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El independiente (Las Vegas, N.M.), 10-20-1910

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University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository El Independiente, 1894-1913 (Las Vegas, New Mexico) New Mexico Historical Newspapers 10-20-1910 El independiente (Las Vegas, N.M.), 10-20-1910 La Cía. Publicista de "El Independiente" Follow this and additional works at: hps://digitalrepository.unm.edu/lv_independiente_news is Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in El Independiente, 1894-1913 (Las Vegas, New Mexico) by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Recommended Citation La Cía. Publicista de "El Independiente". "El independiente (Las Vegas, N.M.), 10-20-1910." (1910). hps://digitalrepository.unm.edu/lv_independiente_news/116

University of New MexicoUNM Digital RepositoryEl Independiente, 1894-1913 (Las Vegas, NewMexico) New Mexico Historical Newspapers


El independiente (Las Vegas, N.M.), 10-20-1910La Cia. Publicista de "El Independiente"

Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/lv_independiente_news

This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been acceptedfor inclusion in El Independiente, 1894-1913 (Las Vegas, New Mexico) by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For moreinformation, please contact [email protected].

Recommended CitationLa Cia. Publicista de "El Independiente". "El independiente (Las Vegas, N.M.), 10-20-1910." (1910).https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/lv_independiente_news/116




McCIaír, de la Corte Suprema de lenaen Referencia i la Iniciativa, y


da elección, y á menudopor personas poseídas de

un deseo de decretar medidasqueel pueblo no aprobaría por cu-

tero, pero son escritas apelandoá los votante mientras que laspartes objecionables son incluidos, de una manera que no son


Es el Remedio más eficaz y segu-

ro para la tos y Resfríos.

De Venta en la


notadas, y no hay onortuidadpara discutirlas y enmendarlas,como lo hay cuando estas medidas son sometidas á la legisla

mero acrecentado de medidassometidas al pueblo, por ambasla iniciativa y el referendum,hasta que eu esta próxima elec-ción, de ser tenida el dia 8 de Noviembre, de este mío, habrá treiu.ta y dos medidas que se some-teren á los votantes para qr.eposen sobre ellas.


La convención constitucional,tie Arizona, se reunió el dia 10 deOctubre A. D. 1010, a las 12 M.La lista contiene Ion nombres do41 delegados Demócratas elec-

tos y 1 1 Republicanos pero no sove eu la lista ni uu solo hispano-americano esto indica que laconstitución, contendrá entro as

extravagancias el desfran(íuisio de los hispa uo americanosen ese desgraciado país lleno doentrañas, nopales, tunas y tu-

nantes, que ya se nprovrcharonde los nativos.

tura.La enmendación á la iniciati-

va y ul referendum en nuestraconstitución fueron adoptadas


Kn la primera el.eeión despuésen 15)01, dos medidas fueron sometidas bajo la iniciativa, viz;

iij. biii mm, u ii uu.-i.i- i mm .i "tJ la ley de Nominación de primarias directos y la ley para elección local eu ventas de licores.


Con motivo del resultado dolas elecciones en Arizona dire-

mos que la justicia de su caualio es como so figuran los Demó-

cratas por haber triunfado enesc Territorio lea diremos que uodesean el tetado.

Que so regocijen nuestros ami-

gos del otro lado."Los Demócratas Be declara-ro- u

eu favor de los preneipios deLa Iniciativa. El IMereudoni yLa Revoca toriu y su victoria fuédecisiva."

Pero no lo sera tal vez si loiuician cu su constitución puesson medidas anarquistas comoes en partido.

Decimos auarquistico es supartido porque no es cierto queuna Legislatura Demócratasdesfranquisio ó quiso desfrau-quisa- r

uu gran uuniero de ciuda-danos de habla español ya lacual el (obernador puso su vetoy que ó pesar del veto del Gober-nador se puso con dos tercerasparteB y paso á ser ley, perúcuando fue al Congreso, por pe-

tición del Sr. Lorenzo llubbel yotros ante la comisión de revi-

sion del senado este cuerpo reco-

mendó que no se aprobase talley y asi fue derrotada.

Que razón hubo ó hay paraque uua legislatura Demócratapase una ley privando á los ciu-

dadanos de votar simplementeporque son pobres ó no saben elIngles.

Estos principios de La Inicia-tiva La Revocatoria El Referen,du tn según al plan O regó nía nosuenan muy bien á los oidos yson hermosas en papel pero no

Ambas fueron adotpadas. Deentonces acá ha habido uu nu


Ll registro del partido Demó-

crata y su organización, en Nue-

vo Mexico en cuanto ú inlluen-cia- ,

de corporaciones no es soloclaro, Mro es una materia de re-

gistro y conocimiento común.Ll presidente de su comisión cen-

tral republicana es un abogadode cororacioues. Su secretarioes uu abogado. Del lado Repu-blicano, el presideute no es abo-

gado y su secretario no est a ocu-

pado de uua manera activa enla practica de la ley. En verdadpor muchos años atrás el presi-

dente del partido Democrat'! hasido ulguu abogado de corpora-ciones, mientras el presidente delpartido Rupublicauo por algu-

nos años ali as no lo ha sido. Másde cincuenta por ciento de losdelegados Demócratas A la con-

vención constitucional, son ubo--

idas, ó para ser más exuctos,uince de los veinte y nueve.

Del lado Republicano li es cuar-tas partes de los delegados soncomerciantes, criadores de ani-

males o siguen otras vocusiouesfuera do la abogacía. Cuandose trató tío nominar un candida-par- a

presidente de la conveniónconstitucional, por los Demócr-ata, nominaron á una personaque el mismo ha confesado serahogado de las corporaciones.Cuando se trató de nominar alsecretario principal nominaronal manejador y principal accio-

nista de una corporación, bienconocida, mientras (pie los llcpn"blicnnos uno que noes bogado le corporaciones, pa-

ra su empleado. Cuaudo se tra-

tó de escojer, un jefe en el suelode la convención, los Demócra-

tas eseojicrou un abogado decorporaciones y el presidente tie

su caucus es uu abogado, mien-

tras que los Republicanos de la


DONASTraje para novia do

Sedaa y Linos, hechosal último estilo com-

puesto con la mejorclase de composturas.

Trajes do ffJ.50 & 150.00

Blancos y de color.

Calzado de lo mejor$2.50 & 15.00

Cuerpos de Seda93.60 i fl2.00

Sombreros compuestospara señoras 2.60 á tl5.

El juez Asociado McClair, de lacorte suprema de Iowa, hablan-d- o

de la iniciativa, y el referu-du-

dice:"La ngitasióii en favor de esta

forma de legislación, esta basadu en ta asunción que el últimopoder reside en el pueblo, y queellos deberían do tener la opor-tunidad de actuar directamente,por medio del cuerpo calificadode electores, si nsí desean ha-

cerlo, en lugar del departamen-to legislativo del gobierno. Esapareute, siuembargo; que talpráctica del poder legislativo porparte del pueblo es jnconsitentecon la teoria general de nuestrogobierno, que implica la aocioudel pueblo por medió de represen-tantes y la division de las fuuc-ciou- es

del gobierno cu departa-mentos distintos. En verdad es-

ta abierto á discusión, u pesar delos atentados de introducir lainiciativa, y el referendum, si acaso la práctica de los poderesdel gobierno por el pueblo pormedio de el cuerpo electoral noesta en violación de la provisionde la constitución federal. (ArtIV., See. i) que cada uu estadotenga ana forma de gobierno re-

publicano, porque muy bien sepuede contender que una formade gobierno republicano necesa-riamente implica el delos poderes del gobierno por ofi-

ciales y cuerpos representativosy la distribución de los poderesdel gobierno entre distintos é in-

dependien tes departamentos.""Las objeciones prácticas A es-t- u

forma de legislación es que uncuerpo pequeño de representan-tes eseojidos pueden perfeccio-ná- r

los detalles (le; legislación

leñemos en manoel ninscompleto sur-

tido para la esta-ció- n

de Invierno, quenunca se ha t ra idoen esta plaza.


mí i iHoires y

Para el novio tene-

mos vestidos negros delana por 8.00 hasta $30.

Camisas, Sombreros,Calzado, todo délo me-

jor & precios bajitos.

íe Jóvenes

La cual venderemosó precios muy redu-

cidos. Vengan á ha-

cernos una visita.El único comercio

le esta clase.

v. 5 ,

vBACHARACH BROS.Plaza Nueva Enfrente del Hotel Castañeda.

J , i I

Illhan dado bueua prueba y sonmedidas repugnantes y malevolas.

Los Demócratas de Atizonaseguramente iniciaran en su otra mano, han impmsto estosconstitución estas medidadas de importantes puestos parhunenuna manera redieula y al ejpni-- j mucho más cívctíí.k-iit-e que il t arias sobre hombres de-ng-

gran cuerpo de electores, y que ció une no son abogados. Elplo de Oregon también tal veziniciarán una clausula desfran- -

Este Vocablo es la


i HUB 0 Sa1 l LAZA M'KVA t


el poder legislativo debería do presidente de la comisión nació-prácticars- e

bujo las restricciones jn,d Demócrata es un abogado,de limituci-me- s ceiMitucionalcs,' mn-uim- s .pie el presidenta de laque no pueden ser efectivamente1 comisión nacional R 'publicum!aplicadas si la legislación des-- os un criador de animales y Nue- -

De ios celebres Guantes y Mitenes ae

quisiaudo á los ilativos de hablaespañol ó mejicanos que hallanconseguido sus papeles de ciuda-danía porque no baldan el Inglesó porque no sepan leer é iseribir cansa tlirectumente stdne la vo- - vo Mxiciuo diremos su nombreSSeisendrath

HORSE HIDE -l,,,, :

La cías que dura. Hechos de Cordovany toda clase de las mejores pieles. Se vendenpor ttdo comerciante Moderno y Progresivo.

luutad pública. Los derechos el Ib.it. Salomon Luna, de Loafundamentales constitucionales, Lunas, N. Méx. Asi ha sidosiem-d- e

la libertad y propiedad debt, pn, la principal confianza yenteramente protegí- - porte del part ido Demócrata bu

dos encotra de la voluntad de lamayoría del pueblo como son Grandes Almacenes Heucoutra de la act ion tie los de rS3 t"part amentos del gobierno,"

En otras palabras, no es la forma pero el principio de la inicia

De Ropa y Novedades.


sido el abogado de corporacio-nes. No hay desgracia eu el'o,pero una cantidad enorme de in-

consistencia, mofa, y escarnio de

parte de la prensa Democrática,y demagogos Demócratas voci-

ferando, y disparateando, ra

de convenciones y parti-dos manejados por abogados decorporaciones. De quienes mc-d- e

esperar el pueblo, que les douna buena constitución.? Délosabogados ó de los hombres querepresentan la vida industrial y

tiva, y el referendum, que es inconstitucional y ti las cuestionesiban ú la corte suprema de Nue

pero como el Acto de habilita-- 1

ciou provee que sea sometida ni

pueblo para su probación, des-

pués tiene que ir al Presidentepara su aprobación como tambien al Congreso y si estas medi-

das son asi iuiciadas que chun-z- a

tiene de ser aprovudo no seconvertirá ul regocijo en tristezaei es que tengan tanto á pecholu justicia mal aplicada.

Justicia bien enteudida seriaasegurar ú los ciudadanos sufrauquisio el derecho de votar ygozar los otros privilegios quegozau los ciudadanos de otrosestados como lo serán los deNuevo México que no se inicienestas medida repugnantes que

tendrán al pueblo en una ugita-cio- u

continua por tantas elec-

ciones inútiles que uo son prós-peros y la han sido tantos Esta

DESITR BUIDO RE SNew MexicoLus Vegas, vo México, estamos ciertos qui

los jueces instruidos seguiríanlos precedentes lijados por lascortes de Michigan, Pennsylva

Esta casa se ha hecho digna de la confianza y predi- -nia, Texas, y Nueva York, en declarar este disislimiento de gobierno representativo contrarioá la Sección 1 del Artículo i de

lación del público debido á que siempre ha tenido y tie-

ne por norma expender los mejores Efectos y á precio

verdaderamente módicos, por lo tanto,

Os iuvitamos cuando se encuentren en esta pla7.it se

de negocios del Nuevo Estado.?:Copia. New Mexican.


Aquellos que desean que ul iui

dativa y el referendum sean in-

corporados en la constitución

la constitution de los EstadosUnidos.

PELEA IMPORTANTE. 4 sirvan visitarnos. Pues es para Vdos. el obtener tnerUñado las peleas grandes de ifÁ cundas V comestibles á menos uredo uuu en eiiahiuier

dos de la Luiou desde el Atlán-tico al Pacifico siu haberlas te-

nido antes y que hasta estos úl-

timos años están ogitando los" ' ' ')Cy

otra parte. Recuerden que uo ofrecemos baratillo porKstados Unidos.

J0HNH.T0EKComerciante en

Toda Clase de Abarrotes

Abarrotes Buenos y Frescos

y Frutas de Horno.

710 Douglas Ave. jst Las Vegas, N. M.

0 ll (i di;l ó lina stanMli.'i siim mi iifnwiuiinM mi lm m I illu fe4

Kstas medidas también son

la convención va á ser sobre ladispocion quese hará de ÍS.OOO,-00- 0

de acres de terreno que sontenidos por el territorio. Estacuestión será peleada nnte la co-

misión sobre etlueasion, que for-

mularán una provision constitu

continué. Porque es NUESTRO MOTO el cuidar áinconstitucional por no-exist-

en lu constitución de los Estados 3f nuestra inmensa y numerosa diéntela y así disfrutar'f ili viiíimIi-- m tii-i- Mi1ii tintUnidos y por no haber sido asi

la intención de nuestros antepa cional á la convención para su Rerspetuosa mentó Su Servidor de Yds.sados que fraguaron el mejor documento de principios gobernativos que existe. S ROMERO MERCANTILE COMPANY

Sintemos á los Arizoniensespor el mal paso que han dado y

Las Vegas, N. M.que les sera muy detrimental ypor la poca esperanza qu? hayne que sean nominaos como es 1 MARGARITO ROMERO, Propietario.

del Estado de Nuevo México hanestado gritando tocante al plande Oregon.

Pero todavía no han aducidoninguna gran prueba de como o-b-

Los tiernas las oponemosporque el principo es malo.

Recientemente Mr. Frank W.

Shea ron, secretario de la comísion ceutral, Republicana de esteTerritorio, le escribía ul procu-

rador general A. M. Crawford,del Estado de Oregon, por infor-

mación sobre el usuut j eu gene-

ral. Eu contestación recibió unacarta del procurador generalCrawford, el contenido de la cualdará muy poco consuelo A los demócrutas radicales.

El señor Crawford díte que eucuüquir evento el por ciento pa-

ra la iniciativa, debería de sertreinta por ciento, de los votantes en lugar tie ser ocho por cien-

to, como es ahora, y que veintepor ciento se debería de reque-

rir para poner el referendum euoperación en lugar de cinco porciento.

El continua: "los requisitostan pequeños eu este estado hunrebultado en el continuo acrecen-

tamiento del numero de medidasque se someten al punido su ca- -

tado.Asi es que se alegran de que A- -

nzoua naya dado mal paso cojma CALLAWAY, Propietaria dio se h legran oe la derrota quptubieran en el condado de San

ratifleasiou. Una facción, com-

puesta principalmente de la m-

inoría, esta absolutamentede disponer de cualesquie-

ra parte de los terrenos de escue-

la por & lo menos treinta; otrafacción favorece que se vendauna mitad de esta cantidad deterreno al por mayor, y la ter-

cera, ó facción conservativa desean que se vendan, 1G0 acres decada 010, creyendo que las mejoras hechas en el cuarto, de sec-

ción asi vendida, aumentará elValor de los 480 acres tpie que-

dan. El cuerpo deeducae ion territorial comparecerá ante la comisión de educación para ver deque modo suelven este problenn ,

La eomi ion sobre tasación, de-

partamento de justicia y otraseitubieron en sesión y en la pri-

mera reunion de la convenciónuno ó más reportes serán gometidos, . ... , .

Miguel. Nosotros sentimos5 Jabón Blanco de Cristal 5 barillas 25clos primeros y nos alegrnmo de

los últimos. "Mal de muchosUn lugar para uated ó cualquier otro caballero que desee tomar finos

Vinos, Licores y Cigarros.consuelos do necios."

La angre impura y pesada lu; labon Diamond "C" 7 barillas por 25c

ce una complicación enturbida yengranujada dolor de cabeza.


25cTelefono Main 122. Jabón Tepee 8 barillas pornausea, inuiííesuon. hn sangredébil lo hace débil, pálido y enfermizo. 1! unlock Rlood Bittersenriquese la sangre, la hace coló I G D. BOUCHER El Cafetero.

CERVEZASBudweiser,Blue Ribbon,Pabst Export,Anheuser,

WHISKIESYellowstone,Suny Brook,

Carrol County,Cld Continental, 014 Edgewood,

17 years old.

trada y purj, restaura perfectamente la salud.

of the capital stock of this corpora- - ij;;:$50.00 DC RÍCOMPINZAEl dia 3 del corriente se me extra


Office ef the SecretaryFI IWnFnFlUniFWTF !,i,'n- - 11 H. Itrift-.le- l

LL lllULULllUlLlllLicoijdtii.le Elly,eelpalr.. de

i tnl pn eMado. Im propue- -

GQfiCGio dh sail Miauíiü9

Dirijido por It s Hermanos Cristianos,

tin rt furniM fusion leída iHirti-;"1""- ? NW M'. o hereby' tify that Iher was filed for ivronl in

tüliwt j referidlo fl Ian comisione ,hj; on,oe ,t Ten 0YlKk A. M. on the


-- J




La Institución mas AntI95MMyPí

CURSOS. Literaria Comercial, y Ciéntifieo. Cursos

Académico y Preparatorio formau departamentos sepa-

rados. Internos y externos. Manden por prosjiectos.

Los estudios comenzaran Setiembre 5.








hay para comidas, g

Pan, Cakes, Cokíes, Crolas,o: Cakes Fritos y RollosO cualquier cosa de l'anaderin, Rollos con Natillas

Vayan los Sábados a

The Graaf & HayvvardCOMPANY STORE.




Lo mejor de cuanto8

Cantina..de la.. OPERA


Anheuser Busch,Tony Faust Draught

Y de Barril.

TED LOMO, Propietario.

Re Publica lu Jucvca, porLa Compañía Publicista

De "CI Independíente.JIAM FLORENCE, Editor.

-- hlrtiM loria C(irn-ii- JriM l A El iflisrtKDIOTI, Vfa, S. M.

t"Mmio entuo tnaloria 1 nun.1 rim co I

infria de La Vega. . M.

Precio de SumtIcíoii:

"til at alb, . .,. 1.00

rimo ei Un tnflmn l prrlo da I narrliiArd"tráor lnvariaMrmrnt al!anaio.

Rala nlntuo seon.iit ración dar mo.atanclftartilol .dolante a laa fwntoua. qua quieran

oflbn.4 tt lnirK ihtiiIu mu'1r !

1 aporude lattarrtnAo jantoonn laftrd.a


La rominion de tanaciin ee reu-ntóe-

la Cu marta de Represe-ntante. El An litor AtaludanteCharle V. S ifTord. atendió A la

jin.tn, y le dó una iidr timciaimuy extensa sobre ete asuntotan itnp'rtnnte de tasaciones

L)i ('(lllli-io- ll Sotlle lltlH'llll !

cioue constitución! les, .1..I. Arngon Presidente e Arinijnsecretario, se reunieron. H. B.

D IVÍH Hi Mllf t í flíl liflíl K Ie la COII

tit lición del estado de N lift aYoikytdio estado culuien-l-

t i HriUeiltO.

La rtmiisióii sobre el Ejecutivoe leunió t i tiia 12 A las U p. m.

cu el cuartel republicano en t'l

Palacio de lo obei-nadoi- e In

junttt fue" con ti fin de discutiruna proposición de hacer los ter-mino- s

do todos lo oficiales eje-

cutivo del trobierno de estadopor cuatro años, y que no ue vuel-vai- i

á ir.

tai comisión obre frumiuiioelectoral tubo audiencias puMbcu el Vierue. eu la mañane álad 10 y otra vez el Miércoles pa-r- a

recibir cualesquiera sngeslio-ue- s

del pueblo para ser insert-dast- i)

la constitución. Laesto, considerando una

proposición depermira la mu-

jeres de votar en eleccioiiMt de si

dewdt SuperintetnleuteH deInMtrucciou publica pura ulmjo.

Ln de ct'tlubiH wreunió y prt piiró un reporte rt

la comÍKÍoti írenertil. HI deber deesta comMone do preparar unaclatiMiilti tjue ponga eu fuerza laxleyeg tenitor'aleM en el nuevo

que huya nueva le.

jisliieion y también quo provenque continúen en empico todtmIom preHeutfM nticialet lninta juebaya elcecidi pnr nuevoK ohYiu


tarciti la-- I ii- - t hic.ig ), fué le,tilia el dia doce de Oetubre, de launís extensa celebricitu del

de America tlesle laf- - riu universal; un especláeulo 6

blico demostrando !;i batida di

Colon,. de Vmliz y cuamio saltóeu tierra en America fué t i rangodistintivo. Las rnruvel.'ts ''Ni.na," "Tinta,'' y ' Santa Mítiia,'duplicados de los navios de (iti.

Ion que ci usaron el Altan! ico du-

rante "La Feiia del Mundo"' en

Chieitgoy que han estado t u unalaguna en uno de los parquesuVsde entonces, saldrán por to-

da ht laguna iiaegaudo á tíaves de la laguna pura un SanSalvador imajinnrio.

l)espues de transar una gran-de cantidud tie trabajo rulinario Los pidi ít timisarios tie laMerced de Las Vegas, se prorrogarou hasta el piucer Martes deNoviembre. La mayor parte deltiempo se ocuparon adjudicandoreclamos de los residentes en laMerced. Se reportó que el tra-bajo en el proveció de regndioCaiufield se está haciendo regu-

larmente desde que se comenzó.Dcu Lugenit) Homero, estuvopresente eu las deliberaciones tielos Fidel-comisario- s, habiendohecho viaje tie Santa Fé, ron estelia y pura donde volvió A U con-veció- u

constitucional, tie la cualcu uno de los miembros más

lion -a). To create or issue any other

or further shares of canital stock orncrease the capital stock of this cor--

isiration.tbi. Nor to create any charge, ex

cept as herein provided, upon the netpronta of this corjioration, whichhall not I; sulxtrdinate to the right

of the holders of the capital stock ofOn corporation.

c. The balance of the net profitsof the corporation, after payment ofall legitimate charges and expensesof said corporation, may be distributed as dividends among the holdersof the capital atoek of this company,at such times and when the !oard ofdirectors of this company, nhall, inIta uitcreiion iiciermine.

ARTICLE IV.The term for which this corporation

is to exist shall be fifty ("01 yearsfrom the dute of nlmg of these Articles of Incorporation in the office ofthe Secretary for the Territory ofyew Mexico.

ARTI' LE V.The principal place of business and

the principal otllce of tins corporation is at Las Vegas, in the county ofSan Miguel, in the Territory of NewMexico, and the Agent of this corpor-tio- n

in charge of said office is Ixren- -

zo Delgado, whoe post-offic- e addressis Las Vegas, Territory of New Mexico.

ARTICLE VI.The names and post-offic- address

of the corporators, and the numberof shares of stock subscribed by each,the aggregate of which is two thou-sand dollars, the amount of the capi-tal stock with which the companywill begin business are as follos:- -

Secundino Romero, Las Vegas, NewMexico, 18 shares.

Lorenzo Delgado, Las Vegas, NewMexico, 1 share.

Louis C. Ilfeld, Las Vegas, NewMexico, 1 share.

ARTICLE VII,(a) . The corporation shall have

no power to mortgage its real pro-perty or to dispose of its business asan entirety, or mortgage the same,except upon the assent in writing firstobtained of the holders of two-thir- ds

of the istued capital stock of the com-pany, or upon the affirmative vote ofthe holders of the majority of the ca-pital stock at a meeting of the stock-holders duly called for that purpose;however, upon such assent so obtain-ed, or upon such affirmative vote sohad, and not otherwise, the corpora-tion shall have power to mortgageits real property.

(b) . The Board of Directors shallhave jMJwer to make, alter, amendand rescind the by-la- of this cor-poration.

(c). With the asscnt in writing, orpursuant to the vote of two-third- s ofall the issued capital stock, the uirec-tor- s

shall have power and authorityto sell, assign, transfer, convey orotherwise dispose of the property andassets or ints corporation, as an en-

tirety on such terms and conditions,and for such consideration as the di-

rectors shall deem fit, right and just(d). The Hoard of Directors in ad-

dition to the powers and authority bythe statutes of the Territory of NewMexico, and by the by-la- of thiscorporation, expressly conferred uponthem, are hereby empowered to exer-cise all such powers and to all suchacts and things as may be exercisedor done by the corporation, but sub-ject nevertheless to the provisions ofthe luws of the Territory of NewMexico, of this charter and to suchregulation as may be made from timeto time by tWoek holders.

' (e). The iock holders shall attheir first meeting elect by ballot orviva voce a board of directors, tomanage and control the affairs of thiscorporation, subject to the provisions,clauses and limitations contained inthis charter; and said Board of Di-

rectors when so elected shall imme-diately, or as soon after thoir elec-tion as convenient, hold a meetingand elect a President, a Secretaryand Treasurer of said corporation,and such other officers as the by-law- s

may provide.(fl. The directors shall determine

by vote the compensation to be paidto the officers of this corporation.

(g). The directors shall from timeto time determine whether and towhat extent, and what times andplaces and under what conditions andregulations, the accounts and booksof the corporation, or any of them,shall be open to the inspection of thestockholders, and no stockholdershallhave any right to inspect account orbook or document or the corjioratlon,except such right is conferred by thelaws of the Territory of New Mexico,or authorized by the Board of Direc-tors.

( h ). The directors shall have powerto hold their meetings, to have oneor more officers, and to keep the booksor the corporatlo at such places asmay be from time to time designatedby them.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we havehereunto set our names and seals thisfifteenth day of September A. D. 1910.

Secvndino Romeko, (skal)Lokenzo Dkloado, (skal)

louis c. ilfkld, (seal)TERRITORY OF NEW MEXICO I

COUNTY OF SAN MRILEL.on this 15th day of September, .

1U10, before me personally appear-ed Secundino Romero, Lorenzo Del-gado and Louis C. Ilfeld, to me knownto be the persons described in andwho executed the foregoing instru-ment and severally acknowledgedthat they executed the same as theirfree act and deed.

WITNESS my hand and NotarialSeal rlüs ltíth day of September, A.D. lll. T. 1VI. Elwood,

Notary Public.My commission expires December

12, 1910. - (seal)Territory of New Mexico, i

County of San Miguel, f B'

I hereby oertify that this instru-ment was filed for reconl on the 20day of Septemlier A. D. 1910 at 4 o'-

clock P. M, aud was duly recordedin book No. 1, of Articles of Incor-poration page 237 on this 2U day ofSeptember A. D. 1B10.

W1TN11 S3 my hand and seal of of-

fice. Lokknzo Df.ujado,Clerk of the Probate Court and

Recorder.Hy Ottk E. Feil, Deputy.

NOTICE TOR PUBLICATIONDepartment of the Interior,

U. S. Laud Office at SAntaFe, N. M. (August, 6 1910. (

Notice is hereby given that FaustinLopez, of Casa Orando, N. M., whoon Sept. 12, 19W, made HomesteadEntry (Serial IMS7SI, o. 8U7;i, forSEiÑWi. E1SWÍ and NWi 8Ei ofSection 15, Township 15 North, Range21 East, N. M. P, Meridian, has filednotice of intention to make Final five

fear Proof, to establish claim to theand above described, before Hobt.

L M. Koss, U. S. Court Commis-sioner, at Las Vegas, N. M., on the7th. day of October, 1910,

Claimant names as witnesses: Pedro Lopez, Macario Gutierrez, SixtoTrujillo, of Casa Orande, FerminSanchez, of Chañe rito. N. M

Manuel R. Oteto. Register,

viaron mis caballos de tiro los cualesencontré muertos á balazos el dia 12

del mismo mes, uno tenia 2 balazos yel otro uno. Los caballos fueron arrojado á na voladero que tenia cer-

ca de 0 pies de alto por el autor ó

autores del crimen. Ofrezco una re- -

compenza de fóO.OO por imformaciónque guie al arresto ó convicción delautor ó auiores del crimen.

Josk Darío GrTiKKiiEZ.


Succeed when everything elae fails.In nervous prostration and femaleweaknesses they are the supremeremedy, aa thousands have testified


it is the best medicine ever soldover a druggist's counter.


Las mujeres que pierdensu salud debido al exceso detrabajo, necesitan un tónico.Esa debilidad 6 cansancio nose quita sola. Tómese elCardul, el verdadero remediopara los males de la mujer,filies de mujeres que bantomado el Cardul nos escri-

ben y hablan con entusiasmodel provecho que recibieron.

Una carta reciente de la

Srs. Charles Bragg, Sweet-se- r,

Ind., dice: "Con palabrasno puede expresarse lo mu-

cho que su medicina hizo por

ml. No podia, como ahora,trabajar seguido; trabajabaun rato y tenía que acos-

tarme. Siempre alabare sumedicina."

Pruébese el Cardul. De

venta en todas partes.E42


QHA5. A. SPIESS,Abogado en Ley,

Practica en todao las cortes del Ter-ritorl-

Su dirección do estafeta es:Las Vegas, N. M.

CHAS. A LAW,Abogado en Ley.

Practica en todas las cortes del Ter-

ritorio. Especialmente practica en lasCortes de Terrenos. Su dirección deestafeta es Clayton, N. M.

B. DAVIS, Jp.Abogado en Ley.

Practica en todas las cortes delTer-ritorio- .

Su dirección de estafeta es:Las Vegas, N. M.


Comisionado de los Estados Un-

idos y Notario Público.

Se atenderán con prontitud todos losuegouios que á el se 1c confien.

Salón St Elmo.VARELA Y BLE4, Propietarios.

Al Sur de la Culle del IVi-cifi- co

en la caso, de Doulienigtio Murtiuez. Tenemos en mano la mejorclase de

Vinos, Licores, Cigarros y Tabacos.

MILNOR IllülLI'il,Agente de Ascguranza de Vida,

Tara más información dirijáu.se á mi personalmente

ó por carta áKudulpü, Nuevo México,. Conda-d- e



Colector de Deudas Particulares

Notario PublicoHare v Dernnnrr. torta Clase de Doro- -

mentos e Hipotecas.

Oüoina:En la Oficina du EL iNUKt'KK DIENTE

Manuel Gallegos,Pintor y Empapelador,


Mis precios serán de loa masrnzonnble v nu trabajo es ga- -

pan iinitn liiriii'infto A mí Munde residencia. . '


Certificate of Comparison.I lUfnl 3fU. Swrrtary of the Ttr

Seventeenth dy of hepteniber, A.ü. r'10; Arti la of IncorjKiriUon of


ami also, that I have coniared thefollowing copy of the tame, with theoriginal thereof now on file, and de-

clare it to be ft correct transcripttherefrom and of the whole thereof.

Idven tinder my hand and the Groat8eal of the Territory of New Mexico,at the City of Santa Fe, the Capital,on this Seventeenth day of September, a. v. mm.

atiiax Jaita,Secretary of New Mexico.



We, the undemlifnetl, cit zenit of theth e United State of America, andaubcribem to the capital tttock of ELINDEPENDIENTE rl ULI H II I N UOOMl'ANY, being denirous to form abcinsr diwrous to form a corporationunder nnd in puntualice to the lawn ofthe Territory of New Mexico, anahaving associated ouraelvea togetherfar that puriKHie, have prepared andhereby adopt the following Articlesof Incorporation,

ARTICLE I.The name of the naid conoration


ARTICLE II.The purpoHea and objecta for which

this company is formed are the followlnir:

To carry on business as proprietorand publittherti of newHpaperii, Journal, maiíazinc, books and other literary workti and undertakings andespecially to take over the publicalion of el indepkndiknte: to camon business as printers, booksellers,bookbinders, stationers, photograpliers, photographic, printers, sUro'typers, lithographers, and any otherbusiness or manufacture that mayseem expendient: to undertake andtransact all kinds of business relativeto the gathering and distribution olinformation of every sort, and kind,t ) the same extent thaf a naturalperson might or could do, and in connectloti therewith to acquire by purchase or otherwise, construct, maintaia and otherwise deal with land andsubmarine telegraphs, including insuch expression telephone and allother electrical or other contrivancesfor transmitting messages by signallands, works, buildings and convemenees in any part of the worldTo acquire, print, publish, conductana circulate or otherwise deal withany newspaper or newspapers or

publications, and gerally to carry on the business of newspaper proprietors and general publisher ; tocarry on, if and when it shall seemlesirable, the trade or business of general printers, lithographers, eneravers and advertising agents; to build.lonstruct, erect, purchase, hire orotherwise acquire or provide anybuildings, ofllees, printshops, plantami macnuiery or oiner things hecesary or useful for the punióse of carring out the objects of this company.IN FURTHERANCE, and not in

limitation oí me general powers con-ferred by the laws of the Territory oflew Mexico, and of the objects and

purposes hereinabove stated, it is expressly provided that the companyshall also have the following powers,that is to say:

(a). To do any and all of the thin-gs herein set forth as objects, puriMes, powers or otherwise, to the samextent and as fully as natural persons

might or could do, and in any purt ofne unittHi Hatea, as principals,tgents, contractors, trustees, or other- -

'le.(b). To conduct it business In all

its branches, and to have one or morejfneeB, and to hold, purchase and convey real and personal property, bothwhithin and without the Territoriesf the United States.(c). To purchase or otherwise ac-

quire, to hold, own, mantain, develop,tnd to sell, convey or otherwise dlspose of, without limit as to amount,within and without the Territory ofNew Mexico, and every State andTerritory of the United States, realestato and property, and any ink-res- t

ana rigntt therein(d). To acquire the good-wil- l,

rights ami property of all kinds amit undertake the whole or any partof the assets and liabilities of anyparson, nrm, association or corpor-ation, and to pay for the same incash, stock of tills corporation, bondsor otherwise

(e. ) To hold, purchase or other-wise acquire, to sell, assign, transfer,mortgage, pledge or otherwise dis-pose of shares of the capital stock,bonds orothor evidences of indebted-ness created by other corporation,either municipal or private, andwhile the holder of any such stockbonds, or ot her evidences of indebtedness created by other corporations,either municipal or private, andwhile the holder of any such stock,to exercise all the rights and privi-leges of ownership, including theright to vote thereon to the same ex-tent as a natural person might orcouia tin.

(f.) Tomskoand enter into contracts of every sort and kind with anyindividual, firm, association, corpor-ation, private, public or municipal,or anp other body politic.

(g). To do all and everything ne-cessary, suitable, or proper for theacomplishmcnt of any of the purpo-ses, or attainmeut of any one ormore of the objects herein enumer-ated, w hich shall at any time appearconducive or expedient for the pro-tection or benefit of the corporation,either as holders of or Interested inany property.

ít is the Intention that the objects,purposes and powers specified andclauses contained in this Article,shall, except where otherwise ex-pressed In said Article, to be no wiselimited or restricted by referenceto or influence from the terms of anyclauses of this or any other Articlein this Charter, but that the objects,purposes and powers specified in eachof the clauses of this Article shall beregarded as independent objects, pur-poses and powers.

ARTICLE III.The total capital stock of this com

pano shall be TEN THOUSAND 1)0 L--LAH3, wnicn snan oe aiviuea into

ujo ""res 01 sioca aioresam, mat isto ay:

t lfOífobt liber- -

of the holders of two-third- g In amount


Ia vida iudustrial, de Franciae ahora amenazada eou un pa- -

rali, completo y etta puexto enla margen tie la ra rent a. Anima-do por la huelga efectivu tie hm

trabajadort-- tie Ion ferro-carr-

leí, Ion jefe de Ioh obreros fran-cenc- a

nmcDtiztin una huelga gigautewa en todas Ijih lineas tie

industria. La situación por toda la república ne convidara muygrave. La extenciou de la huelgaüei ierro-carr- il al oriente y nurde l'arii racticameute deja &

cuta ciudad hiu comunicuaionDinguua, cuando He roiiHÍderaqii" h iy fount 300 000 mil tra- -

baj i ltirew 'iue ya hmi dejudo el

tr.ib.ijo. Nu h iy kíüii cntiio pu-

ra tu ho iliHH de iiriiviij(iii de tin

rill en I t ciu bt'l. Una enorimcant i l,i l (- I- -- CM'li y let-li- d

NoriiiHiidia y Keliea entail ata-tía-

por el f. rio-- t ariil qiienopiietlvu moverle riiuna de la huelga,

Ll deHCiitirimieiito de Aniel irafue1 observado por lodo el pni

ine una inaura mu iuai ioinejiticioH, parados las iuntiturio'lien tlntiiicieias e cierran, de resjM't lti al gran navegador, 00,00(1eroiwiN eu procftñoii eu Hostou

Miihs, el presidente. Ta ft pasa eirevista l.iM delegHt'iones en la pi i

mera celebración eu Maswachusetts La celebración ilcl 41H universarlo del descubrimiento deAniel ea, porOistoval Colon seobservó en quiueu estados hoyH de Octubre A. I. 1010 Queson. California, Colorado, Con

necticut, llliuois, Maryland, Mi

chigaii, Messouri, Montana, New

York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania,Kentucky, Massachuselts, Ohioy Itho'le lslada, por todo cíes tado de New York, las escuelus,buncos, cortes y casas de negócío se cerraron mientras queproivsioiies y otras celebracionesstii el orden del dia.

Una clausiinla, tie referendum,modificado debe ser incorportheu la constitución, tie estado dt

Nuevo México. Esto vienedeiiuufuente autoiitutivu, dice "Opile. be tllee ñutí la comisiónsolne depaltallltlito legislntivtha convenido de repintar paraser incorporada en la coustituciou unaclausulade refereruduin,proveyendo que si una ley pusada, por la legislatura, sea taninicua Ue nlarme al pueblo, enel estado, el puedu, por una. ie

liei ut tli uiada por iui20 porciciito tie los votos calificados en dostereerus partes de los condados,para que se llame una eleccióncon el fin de anular tul ley. Binpiaba i go es' casi cierto de decir

jq1"' ninguna clausula le la iniciativa, será incorporada eu lacous.tlt lición, o sometida separadamente al pueblo paru ser votadaen el tiempo que la constitución,sea adoptada ó desechada.

Kl Albuquerque Tribune Citizen, dedica cinco columnas provalido que Nuevo México no es

'publicado y cita como una d

las pausas de las mayorías He

publicunns eu el Territorio, á lapresencia de tantos pastores delos montes. Algunas vences laabsurdidad, llega A las alturasdela sublimidad, Nuevo MexicanoSi, v las mentiras tampoco liopegan en estos dias. No decíaqueSpiessse había retirado dela carrera para presidente de luconvención constitucional,... .no

serán las cinco columnas un enja-lme tie falsas informacitnps,y la-

mentaciones inicuas y sin nin-gún rasgo de verdad,? como dicetie gorras blancas "y gorras ne-

gras," A que partido se le tlióbioesa organización corrupta, eirelcondado tie San Miguel, Desea-

mos una explicación. Hespuesde conejo huido pedradas ul mu-torr-

La verdad eu política lees desconocida A ese orgauo.

Canudo pI hombre propioyugo llepiiblicano

horn. Un partido sin principono puede tener buenos jefes, todoes bulla corrupción corruptela ymas corruptela, el pueblo los co.noce y no desea poner uvea de

a l á . . .

.... ..i i.... i i

"""" " P- -iimiiinHii ha linn cftinot ido. in

tj- na- r votos cuque gato ,-- las

elecciones '



4949 Hay 249

i DE HARINA PINA,$ Que nunca han faltado y nunca fal-- g

tarán en dar entera satisfacción.




8 ?Para qne Lxper mentar Otras?


Clases 4?






Es el lugar endonde usted encontrará los mejores

Uinos, Licores y Cigarros.Hay mesas de Pool y de Billar, se solicita el patrocinio de

todos. Enfrente de la botica de E. O. Murphy.

East Las Vegas, N. M.

.TwB&IÁTrjneu'j puesto A un lado. Fntu haLa segunda semana de la con-- i sido lo desgracia del partido D-

evoción constitucional vio la in-- ! mócrntu, nunca ha teuidolupro- -

troducciou de "provisiones (e!l'ia ciase ,ie jeies ni ios tiene u- -

bcr incorporada, en la constitu-ción,, bajo el encabezado tie pro.tocólos. Dote propuestas wo- -

visiones fueron introducidas. Lnsli

JAMES O'BYRNETraficante en


Todiw'las ordene twrnn atendidas ctt. pr.ititn .


East Las Vegas, New México.

m1s importante fueron las n,,P;r'M"iiuen os otMtit m pú nicos



la inicial iva, referen-- )1 V i 1 7 one hundred f loo) shares, of the earrLl,n I "' "an juzgados en lo futuro . vale of One Hundred (UOO.OO) dol-au- ra

y proniUMion. U protoeo-- ! v .j pUf)nlo les da ell merecido lars each, and said corporation shalllo sobre la iniciativa, y reí-re- n con su pretendida justicia mal commence business with a capital of

dua fueron introducidas por el'entendida en las elecciones y fiT$SDelegado A, A. Sedillo, del con- - "8 p uueflnn pregonandti y la- - limitations following shall attach toilarln t IWnlilln i,lttH.n,ln' loque esta delegación va a emp.jt r íTiBB iiiruitui vii jm. vouvi'ii

. i ja é&ma

Va asesino sin nnsericoruta es el' tpt'iidicitb ciiu mucha vii-tim- GRATIS A LOS HOMBRES

1 Independiente

rólttPfÑoTícíA ETHE PLAZA BAR,ro Dr. Kin Xtw lill, la ni a la o

ludiéndola, huas estimulan el euuiaii y el hilado, impidiendo el eiu R. II. GOIILKC, Propietariobarato que invita el apendicitU curando la CVDsüpación, Doler de Cabeza,Hiliosidod y Fríos. V en todas lasButio as.

Tren puertMH al Mente le n imprenta de El, lMt:rt:.IUXXTK Se vende la Mejor Clne de

Vinos, Licores y Cigarros,

10.000 Libro Medicinales Privados GratisI IM. mrlb en, íutJa. Mientras dura la 1 r1

Biblia d l,i. (H'O rj, iii,urra m.in,li un oslohl. re de porte A 1" que ean débiles y ulermoa.Í si iltno de Infirme t'ft'i'"" y c'nj, fr,,-t- islonalea que cala knw.r deba ruruxer. Traía

de lu,l,ia 1 ruíei ine,la,U a 1.1 li ! ,Ui e f .itil,B l t síntoma di A conocer las riiunai ldu e r.mo ruraipe A al nilíni. n au propln hoRar.ht I'd. quiere obiemr alud. (uth y vi8r yjernianeM r al, eM c l libro que l'A nect-nl'a- ,

y cralla. Mándeme aulo el tup. n abajo y laenvíate atintilaiente libre y frnr, n de porle.fill maravllloa Otila Medicinal Privada. Kscrlbalumnluiinr.lr, ai.ies de que mv tarde parateftar vta vierta generosa.

Enfermedades Que TratoNo pretendo curar cancer, lepra O otras enfer-

medades Imurabl.a. p, i j el peeleaae .erar yhieh BeellaHesiie eure mu, lias er.f ermeUadi aque otros consideran Incurables. He nirad.i iniieade ros ci'ntcoa eerios , bns r asos que oí r"Sno han podUlo curar. MI Gula Medicinal Prívala

boinbi eph,-- tonto se curan, en u prplo hoicsr de I'd , to.lss Ihs enfermedades que

en el ciip'n al pie y rui, lias otras que Icorto at io a'iul no me ( ermlle nombrar. Quierel',l sat er como puede r fuerte, ano y vigo-roso? Kn ee c o escriliame hoy. Hábleme de

il caso y le uea carta personal de con-sejo y le maiid.ué el libro, todo UHATI y librado porte.

Mi Buen Éxito Resulta en Su Beneficio

..'T.e'v'' ' J

Km le mitin inipoititn

cia que los MiM-ritor-e de

(I Independiente, ni urde.

nar el cambio deectuíetti,

nos dipan en que lugar lo

rnibiiiii anteriormente y

á donde denenn que ee

les remitaLA REDACCION.

Tenemos en coneeein hermoonH v de Mimagnifican Mwhhllar y de Tool.



IIILVOS CUM. r.l ADOSVarios experimentos hechos perla

oficina de Sanidad en Boston, acabande demostrar que los huevos prepara-dos y congelados, tal como se vendenen las pastelerías para la fabricaciónde pastelea, resultan altamente perjudíctales y aun venenosos.

No Espero PagaSe sirven Comidas & i odas horas en nuestro aseado lien

conducido Lunch Counter.

Los Veíis, N. Al.air.i. M uii centavo r',r mi libro o miNo acepto

carta eapeclal de cornejos para Vil. Qul.iro probar0


A I'd. que pued curaie inn buen é ,ui n au numa caía del',l. 1 nüino orno milea do otros lian h". h bajo mi cunaejoy diren ión. SI mi libro y consejo a.m lo medios ile ponerloA t'd. en el camino de la talud el son las rausai de quef,1. recobre eu aalud y visor, entontes qule o que I'd.dltia una palabra carinóla de mi A rus amigos paraque ellos t.tmblen lenKan oportunidad d er aliviad,, desua sufi Imlento. Ksto ea todo lo que deseo. Cuando digograils va porque es gratis.

Mi buen éxito, tanto profesional como económica-nii-ni- ebu I , maravilloso, Kn veroa.l, nils apira.clones de hacer M- n en t i mundu v A la humsiiidad hnsido mas que satisfechas. He adquirido una buena porción

de , s bien, s de le mondo, r r t lu e.-i-o eto' lleno defrratliud Soy a i: rudo, i.i . Vn recompensa de esto quiero

bien A la humanidad. Quiero ayudar A loa enfer-mos y A los iie sufren, tiinunn costo A ellos. Poslt to

resalaré 10.0i0 Hiña Medicinales Privada A laa prl-me- ta

lo.'oirt perioiiaii uie es, niian. No lmiorta quiena l'J., donde viva, que sea rico 6 pobre, si I'd. lie, cutat:n libro práctico que le por muchos afine si I'dnecelta c ns, jo profesional pnra cualquiera enfermedadcurable por la ciencia módica moderna si t'd. ctíl en-fermo 6 sufriendo, yo l quiero ayudar arstnlliimentr. Yoqu ero resalar ee in.ni0 libros (trails y ion pone pi.a el i. IViRa. I',. f.li .ra tninuo 4 llenar el cupón deabajo y mándemelo, fea IM. uno de loa lo.uoo afortuna, Ioh.

I. el Mejor del Mundo.Nadie ha hecho una Salvia, Un

gucDto ó Bálsamo que se compare t onla Salvia de Aruica de Buckleu, iel único que cura perfectamente Cor-ta- d

as, Callos, Quemaduras, Ko-a- d l-

iras, Dolores, Chamuscadas, ''leerás,Comezones y lleumos. Para Ojos Ro-

sados, Manos partidas ó Destocado-ne- s

és supremo. Infalible para Almo-

rranas. Solo 20c en todas las boticas.

El Ue medio de Charaberiain para latos se h hecho fainos por sua cura-

ciones de- resfrio, toes, tot ferina é

influenza. lindan una prueba cuan olo necesiten. No contiene sustancial)que dañen y siempre releva pronto.De venia en todas las aoticas.

Daiico Iiacloiial de Sail Mlflttel, gaJJaJeJ

Recorte el cupón al pie, A lo largo do la linea punteaday merque ron una crux (X) al frente de la enfermedadque I'd teniri; llénelo con su nomlire y dirección y mán-demelo por correo A mi.LAS VEGAS, N. M.


J SOBRANTE 50,000.00 ENOTA i Marque Vd. con una cru

(X) al frente de la enfermedad queteñera, entre las que 4 continuacióndamos:

Dr. James W.KMí, Dspr.H, 183 KendrlckSt., Fort Waynt.Ind.. Ü.S..Sírvase man arme, libre de todo irastos. u Gula Medlrinal Privada para hom-hr- es

y si es rte especial exillciind tomo curarme en mi rropl, hogar. Su en-tiende que mu libro y la tarta no mu castraran, ni un centavo.

LOS DEKKUULtS ZITPELIXCon motivo de las pruebas hechas en

Alemania con lo el Go-

bierno ha decidido reemplazar por es-

tos los dirigibles Zeppelin, en aten-

ción á que puedan maniobrar á mayoraltura.


Una profesora de música fallecidarecientemente en Mareella, dejo dis-

puesto que en vez de féretro emplea

OFICIAMOSDr. J. M. Cunningham,



Frank Springer,sen para cerrar eu cadáver, la caja de

Debilidad, en lmReumatismoDebilidad ennll.oeumotor Ataxia(nnorrraCatarroKirillaA ImnrrnnaaTarAllsIs

Sangre ImpuraRial de MisadoKoperntstorrcaMal de Klftoaeallalreeheat Islilla


Escriba u nombre u esta linea.


eun Kran piano de cola que tenia en D. T. Hopkins, Ciijero. F. D. Janunry, Afis'te Cujero.

Se paga Interés Sobre Depósitos que se Hacen por Largo Tjempo.jrran estima. Dadas las dimensionesdel extraño ataúd, ha sido presiso ca La dlreccTonaiür"3 IVOTAt-- PI Ud. prefiere puede des.var una sepultura muy grande. rrlblr su cuso en su propio lenguaje

o ta. en una caria a parte a ruL

Los efectos agradables purgativosexperimentados por el uso e las Ta-

blillas del Higado y del Estomago y

la condición saludable del cuerpo y

de la mente que crian, lo hacen a unosentirse alegre. De venta en todaslas boticas.

i 100 Keconipciisa, 1U0.

Loa lectoras de este periódico se alearán al saber que á lo menos hay unatemible enfermedad que ls ciencia hasido capaz de curar y esta es el Cata-

rro. Hall's Catarrh Cure es la única

30 Ceniavcs por Mes,POR UN ANILLO DE CR0 SOLIDO,


S j!o te venderán 233, Pagaderos mensuclmente

C. S. ROGERSHerrero Practico,

Calle del PuenteNos. 7. 8 y 9.


ES N ATOLESEn esta población, á la cual no ha-

bía Iletrado en anteriores ocasiones laendemia del cólera y por lo cual séle habia considerado inmune, se haudado ya varios casos de dicha


A quienes concierna se les da avisoque el abajo Armado fué el dia 9 deSetiembre A. D. 1910, nombrado Ad-

ministrador ó Ejecutor del Estado deAgapita Lopez de Segura, tinado, ytodns las persunas que tengan recla-mos contra el Estado de dicha Agapi-ta Dopez de Segnra finada, presenta-rán los mismos dentro del tiempo queprescribe la ley.

J. Roman Ortiz,Administrador.

cura positiva que conoce la fraterni-dad mdical. 1 Catarro siendo unanfermedad constitucional. Hall's

Catarrh Cure se toma intcrnameute,Para anunciar nuetr;if jn lis nfienniní 111 veiil.i VuOactuando directameiit en la sangre y

superficies mucuosas del sistema, des y leoii-.in- . i te urn (i, ili il .( -. e.i oveli i.leI ida 1110, p.madern fon fii cent.ivn nivnsiiult-s- n,!.truyendo la fundación de la enferme

iiit'iite aa.oo.dad y da fuerza al enfermo para arre-glar su constitución. Los propietariostienen tanta fó en sus poderes curati-vos que ofrecen cien pesos por cada

Ronquera en un niño sujeta á la tosfeiiua e una indicación que la euferuieuud e acerca. Si el Remedio de laTus de Clmmbsrlain se administra deunu vez ó aun deques de que la tosferina empieza, impide el ataque. Nocoutieue veneno. Do venta en todaslas boticas.

Se da atención e. pedal á compoi

turas de Carrnaje y Cárros y trabajde Herrería en General

Todo rl trabajó se bace con prontitud y se Garantiza Satisfacción.

líltiw relujes, que (loe; ni, liíirrrt'diimei.m t,ii;n.t í ni 11 cuino mi niejer n : i..n.f,f 11 : I V i:t :i';iU irario visible. Sicn:uru noh lin ñu r::it de !.i rcr tiI l:a do estos H'lii.ifl si l'é, ui ,;, , , :.r ,. ,,,;;;,r u

i iiuj. E ta es Ui iiii-jn- .iranll q r j ,:. 4 - m l.a Cr.O.u u 11

ii 1 reloj. Kte re;nj i-- uperlnr 4 ru..l,jn:cf clin tine ti.c imiire en otra pat't; l'i'i ". la t adeim I ;.i;i 1 r, jili Senora en lar;,i, d mk'o t lo y cMiiciaüanii'iiiulabraila.

caso que no se cure. Manden por lista 0de testimonios.

riKcriTo ie aviauonLa Conferencia Internacional de las

ligas aéreas nacionales francesa, iu- -

glesa y belga ha resuelto organizar

ES LA JU lTiSLKA AMibNTIMACon objeto de localizar j extinguir

la plaga do la laugosta que ha inva-

dido algunas regiones de la expresa-da ítepuüiica el Uobieruo ha dispuestola compra de tó.GltíJOG pies de lela dealambre con la cuel se cercarán los es

infestados. .

para agoto del año entrante, uu cir

AVISÜ A QlltNLS CONCItRWA quienes coneierna se les da aviso

que el abajo firmado fuó el dia V deSeptiembre A. 1). 1910, nombrado ad-ministrador, ó Ejecutor del Estadode Esquí pulita Tafoya finada, y to-

das las personas que tengan recla-mos contra el Estado de dicha Esquí-pulit- a

Tafoya tinada, presentaráu losmismos dentro del tiempo que pres-cribe la ley.

Jome Inés Tafoya,Administrador.


Sepan todos por estas presentes quedesde el dia 21 de Julio me fué repor-tada como dañero un caballo colora-do oscuro, con esta marca en laanca al lado del montar. La personaque se considere ser dueño de dichoanimal podra recobrarlo del abajo tir-ni- a

lo después de pagar los perjuicios,

cuito de aviación que abarcará las AlbumCII (Blandura ds los riñones.)Eu el unía eligno le los ira!ca

. Je los riñones. Dolores en k e- -

Mindenos 4 vuelta tie r. rr i ! I .t lut.nio y ns,,tri,a lt. etiviurvint'ite lirimoMi tt'.i j con tiuleiiii I I la'aiittsuü.i.o lo : jju Vil. us:

l. is primero u m '.stfs, i . I. ! : : i á nUO. 4 sen til.on ,,w mes. I)oipu., Vdinga 4 60 centavos per me b.v.i i .e el ...Utiift- - ca culiU-rm- .

I' .a vet pajra U la su m t .( il. .i viivlareir.ra r.mi tvjtUt nn anillo ue or." k!"' satantiíandoque repiein-i.t- uu vdtmV NlO.oO. li t;isofontrar(ii, el dintr,M-- 4 devuelto.

Divie au orden ensenida tío c .apai tsU oponiiiiiiluil. I.as condicionade cstiw p.iKos mensuales on Mt nnneii que i,ú:iel mí point- puette liacerniIj e rejoj, culona y n;i lo de oro tód.io. payando LO centuvn cada mes,

Kscnban hoy misino 4


principales ciudades de los expresados"

pulses.A más de trecientos mil francos as

palJa Irregularidades en la orina,cenderán los premios que seránliínrluiTíin rio lua míotnlivnu . ni.

I I dótnen eon los primeros rintomau.nucAitioN to. n. avim. flEs en el tiempo de accidentes

tinos en que el LiuimetiU üe Chatubeilain se pueue depender que lome ellugar del doctor de ianmia que no sepuede encontrar al instante. Es

que el Linimento de Chamberlaiu quila ios uoiotes y los aüuveula.De etita en todas laa boticus.

