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endocytic regulation of signaling pathways

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REVIEW When cell biology meets development: endocytic regulation of signaling pathways Elaine S. Seto, 1,5 Hugo J. Bellen, 1–4,6 and Thomas E. Lloyd 2,5 1 Program in Developmental Biology, 2 Department of Molecular and Cellular Biology, 3 Howard Hughes Medical Institute, and 4 Department of Molecular and Human Genetics, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Texas 77030, USA Recent advances in membrane trafficking and signal transduction, once considered unrelated disciplines of cell biology, suggest that these fields are intimately in- tertwined. The sorting of signals and their receptors to different membrane-bound compartments plays a criti- cal role in modulating the level and localization of sig- naling during development. Moreover, signaling path- ways may interact with and regulate components of the membrane trafficking machinery. The relationship be- tween these two fields is likely to be an area of intense future research as the interface of membrane trafficking and intercellular signaling appears to play an important role in development, physiology, and disease. Recent work performed in many different systems has implicated nearly every membrane trafficking event as a potential site for the regulation of signaling pathways (Di Fiore and De Camilli 2001). The temporal and spatial delivery of signals and their receptors to different intra- cellular membrane-bound compartments is tightly regu- lated during development. Traditionally, endocytosis has been considered a mechanism to down-regulate re- ceptors, desensitizing cells to signaling molecules. How- ever, recent work has shown that endocytosis regulates signaling through multiple mechanisms. First, in recep- tor tyrosine kinase (RTK) signaling, endocytosis may in- crease signaling by associating internalized receptors with signaling targets localized to endosomes and de- crease signaling by sorting receptors to the lysosome for degradation. Second, endocytosis may serve to regulate the distribution of signaling molecules. In the case of Wingless and transforming growth factor (TGF-)/De- capentaplegic (DPP), a form of endocytosis called trans- cytosis has been proposed to form morphogen gradients, and gradients can be shaped by controlling the recycling and degradation of internalized signaling molecules. Fi- nally, internalization may be required to activate recep- tors, as is the case of Notch signaling. These proposed roles for endocytosis are likely to be important in the regulation of many signaling pathways during develop- ment. Here we will review the process of endocytosis as well as the role that endocytosis plays in regulating develop- mental signaling. We will first summarize the general mechanisms of endocytosis, focusing on steps and pro- teins that have been shown to regulate signaling. Next, we will discuss emerging evidence implicating endocy- tosis in the regulation of developmental signaling path- ways, including RTK, TGF-/DPP, Hedgehog, Wingless, and Notch. Mechanisms of endocytosis Endocytosis refers to the trafficking of molecules into the cell through a series of vesicle compartments (Fig. 1). This process begins with internalization, the initial movement of molecules into a vesicle within the cell. Internalized molecules travel to the early endosome, where they are sorted to multiple locations such as re- cycling to the plasma membrane or trafficking to the lysosome for degradation. Endocytosis can be broadly divided into two categories based on the material internalized. Phagocytosis (or cell eating) refers to the internalization of large particles (>200 nm) through an actin cytoskeleton-based mecha- nism (Caron and Hall 2001). Pinocytosis (or cell drink- ing) refers to internalization of extracellular medium and can occur through four basic mechanisms: clathrin-de- pendent endocytosis, caveolae-mediated endocytosis, macropinocytosis, and dynamin- and clathrin-indepen- dent endocytosis (Dautry-Varsat 2001). First, clathrin-de- pendent endocytosis involves the formation of vesicles using a clathrin coat, a process that is essential in nearly all cells. Second, caveolae-mediated endocytosis is be- lieved to play a role in receptor-mediated endocytosis in many but not all cell types. Caveoli are small, flask- shaped membrane invaginations enriched in cholesterol, sphingolipids, and the protein caveolin. Third, macropi- nocytosis involves the formation of large vesicles that engulf extracellular fluid, a process mechanistically similar to phagocytosis. Finally, although the three mechanisms of pinocytosis described above all require dynamin, there is growing evidence that a dynamin- and clathrin-independent form of pinocytosis may exist. The mechanism and functional relevance of this form of en- docytosis are not yet known. 5 These authors contributed equally to this work. 6 Corresponding author. E-MAIL [email protected]; FAX (713) 798-3694. Article and publication are at http://www.genesdev.org/cgi/doi/10.1101/ gad.989602. 1314 GENES & DEVELOPMENT 16:1314–1336 © 2002 by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press ISSN 0890-9369/02 $5.00; www.genesdev.org Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press on August 12, 2022 - Published by genesdev.cshlp.org Downloaded from


When cell biology meets development:endocytic regulation of signaling pathwaysElaine S. Seto,1,5 Hugo J. Bellen,1–4,6 and Thomas E. Lloyd2,5

1Program in Developmental Biology, 2Department of Molecular and Cellular Biology, 3Howard Hughes Medical Institute,and 4Department of Molecular and Human Genetics, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Texas 77030, USA

Recent advances in membrane trafficking and signaltransduction, once considered unrelated disciplines ofcell biology, suggest that these fields are intimately in-tertwined. The sorting of signals and their receptors todifferent membrane-bound compartments plays a criti-cal role in modulating the level and localization of sig-naling during development. Moreover, signaling path-ways may interact with and regulate components of themembrane trafficking machinery. The relationship be-tween these two fields is likely to be an area of intensefuture research as the interface of membrane traffickingand intercellular signaling appears to play an importantrole in development, physiology, and disease.

Recent work performed in many different systems hasimplicated nearly every membrane trafficking event as apotential site for the regulation of signaling pathways (DiFiore and De Camilli 2001). The temporal and spatialdelivery of signals and their receptors to different intra-cellular membrane-bound compartments is tightly regu-lated during development. Traditionally, endocytosishas been considered a mechanism to down-regulate re-ceptors, desensitizing cells to signaling molecules. How-ever, recent work has shown that endocytosis regulatessignaling through multiple mechanisms. First, in recep-tor tyrosine kinase (RTK) signaling, endocytosis may in-crease signaling by associating internalized receptorswith signaling targets localized to endosomes and de-crease signaling by sorting receptors to the lysosome fordegradation. Second, endocytosis may serve to regulatethe distribution of signaling molecules. In the case ofWingless and transforming growth factor � (TGF-�)/De-capentaplegic (DPP), a form of endocytosis called trans-cytosis has been proposed to form morphogen gradients,and gradients can be shaped by controlling the recyclingand degradation of internalized signaling molecules. Fi-nally, internalization may be required to activate recep-tors, as is the case of Notch signaling. These proposedroles for endocytosis are likely to be important in theregulation of many signaling pathways during develop-ment.

Here we will review the process of endocytosis as wellas the role that endocytosis plays in regulating develop-mental signaling. We will first summarize the generalmechanisms of endocytosis, focusing on steps and pro-teins that have been shown to regulate signaling. Next,we will discuss emerging evidence implicating endocy-tosis in the regulation of developmental signaling path-ways, including RTK, TGF-�/DPP, Hedgehog, Wingless,and Notch.

Mechanisms of endocytosis

Endocytosis refers to the trafficking of molecules intothe cell through a series of vesicle compartments (Fig. 1).This process begins with internalization, the initialmovement of molecules into a vesicle within the cell.Internalized molecules travel to the early endosome,where they are sorted to multiple locations such as re-cycling to the plasma membrane or trafficking to thelysosome for degradation.

Endocytosis can be broadly divided into two categoriesbased on the material internalized. Phagocytosis (or celleating) refers to the internalization of large particles(>200 nm) through an actin cytoskeleton-based mecha-nism (Caron and Hall 2001). Pinocytosis (or cell drink-ing) refers to internalization of extracellular medium andcan occur through four basic mechanisms: clathrin-de-pendent endocytosis, caveolae-mediated endocytosis,macropinocytosis, and dynamin- and clathrin-indepen-dent endocytosis (Dautry-Varsat 2001). First, clathrin-de-pendent endocytosis involves the formation of vesiclesusing a clathrin coat, a process that is essential in nearlyall cells. Second, caveolae-mediated endocytosis is be-lieved to play a role in receptor-mediated endocytosis inmany but not all cell types. Caveoli are small, flask-shaped membrane invaginations enriched in cholesterol,sphingolipids, and the protein caveolin. Third, macropi-nocytosis involves the formation of large vesicles thatengulf extracellular fluid, a process mechanisticallysimilar to phagocytosis. Finally, although the threemechanisms of pinocytosis described above all requiredynamin, there is growing evidence that a dynamin- andclathrin-independent form of pinocytosis may exist. Themechanism and functional relevance of this form of en-docytosis are not yet known.

5These authors contributed equally to this work.6Corresponding author.E-MAIL [email protected]; FAX (713) 798-3694.Article and publication are at http://www.genesdev.org/cgi/doi/10.1101/gad.989602.

1314 GENES & DEVELOPMENT 16:1314–1336 © 2002 by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press ISSN 0890-9369/02 $5.00; www.genesdev.org

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Although receptor internalization occurs through sev-eral mechanisms, including phagocytosis and caveolae-mediated endocytosis, we will focus on clathrin-medi-ated endocytosis in this review. Clathrin-mediated en-docytosis is the best understood of these processes andhas been clearly shown to play a critical role in the en-docytosis of several receptor types. We will also be fo-cusing on mechanisms of growth factor receptor inter-nalization, because this process has been intensely in-vestigated. However, the concepts presented are likely toapply to other receptors as well.

Internalization of signaling molecules from the surface

Clathrin-mediated internalization is initiated by the re-distribution of membrane proteins into clathrin-coatedpits (Brodsky et al. 2001). Transmembrane receptors binddirectly or indirectly to the heterotetrameric adaptorcomplex AP-2 (Kirchhausen et al. 1997). This receptor–AP-2 complex then binds clathrin, allowing clathrin topolymerize into a basket-shaped lattice that pulls mem-brane inside. This membrane invagination is thought torequire localized alterations in phospholipid composi-tion leading to changes in membrane curvature. One pro-tein that may play an important role in altering mem-brane curvature is Endophilin, a lysophosphatidic acidacyltransferase that is required for the endocytosis ofsynaptic vesicles (Schmidt et al. 1999; Guichet et al.2002; Verstreken et al. 2002). Once the inward buddingof the membrane is complete, interactions between AP-2and the GTPase Dynamin allows fission of the formingvesicle from the membrane (Wang et al. 1995; Ringstadet al. 1997). Recent data suggest that Dynamin tubulatesthe membrane by forming rings around the neck of bud-ding vesicles and mediates vesicle fission either by alter-ing its physical conformation alone or through the addi-tional recruitment of other factors (McNiven 1998; Severet al. 1999; van der Bliek 1999; Marks et al. 2001).

