •

of schools, 223 Cathedral Place.

Seattle 4, Wash.—Rev. Philip H. Duffy, diocesan superintendent of schools, 907

Terry Avenue.

Washington 6, D. C.—Very Rev. Msgr. John S. Spence, director of education,

1814 N Street NW.


Albany, N. Y.—Rev. James P. Hanrahan, superintendent of schools, 695 Fifth

Avenue, Watervliet, N. Y.

Alexandria, La.—Rev. Leon R. Aycock, diocesan director of schools, P. O. Box 7.

Altoona, Pa.—Rev. Francis A. McNelis, diocesan superintendent of schools, 1406

Twelfth Avenue.

Amarillo, Tex.—Very Rev. A. M. Bottoms, diocesan superintendent of schools.

Chancery Office, Box 2009.

Austin, Tex.—Rev. Edward C. Matocha, Chancellor, P. O. Box 1057.

Baker, Oreg.—Rev. William S. Stone, diocesan superintendent of schools, P. O.

Box 116, Dufur, Oreg.

Belleville, Ill.—Rev. Laurence O’Connell, diocesan superintendent of schools, j

422 St. Louis Avenue, East St. Louis, Ill.

Bismarck, N. Dak.—Rev. John E. Garvin, diocesan superintendent of schools, '

St. Mary’s Central High School, N. Dak. \

Boise, Idaho—Rev. Malachy McNeill, diocesan director of schools, chancery office.

Box 769.

Brooklyn 5, N. Y.—Rt. Rev. Msgr. Joseph V. S. McClancy, diocesan superintendent

of schools, 75 Green Avenue. '

Buffalo 2, N. Y.—Very Rev. Mgsr. Sylvester J. Holbel, superintendent of parochial

schools, 35 Niagara Square.

Burlington, Vt.—Rt. Rev. Msgr. William A. Crowley, superintendent of parochial

schools, 115 Barlow Street, Winooski, Vt.

Camden, N. J.—Rev. Charles P. McGarry, diocesan superintendent of schools,

721 Cooper Street.

Charleston 15, S. C.—The Reverend Superintendent, 136 St. Philip Street

Cheyenne, Wyo.—Rt. Rev. James A. Hartmann (chancellor), P. O. Box 436.

Cleveland 14, Ohio—Rt. Rev. Mgsr. Clarence E. Elwell, diocesan superintendent

of schools, 1027 Superior Avenue. ;

Columbus 15, Ohio—Rev. Bennett Applegate, acting diocesan superintendent of

schools, 246 East Town Street.

Corpus Christi, Tex.—Very Rev. Harold F. Palmer, diocesan superintendent of

schools, 609 East Gramman Street, Beeville.

Covington, Ky.—Rt. Rev. Msgr. Leo J. Streck, diocesan superintendent of schools,

21-23 East Eleventh Street.

Crookston, Minn.—Very Rev. A. I. Merth, diocesan superintendent of schools.

Church of the Sacred Heart, East Grand Forks, Minn.

Dallas, Tex.—Very Rev. Thomas S. Zachry, diocesan superintendent of schools,

214 Northwest Twentieth Street, Fort Worth, Tex.

Davenport, Iowa—Rev. Maurice J. Dingman, diocesan superintendent of schools,

Cosgrove Building, 410 Brady Street.

Des Moines 9, Iowa—Rt. Rev. Msgr. L. V. Lyons, diocesan superintendent of

schools, St. Ambrose Cathedral.

Dodge City, Kans—Rev. Joseph Stremel, diocesan superintendent of schools,

P. O. Bellefont, Kansas.


Duluth 6, Minn.—Rev. Michael J. Hogan, superintendent of Catholic schools,

130 West Fourth Street. El Paso, Tex.—Rev. Richard T. Gaul, S. J., diocesan director of schools, 118

North Campbell Street. Erie, Pa.—Rev. Edward H. Latimer, superintendent of Catholic schools, 205

West Ninth Street. Evansville 8, Ind.—Rev. Roman Heerdink, diocesan superintendent of schools,

316 Vine Street. Fall River, Mass.—Rev. Edward J. Gorman, superintendent of diocesan schools,

368 North Main Street. Fargo, N. Dak.—Rev. Thomas Hendrickson, director of education, P. O. Box 686.

Fort Wayne, Ind.—Very Rev. Msgr. Thomas E. Dillon, superintendent of Catholic

schools, % Our Sunday Visitor, Huntington, Ind. Gallup, N. Mex.—Rev. Anthony H. Vorst, P. O. Box 1311, Kingman, Ariz.

Galveston, Tex.—Rev. Francis H. Conner, diocesan superintendent of schools,

3309 Bellaire Boulevard, Houston 5, Tex. Grand Island, Nebr.—Rev. Anthony Egging, diocesan superintendent of schools,

420 West Seventeenth, Grand Island.

Grand Rapids, Mich.—Very Rev. William J. Murphy, diocesan superintendent of

schools, 302 Sheldon Avenue SE. Great Falls, Mont.—Rt. Rev. Msgr. E. B. Schuster, secretary of diocesan academic

council, 725 Third Avenue North. Green Bay, Wis.—Very Rev. Msgr. E. J. Westenberger, diocesan superintendent

of schools, 131 South Madison Street.

Greensburg, Pa.—Rev. Henry G. Hynes, Chancery OfiBce, P. O. Box 158.

Harrisburg, Pa.—Rev. R. J. Maher, diocesan superintendent of parish schools,

614 North Third Street.

Hartford 3, Conn.—Rev. Robert W. Doyle, diocesan supervisor of schools, 285

Church Street.

Helena, Mont.—Rev. Francis J. Burns, diocesan superintendent of schools, 1150

Caledonia Street, Butte, Mont.

.Joliet, Ill.—Very Rev. Msgr. Joseph A. Wagner, Catholic School Board, 117 West

Maple Avenue, Roselle, Ill.

Kansas City, Kans.—Rev. William L. Landwehr, secretary of the school board,

2910 Strong Avenue.

Kansas City 2, Mo.—Rev. John J. Murphy, diocesan superintendent of schools,

3142 Broadway.

La Crosse, Wis.—Very Rev. Msgr. Thomas J. Halloran. diocesan superintendent

of schools, P. O. Box 661.

Lafayette, Ind.—Rev. Francis Kienly, diocesan superintendent of schools, 207

North Washington Street, Delphi, Ind.

Lafayette, La.—Rev. Ignatius A. Martin, diocesan superintendent of schools,

P. O. Box 1126.

Lansing, Mich.—Rev. Jerome V. MacEachin, diocesan superintendent of schools, 601 Abbott Road, East Lansing, Mich.

Lincoln 8, Nebr.—Rev. Thomas L. Mercier, diocesan superintendent of schools, 514 South Eighteenth Street.

Little Rock, Ark.—Rt. Rev. Msgr. John J. Healy, diocesan superintendent of

schools, 305 West Second Street.

Madison 5, Wis.—Rev. Sylvester Van Berkel, superintendent of schools, 2020 University Avenue.

Manchester, N. H.—Rev. Laurence R. Gardner, diocesan superintendent of schools, 136 Concord Street.


Marquette, Mich.—Rev. O’Neil C, D’Ainour, superintendent of parochial schools, ;

1105 Ludington Street, Escanaba, Mich.

Mobile 1, Ala.—Rt. Rev. Msgr. Leo M. Byrnes, superintendent of parochial schools,

P. O. Box 129. I

Monterey and Fresno, Calif.—Very Rev. Msgr. James Dowling, diocesan superin- j tendent of schools, 855 Floradora Street, Fresno 4, Calif.

Nashville, Tenn.—Rev. Francis P. Pack, diocesan superintendent of schools, j

3686 Highway 51 North, Memphis 7, Tenn.

Natchez, Miss.—Rt. Rev. Msgr. Geoifrey O’Connell, diocesan superintendent of ’

schools, 612 West Howard Avenue, Biloxi, Miss.

Ogdensburg, N. Y.—Rev. Arthur M. Leary, diocesan secretary of education, 622 i Washington Street.

Oklahoma City and Tulsa, Okla.—Very Rev. Gavan P. Monaghan, diocesan |

superintendent of schools, 801 NW. 50, Oklahoma City, Okla. !

Owensboro, Ky.—Rev. Charles Saffer, diocesan superintendent of schools, 614 '

Locust Street. j

Paterson 1, N. J.—Rev. Denis A. Hayes, diocesan superintendent of schools, 24 |

DeGrasse Street. I

Peoria, Ill.—Very Rev. F. P. Blecke, diocesan superintendent of schools, 401 ;

Heading Avenue.

Pittsburgh 19, Pa.—Rev. Thomas J. Quigley, diocesan superintendent of schools, i

125 North Craig. i

Pittsburgh Ordinariate of the Byzantine—Slavonic rite: Rev. Daniel Medvecky, ,

superintendent of parochial schools of the Ordinariate, P. O. Box 674, Man-

ville, N. J. :

Portland 3, Maine—Rev. John J. Barrett, diocesan superintendent of schools,

307 Congress Street.

Providence 3, R. I.—Rt. Rev. Msgr. Thomas V. Cassidy, diocesan superintendent ,

of parochial schools, 25 Fenner Street. '!

Pueblo, Colo.—Rev. John C. O’Sullivan, diocesan superintendent of schools, I

226 Michigan Avenue. i

Raleigh, N. C.—Rev. Edward T. Gilbert, diocesan superintendent of schools, J

215 East Mulberry Street, Goldsboro.

Rapid City, S. Dak.—Rt. Rev. Msgr. Michael T. Costigan (chancelor), 1622 ;

West Boulevard. |

Reno, Nev.—Rev. Joseph F. Linde, P. O. Box 152, Route 2. :

Richmond 7, Va.—Rev. J. L. Flaherty, diocesan superintendent of schools, 807

Floyd Avenue. '

Rochester 4, N. Y.—Rev. Charles J. Mahoney, diocesan superintendent of schools,

50 Chestnut Street. Rockford, Ill.—Rt. Rev. Msgr. William J. Donovan, diocesan superintendent of

schools, 313 East Wilson Street, Batavia, Ill.

Sacramento, Calif.—Rev. Raymond Renwald, diocesan superintendent of schools,

1017 Eleventh Street, P. O. Box 1706.

Saginaw, Mich.—Rev. Thomas G. Brennan, diocesan superintendent of schools,

12014 North Hamilton Street. St. Augustine, Fla.—Rev. William F. McKeever, diocesan superintendent of

schools, P. O. Drawer 720. St. Cloud, Minn.—Rev. T. Leo Keaveny, diocesan superintendent of schools,

305 Fourth Street SE., Little Falls, Minn.

St. Joseph 11, Mo.—Rev. Leo J. Ruggle, diocesan superintendent of schools,

519 North Tenth Street.

Salina, Kans.—Very Rev. Cornelius J. Brown, diocesan superintendent of educa¬

tion, Belleville, Kans.


Salt Lake City 2, Utah—Rev. Mark Benvegnu, diocesan superintendent of

schools, 650 South Eleventh Street. San Diego, Calif.—Very Rev. George M. Rice, diocesan superintendent of schools,

P. O. Box 1118, El Cajon, Calif. Savannah-Atlanta, Ga.—Rev. Cornelius Leo Maloney, diocesan superintendent of

schools, 2699 Peachtree Road NE., Atlanta, Ga. Scranton 3, Pa.—Rev. John J. Maher, diocesan superintendent of schools, 308

Wyoming Avenue. Sioux City 17, Iowa.—Rt. Rev Msgr. C. J. Ivis, diocesan superintendent of

schools, St. Mary’s Rectory, P. O. Pox 424, Storm Lake, Iowa.

Sioux Falls, S. Dak.—The Reverend Chancellor, 214 Paulton Building.

Spokane 8, Wash.—Rev. Erwin L. Sadlowski, South 317 Howard Street.

Springfield, Ill.—Rev. Joseph Murray, diocesan superintendent of schools, 816%

South Fifth Street. Springfield, Mass.—Rev. Walter C. Connell, diocesan superintendent of schools.

Providence Motherhouse, Holyoke, Mass. Steubenville, Ohio—Rt. Rev. Msgr. Henry Grigsby, diocesan superintendent of

schools, 422 Washington Street. Superior, Wis.—Rev. David Ross King, diocesan superintendent of schools.

Tower and Fifty-sixth Streets. Syracuse 3, N. Y.—Rev. James E. Callaghan, diocesan superintendent of schools,

257 East Onondaga Street. Toledo 10, Ohio—Very Rev. Msgr. Norbert M. Shumaker, diocesan superintend¬

ent of Catholic schools, 436 West Delaware Avenue. Trenton 8, N. J.—Rev. John J. Endebrock, diocesan superintendent of schools,

153 North Warren Street. Tucson, Ariz.—Very Rev. Don Hughes, diocesan superintendent of schools, 300

South Tucson Boulevard. Wheeling, W. Va.—Rev. Daniel Kirwin, superintendent of parochial schools, 14

TTiirteenth Street. Wichita 2, Kans.—Rev. Arthur A. Barth, diocesan superintendent of schools, 445

North Emporia. ' Wilmington, Del.—Rev. T. A. Lawless, diocesan superintendent of schools, 835

Tatnall Street. , Winona, Minn.—Rev. Harold J. Dittman, diocesan superintendent of schools,

275 HaiTiet Street. Worcester, Mass.—Rev. John J. O’Brien, secretary of schools, 38 High Street.

Yakima, Wash.—The Reverend Chancellor, Chancery Oflace, 239 Liberty

Building. Youngstown, Ohio—Rev. James W. Malone, diocesan superintendent of schools,

144 West Wood Street. Honolulu, Hawaii—Rev. John McDonald, S. M., diocesan superintendent of

schools, 1164 Bishop Street.


(Supervising Officers and Addresses) I

Atlantic District (New England, New Jersey and part of New York)—Rev. Carl M. Zorn, chairman of district board of education, 212 Herbert Avenue, j, Cluster, N. J.; Dr. Arthur E. Wittmer, executive secretary for parish education, 1819 Broadway, New York 23, N. Y.

California and Nevada District—Rev. W. A. Thiele, chairman of district board jj of education, 17080 Via Magdalena, San Lorenzo, Calif.; Rev. O. H. Rein- ' booth, executive secretary, 6325 Cambden St., Oakland 5, Calif. -

Central District (Indiana, Ohio, Kentucky, West Virginia)—Rev. Arthur Ziegler, l| chairman of district board of education, 637 Polk Street, Huntington, Ind.; i|

W. J. Gernand, superintendent of education, 303 East Lewis Street, Fort i

Wayne, Ind.; Robert J. Schnabel, assistant superintendent of education, 313 East Lewis Street, Fort Wayne, Ind.

Central Illinois District—Rev. Roland Finke, chairman of district board of educa¬ tion, 606 Maryland, Peoria, Ill.; Rev. R. C. Rein, 259 North College, Decatur, ' Ill., executive secretary of education.

Colorado District (Colorado, Utah, New Mexico)—Rev. A. Obermeier, chairman j

of district board of education, 524 Poplar Street, Sterling, Colo.; Rev. '| Arnold Meyer, Executive Secretary of Christian Education, 2714 North Elizabeth, Denver 5, Colo.

Eastern District (Pennsylvania, parts of New York and Maryland)—Rev. Lawrence Wachholz, chairman of district board of education. State Street and Excelsior Avenue, Croydon, Pa.; Rev. E. E. Heuer, director of Christian ! education, 653 Michigan Avenue, Buffalo 3, N. Y.

Florida-Georgia District—Edwin R. Hilgendorf, chairman of district board of , education, 85 Northwest One Hundred and Third Street, Miami 38, Fla.; Rev. W. F. Schoech, director of parish education, 707 Florida Avenue, ^ West Palm Beach, Fla. '

Iowa District East—Rev. Lother Braeunig, chairman of district board of educa¬ tion, Knoxville, Iowa.

Iowa District West—G. Eschenbacher, chairman of board of education, Paullina, Iowa.

Kansas District—Rev. George Kettner, chairman of district board of education, 1116 North Elm Street, Hutchinson, Kans.; Arnold C. Erxleben, executive secretary of education, 3014 Harland Court, Topeka, Kans.

Michigan District—Rev. L. F. Weber, chairman of district board of education, 3235 Mackinaw Street, Saginaw, Mich.; S. J. Roth, superintendent of schools, 16259 Nine Mile Road, East Detroit, Mich.; E. W. Haack, 16563 Forest, East Detroit, Mich.

Minnesota District—Rev. F. S. Janzow, chairman of board of education. Trinity Lutheran Church, Monterey, Minn.

Montana District—Rev. A. Gierke, chairman of district board of education, 211 West Silver Street, Butte, Mont.

Data supplied by the Board for Parish Education, The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod, St. Louis, Mo.



n North Dakota District—Rev. G. C. Michael, chairman of district board of education, Hankinson, N. Dak.; Rev. E. H. Bohrer, executive secretary of

parish education, 1329 Eleventh Avenue South, Fargo, N. Dak. North Wisconsin District (Northern Wisconsin, upper Michigan)—Rev. Harold

Parsch, chairman of district board of education, Shawano, Wis.; Arthur

L. Amt, executive secretary of education, 1620 Fairmont Street, Wausau,

Wis. Northern Illinois District—Rev. Win. Boehm, chairman of district board of

education, 1345 North Springfield, Chicago 51, Ill.; A. H. Kramer, director

of Christian education, 308 Chicago Avenue, Oak Park, Ill.

Northern Nebraska District (northern Nebraska, northern Wyoming)—Rev.

Theo. Stolp, chairman of district board of education, Plainview, Nebr.

Northwest District—Rev. E. R. Schramm, chairman of board of education, 1307

Eleventh Street, Bremerton, Wash.

Oklahoma District—Walter Oldehoeft, chairman of Christian education, 1206

Seventh Street, Perry, Okla. South Dakota District—Rev. E. E. Kaelberger, chairman of board of Christian

education, Wentworth, S. Dak.

South Wisconsin District—Rev. II. Brueggemann, chairman of district board

of Christian education, 5321 West Washington Blvd., Milwaukee 8, Wis.;

B. Schumacher, superintendent of schools, 2444 North Sixteenth Street,

Milwaukee, Wis. Southeastern District (North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia, Maryland and

Delaware)—Rev. E. A. Cassens, chairman of district board of education,

1300 Ramblewood Road, Baltimore 12, Md.

Southern District (Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama)—Rev. E. T. Tonn, chair¬

man of district board of education, 624 North Poplar Avenue, Florence, Ala.

Southern California District (southern California, Arizona)—E. T. Pingel, chair¬

man of district board of parish education, 278 North Pine Street, Orange,


Southern Illinois District—Rev. Lloyd Behnken, Chairman of district board of

education, Steeleville, Ill.

Southern Nebraska District (southern Nebraska, southern Wyoming)—Rev.

H. E. Pralle, chairman of district board of education, Arapahoe, Nebr.; E. C.

I Mueller, executive secretary of parish education, 1425 South Eleventh

I Street, Lincoln 2, Nebr.

Texas District—Rev. Max Studtmann, chairman of district board of education,

Giddings, Tex.; Rev. Martin L. Koehneke, district counsellor of parish

education, 3301 Kim Lane, Austin, Tex.

Western District (Missouri, Arkansas, Tennessee)—Rev. Wm. Graumann, chair¬

man of district board of education, 7507 McGee Street, Kansas City, 5,

Mo.; L. J. Dierker, superintendent of schools, 3558 South Jefferson Avenue,

St. Louis 18, Mo.; H. A. Leimer, assistant superintendent, 3558 South

Jefferson, St. Louis 18, Mo.


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The Education Directory of the Office of Education

is issued annually in the following parts:

1. Federal Government and States.

2. Counties and Cities.

*3. Higher Education.

4. Education Associations.

As soon as each part is off the press copies may

be purchased at nominal cost through the Superin¬

tendent of Documents, U. S. Government Printing

Office, Washington 25, D. C.

*Part 3. Higher Education was prepared by Theresa

Wilkins, Division of Higher Education, OflSce of Education.

FEDERAL SECURITY AGENCY - Oscar R. Ewing, Administrator

Office of Education - - - Earl James McGrath, Commissioner

United States Government Printing Office, Washington : 1952. For sale by

the Superintendent of Documents, U. S. Government Printing Office

Washington 25, D.C. oo. ooo.o Price 45 cents

1 f I

^ c '




Institutions of Higher Education Included in This Directory_ 1

Classification of Institutions_ 2 Arrangement of Data_ 2

Abbreviations and Symbols_ 3

Accreditation_ 6

Control_ 7

Enrollment_ 8

Tables: Institutions of higher education in the United States:

By level of offering and by type of program_ 8

By States and by level of offering_ 9

By States and by type of program_ 10

Control of higher education: By type of program_ 11

By level of offering_ 12

Student bodies in higher education: By level of offering_ 12

By type of program_ 13

Institutions by States_ 13


Institutions added_ 156

Institutions dropped_ 157

Institutions reclassified_ 157

Institutions listed under new names_ 159

Institutions listed in new locations_ 161

Index_ 163


Institutions reported to the Office of Education as being in operation

during 1951-52, offering at least a 2-year program of college-level

studies, willing to submit regularly and promptly the information

required for listing, and meeting the criteria stated below, are included

in this directory.

The criteria for listing in the directory are as follows:

1. Institutions accredited or approved by a recognized Nation-wide, State, regional, or professional agency, or operating under State control, are eligible for inclusion.

2. Institutions not meeting requirements of criterion 1 are eligible for inclusion if their credits are accepted unconditionally (at full value) by not less than three fully accredited institutions.




Institutions are classified by highest level of offering and by type of program.

The following categories have been established to designate institu¬ tions by highest level of training:

I. 2 'but less than k years of work beyond the 12th grade—includes junior colleges, technical institutes, and normal schools offering at least a 2-year program of college-level studies;

II. 07ily the bachelor^s and/or first professional degree.—Includes those institutions offering courses of studies leading to the customary bachelor of arts or bachelor of science degree, and all those degrees which entitle the possessor to enter the profession indicated; e. g., doctor of medicine, bachelor of pharmacy, or bachelor of science in engineering;

III. Master's and/or second professional degree—includes those institutions offering the customary first graduate degree, and any degree earned in the same field after the first professional degree, or after a bache¬ lor’s degree in that field ; e. g., the degree of electrical engineer, earned after the bachelor of engineering, or the degree of doctor of science of law earned after the bachelor of laws degree.

IV. Doctor of philosophy and equivalent degrees.

V. Other (explained by footnote).

The designations of institutions by type of program are as follows:

a. Terminal-occupational {below bachelor's degree)—to represent a program not extending beyond the 14th or 15th grade, designed to prepare directly for an occupation, and not intended to prepare for advanced study ;

b. Liberal arts and general—including those institutions offering a 4-year program leading to the bachelor’s degreee;

c. Liberal arts and general, and terminal-occupational—for institutions offering programs described by a and b above;

d. Primarily teacher preparatory;

e. Liberal arts and general, and teacher preparatory; f. Liberal arts and general, teacher preparatory, and terminal-occupational;

g. Professional or technical—including those institutions offering a program of occupational preparation;

h. Professional or technical, and teacher preparatory;

i. Profesional or technical, and terminal-occupational;

j. Lvberal arts and general with 1 or 2 professional schools; and k. Liberal arts and general with 3 or more professional schools—to include

institutions organized as universities.


An institution is listed in this directory under the State in which its post office is located. A branch institution is listed as a unit of the parent institution, with a cross reference to facilitate finding of the data. Arrangement of the data shown is uniform as follows:

For institutions organized as universities: Name of institution, location (accreditation, control, student body,

code representing classification of institution by level of offering and type of program, enrollment).


Names of officers as follows: President or chancelor.


Chief business officer. Registrar or equivalent officer.


Chief personnel officer or dean of men and dean of women.

Dean or director of each profesional school or college.^

Dean of graduate school.

Director of summer session.

For all other institutions of higher education; All data as above, except those relating to professional schools.


Ill parentheses immediately following the name and location of

an institution, the abbreviations and symbols indicate five facts

separated by semicolons:

1. Accreditation of the institution by one or more of the Nation-wide or re¬

gional accrediting associations.

2. Control of the institution whether public, private, or denominational.

3. The student body :

Coed.—Coeducational—for both men and women.

Cord.—Coordinate—separate colleges for men and women.

Men—For men students only.

Wo.—Women—for women students only.

4. Code representing classification by highest level of offering and by type

of program.

5. Enrollment of regular college students in the fall of 15351.

The abbreviations and symbols used are as follows:

A. Bapt.—Controlled by American Baptist Church.

A. M. A.—Controlled by American Missionary Association.

A. M. E.—Controlled by African Methodist Episcopal Church.

A. M. E. 7j.—Controlled by African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church.


Ad.—Controlled by Adventist Church.

Ad. Chris.—Controlled by Adventist Christian Church. Admin,—Administrative, administration, administrator.


Arch.—Architecture. Assem. of God—Controlled by Assemblies of God Church.



Bapt.—Controlled by Baptist Church.

Bible—Accrediting Association of Bible Institutes and Bible Colleges.

Breth.—Controlled by Brethren Cliurch.

Breth. in Christ—Controlled by Brethren in Christ Church.


1 Some universities maintain accredited departments which are the equivalent of schools In other universities, but such departments are not listed unless they are separately organized with a dean or director in charge.


Bus. mgr.—Business manager.

Bus. off.—Business oflBcer.

C.—Controlled by city or municipal government.

C. M. E.—Controlled by Colored Methodist Episcopal Church.

Ch. of Breth.—Controlled by Church of the Brethren.

Ch. of Christ—Controlled by Church of Christ.

Ch. of God—Controlled by Church of God.

Ch. of N. Jeru.—Controlled by Church of New Jerusalem.



Chris, and Miss. Alliance—Controlled by Christian and Missionary Alli¬

ance Church.

Chris. Ref.—Controlled by Christian Reformed Church.

Co.—Controlled by county government.

Coed.—Undergraduate student body composed of men and women.



Cong.—Aflaiiated with Congregational Christian Churches. Cont.—Controller.

Cord.—Coordinate, coordinator.

Couns.—Counseling, counselor.



Dir. of admis.—Director of admissions.

Disc, of Christ—Controlled by Disciples of Christ Church.

Dist.—Controlled by district government.


E. —Member of New England Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools.



Evan. Luth.—Controlled by Evangelical Lutheran Church.

Evan. U. B.—Controlled by Evangelical United Brethren Church.

Evan. Ref.—Controlled by Evangelical and Reformed Church.


F. Bapt.—Controlled by Free Baptist Church.

F. Meth.—Controlled by Free Methodist Church.

Finan. sec.—Financial secretary.

Fr.—Controlled by Society of Friends.





Instr.—Instruction, instructor.


Jewish—Controlled by Jewish Congregations.

JE.; JM.; JN.; JNW.; JS.; JW.—Four-year college accredited by regional

associations as junior college.

L. D. S.—Controlled by Latter-Day Saints.

Lib.—Librarian, library.

Luth.—Controlled by Lutheran Church.

M. —Accredited by Middle States Association of Colleges and Secondary


Men—Undergraduate student body composed of men.

Menon.—Controlled by Mennonite Church.


Menon. Bretb.—Controlled by Mennonite Brethren Cburcbu

Metb.—Controlled by Methodist Church.


Miss. Cov.—Controlled by Evangelical Mission Covenant Church of America.


Morav.—Controlled by Moravian Church.

N.—Accredited by North Central Association of Colleges and Secondary


Nat.—Controlled by National or Federal Government. Naz.—Controlled by Nazarene Church.

Norw. Luth.—Controlled by Norwegian Lutheran Church.

N\V.—Accredited by Northwest Association of Secondary and Higher



P.—Controlled by private corporation; independent of church.

P. E.—Controlled by Protestant Episcopal Church.

Pent. Hoi.—Controlled by Pentacostal Holiness Church.

Pil. Hoi,—Controlled by Pilgrim Holiness Church. Pr.—Incorporated as profit-making.

Pres.—President. Presb.—Controlled by Presbyterian Church.



Prov.—Provost. K. C.—Controlled by Roman Catholic Church.


Ref.—Controlled by Reformed Church.

Ref. E.—Controlled by Reformed Episcopal Church.

Ref. Presb.—Controlled by Reformed Presbyterian Church.

Reg.—Registrar. Russian Orthodox—Russian Orthodox Church in Exile.

S.—Accredited by Southern Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools. S. D. A.—Controlled by Seventh-day Adventist Church.

S. D. Bapt.—Controlled by Seventh Day Baptist Church.


S. Bapt.—Controlled by Southern Baptist Church.

St.—Controlled by State government.

Supt.—Superintendent. Swed. Evan.—Controlled by Swedish Evangelical Church.

Swed’b.—Controlled by Swedenborgian Church.

Tech.—Technical institute, intermediate between an engineering college and

a vocational or secondary school. Credits may or may not be accepted

toward degrees.

Ter.—Controlled by territorial government.

Theol.—American Association of Theological Schools.


Twp.—Controlled by township government.

U. Breth.—Controlled by United Brethren Church.

U. Luth.—Controlled by United Lutheran Church.

U. Presb.—Controlled by United Presbyterian Church.

Undenom.—Undenominational control.


Unit.—Controlled by Unitarian Church. U niv.—University.


Vice pres.—Vice president. W.—^Accredited by Western College Association.

Wes. Meth.—Controlled by Wesleyan Methodist Church.

Wo.—Undergraduate student body composed of women.

YMCA.—Controlled by Young Men’s Christian Association.

*—Some or all units accredited by professional association.

**—Institution attended predominantly by Negroes. $—Provisionally accredited, or accredited with some reservation, or ad¬

mitted on probation.

(—)—Not accredited by any Nation-wide or regional accrediting association.

I— Two but less than 4 years of work beyond the twelfth grade.

II— Only the bachelor’s and/or first professional degree.

III— Master’s and/or second professional degree.

IV— Doctor of philosophy and equivalent degrees.

V— Other (explained by footnote).

a—Terminal-occupational (below bachelor’s degree),

b—Liberal arts and general.

c—Liberal arts and general, and terminal-occupational,

d—Prim-arily teacher preparatory.

e—Both liberal arts and general, and teacher preparatory.

f—Liberal arts and general, terminal-occupational, and teacher preparatory.

g—Professional and technical only (not including teacher preparatory).

h—Professional and technical, and teacher preparatory.

i—Professional and technical, and terminal-occupational.

j—Liberal arts and general with one or two professional schools.

k—Liberal arts and general with three or more professional schools.


Institutions with liberal arts programs are accredited by six regional

accrediting associations. These associations are indicated throughout

this directory by the following abbreviations:

E., New England Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools.^

M. , Middle States Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools.

N. , North Central Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools.

NW., Northwest Association of Secondary and Higher Schools.

S., Southern Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools.

W., Western College Association.

$ Preceding any of the letters listed above indicates that the institution

is provisionally accredited, or accredited with some reservation, or is

admitted on probation.

(—) Not accredited by any Nation-wide or regional accrediting association.

Professional schools are accredited by a separate group of associa¬

tions. The symbol * denotes that some or all of the units of a profes¬

sional school are accredited by or hold membership in the appropriate


Architecture—National Architectural Accrediting Board.

Bible—Accrediting Association of Bible Institutes and Bible Colleges.

Business—American Association of Collegiate Schools of Business.

2 This is not an accrediting agency but has standards for membership similar to those maintained by regional accrediting agencies.


Chemistry—American Chemical Society, Committee on Professional Train¬

ing. Chiropody—National Association of Chiropodists, Council on Education.

Dentistry—American Dental Association, Council on Dental Education.

Education—American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education.

Engineering—Engineers’ Council for Professional Development.

Forestry—Society of American Foresters.

Journalism—American Council on Education for Journalism.

Law—American Bar Association.

Librarianship—American Library Association, Board of Education for


Medicine—American Medical Association, Council on Medical Education and


Music—National Association of Schools of Music. Nursing—National Nursing Accrediting Service of the Division of Nursing

Education of the National League for Nursing.

Occupational therapy—American Medical Association, Council on Medical

Education and Hospitals.

Optometry—American Optometric Association, Council on Education and

Professional Guidance.

Osteopathy—American Osteopathic Association.

Pharmacy—American Council on Pharmaceutical Education, Inc.

Physical therapy—American Medical Association, Council on Medical Edu¬

cation and Hospitals.

Public health—American Public Health Association.

Social work—Commission on Accreditation of the Council on Social Work


Technical institute—Engineers’ Council for Professional Development.

Theology—American Association of Theological Schools.

Veterinary medicine—American Veterinai'y Medical Association, Council

on Education.

The accreditation or approval of institutions of higher education by

State departments of education or State universities is not shown in

this directory, but may be found in Office of Education Bulletin 1952,

No. 3, entitled Accredited Higher Institutions.

Note.—The Office of Education does not accredit or approve any

educational institutions.


The legal control of institutions (not support or affiliation) is shown

for each institution with the following abbreviations :

C.—City or municipal government—public control.

Church—Refer to abbreviations—denominational control.

Co.—County government—public control.

Dist.—District government—public control.

Nat.—National or Federal Government—public control.

P.—Private ; independent of church or state—private control.

Pr.—Private, incorporated as profit-making.

St.—State government—public control.

Ter.—Territorial government—public control. Twp.—Township government—public control.



For each institution for which data are available, the total enroll¬

ment of regular students of college grade, excluding extension, cor¬

respondence, and subcollegiate students, in the fall of 1951 is given.

Where figure is italicized, the enrollment is estimated.

Table 1.—Institutions of higher education, by type of program and by level of offering

Highest level of offering

Type of program


Total 2 but less than 4 years

of work beyond the 12th


Only the bachelor’s

and/or first pro¬ fessional degree

Master’s and/or second profes¬ sional degree

Doctor of philosophy

and equivalent



3 4 6 7

a—Terminal-occupational (below bachelor’s degree)---

b—Liberal arts and general-- c—Liberal arts and general, and ter¬

minal-occupational -- d—Primarily teacher preparatory_ e—Both liberal arts and general and

teacher preparatory- f—Liberal arts and general, terminal-

occupational, and teacher prepara¬ tory---

g—Professional or technical only (not including teacher preparatory)-

h—Professional or technical and teacher preparatory--

i—Professional or technical and ter¬ minal-occupational __

j—Liberal arts and general with one or two professional schools-

k—Liberal arts and general with three or more professional schools..

42 42 143 39

322 294 144 32

466 35

197 75

219 9

66 2

14 1



85 15

26 67 40

340 85

91 29

98 66

22 34

9 3

62 52

6 55

Total 1, 889 529 I 379

3 II

2 2 3

5 1

1 1

39 7

7 1

1 .. 8 .

93 ...

159 i 16

The Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, N. J.


Table 2.—Institutions of higher education in the United States, by highest level of offering

State or outlying part


Alabama-. Arizona... Arkansas..... California...-.. Colorado.-...

Connecticut---- Delaware..... District of Columbia... Florida.... Georgia..

Idaho. Illinois... Indiana.-... Iowa.-...- Kansas.....

Kentucky.- Louisiana.... Maine........ Maryland.. Massachusetts.....

Michigan..... Minnesota...... Mississippi--- Missouri...... Montana....

Nebraska..... Nevada----- New Hampshire..... New Jersey-- New Mexico....

New York----- North Carolina-- North Dakota..---- Ohio..-- Oklahoma--

Oregon.... Pennsylvania...... Rhode Island... South Carolina__ South Dakota....

Tennessee.. Texas.-.--- Utah.... Vermont.....- Virginia.-.

Washington... West Virginia..... Wisconsin.. Wyoming....

Outlying parts of the United States

Alaska. Canal Zone.. Hawaii.... Puerto Rico.—..


Level of offering Institu¬ tions for Negroes (included

in col¬ umns 2-5)





2 3 4 5 6 7 8

27 6 16 4 1 1.. 1

7 6 2 1 2 1

23 6 16 _ 1-

5 134 68 25 31 10

_ 20 8 4 3 5

30 5 14 8 3 L.. 5 1 2 1 1 1- 1

28 6 7 9 4 2 3 19 7 7 3 2 4 52 17 24 8 3 10

y 2 4 1 104 23 40 30 10 1 39 5 23 8 3 48 22 22 2 2 46 21 17 5 3

39 15 14 8 2 1 21 15 3 3 5 16 6 9 1 32 6 18 5 3 3 84 18 30 24 11 1

48 11 26 6 3 2 43 11 23 7 1 1 38 23 12 1 2 9 50 19 22 11 4 3 11 3 6 2

24 5 16 2 1 1 1 9 1 2 5 1

38 10 13 9 5 1 9 3 5 1

137 30 39 46 19 3 57 22 24 8 3 12 13 4 7 1 1 70 3 46 16 5 2 33 15 14 1 3 1

21 1 10 y 3 113 13 65 21 13 1 2

12 1 5 3 1 2 32 8 17 5 2 9 15 2 10 3

46 9 27 7 3 8 97 37 28 26 6 10

9 3 3 1 2 14 2 7 4 1 41 11 21 4 5 5

26 9 5 10 2 21 3 16 1 1 3 60 26 29 8 2 1

2 1 1

1 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 2 1

j 1,889 529 806 379 159 16 103 Total,


Table 3.—Institutions of higher education in the United States, by type of program

State or outlying part Total

Tyre of program

a b c i d e f 1 g ^ ! :

h i i j j ^ k

1 2 3 4 d 6 I 7 8 1 '

10 “

j 12 1

27 1 3 9 1 10 4 1 1 2 ! 2 6 2 2 1 1

23 1 4 1 6 9 1 1 134 6 10 54 20 9 17 5 1 6 6

20 1 2 6 2 1 3

30 2 5 4 4 4 3 4 1 3 5 1 2 1 1

28 1 6 2 3 1 7 2 2 4 Florida. - 19 1 1 3 1 5 3 1 4

52 2 11 1 16 6 8 2 2 4

7 1 2 2 1 1 Illinois__ 104 1 11 10 11 21 8 22 7 2 3 1 8

39 1 2 1 2 14 3 6 2 5 1 3 48 7 4 1 20 9 3 1 1 2 46 2 11 16 10 1 3 3

39 3 2 1 17 7 5 2 2 21 1 1 6 5 1 2 5 16 3 3 6 1 1 1 1 32 1 3 4 3 11 1 3 2 2 2 84 4 11 10 13 5 14 6 6 8

Minhiffa.n 48 1 10 2 10 8 9 2 1 5 Minnesota - . _ . 43 9 1 17 2 5 3 1 4 1 Mississippi -_ _ 38 2 1 14 1 11 7 1 1 Missouri_ 56 2 8 1 15 5 7 4 1 2 4 Montana .. 11 2 1 2 3 1 1 1

Nebraska 24 2 1 1 9 8 1 2 Nevada . _ 1 1 New TTampshire 9 1 2 4 1 1 New Jersey_ _ 38 ' 5 7 8 4 2 3 2 New Mexico 9 1 2 3 1 1 1

New York. . 137 15 16 13 16 25 5 21 4 9 13 North Carolina 57 3 22 5 15 2 2 1 4 3 North Dakota _ 13 4 2 2 2 1 2

Ohio.__ 70 1 2 2 1 18 7 12 4 1 14 8 Oklahoma 33 5 11 7 2 1 4 3

Oregon__ .. - 21 2 2 5 3 2 1 3 3 Pennsylvania- .. 113 8 12 14 29 7 23 4 1 10 5 Rhode Island . . 12 1 1 4 2 2 1 1 South Carolina. __ 32 1 3 2 12 4 2 4 4 South Dakota, 15 2 5 3 1 2 2

Tennessee 46 6 4 1 14 8 5 5 3 Texas _ _ 97 1 4 28 23 15 6 2 1 9 8 Utah 9 3 2 1 3 Vermont 14 2 2 4 3 1 1 1 Virginia___ 41 1 6 10 6 4 4 4 5 1

Washington_ .. 26 1 9 7 2 1 1 5 West Virginia_ 21 1 3 8 5 1 1 1 1 Wisconsin _ 66 4 2 30 17 8 1 1 1 2 Wyoming._ 2 1 1

Outlying parts of the United States

Alaska 1 1 Canal Zone._ 1 1 Hawaii_ 1 1_ _ 1 1 Puerto Rico _ 4 1 _1 _ 2 1.1 I_!.i.!. 1


Total.- 1,889 42 143 322 144 1 466 1 1 66 1 122 154

1 Includes the Institute for Advanced Study.


Table 4.—Control of higher education, by type of program

Tsnpe of program


a—Terminal-occupational (below bachelor’s de^ee)-...-.

b—Liberal arts and general... c—Liberal arts and general and terminal-oc¬ cupational.-.-..

d—Primarily teacher preparatory.... e—Both liberal arts and general and teacher preparatory.....

f—Liberal arts and general, terminal-occupa¬ tional, and teacher preparatory....

g—Perofssional or technical only (not includ¬ ing teacher preparatory)..

h—Professional or technical, and teacher pre¬ paratory..

i—Professional or technical, and terminal- occupational.....

j—Liberal arts and general with one or two professional schools...

k—Liberal arts and general with three or more professional schools___

Institutions attended predominantly by Negroes

a—Terminal-occupational (below bachelor’s de^ee)...

b—Liberal arts and general... c—Liberal arts and general, and terminal- occupational------

d—Primarily teacher preparatory.. e—Both liberal arts and general, and teacher preparatory...

f—Liberal arts and general, terminal-occupa¬ tional, and teacher preparatory__

g—Professional or technical only (not includ¬ ing teacher preparatory)..

h—Professional or technical, and teacher pre¬ paratory....

j—Liberal arts and general with one or two professional schools...__

k—Liberal arts and general with three or more professional schools..

Total: White institutions. Negro institutions.

Grand total.

Total State con¬ trol

District or city control


Private control

1 Denominational control

Protes¬ tant

Roman Catho¬

lic Jewish

2 3 I * * ! ® 6 7 8

41 12 4 21 3 1 142 6 5 54 39 37 1

317 « 20 168 59 53 17 133 80 26 19 3 5

428 74 9 83 154 108

171 36 46 21 45 23

216 2 22 2 111 69 9 3

64 7 46 9 2

14 1 1 10 1 1

109 13 2 28 45 21

151 66 7 43 13 21 1

1 1 1 1

5 1 1 1 2 11 8 2 1

38 8 6 24

26 8 1 6 11

3 1 1 1

2 1 1

13 5 1 6 1

3 1 2

1 1, 786 i *337 270 495 434 245 5

103 32 4 i 18 48 1

1,889 1 i

J369 274 513 1 1

482 246 5

* Includes 2 under Federal control. * Includes 5 under Federal control. * Includes 7 under Federal control.


Table 5.—Control of higher education, by highest level of offering

Denominational control

Level of offering



Dis- State trict or

control city control

Pri¬ vate

control Protes¬ tant

Roman Cath¬ olic

2 3 4 5 6 7



I— 2 to 4 years beyond 12th grade.. II— Bachelor’s and/or first professional degree. III— Master’s and/or second professional degree.---

IV— Ph. D. or equivalent degree.. V— Other..

513 141 248 736 2 132 8

362 106 11 159 1 57 3

16 3 1

99 201

123 63


90 242

77 21


35 _ 152 1

45 _ 11 4

2 ... Institutions attended predominantly by Negroes

I— 2 to 4 years beyond 12th grade... II— Bachelor’s and/or first professional degree- ill—Master’s and/or second professional degree....

Total: White institutions.... Negro institutions---

Grand total_

16 70


1, 786 103




4 337 32

4 369

2 2

270 4


2 12


495 18


12 _ 34 _

2 1

434 245 5 48 1

482 246 5

1 Includes 1 under Federal control. 2 Includes 4 under Federal control. 2 Under Federal control. 4 Includes 7 under Federal control.

Table 6.—Student bodies in higher education, by highest level of offering

Level of offering Total Institu¬ tions for


Institu¬ tions for women

Coedu¬ cational institu¬


> 2 3 4 5

I—2 to 4 years beyond 12th grade__ .. . . 513 38 70 405 489 II—Bachelor’s and/or first professional degree___ 736 149

III—Master’s and/or second professional degree__ 362 50 29 283 123 IV—Pb. D. or equivalent degree.. _ .. 159 33 3

V—Other .... 16 4 3 9

Institutions attended predominantly by Negroes

I—2 to 4 years beyond 12th grade.... 16 16 II—Bachelor’s and/or first professional degree__ . . . . 70 2 3 65 Ill—Master’s and/or second professional degree _ 17 17

Total; White institutions____ 1, 786

103 223 254 1, 309

Negro institutions ___ __ _ 2 3

Grand total_ ____ 1,889 225 257 1,407


Table 7.—-Student bodies in higher education, by type of program

Institu¬ Institu¬ Coeduca¬ Type of program Total tions for tions for tional in¬

men women stitutions

1 2 3 * 5

a—Terminal-occupational (below bachelor’s degree). i

41 ’ 6 ' 4 31 b—Liberal arts and general...... 142 ! 51 31 60 c—Liberal arts and general, and terminal-occupational. 317 15 48 254

133 14 119 e—Both liberal arts and general, and teacher preparatory_ 428 32 116 280 f—Liberal arts and general, terminal-occupational, and teacher preparatory_______ 171 5 22 144

g—Professional or technical only (not including teacher pre- paratory)........ 216 71 2 143

h—Professional or technical, and teacher preparatory_ 64 3 4 57 i—Professional or technical, and terminal-occupational. 14 4 10 j—Liberal arts and general with one or two professional schools. 109 23 10 76 k—Liberal arts and general with three or more professional schools....... 151 13 3 135

Institutions attended predominantly by Negroes

a—Terminal-occupational (below bachelor’s degree)_ 1 1 b—Liberal arts and general.... 1 1 c—Liberal arts and general, and terminal-occupational. _ 5 5 d—Primarily teacher preparatory_ 11 11 e—Both liberal arts and general, and teacher preparatory. 38 3 35 f—Liberal arts and general, terminal-occupational, and teacher preparatory_____ 26 26

g—Professional or technical only (not including teacher pre¬ paratory) _____ 3 3

h—Professional or technical, and teacher preparatory 2 2 j—Liberal arts and general with one or two professional schools. 13 2 11 k—Liberal arts and general with three or more professional

schools 3 3

Total: 1 White institutions. 1, 786 i 223 254 1,309 Negro institutions..... 1 103 1 2 98

Grand total...... 1, 889 1 225 257 1,407


**Alabama Agricultural and Mechan¬ ical College, Normal (S.; St.; coed.; Ilf; 063).

Pres.—J. F. Drake. Dean—R. A. Carter. Finan. sec.—L. R. Patton. Reg.-. Lib.—Lucile A. Love. Dean of students—John A. Browder.

Summer session—R. A. Carter. Alabama College, Montevallo (S.; St.;

wo.; IIj; 657). Pres.—Franz Edward Lund. Dean—Richard Powders. Bus. mgr.—Lee A. Barclay. Reg.—Virginia Hendrick. Lib.—Abi Russell. Dean of residence—Jean Day. Student couns.—Minnie L. Steckel.

* Music—H. D. LeBaron. Home economics—Lois Ackerley. Summer session—M. L. Orr.

Alabama Polytechnic Institute, Auburn (S.; St.; coed.; HIk; 5,741).

Pres.—R. B. Draughon. Exec, vice pres.—David W. Mullins.

Dean of faculties—Michel C. Hunt- ley.

Bus. mgr.—W. T. Ingram. Reg.—C. W. Edwards. Dir. of lib.—Clyde H. Cantrell. Dir. of student aft’airs—T, C. Clark. Dean of wo.—Katharine C. Cater.

Science and literature—Roger Al¬ len.

*Pharmacy—L. S. Blake. Education—Zebulon Judd. Agriculture—E. V. Smith.

*Engineering—J. E. Hannum. *Architecture and the arts—Frank

Marion Orr. Home economics—Mrs. Marion W.

Spidle. *Veterinary medicine—R. S. Sugg. ^Chemistry—C. R. Saunders. Graduate—Fred Allison.

**Alabama State College for Negroes, Montgomery (IS.; St.; coed.; Hie; 2M0).

Pres.—H. Councill Trenholm. Sec.-treas.—Mrs. Willease S. Clayton. Reg.—John Duncan. Dean of students—C. Johnson Dunn.

Summer session—J. T. Brooks.


Athens College, Athens (—; Meth,; coed.; He; 262).

Pres.—Perry B. James. Dean—A. R. Mead. Treas.—^R. H. Richardson, Jr. Reg.—Edwin C. Price. Dean of students—Dennis Hale.

Birmingham Conservatory of Music, Birmingham (*: P.; coed.; Illh; 119).

Pres.—Dorsey Whittington. Dean—Hugh Thomas. Bursar—Nell Dickey Harper. Reg.—Antonia Rizzo.

Birmingham - Southern College, Bir¬ mingham 4 (S.; Meth.; coed.; He; 697).

Pres.—George R. Stuart. Dean—Henry T. Shanks. Treas.—N. M. Yeilding. Reg.—W. E. Glenn. Lib.—Margaret H. Hughes, acting. Dean of wo.—Mary Holmes Sensa-

baugh, acting. Howard College, Birmingham (S.; S.

Bapt.; coed.; Hj; 891). Pres.—Harwell G. Davis. Dean—P. P. Burns. Bus. mgr.—John G. Burton. Reg.—Mrs. Helen S. Kirkland. Lib.—Mabel Willoughby. Dean of men—William Pratt Dale. Dean of wo.—Mrs. Martha Huggins

Pugh. ^Pharmacy—Clement Lee Huyck.

Huntingdon College, Montgomery 6 (S.; Meth.; coed.; He; 572).

Pres.—Hubert Searcy. Dean—Paul T. Stone. Bus. mgr.—C. M. Reaves, Jr. Bursar—Mildred Graham. Lib.—Willa N. Boysworth. Dean of men—Glenn Massengale. Dean of wo.—Mrs. Marylee B. Collins.

Jones Law School, P. O. Box 708, Mont¬ gomery 1 (—; P.; coed.; Hg; 148).

Pres.—Walter B. Jones. Dean—Robert F. Park. Reg.—Charles F. Bennett. Lib.—Joseph A. Malone,

Judson College, Marion (S.; S. Bapt.; wo.; lie; 170).

Pres.—J. I. Riddle. Dean-reg.—Robert Bowling. Cashier—Mrs. J. L. Richardson. Lib.—Eugenia Collins. Dean of wo.—Mary Essie Stephens.

Marion Institute, Marion (S.; P.; men ; Ib; 177).

Pres.—J. T. Murfee. Dean—L. H. Baer. Bus. mgr.—W. H. Rodimon. Reg.—J. J. Huckaby,

**Miles College, Birmingham ($S.; C. M. E.; coed.; He; 753).

Pres.—W. A. Bell. Reg.—M. H. Hopkins.

Lib.—D. M. McKee, acting. Summer session—P. W. Butler.

**Oakwood College, Huntsville (—; S. D. A.; coed.; lie; 283).

Pres.—F. L. Peterson. Dean—O. B. Edwards. Bus. mgr.—^Adel Warren. Reg.—Mrs. Roberta C. Edwards. Dean of men-. Dean of wo.—Ruth E. Mosby.

Summer session—O. B. Edwards. Sacred Heart Junior College, Cullman

(—; R. C.; wo.; Ic; 30). Pres.—Mother M. Annunciata Jane¬

way. Dean-reg.—Sister M. Imelda Mc-

Aninch. Acet.—Sister M. Aloysia Ramsey. Lib.—Sister M, Beatrice Slovensky. Dean of wo.—Sister Mary Charles

Daly. Summer session—Sister M. Imelda

McAninch. St. Bernard College, St. Bernard (S.;

R. C.; men ; Ib; 81). Pres.—Bede Luibel. Vice pres.-dean—Bernard Patterson. Treas.—John Capesius. Reg.—Lawrence Phillips, Lib,—Frederick Smith.

Snead Junior College, Boaz (S.; Meth.; coed.; Ib; 340).

Pres.—F. M. Cook. Dean—J, E. Rush. Bursar—D. W. Waite.

Southern Union College, Wadley (—; Cong.; coed.; la ; 68).

Pres.—Clyde C. Flannery. Dean—A. R. Van Cleave. Lib.—Vera Van Cleave.

Summer session—A. R. Van Cleave. Spring Hill College, Spring Hill (S.;

R. C.; coed.; He; 826). Pres.—Andrew C. Smith. Dean—George T. Bergen. Treas.—John A. Cronin. Reg.—Louis J. Boudousquie. Lib.—Marie Yvonne Jaubert. Dean of men—Michel B, Majoli,

Summer session—George T, Bergen. State Teachers College, Florence (S.,

*; St.; coed.; Hf; 1,046). Pres.—E. B. Norton. Dean—Carey V. Stabler. Treas.—R. C. Fuller. Reg.—C. M. Arehart. Lib.—Ruth Dacus. Dir. student personnel—Wm. T, Mc-

Elheny. Summer session—Otis L. Peacock.

State Teachers College, Jacksonville (S., *; St; coed.; He; 1,190).

Pres. Houston Cole. Dean—C. R. Wood. Bursar—R. Liston Crow. Reg.—L. R. Miles. Lib.—Ramona M. Wood.


state Teachers College, Livingston (S., * ; St.; coed.; He; 363).

Pres.—W. W. Hill. Dean-reg.—Ralph M. Lyon. Treas.—W. W. Brown. Dean of wo.—Mrs. Nonnie Wood

Heron. State Teachers College, Troy (S., *;

St.; coed.; lid; 668). Pres.—Chas. B. Smith. Dean—G. R. Boyd. Treas.—R. E. Thagard. Reg.—Bess McCann. Lib.—Thelma Cates Mershon. Dean of students—Lucille Garrett.

**Stillman College, Tuscaloosa (—; Presb.; coed.; If; ^ 285).

Pres.—Samuel Buiuiey Hay. Dean-reg.—B. B. Hardy. Bus. mgr.—F. B. Vardeman. Lib.—Grace Tooson. Dean of students—B. B. Hardy.

**Talladega College, Talladega (S.; A. M. A. and P.; coed.; He; 296).

Pres.—Arthur D. Gray. Dean-. Compt.—George A. Owens. Reg.—Julian L. Scott. Lib.—Margaret H. Scott. Dean of wo.-.

**Tuskegee Institute, Tuskegee Insti¬ tute (S.; P.; coed.; Hlf; 1.927).

Pres.—F. D. Patterson. Vice pres.—I. A. Derbigny. Bus. mgr.—L. H. Foster, Jr. Reg.—T. C. Burnette. Lib.—M. D. Sprague. Dean of students—C. G. Gomillion.

Home economic s—Mayme L. Powell.

Agriculture—L. A. Potts. Commercial dietetics—W. M. Drig-

gins. Nursing—Lillian A. Harvey. Education—A. J. Davis. Mechanical Industrie s—T. W,

Jones. Engineering—W. C. Curtis. General studies—R. D. Reid.

*Veterinary medicine—T. S. Wil¬ liams.

Summer session—I. A. Derbigny. University of Alabama, University (S.;

St.; coed.; IVk; 5,708). Pres.—John M. Gallalee. Treas.—Ernest G. Williams. Dean of admin.—James H. Newman. Dean of admis.—William F. Adams. Dir. of lib.—William Stanley Hoole. Dean of students—Noble Hendrix.

Arts and sciences—Marten ten Hoor.

^ Has been authorized to grant bachelors degrees. -Will be changed to group II In this directory after it has actually granted bachelors degrees.

♦Law—M. Leigh Harrison. ♦Medicine (Birmingham)—James J.

Durrett. ♦Dentistry—J. F. Volker. ♦Education—John Rankin McLure. ♦Engineering—James R. Cudworth. ♦Commerce and business—Lee Bid-

good. ♦Chemistry, metallurgy, and ce¬

ramics—Stuart J. Lloyd. Home economics—Agnes E. Harris.

♦Mines—J. R. Cudworth. Nursing—Florence Hixson. Graduate—Albert B. Moore. Extension—Robert E. Tidwell. Summer session—C. E. Williams.


University of Alaska, College (NW.; Ter.; coed.; HIj; 269).

Pres.—Terris Moore. Dean of the univ.—Neil W. Hosley. Compt.—Edward S. Kaelin. Reg.—Mary L. Lambie. Lib.—John Mehler. Dean of men—Wm. R. Cashen. ♦Mines—Earl H. Beistline. ♦Civil eng.—Woodrow H. Joliansen. Summer session—Wm. R. ( ‘ashen.


American Institute for Foreign Trade, The, Thunderbird Field, Box 191, Phoenix (—; P.; coed.; Hg ; 189).

Pres.—Edward B. Juliber. Dean-vice pres.—Carl A. Sauer. Treas.-bus. mgr.—Berger Erickson. Lib.—Barbara Staples. Reg.—Mabel Erickson.

Arizona State College, Flagstaff (N., *ed.; St.; coed.; Hie; 478).

Pres.—L. A. Eastburn. Dean of instr.—J. Lawrence Walkup Compt.—Julia Benson. Reg.—W. R. Hensley. Lib.—Althea Ragsdale. Dean of student personnel—Tom O.

Bellwood. Summer session—L. A. Eastburn,

Arizona State College, Tempo (N., W., ♦ed.; St.; coed.; Hie; 4,443).

Pres.—Grady Gammage. Dean of the college—H. D. Richard¬

son. Compt.—Gilbert L. Cady. Reg.—Alfred Thomas, Jr. Lib.—H. W. Batchelor. Dean of students—W. P. ShofstalL

Graduate—Fred Crawford. Summer session—Roy C. Rice.

Eastern Arizona Junior College, That¬ cher (—; dist.; coed.; Ic; 168).

Pres.—Paul E. Guitteau. Bus. off.—Dora Phegley.


Reg.—La Von Evans. Lib.—Robert Marisa. Dean of men—I. A. Griffiths.

Phoenix College, Phoenix (N.; dist.; coed.; Ic; 1,626).

Pres.—E. W. Montgomery. Dean—R. J. Hannelly. Acct.—Donald Croyl. Reg.—J. Lee Thompson. Lib.—Bernice S. Trevillian. Conns, of men—John D. Riggs. Dean of wo.—Frances Mousseau.

University of Arizona, Tucson (N.; St.; coed.; IVk; 5,108).

Pres.—Richard A. Harvill. Vice pres.—Robert L. Nugent. Compt.—Howard N. Tench. Reg.-dir. of admis.—C. Zaner Lesher. Lib.—Fleming Bennett. Dean of men—A. Louis Slonaker. Dean of wo.—Karen Carlson.

Liberal arts—Francis A. Roy. *Law—John D. Lyons, Jr. Education—Oliver K. Garretson. Agriculture and home economics—

Phil S. Eckert. ^Engineering—John C. Park. Fine arts (*music)—John B. Crow¬

der. *Mines—Thomas G. Chapman. *Bus. and pub. admin.—E. J.

Brown. *Pharmacy—Willis R. Brewer. Graduate—David L. Patrick. Summer session—Oliver K. Gar¬



**Agricultural, Mechanical, and Nor¬ mal College, Pine Bluff (*ed., N.; St.; coed.; He; 1,082).

Pres.—Lawrence A. Davis. Dean—J. L. Wilson. Bus. mgr.—C. A. Christophe. Reg.—Charlie Henderson. Lib.—Julia Howard. Dean of men—Johnnie B. Johnson. Dean of wo.—Mrs. N. E. Harrold.

Summer session—J. L. Wilson. Arkansas Agricultural and Mechani¬

cal College, College Heights (N.; St.; coed.; Ilf; 701).

Pres.—Horace E. Thompson. Dean—James H. Hutchinson, Reg.—L. D. Griffin. Bus. mgr.—W. E. Smith. Lib.—Florence C. Carmichael. Dean of men—J. E. Griner. Dean of wo.—Betty Cruse.

Summer session.—Jas. H. Hutchin¬ son.

Arkansas Baptist College, Little Rock (—-; Bapt.; coed.; Ilf; 182).

Pres.—Tandy Washington Coggs. Dean—M. W. Williams. Bursar—Mrs. L. P. Guy.

Reg.—Mrs. Ethel M. Beckley. Lib.—Mrs. Blanche Smith, Dean of men.—Mrs. B. E. Norton. Dean of wo.—Mrs. Julia Metcalf.

Arkansas College, Batesville (—; Presb.; coed.; Ilb; 178).

Pres.—John D. Spragins. Dean—Harry King. Reg.—Roberta Door. Lib.—Mrs. Dorothy Sydenstricker. Dean of men—N. H. McDaniels. Dean of wo.—Mrs. J. C. Rice.

Summer session—Harry King. Arkansas Polytechnic College, Russell¬

ville (N.; St.; coed.; He; 594). Pres.—J. W. Hull. Dean—Alfred J. Crabaugh. Bus. mgr.—R, A. Young. Dir, of admis.—G. R. Turrentine. Lib.—Myrtle Roush. Dir. student affairs—John E. Tucker.

Arkansas State College, State College (*ed., N.; St; coed.; He; 1,180).

Pres.—Carl R. Reng. Dean—J. W. Turner. Bus. mgr.—L. Cameron. Reg.—Baird V. Keister. Lib.—Dorothy M. Fenton. Dean of men—Robert Moore. Dean of wo.—Margaret Trainer.

Summer session—J. W. Turner. Arkansas State Teachers College, Con¬

way (N., * ; St.; coed.; Hd ; 1,265). Pres.—Nolen M. Irby. Dean—W. C. Ferguson. Disbursing off.—Harold Eidson. Reg,—L. B. Jackman. Lib.—Constance Mitchell, Dean of men—O. L. Hughes. Dean of wo.—Helen Canaday.

Summer session—W. C. Ferguson. College of the Ozarks, Clarksville (N.;

Presb.; coed.; He; 205). Pres.—John Paul Vincent. Dean—Vivian Thomas Smith. Treas.—J. T. Patterson. Reg.—Mrs. Ethel Grover, acting. Lib.—Lucile Litchfield. Personnel off.—Leslie E. Hartley.

**Dimbar Junior College, Little Rock (—; C.; coed.; If; 250).

Dean—LeRoy M. Chistophe. Fort Smith Junior College, Fort Smith

(—; C.; coed.; Ic; 83). Pres.—J. W. Ramsey. Dean—Elmer Cook. Lib.—Mary Hynes.

Harding College, Searcy (—; Ch. of Christ; coed.; He; 628).

Pres.—George Stuart Benson. Dean—L. C. Sears. Bus. mgr.—A. S. Croom. Reg.—W. K. Summit. Dean of students—F. W. Mattox.

Summer session—L. C. Sears. Henderson State Teachers College,

Arkadelphia (N., * ; St.; coed.; He; 853).


Pres.—D. D. McBrien. Dean—S. C. E. Powers. Bursar—H. Grady Smith. Reg.—C. B. Cooper. Lib.—Allie C. Wilson. Dean of men—David L. Harris. Dean of wo.—Grace Vineyard.

Extension—Dolphus Whitten, Jr. Hendrix College, Conway (N.; Meth.;

coed.; He; 518). Pres.—Matt L. Ellis. Dean—W. C. Buthman. Treas.—E. W. Martin. Reg.—Victor D. Hill, Jr. Lib.—H. W. Kamp. Dean of wo.—Marie Williams.

Summer session—H. I. Lane. John Brown University, Siloam

Springs (— ; P.; coed.; llf ; 261). Pres.—John E. Brown, Jr. Dean—I. A. Wills. Bus. mgr.—Stewart Springfield. Reg.—Roger F. Cox. Dean of students—John H. Pickle.

Summer session—Roger F. Cox. Junior Agricultural College of Central

Arkansas, Beebe (—; St.; coed.; If; 120).

Pres.—Boyd W. Johnson. Little Rock Junior College, Little

Rock (N.; C.; coed.; Ic ; 1,307). Pres.—Granville D. Davis. Dean—E. Q. Brothers. Bursar—Charles B. Pyles, Jr. Reg.—Mrs. Jewel Reynolds. Lib.—Mrs. Marjorie Caldwell. Chief conns.—Iva Cox Gardner.

Summer session—E. Q. Brothers. Ouachita College, Arkadelphia (—; S.

Bapt.; coed.; He; 469). Pres.—Harold A. Haswell, acting. Dean-. Bus. mgr.—Rowland Reed. Reg.—Frances Crawford. Lib.—Goldia Cooksey. Dir. student personnel—Elliott H.

Donnels. Summer session-

**Philander Smith College, Little Rock (N.; Meth.; coed.; Ilf; 570).

Pres.—M. LaFayette Harris. Dean—W. H. Pipes. Bursar—Milton A. Lawson. Reg.—IMrs. Henrietta C. Torrence. Lib.—Mrs. Geneva N. Harris. Dean of students — Leonard L.

Haynes, Jr. St. John’s Seminary, Little Rock (—;

R. C.; men; Ilg; 15.'/). Pres.—James E. O’Connell.

’^*Shorter College, North Little Rock (—; A. M. E.; coed.; If; U)-

Pres.—Robert H. Alexander. Dean—C. C. Miller. Bus. mgr.—George W. Harris. Reg.—Mrs. V. W. Muldrew. Lib.—Mrs. Rosebud Tillman. Dean of wo.—Mrs. Jessie B. Turner.


Theology—T. D. Alexander. Summer session—C. C. Miller.

Southern Baptist College, Walnut Ridge (—; S. Bapt.; coed.; If; 430).

Pres.—H. E. Williams. Dean—Ben H. Lincoln. Bus. mgr.—A. C. Rudloff. Reg.—Mrs. H. E. Williams. Lib.—George C. Monroe, Jr. Dean of men—H. H. King. Dean of wo.—Mrs. Leonard Mc-

Doughle. Summer session—H. E. Williams.

Southern State College, IMagnolia (JN.; St.; coed.; Ilf; 713).

Pres.—Dolph Camp. Dean—E. E. Graham. Compt.—Leonard Price. Reg.—Matsye Gantt. Lib.—Georgena Wright. Dean of students—T. D. Vaughan.

Summer session—C. A. Yeoman. University of Arkansas, Fayetteville

(N.; St.; coed.; IVk; 4,021). Pres.—John Tyler Caldwell. Prov.—J. E. Covington. Bus. mgr.—T. C. Carlson. Reg.—F. L. Kerr. Lib.—Marvin A. Miller. Dean of men—John E. Shoemaker. Dean of wo.—Jeannette Scudder.

Arts and sciences—G. D. Nichols. *Law—Robert A. Leflar. *Medicine (Little Rock)—H. C.

Nicholson. Education—H. H. Kronenberg. Agriculture—Lippert S. Ellis.

*Engineering—G. F. Branigan. *Bus. admin.—I’aul W. Milam. Graduate—Virgil W. Adkisson. Summer session—H. H. Kronen¬



Antelope Valley Junior College, Lan¬ caster (—; C.; coed.; Ic ; 254).

Pres.—Roy A. Knapp. Lib.—Elizabeth Lorbeer. Dean of men—Frank Fleming. Dean of wo.—Evelyn Foley.

Armstrong College, Berkeley 4 (—; Pr.; coed.; Illg; /,98).

Pres.—J. Evan Armstrong. Treas.—John E. Armstrong. Reg.—Alta F. Winter.

Summer session—J. Evan Arm¬ strong.

Art Center School, The, 5353 W. Third St., Los Angeles 5 (—; P.; coed.; Illi).

Pres.—E. A. Adams. Vice pres,—Stanley Reckless. Bus. mgr.—J, C. (^!hambers. Reg,—Karla Martell. Lib.—Lorser Feitelson. Dir, of guid.—Harvey Thompson.


Bakersfield College, Bakersfield (—; dist.; coed.; Ic; 1,455).

Pres.—Ralph Prator. Dean of records—Burns L. Finlinson. Lib.—Goldie B. Ingles. Dir. of guid.—Orral S. Luke.

Summer session—Burns L. Pinlin- son.

Berkeley Baptist Divinity School, Berkeley 4 (*theol.; A. Bapt.; coed.; IVg; 192).

Pres.-bus. off.—Sandford Fleming. Dean—Ralph E. Knudsen, Lib.—Mary Sanders. Dean of wo.—Vera Lee Hawn.

Bible Institute of Los Angeles, The, 558 S. Hope St., Los Angeles 13 (*; P.; coed.; Ilh ; 872).

Pres.—Louis T. Talbot. Dean—Samuel H. Sutherland. Bus. mgr.—James R. Allder. Reg.—James H. Christian. Lib.—lone Lowman. Supt. of men—Levi B. Olson. Supt. of wo.—Mrs. Matilda Boehmer.

Missionary medicine—Leonie V. Soubirou.

Summer session—Samuel H. Suth¬ erland.

Cal-Aero Technical Institute, Grand Central Airport, Glendale 1 (*tech.; Pr.; coed.; la ; 566).

Pres.—R. O. Denny. Dir. of training—W. K. Bowers. Treas.—R. Hart. Reg.—W. C. Shank.

California Baptist Theological Semi¬ nary, Covina (—; Bapt.; coed.; Illh; 236).

Pres.—Donald W. Cole. Dean—Milford L. Baker. Bus. off.—Diltz G. Cowles. Reg.—Carl Henry Koeker. Lib.—R. Vernon Ritter. Dean of wo.—Mrs. Edna PreVol.

Summer session—M. L. Baker. California College of Arts and Crafts.

Oakland 18 (—; P.; coed.; Illh . 636).

Pres.—Spencer Macky. Dean of faculty—Louis Miljarak. Bus. mgr.—DeForest Hecox. Reg.—Merle A. Quait. Dir. of admis.—D. Musselman. Lib.—Halley Savery.

Graduate—Helmut Hungerland. Summer session—Spencer Macky.

California College of Chiropody, 1770 Eddy St., San Francisco 15 (* ; P.; coed.; Ilg).

Pres.—LeRoy M. King. Dean—Ormand R. Berger.

California Concordia College, 6325 Camden St., Oakland 5 (—; Luth.; coed.; le ; 38).

Pres.—Oscar T. Walle. Treas.—Roland A. Dede. Reg.—Herbert F. Glock.

Lib.—Walter Rubke. Dean of men—Ernest F. Scaer. Dean of wo.—Lucille Theiss.

California Institute of Technology, Pas¬ adena 4 (W.; P.; men ; IVg ; 1,023).

Pres.—Lee A. DuBridge. Dean of faculty—E. C. Watson. Compt.—George W. Green. Reg.—L. Winchester Jones. Lib.—Roger Stanton. Dean of students—Franklin Thomas. *Engineering—Frederick C. Lind-

vall. Graduate—Wm. N. Lacey.

California State Polytechnic College, San Luis Obispo (NW., W.; St.; men; Hlf; 2,528).

Pres.—Julian A. McPhee. Dean of instr.—C. O. McCorkle. Bus. mgr.—Donald S. Nelson. Admis. off.—C. Paul Winner. Lib.—Francis S. Allen. Dean of students—Everett M. Chan¬

dler. Liberal arts—Robert L. Maurer,

acting. Agriculture—Vard M. Shepard. Engineering—Harold P. Hayes. Voorhis Unit (San Dimas)—J.

Cordner Gibson. Kellogg Unit (Pomona)—J. Cord¬

ner Gibson. Summer session—Julian A. Mc¬

Phee. Chaffey Junior College, Ontario (—;

dist.; coed.; Ic ; 723). Pres.—Daniel B. Milliken. Dir.—Leo A. Wadsworth. Compt.—Jack L. White. Lib.—Adaline Nyberg. Dean of wo.—Pearl E. Clark.

Chapman College, 766 N. Vermont Ave., Los Angeles 29 (—; Disc, of Christ: coed.; He ; 204).

Pres.—George N. Reeves. Dean—Virgil L. McPherson. Compt.—Shirley T. Davidson. Reg.—Mary E. Dickison. Lib.—Fanny S. Carlton.

Summer session—Virgil L. McPher¬ son.

Chico State College, Chico (NW., W.; St.; coed.; Illf; 1,163).

Pres.—Glenn Kendall. Dean of instr.—Hector H. Lee. Bus. mgr.—Harold W. Bramsen. Reg.—Wallin John Carlson. Lib.—Norris Bleyhl. Dean of students—Hugh M. Bell.

Summer session—J. Russell Morris. Church Divinity School of the Pacific,

2451 Ridge Road, Berkeley 4 (*theol.; P. E.; men; Illg; 87).

Dean—Sherman E. Johnson. Reg.—Ernest W. Foote. Lib.—Mrs. Amos C. Carey.

Citrus Junior College, Azusa (— ; dist.; coed.; Ic; 156).


Dir.—Merlin E. Eisenbise. Lib.—Mrs. Irene McLeod. Dean of men—Frank Martinez. Dean of wo.—Mrs. Helen Burwell.

City College of San Francisco, San Francisco 12 (—; C.; coed.; Ic; 4,590).

Pres.—Louis G. Conlan. Cord. div. of instr.—Lloyd D. Luck-

mann. Cord, div, student welffire—F. Grant

Marsh. Cord. div. ed, mgmt.—Oscar E. An¬

derson, Reg.—Mary Jane Learnard.

Claremont Graduate School (Inc. as Claremont College), Claremont W.; P.; coed.; IVe; 436).

Prov.—E. Wilson Lyon, Dean—Harold W, Bradley. Cont.—Paul H. Burton. Reg.—Uritli S. Abbott. Admis.—Emmett C. Thompson. Lib.—David W. Davies.

Summer session—Luther J. Lee, Claremont Men’s College, Claremont

(W.; P.; men; lib; 299). Pres.—George C. S. Benson. Dean of faculty—W. Bayard Taylor, Treas.—Wm. V. Shannon. Reg.—Marion Jones. Lib.—David W. Davies. Dean of men—Stuart R. Briggs.

Clarence W. Pierce School of Agricul¬ ture, Canoga Park (—; C.; coed.; Ic; 412).

Dir.—Edwin B. Angier. Dean of instr.—Louis E. Hoffmari. Lib.—Helene S. Sloat. Dean of student activities—Vierling

Kersey, Jr. Evening session—John S. Nebiett,

Coalinga College, Coalinga (—; dist.; coed.; Ic ; 102).

Dean—Donald C. Carr. Bus. off.—John C, Blevins. Reg.—Mrs. INIadeline Ricketts. Lib.—Charolotte Jennett, Dean of men—Harold F. Allen. Dean of wo.—Marjorie O’Hanlon.

Cogswell Polytechnical College, 3000 Folsom St., San Francisco 10 (*tech.; P.; coed.; la; 82).

Pres.—Eugene Wood Smith. Rec,—Ernestine Shirley. Dean of men—Lloyd N. Case.

College of the Holy Names, Oakland (NW., W.; R. C.; wo.; He; 411).

Pres.—Sister M. Madeleine Rose. Dean—Sister Madeleine Maria. Treas.—Sister M. Consuela Rose. Reg.—Sister Mary Andrew. Lib.—Sister Mary Katharine. Dean of wo.—Sister Paulina INIary.

Summer session—Sister Madeleine Maria.

College of Medical Evangelists, Loma

Linda (*, NW.; S. D. A.; coed.; Illg; 588).

Pres.—Walter E. Macpherson. Vice pres.—Wm. Frederick Norwood. Reg.—Chester C. Fink. Libs.—Allie Owen and Mollie Sittner. Dean of students—Walter B. Clark, *Medicine (Loma Linda and Los

Angeles)—Harold Shryock and Varner J. Johns, Jr.

Dentistry (Loma Linda)—M. Web¬ ster Prince.

*Nursing (Loma Linda and Los Angeles)—Kathryn J. Nelson.

Tropical and preventive medicine (Loma Linda)—Harold N. Mo- zar.

Nutrition (Loma Linda)—Lydia Sonnenberg,

*Laboratory technique (Los An¬ geles)—Orlyn B. Pratt.

*I’hysical therapy (Loma Linda and Los Angeles)—Fred B. Moor,

*X-ray technique (Los Angeles) — Walter L. Stilson.

College of Notre Dame, Belmont (—; R. C.; wo.; Ie;"157).

Pres.—Sister Helen Madeleine. Dean—Sister Teresa Augustine. Bus. off.—Sister Mary of St. Gregory. Lib.—Sister Mary Justine. Dean of residence—Sister Therese.

Summer session—Sister Teresa Augustine.

College of Osteopathic Physicians and Surgeons, 1721 Griffin Ave., Los Angeles 31 (* ; P.; coed.; Ilg; 359).

Pres,—W, Ballentine Henley. Dean of college—Earle L. Garrison. Compt.—J, L. Duprau. Reg.-admis.—B. W. Fullington. Lib.—Margaret M. Cressaty. Dean of wo.—Evangeline N. Perci-

val. Graduate—Troy L. McHenry.

College of the Pacific, Stockton 4 (W.; P.; coed.; Illj ; 1,235).

Chanc.—Tully (1 Knoles. Pres.—Robert E. Burns. Dean—Lloyd M. Bertholf. Bus. mgr.—James F. Blair. Reg.—Ellen L. Deering. Dir, of admis.—Elliott Taylor. Lib.—Allan Laursen, Dean of men—E, S. Betz. Dean of wo.—Harriett Monroe.

Education—J. Marc Jantzen. *Music—John Gilchrist Elliott. Summer session—J. Marc Jant¬

zen. College of Physicians and Surgeons

(dental school), San Francisco 3 (* ; P.; coed.; Ilg; 2i3).

1 Has boen authorized to grant bachelors degrees. Will be changed to group II in this directory after it has actually granted bachelors degrees.


Chmn. of the board—Henry Clay Veatch.

Dean—Frederick T. West, acting. Sec.—E. Frank Inskipp. Lib.—Arline E. Robinson.

College of the Sequoias, Visalia (—; dist.; coed.; Ic ; 671).

Snpt.-biis. off.—Ivan C. Crookshanks. Dir. of curriculum—L. J. Williams. Reg.—Agnes Strom. Lib.—Natalie Lapike. Dir. of students—John Hansen.

Compton District Junior College, Compton 3 (—; dist.; coed.; Ic ; 1,510).

Pres.—Stuart F. McComb, Dir.—W. Craig Thomas. Bus. mgr.—Robert G. Barnes. Dean of records—Holland A. Spurgin. Lib.—Elizabeth Neal. Dir. of student activities—Earle J.

Holmes. Summer session—Holland A.

Spurgin. Deep Springs College, Deep Springs

(NW.; P.; men; Ib ; 20). Dir.—Wm. G. Greeman.

Dominican College of San Rafael, S’an Rafael (NW., W.; R. C.; wo.; Ille ; 285).

Pres.—Sister M. Patrick. Dean of studies—Sister M. Stephen. Sec.-dir. of admis.—Sister M. Thomas. Reg.—Sister M. Anita. Lib.—Sister M. Marguerite. Dean of students—Sister M. Nicholas.

Graduate—Sister M. Martin. Summer session—Sister M. Rich¬

ard. East Contra Costa College, Martinez

(—; dist.; coed.; Ic ; 575). Dir.—Leland Medsker.

East Los Angeles Junior College, 5357 E. Brooklyn Ave., Los Angeles 22 (—; dist.; coed.; If; 4,924).

Dir.—Rosco C. Ingalls. Dean, curriculum—Walter S. Hert-

zog, Jr. Dean, admis. and instr.—Logan Hart. Libs.—Carolyn S. Palmer and Fred¬

eric M. Blissert. Dean, student activities—Evelyn

Field. Extension—John Andrew Howard,

Jr. El Camino College, El Camino College

(—; dist.; coed.; Ic; 4,100). Pres.—Forrest G. Murdock. Dir. instr.—William G. Harless. Dir. bus. mgmt.—C. G. Arfwedson. Lib.—Helen E. Rodgers. Dir. student personnel—Merl F.

Sloan. Fresno Junior College, Fresno (—;

dist.; coed.; Ic; 620). Pres.—Thos. A. Blakely. Reg.—Irene Stewart.

Lib.—Jackson Carty. Dean of students—Willa Marsh.

Fresno State College, Fresno 4 (*ed., W.; St.; coed.; Illf; 3,338).

Pres.—^Arnold E. Joyal. Dean of instr.—Mitchell P. Briggs. Dean of admin.—A. R. Lang. Bus. mgr.—Carl Levin. Reg.—Wilma F. Wight. Lib.—Henry Madden. Dean of students—Forrest Brown.

Summer session—Irwin O. Addi- cott.

Fuller Theological Seminary, Box 750 M, Pasadena 19 (—; P.; coed.; Illg; 214).

Pres.—Harold John Ockenga. Dean—Harold Lindsell. Bus. mgr.—Richard Curley. Reg.—Mary E. Ashley. Lib.—Arnold D. Ehlert. Dean of students—Charles J. Wood-

bridge. Fullerton Junior College, Fullerton

(—; dist.; coed.; Ic ; 1,028). Dir.—H. Lynn Sheller. Bus. mgr.—Dan Henry. Reg.—Robert C. Rockwell. Lib.—Nancy Lee Carmichael. Dean of men—Robert E. Swenson. Dean of wo.—Marguerite Waters.

Evening and summer sessions— Logan W. Wheatley.

George Pepperdine College, Los Ange¬ les (NW., W.; P.; coed.; Hie; 1,016).

Pres.—Hugh M. Tiner. Dean—E. V. Pullias. Bus. mgr.—L. Vanderveer. Reg.—George Hoff. Lib.—Robert Broadus. Dir. of student personnel services—

R. A. Hogan. Glendale College, Glendale 8 (—; dist.;

coed.; Ic; 1,521). Dir.—Elmer T. Worthy. Asst, supt.-bus.—John T. Cate. Reg.—Carl E. McConnell. Lib.—Esther Ramont. Dean of men—Sam A. Tenison. Dean of wo.—Elizabeth A. Rowley.

Golden Gate Baptist Theological Seminary, 1908 Addison St., Berke¬ ley 4 (—; S. Bapt.; coed.; IVg; 202).

Pres.—Harold K. Graves. Reg.—Jack W. Manning. Lib.—S. Madge Lewis.

Golden Gate College, San Francisco 1 (NW.; YMCA.; coed.; Illj; 2,916).

Pres.—Nagel T. Miner. Academic vice pres.—Joseph M.

Trickett. Admin, vice pres.—Russel T. Sharpe. Compt.—M. N. Richards. Dean of admis.—Robert Eddy. Reg.—Mary Morgan, acting.


Lib.—Berna Carlson. Law—Paul S. Jordan. Graduate school—E. J. Kelly.

Grant Technical College, Del Paso Heights (—; dist.; coed.; Ic ; 179).

Dir.—Richard J. Kiesewetter. Bus. mgr.—S. W. Moore. Reg.-dean of wo.—Shirley Thurman. Lib.—Madeline Jory Cole. Dean of men—C. Russell Warden.

Hartnell College, Salinas (—; dist.; coed.; Ic ; 557).

Pres.—J. B. Lemos. Dean-admis.—Jerry Girdner. Lib.—Luella Wiens. Dean of wo.—June Handley.

Humboldt State College, Areata (NW., W.; St.; coed.; Illf; 595).

Pres.—Cornelius H. Siemens. Exec, dean—Lawrence E. Turner. Dean of instr.—Plomer P. Balabanis. Bus. mgr.—Frank E. Devery. Reg.—Myrtle M. McKittrick. Lib.—Helen A. Everett. Dean of students—Leonard C. Chris¬

tensen. Education—Ivan C. Milhous. Summer session—Ivan C. Milhous.

Immaculate Heart College, Los Ange¬ les 27 (NW., W.; R. C.; wo.; Illk ; 745).

Pres.—Sister INI. Theda. Dean—Sister M. Eileen. Conipt.—Sister M. Agatha. Reg.—Beatrice J. Holcomb. Lib.—Sister M. Regis. Dean of wo.—Sister M. I-.oyola.

Education—Sister INI. Michael. English—Sister M. Humiliata.

*Music—Franz Darvas. Graduate—Sister Mary Louise. Summer session—Sister M. Charles,

Imperial Valley College, El Centro (—, C.; coed.; Ic ; 145).

Dean—Eugene W. Waterman. Reg.—Mary Sones. Dean of men—A. J. Hinshaw. Dean of wo.—Abigail Dunn.

John Muir College, 1905 Lincoln Ave., Pasadena 3 (—; dist.; coed.; Ic ; 2,834).

Prin.—Archie M. Terrell. Asst. prin.—Clyde E. Pfeiffer. Dean of student personnel—John B.

Weldon. Lib.—Lura C. Nelson.

La Sierra College, Arlington (NW.; S. D. A.; coed.; He; 720).

Pres.—Godfrey T. Anderson. Dean—Thomas A. Little. Bus. mgr.—William E. Anderson. Reg.—Mary Champion. Lib.—D. Glenn Hilts. Dean of men—Harold F. Lease. Dean of wo.—Lois McKee.

Summer session—Thomas A. Little. Lassen Junior College, Susanville (—;

dist.; coed.; Ic; 121).

Pres.—L. V. Greenleaf. Dean—Carl F. Karasek. Lib.—Margaret Frost.

La Verne College, La Verne (—; Ch. of Breth.; coed.; He; 289).

Pres.—Harold D. Fasnacht. Dean—Paul B. Baum. Bus. mgr.—Virgil Wilkinson. Admis.—J. Jack Melhorn. Lib.—Louise Larick. Dean of men—Herbert W. Hogan. Dean of wo.—Dorothy Merritt.

Long Beach City College, Long Beach 8 (—; C.; coed.; Ic; 7,887).

Dir.—George E. Dotson. Dean—Russell R. Johnston. Bus. mgr.—A. A. Knoll. Lib.—Fay Tunison. Head conns.—Harper C. Wren.

Summer session—Russell R. John¬ ston.

Long Beach State College, Long Beach (NW.; St.; coed.; He; 1,8G9).

Pres.—P. Victor Peterson. Exec, dean—David L. Bryant. Bus. mgr.—Francis J. Flynn. Admis.—Clarence R. Bergland. Lib.—Charles J. Boorkman.

Los Angeles Baptist Theological Semi¬ nary, 560 S. St. Louis St., Los An¬ geles 33 (—; P.; coed.; Hg; 62).

Dean—Milton E. Fish. Bus. mgr.—Dale Satterthwaite. Reg.—Lawrence H. Starkey. Lib.—Thomas H. Price.

Los Angeles City College, Los Angeles 29 (—; C.; coed.; Ic; 13,637).

Pres.—Howard S. McDonald. Vice pres.—Chester R. Milham. Admin, dean—Kenneth M. Kerans. Dean of instr.—John Lombardi. Bursar—Guy G. May. Admis. and rec. — Benjamin K.

Swartz. Lib.—Gladys Green. Dean of students—Morton Renshaw.

Summer session—Adam E. Diehl. Los Angeles College of Optometry, 950

W. Jefferson St., Los Angeles 7 (*: P.; coed.; Ilg; 260).

I*res.—Ernest A. Hutchinson. Dean—Henry W. Hofstetter. Compt.-reg.—James F. English. Lib.—Grace Weiner.

Summer session—Monroe J. Hirsch. Los Angeles Conservatory of Music

and Arts, 845 S. Figueroa St.. Los Angeles 17 ($; P.; coed.; Illh; 524).

Pres.—Oscar Wagner. Dean—Mary K. Thomasset. Treas.—H. P. Oates. Reg.—Kenneth R. Weidaw.

Los Angeles Harbor Junior College, 1111 Figueroa St., Wilmington (—; dist.; coed.; Ic ; 2,022).

Dir.—Raymond J. Casey.


Admin, dean—Mrs. Hazel Merillat WRedon.

Finan. mgr.—Jan Stadhouders. Lib.—Mrs. TRelma Taylor. Dean student activities—J. Reyburn

Hatfield. Summer session—J. Reyburn Hat¬

field. Los Angeles Metropolitan Junior Col¬

lege, 1601 Olive St., Los Angeles 15 (—; dist.; coed.; Ic).

Dir.—John N. Given. Dean—Kenneth Knight. Reg.—Mary Frick. Lib.—Carmella Corey. Dean of students—Alinda MacLeod.

Los Angeles Pacific College, Los An¬ geles (—; F. Meth.; coed.; Ic; 41).

Pres.—Llewellyn H. Davis. Dean—H. K. Biddulph. Bus. off.—Ruth Nelson. Reg.-. Lib.—Ruth C. Monahon.

Los Angeles State College of Applied Arts and Sciences, 855 N. Vermont Ave., Los Angeles 29 (—; St.; coed.; He; 3,864).

Pres.—Howard S. McDonald. Vice pres.—Chester R. Milham. Dean of instr.—John Morton. Bus. mgr.—Warner K. Masters. Admis. off.—Robert J. Williams. Lib.—Beverley Caverhill. Dean of students—Morton J. Ren-

shaw. Summer session—Chester R. Mil-

ham. Los Angeles Trade-Technical Junior

College, 1646 S'. Olive St., Los Angeles 15 (—; C.; coed.; la).

Dir.—Leslie Guy Stier. Asst. dir.—Bertram Lloyd Fitzgerald. Reg.—James Newton McCaghren. Lib.—Henry Livingston Lash.

Los Angeles Valley Junior College, 13161 Burbank Blvd., Van Nuys (—; C.; coed.; Ic; 910).

Dir.—Vierling Kersey. Dean of instr.—Walter T. Coultas. Lib.—June Marie Adams. Dean of students—Mrs. Nena S.

Royer. Loyola University of Los Angeles, 7101

W. 80 St., Los Angeles 45 (NW., W.; R. C.; men; Illk; 1,439).

Pres.—Charles S. Casassa. Academic vice pres.—John F. Con¬

nolly. Compt.—Louis C. Rudolph. Reg.—Catherine F. Emenaker. Lib.—Theodore J. Marshall. Dean of men—Gerald A. Sugrue.

Arts and sciences—Wm. Charles Gianera.

*Law—Sayre MacNell. Engineering—L. Clyde Werts. Business—Wilbur R. Garrett. Summer session—Wm. J. McIntosh.

Lux College, 17th St. and Potrero, San Francisco 10 (—; P.; wo.; la; 129).

Dir.—Sarah Helen Brown. Reg.—Martha Wickersham. Lib.—W. Stanley Smith.

Marin Junior College, Kentfield (—; dist.; coed.; Ic; 654).

Pres.—Ward H. Austin. Finan. off.—Ada M. Fusselman. Reg.—Grace W. Donnan. Lib.—Ruth Lockwood. Dean of men—Arleigh Williams. Dean of wo.—Ethel Cobb Souza.

Menlo College, Menlo Park (—; P.; men ; Ib ; ^ 246).

Pres.—William E. Kratt. Bus. mgr.—James L. Brainerd. Reg.-dir. of admis.—John D. Russell.

]Mills College, Oakland 13 (W.; P.; wo.; Illb; 643).

Pres.—Lynn Townsend White, Jr. Dean of faculty—Mrs. Mary Crowell

Burch. Treas.—Robert F. Hitchcock. Rec.—Mary C. Walker. Dir. of admis.—Mrs. Hilary Stanton

Jones. Lib.—Mrs. Evelyn Steel Little. Dean of students—Mrs. Herbert E.

Hawkes. Graduate—Elliott Van Nostrand

Diller. Summer session—H. Orville Nord-

berg. Modesto Junior College, Modesto (—;

dist.; coed.; Ic; 948). Pres.—Henry T. Tyler. Admin, asst.—Cletus E. Zumwalt. Reg.-dir. of student personnel—J.

Kenneth Rowland. Lib,—Helen F. Pierce. Dean of men-dir. of student activi¬

ties—Frank G. Muench. Dean of wo.—Fay L. Quisenberry.

Monterey Peninsula College, Monterey (—; dist.; coed.; Ic; 739).

Pres.—Calvin C. Flint. Dean of instr.—Joseph D. Blacow. Lib.—Elizabeth Martin. Dean of student personnel—Harold

Parker. Evening college—Calvin C. Cope.

Mount St. Mary’s College, Los Angeles (NW., W.; R. C.; wo.; Ilf; 469).

Pres.—Sister Agnes Marie. Dean—Sister Rose de Lima. Reg.-compt.—Sister Mary Teresa. Lib.—Sister Catherine Anita.

Mount San Antonio College, Pomona (—; dist.; coed.; Ic; 870).

Pres.—George H. Bell. Dir.—Oscar H. Edinger, Jr. Compt.—Ernest W. Carl.

1 Has been authorized to grant bachelors degrees. Will be changed to group II in this directory after it has actually granted bachelors degrees.


Reg.—Hazel Snoke. Lib.—Harriett Genung. Dean of men—Gerald Deal. Dean of wo.—Mrs. Marie T. Mills.

Summer session—Edwin T. Martin. Napa Junior College, Napa (—; dist.;

coed.; Ic; 240). Pres.—H. M. McPherson. Dean-reg.—R. L. Patrick. Cont.—Walter Hemmerling. Lib.—Virginia Slausen. Dean of men—R. L. Patrick. Dean of wo.—Zelma Wislierd.

Northrop Aeronautical Institute, Haw¬ thorne (*tech.; P.; men; la; 449).

Dir.—James L. McKinley. Dean of faculty—Harry Filson. Cont.—Earl L. Chambers. Reg.—John E. Leadbetter. Dir. of admis.—Herbert W. Hartley. Lib.—Ralph Bent. Dean of men.—J. L. Green.

Occidental College, Los Angeles 41 (W.; P.; coed.; Ille ; 1,312).

Pres.—Arthur G. Coons. Dean of faculty—Glenn S. Dumke. Compt.—Fred F. McLain. Reg.—Florence N. Brady. Lib.—Elizabeth J. McCloy. Dean of men—Benjamin H. Culley. Dean of wo.—Elsie May Smithies.

Graduate—Gilbert Brighonse. Summer session—Richard F. Reath.

Oceanside-Carlsbad College, Oceanside (—; dist.; coed.; Ic; 104).

Dir.—George W. IMabee. Bus. mgr.—Calvin Gabriel. Reg.—Mrs. S. Kilbourne. Lib.—Mrs. Elizabeth Rexford. Dean of men—Adolph Meisen. Dean of wo.-.

Orange Coast College, Costa Mesa (—; dist.; coed.; Ic ; 662).

Pres.—Basil H. Peterson. Vice pres.—James W. Thornton. Bus. mgr.—William F. Kimes. Lib.—Harlow W. Clarke. Dean of men—Fred R. Huber. Dean of wo.—Marie V. Howes.

Summer session and adult ed.—Bill J. Priest.

Pacific Bible College of Azusa, Azusa (*; P.;coed.; Ilg; 166).

Pres.—Cornelius P. Haggard. Dean-reg.—Malcolm R. Robertson. Bus. mgr.—Norman E. Stocker. Lib.—Geraldine Hess. Dean of students—Verena V. John¬


Pacific Bible Institute of Fresno, Fresno 21 (* ; Menon.; coed.; He ; 157).

Pres.—G. W. Peters. Dean—R. M. Baerg. Treas.—P. K. Warkentin. Reg.—S. W. Goossen. Lib.—Matilda Fast.

Dean of men—Dan Goertzen, Dean of wo.—Anna Ens.

Pacific School of Religion, Berkeley 9 (*theol.; interdenom.; coed.; IVg; 108).

Pres.—Stuart LeRoy Anderson. Dean—Robert E. Fitch. Reg.-acting compt.—Kathryn Blade. Lib.—J. Stillson Judah.

Summer session—Jack Finegan. Pacific Union College, Angwin (NW.,

W.; S. D. A.; coed.; Ille; 816). Pres.—John E. Weaver. Dean—Cecil L. Woods. Bus. mgr.—Howard L. Shull. Reg.—Edwin C. Walter. Lib.—Lois J. Walker. Dean of men-. Dean of wo.—Evabelle Winning.

Summer session—Geo. Caviness. Palo Verde Junior College, Blythe

(—; dist.; coed.; Ic ; 91). Pres.—David N. Davidson. Dean—Eugene Boswell. Dean of men—Robert Pilling.

Palomar College, San Marcos (—; St.; coed.; Ic ; 526).

Pres.—Phil H. Putnam. Dean of instr.—Dorothy B. Babcock. Bus. mgr.—George B. Toll. Reg.—Mrs. Ruth Newman. Lib.—Esther Nesbin. Dean of students—John W. Dunn.

Palos Verdes College, Rolling Hills (—; P.; coed.; Ib; 25).

Pres.—John A. Howard. Vice pres.—Frank B. Weir. Bus. mgr.—Vivian M. Reid. Reg.—Eloise Eberle Kloke. Lib.—Mabel Cory. Dean of wo.—Amie Gilbert.

Pasadena City College, Pasadena 4 (—; dist.; coed.; Ic; 2,628).

Prin.—William B. Langsdorf. Dir. of curriculum—Bailey W. How¬

ard. Bus. asst.—Earl W^ Holder. Reg.—Roland W. Grinstead. Lib.—L. Herman Smith. Dir. of student personnel—Florence

L. Brubaker. Summer session and extended day

school—John E. Twomey. Pasadena College, Pasadena 7 (NW.,

W.; Naz.; coed.; Illj ; 663). Pres.—W. T. Purkiser. Dean of college—Paul T. Culbertson. Bus. mgr.—J. B. Deisenroth. Reg.—Cecil W. Miller. Lib.—Nadine Rockwell. Dean of students—Joseph H. May-

field. Graduate school of religion—Ross

E. Price. Placer College, Auburn (—; dist.;

coed.; Ic; 359). Pres.—Harold Weaver.


Bus. mgr.—M. R. Kneale. Reg.-dean of students—K a t h r o

Frank. Lib.—Elma Clark Young.

Pomona College, Claremont (W.; P.; coed.; lib; 1,041).

Pres.—E. Wilson Lyon. Treas.—William V. Shannon. Reg.—Margaret Maple. Lib.—David W. Davies. Dean of admis.-dean of students—

J. Edward Sanders. Porterville Junior College, Porterville

(—; dist.; coed.; Ic ; 165). Prin.—Charles Easterbrook. Dir,—B. E. Jamison.

Reedley College, Reedley (—; dist.; coed.; Ic; 411).

Dir.—G. A. Reimer. Bus. mgr.—A. A. Schroeter. Dir. of couns. and guid.—Wm. S.

Haupt. Dean of men—Norman Zech. Dean of wo.—Mrs. Ruth Higgins.

Riverside College, Riverside (—; dist.; coed.; Ib ; 545).

Pres.—O. W. Noble. Reg.—Earl A. McDermont. Dean of men—Ralph H. Bradshaw. Dean of wo.—Frances M. Fraser.

Summer session—John C. Ohmen.

Sacramento Junior College, Sacra¬ mento (—; dist.; coed.; Ic ; 1,924).

Pres.—J. Paul Mohr. Dean-liberal arts—George C. Kimber. Dean-vocational arts—R a 1 p h R.

Kendall. Reg.—Michael J. Brickley. Lib.—Marie Erwin. Dean of student activities—Russell


Sacramento State College, 3835 Free¬ port Blvd., Sacramento 18 (NW., W.; St.; coed.; Hie; 1,983).

Pres.—Guy A. West. Exec, dean—F. Blair Mayne. Dean of instr.—Stephen L. Walker. Bus. mgr.—Stanley W. Pretzer. Admis. oft.—W. D. Albright. Lib.—Pearl Spayde. Dean of students—Donald W. Bailey.

Summer session—H a r o 1 d B. Roberts.

St. John^s College, Camarillo (W.; R. C.; men; Ilb; 162).

Pres.—Francis B. Keeper. Dean-lib.—James W. Richardson. Treas.—John W. Siebert. Reg.-dean of men—Oscar J. Miller. Los Angeles Campus:

Vice pres.—Victor E. Roden. Treas.—Edward J. Brennan. Asst, dean-reg.—Bernard J. McCoy. Lib.—William H. Ready. Dean of men—Richard F. Mathews.

St. Mary’s College of California, St. Mary’s College (NW., W.; R. C.; men; lib; 436).

Pres.—Bro. Thomas. Dean—Bro. U. Cassian. Bus. mgr.—^Wm. J. Milliken. Asst. reg.—Mrs. Maryan Dahlgren. Lib.—Wm. P. Macaskill. Dir. of resident students—Bro. Ralph

Cronan. St. Patrick’s Seminary, Menlo Park

(NW.; R. C.; men; Ilj; 213). Pres.—Thomas C. Mulligan. Dean—E. J. Wagner. Compt.—Walter T. Fleming. Reg.—R. Harrington. Lib.—Edward A. Connolly.

Theology-. San Benito County Junior College,

Hollister (—; dist.; coed; Ic; 43). Dean-bus. mgr.—Frank A. Bauman. Reg.—Maude Willard. Lib.—Clyde E. Benedict Browne. Dean of wo.—Rosemary Laubacher.

San Bernardino Valley College, San Bernardino (—; dist.; coed.; Ic ; 1,081).

Pres.—John L. Lounsbury. Vice pres. (mgt. and bus.)—H. M.

Nichols. Vice pres, (student personnel and

curriculum)—J. W. McDaniel. Lib.—Edna Storr Bauer.

Evening college—Nora Parker Coy. San Diego Junior College, San Diego

(—; C.; coed.; Ic; 422). Pres.—John Aseltine.

Applied arts and science—Harry E. Jones.

Bus. and technical—Walter L. Thatcher.

Evening—A. W. Nall. San Diego State College, San Diego 15

(^:=ed., W.; St.; coed.; Ille; 4,285). Pres.—Malcolm A. Love. Dean of instr.—Donald R. Watson. Compt.—Selwyn C. Hartigan. Admis. off.—Alfred E. White. Lib.—John Paul Stone. Dean of students—Herbert C. Peififer,

Jr. Summer session—Charles W. Lam-

den. San Francisco College for Women, San

Francisco 18 (NW., W.; R. C.; wo.; Ille; 457).

Pres.—Mother Leonor Mejia. Dean—Mother Helen Casey. Treas.—Mother Angela Gorman. Reg.—Mother Mary McQueeny. Lib.—Mother Florence Bourret.

Graduate—Mother Natalie White. Summer session—Mother Helen

Casey. San Francisco State College, San Fran¬

cisco 2 (NW., W., *ed.; St.; coed.; Illf; 5,560).


Pres.—J. Paul Leonard. Exec, dean—John H. Butler. Dean of instr.—Reginald Bell. Bus. mgr.—Harry E. Brakebill. Dir. of admis.—Fred D. Reddell. Reg.—Florence Vance. Lib.—Kenneth Brough. Dean of students—John L. Berg-

stresser. Summer session—Leo F. Cain.

San Francisco Theological Seminary, San Anselmo (*; Presb.; coed.; IVg; 244).

Pres.—Jesse H. Baird. Dean—Gurdon C. Oxtoby. Treas.-bus. mgr.—S. D. Archibald. Lib.—Francis L. Bouquet.

San Jose State College, San Jose (NW., W.; St.; coed.; Illf; 6,618).

Pres.—John T. Wahlquist. Dean of instr.—J. C. Elder. Bus. mgr.—E. S. Thompson. Reg.—Viola Palmer. Lib.—Joyce Backus. Dean of students—J. H. West.

Summer session—R. M. Mosher. San Luis Obispo Junior College, San

Luis Obispo (—; dist.; coed.; Ic ; 107).

Prin.—Lawrence Griffin. Lib.—Elizabeth Arnot. Dean of men—Joel Pryde. Dean of wo.—Ethel Cooley.

San Mateo Junior College, San Mateo (— ; dist. and co.; coed.; la ; 1,242).

Pres.—Elon Earl Hildreth. Bus. mgr.—Beryl Gordon. Reg.—Martha E. Burrill. Lib.—Edla R. Walter. Dean of men—Harold F. Taggart. Dir. wo. affairs—Mrs. Ruth Weston.

Santa Ana College, Santa Ana (—; dist.; coed.; Ic ; 552).

Dir.—D. C. McNaughton. Bus. mgr.—Harold Yost. Reg.—Genevieve Humiston. Lib.—Ruth Bradley. Dean of men—John E. Johnson. Dean of wo.—Agness T. Miller.

Summer session and evening div.— Stuart Carrier.

Santa Barbara College. See University of California.

Santa Barbara Junior College. Santa Barbara (—; dist.; coed.; Ic ; 148).

Prin.—William J. Kircher. Santa Maria Junior College, Santa

Maria (—; dist.; coed.; Ic ; 134). Prin.—Arnold C. Van Wyk. Dean— -. Bus. off.-. Reg.-. Lib.—Marguerite Caspar.

Santa Monica City College, Santa Mon¬ ica (—; C.; coed.; Ic; 1,240).

Pres.—Elmer C. Sandmeyer. Bus. off.—E. D. Boynton.

Reg.—Pearl Tranger. Lib.—Edith G. Sperry.

Summer session—Russel L. Lewis. Santa Rosa Junior College, Santa Rosa

(—; dist.; coed.; Ic; 808). Pres.—Floyd P. Bailey. Asst, to pres.—H. R. Newman. Reg.—Louise Hallberg. Lib.—Grace Jordan. Dean of men—Edwin Kent. Dean of wo.—Margaret Trussell.

Scripps College, Claremont (W.; P.; wo.; Ilb; 224).

Pres.—Frederick Hard. Treas.—William V. Shannon. Dir. of admins, and conns, to stu¬

dents—Marjorie S. Crouch. Reg.—Cecily A. Hall. Lib.—Dorothy INI. Drake.

Shasta College, Redding (—; dist.; coed.; If; 343).

I’res.—G. A. Collyer. Reg.-dir. student personnel—Ernest

C. Stump. Lib.—Milton Black.

Summer session—Raymond S. San¬ ders.

Southern California Bible Costa Mesa (*; P.; coed.; Ilh; 271).

Pres.-bus. off.—Irvine J. Harrison. Dean—T. A. Kessel. Reg.—Ward R. Williams. Lib.—W. Bushnell. Dean of students—W. C. McQueen.

Summer session—T. A. Kessel. Southwestern University, Los Angeles

15 (—; P.; coed.; Illg; 1,035). Pres.—Miriam Schumacher. Dean of faculty—Ignatius F. Parker. Reg.—Lucile Pauls. Lib.—Ralph H. Brady.

Law—Orville P. Cockerill. Commerce—Bernard Rose. Summer session — Ignatius F.

Parker. Stanford LTniversity, Palo Alto (W.; P.;

coed.; IVk; 7,584). Pres.—J. E. Wallace Sterling. Prov.—Douglas M. Whitaker. Bus. mgr.—Alf E. Brandin. Reg.—Harvey Hall. Lib.—Raynard C. Swank. Dean of students—H. Donald Win-

bigler. Humanities and sciences—Ray N.

Faulkner, acting. *Law—Carl B. Spaeth. *Medicine—Loren Roscoe Chandler. *Education—I. James Quillen, act¬

ing. *Engineering—Frederick E. Terman. *Business (graduate)—J. Hugh

Jackson. Mineral sciences—Charles F. Park,

Jr. Graduate—Ernest R. Hilgard.


Stockton College, Stockton 27 (—; C.; coed.; Ic; 1,085).

Pres.—Leon P. Minear. Dean of curriculum—Jerome T. Light. Vice pres.-dean admin.—Burke W.

Bradley. Reg.—Louis L. Windmiller. Lib.—Allan R. Laursen. Dean of students—Palmer Graver.

Taft Junior College, Taft (—; dist.; coed.; Ic; 195).

Dir.-dean of men—Garlyn A. Basham. Chief bookkeeper—Lee Sutliff. Lib.—Mrs. Amy Peterson. Dean of wo.—Catherine M. Paulsen.

United States Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey (*eng.; Nat.; men; IVg; 369).

Supt.-. Dean—R. S. Glasgow. Lib.—G. R. Luckett.

University of California, Berkeley 4, (W.; St.; coed.; IVk; 34,883).

Pres.—Robert G. Sproul. Vice pres.-agricultural science s—

Harry R. Wellman. Vice pres.-univ. extension—Baldwin

M. Woods. Vice pres.-bus. affairs—James H,

Corley. Dir. of admis.—Herman A. Spindt. Berkeley Campus (W.) ;

Chanc.—Clark Kerr. Bus. mgr. William J. Norton. Reg.—Thomas B. Steel. Lib.—Donald Coney. Dean of students—Hurford E.

Stone. Letters and science—Alva R.

Davis. ♦Law—William L. Prosser. ♦Education—William A. Brownell. Agriculture—Knowles A. Ryer-

son. ♦Engineering—Morrough P.

O’Brien. ♦Bus. admin.—Ewald T. Grether. ♦Librarianship—J. Periam Dan-

ton. ♦Chemistry—Kenneth S. Pitzer. ♦Architecture—William W. Wur-

ster. Criminology—Orlando W. Wil¬

son. ♦Public health—Charles E. Smith. ♦Forestry—Frederick S. Baker. ♦Optometry—Kenneth B. Stod¬

dard. ♦Social welfare—Milton Chernin. Graduate—William R. Dennes.

Los Angeles Campus (W.) : Chanc.—Raymond B. Allen. Bus. mgr.—George F. Taylor. Assoc, dir. of admis.—Edgar L.

Lazier. Reg.—William C. Pomeroy. Lib.—Lawrence C. Powell. Dean of students—Milton E. Hahn.

Letters and science—Paul A. Dodd.

♦Education—Edwin A. Lee. ♦Bus. admin.—Neil H. Jacoby. Agriculture—Robert W. Hodgson. Applied arts—^David F. Jackey.

♦Engineering—Llewellyn M. K. Boelter.

Medicine—Stafford L. Warren. ♦Social welfare—Donald S. How¬

ard. $Law—L. Dale Coffman. Graduate—Vern O. Knudsen.

San Francisco Campus (Medical Center) :

Bus. mgr.—Harold H. Hixson. Rec.—Mrs. M. Helen Chryst. Lib.—John B. de C. Saunders. ♦Medicine—Francis S. Smyth. ♦Dentistry—Willard C. Fleming. ♦Pharmacy—Troy C. Daniels. ♦Nursing—Margaret A. Tracy. Hastings College, affiliated school

(♦law)—David E. Snodgrass. Hooper Foundation for Medical

Research—Karl F. Meyer. California School of Fine Arts,

affiliated school—Ernest K. Mundt.

Santa Barbara Campus (Santa Bar¬ bara College) (W.) :

Prov.—J. Harold Williams. Bus. mgr.—J. A. Duane Muncy. Reg.—Jerry H. Clark. Lib.—Donald C. Davidson. Dean of men—Lyle G. Reynolds. Dean of wo.—Helen E. Sweet.

Applied arts—John C. Snidecor. Liberal arts—Elmer R. Noble.

Prov.—Stanley B. Freeborn. Bus. mgr.—Ira F. Smith. Reg.—Howard B. Shontz. Lib.—J. Richard Blanchard. Supervisor of student affairs—J.

Price Gittinger. ^Veterinary medicine—George H.

Hart. Letters and science—Herbert A.

Young. Riverside Campus:

Prov.—Gordon S. Watkins. Bus. mgr.—William D. Drew. Lib.—Edwin T. Coman.

La Jolla Campus (S’cripps Institution of Oceanography) :

Dir.—Roger R. Revelle. Lib.—W. Roy Holleman.

Mt. Hamilton (Lick Observatory) : Dir.—C. Donald Shane. Lib.—Stanlislaus Vasilevskis.

University of Redlands, Redlands (W.; Bapt.; coed.; Illj; 1,106).

Pres.—George H. Armacost. Dean—Floyd C. Wilcox. Bus. mgr.-^harles O. Pieirwint. Admis.—Warren P. Mild. Rec.—Esther E. Mertins.


Lib.—Esther Hile. Dean of men—M. J. Smith. Dean of wo.—Martha Gannaway.

Education—Vernon O. Tolle. *Music—Leslie P. Spellman, acting. Physical ed.—Ashel Cunningham. Graduate—L. E. Nelson. Summer session—Vernon O. Tolle.

University of San Francisco, San Francisco 17 (NW., W.; R. C.; men; Illj; 2,82(5).

Pres.—William J. Dunne. Academic vice pres.—Raymond T.

Feely. Sec.-treas.—Edward J, Zeman. Reg.—William J. Dillon. Lib.—William J. Monihan. Dean of men—John F. McIntosh.

Liberal arts and science—Alexis I. Mei.

*Law—Vernon X. Miller. Bus. admin.—Roy C. Hall. Graduate—John H. Martin. Evening div.—George E. Lucy. Summer session—Paul J. Harney.

University of Santa Clara, Santa Clara (NW., W.; R. C.; men ; Illk ; 1,237).

Pres.—Herman J. Hauck. Academic vice pres.-dir, of admis.—

John M. Hynes. Treas.—Ernest P. Watson. Reg.—David P. Arata. Lib.—Edward R. A. Boland. Dean of men—Edward M. Stretch.

Arts and sciences—J a m e s A. King.

Bus. admin.—Charles J. Dirksen. ^Engineering—George L. Sullivan. *Law—Edwin J. Owens.

University of Southern California, Los Angeles 7 (W.; P.; coed.; IVk; 10,857).

Pres.—Fred D. Fagg, Jr, Ed, vice pres.—A. S. Raubenheimer. Finan. vice pres.—Robert D. Fisher. Dir. of admis.—Herman James Shef¬

field. Lib.—Lewis Francis Stieg. Dean of students—Bernard L. Hyink.

Letters, arts and sciences—Tracy E. Strevey.

*Law—Robert Kingsley. *Medicine—B. O. Raulston, $Dentistry—Robert W. McNulty. jPharmacy—Alvah G. Hall. *Education—Osman R. Hull. *Engineering—Robert E. Vivian. *Religion—Earl Cranston. “^Commerce—Lawrence C. Lockley. *Architecture—Arthur B. Galliou. Public admin.—Emery E. Olson.

* Social work—Arlien Johnson. *Lib. science—Lewis Francis Stieg. ♦Music—Raymond Kendall. Nursing—Elizabeth Brown, Zella

Nicholas, and DeLores Schem- mel.

University college—Carl H. Han- cey.

Graduate—Harry J. Deuel, Jr. Summer session—John D. Cooke.

Upland College, 702 W. Arrow High¬ way, Upland (—; Breth. in Christ; coed.; He; 179).

Pres.—Henry G. Brubaker. Dean—William Georgiades. Bus. mgr,—Abner Haldeman. Reg.—Eugene Haas. Lib.—Lois Raser. Dir. student personnel—John Z. iVIar-

tin. Summer session—William Georgi¬

ades. Vallejo College, 840 Nebraska St,

Vallejo (—; dist.; coed.; Ic ; 297). Pres.—Harry D. Wiser. Vice pres.—Warren Max. Reg.—Helen Fawcett. Lib.—Alene M. Parker. Dean of men—Cecil A. McDonald. Dean of wo.—Helen Colescott.

Ventura Junior College, Ventura (—; dist.; coed.; Ic; 599).

l*rin.—D. R. Henry. Curriculum cord.—Phil Powers. Bus. mgr.—R. J. Raitt. Reg.-dir. of guid.—R. W. Pax. Lib.—Grant Heil. Dean of men—F, L, Page. Dean of wo,—Mrs. Irene Knox.

Summer session—R, W. Pax. West Contra Costa Junior College,

Richmond (—; dist.; coed.; Ic). Dir,—John Porterfield.

Westmont College, 55 La Paz Rd., Santa Barbara (—; P.; coed.; He; 298).

Pres.—Roger J. Voskuyl. Dean—Kenneth M. Monroe. Compt.—George E. Shari)e. Reg.—Willard F. Harley. Lib.—Beatrice H. GrifiSn. Dean of students—Charles C. Brooks.

Whittier College, Whittier (W.; 1*.; coed.; He; 1,015).

Pres.—Paul S. Smith. Dean—H, F. Spencer. Finan. sec.—H. L. Hockett. Bus. mgr.—Robert L, Ashbrook, Lib.—Benjamin Whitten. Dean of students—dir. of admis.—

Kenneth N, Richardson. Summer session—H. F. Spencer.

Yuba College, Marysville (—; co.; coed.; Ic; 436).

Pres.—J. J. Collins. Reg.—Algeo H. Brill. Lib.^—Catharine Carpenter. Dir, of guid. and placement—Robert




Canal Zone Junior College, Balboa Heights (M.; nat.; coed.; Ic; 90).

Dean-reg.—Roger C. Hackett. Lib.—Grace J. Rider. Dean of men—James A. Lyons. Dean of wo.—Dorothy Moody.

Extension div. and summer ses¬ sion—Roger C. Hackett.


Adams State College, Alamosa (N., *ed.; St.; coed.; Ilf; 488).

Pres.—Fred Plachy. Dir. of instr.-. Bus. mgr.- Reg.—Esther H. Lyman. Lib.—Leonore M. Brownlee. Dir. student personnel—Wm. T.

Meyer. Summer session—-.

Colorado Agricultural and Mechanical College, Fort Collins (N.; St.; coed.; Illk; 3,502).

Pres.—^William E. Morgan. Dean of College—Andrew G. Clark. Bus. mgr.-treas.—Joseph M. Whalley. Reg.—Stella Morris. Lib.—James G. Hodgson. Dean of students—Robert E. Bates.

Agriculture—S. S. Wheeler. ^Engineering—T. H. Evans. ^Forestry—J. V. K. Wagar, acting. Home economics—Elizabeth Dyar. Science and arts—L. W. Durrell.

^Veterinary medicine—Floyd Cross. Graduate—Walter R. Horlacher.

Colorado College, Colorado Springs (N.; P.; coed.; Illf; 960).

Pres.—William H. Gill. Dean—George W. Adams. Treas.—Thomas H. Rawles. Reg.—Ruth Scoggins, acting. Dir. of admis.—H. E. Mathias. Lib.—Louise F. Kampf. Dean of men—Juan Reid. Dean of wo.—Sallie Payne Morgan.

Summer session—George W. Adams.

Colorado School of Mines, Golden (*eng.; St.; men; IVg; 848).

Pres.—John W. Vanderwilt. Dean—M. I. Signer. Bus. mgr.—Gurnett Steinhauer. Dean of students-reg.—William V.

Burger. Dir. of admis.—H. Dean Burdick. Lib.—Raymond R. Dickison.

Summer session—M. I. Signer. Colorado State College of Education,

Greeley (N., *; St.; coed.; IVd; 1,725).

Pres.—William Robert Ross.

Vice pres.-dir. of instr.—W. D. Ar* mentrout.

Bus. mgr.—Glen C. Turner. Reg.—Roy M. Carson. Lib.—Josephine Halverson. Dir. of personnel—Jack Shaw.

Graduate—A. F. Zimmerman. Summer session—William Robert

Ross. Colorado Woman’s College, Denver 7

(N.; A. Bapt.; wo.; Ic; 408). Pres.—Val H. Wilson. Dean—Paul B. Baum. Compt.—Pauline Bauer. Reg.—George W. Gibbs. Lib.—Alice Spengler. Dean of students—Mrs. Dorothea W.

Blair. Fort Lewis Agricultural and Mechani¬

cal College, Hesperus (—; S't.; coed.; If; 136).

Pres.—Albert E. Corfman, acting. Dean-reg.—Joseph E. Pierce, acting. Bus. mgr.—Robert H. Colley. Lib.—Ruby Nethery.

Iliff School of Theology, Denver 10 (* ; Meth.; coed.; IVg ; 128).

Pres.—William H. Bernhardt, acting. Treas.—Lewis A. Dick. Reg.—Walter G. Williams. Lib.—Martin Rist.

Summer session—Martin Rist. La Junta Junior College, La Junta (—;

dist.; coed.; Ic; 395). Pres.—Philip Rule. Dean—Wm. L. McDivitt. Bursar-reg.—Norma E. Powell. Lib.- Dean of wo.—Opal Wheeler.

Summer session—Norma E. Powell. Lamar Junior College, Lamar (—;

dist.; coed.; If; 97). Pres.-bus. off.—Charles B. Price. Dean-reg.—Clarence A. Swanson. Lib.—Grace Good. Dean of wo.—Mrs. Josephine I.

Swenson. Summer session—Clarence A.

Swanson. Loretto Heights College, Loretto (N.;

R. C.; wo.; Ilf; 500). Pres.—Sister Prances Marie. Dean—Sister Eileen Marie. Treas.—Sister Mary James. Dir. of admis.—Sister Pauline Marie. Lib.—Sister Rose Margaret. Dean of students—Sister Anne Fran¬

cis. Summer session—Sister Eileen Ma¬

rie. Mesa County Junior College, Grand

Junction (—; C.; coed.; Ic; 430). Pres.—Horace J. Wubben. Dean—Mary Rait. Reg.—Mattie P. Dorsey. Lib.—Margaret Ann Arbenz. Dean of men—Victor Charles.


Northeastern Junior College, Sterling (—; dist.; coed.; Ic; 118).

Dean—Ervin S. French. Bus. off.—Parham Smith. Reg.—Francis Smith. Dean of men—Keith Burdick. Dean of wo.—Dorothy Corsberg.

Pueblo Junior College, Pueblo (N.; co.; coed.; Ic; 1,372).

Pres.—Marvin C. Knudson. Bursar—E. Earl Brook. Reg.—Lulu L. Cuthbertson. Lib.—^Ann L. Binfield. Dean of students—Douglas B. Wright.

Regis College, Denver 11 (N.; R, C.; men ; He ; 554).

Pres.—Raphael C. McCarthy. Dean—Louis G. Mattione, Treas.—William H. Houser. Reg.—John J. Gibbons. Lib.—Charles F. Kruger. Dean of men—John J. Quirk.

Summer session—Louis G, Mat¬ tione.

Rockmont College, 2011 Glenarm PI., Denver 5 (*Bible; P.; coed.; Hi; 172).

Pres.—W. R. Skillen. Dean—G. E. Hook. Reg.—Greta Roberts. Lib.—Earl Barbour. Dean of students—Philip Wickern.

Trinidad State Junior College, Trini¬ dad (—; C.; coed.; If; 318).

Pres.—Dwight C. Baird. Dean-vocational and adult ed.—C. O.

Banta. Bursar—W. A. Phillips. Lib.—Frances Samaniego. Dir. student personnel—Guy C. Davis.

Summer session—Guy C. Davis. University of Colorado, Boulder (N.;

St; coed.; IVk; 7,982). Pres.-. Vice pres.-dean—^W. F. Dyde. Vice pres.-dean (medicine)—Ward

DaiTey. Treas.-bus. mgr.—Waldo E. Brock¬

way. Admis. off.—^J. R. Little. Lib.—Eugene H. Wilson. Dean of students—Clifford G. Hous¬

ton. Arts and sciences—Jacob Van Ek.

*Law—E. C. King. *Medicine (Denver)—Robert C.

Lewis. ♦Nursing (Denver)—Mrs. Henrietta

Adams Loughran. ♦Pharmacy—Charles F. Poe. Education—Harl R. Douglass.

♦Journalism—A. Gayle Waldrop. ♦Engineering—Clarence L. Eckel. ♦Music—Warner Imig. ♦Business—Elmore Petersen. Graduate—Dayton D. McKean. Summer session—Clifford G. Hous¬


University of Denver, Denver 10 (N.; Meth.; coed.; IVk; 8,335).

Chanc.-. Treas.—Oscar S. Gellein. Bus. mgr.—Dean H. McCoy. Dir. of admis. and records—Charles

Maruth. Dir. of univ. lib.—Donald E. Strout. Dean of students—Carroll V. Gal-

breath. Arts and sciences—Frank Dickin¬

son. ♦Law—Gordon Johnston. ♦Engineering—Clarence M. Knud¬

son. ♦Bus. admin.—Cecil Puckett. ♦Social work—Emil M. Sunley. ♦Education-. Art—Vance H. Kirkland. Speech—Elwood Murray.

♦Music—Florence Lamont Hinman. Theater—Campton Bell. Hotel and restaurant mgmt.—Jack

Martin. Pub. admin.—E. H. Plank. Nursing-. Graduate—Lloyd A. Garrison. Summer session—Colbert E. Cush¬


Western State College of Colorado, Gunnison (N., ♦ed.; St.; coed.; Ille; 632).

Pres.—Peter P. Mickelson. Dean of admin.—D. H. Cummins. Dir. of bus. and finan.—Ralph E.

Porter. Dir. of admis.—Herbert Dorricott. Lib.—Warren Hicks. Wo. couns.—Dutie Fluallen.

Summer session—Kenneth H. Han¬ sen.


Albertus Magnus College, New Haven 11 (E.; R. C.; wo.; He; 218).

Pres.—Sister M. Coralita Cullinan. Dean—Sister Francis de Sales Hef-

fernan. Reg.—Sister M. Dorilda Kubilus.

Summer session—Sister M. Dorilda. Annhurst College, Putnam (—; R. C.;

wo.; Ilf; 86). Pres.-treas.—Mother Francois des

Anges. Dean—Sister Gertnide Emilie. Reg.—Sister St. Wilfrid. Lib.—Sister St. Charles de Milan.

Summer session—Mother Fran¬ cois des Anges.

Arnold College for Hygiene and Phys¬ ical Education, Milford (—; P.; coed.; Ild; 220).

Pres.—Edward J. Brown. Dean—David O. Glasser. Treas.—Lawrence M. Dooley. Reg.—Martina Gilbert.


Lib.—William G. Dawson. Summer session—Martina Gilbert.

Berkeley Divinity School, IS'ew Haven (*theol.; P. E.; men; Illg; 93).

Dean—Percy L. Urban. Bridgeport Engineering Institute,

Bridgeport 3 (*tech.; P.; coed.; la ; 293).

Pres.—Arthur E. Keating. Dean—Leslie A. Hoffman. Bus. off.—Frank A. Squires. Reg.—Martha K. Rogers. Dean of students—Earle C. Sullivan.

Connecticut College, New London (E.; P.; wo.; mb; 836).

Pres.—Rosemary Park. Dean—E. Alverna Burdick. Bursar—Martha M. Young. Dir. of admis.—M. Robert Cobble-

dick. Reg.—Katherine Hunter Peugh. Lib.—Hazel A. Johnson.

Danbury State Teachers College, Dan¬ bury (*; St.; coed.; Ild; 367).

Pres.—Ruth A. Haas. Dean—F. Burton Cook. Reg.—Eloise P. Griffin. Lib.—Marie S. Green. Dean of men—Alfred T. Geddes. Dean of wo.—Claire A. Trisch.

Summer session—Prank W. Knight. Fairfield University, Fairfield (—; R.

C.; men; Illf; 903). Pres.—Joseph D. Fitzgerald. Dean—Laurence C. Langguth. Treas.—Harry L. Huss. Dir. of admis.—George S. Mahan. Reg.—Robert F. Pitt. Lib.—Edmond J. Hogan. Dean of men—Thomas P. Lyons.

Graduate (coed.)—Laurence C. Langguth.

Summer session (coed.)—T. Ever¬ ett McPeake.

Hartford Art School, Inc., 25 Atheneum Sq., N., Hartford 3 (—; P.; coed.; Ilg; 153).

Dir,—Henrik Martin Mayer. Reg.—Helen C. Martyn.

Summer session—Henrik Alartin Mayer.

Hartford College, West Hartford 7 (—; P.; wo.; He; 66).

Dean—Laura A. Johnson. Bus. off.—Edward H. Lorenz. Admis. off.—Laura A. Johnson. Reg.—Clifton C. Brainerd. Lib.—Eunice Wead.

Hartford Seminary Foundation, Hart¬ ford 5 (—; interdenom.; coed.; IVg; 238).

Pres.—Russell Henry Stafford. Sec.—WiUard T. Carter. Lib.—^Henry Allan Gleason, Jr. Dean of wo.—Mrs. Marcia J. Lowell. ^'Hartford Theological Seminary—

Tertius van Dyke.

Hartford School of Religious Edu¬ cation—Walter Houston Clark.

Kennedy School of Missions— Robert T. Parsons.

Institute of Church Social Service— Charles G. Chakerian.

Hillyer College, Hartford 1 (JE.; P.; coed.; Illf; 2,246).

Pres.—Alan S. Wilson. Dean—Pascal Poe. Bursar—C. Richard Ericson. Reg.—Richard E. Smith. Lib.—Alice L. Smith. Dean of men—Harold O’D. Hunter.

Evening div.—Ernest A. Dudley. Summer session—Donald W. Rus¬

sell. .luliiis Hartt Musical Foundation,

Hartford (* ; P.; coed.; Illh ; 276). Dir.—Moshe Paranov. Bus. off.—Stephen Langton. Dean of Julius Hartt School of

Music—Samuel Berkman. Dir. of admis.—Louis Pellettieri. Reg.—Elizabeth Warner. Rec.—Zenobia Zabielski. Lib.—Edward Hall Broadhead.

Summer session—Elmer M. Hintz. IMitchell College, New London (—; P.;

coed.; Ic; 307). Pres.—Robert C. Weller, Jr. Lib.—Olivia Johnson.

Summer session—Ara A. Kara- kashian.

New Haven Junior College, New Haven 11 (E.; YMCA.; coed.; Ic; 613).

