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Ertan Hydroelectric Project - World Bank Document

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* EI1I1 The People's Republicof China Ertan Hydroelectric Development Corporation Ertan Hydroelectric Project Environmental Assessment and Resettlement (FINAL REPORT ) December. 1994 :---a E. .ee.-.Corvomany Intera. tional. L.? C..:^ag ;; lUSA C ne.. -, H.a.o_ie;,- r.resr.gar.on and Descign Insait. .- Chengdu. Sichuan. PM(C. Siehuan Pra incial Resettlement AgencN. Chenac1tt. ,.nmuan. PRC Ertani HvdroelectricDevelopment Corporadlnil. II'ihiI hua. Sichuan. PRC Chengdu. Sichuan. PR China '- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized

* EI1I1The People's Republic of China

Ertan Hydroelectric Development Corporation

Ertan Hydroelectric Project

Environmental Assessment andResettlement


December. 1994

:---a E. .ee.-.Corvomany Intera. tional. L.? C..:^ag ;; lUSAC ne.. -, H.a.o_ie;,- r.resr.gar.on and Descign Insait. .- Chengdu. Sichuan. PM(C.Siehuan Pra incial Resettlement AgencN. Chenac1tt. ,.nmuan. PRCErtani Hvdroelectric Development Corporadlnil. II'ihiI hua. Sichuan. PRC

Chengdu. Sichuan. PR China

'- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.~~~~~~~~~~


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List of Preparers:

Hasa Engineering Company International, LP.:

Mr. John R. Bizer, PhD, Senior BiologistMr. Anthony Whitten, PhD, Senior Biologist

Chengdu Hydroelectric Investigation and Design Institute:

Mr. Shi Shuzi Deputy Hed, Planning Department, Sr. EconomistMr. Liu Zheniai Engineer in Charge, MeteorologistMr. Y Weiqi Head, Environmental Section, EcologistMr. Cao Jiang - Head,Sediment Section, Sediment SpecaltMr. Chen Guochun Deputy Head, Hydrological Section, Hydro. SpecialistMr. Bai Chunfeng Senior EconomistMr. Rao Zhongli Resentement SpecialistMs. Shu Zeping Environmental Engineerng SpecialistMs. Wang Xueqin Environmental SpecialistMs. Rang Hong Envimnmental-hydraulic SpecialistMr. Liang Ruijing Interpreter

Sichuan Provincial Resettlement Agency:

Mr. Chen Zongyi Head, No.3 Deparment, Senior EngineerMs. Li Hongmei Engineer, Chemist

Ertan Hydroelectric Development Corporation

Mr. Wang Keming Deputy Chief EngineerMr. Cui Zijun Head, Adminitration Department, Sr. EngineerMr. Chen Xiumei Senior EngineerMr. Su Zhou Senior EngineerMr. Li Renlun Head, Planning Department, Sr. Engineer


Table 1.1: Basic Structure of Common Energy Resources in Sichuan Province(1992) 1.4

Table 1.2: Comparison of Capital Invesment and Annual Opeating Costs of a2860 MW Thernal Plant with the 3,300 MW Ertan Project 1.5

Table .13: Esimated pollutants generated from buniung of 9.04 million Tons ofcoal annually at a thewral generating project 1.6

Table 1.4 Sistical Comparison of Ertan Hydroelectric Projects withComparable Projects Throughout the World 1.8

Table 4.1: Summary of Meteorological Data Charactrzing the Climate of theYalong River Catchment.

