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Electron pockets and pseudogap asymmetry observed in the thermopower of underdoped cuprates

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Electron pockets and pseudogap asymmetry observed in the thermopower of underdoped


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2013 EPL 102 37006


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May 2013

EPL, 102 (2013) 37006 www.epljournal.orgdoi: 10.1209/0295-5075/102/37006

Electron pockets and pseudogap asymmetry observedin the thermopower of underdoped cuprates

J. G. Storey1,2

, J. L. Tallon2 and G. V. M. Williams


1 School of Chemical and Physical Sciences, Victoria University - P.O. Box 600, Wellington, New Zealand2 MacDiarmid Institute - Callaghan Innovation, P.O. Box 31310, Lower Hutt, New Zealand

received 6 March 2013; accepted in final form 19 April 2013published online 16 May 2013

PACS 74.72.Gh – Cuprate superconductors: Hole-dopedPACS 74.72.Kf – Pseudogap regimePACS 74.25.fg – Thermoelectric effects

Abstract – We calculate the diffusion thermoelectric power of high-Tc cuprates using theresonating-valence-bond spin-liquid model developed by Yang, Rice and Zhang (YRZ). In thismodel, reconstruction of the energy-momentum dispersion results in a pseudogap in the densityof states that is heavily asymmetric about the Fermi level. The subsequent asymmetry in thespectral conductivity is found to account for the large magnitude and temperature dependence ofthe thermopower observed in underdoped cuprates. In addition we find evidence in experimentaldata for electron pockets in the Fermi surface, arising from a YRZ-like reconstruction, near theonset of the pseudogap in the slightly overdoped regime.

editor’s choice Copyright c© EPLA, 2013

Introduction. – A central issue in the quest to under-stand the high-Tc cuprate superconductors is the natureand origin of the pseudogap, a depletion in the densityof states, that dominates thermodynamic and transportproperties across half of the temperature-doping phasediagram. The two heavily debated opposing viewpointsare that it is either due to phase incoherent electronpairing, or instead arises from some competing order. Thepresence or absence of particle-hole symmetry is of vitalimportance in this debate. Superconducting excitationsexhibit symmetry about the Fermi surface, whereas com-peting orders can have their locus of excitations alongother parts of the Brillouin zone such as the antiferromag-netic zone boundary. Recent angle-resolved photoemissionspectroscopy (ARPES) studies have detected particle-hole asymmetric spectra in the pseudogap phase [1,2].This was missed by earlier ARPES studies due to thewidespread practice of symmetrizing the spectra to aidanalysis.

A related topic that has become of considerable interestin recent years is the possibility of electron pockets inthe Fermi surface of underdoped high-Tc cuprates. Thishas been spawned by quantum oscillations [3,4], Halleffect [5] and thermopower [6] measurements of stronglyunderdoped samples deep in the pseudogap regime nearx = 1/8-th doping, where stripe order is inferred tobe present. Proof of the existence and location of

these pockets in momentum space would put significantconstraints on the origin of the mysterious pseudogapand possibly on the origin of superconductivity in thesematerials. In contrast, several Fermi surface reconstruc-tion models predict electron pockets appearing with theonset of the pseudogap in the slightly overdoped regime(x ≈ 0.19) before disappearing at lower dopings.

One such model is the resonating-valence-bond spin-liquid model developed by Yang, Rice and Zhang(YRZ) [7]. It has achieved considerable success in describ-ing several measurable properties of the high-Tc cupratesuperconductors. Some examples include the specificheat [8,9], Raman spectra [10,11], penetration depth [12]and angle-resolved photoemission spectra [13,14]. A prin-cipal feature of this model is a self-energy term E2

g (k)/(ω+ξ0k) that reconstructs the energy-momentum dispersion

into two branches, leading to a particle-hole asymmetricpseudogap in the density of states [15] (see fig. 1(b)).At the same time, the large hole-like Fermi surface istransformed into small nodal hole pockets and, for smallvalues of Eg, antinodal electron pockets (see fig. 1(a)).Recently we showed that this reconstruction reproducesthe two-component electronic behaviour observed in NMRKnight shift experiments [16]. As a further test of the YRZansatz we calculate the diffusion thermoelectric power(TEP), which provides a direct measure of particle-holeasymmetry in the spectral conductivity. From these


