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Efficient and Secure Storage of Private Keys for Pseudonymous Vehicular Communication

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Efficient and Secure Storage of Private Keys for Pseudonymous Vehicular Communication Michael Feiri Distributed and Embedded Security Research Group University of Twente The Netherlands [email protected] Jonathan Petit Distributed and Embedded Security Research Group University of Twente The Netherlands [email protected] Frank Kargl Institute of Distributed Systems University of Ulm Ulm, Germany [email protected] ABSTRACT Current standardization efforts for cooperative Intelligent Transportation Systems both in the U.S. and Europe foresee vehicles to use a large number of changeable pseudonyms for privacy protection. Provisioning and storage of these pseu- donyms require efficient and secure mechanisms to prevent malicious use of pseudonyms. In this paper we investigate several techniques to improve secure and efficient storage of pseudonyms. Specifically, we propose schemes based on Physical Unclonable Functions (PUFs) that allow to replace expensive secure key storage by regular unsecured memory and still provide fully secure pseudonyms storage. Categories and Subject Descriptors C.2.0 [Computer Communication Networks]: General— Security and protection ; K.6.5 [Security and Protection]: Physical security General Terms Security, Privacy Keywords PUF, HSM, Secure Storage, KDF, VANET, ITS 1. INTRODUCTION In a near future, Vehicle-to-Vehicle (V2V) and Vehicle-to- Infrastructure (V2X) communication will enable vehicles to exchange information regarding safety, traffic condition and infotainment with each other. The On-Board Unit (OBU) will play a key role in these systems, as it manages incom- ing/outgoing messages and also performs security and pri- vacy functions. Security and privacy of V2X communica- tions are mandatory to enable a successful deployment of In- telligent Transportation System (ITS). As many V2X appli- cations have a potential impact on traffic safety, their com- munication must be secured for obvious reasons [19]. Only Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full cita- tion on the first page. Copyrights for components of this work owned by others than ACM must be honored. Abstracting with credit is permitted. To copy otherwise, or re- publish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific permission and/or a fee. Request permissions from [email protected]. CyCAR’13, November 4, 2013, Berlin, Germany. Copyright 2013 ACM 978-1-4503-2487-8/13/11 ...$15.00. http://dx.doi.org/10.1145/2517968.2517972. messages from authenticated vehicles should be processed by receiving vehicles to prevent, for example, false safety- related warnings. Current standardization efforts, both in the U.S. and Europe, foresee that ITS will require the estab- lishment of a Public Key Infrastructure (PKI), which man- ages trust and certificates in the ITS. The current set of stan- dards [10, 11, 12] mandates the use of Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (ECDSA) with P-256 elliptic curve for message authentication. A na¨ ıve implementation of authen- tication mechanisms breaks user privacy as every receiver learns the identity of the sender. Therefore, a pseudony- mous credential – short pseudonym– should be implemented in order to prevent authentication to facilitate direct vehi- cle identification. One single pseudonym is not enough to ensure a sufficient level of privacy. Instead, this pseudonym has to be changed frequently, and even then, a powerful at- tacker may be able to track vehicles [41]. A central question here is how many such pseudonyms a vehicle possesses and how often it would have to contact the PKI for renewal. In general, a frequent connection to the PKI to renew pseu- donyms cannot be guaranteed because large-scale coverage by road-side units (RSU) or cellular communication in every vehicle is considered unrealistic during early years of V2X deployment. Thus, the OBU has to store a potentially large set of pseudonyms to allow frequent change of pseudonyms in absence of backend connectivity. In a worst case, a vehicle would only be able to load new pseudonyms during annual inspections in a garage. Recent research estimates that an OBU is required to store 105,120 pseudonyms for one year with each pseudonym valid for five minutes [15]. Each of those pseudonyms consists of a public-private key pair and a corresponding certificate and especially the pri- vate key needs to be stored securely to not compromise se- curity of the overall system. If an attacker acquires access to the secret keys stored in a vehicle, she could perform sybil attacks, spoofing attacks, and in general jeopardize the au- thentication and privacy of the victim. In consequence, it must be guaranteed that a private key is strictly secured during all events in its life cycle. This goal can be achieved by designing systems to securely create, manage and destroy (private) keys, maintaining an audit trail of every operation executed during their existence. Hardware Security Modules (HSMs) [7] are specifically designed to protect private keys. HSMs are specialized tamper-proof devices in which crypto- graphic functions and embedded software properly manage keys and control their life cycles. They are designed in such a way that if an unauthorised attempt to access them is 9

Efficient and Secure Storage of Private Keys forPseudonymous Vehicular Communication

Michael FeiriDistributed and EmbeddedSecurity Research Group

University of TwenteThe Netherlands

[email protected]

Jonathan PetitDistributed and EmbeddedSecurity Research Group

University of TwenteThe Netherlands

[email protected]

Frank KarglInstitute of Distributed

SystemsUniversity of UlmUlm, Germany

[email protected]

ABSTRACTCurrent standardization efforts for cooperative IntelligentTransportation Systems both in the U.S. and Europe foreseevehicles to use a large number of changeable pseudonyms forprivacy protection. Provisioning and storage of these pseu-donyms require efficient and secure mechanisms to preventmalicious use of pseudonyms. In this paper we investigateseveral techniques to improve secure and efficient storageof pseudonyms. Specifically, we propose schemes based onPhysical Unclonable Functions (PUFs) that allow to replaceexpensive secure key storage by regular unsecured memoryand still provide fully secure pseudonyms storage.