--1 ' El Balsamo del51rMncíiu per mm lo lian hecho.

Dr. J. H. McLean para el higadoy ríñones

Cuando lo ríñones xe enferman danavino inequiviK'ii que no e debiim Ig-

norar. ExHiiiinanil" la orina y tra- -

tatidn los ríñones á la primera -- eña

Conocimiento es Riqueza y Riqueza es Suceso.Qyiete usled saber u íuluio y el detiinode tu lmili Drer Usted aber lo que le

ejpeta en el caiiuno de i vida, y como evitar riesgo y conlu.iempoi future ?

Quiete usted conocet ti ca.i.iri de tus conocido y estti en capacidad de distinguirl amijo del enemigo) Ef i.l a tiliü !a íitl a de iu ti.n.. Itar.c y envié junlamerite0 centavo eo ilua al "PROFESOR MAURITIUS," el m. conocido eo el mundo


El le dir4 tin ningún yetto lodo lo locante iu paada y (ututa vida.

Eaiba uded hoy, nianana puede m tarde.

lia probado en miles de casos y por muchos arios, ser elremedí o sin igual para este mal tan temible.

De renta en todat partee. Precio 11.00 por botella.Coirpañla medicinal del Dr. J. II. He Lean, St. Louis, Mo.

costo de aviso y gastos iiicurri'.los enel mismo. Matías Akauun,

Juez de Paz, l'to. No. 60, t asaCrande, N. M.

NUTICtrORPUBUCAIlU.NDepartment oí the Int. rior,U. S. Land Ollice atSanta Fe, N. M. I

Sept. 9, 1910. (

Notice is hereby given that CelsoGonzales, of Vanauero, N. M., whoon Sept. 12, 19o5 made HomesteadEntry, No. 8510 0o9d0, for Ei INWiand Wi NEi, Section 10, Township15N.KatiKe 22 E, N. M. P. Meri

tfcASOLa oficina del Censo de los Estados

Unidos uu uncía que los trabajos rea-

lizados hasta añora respeto del censoque B- llevó a cabo hace, tres mesesindieau que la poolacióu de este paises le mas de noventa y seis millonesde habitantes.

dedtisorden, muchos dias de sufri-

miento se salvan. Ln ríñones euferino expeleu una urina oscura, y demal altado llena de polvo "como deladrillo" sedimento y doloroso en supasaje. Los ríñones descuidados cau-

san un dolor penoso en la espalda do-- 1.

- de cabeza, ataques de desvnueci- -


todian, has tiled notice of intentionmiento, sentimientos lánguidos y can- - make Final five year Froof, to ,,

d..i..eo ..f.imofi- - tai'lish claim to the land above des



n?' áD FT"

La tos le molesta. Empieza á cortary arrancar las membranas delicadasde su garganta si Ud. desea ser moles-tado, i'ero si desea alivio desea sercurado, tome el Hemedio üe Cnainoerlain para la tos. De venta en todaslas Boticas.

Frlmer Banco NacionalLas Vegas, Suevo Mexico

cribed, before Robt. L. M. Ross, U.S. Court Commissioner, at Las Ve-

gas, N. M., ou the l7ih day of November, 1910.

Claimant names as witnesses: An-

dres Márquez, Antonio Maesta, Hi-gin- io

Castillo, Jose Gonzales, all ofVariadero, N. M.

Manuel R. Otero, Register. Out CqoüsAse The Bsstand faiaslOHTST COflSIDtmQOlAUTY.

100,001Capital Existente.

CT1U0W tUSlLMUREEn ciertas regiones de Prusia se ob-

serva una curiosa costumbre en lasfiestas de boda. Después de la comi-

da, uno de los convidados quita á larecien casada un zapato, y lo subastadestinando ei producid de la venta á laadquisición de cigarros para los


Department of the Interior,U, a. Land Office at banta Fe, N. M

Auiíust M, 1910.8c wibeii Human Biijt'tiiH A úidcii. Sh ligu íiiUmóh Hubic úv úhíIü



Las Pildoras de Doan para los

son para los Riñones nomas;curan riñones enfermos, limpian lasangre de veueno de orina. Si Vd sufrede alguno de estos síntoma nopuede usar mejor remedio. La genterecomienda Doans Kidney Pills.

O. L. Gegory, 214 Grand Ave. EastLas Vegas N. Méx., dice: "DoansKidney Pills que se procuran . en elCenter Block Pharmacy, han sido usada en mi familia con resultados favo-

rs b 'es. Yo puedo gustosamente recomendar esta preparación y es lo quese representa.

Para venderse por todos los botica-

rios. Precio, 50 centavos, Foster Mil-bu- rn

Co., Buff lo, Nt w York, únicosagente en los Estados UnHos.

Recordad el nombre Doi.nV y no

a eiitéis otras.

Notice is hereby jfiven thai JuiianLaM. Ue Hays, oí L,as Vega, N. M., who,ou Novemuur 1 1904, uutUe HomesteadEntry (Serial 0.ÍU.AJ), No. K1G5, forStiNWl, NEiaWt' SWlNEt andNVVtstt of Section 2D, Tuwuship 13

North, Range 17 E, N. Al. P. Meridian,has Hied notice tit intention to make

JKI-'KKltSO- UAYNOl.DS, rnwdeiit'. K. li.HA VNOLDS, CajeH SMITH. V iff 1 ' i cni leu t HAI-l-K- HAYNOLDS. An

Fiual üve year Proof, to establishiilmni tii Ule liiiiii above (lescl'tOetL before Houert U M. Ross, L. S. ourt

Forzauo le irse ue su casa.Cada un año uu gran numero de po-bj- es

que sufren cuyos bofes etauy atormentado con toses sou

con pel idos de ir á otro vlitna. Peroesto es costoso y no son siempre suguros. Hay mejor modo. Que el NuevoDescubrimiento del Dr. King los cureen eu casa. Me curó á mi de enferme-

dad del bofe, "escribe W. Lt. Nelson,de Calamine, Ark., cuando todo faltóy yo gané 47 libras de peso. Es segu

Uomniissioner, at Las Vegas, iN. M.ou the Ülst. day of October 1910.

Claiuiaut names as winiessc: Uo- - ATENTOmiugoilays, Andres Cüavcz, Ainado

Prize Offers from Leading ManufacturenBook on patents. " Hints to inventors." "Inventions needed."

"Why some inventors fail." Send rough sketch or model forsearch of Patent Office records. Our Mr. Greeley was formerly.Acting Commissioner of Patents, and as such had full charge.ofthe U.S. Patent Office.

Hnlalgii, Manuel tiuys, oí L,as Vegas,botica ofii'CciiioH ANew Mexico, V iiiii'iiilalilc nervino le

Manuel h. Uteho. Register.


Con motivo del gran iute-'e- s qua es-

ta tomando el cultivo del limón en lascercanías de Tampleoel señor J. W.Me Donald, quien tiene mas de diezaños en este negocio y que antes etu- -

NOTICE TOR Pl'BLICATIONramente el iley de todas las curas detos y del bofe." Miles deben sus vi- -

Denartment of the Interior.(Ihh v salud A él. Es positivamente era' U. S. Lánd Onice at Santa Fo, N. M. ( GREELEY & MENTIREPatent Attorneys

r.i.i,.ii,i ,mr Toshs. RfHoa. Iji vo n Florida, dice que hay la granAugust 23, 1910, 1

Notice is hereby given that IliiniaGripa. Asma, Tos Ferina, 'odas en V taja de que am no hiela y ei umonso .iroduce siempre bien y con dos n e- - Martinez, widow ot Jeus Martiuez, Washington, T). C.deceased, of Gonzales, who on Julyses dn anticipación que en California.

cadu pfirroiuiai.o.

Ningún cnfueizo inciioHprcciiido, niti-m- m

neto hi. jucd)i nin hncorno pani

pnir miui Híitisfiiccióri y placer.

Hsle wi vicio no eaentu nud.i extrn. I'or- -

1 1 j now tniii.1 In ventiija (lucilo?

Telefoneen Nosotros Atenderemos.

WINTERS DRUG CO.,Calle del Tucntc, Lns Vcgun, N. M.

fermedades de la garganta y del bofe50c y 1.00. Botella libre en todas lasboticas.

8, 1U05, made homestead entry (serial06870) No. 6393, for 8 k tiWt and WAVISO ALPimiCO.

Don Benlirno Martinez, de esta ciul'i .AM'A IT1Ldad, se anuncia como contratista pa-

ra la construcción de puentes de pie-

dra, caños, cercos, banquetas, excu

8E4, Section 10, Township 17 N.Range 22 E. N. M. P. Meridian, husfiled notice of intention to make Fnalfive year Proof, to establish claim tothe land above described, beforeltobt. L. M. Hons, U. 8. Court Com-missioner, at Las Vegas, N. M. on the18th. day of October 1910.

Claimant names as witnesses: Marcelino Valdez, Antonio D. Torres, En

sados de concreto, cimento, ladrillo,piedra ó madera. Se garantiza todoel trabajo. Sus precios serán equita-tivos. También hace toda clase detrabajo que se necesite con carros ytiros. En conección tiene casas deresidencia para rentar. Por más In-

formación diríjanse á su oficina en laesquina de las calles Sur Pacifico ySapelló, teléfono Vegas 367.

Benigno Martínez.

rique Baca, Benon Lucero, all of Uon- -'

Manuel, E. Otkro, Register. 7 .









Asi pne'e cal idearse la conocidacon el nombre científico de ocimun vi-ri-

que tiene la propiedad 3e atraerú los mosquitos, por medio del olorque despiden sus hojas, los cualesmueren en el instante en que se posanen ellas.

En cambio tiene la propiedad de sermuy útil en la curanción del paludismopor medio de la infusión de su bo-

as. .

Lli'jramlo é í CnmbrEn cualquier ocupación dq la vida,

pide un cuerpo vigoroso, y un juicioperpicaz. Sin salud no hay succeso.Pero los Amargos plectrico es el mágrande edificador de salud que el mun-

do ha conocido. El obliura la acciónperfecta del Estomago, titeado y R''fiones purifiVa y mirlqwpe la sangre,compone y da visor á tido el giiUma,

deTestamento y Ultima Voluntad íDe Mucha Importancia

padece Vil. de dolores de cabeza, aliento fétido, pesadez, subida'

SI fie sangre, constipación, cansancio, debilidad, contorsiones en ely nial gusto en la boca, tiene Vd. DISPLPSIA. Ka

enf nuedud no le purecerá grave b1 principio; pero si no se ataca &

tiempo puede tener funestos resultados. La indigestión priva ul alstcumde los alimentos y es causa Indirecta de muchas otras enfermedades. Al

otar cualquiera de lo mencionados síntomas, no deje Vd. de procurarde curarse lo antes posible.

Marie Roy Finada.Territorio de Nuevo Mexico,

Condado de San Miguel. (

Oficina de la Corte de Pruebas Con-

dado de San Miguel, N. M.,A Todos Aquellos é Quienes Concier-na, Salud:

Por está se informará á Usted que eldia 7 de Noviembre A. D. 1910 ha si




Indigestion, JHliousness, Headache, Constipation,Dyspepsia, Chronic Liver Troubles, Dizziness, BadComplexion, Dysentery, Off nsive Breath, and alldisorders of the Stomach, Liver and BoweK


Department of the Interior,U. S. Land Office at Santa Fe, N. M. (

August 18, 1910. x f

Notice is hereby given that Benig-no Martinez, of üonzales, N. M.,Guardian of Juan P. Martinez, minorheir of Clarita Martinez, deceased,who on January 14, 1904, made home-stead Entry (serial 03073), No. 7781,for NEiNVVi EtNEi NWjNEi, Sec-

tion 31, Township 17 N. Range 2,'i E.N. M. P. Meridian, has filed notice ofintention to make Final five yearProof, to establish claim to the lsndabove described, before Robt. L. M.Ros9, U. 8. Court Commissioner atLas Vegas, N. M., on the I8tb. dayof October, 1910.

Claimant names as witnesses : Nie-ve Coca, of Gonzales, N. M. Fran-cisco Mora, Francisco Garcia, Juan1$. Coca, of East Las Vega, N. M.

MAIH'Fk R. OTKRo, Register.


do fliado Dor la Honorable Corte deLAS PASTILLAS DEL DR. LE BROSES PARA


nunca fallan de efectuar una cura. La demanda de este maravi-

lloso remedio pura la cura de las afecciones del estómago esmuy Importante. Una prueba convencerá ul más refractario.

...Au. x a- -. . Pruebas-

en y por el Condado y femy nB n uu. uoskusuiixci torio ante dichos como el día paratrabajo tí Uno. 'Vet- - pues üe meses ae probar el Testamento y Lltíma voc,ift.ime.iYi Aa n rrmn' arf rl Ina Ri. funtad ds dicha Marie Hoy finada.

i.,., ....ir-- v. Af. shnemtui. da En Testimonio de lo Cual pongo mi ' a Paulinas el Cr. Le lirones para la Clipepsla y us Hldoras Catárticas


iMlu Tul, Iks ionium iwlliing injurluu to the m,,' ilclitate cuiiMitM-lio-

I'IcmoiiC to take, ufa, rtKctunl, 1Ü. iiumrdiuu relief, Suld bydrui.u. t trial butilo tai i by mail im receipt of 15 cenu. ,dji


10 Spruce Street, - New York City.

juntas en la tuima cajita sin rcir.ylíco con libritos curiosos, etc." lje venta en todas luí l;urnuciapúb

,1 ' mano y he causado que el.selio de isCunhiog, Mo., tres botellas de Amar rorte e pruebas sea fijado este diagos Eléctricos me hicieron sentir como 26 de Septiembre A. D., 1910.

un hombre nuevo." 60c en toii la Lorenzo Delgado.

bobeas. Escribano de UCort de Pruebas nnw YOKK REMEDY CO. 31 W. I2r! STMUMU.W.

. . I . . . A J. fACharlen A. Spie,- -, fui nombra- - CU St ClIDIN IOS URRITORIOS. JéViSSSS l&??&mi non v dfrcauii do presidente de la convencían!

I LUbrtL I I LHOIMU.. com! it nrional, y de uua maneraclara y convincente ae puede an

Restaurante y Café del

LOBBYPe vinita á la ciudad vimos a

Pon Adolfo Sandoval, y A Don

Juan Cacado, de Mora.

ticipar el trabajo de la constitu-ción uhcíh las corporaciones: LI

Nuestra linea de Vinos y Licores es la

mas completa en la plaza. Hagan la

prueba y volverá otra vez.

Trato de Botija una Especialidad.


Delusor del l'ue blo." Jalon Mariranto Homero, uno

Kl verdadero civismo no con

Si el pueblo cree que lo ode-re- s

que mandan en el Conjrrso es-ta-n

ansiosos en demasía por ad-

mitir á Nuevo México y Arizonacomo estados, que desechen desn mente seraejaute pensamientoy miren la realidad cara A cara.Hasta d ft It inio dia el senador h,

que es una potencia en el

senado, dijo que no connentiifacu la admisión de los territoriosde Nuevo México y Arizonacomo

de nuestros rons hábiles delega- -

dea estubo de visita el SAbado siste en que el hombre hable dela libertad do puírapo ó sea e l

saber votar este ó aquel partido,

Ordenes Cortos y Comidos Regulares,las Mejores Comidas Obtenibles Siempre en Mano.

East Las Vegas, New Mexico. jfen la tarde.

Don Melesio Lucero, y Don pues esto será ambición política,rionncio Eatpjibel, non empla- - iro el verdadero civismo es el SUFFHLS IJLL, W. I. TlSíler, i Co., Prop. US TEGHS, J.

doa del condado de 8au Miguel, ci0queel ciudadano tiene poren lacouvención, constitucional. a itrtrtad y la independencia de estados. Se requirió el mas ac

Cuando necesiten vinos 6 lico- - su patria tivo trabajo que se ha hecho pormucho tiempo para conseguir el

pasaje üVl proyecto de estado enres vengan ft la casa ue n . u inPliri MVorn involuntarioel senado. Algún dia se darán ftTishler&co. Itufmlo Hall. Ixs urtiamos dejado de mencionar

mejores licores á precios razona eQ ,u biogrufia e on louioUí. Homero, ft Doña Josefiita Home- -

"Dr. Thonius Klectric Oil es el ro, de Chavez esposa de Dou

mejor remedio pura umenudo ía- - Francisco Chavez, que ha sidotul enfermedad, tos ferina. Se asesor de este condado, y Doña

D.W. CONDONTraficante en

& LEÑA, CARBON Y GRANO.Kast Las Vk;as, Nievo Mexico.

Oficina en la Casa de Opera, Cuarto No. 1 y ul pié de laAvenidu Principal, Teléfono Main 21.

ha usado con éxito en nuestra Fnmewjuia H. d' Gallegos espo

familia por ocho años." Mrs. su de Don Nazario Gallegos red

Acabo de RecibirDirectamente

Do la fabrica de Wood & Son


Una factura completa y hermosa de loz lina. Ksto juut- -

con la loza y cristalería que tenemos continuamente nosprovee el mejor surtido de trastes en Las Vegas.

Se VendenO se dan en Cambio



L. AVliileacre, Duííulo, N. V. bidor de diueros l'ubliro, en lar. 7 oficina de terrenos en J ucutneaChas. A. préndente de laSpices HH HM Verfl QUe tH,ltos sus hi

convención constitucional, vinó j,,8 como sus vernos han fijrura-- .... . .... . i i'. i i - 'it' .i JoXXXXXXXXXXX)OOOOCOOCXXX) oooooooooooooooooooooooooo

d Sunt ii l é. Silbados en a uo mutuo en la viuu ounuca, ui

tarde ft visitar ú su familia Be irá timaiiieute fué nombrado tesorero v colector del condado de

GUARISMO DE IA POPULACION Oftel Domingo, A resumir sus traba- -

conocer al pueblo los datos ínti-

mos Haste por ahora decir queno era la intención dejar quo el

acta so conviriese eu ley en la se-

sión pasada y se pusieron en jue-

go los plaues para impedirlo. Laverdadera intención era llevar el

proyecto A conferencia y luegotomur acción el invierno subse-cúnent-

ó nunca; probablementelo último.

Y hoy las influencias quedomi-an- a

en el senado, estftn deseandoquo ulguna cláusula requieridapor la ley do estado sea omitida,ó que alguna sección y cláusulaseu insertada contraria ft los de-

seos del senado qus pueda su-

ministrarles uu achaque paradesechar lu constitución el invier-no venidero. Ll presidente,cuan-d- o

firmó el proyecto, dijo ft losdelegados y otros allí preseutes,que cuanto tenía que decir era'que volviesen ü sus localidades

.que las convenciones do estado

Tonaure, por recomendación dejos. CI AL Dtl URR1T0RI0 Dt NUEVO

MEXICO.la cnmiHiou c'iitral líejuitiiicanade ese condado ft Don lteyniundorara una suave action ue las Komero, el único


ti..-sus hijos que

-no ten a ueuno nuuiico eu iu En Orden Alfabético por Condados yactualidad. Comparada con los Censos ALBtQltRQlE (LAS VIGAS :

tripas, mía sola dósis de Doan'sItegulats es suficiente. Kl tratamieuto rura conutipiición habi-

tual. 2óc)a caja. Di jan á su

boticurio por ellas.

Kl dia 13 de Octubre, dol prosenté mes Francisco Homero, untrubaiador en la presa del Agua

10. GROSS, KELLY & CO.,Compi ará un bugueci-t- o

doblable de la fabri-ca ''Allwin" valor de1W casorios y otras ocasio- - i'". " tA tonHtruyendo

. .. rn Os Oíos l a lentes, fue muertontscomnren bus vinos y Heroes triedranor oue dei ii ii il f in w uude W. L. Tishler & Co. Duffalo barreno al medio dia mieutras el

v sus compañeros comían suHall Hacemos una especialidad



i . . . .

en este trato. Los uu oren lico- - "luncn" místame lejos ue uuuue ItCIMCARITRINIDADi., . i ..,.,.. so eelió el barreuo lomuracos- - le enviasen constituciones 6unus

y seguras paru firmarlas."UCS. I r,..r... II. MI luid lllüpllfltl 111 llipdinI ! - .! A ...... .V....., ESPECIALIDAD EN LANA, CUEROS Y ZALEAS,Ahora se pued con segundad

inferir que si el presidente creeDou Eugenio Homero, vino d u B0 rewmron . 'UNICOS AGENTES DE LOSSautalefelSíibadoen la tarde ,n m 1P BI1 ia,. ,.0nversanlo que las constituciones no son "se--

a descansar y salió el Lúties COIj BUH compañeros truboscian- - CARROS DE E3AINgurus y sanas," no recomendará

1910 1100 1890'

El Estado 327,31)6 190,310

Bernalio 23.0OH 28,430 20,013

Chavez , 16,850 4,773

Colfax 16,180 10,150 7,971

Curry 11,113

Doña Ana 12,803 10,187 9,191

Eddy 12,100 3,220

Grant 11,813 12,883 9,657

Guadalupe 10,027 6,129

Lineoln 7,822 4,053 ' 7,081

Luna 3,913

McKinley 12,903

Mora 12,611 10,304 10,618

Otero 7,069 4,701

Quay 14,912

IUo Arriba 16,719 13,777 11,531

Uoosevelt 12,061

Han Miguel 22,030 22,053 21,201

San Juan Ml 1.828 1,890

Sandoval ' 8,563

Santa F5 14,770 11,658 13,562

Sierra 3,M0 3,158 3,630

Socorro 11,761 12,195 9,505

Taou ,12,008 10,889 9,868

Torrance 10,119

Unión 11,101 4,529

Valencia 13,320 13,805 13,876

cu la tarde otra vez de vuelta á la do y riéndose ltomero.considera- -accióu favoruble alCongreso;que

EPRISLOGAN iPECQS 1convención, coostitucional, de la bu oslar muy lejos ae bu muerte,

cual es uno do los mas útiles cuando wjntliiiuiipnte oyeru. la detonación del barreno y vie- -

lüiorabros hispano americanas. ,... A it(,m,.0. ,.,. boca-ubai-

no firmará ni expidirft su proclama admitiendo ft Nuevo Méxlco y Arizona como estados. Se mrwT

rl., Knn salieiidole mucha sangre por la gíín dicho arriba, los poderes quedominan en' el senado estaríanIi to do at rttH cíe 1 cabeza. FuóAgustín vino ante el cuerpo de

. . . , puesto en una pila de ropa, de Comprará un Range$19.85más (pie complacidos do encon de calidad excelencomisionados ron una pennon ,,ltlilU,tf,rnH a hieieniii lo une te del valor do $23do eso lugar con el fin de pitido. ,,u,j,.roii por el Murió en pocoliará, los comisionados de con. tiomno antes une el Dr. (jonlon

trur alguua pequeña excusa pa-

ra rechuzar constituciones. Losdelegados Cameron y Andrews ymuchos otros que conocen los

tul lleirara. La piedra uo el dió Se vende solamente en lamueblería deuuviv v vi i iiiuiun 'i' i t ,

Dreduta en lugar de Loh 1W 1 ' " m.vtea que heaenadelauteSanAgiiH.I Ks cierto pie Chas. A. bpww.lüt fué nombrado pivsideuto do la

l'aru la comezón 1 instante,

jATENC ION!Pagaré buenos precios por toda clase de

Hierro, Metal, Cobre, Huesos,Hule y Garras Viejas.

Vengan y se convencerán,

R. FELDMAN,1415 Calle Séptima.

East Las Vegas, New Mexico.

KAST LAS V KG AS, N. M.cou vención, cousuuiciouai teroDon Dedro A. Tafoya, do la nn cncieito iue de "una mauera cura almorranas, excemu reu

nios salados, sarpullido, comeplaza de arriba nos honró con clara y convincente se puede unzón, herpes, roña, Doau's Oiut- -una ordeu por certificados v en- - wpur el trapajo uo ia cuiibulu

las corporaciones..U...t,. i. i,, clon, liaeia ment. Kti todas las boticas.inui'tuuun puiu i ukui ihi umi, nr L.i.i. i.i.t íiiiiuiii ni t un 1itnii"ii ría. ...... Miur u i vi v ,".- - v .. - v.


le alivian en

24 HORASCada CapauU "V

Uevtd nombra (MIDY)

tw V--X

Cuidado con tasfalificionts

en tidal lai droguerfai

fean Antonio de í'aciua, .ue re- -y

'tun sin ,,,) ,m!uto. "que

. . i 'no

hay W delegados niAs y iue estócientemeiite no lia organizado en NOTICE EOR PUBLICATION

Department of the Interior.

hechos pueden atestijruar queesa es la verdadera y exueta si-

tuación.Ahora corespotide ft las con-

venciones constitucionales deNuevo México y Arizona decidirsi quieren el estado ahora ó pre-

tiero uguardar otros veiuteómasaños. Sería una comedia, i nohubiese probabilidad do que se

convirtiera en tragedia, oír ft al-

gunas personas hablar de susgrandes populaciones, sus gran-des recursos, sus derechos cons-

titucionales y otlOM piivilegioc.Kl pueblo lie lili tei ritoi io no Vo-

ta por el préndente, no liene re-

presentación en el senado; su de

esa plaza los cual nos causa gun. M.U. 8. Land Oínee at Banta l e, JNindica que spioss tiene tanto poder asi," iieUD hombres escojito que Asociaciones, do esa na Oct. ID, 191D.

Nniinfi íh herebv triven that LuisJos de los otros condados, delturaleza se organizeu en todo e Lopez, of Casa Grande, N. M., who,un August 5, 1005, made Homesteadterritorio esteu a la miMericor-tit- a

V al mando de uno? Kto escondado.Jiniry, JXO. o"H-"uuu- u, iui ' n "- -i

N Wi and SWtNWi, Section 9, Town Established 1862Don Joto Darío (iutierrez, de lidíenlo, temerario, y sin funda," NI. H. Fergus,.,,, quienlase encuentra en' .. iiliieitamentti eoiifewo ser nbogi- -

ship 15 North, Kange21East, N.M.F.Las Veutuus Merulian, hasmeanouce oi internummmttlte Final five year Proof to esciudad con negocios, y dice que ,i jt.,nil)Pl.,uUWl hut iei u itablish claim to the land above desya parece que bau cesado las líos- - tj0 e icojldo el prest. lente ué ee

tilidades y muerte de utiiinule cuerpo, (pie ehO hubiera sido i ti --

indefeiisoM. en esa localidad ñero dilación que. la convención, iba ft leuado no tiene voto en la Cá

--Plazamara nt en las eomiHones. hli,.,)..,!, i.,.v .i.....,.fl-..,- .. wr (loiuina.la por corporuelo

cribed, before Hobt. b. M. Hobs, l .

S. Court Commissioner, nt Las Vegas,N. M., on the 6ih. day of December,1910,

Claimant names as witnesses: Pa-

blo Sona, Teófilo Lopez, Roman Gu-

tierrez and Felix Gutierrez, all of Ca-

sa Grande, N. M.

senado dft. A los tcnitorios talUUV,LWUU1IU

. , ,winvwuHiiimu , pes,? creemos que no. H. O. Huí

consideración como le place y seFui 'i'- -, m .uo ,.v.nwUUo .m ,)!4(J iHWl(t.,te do esa ci

burla de las 'reclamaciones.quienes persigum ciertos indivl tlliMion. junt,cii M. L.Htern, Ge was Stood the Test of TmetManuel H. UTEKo, egisier.Tómeso ft. Oklahoma y al Territorio Indico. A pesar de las pro

dos eu ese lugar. orge 8 Hmwu, Hai ry W. Kelly," Solomon Luna, T. H. Catron,

Ll Miércoles, do la semaua que Ju(in NuVHrrüi Owirge Page, NOTICE f OR PUBLICATION.testas del pueblo, el Congreso los

Department of the Interior,Lana Olllce at Santa Fe, N. M.juntó como un solo estudoy dijo:eutraá las 8 de la mañana se Alejandro Saudoval, Venceslao

Yds. con su millón seiscientos Sept. ao liuu. )

Nnt.ln ia hcrebv civen that lillldomil habitantes tienen que ueep- -cantura una misa, d cabo de Jarainillo, Keed iiolloman, Ji.año en la Iglesia I'arroquial, ie M. Dougherty, C. C. Daviilsou,i . .i,., .,,... ..h ,.i iu.í M. I. Skeen, J. Lawsou, y Trujillo, of Chh Grande, N..M., whotur eso o pnrmam-ce- como ter

ntorio. r ue una pildora muy On Deo. i, 1W) muo jiunicoiunu juu- -

trv. No. 7738 164, for Lot 4 Sec. 1,, 1 iiiiii G. B. i 'atteison.como miembrosnmarua pero in aceptaron enaescansouei uimu oei lumeuia Uu tienenOH Me que reportar Lot 1 JSlMt'l ir-40i-i,- i, auc

tion 2, Township 15 North, auge iuiejoveuAUiouiououzuies.quieii u.sa claUMüla ft la cou vención,- - yfui muerto un año pasado mien-U- i la mayoría aprueba el report EaHt, N. M. I memuan, na mea

notice of intention to make Final live

preferencia A r siendo territorios.Kl Nuevo Mexican.

AVISO.que ellos den eiitoncen la mayotras trabajaba porla plantu eléc rear Proof, to esta&nsn cianu w ine

and above described, before Hobttrica de Albuquenpue. Sepan todos por óstas presenría nei a renpoiiHubltí y no CIihh.A. Kpie8 que no tiene híuo unvoto.

L. M. Robe, V. S. Court tommiHsionrer. at Las Venas, N. M., on the 18thPeniKl (superinteridete d la day of November, 1910.

tes que mí esposa Marta Unma,me ha abandonado sin ningunarazón- - l'or lo lauto, yo no seréteuciuria, Dou Cleofes Homero, Claimant names as wiviicBmru.

ARRETOS IMP0RÍANTES.darAel dia 14 del uetual un en- - responsable por ninguna cuenta toTruiiUo, Santiago weaina, mau-

llas Leyba, Jacobo Lujan, all of CasaGrande, N. M. ....nue elm haga bMo mi nomore,treU'iiimiento á la delegación ,..H ,,of(.ia montad o nombrado.... at desde que ne desertó de mihogur.couhtilucional, lel coudauo oe últimamente a este importante


IDado, Setiembre US, ÍUIUKan Miguel, y a los iniembroH de puerto por el tfoiM-rnarto-r Alilln y

nronsu iUeMti.-MiiH.d- n v nn UtlO dtí lo mUV blienOH V Cullipo. H.wmi'mmi MoxtaSo., i.i,. K..iíintu n i JtHitesoradcreH, ex eneribano de


vla corte di pruebas, do ente eon

warm, A que mala suerto que uo dadodtíSau MjffU(J doi1 A. A Una expío ion terrífica eu uua

Nuestra Linca de


es la mas grande y mas cempleta en Nuevo Me-

xico. Mas de 50 estilos de hermosura excesiva.

Trajes Blancos de Satin

Hechos eu los mas nuevos y mejores estilos,hermosamente adornado cou cuentas, encaje ylistón.

$15.00 hasta $65.00Ropa Interior, Medieria y Zapatos en varie-

dades esplendidas para completar el equipaje,

hermosos y delicados efectos que apelarán h

cualquiera novia prospectiva y á precios exeep-cionalmeu- te


Coronas de Cera

en una variedad raramente grande y de hermo-

sura excepcional, hechas al gusto del mas pr-ticula- r.

$1.00 hasta 7.50

puedamo atender nosotros, rn- - goua, hu hecho cuatro arrezomu. importantes últimamente. Lnri

mina do carbón en StarvilleColoaconteció el Saltado dia 8 del actual en donde quedaron sepultados como 5o individuos los cua

i:i ,nHrt If It IV... M o I'nlieco, arrestado por robo

Mancel B. UTKRO, uegwier.


Department of the Iatcrior,U. 8. Land Oillce at Santa le, N. M. I

Oct. 3, 1910. f

Notice U hereby given that Fraa-cíhc- o

do Loya, of Casa Grande, N. M.

who, on Sept. 7, 1905. made HomesteadEntry, No. 8508 02315, for Sec-

tion 13, Township 15 N. Range '0 E.N. ML P. Meridian, has tiled uotlee of

intention to make Final live yearProof, to establish claim to the landabove described, before Robt. L. M.Ross, U. 8. Court Commissioner, atLas Veitaa, N. M., ou the 2lst. day ofNovember 1910.

Claimant names as witnesses : Ma-tia- s

Aragón, Florencio Licon, Ambro-sia Candelario, Flavto Baca, all ofCasa Grande, N. M.

Mancel R. Oteko, Register.

.. di' bentias en el t'ttUiladode.Mora,KUShou, na uuüo a la convención, v i!llion rni, ,1,, MWrro en

les hasta la lecua se cree quecormtitucioual, uu acto de alud H condado le San Miguel. Illasestau muertos auuquo se hanlimpio. Kl diio v sus palabras Valdez. por robo de reces, y Mar

tfhecho muchos esfuerzos para sason de retro "vo no he deseu- - br'it V tleronimo Hoy bal, porcar los gases cou abanicos de lasminas para ver por este medio

bierto nada absolutamente na- - mineadada, 'cuando se le preguntó de uno r,a,.H comparecer al gran iuseñalar la corrupción alagada, rado. v hs otros dos remetidos si algunos están vivos, como eu

k'4cedió en el desatreeu la mina de"Yo no acuso ninguna el respon- - A la cflreel del condado de Mora.dióaldehaQo cuundo m le pre-- P"r el Sr. Sena, que so afijen Cherry 111. en tiempo pasado iUna Buena Posición

Puedo ser obtenida ior señoritas óciucuentu y cuati horas des0U MU u, u ' " "miutó de er célico en m a- -

" I tinlitu i(i hilen ni'ili'll. ipues do la explosion dos cuerpostusadones de domiuacion do fer- - . ,i r!lIlsr,rt rn..i m nn nnfuerou hallados ú 12001 pies de

es y corporaciones. Y oficiales como Don Apolonio nola boca de la mina y poco des

ipues hallaron ocho cuerpos milsen los cuartos 31 y 32. La con o'

cuando el admitió, el él jefe de la les quedan! chanza ninguna, deel condado de San Miminoría, que era un abogado de escaparse,

corporaciones, qu no solamente JiíTÍÍ,'. rio ior sus buenos yhabía recibido, pero descría re- - m.lmi)ninn oomocíbirtufis propinas de los ferro- - tro A Dou Apnlonfn, aunque sus


KM'M 1

jóvenes ambioiosos en el servicio aoFerrocarril ó Te'egrafo sin alambre.Desde que la ley de 8 horas se hizoefectiva y desde que los desarrollosextensos de telegrafía sin alambre,hay una escasea de cerca de 10,000

Las posiciones pagan áles principlantes de f0.00 á fJO.OO elmes.

Nosotros operamos bajo la super-

visión de oficiales del Telégrafo y to-

dos los graduados se les garantizanposiciones.

liHoriban por detalles completos alInstituto mas cerca do Uds.

KatloHa! Telegraph Ir.stitte.( liirlHhsti, O., Philadelphia, Pa.,JtemphU. Tenu., t olumbia, S. C.Dttwnport, la., Portland, Oro.

rarnii'S, no estaña exactamente deberes, son por todo el territo-haciend- o

medeciua para la enm- - rio, el limpiara osle nido de la- -

dicion de loa cuerpos indica quefueron matados al momento porla fuerza terrífica de la expío

siou. los nombres de cuatro Me-

jicanos se ve en la lista de muertos pie son. Carpió Lopez, Ale-

jandro Ciallegos, Ksquipula Ga-

lleaos, y KmilioMncs.

p iña pero fué honesto en sus de, M"' Mpf' -

.LADO SUK DE LA PLAZA.claracioues. Aquí Be aplico la l)!(jpe y Tnrrftntt) no m ,npmerep;la do la "mordaza." Kl jk8 úeflM H pita A estos profeso.taJo i'or la boca ínucrc. rcsdelarawpitja.

IND.EPI3 ENDIENTE.Ji i i I t i I l i MM


tal valuation and amount subject totax $23.00. Taxes $1.69. penalty 8o,

AVISO(Sumas Abalo dt $25.00)

ubject to tax $ too. 00. laxes $20.80penalty $1.34, publication 35c, total$28.49.

Unknown Ownen. All taxes. !xtbouuded N by Justa Montoya. 8 and

to tax $288.00. Taxes $19.30, penalty98 cents, publication 80c, total $21.08.

Epimenla L. de Ivipndo. All taxes!Lots 12 and 13 In blnk i, 0f Pendar-les addition. Valuation of real estate$500.00, of personal property $55.00,total valuation $535 00, les exemptoa$200.00, balance subj.-c- t to tax$355.00. Taxes $23.79. panelty $1.18publication 40c, total $25.37.

Manuel Flores. AH taxes. Lot andImprovements bounded N by M FJimenez, 8 by C. Pinard, E by churchW by C. Segura; lot and Improvementbounded N bv Taim street s h

personal proierty $89.00, total valu-ation $2S9.00. lesj exemption $200.00baalnce subject to tax $S9.00. Taxes$6.13, penalty 31c, publication 35c,total $6.79.

Mary A. Goln. All taxes. Lots 37and 38. Valuation of real estate andamount subject to tax $300.00. Tax-es $20.11, penalty $1.01, publication40c, total $21.52.

F. O. Klhlberg. All taxes. LoU 6and 12, Las Vegas Addition. Valua-tion of real estate and amount sub-ject to tax $50.00. Taxes $3.36, pen-alty 17c, publication 40c, total $3.93.

Juan F. Kavanagh. All taxes. Houe

Miguel E. Baca. All taxes. Interestlu lot and Improvements bounded Nby U Gallegos. 8 by Valencia street.K by T. Lucero. W bv F. Baca. Valua-tion of real estate $125.00 of person-al property $50.00, total valuation andamount subject to tax $375.00. Taxes$23.11, penalty $1.26. publication 35c,total $26.72.

Mrs. D. N. Baca. 100 acres of landon crestón W ot Las Vegas; lot andImprovements bounded between Lo-pes avenue and Bernalillo street. Val.uatlon of real estate $225.00. of per-sonal property $30.00. total valuationand amount subject to tax $255.00- - ofpersonal property $30.00, total valua-tion and amount ubject to tax $255.Taxes $17.08, penalty 85c, publication70c. total $18.63.

Peter Basleer. Second half of taxes.Lot bounded 8 bv Bridge street, Eby B. M. ft Co.. N. by Dr. Shaw. Wby main ditch, 120x20 feet. Valuationof real eRtate $150.00, of personalproperty $65.00, total valuation andamount subject to tax $515.00. Taxes$17.25. penalty 86o, publication 35?,total $18.46.

Ebenezer Barber. All taxes. Lots 3,4, 5, 6, 7 snd 8 In John Pendarles ad-dition. Valuation of real estate$1325.00, of personal property 10.00

A todos lo pagadores de tasacióndel Condado do San Migue!. NuevoMexico, que son delincuente por laprimera o segunda mitad o todas lastasaciones de el A. D. 1909.

A todas las persons nombradas enlas listas anexas, cuyas tasacionesson abajo de la suma de $25.00, salud:

Ustedes son por estas avisados queel día 22 de Diciembre. A. D. 1910,

entre las horas de las dies de la macana y las cuatro de la tarde de dicho día, en la Casa de Cortes en elCondado de San Miguel yo ofreceréTender al mejor postor por dinero, lapropiedad descrita en la siguiente lata en la cual la tasación delincuenteasciende a menos de $25.00 y con timiare dicha venta de dia en día hasta que toda la aquí descrita propiedadsea vendida o hat ta que la suma enla misma sea pagada o realizada. Y

en caso que no halla comprador enbuena fe proponiendo sobre la dichapropiedad, entonces la misma sera qui-

tada y puesta al Condado de San Mi-

guel como el comprador.Esta publicación no es hecha aden-

tro del tiempo prescrito por ley rorrazón que no hay sino un libro de ta-

sación por el A. D. 1909, en la oficina

Taxes $8.94. penalty 44c. publication35c. Total $$.73.

paMo Connate. All taxes. 40varas bnunüed V by P. Sais, S by M.G. de Galiz, E by Peco river, N byditch; house and lot bounded S by (1.

Garcia, E by public rights. Valuationof real estate $110 00, oí personalproperty $45.00, total valuation $155,less exemption $G5.00, balance subjectto tax $90.00. Taxes $4.02, penalty20c, publication 70c. Total $4.92.

Celestina Baca de Gall. All taxes.House and lot bounded N by T. Galls,S by street, E by L. Baca, W by Ro-au- e

Garcia. Valuation of real estate$10 00, of personal property $133 00,added by assessor $36.00, total valua-tion and amount subject to tax $179.Taxes Í128, penalty 41c, publication35c. Total $9.04.

Crespin Leyba. All taxes. The SV4 of NE SE 4 of NW of

section 31, In township 12 north,range 13 east. Valuation of real es-

tate end amount subject to tax $200.Taxes $8.94, penalty 4io, publicationU5e. Total $9.73.

Francisco Lucero. All taxes. 30

varas bounded N by E. Aragón, S byditch, E by E. Quintana, W by E. Ara-

gón. Valuation of real estate $60.00,of personal property $46, total valua-tion and amount subject to tax $106.Taxes $4.85, penalty 24c. publication35c, Total $5.44.

Porfirio Lucero. All taxes. 50varas bounded N by Benito Baca, Sbv .1. 8. Villanueva, W by river, Eby ditch; house and lot bounded withP. Lucero and common rights. Valu-

ation of real estate $190.00. of person-

al nropertv $67.00, total valuation andamount subject to tax $257.00. Taxes$11.59; penalty 57c, publication 70c.

Total $12.86.Pedro o. All taxes. Per-

sonal property consisting of sheep;ool.J. .n and amount, sublect to tax

publication 35c, total $2.12.Pablo Padilla. All taxes. One-eighh- t

Interest In house and lot bounded Nby creek, S by C. Montoya, B bymaiu ditch, W by J. F. Kavanaugh.Valuation of real estate $20.0:), add-ed by assessor $5.00, total valuationand amount subject to tax $25.00.Taxeg $1.69 penalty 8c publication 35cents total $Z.1Z.

fleo. W. Prlchard. All taxes. Lot2 In block II. Valuation of real estate $300.00 added by assessor $75total valuation and amount Riibjectto tax $j5.00. Taxes $25.11 penalty$1.26 publication 20o total $26.57.' F. Rosenberg. All . taxes. Lot 7and 8 In Klhlberg's addition. Val-uation of real estate $110.00 addedby assessor $28.00 total valuation andamount subject to tax $138.00. Taxes$9.24 penalty 46c publication 40c,total $10.10.

Pedro Romero. AH taxes. ItiO acresof land at Kearney's Gap, boundedN by road. S by Puertocito creek, Eby land formerly of E. Romero, wby hill. Valuation of real estate $305of personal property $10.00, total valuatlon $315.00 les exemption $200,bplanee subject to tax $115.00. Taxes$7.71, penalty 39c, publication 35c,total $8.45.

Dedderio Romero. All taxes. Iit24 in block 26. Ricc'g plat. Valuationof real estate and amount subject totax $25.00. Taxes $1.69, penalty 8c,publication 20c, total $1.97.

Clprlana Sandoval y Roibal. Alltaxea. 150 acres of land bounded Nby R. Vigil, S by R. Montoya, E- - byGutierrez road, W bv creek. Valuationof real estate $75.00. of personal pro-

perty $5.00, added by assessor $20.00,toHl valuation and amount ubjectto tax $100.00. Taxes $6.71 penalty34c. publication 35c, total $7.40.

Martin Sandoval. All taxes. Houseand lot bounded N by . JB. Maes,8 and E by P. Maes, W by Pacific street; lot bounded N by Escudero. 9 by C. Garcia, 15 by alley, wby C. Garcia. Valuation of real es-

tate $100.00, added by assessor $25. 00total valuation and amount subjectto tax $125.00. Taxes $9.63, penalty48o, publication 70o, total $10.81.

Luis Sedl'los. Three acres of landbounded N by J. F. Kavanaugh. S,E and W by Piedra Lumbre road;house and lot bounded N by Chavezstreet. S by A. Roybal, E by J. F.Kevanaueh, W by alley. Valuntlon ofreal estate $114.00. of personal property $12.00. total valuation $126.00,lorn exemption 11,31.00, t balance sub-

ject to tax $15.00. Taxes $1.02, 'pen-

alty 5c, publication 70c. total $1.77.Silva and Silva. All taxes. Ixt

bounded N by Segura. S by R- Martinez, E by road, W by alley. Valuationof real estate and amount subject totax $20.00. Taxpsc $1.35. penalty 7o,publication 35c. total $1.77.

Heirs of Fablo Ulibarrl y Mares.AH taxes. Land 83 ft. bounded F.by ditch, W by Pacific street; houseand lot 90x43 ft. bounded N by M.Rita de Ulibarrl, S by B. Martinez,E by Pacific street, W by alley. Val-

uation of real estate $162.00, of personal property, $10.00, added by assessor $43.00, total valuation andaomunt subject to tax $215.00. Taxes$14.39, penalty 72c. publication 70c,total $15.81.

Apolonia Ulibarrl. All taxes- Landbounded N by A. Ulibarrl, 8 by F.Lopez, E by S. F. Ry. W by Pacificstreet, 27 varas; house and lot 30x175 ft bounded N by Pablo Ulibarrl.8 by M. Aragón, E by raclflc street.W by alley No. 4. Valuation of realestate $254.00, added by assessor$64.00, total valuation and amountsubject to tax $318.00. Taxes $21.31.penalty $1.07, publication 70c, total$23.08.

Luciano Vlgl'. All taxes. Lot 3 inblock 9 of .Tones plat- - Valuation ofreal estate $115.00, added by assess-or $29.00, total valuation and amountsubject to tax $144.00. Taxes $9.65,penalty 48c, publication 20c, total$10.33.

Zacarins Valflez. All taxes. Houseand lot bounded N by Jose Ortlr.,8 bv P. Ortega, E by main ditch,W by Pacific street. Valuation of realestate $220.00, of personal property$57.00, total valuation $277.00, lessexemption $200.00. balance suDjecito tax $77.00. Taxes $5.21, penalty26c, publication 35c, total $5.82.

John Wallace. All taxes, ixiis anaB In block 15 of Klhlberg's plat.Valuation of real estate $100.00, add-

ed by assessor $25.00, total valuationand aoumnt subject to tax $125.00.Taxes $8.38, penalty 42c, publication10c, total $9.20.

Unknown Owners. All taxes, ixuj4 to 9 Incl. In block 79. Valuationof real estate and amount subject totax $60.00. Taxes $4.03, penalty 20c,publication 40c. Tota' $4.63.

Unknown owners, ah tases, iaji1 to B Ind. in block 157. Valuationof real estate and amount subject totax $50.00. Taxes $3.35, penalty 17c,publication 40c, total $3.92.

Unknown Owners. All taxes. Lots 1

to 5 incl. block 68. Valuation of realestate and amount subject to tax$50.00. Taxes $3.35. penalty 17C, pud- -

Mention 40c, lotal $3.92.Unknown Owners. All taxes. Lots

1 nnd 2 In block 67. Valuation ofreal estate and amount subject to tax$20.00. Taxes $1.35, penalty 7C, plum-catio- n

40c, total $1.82.Unknown Owners. AH taxes, for

ty lots on Independence avenue,bounded N by Indepedece Ave.,' 8 byproperty of Las Vecas Ravings Bank,E by Gallinas river, W by ditch.. Val-

uation of real estate and amount

E by Secundlno Romero, W by Pacific street. Valuation of real estateand amount subject to tax $50. 00.

Taxes $3.35, penalty 17c. publication35c, total $3.87.

Precinto No. 4

Cleofas Anaya de Baca. All taxes.400 varas of land bounded N bycreek. 8 by Luisa Chavez. E by Ste-va- n

Domínguez, w by Antonio Sena;house and lot bounded N by creek,S by P. Pacheco, K by D. Pacheco.W by Rita Trujlllo. Valuation of realestate $245.00, of personal property$25.00, added by assessor $67.00, to-

tal valuation and amount ubject totax $337.00. Taxesc $15.74. penalty79c, publication 70c, total $17.23.

Heirs of Jcrus Caaaus. All taxes.400 varas of land bounded N by hill,S .by Tecolote river, E by hill andriver, VV by Juanita Ellsworth; 500varas of land bounded N by Tecoloteriver. S bv old ditch. E by D. Pachecoy Garcia, W by old ditch. Valuation ofreal estate $900.00. added by assess-or 1225.00. total valuation and amountsubject to tax $1125.00. Taxes $52.64,penalty $2.63, publication 70c, total$55.87.

.nionlcio rhavex. All taxes. 125

varas of land bounded N by NasarioMontova. 8 bv hill. E by road, wby Luciano Gallegos. Valuation of

rt entnt and amount subject to tax$74. Taxes $3.47, penalty 17c, publication 35o, total $3.99.

Ludan Galléeos. All taxes. 125

varas of land bounded N by D. Cha- -

s hv hill. E bv road. W by c- -

visir Valuation of real estate andamount subject to tax $74.00. Taxes$3.47, penalty 17c, publication 35c,

total $3.99..inonh f. Kraummeck. All taxes.

!nn vsrna of land bounded N by R.

Gallegos. E by N. Montoya. 8 byEpltaclo Montoya, W iy tecoioiennnt Valuation of real estate andomnnn mihleet to tax $100.00. Taxes$4.68, penalty 23c, publication 35c,

total $5.26.Gabriel Montoya. All taxes. (

norej of land bounded N by river, 8by HUI, E by Camilla Montoya, W

by M. Esqulbel; 40 acres or innahounded N bv Olo del cedro, 8 bvP. Montoya. E by road, W by 8. F.railway. Valuation of . real estate$120.00, of personal property $15.00,!ntni valuation nnd amount, subject

to tax $135.00. Taxes $6 36 rennlty32c, publication 70c, total

.Tnae P. Mares. All taxes. 120 varasof land bounded N bv M. Trujlllo, 8bv Juanita Bold, E by road. W byriver. Valuation of real estate andamount subject to tax $63.00. Taxes$2.95. penalty 15c, publication ,idc,total $3.45.

Nazarlo Montoya. Second nair ortnres 100 acres of land bounded N

by Andres Montoya, S by E. Mon

toya, E by 8. Y. railway, w Dy

Tecolote grant. Valuation of real es-

tate $260.00. of personal property$21.00, total valuation $281.00, lessexemption $200.00, naiance snojecito tax $81.00. Taxes $1.90, penalty10c, publication 35c. total $2.35.

Fernandez Montoya. All taxes. 125

varas of land bounded N by C. Vigil,3 hv hill m bv road. W by T. Mon- -

nvo vniiintion of real estate andamount subject to tax $74.00. Taxes$3.47. penalty 17c. publication .e, total $3.99.

Tiisn Montova. All taxes. 40 acresof land not bounded. Valuation of realestate $34.00, of personal property

17 nn tntnl valuation and amountsubject to tax $51.00. TaxeB $2.44.penalty 12c, publication 3;io, totai$2.91.

Trnnmilllnn Montova. All taxes. 125

varas of land bounded N by F. Montoya, 8 by hill, E by Anton unicoroad, W by E. Montoya. Valuation of

mil nótate and amount subloet to tat74.00. Taxes $3.47. penalty 17c, pub

lication 35c, total $3.99.Cristóbal Vlell. All taxes. 1Z5 varas

of land bounded N by L, Gnllegos, Fhv F. Montoya. S bv hill, W bv AntonChico road. Valuntlon of real estatenni nmnimt anblect to tax $74.00Taxes $3.47. penalty 17c, publication;5c, total $3.99.

Precinto No. 5

NToherto Armllo. All ta"xes. Lotnnd Improvement bounded N by M.

Segura, 8 by J. I. Romero, E by st.,W bv bill. Valuation of real estate$100.00. of personal property $10.00.added by assessor $27.00, total vai

atlon and amount sunjeci to tbx$137.00. Taxes $9.18, penalty 46c,publication 35c, total $9.99.

Jullanlta R. de Bnca, All taxes. Lotand Improvements on Gonzales t.,a iot between brewery and arroyo,on Gonzales street. Valuation of realestate and amount subject to tax$730.00. Taxes $48.91. penalty $2.45,publication 35c, total..... $51 .71.

1 A MA.1. O. Bayne. ah taxes, ixhs j,

and 21 In block 13 or roner annddltlon. Valuation of real estate $30,

added by assessor $7.00, total val-

uation and amount subject to tax$37.00. Taxes $2.49, penalty 12c, pub-

lication 60c. total $3.21.Flladelfo Baca. All taxes, interest

In residence bounded N by L. Galle-Ko- s,

S by Valencia street. E by T.Lucero, W bv Mrs. Morrison; lot 3

In Ulibarrl addition. Valuation of realestate $385.00, of personal propertyifin.no . total valuation $445.00 lessexemption $200-."b- balance subject to

tr i24K.no. Taxes $16.42. nrnalty82e,piihltcntlon F.r total $17.7. I

creek, W by É. Flores. Valuation ofreai esiate 1175.00. of persona! pro-perty $147.00. total vhif'nn iwilinless exemption $200. oon, balancesubject tO tax 822.00. Ture. 11 CI

'penalty. . . 8c, publication 70c, total

J Sllvlano Gallegos. All taxes. Lotand Improvements bounded N bySantana street. E by Santa Fe street.K by B. Gallegos. Valuation of realestate $150.00, added by assessor$38.00, total valuation and amountsubject to tax $188.00. Taxes $1!.C0.penalty 63c. publication 35c, total$13.68.

Anselmo Contales. All taxes. Lotand improvements bounded N by M.Martinet. 8 by Bernalillo street, Bby P. D. Arraljo, W by M. Flores.Valuation of real estate and amountsubject to tax $150.60. Taxea $10.06,penalty 00c, publication 35c. total$10.91.

J. B, Guerln. All taxes. Lot an4Improvement bounded N by J. deOrtiz. 8 by Juanita Corls. E bv San-ta Ana street, W by J. U, de Gen-iales. Valuation of real estate $100.00,of personal property $130.00. totalvaluation $230.00 lent exemption$200.00, baalnce ü abject to tax$30.00. Taxea $2.01, penalty 10 cents,publication 35c. total $2.46.

Julianita M. Hays. AH taxea. Lotsand improvements bounded N by al-

ley, s by P. Montano, B by P. Mon-tano, W by E. Flore and Juan Yer-b- y;

lot and Improvements we.it ofmy home; lot and Improvements Inprecinct No. 3, bounded N by J. D.Tafoya, S by Alamo street, E bv Pi-elf- lc

street, W by alley No. 4. Valua-tion of real estate $490.00, of personal property $25.00, total valuation$515.00 less exemption $200.00. bal-ance subject to tax $315.00. Taxes$21.10, penalty $t.06, publication$1.05. total $23.21.

F. W. Helneman. All taxes. Lots11 and 12 in block 13 of Porter an1Mills addition. Valuation of real estate $20.00, added by assessor $5.00,total valuation and amount ub1ectttax $25.00. Taxes $1.69, penalty Sc.publication 40o. total (2.17.

Lesperance Herrera. All taxes. Lotand Improvements bounded N bycreek. 8 by V. Mares, TJ by Churchstreet, W by alley, Valnatlon of renleRtate $175.00, of personal property$100.00, total valuation $275.00 lessexemption $200.00, balance sublect totax $75.00. Taxea $5.24, penalty 26c,publication 35c, total $5.85.

Gavino Herrera. All taxes. Lot andImprovements bd. N by E. Martinez. 3bv B. de Monlton, E by Lopez street.W by alley. Valuation of real eta$200.00, ot personal property $4500,total valuation $245.00, less exemp-tion $200.00 balance subject to tax$45.00. Taxea $3.02, penalty 15 cents,publication 35c, total $3.52.