J. G. Storey et al.

Table 1: Values of μp(x) used in this work.

x μp/t0 x μp/t00.10 −0.250 0.18 −0.3800.12 −0.270 0.19 −0.4200.14 −0.295 0.20 −0.4600.16 −0.315 0.25 −0.588

calculations we identify features in the TEP correspondingto electron pockets in the Fermi surface appearing near theonset of the pseudogap in the slightly overdoped regime.

Formalism. – Detailed descriptions of the YRZ modelhave been published several times [7,15,17], but for com-pleteness we briefly list the equations used in this work. Inthe normal state the coherent part of the electron Green’sfunction is given by

G(k, ω, x) =gt(x)

ω − ξk − E2g(k)


, (1)

where ξk = −2t(x)(cos kx + cos ky) − 4t′(x) cos kx cos ky −2t′′(x)(cos 2kx + cos 2ky) − μp(x) is the tight-bindingenergy-momentum dispersion, ξ0

k = −2t(x)(cos kx +cos ky) is the nearest-neighbour term, and Eg(k) =[E0

g(x)/2](cos kx − cos ky) is the pseudogap with E0g (x) =

3t0(0.2−x) for x ≤ 0.2, while for x > 0.2 E0g (x) = 0. Here

we take the closure of the pseudogap to lie at x = 0.2 incontinuity with YRZ, however we have extensively shownthis to occur at slightly lower doping x = 0.19 [18].The chemical potential μp(x) is chosen according to theLuttinger sum rule, with the values used in this worklisted in table 1. The doping-dependent coefficients aregiven by t(x) = gt(x)t0 + (3/8)gs(x)Jχ, t′(x) = gt(x)t′0and t′′(x) = gt(x)t′′0 , where gt(x) = 2x/(1 + x) andgs(x) = 4/(1 + x)2 are the Gutzwiller factors. The bareparameters t′/t0 = −0.3, t′′/t0 = 0.2, J/t0 = 1/3 andχ = 0.338 are the same as used previously [7].

Equation (1) can be re-written as

G(k, ω, x) =∑α=±

gt(x)Wαk (x)

ω − Eαk (x)

, (2)

where the energy-momentum dispersion is reconstructedby the pseudogap into upper and lower branches

E±k =

12(ξk − ξ0

k) ±√(

ξk + ξ0k



+ E2g(k) (3)

that are weighted by

W±k =


⎡⎣1 ± (ξk + ξ0

k)/2√[(ξk + ξ0

k)/2]2 + E2g (k)

⎤⎦ . (4)

The spectral function is given by

A(k, ω, x) =∑α=±

gt(x)Wαk δ(ω − Eα

k ) (5)

Fig. 1: (Color online) (a) Evolution of the Fermi surface withdecreasing doping in the first quadrant of the Brillouin zoneas described by the YRZ model. (b) Density of states and (c)conductivity calculated from the YRZ model, where a is thelattice spacing. The pseudogap arising from the reconstructionof the energy-momentum dispersion is strongly asymmetricabout the Fermi level ω = 0. For x = 0.18 and 0.19 the crossingof the upper branch of the dispersion results in electron pocketsnear (π, 0) and (0, π), and a pseudogap below EF .

from which the density of states (DOS) can be calculated:

N(ω) =∑k

A(k, ω). (6)

The Fermi surface given by E±k = 0, and DOS are plotted

for several values of x in figs. 1(a) and (b), respectively.