Categories and Subject DescriptorsC.2.0 [Computer Communication Networks]: General—Security and protection; K.6.5 [Security and Protection]:Physical security

General TermsSecurity, Privacy

KeywordsPUF, HSM, Secure Storage, KDF, VANET, ITS

1. INTRODUCTIONIn a near future, Vehicle-to-Vehicle (V2V) and Vehicle-to-

Infrastructure (V2X) communication will enable vehicles toexchange information regarding safety, traffic condition andinfotainment with each other. The On-Board Unit (OBU)will play a key role in these systems, as it manages incom-ing/outgoing messages and also performs security and pri-vacy functions. Security and privacy of V2X communica-tions are mandatory to enable a successful deployment of In-telligent Transportation System (ITS). As many V2X appli-cations have a potential impact on traffic safety, their com-munication must be secured for obvious reasons [19]. Only

Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for personal orclassroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributedfor profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full cita-tion on the first page. Copyrights for components of this work owned by others thanACM must be honored. Abstracting with credit is permitted. To copy otherwise, or re-publish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific permissionand/or a fee. Request permissions from [email protected]’13, November 4, 2013, Berlin, Germany.Copyright 2013 ACM 978-1-4503-2487-8/13/11 ...$15.00.http://dx.doi.org/10.1145/2517968.2517972.

messages from authenticated vehicles should be processedby receiving vehicles to prevent, for example, false safety-related warnings. Current standardization efforts, both inthe U.S. and Europe, foresee that ITS will require the estab-lishment of a Public Key Infrastructure (PKI), which man-ages trust and certificates in the ITS. The current set of stan-dards [10, 11, 12] mandates the use of Elliptic Curve DigitalSignature Algorithm (ECDSA) with P-256 elliptic curve formessage authentication. A naıve implementation of authen-tication mechanisms breaks user privacy as every receiverlearns the identity of the sender. Therefore, a pseudony-mous credential – short pseudonym– should be implementedin order to prevent authentication to facilitate direct vehi-cle identification. One single pseudonym is not enough toensure a sufficient level of privacy. Instead, this pseudonymhas to be changed frequently, and even then, a powerful at-tacker may be able to track vehicles [41]. A central questionhere is how many such pseudonyms a vehicle possesses andhow often it would have to contact the PKI for renewal. Ingeneral, a frequent connection to the PKI to renew pseu-donyms cannot be guaranteed because large-scale coverageby road-side units (RSU) or cellular communication in everyvehicle is considered unrealistic during early years of V2Xdeployment. Thus, the OBU has to store a potentially largeset of pseudonyms to allow frequent change of pseudonymsin absence of backend connectivity. In a worst case, a vehiclewould only be able to load new pseudonyms during annualinspections in a garage. Recent research estimates that anOBU is required to store 105,120 pseudonyms for one yearwith each pseudonym valid for five minutes [15].

Each of those pseudonyms consists of a public-private keypair and a corresponding certificate and especially the pri-vate key needs to be stored securely to not compromise se-curity of the overall system. If an attacker acquires access tothe secret keys stored in a vehicle, she could perform sybilattacks, spoofing attacks, and in general jeopardize the au-thentication and privacy of the victim. In consequence, itmust be guaranteed that a private key is strictly securedduring all events in its life cycle. This goal can be achievedby designing systems to securely create, manage and destroy(private) keys, maintaining an audit trail of every operationexecuted during their existence. Hardware Security Modules(HSMs) [7] are specifically designed to protect private keys.HSMs are specialized tamper-proof devices in which crypto-graphic functions and embedded software properly managekeys and control their life cycles. They are designed in sucha way that if an unauthorised attempt to access them is


made, this is considered an attempt to tamper and all crit-ical internal parameters and keys are destroyed. The HSMfeatures make them a crucial component in automotive plat-form security [22, 27].

However, HSMs are especially expensive if implementedon an FPGA [42], and a secure storage within an HSM addscomplexity to the overall system. With ECDSA P-256 curve,the private keys of the one-year pseudonyms set proposedin [15] would require 256 bits × 105, 120 = 3.2 Mbytes ofsecure storage – not considering yet any overhead for datamanagement. This requirement is too high as current solu-tions offer a maximum of 512 kbytes [31, 1]. Therefore, weaim at trading secure storage of cryptographic key materialfor regular storage (i.e. outside of the HSM).

Contribution.In our previous work [35], we already investigated how

Physical Unclonable Functions (PUFs) can be used for effi-cient and secure generation of private keys in the context ofV2X pseudonym generation. In this paper, we focus on theaspect of efficient and secure key storage. We also provide adetailed overhead analysis of the five proposed schemes andcompare their resilience against attacks.

Organization.The paper is organized as follows: Section 2 introduces the

related work that deals with provisioning and secure storageof pseudonyms in vehicular network. Section 3 gives the nec-essary background on PUF, and describes our system andattacker model. Then, we investigate the classic solutionsfor secure storage in Section 4. Section 5 presents our ap-proach how to use Physical Unclonable Function (PUF) forsecure storage of V2X pseudonyms. We then compare clas-sic secure storage and PUF-based secure storage solutionsin Section 6. Finally, Section 7 draws some conclusions andoutlines future work.

2. RELATED WORKA number of related publications have proposed ways to

enhance the provisioning to and storage of pseudonyms invehicles. We first describe the method of pseudonym provi-sioning based on PKI that underlies current standardizationefforts. Secondly, we detail autonomous pseudonym provi-sioning techniques that aim at reducing the key material tobe stored. Thirdly, we give an overview on how large amountof keys are stored in modern operating systems.