Roque Herrera. All taxes. Personalproperty, valnatlon $58.00 less ex-emption $43.00. balance subject totax $15.00. Taxes $1.11, penalty 6cpublication 35c, total $1.52.

Gordon M. Hicks. AH taxes. All ofblock 26 In Porter and Mill addi-tion. Valuation of Teal estate andamount aubejet to tax $100.00. Taxes$6.71, penalty 33c, publication 20c,total $7.24.

Imogene Hollenwager. All taxes.All of block . 44 and lot 15 in block45 of Porter and Mills addition. Valu-ation of real estate and amount subject to tax $225.00. Taxes $15.09. pen-alty 75c, publication 40c, total$16.24.

Luis Homel. All taxes. Lot in block3. Valuation of real estate $50.00, add-ed by assessor $13.00, total vab'nMotiand amount subject to tax $63.00.Taxes $4.23, penalty 21c, publication20c, total $4.64.

Geo. H. Hunker. All taxes. Lota 11and 12 In Miguel Romero's addition.Valuation of real eRtate and amountsubject to tax $50.00. Taxes $3.35,penalty 17c, publication 40c, total$3.92.

Ludwlg Wm. Ilfeld. All taxes. Aftundivided 2 IntereRt In lot and Im-

provements bounded N and W byE. B. Shaw and P. Basleer, E bv J.Raynold, 8 by Bridge street. Valua-tion of real estate and amount sub-

ject to tax $250.00. Taxes $16.75. pen-

alty 34c, pub'icatlon 35c, total $17.44.Pablo Jaramlllo. All taxes. Lot Rnd

Improvements bounded N by Mra.Potter, 8 by E. C. de Baca, E byNew Mex. Ave., W by alley No. 2.Valuation of real estate $400.00, otpersonal property $94.00, total v bi-

atlon $494.00, less exemption $2n.no,balance subject to tt $294.00. Taxes$19.95, penalty $1.00 publication 35atotal $21.30.

, Eugenio Joqucl. All taxes. Lot anaImprovements bounded N by B. LJaramlllo, . S by J. P. Mares, E byNew Me Ave., W by J. P. Marea.Valuation of real estate $140.00, add-

ed by assessor $35.00, total valua-tio- n

and amount subject to tax $173.Taxes $11.71. penalty P8c, publication35n total $12.64.

F. O. Klhlberg. All taxes. Lot 11In block 45 ot Porter and Mills addi-

tion. Valuation of real estate $25.00,

and lot bounded N by J. L Padia,' Sby A. Martinez, E by J. L. Padla. Wby Pacific street: house and lotbounded N by Sapello street, 8 byLuis Sedlos. E by Geo. Wethers Wby Chavez street; House and lotbounded N by creek S by J. L. Padia. E by J. L. Padla, W by Nation- -

street. Valuation of real estate$350.00, of personal property $S0.00,total valuation $430.00, les exemption $200.00, balance subject to tax$230.00. Taxes $15.67, penalty 78c,publication $1.05, total $17.40.

Rafael G! Lucero. All taxej. Houseand lot bounded N by street. S byN. Flores, E by G. Chavez, W by P.Angel. Valuation of real estate andamount subject to tax $40.00. Taxes$2.C8, penalty 13o, publication 35c,total J3.16. x

Sebastiana B. de Lesperance. Alltaxes. House and lot bounded N byP. Martinez, S by Chavez street, Eby lot next to Bevnal street. W byalley No. 4 Valuation of real estate$350.000, of personal property $10,total valuation $360.00 less exemption $200.00. balance subject to tax$160.00. Taxe $10.72, penalty 54c,publication 35o, total $11.61.

Pablo Lesperance. All taxes. Houseand lot bounded N by Jose Baca, Sby A. Bennvldes, E by Rtreet, W byallye. Valuation of real estate andamount subject to tax $15. oo. Taxes$1.02, penalty 5c. publication 35c,total $1.42.

Candelario Montoya, AH taxes.House and lot bounded N and S byJ. B. Maes. E bv J. L. Padla, W byPacific Rtrpet Valuation of real es-

tate $200.00, of personal property$40.00, total valuation and amountsubject to tax $240.00. Taxes $16.08,penalty 80c, publication 35c, total$17.23.

Manuelfta P. de Martinez. Alltaxes. Half Interent In house and lotbounded N by creek S bv CandelarioMontoya, E by ditch, W by .T. F.Kvanaugh. .Valuation of real estate$20.00, added by assessor $5.00, totalvaluation and amount subject to tax$25.00. Taxes $1.59, penalty 8c, pub-lication 35c, total $2.12.

Luis Montano. All taxes. Lot bound-ed S by Sapello street, N by D. Gar- -cía, E by alley, W by Chavez street.Valuation of real estate $15.00, add-

ed by assessor $4.00, total valuationand amount subject to tax $19.00.Taxes $1.29, penalty 7c, publication35c, total $1.71.

Filomeno Maes. All taxes. Houseand lot bounded N by J. B. Maes, 8by E. Gutierrez, E by alley, W byPacific 3treet, 50x140. Valuation ofreal estate $200.00, added by assessor $50.00, total valuation and amountsubject to tax $250.00. Taxes $16.75.penalty 83c, publication 35c, total$17.93.

Antonio D. Maes. All taxes. Houseand lot bounded N by C. Maes andP. UlHnrrt, S by Filomena Maes, Wbv Pacific street, E by alley. Valua-tion of real estate and amount sub-

ject to tax $100.00. Taxes $6.71, pen-

alty 33c. publication 35c, total $7.39.Lnriantta B. de Martinez. All tax-

es. House and lot bounded N by A.P. TJ. de Araron, S by Bernal street,E by Pacific street. W by alley No.4; house and lot bounded N bv M.Medina, S by Sapello street, E byPacific street. W by al'ey No. 4. Val-

uation of real estate $400.00, of per-

sonal propertv $15.00, total valuationand amount subject to tax $415.00.Taxes $27.80, penaltv $1.39, publica-tion 70o, total $29.89.

E- - Marcott. Second half or taxes.Land bounded N by P. Nolan, S byP. Ullbarri; land bounded N bv P.Ulibarrl, S by A. Fulgenzl. V byGallinas river, W by Pacific street.Valuation of real estate $430.00, ofpersonal property $50.00, total val-

uation $480.00, less exemption $20Q,

balance subject to tax $280.00. Taxes$9.38, penalty 47c, publication. 70c,total $10.55.

Heirs of F. A. Manzanares. Alltaxes. Lots 25, 26 and 27, Independ-ence avenue addition. Valuation ofreal estate end amount ubjeet totax $25.00. Taxes $1.69. penalty 8o,

publication 60C, total $2.37.Perry Onion- - A'l taxes. Land bound-

ed N by L. Eckels, E by Gallinas riv-

er, S by Independence avenue, W bymain ditch. Valuation of real estate$440.00, of personal property $107.00total valuation $647.00, less exemp- -

tion $200.00. balance subject to tax$447.00. Taxes $30.04, penalty $1.50,publication 35c, total $31.89.

Faust in Padilla. All taxes. One-eight- h

Interest In house and lotbounded N by creek, 8 by C. Mon-to- y

a, E by main ditch, W by J. F.Kavanaugh. Valuation of real estate$20.00, added by assessor $5.00, to-

tal valuation and amount ubject totax $25.00. Taxes $1.69, penalty 8c,publication 35o. to tal $2.12.

Faustln Padilla, Jr.. all taxes. One-eight- h

Interest in. houné and lotbounded N by crock 8 by C. Mon-

toya, E by main ditch, W by J. f.Kavanaugh. 5 Valuation of real estate$20.00, added by rwsor $5. 00, to- -

total valuation $1335.00, less exemp-tion $200.00, balance subject to tax$1135.00. Taxe.i $76.04. penalty $3.80,publication $1.20. total $81.04.

Wm. Curtías Bnlley. All taxes. Lotand Improvements 97x112 2 ft..known as Pinza Hotel, on N side ofPlaza. Valuation of real estate$5750.00, of personal property $750.00,total valuation $6500.00, less exemption $200.00, balance subject to tax$6300.00. Taxes $422.11. penalty$21.11, publication 35c, total $443.57.

Florencio C. de Baca. All taxes. Lot1 In Romero addition. Valuation ofreal estate $225.00 of personal pro-perty $270.00. total valuation $495.00less exemption $200.00, balancs sub-ject to tax $295.00. Taxes $20.53, pen-

alty $1 .03, publication 20c, total$21.76.

Antono C. do Baca. All taxes. Lotand Improvements In Pendarles sub-division, bounded N bv E. Barber, 8and E by st. W by M. Romero. Val-

uation of real estate and amount aub-Je-

to tax $250.00. Taxes $16.75,penalty 84c, publication 35c, total$17.94.

Eduardo F. Baca. AH taxes. Lotand improvements on Gonzales street,bounded N by vaennt lot, 8 by FBaca y Sandoval, E by main ditch.W by Gonzales street Valuation ofreal estate $335.00, ot personal pro-perty $35.00, total nluntlon $370.00les exemption $200.00, balance sub-ject to tax $170.00. Taxes $11.39,pena'ty 67c, publication 35c, total$12.31.

Lizzie Bell. All taxes. Lots 1 to 36incl. In block 32 of Porter & Millaaddition. Valuation of real estate$420.00, added by assessor $105.00,total valuation and amount subjectto tax $525.00. Taxe $35.18, penalty$1.76, publication 40c, total $37.34.

Mrs. M. E. Brown, All taxes- - Allof block 80 In Porter A Mills nddl-tio-

Valuation of real estate $50.00,added by assessor $13.00, total valuation and amount subject to tax$63.00. Taxes $1.23. penalty 21c, publication 35c, total $4.79.

Fernnnda Camarona de Odam. Alltaxes. Lots 5, 6 and 7 In block 160of Klhlberg's plat. Valuation of TealeRtate $65.00, added by assessor$16,00, total valuation and amountanblect to tax $81.00. Taxes $5.43.penalty 27c, publication 60c, total$6.80.

Onls Case. All taxes. Iots 1. 2, 9,19 to 36 In block 76 of Porter &

Mills addition. Valuation of real estate $270.00, added by assessor$68.00, total valuation and amountsubject to tax $338.00. Taxes $22.64.penalty $1.13, publication $1.00, total$24.77.

Eusebia Corlz. A taxes. Lot andImprovements bounded N by Bernalillo street, 8 by Salamon Aasl, K byERtefana B. de Montoya, W by NewMex. Ave.; vacant lot bounded N byO. F. cemetery, W by P. Trujlllo, Eby A. M. Lucero, 8 by creek, Valua-tion of real estate $115.00. of person-al property $12.00, total valuationnnd amount subject to tax $127.00.Taxes $8.50. penalty 43c, publication70o. total $9.63.

Chrlstman & Calloway. All taxes.Personal property consisting of stockof liquors, cigars and saloon furnitureand fixtures. Valuation and amountsubject to tax $1045.00. Taxes$70.03. penalty $3.50, publication 36c,total $73.88.

Ensebio Chacon. All taxes. Lot andImprovements, corner of Valencia :

New Mexico avenue. Valuation ofrenl estate and amnpnt suMect. to taxtjr.noo. Taxes $30.15, penalty $1.51.publication 35e, total $32.01.

Anita L. and Geneve Collins. ATI

taxe. All of block. 40 and 56 In Tor-te-r

& Mills addition. Valuation ofreal estate $200.00, added by assess-or $50.00, total valuation and amountsubject to tax $250.00. Taxes $16.75.penalty 83c, publication 35c. total$17.93.

Helen Constant. All taxes. Lots 12

to 69 In block f of Porter and Millsaddition. Valuation , of renl estate$40.00, added by assessor $10,00... total valuation and amount subject totax $50.00. Taxea $3.35, penalty 17cents, publication 40c, total $.1.93.

Wm. Dawklns. All taxes. Lots 9

to 14 in block 84. and lots 22 to 28

In block 78, In Porter and Mill addi-tion. Valuation of real estate$230. 0d, added by assessor $58.00,total valuation and amount 'subject

del tesorero y o colector delCondado de San Miguel, Nuevo Mex-

ico, cuyo libro de tasación esta en upocontinuo en la transacción de nego-cios reculares en la oficina siendo nor,lo tanto imposible de hacer dl"ha l's-t- a

dentro del tiempo prescrito porley.

, EUGENIO ROMERO.Tesorero y Colector del Con-

dado de San Miguel, Nuevo Mexico.

AVISO(Sumas No Menos que $25.00)

A todos, los pagadores the tasacióndel Condado de San Miguel, NuevoMexico, que están delincuentes por laprimera o segunda mitad, o por todaslas tasaciones por el ano A. D. 1503,en la suma de no menos que $25ff0.

A los pagadores de tasación que es-

tán delincuentes en la siguiente listade tasación cuyas tasaciones no sonmenos que $25.00, salud:

Ustedes son por estas notificadosque yo aplicare el dia 22 de Diciem-

bre A. D. 1910, a la Corte de Distritotenida en y por el Condado de SanMiguel en el territorio de Nuevo Mex-

ico, por un Juicio enoontra de todaslas personas nombradas en la siguien-te lista de tasación delincuente, y encontra de los terrenos, propiedad mizy propiedad personal descritas en di-

cha lista, junto con los costos y penas,y por una orden para vender dichastierras, propiedad raíz y propiedadpersonal para satisfacer dicho juicio.

Ustedes son ademas avisados quedentro de treinta dias después de da-

do el juicio encontra de la propiedaddescrita en la siguiente lista de tasa-ción delincuente, que después de daraviso por avisos puestos en la puertadel frente del edificio en el cual laCorte de Distrito por el dicho condadode San Miguel es tenida, a lo menosdiez dias antes de la' venta, que yoofreceré vender en venta publica enel frente de dicho edificio la propie-dad raíz y propiedad personal descri-ta en dicho aviso, en contra de lacual Juicio halla sido dado, por la su-

ma de tasaciones, pena 7 costos debi-

dos sobre la misma,.Esta publicación no es hecha aden-

tro del t " prescrito por ley porrazón que no hay sino un libro detasaciones de A. D. 1909 en la oficinadel tesorero y colector delCondado de San Miguel, Nuevo Mex-

ico, cuyo libro.de tasación esta enuso continuo en 'Ja transacción de losneldos reculare de la oficina, sien-

do asi imposible de hacer dicha listadurante el tiempo prescrito por ley.

, EUGENIO ROMERO,Tesorero y Colector del Con-

dado de San Miguel, Nuevo Mexico.

Precinto No. 1

Faustln Baca. All taxes. Personalproperty consisting chiefly of livestock; valuation and amount subjectto tax $98.00. Taxes $4.59, penalty22c, publication 35c, total $5.16.

Celso Baca. All taxes. House inSan Miguel and 9 acres of land; In-

terest In Tecolote grant. Valuationof real estate $142.00, added by asses-

sor $175.00, total valuation andamount subject to tax $317.00. Taxes$14.17, penalty 71c, publication 70c

Total $15.58.J. B. Cook. All taxes. 7 acres

bounded north by San Miguel,, southby Placido Baca, east by Pecos river,west by main ditch. Valuation of

real estate $195.00, of personal prop-

erty $43.00, total valuation and amountsubject to tax $243.00.' Taxes $10.86.

penalty 64c, publication 35c. Total

$11 75. 'Francisco Duran. All taxes, 3 2

acres bounded north by Julian Sando-

val, south by street, east by street,west bv street. Valuation of real es-

tate $90.00, of personal property $233,

total valuation and amount subject totax $323.00. Taxes $15.19, penalty

76c, publication 35c, total $16.30.

precinto No. 2

Benito Baca. All taxes. 50 varas

bounded north by J. N. Duran, Wby R.

Tenorio. S by F. Sena, B by P. Baca;

feo-- Fo tnd lot bounded S by P.! Baca) T Bachicha, N by ditch, W by

J. M. Villanueva. AValuation o! real$130.00, of personal property

$13 00 total valuation $293.00,. lessexemption $175.00, balance subject totax ill 8. Taxes $5.68, penalty 28c,

publication 70c, total $6.66.Eutlmio Gallegos. All taxes, the

E 2 of NW 14 and W 2 of NE 4

i of section 25, in township 11 north,ranee 14 east. 160 acreB. Valuationand amount subject to tax $200.00,

$700'.JU Taxes $36.90, penalty $1.84,

plication 35c. Total i39.ua.Fnoonin Montano. All taxes. The

S 2 of SW 4 of section 28, the N

of NW 4 of section 33, in town-

ship 11 north, range 15 east. Valuation Of real estate ÍZla.UU. oi perwrnmn,nnt. 9K nn total valuation $240.

i, mitiiniinn 200.. balance subjectww ' -to tax $40.00. Taxes $1.79. penalty8c, publication 35c. Total r:.

Emiliana G. Prada. All taxes. 48

varas bounded N by P. E. Gallz, S byhill, E. by A. Aragón and ditch, Whv t Rann - s varas bounded N byditchi S by mesa, E by E. Tafoya, Wk x Tufnva Valuation of real estate $93.00, of personal property $36.

added by assesor, fiza.uu, toiai val-

uation $248.00 less exemption $96.00,sdorsra anhlprt to tax $152.00. Tax- -

es $iVS5.' penalty 34 e, publication 70c.

Total $7.b9.

Precinto No. 3

o Anoiiaca. All taxes. Lot bd.N by S. Romero, S by D. R. Romero,ki hv m. riitiarrl. W by road. Valuation and amount subject to tax $15.00.

Taxes $1.02, penalty 5c, publication35c. Total $1.42. ,

iotnn niiiidine Association. All

taxes. A tract of land bounded N byheirs of Francisco Lopez, s Dy joms

D. Duran, and the part west or ny.tracks by lands of E. Hosenwam, &

k r.üiiinn river. West W publicroad, and containing 10 acres. Valua.tion and amount subject to tax $98.00.

Taxes $6.56, penalty 32c, publication35c. Total $7.23.

f Anovo. . All taxes. Apiece..1 un i w J -

of land in Precinct No. 42, boundedxt Vir t T. Tner. S bv A. Maes, Wby crestón; house and lot bounded N

by public property. S bv 8. E. Velar-

de E by Chavez street, W bv alley,

2 vacant lots 4 and 5. Valuation of

real estate $85.00, of personal proper- -

7 nn added bv assesor $40.00,

total valuation and amount subject to

IX $198.00. Taxes 13.Y!; nerMiiyso. publication 70c. Total 1 5.1 3.

Tftnpki and Santa Fe uy.Co., personal property, valuation andamount subject to tax 8oí.m.$223.29, penalty $11.16, publication;5c. Total $234.so.o.k.iiina Tionftvldes. AH taxes.

Lot bounded N by L. Cedios S? by M.

ragon, E by B. Martinez, w uy

t rcnl estate $200.00. of pe--

sonal property $50.00, total valuationa t auMert to tax $250.00.

Taxes $16.75. penalty 83c, publication

!5c Total $17.9?.Grant Cunnlneliam .Second half or

axes. Tract of land bounded N by

V. Martinez, S by Mrs. A. F. Carper..T7. ,,, Toiiinaa river. W by hill.

ml estate $615.00, lesaexemption $200.00, balanc- - sub ect totax $415.00. Taxes u.o.publication 35c. Total $12.73.

I .11 441V AO T SITO.Manuel vjasaias. iaCD.and 2 In block 19 Laa Vegas addl:

n vaiiintinn of real estate iio.added by assesor $31.00. total valua- -

amount Rubiect to tax Ilo6.Taxes $10.46, penalty 52c, publication

c. Total $11.38. 'r.nlmenla L. Delgado, all taxes.

Tract of land bounded N by F. Robledo. S bv M. L. Delgado, E by Gal

linas river, W by Pacific street. Val-

uation of real estate and amount sub-

ject to tax $52.00. Taxes $3.49, pen-

alty 17c, publication. 35e, total $4.01.Jose Ignacio Esqulbel. All taxes.

House and lot bounded N by Tecolotestreet, S by D. R. Romero, E byNational street, W by J. M. Esqul-

bel. Valuation of real estate $225.00,

of personal property $25.00, total val-

uation $250.00 less exemption $200.

balance subject to tax $50.00. Taxes$3.35, penalty 17c, publication 35c,

total $3.87.Esteban Gutierrez. All taxea. House

and lot bounded N by FilmoenaMaei, S by Antonio, Fulgenzl, E by

Filmoena Maes, W by Pacific streetValuation of real estate $200. 00, of

estate and amount subject to tax ! $15.09, penalty 75c, publication 40c, Taxes $8.03. peimlty 3c, publication35c, totla $6.6S.

Gabriel Montoya. AH taxes. Lotand Improvements bounded N by I).Valdet. S by II. Martinez, E bystreet, TV by alley. Valuation of realestate $20n.nn, of personal propertyt?5 00. total valimtton 1"?S.00. lesa

ría. S by D. Perez, E by C. Annijo,W by street Valuation of real cú-

tate $130.00, of personal property$45.00, total valuation $195.00, leisexemption $175.00, balance subjecttotar $20.00. Taxes $1.40, penalty 7c.publication 70c, total $2.17.

rabio A. Sanchez. All taxes. Per-sonal property. Valuation $209.

exemption $60.00, balance sub-ject to tax $140.00. Taxe $9.S8,pen-alt- y

47e, publication 25c, total $10.20.Jose Mariano Sena. All taxes. Lot

exemption $2i0.OO, balance subject totax $2,.00. Taxes $1.69, penalty 8c,publication 35c, total $2.12.

Llzandro Montoya. All taxe. Iotand Improvements bounded N byv. ii 1 vil, o iij Diiri, r, lij

Vn 9 tlT V. .. T Mrnm VA IM.i,

of taxes. Iot and lmiroveuiti:i onPlata, bounded N by Valencia street,A by Plata. W by Mrs Una KHillM-r-

K by W. Ü (Jortner; lot and improve-ments bounded X by St. Jo-p- a ballS by I V. Imp. Co.. B by Pecific!rvt. W by alley. Valuation of realxf.i'e and amount aubject to tax

$24:mi.(kj. Ta' $ :.l.'. nalty $4.17,atk.n 70c, toUl $s.29.

Felipe Montoya, All tac. Mt and' provf-mrnt- bounded N by Sanu

r atreet, 8 bv L. (allexoa, E by A.A. .Sena, W by Mirnin avenue. Val-uation of real estate $lH0.0ü, uf per-'Hi- .l

property $1".''. total taluatlun$;;5."fl, lews exenipilon J.'mikii). f,,.s:ie subleet z'. 00. Taxesil r'i. penalty 8c, publication 5, to-tal $2.12.

ivrnardo Montoya. AH taxes. Itand lmtnvemenis bounded N by Lul- -

Newman, 8 by Fant; Fe street,K by 8. (allego, W by N. M. Ave.Valuation of r al estate and amountfcubject to tax f:nn.OO. Taxes $13.40,penalty f."c, publication 35c. total

tlon of real estate $300.00, of per-- j of L. Lopet. R by M. LTrioste and A.sonal property $42.0o. total valuation Martinet. Valuation of real estate$342.00 less exemption $200.00. of personal property $45. 0,ance subject to tax $142. 0. Taxea added by assessor $21.00. total vahi-$9.1-

penalty 46c, publication 35c. jatlon and amount subject "

to taxtotal $9.91. $106.00. Taxes $7.10, penalty 36c

Anna McDonald. All taxes. Lot publication 35c, total $7.81.bounded X and TV by Rita de Várela. Demetrio Silva. All taxes. Penson-8- .

by Juanita V. de Várela, R by. al property, valuation and amountPacific street; lot adjoining same. subject to tax $30.00. Taxes $2.01.bounded N by Rita E. de Va-el- TV penalty 10c, publication 35c, totaland 8 by P. Escudero, E by Paclfle $2.46.street; lot bounded X by C. Maresm. Ira Smith. All taxes- - Lot 4 inbloek8 by above lot, E by Pacific street, 77, Kihlberg's addition. Valuation orW by Pablo street. Valuation or real estate $100.00. added bv assess-rea- l

estate and amount subject totax or $25.00. total valuation and amouBt$50.00. Taxes $3.35, penalty 17e. pub- - subleet to tax $125.00. Taxe $8.38,

ta Fe. rtreet. 8 by M. Booth, E by M.F. Jimenex, W by F. Montoya. Valua-tion of real eatate and amount sub-ject to tat $2l0.00. Taxes $15.40. pen-alty 67c. publication 35c, total $14.42.

Fimpkina Bros.. All taxea. Person-al property consisting; cblefly of mer-chandise and store furniture and fix-

tures; valuation and amount subjectto fax $KK)00. Taxes $26.80, penalty$1.34. publication 35c. total $28.43.

Silva and Silva. All taxes. Lotsand Imiirovementa bounded N byBrown and Carson, 8 by E. B. Shaw,R by ditch. W by Plata Valuationof real estate $1000.00. of personalproperty $345.00, total valuation andamount subject to tax $1345 00. Taxes$90.12. penalty $1.51, publication 35c,total $94.98.

Jean Süvjl All taxes. Lots andImprovements bounded N by T. Pena.8 by R. RomeTO, R by ditch, W byGonzales street. Valuation of realestate $30000, of personal property,$40.00, total valuation $340.00, lessexemption $200.00, balance subject totax $140.00. Taxes $9.38, penalty 47c,publication 35c, total $10.20.

J. P. Shirk. All taxes. Lot 29In block 19 of P. M. addition. Valua-tion of real estate $40 00, added by as-sessor $10 00, total valuation andamount aubject to tax $50.00. Taxes$3.85, enalty 17c, publication 20c, to-tal $3.72.

Mrs. E. C. Stevenson. All taxes.Lots 4 and 5 In block 23 and lot 5In block, 50, Porter and Mills additionValuation of real estate $30.00( addedby assessor $7.00, total valuation andamount subject to tax $37.00. Taxes$2.48. penattv 12c, pcbllcatlon 60c, to-

tal $3.20.Jose Baca de Tafoya. All taxes.

Lot and Improvements bounded N bvC. Ilfeld. 8 bv Santa Ana street, Rby C. Ilfeld, W bv Marmel street:lot bounded N" by Santa Ana street.SR by C. Romero, w by R. Pena: lotbounded N by R. de Herrera and M.Martinet, 8 by R. Calléeos and I. M.de Sandoval. R bv Church street, Wby ditch. Valuation of real- - estate$300.00, of personal property $50.00,total valuation $350.00, less exemption

an. ..i i.ua, loiai .d. penalty 4:c, punncaiion zuc. totalPablo Ornelas. All taxes. Lots 8 $9.60.

and 9 In block 66. Valuation of real ' .Tuaniti Tafoya de Maldonado. Allestate $200.00, added by assessor faxes, tnd bounded N bv Manuel$50.00. tota' valuation and amount de la Carta, 8 by F. Maldonado, 151subject to tax $250.00. Taxes $16.75. varas; lot and Improvements bonnd-penalt- v

84c, publication 40c, total ed X bv Peret street. 8 bv Mrs. M.'7.99. Plilmrri. R hv a. Cobley, TV by Leoa- -Susano Ortit. All taxes. I.ot nd or Urioste. Valuation of real estata

Improvements bounded N by alley, Sj$185.00 of personal property $20.01.bv B. Romero, E by F. Lopei. TV by added by assessor $51.00. total Tala-Paeifl- e

street. Valuation of real n and amount subject to taxtate $250.00. of personal property $256.00. Taxes $17.15, penalty 6c,$140.00. total valuation $390.00, less publication 70c, total $18.71.exemption $200.00, balance subject to M. Torp- - Vacant lot No .2 In blocktax 119ft. on. Taxes $12.74. penalty 64cpublication 35c, total $13.73.

Fidel Ortlt. All taxes. Lot snd lm- -

provements bounded N by T. . Durande Anaya. 8 by creek. TV hv streettract of land In nreelnct Xo. a? lotand improvements bounded X by TVm.KllBworth. S by J. L Rivera, E byGonzales street, TV by Pacific 'street;

mm mipruveuiFnis Dounaea in oyC. Montoya, S bv E. Quintana. E byuucn. vv ny j. h. maes; lot and lm- - $180.00. of persona' property $72.00.provements bounded X and E bv total valuation 8252.00, less exemp-Mr- s.

F. Desmarais. 8 bv Xfnrenn Hnn tono OA l,nlnnnn v4am -street, TV by E. Romero. Valuationof real estate $945.00. of personalproperty $180.00. total notrm$1125.00. less exemption $200 . oT? bal- -

Duujeui iu iax azD.uu. raxes$62.14, penalty $3.11, publication . TV bv A. Ollbas: vacant lot bonnd--

J5, .,0,,al - ed N bv G. T'libarri. R bv JullanltaTerginia B. de Pettln. AH taxes. Haya. E bv Pacific street. TV bv

and improvements bounded Miior viby B. St M. Co., 8 by Jesuit Fathers, 'of nersonal propertv $19.00, total val-- E

by Gallinas river, TV by Oonzale nation $2S9.00, less exemptionstreet: vacant land bounded X bv J. $200. oo. btlnnc subleet to tax

of personal property $25.00, total val-n- tton and amount subject to tax

$3n.0v. Taxe $3 35 penalty 17c, pub-lication 2w total $3.72.

Ir.a1o Lopei. All Iitm. Lot andlmsrovement. bounded N by R. Dun,S br Bernalillo street. E by InnMartines. TV by New Meslco Ave.Valuation of real estate $200.00, cfriersonal property lift. Oft, total n

$250.00 irrs exemption1200. o. baalnce subject to tat$50.00. Taxes 13.40. penalty Ke, pub-llratlo- n

23c. total $1.92.Manurllta V. de Lnrcro. All tsxes.

I-- and Improvements bounded Nby N. Romero, 8 by Santa Fe street.E by Cafartno Romero, TV by ChurchStreet. Valuation cf rsl estate $200,,of real estate $200 00, of personalproperty $38. 00. total valuation123. 0". less eiemptlon $150.00. bal-ance subject to tax $is.O0. Taxes$5.90, penalty 29c, publication 35c,total $1.54.

Carina Lucero. Second half of tax-e-- .

Iot and improvement bounded Nby Santa F atreet. 8 br ChinitianBros. R by T. C- - de rtaca, W by R.Becker. Valuation of real estate$215.00, of personal property $33.00,total valuation $249.00 leas exemption$200.00, balance nbject to tat $48.00.Taxea $1.(81, penalty c, publication35c, total $3.04.

Casimiro O. Lacero. Second half oftaxea. land bounded X by creek, 8by hill, E by J. Marque. W by F.

t and Improvementsbounded N by lot No. 5, 8 by Tauastreet. R by alley No. 2. W by ItpejA. Valuation of real esfata $215.00,of peraonal property $223.00, totalvaluation $438.00, less exemption$200.00, balance subject to tax$238.00. Taxea $8.48. penalty 42c.publication 70c, total $9.6.

Sabino Lnjan. All taxea. Peraonalproperty consisting rhlefly of atocltof Jewelry and furniture and fixtures.Valuation and amount anbject to tax$100.00. Taxea $26.80, penalty $1.34,publication S5c, total $2. 49.

Manuel A. Maea. All taxea. Itand Improvement bounded N by C.Lucero, S by Christian Proa. E byMorrison atreet, W by R. Mansana-res- .

Valuation of real estate $200.00,of peraonal property $60.00, total ral.nation $260.00, leaa exemption$200.00, balance subject to tax$80.00. Taxet $4.1, penalty Sic, pub-lication 8Ge, total $474.

Vicente Marea, All taxea. Lot andImprovement, bounded N by R. Dun,8 by A. Gonzales, 3? by EsperanzaHerrera, W by R. Dun. Valuation ofreal eatate $200.00, added by asiess-o- r

$50.00, total valuation and amountsubject to tax $250.00. Taxea $1(5.75,penalty Í4e publication 35c, total$17.94.

Mletiellta Madrid. All faxe. Lotand improvements, bounded NT by Va-lonóla street. 8 by P. Jaramlllo, R byalley, W by Lopes atreet. Valuatloiiof real estate $80.00, added by aases-o- r

$10.00, total valuation and amountsubject to tax $70.00. Taxea $4.69,penalty 23c, publication 35e, total$5.27,

Ramon Tantansres. Land boundedN by PattH Bros., fl by T). N. Baca,E by Town Umita, W br top of crea-to-

178 varaa; lot and Improvementbounded N by Becker 8 by ChristianBroa., B by A. Florea, W by NewMex. Ave. Valuation cf real estate$2S9.00, of peraonal propertv1139.00. total valuation $42, 00. letsexemption $200.00, balance subject to.v oo. Taxea $15 53. penalty 78c.

publication 70c. total $17.01.Josa P. Marea. AH taxea. Lot and

improvements bounded N by J. Jara-mill-

8 by R. Rudulph, B by NewMexico avenue, W by alley No. 2:lot and lmprovementa bounded N byBernalillo atreet, 8 by J. P, Marej, Eby J. Jaramlllo, W! by alley No. 2.Valuation of real eatate $200.00, ofperaonal property $50.00, total valua-tion $250.00, leaa exemption $200.00,balance subject to tax $5000.Taxea $3.40, penalty 17o, publication70e, total $4.27,

Edith Markland. All taxea. Lois19 to 36 Inc., In block 12, and lota 19to 88 inc., In block 4, of Porter andMilla addition. Valuation of real ea-

tate and amount subject to tax $60.00.Taxea $4.03, penalty 20c, publication

0c, total $5.03.

Nicanor Martinet Peraonal prop-erty, valuation $73.00, leaa exemption$43.00, balance subject to tax $30.00.Taxes $2.01, penalty 10c, publication35o. total $2.48.

Vicente F, Martines. All taxea.Lot and Iniimvements bounded N bystreet and Jones Hall " M. A.

Sanche. B by alley, W by A. Oon-salc- a.

Valuation of real estate $216,of jergfinal property $115.00, to talvaluation $330,00 lesa exemption $200,balance subject to tax $130.00. Táxea$8.7(1. rnalty 44c, publication 35c, to-

tal $9 55,

Jobn Mernln, All taxes. Lota 23

and 23 lu bl'tck SS of Porter and Millsaddition. Valuation of real estate$30,00, added by assessor $8.00, totalvalaution and amount aubjert to lax$38.00. Taxes $2.55, penalty 13c. publlcatlon 40c, total $3.08.

L. 3. Mejer, All taxe, Txta 4 andS In block 83, and lots 3, 4. 5 In blockf9 of Porter and Mills addition. Val-

uation of nm! eatate and amount sub-Jer- t

to tax 1150 00, Taxea $10.06, pen-

alty 50c, nublfcatlon $1.00 total $11.58.

Hebra of Mary E. Milla. All taxea,Lot 1 to 4 inc.. In block . . of Porterand Mills addition. Valuation of realestate $200.00, added by aasesor $50,

total avahiatlon and amount subjectto tax $250.00. Taxes $16.75, penalty84c, publication 40c, total $17.99.

Ju&n Jose Moya. All taxe. Vac-

ant lot formerly owned by T. Ull-barr- i.

f0x175 fet. Valuation of realestate $25.00, added by assesor $6.00,total valuation and amount subject totax $31.00. Taxes $2.07. penalty 10c,publication 35c, total $2.52.

Ceo. R. Moulton. All taxea. Lot1 In blocte 83 of Klhlberifa plat. Val-iwtl- n

rp eHte $175.00, of per-

sonal property $75,00. total valuation$'jTi.0ft, iii esemritlon f?noon. bal-ance wbject to tax 150.00. Taxes

rwr.alty 17c, publication 20c,total $3.72.

Jose Hilarlo Montoya. Fennd hl

A, Hinojos. TV by top of hill. S bvR. Sr V. Pettln. R bv stone feneo281x1025 yards. Valuation of real es'

fToVno M, orrM0nal ,Vr01)PTtVamount

"iio tax lr9!5 0n- - Tap$113.05, penaltv $5.65. publication70c. total $119.40.

VÍ 1 n tosnb3lv"SnnVrealtíate' ío6V HIsonal property $57.00. total valuation$163.00. less exemption $108.00. bal- -

'total $3.71.

Piaclta Ranch Co. All taxes Lot 1

$223.00. Taxes $15.09. penalty 75c,publication COc, total $16.44.

Chas. Blanehard. All taxes. Lotand improvements, 39x300, boundedN Hy street. 8 by J. Ludl. Jr.. E byutreet, W by alley. Valuation of realestate $600.00, of personal property$123.00, total valuation $720.00. lessexemption $200.00, balance subject totax $520.00. Taxes $34. S4, penalty,$1.74. publication 35c, total $36.93.

H. O. Brosn Trading; Co. Secondhalf of taxes. Peraonsl property con-slatln- a;

chiefly of merchandise. Val-uation $2715.00. Taxes $91.73. penal-ty $4.59, publication 35c, total$96.67.

Brown & Manzanares Co. Secondhalf of taxes. lt and Improvements,

''xS2 ft., bounded N bv street. E byGonzales street. R by F. W byO- CuMerret; lot and Improvementsbounded N bv National street, R byAetna B. It L. Assn.. W by X. M.Ave.. 8 by Fred DesmaraU. 50x105ft.. Valuation of real eatate and amt.subject to tax $950.00. Taxei $31.83,penalty $1.59. publication 70c, total$34.12.

Brown é Manzanares Co. Secondhalf of taxes. Vacant lot SR of pla-

ta frontlne W Pacific street adjoin-ing; land of R. rilbarrt, 60x150 it. Valnation of real estate and amoutitsubject to tax $40.00- Taxes $1.34.penalty 7c, publication 35c. total$1.76.

Dlonlclo Castellano. All taxes,land In San Mlniel del Bado Grant,bounded N bv heirs of A. Domlnmet.8 by M. Gurule. E by hills. W byarroyo tres hermanos, 250 vara,: lotend Improvements bounded N bv C.Rilvn. 8 r. street R bv Cbsvet st. TV

bv Telesfor TruJIllo Valuation of realentnte $225.00. of per"---1 ropertv$115.00. total valuation $340.00 lessexemption $200.00, balance subleet totax $140.00. Taxes $9.43, penalty 47c,publication 70c, total $10.60.

Rosita Chaves. Second half oftaxes. Lot and Improvements bound-ed v bv Moreno street. S and Rby R. Martinet. TV bv L. de Mares;w tvund N b Moreno street, S bvF- Romero, R. bv L. de Mares TV

by 8. Monroe. Valuation of real ei-tat- e

$430.00, of personal propertv$15.00. total valuation $445. 00 lessexemption $200.00, balance subjectto tax $225.00. Taxes $8.21. penalty41e, publication 70c, total $9.32.

Modesta K de Delgado. All taxes.Jt bounded N by alley, 8 by J. S.Rsqnlbel, R by F. Lonet. R by R. L.de Delsrado; lot and Improvementbounded N by E. L. de Delgado, 8by Pacific street. R by alley, TV byR- - L. Delgado. Valuation of real estate snd amount uhjct to tax$70.00. Taxes $4.69, penaltv 23c, pub-lication 70c, total $5.63.

Eplmenla 1 de Delirado. All taxes,Iit and Improvements bounded Nby E. L. de Delgado, 8 bv Pacificstreet. R by alley. TV by R. I deDelgado; lot bounded N bv B. ft M.Co.. S by J. 8. Rsoulbel, R by Con-tale- s

street, TV by M- - L. de Delsrado.Valuation of real estate and amountsubject to tax $300.00. Taxes $20.11.penaltv St .01, publication 70c, total$21.82.

K. Desmatáis amPW. OeofTrion.All taxei. Lot and im-

provements hounded N by Plata, 8by Moreno street, E by R. H. SalazarTV by Danzlger & Co. Valuation ofreal estate and amount aubject to tax$800.09. Taxes $53.60, penalty $2.68,publication 35s, total $56.63.

Primitivo Escudero. All taxes. Lotand Improvements, bounded N by A.

O. Larratolo, 8 by D Garcia, R byRaywood, TV by public street. Valu-

ation of real estate $300.00, of per-

sonal property $67.00, total valuation$367.00 less exemption $200.00. bal-ance subject to tax $167.00. Taxes$11.18. penaltv 56c, publication 35c,total $12.09.

Filomena P. Escudero All taxes.T)t and improvements, 98x110 ft.. InPeret sub-- d I vision of lot at TV cor-

ner of Peret and Pacific street, platon file in clerk's office, and beinglots 1 to 5 incl. Valuation of realestate rnd amount subleet to tax$300.00. Taxea $20.11. penalty$1.01, publication 75c. total $21.87.

Jose Santos Esqulhel. All taxes.Vacan lot In precinct No. 3, notbounded. Valuation of real estate$10.00, cf personal property $113.00,total valuation $123.00, lcs exemp-tion $88.00, batanee subject to tax$35.00. Taxes 82.50.' penalty 13c, pub-

lication 35c, total $2.98.Cipriano Floree. All taxea.

I.ot and lmnrovementa, bounded N byGrant street, S by G. Flores. R bvalley, W by S. Tad Ilia. Valuation ofreal estate and amount subject totax $160.00. Taxes $10.72, penalty5ic, publication 35c. total $11.61.

John Ftireeson. All taxes. TjOts 7

to 11 Inc. in block 160. Jot 69. in blk.161, lot 69. in block 211 lots 21 and22 In blk 181. lots 15 to IS 1 in blkISO, all In Kihlberg', plat. Valuationof real estate $190. oo, added by

$17.00, total valuation andamount subject to tax $237.00. Taxea$15.88. penaltv 79c, publication $1.60.total $18.27.

Anastasio Garcia T. de Garcia. Alltaxes. Lot and Improvements bound-ed N by F. Dcamarata. 8 by Morenostreet, R bv F. Ortlt, TV by LittarySociety. Valuation of real estate andamount subject to tax $175.00. Taxes$11.71. penalty 59e, publication 35c,total $12.65.

Martina Gonzales de Ullbarrl. Alltaxes. Lot and Improvements bound-ed N by X. Maestaa. 8 bv A. Madrid,R by C- - Blnnchsrd, W by T. Mar-

tinet. Valuation of real estate $200.00,of personal property $25.00, total val-uation $225.00. less exemption $200.00balance subject to tax $25. 00. Taxes$1.69, penalty 8e. '

publication 35c, to-

tal $2.12. .

Gregorio Gutierres. All taxes. Va-

cant lot bounded E bv B. & M. Co.,8 by alley, TV by It. Romero. N byF. R. de Lshadle:, vacant lot boundedN by D- - Gonzslea, E bv D. TVinter-nitt- .

8 by F. Lopei. TV by Pacificstreet. Valuation of real eRtate andamount subject to tax $175.00. Tax-

es $11.71 penalty 59c, publication70c, total $13.00.

Niearcor Herrers. All taxes. Lots2 and 3 In block 78. Valuation andamount subject to tax $225.00. Taxes

total $16.24.Felicito Hidalgo. All taxes. Lot

and Improvements bounded N bystreet, 8 by creek and street, E byA. Delrado, TV by I. Herrera. Valua-"n- n

of real estate $t0fn .f vr-w- .1 property $45.00, total valuation

$113.00, I exemption $125. en nal-ane- e

ubjeet to tax $20. on Taxes$142. penalty 7c. publication 35c, ti-ta! $1.84.

Pauílne T. Klhlberg. All tave. Lotf In block X. on Pridee street Vin.Ion and amount subject to tax00.00 Taxes $13.51. nenB1v i 9

publication 2nP, total $35.39.'O. A. Larrazola. All tae

and Improvements bounded X hv Je-suit Fathers S by R. R. de Várela.

ny racifie street. TV hr rhrstreet Valuation of ijxt" rsini- -

0.00, of personal pronert;583.00, total valuation 81385 noiesa

exemption $200. subjectstax $11.83. Taxes $79.50. nenaity$3.98. publication 35c total $83.83.

ramo a. Inopes. All taxes. Lot andImprovements bounded X by F. Des- -

araH. s t,y Moreno street. R bv. Ortiz. TV bv J. Rivera. Valuation

of real estate $350.00. of personalpropertv $120.00. total valuation$470.00 less exemption $200.00. bal-ance subject to tax $270.00 Taxes$18.27. renalty 91c, publication 35c,total $19.53.

Heirs of Lorenzo Lonet. Al! taxes.Land bounded X by V. L de Romero. S by E. Romero. E bv S VRy.. TV by public road. 50 varas: lotand lmp-oveme- bounded X by Moreno street, s by R. H. Salatar. Rby Sec. Romero. TV bv H. C. Mon- -

somer. Valuation of real estate andamount subject to tax $600.00. Tax-es $40.20, penalty $2.01. publicationtoo. total $42.91.

Felipe Lopez. All taxes. Txt andimprovement bounded N by R. Ro-mero, 8 bv Pacific street. E by L.Deleado, TV by M. L. de Delgado. Valua-tion of real estate and amount sub-ject to tax $300.00. Taxes $20.11.pena'tr $1,01, publication 35c, total$21.47.

John J. Ludl, Sr. All taxes. Lotand Improvements bounded X bycreek. 8 by J. Angel, E bv Pacificstreet. TV by C. Lucero. Valuation ofreal estate $250.00, of personal pro--

perty $80.00. total valuation $330.00,less exemption $200.00, balance sub-ject fo tat $130.00. Taxes $8.71. nen- -

altv 41c. publication 35c, total $9.50.Crtit Lucero. All taxes. Jjot and

Improvements bonnded X hv creek.E by F. Aneel. TV by M. Urioste, Sby street. Valuation of real estateand amount subject to tax $125.00.Taxes $8.38, penalty 42c. publication35c. total $9.15.

Sabino Lujan. All taxes. Lot andImprovements bounded X bv Nationalstreet. S by F. Desmarais, R by Mrs.F. Colman, TV bv A. A- Seneeal. Val-uation of real eatate $150.00. of per-sonal property $165,00, total valua-tion $615.00, less exemption $200.00,balance Rubject fo tax $415.00. Tax-es $27.84, penalty $1.39. publication35c. total $29.58.

Albert Ludl. All taxes. Tot and Im-provements bounded N - alley. Sbv Perez street, p bv F. T'-- v Gar-cia, W by F. Gonzales. Venation ofreal estate $175.00, of l pro-perty $50.00. total valuation $225.00.less exemption $200.00, balance sub-ject to tax $25.00. Taxes $1.69. pen-alty 8c, publication 35c, total $2.12.

Enrique Mares. All taxes. Lot andImprovements bounded X by GSan-ehez- .

S bv Chavez street. E hy F.Flores, Why street, Valuation ofreal eRtate $200.00. of pro-pertv $28.00, added bv assessor$57.00. total valuation and amountsubject to tax $285.00. Taxes $19.10.penalty 96c, publication S5c, total$20.51.

Antonio Madrid. All taxes. Lot andImprovements bounded X bv P. G.de Delgado, S bv O. Gutierret, E bvC. Roaenwald. TV by Pacific street.Valuation of real estate $200.00. ofpersonal property $102.00, total val-uation $302.00. less exemption?oo.oo, balance subject to tax

$10?. 00. Taxes $G.89, penalty 34c,publication 35c, total $7.58.

John B- Mackel. All taxes. Lot andImprovements bounded X by Xationalstreet. R by Plata and Pacific street,8 and W by I. D. de Romero. Valua-tion of real estate and amount sub-ject to tax $3500.00. Taxes $234.00.penaltv $11.72, publication 35c, total$246.59.

Eduardo Martinet. All taxes. Iotand Improvements bounded X bvstreet, W by O. Geoffrlon. S bv O.Geoffrlon, E by vacant lot and T. C.de Baca: vacant lots bounded E byalley. S bv G. Várela and R. de Baca.X and TV by E. Martinet Valuationof real estate and amount subject totax $500.00. Taxes $33.51 penaltv$1 .68 publication 70c total $35.89.

Mrs. Pedro Martinez y Sena. Alltaxes. Lot and Improvements bound-ed X bv R. H. Snlatar S by Friedmansfreet E by F. Chavet de Romero TV

by Felix Papa. Valuation of real es-tate $200.00 of personal propertv$30.00 total valuation $235.00 lessexemption $200,00 balance subject totax $35.00. Taxes $2.34 penalty 12cpublication 35e total $2.81.

Manuel Martines y Jaramlllo. Alltaxes. JM 5 In b'ock A- Valuation ofreal estate and amount aubject fotax $300.00. Taxes $33.51 penalty$1.68 publication 20c total $35.39.

Salome Martinet. Second half oftaxes. Lot 5 in block A of Salataraddition. Valuation and amount sub-ject to tax $1300.00. Taxes $43.56penalty $2.18, publication 20c, total$45.94.

Manuel O. Martinet. All taxes. Lotand improvements bounded X by A.Gallegos, S by Valley street. É byJ. M- - Quintana, TV by R. Lucero;vacant lot adjoining;, 12x21 ft, Includ-ed In the above description. Valuationof real estate $200.00, of personalproperty $25.00, total valuation$225.00, less exemption $200.00. bal-ance subject to tax $25.00. Taxes$1.69. penalty 8c, publication 70c,total $2.47.

Rufino Martinet. AH taxes. Lotand Improvements bounded X by E.Tafoya. S by J. Tafoya. R by X. M.Ave., TV by alley. Valuation of realestate and amount subject to tax $90-

and lmprovementa bounded N brra.lr O T)a. Yir V V.I

j L. & M. Pice's p1? filiation of real.estate $250.00, added by assessortr.1 On tntnl vsluntlon and monntsubject to tax $313.00. Taxes $20.97.penalty $1.05, publication 20c, total$22.22.

Amador TTlibarri. All taxes. Lotand improvements bounded N bv E.L. Delgado, S bv R. Esquibel, E byGonsaios street, w bv GuadalupeRoybal. Valuation of real estate

tK2 no Tarea 43.54 nensttr ib .,hillrntlon 3r,e total 44 07I uroittnn tthv,o-- ,i ah ... r

and Improvements bounded X bv L.TTIIham, S hv creek. E bv D. Peret

$89.00. Taxes 83.97 nenaltv 30c. pun--

llmllnn !r.n tntnl oMaeiovi 'vor" !.',..

" to 16 inclin block Kihlberg'spat. Valuation of real estate andAmount subject to tax --.n.oo Tae5$3.35: penalty 17c, publication 0ctotal $3.93.

by M,M,on "'h00'- - w b?of rea rtate

tZíiZ ITT" '

.?n "'Sríat. u o

JuHanita Vigil de Chavez. All tax

. . jAeim

10181 valuation $20.00, !e?s exeinptlon $200.00, balance subjert to tax$120.00. Taxes $8.04, enolty 40c.publication 35c, total $8.79.

W. O. wood. All taxes. Personal

penalty 73c, publication 35c, total

Unknown owners. All taxes. Vacantlot bounded N by M. Marcos S byE. Lucero y Jirón, E by Lopei ave-nue, W by alley. Valuation and amtsubject to tax $25.00. Taxes $1.9,penalty 8c. publcation 35c, total$2.12.

Precinto No. 7

lístate of W. B. Childers. All taxes.10 chains cf SW 4 of SV 4 of SW

4 of section 14, Tp. 17 N. R. 12 E,Valuation of real estate and amountsubpect to tax $100.00. Taxes $4.4.3,.penalty 22c, publication 35c, total$5.05.

Mrs. Carrie M. Childers. All taxes.The NW 4 of NW 4 of section 9in tp. 17 N. R. 12 E. Valuation ofreal estate and amount subject totax $200.00. lai?8 .??. Jpenalty,c' PUDUcauon 3&C, total $3.74.

i G"duno. All taxes Tha-5 " 1 SW of section 9. tp. 17 N.R. 12 E., 80 acres. Valuation of realestate and amount subject to tax$100.00. Taxes $4.48, penalty 23c,publication 35c, total $5.05.

Encarnación Gonzales. Second kalfof taxes. 160 acres of land boundedN by A. Cortez, 8 by gov. land, an4being in section 14, Tp. 14 N. R. 12 k?Valuation of real estate and amountsubject to tax $200.00. Taxes $4.47,penalty 22c, publication 35c, total$5.04.

Jesua Gonzales in Chavez. All taxes,land and Improvements in section 8,tp. 17 N. R. 12 E., 160 acres. Talna-tlon of real estate $210.00, added byassesor $52.00, total valuation andnmonnt subject to tax $262.03. Taxes$11.72, penalty 59c, publication 35c,total $12.66.

Hesch ft Carter. All taxes. Per-sonal property consistlne: chiefly oflive stock; valuation $315.00. addedby assesor $80,00 total valuation andamount subject to tax $395.00. Taxes$13.43, penalty 92c, publication 35c.Total $19.70.

Henry Mente. All taxes. Land

P9- - Ii0t and lmPrVpmentg bounded XX. Kihlbere ft Rice's sub-- '

hy X Lucero- - 3 by A. Abeytia, E bvLas Veeas addition. Valuation ' K0". w by Pacific Btre. Val-- I

estate and amount suMeet tof"atlon of real estate and amount sub- -

in blockdiv. offtfw , ronl, .

$14 42.W. B. McClutle. All taxes. lxt

4 and H In block 33 of porter and Millsaddition. Valuation f real estate tinadded by aaseasor $5.00, total valuation ann amount uM-- t to tax $25.Taxea $1.59. penalty 8c. nuhlicatinn40c, total $2.17.

James McKnUjht All taxea. Lot5 In block CO of Porter and Mili d.ditlon. Valuation of real etat t.-.-n

added by aasesor $13.00, total valuvnon ana amount subject to tax $63 00.Taxes $4.23, penalty 21c, publication20e, total $4.64.

Ruth MtNary. All taxes. Lotsand Improvements on Bridjre atreet,bounded N and R by R. II. Shaw, 8 byItrlilKe street. W by E. i). and II. Ray.nolds. Valaution of real estate andamount subject to U3 $1500.00. Taxes$100.61 pennlty. $5.03, publication 35c,total $105.89.

Antonio Narbal. All taxes. Lot1 In block 30 of Klhlborc'a addition.Valuation of real estate $5000. add;dby assewr $13.00. Total valuation andamount wunjett to tax $E3.00, Taies$4.23. enaltv 21c. oubllcatlon 20e. to- -

tai $4.64.Manuel t'rsua. All taxes. Tvt pA

lmproveemnts. bounded N br A. MApodaca. 8 by Mora street. R by O.

w ny I aos street Valua-t- lonof real estata $250.00, of person-

al Ttronartv $53.00. total vslnnHon$303.00, less exemption $200.00, bal-ance wbject to tax $103.00. Taxei$8.91, penalty 35c, publication 35c,tol $71.

Mrs. C. E. Potter. All taxes Vacant lot bounded N by Chacon, 8 byv. jaramiiio. R br N. M. ave. w bvalley. Valuation of real estate andamount subject to tax $100.00. Taxes$.71. enalty 34c, publication 35c, to-tal $7.40.

Piaclta Ranch Co. All taxe. Landbounded R by Oalllnas river. W bycrestón, N by asylum. 8 bv Flores.150 varas. Valuation of real estateand amount subject to tax $150.00.Taxea $10.06, penalty 50c. publication35c, total $10.91.

Oeo. B. Preston. Alll taxes. Lot1 In block 112 of Klhlsberif's addition.Valuation of real estate $50.00 addedby assesor $13,00, total valuation andamount subject to tax $63.00. Taxes$4 23. enalty 21e, publication 20c, to-t-

$4.64.Fannie M. Ross. All taxes. Lots

23 and 24 In block 71 of Porter andMills addition. Valuation of real es-tate $100.00. added by assesor $25.00,total valaution and amount subjectto tax $125.00. Taxe? $8.38, penalty42c. pcbllcatlon 40e, fotal $9.20.

Lnlslta Romero. All taxes W 2

of lot 4 1n block 108 of Klhlber's pint.Valuation of real estate $100.00, of per-son-

property $10.00, added by aases-so- r$28.00. total valuation and amount

subject to tax $138.00. Taxes $9.24.penalty 46c, publication 20c, total$9.90.