Dir.—Lawrence L, Bethel. Dir. of instr.—Marvin K. Peterson, Sec.—Katharine Blenis Ramshaw. Reg.—Julia M. Stockover. Dir. of student personnel—James M.

Orr. New Haven State Teachers College,

New Haven 11 (* ; St.; coed.; Ille ; 901).

Pres.—S. M. Brownell, Bus. off.—Warren G. Hill. Reg.—Owen W. McDowell. Lib.—Alice B. Thompson. Dir. student personnel services—C.

Winfield Scott. Summer session, evening, exten¬

sion—Hobart V. Jones. Quinnipiac College, New Haven 11 (—;

P.; coed.; lie; 711). Pres.—Samuel W. Tator. Dean—Kenneth C. Streibig. Bursar—Irmagade S. Tator. Dir. of admis.—Harry Bennett. Reg.—^Virginia L. Dailey. Lib.—Virginia R. Macri. Dir. of student personnel—Edward C.

Glanz. Evening div.—Robert W. Evans. Summer session—Melvin P. Larson.

St. BasiFs College, 161 Glenbrook Rd., Stamford (—; R. C.; men: He; 27).


Pres.—Ambrose Senyshen. Dean—Robert Sipos. Treas.—Paul Iwachiw. Lib.—Emil Mauastersky.

St. Joseph College, West Hartford 7 (E.; R. C.; wo.; He; 365).

Pres.—Mother Mary Ethelreda. Dean—Sister Mary Theodore. Bursar—Sister M. Joseph Mark. Reg.—Sister M. Consilia. Lib.—Sister Marie Celine. Personnel off.—Anne-Dillon Curry.

Summer session—Sister Mary The¬ odore.

St. Mary^s Seminary, Norwalk (—; R. C.; men; Ilb; 107).

Pres.—Edmund R. Supple. Treas.—Francis P. Meenan. Reg.—James J. Sheridan. Lib.—Leonard A. Bushinski.

Arts—John J. Walsh. Theology—Charles Connors.

St. Thomas Seminary, Bloomfield (—; R. C.; men; Ib; 104).

Pres.—Raymond G. LaFontaine. Dean-reg.—Francis A. Fries. Treas.—Joseph Degnan. Lib.—Theophilus Mierzwinski.

State Technical Institute, 561 Main St., Hartford 3 (—; St.; coed.; la; 660).

Dir.-bus. off-reg.—Carmelo S. Greco. Lib.-student advisor—Thomas V. Rai¬

mondi. Teachers College of Connecticut, New

Britain (E., *; St.; coed.; I Id; 1,057).

Pres.—Herbert D. Welte. Dean—William C. Lee. Dir. of admis.—Walter Adamson. Bus. mgr.—J. Edgar Thibodeau. Lib.—Katherine M. Strong. Dir. of guid.-veterans couns.—Philip

I. Clark, Jr. Evening college and extension—

Karl J. Hess. Summer session—William C. Lee.

Trinity College, Hartford 6 (E.; P.; men; Illb; 1,116).

Pres.—Albert C. Jacobs. Dean—Arthur Howard Hughes. Bus. mgr.—J. Kenneth Robertson. Dir. of admis.—Albert E. Holland. Lib.—Donald B. Engley. Dean of students—Joseph C. Clarke.

Summer session and extension— Robert M. Vogel.

United States Coast Guard Academy, New London (—; Nat.; men ; Ilg: 565).

Supt.—Arthur G. Hall. Lib.—E. M. Espelie. ♦Engineering—George F. Hicks.

University of Bridgeport, Bridgeport 4 (E.; P.; coed.; Illk; 2,799).

Pres.—James H. Halsey. Vice,pres.—Henry W. Littlefield. Dean of admin.—Harry A. Becker.

Dir. of admis.—Donald W. Kern. Lib.—Lewis M. Ice.

Arts and sciences—Clarence D. L. Ropp.

Bus. admin.—Eaton V. W. Read. Junior College of Connecticut

(E.)—Earle M. Bigsbee. Nursing—Martha P. Jayne. Education—Harry A. Becker. Engineering—John Bodnar. Fones School of Dental Hygiene—

Robert H. W. Strang. Weylister School of Secretarial

Studies—Marie L. Jaeger. Evening—James W. Southouse,

acting. University of Connecticut, Storrs (E.;

St.; coed.; IVk; 7,691). Pres.—Albert N. Jorgensen. Prov.—Albert E. Waugh. Compt.—Leonard C. Riccio. Admis. off.—Thomas E. Roberts. Reg.—Franklin O. Fingles. Lib.—Paul Alcorn. Dir. student personnel—Arwood S.

Northby. Arts and sciences—George E. Mc-

Reynolds. ♦Social work—Harleigh B. Trecker. ♦Education—P. Roy Brammell. Agriculture—W. B. Young.

♦Engineering—F. L. Castleman, Jr. Bus, admin.—Laurence J. Acker¬

man. ♦Law (Hartford)—Bert E. Hopkins. Insurance (Hartford) —Laurence

J. Ackerman. Home economics—Elizabeth E.

May. ♦Pharmacy—Harold G. Hewitt. Physical ed.—E. G. Van Bibber. Physical therapy—John C. Allen. Nursing—Carolyn L. Widmer. Radclilfe Hicks School of Agricul¬

ture (2-year school) —A. I. Mann.

Graduate—Nathan L. Whetten. Branches of the University :

Hartford—Wilber R. Griswold. Waterbury—Patrick E. Fontane.

Summer session—Arthur L. Knob¬ lauch.

V/esIeyan University, Middletown (E.; P.; men; lib; 820).

Pres.—Victor L. Butterfield. Dean of faculty—John W. Spaeth,

Jr. Vice pres.-treas.—Howard B. Mat¬

thews. Dir. of admis.—William H. Low. Lib.—Fremont Rider. Dean of students—Donald A. Eld-

ridge. Willimantic State Teachers College,

Willimantic (*; St.; coed.; Ild; 228).

Pres.—J. Eugene Smith. Bus. off.—Hermann Beckert.


Reg.-dean of wo.—Elizabeth Hood. Lib.—Martha Bartlett.

Yale University, New Haven (E.; P.; men, wo., undergraduate schools, men only; IVk; 7,270).

Pres.—A. Whitney Griswold, Prov.—Edgar S. Furniss. Treas.—Laurence G. Tighe. Sec.—Carl A. Lohmann. Lib.—James T. Babb. Board of admis.—Edward E. Noyes,

chmn. Yale College—William C, DeVane.

*Engineering—Walter J. Wohlen- gerg.

Sheffield Scientific School—Ed¬ mund W. Sinnott.

*Law—Wesley A. Sturges. ^Medicine—C. N. Hugh Long. *Nursing—Elizabeth S. Bixler. ^Divinity—Liston Pope. Fine arts—Charles H. Sawyer.

*Music—Bruce Simonds. *Forestry—George A. Garratt. Graduate—Edmund W. Sinnott.


**Delaware State College, Dover (—; St.; coed.; He; 115).

Pres.—M, E. Thomasson, acting. Dean—James C. Finney. Bus. mgr.—John F. Cook, Reg.—K. Reginald Blakey.

Faith Theological Seminary, Wilming¬ ton 6 (—; P.; coed.; Illg; 150).

Pres.—^Allan A. MacRae, Treas.—Roland K. Armes. Dean-reg.—Peter Stam, Jr. Lib.—^Emily G. Russel.

King’s College, The, King’s College, New Castle (—; P.; coed.; He; 226).

Pres.—Percy B. Crawford. Dean--. Exec, vice pres.—William Jelley. Reg.—Calvin H. Waldron, acting. Lib.—Mary Jane Kegerize. Dean of men—Kenneth C. Kennard. Dean of wo.—Mary P. Barkley.

University of Delaware, Newark (M.; St.; coed.; IVk; 2,259).

Pres,—John A. Perkins. Prov.—Allan P. Colburn. Bus. off.—Charles E. Grubb. Reg.—William H. Bohning, Dir. of admis.—Charles W. Bush. Lib.—William D. Lewis. Dean of students—John E. Hocutt.

Arts and sciences—F. H. Squire. Agriculture—George L. Schuster. Education—William O. Penrose.

*Engineering—David L. Arm. Home economics—Irma L. Ayers. Graduate—Carl J. Rees. Summer session—Carl J. Rees.

Wesley Junior College, Dover (M.; Meth.; coed.; Ic; 115).

Pres.—J. Paul Slaybaugh. Dean—V. Robert Kilby. Compt.—J. Leroy Juckett. Reg.—Margaret B. Kilby. Lib.—Bernice K. Bell. Dean of wo.—Anne Stewart.


Abbott School of Fine and Commercial Art, The, 2013 I St., NW., Wash¬ ington 6 (—; Pr.; coed.; Hg).

Dir.—Anne Puller Abbott. Bus, mgr.—Lenox Uhler. Reg.—Alverda Brouse.

American University, The, Washington 16 (M.; Meth.; coed.; IVj; 4,681).

Pres.—Hurst R. Anderson. Prov.—Donald Derby. Treas.—Guy Zickefoose. Reg.—^Hazel Feagans. Lib.—Anne Jensen. Dean of wo.—Dorothy D. Gondos.

Arts and sciences—John E. Bent¬ ley.

Social sciences and public affairs— Ernest Posner.

Undergrad. div.—Austin Van der Slice.

Grad. div.—Pitman B. Potter. *Law—David R. Bookstaver. Nursing—Gladys Jorgenson, act¬

ing. Benjamin Franklin University, 1100

16th St.; NW., Washington 6 (—; P.; coed.; IIIg;=^ 1,062).

Pres,—John T. Kennedy. Dean—Edwin C. Bosworth. Treas.—Belford E. Hunsinger. Reg,—George B. McGowan.

Capitol Radio Engineering Institute, 3224-16th St., NW., Washington 10 (*tech.; P.; men; la; 394).

Pres.—E. H. Rietzke. Dean—H. R. Callahan. Treas.—H. M. Goldstein. Reg.—E. A. Corey. Lib.—A. Kretschmar. Personnel off.—E. S. Maloney.

Catholic University of America, Wash¬ ington 17 (M.; R. C.; men, wo.; IVk; 3,750).

Rector—Patrick J. McCormick. Procurator—James A. Magner. Sec.-gen.—Roy J. Deferrari. Reg.—Catherine R. Rich. Lib.—Eugene P, Willging. Dean of men—^James J. McPadden,

acting. Dean of wo.—Mary Elinor Smith.

Arts and sciences (coed, in some depts.)—J. M. Campbell.

Philosophy—Ignatius Smith.

2 Confers bachelors degrees based on cur¬ riculum shorter than usual 4-year program.


♦Law (coed.)—Brendan Brown. ♦Eng. and arch.—A. J. Scullen. Sacred theology—Francis J. Con¬

nell. ♦Nursing—Sister Olivia. Canon Law—Edward G. Roelker,

acting. Social science—Celestine J. Nuesse. ♦Social service—John J. McClaf-

ferty. Graduate (coed.)—George Rock. Summer session (coed.)—Roy J.

Deferrari. Columbian College. See George Wash¬

ington University. Columbus University (evening), 1323-

18th St., NW., Washington 6 (—; P.; coed.; Illg; 327).

Pres.—William E. Leahy. ♦Law—James J. Hayden. Accountancy—Daniel J. Ryan.

Dumbarton College of Holy Cross, Washington 8 (M.; R. C.; wo.; He; 202).

Pres.—Sister Mildred Dolores. Dean—Sister M. Madonna. Reg.—Sister M. Justine. Lib.—Sister M. Ernestine. Dean of wo.—Sister M. Lillian.

Summer session—Sister M. Justine. Gallaudet College, Washington 2 (—;

Nat. and P.; coed.; Ille; 218). Pres.—Leonard M. Elstad. Dean—Irving S. Fusfeld. Bus. mgr.—Lloyd H. Johnson. Reg.—Alta Domich. Lib.—Mrs. Lucille H. Pendell. Dean of men—Walter J. Krug. Dean of wo.—Elizabeth E. Benson.

George Washington University, Wash¬ ington 6 (M.; P.; coed.; IVk: 9,541).

Pres.—Cloyd Heck Marvin. Bus. mgr.—Donald Blanchard. Compt.—Henry W. Herzog. Dir. admis.—Harold G. Sutton. Reg.—Fred E. Nessell. Lib.—John R. Mason. Dir. men’s activities—Claud M. Far¬

rington. Dir. women’s activities—Virginia R.

Kirkbride. Junior college—Myron L. Koenig.

Columbian College (senior)—Henry Grattan Doyle.

♦Medicine—Walter A. Bloedorn. ♦I.aw—Oswald S. Colclough. ♦Engineering—Martin A. Mason. ♦Pharmacy—Charles W. Bliven. ♦Education—James H. Fox. Government—Arthur E. Burns. Graduate council—Robert W. Bol-

well. Summer session—Burnice Herman


2 Confers bachelors degrees based on cur¬ riculum shorter than usual 4-year program.


Georgetown University, Washington 7 (M.; R. C.; men, wo.; IVk ; 4,830).

Pres.—Edward B. Bunn. Vice pres.—Edmund A. Walsh. Treas.—Joseph F. Cohalan. Dir. of admis.—Lawrence R. McHugh. Regs.:

Arts and sciences—Joseph G. Con¬ nor.

Graduate—Mrs. Grace Anthony. Law—Marie Louise Stoll. Medicine—Francis L. Simmons. Dentistry—Francis L. Simmons. Foreign service—H. E. A. Zimmer¬

man. Nursing—Joseph G. Connor.

Lib.—Phillips Temple. Dir. student personnel—Joseph A.

Rock. Deans;

Arts and sciences (men)—Brian A. McGrath.

♦Law (coed.)—Hugh Joseph Fegan. ♦Medicine (coed.)—Paul A. Mc¬

Nally. ♦Dentistry (coed.)—Clemens V.

Rault. Nursing (wo.)—Sister Angela

Maria, acting. Foreign service (coed.)—Edmund

A. Walsh. Graduate (coed.)—Gerard P.

Yates. Georgetown Visitation Junior College,

Washington 7 (M.; R. C.; wo.; Ic; 131).

Pi’es. — Mother Margaret Mary Sheerin.

Dean—Sister Mary Paula McDer¬ mott.

Bursar—Sister Mary Thomas Moran. Reg.—Sister Mary Veronica Aud. Lib.—Sister M. Bernadette Phillips.

Holton-Arms School and Junior Col¬ lege, 2125 S S't., ISW., Washington 8 (—; P.; wo.; Ic ; 54).

Pres.-bus. mgr.—Mildred Brown. Dean—Sallie E. Lurton. Dean of wo.—Laura Crease Bunch.

♦♦Howard University, Washington 1 (M.; Nat. and P.; coed.; Illk; 3,697).

Pres.—Mordecai W. Johnson. Dean of univ.—Wm. S. Nelson. Sec.—James M. Nabrit, Jr. Treas.—J. B. Clarke. Bus. mgr.—G. L. Washington. Reg.—F. D. Wilkinson. Lib.—Joseph H. Reason. Dean of students—A. J. Blackburn.

Liberal arts—J. St. Clair Price. ♦Law—George M. Johnson. ♦Medicine—Joseph L. Johnson. ♦Dentistry—Russell A. Dixon. ♦Pharmacy—Chauncey I. Cooper. ♦Engineering—L. K. Downing. ♦Theology—Frank T. Wilson. ♦Music—Warner Lawson.


♦Social work—Inabel B. Lindsay.- Graduate—Charles H. Thompson. Summer and evening—Frank M.

Snowden. Immaculata Junior College, Wisconsin

and Nebraska Aves., Washington 16 (M.; R. C.; wo.; Ic; 119).

Pres.—Sister Marie Angele. Dean—Sister Teresa Aloyse. Treas.—Sister Catherine Agnes. Reg.—Sister Marguerite Mary. Lib.—Sister Helen.

Marjorie Webster Junior College, Washington 12 (—; Pr.; wo.; Ic; 225).

Pres.—Marjorie P. Webster. Bus. and admis. off.—G. Fraser Web¬

ster. Reg.—Julia L. McFarland. Lib.—Elizabeth Powell. Dean of students—Jane Caton.

**Miner Teachers College, Washing¬ ton 1 (M., C.; coed.; Ild; 519).

Pres.—Eugene A. Clark. Reg. John H. Williams. Lib.—Walter B. Williams, acting. Dean of students—Hope Lyons.

Summer session — Langston F. Bate.

**Modern School of Music, The, Geor¬ gia Ave. and Irving St., NW., Wash¬ ington 10 (—; P.; coed.; Ilh ; 90).

Dir.—Arthur E. Smith. Dean—W. Sherman Smith. Bursar—Sylvanus B. Jones. Reg.—Daniel Andrews. Lib.—Lora A. Jones. Dean of men—Charles H. Jones. Dean of wo.—Ruby H. Talbott.

Summer session — W. Sherman Smith.

Mount Vernon Junior College, 2100 Foxhall Rd., Washington 7 (—; P.; wo.; Ic; 142).

Pres.—George W. Lloyd. Dean—Flora Bridges. Bus. mgr.—Mark E. Riffey. Lib.—Mrs. Rachel Wood.

National University, Washington 5 (—; P.; coed.; Illg ; 245).

Chanc.—William O. Douglas. Reg.—Mrs. Alice K. Conner. Lib.—J. Harrison Boyles.

Law—Orville H. Walburn, acting. Summer session-.

St. Paul’s College, 7th and Hamlin Sts., NE., Washington 17 (—; P.; men; Illj).

Pres.—Thomas M. Hoiloran. Dean—John M. Paul. Treas.—Walter B. Orchard. Keg.—Ben B. Hunt. Lib.—John J. Dimond. Personnel—John Carr.

Graduate—John M. Paul,

School of Advanced International Studies of the Johns Hopkins Uni¬ versity. See Johns Hopkins Uni¬ versity (Md.).

Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary, 6830 Laurel St., Wash¬ ington 12 (—; S. D. A.; coed.; Illh).

Pres.—Vernon E. Hendershot. Dean—Chas. E. Weniger. Treas.—C. L. Torrey. Reg.—Theodora Wirak. Lib.—Holger Lindsjo.

Southeastern University, 1736 G St., NW., Washington 6 (—; P.; coed.; IIIg;=^ 603).

Pres.—Leroy J. Maas. Bursar—Irene Hoge. Reg.—Juliette Lodter. Lib.—C. Alice Roberts.

Accountancy—Joseph K. Moyer. Bus. admin.—Jennings Randolph.

Strayer College of Accountancy, 601- 13th St, NW., Washington 5 (—; Pr.; coed.; Illg" ).

Pres.—Edmond S. Donoho. Dir.—Elgie G. Purvis. Admin, dean—Franklin T. Chace. Reg.—Samuel P. Vanderslice. Dean of students—Bennett Wood.

Trinity College, Washington (M.; R. C.; wo.; He; 497).

Pres.—Sister Catherine Dorothea. Dean of studies—Sister Columba. Bus. off.—Sister Mary Agnes. Reg.—Sister Mary Mercedes. Lib.—Sister Helen. Dean of wo.—Sister Ann Francis.

United States Department of Agricul¬ ture Graduate School, Washington 25 (—; Nat; coed.; Vc=*).

Dir.—P. V. Cardon.- Treas.—Dwight L. Myers. Reg.—M. Louise Sullivan. Lib.—Ralph R. Shaw.

Washington Missionary College, Ta- koma Park, Washington 12 (M.; S. D. A.; coed.; Ilf; 567).

Pres.—William H. Shephard. Bus. mgr.—J. W. Peeke. Reg.—Eunice Rozema. Lib.—T. G. Weis. Dean of men—^D. B. Townsend. Dean of wo.—Maybelle Vandermark.

Summer session—C. N. Rees. Washington School of Psychiatry, 1711

Rhode Island Ave., NW., Washing¬ ton 6 (—; P.; coed.; Vg;^ 223).

Pres.—David McK. Rioch. Exec. dir.—Theodore S. Dukeshire. Reg.—Robert Kahn.

* Confers bachelors degrees based on cur¬ riculum shorter than usual 4-year program.

3 Undergraduate and graduate; non-de¬ gree-granting.

^ Graduate; non-degree-granting.


Wilson Teachers College, Washington 9 (M., ♦; C.; coed.; Ild; 3S8).

Pres.—Walter E. Hager. Asst, to pres.-reg.—Paul O. Carr. Bursar—Mrs. Edith Simat. Lib.—Mary B. Curran.

Summer session—Paul O. Carr.


Barry College for Women, Miami (S.; R. C.; wo.; He; 287).

Pres.—Rev. Mother M. Gerald. Dean—Sister M. Dorothy. Vice pres.-bus. mgr.—Sister Marie

Grace. Reg.—Sister M. Trinita. Lib.—Sister Michael James.

**Bethune-Cookinan College, Daytona Beach (S.; P.; coed.; Ilf; 501).

Pres.—Richard V. Moore. Dean—Charlotte L. Clark. Bus. mgr.—Lowry G. Wright. Reg.—William DuBose. Lib.—Martha M. Berhel. Conus, of men—Otto M. Pharr. Couns. of wo.—Maine Mason Higgins.

Summer s e s s i o n—Charlotte L. Clark.

Chipola Junior College, Marianna (—; St. and CO.; coed.; Ic; 166).

Dean—K. G. Skaggs. Reg.—G. W. Allen. Lib.—Julia Rowe.

Summer session—G. W. Allen. **Edward Waters College, Jackson¬

ville (—; A. M. E.; coed.; Id ; 175). Pres.—William B. Stewart. Dean—James A. Espy. Bus. off.—Deaver P. Young. Reg.—Mrs. M. L. Betsch. Lib.—Mrs. Alice M. Skinner. Dean of wo.—Mrs. L. M. Jones.

Summer session—James A. Espy. **FIorida Agricultural and Mechanical

College for Negroes, Tallahassee (S.; St., coed.; Ille; 2,073).

Pres.—George W. Gore, Jr. Bus. mgr.—J. R. E. Lee, Jr. Reg.—E. M. Thorpe. Lib.—J. Luther Thomas. Dir. of personnel—Sadie M. Yancey.

**Florida Normal and Industrial Memorial College, St. Augustine ( S.; P.; coed.; Ilf; 178).

Pres.—R. W. Puryear. Dean—Milton S. J. Wright. Cashier—J. Thomas Wallace. Reg.—Frank T. Wilson, Jr.

Florida Southern College, Lakeland (S.; Meth.; coed.; He; 1,323).

Pres.—Ludd M. Spivey. Dean—James C. Peel. Bus. mgr.—Corning F. Tolle. Reg.—W. E. DeMelt. Lib.—Oween Sumner. Dean of men—Jean Battle. Dean of wo.—Mrs. Eva Miller.

Florida State University, Tallahassee (S.; St.; coed.; IVk; 5,448).

Pres.—Doak S. Campbell. Vice pres.—Albert Boynton Martin. Bus. mgr.—R. K. Shaw. Reg.—Charles H. Walker. Lib.—Louise Richardson. Dean of student welfare—J. Brow¬

ard Culpepper. Arts and sciences—Edwin R.

Walker. Education—Mode L. Stone, acting. Home economics — Margaret R.

Sandels. *Mnsic—Karl O. Kuersteiner. Lib. science—Louis Shores.

* Social work—Coyle E. Moore. Business—Frank Dame. Public admin.—Wilson K. Doyle. Journalism—Laurence R. Camp¬

bell. Nursing—Vivian M. Dnxbury. Graduate—Milton W. Carothers.

Jacksonville College of Music, Jack¬ sonville (*; P.; coed.; llh ; 95).

Pres.—George Onier. Dean—Lyman P. Prior. Reg.—L. Wolcott Prior.

Jacksonville Junior College, Jackson¬ ville (S.; P.; coed.; Ib ; 406).

Pres.—Paul L. John.son. Dean-reg.—Allen C. Hutchinson. Auditor-. Lib.—Mrs. Katherine Bi-ubeck.

John B. Stetson University, De Land (S.; S. Bapt.; coed.; Illk; 1,136).

Pres.—J. Ollie Edmunds. Bursar—Charles Franklin. Reg.—Barbara Rowe. Lib.—Charlotte Smith. Dean of wo.—Etter M. Turner.

Arts and sciences—H o w a r d Hopkins.

*Law—L. A. Haslup. *Music—William E. Duckwitz. Business—Edward C. Furlong. Summer session—Ray Sowers.

Orlando Junior College, Orlando (—; P.; coed.; Ic; 211).

Pres.—Addison L. Williams. Dean—Morris S. Hale, Jr. Bursar—Lorraine St. John. Dean of wo.—Virginia W. Ta.vlor.

Summer session—John W. Shank. Palm Beach Junior College, Lake Park

(S.; CO.: coed.; If; 170). Pres.-dean.—John I. Leonard. Reg.-bursar—Elbert E. Bishop. Lib.—Elizabeth S. Reynolds. Dean of men—Paul Glynn. Dean of wo.—Rachel F. Crozier.

Rollins College, Winter Park (S.; P.; coed.; He; 643).

Pres.—Hugh F. McKean. Dean of the college—Edwin R.

Walker. Vice pres.-treas.—John M. Tiedtke. Reg.—Dorothy 1. Koehler.


Lib.—Mrs. Alice E. Hansen. Dean of men—Joseph Justice, acting. Dean of wo.—Marian van B. Cleve¬

land. St. Joseph Teacher Training Institute,

St. Augustine (—; R. C.; wo.; la; 50).

Pres.—Mother Anna Joseph. Dean-reg.—Sister Francis Joseph. Bus. off.—Sister Mary Edith. Lib.—Sister Teresa Carmel.

Summer session—Sister Francis Joseph.

St. Petersburg Junior College, St. Petersburg 6 (S.; co.; coed.; Ic; 445).

Pres.—Michael M. Bennett. Reg.—Charles O. Smout. Lib.—Vera Couch. Dean of men—L. F. Williamson. Dean of w^o.—Frances L. West.

University of Florida, Gainesville (S.; St.; coed.; IVk; 9,003).

Pres.—J. Hillis Miller. Vice pres.—John S. Allen. Bus. mgr.—George F. Baughman. Dean of univ.—H. W. Chandler. Reg.—R. S. Johnson. Lib.—Stanley L. West. Dean of student personnel—William

Max Wise. Univ. college—W. W. Little. Arts and sciences—Ralph E. Page.

*Law—H. A. Penn. Education—J. B. White. Agriculture—C. V. Noble.

^Engineering—Joseph Weil. •^Bus. admin.—W. J. Matherly. *Arch. and allied arts—W. T. Arnett. *Pharmacy—P. A. Foote. ^Forestry—C. M. Kaufman. Physical ed. and health—D. K.

Stanley. Music—A. A. Beecher.

* Journalism—Rae O. Weimer. Graduate—L. E. Grinter.

University of Miami, Coral Gables (S.; P.; coed.; Illk; 7,755).

Pres.—Bowman F. Ashe. Vice pres.—Jay F. W. Pearson. Vice pres.-dean of faculty—H. Frank¬

lin Williams. Sec.—Wm. J. Hester. Treas.—S. B. Maynard. Reg.—K. Malcolm Beal. Dir. of admis.—H. H. Provin. Lib.—Archie Liddell McNeal. Dean of men—Poster E. Alter. Dean of wo.—Mary B. Merritt.

Liberal arts—Charles Doren Tharp. ♦Education—John R. Beery. ♦Law—Russell A. Rasco. ♦Music—John Bitter. Bus. admin.—Grover A. J. Noetzel. Engineering—J. H. Clouse. Graduate—J. Riis Owre. Evening dlv.—Dan Steinhoff, Jr. Summer session—E. Morton Miller.

University of Tampa, Tampa 6 (S.; P.; coed.; He ; 988).

Pres.—E. C. Nance. Dean of admin.—M. C. Rhodes. Asst, treas.—Mrs. Johnnie Pate. Lib.—Charlotte Ann Thompson. Reg.—Mrs. Sylvia Dean Harbert. Dean of men—Howard Gould Baker. Dean of wo.—Lucile King.


Abraham Baldwin Agricultural Col¬ lege,® Tifton (—; St.; coed.; Ig; 243).

Pres.—George P. Donaldson. Dean—T. M. Cordell. Compt.—William Dewberry. Reg.—Evamae Howard. Lib.—Nettie Gray.

Agnes Scott College, Decatur (S.; P.; wo.; Ilb; 457).

Pres.—Wallace M. Alston. Dean of faculty-reg.—S. G. Stukes. Treas.—J. C. Tart. Lib.—Mrs. E. N. Byers. Dean of students—Carrie Scandrett.

**Albany State College,® Albany (S.; St.; coed.; Ilf; 806).

Pres.—Aaron Brown. Dean—Richard L. Jeffreys. Compt.—Julius A. Lockett. Reg.—Carl S. Dabney. Lib.—James L. Sloan. Dean of men—T. J. Pugh. Dean of w’o.—Mildred R. Thompson.

Summer session—Carl S. Dabney. Andrew College, Cuthbert (S.; Meth.;

wo.; le; 44). Pres.—A. W. Ray. Dean-reg.—A. J. Philips. Lib.—Virginia Malone. Dean of wo.—Velma Perkins.

Armstrong College, Savannah (S.; C.; coed.; Ic ; 653).

Pres.—Foreman M. Hawes. Lib.-. Dean of students—W. Orson Beecher.

Evening session—Arthur M. Gignil- liat.

Atlanta Art Institute, 1262 Peachtree St., NE., Atlanta (—; P.; coed.; Illi; 245).

Pres.—Herbert D. Oliver. Dir.—Robert S. Rogers. Treas.—Jas. D. Robinson, Jr., acting. Reg.-dean of students—Edna W.

Turner. Summer session—Robert S. Rogers.

Atlanta Law School, Atlanta 3 (—; P.; coed.; Illg; 207).

^The University System of Georgia con¬ sists of the 15 State-supported institutions of higher education. All institutions are under the iurlsdiction of the Board of Regents. The board has as its chief executive officer a chancelor. The office of the board is located at 20 Ivy St. SE., Atlanta, Ga.


Dean—Hamilton Douglas. Reg.—H. E. Cole.

**Atlanta University System, Atlanta: **Atlanta University (S.; P.; coed.;

Illk; 372). Pres.—Rufus E. Clement. Treas.—Florence M. Read. Reg.—John P. Whittaker. Lib.—L. D. Reddick.

*Lihrary service—Virginia Lacy Jones.

Education—Wesley J. Lyda. Bus, admin.—Samuel Z. Wester-

field. Arts and sciences—Samuel M.

Nabrit. *Social work—Forrester B. Wash¬

ington. Summer session—John P. Whit¬

taker. **Morehouse College (S.; Bapt.;

men ; IIj ; 471). Pres.—Benjamin E. Mays. Dean—B. R. Brazeal. Treas,—C. Everett Bacon. Bursar—Gabriel S. Alexander. Reg.—John P. Whittaker, Personnel off.—William Nix.

Religion—Melvin H. Watson. Summer session—John P. Whit¬

taker. **Spelman College (S.; Bapt.; wo.;

He; 373). Pres.—Florence M. Read. Treas.—E. E. Quantrell. Reg.—Gladys E. Webber Dean of wo.—A. S, Hunnicntt.

Summer session—John P. Whit¬ taker.

Berry College, Mount Berry (—; P.; coed.; Ilf; 540).

Pres.—Samuel Henry Cook, acting. Dean—Samuel Henry Cook. Bus. mgr.—Clarence N. Walker. Reg.—Edward Dickey. Lib.—Jane L. McDaniel. Dean of men—M. Hudon Vann. Dean of wo.—Sophie Payne Alston.

Summer session—Leonard Parrish. Bessie Tift College, Forsyth (tS.;

Bapt.; wo.; He ; 204). Pres,—Cary T. Vinzant. Dean—Starr Miller. Treas,—Billie Joe Jackson, Sr. Reg.—Eugenia Stone, Lib.—Dorothy Alexander, Dean of wo.—Flora Walraven.

Brenau College, Gainesville (S.; P.; wo.; He; 245).

Pres.—Josiah Crudup, Dean—J. W. Sharp. Treas.—Erwin C. Merck. Couns.-reg.—Ella D, Winfield. Lib.—O. Counts.

Brewton-Parker Junior College, Mt. Vernon (—; S. Bapt.; coed.; le; 125).

Pres.—Melvin P. Campbell. Dean—W. Harold Green. Reg.—Doris Claxton. **Clark College (S.; Meth.; coed.;

He; 686). Pres.—James P. Brawley. Dean—A. A. McPheeters. Reg.—Edward J. Brantley, Bus, off.—Sinclair V. Jeter. Lib.—Mrs. Margaret R. Hunton. Dean of men—C. R. Hamilton. Dean of wo.—Mrs. Phoebe F. Bur¬

ney. Columbia Theological Seminary, Deca¬

tur (*; Presb.; men; HIg; 192). Pres.—J. McDowell Richards. Reg.—C. Virginia Harrison. Lib.—Flarold B. Prince.

Emmanuel College, Franklin Springs (—; Pent. Hob; coed.; Ic ; 82).

Pres.—Woodward G. Drum. Dean-reg.—John W. Swails. Lib.—Dorothy Poteat.

Emory University, Emory University (S. Meth.; coed., except: men only in undergrad, arts and sciences and bus. admin., women only in nurs¬ ing; IVlv; 3,097).

Pres.—Goodrich C. White, Vice pres.—J. G. Stipe. Dean of the faculties—E. C. Colwell. Dean of admin.—Boisfeuillet Jones. Treas.-cont.—G. H. Mew. Bus. mgr.—C. O. Emmerich. Dir. of admis.—L. L. Clegg. Reg.—I, W. Brock. Lib.—Margaret Jemison. Dean of students—E. H. Rece.

Arts and sciences—Judson C. Ward, Jr.

Lower div.—H. P. Miller. *Dentistry (Atlanta)—J. E. Buh-

ler. *Law—William M. Hepburn. *Medicine (P]mory and Atlanta) —

R. Hugh Wood. *Nursing—Ada Fort. ""Theology—Henry B. Trimble. *Bus. admin.—Gordon Siefl^in. Graduate—H. M. Phillips. Emory Junior College, Oxford (S.;

men; 166).—V. Y. C. Eady. Emory Junior College, Valdosta

(S.; men; 92).—E. D. Whi- sonant.

**Fort Valley State College,® Fort Val¬ ley (S.; St.; coed.; He; 615).

Pres.—C. V. Troup. Dean—W. W. E. Blanchet.

5 The University System of Georgia con¬ sists of the 15 State-supported institutions of higher education. All institutions are under the jurisdiction of the Board of Regents. The board has as its chief executive officer a chaucelor. The office of the board is located at 20 Ivy St., SE., Atlanta, Ga.


Compt.—L. R. Bywaters. Reg.—T. B. O’Daniel. Lib.—H. Regulus. Dean of men—J. A. Tillman. Dean of wo.—Lottie M. Lyons.

Summer session—T, B. O’Daniel. **Gammon Theological Seminary, At¬

lanta (*; Meth.; coed.; Illg; 46). Pres.—Harry V. Richardson. Bursar—C. C. Branson. Reg.—F. W. Clelland.

Georgia Institute of Technology,^ At¬ lanta (S.; St.; coed.; IVi; 3,521).

Pres.—Blake Ragsdale Van Leer. Vice-pres.—Cherry L, Emerson. Exec, dean—Phil B. Narmore. Dean of faculties—Lloyd W. Chapin. Cont.—Jamie R. Anthony. Reg.—W. L. Carmichael. Lib.—Mrs. J. H. Crosland. Dean of students—George Griffin. ^Engineering—J. W. Mason. Eng. extension—Roger S. Howell. General studies—Ralph A, Hefner. Graduate—Ray L. Sweigert.

The Southern Technical Institute, Chamblee (*tech.; coed.)—Law¬ rence V. Johnson.

Summer session—Phil B. Narmore.

Georgia Military Academy, Collegia Park (S.; P.; men; Ib ; 52).

Pres.—W. R. Brewster. Dean—W, R. Brewster, .Tr. Bus. off.-reg.—R. S. Rosser. Lib.—Mrs. J. T. Jackson.

Summer session—W. R. Brewster.

Georgia Military College, Milledgeville (S.; C.; men ; Ic; 159).

Pres.—R, A. Thorne. Dean—J. L. Ferguson. Treas.—J. C. Godard. Lib.—Mrs. Lucille Rotchford. Commandant—L. J. Compton.

Georgia Southwestern College,^ Americus (S.; St.; coed.; Ic; 1C5).

Pres.—Lloyd A. Moll. Compt.—Jasper Grover. Reg.—F. C. Staton. Lib.—Macy Gray. Dean of wo.—Althea H. Whitney.

Georgia State College for Women,® Milledgeville (S.; St.; wo.; He ; 600).

Pres.—Guy H. Wells. Dean of instr.—Donald H. MacMa-

hon. Compt.—J. H. Dewberry. Reg.—T. E. Smith. Lib.—Virginia Satterfield. Dean of wo.—Francis Ross Hicks.

Georgia Teachers College,® Collegeboro, Statesboro (S., *; St.; coed.; Ild;


Pres.—Zach S. Henderson. Dean—Paul Carroll. Treas.—Donald McDougald. Reg.—Viola Perry. Lib.—Hassie Maude McElveen. Dean of men—Sophie Johnson. Dean of wo.—Ida Long Rogers.

Gordon Military College, Barnesville (S.; P.; men; Ic; 180).

Pres.—W. L. Morgan. Vice pres.—D. Edgar Sellers. Bus. mgr.—J. E. Guillebeau.

John Marshall Law School, 115 Forrest Ave., NE., Atlanta (—; P.; coed.; Illg; 179).

Pres.—S. B. Fenster. Reg.—Theo. D. Fenster.

Junior College of Augusta, Augusta (S.; CO.; coed.; If; 211).

Pres.—Eric W. Hardy. Dean—A. P. Market. Lib.—Margaret Bailie.

Summer session—Eric W. Hardy. LaGrange College, La Grange (S.;

Meth.; coed.; He; 144). Pres,—Waights G. Henry, Jr. Dean—E. A. Bailey. Reg.—J. Grady Gower. Lib.—Mrs. Davis P. Melson. Dean of wo.—Verdie Miller.

Medical College of Georgia,® Augusta (*; St; coed.; Illg; 323).

Pres.—G. Lombard Kelly. Compt.—Martha F. Dreyer. Reg.—Mary B. Cumbus. Lib.—Sadie Rainsford.

Mercer University, Macon ($S.; S. Bapt; coed.; Illk; 1,045).

Pres.—Spright Dowell. Vice pres.—G. B. Connell. Dean of instr.—Hoy Taylor. Bus. mgr.—J. W. Holding. Reg.—Frank G. Clark. Lib.—Charles H. Stone. Dean of men—Richard C. Burts, Jr. Dean of wo.—Louise Brown.

*Law—F. Hodge O’Neal. Theology—Hansford D. Johnson. Education—Hayden C. Bryant. Graduate—Otis D. Knight.

Middle Georgia College,® Cochran (S'.; St; coed.; Ic; 163).

Pres.—L. E. Roberts. Dean-reg.—J. T. Morris. Bus. off.—L. B. Goodman. Lib.—Henrietta Thomae.

**Morehouse College. Soe Atlanta Uni¬ versity System.

® The University System of Georgia con¬ sists of the 15 State-supported institutions of higher education. All institutions are under the jurisdiction of the Board of Regents. The board has as its chief executive officer a chancelor. The office of the board is located at 20 Ivy St., SB., Atlanta, Ga.


**Morris Brown College, Atlanta (S.; A. M. E.; coed.; He; 667).

Pres.—Edw. C. Mitchell, acting. Dean—James H. Robinson. Bus. mgr.—R. R. Wright, III, acting. Reg.—Zenobia Terry. Lib.—Alta M. McKnight. Dean of men—Clarence O. Brown. Dean of wo.—Thursa F. Davis.

Theology—Frank Cunningham.

Norman College, Norman Park (—; S. Bapt.; coed.; Ic; 125).

Pres.—Guy N. Atkinson. Dean-reg.—Claude W. Hicks. Lib.—Martha Jane Morgan.

North Georgia College,® Dahlonega (S.; St.; coed.; He; 573).

Pres.—Merritt E. Hoag. Dean—Will D. Young. Compt.—H. H. Gilbert, Jr. Reg.—Ella Ray Oakes. Lib.—Susie M. Harris. Commandant—Orvil R. Hause. Dean of wo.—Alice Donovan.

Summer session—Merritt E. Hoag.

Oglethorpe University, Oglethori)e University (S.; P.; coed.; Hf; 257).

Pres.—Philip Weltner. Vice pres.—Geo. C. Seward. Reg.—Marjorie MacConnell. Lib.—Margaret Sammon.

**Paine College, Augusta (S.; r^Ieth. and C. M. E.; coed.; He; 368).

Pres.—Edmund C. Peters. Bus. mgr.—W. C. Ervin. Reg.—Josephine Richardson. Lib.—Lenna Hall. Dir. of guidance—W. L. Graham. Dean of men—L. R. Harper. Dean of wo.—Emma Gray.

Summer session—L. R. Harx)er.

Piedmont College, Demorest (—; P.; coed.; He; 313).

Pres.—James E. Walter. Dean—Homer Stevens. Asst, treas.—Mrs. Eula Batson. Reg.—Mrs. W. B. Smith. Lib.—Mrs. Leslie Jones.

Reinhardt College, Waleska (—; Meth.; coed.; Ic ; 113).

Pres.—J. R. Burgess, Jr. Reg.-dean of men—W. C. Partin. Lib.—Emma Ritter. Dean of wo.—Decora Adams.

**Savannah State College,® State Col¬ lege Branch, Savannah (S.; St.; coed.; He; 996).

Pres.—William K. Payne. Dean—Timothy C. Meyers, acting. Compt.—Emanuel A. Bertrand. Reg.—Ben Ingersoll. Lib.—Luella Hawkins.

Dean of men—William J. Holloway. Summer session—Elson K. Wil¬

liams. Shorter College, Rome (S.; S'. Bapt.;

wo.; He; 215). Pres.—Charles W. Burts. Academic couns.—Margaret Basker-

vill. Bus. mgr.—Clyde F. McAlister. Reg.—Louise Thompson. Lib.—Enid P. Bryan. Dean of wo.—Lydia Dixon Sheppard.

South Georgia College,® Douglas (S.; St.; coed.; Ic; 249).

Pres.—William Spencer Smith. Compt.—James T. Frye. Reg.—I. D. Engrain. Lib.—Frank C. Winston. Dean of students — Thomas Y.


Southern College of Pharmacy, 223 Walton St., NW., Atlanta (t; P.; coed.; Hg; 240).

Dean—M. jM. Aleyer, acting. **Spelman College. See Atlanta Uni¬

versity System.

Toccoa Falls Institute, Toccoa Falls (=i=Bible; P.; coed.; He; 101).

Pres.—R. A. Forrest. Supt.—E. Kelly Barnes. Reg.—Mrs. E. Kelly Barnes. Lib.—Mrs. Milton J. Scripture. Personnel dir.—Kathryn Farrington.

Truett-McConnell Junior College, Cleveland (—; Bapt.; coed.; If; 121).

Pres.—Joe H. Miller. Dean—Julius H. Spears. Reg.—Mrs. Julius H. Spears. Lib.—Mrs. Agnes K. Hall. Dean of men—Earl R. Payne. Dean of w’O.—Lounell Alullis.

Summer session—Julius H. Spears.

University of Georgia,® Athens (S.; St.; coed.; IVk; 8,920).

Pres.—Omer Clyde Aderhold. Dean of faculties—A. B. Biscoe. Compt.-treas.—J. D. Bolton. Reg.—Walter N. Danner. Dir. of lib.—E. P. Kellam. Dean, div. of student affairs.—J.

Thomas Askew. Arts and sciences—Sidney Walter

Martin. *Law—J. Alton Hosch. *Pharmacy—Kenneth L. Waters. *Education—John A. Dotson. Agriculture—Calvin Clyde Murray.

® The University System of Georgia con¬ sists of the 15 State-supported institutions of higher education. All institutions are under the jurisdiction of the Board of Regents. The board has as its chief executive officer a chancelor. The office of the board is located at 20 Ivy St., SB., Atlanta, Ga.


Home economics—M a u d e Pye Hood, acting.

*Forestry—D. J, Weddell. *Bus. admin.—James E. Gates. *Journalism—John E. Drewry. ^Veterinary medicine—Thomas J.

Jones. Graduate—G. H. Boyd.

Atlanta Division; Dir.—George McIntosh Sparks. Admin, dean—T. W. Mahler. Compt.—V. V. Lavroff. Reg.—Ernest Emory. Lib.—^Wilson W. Noyes. Dean of students—J. C. Camp. Bus. admin.—George Manners.

Valdosta State College,® Valdosta (S.; St.; coed.; He; 409).

Pres.—J. Ralph Thaxton. Academic dean—J. A. Durrenberger. Compt.—Shealy C. McCoy. Reg.—Mrs. W. M. Thomas. Lib.—Lillian Patterson. Dean of men—William M. Gabard. Dean of wo.—Mrs. Joe Wisenbaker.

Summer session—J. Ralph Thax¬ ton.

Wesleyan College, Macon (S.; Meth.; wo.; Ilj; 473).

Pres.—B. .Joseph Martin. Dean—Samuel L. Akers. Bus. mgr.—Frances Strohecker. Reg.—Elizabeth Winn. Lib.—Katharine Carnes. Conservatory of *Music and School

of Fine Arts—Harvard F. Vallance. West Georgia College,® Carrolton (S.;

St.; coed.; If; 262). Pres.—I. S. Ingram. Dean—W. H. Row. Bus. off.—S. H. Acklen. Reg.—Katie Downs. Lib.—Anne Weaver.

Summer session—^W. H. Row. Woodrow Wilson College of Law,

Atlanta (—; P.; coed.; Ilg; 218). Pres.—Clifford Walker. Dean—Joseph B. Kilbride. Lib.—Ruth Sills.

Young L. G. Harris College, Young Harris (S.; Meth.; coed.; le ; 221).

Pres.—Charles R. Clegg. Dean—Robert P. Andress. Reg.—L. C. Atkins. Lib.—Mrs. S. B. Tolar.

Summer session—Charles R. Clegg.


University of Hawaii, Honolulu (W.; Ter.; coed.; IVk; 4,878).

® The University System of Georgia con¬ sists of the 15 State-supported institutions of higher education. All institutions are under the jurisdiction of the Board of Regents. The board has as its chief executive officer a chancelor. The office of the board is located at 20 Ivy St., SE., Atlanta, Ga.

Pres.—Gregg M. Sinclair. Vice pres.-dean of faculties—Paul S.

Bachman. Treas.—Joseph M. Skorpen. Reg.—Helen B. MacNeil. Lib.—Carl G. Stroven. Dean student personnel—Harold M.

Bitner, acting. Arts and sciences—Willard Wilson. Teachers college—Bruce White. Bus. admin.—Harold S. Roberts. Applied science — Wilfred J.

Holmes. Agriculture — Harold A. Wads¬

worth. * Social work—Katharine N. Hand-

ley. *Nursing—Virginia A. Jones. Graduate—Thayne M. Livesay. Summer session—Paul S. Bach-



Boise Junior College, Boise (NW.; dist.; coed.; Ic; 559).

Pres.—Eugene B. Chaffee. Dean-reg.—Conan E. Mathews. Bus. mgr.—Clyde F. Potter. Dir. admis. and records—Mary T.

Hershey. Lib.—Mary D. Bedford. Dean of men—Paul E. Baker. Dean of wo.—Ada P. Burke.

Summer session — Conan E. Mathews.

College of Idaho, Caldwell (NW.; Presb.; coed.; lie; 302).

Pres.—Paul M. Pitman. Dean of faculty—Dwight Rugh. Bus. mgr.—Russell J. Smith, Jr. Admis.—Ledru A. Williams. Reg.—Bess Steunenberg. Lib.—Paul Murphy. Dean of students—Margaret Boone.

Summer session—Raymond H. Snyder.

Idaho State College, Pocatello (NW.; St; coed; Ilj ; 1,472).

Pres.—Carl W. McIntosh, Jr. Dean of the college—Robert C. Stev¬

enson. Bursar—William J. Bartz. Reg.—Mrs. Anna C. Nunn. Lib.—Eli M. Oboler. Dir. student affairs—C. A. Tallberg.

Liberal arts—E. J. Baldwin. *Pharmacy—E. E. Roscoe. Trade and industrial ed.—Roy F.

Christensen. Summer session—H. L. Steele.

North Idaho Junior College, Coeur d’Alene (NW.; St; coed.; If; 114).

Pres.—G. O. Kildow. Dean—P. A. Christianson. Bursar—W. T. Shepperd. Reg.—Itsuko Nishio.


Lib.—Marie Krider. Northwest Nazarene College, Nampa

(NW.; Naz.; coed,; He; 531). Pres.—John E. Riley. Dean—Thelma B. Culver. Bus. mgr.—L. Wesley Johnson. Reg.—Mallalieu A. Wilson, Lib.—Mrs, Geneva Bittleston. Dean of students—C. Edwards Tay¬

lor. Summer session—M. A. Wilson.

Ricks College, Rexburg (NW.; L. D. S.; coed.; Ilf; 425).

Pres.—John L. Clarke. Dean of faculty—Hugh C. Bennion. Bus. mgr.—Eldon C, Hart. Reg.—Eldred C. Stephenson. Lib.—Theron Atkinson. Dean of men—Lowell G. Biddulph, Dean of wo.—Edna Ricks.

Summer session—M. D. Morrell. University of Idaho, Moscow (NW.;

St.; coed.; IIIk; 3,002). Pres.—J. E. Buchanan. Bursar—K. A. Dick, Reg.—Donald D. Du Sault. Lib.—Lee F. Zimmerman. Dean of men—H. E. Lattig. Dean of wo.—Louise S. Carter.

Letters and science—T. S. Kerr, *Law—Edward S. Stimson. *Education—J. F. Weltzin.

Agriculture—^Donald R. Theophi- lus.

^Engineering—Allen S. Janssen. Bus. adm,—Donald J. Hart.

♦Mines—Arthur W. Fahrenwald. ♦Forestry—Dwight S, Jeffers. Graduate—H. Walter Steffens.

Summer session—J. F, Weltzin.


Aeronautical University, Inc., 1905 S. Prairie Ave., Chicago 16 (*tech.; Pr.; men; Ilh ; 64).

Pres.—Lewis M. Churbuck. Vice pres.-dir of ed.—K. L. Burroughs. Dean—Alfred F. Stott. Admis. off.—L. W. Sims.

American Academy of Art, 25 E. Jack- son Blvd., Chicago 4 (—; P.; coed.; Ih).

Dir.—Frank H. Young. Reg.—Mrs. Lois Pogue.

American Conservatory of Music, 300 S. Wabash Ave„ Chicago 4 (*; P.; coed.; Illh; 410).

Pres,—John R. Hattstaedt. Dean—Charles J. Haake. Dean of students—B. Fred Wise.

Augustana College, Rock Island (N.; Luth.; coed.; He; 1,191).

Pres.—Conrad Bergendoff. Dean of college—George B. Arbaugh. Vice pres.-compt.—Knut E. Erickson. Admis.-rec.—Herbert Glynn. Lib.—Donald O. Rod.

Dean of men—Harry S. B. Johnson. Dean of wo.—Betsey Brodhal,

Summer session—R i c h a r d A. Barnes.

Augustana Theological Seminary, 820-38th St., Rock Island (♦; Luth,; men; Illg; 242).

Pres.—Karl E. Mattson. Treas,—Oscar W. Olson. Reg.—Carl A. Anderson. Lib.—Elinor C. Johnson,

Aurora College, Aurora (N.; Ad. Chris.; coed.; He ; 387),

Pres.—Theodore P. Stephens. Treas.—Orrin O. Singleterry. Reg.—James E. Crimi. Lib.—Ethel Tapper. Dean of men—Harold A. Cooprider. Dean of wo.—Mrs. Moses Crouse.

Barat College of the Sacred Heart, Lake Forest (N.; R. C.; wo.; Ilh; 355).

Pres.—Mother Margaret Reilly. Dean—Mother Louise Lundergan. Treas.—Mother Mary Gorman. Reg,—Mother Marie Louise Bourret. Lib.—Mother Mary Tallmadge.

Belleville Township Junior College, Belleville (—; dist.; coed.; Ic; 194).

Pres.—Hal O. Hall. Dean—F. J. Friedli. Bus. off.—Ruth L. Fincke. Reg,—E. G. Hexter. Lib.—Ruth Glass, Dean of men—Ollie H. Cross.

Bethany Biblical Seminary, .34.35 Van Buren St., Chicago 24 (♦tlieol.; Ch. of Breth.; coed.; HIg ; 246).

Pres.—Rufus D. Bowman. Dean—William M. Beahm. Bus. mgr.-treas.—John E. Eichelher-

ger. Reg.—Lois Eller. Lib.—Carrie R. Simmers,

Blackburn College, Carlinville (N.; P.; coed.; He; 353).

Pres.—Robert P. Ludlum. Dean-reg.—Donald M. Mackenzie. Bus. mgr,—Lloyd Costley. Lib.—Mary E, Ambler. Dean of students—Marion W. Plot-

nik. Bradley University, Peoria 5 (N.; P.;

coed.; IVk; 3,406). Pres,—IDavid Blair Owen. Dean of univ.—Chester E. Sipple. Treas.—George R. Beck. Reg.—Asa Carter, Dir. of admis.—Raymond E, Strand. Lib.—Edwin H. Dummer. Dean of students—Leslie H. Tucker.

Adult ed.—Donald E. Gorseline. Liberal arts and sciences—Arthur

E. Gault. Commerce—Robert A. Jamieson. Community relations—Loyal G,



Education—Manley E. MacDonald. *Engineermg—Russell E. Gibbs. Home economics—Beatrice Benson. Art—Ernest B. Freed.

*Music—Kenneth V. Kincheloe. Horology—George J. Wild. Peoria College—Wilbur W. Grimm. Bennett College—Fred Strickler. Graduate—Ray Lepley. Summer session—E. K. Frye.

Carthage College, Carthage (N.; Luth.; coed.; He; 456).

Pres.—Harold H. Lentz, Dean—Stuart Bailer. Bus. mgr.—Wm. C. Krauss. Reg.—Pearl E. Goeller. Lib.—Mrs. Ralph Hansen, acting. Dir., student personnel—Ruth C.

Wick. Summer session—Merle W. Boyer.

Centralia Township Junior College, Centralia {—; dist.; coed.; Ic; 103).

Dean-reg.—C. A. Herfurth. Lib.—Vera Goessling. Dean of men—C. A. Herfurth. Dean of wo.—Dorothy Jennings.

Chicago Academy of Fine Arts, 18 S. Michigan Ave., Chicago 3 (—; Pr.; coed.; Ig; 410).

Pres.-dir.—Ruth Van Sickle Ford. Reg.—George Pokorny.

Summer session—Ruth Van Sickle Ford.

Chicago City Junior College, Chicago; Herzl Branch, 3711 W. Douglass

Blvd. (N.; C.; coed.; Ic; 1,146). Dean—James M. McCallister. Reg.—Merlin J. Benrud. Lib.—Patricia Bartley. Wilson Branch, 6800 Stewart Ave.

(N.;C.;coed.;Ic; 2,965). Dean—O. S. Williams. Reg.-dir. of personnel service—J.

Anthony Humphreys. Lib.—Fritz Veit.

Summer session—J. K. Skipper. Wright Branch, 3400 Austin (N,; C.;

coed.; Ic; 4,476). Dean—Peter Masiko, Jr. Admin, asst.—Cliiford G. Erickson. Reg.—R. Clark Gilmore. Lib.—C. Lawrence Lynn.

Summer session—Peter Masiko, Jr.

Chicago College of Chiropody and Pedic Surgery, 26 S. Loomis St., Chicago (* ; P.; coed.; Hg).

Pres.-dean—W. A. Danielson. Treas.—T. A. Campbell. Reg.—L. M. Nitchie. Lib.—Betty Donoho.

Chicago College of Optometry, 1849 Larrabee St., Chicago 14 (*; P.; coed.; HIg; 287).

Admin, vice pres.—Morton L. Abram. Dean—Eugene Freeman.

Reg.—H. S. Wodis. Lib.—Peggy Wilson. Personnel oft.—Carl Stockdale.

Chicago College of Osteopathy, 5250 Ellis Ave., Chicago 15 (*; P.; coed.;

IIg;238). Pres.—Richard N. MacBain. Dean—Walter C*. Eldrett. Reg.—Blanche Neumann. Lib.—Loraine Lloyd.

Chicago Conservatory, Pine Arts Bldg., Chicago 5 (*music; Pr.; coed.; Hlh; 234).

Pres.—Edgar Nelson. Dean—Edgar A. Brazelton. Bus. mgr.—Loro W. Gooch. Reg.—Jeanne Howard.

Chicago Lutheran Theological Semi¬ nary, Maywood (* ; U. Luth.; men ; IVg; 180).

Pres.—Armin George Weng. Reg.—Berthold F. Kort4. Asst. lib.—Alice Dagan. Dir. of student relationships—Jos.

Sittler. Graduate—Carl Umhau Wolf. Summer session—Carl Umhau

Wolf. Chicago Medical School, 710 S. Walcott

Ave., Chicago 12 (* ; P.; coed.; Hg; 273).

Pres.—John J. Sheinin. Dean of faculty—F. J. Mullin. Treas.—Joseph E. Checkers. Reg.—M. R. Geerdes. Lib.—Marguerite E. Campbell. Dean of students—A. H. Ryan.

Chicago Musical College, 64 E. Van Buren St, Chicago 5 (*, N.; P.; coed.; IVe; 316).

Pres.—Rudolph Ganz. Dean—Sigmund Levarie. Dir. of admis.—Harvey Ringel. Bus. mgr.—John E. T. Ohalla. Lib.—Eloise Corley.

Graduate—Sigmund Levarie. Summer session—Harvey Ringel.

Chicago Teachers College, Chicago (*, N.; C.; coed.; Hd; 1,056).

Pres.—Raymond M. Cook, acting. Dir. of instr.—J. I. Swearingen. Bursar—W. L. Kaiser. Reg.—Mrs. Emma Fleer Muller. Lib.—Fritz Veit.

Summer session—Raymond M. Cook.

Chicago Technical College, 2000 S. Michigan Ave., Chicago 16 (—; P.; coed.; Hi; 1,416).

Pres.—Charles W. Morey. Vice pres.-bus. off.—Leslie G. Morey. Ed. dir.—William Bachrach. Dean—H. B. Knudson. Admis. off.—A. B. Clements. Lib.—Harold Witz. Student couns.—W. F. Willard.

Summer session—H. B. Knudson.


Chicago Theological Seminary, 5757 University Ave., Chicago 37 (*; Cong.; coed.; Ilg; 117).

Pres.—Arthur C. McGiffert, Jr. Bus. mgr.—Robert E. Tinker. Reg.—Elsie H. McFadden. Lib.—Evah Kincheloe. Dean of students—Robert E. Allard.

Chicago-Kent College of Law, Chi¬ cago (*; P.; coed.; Ilg; 232).

Pres.—Webster H. Burke. Dean—Donald Campbell. Sec.-treas.—William A. Grover. Reg.—Clara A. Sclieiner. Lib.—Ernest A. Turk.

College of St. Francis, Joliet (N.; R. C.; wo.; Ilb; 358).

Pres.—Sister M. Aniceta. Dean—Sister M. Chrysantha. Treas.—Sister M. Celeste. Reg.—Sister M. Mildred. Lib.—Sister M. Elvira. Dean of wo.—Sister M. Tharla.

Summer session—Sister M. Chrys¬ antha.

Columbia College, 410 S'. Michigan Ave., Chicago 5 (—; P.; coed.; Illf; 441).

Pres.—Norman Alexandroff. Dean—Daniel D. Howard. Bus. mgr.—Mirron M. Alexandroff. Reg.—Jean Ward. Lib.—Aline Neff.

Concordia Teachers College, River Forest (N.; Luth.; coed.; Ild; 556).

Pres.—Arthur Klinck. Dean—Alfred Schmieding. Bus. off.—Elmer Jagow. Reg.—Wilfred Kruse. Lib.—Margaret Hermes, acting. Dean of students—Albert Huegli.

Summer session—AValter Kraeft. Concordia Theological Seminary,

Springfield (—; Evan. Luth.; men ; Vg;'’ .362).

Pres.—G. Christian Barth. Reg.—Martin Coyner. Lib.—INI. J. Naumann.

Cosmopolitan School of Music, 306 S. Wabash Ave., Chicago (*; P.; coed.; Illh; 330).

Pres.—Clarence Eidam. Dean—Rossetter Cole. Bus. mgr.—Edwin L. Stephen. Reg.—Melba Thrasher.

Danville Community College, Danville (—; C.; coed.; If; 89).

Dir.—E. D. Milhon. Dean—Mary Miller. Bus. off.—Maurice Hayes. Lib.—ChaiTine Galloway.

DePaul University, 2235 N. SheflBeld St., Chicago 14 (N.; R. C.; coed.; IIIk; 7,053).

® 2 years beyond bachelor’s degree; non¬ degree-granting.

Pres.—Comerford J. O’Malley. Vice pres.-dean of faculties—E. J.

Kammer. Vice pres.-compt.—David M. Sharer. Univ. examiner—John C. McHugh. Dir. of admis.—Emmett L. Gaffney. Lib.—Redmond A. Burke. Liberal arts and sciences—Theodore

J. Wangler. Univ. college—-William T. Powers. *Law—Harry D. Taft. *Music—Arthur C. Becker. Commerce—Owen J. Quigley. Graduate—Joseph G. Phoenix.

Summer session—William T. Powers.

Eastern Illinois State College, Charles¬ ton (N., *ed.; St.; coed.; Hid; 1,096).

Pres.—Robert G. Buzzard. Dean—Hobart F. Heller. Bus. mgr.—R. R. Gregg. Reg.—Blanche C. Thomas. Dean of men—Rudolph D. Anfinson. Dean of wo.—Elizabeth K. I.awson.

Summer session—Bryan Heise. Elgin Community College, 353 E. Chi¬

cago St., Elgin (—; dist.; coed.; If; 195).

Dean—G. I. Renner. Bus. off.—Willard Beebe. Reg.—Kathleen Yeast. Lib.—Ethel Hoagland.

Elmhurst College, Elmhurst (N.; Evan. Ref.; coed.; Ilf; 617).

Pres.—H. W. Dinkmeyer. Dean-reg.—Alfred Friedli. Treas.—C. E. Josephson. Lib.—Nellie Stickle. Dean of students—Genevieve Staudt.

Eureka College, Eureka (—; Disc, of Christ; coed.; Ilb; 186).

Pres.—Burrus Dickinson. Bus. mgr.—Irene Reynolds. Reg.—T. E. Wiggins. Lib.—Mrs. Alma Steider. Dean of students—Clarence Noe.

Evangelical Theological Seminary, Naperville (*; Evan.; coed.; Ilg; 148).

Pres.—H. R. Heiiiinger. Dean—P. H. Eller. Treas.—E. D. Riebel. Reg.—Paul E. Keen. Lib.—E. F. George.

Evanston Township Community Col¬ lege, 1600 Dodge Ave., Evanston (—; dist.; coed.; If; 46).

Dir.—Edward M. Curry. Bus. mgr.—W. I. Blundell. Lib.—Mrs. O. Bowman. Couns. for wo.—Nancy Gossage.

Summer session—Edward M. Curry.

Fournier Institute of Technology, 127th and Archer, Lemont (—; R. C.; men ; Hi; 78).

Pres.—E. F. HoffmaiL


Dean—G. M. Lamarre. Bus. mgr.—C. M. Nash. Records clerk—Mrs. Elizabeth Wal¬

ters. Lib.—Patricia Sughroe. Dean of men—John P. Lynch.

Garrett Biblical Institute, Evanston (*; Meth.; coed.; Illg; 427).

Pres.—Horace G. Smith. Reg.—^Eleanor Tonkin. Admis. off.—Edward P. Blair. Lib.—Arthur W. Swann.

Summer session—Otto J. Baab. George Williams College, 5315 Drexel

Ave., Chicago 15 (N.; P.; coed.; Illb; 255).

Pres.—Harold Coe Coffman. Dean—Guy L. Schuytema, acting. Cont.—Fred R. Eckford. Reg.-dir. student personnel services—

Guy L. Schuytema. Lib.—^Patricia Knapp.

Graduate Teachers College of Win- netka, Winnetka (—; P.; coed.; Illd; 6).

Pres.—Charlotte Kuh. Dean-reg.—Frances L. Murray. Lib.—Rosette Reese.

Greenville College, Greenville (N.; F. Meth.; coed.; He ; 460).

Pres.—H. J. Long. Vice pres.-dean—A. B. Quail. Bus. mgr.—H. V. Brewer. Reg.—Ruby Fickess. Lib.—^Ruby E. Dare. Dean of men—Victor P. Herman. Dean of wo.—Grace Cunningham.

Summer session.—A. B. Quail.

Illinois College, Jacksonville (N.; P.; coed.; Ilb; 296).

Pres.—H. Gary Hudson. Dean of men—E. G. Hildner, Jr. Bus. mgr.—Arthur S. Samoore. Dir. of admis.—Leforne Sequeira. Lib.—Deckard Ritter. Dean of wo.—Genevieve McCracken.

Illinois College of Chiropody and Foot Surgery, 1327 N. Clark St., Chicago (10 (*;P.; coed.; Ilg).

Pres.—Harold E. Wheeler. Dean—Donald V. Anderson. Bursar—Tess B. Brophy. Reg.—Leroy C. Numbers. Lib.—Gilbert O. Davis.

Illinois Institute of Technology, 3300 Federal St., Chicago 16 (N.; P.; coed.; IVk; 6,993).

Pres.—John T. Rettaliata. Vice pres.-exec. sec.—Raymond J.

Spaeth. Reg.—William W. Colvert. Lib.—^William H. Hyde, Jr. Dean of students—Clarence E. Dea-

kins. ♦Engineering—Ralph G. Owens. Liberal studies—J. D. Larkin.

Graduate—W. A. Lewis. Evening div.—S. E. Winston.

Illinois State Normal University, Normal (N., * ; St.; coed.; Illd; 2,214).

Pres.—R. W. Fairchild. Dean—A. H. Larsen. Bus. mgr.—Preston Ensign. Dir. of admis.—Elsie Brenneman. Reg.—Esther Kirchhoefer. Lib.—Eleanor W. Welch. Dean of men—R. H. Linkins. Dean of wo.—Anna L. Keaton.

Illinois Wesleyan University, Bloom¬ ington (N.; Meth.; coed.; Illk; 772).

Pres.—M. J. Holmes. Dean of the univ.—^William T.

Beadles. Compt.—P. W. Kasch. Reg.—Mildred Hunt. Dir. of admis.—Orville Nothdurft. Lib.—H. Vail Deale. Dean of men—Perry T. Olson. Dean of wo.—Anne Meierhofer.

Art—Rupert Kilgore. Dramatics—Lawrence Tucker.

♦Music—Carl Neumeyer. James Millikin University, Decatur

(N.; Presb.; coed.; Illj; 959). Pres.—J. Walter Malone. Dean—C. L. Miller. Bus. mgr.—R. Wayne Gill. Reg.—Byron L. Kerns. Lib.—Helen Fromel. Dean of wo.—Frances E. Falvey. ♦Music—Winifred S. Minturn.

John Marshall Law School, Chicago (t; P.; coed.; Illg ; 446).

Dean—Nobel W. Lee. Reg.—Helen M. Thatcher.

Joliet Junior College, Joliet (N.; twp.; coed.; If; 394).

Dean—E. W. Rowley. Bus. mgr.—J. Gordon Skeel. Lib.—Lottie Skidmore.

Summer session—E. W. Rowley. Kendall College, Evanston (—; Meth.;

coed.; Ic; 92). Pres.—T. Otmann Firing. Dean—Jack W. Moore. Reg.—Eva Maxey. Lib.—Maysie Marie Pierce. Dean of students—Anne Eldridge.

Knox College, Galesburg (N.; P.; coed.; He; 781).

Pres.—Sharvy G. Umbeck. Dean of the college—Charles H.

Peake. Treas.—Kellogg D. McClelland. R'eg.-dean of students—W. Lyle Will-

hite. Lib.—Benjamin B. Richards.

Lake Forest College, Lake Forest (N.; Presb.; coed.; He; 847).

Pres.—Ernest A. Johnson. Dean—William L. Dunn. Bus. mgr.—Ellis C. Halverson.


Reg.—Marie J. Meloy. Lib.—Martha Biggs. Dean of wo.—Marjorie Bennett.

La Salle-Peru-Oglesby Junior College, La Salle (N.; twp.; coed.; Ic; 176).

Dir.—Francis H. Dolan. Dean-reg.—Harry L. Wilmot. Lib.—Elizabeth Cummings. Dean of wo.—Lydia Page.

Lewis College of Science and Technol¬ ogy, Lockport (—; R. C.; coed.; Ilf; 16.3).

Pres.—Herbert J. Grassie. Dean—John Kamerick. Treas.—Leslie J. Farrington. Reg.—Raymond Clouthier. Lib.—Mildred Hayes.

Lincoln College, Lincoln (N.; Presb.; coed.; Ic; 74).

Pres.—Raymond N. Dooley. Dean-reg.—Elva Bailey. Bus. mgr.—C. A. Balof. Lib.—Mrs. Richard Pooley.

Lincoln College of Law (evening), Springfield (—; P.; coed.; Hg; 66).

Pres.—R. W. Leib. Dean—Jerome R. Finkle. Reg.—Ellen M. Rourke. Lib.—Lucile Fritz.

Loyola University, 820 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago 11 (N.; R. C.; coed.; IVk; 6,622).

Pres.—.Tames T. Hussey. Academic vice pres.—Jeremiah J.

O’Callaghan. Treas.—Franklin Fischer. Dean of admis.—.John C. Malloy. Lib.—Homer A. Mattlin. Dean of men—Lawrence Lynch. Dean of wo.—Marietta Le Blanc.

Arts and sciences (Lake Shore) (men)—William A. Finnegan.

Arts and sciences (Lewis Towers) —Richard E. Tischler.

Univ. college—Richard A. Matre, acting.

*Law—John C. Fitzgerald. *Medicine—John F. Sheehan. *Denistry (men)—Raymond Bar-

alt. *Nursing—Gladys Kiniery. Commerce—J. Raymond Sheriff.

* Social w o r k—Matthew Schoen- baum.

Graduate—Stewart Dollard. Summer session—Richard E. Tisch¬

ler. West Baden College, West Baden,

Ind. (constituent college for men)—Murel Vogel.

Lyons Township Junior College, La Grange (N.; C.; coed.; Ic; 305).

Dean—Harold L. Bitting. Bus. mgr.—Ralph Elliot. Lib.—Gwendolyn Fisher. Dean of wo.—Florence Rathert.

Summer session—Harold L. Bit¬ ting.

^McCormick Theological Seminary, 23.30 N. Halsted St., Chicago 14 (*; Presb.; men, wo.; HIg; 346).

Pres.—Robert Worth Frank. Vice pres.—R. D. Swanson. Dean—O. R. Sellers. Treas.-bus. mgr.—George E. Potts. Lib.—Calvin H. Schmitt.

McKendree College, Lebanon (—; Meth.; coed.; He; 312).

Pres.—Russell Grow. Dean—Lewis B. VanWinkle. Bus. off.—Raymond Daniel. Reg.—Ruth Walton. Lib.—Beatrice Godwin. Dean of men—Francis Richardson.

Summer session—Helmut Gute- kunst.

JMacMurray College for Women, Jack¬ sonville (N.; Meth.; wo.; Ille; 495).

Pres.—Louis W. Norris. Dean—Wendell S. Dysinger. Bus. mgr.—Clarendon Smith. Dir. of admis.—Justin Brown. Lib.—Victoria E. Hargrave. Dean of students—Roma N. Hawkins.

Summer session—Wendell S. Dy¬ singer.

iMallinckrodt College, Wilmette (—; R. C.; wo.; Id; 22).

Pres.—Mother Ignata. Dean—Sister Annarita. Reg.—Sister Constance. Lib.-.

Maryknoll Seminary, Glen Ellyn (—; R. C.; men; Hb ; 189).

Rector—Arthur C. Kieiman. Dean—Charles E. Kenney. Treas.—J. Clarence Burns. Lib.—Vincent T. Mallon. Dean of men—Paul D’Arcy.

Meadville Theological School, Chicago 37 (*; Unit.; coed.; Ilg; 26).

Pres.—Wallace W. Robbins. Lib.—Margaret Boell.

Moline Community College, 1001-16th St., Moline (N.; dist.; coed.; If; 174).

Dir.—Gerald W. Smith. Dean—Charles E. Chapman. Bus. off.—Elmer W. Freeman. Reg.—Lois Lundvall. Lib.—Fern Slusher. Dean of wo.—Marie Waller.

Monmouth College, Monmouth (N.; U. Presb.; coed.; He ; 595).

Pres.—Robert Wesson Gibson. Dean—Hugh R. Beveridge. Bus. mgr.—Richard P. Petrie. Reg.—Margaret Beste. Admis. off.—Charles GaHn. Lib.—Mary McCoy. Dean of men—Fi-ank W. Phillips. Dean of wo.—Jean Liedman.

Summer session—Hugh Beveridge.


Monticello College, Alton (N.; P.; wo.; Ib; 203).

Pres.-. Dean—Mary Laing Swift. Bus. mgr.—Wade T. Searles. Admis. off.—Wendel H. Baker. Reg.—Ermina Busch. Lib.—Frances Rousseff. Dean of wo.-.

Moody Bible Institute of Chicago, The, 820 North LaSalle St., Chicago 10 (* ; P.; coed.; la ; 950).

Pres.—William Culbertson. Dean—S. Maxwell Coder. Gen. mgr.—Henry C. Crowell. Reg.—Ruby A. Jackson. Lib.—Elgin S. Moyer. Dean of student affairs—Philip R.

Newell. Summer session—S. Maxwell Coder.

Morton Junior College, Cicero 50 (N.; twp.; coed.; Ic ; 372).

Vice pres.—Allen R. Moore. Dean—Harold J. White. Reg.—C. A. Bowes. Lib.—D. C. Spicer. Dean of wo.—J. Grace Walker.

Mundelein College, Sheridan Rd., Chi¬ cago 40 (N.; R. C.; wo.; He; 715).

Pres.—Sister Mary John Michael. Dean—Sister Mary Bernarda. Bus. mgr.—Sister Mary Columba. Reg.—Sister Mary St. Helen. Lib.—Sister M. Aurelius.

Summer session—Sister Mary St. Helen.

National College of Education, Evans¬ ton (*, N.; P.; coed.; Hid ; 370).

Pres.—K. Richard Johnson. Dir. of curriculum—Agnes L. Adams. Bus. mgr.—Mabel Kearns. Reg.—Linford A. Marquart. Lib.—Mary Louise Neumann. Dean of students—Pauline A. Gal-

varro. Graduate—Robert F. Topp. Summer session—K. Richard

Johnson. North Central College, Naperville

(N.; Evan.; coed.; lie; 594). Pres.—C. H. Geiger. Dean—C. E. Erffmeyer. Treas.—G. A. Titman. Reg.—C. C. Hower. Lib.—Hildred Nienstedt. Dean of wo.—Alice Meier.

*Music—George Luntz. North Park College and Theological

Seminary, Chicago 25 (N.; Miss. Cov.; coed.; Ib ; 851).

Pres.—Clarence A. Nelson. Dean—Albin H. Erickson. Bus. mgr.-vice pres.—J. Fredrick

Burgh. Reg.—Oscar E. Olson. Lib.—Betty Jane Highfield.

Summer session—Clifford Swenson.

Northern Baptist Theological Semi¬ nary, 3040 W. Washington Blvd., Chicago 12 (N.; Bapt.; coed.; IVg; 341).

Pres.—Charles W. Koller. Dean—Peder Stiansen. Bus. off.—Frank M. Arnold. Reg.—William M. Fonts. Lib.—Ruth M. Gray. Dean of wo.—Mrs. Maude F. Groom.

Northern Illinois College of Optome¬ try, Drexel Blvd. at 42d PI.. Chicago 15 (=^; P.; coed.; Ilg; 173).

Pres.—Richard Feinberg. Dean—Frederic Kushner. Bus. mgr.—Frank Zepeda. Reg.—Charles W. Ott. Lib.—Sylvia Royt.

Northern Illinois State Teachers Col¬ lege, De Kalb (N., *; St.; coed.; Hid; 1,775).

Pres.—Leslie A. Holmes. Dean of faculty—R. M. Zulauf. Bus. mgr.—Emil A. Anderson. Dir. of admis.—Eugenie Donnelly. Reg.—Edith Leifheit. Lib.—Bernadine C. Hanby. Dean of men—Ernest E. Hanson. Dean of wo.—Helen S. Moor. Graduate—J. R. Hainds.

Summer session—R. M. Zulauf. Northwestern University, Evanston

(N.; P.; coed.; IVk; 19,472). Pres.—James Roscoe Miller. Vice pres.-dean of faculties—Payson

S. Wild. Vice pres.-bus. mgr.—Harry L. Wells. Dir. of admis.—William K. Selden. Lib.—Jens Nyholm. Dean of students—James Currie

McLeod. Evanston Campus:

Liberal arts—Simeon Leland. *Education—Eldridge T. McSwain. Technological Institute (*eng.) —

Ovid W. Eshbach. *Music—George Howerton. *Commerce—Ernest C. Davies, act¬

ing. * Journalism—Kenneth E. Olson. Speech—James H. McBurney. Graduate—Moody E. Prior. Summer session—Albert C. Van

Dusen. Chicago Campus:

*Law—Harold C. Havighurst. *Medicine—Richard H. Young. *Dentistry—Charles West Freeman. Univ. college—Jack Childress.

Olivet Nazarene College, Kankakee (—; Naz.; coed.; He; 830).

Pres.—Harold W. Reed. Dean—C. S. McClain. Bus. mgr.—Charles L. Henderson. Treas.—W. S. Purinton. Reg.—Ralph Perry. Lib.—Ruth E. Gilley. Dean of men—Paul Schwada.


Dean of wo.—Ruth Williams. Parks College of Aeronautical Tech¬

nology. See S't. Louis (Mo.) Uni¬ versity.

Pestalozzi Froebel Teachers College, 410 S. Michigan Ave., Chicago 5 ( —; P.; coed.; Ild; 463).

Pres.—Herman H. Hegner. Dean of college—Daniel D. Howard. Reg.—Caprice Watts Swanson. Lib.—Aline Neff Allen.

Summer session—Daniel D. How¬ ard.

Principia College, The, Elsah (N.; P.; coed.; He; 452).

Pres.—Frederic E. Morgan. Vice pres.-bus. mgr.—G. Eldredge

Hamlin. Dean of college—Alfred Gertsch. Reg.—Gretchen M. Happ. Lib.—Beatrice C. Gamble. Dean of men—John W. Rawsthorne. Dean of wo.—E. Olive Davis.

Summer session (adult)—Edwin S. Leonard, Jr.

Quincy College, Quincy (—; R. C.; coed.; He; 537).

Pres.—tienry Freiburg. Dean—Victor Hermann. Treas.—August Reyling. Reg.—Dunstan Velesz. Lib.—Jovian Lang. Dean of men—Evarist Faruand. Dean of wo.—Joan Altgilbers.

Rockford College, Rockford (N.; P.; wo.; Ille; 509).

Pres.—Mary Ashby Cheek. Dean—Mary V. Braginton. Bursar—Florence W. Schenck. Rec.—Lillie C. Johnson. Lib.—Jean M. Sharpe. Cord, of student affairs—Thera Lind¬

sey. Summer session—Isabel R. Abbott.

Roosevelt College, 430 S. ^Michigan Ave., Chicago 5 (N.; P.; coed.: Illj ; 4,210).

Pres.—Edward J. Sparling. Dean of faculties—Wayne A. R.

Leys. Treas.-cont.—L. F. Huelster. Reg.—D. H. Steward. Dir. of admis.—H. G. Winebrenner. Lib.—Marjorie C. Keenleyside. Dir. of student services—Emery W.

Balduf. Arts and sciences—Wayne A. R.

Leys. Commerce—L. F. Huelster. Labor education—Frank W. INIc-

Callister. *Music—Joseph Creanza.

Summer session—Wayne A. R. Leys.

Rosary College, River Forest (N.; R. C.; wo.; Ille; 681).

Pres.—Sister Mary Timothea.

Dean—Sister Mary Aurelia. Treas.—Sister Marie Martine. Reg.—Sister M. Fidelis. Lib.—Sister M. Reparata. Dean of wm.—Sister Marie Stephen.

Summer session—Sister M. Fi¬ delis.

St. Bede College, Peru (N.; R. C.; men; Ib; 58).

Pres.—Lawrence A. Vobs. Dean—Theodore Fuertges. Procurator—Flilary Sondgeroth. Reg.—Gregory Wiesner. Lib.—Edward Mahoney. Dean of men—Victor Henkel.

St. Francis Xavier College for Women, Chicago 15 (N.; R. C.; wo.; He; 529).

Pres.—Sister Mary Huberta. Dean—Sister Mary Josetta. Bus. mgr.—Sister Mary Elegius. Reg.—Sister Mary Charlotte. Lib.—Sister Mary Norita. *Nursiug—Sister Mary Camille. Summer session—Sister Mary Jo¬

setta. St. Mary of the Lake Seminary,

Mundelein (— ; R. C.; men ; IVg: 402).

Rector—Malachy P. Foley. Dean of studies—John Clifford. Bus. off.—Thomas J. Grady. Lib.—Flarry C. Koenig.

St. Procopius College, Lisle (—: R. C.; men; Ilb; 198).

Pres.—Ambrose Ondrak. Bus. off.—Patrick Bradley. Reg.—Daniel Kucera. Rector—Thomas J. Havlik. Lib.—Adolph Hrdlicka.

School of the Art Institute of Chicago, Michigan Ave. at Adams St., Chi¬ cago 3 (N.; P.; coed.; Hlh ; 938).

Pres.—Chauncey McCormick. Dean—Hubert Ropp. Reg.—Lloyd H. Cowan.

Summer session—Hubert Ropp. Seabury-Western Theological Semi¬

nary, Evanston (*; P. E.; men; IHg; 95).

Pres.—Alden Drew Kelley. Treas.—M. Dutton Morehouse. Reg.—Holt H. Graham. Lib.—Jules Moreau.

Sherwood Music School, 1014 S. Michi¬ gan Ave., Chicago 5 (* ; P.; coed.; Illh; 207).

Pres.—Walter A. Erley. Reg.—Arthur Wildman.

Summer session—Walter A. Er¬ ley.

Shimer College, Mount Carroll (N.; P.; coed.; Ib).

Pres.—Aaron J. Brumbaugh. Dean—John H. Russel. Bus. mgr.—J. Arthur Fetterolf. Reg.—Ruby Baxter. Lib.—Louise Macy.


Shurtleff College, Alton (—; Bapt.; coed.; He; 507).

Pres.—David Andrew Weaver. Bus. mgr.—H. E. Jacobson. Reg.—Mrs. Audrey Dittemore, acting. Lib.—Mrs. Bette Jayne Hall. Dean of wo.—Mrs. E. L. Patison. Evening session-.

Summer session—David Andrew Weaver.

Southern Illinois University, Carbon- dale (*ed., N.; St.; coed.; Illj; 2,797).

Pres.—Delyte W. Morris. Admin, asst.—Charles D. Tenney. Chief exec. asst.—George H. Hand. Bus. mgr.—Edward V. Miles, Jr. Reg.—Marjorie Shank. Lib.—Robert H. Muller. Dir., student affairs.—I. Clark Davis,

acting. Arts and sciences—T. W. Abbott. Education—Douglas E. Lawson. Vocations and professions—Henry

J. Rebn. Graduate—W. G. Swartz. Summer session—Charles D. Ten¬

ney. Springfield Junior College, Springfield

(N.; R. C.; coed.; Ic; 334). Pres.—Mother M. Celeste. Dean—Andrew A. O’Laughlin. Treas.—Mother M. Ventura. Reg.—Roman A. Hodalski. Lib.—Margaret M. Corcoran. Dean of men.—Alvin Messling. Dean of wo.—Mother M. Patricia.

Summer session—A n d r e w A. O’Laughlin.

Thornton Junior College, Harvey (N.; twp.; coed.; Ic; 310).

Dean—James L. Beck. Bus. mgr.—Charles W. Foster. Reg.—^Edith H. Mitchell. Lib.—Doris A. Halverson. Dir. student personnel—Arnold F.

Koester. University of Chicago, Chicago 37 (N.;

P.; coed.; IVk; 7,431). Chanc.—Lawrence A. Kimpton. Vice pres.-dean of faculties—R. Wen¬

dell Harrison. Vice pres.-bus. affairs—J. A. Cun¬

ningham. Sec. of the univ.—George H. Watkins. Treas.—J. Parker Hall. Reg.—William E. Scott. Dir. of admis.—Valerie C. Wickhem. Lib.—Herman Fussier. Dean of students—R. M. Strozier.

College—F. Champion Ward. Humanities—Napier Wilt. Biological sciences—L o w e 11 T.

Coggeshall. Physical sciences—Walter Bartky. Social sciences—Ralph W. Tyler.

*Law—Edward H. Levi. ^Medicine—Lowell T. Coggeshall.

^Theology—Bernard M. Loomer. *Business—Garfield V. Cox. *Library school (graduate)—Lester

Asheim. * Social service admin.—Helen R.

Wright. University college—Cyril O. Houle. Summer session—Henry W. Sams.

University of Illinois, Urbana (N.; St.; coed.; IVk; 20,105).

Pres.—George D. Stoddard. Prov.—Coleman R. Grifllth. Vice pres, in charge of colleges of

medicine, dentistry, and phar¬ macy (Chicago)—Andrew Conway Ivy.

Compt.—Lloyd Morey. Dir. admis. and records—George P.

Tuttle. Lib.—R. B. Downs. Dean of students—Fred H. Turner.

Arts and sciences—Henning Lar¬ sen.

*Law—Albert J. Harno. *Medicine (Chicago)—Stanley W.

Olson. *Dentistry (Chicago)—Allan G.

Brodie. *Pharmacy (Chicago)—E a r 1 R.

Series. *Education—Willard B. Spalding. Agriculture—Henry P. Rusk.

*Engineering—^VTlliam L. Everitt. Fine and applied arts (*music)

(*arch.)—Rexford Newcomb. *Commerce—Paul M. Green. Communication s—^W il b u r

Schramm. *Library science—R. B. Downs. ♦Journalism—Fredrick S. Siebert. Physical education—S e w a r d C.

Staley. Special services for war veterans—

Frank A. Bridgewater, acting. Institute of Aeronautics—Leslie A.

Bryan. ^Veterinary medicine—Robert Gra¬

ham. Institute of Government and Pub¬

lic Affairs—Royden Dangerfield. Institute of Labor and Industrial

Relations—Milton Derber, acting. Undergrad. div. (Navy Pier, Chi¬

cago)—C. C. Caveny. ♦Social work—Marietta Stevenson. Graduate—Robert E. Johnson, act¬

ing. Summer s e s s i o n—Robert B.

Browne. VanderCook College of Music, 1655

Washington Blvd., Chicago 12 (—; P.; coed.; Illd; 53),

Pres.—John H. Beckerman. Dean—H. E. Nutt. Reg.—Richard Brittain.

Graduate—F. L. Buchtel. Summer session—H. E. Nutt.


Western Illinois State College, Ma¬ comb (N., *ed.; St.; coed.; Hid; 1,343).

Pres.—Frank A. Beu. Dean—William E. Lipsey. Bus. mgr.—James Grigsby. Reg.—Hertba Voss. Lib.—Lyndal Swofford. Dean of men—M. N. Thisted. Dean of wo.—Ruth L. Zimmerman.

Graduate—Louis M. Schleier. Summer session—Frank A. Beu.

Wheaton College, Wheaton (N.; P.; coed.; Ille; 1,692).

Pres.—V. Raymond Edman. Dean—John H. Fadenrecht. Bus. mgr.—Edwin J. Pittman. Reg.—Enock C. Dyrness. Admis. off.—Albert S. Nichols. Lib.—John E. Kephart. Dean of students—Arthur H. Voile.

Graduate—Merrill C. Tenney. Summer session—Enock C. Dyr¬



Ancilla Domini College, Donaldson (—; R. C.; wo.; le; 19).

Pres.—Mother M. Therese. Dean—Sister M. Loyola. Reg.—Sister M. Angelita. Lib.—Sister M. Avita.

Summer session—Sister M. Loyola. Anderson College and Theological

Seminary, Anderson (N.; Ch. of God; coed.; II.1; 736).

Pres.—John A. Morrison. Dean—Russell Olt. Compt.—C. L. Edwards. Reg.—Louise Johnson. Lib.—Wilma Ponder. Cord, of student personnel—Vila

Deubach. Theology—Earl L. Martin.

Ball State Teachers College, IMuncie (N., *; St.; coed.; Illd ; 2,909).

Pres.—John R. Emens. Dean—Richard W. Burkhardt. Treas.-bus. mgr.—J. C. Wagner. Reg.—Leo M. Hauptman. Lib.—Marion B. Grady. Dean of student affairs—Orvin T.

Richardson. Butler University, Indianapolis 7 (N.;

Disc, of Christ; coed.; Illk ; 3,720). Pres.—M. O. Ross. Bursar—Raymond Gladden. Reg.—C. R. Maxam. Dean of men—Gray Burdin. Dean of wo.—Elizabeth Durflinger.

Arts and sciences—Ray C. Fries- ner.

Education—J. Hartt Walsh. ♦Theology—O. L. Shelton.

Bus. admin.—H. C. Graebner. ♦Music—Jackson K. Ehlert. ♦Pharmacy—E. H. Niles.


Graduate—Clide E. Aldrich. Summer session—Christo T. Mocas.

Concordia College, Fort Wayne (—; Luth.; coed.; Ib ; 131).

Pres.—Herbert G. Bredemeier. Dean—Walter Sohn. Bus. mgr.—Edgar Walz. Reg.—Erwin Schnedler. Lib.—Otto R. Spurgat.

DePaiiw University, Greencastle (N.; Meth.; coed.; Illj ; 1,716).

Pres.—Russell J. Humbert. Dean—Robert H. Farber. Compt.—D. W. S my the. Admis. off.—Willard Umbreit. Reg.—Veneta J. Kunter. Lib.—Vera S. Cooper. Dean of students—Lawrence A.

Riggs. ♦Music—Van Denman Thompson.

Carlham College, Richmond (N.; Fr.; coed.; Hie ; 653).

Pres.—Thomas E. Jones. Dean—David E. Henley. Compt.—Paul J. Furnas. Reg.—Elizabeth K. Edwards. Lib.—Robert M. Agard. Dean of students—Eric Curtis.

Evansville College, Evansville (N.; P.; coed.; Hf; 990).

Pres.—Lincoln B. Hale. Dean—Edgar M. McKown. Treas.-bus. mgr.—R. E. Olmsted. Reg.-dir. of admis.—G. R. McCoy. Lib.—Thomas S. Harding. Dir. personnel services—Everette

Walker. Adult education—Dean Long. Evening college—Marvin Hartig. Summer session—Edgar M. Mc¬

Kown. Fort Wayne Art School, Fort Wavne 2

(—; C.; coed.; Ig; 29). Pres.—Walter H. McBride. Reg.—Fern Teeple.

Fort Wayne Bible College, 800 W. Rudi- sill Blvd., Fort Wayne 6 (*; P.; coed.; Ilg; 317).

Pres.—Safara A. Witmer. Dean—Lloyd E. Roth. Bus. mgr.—Arthur H. Ditmer. Reg.—Harvey L. Mitchell. Lib.—Edith Ehlke. Dean of students—Elmer Neuen-

schwander. Franklin College of Indiana, Franklin

(N.; Bapt.; coed.; He; 423). Pres.—Harold W. Richardson. Dean—J. Geoffrey Moore. Bus. mgr.—Charles M. Cochran. Reg.—Virfsel Roe. Lib.—Robert Y. Coward. Dean of wo.—Margaret Williams

Powell. Goshen College, Goshen (N.; Menon.;

coed.; Hj ; 679). Pres.—Ernest E. Miller.


Dean—Carl Kreider. Bus. mgr.—Leland A. Bachman. Reg.—Paul Bender. Lib.—James Clemens. Dean of men—Atlee Beechy. Dean of wo.—Viola M. Good.

Biblical seminary—H. S. Bender. Nursing—Orpah Mosemann.

Grace Theological Seminary, Winona Lake (—; Breth.; coed.; Illg; 174).

Pres.—Alva J. McClain. Dean—Herman A. Hoyt. Finan. sec.—James L. Boyer. Reg.—Homer A. Kent. Lib.—Mabel C. Hamilton.

Hanover College, Hanover (N.; Presb.; coed.; He; 563).

Pres.—Albert G. Parker, Jr. Dean—E. Mowbray Tate. Lib.—Mary Louise Fitton. Dean of men—Robert Calvert, Jr. Dean of residence—Naomi Brown.

Long College—Dorothy S. Bucks, Huntington College, Huntington (—;

U. Breth.; coed.; Ilf; 220). Pres.—Elmer Becker. Dean—Wilford Paul Musgrave. Bus. mgr.-treas.—Donald R. Johnson. Reg.—M. Edna Shipley. Lib.—Faye Connor. Dir. of student life for men—Webster

C. Muck, Jr. Dir. of student life for wo.—Irene

Bergdall. Tlieology—Melvin I. Burkholder. Summer session — Wilford Paul

Musgrave. Indiana Central College, Indianapolis

27 (N.; Evan. U. B.; coed.; He; 861).

Pres.—I. Lynd Esch. Dean-reg.—W. Earl Stoneburner. Treas.—Evan R. Kek. Lib.—Edna Miller. Dean of men—Leo S. Miller. Dean of wo.—Mary Huey.

Indiana State Teachers College, Terre Haute N.; St.; coed.; Illd; 2,018).

Pres.—Ralph N. Tirey. Dean of instr.—J. Erie Grinnell. Bus. mgr.—Ralph Watson. Reg.—Harry E. Elder. Lib.—Hazel Armstrong. Cord, of student personnel—Lonzo

Jones. Indiana Technical College, Fort Wayne

2 (—; P.; men; Ilg; 838). Pres.—Archie T. Keene. Bus. off.—C. A. Overholt. Reg.-sec.—Mrs. I. M. Pontius. Lib,—Marguerite Herderhorst. Personnel affairs—Mrs. Naomi Fra¬

zier. Engineering—Robert C. Ruhl. Summer session — Archie T.


Indiana University, Bloomington (N.; St.; coed.; IVk; 17,578).

Pres.—Herman B Wells. Vice pres.-dean of the faculties—

Herman T. Briscoe. Vice pres.-treas.—J. A. Franklin. Reg.—Charles E. Harrell. Dir. of lib.—R. A. Miller. Dean of students—R. L. Shoemaker. Bloomington Campus:

Arts and sciences — Frank T. Gucker, Jr.

Junior div.—Pressly S. Sikes. ♦Law'—Leon H. Wallace. ♦Education—Wendell W. Wright. ♦Music—^W. C. Bain. ♦Business—Arthur M. Weimer. Health, physical education, and

recreation—W. W. Patty. Adult education-. Graduate—Ralph E. Cleland. Summer session—H. B. Allman.

Indianapolis Campus: ♦Law (evening div.)—Henry B,

Witham. ♦Medicine—John W. VanNuys. ♦Dentistry—Maynard K. Hine. ♦Nursing—Jean L, Coffey. Normal College of the American

Gymnastic Union—Mrs. Clara L. Hester.

♦Social service—Mary H. Houk. Indiana University Centers:

Indianapolis—^R. W. Feik. Fort Wayne—Ralph E. Broyles. Calumet, East Chicago—H. E.

Burns. South Bend-Mishawaka—Jack J.

Detzler. Southeastern, Jeffersonville—F. I.

McMurray. Kokomo—V. Hunt. Gary—John C, Buhner. Richmond—Robert K. Rollf. Vincennes—J. Howard Hill.

John Herron Art School, Indianapolis 2 (—; P.; coed.; Illh; 118).

Dir.—Donald M. Mattison. Reg.—Mary H. Finke. Lib.—Marian H. Greene.

Summer session—Mary H. Finke. Manchester College, North Manchester

(N.; Ch. of Breth.; coed.; He; 657).

Pres.—V. F. Schwalm. Dean—Earl S. Garver. Treas.—David Yeatter. Reg,—Maxine Heath Domer. Lib.—Ruth Coblentz. Dean of students—R. V, Bollinger.

Marian College, Indianapolis 44 (—; R. C.; wo.; He; 186).

Pres.—Sister Mary Kevin. Dean—Sister Marie Pierre. Bursar—Sister Mary Esther. Reg.—Sister Mary Rachel. Lib.—Sister Clarence Marie. Dean of wo.—Sister Mary Carol.


Marion College, Marion (—; Wes. Meth.; coed.; Ilj ; 414).

Pres.—William F. McConn. Dean—Allen Bowman. Treas.—Rnssell S. Baldwin. Reg.—Doris Clevenger. Lib.—Ruth Moshier. Dean of men—C. J. Huffman. Dean of wo.—Della Waters.

Religion—W. T. Dayton. Summer session—\\\ F. McConn.

Normal College of the American Gym¬ nastic Union. See Indiana Univer¬ sity.

Oakland City College, Oakland City (—; Bapt.; coed.; He; 183).

Pres.—James E. Cox. Dean—George E, Crawford. Bus. mgr.—A. L. Hedrick. Reg.—Helen C. Rumble. Lib.—Wilma Holman.

Summer session—James E. Cox. Purdue University, Lafayette (N.;

St.; coed.; IVh; 10,407). Pres.—Frederick L. Hovde. Vice pres.-exec. dean—Frank C. Hoc-

kema. Vice pres.-treas.—R. B. Stewart. Reg.—Clarence E. Dammon. Lib.—John H. Moriarty. Dean of men—D. R. Mallett. Dean of wo.—Helen B. Schleman.

Sciences—William li. Ayres. *Pharmacy—Glenn L. Jenkins. Agriculture—Harry J. Reed.

*Engineering—Audrey A. Potter. Home economics—Beulah V. Gil-

laspie. Graduate—E. C. Young. Summer session—G. E. Davis.

Rose Polytechnic Institute, Terre Haute (*eng., N.; P.; men; Illg; 292).

Pres.—Ford L. Wilkinson, Jr. Vice pres.—Carl Wischmeyer. Bursar—George H. Moench. Reg.—J. Gordon Lee. Lib.—Carson W. Bennett.

St. Benedict’s Normal College, Ferdi¬ nand (—; R. C.; wo; Ilf; 37).

Pres.—Mother Clarissa Riehl. Dean—Sister Mary Gabriel Brenner. Sec.-treas.—Sister M. Hilda Goe-

decker. Reg.—Sister M. Patricia Tuttle. Lib.—Sister M. Angela Sasse. Student adviser—Sister M. Priscilla

Mandabach. Summer session—Sister M. Irmin-

gard Fritz. St. Francis College, Fort Wayne 8 (—;

R. C.; wo.; He; 127). Pres.—Mother M. Philotera. Dean—Sister M. Rosanna. Bus. off.—Sister M. Clara Ann. Reg.—Sister M. Edith. Dean of students—Sister M. Celine. Lib.—Sister M. Ida.

St. Joseph’s College, Collegeville (N.; R. C.; men; He; 530).

Pres.—Raphael H. Gross. Dean—Walter T. Pax. Treas.—Joseph A. Otte. Reg.—James R. Bogan. Lib.—Clarence J. Schuerman. Cord, student personnel services—

Henry J. Martin. Summer session—Edward A. Ma-

ziarz. St. Mary-of-the-Woods College, Saint

Mary-of-the-Woods (N.; R. C.; wo.; He; 328).

Pres.—Mother Marie Helene. Dean—Sister Marie Perpetua. Treas.—Sister Anthony. Reg.—Sister Celeste. Lib.—Sister Camilla. Dean of wo.—Sister Mary .Joan.

Summer session—Sister Francis Joseph.

St. Mary’s College, Notre Dame (N.; R. C.; wo.; He; 714).

Pres.—Sister M. Madeleva. Dean—Sister M. Anastasia. Dir. of admis.—Sister M. Alma. Lib.—Sister M. Rita Claire. Dean of wo.—Sister M. Sophia.

St. Meinrad Seminary, St. Meinrad (—; R. C.; men ; He ; 307).

Pres.—Ignatius Esser. Rector—Conrad Louis. Treas.—Rupert Ostdick. Admis. dir.—Theodore Heck. Lib.—Simeon Daly.

Taylor University, Upland (N.; P.; coed.; He; 450).

Pres.—Evan H. Bergwall. Dean—Milo A. Rediger. Bus. mgr.—Paul D. Keller. Reg.—Grace Olson. Lib.—Alice K. Holcombe. Dean of men—Dana Redman. Dean of wo.—Mary Thomas.

Summer session—Paton Yoder. Tri-State College, Angola (—; P.;

coed.; Hg; 1,043). Pres.—Theodore T. Wood. Exec, vice pres.—J. Glenn R.id; iiffe. Treas.—B. E. Sunday. Admis. off.—Gerald H. Moore. Reg.—Vern Jones. Lib.—Eleanor Louise Tarbell. Dir. of student activities—]M. D.

Boyer. University of Notre Dame, Notre

Dame (N.; R. C.; men; IVk; 5,154).

Pres.—John J. Cavanaugh. Exec, vice pres.—Theodore M. Hes-

burgh. Vice pres, (academic affairs)—James

E. Norton. Vice pres. (bus. affairs)—Edmund P.

Joyce, acting. Vice pres, (student welfare) —

Charles M. Carey.


Dir. of admis.—Louis J. Thornton. Lib.—Victor A. Schaefer.

Arts and letters—Francis P. Cav¬ anaugh.

Science—Lawrence H. Baldinger. ^Engineering—Karl E. Schoenherr. *Law—Joseph O’Meara. Commerce—James E. McCarthy. Graduate—Philip S. Moore.

Valparaiso Technical Institute, Val¬ paraiso (*; Pr.; coed.; la; 12).

Pres.—Joseph B. Hershman. Dir. of faculty—R. C. Patton. Reg.-treas.—Edna W. Davis.

Valparaiso University, Valparaiso (N.; Luth.; coed.; Ilj ; 1,656).

Pres.—O. P. Kretzmann. Dean of faculty—W. E. Bauer. Bus. mgr.-reg.—A. P. Scribner. Lib.—Herman Grunau. Dean of men-personnel—M. J. Jox. Dean of wo.—Margaretta Tanger-

man. Engineering—Herman Hesse.

*Law—J. W. Morland. Summer session—Paul Seehausen.

Vincennes University, Vincennes (—; C.; coed.; Ic; 149).

Pres.—Isaac K. Beckes. Asst, to pres.—J. Howard Hill. Reg.—Medrith A. Jordan. Dean of men—James R. Snowden. Dean of wo.—Cornelia Carter.

Summer session—Isaac K. Beckes. Wabash College, Crawfordsville (N.;

P.; men; Ilb; 503). Pres.—Frank Hugh Sparks. Dean of college—Byron K. Tippet. Dean of faculty—George V. Kendall. Compt.—Ferguson R. Ormes. Reg.—Robert S. Harvey. Dir. of admis.—Lowell H. Hildebrand. Lib.—Morrison C. Haviland.

West Baden College. See Loyola Uni¬ versity, Chicago, Ill.

IOWA Boone Junior College, Boone (—; dist.;

coed.; Ib ; 51). Dean—J. R. Thorngren.

Briar Cliff College, Sioux City 3 (N.; R. C.; wo.; He; 318).

Pres.—Sister Jean Marie. Dean-reg.—Sister Mary De Pazzi. Treas,—Sister Mary Lalande. Lib.—Sister Mary Annette. Dean of students—Sister Clare of

Assisi. Buena Vista College, Storm Lake (N.;

Presb.; coed.; He ; 308). Pres.—Henry Olson. Dean-reg.—William Wesselink. Bus. mgr.—F. M. Sandy. Lib.—Alberta Dwelle. Dean of men—Bruce Alderman. Dean of wo.—Phoebe La Foy.

Summer session—^William Wesse¬ link.

Burlington Junior College, Burlington (—; C.; coed.; le; 167).

Prin.—Urban Harken. Dean—D. D. Stonehocker. Reg.—Louise Casper. Lib.—^Anna Hunt.

Centerville Junior College, Centerville (—; dist.; coed.; le; 42).

Dean—T. C. Ruggles. Central College, Pella (N.; Ref.; coed.;

Ilf; 338). Pres.—Gerrit T. Vander Lugt. Dean—Harold J. Haverkamp. Dir. of admis.—Richard Cook. Reg.—Evelyn Joosten. Lib.—Alice Lammers. Personnel off.—Henry W. Pietenpol.

Chicago Evangelistic Institute, Uni¬ versity Park (*Bible; P.; coed.; Ilg; 160).

Pres.—H. M. Couchenour. Dean—Arthur P. Gleason. Bus. mgr.—B. Francis Glenn. Reg.-dean of men—Merne A. Harris. Lib.—Lois M. Stanley. Dean of wo.—Ruth A. Fogle.

Clarinda Junior College, Clarinda (—; C.; coed.; If; 57).

Dean—Joe Burnham. Clarke College, Dubuque (N.; R. C.;

wo.; lie; 433). Pres.—Sister Mary Anne Leone Gra¬

ham. Treas.—S i s t e r Mary Roberdette

Burns. Reg.—Sister Mary Francine Gould. Lib.—Sister Mary Robert Hugh Pen-

clergast. Dean of wo.—Sister Mary Crescentia

Thornton. Summer session—Sister Mary Fran¬

cine Gould. Clinton Junior College, Clinton (—;

C.; coed.; Ic; 55). Dean-reg.—Paul B. Sharar. Lib.—Florence Warnock.

Coe College, Cedar Rapids (N.; P.; coed.; lie; 751).

Pres.—Howell H. Brooks. Dean—Irving L. Churchill. Bus. mgr.-. Dir. of admis.—Clarence C. Keel. Reg.—John A. Fisher. Dean of students—John X. Jamrich.

Cornell College, Mount Vernon (N.; Meth.; coed.; lib; 654).

Pres.—Russell D. Cole. Dean—Karl O. Hartzell. Finan. sec.—Roy A. Nelson. Reg.-dean of wo.—Evelyn N. Fisher. Admis. off.—James M. Macaulay. Dean of men—James T. Meade.

Music—Paul B. Beckhelm. Summer session—Jay B. Mac¬

Gregor. Creston Junior College, Creston (—;

C.; coed.; If; 133).


Dean-reg.—Charles E. Hill. Lib.—Ruth Van Tress. Dean of wo.—Florence Bergh.

Summer session—Charles E. Hill. Des Moines Still College of Osteopathy

and Surgery, Des Moines 9 (* ; P.; coed.; Ilg; 281).

Pres.—Edwin P. Peters. Dean—John B. Shumaker. Bus. mgr.—A. C. Parmenter. Reg.—W. R. Fuller. Lib.—Mrs. Mary B. Kinderdine. Dean of wo.—Mary Golden.

Drake University, Des Moines 11 (N.; P.; coed.; Illk; 3,638).

Pres.—Henry G. Harmon. Bus. mgr.—Carl A. Kasten. Reg.—Roy W. Bixler. Lib.—Edward Graham Roberts. Dean of students—Robert B. Kamm.

Arts and sciences—Luther W. Stal- naker.

*Law—Martin Tollefson. *Education—Harlan L. Hagman. Bible—John E. McCaw.

JBus. admin.—Lynden E. Hoffman. ♦Pharmacy—Byrl E. Benton. Fine arts (*music)—Frank B. Jor¬

dan. Community college—John H.

Hutchinson, Graduate—Herbert William Bohl-

man. Summer session—Harlan L. Hag-

man. Eagle Grove Junior College, Eagle

Grove (—; C.; coed.; If; 93). Pres.—R. W. Gibson. Dean-reg.-bus. off.—C. E. Thorson. Lib.—Mrs. Grada Peterson. Conns, to students—John Barcyew-

ski. Ellsworth Junior College, Iowa Falls

(—; C.; coed.; le; 72). Dean—Hugh W. Ghormley, Sr. Lib.—Inez Mofiitt.

Emmetsburg Junior College, Emmets- burg (—; dist.; coed.; Ib ; 38).

Dean—James McFadgen. Supt.—Kyle C. Jones. Lib.-dean of wo.—Florence Under¬

wood. Estherville Junior College, Estherville

(—; dist.; coed.; le; 80). Dean—Walter B. Hammer.

Fort Dodge Junior College, Fort Dodge (—; C.; coed.; Ic; 117).

Dean—Howard Hughes. Reg.—Wesley A. Erbe.

Graceland College, Lamoni (N,; Re- org. L. D. S.; coed.; Ic; 550).

Pres.—E. J. Gleazer, Jr. Dean of faculty—Roy A. Cheville. Vice pres.-treas—James B. Burdick. Reg.—J. C. Bergman. Lib.—Marilyn Sorden. Dean of student personnel—Clifford

A. Cole.

Grand View College, Des Moines 16 (—; Danish Evan. Luth.; coed.; le; 155).

Pres.-. Dean-reg.—A. C. Nielsen. Bus. sec,—Harry Jensen, Lib.—Mrs. H. Mailand.

Grinnell College, Grinnell (N.; P.; coed.; Ilb; 858).

Pres.—Samuel N. Stevens. Sec.-treas.—Rupert A. Hawk. Reg.—Betliana McCandless. Lib.—Isabelle Clarke. Dean of men—Henry A. Brown. Dean of wo.—Evelyn Gardner.

Iowa State College of Agriculture and Mechanic Art.s, Ames (N.; St.; coed.; IVh; 7,548).

Pres.—Charles E. F"riley. Treas.—J. F. Hall. Bus. mgr.—B. H. Platt. Reg.—Arthur M. Gowan. Lib.—Robert W. Orr. Dir. of personnel—M. D. Helser.

Agriculture—Floyd Andre. ♦Engineering—J. F. D. Smith. Home economics—Helen R. Le-

Baron. Science—Harold V. Gaskill.

♦Veterinary medicine—I. A. Mer¬ chant.

Graduate—Ralph M. Hixon. Iowa State Teachers College, Cedar

Falls (N., * ; St.; coed.; Ild ; 2,322). Pres.—James William Maucker. Dean of faculty—M, J. Nelson. Bus. mgr.—P. Jennings. Reg.—M. R. Beard. Lib.—Marybelle McClelland. Dean of men—Paul F. Bender. Dean of wo.—Sadie B. Campbell.

Iowa Wesleyan College, Mount Pleas¬ ant (N.; Meth.; coed.; He; 341).

Pres.—J. Raymond Chadwick. Dean—Kari Ellis. Treas.-bus. mgr.—Norman Sage, Reg.—Raymond Hekel. Lib.—Marian Hemmings. Dean of students—John Skidmore.

Summer session—Karl Ellis. Loras College, Dubuque (N.; R. C.;

men; He; 749). Pres.—L. T. Lane. Dean of studies-reg.—N. C. Barrett. Bus, mgr.—C. T. O'Dowd. Lib.—F. J. Kaufmann. Dean of men—E. P. Sullivan.

Summer session—N. C. Barrett. Luther College, Decorah (N.; Evan.

Luth.; coed.; He ; 697). Pres.—J. W. Ylvisaker. Dean-reg.—O. W. Qualley. Bus. mgr.—W. O. Kalsow. Lib.—O. M. Hovde, Dean of men—Clair G. Kloster. Dean of wo.—Valborg Fletty.

Summer session—O. W. Qualley.


Marshalltown Junior College, Mar¬ shalltown (—; dist.; coed.; If; 67).

Pres.—B. R. Miller. Lib.—Anna Kelly.

Marycrest College. See St. Ambrose college.

Mason City Junior College, Mason City (N.; C.; coed.; If; 233).

Dean-reg.—Clifford H. Beem. Sec.—B. L. Main. Lib.—Pearl Miner.

Summer session—Clifford H. Beem. Morningside College, S'ioux City 6 (K ;

Metb.; coed.; He; 644). Pres.—Earl A. Roadman. Dean—Thomas E. Tweito. Bus. mgr.—Elwood H. Olsen. Reg.—Ira J. Gwinn. Lib.—Clinton E. Burris. Dean of men—Russell M. Eidsmoe. Dean of wo.—Alva Toll*.

*Music—Paul MacCollin. Summer session—Thomas E.

Tweito. Mount Mercy Junior College, Cedar

Rapids (N.; R. C.; wo.; Ic; 132). Pres.—Sister Mary Ildepbonse. Dean—A. R. Acosta. Bus. mgr.—Sister Mary Pierre. Reg.—Sister Mary Eleanor. Lib.—Sister Mary Carmel. Dean of wo.—Sister Mary Eleanor.

Summer s e s s i o n—Sister Mary Agnes.

Mount St. Clare Junior College, Clinton (N.; R. C.; wo.; le; 118).

Pres.—Mother Mary Regis Cleary. Dean-reg.—Sister Mary Cortona

Phelan. Lib.—Sister Anna Mary Emmanuel.

Muscatine Junior College, Muscatine (—; C.; coed.; If; 78).

Dean—James P. Loper. Lib.—Keith W. Larson.

Northwestern Junior College, Orange City (—; Kef.; coed.; le ; 159).

Pres.—Frederick H. Wezeman. Dean—Edwin J. Aalberts. Bus. mgr.—Evert VanEngelenhoven. Admis. off.—H. V. E. Stegemann.

Ottumwa Heights College, Ottumwa (N.; R. C.; wo.; If; Ji6).

Dean—Sister Marie Ancille Kennedy. Bursar—Sister Mary Matilda Herber. Reg.—Sister Marie Ancille Kennedy. Lib.—Sister Mary Germaine Der-

mody. Parsons College, Fairfield (N.; Presb.;

coed.; He; 290). Pres.—Tom E. Shearer. Dean—T. Keith Goltry. Bus. mgr.—Paul B. Selz. Reg.—Grace B. Dennis. Lib.—John F. Harvey. Dean of students—Philip E. Young.

Summer session—T. Keith Goltry.

St. Ambrose College and Marycrest College, Davenport (N.; R. C.; cord.; Ilb; 1,462).

Pres.—Ambrose J. Burke. Vice pres.-bus. mgr.—H. J. Toher. Dean—Leo G. Sterck. Reg.—Paul F. Roeder. Lib.—Lawrence H. Mork. Dean of men—^Joseph A. Hratz.

Summer session—Ambrose J. Burke and Leo C. Sterck.

Marycrest College (wo.)—Mother Geraldine.

Simpson College, Indianola (N.; Meth.; coed.; Ilb; 438).

Pres.—Edwin Edgar Voigt. Dean-dean of men—Oliver H. Bimson. Bus. mgr.—Wendell M. Tutt. Admis. couns.—Robert J. Dalziel. Lib.—Beryl E. Hoyt. Dean of wo.—Elizabeth White.

Summer session—Oliver H. Bim¬ son.

State University of Iowa, Iowa City (N. St; coed.; IVk; 7,362).

Pres.—Virgil M. Hancher. Prov.—Harvey H. Davis. Admin, dean—Allin W. Dakin. Sec.-bus. mgr.—Fred W. Ambrose. Reg.—Ted McCarrel. Dir of lib.—Ralph E. Ellsworth. Students—L. Dale Faunce.

Liberal arts—Dewey B. Stuit. *Law—Mason Ladd. ♦Medicine— -. ♦Dentistry—Alvin W. Bryan. Nursing—Myrtle E. Kitchell.

♦Pharmacy—Louis C. Zopf. ♦Education—Elmer T. Peterson. ♦Engineering—Francis M. Dawson. ♦Commerce—Sidney G. Winter. Fine arts (*music)—Earl E. Har¬

per. Religion—M. Willard Lampe.

♦Journalism—Leslie G. Moeller. ♦Social work—Wayne Vasey. Graduate—Walter E. Loehwing. Extension—Bruce E. Mahan. Summer session—Elmer T. Peter¬

son. University of Dubuque, Dubuque (N.;

Presb.; coed.; IIj ; 551). Pres.—Rollo La Porte. Bus. mgr.-treas.—John Warner. Dir. of admis.—Harry Turner. Reg.—William Rozeboom. Lib.-.

Arts and sciences—Leo Nussbaum. ♦Theology—Elwyn A. Smith. Summer session—Leo Nussbaum.

Upper Iowa University, Fayette (N.; P.; coed.; He; 221).

Pres.—Eugene E. Garbee. Dean—William C. Mongold. Bursar—H. H. Colby. Reg.—Wilson C. Gill. Lib.—Marcella Blatzheim.


Dean of men—James C. Brown. Dean of wo.—Grace M. Meyer.

Summer session—William C. Mon¬ gold.

Waldorf College, Forest City (N.; Luth.; coed.; le; 247).

Pres.—Sidney A. Rand. Bus. mgr.—A. W. Strand. Reg.—Miss E. O. Gunderson. Lib.—Ardis G. Koto. Dir. of student personnel—Bernice

Larson. Wartburg College, Waverly (N.; Luth.;

coed.; He; 594), Pres.—O. H. Becker. Dean—Alfred E. Haefner. Treas.—Eldora Flugga. Reg.—Mattie K. Harms. Dir. of admis.—Earnest Oppermann. Lib.—Perna Lobn. Dean of students—Earnest Opper-

inann. Summer session—Alfred E. Haef¬

ner. Wartburg Theological Seminary, 338

Wartburg Place, Dubuque (*; Luth.; men ; Illg; I'tl).

Pres.—Bernard J. Holm. Bus. mgr,—Esther Fritschel. Reg.—Samuel F. Salzmann. Lib.—Elisabeth Darnauer.

Webster City Junior College, Webster City(—; dist.; coed.; If; 59).

Dean-reg.—A. W. Langerak. Westmar College, Le Mars (—; Evan.

U. B.; coed.;IIe; 327). Pres.—D. O. Kime. Dean—G. O. Thompson. Bus. mgr.—E. L. Fireoved. Reg.—E. M. Miller. Dean of men-.

Summer session—G. O. Thompson. William Penn College, Oskaloosa (—;

Fr.; coed.; Hb ; 124). Pres.—Charles S. Ball. Dean—W. G. Farr. Bus. mgr.—Eugene W. Riebe. Lib.—Inis Smith. Dean of men—Richard V. Chambers. Dean of wo.—Lorena Carter.

Siunmer session—W, G. Farr.


Arkansas City Junior College, Arkan¬ sas City (—; C.; coed.; Ic; 169).

Dean—K. R. Galle. Baker University, Baldwin City (N.;

Meth.; coed.; lie; 480). Pres.—Nelson P. Horn. Dean-reg.—Benjamin A. Gessner. Treas.—E. V. Wood. Lib.—Allen Wilson. Dean of wo.—Grace Irwin.

Summer session—B. A. Gessner, Bethany College, Lindsborg (*ed., N.;

Luth.; coed.; He; 280).

Pres.—Emory Lindquist. Bus. off.—Wm. Taylor. Dean-reg,—J, L. Hermanson. Lib.—Inez Esping, Dean of men—Donald Pierce. Dean of wo.—Mrs. Helen Esping.

*Music and fine arts—Lloyd Spear. Summer session—J. L. Hermanson,

Bethel College, North Newton (N.; I Menon.; coed.; He ; 308).

Pres.—D. C. Wedel. Dean—R. C. Kauffman. Bus. mgr.—Harry Martens, Lib.—Leona Krehbiel. Dean of men—Harley Stucky. Dean of wo.—Mrs. E. L. Harshbarger.

Summer session—Eldon Garber. Central Baptist Theological Seminary,

Kansas City 2 (—; Bapt.; coed.; IVg; 305).

Pres.—William W. Adams. Dean—E. L. Ackley. Bus. mgr.—James B. Kent. Reg.—Rufus R. Crozier. Lib.—Eric G. Haden. Dean of wo.—Mrs. L. M. Sipes.

Central College, McPherson (—; F. Meth.; coed.; le; 89).

Pres.—Mendal B. Miller. Dean—Russell A. Anderson. Dean of men—Robert W. Wrivht. Dean of wo.—Mabel S. IMcMullen.

Chanute Junior College, Chanute (—; dist.; coed; If; 99).

Dean—Howard A. Jester. Reg.—Charles Yoos, Lib.—Pearl Chapman. Dean of men—Eldon Penner. Dean of wo.—Mrs. Nora Knight.

Coffeyville College of Arts, Science, and Vocations, Coffeyville (—; C.; coed.; If; 408).

Dean—K, M. Wilson, Reg.—Gwen Adams. Lib.—Ruth Perkins. Personnel off.—IMrs. Marie Diggs.

Summer session—Karl M. Wilson. College of Emporia, Emporia (N.;

Presb.; coed.; Hb; 217). Pres.—Luther E, Sharp. Dean of college—Harold McCleave. Bus. mgr.—J, Irwin Beeson. Reg.—Lyle W. Hilbert. Lib.—Elizabeth Potter Smith. Dean of wo.—Margaret Howell.

Dodge City Junior College, Dodge City (—; dist.; coed.; Ic; 164).

Dean—W. H. Crawford. Lib,—Mrs. J. Paul Shelden.

Donnelly College, 1236 Sandusky Ave., Kansas City (—; R. C.; coed.; Ic; 205).

Dean—Sister Jerome Keeler. Reg.—Sister Kathleen Brazzel. Lib.—Sister Hildaleta Carl. Personnel off.—Thomas Beier.


El Dorado Junior College, El Dorado (_; c.; coed.; If; 167).

Dean—Max Bickford. Lib.—Myrrl Houck.

Fort Hays Kansas State College, Hays (N., *ed.; coed.; Hie; 940).

Pres.—Morton C. Cunningham. Dean—E. R. McCartney. Bus. mgr.—W. E. Keating. Reg.—Standlee Y. Dalton. Lib.—P. B. Streeter. Adviser to men—W. D. Moreland. Adviser to wo.—Marjorie Butler.

Graduate—Ralph V. Coder. Fort Scott Junior College, Fort Scott

( —; C.; coed.; Ic; 101). Dean—J. F. Haberbosch. Lib.—Mrs. Lucille Rogers.

Friends Bible College, Haviland (—; Fr.; coed.; lie; 50).

Pres.—Sheldon G. Jackson. Dean—Scott T. Clark. Reg.—Fred W. Knight. Lib.—Lena Hadley. Dean of wo.—Pauline McClure.

Friends University, Wichita (*ed., N.; Fr.; coed.; He; 444).

Pres.—Lloyd S. Cressman. Dean—Wendell E. Hadley. Bus. mgr.—Gerald H. Wood. Reg.—Evelyn R. Clark. Lib.—Regina Barrington. Dir. of personnel—Isabel Crabb.

Summer session—Wendell E. Had¬ ley.

Garden City Junior College, Garden City (—; C.; coed.; If; 185).

Dean—A. H. Elland. Lib.—Daisy Herriott.

Hesston College, Hesston (—; Menon.; coed.; Ic; 114).

Dean—Walter E. Oswald. Bus. mgr.—Dan Kauffman. Reg.—Justus G. Holsinger. Lib.—Esther Weber. Dean of men—Laurence Horst. Dean of wo.—Orpha Zimmerly.

Highland Junior College, Highland (—; dist.; coed.; If; 59).

Dean—^W. H. Seaman. Hutchinson Junior College, Hutchinson

(—; C.; coed.; Ic; 403). Dean—C. M. Lockman. Bus. off.—Tom Kerr. Reg.—Virginia Hallman. Lib.—Gertrude Haury.

Independence Junior College, Inde¬ pendence (—; C.; coed.; Ic; 155).

Dean-reg.—Fred Cinotto. Lib.—Opal Orr.

lola Junior College, lola (—; C.; coed.: If.; 118).

Dean—Floyd C. Smith. Reg.—Mary F. Hankins. Lib.—Eleanor H. Miller. Dean of men and wo.—T. Clarence

Brown. Summer session—Floyd C. Smith.

Kansas City Kansas Junior College, Kansas City 2 (N.; C.; coed.; Ic; 390).

Pres.—J. F. Wellemeyer. Bus. off.—L. H. Brotherson. Reg.—Margie Bopp. Lib.—Erna Penner. Personnel off.—Inez MacKinnon.

Kansas State College of Agriculture and Applied Science, Manhattan (N.; St.; coed.; IVk; 4,925).

Pres.—James A. McCain. Dean (academic admin.)—A. L.

Pugsley. Dean (finan. admin.)—A. R. Jones. Dir. of admis.-reg.—Eric T. Tebow. Lib.—W. F. Baehr. Dean of students—William G. Craig.

Arts and sciences—Rodney W. Babcock.

Agriculture—Arthur D. Weber. *Eng. and *arch.—M. A. Durland. Home economics—Margaret M.

Justin. *Veterinary medicine—E. E. Lea-

sure. Graduate—Harold Howe. Extension—L. C. Williams. Summer session—A. L. Pugsley.

Kansas State Teachers College, Em¬ poria (N., *; St.; coed.; Ille; 1,086).

Pres.—David L. MacFarlane. Dean—John E. Jacobs. Cont.—R. G. Cremer. Reg.—Nathan Budd. Lib.—Orville Eaton. Student personnel services—George

Comstock. Graduate—James Buchanan. Summer session—Don E. Davis.

Kansas State Teachers College, Pitts¬ burg (N., *; St.; coed.; Illf; 1,650).

Pres.—Rees H. Hughes. Dean of instr.—Ernest Mahan. Finan. sec.—Belle Provorse. Reg.—J. U. Massey. Lib.—R. Paul Bartolini. Dean of students—Eugene E. Daw¬

son. Kansas Wesleyan University, Salina

(—; Meth.; coed.; He; 230). Pres.—A. Stanley Trickett. Dean—Paul W. Renich. Bus. mgr.-compt.—Lester J. Rueg-

segger. Reg.—Thelma Book. Lib.-. Dean of students—Don B. Feather.

Summer session—Paul W. Renich. McPherson College, McPherson (N.;

Ch. of Breth.; coed.; He ; 355). Pres.—D. W. Bittinger. Dean—J. M. Berkebile. Bus. mgr.—R. Gordon Yoder. Reg.—Alice B. Martin. Lib.—Virginia Harris.


Dean of students—Raymond L. Flory. Summer session—J. M. Berkebile.

Manhattan Bible College, Manhattan (* ; P.; coed.; He ; 95).

Pres.-bus. off.—O. Ray Burgess. Dean-reg.—Virgil V. Hinds. Lib.-dean of wo.—Martha Amlong.

Marymount College, Salina (N.; R. C.; wo.; He; 251).

Pres.—Mother Mary Chrysostom Wynn.

Dean—Sister Etta Louise Knaup. Bus. mgr.—Sister M. Walburga

Wuerth. Reg.—Sister Madeleva Fenton. Lib.—Sister Agnes Virginia Engel¬

bert. Dean of wo.—Sister M. Eloise Jo¬

hannes. Summer session—Sister Marie

Antoinette Martin. Mount St. Scholastica College, Atchi¬

son (N.; R. C.; wo.; He; 360). Pres.—Mother Alfred Schroll. Dean—Sister Imogene Baker. Bursar—Sister Flavia Hogan. Reg.—Sister Gonzaga Engelhart. Lib.—Sister Florence Feeney. Dean of wo.—Sister Marcella Siela.

Municipal University of Wichita, Wichita 6 (N.; C.; coed.; Illk; 2,019).

Pres.—Harry F. Corbin. Compt.—N. Duncan. Reg.—Worth A. Fletcher. Lib.—D. P. O’Harra. Dean of wo.—Grace Wilkie.

Arts and sciences—L. Hekhuis. ^Education—Jackson Powell. Fine arts (*music, W. Duerksen,

chmn.). Bus. admin, and industry—Kennet

Razak, acting. Grad.—John Ryd.lord. Summer session—Hugo Wall.

Ottawa University, Ottawa (N.; Bapt.; coed.; He; 373).

Pres.—Andrew B. Martin. Dean—W. D. Bemmels. Bus. off.—R. N. Bundy. Reg.—Virginia Jennings. Lib.—W. L. Hutchinson. Dean of men—B. Smith Haworth. Dean of wo.—Muriel B. Maxwell.

Parsons Junior College, Parsons (—; C.; coed.; If; 140).

Dean—Chas. E. Thiebaud. Lib.—Charles Huelsbeck. Dean of wo.—Margaret E. Smith.

Summer session—Charles E. Thie¬ baud.

Pratt Junior College, Pratt (—; dist.; coed.; If; 111).