2.1 PKI-based pseudonym provisioningThe conservative PKI-based approach is limited to opti-

mize the provisioning process of pseudonyms. This can beachieved by optimizing the trade-off between availability re-quirements and storage requirements. The allocation canhappen on-demand, if a connection from the vehicle to aCertificate Authority (CA) is available, or by caching pre-allocated pseudonyms in local secure storage. In this contexta pseudonym is defined as the pair of a public and privatekey as well as the related certificate issued by a trusted CAin the PKI.

To the best of our knowledge, detailed analysis of thistrade-off do not exist. But a common assumption is to lo-cally store a one year supply of pseudonyms inside vehi-cles [15, 3] to allow reloading new pseudonyms to vehicles

during annual inspections if no other means of communica-tion with the PKI backend exist. For resupplying pseudo-nyms it is expected that vehicles will be able to intermit-tently use IP connectivity through road side units, residen-tial WiFi or mobile phone networks.

2.2 Autonomous pseudonym provisioningSome approaches allow vehicles to generate new pseudo-

nyms themselves without interaction with a backend.One example are systems using a group signature scheme [3]

to allow groups of vehicles to autonomously create key pairsfor self-provisioned pseudonyms. These certificates validatethe membership of a vehicle in a group, but do not revealwhich member owns a particular pseudonym. Enrollmentand removal of group members alter the group key material.This likely requires frequent rekeying and constant availabil-ity of the group manager, which can limit the appeal of thisscheme. On the other hand, this scheme requires signifi-cantly less private key material to be stored. One valid setof long-term credentials for enrolling into an existing groupor forming a new group is sufficient to bootstrap the systemand create pseudonyms. Pseudonyms including private keyscan be generated on demand and do not need to be storedbeforehand.

Attribute-based authentication [29, 5, 43] allows a vehi-cle to generate pseudonyms entirely by itself, backed by apre-shared cryptographic authorization attribute. A zeroknowledge proof is performed between sender and receiverto verify the authenticity of a pseudonym without revealingany further identifying information about the signer. Simi-lar to group signatures, only a set of long-term credentialsfor the zero knowledge proof is required to be stored. A vehi-cle can independently create pseudonyms, including privatekeys, on-demand.

The aforementioned pseudonym schemes have a distinc-tive set of advantages and disadvantages. Group-based sig-natures and attribute-based authentication systems do notneed to store large amounts of private keys for pseudonyms.Unfortunately, the utility of these systems is limited in prac-tice by interactive protocols, reachability requirements forauthorities, or slow bilinear pairing based cryptographic prim-itives. Moreover, as vehicles autonomously generate pseu-donyms, the number of pseudonyms available to one vehicleper time cannot be limited. Hence, large-scale Sybil attacksbecome possible [44]. These limitations make the schemesunsuitable for practical applications contexts with low la-tency requirements, such as vehicular communication.

2.3 Scalable secure key storageSolutions for the secure local storage of large amounts of

key material do exist in the form of password managers [40,38], and more generically, in encrypted files [23] or filesys-tems [14]. These solutions store sets of keys and passwordsin encrypted data stores, which are protected by a mastersecret, and additionally, by common operating system secu-rity features, such as access control lists.

Such solutions are effective with a human user in the loopto provide the master secret. In vehicular security it is notexpected that a human user will provide a password or sim-ilar authentication data that could be used to unlock anencrypted data store. Instead, an On-Board Unit needs di-rect access to all the required data to boot up into a fullyoperational state. Effectively the decryption keys have to be


stored together with the encrypted data. This implies thatthis type of solution cannot work as an self-sufficient securestorage system. Though, encryption of private keys can bepart of a solution that employs another type of secure stor-age for the master secret. Such a solution is described inSection 4.2.

3. SYSTEM MODELIn this section we describe the system model considered

in this paper. First, we explain Physical Unclonable Func-tions (PUFs) and related concepts. Then, we show how oursolutions fit into the general OBU architecture. Finally, wedescribe the attacker model considered and discuss in Sec-tion 6 the level of protection offered by our solutions againstsuch attackers.

3.1 Physical Unclonable FunctionsA Physical Unclonable Function (PUF), as introduced in

[32, 33], is a primitive that is bound to a physical systemand extracts a pseudorandom bit string for key generationby mapping a set of challenges Ci to a set of responses Ri.This challenge-response behavior is highly dependent on thephysical properties of the device in which the PUF is con-tained or embedded. PUFs consist of two parts:

i) a physical part, which is an intractably complex phys-ical system that is very difficult to clone. It inher-its its unclonability from uncontrollable process vari-ations during manufacturing. For PUFs on an Inte-grated Circuit (IC), these process variations are typi-cally deep-sub-micron variations such as doping varia-tions in transistors.

ii) an operational part, which corresponds to the function.

In order to turn the physical system into a function, a setof challenges Ci (stimuli) has to be available to which thesystem responds with a set of sufficiently different responsesRi. The function can only be evaluated using the physicalsystem and is unique for each physical instance because ofprocess variations. Moreover, it is unpredictable even for anattacker with physical access.