4.6Table 4.2: Average and Extreme Discharges Measured at Yanbian Station on

Ganyu River 4.17

Table 4.3: Industrial Water Consumption and Discharge Rates and MajorPollutants in Area of Ertan Reservoir

4.22Table 4.4: Water quality characteristics of the Yalong River at the Xiaodeshi

Gaging Station (1973-1979, 1981) 4.26

Table 4.5: Monthly Average Water Quality Values at Xiaodeshi GaugingStation in 1989 and 1990 4.29

Table 4.6: Longitudinal profile of water quality parameters in Yalong Riverfrom Gabiao to Tongzilin 4.31

Table 4.7: Summary of water quality data from Jinsha River Upstream anddownstream from Yalong confluence 4.34

Table 4.8: Restricted-range birds of the broad-leaved 'South ChineseForests' 4.53

Table 4.9: Survey of Land Uses in Yalong River Basin in Ertan ReservoirArea 4.61

Table 4.10: Trends in Forest Cover, 1960-1980 4.61

Table 4.11: Industiees Located in the Ertan Reservoir Area 4.65

Table 4.112: Socioeconomic Conditions in 1985 for the Five Counties Affectedby the Reservoir 4.68

Table 5.1: Hourly Discharge from Eran Power Station during PeakingOperation in Normal, Wet and Dry Years. 5.10

Table 5.2: Schedule of Generation by Hour for Ertan Peaking Opeation. 5.11

Table 5.3: Averge Scour Depth in Yalong River downstream from ErtanDam 5.19 ,'

Table 5.4: Summary of submersion losses in Ertan Reservoir Area. 5.55

Table 5.5: Enumeration of the utilizabe area of the driwdown zone fordevelopment in the Ganyu Arm of the Ertan Reservoir. 5.58

Table 5.6: Inventory of Vegetadon, Structur and Sanitary Faciliies to beRemoved as Part of Reservoir Clearance. 5.67

Table 7.1: Preliminary List of Equipment for Monitoring Program 7.10

Table 7.2: Itemized Costs for Environmental Mitigation Programs 7.16

Table 7.3: Itemized Costs for Environmental Monitoring Programs 7.18

Table 7.4: Environmental Costs and Their Year-by-Year AllocationSchedule 7.19


Eran Hydrectric ProjectEnvirnmental Assesment and Resettlement




1. INTRODUCTION - ..........................1 ............. l.1.1. HLitory ofthe Project ............................1.._1.2. Justification of the Project .1.21.3. Analysis of Altenative Energy Sources .1.31.4. Comparison with Other Major Intertional Hydrodectric Projects ... 1.71.5. HistoryoftheEnvironmentalAssessment .1.81.6. Introduction to This Study ........ 1.9

2. PROJECT DESCRLPItON .................... 2.12.1. General Project Description ........................... 2.12.2. Physical Plant ........................... 2.42.3. Reservoir .............................. 2.1014. Construction Methods .............................. 2.112.5. Project Operation .............................. 2.152.6. Transmission Line and Substations .... ..... ............ 2.162.7. Cost Summary .................................. 2.16

3. POLICY, LEGAL, AND ADMINISTRATIVE FRAMEWORK .. ....... 3.13.1. Environmental Protection ............................ 3.13.2. Resettlement .................................... 3.8

4. BASELINE CONDITIONS ................................ 4.14.1. Physical Geography ................................ 4.14.2. Biogeography .................................. 4.74.3. The Aquatic System ................................ 4.94.4. Terrestrial Vegetation, Wildlife and Biodiversitv ..... ........ 4.414.5. Socio-economic Environment ......... ................ 4.55

5. ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS .................. 5.15.1. Environmental Benefits ............................... 5.25.2. Aquatic Impacts and Mitigation ........................... 5.65.3. Terrestrial Impacts and Mitigation ...................... 5..2..,5.4. Socio-economic Impacts and Mitigation ....... ............ 5.495.5. Construction Impacts and Mitigation ......... ............ 5.635.6. Transmission Line Effects and Mitigation ....... ........... 5.69

6. RESEITLEMENT AND SOCIAL ISSUES ...................... 6.16.1. National Resettlement Policies. 6.16.2. Characteristics of Resett!zemen: Areas .... ... ............. 6.16.3. Socioeconomic Profile in Areas to Be Inundated .6.46.4. Consultation Process ............................... 6.56.5. Institutional Arrangements ................. .... .. 6.7