Romero Jaramlllo. All taxes.2 Interest. In 49 acres bonnded N

snrt B by wall, R by F. Oonsiales andL. TiObato. w by crenton. Valuationof real estate and amount subject toto tax $25.00. Taxe $1.69, penaltyc8. pnbltcatlon 35c, total $2.12.

!o1a M. Romero. All taxes. Tts6 and 7 In block IT. Valuation of realestate and amount subject to tax8200 00. Taxes $13.40. nenaltv 67c,publication 40c, total $14.47.

T, T). de Romero. All taxea, Lots10 to 14 Inc., in J. Pendnrles addition:lots 3 and 4. 7 to 12 Inc.. and 19 to 53inc., in blocki 2 of M. Romero addi-tion. Valuation of real estate $230,of personal property $20. total vaina.Hon and amount subleet to tax $450.Taxes $30.57. nenaltv $1,53 publica-tion $1.60. Total $33,70.

R, R. Rowland. All taxes. Lot ?3in block 13 of Porter and Mills addi-tion. Valimtton of real estate $1000,

y ssor, 13.00 to tal vaina-tol- n

and amount subject to tax $13.00.Taxes 80c, nenalty 4c, publication

?0r. total 81.13.Chonlta Romero. All taxes. S

of lot 1 In block T, town of Lns Ve-e- saddition, 'alnntion of rest es-tet- e

and amount scblect to fix $50 00.Tnves $3.35. nennlt- - 17c, publl'-ntlo-

20e. total $3.73Rilas Romero All taxes. Tt and

Imrroveemnts bounded N by JinnHitv. it bv Valencia street R bvMrh. v by Contales street.Valaution of real estate. $250.00, ofrrona property $55.00. total valua-tion $305.00. less exemnMon $200.00,balance subject to tax $105.00. Taxes$7.04. enaJty 35e, publication 35e, to---1

$.74.Rumaldo Roybat. All taxea. Lot

and Improvements bounded N by Oeo.Moulton. 8 by B. Baca, R bv M. Ma-

drid, W by Í Montoya. Valuationof real eetate $150.00, of personal prop-erty $98.00, total valaution $248,00 lessexemption $200.00, balance subject totax $4800. Taxes $3.88, penalty 17c,publication 35c, total $3.90.

Patricio Sena All taxes. Iot andImproremnts on Contales street; lots6 and 7 In block 5 of F. Baca y San-doval addition. Valuation of real es-

tate $1000.00, of personal property$4195.00, total valuation $5195.00. lessexemption $20000, balance subject totax $4995.00, Taxes $334.89, penalty$16.74. publication 75c, total $352.38.

Apolonlo A. Sena, All taxe, Lotand improvements bounded N by San

fa x$50.00. Taxes $3.35. penaltv 17c iJ, lu lM iaxes fi'e.si, oen- -

nubllcntion 20c, total 83.72. ',ay $1-3- publication 35c. totalRobtna J. Smith Pontius. Al! tax- -


Los 4 and 5 in block 78. Kihl-- j Juanita Vigil de Baca. All taxes,ber's addition. Valuation of real es-'o- t and Improvements, Rtcc'o plot,tate and amount subject to tax iDd- - N bv Raywood, S by N Abeytia,

25.00, Taxes $1.69. Penalty 8c, pub- - E by Pacific street, W by F. E?cu-Mentio- n

40c. total $2.17. jdero. Valuation of resl ertntaDemetrio M. Rivera. All taxes

300-00- . ot personal property $20 00Vacant lot bounded X bv Moreno i

street. S by alley. E by B. T. Milla, TVhy Otero and Bullard: lots 18, 19. 31and 32. Valuation of real estate$50.00. of personal property $50.00.'

$200.00, bslnnce subject to tax $150.00.Taxes $10.06. oenaity 50c, publication

1 ns. total $11.61.AnrHe Latorette. All taxes. All of

Mock SS In Porter and Mills addition.Valuation of real estate $400.00. addedby assessor $100.00. total valuationand amount subleet to tax $500.00,Taxes $33.51, penaMy $1,.68, publica-tion 20c, total $35.39.

Crescendo TruJIllo. All taxes. Lotsnd Improvements bounded N and Wby street, 8 by alley, R by privateproperty. Valuation of real estateand amount subject to tax $25.00.Taxes $1.69. penalty 8c, publication35c, total $2.12.

Jose Manuel Valdex. All taxes.Personal property consisting chieflyof livestock. Valuation $70.00, addedty asaesor $17.00, total valuation andamount subject to tax $87.00. Taxes$6.14, penalty 31c, publication 35c, to-tal $6.80.

Santiago Valdea. All taxes. 24 2

acres of land bounded N and W byWm Wells, 8 by R. Marques, E byF. Contales and L. !ovato: half of 5acres formerly of Rosario Lucero.Valuation of real eRtate $37.00, addedbv assessor $9.00. total valuation andamount subject to tax $46.00. Taxes$3.08, penalty 15c, publication 70c,total $3.93.

C. E. Wesohe. All taxes. Lot 7in block 88 of Kihlbertr's plat. Valua-tion of real estate $20.00. added byassessor $5.00. total valuation andamount subject to tax $25.00. Tax-es $1.69, penalty 8c, pcbllcntion 20c,total $1.97.

AuRtiat. Weil. All taxes. Lots 5and 6 In block 72 of Torter and Millsaddition. Valuation of real estate $10,added by assesor $10.00 total valua-tion and amount subject to tax $50.Taxes $3.35, penalty 17c, publication40c, total $3.92.

TrVrtown Owners. All taxes. Lot22 In block 13 In Porter and Mills ad-

dition. Valuation and amount sub-ject to tax $10.00. Taxes 69c, pen-alty 3e, publication 20c, total 92c.

Helen Do Coursey. Second half oftaxes. All of 8 lota In block 101 ofLas Vepas addition. Valunflon of

.i nd amount subject to tax$200.00. Taxe $8.70, penalty 34c.publication 35c, total $7.39.

Precinte No. 6

Francisco Anirel. All taxea. Lotand improvementse bounded N bv J.T Ludl, 8 by Tecolote street. R byPacific street, W by Crut Lucero.Valuation of real estate $200.00, ofpersonal property $80.00, total valua-tlo- n

$280.00. less exemption $200.00.balance subleet to tax $80.00. Taxes15 36. penalty 27c, publication 35c, to-tal $5.98.

Eduardo F. Baca, All taxes. Per-sonal proper!, valuation and amountsubject, to tax $120.00. Taxes $8.04.penalty 40c, publication 35c, total$8.79.

Hipólito C. de Baca. All taxes. Iitand Improvements bounded N bv I. D.do fn-- m. s by Moreno street, E andV by I. D. de Romero. Valuation of

'enl estate $450.00. o fpersonal prop-erty $50.00, total valuation $500.00, lessexemption $200.00, balance subject totax $300.00. Taxea $20.11, penaltv$1.01, publication 35c, total $21.47.

N. C. de Baca Co. All taxes.Personal pronrtv consisting: chieflyof torv, of merchandise. Valuationand amount subject to tax $50.1.00.

Tte 33 51. penaltv $1.68, publica-tion 35c. Total W

Maria Ipnacia G. de Baca. Alltaxes. Lot and Improvement boundedN by 8ocorro street, 8 bv AltafcraciaiJiranRS. R by C. Garcia, W by J.Padilla. Valuation of real estate827500. of personal property $57.00.total valuation $333.00, less exemp-tion $200, balance subject to tax$132.00. Taxes $8.?4, penaltv 44c,publication 35c, total $9.63.

Brt!nlta M. de Baca. A II taxes. Lotand Improvements bounded N byJuanita Rivera, S by J. Ellsworth, Éby Gomas street, W by Pacific street.Valuation of real estate and amountsubject to tax $150.00. Taxes $io.OO,penalty 50c, publication 35c, total$10.91.

Henry Belsemann. All taxes. Lots3, 4 S la block 71. Valuation cf real

total valuation and amount subject to property' valuation and amountaub-ta- x

$100.00. Taxea $6.71. nenaltv tic i Joot to tax $215.00. Taxes $14.60.nuhllcation ii.i r. total ts ?n

Jose Rivera. All taxes. Lot and lm -provement bd N by Margarita J. Cluxton. 8 by Grant t, E bv N .M. AveTV by alley. Valuation of real estate$150.00, of personal property $80.00,total valuation $230.00, less exemp-Mo- n

8175.00, balance subject to tax$55.00. Taxes $3.68. penaltv 18c. pub-lication 35c. total $4.21.

C. S. Rogers. All taxea. Tits 7and 9 in block 85 of Hubbell's add'-tlo-

Valuation oí real estate$1000.00. of personal property$90.00, total valuation and amountsubject to tax $1090.00. Taxea$73.17, penalty $3.66. publication 40cents, total $77.23.

I. D. de Romero. Second half oftaxes. Lot and Improvements bound-ed N by J. B. Mackel. 8 bv VAnnstreet, E by south Pacific street, Vby H. C. de Baca: lot and mn!'8 7rKííí eLbWí '1E by J. B. MaekeT Valuation of real


estate and amount aublect to tax$5000.00. Taxes $167.50, penalty$8.38, publication 70c, total $176.58.

Romero Merc. Co. Second half oftaxes. Peraonal property consistingchiefly of stock of merchandise. Val-uation and amount subject to tax$5700.00. Taxes $190.95, penaltv$9.55, publication 35c, total $200.85.

Valeria L. de Romero. All taxes.Lot and lmprovementa on south Bideof plata, bounded N by Plata, 8 bvMoreno street, E by Rosenwald &Son. TV by Cbaa. Ilfeld. Valuation ofreal estate and amount subject totax $1700.00. Taxea $113.91, penalty$5.70, publication 35c, total $119.96.

Mary Rutenbeck. All taxes. Lots4, 5 and 6 In block 76. Valuation ofreal estate and amount subject totax $225.00. Taxes $15.09, penalty75e, publication 60c. total $16.44.

Jose C. Sandoval. All taxes. Lottad Improvements bounded X by F.Baca, y Garcia, S by alley, E by heirsof M. Maldonado. TV by street; vac-ant lot bounded X by F. Baca yGar--

7 acres of land and Improvements Precinta No. 17

Tomas Armijo. All taxes- - The SB4 of section 24, twp. 16 N. R. HE,

160 aerea. Valuation of real estateand amount subject to tax $200.00.

Juan VijIL AH Uxes. Laad bound-ed N by L. Martinet, S by IC Rivera,K by I). Padla, W by Tomai Esqal-be- l,

303 varas; bouse and lot bound-ed N by public road, E and W bypublic land, S by ditch. In precinctNo. 33. Valuation of real estate$163.00, of personal property I10.C0,added by assessor $43.00, total valu-ation and amount subject to tax$218.00. Taxes $9.09. penalty 45c,

by V. Salaiar. E by ditch, W byE. Rudulpb. Valuation ot real estate$293.00. added by assessor $73.00. to-

tal valuation and amount subject totax $366.00. Taxea $15.26. penalty 76cents, lubllcstlon 70c, total $16.72.

Precinto No. 14

Tomae F. Apodaca, 8econd half ottaxes. z 2 sere of land boundedN by II. C. Coke. S by river. E bycrestón. W by bills; lot and Improve-ments bounded N by road. S by H.

Taxts $4893, nalty $2.45, publica-tion 35c, total $51.73.

Aniceto BiiFtamante. All taxes.Land in section 9, Tp. 16 N. H., 15 E.;homestead in ection t, Tp. 16 X. H.13 E; lot and improvement bouudedN by U. Bustamante. E by mad. S byA. Roibsl. V by original line. Valua-tion of real estate $717.00, of personalproperty $215 00, total valuation$962.00. los exemption $200.00, bal-

an e subject to tax $762.oo. Taxes$34.73. penalty $1.71, publication $1.05,total $37.52.

Kofugito Bustamante. All taxes.

aitch, E by El Rito, S by i. Herrera,V by M. Gonwe. Valuation of real

estate $20, of personal property $42,total amount subject to tax $62.00.Taxes $1.37, penalty 7c, publication70c. total S2.14.

Francisco Garcia y Gutierres. Sec-

ond half of Uxes- - 90 acres of land,bounded X by road. S by J. M. Gon-tale-s,

E by J- - Gutierres. W by J.Roibal; 4 acres ot land bounded X

by J. Coca. S by M. Roibal, E by P.Montano, W by bill. Valuation ofreal state $166.00, ot personal pro-

perty $137. 0. total valuation$M3.0O. less exemption $200.00, bal-

ance subject to tax $103.00. Taxes

and improvements in section 1, Ti. 17

. N. K. 12 E., Valuation of real estate$330.00, of personal property $319.00,added by assesor 1 162,00, total valua-toi- n

and amount subject to tax $M1.Taxes 136.76, penalty $1.84, publication35c, total $38.93.

Tax It. Mente. All taxe. TheVT 2 of SV of section 1, and theH 12 of SE 4 ot section 2, tp. 17 N.R. 12 E. Valuatlou of real estate andamount subject t tax $200.00. Taxes$8.94, penalty 4"c. publication 35c,loUl $9.74.

Jose Maria Ortega. Second half oftaiea. Land and improvements insections 5 and 6, Tp. 16 N. R. 12 E.Valuation of real estate $210.00, of per-

sonal proerty $75.00, total valuation$310.00, less exemption 2'io.oo, bal-

ance subject to tax $115.00. Taxes$!.63. penalty 13c, publication 35c, to-

tal $3.11.Fran Owen and K. O. lianna. All

Taxes. Land and improvementbounded N by J. A. Sandoval, S by F.Armijo, E by road, W by ditch. Val-

uation of real estate $135.00, addedby assessor $34.00, total valuation andamount subject to tax $169.00. Taxes$7.56, penalty 3Sc. publication 35c, to-

tal $8.29.Jose P. Hlvera. All taxes. The

S 2 of SW 4 or section 2i and theK 2 of SE 4 of section 30, Tp. 17

N. H. 12 E. Valuation of real estate$220.00, or personal property $30.00,total valuation $250.00, less exemption$200.00, balance subject to tax $50.00,Taxes $2.28, penalty 11c, puWicatioa35c, total $2.74.

Francisco Sandoval. Alt taxes. TheNW 4 of section 33, Tp. 17 N. R. 12

H. Valuation or real estate andamount subject to tax $200.00. Taxes$8.94. penalty 45c, publication 35c, to-

tal $9.74.Stewart Van Vllet. All taxes. Land

in s ctlon 2, Tp. 18 N. R. 12 E. Val-

uation of real estate $343.00, of per-

gonal property $198.00, added by as-

sessor $214.00, total valuation andamount subject to tax $1055.00. Tax-

es $48.67, penalty $2.43. publication35c, total $51.45.

Precinto No. 8

Jose A. Laca. All taxe. St! acresof land bounded N by asylum, S by 11.

Long, E by Mora, road, V by Gallinasriver; 5 2 acres bounded N by M.

Baca, S and W by river. E by ditch;10 acres bounded N by road, S by M.

Baca, E bv river, W by road; 7 acresbounded N by A. de Manzanares, S

by A. Daca, E by river, W by H. road;3 2 acres bounded N by M. Baca,S by A. Haca, E by H. road, V by

boulevard; 7 acres bounded N by A.

Baca, S by V, Haca, E by road, V by

boulevard: 10 acres bounded N by A.

Baca, S by V. Baca. E by river, W by

boulevard; 1ÜÜ acres bounded N by A.

B de Manzanares, S by Miguel Bao,E by boulevard, W by crestón; 2' aerenbounded N by Miguel Baca, S by A.

Baca, E by hill, W by old road. Valua-

tion of reat estate $1025.00, oí pct-sou-

property $380.00 total valuation$1405.00 less exemption $200.00, bal-

ance subject to tax $1205.00. Taxes$57.03, penalty $2.85, publication$3.15, total $03.03.

Aurelia Baca. 2 acres of land bound-

ed N by M. Baca, S by A. Baca, E by

bill, W by road; 7 acres bounded N

by M. Baca, S by Maria Baca, W by

cunded X by R. Vigil, E by creek.t.y hill. W by alto; 1H.) acres of land.cctlun 31, Tp. 16 X. K. 12 E; house

iuu lot bounded X. by T. Roybal, 8by creek, E by hill, W by A. Quintana, valuation ot real estate ijas,of ptrsonal property $I46.V0, totai valuation $544.00, less exemption $200.00.balance subject to tax $344.00. Taxes$7.95, penalty 40c, publication $1.05,total $9.40.

Tomas Vuieia. Ail taxes. The NE4 of sec. a. Tp. 16 X. K. 12, E., 160

aires; land iiiu improvements bouud-ed N by J. Gouxalce, S by A. Koibal,

by river, W. bp din a. Valuation ot.eal estate $198.00, of persona lprop-cit- y

$71.00, total valuation $2o9.0J,tess exemption, $200. 00, balance sub- -

ct to tax $69.00. Taxes $3.32, peu--

alty 17c, publication 7Uc, total $4.19.Heirs of Abran Valencia. All tax

es, lbu acre, ot lanu nouauea oyP. Várela, E and W by public land.

P. Montano. Valuation of realstate $2bu.ou, ot personal property70.U0, added by assesor $2.uo, tJtalalautlon and amount subject to tux

12.00. Taxes $18.71, penalty .c.nibllcatlon 35c, total $20.00.

Euseblo Valencia. All taxes. Landand improvements in sectiou 19, Tp.16 X. R. 12 E.. 40 acres. Valuationof real estate $65.00, ot personal property $75.00, added by assesor $.6.0').total valuation and amount subject totax $176.00. Taxes $7.98. penalty 40c,publication 35c, total $8.93.

Jose F. Visll. All laxeb. Landand improvements bouuued X by U.Roibal, S by T. Koibal, E by river, Wby road, 57 varas. Valuation or realestate $130.00, of jersonal property$185.00, total valuation $315.00, lessexemption $142.00, balance subject totax $173.00. Taxes $8.5S, penalty 43c,publication 35c, total $9.36.

Mauro Vigil. All taxes. 6 acres ofland bounded X by M. Vigil, S by L.Reyemont, E by public land, W briver; lot nnd improvements in pre-cint No. d. Valuation of real tstate$155.00, of personal property $140.00,total valaution and amount subject total $$295. Taxes $13.51, penalty Sc,publication 70c, total$ 14.89.

Precinto No. 10

Fillmon Tiujillo. All taxes. Landand Improvements bounded N by ditch8 by river, E by T. D. Alarcon, Wby church, 50 varas; house and lotat Chaperito. Valuation of real estate

205.00, added by aasesor $51.00, total vauation and amount subject totax $256.00. Taxes $11.41, penalty 57c,publication 70c, total $12.71.

Precinto No. 11

Mrs. Kate Bell. All taxes. Iindbounded N by Wenvvorth, S by Cam-pos, E by Grant. W by Mrs. Carr. Val-uation of real estate $370.00, of per-sonal $127.00, total valuation $497.00.less exemption $200.00, balance subjectto tax $297.00. Taxes $12.73, penalty 54c, publication 35c total $13.72.

Heirs of J. W. Baxter. All taxes.Land and Improvements known asMineral Hill Hotel, situated In W 1-- 2

of NW 4 of sec. 11, tp. 16 N. R.14 E, 3 acres. Valuation of real estate $173.00. added by assessor $44,total valuation an amount subjectto tax $219.00. Taxes $9.13. penalty46c, publication 35c, total $9.94.

Andres Bowles. All taxes. . ThoSW 4 of NW and lots 3 and 1

of section 2, Twp. 1G X. R. 13E, 136acres. Valuation of real estate andamount subject to tax $170.00. Tax-es $7.09, penalty 35c. publication 35c,total $7.79.

B. B. Braton. All taxes. The SE 4

of SE of SW the SWof SE 4 of section 11, the

XE 1-- 4 of NW 4 and NW 4 of NE4 of Bection 14, twp. 16X R. 14E,

1G0 acres. Valuation of real estate$170.00, added by assessor $40.00. total valuation and amount subject totax $210.00. Taxes $8.75, penalty 44c,publication 35c. total $9.54.

Jul an Coca. ah taxes, uanu aimImprovements bounded N and W bvgovernment land, S by V. Duran, Eby E. TruJUIo, 1C0 acres. Valuationof real estate $245. oo oi personalproperty $38.00 total valuation$303.00 less exemption $200.00 bal-

ance subject to tax $103.00. Taxes$4.41. penalty 22c. publication ,uc,

total $3.33.Filmomeno Crespin. All taxes.

Land and Improvements bounded Xby Canon, S by W. W. Rawlins, Eand W by Canon. Valuation of realestate $239.00, of personal property$71.00, total valuation and amountsubject to tax $310.00. Taxe $13.24,npnaltv fific. nubllcation 3..C, total$14.25.

Daily and Adams. All taxea. Personal property, valuation and amountsubject to tax $950.00. Taxes $,S9.h2

penalty $1.98, publication 3.c, total$41.95.

Iyouls Deutschman. All taxes. Personal property, valuation and amountsubject to tax $100.00. Taxes $4.63penalty 23c, publication 35c, total$5.11.

Miguel Garcia. A'l taxes- Ixits iand 3 In section 23. Twp. 16 N. R.16E, 71 acres. Valuation of real es-

tate $96.00, or personal property$90.00, total valuation $186.00, lessexemption $14000, balance subjectto tax $46.00. Taxes 2.27, penalty11c, publication 35c, total $2.73.

Alfredo Geofrton. All taxes. Personal property consisting chlerly oflive stock, valuation $347.00, lessexemption $55.00, balance subject totax $292.00. Taxes $13.24, penaltyC6c, publication 35c, total $14.25.

Guadalupe Cosíales. Second halfof taxe. Land bounded N by P. Gon-rale-

S by P. Gonzales, E br river,W by ditch, 100 varas; land boundedN by ditch, S by El Rito, E and Wby P- - Gonzales; bouse and lot bound-

ed N by P. Gonzales, E by road, W

by creek. Valuation of real estate$31.00, of personal property $68.00,

total valuation and amount snbjeftto tax $99.00. Taxes $2.12, penaltylie. Dubllcatlon $1.05. total $3.2S.

PaMn Gonzales. Second half of

taxes. Land bounded X by F. Gon- -

ralea, S by G. Oonzale. E by river, W

by ditch, F0 varas; land bounded N by

Taxes $8.34, penalty 42c. publication16c, totaly $.1La D. Black. All Uxes. The E 12 of

section Í0. twp. 15 N. R-- 19E, 320acres. Va'uatlon of real estate andamount subject to tax $400.00. Tax-ea $16.68. penalty 83c, publication35c, total $17.86.

Santiago Chaves. 8econd half ottaxes. The 8 1-- 2 of N 2 of section13. twp. 15 X. R. 16E, 160 acres. Val-uation ot real estate $233.00, of per-sona lproperty $142.00, total valua-tion $375.00, less exemption $200.00,balance subject to tax $175.00. Taxes $3.86, penalty 19c, publication 33c.totar $4.40.

8- - P. Colby. Second half of taxes.All of section 8. the W 2 of section20, the XE 4 of section 31, Tp. 1

X. R, 19E. 1120 acres. Valuation ofreal eatute $1640.00, of personal pro-perty $125.00, total valuation andamount subject to tax $1765.00. Tax-es $36.87. penalty $1.84, publication$1.05, total $39.76.

Hilario Delgado. AH taxes. TheKW 4 of SW the 8 2 of NW

4 of section 27, tp. 15 N. R. 18E.Valuation of real estate and amountsubject to tax $200.00. Taxea $8.34,penaltx 42c. publication 3.c, total$9.11.

Juan Antonio Hinojos. All taxes.Land Himmenclng at corner of sec-tions 21 and 22, 27 and 28, In twp.16 N. R. ICE thence S 2086 feet, W550 feet to N E corner of tract andplace of beginning; thence 82

and 45 minutes W 2946 ft toend W corner, thence S 14 degree45 minutes E 2916 ft. to SB cornerthence X 14 degrees 50 minutes W;5 ft. to XE corner and place of be--

Finnin?. containing 36.1 i.cres. Valuation of real estate and amount subject to tax $45.00. Taxe $1.88, pen

ny 9r, publication 33c, total $2.32.J. R. Martinet. All taxes. The

E 2 ot SW 4 of SW the SE14 of SW the V 12 of SW 4

of SB 4 of section 26. the W 2 ofXW 4 of XE the XE 4 of NE

the E 2 of NW 4 of NW 4 ofnee. Tn. 15 N. R. 18 E. Valuation ofreal setate $200.00, of persona pro-perty $25.00, added by assessor

56.00, total valuation and amountsubject to tax $281.00. Taxes $11.78,penalty 59c, publlcetion 35c, total$12.66,

Florentino Montoya. AH taxes- - 36rsras of land bounded N by J. De- -

niaraU. and H. Romero, S id E byL, Lopez. W by river. Valuation

of real estate and amount subject totax $18.00. Taxes $0.76, penalty 4c,publication 35c, total $1.15.

F. E Olney. All taxes. The S 2

cf NW 4 of NE the XE 4 ofNW 4 and SE 4 of section 7, twp.16 N. R. 20E. 220 acres. Valuationof real estate and amount subject totax $260.00. Taxes $10.85. pena'ty Etcpublication 35c, total $11.74.

Fidel Ortiz. All taxe. 150 aereaof land bounded N by M. Gonzales,S by F. A. Manzanares, E by river.W by road, Valuation of real eatata

nd amount, subject to tax $215.00.Taxe $8.96, penalty 45c. publication

5c, total $9.76.Juanita Pena de Montoya. All tax

es. The SW 4 of section 17, twp.5 N- - R. 18E. 160 acres. Valuation of

real estate and amount subject totax $200.00. Taxes $8.34. penalty42c, publication 35c, total $9.11.

Valentin Roybal. All taxes. 157

acre ot land described as follows:Commencing at oorner of sections 20,21. 28 and 29. twp. 16 N. R. 16E.thence W 5 chains to corner of claimto be described; thence W 15 chaina;thence 8 30 chains to 8W corner;thence E 24 chains to 8K corner;thence N 50 chains; thence E 10

chains; thence N 10 chains; thenceF 10 chains; thence N 25 chains tothe XE corner; thence W 900 feet,to end W corner; thence 8 142 feet;thence 8 17 degrees West 1573 feet;thence W 10 chains; thence 8 80chnlns to corner and place of beginning. Valuation of real state anaamount subject to tax $196.00. Tax-

es $3.17 penalty 4lc, publication 35c,total $8.93.

Anolonio Roybal. All taxes. The 32 ot NE 1-- 4 of XE the 8E 1--4

o fXE the N 2 of NE 1-- 4 of SE4 of ection 28. the S 2 of NW4 of NW the SW 1-- 4 of NW 1-- 4

the N 2 of NW 4 of SW 4 ofsection 27, twp. 15 N. R- - 17E, 160acres. Valuation of real eetate $250.

of personal property $20.00, total val-

uation $270.00 leas exemption$200.00, balance subject to tax$70.00. Taxes $2.92, penalty 15c.publication 35c. total $3.42.

Manuellfca Sanchez de Gallegos,All taxes. The N 2 of N 1-- 3 of NB

4 In section 28. the 8 2 of SEthe 8 2 of N 2 of SW 4 of Bec

tion 21, twp. 15, N R 17E, 160 acres.Valuation of real estate and amountsubject to tax $200.00. Taxes $8.34,penalty 42c, publication 35c, total$9.11.

S. I. Simmon. All taxes. The SE4 of section 13, twp. 15 N. R. 18E,

160 ac-es.-" Valuation of real estateand amount subject to tax ijou.uu.Taxes $8.34, penalty 42c, publication35c, total $9.11.

R. G. Smith. All taxes. The S 2

of NW 4 and SW 4 of Bection 7,twp. 15 X. R. 19B, 240 acres Valuation of real estate ana amount suoject to tax $300.00. Taxes $12.51, pen

alty 63c, publication 3&c, toiai$13.49.

Harvey A. Snyder. All Uxes. TheXE 4 of section 10, twp. 15 N. R.17E, 160 acres- - Valuation of real es-

tate and amount subject to tax$240.00. Taxes $10.01, penalty 50c,

publication 33c, total $10.86.Aujtln Valdea. All taxes. The 8

of NE 4 of SW the 8 2 ofXW I of SE the SE H of SW

the SW 4 of SE 4 of section21, the X 2 of XE 1--4 of XWthe N of NW LI of NE 4 orsection 28. twp. 15 X. R- 17E. 160

acres. Valuation and amount subject

(publication 70c, total $10.24.Doroteo Valdex. All taxes. 22 acres

of land bounded N by R. Rivera. 8by M- - Santlllanes, E by F. Garcia,V by V. Roybal. Valuation of real

estate $10.00, of personal property$85.00. total valuation $125.00, Jeiexemption $43.00 balance subject totax $S0.00. Taxes $3.57. penalty 19c..publication 35c. total $4.11.

Precinto No. 12

Jose Baca. All taxea. The X 2

of N El 4. the SE 14 of XE 14, theXE 4 cf SW 4 of section 2S, twp.12 X. R. HE. 160 acres. Valuation ofreal estate and amount subject totax $200.00. Taxes $9.34. penalty 47c,publication S5c, total $10.16.

Mrs. 11 E. Bergman. All taxes.Lnnd pud Improvements bounded Xby ruins, W by Pecos creek. 8 by

Hemier, E by hills. 166 acres. Val-

uation or real estate $100.00, or per-

sonal property $175.00, tota! valua-tion and amount subject to tax$573.00. Taxe $27.12, penalty $1.35,publication 33c, total $28.82.

Mrs. J. X. DeMler. Second half oftaxes. Land bounded X by H. K.Bergman. S by creek E by hills, W) K rond, 166 acres. Valuation of

real estate $155.00, or personal property $t4.).00, total valuation and

l.amount subject to tax $600.00. Taxe$14.15. penalty 70c, publication 35c.total $15.20.

Rosita Esqulbel. All taxes. The Xof NW RW M flf

the XW or SW 4 or section 27,Tp. 12, N. R. 14E, 160 acres. Valua-tion or real estate and amount sub-er- r

to tax $200.00. Taxes $9.34, pen-alty 47c. publication 35c, total$10.16.

Encarnación Gonzaleí. Second halfr taxes. Land and Improvements

bounded X by Pajarito, S by publicdomain, E by hill. W by D. Gonzales.Valuation or real estate and amountsubject to tax $205.00! Taxes $4.79,penalty 24c, publication 35c, totalÍS. 38.

Tomas Gonzales. All taxea. TheSE of section 21. twp. 12 X. R. 14E, 160 aer-'s-

. Valuation of real estateand amount subject to tax $200.00.Taxes $9.31. pennlty 47c, publication,15c, total $10.16.

Marcial Prioste. All taxes. The S1-- of NE 4 of ection 20. the W

2 of NW 4 of section 21. twp.12 N. R. 14E. 160 acres. Valuation ofreal estate and amount subject to tax$200.00. Taxes $9.34, penalty 47, pub-lication 35c, total $10.10.

Juan Várela. All taxes. Personal.property, valuation and amount sub-ject to tax $75.00. Taxes $3.51, pen-alty 18c, publication 33c. total $4.04.

Precinto No. 13

Agustín Maestas. Second half ortaxes. Land bounded W by Gov. lnnd,8 by gov. land, X by Mora Co. line,E by C. X. Sparks. Valuation or realestate $119.00. or personal &5pperty$27.00, total valuation and amountsubject to tax $146.00. Taxes $3.05,penalty 15c, publication 35c, total$3.55.

Jose Ignacio Martinez. Second haltof taxes. Ijind bounded X by F. Cor- -

bett, S by J. A- Martinez. E by Mon-toy- a

river, W by Gov. land, 100 varas; land bounded N by P. Bustos,S by F. Corbett, E by river, W byII. Salazar, 280 varas. Valuation ofreal estate $555.00, of personal property $180.00, total valuation$735.00 less exemption $200.00. bal-ance subject to tax $535.00. Taxes$11.38. penalty 57o, publication 70c,total $12.55.

Luisa M. Montoya de Bustos. Alltaxes, 10 acres of land In precinct13, patented to D. Montoya, houseand lot at Rociada. Valuation of realestate $233.00, of personal property$68.00, added by assessor $76.00, to-

tal valuation and amount subject totux $377.00. Taxes $15.88. ppnnlty79c, publication 70c, total $17.37-

John Pendarles. Second hair ortaxes. Home ranch bounded N byGallegos. Baca nnd creek, S by valleynnd J. Rudolph, E by hill, W by hill1720 ncres; land known as CanadaAncha, plat on filo In Recorder's or-fle- e

San Miguel county, 1.000 acre.Valuation ot real estate $5175.00 lessexemption $200.00, halance subject totax $4975.00. Taxes $103.73, penalty$5.19. publication 70c. total $109.62.

John Pendarles. All taxes. It InPrecinct No. 5. Valuation nnd nmt.subject to tax $510.00. Taxes $21.27,penalty $1.06, publication 35c, total$22.68.

Eugenio Rudulph & Son. All tax-es. Land bounded X nnd S bv D- Bustos. E by Montoya river. W by Cuchilla, 110 varas. Valuation or realestate and amount subject to tax$220.00. Taxes $9.18 penalty 45c,publication 35c, total $9.98.

Martin Sena. Second hair of taxe.18 acr-.- of land bounded X by Gov.land, S by A. Bustos. E by J. Rusto.W by B. Gallegos. Valuation of realestate $75.00. of personal property$380.00 total valuation $45S.OO. lessexemption $135.00, balance subject totax $320.00. Tnxes $6.73, penalty 34cents, publication 35c. total $7.42.

C. N. Sparks Second half of taxes.Part of XE or section 17, twp.19 X. R. 14F. 30 acres. Vsluatlon ofteal estate $95.00, or perenal nro-pert-

$365.00, , total valuation andamount subject to tax $460,00. Taxes$10.00. penalty 50c, publication 35c.total $10.85.

Valentin Valdez. AP taxes. 13acres rf land bounded N by R. Lu- -

Ian. 8 hr TV Martinez E bv road,W bv Tltto Montoya: lot and Improve -

ments bounded X by E. Rndulph. 8

Coke, E by 11. Ooae. W by creek.Valuation of real estate $444.00, ofpersonal property $130.00, total valuation $ji4.00, less exemption$200.00. balance subject to tax $374.Taxes $7.96, penalty 40c, publication70c, total $9.06.

Jose Manuel C. de Baca. Secondhalf of taxes. Land bounded N byriver. S by ditch, L by J. D. Mar-tinez. W by M. Sanchez; landbounded X by river. S by ditch, Eby P. Lopez. W by E. C. de Baca.50 varas; house and lot bounded 'Nby river, s by C. Montoya. E by S.Arehlbeque. W by common rights.Valuation of real estate $250.00, otpersonal property $63.00. total valu-ation $313.00 leis exemption $200.00,balance subject to tax $115.00. Taxes$2.46. penalty 12c, publication $1.05.total $J 63.

J. H. Montoya. Second half of tax-es. 600 acres or land bounded N byriver, S by hill. E by Mora road,W by P Baca. Valuation or real es-tate and amount subject to tax $450.Taxea $9.38, penalty 47c. publication35c, total $10.20.

Precinto No. 15

Vicente Martinet. All taxes. 18acreg of land bounded X by L. Sandoval. S by M. Padla. E by hill, W!by river; land bounded N by N. Mar-- 1

tlnez. S by J. Maes. E by J. Per-ea- .W by road, 214 raras. Valuation

or real estate $378.00. or personalproperty $74.00, total valuation$152.00, les exemption $200.00, bal-ance subject to tax $252.00. Taxei$11.93, penalty COc, publication 70c,total $13.25.

Julio Padla. All taxes. 300 varas orland bounded N by H. Padia, 8 byJ. M. Padla. E and W by Mora road.Valuation of real estate and amountfubjee- - to tax $300.00. Taxes $14.02,penalty 70c. publication 35c, total$15.07.

Hilario Padia. All taxes. Landbounded N by twin trees, S by J. M.Padla, E and W by Mora grant. Val-uation of real estate,, nnd amountsubject to tax $300.00. Taxes $14.02,penalty 70c, publication 35c, total$16.07.

Antonio M. Romero. Second halfof taxes. 160 acres of land boundedN by Cuchillo, 8 by Mora road, Eby T, Garcia, W by G. Maestas;house and lot bounded X and 8by R. Garcia, E nnd W by street.Valuation of real estate $227.00, ofpersonal property $65.00, total valu-ation $292.00 less exemption $200.00,balance subject to tax $92.00. Taxes$2.21, penalty 11c. publication 70c,total $3.02.

Juanita nnd Candido Sanchez. Alltaxes. litind and Improvementsbounded N by J. D. Hand, 8 bv river,E by hill. W by J- - D. Hand, 200 va-ras; land bounded N by E. Sanchez,S by F. Sandoval. E by E. Garcia, Wby crossing. Valuation of real estate$565.00, of personal property $164.00,added by assessor $189.00, total valu-ation and amount subject to tax$918.00. Taxes $43.33. penalty $2.17.'publication 70c, total $46.20.

Luis Sandoval, All taxes. 18 acresof land bounded N by M. Sandoval.8 by F. Sandoval, E by bill. W byriver; land and Improvementsbounded N by Lag Manuelltas, 8 byE .Padla, W by M. TruJUIo. 107varas. Valuation of real estate$281.00, of personal property$103.00 total valuation $384.00, lessexemption $200.00, balance subjectto tax $184.00. Taxes $8.33. penalty42c, publication 70c, total $9.45.

Precinto No. 16

Xestor Alarcon. AH taxea. TheN 2 ot SW 4 and N 2 or SE 4

or section 81, twp. 13 N. R. 19 E,160 acres. Valuation or real estate$205.00, of personal property $5.00,total valuation $210.00, less exemp-tion $200, balance subject to tax$10.00. Taxes 47c, penalty 2c, pub 1--

catlon 85c, total 84c,Leofredo Alarcon. All taxes. The

X 2 of NE of sec. Band the VV

of NW 4 or section 5, Tp. 12 N. R.17 E. 160 seres. Valuation of real eatate $205.00, of personal property$5.00, total valuation $210.00, less exemptlon $200.00, balance subject totax $10.00. Taxes 47c, penalty 2c,publication 35o total 84c,

Narciso Baca. AH taxes. Tho E 2

ot NW and N 2 or SW 4 ofsection 9, twp, 12 X. R. 17E. 160acres. Valuation ot real estate andamount subject to tax $200.00. Taxes $9.14, penalty 45c, publication 35c,

total $9.94.Jose Antonio Baca. All taxes. The

XW 4 XW SW 4 XW 4

NW 1 SW 4 or section 3 and thoXE 1 XE 1 or section 4, Tp. 12X: R. 17E, 160 acres. Valuation ofreal estate and amount, aubject totax $200.00. Taxes $9.14, penalty 45cpublication 35c, total $9.94.

Jose del Rayo Gonzales. All taxesLots 3 and 4 of section 1, the N 2

of SE and 8E 4 of SE 4 ofsection 2. Tp. 12 N. R 17E, 159acres. Valuation of real estate andamount subject to tax $199.00. Taxes$9.10, penalty 54c, publication 35c,

total $9.90.Domingo Hays. All taxes. The N

2 of SW 4 of section. Tp. 12 N,

R. 17E, 80 acres. Valuation of realeJt-t- o 207.00, of personal property$310.oo. total valuation $522.00, lessexem ntion $200.00, balance subjeetto

x $323.00, Taxes $15. E8. penaltypublication 35c, total $k.71.

It and improvements bounded N byM. mistamente nnd son. E by road,by A. Bus) amante, V by Peco

cm nt. Valuation of real estate $90.00,cp.ioiul pro;ieity $50. Oo, total val-

ation and amount subject to tax $110.Taxes $6.26, penalty 31c, publication

5c, total $t.92.Fillmon Clockey. All taxes. 40

res of land bounded N by E. Valencia. S by G. Martinez. E and W bypublic lands. Valuation of real estate$50.0.1, of personal property $j:..00,added by assessor $29.00, total valna- -

ion and amount subject to tax $141.00.axes $6.67, penalty 33c, publication

S5c. total Si.io.Andres Gaici.t. All taxes. Land In

section 19, Tp. 16 X. R. 12 E.. 40

res. Valuation of real estate $50.00,bled by assesor $13.00, total valua- -

tolp and amount subject to tax $63.00.Taxes $2.82, jienalty 14c, publication

5c, toUl $3.31.Donaciano Gonzales. All taxes.

Land in section 22, Tp. 14. X. R., 12

E, being 160 acres, in permit No. 12,original application 3816; house inPrecint No. 8, not bounded. Valua-toi- n

of real estate $250.00, of personalropcrty $715.00, total valuation

$965.00, less exemption $200.00, bal- -

nee subj ct to tax $7ii,i.00. Taxes$38.86, penalty $1.94, publication 70c,total $41.50.

Encarnación Gonzales. Secondhalf of taxes. 160 acres of land bounded N and E by hill, S by E. Lucero,W by public road; lot and improve-ment bounded N by road. S and E byB. Padia, W by E. Martinez. Valua-

tion of real estate $255.00, of personalproperty $354.00, total valuation $(0J,less exemption $200.00, balacen subject to tax $409.00. Taxes $10.15, pen-alty 51c, publication 70c, total $11.36.

Jesus Maria V. y Lovato. All tax-- .

The SE 4 of section 25, Tp. 16

N. R. 12 E., 160 acres. Valuation ofreal estate and amount subject, toax $'00.00. Taxes $8.94, penalty 45c,

puW.f-atio- 35c, total $9.74.Santiago Lujan. Second half of

taxes. 80 acres of land in section 6

nd 13 acres in section 19, all in Tp.16 N. R. 12 E. Valuation of real estate $137.0.), of personal propetry $190,total valuation $327.00, less exemption

200.00, balance subject to tax $.27.00.Taxes $3.20, penalty 16c, publication0e, total $4.06.Julian Lujan. All taxes. Land and

improvements in section 19, Tp. 16,

N. R. 12 E, 134 acres. Valuation ofeal estate $228.00, of personal prop- -

perty $135.00, total valuation $363.00,less exemption $200.00, balance subject to tax $163.00, Taxes $7.62, penalty 38c, publication 35c, total $8.35.

Pedro Maes. Second half of taxes,6 acres of land bounded N by J. Ri

era, E by public land, S by A. Rol- -

bal W by public domain, being inection 1, Tp. 16 X. R. 12 E. Valua

tion of real estate $255.00, of persDn- -

al property $84.00, total valuation$339.00, less exemption $200.00, balanee subject to tax $139. Taxes$3.22, penalty 16c, publication 35ctotal $3.72.

Fortunar. Maillucht. All taxes,acres of land bounded N and W by

iver, S and E by road. Valuationf real estate $196.00, of personal

property $42.00, total valuation andamount subject to tax $238.00. Taxes$10.69, penalty 53c, publication 35c,total $11.57.

Foustino Ortiz. All taxes. TheXW 4 of section 20, Tp. 16 N. R.12 E 160 acres. Valuation of realestate $2"20.OO, of personal property$58.00, total valuation $278.00, lessexemption $200.00, balance subject totax $78.00. Taxes $3.61, penalty 18c,publication 35c, total $4.14.

Antonio J. Ortiz & Bro. All taxesA tract of land in precinct Xo. 0,

known as Pecos grant, not boundedValuation of real estate $500.00, addedby assesor $125.00, total valuation andamount subject to tax $625.00. Taxes$27.95, penalty $1.40, publication 35c,total $29.70.

Manuel D. Pino. Second half oftaxes. Land bounded N by Jose Ribera, E by J. B. Lucero, S by river,W by road, 22 yds.; the NE secHon 13, Tp. 16 N. R. 12 E., 160 acres.Valuation of real estate $272.00, of per- -

sonal property $160.00, total valuation$132.00, less exemption $200.00, bal-

ance subject to tax $232.00, Taxes$5.49, penalty 27c, publication 70c, total $6.46.

Marias Portillos. All taxes. Landbounded N by J. A. Sandoval, S by B.G. Portillos. E by gov. and, W by river, 200 varas; house and lot boundedN bv M. Portillos, S by li. u. rortnlos, W by B. G. Portillos, E. by M. Por-

tilios. Valuation oí real estate $21kof personal property $123 00, total valuation $338.00, less exemption $200.00,balance subject to tax $138.00. 'laxes$6.49, penalty 32c, publication 7oc, total $7.51.

Pedro Rivera. Second half of taxes.r,qnd and Improvements in section ISTo. 16 N. R. 12 E., 1G0 acres. Valuation of real estate $220.00, of per-

tonal oronerty $69.00. total valuation?2'89.00. less exemption $200.00, bal

nee subject to tax $89.00. Taxes$2.13, penalty He. publication 35c, total $2.59.

Atanacio Roibal. All taxes. 87

acres of land bounded N by B. Maes,E by P. Rivera. Jr., S by V. Vigil, W

public land; 8 acres or lana anaImprovements bounded N by i. varela, B by Pecos river, S by P. Rivera,W by ditch! 10 acres bounded N by P.road, E by Pecos grant. S by river,W by J. Gonzales; house ana lot raN by E. M. Bustamante E by road, W

eek. a by temporal mines. Valuation of real estate $445.00, of perso.i

property $500.00, ttoal valuationWi.00. less exemption szoo.uo, nainee ublect to tax $745.00. Taxea34.75. penalty $1.74, publication $1.4.

total $37.89.Roman Roybal. Second half of tax



Gallinas river, E by road; 8 2 acresbounded N by M. Baca, S by V. Baca,k hv lialllnas river. W by li. Koaa,7 acres bounded N by Roseuwald, S

by M. Baca, E by Gallinas river, W

by R Road; 3 2 acres bounded N by

J. A. Baca, S by M. Baca, E by It.KohíI. w by road; 7 2 acres boundedN by F. A. Manzanares, S by J. A.

Baca. E by K. Road, W by publicroad; 8 acres bounded N by M. Baca,s hv J. A. Baca, E by river, v by

road; 48 acres bounded N by M. Baca,S by Maria Baca, E by road, W by

Mr road: 109 acres bounded N by

M. Baca, S by Maria Baca, E by road,W by hill; interest in resiuence.Valuation of real eetate $818.00, of per.

sonal property $115.00, total valuationand amount subject to tax $933.00.

Taxes $43.73, penalty $2.19, publication

it r,( total $49.41.Bessie Cavanuagh. All taxes. The

S of SW 4. the SW 4 Of SB 1--

of section 22, the NW 4 of NE 14 of

action 27. To. 16 N. R. 17 E. Valuation of real estate and amount sub-

ject to tax $240.00. Taxes $11.21,

nnnaitv 56c. nubllcation 35c, total-1 1 '2

nnlores A. de Otero. All taxes. Lot

and improvements bounded N by N,

Tafoya, S by S. Gallegos, E by ditchw bv ulaza. Valuation of real eatate $50.00, of personal property

no total valuation and amountnhiA.-- t to tax $513.00. Taxes $27.46,

si.37. uublicatlon 35c, total1' ' ' 1 J T- - ' -I!9 18

Refnl alo Tafoya. All taxes. Per- -

sonal property, valuation and amountsubject to tax $200.00. Taxes $9.34,

onoitv í,p nubllcation 35c. totalrlirnibj '$10.16.

Precinto No. 9

h s. Arnold. All taxes. The E 1

or the SE 4 of sec. 10, the SE 1-- 4 of

SE of sec. 11, the NW 4 ot NW

of sec. 14. all in Tp. 17 N. R. 12

E. Valuation of real estate $40u.OO, of

personal property $236.00, added uy$168.00. total valuation and

mmint vmhiect to tax $804.00. Taxes$36.65, penalty $1.83, publication 35c,

nt1 138.83.Francisco Armijo. Second half of

taxes. Land and Improvements insection 7, Tp. 16 N. R. 13 E. and landand improvements bounded S by J.véneta. N. by A. Bustamante, E byPpcob Grant. W by ditch. Valuationof real estate $234, of personal prop-

erty $158,00, total valuation $392.00,ntion $200.00, balance sub

ía. tn tax $192.00. Taxes $4.62, penalty 23c, publication 70c, total $5 55.

Tomas Benavides. All taxes. TheW 2 of SE 4 and E 2 of SW 4

of section 9, Tp. 16 N. R. 14 E. Val-

uation of real estate and amount sub-

ject to tax $200.00. Taxes $8.94, pen-

alty 45c, publication 35c, total $9.74.

E M. Bustamante & Son. All tax--- e

Land and Improvements boundedN by A. Roibal, E by road, S by R.

Bustamante, W by Pecos Grant. Val-

uation of real estate $150.00, of per-

sonal property $940 00, total valuationard amount subject to tax $1090.00.

$2.33. penalty 2c, publication .0c, to--

Ul $3.15.Gregorio Gutierre. Ail taxei j 47

acres of land bounded X by J. L.

Benavides, S by - Atenclo. E andV by fence; lot and Improvements

at 8un Gronimo. Valuatlou of realestate $291.00, ot personal property$20. 00. total valuation and amountsuoject to tax $311.00. Taxes $12.97.penalty C5c, publication 70c, total$14.32."

Antonio Gutierre. All taxes. Landnot bounded. 4So varus. Valuation of

real estate $210. 00, of personal pro-

perty J,ti5.00, added by assessor$76.00, total valuation and amouutuhjtct to tax $3S1.U0. Taxes $16.00, J.

penalty 80c, publication 35c, total$17.15.

Jube Ma. Leaperauce. All taxes. Lot.Mid Improvements lu IVt. 11- - Valua-tion of real ejtate $25.00. of personalproperty $136. U0, total valuation $161less exemption $72.00, balance sub-

ject to tax $89.00. Taxes $4.03, peu-alt- y

20c, publication 35c, total $4.58.

Sebastiana B. de Lespcrance. Sec-

ond half ot taxes. Land bounded X

by D. Wentworth, S by P. LeaperauceK and W by public rights. Valuationof real estate $ 153.00, of personalDrouertv $75.00. total valuation andamount subject to tax $228 00 Taxes '

$1.86, penalty 21c. publication 35c,total $5.45.

Deciderio Padia. All taxes- 140

acres of land and improvements,bounded N by arroyo, E by road, Sby M. Martinez, W by canon. Valua-

tion of real estate and amount sub-

ject to tax $205.00. Taxes $8.55, pen-

alty 43c, publication 35c. total $9.33.

FauBtin Quintana. All taxes. TheNE 4 of section 31, twp. 16 X. R.13 E., 160 acres. Valuation of real es-

tate and amount Bubject to tax$200.00. Taxes $8.31, penalty 42c,publication 35c, total $9.11.

Teodoro Ortega. All taxeB TheSE 4 of section 31, twp. 16 X. R.13E, 148 acres. Valuation of real es-

tate and amount subject to tax$185.00. Taxes $7.72. penalty 39c,publication 35c, total $8.46.

Fidel Ortiz. All taxes. 8 acres ofland and improvements, bounded X

by V. Erqulbel, S by S. Gonzales, Eby road, W by river. Valuation of

real estate and amount subject to ta$80.00. Taxes $3.34, penalty 17c. pub-

lication 35c, total $3.86.Romolo Rivera. All taxes- 22 acres

of land and Improvements, boundedN by J TruJiUo, E by Salomon Tru-jlll-

S by D. Valdez; land boundedN by J Santlllanes. H by J. F. lOsqui-be- l.

E by common rights, W by J, F.(EsqufbeU 200 varas. Valuation ofreal estate $143.00, of personal property $58.00, total valuation andamount subject to tax $201.00. Taxes$8.55, penalty 43c, publication 70c,total $9.68.

Juan M. Romero. All taxes. Landand improvements bounded N by L--

Lopez, S by M. S. Rael, E by canon,W by Stern & Nahm, 160 acres;land and improvements bounded N byM. Swacker, S by E. Lopez, E by 8.Várela, W by river, 2 acres; landbounded N by D. Vigil, S by D. Uli- -

barri, E by river, W by road, 1 acre..Valuation of real estate and amount

ubject to tax $268.00. Taxes $11.18.penalty 55c publication $1.05, total$12.78

Jus-t- Ruiz. All taxes. The E 2 ofSW the SE 4 Of NW theSW 1-- 4 or NB 1-- of section 26, twp.'16, N. 11. 13E, 160 acres- - Valuationof real estate and amount subject totax $200.00. Taxes $8.34 penalty 42c,publication 35c, total $9.11.

Valentin Roybal. All taxes. 100acres of land bounded N by M. Mar-

tinez S by 8. Santlllanes, E by M. Mar-

tinez, W by J. F. Esqulbel; lot andimprovements not bounded. Valuationof real estate $212.00, of personalproperty $97.00, total valuation $309,less exemption $200.00, balance subject to tax $109.00. Taxes $4.76,penalty 24c, publication 70c, total13.70.

Lorenzo Roybal. All taxes. Landbounded N by I- - Duran, 8 by E. Crea-ipl-

E by D. Armijo, W by R. Martinez, 10C varas. Valuation or real es-tat- e

$250.00, or personal property$18.00, totul valuation $268.00 lessexemption $138.00, balance subject totax $130.00. Taxes $3.75, penalty 29cents, publication 35c, total $6.39.

San Miguel Development Co. All

taxes. The NW 4 or SW the Wor NW 4 ot section 30, the few

4 of SW 4 of section 35, twp. 17N. R. 14 E. 160 acres. Valuation ofreal estate and amount subject totax $420.00. Taxes $17.51, penalty88c, publication 35c, total fix. 74.

JeBiis M. TruJUIo. Second half oftaxes. The XW 14 of NE the E

2 or NW the NE 4 or SW 4

of section.10.

.. twp. 16 N. R. 14E, 160' i iacres, valuation oi rem bdvoio

$298.00 of personal property$142.00, total $140.00, less exemption$200.00, balance aubject to tax$240.00. Taxe $5.17, penalty 25c,

publication 35c, total $5.77.

Elauterlo Trujillo. A" taxes. TheW 2 of MW 1-- 4 of section 10 the

81-- 2 of SW 1-- 4 of section 3, twp.16. X. R. 14E, 160 acres. Valuationor real eitate $194.00, of personalproperty $233.00, total valuation$427.00, less exemption $200.00, bal-unc- e

subject to tax $227.00. Taxes$10.03. penalty 50c. publication 35c,

total S10.S4.

157.61, penal? $2.88. publication 70c, i $9.34, penalty 47c, publication 35c," I tax l Taxee $$.34, penalty ,

1Cj. l.ui!icmt!Oit iaUl 11.11.Precinto No. o

Maria Ignacio G. de liaca. Alltaxes. 30 acres of land bounded N by

4 In block 31, Newark, i Valuta Ion asdamount subject to tax $10. Ou. Taxes43c, penalty 2c, publication 40c, to-

tal 85r.

!$;y.oq, of, personal property. $9. 00.'total valuation $6U7.0U. ls exemption

$200.00. balance subject to tax$4'7.00. Taxes $17.0, penalty 86c.

Xr. L. Mo Wright. AU Uw. ,

total $10.11.Joe Ma. Salas. AU taxes. The W

12 of SW the 8E 14 of BW 1--

the 8V 4 of SB 4 of section 20.," R. 25K. Valuation of real

d amount subject to tax' Taxes $9.34.. . : penalty 47e,'

AU of iecti'm 15. tsrp. 17 N. R. 18K. of land bounded N by Got. Und. 8CIO aere. Valuation oC real eatate br A. Pandora!, K by L. Chare. Wava damount subject to in $800.00, by C. Ixyba. Valuation o. real

133. 3, penalty $1 .67. publica- - tata $275.00, of personal propertvpublication, $1.40, total $19.46.

Refueio Mondraxon. All taxes, leores of land bounded X by bull

lake, S by mesa. E by S. Lopez. W

' v- - Grant Valuation of real es- -

tate $100.00, added by assessor$U0. 00. total valuation and amount

. i ... a n.. n- -. .n -Uon 3V total $35.38.