Thermopower. – The diffusion thermopower is givenby [19]

S(T ) =1

|e| Tσdc(T )

∫ ∞

−∞σ (ω)ω



)dω, (7)

where f is the Fermi function. σdc is the dc conductivitygiven by

σdc(T ) =∫ ∞




)dω (8)

and σ(ω) is the spectral conductivity. The TEP as definedby eq. (7) is a measure of the asymmetry in σ(ω) aboutω = 0 via the spectral window ω(∂f/∂ω). Approximatingvertex corrections by vx = ∂ξk/∂kx, σ(ω) is calculatedas [20,21]

σ(ω) =e2




v2xA2(k, ω). (9)


Electron pockets and pseudogap asymmetry in the thermopower of cuprates

Fig. 2: (Color online) Thermopower calculated from theYRZ spectral function eq. (5). The large positive values,comparable with experiment, originate from the pseudogap-induced asymmetry in the conductivity. The undulation in thex = 0.18 and 0.19 curves is a signature of electron pockets inthe Fermi surface. Experimental Bi-2212 data, with T rescaledby t0 = 0.3 eV, are from Munakata et al. [22] (filled triangles),and Fujii et al. [23] (open squares).

A more complete treatment of vertex corrections can befound in refs. [24,25]. Note that eq. (9) is not the sameas the optical conductivity, which is a convolution of thespectral conductivity above and below ω = 0 [26,27].Substituting the YRZ spectral function given by eq. (5)produces the conductivity and TEP curves shown infig. 1(c) and fig. 2.

The TEP of the high-temperature cuprate superconduc-tors was early shown [28] to exhibit universal behaviour.Roughly speaking, the linear part of the TEP takes theform S(T ) = S0 − αT . S0 is positive and large in theunderdoped regime and decreases with doping, becomingnegative in the overdoped regime, while α is approximatelydoping independent. The TEP calculated from the YRZspectral function reproduces the large magnitude andT -dependence observed in underdoped cuprates. This isdue to the strong asymmetry in σ about ω = 0 arisingfrom the pseudogap. A similar conclusion was previouslyreached by Hildebrand et al. [21] from calculations basedon the fluctuation-exchange approximation applied to theHubbard model. When the pseudogap is omitted, as inKondo et al. [29], the calculated diffusion TEP fails toreproduce the large values observed in the underdopedregion.

An undulation in the TEP appears for x = 0.18 and0.19. At these dopings, both branches of the reconstructeddispersion cross the Fermi level (EF ), resulting in elec-tron pockets near the (π,0) points on the Fermi surface(fig. 1(a)), and a pseudogap that lies entirely below EF

(fig. 1(b)). A residual undulation is also present for x =0.16 due to the close proximity of the upper branch to EF .We address experimental observations of this undulationlater —a key result of this paper. For x = 0.2 and above,the TEP is negative with a linear T -dependence down toT = 0. But unlike experimental data S0 does not become

negative, and the slope α increases. This originates fromthe broad section of positive slope in σ(ω) through ω = 0.

A better match with data in the overdoped regime isfound using the Boltzmann expression for σ(ω) given by

σ(ω) =e2



vx(ω,k)x(ω,k, T )δ[ξk − ω] (10)

x is the mean free path given by

x = vx(ω,k) · τ(ω,k, T ) (11)

and τ(ω,k, T ) is the relaxation time. Assuming a constantmean free path, Kondo et al.. calculated the TEP fromthe measured ARPES dispersions of a series of Bi-2201samples [29]. Good correspondence with measured TEPdata was achieved for over- and optimally doped sampleswithout any free parameters. In this case, σ(ω) ∝∑

k vxδ[ξk − ω] is effectively a velocity-weighted DOS. Itis asymmetric about EF , peaking at EvHs due to thesaddle-point van Hove singularity (vHs) in the DOS. Withincreasing doping, EF approaches and crosses the vHs,resulting in a vanishing positive peak in the TEP, and achange in S0 from positive to negative values.

The constant-mean-free-path assumption implies thatthe scattering rate τ−1

k ∝ vk. Since vk is smallest atthe saddle-points of the dispersion located at (±π,0) and(0,±π), τ−1(ω) goes roughly as |ω − EvHs|. Supportingevidence for a small scattering rate at the saddle pointscomes from ARPES measurements of the lifetime of Blochstates at EF [30], as well as the detection of sharpquasiparticle peaks at (π,0) in overdoped Bi-2201 [31],Tl-2201 [32] and Bi-2212 [33] where EF is close to the vHs.