7. ENMRONMENTAL MONITORING AND TRAINING PROGRAM ...... 7.17.1. Overview of The Monitoring Program . ................. : 7.17.2. TriningPgmm andSpc Activities .. 7.127.3. Coss .7.14


ANNEX 1 Rferences

ANNEX 2 Species List

ANNEX 3 The I pl.meutation of lwfroi a.utalProtection Measures


Figure 1.1: Relationship between ntal capacity and cost per kW for 49proects in Sichuan Province.(CHIDI, 1994). 1.7

Figure 2.1: Lotion of Ertan Hydeect Prqject on Yalong River inSouthwestern Sichuan. 2.2

Figure 2.2: Comprehve Development Plan for Lower Yalong RiverInvolving 11 Hydreectric Prciects. 2.3

Figure 2.3: Layout of Ertan H ic Project Facilities. 2.5

Figure 2.4: Elevation-and Longitudinal Section thrugh Ertan Dam DepictingDam, Spillways and Plunge Pool. 2.6

Figure 2.5: Section Through Underground Power Station for Ertan Project* Depicting Intake, Penstock, Underground Chambers, and Tailrace

Tunnels. 2.9

Figure 4.1: The Chang Jiang (Yangtze) River and its tributaries, including theYalong River Cm bold) and the locations of the Erti and Gezhoubahydroelectric projects. 4.2

Figure 4.2: Yalong River watershed within Sichuan Province: Drainage area ofErtan Hydroelectric Project. 4.3

Figure 4.3: Relief map of Yalong River Basin in Southwest Sichuan Province,China. 4.4

Figure 4.4: Locations of Known Geologic Faults in the Vicinity of Ertan Projectand Locations of Seismic Monitoring Stations. 4.8

Figure 4.5: Biounits of western Sichuan. 4.10

Figure 4.6: Locations of Hydrologic. Watcr Quality and MecteorologicalMonitoring Stations in the Yalong River Basin. 4.1l

Figure 4.7: Average Monthly Discharge at Wali, Luning and XiaodeshiHydrologic Gauging Stations on Yalong River. 4. I^

Figure 4.8: Flow Regime Representing High Flow Year in Yalong River(Measured at Xiaodeshi Gaging Station). 4.13

Figure 4.9: Flow Reginie Representing a Normal Year in Yalong River(Measured at Xiaodeshi Gaging Station). 4.14

Figure 4.10: Flow Reime Representira Low Flow Conditions in Yalong River(Measured at Xiaodeshi Gaging Station). 4.15

Figure 4.11: Average monthly flow in Ganyi River (Yanbian Gauging Station,1976-1993). - 4.16

Figure 4.12: Relative average monthly discharge of Yalong and JIrsha Riverdownstream from confluence. 4.18

Figure 4.13: Monthly aveage wa temperate of Yalong River at Xiaodeshi.Gaging Station (1959 - 1992) 4.24

Figure 4.14: Monthly water temperature regime of Ganyu River at YanbianGaging Station (1978 . 1982) 4.25

Figure 4.15: Distributions of Three Fish Species Found irn Project AreaRepresenting the Three Major Distribution/Ecological Types: TypeA = plains; Type B = Mid-Elevaion; and Type C = High

- Elevation. 4.37

Figure 4.16: Photograph of Fish Species Observed in Fishermen's Catch atMouth of Puwei River on May 28, 1994. 4.39

Figure 4.17: Forestry map (1978) of the lower Yaldng watershed andsurroundings. 4.42

Fi-ure 4.18: Distribution of mature forests in the lower Yalong basin in 1985. 4.43

Figure 4.19: Open, savannah-type vegetation characteristic of the steep slopes of thevalley walls within the Ertan Reservoir area. 4.44

Fivure -. '0 Schematic representation of altitudinal zones of vegetation in the YalongVallev. 4.45

Fiiurv :.': Current. Known Distribution of Giant Pandas in Western Sichuan(narrow lines; and Locations of Nature Reserves (bold-gazetted.hatched-propus.d) (Sichuan Forstry Department, 1985). 4.50