PUF responses are noisy by nature. This means, that twocalls to a single PUF with the same challenge ci will outputtwo different but closely related responses ri, r

′i. The mea-

sure of closeness can be defined via a distance function, e.g.,the Hamming distance. This distance function should besmall for responses from the same device and very large forPUF responses from different devices. Since the plain PUFresponses are noisy, they cannot be used as a key. In orderto derive reliable and uniform data from (imperfect) sourcesof randomness, such as a PUF, the concept of a fuzzy extrac-tor [8] or helper data algorithm [28] was introduced. Thus,we obtain a master secret from the fuzzy extractor. Thismaster secret can be the seed for a key generation schemeto derive public/private key pair(s) which can then be usedas a pseudonym(s). Alternatively the master secret can beused to first seed a key derivation scheme, which results ina larger amount of data that can then be used as seeds forkey generation processes.

The formulation of abstract properties of PUF types aswell as the development of PUF constructions are still amatter of active research [36]. In this paper we use theterminology proposed by Ruhrmair et al. [39] and refer to

Figure 1: ETSI architecture of an OBU [10]

On-Board Unit


Hardware Security Module









Figure 2: Simplified hardware architecture of anOBU

Strong PUFs1 and Weak PUFs2. To the best of our knowl-edge, no research has investigated the applicability of PUFsfor storage of large numbers of private keys (or keypairs) asrequired by the V2X pseudonym scenario.

3.2 On-Board Unit ArchitectureFigure 1 shows the current ETSI reference architecture of

an On-Board Unit (named “ITS Station” in the standard).It shows the different layers and particularly the securitylayer. One can notice the Hardware Security Module (HSM)within. As Figure 1 is an abstract view of an OBU, and thus,does not represent the hardware, Figure 2 shows a simplifiedhardware architecture. An OBU includes CPU, host mem-ory (RAM), regular storage, and an HSM. For simplicity, werepresent an HSM that only includes a true random numbergenerator (TRNG), cryptographic primitives (AES, ECC),secure storage, and a PUF. However, one should notice thatthe PUF could be outside of the HSM (represented in dashedline in Figure 2).

Indeed, the PUF could be fully integrated in the CPU,GPU or RAM [26], but also attached to the OBU as an ex-ternal device. In the remainder of this paper, we consider the

1Labeled as “minimum readout time” PUF (MRT-PUF) [36]2Also known as Physical Obfuscated Keys (POKs)


PUF as an external device as we compare against classic se-cure storage solutions (e.g. smart card, secure token), whichare mostly externally attached to the OBU. A consequenceof being outside the HSM is the lack of a secure computationenvironment. An attacker (described in Section 3.3) couldthen access to the memory to steal key material. However,this drawback is limited by the limited lifetime of the pseu-donyms (i.e. certificate). We further discuss the issue ofsecure computation in Section 6.2.

3.3 Attacker ModelWith respect to secure storage we consider attackers who

want to access the content that is placed in the secure storagecontainer. In our context, the aim of the attacker is to copythe private key material used as pseudonym of a vehicle. Wedifferentiate between two attacker goals: An attacker mighttry to get access to the private keys for the currently usedpseudonym or the attacker might aim to access all privatekeys for all pseudonyms provisioned in the OBU.

An attack against the OBU can be performed by injectinga payload into the system, which would trigger maliciousactions. Since the OBU does not provide a user interface,such a payload needs to be injected into the system remotely.OBUs offer a number of opportunities to an attacker to inputdata into the system remotely. Most notably the networkingand communication applications in the OBU are processingdata from external sources, which might be controlled by anattacker. Exploitation of security holes in these applicationscan lead to different levels of access to the contents of theOBU:

1. Access to filesystem data2. Access to application memory3. Access to hardware devices and code execution

We consider attackers with an escalating set of capabili-ties to evaluate the level of protection offered by the differentproposed techniques. Access to filesystem data serves as abaseline scenario to illustrate that the basic secure storagemechanisms work. An attacker should never be able to ac-cess key material based on filesystem access. The secondlevel of access represents more severe information disclosureattacks. In a scenario without secure computation this willallow an attacker to extract key material that is currentlyin use. A third type of attacker has the ability to executearbitrary code on the OBU, and thus, is able to arbitrar-ily interact with any device attached to the OBU. For anexternal device, such an attacker is indistinguishable from aregular host application. Nevertheless, we consider this typeof attacker as the most powerful type of attacker, becauseshe has full control of the OBU.

In this paper we do not investigate hardware attacks againstthe secure storage. The intrinsic tamper-resistance of PUFsis assumed to protect against this kind of attacker. We as-sume equally that the tamper-proof enclosure of classic se-cure storage solutions is effective.

4. CLASSIC SECURE STORAGEIn this section we propose ways to implement efficient

secure storage of large numbers of private keys for use insecure pseudonymous communication. We differentiate be-tween regular storage and secure storage requirements forkeys and related support data. The proposed solutions havedifferent space requirements to store and protect these data,which will be our main metric to compare the efficiency of

the proposed methods. As a baseline, we assume the avail-ability of classic external secure storage, for example in theform of a physical smart card or as part of a dedicated securestorage token on a USB device. Our goal is to minimize theusage of this resource or eliminate the use of this resourceentirely.

4.1 Individual key storageThe canonical way to handle secure storage is to assume

the presence of a dedicated device, which is isolated fromthe host. The security attributes of this solution are derivedfrom the fact that the memory on this type of device is onlyaccessible through a well-defined security API.

No other way should exist to access the data, neither insoftware nor in hardware. The protection against hardwareaccess is usually achieved through protective tamper-proofenclosures or self-destructive coating. The details of thehardware and the communication protocol as well as optionsto perform secure computation on the device are out of thescope of this paper.