In addition to AP-2 and Dynamin, a third proteinthought to play an essential role in clathrin-dependent

endocytosis is Eps15. Eps15 is believed to nucleate theinternalization complex through its protein–protein in-teractions. Eps15 binds to NPF motif proteins such asEpsin and Numb (Wong et al. 1995; Iannolo et al. 1997;Chen et al. 1998; Santolini et al. 2000), and also formshomodimers and heterodimers with proteins such as In-tersectin (Cupers et al. 1997). In addition, Eps15 interactswith AP-2 and has been proposed to crosslink AP-2 com-plexes (Iannolo et al. 1997). Notably, yeast homologs ofEps15 have been shown to be essential for endocytosis(Raths et al. 1993; Wendland and Emr 1998). VertebrateEps15 has been shown to facilitate the internalization ofthe epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) and thetransferrin receptor (Carbone et al. 1997; Benmerah et al.1998). These studies point to an essential function ofEps15 family members in constitutive and ligand-medi-ated endocytosis.

AP-2 and other members of the endocytic machineryinteract with cell membrane proteins through endocyticcodes or motifs (Brodsky et al. 2001). Two basic classes ofinternalization sorting codes have been described formammalian transmembrane proteins: tyrosine-basedcodes, including the NPXY and YXXØ (where Ø is ahydrophobic amino acid), and dileucine motifs. Theseinternalization-sorting signals may be modified by post-translational modification, which may serve to regulateboth constitutive and ligand-activated endocytosis.Phosphorylation of residues within or adjacent to theinternalization motifs has been shown to affect receptorinternalization, and may be responsible for the increasedrate of internalization observed after ligand binding(Dietrich et al. 1994; Dittrich et al. 1996; Pitcher et al.1999). In addition, endocytic motifs can be ubiquiti-nated. In yeast, monoubiquitination of surface mem-brane proteins, such as the G-protein coupled receptor(GPCR) Ste2p, is required for ligand-stimulated internal-ization (Rotin et al. 2000). This internalization may befacilitated through interactions between Eps15 and theubiquitin ligase Rsp5p, which is required for receptor-mediated endocytosis (Galan et al. 1996; Zoladek et al.1997; Polo et al. 2002). Therefore, the endocytic motifs

Figure 1. Endocytosis pathways and play-ers. The early endosome accepts and deliv-ers proteins and lipids from multiple mem-brane-bound compartments, including theplasma membrane (via recycling endosomesand clathrin-coated vesicles, CCVs), theGolgi (via transport vesicles from the transGolgi network, TGN), and lysosome/vacu-ole (via late endosomes/multivesicular bod-ies, MVBs). Studies of endosomal sorting inyeast have identified key genes (vacuolarprotein sorting, vps) involved in several ofthese steps which are grouped into classes(A–F) based on phenotype. In addition, a di-rect pathway for sorting from the TGN tovacuole in yeast has been described that re-quires the AP-3 complex. Mutations used todissect the role of these pathways in devel-opment are shown in red.

Endocytic regulation of signaling pathways


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can be phosphorylated and ubiquitinated, altering theinternalization of cell surface proteins.

Early endosome fusion

After proteins are internalized into clathrin-coatedvesicles (CCVs) (Fig. 1), the clathrin coat is rapidly dis-assembled via the concerted action of Auxilin, heatshock proteins, and Synaptojanin (Holstein et al. 1996;Cremona et al. 1999; Newmyer and Schmid 2001). Thesesmall, primary endocytic vesicles then fuse with theearly endosome, and early endosomes fuse with one an-other. The mechanism of early endosome fusion hasbeen well characterized using both yeast genetic screensand mammalian homotypic fusion reconstitution assays(Stenmark and Zerial 2001). In the latter approach, en-dosome fractions are isolated from two cell populations,one incubated with a tag linked to avidin, and the otherwith an enzyme linked to biotin. When mixed, the en-dosomes fuse, and pulldown of the tag coprecipitates en-zymatic activity. Using this assay, cytosolic componentsrequired for early endosome fusion have been identified.

One of the first cytosolic proteins found to be essentialusing this assay was the small GTPase Rab5. Rab5 islocalized to early endosomes (Chavrier et al. 1990; Bucciet al. 1992), and immunodepletion prevents homotypicfusion, suggesting that Rab5 may be necessary for endo-some fusion (Gorvel et al. 1991). A Rab5 mutation thatpreferentially binds GDP (S34N) inhibits endocytosisand results in the formation of very small endosomes,whereas a constitutively active, GTPase-deficient form(Q79L) stimulates endocytosis and results in the forma-tion of enlarged early endosomes (Stenmark et al. 1994).Since its identification, at least 22 potential effectors ofRab5 have been isolated, consistent with the multipleproposed functions for Rab5 in the early steps of endo-cytosis, including internalization, early endosome fu-sion, and movement of endocytic vesicles along micro-tubules (Fig. 1; Horiuchi et al. 1997; McLauchlan et al.1998; Christoforidis et al. 1999b; Nielsen et al. 1999).

Perhaps the most important effector of Rab5 functionin endosome fusion is the cytosolic protein early endo-some antigen-1 (EEA-1). Homotypic fusion experimentsrevealed that EEA-1 is required for endosome fusion, andat high levels, it is the only cytosolic factor necessary forfusion (Christoforidis et al. 1999a). EEA-1 localizes toendosome membranes through its amino-terminal phos-phatidyl inositol-3-phosphate [PI(3)P]-binding FYVE do-main (Stenmark et al. 1996). PI(3)P is highly enriched inearly endosomes, possibly due to interactions betweenRab5-GTP and the PI(3)-kinase hVps34 (Christoforidis etal. 1999b; Gillooly et al. 2000). Notably, blocking PI(3)-kinase activity using wortmannin prevents endosomefusion, but this requirement for PI(3)P can be bypassedby high levels of EEA-1 or active Rab5 (Li et al. 1995;Simonsen et al. 1998). Thus, Rab5-GTP is able to recruitEEA-1 to early endosome membranes directly by bindingEEA-1 and indirectly by stimulating localized produc-tion of PI(3)P. Once localized to the endosome mem-

brane, EEA-1 most likely serves to tether endosomes to-gether by forming homodimeric complexes through itscoiled-coil domain (Christoforidis et al. 1999a).

As with all known membrane fusion events, the fu-sion of endosomes requires the formation of SNARE(soluble N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive factor attachmentprotein receptor) complexes that form a bridge betweenmembranes. Several SNARE proteins are localized toearly endosomes, including multiple Syntaxin andVAMP family members, and are all potential candidatesfor mediating endosome fusion (Hazuka et al. 1999). No-tably, EEA-1 forms a high molecular weight complexwith Syntaxin13 that also contains Rab5 effectors (Mc-Bride et al. 1999). Furthermore, disruption of the EEA1–Syntaxin13 interaction with a dominant negative Syn-taxin13, anti-Syntaxin13 antibody, or an EEA-1 peptideinhibits the endosome fusion reaction. These data sug-gest that in addition to a role in endosome tethering,EEA-1 may also regulate fusion of early endosome mem-branes by affecting SNARE complex formation.

Endosomal sorting and late endosome formation

In addition to the plasma membrane, early endosomesalso accept cargo from the Golgi and late endosome, andthen redistribute cargo to these same three locations(Fig. 1). For example, cell surface proteins and lipids canbe sorted from the early endosome to either the surfacefor recycling or to the lysosome for degradation. Lyso-somal degradative enzymes are manufactured in theGolgi and can be transported to the lysosome directlythrough the AP-3 pathway or indirectly through the en-dosome (Cowles et al. 1997). Transport proteins thatcarry degradative enzymes to the lysosome must then berecycled back to the Golgi. Interestingly, genes in thedirect AP-3 pathway have been shown to be required forthe formation of pigment granules, and mutations inDrosophila and mouse AP-3 subunits lead to eye andcoat color phenotypes, respectively (Lloyd et al. 1998;Odorizzi et al. 1998b). Not surprisingly, this vast array ofmembrane trafficking events requires a complex net-work of players to get the right cargo to the right place.

Little is known about the proteins that select cargofrom the endosome and recycle it to the surface. Recy-cling endosomes are believed to bud off early endosomemembranes and then fuse with the plasma membrane.These events may be mediated by Rab4, Rab11, and theSNARE protein Cellubrevin, all of which are present onrecycling vesicles (Peters et al. 2001). Although this pro-cess is not well understood, recycling may be extremelyimportant in the context of morphogen gradient forma-tion where transcytosis, a process of sequential internal-ization at one cell surface and release at the opposite cellsurface, may mediate morphogen movement throughtissues.

Other sorting events from the early endosome are bet-ter understood due to genetic screens performed in yeast.These screens were based on defective sorting of the en-zyme carboxypeptidase Y (CPY) from the Golgi to the

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vacuole (the yeast version of the lysosome; Bankaitis etal. 1986; Rothman and Stevens 1986). Based on the ob-servation that overexpression of CPY results in enzymesecretion into the medium (Stevens et al. 1986), investi-gators reasoned that strains defective in trafficking CPYfrom the Golgi to the endosome, or from the endosometo the vacuole, would result in a similar phenotype. In-deed, by selecting for mutants that secrete CPY, >40complementation groups (genes) defective in vacuolarprotein sorting (vps) were isolated. These genes werethen grouped into six different classes (A–F) based onvacuolar morphology (Robinson et al. 1988; Raymond etal. 1992). This classification has proven to be quite ac-curate in predicting in which step of the endocytic path-way these genes function (Fig. 1).

In addition to genetic screens in yeast, considerablework has been performed in vertebrate cells to investi-gate trafficking from the endosome. There has beensome debate as to whether transport vesicles move cargobetween early and late endosomes, or alternatively,whether early endosomes mature to form late endo-somes (Griffiths and Gruenberg 1991; Murphy 1991).Regardless of which model proves correct, early and lateendosomes may be distinguished based on time to reachthe compartment from the surface, membrane markers,location within the cell, pH, and morphology. Thoughheterogeneous, mammalian early endosomes tend to beperipherally located and have a tubulo-vesicular mor-phology, whereas late endosomes tend to be perinuclear,more acidic, and spherical. Characteristically, late endo-somes contain internal vesicles (Hopkins et al. 1990),and for this reason, are often referred to as multivesicularbodies (MVBs) or multivesicular endosomes (Fig. 1; Piperand Luzio 2001). These internal vesicles of MVBs areenriched in PI(3)P and lysobisphosphatidic acid (LBPA)phospholipids (Kobayashi et al. 1998; Gillooly et al.2000).