Dean-reg.—H. B. Unruh. Bus. off.—Amos W. Glad. Lib.—Ruth E. Jean Bailey.

Sacred Heart College, Wichita 12 (—; R. C.; wo.; le; 114).

Pres.—Edward P. McCarthy. Dean—Sister M. Hildalita. Bus. off.—Sister M. Patricia. Reg.—Sister M. Romana. Lib.—Sister M. Dolores. Dean of wo.—Sister M. Rosalia.

Summer session—Sister M. Hilda¬ lita.

St. Benedict’s College, Atchison (N.; R. C.; men; Hj; 427).

Pres.—Cuthbert McDonald. Dean of studies—Cletus Kohake. Procurator—Angelus Lingenfelser. Reg.—Dunstan Wack. Lib.—Boniface Moll. Dean of men—Alcuin Hemmen.

Theology—Bernard Sause. St. John’s Lutheran College, Winfield

(—; Efvan. Luth.; coed.; If; 319). Pres.—Carl S. Mundinger. Academic dean—W. H. Wente. Bus. mgr.—Ruben J. Dumler. Reg.—Fred Kramer. Lib.—Ernestine Dohrer. Dean of students—A. E. Kunzmann.

St. Joseph’s College and Military Academy, Hays (—; R. C.; men; Ib; 26).

Pres.—Terence Moffat. Treas.—Paulinus Karlin. Reg.—Anselm Martin. Lib.—Canice Froehlich.

Saint Mary College, Xavier (N.; R. C.; wo.; Hie; 382).

Pres.—Arthur M. Murpby. Dean—Sister Rose Dominic. Bus. off.—Sister Mary Paul. Reg.—Sister Rose Marie. Lib.—Sister Mary Mark. Dir. of personnel—Sister Mary Na¬

thaniel. Graduate—Sister Rose Dominic. Summer session—S i s t e r Mary

Louise. Saint Mary’s College. Sec St. Louis

(Mo.) University. Southwestern College, Winfield (N.;

Meth.; coed.; He; 351). Pres.—Alvin White Murray. Dean—William INIoiiypeny. Bus. mgr.—Irving S. Jackson. Reg.—William J. Poundstone. Lib.—Allen R. Stowell. Couns. of men—William Cloud. Couns. of wo.—Mildred Skinner.

Summer session—William J. Poundstone.

Sterling College, Sterling (—; U. Presb.; coed.; He; 191).

Pres.—William M. McCreery. Dean—A. W. Calhoun. Bursar—A. L. Burgert. Reg.—D. Eugene Wilson. Lib.—Lucille Lukens. Dean of men—Robert Thompson. Dean of wo.—Carol Gene English.

Summer session—A. W. Calhoun.


Tabor College, Hillsboro (—; Menon. Breth.; coed.; IIj; 180).

Pres.—J. N. C. Hiebert. Dean—L. J. Franz. Reg.—S. L. Loewen. Lib.—Mary Kliewer.

Theology—P. R. Lange. Summer session—L. J. Franz.

University of Kansas, Lawrence (N,; St; coed.; IVk; 6,512).

Chanc.—Franklin D. Murphy. Dean of univ.—George B. Smith. Bursar—Karl Klooz. Reg.—James K. Hitt. Lib.—Robert Vosper. Dean of men—L. C. Woodruff. Dean of wo.—Martha Peterson.

Arts and sciences—Paul B. Law- son.

* Journalism and public informa¬ tion—Burton W. Marvin.

*Law—F. J. Moreau. ^Medicine (Kansas City)—G. Clarke

Wescoe. *Pharmacy—J. A. Reese. ^Education—Kenneth E. Anderson. *Eng. and *arch.—T. Dewitt Carr. Fine arts (*music)—Thomas Gor¬

ton. ^Business—L. H. Axe. Graduate—J. H. Nelson. Summer session—George B. Smith.

Ursuline College of Paola, Paola (—; R. C.; wo.; Ic; 81).

Pres.—Mother Cecilia Koehler. Dean—Sister M. Augustine Lickteig. Bus. mgr.—Sister M. Mercedes Vohs. Reg.—Sister M. Charles McGrath. Lib.—Sister Mary Juliana Mick.

Summer session—Sister Francis Hugh Walker.

Washburn University of Topeka, To¬ peka (N.; C.; coed.; Ilj; 1,535).

Pres.—Bryan S. Stoffer. Dean—Arthur G. Sellen. Treas.-sec.—Richard G. Vogel. Reg.—Gladys Phinney. Lib.—Elizabeth Ebright. Dean of men—William F. Seigle. Dean of wo.—Marie Moore. *Law—Schuyler W. Jackson. Summer session—Earl K. Hill-


KENTUCKY Asbury College, Wilmore (S.; P.;

coed.; He; 844). Pres.—Z. T. Johnson. Dean—J. B. Kenyon. Bus. mgr.—W. W. Harned. Reg.—Mrs. Clara Mikkelson. Lib.—Ruth Van Sciver.

Asbury Theological Seminary, Wilmore (—; P.; coed.; Illg; 280).

Pres.—Julian C. McPheeters. Dean—William D. Turkington. Treas.-bus. mgr.—William E. Sav¬


Reg.—Beulah Bevins. Lib.—Susan A. Schultz.

Summer session—William D. Turk¬ ington.

Ashland Junior College, Ashland (—; C.; coed.; If; 171).

Pres.—Newell L. Gates. Treas.—Roy E. Smith. Reg.—Martha L. Tate. Lib.—Jessie Hopwood Hughes.

Berea College, Berea (S.; P.; coed.; He; 1,089).

Pres.—Francis S. Hutchins. Dean—Louis Smith. Sec.-treas.—L. D. Bibbee. Bus. mgr.—George Kavanaugh. Reg.—Adelaide Gundlach. Lib.—Elizabeth Gilbert. Dean of men—Lawrence Gruman. Dean of wo.—Julia Allen.

Bethel College, Hopkinsville (S.; S. Bapt.; wo.; Ib; 81).

Pres.—W. Edwin Richardson. Dean-reg.—W. E. Burton. Treas.—Mrs. Ralph Cochran. Lib.-. Dean of wo.—Mrs. Geo. W. Gifford.

Bowling Green College of Commerce, Bowling Green (—; P.; coed.; Ilh; 332).

Pres.—J. Murray Hill. Brescia College, Owensboro (S.; R. C.;

coed.; If; 184). Pres.—Mother Immaculata O'Reilly. Dean—Sister Agnita Sweeney. Reg.—Sister M. Laurine Sheeran. Lib.—Sister Joseph Marie Williams.

Campbellsville College, Campbellsville (S.; S. Bapt.; coed.; If; 275).

Pres.—John M. Carter. Dean—Roy O. Chumbler.

Caney Junior College, Pippapass (—; P.; coed.; le; 119).

Dir.—Mrs. Alice S. G. Lloyd. Dean—William S. Hayes. Reg.—Ralph E. Hiney. Lib.—Myra Irene Hardy. Dean of wo.—June Buchanan.

Summer session—W i 11 i a m S. Hayes.

Centre College of Kentucky, Danville (S.; Presb.; coed.; He; U5).

Pres.—Walter A. Groves. Dean—Jameson M. Jones. Bus. mgr.—Fred E. Arnicar, acting. Reg.—Brice T. Leech, Jr. Lib.—Mrs. Dorothy T. Cullen. Dean of wo.—Mary Sweeney.

Summer session—J a m e s o n M. Jones.

College of the Bible, Lexington (*theol.; Disc, of Christ; men, wo.; nih; 101).

Pres.—Riley B. Montgomery. Dean-reg.—Charles Lynn Pyatt. Bus. mgr.—Tilton J. Cassidy. Lib.—Roscoe M. Pierson.


Cumberland College, Williamsburg (S.; S. Bapt.; coed.; Ib; 276).

Pres.—James M. BosweLl. Dean—P. R. Jones. Bursar—J. H. Faulkner. Reg.—E. E. Sbeils. Lib.—Elathier Nickerson. Dean of men—Seth Walton. Dean of wo.—Emma McPherson.

Summer session—P. R. Jones. Eastern Kentucky State College, Rich¬

mond (S., *ed.: St.; coed.; Ille; 1,290).

Pres.—W. F. O'Donnell. Dean—W. J. Moore. Bus. agent—G. M. Brock. Reg.—M. E. Mattox. Lib.—Mary Floyd. Dir. of personnel—N. B. Cuff.

Summer session—(Regular admin¬ istrative staff.)

Georgetown College, Georgetown (S.; S. Bapt.; coed.; He; 580).

Pres.—Samuel S. Hill. Dean—Romie D. Judd. Bus. mgr.—R. R. Atkins. Reg.—J. Foley Snyder. Lib.—Virginia Covington. Dean of wo.—Jane Smith.

Kentucky Christian College, Grayson (—; Disc, of Christ; coed.; Ilg; 129).

Pres.-bus. off.—J. Lowell Lusby. Reg.—Mrs. J. Lowell Lusby. Lib.—Mrs. Hazel Schupbach.

Summer session—Thomas A. Dale. **Kentucky State College, Frankfort

(S.; St.; coed.; He; 490). Pres.—R. B. Atwood. Dean-reg.—D. H. Bradford. Bus. mgr.—S. F. Lynem. Lib.—James R. O’Rourke. Dean of students—Ann J. Hartwell.

Summer session—David H. Brad¬ ford.

Kentucky Wesleyan College, Owensboro (S.; Meth.; coed.; Hb ; 257).

Pres.—Oscar W. Lever. Dean of faculty—Walter Leo Russell. Reg.—H. Owen Long. Lib.—Mary C. Yundt. Dean of students—R. N. Waggonner.

Summer session—(Regular ad¬ ministrative staff.)

Lees Junior College, Jackson (S.; Presb.; coed.; le ; 159).

Pres.—R. G. Landolt. Dean—Carl E. Walker. Reg.—Martha McLeod. Dean of wo.—Sara Conrad.

Lindsey Wilson College, Columbia (S.; Meth.; coed.; le; 158).

Pres.-bus. off.—V. P. Henry. Dean-reg.—A. M. Shelton. Lib.—Katie Murrell.

Loretto Junior College, Nerinx (—; P.; wo.; Id; 81).

Pres.—Mother M. Rebecca Burke.

Dean—Mother Francis Therese Hal* loran.

Bus. off.—Sister Felicitas. Reg.—Sister Rose Alice. Lib.—Sister M. Ignacita. Dean of wo.—Sister Mary iNIartha.

Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary, Louisville 2 (*; Presb.; men; HIg; 144).

Pres.—Frank H. Caldwell. Dean-. Bursar—Mattie Witherspoon. Lib.—Ernest M. White.

Midway Junior College, Midwav (S.; P.; wo.; Ic ; 81).

Pres.—Lewis A. Piper. Bus. mgr.—Belle II. Riley. Reg.—Ulva Bridges Wilder. Lib.—Frances Cook. Dean of residence—Mary Sue

Havens. Summer session—Lewis A. Piper.

Morehead State College, Morehead (*ed,; S,; St.; coed.; Hie ; 601).

Pres.—Charles R. Spain. Dean—Warren C. Lappin. Bus. mgr.—Herbert H. Hogan. Reg.—L. A. Fair. Lib.—lone M. Chapman. Dean of students—iNIarjorie Palm-

quist. Murray State College, Miirrav (S.,

*ed.; St.; coed.; Hie; 1,368). Pres.—Ralph H. Woods. Dean—William G. Nash. Bus. mgr.—P. W. Ordway. Reg.—Cleo Gillis Hester. Lib.—Bob L. Mowery. Dean of students—J. Matt Sparkman.

Nazareth College, Louisville 3 (S.; R. C.; wo.; He; 817).

Pres.—Sister Margaret Gertrude Murphy.

Dean—Sister Mary Ransom Burke. Bus. off.—Agnes Liicile Raley. Reg.—Sister Mary Paul Walsh. Lib.—Sister James Ellen Huff.

Summer session—Sister Mary Ran¬ som Burke.

Nazareth College and Academy, Naz¬ areth (S.; P.; wo.; le; 216).

Pres.—Sister Margaret Gertrude. Summer session—Sister Margaret

Gertrude. Paducah Junior College, Paducah (—;

C.; coed.; Ic ; 154). Pres.—Robert G. Matheson. Reg.—Mrs. F. W. Neuman. Lib.—Harriet Boswell. Personnel off.—R. G. Matheson.

Summer session—Richard Price. Pikeville Junior College, Pikeville (S.;

Presb.; coed.; If; 225). Pres.—A. A. Page. Dean—Boyd Randal. Bus. mgr.—Ralph T. Kilgore. Reg.—Alice H. Record. Lib.—H. F. Krathge.


St. Catharine Junior College, Spring- field (—; R. C.; wo.; If; 73).

Dean—Sister Agatha. Lib.—Sister Stella Maris.

Summer session—Sister Agatha. St. Mary’s College, St. Mary (—; P.;

men; Ilg; 134). Rector—Albert Ruetz. Bursar—Ernest Shumacher. Reg.—Charles Schoenbaechler. Lib.—Carl Fritz.

Southern Baptist Theological Semi¬ nary, Louisville 6 (*; S. Bapt.; men; IVg; 977).

Pres.—Duke K. McCall. Supt.—T. R. Allen. Treas.—P. H. Bufkin, Jr. Reg.-student couns.—Hugh R. Peter¬

son. Lib.—L. T. Crismon.

Sue Bennett College, London (S.; Meth.; coed.; If; 117).

Pres.—Oscie Sanders. Dean—B. L. Tiller. Reg.—Velma Vincent. Lib.—Julia Rose. Dean of men—Earl Hays, acting. Dean of wo.—Ola Lee Barnett.

Transylvania College, Lexington (S.; P.; coed.; He; 263).

Pres.—Frank A. Rose. Dean—Leland A. Brown. Treas.—S. S. Carrick. Reg.—Pearl Anderson. Lib.—Roemol Henry . Dean of students—Frances Jennings.

Union College, Barbourville (S.; Metb.; coed.; He ; 457).

Pres.—Conway Boatman. Dean-reg.—Herbert B. Smith. Bus. mgr.-treas.—Clifton Wilson. Lib.—Rudolph B. Clark. Dean of men—E. S. Bradley. Dean of wo.—Florence Dewey.

Summer session—Herbert B. Smith. University of Kentucky, Lexington 29

(S.; St.; coed.; IVk; 5,718). Pres.—H. L. Donovan. Vice pres.—Leo M. Chamberlain. Compt.—Frank D. Peterson. Reg.—R. L. Tutbill. Lib.—Lawrence S. Thompson. Dean of men—A. D. Kirwan. Dean of wo.—Sarah B. Holmes.

Arts and sciences—M. M. White. *Law—Elvis J. Stahr, Jr. ^Education—Frank C. Dickey. Agriculture and home economics—

Frank J. Welch. ^Engineering—Daniel V. Terrell. ^Commerce—Cecil C. Carpenter. =^Pharmacy—Earl P. Slone. Graduate—Herman E. Spivey.

University of Louisville, Louisville (S.; C.; coed.; Illk; 5,342).

Pres.—Philip Grant Davidson. Vice pres.—Woodrow H. Strickler.

Dir., div. of institutional services— C. P. Dunbar.

Reg.—John M. Houchens. Lib.—Evelyn J. Schneider. Dean of men—^David Lawrence. Dean of wo.—Hilda Threlkeld.

Arts and sciences—J. J. Oppen- heimer.

*Law—A. C. Russell. * Social work—Howell V. Williams. ^Medicine—J. Murray Kinsman. ^Dentistry—Raymond E. Myers. ^Engineering—R. C. Ernst. Adult education—William C. Huff¬

man. *Music—Dwight Anderson. Graduate—Guy Stevenson.

Ursuline College, Louisville 6 (S.; R. C.; wo.; Ilf; 271).

Pres.—Rev. Mother Mary Columba. Dean—Sister George Marie. Compt.—Sister M. Salome. Reg.—Sister Mary Patrice. Lib.—Sister Giovanni. Dean of wo.—Sister Mary de Lourdes.

Villa Madonna College, Covington (—; R. C.; coed.; He; 278).

Pres.—William T. Mulloy. Dean—John F. Murphy. Bus. mgr.-treas.—Harry J. Tenhund-

feld. Reg.—Sister M. Irmina. Lib.—Sister Loretto Marie.

Summer session—John F. Murphy. Western Kentucky State Teachers Col¬

lege, Bowling Green (*, S.; St.; coed.; Hie; 1,433).

Pres.—Paul L. Garrett. Dean—Finley C. Grise. Bus. mgr.—W. Arch Bennett. Reg.—E. H. Canon. Lib.—Margie Helm.


Centenary College, Shreveport 16 (S.; Meth.; coed.; He ; 1,498).

Pres.—Joe J. Mickle. Dean—John B. Wilson. Treas.—S. D. Morehead. Dir. of admis.—Edgar Burks. Reg.—Mrs. Don Brown. Lib.—Mary Frances Smith.

Summer session—John B. Wilson. College of the Sacred Heart, Grand

Coteau (—; R. C.; wo.; He ; 72). Pres.—Mother M. Erskine. Dean—Mother K. Townsend. Treas.—Mother A. Plauche. Reg.—Mother Z. St. Paul. Lib.—Mother H. Corrigan.

**Dillard University, New Orleans 22 (S.; P.; coed.; He; 532).

Pres.—Albert W. Dent. Dean—Benjamin A. Quarles. Bus. mgr.—Mark G. Birchette. Reg.—^Anna M. Sewall. Lib.—Paul M. Smith.


Dean of students—Houser A. Miller. Francis T. Nicholls Junior College.

See Louisiana State University. **Grambling College, Grambling (S.;

St.; coed.; Ild ; 1,255). Pres.—R. W. E. Jones. Dean—E. L. Cole. Compt.—Jessie Carlton. Reg.—W. L. Garner. Lib.—Mary Watson Hymon. Dean of men—Whitney L. Vancleve. Dean of wo.—Mayme A. Jacobs.

Summer session—E. L. Cole. **Leland College, Baker (—; Bapt.;

coed.; He; 379). Pres.—J. M. Frazier. Bursar—W. H. Bryson. Reg.—Robt. T. Harris. Lib.—Ellen James. Dean of men—W. L. Whitted. Dean of wo.—Vera T. Robinson.

Summer session—Robt. T. Harris. Louisiana College, Pineville (S.; S.

Bapt.; coed.; He; 636). Pres.—G. Earl Guinn. Dean—H. M. Weatbersby. Bursar—Christine Sutton. Lib.—Eleanor Hollis. Dean of men—F. Jay Taylor. Dean of wo.—Mrs. N. D. Timmerman.

Louisiana Polytechnic Institute, Rus- ton (S.; St.; coed.; Ilk ; 1,880).

Pres.—R. L. Ropp. Bus. mgr.—W. H. McLaurin. Reg.—Mabel IMay. Lib.—E. J. Scheerer. Dean of men—W. L. Mitchell. Dean of wo.—IMartha Condra.

Arts and sciences—H. L. Hughes. Agriculture and forestry—M. H.

Folk, Jr. Bus. admin, and economics—Bur¬

ton R. Risinger. ^Education—George W. Bond. '^Engineering—Ben T. Bogard. Home economics—Mrs. Alice Mil¬

let Graham. Louisiana State University and A. and

M. College, University Station, Baton Rouge, (S.; St.; coed.; IVk ; 6,608).

Pres.—Troy H. Middleton. Dean—Charles Edward Smith. Compt.—Walter B. Calhoun. Reg.—John A. Hunter. Lib.—Guy R. Lyle. Dean of men—A. O. French. D('an of wo.—Helen B. Gordon.

Arts and sciences—Cecil G. Taylor. *Law—Paul M. Hebert. *i\Iedicine (New Orleans)—William

W. Frye. ♦Education—Edward Bane Robert. Agriculture—Jordan G. Lee, Jr.

♦Engineering—Leo J. Lassalle. ♦Commerce—J. B. Trant. ♦Library science—Mrs. Florrinell F.


♦Chemistry and physics—Arthur R. Choppin.

♦Music—Barrett Stout. Junior div.—S. A. Caldwell.

♦Social welfare—Earl E. Klein. Graduate—R. J. Russell. Summer session—Edward Bane

Robert. Francis T. Nicholls Junior College

(Thibodaux)—Charles C. Elkins). Loyola University, New Orleans 18 (S.;

R. C.; men, wo.; I Ilk; 2,269). Pres.—W. Patrick Donnelly. Dean of faculties—E. A. Doyle. Treas.—Theodore A. Ray. Reg.—Carmel V. Discon. Lib.—James W. Dyson. Dean of students—Anthony C.

O’Flynn. Arts and sciences—E. A. Doyle.

♦Law—Antonio E. Papale. ♦Dentistry—F. J. Houghton. ♦Pharmacy—John F. McCloskey. ♦IMusic—Ernest E. Schuyten. $Bus. admin.—John V. Connor.

Summer session—E. A. Doyle. McNeese State College, Lake Charles

(—; St.; coed.; Ilf; 891). Pres.—Lether Edward Frazar. Auditor—Arthur Lee. Reg.—Inez Moses.

Summer session—R. L. Browne. New Orleans Baptist Theological Semi¬

nary, 1220 Washington Ave., New Orleans 13 (—; S. Bapt.; coed.; IVg; 638).

Pres.—Roland Q. Leavell. Bus. off.—Joe Barber. Reg.—James E. Taylor. Lib.—Nelle Davidson. Dean of students—J. Wash Watts.

Newcomb College. See Tulane Univer¬ sity.

Northeast Louisiana State College, Monroe (JS.; St.; coed.; Ilf ; 676).

Pres.—Lewis L. Slater. Northwestern State College of Louisi¬

ana, Natchitoches (S., *ed.; St.; coed.; Hf; 1,353).

Pres.—H. Lee Prather. Purchasing agent—Griffin Taylor. Reg.—Otis R. Crew. Lib.—Eugene P. Watson. Dir. student relations—Dudley Ful¬

ton. Notre Dame Seminary, 2901 S. Carrol-

ton Ave., New Orleans (S.; R. C.; men ; Illb ; 80).

Pres.—Daniel C. O’Meara. Dean-reg.—Robert J. Stahl. Treas.—Robert Ripp. Lib.—James Dyson.

St. Mary’s Dominican College, 7214 St. Charles Ave., New Orleans 18 (S.; R. C.; wo.; Ilf; 196).

Pres.—Sister Mary Louise. Dean—Sister Mary Alexaida. Treas.—Sister Mary Immaculata.


Reg.—Sister Mary Philip. Lib.—Sister Mary Reginald. Dean of resident students—Sister

Mary Eugene. Southeastern Louisiana College, Ham¬

mond (S.; St.; coed.; Ilf; 914). Pres.—Clark L. Barrow. Dean—L. H. Dyson. Bus. mgr.—J. W. Reeves. Reg.—C. J. Hyde. Lib.—Anna P. Davis. Dean of men—L. E. Chandler. Dean of wo.—Pearl Himler.

Liberal arts-. Applied science—E. E. Puls.

^Education—L. H. Dyson. Summer session—L. H. Dyson.

**Southern University and Agricul¬ tural and Mechanical College, Baton Rouge (S.; St.; coed.; IIj; 2,214).

Pres.—Felton G. Clark. Dean—J. B. Cade. Bus. mgr.—G. Leon Netterville. Reg.—J. J. Hedgemon. Lib.—C. S. Shade. Dean of men—U. S. Jones. Dean of wo.—I. D. Jenkins.

Law—A. A. Lenoir, acting. Summer session—J. B. Cade.

Southwestern Louisiana Institute, La¬ fayette (S.; St.; coed.; Ilk ; 2,388).

Pres.—Joel L. Fletcher. Dean of admin.—Herbert A. Hamil¬

ton. Bus. mgr.—W. F. Owen. Reg.—J. S. Bonnet. Lib.—Loma Kiiighten. Dean of men—E. Glynn Abel. Dean of wo.—Agnes Edwards. ^Education—Maxim D. Doucet. Liberal arts—Joseph A. Riehl. Agriculture—Thomas J. Arceneaux. Engineering—George G. Hughes.

Tulane University of Louisiana, New Orleans 18 (S.; P.; cord.; IlTi; 5,727).

Pres.—Rufus Carrollton Harris. Compt.—Clarence Scheps. Reg.—Florence Toppino. Admis.—Forrest U. Lake. Dir. of lib.—Garland F. Taylor. Dean of students—John H. Stibbs.

Arts and sciences (men)—Fred C. Cole.

*Law—William Ray Forrester. ^Medicine—Maxwell E. Lapham. ^Engineering—Lee H. Johnson. *Architecture—Buford Lindsay

Pickens. *Bus. admin.—Robert W. French. Graduate medicine—Clifford Gros-

selles Grulee, Jr. * Social work—Elizabeth Wisner. University college—John P. Dyer. Graduate—Roger P. McCutcheon. Summer session—Thomas T. Earle.

Newcomb College (S.; wo.)—Anna Many, acting.

Ursuline College, 2635 State St., New Orleans 18 (—; R. C.; wo.; He; 71).

Pres.—Mother Celeste Hanlon. Dean—Mother Mary Bernard Bon-

homme. Bursar—Mother Augustine Kearney. Reg.—Mother M. Loyola Ott. Lib.—Mother M. Dolores Swanson.

**Xavier University, New Orleans 18 (S.; R. C.; coed.; Illj ; 1,026).

Pres.—Mother M. Agatha. Dean—Sister Mary Helene. Bus. mgr.—Sister M. Alice Patrick. Reg.—Sister M. Emmanuella. Lib.—Sister Maria Christella. Student couns.—Raymond B. Floyd.

Science—Peter Paytash. JPharmacy—Lawrence Ferring. Education—Sister M. Josephina. Graduate—Michael D’Argonne. Summer session—Sister Mary



Aroostook State Teachers College, Presque Isle (—; St.; coed.; Id;^ 85).

Pres. Clifford O. T. Wieden. Bursar—^Nellie T. Dunning. Lib.—Caroline D. Gentile.

Summer session—Clifford O. T. Wieden.

Bangor Theological Seminary, Bangor (—; Cong.; coed.; Ilg; 67).

Pres.—Harry Trust. Reg.—Andrew Banning. Lib.-. i Dean of students—Frederick W. i

Whittaker. Bates College, Lewiston (E.: P.; coed.;

lib; 842). i Pres.—Charles F. Phillips. i Dean—Harry W. Rowe. ^ Bursar—Norman E'. Ross. Reg.—Mabel L. Libby. Lib.—Mabel Eaton. Dean of wo.—Hazel M. Clark.

Bowdoin College, Brunswick (E.; P.; men; Ilb; 807).

Pres.—^James S. Coles. Dean—Nathaniel C. Kendrick. , Bursar—Glenn R. Mclntire. Reg.—Helen B. Johnson. Dir. of admis.—Hubert S. Shaw. Lib.—Kenneth J. Boyer. !

Colby College, Waterville (E.; P.; j men, wo.; Ilb; 1,048).

Pres.—Julius S. Bixler. Dean of faculty—Ernest C. Marriner.

1 Has been authorized to grant bachelors degrees. Will be changed to group II in this directory after it has actually granted bachelors degrees.



Treas.-bus. mgr.—Arthur W, Seepe. Rec.—Frances N. Perkins. Lib.—James Humphry, III. Dean of men—George T. Nickerson. Dean of wo.—Florence Pauline Tomp¬

kins. Summer session—John F. McCoy.

College of Our Lady of Mercy, Port¬ land 5 (—; R. C.; wo.; He; Gr>).

Pres.—Daniel J. O’Neill. Dean—Sister Mary Honoratus. Reg.—Sister Mary Aline. Lib.—Sister Margaret Mary.

Summer session—Sister Mary Honoratus.

Gorham State Teachers College, Gor¬ ham (—; St.; coed.; Ild ; 526).

Pres.—Francis L. Bailey. Lib.—Marjorie Fames. Dean of men-reg.—Everett S. Pack¬

ard. Dean of wo.—Edna F. Dickey.

Summer session—Francis L. Bailey. Madawaska Training School, Fort

Kent (—; St.; coed.; Id; 50). Prin.—Richard F. Crocker. Vice prin.—Floyd L. Powell. Reg.-bursar—Lucille G. Bouchard. Lib.—Waneta T. Blake.

Summer session—Richard F. Crocker.

Nasson College, Springvale (—; P.; coed.; Ilh; 94).

Pres.—Roger Crowell Gay. Dean—Charles L. Millis. Treas.—William P. Ferguson. Reg.—Barbara L. Blaisdell. Lib.—Charlotte A. Hickman. Dean of men—Robert D. Witherill. Dean of wo.—Merline S. Lowell.

Northern Conservatory of Music, Bangor (—; P.; coed.; Ild; 27).

Dir.—A. Stanley Cayting. Reg.—Anne R. Shaw. Dean of men—Francis G. Shaw. Dean of wo.—Mary Hayes Hayford.

Portland Junior College, Portland 3 (—; P.; men; Ic; 135).

Dean—Luther I. Bonney. Reg.-bus. mgr.—Harold M. Lawrence. Lib.—Robert F. Gotf.

Ricker College, Houlton (EL; P.; coed.; Ic;' 135).

Pres.—Jasper F. Crouse. Dean—George B. Rich. Treas.—Charles W. Heath.

State Teachers College, Farmington (—; St.; coed.; Ild; 372).

Pres.—Errol L. Dearborn. Dean-dean of men—Harvey R. Kelley. Bursar—Nettie S. Rounds. Reg.—Marie Pecorelli. Lib.—Agnes P. Mantor. Dean of wo.—Ruth Williams.

Summer session—Errol L. Dear¬ born.

University of Maine, Orono (K; St.; coed.; Illk; 2,894).

Pres.—Arthur A. Hauck. Compt.—Prescott Vose. Dir. of admis.—Percy F. Crane. Reg.—James A. Gannett. Lib.—Louis T. Ibbotson. Dir. student relations—Charles E.

Crossland. Agriculture—Arthur L. Deering. Arts and science—Joseph M. IMur-

ray. Education—Mark R. Shibles. ^Engineering—Ashley S. Campbell. Graduate—Edward N. Brush. Summer session—Mark R. Shibles.

Washington State Teachers College, Machias (—; St.; coed.; Id ; ^ 64).

Pres.—Lincoln A. Sennett. Westbrook Junior College, Portland 5

(E.; P.; wo.; Ic ; 257). Pres.—Milton D. Proctor. Dean—William G. Dwyer. Lib.—Mary Pike. Dir. of residence—Pauline G. Carter.


Baltimore College of Commerce, Balti¬ more (—; YMCA.; coed.; la ; 930).

Ed. dir.—Howard L. Bradley. Bus. off.—Paul T. Hughes. Reg.—Wendell E. Shawn, Jr. Lib.—Ester L. Andersen.

Baltimore Junior College, 33rd St. and The Alameda, Baltimore 18 (—; C.; coed.; Ic; 332).

Dean—C. H. Katenkamp. Bus. mgr.—Charles Mueller. Reg.—Lois S. Harrison. Lib.—Amy C. Sellman.

Summer session—Geary L. Stone- sifer.

College of Notre Dame of Maryland, Baltimore 10 (M.; R. C.; wo.; He ; 358).

Pres.—Sister Margaret Mary. Dean—Sister Bridget Marie. Bus. off.—Sister Mary Redempta. Reg.—Sister Mary Elissa. Lib.—Sister Madeline Sophie. Dean of wo.—Sister Mary Miriam.

Summer session—Sister Margaret Mary.

**Coppin State Teachers College, Bal¬ timore 17 (—; St.; coed.; Hd; 183).

Pres.—Miles W. Connor. Dean—Grace H. Jacobs. Reg.—Ethel J. Day. Lib.—Leone Boyle Thompson.

1 Has been authorized to grant bachelors degrees. Will be changed to group II in this directory after it has actually granted bachelors degrees.


Goucher College, Baltimore 4 (M.; P.; wo.; He; 621).

Pres.—Otto F. Kraushaar. Dean—Elizabeth Geen. Reg.—Mildred Covey. Dir. of admis.—Mary Ross Flowers. Lib.—Mary Elizabeth Shaw. Dean of wo.—Martha Arnold Nichols.

Hagerstown Junior College, Hagers¬ town (—; CO.; coed.; Ic; 157).

Dean—James W. Mileham. Conns.—Kathryn Bookbinder. Lib.—Dorothy C. Gleichman.

Hood College, Frederick (M.; P.; wo.; lie; 458).

Pres.—Andrew G. Truxal. Assoc, dean—Ruth E. Perry. Treas.-bus. mgr.—J. Harold Hooper. Reg.—Grace N. Brown. Lib.—Katharine E. Dutrow. Dean of students—Katherine E. Sher¬

rill. Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore

(M.; P.; men, wo.; IVk ; 6,539). Pres.—Detlev W. Brouk. Prov.—P. Stewart Macaulay. Vice pres.—J. Douglas Colman. Treas.—Henry S. Baker. Reg.—Irene M. Davis. Dir. of admis.—William F. Logan. Lib.—Homer Halverson.

Arts and sciences (men)—Richard T. Cox.

Homewood School—G. Wilson Shaffer.

*Medicine—Alan M. Chesney. ^Engineering (men)—W. B. Kou

wenhoven. ^Hygiene and public health—

Ernest L. Stebbins. Page School of International Rela¬

tions—Owen Lattimore. Bowman School of Geography—

George F. Carter. ' McCoy College (afternoon and

evening courses)—Richard A. Mumma.

Applied Physics Laboratory—Ralph E. Gibson.

Institute for Cooperative Re¬ search—William B. Burford, III.

School of Advanced International Studies (Washington, D. C.) — Philip W. Thayer.

Summer session-. Loyola College, Baltimore 10 (M.; R.

C.; men; Ilb; 577). Pres.—Thomas J. Murray. Dean—Joseph K. Drane. Treas.—Andrew A. Hofmann. Reg.—C. H. McDonald. Lib.—William M. Davish.

Graduate and evening div.—Ar¬ thur A. North.

Maryland Institute, School of Art and Design, Baltimore (—; P.; coed.; Ilh; 250).

Pres.—Thomas G. Young.

Actuary—Douglas R. Warner. ! Dean—Margaret F. S. Glace. Reg.—Miltenberger N. Smull. I

**Maryland State College, Division of j the University of Maryland at Princess Anne. See University of j Maryland. i

**Maryland State Teachers College, ! Bowie (*; St.; coed.; Ild; 251).

Pres.—William E. Henry. j Dean—Ulysses S. Young. I Reg.—Elizabeth A. Joyce. ' Lib.—Angeline D. Smith. j

Maryland State Teachers College, I Frostburg (*; St.; coed.; Ild; j 403).

Pres.—Lillian C. Compton. , Dean—Ivan C. Diehl. Bus. mgr.—A. Florian Wilson. Reg.—Elizabeth Hitchins. Lib.—Helen Y. Hough. j

Maryland State Teachers College, I Salisbury (* ; St.; coed.; He ; 213).

Pres.—J. D. Blackwell. Prin. acct. clerk—Charles W. Betts. ; Reg.—Robert Gebhardstbauer. | Lib.—Mrs. Grace C. Chaires. i

Maryland State Teachers College, Towson 4 (M., *; St; coed.; He; i 890). j

Pres.—Earle T. Hawkins. l Dean of college—Anita S. Dowell. Dean of instr.—Kenneth A. Browne. Bus. mgr.—Karl J. Moser. Dir. of admis.—Rebecca C. Tansil. Reg.—Eleanor Tibbetts. Lib.—Dorothy W. Reeder. Resident dir.—S. Rebecca Lee.

Montgomery Junior College, Takoma Park 12 (M.; co.; coed.; Ic; 405). j

Dean—Hugh G. Price. Bursar—Georgia W. McMeekin. Reg.—Harriett C. Preble. j Lib.—Golda S. Payne. | Dir. student personnel services— !

Sadie G. Higgins. **Morgan State College, Baltimore 12

(M.; St.; coed.; He; 1,546). Pres.—Martin D. Jenkins. Dean—George C. Grant. Bus. mgr.—Edgar D. Draper. Reg.—Edw. N. Wilson. Lib.—Beulah M. Davis. Dean of men—Leonard C. Anderson. Dean of wo.—Thelma G. Preyer.

Summer session—George C. Grant. Mount Saint Agnes College, Mount

Washington, Baltimore 9 (M.; R. C.; wo.; He; 151).

Pres.—Sister M. Placide Thomas. Dean—Sister M. Xavier Higgins. Treas.—Sister M. Andrew Dowling. Reg.—Sister M. Carlotta Duffy. Lib.—Sister M. Anthony Scally.

Mount St. Mary’s College, Emmits- j burg (M.; R, C.; men; lib; 467). I

Pres.—John L. Sheridan. ! Dean of studies—Carl J. Fives.



I Treas.—^Thomas J. Kilcullen. Reg.—John M. Roddy, Jr.

i Lib.—Hugh J. Phillips. ' Dean of men—William McGonigle. I Ner Israel Rabbinical College, Balti- ; more (—; Jewish; men; Ilg; 114). I Pres.-dean—Jacob I. Ruderman. I Reg.—Herman N. Neuberger.

Lib.—Jacob Friedman. I Peabody Institute of the City of Balti- ' more, Baltimore 2 (—; P.; coed,;

Illh; 390). i Pres.—William L. Marbury, Jr.

Bus. mgr.—Stewart Warnken. Lib.—Lloyd A. Brown. *Conservatory of Music:

Dir.—Reginald Stewart. Dean—Virginia Carty.

Summer school—Virginia Carty. St. Charles College. See St. Mary’s

Seminary and University. St. John’s College, Annapolis (—; P.;

coed.; Ilb; 185). Pres.—Richard D. Weigle. Dean—Jacob Klein. Treas.—Henry Barton. Dir. of admis.—John F. Hollywood. Reg.—Miriam Strange. Lib.—Charlotte Fletcher. Asst, dean for men—Wm. Kyle Smith. Asst, dean for wo.—Barbara H. Leon¬

ard. Summer session—John S. Kieffer,

St. Joseph College, Emmitsburg (M.; R. C.; wo.; Ilf; 161).

Pres.—Francis J. Dodd. Dean—Sister Robertine Weiden, act¬

ing. Reg,—Sister Elizabeth Garner. Lib.—Sister Joan Marie.

St. Mary’s Female Seminary Junior College, St. Mary’s City (—; St.; wo.; Ic; 30).

Pres.—May Russell. Dean—Helen L. Cunliffe. Reg.—Louise K. Rotha. Lib.—Mrs. Helen L. Manson.

St. Mary’s Seminary and University, Roland Park, Baltimore (M.; R. C.; men; IVj; 798).

Pres.—Lloyd P. McDonald. Treas.—R. B. Meyer. Reg.—E. A. Cerny.

Arts and sciences (N. Paca St.) — William S. Morris.

Theology (Roland Park)—James A. Laubacher.

St. Charles College, Catonsville (M.; Ib)—George A. Gleason.

United States Naval Academy, Annap¬ olis (M.; Nat.; men; Ilg; 3,810).

Supt.—H. W. Hill. Sec. of academic board—R. T. S.

Keith. Lib.—L, H. Bolander. Commandant of midshipmen—Robert

B. Pirie. 222U22“—52-5

University of Baltimore, Baltimore 1 (—; P.; coed.; Illj; 1,698).

Pres.—Theodore Halbert Wilson. Treas.—Hugh K. Higgins. Reg.—Kathleen C. Joyce. Lib.-.

Law—John H. Hessey. Business—Clifford C. James. Junior college—P. Lewis Kaye.

University of Maryland, College Park, (M.; St.; coed.; IVk; 12,654).

Pres.—H. C. Byrd. Dean of faculty—H. F. Cotterrnan. Compt.—Charles L. Benton. Dir. of admis.—G. W. xAlgire. Reg.—Alma H. Preinkert. Lib.—Howard Rovelstad. Dean of men—Geary F, Eppley. Dean of wo.—Adele H. Stamp. College Park Campus:

Arts and sciences—Leon Perdue Smith.

* Education—Wilbur Devilbiss. *Bus. and public admin.—J. Free¬

man Pyle, Agriculture—Gordon M. Cairns.

*Engineering—S. S. Steinberg. Home economics—M. Marie Mount. Graduate—Ronald Bamford. Military science—Joseph R. Am¬

brose. Physical education, recreation, and

health—L. M. Fraley. Special and continuation studies—

Ray A. Ehrensberger. Summer session—Wilbur Devilbiss.

Baltimore Campus: *Law—Roger Howell. ^Medicine—H. B, Wylie. *Dentistry—J. Ben Robinson. *Pharmacy—Noel E, Foss. Nursing—Florence M. Gipe.

**Maryland State College, Division of the University of Maryland at Princess Anne (—; St.; coed.; 339).

Pres.—John T. Williams. Dir. of admis.—Violet J. Wood. Lib.-. Dean of men—Francis H. Harris. Dean of wo.—Chrystal Lunceford.

Washington College, Chestertown (M.; P.; coed.; He; 334).

Pres.—Daniel Z. Gibson. Dean—Fred G. Livingood. Treas.—Fred W. Dumschott. Reg.—Ermon N. Foster. Lib.—Frederick A. Meigs. Dean of men—Chas. B. Clark. Dean of wo.—Amanda T. Bradley.

Western Maryland College, Westmin¬ ster (M.; Meth.; coed.; Ille ; 661).

Pres.—Lowell S. Ensor. Dean of admin.—Samuel B. Schofield. Dean of faculty—John D. Makosky. Treas.—Carl L. Schaeffer. Reg.—Martha E. Manahan. Dean of men—William M. David, Jr


Dean of wo.—Helen G. Howery. Slimmer session—John D. Makosky.

Westminster Theological Seminary, Westminster (* ; Meth.; coed.; Illg; 126).

Pres.—Lester A. Welliver. Reg.—Montgomery J. Shroyer. Lib.—Emily M. Chandler.

Woodstock College and Seminary, Woodstock (M.; R. C.; men; Ille ; 175).

Pres.—Joseph F. Murphy. Bus. off.—Joseph F. Haitz. Reg.—Charles J. Galloway. Lib.—Edmund F. X. Ivers. Regent of seminary—Thomas A.

Brophy. Arts and sciences:

Senior div.—Ralph O. Dates. Junior div. (Wernersville, Pa.) —

Neil J. Tw'ombly. Theology—James T. GrifiBn. Summer session—Thomas A.

Brophy, Ralph O. Dates, Neil J. Twombly, Lorenzo K. Reed.

Xaverian College, New Hampshire Ave., Silver Spring (—; R. C.; men; le; 40).

Pres.—Brother William. Dean—Brother Sylvere. Treas.—Brother Dionysius. Reg.—Brother Bartholomew. Lib.—Brother Randal. Dean of men—Brother Rosarius.

Summer session—Brother Pastor.


American International College, Springfield 9 (E.; P.; coed.; Illf; 1,338).

Pres.—Spencer Miller, Jr. Dean—Richard S. Ullery. Reg.-dir. of admis.—Esther D. Frary. Lib.—Eulin K. Hobble.

Amherst College, Amherst (E.; P.; men; HIb; 1,063).

Pres.—Charles W. Cole. Dean—C. Scott Porter. Treas.—P. D. Weathers. Dir. of admis.—E. S. Wilson. Lib.—N. F. McKeon, Jr.

Andover Newton Theological School, Newton Center (*; Bapt.-Cong.; coed.; Illg; 190).

Pres.—Herbert J. Gezork. Dean—Vaughan Dabney. Treas.—Walter L. Van Kleeck. Reg.—Russell C. Tuck. Lib.—John H. Scammon.

Assumption College, Worcester 6 (E.; R. C.; men; Illj; 156).

Pres.—Armand H. Desautels. Dean-reg.—Louis Dion. Treas.—^Anselme Morrison. Lib.—A. Aime Deschamps.

Dean of men—Joseph Pelletier. Summer session—Engelbert E. De-

vincq. Atlantic Union College, South Lancas¬

ter (E.; S. D. A.; coed.; Ilf; 333). Pres.-mgr.—Lewis N. Holm. j Dean—G. E. Shankel. Treas.—C. C. Hamstra. ! Reg.—Dorothy Bartlett. Lib.—Oscar R. Schmidt. | Dean of men—Edwin C. Harkins. I Dean of wo.—Agnes R. Eroh. I

Theology—Gerald H. Minchin. Summer session—G. E. Shankel.

Babson Institute of Business Adminis¬ tration, Babson Park (E.; P.; men ; Illg; 390).

Pres.—Edward B. Hinckley. Dean—John K. Horner. Bus. mgr.—James G. Hawk. Admis. off.—Gordon M. Trim. Reg.—Paul C. Staake, Jr. Lib.—Ruth W. Bailey. Dir. of personnel—Everett W.

Stephens. Becker Junior College of Business Ad¬

ministration and Secretarial Sci¬ ence, Worcester 2 (—; P.; coed.; la; 460).

Pres.—Warren C. Lane. Bus. off.—Thomas F. Fleming. ' Reg.—Gilbert H. Reed. I Lib.—Caroline Lane. Dean of men—Thomas F. Fleming. Dean of wo.—Barbara Gummere.

Boston College, Chestnut Hill 67 (E.; R. C.; men; I Ilk; 5,983).

Pres.—Joseph R. N. Maxwell. Asst, admin.—Joseph R. Walsh. Reg.—Francis J. Camphell. Lib.—Terence L. Connolly. Dean of men—Edward J. Sullivan.

Arte and sciences—Francis O. Corcoran.

*Law—William J. Kenealy. Liberal arts—William J. Murphy. Theology—Frederick L. Moriarty. Philosophy and science—Joseph

E. Shea. Arts and sciences (Intown)—John

W. Ryan. Business—James D. Sullivan.

* Social work—Dorothy L. Book. *Nursing—^Rita M. Kelleher. Education—Charles F. Donovan. Graduate—James L. Burke. Summer session—Thomas J. Grace.

Boston Conservatory of Music, 26 Fen¬ way, Boston (I; P.; coed.; Ilh; 94).

Dir.—Albert Alphin. Reg.—Elaine Fairfield. Lib.—Arbella Chase. Dean of students—^Aurelia Greselin.

Boston School of Occupational Therapy (in aflBliation with Tufts College), 7 Harcourt St., Boston 16 (* ; P.; coed.; He; 111).


Pres.—Mrs. John A, Greene. Reg.—Acile Harrison.

Boston University, Boston 15 (E.; P.; coed.; IVk; 17, 529).

Pres.—Harold C. Case. Dean of university—Atlee L. Percy. Treas.—E. Ray Speare. Dir. of admis.—Donald L. Oliver. Lib.—Robert E. Moody. Dir. of student enterprises—Philip

E. Bunker. Arts and sciences—Ralph W. Tay¬

lor. Junior college—Judson R. Butler.

*Law—El wood H. Hettrick. *Medicine—James M. Faulkner. *Education—J. Wendell Yeo. *Theology—Walter G. Muelder. *Music—Robert A. Choate. *Business—William G. Sutcliffe. Practical arts and letters—T. Law¬

rence Davis. * Social work—Richard K. Conant. Physical education for wo.—

George K. Makechnie. General ed.—Judsoii R. Butler.

*Nursing—Martha Ruth Smith. Public relations—Howard M. Le-

Sourd. Industrial technology—Hilding N.

Carlson. Graduate—Chester M. Alter. Evening div.—John Waters. Summer session—Robert W. Sher¬

burne. Bouve Boston School, affiliated with

Tufts College, Medford (—; P.; wo.; Ilh; 148).

Dir.—Ruth Page Sweet. Dean—Dorothy Dissell. Bus. mgr.—Marion Hope Wetherell. Dir. of admis.—Esther Odell. Reg.—Helen Mahoney Connell.

Bradford Durfee Technical Institute, 04 Durfee St., Fall River (—; St.; coed.; Ilg; 189).

Pres.—Leslie B. Coombs. Treas.—Margaret E. Morgan. Reg.—D. Alexander Severino.

Bradford Junior College, Bradford (E.; P.; wo.; Ib; 299).

Pres.—Dorothy M. Bell. Dean—Frederick C. Ferry, Jr. Asst, treas.—Esther N. Tate. Dir. of admis.—Constance E. Ballou. Lib.—Mary E. Kauffmann. Dean of residence—Florence E.

Dangerfield. Brandeis University, Waltham (—; P.;

coed.; Ilb; 651). Pres.—Abram Leon Sachar. Exec. asst, to pres.—Clarence Q.

Berger. Compt.—Bernard Gordon. Reg.-dir. of admis.—C. Ruggles Smith. Asst. lib.—Louis Schreiber. Dir. student personnel services—

Charles Warner Duhig.

Cambridge Junior College, 49 Washing¬ ton Ave., Cambridge 40 (—; P.; coed,; Ib; 54).

Pres.—Irving T. Richards. Treas.—Robert C. Rounds. Dir. of admis.—Russell G. Schofield. Lib.—Evelyn E. Goldfarb.

Clark University, Worcester (E.; P.; coed.; IVj ; 826).

Pres.—Howard B. Jefferson, Dean—Homer P. Little. Treas.—Raymond T. Gifford. Bursar—Mrs. Mary A. Hubbard. Reg.—Mrs. Lydia P. Colby. Lib.—Albert C. Gerould. Assoc, dean for men—Victor B. John¬

son. Assoc, dean for wo.—M. Hazel Hugh

Hughes. Graduate—James A. Maxwell.

College of the Holy Cross, Worcester 3 (E.; R. C.; men; lib; 1,846).

Pres.—John A. O’Brien. Dean—James E. Fritzgerald. Treas.—Bernard V. Shea. Dir. of admis.—Leo A. Shea. Reg.—Raymond D. Kennedy. Lib.—Clarence E. Sloane. Dean of students—Jeremiah J. Dono¬

van. College of Our Lady of the Elms, Chico¬

pee (E.; R. C.; wo.; He; 257). Pres.—Christopher J. Weldon. Dean—Sister Rose William. Reg.—Sister Helen Joseph. Lib.—Sister Teresa Daniel. Dean of wo.—Sister M. Antonella.

Curry College, 251 Commonwealth Ave., Boston 16 (—; P.; coed.; Ille; 128).

Pres.-treas.—Donald W. Miller. Reg.—E. M. Miller. Dir. of admis.—J. Vallely. Lib.—Mary Upton.

Dean Academy and Junior College, Franklin (—; P.; wo.; Ic ; 97).

Pres.—William C. Garner. Dean—Herbert W. DeVeber. Dir. of admis.—Madison P. Jeffrey. Lib.—Florence Wright. Dean of wo.—Pauline F. Baxa.

Eastern Nazarene College, Wollaston (E.; Naz.; coed.; He; 479).

Pres.—Edward S. Mann. Dean—Bertha Munro. Reg.—Madeline N. Nease. Lib.—Evangelos Soteriades. Dean of men—Stephen W. Nease. Dean of wo.—Esther D. Williamson.

Summer session—Jasper R. Nay¬ lor.

Emerson College, Boston 16 (E.; P.; coed.; Illf; 318).

Pres.—Jonathan W. French, Jr. Asst, to pres.—Donald A. Hobart. Treas.—W. Webster McCann. Reg.—Clara F. Fraser. Lib.—Miller F. Cook.


Evening—William B. Spink. Summer session—John W. Zorn.

Emmanuel College, Boston (E.; R. O.; wo.; He; 609).

Pres.—Sister Alice Gertrude. Dean—Sister Angela Elizabeth. Dean of studies—Sister Theresa

Regina. Treas.—Sister Monica. Reg.—Sister Mary St. Edward. Lib.—Sister Clare Francis.

Endicott Junior College, Beverly (—; P.; wo.; Ic ; 308).

Pres.—George O. Bierkoe. Dean—Eleanor Tupper. Bursar—Edward E. Brindle. Reg.—Ruth Taylor. Lib.—Ruth Parker. Personnel off.—Alma Porter.

Episcopal Theological School, Cam¬ bridge 38 (* ; P. E.; men ; Ilg ; 89).

Dean—Charles L. Taylor, Jr. Lib.—Elisabeth Hodges.

Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, See Tufts College.

Franklin Technical Institute, 41 Berke¬ ley Street, Boston 16 (*tech.; P.; coed.; la; 250).

Dir.—Brackett K. Thorogood. Superv. of instr,—Ralph G. Adams. Admis. comm.—P. H. Humphries,

chmn. Bus. sec.—Ralph D. Conkey.

Garland School, The, a Junior College, Boston 15 (—; P.; wo.; If; 105).

Pres.—Mrs. Gladys Beckett Jones. Reg.—Mrs. Barbara Silva. Lib.—Mrs. Elizabeth Cox.

Gordon College of Theology and Mis¬ sions, Boston 15 (—; P.; coed.; IIj ; 415).

Pres.—T. Leonard Lewis. Dean—Hudson T. Armerding. Cont.—Jas. V. Palmer. Reg.—May C. Orr. Lib.—Stephen M. Reynolds. Dean of-men—E. K. Gedney. Dean of wo.—Mary Maxim.

Divinity (Beverly Farms)—Burton L. Goddard.

Harvard University, Cambridge (E.; P.; men; IVk; 10,239).

Pres.—James Bryant Conant. Prov.—Paul H. Buck. Treas.—Paul C. Cabot. Lib.—Keyes DeWitt Metcalf. Graduate school of arts and sci¬

ences—Francis M. Rogers. Harvard College—Delmar Leigh¬

ton. ^Divinity—^Willard L. Sperry. *Law—Erwin N. Griswold. *Medicine (Boston) —G e o r g e P.

Berry. *Dental medicine (Boston)—Roy O.

Greep. ♦Public health (Boston)—James S.


*Bus. admin. (Boston)—Donald K. David.

♦Design—Joseph Hudnut. Education—Francis Keppel. Pub. admin.—^Edward S. Mason. Summer session—William Yandell

Elliott. Holyoke Junior College, Holyoke (—;

C.; coed.; Ic; 109). Dir.—George E. Frost.

House in the Pines Schools, The, Nor¬ ton (—; P.; wo.; Ic; 13).

Dir.—M, Elizabeth Johndroe. Jackson College. See Tufts College. Lasell Junior College, Auburndale 66

(E.; P.; wo.; Ic; 517). Pres.—Raymond C. Wass. Academic dean—Mary W. Blatch-

ford. Treas,—John L. Arnold. Lib.—Emeline Loud. Dean of wo.—Ruth H. Rothenberger.

Leicester Junior College, Leicester (—; P.; coed.; Ic; 50).

Pres.—R. M. Merritt, Jr. Dean—Henry A. C. Ross. Admis. sec.—B. Buckman. Lib.—Norman Eyster.

Lesley College, Cambridge (*er.; P.; wo.; Ild; 320).

Pres.—Trentweli Mason White. Dean—Clara M. Thurber. Treas.—Doris C. Reed. Dir. of admis.—Margery W. Bouma. Reg.—Catherine E. Deluca. Lib.—Edna Dolber.

Summer session—Clara M. Thur¬ ber.

Lowell Textile Institute, Lowell (E.; St.; coed.; Illg; 536).

Pres.—Martin J. Lydon. Dean of faculty—G. Nathan Reed. Bursar—Wallace C. Butterfield. Reg.—Ruth Foote. Lib.—Joseph V. Kopycinski. Dean of students—Wentworth Wil¬

liams. Graduate—Chapin A. Harris. Summer session—Ernest P. James.

Mary Brooks School, Boston 16 (—; P.; wo.; Ic ; 35).

Pres.—Jane Brooks. Clerk of corp.—George Fielding Bren-

nen. Massachusetts College of Optometry,

Boston 15 (* ; P.; coed.; Ilg; 202). Pres.—Joseph Montminy. Dean—Ralph H. Green. Reg.—Charlotte Huntington. Dir. of admis.—Poster Namias. Lib.—Ruth Kozol.

Massachusetts College of Pharmacy, Boston 15 (* ; P.; coed.; IVg; 499).

Dean—Howard C. Newton. Reg.—G. Barbara Lindstrom. Lib.—Clara A. Robeson,


Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge (E.; P.; coed.; IVk; 4,874).

Pres.—James Rhyne Killian, Jr. Prov.—Julius A. Stratton. Treas.—Joseph J. Snyder. Bursar—Delbert L. Rhind. Reg.—Joseph C. MacKinnon. Lib.—Vernon T. Tate. Dean of students—E. Francis Bow-

ditch. Science—George R. Harrison.

*Architecture—Pietro Belluschi. ♦Engineering—Edw. L. Cochrane, Humanities—John E. Burchard. Industrial management—E. Pen-

nel Brooks. Graduate—Harold L. Hazen. Summer session—Ernest H. Hunt¬

ress. Massachusetts Maritime Academy,

State Pier, Buzzards Bay (—; St.; men; Ilg; 194).

Supt.—Julian D. Wilson, Exec. off.—John W. Thompson. Academic asst, to supt.—Richard P.

Hodsdon. Massachusetts School of Art, Boston

(—; St; coed.; Hh; 400). Pres,—Gordon L. Reynolds. Dean-reg.—Mary E. Murray. Lib.—Anne F. Paramoure.

Merrimack College, Box 110, Andover (—; R. C.; coed.; Ilj ; 437).

Pres.—Vincent A. McQuade. Dean—Joseph J. Gildea, Bursar—Thomas J. Maxwell. Reg.—Francis X, Smith. Lib.—William J. Wynne. Dean of men—Joseph P. Murray. Dean of wo.—Kathleen M. Murphy,

acting. Engineering—John H. Crawford, Summer session—Joseph A. Fla¬

herty. Mount Holyoke College, South Hadley

(E.; P.; wo.; Ille; 1,262). Pres.—Roswell G. Ham. Academic dean—Meribetli E. Cam¬

eron. Vice pres.-treas.—Boardman Bump. Reg.—Genevieve F, Pratt. Lib.—Flora B. Ludington. Dean of residence—Catherine P,

Robinson. New Bedford Textile Institute, New

Bedford (—; St.; coed,; Ilg; 244), Pres.—George Walker. Reg,—John E. Foster, Lib.—Louis E. F. Fenaux.

New Church Theological School, Cam¬ bridge (—; Swed’b,; men ; Illh ; 6).

Pres.-bus. off.—Franklin H. Blackmer. Lib,—Mildred B. Calby.

New England College of Pharmacy, 70- 72 Mount Vernon St, Boston 8 ($; P.; coed.; Ilg).

Pres.—Martin E. Adamo.

Dean-bus. off.—Constantine N. Meri- ano.

Dir. admis. and guid.—Herbert A. Perkins.

Lib.—A. P. D. Valakis. New England Conservatory of Music,

Boston 15 (*, E.; P.; coed.; Illh; 743).

Dir.—Harrison Keller. Dean—Malcolm H. Holmes. Asst, treas.—F. W. C. Lehmann. Reg.—Elwood E. Gaskill. Lib.—Carol Walden.

New England School of Theology, 1710 Beacon St, Brookline 46 (—; Ad. Chris.; coed.; Ilg; 81).

Pres.—Carlyle Berry Roberts. Dean of admin.—J. A. Nichols. Bus. mgr.—K. E. Whittemore. Dir. of couns.—Harold Wilson.

Newton College of the Sacred Heart, 885 Centre St, Newton 59 (—; R. C.; wo.; lib; 135).

Pres.—Mother Eleanor S. Kenny. Dean—Mother Louise Keyes. Treas.—Mother Elizabeth Sweeney. Reg.—Mother Loretta Santen. Lib.—Mother Mary Virginia Cole¬

man. Summer session (music)—IMother

Dora Guerrieri. Newton Junior College, 40 Elm Rd.,

Newtonville 60 (—; C.; coed.; Ic ; 101).

Prin.—Raymond A. Green, Dean-admis.—Charles H, Mergen-

dahl. Reg.—Janice Abbott. Lib.—Elva.iean Hall.

Nichols Junior College, Dudley (—; P,; men ; la ; 260).

Pres.—James L. Conrad. Dean—Charles E. Leech. Lib.—Hazel Oldham.

Northeastern University, Boston 15 (E.; P.; coed.; Illk; 8,677).

Pres.—Carl S. Ell. Vice pres.—William C. White. Dean of admin.—William C. White. Treas.—Robert G. Emerson. Bursar—Daisy M. Everett. Reg.—Rudolph INI. Morris. Dir. of admis.—Gilbert C. Garland. Lib.—Myra White. Dean of men—Harold W. Melvin.

Liberal arts—Wilfred S. Lake. Bus. admin.—Roger S. Hamilton.

♦Engineering—William T. Alexan¬ der.

♦Law—Lowell S. Nicholson. Business—Albert E. Everett. Technical institute—Donald H.

MacKenzie. Nursery Training School of Boston,

355 Marlborough St., Boston (—; P.; wo.; Vd;" 96).

2 Undergraduate and graduate; non-de¬ gree-granting.


Dir.—Dnra-Louise Cockrell. Reg.—Katherine J. Jones. Bus. mgr.—Robert G. James.

Summer session—D u r a - L o u i s e Cockrell.

Perry Kindergarten Normal School, 815 Boylston St., Boston (—; P.; wo.; Id; 75).

Prin.—Mrs. Harriot H. Jones. Mgr.—F. Gardiner Perry.

Pine Manor Junior College, Wellesley (E.; P.; wo.; Ib; 165).

Pres.—Alfred Tuxbury Hill. Dean of the college—Mary Virginia

Harris. Treas.—George R. Guernsey. Dir. of admis.—Carolyn Churchill. Lib.—Ivon Bryant Mills. Dean of residence—Cathrene Peebles

Gilbertson. Portia Law School, 45 Mt. Vernon, Bos¬

ton 8 (—; P.; wo.; Illg; 55S). Pres.-dean—Margaret H. Bauer. Reg.—Louise B. Clarke. Lib.—Marguerite Pettepit, Tina

Prasinos. Radcliffe College, Cambridge 38 (E.;

P.; wo.; IVb; 1,327). Pres.—Wilbur K. Jordan. Dean of instr.—Mrs. Charles Kerby-

Miller. Bus. mgr.—Richard W. Thorpe. Dir. of admis.—Mrs. Van Courtlandt

Elliott. Reg.—Ruth Davenport. Lib.—Ruth K. Porritt. Dean of residence—Mary C. Small.

Graduate—Mrs. Bernice Brown Cronckhite.

Regis College, Weston 93 (E.; R. C.; wo.; lie; 585).

Pres.—Sister M. Alice. Dean—Sister M. Lucilla. Bus. off.—Sister M. Macrina. Reg.—Sister M. Mildred. Lib.—Sister M. Joan Patricia. Dean of wo.—Sister Marynia.

Summer session—Sister M. Xav- eria.

St. John’s Seminary, Brighton (—; R. C.; men; Illg; 350).

Pres.—Thomas J. Riley. Vice pres.—Matthew P. Stapleton. Treas.—Henry J. O’Connell. Reg.—John D. Callahan. Lib.—John A. Broderick.

Simmons College, Boston 15 (E.; P.; wo.; Illk; 1,389).

Pres.—Bancroft Beatley. Vice pres.—J. Garton Needham. Treas.-compt.—Richmond K. Bach-

elder. Reg.—Margaret K. Gonyea. Dir. of admis.—Doris M. Suther¬

land. Dir. of lib.—Kenneth R. Shaffer.

Dean of wo.—Eleanor Clifton. Publication—Raymond F. Bos-

worth. ^Library science—^Kenneth R. Shaf¬

fer. ‘•^■Social work—^Robert F. Rutherford. Business—Paul L. Salsgiver. Prince School of Retailing—Donald

K. Beckley. Science—John A. Timm. Home economics—Elda Robb.

*Nursing—Evangeline H. Morris. Preprofessional studies—Harrison

L. Harley. Graduate—Wylie Sypher. Summer session—J. Garton Need¬

ham. Smith College, Northampton (E.; P.;

wo.; IVj 2,277). Pres.—Benjamin F. Wright. Dean—Helen W. Randall. Treas.—William A. Bodden. Dir. of admis.—Ruth W. Crawford. Reg.—Mrs. Gladys D. Diggs. Lib.—Margaret L. Johnson. Personnel—Alice N. Davis.

* Social work—Florence Day. Graduate—Gladys A. Anslow.

Springfield College (Corporate name International YMCA. College), Springfield (E., *ed.; YMCA.; men, wo.; Illh; 1,519).

Pres.-. Dean—Thornton W. Merriam. Bus. mgr.—Gordon B. MacRae. Reg.—Mrs. Olga Ellis. Lib.—Doris M. Fletcher. Dean of students—R. William Cheney.

Graduate—H. Harrison Clarke. Summer session—Raymond G.

Drewry. Staley College of the Spoken Word,

The, 162 Babcock St., Brookline (—; P.; coed.; IVf; 225).

Pres.-treas.—Delbert M. Staley. Dean—John B. Nunes. Dean of studies—Nancy E. Kenney. Reg.—Emily E. Staley.

State Teachers College, Bridgewater (*; St.; coed.; Hid; 595).

Pres.—Clement C. Maxwell. Bus. off.—Dorothy E. McGann. Reg.—Doris I. Anderson. Lib.—Julia C. Carter. Dean of wo.—S. Elizabeth Pope.

State Teachers College, Fitchburg (*; St.; coed.; Hid; 481).

Pres.—Ellis F. White. Reg.—Claire Lavoie. Lib.—Cora M. Hassell. Dean of men—Ralph Weston. Dean of wo.—Josephine Bolger.

Summer session—Ralph Weston. State Teachers College, Framingham

(*, E.; St.; wo.; Ild; 542). Pres.—Martin F. O’Connor. Bus. off.—Mabel E. Buckley. Reg.—John Bowler.


Lib.—Gladys Pratt. Dean of wo.—Dorothy Lamed,

State Teachers College, Lowell (* ; St,; coed.; Ild; 407).

Pres.—Daniel H. O’Leary. Bus. off.—Kathleen B. Byrt. Reg.—Herman H. Brase. Lib.—Irene K, MacDonald. Dean of students—Marguerite L.

Gourville. State Teachers College, North Adams

(*; St.; coed.; Hid; 146). Pres.—Grover C. Bowman. Lib.—Margaret Lanoue. Dean of men—Andrew Flagg. Dean of wo.—Beth Weston.

Graduate work—Hazel Mileham. Summer session—Hazel Mileham.

State Teachers College, Salem (* ; St.; coed.; Ild; 582).

I’res.—Edward A. Sullivan. Reg.—Ann K. Clark. Lib.—Elsie M. McCabe.

State Teachers College, Westfield (—; St.; coed.; Ild; 231).

Pres.—Edward J. Scanlon. Reg.—Anna Sabol. Dir. of training—J. Vey Merrill. Lib.—Mrs. Ruth Berry.

State Teachers College, Worcester 2 (* ; St.; coed.; Illd; 408).

Pres.—Eugene A. Sullivan. Lib.—Helen Smith.

Stonehill College, North Easton (—; R. C.; coed.; He).

Pres.—Francis J. Boland. Dean-reg.—John P. Lucey. Treas.—Sergius Rogan. Lib.-. Dir, of student activities—James J.

Doyle. Summer session—John P. Lucey.

Suffolk University, Boston 14 (—; P.; coed.; HIj; 1,213).

Pres.—Walter M. Burse. Dean of college—Robert J. Munce. Treas.—Frank J. Donahue. Bursar—Dorothy McNamara. Reg.—Donald W. Goodrich (college) ;

Mary F. Pray (law). Lib.—Edward G. Hartmann,

Law—Frank L. Simpson. Teachers College of the City of Bos¬

ton, Boston 15 (* ; C.; coed.; Hid ; 632).

Pres.—William F. Looney. Bus. mgr.—Henry J. Smith. Lib.—Mildred W. Wadsworth. Adviser of wo.—Margaret M. Salla-

. way. Tufts College, Medford (E.; P.; cord.;

IVk; 3,388). Pres.-. Vice pres.—Nils Y. Wessell. Treas.—Richard B. Coolidge. Reg.—Mrs. Nellie W. Reynolds.

Lib.—Raymond L. Walkley. Liberal arts (men)—Nils Y. Wes¬

sell. *Engineering—Harry P. Burden. Special studies—John P. Tilton. Religion—John M. Ratcliff.

*Medicine (Boston) — Dwight O’Hara.

*Dentistry (Boston)—C. D. Mar¬ shall-Day.

Graduate—.John P. Tilton. Fletcher School of Law and Di¬

plomacy (administered by Tufts College, with the cooperation of Harvard University)—Robert B. Stewart.

Jackson College (E.; wo.)—Edith L. Bush.

Summer session—John P. Tilton. University of Massachusetts, Amherst

(E.; St.; coed.; IVk; 3,277). Pres.—Ralph A. Van Meter. Dean of univ.—William L. Machmer. Sec.—James W. Burke. Treas.—Kenneth W. Johnson. Reg.—M. O. Lanphear. Lib.—Hugh Montgomery. Dean of men—Robert S, Hopkins, Jr. Dean of wo.—Helen Curtis.

Agriculture and horticulture—Dale H. Sieling.

Arts and sciences-. Home economics—Helen S. Mitch¬

ell. ♦Engineering—George A. Marston. Bus. admin.—Milo Kimball. Military science—Lewis R. Adams

and John G. DeHorn. Physical ed.—Warren P. McGuirk. Graduate—Gilbert L. Woodside. Stockbridge School of Agriculture

(1- and 2-year courses)—Roland H. Verbeck.

Summer session—William L. Mach¬ mer.

Wellesley College, Wellesley 81 (E.; P.; wo.; Ilb; 1,740).

Pres.—Margaret Clapp. Dean of instr.—Ella K. Whiting. Treas.—Henry A. Wood, Jr. Exec, vice pres.-dir. of admis.—Mary

E. Chase. Lib.—Florence King. Dean of students—Lucy Wilson.

Wentworth Institute, 550 Huntington Ave., Boston 15 (*tech.; P.; men; la; 1,250).

Prill.—Frederick E. Dobbs. Bursar—Norman Clive. Reg.—George A. Pierce. Reg, (evening)—Richard S. Hull.

Wheaton College, Norton (E.; P.; wo.; Hb; 532).

Pres.—Alexander Howard Meneely. Academic dean—Elizabeth S. May, Bursar—Mabel E. Dunkle. Reg.—Leah M. Dearden.


Dir. board of admis.—Barbara Zieg¬ ler.

Lib.—Marian D. Merrill. Dean of students—Leota C. Colpitts.

Wheelock College, 132 Riverway, Bos¬ ton 15 (*ed., E.; P.; wo,; Ild; 369).

Pres.—Winifred E. Bain. Treas.—^Alton L. Miller. Reg.—Laura A. Townsend. Lib.—Marie T. Cotter. Dean of residence—Ruth A. Burge.

Williams College, Williamstown (E.; P.; men; Illb; 1,045).

Pres.—James P. Baxter, 3rd. Dean—Robert R. R. Brooks. Treas.—Charles A. Foehl, Jr, Dir. of admis.—Frederick C. Cope¬

land. Worcester Junior College, Worcester 8

(E.; YMCA.; coed; Ic; 968). Dir.—Harold Bentley. Dean—John Elberfeld. Cont.—Herman M. Bates. Reg.—Phoebe E. Wyman. Lib.—Marie L. Frost.

Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Wor¬ cester 2 (E.; P.; men; IVg; 680).

Pres.—Francis W. Roys. Treas.—Albert J. Gifford. Reg.—Gertrude R. Rugg. Dean of admis,—Jerome W. Howe. Lib.—Bonnie-Blanche Schoonover.

*Engineering—Francis W. Roys.


Adrian College, Adrian (—; Meth.; coed.; Ilf; 243).

Pres.—Samuel J. Harrison. Dean—Edgar Bruce Wilson. Treas-bus. mgr.—Corley S. Ritchie. Reg.—Mrs. Viola Miller. Lib.—Ruth Thomas.

Albion College, Albion (*ed,, N,; Meth.; coed.; Ille; 1,010).

Pres.—William W. Whitehouse. Dean—Emil Leffler. Bus. mgr.—Paul R. Tautman. Reg.—Marvin F. Pahl. Lib.—Norma M. Hammond. Dean of men—Walter Sprandel. Dean of wo.—^Audrey K. Wilder.

Alma College, Alma (N.; Presb.; coed.; He; 445).

Pres.—John Stanley Harker. Dean—William J. McKeefery. Bus. mgr.—A. E. Merritt. Reg.—Molly Parrish. Lib.—Helen MacCurdy. Dean of men—William Stielstra. Dean of wo.—Mrs. Esther F. Vree-

land. Aquinas College, Grand Rapids 6 (N.;

R. C.; coed.; He; 416). Pres.—Arthur F. Bukowski. Dean—Sister M. Mildred. Treas.—Sister Agnes Marie. Reg.—Sister M. Blandina. Lib.—Sister M. Malachi.

Dean of men—M. D. Garry. Dean of wo.—Sister Marie Celeste.

Bay City Junior College, Bay City (N.; { C.; coed.; If; 372). |

Dean—Eric J. Bradner. Bursar—Clarence Schultz. Reg.—Walter E. Thorsberg. , Dean of men—Palmer Kern. i Dean of wo.—Lois L. Waterman. Lib.—Libbie Kessler. j

Calvin College, Grand Rapids 6 (N.; 1 Chris. Ref.; coed.; He; 1,170). ^

Pres.—William Spoelhof. Dean of the faculty—Henry J. Ry- I

skamp. Bus. mgr.—Gordon Buter. ‘ Reg.—H. G. Dekker. Dir. of library—Lester De Koster. 'I Dean of students—John L. De Beer.

Calvin Theological Seminary, Grand Rapids 7 (* ; Christ. Ref.; coed.; Illg; 125).

Pres.—Samuel Volbeda. Reg.—Martin J. Wyngaarden. Sec.—^William Rutgers. Lib.—Josephine Baker.

Central Michigan College of Education, Mount Pleasant (N., *; St.; coed. ; Ilf; 3,085).

Pres.—C. L. Anspach. Dir. of instr.—C. C. Richtmeyer. Cont.—N. C. Bovee. i Lib.—Charles V. Park. Dean of students—David M. Trout.

Graduate—George H, Nelson. Summer session—Judson W, Foust.

Cleary College, Michigan Ave., Ypsi- lanti (—; P.; coed.; Hg; 300).

Pres.—Owen J. Cleary. Exec, vice pres.—Walter Greig. Compt.—Harold E. McGary. Reg.-dean of wo.—Frances A. Brauer. Dean of men—Leo C. Burnor.

Detroit College of Law, 130 E. Eliza¬ beth St., Detroit 1 (* ; P.; coed.; Hg; 340).

Pres.—John J. Danhof. Dean—Charles H. King. Sec.—^A, G. Studer,

Detroit Institute of Musical Art, De¬ troit 2 (*; P.; coed.; Hg; 160).

Pres,—Willoughby D. Boughton. Dean-sec.—Alle D. Zuidema. Treas.-bus. mgr.—Mabel R. Fisher. Reg.—^William H. B. Rees. Lib.—Henry C. Kolbe.

Detroit Institute of Technology, 2020 Witherell St., Detroit 26 (—; P.; men, wo.; Ilk; 1,836).

Pres.—^Archie R. Ayers. Dean—Guy V. Ferrell. ^ Bus. mgr.—Louis A. Rubino. Reg.—James S. Young. Lib.—Raleigh E. DePriest.

^Pharmacy—Curtis H. Waldon. Engineering—C. C. Winn. Bus. admin.—^D. J. Terpeney. Arts and science—Guy V. Ferrell.


Emmanuel Missionary College, Berrien Springs (N.; S. D. A.; coed.; He; 890).

Pres.—Percy W. Christian. Dean—F. O. Rittenhouse. Bus. mgr.—V. P. Lovell. Reg.—C. D. Striplin. Dir. of admis.—Wanda MacMorland. Lib.—Arlene Marks. Dean of men—James C. Gaitens. Dean of wo.—Rachel Christman.

Summer session—C. D. Striplin. Ferris Institute, Big Rapids (—; St.;

coed.; Ilf; 729). Pres.—Victor F. Spathelf. Dean of instr.—Ralph E. Pattullo. Bus. mgr.—Lowell H. DeMoss. Reg.—Harold E. Wisner. Lib.—Mrs. Goldie Nott. Dean of men—Donald F. Rankin. Dean of wo.—Mrs. Ruth E. Howe. iPharmacy—Ralph M. Wilson. Commerce and business—Karl G.

Merrill. Trades and industry—Ben C. Fair-

man. Summer session—Ralph PL Pat¬

tullo. Flint Junior College, Flint 3 (N.; C.;

coed.; Ic; 767). Pres.—W. Fred Totten. Reg.—Muriel Parsell. Lib.—Helen Webb. Dean of w'o.—Marie Vidal.

General Motors Institute, Flint (—; P.; men ; Hi; 1,800).

Pres.—Guy R. Cowing. Asst, compt.—C. J. Clarkson. Reg.—R. H. Bechtold. Lib.—Marion C. White. Personnel—H. T. Kinley.

Gogebic Junior College, Ironwood (N.; C.; coed.; Ic; 75).

Pres.—Arthur E. Erickson. Reg.—Ruth M. Healy. Lib.—Irene Gelinas.

Grand Rapids Junior College, Grand Rapids 3 (N.; C.; coed.; Ic; 653).

Pres.—Arthur Andrews. Treas.—James W. Shew. Reg.—Lyvonne Riisberg. Lib.—Ruth M. Evans.

Henry Ford Community College, Dear¬ born (N.; C.; coed.; Ic ; 758).

Dean—P^red K. Eshleman. Bus. mgr.—A. D. Brainard. Reg.—Stanley P. O’Neill. Lib.—Irene Vogt. Dean of men—Albert Ammerman. Dean of wo.—Annette Cummings.

Summer session—Fred K. Eshle¬ man.

Highland Park Junior College, High¬ land Park (N.; C.; coed.; Ic; 1,060).

Dean—Grant O. Withey. Bus. off.—John R. Smith. Reg.—Dorothy Oswalt.

Lib.—2Ienobia Bartlett. Dean of men—Robert Reinhart. Dean of wo.—Evelyn Jones.

Summer session—G. O. Withey. Hillsdale College, Hillsdale (N.; P.;

coed.; He; 470). Pres.—J. Donald Phillips. Academic asst, (dean)—Harold M.

Davidson. I Bus. mgr.-treas.—Z. M. Swift, i Reg.—Florence L. Kreiter.

Lib.—Glen I^itch. Dean of men—Leslie E. Hartley. Dean of wo.-.

Summer session—Leslie E. Hartley. Hope College, Holland (N.; Ref.; coed.;

He; 870). Pres.—Irwin J. Lubbers. Dean—John W. Hollenbach. Treas.—Henry Steffens. Reg.—Paul E. Hinkamp. Admis. off.—Albert H. Timmer. Lib.—Mildred E. Singleton. Dean of men—Milton L. Hinga. Dean of wo.—Emma Reeverts.

Summer session—Clarence De Graff.

Jackson Junior College, Jackson (N.; C.; coed.; Ic; 428).

Pres.—G. L. Greenawalt. Dean—William N. Atkinson. Reg.—Barbara H. Fausell. Lib.—Mary Payne. Dean of men—Frank J. Dove. Dean of w^o,—Helen Holton.

Summer session—William N. At¬ kinson.

Junior College of Benton Harbor, Ben¬ ton Harbor (—; C.; coed.; Ic; 263).

Dean—C. G. Beckwith. Bus. mgr.—Harold Crocker. Reg.—Karl W. Schlabach. Lib.—Renee Kerr. Dean of men—Wm. Setterberg. Dean of wo.—Alice Rakstis.

Kalamazoo College, Kalamazoo 49F (N.; Bapt.; coed.; Hie; 458).

Pres.—John Scott Everton. Bus. mgr.—Harold Smith. Reg.—Gerald R. Bodine. Lib.—Wave L. Noggle. Dean of men—Russell J. Becker. Dean of wo.—Louise S. Cassady.

Lawrence Institute of Technology. 15100 Woodward Ave., Detroit 3 (—; P.; men; Hi; 1,480).

Pres.—E. George Lawrence. Bus. mgr.—James W. Hobson. Reg.—Genevieve G. Dooley. Lib.—Mrs. Mary Landuyt. Personnel dir.—H. B. Van Bussum.

Marygrove College, Detroit 21 (N.; R. C.; wo.; He; 722).

Pres.—Sister Honora. Dean—Sister M. Amadeus. Treas.—Sister Bernardine. Reg.—Sister Miriam I^idelis.


Lib.—Sister M. Claudia. Dean of students—Sister Anna Marie.

Summer session—Sister Miriam Fidelis.

Mercy College, 8200 W. Outer Drive, Detroit 19 (N.; R. C.; wo.; IIj; 371).

Pres.—Sister Mary Lucille, acting. Dean—Sister Mary Lucille. Bus. off.—Sister Mary Carmela. Reg.—Sister Mary Leona. Lib.—Sister Mary Georgia. Dean of students—Sister Mary No-

lasco. Summer session—Sister Mary Jus¬

tine. Merrill-Palmer School, Detroit 2 (—;

P.; coed.; Vg;" 51). Dir.—Pauline Park Wilson Knapp. Bus. off.—Thomas F. Boothby. Reg.—Maybelle B. Stevens. Lib.—Ella Leppel.

Summer session—Virgil N. Brown. Michigan College of Mining and Tech¬

nology, Houghton (*eng., N.; St.; coed.; Illg; 1,314).

Pres.—Grover C. Dillman. Dean—F. L. Partlo. Treas.—E. J. Townsend. Keg.—L. F. Duggan. Lib.—Madeleine Gibson.

Graduate—^A. K. Snelgrove. Summer session—L. F. Duggan.

Michigan State College, East Lansing (N.; St.; coed.; IVk; 13,417).

Pres.—John A. Hannah. Sec.—Karl H. McDonel. Treas.-compt.—Philip J. May. Reg.—Robert S. Linton. Lib.—Jackson E. Towne. Dean of students—Tom King.

Basic college—Clifford E. Erickson. Agriculture—Ernest L. Anthony. Bus. and public service—Herman

J. Wyngarden. Engineering—Lorin G. Miller. Home economics—Marie Dye. Science and arts—Milton E. G.

Muelder. ^Veterinary medicine—Chester F.

Clark. All-college—William H. Combs. Graduate—Thomas H. Osgood. Summer s e s s i o n—Stanley E.

Crowe. Michigan State Normal College, Ypsi-

lanti (N., * ; St.; coed.; Hid; 2,258). Pres.—Eugene B. Elliott. Dean of admin.—Egbert R. Isbell. Cont.—Benjamin Klager. Reg.—E. L. Marshall. Lib.—Elsie V. Andrews. Dean of men—James M. Brown. Dean of wo.—Susan B. Hill.

Graduate advisory comm.—James H. Glasgow, chmn.

Muskegon Community College, Muske¬ gon (N.; C.; coed.; If; 261).

Dir.—A. G. Umbreit. Lib.—Grace Wilson.

Summer session—A. G. Umbreit. Nazareth College, Nazareth (N.; R.

C.; wo.; Ilf; 258). Pres.—Sister Marie Kathleen. Dean-reg.—Sister Marie Arthur. Bus. mgr.—Sister Mary Eucharia. Lib.—Sister Mary Zita. Dean of wo.—Sister M. Philomena.

Summer session—Sister Marie Arthur.

Northern Michigan College of Educa¬ tion, Marquette (N., *; St.; coed.; lid; 615).

Pres.—H. A. Tape. Dir. of instr.—Max P. Allen. Compt.—Leo Van Tassel. Reg.—Luther O. Gant. Lib.—Harriet Wirick. Dean of men—Don H. Bottum. Dean of wo.—Ethel Carey.

Summer session—H. A. Tape. Olivet College, Olivet (—; P.; coed.;

He; 140). Pres.—Raymond B. Blakney. Dean—J. D. Bennett. Bus. off.—E. C. Bard. Reg.—Helen M. Mitchell. Lib.—George Hanson. Dean of men—Prank Ham. Dean of wo. -.

Owosso Bible College, Owosso (*; Pil. Hoi.; coed.; Ilg).

Pres.—W. L. Surbrook. Dean—B. E. Kienbaum. Reg.—Charles Randolph. Lib.—Dorothy Sheldon. Dean of men-. Dean of wo.—^Anna Mae Dodge.

Summer session—Otho Jennings. Port Huron Junior College, Port Huron

(N.; C.; coed.; Ic; 283). Dean.-. Bus. mgr.—Gerald C. Bradley. Reg.—Hilda S. MacLaren. Lib.—Frances Baird. Dean of men—Thomas E. Woods. Dean of wo.—Katherine M. Roehl.

Summer session—John H. Mc¬ Kenzie.

Sacred Heart Seminary, 2701 Chicago Blvd., Detroit 6 (—; R. C.; men; Ilg; 189).

Pres.—Henry E. Donnelly. Bus. off.—Leo G. Esper. Reg.—Edmond A. Fournier. Procurator—Andrew P. McEntee.

St. Mary’s College, Orchard Lake (—; R. C.; men ; Ilb ; 102).

Pres.—Edward J. Szumal. Dean—Wenceslaus Filipowicz. Bursar—Edwin Szczygiel, acting. Reg.—Ferdinand Sojka. Lib.—^Walter Ziemba. Dean of men—Michael Koltuniak. ^ Graduate; non-degree-granting.


Siena Heights College, Adrian (N.; R. C.; wo.; Ilf; 402).

Pres.—Mother M. Gerald. Dean—Sister M. Kevin. Bus. off.—Sister M. George. Reg.—Sister M. Bertha. Lib.—Sister Miriam Patricia.

Spring Arbor Junior College, Spring Arbor (—; F. Meth.; coed.; Ic;

123). Pres.—Charlie D. Moon. Dean-reg.—Floyd F. McCallum. Lib.—Arleta Richardson. Dean of men—Edgar Whiteman. Dean of wo.—Esther Lee Maddox.

Suomi College and Theological Semi¬ nary, Hancock (—; Luth.; coed.; Vc;’ 108).

Pres.—Edward J. Isaac. Reg.—Soini Torma. Lib.—Ellen Ryynanen. Dean of wo.—Elsa Kesatie.

Summer session—Arthur J. Hill. University of Detroit, Detroit 1 (N.; R.

C.; coed.; Illk; 8,002). Pres.—Celestin Steiner. Treas.-compt.—Norbert J. Preusser. Dir. of admis.—S. K. Wilson. Reg.—Hugh F. Smith. Lib.—W. A. Dehler. Dean of men—Edward J. O’Connor. Dean of wo.—Helen E. Kean.

Arts and sciences—George A. Kmieck.

*Law—Daniel J. McKenna. *Dentistry—Rene Rochon. *Engineering—Clement J. Freund. *Commerce and finance—L. E. Fitz¬

gerald. Graduate—Allan P. Farrell. Evening and summer sessions—

F. A. Arlinghaus. University of Michigan, Ann Arbor

(N.; St.; coed.; IVk; 17,035). Pres.—Harlan H. Hatcher. Vice pres. (bus. off.)—Wilbur K.

Pierpont. Vice pres, (dean of faculties)—Mar¬

vin L. Niehuss. Sec.—Herbert G. Watkins. Reg.—Ira M. Smith. Lib.—Warner G. Rice. Dean of students—Erich A. Walter.

Arts and sciences—Charles E. Odegaard.

♦Law—E. Blythe Stason. ♦Medicine—Albert C. Furstenberg. ♦Dentistry—Paul H. Jeserich. ♦Nursing—Rhoda F. Reddig. ♦Pharmacy—Thomas D. Rowe. ♦Education—Willard C. Olson. ♦Engineering — George Granger

Brown. ♦Music—Earl V. Moore. ♦Bus. admin.—Russell A. Stevenson, Natural resources (*forestry) —

Stanley G. Fontanna,

♦Arch, and design—Wells I. Bennett. ♦Pub. health—Henry F. Vaughan, Graduate—Ralph A. Sawyer. Summer session—Harold M. Door.

Wayne University, Detroit 1 (N.; C.; coed.; IVk; 17,384).

Pres.-dean of admin,—Clarence B. Hilberry, acting.

Exec, sec,—Olin E. Thomas. Provost—Arthur Neef. Dir. of admis., records and registra¬

tion—Henry H, Pixley. Lib.—G. Flint Purdy. Dean of student affairs—Victor F.

Spathelf. Liberal arts—Victor A. Rapport,

♦Education—Waldo E. I>esseuger. ♦Medicine—Gordon H. Scott. ♦Engineering—A. R. Carr. ♦Pharmacy—Roland T. Lakey. Bus. admin.—Walter C. Folley.

♦Law—Arthur Neef. ♦Nursing—Katharine E. Faville. ♦Social work—Charles B. Brink. Graduate—John J. Lee.

Western Michigan College of Educa¬ tion, Kalamazoo 45D (N., ♦; St.; coed.; Ilf; 3,712).

Pres.—Paul V, Sangren. Vice pres.—Wynand Wichers. Dean of admin.-reg.—John C. Hoekje. Compt.—C. B. MacDonald. Lib.—Katharine Stokes. Dir. of student personnel—George

H. Hilliard. Summer session and grad, studies—

Elmer H. Wilds. Western Theological Seminary, Hol¬

land (♦ ; Ref.; men ; Ilg ; 91L Pres.—John R. Mulder, Dean—George H. Mennenga. Compt.—Henry Baron. Lib.—Mildred Schuppert.


Augsburg College and Theological Seminary, Minneapolis 4 (—; Luth.; coed.; IIj ; 680).

Pres.—Bernhard Christensen. Dean—Martin Quanbeck. Bus. dir.—Olaf Rogne. Reg.—Mildred Joel. Lib.—Agnes B. Tangjerd. Dean of students—K. Berner Dahlen.

Austin Junior College, Austin (—; dist.; coed.; Ic; 91).

Dean—R. I. Meland. IJb.—Doris G. Taylor. Dean of men—William M. Goblirsch. Dean of wo.—Winifred R. Leonard.

Bethany Lutheran College and Theo¬ logical Seminary, Mankato (—; Evan.-Luth.; coed.; Vf;’ 76).

2-year college and 3-year seminary.


Pres.—B. W. Teigen. Bus. mgr.—Sophia Anderson. Reg.—N. S. Holte. Lib.—Ella Anderson. Dean of men—J. Larson. Dean of wo.—Edna Ulbricht.

Theology—N. A. Madson. Bethel College and Seminary, St. Paul 4

(—; Bapt.; coed.; Ilj ; 488). Pres.—Henry C. Wingblade. Dean—C. E. Carlson. Lib.—Marina Axeen. Dir. of personnel—Royal F. Bloom.

Theology—Edwin J. Omark. Brainerd Junior College, Brainerd (—;

dist.; coed.; Ic; 70). Dean—John Chalberg. Lib.—Esther Schoeder. Dean of wo.—Mary F. Tornstrom.

Carleton College, Northfield (N.; P.; coed.; He; 890).

Pres.—Laurence M. Gould. Dean—Prank R. Kille. Bus. mgr.-treas.—Bruce Pollock. Reg.—Kenneth W. Wegner. Dir. of admis.—Donald H. Kline¬

felter. Lib.—James H. Richards. Dean of men—Merrill E. Jarchow. Dean of wo.—Hazel M. Lewis.

College of St. Benedict, St. Joseph (N.: R. C.; wo.; He; 252).

Pres.—Mother Richarda Peters. Dean—Sister Enid Smith. Treas.—Sister Virgil Schleck. Reg.—Sister Paula Reiten. Lib.—Sister Conchessa Keegan. Dean of wo.—S i s t e r Margretta

Nathe. Summer session—Sister Enid

Smith. College of St. Catherine, St. Paul 1 (N.;

R. C.; wo.; He; 1,067). Pres.—Sister Antonine. Dean—Sister Cecelia. Sec.-treas.—Sister Barbara Ann. Reg.—Sister Helen Margaret. Lib.—Sister Marie Inez.

Summer session—Sister Antonine. College of St. Scholastica, Duluth (N.;

R. C.; wo.; He; 380). Pres.—Mother M. Athanasius. Dean—Sister M. Rose. Treas.—Sister M. Elaine. Reg.—Sister M. Mercedes. Lib.—Sister M. Antonine. Personnel off.—Sister M. Digna.

Summer session—Sister Ann Ed¬ ward.

College of St. Teresa, Winona (N.; R. C.; wo.; He; 540).

Pres.—Sister M. Camille Bowe. Dean—Sister M. Emmanuel Collins. Treas.—Sister M. Patrick Kelly. Reg.—Sister M. Gretchen Berg. Lib.—Sister M. Eone Kling. Dean of wo.—Sister M. Jeremias Mc-


Summer session—Sister M. Em¬ manuel Collins.

College of St. Thomas, St. Paul 1 (N.; R. C.; men; He; 1,438).

Pres.—Vincent J. Flynn. Dean—W. E. O’Donnell. Bus. mgr.—John B. Goodwin. Reg.—Donald J. Gormley. Lib.—David R. Watkins. Dean of men—Bernard J. Coughlin.

Summer session—Raphael G. Thu- ente.

Concordia College, Moorhead (N.; Luth.; coed.; He; 890).

Pres.—Joseph L. Knutson. Dean of instr.—Peter Anderson. Bus. mgr.—John A. Olson. Reg.—Carl R. Narveson. Lib.—Anna Jordahl. Dean of men—Victor C. Boe. Dean of wo.—Lorraine Thorson.

Summer session—Peter Anderson. Concordia College, St. Paul 4 (—;

Luth.; coed.; Ih; 134). Pres.—W. A. Poehler. Reg.—Lydia Caldwell. Lib.—E. G. Richard Siebert.

Dr. Martin Luther College, New Ulm (—; Luth.; coed.; Id; 160).

Pres.—C. L. Schweppe. Dean—R. Hoenecke. Reg.—V. Voecks. Lib.—R. Janke.

Ely Junior College, Ely (—; C.; coed.; Ic; 69).

Dean—William G. Currier. Eveleth Junior College, Eveleth (N.;

O.; coed.; Ic ; 68). Dean—E. T. Carlstedt. Lib.—Delores Ahlin.

Gustavus Adolphus College, St. Peter (N.; Luth.; coed.; He ; 897).

Pres.—Edgar M. Carlson. Dean—Theodore E. Conrad. Bus. mgr.—R. W. Lawson. Treas.—C. E. Sjostrand. Admis. off.—Eddie W. Johnson. Reg.—Oliver Hagglund. Lib.—Odrun Peterson. Dean of students—Mildred B. Sayre.

Summer session—Oliver Hagglund. Hamline University, St. Paul 4 (N.;

Meth.; coed.; HIj ; 1,200). Pres.-. Dean—Charles R Wimmer. Compt.—John L. Pepin. Reg.—Claribelle Olson. Dir. of admis.—A. S. Williamson, Lib.—Anna Lagergren. Dean of students—Donald E. Swan¬

son. *Nursing—Daphne A. Rolfe. Summer session—Charles R. Wim¬

mer. Hibbing Junior College, Hibbing (N.;

dist.; coed.; Ic ; 188). Dean—S. A. Patchin.


Lib.—Margaret Briggs. Dean of wo.—Ruth Quigley.

Itasca Junior College, Coleraine (—; dist.; coed.; Ic; 79).

Dean—Harold E. Wilson. Lib.—H. W. Tamminen. Dir. of couns.—Lawrence Kaupp.

Luther Theological Seminary, Como Ave. and Luther Place, St. Paul 8 (*; Evan. Luth.; men; Hlg; 377).

Pres.—T. F. Gullixson. Reg.—Robert H. Boyd.

Summer session—Robert H. Boyd. Macalester College, St. Paul 5 (*ed., N.;

P.; coed.; Illf; 1,450). Pres.—Chas. J. Turck. Dean—J. Huntley Dupre. Compt.—F. N. Biulolfson. Reg.—Raymond J. Bradley. Lib.—William P. Tucker.

Summer session—Royal A. Moore. MacPhail College of Music, Minne¬

apolis 3 (* ; P.; coed.; Illh ; 158). Pres.—William MacPhail. Dean—Hamlin Hunt. Sec.—Stuart MacPhail. Reg.—Mabel R. Reed.

Summer session—William Mac¬ Phail, Jr.

Minneapolis College of Music, Minne¬ apolis 2 (*; P.; coed.; Illh; 236).

Pres.—Henry M. Smith. Dir.—Marie Holland Smith.

Graduate—Peter D. Tkach. Minneapolis-Minnesota College of Law,

24 S. 7th St., Minneapolis 2 (—; P.; coed.; Ilg; 206).

Pres.—D. E. Labelle. Dean—Andrew N. Johnson. Reg.—C. W. Sykora.

Minnesota Bible College, 1507 Uni¬ versity Ave., SE., Minneapolis P.; coed.; Ilg; 204).

Pres.—Russell E. Boatman. Dean-reg.—G. H. Cachiaras. Treas.—O. J. Stone. Lib.—Mary Jane Larison. Dean of men—G. H. Cachiaras. Dean of wo.-.

Northwestern Lutheran Theological Seminary, 100 East 22d St., Minne¬ apolis 4 (*; U. Luth.; men; llg; 78).

Pres.—Jonas H. Dressier. Dean—James J. Raun. Lib.—Arthur C. P. Hays.

Northwestern Schools: Bible College, College of Liberal Arts, and Theo¬ logical Seminary, Minneapolis 3 (—; P.; coed.; Illj ; 904).

Mgmt. comm.—Martin Nordland, chmn.

Compt.—Travis T. Dodd. Reg.—William P. Gowler. Lib.—Dortha Williams. Dean of men—William Henderson.

Dean of wo.—Mrs. W. B. Riley. Bible college—J. Edwin Hartill. Liberal arts—O. E. Sanden. Theology—Vaclav Vojta.

Rochester Junior College, Rochester (—; C.; coed.; Ic; 203).

Dean—R. W. Goddard. St. John’s University, Collegeville (N.;

R. O.; men ; He; 788). Pres.—Baldwin Dworschak. Treas.—James Trobec. Reg.—Arno Gustin. Lib.—Benjamin Stein. Dean of men—Boniface Axtman.

Arts and sciences—Martin Schir- ber.

Theology—Gregory Roettger. St. Mary’s College, Winona (N.; R. C.;

men ; He; 538). Pres.—Bro. J. Ambrose. Dean of studies—Bro. H. Martin. Bus. mgr.—Bro. L. Austin. Reg.—Bro. J. Leo. Lib.—Bro. Louis Andrew. Dean of students—Bro. J. Albert.

St. Olaf College, Northfield (N.; Luth.; coed.; He; 1,443).

Pres.—C. M. Granskou. Dean—P. E. Fossuin. Bus. mgr.—A. O. Lee. Reg.—Inez Frayseth. Lib.—Alf Houkom. Dean of students—F. E. Clark.

St. Paul Bible Institute, 1361 Engle¬ wood Ave., St. Paul 4 (*; Chris, and Miss. Alliance; coed.; Hi).

Pres.—George D. Strohui. Dean-reg.—Stanton W. Richardson,

acting. Treas.—Viron O. Miller. Dean of men—George A. French. Dean of wo.—Helen Croucher.

St. Paul College of Law (evening), St. Paul 2 (*; P.; coed.; Hg; 190).

Pres.—John B. Sanborn. Dean-. Sec.—Arthur A. Stewart.

St. Paul Seminary, St. Paul 1 (N.; R. C.; men; Hie; 361).

Pres.—Rudolph G. Bandas. Dean of studies—Eugene Moriarty. Reg.—George Ziskovsky. Lib.—Thomas Shanahan.

State Teachers College, Bemidji (N., *; St.; coed.; He; 462).

Pres.—C. R. Sattgast. Bus. mgr.—John S. Glas. Lib.—Waunita M. Bell. Cord, of student personnel serv¬

ices—Judson P. IMartin. Summer session—Judson P. Mar¬

tin. State Teachers College, Mankato (N.,

* ; St.; coed.; He; 1,341). Pres.—C. L. Crawford. Dean—A. B. Morris. Bus, mgr.—M. A. Ziehl. Reg.—W. A. Cox.


Lib.—Emma Wiecking. Dir. student personnel—G. R.

Schwartz. Summer session—A. B. Morris.

State Teachers College, Moorhead (N., * ; St.; coed.; He ; 509).

Pres.—Otto W. Snarr. Bus. mgr.—Charles H. Thurber. Dir. of admis.—Earl Foreman. Dean of men—John M. Jenkins. Dean of wo.—Frances Dillon.

Summer session—O. W. Snarr. State Teachers College, St. Cloud (N.,

St.; coed.; He; 1,216). Pres.—George F. Budd. Dean—H. A. Clugston. Bus. mgr.—Milton Balgaard. Reg.—Mary Lilleskov. Lib.—Edith E. H. Grannis. Dir. bureau student personnel—

Laurence E. Saddler. State Teachers College, Winona (N.,

* ; St.; coed.; He; 441). Pres.—N. Minne. Bus. off.—William B. Spetch. Reg.—Helen B. Pritchard. Lib.—Janet Schmidt. Dean of men—Maurice Mariner. Dean of wo.—Marguerita Steffenson.

Summer session—M. R. Raymond. University of Minnesota, Minneapolis

14 (N.; St; coed.; IVk; 18,682). Pres.—J. L. Morrill. Vice pres, (academic admin.)—M. M.

Willey. Vice pres. (bus. admin.)—W. T. Mid-

dlebrook. Compt.—L. R. Lunden. Dean of admis. and records—R. E.

Summers. Rec.—True E. Pettengill. Lib.—Edward Barrett Stanford, act¬

ing. Dean of students—E. G. Williamson.

Science, literature, and the arts— Errett W. McDiarmid.

*Law—Maynard E. Pirsig. General college—H. T. Morse. Institute of Technology (*eng.)

(*arch.)—^Athelstan F. Spilhaus. Agriculture—C. H. Bailey and

Henry Schmitz. ^Medicine—Harold S. Diehl. ^Dentistry—W. H. Crawford. ^Pharmacy—Charles H. Rogers. '^Education—Marcia Edwards, act¬

ing. *Bus. admin.—R. L. Kozelka. * Journalism—Ralph D. Casey. *Nursing—Katharine J. Densford. ^Public health —Gaylord W. Ander¬

son. Social work—John C. Kidneigh. Institute of child welfare—John E

Anderson. Extension div.—J. M. Nolte. Univ. relations—^William L. Nunn Graduate—T. C. Blegen.

Summer session—T. A. H. Teeter. Duluth Branch (*ed.)—John E.

King. Virginia Junior College, Virginia (N.;

C.; coed.; Ic; 155). Dean—Floyd B. Moe. Lib.—Gertrude Tamminen. Dean of wo.—Hazel R. Runnels. Dir. of couns.—Gilbert M. Stupe.

Worthington Junior College, Worth¬ ington (—; dist.; coed.; Ic; 67).

Dean—W. Donald Olsen. Lib.—Iris Westman.


**Alcorn Agricultural and Mechanical College, Alcorn (S.; St.; coed.; Hf; 679).

Pres.—Jesse R. Otis. Dean of instr.—R. W. Hunter. Cont.—C. L. Varnado. Reg.—Jennie L. Jackson. Lib.—S. G. Berry. Dir. of student personnel—Dixie

Hardy. All Saints* Junior College, Vicksburg

(—; P. E.; wo.; le ; 29). Rector—W. G. Christian.

Belhaven College, Jackson (S.; Presb.; wo.; Hf; 165).

Pres.—G. T. Gillespie. Dean—Purnell Wilson. Reg.—Annie McBride. Lib.—Mary A. Anderson.

Blue Mountain College, Blue Mountain (S.; S. Bapt.; wo.; He; 244).

Pres.—Lawrence T. Lowrey. Dean—Walter F. Taylor. Bus. mgr.—J. E. Buchanan. Reg.—^Annie Hendricks. Lib.—Lucy Lamb. Dean of wo.—Mrs. S. T. Crawley.

Clarke Memorial College, Newton (—; S. Bapt.; coed.; Ic; 286).

Pres.—W. E. Greene. Dean of instr.-reg.—Troy Mohon. Bus. mgr.—L. M. Lanier. Lib.—Mae Rogers. Dean of men—Theo Breland. Dean of wo.—Mrs. A. L. McGaugh.

Summer session—Troy Mohon. Copiah-Lincoln Junior College, Wesson

(S.; CO.; coed.; Ic; 321). Pres.—J. M. Ewing. Bookkeeper—G. L. Mullen. Reg.—J. J. Wesson. Lib.—Mrs. Evelyn Oswalt. Dean of men—F. M. Fortenberry. Dean of wo.—Lula Stevens.

Delta State Teachers College, Cleve¬ land (S., *; St; coed.; He; 394).

Pres.—William M. Kethley. Dean of faculty—Joe Farrar. Bus. off.—Hugh Smith. Reg.—Katie Durelle Mauldin. Lib.—Eleanor Harkins.


Dean of wo.—Nell Lawler. Summer session—William M. Keth-

ley. East Central Junior College, Decatur

(S.; dist.; coed.; Ic; 442). Pres.—L. O. Todd. Dean—R. C. Roberts. Bus. mgr.—William Haywood. Reg.—W. A. Vincent. Lib.—Ethel Burton. Dean of men—John Grace. Dean of wo.—Erma Lee Barber.

Summer session—L. O. Todd. East Mississippi Junior College, Scooba

(S.; dist.; coed.; Ic; 352). Pres.—Cruce Stark. Dean—H. C. Hemphill. Bus. mgr.—John Meacham, Jr. Reg.—A, J. Oubre, Jr. Lib.—Cynthia Lowe. Personnel dir.—W. F. Childres.

Gulf Park College, Gulfport (S.; P.; wo.; Ic; 18G).

Pres.—William G. Dwyer. Dean—Lucy Louise Hatcher. Vice pres.-bus. mgr.—Rupert H.

Cooke. Reg.—Kate Wetherbee. Lib.—Dorothy Milden.

Hinds Junior College, Raymond (S.; dist.; coed.; Ic; 269).

Pres.—G. M. McLendon. Dean—M. F. Herring. Bus. off.—Lola I. Allen. Reg.—Mildred Herrin. Lib.—Gertrude Rowzee. Dean of men—A. L. Denton. Dean of wo.—Gertrude Davis.

Summer session—G. M. McLendon. Holmes Junior College, Goodman (S.;

dist.; coed.; Ic; 269). Pres.—C. W. Lorance. Dean—Ernest Wilson. Bus. mgr.—S. F. Allen. Reg.—G. J. Everett. Lib.—Mrs. Billie Montague. Dean of men—H. O. Thomas. Dean of wo.—Mrs. Mable Bingham.

Itawamba Junior College, Fulton (—; dist.; coed.; Ic; 325).

Pres.—Philip A. Sheffield. Dean—J. S. Crubaugh. Bus. off.—A. V. Weatherford. Reg.—Mary Joe Coley. Lib —Mrs. Ninnie S. Deaton. Personnel off.—R. L. Wood.

**Jackson College, Jackson (S.; St.; coed.; Ild; 867).

Pres.—Jacob L. Reddix. Dean—H. T. Sampson. Compt.—R. H. Beasley. Reg.—DeLars Flinches. Lib.—E. A. Lipscomb. Personnel off.—D. W. Wilburn, acting.

Summer session—^H. T. Sampson. Jones County Junior College, Ellis-

ville (S.; dist. and St.; coed.; Ic ; 575).

Pres.—J. B. Young. Dean—H. A. Dunahoo. ,Bus. mgr.—P. G. Jones. Reg.—A. H. Blackwell. Lib.—Mattie Mae Viverette. Dean of men—E. W. Young. Dean of wo.—Mrs. Ollie Sue Stroud.

**Mary Holmes Junior College, West Point (—; Presb.; coed.; la; 55).

Pres.—Graham F. Campbell. Dean—Clara E. Willard. Bus. off.—Grin Sigler. Reg.—Margaret Hill. Lib.—Margaret Feder Kiewich. Dean of men—B. Hansell Harrison. Dean of wo.—Mrs. George E. Brown.

Summer session—G. F. Campbell. Meridian Municipal Junior College,

Meridian (S.; C.; coed.; Ic ; 581). Dir.—J. B. Pearson. Reg.—J. O. Carson. Lib.—Ada Holladay.

Millsaps College, Jackson (S.; Meth.; coed.; lib; 655).

Pres.—H. E. Finger, Jr. Dean—W. E. Riecken. Bus. mgr.—J. W. Wood. Reg.—Paul Hardin. Lib.—A. G. Sanders. Dean of wo.—Mrs. Mary B. Stone.

Summer session—W. E. Riecken. IMississippi College, Clinton (S.; S.

Bapt.; coed.; He; 842). Pres.—D. M. Nelson. Dean—Howard E. Spell. Off. mgr.—A. J. McLaurin. Reg.—Addie Mae Stevens. Lib.—Mrs. Claudia Landrum. Dean of wo.—Grace Elsey.

Summer session—D. M. Nelson. **Mississippi Industrial College, Holly

Springs (—; C. M. E.; coed.; He; 210).

Pres.—W. M. Frazier. Sec.—A. L. Bobo. Reg.—M. E. Shannon. Lib.—J. L. Watts. Dean of men—L. Lennon. Dean of wo.—B. Reid.

Summer session—M. E. Shannon. Mississippi Southern College, Hatties¬

burg (S., *ed.; St.; coed.; Hie; 2,220).

Pres.—R. O. Cook. Dean—R. A. McLemore. Finan. sec.—C. O. Smalling. Admis.—J. R. Switzer. Reg.—O. N. Darby. Lib.—Miss A. Roberts. Dean of student welfare—R. G. Low-

rey. Graduate—^W. H. Sumrall. Summer session—R. C. Cook.

Mississippi State College, State Col¬ lege (S.; St.; coed.; IVh; 2,391).

Pres.—Fred T. Mitchell. Dean—Herbert Drennon. Compt.—L. F. Mallory.


Reg.—T. K. Martin. Dir. of lib.—Donald Thompson. Dean of student affairs—D. W. Aiken.

Agriculture—Clay Lyle. Bus. and industry—R. C. Weems. Education—B. P. Brooks.

*Elngineering—Harold Flinsch. Science—M. P. Etheredge. Graduate—Herbert Drennon. Summer session—B. P. Brooks.

Mississippi State College for Women, Columbus (S.; St; wo.; He; 813).

Pres.—Charles P. Hogarth. Dean—Nellie S. Keirn. Finan. sec.—A. M. Miller. Reg.—G. T. Buckley. Lib.—Beulah Culbertson.

Mississippi Woman’s College, Hatties¬ burg (—; S. Bapt.; wo.; lie; 98).

Pres.—I. E. Rouse. Dean-reg.—Evelyn Ewell. Bus. mgr.—I. E. Rouse. Lib.—Mrs. Wayne McClure. Dean of wo.—Mrs. I. E. Rouse.

Northeast Mississippi Junior College, The, Booneville (—; dist.; coed.; Ic; 487).

Pres.—Benjamin W. Jones. Dean—Samuel S. Sarget. Lib.—Mary Gammon. Dean of men—Leonard McCullough. Dean of wo.—Mrs. Eva Eskridge.

Summer session—R. O. Stringer. Northwest Mississippi Junior College,

Senatobia (—; dist; coed.; If; 274).

Pres.—R. C. Pugh. Reg.—M. L. Burks. Lib.—Mrs. G. E. Gully. Dean of wo.—Mrs. Estelle Bobo.

**Okolona College, Okolona (—; P. E.; coed.; If; 31).

Pres.—W. Milan Davis. Dean—Frank McCune. Bus. mgr.—B. H. Harrison. Reg.—Mrs. G. C. Wragg. Lib.—Mrs. Lucille M. Patterson. Dean of men—F. E. Young. Dean of wo.—Mrs. Lillie W. Nichols.

Summer session—W. Milan Davis. Pearl River Junior College, Poplar-

ville (S.; dist; coed.; If; 253). Pres.—K. D. McLendon. Dean—A. B. Nicholson. Bus. mgr.—Ann Dandridge. Lib.—Mae Rogers. Dean of men—V. M. McLendon. Dean of wo.—Jamie Turnage.

Perkinston Junior College, Perkinston (S.; dist.; coed.; If; 226).

Pres.—A. L. May. Bus. mgr.—T. J. Gipson. Dean of instr.-reg.—R. P. Rivers. Lib.—Humphrey Olsen. Dean of students—J. J. Hayden, Jr.

**Prentiss Normal and Industrial In¬ stitute, Prentiss (—; P.; coed.; If; W.

Prin.—J. E. Johnson. Dir. of instr.—^A. L. Johnson. Treas.—R. C. Williams. Reg.—Porah D. Crosby. Lib.—Grant C. Tooker. Dean of men—Henry Holbert. Dean of wo.—Lillian Troutman.

**Rust College, Holly Springs (S.; Meth.; coed.; lie; 260).

Pres.—L. M. McCoy. Dean-reg.—W. A. Waters. Bus. mgr.—O. L. Brandon. Lib.—^A. M. Golden. Dean of men—S. C. Torrence. Dean of wo.—N. K. Nero.

Summer session—E. S. Bishop. **Southern Christian Institute, Ed¬

wards (—; Disc, of Christ; coed.; le; 49).

Pres.—John Long. Bursar—Beryl Ann Keckley. Reg.—Eleanor McKee. Lib.—Mary Bassett. Dean of men—Jesse J. Hawkins. Dean of wo.—Mrs. C. P. Rollins.

Summer session—W. L. Codding- ton.

Southwest Mississippi Junior College, Summit (—; dist.; coed.; la; 214).

Pres.—H. T. Huddleston. Dean of instr.—Marlin Magee. Reg.—Madge Reeves. Dean of men.-.

Sunflower Junior College, Moorhead (S.; dist.; coed.; Ic; 126).

Pres.—W. B. Horton. Bus. mgr.—Nannie P. Scroggins. Reg.—M. A. Riggs. Dean of men—H. A. Thigpin. Dean of wo.—Mrs. M. C. Griffin.

Summer session—W. B. Horton. **Tougaloo College, Tougaloo (—; A.

M. A.; coed.; He; 293). Pres.—Harold C. Warren. Dean—A. A. Branch. Treas.—Marguerite Dixon. Reg.—H. E. Dockins. Lib.—L. Zenobia Coleman. Dean of men—Henry E. Briggs. Dean of wo.—Isabelle C. Jackson.

Summer session—A. A. Branch. University of Mississippi, University

(S.; St; coed.; IVk; 2,253). Chanc.—John Davis Williams. Dean—Pete Kyle McCarter. Compt.—Carroll W. North. Finan. sec.—W. C. Trotter. Reg.—Robert B. Ellis. Dir. of lib.—Sykes Hartin. Dean student personnel—Leston L.

Love. Liberal arts—Victor Aldine Coul¬

ter. *Law—Robert J. Parley. *Medical science (2-year school) —

David S. Pankratz. ♦Pharmacy—Elmer L. Hammond.


♦Education—Forrest W. Murphy. ♦Engineering—Frederic H. Kellogg. ♦Commerce—Clive F. Dunham. Graduate—Dudley R. Hutcherson. Summer session—John E. Phay.

Whitworth College, Brookhaven (—; P.; wo.; Ic ; 60).

Pres.-bus. off.—Sinclair Daniel. Dean—Pearl Harris. Reg.—Helene T. Daniel. Lib.—Margaret Pease. Dean of wo.—Gertrude Wagner.

Wood Junior College, Mathiston (—; Meth.; coed.; Ic ; 127).

Pres.—Charles T. Morgan. Reg.—Mrs. Charles Morgan. Finan. sec.—Sylvia Huitema. Lib.—Ralph Doane. Dean of wo.—Mrs. Birdina Bishop.


Central Bible Institute, Springfield (♦; P.; coed.; Hli; 6G8).

Pres.—Bartlett Peterson. Dean—W. I. Evans. Treas.—W. A. Brown. Reg.—R. L. Katter. Lib.—Anne Brill. Dean of men—Fred I. Lessten. Dean of wo.—Lottie Riekehof.

Central College, Fayette (N.; Meth.; coed.; He ; 595).

Pres.—Ralph L. Woodward. Dean—E. C. Buckner. Bursar.—E. M. Potter. Reg.—Martha Ricketts. Admis.—E. E. Rich. Lib.—Stith Cain. Dean of men—Louis G. Johnson. Dean of wo.—Grace A. Boehner.

Central Missouri College, Warrensburg (♦ed., N.; St.; coed.; Illf; 1,3811.

Pres.—G. W. Diemer. Dean of admin.-instr.—Irvin L.

Peters. Bus. sec.—Cloyd E. Muchmore. Reg.—Margaret Brown. Lib.—W. A. Stanton. Dir. of student personnel—Loyd E.

Grimes. Summer session—G. W. Diemer.

Central Radio and Television School, 1644 Wyandotte St., Kansas City 8 (♦tech.; Pr.; coed.; la; 508).

Pres.—C. L. Foster. Ed. dir.—R. O. Soellner. Bus. off.—J. P. Drotts. Reg.—P. J. Murray.

Christian College, Columbia (N.; Disc, of Christ; wo.; Ic; 285).

Pres.—James C. Miller. Dean—Thomas T. Blewett. Bus. mgr.—R. A. Miller. Reg.—Mrs. Harriet Williams. Dean of wo.—Dora M. Johnson,

College of St. Teresa, Kansas City 2 (N.; P.; wo.; He; 306). 222922 •—62-6

Pres.—Sister Mary Berenice O’Neill. Dean—Sister Susanne Marie Vachon. Treas.—Sister Catherine Marie xVlgeo. Reg.—Sister Ann Regis Shilvock. Lib.—Sister St. Luke O’Neill. Personnel dir.—James P. Lyons.

Conception Seminary, Conception (—; R. C.; men; He; 221).

Pres.—Stephen Schappler. Dean—Edward E. Malone. Procurator—Walter Heeney. Reg.—Andrew Kunkel. Lib.—Mark Foley. Dean of men—Lawrence Gidley.

Concordia Theological Seminary, St. Louis 5 (—; Luth.; men; IVg; 735).

Pres.—Louis J. Sieck. Bus. mgr.—William Junge. Lib.—E. Saleska. Dean of men—Len C. Wuerffel.

Graduate—A. Rehwinkel. Summer session—A. Rehwinkel.

Conservatory of Music of Kansas City, Kansas City 2 (* ; P.; coed.; Illh; 201).

Pres.—Henry C. Haskell. Dir.—Wiktor Labunski. Bus. mgr.—Lyle Kennedy. Reg.—Frances Lockeridge. Lib.—Claire Kubik. Dean of wo.-^Eleanor Riley.

Cottey College, Nevada (N.; P.; wo.; Ib; 250).

Pres.—Blanche H. Dow. Dean—Orpha Stockard. Lib.—Nellie Homes.

Culver-Stockton College, Canton (N.; Disc, of Christ; coed.; He; 306).

Pres.—Leslie E. Ziegler. Dean—John B. Alexander. Bus. mgr.—Joe C. Hootman. Reg.—A. H. Blue. Lib.—James M. Turner.

Drury College, Springfield (N.; Cong.; coed.; Hb; 685).

Pres.—James F. Findlay. Dean—G. H. Benton. Bus. mgr.—Carl Stilhvell. Reg.—Mrs. A. A. Rockwell. Lib.—Mary Elizabeth Hinkley. Dean of men—Frank W. Clippinger. Dean of wo.—Laurena Beadle.

Summer session—G. H. Benton. Eden Theological Seminary, Webster

Groves (* ; Evan. Ref.; men, wo.; HIg; 150).

Pres.—F. W. Schroeder. Dean—H. A. Pflug. Bursar—O. L. Elhring. Reg.—A. G. Wehrli. Lib.—H. H. Wernecke.

Fontbonne College. See St. Louis Uni¬ versity.

Hannibal-La Grange College, Hanni¬ bal (—; S. Bapt.; coed.; le; 152).

Pres.—L. A. Foster. Dean-reg.—Howard S. Higdon.


Bursar—Mildred McGlothlin. Lib.—Mary Rumsey. Dean of men-. Dean of wo.—Beulab Doerr.

Summer session—Howard S. Hig¬ don.

Harris Teachers College, St. Louis 12 (N., * ; G.; coed.; Ilf; 686).

Pres.—Charles A. Naylor. Reg.—^Wilmar R. Schneider. Dean of men—Gordon H. Lucas. Dean of wo.—Lillian Nagel.

Jefferson City Junior College, Jeffer¬ son City (N.; dist.; coed.; Ic; 120).

Dean—Joe Nichols, Jr. Reg.—Mary Louise Walther. Lib.—Alice E. Golden. Dir. of personnel—Ruth Johnson.

Joplin Junior College, Joplin (N.; dist.; coed.; If; 253).

Pres.—Roi S. Wood. Dean—Thomas H. Flood. Reg.—Margaret Mitchell. Lib.—Mrs. Loretta Frazier. Dean of wo.—Edna C. Drummond.

Junior College of Flat River, Flat River (—; C.; coed.; Ic; 78).

Dean—Arthur W. Mullens. Reg.—Julia Henderson. Lib.—Maude L. Wood.

Summer session—Arthur W. Mul¬ lens.

Junior College of Kansas City, The, Kansas City 2 (N.; C.; coed.; Ic; 627).

Dean—Arthur M. Swanson. Bus. off.—Emma J. Neville. Rec.—Betty Lou Knapp. Lib.—Bertha Fergerson. Chief personnel off.—Richard A. Ball.

Summer session—Miles G. Blim. Kansas City Art Institute and School

of Design, 4415 Warwick Blvd., Kansas City 2 (—; P.; coed.; Illh).

Pres.—W. M. Symon. Dean—J. B. Smith. Compt.—Mrs. Josephine Hughes. Reg.—Mrs. Marilynn Friggeri. Lib.—Mrs. Mary R. Couchman. Dean of students—Mrs. Margaret

Barnett. Summer session—J. B. Smith.

Kansas City College of Osteopathy and Surgery, Kansas City 1 (*; P.; coed.; Ilg; 318).

Pres.—J. M. Peach. Dean—Kenneth J. Davis. Bursar-reg.—Lenora B. Johnston. Lib.—Laura I. Morris.

Kemper Military School, Boonville (N.; Pr.; men; Ib; 120).

Supt.—H. C. Johnston. Dean—F. J. Marston. Treas.—A. B. Bates. Exec. off.—E. W. Tucker. Lib.—Mrs. Ray Hoberecht.

Kenrick Seminary (Corx)orate name St. Louis Roman Catholic Theological Seminary), 7800 Kenrick Road, St. Louis 19 (—; R. C.; men; Hg; 227).

Pres.—Joseph E. Ritter. Treas.—Anthony D. Fassbender. Dean of men-reg.—Nicholas E. Per-

sich. Lib.—Patrick Mullins.

Kirksville College of Osteopathy and Surgery, Kirksville (* ; P.; coed.; Ilg; 375).

Pres.—Morris Thompson. Dean—M. D. Warner. Treas.—Louis W. Handley. Reg.—Marie A. Johnson. Lib.—Ruth Mangold.

** Lincoln Junior College, Kansas City 8 (—; C.; coed.; Ic; 79).

Dean—Earl D. Thomas. Reg.—R. E. Arnold. Lib.—Mildred Robinson.

**Lincoln University, Jefferson City (N.; St.; coed.; Illj; 846).

Pres.—Sherman D. Scruggs. Bus. mgr.—W. A. Hamilton. Reg.—Odra W. Bradley. Lib.—^Albert P. Marshall. Dean of men—Charles M. Hoard. Dean of wo.—Flora B. Chisholm.

Arts and sciences—E. E. Dawson. Journalism—Armistead S. Pride.

*Law (St. Louis)—Scovel Richard¬ son.

Graduate—E. E. Dawson. Summer session—U. S. Maxwell.

Linden wood College for Women, St. Charles (N.; Presb.; wo.; lie; 807).

Pres.—Franc L. McCluer. Dean—Eunice C. Roberts. Bus. mgr.—Robert C. Colson. Reg.—Irene Van Bibber. Lib.—Mildred Kohlstedt. Dir. of guid.—Mary F. Lichliter.

Maryville College. See St. Louis Uni¬ versity.

Missouri Valley College, Marshall (N.; Presb.; coed.; He; 390).

Pres.—M. Earle Collons. Dean—Byron Banta. Treas.—E. L. Parsons. Reg.-dir. of admis.—Stanley Hay¬

den. Lib.—Thomas Lightfoot, Jr. Dean of men—Robert Linnell. Dean of wo.—Lena L. Davison.

Summer session—Stanley I. Hay¬ den.

Moberly Junior College, Moberly (—; C.; coed.; If; 92).

Pres.—Carl Henderson. Dean—James R. Chevalier. Reg.—Mary Ann Hartley. Lib.—ElVirga Denning.

Monett Junior College, Monett (—; C.; coed.; If; 36).

Pres.—E. E. Camp.


Dean—Wayne P, Wright. Reg.—Marjory Caldwell. Lib.—Margaret Johnson.

Music and Arts University of St. Louis, 3801 W. Pine Blvd., St. Louis 8 (—; P.; coed.; Illh ; 175).

Dir.—Henry E. Eisenkramer. Bus. mgr,—E. Patrick Kickham. Reg.—Mildred Bailey. Lib.—Alfred Hasemeier.

Summer session—Henry E. Eisen¬ kramer.

National College for Christian Work¬ ers, Kansas City 1 (—; Meth.; wo.; Ilb; 94).

Pres.—Lewis B, Carpenter. Dean of college—M. Elizabeth

Cooling. Bus. off.—Kenneth R. Hougland, Reg.—Frieda M, Gipson. Lib.—Eugenia Moss. Dean of wo,—Alice Chandler.

Northeast Missouri State Teachers College, Kirksville (N., *; St.; coed.; Ille; 1,426).

Pres.—Walter H. Ryle. Dean—Robert C. Aukerman. Bus. mgr.—Bailey Wright. Lib.—Ethel Hook. Dir. of personnel services—C. H.

Allen. Northwest Missouri State College,

Maryville ( *ed., N.; St.; coed.; He ; 793).

Pres,—J. W. Jones. Dean—W. A. Brandenburg. Bus. mgr.—H. V. Neece. Reg,—Robert P. Foster. Lib.—James Johnson. Dir. student activities—Mrs. Ted

Houchenauer. Summer session—J, W. Jones.

Notre Dame Junior College. See St. Louis University,

Park College, Parkville (N.; Presb.; coed.; Ilb; 390).

Pres.—J. L. Zwingle. Dean—E. McClung Fleming. Bus. mgr.—W. S. Stanton. Reg.—Homer L. Williams. Lib.—Frances J. Fishl)urn. Dean of men—W, B. Dunseth. Dean of wo.—Chalcea White.

Rockhurst College, Kansas City 4 (N.; R. C.; men; Ilj ; 958).

Pres.—Maurice E. Van Ackeren. Dean—Joseph E. Gough. Compt.—J. F. Hughes. Reg.—W. F. Bartholome. Lib.—Henry H. Regnet. Dir. student welfare—Joseph M.

Freeman. Evening div.—Charles P. Cahill. Summer session—Joseph E. Gough.

St. Joseph Junior College, St. Joseph 10 (N.; C.; coed.; le; 282).

Dean-reg.—Nolle Blum. Bus. off.—R. V. Blomfield.

Lib,—Jean Trowbridge. Dean of men—E. C. Little.

Summer session—Nolle Blum. St. Louis College of Pharmacy and Al¬

lied Sciences, St. Louis (*; P.; coed.; Illg; 336).

Pres.—Robert L. Lund. Dean—A, F. Schlichting. Reg.—Leonora L, Bode, Lib.—Atha L. Henley.

Summer session—A. F. Schlichting. St. Louis Institute of Music, 7801 Bon-

homme Ave., St. Louis 5 (*; P.; coed.; Illh; 219).

Pres.—John Philip Blake, Jr. Dean—Robert G. Olson. Reg.—Velma T. Honig.

Graduate—Carl Blackmore. Summer session—Carl Blackmore.

St. Louis University, St. Louis (N.; R. C.; coed.; IVk; 8,082).

Pres.—Paul C. Reinert. Treas.—Vincent L. Jeunemann. Dir. of bus. and finan.—Frederick A.

Bertram. Reg.—Paul T. McDonald. Dir. of univ. lib.—Joseph P. Donnelly, Dean of men—Thomas J. Stemper. Dean of wo.—Nancy M. Ring.

Arts and sciences—Matthias B. Martin.

*Law—Alvin E. Evans. *Medicine—Melvin A. Casberg. *Dentistry—L. R. Main. *Nursing—Sister Mary Geraldine

Kulleck. * Commerce—Thomas M. Knapp. * Social service—Aloysius H. Schel-

ler. Philosophy and letters—Robert J.

Henle. *Technology—James B. Macelwane. Theology (St. Mary’s College, St.

Marys, Kans.)—Cyril O. Vollert. Parks College of Aeronautical

Technology’, East St. Louis, Ill. (N.; men)—Niels C. Beck.