Precinte N. II ',

Vbllcallon 35c, total $10.45.Cha F Wik.rtv All taxes. The"11 i vw i nf' aa iJwi. Juatiulmo Leyba. All taxes. 160

' t, 4 m - m ' t-- 1 anI ...... J VT 0..fl.. ibject to tax $500.00. Taxes $20.86, ' rfubject to fax $5.00. Taxea J2c, pen-penal-

$1.04, publication 3.V-- , total alty lc, publication 20c, total 43c.Í22.25. A. Browne,' AH taxea. Lots 1

R. A. Morley. All taxes. All of sec- - 'nd bkx,1 8Ti Newark. Valuationl.on 21. twp. 17 N. R. 1SH, and part í nnd amonnf bubject to tax $10.00.oí XE -i of XW 4 of action 24. iTaxea-Ula- penalty 2c, publication 40

river, E by river. 8 by ditch, W fcy

V.SVmí VLaí,0?,Of.ropwtyJ46-- ; total. Vk'ufltln and amount

F"n11' McTnuAUcaUon J5t, totali11;7- - "

Santiago Crespln. All taxes. 66 va

of stction 25, twp. 17 N. R. 19E,1C0 acres. Taxes $3.34, penalty 42c,publication 35c, total $9.11.' Jone N. Gallegos. 1 taxed. 42

varas of land bounded X by loma,S by river, E by A. G. de Monioya, Wby 8. Gallegos; 30 varas of land

íeal 'eíu; aJ anvouñt SíSt VS tód K by V' 8aadoai. W by M. V'J", V.' JJ .J, lN I24E. Valuation of real estate and river. S by L. V. Grant. E by J. Gar- -

Ux $S m. TatM íeíSr 21? 80 crf4 ,,f Und bounde, N K MK 160 ac? Valultion of reíí 8mount ubJp-- t t0 " :o0-00- - Taxes cía y Mae. W by road; 136 vara, of

b ad'a; 8'' totaI 10-'8- - "on- - J. I Una alrfi penalty byPL!t3 A- - Enslnlaa. Second half 1200.00. Taxes $9.34. 47c. ;

'i A? Sí Í K Go. i lid. Precio No. 24 1 ?oJ Vddd íyJ? íalí VTVoíaVa-- - J f ..xrs-rofÍ- , C. de Lea BrM, All taxes, 1 iSrroperty 1426. M. total valuation 01 y'hi al'uSlon of reilii " SE 4 of section 20. twp. 17 ' l"d bounded N by riv- - dSi? II 99

SubHcaíloñIC35.00. less exemption $;oo.fo bal- - J nc amount subj.xt 'j?Ut N. It. 24E. 80 acres- - Valuation of E br Gallinas river 3 and W by totií"anco sutj-- t to tax $15.oo. Tsxe. amount lubJect to "mon rights. Valuation of real es-- ,0t',ttalf U'U19.73. PHialt 4c, puhllflon 3.V, ' ....It it

1 ap. .1

,s-''-'' TiV ,15M'

t tinn ftn t.,. 14 r. n.n.i.. w fate and amount subject to tax taxes. The NE

(6.13. piilty $2c, publication 5c.total 17.00. t '.

Fide! Leyba. All taxes- - ICO acres

$152.01. total valuation $127.00,. lessinn i .- -.- v. i . .

ux f.ZT.ou. Taxes is.c, neña tr 48

ij'UuiiLiuun ft.t, luiat 11. vu.

Murar,!' Ijv1jl. All taxei.m hn.m.Mn m h r.i" ' - - -

Utbrow 8 by K. Ipez, E by J. Lo- -

pe. W by P. Chaves. Valuation ofreal estate $2(i0.o0. of personal pro- -

perty $.sn.ü(i, total valuation $1159,li'ioi p xi in it It n tOO.ftH. balance sub- -

Francisco Lejba. All taxes- - JvJacre of land bounded E by Gov.

M W !.

' n 3.. tot. , ,1015.Jose Ignacio Valdec. All taxes.

,The 8W 4 of SE 4 of section 17.the N 2 of NW 4 and NE 4 of

$450.00. Taxe $18.76. penalty 94c,publlcr.tion 35c, total $20.05.

Mareo Peinado. Sccúü halt-t- - oftaxea. Personal property ,:j consistingchiefly of cattle; valuation $142.00,'l exemption $57.00, balance sub-ject to tax $S5.oo. Tnxs $1.99, pen-alty 10c, publication 35c, total $2.44.

Felix Gonzales. Second halt oftaxes. 50 varas of land bounded Nand E by rive- -, S by G. Gonzales. Wby fence: 80 acres bounded N and

tnful tin rTr n .1 v.w a) i

. V;V..: si11 m. inu WKl M ' I Mini 111 in HUM 1. ,

ICO acre la m 24 and 16 acresIn flection 23. all in tsrp. 12 N R-2- 5

'fl. 4S0 acr?a. Valuntlon of real es-

tate tniO.04. of nersonal pronertyrp. nn intl at....ii..n m n,nnn( bounded N by river, S by creek, E ;of jani In precinct No. 51,' bounded

and W by A. G. Gallegos. Valuation j N by hllli s by rlv,r B M, San-p- f

real estate $159.00, of personal hpz u-- b M crespin; 38 acres

íobjiet'to 1st H4S.M. Taxes $18.r,2. t to 'tax $959. 00. Taxes 110.10. mmint object to tax $200 Ob. Tax-Tvcnt- y

9V. publication $1.05. ,otal i penalty $2.30, publication 35c. total Ina"' 51c. publication 3..c.

20.50. stu.u. p.iKi .i ...... --.w.

S by T. Herrera. E bv H. Garcia. W anc,e, 8ubJect tax $:l. 00. 'luxesby I, Tapia. Valuation of real atan ',93' l?"""" 5c Publication ,0c.

cf personal property ll-e8- -

$79.00, total valuation $259.00, 1pm Albino G. Gallegos. All taxes. 375;:T nd.;Vfi'n)ount subject to tax $200.00. Tax- -

1188.00. total' ,1"" less,',$9.34. penaltyt.n.47c. publication 3

..wnviv. i em w 'r nil nn in nin iiniaxr i

to tax $229.00 Taxes $9.99, penalty50c, publication 35c, total $10.84.

cauterio LyDa. au taxe.and improvement bounded N by F.Leyba, 8 by A. Sandoval, E by L.Oavex, W by C. Leyba. Valuation ofreal estate $30.00, of personal pro- -

perty $161. On, total valuation$191. 0 less exemption $113.00, bal- -

ance tubject to tax $.8.0. Taxes . .2 (kf NE the N 2 of NE13.64, penalty 18c, publication 35c, f 8ectlon 21, the NW 4 of SW 4

total $4.07. of section 20, the SE 4 of NENatividad Leyba. All taxes. The the E of SE 4 of ectlon 19,

SE 4 of section 4, twp. 11 N. R. the W 2 of NE the E 2 of NW13E, 160 acre. Valuation of real es- - 4 of sec. 17, the E of RE 4 thetate $263.00, of personal property W 2 of SE 4 the NW 4 of$180.00, total valuation $113,00, less section 8, the NB 4 of NE 4 ofexemption $200.00, balance gubpjec.t section 19, the N of NW 4 andto tax $223.00. Taxes $10.64, penalty NW 4 of NE 4 of section 20, all53c, publication 35c, total $11.52. ' in twp. 18 N. R. 26E. Valuation of

fleverlana Martinez. All taxe. real estate $1440.00, of personal Jl

property consltrtliiK chiefly Prty $1390.00, total valuation andof livestock; valuation and amount amount subject to tax $2330. 00. Tax-subje-

to tax $151.00. Taxes $6.76, es $136.35, penalty $6.82, publicationpenalty 34c, publication 35c, total , $1.75, total $144.92.I', 45 Jone Ma. Galleaos. All taxes. The

Meílton N ?' N w N W of NE WSlaneros. All taxes. UndIn section 1, twp. 10 N. R. 15 K. Valu- - ",f ect,0.n, 20; ,17 N- - R. 2BE. 160

atlon of real tate $209.00, ofaonal property $236.00. total valua- - t0Jxpenalty 47c, publication 35c,tinn ,mn ,t ., hinei t t

oiai 161. ou.

otPmlnto No. 224 Í- -

i.H..i. n.. fen Ti.- -S of SB the 8 2 oí S 14of section 17. twp.' 1? fi. fc' 25El0

tres. Valuation of 4eal Mime and-- m0UDt flubJect to U Taxest3 ..nnit 17c m.MiriOm r.,oU, $lQ .

..M . Thmv- - "

publication 35c, total $5.26.Manuel M. Cordova. All taxes. The

8h I"1 SW 14. the SW 4 of8K section 2. the NE ofNVV 11 n1 w 14 of N'K 4 of

i. iacres. Valuation of real entate and

auau F I'.ni'iiixri. i laAcn, AlioIt' 4 H'tir 4 4 XT J I OtTf f J

vÍThÍÍ tT and

' -Jullanita M. Esqulbel.l All taxes.

The SE 4 of SW the SW 4

or NE 1-- the NB 4 of SW thevw i.. of RR 1.4 of .pctlon 3. two17 N. R. 2iE. lf.O acres. Valuation ofrp cstat and amount HUbject to,ax $2110.00. Taxes $9.34, penalty 47rf,nU publication 35c, total $10.16.

Farmer liroa. All taxes. The N 2

,)f NE (ne N 2 of NW the

total $10.16.Eugenio Gallegoa. All taxes. Iits

2 and 3 In section 4, twp. 17 N. R.24E, and the SW of RV 4 ofT'iUm. ' ,,wp-- . " N" 14R' yai""-tlon of real and amount subJeet to tax $200.00. Taxes. $9.34penalty 47c, publication 35c, total$10.16.

Lucas Garcia. All taxes. Personalproperty conelatlnj? chiefly of cattleand sh ecn; valuation and amountsubject to tax $755.00. Taxes $10.97,penalty $2.05, publication 35c, total$13.37.

Estate of Madison Ileum. All taxea. The S 2 of SW 4 and S 2 ofSE 4 of section 22, twp. 18 N. R,26E, 160 acres. Valuation of real estate and amount subject to tax $160Taxoa $7.47. penalty 37c, publication35c, total $8.19.

Carolina Lucero. All taxes. The8W 4 of SW 4 of section 13. theNW 4 of N Wl-- 4 of section 24,twp. 18. N. R. 24 E. Valuatilon ofreal etate and amount subject totax $200.00. Taxes $9,34, pena'ty47c. publication 35c, total $10.16.

Francisco Lujan. All taxea. The8 2 of NW the SE of NEof sectliin 20, Twp. 17. N. R.25 East. Valuation of real es-tate and amount subject to iax$200.00. Taxes $9.34, penalty 47c,.i.Ktinn.lnH qr. .A.Bi iia ify' nun ..v, lAvni iv.u.

Valentin Martinet. All taxes. The

subject to tax $200.00. Taxes $9.34.penalty 47c, publication 35c, total$10.16.

Luciano Martlnex. All taxes. TheS 2 or NW the SW- - of NE

the NW of SE 4 of section20, twp. 18, N. R. 25E. Valuation ofreal estate and amount íubject totax $200.00. Taxes $9.34, penally 47c.publication 35c, total $10.16.

IHsinlo Martinet. 160 acres of landboundel N by M. Garcia. E by L. Es-cudero, W by E. Martinet, S by T,lobato. Valuation of real estate$238.00, of personal property$45.00. total valuation $283.00. less

.exemption $200.00, balance subjectto tax $83.00. Taxes $3.09, penalty20c, publication 35c, total $4.48.

Juan Jose Maes. All taxes. TheSW of NB the W of SE

of section 13, the NW 4 of NEor section 24, twp. 17 N. R. 25E.

Valuation of real estate and amount.subject to tax $200.00. Taxes $9.34.penalty 47c. publication 35c, total$10.16.

Santiago Medina. All taxes. The8 2 of SW the S 2 of SE 4

subject to tax $200.00. Taxes $9.34.penalty 47c. nublicatlon 35c. totaltlO.l.

"'V- - "J."". '4 of NE 4 of eectlon 2, twp. 15 N.

R. 22E. Valuation of real estate and

RE 4 of section 2, twp. 15, N. R. 22,V.. Variation of real estate ,nnd amt."uhlec t to tax $200.00. TjtvV'$9.3J.

Cordelia F. Ball. All taxes. Lot 5'In bloc 12 and lot 4 la block 8, New- -

ark. Valuation and amount íubjectto tax $10.00. Taxes 43c, penalty 2c,publication . 40c. total 85c.

,i Janjeg Filian. n taxes. Lot S In,b.locK:, "Newark. Valuation and amt

.rents, total haC.Rundage & Thurber. 11 taxes. Lot

5 In block 13, Newark. Valuation andamount subject to tax $5.00. Taxea22e, penalty lc, publication 20c, total43c.

Joseph C. Cermak. A'l taxes. Lot 3in block 18. Newark. Valuation andamount subject to tax $5.00. Taxea22c, penalty lc, publication 20c, total43c.

H. L. Cooper. All taxes. Lot 2In blo k 13, Newark. Valuation andamount subject to tax $5.00. Taxea22c, penalty lc, publication 20c, total43c.

Ellis L. Dorebaugh. All taxes. Lot18 In block 22. lot 18 In block 7,lots 11 and 10 in block 33. Newark.Valuation and amount subject to tax$20.00. Taxes 84c. penalty 4c, publi-cation 80c, total Í1.68.

W. F. Dol All taxes. lxt 21 inblock 1, Newark. Valuation and amt.snbjetc to tax $5.00. Taxes 22c, penalty lc, publication 20c, total 13c.

R. 8. Deal. All taxes Lot 1 inblock 1? and let 18 In block 1, New-br- k.

Vnluntior and amount subjectto tax $10.00. Taxes 43c, penalty 2c,publication 40.', total 85c.

Emma M. Everhart. AH taxes. Lot12 in Hock 26. Newark. Valuationand amount subject to tax $5.00.Taxes 22c, penalty lc, publication 20c,total 4Sc.

Cora S. Emerson All tp.xes. Lot 7In block 32 Newark. Valuation andamount subject to tax $5.00, taxen22c, publication 20c, total 43c.

W. E. Ewing All taxes. Lot' 12 inblock 20, Newark. Valuation and amt.subject to tax $5.00. Taxes 22c, pen-

alty lc, publication 20c, total 43c.Mattie M. Eschenburg. All taxes.

Lot 16 in block 7, Newark. Valuationand miunt subject to tax $5.00. Taxes22c, penalty lc, publication 20c, to-

tal 43j.Édward Farley. All taxes. Lot 3

in block 35, Newark. Valuation andamoini subject to tax $5.00. Taxes22c, penalty lc, publication 20c, total43c.

Seisin H. Ferguson. All taxes. Lot15 in block 29, Newark. Valuation andamount subject to tax $5.00. Taxes22c .penalty lc, publication 20c. total43c.

John Frankeburger. All taxes.Lots I and 2 in block 21, and lots12 and 11 in block 19, Newark. Vat-uatlo- n

and amount Bubject to tax$20.00. Taxes 84c, penalty 4c, publi-cation SOc, taxes $1.68.

W. II. Gibson. All taxes, lot 3 inblQck 19, Newark. Valuation andamount subject to tax $5.00. Taxef22c, penalty lc, publication 20c, to-

tal 43cElizabeth M. Glaze. All taxes. Lot

8 and 9 in block 1 3and lot 6 In block7, Newark. Valuation and amountsubject to tax $15.00. Taxea 63c,penalty 3c, publication 60c, total$1.26 .

John W. Harris. All taxes. Lot 5In blo"k 13, Newark. Valuation andamount subject to tax $5.00. Taxea22c, penalty lc, publication 20c, total43c.

Noah P. Hartley. II taxea. Lots land 2 In block 5, Newark. Valuationand amount subject to tax $10.00.Taxes 43c, penalty 2c, publication40c, total 85c.

Geo. Hile. All taxes. Lotj 7 and 8In block 25, Newark. Valuation anamount subject to tat $10.00. Taxes43c, penalty 2c, publication 40c, to-tal 85c.

"Frank P. Hosie. All taxes. Lota 2in block 19, Newark. Valuation andamount subject to tax $5.00. Taxea22c. penalty lc. publication 20c. total 43c. i

W. T. Hosie. All taxes. Lot 1 Inblock 39, Newark. Valuation andamount subject to tax $5.00. Taxes22c, penalty lc, publication 20c, tot-al 43c.

Aim i Hosie. All taxes. Lot 5 inblock 19, Newark. Valuation andamount subject to tax $5.00- - Taxes22c, penalty lc, publication 20c, total43c.

J. P. Hollenbeck. All taxes. Lot 1In b!ok 19, Newark. Valuation andamount subject to tax $5.00. Taxes22c, penalty lc, publication 20c, total43c,

.Mary l. Hurley. All taxea. Lot 4

m blk 21, Newark. Valuationamount subject to tax $5.00, taxes 22c,i'iaujr JC, puoiication 20c, total 43c.

Myra E. Jump. All taxes. Lot 5in block 25, Newark. Valuation andamount subject to tax $5.00. Taxes22c, penalty lc, publication 20c, total43c,

Winnie E. Jump. All taxes. Lot 4 Inblock 32, Newark. Valuation andamount subject to tax $5.00. Taxes2.C. penalty lc, publication 20c, total43c.

E G. Jury. All taxes. Lot 12 InWock 5, Newark. Valuation and amtsubject to tax $5.00. Taxea 22c. pen-alty lc, publication 20c, total 43c.

E. H. Jordan. All taxes k .',6 in blork ,22, Newark. Valuation andamountiiaubject to tax $10.00. Taxes43c.(:,p'ralti;ect.mublicatlon 49c, totalooiv no;?.ntiHit )i ..

Clasa Johnson. All taxes. Lot 8in; block 34,fewark. Valuation andamount fsubjeht W tax $5.00. Taxes..Se. penalty Iff, publication 20c total48o ;,.,,,,cr Johnson. All taxes. Lot 8in block 36. Newark. Valuation andamount subject to tax $5.00. TaxesZ2c, penalty lc, publication 20c, total

SKebr- - A!1 taxM- - Lot 12 Inblock 21, Newark. Valuation andamount aubject to tax $5.tKL Te

twp. 17 N. R. 17E, 660 acrej. Valua- -

ticju of íeal estate and a nount sub-ject to tx $S25.i)U. Tax.-- s $34.41.penalty $1.72, publication 70c, total$3(1. S3.

Emma 13. McGee. All taxes. Frac-tional part of section 26, 34 and 35.

tp. 17 X. R. 17E, r,20 acres. Valu-at- in of real estate and amount sub-

ject to tax $100.00. Taxes $16.68,penalty hie, publication 35c, total.'17. SC.

Julio Pacheco. All taxes. 10 acres

hmind. ,,, v hv Ssnello river. S bvditch, v by T. Gaussoin, W by Wni,Frank; 112 acres bounded N by'itch, S by Azul Canon, E by T..ausvnn, W by Win. Frank; lot

and Improvements in preclnt No. 51,

hounded X by road, 8 by ditch, E byj(íitcni w by F. Pacheco. Valuation ofr;n lestnte $1058'.00, of personal property $179.00, total valuation$1237.00. lesi exemption $200.00, balance subject to tax $1037.00. Taxes$43.60, penalty $2.18, ... publication"! .40. total $47.18.

PlaclU Ranch Co. Al Raxes. 10,50:)

acres of land within Kroenig circlein lake pasture; 34,260 acres of graz-

ing land under fence owned by thePlacita Ranch Co.; 391 acres of landin cultivation, with permanent wa-

ter rights, on Sapello river; 452 acresof land in cultivation, without per-manent water rights, on Sapello riv-er; 300 acres of land in cultivationwithin Kroenig circle, without per-

manent water rights. Valuation oireal estate $48.135.00, of personalproperty $7,290.00, total valuationand amount subject to tax $55125. 00.Taxes $2.330.92, penalty $1 16.5 Vh-llcatio- n

$1.75, total $2,449.22.John Reibel. All ta'ss. The SW

4 of section 30, twp., 1f X. R. 1SE,160 acres. Valuation of'. real estateand amount subject to' tax $200.00.Taxes $?.34, penalty 42c, publication35c, total $9.11.

N. A. Robinson. All taxes. The NE4 of section 32, twp. 17 N. R. 15E,

160 acres. Valuation of real estateand amount subject to tax $200.00.Taxes $8.34, penalty 42c, publication35c, total $9.11.

Jose D. Roybal. All taxes. The W2 of NE the NE 4 of NE 4

of section 31 ad the NW 4 of NWof iection 32, twp.. 17 N. R. 15E,

160 acres. Valuation, of , real estateand amount subject to tax $200.00.Taxes $8.24, penalty 42c, publication35c, total $9.11.

Antonio Sanchez. All taxes. Landboundde N by rer hill, ,8 by river,E by F. L. Delgado W by .Win. Frank& Son, lot not bounded 70x100varas. Valuation of real estate$200.00, of personal property $106.00,added by assesor $77.00, . total valu-ation and amount ubject to tax$383.00. Taxes $16.13, penalty 80c,publication 70c, total. $11,63.

Jose Trinidad Sanche?.. AH taxes.200 vai-F- a of land bounded N by redhill, 8 by river, E Mitchell,W by Placita Ranch ,Co Valuation ofrea lestate $420. 00,-- , ofv personal pro-perty $70.00, added i.'byy assessor$123.00, total valuation ,,flnd amountsubject to tax $613.00.Taxea $25-67- ,

penalt;' $1.28, publication 35c, total$27.30. :. .

Tucker & Lucas. All taxes.' 320acres of land In sections 30 and 31.twp. 17 N. R. 17E. Valuation of realestate and amount subject to tax$400.00. Taxes $16.68, penalty 83c,publication 35c. total $17.86.

Juanita M. de Wallace. All taxes.33 vaars of land bounded N by redhill, S by river, E by F. Martinez,W by J. R. Martinez. Valuation ofreal estate and amount.,. ublect totax $34.00, Taxes $1.43, penalty 7c,pubiioation 35;, total $1.84.

Allen Wtsley. All taxes. The E 2 ofNE the W 2 of NW, 4 of sec-tion 28, the W 2 of. NW 4 nfsection 27, the SE 4 of SE 4 ofsection 21, the SW 4 of SW 4 ofsection 22, all in twp. 17 N. R. 16E,280 acres. Valuation of real estate$560.00, of personal pronertv 146 00added by assessor $152.00, total val-uation and amount subject to tax$758.00. Taxes $31.66, penalty $1.58publication 70c, total $33.94-Stephe-

R. Davis. Jr.. all ta.All of the land commonly known asthe Sanguijuela Grent and fu'ly de-scribed in the deed from the Boardof Trustees of the Town of La8 ve-gas to Stephen R Davis, Jr., trus-tee; recorded in book 67 of deedspage 35, records of San Miguel coun-ty, exception however, a strip of landin sections 7, 20 and 29, twp. 17R. 17, containing 300 acres." sambeing Included In the assessment oftne naclta Ranch Co. Valuation ofreal estate and amount subject totax $7,845.00. Taxes $327.14, penalty$16.35, publication 35c, total$343.84.

Katherine Allen. All taxes. Lot 5in block 33, Newark. Valuation andamount subject to tax $5.00 Taxes22c, penalty ,20c. to-tal 43c. .,; , ,,. ,

8. A. Apgar. All taxes. Lot 19and 20 In block 1, Newark; Valuation iand amount subject to tax $10 00penalty 2c publication 43cS5c.

Pre-i- nt No. 19 '

I'edro AjmMsca All taxes. The BW14 tif SW 11 of section 2 h 83-- 4 or pe 4 of tectum 3. me w i

1-- 2 of XV of sect lonll. twp.. . . i

14 N. R. 21 E. 18 acre.real estate and amount subject to tax

200. 00. Taxes $8.34, penalty 42c,publication 35c, total $9.11.

Aurelio lla.-- a. All taxes. The fiW 4

of 8W 4 of ectlon 3, the SE 1-- 4

Of BE 4 and W 2 of 8 4 of sec-tion i, twp. 14 N. R. 21 U, ICOacres.Valnation of real entate and amountsubject to tax $200.00. Taxes $8.34,

42c, publication 25c, totalta.iL i

Tabb Clrltirco Haca. All taxes. Thefi 2 of NE and N 12 of NW 1-- 4

of section 4. Twp. 14 N. K- - 20E, 160iscres. Valuation of real estate and

mount aubiort to tax $200.00. Taxes$3.34, penalty 4!c publication 35c,total $9.11.

Petrita JaratnlUo. it taxe. The 81-- 2 of NE 1-- 4 and N 12 of NE 4 ofaectlon 1, twp. 14 N. K. 2 IE. 160Here. Valuation of real eoiate andsimoiint aubjiot to tax $200.00. TaxesfS.34, penalty 42c, publication 85c,total $9.11.

Jcíídi Ma. Jaratnlllo. All taxes.The 81-- J oí NE 4 and N 2 of 8E

4 of section C. twp. 14 N. It. 21E,ICO aerea. Valuation of roal eatateand amount aubjeot to tax $200.00.Taxes $3.34, penalty 42c, publication350, total $1.41.

Joo R. Lucero. All taxes. TheN 1 2 of NW 14, the SW 4 of NW1-- the NW 4 of NE 4 of section

. twp. 14 N. R-- 20E, 160 Bcres. Abl-ation of real state and amount sub-ject to tax $20.00. Taxe $8.34. pen-alt- y

423. publication 35c, total $9.11.Placido Lucero. All taxes. The SW

1-- 4 of NE the NW 1-- 4 Of 8E 1--

the NB 4 of SW 4 and NW 4

f BE 4 of section 8. twp. 14 N. It20E, 160 ac.-e-

. Valuation of real es-(A- te

and amo tut subject to tax1200.00. Taxes $3.31, penalty 42o,publication 25c, total $9.11.

Pedro Mondragon. All taxes. TheK 12 of 8W 1-- the 8W 1-- 4 of SW1-- the NW 1-- 4 of 8W 1-- 4 of section20, twp. 15 ti. R. 2013, 160 acres.Valuatwu of real estate $281.00, ofIrsonal pixHerty $118.00, total val-mtlo- n

$399.00, less exemption9200.00. baalaoe subject to, taxfl9.0!, Taxes $8.69, penalty 43c,fiublicatioa 35c, total $9.47.

Oaario Maldonada. All taxes. The12 of SB 4 of section 9, the

8 1-- 2 of SW 14, of section 10. twp.34 N. R. 2 OH, ICO aerea. Valuationof real estate and amount subject totax $203.00. Taxes $8.34, penalty 42c,publication 35c, total $9.11.

Fidei Maldonado. All taxes. TheFH 4 of SE 4 of section 33, the8 1-- Of 8W 4 of section 34. twp.15, N. R. E, 120 acres. Valuation

f real es'ate and amount subject totax $150.00. Taxes $6.26, penalty 31cents, publication 35c, total $6.92.

Paul McOrauick. All taxes. The S1-- 2 of 8E Uie 8 of SW ofectlon 8, tw. 14 N. R. 20E. and the

lots 1, 2. 3 and 4 In aoction 18, twp.14 N. R. 20M. Valuation of real es-tate $418.0. of personal property11725.00, total valuation $2140.00,leas exeminioa $200.00, balance sub-ject to tax $1140.00. Taxes $36.22,penalty $1 ?, publication 70c, totalÍ91.23.

ficlaa Rorowo de Apodaca. All tax-m- :

The SW 4 of ec. 5, tp. 14

N. R. 22E. 161 aerea. Valuation ofreal eataate and amount subject totax $200.00. Taxes $8.34, penalty 42

cent. pubUc&Uon 35c, total $9.U.,Jo TUruio Roybal. AU taxes.

160 aerea of land bounded N by Vala- -

dero road, S fcy road, E by J. Y. Roy-bn- l,

W by arroyo. Valuation of realKtüte $239. 0, of personal property

$136.01, total valuation $366.00. lesexemption $200,00, balance subject toUi $166.05. Taxes ?7.22. penalty Sfic.

cents, publication 35 cents, toal17.93.

Joe Rosallo Roybal. All taxes. TheW 12 of 8W the SW 4 of NW

of section 14, the SE 4 of SB14 of section IS, twp. 14 N. R. 21 E.1C0 acre. ValaaUon of real lateand airount subject to tat $200.00.Taxes $H,34, penalty 42c, publication

5c. total $9.11.FYanclacn Muda. AU taxi. 100

property sw.uu, total vaiuauon$221.00 lesa exemption $.'00.00, bal- -

taras of land bounded X and S by- -

river, E by I- - G. de Haca, W by Pía- -

liautu u. ti. vami muiiiKuby hill, S by. river. . E by J. X. Gal- -

aV "

i r, "lcu. E by road, W by J. M. Marti- -

ni.?z. Valuation of real estatef personal property $130. 'JO total

valuation $1257.00, less exemption$200.00, balance subject to tax$1057.00. Taxes $14.21, penalty$3.21, publication $1.05, total $47.47.

Eugene Gaussoin. All taxes. Landbounded N by hill, S by river, E byT. Gaussoin, W by Placlta R. Co.,150 varas. Valuation of realestate$150.00, of personal property $1104.00total valuation $1254.00, balancesubject to tax $1054.00. Taxea$51.29, penalty $2.56, publication 35c,total $o4.20.

Auiceta Gallegos de Montoya. Alltaxes. 42 varas of land bounded Nby hill, S by river, E by PlacitaR. Co. W by J. M. Gallegos. Valua-tion of real estate and aoumnt sub-

ject to tax $42.00. Taxes $1.75, pen-

alty 9c, publication 35c, total $2.19.Cleotilde G. de Gallegos. All taxes.

3 acres of land bounded N by A. G.Gallegos, S and W by river, E byA. G. Gallegos; 100 aerea boundedN and S by A. G. Gallegos, E by S.

.Gallegos, W by J. M. Martinez. Valu--

atlon or real estate ana amouni suu'ject to tax $195.00. Taxes $8.13, penaltv 40c. Dublication 70c, total

j $9.23.J. p. Oeyer. All taxes. 635 acres of

land described as. follows: Beginningat qaurter section corner of S boundftry of section 24, thence N CO chains;thence E 20 chiiins; thence S 56 de--

Kreos jo minutes, E 80 chains, N 36degrees. 35 minutes, E 93 chains to,j,e NK 00rner; thence S 87 chainst0 the SE corner; thence W 140

jchains to the SW corner and placel0f beginning. Valuation and amountsubject to tax $794.00. Taxes $33.11,penalty $1.65, publication 35c, total$35.11.

Josefa M. de Gurule. All taxes. 33varHS 0f land bounded N by hill, Sby river, E by F. Martinez, W by EMartinez. Valuation and amountsubject to tax $34.00. Taxes $1.42,penalf 7c, publication 35c, total$1.84.

Mr. Mary Hartmrn. All taxes. TheSW 4 of section 33. Twp. 17 N.R. 18E, 160 acres. Valuation of realestate and amount subject to tax$200.00. Taxes $8.34, penalty 42c,tublicution 35c, total $9.11.

J. D. Hand. All taxes. Personalproperty; valuation $1510.00 less ex-emption $200.00, balance subject totax $1310.00- - Taxes $54.84, penalty$2.74, publication 35c, total $57.93.

A. Johannlngsmeir. All taxes. TheE 2 of NW 4 and W 2 of NE

of section 18, twp. 17 N. R. 19E.160 acres. Valuation of real eatateand amount subject to tax $200.00.Taxes 88.34, penalty 42c, publication

5c;, total $9.11. .

Howard Loar, R and Geo. P. Hile,Faunce Burr and W. H. Comstock. Alltaxes. A tract or land, part or Montova ;cl otment. bounded V and V

n. Une of L. V. Grant, comprisingfractional part of section 16, all ofKectloii8 17 and 18 and fractionalpart of sections 7. 8, 19 in twp. 17,N. R. 17E, 2098 acres. Valuation ofreal estate and amount subject totax $2622.00. Taxes $109.34, penalty$5.47. publication $1.40, total $116.21.

Ambrocio Martinez. AU taxes. Landboundde N by red hill, S by river, Eby J, J. Martinet, W by E. Martinez.Valuation of real estate and amountsubject to tax $34.00. Taxes $1.42,penalty 7c, publication 35c, total$1.84.

Antonio Martinez. All taxea. ThoSl-- 2 of NW 4 and N 2 of SW

of section 2. twp. 17 N. R. 1SE,100 acres- - Valuation of real eatate

.$200.00. added by assessor $50.00.tol!U v'Ua"" a amount subject toinx t.m.mr, laxes iv.ij, pennuy ;rc.pui).tcaton J..C, total 111.29,

- - ' -..,. V .V,"":,oun1- - Valuation of real estate andamount subject to tax $250.00. Taxes

A. :

Montoya. W by Placita Ranch; 100varas of land bounded X bv river,

and W a't Ranch. E bv

exempMon $200.00, balance subject totax $59.00. Taxes $1.39, penalty 7c, '

pUDUCailOn 7UC, iota: SZ.Jtj.Udiiifucto narria, . an invM 7 m

raa of land bounded X by river. 3oy roaa, ta oy m. lapiu, w oy x. J a- -

pla. VUuation of real estate $32.00,of twáonal nroiiertv 1175.(10. totalvaluation and amount subject to tax$207.00. Taxes $10.03, penalty 5'ic,publication 35c, total $iu.8S.

i'iiblu Garcia. All taxes. 40 varasof land bounded X by Canon delAgua, S by river, E by 11. Garcia,VV by Rosenwald. Valuation of realsítate $35.00, of persuual property

$U8.00, total valuation $73.00, lesaexemption $48.00, balance subject totax $25.00- - Taxes $1.25, penalty 0c,publication 35c, total $1.66.

Pablo A. Lopez. All taxea. The SEof XE the SE 4 of SW 4

ot NE the Nis 4 ot sis i-- tneE of NW 14 of SE 4 of section7, the NW of NW 4 and NW 4

of NE 4 of XW 4 of section 8,in twp. 14 N. R. 19E. 160 acres. Val-

uation of real eatate and amountsubject to tax $200.00. Taxes $8.34,penalty 42c, publication 35c, total$9.11.

Gerónimo Márquez. All taxes. TheE of NW 4 of section 14, theNE of NW 4 and NW 4 of NR

4 of section 23, twp. 14 N- - R. 17

E. 158 acres. Valuation of real estateand amount subiect to tax $198.00.Ta ves s.2fi. nenaltv 41c. nublicatlon35c, total $9.02.

Hipólita Martinez de Garcia. Sec- -

ond half of taxeá. 7( varas of landbounded N by creek. S by river, Eby creek. W by II. Garcia. Valuationof real estate $105.0(1, of personalproperty $587.00, total valuation$092.00, less exemption $i&4.uu, uai- -

ance subject to tax $538.00. Taxea;$13.45, penalty 67c, publication 3:c.total $14.47. ,

Feliciano Quintana. All taxes. 70

varas of land bounded N by Grant,S by river, E and W by J. C. Quln- -

tana; 100 varas of land bounded Nby J. II. Herrera. S by hill, E by S.Quintana, W by J. M. Quintana. Val- -

uatlon of real estate $135.00, of personal property $192.00, total valua-tion $327.00, less exemption $152.00.balance subject to tax $175.00. Tax-es $7.75, penalty 39c, publication 70c,total $8.84.

J. J. Quintana. All taxes. 1 acre ofland bounded N by ditch, 8 by river,E by B. Alemán, W by M. Quintana; 2

acres bounded N by public rights, Sby river,, E by Garcia, W by P. A.de Mares: house and Jot at La Liendre. Valuation of real estate andamount 'subject to tax $71.00. Taxes$2.96, penalty 15c, publication $1.05,total $4.16.

Juan J. Quintana y Vigil. All taxes. 60 varas of land bounded N byP. Quintana. S by D. Maes, B by hill.W by canon. Valuation of real estate$72.00, of personal property $20.00.Total a'imtlon $92.00, less exemption $32.00, balance subject to tax$60.00. Taxes $2.56. penalty 13c, publication 35c, total $3.04.

Precinto No. 25

Getwnimo Maestaa. All taxes. 9acres of land bounded N and W by ;

Jose Archuleta, S by J. Archuleta,E by ditch; land bounded N by n.Duran, E by hill. W by river. S by

A. Archuleta, valuation of real estate $2S2.00, of personal property$S3.00, total valuation $366.00, lessexemption $200.00, balance subjecto tax $166.00. Taxes $7.07. penalty

35c, publication 70c, total $8.12.Teófilo Martinet. Second half of

taxes. ",5 acres of land bounded N bvTrujlllo, 8 by J. Pals, E and W

by Gov. land; 300 varas bounded Nby J. Sanchet & Bros. E by R. Gar-cia. 8 by n. Raimres. W by Cuch- -

ll'a. Valuation of real estate $615.00,of personal property $606.00, totalvaluation $1221.00, less exemption

200.00, balance subject to tax1021.00. Taxes $22.16, penaltv

81 11. nnt.licatinn 7ft Ati .,, -.tonal. I? miro All "rt

;" - . rus ui una otmuuea ín

by P. Maes, W by ct.chllla; 180varas of land hmmdert v anri s hir

e $42.96, penaltv $2.15, publication$1,05. total $46.16.

Pedro Trujlllo. AD taxes. Land R

$145.00. Tax?s $18.88, penalty 94c,'publication 35c, total $20.17. I

Manuel Tenorio. I' taxes. Land InJnr-HA- I 11 un 11 V Tí 11WI 1 C.A

acres. Va'uatlon and amount subjectt otax $170.00 Taxes $7.09, penalty3ic, publication 35c, total $7.79.

Isabel Tapia. All taxes. Land in sec-tion 9, twp. 10 N. R. 12E. 40 acres.Valuation dt real catato $63.00, ofperson I property $110.00, total val-uation $173.00, less exemption$100.90, bnlance subject to tax $73.00.taxes $3.34, penalty 17c, publication35e. to'al $3.86.

Mauricio Tapia. All taxes. 160acres of land bounded N, S and Eby Gov. land, W by F. Tapia. Valua-tion of real eilate $250.00, of per-sonal property $100.00, total valu-tlo- n

$350, leBS exemotlon $200, balancesubject to tax $150.00. Taxes $6.44,penalty 32c, publication 35c, total$7.11.

Jesus Ma. OrtU. 160 acres of landIn section 28, twp. 11 N. R- - 14E. Val-uation of real estate $280.00, of per-sonal property $725.00, total valua-tion $1005.00, leas exemption $200.00,balance subject to tax $805.00.Taxes $38.16, penalty $1.91, publica-tion 35c, total $40.42.

Horculano Dlinas, All taxes. Landbounded N by river, g by river, Eby C. Chave, W by river. Valuationnf - nf ah ... i:l 'H' .X . . ou" - I

anr.u'KV Taxes

fouftlfr V"

t.' '.Juan Sandoval. All taxes. Personalproperty consisting partly of livestock, valuation $172.00, los exemption $60.00, balance subject to tax$112.00. Taxes $2.87, penalty 14c,publication 35c, total $3.36

Precinto No. 21

Aurelia Haca. AU taxes. Personalproperty cunstdtlng of cattle andsheep. Valuation and amount subjectto tax $fi03.00. Taxes $28.14. penalty$1.41, publication 3fic, total $29.90.

Marin Daca. AU taxes, Personalpropetry consiHtinc chiefly of cattleand sheep. Valuation and amountsubject to tax $005.00. Taxes $28.14,penalty $1.41, publication 35c, total$29.90.

HlaOlfio Buca. All taxes. Personalproperty consisting chiefly of cattleand Bheep. Valuation and amountsubject to tax $1050.00. Taxes$50,61, penalty $2.53 publication 35c,total $53.49.

Marcos Carillo. AH taxes. The 812 of SE 4 of section 20, the S

of SW 4 of section 21, twp. '

11 X. II. 1 IE, 160 acres. Valuation

Zi otVp tlM H S.Valuation of real testate nnd amount

of redi estnte $205.00, of personal of section 32, twp. 18, N. R. 24E.$10.00, total va'tiatlon nation of real estate and amount

Í215.O0. less exemption $200.00, bal- -

anee íubioet to tax 815.00. Taxes10 .63. ttenaltv Si. niih'lcatlnn a.

jtotal $1.01. Jesu Ma. Padla y Gallegos. ' All of lanl In section 23, twp, 19 Nf. R A"ren u.Manoy. Secono pair or n

niitn' tti ..... Tk. c to tavna Tho cur i.J nf vu i.j ik. nn. enn j ... -- j . . es ISO ncrea of land nart of Wnlmn.

toea. qk riw Bh, hiii W ít;íton ..tT. U N. R- - HE. 160 acres.of rM, m t205.00. of..,., ,n n . .i.. ,....... . A nn .r- - i....vin. . . tin it iun.iit n..kiin.iiniftft - .-- ,-i onn An to ; ta nMU.iinn ... .1 ..n.. - total 111 99

nukltf.eKi-- " r " " '"i"'"" f -- "." i" i....... ... i i, in personal

' ' "v"""".' . . .

AE4efiblon Chaven. A" taxes. TheKV 4 of section 8, twp. 9 N. R.

J13E. nid S of NE NE of

..?0.5í fwnslty ?.c, publication 35c. " Hilarlo Padilla. AH taxes. The S 2 $1215.00. less exemption $200.00, W araa of land bounded N and E',,'Vi ll.oi. or j?v i-- 4 or section 1. the 8 2 of balance suhiect to tax 11015.00. Tax. or Placita Rancb Co.. E bv J.

snierticHo, , vaiustion or reaii 'Bxie:,nd rtf'fiUftt kUbjett to taxi IS.W.i(1ilA.

Taxe i nojialtvtr ,i .. 1, , ,

Pruu Ma. mi

Crux CaJleffos. Al' taxes. Th.E12 Of N3 1-- 4 of aectioit 18, the RW1-- 4 of NW 14 and lots 1 and S Insection 17. twp. 41 N. R. 14E. Valua-

tion of teal estate $VR4,00, of person-m- l

property $5.0, total valuation343.00, exemption $200.00. bal-am'i- e

rifi.jeci. t tax $149.00. Taxes

r. l- -i or eeetion si ana nw i- - or penmrv t.c. ntimtnimn. . nc. . toiai X unci K nv V Ramtrea. ei J. V ntova:.. i vAraa- - hnnndM V hv rti n . k. in ..... . . .ectlon lo. twp. 9. N. R. nv, Vsbtn- - ;M1).1. , ;

.Mo,h grant: W by road, in twp,.';,?Wr,.;H by.road. py ,F- - Delgado. Mock 'st. 'Newprk. Valuation !


tlon of real estate $850.00, M- 'Tier-- 1 Antonio A. Romei; All taxes. ;Tbe .12 N..R. 1.4E, 4 acres, Valuation pt ' H'hy n de MónW: 104 varas emount áubiect te tas KM Tawí '

sonal pronerty $265,00, added by VW 1 1 of ecf Ion', 2Í. tfp. .17 N. R. real eütafe.'ahd nmount subject to tat 'winded N bv river, S bv read. E bv penaltv lc wibllcatlon$242.00, total valn1lon and ?1F. Tnlitnttn 'of real estate and 85.0(1. Taxe 3.R4. penalty 18c, "laclta Ranch Co , W by riacita J 4e

'- j

amount ubject to tax t8V7.tW. Taxes Mvoun. s.itct-t- tax $200.00. Taxn , pnVKxtlon 3Re, total $4.07. Ranch Cx Valuation of re"tl cte I J Aurtjn Gust AH itaxes Tjr'u 'i'fnd

"T7subject to tax $160.00. Taxes $10.80, ainoubt subject to Us $700.00. 7Miof land bounded N by J. M. Piao.

8 by W.' W. Rawlins. E by hill. WI y S. Lobato; 50 varas of land bound-ed N hy river, S by J. M. Pino, Ebr y Armijo. W by rive.Valuation of. real estáte $361.1)0. . ofpersonal property 473.40. add: by

block 2T Newark: Valuation anamount subject to lax $5.00.' Taxed

22c, penalty lc, publication 20c. total43c. . '

P W.'Varñer. All taxes. Lot 4

in block 13, Newárk. 5'aluation andamount subject to tat' $5.00. Taxea22c, prnaltv lc, publication 20c, total43c. "

RobL C- - Wagner. All taxes. Lot 12in block 15, Newark. Valuation andamount subject to tax $5.00. Taxes22c, penalty lc, publication 20c, tota43c.

Charlotte Wagner. All taxes. Lot 10,

perty $135.00, total .varuaUoa$1135.00, lest exemption $200.00, bal-ance nbject to tai $WÍ.O0. Taxea$31.61. penalty $1.58. publication 40c.total. $33.6-- , "


A. d. Creepu All taxes- - 160 acres ofland vmi1eÍ N by M. Green, S byCit) ,luúv K by common, W by M.Green. Valuation and amount subjectto tax $2600.00. Taxes $175.50, pen-alty $S 8, publication 35c, total$184.63.

Ell Green. All taxes. ISO acres ofland not bounded. Valuation andamount subject to tax $300.00. Tax

tue,' penalty lc, publication 20c, total4Sc. '

I.ulu Kehr. All taxes. Lot 11 lablock il. Newark. Valuation andamount subject to tax $5.00. TaxesHe, penalty lr, publication 20c, total41c.

B. B. Kinney. All taxes. Lots 12

and 15 In block 6. Newark, Valuationand amount subject to. tax $10,00.Taxed 43c, penalty 2$, publication--cents, total 85c. V , .'

Walter II. Kleclj4. AH mes. jLot12 In block 13, Newark.; Valuationand amount subject;.-t- ..tax, n $5.00.Taxes 22c, penalty lc, ; jnblU ation20e, total 43c. . .

John C. Lamb. A'.l taxes. Lot 11

in block 13, Newark. Valuation andamount subject to tax $5.00. Taxed22c, penalty lc, publication 20c, total43c.

Henry Marra. All taxes. Lots 17 Inblock 22, Newark. Valuation andamount Bubject to tax $5.00. Taxes22c, penalty lc, publication 20c, total43c.

Geo. Mather. A'l taxes. Lot 6 inblock 14, Newark. Valuation andamount subject to tax $5.00. Taxes22c, penalty lc, publication 20c, total4Sc.

Lydla M. Menken. All taxts. Lot 1

i nblock 31, Newark- - Valuation andamount subject to tax $5.00. Taxe322e, penalty lc, publication 20c, total43c.

Geo. Menken. All taxes. Lot 9 Inblock 27, Newark. Valuation andamount subject to tax $5.00. Taxes22c, penalty lc, publication 20c, total43c.

Dora Menken. All taxes. Lot 4 inblock 32, Newark. Valuation andamount subject to tax $5.00. Taxes22c, penalty lc, publication 20c, total43c.

Richard A. Miller. All taxes. Lot '" In block 35, Newark. Valuation and

amount subject to tax $5.00. Taxes22c, penalty lc, publication 20c, total43c.

RIclnrd A. Morley All taxes. Lots1 to 4 inc. in block 1, lots 7 and 8

nl block 3 and lots 7 and 8 in block4, lots 11 and if in block 27, lots1 to 4 lncl. and 23 and 24 In block28, lots 16 and 18 in block 29, all inNewark. Valuation and amount sub-

ject to tax $90.00. Taxes. $3.75, pen-

alty 19c publication $2.20, total$6.14.

W. L. Morrill. All taxes. Lot 2 Inblock 33, Newark. Valuation andamount subject to tax $5.00. Taxe322c, p3Tialty lc, publication 20c, total43c.

Geo. F. Morrisey. All taxes. Lot2 In buck 33, Newark. Valuation andamount subject to tax $5.00. Taxes22c, penalty lc, publication 20c, total43c.

M. II. Mockenhaupt. All taxes. Lot.3 in block 20, Newark. Valuation andamount Bubject to tax $5.00. Taxes,22c, penalty lc, publication 20c, total43c.

R. J. McCohon. All taxes. Lot 1 Inblock 7. Newark. Valuation and amt.subject to tax $5.00. Taxes 22c, pen-

alty lc, publication 20c, total 43c.A. L. McKlnney. All taxes. Lot 5

In block 32, Newark. Valuation anaamount aubject to tax $5.00. Taxes22c, penalty lc, publication 20c, total43c.

T. II. Nealy. All taxes. Lot 2 inbloc k7, Newark. Valuation and amt.subject to tax $5.00. Taxes 22c, pen-alty lc, publication 20c, total 43c.

H. O. Phillips. All taxes. Lot 3 inblock 17, Newark Valuation andamount aubject to tax $5.00. Taxes22c, penalty lc, publication 20c, total48c.

C. W. Poole. 11 taxes- - Lot 16 inblock 22, Newark. Valuation andamount subject to tax $5.00. Taxes22c, penalty lc, publication 20c, total43c.

C. A. Prall. All taxes. Lot 12 inblock 12, Newark. Valuation andamount subject to tax $5.00. axes22c, penalty lc, publication 20c, total43c.

Thonas E Roberts. All taxes. Lot8 in block 6, Newark. Valuation andamount aubject to tax $5.00. Taxes22c, penalty lc, publication 20c,total 43c.

Marlon B. Rogers. All taxes. Lot3 in block 32, Newark. Valuation andamount subject to tax $5.00. Taxes22c, penalty lc, publication 20c, total43c.

Charlea F. Russell. All taxes. Lot4 in block 14, Newark. Valuation andamount subject to tax $5.00. Taxes22c, penalty lc, publication 20c, total43c.

Aniriiette Sandus. All taxes. Lots 7

and 6 in block 6, Newark. Valuationand amt. subject to tax $10.00. Tax-

es 43c, penalty 2c, publication 40c,total 85c.

John H. Sheppard. AM taxes. Lot8 in block 27, and lot 1 in block25, Newark. Valuation and amountsubject to tax $10.00. Taxes 43c, pen-

alty 2c, publication 40c, total 85c.Altha M- - Sheppard. All taxes. Lot

6 in block 33, Newark. Valuation andamount subject to tax $5.00. Taxes22c, penalty lc, publication 20c, total43c.

Emerson Sherman. All taxes. Lot1, in block 15, Newark. Valuation andamount subject to tax $5.00. Taxes22e, penalty lc, publication 20c, total43c. ,

Roy Smith. All ' taxes. Lot 5 In

block 35, Newark. Valuation andamount subject to tax $5.00. Taxes22c, penalty lc, publication 20c, total43c.

I, E. Snyder. All taxes.'! Lotsand 4 in block 22, Newark. 'Valuationand amount subject ,to1ai5i$l. 00.

Taxes 43c, penalty 2c, publication 40c,

total 85c. A .?KKfl.iot.

J. W. Spaulding.iiAH taxasi ,tofc7in block 27, lot 3 10 block '12!, "lot2" in block 32. Newark; Valuationand amount subject to tax $15.00".

Taxes C4c, penalty 3e; publicationfine, total $1.27.

. W. Swallow. All taxes. Lot 18 inblock 2, lot 6 In block 3, Newark.Valuation and amount subject to tax110.00. Taxes 43c, penalty 2c, pub-

lication 85c.J. J. cTurter. All taxes. Lot 10 in

ubje- - to tax $2050.00. Taxea$1311.38, penalty, pubhoaUon $1.40, to-tal $138.7$.

John H. Lo. All taxes. Lot 23to 25 cel. In block 2. of KotenwilA &Co. adi'tUoa. Valuation of real estate$1000.00, of personal property $40-00- ,

total valuation $1140.00, less exemption $200.00. balance sublect to ta$940.00. Taxea $56.76, penalty $2.84.publication 40c, total $60.00. ' .s.

It Kuv.nA half nftaxes. Part of lots 11 to 14 incf. lablock 3 of Martines addition. Vain- -

ation and amount subject to tax$200.00. Taxes $6.75, penalty Sic,publication 40c total $7.49.

Vateo Lujan. All taxes. Lot 2 to 4Ind. In block 11 ot Pablo Baca addi-tion. Valuation ot real enlate 11050 o 1

01 personal property $50.00 total valuation 11100.00. less exemntlon $200.balance subjeit to tax $900.00. Taxes$00. ib, penalty $3.04, publication 40c,total $64.20.

HiK)llto Lujan. All taxes. Lot 15in block 13 of L. S. & R. addition.Valuation of real estate $150.00. otpergonal property $50.00, added byassewor $50.00. total valuation andamount subject to tax $250.00. Taxes$I.SS, penalty 84c, publication 20c,total $17.92.

W, p. Lynch. All taxes. Personalproperty, valuation $165.00. added byassessor $41.00, total valuation andamount subject to tax $206. 00. Tax-es $13 90, peualty 7Uc, publication35c. total $14.95.

Mrs. 8. M. Mackel. All taxes. Lots2ü and 29 In block 1 of T. Romero,addition: lots A to F incl. in block3 of Ortega addition. Valuation anaamount subject to tax $1200.00. Tax-es $M,00, penalty $4.05, publicationVDv, total $85.85.

J B. Mackel. All taxei. Uú 13 toHi' I. Iota 1. 2. & and fi Into ia

and 19 In block 1. T. Romero addition, ots 10 and 9 ft. of 11 In block7, of I V. T. Co. addition. Valuationand amount subject to tax $3200. 00.Taxes $108.00, penalty $5.40, pi,bii- -

oauon 2.00. total $115.40.Antonio B. de Manzanares. All

taxes. Lots 7 and 8 iu block 1 lots1 and 2 In block 2, lots 27 and 28 Inblock 4. lots 17 and 18, 3 and '4, Band C lu block 5. all in the J. A. a A.Baca addition; lot 18 in block 1 of1. & B. addition. Valuation and amt,subject to tax $415.00. Taxes $28.00,penalty $1.40. publication $2.60 total $32.00.

Atauaclo Márquez All taxes. Lot13 I nblock 11 of R. and Harrold'saddition. Valuation $25.00, added byassessor xu.uu, total valuat on andamount subject to tax $.'U,00. Taxes

.iu, penalty 10c, publication 20c,total $2.40.

Joseph M arable. All taxes. Lots 1and 2 in block 11, L. 8. & R. addi-tion. Valuation $300.00 added by as-sessor $75.00 total valuation and amt.subject to tax $375. 00. Taxes $25.30,penalty $1,27, publication 40c, total

Domingo Martinez. All taxes. Lot12 in block 4 of L. 8. & R. addition.Valuarion $25.00, added by assessor$6.00, total valuation uud amountsubject to tax $31.00. Taxes $2.10,penalty lOe, publication 20c, total$2.40.

Natividad Martinez. Ail taxes. Lot11 In block 4 of L. 8. & S. addition.

alua-!o- u $25.00, added by assessor$(.00, total valuation and amountsubject to tax $31.00. Taxes 2.10,penalty 10c, publication 20c total$2.40.

Harriet B. Martinez. Sueond halfof tatos. Lot 35 and 3 ft in block19, 8. M. T. Co. addition. Valuationand amount subject to tax $SO0.00.Taxes $16.88. penalty 84c, publicationuc, loiai 118.12.John Mitchell- All taxes. Lots 13

to 15 lncl. in block 1, Rosenwald ad-dition. Valuatlontlon of real estate$1050.00, of personal property $50.00total valuation $1100.00, leia exemp-tion $200.00, balance subject to tax$900.00. Taxes $6.76, penalty $3.04,publication 40c, total $64.20.

Mitchell Miller. 1' taxes. Personalvaluation $315.00 less ex-

emption $200.00, balance subject toI 1 1 1 r. nn rr,. ,, .

puuucauon 3,')C, total $8.67.J. Hilario Montoya, Second half of

taxes. 23 aerea of land bounded nby Mrs. A. Papen, 8 by p. Trambley,w ny Mora roaa, w by R. It. Valtia-atlo- n

md amount subject to lax$402.00. Taxes $13.57, penalty 68c,publicit'on 35c, total $14.60.

Chas. McCully. All taxes. Part oflots 29 and 30 in block A, Rosen-val- d

addition. Valuation and amountsubject to tax $600.00. Taxes $40.50,penalty 4J2.03. publication 40c, .total$42.93.