The mechanism of formation of inner vesicles ofMVBs is poorly understood. It has been proposed thatbudding of inner vesicles may mechanistically resembleclathrin-coated vesicle formation. However, for the samemechanism to apply, the internalization machinerywould have to lie topologically inside the endosome(Figs. 1, 2). For instance, at the cell surface, dynamin ispresent in the cytosol to pinch off the forming vesicle;however, at the endosome, dynamin is present outside ofthe endosome and can not mediate vesicle formationthrough the same mechanism. It is therefore likely thata very different mechanism involving cytoplasmic fac-tors causes inward budding of the endosome membrane.

The first clue of the mechanism of MVB formationcame relatively recently following studies of carboxy-peptidase S (CPS) sorting in yeast. CPS is synthesized asa transmembrane protein, sorted into a vesicle withinthe vacuole lumen, and then cleaved (Spormann et al.1992; Odorizzi et al. 1998a). Class E vps mutants fail tosort CPS inside the vacuole lumen, and a similar pheno-type is observed in the mutant Fab1p, a FYVE domain-containing PI(3)P 5� kinase, which is completely devoidof vesicles within the vacuole. These data suggest that

the function of class E proteins is to sort cargo into innerMVB vesicles.

Recently, the signal for sorting CPS and other proteinsinto the MVB was identified to be ubiquitin. Mutatingthe ubiquitinated lysine residue of CPS results in failureto sort CPS to the inner vesicles of MVBs. Furthermore,ubiquitination is also sufficient for this sorting step, asfusion of ubiquitin to the carboxyl terminus of proteinspresent on the vacuole membrane leads to their traffick-ing into inner vesicles. Notably, the class E proteinVps23p is capable of binding ubiquitin through its ubiq-uitin conjugating (UBC)-like domain (Katzmann et al.2001). This UBC domain is essential for sorting CPS in-side the vacuole lumen. In addition, Vps23p forms ahigh molecular weight complex with two other classE proteins, Vps28p and Vps37p, which has been termedESCRT-1 (endosomal sorting complex required for trans-port). The ESCRT-1 complex likely mediates the sortingof ubiquitinated proteins like CPS into internal vesiclesof the multivesicular body for eventual delivery to thevacuole/lysosome. Thus, in addition to proteasome-me-diated degradation, ubiquitination of proteins may alsotarget them for lysosome-mediated degradation.

In summary, proteins and lipids undergo a series ofsorting events that determine their trafficking. First,cargo travels to the early endosome where it is sorted tothe Golgi, to recycling vesicles for return to the plasmamembrane, or to late endosomes. At the late endosome,proteins can remain on the limiting outer membrane orbe further sorted into inner lumenal vesicles if the pro-teins are ubiquitinated. The end result is the formationof a multivesicular body, which is then delivered to thelysosome for degradation.

Figure 2. Endososomal sorting of receptor tyrosine kinases. Onligand binding, dimerization, and autophosphorylation, recep-tor tyrosine kinases (RTKs) are rapidly internalized into earlyendosomes. Ubiquitination of RTKs by Cbl serves as a signal fordegradation in the lysosome whereas nonubiquitinated RTKsare recycled to the surface. Class E vps proteins such as HGF-regulated tyrosine kinase substrate (Hrs), STAM, and Tsg101induce endosome membrane invagination, leading to multive-sicular body (MVB) formation. Active RTKs are deactivated bysorting into inner vesicles of the MVB, which are then degradedby trafficking to the lysosome. Ubiquitinated RTKs may besorted into MVBs via an interaction of ubiquitin with the ubiq-uitin-interacting motif (UIM) of Hrs and the signal-transducingadaptor molecule (STAM) or with the ubiquitin conjugating(UBC) domain of Tsg101. RTKs not internalized into the endo-some may still be active, so in this model, MVB formation ter-minates receptor signaling.

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Late endosome to lysosome trafficking

Late endosomes and lysosomes share many characteris-tics including low pH, perinuclear distribution, and spe-cific integral membrane glycoproteins, however degrada-tion occurs primarily within the lysosome (Piper and Lu-zio 2001). After class E proteins sort receptors into theMVB, the class C proteins mediate late endosome to ly-sosome fusion (Fig. 1; Seaman and Luzio 2001). Verte-brate homologs of class C vps SNARE proteins such asSyntaxin7 have been shown to play a role in heterotypicfusion of late endosomes with lysosomes (Mullock et al.2000). On fusion, degradative enzymes within the lyso-some digest lumenal protein and lipid components, in-cluding the inner MVB vesicles. Hybrid organelles withcharacteristics of both late endosomes and lysosomeshave been rarely observed, suggesting lysosomes are rap-idly reformed following fusion with the late endosomes.

This concludes our overview of endocytosis and thekey players that regulate this complex process. In thefollowing sections, we will attempt to illustrate howspecific developmental signaling pathways fit withinthis framework of vesicle trafficking and describe threeoverall effects of endocytosis on signaling. First, endocy-tosis may modulate signaling levels, as in receptor tyro-sine kinase and TGF-� signaling. Second, endocytosismay play a critical role in morphogen gradient formationfor DPP, Hedgehog, and Wingless. Finally, in Notch sig-naling, endocytosis may be necessary to activate signal-ing. Although endocytosis regulates signaling, signalingmay also regulate the endocytic machinery, providing amechanism through which signaling pathways modulatethemselves and other pathways.

RTK signaling

There are many types of RTKs, however, they all acti-vate signaling through similar mechanisms. Ligand bind-ing to RTKs induces receptor dimerization and auto-phosphorylation in trans. Activated RTKs typicallysignal through interactions between their tyrosine-phos-phorylated cytoplasmic domain and proteins that con-tain SH2 or PTB (phosphotyrosine binding) domains.These protein interactions usually initiate enzymaticcascades resulting in activation of transcription factorsand induction of gene expression. For example, bindingof the SH2 domain protein Sos to EGFR activates Ras,thereby triggering the mitogen-activated protein kinase(MAPK) pathway and activating expression of targetgenes. The relationship between receptor tyrosine kinasesignaling and endocytosis has been intensely studied forover 20 years and has been the subject of several recentreviews (Leof 2000; Waterman and Yarden 2001). There-fore, we will focus on recent findings. We have divided asummary into two parts: the role that RTK signalingplays in regulating endocytosis and the role that endo-cytosis plays in regulating RTK signaling.

RTK signaling regulates endocytosis

Over the last five years, data has accumulated to suggestthat RTK signaling regulates the endocytosis machinery.

In fact, some proteins seem to play an integral role inboth endocytosis and signaling. Receptor tyrosine kinaseactivity appears to regulate receptor internalizationthrough phosphorylation of downstream target proteins(Glenney et al. 1988; Chen et al. 1989; Felder et al. 1990;Honegger et al. 1990; Lamaze and Schmid 1995). A largenumber of proteins implicated in endocytosis are tyro-sine phosphorylated by RTKs (see below), and perhapsthe best candidate for the required phosphorylation sub-strate is the protein Eps15. Eps15 is known to be re-cruited to clathrin-coated pits in response to EGFR acti-vation, and EGFR-mediated phosphorylation of Eps15has been shown to be specifically required for ligand-induced internalization of EGFR (Confalonieri et al.2000).

In addition, many downstream targets of RTK signal-ing directly regulate components of the endocytosis ma-chinery. For example, the tyrosine kinase Src regulatesclathrin-mediated endocytosis via multiple mecha-nisms. Src phosphorylates the clathrin heavy chain,stimulating clathrin-coated pit formation (Wilde et al.1999), and its SH3 domain can bind and activate Dyna-min (Gout et al. 1993). Consistent with these findings,overexpression of Src stimulates EGFR endocytosis(Ware et al. 1997). Receptor internalization may alsobe regulated by Ras-mediated activation of the smallGTPase Ral (Di Fiore and De Camilli 2001). Both RalBP1(Ral binding protein 1) and its associated protein POB1(Partner of BP1) have been shown to play important rolesin RTK internalization. Finally, RTK signaling may alsoregulate the activity of Rab5. RTK activity has beenshown to stimulate the activity of both a Rab5-GAP anda Rab5-GEF, suggesting that RTK signaling plays a rolein both the activation and deactivation of Rab5. Thus,RTK activity may have both positive and negative effectson its endocytosis, a feedback system that may allowactivity-dependent fine tuning of receptor internaliza-tion.

Endocytosis regulates RTK signaling

A role for endocytosis in the regulation of RTK signalingwas first proposed in the late 1970s when it was observedthat the EGFR was internalized following application ofligand (Haigler et al. 1979). Since the mid-1980s, the rolethat endocytosis plays in regulating EGFR signaling hasbeen the subject of intense investigation and controversy(Leof 2000; Ceresa et al. 2001). Initially, it was proposedthat receptor internalization led to trafficking of the re-ceptor to the nucleus where it activated transcription.Little support has been given to this model, althoughactivated EGFR family members have been recently ob-served in the nucleus of some cells and have been pro-posed to directly induce gene transcription (Lin et al.2001). The majority of studies support one of the follow-ing two models of endocytic regulation.

In the first model, receptor internalization attenuatesRTK signaling, possibly by trafficking the active EGFRto the lysosome where it can be degraded. Expression ofinternalization-defective EGFR induces transformation

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of cells by delivering constitutive mitogenic signals inresponse to ligand (Wells et al. 1990). Furthermore, het-erodimers composed of human RTKs ErbB-1 (EGFR) andErbB-2, which have reduced internalization capability,prolong signaling when compared with EGFR ho-modimers (Lenferink et al. 1998). These studies suggestthat disrupting RTK internalization results in an inabil-ity to attenuate signaling.

In the second model, receptor internalization facili-tates signaling by bringing the active receptor to certaindownstream targets within the cell. On endosomes, ac-tivated EGFR maintains its kinase activity and becomesincreasingly phosphorylated (Cohen and Fava 1985; Laiet al. 1989). Furthermore, the receptor associates withdownstream targets such as Shc, Grb2, PI3K, Ras, andmSOS on endosomes. Most of the Shc and PI3K phos-phorylated in response to EGFR activation has been de-tected in endosome fractions (DiGuglielmo et al. 1994;Oskvold et al. 2000). Thus, signaling occurs at the endo-some, but does internalization enhance signaling?