Secure storage

Key Key Key Key...

Figure 3: All keys in secure storage

Figure 3 illustrates the fact that all n keys need to bestored in the secure external device. The limiting factorof this solution is the raw amount of data that needs tobe stored in this scheme. As introduced in Section 1, it isexpected that secure pseudonymous communication in ve-hicular networks will require multiple megabytes of privatekeys. The key management and the amount of secured datastorage increase the cost of such a solution as the number ofpseudonyms grows.

4.2 Encrypted storageStoring private keys in encrypted form in regular storage,

e.g. in a file or database, is a common solution found in pass-word management software for consumers (see Section 2.3).This kind of solution is usually tied to a master passwordand a password-based key derivation function to decrypt thedata structure. For non-interactive use, we can adapt thissolution to use a master key stored inside a secure storagedevice to encrypt and decrypt the private keys as needed.Figure 4 illustrates this method. Using a master key withsufficient entropy in a secure data store allows us to avoidkey stretching techniques [21] that are typically employed inpassword based key derivation functions like PBKDF2 [18],bcrypt [37], or scrypt [34].

The advantage of this method compared to a classic securestorage solution (Section 4.1) is that only one master secretis required to be stored securely. This master secret willsubsequently unlock any number of additional private keys,which can be stored in encrypted form in regular unsecuredmemory. Conversely, the disadvantage is of course that nowan attacker only requires this master key and the encrypted–but not securely stored–data structure of private keys to not


Regular storage

Master key

Encrypted key

Encrypted key

Encrypted key

Encrypted key...

Secure storage

Figure 4: Keys retrieved from encrypted file in reg-ular storage using a securely stored master key

just compromise one private key, but all private keys storedin this data structure.

4.3 Key derivationTaking the concept of using a master secret even further,

we use a key derivation function to derive secret keys fromthe master secret. A practical implementation of this ideauses a keyed pseudo-random function to derive a sequenceof bits from a single master key (or seed). These bits can beused as a secret key for symmetric cryptography, but alsoas a deterministic source of random bits in the generationprocess of an asymmetric ECDSA key pair [13]. Figure 5illustrates this abstract process. Well known constructionsof such key derivation functions include KDF2 [16, 17, 9],HKDF [24, 25, 4], and the set of deterministic random bitgenerators (without reseeding) recommended by NIST [2].

Secure storage

Master seed

Derived key

Derived key

Derived key

Derived key...

Figure 5: Keys regenerated through a key derivationfunction using a securely stored master key

An additional advantage of using key derivation functionsis the reduction of the communication overhead. Indeed, ifthe CA generates and stores the master seed for the vehicles,it is no longer necessary to submit the key pair through asecure communication channel to the vehicle. It is enough totransfer only the certificates, which needs to include contextinformation, to allow the vehicle to derivate the matchingkey pair independently. These information do not even re-quire protection, enabling the use of unauthenticated broad-cast channels or public certificate servers for the delivery ofnew pseudonym certificates.

5. PUF-BASED SECURE STORAGEIn this section we propose secure key storage solutions

which do not rely on any classic external secure storage,

but instead, use Physical Unclonable Functions (PUFs) toachieve the desired security. As introduced in Section 3.1,we consider two types of PUFs: Strong PUFs and WeakPUFs.

5.1 Strong PUF-based secure storageOngoing research on applications of PUFs for key gener-

ation and regeneration is focusing on the fuzzy extractionalgorithm. From an application perspective in the vehic-ular communication context, we observe that we need tosecurely store large numbers of secret keys. Our proposal,which is summarized in Figure 6, requires the use of a StrongPUF [39] that fulfills the following requirements:

1. It must be impossible to physically clone the PUF.

2. A complete determination/measurement of all challenge-response pairs (CRPs) within a limited time frame(such as several days or even weeks) must be impossi-ble.

3. It must be practically impossible to numerically pre-dict the response to a randomly selected challenge,even if many other CRPs are known.

These requirements were setup by Ruhrmair et al. withscenarios in mind that require a large number of interac-tive challenge-response cycles, e.g., for remote authentica-tion. Attackers could, e.g., send specific challenges to thePUF, record the responses, and then try to perform a socalled “model building attack” [39]. For our usage of PUFsfor pseudonym storage, an attacker will not be able to di-rectly query the PUF and see the responses. Only the CAis supposed to be able to communicate with the OBU, andPUF responses will only be used to derive key pairs from it.This effectively removes the unconditional need for require-ment 2, although for cost effectiveness of this solution it isstill desirable to demand a large space of challenge-responsepairs (CRPs). In Section 5.2, we propose an alternative so-lution that can tolerate the availability of only small amountof CRPs per PUF (Weak PUF).

Regular storage

Chal + Helper

Chal + Helper

Chal + Helper

Chal + Helper...

Derived key

Derived key

Derived key

Derived key...

Figure 6: Keys reconstructed securely from a strongPUF using regularly stored challenges and helperdata

The idea that we pursue in this proposal is to derive keymaterial from PUF responses. The use of a Strong PUF im-plies that we have a large space of challenge-response pairs,which enables us to derive large numbers of keys. As inthe solution based on KDF, we use deterministic randombits as a source of entropy in the key generation process ofasymmetric ECDSA key pairs [13].