Graduate—Robert J. Henle. Summer session—Matthias B. Mar¬

tin. Corporate colleges;

Fontbonne College (N.; wo.) — Sister Teresa Martin Crowe,

Maryville College (N.; wo.) — Mother Myrtle Wilkins.

Notre Dame Junior College (wo.)—Sister Mary Chrysologa Kischel.

St. Mary’s Junior College, O’Fal¬ lon (wo.)—Sister Margaret Mary IMiller.

Webster College, Webster Groves (N.; wo.)—Sister Rose Mau¬ reen Sanders.

St. Mary’s Junior College. See St. Louis University.

St. Mary’s Seminary, Perryville (—; R. C.; men; He; 102).


Pres.—Daniel W. Martin. Deans—Alvin J. Burrouglis, James

F. McOwen. Treas.—Thomas J. Barrett. Reg.—Alvin J. Burroughs, acting.

St. PauTs College, Concordia (—; Luth.; men ; Ig; 36).

Pres.—Walter F. Wolbrecht. Dean—Allen H. Nauss. Lib.—Lanclo C. Otto.

Southeast Missouri State College, Cape Girardeau (N., *ed.; St.; coed.; He; 1,026).

Pres.—W. W. Parker. Dean—Forrest Rose. Purchasing clerk—Jack Wimp. Reg.—Alton Bray. Lib.—Felix E. Snider. Dean of students—Mavis L. Holmes.

Summer session—W. W. Parker. Southwest Baptist College, Bolivar

(—; S. Bapt.; coed.; le ; 408). Pres.—John W. Dowdy. Dean-reg.—Orien B. Hendrex. Bus. mgr.—J. O. Gash. Lib.—D. A. Seager.

Summer session—(Regular admin¬ istrative oflScers.)

Southwest Missouri State College, Springfield (N., *ed.; St.; coed.; He; 1,676).

Pres.—Roy Ellis. Admin, dean—Willard J. Graff. Bus. mgr.—Lee H. Morris. Reg.—Guy H. Thompson, lab.—Grace Palmer. Dean of wo.—N. Bertha Wells.

Summer session—Roy Ellis. Stephens College, Columbia (N.; Bapt.;

wo.; la; 1,831). Pres.—Thomas Spraggons. Dean—lib.-. Compt.—Prank W. Dearing. Admis. dir.—J. Scott Hemry. Reg.—P. Randolph M. Armstrong. Dean of student personnel—Eugene

L. Shepard. **Stowe Teachers and Junior College,

St. Louis 13 (N., * ; C.; coed.; Ild; 408).

Pres.—Ruth Miriam Harris. Reg.—Vicent E. Freeman. Lib.—Helen Diamond. Dean of men—Harry S. Blackiston. Dean of wo.—Pelagia Greene.

Tarkio College, Tarkio (N.; U. Presb.; coed.; He; 196).

Pres.—Clyde H. Canfield. Dean—John R. Jenison. Bus. mgr.—James B. Shaum. Reg.—Fred L. Keller. Lib.—Florence Hornaday Summers.

Summer session—Fred L. Keller. Trenton Junior College, Trenton (—;

C.; coed.; le; 50). Pres.—S. M. Rissler. Dean—E. D. Geyer. Lib.—Alma Coleman.

University of Kansas City, Kansas City 4 (N.; P.; coed.; Illk; 2,727).

Pres.—Robert Mortvedt, acting. Bus. mgr.—William Robert Bokel-

man. Reg.—John E. Barnett. Lib.—Kenneth James LaBudde. Dean of students—Elvin C. Sayre.

Liberal arts—Norman N. Royall, Jr.

*Law—Marlin M. Volz. ^Dentistry—Roy J. Rinehart. *Pharmacy—Theodore Dittrich. Summer session—John E. Barnett.

University of Missouri, Columbia (N.; St.; coed.; IVk; 8,664).

Pres.—Frederick A. Middlebush. Vice pres. (bus. operations)—Leslie

Cowan. Reg.—S. Woodson Canada. Dir. of admis.—C. W. McLane. Lib.—Ralph Parker. Dean of students—Jack Matthews.

Arts and science—Elmer Ellis. *Law—Glenn A. McCleary. ^Medicine (2-year school)—M. Pin¬

son Neal, acting. Education—L. G. Townsend. Agriculture—John H. Longwell.

*Bngineering—Huber O. Croft. *Bus. and pub. admin.—William L.

Bradshaw. *Journalism—Earl English. ^Veterinary medicine—Aaron Groth. Graduate—Henry E. Bent. Summer session—L. G. Townsend.

Rolla Campus mines and metal¬ lurgy, *eng.)—Curtis L. Wilson.

Washington University, St. Louis 5 (N.; P.; coed.; IVk ; 11,471).

Chanc.—Arthur H. Compton. Vice chanc.-dean of faculties—Leslie

J. Buchan. Vice chanc.-treas.—Thomas E. Black-

well. Dean of admis.—William G. Bowling. Dir. of student records—Oliver W.

Wagner. Dean of students—Arno J. Haack.

^Architecture—Joseph D. Murphy. Botany—Henry N. Andrews, Jr.

*Bus. and pub. admin.—Miller Up¬ ton.

♦Dentistry—Otto Brandhorst. ♦Engineering—Lawrence E. Stout. Fine arts—Kenneth E. Hudson.

♦Law—John Ritchie, HI. Liberal arts—Thomas S. Hall.

♦Medicine—Robert A. Moore. ♦Nursing—Louise Knapp. ♦Social work—Benjamin Youngdahl. Univ. college—Willis H. Reals. Graduate—Carl Tolman. Summer session—Stephen C. Grib-

ble. Webster College. 8ee St. Louis Uni¬



Wentworth Military Academy, Lexing¬ ton (N.; P.; men ; Ib ; 195).

Pres.—J. M. Sellers. Dean-lib.—D. C. Buck. Sec.-treas.—L. B. Wikoff. Reg.—Mrs. Robert Beretta. Commandant of cadets—F. W. Brown.

Summer session—F. W. Thompson. Westminster College, Fulton (N.;

Presb.; men; Ilb; 311). Pres.—W. W. Hall, Jr. Dean—Homer L. Knight. Bus. mgr.—H. R. Schuessler. Reg.—Donald B. Gordon. Lib.—J. Artiles.

William Jewell College, Liberty (N.; S. Bapt.; coed.; He; 652).

Pres.—Walter Pope Binns. Dean—Frank G. Edson. Bus. admin.—Minetry L. Jones. Reg.—F. M. Derwacter. Lib.—Opal Carlin. Personnel dir.—E. W. Hozapfel.

Summer session—Prank G. Edson. William Woods College, Fulton (N.;

Disc, of Christ; wo.; Ic; 290). Pres.—Tilford T. Swearingen. Vice pres.-bus. mgr.—Stuart Keck-

eley. Dean of faculty—Thomas N. Bonner. Reg.—Audrey Crump. Lib.—Mrs. Rosemary Harris.


Carroll College, Helena (NW.; R. C.; men; He; 472).

Pres.—R. V. Kavanagh. Dean-. Bus. mgr.—Charles Mandeville. Reg.—Mrs. Frank Kelly. Lib.—James R. White. Dean of men-. Dean of wo.—Sister Ann Leonard.

College of Great Falls, College of Edu¬ cation, Great Falls (NW.; R. C.; coed.; He; 407).

Pres.—J. J. Donovan. Dean—Sister Agnes Kathleen. Bus. olf.-reg.—Sister Helen Paula. Lib.—Sister Maureen.

Summer session—Sister Agnes Kathleen.

Custer County Junior College, INIiles City (—; C.; coed.; Ic; 68).

Dean—Kenneth D. Smith. Lib.—Frances Bridges.

Dawson County Junior College, Glen¬ dive (—; dist.; coed.; Ic; 16).

Dean—Carl Hankins. Eastern Montana College of Educa¬

tion, Billings (*, NW.; St.; coed.; Ilf; 475).

Pres.—A. G. Peterson. Dean—R. L. Henderson. Bus.-finan. sec.—M. E. Johnson. Reg.—Lincoln J. Aikins.

Lib.—Pauline Rich. Basic college—Lincoln J. Aikins. Summer session—R a y m o n d N.

Lowe. Montana School of Mines, Butte (*eng.,

NW.; St; coed.; Illg; 239). Pres.—J. R. Van Pelt. Dean—A. E. Adami. Bus. off.-reg.—W. M. Brown. Lib.—Loretta B. Peck.

Montana State College, Bozeman (NW.; St.; coed.; Ilh; 1,946).

Pres.—P. C. Gaines, acting. Treas.—Bernard Copping. Reg.—Martha Hawksworth. Lib.—Lesley M. Heathcote. Dean of students—Val Glynn.

Agriculture—Clyde McKee. *Eugineering—E. W. Schilling. Household-industrial arts—Kath¬

arine Roy. Science—F. B. Cotner. Graduate—J. A. Nelson. Summer session—Milford Franks.

Montana State University, IMissoula (NW.; St; coed.; HIk ; 2,367).

Pres.—Carl McFarland. Senior academic dean—Gordon B.

Castle. Cont.—J. B. Speer. Reg.—Leo Smith. lab.—Kathleen Campbell. Dean of students—Herbert J. Wun¬

derlich. Arts and sciences—Gordon B.

Castle. *Law—Charles W. Leaphart. ^Pharmacy—Jack E. Orr. ♦Education—Linus J. Carleton, act¬

ing. ♦Music—Luther A. Richman. ♦Commerce—Theodore H. Smith. ♦Journalism—James L. C. Ford. ♦Forestry—Ross Williams. Graduate—Gordon B. Castle, act¬

ing. Summer session—E. A. Atkinson.

Northern Montana College, Havre (NW.; St; coed.; If; 248).

Pres.—L. O. Brockmann. Bus. off.-reg.—Charles L. Langer. Lib.—Merwin M. Moores. Dean of men—Clifton Jackson. Dean of wo.—Emily Taylor.

Summer session—L. O. Brockmann. Rocky Mountain College, Billings

(JNW.; Cong., Presb., and Meth.; coed.; Ilf; 152).

Pres.—Herbert W. Hines. Dean—J. S. Pennepacker. Bus. mgr.—E. E. Collins. Reg.—Martha Schultz. Lib.—Warren A. Lussky. Dean of men—Claude Levy. Dean of wo.—Kathryn Z. Taylor.

Summer session—J. S. Peiine- packer.


Western Montana College of Educa¬ tion, Dillon (*, NW.; St.; coed.; Ild; 197).

Pres.—Rush Jordan. Bus. mgr.—Georgia Mathews. Reg.—Dorothy Gelhaus. Lib.—Walter McGuire. Dean of men—Rush Jordan, acting. Dean of wo.—Georgia Mathews, act¬

ing. Summer session—Rush Jordan.


College of Saint Mary, Omaha (—; R. C.; wo.; Ilf; 102).

Pres.—Sister Mary Alice. Dean-reg.—Sister Mary Rosalin. Treas.—Sister Zita Marie. Lib.—Sister Mary Joan.

Concordia Teachers College, Seward (—; Luth.; coed.; Ild; 249).

Pres.—A. O. Fuerbringer. Dean—L. G. Bickel. Bus. mgr.—W. A. Juergensen. Reg.—Willa Koenig. Lib.—Renata Koschmann. Dean of students—R. W. Griesse.

Summer session—A. O. Fuer¬ bringer.

Creighton University, Omaha (N.; R. C.; coed.; Illk; 2,401).

Pres.—Carl M. Reinert. Bus. mgr.—Edward D. Murphy. Reg.—Jack N. Williams. Lib.—Mary C. Hunt. Dean of men—Charles K. Hayden. Dean of wo.—Maurine M. Hamilton.

Arts and sciences—William F. Kelley.

*Law—James A. Doyle. ^Medicine—Frederick G. Gillick. ^Dentistry—James H. Pence. Nursing—Gerald H. FitzGibbon.

^■Pharmacy—William A. Jarrett. ^Commerce—Floyd E. Walsh. Graduate—Henry W. Casper. Summer session—William F. Kel¬

ley. Dana College, Blair (—; Evan. Luth.;

coed.; Hf; 249). Pres.—R. E. Morton. Dean—E. M. Rasmussen. Reg.—F. H. Larson. Lib.—Aagot Hoidahl. Dean of men—John Nielsen. Dean of wo.—Elja McCullough.

Seminary—Theo. I. Jensen. Summer session—A. C. Ranheim.

Doane College, Crete (N.; Cong, and P. E.; coed.; Ilb; 277).

Pres.—David Livingston Crawford. Vice pres.-dir. of personnel—G. W.

Lindberg. Bus. oft.—Glenn W. Buck. Reg.—Loyd C. Oleson. Lib.—Ruth Kraemer.

Summer session—A. J. Nebelsick.

Duchesne College, Omaha 3 (N.; P.; wo.; lie; 210).

Pres.—Mother Mary Downey. Dean—Mother Vera Rogers. Bursar—Mother Alfrida Harter. Reg.—Mother Catherine McShane. Lib.—Mother Grace Connolly.

Fairbury Junior College, Fairbury (—; C.; coed.; If; 150).

Pres.—Homer C. Kelley. Dean-reg.—L. F. Sinkey. Treas.—H. Livingston. Lib.—Mrs. Mildred Barrett.

Grace Bible Institute, Omaha 8 (* ; P.; coed.; Ilg; 283).

Pres.—H. D. Burkholder. Dean-reg.—Paul Kuhlmann. Bus. mgr.—August Ewert. Lib.—Huldah E. Myers. Dean of men—John Schrag. Dean of wo.—Marion Stanford.

Hastings College, Hastings (N.; Presb.; coed.; He; 578).

Pres.—Wm. M. French. Dean—Frank E. Weyer. Bus. off.—D. P. Jones. Reg.—Eunice Chapman. Lib.—Ruth Harris. Dean of wo.—Mrs. Pearl Tripp.

Luther College, Wahoo (—; Luth.; coed.; If; 91).

Pres.—Floyd E. Lauersen. Bus. mgr.—V. E. Johnson. Reg.—Elaine Gustafson. Lib.—Aina Abrahamson. Dean of men—Milton Brostrom. Dean of wo.—Luella Hammarberg.

McCook Junior College, McCook (—; C.; coed.; If; 113).

Pres.—Ralph G. Brooks. Dean—Keith L. Melvin. Lib.—Helen Storms. Dean of wo.—Lydia E. Butler.

Midland College, Fremont (N.; U. Luth.; coed.; He; 366).

Pres.—Paul W. Dieckman. Dean—William F. Zimmerman. Bus. mgr.—F. E. Wood, acting. Reg.—Mildred Cattern. Lib.—Edith P. Stickney. Dean of men—Orville H. Zabel. Dean of wo.—Esther Schwerdtfeger.

Summer session—G. E. Hickman. Municipal University of Omaha,

Omaha 1 (N.; C.; coed.; Illf; 1,460).

Pres.—Philip Milo Bail. Bus. off.—Charles W. Hoff. Reg.—-Alice Smith. Lib.—Ellen Lord. Dean of student personnel—Jay B.

MacGregor. Arts and sciences—^Wm. H. Thomp¬

son. Applied arts and sciences—C. W.

Helmstadter. Bus. admin.—John W. Lucas.

*Education—Frank H. Gorman.


Graduate—E. M. Hosman. Adult education and summer ses¬

sion—E. M. Hosman. Nebraska Central College, Central

City (—; Fr.; coed.; Ilf; 26). Pres.—O. W. Carrell. Bus. off.—Milo H. Crosbie. Reg.—Milo H. Crosbie, acting. Lib.—Hazel Day Campbell. Dean of wo.—Eva I. Hudnall.

Summer session—O. W. Carrell. Nebraska State Teachers College,

Chadron (N., *; St.; coed.; He; 321).

Pres.—Wiley G. Brooks. Dean of instr.—Glenn W. Hildreth. Bursar—Paul B. Dannacher. Reg.—Albert E. Kent. Lib.—Kathryn L. Buck. Dean of men—Ross O. Armstrong. Dean of wo.—Jean K. Sloan.

Nebraska State Teachers College, Kearney (*, N.; St.; coed.; He; 568).

Pres.—Herbert L. Cushing. Dean of instr.—H. G. Stout. Bursar—Dorothy C. Williams. Reg.—Edith M. Smithey. Lib.—Alice E. Paine. Dean of men—Bernard F. Stutheit. Dean of wo.—Alice M. Robinson.

Summer session—Herbert L. Cush¬ ing.

Nebraska State Teachers College, Peru (N., * ; St.; coed.; He; 286).

Pres.—Neal S. Gomon. Dean of instr.—Edith Greer. Bursar—Leslie Johnston. Reg.—Marian K. Doran. Lib.—Nellie JM. Carey. Dean of student affairs—Lester N.

Downing. Summer session—Neal S. Gomon.

Nebraska State Teachers College, Wayne (N., *; St.; coed.; He; 614).

Pres.—John D. Rice. Dean—Howard E. Tempero. Bursar-reg.—M. B. Childs. Lib.—M. Lois Crouch. Dean of students—Arthur Price.

Summer session—Howard E. Tem¬ pero.

Nebraska Wesleyan University, Lin¬ coln 4 (N.; Meth.; coed.; Hb ; 646).

Pres.—Carl C. Bracy. Dean—A. Leland Forrest. Bus. off.—J. E. Bartley. Reg.—Helen Luschei. Dean of men—Clinton B. Gass. Dean of wo.—Ethel M. Johnson.

Summer session—R. W. Deal. Norfolk Junior College, Norfolk (—;

dist.; coed.; If; 147). Pres.—Allen P. Burkhardt. Dean—C. Frederick Walker. Reg.—Mary Jones. Lib.—Elizabeth Neville.

Scottsbluff Junior College, Scottsbluff (—; C.; coed.; Ic; 156).

Pres.—Charles H. Davis, Jr. Dean-admis. off.-. Bursar—Bernard Goerke. Lib.—Mrs. John Adams. Dean of wo.—Marie Rennecker.

Union College, Lincoln (N.; S. D. A.; coed.; He; 729).

Pres.—Harvey C. Hartman. Dean—E. B. Ogden. Bus. mgr.-treas.—V. S. Dunn. Reg.—Marie Anderson. Lib.—Floda Smith. Dean of men—M. S. Culver. Dean of wo.—Hilda Fern Remley.

University of Nebraska, Lincoln 8 (N.; St.; coed.; IVk; 6,909).

Chanc.—R. G. Gustavson. Dean of faculties-. Bus. mgr.—John K. Selleck. Dean of admis.—G. W. Rosenlof. Dir. of registration and records—

Floyd W. Hoover. Lib.—Frank A Lundy. Student affairs—J. P. Colbert.

Arts and sciences—Charles H. Old- father.

*Law—Edmund O. Belsheim. *Medicine (Omaha)—J. P. Tollman. * Dentistry—Bert L. Hooper. Nursing—Irma IM. Kyle.

*Pharmacy—Joseph B. Burt. *Education—Frank E. Henzlik. Agriculture—W. V. Lambert.

^Engineering—Roy M. Green. Fine arts (*music)-.

*Bus. admin.—Earl S. Fullbrook. Journalism—William F. Swindler. Junior div.—Arthur A. Hitchcock.

* Social work—Frank Z. Glick. Graduate—Robert W. Goss. Summer session—Frank E. Soren¬

son. York College, York (—; Evan. U. B.;

coed.; He; 178). Pres.—Walter E. Bachman. Treas.—Helen J. Polk. Reg.-dean of men—A. H. Bergen. Lib.—Louis Rachow.

Summer session—D. E. Weidler.

NEVADA University of Nevada, Reno (NW.,

W.; St.; coed.; Illk; 1,212). Pres.—Minard W. Stout. Compt.—Perry W. Hayden. Reg.-dir. of admis.—Clarence E. Byrd. Lib.—James J. Hill. Dean of men—Robert S. Griffin. Dean of wo.—Elaine Mobley.

Arts and sciences—Fredrick Wood. Education—Harold N. Brown.

^Mining eng.—Vernon E. Scheid. Agriculture—C. B. Hutchison.

*Engineering—S. G. Palmer. Summer session—Harold N. Brown.



Colby Junior College for Women, New London (E.; P.; wo.; Ic; 433).

Pres.—H. Leslie Sawyer. Dean—Mrs. Charlotte D. Meinecke. Bursar—^Wayne K. Wheeler. Reg.—Elizabeth M. Sladen. Dir. of admis.—Robert G. Sawyer. Lib.—Frances L. Meals.

Dartmouth College, Hanover (E.; P.; men; Illk; 2,782).

Pres.—John S. Dickey. Dean of faculty—Donald H. Morri¬

son. Dean of college—Joseph L. McDonald. Treas.-vice pres.—John F. Meek. Dir. of admis.—Albert I. Dickerson. Reg.—Robert O. Conant. Lib.—Richard W. Morin. Dean of freshmen—Stearns Morse.

*Medical sciences (2-year school) — Rolf C. Syvertsen.

*Engineering—William P. Kimball. *Business admin.—Nathaniel G.

Burleigh, acting. Keene Teachers College, Keene (*, E.;

St.; coed.; Illd; 433). Pres.—Lloyd P. Young. Bursar—Clara Giovannangeli. Reg.—Mabel R. Brown. Lib.—Grace O. Taylor. Dir. of student personnel—Dorothy

A. Randall. Summer session—Lloyd P. Young.

Mount St. Mary College, Hooksett (E.; R. C.; wo.; lie; 247).

Pres.-treas.—Sister M. Mauritia. Dean—Sister M. Magdalen. Reg.—Mary Patricia Gleason. Lib.—Sister M. Daniel.

Summer session—Sister M. Magda¬ len.

New England College, Henniker (—; P.; coed.; Ve124).

Pres.—Laurie D. Cox. Treas.—George M. Chase. Reg.—William J. Nairn. Lib.—^Allen L. Bernstein. Dean of men—Robert O. Gilmore. Dean of wo.-.

Plymouth Teachers College, Plymouth (*; St.; coed.; Hid; 271).

Pres.—Harold E. Hyde. Dean of instr.—Charles B. Kinney. Bus. off.—Gertrude S. Silver. Lib.—Elizabeth Doolittle. Dean of student personnel—Ruth

Griffiths. Summer session—Charles B. Kin¬

ney. Rivier College, Nashua (E.; P.: wo.;

IIIe;184). Pres.—Sister M. St. Pascal. Dean—Sister Marie Carmella.

2 Confers bachelors degrees based on cur¬ riculum shorter than usual 4-year program.

Reg.—Sister Marie Clarisse. Lib.—Sister Marie Joseph.

Graduate—Sister M. St. Ida. Summer session—Sister Marie Car¬

mella. St. Anselm’s College, Manchester (E.;

R. C.; men; He; 604). Pres.—Bertrand Dolan. Dean—Bernard Holmes. Treas.—John Lynch. Reg.—Stephen Parent. Lib.—Jerome Dee. Dean of men—Paul R. Houde.

University of New Hampshire, Dur¬ ham (E.; St.; coed.; Illj ; 3,135).

Pres.—Robert Flint Chandler, Jr. Treas.—R. C. Magrath. Dir. of admis.—D. H. Richards. Lib.—Thelma Brackett. Dean of student admin.—E. B. Sack-

ett. Liberal arts—E. Y. Blewett. Agriculture—H. C. Grinnell.

*Engineering—L. E. Seeley. Graduate—A. F. Daggett. Summer session—Herbert J. Moss.


Alma White College, Zarephath (—; Pillar of Fire; coed.; Ille; 29).

Pres.—Arthur K. White. Dean—Norman R. Fournier. Treas.—Edith Stiffler. Reg.—Gertrude Wolfram. Lib.—Helen Wilson.

Bergen Junior College, Teaneck (—; P.; coed.; Ic; 627).

Pres.—Walter D. Head. Dean—Albert F. Carpenter. Bus. mgr.—Milton H. Cooper. Reg.—Harriet Beggs. Lib.—Eleanor Young.

Evening—True C. Morrill. Summer session—^Albert F. Car¬

penter. Bloomfield College and Theological

Seminary, Bloomfield (—; Presb.; coed.; Illj; 224).

Pres.—Frederick Schweitzer. Dean of college—Edward M. Carter. Treas.—Mary Ann Bodden. Lib.—Mrs. Annis Schlesier.

Theology—Frank Kovach. Brothers College. See Drew Univer¬

sity. Caldwell College for Women, Caldwell

(M.; R. C.; wo.; He; 160). Pres.—Mother M. Joseph. Dean—Sister M. Norine. Treas.—Sister M. Alma. Reg.—Sister M. Marguerite. Lib.—Sister M. Eileen.

Centenary Junior College, Hacketts- town (M.; Meth.; wo.; Ic; 424).

Pres.—Edward W. Seay. Dean—Margaret E. Hight. Compt.—Joseph J. Schrader.


Dir. of admis.—Mabel W. Kelley. Lib.—Ruth E. Scarborough.

College of St. Elizabeth, Convent Sta¬ tion (M.; R. C.; wo.; He; 547).

Regent—Hildagarde Marie Mahoney. Dean—Sister Dorothy Clare Cannon. Bus. off.—Sister Regina Carmel

Granstrand. Reg.—Sister Rose Th(ir6se Callahan. Lib.—Sister Mary Genevieve Don¬

ovan. Summer session—Sister Dorothy

Marie Riordan. College of South Jersey. See Rutgers

University. Don Bosco College, Inc., Newton (—;

P.; men; He; ks). Pres.—Enea M. Tozzi. Dean—Patrick O’Leary. Treas.—Joseph Stella. Reg.—Bernard S. Justen. Lib.—Henry Sarnowski.

Drew University, Madison (M.; Meth.; coed.; IVj; 634).

Pres.—Fred G. Holloway. Bus. off.—Noel E. Bensinger. Reg.—F. Taylor Jones. Lib.—Edward L. Fortney.

Brothers College—Raymond A. Withey.

*Theology—Clarence T. Craig. Fairleigh Dickinson College, Ruther¬

ford (M.; P.; coed.; lie; 2,583). Pres.—Peter Sammartino. Dean—Ray A. Miller. Compt.—George Bainbridge. Admis.—William Kirscher. Lib.—Homer C. Newton.

Evening c o 11 e g e—William J. Fewkes.

Georgian Court College, Lakewood (M.; R. C.; wo.; He; 220).

Pres.-treas.—Sister Marie Anna Cal¬ lahan.

Dean—Sister M. Giovanni McDon¬ ough.

Reg.—Sister M. Incarnata Smith. Lib.—Sister M. Patrice Farley. Chief personnel off.—Sister M. Gio¬

vanni McDonough. Summer session—Sister M. Gio¬

vanni McDonough. Immaculate Conception Junior Col¬

lege, Lodi (—; R. C.; wo.; le ; 39). Pres.—Mother Mary Clara. Dean-reg.—Sister Mary Simplicia. Bursar—Sister Mary Columba. Lib.—Sister Mary Gaudentia.

Summer session—Sister Mary Sim¬ plicia.

Immaculate Conception Seminary, Darlington (—; R. C.; men; Hb; 261).

Rector—Thomas H. Powers. Dir. of studies—John F. O’Brien. Procurator—Thomas J. Carey. Lib.—George W. Shea. Dean of men—William F. Hogan.

Institute for Advanced Study, The, Princeton (—; P.; coed.; V®).

Dir.—Robert Oppenheimer. Jersey City Junior College, 60 Crescent

Ave., Jersey City (M.; dist.; coed.; Ic; 525).

Pres.—Frank J. McMackin. Dean—Francis Pristera. Bus. off.—John J. Quinn. Reg.—Frances L. Wilson. Lib.—Russell E. Davis. Dir. of guid.—Ernest L. Cox.

Maryknoll Junior College, Lakewood (—; R. C.; men; Ib ; 114).

Rector—Joseph P. Meaney. Dean—Charles Cappel. Bus. off.—John Smith. Admis. off.—William North. Lib.—Daniel Doherty.

Summer session—.Joseph Meaney. JMonmouth Junior College, Long Branch

(M.; dist.; coed.; Ic; 481). Dean—Edward G. Schlaefer. Bursar—John R. Disbrow. Reg.—Ruth E. Nebel. Lib.—Janet E. Hamilton. Dir. of student iDersonnel—Albert T.

Ball. New Brunswick Theological Seminary,

New Brunswick (* ; Ref.; men; Ilg; 58).

Pres.—Joseph R. Sizoo. Reg.—Hugh B. MacLeau. Lib.—Margaret Wilson. Dean of men—John W. Beardslee, Jr.

New Jersey College for Women. See Rutgers University.

New Jersey State Teachers College, Glassboro (*; St.; coed.; Hid; 508).

Pres.—Thomas Robinson. Bus. mgr.—Russell Berryann. Reg.—Grace Bagg. Lib.—Dorothy Hammond. Dean of men—Samuel Witchell. Dean of wo.—Evelyn Reade.

Summer session—Thomas Robin¬ son.

New Jersey State Teachers College, Jersey City 5 (*; St.; coed.; Hd; 465).

Pres.—Forrest A. Irwin. Dean of instr.—Michael B. Gilligan. Asst, to pres. (bus. affairs)—Donald

O. Thomas. Reg.—Ruth C. Alexander. Lib.—James W. Pugsley. Dean of men—Leslie A. Fries. Dean of wo.—Emma Peirce.

Summer session—Forrest A. Irwin. New Jersey State Teachers College,

Newark 4 (*; St.; coed.; Hid; 707).

Pres.—Eugene G. Wilkins. Dean of instr.—^Alton D. O’Brien. Bus. mgr.—James S. Korley.

* Post-doctoral research.


Reg.—Vera F. Minkin. Lib.—Nancy Thompson. Dean of students—Harriet E. Whit¬

man. Summer session—Alton D. O’Brien.

New Jersey State Teachers College, P. O. Box 2259, Paterson 22 (*; St.; coed.; Ild; 894).

Pres.—Clair S. Wightman. Dean of instr.—Kenneth B. White. Bus. mgr.—Frank J. Zanfino. Lib.—Juliette A. Trainor.

New Jersey State Teachers College, Trenton 5 (M., * ; St.; coed.; Illd; 1,028).

Pres.—Roscoe L. West. Bus. mgr.—John S. Quimby. Reg.—Mrs. Lulu C. Haskell. Lib.—Mary V. Gaver. Dean of men—William Hausdoerffer. Dean of wo.—Vernetta F. Decker.

Summer session—Roscoe L. West. New Jersey State Teachers College,

Upper Montclair (M., St.; coed.; Illd; 1,520).

Pres.—E. D. Partridge. Dean of instr.—Clyde M. Huber. Bus. mgr.—Bernard Siegel. Reg.—Morris Seibert. Lib.—Anne B. Cridlebaugh. Dean of men—Henry E. Schmidt. Dean of wo.—Margaret A. Sherwin.

Summer session—E lizabeth S. Favor.

Newark College of Engineering, New¬ ark 2 (*, M.; St. and C.; coed.; Illg; 2,659).

Pres.—Robert W. Van Houten. Dean of admin.—William Hazell, Jr. Cont.—J. Wilson Pennington. Reg.—E. Alice Hickey. Lib.—Ira A. Tumbleson. Dean of students—Frank A. Gram-

mer. Graduate—Irving P. Orens. Summer session—David H. Mang-

nall. Panzer College of Physical Education

and Hygiene, East Orange (—; P.; coed.; Ild; 167).

Pres.—Margaret C. Brown. Dean—Peter P. Stapay. Reg.—Hazel M. Wacker. Lib.—Thelma E. Reid.

Princeton Theological Seminary, Princeton (* ; Presb.; coed.; IVh ; 426).

Pres.—John A. Mackay. Dean—Edward Howell Roberts. Bus. off.—George W. Loos. Reg.—Edna Hatfield. Lib.—Kenneth S. Gapp.

Princeton University, Princeton (M.; P.; men; IVk; 3,527).

Pres.—Harold Willis Dodds. Dean of faculty—J. Douglas Brown. Vice pres.-treas.—George A. Brakeley. Reg.—Howard W. Stepp.

Lib.—Julian P. Boyd. College—F. R. B. Godolphin.

*Architecture—Robert W. McLaugh¬ lin, Jr.

^Engineering—Kenneth H. Condit. Public affairs—Dana G. MunrO. Graduate—Hugh S. Taylor.

Rider College, Trenton 9 (—; P.; coed.; Ilh; 2,020).

Pres.—Franklin F. Moore. Dean of faculty—Leonard A. Olson. Treas.—:Bernice A. Gee. Reg.—R. Craig Fabian. Lib.—Gladys A. Lober. Dean of men—Robert A. McBane. Dean of wo.—Edith G. Wright.

Rutgers University, New Brunswick (M.; St. and P.; men, wo.; IVk; 7,032).

Pres.—Lewis Webster Jones. Prov.—Mason W. Gross. Dean of univ.—Albert E. Meder, Jr. Compt.—Albert S. Johnson. Reg.—Luther H. Martin. Dir. of admis.—George A. Kramer. Lib.—Donald F. Cameron. Dean of men—Cornelius B. Boocock. New Brunswick Campus:

Arts and sciences (men)—Harry Goddard Owen.

*Education—James Donald Neill, acting.

Agriculture—^William H. Martin. ^Engineering—Elmer C. Easton. Ceramics—John H. Koenig.

* Chemistry—P. A. van der Meulen. * Journalism—Frederic E. Merwin. Univ. college—Ernest E. McMahon. Graduate—Walter C. Russell. New Jersey College for Women

(M.)—Margaret T. Corwin. Camden Campus:

College of South Jersey—W. Lay- ton Hall.

Newark Campus (The Newark Col¬ leges) :

Dir of admis.—Agnes D. Watt. Dean of students—Edwin M. Du¬

rand. Arts and sciences—Herbert P.

Woodward. *Bus. admin.—George R. Esterly. *Law—Alfred C. Clapp. *Pharmacy—Roy A. Bowers.

St. Joseph’s College, Princeton (—; P.; men; Ib; 53).

Pres.—Daniel P. Munday. Dean—Michael V. Farren. Treas.—Paul F. Mottey. Reg.—Michael V. Farren. Lib.—Janies R. King. Dean of men—William Casey.

St. Peter’s College of Arts and Sciences and Business Administration, Jer¬ sey City (M.; R. C.; men; Ilj; 1,575).

Pres.—James J. Shanahan. Dean—Edward F. Clark.


Dean (bus. adm.)—Arthur A. Clarke. Bus. off.—James P. Sweeney. Reg.—Kenneth J. Dwyer. Lib.—Joseph F. Cantillon. Dean of men—Francis A. Donelan.

Seton Hall University, South Orange (M.; R. C.; men, wo; Hie; 6,577).

Pres.—.John L. McNulty. Exec, vice pres.—John J. Feeley. Vice pres. (bus. affairs)—John F.

Davis. Vice pres, (personnel services)—Al¬

fred D. Donovan. Vice pres, (instr.)—William H. Con¬

ley. Lib.—Charles B. Murphy.

Education—Joseph M. Connors. Business—Austin S. Murphy. Liberal arts and sciences—Thomas

W. Cunningham. JLaw—Miriam Theresa Rooney. Divinity—William F. Furlong.

*Nursing—Margaret C. Haley. Graduate—Daniel A. Murphy. Summer session—Thomas W. Cun¬

ningham. Stevens Institute of Technology, Ho¬

boken (*eng., M.; P.; men; IVg; 1,815).

Pres.—.less H. Davis. Dean—Waldo Shumway. Bus. mgr.—Frank Q. Lane. Exec, sec.-dir. of admis.—Nichol H,

Memory. Lib.—Frances I. Duck.

Summer session—Gustav G. Frey- gang. ^

Trenton Junior College, Trenton 8 (—; St. and C.; coed.; Ic; 123).

Pres.—Henry J. Parcinski. Bus. mgr.—George H. Grover. Reg.—Janet S. Trembath. Lib.—Harold W. Thompson, Jr.

Union Junior College, Cranford (—; P.; coed.; Ic; 535).

Pres.—Kenneth Campbell MjicKay. Bursar—George Heimer. Reg.—Dorothea Wiersma. Lib.—Suzanna Peirce Zwemer.

Upsala College, East Orange (M.; Luth.; coed.; Hb; 1,572).

Pres.—Evald B. Lawson. Dean—Carl G. Fjellman, acting. Compt.—E. Wilmer Nelson. Reg.-dir. of admis.—Gunnar P. Carl¬

son. Lib.—Miriam Grosh. Dean of students—N. A. Nilson.

Summer session—Carl G. Fjellman. Villa Walsh Junior College, Morris¬

town (—; P.; wo.; Id; 18). Pres.—Mother Ninetta lonata. Dean—Sister Violetta Florio. Treas.—Sister Angelina Rubertone. Reg.—Sister Katherine Jonata. Uib.—Sister Mary Megaro.

Summer session—Sister Violetta Florio.

Westminster Choir College, Princeton (*; P.; coed.; Illg; 286).

Pres.—John Finley Williamson. Dean—Rhea B. Williamson. Cont.—James T. Richmond. Lib.—Diane M. Lee.


College of St. Joseph on the Rio Grande, Box 604, Albuquerque (—; R. C.; coed.; Ilf; 520).

Chanc.—Edwin V. Byrne. Pres.—Mother M. Basilia Kugler. Dean—Sister M. Richardis. Bursar—Sister M. Theresa. Reg.—Sister M. Catherine Ann. Lib.—Kathleen Blakey.

Eastern New Mexico University, Por- tales (N.; St.; coed.; Illf; 795).

Pres.—Floyd D. Golden. Dean—Martin L. Cole. Bus. mgr.—A. E. Hunt. Reg.—Ruth Ann Wheeler. Ldb.—James P. Dyke. Dean of personnel—Jack W, Mears.

Graduate—Martin L. Cole. Summer session—Martin L. Cole.

New Mexico College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts, State College (N.; St.; coed.; Illj; 1,303).

Pres.—J. W. Branson. Dean-. Compt.—W. F. Wyman. Reg.—Era H. Rentfrow. Lib.—Chester H. Linscheid. Dean of students—J. B. Munson.

Arts and sciences—^Alvin D. Bos¬ ton.

Agriculture—Robert A. Nichols. *Engineering—M. A. Thomas. Summer session—J. W. Branson.

New Mexico Highlands University, Las Vegas (tN., *ed.; St.; coed.; Ille; 687).

Pres.—Thomas C. Donnelly. Dean—Quincy Guy Burris. Compt.—James E. Connor. Reg.—C. H. Robinson. Lib.—J. Vivian Hedgcock. Dean of wo.—Anna Y. Martin.

Summer session—Quincy Guy Bur¬ ris.

New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology, Socorro (N.; St.; coed.; Illg; 155).

Pres.—E, J. Workman. Dir.—Win. Hume, II. Compt.—F. R. Sweet. Reg.—Arthur P. Stanton. Lib.—W. Martin Speare.

New Mexico Military Institute, Ros¬ well (N.; St.; men; lie; 258).

Supt.—Chas. F Ward. Dean—J. R. Kelly. Adjutant—C. J. Rohr. Lib.—Mrs. Dollis H. Stephens.


New Mexico Western College, Silver City (*ed., N.; St; coed.; Illf; 552).

Pres.—J. Cloyd Miller. Dean—^Arthur L. Bach. Bursar—Richard Grandi. Reg.—Donald Overturf. Lib.—Edward Werner. Dean of personnel—Nanette M.

Ashby. Summer session—H addon W.

James. St. Michael’s College, Santa Fe (—;

R. C.; men ; lie ; 241). Pres.—Bro. Benildus. Dean-reg.—Bro. August Raymond. Treas.—Bro. A. Alfred. Lib.—Bro. Brendam Gabriel. Dean of men—Bro. A, Daniel.

Summer session—Bro. August Ray¬ mond.

University of New Mexico, Albuquer¬ que (N.; St; coed.; IVk ; 3,804).

Pres.—Tom L. Popejoy. Academic vice pres.—France V.

Scholes. Compt.—Richard E. Strahlem. Admis. off.—J. C. MacGregor. Lib.—David Otis Kelley. Dir. of student affairs—Sherman E.

Smith. Arts and sciences-.

^Education—S. P. Nanninga. ^Engineering—M. E, Farris. Fine arts—J. D. Robb.

^Pharmacy—E. L. Cataline. $Law—A. L. Gausewitz. Business admin.—V. G. Sorrell. General college-. Graduate—E. F. Castetter. Summer session—^W. H. Ivins.


Academy of Aeronautics, Inc., La- Guardia Airport, New York (*tech.; Pr.; men ; la ; 750).

Pres.—C. S. Jones. Sec.-treas.—George A. Vaughn. Lib.—Walter M. Hartung.

Adelphi College, Garden City (M.; P.; coed.; Ille; 2,046).

Pres.—Paul Dawson Eddy. Dean—Francis Ballaine. Bus. mgr.—Wolcott A. Hokanson, Jr. Reg.—Rosemary Feeney. Lib.—D. Nora Gallagher. Dir. student personnel—Curtis H.

Moore. ^Nursing—Margaret T. Shay. * Social work—Alexander F. Handel. Graduate—Mary McGrillies. Evening and summer sessions—

Kenneth Jones. Agricultural and Technical Institute.

See State University of New York. Alfred University, Alfred (M.; St. and

P.; coed.; Illj; 882).

Pres.—M. Ellis Drake. Bus. off.—Edward K. Lebohner. Reg.—Clifford M. Potter. Lib.—C. M. Mitchell. Dean of men—Fred W. Gertz. Dean of wo.—Cecile Arpin Beeman.

Liberal arts—Harold O. Burdick. Theology—A. J. 0. Bond. Graduate—Joseph Seidlin. Summer session—Harold O. Bur¬

dick. Ann-Reno Institute, 32 West 86th St.,

New York 24 (—; P.; wo.; Vd;" 94).

Dean—Margaret M. Wagner. Exec. sec.—Wm. F. Wagner. Lib.—Marie H. Brown.

Asia Institute, The, 13 East 67th St., New York 21 (—; P.; coed.; Illb ; 96).

Chmn.—C. Suydam Cutting. Chanc.—Arthur Upham Pope. Bus. mgr.—Jerome J. Kern. Reg.—Mary Bastone. Lib.—Herbert James Schwarz, Jr.

Auburn Theological Seminary, New York. In association with Union Theological Seminary (—; P.; coed.; IVg).

Pres.—Henry P. Van Dusen. Dean—Charles E. Mathews. Treas.—Harris B. Stewart. Lib.—Robert Beach.

Bank Street College of Education, 69 Bank St., New York 14 (—; P.; coed.; Illd; 313).

Chmn.—Eleanor Hogan. Admis.—Sheila S. Emerson. Lib.—Virginia Schonborg.

Baptist Bible Seminary, Inc., Johnson City (—; Bapt.; coed.; Ic ; 6).

Pres.—Paul R. Jackson. Dean—John R. Dunkin. Reg.—Mead C. Armstrong. Lib.—Miriam Waggoner. Dean of wo.—Mabel J. Thomson.

Bard College, Annandale-on-Hudson (M.; P.; coed.; Ilb; 262).

Pres.—James H. Case, Jr. Bursar-bus. mgr.—Ernest Hayes. Reg.—Elsie L. Quinn. Lib.—Felix E. Hirsch.

Summer session—O. W. Robinson. Barnard College. See Columbia Uni¬

versity. Bennett Junior College, Millbrook (M.;

P.; wo.; Ic; 206). Pres.—Courtney Carroll.

Biblical Seminary in New York, 235 E. 49th St., New York 17 (—; inter- denom.; coed.; IVh ; 177).

Pres.—Dean Greer McKee. Dean—Alvin A. Ahern. Bus. mgr.—Merwin F. Jones. Reg.—Helen L. Garber. Lib.—Ruth H. Whitford.

9 4 years beyond 12th grade, but non-de¬ gree-granting.


Briarcliflf Junior College, Briarcliff Manor (M.; P.; wo.; Ic ; 221).

Pres.—Mrs. Clara M. Tead. Exec, dean—Helen Probasco. Academic dean—Robert E. Powers. Bursar—Natalia Stern. Admis. off.—Phillis Holmes. Lib.—Catherine Cardew. Dir. of residence—Doris Thomas.

Brooklyn College,“ Brooklyn 10 (♦ed., M.; C.; coed.; Illf ; 16,344).

Pres.—Harry D. Gideonse. Dean of faculty—William R. Gaede. Dean of admis.—Thomas E. Coulton. Bus. mgr.—Arthur J. Hillary. Dean of students—Frederick W. Ma-

roney. Dean of students-dir. of admis.—

Adele Bildersee. Reg.—Samuel N. Kagen. Lib.—Humphrey G. Bousfield.

Graduate—Carleton Washburne. General studies—Edwin H. Speng-

ler. Summer session—Edwin H. Spong¬

ier. Brooklyn College of Pharmacy. See

Long Island University. Brooklyn Law School, 375 Pearl St.,

Brooklyn 1 (*; P.; coed.; HIg; 2,083).

Dean—William B. Carswell. Bursar—Kathryn M. Magrena.

Canisius College, Buffalo 8 (M.; R. C.; coed.; Hie; 2,503).

Pres.—Philip E. Dobson. Dean—Thomas J. Kent. Bursar—A. I. DeMaria. Reg.—Daniel T. Bagen. Lib.—Andrew L. Bouwhuis.

Graduate—Philip B. Carroll. Evening and summer sessions—

John B. Morris. Cathedral College of the Immaculate

Conception, Brooklyn (—; R. O.; men; Ilb; 157).

Pres.—Charles R. Mulrooney. Dean—Francis M. Tyrell. Lib.—Anthony M. McDonnell.

Cazenovia Junior College, Cazenovia (—; P.; wo.; Ic; 151).

Pres.—Isabel D. Phisterer. Dean—Mrs. Harriet P. Cook. Bus. off.—Glenn Jarram. Admis. off.—Clarence A. Heagle. Lib.—Olive L. Carter. Social dir.—Elizabeth Coleman.

Champlain College. See State Uni¬ versity of New York.

Child Education Foundation, New York (—; P.; wo.; Vd ; ® €0).

Pres.—Paxton Blair. Dir.—Anna Eve McLin.

® 4 years beyond 12th grade, but non-de¬ gree-granting.

City College of the City of New York,^® New^ York 31 (M.; C.; men, wo.; Illk; 31,562).

Pres.—Buell G. Gallagher. Dean of admin.—Leslie W. Engler. Bus. mgr.—Walter Stalb. Reg.—Robert L. Taylor. Lib.—Jerome K. Wilcox. Dean of students—Daniel F. Brophy.

Arts and sciences (coed.)—Morton Gottschall.

*Education (coed.)—Egbert M. Tur¬ ner.

*Engineering (coed.)—^William Allan.

*Bus. and civic admin, (coed.) — Thomas L. Norton.

Evening session—Bernard Levy ; Robert A. Love.

Summer session—Frederick C. Shipley.

Clarkson College of Technology, Pots¬ dam (*eng., M.; P.; men; Illg; 1,102).

Pres.—Wm. G. VanNote. Dean of college—William J. Far-

risee. Dean of faculty—Lowell W. Herron. Bus. mgr.-treas.—Donald F. Mc¬

Intyre. Reg.—F. A. Rarasdell. Lib.—Charles Penrose. Dean of men—William J. Farrissee.

Graduate—Lynn L. Merrill. Colgate University, Hamilton (M.;

P.; men; Ille; 1,318). Pres.—Everett Needham Case. Dean of faculty—Sidney J. French. Dean of the college—Carl Alfred

Kallgren. Dir. of admis.—William F. Griffith. Treas.-bus. mgr.—John W. S. Little¬

field. Bursar—John B. Dunn. Reg.—William J. Everts. Lib.—Thomas M. liams.

Colgate-Rochester Divinity School, Rochester 20 (*theol.; Bapt.; coed.; Ilg; 140).

Pres.—Wilbour Eddy Saunders. Dean-personnel off.—Oren H. Baker. Treas.—Frederick A. Piotrow. Reg.—Ethel B. Pearson. Lib.—Theodore L. Trost.

College of Agriculture. See State Uni¬ versity of New York.

College of Ceramics. See State Uni¬ versity of New Y^ork.

College of Forestry. See State Uni¬ versity of New York.

College of Home Economics. See State University of New York.

10 The College of the City of New York is the legal title of the four municipal colleges operated by the Board of Higher Education of New York City. Mrs. Pearl Max is ad¬ ministrator of the board ; address, 695 Park Avenue, New York 21, N. Y.


College of Medicine. See State Uni¬ versity of New York.

College of Mount St. Vincent, New York 71 (M.; R. C.; wo.; lib; 449).

Pres.—Francis Cardinal Spellman. Dean—Sister Catharine Marie. Reg.—Sister Miriam Rose. Lib.—Sister Marion Josephine. Dean of wo.—Sister Miriam Columba.

Slimmer session—Sister Maria Loyola.

College of New Rochelle, New Rochelle (M.; R. C.; wo.; He; 743).

Pres.—Mother Dorothea Dunkerley. Dean—Mother Mary Peter Carthy. Bus. off.—Mother Scholastica Quinn. Reg.—Mother Paula Bero. Lib.—Mother Marguerite Shanahan.

College of St. Rose, Albany 3 (M.; R. C.; wo.; Hie; 720).

Pres.—Sister Rose of Lima. Dean—Sister Helen Patricia. Treas.—Sister Catherine Francis. Reg.—Sister Therese. Lib.—Sister Anna Clare. Dean of students—Sister Mary

Eugenia. Graduate—Sister Benita. Summer session—Sister Rose of

Lima. Colleges of the Seneca, The: Hobart

and William Smith Colleges, Ge¬ neva (M.; P.; men, wo.; Hie ; 875).

Pres.—Alan Willard Brown. Prov.—Walter H. Durfee. Deans:

Hobart College (men)—Seymour B. Dunn.

William Smith College (wo.) — Mrs. Raymond D. Heath.

Treas.—Horace Newton Hubbs. Reg.—Hobart College—Elizabeth R.

Durfee. Rec.—William Smith College—Suz¬

anne M. Bolton, acting. Dir. of admis.—Hobart College—

John S. Witte. Dir. of admis.—William Smith Col¬

lege—Mrs. Guy S. Greene. Lib.—Elizabeth Thalman.

Summer session—Otto E. Schoen- Rene.

Columbia University, New York 27 (M.; P.; coed.; IVk; 27, 278).

Pres.-. Vice pres.-prov.—Grayson Kirk. Treas.—Joseph Campbell. Sec.—Richard Herpers. Reg.—John M. Mullins. Univ. admis.—Frederick E. Croxton. Dir. of lib.—Carl M. White. Dean of univ. wo.—Margaret Picket.

Arts and sciences: Columbia College (men)—Law¬

rence H. Chamberlain. Barnard College—(M.; wo.) —

Millicent 0. McIntosh.

Gen. studies—Louis M. Hacker. *Law—William C. Warren, acting. *Medicine—Willard C. Rappleye. *Dentistry—Willard C. Rappleye. ^Pharmacy—Elliott E. Leuallen. ^Public health—-Harold W. Brown,

acting. ^Teachers College—William F. Rus¬

sell. ^Architecture—Leopold Arnaud. *Engineering—John R. Dunning. *Business—Philip Young. *Library service—Carl M. White. ^Journalism—Carl W. Ackerman. *New York School of Social Work—

Kenneth D. Johnson. Graduate faculties—John A. Krout. Summer session—Thomas C. Izard.

Concordia Collegiate Institute, Bronx- ville (M.; Luth.; coed.; Ic; 108).

Pres.—Albert E. Meyer. Dean—T. W. Hausmann. Reg.—Theo. W. Hausmann. Lib.—Orma Milbrath. Dean of wo.—Mrs. Esther P. Hen¬

dricks. Cooper, Union, New York 3 (M.; P.;

coed.; Hg; 1,302). Pres.—Edwin S. Burdell. Bus. off.—Elizabeth J. Carbon. Admis.—^Walter S. Watson. Reg.—Mrs. Geo. P. Bateman. Lib.—David K. Berninghausen.

*Engineering—Norman L. Towle. Art—Dana P. Vaughan.

Cornell University, Ithaca (M.; St. and P.; coed.; IVk; 9,926).

Pres.—Deane W. Malott. Vice pres, (bus.)—John Burton. Treas.—L. H. Durland. Dean of faculty—William H. Farn-

ham. Reg.—Eugene F. Bradford. Dir. of admis.—H. H. Williams. Lib.—Stephen A. McCarthy. Dean of men—F. C. Baldwin. Dean of wo.—Dorothy V. N. Brooks.

Arts and sciences—Paul M. O’¬ Leary.

Education—A. L. Winsor. *Law—R. S. Stevens. *Medicine (New York)—J. E. Hin-

sey. *Nursing (New York)—Virginia M.

Dunbar. Nutrition—Leonard A. Maynard.

*Engineering—S. C. Hollister. *Architecture—T. W. Mackesey. Home economics—Elizabeth Lee

Vincent. *Bus. and public admin.—Melvin G.

de Chazeau, acting. Graduate—C. W. Jones. Summer session—F. H. Stutz.

D’Youville College, Buffalo 1 (M.; R. C.; wo.; He; 431).

Pres.—Sister Margaret of the Sacred Heart.


Dean—Sister Catherine of Siena. Reg.—Sister Alice of the Sacred

Heart. Lib.—Sister St. Ruth.

Eastman Dental Dispensary and School for Dental Hygienists, Rochester (—; P.; wo.; la; 75).

Dir.—Basil G. Bibby. Prill.—Ruth Vann. Treas.—Charles P. Schlegel. Sec.—Milton K. Robinson. Reg.—Sara J. Quigley.

Elmira College, Elmira (M.; P.; wo.; He; 283).

Pres.—Lewis Eldred. Dean—Louise T. Paine. Compt.—Erwin A. Fitch. Dir. of admis.—Elwin R. Brown. Reg.—Mrs. Susan H. Mangan. Lib.—Anne Morse.

Fashion Institute of Technology, 225 West 24 Street, New York 11 (—; C. and P.; coed.; la; 35G).

Pres.—Mortimer C. Ritter. Dean—Rosalind Snyder. Reg.—Marion Brandriss. Lib.—Lucy R. Eddy. Adviser of student organization—

Mary W. Jones. Finch College, New York 21 (M.; P.;

wo.; Ic; 195). Pres.—Roland R. De Marco. Dean—Mary Houston Davis. Bursar—Harriet H. Ogsbury. Reg.—Mrs. Wm. Post, Jr. Lib.—Dorothy Staples.

Fordham University, New York 58 (M.; R. C.; men; IVk; 8,876).

Pres.—Laurence J. McGinley. Vice pres.—Charles J. Deane. Treas.—William G. Griffith. Lib.—Joseph T. Hart.

Arts and sciences—Thurston N. Davis.

*Law (coed.)—Ignatius M. Wilkin¬ son.

♦Pharmacy (coed.)—James H. Kid¬ der.

Education (coed.)—Francis M. Crowley.

♦Business—Michael F. McPhelin. ♦Social service (coed.)—Anna E.

King. Adult education (coed.)—John W.

Kelly. Graduate (coed.)—Edwin A. Quain, Summer session (coed.)—John J.

Hooper. General Theological Seminary, New

York 11 (♦ ; P. E.; men ; IVg; 20:i). Dean—Lawrence Rose. Bus. off.—John D. Plant. Reg.—Frank Strup. Lib.—Niels H. Sonne.

Good Counsel College, White Plains (M.; R. C.; wo.; Ilb ; 250).

Pres.—Mother M. Dolores. Dean—Sister M. Cyril. Treas.—Sister M. Anselm. Reg.—Sister IM. Ambrose. Lib.—Sister M. de Sales.

Hamilton College, Clinton (M.; P.; men; Ilb ; 560).

Pres.—Robert Ward IMcEwen. Cont.—Thomas B. Rudd. Dean—Winton Tolies. Sec.—Wallace B. Johnson. Sec. of admis.—Sidney Bennett. Lib.—Walter Pilkington.

Harpur College. See State University of New York.

Hartwick College, Oneonta (M.; Luth.; coed.; Ilj; 370).

Pres.—Henry J. Arnold. Dean—Wallace R. Klinger. Bus. mgr.—Norman E. Roper. Reg.—Miss F. Aurill Bishop. Dean of men—Charles R. Eisenhart. Dean of wo.—Mrs. Nan Bolton.

Nursing—Edith M. Lacey. Summer session—Wallace R. Klin¬

ger. Hobart College. See Colleges of the

Seneca, The. Hofstra College, Hempstead, Long Is¬

land (M.; P.; coed.; Illf ; 3,948). Pres.—John Cranford Adams. Dean of faculty—Marcus C. Old. Bursar—H. William Kiife. Dean of admis.—E. Trudeau Thomas. Reg.—Charles J. Meixel. Lib.—Elizabeth Seanor. Dean of students—John M. Watts.

Graduate—Raymond W. Short. Summer session—Marcus C. Old.

Holy Cross Preparatory Seminary, Dunkirk (—; R. C.; men; Ib ; 47).

Pres.—Carrol Ring. Dean-reg.—Christopher Collins. Bus. off.—Rupert Langenstein. Lib.—Emmanuel Gardon. Dean of men—Cletus Dawson.

Holy Trinity Orthodox Seminary, Jor- danville (—; Russian Orthodox; men ; Ilg; 25).

Rector—Archmandrite Averky Tau- cheff.

Dean of men—Nickolas Alexander. Treas.—Anthony Yamschikoff. Reg.—Abbot Konstantin Zaitzeff. Lib.—Myron Gorchukoff.

Houghton College, Houghton (M.; Wes. Meth.; coed.; He ; 615).

Pres.—Stephen W. Paine. Dean—Arthur W. Lynip. Treas.-bus. mgr.—Willard G. Smith. Reg.—Rachel Davison. Lib.—Esther Jane Carrier. Dean of men—Henry Brandt. Dean of wo.—Viola Blake.

Summer session—Arthur W. Lynip.


Hunter College of the City of New YorV° New York 21 (*ed., M.; C.; coed.; Ille; 11,272).

Pres.—George N. Shuster. Dean of admin.—John J. Meng. Dean of faculty—Eleanor H. Grady. Bursar-bus. mgr.—Carl V. Noll. Reg.—Mrs. Mary B. J. Lehn. Lib.—Frederic W. Stewart. Deans of students—Anna G. Anthony,

Harry L. Levy, Anna M. Trinsey. Gen. studies and summer sessions—

A. Broderick Cohen. Institute of Agriculture and Home Eco¬

nomics. See State University of New York.

Institute of Applied Arts and Sciences. See State University of New York.

Iona College, New Rochelle (M.; R. 0.; men; He; 1,193).

Pres.—Arthur A. Loftus. Dean of studies—Hugh P. Tarrant. Treas.—^Arthur L. McAleer. Reg.—John J. Elins. Lib.—Alexander F. Thomas. Student couns.—James C. Bates.

Summer session—Hugh P. Tar¬ rant.

Ithaca College, Ithaca (—; P.; coed.; Illf; 1,012).

Pres.—Leonard B. Job. Dean—Earl Clarke. Reg.—Florence M. Howland. Lib.—Sarah Osborne. Dean of wo.—Mrs. E. Gretchen

Taylor. Summer session-.

Jamestown Community College, James¬ town (—; St. and C.; coed.; Ic).

Pres.-dean (liberal arts)—Frederick deWolf Bolman, Jr.

Dean (tech.)—William H. Schlifke. Treas.—Cornell L. Beach. Lib.—Mrs. Mary B. Whitney.

Jewish Institute of Religion, 40 W. 68th St., New York. See Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Re¬ ligion, Cincinnati, Ohio.

Jewish Theological Seminary of Amer¬ ica, Broadway and 122d St., New York 27 (—; Jewish; men; IVg; 389).

Chanc.-pres.—Louis Finkelstein. Prov.—Moshe Davis. Reg.—Marvin S. Wiener. Lib.—Gerson Cohen.

Rabbinical school—Bernard Man- delbaum.

Teachers institute—Judah Goldin. Graduate—Saul Lieberman.

Juilliard School of Music, 120 Clare¬ mont Ave., New York 27 (*; P.; coed.; Illg; 751).

10 The College of the City of New York is the legal title of the four municipal colleges operated by the Board of Higher Education of New York City. Mrs. Pearl Max is ad¬ ministrator of the board ; address, 695 Park Avenue, New York 21, N. Y.

Pres.—William Schuman. Dean—Mark Schubart. Compt.—William J. Bergold. Reg.—Judson Ehrbar. Lib.—Isabel Marting. Dir. of personnel—Mary Davis.

Summer session—Robert Huf- stader.

Junior College of the Packer Collegiate Institute, Brooklyn 2 (M.; P.; wo.; Ic; 58).

Pres.—Paul D. Shafer. Bursar—Marguerite D. Stellges. Reg.—Elizabeth C. Johnson. Lib.—Grace H. Hilderbrand. Dean of students—Lorna R. Lash.

Keuka College, Keuka Park (M.; Bapt.; wo.; Ilf; 385).

Pres.—Katherine Gillette Blyley. Dean—Louise Robinson Heath. Bus. mgr.—Harold F. Archibald. Reg.—Helen M. Space. Lib.—Frances Wilkins.

Ladycliff College, Highland Falls (—; P.; wo.; He; 123).

Pres.—Sister M. Jane Thomas. Dean—Sister Margaret Mary. Reg.—Sister Miriam. Lib.—Sister Marietta.

LeMoyne College, Syracuse 3 (—; R. C.; coed.; He; 1,813).

Pres.—William J. Schlaerth. Dean—Francis J. Fallon. Bus. off.—Francis J. Fingerhut. Reg.—Theodore G. Meyers. Admis. off.—Francis J. Fallon. Lib.—Theodore J. Cunnion. Chief personnel off.—Charles E. F.

Hoefner. Long Island University, Brooklyn (—;

P.; coed.; Illj ; 4,273). Pres.—William Marion Hudson, act¬

ing. Bursar—Mrs. Mary Lai. Reg.—Mrs. Eleanor Roth. Lib.—Nathan Resnick. Dir. of students—Bertram G. Knoles.

Arts and sciences—William Marion Hudson.

*Brooklyn College of Pharmacy— Hugo H. Schaefer.

*The First Institute of Podiatry— Maurice J. Lewi.

Manhattan College, New York 71 (M.; R. C.; men; Illj; 2,090).

Pres.—Bro. Bonaventure Thomas. Dean—Bro. A. Potomian. Bus. mgr.—Bro. Charles Austin. Reg.—Bro. Alban. Lib.—Bro. A. Thomas. Student i)ersonnel services—John A.

Cossa. Arts and sciences—Bro. Gregory. Bus. admin.—James L. Fitzgerald.

♦Engineering—Bro. A. Leo. Graduate—Bro. Alban.


Manhattan School of Music, 238 East 105th St, New York 29 (*; P.; coed.; Illh ; 455).

Dir.—Janet D. Schenck. Dean-dean of students—Josephine

Whitford. Finan. sec.—Shirley Wigren. Reg.—Lacey Hall. Lib.—Harold C. Whitford.

Summer session—Darrell Peter. Manhattanville College of the Sacred

Heart, Purchase (M.; R. C.; wo.; Ilb; 568).

Pres.—Mother Eleanor M. O’Byrne. Dean—Mother Florence Weston. Treas.—Mother A. Cronin. Reg.—Mother G. V. Brady. Lib.—Mother G. L. Buck. *Music—Mother J. Morgan. Summer session (music)—Mother

J. Morgan. Marian College, Poughkeepsie (—; R.

C.; men ; He ; 135). Pres.—Bro. Thomas Austin. Dean—Bro. Paul Ambrose. Reg.—Bro. John Malachy. Lib.—Bro. Arthur Xavier.

Maritime College. See State Uni¬ versity of New York.

Maryknoll Seminary, Maryknoll (—; R. C.; men; Illb; 202).

Pres.—John W. Comber. Dean—John J. Rudin. Treas.—Edward J. Manning. Admis. off.—John W. Comber. Lib.—J. Leo Davis.

Maryknoll Teachers College, Maryknoll (M.; P.; wo.; Ild; 141).

Pres.—Mother INIary Joseph Rogers. Dean—Sister Mary Coleman. Treas.—Sister Mary Annette Kelley. Reg.—Sister Teresa Marie Viveiros. Lib.—Sister Victoria Marie Lipetsky.

Marymount College, Tarry town (M.; R. C.; wo.; He; 497).

Pres.—Mother M. Th^rese Dalton. Dean—Mother M. du Sacre Coeur. Dean (New York)—Mother Rita. Bursar—Mother M. Walter. Reg.—Mother M. de Lourdes. Lib.—Mother M. Joseph.

Millard Fillmore College. See Univer¬ sity of Buffalo.

Mills College of Education, 66 Fifth Ave., New York 11 (—; P.; wo.; He; 143).

Pres.—Amy Hostler. Dean—Margaret Devine. Treas.—Donald F. Bush. Reg.—Dorothea Hubin. Lib.—Berta Sedgwick.

Missionary Training Institute, The, Nyack (*Bible; Chris, and Miss. Alliance; coed.; Ilg; 542).

Pres.—Thomas Moseley. Dean-reg.—Harold W. Boon. Treas.—Leland R. Harper. Lib.—Dorothy K. Spidell, acting.


Dean of men—James B. Harr. Dean of wo.—Laura J. Boyd,

Summer session—Harold M. Fre- ligh.

Mount St. Alphonsus Theological Semi¬ nary, Esopus (—; R. C.; men; Vg; 99).

Pres.—Michael A. Gearin. Bus. off.—Francis Newell. Reg.—Lawrence P. Everett. Lib.—Joseph Kerins. Chief personnel off.—Joseph Oberle.

iMount St. Joseph Teachers College, Agassiz Circle, Buffalo (M.; R. C.; wo.; Illd; 228).

Pres.—Mother Francis de Sales. Nazareth College, Rochester 18 (M.; R.

C.; wo.; Ille; 409). Pres.—Sister M. Helene. Dean—Sister Rose Angela. Bus, off.—Sister M. Gabriella. Reg.—Sister Marie Anne. Lib,—Sister M. Dominic.

Summer session—Sister Rose An¬ gela.

New School for Social Research, 66 W. 12th St, New York 11 (—; P.; coed.; IVj ; 1,047).

Pres.—Hans Simons. Vice-pres.—Clara W. Mayer. Treas.—Issai Hosiosky. Regs.—Mary Lynn and Charles God-

ley. Lib.—Esther Levine.

Grad, faculty of political and social science—Hans Neisser.

School of philosophy and liberal arts—Clara W. Mayer.

School of politics—Saul K. Padover. New York Medical College, Flower

and Fifth Avenue Hospitals, New York 29 (* ; P.; coed.; Illg; 501).

Pres.-dean—J. A. W. Hetrick. Rec.—Cassandra Yohannan. Bus. off,—Eugene J. Caton. Lib,—Maxine Ann Weiss.

New York School of Social Work. See Columbia University.

New York University, New York 3 (M.; P.; coed.; IVk; 45,186).

Chanc.—Henry Townley Heald. Exec, vice chanc.—David D. Henry. Vice chanc.-compt.—Le Roy E. Kim¬

ball. Vice chanc.-sec.—Harold O, Voorhis. Dean of admis.-reg.—Elwood C.

Kastner. Dir. of lib.—Ernest L. Hettich,

Arts and science (men)—William B. Baer.

Washington Square College of Arts and Science (coed.)—Thomas C. Pollock.

*Law—Russell D. Niles. ^Medicine—Currier McEwen.

^ Undergraduate; non-degree-granting.


JDentistry—Claus F. Hinck, Jr., acting.

*Ecliication—Ernest O. Melby. ^Engineering—Thorndike Saville. * Commerce—George R. Collins. Retailing—Charles M. Edwards. General ed.—Paul A. McGhee. Public service—William J. Ronan. Post-graduate medical school—

Robert Boggs. Graduate—Joseph H. Park.

Niagara University, Niagara Univer¬ sity (M.; R. C.; coed.; Illk ; 1,398).

Pres.—Francis L. Meade. Treas.—William J. Glavin. Reg.—Charles J. Edgette. Dir. of lib.—Bernard J. Dollen. Dean of men—Gerard G. Conroy.

Arts and sciences—Edward J. Kiernan.

Education—Mark J. Mullin. Bus. admin.—Charles J. Edgette.

*Nursing—Sister M. Eucharista. Seminary—Elmer G. Kieffer. Graduate—Mark J. Mullin. Summer session—^IMark J. Mullin.

Notre Dame College of Staten Island, Grymes Hill, Staten Island 1 (M.; R. C.; wo.: He; 249).

Pres.—Mother Saint Egbert, acting. Dean—Sister Saint Egbert. Reg.—Sister Saint Mary Caroline. Lib.—Sister Saint Veronica.

Orange County Community College, Middletown (—; co.; coed.; Ic; 250).

Pres.—Edwin H. Miner. Dean—Walter E. Sindlinger. Reg.—I. John Krepick.

Pace College, 225 Broadway, New York 7 (—; P.; coed.; IIj; 4,968).

Pres.—Robert S. Pace. Prov.—Edward J. Mortola. Treas.—Frederick M. Schaeberle. Dir. of admis.—Lynn H. Draper, act¬

ing. Lib.—Angela M. Glardina. Dir. of guid.—^Loren R. Graham.

Liberal arts—Adrian Rondileau. Bus. and accountancy practice—

Julius Yourman.

Packard Junior College, 253 Lexington Ave., New York 16 (—; P.; coed.; Ic).

Pres.—Louis A. Rice. Dean—Paul W. Allison. Treas.—George C. Taylor. Dir. of admis.—George H. Barrett. Reg.—Martina Lipps. Lib.—Mrs. Janet C. Fox.

Parsons School of Design, 136 E. 57th St., New York 22 (—; P.; coed.; Ilh; 624).

Pres.—Van Day Truex. Vice pres.—Geoffrey Gates.

Summer session—Elsie B. Barnes.

Paul Smith’s College of Arts and Sci¬ ences, Paul Smiths (—; P.; coed.; Ic; 145).

Pres.—Chester L. Buxton. Lib.—Geraldine Fawcett Collins.

Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn, Brooklyn (*eng., M.; P.; men; IVg; 6,064).

Pres.—Harry Stanley Rogers. Dean—Erich Hausmann. Bursar—J. M. Wulff. Reg.—George S. Eaton. Dean of men—Henry Q. Middendorf.

Graduate—Raymond E. Kirk. Evening session—C. E. Schaffner.

Pratt Institute, Brooklyn 5 (M.; P.; coed.; Illh; 1,562).

Pres.—Charles Pratt. Bus. mgr.—Stephen H. Millard. Reg.-dir. of admis.—Holman J. Swin-

ney. Lib.—Wayne Shirley. Dir. of student life—Margaret B.

Stephenson. Art—James C. Boudreau.

*Architecture—James C. Boudreau. Home economics—Florence S. Ta¬

bor. *Engineering—Nelson S. Hibshman. *Library science—Wayne Shirley. General studies—Robert C. Whit-

ford. Queens College of the City of New

York,"" Flushing 67, L. I. (*ed., M.; C.; coed.; Ille; 3,622).

Pres.—John J. Theobald. Dean—Margaret V. Kiely. Bus. mgr.—Thomas V. Garvey. Reg.—Howard A. Knag. Lib.—^IVIorris A. Gelfand.

RCA Institutes, Inc., 350 W. 4th St., New York 14 (*tech.; Pr.; coed.; la; 583).

Pres.—George L. Van Deusen. Vice pres.—George F. Maedel. Auditor—Selar L. Odell. Reg.—C. E. Tomson.

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy (*eng., arch., M.; P.; men; IVg; 3,273).

Pres.—Livingston W. Houston. Dean of faculty—Paul E. Hemke. Treas.—Howell A. Jones. Reg.—John A. Dunlop. Lib.—Edward A. Chapman. Dean of students—Richard A. Waite,

Jr. Graduate—Clayton O. Dohrenwend Summer session—John A. Dunlop.

Roberts Wesleyan College, North Chili (—; F. Meth.; coed.; Ilf; 266).

Pres.—Merlin G. Smith. Dean—Howard E. Updyke.

10 The College of the City of New York is the legal title of the four municipal colleges operated by the Board of Higher Education of New York City. Mrs. Pearl Max is ad¬ ministrator of the board; address, 695 Park Avenue, New York 21, N. Y.


Bus. mgr.—C. Alton Dailey. Reg.—Oscar C. Griswold. Lib.—Ora A. Sprague. Dean of students—James F. Gregoi-y.

Summer session—Howard E. Up- dyke.

Rochester Institute of Technology, 65 Plymouth Ave., S., Rochester 8 (*tech.; P.; coed.; Ig; 923).

Pres.—Mark Ellingson. Compt.—Frederick J. Kolb. Reg.—Alfred A. Johns. Lib.—Mrs. Marion Craig Steinmaim.

Rosary Hill College, 4380 Main St., Buffalo 21 (—; R. C.; wo.; Ilb).

Pres.—Mother M. Alphonse. Dean—Sister M. Georgia. Treas.—Sister M. Stefana. Reg.—Sister M. Innoceutia. Lib.—Sister Miriam.

Russell Sage College, Troy (M.; P.; wo.; Illk; 543).

Pres.—Lewis A. Froman. Dean—Doris L. Crockett. Bus. mgr.—P. W. Humphreys. Rec.—Priscilla Campbell. Dir. of admis.-. Lib.—Margaret Meyer. Dean of students-.

Arts and sciences—Geneva Sayre. Business-. Home economics—Christine Spra-

ker. Physical education—Helen E. Luff-

man. St. Bernardine of Siena College, Lou-

donville (M.; R. C.; men—day, coed.—evening; Hie; 1,735).

Pres.—Bertrand J. Campbell. Dean—Albert A. Angelo. Vice pres. - bursar — Edmund F.

Christy. Reg.—Aurelius A. Fell. Lib.—Barnabas Abele. Dean of men—Ambrose Haran.

Graduate—Roman Pfeiffer. Summer session—Albert A. Angelo.

St. Bernard’s Seminary and College, Rochester 12 (—; R. C.; men ; lib; 343).

Chief exec. off.—W. T. Craugh. Bursar—J. D. Cuffney. Lib.—F. R. Davis.

St. Bonaventure University, St. Bona- venture (M.; R. C.; men; IVe; 1,384).

Pres.—Juvenal Lalor. Dean—Vincent E. Devine. Procurator—Rayner Bradshaw. Reg.—Kevin Fox. Lib.—Iraneus Hirscher. Dean of men—Regis Galvin.

Graduate—Harold Tormey. Summer session—Vincent E. De-

vine. St. Francis College, Brooklyn 2 (—; R.

C.; men; Ilb; 320). Pres.—Bro. Colombia.

Dean—Bro. Jerome. Dean-dir. of admis.—Bro. Celestine. Bus. mgr.—Alphonse J. Sfayer. Reg.—Nell M. Rothschild. Lib.—Lucile C. Cavenaugh. Dir. guid. and placement—Bro. Pacif-

icus. Summer session—Bro. Celestine.

St. John’s University, Brooklyn 6 (M.; R. C.; men, wo.; IVlc; 6,711).

Pres.—John A. Flynn. Vice pres.—Cyril F. Meyer. Treas.-sec.—Thomas J. McCallen. Lib.—William A. Gillard, acting.

Arts and sciences: St. John’s College (men)—John

V. Newman. University college (coed.)—Jose

C. Pando. Education (coed.)—Frederick J.

Easterly. *Law (coed.)—Joseph T. Tinnelly,

acting. *Pharniacy (coed.)—John L. Dan-

dreau. Commerce (coed.)—William J.

Weary. *Nursing (coed.)—Marj^ C. Mulvany. Graduate (coed.)—Paul J. Day. Summer session—Frederick J.

Easterly; Jose C. Pando; Wil¬ liam J. Weary; Paul J. Day.

St. Joseph’s College for Women, Brooklyn 5 (M.; R. C.; wo.; He; 330).

Pres.—William T. Dillon. Dean—Francis X. FitzGibbon. Bus. off.—Sister Helen Loyola. Reg.—Sister M. Veneranda. Lib.—Sister Mary Winifred. Student personnel dir.—Rosemary

Glynn. St. Joseph’s Seminary and College,

Yonkers 4 (—; R. C.; men; HIj; 269).

Pres.—John M. Beams. Treas.—Daniel A. McGuire. Reg.—Peter C. Blotnicke. Lib.—John H. Harrington.

Sto Joseph’s Seraphic Seminary, Calli- coon (M.; R. C.; men; le; 91).

Pres.—Cassian J. Kirk. Dean—Edward McGuire. Treas.—Michael Feeney. Reg.-lib.—Anselm Hardy. Dean of men—Winfrid Ryan.

St. Lawrence University, Canton (M.; P.; coed.; HIj; 1,473).

Pres.—Eugene Garrett Bewkes. Dean—Joseph J. Romoda. Compt.—Robert E. Consler. Reg.—Helen E. Whalen. Lib.—Andrew K. Peters. Dean of men—George K. Brown. Dean of wo.—Doris C. Stout.

Theology—Angus H. MacLean. Summer session—Joseph J. Ro¬



Sarah Lawrence College, Bronxville 8 (M.; P.; wo.; Ille; 361).

Pres.—Harold Taylor. Dean—Mrs. Esther Raushenbush. Compt.—Edith G. Morrison. Reg.—Mrs. Muriel E. Hawks. Dir. of admis.—Alice M. Bovard. Lib.—Ermine Stone.

School of Industrial and Labor Rela¬ tions. See State University of New York.

Shelton College, 340 West 55th St., New York 19 (—; P.; coed.; lie; 225).

Pres.—J. Oliver Buswell, Jr. Dean-reg.—G. Douglas Young. Bus. mgr.—H. E. Hammer. Lib.—Walter G. Truesdell. Couns. of wo.—Mrs. H. E. Hammer.

Skidmore College, Saratoga Springs (M.; P.; wo.; He; 1,061).

Pres.—Henry T. Moore. Dean—Norma MacRury. Bus. mgr.—Fenton Keyes. Reg.—Anna L. Hobbs. Rec.—Nancy B. Bickelhaupt. Lib.—Helen M. Brown.

State University of New York, Albany 1.

Pres.—Wm. S. Carlson. Exec, dean for 4-year and profes¬

sional colleges—Reuben Frodin. Exec, dean for institutes and commu¬

nity colleges—Lawrence L. Jar vie. Exec, dean for medical ed.—Carlyle

Jacobsen. Exec, dean for teacher ed.—Her¬

mann Cooper. Bus. asst, to pres.—Charles H. Foster. Agricultural and Technical Institute

at Alfred (Alfred University campus) (coed.; la ; 654).

Dir.—Paul B. Orvis. Asst. dir.—Walter C. Hinkle. Bus. off.—J. J. Auer. Lib.—Miss B. J. Daniel. Dir. student personnel—Milo Van

Hall. Agricultural and Technical Institute

at Canton (*tech.; coed.; la; 342).

Dir.—Albert E. French. Reg.-dir. student personnel—Glenn

E. Wright. Agricultural and Technical Institute

at Delhi (coed.; la; 227). Dir.—H. L. Smith. Bursar—Robert Walsh. Lib.—Blanche Chambers.

Agricultural and Technical Institute at Farmingdale, L. I. (coed.; la; 1,074).

Dir.—H. B. Knapp. Reg.—^Wilson P. Merritt. Lib.—Kenneth L. Raymond.

Agricultural and Technical Institute at Morrisville (coed.; la; 447).

Dir.—M. B. Galbreath.

Champlain College, Plattsburg (coed.; Ilb ; 955).

Prov.—Frederick A. Morse. Dean of academic admin.—Amy M.

Gilbert. Bus. off.—George H. Haines. Reg.—Marguerite A, Van Bree. Lib.—Josiah T, Newcomb. Dean of students—Henry R. Hor-

vat. College of Agriculture (Cornell Uni¬

versity campus), Ithaca (coed.; Illg; 1, 711).

Dean—William I. Myers. Dir. of finan.—Arthur H. Peterson.

College of Ceramics (Alfred Univer¬ sity campus), Alfred (*eng.; coed.; Illg; 301).

Dean—John F. McMahon. Bus. off.—Robert B. Martin. Lib.—Emily C. Van Schoick.

College of Forestry, Syracuse (*; coed.; Illg; 722).

Dean—Hardy L. Shirley. Bus. dir.—Augustus J. Carroll. Reg.—Raymond F. Crossman. Lib.—Martha Meelig.

State Ranger School—James F. Dubuar.

College of Home Economics (Cornell University campus), Ithaca (coed.; Illg; 731).

Dean—Elizabeth L. Vincent. Dir. of finan.—Arthur H. Peterson.

College of Medicine at New York City, Brooklyn 2 (*; coed.; Ilg; 553).

Dean—Jean Alonzo Curran. Reg.—George H. Dwenger. Bus. off.—Milton Miller. Lib.—Marjorie Henderson.

College of Medicine at Syracuse (* ; coed.; Ilg; 255).

Dean—William R. Willard. Bus. dir.—A. J. Carroll.

College for Teachers at Albany (*, M.; coed.; Illd ; 1,574).

Pres.—Evan R. Collins. Dean—Oscar E. Lanford. Bus. off.—Ainard Gelbond. Reg.—Ruth E. Lape. Lib.—Mary Elizabeth Cobb. Dean of men—David Hartley. Dean of wo.—Ellen C. Stokes.

Summer session—Milton C. Olson.

College for Teachers at Buffalo (*, M.; coed.; Illd.; 2,028).

Pres.—Harvey M. Rice. Dean—Ralph Horn. Lib.—Frances G. Hepinstall. Dean of wo.—Catherine E. Reed.

Graduate—Robert Albright. Summer session—Ralph Horn.

Harpur College, 304 Lincoln Ave., Endicott (coed.; Ilb; 854).

Prov.—Glenn G. Bartle. Bus. off.—John M. O’Brien.


Lib.—Herbert L. Leet. Dean of students—Walter J. Mehl.

Institute of Agriculture and Home Economics at Cobleskill (coed; la; 239).

Dir.—Ray L. Wheeler. Bus. off.—M. K. Byrnes. Lib.—Katherine Parke. Dean of men—E. D. Day. Dean of wo.—Katherine Smith.

Institute of Applied Arts and Sci¬ ences at Binghamton, 227 Wash¬ ington St. (coed.; la; 298).

Dir.—C. C. Tyrrell. Reg.-. Finan. off.—Tracy R. Cone. Dean of men—Clyde E. Chauncey. Dean of wo.—Neva M. Ash.

Institute of Applied Arts and Sci¬ ences at Buffalo, 1300 Elmwood Ave. (coed.; la ; 729).

Dir.—Richard R. Dry. Bus. off.—Morton R. Lane. Reg.—Laurence E. Spring. Lib.—Ruth E. Lake. Chief personnel off.—Laurence

E. Spring. Extension—Laurence E. Spring.

Institute of Applied Arts and Sci¬ ences at New York City, Brook¬ lyn 1 (coed.; la; 2,309).

Dir.—Otto Klitgord. Asst. dir.—Chas. LatRn. Bus. off.—E. A. Burns. Lib.—Sophia Stillerman.

Institute of Applied Arts and Sci¬ ences at Utica (coed.; la; 401).

Dir.—Paul B. Richardson. Bus. off.—Lawrence D. Griswold. Reg.—Ralph G. Hoag. Libs.—Jean Lyon and Norva

Havens. Institute of Applied Arts and Sci¬

ences at White Plains, 155 Battle Ave. (coed.; la; 496).

Dir.—Philip C. Martin. Reg.—Robert H. Reynolds. Accounts clerk—Henry Berney. Lib.—William McKane. Personnel off.—Philip C. Martin.

Maritime College, Fort Schuyler, New York 61 (men; Ilg; .541).

Pres.—Calvin T. Durgin. Dean—Albert O. Porter. Bus. off.—H. S. Gandelman. Lib.—Terence J. Hoverter. Commandant of cadets—Alfred

F. Olivet. School of Industrial and Labor Rela¬

tions (Cornell University cam¬ pus), Ithaca (coed.; IVg; 357).

Dean—Martin P. Catherwood. Lib.—James Gormley Miller.

Teachers College at Brockport (*; coed.; Illd; 1,019).

Pres.—Donald M. Tower. Dean—Bernard W. Drake. Finan. sec.—Sidney Eastman.

Admis. off.—Blaine M. De Lanceiy. Reg.—Ella Orts, Lib.—Mary Lee McCrory. Dean of students—Raye Conrad.

Graduate—George Anselm. Teachers College at Cortland (*, M.;

coed.; Hid; 1,304). Pres.—Donnal V. Smith. Dean—Francis J. Moench. Finan. sec.—Benjamin J. Comi. Reg.—Robert Clark. Lib.—Robert R. Hertel. Dean of students—Albert Baisler.

Summer session—B. A. Sueltz. Teachers College at Fredonia (*;

coed.; Illd ; 740). Pres.—Robert S. Thompson, acting. Finan. sec.—Gerald Hackman. Reg.—Alva Keen. Lib.—William J. Chalker. Dean of men—Herbert C. Mackie. Dean of wo.—Anne M. Gibson.

Summer session—Ernest Hilton. Teachers College at Geneseo (*;

coed.; Hid; 637). IT’es.—Herbert G. Espy. Dean—Kenneth Freeman. Bus. off.—Donald G. MacNaughton. Sec.—Joseph Cole. Lib.—Harold C. O’Neil. Chief personnel off.—Rosalind

Fisher. Summer session — Kenneth

Freeman. Teachers College at New Paltz (*,

M.; coed.; Hid; 842). Pres.—William J. Haggerty. Dean—George W. Angell. Bus. off.—Kelly Campbell. Reg.—Ailsa E. Reid, lab.—Robert P. Lang. Dean of students—Donald G.

Whittredge. Summer session—George W.

Angell. Teachers College at Oneonta (*, M.;

coed.; Hid; 705). Pres.—Royal F. Netzer. Dean—James A. Frost. Finan. sec.—Stanley G. Morgan. Reg.—Ruth C. Hendee. Lib.—Gertrude W. Rounds. Dean of students—Clifford J.

Chaven. Summer session—James A.

Frost. Teachers College at Oswego (*, M.;

coed.; Hid; 1,151). Pres.—Foster S. Brown. Dean—Thomas R. Miller. Finan. sec.—Carey P. Salander. Reg.—Mary D. Hennessey. Lib.—Helen Hagger. Dean of student personnel—Robert

O. Shaffer. Summer session—Thomas R.



Teachers College at Plattsburg (* ; coed.; Illd; 834).

Pres.—Edward E. Redcay. Dean—Nathan E. Kullman, Jr. Finan. sec.—Carl R. Myers. Reg.—Louise James, acting. Lib.—Louise M. Hoxie. Dean of students—John W. McTer-

nan. Summer session—Nathan Kull¬

man, Jr. Teachers College at Potsdam (*;

coed.; Illd; 717). Pres.—Frederick W. Crumb. Dean—Alfred W. Thatcher. Finan. sec.—Richard L. Margison. Reg.—Dorothy A. Hall. Lib.—Grretchen Westervelt. Dean of students—Thomas M. Bar¬

rington. Summer session—Alfred W.

Thatcher. Veterinary College (Cornell Univer¬

sity campus), Ithaca (*; coed.; Illg; 193).

Dean—William A. Hagan. Lib.—Alice M. Purington.

Syracuse University, Syracuse 10 (M.; P.; coed.; IVk; 14,459).

Chanc.—William Pearson Tolley. Vice chanc.—Finla G. Crawford. Treas-bus. mgr.—Hugh C. Gregg. Reg.—Keith J. Kennedy. Dean of admis.—John S. Hafer. Dean of men—Frank Piskor. Dean of wo.—Marjorie C. Smith.

'•^Engineering—Ralph A. Galbraith. Art—Norman L. Rice.

*Bus. admin.—Robert E. Stone. Citizenship—Paul H. Appleby. Education-. Fine arts (*arch.)—L. C. Dillen-

back. Home economics—M. Eunice Hil¬

ton. '^Journalism—M. Lyle Spencer. *Law—Paul Shipman Andrews. Liberal arts—Eric H. Faigle.

^Library school—Wharton Miller. *Music—Alexander Capurso. Speech and dramatic art—Robert

F. Oxnam. ^Nursing—Edith H. Smith. University college—Alexander N.

Charters. Graduate—John W. Harriman.

Utica College (Utica) — Ralph Strebel.

Teachers College. Bee Columbia Uni¬ versity.

Teachers College. Bee State Univer- ^ sity of New York.

Union College and University, Sche¬ nectady (M.; P.; men ; IVk; 2,152).

Pres.—Carter Davidson. Dean—Charles William Huntley. Bus. mgr.—Theodore R. Mcllwaine. Admis. off.—Jonathan Pearson.

Lib.—Helmer Webb. University departments in Albany:

*Law—^Andrew V. Clements. ♦Medicine—James A. Campbell. ♦Pharmacy—Francis J. O’Brien. Nursing—Marion Wood. Dudley Observatory—Benjamin

Boss. Union Theological Seminary, New York

27 (* ; interdenom; coed.; IVg; 576).

Pres.—Henry P. Van Dusen. Dir. of studies—John Knox. Compt.—Randolph H. Dyer. Reg.—Blanche M. Britton. Lib.—Robert Beach. Dean of students—George W. Web¬

ber. Sacred music—Hugh Porter. Summer session—Prank W. Her-

riott. United States Merchant Marine Acad¬

emy, Kings Point (M.; nat.; men; Ilg; 873).

Supt.—G. G. McLintock. Dean—P. Gald. Pinan.-supply off.—R. S. Mecklem. Reg.—R. W. Kana. Lib.—L. E. Bejarano.

United States Military Academy, West Point (M.; nat.; men; Ilg; 2,448).

Supt.—Frederick A. Irving. Dean—Harris Jones. Reg.—R. T. Timbers. Lib.—Wm. J. Morton. Commandant of cadets—John H.

Michaelis. University of Buffalo, Buffalo 14 (M.;

P.; coed.; IVk; 9,757). Chanc.—Thomas Raymond McCon¬

nell. Dean of admin.—G. Lester Anderson. Compt.-treas.—Claude E. Puffer. Reg.—Emma E. Deters. Lib.—Charles D. Abbott. Dean of students—Jack M. Deerin-

ger, acting. Arts and sciences—Julian Park.

♦Law—Philip Halpern, acting. ♦Medicine—Stockton Kimball. ♦Dentistry—Leon J. Gauchat. ♦Pharmacy—^A. Bertram Lemon. Education—L. O. Cummings.

♦Bus. admin.—Harold M. Somers. Millard Fillmore College—Robert

F. Berner, acting. ♦Social work—Niles Carpenter. ♦Nursing—Anne W. Sengbusch. General and tech, studies—Charles

M. Fogel. Engineering—Paul E. Mohn. Graduate—Julius W. Pratt. Summer session—L. O. Cummings.

University of Rochester, Rochester 3 (M.; P.; coed.; IVk; 6,084).

Pres.—Cornells W. de Kiewiet. Treas.—Raymond L. Thompson. Admis. off.—Charles R. Dalton.


Lib.—John R. Russell. Regs.:

College for men—Olive M. Schra¬ der.

College for wo.—Constance H. Wood.

Music—Arthur H. Larson. Medicine—Hilda DeBrine. Graduate—Olive M. Schrader. University school—Ruth M. Har¬

per. Deans:

Arts and science—J. Edward Hoff- meister.

College for men—Lester O. Wilder. College for wo.—Margaret Habein.

♦Music—Howard Hanson. ♦Medicine—George H. Whipple. ♦Nursing—Ruth Miller. University school—Henry C. Mills. Optics—Brian O’Brien. Graduate—W. Albert Noyes. Summer session:

Arts—Heni*y C. Mills. Music—Raymond Wilson.

Vassar College, Poughkeepsie (M.; P.; wo.; IIIb; 1,435).

Pres.—Sarah Gibson Blanding. Dean—Marion Tait. Compt.—George H. Welch. Chmn. comm, on admis.—Edward R.

Linner. Rec.—Julia G. Bacon. Lib.—Eileen Thornton.

Summer session—Mary Fisher Langmuir.

Veterinary College. See S’tate Univer¬ sity of New York.

Wagner Memorial Lutheran College, Staten Island (M.; Luth.; coed.; IIIj; 806).

Pres.—David M. Delo. Dean—Adolph J. Stern. Bus. mgr.—Frank S. Jacobson. Reg.—Marguerite Hess. Lib.—Louise Heinze. Dean of men.—Ian A. Morrison. Dean of wo.—Lucile Sloan. ♦Nursing—Mary D. Burr. Evening—Marguerite Hess. Graduate—John R. Bacher. Summer session—Adolph J. Stern.

Walter Hervey Junior College, 15 West 63d St., New York 23 (—; YMCA.; coed.; Ic; 372).

Pres.—Robert L. Lincoln. Dean of cord.—A. J. Mundt. Dean of instr.—Prank W. Thomas. Bus. dir.—Robt. W. Lincoln. Reg.—V. Louise Berg. Dean of students—Lee L. Ehrbright.

Webb Institute of Naval Architecture, Glen Cove, L. I. (*eng., M.; P.; men; Xllg; 70).

Admin.—P. E. Haeberle. Bus. off.—J. Herbert Todd. Reg.—Mrs. I. J. Grabowski. Lib.—Bruce B. Harlow.

Wells College, Aurora (M.; P.; wo.; Illb; 305).

Pres.—Louis Jefferson Long. Treas.—Jerome H. Bentley. Dir. of admis.—Eleanor Denison. Rec.—Barbara Alden. Lib.—Dorothy Winifred Curtiss. Dean of students—Gladys Catharine

Burgess. William Smith College. See Colleges of

the Seneca, The. Yeshiva University, Amsterdam Ave.

at 186th St., New York 33 (M.; Jew¬ ish ; men ; IVk ; 784).

Pres.—Samuel Belkin. Deans:

Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary—Samuel Belkin.

Yeshiva College—JMoses L. Isaacs. Bernard Revel Graduate School—

Jacob I. Hartstein. Harry Fischel School—Jacob I.

Hartstein. Institute for Advanced Rabbinic

Studies—Avigdor Cyperstein. Teachers Institute—Pinkhos Chur-

gin. School of Education and Commu¬

nity Administration—Jacob I. Hartstein.

Regs.: Yeshiva College—Morris Silver-

man. Seminary—Norman B. Abrams. Teachers Institute—Hyman B.

Grinstein. Libs.:

Yeshiva University—A a r o n M. Margalith,

Theological Seminary—.Jacob Di- enstag.

Teachers Institute—Solomon Wind. Dean of men—Samuel L. Sar.


^^Agricultural and Technical College of North Carolina, Greensboro (S.; St; coed.; Illg; 2,.504).

Pres.—Ferdinand D. Bluford. Bus. off.—E. R. Hodgin. Reg.—C. R. A. Cunningham. Lib.—Alma I. Morrow. Dean of men—Wm. H. Gamble. Dean of wo.—Jean W. Spinner. Technical institute—S. C. Smith.

Science—W. T. Gibbs. Mechanic arts—J. M. Marteena. Agriculture—Wm. E. Reed. Summer session—W. T. Gibbs.

Appalachian State Teachers College, Boone (S., ♦; St; coed.; Illd; 1,150).

Pres.—B. B. Dougherty. Dean—J. D. Rankin. Bus. mgr.—Barnard Dougherty. Reg.—H. R. Eggers. Lib.—W. Leonard Eury.


Dean of wo.—Helen Burch. Graduate—Chapell Wilson.

Asheville-Biltmore College, Asheville (—; C. and co.; coed.; Ic; 263;.

Pres.—Glenn L. Bushey. Dean-. Treas.—William S. Jenkins. Reg.—Mrs. Montez Sparks. Lib.—Mrs. Elizabeth R. Wright. Dean of men—James V. Webb. Dean of wo.—Mrs. Lutrelle Wishart.

Summer session—Glenn L. Bushey. Atlantic Christian College, Wilson

(—; Disc, of Christ; coed.; He; 555).

Pres.—D. Ray Bindley. Bus. mgr.—M. L. Adams. Reg.—Perry Case. Lib.—Ola I. Fleming. Dean of men—Lessie L. Murray. Dean of wo.—Sara Bain Ward.

Summer session—Perry Case. **Barber-Scotia College, Concord (S.;

Presb.; wo.; He; 172). Pres.—L. S. Cozart. Dean—Joseph A. Payne, Jr. Reg.—Sara B. Cordery. Lib.—Ethlyn W. Spaulding. Dean of wo.—Edith I. Gibbs.

Belmont Abbey College, Belmont (S.; R. C.; men; Ic; '"373).

Pres.—Vincent G. Taylor. Rector—Bernard L. Rosswog. Treas.—Dennis Byrne. Reg.—Alexandrine Louradour. Lib.—Gabriel Stupasky. Dean of men—Cuthbert E. Allen.

**Bennett College, Greensboro (S.; Meth.; wo.; He; 438).

Pres.—David D. Jones. Bus. off.—James Scarlette. Reg.-dir, of admis.—Willa B. Player. Lib.—Mrs. C. H. Marteena.

Brevard College, Brevard (S.; Meth.; coed.; Ic; 135).

Pres.—Robert H. Stamey. Dean—J. J. Stevenson, Jr. Reg.—Mrs. B. A. Livengood. Lib.—Ray Pry. Dean of wo.—Mrs. Lee Pylant.

Summer session—J. J. Stevenson, Jr.

Campbell College, Buies Creek (S.; S. Bapt.; coed.; Ic ; 305).

Pres.—L. H. Campbell. Dean-reg.—A. R. Burkot. Bus. mgr.—Lonnie Small. Lib.—Anne B. Pruitt. Dean of wo.—Ophelia Matthews.

Summer session—A. R. Burkot. Catawba College, Salisbury (S.; Evan.

Ref.; coed.; Ilf; 555). Pres.—A. R. Keppel.

^ Has been authorized to grant bachelors degrees. Will be changed to group II in this directory after it has actually granted bachelors degrees.

Dean of college—^Donald C. Dear¬ born.

Dean of faculty—Raymond Jenkins. Bursar—Janie Anderson, acting. Reg.—Reid Jann. Lib.—Lulu Ruth Reed. Dean of men—William Henry Blake. Dean of wo.—Elisabeth Scranton.

Charlotte College, Charlotte 4 (—; C.; coed.; Ic; 164).

Dir.—Bonnie E. Cone. Treas.—Douglas Kendall. Reg.—Lucille Puette. Lib.—Rosannah Blair.

Chowan College, Murfreesboro (—; Bapt.; coed.; Ic ; 101).

Pres.—F. O. Mixon. Dean-reg.—Robert H. Woodland. Bus. mgr.—Mrs. Gertrude B. Partin. Lib.—Ernest J. Connelly. Dean of men—Henry L. Reeves. Dean of wo.—Mrs. Estelle Thigpen.

Davidson College, Davidson (S.; Presb.; men; Hb; 825).

Pres.—John R. Cunningham. Dean of faculty—C. K. Brown. Bus. off.—D. Grier Martin. Reg.—F. W. Hengeveld. Dean of students—John C. Bailey, Jr.

Duke University, Durham (S'.; P.; cord.; IVk; 4,631).

Pres.—Arthur Hollis Edens. Vice pres, in ed. div.—Paul M. Gross. Vice pres, (student life)—Herbert J.

Herring. Treas.—C. B. Markham. Bus. mgr.-compt.—Alfred S. Brower. Lib.—Benjamin Powell. Rees.:

Trinity College (men)—Margaret Coleman.

Woman’s College—Louise Seabolt. Deans;

Trinity College—Herbert J. Her¬ ring.

Woman’s College—R. Florence Brinkley.

*Law—Joseph A.‘McClain, Jr. ^Medicine—W. C. Davison. Nursing—Florence K. Wilson.

*Divinity—James Cannon. ♦Forestry—Clarence F. Korstian. ♦Engineering—William H. Hall. Summer session—Paul H. Clyde.

East Carolina College, Greenville (*ed., S.; St.; coed.; Ille; 1,902).

Pres.—John D. Messick. Bus. mgr.—F. D. Duncan. Reg.—Orval L. Phillips. Lib.—Wendell W. Smiley. Conns, to men—Clinton R. Prewett. Dean of wo.—Ruth White.

Summer session—Leo W. Jenkins. Elon College, Elon College (S.; Cong.;

coed.; lie; 548). Pres.—Leon E. Smith. Dean-dean of men—D. J. Bowden. Bus. mgr.—W. E. Butler.


Lib.—Oma U. Johnson. Reg.—A. L. Hook. Dean of wo.—Alice M. Black.

Summer session—D, J. Bowden. **FayettevilIe State Teachers College,

Fayetteville (S.; St.; coed.; Ild; 611).

Pres.—J. W. Seabrook. Dean—J. H. Douglass. Bus. mgr.—A. J. Pindle. Reg.—Lenna M. Means. Lib.—Mamie Wilkersou, acting.

Summer session—J. H. Douglass. Flora Macdonald College, Red Springs

(S.; Presb.; wo.; Ilf; 267). Pres.—Marshall Scott Woodson. Dean—Price H. Gwynn, Jr. Keg.—Hazel Morrison. Lib.—Flora M. Perry. Dean of wo.—Mrs. P. P. McCain.

Gardner-Webb Junior College, Inc., Boiling Springs (S.; S. Bapt.; coed.; Ic; 353).

Pres.—Philip L. Elliott. Dean—J. O. Terrell. Bus. mgr.—Frank C. Richardson. Keg.—Mrs. Dorothy Hamrick. Lib.—Carolyn Wray. Dean of wo.—Mabel Starnes.

Summer session—J. O. Terrell. Greensboro College, Greensboro (S.;

Meth.; wo.; Ilj ; 356). Pres.—Harold H. Hutson. Dean of instr.—P. M. Ginnings. Bus. mgr.-treas.—T. C. Harrell. Reg.—Letha Brock. Lib.—Frances Waters. Dean of students—Stella Ward.

*]Music—Gustav Nelson. Guilford College, Guilford College (S.;

Fr.; coed.; lie; 474). Pres.—Clyde A. Milner. Dean—Harvey A. Ljung. Bus. mgr.—David H. Parsons, Jr. Reg.—Era Lasley. Lib.—F. R. Crownfield, acting.

Summer session—Clyde A. Milner. High Point College, High Point (S.;

Meth.; coed.; He; 620). Pres.—Dennis H. Cooke. Dean of instr.—C. R. Hinshaw. Bursar—Arthur B. Williams. Reg.-dir. of admis.—N. P. Yarborough. Lib.—Marcella Carter. Dean of students—J. H. Allred.

Summer session—C. R. Hinshaw. **Immanuel Lutheran College, Greens¬

boro (—; Evan. Luth.; coed.; le ; 57).

Pres.-bus. mgr.-treas.—Wm. H. Kamp- schmidt.

Dean—O. R. L. Lynn. Lib.—A. Pennekamp. Dean of wo.—Mrs. A. McDowell.

**Johnson C. Smith University, Char¬ lotte (S.; Presb.; coed.; Ilj; 632).

Pres.—Hardy Liston. Bus. mgr.—Walter E. Jordan.

Reg.—J. A. Twitty, acting. Lib.—T. L. Gunn. Dean of men—J. A. Grimes. Dean of wo.—Anne M. Hawkins.

Liberal arts—T. E. McKinney. Theology—Arthur H. George. Summer session—T. E. McKinney.

Lees-McRae College, Banner Elk (—; Presb.; coed.; Ic; 241).

Pres.—Fletcher Nelson. Dean—Creed Gilley. Bus. mgr.—B. L. Baucom. Reg.—Paul H. McEwen. Lib.—Annie R. Moore. Dean of men—Creed Gilley. Dean of wo.—Mrs. Elizabeth Hayes

Fleischman. Lenoir-Rhyne College, Hickory (S.;

Luth.; coed.; He; 765). Pres.—Voigt R. Cromer. Dean-reg.—E. L. Setzler. Bus. off.—Gladys Barger. Dean of students—E. J. Sox.

Summer session—G. R. Patterson. **Livingstone College, Salisbury (S'.;

A. M. E. Z.; coed.; Ilb; 378). Pres.—W. J. Trent. Dean—M. F. Shute. Treas.-reg.—Julia B. Duncan. Lib.—Josephine P. Sherrill. Dean of wo.—Hattie P. Flack.

Summer session—I. H. Miller. Louisburg College, Louisburg (—;

Meth.; coed.; Ic; 182). Pres.—Samuel M. Holton. Bus. off.—Genevieve Perry. Reg.—Mrs Collins Gretter. Lib.—Elsa C. Yarborough. Dean of men-. Dean of wo.—Mary Bethea.

Mars Hill College, Mars Hill (S.; S. Bapt.; coed.; Ic; 680).

Pres.—Hoyt Blackwell. Dean—R. M. Lee. Reg.—J. W. Huff. Lib.—Daisy Anderson.

Summer session—R. M. Lee. Meredith College, Raleigh (S.; S.

Bapt.; wo.; He; 572). Pres.—Carlyle Campbell. Dean—Leishman A. Peacock. Bursar-treas.—Zeno Martin. Reg.—Vera Tart Marsh. Lib.—Hazel Baity. Dean of students—Louise E. Fleming.

Mitchell College, Statesville (—; Presb.; coed.; Ic; 84).

Pres.—John Montgomery. Dean—Tunis Romein. Lib.—Bessie Cowan.

Montreat College, Montreat (—; Presb.; wo.; IIc ; 87).

Pres.—J. Rupert McGr^or. Dean-. Asst, treas.—Tom Cox. Reg.—Princie Maphet. Lib.—Virginia Buchanan. Dean of wo.—Elizabeth Wilson.


**North Carolina College at Durham, Durham (S.; St.; coed.; Illj; 1,369).

Pres.—A. Elder. Dean—A. E. Manley. Bus. mgr.—W. Jones. Reg.—Mrs. F. M. Eagleson. Lib.—B. F. Smith. Dean of men—J. L. Stewart. Dean of wo.—L. Latham.

±Law—A. Turner. Library sciences—D, E. Moore. Graduate—W. W. Pierson. Summer session—J. H. Taylor.

Oak Ridge Military Institute, Oak Ridge (—; P.; men; Ic ; 80).

Supt.—T. O. Wright. Dean-reg.—W. J. Chandler. Sec.-treas—Z. L. Whitaker. Lib.—Mrs. W. J. Chandler. Personnel oft.—T. O. Wright.

Peace College, Raleigh (S.; Presb.; wo.; Ic; 136).

Pres.—William C. Pressly. Dean—Margaret Hall. Bursar—Mary Kirkpatrick. Reg.—Frances Golden. Lib.—Alice Welch Jones.

Pembroke State College, Pembroke (—; St.; coed.; He; 123).

Pres.—Ralph D. Wellons. Dean—Clifton Oxendine. Reg.—James Arnold Jacobs. Lib.—Marjorie Kanable. Dean of wo.—Belle Whyte Cole.

Summer session—Clifton Oxendine. Pfeiflfer Junior College, Misenheimer

(S.; Meth.; coed.; Ic; 189). Pres.—C. M. Waggoner. Dean—Van G. Hinson. Bus. off.—Heath Williams. Reg.—Kenneth L. Holshouser. Lib.—Juliet Endly. Dean of wo.—Helen M. Waggoner.

Pineland Junior College and Edwards Military Institute, S'alemburg (—; P.; cord.; Ic; 131).

Pres.—W. J. Blanchard. Reg.—D. R. Womble. Lib.—Mrs. G. N. Ashley. Dean of men—A. D. Gorham. Dean of wo.—Agnes Anderson.

Summer session—W. J. Blanchard. Presbyterian Junior College for Men,

Maxton (—; Presb.; men; Ic ; 93). Pres.—Louis C. LaMotte. Dean-reg.—Otto W. Ferrene. Bus. mgr.—Milton A. Reilly. Lib.—Pearl Motley. Dean of men—Floyd E. James.

Summer session—Louis C. LaMotte. Queens College, Charlotte (S.; Presb.;

men-local, wo.; He; 300). Pres.—Charlton 0. Jernigan. Dean—Gordon W. Sweet. Treas.—J. W. Thomson, Jr. Reg.—Carolyn Good. Lib.—Rena Harrell.

Dean of students—Thelma Albright. Evening and summer sessions—

David B. Pugh. Sacred Heart Junior College and

Academy, Belmont (—; R. C.; wo.; Ic; 70).

Pres.—Sister M. Maura. Dean of instr.-reg.—Sister M. Aqui¬

nas. Lib.—Sister M. Helen. Dean of wo.—Sister M. Christine.

**St. Augustine’s College, Raleigh ($S.; P. E.; coed.' He; 371).

Pres.—Harold L. Trigg. Dean—James A. Boyer. Bus. off.—H. H. Holloway. Reg.—D. G. Virgo. Lib.—Geraldine C. Morgan. Dean of men.—C. C. Gray. Dean of wo.—Irene L. Dickens.

St. Genevieve-of-the-Pines Junior Col¬ lege, Asheville (—; R. C.; wo.; Ic; 84).

Pres.—Rev. Mother A. Sharry. Dean—Mother A. Robinson. Treas.—Mother A. Zeleznik. Lib.—^Alice Songe.

Saint Mary’s School and Junior Col¬ lege, Raleigh (S.; P. E.; wo.; Ib; 144).

Pres.—Richard G. Stone. Lib.—Helen A. Brown. Dean of students—Martha Dabney

Jones. Salem College, Winston-Salem (S.;

Morav.; wo.; lie; 281). Pres.—Dale H. Gramley. Academic dean—Ivy M. Hixson. Treas.—Anna G. Perryman. Rec.—Margaret L. Simpson. Lib.—Grace L. Siewers. Dean of students—Mrs. Amy R. ■

Heidbreder. *Music—Clemens Sandresky.

**Shaw University, Raleigh (S.; Bapt.; coed.; lie; 549).

Pres.—Wm. R. Strassner. Dean—dean of students—Foster P.

Payne. Bus. off.—G. E, Jones. Reg.—Mrs. Eva F. Ray. Lib.—Bernice E. Felton, acting.

Summer session—Nelson H. Harris. Southeastern Baptist Theological Sem¬

inary, Wake Forest (—; Bapt.; coed.; Illh; 85).

Pres.—Sydnor L. Stealey. Lib.—Joseph R. Robinson.

**State Teachers College, Elizabeth City (S.; St.; coed.; Ild ; 477).

Pres.—S. D. Williams. Dean—Wendell P. Jones. Bus. off.—Kenneth R. Jeffries. Reg.—Taylor E. Jones, Lib.—Gwendolyn J. Midgette.

Summer session—^Wendell P. Jones. University of North Carolina, Chapel



Pres.—Gordon Gray. Vice-pres.-cont.—William D. Car¬

michael, Jr. Vice-pres.-prov.—Logan Wilson. University of North Carolina at

Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill (S’.; St.; coed.; IVk; 5,773).

Chanc.—Robert B. House. Bus. mgr.—Claude E. Teague. Dir. of admis.—Roy Armstrong. Dir. of central records—Edwin S.

Lanier. Lib.—Chas. E. Rush. Dean of students—Fred Weaver.

Arts and sciences—Clifford P. Lyons.

^Education—Guy B. Phillips. *Law—Henry P. Brandis, Jr.

Medicine (*2-year school)—W. R. Berryhill.

*Pharmacy—Edward A. Brecht. Journalism—O. J. Coffin. Dentistry—John C. Brauer. Nursing—Elizabeth L. Kemble.

*Bus. admin.—Thomas H. Car- roll.

^Library science—Susan Grey Akers.

♦Social work—Arthur E. Kink. Graduate—William W. Pierson. Summer session—Guy B. Phillips.

State College of Agriculture and Engineering, Raleigh (S.; St.; coed.; IVg; 3,701).

Chanc.—John W. Harrelson. Asst. cont.—J. G. Vann. Reg.—W. L. Mayer. Lib.—H. C. Brown. Dean of students—E. L. Cloyd.

Agriculture—J. H. Hilton. ♦Design—H. L. Kamphoefner. ♦Engineering—J. H. Lanipe. Basic div.—J. W. Shirley. Textiles—M. E. Campbell. Education—J. B. Kirkland.

♦Forestry—R. J. Preston. Graduate—D. B. Anderson. Summer session—John W. Har¬

relson. Woman’s College, Greensboro {S.;

St.; wo.; Illj; 2,389). Chanc.—Edward Kidder Graham. Dean of instr.—Mereb Mossman. Asst. cont.—John C. Lockhart. Reg.—Mildred P. Newton, acting. Lib.—Charles M. Adams. Dean of students—Katherine Tay¬

lor. ♦Music-. Education—Charles E. Prall. Graduate—Franklin H. McNutt. Summer session—Charles E.

Prall. Wake Forest College, Wake Forest (S.;

S. Bapt.; men, wo.; Illk; 1,703). Pres.—Harold W. Tribble. Cont.—Robert G. Deyton. Reg.—G. S. Patterson.

Lib.—Carlton P. West. Dean of wo.—Lois Johnson.

Arts and science—D. B. Bryan. Bus. admin.—Gaines M. Rogers.

♦Law—Carroll W. Weathers. ♦Medicine (Winston-Salem)—C. C.

Carpenter. Religion—J. A. Easley. Summer session—D. B. Bryan.

Warren Wilson College, Swannanoa (—; Presb.; coed.; Ic; 76).

Pres.—^Arthur M. Bannerman. Dean—Henry W. Jensen. Bus. mgr.—Dwight P. Vining. Lib.—Mrs. George F. Dodd.

Western Carolina Teachers College, Cullowhee (S., ♦; St.; coed.. Hid; 566).

Pres.—Paul A. Reid. Dean—W. E. Bird. Bus. off.—R. C. Sutton. Reg.—Addie Bean. Lib.—Lilian Buchanan. Dean of men—Luther R. Taff. Dean of wo.—Frieda Grieder.

Graduate—W. Newton Turner. Summer session—W. E. Bird.

Wilmington College, Wilmington (—; CO.; coed.; Ic; 182).

Pres.—John T. Hoggard. Dean—William M. Randall. Bursar—Janice P. Gurganus. Reg.—J. Marshall Crews. Lib.—Grayce McLamb.

Summer session—William M. Ran¬ dall.

Wingate College, Wingate (S.; S. Bapt.; coed.; Ic; 214).

Pres.—C. C. Burris. Dean—Fred Sandusky. Bus. off.—Mrs. Jack Horton. Reg.—Delores Short, acting. Lib.—LaMartha McCaine. Dean of men—Fred Sandusky. Dean of wo.—Brucie Barnes.

♦♦Winston-Salem Teachers College, Winston-Salem 1 (S., *; St; coed.; Ild; 602).

Pres.—F. L. Atkins. Dir. of instr.—G. L. Johnson. Bus. mgr.—A. I. Terrell. Reg.—Frances R. Coble. Lib.—Leola M. Ross, acting.

Summer session—F. L. Atkins.


Bismarck Junior College, Bismarck (—; dist.; coed.; Ic ; 427).

Dean—Sidney J. Lee. Bus. mgr.-reg.—Raph Werner. Lib.—Pauline Wahl.

Devils Lake Junior College, Devils Lake (—; dist.; coed.; Ic; 32).

Dean—F. H. Gilliland. Reg.—H. L. Woll.

Summer session—H. L. Woll.


Jamestown College, Jamestown (N.; Presb.; coed.; Ilf; 342).

Pres.—Samuel S. George. Dean—J. A. Saathoff. Bus. mgr.—Garth White. Reg.—William Westley. Lib.—Alice Martin. Dean of men—Harry Schmidt. Dean of wo.—Dorothy Tennis.

Summer session—J. A. Saathoff. North Dakota Agricultural College,

Fargo (N.; St.; coed.; Illk ; 1,679). Pres.—Fred Samuel Hultz. Bus. mgr.—F. F. Skinner. Dir. of admis. and records—Merlin W.

Miller. Lib.—H. Dean Stallings. Dean of students—C. A. Sevrinson.

Agriculutre—Harlow L. Walster. Applied arts and sciences—G. E.

Giesecke. •^Pharmacy—William F. Sudro. ^Engineering—R. M. Dolve. Chemistry—Ralph E. Dunbar. Home economics—Clara C. Cer-

veny. Summer session—R. T. Wendland.

North Dakota School of Forestry, Bottineau (—; St.; coed.; Ic ; 78).

Pres.—Clarence N. Nelson. Sec.-reg.—A. A. McMaster. Lib.—G. P. Hynes. Dean of students—T. R. Rindt.

North Dakota State School of Sci¬ ence,Wahpeton (—; S’t.; coed.; Ic; 356).

Pres.— E. F. Riley. Sec.-treas.—G. V. Patterson. Dir. junior college—F. H. McMahon. Dir. of trades and eng.—G. W.

Haverty. Reg.-dir. bus. school—W. M. Nord-

gaard. Lib.—Mrs. Mildred Larsson. Dean of men—B. H. Barnard. Dean of wo.—Mrs. Mildred Larsson.

State Normal and Industrial College,^^ Ellendale (*ed.; St.; coed.; lid; 101).

Pres.—J. C. McMillan. Sec.-reg.—Alice Peterson Banks. Lib.—Robert Elftmann. Dean of men—S. D. Slemmons. Dean of wo.—Nellie Lees.

Summer session—^J. C. McMillan. State Teachers College,^^ Dickinson

(N., * ; St.; coed.; He; 206). Pres.—Charles E. Scott. Sec.-treas.—Maude Klinefelter. Reg.—Jacob R. Hehn. Lib.—Mathilda L. Stoxen. Dean of men—L. G. Pulver. Dean of wo.—Leila G. Woods.

Summer session—Charles E. Scott. State Teachers College,^^ Mayville (*;

St; coed.; Ild; 183). Pres.—C. P. Lura. Bus. off.-reg.—J. Evert Scholten.

Lib.—Clenora Quanbeck. Dean of men—Lewy Lee. Dean of wo.—Arvella Holsclaw.

Junior college—A. B. Holm. Summer session—C. P. Lura.

State Teachers College,^^ Minot (N., *; St; coed.; Ilf; 651).

Pres.—C. C. Swain. Dean of ed.—O. A. DeLong. Dean of finan. and plant—L. F.

Davidson. Reg.—O. L. Aim. Lib.—Nellie R. Swanson. Dean of students—D. C. Blide.

Summer session—O. A. DeLong. State Teachers College,^- Valley City

(*, N.; St; coed.; He; 302). Pres.—Roscoe L. Lokken. Sec.-reg.—Adolf Soroos. Lib.—D. W. Ferguson. Dean of men—L. H. Bruhn. Dean of wo.—Helen Movius.

Summer session — Roscoe L. Lokken.

University of North Dakota,^^ Grand Forks (N.; St; coed.; IVk; 2,085).

Pres.—John C. West. Bus. mgr.—E. W. Olson. Reg.—Ruby McKenzie. Dean of men—D. J. Robertson. Dean of wo.—Alice Hanson.

Science, literature, and arts—R. B. Witmer.

*Law—Olaf H. Thormodsgard. *Medical sciences (2-year school) —

W. F. Potter. ♦Education—Garold D. Holstine. ♦Engineering—E. L. Lium, acting. tCommerce—Thomas J. Clifford. Graduate—D. E. Keefer. Summer session-.

Wesley College, Grand Forks (afiSli- ated with University of North Da¬ kota ) (—; Meth.; coed.; Ilg; 231).

Pres.—Marcus J. Birrell. Sec.-reg.—Mrs. Esther H. Fry.

Summer session-.


Adelbert College. See Western Re¬ serve University.

Akron Law School (evening), Akron (—; P.; coed.; Ilg; 152).

Dean—Oscar Hunsicker. Antioch College, Yellow Springs (N.;

P.; coed.; He; 1,020). Pres.—Douglas McGregor. Vice pres.-dean of admin.—W. Boyd

Alexander. Bus. mgr.—Morton Rauh. Reg.—Miriam Dickinson. Lib.—Paul Bixler.

“ The State system of higher education in North Dakota includes all of the State higher institutions. The chief executive officer is A. P. Arnason, Commissioner, State Board of Higher Education, Bismarck. N. Dak.


Dir. of personnel—J. D. Dawson. Ashland College, Ashland (N.; Breth.;

coed.; Illj; 425). Pres.—Glenn L. Clayton. Bus. mgr.—A. Glenn Carpenter. Reg.—Martha Holmes. Lib.—Lulu Wood. Dean of students—G. M. Guiley.

Theology—M. A. Stuckey. Summer session—Glenn L. Clayton.

Baldwin-Wallace College, Berea (N.; Meth.; coed.; Ilj ; 1,555).

Pres.—John Lowden Knight. Dean—Frank G. Lankard. Treas.—Harold C. Beyer. Dir. of admis.—Philip P. Byers. Lib.—Clyde L. Haselden. Dean of men—Johen R. Sinnema. Dean of wo.—Lucile C. Mowrey.

* Music—Cecil W. Munk. Commerce—Jacob O. Kamm.

Blufifton College, Bluffton (—; Menon.; coed.; He ; 205).

Pres.—Lloyd L. Ramseyer. Dean—J, S. Schultz. Treas.—Carl M. Lehman. Reg.—Ray S. Hilty. Lib.—Delbert Gratz. Dean of men—Luther Shetler. Dean of wo.—Edna Ramseyer.

Summer session—J. S. Schultz. Bonebrake Theological Seminary, Day-

ton 6 (*; Evan. U. B.; coed.; Ilg: 168).

Pres.—Walter N. Roberts. Dean—J. Bruce Behney. Reg.—Harold H. Platz. Lib.—Esther George.

Bowling Green State University, Bowl¬ ing Green (N.; St.; coed.; Hlj; 3,442).

Pres.—Ralph W. McDonald. Dean of admin.—Ralph G. Harshman. Dean of faculty—J. R. Overman. Bus. off.—E. J. Kreischer. Dir of admis.—Ralph H. Geer. Lib.—Paul Leedy. Dean of men—A. B. Conklin. Dean of wm.—Florence Currier.

Liberal arts—K. H. McFall. ♦Education—H. L. Litherland. Bus. admin.—Benjamin L. Pierce. Graduate—Emerson Shuck. Summer session—Emerson Shuck.

Capital University, Columbus 9 (N.; Luth.; coed.; Ilf; 1,089).

Pres.—Harold L. Yochum. Dean of faculty—W. O. Doescher. Treas.—Virgil Dassel. Bus. mgr.—Louis P. Giese. Reg.—Frances Quinlin. Lib.—Dorothea Conrad. Couns. for student s—Laurence

Schaaf. ♦Theology—Edward C. Fendt. ♦Music—F. C. Mayer. Summer session—Earl C. Metz.

Case Institute of Technology, Cleve¬ land (N.; P.; men; IVg; 1,859).

Pres.—Elmer Hutdiisson, acting. Treas.—Harry M. Gross. Reg.—Willard E. Nudd. Lib.—Mary F. Pinches. Dean of students—D. S. Newhouse. ♦Engineer] ng—Elmer Hutchisson. Graduate—Elmer Hutchisson.

Cedarville College, Cedarville (—; P.; coed.; He; 82).

Pres.—E. H. Miller, acting. Dean-. Treas.—G. H. Hartman. Reg.—Donald R. Edington. Lib.—Mary Williamson. Dean of men—Wm. A. Janson, Jr. Dean of wo.—Helen Hooven Sant-

myer. Theology—Frank A. Jurkat. Summer session—Donald R. Eding¬

ton. ♦♦Central State College, Wilberforce

(N., *ed.; St.; coed.; Ilf; 798). Pres.—Charles H. Wesley. Dean—Howard H. Long. Bus. off.—James A. Byrd. Reg.—Gladys L. Powell. Lib.—Mollie E. Dunlap. Dir. of student personnel—Lewis A.

Jackson. Cincinnati College of Pharmacy, Cin¬

cinnati ($; P.; coed.; Hg; 285). Pres.-bus. mgr.—Ralph B, Kinross. Dean—Joseph F. Kowalewski. Reg.-lib.—Arthur R. Weitkamp.

Cincinnati Conservatory of Music, Cin¬ cinnati 19 (* ; P.; coed.; Hlh ; 312).

Pres.—Thomas Hogan, Jr. Dir.-dean of faculty—William S.

Naylor. Bus. mgr.—Peter M. Kohl. Reg.—Christine Benjamin.

Cleveland Bible College, Cleveland 15 (*; Fr.; coed.; Ilg; 210).

Pres.—Byron L. Osborne. Dean.-reg.—Ora D. Lovell. Lib.—Adeline R. Van Antwerp. Dean of men—Curtis A. Chambers. Dean of wo.—Norma L. Thomas.

Summer session—Ora D. Lovell. Cleveland College. See Western Re¬

serve University. Cleveland Institute of Music, Cleve¬

land 15 (* ; P.; coed.; HIg; 106). Dir.—Beryl Rubinstein. Dean—Ward Lewis. Reg.—Dolores C. Wendel.

Cleveland-Marshall Law School (eve¬ ning), Cleveland 13 (—; P.; coed.; Ilg; 938).

Pres.—Lee E. Skeel. Dean—Wilson G. Stapleton. Reg.—Olga C. Sorensen. Dir. of ed.—David C. Meek.

no education directoet, 1952-196,3

College of Mount St. Joseph-on-the- Ohio, Mount St. Joseph (N.; R, C.; wo.; He; 432).

Pres.—Mother Mary Zoe. Dean—Sister Maria Corona. Bursar—Sister Louise Marie. Reg.—Sister Reginald. Lib.—Sister Helen. Deans of residence—Sister Xavier

Marie and Sister Agnes Therese. Summer session—Sister Maria Co¬

rona. College of Music of Cincinnati, Cincin¬

nati 10 (*; P.; coed.; Illg; 652). Managing exec.—Fred Smith. Dean—Eugene J. Selhorst. Cont.—Francis L. Simler. Reg.-dean of wo.—Mar j ora W.

Shank. Lib.—Theresa K. Noak.

College of St. Mary of the Springs, Columbus 3 (N.; R. C.; wo.; He; 191).

Pres.—Sister M. Angelita. Dean—Sister Charles Ann. Bus. off.—Sister M. Gratia. Reg.—Sister Marie Rosaire. Lib.—Sister M. Ruth. Dean of wo.—Sister M. Thomas

Aquin. Summer session—Sister M. Cal-

lista. College of Steubenville, The, Steuben¬

ville (—; P.; coed.; Hf; 533). Pres.—Daniel W. Egan. Dean of instr.-reg.—Philip A. Clarke. Treas.—Regis Stafford. Lib.—Ambrose Burke. Dean of students—Matthew Finne¬

gan. Evening session—Vernon Fluharty. Summer session—Philip A. Clarke.

College of Wooster, Wooster (N.; Presb.; coed.; He; 1,091).

Pres.—Howard F. Lowry. Dean—H. W. Taeusch. Treas.—Bruce Knox. Dir. of admis.—Donald Shawver. Reg.—Arthur F. Southwick. Lib.—Maudie L. Nesbitt. Dean of men—Ralph A. Young. Dean of wo.—Marjory Steuart

Golder. Summer session—Lowell W. Cool-

idge. Defiance College, Defiance (—; Cong.-

Christ.; coed.; Ilf; 231). Pres.—Kevin C. McCann. Dean—Herman R. B. Dally. Bus. mgr.—H. H. Goltzene. Admis. off.—Charles D. Beard. Lib.—Evelyn Ferris.

Summer session—Lester S. Ivins. Denison University, Granville (N.;

Bapt.; coed.; IIj ; 1,112). Pres.—A. Blair Knapp. Vice pres.-dean of college—C. P.


Bus. mgr.—A. J. Johnson. Reg.—D. R. Pitch. Lib.—Lois Engleman. Dean of men—Francis Bayley. Dean of wo.-.

*Music—Karl Eschman. Fenn College, Cleveland 15 (N.; P.;

coed.; Ilf ; 4,285). Pres.—G. Brooks Earnest. Bus. mgr.—A. P. Loegler. Reg.—Wm. A. Patterson. Lib.—R. M. Sills.

Arts and sciences—Major B. Jenks.

Bus. admin.—Paul R. Anders. ^Engineering—Wm. A. Patterson.

Cooperative work—M. B. Robin¬ son.

Findlay College, Findlay (—; Ch. of God; coed.; He; 251).

Pres.—H. Clifford Fox. Dean—C. A. Morey. Exec, sec.-reg.—Myrtle Deming. Lib.—Ethel Shade. Dean of men—Bradford Martin. Dean of wo.—Ruthanna Frack.

Flora Stone Mather College. See Western Reserve University.

Franklin University, Columbus (—; YMCA.; coed.; Hi; 792).

Dir.—Joseph F. Prasch. Reg.—Gertrude Tilton. Lib.—Carl Graul.