Studies performed in HeLa cells overexpressing domi-nant negative Dynamin suggest that EGFR internaliza-tion may serve to activate specific downstream targets.When EGFR internalization is blocked, there is no effecton Shc activation, but MAPK phosphorylation is de-creased (Vieira et al. 1996). This reduced ability to acti-vate MAPK appears to be caused by decreased phos-phorylation of MAPK by MEK-1, as upstream kinase sub-strates Ras, Raf, and MEK-1 are phosphorylated atnormal levels (Kranenburg et al. 1999). These data sug-gest that the endosomal localization of receptors mayselectively activate specific downstream targets. Nota-bly, internalization results in phosphorylation of differ-ent residues of activated EGFR, which may result in thesignal specificity observed (Nesterov et al. 1994). There-fore, the compartmentalization of EGFR may promotesignaling through select targets, providing an additionallayer of signal specificity.

In summary, evidence suggests that internalizationmediates both RTK signaling and signal attenuation.How might these findings be reconciled? The answermay lie in what happens after internalization during en-dosomal sorting.

Role of sorting in regulating RTK signaling

It is likely during endosomal sorting that the ultimatefate of receptors and the impact of endocytosis on sig-naling are determined. Receptors may be sorted to recy-cling endosomes and return to the surface or trafficked tothe lysosome for degradation. These trafficking decisionslikely have important consequences for receptor signal-ing. Several pieces of evidence suggest that sorting deci-sions may take place at the level of the MVB. Receptorsthat are destined for degradation in the lysosome such asactivated EGFR are sorted into the internal vesicles ofthe MVB (Fig. 2), whereas other receptors destined forrecycling such as inactive EGFR and the transferrin re-ceptor remain at the limiting outer membrane (Felder etal. 1990; Hopkins et al. 1990; Futter et al. 1996). These

data imply that the sorting of receptors into MVBs forlysosomal degradation is ligand-dependent.

Recently, evidence has suggested that ubquitination ofEGFR may result in sorting into the MVB for eventualdegradation. The gene cbl/sli-1 has been identified as anegative regulator of receptor tyrosine kinase signalingin Caenorhabditis elegans and Drosophila (Yoon et al.1995; Pai et al. 2000). c-Cbl binds the EGFR directly viaa PTB domain, and, as shown in Figure 2, can ubiquiti-nate EGFR through its RING finger ubiquitin ligase do-main (Levkowitz et al. 1998, 1999; Joazeiro et al. 1999).v-Cbl, a virally produced truncation of cbl lacking theRING domain, fails to down-regulate signaling (Langdonet al. 1989; Lill et al. 2000). Studies overexpressing Dy-namin K44A, a mutant that blocks endocytosis, suggestthat EGFR is ubiquitinated on the plasma membrane(Stang et al. 2000). Consistent with a function at theplasma membrane, Cbl has been found recently to forma complex with active RTKs and Endophilin and hasbeen proposed to regulate RTK internalization (Petrelliet al. 2002; Soubeyran et al. 2002). However, immunolo-calization studies have suggested that Cbl is recruited toendosomes following EGFR internalization (Meisner etal. 1997; Levkowitz et al. 1998; Burke et al. 2001). Anendosomal function for Cbl is suggested by the findingthat c-Cbl overexpression does not alter EGFR internal-ization, but rather down-regulates EGFR by inhibitingreceptor recycling (Levkowitz et al. 1998). Conversely,v-Cbl overexpression promotes EGFR recycling. Further-more, other ErbB RTK family members (ErbB-2, ErbB-3,and ErbB-4) that are unable to bind Cbl are recycled tothe cell surface rather than targeted to the lysosome (Wa-terman et al. 1999). In addition, an EGFR tyrosine resi-due (Y1045) known to be required for lysosomal target-ing of the receptor is also required for c-Cbl-dependentubiquitination (Levkowitz et al. 1999). Although indi-rect, these data suggest that Cbl-mediated ubiquitina-tion of EGFR down-regulates signaling by sorting thereceptor to the lysosome for degradation.

In yeast, the sorting of ubiquitinated proteins into in-ner MVB vesicles is performed by class E vps proteins.Though RTKs are not present in yeast, ligand activationof the GPCR Ste2p leads to its internalization and sort-ing to the vacuole for degradation, a process known torequire class E vps function (Odorizzi et al. 1998a). Thissuggests that members of the class E vps pathway inmulticellular organisms might also function in sortingreceptors to the lysosome. Indeed, the human homologof the class E protein Vps23p, Tsg101, reduces EGF re-cycling when compared to wild-type cells (Babst et al.2000). However, the suppressive effect of wild-typeTsg101/Vps23 on proliferation may be attributable to ef-fects on the p53/MDM2 pathway in addition to lyso-somal degradation of EGFR (Li et al. 2001).

Another class E protein implicated in endosomal traf-ficking and signaling is Hrs (hepatocyte growth factor[HGF]-regulated tyrosine kinase substrate), the homologof the yeast protein Vps27p (Komada and Kitamura2001). Consistent with the VPS27 mutant phenotype,Hrs mutants have enlarged endosomes caused by an in-

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ability of endosomes to invaginate their limiting mem-brane to form multivesicular bodies (Fig. 2; Piper et al.1995; Komada and Soriano 1999; Lloyd et al. 2002). In hrsmutant flies, active Torso and EGF RTKs fail to be down-regulated (Lloyd et al. 2002). This leads to enhanced sig-naling, suggesting that Hrs-mediated receptor sortinginto inner MVB vesicles is required to attenuate signal-ing. Notably, Hrs interacts with two other proteins thathave been implicated in EGFR degradation, SNX-1 andSTAM. SNX-1 (Sorting Nexin-1) potentiates activeEGFR down-regulation by binding to a lysosomal target-ing motif on the receptor (Opresko et al. 1995; Kurten etal. 1996). Members of the STAM (signal-transducingadaptor molecule) family are homologous to the class Eprotein YHL002w (Piper and Luzio 2001), and have beenimplicated in the regulation of several signaling path-ways (Asao et al. 1997; Takeshita et al. 1997; Takata etal. 2000). One of the STAM proteins interacts directlywith the EGFR (Lohi et al. 1998). Interestingly, the classE proteins Hrs and STAM both contain VHS (Vps27p,Hrs, STAM) domains, which may bind to membranesand/or receptors, and a ubiquitin-interacting motif(UIM), which may allow for the sorting of ubiquitinatedreceptors into the MVB (Lohi and Lehto 1998; Hofmannand Falquet 2001; Tooze 2001; Lloyd et al. 2002). Thesedata suggest that Hrs, Sorting Nexin-1, and the STAMproteins down-regulate signaling by sorting receptors tothe lysosome through interactions with ubiquitin and/orthe cytoplasmic domain of the receptor (Fig. 2).

In summary, multiple steps of endocytosis have beenshown to regulate RTK signaling. Although RTK inter-nalization is required for its down-regulation, this initialstep of endocytosis may also allow maximal signaling bydelivering receptors to downstream targets localized toendosomes. Recent data suggests that endosomal sortingof ubiquitinated RTKs plays a critical role in determin-ing the strength and duration of signaling during devel-opment. Although the role endocytosis plays in signalinghas been characterized best for RTKs, recent data indi-cates that endocytosis plays an important role in regu-lating many important developmental signaling path-ways.

TGF-� signaling

Signaling through the TGF-� superfamily of secretedpolypeptides performs a staggering array of functionsthroughout the organism. The bone morphogenetic pro-teins (BMPs) form the largest group within the TGF-�family and have been shown to play critical roles in sev-eral developmental processes including bone develop-ment, neural tube polarity, left–right axis formation, andlimb development. Notably, alterations in TGF-� familysignaling have been shown to contribute to many typesof human cancer, highlighting their importance in regu-lating cell proliferation, migration, differentiation, andcell death (Massague 2000; Derynck et al. 2001).

TGF-� family members mediate their functionsthrough transmembrane serine/threonine kinases

known as type I and type II TGF-� receptors. Binding ofthe dimeric ligand to specific type II receptors initiatesthe recruitment of type I receptors to form heteromericreceptor complexes. Once phosphorylated by the type IIreceptors, the type I receptor kinases are capable of di-rectly phosphorylating and activating one of the two sub-families of receptor-regulated Smad proteins (R-Smads).R-Smad activation can be prevented by the inhibitorySmad proteins (I-Smads), Smad6 and Smad7, which ob-struct R-Smad association with the receptor complex.Activated R-Smads are able to associate with Smad4, thecommon-mediator Smad, and translocate into thenucleus where the complex regulates the transcription oftarget genes through cooperative interactions with DNAand other DNA-binding proteins (Massague 1998). Al-lowing for the wide range of functions performed byTGF-� family members in different cell types, the speci-ficity of TGF-� signaling appears to be determined by acombination of the extent of ligand binding, the type ofR-Smad subfamily activated, and the DNA-binding pro-teins available within the cell.

TGF-� receptor regulation

Unlike growth factor RTKs, the role of endocytosis inTGF-� receptor regulation has not been studied exten-sively. However, TGF-� receptors are localized to theplasma membrane as well as to intracellular vesicles(Zwaagstra et al. 1999), and studies using radioactivelylabeled ligand suggest that TGF-� undergoes rapid recep-tor-mediated internalization (Massague and Kelly 1986;Sathre et al. 1991). Furthermore, cells treated with thelysosomal inhibitor chloroquine showed intracellular ac-cumulations of ligand, indicating that TGF-� undergoeslysosomal degradation. However, the effects of ligandbinding on surface receptor levels have been unclear,with reports ranging from no change to a 50% reduction(Frolik et al. 1984; Wakefield et al. 1987). One source ofvariability in these experiments may be the high levelsof nonspecific ligand binding (Anders et al. 1997). Fur-thermore, with the identification of both heteromericreceptor complexes (type I–type II) and homomeric re-ceptor complexes (type I–type I and type II–type II), thepossibility arose that the various receptor complexeswere differentially internalized, adding an additionallevel of complexity to TGF-� endocytosis (Chen et al.1993; Henis et al. 1994).

To clarify the role of endocytosis in TGF-� signaling,chimeric receptors consisting of a foreign ligand-bindingdomain fused to either a type I or type II TGF-� receptorhave been used. These chimeric receptors allow for spe-cific binding of radioactively labeled ligand and definedreceptor complex formation (Anders and Leof 1996; Mu-ramatsu et al. 1997). Inhibition of clathrin lattice forma-tion by cytoplasmic acidification significantly reducedthe number of vesicles containing TGF-� receptor com-plexes, suggesting that internalization of these chimericreceptors occurs via a clathrin-mediated process (Anderset al. 1997). Both heteromeric and homomeric TGF-�

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receptor complexes undergo ligand-dependent internal-ization. Once internalized, if the ligand dissociates fromthe complex, TGF-� receptors are constitutively re-cycled to the cell surface similar to the constitutive re-cycling observed for EGFR (Dore et al. 1998, 2001). How-ever, if the ligand is associated with the complex, theTGF-� receptors can be targeted for either recycling orlysosomal degradation depending on the complex com-position. Homomeric receptor complexes are unable toactivate signaling and are not degraded, whereas hetero-meric receptor complexes are down-regulated (Anders etal. 1997). Notably, the few studies using full lengthTGF-� receptors have generally supported a role for in-ternalization in receptor down-regulation, however,some aspects of the chimeric receptor model, such aswhether internalization is clathrin-dependent, have beencalled into question (Zwaagstra et al. 1999, 2001; Ehrlichet al. 2001).