8. T. McCune. All taxes. Lots 34to 36 Incl. In block 4, P. R. addition.Valuation of real estate $600.00. ofpersonal property $45.00, total valu-ation J645.00, less exemption $200.00balance subject to tax 1115.00 Ta.es $30.04, penalty $1.50, publicationiuc, ritai i;!i.i)4.

McGure & Webb. Second half oftaxes. Personal nronertv. valuationand amount subject to tax fr.oo.oo.J axes $16.88, penalty 81c, publication35c, total $17.07.

Wm. Naeglin. All taxes. Lots 9 and10 In block 7, L. S. & R. addition.Valuation of real estate $260.00, ofpersonal property $10.00, total val-uation $270.00, U'sa exemption$200.00, balance subject to tax$70.00. Taxes $4.73, penalty 24e pub-lladlo- u

40c. total $5.37.W. G. Ogle- Second half of taxes

I otg 20 to 23 Incl. lr block 23, 8. M,T. Co. addition; lot 5 and E of,4 In b'ock 2, Rosenwald & Co. addl,tlon. Valuation and amount subjectto tax $1713.00. Taxes $49.94 ...alty $2. OS, publication 80c, iotai

Perry Onion. All laxes. Lots 9 and10 In block t U f an. Addition.Valuáis, nand amount subject to taxxaou. uo. Taxes $33.76, penalty $1.69,!I ubllcation 40c, total $35.85. '

F. L. Oswald. Second half o ftaxes.Lots 23 to 27 lncl. in block 2, J.A. & A. Baca addition. Valuation and

penalty 54c, oubllcatlon 40c, total$11.74.

11, O Brown, second half of taxes.IM 5 and 6 In lacero addition. Val-uation of real estate $050.00, of pet-otm- 1

property $300.00. total valua-tion $950.00, less exemption $200.00,balance subject to tax $750.00. Taxes$25.57. penalty $1.28, publication 40c,total fzi.zo.

lid;r liustov. All taxes. Lots 6 and7 In block 1, Falrview addition. Val-uation and amount subject to tax$50.00. Taxes $3.38, penalty 17c, publication 4'c. total $3.95.

Margarette Burns. All taxes. LotsA and B in Mock 50. n. S. T- Co.addition. Valuation of real estate$150.00, of personal property $7.0O,total valuation $225.00, less exemp-tion $200.00. balance subject to tax$25.00. Taxes $1.70, penalty 9c, n

40c, total $2.19.Mrs. J. A. Burtincton. All taxes.

Persbnr! "propert; consisting chieflyf hotel furniture. Valnatlon and

amount subject to tax $400.00. Taxes$25.30. penalty $1.27, publication 35c,total 26. 92.

Mrs. J. . Burlington. All taxes. Lot10 In block 22, S. M. T. Co., addi-tion. Va'uatlon of real estate $600.00,of personal property $50.00. total val-uation and amount subject to tax$650.00. Taxes $27.00, penalty $1.35,publication 20c, total $28.55.

Besslo Cavanaugh. Al1 taxes. Lotand Improvements, bounded N byMrs. A- - Hartman, S by National St.,E by fth street, W by lot 1 Luceroaddition. Valuation of real estate$700.00, of personal property $55.00.total valuation and amount subject totax $755.00. Taxes $50.97. penalty$2.55, rublicatlon 35c, total $53.87.

J. W. Chrlstal. Second half of tax-es. Lots 1 to 4 lncl. In bldck 2. T.Romero addition; lots 13 to 19 incl.in block 2, Martinez addition. Valua-tion and amount subject to tax$1195.00. Taxes $40.34, penalty$2.02, publication 80c, total $13.16.

Charles C. Clay. All taxes. Lots31 and 32 In b'ock 19, S. M. T. Co.addition. Valuation of real estate$475.00, of personal property $50.00,total valuation $525.00, less exempHon $200.00, balance subject to tax$325.00. Taxes $21.94, penalty $1.10,publication 40c, total $23.44.

Mary Colville. Second half oftaxes. Lots 16 and 17 In block 31.S- M. T. Co. addition. Valuation andamount subject to tax $350.00. Taxes$11.81, penalty 59c, publication 40c,total $12.80.

M. P. Cousins. All taxes. Lots 67 and half of s. and 12 in block 2,

T. Romero addition. Valuation ofreal estate $850.00, of personal pro-perty $50.00, total valuation $100.00,less exemption $200.00, balance sub-

ject to tax $700.00. Taxes $17.26,penalty $2.36, 'publication S0c. total$'.0.42.

H. G. l oors. All taxes. Lots 4 to 6

ind., in block 10, L. V. T. Co. addi-tion; lots 7 to 19 incl. In block 18

L. of 7.. addition; lots 8 to 11 incl.in block 41, Buena Vista addition;lots 15 to 18 lncl. in b'ock 45, BuenaVista addition; lots 26 and 27 Inblock 1. Pablo Baca addition; lots1 to 10 incl. In block 2. and lots 1

to 11 lncl. In block 1. of L. S. & S.addition. Valuation of real estate$12,500.00, of personal property

total valuation $17,880.00 lessexemption $200.00, balance subjectto tax $17,680.00. Taxes $1,193.61,penalty $59.68, publication $2.80.total $1256.09.

Crystal Ice Co., all taxea. Lot andimprovements, bounded N by Lin-

coln street. E by Ry. S by Ortegaaddition, W by river. Valuation ofreal estate $tr00.00. of personal pro-

perty $110.00, total valuation andamount subject to tax $1610.00. Tax-es $104.96, penalty $5.45. publication?Jc, total $114.76.

Leandro Crespin. AH taxes. Lot 19In bio'; 8, of Teitlebaum addition.Valuation and amount subject to tax$25.00. Taxes $1.70, penalty 9c, publication 20c, total $1.99- -

J. C. Denlson. All taxes. Personalproperty, valuation and amount sub-ject to tax $1030.00. Taxes $69.91,penal'v $3.50, publication 35e, total$73.76.

Carmelita Duran. All taxes. Lot 7

In blo :k 9, R. B. addition. Valua-tion of real estate $200.00, of person-al property $15.00, total "valuation$215.00, less fxemptlon $200.00. bal-

ance subject to tax $15.00. Taxes$1.02, penalty 5c, publication 20c, total$1.27.

Thomas Feeling. All taxes. Lot 2

In block 7 of I. and H. addition. Valu-ation and amount subject to tax$10.00. Taxes 70c, penalty 4c, pub-

lication 20c, total 94c.II. F. Franklin. All taxes. Lot 3

In bbek 33. S- M. T. Co. addition.Valuation $50.00, added by assessor$13.00, total valuation and amountsubject to tax $63.00. Taxes $4.26.penalty 21c, publication 20c, total$4.67.

Edward E. French. Second half oftaxes. Personal property, valuationand amount subjeet to tax $150.00.Taxes $3.07, penalty 25c, publication.t5c, total $5.67.

Piedad Gonzales de Martinez. Alltaxes. Lot 1 in block 5, L. S. & 8.additiDn- - Valuation of real estate$125.00, of personal property $25.00.by assessor $38.00, total valuationand amount subject to tax $188.00.Taxes $12.70, penalty C4c, publica-tion 20c, total $13.54.

ChDs. Glese. All taxes. Bullard'sn of lots 3 and 4 In block

17, L. V. T. Co. addition. Valuationof real estate $700.00, of personalproperty $75.00, total valuation $775,less exemption $200.00, balance Bub-

ject to tax $575.00. Taxes $38.80,penalty $1.94, publication 40c, total$41.14.

Glassener A Bargen Distilling &Imp. Co., all taxes. Personal propertyvaluation and amount subject; to tax$500.00. Taxes $33.76, penalty $1.6,9,publication 351, total $35. 8Q., .


De Poto II. Grant. Second half oftaxes.' Lots 5 to 8 lncl. In block 38,H. S. T, Co. addition. Valuation ofreal estate $1000.00, of personal pro- -

21.63. rcna;ty $1.13. publication IQc.total $25.21. a

Chas. O'Malley. All taxed. Personalproperty: valuation $160.00. lesa ex-- .emption $200 00, balance subject totax $:co.do. Taxes $17.61. penalty 8ScpuDiication Jic, total $18.84.

Leoooldo Padilla. Second half oftaxes-.-. Lot 14 In block 7. L. 8. & R.addition. Valuation of real estate$iS:0(k f personal nronertv $25.00.total' valuation $300.00, less exemp- -ton $200.00, balance subject to tax$100.00. Taxed $3.38, penalty 17c.publication 20c. total $3.75.

Pablo Padilla y Gallegos. Secondhalf of taxea. Lot 15 in block 7. 1

S. R. addition. Valuation of real estate $200.00, of personal property$53.00, total valuation $253.00, lewexemption $2J0.00, balance subjectto tax $53.00. Taxes $1.83, penalty9c, publication 20c. total $2.12.

Geo. E- - Parkhurst. All taxes. Personal property, valuation and amountsubject to tax $400.00. Taxes $27.00,penairy $1.35, publication 35c. total$28.70.

Teodoro Pena. taxes. Iit. 4and- - 5 in block 1. Falrview addition.Valuation and amount subject to tax$50.00. Taxes $3.38, penalty 17c, publication 40c, total $3.95.

Placlta Ranch Co. A'l taxes. Halfinterest In lots 17. 18 and 19 inblock 9, half Interest In lots 17 to23 ind. In block 10. half Interest Inlots l to 7 and 17 to 23 lncl- - Inblock 11; all of lots 1 to 7 lncl. lablock 10. all in R. & II. addition.Valuation and amount subject to tax$265.00. Taxes $17.89. penalty 89c,publication $2.20, total $20.98.

Plac.ta Ranch Co. AH taxes. Landand Improvements, bounded W by8th street, E by Mora road. N byManzanares, 8 by Tafoya. Valuationand amount sublect to tax ilOO.onTaxea $6.76, penalty 34c, publication

oc, loiai 1. 4 j.Roblna J, Smith Pontine. All taxes.

Lots 23 and 24 In block 2. lots 18ud 17 In block 1, lota 20 and 27

in block A, all In P. Daca addition:lots 6 and 7 in block 2, Martinez ad-dition; lot 8 in block 1, Rosenwald& Co. addition. Valuation and amountsubject to tax $750.00. Taxes $50.63.penalty $2.53. publication 1.80. tnt.al $54.96.

Emma E. Ray wood. All taxes. Partof lots Tto 3 In block 14. L. or 25.addition, lot 4 In Lucero addition.Valuation of real estate t75 nn fpersonal property $75.00 total valuation ana amount subject to tax$1050.00. Taxes $70.88, penalty $3.51publication 60c. total $75.02.

Estate of L. II. Reynolds. All tax-es. Iits 11 and 12 In block 10, T.Romero addition. Valuation, andamount subject to tax $350.00. Taxes $j..D.i, penalty $1.18, publication40c, total $25.21.

Etta E. Reed. All taxes. Lots 11to 13 'n block 6. L. 8. & R. addition.Valuation Rnd amount subject to tax$825.00. Taxes $55.70, penalty $1.29.publication 40c, total $57.39.

R. L. Richmond. All taxes. Personalproperty; valuation and amount aub-ject to tax $SO.0O. Taxe $5.54, pen-alty 28c, publication 34c, total $0.17.

Mrs, Fannie Rogers. All taxea.Part jf lots 9 to 12 lncl. In block 1.Martinez addition. Valuation of realestate $525.00. less exemptionm2?a0, wbR,anre "Wect to tax

Taxes $21,94, penalty $1.10.publlcition 40c, total $23.44.

Chas. Rogers. All taxes. Personalproperty, valuation $225.00, le8J ex-e- m

ptloi $200.00. balance subject totax $25.00. Taxes $1.76, penalty 9c,publication 35c. total $2.20.

T. Romero- All taxes. Lotd 4 to 12lncl. and 24 to 28 Incl., In block 12:lots 7 to 15 incl. In block 13. lota 1to 6 Incl. and 19 to 30 ind. In block18. all In T. Romero addition. Valua-tlo- n

and amount subject to tax $150.Taxes $10.13, penalty 51c, publication'$2.00, total $12.64.

Peregrina Romero. All taxes. JLot3 In block 11. 1 s. A R. addition.Valuation $50.00, added by assessor$13.00, total valuation and amountsubject to tax $63.00. Taxes $4.26,penalty 21 e, pub'lcatlon 20c, total$4.67.

Mra. A, S. Romero. A'l taxes. IM9 and 10 In block 12, L. 8. & It.addition. Valuation Of' rAfll ABttttA$210.00, of personal property $25.00.una valuation $235.00, lesa exemp.tlon $200.00, balance subject to tax$35.00. Taxes $2.36, penalty 12c, pub-licati-

40c, total $2.88.Chas. Saul and Wm. Rosenthal.

Second half of taxes. Lots 7 and 8In block 7. L. V. T. r.a dditinnValuation and amount subject to tax$1200.00. Taxes 40.50. nennltv t? nspublication 40c. total $42.92.

jamei M. Russell. Second half nftnxes. Lot 11 in b'ock 2. Lncern addition. Valuation of real estate $350,of personal property $10.00, total valuation í;5o.üo. less exemption $200.balanco aubject to tax $190.00. Tarea$0.42, penalty 32c, publication 20c,wia.i íu.sí.

Rusiwll Tnllorlnar C.(. All tflVAdPersonal property, valuation and amtsubject to tax $70.00. Taxes $4.73,penalty 24c, publication 35c, total$5.32.

Wm- A. Salisbury. All taxes. LotaI) and 10 in block 1 of Ortega addi-tion. 7aluatlon and amount auhiecfto tax $700.00. Taxes $47.26, penalty

.o, publication 40c. total $50.02.Leonarda M. de Salazar. All taxes.

Lot 13 In block 9. of T. Rnmom d.,dUaa, Valuation of real estate $150,ouperaonat property $60.00, totalvalnafloa? $210.00. less exfimntton$200.'0; balance subject to tax $10.00.j axes ic. penalty 4o. publication20c, total $1.05.

Ben Pando val. All tare. r.r 0 nblock 9 of R. B. addition. Valuationand amount subiect to ta isn onTaxes $3.38, penalty 17e, publication

uc, IOUU $3.75. .. .

Mra. Louisa A. Scott. All taxetfT'ltLots 17 and 18 In block lfl. .t JIpez addition. Valuation of real es- -'

tare $100.00, of personal property 1

$60.00, total valuation and amount

assessor $114.00, total valuation andamount subject ' to- tax $548.00. Tax-es $22.97, penalty $1.15, publication 70c, total $24.82.

Mrs. W W. Rawlins. All taxes.Land bounded N by J. M. Pino, Sby creek, E and VV by mountains.Valuation of real estate and amountsubject to tax $663.00. Taxes $27.65.penalty $1.38, publication 35c, total$29.38.

Prudencio Santillanes. All taxes. 318varas of land bounded N by r. Aten-cio, 8 by El Rito, E by E. Crespin,W by J. B. Santillanes; 160 acresbounded N by D- - Coca. S by P.

E by hill. W by common rights.Valuation of real estate $268.00, ofpersonal property $20.00, total valu-ati- o

n$288.00 less exemption $200i,00,balance subject to tax $88.00. Taxea$3.67, penalty 18c, publication 70c,total $4.55. t

Precinto No. 28 "t

Tomas Brito. All taxes, improve-ments on government land, valuation$15.00, of personal property $285.00,total valuation $300.00, less exemp-tion $110.00, balance subject to tax$190.00. Taxes $0.45, penalty 47c,publication 35c, total $10.27.

Gerald H. IJuxton. Second half oftaxes. Personal property consistingchiefly of stock of merchandise- Val-uation and amount subject to tax$795.00. Taxes $16.78, penalty 84c,publication 35c. total $17.97.

Marta L. de Chavez. All taxes. TheS 2 of. SE the S 2 of SWthe N 2 of SE and N 2 of SW

4 of section 24, twp. 13 N. R. 25E,320 acres; the N 2 of SE 4 andSW 4 of SE 4 of section 17, twp.13, N. R. 25E, 160 acres. Valuationof real estate $530.00. of personalproper;y $3';0.0o. total valuation andamount subject to tax $860.00. Taxes$37.03, penalty $1.85, publication 70c,total $39.58.

Jose fa R. Chavez. All taxes. TheNW 1-- 4 of section 21 and the SE 4

of section 20, twp. 13 N. R. 25E. Va'-uatio- n

of real estate and amount sub-ject to tax $500.00. Taxea $20.86,penalty $1.04, publication 35c. total$22.25.

W. u Kirkpatrlek- Second half oftaxes. Personal property consistingchiefly of livestock; valuation $106,les exemption $100, balance subject totax $306.00. axes $6.93, penalty 35c,publication 35c, total $7.63.

Alfred II. Long. Second half of tax-es. Personal property consisting chief-ly of pbeep. Valuation and amountsubject to tax $3504.00. Taxe$S7.05. penalty $4.35, publication 35c,total $91.75.

Jerónimo Márquez. All taxeB. TheN of NW 4 and N 2 of NE

4 of section 19, twp- - 13 N. R. 24E,160 acres. Valuation of real estateand amount subject to tax $200.00.Taxes $8.34, penalty 42c publication35c. total $9.11.

North American Investment Co. Alltaxes. The divided one-thir- d Interestin the Preston Beck Grant, 62,901

acres. Valuation anl amount subjectto tax $32,451.00. Taxes $1353.21.penalty $67.66, publication 35c, total$1421.22.

Juan B. Sanchez. All taxes 160

acres of land In section 30, twp. 13N. R. 2418; 160 acres of land In sec-

tion 25, twp. 13 N. R. 23E. Valuationof real estate $425.00, of personalproperty $1150.00, total valuation$1575.00, less exemption $200. 00, bal-ance subject to tax $1375.00. Taxes$62.02. penalty $3.10, publication 70c,total $65.82.

Precinto No. 29 .

Atchison, Tr.peka & Santa Fe Ry.Co. All taxes. IiOta 4, 5 and 6 inblock 38, H. S T. Co. addition. Valu-

ation of real estate $2500.00; of per-

sonal property $99,773.00, totla valu-

ation and amount subject to tax$102,273.00. Taxes $2638.65 for spe-cials consisting of city certificates,City of Las Vegas, and school dis-

trict No. 2, pena'ty $131.93, publica-tion 95c, total $2771.53.

Procopio Abeytla All taxes. Lot3 In b'ock 4, L. S. & 8. addition.Valuation of real estate $175.00, ofpersonal property $25.00, total valu-

ation $200.00, less exemption$190.00, balance aubject to tax$10.00. Taxes $0.70, penalty 4c, T

ÍOc, total 94c.Victorino Abeytla. All taxes. Lots

10 to 12 Incl., In block 32, S. M. T.Co. addition. Valuation of real es-

tate $200.00, of personal property$25.00, total valuation $225.00, lessexemption $200.00, baalnce subject totax $25.00. Taxes $1.70, penalty 9c,publication 40c, total $2.19.

Candido Aragón. All taxes. Lot 38in block 9 Teitlebaum addition. Val-

uation of real estate $25.00 addedby asaet'Bor $3.00 total valuation andamount gubjetc to tax $31.00. Taxes$2.09 penalty 10c, publication 20c,total $2.39.

Maria R. Baca. Second . half oftaxes. Lots 5, 6 and half of 15 Inblock 1 of I. & B. addition; lots 9

and 10 In block 2, lots 37 and 38 inb'ock 4, lots 5, 6, 11, 12 in block 5;half of lots D. E. and F. in block2. and half of lots A, B and C Inblock 1, all In the J. A. and A. Bacaaddition Valuation and amount sub-

ject t tax $732.00. Taxes $24.70,penalt $1.24, publication $3.40, total$29.34.

Laura E. Black. Second half oftaxes. Lots 21 and 22 In block B,of Pablo Baca addition. Valuationand amount subject to tax $200.00.Taxes $6.75. penalty 34c, publication40c. total $7.49.

Millard Browne. Trustee. All taxes.Lots 4 and 6 in block 11, L. 8. &A. R-- addition. Valuation and amountsubject to tax' $200.00; Taxes $13.50,;penalty 68c, 'publication 40c, totdj'$14.58.' ':; .'"'r'1- -

L'ffie O.'íírown. All taxes. Lots 33to 36 fncl. tn block 24 A. of 36 build-ing lots' addition. Valuation and amt.

es $20.36. penalty 51c, publication.:."c .total $21.12.

Jno. V. Grlswold. Second half oftaxes. Lots 1 to 6 incl In block 18,U of 7. addition; lots 14 to 19 incl.In blink 32, lots 15 and 16 in block

lot 30 In block St. all In S. M. T.Co. ailditlou. Valuation of real enlate$1S50.00, of personal property $50.00.total valuation subject to tax$1900.00. Taxes $64.11. penalty$3.20, publication $1.40, total $68.73.

Look Guln. All tuxes. Lot 13 Inblock 8, M- - and F. addition. Valua-tion 32.00, added by assessor $S.00,total valuation and amount subject totax $40.00. Taxes $2.70. penalty He,publication 20c, total $3.04.

Jno. W. Hanson. Second half oftax's. Lots 12 to 14 lncl. In block3. L. S. & R. addition. Valuation ofreal estate $310.00, of personal pro-perty $55.00, total va'uatlon $365.00,len exemption $200.00, balance sunJect to tax $165.00. Taxes $5.57,penalty 2Sc, publication 40c, total$6.25. ,

James W. Hanson. Second half oftaxes. Lot 30 in block 50, Buena Vis-ta addition; lot bounded E by B.& M. Co., W by Graaf & Hayward, Nby Main street, S by 9th street. Val-uation of real estate $500.00, of per-sonal property $50.00, total valuation$550.00, less exemption $200.00. bal-ance tubject to tax $350.00. Taxes$11.82, penalty 59c, publication 75c,total $13.16.

Mary J. Hammond. Second half oftaxes. Lots 16 and 17 in block 10.T. R. addition; lot 17 In block 1,Rosen wald addition; lot bounded Nby ally, S by Main traet, W byNormal. E by L. V. Carpenter. Valu-ation of real estate $1425.00, of per-sonal property $55.00, total valuationand amount subject to tax $1480.00.Taxes $49.95, penalty $2.50, publica-tion 95c, total $53.40.

S. W. Halloek. All taxes. Personalproperty, valuation $225.00, less ex-

emption $200.00, balance subject totax $25.00. Taxes $1.75, penalty 9c,publicitlon 35c, total $2.19.

Harry Haskell- All taxes. Personalproperty, valuation $250.00, less exemption $200.00, baalnce aubject totax $50.00. Tnxes $3.38, penalty 17c,publication 35c, total $3.90.

Estate of Annie M. Herzog. Alltaxes. Lots 1 and 2 in block 4, L. V.T. Co. addition, 100 feet, of end otlots: lots 9 and 10 in block 14 L.or Z. addition. Valuation and amountsubject to tax $1800.00. Taxes $12150penalty $0.0S, publication 80c, total$128.38.

N. O. Herman. All taxes. Personalproperty, valuation and amount aub-ject to tax $215.00. Taxes $14.55, pen-alt- y

73c, publication 35c, total$15.63.

J. W. Hesser, All taxes. Lot 15 to17 ind. in block 49, Buena. Vista ad-

dition- Valuation of real estate $145,o fpersonal property $40.00. total val-

uation $185.00, less exemption $180.00balance subject to tax $5.00. Taxes41c, p?nalty 2c, publication 40c, total83c .

C. W. Hill, Jr. Al' taxes. Lots 22to 24 incl. In block 5, Blanchard &C o. addition. Valuation and amountBubjeit to tax $900.00. Taxes $60.76,penalty $3.04, publication 40c, total$64.20.

Anudo Hidalgo. All taxes. Person-al property, valuation and amountsubject to tax $150.00. Taxes $10.11,penalty 50c, publication 35c, toa1$10.98.

F. W. Kelly. All taxes. Lota 23 and24 In block 4 of Blanchard & Co.

Valuation 120.1. 0." added byassessor $;0.00, total valuation andamount subject o tax $250.00. Taxer $16.88, penalty 84c, publication40c, total $18.12.

Juan F. Jaramlllo. AH taxes. Lots6 to 7 incl. In block 6, L. S. S.addition. Valuation and amount s'.iject to tax $10.00. Taxes 70c pena'ty4c, pub'lcatlon 40c, total $1.14.

John J. Lanbach. All taxes. Lots20 to 23 lncl. and 6 to 9 incl Inblock 49, Buen vista addition. Valu-ation of real etite $360.00 of personitl property $7S 00. total valuation$435.00, less exemption $200.00, bal-nic- e

subject to tax $235.00, Taxes$15. Sr.. penaltv 79". publication 803,total $17.45.

Lanbach & Benjamin. All taxes.Personal property, valuation andamount subject to tax $1,000.00.Taxes $67.50, penalty $3.38. publica- -

tio;i 35c, total $71.23.Leonard & Cousins. All taxes. Lots

17 to ?0 In block 10, L. S. & R.addition- Valuation and amount sub-ject to tax $200.00. Taxes $13.50,penalty 68c, publication 40c. total$14.58.

Estate of Henry levy. All taxes.Personal property, valuation andamount subject to tax $3,100.00. Tax-es $209.26, penalty $10.46, publication"5c, tctr.l $220.07.

Mrs. Mary Lewis. All taxes. Per- -

vonal property, Valuation and amountsubject to tax $100.00. Taxes $6.76,penalty 34c, publication 35c, total$7.45.

Ella I.lssenbee. All taxes Lots 'H

and 6 In block 3, Rosenwald & Co.Valuation and amount sub-

ject to tax $70.00. Taxes $1.73, pen-alty 21c, publication -- 40c, total$5.37.

Alice ,R, Long. All taxes. Lot 11 Inblock t, U.S. 4,R. addition; lots11. 13, 14 In block 40, H. 8. ft T- -

Co,, add'llon; lot: 22 n block 14, L.or7j. addition; lots 5 and 8, In block 4,Falrview addition,, Valuation of realestate $1950.00, of personal property$100.00. total valuation and amount

In block 10. Newark Valuation andamount subject to tax $5.00. Taxes22c, penalty lc, publication 20c, total43c.

Julius Waltyne. All taxes. Lot 17 inblock 7, Newark. Valuation andamount subject to tax $5.00. Taxes22c, penalty lc, publication 20c, total43c.

Peter Woods, All taxes, Iots 4 and5 in block IS, Newark. Valuation andamount subject to tax $10.00. Taxea,43c, penalty 2c, publication 40c, total85c.

Mrs. L- Toole Wright. All taxes.Lot 3 in .block 6, Newark. Valuationand amount subject to tax $5.00.Taxes 22o, penalty lc, publication 20ctotal 43c.

B. J. Campbell. All taxes. Lot 1 and2 In block 21; lots 1 and 2 in block26; lots 1 to 6 lncl. In block 27;lots 5 to 17 lncl. in block 1; lots22, 23 and 24 In block 1; lots 1 to17 incl. In block 2; lots lto 5 lncl.in block 3; lots 9 to 12 lncl. in block4; lots 1 to 6 lncl. in block 4; lots3 to 11 lncl. in block 5; lots 11, 10and 5 in block 6; lots 3, 4 and 5 Inblock 7; lots 7 to 15 incl., in blk. 7;liits 1 to 12 inc. in block 9; lots 1 to9 lncl. in Mock 10; lots 11 and 12 inblock 10; lots 1 to 12 incl. In block11: lots 4, and 11 in block 12; lots6 to 9 incl. in block 12; lots 6, 7 and1C in block 13; lots 1 to 5 Incl. inblock "4; lots 7 to 12 lncl. In block14; lots 4 and 5 In block 15; lots 7to 11 incl. in block 15; lots 1 and 2

in block 17; lots 5 to 12 incl. Inb'ock 17; lo's 2, 7, 11 and 12 Inblock IS; lots 4 and 6 in block 19;lots 7 tc 10 incl. in block 19; lots 1

tc 11 incl. in block 20; lots 7 fo 10incl. In block 21; lot? 2. 7 to 15, lncl.in blo;k 22; 'ots 1 to 12 incl. in block23i-Jjt- i 3 to 12 incl. in block 24; lots4. 9 to 12 i lncl. in block 25; lots 4

to 10 incl. in block 26; lots 5 to 12Incl. in block 28; lots 14 to 21 lncl.In b'ock 28;.' lots 17, 5 to 14 incl. inMnck 29: lots' 1 to 18 Incl. in blockTO; lots 5, 7 to 12 lncl. in block 31;lots 6, 8 and 9 in block 32; lots 7,8, 9. and 12 In block 33; lots 9 to 12incl. in block 34; lots 6 to 12 Incl.In block 35; lots 11, 12, 1, 4, 7, 8 and10 in biock 36; all In Newark. Valua-tion and amount aubject to tax$600.00. Taxes $25.02, penalty $1.25,publication $22.20, total $18.47.

Precinto No. 27

Camilo Aragón. Second half oftaxes. Land not bounded. Valuationof real estate $50.09 of personal pro-

perty $80.00, total valuation andamount subject to rax $130.00. Taxes$2.86, penalty 14c. publication 35c,total $3.35.

Darlo Atencio. All taxes- 26 acresof land bounded N and S by roads,E by J. F. Atencio, W by N. Gon-

zales; 117 acres bounded N and Sby Tusosa, E by G. Gutierrez, W byroad. Valuation of real estate$173.03, of personal property $55.00,total valnatlon $228.00, less exemp-

tion $200.00, balanco subject to tax,$28.00. Taxes $1.26, penalty 6c, pub-

lication 70c? 'total $2.02.Blake Mi nine;, Milling and Invest-

ment Co. All ' taxes. 40 acres bound-ed N by J.'iF'EsnuIbel, S by E.

W'by J. Esqulbel. Valuationof real estate' $50.00, added by as-

sessor $13.00,5 Total valuation andamount subject to tax $63.00. Taxes$2.63, penalty 13c, publication 35c,total $3.11.

Tomas Chaves. All taxes. Landbounded N by A. Santillanes, S byD. Padia, E by P. Chaves. W by D.

Garcia, 400 yards. Valuation of realestate $220.00, of personal property$93.00. total valuation $313.00, lessexemption $200.00, balance subjeitto tax $113.00. Taxes $4.82, penalty24c, publication 35c, total $5.41.

Jose Ignacio Crespin. All taxes.Land bounded1 N by I.Jiron, S bymesa, E by P. Sandoval, W by L.Ulibarri. Valuation of real estate$257.00, of' personal property$120.00, total valuation $377.00, lessexemption $200.00, balace sunbjectto tax $177.00. Taxes $7.70, penalty39c, publication 35c, total $8.44- -

Nicholas 'Galleaos. All taxes. Landboundde N by M. Jirón, S by J.Flores, E by road, W by mesa, 100varas. Valuation of real estate $80.00,of personal property $475.00, addedby assessor $139. On, total valuationand amount subject to tax $694.00.Taxes $32.26, penalty $1.61, publica-

tion 35c, total $34.22,Rafaela R. de Gutierrez. All taxes.

Land bounded S by J. Jirón. E byW and N by R. Enslnias,

50 varas.' Valuation of real estate$28.00, of personal property $30.00,added bv assessor $14.00. total val-

uation and amount subject to tax$72.00. Taxes $3.16, penalty 16c, pub-

lication 35c, total $3.67.Dionicio Martinez. All taxes, 6 acres

of land bounded N by creek, S by

Blake, E by J. F. Esqulbel, W byJ. D. Santillanes: 20 aqres of landbounded N bv H. Blake. 8 by hill,E by P. Padia, W by F- - .Taramillo;45 acres of land bounded N by road8 by hill, E fey S- - Dobato, W by F.Martinez d Armijo; 6 acres of landbounded N by Blake, S by F. Jara-mlll-

E by creek, W bv road. Valuation of real estate and amount subJect to tax $228.00. Taxes $9.55, penalty 48c,- - publication $1 .40; tw"$11.43.

Mrs. Maud McSchooler.'1 All taxes.Personal property; valuation andamount subject to tax' $385.00. Taxes$16.99, penalty 85c, publication 35c,

total $18.19.Jose Ma.'FIno ATI Saxes. 160 acres

Vicente Sanchez. All taxes. 23 Gregorio Tafoya, All taxes. 23to, addition. Vslsutioo of real estateof property $50. W. to-tot-

valuation $175.00, less exemp-tion $200 00, balance wibject to tax$275 00. Taxes $9.2S, penalty 46c,publication 2c, total $9.94.

I'nknosQ Owners. All taxes. LotsI to 11 inc. and 16 to 30 Inc. In block

personal property $61.00, added by as-

sessor $60.00, total valuation audamount subject to tax $171. Ov die$8.10, penalty 40c, publication ., total $8.85.

Nazario Quintana. All taxe. :oOvaras of land bounded E by t. iuintana, W by J. TruJUlo, N and h a,hill. Valuation of real estate $50.t,d,of personal property $60.00, addod byasseasor $28.00, total valuation andamount subject to tax $138.00. Taxes$6.56, penalty 33c, publication 35c,total $7.24.

'iricio Sandoval. All taxes. 830vaias of land boundcu by Moraroad, S by Jose E. Ramirez, E by Lu-- i

rex ero, VV by J. A. Hernández. Val

. ommenclng at SE comer of NE 1

ol section 14. Tp. IS N. R. 16 E;thence W alona quarter section line1759 It; thenoe N 26.05 chains; thencethence W 13.50 chains; thence S onquarter section line 40 calns; thencehi 40 chains; thence N 13.50 chains toplace of beginning. Valuation andamount subject to tax $97.00. Taxea$5.23, pealty 26c, publication 35c, tolal $5.84.

Priest, Quick é Denjamin. Alt taxes. Tract of land lying E of and ad-jacent to the arroyo Pecos, and con-taining about 2000 acres. Valuationand amount subject to tax $2500.00.Taxea $135.01, penalty $6.75, publica-tion 35c, tout $142.11.

Win. Shillinglaw. Second half ottaxes. The SW 4 of section 2, Tp.15 N. It. 17 K., 160 acres. Valuationend amount subject to tax $200.00.laxe $5.10, penalty 27c, publication

K, 160 acres. Valuation and amountsubject-t- tax 200.00. Taxes $10.60,penalty 34f publication 35c, total$11.69.

Kstate of F. A. Manzanares. Alltaxes. 60 varas of land bounded Nby J. A. Haca. S by H. it M. Co., K byl'ecos arroyo, V by river. Valuationand amount subject to tax $50.00. Tax-

es $2.70, penalty 13c, publication 35c,total $3.18.

Jac-ob- Garcia. Second half of tax-es. 3 )0 varas of land bounded N byhill. S by L. Roybal, K by F. A. Tru-Jequ-

W by J. Itlea. Valuation ofreal estate $155.00, of personal prop-

erty $35.00. total valuation $250.00.less exemption $200.0. balance aub-ject to tax $50.00. Taxes $1.28, penal-ty 6c, publication 35c-- , total $1.69.'Celestino (arela. All taxes. 40

varas o Hand bounded N by I'laclta,Sliy Uev. K. Oiler. K by road, W by

river: the NK 1 of NK the NK

uvJect :u tax $760. W). Taxes $51.30,Itcaity 12.57. publication 4c, total

Hítate tt Therea Scully. Secondlilt of tax-- . Lot 10 in block 3,

addition. Valuation of realestate 1150.00. added by assessor$28.00. total vuatíoa and amountsubject to tai f 1SS.00. Taxea 16.35.penalti z:- publication 20c, toUl$0.87.

Fnituo Scua. Ail taxe. IjOts 8 to10 Ind. in Mock 13. L. 8. ft R- - ad-

dition. Valuation of real catate1 127. 0", of personal property $25.00,tota lvsluati.m $462.00, ln exemption$2W).0o, balance subji-c- t to tax$202.00. Taxes $17. 9. penalty fiHc.

publication 40o, total $14.97.Shank, Rasllns ft Rhodes. All

taxes. l t I to & inc., and 17 to 20Inc. in blink 1, Raynolds ft llarroldsaddition. Valuation anl amount aub-ject to tax 1 no.oa. Taxi $.7n,

44c, publication Mc, ttoal $10.02.C. C. Sha. All taxes. UU 3 aud 4

In blk 1, 1 . Romero addition. Valuatamof real estate $3x.,, of pergonal irci-ert- y

$15.00, ttoal valuation and amountsubject to tax $400.03. Taxes $27.00.p nelty $1.25, publication 40c, totalf-s.-75. ,

vm. ShilliiiKin. Second half oftaxea. Lota 1 and 2 In block 36, H.8. T. Co. addition. Valuation of realestate $500.0, of personal property$130.00, tolil valautlon $630.00, lessexemption t'h).W, balance subject totax $130.00. Taxtw $11.51. penalty73r, publication 10c, ttoal $15.61.

Quiterla M. de Silva. All taxes.Lota & and 6 in bloc k 50, Buena Vía-

la addition. Valuation of real estate

varas of land bounded W by U. Trujillo, E by J. C. Martinex. S and N.by Cuchilla; 25 vanu bounded E byP. Montoya, W by Pablo Vigil, N andS by Cuchilla. Valuation of real es-

tate $53.00, of personal property $19,total Valuation $102.00, less exemption$53.00, hálame subject to tax $49.00.Taxes $2.41, penalty 12c, publication70c, total $3.26.

Precinto No. 31

Tedocolo Chavez y Márquez. All tax-et- ..

76 varas ot land bounded N byG. Martinez, S by J. M. Chavez, Kby hill, V by river. Valuation andamount subjec t to tax $111.00, Taxea$6.73, penaty 34c, publication 35c,total $7.42.

Deciderio Chavez. All taxes. Uindbounded N and S by road, E by E.Gonzales, V by C. Martinez, Valuationot real estate $30.00, of personal prop,perty $200.00, total valuation $230.00,less exemption $87.00, balance sub-ject to tax $143.00. Taxes $7.23, pen-alty 36c, publication 35c, total $7.91.

Pablo Luceio y Martinez. Secondhalf of taxes. 5o varas of land bounded N by di'c h S by D. Haca, E by AS;'.ndoval, W by ditch; land in prec inctNo. 27, bounded N by hill, S by riverE by J. Gutierrez, W by R. Várela;house and lot bounded N by Piaza,S by ditch, E by alley, W by E. Lucero. Valuation of real estate $73.00,c:f personal property $27.00, total val-uation and amount subject to tax$100.00. Taxes $2.37, penalty 12c, pubcation $1.05, total $3.54.

Jeeus M. Rivera. All taxes. 8 acresof land bounded N by I). JimenezS by M. Manzanares, E by ditch W

by river. Valuation and amount subject to tax $1 44.00. Taxes $6.73 pen-alty 34c, publication 35c, total $7.42.

Indalecio Sena. All taxes. Landbounded by II. Martinez, S by F.Gallegos, V by J. M. Lopez, E by road,house nnd lot hounded N by hill, S.by I). Hac a, VV by C. Bachicha, XV byE. Haca. Valuation of real estate$95.00, ol personal property $36.00, to-

tal valuation and amount subject totax $131.00. Taxes $6.17, penalty 31c,publication 70c, total $7.18.

Juan I). Tap lit. All taxes. 53 va-

ras of land bounded N by R. Salazar,S by river, E by road, W by E. Salazar; 51 vara bounded N by J. DuranS by J. Romero, E by E. Salazar, Wby Salazar; house and lot bd. E by J.Duran, XV by R. Gallegos. Valuationof real estate $129.00, of personal property $145.00, added by russesor $68.00,total valuatiou'and amount subject totax $342.00. Taxes $16,27, penalty 81c,publication $1.05, total $18.15.

Precinto No. 32

Dionlclo Romero. AH taxes. 37 va.ras of land bounded N and S by A,

Rivera, E by ditch, W by river. Valuation and amount subject to tax $42.00,Taxes $1.96, penalty 10c, publication35c, total $2.41.

Placida Vigil. All taxes. 13 varasof land bounded N by ditch, S by E,

Ortiz, E by M. Vigil, XV by G. Gallegos. Valuation and amount subjectto tax $26.00. Taxes $1.22, penalty6c, publication 35c, total $1.63.

Pretinto No. 33

Juan P. Aragón. All taxes. TheVV 2 or NE the NW 4 of SK

the NE of SW of sec tion32, and the E 2 of NVVM-- 4 of section 33, Tp. 17 N. R. 16 E. Valuationand amount subject to tax $610.,00Taxea $27.87, penalty $1.39, publication :i5c, total $29.61.

Henry Ü. Coors, sr. Second halfof taxes. Half interest in drivingpark. Valuation and amount subjectto tax $300.00. Taxes $6.86, penalty3ic, publication 35c total $7.55.

J. Hilario Montoya. Second half oftaxes. 90 acres of land in the old JM. Martinez ranch. Valuation andamount subject to tax $295.00. Taxes$6,75, penalty 34c, publication 35c, total $7.44.

M. N. & C. A. McMillan. All taxes.The E 2 of NE the SE theNE 4, of SW the SE 4 of SW

4 of section 28. the W 2 of NW 4

of section 27, the SE 4 of SB 4 ofsection 21. the SW 4 of SW 4 ofsection 22. Tp.17 N. R. 16 E., 480acres. Valuation and amount subjecttotax $745.00. Taxes $34.05, penalty$1.70, publication $1.40, total $37.15.

Sebzastian Ortega. All taxes. Lotadn improvements bounded N by F.Ortega, S by D. Padia, E by street,W by L. Ortega; 160 acres of landbounded N by Peñasco Illanco, S byMarraneo Colorado, E by Canada, Wby hill, in precinct No. 47. Valuationof real estate $239.00, of personal prop-erty $37.00. total valuation $276.00,lesa exemptfon $200.00, balance sub-ject to tax $76.00. Taxes $3.47, penal.ty 17c, publication 70c, total $4.37.

Rosita Pacheco. All taxes. 38 varus of land bounded N by ditch, S byTiver, E by Tí. Lopez, XV by A. Sanchez; house and lot bounded N by J.J. Quintana, S by ditch. E by B. Lo-pez. W by J. J. Quintana. Valuationand amount Bubject to tax $48.00.Taxea $2.19. penalty 11c, publication

Oc, total $3.00.Placlta Ranch Co. All taxes. 16

acres of land lying south by Placltadel Llano. Valuation and amount sub-ject to tax $150.00. Taxes $6.86, penalty 31c, publication 35c, total $7.55.

Agapito Sanchez. Second half oftaxes. 50 varas of land bounded N byZ. Sanchez, 8 br J. Qplntana, E andW by hills: 2o varas bounded N byM. Vigil. S by B. Lopez, E by hill,W by old river; 160 acres boundedN by Canada, S by grant, E and Wby hills; bouse and lot hounded Nby road, S by M. Mares, E by H. Mar-tinez, W by B. Freaquez. Valuationof real estate $320.00, of personal$85.00, total valuation $405.03 lesa ex-

emption $200.00, balance subject totax $205.00. Taxes $1.80, penalty 21c.publication $1.40, total $6.44.

Doroteo Sanchez. Second half oftaxes. 18 varas of land bounded N byroad. S by J. Mejillas. E by M. Maes-tas. V by R. Quintana: house and'lot bounded N by creek. S by B. San-chez, I", by road, W by V. Lucrecio.Valuation of real estate $69.00. of personal property $93.00. total valuation$162.00, less exemption $i9.0Q, bal-ance subject to tax $63.00. TaxesS1.R1. penalty Rc, publication 70c, total


varas of land bounded N by ditch, Sby river, E by M. Vigil, W by A. Al- -

tuanzar; house and lot bounded Nand v by l. Jones, jr., E and S byroad. Valuation of real estate $63.00,of personal property $130.00, addedby assessor $19, total valuation andamount subject to tax $212. Taxes$11.35, penalty 57c, publication 70c,

total $12.62.

Precinto No. 34

Camilo Aragón. . AH taxes. 4

acres of land bounded N by J. P. Es--qulbel, S by road E by roai, W byS. Aragón; house and lot bounded Nby U. Jaramlllo, S by road, E by post.

V by creek. Valuation ot real estate$62.00, of personal property 110.00,total valuation and amount subject totax $162.00. Taxea $7.05, penalty 35c,publication 70c, total $8.10.

Precinto No. 35

Mrs. J. P. Chene. All taxes. ISOacres of land bounded N by A. Or-tega. S by C. Aranda. E by R. R. Ar-chuleta, W by S. Quintana. Valua-tion of real estate $530.00, of personalproperty $110.00, total valuation andamount subject to tax $640.00. Taxes$30.12, penalty $1.51, publication 33c,total $31.98.

1. 1). de Romero. Secoad half oftaxes. 150 varas of land bounded Nby Rev. I.Gulllon, S by P. Padia, Eby hill, W by canon; 483 acres asdescribed in Homestead entries Nos.1636. 1637 and 1826. Valuation ofreal estate $3304, of personal property$875.00, total valuation and amountsubject to tax $4179.00. Taxes $98.00,penalty $4.90, publication 70c, total$103.60.

Eulogio Roybal. All taxes. 160acres of land bounded E by B. Ortega,W by D. Roybal, S by D. Garcia, Nby G. Garcia, valuation of real estate $290.00, of jersoiial property $102,total valuation $392.00, less exemp'tion $200.00, balanc-- subpect to tax$192.00. Taxes $9.07, penalty 45c, publication 35c, total $9.87.

Donaclauo Roybal. All taxes. 160aeree of land bounded N by H. Ortega de Roybal, S by D. Roybal, E byM. Romero. XV by 1). Roybal. ValuaHon of real estate $230.00, of, personalpropel ty, $83.00, total valuation andamount subject to tax .3.00. Taxes $14.80, penalty 74c, publication 35ctotal $15.89.

Francisco Sanchez. All Uxt'Tr TheSE 4 of section 25. Tp. 17 N. R. 14

E 160 acres. Vauation ir.id amount.subject to tax $200.00 Taxes $9.34penalty 47c, publication 35c, total$10.16.

Placido Sandoval. All taxes. 160acres of land bounded N and S byhill E by D. Allre, W by M. RomeroVauation of real estate $263.00, of personal property $156.00, total valuation$479.00, less exemption $200.00, balanee subject to tax $279.00. Taxes$13.08, penalty 65c, publication 3

total $14.08.R. H. Schoonmaker. Second half of

taxes. The NE 4 of section 4, theSW 4 of NW the SW 4 of NE

the lot 4. the N 2 of SW theSE of SW the NW of SE

of section 3, Tp. 17 N. R. 14 E; theE Z of SE 4 of section 29 and theXV 2 of SW 4 of section 28, TpIS N. R. 14 E. Valuation or real estate $1355.00, or personal property1940.00. total valuation and amountsubject to tax $2295.00 Taxes $5.86

oenaltv $2.74. publication 70c, total$58.30.

Precinto No. 3S

Victor Carillo. All taxes. 70 acresof land bounded N by T. Sanchez, Sby P. Sanchez, E by canon, W by Mo-

ra county line. Valuation of real estate $238.00, of personal propertyÍ266.00, added by asesor $125.00, to-

tal valuation and amount subject totax $629.00. Taxes $30.88, penalty$1.54, publication 35c, total $32.69

Pedro Domínguez. All taxea.acres ot land bounded N by hill, S byroad E by P. Sanchez, W by J. Romero; 9 acres bounded in by J. Duran S by R. Martinez, E by hill, W byhill. Valuation of real estate $219.00,of personal property $59.00, total val-

uation $278.00, less exemption $200.00balance subject to tax $78.00. Taxes$3.75, penalty 19c, publication 70c, total $4.64.

Juan de Jesus Duran. All taxes.86 acres of land bounded N by M.Gallegos, S by P. Domínguez, E byhill W by S. Sandoval; 2 acres bounded S by A. Lucero. XV by P. Domínguez, E by P. Sanchez, N by road.Valuation of real estate $134.00, of per-son-

property $191.00, total valuation$325.00, less exemption $200.00, bal-

ance subject to tax $125.00. Taxes$6.49, penalty 32c, publication 70c, o-t-

$7.51.Annstaclo Herrera. All taxes. 400

varas of land bounded N by E. Garcia,S by P. Maestas, E and XV by hill.Valuation of real estate $220.00, ofpersonal property $40.00, total valua-tion $260.00. less exemption $200.00,balance subject to tax $60.00. Taxes$2.92, penalty 15c publication 35c, total $3.42.

Simon Lucero. All taxes. 140 acresof land bounded N by hill, S byfence, E by J. E. Romero, XV by T.Sandoval. Valuation of real estate$385.00,, of personal property $93.00,total valuation $478.00, lees exemp-tion $200.00, balance aubject to tax$278.00. Taxes $13.03, penalty 65c,publication 35c, total $14.03.

Francisco Maestas. All taxes. 400varas of land bounded N by J. Her-rera, S by O. Maestas, E by A. M.Romero, W by J. E. Ramirez. Valuation of teal estate $220.00, addedby asaesor $58,00. total valuation andamount subject to tax $278.00. Taxes$12.98. penalty, 65c, publication 35c,total $13.98.

Tomas Martinez. All taxes. 600varaa of land bounded N by M. Sala-zar, S by M. Montoya, E by J. Vigil,W by J. M. Trujillo. Valuation ofreal estate $324.00, of personal property $73.00, added by assesor $198.00,total valuation and amount subject totax $595,00. Taxes $27.90, penalty$1.40, publication 35c, total $29.65.

Elíseo Quintana. All taxes. 100varaa of land bounded N and 3 by bill,W by L. Lucero, E by F. Quintana.Valuation of real estate $50.00, of

2; lots 1 to 5 Inc. and 21 to 30 Inbloc k, ft, all In the Lorenzo Lopes addition. Valuation and amount sub-ject to tax $203.00. Taxes $13.S4,penalty 69c, publication $1.60, total$16.13.

I'nknosn Owners. All taxes. Lots13 to 15 inc. In block 12, lot 7 to it

inc. in block 1$, lots 1 to 3 Inc. Inulock 19, lots 23 to 30 Inc. In bloc k19, all In the T. flibarrl addition. Val-

uation and amount subject to tax$130 00. Taxm $i.78, ptnalty 44c,publication $1.60, total $10.82.

I'nknown Owners. Aii taxes, litsII to 40 Inc. in block 2, lots 3 to 12Inc. and 21 to 34 Inc. in block 3. lots15 to 40 Inc. In block 4. lots 5 to 14

and 22 to 10 in block 5, lots 1 to 5Inc. and lots 25 to 34 Inc. in block 9,

In the Ixipcz, Kiilssbacner andStern nddltlon. isluatlon and amountsubject to tax $670 00. Taxe $43.22,penalty $2 26, publication $3.L'0. total$5.6S.

I'nknown owners. All taxe. lts11 and 15 in block 1, lots I and 19In bloc it, lots 2 to 1 Inc. and 22 to 25luc in Mock 13, all In the KumaldoItaca addition. Valuation and amountsubject to tax $110.00. Taxes $7.42.penalty 37c, publication $1.60, total$9.39.

I'nknown Owners. All taxes. Lots". imt "R In rfuMHnfr' flldttlnnValuation snd amount subject to tax$50.00. Taxe $3.3R. penalty 17c, pub-lication 10c, total $3.93.

I'nknown Owners. All taxea. Lots10 to 12 Inc. In block, 50, lots 23 and7 lo 15 Inc. In block 52, all In theBuena Vllsta addition. Valuation andamount subject to tax $130.00. Tax-es $s.7S. penalty 14c, publication $1.00,total $10.22.

I'nknown Owners. All taxes. l.ot27 and 28 In block 2I.V of 36 buildinglots nddltlon. Valuation and amountsubject to tax $150.03. Taxes $10.13,penalty 51c, publication 40c, total$11.04

i'nknown Owners. All taxes. I.ots17 in block 6, lots 4 to 6 Inc. In block7, lots 7 to 10 Inc. and IS to 29 Inc.in 'block 8, lots 14 to 17 inc. In block9, lots 1 to 7 Inc. In block 11, all InMartines and Vort's addition. Valua-tion and hhu. iint subject to tax $155.Taxes $10.10, penalty 52c, publication$2.20, total $13.12.

Unknown Owners. All taxes. Lots14 to 23 Inc. and 25, 26 and 30 tinblock 10, lots 22 and 23 In block 12,

lota 16 to 21 Inc. and & and 6 In block13. lot 30 in block 19, all In the T.Romero addition. Valuation andamuont subject to t $240,00. Taxes $16.20, penalty 81c, publication$2.40. total $19.41.

Unknown Owners. All taxes. Lots8 to 16 in c. in block 11, lots U to 16in block 19, tots 1 to 10 and 17 to 33In block 20, lotB 1 to 3 luc. In block2!, lots 1 to 3 Inc. In block 24, oil inthe l'ecos addition. Valuation andamount subject to tax $225.00. Taxes$15.20. penalty 76c, publication $2.40,total $18.36.

Unknown Owners. All taxes. Lots16 to 19 in block 12, lots 8 to 19 Inblockj 13, lota 1 to 7 In block 11, lots1 to 4 inc. and li to 22 inc. in block15, lots S to 19 Inc. In block 16, lots 1

to 10 Inc. and 17 to 32 In bloc k 13,

lots 31 and 32 in block 20, lots 3 to 5

inc. in block 31, lots 23 to 28 and 1)

to P inc. In block 50, lot 3 to 5 inc.and A to P in bite 5i, all In the HillSite Town Co. addition. Vauation andamount subject to tax $570.00. Taxes$38.48, penalty i.92, publication $5.60,total $16.00.(Precinct No. 29 outside the corporate

limits of City of Las Vegas)v. U. Donjamln. All taxes. The

N 2 of NB 4 of section 23, Tp. 16N. R. 17 K, 80 acres. Valuation andamount subject to tax $103.00. Taxe$5.11, penalty 27c, publication k, to-

Ul $6.03.N. S. Helden. All taxes. The NW

1- of NK 4 of section 9. Tp. 13 N.R. 18 H; the V 2 of section 34. Tp.16 N. R. 18 K.; all of section 33, Tp.16 N. R .18 K.; the K 2 of section32, Tp. 16 N. R. 18 K; the S of SWl-- l of section 32, Tp. 18 X, It. 18 K;the S of SIC and S 2 of SW

4 of section 6, Tp. 15 N, R. 18 K.;the NW of section 33, Tp. 15 N. R.IS K; all of section 4 Tp. 15 N. R. 18

H; all of section 5, Tp. 15 N. It. 18 K;all of section 7, Tp 15 N. R. 18 li; theNI3 the NW the N of SW

the NW 4 of SK 1 or section15, Tp. 15 N. R. 18 K; the N ofsection 8, Tp. 15 N. R. 18 K; theN 1 a of NW the NK of NIC 1

of sec tion 9. Tp. 15 N. R. 18 K, con-

taining altoKt iher 1520 acres. Valua-tion of real estate $6163.00 of personalpiojit rty $519.00. total valuation $6712,less exemption $200.00, balance sub-

ject, to tux $0512. Taxes $352.01, pen-

alty $17,65, publication $1.55, total1375.24.

t!. W. Conn, jr. All taxes. The NIO

of section 27, Tp. 16, N. R. 18 K,

160 acres. Valuation and amountsubject to tax $200.00. Taxes $10,80,penalty 54c, publication 35e, total$11.69.

Krb & Westerntnan. Second halfof taxes. The K of SE of NK 4

tne K of NH 4 of SI5 4 of sec.16. t e SW of NW the NW 4 ofSW the W 2 of NK 4 or SW14, the W of SE 4 of NW 4 ofsection 13, Tp. 16 N. It. 17 E, 163

acres. Valuation and amount subjectto tax $20o.on. Taxes $5.40. penalty27c, publication 35c, total $6.02.

Willie and Mary Coin. All taxea.11 12 acres of land bounded N byr lint, S by Rapp Uros, K by Pecos ar-royo, W by river. Vauation of realestate $718.00, of personal property$15.00, total valautlon $763.00, leasexemption $200.00, balance subject totax $563.00. Taxes $30.52, penalty

1.63, publication 35c, total $32.10.John J. Iubach. All taxes. The

N of NW of section 25. T. 1

N. R. 17 K. 80 acres. Valuation andamount subject to tax $100.00, Taxea$5.11, penalty 27c, publication 35c, to-

tal $6.03.R. T. IiOnn. All taxes. The 8 2 of

S of SW 4 of section 3, the Nof NW 4 and N 2 of S of

NW of aectlon 19, Tp. 15 N. R. 17

uation and amount subject to tax$415.00. Taxes $19.38, penalty 87c.publication 35c, total $20.70.