General college—Carson Horton. tLaw—Stanley A. Samad. Technical inst. (*tech.)—Harold

Butcher. Hebrew Union College—Jewish Insti¬

tute of Religion, Cincinnati 20 (—; Jewish; men; IVg; 145).

Pres.—Nelson Glueck. Chmn. of faculty—Sheldon H. Blank. Bus. mgr.—Maxwell Lyons.

Heidelberg College, Tiffin (N.; Evan. Ref.; coed.; Ilj ; 646).

Pres.—^W. Terry Wickham. Dean—Frederick D. Lemke. Treas.—Russell G. Frantz. Reg.—C. Lucille Christman. Dir. of admis.—E. R. Butcher. Lib.—Dorothy Berg. Dean of men—Charles M. Prugh. Dean of wo.—Grace Leslie.

Music—H. R. Behrens. Hiram College, Hiram (N.; P.; coed.;

He; 476). Pres.—Paul H. Fall. Dean—Edgar C. Cumings. Treas.—Franklin B. Buell. Reg.—Lawrence C. Underwood. Lib.—Ruth T. Whitcomb.

John Carroll University, Cleveland 18 (N.; R. C.; men; Illj; 2,095).

Pres.—Frederick E. Welfie. Treas.—Owen J. Englum. Reg.—Eugene R. Mittinger. Lib.—Leah Yabroff. Dean of men—William J. Murphy.


Arts and sciences—Edward C. Mc- Cue.

Business, economics, and govern¬ ment—Fritz W. Graff.

Graduate—Henry F. Birkenhauer. Evening div.—Richard T. Deters. Summer session—Hugh B. Rodman.

Kent State University, Kent (N., *ed.; St.; coed.; Illj ; 5,036).

Pres.—George A. Bowman. Bus. mgr.—Emil Berg. Compt.—Paul E. Beck. Reg.—C. E. Atkinson. Lib.—John B. Nicholson, Jr. Dean of men—R. E. Manchester. Dean of wo.—Margaret W. Swanson.

Liberal arts—Eric N. Rackham. *Education—Robert I. White, Jr. Bus. admin.—A. L. Allyn. Graduate—Raymond M. Clark. Summer and extension—C. M.

Schindler. Kenyon College, Gambler (N.; P.;

men; IIj ; 486). Pres.—Gordon Keith Chalmers. Dean—Frank E. Bailey. Treas.—W. E. Camp. Reg.—Stuart R. McGowan. Dir. of admis.—Tracy Scudder. Lib.—Edward C. Heintz.

*Divinity—Corwin C. Roach. Lake Erie College, Paiiiesville (N.;

P.; wo.; He; 134). Pres.—Paul Weaver. Treas.—Chester T. Ruddick. Lib.—Winifred Snider.

Marietta College, Marietta (N.; P.; coed.; He; 693).

Pres.—Wm. Bay Irvine. Dean of the college—Merrill R. Pat¬

terson. Bus. mgr.—Rudolph W. Sippola. Reg.—Mrs. Lillian Spindler Sinclair. Lib.—George J. Blazier. Dean of wo.—Ruth A. Wilcox.

Summer session—Merrill R. Pat¬ terson.

Mary Manse College, Toledo 10 (N.; R. C.; wo.; He; 348).

Pres.—Sister Vincent de Paul Kaley. Dean—Sister Mary Lawrence. Treas.—Sister John Berchmans. Reg.—Sister M. Ethelreda. Lib.—Sister Virginia Marie.

Summer session—Sister Mary Law¬ rence.

Miami University, Oxford (N.; St.; coed.; Illk; 4,843).

Pres.—Ernest H. Hahne. Vice pres.—C. W. Kreger. Vice pres, (finan.)—W. P. Roude-

bush. Reg.—W. C. Smyser. Dir. of admis.—H. M. Gerlach. Lib.—E. W. King. Dean of men—C. W. Knox. Dean of wo.—Melva Lind.

Arts and science—W. E. Alderman.

^Education—F. G. Macomber. *Bus. admin.—R. E. Glos. Fine arts (*music)—G. A. Suther¬

land. Graduate—W. E. Smith.

Mount St. Mary of the West, Cincin¬ nati 12 (—;R. C.;men; Illh; 266).

Rector—Joseph J. Schneider. Dean—Stanley J. Bertke. Bus. off.—Robert L. Hagedorn. Reg.—Charles H. Hollencamp. Lib.—Thomas G. Pater.

Mount Union College, Alliance (N.; Meth.; coed.; He; 817).

Pres.—Charles B. Ketcham. Dean—William C. Wesley. Bus. mgr.—Wilbur E. Couchie. Reg.—Robert W. Tripp. Lib.—Robert E. Stauffer. Student personnel services—William

C. Wesley. Summer session—William C. Wes¬

ley. Muskingum College, New Concord

(N.; U. Presb.; coed.; He ; 750). Pres.—Robert N. INIontgomery. Dean—Bernard C. Murdoch. Bus. mgr.—J. Knox Montgomery. Reg.—Carrie E. McKnight. Dir. of admis.—Paul A. Napier. Lib.—J. E. Sanderson. Dean of students—Cora I. Orr.

Summer session—J. G. Lowery. Notre Dame College, South Euclid 21

(N.; R. C.; wo.; Hf; 248). Pres.—Mother Mary Anselm Lang-

enderfer. Dean—Sister Mary Denis. Bursar—Sister JMary Anne. Reg.—Sister Mary Aquinas. Lib.—Sister Mary Genevieve.

Oberlin College, Oberlin (N.; P.; coed.; HIj ; 2,057).

Pres.—William E. Stevenson. Sec.—Donald INI. Love. Treas.—Wm. P. Davis. Dir. of admis.—Robert L. Jackson. Reg.—Edith Stanley. Lib.—Julian S. Fowler. Dean of men—Edward F. Bosworth. Dean of wo.—Mary Dolliver.

Arts and sciences — W. Blair Stewart.

*Theology—Leonard A. Stidley. *Music—David R. Robertson.

Ohio College of Chiropody, 2057 Cornell Rd., Cleveland 6 (* ; P.; coed.; Hg).

Pres.—B. C. Egerter. Dean-reg.—M. M. I’omerantz. Treas.—Baird Johnson. Personnel off.—C. P. Beach.

Ohio Mechanics Institute, 1104 Walnut St., Cincinnati 10 (*tech.; P.; coed.; la; 92).

Pres.—Harold P. Rodes. Bus. mgr.—Robert W. McKeag. Reg.—Hazel S. Selby. Lib.—Brynhild Uller Olah.


Ohio Northern University, Ada (—; Meth.; coed.; Ilk; 849).

Pres.—F. Bringle McIntosh. Dean of the univ.—Louis E. Otte. Treas.—Warner G. Peterson. Reg.—J. A. Woof ter. Lib.—Genevieve Wheelock. Couns. of men—Louis E. Otte. Dean of wo.—Mary Dorothy Link.

Liberal arts—H. E. Huber. Engineering—Alex. R. Webb.

$Pharmacy—Albert Charles Smith. $Law—Claude W. Pettit. Summer session—Harry Vannors-

dall. Ohio State University, The, Columbus

10 (N.; St.; coed.; IVk; 18,482). Pres.—Howard L. Bevis. Vice pres.—Bland L. Stradley. Vice pres, (faculty and curricula) —

Frederic W. Heimberger. Vice pres.-bus. mgr.—Jacob B. Taylor. Reg.—Ronald B. Thompson. Dean of men—Mylin H. Ross. Dean of wo.—Christine Verges Cona¬

way. Arts and sciences—James F. Full-

ington. *Law—Jefferson B. Fordham. ^Medicine—Charles A. Doan. *Dentistry—Wendell D. Postle. ^Pharmacy—Bernard V. Christen¬

sen. ^Education—Donald P. Cottrell. Agriculture—Leo L. Rummell. Arch, and landscape arch.—Elliot

L. Whitaker. ^Engineering-. ^Commerce—Walter C. Weidler. * Journalism—James E. Pollard. *Social admin.—Clarid F. McNeil. Home economics—Gladys Brane¬

gan. *Veterinary medicine—Walter R.

Krill. *Optometry—Glenn A. Fry. Fine and applied arts—Frank

Seiberling, Jr. Nursing—Mildred E. Newton.

*Music—Eugene Weigel. Graduate—N. Paul Hudson.

Ohio University, Athens (N.; St.; coed.; HIk; 4,477).

Pres.—John O. Baker. Treas.—Paul R. O’Brien. Bus. mgr.—L. F. Lausche. Reg.—Robert E. Mahn. Dir. of admis—F. B. Dilley. Lib.—Frank N. Jones. Dean of men—Maurel Hunkins. Dean of wo.—Janice Bixler.

University college—Rush Elliott. Arts and sciences—G. W. Starcher.

♦Education—George J. Kabat. ♦Commerce—^W. F. Fenzel. Applied science (♦eng.)—E. J.


Fine arts (♦music)—Earl C. Seigfred.

Graduate—D. R. Clippinger. Summer session—H. E. Benz.

Ohio Wesleyan University, Delaware (N.; Meth.; coed.; Ille; 2,008).

Pres.—A. S. Flemming. Dean—C. E. Ficken. Treas.—D. J. Hornberger. Reg.—^Allen C. Conger. Lib.—J. H. Lancaster. Dean of men—J. J. Somerville. Dean of wo.—Audrey Parker.

Otterbein College, Westerville (N.; Evan. U. B.; coed.; Ilf; 627).

Pres.—J. Gordon Howard. Vice pres.-dean of men—R. F. Martin. Dean—Paul B. Anderson. Treas.—George N. Hogue. Reg.—F. J. Vance. Lib.—Mary W. Crumrine. Dean of wo.—Joanne Van Sant.

Our Lady of Cincinnati College, Edge- cliff, Walnut Hills, Cincinnati 6 (—; R. C.; wo.; Ilb; 318).

Pres.—Sister Marie Pierre. Dean—Sister Mary Virginia. Bus. mgr.—Sister Mary Edmund. Reg.—Sister Mary Martina. Lib.—Sister Esther Marie.

Rio Grande College, Rio Grande (—; interdenom.; coed.; He; 92).

Pres.—Charles Evans Davis. Dean—W. A. Lewis. Treas.—Jean L. Cooper. Reg.-dean of men—John W. Walcott. Lib.—Mrs. Myrtle Murdock. Dean of wo.—Zelma S. Northcutt.

Summer session—W. A. Lewis. St. Charles Seminary, Carthagena (—;

R. C.; men; Ilj; 108). Rector—Lionel E. Pire. Dean-reg.—Edmund J. Ryan. Treas.—Robert Stukenborg. Lib.—Edmund Binsfeld.

St. John College, Cleveland 14 (*ed.; R. C.; wo.; Illh; 839).

Pres.—Robert B. Navin. Dean—Thomas J. Murphy. Bursar—Bernardine Toohig. Reg.—Rose Mary Bland. Lib.—Margaret Mangz.

Summer session—Thomas J. Mur¬ phy.

Salmon P. Chase College, The, Cincin¬ nati 10 (—; YMCA.; coed.; Ilg; 1,037).

Pres.—Ray Hutchens. Dean (law)—Stanley Matthews. Dean (commerce)—Woodrow Wil¬

liams. Bus. mgr.—Richard L. Stanley. Reg.—Eleanor Webster. Lib.—George Buttafoco.

Schauffler College of Religious and Social Work, Cleveland 27 (—; P.; wo.; Ilh; 47).

Pres.—George P. Michaelides.


Bursar—Marie A. Jindra. Reg.—Ruth Meyers Rimer. Lib.—Mildred I. Moore.

Sinclair College, Dayton (—; YMCA.; coed.; Ic; 1,082).

Dir.—C. C. Bussey. Reg.—Josephine Cole. Student personnel—Thomas Wade.

Teachers College, Athenaeum of Ohio, Cincinnati 12 (—; R. C.; coed.; Ild; 308).

Dean—Carl J. Ryan. Reg.—Marian Penn. Lib.—Alma L’Hommedieu.

Summer session—Carl J. Ryan. University of Akron, Akron 4 (N.; C.,

coed.; Illj ; 3,673). Pres.—Norman P. Auburn. Vice pres, (finan.)—Leslie P. Hardy. Reg.—Richard H. Schmidt. Lib.—Dorothy Hamlen. Dean of students—Donfred H. Gard¬

ner. Arts and sciences—Ernest H. Cher-

rington, Jr. *Education—Howard R. Evans. ♦Engineering—R. D. Landon. Evening session—Leslie P. Hardy. Summer session—Howard R.

Evans. University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati 21

(N.; C.; coed.; IVk ; 13,829). Pres.—Raymond Waiters. Dean of univ. admin.—Ralph C. Bur-

siek. Compt.—Robert W. Hoefer. Reg.—Helen H. Burgoyne. Lib.—Wyman W. Parker. Dean of men—Robert W. Bishop. Dean of wo.—Lillian M. Johnson.

Liberal arts—George B. Barbour. ♦Law—Roscoe L. Barrow, acting. ♦Medicine—Stanley Dorst. ♦Nursing and health—Laura E.

Rosnagle. ♦Teachers—Carter V. Good. ♦Engineering—C. Albert Joerger. ♦Bus. admin.—Francis H. Bird. Home economics — Eleanor R.

Maclay, acting. Applied arts (♦arch.)—Ernest

Pickering. Graduate—Hoke S. Greene. Evening—Frank R. Neuffer. Summer school—Spencer Shank.

University of Dayton, Dayton 9 ( N.; R C.; coed.; IIj; 3,597).

Pres.—George J. Renneker. Dean of admis.—Charles L. Collins Treas.—William Busch. Reg.—Joseph Mervar. Dean of wo.—Kathleen Whetro.

Arts and science—Francis J. Frie- del.

♦Engineering—Albert J. Wehrle. Summer session—Henry J. Kobe.

University of Toledo, Toledo 6 (N.; C.: coed.; HIk; 4,337). 222922“—52-8

Pres.—Asa S. Knowles. Compt.-treas.—James D. Bain. Dir. of admis.—Richard R. Perry, Lib.—Mary M. Gillham. Dean of students—Donald S. Parks.

Arts and sciences — Andrew J. Townsend.

Junior college—Asa S. Knowles. ♦Education—David W. Henry. Business—Clair K. Searles.

♦Engineering—John B. Brande- berry.

♦I.aw—Charles W. Fornoff. ♦Pharmacy—Charles H. Larwood. Graduate—Paul W. Stansbury. Evening sessions—Arnold E. Han¬

son. Summer s e s s i o n—Charles J.

Kirschner. Urbana Junior College, Urbana (—:

Swed’b.; coed.; Ic ; 76). Pres.—Edward F. Memmott.

Ursuline College, Cleveland 6 (N.; R. C.; wo.; He; 198).

Pres.—Mother Mary Celestine. Dean—Sister Mary Gonzaga. Treas.—Sister Mary Michael. Reg.—Sister Mary Grace. Lib.—Sister Mary Natalie. Dean of students—Sister Mary Gon¬

zaga. Western College for Women, Oxford

(N.; P.; wo.; He; 244). Pres.—Edmund H. Kase, Jr. Dean of faculty—Helen W. Hobart,

acting. Bus. mgr.—Edwin P. Wenner. Reg.—Margaret L.- Ebeling. Dir. of admis.—Mary K. Michael. Lib.—Esther B. Duggleby. Dean of students—Helen B. Caine.

Western Reserve University, Cleve¬ land 6 (N.; P.; coed.; IVk ; 10,694)

Pres.—John Schoff Millis. Ed. vice pres.—Webster G. Simon. Finan. vice pres.—O. D. Russell. Reg.—Edward T. Downer. Dir. of admis.—Hollace G. Roberts. Lib.—Lyon N. Richardson. Dean of men—Russell A. Griffin. Dean of wo.—Elizabeth Walker.

Adelbert College (men)—William P. Jones.

Flora Stone Mather College (wo.)—Elizabeth T. Hastings.

♦Law—Fletcher R. Andrews. ♦Medicine—Joseph T. Wearn. ♦Dentistry—Wm. Leroy Wylie. ♦Nursing—Helen L. Bunge. ♦Applied social sciences—Margaret

Johnson. ♦Library science-. Architecture—Francis R. Bacon. Cleveland College (downtown) —

Herbert C. Hunsacker. Graduate—Carl F. Wittke. Summer session — Webster G.



**Wilberforce University, Wilberforce (—; A. M. E.; coed.; Ilj; 311).

Pres.—Charles Leander Hill. Sec.-bus. mgr.—George H. Valentine. Reg.—F. A. McGinnis. Lib.—Casper LeRoy Jordan. Dean of student affairs—Wilbert W.

Williams. Arts and sciences—Gilbert H.

Jones. Theology—Rembert Stokes.

William McKinley School of Law (night), Canton 2 (—; P.; coed.; Ilg; 156).

Dean—Ian B. Hart. Sec.-treas.—Frederic S. Wilkins.

Wilmington College, Wilmington (N., *ed.; Fr.; coed.; Hb; 473).

Pres.—Samuel D. Marble. Dean—Graydon Yaple. Bus. mgr.—Brooke Morgan. Reg.—Sarah F. Castle. Lib.—Marguerite Mitchell. Dean of men—Philip Hodge. Dean of wo.—Muriel Specht.

Summer session—Graydon Yaple. Wittenberg College, Springfield (N.;

U. Luth.; coed.; Ilj ; 1,065). Pres.—Clarence C. Stoughton. Vice pres.—W. Emerson Reck. Dean of the college—Wendell C. Ny-

strom. Bus. mgr.—Louis H. Fitch. Reg.—Helen Dyer. Lib.—Ilo D. Fisher. Dean of students—John N. Stauffer.

^Theology—E. E. Flack. *Music—John Thomas Williams. Community ed.—A. Edward Pat¬

inos. Summer session—W. C. Nystrom.

Xavier University, Cincinnati 7 (N.; R. C.; men; day, coed.; summer, eve¬ ning and grad.; Ille.; 2,500).

Pres.—James F. Maguire. Treas.—Nicholas H. Mann. Reg.—Raymond Fellinger. Lib.—Albert J. Worst.

Undergraduate—Paul L. O’Con¬ nor.

Downtown (evening)—Irving F. Beumer.

Milford College—John A. McGrail. Graduate—Raymond F. McCoy. Summer session—C h a r 1 e s F.

Wheeler. Youngstown College, Youngstown 2

(N.; P.; coed.; Ilk; 3,487). Pres.—Howard W. Jones. Dean—J. E. Smith. Bus. mgr.—P. C. Pickard. Reg.—P. P. Buchanan. Lib.—James W. Pirie.

Law—Raymond L. Palls. Business—Robert L. Miller.

*Music—Nellie G. Dehnbostel, act¬ ing.

Engineering—Frank M. Ellis, act¬ ing.

Summer session—H. W. Jones.


Altus College, Altus (—; C.; coed.; Ic; 45).

Pres.—Clifford Peterson, acting. Dean—A. G. Steele. Lib.—Mrs. Elizabeth Taylor.

Bacone College, Bacone (—; Bapt.; coed.; Ib; 118).

Pres.—Francis W. Thompson. Dean-reg.—Leo D. Harman. Bus. off.—Kermit J. Schmidt. Lib.—Mrs. R. L. Dover. Dean of wo.—Zoma Peery.

Benedictine Heights College, Guthrie (—; R. C.; coed.; Ilf; 30).

Pres.—Mother M. Paula Bartmeier. Dean—Sister M. Hildegarde Murtha. Reg.—Sister M. Magdalen Reinhart. Lib.—Sister Joachim Oberkoetter.

Summer session—Sister M. Hilde¬ garde Murtha.

Bethany-Peniel College, Bethany (—; Naz.; coed.; He; 739).

Pres.—Roy H. Cantrell. Dean—C. Harold Ripper. Bus. mgr.—Harry L. Craddock. Reg.—C. H. Wiman. Lib.—Elizabeth Willis. Dean of students—E. Boyd Shannon.

Cameron State Agricultural College,^® Lawton (—; St.; coed.; Ic; 528).

Pres.—C. Vernon Howell. Dean-reg.—Gordon L. Paine. Chief clerk—O. C. Elkins. Lib.—Arda Frans. Dean of men—Jesse E. Thompson. Dean of wo.—Pansy Robertson.

Central Christian College, Bartlesville (—; P.; coed.; Ic; 95).

Pres.—L. R. Wilson. Dean-reg.—James O. Baird. Bus. mgr.—Ellwood Whitacre. Lib.—Mrs. Taylor Carter. Student personnel—Elmer Higgins.

Central State College,^® Edmond (*ed., N.; St.; coed.; He; 782).

Pres.—W. Max Chambers. Dean of admin.—Joe C. Jackson. Finan. sec.—Mrs. Leda Cantrell. Reg.—A. G. Hitchcock. Lib.—Mrs. Vernon Johnson. Dean of men—Deriot E. Smith.

The Oklahoma State System of Higher Education by law includes all State-owned institutions of higher learning. Independ¬ ent institutions may apply for affiliation. The Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education (M. A. Nash, Chancelor, Okla¬ homa City) is by law the coordinating board for all institutions of higher learning in the State. Each institution has its own gov¬ erning board. The State Regents allocate funds and determine functions for the State- owned institutions.


Dean of wo.—Mrs. Marita B. Hand- ley.

Connors State Agricultural College/" Warner (—; St.; coed.; Ib ; 267).

Pres.—Jacob Johnson. Dean—A. B. Childress. Keg.—Anna B. Gatlin. Lib.—Lula K. Pratt. Dean of wo.—Claire A. Harrison.

East Central State College/" Ada (*ed., N.; St.; coed.; He; 991).

Pres.—Charles F. Spencer. Dean—W. B. Morrison. Bus. mgr.—O. L. Parker. Reg.—W. Harvey Faust. Lib.—Casper Duffer. Dean of students—T. K. Treadwell.

Summer session—Charles F. Spen¬ cer.

Eastern Oklahoma A. and M. Col¬ lege/" Wilburton (—; St.; coed.; Ib; 363).

Pres.—E. T. Dunlap. Dean of instr.—I. C. Gunning. Chief clerk—Carrie Weissiiiger. Reg.—Minnie Antonelli. Lib.—Mrs. I. C. Gunning. Dean of students—Gerald Williams.

El Reno Junior College, El Reno (—; dist.; coed.; Ic; 31).

Pres.—Paul R. Taylor. Dean—Ray P. Porter. Reg.—M. A. Mitchell, Jr. Lib.—Mrs. Edna Kelly. Dean of wo.—Rose Witcher.

**Langston University,"" Langston (N.; St.; coed.; Ilf; 633).

Pres.—G. L. Harrison. Dean—R. P. Perry. Bus. mgr.—R. B. Welch, acting. Reg.—C. D. Batchelor. Lib.—IMrs. E. R Davis. Dean of men—J. H. Hughes. Dean of wo.—Jeanne L. Noble.

Summer session—L. G. Moore. Murray State School of Agriculture,""

Tishomingo (—; St.; coed.; Ic; 214).

Pres.—William Parrish, acting. Dean-reg.—Dick H. Winn, acting.

Muskogee Junior College, Muskogee (—; C.; coed ; Ic ; 245).

Dean—Bessie M. Huff. Northeastern Oklahoma Agricultural

and Mechanical College/" Miami (N.; St.; coed.; Ic; 543).

Pres.—Bruce G. Carter. Dean-chief clerk—Melvin A. Shipley. Reg.—Elizabeth Hutts! ' Lib.—Laura Jane Catlin. Dean of men—William R. Russell. Dean of wo.—Faye Vann.

Northeastern State College,"" Tahle- quah (*ed., N.; St.; coed.; He ; 998).

Pres.—Harrell E. Garrison. Dean—L. H. Bally. Bus. mgr.—J. C. Scearce.

Reg.—Noble Bryan, Sr. Lib.—Sue B. Thornton. Dean of students—Wesley A. Deneke.

Northern Oklahoma Junior College,"" Tonkawa (N.; St.; coed.; Ic ; 206).

Pres.-dean—Howard R. Harold, act¬ ing.

Bus. mgr.—Ray W. Hamilton. Reg.—Mrs. May Vorheis. Dean of men—Harold J. Piper. Dean of wo.—Pearl Ramsey.

Northwestern State College,"" Alva (*ed., N.; St.; coed.; He; 386).

Pres.—Sabin C. Percefull. Dean of admin.—T. C. Carter. Reg.-finan. sec.—Aurice Huguley, act¬

ing. Lib.—Frances DuVall. Dean of men—C. E. Campbell. Dean of wo.—Myrna Boyce.

Oklahoma Agricultural and Mechanical College,"" Stillwater (N.; St.; coed.; IVlv; 7,414).

Pres.—Oliver S. Willham. Dir. of admis.—H. H. Flinn, acting. Compt.—J. Lewie Sanderson. Reg.—Raymond Girod, acting. Lib.—^Edmon Low. Dean of students—R. R. Oglesby.

Arts and sciences—Schiller Scroggs. *Education—J. Andrew Holley. Agriculture—W. L. Blizzard. Institute of Technology (*eng.) —

Edward R. Stapley. Commerce—Raymond D. Thomas. Home economics—Lela O’Toole.

^Veterinary medicine—C. H. Mc- Elroy.

Graduate—D. C. McIntosh. Summer session—J. Andrew Holley.

Oklahoma Baptist University, Shawnee N.; S. Bapt.; coed.; IIj ; 948).

Pres.—John Wesley Raley. Vice pres.—James R. Scales. Bus. mgr.—Paul K. Nance. Reg.—L. E. Solomon. Lib.-dean of men—Lee B. Spencer. Dean of wo.—Ann Marshall.

Liberal arts—L. E. Solomon. Fine arts—Warren M. Angell.

Oklahoma City College of Law, Okla¬ homa City (—; P.; coed.; Ilg; 198).

Pres.—F. Bert Grubb. Dean—Roger L. Stephens.

Summer session—F. Bert Grubb.

Oklahoma City University, Oklahoma City (N.; Meth.; coed.; Ilj ; 1,701).

^ The Oklahoma State System of Higher Education by law includes all State-owned institutions of higher learning. Independ¬ ent institutions may apply for affiliation. The Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education tM. A. Nash, Chancelor, Okla¬ homa City) is by law the coordinating board for all institutions of higher learning in the State. Each institution has its own gov¬ erning board. The State Regents allocate funds and determine functions for the State- owned institutions.


Pres.—Cluster Q. Smith. Bus. mgr.—B. W. Bindley. Reg.—L. A. Jones. Lib.—Frances Kennedy. Dean of men—George Ryden. Dean of wo.—Josephine Bell.

Arts and sciences—Stanley B. Niles.

Fine arts (*music)—Clarence Burg.

Summer session—Stanley B. Niles. Oklahoma College for Women,Chick-

asha (N.; St.; wo.; lie; 628). Pres.—Dan Procter. Dean.—Howard Taylor. Bus. mgr.—J. D. Sneed. Reg.—Sam Evans. Lib.—Mary R. Bell. Dean of students—Julia Lee Haw¬

kins. Summer session—Howard Taylor.

Oklahoma Military Academy,^® Clare- more (N.; St.; men; Ic ; 100).

Pres.—H. M. Ledbetter. Dean-reg.—Ralph E. Baird. Bus. mgr.—Dorotha Majors. Lib.—Imogene White.

Panhandle Agricultural and Mechani¬ cal College,®® Goodwell (—; S't.; coed.; Ilb; 402).

Pres.—Marvin E. McKee. Bus. off.-reg.—E. Lee Nichols, Jr. Lib.—Paul Parham. Dean of students—Helen Muller.

Summer session—Marvin E. Mc¬ Kee.

Phillips University, Enid (N.; Disc, of

Christ; coed.; Illj ; 1,023). Pres.—Eugene S. Briggs. Exec. dir.—R. W. Adkisson. Reg.—Merrill H. Ziegler. Lib.—lone Jackson. Univ. conn.—Lola Montgomery.

Arts—J. Clifford Shirley. Bible (*theol.)—Stephen J. Eng¬

land. Fine arts—Milburn Carey.

St. Gregory’s College, Shawnee (—; R. C.; men; Ib ; 15).

Pres.—Mark F. Braun. Dean-reg.—Lawrence F. Spencer. Treas.—PhiliiD Berning. Lib.—Eugene Marshall.

Sayre Junior College, Sayre (—; dist.; coed.; Ic; 36).

Pres.—Ferrill Martin. Dean—Arch Alexander. Reg.—Maurine Fails. Lib.—Jessie Driscoll.

Seminole Junior College, Seminole (—; dist.; coed.; Ic; 46).

Supt.—O. D. Johns. Southeastern State College,®® Durant

(*ed., N.; St.; coed.; He ; 1,060). Pres.—Allen E. Shearer. Dean—Guy A. Curry. Finan. sec.—J. W. Logan.

Reg.—Sam O. Pool. Lib.—Maude Cowan. Dean of students—John T. Krattiger.

Southwestern State College,®® Weather¬ ford (*ed., N.; St.; coed.; Ilj; 718).

Pres.—R. H. Burton. Dean of college—Clarence McCor¬

mick, acting. Bus. mgr.—Everett Gartell. Reg.—Millie A. Thomas. Lib.—E. A. Thomas. Dir. of student affairs—Derryle Allen. ^Pharmacy—W. D. Strother.

University of Oklahoma,®® Norman (N.; St; coed.; IVk; 7,962).

Pres.—G. L. Cross. Exec, vice pres.—Carl M. Franklin. Vice pres.-bus. mgr.—Roscoe Cate. Sec.—E. R. Kraettli. Dean of admis.-reg.—John E. Fel¬

lows. Lib.—Arthur McAnally. Dean of students—Paul MacMinn.

Univ. college—Glenn C. Couch. Arts and sciences—Edgar D.

Meacham. *Law—Earl Sneed, Jr. ^Medicine (Oklahoma City)—Mark

Everett. Nursing—Ada Hawkins.

*Pharmacy—Ralph W. Clark. *Education—John Ralph Rackley. *Engineering—William H. Carson. Pine arts (*music)—Harrison

Kerr. *Bus. admin.—Horace B. Brown. Extension—Thurman White. Graduate—Laurence H. Snyder. Summer session—Carl M. Frank¬

lin. University of Tulsa, Tulsa 4 (N.; P.;

coed.; IVk; 4,255). Pres.—C. I. Pontius. Bus. mgr.—John A. Hayes. Sec.-treas.—C. I. Duncan. Reg.—George V. Metzel. Lib.—Eugenia Maddox. Conns, of men—Dan Wesley. Couns. of wo.—Mary Clay Williams.

Arts and science—E. H. Criswell. *Petroleum engineering—R. L. Lan-

genheim. JBus. admin.—M. M. Hargrove. Fine arts (*music)—Albert Luk-

ken. jLaw—John Rogers. Evening college—H. W. Gowans.

^3 The Oklahoma State System of Higher Education by law includes all State-owned institutions of higher learning. Independ¬ ent institutions may apply for affiliation. The Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education (M. A. Nash, Chancelor, Okla¬ homa City) is by law the coordinating board for all institutions of higher learning in the State. Each institution has its own gov¬ erning board. The State Regents allocate funds and determine functions for the State- owned institutions.


Graduate—L. S. McLeod. Summer session—Ben G. Henneke.


Cascade College, Portland 11 (NW.; P.; coed.; He; 207).

Pres.—Clarence J. Pike. Bus. mgr.—George B. Palmer. Dean-reg.—Philip S. Clapp. Lib.—Lois Tish. Dir. of student personnel—Helen

Wylie Clapp. Summer session—Philip S. Clapp.

Eastern Oregon College of Education,“ La Grande (NW., *; St.; coed.; Ilf; 462).

Pres.—Roderick G. Langston. Cord, of instr.—Roy L. Skeen. Reg.-dean of men—Lyle H. Johnson. Lib.—Donald K. Nelson. Dean of wo.—Dorothy Byrd Winters.

Summer session—Roy L. Skeen.

George Fox College, Newberg (—; Fr.; coed.; Ilf; 109).

Pres.-dean—Donald McNichols, act¬ ing.

Treas.—Howard Pierson. Reg.—Mary C. Sutton. Lib.—Mary Dade. Dean of wo.—Helen Willcuts.

Lewis and Clark College, Portland (NW.; Presb.; coed.; Ille; 1,127).

Pres.—Morgan Samuel Odell. Dean of faculty—Charles W. Howard. Bus. mgr.—Paris W. Stewart. Reg.—Wm. H. Norris. Lib.—Laurence E. Tomlinson. Dean of students—Vergil S. Fogdall.

Linfield College, McMinnville (NW.; Bapt.; coed.; Ille ; 501).

Pres.—Harry L. Dillin. Dean of faculty—W. W. Dolan. Bus. mgr.—Elmer Carson. Reg.—E. Avard Whitman. Lib.—Carolyn E. Smith. Dean of men—George Fetter. Dean of wo.—Orma Melton.

Marylhurst College, Marylhurst (NW.; R. C.; wo.; He; 270).

Pres.—Sister M. Elizabeth Clare. Dean of studies—Sister Idamae. Treas.—Sister Mary Michael. Reg.—Sister Mary Agnetta. Lib.—Sister Mary Imeldine. Dean of wo.—Sister Francis Mary.

Mount Angel Seminary, St. Benedict (NW.; R. C.; men; Ilj; 93).

Pres.—Damian Jentges. Dean-reg.—Clement Frank. Lib.—Marc Schmid. Personnel—Bernard Sander.

Theology—James Koessler.

Mount Angel Women’s College, INIount Angel (JNW.; R. C.; wo.; lid; 47).

Pres.—Mother M. Ursula. Dean—Sister M. Ida. Reg.—Sister M. Alberta. Lib.—Sister M. Madeline.

Multnomah College, Portland 4 (NW.; P.; coed.; Ic; 705).

Pres.—Ernest J. Jaqua. Dean—Omar N. Bittner. Bus. mgr.—Arthur H. Graper. Lib.—Helen Ruth Montague. Dean of men—Dale B. Worthington. Dean of wo.—Cora Sherban.

Northwest Christian College, Eugene (—; Disc, of Christ; coed.; He; 346).

Pres.-dean-reg.—Ross John Griffeth. Bus. mgr.—Paul Rickard. Lib.—Hazel Oliver. Dean of men—William Siefke. Dean of wo.—Violet Maughan.

Northwestern College of Law (eve¬ ning) , Portland (—; P.; coed.; Ilg; 262).

Dean—James W. Crawford. Reg.—John F. Gantenbein.

Oregon College of Education,^^ Mon¬ mouth (NW., *; St.; coed.; lid; 470).

Pres.—Roben J. Maaske. Bus. off.—Ellis A. Stebbins. Reg.—R. E. Lieuallen. Lib.—Dessa Hofstetter. Dean of men—Delmer R. Dewey. Dean of wo.—Joan Seavey.

Summer session—Louis A. Kaplan. Oregon State College,^ Corvallis

(NW.; St.; coed.; IVk ; 4,904). Pres.—August Leroy Strand. Dean of admin.—E. B. Lemon. Bus. mgr.—G. Morris Robertson. Reg.—D. T. Ordeman. Lib.—Wm. H. Carlson. Dean of men—D. W. Poling. Dean of wo.—Mary I. Bash.

Lower div.—Ralph Colby. Science—F. A. Gilfillan. Agriculture—F. E. Price. Bus. and technology—C. E. Masey. Education—F. R. Zeran.

*Engineering—G. W. Gleeson. *Forestry—P. M. Dunn. Home economics—Vera H. Bran¬

don, acting. *Pharmacy—George E. Crossen. Air science—Rex W. Beach. Military s c i e n c e—Christian C.


The State System of Higher Education in Oregon includes all the State-supported higher educational institutions. The chief executive officer is the Chancelor, Charles D. Byrne, Eugene, Oregon. The State Sys¬ tem also operates the Portland State Exten¬ sion Center which includes a two-year non¬ degree collegiate program and a night class extension program. Credits earned in these Portland units are accepted as resident work at the University of Oregon, Oregon State College, and the three Oregon Colleges of Education.


Naval science—Jos. H. Berry. Graduate—H. P. Hansen. Summer session—F. R. Zeran.

Pacific University, Forest Grove (NW.; P.; coed.; Illj; 599).

Pres.—Walter C. Giersbacti. Vice pres.—Edwin T. Ingles. Bus. mgr.—Robert L. Wylie. Reg.-dir. of admis.—Leo Arnoldi. Lib.—Elsie Lundborg. Dean of students—D. D. Darland.

Music—Daniel L. Preston. ^Optometry—Detleff Jans. Graduate—D. D. Darland. Summer session—Edwin T. Ingles.

Portland School of Music, 931 SW. King Ave., Portland 5 (—; P.; coed.; Illg; 43).

Dir.—^Ariel Rubstein. Dean—Carl M. Beecher. Bus. off.—Marietta Bulkan. Reg.—Robert E. Vance.

Reed College, Portland 2 (NW.; P.; coed.; Hie; 606).

Pres.—Duncan Smith Ballantine. Cont.—G. L. Taylor. Dir. of admis,—Robert W. Canon. Reg.—Margaret A. Scott. Lib.—Joyce Wright. Dean of men-. Dean of wo.—Ann W. Shepard.

Summer session—Jas. T. Hamilton. Southern Oregon College of Educa¬

tion,^^ Ashland (NW., * ; St.; coed.; Ilf; 572).

Pres.—Elmo N. Stevenson. Bus. mgr.—Donald E. Lewis. Reg.-dean of wo.—Mabel Winston. Lib.—Myrtle Funkhouser. Dean of men—Marshall Woodell.

Summer session—John McAulay. University of Oregon,Eugene (NW.;

St.; coed.; IVk; 5,487). Pres.—H. K. Newburn. Dean of admin.—William C. Jones. Bus. mgr.—J. Orville Lindstrom. Reg.—Clifford L. Constance. Lib.—Carl W. Hintz. Dir. of student affairs—Donald M.

DuShane. Liberal arts—Eldon L. Johnson.

*Law—Orlando J. Hollis. ^Education—Paul B. Jacobson. ^Arch. and allied arts—Sidney W.

Little. ^Medicine (Portland)—David W. E.


The State System of Higher Education in Oregon includes all the State-supported higher educational institutions. The chief executive officer is the Chancelor, Charles D. Byrne, Eugene, Oregon. The State Sys¬ tem also operates the Portland State Exten¬ sion Center which includes a two-year non¬ degree collegiate program and a night class extension program. Credits earned in these Portland units are accepted a.s resident work at the University of Oregon, Oregon State College, and the three Oregon Colleges of Education.

^Dentistry (Portland)—Harold J. Noyes.

*Music—Theodore Kratt. *Bus. admin.—Victor P. Morris. * Journalism—Gordon A. Sabine. Health and physical ed.—Ralph W.

Leighton. Graduate—Eldon L. Johnson. Summer session—Paul B. Jacob¬

son. University of Portland, Portland 3

(NW.; R. C.; coed.; IVk; 1,275). Pres.—Robert H. Sweeney. Academic off.—Michael J. Gavin. Bus. off.—Arnold B. Peterschmidt. Reg.—Charles Laver. Lib.—David Martin. Dean of men—John B. Delaunay. Dean of wo.—Marie Oullette.

Business—Edward Sandstrom. Engineering—Walter S. Thompson. Liberal arts—Charles Miltner. Music—Louis P. Artau.

*Nursing—Sister Ernestine Marie. Science—John A. Molter. Graduate—Joseph S. McGrath. Summer s e s s i o n—Joseph S.

McGrath. Western Evangelical Seminary, 4200

SE. Jennings Ave., Portland 22 (—; P.; coed.; Hlh; 57).

Pres.—Paul P. Petticord. Dean-reg.—Delbert R. Rose. Lib.—Betty Claire Fuhrman, acting.

Willamette University, Salem (NW.; Meth.; coed.; Illj; 1,020).

Pres.—G. Herbert Smith. Dean—Robert D. Gregg. Bus. off.—Robert W. Fenix. Reg.—Harold B. Jory. Dir. of admis.—Charles A, Paeth, Jr. Lib.—Ainsley A. Whitman. Dean of students—Mark Odom Hat¬

field. *Law—Seward P. Reese. * Music—Melvin H. Geist.


Academy of the New Church, Bryn Athyn (M,; Ch. of N. Jeru.; coed;

Ilj; 66). Pres.—George deCharms. Dean of college—Eldric S. Klein. Bus. off.—Leonard E. Gyllenhaal. Lib.—Lois E. Stebbing, acting.

Theology—Hugo L. Odhner. Albright College, Reading (M.; Evan.

U. B.: coed.; Ilj; 571). Pres.—Harry V. Masters. Dean—George W. Walton. Treas.—Charles L. Gordon, Jr. Reg.—Anna R. Benninger. Lib.—Josephine E. Raeppel. Dean of men—LeVan P. Smith. Dean of wo.—Ruth E. Williams.

*The Evangelical School of Theol¬ ogy—J. Arthur Heck.


Summer session—George W. Wal¬ ton.

Allegheny College, Meadville (M.; P.; coed.; He; 1,018).

Pres.—Louis T. Benezet. Dean of instr.—Julian L. Ross. Treas.-bus. mgr.—Allen P>. Edwards. Dir. of admis.-reg.—R. T. Sherman. Lib.—Philip M. Benjamin. Dean of students—C. W. McCracken.

Summer session—J. L. Ross. Alliance College, Cambridge Springs

(M.; P.; men, wo.; lie ; 156). Pres.—Arthur P. Coleman. Dean—John J. Kolasa. Dir. tech. inst.—Edward J. Kruszka. Reg.—John A. Jadus. Lib.—Marion E. Vosburgh. Dean of students—Frank S. Badger.

Beaver College, Jenkintown (M.; Presb.; wo.; He; 490).

Pres.—Raymon M. Kistler. Dean—Ruth L. Higgins. Compt.—Thomas G. Barlow. Dir. of admis.—Marjorie Darling. Reg.—Ruth Lindemann. Lib.—Mary E. Wheatley. Dean of students—Marjorie Eisen-

berger. Summer session—Ruth L. Higgins.

Bryn Mawr College, Bryn Mawr (M.; P.; wo.; IVb; 734). Pres.—Katharine Elizabeth Mc¬

Bride. Dean of college—Dorothy Nepper

Marshall. Compt.—Raymond G. Buckley. Dir. of admis.—Annie Leigh Brough¬

ton. Lib.—Janet M. Agnew.

Graduate—Eleanor A. Bliss. Bucknell University, Lewisburg (M.;

Bapt.; coed.; IHj ; 1,909). Pres.—Horace A. Hildreth. ->-

• Dean—William H. Coleman. 5 Treas.—D. L. Ranck. Reg.—George R. Faint. Rec.—Florence Pyle. Lib.—Harold W. Hayden. Dean of men—Malcolm E. Musser. Dean of wo.—Mary Jane Stevenson.

*Engineering—George A. Irland. Summer session—Walter H. Sau-

vain. Carnegie Institute of Technology,

Pittsburgh 13 (M.; P.; coed.; IVh; 2,893).

Pres.—J. C. Warner. Prov.—Elliott Dunlap Smith. Cont.—Haskell Riley Patton. Reg.—William L. Rogers. Chinn, of admis.—.John M. Daniels. Lib.—Kenneth H. Fagerhaugh. Dir. of student personnel and wel¬

fare—Douglas F. Miner. Humanistic and social studies—

Glen U. Cleeton.

Margaret Morrison Carnegie Col¬ lege (wo.)—Edith W. Alexander.

*Eng. and science—Webster N. Jones.

Fine arts (*arch.)—B. Kenneth Johnstone.

Industrial admin.—G. L. Bach. *Library school—Ralph Munn. Grad, studies. College of Engineer¬

ing and Science—B. R. Teare, Jr. Evening, part-time classes, and

summer session—Glen U. Clee¬ ton.

Cedar Crest College, Allentown (M.; Evan. Ref.; wo.; He; 357).

Pres.—Dale H. Moore. L^ean of college—Robert F. Eshleman. Bus. mgr.—G. E. Kiefer. Treas.—E. Wilbur Kriebel. Dir. of admis.—Mary Rose McWil¬

liams. Reg.—Elizabeth Mae Curtis. Lib.—Marjorie R. Dowling. Dean of wo.—Janet Stamm.

Chestnut Hill College, Philadelphia 18 (M.; R. C.; wo.; He; 417).

Pres.—Sister Maria Kostka. Dean of studies — Sister Loyola

Maria. Reg.—Sister Clare Joseph. Bursar—Sister Jane Frances. Lib.—Sister Anne Xavier. Dean of students—Sister Catherine

Frances. College Misericordia, Dallas (M.; P.;

wo.; Ilf; 505). Pres.—Sister Mary Gonzaga. Dean—Sister Mary Annunciata. Treas.—Sister Mary Gertrude Joseph. Reg.—Sister Mary Rosaire. Lib.—Sister Mary Francesca. Dean of wo.—Sister Mary Patrice.

Summer session—Sister Mary An¬ nunciata.

Crozer Theological Seminary, Chester (*; Bapt.; coed.; HIg; 67).

Pres.—Sankey L. Blanton. Dean—Charles E. Batten.

Curtis Institute of Music, The, Ritten- house Square, Philadelphia 3 (—; P.; coed.; Illg; 119).

Pres.—Mary Curtis Zimbalist. Dir.—Efrem Zimbalist. Treas.—Jay H. Mattis. Reg.—Jane Fairfax Hill. Lib.—^Elizabeth R. Hartman.

D. T. Watson School of Physiatrics, Leetsdale (*; P.; coed.; Ig; 22).

Pres.—H. F. Stambaugh. Med. dir.—Jessie Wright.

Dickinson College, Carlisle (M.; P.; coed.; He; 851).

Pres.—William W. Edel. Dean of college—Frederic W Ness. Treas.—George Shuman, Jr. Reg.—A. W. Climenhaga. Dir. of admis.—Benj. D. James. Lib.—May Morris.


Dean of men—Amos B. Horlacher, Dean of wo.—Mary Margaret Kellogg.

Dickinson School of Law, Carlisle (* ; P.; coed.; Ilg; 223).

Pres.—^W. C. Sheely. Dean-treas.—W. H. Hitchler. Dir. of admis.—D. Fenton Adams. Lib.—Frank M. Davis.

Divinity School of the Protestant Epis¬ copal Church, Philadelphia 4 (—; P. E.; men; IVg; 103).

Dean—Frank D. Gifford. Bursar—R. J. McCarthy. Reg.—Chas. E. Finch. Lib.—Galen Alexander.

Graduate—C. Edward Hopkin.

Drexel Institute of Technology, Phila¬ delphia 4 (M.; P.; coed.; Illh; 2,954).

Pres.—James Creese. Compt.—Richard D. Strathmeyer. Reg.—Helen J. Tavenner. Lib.—Harriet D. MacPherson. Dean of men—Harold M. Myers. Dean of wo.—Dorothy R. Young.

*Engineering—Robert C. Disque. Bus. admin.—Kenneth G. Mathe-

son. ^Library science—Harriet D. Mac¬

Pherson. Home economics—^Ardenia Chap¬

man. Evening—Kenneth W. Riddle.

Dropsie College, Philadelphia 32 (—; Jewish; coed; IVb; 101).

Pres.—Abraham A. Neuman. Sec.—Louis Gershenfeld. Treas.—^Bernard G. Segal. Reg.—Sarai Zausmer. Lib.—Joseph Reider.

Duquesne University, Pittsburgh 19 (M.; R. C.; coed.; Illk; 4,081).

Pres.—Vernon F. Gallagher. Treas.—Sebastian J. Schiffgens. Reg.—Maurice J. Murphy. Dir. of admis.—Salvator Federici. Lib.—Eleanor McCann. Dean of men—James F. McNamara. Dean of wo.—Elizabeth Wingerter.

Arts and sciences—J. R. Kletzel. Law—C. Gerald Brophy.

*Pharmacy—Hugh C. Muldoon. Education—George A. Harcar. Music—William Hurney.

^Nursing—Ruth D. Johnson. Bus. admin.—Albert B. Wright. Graduate—J. Gerald Walsh. Summer session—George A. Har¬

car. Eastern Baptist Theological Seminary,

The, Philadelphia 31 (—; Bapt.; coed.; IVg; 287).

Pres.—Gilbert L. Guffin. Dean—Carl H. Morgan. Treas.—Harvey Bartle. Reg.—Joseph R. Bowman. Ldb.—^Wm. John Hand.

Dir. women’s activities—Frida E. Renne.

Elizabethtown College, Elizabethtown (M.; Ch. of Breth.; coed.; He; 252).

Pres.—^A. C. Baugher. Dean of instr.—Henry Bucher. Treas.—K. Ezra Bucher. Lib.—Alice Sylvester. Dean of men—Joseph H. Dodd. Dean of wo.—Vera Hackman.

Evangelical School of Theology. See Albright College.

Franklin and Marshall College, Lan¬ caster (M.; Evan. Ref.; men; Ille; 1,028).

Pres.—Theodore A. Distler. Dean—A. G. Breidenstine. Treas.—Donald M. Mylin. Dir. of admis.—Richard H. Winters. Lib.—Herbert B. Anstaett.

Gannon College, Erie (M.; R. C.; men ; Ilf; 811).

Pres.—Joseph J. Wehrle. Dean—Wilfrid J. Nash. Bus. off.—John B. Hynes. Reg.—Robert J. Levis. Lib.—Louis J. Lorei. Dean of men—Norbert G. Wolf.

Geneva College, Beaver Palls (M.; Ref. Presb.; coed.; He; 626).

Pres.—Charles Martson Lee. Dean of college—Robert Park. Dean of faculty—Wm. E. Cleland. Bus. mgr.—W. Stewart McCready. Reg.—Lulu J. McKinney. Lib.—Mrs. J. D. Leighty. Dean of men—Kenneth Saxton. Dean of wo.—Mrs. Helen Reagle.

Summer session—John Mclsaac. Gettysburg College, Gettysburg (M.;

Luth.; coed.; lie; 1,163). Pres.—Walter C. Langsam. Dean—W. E. Tilberg. Bus. Mgr.—Richard C. Debris. Reg.—Charles R. Wolfe. Lib.—John H. Knickerbocker. Dean of men—Robert H. Fryling. Dean of wo.—Dorothy Gregg Lee.

Grove City College, Grove City (M.; P.; coed.; He; 1,070).

Pres.—Weir C. Ketler. Dean—Creig S. Hoyt. Bursar—J. P. Hassler. Reg.—H. O. White. Lib.—Isabel Forbes. Personnel off.—Jack Kennedy.

Summer session—Weir C. Ketler. Gwynedd-Mercy Junior College, Gwy¬

nedd Valley (—; R. C.; wo.; Ic; 174),

Pres.—Mother M. Bernard. Dean—Sister M. Gregory. Treas.—Sister M. Virginia. Reg.—Sister M. John Aloyse.

Summer session—Mother M. Ber¬ nard.


Hahnemann Medical College and Hos¬ pital, 235 North 15th St., Philadel¬ phia 2(*; P.; coed.; Ilg; 384).

Pres.—L. Stauffer Oliver. Exec, vice pres.—Raymond S. Leo¬

pold. Dean—Charles L. Brown. Reg.—Joseph C. Chandler. Lib.—Lucy Finkel.

Harcum Junior College, Bryn Mawr (—; P.; wo.; Ic; 108).

Pres.—Edith Hatcher Harcum. Dean-reg.—Maud L. Marren. Compt.—Maryus S. Harcum. Lib.—Ethel Van Winkle.

Haverford College, Haverford (M.; Fr.; men; Illb; 500).

Pres.—Gilbert F. White. Dean—William E. Cadbury, Jr. Compt.-bus. mgr.—Aldo Caselli. Dir. of admis.—Archibald McIntosh. Lib.—John A. Lester.

Hershey Junior College, Hershey (M.; twp.; coed.; Ic; 79).

Dean—V. H. Fenstermacher. Reg.—K. H. Lanz. Lib.—I. C. Dietrich.

Immaculata College, Immaculata (M.; R. C.; wo.; He; 305).

Pres.—Vincent L. Burns. Dean of college—Sister M. St. Mar¬

garet. Treas.—Sister Cor Immaculatum. Reg.—Sister Anastasia Maria. Lib.—Sister M. Thomas Aquinas. Dean of students—Sister Marie Eu¬

genie. Jefferson Medical College of Philadel¬

phia, Philadelphia 7 (* ; P. and St.; men; IVg; 651).

Pres.—James L. Kauffman. Vice pres.—Hayward R. Hamrick. Dean—George A. Bennett. Cont.—George M. Ritchie. Lib.—Robert T. Lentz.

Juniata College, Huntingdon (M.; Ch. of Breth.; coed.; He; 553).

Pres.—Calvert N. Ellis. Dean—Morley Mays. Treas.—John T. Fike. Reg.—A. William Engel. Lib.—Sarah S. Hettinger. Dean of men—James F. Penney.

Keystone Junior College, La Plume (M.; P.; coed.; Ic; 171).

Pres.—Blake Tewksbury. Cont.—Donald T. Foster. Reg.—John H. Ackerman. Lib.—Mary M. Van Nort. Dean of wo.—Marjorie T. McIntosh.

King’s College, Wilkes-Barre (—; R. C.; men; He; 422).

Pres.—Leo F. Flood. Dean—George S. DePrizIo. Treas.—John Grimes. I Reg.—William J. Beston. •

Lib.—Mary Barrett. Summer session—Herve A. Le-

Blanc. Lafayette College, Easton (M.; Presb.;

men ; Hb ; 1,376). Pres.—Ralph Cooper Hutchison. Dean of faculty—Robert G. Crosen. Treas.—John N. Schlegel. Reg.—Frank R. Hunt. Dir. of admis.—Charles R. Hulac. Lib.—Theodore E. Norton. Dean of students—Frank R. Hunt.

Summer session—Robert G. Crosen. LaSalle College, Philadelphia 41 (M.;

R. C.; men; Hf; 2,254). Pres.—Brother G. Paul. Dean—Brother F. Christopher. Compt.—Joseph J. Sprissler. Reg.—Brother G. Joseph. Lib.—Brother E. Joseph.

Lebanon Valley College, Annville (M.; Evan. U. B.; coed.; He; 480).

Pres.—Frederic K. Miller. Dean—Howard M. Kreitzer. Treas.—Samuel O. Grimm. Reg.—Gladys M. Fencil. Lib.—Helen E. Myers. Dean of students—W. A. Hays.

Summer session—D. Clark Car- mean.

Lehigh University, Bethlehem (M.; P.; men ; IVj ; 3,150).

Pres.—Martin D. Whitaker. Vice pres.—E. K. Smiley. Treas.—Elmer W. Glick. Reg.—James H. Wagner. Dir. of admis.—Charles A. Seidle. Lib.—James D. Mack. Dir. of personnel services—Wray H.

Congdon. Arts and sciences—R. P. More.

♦Bus. admin.—Carl E. Allen. ♦Engineering—Loyal V. Bewley. Inst, of research—H. A. Neville. Graduate—Harvey A. Neville. Summer session — Harold P.

Thomas. Lincoln University, Lincoln Univer¬

sity (M.; P.; men; Hj ; 315). Pres.—Horace Mann Bond. Dean of the univ.—Harold F. Grim. Dean of college—J. Newton Hill. Bus. mgr.-treas.—Austin Scott. Reg.—Paul Kuehner. Lib.—Charles L. Katz. Dean of men—James B. MacRae.

Theology—Andrew E. Murray. Lutheran Theological Seminary, Get¬

tysburg (*; Evan. Luth.; men, wo.; HIg; 127).

Pres.—H. F. Baughman. Reg.—Reginald W. Deitz. Lib.—Herbert H. Schmidt.

Lutheran Theological Seminary, Phil¬ adelphia 19 (*; Luth.; men; Illg; 189).

Pres.—Henry H. Bagger. Reg.—John A. Kaufmann.


Lib.—Margaret J. Hort. Graduate—O. Frederick Nolde.

Lycoming College, Williamsport (M.; Meth.; coed.; lie; 603).

Pres.—John W. Long. Dean—William S. Hoffman. Treas.—Kenneth E. Himes. Reg.-dean of men—G. Heil Gramley. Lib.—^Noreen C. Blum. Dean of wo.—Mrs. Elizabeth Brown

Miller. Margaret Morrison Carnegie College.

See Carnegie Institute of Technol¬ ogy.

Marywood College, Scranton 9 (M.; R. C.; wo.; Hie; 577).

Pres.—Sister M. Eugenia. Dean—Sister M. Cuthbert. Bus. off.—Sister M. Rosanne. Reg.—Sister M. Margrete. Lib.—Sister M. Norberta. Dean of students—Sister M. Ber-

nardina. Summer session—Sister M. Cuth¬

bert. Mercyhiirst College, Erie (M.; R. C.;

wo.; lie; 236). Pres.-—Sister M. DeSales Preston. Dean—Mother M. Borgia. Treas.—Sister M. Leona. Reg.—Sister Mary Alice. Lib.—Sister M. Liguori. Dean of wo.—Sister M. Esther.

Summer session—Mother M. Bor¬ gia.

Messiah College, Grantham (*Bible; Breth. in Christ; coed.; lie; 94).

Pres.—C. N. Hostetter, Jr. Dean-reg.—Charles P. Esbelman. Treas.—Musser M. Martin. Lib.—Ruth N. Musser. Dean of students — Kenneth B.


Moore Institute of Art, Science, and Industry, Philadelphia 21 (—; P.; wo.; llh ; 361).

Pres.-dean—Harold R. Rice. Bus. mgr.—C. Allen Wagner. Reg.—Barbara Boyd. Lib.—Sylvia Heyl. Personnel off.—Alice Finley.

Moravian College, Bethlehem (M.; Morav.; men; Ilj ; 318).

Pres.—Raymond S. Haupert. Dean—Roy D. Hassler. Reg.—Samuel R. Kilpatrick. Lib.—Mary Stauffer Snively. Dean of students—Robert W. Jacks.

Theology—Vernon W. Couillard.

Moravian College for Women, Bethle¬ hem (—; Morav.; wo.; Ilf; 159).

Pres.—David E. Weinland. Academic dean—Josephine Curtis. Bursar—Fanny M. Harrar.

Mount Aloysius Junior College, Cres- son (M.; R. C.; wo.; Ic; 80).

Pres.—Sister Mary Anne. Dean—Sister Mary de Sales. Reg.—Sister Mary Silverius. Lib.—Sister Carlos Maria.

Mount Mercy College, 3335 Fifth Ave., Pittsburgh 13 (M.; P.; wo.; lie; 309).

Pres.—Mother M. Francella McCon¬ nell.

Dean—Sister M. Regis Grace. Asst, treas.—Sister M. John Francis. Reg.—Sister M. Madeleine Sophie

McKay. Lib.—Sister M. Camillus Scully.

Summer session—Sister M. Regis Grace.

Muhlenberg College, Allentown (M.; Luth.; men ; He; 614).

Pres.—J. Conrad Seegers. Dean of faculty—Sherwood R. Mer¬

cer. Treas.—Howard M. McGregor. Dir. of admis.—H. A. Benfer. Reg.—Paul J. Gebert. Lib.—John S. Davidson.

National Agricultural College, Farm School (—; P.; men; Hg; 161).

Pres.—James Work. Dean-reg.—Donald M. Meyer. Bus. mgr.—William A. Smith. Lib.—Norman Finkler. Dean of men—Donald M. Meyer.

Summer session—George Turner.

Penn Hall Junior College and Prepara¬ tory School, Chambersburg (—; Pr.; wo.; Ic ; 101).

Pres.—Sarah W. Briggs. Academic dean—Elizabeth Haller. Bus. mgr.—Stephen McC. Nelson. Admis. off.—Sarah W. Briggs and

Frances Hamilton. Lib.—Mrs. Clara B. Cleaveland.

Pennsylvania College for Women, Pitts¬ burgh 32 (M.; P.; wo.; lie ; 482).

Pres.—Paul R. Anderson. Dean—Lucile Allen. Bursar—Hanna Gunderman. Dir. of admis.—Margaret Donaldson. Lib.—^Arthur L. Davis.

Pennsylvania Military College, Chester (—; P.; men; Hb ; 601).

Pres.—Frank K. Hyatt. Dean—James Wilson Graham. Vice pres.-bursar—Stanton S. von

Grabill. Dean of admis.-student personnel—

Clarence R. Moll. Lib.—Lee Brown.

Pennsylvania State College, State Col¬ lege (M.; St.; coed.; IVk; 12,591).

Pres.—Milton S. Eisenhower. Prov.—^A. O. Morse. Compt.—S. K. Hostetter. Dean of admis.-reg.—C. O. Williams. Lib.—R. W. McComb.


Dir, student affairs—W. E. Ken- worthy.

Liberal arts—Ben Euwema. ^Education—M. R. Trabue. Agriculture—L. E. Jackson.

*Engineering—E. A. Walker. *Mineral industries — Edward

Steidle. * Chemistry and physics—G. L.

Haller. Physical ed. and athletics—E. B.

McCoy. Home economics—Grace M. Hen¬

derson. Extension (*tech.)—J. O. Keller. Undergraduate centers:

Altoona Center—R. E. Eiche. Behrend Center (Erie)—T. R.

Ferguson. DuBois Center—D. S. Hiller. Hazleton Center—M. E. Camp¬

bell. Ogontz Center (Rydal)— E. M.

Peek. Pottsville Center—H. I. Herring. Graduate—H. K. Schilling. Summer session—M. R. Trabue.

Pennsylvania State College of Optom¬

etry, Philadelphia 51 (*; P.; coed.; Ilg; 437).

Pres.—^Albert Fitch. Dean—Lawrence Fitch .

Philadelphia Bible Institute, 1800 Arch St., Philadelphia 3 (*; P.; coed.; li).

Pres.—William A. Mierop. Dean—Clarence E. Mason, Jr. Bus. off.—V. Clifford Harrington. Reg.—Clair M. Hitz. Lib.—Ralph M. Keiper. Personnel off.—Laurence A. Lufbur-

row. Philadelphia College of Osteopathy,

Philadelphia 39 (* ; P.; coed.; Illg; 369).

Pres.—William E. Brandt, acting. Dean—Frederick A. Long. Bus. off.—Edward G. Eastwood. Reg.—Thomas M. Rowland. Lib.—Frances Beisel.

Philadelphia College of Pharmacy and Science, Philadelphia 4 (*; P.; coed.; IVg; 783).

Pres.-dean—Ivor Griffith. Reg.—John E. Kramer. Lib.—Elizabeth Johnson.

^Pharmacy—Linwood F. Tice. *Chemistry—Arthur Osol. Biology—Marin S. Dunn. Bacteriology—Louis Gershenfeld. Pharmacology — Joseph W. E.

Harrisson. Graduate—Ivor Griffith.

Philadelphia Museum School of Art, Broad and Pine Sts., Philadelphia 2 (—; P.; coed.; Ilh; 918).

Dean—Edward Warwick. Reg.—Willard P. Graham.

Dir. of admis.—^E. Bruce Thomas. Lib.—Helen S. West.

Summer session—E. Bruce Thomas. Philadelphia Textile Institute, Philadel¬

phia 44 (—; P.; men, wo.; Ilg; 414).

Dir.—Bertrand W. Hayward. Dean—Richard S. Cox. Treas.—Julius Zieget. Admis.—Donald B. Patridge. Lib.—E. Lillian Wyatt.

Pittsburgh Musical Institute, Inc., Pittsburgh 13 (*; Pr.; coed.; Ig; 41).

Dirs.—William H. Getting and Dall- meyer Russell.

Bus. mgr.—W. G. Kottman. Pittsburgh-Xenia Theological Semi¬

nary, Pittsburgh 12 (*; U. Presb.; men; Illg; 166).

Pres.—George A. Long. Dean—Addison H. Leitch. Treas.—Mildred E. Cowan. Reg.—Evlyn Pulton. Lib.—Agnes Ballantyne.

Graduate—Theophilus M. Taylor. Reformed Presbyterian Theological

Seminary, Pittsburgh 8 (—; Ref. Presb.; men; Vg; “ 15).

Pres.—R. J. G. McKnight. Rosemont College, Rosemont (M.; R.

O.; wo.; He; 334). Pres.—^Mother Mary Chrysostom. Dean—Mother Mary Basil. Treas.—Mother Mary de Loyola. Reg.—^Mother Mary St. Stephen. Lib.—Mother St. Lawrence. Dean of freshmen—Mother Mary Al-

phonsus. St. Charles Borromeo Seminary, Over¬

brook, Philadelphia 31 (—; R. C.; men; Illj; 348).

Pres.—Francis J. Furey. Dean—Thomas P. Hopkins. Rec.—^Joseph A. McCloskey. Lib.—Joseph A. Ward. Proc.—John T. Green.

Theology—Charles P. Bruehl. St. Fidelis College and Seminary, Her¬

man (—; R. C.; men; lib; 56). Pres.—Patrick McGann. Dean—Neal Mahaffey. Sec.-treas.-—Marcellus Fuller. Reg.—Daniel Conway. Lib.—Simon Conrad. Dean of men—Kieran Quinn.

St. Francis College, Loretto (M.; P.; coed.; lie; 382).

Pres.—Adrian J. M. Veigle. Ti-eas.—Robert Embury. Reg.—Francis P. Flanagan. Lib.—Vincent R. Negherbon. Dean of men—^Kevin R. Keelan. Dean of wo.—Helen K. Carroll.

Summer session—Francis P. Flan¬ agan.

“ Undergraduate, non-degree-granting.


St. Joseph’s College, Philadelphia 31 (M.; R. O.; men; Ilf; 1,747).

Pres.—Edward G. Jackiin. Dean—Matthew G. Sullivan. Treas.—Joseph R. Hearn. Reg.-admis. off.—Michael P. Boland. Lib.—Eugene F. Gilroy. Dean of students—Joseph M. Geib.

Evening div.—Matthew G. Sullivan. St. Vincent College, Latrobe (M.; R.

C.; men; Illj; 710). Pres.—Denis Strittmatter. Dean—Edmond R. Cuneo. Treas.—Dominic Breuss. Reg.—Jude L. Coughlin. Lib.—Fintan R. Shoniker. Dean of men—Clair F. Gannon.

Theology—Nepomucene Hruza. Summer session—Jude L. Coughlin.

St. Vincent’s Seminary, Germantown, Philadelphia (—; R. C.; men ; Ib).

Pres.—Patrick Flaherty. Dean—Charles O’Connor.

Seton Hill College, Greensburg (M.; P.; wo.; lie; 494).

Pres.—William Granger Ryan. Dean—Sister M. Muriel Flamman. Treas.—Sister Helen Mary Laverty. Reg.—Sister Rose Irene Boggs. Lib.—Sister Melania Grace. Dean of wo.—Sister M. de Chantal

Leis. Summer session—Sister Theophane

Geary. State Teachers College, Bloomsburg

M.; St; coed.; Ild; 773). Pres.—Harvey A. Andruss. Dean of instr.—Thomas P. North. Bus. mgr.—Paul Martin. Lib.—Elinor R. Keefer. Dean of men—John A. Hoch. Dean of wo.—Marguerite W. Kehr.

Summer session—Harvey A. An¬ druss.

State Teachers College, California (*, M.; St.; coed; lid; 692).

Pres.—Robert M. Steele. Dean of instr.—Paul N. Walker. Bursar—Lillian Conlon Stewart. Reg.—Lillian Piribek. Lib.—Virginia Luckhardt. Dean of men—Frank W. Lenox. Dean of wo.—Cynthia E. Benzing.

**State Teachers College, Cheyney (*, M.; St; coed.; Ild; 878).

Pres.—James H. Duckrey. Bursar—Norrece Jones. Dean of instr.—W. McKinley Men-

chan. Lib.—Marguerite Prioleau. Dean of men—Norville L. Smith. Dean of wo.—Lulu M. Johnson.

State Teachers College, Clarion (M., *; St; coed.; Ild; 629).

Pres.—Paul G. Chandler. Dean—James D. Moore. Bursar—John E. Lovett. Reg.—Lottie J. Wingard.

Dir. of student personnel—^W. S. Tip- pin.

Lib.—Rena Carlson. Summer session—Paul G. Chand¬

ler. State Teachers College, East Strouds¬

burg (*, M.; St; coed.; Ild; 747). Pres.—Joseph F. Noonan. Dean of instr.—Theodore M. Moore. Bus. mgr.—Melvin Schissler. Lib.—Ruth A. Martin. Dean of men—Eugene H. Martin. Dean of wo.—Ruth L. Jones.

Summer s e s s i o n—Joseph F. Noonan.

State Teachers College, Edinboro (M., *; St; coed.; Ild; 442).

Pres.—L. H. Van Houten. Dean of instr.—H. L. Offner. Bursar—K. H. Sallee. Lib.—Mildred Forness. Dean of men—Ralph D. McWilliams. Dean of wo.—Ruth C. Morton.

Summer session—L. H. Van Hou¬ ten.

State Teachers College, Indiana (M., *; St; coed.; Ild; 1,492).

Pres.—Willis E. Pratt. Dean—Ralph E. Heiges. Bus. mgr.—William Schuster. Reg.—Mary L. Esch. Lib.—Joseph K. Hall. Dean of men—W. M. Whitmyre. Dean of wo.—Martha C. Faust.

Summer session—Ralph E. Heiges. State Teachers College, Kutztown (M.,

*; St; coed.; lid; 876). Pres.—Q. A. W. Rohrbach. Dean of instr.—Clyde F. Lytle. Bus. mgr.—William A. Thomson, Jr. Lib.—Mary Ellen Lewis. Dean of men—William A. Liggitt. Dean of wo.—Mary E. Rickenbach.

Summer session—Clyde F. Lytle. State Teachers College, Lock Haven

(M., *; St; coed.; Ild; 468). Pres.—Richard T. Parsons. Dean—F. Clark Skelly. Bus. off.—I. W. Hunt. Reg.—Roberta Seltzer. Lib.—Gilmore Warner. Dir. of personnel—Arria McGinnis.

Summer session—F. Clark Skelly. State Teachers College, Mansfield (M.,

* ; St.; coed.; lid ; 551). Pres.—James G. Morgan. Dean—Herbert E. Manser. Bus. mgr.—Wayne M. Kelts. Reg.—Edna Hewson. Lib.—Rea J. Steele. Dean of men—Samuel M. Long. Dean of wo.—Ellamae Jackson.

Summer session—Herbert E. Man¬ ser.

State Teachers College, Millersville (*, (M., St; coed.; Ild; 747).

Pres.—D. L. Biemesderfer.


Dean of instr.—Sanders P. McCom- sey.

Bus. mgr.—E. M. Postles. Dir. of admis.—William H. Duncan. Lib.—Helen A. Ganser. Dean of men—Clyde S. Stine. Dean of wo.—Ruby E. Boggs.

Summer session—Sanders P. Mc- Comsey.

State Teachers College, Sliippensburg (M., *; St; coed.; Ild; 663).

Pres.—Harry L. Kriner. Dean of instr.—Earl Wright. Bus. mgr.—Hiram W. Gill. Lib.—Alma Winton. Dean of men—Vinton Rambo. Dean of wo.—Virginia B. Long.

State Teachers College, Slippery Rock (M., *; St; coed.; Ild; 762).

Pres.—Dale W. Houk. Dean of instr.—Leonard S. Duncan. Bursar—F. H. Bauer. Reg,—Maree McKay. Lib.—Ruby Frampton. Dean of men—T. T. McCord. Dean of wo.—Lois J. Harner.

Summer session—Leonard S. Dun¬ can.

State Teachers College, West Chester (M., *; St; coed.; Ild; 1,644).

Pres.—Charles S. Swope. Dean of instr.—L. Forrest Free. Bursar—Everett E. Shaefer. Reg.—B. Paul Ross. Lib.—Helen Russell. Personnel—Emil H. Messikomer.

Susquehanna University, Selinsgrove (M.; Luth.; coed.; IIj ; 430).

Pres.—G. Morris Smith. Dean—Russell Galt. Bus. off.—Bernard Krapf. Lib.—Hilda G. Kolpin. Dean of wo.—Ruth A. Meiser.

Arts and sciences—Russell Galt. Music—Percy M. Linebaugh.

Swarthmore College, Swarthmore (M.; Fr.; coed.; Illb; 879).

Pres.—John W. Nason. Deans—Everett L. Hunt; Susan P.

Cobbs. Vice pres, (finan.)—Edward K.

Cratsley. Reg.—John M. Moore. Lib.—Chas. B. Shaw.

Temple University, Philadelphia 22 (M.; P.; coed, in most schools; IVk; 10,663).

Pres.—Robert Livingston Johnson. Prov.-vice pres.—Millard E. Glad-

felter. Treas.—Harry A. Cochran. Compt.—Harry H. Pitts. Reg.—John M. Rhoads. Lib.—Walter Hausdorfer.

Community College and Techni¬ cal Inst.—Harry C. Rountree.

Arts and sciences — William T. Caldwell.

*Law—Benjamin F. Boyer. *Medicine—William N. Parkinson. ♦Dentistry—Gerald D. Timmons. Pine arts—Boris Blai. Nursing—Florence E. Brown.

♦Pharmacy—Joseph B. Sprowls. ♦Education-. ♦Theology—J. S. Ladd Thomas. ♦Bus. and public admin.—Harry A.

Cochran. ♦Chiropody—Charles E. Krausz. Summer session—John M. Rhoads.

Theological Seminary of the Evangel¬ ical and Reformed Church, Lan¬ caster (♦; Evan. Ref.; coed.; Illg; 87).

Pres.—Allan S. Meek. Dean—David Dunn. Iteg.—Donald M, C. Englert. Lib.—Paul T. Stonesifer.

Theological Seminary of the Reformed Episcopal Church, Philadelphia (—; Ref. E.; men ; Ilg; 75).

Pres.—Norman S. McCausland. Dean—George H. Wailes. Treas.—Charles P. Nagel. Reg.—John T. Finney. Lib.—Florence Wood.

Thiel College, Greenville (M.; U. Luth.; coed.; Ilf; 451).

Pres.—Frederic Irvin. Dean—Herbert G. Gebert. Bursar—Walter R. Kuhn. Admis.—Earl R. Mezoff. Lib.—Parker Worley. Dean of men—John B. Stoeber. Dean of wo.—Evelyn E. Carlfelt.

University of Pennsylvania, Philadel¬ phia 4 (M.; P.; coed., in all schools except arts and sciences, engineer¬ ing, and commerce; IVk; 16,572).

Pres.--. Prov.—Edwin B. Williams. Exec, vice pres.—Win. H. DuBarry. Vice pres, (medical affairs)—Norman

H. Topping. Finan. vice pres.—Henry R. Pember¬

ton. Vice pres.-sec.—Donald K. Angell. Vice pres.-eng. and scientific studies—

Charles W. MacGregor. Dean of admis.—Gene D. Gisburne. Lib.—Charles W. David. Dean of student affairs—Arnold K.

Henry. Arts and sciences (men)—Lloyd W.

Daly. Liberal arts (wo.)—Karl G. Mil¬

ler. ♦Law—Jefferson B. Fordham. ♦Medicine—John McK. Mitchell. ♦Dentistry—Lester Wm. Burket. ♦Education (coed.)—E. Duncan

Grizzell. ♦Engineering (Towne Scientific

School) (men)—Lee N. Gulick, acting.


^Engineering (Moore School of Electrical Engineering) (men) — Carl C. Chambers, acting.

Fine arts (*arch.) (coed.) — G. Holmes Perkins.

*Commerce (Wharton School) (men)—C. Canby Balderston.

^Nursing—Theresa I. Lynch. * Auxiliary medical services—

Wesley G. Hutchinson. '^Veterinary medicine (coed.) —

Mark W. Allam, acting. Graduate school of medicine

(coed.)—Aims C. McGuinness. Evening and extension schools

(coed.)—William R. Hocken- ,berry.

College collateral courses—Philip Jacob.

'^Social work (coed.)—William D. Turner.

Graduate—Roy F. Nichols. Summer session—Philip Jacob.

University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh 13 (M.; P.; coed.; IVk; 15,393).

Chanc.—Rufus Henry Fitzgerald. Sec.—John Weber. Bursar—G. S. Rupp. Reg.—J. Gilbert Quick. Lib.—A. L. Robinson. Dean of men—Theodore W. Biddle. Dean of wo.—Helen Pool Rush.

Arts and sciences—Stanton C. Crawford.

*Public health (graduate)—Thomas Parran.

*Law—Brainerd Currie. *Medicine—Wm. S. McEllroy. ^Dentistry—L. E. Van Kirk. *Pharmacy—Edward C. Reif. ^Education—Samuel P. Franklin. *Engineering and mines—G. R. Fit-

terer. *Bus. admin.—Vincent W. Lanfear. * Social work—W. I. Newsletter. *Nursing—Ruth Perkins Kuehn. Research Bureau for Retail Train¬

ing—Bishop Brown. Graduate—H. E. Longenecker. Evening div.—P. W. Shockley. Summer session—F. W. Shockley. Johnstown Center, Johnstown—

C. A. Anderson. University of Scranton, Scranton 3

(M.; R. C.; men; Ille; 2,423). Pres.—J. Eugene Gallery. Dean—Lawrence C. Gorman. Treas.—Matthew W. Kane. Reg.—Frank J. O’Hara. Lib.—William J. Kelly. Dean of men—John J. Coniff.

Graduate—Lawrence C. Gorman. Summer session—Lawrence C. Gor¬

man. Ursinus College, Collegeville (M.; P.;

coed.; Ille; 693). Pres.—Norman E. McClure. Dean—Maurice W. Armstrong.

Bus. off.—D. L. Helfferich. Reg.—William S. Pettit. Lib.—Tilton M. Barron. Dean of men—G. Sieber Pancoast. Dean of wo.—Camilla B. Stahr.

Valley Forge Military Junior College, Wayne (—; P.; men ; Ic; 106).

Supt.—Milton G. Baker. Admin, dean—Arthur W. Bass. Finan. off.—John D. Mauk. Reg.—Gilbert A. Phillips. Lib.—Kathryn Tharp. Dean of men—Elbridge Walker, Jr.

Villa Maria College, Erie (M.; R. C.; wo.; He; 255).

Pres.—Mother Aurelia. Dean—Sister Doloretta. Treas.—Sister Julia Marie. Reg.—Sister Mary Ellen. Lib.—Sister Verena Hughes. Dean of wo.—Margaret Vogel.

Summer session—Sister Doloretta.

Villanova College, Villanova (M.; R. C.; men; IIj ; 2,943).

Pres.—F. X. N. McGuire. Dean of the college—E. M. Dwyer. Vice pres.-dean of men—E. B. McKee. Bus. off.—J. Curran. Compt.—E. J. Quinn. Reg.—T. A. Burke. Lib.—D. P. Falvey.

Arts and science—R. M. Sullivan. ^Engineering—J. S. Morehouse. Commerce and finance—J. C. Bart¬

ley. Part-time sessions (coed.)—E. J.


Washington and Jefferson College, Washington (M.; P.; men; Ille; 536).

Pres.—Boyd Crumrine Patterson. Dean—Ralph W. Thomas. Cont.—Harry O. Boord. Admis. sec.—Frederick J. Frank. Rec.—Ethel A. Cummings. Lib.—James B. Anderson. Dean of students—Dudley R. John¬


Waynesburg College, Waynesburg (M.; Presb.; coed.; He ; 566).

Pres.—Paul R. Stewart. Dean of faculty—Lester T. Moston. Auditor—James P. Rice. Reg.—M. K. Talpas. Lib.—Jessie M. Orndoff. Dean of men—Charles L. Bryner. Dean of wo.—Mary D. Inghram.

Uniontown Center—Hugh M. Bar¬ clay.

Summer session—Lester T. Moston.

Western Theological Seminary, Pitts¬ burgh 12 (*; Presb.; men; IVg; 138).

Pres.—Clifford E. Barbour. Dean-lib.—Frank Dixon McCloy. Reg.-.


Westminster College, New Wilming¬ ton (M.; U. Presb.; coed.; Hie; 1,017).

Pres.—Will W. Orr. Dean—William Vander Lugt. Bus. mgr.—Ross Ellis. Rec.—M. Isabel Ramsey. Lib.—Mabel C. Kocher. Dean of men—Wayne Christy. Dean of wo.—Helen L. Sittig.

Summer session—L. H. Wagen- horst.

Westminster Theological Seminary, Chestnut Hill, Philadelphia 18 (—; P.; men; Illg; 74).

Exec. sec.—Robert S. Marsden. Reg.—Paul Woolley. Lib.—Arthur W. Kuschke, Jr.

Wilkes College, Wilkes-Barre (M.; P.; coed.; Ilf; 595).

Pres.—Eugene S. Farley. Dean of instr.—Alfred Bastress. Compt.—Donald Kersteen. Reg.—Herbert J. Morris. Lib.—Joseph Myers. Dean of men—George Ralston. Dean of wo.—Gertrude M. Williams.

Wilson College, Chambersburg (M.; P.; wo.; He; 342).

Pres.—Paul Swain Havens. Dean—Margaret Criswell Disert. Bus. mgr.-cont.—A. D. Stout. Reg.—Emma Lou Benignus. Lib.—Helen I. Borneman. Head of residence—Catharine L.

Hicks. Woman’s Medical College of Pennsyl¬

vania, Philadelphia 29 (* ; P.; wo.; Hg; 250).

Pres.—Burgess Lee Gordon. Dean—Marion Fay. Bus. off.—George A. Hay. Lib.—Ida J. Draeger.

Woodstock College and Seminary, Wernersville. See Woodstock Col¬ lege and Seminary, Woodstock, Md.

Wyomissing Polytechnic Institute, Wyomissing (—; P.; men, wo.; Ic ; 109).

Pres.—T. Glenwood Stoudt. Dean—David H. Lockart. Treas.—Frank B. Hower. Lib.—J. Earl Ruthardt.

York Junior College of the York Col¬ legiate Institute, York (—; P.; coed.; Ic; 237).

Pres.-. Dean—Byron W. Hartley. Bus. mgr.-. Lib.—Elizabeth G. Walz.

Summer session—Byron W. Hart¬ ley.


College of the Sacred Heart, Box 9595, Santurce (M.; R. C.; wo.; Ilb).

Pres.—Mother Consuelo Herrera.

Dean—Mother Maria Teresa Coll. Treas.—Mother C. M. Anduze. Reg.—Mother Elizabeth Jarrett. Lib.—Maria Luisa Colon.

Summer session—Mother Consuelo Herrera.

Polytechnic Institute of Puerto Rico, San German (M.; P.; coed.; He; 426).

Pres.—Edward G. Seel. Dean—Francisco Vazquez-Pueyo. Bursar—Francisco Castillo-Amy. Reg.—C. A. Leker. Lib.—Wilma Mosholder. Dean of men—Boyd B. Palmer. Dean of wo.—Mary.Alice Lamar.

Santa Maria Catholic University, Ponce (—; P.; coed.; le).

Chanc.—James J. McManus. Dean—Sister Francis Xavier. Treas.—Leo Quinonez. Reg.—Sister Joseph Lorraine. Lib.—Sister M. Dolores. Dean of men—IMichael Curley. Dean of wo.—Sister Rose Veronica.

Summer session—Sister Rose Ver¬ onica.

LTniversity of Puerto Rico, Rio Pie- dras (M.; Ter.; coed.; Illk; 8,815).

Chanc.—Jaime Benitez. Dean of admin.—Ramon Mellado. Treas.—Francisco Rivera-Brenes. Regs.:

Harris F. Bunker. Alfonso Davila (Mayagiiez), act¬

ing. Dean of students—Jose Gueits.

Summer session—Oscar E. Por- rata.

Deans: (a) Rio Piedras: General studies—Angel G. Quintero

Alfaro. Humanities—Sebastian GonzAlez-

Garcia. Natural sciences—Facundo Bueso. Social sciences — Pedro Munoz

Amato. Commerce—Josd M. Laracuente. Education—Oscar E. Porrata.

*Law—Manuel Rodriguez Ramos. *Pharmacy—Luis Torres-Diaz. Experimental station — Arturo

Roque. Social science research center—

Millard Hansen. Agricultural extension service—

Roberto Huyke. (&) Mayagiiez: Vice chanc.—Luis Stefani. Agriculture—Ovidio Garcia Mo-

linari. Engineering—Luis Stefani. Science—Miguel Wiewall, Jr. (c) San Juan; Medicine-Tropical medicine — E.

Harold Hinman. Lib.—Thomas S. Hayes.



Brown University, Providence 12 (E.; P.; coed.; IVe; 3,277).

Pres.—Henry Merritt Wriston. Prov.—Samuel T. Arnold. Vice pres.-bus. mgr.—F. Morris

Cochran. Lib.—David A. Jonah. The College (men) :

Dean—Barnaby C. Keeney, acting. Dean of admis.—Emery R. Walker,

Jr. Rec.—Milton E. Noble.

Pembroke College (E.; wo.) ; Dean—Nancy D. Lewis. Dean of admis.—Eva A. Mooar. Rec.—Dorothy S. Horton.

Graduate school: Dean—Barnaby C. Keeney. Reg.—Mildred E. Carlen.

Bryant College, Providence 6 (—; P.; coed.; Vh ; =“ 1,054).

Pres.—Henry L. Jacobs. Vice pres.—E. Gardner Jacobs. Dean of admis.—Elmer C. Wilbur. Dean of wo.—Lautrelle Love.

Bus. admin.—Nelson J. Gulski. Secretarial science—Lionel H. Mer-

cier. Catholic Teachers College Providence

(—; R. C.; wo.; Ille; 211). Pres.—Russell J. McVinney. Dean-sec.-treas.—Thomas V. Cassidy. Reg.—Sister Mary Alacoque. Lib.—Sister Bernadette Marie.

Graduate—John J. Kenny. Hill College, Inc., Woonsocket (— ; Pr.;

coed.; Vg;" 90). Treas.—Raymond F. Murphy. Dean-dean of men—Earl V. O’Dell. Reg.—Althea S. Henderson. Dean of wo.—Maybelle V. Geer.

Pembroke College. See Brown Uni¬ versity.

Providence Bible Institute, Providence 8 (*; P.; coed.; Ilj; 528).

Pres.—Howard W. Ferrin. Dean—Terrelle B. Crum. Treas.—Roscoe W. Phillips. Reg.—George H. Cramer. Lib.—Marian Evory. Dean of men—Hubert Reynhout, Jr. Dean of wo.—Irene Brainard.

Bible—Terrelle B. Crum. Providence College, Providence 8 (E.;

R. C.; men; He; 1,443). Pres.—Robert J. Slavin. Academic vice pres.—Vincent C. Dore. Admin, vice pres.—Dennis B. Mc¬

Carthy. Bursar—Charles V. FennelL Reg.—Daniel M. Galliher. Lib.—J. F. Fanning, E. A. Hogan.

Dean of men—Edward M. Casey. Summer session—William R. Clark.

Rhode Island College of Education, Providence 8 (*; St.; coed.; Illd; 450).

Pres.—Fred J. Donovan, acting. Bursar—Norma G. Weeks. Reg.—Doris D. Aldrich. Lib.—Katherine L. Cuzner. Dean of men—Fred J. Donovan. Dean of wo.—Catherine M. Connor.

Summer session—Fred J. Donovan. Rhode Island College of Pharmacy and

Allied Sciences, Providence 3 ($; P.; coed.; Ilg; 166).

Pres.—Albert W. Claflin. Dean—W. Henry Rivard. Reg.—Theodore Lemeshka. Lib.—Gertrude F. Forrester.

Rhode Island School of Design, Provi¬ dence 3 (E.; P.; coed.; Ilh; 626).

Pres.—Max W. Sullivan. Compt.—Arthur J. Frey, Dir. of admis.—Charles A. Dunn, Jr.,

acting. Reg.—George L. Bradley. Lib.—Jeanne MacCready. Dean of students—Francis J. Deig-

nan. Summer session—Charles A. Dunn

Jr. Salve Regina College, Newport (—;

R. C.; wo.; He; 124). Pres.—Mother M. Hilda. Dean—Sister Mary James. Treas.—Sister Mary Borromeo. Reg.—Sister Mary Martina. Lib.—Sister Marie Therese. Dean of residence—Sister Mary

Evangelista. Summer session—Sister Mary

James. University of Rhode Island, Kingston

(E.; St; coed.; Illk; 1,985). Pres.—Carl R. Woodward. Dean of admin.-reg.—John C. Weldin. Treas.-cont.—Stanley S. Gairloch. Dir. of admis.—James W. Eastwood. Lib.—Francis P. Allen. Dean of men—John F. Quinn. Dean of wo.—Evelyn B. Morris.

Agriculture—Mason H. Campbell. *Engineering—T. Stephen Crawford. Arts and sciences — Harold W.

Browning. Bus. admin.—George A. Ballentine. Home economics—Olga P. Brucher. Nursing—Louise White. Graduate—Frank M. Pelton. Summer session—Frank M. Pelton.

YMCA Institute, Providence 3 (—; YMCA.; coed.; la; 222).

Dir.—Harold W. Schaughency. Dir. instr.—J. Harold G. Way. Bus. off.—E. W. Toll. Reg.—B A. Franklin, acting.

Summer session—James E. Bates, 2 Confers bachelor’s degree based on cnr-

riculum shorter than usual 4-year program,



**Allen University, Columbia 13 ($S.; A. M. E.; coed.; He; 622).

Pres,—Samuel R. Higgins, Dean—Howard D. Gregg. Reg.—Robert L. Peguese. Lib.—L. G. Smith. Dean of men—LaMar T. Ellis. Dean of wo.—T. H. Fisher.

Summer session—W E. .Tohnson. Anderson College, Anderson (—; S.

Bapt.; wo.; Ic; 186), Pres,—Annie D. Denmark. Dean—Kathryn Copeland. Reg.—Juanita Davis. Lib.—Nancy Divver.

**Benedict College, Columbia ($S.; Bapt.; coed.; IIj; 529).

Pres.—J. A. Bacoats. Dean—T. J. Hanberry. Bursar—Mrs. L. M. Reynolds. Reg.—O. Marjorie Allen. Lib.—Mrs. M. S Johnson Dean of men—E. E. Riley. Cord, of wo.—Mrs. I. B. Bacoats.

Theology—C. H. Brown. **Bettis Academy, Trenton (—: P.;

coed.; Ic; 27). Pres.—A. C. Hightower. Dean—E. A. Vance. Treas.—Clara B. West. Lib.—Louise Bonner.

Bob Jones University, Greenville (—; P.; coed.; IVk; 2,298).

Pres.—Bob Jones, Jr. Bus. mgr.—R. K. Johnson. Reg.—Theodore C. Mercer. Dir. of admis.—Dorothy Hauser. Lib.—Margaret Bald. Dean of students—James D. Edwards.

Arts and sciences-. Religion-. Pine arts—Karl E. Keefer. Education—Laird Lewis. Commerce—Benedetto Ciliberto.

Citadel, The—The Military College of South Carolina, Charleston (S.; St.; men; Ilb; 1,446).

Pres.—C. P. Summerall. Bus. off.—J. F. Bosch, Jr. Reg.—L A, Prouty Lib.—K. H. Koopman. Adjutant—C. F. Myers, Jr.

Summer session—L. A. Prouty and C. P. Myers, Jr.

**Claflin College, Orangeburg (S.; Meth.; coed.; He; 324).

Pres.-bus. mgr.—John J. Seabrook. Dean—Ernest A. Finney. Reg.—J. Milton Shuler. Lib.—Fannie M. Burrell. Dir. of student personnel—Mrs. Opal

Seabrook. Summer session—Ernest A. Fin¬

ney. Clemson Agricultural College, Clem-

son (S.; St.; men; Illk; 2,788). 222922°—52-9

Pres,—Robert Franklin Poole. Bus. mgr.—J. C. Littlejohn. Reg.—G. E. Metz. Lib.—Cornelia Graham.

Agriculture—H. P. Cooper. Arts and sciences—F. M. Kinard, Chemistry—H. L. Hunter.

*Engineering—J. H. Sams, acting. Textiles—Hugh M. Brown. Vocational ed.—W. H. Washington.

**Clinton Normal and Industrial Col¬ lege, Rock Hill (—; A. M. E. Z.; coed.; If; 60).

Pres.—S. V. Moreland. Dean—^J, B. Starnes, acting. Dean of men—John B. Starnes. Dean of wo.—Annie Maud Robinson.

Coker College, Hartsville (S.; P.; wo.; Ilf; 277).

Pres.—Joseph C. Robert. Dean—Kenneth Kuehner. Bus. mgr.—O. D. Kelley, Jr. Lib.—Helen Hagan. Dean of students—Helen E. Mills.

Summer session—Kenneth Kueh¬ ner.

College of Charleston, Charleston 10 (S.; C.; men, coed, for women resi¬ dents of Charleston County; He; 180).

Pres.—George D. Grice. Bus, off.—E. D, Jennings. Reg.—Inez Mouzon.

Summer session—George D. Grice, Columbia Bible College Columbia (* ;

P.; coed.; Illj ; 399). Pres.—Robert C. McQuilkin. Asst, to pres.—Donald E. Hoke. Bus. mgr.—John Hehl, Reg.—Kathryn L. Warren. Lib.—Shirley N. Wood. Dean of men—John Ker Munro. Dean of wo.—Mrs. W. L. Walker.

Graduate school of missions—Paul G. Culley.

Summer session—John Ker Munro. Columbia College, Columbia (S.;

Meth.; wo.; Ilb; 207). Pres.—R. Wright Spears. Acct.—Mrs. ELma E. Sloan. Reg.—Ruth H. Lightsey. Lib.—Mrs. V. M. Salley. Dean of wo.—Mrs. T. W. Munnerlyn.

Converse College, Spartanburg (S.; P.; wo.; Illj; 305).

Pres.—Edward M. Gwathmey. Dean—Elford C. Morgan, Treas.—W. F. Klugh. Reg.—Louisa Trawick. Lib.—Louisa Carlisle. Dean of wo.—Jane Leighton Rich¬

ards, *Music—Edwin Gerschefski.

Erskine College Due West (S.; Asso. Ref. Presb.; coed.; IIj; 334).

Pres.—Robert C. Grier. Dean—E. A. Sloan. Bus. mgr.-reg.—R. C. Brownlee.


Lib.—Clara Bonner. Dean of men—Robert M. Kennedy,

Jr. Dean of wo.—Elizabeth Nickles.

Theology—W. W. Boyce. Slimmer session—E. A. Sloan.

**Friendship College, Rock Hill (—; Bapt.; coed.; le; 110).

Pres.—James H. Goudlock. Dean—Raymond H. Jackson, acting. Lib.—James B. Law.

Furman University. Greenville (S.; S. Bapt.; coed.; He ; 1,070).

Pres.—J. L. Plyler. Dean—A. E. Tibbs. Bus. mgr.—Kenneth R. Erfft. Reg.—C. L. Rasor (men) ; Eula Bar¬

ton (wo.). Dean of men’s college—G. A. Cbris-

tenberry. Dean of women’s college—Olivia

Flitch. Lib.—Robert C. Tucker.

Summer session—H. G. Owens. Lander College, Greenwood (—; P.;

coed.; He; 158). Pres.—B. M. Grier. Dean—S. A. McLeod. Bus. mgr.—G. Ray Harris. Reg.—Mrs. R. A. Hollingsworth. Lib.—Elizabeth O. Welborn. Dean of men—David W. Cole. Dean of wo.—^IMrs. R. W. Anderson.

Limestone College, Gaffney (S.; P.; wo.; lie; 206).

Pres.—O. Norman Shands. Dean—Harold P. Wheeler. Bus. mgr.—Margaret Lesesne. Reg.—Miriam A. Thompson. Lib.—Elmer D. Johnson. Dean of wo.—Carrie U. Littlejohn.

Lutheran Theological Southern Semi¬ nary, Columbia (* ; U. Luth.; men; Ilg; 52).

Pres.—John L. Yost. Lib.—W. Richard Fritz.

Medical College of South Carolina, Charleston 16 (* ; St.; coed.; Hg; 546).

Pres.—Kenneth M. Lynch. Sec.-treas.—John M. Ackerman. Reg.—Catherine Harper. Lib.—Desmond C. Koster. ^Medicine—John T. Cuttino. Nursing (wo.)—Ruth Chamberlin,

*Pharmacy—William Allen Prout. **Morris College, Sumter (—; Bapt.;

coed.; lie; 337). Pres.—O. R. Reuben. Bursar—Jessie C. Sharper. Reg.—C. R. Mitchell. Lib.—Louise J. Moses. Dean of wo.—Sarah Daniels.

Summer session—L. R. Morris. Newberry College, Newberry (S.; U.

Luth.; coed.; He; 358). Pres.—James C. Kinard. Treas.—B. O. Long.

Reg.—James C. Abrams. Lib.—Carolyna Harper. Dean of men—Philip T. Kelly, Jr. Dean of wo.—Hattie Belle Lester.

Summer session—James C. Kinard, North Greenville Baptist Academy and

Junior College, Taylors (—; S. Bapt.; coed.; la; 202).

Pres.—M. C. Donnan. Dean—H. J. Howard. Lib.—(Edith Sayer. Dean of men—Charles Bruce. Dean of wo.—Maude White.

Presbyterian College, Clinton (S.; Presb.; coed.; He; 414).

Pres.—Marshall W. Brown. Dean of instr.—G. C. Bellingrath. Reg.—G. Edward Campbell. Lib.—Marian Burts. Dean of students—H. G. Prince.

Spartanburg Junior College, Spartan¬ burg (—; Meth.; coed.; If; 205).

Pres.—R. B. Burgess. Dean-reg.—Bates L, Scoggins. Treas.—Mrs. B. L. Jones. Lib.—Louise Graham.

^'^State Colored Normal, Industrial, Agricultural and Mechanical Col¬ lege of South Carolina, Orange¬ burg (S.; St; coed.; Illk; 1,202).

Pres.—B. C, Turner. Bus. mgr.—J. I. Washington. Reg.—J. D. McGhee. Lib.—A. R. Nix. Dean of men—M. G. Mynatt. Dean of wo.—M. R. Vernon.

Arts and science—K. W. Green. Education—Howard Jordan. Agriculture—F. M. Staley. Home economics—G. J. Penn. Engineering—H. W. Crawford.

$Law—P. H, WTiittaker. Graduate—F. A. DeCosta. Summer session—K. W, Green.

University of South Carolina, Colum¬ bia 1 (S.; St; coed.; IVk; 2,845).

Pres.—Donald Russell. Dean of faculty—F, W. Bradley. Dean of admin.—W’". H. Patterson. Treas.—F. F. Welbourne. Reg.—H. O. Strohecker. Lib.—Alfred H. Rawlinson. Dean of men—J. B. Jackson. Dean of wo.—Arney R. Childs.

Arts and science—J. E. Norwood. *Law—Samuel L. Prince. *Pharmacy—E. T. Motley. Education—Grin F. Crow.

^Engineering—R. L. Sumwalt. Business admin.—S. M. Derrick. Journalism—R. P. Schlabach.

♦Social work—W^. C. Bentrup. Graduate—W. H. Callcott Extension—W. H. Ward. Summer session—Grin F. Crow.

**Voorhees School and Junior College, Denmark (S.; P. E.; coed.; If; 106).


Pres.—Cecil D. Halliburton. Dean—T. H. Moore. Budget off.—J. Mills Holloway. Reg.—Prezell R. Robinson. Lib.—Jane M. Shelton. Dean of men—Wilmer A. Sojourner. Dean of wo.—Rebecca H. Burrell.

Wesleyan Methodist College, Central (—; Wes. Metli.; coed.; le; 105).

Pres.—R. C. Mullinax. Dean—Claude R. Rickman. Lib.—IMartha Smith. Dean of men—L. A. Harvey. Dean of wo.—Alta Rayle.

Winthrop College Rock Hill (S.; St.; wo.; Ille; 1,120).

Pres.—Henry Radcliffe Sims. Dean—S. J. McCoy. Admin, dir.—R. Brice Waters. Bursar—A. M. Graham. Reg.—John G. Kelly. Lib.—Gladys M. Smith. Dean of wo.-.

Summer session—S. J. McCoy. Wofford College. Spartanburg (S.;

IMetli.; men ; Ilb ; 517). Pres.—F. Pendleton Gaines. Dean—C. C. Norton. Reg.—S. F. Logan. Lib.—Mary S. DuPre. Dean of students—Philip S. Coving¬

ton. Summer session—C. C. Norton.


Augustana College. Sioux Falls (N.; Luth.; coed.; He; 624).

Pres.—L. M. Stavig. Bus. mgr.—Wallace Estenson. Reg.—I. B. Hauge. Admis.—T. Kilian. Lib.—Kordelia Johnson. Dean of men—J. S. Thompson. Dean of wo.—Fern Martinson.

Summer session—I. B. Hauge. Black Hills Teachers College, Spear-

fish (*, N.; St.; coed.; He; 321). Pres.—Russell E. Jonas. Dean—Jessie M. Pangburn. Bus. mgr.—Myrle Hanson. Admis. off.—J. B. Smith. Lib.—Elsie Forbes. Dean of wo.—Leila Meldahl.

Dakota Wesleyan University, Mitchell (N.; Meth.; coed.; Ilj ; 217).

Pres.—Matthew D. Smith. Bus. mgr.—Gordon S. Rollins. Admis.—J. Wendell Walton. Rec.—Mrs. Pearl IMcRae. Lib.—Abigail Lyon. Dean of wo.—Mrs. W. P. Rominger.

Music—Wm. F. Kugel. Summer session—J. J. Knox.

Freeman Junior College. Freeman (—; Menon.; coed.; If; 43).

Pres.—Ronald von Riesen.

Dean—Harold H. Gross. Reg.—Rosemary IJnscheid. Lib.—Marie J. Waldner. Dean of men—John H. Ewert. Dean of wo.—Erna Friesen.

Summer session—Harold H. Gross. General Beadle State Teachers College,

Madison (*; St.; coed.; Ild; 140). Pres.—V. A. Lown-y. Finan. sec.—Bernice Nelson. Reg.—Ray A. Williams. Lib.—A. E. Swan. Dean of wo.—Vela L. Lynn.

Summer session—V. A. Lowry. Huron College, Huron (N.; Presb. *,

coed.; lie; 160). I’res.—George F. McDougall. Dean-reg.—Morris N. Spencer. Treas.—Khel O. Marken. Lib.—Ella Mclntire. Dean of wo.—Agnes J. Hanson.

Mount Marty College, Yankton (—; R. C.; wo.; Ilf; 168).

Pres.—IMother M. Jerome. Dean-reg.—Sr. IM. Stanislaus. Lib.—Sr. M. Denise. Dean of wo.—Sr. M. Serena.

Summer session—Sr. ^M. Stanislaus. Northern State Teachers College, Ab¬

erdeen (N., * ; St.; coed.; He; 559). I’res.—Warren C. Lovinger. Dean—Walter J. Jerde. Bus. mgr.—H. A. Fowler. Dir. of admis.-student personnel—

Maurice W. Manbeck. Lib.—Lois Bailey.

Summer session—Walter .1. Jerde. Sioux Falls College, Sioux Falls (—;

Bapt.; coed.; Ilf; 172). Pres.—Evan A. Iteiff. Dean of instr.-dir. of admis—J. Her-

vey Shutts. Bus. mgr.—Earl F. Hodges. Lib.—Mrs. Lucile N. Thompson. Wo. conns.—Mrs. Louise Fogdall.

South Dakota School of Mines and Technology, Rapid City (*eng., N.; St.; coed.; Illg; 444).

Pres.—W. E. Wilson. Bus. mgr.—E. O. Berdahl. Reg.—Robert H. Moore. Lib.—Ruby Mauch. Dir. of student personnel—L. R.

Palmerton. South Dakota State College of Agri¬

culture and Mechanic Arts. Brook¬ ings (N.; St.; coed.; Illk; 1,453).

Pres.—J. W. Headley. Bus. mgr.—W. E. Smith. Sec.—R. A. Larson. Reg.—D. B. Doner. Lib.—Alfred G. Trump. Dean of student personnel—R. Y.

Chapman. General science—Frank G. Schultz.

*Pharmacy—F. J. LeBlanc. Agriculture—A. M. Eberle.

*Engineering—Harold M. Crothers.


Home economics — Alice Rosen- verger, acting.

Summer session—R. Y. Chapman, acting.

Southern State Teachers College, Springfield (*; St.; coed.; Ild; 141).

Pres.—J. Howard Kramer. Dean—W. W. Ludeman. Finan. sec.—Ted Clark. Reg.—M. E. Burgi. Lib.—Eleanor Ray. Dean student affairs—William Rec¬

tor. Summer session—W. W. Ludeman.

University of South Dakota, Vermillion (N.; St; coed.; Illk; 1,341).

Pres.—I. D. Weeks. Bus. off.—C. S. Ball. Reg.—H. W. Frankenfeld. Lib.—Ruth Bergman. Dean of students—R. H. Knapp.

Arts and sciences—E. W. Harring¬ ton.

*Law—Oval A. Phipps. ^Medicine (2-year school)—Walter

L. Hard. Education—M. W. Delzell. Fine arts—Warren Lee.

*Bus. admin.—R. P. Patterson. Graduate—H. S. Schell. Summer session—W. H. Batson.

Wessington Springs College, Wessing- ton Springs (—; F. Meth.; coed.; le; 38).

Pres.—George E. Kline. Dean—Herbert Livingston. Reg.—Olive B. Drown. Lib.—G. Vesta Vincent. Dean of wo.—Floy V. Sargent.

Summer session—Herbert Living¬ ston.

Yankton College, Yankton (N.; P.; coed.; Ilj; 239).

Pres.—J. Clark Graham. Bus. off.—Lucile Hatz. Reg.—Adolph Schock. Lib.—Lucile Eldredge. Dean of wo.—Hazel Wiese.

Arts and sciences—Adolph Schock. Theology—Edward Sayler. Music—J. Laiten Weed. Summer session—Adolph Schock.


Andrew Jackson University, (law), Nashville 4 (—; P.; coed.; Ilg ; 284).

Pres.-bus. off.—D. E. Short, Jr. Dean—Willene Breeding. Reg.—Jewel Hall.

Austin Peay State College, Clarksville (*ed., S.; St.; coed.; Hie; 802).

Pres.—Halbert Harvill. Dean of instr.—Felix G. Woodward. Bursar-bus. mgr.—Richmond C. Shas-


Lib.—Lucy C. Howard. Dean of men-reg.—Medford P. Bow¬

man. Dean of wo.—Mabel Meacham.

Belmont College, Nashville 4 (S.; Bapt.; coed.; If; 114).

Pres.—^Warren F. Jones, acting. Dean—Clarence P. Denman, acting. Bus. mgr.—John L. Cottrell. Reg.—H. Carl Witherington. Lib.—Mrs. Mary W. Hackworth.

Bethel College, McKenzie (—; Cum¬ berland Presb.; coed.; Ilb; 508).

Pres.—Roy N. Baker. Dean-reg.—Raymon Burroughs. Bursar—James L. Hudson. Lib.—Myrtle Bouldin.

Summer session—Raymon Bur¬ roughs.

Carson-Newman College, Jefferson City (S.; S. Bapt; coed.; He; 862).

Pres.—D. Harley Fite. Dean—I. N. Carr. Treas.—Roy Myers. Reg.—Nina M. Rubin. Lib.—Mildred Iddins. Dean of men—Edgar M. Cook. Dean of wo.—Bernice Carter.

Christian Brothers College, Memphis 4 (S.; R. C.; men; Ic; 90).

Pres.—Bro. H. Richard. Dean—Bro. Lambert Thomas. Treas.—C. M. Miller. Lib.—Bro. L. Roger. Dean of men—Bro. I. Emery.

Cumberland University (law), Lebanon ($; P.; coed.; Hg; 255).

Pres.—Sam B. Gilreath. Dean—Arthur A. Weeks. Bus. mgr.-treas.—Bernie Haley. Reg.—Imogene Bradley. Lib.—Sara Hardison.

David Lipscomb College, Nashville (—; Ch. of Christ; coed.; Hf; 679).

Pres.—Athens Clay Pullias. Dean—J. P. Sanders. Reg.—Ralph Bryant.

Summer session—J. P. Sanders. East Tennessee State College, Johnson

City (S., *ed.; St; coed.; Hie; 1,824).

Pres.—Burgin E. Dossett. Dean of faculty—P. W. Alexander. Bus. mgr.—John A. Clack. Reg.—Wm. M. Beasley. Lib.—Hal H. Smith. Dean of wo.—Ella Ross.

Graduate—R. H. Eliassen. **Fisk University, Nashville 8 (S.; P.;

coed.; Hie; 689). Pres.—Charles S. Johnson. Prov.—Fred L. Brownlee. Compt.—Isaiah T. CresweU. Reg.—Harold F. Smith. Lib.—Arna Bontemps. Dean of men—George W. Goodman.


Dean of wo.—Ruth Brett. Senior college—George N. Redd. Junior college—George C. St. John,

Jr. Summer session—George N. Redd.

Freed-Hardeman College, Henderson (—; Ch. of Christ; coed.; If ; 370).

Pres.—H. A. Dixon. Dean—C. P. Roland. Reg.—E. Claude Gardner. Lib.—Mrs. B. G. Dunavant.

George Peabody College for Teachers, Nashville 4 (*, S.; P.; coed.; IVd; 1,550).

Pres.—Henry H. Hill. Dean of instr.—Felix C. Robb. Dean of admin.—^W. C. Jones. Dir. of bus. and finan.—H. F. Clark, Reg.-dir. of admis.—W. H. Vaughan, Lib.—John E. Burke. Director of student actvities—Mary

Morton. Summer session—W. H. Vaughan.

Hiwassee College, Madisonville (—; Meth.; coed.; Ic ; 208).

Pres,—D, R. Youell. Dean-reg.—W. O. Evers. Dean of students—J. W, Hill.

Summer session—W. O. Evers. Johnson Bible College, Kimberlin

Heights (—; Ch. of Christ; coed.; Ilg; 145).

Pres.—Robert Monroe Bell. Dean—Floyd Clark. Reg.—Gertrude W. Kostik. Lib.—Robert Black.

King College, Bristol (S.; Presb,; coed.; Ilb; 239).

Pres.—R. T. L. Liston. Treas.—F. R. Bingham. Reg.-dean of students—F. S. Rankin. Lib.—Elizabeth England.

Summer session—F. S. Rankin. **Knoxville College, Knoxville 16 ($S.;

U. Presb,; coed.; He; 301). Pres,—James A, Colston. Dean—D. K. Cherry. Bus. mgr.—Herbert Gunn, Sr. Reg.—Frances Clark. Lib.—Rea Whetstone.

Lambuth College, Jackson (—; Meth.; coed.; He; 233).

Pres.—Luther L. Gobhel. Dean—Jesse C. Burt. Reg.—Helen Womack. Lib.—Katharine Clement.

**Lane College. Jackson (S.; C. M. E.; coed.; He; 324).

Pres.—C. A. Kirkendoll. Dean—Lena B, Morton. Treas.-bus. mgr.—S. H, Bronough. Reg.—George L. Thacker. Lib.—Hortense L. Crane, Dean of men—P. R. Shy. Dean of wo.—Mrs. IMarie M. Penn,

Summer session—I^ena B. Morton. Lee College, Cleveland (—; Ch. of

God; coed.; Ic; 213).

Pres.—John C. Jernigan. Dean-vice pres.—E. M. Tapley. Acct.—J. Duel Free. Reg.—Lacy D. Powell. Lib.—Mrs. Josephine Davis. Dean of students—Lacy D. Powell.

**Le Moyne College, Memphis 6 ($S.; A. M. A.; coed.; He; 514).

Pres.—Hollis F. Price. Dean—Paul E. Collins. Treas.—Loren H. Rockwell. Reg.—Margaret Bush. Lib.—Mae Isom Davenport, acting. Personnel dir.—Mrs. Rose Branch.

Summer s e s s i o n—Addison A. Branch.

Lincoln Memorial University, Harro¬ gate (S,; P.; coed.; He ; 355).

Pres.—Robert L. Kincaid. Dean—T. A. Frick. Bus. mgr.—Felton L. Williams. Reg.—Hugh T. Ramsey. Lib.—Elizabeth Johnson, Dean of wo.—Amelia E. Clark.

Summer session—T, A. Frick. Madison College, Madison College (—;

P.; coed.; Hf; 257). Pres.-gen. mgr.—A. A. Jasperson. Dean—^W. C. Sandborn. Reg.—Floyd Byers. Lib.—Leroy Otto. Dean of men—Warren Oakes, Dean of wo.—Hazel Rowland.

Summer session—W. C. Sandborn. Martin College, Pulaski (—; Meth.;

coed.; If; 116). Pres.—Joseph D. Quillian, Jr. Academic dean—Charles Havens. Admin, dean—C. Glenn Mingledorff, Bursar—Mrs. Forrest Eubank. Lib.—Marilyn Simpson.

Maryville College, Maryville (S.; Presb,; coed.; He ; 695).

Pres.—Ralph Waldo Lloyd. Dean of curriculum—Edwin Ray

Hunter. Treas.—Paul W. Henry. Lil).—Martha Ruth Grierson. Dean of students—Frank Dc'Loss

McClelland. **Meharry Medical College, Nashville 8

(*; P.; coed.; Ilg; 477). Pres.—Harold D. West. Treas.—Grady W. Huffman. Bus. mgr.—Henry Miller. Reg.—James R. Smothers, Jr. Lib.—Mayme Bugg. *Dentistry—William H. Allen. ^Medicine—Michael J, Bent, *Nursing—Agatha Anderson.

Memphis College of Music. See South¬ western at Memphis.

Memphis State College, ^leniphis (S.; St; coed,; Hie; 2,316).

Pres.—J. M. Smith. Dean—R. M, Robison. Bursar—Lamar Newport.


Reg.—R. P. Clark. Lib.—B. L. Brown. Dean of wo.—Flora Rawls.

Summer session—J. M. Smith. Middle Tennessee State College. Mur¬

freesboro (S., *ed.; St.; coed.; lie; 1,261).

Pres.—Q. M. Smith. Dean—N. C. Beasley. Bursar—T. B. Woodmore. Reg.—W. B. Judd. Dean of students—C. L. James.

Summer session—Q. M. Smith. Milligan College, Milligan College (—;

P.; coed.; He; 194). Pres.—Dean E. Walker. Dean—Donald G. Sahli. Bus. Mgr.—Ray E. Staid. Reg.—Lois Hale. Lib.-. Dean of men--. Dean of wo.—^Mildren Welshimer.

**MorristpOwn Normal and Industrial College Morilstown (S.; Meth.; coed.; if; 98).

Pres.—M. W. Boyd. Dean-reg.—P. A. Edwards. Bus. mgr.—John T. Williams. Lib.—Glossie J. Cole. Dean of men—S. A. Cain. Dean of wo.—Madeline Evans.

Scarritt College for Christian Work¬ ers, Nashville 5 (S.; Meth.; coed.; mb; 114).

Pres.—Hugh C. Stuntz. Reg.-bursar—G. G. Starr. Lib.—Mrs. John M. Bates. Dean of wo.—Mary C. Owen. Undergrad, couns.—Jean Cleveland. Grad, couns.—B. F. Jackson.

Summer sess—G. G. Starr. Siena College, Memphis 5 (—; P.; wo.:

day, coed.: afternoon and evening; He; 173).

Pres.—Sister Raymunda. Dean—Sister Leo Marie. Bursar—Sister Catherine Francis. Reg.—Sister Jamesetta. Lib.—Sister Esther Marie. Dean of residents—Sister Mary Ber¬

nard. Southern College of Optometry. Mem¬

phis 5 (*; P.; coed.; Ilg; 356). Pres.—W. R. Cramer. Dean—M, E. Broom. Reg. E. B. Vaughn. Lib.—Emma Turpin.

Southern Missionary College, College- dale (S.; S. D. A.; coed.; Ilf ; 521).

Pres.—^Kenneth A. Wright. Dean—Richard L. Hammill. Bus. mgr.—Charles Fleming, Jr. Reg.—Elva B. Gardner. Lib.—S. D. Brown. Personnel off.—Thomas W. Steen.

Summer s e s s i o n—Thomas W. Steen.

Southwestern at Memphis, Memphis 7 (S.; Presb.; coed.; IIj; 475).

Pres.—Peyton N. Rhodes. Dean—A. Theodore Johnson. Bursar-bus. mgr.—C. L. Springfield. Reg.—Malcolm Evans. Lib.—Mary Marsh. Dean of men—C. I. Diehl. Dean of wo.—Eleanor H. Bosworth,

acting. Adult ed.—John Osman, Summer s e s s i o n—A. Theodore

Johnson. *Memphis College of Music:

Dir.—Burnet O. Tuthill. Dean—Gladys Cauthen.

**Swift Memorial Junior College, Rog- ersville (—; Presb.; coed.; If ; 32).

Pres.—R. E. Lee. Dean—H. L. Price. Reg.—Mrs. B. E. Stanley. Lib.—Careda Jamison.

**Tennessee Agricultural and Indus¬ trial State University. Nashville 8 (S.; St.; coed.; Illj; 1,910).

Pres.—Walter S. Davis. Vice pres.—A. V. Boswell. Bursar—Mrs. E. P. Johnson. Dir. of admis.—F. J. D. McKinney. Lib.—Lois H. Daniel. Dir. of student personnel—Virginia

S. Nyabongo. Arts and sciences—C. M. Hill.

^Education—H. A. Bowen. Engineering—B. L. Dutton. Graduate—H. B. Crouch. Summer session—^A. V. Boswell.

Tennessee Polytechnic Institute, Cooke¬ ville (S.; St.; coed.; Ilk; 1,890).

Pres.—Everett Derryberry. Dean—A. W. Smith. Bursar—T. W. Kittrell. Reg.—A. W, Smith. Lib.—C. P. Snelgrove. Dean of students—John L. Meadows.

Agriculture and home ec.—J. E. Conry and Marie White.

Arts and sciences—G. B. Penne- baker.

Bus. admin.—Louis Johnson, Jr. *Education—T. J. Farr. Engineering—J, M. Henderson. Summer session—Everett Derry¬

berry. Tennessee Wesleyan College, Athens

(S.; Meth.; coed.; Ic; 218). Pres.—LeRoy A. Martin. Dean—Paul Riviere. Bursar—Minnie Blevins. Reg.—C. O. Douglass. Lib.—Claryse D. Myers. Dean of students—J. Van B. Coe.

Summer session—Paul Riviere. Trevecca Nazarene College. Nashville

4 (—; Naz.; coed.; Ilj; 255). Pres.—A. B. Mackey. Dean—L. P. Gresham. Bus. off.—V. Neil Richardson.


Reg.—Amy L. Person. Lib.—Mrs. A. B. Mackey. Dean of men—Irvin Kennedy. Dean of wo.—IMrs. Irvin Kennedy.

Religion—A. K. Bracken. Summer session—L. P. Gresham.

Tusciilum College, Greeneville (S.; P.; coed.; Ilb; 178).

Pres.—Raymond C. Rankin. Dean—Leslie K. Patton, Bus. mgr.—Glenn M. Eddington, act¬

ing. Reg.—Edith Knipp. Lib.—Mrs. Lowell E. Binkley, acting. Dean of men—Glenn M. Eddington. Dean of wo,-.

Union University, Jackson (S.; S. Bapt.; coed.; Ilb; 524).

Pres.—Warren F. Jones. Bus. mgr.—F. M. Blythe. Reg.—Gladys I. Stone. Lib.—Mary Marbury Gibson, Dean of students—R. C. Briggs,

Summer session—R. C. Briggs, University of Chattanooga, Chatta¬

nooga 3 (S.; P.; coed.; Illj ; 1,340). Pres.—David A. Lockmiller. Vice pres.-compt.—S. F. Bretske. Reg.—R. W. Holland. Lib.—Gilbert Govan. Dean of students—Dorothy Wood-

worth. Liberal arts—Maxwell A. Smith, Applied arts—Paul L. Palmer. Fine arts (*music)—Harold Cadek. Evening college and extension

div.—Reuben W. Holland. Industrial Research Institute—J.

Horace Coulliette. Summer session — Maxwell A.

Smith, University of the South, Sewanee (S.;

P. E.; men; Ilj ; 431). Pres.—Edward McCrady, Treas.—Douglas L. Vaughan. Compt.—Janies M. Avent. Reg.—Mrs. R. G. Dudney.

Arts and sciences—Charles T. Har¬ rison.

Theology—F. Craighill Brown. University of Tennessee, Knoxville

(S.; St.; coed.; IVk; 7,510). Pres.—C. E. Brehm. Vice pres.—Fred C. Smith. Bus. mgr.—J. P. Hess. Treas.—J. J. Walker. Dean of admis.—R. F. Thomason. Dir. of lib.—Wm. H. Jesse. Dean of students—R, E. Dunford. Knoxville Campus:

Liberal arts—L. R. Hesler. *Law—W. H. Wicker. ^Education—N. E. Fitzgerald. Agriculture—J. H. McLeod.

*Engineering—N, W. Dougherty. *Bus. admin.—Frank B. Ward. Graduate—E. A. Waters. Summer session-.

Memphis Campus; *Medicine—O. W. Hyman. *Dentistry—J, T. Ginn. Biol, science—T. P, Nash, Jr. Nursing—Ruth N. Murray.

*Pharmacy—Robert Latta Crowe. Martin Campus—Paul Meek. Nashville Campus:

* Social work—Sue Spencer. Vanderbilt University, Nashville 5 (S.;

P.; coed.; IVk; 2,886). Chanc.—Harvie Branscomb. Vice chanc.—Madison Sarratt. Treas.—A. B. Benedict. Bus. mgr.—Gerald D. Henderson. Comp.-bursar—Overton Williams. Reg.—James Buford. Lib.—A. F. Kuhlman. Dean of students—Robert Waldrop.

Arts and science—Ewing Shahan, *Law—John W. Wade. *Medicine—John B. Youmans. *Nursing—Julia Hereford. *Engineering—Fred J. Lewis. *Religion—John K. Benton. Graduate—Leonard Beach,

William Jennings Bryan University, Dayton (—; P.; coed.; Ilb; 246).

Pres.—Judson A. Rudd. Exec, vice pres.-deau—D. W. Ryther. Vice pres.-treas.—Lloyd E. Pish, Reg,—Lois L. Weyhe. Lib.—Robert D. Marston. Dean of men—Norman H. Uphouse, Dean of wo.—Kathleen P. Cowan,


Abilene Christian College, Abilene (S.; Ch. of Christ; coed.; lie; 1,3.33).

Pres.—Don H. Morris. Dean—Walter H. Adams. Bursar—Lawrence L. Smith. Reg.—Kenneth Rasco. Lib.—Marguerite Anderson. Dean of students—John C. Stevens.

Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas. See Texas Agricultural and Mechanical College System.

Alvin Junior College, Alvin (—; dist.; coed.; Ic; 131).

Dean—W. H, Meyers, Reg.—Neal IM. Nelson. Conns.—Estelle Cope.

Amarillo College. Amarillo (S.; C.; coed.; Ic; 938).

Pres.—A, M. Meyer. Dean—Joseph B. Davis. Bursar—J. Fred Balderston. Reg.—Marion Miller Porter, Lib.—Jonnie Rowan.

Arlington State College. See Texas Agricultural and Mechanical Col¬ lege System.

Austin College, Sherman (S.; S. Presb.; coed.; Ille; 585).

Pres.—W. B. Guerrant. Dean—J. B. Moorman.


Treas.—John Clarke, Jr. Reg,—Perrin Smith. Lib.—Mrs. R. W. Lewln. Dean of men—Rollin Rolfe. Dean of wo.—Charlotte Hunter.

Summer session—J. B. Moorman. Austin Presbyterian Theological Semi¬

nary Austin 5 (*; Presb.; men; Illg; 103).

Pres.—David L. Stitt. Dean—James I. McCord. Reg.—Samuel L. Joekel. Lib.—D. M. Votaw.

Baylor University, Waco (S.; S. Bapt.; coed.; Illk; 5,636).

Pres.—William R. White. Admin, vice pres.—W. T. Gooch. Finan. vice pres.—Roy J. McKnight. Dean of the univ.—Monroe S. Carroll. Reg.—Truett K. Grant. Lib.—R. W. Severance. Dean of men—C. E. Wright, acting. Dean of wo.—Gladys Hicks.

Arts and sciences—Monroe S. Car- roll.

*Law—Abner McCall. '^Medicine (Houston)—Walter H.

Moursund. ^Dentistry (Dallas) — George L.

Powers, Nursing (Dallas)—Zora M. Fiedler.

*Music—Daniel Sternberg. ^Business—A. S. Lang. Education—Lorena Stretch. Graduate—W. T. Gooch.

Bible Baptist Seminary, 408 Throck¬ morton St., Fort Worth (—; Bapt.; coed.; Ig; 416).

Exec. olf.—Luther C. Peak. Academic off.—Louis Entzminger. Bus. off.—J. C. Garrison. Reg.—Mrs. Florence Mattison. Lib.—Bibbie Edmondson.

Summer session — Louis Entz¬ minger.

**Bishop College, Marshall (|S.; Bapt; coed.; Ille; 536).

Pres,—M. K. Curry, Jr. Dean—Edward K. Weaver. Bus, mgr.—A. E. Greer, acting, Rec.—Sidney R. Tillinghast. Lib.—Rebecca A. Hudson. Dean of students—Melvin J, Banks.

Graduate—Edward K. Weaver. Blinn College, Brenham (S.; dist.;

coed.; Ic ; 1,169). Pres,—Thomas M. Spencer. Dean—James H. Atkinson. Reg.—Henry J. Boehm. Lib.—Clara Hamblen.

Brite College of the Bible. See Texas Christian University.

=^*Butler College, Tyler (—; Bapt.; coed.; IIj ; 196).

Pres,—Claude Meals. Dean—T. J. Malone, Bursar—James Mosley. Reg.—Mrs. M. B. Hunter.

Lib.—Dolores I. Harris. Dean of men—Ulysses C. Smith. Dean of wo.—Mrs. Bessye Watson.

Theology—John H. Williams. Summer session—T. J. Malone.

Cisco Junior College, Cisco (—; C.; coed.; If ; 404).

Pres.—O. L. Stamey. Dean—H. R. Garrett. Reg.—C. J. Turner. Lib.—Mayme Estes.

Summer session—C, J. Turner. Clarendon Junior College. Clarendon

(—; dist.; coed.; Ib ; 73). Pres.—H. T. Burton. Dean—R. E. Drennan. Lib.-.

Clifton Junior College, Clifton (—; Luth.; coed.; Ic ; 60).

Pres.—O. G. Salveson. Dean-reg.—C. Tyssen. Lib.—Mrs. O. E. Pierson. Dean of men—Pat N. McLeod. Dean of wo.—Betty Webb,

Summer session—C. Tyssen. Dallas Theological Seminary and Grad¬

uate School of Theology, Dallas (—; P.; men; IVg; 247).

Pres.—Lewis Sperry Chafer. Treas.—Charles Fred Lincoln. Sec.—John F. Walvoord. Reg.—Charles A. Nash. Lib.—James F. Rand.

Daniel Baker College Brownwood (—; P. E.; coed.; He; 131).

Pres.—Wilford O. Cross. Bursar—Alta M. Craig. Reg.—William W. Stevie. Lib.—Catharine Score. Dean of men—Paul Chaplin.

Decatur Baptist College, Decatur (—; S. Bapt.; coed.; Ic ; 169).

Pres.—Otis Strickland. Dean—Hardy E. Stevens. Reg.—R. H. Watkins. Bus. mgr.—Oliver D. Riley. Lib.—Mrs. Jo Ann Pry. Dean of wo.—Mrs. Oliver D. Riley.

Summer session—Hardy E. Stevens. Del Mar College, Corpus Christi (S.;

C.; coed.; Ic; 2,137). Pres.—E. L. Harvin. Dean—Grady St. Clair. Bus. mgr.—Guy M. Suavely, Jr. Reg.—A. C. Pierce. Lib.—Mrs. J. W. Agee. **Solomon Coles Junior College.

De Mazenod Scholasticate, Oblate Drive, San Antonio 1 (—; R. C.; men; lie).

Pres.—John P. Walsh. Dean—John A. Hakey. Treas.—Daniel Lynch. Reg.—Fred D. Sackett. Lib.—Frank J. Montalbano.

East Texas Baptist College, Marshall (—; S. Bapt.; coed.; He; 592).

Pres.—H. D. Bruce.


Dean of college—J. Wesley Smith. Bus. mgr.—Pete Minter. Reg.—S. E. Smith. Lib.—Mary K. Armstrong. Vice pres.-dean of students—Waller

M. Ethridge. East Texas State Teachers College,

Commerce (S.; * ; St.; coed.; Ille; 2,172).