As described previously, kinase activity of the EGFR iscritical to its signaling and internalization. The TGF-�type II receptor has two kinase activities, phosphorylat-ing itself (autophosphorylation) or its type I partner(transphosphorylation) (Wrana et al. 1992, 1994; Franzenet al. 1995; Wieser et al. 1995). The transphosphorylationactivity of the type II receptor and the kinase activity ofthe type I receptor are required for TGF-� signal trans-duction. Kinase requirements for internalization, how-ever, vary according to the cell type studied. In mesen-chymal cells, the transphosphorylation activity of thetype II receptor is needed for optimal internalization andreceptor downregulation, whereas kinase activity of thetype I receptor is not required (Anders et al. 1998). Incontrast, in epithelial cells, type II transphosphorylationactivity is not strictly needed for receptor down-regula-tion (Dore et al. 2001). Therefore, although TGF-� sig-naling requires both type I and type II kinase activity inall cell types, mesenchymal and epithelial cells have dif-ferent kinase requirements for receptor complex inter-nalization and down-regulation.

The different receptor kinase requirements in mesen-chymal and epithelial cells suggest that differential regu-lation of internalization may reflect a mechanismthrough which TGF-� signaling specificity is achieved.In mesenchymal cells, heteromeric and homomeric re-ceptor complexes are internalized at similar rates,whereas, in epithelial cells, heteromeric complexes ap-pear to be internalized faster and to a greater extent thanhomomeric complexes (Dore et al. 1998). Differences inthe relative rates of heteromeric and homomeric recep-tor complex internalization may affect signaling levels.In epithelial cells, for example, the decreased internal-ization of homomeric complexes may increase surfacereceptor levels relative to mesenchymal cells. Therefore,equal levels of ligand binding might produce higher lev-els of heteromeric complex formation and internaliza-tion in epithelial cells than in mesenchymal cells. Thisdifferential regulation of TGF-� receptor internalizationmay explain how TGF-� signaling can stimulate growthin mesenchymal cells, while inhibiting growth in epi-thelial cells.

Regulation of Smad proteins

Although internalization regulates TGF-� signaling bydown-regulating receptor levels, recent evidence has sug-gested that endocytosis may also regulate Smad proteinlevels. For example, Smurf proteins are E3 ubiquitin li-gases that inhibit TGF-� signaling and ubiquitinate bothTGF-� receptors and Smad proteins. As was stated pre-viously, protein ubiquitination can serve as a signal forinternalization, proteosome-mediated degradation, or ly-sosome-mediated degradation (Hicke 2001). Three pre-dominant mechanisms have been proposed to explainhow Smurfs inhibit signaling (Fig. 3B). First, the Smurfproteins may ubiquitinate the R-Smads, Smad1 andSmad2, leading to their degradation (Zhu et al. 1999; Linet al. 2000). Second, Smurfs may target Smad7 to thereceptor where the I-Smad can block R-Smad activation(Kavsak et al. 2000; Ebisawa et al. 2001). Finally, theSmurfs may tag the Smad7-receptor complex for degra-dation, thereby reducing the amount of receptor avail-able for ligand binding. The degradative processes men-tioned above can be partially blocked using proteosomeinhibitors, suggesting that the protein levels are regu-lated at least in part through proteosome-mediated deg-radation. However, studies using the lysosomal inhibitorchloroquine have suggested that Smad7 and TGF-� re-ceptor levels are also regulated through lysosomal traf-ficking (Kavsak et al. 2000). Therefore, ubiquitination ofthe Smad7-receptor complex results in sorting the pro-teins into MVBs for lysosomal degradation. Although thedegradation of R-Smads has not been studied in the pres-ence of chloroquine, it is possible that Smurf proteinsregulate TGF-� signaling through both proteosome-me-diated and lysosome-mediated degradation. Interest-ingly, Drosophila Smurf mutants have an expandedTGF-� gradient and fail to down-regulate signaling, lead-ing to marked developmental defects (Podos et al. 2001).Thus, the Smurf proteins play a critical role in regulatingTGF-� signaling during development, possibly by target-ing proteins for ubiquitin-mediated lysosomal degrada-tion.

Another proposed regulator of TGF-� signaling isthe protein AMSH (associated molecule with the SH3domain of STAM). AMSH has been shown to binddirectly to STAM (Tanaka et al. 1999), a protein thathas been implicated in both endocytosis and signaling.As described previously, STAM has been proposedto regulate the degradation of receptor tyrosine ki-nases through its interactions with Hrs. Interest-ingly, AMSH has been shown to bind the I-Smad Smad6upon receptor activation and promotes BMP signal-ing when overexpressed (Itoh et al. 2001). Thus, AMSHmay regulate Smad6 activity and BMP signaling throughinteractions with the endosomal proteins STAM andHrs.

Another potential link between TGF-� signaling andendocytosis is the Smad2-interacting protein SARA(Smad anchor for receptor activation; Tsukazaki et al.1998). SARA contains a highly conserved FYVE domain,which has been shown to bind PI(3)P and localize pro-

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Figure 3. Regulation of TGF-� signaling and gradient formation. (A,B) After ligand binding, the heteromeric TGF-� receptor complex(gray) is internalized into the endosome where it interacts with SMAD proteins. (A) Activation of signaling is mediated by the FYVEproteins SARA and Hrs, which recruit Smad2 to endosomes. Phosphorylation of Smad2 by the receptor complex leads to the disas-sociation of SARA and Hrs and the association of Smad4. The Smad2–Smad4 complex translocates to the nucleus to regulatetranscription. (B) Inhibition of signaling is facilitated by the Smurf proteins through three possible mechanisms: (i) Smurf proteinstraffic inhibitor Smad7 to the receptor complex where Smad7 prevents R-Smad association. (ii) Smurf proteins ubiquitinate theSmad7-receptor complex, resulting in receptor degradation. (iii) Smurf proteins ubiquitinate R-Smads Smad1 and Smad2, preventingsignal transduction to the nucleus. (C) DPP (blue) forms a DV gradient in the Drosophila embryo. DPP activity is negatively regulatedby the SOG protein (red), which forms an inverse ventral-dorsal gradient. The combination of gradients forms an autoregulatory loop,which maintains both gradients. Dorsally, high levels of DPP activate Tolloid, which degrades SOG. The resultant low levels of SOGfail to inhibit DPP signaling. Conversely, ventrally, high levels of SOG inhibit DPP. Tolloid is not activated, which maintains highlevels of SOG.

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teins to endosomes. SARA has been proposed to recruitSmad2 to the endosomal membrane where this SARA–Smad2 complex binds cooperatively to internalizedTGF-� receptor complexes (Fig. 3A). Notably, SARA mu-tants that mislocalize Smad2 result in inhibition ofTGF-� signaling, suggesting that this recruitment is im-portant to signaling. Localization of Smad2 to endo-somes may be facilitated by Hrs which, like SARA, con-tains an FYVE domain and can bind Smad2 (Miura et al.2000). Recruitment of Smad2 to the internalized receptorcomplex is significantly increased in cells cotransfectedwith hrs and SARA compared to either gene alone, sug-gesting that Hrs and SARA cooperate to promote Smad2activation at the endosome, thereby facilitating TGF-�signaling.

Morphogen gradients

A recurring theme during development is the formationof gradients by morphogens, molecules that act in a con-centration-dependent manner to specify cell fates. Mor-phogen gradients are capable of specifying multiple celltypes out of a homogenous population of cells, a functionfrequently required during development. Despite thecommon occurrence of these gradients, the exact mecha-nisms through which they form and are maintained arestill unclear (Gurdon and Bourillot 2001). Morphogengradients are hypothesized to form by two mechanisms:diffusion and vesicle-mediated transport (Fig. 4; Striginiand Cohen 1999; Teleman et al. 2001). Diffusion is per-haps the more straightforward and widely favored hy-pothesis. Although free diffusion may account for therapid formation of gradients over long distances foundwith some morphogens, restricted diffusion due to mor-phogen interactions with the extracellular matrix, lipidmembranes, and membrane proteins may lead to slowergradient formation over shorter distances. Alternatively,vesicle-mediated transport of morphogens, also calledplanar transcytosis, is supported by the presence of mor-phogens in intracellular vesicles away from expressingcells. Furthermore, temperature sensitive mutations inthe shibire gene encoding Dynamin, a protein requiredfor vesicle internalization, can affect gradient range.Recently, the transcytosis model of gradient formationhas garnered more attention as the links between mor-phogen signaling and endocytosis multiply. Finally, an-other recently proposed mechanism for gradient forma-tion involves cellular processes that may directly releasemorphogens onto cells at various concentrations.However, these processes have only been proposed totransmit signals in a few contexts including theDrosophila imaginal disc and egg chamber (Ramirez-We-ber and Kornberg 1999; Cho et al. 2000; Goode 2000;Gibson and Schubiger 2000). Regardless of the mecha-nism of morphogen gradient formation, there is mount-ing evidence that endocytosis regulates the concentra-tion and range of morphogen activity by regulating notonly the morphogen but also their downstream signalingmembers.

Decapentaplegic gradient formation

In addition to modulating TGF-� signaling downstreamof ligand binding, endocytosis may also regulate TGF-�signaling by modulating gradient formation of the liganditself. In the Drosophila wing disc, the TGF-� homologDPP forms a long range gradient near the anterior-poste-rior (AP) boundary that induces the expression of targetgenes spalt and optomotor-blind at different distances(Nellen et al. 1996). To investigate the mechanism ofgradient formation, Entchev et al. (2000) constructed aDPP transgenic construct expressing GFP fused to thesecretory domain of DPP that was unable to produce themature DPP peptide. The fusion protein was expressed,secreted, and accumulated in the extracellular space of

Figure 4. Models of morphogen gradient formation. The diffu-sion model of gradient formation proposes that a secreted mor-phogen is released from the expressing cell and diffuses away,creating a gradient with higher levels near the source. Diffusionmay be passive leading to rapid gradient formation. Restricteddiffusion attributable to morphogen interaction with extracel-lular matrix proteins, membrane proteins, or membrane lipidslimits both the range and speed of gradient formation. Thevesicle-mediated model of gradient formation, also called tran-scytosis, proposes that on release from the expressing cell, themorphogen is bound to membrane receptors on neighboringcells and is internalized. Once internalization has occurred, themorphogen can undergo degradation via the lysosome or be re-cycled to the membrane surface and released. Because of pro-gressive degradation of the morphogen, cells further from theexpressing cell are exposed to lower morphogen levels. Thismechanism allows the formation of very steep or flat gradientsby regulating the relative ratio of recycling to lysosomal degra-dation.