To further check the validity of this assumption wehave extended the constant-mean-free-path approach tocalculate the TEP of Bi-2212, using a bilayer ARPESdispersion [34] that we have previously shown accuratelydescribes the electronic entropy [35,36] and superfluiddensity [35]. The calculated TEP is shown in fig. 3(a) withcomparative overdoped Bi1.8Pb0.3Sr1.9CaCu2O8 datashown in panel (b). The overall doping- and T -dependenceis successfully reproduced, confirming the validity ofthe constant-mean-free-path assumption in the overdopedregime. The calculations reveal that the curvature above100 K originates from the bonding band vHs, locatedapproximately 100 meV below the antibonding band vHs,which produces an additional peak in σ(ω) evident in thecurve marked “L” in the inset to fig. 3(a). The samecurvature is visible in the overdoped data of Munakataet al. [22].

In order to obtain a more quantitative comparison withthe data we adopt a scattering rate of the form

hτ−1 (ω, T ) = λ

√(πkBT )2 + (ω − EvHs)

2 + a, (12)

where λ is a coupling constant. The parameter a takesa fixed value of 1 meV and is included to prevent τ from


J. G. Storey et al.

Fig. 3: (Color online) (a) The thermopower calculated fromthe bilayer εk-dispersion of Bi-2212 assuming a constant meanfree path. The Fermi level, EF , is measured relative tothe antibonding band van Hove singularity. The curvatureabove 100 K is due to the bonding band vHs. Inset: σ(ω)calculated with a constant mean free path (L), and the modelscattering rate given by eq. (12) (T). (b) Fits to our ownBi1.8Pb0.3Sr1.9CaCu2O8 TEP data (black solid symbols) anddata from Obertelli et al. [28], calculated from the bilayerdispersion with the model scattering rate. Inset: dopingdependence of the EF and coupling constants extracted fromthe fits. For comparison the red line shows the EF determinedfrom the electronic entropy [35].

diverging at the vHs. The square root term in eq. (12) issimilar to the implementation of the max(|ω|, T ) marginalFermi liquid single-particle scattering rate employed byAbrahams and Varma [37]. λ provides an adjustableparameter with which the sharpness of the peaks in σ(ω)can be tuned. Separate instances of eq. (12) were appliedto the antibonding and bonding bands with coupling con-stants λAB and λBB , respectively. The inset to fig. 3(b)shows the doping dependence of these parameters, andthe location of EF relative to the antibonding band vHsextracted from the fits. λAB and λBB are approximatelyindependent of doping over the range studied. Thescattering rates for the x = 0.209 sample are shown infig. 4. At the Fermi level, the bonding band scatteringrate is larger than that of the antibonding band, whileat higher binding energies the scattering rates cross eachother and the situation reverses. These features havebeen observed in the ARPES-derived scattering rates ofBi-2212 [38] and Y-123 [39], and have been attributed tocollective spin excitations. The doping dependence of EF

Fig. 4: (Color online) Bonding and antibonding band scatter-ing rates calculated from eq. (12) for p = 0.209 and T = 30 K.

is consistent with the Fermi level crossing the antibondingvHs between p = 0.22 and 0.23 (Tc ≈ 60 K) as alreadydeduced from ARPES [40] and our previous fits to theelectronic entropy [35].