Pres.—James G. Gee. Dean of college—J. Cullen Sowers. Bus. mgr.—F. H. McDowell. Reg.—John S. Windell. Lib.—Opal Williams. Dir. student personnel and guid.—

Earl A. Koile. Graduate—Frank Young.

Frank Phillips College, Borger (—; dist.; coed.; Ic; 249).

Pres.—C. A. Cryer. Dean-reg.—J. W. Dillard. Treas.—C. S. Goldsmith. Lib.—Reavis Foster.

Summer session—J. W. Dillard. Gainesville Junior College, Gainesville

(—; C.; coed.; Ib; 184). Pres.—Roy P. Wilson. Dean-reg.—W. E. Chalmers. Lib.—Mrs. Raymond M. Barnhart.

Hardin-Simmons University, Abilene (S.; S. Bapt.; coed.; Illj ; 1,735).

Pres.—Rupert N. Richardson. Bus. mgr.—E. W. Ledbetter. Reg.—Alton B. Lee. Lib.—Thelma Andrews. Dean of students—W. T. Walton.

Arts and sciences—Robert A. Col¬ lins.

*Music—E. Edwin Young. Bus. admin.—Wiley D. Rich.

Henderson County Junior College, Athens (—; co.; coed.; la ; 593).

Pres.—Orval Pirtle. Dean—George Tipton, Sr. Bus. off.—Frank Ballow. Reg.—Christene Barnes, acting. Lib.—Marie Martin.

Summer session—Orval Pirtle. Houston Conservatory of Music, The,

3G14 Montrose Boulevard, Houston 6 (—; P.; coed.; Ilh; 41).

Pres.—Mozart Hammond. Dean—Eva S. Davis. Bursar—Ora B. Hammond. Reg.—Dorothy S. Disch. Lib,—Sara Aull.

Summer session — Mozart Ham¬ mond.

Howard County Junior College, Big Spring (—; co.; coed.; Ic ; 411).

Pres.—E. C. Dodd. Bus. mgr.—Margaret Ledford. Reg.—B. M. Keese. Lib.—Prudence M. Taylor.

Howard Payne College, Brownwood (S.; S. Bapt.; coed.; lie; 680).

Pres.—Thomas H. Taylor. Dean—Z. T. Huff.

Reg.—G. G. Dickey. Bus. mgr.—J. H. Shelton. Lib.—Frances Burrage. Dean of men—Gordon S. Taylor. Dean of wo.—Mrs. Morris Day.

Summer session—Z. T. Huff. **Huston-Tillotson College, Austin

($S.; P.; coed.; Ilf; 1,008). Pres.—Matthew S. Davage. Vice pres, (instr.-curriculum)—Wil¬

liam H. Jones. Bus. mgr.—A. L, Royster. Lib.—Olive Durden Brown.

Incarnate Word College, San Antonio 9 (S.; R. C.; wo.; Ille; 575).

Pres,—Sister M. Columkille. Dean—Sister M. Clement. Treas.—Sister M. Teresa. Reg.—Sister M. Antoninus. Lib.—Sister M. Raphael.

Summer session—Sister M. Colum¬ kille.

Jacksonville College, Jacksonville (—; Bapt.; coed.; If ; 246).

Pres.—Gerald D. Kellar. Dean—W. B. Crooks. Reg.-bus. mgr.—Evelyne Bunn. Lib.—Rhoda Permenter. Dean of men—W. H, Hodges. Dean of wo.—Mrs. Eber Haynes.

**Jarvis Christian College, Hawkins (S.; Disc, of Christ; coed.; Ilf; 143).

Pres.—John B. Eubanks. Dean—W. O. Gill. Reg.—Venita C. Waddleton. Bursar—Melvin Hester. Lib.—William Bennett. Dean of men—Augustus Harris. Dean of wo.—Mattie B. Kenyon.

Summer session—W. O. Gill. Kilgore College. Kilgore (S.; dist?;

coed,; Ic ; 740). Pres.—B. E. Masters. Dean—T. L. Arterberry. Bus. mgr.—A. S. Kay. Reg.—June Bynum Martin. Lib.—Fredonia Sikes. Dean of men—I, M. May. Dean of wo.—Martha P. Ivan.

Lamar State College of Technology, Beaumont (S.; dist.; coed.; Hi; 1,735).

Pres.—F. L. McDonald. Vice pres.-dean—O. B, Archer. Bus. mgr.—G. A. Wimberly. Reg.—Celeste Kitchen. Lib.—Julia Plummer. Dean of men—M. L. McLaughlin. Dean of wo.—Mrs. Bess Gentry.

Laredo Junior College, Laredo (—; C.; coed.; Ic).

Pres.—^W. J. Adkins. Lee College, Baytown (S.; C.; coed.;

If; 608). Pres.—Geo. H. Gentry. Dean—Walter Rundell. Bus. mgr.—Mrs. J. J. Jones.


Lib.—Sylvia Pearl Stern. Summer session—Walter Rundell.

LeTourneau Technical Institute of Texas, Longview (—; P.; men ; Ilg; 247).

Pres.—R. G. LeTourneau. Dean—Allen C. Tyler. Reg.—Conrad Vernon. Lib.—Elizabeth A. Crim.

Lon Morris College, Jacksonville (S.; Meth.; coed.; Ib; 230). .

Pres.—C. E. Peeples. Dean—H. V. Robinson. Bus. mgr.—Lottie M. Williamson. Lib.—Mrs. V. L. Perry. Chief personnel off.—Mrs. De Witt

Hotchkiss. Summer session—H. V. Robinson.

McMurry College, Abilene (S.; Meth.; coed.; Hie; 570).

Pres.—Harold G. Cooke. Dean of faculty—W. B. McDaniel. Bus. mgr.—Garnet A. Gracy. Reg.—Jerome D. Vannoy. Lib.—Rosita H. Hollar. Dean of men—S. B. Thompson. Dean of wo.—Mrs. Phil E. Chappell.

Summer session—W. B. McDaniel. **Mary Allen College, Crockett (—;

Bapt.; coed.; lie; 283). Pres.—G. L. Prince. Dean—E. P. Richard. Reg.—E. V. Holmes. Dean of men—J. H. Montgomery. Dean of wo.—G. N. Prince.

Mary Hardin-Baylor College, Belton (S.; S. Bapt.; wo.; He; 332).

Pres.—^A. C. Gettys, acting. Dean—V. L. Mangun. Bus. mgr.—H. E. D. Walker. Reg.—Zelma Lee Bond. Lib.—Mrs. W. H. Vann. Dean of wo.—Mrs. C. A. Dahnke.

Summer session—V. L. Mangun. Midwestern University, Wichita Falls

(S.; O.; coed.; He; 1,206). Pres.—James B. Boren. Dean—C. T. Eskew. Bus. mgr.—W. L. Dunsworth. Reg.—Mrs. J. H. Jameson. Lib.—Dorothy Churchwell. Dean of men—Harlan J. Steph. Dean of wo.—Juanita Kinsey.

Navarro Junior College, Corsicana (—; CO.; coed.; Ic ; 246).

Pres.—Ray L. Waller. Dean-reg.—Gaston T. Gooch. Lib.—Dorothy Hawthorne. Dean of wo.-.

Summer session—Gaston T. Gooch. North Texas State College, Denton (S.,

*ed.; St.; coed.; Hie ; 4,212). Pres.—J. C. Matthews. Dean of admin.—B. B. Harris. Bus. mgr.—Robert H. Caldwell. Reg.—Alex Dickie. Lib.—A. M. Sampley. Dean of men—William G. Woods.

Dean of wo.—Imogene Bentley. Graduate—Jack Johnson. Summer session—J. C. Matthews.

Odessa College. Odessa (—; dist.; coed.; Ic; 318).

Pres.—Murry H. Fly. Dean-reg.—Jack Rodgers. Lib.-. Couns.—Helen Corley.

Our Lady of the Lake College, San An¬ tonio 7 (S.; R. C.; wo.; HIj; 428).

Pres.—John L. McMahon. Dean—Mother M. Angelique. Treas.—Sister M. Clarence. Bus. mgr.—Mother M. Antonina. Reg.—Sister M. Pia. Lib.—Sister Francis Clare. Dean of wo.—Sister M. Angela. ♦Library science — Sister Francis

Clare. ♦Social service—George W. Miles. Summer session—John L. McMa¬

hon. Our Lady of Victory College, Fort

Worth 10 (—; R. C.; wo.; He ; 61). Pres.—Mother Maria. Dean—Sister Mary Margaret. Treas.—Sister Mary Evelyn. Reg.—Sister Antoinette. Lib.—Sister Francis Marie.

Summer session—Sister Mary Mar¬ garet.

Pan American College, Edinburg (S.; dist.; coed.; He; 587).

Pres.—R. P. Ward. Vice.-pres.—H. A. Hodges. Reg.—H. H. Gauding. Lib.—W. R. Holman.

Summer session—H. A. Hodges. Panola County Junior College, Car¬

thage (—; CO.; coed.; Ic; 130). Pres.—Marvin P. Baker. Dean—Floyd Boze. Reg.-lib.—E. M. Adams, Jr. Dean of wo.—Mrs. Merle Glass.

Paris Junior College, Paris (S.; C.; coed.; If; 490).

Pres.—J. R. McLemore. Dean—Burton Mason. Bus. mgr.—Wilson Norris. Reg.—Jo Ann James. Lib.—Mrs. Eugene Thielman.

Summer session—J. R. McLemore. ♦♦Paul Quinn College, 1020 Elm St.,

Waco (—; A. M. E.; coed.; Hf; 811).

Pres.—Sherman L. Greene, Jr. Dean—Amos J. White. Bus. mgr.—M. P. Harvey. Reg.—Henry L. Burks. Lib.—Dolores P. Harris.

Summer session—Amos J. White. ♦♦Prairie View Agricultural and Me¬

chanical College. See Texas Agri¬ cultural and Mechanical College System.

Ranger Junior College, Ranger (—; C.; coed.; Ic; 523),


Pres.—G. C. Boswell. Dean-reg.—W. W. Smith. Bus. off.—Kathleen Earnest. Lib.—Kathryn Gibson.

Rice Institute, Houston 1 (S.; P.; coed.; IVj; 1,507).

Pres.—W. V. Houston. Dean—G. H. Richter. Bursar—J. T. McCants. Reg.—S. G. McCann. Lib.—William S. Dix. Assoc, clean for students—G. T.

McBride. Sacred Heart Dominican College. Ala¬

meda Rd. and Dixie Dr., Houston (—; R. C.; wo.; Ilf).

Pres.—Mother M. Adeline. Dean—Sister M. Antoinette. Reg.—Sister M. Gerard. Lib.—Sister M. Perpetua.

Summer session— Sister M. Antoin¬ ette.

St. Edward’s University, Austin (—; R. C.; men ; He; 291).

Pres.—Edmund Hunt. Dean-reg.—Simon Scribner. Treas.—Silverius Adelman. Lib.—Hugo Ellis. Dean of men—Edward Hagus.

St. Mary’s University of San Antonio, San Antonio 7 (S.; R. C.; coed.; Ilj; 1,287).

Pres.—Louis J. Blume. Treas.—John J. Schuh. Dean-reg.—Thomas J. Treaclaway. Lib.—Paul Novosal. Dean of men—John J. Black. *Law—Ernest A. Raba. Summer session—Thomas J. Tread-

away. **St. Philip’s College. See San Antonio

College. Sam Houston State Teachers College.

Huntsville (S., *; St.; coed.; Hie; 1,593).

Pres.—Harmon Lowman. Dean—W. E. Lowry. Bus. mgr.—D. C. Holleman. Reg.—Reed Lindsey. Lib.—B. P. Simons. Dean of men—W. T. Creager. Dean of wo.—Florence King.

Graduate—W. E. Lowry. Summer session—Harmon Low-

man. San Angelo College, San Angelo (S.;

C.; coed.; Ic; S19). Pres.—Bryan Wildenthal. Dean—Burl M. Abel. Bus. mgr.—C. A. Roberson. Lib.—Delia Westbrook.

San Antonio College, San Antonio 12 (—; dist.; coed.; Ic; 929).

Pres.—J. O. Loftin. Dean—Wayland P. Moody. Compt.—Vernon V. LaBauve. Reg.—Glynda B. Brown. Lib.—J. O. Wallace.

Dean of wo.—Lois Morrison. Evening school—Clyde R. Nail.

**St Philip’s College (S.)—Miss A. Bowden.

Schreiner Institute, Kerrville (S.; Presb.; men; le; 142).

Pres.—Andrew Edington. Dean—W. C. Weir. Reg.—F. H. .Tunkin. Lib.—Verna Walker. Dean of students—T. M. Hammond.

Summer session—T. M. Hammond. **Solomon Coles Junior College. See

Del Mar College. South Texas College, 1000 Louisiana

St., Houston 2 (—; YMCA.; coed.; Hj ; 505).

Dir.—W. H. Randolph. Reg.—lola Barron.

Junior College and Commerce— W. I. Dykes.

Law—E. E. Townes. Southern College of Fine Arts, 911

Lovett Blvd., Houston 6 (—; P.; coed.; Hlh; 71).

Pres.—Homer F. Springfield. Dean—W. Jeff Steacy. Dean of wo.—Mary Louise Agnew.

Southern Methodist University, Dallas 1 (S.; Meth.; coed.; Hik; 4,832).

Pres.—Umplirey Lee. Vice pres.-prov.—Hemphill M. Hos-

ford. Dean of instr.—Frederick D. Smith. Comp.—Trent Root. Sec.-treas.—Layton W. Bailey. Lib.—Robert M. Trent. Dean of students—Mayne Longnecker.

*Law—Robert G. Storey. *Engineering—Earl H. Flath. *Theology—Merriman Cunningim. *Music—Orville J. Borchers. fBusiness—L. H. Fleck. Graduate—H. IVI. Plosford, acting.

Southwest Texas Junior College, Uvalde (—; dist.; coed.; If; 308).

Pres.—E. C. Dodd. Dean-reg.-bus. mgr.—Price R. Ashton. Lib.—Lillian T. Vest.

Summer session—H. S. Von Boeder. Southwest Texas State Teachers Col¬

lege, San Marcos (S., * ; St.; coed ; Hlf; 1,799).

Pres.—John G. Flowers. Dean—Alfred H. Nolle. Bus. mgr.—J. C. Cates. Reg.—J. Lloyd Read. Lib.—E. B. Jackson. Dean of men—H. E. Speck. Dean of wo.—Marion IMcBrair.

Graduate—Claude Elliott. Summer session—.Tohn G. Flowers.

Southwestern Baptist Theological Sem¬ inary, Seminary Hill Station, Fort Worth 15 G"; S. Bapt.; coed.; IVg; 1,679).

Pres.—E. D. Head. Bus. mgr.—D. A. Thornton.


Reg.—Katie Reed, Lib.—L. R. Elliott. Dean of wo.—Floy M. Barnard.

Theology—Ray Summers. Religious ed.—J. M. Price. Sacred music—J. Campbell Wray. Summer session—J. M. Price.

Southwestern Bible Institute, Waxa- hachie (* ; Assem. of God; coed.; Ilg; 522).

Pres.—M. E. Collins. Dean—E. W. Moore. Bus. mgr.—Klaude Kendrick. Reg.—D. L. Cantrell. Lib.—Pearl Ellis. Dean of men—Robert H. Sanders. Dean of wo.—Mrs. Tom Sikes.

Junior college—E. W. Patterson. Bible—Arvin W. Glandon.

Southwestern Junior College, Keene ( —; S. D. A.; coed; If; 149).

Pres.—J. V. Peters. Bus. mgr.—J. R, Sloop. Reg.—P. L. Wilson. Lib.—G. A. Jorgenson. Dean of men—R. E. Hamilton. Dean of wo.-.

Summer session—P. L. Wilson. Southwestern University, Georgetown

(S.; Metb.; coed.; Illj ; 409). Pres.—William C. Finch. Dean—O. A. Ullrich. Bus. mgr.—I. J. McCook. Reg.—Pearl A. Neas. Lib.—George R. Rawley. Dean of men—John V. Berglund. Dean of wo.—Mrs. Ruth Ferguson.

Fine arts—Henry E. Meyer. Stephen F. Austin State College, Nacog¬

doches (S., *ed.; St.; coed.; Ille; 1,351).

Pres.—Paul L. Boynton. Bus. mgr.—Joe D. Lacy. Reg.—S. W. McKewen. Lib.—Mildred Wyatt. Dean of men—R. H. Shelton. Dean of wo.—Mary Thomson. Senior div.—Thos. E. Ferguson.

Junior div.—J. N. Gerber. Graduate—D, D. Giles. Summer session—Paul L Boynton.

Sul Ross State College, Alpine (S., St.; coed.; me; 662).

Pres.—Bryan Wildenthal. Dean of college—T. H. Etheridge. Bus. mgr.—Jack Stovell. Reg.—Anna D. Linn. Lib.—Ida Fay Hamilton. Dean of student life—Seldon C. Rob¬

inson. Graduate—G. Preston Smith.

Tarleton State College. See Texas Ag¬ ricultural and Mechanical College System.

Temple Junior College, Temple (—; C.; coed.; Ic ; 300).

Pres.—S. P. Cowan. Dean—C. L. Neal.

Bus. mgr.—Logan Ware. Reg.—H. M. Dawson. Lib.—Lena Word.

Texarkana College, Texarkana (S.; C.; coed.; Ic; 468).

Pres.—H. W. Stilwell. Dean-reg.—W. P. Akin. Lib.—Glyde Peavy. Dean of wo.—Lucile Couch.

Summer session—^W. P. Akin. Texas Agricultural and Mechanical

College System, College Station. Chanc.—Gibb Gilchrist. Compt.—W. H. Holzmann. Agricultural and Mechanical College

of Texas, College Station (S.; St.; men; IVk; 6,519).

Pres.—M. T. Harrington. Dean— -. Auditor—C. A. Roeber. Reg.—H. L. Heaton. Lib.—R. A. Houze. Dean of men—W. L. Penberthy.

Arts and sciences—^J. P. Abbott. ^Engineering—^Howard W. Bar-

low. Agriculture—C. N. Shepardson.

*Veterinary medicine — I. B. Boughton.

Military science—J. E. Davis. Graduate—Ide P. Trotter. Summer session—M. T. Har¬

rington. Arlington State College, Arlington

(S.; St.; coed.; Ic; 1,236). Pres.—E. H. Hereford. Dean—J. Samuel Hopper. Bus. mgr.—Joe S. Bailey. Reg.—Weldon Brewster, acting. Lib.—Opal Humphreys. Dean of wo.—Melba Hammack.

Summer session—E. H. Hereford. **Prairie View Agricultural and Me¬

chanical College, Prairie View (^ed., S.; St.; coed.; Illf; 2,431).

Pres.—E. B. Evans. Dean—J. M. Drew. Bus. mgr,—H. D. Murdock. Reg.—T. R. Solomon. Lib.—O. J. Baker. Dir. of student life—^L. E. Scott.

Graduate—J. M. Drew. Summer session—J. M. Drew.

Tarleton State College, Stephenville (S.; St; coed.; Ic; 1,014).

Pres.—E. J. Howell. Dean—Paul A. Cunyus. Bus. mgr.—R. Gerald Fanning. Reg.-dean of students—Jno. E.

Tompkins, Jr. Lib.—Lola Rivers Thompson.

Summer session—E, J. Howell. Texas Christian University, Fort

Worth 9 (S,; Disc, of Christ; coed.; Illk; 3,936).

Pres.—M. E. Sadler. Bus. mgr.-treas.—L. C. Wright. Reg.—S. W. Hutton.


Lib.—Mrs. J. E. Mothershead. Dean of students—Thomas F. Rich¬

ardson. Liberal arts—Jerome Moore. Education—Raymond A. Smith. Fine arts (*music)—T. Smith Me-

Corkle. Business—Ellis M. Sowell.

*Nursing—Lucy Harris. Graduate—^A. T. De Groot. Summer session—^Jerome Moore. Evening college—C. K. Holsayple.

*Brite College of the Bible—Roy Snodgrass.

**Texas College, Tyler ($S.; C. M. E.; coed.; lie; 773).

Pres.—Dominion R. Glass. Dean—^Allen C. Hancock. Bursar—C. G. McDaniel, Jr. Reg.—E. B. Long. Lib.—F. V. Smith. Couns. of men—Joseph S. P. Lee. Couns. of wo.—M. B. Lee.

Summer session—Allen C. Han¬ cock.

Texas College of Arts and Industries, Kingsville (S.; St.; coed.; lllk ; 1,530).

Pres.—Ernest H. Poteet. Dean—J. C. Jernigan. Bus. mgr.—James H. Colvin. Reg.-dir. admis.—George W. Mc-

Culley. Lib.—Ned C. Morris, acting. Dean of men—Roger Richards. Dean of wo.—Carrie Lee Bishop.

Agriculture—J. W. Howe. Arts and sciences—S. Boyd Stew¬

art. Bus. admin.—J. R. Manning.

*Engineering—F. H. Dotterweich. ^Teacher ed.—W. A. Rasco. Graduate—Robert D. Rhode.

Texas Lutheran College, Seguin (JS.; Luth.; coed.; Ilf; 327).

Pres.—William F. Kraushaar. Dean—A. C. Streng. Treas.-bus. mgr.—Elmer Luckenbach. Reg.—A. G. Gustafson. Lib.—Katharine Diehl. Dir. of personnel—W. H. Beck.

Summer session—A. C. Streng. **Texas Southern University, Houston

(S.; St.; coed.; Illj ; 1,872). Pres.—R. O’Hara Lanier. Bus. mgr.—F. F. Stone, acting. Reg.—Wm. H. Bell. Lib.—^Wallace Van Jackson. Dean of students—Ina A. Bolton.

Arts and sciences—H. H. Harts¬ horn.

Vocational-tech. ed.—B. A. Turner. JLaw—David D. Rice, acting. tPharmacy—Hurd Jones, acting. Graduate—Samuel E. Warren, act¬

ing. Summer session—R. W. Hilliard.

Texas Southmost College, Brownsville (S.; C.; coed.; Ic; 579).

Pres.—^John F. Barron. Dean-reg.—Harold W. Sebern. Lib.—B. W. Homeyer. Dean of men—C. C. Norris. Dean of wo.—IMrs. J. Lindaberry.

Texas State College for Women, Den¬ ton (S.; St.; wo.; Illj ; 1,7G4).

Pres.—John A. Guinn. Dean—W. H. Clark. Bus. mgr.—W. M. Loveless. Reg.—Francis W. Emerson. Lib.—Ivan L. Schulze. Dean of wo.—Mary Hnfford.

Household arts and science—Pau¬ line Beery IMack.

Graduate—W. H. Clark. Summer session—Francis W. Emer¬

son. Texas Technological College, Lubbock

(S.; St.; coed.; HIk; 4,901). Pres.—D. M. Wiggins. Vice pres.—E. N. Jones. Bus. off.—Marshall Pennington. Reg.—W. P. Clement. Lil).—R. C. Janeway. Dean of student life—James G. Allen.

Arts and sciences—R. C. Goodwin. Agriculture—W. L. Stangel.

*Engineering—Dysart E. Holcomb. Home economics—Margaret W.

Weeks. Bus. admin.—George G. Heather. Graduate—W. B. Gates. Summer session—E. N. Jones.

Texas Weslevan College, Fort Worth 5 (S.; Meth.; coed.; Hie; 923).

Pres.—Law Sone. Vice pres.—Walter R. Glick. Dean—J. Elmer Cox. Bus. mgr.—Sam M. Braswell. Reg.—H. W. Rice. Lib.—Mrs. Merrie Fields. Dean of men—W. E. Ward. Dean of wo.—Sarah Works.

Summer session—J. Elmer Cox. Texas Western College. See University

of Texas. Trinity University, San Antonio 1 (S.;

Presb.; coed.; Ille; 1,958). Pres.—James Woodin Laurie. Dean—M. Bruce Thomas. Bus. mgr.—W. M. Mark. Reg.—Clifford H. Perea. Dir. of admis.—Mrs. A. J. Robinson. Lib.—Theresa R. Simms. Couns. of men—J. B. Norton. Couns. of wo.—Vivian L. Higgins.

Downtown college—Adolph A. Hab- erly.

Summer session—F. H. Ullrich. Tyler Junior College, Tyler (S.; C.;

coed.; Ic; 1,272). Pres.—H. E. Jenkins. Dean—Edward M. Potter. Bus. mgr.—R. H. Barrett. Reg.—Mrs. Frances Flaherty.


Lib.—Jobynne Kennedy. Dean of wo.—Elizabeth Bryarly.

Summer session—Edward Potter. **Tyler Junior College Branch—E. B.

Long. University of Corpus Cliristi, Corpus

Christi (—; S. Bapt.; coed.; He ; 404).

Pres.—W. A. Miller. Dean—A. M, Witherington. Bus. mgr.—E. W. Bass, acting. Reg.—A. H. Wilcox. Lib.—Mayme Evans.

University of Houston, Houston 4 (—; dist.; coed.; IVk; 10,469).

Pres.—W. W. Kemmerer. Vice pres.-bus. mgr.—C. F. McElhin-

ney. Reg.—Ray Vitulli. Vice pres.-student serv.—Terrel Spen¬

cer. Dean of men—J. E. Williamson. Dean of wo.—Theo. M. Hunnicutt.

Arts and sciences—R. Balfour Dan¬ iels.

Bus. admin.—Eugene H. Hughes. ^Education and graduate—A. N.

Donner. ^TechnologT—A. Ray Sims. Nursing—Evlyn Pederson. Engineering—M. L. Ray, acting. Health and physical ed.—Harry

Fouke. $Law—A. A. White. ■^Pharmacy—N. M. Ferguson. Junior college div.-.

University of St, Thomas, Houston (—; R. C.; coed.; Hb; 161).

Pres.—V. J. Guinan. Dean—E. Leonard Rush. Bursar—L. J. Vasek. Reg.-lib.—John W. Meyer. Dean of men—M. Stanley Lynch. Dean of wo. — Margaret Elizabeth

Shay. University of Texas, Austin 12 (S.;

St.; coed.; IVk; 13,786). Chanc.—James P. Hart. Pres.—Logan Wilson. Vice pres.—J. C. Dolley. Vice chanc.-bus. and finan.—C. D.

Simmons. Reg.-dean of admis.—H. Y. McCown. Dean of men—D. B. J. Holland. Dean of wo.—Dorothy Gebauer. Lib.—A. Moffit.

Arts and sciences—C. P. Boner. *Law—Page Keeton. ^Medicine (Galveston)—Chauncey

D. Leake. ^Medicine (Dallas) — George N.

Aagaard. Postgraduate medicine (Houston)

Roscoe L. Pullen. ^Nursing (Galveston) —Marjorie

Bartholf. IDentistry (Houston)—Frederick C.


^Pharmacy—Henry M. Burlage. *Education—L. D. Haskew. ^Engineering—W. R. Woolrich. *Bus. admin.—W. R. Spriegel. Fine arts (*music)—E. W. Doty.

• Library school—R. R. Douglass. * Social work—Lora Lee Pederson. Graduate—A. P. Brogan. Summer session—(Regular admin¬

istrative officers.) Texas Western College, El Paso (S.;

St.; coed.; Illj; 2,294). Pres.—Wilson Homer Elkins. Bus. mgr.—A. A. Smith. Reg.—John S. White. Lib.—Baxter Polk. Dean of student life—J. F. Williams.

Arts and sciences—C. A. Puckett. '^Engineering—Eugene M. Thomas. Graduate—J. L. Waller. Summer session—C. A. Puckett.

Victoria College, Victoria (S.; O.; coed.; Ic; 305).

Pres.—J. D. Moore. Dean—John W. Stormont. Lib.—Lois Parker. Personnel off.—Leona Jones.

Summer session—John W. Stor¬ mont.

Wayland Baptist College, Plainview (—; S. Bapt.; coed.; He ; 460).

Pres.—J. W. Marshall. Dean—H. Preston James. Bus. mgr.—J. L. Harden. Reg.—Mrs. Audrey Boles. Lib.—Frieda Siler. Dean of students—Harold Massey.

Weatherford College of Parker County, Weatherford (—; co.; coed.; If; 160).

Pres.—Vernon D. Parrott. Reg.—R. H. Huggins. Lib.—Lottie Bristol.

Summer session—R. H. Huggins. West Texas State College, Canyon

('^ed., S.; St.; coed.; Illf; 1,994). Pres.—James P. Cornette. Dean—Walter H. Juniper. Bus. mgr.—Virgil Henson. Reg.—Frank Morgan. Lib.—Linnie Babston, acting. Dean of men—Mitchell Jones. Dean of wo.—Ruth Cross.

Graduate—James L. Russell. Summer session—James P. Cor¬

nette. Wharton County Junior College,

Wharton (S.; co.; coed.; Ic; 454). Pres.—J. M. Hodges. Reg.—Merle DeBona. Lib.—Wanda Sivells.

**Wiley College, Marshall ($S.; Meth.; coed.; He ; 636).

Pres.—J. S. Scott. Dean-reg.—T. W. Cole, acting. Bus. mgr.—H. J. Mason. Lib.—Gertrude H. Mason.


Personnel dir.—Anna V. Hartz and H. F. Coleman.

Slimmer session—T. W. Cole.


Brigham Young University, Provo (NW.; L. D. S.; coed.; Illk ; 5,193).

Pres.—Ernest L. Wilkinson. Sec.-treas.—K. B. Sauls. Keg.—J. E. Hayes. Dean of students—Wesley P. Lloyd.

Arts and sciences—George H. Han¬ sen, acting.

*Education—Reuben D. Law. Fine arts—Gerrit de Jong, Jr. Commerce—William F. Edwards. Applied science—Thomas L. Mar¬

tin. Graduate—Asahel D. Woodruff. Summer session—Ariel S. Ballif,

acting. Carbon College, Price (NW.; St.; coed.;

Ic; 265). Pres.—Aaron E. Jones. Treas.—Ted J. Jensen. Keg.—Rulon Bryner. Lib.—Helen Wilson. Dean of men—AVilliam C. Cross. Dean of wo.—Bess Jones.

College of St. Mary-of-the-Wasatch, Salt Lake City (NW.; K. C.; wo.; He; 87).

Pres.—Sister M. Benedictus. Dean—Sister M. Clare Assisi. Bus. off.—Sister IMiriam Francis. Reg.—Sister Mary Francis Inez. Lib.—Sister M. Jeromita. Dean of wo.—Sister Virginia Marie.

Summer session—Sister M. Bene¬ dictus.

Dixie Junior College, St. George (NW.; St.; coed.; Ic ; 190).

Pres.—Ellvert H. Himes. Bus. off.—Mathew M. Bentley. Reg.—B. Glen Smith. Lib.—Gloria Jenson. Dean of students—John W. Tucker.

McCune School of Music and Art, Salt Lake City (—; L. D. S.; coed.; Ilg).

Admin.—N. Lorenzo Mitchell. Pres.—Joseph L. Wirthlin. Sec.—lola Hoggan.

University of Utah, Salt Lake City 1 (NW.; St.; coe<l.; IVk ; 7,500).

Pres.—Albert Ray Olpin. Dean of faculty—Jacob Geerlings. Compt.—Leon D. Garrett. Reg.—Joseph A. Norton. Lib.—L. H. Kirkpatrick. Dean of students—George A. Pierson.

Univ. college—O. Meredith Wilson. *Law—Spencer L. Kimball. *Medicine—John Z. Bowers. ♦Education— Dan L. Orton. ♦Engineering—Samuel S. Kistler. ♦Business—Dilworth AValker.

♦Social work—A. L. Beeley. Mines and mineral industries—Carl

J. Christensen. Nursing—Hazelle B. Macquin. Fine arts—Avard T. Fairbanks.

♦Pharmacy—L. David Hiiier. Extension div.—Harold W. Bentley. Graduate—Henry Eyring. Summer session—Harold W. Bent¬

ley. Utah State Agricultural College, Logan

(NW.; St.; coed.; IVk; 3,781). Pres.—Louis L. Madsen. Exec, sec.-treas.—R. E. Berntson. Reg.—William H. Bell. Lib.—King Hendricks. Dean of students—J. N. Symons.

Arts and sciences—Carlton Culm- see.

♦Education—Ernest A. Jacobsen. Agriculture—R. H. AValker.

♦Forestry—Lewis M. Turner. ♦Engineering—Jerald E. Christian¬

sen. Commerce—Milton R. Merrill. Home economics — Ethelyn O.

Greaves. Graduate—J. Stewart Williams. Summer session—John C. Carlisle.

Snow College, Ephraim (NW.) — J. H. Nuttall,

Branch Agricultural College, Cedar City—Daryl Chase.

Weber College, Ogden (NW.; St.; coed.; Ic; 995).

Pres.—Henry Aldous Dixon. Dean of faculty—Robert A. Clarke. Treas.—James R. Foulger. Reg.—Clarisse Hall. Lib.—Eva R. Browning. Dean of men—Wm. D, Stratford. Dean of wo.—Mae Welling.

Extension div.—L. E. Peterson. Summer session—R. A. Clarke.

Westminster College, Salt Lake City 5 (NW.; Presb.; coed.; He; 251).

Pres.—B. C. J. AVheatlake, acting. Dean—J. S. Boughton. Treas.—P. M. Pontz. Lib.—Mrs. Lloyd Wilcox.


Bennington College, Bennington (E.; P.; wo.; Ilb; 323).

Pres.—Frederick H. Burkhardt. Dean—Thomas P. Brockway. Compt.—Stanley R. Pike, Jr. Dir. of admis.—Rebecca B. Stickney. Lib.—Gladys Y. Leslie. Dir. of student personnel—Margaret

DeGray. Goddard College Plainfield (—; P.;

coed.; Illf; 75). Pres.—Royce S. Pitkin. Cont.—A. R. Elliott, Jr. Dir. of admis. and records—Forest



Lib.—Marsters E. York, acting. Chmn. junior college—Robert Mat-

tuck. Chmn. senior college—John C.

Pierce. Summer session—George Beecher.

Green Mountain Junior College, Poult- ney (E.; Metb.; wo.; Ic ; 283).

Pres.—Howard Carmer Ackley. Dean—Claire E. Miller. Bursar—Richard C. Eichhorn. Reg.—Mary H. DeMarsh. Lib.—Barbara Smith. Dir. of tests and guid.—Norman J.

Blair. Marlboro College, Marlboro (—; P.;

coed.; Illb; 63). Pres.—^David S. Lovejoy, acting. Dean.—Arthur H. Glogau. Bus. mgr.—Howard T. Aplin. Dir. of admis.—Paul L. Zens. Reg.—Richard M. Judd. Lib.—^Robert B. Holley, acting. Dean of wo.—Mrs. Olive MacArthur.

Summer session—Paul L. Zens. Middlebury College, Middlebury (E.;

P.; cord.; IVe; 1,213). Pres.—Samuel S. Stratton. Bus. mgr.—Carroll Rikert. Reg.—Marion E. Holmes. Lib.—Margaret W. Payer. Dean of men—W. Storrs Lee. Dean of wo.—Mrs. Elizabeth B. Kelly.

Summer language schools—Ste¬ phen A. Freeman.

Norwich University, Northfleld (E.; P.; men; Hj ; 632).

Pres.—Ernest N. Harmon. Dean—Perley D. Baker, Treas.—Charles N. Barber. Rec.—Elinor Johnson. Lib.—Victor H. Johnson. Commandant—Oscar Cauldwell. *Engineering—Perley D. Baker. Summer session—Perley D. Baker.

Putney Graduate School of Teacher Education, Putney (—; P.; coed.;

Hid; 10). Pres.—Morris R. Mitchell. Bus. off.—J. C. Caldwell.

Summer session—Morris R. Mit¬ chell.

St. Michael’s College, Winooski (E.; R. C.; men; He; 765).

Pres.—Francis E. Moriarty. Dean of studies—Gerald E. Dupont. Bus. mgr.—John Buchan. Reg.—Thomas A. Garrett. Lib.—Vincent B. Maloney. Dean of men—Lorenzo D’Agostino.

Summer session—Jeremiah K. Du- rick.

State Teachers College Castleton (—; St.; coed.; Ild; 216).

Pres.—Alden J. Carr. Dean-reg.—Florence A. Black. Lib.—Hulda Cole. Personnel off.—Charles W. Wright.

State Teachers College, Johnson (—; St; coed.; Ild; 100).

Pres.—Odino A. Martinetti. Reg.—Freda V. Hebb. Lib.—Rachel Comstock. Dean of wo.—Beatrice W. Wilber.

State Teachers College, Lyndon Center (—; St; coed.; Ild; 125).

Pres.—Rita L. Bole. Dean—Leonard H. Clark. Lib.—Mrs. Hortense Hoffman. Dean of wo.—Maralyn E. Grant.

Trinity College, Burlington (—; R. C.; wo.; lie; 117).

Pres.—Mother Colette. Dean—Sister Mary Cephas. Reg.—Sister Mary Gabriel. Lib.—Sister Mary Carmel. Dean of wo.—Sister Mary Cyril.

Summer session—Mother Colette. University of Vermont and State Agri¬

cultural College, Burlington (E.; St and P.; coed.-; HIk; 3,023).

Pres.—Carl W. Borgmann. Dean of admin.—Robert H. Kroepsch. Treas.—Levi R. Kelley. Reg.—Francis N. Hamblin. Lib.—Sidney B. Smith. Dir. student personnel—Eugene K.

Eakin. Arts and sciences—George V. Kid¬

der. *Medicine—George K. Wolf. Agriculture—Joseph E. Carrigan. Technology (*eng.)—Edd R. Mc¬

Kee. *Education and nursing—T. C. King. Graduate—C. Ernest Braun. Summer session—L. S. Rowell.

Vermont Junior College, Montpelier (E.; P.; wo.; Ic; 172).

Pres.—Ralph E. Noble. Dean-reg.—Wendell O. Harding. Bursar—Russell E. Nims. Lib.—Ruth Perkins. Dean of wo.—Ruth D. Nims.


Apprentice School, Newport News Ship¬ building and Dry Dock Company, Newport News (—; P.; men; la; 315).

Dir. ed. and training—F. R. White. Reg.—Jane Dibble.

Averett College, Danville (S.; S. Bapt.; wo.; Ic; 193).

Pres.—Curtis Bishop. Dean-reg.—Mary C. Fugate. Bus. mgr.—C. A. Matheny. Lib.—Mrs. Marguerite V. Crenshaw. Dean of wo.—Cynthia Darrah.

Bluefield College, Bluefield (S.; S. Bapt.; coed.; Ic ; 217).

Pres.—Chas. L. Harman. Dean—James A. Zamhus. Treas.—E. M. Louthan. Reg.—Jas. E. McCoy.


Lib,—Frieda Siler. Dean of wo.—Leonora Dorsey.

Summer session—Chas. L. Harman, Bridgewater College. Bridgewater (S.;

Breth.; coed.; He; 383). Pres.—Warren D. Bowman. Dean—John W, Boitnott. Treas.—C, C, Ikenberry. Lib.—Agnes V. Kline. Dean of students—W. Donald Clague.

Summer school—John W. Boitnott. College of William and Mary, Williams¬

burg (S.; St.; coed.; Illj; 4,309). Pres.—Alvin Duke Chandler. Dean—Charles F. Marsh. Bursar—H. H. Sisson, Jr. Reg.-dean of students—J. W. Lam¬

bert. *Law—D. W. Woodbridge. Education—Geo. J. Oliver. Richmond Professional Institute—

H. H. Hibbs. '•'Social work (Richmond)—George

T. Kalif. Norfolk division (S.)—L. W. Webb. Summer session—Geo. J. Oliver.

Eastern Mennonite College, Harrison¬ burg (—; Menon.; coed.; lie; 203).

Pres.—John R. Muinaw. Dean—Chester K. Lehman. Bus. mgr.—Dan J. Blosser. Reg.—Ira B. Miller. Lib.—Sadie Hartzler. Dean of men—Roy Kreider. Dean of wo.—Evelyn King.

Summer session—Ira E. Miller. Emory and Henry College, Emory (S.;

Meth.; coed.; Ilf; 450). Pres.—Foye G. Gibson. Dean—V. S. Armbrister. Treas.—T. L. Porterfield. Reg.—Nicholas C. Brown. Lib.—Helen Power. Personnel off.—E. R. Naylor,

Summer session—V. S. Armbrister. Fairfax Hall Junior College, Waynes¬

boro (—; Pr,; wo.; Ic; 47). Pres.—W. B. Gates. Treas.-dean—W. B. Gates, Jr. Lib.—Mary J. Crutchfield. Social dean—Eura V. Strother,

Ferrum Junior College, Ferrum (—; Meth,; coed.; Ic ; 103).

Pres.-dean—Allan R. Moore, acting. Lib.—Mrs. Janie G. Nance.

Summer session—AJlan R. Moore. General Assembly’s Training School

for Lay Workers, Richmond 27 (S.; Presb.; coed.; Illh ; 125).

Pres.—Henry Wade DuBose. Dean of faculty—Patrick H. Car¬

michael. Asst, treas.—O. E. Buchholz. Dean of students—Rachael Wylie.

Summer session—Patrick H. Car¬ michael.


Hampden-Sydney College, Hampden- Sydney (S.; Presb.; men ; Ilb ; 325).

Pres.—E. G. Gammon. Dean-reg.—D. C. Wilson. Treas.—P. Tulane Atkinson. Lib.—P. L. Grier. Dean of men—M. H. Bittinger.

**Hampton Institute, Hampton (S.; P.; coed.; Ilf; 1,206).

Pres.—^Alonzo G. INIoron. Dean of faculty—Stephen J. Wright. Bus. mgr.—Don A. Davis. Reg.—William M. Cooper. Lib,—Mrs. Minnie R. Bowles. Dean of men—Thomas E. Hawkins. Dean of wo,—E. Estelle Thomas.

Hollins College Hollins College (S.; P.; wo.; Ilb; 381).

Pres.—John R. Everett. Dean—^Mary Phlegar Smith. Vice pres.—Willard N. James. Bus. mgr.—Calvin J. Haugh. Reg.—Margaret LaV. Eldridge. Lib.—Dorothy Doerr.

Institute of Textile Technology, Char¬ lottesville (—; P.; men; IVg; 11).

Pres.—Joseph L. Vaughan. Comm, on academic studies—Laconia

H. Hance, chmn. Asst, treas.—C. G. Allen. Reg.—May Colver. Lib.—Mary Emerson.

Longwood College, Farmville (S., *ed.; St.; wo.; lie; 598).

Pres.—Dabney S. Lancaster. Dean—William W. Savage. Treas,—Winnie V. Hiner. Reg.—Virgilia I. Bugg. Lib.—M. Beverley Ruffin. Dean of wo.—Ruth Gleaves.

Summer session—Dabney S. Lan¬ caster.

Lynchburg College, Lynchburg (S.; Disc, of Christ; coed.; Ilf; 494).

Pres.—Orville W. Wake. Dean—^Pred Helsabeck. Treas.—V. H. Belcher. Reg.—Blanche Latham. Lib.—Anne Coogan. Dean of students—Mrs. Christine

K. Wells. Summer session—Fred Helsabeck.

Madison College, Harrisonburg (S., *ed.; St.; wo.; He; 1,035).

Pres.—G. Tyler Miller. Dean—W. J, Gifford. Bus, mgr.—H. K. Gibbons, Reg.—Helen Frank. Lib.—Joe W. Kraus. Dean of wo.—Hope Vandever Miller,

Summer session—Percy H. War¬ ren.

Marion College, Marion (—; Luth.; wo.; Ic ; 53).

Pres.—John H. Fray. Reg.—Edith Hoover, acting.


Lib.—Edna S. King. Dean of wo.—Sarah B. Codding.

Mary Baldwin College, Staunton (S.; P.; wo.; lib; 245).

Pres.—Frank Bell Lewis. Dean—Martha S. Grafton. Bursar-treas.—John B. DafBn. Beg.—Marguerite Hillhouse. Lib.—Rachel S. Martin. Dean of students—Elizabeth Parker.

Mary Washington College of the Uni¬ versity of Virginia. See Univer¬ sity of Virginia.

Medical College of Virginia, Richmond (*; St.; coed.; IVg; 1,232).

Pres.—William T. Sanger. Compt.—William F. Tompkins. Lib.—Margaret McCluer. ^Medicine—John B. Truslow. ^Dentistry—Harry Lyons. ^Nursing—Sybil MacLean. ^Pharmacy—R. Blackwell Smith,

Jr. Continuation ed.—Kinloch Nelson.

*Physical therapy—Walter J. Lee. Hospital admin.—C. P. Cardwell.

^Medical technology — George Z. Williams.

*X-Ray technology—Frederick B. Mandeville.

Dietetics—Kathryn W. Heitshu. Graduate—Ebbe Curtis Hoff.

Protestant Episcopal Theological Seminary in Virginia, Alexandria (*; P. B.; men; Illg; 188).

Dean—Stanley Brown-Serman. Radford College. See Virginia Poly¬

technic Institute. Randolph-Macon College Ashland (S.;

Meth.; men; Ilb; 357). Pres.—J. Earl Moreland. Dean of faculty—Grellet C. Simpson. Treas.—M. J. McNeal. Reg.—Elizabeth R. Stearns. Lib.—Mrs. T. G. Owen. Dean of men—Wm. A. Mabry.

Randolph-Macon Woman’s College, Lynchburg (S.; Meth.; wo.; lib ; 592).

Pres.—William Fletcher Quillian, Jr. Dean—Gillie A. Larew. Treas.—A. M. White. Reg.—Annie C. Whiteside. Lib.—Martha S. Bell. Dean of students—^Almeda J. Gar¬

land. Richmond College. See University of

Richmond. Roanoke College, Salem (S., P.; coed.;

He; 364). Pres.—H. Sherman Oberly. Dean—Perry F. Kendig. Bursar—W. E. Mann. Dir. of admis.—Richard D. Stine. Reg.—D. R. Carpenter. Lib.—Mrs. Lucile Dobson Snow.

Dean of wo.—Helen W. Hobart. Summer session — Charles R.

Brown. **St. Paul’s Polytechnic Institute,

Lawrenceville (tS.; P. E.; coed.; Ilh; 397).

Pres.—Earl H. McClenney, Sr. Dean—H. Arnold Taylor. Treas.—J. L. Whitehead. Reg.—T. H. E. Jones. Lib.—Cleotea C. White. Dean of men—Edward I. Long. Dean of wo.—Naomi R. Harrison.

Trade and industrial ed.—W. T. Reed.

Shenandoah College, Dayton (S.; Evan. U. B.; coed.; Ic; 112).

Pres.—Troy R. Brady. Dean-reg.—C. H. Connor. Lib.—Madge Keiter.

Shenandoah Conservatory of Music, Dayton (* ; Evan. U. B.; coed.; Ilh).

Pres.—Troy R. Brady. Dir.—J. V. Tait. Reg.—C. H. Connor. Lib.—Madge Keiter.

Southern Seminary and Junior Col¬ lege, Buena Vista (—; P.; wo.; Ic; 222).

Pres.—Margaret Durham Robey. Dean—Mary Louise Israel. Bus. mgr.—H. Russell Robey. Lib.—Evelyn Crouch. Dean of wo.—Ann Moore Kirkpatrick.

Stratford College, Danville (—; P.; wo.; Ic ; 108).

Pres.—John C. Simpson. Dean—Mabel H. Kennedy. Bus. mgr.-treas.—Russell Neely. Reg.—Marguerite Carter. Lib.—Hilda G. Harris. Dean of wo.—Ida Fitzgerald.

Sullins College, Bristol (S.; P.; wo.; Ic; 215).

Pres.—William Martin. Dean of faculty—Daniel Metts. Treas.—A. G. Osborne. Reg.—R. A. Bailey. Lib.—Mary Elizabeth Gammon. Dean of wo.—Mrs. W. E. Martin.

Sweet Briar College, Sweet Briar (S.; P.; wo.; Ilb; 449).

Pres.—Anne Gary Pannell. Dean—Mary J. Pearl. Asst, to pres.—Marchant D. Wornom. Dir. of admis.—Bernice D. Lill. Rec.—Jeanette Boone. Lib.—Miss H. Tyler Gemmell. Dir. of personnel—Jean Louise Wil¬

liams. Union Theological Seminary, Rich¬

mond 27 (* ; Presb.; men ; IVg; 208).

Pres.—Benjamin R. Lacy, Jr. Sec.-treas.—M. W. Norfleet, Jr. Reg.—James E. Bear. Dir. of field work—James Appleby.


Lib.—Henry M. Brimm. Graduate—John Newton Thomas. Summer session — John Newton

Thomas. University of Richmond, Richmond

(S.; S. Bapt.; cord.; Ilj ; 2,357). Pres.—Geo. M. Modlin. Treas.—Chas. H. Wheeler, III. Reg.—For men, Helen A. Monsell;

for wo., Catherine Bell. Lib.—Lucy T. Throckmorton. Richmond College, arts and sciences

(men)—R. B. Pinchbeck. Westhampton College (wo.)—Mar¬

guerite Roberts. *Law—William T. Muse. Bus. admin.—P. Byers Miller. Graduate—B. C. Holtzclaw. Summer session—Edw. F. Overton.

University of Virginia, Charlottesville (S.; St.; men, wo.; IVk; 3,522).

Pres.—Colgate W. Darden, Jr. Dean—Ivey P. Lewis. Bursar—Anthony Vincent Shea. Reg.—George O. Ferguson. Dean of wo.—Roberta L. Hollings¬

worth. Education—Lindley J. Stiles.

*Law—Frederick Deane G. Ribble. *Medicine—Vernon W. Lippard. *Engineering—Charles Henderson. Graduate—Lewis M. Hammond. Summer session—Lindley J. Stiles.

Mary Washington College of the University of Virginia, Fred¬

ericksburg (S.; St.; wo.; Ilf; 1,159).

Pres.—M. L. Combs. Dean—Edward Alvey, Jr. Treas.—Edgar E. Woodward. Reg.—Louis C. Guenther. Lib.—Carrol H. Quenzel. Dean of wo.—Mary Ellen Stephen¬

son. Summer session—M. L. Combs.

Virginia Interment College, Bristol (S.; S. Bopt.; wo.; Ic; 254).

Pres.—R. L. Brantley. Dean—Marguerite Ptlug. Bus. mgr.—S. O. Snodgrass. Lib.—Eugenia Adamson. Dean of wo.—Pauline Gravlee.

Virginia Military Institute, Lexington (S.; St.; men; Ilj; 960).

Supt.—W. H. Milton. Dean of faculty—S. W. Anderson. Bus. off.-reg.—William Couper. Lib.—M. V. Jones. *Engineering—S. W. Anderson. Summer session—B. D. Mayo.

Virginia Polytechnic Institute, Blacks¬ burg (S.; St.; coed.; IVh; 3,152).

Pres.—Walter S. Newman. Vice pres.—Louis Arthur Pardue. Chanc.—John R. Hutcheson. Bus. mgr.—S. K. Cassell. Treas.—J. F. Boone. Dir. of admis.—P. H. Farrier.

Reg.—Clarice Slusher. Lib.—Seymour Robb. Dir. of student affairs-

Applied science and bus. admin.— G. Burke Johnston.

Agriculture—H. N. Young. ^Engineering—Earl B. Norris. Danville branch—J. M. Taylor. Graduate—Louis Arthur Pardue. Summer session—A. V. Morris.

Radford College, Radford (S., *ed.; St.; wo.; Ilf; 804).

Pres.—Charles K. Martin, Jr. Bus. mgr.—Sylvester McConnell. Dean—Robert J. Young. Reg.—Celene H. Gardner. Dir. of admis.—Richard Copeland,

Jr. Dean of wo.—M’Ledge Moffet.

**Virginia State College, Petersburg ('^ed., S.; St.; coed.; Illf; 1,835).

Pres.—Robert P. Daniel. Treas.-bus. mgr.—James B. Cephas. Reg.—Julia L. Barrett. Lib.—Thelma C. Nelson. Dean of men—H. Colson Jackson. Dean of wo.—Valleta H. Bell.

Arts and sciences—J. H. Johnston. Graduate—J. M. Hunter. Norfolk division—Lyman B. Brooks. Summer session—J. H. Johnston.

**Virginia Theological Seminary and College, Lynchburg (—; Bapt.; coed.; He; 100).

Pres.—M. C. Allen. Dean—O. D. Williams. Cashier—E. B. Thompson. Reg.—J. R. Williams. Lib.—B. Smith.

** Virginia Union University, Rich¬ mond 20 (S.; Bapt.; coed.; Ilj; 803).

Pres.—J. M. Ellison. Dean.—T. H. Henderson. Bus. mgr.—Charles F. Robinson. Reg.—Theresita N. Braxton. Lib.—Verdelle V. Bradley. Dean of students—A. B. James.

Religion—Samuel Dewitt Proctor. Summer session—T. H. Henderson.

Washington and Lee University, Lex¬ ington (S.; P.; men; Ilj; 1,044).

Pres.—Francis P. Gaines. Dean of the univ.—James G. Leyburn. Treas.—E. S. Mattingly. Reg.—Charles L. Green. Lib.—Henry E. Coleman. Dean of students—F. J. Gilliam. *Law—Clayton E. Williams. ^Commerce—Lewis W. Adams.

Westhampton College. See University of Richmond.


Central Washington College of Educa¬ tion, Ellensburg (NW., *; St.; coed.; Hlf; 1,074).


Pres.—Robert E. McConnell. Dir. of instr.—Ernest Muzzall. Bus. mgr.—Kenneth Courson. Reg.—Perry Mitchell. Lib.—Margaret Mount. Dir. of student personnel—E. E. Sam-

uelson. Summer session—Ernest L. Muz¬

zall. Centralia Junior College, Centralia

(NW.; dist.; coed.; Ic; 162). Pres.—W. H. Bloom. Dean—James M. Starr. Reg.—^Arthur Ehret. Lib.—Ada Wing. Dean of men—Wm. A. Batie. Dean of wo.—Katharine Kemp.

Clark College, Vancouver (NW.; dist.; coed.; Ic; 804).

Pres.—P. P. Gaiser. Dir. of admin.—M, J. Greenshields. Dean of men—J. Manning Nelson. Dean of wo.—Margaret Page John¬

son. College of Puget Sound, Tacoma 6

(NW.; Meth.; coed.; Illf; 1,335). Pres.—R. Franklin Thompson. Dean—John D. Regester. Bus. off.—Gerard Banks. Reg.—Richard D. Smith. Lib.—Warren Perry. Dean of men—Raymond L. Powell. Dean of wo.—Mrs. Lyle P. Drushel.

Graduate—Philip R. Pehlandt. Summer session—John D. Regester.

Eastern Washington College of Educa¬ tion, Cheney (NW., *; St.; coed.; Ille; 1,010).

Pres.—Otis W. Freeman. Compt.-—^W. W. Force. Reg.—George W. Wallace. Lib.—H. M. Blair. Dean of men—A. H. Poffenroth. Dean of wo.—Mary Failing.

Summer session—Clark Frasier. Everett Junior College, Everett (NW.;

dist.; coed.; Ic; 477). Pres.—J. P. Marvin Buechel. Reg.—Gertrude T. Van Arkel. Lib.—Angelin Tesdell. Dir. of personnel services—Frederic

T. Giles. Gonzaga University, Spokane 11 (NW.;

R. C.; coed.; Illk; 1,241). Pres.—Francis E. Corkery. Dean of studies—Clement H. Regim-

bal. Bus. off.—Mathias I. Wilhelm. Reg.—^Max R. Chapman. Dean of men—Francis P. Harrington. $Law—Norman dePender. Education—Maurice G. Flaherty. Commerce—Clifford A. Carroll. Nursing—Clare Dillon. Engineering—James G. McGivern. Graduate—William G. Elliott. Summer session—Clement H. Re-


Grays Harbor College, Aberdeen (NW.; dist.; coed.; Ic ; 221). Pres.—Roger R. Kelsey. Bus. mgr.—Vicki Siggstead. Reg.—Julia Phipps. Lib.—^Arta P. Lawrence. Dir. of student affairs—^Maurice J.

Phipps. Holy Names College, Spokane 11 (NW.;

R. C.; wo.; He; 170). Pres.—Sister M. Francis Xavier. Dean—Sister M. Rose Augusta. Treas.—Sister Monica Maureen. Reg.—Sister M. Margaret Ruth.

Summer session—Sister M. Francis Xavier.

Lower Columbia Junior College, Long¬ view (NW.; dist.; coed.; Ic; 253).

Dean—Sigurd I. Rislov. Reg.—Alton B. Clark. Lib.—Alice B. Shank. Dean of students—Arthur E. Jones.

Olympic College, Bremerton (NW.; dist.; coed.; Ic; 976).

Dean—L. J. Elias. Reg.—George W. Martin. Lib.—Lorraine Carter. Dean of students—Zalia Jencks

Gailey. Pacific Lutheran College, Parkland

(NW.; Luth.; coed.; Ille; 801). Pres.—S. C. Eastvold. Dean-reg.—Philip E. Hauge. Bus.-mgr.—Edward C. Jacobson. Lib.—O. J. Stuen. Dean of men—Leslie O. Eklund. Dean of wo.—Margaret D. Wick-

strom. St. Edward’s Seminary, Kenmore

(NW.; R. C.; men; Ilb; 128). Pres.—James H. Brennan. Treas.—Justin E. Knuff. Reg.—William J. Lee. Lib.—John P. McCorkle.

St. Martin’s College, Olympia (NW.; R. C.; men; He; 185).

Pres.—Raphael Heider. Dean—Bede Ernsdorff. Dean of instr.—Richard Cebula. Bursar—John Raymond. Bus. off.—Walter Hellan. Reg.—Dunstan Curtis. Lib.—Luke O’Donnell.

Seattle Pacific College, Seattle 99 (NW.; F. Meth.; coed.; HIk; 658).

Pres.—C. Hoyt Watson. Dean—P. F. Ashton. Bursar—Clifford E. Roloff. Reg.—F. Wesley Walls. Lib.—Margaret A, Bursell. Dean of men—^Warren N. Watson. Dean of wo.—Mabel R. Shipley.

Education—Warren N. Watson. Missions—E. Walter Helsel. Music—Lawrence R. Schoenhals. Religion—^Elvis E. Cochrane. Graduate^—Harold T. Wiebe.


Seattle University, Seattle 22 (NW.; R. C.; coed.; Illk; 1,918).

Pres.—Albert A. Lemieux. Dean—James B. McGuigan. Treas.—Francis Kane. Reg.—Ruth Brand Johnson. Lib.—Arthur S. Wharton. Dean of men—John J. Kelley. Dean of wo.—Marie S. Leonard.

Commerce—Theodore Ross. Engineering—Edmund B. McNulty. Nursing—Dorothy Walsh. Graduate—Albert A. Lemieux. Summer session—James B. Mc¬

Guigan. Simpson Bible Institute, Seattle 7 (—;

Chris, and Miss. Alliance; coed.; Ilg; 158).

Pres.-dean—Paul S. Allen. Bus. mgr.—David N. Clark. Reg.—Thomas L. Collord. Lib.—Olive Holmes. Dean of men—Abe Tieszen. Dean of wo.—Helen Koenigswald.

Summer session—Robert Kilgour. Skagit Valley Junior College, Mount

Vernon (NW.; dist.; coed.; Ic; 57).

Dean—George A. Hodson. Reg.—Gerald Foss. Lib.—Edith Freligh.

State College of Washington, Pullman (NW.; St.; coed.; IVk; 4,851).

Pres.—C. Clement French. Dean of faculty—S. T. Stephenson. Bus.-mgr.-compt.—C. A. Pettibone. Reg.—H. M. Chambers. Lib.—G. D. Smith. Dean of students—J. C. Clevenger. *Engineering—R. D. Sloan. *Mines—John P. Spielman. Agriculture—S. P. Swenson.

*Veterinary medicine—Ernest C. Stone.

*Pharmacy—Haakon Bang. *Education—J. Murray Lee. ♦Economics and bus.—M. W. Lee. Home economics—Velma Phillips. Community college—Glenn Jones. Physical ed.—Golden Romney. Graduate—S. E. Hazlet. Summer session—J. Murray Lee.

University of Washington, Seattle 5 (NW.; St.; coed.; IVk; 13,297).

Pres.—Henry Schmitz. Vice pres.—Harold P. Everest. Compt.—Nelson A. Wahlstrom. Reg.—Ethelyn Toner. Lib.—H. C. Bauer. Dean of students-.

Arts and sciences—Lloyd S. Wood- burne.

♦Law—George N. Stevens. ♦Engineering—Harold E. Wessman. ♦Bus. admin.—Austin Grimshaw. ♦Pharmacy—Forest J. Goodrich. ♦Forestry—Gordon D. Marckworth.

Social work—Victor I. Howery. Education—Francis F. Powers.

♦Medicine—E. L. Turner. ♦Nursing—Lillian B. Patterson. ♦Dentistry—E. M. Jones. Graduate—Harold W. Stoke. Summer session—Eric L. Barr.

Walla Walla College, College Place (NW.; S. D. A.; coed.; Illj ; 1,055).

Pres.—George W. Bowers. Dean—Henry L. Sonnenberg. Bus. mgr.—A. W. Spoo, Reg.—Irene Smith-Black. Lib.—^Anna L. Blackney. Dean of men—Fabien Meier. Dean of wo.—Blanche Jones.

Theology—Paul C. Heubach. Nursing—Frederick R. Hanson. Summer session—Henry L. Sonnen¬

berg. Wenatchee Junior College, Wenatchee

(NW.; dist.; coed.; Ic; 196). Dean—Helen Van Tassell. Reg.-bursar—Dorotha E. Clay. Lib.—Patti Patton. Dean of men—John Brown. Dean of wo.—Katharine Phipps.

Western Washington College of Edu¬ cation, Bellingham (NW., ♦; St.; coed.; Ille; 1,184).

Pres.—W. W. Haggard. Cord, of instr.-dir. of student person¬

nel services—Merle Kuder. Finan. sec.—S. J. Buchanan. Reg.—Don Ferris. Dean of men—C. W. McDonald. Dean of wo.—Lorraine Powers.

Summer session—W. W. Haggard. Whitman College, Walla Walla (NW.;

P.; coed.; lie; 678). Pres.—Chester C. Maxey. Dean of the faculty—Charles J. Arm¬

strong. Bursar—Fred C. Wilson. Reg.—Douglas V. McClane. Lib.—Ruth S. Reynolds. Dir. of men’s affairs—Harold L.

Sims. Dir. wo. affairs—Miriam Wagen-

schein. Whitworth College, Spokane 12 (NW.;

Presb.; coed.; Hie; 695). Pres.—Frank F. Warren. Dean—Merton D. Munn. Bursar—J. L. Oakes. Reg.—Estella E. Baldwin. Dir. of admis.—Helmuth Bekowies. Lib.—Rhea J. French. Dean of men—Theron B. Maxson. Dean of wo.—Marion R. .Tenkins.

Graduate—Alerton D. Munn. Yakima Valley Junior College, Yakima

NW.; dist.; coed.; Ic; 316). Dean—'Harold A. Hoeglund. Reg.-bursar—E. John Maier. Lib.—Amy L. Bailey. Dean of men—Herman C. Hopf. Dean of wo.—Julia F. Hopf.



Alderson-Broaddus College, Philippi (—; Bapt.; coed.; IIj; 186).

Pres.—Richard E. Shearer. Dean of faculty—Earl Vinie. Dean of men—George E. Riday. Dean of wo.—Ruth E. Shehrer.

Nursing—^Clifford Burroughs. Beckley College, Beckley (—; P.; co¬

ed.; Ic; 953). Ic; 953).

Vice pres.—D. K. Shroyer. Dean of wo.—Topsy O’Dell.

Summer session—G. E. Hartman. Bethany College, Bethany (N.; P.;

coed.; Ilh; 499). Pres.—Wilbur Haverfield Cramblet. Dean of faculty—B. R. Weimer. Reg.—Elizabeth Belt. Lib.—E. Hugh Behymer. Dean of students—F. H. Kirkpatrick.

**Bluefield State College, Bluefield (*ed., N.; St.; coed.; He; 348).

Pres.—Gregory W. Whiting, acting. Dean—G. W. Whiting. Finan. sec.—E. T. McGhee. Reg.—E. AV. Browne. Lib.—Alberta E. Calvin. Dean of wo.—Ethel M. Miles.

Summer session—G. W. Whiting. Concord College, Athens (N., =^ed.; St;

coed.; He; 644). Pres.—Virgil H. Stewart. Dean—David Kirby. Bus. mgr.—^J. Therin Rogers. Reg.—S. L. McGraw. Lib.—Ora Peters. Dean of men—W. S. Wooddell. Dean of wo.—Damaris Wilson.

Davis and Elkins College, Elkins (N.; Presb.; coed.; Ilf; 544).

Pres.—R. B. Purdum. Dean—S. Benton Talbot. Bus. off.—Lee Carl Underwood. Reg.—Fred Miller. Lib.—Carrie L. Brittain. Dean of students—Dan D. Rhodes.

Summer session—S. Benton Talbot. Fairmont State College, Fairmont (N.,

*ed.; St.; coed.; lie; 873). Pres.-dean—John W. Pence, acting. Bus. mgr.—Egbert E. McWhorter. Reg.— George R. Hunt. Lib.-. Dir. of student personnel—Wayne S.

Martin. Summer session—John W. Pence.

Glenville State College, Glenville (N., *ed.; St; coed.; Ilf; 335).

Pres.—Harry B. Heflin. Dean—Edwin P. Adkins. Bus. mgr.-finan. sec.—Lloyd M. Jones. Reg.—Denver F. Arnett. Lib.—Alma J. Arbuckle. Dean of men—G. Gordon Kingsley. Dean of wo.—Pearl Pickens.

Summer session—^Edwin P. Adkins.

Greenbrier Junior College, Lewisburg (—; P.; wo.; Ic; 106).

Pres.—J. Ralph Murray. Dean—Marion C. Currie.

Greenbrier Military School, Lewisburg (—; P.; men; Ic; 48).

Supt.—J. M. Moore. Dean—Wm. A. Rawl. Treas.—D. T. Moore. Dir. of admis.—R. W. Keene. Lib.—Miss E. K. Moore. Commandant—G. E. Turley.

Marshall College, Huntington 1 (N.; St; coed.; Ille; 2,672).

Pres.—Stewart H. Smith. Compt.—Fred Smith. Reg.-dir. of admis.—Luther E. Bled¬

soe. Lib.—Rosa Oliver. Dean of men—Otis H. Milam, Jr. Dean of wo.—Lillian Helms Buskirk.

Arts and sciences—John Frank Bartlett.

^Teachers college—Daniel Banks Wilburn.

Graduate—^A. E. Harris. Mason College of Music and Fine Arts,

Inc., 1308 Quarrier St., Charleston 1 (—; P.; coed.; Ilg; 106).

Pres.—Matilda R. Mason. Dean—Arthur J. McHoul. Bus. off.—Glenna Brown McHoul. Reg.—Grace Martin Taylor.

Summer session — Arthur J. Mc¬ Houl.

Morris Harvey College, Charleston 4 (—; P.; coed.; He; 2,110).

Pres.—Leonard Riggleman. Dean—A. C. Blackwell. Bursar—Mrs. Daryl Baker. Dir. of admis.—E. W. Ockerman. Reg.—Lester Brund. Lib.—Frank W. Badger. Dean of men—AATlliam Inghram. Dean of wo.—Emily Olmstead.

Summer session—A. C. Blackwell. Potomac State School. See West Vir¬

ginia University. Salem College, Salem (—; S. D. Bapt.;

coed.; lie ; 395). Pres.—K. Duane Hurley. Dean—Henry L. Ash. Treas.—H. D. Bond. Reg.—Alta L. Van Horn. Lib.—Eva Lee Cole.

Summer session—Henry L. Ash. Shepherd State College, Shepherds-

town (*ed., N.; St.; coed.; Ilf; 380).

Pres.—Oliver S. Ikenberry. Dean—Joseph C. Humphrey. Bus. off.—^John L. Egle. Lib.—Louise Huffaker. Dean of students—A. F. DeWitt.

Summer session—Joseph C. Hum¬ phrey.

**Storer College, Harpers Ferry (—; P. and St.; coed.; He \ 102).


Vice pres.-dean—Leroy D. Johnson. Treas.-bus. mgr.—Benjamin L. Pat¬

rick. Reg.—Mrs. Violet Jones Darius. Lib.—Chas. W. Wolfe.

West Liberty State College, West Lib¬ erty (N., *ed.; St.; coed.; Ilf; 656).

Pres.—Paul N. Elbin. Dean of faculty—Kenneth O. Spaul¬

ding. Bus. mgr.—J. S. Virden. Reg.—Jesse J. Pugh. Lib.—Vivian R. Boughter. Guidance dir.—J. A. Bartell.

Summer session—Paul N. Elbin. West Virginia Institute of Technology,

Montgomery (—; St.; coed.; Ilh; 334.

Pres.—M. J. Horscb. Bus. mgr.—Annie L. Castle. Reg.—Frederick Thornton. Lib.—Virgil Wynne. Dean of students—Paul H. Renton.

Summer session—Paul H. Renton. **West Virginia State College, Insti¬

tute (N.; St.; coed.; Ilf.; 1,217). Pres.—John W. Davis. Dean—Harrison H. Ferrell. Bus. mgr.—Charles R. Rutherford. Reg.—Daniel P. Lincoln. Lib.—Leaonead P. Drain. Dean of men—James Kelly, Jr. Dean of wo.—Willie P. Russell.

Summer session — Harrison H. Ferrell.

West Virginia University, Morgan¬ town (N.; St.; coed.; IVk.; 4,363).

Pres.—Irvin Stewart. Vice pres.-compt.—Charles T. Neff,

Jr. Reg.—J. Everett Long. Lib.—C. E. Butler. Dir. of student affairs—Joseph C.

Gluck. Arts and sciences—A. R. Collett.

*Law—Thomas P. Hardman. *Medical sciences (2 yrs.)—E. J.

Van Liere. *Pharmacy—J. L. Hayman. Education—E. K. Feaster, acting. Agriculture—FI. R. Varney.

♦Engineering—R. P. Davis. ♦Mines—G. R. Spindler. ♦Music—Weldon D. Hart. Physical education—Ray O. Dun¬

can. Commerce—R. W. Coleman. Journalism—P. I. Reed. Graduate—R. B. Dustman.

Potomac State School of West Vir¬ ginia University, Keyser (N.; Ic ;

344).—E. E. Church. West Virginia Wesleyan College, Buck-

hannon (N.; Meth.; coed.; He; 500).

Pres.—William John Scarborough. Dean-reg.—A. A. Schoolcraft. Treas.—Heyward A. Williams,

Lib.—Charles R. Knapp. Dean of students—James L. Hupp.

Summer session—A. A. School¬ craft.


Alverno College, Milwaukee 15 (*ed., N.; R. C.; wo.; Ilj ; 511).

Pres.—Sister M. Augustine. Dean—Sister M. Jutta. Bus. mgr.—Sister M. Juan. Reg.—Sister M. Edmund. Lib.—Sister M. Andre. Student personnel dir.—Sister M.

Berenice. ♦Music—Sister M. Xaveria. Nursing—Sister M. Ottonella. Summer session—Sister M. Jutta.

Ashland County Normal School, Ash¬ land (—; CO.; coed.; Id; 47).

Prin.—A. J. McDermott. Barron County Normal School, Rice

Lake (—; co.; coed ; Id ; 51). Supt.—F. H. Hake.

Beloit College, Beloit (N.; P.; coed.; Ille; 933).

Pres.—Carey Croneis. Dean—Ivan M. Stone. Vice pres.—Harold S. Wood. Bus. mgr.—V. A. Emilson. Reg.—Bessie Weirick. Dir. of lib.—Ivan Grimshaw. Dean of students—John P. Gwin.

Summer session — Clarence von Eschen.

Buffalo County Normal School, Alma (—; CO ; coed.; Id ; 31).

Prin.—IMark L. Saxton. Cardinal Stritch College, The, Milwau¬

kee (—; R. C.; wo.; Tie; 300). Pres.—Mother Mary Bartholomew. Dean—Sister Mary Frederick. Reg.—Sister Mary Magdeleine. Lib.—Sister Mary Stephanie. Dean of wo.—Sister Francis Marie.

Summer session—Sister Mary Mag¬ deleine.

Carroll College, Waukesha (N.; Presb.; coed.; He; 433).

Pres.—Robert D. Steele. Dean—Wilford E. Kaufmann. Bus. mgr.—J. L. Browning. Reg.—Royanna Benjamin. Lib.—Bergliot Stephenson. Dean of men—John Frederick Jan¬

sen. Dean of wo.—Margaret C. Wells.

Summer session—Wilford E. Kauf¬ mann.

Columbia County Normal School, Co¬ lumbus (—; CO.; coed.; Id; 39).

Prin.—E. G. Wippermann. Concordia College, Milwaukee (—;

Evan. Luth.; men; Ib; 107). Pres.—Leroy C. Rincker.

Dodge County Normal School, Mayville (—; CO.; coed.; Id ; 33).

Prin.—Mrs. Phyllis Ritter.

152 EDUCATION DIRECTORY, 195 2-195 3

Reg.-lib.—Mrs. Jeanne Dornfeldt. Dominican College, Racine (—; P.;

wo.; He; 108). Pres.—^Mother Mary Cleopba. Dean-dean of wo.—Sister M. Gerold. Treas.—Sister M. Rose. Reg.—Sister M. Theodore. Lib.—Sister M. Lucina.

Summer session—Sister M. Gerold. Door-Kewaunee County Normal

School, Algoma (—; co.; coed.; Id; 46).

Prin.—Robert J. Gaulke. Dunn County Normal School, Menom-

onie (—; co.; coed.; Id; 36). Prin.—F. W. Jungck.

Edgewood College of the Sacred Heart, Madison 5 (—; R. C.; wo.; Ild; 121).

Pres.—Sister Mary Nona. Dean—Sister Jane Frances. Bus. mgr.—Sister Mary Calasancta. Reg.—Sister M. Joan. Lib.—Sister Mary Claude.

Summer session—Sister Mary Joan. Evangelical Lutheran Theological

Seminary, Thiensville (—; Evan. Lutb.; men; Ilg; 65).

Pres.—Job. P. Meyer. Dean-reg.-bursar—E. Reim. Lib.—Carl J. Lawrenz.

Green County Normal School, Monroe (—; CO.; coed.; Id; 34).

Prin.—Otto W. Lund. Holy Family College, Manitowoc (—;

P.; wo.; lie; 51). Pres.—Sister M. Orestes. Dean—Sister M. Rosamond. Treas.—Sister Mary Ruth. Reg.—Sister Mary Dominic. Lib.—Sister M. Josepba.

Summer session—Sister M. Rosa¬ mond.

Immaculate Conception Seminary, Oconomowoc (—; R. C.; men; Vg;^ 63).

Pres.—F. J. O’Neill. Sec.-treas.—^A J. Huber. Student dir.—H. O’Connell.

Institute of Paper Chemistry, The, Appleton (affiliated with Lawrence College) (—; P.; men; IVg; 40).

Pres.—Westbrook Steele. Dean—Harry F. Lewis. Vice pres.-treas.—John G. Strange. Lib.—Edith Stroschneider.

Juneau County Normal School, New Lisbon (—; co.; coed.; Id; 47).

Prin.—Robert Cook. Langlade County Normal School, An-

tigo (—; CO.; coed.; Id; 45). Prin.—k M. Calhoun.

Lawrence College, Appleton (N.; P.; coed.; Ilb; 813).

Pres.—^Nathan M. Pusey. Dean of admin.-dir. of admis.—

Marshall B. Hulbert.

Bus. mgr.—Harlan S. Kirk. Reg.—Dorothy H. Draheim. Lib.—H. A. Brubaker. Dean of men—George B. Walter. Dean of wo.—Ellen Stone.

Layton School of Art, 1362 North Pros¬ pect Ave., Milwaukee 2 (—; P.; coed.; Ilg; 635).

Dirs.—Charlotte Russell Partridge and Miriam Frink.

Bus. mgr.—Russell J. Shaw. Reg.—Ted B. Fitzwater.

Summer session—Charlotte Russell Partridge and Miriam Frink.

Lincoln County Normal School, Merrill (—; CO.; coed.; Id; 22).

Prin.—Gerald J. Olson. Manitowoc County Normal School,

Manitowoc (—; co.; coed.; Id; 44). Prin.—^A. R. Thiede.

Marian College, 390 E. Division St, Fond du Lac (—; R. C.; wo.; He; 226).

Pres.—Sister M. Fidelis. Dean—Sister M. Muriel. Bursar—Sister Mary Anthony. Reg.—Sister M. Gertrudis. Lib.—Sister M. Antonita.

Summer session—Sister M. Muriel. Marinette County Normal School,

Marinette (—; co.; coed.; Id; 44). Prin.—T. K. Hocking.

Marquette University, Milwaukee 3 (N.; R. C.; coed.; Illk ; 7,453).

Pres.—Edward J. O’Donnell. Vice pres.—Max G. Barnett. Treas.—Norbert P. Loehr. Bus. mgr.—Charles T. Cobeen. Reg.—George E. Vander Beke. Lib.—Mary L. Dempsey. Dean of men—Francis A. Ryan. Dean of wo.—Mrs. Mabel Mannix

McElligott. Liberal arts—Virgil Roach.

*Law—Francis X. Swietlik. *Medicine—John S. Hirschboeck. *Dentistry—Oswald M. Dresen. *Nursing—Sister M. Thomas Kolba. *Engineering—William D. Bliss. Speech—Hugo E. Heilman.

^Business—Thomas F. Divine. *Journalism—Jeremiah L. O’Sulli¬

van. Graduate—Edward J. Drummond. Summer session—Eugene H. Kes¬

sler. Milton College, Milton (—; P.; coed.;

He; 215). Pres.—Carroll L. Hill. Dean—John N. Daland. Treas.-bus. mgr.—Wm. D. Burdick. Reg.-admis.—6. T. Babcock. Lib.—Mabel Maxson. Dean of men—H. H. James. Dean of wo.—Zea Zinn.

Milwaukee School of Engineering, 1020 N. Broadway, Milwaukee 1 (*tech.; P.; men; Hi; 751). “ Undergraduate, non-degree-granting.


Pres.—Karl O. Werwath. Dean—Fred J. Van Zeeland. Treas.—Heinz M. Werwath. Reg.—Mrs. George J. Swart. Lib.—A. G. Schmidt. Dean of men—Sidney A. Eng.

Milwaukee-Downer College, Milwaukee 11 (N.; P.; wo.; He; 268).

Pres.—John B. Johnson, Jr. Dean—Helen Knuth. Treas.—Rex R. Reeder. Reg.—Ruth E. Damkoehler. Lib.—Loella L. Baehr.

Mission House College and Theological Seminary, Plymouth (—; Evan. Ref.; coed.; He; 133).

Pres.—Arthur M. Krueger. Dean-reg.—Oscar F. Hoffman. Bus. mgr.—Robert J. Tenpas. Lib.—Hilda Ernst. Dean of men—Clarence Schmidt. Dean of wo.—Genevieve Lord.

Mount Mary College, Milwaukee (N.; ' R. C.; wo.; He; 544). Pres.—Edward A. Fitzpatrick. Dean—Sister M. Dominic. Bus. off.—Sister M. Seraphia. Reg.—Sister M. Ignatia. Lib.—Lilian Gaskell. Dean of wo.—Sister Mary Celine.

Summer session—Sister M. Dom¬ inic.

Nashotah House, Nashotah (—; P. E.; men; Illg; 60).

Pres.-dean—Wm. H. Nes. Bus. mgr.—Harold V. Smith. Reg.-lib.—Lloyd E. Thatcher.

Northland College, Ashland (—; P.; coed.; lie; 194).

Pres.—Lewis Henry Brumbaugh. Dean of instr.—Earl Edmon Speicher. Bursar—Roy P. Buckland. Reg.—John T. Kendrigan. Lib.—Vivian McQuoid. Dean of men—Leslie Church. Conns, of wo.—Harriet Dexter.

Summer session—Leslie Church. Northwestern College, Watertown (—;

Luth.; coed.; Ilb; 135). Pres.—Erwin E. Kowalke. Bus. off.—Theodore Binhammer. Reg.—E. A. Wendland. Lib.—E. M. Schroeder.

Outagamie County Normal School. Kaukauna (—; co.; coed.; Id; 33).

Prin.—S. W. Ihlenfeldt. Polk County Normal School, St. Croix

Falls (—; CO.; coed.; Id; 28). Prin.—L. Heinsohn.

Racine-Kenosha County Normal School, Union Grove (—; co.; coed.; Id ; 61).

Pres.—Bert P. Vogel. Richland County Normal School, Rich¬

land Center (—; co.; coed.; Id; 61). Prin.—Roland A. Koyen.

Ripon College, Ripon (N.; P.; coed.; He; 552).

Pres.—Clark G. Kuebler. Dean—Augustus L. Barker. Bus. mgr.—William R. Knuth. Reg.—Elva Boettcher. Lib.—William R. Brandt. Dean of men—Dietrich Roetter. Dean of wo.—Marguerite Wickenden.

St. Francis College, Burlington (—; R. C.; men; lib; 60).

Pres.—Theophane Kalinowski. Dean—Maurice Grajewski. Bus. off.—Bernard Harezlak. Lib.—Dacian Bluma.

St. Francis Seminary, Milwaukee 7 (—; R. C.; men; lllg; 265).

Major Seminary Department: Rector—Frank M. Schneider. Procurator—Nicholas Brust. Reg.—Francis J. Bisenius. Lib.—Raymond A. Fetterer.

Minor Seminary Department: Rector—William V. Groessel.

St. Lawrence Junior College, Mt. Cal¬ vary (—; R. C.; men; Ig; 50).

Rector—Gerald Walker. Bus. off.—Vianney Thibedeau. Reg.—Crispin Weinberger. Lib.—Gratian Zach.

St. Norbert College, West De Pere (N.; R. C.; men; He; 673).

Exec, vice pres.—S. M. Killeen. Dean—A. M. Keefe. Bus. off.—I. M. Gosz. Reg.—F. F. Dupont. Lib.—G. G. Claridge. Personnel off.—S. C. Becker.

Summer session—E. F. Western- berger.

Salvatorian Seminary, St. Nazianz (—; R. C.; men; Ic; 43).

Rector—Thomas L’Ecuyer. Dean of studies—Clyde R. Wagner. Bus. off.—Vincent Putzer. R(‘g.—Kenneth G. Bretl. Lib.—Bardo Buff. Dean of men—Maurice C. Kelch.

Sauk County Normal School, Reeds- burg (—; CO.; coed.; Id ; 37).

Prin.—H. H. Tines. Sheybogan County Normal School,

Sheboygan Falls (—; co.; coed.; Id; 42).

Prin.—L. O. Tetzlaff. Stout Institute, Menomonie (N., *ed.;

St.; coed.; Hid; 706). Pres.—Verne C. Fryklund. Bus. mgr.—E. J. Schoepp. Reg.—Gertrude M. O’Brien. Lib.—Lillian M. Froggatt. Dir. of student i)ersonnel services—

Ralph Iverson. Graduate—Ray A. Wijten. Summer session—Clyde A. Bow¬

man. Taylor County Normal School, Med¬

ford (—; CO.; coed.; Id; 57). Prin.—Eugene W. Laurent.


University of Wisconsin, Madison 6 (N.; St.; coed.; IVk; 16,142).

Pres.—Edwin B. Fred. Vice pres., bus. and finan.—A. W.

Peterson. Vice pres., academic affairs—Ira L.

Baldwin. Vice pres., student affairs—J. Ken¬

neth Little. Lib.—Gilbert H. Doane.

Letters and science—Mark H. In¬ graham.

*Law—Oliver S. Rundell. ^Medicine—William S. Middleton. *Education—John Guy Fowlkes. Agriculture—Rudolph K. Froker.

^Engineering—M. O. Withey. ^Commerce—Fayette H. Elwell. ^Pharmacy—Arthur H. Uhl. Graduate—C. A. Elvehjem. Summer s e s s i o n—J o h n Guy

Fowlkes. Vernon County Normal School, Viroqua

(—; CO.; coed.; Id; 51). Prin.—V. V. Goss.

Viterbo College, La Crosse (—; R. C.; wo.; lie; 125).

Pres.—Sister M. Theodine. Bus. mgr.—Sister M. Constance. Reg.—Sister M. Dolorita. Lib.—Sister M. Oresta. Dean of students—Sister Mary Rod-

erie. Waushara County Normal School.

Wautoma (—; co.; coed.; Id; 23). Prin.—Lulu O. Kellogg.

Wisconsin Conservatory, Inc., Milwau¬ kee 3 (* ; P.; coed.; Illh; 71).

Pres.—^A. Helmuth Koepke. Reg.—Helene Koepke.

Music—Edwin G. Kappelmann. Wisconsin Institute of Technology,

Platteville (—; St.; men; Ilg; 144).

Pres.—Milton A. Melcher. Dean—Gerald H. Pett. Reg.—^W. A. Broughton. Lib.—Delores Langkamp. Dean of men—C. W. Ottensman.

Wisconsin State College Eau Claire (^'ed., N.; St.; coed.; Ild; 747).

Pres.—W. R. Davies. Dean of instr.—Leonard Haas. Finan. sec.—Mabel Chipman. Lib.—Erna Buchholz. Dir. student personnel—Stella Peder¬

sen. Summer session—^Leonard Haas.

Wisconsin State College, La Crosse (*ed., N.; St.; coed.; Ild; 928).

Pres.—Rexford S. Mitchell. Auditor—Elizabeth Pollack. Reg.—'Lora Greene. Lib.—Martha Skaar. Student personnel—Maurice O. Graff.

Summer session—O. A. Whitney.

Wisconsin State College, Milwaukee 11 (*ed., N.; St.; coed.; Illd; 1,730).

Pres.—J. Martin Klotsche. Dean—Robert E. Norris. Auditor—^Agnes Hofbauer. Reg.—Lurlyn Williams. Lib.—^Donald Woods. Dean of men—Herman Kluge. Dean of wo.—Charlotte Wollaeger.

Graduate—Lee H. Mathews. Summer session—^Adolph A. Sup-

pan. Wisconsin State College, Oshkosh

(*ed., N.; St; coed.; He; 736). Pres.—Forrest R. Polk. Dean of instr.—James F. Duncan. Auditor—Frances L. Zimmerman. Reg.—R. J. McMahon. Lib.—Helen Wahoski. Dean of men—E. O. Thedinga. Dean of wo.—Helen Colby.

Summer session—James H. Smith. Wisconsin State College Platteville

(*ed., N.; St; coed.; Ild; 577).‘ Pres.—Chester O. Newlun. Bus. off.—Carmen Beining. Reg.—Milton Longhorn. Lib.—Helen W. Skemp. Couns. of men—John H. Wooldridge. Couns. of wo.—Mary Elizabeth Rey¬


Wisconsin State College, River Falls (*ed., N.; St; coed.; He; 667).

Pres.—E. H. Kleinpell. Finan. sec.—Ethel West. Reg.—E. J. Prucha. Lib.—Rhea Gibson. Dean of men—B. J. Rozehnal. Dean of wo.—Mildred E. Mitchell.

Summer session—L. Gordon Stone.

Wisconsin State College, Stevens Point (*ed., N.; St; coed.; He; 693).

Pres.—William C. Hansen. Dean of admin.—Quincy Doudna. Finan. sec.—Carolyn G. Rolfson. Lib.—Nelis R. Kampenga. Dean of men—H. R. Steiner. Dean of wo.—Elizabeth Pfiffner.

Summer session—Quincy Doudna.

Wisconsin State College Superior (N., *ed.; St; coed.; Hie; 785).

Pres.—Jim Dan Hill. Dean of instr.—E. H. Schrieber. Reg.—Mabel McKinnon. Lib.—Florence H. Walde. Dean of men—Phil Arlausky. Dean of wo.—Elvira Gellenthien.

Summer session—V. E. van Patter.

Wisconsin State College, Whitewater (*ed., N.; St; coed.; Hd; 664).

Pres.—Robert C. Williams. Dean-reg.—Cord O. Wells. Auditor—Maeta Lewerenz. Lib.—Edith Knilans. Cord, of student services—Arnold J.

Lien. Summer session—^A. I. Winther.


Wood County Normal School, Wiscon¬ sin Rapids (—; co.; coed.; Id ; 27).

Dir.—A. W. Zellmer.


Casper Junior College, Casper (—; co.; coed.; Ic; 1,047).

Dean—Maurice P. Griffith. Bus. mgr.—Walter A. Savage. Reg.—Florence M. Porter. Lib.—Edith Hegwer. Dean of men—Kenneth Ury. Dean of wo.—Marie Thayer.

University of Wyoming, Laramie (N.; St.; coed.; IVk; 2,370).

Pres.—George D. Humphrey. Bus. mgr.—L. G. Meeboer. Reg.—R. E. McWhinuie. Lib.—N. Orwiu Rush.

Dean of men—A. L. Keeney. Dean of wo.—E. Luella Galliver.

Liberal arts—O. H. Rechard. *Education—O. C. Schwiering. Agriculture—LI. M. Briggs.

*Engiueering^—H. T. Person. *Law—Robert R. Hamilton. Commerce and industry—M. C.

Mundell. *Pharmacy—David W. O’Day. Adult education and community

service—Walter G. Reusser. Graduate—Robert H. Bruce. Summer session—O. C. Schwiering.

Northwest Center (Powell)—J. M. Christensen.

Northeast Agricultural Junior Col¬ lege (Sheridan)—L. J. Hultgren.

Southeast Center (Torrington)—Al¬ bert Conger.

CHANGES, T 952-53

1. INSTITUTIONS ADDED Classifi¬ cation 1

Alabama—Sacred Heart Junior College, Cullman_ Ic


California Concordia College, Oakland_ le

Cogswell Polytechnical College, San Francisco_ la

East Contra Costa Junior College, Martinez_ Ic

Upland College, Upland_ He

West Contra Costa Junior College, Richmond_ Ic


Hartford Art School, Inc., Hartford_ Ilg

State Technical Institute, Hartford_ la

District of Columbia—Modern School of Music, Washington_ Ilh

Florida—St. Joseph Teacher Training Institute, St. Augustine_ la

Georgia—Truett-McConnell Junior College, Cleveland_ If

Illinois: Elgin Community College, Elgin_ If

Fournier Institue of Technology, Lemont_ Hi

Moody Bible Institute of Chicago, Chicago_ la


St. Benedict’s Normal College, Ferdinand_ Hf

Valparaiso Technical Institute, Valparaiso_ la

Iowa—Eagle Grove Junior College, Eagle Grove_ If

Kansas—Donnelly College, Kansas City_ Ic


Northeast Louisiana State College, Monroe_ Hf

Notre Dame Seminary, New Orleans_ HIb

Maryland—Xaverian College, Silver Spring_ le

Massachusetts :

Boston Conservatory of Music, Boston_ Hh

Brandeis University, Waltham_ Hb

New England College of Pharmacy, Boston_ Hg

Newton College of the Sacred Heart, Newton_ Hb

Michigan—Cleary College, Ypsilanti_ Hg

Missouri—Music and Arts University of St. Louis, St. Louis_ Hlh

New York:

Baptist Bible Seminary, Inc., Johnson City_ Ic

Holy Trinity Orthodox Seminary, Jordanville_ Hg

North Carolina:

Chowan College, Murfreesboro_ Ic

Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, Wake Forest_ Hlh


Central Christian College, Bartlesville_ Ic

St. Gregory’s College, Shawnee_ Ib

Oregon—Western Evangelical Seminary, Portland_ Hlh

1 See page 2 for explanation of classification.


CHANGES, 1952-1953 157


Pennsylvania: cation

Gwynedd-Mercy Junior College, Gwynedd Valley_ Ic

St. Fidelis College and Seminary Herman_ Ilb

Tennessee—Belmont College, Nashville_ If Texas:

Bible Baptist Seminary, Fort Worth_ Ig

Houston Conservatory of Music, Houston_ Ilh Huston-Tillotson College_ Ilf

Paul Quinn College, Waco_ Ilf

Ranger Junior College, Ranger_ Ic

Vermon't—Putney Graduate School of Teacher Education, Putney_ Hid

Wisconsin—Marian College, Fond du Lac_ He


California—Contra Costa Junior College, Martinez (replaced by East

Contra Costa Junior College, Martinez, and West Contra Costa Junior College, Richmond)_ Ic

Connecticut—Larson College, New Haven (merged with Quinnipiac

College)_ Ic Indiana—Jordan College of Music, Indianapolis (merged with Butler

University)_ lllh Iowa—Sheldon Junior College, Sheldon (closed)_ If

Maryland—Maryland College for Women, Lutherville (closed May 22,

1952)_ llf

Missouri'—Conservation College, Iberia (closed)_ Ic

New Jersey—Bayonne Junior College, Bayonne (closed)_ Ic

New York:

Genesee Junior College, Lima (closed)_ le

Institute of Public Administration, New York (dropped, no students during 1951-52)_ IVg

Oklahoma'—Spartan College of Aeronautical Engineering, Tulsa (closed

June 2, 1952)_ la

South Dakota'—Notre Dame Junior College, Mitchell (closed)_ le


Samuel Huston College, Austin (merged with Tillotson College)_ He

Tillotson College, Austin (merged with Samuel Huston College)_ Ilf

Wisconsin—Alverno College of Music, Milwaukee (merged with Alverno

College)_ Ilh


Alabama'—Alabama State College for Negroes, Montgomery_ Illd Ille


College of the Ozarks, Clarksville_ lib lie Junior Agricultural College of Central Arkansas, Beebe_ Ib If

Southern State College, Magnolia_ If Ilf California:

George Pepperdine College, Los Angeles_ He Hie

Occidental College, Los Angeles_ He Hie


Hillyer College, Hartford_ Hf Hlf

Quinnipiac College, New Haven_l_ Ic He

St. Joseph College, West Hartford_ Hb He


District of Columbia—Strayer College of Accountancy, Washing-

ton- Illi iiig

Illinois: Chicago Technical College, Chicago_ Ilg Ui

Danville Community College, Danville_ Ic If Garrett Biblical Institute, Evanston_ Ilg iHg

Lewis College of Science and Technology, Lockport_ If Hf

Mundelein College, Chicago_ Ilb He

National College of Education, Evanston_ Hd Hid

North Central College, Naperville_ Hb He

Rockford College, Rockford_ He Hie

Springfield Junior College, Springfield_ Ib Ic

Indiana—Anderson College and Theological Seminary, Anderson __ He Hj

lowA'—Muscatine Junior College, Muscatine_ Ic If

Kansas—El Dorado Junior College, El Dorado_ Ic If

Kentucky—College of the Bible, Lexington_ Hg IHh


Loyola University, New Orleans_ Hk HIk

St. Mary’s Dominican College, New Orleans_ He Hf


Assumption College, Worcester_ Hb HIj

Garland School, The, a Junior College, Boston_ Ic If

Merrimack College, Andover_ He Hj


Central Michigan College of Education, Mount Pleasant_ He Hf

Western Michigan College of Education, Kalamazoo_ He Hf

Minnesota—Bethany Lutheran College and Theological Seminary,

Mankato_ If Vf

Mississippi'—Mississippi State College, State College_ IHh IVh

Missouri: Central Bible Institute, Springfield_ Hg Hli

Missouri Valley College, Marshall- Hb He

St. Louis College of Pharmacy and Allied Sciences, St. Louis_ Hg HIg

Nebraska—Nebraska State Teachers College, Chadron_ Hd He

New Hampshire:

New England College, Henniker_ Vc Ve

Rivier College, Nashua_ He Hie

New York:

Biblical Seminary in New York, New York_ IVg IVh

Ithaca College, Ithaca_ Hie Hlf

Mills College of Education, New York_ Ve He

Nazareth College, Rochester- He Hie

Union College and University, Schenectady__ HIk IVk

North Carolina-—Louisburg College, Louisburg_ Ib He


Mount St. Mary of the West, Cincinnati_ Vh IHh

St. Charles Seminary, Carthagena_ He Hj

Western College for Women, Oxford_ Hb He

Oregon-—University of Portland, Portland_ Hie IVk


Drexel Institute of Technology, Philadelphia_ HIg IHh

Messiah College, Grantham_ Ic He

Moravian College for Women, Bethlehem_ He Hf

Theological Seminary of the Evangelical and Reformed Church,

Lancaster_ Hg HIg

CHANGES, 1952-1953 159 Classification Old New

Rhode Island—Salve Regina College, Newport_ le He South Carolina—Bettis Academy, Trenton_ Id Ic

South Dakota'—Mount Marty College, Yankton_ If Ilf

Tennessee: Austin Peay State College, Clarksville- He Ille Cumberland University, Lebanon_ Ilj Ilg

David Lipscomb College, Nashville_ He Ilf

Tennessee Agricultural and Industrial State University, Nash¬

ville_ Ille III] Texas:

Butler College, Tyler_ He Ilj

Daniel Baker College, Brownwood_ Ilb He Lamar State College of Technology, Beaumont_ Ic Hi

McMiirry College, Abilene_ He Hie Pan American College, Edinburg_ Ic He

Rice Institute, Houston_ IVe IVj Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, Fort Worth_ HIg IVg

Texas Wesleyan College, Fort Worth_ He Hie

Vermont—Middlebury College, Middlebury_ Hb IVe

VIRGINIA'—Emory and Henry College, Emory_ He Hf

WASHINGTON'—Siiiipson Bible Institute, Seattle_ Ig Hg


Alverno College, Milwaukee_ He Hj Wisconsin Institute of Technology, Platteville_ la Hg

Wisconsin State College, Superior_ He Hie


[(1) changed from; (2) changed to]

Alabama'—(1) State Teachers College, Montgomery; (2) Alabama State College

for Negroes. California—(1) Central Junior College, El Centro; (2) Imperial Valley College. District of Columbia—(1) James Ormond Wilson Teachers College; Washing¬

ton; (2) Wilson Teachers’ College.

Kansas—(1) Washburn Municipal University of Topeka, Topeka; (2) Washburn

University of Topeka. Kentucky:

(1) Bethel Woman’s College; Hopkinsville; (2) Bethel College.

(1) Lindsey Wilson Junior College, Columbia; (2) Lindsey Wilson College. Maine:

(1) Aroostook State Normal School, Presque Isle; (2) Aroostook State

Teachers College.

(1) Washington State Normal School, Machias; (2) Washington State

Teachers College. Massachusetts—(1) Bouve Boston School of Physical Education, Boston;

(2) Bouve Boston School.


(1) Dearborn Junior College, Dearborn; (2) Henry Ford Community College.

(1) Muskegon Junior College, Muskegon; (2) Muskegon Community College.


New York:

(1) Finch Junior College, New York; (2) Finch College.

(1) Long Island Agricultural and Technical Institute, Farmingdale, L. I.;

(2) Agricultural and Technical Institute at Farmingdale.

(1) Mills School for Nursery, Kindergarten, and Primary Teachers, New

York; (2) Mills College of Education.

(1) New York State Agricultural and Technical Institute, Alfred; (2) Agri¬

cultural and Technical Institute at Alfred.

(1) New York State Agricultural and Technical Institute, Canton; (2) Agri¬

cultural and Technical Institute at Canton.

(1) New York State Agricultural and Technical Institute, Delhi; (2) Agri¬

cultural and Technical Institute at Delhi.

(1) New York State Agricultural and Technical Institute, Morrisville; (2)

Agricultural and Technical Institute at Morrisville.

(1) New York State College for Teachers, Albany ; (2) College for Teachers

at Albany.

(1) New York State College for Teachers at Buffalo, Buffalo; (2) College

for Teachers at Buffalo.

(1) New York State Institute of Agriculture and Home Economics, Coble-

skill; (2) Institute of Agriculture and Home Economics at Cobleskill.

(1) New York State Institute of Applied Arts and Sciences, Binghamton;

(2) Institute of Applied Arts and Sciences at Binghamton.

(1) New York State Institute of Applied Arts and Sciences, Buffalo; (2)

Institute of Applied Arts and Sciences at Buffalo.

(1) New York State Institute of Applied Arts and Sciences at New York

City, Brooklyn; (2) Institute of Applied Arts and Sciences at New York


(1) New York State Institute of Applied Arts and Sciences, Utica; (2)

Institute of Applied Arts and Sciences at Utica.

(1) New York State Institute of Applied Arts and Sciences, White Plains;

(2) Institute of Applied Arts and Sciences at White Plains.

(1) New York State Maritime College, Fort Schuyler, Bronx; (2) Maritime


(1) New York State Teachers College, Brockport; (2) Teachers College at


(1) State Teachers College Cortland; (2) Teachers College at Cortland.

(1) State Teachers College, Fredonia; (2) Teachers College at Fredonia.

(1) State Teachers College, Geneseo; (2) Teachers College at Geneseo.

(1) State Teachers College, New Paltz; (2) Teachers College at New Paltz.

(1) State Teachers College, Oneonta; (2) Teachers College at Oneonta.

(1) State Teachers College, Oswego; (2) Teachers College at Oswego.

(1) State Teachers College, Plattsburg; (2) Teachers College at Plattsburg.

(1) State Teachers College, Potsdam; (2) Teachers College at Potsdam.

South Carolina—(1) Medical College of the State of South Carolina, Charles¬

ton; (2) Medical College of South Carolina.

Tennessee— (1) Tennessee Agricultural and Industrial State College, Nashville; (2) Tennessee Agricultural and Industrial State University.


(1) Edinburg Junior College, Edinburg; (2) Pan American College.

(1) Sul Ross State Teachers College, Alpine; (2) Sul Ross State College.

CHANGES, 1952-1953 161

Wisconsin ;

(1) State College, La Crosse; (2) Wisconsin State College.

(1) State College, Superior; (2) Wisconsin State College. (1) State Teachers College, Eaii Claire; (2) Wisconsin State College.

(1) State Teachers College, Milwaukee; (2) Wisconsin State College. (1) State Teachers College, Oshkosh; (2) Wisconsin State College.

(1) State Teachers College, Platteville; (2) Wisconsin State College.

(1) State Teachers College, Stevens Point; (2) Wisconsin State College. (1) State Teachers College, Whitewater; (2) Wisconsin State College.


[(1) changed from; (2) changed to]

Delaware—(1) King’s College, The, King’s College; (2) New Castle.

Kentucky—(1) St. Catharine Junior College, St. Catharine; (2) Springfield.

Maryland—(1) United States Naval Postgraduate School, Annapolis; (2) Mon¬

terey, Calif. Massachusetts—(1) Massachusetts Maritime Academy, Hyannis; (2) State

Pier, Buzzards Bay.

New York—(1) Manhattanville College of the Sacred Heart, New York; (2)

Purchase. South Carolina—(1) North Greenville Baptist Academy and Junior College,

Tigerville; (2) Taylors.


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Abbott School of Fine and Commercial Art (D. C.), 32.

Abilene Christian College (Tex.), 135. Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College

(Ga.), 36. Academy of Aeronautics, Inc. (N. Y.), 92. Academy of the New Church (Pa.), 118. Adams State College (Colo.), 28. Adelbert College (Ohio). See Western Re¬

serve University, 108, 113. Adelphi College (N. Y.), 92. Adolphus College, Gustavus (Minn.), 76. Adrian College (Mich.), 72. Aeronautical University, Inc. (Ill.), 41. Agnes Scott College (Ga.), 36. Agricultural and Mechanical College of Tex¬

as. See Texas Agricultural and Mechani¬ cal College System, 135, 140.

Agricultural, Mechanical, and Normal Col¬ lege (Ark.), 16.

Agi-icutural and Technical College of North Carolina, 103.

Agricultural and Technical Institute at Al¬ fred (N. Y.). See State University of New York, 100, 160.

Agricultural and Technical Institute at Canton (N. Y.) See State University of New York, 100, 160.

Agricultural and Technical Institute at Del¬ hi (N. Y.). See State University of New York, 100, 160.

Agricultural and Technical Institute at Farmingdale, L. I. (N. Y.). See State University of New York, 100, 160.

Agricultural and Technical Institute at Morrisville (N. Y.). See State Univer¬ sity of New Y’’ork, 100, 160.

Agricultural, College of (N. Y.). See State University of New York, 93, 100,

Akron Law School (Ohio), 108. Akron, University of (Ohio), 113. Alabama Agricultural and Mechanical Col¬

lege, 13. Alabama (^ollege, 13. Alabama Polytechnic Institute, 13. Alabama State College for Negroes, 13, 157,

159. Alabama State Teachers College (Florence),

14; (Jacksonville), 14; (Livingston), 15; (Montgomery), 159; (Troy), 15,

Alabama, University of, 15. Alaska, University of, 15. Albany, College for Teachers at (N. Y.).

See State University of New York, 100, 160.

Albany State College (Ga.), 36. Albertus Magnus College (Conn.), 29. Albion College (Mich.), 72. Albright College (Pa.), 118. Alcorn Agricultural and Mechanical Col¬

lege (Miss.), 78. Alderson-Broaddus College (W. Va.), 150. Afred University (N. Y.), 92. All Saints’ Junior College (Miss.), 78. Allegheny College (Pa.), 119. Allen College, Mary (Tex.), 138, Allen University (S. C.), 129. Alliance College (Pa.), 119. Alma College (Mich.), 72. Alma White College (N. J.), 88. Altus College (Okla.), 114. Alverno College (Wis.), 151, 159. Alverno College of Music (Wis.), 157. Alvin Junior College (Tex.), 135.

Amarillo College (Tex.), 135. American Academy of Art (Ill.), 41. American Conservatory of Music (UL), 41. American Institute for Foreign Trade, The

(Ariz.), 15. American International College (Mass.), 66. American University, The (D. C.), 32. Amherst College (Mas.s.), 66. Ancilla Domini College (Ind.), 49. Anderson College (S. C.), 129. Anderson College and Theological Seminary

(Ind.), 49, 158. Andover Newton Theological School (Mass.),

66. Andrew College (Ga.), 36. Andrew Jackson University (Tenn.), 132. Annhurst College (Conn.), 29. Ann-Reno Institute (N. Y.), 92. Antelope Valley Junior College (Calif.), 17. Antioch College (Ohio), 108. Appalachian State Teachers College (N. C.),

103. Apprentice School (Va.), 144. Aquinas College (Mich.), 72. Arizona State College (Flagstaff), 15;

(Tempo), 15. Arizona, University of, 16. Arkansas Agricultural and Mechanical Col¬

lege, 16. Arkansas Baptist College, 16. Arkansas City Junior College, 55. Arkansas College, 16. Arkansas Polytechnic College, 16. Arkansas State College, 16. Arkansas State Teachers College, 16. Arkansas, University of, 17. Arlington State College (Tex.), 135. Armstrong College (Calif.), 17; (Ga.), 36. Arnold College for Hygiene and Physical

Education (Conn.), 29. Aroostook State Normal School (Maine),

159. Aroostook State Teachers College (Maine),

62, 159. Art Center School. The (Calif.), 17. Asbury College (Ky.), 58. Asbury Theological Seminary (Ky.) 58. Asheville-Biltmore College (N. C.'), 104. Ashland College (Ohio), 109. Ashland County Normal School (Wis.), 151. Ashland Junior College (Ky.), 58. Asia Institute, The (N. Y.), 92. Assumption College (Mass.), 66, 158. Athenaeum of Ohio, Teachers College, 11.3. Athens College (Ala.), 14. Atlanta Art Institute (Ga.), 36. Atlanta Division (Ga.). See University of

Georgia, 40. Atlanta Law School (Ga.), 36. Atlanta University (Ga.), 36. Atlanta University System (Ga.), 36. Atlantic Christian College (N. C.). 104. Atlantic Union College (Mass.), 66. Auburn Theological Seminary (N. Y.), 92. Augsburg College and Theological Seminary

(Minn.), 75. August, Junior College of (Ga.), 38. Augustana College (Ill.), 41; (S. Dak.),

131. Augustana Theological Seminary (Ill.), 41. Aurora College (Ill.), 41. Austin College (Tex.), 135. Austin Junior College (Minn.), 75. Austin Peay State College (Tenn.), 132,




Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary (Tex.). 136.

Austin State College, Stephen F. (Tex.), 140.

Averett College (Va.), 144.


Babson Institute of Business Administra¬ tion (Mass.), 66.

Bacone College (Okla.), 114. Baker College, Daniel (Tex.), 136, 159. Baker University (Kans.), 55. Bakersfiield College (Calif.), 18. Baldwin Agricultural College, Abraham

(Ga.), 36. Baldwin College, Mary (Va.), 146. Baldwin-Wallace College (Ohio), 109. Ball State Teachers College (Ind.), 49. Baltimore College of Commerce (Md.), 63. Baltimore Junior College (Md.), 63. Baltimore, University of (Md.), 65. Bangor Theological Seminary (Maine), 62. Bank Street College of Education (N. Y.),

92. Baptist Bible Seminary, Inc. (N. Y.), 92,

156. Bax-at College of the Sacred Heart (Ill.),

41. Barber-Scotia College (N. C.), 104. Bard College (N. Y.), 92. Barnard College (N. Y.). See Columbia Uni¬

versity, 92, 94. Barron County Normal School (Wis.), 151. Barry College for Women (Fla.), 35. Bates College (Maine), 62. Bay City Jxxnior College (Dlich.), 72. Baylor University (Tex.), 136. Bayonne Junior College (N. J.), 157. Beaver College (Pa.), 119. Becker Junior College of Business Adminis¬

tration and Secretarial Science (Mass.),

Beckiey College (W. Va.), 150. Belhaven College (Miss.), 78. Belleville Township Junior College (Ill.),

41. Belmont Abbey College (N. C.). 104. Belmont College (Teiin.), 132, 157. Beloit College (Wis.), 151. (Bemidji) State Teachers College (Minn.),

77. Benedict College (S. C.), 129. Benedictine Heights College (Okla.), 114. Benjamin Franklin University (D. C.). 32. Bennett College (N. C.), 104. Bennett College, Sue (Ky.), 60. Bennett Junior College (N. Y.), 92. Bennington College (Vt.). 143. Benton Harbor, Junior College of (Mich.),

73. Berea College (Ky.), 58. Bergen Junior College (N. J.), 88. Berkeley Baptist Divinity School (Calif.),

18. Berkeley Divinity School (Conn.), 30. Berry College (Ga.), 37, Bessie Tift College (Ga.), 37. Bethany Biblical Seminary (Ill.), 41. Bethany College (Kans.), 55 ; (W. Va.), 150. Bethany Lutheran College and Theological

Seminary (Minn.), 75, 158. Bethany-Peniel College (Okla.), 114. Bethel College (Kans.), 55; (Ky.), 58. 159;

(Tenn.), 132. Bethel College and Seminary (Minn.), 76. Bethel Woman’s College (Ky.), 159. Bethune-Cookman College (Fla.), 35. Bettis Academy (S. C.), 129, 159. Bible Baptist Seminary (Tex.), 136, 157. Bible, College of the (Ky.), 58, 158. Bible Institute of Los Angeles, The (Calif.),

18. Biblical Seminary in New York (N. Y.), 92,

158. Birmingham Conservatory of Music (Ala.),

14. Birmingham-Southern College (Ala.), 14. Bishop College (Tex.), 136.

Bismarck Junior College (N. Dak.), 107. Black Hills Teachers College (S. Dak.), 131. Blackburn College (Ill.,), 41. Blinn College (Tex.), 136. Bloomfield College and Theological Seminary

(N. J.), 88. (Bloomsburg) State Teachers College (Pa.),

124. Blue Mountain College (Miss.), 78. Bluefield College (Va.), 144. Bluefield State College (W. Va.), 150. Bluffton College (Ohio), 109. Bob Jones University (S. C.), 129. Boise Junior College (Idaho), 40. Bonebrake Theological Seminary (Ohio), 109. Boone Junior College (Iowa), 52. Boston College (Mass.), 66. Boston Conservatory of Music (Mass.), 66,

156. Boston School of Occupational Therapy

(Mass.), 66. Boston University (Mass.), 67. Bouv6-Boston School (Mass.), 67. Bouv6-Boston School of Physical Education

(Mass.), 159. Bowdoin College (Maine), 62. (Bowie) Maryland State Teachers College,

64. Bowling Green College of Commerce (Ky.),

58. Bowling Green State University (Ohio), 109. Bradford Durfee Technical Institute (Mass.),

67. Bradford Junior College (Mass.), 67. Bradley University (Ill.), 41. Brainerd Junior College (Minn.), 76. Branch Agricultural College (Utah). See

Utah State Agricultural College, 143. Brandeis University (Mass.), 67, 156. Breneau College (Ga.), 37. Brescia College (Ky.), 58. Brevard College (N. C.), 104. Brewton-Parker Junior College (Ga.), 37. Briar Cliff College (Iowa). 52. Briarcliff Junior College (N. Y.), 93. Bridgeport Engineeriiig Institute (Conn.),

30. Bridgeport, University of (Conn.), 31. Bridgewater College (Va.), 145. (Bridgewater) State Teachers College

(Mass.), 70. Brigham Young University (Utah), 143. Brite College of the Bible (Tex.). See Texas

Christian University, 136, 141. Brockport, Teachers College at (N. Y.). See

State University of New York, 101. Brooklyn College (N. Y".), 93. Brooklyn College of Pharmacy (N. Y.). See

Long Island University, 93, 96. Brooklyn Law School (N. Y".), 93. Brooks School, Mary (Mass.), 68. Brothers College (N. J.). See Drew Uni¬

versity, 88, 89. Brown University (R. I.), 128. Brvan University, William Jennings (Tenn.),

135. Bryant College (R. I.), 128. Bryn Mawr College (Pa.), 119. Bucknell University (Pa.), 119. Buena Vista College (Iowa), 52. Buffalo, College for Teachers at (N. Y.).

See State University of New York, 100, 160.

Buffalo County Normal School (Wis.), 151. Buffalo, University of (N. Y.), 102. Burlington Junior College (Iowa), 52. Butler College (Tex.), 136, 159. Butler University (Ind.), 49.


Cal-Aero Technical Institute (Calif.), 18. Caldwell College for Women (N. J.), 88. California Baptist Theological Seminary, 18. California College of Arts and Crafts, IS. California College of Chiropody, 18. California Concordia College, 18, 156. California Institute of Technology, 18. California State Polytechnic College, 18.


(California) State Teachers College (Pa.), 124.

California, University of, 26. Calvin College (Mich.), 72. Calvin Theological Seminary (Mich.), 72. Cambridge Junior College (Mass.), 67. Cameron State Agricultural College (Okla.),

114. Campbell College (N. C.), 104. Campbellsville College (Ky.), 58. Canal Zone Junior College, 2^8. Caney Junior College (Ky.), 58. Canisius College (N. Y.), 93. Capital University (Ohio), 109. Capitol Radio Engineering Institute (D. C.),

32. Carbon College (Utah), 143. Cardinal Stritch College, The (Wis.), 151. Carleton College (Minn.), 76. Carnegie Institute of Technology (Pa.), 119. Carroll College (Mont.), 85; (Wis.), 151. Carroll University, John (Ohio), 110. Carson-Newnran College (Tenn.), 132. Carthage College (Ill.), 42. Cascade College (Oreg.), 117. Case Institute of Technology (Ohio), 109. Casper Junior College (Wyo.). 155. (Castleton) State Teachers College (Vt.),

144. Catawba College (N. C.), 104. Cathedral College of the Immaculate Con¬

ception (N. Y.), 93. Catholic Teachers College (R. I.), 128. Catholic University of America (D. C.), 32. Cazenovia Junior College (N. Y.), 93. Cedar Crest College (Pa.), 119. Cedarville College (Ohio), 109. Centenary College (La.), 60. Centenary Junior College (N. J.), 88. Centerville Junior College (Iowa), 52. Central Baptist Theological Seminary

(Kan.), 55. Central Bible Institute (Mo.), 81, 158. Cential Christian College (Okla.), 114, 156. Central College (Iowa), 52; (Kans.), 55;

(Mo.). 81. Central Junior College (Calif.), 159. Central Michigan Clollege of Education

(Mich.), 72, 158. Central Missouri College (Mo.), 81. Central Radio and Television School (Mo.),

81. Central State College (Ohio), 109; (Okla.),

114. Central Washington College of Education,

147. Centralia Junior College (Wash.), 148. Centralia Township Junior College (Ill.),

42. Centre College of Kentucky, 58. Ceramics, College of (N. Y.). See State

University of New Y"ork, 93, 100. (Chadron) Nebraska State Teachers College,

87. Chaffey Junior College (Calif.), 18. Champlain College (N. Y.) See State Uni¬

versity of New York, 93, 10(». Chanute Junior College (Kans.), 55. Chapman College (Calif.), 18. Charleston, College of (S. C.), 129. Charlotte College (N. C.), 104. Chase College, Salmon P. (Ohio), 112. Chattanooga, University of (Tenn.), 135. Chestnut Hill College (Pa.), 119. (Cheyney) State Teachers College (Pa.),

124. Chicago Academy of Fine Arts (Ill.), 42. Chicago City Junior College (Ill.), 42. Chicago College of Chiropody and Pedic

Surgery (Ill.), 42. Chicago College of Optomery (Ill.), 42. Chicago College of Osteopathy (Ill.), 42. Chicago Conservatory (Ill)., 42. Chicago Evangelistic Institute (Iowa), 52. Chicago Lutheran Theological Seminary

(Ill.), 42. Chicago Medical School (Ill.), 42. Chicago Musical College (III.), 42. Chicago Teachers College (Ill.), 42.

Chicago Technical College (Ill.), 42, 158. Chicago Theological Seminary (Ill.), 43. Chicago, University of (Ill.), 48. C!hicago-Kent College of Law (Ill.), 43. Chico State College (Calif.), 18. Child Education Foundation (N. Y.), 93. Chipola Junior College (Fla.), 35. Chowan College (N. C.), 104, 156. Christian Brothers College (Tenn.), 132. Christian College (Mo.), 81. Church Divinity School of the Pacific

(Calif. )^ 18. Cincinnati, College of Music of (Ohio), 110. Cincinnati College of Pharmacy (Ohio), 109. Cincinnati Conservatory of Music (Ohio),

109. Cincinnati, University of (Ohio), 113. Cisco Junior College (Tex.), 136. Citadel, The (S. C.), 129. Citrus Junior College (Calif)., 18. City College of San Francisco (Calif.), 19. City College of the City of New York, The

(N. Y.), 93. Claflin College (S. C.), 129. Claremont Graduate School (Calif.), 19. Claremont Men’s College (Calif.), 19. Clarence W. Pierce School of Agriculture

(Calif.), 19. Clarendon Junior College (Tex.), 136. Clarinda Junior College (Iowa), 52. (Clarion) State Teachers College (Pa.), 124. Clark College (Ga.), 37; (Wash.), 148. Clark University (Mass.), 67. Clarke College (Iowa), 52. Clarke Memorial College (Miss.), 78. Clarkson College of Technology (N. Y.), 93. Cleary College (Mich.), 72, 156. Clemson Agricultural College (S. C.), 129. Cleveland Bible College (Ohio), 109. Cleveland College (Ohio). See Western Re¬

serve University, 109. 113. Cleveland Institute of Music (Ohio), 109. Cleveland-Marshall Law School (Ohio), 109. Clifton Junior College (Tex.), 136. Clinton Junior College (Iowa), 52. Clinton Normal and Industrial College

(S. C.), 129. Coalinga College (Calif.), 19. Coe College (Iowa), 52. Coffeyville College of Arts, Science, and

Vocations (Kans.), 55. Cogswell Poly technical College (Calif.), 19,

156. Coker College (S. C.), 129. Colby College (Maine), 62. Colby Junior College for Women (N. H.),

88 Colgate University (N. Y.), 93. Colgate-Rochester Divinity School (N. Y.),

93. Colleges of the Seneca (N. Y.), 94. College of-. See most significant

term. College Misericordia, 119. Colorado Agricultural and Mechanical Col¬

lege, 28. Colorado College, 28. Colorado School of Mines, 28. Colorado State College of Education, 28. Colorado, University of, 29. Colorado Woman’s College, 28. Columbia Bible College (S. C.). 129. Columbia College (Ill.), 43; (S. C.), 129. Columbia College (N. Y.). See Columbia

University, 94. Columbia County Normal School (Wis.),

151. Columbia Theological Seminary (Ga.), 37. Columbia University (N. Y.), 94. Columbian College (D. C.). See George

Washington University, 33. Columbus University (D. C.), 33. Compton District Junior College (Calif.),

20. Conception Seminary (Mo.), 81. Concord College (W. Va.), 150. Concordia College (Ind.), 49; (Moorhead,

Minn.), 76; (St. Paul, Minn.), 76; (Wis.),

222922°—52 12


Concordia Collegiate Institute (N. Y.), 94. Concordia Teachers College (Ill.), 43;

(Nebr.), 86. Concordia Theological Seminary (Ill.), 43;

(Mo.), 81. Connecticut College, 30. Connecticut, Junior College of. See Uni¬

versity of Bridgeport, 31. Connecticut, University of, 31. Connors State Agricultural College (Okla.),

115. Conservation College (Mo.), 157. Conservatory of Music of Kansas City (Mo.),

81. Contra Costa Junior College (Calif.), 157. Converse College (S. C.), 129. Cooper Union (N. Y.), 94. C^opiah-Lincoln Junior College (Miss.), 78. Coppin State Teachers College (Md.), 63. Cornell College (Iowa), 52. Cornell University (N. Y.), 94. Corpus Christi, University of (Tex.), 142. Cortland, Teachers College at (N. Y.). See

State University of New York, 101. Cosmopolitan School of Music (Ill.), 43. Cottey College (Mo.), 81. Creighton University (Nebr.), 86. Creston Junior College (Iowa), 52. Crozer Theological Seminary (Pa.), 119. Culver-Stockton College (Mo.), 81. Cumberland College (Ky.), 59. Cumberland University (Tenn.), 132, 159. Curry College (Mass.), 67. Curtis Institute of Music, The (Pa.), 119. Custer County Junior College (Mont.), 85.


D. T. Watson School of Physiatrics (Pa.), 119.

Dakota Wesleyan University (S. Dak.), 131. Dallas Theological Seminary and Graduate

School of Theology (Tex.), 136. Dana College (Nebr.), 86. Danbury State Teachers College (Conn.),

30. Daniel Baker College (Tex.), 136, 159. Danville Community College (Ill.), 43, 158. Dartmouth College (N. H.), 88. David Lipscomb College (Tenn.), 132, 159. Davidson College (N. C.), 104. Davis and Elkins College (W. Va.), 150. Dawson County Junior College (Mont.), 85. Dayton, University of (Ohio), 113. Dean Academy and Junior (College (Mass.),

67. Dearborn Junior College (Mich.), 159. Decatur Baptist College (Tex.), 136. Deep Springs College (Calif.), 20. Defiance College (Ohio), 110. Delaware State College, 32. Delaware, University of, 32. Del Mar College (Tex.), 136. Delta State Teachers College (Miss.), 78. De Mazenod Scholasticate (Tex.), 136. Denison University (Ohio), 110. Denver, University of (Colo.), 29. DePaul University (Ill.), 43. DePauw University (Ind.), 49. Des Moines Still College of Osteopathy and

Surgery (Iowa), 53. Detroit College of Law (Mich.), 72. Detroit Institute of Musical Art (Mich.), 72. Detroit Institute of Technology (Mich.), 72. Detroit, University of (Mich.), 75. Devils Lake Junior College (N. Dak.), 107. Dickinson College (Pa.), 119. Dickinson College, Fairleigh (N. J.), 89. Dickinson School of Law (Pa.), 120. (Dickinson) State Teachers College (N.

Dak.), 108. Dillard University (La.), 60. Divinity School of the Protestant Episcopal

Church (Pa.), 120. Dixie Junior College (Utah), 143. Doane College (Nebr.), 86. Dr. Martin Luther College (Minn.), 76 Dodge City Junior College (Ivans.), 55. Dodge County Normal School (Wis.), 151.

Dominican College (Wis.), 152, Dominican College, St. Mary’s (La.), 61,

158. Dominican College of San Rafael (Calif.),

20. Don Bosco College, Inc. (N. J.), 89. Donnelly College (Kans.), 55, 156. Door-Kewaunee County Normal School

(Wis.), 152. Drake University (Iowa), 53. Drew University (N. J.), 89. Drexel Institute of Technology (Pa.), 120,

158. Dropsie College (Pa.), 120. Drury College (Mo.), 81. Dubuque, University of (Iowa), 54. Duchesne College (Nebr.), 86. Duke University (N. C.), 104. Dunbar Junior College (Ark.), 16. Dunbarton College of the Holy Cross (D. C.),

33. Dunn County Normal School (Wis.), 152. Duquesne University (Pa.), 120. Durfee Technical Institute, Bradford

(Mass.), 67. D’You vine College (N. Y.), 94.

Eagle Grove Junior College (Iowa), 53, 156. Earlham College (Ind.), 49. East Carolina College (N. C.), 104. East Central Junior College (Miss.), 79. East Central State College (Okla.), 115. East Contra Costa Junior College (Calif.),

20, 156. East Los Angeles Junior College (Calif.),

20. East Mississippi Junior College, 79. (East Stroudsburg) State Teachers College

(Pa.), 124. East Tennessee State College, 132. East Texas Baptist College, 136. East Texas State Teachers College. 137. Eastern Arizona Junior College, 15. Eastern Baptist Theological Seminary (Pa.),

120. Eastern Illinois State College, 43. Eastern Kentucky State College, 59. Eastern Mennonite College (Va.), 145. Eastern Montana College of Education, 85. Eastern Nazarene College (Mass.), 67. Eastern New Mexico University, 91. Eastern Oklahoma Agricultural and Me¬

chanical College, 115. Eastern Oregon College of Education, 117. Eastern Washington College of Education,

148. Eastman Dental Dispensary and School for

Dental Hygienists (N. Y.), 95 (Eau Claire) Wisconsin State College, 154,

161. Eden Theological Seminary (Mo.), 81. Edgewood College of the Sacred Heart

(Wis.), 152. (Edinboro) State Teachers College (Pa.),

124. Edinburg Junior College (Tex.). See Pan

American College, 160. Edward Waters College (Fla.), 35. Edwards Military Institute, Pineland Junior

College and (N. C.), 106. El Camino College (Calif.). 20. El Dorado Junior College (Kans.), 56, 158. El Reno Junior College (Okla.), 115. Elgin Community College (Ill.), 43, 156. (Elizabeth City) State Teachers College

(N. C.), 106. Elizabethtown College (Pa.), 120. Ellsworth Junior College (Iowa), 53. Elmhurst College (Ill.), 43. Elmira College (N. Y.). 95. Elon College (N. C.), 104. Ely Junior College (Minn.), 76. Emerson College (Mass.), 67. Emmanuel College (Ga.), 37 ; (Mass.), 68. Emmanuel Missionary College (Mich.), 73. Emmetsburg Junior College (Iowa), 53. Emory and Henry College (Va.), 145, 159.


Emory Junior College (Ga.). See Emory Uni¬ versity, 37.

Emory University (Ga.), 37. Emporia, College of (Kans.), 55. (Emporia) Kansas State Teachers College,

56. Endicott Junior College (Mass.), 68. Episcopal Theological School (Mass.), 68. Erskine College (S. C.), 129. Estherville Junior College (Iowa), 53. Eureka College (Ill.), 43. Evangelical Lutheran Theological Seminary

(Wis.), 152. Evangelical School of Theology (Pa.). See

Albright College, 118, 120. Evangelical Theological Seminary (Ill.), 43. Evanston Township Community College

(Ill.), 43. Evansville College (Ind.), 49. Eveleth Junior College (Minn.), 76. Everett Junior College (Wash.), 148.


Fairbury Junior College (Nebr.), 86. Fairfax Hall Junior College (Va.), 145. Fairfield University (Conn.), 30. Fairleigh Dickinson College (N. J.). 89. Fairmont State College (W. Va.), 150. Faith Theological Seminary (Del.), 32. (Farmington) State Teachers College

(Maine), 63. Fashion Institute of Technology (N. Y.), 95. Fayetteville State Teachers College (N. C.),

105. Fenn College (Ohio), 110. Ferris Institute (Mich.), 73. Ferrum Junior College (Va.), 145. Finch College (N. Y.), 95. Finch Junior College (N. Y.), 160. Findlay College (Ohio), 110. Fisk University (Tenn.), 132. (Fitchburg) State Teachers College (Mass.),

70. (Flagstaff) Arizona State College ,15. Flat River, Junior College of (Mo.), 82. Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy

(Mass.). See Tufts College, 68, 71. Flint Junior College (Mich.), 73. Flora Macdonald College (N. C.), 105. Flora Stone Mather College (Ohio). See

Western Reserve University, 110, 113. (Florence) State Teachers College (Ala.),

14. Florida Agricultural and Mechanical College

for Negroes, 35. Florida Normal and Industrial Memorial

College, 35. Florida Southern College, 35. Florida State University, 35. Florida, University of, 36. Fontbonne College (Mo.). See St. Louis

University, 81, 83. Fordham University (N. Y.), 95. Forestry, College of (N. Y.) See State Uni¬

versity of New York( 93, 100. Fort Dodge .Tunior College (Iowa), 53. Fort Hays Kansas State College, 56. Fort Lewis Agricultural and Mechanical

College (Colo.), 28. Fort Scott Junior College (Ivans.), 56. Fort Smith Junior College (Ark.). 16. Fort Valley State College (Ga.), 37. Fort Wayne Art School (Ind.), 49. Fort Wayne Bible College (Ind.), 49. Fournier Institute of Technology (IIl.l, 43,

156. (Framingham) State Teachers College

(Mass.), 70. Francis T. Nicholls Junior College (La.).