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fly imaginal discs. However, unlike the full-length GFP-tagged morphogen, the protein lacking the mature pep-tide did not form a gradient, demonstrating that the ma-ture DPP peptide is required for gradient formation.Thus, DPP gradient formation is unlikely to occur byfree diffusion alone.

Furthermore, Teleman and Cohen (2000) showed thatDPP travels rapidly through tissue and is also rapidlydegraded. DPP down-regulation may be mediatedthrough the DPP receptor Thickveins, which colocalizeswith the morphogen in an endocytic compartment. Inthickveins mutant tissue, DPP accumulates in the ex-tracellular space, suggesting that Thickveins mediatesDPP internalization (Entchev et al. 2000). Thickveins isexpressed in an inverse gradient to DPP with low levelsat the AP boundary and high levels laterally (Lecuit andCohen 1998). These high levels of Thickveins preventDPP movement beyond the wing pouch. These data sug-gest that Thickveins-mediated internalization of DPPleads to signal degradation, creating a long-range gradi-ent centered at the AP boundary. In addition, overexpres-sion of Rab7, which promotes endosome to lysosometrafficking, results in a reduction of intracellular DPPand a reduced Spalt expression domain, consistent withreduced DPP range (Entchev et al. 2000). Therefore, theDPP gradient is modified by rapid down-regulationthrough Thickveins receptor-mediated internalizationand lysosomal degradation.

Although Thickveins may be required for DPP down-regulation, Thickveins may also facilitate morphogenspread. Within thickveins mutant clones, DPP accumu-lates extracellular to mutant cells (Entchev et al. 2000).However, beyond the mutant clone, no internalized DPPwas observed, suggesting that DPP was unable to spreadthrough the thickveins mutant clone. Thickveins maymediate morphogen spread by two possible mechanisms.Thickveins may carry or pass the morphogen across thecell surface (restricted diffusion). Alternatively, Thick-veins may mediate DPP internalization and recycling tothe surface (transcytosis). To distinguish between thesepossibilities, internalization was blocked and the effectson DPP gradient formation were analyzed (Gonzalez-Gaitan and Jackle 1999; Entchev et al. 2000). shibiretemperature-sensitive mutants show reduced DPP range.In addition, clathrin mutants and overexpression ofdominant negative Rab5 both reduce the Spalt expres-sion domain. These findings suggest that internalizationdrives the spread of DPP. Therefore, in the wing, Thick-veins-mediated internalization regulates Decapentaple-gic gradient formation in two ways, by mediating DPPlysosomal degradation and by facilitating morphogenspread via transcytosis.

In the Drosophila embryo, Decapentaplegic produces amorphogen gradient along the dorsal-ventral (DV) axis,defining multiple cell fates (Gelbart 1989; Arora et al.1994; Morisato and Anderson 1995). In this case, DPPsignaling may be regulated through Short gastrulation(SOG), the Drosophila homolog of the BMP inhibitorChordin (Fig. 3C; Francois and Bier 1995). The secretedSOG protein forms a long-range inverse gradient to DPP

with high levels ventrolaterally and low levels dorsally(Srinivasan et al. 2002). Ventrolaterally, high levels ofSOG bind and inhibit DPP (Ferguson and Anderson 1992;Biehs et al. 1996). Dorsally, the low levels of SOG pro-tein fail to inhibit DPP, allowing DPP to stimulate Tol-loid, a secreted protein that cleaves dorsal SOG protein(Holley et al. 1996; Marques et al. 1997). As shown inFigure 3C, this DPP-stimulated inactivation of SOG pro-duces a positive autoregulatory loop that upregulatesDPP dorsally. Therefore, through antagonism of DPP sig-naling, the SOG gradient modulates the DPP gradient.Recent evidence has suggested that the gradient of SOGis also regulated by endocytosis (Srinivasan et al. 2002).In the wild type, dorsal levels of SOG are generally low,with higher levels near the ventral source. However, inshibire temperature-sensitive mutants, high levels ofSOG are uniformly distributed in the dorsal region.Thus, dynamin-mediated internalization is required todown-regulate SOG dorsally. It could be argued that thiseffect is mediated through DPP-induced Tolloid degra-dation since internalization may affect DPP gradient for-mation in the wing. However, both shibirets, dpp andshibirets, tolloid double mutants showed greater in-creases in SOG protein levels dorsally than either muta-tion alone, suggesting that dynamin-mediated SOG deg-radation is independent of both DPP and Tolloid func-tion. Thus, internalization and degradation are requiredto form the SOG gradient, which in turn regulates theDV DPP gradient in the Drosophila embryo.

Hedgehog gradient formation

Like DPP, Hedgehog is a highly conserved morphogenthat functions in a variety of developmental contextssuch as neural tube polarity and limb development.However, rather than being a freely secreted protein, ma-ture Hedgehog is tethered to the plasma membranethrough a covalently bonded cholesterol moiety (Lee etal. 1992; Porter et al. 1995, 1996; Burke et al. 1999). InDrosophila, the cholesterol modification localizesHedgehog to lipid rafts within the membrane (Taylor etal. 1993; Rietveld et al. 1999). Although Hedgehog inter-acts with the plasma membrane through the transmem-brane protein Dispatched, evidence suggests that Hedge-hog can spread several cells away from its source (Marigoet al. 1996; Lewis et al. 2001; Zeng et al. 2001). Hedgehogmediates signaling through the transmembrane receptorPatched. In the absence of ligand, Patched inhibits theconstitutively active transmembrane protein Smooth-ened through an unknown mechanism. Cell culture ex-periments suggest that Patched and Smoothened mayform a complex (Stone et al. 1996; Murone et al. 1999;Karpen et al. 2001), although in vivo the proteins havenot been shown to interact. Ligand binding to thePatched receptor releases this inhibition of Smoothened(Chen and Struhl 1996), and active Smoothened is able tostabilize Cubitus interruptus, which translocates to thenucleus and affects the transcription of target genes (In-gham and McMahon 2001).

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Given the limited understanding of the Hedgehogpathway as a whole, it is difficult to determine the en-docytic regulation of signaling. There have been a fewstudies addressing the role of vesicle trafficking inHedgehog regulation, however the data are suggestive atbest and insufficient to draw a definite link between en-docytosis and signaling. In this section, we will presentsome of the data on this topic and speculate as to pos-sible mechanisms of protein action.

The mechanism through which Patched inhibitsSmoothened has not been determined, however recentdata suggests that Patched may act through regulation ofSmoothened trafficking. At the membrane of culturedcells, Patched associates with Caveolin-1, leading toPatched and Smoothened localization to lipid rafts (Cap-devila et al. 1994a,b; Karpen et al. 2001). In the Dro-sophila wing disc, Patched expression decreases Smooth-ened protein levels in the absence of ligand, suggestingthat Patched may inhibit Smoothened activity by down-regulating protein levels (Denef et al. 2000). Several mu-tants in Patched have shown that Smoothened down-regulation is dependent on the Patched sterol-sensing do-main (SSD) (Martin et al. 2001; Strutt et al. 2001).Although the mechanism of down-regulation has notbeen determined, the requirement for the sterol-sensingdomain suggests that Patched may function by traffick-ing Smoothened through a membrane compartment(Ingham and McMahon 2001). The sterol-sensing do-mains of two other proteins have been implicated in thetransport of proteins and lipids through membrane com-partments. The SSD protein SCAP (SREBP cleavage-ac-tivating protein) serves to shuttle SREBP (sterol regula-tory element-binding protein) between the endoplasmicreticulum and Golgi (Nohturfft et al. 1999). A secondSSD protein, Niemann Pick C1 protein, functions in therecycling of LDL cholesterol particles from the lysosometo the plasma membrane. Mutations in this protein re-sult in toxic lipid accumulations within the cell (Brownand Goldstein 1983; Pentchev et al. 1985; Liscum andFaust 1987). Therefore, it is possible that the sterol-sens-ing domain of Patched mediates the trafficking ofSmoothened through a membrane compartment, eitherby promoting its trafficking to the plasma membrane orby promoting its degradation via the lysosome.

Recent work has suggested that another vesicle-medi-ated process may be critical to the regulation of Hedge-hog signaling (Eggenschwiler et al. 2001). Analysis of themouse mutant open brain encoding a truncated form ofRab23 showed that, in the spinal cord, Rab23 functionsdownstream of ligand binding to negatively regulateHedgehog signaling. The function of Rab23 has not beendetermined, but as a member of the Rab GTPase family,it is very likely to regulate vesicle trafficking events.These findings suggest that a component downstream ofHedgehog binding may be regulated by endocytosis.

In addition to regulating Hedgehog signaling, Patchedalso regulates the range of the Hedgehog gradient. Over-expression of the Patched receptor limits the range of theHedgehog gradient (Nakano et al. 1989; Chen and Struhl1996; Briscoe et al. 2001). This constriction of the mor-

phogen gradient could be hypothesized to result fromrestricted diffusion or increased degradation after inter-nalization. In support of the latter hypothesis, it wasfound that Patched undergoes dynamin-dependent inter-nalization in the Drosophila embryo and can be localizedto endocytic vesicles and multivesicular bodies (Capdev-ila et al. 1994a). Furthermore, Hedgehog binding toPatched stimulates internalization of the receptor andalso stabilizes Smoothened at the plasma membrane(Denef et al. 2000). This stabilization of Smoothened pro-tein may be due to posttranslational modification or areduction in Patched-mediated degradation (Kalderon2000). It is likely that Patched mediates Hedgehog inter-nalization as Hedgehog and Patched colocalize to endo-cytic vesicles in a dynamin-dependent manner (Bellaicheet al. 1998; Burke et al. 1999; Incardona et al. 2000; Mar-tin et al. 2001; Strutt et al. 2001). Hedgehog–Patchedcomplexes travel to the lysosome of cultured cells, fur-ther suggesting that Patched-mediates Hedgehog degra-dation (Mastronardi et al. 2000). Hedgehog internaliza-tion and degradation are not dependent on the Patchedsterol-sensing domain (Martin et al. 2001; Strutt et al.2001). These findings suggest that Patched limits theHedgehog gradient by internalizing Hedgehog in a dyna-min-dependent manner and targeting the morphogen forlysosomal degradation. Furthermore, Patched may in-hibit Hedgehog signaling by regulating Smoothened traf-ficking through membrane-bound compartments.