11-ure. .' Locations of Reserves in the Southwest Mountains Biounit inSichuan PTnvince: B12-a - gazetted; white - proposed 4.54

Figure 4.23: Locations of Timber Harvest Areas and Forest Management Bureausin Yalong Rlver Basin. 4.58

Figure 4.24: Log Handling F=Iii._s in Y' aong River at Xiaokesh.1 1! kmDownstream Fru::, Eix. 4.59

Figuzv 4.25: Adrministrati;e ;Thts ir l'L E-rmn Reservoir Area. 4.67

'0 ' 2 ' '; ~. '', '.0 ' '- . .s.''', -; ', -'t-

* Figure 4.26: Yi Woman Herding Goats. 4.70

Figure 4.27: Distribution of Schistosomiasis Disease Vectors in Yanbiars County(Panzhihua Health Bureau, 1993). 4.74

Figure 5.1: Representative Water Levels in the Ertan Reservoir through FiveYea=s of Opwation (Based on the 1961-1965 Flow Regimes). 5.8

- Figur 5.2: Effet of Daily Flow Fluctuation at Six Locations Downstream froipErtan Dwa. - 5.12

Figure 5.3: Longitudinal Profile of Sediment Accumulation in ErtanReservoir 5.15

Figure 5.4: Longitudinal Profile of Sediment Accumulation in Ganyu Arm ofErtan Reservoir 5.16

Figure 5.5: Locations of proposed fish harvest facilities on Ertan Reservoir andGanyu Arm. 5.39

Figure 5.6: Schematic diagram of trammel and trap net deployment for fishharvest. 5.40

Figure 5.7: Distribution of Drawdown Areas for Development in the Ganyu* Arm. 5.57

Figure 6.1: The Hongge Resettlement Area. 6.3

Figure 7.1: Administrative framework for Ertan Environmental Monitorin,Programn 7.13

Chapter 1


1.1. History of the Project

The hydropower potential of the lower Yalong River was recognized in the early 1950s, but

detailed geological investigations did not begin until 1973. In 1980, a wide range of studies

was initiated by Sichuan Provincial authorities to assess the feasibility of a hydroelectric dam

at Ertan, near the mouth of the Yalong, and in early 1984 a feasibility report was submitted

to the State Planning Commission. One response to the report was that it was necessary to

undertake detailed planning for the resettlernent of people whose homes and lands were to

be inundated.

The World Bank was approached by the Chinese government in 1987 with a view to solicit

a loan for the project. and in May 1988, a Pre-Appraisal Mission was conducted by Bank-

staff. This mission provided to the Govemment of China guidelines and suggestions for

further studies necessary for satisfactory appraisal. The Bank Appraisal Mission was

conducted in December 1988. and their report was completed in March 1990. The report

was approved by the Government of China in April. In July 1991. the Executive Board of

the World Bank approved a first-phase loan of S380 million, and two months later the

construction contractors began moving to the site to initiate construction activities. In Julv

1993. the World Bank and the Ertan Hydroelectric Development Corporatlon (EHDC)

opened discussions on the second-phase loan of S500 million. The World Bank

Pre-Appraisal Mission for the second-phase loan was conducted in April 1994, and the

Appraisal Mission is scheduled for October 1994.

tAc FA 1.1

In November 1993, the Yalong River was successfully diverted into the two diversion

tunnels. The first electricity is expected to be generated in mid-1997, and the project

completed in mid-1999.

1.2. Justification of the Project

Sichuan Provir.-e is very rich in hydro power resources and relatively poor in other energy

resources, but is severely lacking in geneadng capacity. In 1985, the total installed

generating capaity in Sichuan was 2,880 MW (including both coal-fired thermal stations and

hydropower stations) providing a firm capacity of 1,500 - 1,600 MW. Demand for energy

was estimated at approximately 2,000 MW during the dry season each year. Provincial

planning for additional industry in Sichuan revealed that by 1995, a maximum system

demand of 6,500 MW and by the year 2000, the system demand is expected to reach 11,000

MW. To meet these demands, an installed generating capacity of 9,500 MW would be

needed by 1995, and 14,000 MW would be needed by the year 2000.