See Louisiana State University, 61. Frank Phillips College (Tex.), 137. Franklin College of Indiana, 49. Franklin and Marshall College (Pa.), 120. Franklin Technical Institute (Mass.), 68. Franklin University (Ohio), 110. Fredonia. Teachers College at (N. Y.) See

State University of New York, 101. Freed-IIardeman College (Tenn.K 1^3.

Freeman Junior College (S. Dak.), 131. Fresno Junior College (Calif.), 20. Fresno State College (Calif.), 20. Friends Bible College (Kans.), 56. Friends University (Kans.), 56. Friendship College (S. C.), 130. (Frostburg) Maryland State Teachers Col¬

lege, 64. Fuller Theological Seminary (Calif.), 20. Fullerton Junior College (Calif.), 20. Furman University (S. C.), 130.


Gainesville .Junior College (Tex.), 137. Gallaudet College (D. C.), 33. Gammon Theological Seminary (Ga.), 38. Gannon College (Pa.), 120. Garden City Junior College (Kans.), 56. Gardner-Webb Junior College, Inc. (N. C.),

105. Garland School, The (Mass.), 68. 158. Garrett Biblical Institute (Ill.), 44, 158. General Assembly’s Training School for Lay

Workers (Va.), 145. General Beadle State Teachers College (S.

Dak.), 131. General Motors Institute (Mich.), 73. General Theological Seminary (N. Y.), 95. Genesee Junior College (N. Y.), 157. Geneseo, Teachers College at (N. Y.). See

State University of New York, 101. Geneva College (Pa.), 120. George Fox College (Oreg.), 117. George Peabody College for Teachers (Tenn.),

133 George Pepperdine College (Calif.), 20, 157. Georgetown College (Ky.). 59. Georgetown University (D. C.), 33. Georgetown Visitation Junior College

(D. C.), 33. George Washington University (D. C.), 33. George Williams College (HI.), 44. Georgia Institute of Technology, 38. Georgia Military Academy, 38. Georgia Military College. 38. Georgia Southwestern Clollege, 38. Georgia State College for Women, 38. Georgia Teachers College, 38. Georgia, University of, 39. Georgian Court College (N. J.), 89. Gettysburg College (Pa.K 120. (Glassboro) New Jersey Teachers College,

89. Glendale College (Calif.), 20. Glenville State College (W. Va.), 150. Goddard College (Vt.), 143. Gogebic Junior College (Mich.), 73. Golden Gate Baptist Theological Seminary

(Calif.), 20. Golden Gate College (Calif.), 20. Gonzaga University (Wash.), 148. Good Counsel College (N. Y.), 95. Gordon College of Theology and Missions

(Mass.). 68. Gordon Military College (Ga.), 38. Gorham State Teachers College (Maine),

63. Goshen College (Ind.), 49. Goucher College (Md.), 64. Grace Bible Institute (Nebr.), 86. Grace Theological Seminary (Ind.), 50. Graceland College (Iowa), 53. Graduate Teachers College of Wiunetka

(Ill.), 44. Granrbling College (La.), 61. Grand Rapids Junior College (Mich.), 73. Grand View College (Iowa), 53. Grant Technical College (Calif.), 21. Grays Harbor College (Wash.), 148. Great Falls, College of Education, College of

(Mont.), 85. Green County Normal School (Wis.), 152. Green Mountain Junior College (Vt.), 144. Greenbrier Junior College (W. Va.), 150. Greenbrier Military School (W. Va.), 150. Greensboro College (N. C.), 105. Greenville College (Ill.), 44. Grinnell College (Iowa), 53.


Grove City College (Pa.), 120. Guilford College (N. C.), 105. Gulf Park College (Miss.), 78. Gustavus Adolphus College (Minn.), 76. Gwynedd-Mercy Junior College (Pa.), 120,



Hagerstown Junior College (Md.), 64. Hahnemann Medical College and Hospital

(Pa.), 121. Hamilton College (N. Y.), 95. Hamline University (Minn.), 76. Hampden-Sydney College (Va.), 145. Hampton Institute (Va.), 145. Hannibal-La Grange College (Mo.), 81. Hanover College (Ind.), 50. Harcum Junior College (Pa.), 121. Hardin-Baylor College, Mary (Tex.), 138. Hardin-Simmons University (Tex.), 137. Harding College (Ark.), 16. Harpur College (N. Y.). See State Uni¬

versity of New York, 95, 100. Harris College, Young L. G. (Ga.), 40. Harris Teachers College (Mo.), 82. Hartford Art School, Inc. (Conn.), 30,

156. Hartford College (Conn.), 30. Hartford Seminary Foundation (Conn.), 30. Hartnell College (Calif.), 21. Hartt Musical Foundation, Julius (Conn.),

30. Hartwick College (N. Y.), 95. Harvard University (Mass.), 68. Harvey College, Morris (W. Va.), 150. Hastings College (Nebr.), 86. Hastings College of Law (Calif.). See Uni¬

versity of California, 26. Haverford College (Pa.), 121. Hawaii, University of, 40. Hebrew Union College—Jewish Institute of

Religion (Ohio), 110. Heidelberg College (Ohio), 110. Henderson County Junior College (Tex.),

137. Henderson State Teachers College (Ark.),

16. Hendrix College (Ark.), 17. Henry Ford Community College (Mich.),

73, 159. Herron Art School, John (Ind.), 50. Hershey Junior College (Pa.), 121. Hervey Junior College, Walter (N. Y.), 103. Herzl Branch (Ill.). /See Chicago City Junior

College, 42. Hesston College (Kans.), 56. Hibbing Junior College (Minn.), 76. High Point College (N. C.), 105. Highland Junior College (Kans.), 56. Highland Park Junior College (Mich.), 73. Hill College, Inc. (R. I.), 128. Hillsdale College (Mich.), 73. Hillyer College (Conn.), 30, 157. Hinds Junior College (Miss.), 79. Hiram College (Ohio), 110. Hiwassee College (Tenn.), 133. Hobart College (N. Y.). See Colleges of the

Seneca, The, 94, 95. Hofstra College (N. Y.), 95. Hollins College (Va.), 145. Holmes Junior College (Miss.), 79. Holton Arms School and Junior College (D.

C.), 33. Holy Cross, College of the (Mass.), 67. Holy Cross Preparatory Seminary (N. Y.),

95 Holy Family College (Wis.), 152. Ploly Names College (Wash.), 148. Holy Names, College of the (Calif.), 19. Holy Trinity Orthodox Seminary (N. Y.),

95, 156. Holyoke Junior College (Mass.), 68. Home Economics, College of (N. Y.). See

State University of New York, 93, 100. Hood College (Md.), 64. Hope College (Mich.), 73.

Hopkins University, John (Md.), 64. Houghton College (N. Y.), 95. House in the Pines Schools, The (Mass.),

68. Houston Conservatory of Music, The (Tex.),

137, 157. Houston State Teachers College, Sam (Tex.),

139. Houston, University of (Tex.), 142. Howard College (Ala.), 14. Howard County Junior College (Tex.), 137, Howard Payne College (Tex.), 137. Howard University (D. C.), 33. Humboldt State College (Calif.), 21. Hunter College (N. Y.), 96. Huntington College (Ind.), 50. Huntingdon College (Ala.), 14. Huron College (S, Dak.), 131. Huston College, Samuel (Tex.), 157. Huston-Tillotson College (Tex.), 137, 157. Hutchinson Junior College (Kans.), 56.


Idaho, College of, 40. Idaho State College, 40. Idaho, University of, 41. Ilitf School of Theology (Colo.), 28. Illinois College, 44. Illinois College of Chiropody and Foot Sur¬

gery, 44. Illinois Institute of Technology, 44. Illinois State Normal University, 44. Illinois, University of, 48. Illinois Wesleyan University, 44. Immaculata College (Pa.), 121. Immaculata Junior College (D. C.), 34. Immaculate Conception Junior College

(N. J.), 89. Immaculate Conception Seminary (N. J.),

89 ; (Wis.), 152. Immaculate Heart College (Calif.), 21. Immanuel Lutheran College (N. C.), 105. Imperial Valley College (Calif.), 21, 159. Incarnate Word College (Tex.), 137. Independence Junior College (Kans.), 56. Indiana Central College, 50. Indiana State Teachers College, 50. (Indiana) State Teachers College (Pa.), 124. Indiana Technical College, 50. Indiana University, 50. Institute for Advanced Study, The (N. J.),

89. Institute of Agriculture and Home Eco¬

nomics at Cobleskill (N. Y.). See State University of New York, 96, 101, 160.

Institute of Applied Arts and Sciences at Binghamton (N. Y.). See State Univer¬ sity of New York, 101, 160.

Institute of Applied Arts and Sciences at Buffalo (N. Y.). See State University of New York, 101, 160.

Institute of Applied Arts and Sciences at New York City (N. Y.). See State Uni¬ versity of New York, 101, 160.

Institute of Applied Arts and Sciences at Utica (N. Y.). See State University of New York, 101, 160.

Institute of Applied Arts and Sciences at White Plains (N. Y.). See State Univer¬ sity of New York, 101, 160.

Institute of Paper Chemistry, The (Wis.), 152.

Institute of Public Administration (N. Y.), 157.

Institute of Textile Technology (Va.), 145. lola Junior College (Kans.), 56. Iona College (N. Y.), 96. Iowa State College of Agriculture and Me¬

chanic Arts, 53. Iowa State Teachers College, 53. Iowa, State University of, 54. Iowa Wesleyan College, 53. Itasca Junior College (Minn.), 77. Itawamba Junior College (Miss.), 79. Ithaca College (N. Y.), 96, 158.



Jackson College (Mass.). See Tufts College, 68, 71.

Jackson College (Miss.), 79. Jackson Junior College (Mich.), 73. Jackson University, Andrew (Tenn.), 132. Jacksonville College (Tex.), 137. Jacksonville College of Music (Flu.), 35. Jacksonville Junior College (Fla.), 35. (Jacksonville) State Teachers College (Ala.),

14. James Millikin University (Ill.), 44. James Ormond Wilson Teachers College

(D. C.), 159. Jamestown College (N. Dak.), 108. Jamestown Community College (N. Y.). 96 Jarvis Christian College (Tex.), 137. Jefferson City Junior College (Mo.), 82. Jefferson Medical College of Philadelphia

(Pa.), 121. Jersey (^ity Junior College (N. J.), 89. (Jersey City) New Jersey State Teachers

College, 89. Jewell College, William (Mo.), 85. Jewish Institute of Religion (N. Y.). Sec

Hebrew Union College, 96, 110. Jewish Theological Seminary of America

(N. Y.), 96. John B. Stetson University (Fla.), 35. John Brown University (Ark.), 17. John Carroll University (Ohio), 110. John Herron Art School (Ind.), 50. John Marshall Law School (Ga.), 38; (Ill.),

44. John Muir College (Calif.), 21. Johns Hopkins University (Md.), 64. Johnson Bible College (Tenn.), 133. Johnson C. Smith Ihiiversity (N. C.). 105. (Johnson) State Teachers College (Vt.), 144. Joliet Junior College (Ill.), 44. Jones County Junior College (Miss.), 79. Jones Law School (Ala.), 14. Jones University, Bob (S. C.), 129. Joplin Junior College (Mo.), 82. Jordan College of Music (Ind.). See Butler

University, 157. Judson College (Ala.), 14. Julliard School of Music (N. Y'.), 96. Julius Hartt Musical Foundation (Conn.),

30. Juneau County Normal School (Wis.), 152. Juniata College (Pa.), 121. Junier Agricultural College of Central Ar¬

kansas, 17, 157. Junior College of-. See most signifi¬

cant term.


Kalamazoo College (Mich.), 73. Kansas City Art Institute and School of De¬

sign (Mo.), 82. Kansas City College of Osteopathy and Sur¬

gery (Mo.), 82. Kansas City, Conservatory of Music of (Mo.), 81. Kansas City, The Junior College of (Mo.),

82. Kansas City Kansas Junior College, 56. Kansas City, University of (Mo.), 84. Kansas State College of Agriculture and

Applied Science, 56. Kansas State Teachers College (Emporia),

56; (Pittsburg), 56. Kansas, University of, 58. Kansas Wesleyan University, 56. (Kearney) Nebraska State Teachers College,

87. Keene Teachers College (N. H.), 88. Kemper Military School (Mo.), 82. Kendall College (Ill.), 44. Kenrick Seminary (Mo.), 82. Kent State University (Ohio), 111. Kentucky Christian College, 59. Kentucky State College, 59. Kentucky, University of, 60.

Kentucky Wesleyan College, 59. Kenyon College (Ohio), 111. Keuka College (N. Y.), 96. Keystone Junior College (Pa.), 121. Kilgore College (Tex.), 137. King College (Tenn.), 133. King’s College (Pa.), 121. King’s College, The (Del.), 32, 161. Kirksville College of Osteopathy and Sur¬

gery (Mo.), 82. Knox College (Ill.), 44. Knoxville (College (Tenn.), 133. (Kutztown) State Teachers College (Pa.),



(La Crosse) Wisconsin State College, 154, 161.

Ladyclifif College (N. Y.), 96. Lafayette College (Pa.), 121. La Grange College (Ga.), 38. La Junta Junior College (Colo.), 28. Lake Erie College (Ohio), 111. Lake Forest College (HI.), 44. Lamar Junior College (Colo.), 28. Lamar State College of Technology (Tex.),

137, 159. Lambuth College (Tenn.), 133. Lander College (S. C.), 130. Lane College (Tenn.), 133. Langlade County Normal School (Wis.), 152. Langston University (Okla)., 115. Laredo Junior College (Tex.), 137. Larson College (Conn.), 157. LaSalle College (Pa.), 121. La Salle-Peru-Oglesby Junior College (HL),

45. Lasell Junior College (Mass.), 68. La Sierra College (Calif.), 21. Lassen Junior (jollege (Calif.), 21. La Verne College (Calif.), 21. Lawrence College (Wis.), 152. Lawrence College, Sarah (N. Y’’.), 100. Lawrence Institute of Technology (Mich.),

73. Layton School of Art (Wis.), 152. Lebanon Valley College (Pa.), 121. Lee College (Tenn.), 133; (Tex.), 137. Lees Junior College (Ky.), 59. Lees-McRae College (N. C.). 105. Lehigh University (Pa.), 121. Leicester Junior College (Mass.), 68. Leland College (La.), 61. Le Moyne College (N. Y.), 96 ; (Tenn.), 133. Lenoir-Rhyne College (N. C.), 105. Lesley College (Mass.), 68. LeTourneau Technical Institute of Texas,

138. Lewis and Clark College (Greg.), 117. Lewis College of Science and Technology

(Ill.), 45. 158. Limestone College (S. C.), 130. Lincoln College (Ill.), 45. Lincoln College of Law (Ill.), 45. Lincoln County Normal School (Wis.), 152. Lincoln Junior College (Mo.). 82. Lincoln Memorial University (Tenn.), 133. Lincoln University (Mo.), 82; (Pa.). 121. Lindsey Wilson College (Ky.), 59, 159. Lindsey Wilson Junior College (Ky.), 159. Lindenwood College for Women (Mo.), 82. Linfield College (Greg.), 117. Lipscomb College, David (Tenn.), 132. Little Rock Junior College (Ark.), 17. (Livingston) State Teachers College (Ala.),

15. Livingstone College (N. C.), 105. (Lock Haven) State Teachers College (Pa.),

124. Lon Morris College (Tex.), 138. Long Beach City College (Calif.), 21. Long Beach State College (Calif.), 21. Long Island University (N. Y.), 96. Longwood College (Va.). 145, Loras College (Iowa), 53. Loretto Heights College (Colo.), 28.


Loretto Junior College (Ky.), 59. Los Angeles Baptist Theological Seminary

(Calif.), 21. Los Angeles City College (Calif.), 21. Los Angeles College of Optometry (Calif.),

21. Los Angeles Conservatory of Music and Arts

(Calif.), 21. Los Angeles Harbor Junior Colege (Calif.),

21. Los Angeles Metropolitan Junior College

(Calif.), 22. Los Angeles Pacific College (Calif.), 22. Los Angeles State College of Applied Arts

and Sciences (Calif.), 22. Los Angeles Trade-Technical Junior Col¬

lege (Calif.), 22. Los Angeles Valley Junior College (Calif.),

22 Louisburg College TN. C.), 105, 158. Louisiana College, 61. Louisiana Polytechnic Institute, 61. Louisiana State University and A. and M.

College, 61. Louisville Presbyterian Theological Semi¬

nary (Ky.), 59. Louisville, University of (Ky.), 60. (Lowell) State Teachers College (Mass.),

71. Lowell Textile Institute (Mass.), 68. Lower Columbia Junior (I^ollege (Wash.),

148. Loyola College (Md.), 64. Loyola University (Ill.), 45; (La.), 61,

158. Loyola University of Los Angeles (Calif.),

22 Luther College (Iowa), 53; (Nebr.), 86. Lutheran Theological Seminary (Gettys¬

burg, Pa.), 121; (Philadelphia, Pa.), 121. Luther Theological Seminary (Minn.), 77. Lutheran Theological Southern Seminary (S.

C.), 130. Lux (College (Calif.), 22. Lycoming College (Pa.), 122. Lynchburg College (Va.), 145. (Lyndon Center) State Teachers College

(Vt.), 144. Lyons Township Junior College (Ill.), 45,

Macalester College (Minn.), 77. McCook Junior College (Nebr.), 86. McCormick Theological Seminary (Ill.), 45. McCune School of Music and Art (Utah),

143. Macdonald College, Flora (N. C.), 105. McKendree College (Ill.), 45. McKinley School of Law, William (Ohio),

114. MacMurray College for Women (Ill.), 45. McMurry College (Tex.), 138, 159. McNeese State College (La.), 61. MacPhail College of Music (Minn.), 77. McPherson College (Kans.), 56. Madawaska Training School (Maine), 63. Madison College (Tenn.), 133; (Va.), 145. Magnus College, Albertus (Conn.), 29. Maine State Teachers College (Farming-

ton), 63; (Gorham), 63. Maine, University of, 63. Mallinckrodt College (Ill.), 45. Manchester College (Ind.), 50. Manhattan Bible College (Kans.), 57. Manhattan College (N. Y.), 96. Manhattan School of Music (N. Y.), 97. Manhattanville College of the Sacred Heart

(N. Y.), 97, 161. Manitowoc County Normal School (Wis.),

152. (Mankato) State Teachers College (Minn.),

77. (Mansfield) State Teachers College (Pa.),

124. Margaret Morrison Carnegie College (Pa.).

See Carnegie Institute of Technology, 119, 122.

Marian College (Ind.), 50; (N. Y.), 97; (Wis.), 152, 157.

Marietta College (Ohio), 111. Marin Junior College (C^alif.), 22. Marinette County Normal School (Wis.),

Marion College (Ind.), 51; (Va.), 145. Marion Institute (Ala.), 14. Maritime College (N. Y.). See State Uni¬

versity of New York, 101, 160. Marjorie Webster Junior C^ollege (D. C.),

Marlboro College (Vt.), 144. Marquette University (Wis.), 152. Mars Hill College (N. C.), 105. Marshall College (W. Va.), 150. Marshall Law School, John (Ga.), 38 ; (Ill.),

44. Marshalltown Junior College (Iowa), 54. Martin College (Tenn.), 133. Martin Luther College, Dr. (Minn.), 76. Mary Allen College (Tex.), 138. Mary Baldwin College (Va.), 146. Mary Brooks School (Mass.), 68. Mary Hardin-Baylor College (Tex.), 138. Mary Holmes Junior College (Miss.), 79. Mary Manse College (Ohio), 111. Mary Washington College of the University

of Virginia. See University of Virginia, 146, 147.

Marycrest College (Iowa). See St. Ambrose College, 54.

Marygrove College (Mich.), 73. Maryknoll Junior College (N. J.), 89. Maryknoll Seminary (Ill.), 45; (N. Y.), 97. Maryknoll Teachers College (N. Y.), 97. Maryland College for Women (Md.K 157. Maryland Institute, 64. Maryland State College. See University of

Maryland, 64. Maryland State Teachers College (Bowie),

64; (Frostburg), 64; (Salisbury), 64; (Towson), 64.

Maryland, University of, 65. Marylhurst College (Oreg.), 117. Marymount College (Kans.), 57; (N. Y.),

97. Maryville College (Mo.). See St. Louis Uni¬

versity, 82, 83. Maryville College (Tenn.), 133. Mary wood College (Pa.), 122. Mason City Junior College (Iowa), 54. Mason College of Music and Fine Arts, Inc.

(Va.), 150. Massachusetts College of Optometry, 68. Massachusetts College of Pharmacy, 68. Massachusetts Institute of Technology. 69. Massachusetts Maritime Academy, 69, 161. Massachusetts School of Art, 69. Massachusetts State Teachers College

(Bridgewater), 70; (Fitchburg), 70; (Framingham), 70; (Lowell), 71; (North Adams), 71; (Salem), 71; (Westfield), 71; (Worcester), 71.

Massachusetts, University of, 71. (Mayville) State Teachers College (N. Dak.),

108. Meadville Theological School (Ill.), 45. Medical College of Georgia, 38. Medical College of South Carolina, 130, 160. Medical College of the State of South Caro¬

lina, 160. Medical College of Virginia, 146. Medical Evangelists, College of (Calif.), 19. Medicine at New York City, College of

(N. Y.). See State University of New York, 94, 100.

Medicine at Syracuse, College of (N. Y.). See Syracuse University, 100.

Meharry Medical College (Tenn.), 133. Memphis College of Music (Tenn.). See

Southwestern at Memphis, 133, 134. Memphis State College (Tenn.), 133. Menlo College (Calif.), 22. Mercer University (Ga.). 38. Mercy College (Mich.), 74. Mercyhurst College (Pa.), 122. Meredith College (N. C.), 105.


Meridian Municipal Junior College (Miss.), 79.

Merriil-Palnrer School (Mich.), 74. Merrimack College (Mass.), 69, 158. Mesa County Junior College (Colo.), 28. Messiah College (Pa.), 122, 158. Miami, University of (Fla.), 36. Miami University (Ohio), 111. Michigan College of Mining and Technology,

74. Michigan State College, 74. Michigan State Normal College, 74. Michigan, University of, 75. Middle Georgia College, 38. Middle Tennessee State College, 134. Middlebury College (Vt.), 144, 159. Midland College (Nebr.), 86. Midway Junior College (Ky), 59. Midwestern University (Tex.), 138. Miles College (Ala.), 14. Millard Fillmore College (N. Y.). See Uni¬

versity of Buffalo, 97. 102. (Millersville) State Teachers College (Pa.),

124. Milligan College (Tenn.), 134. Millikin University, James (Ill.), 44. Mills College (Calif.), 22. Mills College of Education (N. Y.), 97, 158,

160. Mills School for Nursery, Kindergarten, and

Primary Teachers (N. Y.), 160. Millsaps College (Miss.), 79. Milton College (Wis.), 152. Milwaukee School of Engineering (Wis.),

152. (Milwaukee) Wisconsin State College, 154,

161. Milwaukee-Downer College (Wis.), 153. Miner Teachers College (D. C.), 34. Minneapolis College of Music (Minn.), 77. Minneapolis-Minnesota College of Law', 77. Minnesota Bible College, 77. Minnesota State Teachers College (Bemidji).

77; (Mankato), 77; (Moorhead), 78; (St. Cloud), 78; (Winona), 78.

Minnesota, University of, 78. (Minot) State Teachers College (N. Dak.),

108. Misericordia, College (Pa.), 119. Mission House College and Theological Sem¬

inary (Wis.), 153. Missionary Training Institute, The (N. Y.),

97. Mississippi College, 79. Mississippi Industrial College, 79. Mississippi Southern College, 79. Mississippi State College, 79, 158. Mississippi State College for Women, 80. Mississippi, University o-f, 80. Mississippi Woman’s College, 80. Missouri, University of, 84. Missouri Valley College, 82, 158. Mitchell College (Conn.), 30 (N. C.), 105. Moberly Junior College (Mo.), 82. Modern School of Music, The (D. C.), 34,

156. Modesto Junior College (Calif.), 22. Moline Community College (Ill.), 45. Monett Junior College (Mo.), 82. Monmouth College (Ill.), 45. Monmouth Junior College (N. J.), 89. Montana School of Mines, 85. Montana State College, 85. Montana State University, 85. Monterey Peninsula College (Calif.), 22. Montgomery Junior College (Md.), 64. Monticello College (Ill.), 46. Montreat College (N. C.). 105. Moody Bible Institute of Chicago, The (Ill.).

46, 156. Moore Institute of Art, Science and Indus¬

try (Pa.), 122. (Moorhead) State Teachers College (Minn.),

78 Moravian College (Pa.), 122. Moravian College for Women (Pa.), 122,

158. Morehead State College (Ky.), 59.

Morehouse College (Ga.), 37, 38. Morgan State College (Md.), 64. Moruingside College (Iowa), 54. Morris Brown College (Ga.), 39. Morris College (S. C.), 130. Morris College, Lon (Tex.), 138. Morris Harvey College (W. Va.), 150. Morristown Normal and Industrial College

(Tenn.), 134. Morton Junior College (Ill.), 46. Mount Aloysius Junior College (Pa.), 122. Mount Angel Seminary (Oreg.), 117. Mount Angel Women’s College (Oreg.), 117. Mount Holyoke College (Mass.), 69. Mount Marty College (S. Dak.), 131, 159. Mount Mary College (Wis.), 153. Mount Mercy College (Pa.), 122. Mount Mercy Junior College (Iowa), 54. Mount St. Agnes College (Md.), 64. Mount St. Alphonsus Theological Seminary

(N. Y.), 97. Mount St. Clare Junior College (Iowa), 54. Mount St. Joseph-on-the-Ohio, College of

(Ohio), 110. Mount St. Joseph Teachers College (N. Y.),

97. Mount Saint Mary College (N. H.), 88. Mount St. Mary of the West (Ohio), 111,

158. Mount St. Mary’s College (Calif.), 22;

(Md.), 64. Mount St. Scholastica College (Kans.), 57. Mount St. Vincent, College of (N. Y.K 94. Mount San Antonio College (Calif.), 22, Mount Union College (Ohio), 111. Mount Vernon Junior College (D. C.), 34. Muhlenberg College (Pa.), 122. Muir College, John (Calif.), 21. Multnomah College (Oreg.), 117. Mundelein College (Ill.), 46, 158. Municipal University of Omaha (Nebr.), 86. Municipal University of Wichita (Kans.),

57. Murray State College (Ky.), 59. Murray State School of Agriculture (Okla.),

115. Muscatine Junior College (Iowa), 54, 158. Music and Arts University of St. Louis

(Mo.), 83, 156. Muskegon Community College (Mich.), 74,

159. Muskegon Junior College (Mich.), 159. Muskingum College (Ohio), 111. Muskogee Junior College (Okla.), 115.


Napa Junior College (Calif.), 23. Nashotah House (Wis.), 153. Nasson College (Maine), 63. National Agricultural College (Pa.), 122. National College for Christian Workers

(Mo.), 83. National College of Education (Ill.), 46,

158. National University (D, C.), 34. Navarro Junior College (Tex.), 138. Nazareth College (Ky.), 59; (Mich.), 74;

IN. Y.), 97, 158. Nazareth College and Academy (Ky.), 59. Nebraska Central College, 87. Nebraska State Teachers College (Chadron),

87, 158; (Kearney), 87; (Peru), 87; Wayne, 87.

Nebraska, University of, 87. Nebraska Wesleyan University, 87. Ner Israel Rabbinical College (Md.), 65. Nevada, University of, 87. New Bedford Textile Institute (Mass.), 69. New Brun.swick Theological Seminary

(N. J.), 89. New Church, Academy of the (Pa.), 118. New Church Theological School (Mass.), 69. New England College (N. H.), 88, 158. New' England College of Pharmacy (Mass.),

69, 156. New England Conservatory of Music (Mass.),

69. New England School of Theology (Mass.),



New Hampshire, University of, 88. New Haven Junior College (Conn.), 30. New Haven State Teachers College (Conn.),

30. New Jersey College for Women. See Rutgers

University, 89, 90. New Jersey State Teachers College (Glass-

boro), 89; (Jersey City), 89; (Newark), 89; (Paterson), 90; (Trenton), 90; (Up¬ per Montclair), 90.

New Mexico College of Agriculture and Me¬ chanic Arts, 91.

New Mexico Highlands University, 91. New Mexico Institute of Mining and Tech¬

nology, 91. NewMexico Military Institute, 91. New Mexico, University of, 92. New Mexico Western College, 92. New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary

(La.), 61. New Paltz, Teachers College at (N. Y.). See

State University of New York, 101. New Rochelle, College of (N. Y.), 94. New School for Social Research, The (N. Y.),

97. New York Medical College, 97. New York School of Social Work. See Co¬

lumbia University, 94, 97. New York State Agricultural and Technical

Institute. See State University of New York: (Alfred), 100, 160; (Canton), 100, 160; (Delhi), 100, 160; (Parmingdale), 100, 160; (Morrisville), 100, 160.

New York State Institute of Applied Arts and Sciences. See State University of New York: (Binghamton), 101, 160; (Brooklyn), 101, 160 ; (Buffalo), 101, 160 ; (Utica), 101, 160; (White Plains), 101, 160.

New York State Teachers College. See State University of New York: (Albany), 100; (Brockport), 101, 160; (Buffalo), 100; (Cortland), 101, 160; (Fredonia), 101, 160; (Geneseo), 101, 160; (New Paltz), 101, 160; (Oneonta), 101, 160; (Oswego), 101, 160; (Plattsburg), 102, 160; (Pots¬ dam), 102, 160.

New York University, 97. Newark College of Engineering (N. J.), 90. Newark Colleges (N. J.). See Rutgers Uni¬

versity, 90. (Newark) New Jersey State Teachers Col¬

lege, 89. Newberry College (S. C.), 130. Newcomb College (La.). See Tulane Univer¬

sity, 61, 62. Newton College of the Sacred Heart (Mass.),

69, 156. Newton Junior College (Mass.), 69. Newton Theological School, Andover (Mass.)

66. Niagara University (N. Y.), 98. Nichols Junior College (Mass.), 69. Norfolk Division of the College of William

and Mary (Va.). See College of William and Mary, 145.

Norfolk Division of Virginia State College. See Virginia State College, 147.

Norfolk Junior College (Nebr.), 87. Normal College of the American Gymnastic

Union (Ind.). See Indiana University, 50, 51.

Norman College (Ga.), 39. (North Adams) State Teachers College

(Mass.), 71. North Carolina College at Durham, 106. North Carolina State Teachers College (Eliz¬

abeth City), 106; (Fayetteville), 105; (Winston-Salem), 107.

North Carolina, University of, 106, 107. North Central College (Ill.), 46, 158. North Dakota Agricultural College, 108. North Dakota School of Forestry, 108. North Dakota State School of Science, 108. North Dakota State Teachers College (Dick¬

inson), 108; (Mayville), 108; (Minot), 108; (Valley City), 108.

North Dakota, University of, 108.

North Georgia College, 39. North Greenville Baptist Academy and Jun¬

ior College (S. C.), 139, 161. North Idaho Junior College, 40. North Park College and Theological Semi¬

nary (Ill.), 46. North Texas State College, 138. Northeast Louisiana State College, 61, 156. Northeast Mississippi Junior College, The,

80. Northeast Missouri State Teachers College,

83. Northeastern Junior College (Colo.), 29. Northeastern Oklahoma Agricultural and

Mechanical College, 115. Northeastern State College (Okla.), 115. Northeastern University (Mass.), 69. Northern Baptist Theological Seminary

(Ill.), 46. Northern Conservatory of Music (Maine),

63. Northern Illinois College, 46. Northern Illinois College of Optometry, 46. Northern Illinois State Teachers College, 46. Northern Michigan College of Education, 74. Northern Montana College, 85. Northern Oklahoma Junior College, 115. Northern State Teachers College (S. Dak.),

131. Northland College (Wis.), 153. Northrop Aeronautical Institute (Calif.), 23. Northwest Christian College (Oreg.), 117. Northwest Mississippi Junior College, 80. Northwest Missouri State College, 83. Northwest Nazarene College (Idaho), 41. Northwestern College (Wis.), 153. Northwestern College of Law (Oreg.), 117. Northwestern Junior College (Iowa), 54. Northwestern Lutheran Theological Semi¬

nary (Minn.), 77. Northwestern Schools : Bible College, College

of Liberal Arts and Theological Seminary (Minn.), 77.

Northwestern State College (Okla.), 115. Northwestern State College of Louisiana,

61. Northwestern University (Ill.), 46. Norwich University (Vt.), 144. Notre Dame College (Ohio), 111. Notre Dame, College of (Calif), 19. Notre Dame College of Staten Island (N. Y.),

98. Notre Dame Junior College (Mo.). See St.

Louis University, 83. Notre Dame Junior College (S. Dak.), 157. Notre Dame of Maryland, College of, 63. Notre Dame Seminary (La.). 61, 156. Notre Dame, University of (Ind.), 51. Nursery Training School of Boston (Mass.),


Oak Ridge Military Institute (N. C.), 106. Oakland City College (Ind.), 51. Oakwood College (Ala.), 14. Oberlin College (Ohio), 111. Occidental College (Calif.), 23, 157. Oceanside-Carlsbad College (Calif.), 23. Odessa College (Tex.), 138. Oglethorpe University (Ga.), 39. Ohio College of Chiropody, 111. Ohio Mechanics Institute, 111. Ohio Northern University, 112. Ohio State University, The, 112. Ohio University, 112. Ohio Wesleyan University, 112. Oklahoma Agricultural and Mechanical Col¬

lege, 115. Oklahoma Baptist University, 115. Oklahoma City College of Law, 115. Oklahoma City University, 115. Oklahoma College for Women, 116. Oklahoma Institute of Technology. See

Oklahoma Agricultural and Mechanical College, 115.

Oklahoma Military Academy. 116. Oklahoma. University of. 116. Okolona College (Miss.), 80.


Olivet College (Mich.), 74. Olivet Nazarene College (Ill.), 46. Olympic College OVash.), 148. Omaha, Muuicipal University of (Nebr.),

86. Oiieonta, Teachers College at (N. Y.). See

State University of New York, 101. Orange Coast College (Calif.), 23. Orange County Community College (N. Y.),

98. Oregon College of Education, 117. Oregon State College, 117. Oregon, University of, 118. Orlando Junior College (Fla.), 35. (Oshkosh) Wisconsin State College, 154,

161. Osteopathic Physicians and Surgeons, Col¬

lege of (Calif.), 10. Oswego, Teachers College at (N. Y.). See

State University of New Yorn, 101. Ottawa University (Kaus.), 57. Otterbein College (Ohio), 112. Ottunrwa Heights College (Iowa), 54. Ouachita College (Ark.), 17. Our Lady of Cincinnati College (Ohio), 112. Our Lady of the Elms, College of (Mass.),

67. Our Lady of The Lake College (Tex.), 138. Our Ijady of Mercy, College of (Maine), 63. Our Lady of Victory College (Tex.), 138. Outagamie County Normal School (Wis.),

153. Owosso Bible College (Mich.), 74. Ozarks, College of the (Ark.), 16, 157.


Pace College (N. Y.), 98. Pacific Bible College of Azura (Calif.), 23. Pacific Bible Institute of Fresno (Calif.),

23. Pacific, College of the (Calif.), 19. I’acific Lutheran College (Wash.), 148. Pacific School of Religion (Calif.), 23. Pacific Union College (Calif.), 23. Pacific University (Oreg.), 118. Packard Junior College (N. Y.), 98. Packer Collegiate Institute, Junior College

of the (N. Y.), 96. Paducah Junior College (Ky.), 59. Paine College (Ga.), 39. Palm Beach Junior College (Fla.), 35. Palo Verde Junior College (Calif.), 23. Palomar College (Calif.), 23. Palos Verdes College (Calif.), 23. Pan American College (Tex.), 138, 159, 160. Panhandle Agricultural and Mechanical Col¬

lege (Okla.), 116. Panola County Junior College (Tex.), 138. Panzer College of Physical Education and

Hygiene (N. J.), 90. Paris Junior College (Tex.), 138. Park College (Mo.), 83. Parks College of Aeronautical Technology

(Ill.). See St. Louis University (Mo.), 47.

Parsons College (Iowa), 54. Parsons Junior College (Kans.), 57. Parsons School of Design (N. Y.), 98. Pasadena City College (Calif.), 23. Pasadena College (Calif.), 23. (Paterson) New Jersey State Teachers Col¬

lege, 90. Paul Quinn College (Tex.), 138, 157. Paul Smith’s College of Arts and Sciences

(N. Y.), 98. Payne College, Howard (Tex.), 137. Peabody College for Teachers, George

(Tenn.), 133. Peabody Institute of the City of Baltimore

(Md.), 65. Peace College (N. C.), 106. Pearl River Junior College (Miss.), 80. Peay State College, Austin (Tenn.), 132,

159. Pembroke State College (N. C.), 106. Pembroke College (R. I.). See Brown Uni¬

versity, 128.

Penn College, William (Iowa), 55. Penn Hall Junior College and Preparatory

School (Pa.), 122. Pennsylvania College for Women, 122. Pennsylvania Military College, 122. Pennsylvania State College, 122. Pennsylvania State College of Optometry,

123. Pennsylvania State Teachers College

(Bloomsburg), 124; (California), 124; (Cheyney), 124; (Clarion), 124; (East Stroudsburg), 124; (Edinboro), 124; (In¬ diana), 124; (Kutztown), 124; (Lock Haven), 124; (Mansfield), 124; (Millers- ville), 124; (Shippensburg), 125; (Slip¬ pery Rock), 125; (West Chester), 125.

Pennsylvania, University of, 125. Pepperdine College, George (Calif.), 20, 157. Perkinston Junior College (Miss.), 80. Perry Kindei’garten Normal School (Mass.),

70. (Peru) Nebraska State Teachers College, 87. Pestalozzi Froebel Teachers College (Ill.),

47. Pfeiffer Junior College (N. C.), 106. Philadelphia Bible Institute (Pa.), 123. Philadelphia College of Osteopathy (Pa.),

123. Philadelphia College of Pharmacy and Sci¬

ence (Pa.), 123. Philadelphia Museum School of Art (Pa.),

123 Phifadelphia Textile Institute (Pa.), 123. Philander Smith College (Ark.), 17. ITiillips University (Okla.), 116. Phoenix Colleg (Ariz.), 16. Physicians and Surgeons, College of (Calif.),

19. Piedmont College (Ga.), 39. Pierce School of Agriculture, Clarence W.

(Calif.), 19. Pikesville Junior College (Ky.), 59. Pine Manor Junior College (Mass.), 70. Pineland Junior College and Edwards Mili¬

tary Institute (N. C.U 106. (Pittsburg) Kansas State Teachers College,

56. Pittsburgh Musical Institute, Inc. (Pa.),

123. Pittsburgh, University of (Pa.), 126. Pittsburgh-Xenia Theological Seminary

(Pa.), 123. Placer College (Calif.), 23. (Platteville) Wisconsin State College, 154,

161. Plattsburgh, Teachers College at (N. Y.).

See State University of New York, 102. Plymouth Teachers College (N. H.), 88. Polk County Normal School (Wis.), 153. Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn (N. Y.),

98. Polytechnic Institute of Puerto Rico, 127. Pomona College (Calif.), 24. Port Huron Junior College (Mich.), 74. Porterville Junior College (Calif.), 24. Portia Law School (Mass.), 70. Portland Junior College (Maine), 63. Portland School of Music (Oreg.), 118. Portland, University of (Oreg.), 118, 158. Potomac State School (W. Va.). See West

Virginia University, 150, 151. Potsdam, Teachers College at (N. Y.) See

State University of New York, 102. Prairie View Agricultural and Mechanical

College (Tex.) See Texas Agricultural and Mechanical College System, 138, 140.

Pratt Institute (N. Y.), 98. Pratt Junior College (Kans.), 57. Prentiss Normal and Industrial Institute

(Miss.), 80. Presbyterian College (S. C.), 130. Presbyterian Junior College (N. C.), 106. Princeton Theological Seminary (N. J.), 90. Princeton University (N. J.), 90. Principia College, The (Ill.), 47. Protestant Episcopal Theological Seminary

in Virginia, 146. Providence Bible Institute (R. I.), 128.


Providence College (R. I.), 128. Pueblo Junior College (Colo.), 29. Puerto Rico, University of, 127. Puget Sound, College of (Wash.), 148. Purdue University (Ind.), 51. Putney Graduate School of Teacher Educa¬

tion (Vt.), 144, 157.

Q Queens College (N. C.), 106. Queens College of the City of New York, 98. Quincy College (Ill.), 47. Quinnipiac College (Conn.), 30, 157.


RCA Institutes, Inc. (N. Y.), 98. Racine-Kenosha County Normal School

(Wis.), 153. Radcliife College (Mass.), 70. Radford College (Va.). See Virginia Poly¬

technic Institute, 146, 147. Randolph-Macon College (Va.), 146. Randolph-Macon Woman’s College (Va.),

146. Ranger Junior College (Tex.), 138, 157. Redlands, University of (Calif.), 26. Reed College (Oreg.), 118. Reedley College (Calif.), 24. Reformed Presbyterian Theological Semi¬

nary (Pa.), 123. Regis College (Colo.), 29; (Mass.), 70. Reinhardt College (Ga.), 39. Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (N. Y.), 98. Rhode Island College of Education, 128. Rhode Island College of Pharmacy and Al¬

lied Sciences, 128. Rhode Island School of Design, 128. Rhode Island, University of, 128. Rice Institute (Tex.), 139, 159. Richland County Normal School (Wis.), 153. Richmond College (Va.) See University of

Richmond, 146. 147. Richmond Professional Institute (Va.). See

College of William and Mary, 145. Richmond, University of (Va.), 147. Ricks College (Idaho). 41. Ricker College (Maine), 63. Rider College (N. J.), 90. Rio Grande College (Ohio), 112. Ripon College (Wis.), 153. (River Palls) Wisconsin State College, 154. Riverside College (Calif.), 24. Rivier College (N. H.), 88, 158. Roanoke College (Va.), 146. Roberts Wesleyan College (N. Y.), 98. Rochester Institute of Technology (N. Y.),

99. Rochester Junior College (Minn.), 77. Rochester, University of (N. Y.), 102. Rockford College (Ill.), 47. 158. Rockhurst College (Mo.), 83. Rockmont College (Colo.), 29. Rocky Mountain College (Mont.), 85. Rollins College (Fla.), 35. Roosevelt College (Ill.), 47. Rosary College (Ill.), 47. Rosary Hill College (N. Y.), 99. Rose Polytechnic Institute (Ind.), 51. Rosemont College (Pa.), 123. Russell Sage College (N. Y.), 99. Rust College (Miss.), 80. Rutgers University (N. J.), 90.


Sacramento Junior College (Calif.), 24. Sacramento State College (Calif.), 24. Sacred Heart College (Kans.), 57. Sacred Heart, College of the (La.), 60; (P.

R.), 127. Sacred Heart Dominican College (Tex.),

139. Sacred Heart Junior College (Ala.), 14. 156. Sacred Heart Junior College and Academy

N. C.). 106. Sacred Heart Seminary (Mich.), 74. St. Ambrose College and Marycrest College

(Iowa), 54.

St. Anselm’s College (N. H.), 88. St. Augustine’s College (N. C.), 106. St. Basil’s College (Conn.), 30. St. Bede College (Ill.), 47. St. Benedict, College of (Minn.), 76. St. Benedict’s College (Kans.), 57. St. Benedict’s Normal College (Ind.), 51,

156. St. Bernard College (Ala.), 14. St. Bernard’s Seminary and College (N. Y.),

99. St. Bernardine of Siena College (N. Y.). 99. St. Bonaventure University (N. Y.), 99. St. Catharine Junior College (Ky.), 60, 161. St. Catherine, College of (Minn.), 76. St. Charles Borromeo Seminary (Pa.), 123. St. Charles College (Md.). See St. Mary’s

Seminary and University, 65. St. Charles Seminary (Ohio), 112, 158. (St. Cloud) State Teachers College (Minn.),

78. St. Edward’s Seminary (Wash.), 148. St. Edward’s University (Tex.), 139. St. Elizabeth, College of (N. J.), 89. St. Fidelis College and Seminary (Pa.), 123,

157. St. Francis College (Ind.), 51 ; (N. Y.), 99 ;

(Pa.), 123; (Wis.), 153. St. Francis, College of (Ill.), 43. St. Francis Seminary (Wis.), 153. St. Francis Xavier College for Women (Ill.),

47. St. Genevieve-of-the-Pines Junior College

(N. C.), 106. St. Gregory’s College (Okla.), 116, 156. St. John College (Ohio), 112. St. John’s College (Calif.), 24; (Md.), 65. St. John’s Lutheran College (Kans.), 57. St. John’s Seminary (Ark.), 17; (Mass.),

70. St. John’s University (Minn.), 77 ; (N. Y.),

99. St. .Toseph College (Conn.), 31, 157; (Md.),

65. St. Joseph Junior College (Mo.), 83. St. Joseph on the Rio Grande, College of

(N. Mex.), 91. St. Joseph Teacher Training Institute

(Fla.), 36, 156. St. Joseph’s College (Ind.), 51; (N. J.),

90 ; (Pa.), 124. St. Joseph’s College and Military Academy

(Kans.), 57. St. Joseph’s College for Women (N. Y.), 99. St. Joseph’s Seminary and College (N. Y.),

99. St. Joseph’s Seraphic Seminary (N. Y.), 99. St. Lawrence Junior College (Wis.), 153. St. Lawrence University (N. Y.), 99. St. Louis College of Pharmacy and Allied

Sciences (Mo.), 83, 158. St. Louis Institute of Music (Mo.), 83. St. Louis University (Mo.), 83. St. Martin’s College (Wash.), 148. St. Mary College (Kans.), 57. St. Mary, College of (Nebr.), 86. St. Mary of the Lake Seminary (Ill.), 47. St. Mary of the Springs, College of (Ohio),

110. St. Mary-of-the-Wasatch, College of (Utah),

143. St. Mary-of-the-Woods College (Ind.), 51. St. Mary’s College (Ind.), 51; (Ky.), 60;

(Mich.), 74 : (Minn.), 77. St. Mary’s College (Kans.). See St. Louis

University (Mo.), 57. St. Mary’s College of California. 24. St. Mary’s Dominican College (La.), 61, 158. St. Mary’s Female Seminary Junior College

(Md.), 65. St. Mary’s Junior College (Mo.). See St.

Louis University, 83. St. Mary’s School and Junior College (N. C.),

106. St. Mary’s Seminary (Conn.), 31 ; (Mo.). 83. St. Mary’s Seminary and University (Md.),

65. St. Mary’s University of San Antonio (Tex.),



St. Meinrad Seminary (Ind.), 51. St. Michael's College (N. Mex.), 92 ; (Vt.),

144. St. Norbert College (Wis.), 153. St. Olaf College (Minn.), 77. St. Patrick’s Seminary (Calif.), 24. St. Paul Bible Institute (Minn.), 77. St. Paul College of Law (Minn.), 77. St. Paul Seminary (Minn.), 77. St. Paul’s College (D. C.), 34; (Mo.), 84. St. Paul’s Polytechnic Institute (Va.), 14G. St. Peter’s College of Arts and Sciences and

Business Administration (N. .L), 90. St. Petersburg Junior College (Fla.), 36. St. Philip’s College (Tex.). See San Antonio

College, 139. St. Procopius College (Ill.), 47. St. Rose, College of (N. Y.), 94. St. Scbolastica, College of (Minn.), 76. St Teresa, College of (Minn.), 76; (Mo.),

81. St. Thomas, College of (Minn.), 76. St. Thomas Seminary (Conn.), 31. St. Thomas, University of (Tex.), 142. St. Vincent College (Pa.), 124. St. Vincent’s Seminary (Pa.), 125, 124. Salem College (N. C.), 106; (W. Va.). 150. (Salem) State Teachers College (Mass.), 71. (Salisbury) Maryland State Teachers Col¬

lege, 64. Salmon P. Chase College, The (Ohio), 112. Salvatorian Seminary (Wis.), 153. Salve Regina College (R. I.), 128, 159. Sam Houston State Teachers College (Tex.),

139. Samuel Huston College (Tex.), 157. San Angelo College (Tex.), 139. San Antonio College (Tex.), 139. San Benito County Junior College (Calif.),

24. San Bernardino Valley College (Calif.), 24. San Diego Junior College (Calif.), 24. San Diego State College (Calif.), 24. San Francisco, City College of (Calif.), 19. San Francisco College for Women (Calif.),

24. San Francisco State College (Calif.), 24. San Francisco Theological Seminary (Calif.),

25. San Francisco, Univer.sity of (Calif.), 27. San Jose State College (Calif.), 25. San Luis Obispo Junior College (Calif.), 25. San Mateo Junior College (Calif.), 25. Santa Ana College (Calif.), 25. Santa Barbara College (Calif.). See L^ni-

versity of California, 25. 26. Santa Barbara Junior College (Calif.), 25. Santa Clara, University of (Calif.), 27. Santa Marla Catholic University (P. R.),

127. Santa Maria Junior College (Calif.), 25. Santa Monica City College (Calif.), 25. Santa Rosa Junior College (Calif.), 25. Sarah Lawrence College (N. Y.). 100 Sauk County Normal School (Wis.), 153. Savannah State College (Ga.), 39. Sayre Junior College (Okla.), 116. Scarritt College for Christian Workers

(Tenn.), 134. Schauffler College of Religious and Social

Work (Ohio), 112. School of Advanced International Studies of

the .Johns Hopkins University (D. C.). See Johns Hopkins University, 34.

School of the Art Institute of Chicago (Ill.), 47.

School of Industrial and Labor Relations (N. Y.). See State University of New York, 100, 101.

Schreiner Institute (Tex.), 139. Scott College, Agnes (Ga.), 36. Scottsbluff Junior College (Nebr.), 87. Scranton, University of (Pa.), 126. Scripps College (Calif.), 25. Seabury-Western Theological Seminary (Ill.),

47. Seattle Pacific College (Wash.), 148. Seattle University (Wash.), 149. Seminole Junior College (Okla.), 116.

Seneca, The Colleges of the (N. Y.), 94. Sequoias, College of the (Calif.), 20. Seton Hill College (Pa.). 124. Seton Hall University (N. J.), 91. Seventh-Day Adventist Theological Semi¬

nary, The (D. C.), 34. Shasta College (Calif.), 25. Shaw University (N. C.), 106. Shelioygan County Normal School (Wis.),

153. Sheldon Junior College (Iowa), 157. Shelton College (N. Y.), 100. Shenandoah College (Va.), 146. Shenandoah Conservatory of Music (Va.),

146. Shepherd State College (W. Va.), 150. Sherwood Music School (Ill.), 47. Shinier College (Ill.), 47. (Shippensburg) State Teachers College

(Pa.), 125. Shorter College (Ark.), 17 ; (Ga.), 39. Shurtleff College (Ill.), 48. Siena College (Tenn.), 134. Siena College, St. Bernadine of (N. Y.), 99. Siena Heights College (Mich.), 75. Simmons College (Mass.), 70. Simpson Bible Institute (Wash.), 149, 159. Simpson College (Iowa), 54. Sinclair College (Ohio). 113. Sioux Palls College (S. Dak.), 131. Skagit Valley Junior College (Wash.), 149. Skidmore College (N. Y.), 100. (Sli])pery Rock) State Teachers College

(Pa.). 125. Smith College (Mass.), 70. Smith University, Johnson C. (N. C.), 105. Smith’s College of Arts and Sciences, Paul

(N. Y.), 98. Snead Junior College (Ala.). 14. Snow College (Utah). See Utah State Agri¬

cultural College, 143. Solomon Coles Junior College (Tex.). See

Del Mar College, 139. South Carolina. University of, 130. South Dakota School of Mines and Technol¬

ogy, 131. South Dakota State College of Agriculture

and Mechanic Arts, 131. South Dakota, University of, 132. South Georgia College, 39. South Jersey, College of (N. J.). See Rut¬

gers University, 89, 90. South Texas College, 139. South, University of the (Tenn.), 135. Southeast Missouri State College, 84. Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary

(N. C.), 106, 156. Southeastern Louisiana College. 62. Southeastern State College (Okla.), 116. Southeastern University (D. C.), 34. Southern Baptist College (Ark.). 17. Southern Baptist Theological Seminary

(Ky.), 60. Southern California Bible College, 25. Southern California, University of, 27. Southern Christian Institute (Miss.), 80. Southern College of Fine Arts (Tex.), 139. Southern College of Optometry (Tenn.). 134. Southern College o-f Pharmacy (Ga.), 39. Southern Illinois University, 48. Southern Methodist University (Tex.), 139. Southern Missionary Colleg<‘ (Tenn.), 134. Southern Oregon College of Education, 118. Southern Seminary and Junior College

(Va.), 146. Southern State College (Ark.), 17, 157. Southern State Teachers College (S. Dak.),

132. Southern Technical Institute (Ga.). See

Georgia Institute of Technology, 38. Southern Union College (Ala.), 14. Southern University and Agricultural and

Mechanical College (La.), 62. Southwest Baptist College UMo.). 84. Southwest Mississippi Junior College, 80. Southwest Missouri State College, 84. Southwest Texas Junior College, 139. Southwest Texas State Teachers College,



Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (Tex.), 139, 159.

Southwestern Bible Institute (Tex.), 140. Southwestern College (Kans.), 57. Southwestern Junior College (Tex.), 140. Southwestern Louisiana Institute, 62. Southwestern at Memphis (Tenn.), 134. Southwestern State College (Okla.), 116. Southwestern University (Calif.), 25;

(Tex.), 140. Spartan College of Aeronautical Engineering

(Okla.), 157. Spartanburg Junior College (S. C.), 130. Spelman College (Ga.), 37, 39. Spring Arbor Junior College (Mich.), 75. Spring Hill College (Ala.), 14. Springfield College (Mass.), 70. Springfield Junior College (Ill.), 48, 158. Staley College of the Spoken Word, The

(Mass.), 70. Stanford University (Calif.), 25. State College (La Cross, Wis.), 161; (Su¬

perior, Wis.), 161. State College of Washington, 149. State College of Agriculture and Engineer¬

ing (N. C.). See University of North Carolina, 107.

State Colored Normal, Industrial, Agricul¬ tural, and Mechanical College of South Carolina, 130.

State Normal and Industrial College (N. Dak.), 108.

State Teachers College. See particular State, town, or name of institution.

State Technical Institute (Conn.), 31, 156. State University of Iowa, 54. State University of New York, 100. Stephen P. Austin State College (Tex.), 140. Stephens College (Mo.), 84. Sterling College (Kans.), 57. Stetson University, John B. (Fla.), 35. Steubenville. College of (Ohio), 110. Stevens Institute of Technology (N. J.), 91. (Stevens Point) Wisconsin State College,

154, 161. Stillman College (Ala), 15. Stockbridge School of Agriculture (Mass.).

See University of Massachusetts, 71. Stockton College (Calif.), 25. Stonehill College (Mass.), 71. Storer College (W. Va.), 150. Stout Institute (Wis.), 153. Stowe Teachers and Junior College (Mo.),

84. Stratford College (Va.), 146. Strayer College of Accountancy (D. C.), 34,

158. Sue Bennett College (Ky.), 60. Suffolk University (Mass.), 71. Sul Ross State College (Tex.), 140, 160. Sul Ross State Teachers College (Tex.), 160. Sullins College (Va.), 146. Sunfiower Junior College (Miss.), 80. Suomi College and Theological Seminary

(Mich.), 74, 75. (Superior) Wisconsin State College. 154,

161. Susquehanna University (Pa.), 125. Swarthmore College (Pa.), 125. Sweet Briar College (Va.), 146. Swift Memorial Junior College (Tenn.), 134. Syracuse University (N. Y.), 102.


Tabor College (Kans.), 58. Taft Junior College (Calif.), 26. Talladega College (Ala.), 15. Tampa, University of (Fla.), 36. Tarkio College (Mo.), 84. Tarleton State College (Tex.), See Texas

Agricultural and Mechanical College Sys¬ tem, 140.

Taylor County Normal School (Wis.), 153. Taylor University (Ind.), 51. Teachers College, Athenaeum of Ohio, 113.

Teachers College (N. Y.). See Columbia University, 94, 102.

Teachers College of the City of Boston (Mass.), 71.

Teachers College of Connecticut, 31. Teachers College at (N. Y.). See State

University of New York: (Brockport), 101; (Cortland), 101; (Fredonia), 101; (Geneseo), 101; (New Paltz), 101; (One- onta), 101; (Oswego), 101; (Plattsburg), 102; (Potsdam), 102.

(Tenrpe) Arizona State College, 15. Temple Junior College (Tex.), 140. Temple University (Pa.), 125. Tennessee Agricultural and Industrial State

College, 160. Tennessee Agricultural and Industrial State

University, 134, 159, 160. Tennessee Polytechnic Institute, 134. Tennessee, University of, 135. Tennessee Wesleyan College, 134. Texarkana College (Tex.), 140. Texas Agricultural and Mechanical College

System, 140. Texas Christian University, 140. Texas College, 141. Texas College of Arts and Industries, 141. Texas Lutheran College, 141. Texas Southern University, 141. Texas Southmost College. 141. Texas State College for Women, 141. Texas Technological College, 141. Texas, University of, 142. Texas Wesleyan College, 141, 159. Texas Western College. See University of

Texas, 141, 142. Theological Seminary of the Evangelical and

Reformed Church (Pa.), 125, 158. Theological Seminary of the Reformed Epis¬

copal Church (Pa.), 125. Thiel College (Pa.), 125. Thornton Junior College (Ill.), 48. Tift College, Bessie (Ga.), 37. Tillotson College (Tex.), 157. Toccoa Falls Institute (Ga.), 39. Toledo, University of (Ohio), 113. Topeka, Washburn University of (Kans.),

58, 159. Tougaloo College (Miss.), 80. (Towson) Maryland State Teachers College,

64. Transylvania College (Ky.), 60. Trenton Junior College (Mo.), 84; (N. J.),

(Trenton) New Jersey State Teachers Col¬ lege, 90.

Trevecca Nazarene College (Tenn.), 134. Trinidad State Junior College (Colo.). 29. Trinity College (Conn.), 31; (D. C.), 34;

(Vt.), 144. Trinity University (Tex.), 141. Tri-State College (Ind.), 51. (Troy) State Teachers College (Ala.), 15. Truett-McConnell Junior College (Ga.), 39,

156. Tufts College (Mass.), 71. Tulane University of Louisiana, 62. Tulsa, University of (Okla.), 116. Tusculum College (Tenn.), 135. Tuskegee Institute (Ala.), 15. Tyler Junior College (Tex.), 141.

U Union College (Ky.). 60; (Nebr), 87. Union College and University (N. Y.), 102,

158. Union Junior College (N. J.), 91. Union Theological Seminary (N. Y.), 102;

(Va.), 146. Union University (Tenn.), 135. United States Coast Guard Academy

(Conn.), 31. United States Department of Agriculture

Graduate School (D. C.), 34. United States Merchant Marine Academy

(N. Y.), 102. United States Military Academy (N. Y.),



United States Naval Academy (Md.), 65. United States Naval Postgraduate School

(Calif.), 26, 161. University of -. See most significant

term. Upland College (Calif.), 27, 156. Upper Iowa University, 54. (Upper Montclair) New Jersey State Teach¬

ers College, 90. Upsala College (N. J.), 91. Urbana Junior College (Ohio), 113. Ursinus College (Pa.), 126. Ursuline College (Ky.), 60; (La.), 62;

(Ohio), 113. Ursuline College of Paola (Kans.), 58. Utah State Agricultural College, 143. Utah, University of, 143. Utica College (N. Y.). See Syracuse Uni¬

versity, 102. V

Valdosta State College (Ga.), 40. Vallejo College (Calif.), 27. (Valley City) State Teachers College (N.

Dak.), 108. Valley Forge Military Junior College (Pa.),

126. Valparaiso Technical Institute (Ind.), 52,

156. Valparaiso University (Ind.), 52. Vanderbilt University (Tenn.), 135. VanderCook College of Music (Ill.), 48. Vassal- College (N. Y.), 103. Ventura Junior College (Calif.), 27. Vermont Junior College, 144. Vermont and State Agricultural College,

University of, 144. Vermont State Teachers College (Castleton),

144; (Johnson), 144; (Lyndon Center), 144.

Vernon County Normal School (Wis.), 154. Veterinary College (N. Y.). See State Uni¬

versity of New York, 102, 103. Victoria College (Tex.), 142. Villa Madonna College (Ky), 60. Villa Maria College (Pa.), 126. Villa Walsh Junior College (N. J.), 91. Villanova College (Pa.), 126. Vincennes University (Ind.), 52. Virginia Intermont College, 147. Virginia Junior College (Minn.), 78. Virginia Military Institute, 147. Virginia Polytechnic Institute, 147. Virginia State College, 147. Virginia Theological Seminary and College,

147. Virginia Union University, 147. Virginia, University of, 147. Viterbo College (Wis.), 154. Voorhees School and Junior College (S. C.),

130. W

Wabash College (Ind.), 52. Wagner Memorial Lutheran College (N. Y.),

103. Wake Forest College (N. C.), 107. Waldorf College (Iowa), 55. Walla Walla College (Wash.), 149. Walter Hervey Junior College (N. Y.), 103. Warren Wilson College (N. C.), 107. Wartburg College (Iowa), 55. Wartburg Theological Seminary (Iowa). 55. Washburn Municipal University of Topeka

(Kans.), 159. Washburn University of Topeka (Kans.), 58,

159 Washington College (Md.), 65. Washington and Jefferson College (Pa.), 126. Washington and Lee University (Va.), 147. Washington Missionary College (D. C.), 34. Washington School of Psychiatry (D. C.),

34. Washington Square College of Arts and

Science (N. Y.), See New York University, 97.

Washington State Normal School (Maine), 159.

Washington State Teachers College (Maine), 63, 159.

Washington University (INIo.), 84. Washington, University of, 149. Watson School of Physiatrics, D. T. (Pa.),

119. Waushara County Normal School (Wis.),

154. Wayland Baptist College (Tex.), 142. (Wayne) Nebraska State Teachers College,

87. Wayne University (Mich.), 75. Waynesburg College (Pa.), 126. Weatherford College of Parker County

(Tex.), 142. Webb Institute of Naval Architecture (N. Y),

103. Weber College (Utah), 143. Webster City Junior College (Iowa), 55. Webster College (Mo.). See St. Louis Uni¬

versity, 83, 84. Webster Junior College, Marjorie (D. C.), 34. Wellesley College (Mass.), 71. Wells College (N. Y.), 103. Wenatchee Junior College (Wash.), 149. Wentworth Institute (Mass.), 71. Wentworth Military Academy (Mo.), 85. Wesley College (N. Dak.), 108. Wesley Junior College (Del.), 32. Wesleyan College (Ga.), 40. Wesleyan Methodist College (S. C.), 131. Wesleyan University (Conn.), gi. Wessington Springs College (S. Dak.), 132. West Baden College (Ind.). See Loyola

University (Ill.K 45, 52. (West Chester) State Teachers College (Pa.),

125. West Contra Costa Junior College (Calif.),

27, 156. West Georgia College, 40. West Liberty State College (W. Va.), 151. West Texas State College, 142. West Virginia Institute of Technology, 151. West Virginia State College, 151. West Virginia University, 151. West Virginia Wesleyan College, 151. Westbrook Junior College (Maine), 63. Western Carolina Teachers College (N. C.),

107. Western College for Wonren (Ohio), 113,

158. Western Evangelical Seminary (Oreg.), 118,

156. Western Illinois State College, 49. Western Kentucky State Teachers College,

60. Western Maryland College, 65. Western Michigan College of Education, 75,

158. Western Montana College of Education, 86. Western Reserve University (Ohio), 113. Western State College of Colorado. 29. Western Theological Seminary (Mich.), 75;

(Pa.), 126. Western Washington College of Education,

149. (Westfield) State Teachers College (Mass.),

71. Westhampton College (Va.), Sec University

of Richmond, 147. Westmar College (Iowa), 55. Westminster Choir College (N. J.). 91. Westminster College (Mo.), 85; (Pa.), 127;

(Utah), 143. Westminster Theological Seminary (Md.),

66; (Pa.), 127. Westmont College (Calif.), 27. Wharton County Junior College (Tex.), 142. Wheaton College (Ill.), 49 ; (Mass.), 71. Wheelock College (Mass.), 72. (Whitewater) Wisconsin State College, 154,

161. Whitman College (Wash.), 149. Whittier College (Calif.), 27. Whitworth College (Miss.), 81; (Wash.),

149. Wichita, Municipal University of (Kans.),



Wilberforce University (Ohio), 114. Wiley College (Tex.), 142. Wilkes College (Pa.), 127. Willamette University (Oreg.), 118. William and Mary, College of (Va.), 145. Willianr Jennings Bryan University (Tenn.),

135. William Jewell College (Mo.), 85. William McKinley School of Law (Ohio),

114. William Penn College (Iowa), 55. William Smith College (N. Y.). See Col¬

leges of the Seneca, The, 94, 103. William Woods College (Mo.), 85. Williams College, George (Ill.), 44. Williams College (Mass.), 72. Williamantic State Teachers College

(Conn.), 31. Wilmington College (N. C.), 107 ; (Ohio),

114. Wilson Branch (Ill.). See Chicago City

Junior College, 42. Wilson College (Pa.), 127. Wilson College, Warren (N. C.), 107. Wilson College of Law, Woodrow (Ga.), 40. Wilson Junior College, Lindsey (Ky.), 159. Wilson Teachers College (D. C.), 35, 159. Wingate College (N. C.), 107. (Winona) State Teachers College (Minn.),

78. Winston-Salem Teachers College (N. C.),

107. Winthrop College (S. C.), 131. Wisconsin Conservatory, Incorporated, 154. Wisconsin Institute of Technology, 154, 159. Wisconsin State College (Eau Claire), 154,

161 ; (La Crosse), 154, 161; (Milwaukee), 154, 161; (Oshkosh), 154, 161; (Platte- ville), 154, 161; (River Falls), 154; (Stevens Point), 154, 161; (Superior), 154, 159, 161; (Whitewater), 154, 161.

Wisconsin, University of, 154. Wittenberg College (Ohio), 114. Wofford College (S. C.), 131.

Woman’s College of the University of North Carolina, 107.

Woman’s Medical College of Pennsylvania, 127.

Wood County Normal School (Wis.), 155, Wood Junior College (Miss.), 81. Woodrow Wilson College of Law (Ga.), 40. Woods College, William (Mo.), 85. Woodstock College and Seminary, Werners-

ville (Pa.). See Woodstock College and Seminary, Woodstock, Md., 127.

Woodstock College and Seminary (Md.), 66. Wooster, College of (Ohio), 110. Worcester Junior College (Mass), 72. Worcester Polytechnic Institute (Mass.), 72. (Worcester) State Teachers College (Mass.),

71. Worthington Junior College (Minn.), 78. Wright Branch (Ill.). See Chicago City

Junior College, 42. Wyoming, University of, 155. Wyomissing Polytechnic Institute (Pa.),



Xaverian College (Md.), 66, 156. Xavier University (La.), 62; (Ohio), 114.


YMCA Institute (R. I.), 128. Yakima Valley Junior College (Wash.), 149. Yale University (Conn.), 32. Yankton College (S. Dak.), 132. Yeshiva College (N. Y.). See Yeshiva Uni¬

versity, 103. Yeshiva University (N. Y.), 103. York College (Nebr.), 87. York Junior College of the York Collegiate

Institute (Pa.), 127. Young L. G. Harris College (Ga.), 40. Youngstown College (Ohio), 114. Yuba College (Calif.), 27.



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TEB 1 1954

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The Education Directory of the Office of Education

is issued annually in the following parts:

1. Federal Government and States.

2. Counties and Cities.

3. Higher Education.

*4. Education Associations.

As soon as each part is off the press, copies may

be purchased at nominal cost through the Superin¬

tendent of Documents, U. S. Government Printing

Office, Washington 25, D. C.

• Part 4. Education Associations was prepared by Margaret

M. Butler, Reports and Technical Services Branch, Office

of Education.


Office of Education - - . - - Lee M. Thurston, Commissioner

United States Government Printing Office, Washington 1953

For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U. S. Government

Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C. ------ - Price 25 cents



National and regional association?. 1

State associations. 28

Foundations.•.. 44

Religious organizations. 46

International associations. 48

Index. 50

INFORMATION contained in this directory is based on replies to an inquiry sent to education organizations. Listing in the Directory does not imply that the Office of Education recommends the organizations or evaluates them in any way except with reference to the criteria stated at the beginning of each section.

Associations are entered under their corporate names. The first item is the name of the association and the address of the head¬ quarters, if maintained; the second is the name and address of the president, chairman, or director; the third is the name and address of the secretary. Titles when given are enclosed in parentheses. Where no address is given for an official, it is the same as for the association. The fourth item lists official publications and fre¬ quency of issue.

Abbreviations indicating frequency of issue of publications are as follows: an., annual; bien., biennial; bm., bimonthly; bw., biweekly; ir., irregular; m., monthly; nos., number issued each year; q., quarterly; sa., semiannual; sm., semimonthly; w., weekly.


Included in this section are (1) associations of educators and other persons directly concerned with schools and colleges; (2) learned, professional, historical, scientific, and research organiza¬ tions growing out of or closely related to school and college activities; (3) library and museum associations; (4) health, com¬ munity, and social welfare or service groups whose activities are related to school and college programs; (5) organizations sponsor¬ ing youth group activities in schools and colleges or supplementing the school or college programs.



Accrediting Association of Bible Institutes and Bible Colleges, 100 State St., Providence 8, R. I.: Safara A. Witmer, 800 W. Rudisill Blvd., Ft. Wasme, Ind.; Rev. Terrelle B. Crum.

Adult Education Association of the U. S. A. (NEA), 1201 Sixteenth St., NW., Washington 6, D. C.: Paul H. Sheats, Extension Division, University of California at Los Angeles, Calif.; Fern Long, Cleveland Public Library, Cleveland, Ohio. Adult Education, 6 nos.. Adult Leadership, 11 nos.

Allied Youth, Inc., 1709 M St., NW., Washington 6, D. C.: J. C. Penney, 330 West Thirty-fourth St., New York 1, N. Y.; W. Roy Breg. The Allied Youth, 11 nos., Alcoholfax, 9 nos.

American Academy of Arts and Letters, 633 West One Hundred Fifty-fifth St., New York 32, N. Y.: Paul Manship, 319 East Seventy-second St., New York 21, N. Y.; Mark Van Doren, 393 Bleecker St., New York 14, N. Y. Yearbook, 1952. Proceedings, an.

American Academy of Arts and Sciences, 28 Newbury St., Boston 16, Mass.: Edwin H. Land, Polaroid Corp., Cambridge, Mass.; Henry B. Phillips, R.F.D. South Lincoln, Mass. Bulletin, 8 nos. Proceedings, ir.

American Academy of Physical Education: David K. Brace, University of Texas, Austin 12, Tex.; Helen Manley, Board of Education, University City, Mo. Proceedings, an.

American Academy of Political and Social Science, 3937 Chestnut St., Phila¬ delphia 4, Pa.: Ernest Minor Patterson; J. P. Lichtenberger. The Annals, bm.

American Alumni Council, 1785 Massachusetts Ave. NW., Washington 6, D. C.: Leonard C. Dill, Jr., General Alumni Society of the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia 4, Pa.; Ernest T. Stewart, Jr. News, bm. Alumni Digest, 10 nos. Handbook, 1951. Annual Report.

American Association for the Advancement of Science, 1516 Massachusetts Ave. NW., Washington 5, D. C.: Detlev W. Bronk, The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore 18, Md.; Howard A. Meyerhoff. Science, wk. Scientific Monthly, m.

American Association for Gifted Children, Inc., 15 Gramercy Park, New York 3, N. Y.: Harold F. Clark, Teachers College, Columbia University, New York 27, N. Y.; Pauline Williamson. The Gifted Child, 1951.

American Association for Health, Physical Education and Recreation (NEA), 1201 Sixteenth St. NW., Washington 6, D. C.: Clifford Lee Brownell, Teachers College, Columbia University, New York 27, N. Y.; Carl A. Troester, Jr. Journal of the AAHPER, 10 nos. Research Quarterly. Yearbook, 1951.

American Association for State and Local History, Box 969, Harrisburg, Pa.: Albert B. Corey, State Historian, Education Bldg., Albany, N. Y.; William J. Petersen, Iowa State Historical Society, Iowa City, Iowa. American Heritage, 4 nos. History News, m.

American Association for the United Nations, Inc., 46 East Sixty-fifth St., New York 21, N. Y.: William Emerson; Clark M. Eichelberger, Execu¬ tive director. AAUN-UN Reporter, m.

American Association of Agricultural College Editors: J. Allan Smith, College of Agriculture, University of Kentucky, Lexington 29, Ky.; Harold Swanson, Agricultural Sciences Institute, University of Minnesota, St. Paul 1, Minn. The ACE, m.


American Association of College Business Officers: J. R. E. Lee, Jr., Florida

A. & M. College, Tallahassee, Fla.; L. H. Foster, Jr., Tuskegee Institute, Tuskegee, Ala. Newsletter, 10 nos.

American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education (NEA), 1201 Six¬

teenth St. NW., Washington 6, D. C.: Robert E. McConnell, Central

Washington College of Education, Ellensburg, Washington; Charles W.

Hunt, 11 Elm St., Oneonta, N. Y. Bulletin, 20 nos. Yearbook, 1952.

American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy, College of Pharmacy, Uni¬

versity of Nebraska, Lincoln 8, Nebr.: Troy C. Daniels, University of

California Medical Center, San Francisco, Calif.; Louis C. Zopf, Iowa

State University, Iowa City, Iowa. American Journal of Pharmaceutical

Education, q.

American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers:

Emma E. Deters, University of Buffalo, Buffalo 14, N. Y.; James K. Hitt,

University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kans. College and University, q.

American Association of Collegiate Schools of Business, 101 N. Skinker Rd.,

Station No. 24, St. Louis 5, Mo.: Richard L. Kozelka, School of Business

Administration, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis 14, Minn.; Thomas

L. Norton, School of Business and Civic Administration, The City Col¬

lege, New York 10, N. Y.

American Association of Commercial Colleges, 220 N. Main St., Burlington,

Iowa: E. C. Hatton, Draughon’s Business College, 1414% Texas Ave.,

Lubbock, Tex.; C. W. Woodward. Compass, m. Greek Letter, q.

American Association of Examiners and Administrators of Educational Per¬

sonnel, Board of Education Bldg., Twenty-first and Parkway, Philadelphia

3, Pa.: Alfred H. Clarke, Board of Examiners, Chicago Public Schools,

Chicago, Ill.; Wilfred C. Hopkins. Principles and Procedures of Teacher

Selection, 1952.

American Association of Instructors of the Blind: Neil Quinby, New Mexico

School for the Blind, Alamagerdo, N. Mex.; Egbert G. Peeler, North

Carolina School for the Blind, Raleigh, N. C.

American Association of Junior Colleges, Suite 316, 1785 Massachusetts Ave.

NW., Washington 6, D. C.: Basil H. Peterson, Orange Coast College,

P. O. Box 307, Costa Mesa, Calif.; Jesse P. Bogue. Junior College

Journal, 9 nos. Washington Newsletter, m. Directory, an.

American Association of Law Libraries, Law Library, University of Virginia,

Charlottesville, Va.: Forrest S. Drummond, Los Angeles County Law

Library, 703 Hall of Records, Los Angeles 12, Calif.; Frances Farmer.

Law Library Journal, q. Directory, 1952.

American Association of Museums, Smithsonian Institution, Washington 25,

D. C.: Albert E. Parr, American Museum of Natural History, New

York 24, N. Y.; Laurence Vail Coleman. The Museum News, 20 nos.

American Association of Osteopathic Colleges: Dr. Morris Thompson, Presi¬

dent, Kirksville College of Osteopathy and Surgery, Kirksville, Mo.; Dr.

J. S. Denslow.

American Association of Physics Teachers: William S. Webb, Physics Depart¬

ment, University of Kentucky, Lexington, Ky.; R. F. Patton, Physics Department, University of Illinois, Urbana, Ill. American Journal of

Physics, 9 nos.


American Association of Psychiatric Clinics for Children, Room 916, 1790

Broadway, New York 19, N. Y.: George E. Gardner, M. D., Judge Baker

Guidance Center, 88 Beacon St., Boston 8, Mass.; Mary C. Roland, Child

Guidance Center, 107 Boas St., Harrisburg, Pa.

American Association of School Administrators (NEA), 1201 Sixteenth St.

NW., Washington 6, D. C.: L. G. Derthick, Superintendent of Schools,

Chattanooga, Tenn.; Worth McClure. The School Administrator^ 9 nos.

American School Curriculum, 1953 Yearbook.

American Association of Schools of Religious Education, 510 Wellington Ave.,

Chicago 14, Ill.: H. W. DuBose, 3400 Brook Rd., Richmond 27, Va.; R. H.

Beaven. Annual Report.

American Association of Schools of Social Work, see Council on Social Work


American Association of Teachers of French: Julian Harris, Bascom Hall,

University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis.; George B. Watts, Davidson

College, Davidson, N. C. French Review, 6 nos.

American Association of Teachers of German, Hunter College, New York 68,

N. Y.: Werner Neuse, Middlebury College, Middlebury, Vt.; Emma

Marie Birkmaier, University High School, University of Minnesota,

Minneapolis 14, Minn. The German Quarterly.

American Association of Teachers of Italian, Bascom Hall, University of

Wisconsin, Madison 6, Wis.: Angeline H. LoGrasso, Bryn Mawr College,

Bryn Mawr, Pa.; Alfred Galpin. Italica, q.

American Association of Teachers of Slavic and East European Languages,

Box 326, Temple University, Philadelphia 22, Pa.: Frances de Graaff,

Bryn Mawr College, Bryn Mawr, Pa.; William W. Langebartel. Bul¬

letin, q.

American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese: Lawrence B.

Kiddle, University of Michigan, Department of Romance Languages, Ann

Arbor, Mich.; Laurel H. Turk, DePauw University, Greencastle, Ind.

Hispania, q.

American Association of Theological Schools: Edward H. Roberts, Princeton

Theological Seminary, Princeton, N. J.; Oren H. Baker, Colgate-

Rochester Divinity School, Rochester 20, N. Y. Yearbook, 1952.

American Association of University Professors, 1785 Massachusetts Ave.

NW., Washington 6, D. C.: Fred B. Millett, Wesleyan University, Mid¬

dletown, Conn.; Ralph E. Himstead. Bulletin, q.

American Association of University Teachers of Insurance: Clyde M. Kahler,

Wharton School of Finance and Commerce, University of Pennsylvania,

Philadelphia 4, Pa.; William T. Beadles, Illinois Wesleyan University,

Bloomington, Ill. Journal of American Association of University Teach¬

ers of Insurance, an.

American Association of University Women, 1634 Eye St. NW., Washington

6, D. C.: Susan B. Riley, George Peabody College for Teachers, Nash¬

ville, Tenn.; Helen D. Bragdon. Journal of the AAUW, q.

American Association of Workers for the Blind, 15 West Sixteenth St., New

York 11, N. Y.: Roy Kumpe, 2818 South Tyler, Little Rock, Ark.; Alfred

Allen. Proceedings, an.

American Association on Mental Deficiency, P. 0. Box 96, Willimantic, Conn.:

Bertha M. Luckey, Cleveland Public Schools, 1380 East Sixth St., Cleve¬

land, Ohio; Neil A. Dayton. The American Journal of Mental Deficiency,

q. Directory, an.


American Bar Association, 1140 North Dearborn St., Chicago 10, Ill.: Robert

G. Storey, Republic Bank Bldg., Dallas 1, Tex.; Joseph D. Stecher,

Toledo Trust Bldg., Toledo 4, Ohio. American Bar Journal, 12 nos.

Annual Report.

American Camping Association, Inc., 343 South Dearborn St., Chicago 4, Ill.:

Catherine T. Hammett, Box 97, Pleasantville, N. Y.; Elizabeth Spear,

Girl Scouts of the United States, 16 East Forty-eighth St., New York,

N. Y. Camping Magazine, 8 nos.

American Chemical Society, Division of Chemical Education, 1155 Sixteenth

St. NW., Washington 6, D. C.: P. H. Fall, Hiram College, Hiram, Ohio;

C. A. Vanderwerf, Department of Chemistry, University of Kansas,

Lawrence, Kans. Journal of Chemical Education, m.

American Classical League: Walter R. Agard, Bascom Hall, University of

Wisconsin, Madison, Wis.; Henry C. Montgomery, Miami University,

Oxford, Ohio. Classical Outlook, 8 nos.

American College Health Association: Max L. Durree, Oberlin College,

Oberlin, Ohio; Edith M. Lindsay, School of Public Health, University

of California, Berkeley 4, Calif. Proceedings, an.

American College of Hospital Administrators, 22 East Division St., Chicago

10, Ill.: Fraser D. Mooney, Buffalo General Hospital, Buffalo, N. Y.;

Dean Conley. ACHA News, m.

American College of Medical Technologists: Philip A. Wilchens, 576 East

Twenty-eighth St., Paterson, N. J.; Curtis A. Bartholomew, 71 East

Front St., Red Bank, N. J. The Record, an.

American College Personnel Association: E. H. Hopkins, Washington Uni¬

versity, St. Louis, Mo.; Lysle Croft, University of Kentucky, Lexington,

Ky. Personnel-O-Gram, q.

American College Public Relations Association, 726 Jackson Place NW.,

Washington 6, D. C.: Edward P. VonderHaar, Xavier University, Cin¬

cinnati 7, Ohio; Marvin W. Topping. College Public Relations Quarterly.

American Collegiate Retailing Association: Wenzil K. Dalva, Department of

Retailing, Washington University, St. Louis 5, Mo.; Charles M. Edwards,

School of Retailing, New York University, New York, N. Y.

American Committee for Emigre Scholars, Writers and Artists, Inc., 62 West

Forty-fifth St., New York 36, N. Y.: Nelson P. Mead; Else Staudinger.

American Conference of Academic Deans: 0. H. Rechard, University of

Wyoming, Laramie, Wyo.; Nancy Lewis, Pembroke College, Providence,

R. I. Proceedings, an.

American Council of Learned Societies, 1219 Sixteenth St. NW., Washington

6, D. C.: C. W. Dekiewiet, University of Rochester, Rochester, N. Y.;

Mortimer Graves. Bulletin, an. ACLS Newsletter, q.

American Council on Education, 1785 Massachusetts Ave. NW., Washington

6, D. C.; Arthur S. Adams. Education Record, q. Higher Education and

National Affairs, m.

Cooperative Study of Secondary School Standards: E. D. Grizzell, School

of Education, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia 4, Pa.; Carl

A. Jessen.

American Council on Education for Journalism, 119 Gregory Hall, University

of Illinois, Urbana, Ill.: Edward Lindsay, Herald-Review, Decatur, Ill.;

Fred S. Siebert. Last of Accredited Schools and Departments of Jouirnal-

ism, 1951.


American Council on Pharmaceutical Education, 77 West Washington St.,

Chicago 2, Ill.: George D. Beal, 4400 Fifth Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa.; P. H.

Costello. Accreditation Manual and Accredited College List.

American Dental Association, Council on Dental Education, 222 East Superior

St., Chicago 11, Ill.: Bert L. Hooper, College of Dentistry, University of

Nebraska, Lincoln 8, Nebr.; Shailer Peterson. Dental Students* Register,

1952-53, an. Proceedings, an. Aptitude Testing Program Report, an.

American Dietetic Association, 620 North Michigan Ave., Chicago 11, Ill.:

Beulah A. Hunzicker, Presbyterian Hospital, Chicago, Ill.; Esther A.

Atkinson, Pennsylvania State College, State College, Pa. Journal, m.

American Economic Association, Northwestern University, Evanston, Ill.:

Calvin B. Hoover, Duke University, Durham, N. C.; James Washington

Bell. American Economic Review, q. Proceedings, an.

American Educational Research Association (NEA), 1201 Sixteenth St. NW.,

Washington 6, D. C.: Guy T. Buswell, Department of Education, Uni¬

versity of California, Berkeley 4, Calif.; Frank W. Hubbard. Review of

Educational Research, 5 nos. Newsletter, 3 nos.

American Educational Theatre Association, Department of Drama, University

of Texas, Austin, Tex.: Barnard Hewitt, University of Illinois, Urbana,

Ill.; Mouzon Law. Educational Theatre Journal, q.

American Federation of Arts, 1083 Fifth Ave., New York 28, N. Y.: Thomas

B. Rudd, Munson Williams Proctor Institute, Utica, N. Y.; G. Burton

Gumming. Magazine of Art, 8 nos.

American Federation of Teachers, 28 East Jackson Blvd., Chicago 4, Ill.: Carl

J. Megel; Irvin R. Kuenzli. American Teacher, 8 nos.

American Hearing Society, 817 Fourteenth St. NW., Washington 5, D. C.:

W. Earl Prosser, 5027 Twenty-fifth St., South, Arlington, Va.; Tracy

Copp, 624 Quincy St., Green Bay, Wis. Hearing News, 10 nos. Annual


American Historical Association, Library of Congress Annex, Study Room

274, Washington 25, D. C.: Louis Gottschalk, University of Chicago,

Chicago 37, Ill.; Guy Stanton Ford. American Historical Review, 4 nos.

Annual Report.

American Home Economics Association, 1600 Twentieth St. NW., Washington

9, D. C.: Elizabeth S. Herbert, McCalTs Magazine, 230 Park Ave., New

York, N. Y.; Jessie McQueen, American Gas Association, 420 Lexington

Ave., New York, N. Y. Journal of Home Economics, 10 nos.

American Industrial Arts Association (NEA), 123 East Ninth St., Cincinnati

2, Ohio: Gordon O. Wilber, State Teachers College, Oswego, N. Y.;

Arthur Bricker. Industrial Arts Teacher, 5 nos. Yearbook.

American Institute of Architects, Department of Education and Research,

1741 New York Ave. NW., Washington 6, D. C.: Glenn Stanton, 208 SW.

Stark St., Portland 4, Oreg.; Clair W. Ditchy, 5 West Lamed St.,

Detroit 26, Mich. Bulletin of the A. I. A., bm. Journal of the A. I. A., m.

American Institute of Chemical Engineers, 120 East Forty-first St., New

York 17, N. Y.: W. T. Nichols, Monsanto Chemical Company, 1700 South

Second St., St. Louis 4, Mo.; Stephen L. Tyler. Chemical Engineering

Progress, m. Yearbook, 1952.

American Institute of Graphic Arts, 13 East Sixty-seventh St., New York 21,

N. Y.: Walter Dorwin Teague, 444 Madison Ave., New York, N. Y.; Ray

Freiman, 457 Madison Ave., New York, N. Y. Journal, 5 nos.


American Legion, 700 Noi-th Pennsylvania St., Indianapolis 6, Ind.: Lewis K. Gough; Henry H. Dudley. American Legion Magazine, m.

American Library Association, 50 East Huron St., Chicago 11, Ill.: Robert B. Downs, University of Illinois Library, Urbana, Ill.; David H. Clift.

ALA Bulletin, m.

American Mathematical Society, 80 Waterman St., Providence 6, R. I.: G. T. Whyburn, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Va.; E. G. Begle, Leet

Oliver Memorial Hall, Yale University, New Haven, Conn. Bulletin,

6 nos.

American Medical Association, Council on Medical Education and Hospitals,

636 North Dearborn St., Chicago 10, Ill.: Dr. H. G. Weiskotten, 166 East

Genesee St., Skaneateles, N. Y.; Dr. Donald G. Anderson. Journal of the

AMAf wk.

American Musicological Society: Donald J. Grout, Cornell University, Ithaca,

N. Y.; Jan LaRue, Wellesley College, Wellesley 81, Mass. Journal of the

American Musicological Society, 3 nos.

American National Red Cross, Seventeenth and D Sts. NW., Washington 13, D. C.: E. Roland Harriman; Harold W. Starr. Red Cross Newsletter,

12 nos. Annual Report.

American Junior Red Cross, Seventeenth and D Sts. NW., Washington

13, D. C.: Livingston L. Blair. American Junior Red Cross Journal

(for secondary schools) 7 nos. American Junior Red Cross News

(for elementary schools) 7 nos. American Junior Red Cross Hand¬

book, 1950. American Merchant Marine Library Association, 45 Broadway, New York 6,

N. Y.: Captain Granville Conway; William P. Bollman. Annual Report.

American Nurses’ Association, 2 Park Ave., New York 16, N. Y.: Elizabeth K.

Porter, Frances Payne Bolton School of Nursing, Western Reserve Uni¬

versity, 2063 Adelbert Rd., Cleveland 6, Ohio; Agnes Ohlson, State

Board of Nurse Examiners, State Office Building Annex, Hartford,

Conn. American Journal of Nursing, m.

American Occupational Therapy Association, 33 West Forty-second St., New York 36, N. Y.: Henrietta McNary, Milwaukee-Downer College, Mil¬

waukee, Wis.; Marjorie Fish. American Journal of Occupational Ther¬

apy, 6 nos. Yearbook.

American Optometric Association, Council on Education and Professional

Guidance: William Greenspon, Elks Bldg., Bluefield, W. Va.; Don A.

Frantz, 121 East Locust St., DeKalb, Ill. Manual on Accrediting.

American Orthopsychiatric Association, 1690 Broadway, New York 16, N. Y.:

Hyman S. Lippman; Exie E. Welsch, 160 East Sixty-fifth St., New

York, N. Y.

American Osteopathic Association, Bureau of Professional Education and

Colleges, 212 East Ohio St., Chicago 11, Ill.: Dr. Robert B. Thomas, 826

First Huntington National Bank Bldg., Huntington 1, W. Va.; Dr, R. C.

McCaughan. Journal of the AO A, m.

American Personnel and Guidance Association (formerly Council of Guidance

and Personnel Associations), 1534 0 St. NW., Washington 5, D. C.:

Robert H. Shaffer, Indiana University, Bloomington, Ind.; Nancy

Shivers. Personnel and Guidance Journal, 10 nos.

American Pharmaceutical Association, 2215 Constitution Ave. NW., Wash¬

ington 7, D. C.: R. Q. Richards, Fort Myers, Fla.; Robert P. Fischelis.

Journal of the APA, 2 nos. Practical Pharmacy Edition, m. Directory, an.


American Philological Association, Hunter College, 695 Park Ave., New York

21, N. Y.: Benjamin D. Meritt, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton,

N. J.; Meriwether Stuart. Proceedings^ an. Monographs^ ir.

American Philosophical Association: Glenn R. Morrow, University of Pennsyl¬

vania, Philadelphia 4, Pa.; Milton C. Nahm, Bryn Mawr College, Bryn

Mawr, Pa. Proceedings, an.

American Physical Therapy Association, 1790 Broadway, New York 19, N. Y.;

Lt. Col. Harriet S. Lee, 3000 Thirty-ninth St. NW., Washington, D. C.;

Dorothy Voss, 2600 Alameda St., Vallejo, Calif. The Physical Therapy

Review, 12 nos.

American Political Science Association, 1785 Massachusetts Ave. NW., Wash¬

ington 6, D. C.: Pendleton Herring, Social Science Research, 230 Park

Ave., New York, N. Y.; Edward H. Litchfield. American Political

Science Review, 4 nos.

American Psychological Association, 1333 Sixteenth St. NW., Washington 6,

D. C.: Laurance F. Shaffer, Teachers College, Columbia University, New

York 27, N. Y.; Fillmore H. Sanford (executive secretary). American

Psychologist, m. Journal of Applied Psychology, bm. Journal of Ab¬

normal and Social Psychology, q.

American Public Health Association, Inc., 1790 Broadway, New York 19,

N. Y.: Dr. Wilton L. Halverson, 668 Phelan Building, San Francisco 2,

Calif.; Dr. Reginald M. Atwater. American Journal of Public Health,

m. Yearbook.

American School Food Service Association, Ninth and Locust Sts., Kansas

City 6, Mo.: Eva M. Hurley; Janet N. Jardine, State Department of

Education, 175 West State St., Trenton 8, N. J. American School Food

Service Association News, 6 nos.

American School Health Association, 3335 Main St., Buffalo, N. Y.: Dr. Guy

N. Magness, 951 North Hanley Rd., University City, Mo.; Dr. A. O.

DeWeese, Kent State University, Kent, Ohio. Journal of School Health,

10 nos.

American Social Hygiene Association, 1790 Broadway, New York 19, N. Y.:

Philip R. Mather, 16 Arlington St., Boston 16, Mass.; Miriam English

Doll. Journal of Social Hygiene, 9 nos. Social Hygiene News, 12 nos.

American Society for Aesthetics, Cleveland Museum of Art, Cleveland 6, Ohio:

Carroll C. Pratt, Department of Psychology, Princeton University,

Princeton, N. J.; Ransom R. Patrick, Department of Art, Western Re¬

serve University, Cleveland 6, Ohio. Journal of Aesthetics and Art

Criticism, q. American Society for Engineering Education, Northwestern University,

Evanston, Ill.: W. R. Woolrich, Dean of Engineering, University of

Texas, Austin 12, Tex.; A. B. Bronwell. Journal of Engineering Educa¬

tion, 10 nos.

American Sociological Society, New York University, Washington Square,

New York 3, N. Y.: Samuel A. Stouffer, Laboratory of Social Relations,

Harvard University, Cambridge 38, Mass.; John W. Riley, Jr., Depart¬

ment of Sociology, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, N. J. American

Sociological Review, 6 nos.

American Speech and Hearing Association, Wayne University, Detroit 1,

Mich.: S. Richard Silverman, Central Institute for Deaf, 818 South

Kingshighway, St. Louis, Mo.; George A. Kopp. Journal of Speech and

Hearing Disorders, q.


American Statistical Association, 1108 Sixteenth St. NW., Washington 6,

D. C.: William G. Cochran, 615 North Wolfe St., Baltimore, Md.; Samuel

Weiss. Journal of the American Statistical Association, q. The Amer¬

ican Statistician, 5 nos.

American Technical Education Association, 23 South Pearl St., Albany 7,

N. Y.: M. Marcus Kiley, Board of Education, Springfield, Mass.; Frank

J. Coyle. Yearbook, 1952.

American Textbook Publishers Institute, 1 Madison Ave., New York 10, N. Y.:

Richard M. Pearson, 60 Fifth Ave., New York 11, N. Y.; Lloyd W.

King. Newsletter, ir.

American Theological Library Association: Raymond P. Morris, 409 Prospect

St., New Haven 11, Conn.; Esther George, Bonebrake Theological Sem¬

inary, Dayton, Ohio. Proceedings, an.

American Veterinary Medical Association, 600 South Michigan Ave., Chicago

5, Ill.: W. L. Boyd, 2258 Knapp St., St. Paul 8, Minn.; J. G. Harden-

bergh. Journal, m. Proceedings, an. Directory, bien.

American Vocational Association, Inc., 1010 Vermont Ave. NW., Washington

5, D. C.: Martha Creighton, Virginia Polytechnic Institute, Blacksburg,

Va.; M. D. Mobley. American Vocational Journal, 9 nos.

Associated Universities, Inc., 350 Fifth Ave., New York 1, N. Y.: Lloyd V.

Berkner; Charles F. Dunbar.

Association for Childhood Education International, 1200 Fifteenth St. NW.,

Washington 5, D. C.: Helen Bertermann, 1339 Cryer Ave., Cincinnati,

Ohio; Frances Hamilton. Childhood Education, 9 nos. Yearbook, 1952.

Association for Education by Radio-Television, 228 North LaSalle St., Chicago

1, Ill.: John C. Crabbe, College of the Pacific, Stockton, Calif.; Betty

Ross, National Broadcasting Company, Merchandise Mart, Chicago, Ill.

AER Journal, 8 nos.

Association for Education in Journalism; Earl English, School of Journalism,

University of Missouri, Columbia, Mo.; Elmer F. Beth, School of

Journalism, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kans. Journalism

Quarterly, q.

Association for Student Teaching, State Teachers College, Lock Haven, Pa.:

Paul R. Grim, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis 14, Minn.; Allen

D. Patterson, Newsletter, q. Yearbook, 1953.

Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (NEA), 1201 Six¬

teenth St. N.W., Washington 6, D. C.: Maurice Ahrens, Director of

Curriculum Services, Corpus Christi Public Schools, Corpus Christi,

Tex.; George W. Denemark. Educational Leadership, 8 nos. Yearbook,

1953. News Exchange, bm.

Association for the Study of Negro Life and History, 1538 Ninth St. NW.,

Washington 1, D. C.: Charles H. Wesley, Central State College, Wilber-

force, Ohio; Louis R. Mehlinger. Journal of Negro History, q. Negro

History Bulletin, 9 nos.

Association of Accredited Schools and Departments of Journalism: Burton W.

Marvin, School of Journalism, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas;

Elmer F. Beth.

Association of American Colleges, 726 Jackson PI. NW., Washington 6, D. C.:

M. E. Sadler, President, Texas Christian University, Fort Worth,

Tex.; Guy E. Snavely. Association of American Colleges Bulletin, q.


Association of American Geographers: J. Russell Whitaker, George Peabody

College for Teachers, Nashville, Tenn.; Louis 0. Quam, Geography

Branch, Office of Naval Research, Washington 25, D. C. Annals of the

Association of American Geographers, q. Professional Geographer, bm.

Association of American Law Schools: Charles B. Nutting, University of

Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh 13, Pa.; Shelden D. Elliott, New York University,

New York 3, N. Y. Journal of Legal Education, q. Proceedings, an.

Association of American Library Schools: C. Irene Hayner, Division of

Library Instruction, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis 14, Minn.;

Mrs. Virginia Lacy Jones, School of Library Service, Atlanta Univer¬

sity, Atlanta, Ga. Newsletter, 2 nos. Proceedings, 2 nos. Directory, ir.

Association of American Medical Colleges, 185 North Wabash Ave., Chicago

1, Ill.: Dr. Ward Darley, University of Colorado, 4200 East Ninth Ave.,

Denver 2, Colo.; Dr. D. F. Smiley. Journal of Medical Education, m.

Proceedings, an. Directory, an.

Association of American Rhodes Scholars, Institute for Advanced Study,

Princeton, N. J.: Frank Aydelotte; John W. Bodine, 117 South Seven¬

teenth St., Philadelphia 3, Pa. The American Oxonian, q.

Association of American Universities: Harold W. Dodds, Princeton University,

Princeton, N. J.; C. W. de Kiewiet, University of Rochester, Rochester 3,

N. Y.

Association of American University Presses: Thomas J. Wilson, Harvard

University Press, 44 Francis Ave., Cambridge 88, Mass.; Victor Rey¬

nolds, Cornell University Press, Ithaca, N. Y. Directory, 1962.

Association of Art Museum Directors; Charles Nagel, The Brooklyn Museum,

Eastern Parkway, Brooklyn 17, N. Y.; Martin Baldwin, The Art Gallery

of Toronto, Toronto 2B, Canada. Proceedings, an.

Association of Business Officers of Preparatory Schools: Leslie T. Fagan,

The Lawrenceville School, Lawrenceville, N. J.; William B. Nash, Milton

Academy, Milton, Mass.

Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools: Steven J. Wright, Dean,

Hampton Institute, Hampton, Va.; L. S. Cozart, President, Barber-

Scotia College, Concord, N. C. Proceedings, an.

Association of College Unions: Charles D. Owens, Memorial Union Bldg.,

University of Washington, Seattle, Wash.; Edgar A. Whiting, Willard

Straight Hall, Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y. Bulletin, q.

Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture, School of Architecture,

Ohio State University, Columbus 10, Ohio: Thomas K. FitzPatrick,

Department of Architecture, Iowa State College, Ames, Iowa; Elliot L.

Whitaker. Journal of Architectural Education, an.

Association of Collegiate Schools of Nursing (see National League for


Association of Geology Teachers: David M. Delo, President, Wagner College,

Staten Island 1, N. Y.; Ralph Digman, Department of Geology, Harpur

College, Endicott, N. Y. Journal of Geologic Education, 2 nos. Trans¬

actions, ir.

Association of Governing Boards of State Universities and Allied Institutions:

Ray J. Quinlivan, Atwood and Quinlivan, St. Cloud, Minn.; Richard H.

Plock, 515 South Garfield Ave., Burlington, Iowa. Proceedings, an.

Association of Land-Grant Colleges and Universities, 1785 Massachusetts Ave.

NW., Washington 6, D. C.: Arthur A. Hauck, President, University of

Maine, Orono, Maine; Russell I. Thackrey. Proceedings, an.


Association of Naval R.O.T.C. Colleges: Deane W. Malott, President, Cornell

University, Ithaca, N. Y.; William K. Selden, Northwestern University, Evanston, Ill.

Association of Physical Plant Administrators of Universities and Colleges: E. C. Pardon, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich.; A. F. Gallistel,

University of Wisconsin, Observatory Hill Office Bldg., Madison 6, Wis. Proceedings^ an.

Association of Research Libraries: Robert A. Miller (executive secretary), University of Indiana, Bloomington, Ind.

Association of School Business Officials, 710 Kalamazoo Bldg., Kalamazoo,

Mich.: Sam S. Dickey, Board of Education, Lakewood, Ohio; H. W.

Anderson. School Business Affairs, m. Proceedings, an.

Association of Schools and Colleges of Optometry: K. B. Stoddard, University

of California School of Optometry, Berkeley 4, Calif.; Ralph H. Green,

Massachusetts College of Optometry, 178 Newbury St., Boston 15, Mass.

Association of Schools of Public Health, 310 Cedar St., New Haven 11, Conn.:

Gaylord Anderson, Minnesota School of Public Health, Minneapolis,

Minn.; Ira Hiscock, Yale University, New Haven 11, Conn.

Association of Social Science Teachers: Maxwell R. Brooks, Box 22, Wilber-

force, Ohio; Merl R. Eppse, Tennessee State College, Nashville, Tenn.

Journal of Social Science Teachers, 2 nos.

Association of Summer Session Deans and Directors, New York University

School of Education, New York 3, N. Y.: Thomas C. Izard, Columbia

University, New York, N. Y.; Ralph E. Pickett.

Association of Teachers of Mathematics in New England: Harris Rice, Wor¬

cester Polytechnic Institute, Worcester, Mass.; Margaret Cochran, 62

Highland Ave., Somerville 43, Mass. Newsletter, 2 nos.

Association of University Evening Colleges: Rev. Henry Wirtenberger, S. J.,

Evening College of Commerce, University of Detroit, Detroit 26, Mich.;

Robert A. Love, City College School of Business, 17 Lexington Ave., New

York 10, N. Y. Newsletter, 8 nos. Proceedings, an.

Association of Urban Universities: T. R. McConnell, University of Buffalo,

Buffalo, N. Y.; David D. Henry, New York University, Washington

Square, New York 3, N. Y. Newsletter, 10 nos. Proceedings, an.

Botanical Society of America, Inc.: Ralph H. Wetmore, Harvard University,

Cambridge 38, Mass.; Harriet B. Creighton, Wellesley College, Wellesley

81, Mass. American Journal of Botany, 10 nos. Yearbook, 1951.

Boys* Clubs of America, 381 Fourth Ave., New York 16, N. Y.: William Edwin

Hall, 41 East Forty-second St., New York, N. Y.; David W. Armstrong.

Boys* Club Bulletin, q. Annual Report.

Boy Scouts of America, 2 Park Ave., New York 16, N. Y.: John M. Schiff;

Arthur A. Schuck. Scouting, 10 nos.

Business Education Administrators Division, United Business Education As¬

sociation, see United Business Education Association.

Business Education Research Foundation, see United Business Education


Camp Fire Girls, Inc., 16 East Forty-eighth St., New York 17, N. Y.: Mrs.

Richard W. Blalock; Mrs. R. L. Heminger. The Camp Fire Girl, m.

Annual Report.

Central Association for Physical Education of College Women: Edna Willis,

University of Colorado, Boulder, Colo.; Patricia Paterson, Hamline

University, St. Paul, Minn.


Central Association of College and University Business Officers: Bruce

Pollock, Carleton College, Northfield, Minn.; C. C. DeLong, University

of Illinois, Champaign, Ill. Newsletter, ir. Proceedings, an.

Central Association of Science and Mathematics Teachers, Inc., P. 0. Box 408,

Oak Park, Ill.: Cecilia J. Lauby, Illinois State Normal University,

Normal, Ill.; W. H. Edwards, 629 North Main St., Milford, Mich. School

Science and Mathematics, 9 nos. Yearbook.

Central Commercial Teachers Association: Robert Ward Hamilton, Hamilton

School of Commerce, Mason City, Iowa; Mrs. Jim Hunt, Cedar Rapids

Business College, Cedar Rapids, Iowa.

Central States Modern Language Teachers Association, Ohio State University,

Columbus 10, Ohio: Julio del Toro, Department of Romance Languages,

University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich.; James B. Tharp.

Central States Speech Association: John Dietrich, University of Wisconsin,

Madison, Wis.; Wayne Thompson, Navy Pier, University of Illinois,

Chicago, Ill.

Child Study Association of America, 132 East Seventy-fourth St., New

York 21, N. Y.: Mary Fisher Langmuir; Gunnar Dybwad (director).

Child Study, q.

Child Welfare League of America, Inc., 24 West Fortieth St., New York 18,

N. Y.: Marshall Field, 250 Park Ave., New York 17, N. Y.; Grace A.

Reeder, Department of Social Welfare, 112 State St., Albany 1, N. Y.

Child Welfare, 10 nos.

Classical Association of the Atlantic States: Emilie Margaret White, Roose¬

velt High School, Thirteenth and Upshur Sts. NW., Washington, D. C.;

Eugene W. Miller, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh 13, Pa. The

Classical Weekly, 16 nos.

Classical Association of the Middle West and South, 8-E Hellems Bldg., Uni¬

versity of Colorado, Boulder, Colo.: Russel M. Geer, Tulane University,

New Orleans, La.; John N. Hough. Classical Journal, 8 nos.

Classical Association of New England: Thomas Means, Bowdoin College,

Brunswick, Maine; F. Stuart Crawford, Boston University, Boston 15,

Mass. Annual Bulletin.

Classical Association of the Pacific States: Fred Reidy, S. J., Jesuit No\itiate,

Sheridan, Oreg.; Winifred E. Weter, Seattle Pacific College, Seattle 99,

Wash. Newsletter, 2 nos.

College and University Personnel Association, 809 South Wright St., Cham¬

paign, Ill.: Hedwin C. Anderson, Civil Service Personnel, University of

Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn.; Donald E. Dickason. CUP A News, 10 nos.

College Art Association of America, 625 Madison Ave., New York 22, N. Y.:

S. Lane Faison, Jr., Williams College, Williamstown, Mass.; Roberta

M. Alford, 69 Power St., Providence 6, R. I. Art Bulletin, q. College Art

Journal, q.

College Conference on English in the Central Atlantic States: Marjorie

Anderson, Department of English, Hunter College, New York 21, N. Y.;

Donald J. McGinn, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, N. J.

College English Association, 11 Old Chapel, University of Massachusetts,

Amherst, Mass.: Ernest E. Leisy, Southern Methodist University, Dallas,

Tex.; Maxwell H. Goldberg. The CEA Critic, 9 nos.


College Entrance Examination Board, 425 West One Hundred Seventeenth St.,

New York 27, N. Y.: Samuel T. Arnold, Provost Brown University,

Providence, R. I.; William C. Pels. College Board Review, 3 nos. Annual


College Language Association: John W. Parker, State Teachers College, Fayetteville, N. C.; Carrie C. Robinson, Miles College, Birmingham,

Ala. The CLA Bulletin, 2 nos.

College Physical Education Association: E. D. Mitchell, Department of Phys¬ ical Education, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich.; R. E. Jamer-

son. University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, N. C. Proceedings, an.

Columbia Scholastic Press Advisers Association, Box 11, Low Memorial

Library, Columbia University, New York 27, N. Y.: Ernestine Robinson,

George School, George School, Pa.; May Kelly, Brighton Ave. School,

Atlantic City, N. J. Advisers Association Bulletin, q.

Columbia Scholastic Press Association, Box 11, Low Memorial Library,

Columbia University, New York 27, N. Y.: Joseph M. Murphy (Director).

The School Press Review, 8 nos.

Commission on Life Adjustment Education for Youth: Paul D. Collier (chair¬

man), Bureau of Youth Services, State Department of Education, Hart¬

ford, Conn.; J. Dan Hull, Office of Education, Department of Health,

Education, and Welfare, Washington 25, D. C.

Committee on Friendly Relations Among Foreign Students, 291 Broadway, New York 7, N. Y.: J. Benjamin Schmoker (general secretary). The

Unofficial Ambassadors, an.

Conference of Executives of American Schools for the Deaf: Howard M.

Quigley, School for the Deaf, Faribault, Minn.; Richard G. Brill, School

for the Deaf, Riverside, Calif. American Annals of the Deaf, 5 nos.

Conference of Presidents of Negro Land Grant Colleges: R. E. Clement,

Atlanta University, Atlanta, Ga.; R. B. Atwood, Kentucky State College,

Frankfort, Ky. Proceedings, an.

Convention of American Instructors of the Deaf: Daniel T. Cloud, School for

the Deaf, White Plains, N. Y.; Thomas Dillon, New Mexico School for

the Deaf, Santa Fe, New Mex. American Annals of the Deaf, 5 nos.

Council Against Intolerance in America, 17 East Forty-second St., New York

17, N. Y.: Henry A. Atkinson, 170 East Sixty-fourth St., New York,

N. Y.; Evelyn A. Linwood. Amei'ican Unity, 5 nos.

Council of Guidance and Personnel Associations {now American Personnel and

Guidance Association)

Council on Cooperation in Teacher Education: Walter E. Hager, Wilson Teach¬

ers College, Washington 9, D. C.; Margaret Stevenson, 1201 Sixteenth

St. N. W., Washington 6, D. C. Newsletter, 5 nos.

Council on Social Work Education {formerly American Association of Schools

of Social Work), 1 Park Ave., New York 16, N. Y.: Helen R. Wright,

School of Social Service Administration, University of Chicago, Chicago

37, Ill.; Nathan E. Cohen, New York School of Social Work, Columbia

University, New York 28, N. Y.

Delta Kappa Gamma Society, 1309 Brazos St., Austin 1, Tex.: J. Maria Pierce,

Box 272, Pasadena 17, Calif.; M. Margaret Stroh. The Delta Kappa

Gamma Bulletin, q. News, 10 nos.


Department of Audio-Visual Instruction (NEA), 1201 Sixteenth St. NW.,

Washington 6, D. C.: James W. Brown, Instruction Materials Center,

University of Washington, Seattle, Wash.; J. J. McPherson (executive

secretary). Educational Screen, 10 nos. Yearbook, 1953.

Department of Classroom Teachers (NEA), 1201 Sixteenth St. NW., Wash¬

ington 6, D. C.: Alice Latta; Hilda Maehling. News Bulletin, 3 nos.

Annual Report.

Department of Elementary School Principals (NEA), 1201 Sixteenth St. NW.,

Washington 6, D. C.: Edwon L. Riggs, Creighton School, Phoenix, Ariz.;

Robert W. Eaves (executive secretary). The National Elementary

Principal, 5 nos. Yearbook, 1952.

Department of Higher Education (NEA), 1201 Sixteenth St. NW., Washington

6, D. C.: Harvey H. Davis, State University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa;

G. Kerry Smith. College and University Bulletin, 16 nos. Yearbook.

Department of Home Economics (NEA), 1201 Sixteenth St. NW., Washington

6, D. C.: Mary Mark Sturm, 228 N. LaSalle St., Chicago 1, Ill.; Emily

Haydock, William Penn High School, Philadelphia, Pa. Newsletter, 3 nos.

Department of Kindergarten-Primary Education (NEA), 1201 Sixteenth St.

NW., Washington 6, D. C.: Edna Parker, Florida State University,

Tallahassee, Fla.; Elizabeth Hamlin, Florida State University, Talla¬

hassee, Fla.

Department of Rural Education (NEA), 1201 Sixteenth St. NW., Washington

6, D. C.: Marjorie B. Leinauer, Superintendent, DeKalb County Schools,

Sycamore, Ill.; Howard A. Dawson. Rural Education News, 4 nos.

Yearbook, 1963.

Department of Vocational Education (NEA), 1201 Sixteenth St. NW., Wash¬

ington 6, D. C.: 0. D. Adams, 93 Grove St., San Francisco 2, Calif.;

Hobart H. Sommers, 228 North LaSalle St., Chicago 1, Ill.

Eastern Association for Physical Education of College Women: Margaret

Holland, Barnard College, Columbia University, New York 27, N. Y.;

Judith Barta, Sarah Lawrence College, Bronxville, N. Y. Newsletter, an.

Eastern Association of College and University Business Officers: F. Morris

Cochran, Vice President, Brown University, Providence, R. L; Irwin K.

French, Wellesley College, Wellesley 81, Mass. Proceedings, an.

Eastern Association of College Deans and Advisers of Men: Harry Rowe,

Bates College, Lewiston, Maine; A. G. Breidenstine, Franklin and

Marshall College, Lancaster, Pa.

Eastern Association of Physics Teachers: Anna E. Holman, 561 Sacramento

St., Altadena, Calif.; Albert R. Clish, Belmont High School, Belmont,

Mass. School Science and Mathematics, 9 nos.

Eastern Business Teachers Association: Helen Reynolds, School of Education,

New York University, New York 3, N. Y.; Bernard A. Shilt, 725 City

Hall, Buffalo 2, N. Y. American Business Education Magazine, q. Year¬

book, 1953.

Eastern College Personnel Officers: Donald W. Cameron, Dartmouth College,

214 McNutt Hall, Hanover, N. H.; Rose M. Mullin, Emanuel College,

Boston 16, Mass.

Eastern Psychological Association: Neal Miller, Yale University, New Haven,

Conn.; G. Gorham Lane, University of Delaware, Newark, Del.

Eastern Sociological Society: Wilbert E. Moore, Princeton University, Prince¬

ton, N. J.; Vincent H. Whitney, Brown University, Providence 12, R. 1.


Eastern States Association of Professional Schools for Teachers: Forrest A.

Irwin, State Teachers College, Jersey City, N. J.; Eugene A. Sullivan,

State Teachers College, Worcester, Mass. Annual Report.

Educational Film Library Association, Inc., Suite 1000, 1600 Broadway, New

York 19, N. Y.: Ford L. Lemler, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor,

Mich.; Emily S. Jones (executive secretary). EFLA Bulletin, 9 nos.

Annual Report.

Educational Press Association of America, 1201 Sixteenth St. NW., Washing¬

ton 6, D. C.: G. Kerry Smith; Mildred S. Fenner. EDpress Newsletter,

18 nos. America's Education Press.

Educational Records Bureau, 21 Audubon Ave., New York 32, N. Y.: Arthur

E. Traxler (executive director); Grace Turner, Columbia University,

New York 27, N. Y. ERB Newsletter, 2 nos. ERB Bulletin, 2 nos.

Education Writers Association, The Associated Press, 50 Rockefeller Plaza,

New York 20, N. Y.: Millicent Taylor, The Christian Science Monitor,

1 Norway St., Boston, Mass.; David Taylor Marke.

Engineers Council for Professional Development, 29 West Thirty-ninth St.,

New York 18, N. Y.: L. F. Grant (chairman) ; C. E. Davies (secretary).

Annual Report.

Film Council of America, 600 Davis St., Evanston, Ill.: Paul A. Wagner;

Bertha Landers, Kansas City Public Library, Kansas City, Mo. Film

Counselor, 4 nos. News Bulletin, bw.

Future Farmers of America, Office of Education, Department of Health, Edu¬

cation, and Welfare, Washington 25, D. C.: Jimmy Dillon, Box 5252,

Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, La.; Jimmy Willis, Clio, S. C.

The National Future Farmer, 4 nos. Proceedings, an.

Future Homemakers of America, Room 4639, 330 Independence Ave. SW.,

Washington 25, D. C.: Mary Ellen McCabe, 410 West Fritz Ave., Lady¬

smith, Wis.; Marilyn Davis, 702 Ralston St., Corpus Christi, Tex. Teen

Times, 5 nos.

Future Teachers of America (NEA), 1201 Sixteenth St. NW., Washington 6,

D. C.: William Shoppell, Lebanon Valley College, Annville, Pa.; Joy

Elmer Morgan. Yearbook, 1952.

General Education Board, 49 West Forty-ninth St., New York 20, N. Y.:

Dean Rusk; Flora M. Rhind. Annual Report.

Geological Society of America, 419 West One Hundred Seventeenth St., New

York 27, N. Y.: Wendell P. Woodring, U. S. Geological Survey, Wash¬

ington 25, D. C.; Henry R. Aldrich. Bulletin, m. Proceedings, an.

Girl Scouts of the United States of America, 155 East Forty-fourth St., New

York 17, N. Y.: Mrs. Roy F. Layton; Mrs. Charles H. Ridder. The

American Girl, m. The Leader, 9 nos.

Headmistresses Association of the East: Eleanor E. Potter, Springside School,

Philadelphia 18, Pa.; Elizabeth Parmelee, Calhoun School, 309 West

Ninety-second St., New York, N. Y. Proceedings, an.

Headmistresses Association of the Middle West: Marion L. Davis, Faulkner

School, 4746 Dorchester Ave., Chicago 15, Ill.; Nan Warren Taylor, Mil¬

waukee Downer Seminary, Milwaukee, Wis.

Inland Empire Education Association; Louis Bruno, Superintendent of

Schools, Pullman, Wash.; Clifton A. Hussey, Spokane County Superin¬

tendent of Schools, Court House, Spokane 1, Wash.

Institute of International Education, Inc., 1 East Sixty-seventh St., New York

21, N. Y.: Kenneth Holland; Donald J. Shank. News Bulletin, 9 nos.


International Council for Exceptional Children (NEA), 1201 Sixteenth St.

NW., Washington 6, D. C.: William M. Cruickshank, Syracuse Univer¬

sity, 125 College Place, Syracuse 10, N. Y.; Harley Z. Wooden. Excep¬

tional Children, 8 nos. ICEC Bulletin, 10 nos.

International Graphic Arts Education Association, 412 National Savings and

Trust Building, 719 Fifteenth St. NW., Washington, D. C.: Patrick F.

Boughal, New York School of Printing, 461 Eighth Ave., New York 1,

N. Y.; Fred J. Hartman, 6617 Strathmore St., Chevy Chase, Md. News

Bulletin, 9 nos.

International Society for Business Education, see United Business Education


Junior College Council of the Middle States: Blake Tweksbury, President,

Keystone Junior College, La Plume, Pa.; Leona Morris, Baltimore

Junior College, Aladema at Thirty-third St., Baltimore, Md.

Junior Town Meeting League, 400 South Front St., Columbus 15, Ohio: I.

Keith Tyler, Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio.

Kappa Delta Pi: Frank L. Wright, Washington University, St. Louis, Mo.:

E. I. F. Williams, 277 East Perry St., Tiffin, Ohio. The Educational

Forum, q.

Linguistic Society of America, Box 1001 University Station, Charlottesville,

Va.: Bernard Block, Hall of Graduate Studies, Yale University, New

Haven, Conn.; Archibald A. Hill. Lornguage, q. Proceedings, an.

Mathematical Association of America, University of Buffalo, Buffalo 14, N. Y.:

E. J. McShane, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Va.; H. M.

Gehman. The American Mathematical Monthly, 10 nos.

Medical Library Association: William D. Postell, 1542 Tulane Ave., New

Orleans, La.; Louise C. Lage, 740 South Alabama St., Indianapolis 6,

Ind. Bulletin of the MLA, 4 nos.

Middle States Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools: Paul D. Shafer,

President, Packer Collegiate Institute, Brooklyn, N. Y.; Karl Miller,

University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia 4, Pa. Proceedings, an.

Middle States Council for Use Social Studies: Eleanor W. Thompson, Phila¬

delphia High School for Girls, Seventeenth and Spring Garden Sts.,

Philadelphia 30, Pa.; Echvin Barton, Bloomsburg State Teachers College,

Bloomsburg, Pa. Proceedings, an.

Middle States Science Teachers Association, 5234 Spruce St., Philadelphia 39,

Pa.: Robert B. Gordon, Pennsylvania State Teachers College, West

Chester, Pa.; Dena D. Ungemach.

Midwest Association of College Teachers of Physical Education for Women:

Kathryn Weber, Earlham College, Richmond, Ind.; Bernice Frey, Normal

University, Normal, Ill. Newsletter, 4 nos.

Midwestern Psychological Association, 1007 South Wright St., Champaign,

Ill.: David A. Grant, Department of Psychology, University of Wiscon¬

sin, Madison 6, Wis.; Lee J. Cronbach.

Midwest Forum on Audio-Visual Teaching Aids, dissolved.

Midwest Sociological Society: Donald Cowgill, University of Wichita, Wichita,

Kans.; Herbert F. Lionberger, University of Missouri, Columbia, Mo.

Midwest Sociologist, 2 nos.

Mississippi Valley Historical Association, Station B, Lincoln 2, Nebr.: James

Lee Sellers, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebr.; Clarence S. Paine

(Secretary-treasurer). Mississippi Valley Historical Review, q.


Modern Language Association of America, 6 Washington Sq. North, New

York 3, N. Y.: Hayward Keniston, Duke University, Durham, N. C.;

William R. Parker (executive secretary). Publication of the Modem Language Association, 6 nos.

Mountain-Plains Business Education Association, see United Business Educa¬ tion Association.

Music Educators National Conference (NEA), 64 East Jackson Blvd., Chicago

4, Ill.: Ralph E. Rush, University of Southern California, Los Angeles,

Calif.; C. V. Buttelman (executive secretary). Music Educators Journal, 6 nos.

Music Library Association, Music Division, Library of Congress, Washington

25, D. C.: Harold Spivacke; Alice Plaut, Fine Arts Department, Cincin¬

nati Public Library, Cincinnati, Ohio. Notes, q. Supplement to Notes, q.

Music Teachers National Association, 17 West Seventy-first St., New York 23,

N. Y.: Barrett Stout, School of Music, Louisiana State University, Baton

Rouge, La.; S. Turner Jones (executive secretary). American Music Teacher, 5 nos.

National Academy of Sciences, National Research Council, 2101 Constitution

Ave., Washington 25, D. C.: Detlev W. Bronk; S. D. Cornell. Proceed¬ ings, m. News Report, bm. Annual Report. Handbook, 1952.

National Architectural Accrediting Board, 1741 New York Ave. NW, Wash¬

ington 6, D. C.: Richard Koch, 907 Queen & Crescent Bldg., New

Orleans 12, La.; Herbert L. Beckwith, 77 Massachusetts Ave., Cam¬

bridge 39, Mass. List of Accredited Schools of Architecture, an.

National Art Education Association (NEA), 1201 Sixteenth St. NW., Wash¬

ington 6, D. C.: Dale Goss, Director of Art Education, Seattle Public

Schools, Seattle 9, Wash.; Italo De Francesco, State Teachers College,

Kutztown, Pa. Art Education, bm.

Eastern Arts Association: Mary A. McKibbin, Director of Art, Public

Schools, Pittsburgh, Pa.; Charles M. Robertson, Pratt Institute,

Brooklyn, N. Y.

Pacific Arts Association: Waldemar Johansen, State Teachers College,

San Francisco, Calif.; John Olsen, Long Beach State College, Long

Beach, Calif.

Southeastern Arts Association: John E. Courtney, Woman’s College,

Greensboro, N. C.; Joseph Marino-Merlo, Alabama Polytechnic In¬

stitute, Auburn, Ala.

Western Arts Association: Harold A. Schultz, University of Illinois,

Urbana, Ill.; Frank Wackownak, Art Education Department, State

University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa.

National Association and Council of Business Schools, 601 Thirteenth St. NW.,

Washington 5, D. C.: H. Everett Pope, Oklahoma School of Accountancy,

Tulsa, Okla.; H. D. Hopkins (executive secretary). Business School

Executive, 4 nos. Business School News, 8 nos. Directory, 1952.

National Association for Mental Health, Inc., 1790 Broadway, New York 19,

N. Y.: Robert M. Heininger (executive director) ; Harry E. Maynard.

Mental Hygiene, q. Understanding the Child, q. Directory, 1952.

?'Jational Association for Nursery Education, Distribution Center, College of

Home Economics, University of Rhode Island, Kingston, R. I.: Millie

Almy, Box 96, Teachers College, Columbia University, New York 27,

N. Y.; Theodora B. Reeve, 6 Circle Lane, Albany 3, N. Y. Bulletin, q.


National Association for Physical Education of College Women: Pauline

Hodgson, University of California, Berkeley 4, Calif.; Margaret Pauld¬

ing, Skidmore College, Saratoga Springs, N. Y. Record, bien.

National Association for Research in Science Teaching: George G. Mallinson,

Western Michigan College of Education, Kalamazoo, Mich.; Clarence M.

Pruitt, 304 Walnut St., Stillwater, Okla. Science Education, 4 nos.

National Association of Biology Teachers, 110 East Hines St., Midland, Mich.:

Leo F. Hadsall, Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y.; John P. Harrold. The

American Biology Teacher, 8 nos.

National Association of Boards of Pharmacy, 77 West Washington St., Chi¬

cago 2, Ill.: J. J. Lynch, 414 McCarty Building, Boise, Idaho; P. H.

Costello. NABP Bulletin, 6 nos. Proceedings, an.

National Association of Business Teacher-Training Institutions (NEA), 1201

Sixteenth St. NW., Washington 6, D. C.: John M. Trytten, College of

Education, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich.; Hollis Guy

(executive secretary). The National Business Education Quarterly.

National Association of College Stores, Inc., Box 58, 33 West College St.,

Oberlin, Ohio: R. C. Avery, Cornell Campus Store, Ithaca, N. Y.; Russell

Reynolds. College Store, 6 nos.

National Association of Collegiate Deans and Registrars: Edward N. Wilson,

Morgan State College, Baltimore, Md.; Frances M. Eagleson, North

Carolina College, Durham, N. Car. Proceedings, an.

National Association of Deans of Women (NEA), 1201 Sixteenth St. NW.,

Washington 6, D. C.: Ruth 0. McCarn, University of Chicago, Chicago

37, Ill.; Barbara Catton. Journal of the National Association of Deans

of Women, q.

National Association of Educational Broadcasters, 119 Gregory Hall, Uni¬

versity of Illinois, Urbana, Ill.: Graydon Ausmus, Radio Station WUOA,

University of Alabama, University, Ala.; James Miles, Radio Station

WBAA, Purdue University, Lafayette, Ind. NAEB Newsletter, m.

National Association of Educational Buyers, 1461 Franklin Ave., Garden City,

N. Y.: Kermit A. Jacobson, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena,

Calif.; Bert C. Ahrens (executive secretary). Buying for Higher Educa¬

tion, m. Proceedings, an.

National Association of Foreign Student Advisers, 291 Broadway, New York

7, N. Y.: Allen C. Blaisdell, University of California, Berkeley 4, Calif.;

J. Benjamin Schmoker. Annual Report.

National Association of Guidance Supervisors and Counselor Trainers, 1534

O St. NW., Washington 5, D. C.: Donald E. Kitch, Bureau of Guidance,

Department of Education, Sacramento 14, Calif.; E. G. Kennedy, Direc¬

tor of Guidance Services, Kansas State Teachers College, Pittsburg,


National Association of High School Supervisors and Directors of Secondary

Education: William I. King, Department of Public Instruction, Helena,

Mont.; Standifer Keas, Department of Public Instruction, Oklahoma

City, Okla.