Wnt/Wingless gradient formation

Wnt and its Drosophila homolog Wingless are glycopro-teins that form morphogen gradients that function in avariety of developmental processes. Although these sig-naling molecules are secreted, Wnt and Wingless bindtightly to glycosaminoglycans in the extracellular ma-trix (Bradley and Brown 1990; Reichsman et al. 1996),suggesting that gradient formation is unlikely to occurby free diffusion alone. Wnt and Wingless bind the seventransmembrane domain Frizzled family of receptorsleading to phosphorylation of the PDZ domain proteinDishevelled. Via an as yet unclear mechanism, Dishev-elled then prevents Glycogen synthase kinase 3 activityin the APC–Axin complex. Inhibition of this activity re-sults in stabilized �-catenin/Armadillo protein whichthen enters the nucleus to regulate gene expression(Wodarz and Nusse 1998; Polakis 2000).

Forming the Wingless gradient In the Drosophilawing disc, Wingless forms a symmetric gradient span-ning ∼5–10 cell diameters on each side of the DV bound-ary, while in the embryo, Wingless forms an asymmetricgradient located only anterior to the parasegment bound-ary (van den Heuvel et al. 1989). At the subcellular level,Wingless protein is present extracellularly abutting theplasma membrane and intracellularly in small vesiclesand multivesicular bodies of nonexpressing cells, sug-gesting that Wg is readily internalized (van den Heuvel etal. 1989; Gonzalez et al. 1991; Strigini and Cohen 2000).

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Promoted by these findings, the relationship between en-docytosis and Wingless gradient formation has beenstudied by observating membrane flow and geneticallymodulating the endocytic machinery.

Following the flow of membranes using fluorescentlylabeled glycophosphatidyl inositol showed that Dro-sophila wing disc cells secrete small labeled vesicles(called argosomes) that are capable of moving betweencells (Greco et al. 2001). Argosomes are internalized andtrafficked through the early endosome. Notably, Wing-less appears to be associated with the membrane of ar-gosomes through associations with heparin sulfate pro-teoglycans, and colocalizes with these vesicles struc-tures in Wingless-receiving cells. These data suggest avesicle-mediated mechanism of Wingless gradient for-mation in the wing.

Using shibire mutants to modulate endocytosis, Wing-less gradient formation has been intensely investigatedin both the embryo and wing disc. In temperature-sen-sitive shibire embryos at the restrictive temperature, theWingless protein gradient was contracted to a narrowrange around Wingless-expressing cells (Bejsovec andWieschaus 1995). Based on these findings, Dynamincould be hypothesized to affect gradient formationthrough three possible mechanisms. First, Dynamincould promote Wingless secretion from expressing cells.However, in the shibirets embryo, Wingless protein wasnot detected in intracellular vesicles, unlike Winglessmutants known to be defective in secretion (Bejsovecand Wieschaus 1995; Dierick and Bejsovec 1998). Fur-thermore, the range of Wingless signaling has been ana-lyzed by examining the Armadillo expression domainand the denticle pattern on the embryonic cuticle. Over-expression of dominant-negative shibire in Wingless-ex-pressing cells showed that the range of Wingless signal-ing was not affected, signifying that Wingless is secretedand capable of signaling normally (Moline et al. 1999).Thus, it appears that Dynamin does not affect gradientformation by promoting Wingless secretion. Second, Dy-namin could stabilize Wingless protein in nonexpressingcells. Although the effect of Dynamin on Wingless levelshas not been analyzed directly in the embryo, studies ofother endocytic mutants suggest that internalizationdoes not stabilize Wingless protein levels. In fact, zygoticmutants in clathrin and deep orange (dor), which affectclathrin-mediated internalization and lysosomal degra-dation, respectively, enhanced the Wingless overexpres-sion phenotype, suggesting that endocytosis down-regu-lates Wingless signaling (Dubois et al. 2001). Finally, ithas been proposed that the narrowed Wingless gradientin the shibirets embryo is attributable to impaired mor-phogen spread. Supporting this, overexpression of domi-nant-negative shibire in a wide domain including theWingless-expressing cells showed a contracted range ofWingless signaling, implicating Dynamin function inWingless transport (Moline et al. 1999).

In the Drosophila wing imaginal disc, antibody stain-ing of shibire mutant clones showed a similar restrictionof Wingless protein to the area around Wingless-express-ing cells (Fig. 5A,i; Strigini and Cohen 2000). Surpris-

ingly however, a specialized staining protocol for extra-cellular protein, showed that within shibire mutantclones, extracellular Wingless was present around Wing-less-nonexpressing cells (Fig. 5A,ii). This finding sug-gests that Wingless is able to spread to Wingless-nonex-pressing cells in the absence of Dynamin. Furthermore,extracellular Wingless was present at higher levelswithin the shibire mutant clone than outside the clone,suggesting that Dynamin serves to down-regulate mor-phogen levels. Reconciling the extracellular and conven-tional staining data, Strigini and Cohen (2000) proposethat the restricted Wingless pattern in shibire mutantclones is attributable to a failure to secrete Wingless.Given the conflicting conclusions drawn from the em-bryo and wing disc data, it is possible that the mecha-nisms of gradient formation differ between these twotissues. Clearly, more investigation is needed to deter-mine what role Dynamin and endocytosis play in form-ing the Wingless gradient.

Modifying the gradient: creating gradient asymmetryBefore embryonic stage 10, the Wingless gradient in theDrosophila embryo is symmetric around the paraseg-ment boundary, defining the width of engrailed expres-sion. However, by stage 11, the Wingless gradient be-comes asymmetric and is restricted anterior of the para-segment boundary. Recently, evidence has suggestedthat endocytosis may serve to regulate the creation ofthis asymmetry by altering levels of degradation. In orderto follow Wingless movement and degradation, a horse-radish peroxidase (HRP)–Wingless fusion protein was ex-pressed under the control of the Wingless promoter.Since the HRP moiety is relatively stably throughout theendocytic pathway, including the lysosome, it is possibleto monitor Wingless degradation in vivo. In Wingless-nonexpressing cells posterior to the parasegment bound-ary, Wingless staining is not detected while HRP stain-ing is largely localized to multivesicular bodies and ly-sosomes, suggesting that the HRP-Wingless fusionmoves through the endocytic pathway and Wingless isdegraded in these cells (Dubois et al. 2001). HRP stainingis noted beyond the Wingless protein gradient, again pro-viding evidence that degradation limits gradient range.Furthermore, four times more MVBs and lysosomes la-beled with HRP were observed in the posterior segmentthan the anterior segment, implying that increasedWingless degradation posteriorly may result in gradientasymmetry.

Hedgehog signaling has been shown to prevent theWingless gradient from extending posteriorly (Fig. 5B;Sanson et al. 1999). One target of Hedgehog signaling isrhomboid. Rhomboid mutants show increased vesicularWingless staining in the posterior compartment, sug-gesting that Rhomboid is required for Wingless degrada-tion posteriorly (Dubois et al. 2001). Notably, Rhomboidactivates the EGFR ligand Spitz (Schweitzer et al. 1995;Urban et al. 2001; Tsruya et al. 2002), and EGFR mutantsalso show increased posterior Wingless staining (Duboiset al. 2001). Therefore, Hedgehog and EGFR signalinglimit the Wingless gradient by upregulating Wingless

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degradation. Thus, signaling pathways may interact withother pathways by regulating the endocytosis of signal-ing members.

Notch signaling

Notch signaling has been implicated in a variety of de-velopmental functions including regulation of cell pro-liferation and cell fate determination. In the nervous sys-tem, the Notch pathway mediates the selection of asingle neuroblast from a proneural cluster of equivalentcells through a process known as lateral inhibition (Bea-tus and Lendahl 1998). In this model, slight imbalancesin Notch signaling are amplified such that the signalingcell develops into a neuroblast and prevents the sur-rounding ectodermal cells from choosing a similar fate.These intercellular interactions are mediated throughNotch/LIN-12, a conserved transmembrane receptor. Toactivate Notch, transmembrane proteins of the DSL fam-ily (Delta, Serrate, Lag-2) bind to the Notch receptor,allowing Kuzbanian to cleave Notch extracellularly (Panand Rubin 1997; Lieber et al. 2002). This extracellularcleavage permits Presenilin proteins to cleave Notch in-tracellularly near the transmembrane domain (DeStrooper et al. 1999; Struhl and Greenwald 1999; Ye et al.1999). Although immunocytochemical detection of theNotch intracellular fragment has been unsuccessful,work by Struhl and Adachi (1998) indicates that theNotch intracellular domain translocates to the nucleuswhere its interaction with Suppressor of Hairless/RBP-JKactivates the transcription of downstream genes. Notchsignaling is extensively regulated through intracellularassociations with positive regulators like Deltex andSuppressor of Hairless and negative regulators likeNumb, Hairless, and Suppressor of Deltex (Panin andIrvine 1998; Artavanis-Tsakonas et al. 1999).

Activation of Notch signaling

Recent evidence suggests that endocytosis may play acritical role in the activation of Notch signaling, a noveland distinct mechanism of endocytic signaling regula-tion (Fig. 6). Delta is localized both at the cell surface andin endocytic vesicles, including MVBs (Parks et al. 1995).Antibody stainings show that Notch colocalizes withDelta in some of these vesicles, suggesting that Notch–Delta complexes may be internalized into the signalingcell (Kooh et al. 1993). In cell culture experiments, thisinternalization of Delta correlates with signaling activ-ity (Fehon et al. 1990). In vivo, shibire mutants pheno-copy the Notch loss of function neurogenic phenotype,suggesting that internalization is required for Notch sig-naling (Poodry 1990). Subsequent epistasis studies andclonal analysis using temperature-sensitive shibire mu-tants revealed that Dynamin is required autonomouslyfor Notch activation in both the signaling and receivingcells (Seugnet et al. 1997). Recent cell culture and in vivoanalyses have shed light on the requirement of Dynaminin the signal-sending cells, but the role of Dynamin in

Figure 5. Wingless gradients in Drosophila. (A) In the wingpouch, Wingless protein (green) is expressed by cells at the dorsal-ventral boundary and spreads symmetrically. Wingless can be de-tected intracellularly in both expressing and receiving cells withinthe gradient. Analysis of shibire mutant clones (outlined in red)produced data about the role of Dynamin in Wingless gradientformation: (i) Conventional staining for internalized proteinshows less staining in receiving cells and intense staining in ex-pressing cells, suggesting a role in morphogen secretion or trans-port. (ii) An extracellular staining protocol for extracellular Wing-less shows increased extracellular protein around receiving cells,suggesting that transport is not affected. (B) In the embryo, theWingless protein (green circles) is initially symmetrically distrib-uted around the expressing cell (green cell) at the parasegmentboundary (PB) and defines the range of engrailed expression. Bystage 11, the Engrailed-expressing cells (red cell) secrete Hedgehog(red circles), which modifies the Wingless gradient. Posteriorly,Hedghog induces Rhomboid expression (purple cells), which acti-vates the EGFR ligand Spitz. Hedgehog and EGF signaling up-regulate lysosomal degradation of Wingless posterior to the para-segment boundary. Anteriorly, Hedgehog acts to up-regulateWingless expression, thereby increasing the range. Overall, thisproduces an asymmetric Wingless gradient where Wingless signal-ing anterior to the parasegment boundary induces a naked cuticleand denticles develop posteriorly.