In a report prepared by the Chengdu Hydroelectric Investigation and Design Institute

(CHIDI) in 1994, these estimates were updated by the CHIDI. According to the report, the

demand for electricitv reached 6,900 MW (42,070 CWh) in 1992 and Sichuan Province

experienced an energy shortage of approximately 7,000 GWh. Since 1985. the total installed

generating capacity in Sichuan increased to 9,545 MW of which 4.089 MW is derived from

hydropower projects and 5.476 is derived from thermal (coal-fired) plants. Total vield from

the hydroelectric projects was 21,940 GWh while thermal plants produces only '0.5 13 G.'h

for a total energy production of 41.940 GWh in 1992. Between 1992- and the year '020. the

demand for power is expected to increase nearly 10-fold from 6.900 MW to 6_.000 MIW

with an estimated generating requirement of over 340,000 GWh. Confronted with these

projections, the need to develop additional sources of electric energy is critical to continued

economic growth in the Province of Sichuan.

During preliminary studies leading to the selection of the Ertan Dam, the total energy

potential of the Yalong River was estimated at over 20,000 MW. Development of potential

112 1.2

generating capaity in the Yalong Basin, therefore, became a prime altenative for meeting

the growng demand for power in Sichuan Province. Preliminary studies of the development

of hydropower resources in the Yalong Basin were conducted by CHIDI. Results of these

studies indicaed that Xte hydropower resources of the Yalong River could be developed in

two phases. The fis phase will consist of the construction of 11 projects in the lower

Yalong River. The second phase will complete the development of the hydroelectric

resources in the basin and will indude an additional 10 projects upstream from the first phase

dams. Based on the results of this study, the Ertan Hydroeectric Project was selected as the

first of the 11 phase one projects to be constructed. The Ertan Pmject is designed to

contribute 3,300 MW of installed generating capacity, and more than 1,000 MW of firm

capacity, to the Sichuan electric distribution system.

In addition to the direct contribution of over 1,000 MW of firm capacity to the Sichuan

Power System, the regulation of the river resulting from the Ertan Project will increase the

system-wide finn capacity by 142 MW at the Gezhouba Hydroelectric Project and by 230

MW at the (planned) Three Gorges Project on the Yangatze River in western Hubei Province

and eastern Sichuan Province, respectively. This increase in firm capacity is derived

primarily from the increase flow during the dry months attributable to the limited storage

capacity in tile Ertan Reservoir.

1.3. Analvsis of Alternative Energy Sources

The provincial government decision to pursue hydroelectric development in Sichuan Province

was based on a comprehensive analysis of available energy resources within the province and

an economic analvsis to find the most efficient source of energy to meet the growing demand

for power as Sichuan develops into the modern world. These analyses focused on available

energy resources in Sichuan Province: water, coal, gas, and oil. Additionally, the economic

benefits of constructing fewer large scale projects vs

many small projects was evaluated. Results of these analyses are presented in a report

prepared by CHDI ir. 1994 and are briefly summarized below.

SL1_2ERA A CHIi 1.3

Table 1.1: Basic Structure of Common Energy Resources in Sichuan Province (1992)

Exploimable Processed Coal Percent ofFner3y Sn,irt". Rpervec Fptivalent TWA1

(Mt)Water Power 515,291x100 (year) 22364 75.6

GWhCoal 9,591 Mt 6848 23.3

Gas 181,787-Mm3 224 0.8

oil Negligible - -

Total 29436 100

As shown in Table 1. 1, potential water power developments comprise over 75 percent of the

available energy reserves in Sichuan Province with available coal reserves accounting for less

than 25 percent of the exploitable energy resources. In direct comparison, continued

development of coal resources to generate electricity would ultimately lead a requirement

for importing coal from outside the province. As a matter of Provincial policy, available

natural gas reserves are targeted for industrial and domestic use (displacing urban coal use)

rather than for the generation of electric power. Therefore, from this perspective alone, the

decision to pursue development of hydropower resources to meet the growing energy

shortage in Sichuan Province appears to be a highly desirable alternative.