OctavlaDo Sandoval. Second halfof taxes. 700 varaa of land boundedN by hill, S by G. Maestas, E by bill.vv by leuce. aiuauon of real estate$215.00, of personal property $95.00,total valuation $310.00, leas exemption $200.00, balance subject to tax$110.03. Taxes $2.70. penalty 14c,publication 35c, total $3.19.

loriblo Sanchez. All taxes. 30varas of land bounded N and W byhill S by E Aragón, E by P. Sanche.Valuation of real estate $80.00. of Der- -sonal property $66.00, total valuaUon$146.00, less exemption $86.00, bal-ance subject to tax $60.00. Taxea$3.0u, penalty 15c, publication 35c. to-tal $3.55.

Francisco Sandoval. All taxes. 150varas of land bounded N by S. Galle.gos, S by Manuel, E and W by bill;iuo varas uounaea N by A. Garcia, 8by P. Domínguez, E and XV by hill;lan dbounded N by P. Gallegos, S byM. Sandoval, E by hill, W by Pecosreserve, valuation of real estate$357.00, of personal property $149.00,toiai valuation s.itui.oo, less exemption$200.00, balance subpect to tax $306.Taxes $15.10, penalty 75c, publication'$1.05, total $16.90.

N. Segura. All taxes. 900 varasof land bounded N by Mora Co. line,S by T. Sanchez, E by creek W byroad. Valuation of real estate $1130,of personal property $375.00, total'valuation $1475.00, less exemption$200.00, balance Bubject to tax $1275.Taxes $59.73, pmUy $2.99, publica-tion 35c, total $63.07.

Jesus M. Trujillo. Al laxes. 300varas of land bounded E by E. Quintana, W by E. Valdez, S by M. Sala-zar, N by J. Vigil. 200 varaa cf landbounded N by M. Valdez, S by M. Sala-zar, E by Qlntana W b yhill. Valuationof real estate $215, of personal proper-ty $105, total valuation $320.00, lessexemption $38.00, balance subject totax $282.00. Taxes $13.44, penalty67c, publication 70c, total $14.81.

Jose Várela. Second halfof taxes.52 acres of land bounded N by FArchuleta, S by P. Vigil, E by canon,XV by hill; 5 acres bounded N bycanon, S by hill, E by R. Várela, W byJ. A. Abeytla. Valuation or real es-tate $376.00, of personal property $67,'total valuation $113.00, less exemption$200.00, balance subjec t to tax $223.30.Taxes $3.73. cnalty 20c-- , publication70c, total $6.72.

Santiago Wallace. Second half oftaxes. 600 varas of land N bv 3 KMaestas, S by S. Padia, E and Wby hills, 40 varas In precinct No. 26,bounded N by red hill, S bv riverE by Plaiila Ranch, W by "p. Wal-lace. Valuation of real estate $240,of personal property $7.00, total val-uation and amount subject to tax $247Taxes $5.77, penalty 29e, publication'c, total $6.76.

Precinto No. 37

AüastíUBio Manzanares. All taxes.Personal property consisitiug chieflyof live stock; valuation $325.00, ad-ded by assesor $81.03, total valuationand amount subject to tax $406.00.Taxes $17.81, penalty 89c, publication85c, total $19.05.

Dolores Manzanares de Flores. Alltaxes. House and lot bounded N byditch, S by road, E by T. Ulibarrl,W by F. Tenorio. Valuation andamount subject to tax $100.00. Tax-es $4.18, penalty 21c, publication 35c,total $4.74.

Benito A. Nelson. All taxes. TheS 2 of SE or section 25, Tp. 10N. R. 15 E., and the s 2 of sw 1.4or section 30, Tp. 10 N. R. 16 E., 160acres. Valuation or real estate $250,or personal property $518.00, total val-uation and amount subject to tax$668.00. Taxes $28.95, penalty $145publication 35c, ttoal $30.75.

Crestlno Nelson. AH taxes. TheS 2 or SE the SE 4 of SW 4

the NE 4 of NW 4 of section 27,Tp. 10 N. R. 15 E. 160 acres. Valua-tion of real estate $240.00 ,of person-al property $360.00, total valuationand amount subject to tax $600.00.Taxes $26.18. penalty $1.31, 'publica-tion 35c, total $27.84.

Leon Nelson. All taxes. TheS 2 or SE and E 2 or SW 4

of section 26, Tp. 10 N. R. 15 E., 160acres. Valuation of real estate $250of personal property $360.00, totalvaluation and amount subject to tax$610.00. Taxes $o.47, penalty $1.32,publication 35c, total $28.14.

Juan B. Olguln. Second half oftaxes. 160 acres of land bounded Nby H. Olguln, S by Castillo, E bypublic land, W by B. Lucero, Valua-tion of real estate $533.00, of person-al property $214.00, added by assessor$186.00, total valuatiand and amountsubject to tax $933.00. Taxes $19.62Kít3r 98c Pubcaton 35c, total$20.95.

Precinto No. 38

Placido Aguilar. All taxes. 75varas of land not bounded. Valua-tion $85.00, added by assesor I'M ontotal valuation andtotax 1106.00. Taxes 14.42. riAlialtv22c, publication 35c, total $4.99.

Jose Pablo Aguilar. All taxes. 220varas of land bounded N by hil, s byriver, W by R. Torres. V. hv t.house and lot bounded N and w hvstreet, S by hill, E by B. Montano. Valuation or real estate $245.00, of per-sonal property $23.00, added by asses-sor $67.00, to tal valuation and amountsubject to tax $335.00. Taxes $14.02,penalty 70c, publication 70c. total'$15.42.

Vlblan Duran. All taxes. 75 vansof land bounded K by river, S by hillc vj ot. uuran, v ny j. J. Duran;15 acres bounded N by river. S br bill

c. total $B.tZ.John A. Talley. Second half of

taxes. The N of SK 1 and N 2

of SW 4 of section 1.Tp. 16 N. R.16 E. 160 acres. Valuation and amounteubject to tax $2o.u0. Taxes $5.40,penalty 27c, publication 35c, total$6.02.

lohn & R. R. Tucker. Second halfof taxes. The NE of section 8,

the W or NW 14 of section ,

Tp. 16 N. R. 18 E, 210 acres. Valua-tion and amount subject to tax $:oo.Taxes $8.11. penalty 41c, publication35c, total $8 87.

Precinto No. 30

I lego ele Herrera. Second hull oltaxes. and improvements bd.S by Cuchilla, E by J. P. Garda, Wby gov. land, N by Cuchilla, 300 va-

ras. Valautlon of real estate $362.00,of personal property $149.00, total val-

uation $501.00, less exemption $200,balance subject to tax $301.00. Taxes$7.23, penalty 36c, publication 35c, to-

tal $7.96.I 'a bib de Herrera. Second half of

taxes. Land and Improvements bdN by Culchilla, E by 1). de Herrera,W by I). de Herrera, S by Cuichllla,160 varas; land bounded N by Can-ada S by river, W by S. Trujillo, Eby A. Trujillo, 100 varas. Valuationof real estate $265.00, of personal prop-erty $92.00, total valuation $357.00,less exemption $J0O.O0, balance sub-ject to tax $157.00. Taxes $3.81, pen-alty I9c, publication 70c, total $4.70.

Ramon de Herrera. All taxes. 100varas of land bounded N and 8 byCuchilla, E by P. Valdez, W by P. Vi-

gil. Valuation of real estate $115.00,of personal property $293.00, total valuation $408.00, lesa exemption $200.00,balance subject to tax $208.00. Taxes$10.57, penalty 53c, publication 33c,total $11.45.

Juan P. Jaramlllo. All taxet 7 1.5

acres of land bounded N and S byM. Valdez, w by canon, E by cerroValuation of real estate $83.00, of personal property $48.03, total valuationand amount subject tot ax $131.03Taxes $6.21, penalty 31c, publication35c, total $6.87.

Luciano Martinez. All taxes. 200varas of land bounded N by Cuchilla,S by river, E by A. Garcia, w by J.Pendarles. Valuation of real estate$265.00, of personal proerty $60.00,added by assessor $81, total valuationand amount subject to tax $406.00.Taxes $19.07, penalty 93c, publication35c, total $20.37.

Refugia de Maestas de Gallegos. Alltaxes. 300 varas of land bounded Nby Canon, E by 1. do Herrera, S bytmehllla, W by J. Martinez. Valuationof real estate $320, of personal property $25.00, total valuation $345.00, lessexemption $200.00, balance subject totax $145.00. Taxes $6.90, penalty 35c,publication 35c-- , total $7.60.

Manuel I). Montoya. Second halfof taxes. 550 varas of land boundedN by T. Martinez, 8 by L. Quintana,

by L. Vigil, W by C. Lucero; 80varas bounded N by road, S by ditch,K by E. IiOpez, W by It. de Herrera.Valuation or real estate $380, of per-ton-

property $76.00, added by assessor $115.00, total valuation and amountsubject to tax $571.00. .axes $13.39,penalty 67c, publication 70c, total

14.76.Segundo Montoya. All taxes. 180

varas of land bounded by J. J. Espi-nosa, W by Tí. Sanchez, S by Cuchil-la. N by top of hill; 21)0 varas bound-ed N and S by Cuchilla, VV by C. Lu-

cero, E by M. Gallegos. Valuation ofreal estate $391.00, of personal prop-erty $27.00, total valuation $418.00,less exemption $200.00, balance sub- -

jextfto tax $218.00. Taxes $10.24. penalty 51c, publication 70c, total $11.15.

Severiano Montoya. AH taxes. 3acres ofg land bounded N by E. Alires,S by Cuchilla, E and XV by I. Vigil,land bounded N and S by both hills,E by P. Vigil, VV by, lnes Lucero. Valuation of real estate $143.00 of per-sonal property $174.00, ttoal valuation$317.00, less exemption $200.00, bal-

ance subject to tax $117.00. Taxes$5.93, penalty 30c, publication 70c, to-

tal $6.92.Simona Vigil. All taxes. 20 varas

of land bounded N and S by Cuchilla,K by Simonita Vigil. W by R. Vigil;5o vaina bounded N and S by Cuchil-la. E by Simonita Vigil, W by .A. Vi-

gil: land bounded N by Cuchilla, S byhill, E by Simonita Vigil, W by A.Vigil. Valuation of real estate andamount subject to tax $95.00. Taxes$4.44, penalty 22c, publication $1.05,total $5.71.

Agustín Vigil. All taxes. 40 acresof land not bounded; 30 acres bound-ed N and S by Canada, li; by Lujan,W by L .Lujan: 33 acres bounded Nand S by R. Vigil. E by ditch. W byJ. P. Jaramillo; ISO acres boundedN and S by hill, E by P. Torres, Wby L. Quintana. Valuation of realestate $2295.00, of personal property$100.00, total valautlon and amountsubject to tax $2395.00. Taxes $112.21penalty $5.61, publication $t.40, total$119.22.

Remigio Vigil. All taxes 306 va-

ras of land bounded N and S by Cu-

chilla, E by A. Vigil, W by M. Vigil;50 varas bounded N and s by Cuchil-

la. E by Simona Vigil, W by E. Vigil.20 varaa bounded N and 8 by Cuchil-

la. E by 8. Vigil. W by E. Vigil; 35varas bounded N by P. Vigil, S by Cu-

chilla. E by 8. Vigil, V by R. Vigil.Valuation of real estate $126.03, otpersonal property $36.00, total valua-

tion $163.00. less exemption $200.00,

balance subject to tax $263.00. Tax-ea $12.29. penalty S1c, publication $1.10total $11.80.

of NW 1 of sec. 5. t p. 16 N.R.I 5,Eand the SW 11 if SK and SKof SW of sec. 32, tp.17. N. R. 15 K.flOo acres. Valuation of real eHtate $250,of personal property $4 .o, total val-

uation $2'.0.iHl, less exemption $2no.balance subject to tax $90.00. Taxes

'$1.29, penalty 21c, publica! Ion 70e,total $5.20.

Ijeandro Jarsmillo. Ail taxes. 10

acres of land bounded N by M. fiarla, S by .i. (iuicia, K and W by bill.

Valuation of real estate i 27.00, of personal proiKTty $87.00, added by asses-no- r

$55.00, total valuation and amountsubject to tax $265.00. Taxes $12.68,penalty 63c. publication 3.c, total$13.66.

Antonio Jaramlllo. All taxes. 150varas of land bounded N by P. Padil-la, 8 by P. Lucero. K by hill. W byriver; house and lot bounded N by SPadilla, 8 by II. Ortega, K and W byA. Padilla, Valuation of real estate$160.00, of personal property $125.00,added by asaesor $74.00, total valua-tion and amount nubject to tax $359.00.laxes $17.16, penalty 86c, publication70c, total; $18.72.

Ulsentc Lopez. All taxes. 150 va-

ras of land bounded N by Canon, Sby P. Sandoval, E by Canon, W by II.Ortea; 320 acres of land bounded Nby Trout Sprlnas, S by ditch, E by

. Cállenos, W by Maes, .dluationof real estate $615.00, of personalproperty $59.00, added b" ass.esor $179,total valuation and amount subject totax $849.00. Taxes $39.71, penalty$1.99, publication 70c, total $42.43.

Lnei a Mai. All taxes. 160 acresof land bounded N by H. Ortega, S byC. Garcia, E and V by Illfeld. Valua-tion of real estate $210.00, of person-al property $7.00, added by asaesor$54.00, total valuation and amountaubject to tax $271.00. Taxes $12.66,penalty 63c, publication 35c, total$13.61.

Heirs of P. A. Manzanares. Alltaxes. One third Interest In TroutSprings and timber. Valuation andamount subject to tax $500.00. Taxes$23.36, penalty $1.17, publication 35c,total $24.88.

Alberto Ortega. All taxes. TheSW 4 of SW the W 2 of SE 4

of SW 4 of vctlon 8, the NW 4

of NW the W 2 of NK of NWthe W of SK of NW 4 of

section 17, the E of NE 4 of NE4 or suction 18, all in Tp. 17 N. R.

15 E., 160 acres. Valuation of realestate $210.00, of personal property$90.00, total valuation and amount sub-ject to tax $300.00. Taxes $14.20, pen-alty 71c, publication 35c, total $15.26.

Jacinto Ortega. All taxes. 160acres of land bounded N by J. A. Gu-

tierrez, S by L. Maesj E by M. Nord-hnu- s

W by 11. Ortega. Valuation ofreal estate $190.00, of personal proper-ty $80.00, totat valuation $270.00, lessexemption $200.00, balance subject totax $70.00. Taxes $3.38, penalty 17c,publication 35c, total $3.90.

Illas OrteRa. All taxes. 160 acresof land bounded N by o Jirón, S byL. Maestas, K by J. Ortega, W byR. Roybal. Valuation of real estate$206.00, of personal property $61.00,total valuation $270.00. less exemption$200.00, banace subject to tax $70.00.Taxes $3.45, penalty 17c. publication35c. total $3.97.

Ileltnsandro Ortega. All taxes.300 varas of land bounded N by Can-on, 8 by hill. E by II. Ixpez, V byS. Padilla. Valuation of real estate$185.00, of personal property $100.00,total valautlon $285.00, less exemp-tion $200.00, balance subject to tax$85.00. Taxes $4.20, penalty 21c, publication 35c, total $1.76.

Apolonio Padilla. All taxes. 110acres of and bounded N by T. Martinex, 8 by n. Ortega. E by J. A. Garcia.VY by R. Archuleta; house and lotbounded N by J. Cordova, 8 and Wby road, E by J. Cordova. Valuationof real estate $200.00, of personal prop-erty $15.00. added by asaesor $60.00,toal valautlon and amount subject totax $305.00, Taxes $11.36, penalty72c. publication 70c, total $15.78.

Santiago Quintana. All taxes. 160acres of land bounded N by T. Pena,S by Valerio E by hill, W by J. P.Cbene. Valuation of real estate $200,of personal property $58.00, added bvaseRor S1 15.00. to tal valuation andamount subject to tax $373.00. Taxes$17.53. penalty 88c. publication 35c,total $18. .6.

Leandro Martines. All taxes. 160seres of land deserlbcj as follows;lleglnnltig at corner common to sections 16. 17. 20 and 21 In Tp. 16 N.R. 15 E, thence E 750 ft to corner ofclaim to be described; thence E 20chains; thence N 20 chains to NW

1 corner: t henee E 25 chains toNE corner; thence 8 15 chains to SEcorner; thence W 15 chains to SWcmrner; thence N 25 chains to placeof beginning. Valuation and amountsubject to tax $200.00. Taxes $13.80.penalty 54c, publication 35c, (otal$11.59.

131 ene Madrll de Mendosa. All taxea. 160 acres of land described asfollows: Commencing at corner ofsection 15 Tp. 16 N. R. 11 tí, thenceS 8 chains: thence V 6.5 calns toNE corner of calm of Victor Esquine!and place of beginning-- ; thence 25

calns to NW corner of this tract;thence E 30 coalna to NE corner:thence W SO chains to NE corner;thence V 30 chains to SW corner;thence N 28.33 chains to place of be-

ginning. Valuation and amount sub.Jet to tax $200.00. Taxes $10.80,enalty 57c, publication 35c, total $11.69.

Richard A. Morley. All faxes. 78acre of land described as foliowa:

$200,00, of personal property $20.00,added by asseasor $55,00, total valun-tio- n

and amount subject to tax $275.Taxea $18.56. penalty 93c, publication40c, total $19.R9.

J. H. Smith. All taxes. Lot 15In block 19. L or 7.. II. addition; lot12 and 13 In block 51, H. 8. T. Co,addition. Valuation of real estate$375.00, of pwsona! property $35.00,total valauttoti $40(t.no, w exemption$200.00, lmlnr.ee subject to tax $200.Taxes $13.50, penalty 68c, publication60c. total $14.78.

Richard V. Smith. All laxe. Lot13 In block 7, L. S. & R. addition,Valuation of real estate $200.00, of permnsl iiroperty $35.00, total valuationend amount subject in tax $235.0uTaxea $15.86, penalty 79c, publication20c, total $16 85.

XV. M. Sparks All taxes. Lola1 to 4 Ind., and 16 and 17, In blockfi. L. S. ft R. addition. Valuation ofreal estate $300.00, of personal prop-

erty $100.00, total valuation $900.30,les exemption $200.00, balance sub-Jt--

to tax $700.00, Taxe $47.37,penalty $2.37, publication 80c, total$50.64.

Mía Addla Sparks. All taxes. Lota11 and 15 la block 6, 1, S. & H add!tlon. Valuation and amount subjectto tax $650.00. Taxes $13.86, penalty$2 10, pub'lcatton 4', total $16.45.

John Thorcblll. All tuxes. Personal rroperty; valuation ami amountsubject to tax $140.00. Tuxes $9.45,penalty 47c, publication 35c, total$10.37.

W. II. ft Theresa Thompson. Alltaxes. Uu 5 to 7 Inc. In bloc k 3,Fairview addition. Valuation andamount subject to tax $615,00, Taxe$41.11, peua'.ty $2.07, publication 10c,total $43.88.

Jame To!. Second half of taxes,Lots 7 to í ' inc. In block 6, Ulan-ebar- d

& Co,, addition. Valuation ofreal estate $500.00, of eprsonal prop,erty $300.00, total valuation $800.03.lesa exemption $200.00, balance sub-ject to tac $600,00. Taxea $20.25, pen-all- y

$1.01, publication 40c, total $21.66.Felicita Towley. All taxea. Lot

C In block 60, I!. S. T. Co. addition.Valuation $100.00, added by assessor$25.00, total valuation and Amountsubject to tax $125.00, Taxes $8.11,penalty 42c, publication 20c, total$9.06.

Peter Trambley. Second half oftaxes. 2 acres of land bounded N byJ. H. Monto? a, K by Mora road, 9by Barker. Harmon ft Wean, W by L.V. Ry Co.. vacant lot bounded N byP. Trambley. E by alley. 8 by Wean.W by 11th street. Valuation of realestate $710.00, of personal property$45.00 total valuation $755.00, less ex-emption 200.n0, balance subject totax $555.00. Taxes $1176, penalty84e, publication 70c, total $20.4o.

Estate of Juan de la Crust Trujillo.All taxe-s- . Lota and Improveemnts

bounded N by M. Bustos, K by D,Cms 8 bv I. Zamora, W by Vera.Vnluatlon $125.00, added by assessor$31.00, total valuation and amountsubject to tax $156.00, Taxes $10.53,penalty 53c, publication 35c, total$11.41.

Mrs. Jem M. Cngles. Second halfof taxes, Lota 1 and 2 In block 20,8. M. T. Co. addition. Valuation andnmotint subject to tax $900.00. Taxes$30.38. penalty $1.52, publication 40c,total $32.30,

Domingo Vallejos. Second half ofaxeí. IM 20 In block 12 of T. Ho-

mero addiHon. Valufttlfti of real es-

tate $50.00, of personal property$120 00, total valuation $170.00, lessentwntlon $200. balance subject, to tax$.'70.00. Taxes $9.sl. penalty irte,publication 20e, total $10.50.

.Margarett.j Van Cleave. Secondhalf of tae. lots 19 and 20 In blkIt. oí rabio Uaca addition. Valuationand amount aubject to tax $700,00.Taxea $23.63, penalty $1.18, publica-tion 40e, total $25.21.

Mrs. Anna Ward. All laxes. Lot12 In block 26, 8. M. T. Co, addition.Valuation of real estate $150.00, ofpersonal property $25.00. total valua-tion $475.05, less exemption $203.00.balance mbject to tax $275.00. Taxestis.66, penalty Q3e, publication 20c, to-

tal $l!).69.

Lena IL Wells. All taxes. Lota1 and 2 ia block 1 of 3. 3. Lopes addi-tion. Valuation of real estate $950.00,of personal property $175.00, ttoal val-uation $1125.00, less exemption $200,lalan aubject to tax $23.00. Tax-es $62.11. poaalty $3.12. publication40c, total $65.96.

James Wright. All taxes Personalproperty; yaluatlon $210.00, leas ex-

emption $35.0. balance subject totax $175.00, Taxea $11.80, penalty G9c.publication S5c, total $12.74.

Lee Wright Second half of laxe.Iít 26 la block 2, Rosenwald and

total valuation and amount subject I

tc tax $1838.00. Taxes $S7.32. pen-- J

lty $157. publication 35c. total i

IVdro Lopez, A'l taxei. Toll road,valuation $100.00. personal property$90.00. total valuation 1190.00. les

acre of land bounded N by Canon Sand W by hill. E by read. Valuationof real estate $210.00, of personalproperty $37.00. added by asaeasor$62.00, total valuation and amountsubject to tax $3u9.0Q. Taxes $12.94.epnalty 65c, publication 3.V, total$13 94.

Reyniundo Nieto. All taxes 1C0

Precinto No. 45

Librado Apodara. All taxes. Houseand lot bounded X, S, E and Wby Seraplo Apodaca. Valuation and

mount subject to tax $25 00. Taxea$1.05. penalty 5c. publication C.'.c. to-tal $1.45.

Frank II. Clark. All taxts. Per- -

W by T. Duran, E l.y M. Duran. 10!

uru bounded N and K by commonriKhU. S by J. Manir. x. V by J. M.Ac Patricio Montano; araa bound-ed E and V by It. Vemkza. Valua-tion of real estaje anil ai.iour.t subjectto tax $295.00. Ts.x f, ::;, iKnal-t- y

62c, publication $:.l". t. ul $14.32.Heirs of Anastasio Duran. All tax-

es. 75 varas of land bounded X andE by river, S by J. Ca'.U-aos- w by

Taxes $9.34. penalty 47c, publication3".o, total $10.16.

Juan le Jesua uobato. All. taxesThe E 12 of NV 14, the SV 4 ofNE the NV 4 of SE 4 of sec-tion 30, Tp. 10 N. R. 14 E.. ICO acres.Valuation and amount subject to tax$:,i..i .i. Taxe $'.i.;:i . penalty 47c,1 ti' l:c ation 35c, to tul $10.16.

Ulelaion Lobato. All taxes. The Eof SW of section S the E

erty $393.00, total valuation $1CS3,less exemption $200.00, balance sub-ject to tax $1483.00. Taxea $33.69.panelty $1.CS, publication 70c, total$36.07.

Manuel M. Cordova. All taxes. 160acres of land In aectiou 24. Tp. 17 N.R. 24 E. Valuation of real estate$230.00, of personal property tlSO.00,added by assessor $105.00, total val-

uation and amount subject to taxnl.VOO. Taxes $23.54, penalty $1.1S,

publication 35c, total $25.07.Thomas lister. All taxes. The

V of SE 4 of section 23. the Wof XE 4 of section 26, Tp. 18 N.

K. 21 E.; the W 2 of SE theSE ofSV 4 of section 26. the XE 4 of NW

of section 35. Tp. 18 X. R. 21 E.;the SE 4 of NW the S 2 of XE

and lot 2 of section 31. Tp. 18 X.R. 22 E.; the. SE 4 of XE theXE 4 of SB 4 of section 23, Tp.18 N. R. 21 E.; and the W 12 of NW

of section 24. Tp. 18 N. R. 21 E.640 acres. Valuation and amount


Precinto No. 47

t Heirs of Iu.ar Flood. All taxes.Ixt3 1 to 21 lncl. In block 1 ofMl'la & Klhlberg's addition. Valuation$200.00. adde.1 by assessor $50.00.total valuation and amount subjectlo tax $250.00. Taxes $11.67. penalty5Sc. publication 40c. tota! $12. 5.

F. O. Klhlberg. All taxes. Half In-

terest In tract of land bounded Eby W line of Hot Springs Co.. W bycanon. X and S by hllla. 30 aerea;lots 1 and 2 In block 1 of Mills &Phaptr-p- addition Valuation andamount subject to tax $45.00. Taxes$2.11. penalty lie, publication 75c,total $? 97.

J- - H. W. U. Koogler. All taxes.!ot 18 and 19, 9, 12 to 15 lncl inblock 2. and lots 10 and 11 in block17, all In MUI I Chaoman addition:lots 26. 27. 31 and 32 In block 10.Mills Klhlberg'a addition. Valua-tion and amount subject to tax $130.Taxea $0.07. penalty 30c. publication$2.20. total $8.57.

J. II. Koogler. All taxes. Lots C1 to61 lncl. and 9. 10. 13 and 14 in block9 of Mills & Chapman addition. Val-uation and amount subject to tax$35.00. Taxes $1.64. penalty 8c. pub-lication $1.20. total $2.92.

Helra of F. A. Manzanares. Alltaxes. ?0 ncres of land bounded Nby F. Padilla. 8 by J. M. Martinez.E h R- - R- - w D? nl11: lot 3 in blocki ana lot 4 in block 2. nf MillChapman addition; talf interest inlota 27 to SO incl. in block 2 of Mills

Chanman addition. Valuation andamount subject to tax $58.00- - Taxea$2.71, penalty 14c, publication $1.15.total $4.00. i,

Santiago Martinez. All taxes. 160aerea of land bounded N by canon, 8and E by (rrant, W by Cedar Sprinps;BOO varaa of land in Laa Vegas arant.Valuatlcn of real estate $393.00, ofpersonii property $255.00. total valu-ation $648.00, less exemption $200.00.balance subject to tax $448.00. Taxes$21.72. penalty $1.09. publication70c, total $23.61.

Precinto No. 48

Nicanor Archuleta. A'l taxea. TheN 2 of NE the SW 4 of NE

the SE 4 of NW 4 of section28. twp. 15 N. R. 23 E. 160 arre?.Valuation and amount subject to tax$200.00. Taxes $9.84. penalty 47c,publication 35c, total $10.16.

Pedro Baca. Second half of taxes.Improvements on Government land,valuation $30.00, personal propertyvaluation $305.00, total valuation$335.03, less exemption $78.00, bal-ance subject to tax $257.00. Taxes$6.45, penalty 32c. publication 35c,total $7.12.

Nicanor Bams. All taxes. W 2 ofNE 11 of section 12, and the S 2

of SE 4 of section 1, twp. 13, N.R. 22E, 160 aerea. Valuation andamount subject to tax $200.00. Taxes$9.34, penalty 47e. publication 35c.total $tt.lfl.

Tomas Duran de Aragón. Altaxes. The S 2 of NE 4 the NW

4 of NE 4 of section 25 and theSW 4 of SE 4 of section 24, twp.15, N. R. 20E, 1C0 acres. Valuationand amount subject to tnx $200.00.Taxes $9.34. penalty 47c, publication35c, total $10.16.

Mannel Floren y Padia. All taxes.The 8 2 of SW and the 8 2

of SE 4 of section 17, Tp. 13. N-R- ,

24B, 160 aerea. Valnatlon andamonnt subject to tax $200.00. Taxea$9.84, penalty 47c, publication 35c,total $10.16.

Pablo A. Fresquez. All taxes. W! of SW of section 15. the NW

4 of NW 4 of section 22. the NE4 of NB 4 of section 21 all In

township 15, N K 22E, 160 ncres. Valuatlon nnd amount subject to tax$200.00. Taxes $9.35, penalty 47c, publication 35c, total $10.16.

Simon Garcia y 8alas. All taxenThe NE 4 of section 1. twp. 14 N.R. 23E, ICO aerea. Valuation and nmtsubject to tax $200.00. Taxes $9,34,penalty 47c, publication 35c, total$10.16.

Margarlto Gonzales. All taxes. TheSE 4 of SE 4 of section 31, twp15. N. 11. 22E: the NE 4 of NE 4

the Wl 2 of NE 4 of section 6. twp.14, N. R. 22E: the NE 4 of NE 4

and tha NW 4 of SE 4 of section26. twp. 15, N. R. 21E, 240 acresValuation of real estate $370.00, ofpersonal property $303.00, total valnation $873.00, less exemption$200.00, balance subject to tax$173.00. Taxe $23.16, penalty $1.16implicit Ion 70c, total $25.02.

Sotcio Gonzales. All taxea. NE 4

nf section 24, twp. 14, N. R. 22E, 160aerea. Valuation of ral estate$283.00 of personal property $50.00total valuation $333.00, less exemption $200.00, balance subject to tax$133.00. Taxes $6.42. penalty 32cpublication 35c, total $7.09.

Manuel Gtirule. All taxes. Lotthe S 2 of NW 4 nf ertlnn ?the SE 4 of NE 4 of sectiontwp. 14, N. R. 22E. 100.43 acres. Valuation and amount subject to tax$201.00. Taxes $9.38, penalty 47cpublication 35c, total $10.70.

Cecilio R. Ourule. Second talf oftaxea. The SE 4 of SE 4 of secHon 34, the SB 4 of SW 1-- 4 of section 35, twp. 15, lots 1 and 2 of section 3, twp. 14 N. R. 22E, 160.76acres. Valuation and amount subjectto tax $201.00. Taxes $4.C9, penalty23c, publication 35c, total $5.27.

Francisco Jaramlllo. All taxes. Im-

provements on government land. Vali'atton $25.00, personal property valuatlon $65.00, total valuation andamount subject to tax $90.00. Taxea$4.41, penalty 22c, publication 35ctotal $4.98.

Eauipnla Jaramlllo. All taxes. ThNE 4 of SW N 2 of SE

section 31, the NW 4 of SW 1- -

of section 32 , twp. 14, N. R. 24E, 160acres. Valuation and amount subjectto tax $200.00, Taxea $9.34, penaltyíTc, pthllcatlon 35c, total $10.16,

exemption $90.00, balance suble t t.itax $s0.00. Taxea $4.90, renaHy 2Tc.publication 3C.C, total $5.50.

Alejandero Lucero. All taxes Vmof NW 14. B 12 f SW 1 4. t

section 1. the NW 4 of SE I t otsection 2. twp. 13, N. R. 23E. thaSW 4 of NW 4 ot m 33. Tp. 13. X.R. 23 E. 200 acres. Valuation of relestate $35000. of personal prcperiy$55.00. total valuation $405.00 leaaexemption $20o.tm, balance subjecttotax $205.00. Txe, $9.63. penalty 43c,publication 3. total $10.46.

Crux Lucero. All taxes. The K 12of XE 1 4. SW 14 of NW 4 of SB14. of Kectlon 9. twp. 14. X. R, 22E,160 acres . Valuation of rial estate$313.00, of penonal property $273.00,totil nluattan $'.86.00. less exemp-tion $200.00. balance subiect to tax$386.00. Taxes $19.15, penalty 95c,publication 35c, total $20.45.

Terr.?.: M?.rtre. Second half oftaxes. The SE 4 of section 25, twp.14. X. R. 23E, valuation of real estate $243.00. of p?rcna! property$46.00. total valuation $289.00. lesexempMon $200.00. balnnce subjecttotax $89.00. Taxes $2.13, penaitv 11c,publication 35c, total $2.59.

Tomas A Medina. All taxes. Sof SE 8 2 of SW 4 of section15. twp. 15, N. R. 22 E. 160 acres.Valuation and amount subject totax $275.00. Taxes $13.8... penalty64c. publication 35c, total $13.84.

Tomne A. Medina. All taxes. TheSW of NW NW 4 of SW 1-- 4

of section 21, the SE of NE 4.

SB 2 of SB 4 of section 20, the 82 of NE 14, 8 2 of SW of sec

tion 15, twp. 15, N. R. 22E. 820 aerea.aluatlon and amount subject to tax- -

$500.00. Taxes $23.36, penalty $1.17,publication 70c, total $25.23.

Jose Manuel Medina. Ail taxes. TneXE 4 of SW 1-- the 8 2 of SW

the RE 4 of SW 4 of aectioiltwp. 14. N. R. 24E, 160 acres.

Valuation of real estate $215.00 ofuersonil property $95.00, added byassessor $78.00, total valuation andamount lubject to tax $3X8.00. Taxes$18.45, penalty 92c, publication 35c,total $19.72.

Antonio Montano. All taxea. inaW 2 of NW W 12 of SW 4 otsection 15. twp. 14. N. R- - 23E, 169aerea. Valuation and amount subjectto tax $200.00. Tax $9.34, penalty47c. publication 35c, total $10.16.

Santlaro Padia T Garcia. AH laxe.The 8 2 of NW 4, NW 1-- of SW

4 of section 18, twp. 15, N. R. za.and tha SE of KB 4 ct section13, twp. 15 N. R. 22B, 159.12. Valua-tio- n

and amount subject to tax200.00. Taxes $9.34, penalty 47c,

publication 35c, total $10.16.Tranaul mo Pacneco. aii taxes.

The E 2 of NW 1-- tte E 1-- 2 of SW4 of section 14. twp. 13, N. R. 1GE.

60 ac-ts-. Valuation and amount sub- -

ect to tax $zoo.w. Taxespenaitv 47c. publication 35c, total$10.10.

Julio Padia- All taxes. The SW4 of XE the SE ot NW

the NW of SB and the NB 4

of SW 4 of section 7, twp. 15, X.23E. 160 acres. Valuation and

amount subject to tax $200.00. Taxes $9.34. penalty 47c. , publication

r.c. total $10.16.Luciano Quintana. All taxes, loo

aerea of land bounded by governmentland. Valuation of real estato

220.00. of personal property $100 00,

total valnatlon and amount subletto tax $320.00. Taxes $15.29. penalty76c, publication 35c, total $16.40.

Librado Rivera. All taxes- - Tne km4 of NE 1-- 4 of section 11. the B 1-- 2

of SE 4 and SE 4 of NB 4 ofsection 2. twp. 13, N. R. 22E, 160

acres. Valuation and amount subject to tax $200.00. Taxes $9.J,penalty 47c, publication ;ir.c, xoiai$10.16.

Ines Rnls de Gonzalea. AH taxea.The W SE 1-- the NB of SW

4 and Vt 6 In section 6, the NW4 nf NE 4 of section 7, twp. 15 N.

R 24E, 171 acres- - Valuation and amtsubject to tax $214.00. Taxes $!T9,penalty EOc, publication 35c, total

Entrenlo Salas. AH taxes, l ne ioi1 the NE 4 of SW the SE 4

of SW the SW 1-- 4 of SEof section 32, twp. 14, N. R. 22B.

0.20 acres. Valuation and amrmnrsubject to tax $190.00. Taxes $s.Js,penalty 44c, publication .se, total$9.67.

Noberta Tafoya de Jaramiuo. aiitaxes. House and lot- Valuationreal $18,00, of personal pro-

perty $386.00, total valuation andamt." subject to tax $404.00. Taxes$20.19. penalty $1.01. publication 85c,

total $21.55.Luciano Trullllo. All taxes. Tha

SE of NW the E of SWthe SW 4 of SW 4 of section

12. twp. 13, N, R. 16 E, 160 acres.Valuafim and amount subject to tnt$200.00, Taxea $9.34, penalty 47c,publication 33c total $10.16.

Jose Vrtado. Second talf of taxes.Tte 3 of NW the SW 4 ofNB U, the KW of SB 4 otsection 20. twp. 15. N. R. 22E. 160seres. Valuation and amount subject to tax $200.00. Taxea $4.67. pen-

alty 23o, publication 35c, total $5.25.

Precinto No. 49

Fellpo Angel. AH taxes. 200 varasof lanl bounded N by J. Chavea, 8by J. F. Kavanaugt, E by till, Wby read. Valuation $55.00, added byassesBor $14.00, total valuation andamount subject to tax $69.00. Taxea$2.88, penalty 14c. publication 35c,total $3.37.

Prospero S. Baca. Second half ottaxes. 268 varas of land bounded M

by hill. 8 by J. Montoya, E by J.C. Boyd, W by heirs ot I Lopez;Í45 varas of land bounded N by J.B. Boyd, 8 by L, Delgado, E by K.Márquez, W by J. F. Kavanauch.Valuation of real estate $277. no, otpersonal property $73.00, total valu-

ation $350.00, less exemption $200 00,balance subject to tax $150.00. Tax-es $3.19, penalty 16c, publication 70o.total $4.05.

otial property consisting of cattleand horses; valuation and amountsubject to tax $1113.00. Taxes $50.31.penalty $2.52, publication 35c, total$33.18.

Mrs. Margaret Clark. All taxes, I

personal property consisting of cattleand horses; valuation and amountsubject to tax $545.00. Taxea $.'penalty $123, pubüeatlon 35c, total$26.22.

S. A. Goldsmith. All taxes. Personal piterty consist In of sheep; valuation and amount subject to tax $467laxes $23.22. penalty $1.16, publication 3V. total $24.73.

Felipe X. Lucero. All taxes. 100varaa of land bounded X by ditch, Sand E by river, W by A. A. aldea,

vara of land bounded X by ditch.by river, E by D. Atencio. W by H.

Sena. Valuation of real estate $230.added by assessor $65.00, tola! valua-tion and amount subject to tax $295, I


Taxes $12.31. penalty 62c. publication70c. total $13. 63.

Juan de Dls Lucero. 75 varas ofland bounded X by fence, á and W

creek. E by J. D. Lucero; 2."

varas bounded N by creek. 8 byi

house, E by Jose Sena. W by I. Gon-

zales; 50 vara bounded X and S bycreek, E by fence, W by Conchascreek. Valuation of real estate$150.00. of personal property $103.00,total valuation $253.00, less exemp-tion $200.00, balance subject to tax$53.00. Taxea $2.47, penalty 12c,publication $1.05, total $3.64.

Euseblo Lucero. All taxes. 150varas of land bounded N by river.

by hill E by A. M. Lucero, W byLucero; 25 varas bounded N by

river, S by hill. E by F. Oarcla, WJ. D. Lucero. Valuation and amt.

subject to tax $60.00. Taxes $2.51.penalty 13c, publication 70c. total$3.34.

8avlno Sanchez. All taxes. 144 var-- !of land bounded N by Apodaca,

by T. Jaramlllo, E by T. Rarros,by bill; 31 varas bounded N by

river. 8 by hill. E by N. Apodaca, WT. Jaramlllo; 160 acres of landOrtiz Grar.t. Valuation and amt.

subject to tax $313.00. Taxes $13.05,penalty 65c. publication $1.05, total


Francisco Tafoya. All taxes. 100acres of land bounded N by B. Tovres, s by M. Gonzales, E by B. Tor-res, W by river; 160 acres bounded

by hill. S by J. E. Whitmore, Eby hill. W by river. Valuation ofreal estate $345.00, of personal pro-perty $66.00, added by assessor$102.00, total valuation and amountsubject to tax $513.00 .Taxes $21.50,penalty $1.08, publication 70c, total$23.28.

Joíe do la Piedad Tafoya. All tax-es. Ijind bounded N by hill, 8 byriver, W by fence. E by Selgado.Valuation of real estate $130.00, ofpersonal property $7.00, total valuation nd amount subject to tax$137.00. Taxes $5.72, penalty 29c,publication 35c, total $6.36- -

Barbarlta M. Whitmore. All taxes.Undivided interest In Anton ChicoGrant known an Gallinas SpringsRanch, 4445 acres. Valuation andamount subject to tax $6318.00. Taxes $263.05, penalty $13.17, publica-Ho- n

35c, total $270.97.

Precinto No. 46

Santiago Aragón. All taxes. 175varas of land bounded E by PlacitaRanch Co., W by M. Martinez, Sby hill, N by river; 300 varaa bounded N by hill. S by river, E by Pla-

cita Ranch Co., W by J- - M. Aragón;160 acres described as follows: Be-ginning at a point 1-- 4 "seotlon, 20chains W 4 sec. between sec. 1.Tp. 17 N. R. 17, sec. 6, two. 17 N.R. 17; thence E 20 chains to stone,set by Rice on Sapello allottment;thence S 20 minutes, 72 degrees,26.56 chaina to a point; thence S28.79 chains to fence of R. Martinez:thence W 45 chains to a point;thence N 36.88 rha.na to place ofbeginning. Valuation f r?al estate,$942.00, of personal property $145.00total valuation $1087.00, less exemption $200.00, balance subject to tax$887.00, Taxes $41.75, penalty $2 09,

publication $1.05. total $14.89.

Mark Tgnaeta O. de Baca. All taxes. 100 aeren of land bounded N byditch, fl by road, E and W by J.M. G. de Martinez. Valuation andamount subject to tax $516.00. Taxes$25.50, penalty $1.28, publication35c, total $27.13.

Juanita Gonzales de Martinez. Alltaxes. 60 aerea of land bounded N byhill, S and E by Plnelta Ranch Co.,W by Ma. Tenada Gonzales. Valua-tion of real estate $1300.00, of per-

sonal property $1525.00, total valuation and amount subject to tax$2825.00. Taxes $143.52, penalty$7.18, publication 25c, total $151.05

Lnlslta S. de Martinez. All taxes.Personal property consisting chieflyof cattle and torses. Valuation$455.00, added by assessor $114.00,total valuation and amount subjectto tax $569.00. Taxes $27.98. penalty$1.40, publication 35c, total $29.73.

J. Hilarlo Montoyp Second half oftaxes. 40 acres of land bounded W

and R by hill, E by Placita RanchCo., W by J. A. Montoya 800 acresbounded N and S by till. B by Pla-

cita Ranch Co., W by J. A. Montoya.Valuation and amount subject to tax$1413.00. Taxes $32.99, penalty $1,65,publication 7Q. total $35.34.

Juan Sals. All taxes. Personal pro-

perty consisting chiefly of sheep. Val-iirtlc-

$168.10, leas exemption$45.00, balance subject to tax$123.00. Taxes $6.84. penalty 34c,publication 25c, total $7.53.

Jose A. Sandoval- - All taxes. 403varas of land bounded N by till. Eb U S. de MartUiez, W by A. Cor- -

dova, E by river. Valuation of realestate $850.00. of personal property,

.$620.00, added by assessor $368.00,

acres of land bounded X by D Xieto,S by F. Xieto. E by river. W by road.Valuation of real estate $250 00. ofpersonal property $30.00. added by as-sessor. $70.00, total valuation andamount subject to tax $350 00. Taxes$14 60. penalty 73c, publication 35c,total $15.68.

Candelaria Ortiz de Baca. All taxes, is acre or land in section 2S,Tp. 16 N. R. 16 E. Valuation $25.00,adued by assessor $6.00. tota' valuation and amount subject to tax $31.Taxes $1.29. penalty 6c, publication35c, total $1.70.

Juan Ortiz. All taxes. 300 varaof land bounded N by R. Chavez, 8

Lobato, E by hill. W. R. It. Valuation of real estate $350.00, of person-al property $12 00, total valuation 65

$362.00 less exemption $200.00, bal-ance


subject to tax $163.00. Taxes$6.75, penalty S4c, publication 35c, total $7.44.

A. D. Tuttle. All taxes. Land lying In S. E. corner of L. V. grant, nm-nl- n

880 yds. S 615 yds. E 880 yds.Land not bounded 775 acres. Valuation $518.00, added by assesor $129.00, by

total valuation and amount subjectto tax $647.00. Taxes $26.98, penalty$1.35, publication 35c, total $28.68.

Precinto No. 43

Juan A. Gutierrez. All taxes. 10

aerea of land bounded N by creek, Sby T. Madrll, E by hill. W. by river.Valuation and amount subject to tax$109.00. Taxes $4.55, penalty 23c,publication 35c, total $5.13.

Gerónimo Márquez. All taxea. 160 Sacres of land boundcid N by river, S

S.by hill, E by J. I Tapia, W by F.Márquez. Vauatlon of real estate by$2?0.00. of personal property 521.00,total valuation $751.00, less exemp-tion $200.00, balance subject to tax$551.00. Taxes $26.53. penalty $1.33,publication 35c, total $28.21.

Jose D. Martinez. All taxes. Per-sonal

i.sproperty, valuation $155.00. Lesa S

exemption $125.00. balance subject to W

tax 130.00. Taxes $1.50. penalty 8c,publication 35c, total $1.93. by

Jone C. Martinez. All taxes. Tte in

SW of NW 4 of section 14 andthe SE 4 of NE 4 of section 15,Tp. 14 N. R. 17 E., 80 acres. Val-

uation of real estate $190.00, of per-sonal proiorty $126.00, total valuation

3t 0.0.1, less exemption $150.00, bal-

ance subject to tax $166.00. Taxes$7.03. penalty 35c, publication 35c, to-


$7.73."Jose Luis Tapia. All taxes. 64

varas of land bounded S by L. Ixipez,by L. Garcia, E by river, W by

hill. Valuation of real estate $158. ofpersonal property $72.00, total valua-tion $230.00, less exemption $200.00,balance subiect to tax $30.00. Taxes$1.41, penalty 7c, publication 35c, !

tal $1.86.

Precinto No, 44

Ella R. Davis. All taxes. 47.06acres of land described as folows:Beginning at point 43.62 chains E 45.07chains S of NW corner of Tecolotegrant, running thence 30 degrees 5

niln. W 11 chains, thence N 38 de-grees 10 min. E 16 chains, thence.S 82 degrees 83 min. E 19 chainsthence 25 degrees 33 min. E 19 chainsthence S 25 degrees 25 min. E 12

cnalns, S 72 degrees 3 min. W 22.68chains to place of beginning; 160acres of land bounded N by C. Ro-driguez, W. by C. G. de Sanchez, Eby F. Romero, S by bill. Valuationand amount subject to tax $259.00.Taxes $10.80, penalty 54c, publication70c, total $12.04.

Martina Gonzales de nibarrl. Sec-

ond half of taxes. The SE 4 of SEthe N 2 of SE the SW 4

of NE 4 of section 3, Tp. 15, N. R.15 E. 160 acres. Valuation andamount subject to tax $200.00. Tax-

es $4.20. penalty 21c, publication 35c,total $4.76.

Felix Ortiz. All taxes. The N 2

of SE 4 of SW 4 of section 10, Tp.15 N. R. 15 E., 160 acres; and 140acres of land in section 11, Tp. 15 NR. 15 E. Valuation of real estate$325.00, of personal property $296.00,total valuation $621.00, less exemption$200.00. balance subject to tax $421Taxes $18.63, penalty 93c, publication70c. total $20.26.

Jose Pena. All taxes. 400 yds.of land bounded N by F. Gallegos, 9and W by S. Rodriguez, E by A. Cha- -

xez. Valuation $210.00, added by ta-searaor $53.00, total valuation andamount subject to tax $263.00. Taxes $10.97, penalty 5".c, publication 3;e,total $n.87.

Bernardo Salas. All taxes. TheSE of NW the SW 4 of NE

the NW 4 of SE tne NEof SW 4 of section 15. Tp. 15 N.

R. 15 E.. 160 acres. Valuation of realestate $260.00, of personal property$50.00, total valuation $310.00, less exemptlon $200.00, balance subject totax $110.00. Taxes $4.70, penalty24c, publication 35c total $5.29.

Guadalupe Salas. All taxes. TheSE 4 of SE 4 of section 10, the 8

2 of SW 4 and SW 4 of RE 4

of section 11, Tp. 15 N. R. 15 E. 160acres. Valuation of real estate $215,of personal property $75.00, added byassessor $75.00, total valuation andamount subject to tax $355.00. Tax.es $15.34, penalty 77c, publication 35c,total $16.46.

Jose TJUbarrl. All taxes, TheNW 4 of SW tha SW 4 of NW11 t C )C T 1fl XT Tt It n .t

' Tí J t I ifiTn' personal property $15,' total valuation $225, less exemption$200.00, balance subject to tax $25.00,Taxes $1.05, penalty 5c, publication35c total $1.45.

Reglno TJllbarrJ. All taxes. TheSW 4 of section 2, Tp. 15 N. R. 15E.. 160 acres. Valuation of real es-- 1

rate $210.00, of personal property $25,total valuation $235.00, less exemjvton $200.00. bnlance subiect to tax

$35.00. Taxes $1.51. penalty 8c, pub- -

HcaHon 35c, total $1.34.

of XV 4 of section 17 Tp. 11 N. R.lli K. Valuation and amount subject ;j tax $2mi.O0. Taxes $9.34.penalty 47c, publication 35c total$10.16.

Manos Montoya. All taxes. TheE or SV the SV 4 of SE

and lot 4. of section 25. Tp 12X. R. 12 E. 154.16 acres. Valuationand amount subject to tax $193.00.Taxes $9.02, penalty 45c. publication35c. total $9.82.

Miguel Montano. Second half oftaxes. The S of SE of section27, the X of XE 4 of section 34.Tp. 11 X. IJ. 14 E., 160 acres. Valúa-- 1

tion and amount subject to tax $2ti0.Taxes f 4.f7. penalty 23c, publication ,

35c, lot si $

LtiN Mcn'ovi. All taxes. SE 4 ofsection 10, Tp. 11, X. R. 13, 160 acres.Valuation and amount subject to tax$200.00. Taxea $0.34, penalty 47c,publl -- Hon 3.-.- total $10.16.

Gertrude Montoya de Armenta. Alltaxec The X 2 of XE 4 of sec-tion 7 rnd the X 2 of NW 4 of sec-tion S. Tp. 11 X. R. 13 E. Valuationand amount subject to tax $2.10.00.TaxeK $1.34. penalty 47c, publication35c, total $10.16.

HeVs of Miguel Ortiz. All taxes.The NW of section 9, Tp. 11 N.R. 1?. E.. 160 acres Valuation andamount subject to tax $200.00. Taxes$9.34, penalty 47c, publication 35c, to-

tal $10.16.Isldor Padilla. All taxes. The W 2

of SW 4 and lot 1 of Sec. 6, Tp. 11N. R. 14 E., 156.52 acres. Vauatlonand amount subject to tax $195.00. j

Taxes $9.11, penalty 45c, publication j

35c, to tal $9.91.Gabriel Padilla. AI taxes . The i

E of SW 4 and lot 2 in section6, and NE 4 of NW 4 of section7 Tp. 11 N. R. 14 E. Valuation and i

amount subject to tax $188.00. Taxes$8.78, penalty 44c, publication 35c,

total $9.57.Geo. A. Riggon. All taxes. The N

of SW 4 of section 13, and the.V of SE 4 of section 14 Tp. 10

X. U.l3 E. Valuation and amountisubjrdr to tax $200.00. Taxes $9.34.pen Ml y 4ic, publication .Jac, total$10.16.

Eugenio Salazar. All taxes. TheNW of SE 4 X of SWand the SW 4 of NW 4 of section26, Tp. 12 N. R. 12 E. Valuation andamount subject to tax $200.00. Taxes$!).?4, penalty 47c, publication "5c, to-

tal $10.16.Isabel Salazar de Cordova. All ta-- x

es. The SW 4 of NE the N 2

of SE and SE 4 of SE 4 ofsection 20, Tp. 10 N. R. 14 E. Valua-tion and amount subject to tax $200.

Taxes $9.34, penalty 47c, publication35c, total $10.16.

Francisco Sandoval. All taxes. TheE 2 of SW 4 of section 3, Tp. 11

N. R. 14 E., the N 2 of NW of sec-

tion 10, Tp. 11 X. R. 13 E. Valuationand amount subject to tax $200.00.Taxes $9.34, penalty 47c, publication35c, total $10.16.

Eduardo Sena. All taxes . TheSE of XE N 2 of NEand the NE 4 of SW i-- 4 of section11, Tp. 13. N. R. 13 E. Valuation andamount, subiect to tax $200.00. Taxes $9.34, penalty 47c, publication 35c,total $10.16.

Agaplto Sena. An taxes. TheE 2 of SE 4 of section 12 Tp. ItN. R. 12 E and the lota 3 and 4

of section 7 Tp. 11, N. R. 13 E. Valua-tion and amount subject to tax $199.

Taxes $9.30, penalty 46c, publication35o, total $10.11.

Manuel Sena. All taxes. TheSW 4 of NE E 2 or NW 4

and lot 1 of section 7 Tp. 11 N. R. 13

E. Valuation and amount subject totax $200.00. Taxes $9.34. penalty 47c,publication 35c, total $10.16.

Felipe Trujillo. All taxes. TheSW 4 of NE the SE 44 of NW

4 and lots 2 and 3 of section 4, Tp.It N. R. 13 E., 158.72 acres. Valuation and amount subject to tax $199.Taxes $9.30, penalty 46c, publication35c, total $10.11.

Lauriano Tenorio. All taxes. TheN 2 or NE 4 of section 35, Tp.11 N. R. 14 E., 80 acres Valuationand amount subject to tax $100.00.Taxes $4.68. penalty 23c, publication35c, ttoal $5.26.

Lorenzo Vigil. All taxes. TheS 2 of NE the NW of SEthe NE 4 of SW 4 of section 27,

Tp. 12, N. R. 12 E., 160 acres. Val-

uation and amount subject to tax$20.1.00. Taxes Í9.34. nennlty 47c,publication 35c, total $10.16.

Precinto No. 40

Jesns 'Ma. Gutierrez. All taxes.The SE 4 of XE the NE t-- 4 ofSE of section 31. the SW ofNW 4 of SW 4 of section 32, Tp.11 N. It. 15 fl., 160 acres. Valuationand amot'nt subject to tlx 200.00.

Taxes $'.34. penalty 42c, publication35c, total $9.11.

Janet Ross. All taxes. 1000 varnsof land near Bernal. Valuation $250added bv assessor, $63.00, total valua-tion and amount subject to tax$ 313.

Taxes $13.05, penalty 65c, publication35c, total $14.00.