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the receiving cell remains to be determined. In the Delta-expressing cell, the Notch extracellular domain (NECD)binds to Delta and the complex undergoes dynamin-de-pendent internalization (Parks et al. 2000). This internal-ization of NECD appears to promote the separation of theNotch intracellular domain (NICD), possibly by facilitat-ing extracellular Notch cleavage by Kuzbanian. Thus,dynamin-dependent internalization of NECD into the sig-naling cell is required for Notch signaling. Interestingly,in the absence of shibire, NECD and NICD can be inter-nalized together with Delta in signaling cells of the wingdisc, suggesting that a dynamin-independent internaliza-tion mechanism may also exist. Furthermore, it has beensuggested that, at least in vitro, Notch and Delta can cellautonomously form homomeric and heteromeric com-plexes that repress Notch signaling, adding an additionaldimension of complexity to signal regulation (Sakamotoet al. 2002). Although more work is needed to clarify thisprocess further, it appears that, in the signaling cell, NECD–Delta complex internalization is required for the activa-tion of Notch signaling.

A potential mechanism for the internalization of NECD–Delta complexes has been recently proposed based onanalyses of the E3 ubiquitin ligase Neuralized. Neural-ized was initially isolated as a neurogenic gene thatwhen mutated phenocopies Notch loss of function mu-tations (Yeh et al. 2000). Neuralized appears to be re-

quired in multiple Notch-regulated processes such as lat-eral inhibition in peripheral neurogenesis and asymmet-ric cell division in sensory organ development (Yeh et al.2000; Lai et al. 2001). The presence of a RING domain, amotif common to ubiquitin ligases, raises the possibilitythat Neuralized may positively regulate Notch signalingthrough ubiquitination of signaling members (Yeh et al.2000). Recent work in Drosophila and Xenopus hasshown that Neuralized binds and ubiquitinates Deltaand stimulates Delta internalization. Although Neural-ized mutants show surface accumulation of Delta, over-expression of Neuralized results in rapid Delta degrada-tion (Deblandre et al. 2001; Lai et al. 2001; Pavlopouloset al. 2001). Furthermore, neuralized-mediated internal-ization and degradation of Delta are dependent on theNeuralized RING domain. In vitro, ubiquitination ofDelta could target Delta for proteosome-mediated or ly-sosomal degradation (Lai et al. 2001; Pavlopoulos et al.2001). Notably, Deblandre et al. (2001) showed that inXenopus Delta is monoubiquitinated, which may serveas a signal for internalization and lysosomal degradation.Thus, Neuralized promotes Notch signaling by monou-biquitinating Delta, likely targeting it for internalizationand degradation. Interestingly, Neuralized has beenshown to affect Notch activity both cell autonomouslyand nonautonomously, suggesting that it may functionby two mechanisms (Kramer 2001). First, Neuralized

Figure 6. Activation of Notch signaling. On ligand binding, the Notch–Delta complex undergoes internalization, possibly due toneuralized-mediated monoubiquitination of Delta. Internalization into the signaling cell facilitates the extracellular cleavage of Notchby Kuzbanian (KUZ). Once internalized, the NotchECD–Delta complex undergoes proteosome-mediated or lysosomal degradation. Thelack of Notch signaling in the signaling cell allows the expression of proneural genes, which specify a neural fate. In the receiving cell,extracellular Notch cleavage promotes Presenilin (PSN) cleavage of Notch in the juxtamembrane region, allowing the NotchICD–Suppressor of Hairless [Su(H)] complex to enter the nucleus and up-regulate the transcription of downstream genes like the enhancerof split complex. Enhancer of Split inhibits the expression of the proneural genes, resulting in an ectodermal fate. Signaling activityin the receiving cell is extensively modulated by intracellular proteins such as Deltex, Numb, Hairless, and Suppressor of Deltex[Su(dx)].

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could down-regulate Delta, preventing the formation ofintracellular Notch-Delta complexes that repress Notchsignaling cell autonomously. Second, by stimulating in-ternalization of Delta and the Notch extracellular do-main, Neuralized could promote NICD separation andsignaling in a nonautonomous manner. In either case, itis clear that endocytosis may regulate Notch signaling atmultiple levels, affecting the degradation of Notch andDelta and the activation of Notch signaling.

Down-regulation of Notch signaling

In addition to activating Notch signaling, several piecesof evidence suggest that Notch receptors may also un-dergo endocytosis-dependent down-regulation. Numb, aphosphotyrosine-binding domain protein, is asymmetri-cally segregated during the division of sensory organ pre-cursor cells and serves to determine cell fate through itsinhibition of Notch (Guo et al. 1996; Zhong et al. 1996).In cell culture, Numb binds directly to Notch and inter-feres with Notch-mediated nuclear translocation of Sup-pressor of Hairless (Frise et al. 1996). Recently, it wasfound that Numb may act as an endocytic protein (San-tolini et al. 2000). On growth factor stimulation, theNumb protein has been shown to be redistributed to thecell surface where it localizes to clathrin-coated pitsthrough its interactions with �-adaptin. On the cell sur-face, Numb can associate with receptors like EGFR, andthe complex is internalized into an endosomal compart-ment. Numb binds Eps15 and colocalizes with Eps15 onendosomes. Overexpression of a Numb fragment thatdoes not associate with �-adaptin or Eps15 acts in adominant negative manner, preventing internalizationof EGFR. This suggests that Numb plays a critical role inthe internalization of cell surface receptors through itsinteractions with �-adaptin and Eps15. Given thatNumb binds to and negatively regulates Notch, it is pos-sible that Numb attenuates Notch signaling by down-regulating Notch through an endocytic mechanism.

Suppressor of Deltex is another intracellular negativeregulator of Notch signaling that suggests that endocy-tosis may regulate Notch signaling. As its name implies,Suppressor of deltex suppresses mutations in Deltex, acytoplasmic protein that binds to Notch (Xu and Arta-vanis-Tsakonas 1990; Diederich et al. 1994). Suppressorof deltex interacts with a variety of Notch signaling mu-tants and genetically plays an inhibitory role in Notchsignaling (Fostier et al. 1998; Cornell et al. 1999). Nota-bly, the Suppressor of Deltex domain structure places itwithin the Nedd4/Rsp5p family of E3 ubiquitin ligaseproteins which mono- and polyubiquitinate plasmamembrane proteins (Rotin et al. 2000). In human Jurkatcells, the mouse homolog of Suppressor of Deltex, Itch,appears to bind to the intracellular domain of Notch,leading to mono- and polyubquitination of Notch. Qiu etal. (2000) propose that ubiquitinated Notch undergoesproteosome-mediated degradation. However, given thatmonoubquitinated forms are evident, Itch may mediateNotch internalization or sorting into multivesicular bod-ies for lysosomal degradation. Furthermore, studies of

the E3 ubiquitin ligase c-Cbl in myoblast cells suggestthat c-Cbl mediates monoubiquitination of Notch tar-geting Notch for lysosomal degradation (Jehn et al. 2002).Therefore, although evidence for the ubiquitination ofNotch leading to internalization and possibly lysosomaldegradation is limited, it is suggestive and warrants fur-ther investigation.


Vesicle trafficking and developmental signaling havebeen predominantly studied independently. However,there is mounting evidence that developmental signalingcan be regulated by endocytosis in multiple ways. First,endocytosis can serve to modulate signaling. Signalingcan be regulated through lysosomal degradation of recep-tors and other pathway members. In TGF-� signaling,receptor internalization may affect signaling by facilitat-ing associations with Smad proteins at the endosome.The receptor and Smad proteins may also undergo lyso-somal degradation. Second, endocytosis likely plays arole in morphogen gradient formation. In Decapentaple-gic, Hedgehog, and Wingless signaling, receptor-medi-ated internalization may lead to lysosomal degradationof the morphogen. This degradation may limit the gra-dient in a directional manner, as was noted in the asym-metric Wingless gradient of the Drosophila embryo. Fur-thermore, analysis of shibire mutants has suggested thatendocytosis is important for the spread of Decapentaple-gic and Wingless. These findings support the model that,after internalization, the morphogen-receptor complexmay be degraded via the lysosome or recycled to the cellsurface for further spread. By altering the relative ratio ofrecycling to lysosomal degradation, the concentrationand range of the morphogen can be controlled. Finally,findings in Notch suggest that endocytosis may be criti-cal to activation of signaling. Internalization of theDelta-NECD complex into the signaling cell facilitatesthe release of the Notch intracellular domain, therebyallowing signaling to occur.

Although evidence suggests an important role for en-docytosis in the regulation of developmental signaling,studies have rarely made use of the numerous proteinsknown to be involved in vesicle trafficking. Several stud-ies have examined the effects of altered Dynamin activ-ity on signaling, however, only recently have the effectsof other vesicle trafficking proteins like the Rab proteinsand Hrs been investigated (Entchev et al. 2000; Lloyd etal. 2002). These trafficking proteins will likely prove tobe valuable tools in the elucidation of signaling regula-tion and morphogen gradient formation. In addition,ubiquitination, which has largely been assumed to targetproteins to the proteosome, may regulate signalingthrough endocytosis. E3 ubiquitin ligases are involved inseveral signaling pathways and have been shown to tar-get signaling proteins for internalization and lysosomaldegradation. Furthermore, signaling pathways like EGFRhave been shown to directly regulate the endocytic ma-chinery, thereby allowing signaling pathways to modu-late themselves and to interact with other pathways. For

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example, Hedgehog signaling in the posterior compart-ment of the Drosophila embryo may limit the Winglessgradient by up-regulating Wingless internalization andlysosomal degradation in a site-specific manner. Clearly,we have only just begun to understand the role that en-docytosis plays in regulating signaling and further inves-tigation will likely provide new insights into the signal-ing pathways that function during development.


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