From an economic standpoint. development of hvdropower resources appears to be the most

viable alternative for Sichuan Province. This economic factor is illustrated bv direct

comparison of the estimated costs for the 3,300 MW Ertan Project with those for a 2860

MW coal-fired thermal project. each project providing a firm generating capacity of

apprcxinately 1.000 %IW. The capital and operating costs for these two energy sources are

summarized in Table 1.2. All costs estimated are based on the value of the Chinese yuan

in 1991 (5.45 RMB M = Sl.00 US). Clearly the initial capital investment required to

construct either of these two projects favors a coal fired generating facility. However, this

advantage decreases markedly once the projects begin generating. A quick calculation

indicates that the economic difference between a coal-fired plant and the Ertan Project

31 12 1.4FrTAN EA CHI14

disappears within 5 years of operation. The difference between the capital costs is 3,350 x

106 fi whereas costs for .5ve years of hydro operation are 3,685 x 106 V.

Over 20 years of operation (the approximate expected life of a coal-fired project) the total

costs (capital and operating expenses in 1991 RMB V) clearly favors the hydroelectric

project with an estimated cost savings of over 18 billion RMB ' (this difference does not

account for financing or escalation costs).

Table 1.2: Comparison of Capital InVestment and Annual Operating Costs of a 2860 MWThermal Plant with the 3,300 MW Ertan Project

Coal Plant Ertan HydroComponent (Million !) (Million M)

Investment (Capital)

Construction Cost 7.150 10.500(including environmental cost)

Operating Costs (Annual)

Maintenance/Repair 257 420

Fuel 1.176 --

Transmission 214 315

Total Annual Costs 1.647 735

From an overall environmental perspective, the selection of hydropower generation over coal-.

fired thermal generation becomes even more obvious. Water is a renewable resource is in

abundant supply. Coal. on the other hand, is a finite, non-renewable resource. From a

purely physical-presence perspective, hydropower clearly requires commitment of relatively

large tracts of land resources. However. once a hydropower project is constructed. the

impoundment can be exploited to provide additional benefits to the project (in the form of

fisheries, transportation, recreation, and water supply). Establishment of effective

environmental safeguards and implementation of appropriate resource management techniques

(in compliance with national regulations and policies) can prowide considerable opporturity

to preserve and restore natural and cultural resources within a buffer zone around the

impoundment. In contrast, while a coal-fired plant will occupy a smaller land area for the

physical plant, additional land resources must be committed to mines, mining wastes.

r411r _IaTAN LA Ch * i.5

transport, and ash disposal. In addition, burning of coal contributes significandy to air

pollution in the form of particulates, carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen compounds and

benzo [a] pyrene. Annual producdon of these byproducts of coal are summarized in Table

1.3. Efforts to control disperal of ftese pollutants into the environment is costly and not

necessarily effective.

Construction of a single large project, such as Ertan, also provides an economy of scale

relative to the construction of a number of smaller projects. The relationship between the

capital investment and size of a hydroelctric project is depicted in Figure 1.1. Data used

for this figure are derived from design and feasibility studies of 49 hydroelectric projects at

various stages of development in Sichuan Province.

Table 1.3: Estimated pollutants generated from burning of 9.04 million Tons of coalannually at a thermal generang project

Annual ProductionPoDlutants (Tons)

Residue and Ash 1.416 X 106

Dust and Suspended Particulates 0.105 X 106

Carbon Monoxide 1,421.2

Carbon Dioxide 25.4 X 106

Sulfur compounds D.214 X 106

Nitrogen Compounds 0.08 X 106

Benzo [a] Pyrene 2,289 kIg

1.4. Comparison with Other Major International Hydroelectric


"112EWM FA CHI 1.6


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0 1.00 2000 3000 4000 5000XInatalL.d Capacity CM4)

Figure 1.1: Relationship between installed capacity and cost per kW for 49 projectsin Sichuan Province.(CHIDI, 1994)

At a maximum generating capacity of 3,300 MW, the Ertan Hydr--Ietric Project ranks as

one of the major hydroelectric projects in the world in terms of instaled generating capacity.