The amount of input data required to generate a stableamount of responses is highly dependent on the attributesof a concrete PUF construction. In general we require a setof chosen challenges and a set of helper data, which is gener-ated by the fuzzy extractor during the initial key generationprocess. Depending on the type of PUF construction, a to-tal amount of n challenges cn of x bits length is required togenerate m bits of output. These m bits of output then needto be stabilized using a fuzzy extractor (see Section 3.1). Inthe initial key generation process the fuzzy extractor willgenerate helper data. In subsequent calls to the PUF, thishelper data is instead used by the fuzzy extractor to recon-struct the same stable response. In both cases, the fuzzyextractor will consume a percentage of the data for entropycompression and error correction. The factor of the datareduction r as well as the length y of the helper data W de-pends on the type and configuration of the fuzzy extractor.The configuration needs to be calibrated based on the ex-pected error probability and entropy quality of a given PUFconstruction.

Vehicle Strong PUF

Expand(C) = c0 ...nci−−−−−−−−−−→

ri ← ciStabilise(r0 ...n) = (R,W )


Figure 7: An initial challenge (C) gets expandedinto n challenges (ci), which generate responses (ri)in the PUF. The vehicle combines these into a finalresponse (R) and helper data (W ).

For an overall amount of stable response bits z, we cancalculate the number of required challenges as n = z

m·r . Toenable reconstruction of stable responses, we would need tostore the n challenges of size x and the helper data W oflength y. Regarding the choice of challenges, we note thatto ensure the independence of output bits we need to avoidrepetitions of challenges. A simple increment function al-lows us to easily expand multiple challenges from an initialchallenge, while avoiding collisions and covering the wholespace of possible challenges optimally. Under the assump-tion that the number of challenges to expand is implicitlyknown for each reconstruction of a response, this makes itpossible to only store the starting challenge and derive allfollowing challenges.

Thus, to enable reconstruction of fixed size stable responses,we need to store only the starting challenge of size x and thehelper data W . Once all possible challenges are exhaustedthe PUF should not be reused3.

Requirement 3 of the Strong PUF definition, as well as theattributes of the fuzzy extractor, must ensure that even justa one bit difference between challenges guarantees a fullyindependent response.

The details of the ECDSA key pair generation processare specified in [13]. For example a fixed amount of 320random bits are required to deterministically build a keypair of 256 bits. Thus, we assume a need of z = 320 bits ofstable entropy from the PUF to be able to generate a 256bit ECDSA key pair.

Once the vehicle has constructed its key pair as outlinedabove, it can then build and submit a certificate signing re-quest (the public key) to the CA through a authenticated3Reconfigurable PUFs have been proposed as a desirableextension [20]

Vehicle Strong PUF

Expand(C) = c0 ...nci−−−−−−−−−−→

r′i ← ciStabilise(r′0 ...n ,W ) = R


Figure 8: Regeneration of responses is analogous tothe initial provisioning, except the previously gener-ated helper data (W ) is now utilized by the Stabilise()function to stabilize the response.

and integrity protected channel to trigger the certificationprocess. The CA subsequently returns a signed certificate,which completes the provisioning process of a new pseudo-nym.

Vehicle CA

(sk , pk)← R← (C,W )pk−−−−−−−−−→

certpk = Sign(pk)(C,W, certpk )


Figure 9: The vehicle generates an asymmetric keypair from a challenge C and helper data W . The CAcreates a certificate for the public key pk , which isstored in the vehicle with C and W .

This method of secure key generation and key reconstruc-tion from PUFs completely avoids any need for classic se-cure storage. The starting challenge and helper data canbe stored in regular storage space. The security of the keymaterial is fully guaranteed by the need to have access tothe related PUF device with its intrinsic tamper resistantattributes.

5.2 Weak PUF-based key derivationA Weak PUF deviates from the definition of Strong PUF

by allowing just one fixed CRP per PUF. It can be con-sidered as a PUF that has a fixed built-in challenge andwhenever queried provides the same response. This leads tothe violation of requirements 2 and 3 of the Strong PUF def-inition as described above. Nevertheless, even if the WeakPUF has a capacity of one single CRP, this CPR will havea useful amount of entropy. Assuming that the size of theresponse provides sufficient entropy for a master secret asdescribed in Section 4.3, we can apply the same techniquehere.

An illustration of the two stage key derivation process isshown in Figure 10. First, a master key is derived from theresponse of a Weak PUF. Then, this master key is used asa seed to derive the key material for multiple pseudonyms.For instance, the PUF response could be used as the “inputkeying material” for the Extract function of HKDF [25].

6. DISCUSSIONThe presented solutions for the secure storage of key mate-

rial for pseudonyms employ Key Derivation Functions (KDF)and Physical Unclonable Functions (PUF) to achieve multi-ple levels of efficiency improvements. The two major aspectsfor the evaluation of the solutions are the storage require-ments and the security properties with respect to attackerswith different capabilities.

In Table 1 we summarize the storage requirements of theproposed solutions for the secure storage of k keys. Basedon the assumption of storing k = 105120 keys, the baseline


Table 1: Storage size overview for k keysSecure Storage Regular Storage Comments

Classic secure storage, Section 4.1 k private keys − ECDSA private key size ≈ 256 bitEncrypted storage, Section 4.2 1 master key k encrypted private keys Master symmetric key size ≈ 128 bitKey derivation, Section 4.3 1 master seed − Master seed size ≈ 320 bitStrong PUF-based secure storage,Section 5.1

− k challenges, k helperdata

Size of challenge and helper data ishighly dependent on PUF construction.Chen et al. recommend challenge sizesof 64 or 128 bits for a BR-PUF [6].