In Bi-2212 the pseudogap opens as doping is reducedbelow xcrit = 0.19 [35,41]. But an undulation in theTEP associated with electron pockets is absent in boththe literature and in our own underdoped data, probablybecause it is masked by the high value of Tc and theonset of superconducting fluctuations above Tc. However,data showing an undulation has been reported severaltimes in the TEP of single-layer Bi-2201 [42–46] and inTl-1201 [43] where Tc ≤ 50 K. Figure 5(a) shows theBi2Sr2CuO6+δ data of Konstantinovic et al. [44] in whichan undulation is observed for δ = 0.13 and 0.14. Overlaidon this data are curves calculated by applying a YRZ-like reconstruction to the energy-momentum dispersionof Bi-2201 from ref. [29], and assuming a constant meanfree path. We note that these fits are not specific tothe YRZ model and we have found that, due to thesmall size of Eg in this regime, identical results can beobtained from the standard antiferromagnetic Brillouin-zone-folding reconstruction model. The correspondingσ(ω) curves are shown in fig. 5(b) illustrating firstly thetraversal of the vHs through EF , the subsequent openingof the pseudogap below EF , and the eventual spanningof EF by the pseudogap as its magnitude increases withreducing doping. In principle, more precise fits couldbe made by introducing a more complex scattering rate,however the overall qualitative picture would remainunchanged.

In fig. 6 we show similar fits to La-doped Bi-2201data from Okada et al. [45], with corresponding Fermisurfaces and spectral functions shown in fig. 7. Anothersignature of electron pockets at, or close to EF , is thedecrease in TEP to zero above Tc, near 50 K (arrowed). Itshould be noted that T max

c is approximately 35 K in thissystem [46]. By contrast, in the absence of electron pock-ets or Fermi surface reconstruction, the calculated TEPdecreases approximately linearly to zero at T = 0 as shown


Electron pockets and pseudogap asymmetry in the thermopower of cuprates

Fig. 5: (Color online) (a) TEP of Bi2Sr2CuO6+δ [44] and fitscalculated from the energy-momentum dispersion incorporat-ing Fermi surface reconstruction and assuming a constant meanfree path. The undulation in the fits to the δ = 0.13 and 0.14curves originates from electron pockets in the Fermi surface.(b) σ(ω) corresponding to the calculated curves in (a) showingthe evolution of the pseudogap.

in figs. 3(b), 5(a) and ref. [29]. These signatures of electronpockets may be rendered more evident at low temperatureusing high magnetic fields or zinc substitution.

Summary. – In summary, we have calculated thediffusion thermopower of underdoped cuprates from theresonating-valence-bond spin-liquid model developed byYang, Rice and Zhang. The pseudogap arising from recon-struction of the Fermi surface in this model is asymmetricabout the Fermi level, and can account for the largepositive magnitude and temperature dependence of theTEP observed experimentally. In the overdoped regime,the evolution of the T -dependence with increasing dopingis accurately described in terms of the changes in electronicstructure observed by photoemission, in particular theFermi level crossing the vHs, combined with a constantmean free path. For Bi-2212, the calculations reveal effectsof bilayer splitting in the data. Finally, we have identifiedan undulation in the T -dependence at low temperaturesthat can be attributed to the presence of electron pocketsin the Fermi surface near the onset of the pseudogap in theslightly overdoped regime. This feature is consistent withboth YRZ and antiferromagnetic Brillouin-zone-foldingFermi surface reconstruction models. These findingssuggest that the diffusion component dominates the TEPover any phonon drag contribution. This contrasts with

Fig. 6: (Color online) (a) TEP of Bi2Sr2−xLaxCuOy [45]and fits calculated from the energy-momentum dispersionincorporating Fermi surface reconstruction and assuming aconstant mean free path. Electron pockets at or near EF canbe inferred from the TEP going to zero above Tc (arrows). (b)σ(ω) corresponding to the calculated curves in (a) showing theevolution of the pseudogap.

Fig. 7: (Color online) The Fermi surface and spectral functionscorresponding to the calculated TEP curves in fig. 6. Thespectral functions are calculated using a Lorentzian broadeningwith a full-width at half-maximum of 10 meV.

the approach taken earlier by Trodahl [47], who modelledthe TEP as the sum of a negative linear metallic diffusioncomponent, and a positive phonon drag component thatrises at low temperatures and saturates at high tempera-tures. Such a model does not include the intricacies of theelectronic structure that have subsequently been found to


J. G. Storey et al.

exist in these materials —details which the TEP is able toevidently expose.


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