Precinto No. 41

Jose Leandro Arguello. Secondhalf of taxes. The NW 4 of NW

of section 23, the NE 4 of NE4 and S 2 of NE 4 of section 22,

Tp. 17 N. R. 23 E., 160 acres. Val-

uation of real estate $329.05, of per-

sonal property $98.00, total valuation$427.00, less exemption $200.00, bal-ance subject to tax $227.00. Taxes$5.22, penalty 26c, publication 35c, to-

tal $5.83.Win. Hoberg. Second half of tax-

es. Tte W 2 of SE 4 of section14, the NW 4 of NE 4 and NE

4 of NW 4 of section 23, Tp. 16N. R. 22 E., 160 acres; land in Scul-ly, Mora and Las Vegas grants, notbounded, 640 acres. Valuation ofreal estate $1200.90, of personal prop- -

bill; houe and kit tt uiideu X 1... A. i

Varos, S and E by hill, W by public-land- ;

bouse and lot bounded X bymill, S by street, F by L. Sena, W byD. Atenclo. Valuation of real etiUte$230.00, of personal property j.00, to-

tal valuation $235.00, less exemption$200.00, balance subject to tax $35.00,Taxes $1.46, penalty 7c .publication$1.05, tout $2.58.

Manuel Flores y Esoulbel. All tax-es. 60 varas of land bounded N byriver, S by ditcn, E by J. Garcia, V

by R. Haca. Valuation of real estate$70.00, of personal property $70.00, to-

tal valuation and amount subject totax $140.00. Taxes $5.84, penalty 29c,publication 35c, total $6.48.

Gumeclndo Lopez. AH taxes. 200varas of land bounded by river, Sby hill, E by G. Flores, W by J. Du-

ran. Valuation of r .al estate $120.00,added by assesor $30.00, total valua-tion and amount subject to tax $150.Taxes $6.26, penahy 31c, publication:; total $6.93.Juan F. Moya. All taxes. 20 va-

ra of land bounded N by ditch, S byriver, E by G. Martinez, W by J. Lu-

cero. Valuation and amount subjectto ,tax $253.00. Taxes $10.55, penalty53c, publication 35c, total $4i.43.

Clem nte Rael. All taxes. 32 va-

ra of land bounded N by commonrights, S by river, E by R Rael, W byL. P. Montano. Valuation of real es-

tate $42.00, of personal property $714,total valuation $756.00, less exemption$56.00, balance subject to tax $700.00.Taxes $34.83, penalty $1.74, publica-tion 35c, total $36.92.

Mrs. Huida Rosenthal. All taxes.09 varas of land bounded N b ditch,

S by J. F. Martinez, E by river, V

by j. R. Archuleta, Valuation andamount subject to tax $229.00, Taxes$12.47, penalty 62c, publication 35c,total $13.44.

Precinto No. 39

Pauline Aguilar. All taxes. TheaH 4 of section 32, Tp. 11 X. R. 14

.j, loO acres. Valuation and amountsubject to tax $200.00. Taxea $;Ui.penalty 47c, publication 35c, total$10.16.

Antonio C. de Haca. All taxes. TheS 1- of XE the NW of SEthe NE 4 of SV 4 of section 9, Tp.11 N. R. 12 E. 160 acres. Valuationand amount subject to tax $200.0.1.

Taxes $9.34, penalty 47c, publication35c total $10.16.

Albino Haca. All taxes. The XEof SE the SE 4 of NE the

W of SE 4 of dec. 33, tp. 1 3 X. R.17 B., 160 acres. Valuation of real es-

taje $270.00, of personal property$174.00, total valuation $444.00, lessexemption $21)0.00, balance subject totax $241.011. 'laxs $11.74, penaltyElite, publication total $12.08.

Antonio Belasquez. All taxes. TheSW 4 of SV 4 of section 21, theX 2 of XV and SE of NW

of section as, Tp. 10 N. It. 14 K,160 acies. Valuation and aniouut sub-

ject to tax $200.00. Taxes $9.34, pen-

alty 47c, publication 35c, total $10.10.Antonio Bosser. All taxes. The

E of SE 4 of section 26, the W2 of SW 1 4 of section 25, Tp. 12

N. R. 12 E., 160 acres. Valuation andamount subject to tax $200.00. Taxes$9,34, penalty 47c, publication 35c,total $10.16.

Deciderio Hustos. All taxes. TheSW 4 of SE 4 of section 30, theW 2 of NE 4 and NW 4 of SE

4 of section 31, Tp. 11 N. R. 14 E.,160 acres. Valuation and amountsubject to tax $200.00. Taxea $9.34,penalty 47c, publication 35c, total$18.16.

Narciso Chavez. All taxes. TheSB 4 of NE 4 of section 19, theS 2 of NW 4 and SW 4 of NE1 4 of section 20, Tp. d N. R. 13 E. 160acres. Valuation and amount subjectto tax '$200.00. Taxes $9.34, penalty47c, publication 35c, to tal $10.16.

Darlo Chavez. All taxes. The SW4 of section 4, Tp. 11 N. R. 13 E.,

160 acres. Valuation and amount sub-

ject to tax $200.00. Taxes $9.34, penalty 47c, publication 35c, total $10.16.

Manuel Chavez y Lucero. All tax-es. The SW 4 of NW the NW

4 of SW 4 of section 4, the E 2

of SE 4 of section 5, T. 11 N. R. 12E., 160 acres. Valuation and amountsubject to tax $200.00. Taxes $9.34,penalty 47c, publication 35c, total$10.16.

Pablo Chavez. All taxes. The NE4 of section 10, Tp. 11 N. R. 13 E.,

160 acres. Valuation and amount sub-

ject to tax $200.00. Taxes $9.34, penalty 47c, publication 35c, total $10.16.

Emiterio Chavez. All taxes. TheNW 4 of section 32, Tp. 1 IN. R. 14

E., 160 acres. Valuation and amountsubject to tax $200.00. Taxes $9.3,penalty 47c, publication 35c, total$10.16.

Jose Domínguez. All taxes. TheS 2 of SW 4 of section 15, the N 2

at NW 4 of section 22. Tp. 10 N. R.14 E., 160 acres. Valuation andamount subject to tax $200.00. Taxes$9.34, penalty 47c, publication 35c,

total $10.16.

Jose del Ray Gonzales. Second halfof taxes. 160 acres and land and Im-

provements of Ortiz grant. Valua-

tion of real estate $260.00, of person-

al property $98.00, added by assessor$89.00, total valuation and amountsubject to tax $449.00. Taxecs $10.59penalty 53c, publication 35c, total$11.47.

Sixto Gonzales. Lots 1, 2, 3 and4 ln section 6, Tp. 10 N. R. 15 E.,159.41 acres. .Valuation and amountsubject to tax $200.00. Taxes $9.34,penalty 47c, publication 35c, total$10.16.

Damaclo Griego. The SE 4 ofsection 3. Tp. 11 N. h. 13 E., 160aeres. Valuation and amount subjectto tax $200.00. Taxes $9.34, penalty47c. publication 35c, to tal $10.16.

Hilarlo Leyba. All taxes. TheE 2 of the SW of section 23, andE 1 2 of NW 4 of section 26. Tp.10 N. R, 12 E., 160 acres. Valuationand amount ubjtct to tax $200..00.

seubjtct io tax $800.00. Taxes $35.76,penalty $1.79, publication $1.40, total I

$38.95.Zenon Martinez. All taxes. The

S 2 of SE 4 of section 2, the NW4 of NE 4 and NE 4 of NW 4

of section 11. Tp. 16 N. R. 24, E.. 160acres. Valuation and amount subjectto tax $200.00. Taxes $8.94. penalty45c. publication 35c, total $9.74.

Nazario Martinez. Second half oftaxes. The SW 4 of section 22, Tp.16 N. R. 21 E., 160 acres. Valuationof real estate $220.00, of personalproperty $195.00. total valuation $415.less exemption $200. balance subjectto tax $2lo.00. Taxes $5.24, penalty26c, publication 35c, total $5.85.

Dionlclo Santillanes. All taxes.The E of SE 4 of section 29, theXE 4 of NE 4 of section 32, theNW 4 of NW of section 33, Tp.17 N. R. 23 E. 160 acres. Valuationand amount subject to tax $200.00.Taxes $8.94, penalty 45c publication35c. total $3.74.

RImrdo Valdez. All taxes. TheNW of section 24, Tp. 18 X. R. 23E, 1C0 acres Valuation and amountsubject to tax $200.00. Taxea $8.94.penalty 45c, publication 35c, total$9.74.

Precinto No. 42

f'respin Apodaca. All taxes. TheS ot S 2 of section 21, Tp. 15 N.It. 16 E. 160 acres. Valuation of rea'estate $210.00, of personal property$109.00, added by assessor $75.00, to-

tal valuation and amount ubiect totax $394.00. Taxes $16.91,' penalty85c, publication 35c, total $18.11.

Cecilio Garcia. All taxes. 3ti0 varas of iand i,unded X by J. I Loz,S by L. M. Robledo, E by road, Wby hill; 300 varas bounded N by T.Munis, S by J. Martinez, E by road,W by crestón. Valuation of real es-

tate $170.00, of personal property$110.00, total valuation $280.00, Jessexemption $200.00, balance subject totax $80.00. Taxes $3.59, penalty 18c, ipublication 70c, total $4.47.

Deluvlno Gonzales. All taxes. 240vds. of land bounded N by J. Madrid,S by A. Madrid, E by hill, W by mnd.Valuation of real estate $140.00, ofpersonal property $90.00, added by as-

sessor $58.00, total valuation andamount subject to tax $288.00. Taxes$12.61, penalty 63c, publication 35c,total $13.59.

Agaplta Lovato de Chavez. Alltaxes. 120 acres of land bounded Nby hill, S by J. M. Renavldes, E l,

W by road. Valuation of rea!estate $170.00, of personal property$04.00, added by assessor $68.00. totalvaluation and amount subject to tax$:02.00. Taxes $12.85 penalty 64c,publication .'i.'c, total $13.84.

Juan de Dios Madrll. Second halfof taxes. 62 acres of land bouudedN by J. M. Benavldes, S by S. MadrllW and E by hills. Valuation of realestate $145.00, of personal property$106.00, total valuation $251.00, lessexemption $200.00, balance subject totax $51.00. Taxea $1.10, penalty 5c,publication 35c, total $1.50.

Octavlano Maestas. All taxes. 100varas of land bounded N by S. OrtizE by R. R. W by hill S by M. D.Maestas; 25 yards bounded N by H.Madrll, E by creek, w by till, S byE. Maestas. Valuation of real estate$185.00, of personal property $65.00,added by assessor $63.00, total valua- -'

tion and amount subject to tax $213.Taxes ,i3.16. penalty 66c, publication70c, total $14.52.

Dolores Marino. All taxes. Tollroad, vauatlon $200.00, added by as-

sessor $50.00, total valuation andamount subject to tax $250.00. Taxes$10.42, penalty 52c, publication 35c,total $11.29.

Jose Ignacio Montoya. Second talfof taxes. 136 yds. of land boundedX by F. Montoya, S by A. Gallegos,E by R. R., W by hill. Valuation ofreal estate $128.00, personal prop-erty $236.00, total valuation $364.00,less exemption $200.00, balance sub-ject to tax $164.00, Taxes $3.83, pen-alty 19c, publication 35c, total $4.37.

Llzandro Montoya. All taxes. 651yds. of land bounded N by U. Chavez.S by J. Ortiz, E by road, W by R. R.:105 varas of land In precinct No. 44,bounded N by J. Lopez, S by E. Lu.cero, E ' road, W by river. Valuationand amount subject to tax $227.00.Taxes $9.47, penalty 47c, publication70c, total $10.64.

Rumaldo Montoya. AH taxes. 80acres of land lounded N by F. RjO- -

mero, S by Tecolote grant, E by M.Encinias, by S. Serna. Valuationof real estate $154.00, of personalproperty J70.00, total valuation $224,less exemption $200.00, balance subject to tax $24.00. Taxes $1.12. pen-alty 6c, publication 35c, total $1.53.

Heirs of Ped.ro Montoya. All taxes. 160 acres of land bounded byJ. Moya, S by Tecolote grant, E byhill, W by R. Montoya. Valuation

sor 53 00 total valuation and.amountsubject to tax $282.00. Taxes $11.76.non. Ríe nnhticHnn f)r, ,í$12.70.

Jose Francisco Montoya. All tax-es. 130 varaa of land bounded N byJ. S. Esnuibel, S by F. Montoya, E byR. R., W by hill. Valuation of realestate $80.00, of personal property$275.00. added by assessor4 $89.00, totalvaluation and amount subject to tax$444.00. Taxes $19.59, penalty 98c, ptib- -

Heat on 35c, total $20.92.Antonio Nieto. All taxes. 160

eel and tract of land IvIck, sltuautdand being In the county of San Miguel,Manuel Cordova. All taxea. Tbe

S 12 of NE 4 and N 2 of SE 416 X. R. 13E. lCu acres. Valuation of

.n.iir i-- n nublicatlon 35c. i r.d estate $220.00. of personal pro- -

of auction 17. Tp. 17 N. R. 22 160ill " " " w 1

Jperty $110.00, total valuation $363.00known as tbe Anton Chico &rant, as-

sessed as property cf unknown usi-ers- ,

and containing about 30,000 a res.... ,1 tIA 1st

$253.00. of personal property $220 00,

total valuation $s:S.(0. lest etemp-tlo- n

$:C0.00 balance aubjert to tax$J7S.OO. Taxea $16.21, penlTpublication 35c total $17.37.

NW 4 of SE 4. the E 2 of SW H.the SW 4 of SW 4 of section 15,

i'p. 17 X. R. 22 E. ICO acres. Valua-tion and amount subject to tax $2'i'.Taxes $9.34. pi rlty 47c, publication33c, total $10.16.

Juan Sandoal. All taxes. . TbeS 2 of SW 4 of section 34, Tp.18 X. R. 22. E, the X 12 of NW 4

Maximo Romero. AH taxes. ICO,"i " ' ! iUD--

$3.61.i t tn in tir.n on Taxea aluation and amount subject to taxacres of land bounded N by total

- C J. Boyd. Beyond " f1200 aerea of land bounded N byfeuce. S by A. VUÜ. K by hill. W byMIL Valuation of real finar$2233. on, of personal property$C3 .0 ttl valuation ;S5.00. es

enuitlon $.'00.09. balance tubjeet totat $:c94.ti. Taxes $57. oí, penaltytü.83. ruWlcHon 35c, total $60.23- -

penalty ISc, publication 35c, 1.".,(.00.00. Taxes $625.50, penaltynakit springs. 8 by Jlmenex. t, ny

acre. Valuation $210.00, leas exemp-

tion $200.00. balance subject to tat$10.00. Taxes 48c, penalty 2c, publi-cation 35c, total $0.88.

Clcllo Erea. All taxes. Tbe W 2

of BW 4 of section 11. the N 2 ofNW 4 snd SW 4 of NW 4 of sce- -

.1 a .w o t V I- - 1 on1 VI'

$31.28, publication S3c, total $637.13.Precinto Na. 50 moa. W by Criar Bros. Valuationf real estate $219.00, of personal Board of Truates cf the Anton

$1.17.Plutarco Armljo. AP taxes, ion

acres of land In section 16, twp, IdV. R. 13 E. Valuation of renl estate

Chico grant. All taxes. All thaiproperly $37.00, total vaiuauonland known as the Anton Chico S'JDt

cf tion 3. Vp. 17 X. R. 22 E., ICOa rei. Valuation of real estate $240.ot property $363.00, total val

217.00. Icsa exemption $200.00, balwhich Is In San Miguel county, orportion thereof., bounded N by E4

,130.00 of personal property ,,,00. . -VVr t tEVadded ,71.00 tota, vaM- -by assessor' vv ,.4 of NW 4 and N of

atlon and amount ,ul.J.-c- t to tax V - . , .,, , T 17 vnea subject to tax $17.00. Taxes2.31, penalty 12c, publication 35c. uation $i;u.',.uO, less exemption $200,

balance subjntt to tax $105.00. Taxea Cerrito de Darnel. 8 by line betweentoUl $?,78. - - -' -- 'lito m r --T" $i0.38, penalty $1.02, publication 33c,R. 22 E . 40 acres. Valuation of realJone L Romero. All taxes. The San Miguel and Guadalupe counties,F. and W by gov. land, and containingpublication 35c, total $15.29.

Ansslmo Rowlrs. All taxes. 1SW 4 of section 2. twp. 15 N. R. total $21.73.Antonio Sandoval. All taxes. Per

I estate $f!tS.oo, of personal property60 '$1541.00. tota valuation $2539.00 lem GO.mio acres. Valuation and amount6E. 160 acres. Valuation of real es acres of land In section 31, twp. 16

Tranquilino Arasen. All taxci. TheSW 4 of SW of aection 5. theNW M of NW 14. tbe 8 12 of SW

4 of kection 10, twp. 16 X. R. 22 EICO aeva. Valuation and amount í'ib-J-t

to tax $200.00. Taxes $9.31.penalty 47e. publication 35c, total$10.16.' Matlia Aragón. All taxpa. Tbe NW14 of section 25, tp. 15 N. R. 20

E, 160 acres. Valuation of real rítate$2r,0.00, of personal property $75.00,total valuation $323.00. lea exemp-

tion $200.00, balance subject to tax$125.00. Taxea $3.95. penalty 30c,publication 35c, total $6.60.

8ar.tlago Archuleta. All taxea. Im

sonal property consisting chiefly oftate. $230.00. of personal property N- - R. 13E. Valuation of real estate horses and cattle. Valuation anl53.00, added by assessor $71.00, tot--

exemption $200.00, balance subject totax $r3i.00. Taxen $120.21. penalty$6.01, publication $1.05, total $127.20.

Nestor Eanulbel. All taxes. The

Onofre Callero. All taxee. 160

acre cf land bounded E by J. Ro-mer-

W by D. Montoya, N by Grant.8 bv a. Trujillo. Valuation of real es-

tate $269.00. of personal property$29.00, total valuation and amountiubje-- t to tax $308.00. Tbt-- j $12.96,pena'ty 65e, publication Me, total$15.96. -

tlernAbr. Oonrales. All tajea, 161arrea it land bounded N by road, Sby R. Romero. E by R. Gallegos. Wby Mil. Valuation of real estate$187.00, of personal property $11000,total valuation $227.00, leaa exemp-tion $500 00, balance subject to tat

127.00 Tare $3.69. penalty 28e.

Amount subject to tax $376.00. Taxes$220.00, of personal property $197.00,total valuation $117.00, leaa exempI valuation and amount subject to

$13.75, penalty 69c, publication 35o, to- -S of SE 4 of section ,7. the NE tal S14 79

tax $354. 0A. Taxes $16.C3 penalty83c. publication 35c. total $17.86.

tion $'00.00, balance uubject to tax$217.00. Taxei $9.45. penalty 47c,

subj v to , tax ' $15,000.00. Taxes.$625.50, penalty $31.28. publication 35ctotal $6.3,7.13.

Antonio Ortiz grant (T. 15. Catrsn)All taxes. All that certain tract ofland known as the Antonio Ortizand also known as private land claimNo. 42. the same being fully describ-id In a patent of United States to An-tonio Ortiz, of record In the office of

of XE of section 20, the NW Severlno Santlstevan. All taxeáFrancisco .Trujillo de Oonzalea. publication Sic, total $10.27. of section 21, Tp. 15 N.R. 21 E.. The E of NW the E 2 of SWCalletano Oarcla. All taxes. 200 i 160 acres. Valuation and amount sui- -Second half of taxes. 160 acres of land

bounded N by P. Jaramlllo, 8 by 4 of section 17. Tp. 17 N. R. 21 E.,varas of land bounded N bv J. II. ject to tax $200.01. Taxes $9.21, pen- - ,00 aerea. Valuation and amount sub'

alty 47c, publication 33c, total $10.16.Roybsl, 8 and W by hl!l, E by river Ject to tax $20O.U0. Taxea $9.31, ptn- -provements on srovernnifnt land, val-

uation $25.00, personal property val Jose Ma. Griego. Second half of tnt prooati clerk of San Miiuel oun-- -

road ,E by F. LIcon. W by grant.Valuation of real estate $230.00, ofpersonal property $56.00, total val-uation and amount subject to tax

ality 47o, publication 35c, total $ lO.ltl.t ana nerely referred roí said fraatJulian Salazar. All taxes. Theuation $180.00, added by assessor

NW 14 of section 28. Td. ,7 X. R. 2".l containing 163,000 acres, thers hein?

bousa and lot bounded N by C.Oarcla. S and E by 8treet, W by J.R. Rovbal. Valuation of rtal estate$225.00. of personal property$1028.00, total valuation $1253.00.leas $200.00. balance sub

taxes. Tbe V 2 or iK 4 or sec-

tion 7, the XE or NW and NW4 of NE of section 18, Tp. 17 N.

R. 22 E., 160 acres. Valuation and$51.00, total valuation and amount 286.00. Taxes ..6.73. penalty 31c,aubje-- t to tax $256.00. Taxes $12.37. publication 35c,- - total $7.42.

E.. 1C0 acres. Vauatlon nnd amount excepted from this awssment 23,K0subject to tat $200.00. Taxes $9.34, ,rre claimed uy setk'S adverse to.penalty 47c, publication 35c, total a'd T:.D- - V4"- - D

016 amount subject tax $70,0OO.3ui). Tax- -

penalty 62c. publication 35c, total Wm. A. Vendall. All taxea. The N 2 amount subject to tax $200.00. Tax$13.24. of SW A. the SB 4 of NW es $1.07, penalty 23c, publication 35c,

Donactano Tiaros. All taxes. The 8 the 8W 4 of NE 14- - of section 3, The HI ' l'ul)Ilca- -tion 35c. total

Jostra Tafoya. All taxea.$3,063.30.S 2 of SW and S 2 of SK of

2 of EW the 8W 14 of SB 4

of section 12. the NW 4 of NW 4

twp. '6 N. R. 22E, 160 aerea. Valua-tion and amount subject to tat Preston Deck Grant. A. A .!.section 20, Tp. 17 N. R. 22 E ,60

of secton 13. twp. 16 N. R. 21E. 160 200.00. Taxea $9.34, penalty 47c receiver. All taxes. All that nnrtinacres. Valuation $210.00, lesa exempacres of land. Valuation and amount publication 35c, total $10.16. tlon $200, balance subject to taxes r tnat certain jrrant known as thosubject to tax $200.00. Taxea $9.31 C. R. Whepley. All taxes. The NW

publication Sr.c, total $8.32.Juan F. Kavanauih. Second half

of tax.'. 35 aerea of land boundedN by A. Chaven. 8 by L. Sedtos, Eby bill, W by road. Valuation andamount auMerf to tax $17.00. Taxei$9.98. penalty ' publication S5e,total $1 38.

Jose L. Iope. All taxes. ROO aereaof land In weclnct No. 42, bound-

ed N by fenc, 8 by Hammond, Wby belrs of I Lope: 590 acre ofland r.ot bounded; half Intereat In200 aces of land In Piedra Lumbre.Valuation and amount atibject to ta$600.09. Taxea $25.02. penalty $1.25.publication $1.05. total $27.32.

Martin Marques. Second half oftaxea. 8(1 varaa of land boundrd Nand W by L. Delgado, 3 nd E byA. Ma-qne- i; liouae and lot boundedN by L. Delirado, 8 by ditch, B bytmetery, W by h!H. Valuation of

ject to tax $1053.00. Taxes $51.46,penalty $2.57, publication 70c, total$54.73.

Cleofos Garcia. All taxes. 300vara of land bounded N and E byriver, S by 8. Garcia. W by hills;house and lot bounded X by I Fllea,8 and E by E. Garcia, W bv bill.Va'uat'.on of real estate $135.00, ofpersonal property $1115.00, total val-uation $1580.00, less exemption$200.00, balance subject to tax$1380.00. Taxes $66.16. penalty $3.31,

f 10,)0. Taxes 4Sc. penalty 2c, publi- - "I,,, V San3.-.- total fuel p.ou.n. excludlng the portion re--penalty 47c, publication 35c. total

total $5.2'5.

Santlaito Gurule. Second half oftaxc. Tbe N 2 of NE 4 of section26, the N of NW of section26, Tp. 17 X. R. 22 E., 160 acres. Val-

uation of real eatate $220.00, of per-

sonal property $111.00, total valuation$301.00 less exemirtion $200.00, bal-

ance subject to tax $161.00. Taxes$3.96, penalty 20c, publication 35c, to-

tal $1.51.Jose Gutierrez. Second half of tax-

es. The NW of section 28, Tp. 18.N. R. 21, E.. 160 acres. Valuation and

$10.16.4 of section 21, twp. 16 N. R. 20 E,

160 acres. Valuation and amountaubject to tat $200.00. Taxes $9.34,

The turnei Dv t:' North American InvestJos C. Torrea. All taxes.Joe Dolores Duran. A'l txaes- - The SE of NE the N 2 of SE mcnt Co., the said grant is also kno.nas private claim No. 1. and thpenalty 47c, publication 35c, totalE 2 of NW and W 12 of NE 4 he SW of SE 4 of section 21 Tp.

$10.16. 7 X. R. 22 E., 160 acres. Vah'a- - tlon hereby assessed Is bounded asfollows: N by Antonio Ortiz vrant RC. n. Whepley. All taxes. Tbe SW

of section 11. twp. 16 N. R. 21E, 160acres. Valuation of real estate $200,of personal property $875.00, total

ion and amount subject to tax $200.004 of section 21, twp. 1C, N. R, faxes $9.34. penalty 47c, publication bjr BOU,h Un of San Miguel county,' E

valuation and amount subject to taxpunncanon 70c, total $70.17.

Abetino Garcia. All taxes. 160acre of land In section 10, two.

20E, 160 acres. Valuation and amt.subject to tax $209.00. Taxes $9.34,$1075.00. Taxes $57.21, penaltypenalty 47c, publication 35c. total

amount subject toiax $200.00. Tax-

es $4.67, penalty 23c, publication 35c,

total $5.25.

35c, total $10.16. ,.

oy une drawn from the Pajarito mesaDomingo Torres. All taxes. The of El Asuaje de la Tegua, W by An- -

lots 3 nnd 4, tbe SW 4 of stctlon ton Chico erant. excluding acreage4, the SE 4 of NE 4 of section 5, returned by North American Invest- -Tp. 16 N. R. 22 E., 167 acres. Valua- - ment Co., said acreage beina-- 62 901

$2.86, publication 35c. total $60.42. 18 N. R. 13E. Valuation of real estate$10.16.Jose o'ores Duran. All taxes. The DU.UU, or personal property $128.00.J " ' 1 Heirs of Nicolas Gutierrez. Alls 12 or 8w 4 and B l-- z or be 4 nanea ny assessor 885.00, total valu

taxes. The El-- 2 o' SW or section irJf! leaving subject to tat hereinPrecinto No. 61

Jeaus Ma. Salazar. All taxes. 28 29. the E 2 of NW 4 of sectionation and amount aubject to tax$163.00. Taxeg $19.59, penalty sxe,publication 35c, total $20.92.

of aetlon 2. twp. 16 N. R. 2115. 160acres. Va'uatlon and aomunt subjectto tax $200.00. Taxes $9.34. penalty

ojw iv, ,w acreg valuation and amount29c penalty lc, publication 35c, to-- subJect to tax 37(0oo.00. Taxeatal 6uC. Ir,i... ,.2, Tp. 18 tí. ,60 acres. Valuationacres of land bounded N by hill, 8

and amount subject to tax $200.00.Max. Rossner. All taxes. Lot nn.1by J. Y. Lujan, E by road. W by L.47c. pjbllratlon 35c, total $10.16 Maria Josefa G. Torres. Second ?r ..r,.,. - PUD"

half tv, mr i.j xic iImprovements, not bounded viim.Jaramlllo; house and lot bounded N Taxes $9.34, penalty 47c, publication

33c. total, $10.16.Mariano Duran. All taxes. The

lots 2. 3. 4, the E 2 of 8W 14 of tlon oí real estate $10.00. of neruon.David Jaramlllo. All taxes. The the N of NW the SW 4 of A" ,axes-

- A

NW 4 of eectlon 17, Tp. 17 N. R. 23certa,n tTct ,anl known as Tectv- -al property $95.00, added by assessorsection 32. twp. 16 N. R. 21E, 160 W of SB the S of SW

real estate $215.00 of perianal pro-

perty $72. Of, total Taluatlon $287.00,les exemption $200.00, balance sub-

ject to tax $87.00. Taxea $1.87, pen-avlt- y

9c, publication 70e, total $2.86.Apolonlo Márquez- - All taxea. 150

varas of land bounded N by M. Ma-rque, 8 by A. Oonxnlea, E by creek.W by E. Várela; 180 aerea of landbounded N by T. J. Royd, 8 by hill,E by filiarlo Montoya, W by J. Mar(.uex. Valuation of real eatate $420.00

f personal property $50.00, totalvaluation $470.00. leaa exemption$200.00, balance subject to tat$270.00. Taxea $11.20, penalty 66c,publication 70c, total $12.52.

4.uu, total valuation and amount

b yhlll, s by road, E by church, Wby St. Joseph's house; lot and Im-provements bounded N by hill, 8 byroad, K by ball, W by T. Rolbal; lotand Improvements bounded N by hill,

of section 2, Tp. 17 N. R. 21E..163acres. Valuation and amount subjactto tax $210.00. Taxes $9.80, penalty

E. 160 acrt8. Valuation of real estate kW containing In all 48.009$220.00, of personal property $50.00, acres, exclucdlng that portion return- -aubject to tax $129.00. Taxes $5.53, acres, valuation ana amount subject

49c. publication 35c, total $10.60 penalty zxc. publication 35c, total$6.16. to tat $200.00. Taxes $9.34, penalty

H by river, E by T. Roybal. W bvtotal valuation and amount subject to C(i "Y oe settlers on the grant, whichtat $270.00. Taxea $6.36, penalty, 32c they return for taxation, leaving thepublication 35c. total $7.03 amount of .tirh ft.. m.t

47c, publication 35c, total $10.16,Tlbnrclo Roybal. All taxea. a iieraJ. Y. Lujan. Valuation of real esAntonio T. Oarcla. All taxes. The

NW1-- 1 of NE the N El-- 4 of NWthe 8 12 of NW 4 of section Zenon Lucero. All taxes. Theof land bounded N by road, 8 by rivtate $449.00, of personal propem'

SW 4 of, NW 4 of section 14, the Maria üonaclana M. dé Torr. All Ussed. 15,920 acres. Valuation andr,ae,8, Jh b hi of rt,.n amount subject to tax $7.I60.00. Tax- -13. twp 16 N. R. 21E, 160 acres. Val er, E and W by cuchilla. Valuation$135.00, total valuation $584.00, lesa

exemption $200.00, balance aubject to 17 N. R .23 E.. 160 acre. Valuation8 2 of NE 4 and NE 4 of NE 4

of section 15, Tp. 17 N. R. 22 E., 160uatlon and amount subject to tax ea $331.93. neniltv $R(;o. publication,35c total $318.88.and amount subject to 'tax $200.00.tax $3M.00. Taxes $16.13, penalty$200.00. Taxes $9.34 penalty 47c, pub.

ana amount subject to tat $36.00.Taxes $1.50, penalty 8c, publication35c, total $1.93.

acres. Valuation and amount aubject laxes $9.34, penalty 47c'' publicationIlcatlon 35c, total $10.16. to tax $200.00. Taxes $9.34, penalty 35c, total $10.16. ;"Pelaslo OalleKOs. Al' taxes. 440 47c, publication 35c, total $10.16.

80c. publication $1.40, total $18.33-Antoni-

Maca. All taxes. 100 varasof land bounded N by T. Pena, 8by R. Archuleta, E by O. Ajagon. W

Antonio Dlmas Torres, jr. All tax A th'tilr he-4- fa nnt namia a

Gregorio Roybal. All taxes. Landmounded N and 8 by river, E byD. Quintana, W by loma. 6

acres of land bounded N by A Quln Nicanor Maes. Al' taxe3. Thetana, by R. Vtell. E by 8. Quln es. The SW 4 of NW 1-- of section m.,iH..,i. , ,, '

2, the SB 14 of NE 1-- 4 and E 1- -2 of ""9- -WW of BW 4 of section 17, theby M. Ilaca. Valuation of real estatetana, W by R. Quintana. Valuation Valuation of real estate $115.00, of NE 4 of SE 4 and S 2 of NE 4SE 1- of stctlon 3, Tp. 17 N. R. 22 E$115.09, of personal property $C3.00, of section 18, Tp. 15, N. R. 23 E., 160and amount subject to tax $495.00

Taxea 523.13, penalty $1,15. publlpersonal property $48.00, added byassessor $47.00, total valuation and

The stronj-v- t belle' a conceitedand the S 2 of NW 4 and N 2

acres. Valuation and amount subject of SW 4 of section Z8, Tp. 18 N. R. man has is that be Isn't.added by assessor $15.00, total val-uado imnd amount aubject to tat$233.00. Taxes $9.40, penalty 47c.

cation 35c. total $24.63. to tax $200.00. Taxes $9.34, penaltyamount subject to tat $210.00. Taxea$8.89. penalty 44c, publication 35c,

22 E., 320 acres. Valuation of , realPtttflte Í3.rr On nt nrcnnl nrnnArtuTlofllo Garcia. All taxea. 1C0 acres 47c, publication 35c, total $10.16

Begins Marque. All taxea. 100aerea of land bounded N by D. Ta-foy- a,

S toy Herrera. E by A. En-cln'a-

W by road- - Valtintlon of realestate $231.00. of pemonal property$47.00, total valuation $278.00, leaaexemption $200.00, balance subject totat $78.00. Taxea $3.36, penalty 17c,

publication 35e, total $3.88.Felix Martines y Torrea. All taxes.

300 vara of land bounded N by C.

Aracofi, 8 by J. L. lpex. E and Wby bill. Valuation of rl eatate $13.of personal property $124.00, totalvaluation $258.00, leas exemption$200.00, balance subject to tax$58.00. Tr-- ea $2.89, pena'ty 14e, pub-licatl- o

n3'c. total $3.88.

loini sa.es,puniication 35c, total $10.23. Ellsao Mae3tas. All taxes. Theof land bounded N by W. White, 8 by Í71.00. total valnkton s49fi nn ioa An angler would have no kick com- -ivestora Medina de Fresquez. All N of SE the NE 4 of SW 4 emption $200.00, balance subject to 'nB If the fish bite as persistently astaxes. ZD ncrPB of land bounded N

Jose E. Roybal. All taxes. The NW4 of NW 4 of section 26, twp. 17

N, R. 13E, 40 acres. Va'uatlon of realthe lot 3 of section 18, Tp. 17 N. R. 23 tax $226.00. Taxes $10.67, penalty the mosquitoes dc.by hill, 8 by P. Fresquez, E by T, E., 159.62 acres. Valuation $210.00 i3c, publication 70c, total $11.90.

M. Jlmenex, E by jrrant, W by C.Ortepn. Valuation $220.00, added byassessor $55.00, total and amountsubject to tax $275.00. Taxes $12.85,penalty file, publication 35c, total$13.84.

Franrlsco Cart-la- . All taxes. The

loss exemption $200.00, balance sub .Iaka kMiann Tntroa Al! favaa Taestate $89.00, of personal property$13.8.09, total valuation $227.00. less

Roybal, W by J. Pendarles; 40 acresbounded N by P. FreBquez, 8 by hill.E by T. Roybal, W by J. Pendarles.

ject to tax $10.00. Taxes $4Sc, penal W 2 of SE the SE 4 of SW 4Blobbs These foreign missionaries

exemption $137.00, balance aubject to ty 2c, publication 35c, total 85c, of section 29, the NE 4 of NW 4 've rae a pain. Slobbs Cee! YmiDuvtd Maeataa y Martinez. AllValuation of real estate $528,00, of tax xwj.oo. TaxeB $4.14, penalty 21c of section 32, Tp. 17 N. R. 22 E., 160 talk like a cannibal.

SW 4 of SW 4 of section 8. the 8 punncanon 35c, total $4.70. acres, valuation of real estate $250.taxes. The SW 4 of section 22, Tp.17 N. R. 23, E, 160 acres. Valuation

personal property $10.00, total valu-atl- o

nand amount subject to tax Jose Tlbnrclo Roybal. All taxes nf nersnnAl nmnortv ti-5- AA ftal. ... .j..vj T, idu.. . v.- - ...2 of BE 4 of section 7, the NW4 of RW of section 18, twp. 16 350 varas of land bounded N bv .T m and amount subject to tax $200.00.538.00. Taxes $22.41, panalty $1.12, valuation $744.00. lesa exemntion $200 ""luJ' mau Bees uuiy m time

Taxea $9.34, ponalty 47c, publicationpublication 70c, total $24.26.R. 23E. 1C0 acres. Valuation and balance eubjtct to tax $514.00. , Taxes ,0 dodge ItN.35c, total $10.10.

Valencia, 8 by C. Roybal, E by hill,W by road. Valuation of real estate$385.00, of personal property $5.00.

L. II. Moslnian. All taxea. 90 acrei $29.10, penalty $1.45, publication 35c,mount subject to tax $200.00. Tax-.- 1

$9.31, penalty 47c, publication 35c, a i non AlJuan Maestas y Cordova. All taxof land In section 5, twp. 18 N. R.es. 120 acres or lana bounded n anatotal valuation and amount subject4E. Valuation of real estate $3G5.00,total $10.16.S by gov. land, W by D. Maestas, E ond half of taxes. The SE 4 of sec- - 80 mucn aa "ow long she baa beenof property $175.00, total t0 $390.00. Taxes $16.27, penalty

J. Hllarh Montoya. Second half oftaxes. P00 acres of land bounded Nby White Rock. 8 by road, E byhill, W by Monte Larso. Valuationand amount subject to tax $300.00.

Taxes 18.28. penalty 31 e, publication35c. total $8.92.

Declderlo Padilla. All taxes. 2R0

crea of land bd. N by D. Ml ravel, B

ty hill, W by Bprlnft, E by road. Val-

uation of real estate $100.00, of per-

sonal property $129.00. total valuation1529.00, leaa exemption $200.00, bal- -

TTeti's of Trenr.o T opeü- All taxes.by P. Maestas. Valuation of real es tlon, 13, Tp. 17 N. R. 22, E., ,60 acres, that age.20 acres of land at Ias Conchas, In valuation i.hu.uu, less exemption IC- - puniication ase, total $17.43.

juu.ou, balance subject to taxsections 8 and 9, tWfi. 14, N. R. tate $155.00, of eprsonal property $206,total valuation $356.00, exemption

Valuation of real estate $235.00, of per-- 1

snnnl trntiírt v s7R 00 trtal vnlnatlmiPrecinto No. 53$340.00, Taxes $14.53, penalty 73c.20E. Valuation and amount subject$311.00, less exemption $196.00. bal- - ne i.ecrets the average womanllllhliltaHnn QTa . 1 , A.P n I ... ...o tax $320.00. Taxes $14.91, penalty I" """" nai., lllim llO.Ul. V HI 01 A icon. A 11 tnvaj V i 0 subject to tax $115.00 Taxes $2.72, can keep are those of her toilet,ioodoro Pena. All taxes. 100 varas of NW 475c, publication 35c. total $16.04.

Maria Inés Martines. All taxes, 200

$Sfi.00, balance subject to tax $270.00,Taxes $13.47, penalty 67c, publication35c, total $14.49.

Manuel B. de Martinez. All taxes.The N 2 of SW the SE 4 of

W the SW 4 of SE 4 of sec-tion 17, Tp 18, N. R. 22, E., 160 acres.

of land bounded N by road, 8 by section 27, twp. 18 N. II 22E 160hill. E by T. Martinez, W by C. Mas- - acres. Valuation of real estate '$275carenlas; 600 varaa bounded Nand of personal property $603.00. total

cre of Jand bounded N, E, 8 findunce subject to tat $329.00. Taxea$14.00, penalty 70c, publication 55c, W by fcrant. Valuation and amount

penalty 14c, publication 35c, total$3.21. V--

Juan N. Torres. Second half oftaxes. The N 2 of NE the SE

4 of NE NE NWof section 20, Tp. 17 N. 'ft.. 23 E., 160acres. Valuation and amount subject

S by hlr, E by R. Archlbeque. W valuation ami amount subject to taxtotal $15.05. abject to tax $250.00. Taxea $11.67.

He didn't know he was In loveWe really must confea-- s

He thought the feelingUpon him stealing

Wa merely biliousness.

Valuation and amount subject to taxpenalty 58c. publication 35o, total by road; 500 varas bounded N bv S'8 00- - TBXe" $42.89, penalty $2.11$200.00. Taxes $9.34, penalty 47c,publication 35c, total $45.28.

Victoria Romero da radia. All tat-- .160 acres of land bounded N by

P. Tafova. 8 and E by Grant. W byroau, a ny mil, w by. J. Archuleta, E$12.60. publication 35c, tota $10.16.Jesus Aragón. All taxes, he Würatano Martinet. All taxes. The by road; 100 varas bounded N by Liolnlres Martinez. All taxes. The2 of NW 4 and W 2 of SW 14L, Tafoya; boose and lot In precinct Oov. land, 8 by heirs of 8. Garcia- -W 12 or W Of section 7, twp. 14

N. R. 18E. 160 acre. Valuation and

to tax $200.00. Taxes $4.67, penalty23c, publication 35c, ' total $5.25.

Jesus Trujillo. All taxes... TheW 2 of SW 4 of section 28, the E

SE 4 of SE 4 of section 34. Tp.of section 9, twp. 16 N. R. 22E, 160No. 5, bounded N by C- - Romero, b Valuation of real esate $1634.00. of Life On the Farm.' T1 Vl in. 31, T1 m im livnwAMn a

17 N. R. 21 E.. and the lota 1. 2 andacres. Valuation aubjectamount subject to tat $200.00. Taxes all- -3 In section 3, Tp. 16 N. R. 21 E., 15"S:Zna,$?lTo7 ,?,9400, W tm.TT.U. pen 'exemption j7 wi..,t a,,by P. Lucero, E by New Met. tve.,W by alley. Valuation of real estate$375.00, of personal property $59.00,

$9.34, penalty 47e, publication 35c,aerea. Valuation and amount subject

R. 1, 160 acres. Valuation and flred hard to please"total $10.16. $200.00. balance subject to tat "3" " l" ''"í - to tat $196.00. Taxes $9.15, penalty What'8 the trouble nowfusjumi to Al o, J iirj DIMFranelfco Martines. All taxes. Thetotal valuation $431.00, lesa exemp-

tion $200.00, balance subject to tax Itic, publication 35c, total $9,96.$2228.00. Taxes $96.74, penalty$4.84, publication $1.40, total8E 4 of NW the 8 2 of NE Heirs of Brígida M. Medina. All

amount subject to tax $200.00. Taxes$9.34, penalty 47c. publication 35e, to-tola $10.16.

Benigno Ullbarrl. Second half of1534.01 Taxes 89.R7. penalty 49c

4 of section 13, twp. 16 N. R. 22E $102.98.

"They're kicking because I ain't gotno field of shredded wheat to show'em.' Kansas City Journal.

4 of section 34, twp. 17 N. R. 22E,160 acres.. Valuation and amountsubject to tat $200. 00. Taxes $9.34,penalty 47c, publication 35c, total

taxes. The W 2 of SE 4 and S 2

rmhllcillon 70c. total $11.08. snd the RW 1-- 4 of NW 4 of section of SW 4 of section 24, Tp . IS N. K.Juan and Pablo Salas. 200 varas 18. two. 16 N. R. 23E, 16l acres. Val 22. E.. 160 acres. Valuation and

Declderlo Romero. All taxes. 160acres of land bounded N by river,8 by toad. E by J. de L. Romero.W bv D. Romero- - an undivided In.

$10.16.of land bounded N by bill. 8 by Lleb- - nation and amount subject to taxtaxes. The S 2 of NE the NE

of SW the NE 4 of NE 4

of section 34, Tp. 18 N. R. 21 J3., andRo'iwrto Dallejos. AM taxes. The Eaebner. E by I. Trajino, w by a $200.03. Taxes $9.34, penalty 47c Marks Success means hard work.Parks Well, so doe lack of sue--Salas. Valuation of real estate $93.00 the S 2 of section 2, Tp. 17 N. Rpublication 85c, total $10.16. tereBt In Mora Grant and Sannulju- - 2 of SE 4 (,f p!tIon 28, the W

Jose Orablcl Martines. All taxes 2t;- - .a8; personalX&hmm'


of real cess.-Po- ston Transcript.of personal property $12.00, totalvaluation and amount subject to tat

of SW 4 of s rtlon 27, twp. 17 N.T AD ij ten - -- .v.. t'i....n,.. .aela Gr"i't, 2500 acres each; house and

amount subject to tax $200.00. Taxes$9.34, penalty 47c, publication 35c, to-

tal $10.16.Maria A. L. de McEnery. All taxea.

The NE 4 of NW the N 2 ofHE the SE 4 of NE 4 of sec tion17, Tp. 15 N. R. 23 E., 160 acres. Val-

uation and amount subject to tax $200.

propertyTbe 9W 4 of NE the NW 4

lot In nreclnct No. 14- - hind hn..nnM " " ,u" v.ut,uu uu1105.00. Taxes $4.38, penalty 23c, $1861.00, total valuation $2504.00, less

exemption $200.00, balance subject toof 8E 4 of NE 1-- tbe NW 4 ofSE the NE 4 of 8W tbe 8 Frowns are free, but a smile costpublication S5c, total $4.95. N by n.ll. 8 by river, E by J. L. de ,uuu,u B,iJe(,t w -- uu.uu.

W by J. Y. Lujan. Valuation e9 i9,31, l,enalty 47c- - publication 35e, tax $2301.00. Taxes $00.50,. penalty 15 cents,EIIjíIo Salas. All taxea. 35 varaa of or real estate 1187.00. of nermonal mu ilU.lb. $3.03, publication 35c, total ,$63.88.T R TTUImrrH All Tho Wland bounded N by Canon. 8 by Ucfr roperty $G3.00. total valuation "lotorlo Rcnavides. AU taxes. The Taxes $9.34, penalty 47c, publication

35c, total $10.16.isebner, E by J. P. Rains, W by her2 of Nic the w 2 nf RR 4 nf A woman's inability to hold550.00. leu exemntton 1900.00. hal. W 1 Or NW - or Section Zl, ineI.. Rains. Valuation of real estate

2 of SE 4 of NW 4 of section It,twp, 17, N. R. ICE, 160 acres. Valu-ation tnd amount subject to tax$200.00. Taxes $9.34, penalty 47c,publication S5c, total $10.16.

Inés Montoya. de Duran. All taxes.The NW 4 of section 22, twp, 15 N.n 11E. 160 acres. Valuation and

section 8, tbe S 2 of W 4 and lots tongue may be due to her natural14.71, penalty 71c, publication $1.40, HK J" 01 aná l' or. 1.4 nf auntlnn 91 twn 19 V Tf VIPS. 00 of personal property $73.00 2 and 3 of section 4, the SE 4 of weakness.

total valuation $171.00. leaa exemp ance subjec' t to tax $350.00. Taxes " ',, " y160 acres. Valuation of real estate

total $16.85. i9in.no nf nernn;i1 Sr, nn

Wm. Naeglln. All taxes. The S2 of SW 4 of section: 11, the N 2

of NW 4 of section 14, Tp. 16 N. R.21 E., 160 acres. Valuation of realestate $295.00, of personal property$1077 00, total valuation and amount

NK E 2 of SE 4 of sectiontion 81Ü.00. balance subject to tat 17. all In To. 17 N R. 21 E.. nnd the$73.00. Taxes $3.10 penalty 16c, pub Declderlo Romero. All taxes. 80 total valuation $215.00. balance sub- - NE 4 of NE 4 of section 20. To. Cheap Jewelry always has a guilty

amount subject to tax $200,00. Taxes acres of land bounded N by river, 8 Ject to tax $15.00- - Taxes 71c, penalty 17 N. R. 20 E.. 480 acres. . Valuation look.subject to tax $1372.00. Taxes $70.88,by hill, E by D. Romero, W by J. Uc, puli'icatlon 35c, total $1.10. of real estate $660.00, of personal prop- -$9.34, penalty 47e, publication 35c,

total 810.16. . Lujan. Valuation and amount sub- - Robt. llnoth. AU taxes. The erty $il1.00, total valuation ,$851.00,penalty $3.54, publication 3..c, total$74.77.Fraivlsflulta C. de Montoya. All

less exemption $200.00, balance sub- - Not all gushing letters are wrlttewith fountain pens.

Ject to tax $262.00. Taxes $10.93. SW 4 of NW of section 22, thepenalty 55e, publication S5c, total N 2 of SE 4 and SE 4 of NE 4axes. The N 2 of NW N 2 Erimni Padia. All taxes. The X

jecto tax $651.00. Taxes $30.85, penof NE 4 of section 22. twp. 16 N $11.83. of seotlon 21, Tp. 16 N. R. 22. E., 160R. Í1E. 160 acres. Valuation and alty $1.54, publication $1.05, total

$33.44.Jose de la Luz Romero. All taxes, acres. Valuation of real estate $220.

Mention 3f.c total $3.67.Iald.ro Trujillo. All taxes. 1C0

acres f land bounded N by A. & P.Balas. W bv Llebchner, E by hill.SbtF. Maitines y Torres Valuationof real estate $348.00, of personalproperty $172.00 total valuation$520.00, leaa exemption $200.00. bal-

ance Kubjert to tnx $320.00. Taxes$13.82. penalty 69c, publication S5o

total $14.86."

Juan de Mata Trujillo. All taie.17 varas of land bounded N by A.

2 of SW 4 of seiction 1, the N 2 ofSE 4 of section 2, Tp. 15 N. R. 22E 160 acres. Valuation and amountsubject to tax $200.00. Taxes $9.31.

mount subject to tat $200.00. Txes Marcelino Ullbarrl. All taxes. The57 acres of land bounded N by kov. of personal property $70.00. total val-lan-

8 by D. Romero. E by M. Cres- - uatlon $290.00, lea exemption $200,$9.34, penalty 47c. publication 35cSW 4 of section 17, Tp. 17 N. R. 21

Fred I proposed to Miss Dlnglebylast night.

Joe Don't believe I know her. Irshe well oft?

tctal $10.16. pin, W by J. de Romero. Valuation paiance subject to tax isíu.uu. laxes penalty 47c, publication 3;c, total$10.16.

E., 10 acres. Valuation of real esNaxarlo Montoya. All taxes. Tbe of real estate $205.00, of personal , penalty zzv, publication á.c, to- - tate $210.00, of personal property $72,Pedro A. Romero. All taxes. TneSW 4 of section 22. twp. 18 N. R. property $20.00, total valuation $225. tai ft.83.

less exemption $200.00, balance nb- - Francisca Conway. A taxes. Per- - S 2 of NW the N 2 of SW 4added by assessor $73.00, total valua-tion and amount subject to tax $355.

Fred Yes, I guess bo. She refused'go News.

21E, 169 acres. Valuation and amountsubject to tat $200.00. Taxes $.SI. of section 26. Tp. 18 N. R. 22 E 160

Trujillo, 8 by (tap, E by hill, W by acres. Valuation and amount subject Taxes $16.69. penalty 83c,, publication35c. total $17.87.

Ject to tat $25.00. Taxea $1.05. pen- - property comsung vi uie; va.- -

alty 5c, publication 35c, total $1.45. hon $250,00, added by assessor, $63.penalty 47e. publication 35c, tot.uroad. Valuation of real estate $338.co, to tax $?00.00. Taxea $9.34. penalty i v f i aii a mi.$10.16. Petrollno Várela. Second half of " l-

-.u vaiveroe i "nam. Aiitaxe. i. mj ,, . ii,,47o, publication 85c total $10.16.of personal property $85.00 total val-

uation $123.00 lesa exemption Juan N. P. Olona. A'l taxes Tho e-- t 1 OTP 1 A com fnr. 97 hn -

DolorMas Romero. All taxes. TneN 2 of SWM.thoSE 4 of SW 4 S of SE 4 of section 28, theNW you are going to receive and the doN 2 of NE the SW 4 of NE$200.00. balance subject to tat

$223.00. Taxes $9.41, penalty 47e.bv creek. S by hill, E and W by i' w .'F Roybal: land bounded N by C. f "T,...!..; o v t.,v.i o v ,n acres of land section 2, Tp, 17 Is.

4 of section S3, Tp. 18 N, R. 21 E., lars yon have to pay out.the SE 4 of NW 4 of section 9,the SW 4 of SE 14 of sectlm V,

twp- - 16 N. R. 21E. 1C0 acres. ValuarnVlcnt'on 85e. total $10. za. Tp. 17 N. R. 22, 160 acres. Valuationy !l Jlr". R. 24. E. Valuation of real estatelion and amount subject to lax$219.00. less exemption $200.00, balv oy ruu; íui nun imiiiuiruicui 100- - . ,Crtaantoa Vigil. Second half f

taxes. 25 aerea of land bounded' N 1200.00. Taxes $9.34. nena 11 47c bounded ,Nnbhí!i I V.?liT toUl vkliutlo; .nTamount subjen tofM Mfl00 r Mhy npubllUon 33o. total $io.io. ance subject to tat $10.00. Taxes

ISc, penalty 2c, publication 35c, totalJ. Y

160 acres. Valuation and amount sub- - vJect to tax $200 00. Taxes $., --Wives should make allowances foralt v 47c. pnbleatlon 135c, total $10.16.

lllguel Valdez. All taxes. The n their husbands' said the observaat2 of NE 4 of section 10, the W 1- -Í wotnari,' .

of NW 4 of section 11. Tp. 17 N. R. ' "Yes," replied the New York man;160 Valuation and amount ;;22 E., acres. a"d ouRht t0 be more tlian ,30..,Mf tn f tnnno. Taxes Í9.34.

bv J. M- - Cbayex 8 by E. Várela. Eby D. Tafoya, W by D. Croapln. Va Jose M. Orteea. AH taxes, tho 85c.publUvition 35c. total $19.96.tlon of real estate $100.00, of per

sonal property $18.00, added by as8 12 ft NE the SE of NWnation of real estate $74 .w, Antonio Mu. Cordova. All taxes. Awipito Sandoval. All taxes. TheE 2 of SE 4 of NE 4, the lot 1.14 0 frectlun 6, tbe SW 4 of NW sessor $38.00. total valuation andsonal property $130.00. total ' valua Ti, tr 1.1 rf VV 1.4 nf section 2

. . . w. , , ,T3 . It 1 ... ' . . - -14 of section 5, twp. 16 N. R. 21Etion $204.00. less exemption il39.oo amount subject to tax $181. no. laxes 17 v r 3 E.. the SW 4 of In section 6. Tp. 17 N. R. 22 E.. 160 penalty 47c, publication 35c, total a month." Washington Star.1C0 scr-Hi- . Valuation and amount sub- -balance subject to tax $65.00. Taxes acres. Valuation of real estate $275j.u. pennity c, puoncnuou " iRW 4 0f section 35 and tbe E 2 or

$10.16.lect to tax $200.00. Taxes $9.31. pen total $5.15.$1.54, penalty 8c, publication 85 tot of personal property $1297.00, totalSE 4 of section 34, Tp.' 18 N, R. 2?.

E.. 1C0 acres. Valuation and amount Some people refer to money aa!tv 7c publication 35c, total $10.16at fl.97. valuation and amount subject to tax Land GrantsPrecinto No. 52 v.. a - tvinlr tt 14 mm.W. R. Williams. All taxee. 100 subject to tax $200.00. Taxes $9.54Pedro Quintana. All taxes- - The 8of NW 4 of section 16, the S

! 575.00. Tares $0.91. penalty $4.05publication 35c, total $85.31. Anton in ico grant ti. i ,...

Abenlclo Armlk). Second half 1 or Ipf,,. 470. publication 3ic, totaeres cf land bounded N by J. Krad!a E by J. A- - Hinojos. 8 by road Alt K-- niece. r.9X. pr'"of NE 4 of eectlon 17. twp. 14 Francisco Sandoval.. All taxes. The t 1 I A v . ÍIU ' V v . -- a ,

taxea. The SB'1-- 4 of aectton 10. tp $10.16.N. R. ICO acres, Valuation andW by Boyd. Valuation of real estate