Weak PUF-based key derivation,Section 5.2

− helper data A Weak PUF does not necessarily re-quire a challenge. Maes et al. [30] listy = 2052 bits of helper data for a re-sponse of 128 bits from an RO-PUF

Regular storage

Derivedmaster seed

Derived key

Derived key

Derived key

Derived key...

Chal + Helper

Figure 10: A master key gets reconstructed securelyfrom a weak PUF using regularly stored challengesand helper data and is then used to regenerate de-rived keys.

classic secure storage scenario would require approximately3.2 Mbytes of secure storage space. An encrypted data struc-ture, as described in Section 4.2, would allow to drasticallyreduce the amount of secure storage. In this scenario, thefull 3.2 Mbytes of encrypted key material still has to bestored, but it can be stored in regular memory.The use of a key derivation function removes this require-ment of regular storage by relying purely on a master seedvalue, which is used to generate key material on-the-fly.The solution based on the application of a Strong PUF doesnot require any classic secure storage device at all. Instead,it is possible to rely solely on the intrinsic security of thePUF construction. However, the amount of regular stor-age space required to regenerate keys is larger than the rawamount of private keys. This is due to the need for helperdata, which is required to stabilize the readings of responsesfrom the noisy hardware constructions of PUFs. The exactamount of required helper data and the size of challengesare highly dependent on the attributes of a given PUF andalso on algorithmic choices of the fuzzy extractor.Finally, we see that a combination of PUF and KDF tech-niques even allows us to present a solution that technicallydoes not require any secure or regular storage at all. TheWeak PUF using just one challenge-response pair, returns

its response without any explicit challenge, simply by virtueof being powered on.

The second criteria to compare the proposed solutions isthe resilience against attackers with different levels of capa-bilities (see Section 3.3). Table 2 gives an overview of thesecurity properties. We see that all solutions guarantee thebasic requirement of denying any access to the key mate-rial to an attacker who has access to the regular unsecuredfilesystem.As described in Section 3.3, the next level of attacker capa-bility grants the attacker read-only access to arbitrary re-gions of OBU memory. The attacker might have found anexploitable bug in the software and injects malicious codeto extract valuable data. We see weaknesses in three of theproposed solutions, due to the fact that these rely on a singlepiece of master secret to derive key material. This mastersecret (a master key or a master seed) has to be extractedfrom a classic secure storage device or from a PUF and isidentical for all keys that are derived by the system. Anattacker with the capability to observe the address space ofthe application can potentially copy this master secret dur-ing the derivation process of any key. The attacker can thenderive all possible keys based on this master secret. Onlythe pure classic secure storage solution and the Strong PUFbased solution are not affected by this issue, because thesesolutions derive all keys independently.The final model grants the attacker full control over thehost, which implies code execution privileges and direct ac-cess to the device. Generally, there is no way to protectthe information against access by such a powerful attacker,because the storage device cannot see a difference betweennormal usage and usage by such a powerful attacker. Onelast option to offer a mitigation against malicious use couldbe a rate limitation mechanism, which limits the number ofrequests over time. For the use case of pseudonymous com-munication in vehicular communication it could be sufficientto only return one key per minute. Such a feature representsa viable security benefit, because the attacker can effectivelyonly make use of the attacked device while it is online. Theclassic secure storage solution, as well as the Strong PUF-based solution, could reasonably offer such a feature.

6.1 Limitations of KDFs and PUFsIn the previous section, the comparison of the security

properties listed in Table 2 shows that the existence of asingle master secret, as it is the case in the KDF-basedsolutions, represents a disadvantage under certain attacker


Table 2: Key stealing protection under different attacker capabilitiesFilesystem access Memory access Full control of OBU

Classic secure storage, Section 4.1 safe current key accessible rate limitation possibleEncrypted storage, Section 4.2 safe all keys accessible all keys accessibleKey derivation, Section 4.3 safe all keys accessible all keys accessibleStrong PUF-based secure storage,Section 5.1

safe current key accessible rate limitation possible

Weak PUF-based key derivation,Section 5.2

safe all keys accessible all keys accessible

models. Another issue to consider is the limitation of thenumber of keys to derive from one single master key. It isadvisable to rekey the system after a certain amount of keyswas derived. The rekeying interval depends on the construc-tion of the underlying algorithm used in the KDF. This alsohighlights the abstract disadvantage of having to rely onadditional cryptographic algorithms compared to the solu-tions that access keys without intermediary derivation steps.More exposure to cryptographically strong algorithms nat-urally implies more risk of being affected by a discovery ofa weakness in such algorithms.

Similar concerns are valid for PUFs, where the fuzzy ex-traction process is comparable to a key derivation process.The complexity of these processes might enlarge the expo-sure to bugs and weaknesses. Moreover, there are fundamen-tal capacity limits (i.e. challenge-response pair space) thatmight impede practical deployments. Since PUFs are intrin-sically bound to hardware, it might be impossible to reuse(rekey) a PUF after the capacity limit is reached. This isparticularly problematic for Weak PUFs with only one or avery limited number of challenge-response pairs. ControlledPUFs and Reconfigurable PUFs [20] have been proposed assolutions for this problem, but the feasibility of such con-structions is hard to evaluate. A controlled PUF would beparticularly desirable in the context of secure storage for thepossibility to effectively implement rate limitation in hard-ware.