National Association of Industrial Teacher Educators, 4200 School of Educa¬

tion, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich.: Clarence C. Baab,

Colorado State College of Education, Greeley, Colo.; Willard M. Bate¬

son. Directory.


National Association of Journalism Directors, 18 Journalism Building, Uni¬

versity of Minnesota, Minneapolis 14, Minn.: Clarence W. Hach, Evans¬

ton Township High School, Evanston, Ill.; Bernice Van Sickle, Oak

Ridge High School, Oak Ridge, Tenn. NAJD Digest, 6 nos. Directory, bien.

National Association of Journalism Directors of Secondary Schools (NEA),

1201 Sixteenth St. NW., Washington 6, D. C.: Clarence W. Hach,

Evanston High School, Evanston, Ill.; Bernice Van Sickle, Oak Ridge

High School, P. 0. Box Q, Oak Ridge, Tenn. NAJD Digest.

National Association of Principals of Schools for Girls: Anne Cutter Cobum,

Hathaway Brown School, Cleveland 22, Ohio; Susanna Turner, St.

Catherine’s School, Richmond 26, Va. Proceedings, an.

National Association of School Secretaries (NEA), 1201 Sixteenth St. NW.,

Washington 6, D. C.: Emma G. Castner, 12 Carlton Ave., Washington,

N. J.; Agnes Hansen, Cedar Falls Public School, 1200 Main St., Cedar

Falls, Iowa. The National Educational Secretary, 3 nos.

National Association of School Social Workers, 1 Park Ave., Room 810, New

York 16, N. Y.: Opal Boston, Apt. 302, 3140 North Meridian St.,

Indianapolis 8, Ind.; Lucille Abell, State Department of Education,

Hartford, Conn. Newsletter, 5 nos. Bulletin, 4 nos.

National Association of Schools of Music: Harrison Keller, New England Con¬

servatory of Music, Boston, Mass.; Burnet C. Tuthill, 1822 Overton

Park Ave., Memphis 12, Tenn. Bulletin of the NASM, an.

National Association of Schools of Social Administration, see Council on Social Work Education.

National Association of Secondary-School Principals (NEA), 1201 Sixteenth

St. NW., Washington 6, D. C.: Joseph McLain, Mamaroneck Senior

High School, Mamaroneck, N. Y.; Paul E. Elicker (executive secretary).

The Bulletin, 8 nos. Directory, bien.

National Association of State Directors of Special Education: Joseph J.

Endres, State Department of Education, Albany, N. Y.; A. G. Thompson,

State Department of Education, Little Rock, Ark.

National Association of State Directors of Teacher Education and Certifica¬

tion: Henry C. Herge, Bureau of Higher Education and Teacher Certifica¬

tion, State Department of Education, Hartford, Conn.; Eleanor Casebolt,

State Department of Public Instruction, Denver, Colo.

National Association of State Directors of Vocational Education: J. Marion

Adams, Little Rock, Ark.; C. L. Greiber, 316 State Office Building,

Madison 2, Wis.

National Association of State Libraries: Grace E. Sherwood, State Library,

Providence, R. I.; Helene Rogers, Illinois State Library, Springfield, Ill.

Proceedings, an.

National Association of State Supervisors of Distributive Education: Cecil E.

Stanley, State Supervisor of Distributive Education, 10th Floor, State

Capitol Building, Lincoln, Nebr.; Alice F. Pipkin, P. O. Box 186, Mercer

University, Macon, Ga.

National Association of State Supervisors of Home Economics Education:

Mary Lois Williamson, State Department of Public Instruction, Frank¬

fort, Ky.; Ruth Stovall, 503 Dexter Ave., Montgomery 4, Ala.

National Association of State Universities: Howard L. Bevis, President, Ohio

State University, Columbus 10, Ohio; J. D. Williams, University of

Mississippi, University, Mississippi. Proceedings, an.


National Association of Student Councils (NEA), 1201 Sixteenth St. NW.,

Washington 6, D. C.: Richard P. Lewis, Lincoln High School, Portland,

Oreg.; Gerald M. Van Pool. Student Life, 8 nos.

National Association of Student Personnel Administrators: Victor F. Spathelf,

Ferris Institute, Big Rapids, Mich.; Fred H. Turner, 152 Administration

Bldg., University of Illinois, Urbana, Ill. Newsletter, 10 nos. Proceed¬

ings, an.

National Association of Teachers Agencies, 533 Genesee Valley Trust Bldg.,

Rochester 14, N. Y.: Perley E. Brye, Western Teachers Exchange, 215

Plymouth Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn.; Hoyt S. Armstrong.

National Association of Teachers of Singing, Inc.: Walter Allen Stults, P. 0.

Box 5278, North Texas Station, Denton, Tex.; E. Clifford Toren, 5040

North St. Louis Ave., Chicago, Ill. The Bulletin, 5 nos.

National Audubon Society, 1130 Fifth Ave., New York 28, N. Y.: John H.

Baker; Erard A. Matthiessen, Riverbank Rd., Stamford, Conn. Audubon

Magazine, 6 nos.

National Child Labor Committee, 419 Fourth Ave., New York 16, N. Y.:

Eduard C. Lindeman; Gertrude Folks Zimand. The American Child, 8

nos. Annual Report.

National Citizens Commission for the Public Schools, 2 West Forty-fifth St.,

New York 36, N. Y.: Roy E. Larsen; Henry Toy, Jr. Citizens and Their

Schools, 10 nos.

National Collegiate Athletic Association, Fairfax Bldg., Eleventh & Baltimore,

Kansas City 5, Mo.: Hugh C. WTllett, University of Southern California,

Los Angeles, Calif.; Earl S. Fullbrook, University of Nebraska, Omaha,

Nebr. Yearbook, 1951.

National Collegiate Players, Box 409 Capital University, Columbus 9, Ohio:

Warren Lee, University of South Dakota, Vermillion, S. Dak.; Howard

C. Morgan. Players Magazine, 8 nos.

National Commission for the Defense of Democracy through Education

(NEA), 1201 Sixteenth St. NW., Washington 6, D. C.: Jennie L. Davis,

353 Rockdale Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio; Richard B. Kennan. Defense

Bulletin, 5-6 nos.

National Commission on Safety Education (NEA), 1201 Sixteenth St. NW.,

Washington 6, D. C.: Norman Key. Action for Safety, 10 nos.

National Commission on Teacher Education and Professional Standards

(NEA), 1201 Sixteenth St. NW., Washington 6, D. C.: John L. Bracken

(chairman). Superintendent of Schools, Clayton, Mo.; T. M. Stinnett.

Journal of Teacher Education, q.

National Congress of Colored Parents and Teachers, 123 South Queen St.,

Dover, Del.: Mrs. James Stanley Morgan, 168 Jones St., Cartersville,

Ga.; Jeannetta Chase (recording secretary) State Teachers College,

Bowie, Md. Our National Family, q.

National Congress of Parents and Teachers, 600 South Michigan Blvd., Chi¬

cago 5, Ill.: Mrs. Newton P. Leonard, 341 Sharon St., Providence, R. I.;

Ruth A. Bottomly. National Parent-Teacher, 10 nos. National Congress

Bulletin, 10 nos. Proceedings, an. Parent-Teacher Manual, 1950-53.

National Council for Elementary Science: Ned E. Bingham, University of

Florida, Gainesville, Fla.; G. Marian Young, New Lincoln School, 31

West One Hundred Tenth St., New York, N. Y.


National Council for the Social Studies (NEA), 1201 Sixteenth St. NW., Washington 6, D. C.: John H. Haefner, University High School, Iowa

City, Iowa; Merrill F. Hartshorn. Social Education, 8 nos. Yearbook,


National Council of Administrative Women in Education (NEA), 1201 Six¬

teenth St. NW., Washington 6, D. C.: Kathryn E. Steinmetz, 4257 North

Tripp Ave., Chicago 41, Ill.; Harriett M. Chase. NCAWE Newsletter,

3 nos.

National Council of Chief State School Officers (NEA), 1201 Sixteenth St.

NW., Washington 6, D. C.: Roy E. Simpson, Superintendent of Public

Instruction, Sacramento 14, Calif.; Edgar Fuller.

National Council of Geography Teachers: Clyde F. Kohn, Northwestern Uni¬

versity, Evanston, Ill.; Ina C. Robertson, Valley City, N. Dak. Jou^mal

of Geography, 9 nos.

National Council of Independent Schools, 79 Milk St., Boston 9, Mass.: Jean

Fair Mitchell, 610 East Eighty-third St., New York 28, N. Y.; Henry H.

Welles, New Canaan Country School, New Canaan, Conn. Report, q.

National Council of Local Administrators of Vocational Education and

Practical Arts: Albert E. Jochen, Middlesex County Vocational and Tech¬

nical High School, Easton Ave., New Brunswick, N. J.; George Morgen-

roth, Essex County Vocational and Technical High School, 1060 Broad

St., Newark 2, N. J. Letter-0-Grain, q.

National Council of State Consultants in Elementary Education: Elizabeth

Henson, Supervisor of Elementary Education, State Department of

Education, Richmond 16, Va.; Helen K. Mackintosh, Office of Education,

Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, Washington 25, D. C.

National Council of Teachers of English, 211 West Sixty-eighth St., Chicago

21, Ill: Harlen M. Adams, Chico State College, Chico, Calif.; W.

Wilbur Hatfield. College English, 8 nos. The English Jouimal, 9 nos.

Elementary English, 8 nos.

National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NEA), 1201 Sixteenth St. NW.,

Washington 6, D. C.: John R. Mayor, Education Bldg., Madison 6, Wis.;

M. H. Ahrendt. The Mathematics Teacher, 8 nos. Yeai'book, 1953.

National Council of Technical Schools, 912 Seventeenth St. NW., Washington

6, D. C.: C. L. Foster, 1644 Wyandotte St., Kansas City, Mo.; J. B.

Hershman, Valparaiso, Ind.

National Council on Family Relations, 5757 South Drexel Ave., Chicago 37,

Ill.: Robert G. Foster, The Menninger Foundation, Topeka, Kans.; W.

Clark Ellzey, Stephens College, Columbia, Mo. Marriage and Family

Living, q.

National Council on Measurements Used in Education: J. R. Gerberich, Uni¬

versity of Connecticut, Storrs, Conn.; Frank S. White, Rosier College,

Parkersburg, W. Va. Yearbook.

National Council on Naturalization and Citizenship, 1775 Broadway, New

York 19, N. Y.: Donald R. Young, 505 Park Ave., New York, N. Y.;

Ruth Z. Murphy, 1819 Broadway, New York 19, N. Y.

National Council on Religion in Higher Education, 400 Prospect St., New

Haven 11, Conn.: Victor L. Butterfield, Wesleyan University, Middle-

town, Conn. Elizabeth G. Wright (executive director). Yearbook, 1952.

National Council on Schoolhonse Construction: Don L. Essex, State Education

Department, Albany, N. Y.; W. D. McClurkin, Peabody College for

Teachers, Nashville, Tenn.

22 EDUCATION DIRECTORY, 1962-53 j National Council on Social Work Education, see Council on Social Work

Education. I

National Education Association of the United States, 1201 Sixteenth St. NW., *

Washington 6, D. C.: Sarah C. Caldwell, 121 Eastgay Drive, Akron 13,

Ohio; William G. Carr (executive secretary). The NEA Journal, 9 nos.

Research Bulletin, q. Proceedings, an. Handbook, an.

(For affiliated organizations and departments, see Adult Education As¬

sociation of the U. S. A.; American Association for Health, Physical |

Education and Recreation; American Association of Colleges for Teacher

Education; American Association of School Administrators; American Edu- j

cational Research Association; American Industrial Arts Association; As- i

sociation for Supervision and Curriculum Development; Departments of i

Audio-Visual Instruction, Classroom Teachers, Elementary School Principals, i

Higher Education, Home Economics, Kindergarten-Primary Education, Rural

Education, Vocational Education; Future Teachers of America; International |

Council for Exceptional Children; Music Educators National Conference; I

National Art Education Association; National Association of Business |

Teacher-Training Institutions; National Association of Deans of Women; i

National Association of Journalism Directors of Secondary Schools; National ,

Association of School Secretaries; National Association of Secondary-School j Principals; National Association of Student Councils; National Commissions i

for Defense of Democracy through Education, on Safety Education, on |

Teacher Education and Professional Standards; National Council for the |

Social Studies; National Council of Administrative Women in Education; '

National Council of Chief State School Officers; National Council of Teachers j

of Mathematics; National Honor Society of Secondary Schools; National ;

School Public Relations Association; National Science Teachers Association; !

Speech Association of America; United Business Education Association.) i

National Federation of Business and Professional Women’s Clubs, Inc.r Helen I G. Irwin, 917 Locust St., Des Moines, Iowa; Queenie Crable, 125 Bar- i

berry Lane, Lexington 10, Ky. Independent Woman, 12 nos.

National Federation of Modern Language Teachers Associations: Arthur P. ;

Coleman, Alliance College, Cambridge Springs, Pa.; Henry Grattan |

Doyle, The George Washington University, Washington 6, D. C. The |

Modem Language Journal, 8 nos. I National Federation of Music Clubs, 445 West Twenty-third St., New York 11,

N. Y.: Ada Holding Miller, 28 Everett Ave., Providence 6, R. I.; Helen

Crowe Snelling, Fischer Studio Bldg., Seattle 1, Wash. Music Clubs I Magazine, 5 nos. Junior Music Clubs Magazine, 5 nos.

National Federation of Private School Associations (dissolved October, 1952).

National Federation of State High School Athletic Associations, 7 South Dear¬

born St., Chicago 3, Ill.: C. A. Semler, High School, Benton Harbor,

Mich.; H. V. Porter. National Press, 10 nos. Handbook, an. '

National Forensic League, Ripon, Wis.: Honorable Karl E. Mundt, United

States Senate, Washington 25, D. C.; Bruno E. Jacob. The Rostrum,

9 nos. j

National Geographic Society, 1146 Sixteenth St. NW., Washington 6, D. C.: i Gilbert Grosvenor; Thomas W. McKnew. National Geographic Magazine,

m. Geographic School Bulletin, 30 nos. ,

National Health Council, Inc., 1790 Broadway, New York 19, N. Y.: Mrs.

Oswald B. Lord; Mefford R. Runyon. Annual Report. \


National Home Study Council, 1420 New York Ave. NW., Washington 5, D. C.:

William Bethke, LaSalle Extension University, 417 South Dearborn St.,

Chicago, Ill.; Homer Kempfer. Directory^ 1952.

National Honor Society of Secondary Schools (NEA), 1201 Sixteenth St. NW., Washington 6, D. C.: Loren Chastain, Central Senior High School,

Muncie, Ind.; Paul E. Elicker. Student Life, 8 nos.

National Institute of Arts and Letters, 633 West One Hundred Fifty-fifth St.,

New York 32, N. Y.: Douglas Moore, 464 Riverside Drive, New York,

N. Y.; Marc Connelly, 25 Central Park West, New York 23, N. Y.

Proceedings, an.

National Institutional Teacher Placement Association: Frances M. Camp,

State University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa; M. Helen Carpenter, Uni¬

versity of Colorado, Boulder, Colo. Proceedings, an.

National Interfraternity Conference: C. Robert Yeager, Attleboro, Mass.;

Horace G. Nichol, 271 Madison Ave., New York, N. Y. Yearbook.

National Kindergarten Association, 8 West Fortieth St., New York 18, N. Y.:

Howard R. Best; Florence Jane Ovens (executive secretary).

National League for Nursing, 2 Park Ave., New York 16, N. Y.: Ruth Sleeper,

Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston 14, Mass.; Anna Fillmore.

Nursing Outlook, m.

National League of Nursing Education, see National League for Nursing.

National League of Teachers Associations: Mollie Leopold, 4418 North

Twenty-sixth St., Milwaukee 9, Wis.; Ada Inglis, 4 Ruthven Place, Ann

Arbor, Mich. Bulletin, an.

National League to Promote School Attendance: John A. Cummings, 110

Livingston St., Brooklyn 2, N. Y.; Dixie Johnson, Bay Minette, Ala.

Newsletter, 4 nos.

National Organization for Public Health Nursing, Inc., see National League

for Nursing.

National Panhellenic Conference: Mrs. W. Harold Hutchinson, 5545 Penrith

Rd., Seattle 5, Wash.; Mrs. Robert C. Byars, 7327 Staffordshire, Houston

26, Tex. Manual of Information, an.

National Recreation Association, 315 Fourth Ave., New York 10, N. Y.: Otto

T. Mallery, 9006 Crefeld St., Philadelphia 16, Pa.; Joseph Prendergast.

Recreation, 10 nos.

National Rehabilitation Association, 1025 Vermont Ave. NW., Washington 6,

D. C.: Corbett Reedy, State Department of Education, Richmond 16, Va.

Journal of Rehabilitation, 6 nos. Newsletter, 6 nos.

National Safety Council, 425 North Michigan Ave., Chicago 11, Ill.: Ned H.

Dearborn; R. L. Forney. National Safety News, m. Safety Education,

9 nos.

National School Band, Orchestra and Vocal Association, 64 East Jackson

Blvd., Chicago 4, Ill.: Ralph E. Rush, 1831 West Seventy-seventh St., Los

Angeles 47, Calif.; C. V. Buttelman. Music Educators Journal, 6 nos.

National School Boards Association, Inc., 450 East Ohio St., Chicago 11, Ill.:

Frank H. Trotter, Room 112, City Hall, Chattanooga, Tenn.; Edward M.


National School Public Relations Association (NEA), 1201 Sixteenth St. NW.,

Washington 6, D. C.: Borden R. Purcell, Field Service and Placement,

Indiana State Teachers Association, 203 Hotel Lincoln, Indianapolis 9,

Ind.; Roy K. Wilson. Trends, 10 nos. Newsletter, ir.


National Science Teachers Association (NEA), 1201 Sixteenth St., Washing¬

ton 6, D. C.: Harold E. Wise, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebr.;

Zachariah Subarsky, Bronx High School of Science, New York, N. Y.

The Science Teacher, 6 nos. Elementary School Science Bulletin, 4-6 nos.

National Society for Crippled Children and Adults, Inc., 11 South LaSalle St.,

Chicago 3, Ill.: William T. Sanger, Medical College of Virginia, Rich¬

mond, Va.; Lawrence J. Linck. The Crippled Child, 6 nos. Bulletin,

12 nos.

National Society for the Prevention of Blindness, Inc., 1790 Broadway, New

York 19, N. Y.: Mason H. Bigelow; Regina E. Schneider. The Sight-

Saving Review, q. Annual Report.

National Society for the Study of Education, 5835 Kimbark Ave., Chicago 37,

Ill.: Edgar Dale, 13 Page Hall, Ohio State University, Columbus 10,

Ohio; Nelson B. Henry. Yearbook, 1953.

National Thespian Society, College Hill Station, Cincinnati 24, Ohio: Bland-

ford Jennings, Clayton High School, Clayton, Mo.; Leon C. Miller.

Dramatics, 8 nos.

National University Extension Association, Indiana University, Bloomington,

Ind.: J. W. Brouiliette, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, La.;

W. S. Bittner. Proceedings, an.

National Vocational Guidance Association, Inc., see American Personnel and

Guidance Association

New England Association of Chemistry Teachers: Dorothy W. Gilford, Lin- ;

coin School, Providence 6, R. L; Leallyn B. Clapp, Brown University,

Providence 12, R. I. Report, m.

New England Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools, Lawrence Hall,

Kirkland St., Cambridge 38, Mass.: Joseph B. Chaplin, High School,

Bangor, Me.; Dana M. Cotton. New England Association Review, 3 nos.

New England Association of College Teachers of Education: Rolf Larson,

University of Connecticut, Storrs, Conn.; Professor Ellis, Tufts College, ,

Medford, Mass. !

New England Association of Teachers of English: Dorothy Potter, Bulkeley

High School, Hartford, Conn.; Eleanor Johnson, Brookline High School, j

Brookline, Mass. The English Leaflet, 8 nos.

New England Junior College Council, 766 Main St., Worcester 8, Mass.: !

James L. Conrad, Nichols Junior College, Dudley, Mass.; Harold Bentley,

Worcester Junior College, Worcester, Mass.

New England Modern Language Association: Kathryn L. O’Brien, Brookline

High School, Brookline, Mass.; Mary A. Consodine, 96 Day St.,

Jamaica Plain, Mass. Bulletin, 2 nos.

New England School Library Association: Mary D. Bair, Central Junior High

School, Quincy 69, Mass.; Kate Cummings, High School, Cranston, R. 1.

Newsletter, q.

New Farmers of America, Office of Education, Department of Health, Educa¬

tion, and Welfare, Washington 25, D. C.: Oliver C. Hunter, Route 2, Lin-

dale, Tex.; Henry Slaughter, Route 3, Doerun, Ga. Proceedings, an.

New Homemakers of America, Room 4639, 330 Independence Ave. S. W.,

Washington 25, D. C.: Zola Jean Ernest, P. 0. Box 57, Grambling, La.;

Harriett Ann Daniels, 815 Fifth St. NW., Moultrie, Ga. Chatter Box,

2 nos.


North Central Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools, 106 Burton

Hall, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis 14, Minn.: P. M. Bail,

Municipal University of Omaha, Omaha, Nebr.; Charles W. Boardman.

North Central Association Quarterly.

Commission on Colleges and Universities, 5835 Kimbark Ave., Chicago

37, Ill.: Henry G. Harmon (chairman), Drake University, Des

Moines 11, Iowa; Norman Burns, University of Chicago, Chicago

37, Ill.

Northwest Association of Junior Colleges: L. J. Elias, Olympic College,

Bremerton, Wash.; E. H. Himes, Dixie College, St. George, Utah.

Northwest Association of Secondary and Higher Schools: Francis F. Powers,

230 Education Hall, University of Washington, Seattle 5, Wash.; Fred

L. Stetson, School of Education, University of Oregon, Eugene, Oreg. Proceedings, an.

Oak Ridge Institute of Nuclear Studies, Inc., P. O. Box 117, Oak Ridge, Tenn.:

Paul M. Gross, Duke University, Durham, N. C.; William G. Pollard.

Newsletter, m. Annual Report.

Pacific Sociological Society: Stuart C. Dodd, University of Washington,

Seattle 5, Wash.; Ralph Turner, University of California, Los Angeles,

Calif. Proceedings, an.

Phi Beta Kappa, United Chapters of. Phi Beta Kappa Hall, Williamsburg,

Va.: Goodrich C. White, Emory University, Emory University, Ga.;

Carl Billman. The American Scholar, q. The Key Reporter, q.

Phi Delta Kappa, Education Fraternity, 2034 Ridge Rd., Homewood, Ill.:

Douglas G. Grafflin, The Public Schools, Chappaqua, N. Y.; Paul M.

Cook. The Phi Delta Kappan, 9 nos.

Pi Lambda Theta, The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore 18, Md.: Beulah

Benton Tatum; Ruth M. Mugford. Pi Lambda Theta Jou)‘nal, q.

Private Schools Association of the Central States: Rev. James H. Jacobson,

Northwestern Military and Naval Academy, Lake Geneva, Wis.; Willis

Stork, Maumee Valley Country Day School, Maumee, Ohio.

Rural Sociological Society: O. D. Duncan, Oklahoma A & M College, Still¬ water, Okla.; Samuel W. Blizzard, Pennsylvania State College, State

College, Pa. Rural Sociology, q.

Science Clubs of America, 1719 N St. NW., Washington 6, D. C.: Harlow

Shapley, Harvard College Observatory, Cambridge, Mass.; Margaret

E. Patterson. Sponsor Handbook, an.

Secondary Education Board, 186 Centre St., Milton 86, Mass.: John F. Gum-

mere, The William Penn Charter School, Philadelphia 44, Pa.; Esther

Osgood. The Independent School Bulletin, 4 nos. Annual Report.

Social Science Research Council, 230 Park Ave., New York 17, N. Y.: Pendle¬

ton Herring; Paul Webbink (vice-president). Items, q. Annual Report.

Societe Des Professeurs Frangais En Amerique, 3 East Ninety-fifth St., New

York 28, N. Y.: Robert Lacour-Gayet; Jaques Habert. Bulletin, an.

Society for Occupational Research, Ltd., 2100 Solway St., Glendale 6, Calif.:

J. H. Bedford; Bert F. Steelhead, 523 Clement Dr., Glendale 1, Calif.

Society for the Advancement of Scandinavian Study: Adolph Benson, Berlin,

Conn.; Martin Soderback, 3226 Foster Ave., Chicago 25, Ill. Scandin¬

avian Studies, q.

Society of American Foresters, 825 Mills Bldg., Washington 6, D. C.: George

L. Drake, Simpson Logging Company, Shelton, Wash.; Henry E. Clepper.

Journal of Forestry, m.


Society of State Directors of Health, Physical Education and Recreation:

Ellis H. Champlin, State Department of Education, Albany 1, N. Y.;

Harley L. Robertson, Office of Public Instruction, Old Capitol Bldg.,

Olympia, Wash. Newsletter, 3 nos.

South Atlantic Modern Language Association, Meredith College, Raleigh,

N. C.: Thomas B. Stroup, University of Kentucky, Lexington, Ky.;

Quentin Oliver McAllister. The South Atlantic Bulletin, q. Directory.

Southern Association for Physical Education of College Women: Elizabeth

Autrey, Stetson University, DeLand, Fla.; Evelyn Hasenmayer, Okla¬

homa College for Women, Chickasha, Okla. Newsletter, q.

Southern Association of College and University Business Officers: Frank D.

Peterson, University of Kentucky, Lexington, Ky.; Gerald D. Henderson,

Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tenn. Newsletter, q. Proceedings, an.

Southern Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools, 316 Peachtree St.

NE., Atlanta, Ga.: Kirby P. Walker, Jackson City Schools, Jackson,

Miss,; Albert J. Geiger. Proceedings, an.

Commission on Colleges and Universities: T. S. Painter, University of

Texas, Austin 12, Tex.; M. C. Huntley, Alabama Polytechnic Insti¬

tute, Auburn, Ala.

Commission on Research and Service: Eugene A. Waters, Graduate

School, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tenn.; L. 0. Todd, East

Central Junior College, Decatur, Miss.

Southern Association of Junior Colleges: W. S. Smith, South Georgia College,

Douglas, Ga.; Walter Rundell, Lee Junior College, Baytown, Tex.

Southern Business Education Association, see United Business Education


Southern Historical Association: C. Vann Woodward, History Department,

The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore 18, Md.; Bennett Wall, Uni¬

versity of Kentucky, Lexington, Ky. Journal of Southern History, 4 nos.

Southern Regional Education Board, 830 West Peachtree St. NW., Atlanta 3,

Ga.: John E. Ivey, Jr. (director), 4192 Club Dr., Atlanta, Ga. Regional

Action in Higher Education, q.

Southern Society for Philosophy and Psychology: Karl M. Dallenbach, Uni¬

versity of Texas, Austin, Tex.; Oliver L. Lacey, University of Alabama,

University, Ala. Yearbook 1952.

Southern Sociological Society, University of Louisville, Louisville 8, Ky.:

Leland B. Tate, Virginia Polytechnic Institute, Blacksburg, Va.; Robert

I. Kutak.

Southern States Work Conference on Educational Problems: R. L. Johns

(executive secretary), College of Education, University of Florida,

Gainesville, Fla.; Truman Pierce, George Peabody College for Teachers,

Nashville 4, Tenn.

Southwestern Philosophical Conference: Carlton W. Berenda, University of

Oklahoma, Norman, Okla.; Robert L. Rein’l, Louisiana State University,

Baton Rouge, La. Newsletter, 4-5 nos.

Special Libraries Association, 31 East Tenth St., New York 3, N. Y.: Eliza¬

beth Ferguson, Institute of Life Insurance, 488 Madison Ave., New

York, N. Y.; Kathleen B. Stebbins (executive secretary). Special

Libraries, 10 nos.


Speech Association of America (NEA), 1201 Sixteenth St. NW., Washington 6, D. C.: H. P. Constans, University of Florida, Gainesville, Fla.; 0. A. Hitchcock, University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa. Journal of Speech, q. Speech Monographs, q. The Speech Teacher, q.

State Teachers Magazines, Inc., 307 North Michigan Ave., Chicago 1, Ill.: Walton B. Bliss (executive secretary), Ohio Education Association, 213-15 East Broad St., Columbus 15, Ohio; Charles F. Martin, Iowa State Education Association, 415 Shops Bldg., Des Moines, Iowa.

Teachers Insurance and Annuity Association of America, 522 Fifth Ave., New York 36, N. Y.: R. McAllister Lloyd; John Paul Good. Annual Report.

Teaching Film Custodians, Inc., 25 West Forty-third St., New York 18, N. Y.: Mark A. May; Jay B. Nash. Films for Classroom Use, an.

Theatre Library Association, 476 Fifth Avenue, New York 18, N. Y.: George Freedley; Grace Chippendale, 1 Symphony Rd., Boston, Mass. Broadside.

United Business Education Association (NEA), 1201 Sixteenth St. NW., Washington 6, D. C.: Paul S. Lomas, School of Education, New York University, New York, N. Y.; Hollis Guy (executive secretary). Busi¬ ness Education Forum, 8 nos. Business Education Administrators Division: Elvin S. Eyster, School of

Business, University of Indiana, Bloomington, Ind.; Theodore Yerian, State Teachers College, Corvallis, Oreg.

Business Education Research Foundation: Herman G. Enterline, School of Business, Indiana University, Bloomington, Ind.; Dorothy H. Veon, Pennsylvania State College, State College, Pa. The National Business Education Quarterly.

Future Business Leaders of America: Jeron La Fargue, Sulpher High School, Sulphur, La.; Hollis Guy. FBLA Forum, q.

International Society for Business Education, United States Chapter: Hamden L. Forkner, Teachers College, Columbia University, New York 27, N. Y.; Dorothy H. Veon, Pennsylvania State College, State College, Pa. International Review of Business Education, 1-2 nos.

Mountain-Plains Business Education Association: E. C. McGill, Kansas State Teachers College, Emporia, Kans.; Hulda Vaaler, University of South Dakota, Vermillion, S. Dak.

Southern Business Education Association: Arthur L. Walker, State De¬ partment of Education, Richmond Va.; Kenneth Zimmer, Richmond Professional Institute, Richmond, Va.

Western Business Education Association: Eugene Kosy, Central Wash¬ ington College, Ellensburg, Wash.; Bessie Kaufman, Manual Arts High School, Los Angeles, Calif.

U. S. National Commission for UNESCO, U. S. Department of State, Wash¬ ington 25, D. C.: Walter H. C. Laves (chairman), 125 Quincy St., Chevy Chase, Md.; Max McCullough (executive secretary). Newsletter, bw. Annual Report.

United States National Student Association, 1307 Sansom Bldg., Philadelphia 7, Pa.: Richard J. Murphy; Marion Andert. NS A News, q. Congress Report, an.

Upper Midwest Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers: Ted McCarrel, State University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa; Hazel H. Creal, Rochester Junior College, Rochester, Minn.


Volta Speech Association for the Deaf, 1537 Thirty-fifth St. NW., Washington

7, D. C.: Clarence D. O’Connor, Lexington School for the Deaf, 904

Lexington Ave., New York 21, N. Y.; Alice Dunlap. The Volta Review,

10 nos.

Western Association of College and University Business Officers: Robert

Fenix, Willianiette University, Salem, Oreg.; William Milliken, St.

Mary’s College, St. Mary’s College, Calif. Proceedings, an.

Western Business Education Association, see United Business Education


Western College Association, 4435 Live Oak Dr., Claremont, Calif.: J. E.

Wallace Sterling, Stanford University, Stanford, Calif.; Clarence T.

Fitts. Newsletter, 4 nos. Proceedings, sa.

Western Psychological Association: Ruth S. Tolman, 345 South Michigan

Ave., Pasadena 5, Calif.; Richard W. Kilby, San Jose State College, San

Jose, Calif. Proceedings, an.

Western Society for Physical Education of College Women: Ruth M. Wilson,

University of Washington, Seattle 5, Wash.; Ruth Russell, University of

Nevada, Reno, Nev. Annual Report.

Western Speech Association: William B. McCoard, University of Southern

California, Los Angeles 7, Calif.; Upton S. Palmer, University of Cali¬

fornia at Santa Barbara, Calif. Western Speech, q.

Young Men’s Christian Associations of the United States of America, National

Council of, 291 Broadway, New York 7, N. Y.: William J. Grede; Eugene

E. Barnett. Yearbook.

Young Women’s Christian Association of the United States of America,

National Board of, 600 Lexington Ave., New York 22, N. Y.: Mrs. Ed¬

ward W. Macy; Mrs. Harrison S. Elliott. The YWCA Magazine, 11 nos.

YWCA Bulletin, 9 nos.


Included in this section are teacher associations; elementary, secondary, and higher education associational associations of school boards and school administrators; parent-teacher and library associations. It has not been found feasible to include State organizations in the subject matter fields and other special areas; information on these is perhaps more readily available from State departments of education. Alabama

Alabama Congress of Parents and Teachers, 39 Adams St., Montgomerj^

4: Mrs. David DeLisle Black, 3302 South Perry St., Montgomery;

Melissa Emory, Wetumpka. Information Bulletin for Parent-Teacher

Associations, 11 nos.

Alabama Department of Elementary School Principals: Elizabeth McFaden,

1236 Augusta Ave., Montgomery; Dorothy Baggett, Bellingrath School,

Montgomery. Principals' Patter, 2 nos.

Alabama Education Association, 422 Dexter Ave., Montgomery 4: Frances

Nungester, Box 112, Decatur; Frank L. Grove. Alabama School Journal,

9 nos.


Alabama Library Association: Sybil Baird, Indian Springs School, Route No. 1, Helena; Willa Bogsworth, Huntingdon College, Montgomery. Ala¬

bama Librarian, q.

Association of Alabama College Administrators: W. W. Hill, State Teachers

College, Livingston; Charles W. Edwards, Alabama Polytechnic Insti¬ tute, Auburn. Annual Report.

Alaska Alaska Educational Association, Box 1316, Anchorage: Pearl E. Shockley;

Janet Rougier. Alaska Education Association Bulletin.


Arizona Congress of Parents and Teachers, 1425 North First St., Phoenix:

Mrs. H. S. North, 1133 West Willetta St., Phoenix; Mrs. F. E. Brown,

2322 West Adams St., Phoenix. Arizona Congress News Letter, 7 nos.

Directory, an.

Arizona Education Association, 3636 North Fifteenth Ave., Phoenix: R. E.

Booth, Superintendent, Winslow Public Schools, Winslow; Walter Max¬

well, 4249 North Fifteenth Drive, Phoenix. Arizona Teacher, 4 nos.

AEA Newsletter, 9 nos.

Arizona Elementary School Principals Association: C. I. Waggoner, 37 Hud¬

son Lane, Tempe; B. Lee Johnson, 5525 North Sixteenth St., Phoenix.

Arizona Secondary School Principals Association: J. Larry Ashe, Ajo High

School, Ajo; Harry White, Chandler High School, Chandler.

Arizona School Board Association: John H. Armer, P. 0. Box 6096, Phoenix;

Homer Davis, Route No. 1, Box 276, Tucson. Amzona School Board

Association Bulletin, 10 nos.

Arizona State Library Association: Gertrude Burt, Public Library, Tucson;

Mrs. Wayne Carr, Phoenix Union High School, Phoenix. Arizona

Librarian, 10 nos.


Arkansas Congress of Parents and Teachers: Mrs. D. D. Black, 3302 South

Perry, Montgomery.

Arkansas Education Association, 1500 West Fourth St., Little Rock: M. H.

Russell, Superintendent of Schools, Lake Village; Houte R. Pyle (execu¬

tive secretary). Journal of Arkansas Education, 9 nos.

Arkansas Library Association: Mary Sue Shepherd, Pulaski County Library,

Seventh and Louisiana, Little Rock; Syble Tatom, Pharmacy Library,

Graduate Center, Little Rock. Arkansas Libraries, q.

Arkansas Secondary School Principals: Clarence Geis, Jonesboro Senior High

School, Jonesboro; J. F. Williams, Hot Springs Junior High School,

Hot Springs.


California Association of School Administrators, 35 North Raymond Ave.,

Pasadena 1: Cecil D. Hardesty, County Superintendent of Schools, 209

Civic Center, San Diego 1; Robert E. Cralle (executive secretary). The

California School Administrator, 10 nos.

California Association of Secondary School Administrators, 728 Cherry Ave.,

Long Beach 13: W. Bruce Kirkpatrick, John Marshall High School, 3939

Tracy St., Los Angeles 27; Harold B. Brooks. The Association News¬

letter, 4 nos. The Bulletin, 2 nos.


California Congress of Parents and Teachers, Inc., 322 West Twenty-first St.,

Los Angeles 7; Mrs. P. D. Bevil, 2911 Twenty-fifth St., Sacramento 18;

Mrs. Harvey Dye, 619 Earlham Drive, Whittier. California Parent-

Teacher^ m.

California School Trustees Association: Carl B. Munck, 425 Broadway Bldg.,

Oakland; Mrs. I. E. Porter, Haberfelde Bldg., Bakersfield. Bulletin, m.

California Society of Secondary Education, merged with California Associa¬

tion of Secondary School Administrators.

California Teachers Association, 693 Sutter St., San Francisco 2: Rex Turner,

Assistant Superintendent of Schools, 1025 Second Ave., Oakland 6;

Arthur F. Corey. The CTA Journal, 9 nos. Journal of Educational Re¬

search, 5 nos.

Colorado Association of Presidents of Institutions of Higher Learning in the State of

Colorado: Peter Palmer Mickelson, Western State College of Colorado,

Gunnison; W. E. Morgan, Colorado Agricultural and Mechanical College,

Fort Collins.

Colorado Association of School Boards, 326-C Norlin Library, Boulder:

Francis M. Day, 8001 North Federal Blvd., Denver; Calvin Grieder,

University of Colorado, Boulder. Bulletin, 10 nos.

Colorado Congress of Parents and Teachers, 1420 Court PI., Denver 2: Mrs.

Cyril Lyster, Route No. 4, Box 135, Greeley; Edna Lundquist (executive

secretary), 1554 Emerson St., Denver. Colorado Parent-Teacher, m.

Colorado Education Association, 1605 Pennsylvania St., Denver 3: William E.

Bishop, Assistant Superintendent, Jefferson County School District R-1,

Golden; Craig P. Minear (executive secretary). Colorado School

Journal, 8 nos.

Colorado Library Association: Helen L. Maul, Mary Reed Library, University

of Denver, Denver; Anna Neal Muller, Weld County Library, Greeley.

Colorado Library Association Bulletin, 4 nos.


Connecticut Association of Boards of Education: Sigmund Adler, 10 Ashwell

Ave., Rocky Hill; Harriette C. Bidwell, Simsbury.

Connecticut Association of Secondary School Principals: Raymond Claflin,

Danbury High School, Danbury; George R. Perry, Bristol High School,


Connecticut Congress of Parents and Teachers, Inc., 125 Trumbull St., Hart¬

ford: Mrs. Carlos deZafra, Terrace Place, New Milford; Mrs. Kirby

Howlett, 65 Sixth Ave., Milford. Connecticut Parent-Teacher, 10 nos.


Connecticut Council on Higher Education, Bureau of Higher Education and

Teacher Certification, State Office Bldg., Hartford: Lawrence L. Bethel,

New Haven College, 51 Prospect St., New Haven; Msgr. Raymond G.

LaFontaine, St. Thomas Seminary, Bloomfield.

Connecticut Education Association, 21 Oak St., Hartford 6: Dorothea M.

Lennon, 173 North St., Stamford; Henry W. Farrington, 230 Marvel-

wood Drive, New Haven 15. Connecticut Teacher, 8 nos.

Connecticut Library Association: Donald B. Engley, Trinity College, Hart¬

ford; Marcella Anderson, Public Library, Wethersfield. Connecticut

Libraries, m.


Elementary School Principals’ Association of Connecticut: Mildred K. Bar-

rows, Stanley School, New Britain; Anne Torrant, Broad Street School, Plainville. Newsletter, 3 nos.

Delaware Delaware Association of School Administrators, State Department of Public

Instruction, Dover: Charles E. Smith, New Castle High School, New

Castle; Robert C. Stewart, Research and Publications, State Department

of Public Instruction, Dover.

Delaware Association of School Boards: Crayton K. Black, 1215 Brandywine

Blvd., Wilmington 3; James C. Webb, Frederica.

Delaware Congress of Parents and Teachers: Mr. Dean C. Steele, 304 Beech-

wood Rd., Wilmington 3; Mrs. Clement W. Theobald, 2600 Washington Ave., Roselle.

Delaware State Education Association, Room 6, Keith Bldg., Dover: Florence

E. Loose, Wilmington High School, Wilmington; Howard J. Row. Dela¬ ware School Journal, 9 nos.

Delaware State Teachers Association: Robert J. Buckalew, 304 Marshall St.,

Milford; Madelyn B. Kennedy, 611 SE. Second St., Milford.

District of Columbia Columbian Education Association, 5225 Blaine St. NE., Washington 19: Ed¬

ward J. Edwards, Jr.; Charlotte T. Franklin, 918 S St. NW., Washing¬

ton. Journal of the Columbian Education Association, an.

District of Columbia Association of Secondary-School Principals: John M.

Fletcher, Raymond School, Tenth and Spring Rd. NW., Washington 10;

Boise L. Bristor, Ross Administration Annex, 1739 R St. NW., Wash¬

ington 9.

District of Columbia Congress of Parents and Teachers, Raymond School,

Tenth St. and Spring Rd. NW., Washington 10: Mrs. Frank F. Strope,

2319 Fortieth PI. NW.; Mrs. G. G. Winegard, 418 Shepherd St. NW.

Newsletter, 4 nos.

Education Association of the District of Columbia, Gordon Junior High School,

Thirty-fifth and T Sts. NW., Washington 7: Helen E. Samuel, 4805

North Rock Spring Rd., Arlington 7, Va.; Isabella Krey, McKinley High

School. Newsletter, 4 nos.

Florida Florida Association of Colleges and Universities: Elbert E. Bishop, Palm

Beach Junior College, Lake Park; Charles Doren Tharp, University of

Miami, Coral Gables.

Florida Congress of Parents and Teachers, 1020 Legion PL, Orlando: Mrs. C.

Durward Johnson, 331 North Fourteenth St., Quincy; Mrs. H. J. Catlin,

711 Old Hickory Rd., Jacksonville. The Florida Parent-Teacher, 9 nos.

Florida Education Association, 220 Centennial Bldg., Tallahassee: Robert B.

Turner, Jr., 446 Mendoza St., Coral Gables; Ed Henderson. The Journal,

9 nos.

Florida Education Association, Department of Secondary Principals, 220 Cen¬

tennial Bldg., Tallahassee: H. C. Campbell, Largo; Ed Henderson.

Newsletter, 3-4 nos.

Florida School Board Association, 226 Centennial Bldg., Tallahassee: George

W. Slaton, Comeau Bldg., West Palm Beach; Ed Henderson.


Florida State Teachers Association: G. T. Wiggins, 422 North C St., Pensa¬

cola; S. W. Curtin, 200 South Madison Ave., Clearwater. The Bulletin,

3 nos.

Georgia Georgia Association of Colleges: 0. C. Aderhold, University of Georgia,

Athens; Lloyd W. Chapin, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta.

Georgia Congress of Parents and Teachers, 612 Henry Grady Bldg., Atlanta

3: Mrs. H. M. Kandel, 432 Abercorn St., Savannah; Mrs. George W.

Gaston, 711 Flat Shoals Ave. SE., Atlanta. Georgia Parent-Teacher

Bulletin, 8 nos.

Georgia Education Association, 706 Walton Bldg., Atlanta 3: Frank M.

Hughes, Adel; J. Harold Saxon. Georgia Education Journal, 9 nos.

Georgia Elementary School Principals Association, 706 Walton Bldg., Atlanta

3: Gladys Darling, 1295 Grove Ave., Waycross; Mary Bradford, Fifth

Avenue School, Decatur. The Elementary School Principal News, 2 nos.

Georgia High School Principals Association, 706 Walton Bldg., Atlanta 3:

Harold McNabb, Albany High School, Albany; H. C. Boston, Chatsworth.

High School Principals Newsletter, 5-6 nos.

Georgia Library Association: Sara Hightower, Pepperell Schools, Lindale;

Mrs. J. L. Henderson, Carnegie Library, Rome.

Hawaii Hawaii Congress of Parents and Teachers: Horace Kawamura, Department of

Health, Hilo.

Hawaii Education Association, 205 Merchant St., Honolulu 13: John T.

Ferreira, Jr., Kaimuki Intermediate School, Honolulu; James R. Mc¬

Donough. HEA News Flash, 10 nos. Proceedings, an.

Idaho Idaho Congress of Parents and Teachers, 614 State St., Boise; Mrs. C. S.

Bosquet, Box 361, Pocatello; Mrs. T. O. Van de Grift, 420 Ninth Ave.,

South, Nampa. The Idaho Parent-Teacher, 6 nos. Yearbook, an.

Idaho Education Association, Inc.: Carvel Jackson, 240 Cedar St., Idaho Falls;

Mildred Rushton, 205 West Fourteenth St., Idaho Falls.

Idaho School Trustees Association, 112 North Garden St., Boise: Grant

Stowell, 414 West Center St., Pocatello; J. C. Eddy.

Idaho State Library Association, Idaho State College Library, Pocatello:

Eli M. Oboler; Marion Bingham, Boise Public Library, Boise. Idaho

Librarian, q.

Illinois Federation of Illinois Colleges, Blackburn College, Carlinville: Theodore P.

Stephens, Aurora College, Aurora; Robert P. Ludlum.

Illinois Association of School Administrators: J. L. Buford, Superintendent of

Schools, Mount Vernon; Lester Grant, Superintendent of Schools,


Illinois Association of School Boards, 306East Monroe St., Springfield:

Robert M. Krebs, Mt. Vernon; Robert M. Cole. Illinois School Board

Journal, 6 nos. School Board News Bulletin, 16 nos.

Illinois Congress of Parents and Teachers: Mrs. T. H. Ludlow, 135 Southcote

Rd., Riverside.

Illinois Education Association, 100 East Edwards St., Springfield: James E.

Pease, Superintendent of Schools, LaGrange; Irving F. Pearson. Illinois

Education, 9 nos.


Illinois Elementary School Principals Association: H. L. Beach, Sterling;

Kenneth Hammer, Morris. Newsletter, 3 nos.

Illinois Library Association: Eleanor Weir Welch, Milner Library, Illinois State Normal University, Normal; Dorothy Reading, Evanston Public

Library, Evanston. ILA Record, 4 nos.

Illinois Secondary School Principals Association: F. M. Peterson, Pekin Com¬

munity High School, Pekin; R. L. McConnell, Senior High School,


Indiana Indiana Association of Secondary School Principals: 0. L. Van Horn, 1083

Churchman Ave., Beech Grove; Glen Robb, Ligonier High School,


Indiana Congress of Parents and Teachers, 518 North Delaware St., Indian¬

apolis 4: Mrs. Jack C. Greig, 514 East Drive, Woodruff PI., Indianapolis.

Indiana Parent-Teacher, 8 nos. Yearhook, 1952.

Indiana Library Association, % Indiana State Library, 140 North Senate

Ave., Indianapolis 4: John H. Moriarty, Purdue University Library,

Lafayette; Georgia Moore, La Porte High School, La Porte. Focus, 6 nos.

Indiana State Teachers Association, 203 Hotel Lincoln, Indianapolis 9: George

F. Ostheimer, R. R. 11, Box 289N, Indianapolis 44; Robert H. Wyatt.

Indiana Teacher, 9 nos.

Indiana Town and City Superintendents Association: Vance B. Collins, North Vernon; Harry Mourer, Bedford.

Iowa Iowa Association of School Boards, 401 Shops Bldg., Des Moines 9: Melvin

Baker, Humboldt; Don A. Foster. Iowa School Board Bulletin, 5 nos.

Iowa Association of Secondary School Principals: Leonard Shillinglaw, High

School, New Hampton; Delmer H. Battrick, Callanan Junior High

School, Des Moines.

Iowa Congress of Parents and Teachers: Mrs. O. S. Fatland, Colfax.

Iowa Library Association: Opal Tanner, Public Library, Muscatine; Eleanor

Jones, Public Library, Sioux City. Catalyst, 6 nos.

Iowa State Education Association, 415 Shops Bldg., Des Moines 9: W. F. John¬

son, Superintendent of Schools, Spencer; Charles F. Martin. Midland

Schools, 9 nos.


Kansas Congress of Parents and Teachers, 820 Quincy, Topeka: Mrs. R. A.

Seaton, 731 Leavenworth, Manhattan; Mrs. Ida Oursler, Kansas Parent-

Teacher, 9 nos.

Kansas Library Association: Zelia French, Kansas Traveling Library Com¬

mission, Topeka; Alice Reilly, Manhattan Public Library, Manhattan.

Kansas State Teachers Association, 315 West Tenth St., Topeka; Superin¬

tendent Lowell Small, Hutchinson; C. 0. Wright. Kansas Teacher, 9

nos. Handbook, an.


Kentucky Congress of Parents and Teachers: Mrs. James G. Sheehan, 152

North Alta Ave., Danville.

Kentucky Education Association, 1421 Heyburn Bldg., Louisville 2: Lyman V.

Ginger, University of Kentucky, Lexington 29. Kentucky School Journal,

9 nos. KEA Journal, 9 nos.


Kentucky Library Association: Jacqueline Bull, Margaret I. King Library,

University of Kentucky, Lexington; Carolyn Whitenack, Board of Edu¬

cation, Louisville. Bulletin^ an.

Kentucky School Boards Association, 171 Cherokee Park, Lexington: W. C.

Rees, Winchester Board of Education, Winchester; L. E. Meece. Ken¬

tucky School Board Journal^ 6 nos.

Louisiana Calcasieu Education Association, 1724 Kirkman St., Lake Charles: L. 0.

Pellegrin, DeQuincy High School, 304 McNeese St., DeQuincy; Linnie

Lacy, LaGrange High School, Lake Charles.

Louisiana College Conference: John B. Wilson, Centenary College, Shreve¬

port; Houston T. Karnes, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge.

Louisiana Education Association, 418 Florida St., Baton Rouge 2: Loretta R.

Doerr, 824 Claiborne Towers, New Orleans; N. B. Hackett. Louisiana

Schools, 9 nos.

Louisiana Library Association: Garland F. Taylor, 8505 Pritchard PI., New

Orleans 18; Ruth Clark, Lake Charles High School, Lake Charles. LLA

Bulletin, q.

Louisiana Parent-Teacher Association, Room 201A, Old State Capitol, Baton

Rouge; Mrs. J. H. Stringer, 5948 Jefferson Hgwy., Baton Rouge; Mrs.

Henry Bernard, 209 French St., New Iberia. Louisiana Parent-Teacher

Bulletin, 9 nos.

Louisiana School Boards Association, Box 8986 University Station, Baton

Rouge 3: Levi O. Campbell, Jr., Route 3, Bunkie; Fred G. Thatcher.

The Boardman, 10 nos.

Maine Maine Association of Principals of Secondary Schools, State Department of

Education, Augusta: Winfred A. Kelley, Lawrence High School, Fair-

field; Philip A. Annas. Bulletin, 10 nos.

Maine Congress of Parents and Teachers, Inc., 5 South Belfast Ave., Augusta:

Mrs. Clifford 0. T. Wieden, Teachers College, Presque Isle; Mrs. C. F.

Thurlow. Maine Parent Teacher Bulletin, 5 nos.

Maine Elementary Principals Association: Richard Bickford, Ellsworth; E.

Geraldine Fenderson, North St., Saco.

Sanford Library Association, 222 Main St., Sanford: George S. Willard, 176

Main St., Sanford; Lona J. Stilphen, 253 Main St., Sanford.

Maryland Maryland Congress of Parents and Teachers, 5 East Read St., Baltimore 2:

Joseph A. Hunter, 3111 Ardee Way, Baltimore 22; Mrs. Austin Gardner,

916 West Washington St., Hagerstown. Maryland Parent Teacher, 10 nos.

Maryland Educational Association: Charles H. Chipman, Salisbury High

School, Salisbury; Joseph C. Parks, Bryans Road. The Bulletin, an.

Maryland Library Association: Richard D. Minnich, 30 West Chesapeake Ave.,

Towson 4; Sarah Cockey, Talbot County Library, Easton. Between

Librarians, 4 nos.

Maryland Public School Teachers Association, Inc., 1517 East North Ave.,

Baltimore 17: Walter A. Maccubbin, 2730 Fenwick Ave., Baltimore 18;

Louise M. Dennis, 2008 Druid Hill Ave., Baltimore 17. The PSTA News¬

letter, 9 nos.

Maryland Secondary School Principals Association: Frank J. Getty, Smiths-

burg; Herman Hauver, Brunswick.


Maryland State Teachers Association, 5 East Read St., Baltimore 2: Francis L. Holsinger, Easton High School, Easton; Milson C. Raver. The Mary¬

land Teacher^ 9 nos.

Massachusetts Massachusetts Association of School Committees, Box 372, New Bedford:

Thomas H. Moriarty, 39 Henry St., Fitchburg; James W. Whitehead.

Newsletter, 6 nos. Massachusetts Congress of Parents and Teachers, Inc., 80 Boylston St., Boston

16: Mrs. Frank C. Chase, 49 Lovewell St., Gardner; Mrs. Humphrey J. Sullivan, 45 Menotomy Rd., Arlington 74. Parent-Teacher Bulletin,

10 nos. Massachusetts Elementary School Principals Association: Leonor M. Rich,

184 Mystic Valley Parkway, Winchester; Thomas McFarlin, 49 Welles¬

ley St., Weston. The Massachusetts Elementary School Principal, 2 nos.

Massachusetts Library Association: Philip J. McNiff, Lamont Library, Har¬

vard College, Cambridge 38; Ruth Hazelton, Belmont Public Library, Bel¬

mont. MLA Bulletin, q.

Massachusetts Secondary School Principals Association, 3 Broadway, Beverly:

Charles I, Chatto, Springfield Classical High School, Springfield; Mrs.

Frederick H. Pierce. The Bugle, 9 nos.

Massachusetts Teachers Association, 14 Beacon St., Boston 8: Albert M. John¬

son, Box 193, Granville Rd., Southwick; Hugh Nixon. The Massachusetts

Teacher, 8 nos.

Michigan Department of Elementary School Principals of the Michigan Education As¬

sociation: A. Raymond Ebaugh, 1014 North Alexander, Royal Oak;

Martha Hale, Republic School, Alma. Newsletter, 3 nos. Yearbook.

Michigan Association of School Administrators: Clifford Smart, Wall Lake;

Albert Phillips, 935 North Washington St., Lansing 2.

Michigan Association of School Boards, Room 3, Kellogg Center, Michigan

State College, East Lansing: Everett N. Luce, 612 North Saginaw Rd.,

Midland; S. H. Sixma. Newsletter, 4 nos.

Michigan College Association: Arthur Andrews, Grand Rapids Junior College,

Grand Rapids; Edward Groesbeck, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor.

Michigan Congress of Parents and Teachers, 212 West Lapeer St., Lansing

15: Mrs. Harry B. King, 98 South Shirley St., Pontiac; Mrs. Joseph

Slezak, Route No. 2, Box 210, Bay City. Michigan Parent-Teacher, 5 nos.

Annual Report.

Michigan Education Association: E. C. Beck, Central Michigan College of

Education, Mt. Pleasant; A. J. Phillips, 935 North Washington St.,

Lansing 2. Michigan Education Journal, 9 nos.

Michigan Library Association: Frances E. Burnside, Jackson Public Library,

Jackson; Eleanor Burgess, Grand Rapids Public Library, Grand Rapids.

Michigan Librarian, 4 nos.

Michigan Secondary School Association: Kelly Dunsmore, North Muskegon

High School, North Muskegon; R. C. Faunce (executive secretary),

Wayne University, Detroit. The Bulletin of the MSS A, 7 nos.


Association of Minnesota Colleges, Office of President, 211 Burton Hall,

University of Minnesota, Minneapolis 14: Robert J. Keller, Director,

Bureau of Institutional Research, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis 14.


Minnesota Association of Secondary School Principals: Curtis Johnson, Alex¬

ander Ramsey High School, St. Paul 8; Gerald Imbody, Principal of

High School, Owatonna. Bulletin, 2 nos.

Minnesota Congress of Parents and Teachers, Inc., 2639 University Ave., St.

Paul 14: Mrs. David Aronson, 1217 Thomas Ave., North, Minneapolis 11;

Mrs. S. E. Struble, Wyoming. Minnesota Parent-Teacher.

Minnesota Elementary Principals Association: L. M. Pennock, Jefferson

School, Rochester; Evelyn Pearson, Gutterson School, St. Paul. Minne¬

sota Elementary Principals Bulletin, 3 nos.

Minnesota Library Association, 1001 Hennepin Ave., Minneapolis 3: Maurine

Hoffmann, Public Library, St. Paul; Mary L. Dyar, Public Library,

Minneapolis. MLA Bulletin, 3 nos. Minriesota Libraries, q.

Minnesota School Board Association: Mrs. 0. E. Hedin, Willmar; W. A. Wet-

tergren, 319 West Swift St., St. Peter. Minnesota School Board Journal.

9 nos.

Mississippi Mississippi Congress of Parents and Teachers, 212 North Congress St., JacK-

son 5: Mrs. A. L. Hendrick, 504 Road of Remembrance, Jackson; Mrs.

Stovall Lowrey, 186 West Second St., Clarksdale. Mississippi Parent-

Teacher, 10 nos.

Missouri Department of Elementary School Principals, Missouri State Teachers As¬

sociation: A. M. Rennison, 1329 Francis St., St. Joseph; Edward J. Gil¬

bert, State College, Cape Girardeau.

Missouri Association of Secondary School Principals: Edward Geyer, Trenton;

Buford Thomas, Marshall. Newsletter, ir.

Missouri College Union: Thomas Hall, Washington University, St. Louis; L.

G. Abernathy, Central College, Fayette. Annual Report.

Missouri Congress of Parents and Teachers, State Teacher's Bldg., Columbia:

Mrs. C. Wheeler Detjen, 420 South Gore, Webster Groves; Mrs. Ray¬

mond Duff, Houston. Missouri Parent Teacher, 10 nos.

Missouri Library Association: Helen M. Miller, Jefferson City and Cole

County Libraries, Jefferson City; Margaret Hager, Joplin Public Library,

Joplin. MLA Quarterly.

Missouri State Teachers Association: Roy Taylor, Superintendent of Schools,

Herculaneum; Everett Keith, Columbia. School and Community, 9 nos.

Montana Montana Congress of Parents and Teachers: Mrs. Marion Crawford, 709 East

Main, Laurel.

Montana Department of Elementary School Principals: S. J. Knudsen, Wash¬

ington School, Missoula; Leon Nelson, Prescott School, Missoula.

Montana Education Association, 422 North Park Ave., Helena: D. D. Cooper,

1219 Harvard Ave., Billings; Martin P. Moe, 328 North Benton, Helena.

Montana Education, 9 nos.

Montana School Boards Association, Box 669, Livingston: Otto T. Kabedank,

Sidney; J. L. Gleason. The Trustee, 6 nos.

Montana State Library Association: Mrs. Leon Coombs, Public Library,

Glendioe; Mrs. Marjorie Moores, Hill County Library, Havre.

Nebraska Nebraska Association of School Administrators: E. G. Lightbody, Superintend¬

ent of Schools, Nebraska City; R. C. Anderson, Superintendent of

Schools, Madison.


Nebraska Congress of Parents and Teachers, 720 South Twenty-second St.,

Lincoln 8: Mrs. A. E. Hanneman, 913 A St., Lincoln 2; Mrs. P. S. Carter, 2151 South Thirty-third St., Omaha 5. Nebraska Parent-Teacher,

10 nos.

Nebraska Library Association: Kathryn J. Gesterfield, Scottsbluff Public

Library, Scottsbluff; Arthur H. Parsons, Jr., Omaha Public Library,


Nebraska State Education Association: Glenn W. Hildreth, Nebraska State

Teachers College, Chadron; Archer L. Burnham, 605 South Fourteenth

St., Lincoln 8. Nebraska Education News, 34 nos. Yearbook.

Nebraska State School Boards Association: Mark D. Bock, Benkelman; F. H.

Gorman, University of Omaha, Omaha. Bulletin, m.

Nevada Nevada Congress of Parents and Teachers: Mrs. J. Dewey Solomon, 2601

West Charleston, Las Vegas; Mrs. John Sneddon, Battle Mountain. The

Nevada Parent Teacher, 5 nos.

Nevada Library Association, Box 2151, Reno: Fred M. Stephen, Washoe

County Library, Reno; Mary Boardman, Washoe County Library, Reno.

Nevada State Education Association, 131 West Second St., Reno: Kathleen Griffin, 1320 Humboldt St., Reno; Chester V. Davis. Newsletter.

New Hampshire

New Hampshire Congress of Parents and Teachers: Mrs. Howard Lee, 43 Humphreys Ct., Portsmouth; Mrs. Eleanor Marvin, Newcastle. P. T. A.

Bulletin, 5 nos.

New Hampshire Department of Elementary School Principals: Esther Eaton,

5 Faxon Ave., Nashua; Martha Moore, Denny.

New Hampshire Library Association: Francis Callan, New Hampshire State

Library, Concord; Alice Ames, Milford. Newsletter, 4 nos.

New Hampshire School Boards Association: Osmond R. Strong, Concord; Paul

E. Farnum, State Board of Education, Concord. Bulletin, an.

New Hampshire State Teachers Association, 4 Park St., Concord: Irene V.

Ramsdell, 281 Jewett St., Manchester; Robert D. Bailey. New Hamp¬

shire Educator, 5 nos.

New Jersey

New Jersey Association of Colleges and Universities, Rutgers University, New

Brunswick: J. Douglas Brown, Princeton University, Princeton; Albert

E. Meder, Jr.

New Jersey Congress of Parents and Teachers: Mrs. A. Hobart Anderson,

263 East First St., Clifton.

New Jersey Library Association, State Library, State House Annex, Trenton

7: James E. Bryan, The Public Library, Newark; Veronica F. Cary,

Free Public Library, Trenton. Neivsletter, 2 nos.

New Jersey Organization of Teachers: Camilla R. Lockwood, 205 Union Land¬

ing, Riverton; Rachel McNeil, 911 Spruce St., Camden. Newsletter, 2 nos.

New Jersey Secondary School Principals Association: Ross Andre, Superin¬

tendent of Schools, High School, Bernardsville; Eugene Van Vliet, High

School, Butler.

State Federation of District Boards of Education: Wm. A. Mitchell, Hights-

town; Jesse Foster, 306 East State St., Trenton.


New Mexico New Mexico Association of Secondary School Principals: Calloway Taulbee,

Box 568, Portales; Dave St. Clair, Clovis High School, Clovis. The


New Mexico Congress of Parents and Teachers: Mrs. Aaron Margulis, 676

Camino del Monte Sol, Santa Fe.

New Mexico Education Association, 114 Marcy St., Santa Fe: W. B. O'Donnell,

New Mexico Agriculture and Mechanical Arts College, State College;

John P. Steiner, Box 1499, Santa Fe. School Review, 9 nos. New Mexico

Reporter, m.

New Mexico Library Association: Chester H. Linscheid, New Mexico College

of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts, State College; Phebe Harris, Santa

Fe Public Library, Santa Fe.

New York Council of Superintendents, Cities and Villages: W. Lynn Houseman, Superin¬

tendent of Schools, Geneva; Erie L. Ackley, 402 South Market St.


New York State Association of District Superintendents: Harry Gross,

Mineola; Morris Livingston, Williamson.

New York State Association of Elementary School Principals, 933 Sibley

Tower Bldg., 25 North St., Rochester 4: Vernon L. Lee, North School,

Herkemer; Charles W. Joyce. Our Association at Work.

New York State Association of Secondary School Principals: Earl L. Vander-

meulen, Port Jefferson High School, Port Jefferson; Ward I. Fiedler,

Warrensburg Central School, Warrensburg. The Principals Bulletin, 3

nos. Proceedings, an.

New York State Congress of Parents and Teachers, Inc., 152 Washington

Ave., Albany 10: Mrs. Charles L. Chapman, 6061 Lewiston Rd., Lewiston;

Mrs. John J. Valentine, 76 Sumner Ave., Yonkers 4. New York Parent-

Teacher Bulletin, 10 nos.

New York State School Boards Association, Inc., 170 State St., Albany 10:

Mary K. Brod, 33 Pintard Ave., New Rochelle; Everett R. Dyer. Journal

of the New York State School Boards Association, Inc., 4 nos.

New York State Teachers Association, 152 Washington Ave., Albany 10:

Kenneth A. Myers, High School, Johnson City; G. Howard Goold. New

York State Education, 9 nos.

North Carolina North Carolina College Conference: P. L. Elliott, Gardner Webb College,

Bailing Springs; James E. Hillman, State Department of Education,

Raleigh. Proceedings, an.

North Carolina Congress of Parents and Teachers, Gibsonville: Mrs. T. R.

Easterling, 319 Raleigh St., Rocky Mount; Mrs. John W. Crawford, 3203

Clark Ave., Raleigh. North Carolina Parent Teacher Bulletin, 10 nos.

North Carolina Department of Elementary School Principals: Mildred Poole,

Fort Bragg School, Fort Bragg; Ira B. Jones, Grace School, Asheville.

Newsletter, 4 nos.

North Carolina Education Association, 111 West Morgan St., Raleigh: E. N.

Howell, Box 218, Swannanoa; Ethel Perkins Edwards, Box 350, Raleigh.

North Carolina Education, 9 nos. News Bulletin, 5 nos.

North Carolina Library Association, 822 Third St., Durham: Jane B. Wilson;

George F. Bentley, 6 Rogerson Drive, Chapel Hill. North Carolina Libraries, 4 nos.


North Carolina State School Board Association: C. W. McCrary, Asheboro;

Guy B. Phillips, Department of Education, Chapel Hill. North Carolina Teachers Association, 125 East Hargett St., Raleigh: C. L.

Blake, West Charlotte High School, Charlotte; W. L. Greene. North

Carolina Teachers Record, 4 nos.

North Dakota North Dakota Congress of Parents and Teachers: Mrs. H. A. Belcher, Fessen¬

den; Mrs. Arthur Herther, 411 Tenth St. SE., Minot. North Dakota

Parent-Teacher, 9 nos.

North Dakota Education Association: Erick Selke, University of North

Dakota, Grand Forks; Paul A. Dalager, 722 Thirteenth St., Bismarck.

North Dakota Teacher, 9 nos.

North Dakota Principals Association: Lawrence Hanson, Central High School,

Grand Forks; Myron Fahey, Rugby.

North Dakota School Officers Association: Lester Anderson, Manning; D. B.

Allen, Walcott.

North Dakota State Institutions of Higher Learning, Council of College Presi¬

dents: C. C. Swain, Minot; J. C. McMillan, Ellendale.

Ohio Ohio Association of School Administrators, 4820 East Seventy-first St., Cleve¬

land: T. C. Knapp, 933 Market Ave. North, Canton 2; W. G. Bahner.

Ohio College Association: John Baker, Ohio University, Athens; John Black, Ohio State University, Columbus. Transactions, an.

Ohio Congress of Parents and Teachers, Inc., 3420 LeVeque Lincoln Tower,

60 West Broad St., Columbus 15: Mrs. Lorin C. Staats, 310 East State

St., Athens; Mrs. Walter W. Denney, 601 East Moler St., Columbus 7.

Ohio Parent-Teacher, 10 nos. Proceedings, an. Directory, an.

Ohio Department of Elementary School Principals: Sue Beeghly, Franklin

School, 2617 East Fifth St., Dayton 3; Doyt C. Shaffer, Horace Mann

School, Lima. Newsletter, 4 nos.

Ohio Education Association, 213 East Broad St., Columbus 16: Carl H. Shanks,

County Superintendent of Schools, Wilmington; W. B. Bliss. Ohio

Schools, 9 nos.

Ohio High School Principals Association: John Fry, Hamilton High School,

Hamilton; Carl Hopkins, High School, Delaware.

Ohio Library Association, 1113 State Office Bldg., Columbus 15: Hallie M. Grimes, Birchard Library, Fremont; Frances G. Nunmaker. 0. L. A.

Bulletin, q.


Oklahoma Association of Negro Teachers: C. A. Jackson, Dunbar High School,

Okmulgee; F. C. Moon, Executive Secretary, Douglass High School,

Oklahoma City. OANT Journal, 2 nos.

Oklahoma Congress of Parents and Teachers, North Campus, Norman: Mrs.

Joel L. Burkitt, 1419 East Thirty-fifth St., Tulsa; Mrs. Ruby Scott.

Oklahoma Parent-Teacher, 10 nos.

Oklahoma Department of Elementary School Administrators: Lee M. Nuzum, 2300 NW. Fifteenth St., Oklahoma City 7; Harvey Mullinax. Yearbook.

Oklahoma Education Association, 323 East Madison, Oklahoma City: Clarence

Davii, Superintendent of Schools, Velma; Ferman Phillips. Oklahoma

Teacher, 9 noi.


Oklahoma Library Association: Eugenia Maddox, University of Tulsa Library,

Tulsa 4; Lucy Ann Babcock, Oklahoma Library Commission, State

Capitol, Oklahoma City 5. Oklahoma Librarian, 2 nos.

Oklahoma Secondary School Principals Association: A. Willard Brokaw, High

School, Shawnee; F. R. Born, Seventh & Robinson Sts., Oklahoma City

3. Directory.

Oklahoma State School Boards Association, Inc.: J. G. Stratton, R. R, No. 3,

Box 187, Clinton; H. E. Wrinkle, Faculty Exchange, Norman.

Oregon Oregon Association of Secondary School Principals: Guy Shellenbarger,

Marshfield High School, Coos Bay; Cliff Robinson, State Department of

Education, Salem.

Oregon Colleges Foundation, 9615 SW Palatine Hill Road, Portland 1: Harry

L. Dillin, Linfield College, McMinnville; Morgan S. Odell, Lewis and

Clark College, Portland 1.

Oregon Congress of Parents and Teachers, 511 Education Center Bldg., Port¬

land 4: Mrs. Jennelle Moorhead, 2683 Potter St., Eugene; Mrs. Earl

Sheridan, 5042 Miller Ave., Klamath Falls. Oregon Parent-Teacher,

9 nos.

Oregon Education Association, 1530 SW Taylor St., Portland 5: Henry E.

Tetz, Monmouth-Independence Schools, Independence; Cecil W. Posey.

Oregon Education Journal, 9 nos. Newsletter, 4-5 nos.

Oregon Elementary Principals Association, State Department of Education,

Salem: Chester C. Squire, Briscoe School, Ashland; Darrell Potter,

Roosevelt School, Klamath Falls. News Bulletin, q. Annual Report.

Oregon Library Association: Pauline C. Howard, Reed College Library, Port¬

land 2; J. Elizabeth Olson, Elementary Schools, Corvallis. Oregon

Library News, q.

Oregon School Board Association, School of Education, University of Oregon,

Eugene: S. E. Brogoitti, P. O. Box 67, Helix; Paul Jacobson.

Pennsylvania Association of Pennsylvania Teachers: Edyth H. Ingraham, Girard Court

Apartments, A7, 2101 North College Ave., Philadelphia 21; Catherine M.

Peoples, 1320 South Colorado St., Philadelphia 46. Explorer, 3 nos.

Pennsylvania Association of Colleges and Universities, 406 State Theatre

Bldg., Harrisburg: Rev. Francis X. N. McGuire, Villanova College,

Villanova; Howard R. Reidenbaugh.

Pennsylvania Branch of National Association of Secondary School Principals:

Earl A. Master, Reading Senior High School, Reading; Francis G. Wil¬

son, William Penn High School, Harrisburg. Newsletter, 2-3 nos.


Pennsylvania Congress of Parents and Teachers: Mrs. Alexander Groskin,

4949 North Smedley St., Philadelphia 41.

Pennsylvania Education Association, Elementary School Principals Section:

Russell R. Grumling, 190 David St., Johnstown; Dorothy Hartman, 2437

Livingston St., Allentown. Newsletter, 4 nos.

Pennsylvania Library Association: William W. Bryan, Scranton Public

Library, Scranton; Esther Strickland, 118 South St., Harrisburg. Bulle¬

tin of the PL A, q.

Pennsylvania State Education Association, 400 North Third St., Harrisburg:

Thomas E. Carson, 22 Pine Rd., R. D. No. 7, Pittsburgh 29; H. E. Gay-

man. Pennsylvania School Journal, 9 nos.


Pennsylvania State School Directors Association, 222 Locust St., Harrisburg: Robert M. Carson, 217 Huff Bldg., Greensburg; P. O. Van Ness.

Bulletin, q.

Rhode Island Rhode Island Congress of Parents and Teachers, 76 Dorrance St., Providence

3: Mrs. James J. Walker, 20 Stratford Rd., Edgewood 5; Mrs. Leonard McDermott, 4 Kendall Lane, Edgewood 5. Rhode Island Parent-Teacher

Bulletin, 9 nos. Directory.

Rhode Island Library Association: Jeanne B. MacCready, Rhode Island School of Design, Providence 8; Caroline A. Bowen, Weaver Memorial Library,

East Providence. Rhodie Island Library Association Bulletin, 2 nos.

Handbook, 1952.

South Carolina Palmetto State Teachers Association, 1719 Taylor St., Columbia: John R.

Bowen, 310 West Bartlette St., Sumter; W. E. Solomon. PST A Journal,

5 nos. South Carolina Congress of Parents and Teachers: Mrs. T. J. Mims, P. 0.

Box 1143, Greenville.

South Carolina Education Association, 1510 Gervais St., Columbia 5: Gladys Robinson, Lancaster; J. P. Coates. South Carolina Education News,

10 nos. South Carolina Library Association: Desmond Koster, Medical College of

South Carolina, 16 Lucas St., Charleston 16; Karl H. Koopman, The

Citadel Library, Charleston. South Carolina Library Bulletin, q.

South Carolina Secondary School Principals Association: C. A. Weinheimer,

Rivers High School, Charleston; M. W. Breland, Greenwood High School,


South Dakota Associated School Boards of South Dakota: Russell B. Creaser, Watertown;

D. B. Doner, Brookings. South Dakota School Boards, bm.

South Dakota Association of Secondary School Principals: C. E. Haskins,

Rapid City High School, Rapid City; George W. Janke, Mitchell High

School, Mitchell. South Dakota Congress of Parents and Teachers: Mrs. George L. Headley,

Garden City; Mrs. W. E. Lane, Custer. South Dakota Parent Teacher,

5 nos. South Dakota Education Association, 218 South Main Ave., Sioux Falls: D. W.

Tieszen, Senior High School, Watertown; F. A. Strand. SDEA Journal,

9 nos.

South Dakota Library Association: Dorette Darling, Homestake Library,

Lead; Helen Hoyt, Rapid City Public Library, Rapid City. Newsletter, q.

South Dakota School Executives Association: Vandal C. Johnson, Canton;

George T. Williams, Elk Point.


Tennessee Association of Secondary School Principals: Edward B. Eller, Mar¬

tin; Howard Kivksey, Middle Tennessee State College, Murfreesboro.

The Bulletin, 3 nos.

Tennessee Congress of Parents and Teachers: Mrs. E. B. Roberts, Palmer.

Tennessee Education Association, 321 Seventh Ave. North, Nashville 3: John

L. Meadows, Tennessee Polytechnic Institute, Cookeville; Frank E. Bass. The Tennessee Teacher, 9 nos.


Tennessee Elementary School Principals Association: Jack Stanfill, Elliott

School, 1101 Sixth Ave. North, Nashville 8; Thelma Gilliam, Dalewood

School, McGavock Lane, Nashville. Bulletin of Tennessee Elementary

School Principals, 4 nos.

Tennessee Library Association: Ruth Reagor, Woodland School, Oak Ridge;

Jesse Burt, Jackson. The Tennessee Librarian, 3 nos.

Tennessee Negro Education Association, Tennessee A. and I. State University,

Nashville 8: C. C. Bond, Lexington; G. W. Brooks, Burt High School,

Clarksville. The Broadcaster, 8 nos.

Tennessee School Boards Association, 225 War Memorial Bldg., Nashville 3:

F. H. Trotter, Municipal Bldg., Chattanooga; W. A. Shannon. Tennessee

School Board Bulletin, m.

Texas Texas Association of School Administrators: Fred Kaderli, Box No. 48, San

Marcos; Frank Richardson, Henrietta.

Texas Association of School Boards, V-Hall 102, University of Texas, Austin

12: James A. Redmond, 1872 Terrell St., Beaumont; Mrs. George H.

Swinney, 1201 Sayles Blvd., Abilene. Texas Schoolboard Newsletter, m.

Handbook, an.

Texas Association of Secondary School Principals: W. W. Wimberly, School

Administration Bldg., El Paso; W. I. Stevenson, Milbey High School,

Houston. Texas Journal of Secondary Education, q.

Texas Congress of Parents and Teachers, 408 West Eleventh St., Austin 1:

Mrs. H. G. Stinnett, Jr.; C. E. Sanderson. Texas Parent-Teacher, 12 nos.

Texas Elementary Principals and Supervisors Association: Opal Eversole,

Freeport Elementary School, Freeport; Buford Williams, Campus Ele¬

mentary School, San Marcos. The Newsletter, 2 nos. Yearbook.

Texas State Teachers Association, 316 West Twelfth St., Austin 1: R. L.

Proffer, 215 Marietta St., Denton; Charles H. Tennyson. Texas Outlook,

m. Yearbook.


Utah Conference on Higher Education, 223 State Capitol, Salt Lake City 1:

George T. Blanch, Department of Agricultural Economics and Marketing,

Utah State Agricultural College, Logan; N. Blaine Wirnters, State De¬

partment of Public Instruction, Salt Lake City. Conference Summary, an.

Utah Congress of Parents and Teachers, Inc., 61 East North Temple, Salt

Lake City: Mrs. Donald E. Rose, 1240 South Westwood Rd., Bountiful;

Mrs. C. T. Smith, 31 East Girard Ave., Salt Lake City. Utah Parent

Teacher, 10 nos. Yearbook.

Utah Education Association, 22 South Main St., Salt Lake City 1: Afton

Forsgren, 1897 South Fifteenth East, Salt Lake City 5; Allan M. West.

Utah Educational Review, 5 nos.

Utah Elementary Principals Association: Glenn Thomas, Mound Fort School,

Ogden; Byron Moore, Dee School, Ogden.

Utah Library Association: Helen P. Gibson, Davis County Library, Kaysville;

Maida Jensen, East High School Library, Salt Lake City. ULA



Vermont Congress of Parents and Teachers, 37Merchants Row, Rutland:

Mrs. Ramon Lawrence, Jericho; Mrs. Martin Douglass, Post Rd., Rut¬

land. Vermont Parent-Teacher Bulletin, 10 nos.


Vermont Education Association, 92 State St., Montpelier: Gertrude E. Sin¬

clair, 7 Maple Grove St., Barre; Joseph A. Wiggin. VEA News, 5 nos.

Vermont Headmasters Association, 92 State St., Montpelier: Jesse E. Sunder¬ land, St. Albans; Joseph A. Wiggin. Bulletin, ir.

Vermont Library Association, Box 281, Montpelier: Leonard B. Archer, Rut¬ land Free Library, Rutland; Clara E. Follette.

Vermont State School Directors Association: Earl L. Brown, 63 Highland Ave.,

Newport; Rachel Milne, Barre. Vermont School Board Journal.

Virginia Association of Virginia Colleges: Paul H. Farrier, Virginia Polsrtechnic Insti¬

tute, Blacksburg; John W. Boitnott, Bridgewater.

Virginia Congress of Parents and Teachers, IQV2 North Ninth St., Richmond

9: Robert 0. Nelson, P. O. Box 733, Newport News; Mrs. 0. H. Gregory, Martinsville. The Virginia Bulletin, 10 nos.

Virginia Department of Elementary School Principals: Logan C. Harding,

Patrick Copeland School, Hopewell; Florence M. Lohman, Richmond.

Virginia Department of Secondary School Principals: E. L. McCue, E. C. Glass

High School, Lynchburg; Clarence H. Spain, Binford Junior High School,


Virginia Library Association: Seymour Robb, Virginia Polytechnic Institute

Library, Blacksburg; Marjorie Dearhart, John Marshall High School,

Richmond 19. Virginia Library Bulletin, an.

Virginia Teachers Association, Clay St. at Fourth, Richmond 19: J. B. Wood-

son, P. O. Box 72, Blackstone; J. Rupert Picott. Virginia Education

Bulletin, 8 nos.


Washington Association of Secondary School Principals: Richard Hudson,

South Junior High School, Everett; Lannes Purnell, Morgan Junior High

School, Ellensburg.

Washington Congress of Parents and Teachers, Inc., 530-32 Security Bldg.,

Tacoma 2: Mrs. Herman Nordfors, 1040 Twentieth Ave., Longview;

Mrs. Evan J. Mathews, 4528 Twentieth Ave. NE., Seattle 5. Washington

Parent-Teacher, 5 nos.

Washington Education Association, Room 300, 814 Second Avenue Bldg.,

Seattle 4: T. Olai Hageness, 6214 Steilacoom Blvd., Tacoma 9; Joe A.

Chandler. Washington Education, 8 nos.

Washington Elementary-Junior High Principals Association, P. 0. Box 500,

Olympia: George Cronquist, Edgemont School District, 809 Forty-ninth

Ave. NE., Puyallup; Joseph P. Lassoie. The Washington Principal, 4 nos.

Washington Library Association: Mildred Keith Horn, Longview Public

Library, Longview; Lee Hodson, Pt. Angeles Public Library, Pt. Angeles.

Washington State School Directors Association, P. 0. Box 748, Olympia:

Gerwyn Jones, 572 University Place, Walla Walla; Elmer Stanley.

Newsletter, 8 nos.

West Virginia

West Virginia Association of Secondary School Principals: D. E. Dean, Rich-

wood; Fred Coffindaffer, Bluefield.

West Virginia Classroom Teachers Association: Beatrice Bums Harvey,

Lewisburg; Ina Montgomery, Marlinton. The Challenger, 3 nos.


West Virginia Congress of Parents and Teachers, Riley Law Bldg., Wheeling.

Mrs. Edward G. Menkemeller, 501 Fulton St., Wheeling; Mrs. John

Brown, 2018 Twenty-third St., Parkersburg. West Virginia Parent Teacher Bulletin, 9 nos.

West Virginia Education Association, 2012 Quarrier St., Charleston 1: Delmas

F. Miller, University High School, Morgantown; Phares E. Reeder, 2000

Kanawha Ave., Dunbar. West Virginia School Journal, 9 nos.

West Virginia Elementary School Principals Association: Margaret Easley,

1101 Augusta St., Bluefield; Myron Drummond, 2621 Guyan Ave., Hunt¬ ington. Newsletter, 4 nos.

West Virginia High School Principals Conference: Drue E. Culumns, Liberty

High School, Williamson; Lawrence V. Jordan, State College High School, Institute.

West Virginia State Teachers Association: William J. L. Wallace, West Vir¬

ginia State College, Institute; Myra Fairfax, 1707 Ninth Ave., Hunt¬ ington. The Bulletin, 2 nos.


Association of Presidents and Deans of Liberal Arts Colleges of the State of

Wisconsin: Very Rev. Edward J. O’Donnell, S. J., Marquette University,

Milwaukee; Wilford E. Kaufman, Carroll College, Waukesha.

Wisconsin Association of School Boards: Roy W. Thiel, 6 East First St., Fond

du Lac; Joseph Hamelink, 7311 Twenty-third Ave., Kenosha. Wisconsin

School Board News, 6 nos.

Wisconsin Association of Secondary School Principals: James Logsdon, High

School, Shorewood; Harold Paukert, High School, Kohler.

Wisconsin Congress of Parents and Teachers, 119 Monona Ave., Madison 5:

Mrs. Joseph Born, 1529 Erie Ave., Sheboygan; Mrs. Myron Pugh, 2256

Keyes Ave., Madison 5. Wisco7isin Parent-Teacher, 9 nos.

Wisconsin Education Association, 404 Insurance Bldg., Madison: Clyde

Shields, Senior High School, Waukesha; 0. H. Plenzke. Wisconsin

Jouryial of Education, 9 nos.

Wisconsin Elementary School Principals Association: W^alter F. Karst, 2602

North Eighty-eighth St., Wauwatosa; John Walters, Davey Memorial

School, Eau Claire. Wisconsin Elementary School Principal, 4 nos.

Wisconsin Library Association, 816 State St., Madison 6: Benton H. Wilcox;

Ruth Swenson, 601 Pine St,, Madison. WLA Newsletter, 6 nos.


Wyoming Congress of Parents and Teachers: Mrs. C. C. Browning, 2221 Max¬

well St., Cheyenne.

Wyoming Education Association, School Administration Bldg., Cheyenne:

Lloyd D. Crane, Cheyenne High School, Cheyenne; Karl F. Winchell.

Wyo7ning Education News, 9 nos.

Wyoming School Trustees Association: William F. Smith, Box 1061, Buffalo;

C. Vance Lucas, Buffalo.

Wyoming Secondary School Principals Association: Marcus Caldwell, Wheat-

land; Lloyd Crane, Cheyenne High School, Cheyenne.


It is impossible, within the scope of this directory, to list all of the many foundations which indicate a major purpose to be educa¬ tional. A brief list of foundations, which are of national or regional


scope and either primarily educational in purpose or known to be sponsoring projects in education, is included herewith. Other existing lists of foundations provide additional information. American Foundation for the Blind, Jnc., 15 West Sixteenth St., New York 11,

N. Y.: William Ziegler, Jr.; Eustace Seligman. New Outlook for the Blind, 10 nos.

American-Scandinavian Foundation, 127 East Seventy-third St., New York 21,

N. Y.: Lithgow Osborne; Richard H. Andrews. The American-Scandin¬ avian Review, q. Annual Report.

Belgian American Educational Foundation, Inc., 420 Lexington Avenue, New

York 17, N. Y.: Perrin C. Galpin; E. Clark Stillman. Annual Report.

Carnegie Corporation of New York, 522 Fifth Ave., New York 36, N. Y.:

Charles Dollard; Robert M. Lester. Annual Report.

Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching, 522 Fifth Ave., New

York 36, N. Y.: Oliver C. Carmichael; Robert M. Lester. Annual Report.

The Commonwealth Fund, 1 East Seventy-fifth St., New York 21, N. Y.:

Malcolm P. Aldrich; James W. Wooster, Jr. Annual Report.

Cleveland H. Dodge Foundation, Inc., 40 Wall St., New York 5, N. Y.: Cleve¬

land E. Dodge; Richard C. Van Varick.

Elks National Foundation, 16 Court St., Boston 8, Mass.: John F. Malley

(chairman) ; Floyd E. Thompson. Annual Report.

Maurice and Laura Falk Foundation, Farmers Bank Bldg., Pittsburgh 22, Pa.:

Leon Falk, Jr. (chairman of board) ; E. B. Strassburger, 2602 Grant

Bldg., Pittsburgh 19, Pa. Report, bien.

Farm Foundation, 600 South Michigan Ave., Chicago 6, Ill.: John Stuart

(chairman); Joseph Ackerman.

Samuel S. Fels Fund, 1315 Walnut St., Philadelphia 7, Pa.: Jerome J. Roths¬

child; Dale Phalen (executive secretary).

Edward A. Filene Good Will Fund, Inc., 11 West Forty-second St., New York

18, N. Y.: John H. Mahoney, 8 Everett Ave., Winchester, Mass.; B. W.


Foundation for Integrated Education, Inc., 246 East Forty-sixth St., New York

17, N. Y.: Kirtley F. Mather, Geological Museum, Harvard University,

Cambridge, Mass. Main Currents in Modem Thought, q.

Fund for Adult Education, 914 East Green St., Pasadena 1, Calif.: C. Scott

Fletcher; Martha C. Howard. Annual Report.

Fund for the Advancement of Education, 575 Madison Ave., New York 22,

N. Y.: Clarence H. Faust, 980 San Pasqual St., Pasadena, Calif.; 0.

Meredith Wilson. Annual Report.

John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation, 651 Fifth Ave., New York 17, N. Y.: Mrs. Simon Guggenheim; Henry Allen Moe. Fellowships United

States of America, an. Reports, bien.

Charles and Julia Henry Fund, 25 Massachusetts Hall, Cambridge 38, Mass.:

David W. Bailey.

Kosciuszko Foundation, 15 East Sixty-fifth St., New York 21, N. Y.: Stephen

P. Mizwa. Newsletter, 10 nos.

Samuel H. Kress Foundation, 221 West Fifty-seventh St., New York 19, N. Y.:

Samuel H. Kress; F. C. Geiger.

John and Mary R. Markle Foundation, 14 Wall St., New York 6, N. Y.: George

Whitney, 23 Wall St., New York 5, N. Y.; Dorothy Rowden. Annual Report.


Phelps-Stokes Fund, 101 Park Ave., Room 1410, New York 17, N. Y.: Emory

Ross; John H. Reisner. Yearbook.

The Psychological Foundation, 120 Central Park South, New York 19, N. Y.:

Harvey J. Ross, 551 Fifth Ave., New York, N. Y.; Stefan de Somogyi-

Schill, 2 East Eighty-sixth St., New York, N. Y. Annual Report.

Rockefeller Foundation, 49 West Forty-ninth St., New York 20, N. Y.: Dean

Rusk; Flora M. Rhind. Annual Report. Rockefeller Foundation

Grants^ q.

Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research, Inc., 14 East Seventy-

first St., New York 21, N. Y.: Richard C. Hunt; Paul Fejos. Annual



Included in this section are national religious organizations which (1) operate colleges and sectarian schools attended by students in place of publicly supported schools; (2) supplement the regular school program with educational activities for youth and adults; (3) operate adult education programs open to the public. American Baptist Convention, Board of Education and Publication, 152 Madi¬

son Ave., New York 16, N. Y.: H. Theodore Sorg, 744 Broad St., Newark,

N. J.; Luther Wesley Smith (executive secretary). Annual Report.

American Baptist Educational Institutions, Association of, 152 Madison Ave.,

New York 16, N. Y.: Robert H. Beaven, Baptist Missionary Training

School, 510 Wellington Ave., Chicago 14, Ill.; William R. Strassner,

Shaw University, Raleigh, N. C. Annual Report of Presidents*


American Missionary Association Division, Board of Home Missions, Congre¬

gational Christian Churches, 287 Fourth Ave., New York 10, N. Y.: Tru¬

man B. Douglass; Philip M. Widenhouse. Yearbook.

American Unitarian Association, Division of Education, 25 Beacon St., Boston

8, Mass.: Frederick May Eliot; Rev. Ernest W. Kuebler (director). The

Christian Register, 11 nos. Yearbook.

Association of Lutheran Secondary Schools, Board for Parish Education, 210

North Broadway, St. Louis 2, Mo.: Rev. Carl S. Meyer, Luther Institute,

28 North Franklin St., Chicago 6, Ill.; A. K. Grams, 2644 North Seventy-

sixth Court, Elmwood Park, Ill.

Catholic Business Education Association, 41 Butler St., Brookl3m 2, N. Y.:

Brother Philip Harris, O.S.F.; Sister Mary Gregoria, B.V.M., Mundelein

College, Chicago 40, Ill. Catholic Business Education Review, q.

Catholic Library Association, 209 Vine Ave., Park Ridge, Ill.: Helen L. Butler,

Marywood College, Scranton 2, Pa.; Jeannette Murphy Lyon. Catholic

Library World, 8 nos. Catholic Periodical Index, 4 nos.

Christian Brothers Education Association, 357 Clermont Ave., Brooklyn 38,

N. Y.: Brother A. Benedict, F.S.C.; Brother Cassian, F.S.C., St. Mary’s

College, St. Mary’s College, Calif. Proceedings, an.

Church of the Brethren, Christian Education Commission, General Brother¬

hood Board, 22 South State St., Elgin, Ill.: A. C. Baugher (chairman),

Elizabethtown, Pa.; C. Ernest Davis (executive secretary). Yearbook.

Conference of Catholic Schools of Nursing, 1438 South Grand Blvd., St. Louis

4, Mo.: Sister M. Barbara Ann, S.M., Mt. Mercy College Department of

Nursing, 610 Eighth St. SE., Cedar Rapids, Iowa; Margaret M. Foley.

Hospital Progress, m.


Conirregational and Christian Churches, American Missionary Association

Division, Board of Home Missions, 287 Fourth Ave., New York 10, N. Y.:

Howard Stone Anderson; Philip M. Widenhouse. Builders^ bien. Year¬ book, 1952.

Disciples of Christ, Board of Higher Education, 222 South Downey Are., Indianapolis 7, Ind.: H. L. Smith; Ruth M. Lowry.

Evangelical United Brethren Church, Board of Christian Education, 1900

Knott Bldg., Dayton 2, Ohio: Bishop Fred L. Dennis, 2100 Knott Bldg.,

Dayton 2, Ohio; R. H. Mueller. The Christian Education Newsletter, 6 nos.

Friends Council on Education, 20 South Twelfth St., Philadelphia 7, Pa.: E.

Newbold Cooper (chairman), % Girard College, Philadelphia 21, Pa.; Harriet L. Hoyle.

Jesuit Educational Association, 49 East Eighty-fourth St., New York 28, N. Y.: Very Rev. John H. McMahon, S. J., 501 East Fordham Rd., New

York 68, N. Y.; Rev. Edward B. Rooney, S. J. (executive director).

Jesuit Educational Quarterly. Directory, an.

Lutheran Church — Missouri Synod, Board for Parish Education, 210 North

Broadway, St. Louis 2, Mo.: Paul M. Bretscher (chairman) ; Arthur L.

Miller (executive secretary). Parish Education, 10 nos.

Lutheran Education Association, 7400 Augusta St., River Forest, Ill.: Armin

Grams, 3639 Sunnyside, Brookfield, Ill.; Luther Kolander, 429 South Ashland, La Grange, Ill. Yearbook.

Mennonite Board of Education, Office of General Educational Agent, C. F.

Yake, 700 George St., Scottdale, Pa.: Nelson E. Kauffman, 1417 Broad¬

way, Hannibal, Mo.; Forrest Kanagy, Biglerville, Pa. Christian School,

10 nos.

Missionary Education of the National Council of Churches, Joint Commission

on, 257 Fourth Ave., New York 10, N. Y.: Avis Harvey (chairman), 281 Fourth Ave., New York 10, N. Y.; Franklin D. Cogswell (general


National Catholic Educational Association, 1785 Massachusetts Ave. NW.,

Washington 6, D. C.: Most Rev. Joseph E. Ritter, Archbishop of St.

Louis, 3810 Lindell Blvd., St. Louis 8, Mo.; Rt. Rev. Msgr. Frederick G.

Hochwalt. National Catholic Educational Association Bulletin, q.

Directory, an.

National Catholic Welfare Conference, Department of Education, 1312 Massa¬

chusetts Ave. NW., Washington 5, D. C.: Rt. Rev. Msgr. Frederick G.

Hochwalt, (director). Directory of Catholic Colleges and Schools in the

United States.

National Conference of Christians and Jews, Inc., 381 Fourth Ave., New York

16, N. Y.: Everett R. Clinchy; Oscar M. Lazrus. Brotherhood Magazine,

3 nos.

National Council for Jewish Education, 1776 Broadway, New York 19, N. Y.: Louis L. Ruffman; Elijah Bortniker. Jewish Education, 3 nos. Sheviley

Hahinuch, q.

National Council of Churches of Christ in the United States of America, 297

Fourth Ave., New York 10, N. Y.: Bishop William C. Martin, 1910 Main

St., Dallas 1, Texas; Samuel McCrea Cavert (general secretary).

National Council Outlook, 10 nos. Yearbook.


Commission on Christian Higher Education, 297 Fourth Ave., New York

10, N. Y.: John 0. Gross, Methodist Board of Education, 1001 Nine¬

teenth Ave. South, Nashville 2, Tenn.; Raymond F, McLain. Memo^ m. The Christian Scholar^ q.

Division of Christian Education, 257 Fourth Ave., New York 10, N. Y.:

Gerald E. Knoff (general director). International Journal of Re¬ ligious Education, 11 nos.

National Jewish Welfare Board, 145 East Thirty-second St., New York 16,

N. Y.: Irving Edison, 315 Washington Ave., St. Louis, Mo.; Ralph K.

Guinzburg. The JWB Circle, m. Yearbook, 1950-51.

Presbyterian College Union, % Presb3rterian Church in the U. S. A., Board of

Christian Education, 808 Witherspoon Bldg., Philadelphia 7, Pa.: Weir

C. Ketler, Grove City College, Grove City, Pa.; Franc L. McCluer, Lin-

denwood College, St. Charles, Mo.

Presbyterian Educational Association of the South, Box 1176, Richmond 9, Va.:

Marshal W. Brown, President, Presbyterian College, Clinton, S. Carolina.

Presbyterian Church in the United States of America, Board of Christian

Education, Witherspoon Bldg., Philadelphia 7, Pa.: Rev. Ganse Little,

D. D., 585 East Colorado St., Pasadena 1, Calif.; Rev. Paul C. Payne.

Annual Report.

Reformed Church in America, Board of Education, 156 Fifth Ave., New York

10, N. Y.: James Ver Meulen, 901 Broadway, Grand Rapids, Mich.;

Bernard J. Mulder. Annual Report.

Religious Education Association, 645 West One Hundred Eleventh St., New

York 25, N. Y.: Samuel P. Franklin, 2717 Cathedral of Learning, Uni¬

versity of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh 13, Pa.; Rev. Herman E. Wornom

(general secretary). Religious Education, 6 nos.

Seventh-day Adventists, General Conference of, Department of Education,

6840 Eastern Ave. NW., Takoma Park, Washington 12, D. C.: E. E.

Cossentine (secretary). Journal of True Education, 6 nos.

Southern Baptist Convention, Education Commission: Charles D. Johnson,

Baylor University, Waco, Tex.; R. Orin Cornett, 127 Ninth Ave. N.,

Nashville, Tenn. Southern Baptist Educator, 9 nos.

United Synagogue Commission on Jewish Education, 3080 Broadway, New

York 27, N. Y.: Rabbi Elias Charry, 6815 Ellet St., Philadelphia, Pa.;

Louis L. Ruffman. The Synagogue School, q.


This section includes associations with membership from two or more nations including the United States, but not those strictly concerned with promoting international education programs. For the latter, see Index, under ‘International.”

International Academy of History of Sciences, 12 Rue Colbert, Paris, France:

J. A. Vollgraff, Roodborststr 17, Leiden, Holland; P. Sergescu,

Daubenton 7, Paris, France. Archives Internationales d’Histoire des

Sciences, q.

International Bureau of Education, Palais Wilson, Geneva, Switzerland: Mar¬

cel Abraham, 55, rue St. Dominique, Paris 7e, France; Jean Piaget

(director), Chemin sur Rang, Pinchat, Geneva. Bulletin, q. Yearbook.

Proceedings, an.


International Federation of Library Associations, % United Nations Library,

Geneva, Switzerland: Pierre Bourgeois (director), Swiss National

Library, Berne, Switzerland; T. P. Sevensma, % University Library,

Leiden, Holland. Actes du Comite International des BibliothequeSy an.

International Federation of Secondary Teachers, 46 Moray Place, Edinburgh

3, Scotland: Margaret F. Adams, O. B. E., 19 Radcliffe Road, Croydon,

Surrey, England; Janet M. Lawson. International Bulletin^ 3 nos.

International Federation of University Women, 1 Sedding St., Sloane Square,

London, S. W. 1, England: Frances E. Moran, Trinity College, Dublin,

Eire; M. C. Hermes. Newsletter, 2 nos. Bulletin, an.

International Society for Business Education, 59 Kirchlistrasse, St. Gallon, Switzerland: Ivan Larsson, 22 Mastersamuelsgatan, Stockholm, Sweden;

Samuel Schaffner. International Review for Business Education, 2 nos.

World Confederation of Organizations of the Teaching Profession (NEA),

1201 Sixteenth St. NW., Washington 6, D. C.: Ronald Gould; William G.

Carr. WCOTP Reports, 10 nos. Proceedings, an.

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ACCREDITING. Accrediting Association of Bible Institutes and Colleges, 2; American Association of Colleges for Teacher Educa¬ tion, 3 ; American Association of Collegiate Schools of Business, 3 ; American Association of Schools of Social Work see Council on Social Work Education, 13; American As¬ sociation of Theological Schools, 4; Ameri¬ can Bar Association, 5 ; American Chemical Society, Division of Chemical Education, 6; American Council on Education for Journal¬ ism, 6; American Council on Pharmaceu¬ tical Education, 6; American Dental As¬ sociation, Council on Dental Education, 6; American Institute of Chemical Engineers, 6 ; American Library Association, 7 ; Ameri¬ can Medical Association, Council on Medical Education and Hospitals, 7; American Op- tometric Association, Council on Education and Professional Guidance, 7; American Osteopathic Association, Bureau of Profes¬ sional Education and Colleges, 7 ; American Public Health Association, 8; American Veterinary Medical Association, 9 ; Engi¬ neers Council for Professional Development, 15 ; Middle States Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools, 16; National Architec¬ tural Accrediting Board, 17; National As¬ sociation of Schools of Music, 19 ; New Eng¬ land Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools, 24: North Central Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools, 26; North¬ west Association of Secondary and Higher Schools, 25; Society of American Foresters, 25: Southern Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools, 26 ; Western College As¬ sociation, 28.

ADMINISTRATION. American Association of Examiners and Administrators of Education¬ al Personnel, 3; American Association of School Administrators, 4; American College of Hospital Administrators, 6; Association of Governing Boards of State Universities and Allied Institutions, 10; Association of Phys¬ ical Plant Administrators of Universities and Colleges, 11 ; Business Education Adminis¬ trators Division, 27 ; Conference of Execu¬ tives of American Schools for the Deaf, 13 ; Conference of Presidents of Negro Land- Grant Colleges, 13 ; Department of Ele¬ mentary School Principals, 14 ; Headmistress¬ es Association of the East, 16; Head¬ mistresses Association of the Middle West, 16; National Association of Principals of Schools for Girls, 19; National Association of Schools of Social Administration see Council on Social Work Education, 13 ; Na¬ tional Association of Secondary School Principals, 19; National Association of Student Personnel Administrators, 20; Na¬ tional Council of Administrative Women in Education, 21; National Council of Chief State School Officers, 21; National Council of Local Administrators of Vocational Edu¬ cation and Practical Arts, 21; National School Boards Association, 23. See also DEANS, STATE SCHOOL OFFICERS.

ADULT EDUCATION. Adult Education As¬ sociation of U. S. A., 2; National Home Study Council, 23 ; National University Ex¬ tension Association, 24; Fund for Adult Educatk>B« 46.

AGRICULTURAL EDUCATION. American Association of Agricultural College Editors. 2; Future Farmers of America, 16; New Farmers of America, 24. See cilso VOCA¬ TIONAL EDUCATION.

ARCHITECTURE. American Institute of Architects, Department of Education and Research, 6; Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture, 10 ; National Archi¬ tectural Accrediting Board, 17.

ARTS. American Academy of Arts and Let¬ ters, 2; American Academy of Arts and Sciences, 2; American Federation of Arts, 6; American Industrial Arts Association, 6; American Institute of Graphic Arts, 6; American Society for Aesthetics, 8; As¬ sociation of Art Museum Directors, 10; College Ai-t Association of America, 12; Eastern Arts Association, 17; International Graphic Arts Education Association, 16; National Council of Local Administrators of Vocational Education and Practical Arts, 21; National Art Education Association, 17; National Institute of Arts and Letters, 23 ; Pacific Arts Association, 17; Southeastern Arts Association, 17; Western Arts As¬ sociation, 17.

ATTENDANCE. National League to Pro¬ mote School Attendance, 23.


BOARDS. National School Boards Associa¬ tion, 23; Secondary Education Board, 26; Southern Regional Education Board, 26.

BUILDING AND EQUIPMENT. SCHOOLS. Association of Physical Plant Administrators of Universities and Colleges, 11; National Association of Educational Buyers, 18; Na¬ tional Council on Schoolhouse Construction, 21,

BUSINESS EDUCATION. American Associa¬ tion of Collegiate Schools of Business, 3; American Association of Commercial Col¬ leges, 3 ; Business Education Administrators Division, 27; Business Education Research Foundation, 27 ; Catholic Business Education Association, 46; Central Commercial Teach¬ ers Association, 12 ; Eastern Business Teachers Association, 14; Future Business Leaders of America. 27; International Society for Business Education, 49; Inter¬ national Society for Business Education— U, S. Chapter, 27; Mountain-Plains Busi¬ ness Education Association, 27 ; National As¬ sociation and Council of Business Schools, 17 ; National Association of Business Teacher- Training Institutions, 18; Southern Business Education Association, 27; United Business Education Association, 27; Western Business Education Association, 27.

BUSINESS OFFICERS. American Association of College Business Officers, 3; American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Ad¬ missions Officers, 3; American Collegiate Retailing Association, 6; Association of Business Officers of Preparatory Schools, 10; Association of School Business Officials, 11; Central Association of College and Uni¬ versity Business Officers, 12; Eastern As¬ sociation of College and University Business Officers, 14; National Association of College Stores, 18; National Association of School Secretaries, 19; Southern Association of Col-



lege and University Business Officers, 26; Upper Midwest Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers, 27; Western Association of College and Univer¬ sity Business Officers, 28.


ical Society, Division of Chemical Education, 6; American Institute of Chemical Engi¬ neers, 6. _

CHILDHOOD EDUCATION AND WELFARE. American Association of Psychiatric Clinics for Children, 4; Association for Childhood Education International, 9 ; Child Study As¬ sociation of America, 13; Child Welfare League of America, 12; Department of Kindergarten-Primary Education, 14; Inter¬ national Council for Exceptional Children, 16 ; National Association Nursery Education, 17 ; National Child Labor Committee, 20; National Kindergarten Association, 23.

CITIZENS AND CITIZENSHIP. American Legion, 7 ; National Citizens Commission for the Public School, 20; National Council on Naturalization and Citizenship, 21. See also SOCIAL SCIENCE. , ,

CLASSICAL EDUCATION. American Classi¬ cal League, 6; Classical Association of the Atlantic States, 12 ; Classical Association of Middle West and South, 12; Classical As¬ sociation of New England, 12 ; Classical As¬ sociation of Pacific States, 12.

D DEANS. American Conference of Academic

Deans, 5; Association of Summer Session Deans and Directors, 11; Eastern Association of College Deans and Advisers of Men, 14 ; National Association of Collegiate Deans and Registrars, 18; National Association of Deans of Women, 18.

DENTAL EDUCATION. American Dental As¬ sociation, Council on Dental Education, 6.

DRAMATICS. American Educational Theatre Association, 6; National Collegiate Players, 20: National Thespian Society, 24; Theatre Library Association, 27. See also SPEECH.

E EDUCATION, GENERAL. American Council

on Education, 6 ; Foundation for Integrated Education, 45; General Education Board, 15 ; Fund for Advancement of Education, 45; Indian Empire Education Association, 15; National Citizens Commission for Public Schools, 20; National Education Association, 22; National Commission for Defense of Democracy through Education, 20; Southern States Work Conference on Educational Problems, 26.

ELEMENTARY EDUCATION. Department of Classroom Teachers, 14; Department of Ele- mentary School Principals, 14; National Council for Elementary Science, 20; National Council of State Consultants in Elementary Education, 21. See also CHILDHOOD EDU¬ CATION AND WELFARE.

ENGINEERING. American Society for Engi¬ neering Education, 8; Engineers’ Council for Professional Development, 15.

F FORESTRY. Society of American Foresters,


Kappa Gamma Society, 13 ; Kappa Delta Pi, 16; National Interfraternity Conference, 23 ; National Panhellenic Conference, 23; Phi Betta Kappa, 25; Phi Delta Kappa, 25 ; Pi Lambda Theta, 25.


College Personnel Association, 5; College and University Personnel Association, 12; American Personnel and Guidance Associa¬

tion, 7; Council of Guidance and Personnel Association, see American Personnel and Guidance Association ; Eastern College Per¬ sonnel Officers, 14; National Association of Guidance Supervisors and Counselor Train¬ ers, 18; National Vocational Guidance As¬ sociation, see American Personnel and Guid¬ ance Association.


HEALTH. American Association for Health, Physical Education and Recreation, 2; American College Health ^ Association, 5 ; American Dietetic Association, 6; American Physical Therapy Association, 8; American Public Health Association, 8; American School Health Association, 8; American Social Hygiene Association, 8; Association of Schools of Public Health, 11; National Health Council, 22; National Organization for Public Health Nursing, 23; Society State Directors Health, Physical Education and Recreation, 26. See also MEDICAL EDUCATION. NURSING EDUCATION. PHYSICAL EDUCATION. RECREATION.

HIGHER EDUCATION. American Association of University Professors, 4; American As¬ sociation of University Teachers of Insur¬ ance, 4; American College Health Associa¬ tion, 5; American Collegiate Retailing Association, 5 ; American Council on Educa¬ tion, 5; Associated Universities, Inc., 9; Association of American Colleges, 9; As¬ sociation of American Universities, 10; Association of College Unions, 10; Associa¬ tion of Colleges and Secondary Schools, 10 ; Association of Governing Boards of State Universities and Allied Institutions, 10 ; As¬ sociation of Land-Grant Colleges and Uni¬ versities, 10; Association of NROTC Col¬ leges, 11; Association of Physical Plant Administrators of Universities and Colleges, 10; Association of University Evening Col¬ leges, 11 ; Association of Urban Universities, 11; Commission on Colleges and Universi¬ ties, Southern Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools, 26 ; Conference of Presi¬ dents of Negro Land-Grant Colleges, 13 ; Department of Higher Education, National Education Association, 14 ; National Associa¬ tion of State Universities, 19. See also ACCREDITING, ADMINISTRATION, BUSI¬ NESS OFFICERS. DEANS, GUIDANCE AND PERSONNEL, PHYSICAL EDUCA¬ TION, TESTS AND MEASUREMENTS, and special fields of professional education.

HOME ECONOMICS. American Dietetic As¬ sociation. 6; American Home Economics Association, 6 ; American School Food Serv¬ ice Association, 8 ; Department of Home Economics, 14; Future Homemakers of America, 16; National Association of State Supervisors of Home Economics, 19; New Homemakers of America, 24.

HONOR SOCIETIES. American Alumni Coun¬ cil, 2 : Association of American Rhodes Scholars, 10; National Honor Society of Secondary Schools, 23. See also FRATER¬ NITIES AND SORORITIES.

INDUSTRIAL EDUCATION. American In¬ dustrial Arts Association, 6; National As¬ sociation of Industrial Teacher Educators, 18,

INTERNATIONAL EDUCATION. American Association for United Nations, 2; Ameri¬ can Committee for Emigre Scholars, Writers and Artists, 5; American Scandinavian Foundation, 45; Association for Childhood Education International, 9; Belgian Ameri¬ can Educational Foundation, 45; Committee on Friendly Relations Among Foreign Stu¬ dents, 13 ; Institute of International Educa¬ tion, 15 ; International Bureau of Education, 48; International Council for Exceptional Children, 16 ; International Society for Busi-


ness Education—U. S. Chapter, 27; National Association of Foreign Student Advisers, 18 ; Society for Advancement of Scandinavian Study, 25; U. S. National Commission for UNESCO, 27. See also INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATIONS, 66-56.

INTOLERANCE. Council Against Intolerance in America, 13.


JOURNALISM. American Association of Agri¬ cultural College Editors, 2 ; American Coun¬ cil on Education for Journalism, 6; American Textbook Publishers Institute, 9; Association for Education in Journalism, 9 ; Association of American University Presses, 10; Columbia Scholastic Press Advisers As¬ sociation, 13; Columbia Scholastic Press Association, 13 ; Education Writers Associa¬ tion, 15 ; Educational Press Association, 15 ; National Association of Journalism Direct¬ ors, 19; National Association of Journalism Directors of Secondary Schools, 19. See also PUBLIC RELATIONS.

JUNIOR COLLEGES. American Association of Junior Colleges, 3; Junior College Council of Middle States, 16; New England Junior College Council, 24; Northwest Association Junior Colleges, 25; Southern Association Junior Colleges, 26.

L LANGUAGE. American Association of Teach¬

ers of French, 4; American Association of Teachers of German, 4; American Associa¬ tion of Teachers of Italian, 4; American Association of Teachers of Slavic and East European Languages, 4 ,* American Associa¬ tion of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese, 4; American Philological Association, 8; Central States Modern Language Teachers Association, 12 ; College Conference on Eng¬ lish in Central Atlantic States, 12; College English Association, 12; College Language Association, 13; Linguistic Society of America, 16; Modern Language Association of America, 17 ; National Council of Teach¬ ers of English, 21; National Federation of Modern Language Teachers Associatians, 22; New England Association of Teachers of English, 24 ; New England Modern Language Association, 24; Societe des Professeurs Francais en Amerique, 25; South Atlantic Modem Language Association, 26.

LEGAL EDUCATION. American Association of Law Libraries, 3 ; American Bar Associa¬ tion, 5; Association of American Law Schools, 10.


LIBRARIES. American Association of Law Libraries, 3 ; American Library Association, 7; American Merchant Marine Library As¬ sociation, 7; American Theological Library Association, 9; Association of American Library Schools, 10 ; Association of Research Libraries, 11; Catholic Library Association, 46; Educational Film Library Association, 15; International Federation of Library As¬ sociations, 49 ; Medical Library Association, 16 ; Music Library Association, 17 ; National Association of State Libraries, 19; New England School Library Association, 24; Special Libraries Association, 26 ; Theatre Library Association, 27. See also STATE ASSOCIATIONS, 28-44.

M MATHEMATICS. American Mathematical

Society, 7; Association of Teachers of Mathematics in New England, 11; Central Association of Science and Mathematics Teachers, 12; Mathematical Association of America, 16; National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, 21.

MEDICAL EDUCATION. American College of Medical Technologists, 6; American

Medical Association, Council on Medical Education and Hospitals, 7 ; American Vet¬ erinary Medical Association, Council on Education, 9; Association of American Medical Colleges, 10; Medical Library As¬ sociation, 16.

MEN. Eastern Association of College Deans and Advisers of Men, 14.

MENTAL HYGIENE. American Association of Psychiatric Clinics for Children, 4; American Association on Mental Deficiency, 4; National Association for Mental Health, 17.

MUSEUMS. American Association of Museums, 3 ; Association of Art Museum Directors, 10.

MUSIC. American Musicological Society, 7; Music Educators National Conference, 17; Music Library Association, 17 ; Music Teach¬ ers National Association, 17 ; National Fed¬ eration of Music Clubs, 22 ; National School Band, Orchestra and Vocal Association, 23.

N NEGRO EDUCATION. American Association

of College Business Officers, 3; Association for Study of Negro Life and History, 9; Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools, 10; Association of Social Science Teachers, 11; College Language Association, 13 ; Conference of Presidents of Negro Land- Grant Colleges, 13 ; National Association of Collegiate Deans and Registrars, 18; Na¬ tional Congress of Colored Parents and Teachers, 20 ; New Farmers of America, 24 ; New Homemakers of America, 24.

NURSING EDUCATION. American Nurses’ Association, 7; Association of Collegiate Schools of Nursing see National League for Nursing; Conference of Catholic Schools of Nursing, 46; National League for Nursing, 23 ; National League of Nursing Education, see National League for Nursing; National Organization Public Health Nursing see National League for Nursing,


Occupational Therapy Association, 7; Na¬ tional Rehabilitation Association, 23; Na¬ tional Vocational Guidance Association see American Personnel and Guidance Associa¬ tion ; Society for Occupational Research, 25. See also GUIDANCE AND PERSONNEL, VOCATIONAL EDUCATION.

OPTOMETRY. American Optometric Associa¬ tion, Council on Education and Professional Guidance, 7; Association of Schools and Colleges of Optometry, 11.

OSTEOPATHY. American Association of Os¬ teopathic Colleges, 3; Am.erican Osteopathic Association, Bureau of Professional Educa¬ tion and Colleges, 7.

P PARENT EDUCATION, National Congress

of Colored Parents and Teachers, 20; Na¬ tional Congress of Parents and Teachers, 20: National Council on Family Relations, 21. See also HOME ECONOMICS, AND STATE ASSOCIATIONS, 28-44.

PERSONNEL, EDUCATIONAL. American Association of Examiners and Administra¬ tors of Educational Personnel, 3; National Association of Student Personnel Adminis¬ trators, 20.

PHARMACEUTICAL EDUCATION. Ameri¬ can Association of Colleges of Pharmacy, 3 ; American Council on Phai*maceutical Educa¬ tion, 6; American Pharmaceutical Associa¬ tion, 7; National Association of Boards of Pharmacy, 18.

PHILOSOPHY. American Philosophical As¬ sociation, 8 ; Southern Society for Philosophy and Psychology, 26; Southwestern Philo¬ sophical Conference, 26.



emy of Physical Education, 2; American Association for Health, Physical Education and Recreation, 2; Central Association of Physical Education for College Women, 11; College Physical Education Association, 13; Eastern Association for Physical Education of College Women, 14; Midwest Association College Teachers of Physical Education for Women, 16; National Association for Phys¬ ical Education of College Women, 18; Na¬ tional Collegiate Athletic Association, 20; National Federation State High School Ath¬ letic Associations, 22; Southern Association Physical Education of College Women, 26; Western Society Physical Education for Col¬ lege Women, 29. See also HEALTH EDU¬ CATION.

PSYCHOLOGY. American Psychological As¬ sociation, 8 ; Eastern Psychological Associa¬ tion, 14; Midwestern Psychological Associa¬ tion, 16 ; The Psychological Foundation, 46 ; Southern Society for Philosophy and Psy¬ chology, 26 ; Western Psychological Associa¬ tion, 28. See also MENTAL HYGIENE, PHILOSOPHY.

PUBLIC RELATIONS. American College Public Relations Association, 6; National School Public Relations Association, 23. See also JOURNALISM.

R RADIO. Association for Education by Radio-

TV, 9 ; Department of Audio-Visual Instruc¬ tion, 14; Midwest Forum on Audio-Visual Teaching Aids, 16; National Association of Educational Broadcasters, 18.

RECREATION. American Camping Associa¬ tion, 6; Boys’ Clubs of America, 11; Boy Scouts of America, 11; Camp Fire Girls, 11; Girl Scouts, 16; National Recreation Associa¬ tion, 23. See also HEALTH EDUCATION, PHYSICAL EDUCATION.

RED CROSS. American Junior Red Cross, 7; American National Red Cross, 7.

RELIGIOUS EDUCATION. Accrediting As¬ sociation of Bible Institutes and Colleges, 2; American Association of Schools of ^- ligious Education, 4; American Association of Theological Schools, 4; National Council on Religion in Higher Education, 21. See also RELIGIOUS ORGANIZATIONS, 46-48.

RESEARCH. American Council of Learned Societies, 6; American Council on Educa¬ tion, 5; American Educational Research As¬ sociation, 6; Association of Research Libraries, 11; Business Education Research Foundation, 27; National Association for Research in Science Teaching, 18; National Society for Study of Education, 24; North Central Association of Colleges and Second¬ ary Schools, Commission on Research and Service, 25 ; Social Science Research Council, 25; Southern Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools, Commission on Research and Service, 26. See also TESTS AND MEASUREMENTS.

RURAL. Department of Rural Education, 14 ; Rural Sociological Society, 25; Southern Regional Education Board, 26. See also AGRICULTURAL EDUCATION.

SAFETY EDUCATION. National Commission on Safety Education of National Education Association, 20; National Safety Council, 23.

SCIENCE. American Academy^ of Arts and Sciences, 2; American Association for Ad¬ vancement of Science, 2; American Associa¬ tion of Physics Teachers, 3; American Chemical Society, Division of Chemical Education, 6; American Institute of Chem¬ ical Engineers, 6; Association of Geology Teachers, 10 ; Botanical Society of America, 11; Central Association of Science and Mathematics Teachers, 12 ; Eastern Associa¬ tion of Physics Teachers, 14; Geological Society of America, 15; International

Academy of History of Sciences, 48; Middle States Science Teachers Association, 16; Na¬ tional Academy of Sciences, 17; National Association for Research in Science Teach¬ ing, 18; National Association of Biology Teachers, 18; National Audubon Society, 20; National Council Elementary Science, 20; National Science Teachers Association, 24; New England Association of Chemistry Teachers, 24; Oak Ridge Institute Nuclear Studies, 25; Science Clubs of America, 26; Society American Foresters, 26.

SECONDARY EDUCATION. American Tech¬ nical Education Association, 9; Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools, 10; Com¬ mission on Life Adjustment Education for Youth, 13; Cooperative Study of Secondary School Standards, 5; Department of Class¬ room Teachers, 14; Middle States Associar tion of Colleges and Secondary Schools, 16 ; National Association of High School Super¬ visors and Directors of Secondary Education, 18; National Association of Journalism Directors of Secondary Schools, 19; National Association of Secondai-y School Principals, 19; National Association of Student Coun¬ cils, 20 ; National Federation of State High School Athletic Associations, 22; National Forensic League, 22; National Honor Society of Secondary Schools, 23; New Eng¬ land x\ssociation of Colleges and Secondary Schools, 24; North Central Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools, 26; North¬ west Association of Secondai^ and Higher Schools, 25: Southern Association of Col¬ leges and Secondary Schools, 26.

SOCIAL SCIENCE. American Academy of Political and Social Science, 2; American Association for State and Local History, 2; American Council of Learned Societies, 6; American Economic Association, 6; Ameri¬ can Historical Association, 6; American Political Science Association, 8; American Sociological Society, 8; Association for Study of NegTO Life and History, 9; Association of American Geographers, 10; Association of Social Science Teachers, 11; Eastern Sociological Society, 14; Middle States Council for Social Studies, 16; Midwest Sociological Society, 16; Mississippi Valley Historical Association, 16 ; National Council for Social Studies, 21; National Council of Geography Teachers, 21; National Geo¬ graphic Society, 22; Pacific Sociological Society, 25; Rural Sociological Society, 26; Social Science Research Council, 25 ; South¬ ern Historical Association, 26: Southern Sociological Society, 26.

SOCIAL WORK. American Association of Schools of Social Work see Council on Social Woi’k Education; Council on Social Work Education, 13 ; National Association of Schools of Social Administration, 19; Na¬ tional Council on Social Work Education, 22.

SPECIAL EDUCATION. American Associa¬ tion for Gifted Children, 2; American As¬ sociation of Instructors of the Blind, 3: American Association of Workers for Blind, 4; American Association on Mental Deficiency, 4 ; American Foundation for the Blind, 45; American Hearing Society, 6; American Occupational Therapy Associa¬ tion, 7; American Orthopsychiatric As¬ sociation, 7; American Speech and Hearing Association, 8 ; Conference of Executives of American Schools for the Deaf, 13 ; Con¬ vention of American Instructors of the Deaf, 13 ; International Council for Excep¬ tional Children, 16; National Association for Mental Health, 17; National Associa¬ tion of State Directors of Special Education, 19 ; National Rehabilitation Association, 23 ; Nations,! Society for Crippled Children and Adults, 24; National Society for Prevention of Blindness, 24; Volta Speech Association for the Deaf, 28.


SPECIAL SCHOOLS. Amei-ican Association of Commercial Colleges, 3 ; Association of Business Officers of Preparatory Schools, 10; National Association and Council of Business Schools, 17; National Council of Independent Schools, 21; National Council of Technical Schools, 21 ; National Federa¬ tion of Private School Associations, 22 ; Private Schools Association of Central States, 26.

SPEECH EDUCATION, American Speech and Hearing Association, 8; Central States Speech Association, 12; Speech Association of America, 27 ; Volta Speech Association for the Deaf, 28; Western Speech Associa¬ tion, 28.

STATE ASSOCIATIONS. National Associa¬ tion of State Libraries, 19; National Fed¬ eration of State High School Athletic Associations, 27 ; State Teachers Magazines, 27. See also section on STATE ASSOCIA¬ TIONS, 28-44.

STATE SCHOOL OFFICERS. National As. sociation of State Directors of Special Education, 19; National Association of State Directors of Teacher Education and Certification, 19; National Association of State Directors of Vocational Education, 19; National Association of State Supervisoi-s of Distributive Education, 19 ; National As¬ sociation of State Supervisors of Home Economics, 19; National Association of State Universities, 19; National Council of Chief State School Officers, 21; National Council of State Consultants in Elementary Education, 21; Society of State Directors of Health, Phsrsical Education, and Recreation, 26.

SUPERVISION. Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, 9; National Association of Guidance Supendsors and Counselor Trainees, 18. See also STATE SCHOOL OFFICERS.

T TEACHER EDUCATION. American Associa¬

tion of Colleges for Teacher Education, 8; Association for Student Teaching, 9; Coun¬ cil on Cooperation in Teacher Education, 18; Eastern States Association of Professional Schools for Teachers, 16; Kappa Delta Pi, 16; National Association of Business Teacher-Training Institutions, 18; National Association of Industrial Teacher Educators, 18; National Association of State Directors of Teacher Education and Certification, 19; National Commission on Teacher Education and Professional Standards, 20; New Eng¬ land Association of College Teachers of Education, 24.

TEACHERS. American Fedei’ation of Teach¬ ers, 6 ; Association of Geology Teachers, 10; Carnegie Foundation for Advancement of Teaching, 45; Department of Classroom Teachers, 14; Future Teachers of America, 15; International Federation of Secondary Teachers, 49; National Association of Teachers’ Agencies, 20; National Congress of Colored Parents and Teachers, 20; Na¬ tional Congress of Parents and Teachers, 20; National Education Association, 22; National Institutional Teacher Placement Association, 23 ; National League of Teachers Associations, 23; Teachers Insurance and Annuity Association of America, 27; World


TELEVISION. Association for Education by Radio-Television, 9.

TESTS AND MEASUREMENTS. American Statistical Association, 9; College Entrance Examination Board, 13; Educational Rec¬ ords Bureau, 15; National Council on Measurements Used in Education, 21.

V VISUAL EDUCATION. Department of Audio-

Visual Instruction, 14; Educational Film Library Association, 15; Film Council of America, 15; Midwest Forum on Audio- Visual Teaching Aids, 16; Teaching Films Custodians, 27.

VOCATIONAL EDUCATION. American Technical Education Association, 9; Ameri¬ can Vocational Association, 9 ; Department of Vocational Education, 14 ; National As¬ sociation of State Directors of Vocational Education, 19; National Association of State Supeiwisors of Distributive Education, 19; National Council of Local Adminis¬ trators of Vocational Education and Practi¬ cal Arts, 21. See also AGRICULTURAL EDUCATION, GUIDANCE AND PERSON¬ NEL. HOME ECONOMICS, INDUSTRIAL EDUCATION, OCCUPATIONAL EDUCA¬ TION.

W WOMEN. American Association of University

Women, 4 ; Central Association for Physical Education of College Women, 11; Eastern Association for Physical Education of Col¬ lege Women, 14 ; Headmistresses Association of East. 16; Headmistresses Association of Middle West. 16; International Federation of Univei*sity Women, 49 ; Midwest Associa¬ tion of College Teachers of Physical Educa¬ tion for Women, 16; National Association for Physical Education of College Women, 18: National Association of Deans of Women, 18 ; National Association of Princi¬ pals of Schools for Girls, 19 : National Council of Administrative Women in Educa¬ tion, 21 ; National Federation of Business and Professional Women’s Clubs, 22 ; South¬ ern Association for Physical Education of College Women, 26; Western Society for Physical Education of College Women, 28.

Y YOUTH. Allied Youth, 2 ; American Junior

Red Cross, 7; Association for Student Teaching, 9; Boys’ Clubs of America, 11; Boy Scouts of America, 11 ; Camp Fire Girls, Committee on Friendly Relations Among Foreign Students, 13; FHiture Busi¬ ness Leaders of America, 16: Future Farm¬ ers of America, 16; Future Homemakers of America, 16; PMture Teachers of 'America, 15; Girl Scouts, 16; Junior Town Meeting League, 16 ; National Association of Foreign Student Advisers, 18; National Association of Student Councils, 20; New Farmers of America, 26; New Homemakers of America, 24; United States National Student Associa¬ tion. 27; YMCA, 28; YWCA, 28.

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