While it is not an issue for pseudonyms storage in vehic-ular network, we acknowledge that the speed of accessing aPUF can be a limiting factor. The secure key reconstructionfrom PUFs incurs a considerable amount of computationaloverhead for the fuzzy extraction of responses. Accordingto [30] the execution time is in the order of magnitude of sev-eral milliseconds for an RO-PUF design. Additionally, thechallenge C and helper data W , which need to be stored forthe regeneration of a stable response, are significantly largerthan the plain private key. While we propose an expansionfunction to avoid storing all challenges cn, the helper datacan easily add up to several kilobytes in order to generatestable response data [30].

Another limitation of using PUFs for key generation andkey storage is that PUFs are effectively read-only devices.Therefore, it is necessary for vehicles to create key pairslocally, using the response of a PUF challenge as a controlledsource of entropy.

We summarize the limitations of PUFs as follows:

1. Read-only data store2. Limited capacity3. Readout time4. Faith in fuzzy extractor algorithms5. Need to store helper data

These limitation pose restrictions on the realm of possi-ble applications for PUF-based secure storage. PUF-basedsolutions are consequently not suitable as a direct univer-sal replacement for all applications of classic secure stor-age. Nevertheless, when these limitations are met, the useof PUF-based solutions is a secure and efficient option toreplace classic secure storage.

6.2 PUF integrated within an HSMAs shown in Figure 2, the PUF could be inside an HSM.

Then, our schemes would benefit from this secure compu-tation environment. Indeed, an HSM commonly providessecure memory, secure storage, and secure cryptographicprimitives. This solution ensures that the key is generatedand used at the same place, and never leaves the HSM. Inthis case, one can notice that integrating the PUF insidethe HSM will prevent all the key stealing attacks listed inTable 2.

However, an attacker with full access could still use theHSM to perform malicious actions such as signing forgedmessage. Moreover, the PUF limitations still hold evenwithin an HSM. For instance, the limited capacity of thechallenge space triggers the question about what would hap-pen when a CRP space is depleted. As no ReconfigurablePUF exists yet, replacing the HSM would incur a consider-able cost.

Finally, we conclude that if secure computation is as-sumed, then the cost benefit advantage of PUF is ques-tionable. We note that the encrypted storage model (Sec-tion 4.2) would not suffer from any limitation of the PUF-based solutions while offering a better tradeoff between se-cure storage and regular storage. According to Table 1,encrypted storage needs 1 private key and k cipher texts,while PUF-based approaches require no private key but kchallenges and k helper data. One should notice that, interms of size, the cipher text is significantly smaller thanthe set of challenges and helper data.

7. CONCLUSION AND FUTURE WORKSecurity and privacy of vehicular communication are man-

datory to ensure a successful deployment and user accep-tance of cooperative Intelligent Transportation Systems. Thecurrent set of V2X standards foresees the use of asymmet-ric cryptography, digital signatures, and certificates to au-thenticate users. To prevent tracking and privacy leakage,vehicles frequently switch between short-term pseudonymsto provide unlinkability. As permanent–or even frequent–connection to the PKI to retrieve new pseudonyms cannotbe guaranteed, a common solution is to store enough pseu-donyms for one year or longer in secure storage. However,


secure storage of large amounts of key material is expensiveif done in secure memory of a hardware security module.

In this paper, we propose to use encryption and key deriva-tion functions to reduce the need for secure storage. Ourcomparison shows that these techniques are effective at re-ducing the requirements for secure storage at the cost of re-duced protection against attackers with access to host mem-ory. We alternatively propose to use Physical UnclonableFunctions (PUFs) to eliminate the need for classic securestorage entirely. Our analysis shows that PUFs can effec-tively replace classic secure storage if an application can op-erate under the limitations of a given PUF. The use-case ofsecure pseudonymous communication in vehicular networksis generally compatible with these limitations.

The attractiveness of PUF-based solutions is a result ofpotential cost savings compared to more expensive securestorage. PUFs are envisioned to be cheap enough for in-clusion in mass produced RFID tags or might already ex-ist in common hardware. This represents a considerablecost-benefit advantage. Once the availability of hardwareimplementations increases, we expect PUF-based solutions,such as the storage solutions presented in this paper, to seewidespread use in practical applications.

As future work, we point out that detailed assumptionsabout the behavior of PUFs are often hard to verify. In thispaper we require two properties about PUFs that allow us toimplement optimizations and make assumptions about thesecurity of the overall system:

1. A one bit difference between two challenges is enoughto guarantee completely independent responses. Knowl-edge of related (not randomly selected) challenges doesnot affect the unpredictability of responses.

2. Knowledge of helper data does not reveal any informa-tion about the expected response from a PUF.

These attributes are implied by the Strong PUF require-ment 2 and by the fuzzy extraction algorithm goals. Butusually no explicitly guarantees of these attributes are givenin the design documents of concrete PUF constructions.

Applications of secure storage in vehicular OBUs ofteninvolve full Hardware Security Modules (HSM) to providesecure computation in addition to secure storage. Rate limi-tation and a limited lifetime of certificates do allow operationwithout secure computation. It remains an open question,if a PUF-based secure storage solution can be augmentedto offer secure computation, while retaining a cost-benefitadvantage over classic implementations in an HSMs.

Development of PUF constructions is a very active area ofresearch and we hope that new developments might removesome of the aforementioned limitations.

8. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSThe authors would like to thank Dominik Merli and Christoph

Bosch for their helpful comments. The research leadingto these results has received funding from the EuropeanUnion’s Seventh Framework Programme project PRESERVEunder grant agreement n◦269994.

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