In comparison with other world-class hydroelectric project, Ertan is at the top in relation to

the least area inundated per MW and fewest number of human displacements (oustees) per

MW. A summary of available information for other projects throughout the world is

presented in Table 1.4.

"d1121.ERTA FA CHI 1,7

Table 14 Statistical Comparison of Ertan Hydrelectric Project with Comparable Projects

Throughout the World.

.Name of dma O lnE KW Q) bhul e KIClmatINe KWlh NOW

Three Gorses Chum 1.000.00 13.000 110,0 0.1 13 .118 planmnghaipu Brazil 12.600 13S.000 93

PayTucumi Brzil 30.000 7,600 243.000 1.1 233 31 1933BabBqu razil 6,600 _ 600,000 I -

Gun Veneuel 6.000 32S.000 1lLauia Chin 73n,0 5.400 37.000 0.5 74 148 eanltio law 1990s?

Chandin Fas C 5,225 5,000 8Paulo Alibuso I-IV B' 'i1 3.914 1600 2490

ERTAN .Y cum 35,010 3300 10.100 0.3 94 326 cmpltio late 1990Jinping Sge l-Y China 5769 3,000 9.500 1.6 .520 315 plamwedAswan High Egpt 120.000 2.100 400.000 3.3 17 5 completed 1970Xiaolanedi Chins 171.000 1.300 27.200 0.2 la 66 compltion mid 1990sJiqping Stage 2-Y China 0 3.200 160 am c 0.000 planedGundoi-Y China I80 1.600 8.189 plannedKauiba Zamnbia 57.000 1.500 510.000 8.9 26 3 1959

ZimbabweAkosombolVoka Ghana 80.000 333 S41t'00 10.6 10 0.9 completed 1965Piluemhe Chile 500 400 12SOToneilin-Y China 41 440 6 0.15 10.731 n.3ao completion late 1990sAnmu Nepa 401 43 9325Kibansi Tananis 153 30 5100Owen Falls Uganda 0 150 1* em c a

apchirs Maawi 125 200 625Sobradinho zazlI 55.000 1050 421.400 7.7 19 2 completed 1981Shuskou I & U Chim 67.000 1500 22 completed 1990Yafynesa Praguay/ 50.000 8.000 160.000 3.2 160 50 completion aid 1990s

* The hedwateir for the Owen Fals Pojcct is LAc Victtma.

1.5. History of the Environmental Assessment

Studies to support the environmental impacts assessment (EA) of the Ertan Hvdroelectric

Proiect began in 1980 concurrent with other feasibility studies. Most of the investigations

and literature searches were conducted between 1980 and 1985 by the CHIDI. in cooperation

with relevant scientific institutes. professional universities and colleges. The draft of the EA

met stautory requirements and was submitted to the National Environmental Protection

Agency in August 1985. In March 1986, the report was reviewed by a group of 78 domestic

experts, engineers, and environmental administrators at the invitation of the Construction

Committee of Sichuan Province. This group agreed with the conclusions of the EA, and

9%EA0 1.8

recognized the huge economic benefits of the project, the physical appropriateness of the site,

the lack of sepage, the economic potentials, and the lack of additional threats to endangered

wildlife. The full text of the EA was translated into English for the use during the World

Bank Appaisal Mission in May 1988.

1.6. Introduction to this Study - _

The 1989 version of the Ertan Environmental Assessment (EA) was reviewed during the

Pre-Appraisal mission of the Worfd- Bank for the second phase loan in April 1994. The

World Bank concluded -that, since global standards for such reports had been raised

substantially during the previous decade, it was necessary to review the information and

revisE the conclusions contained in the 1989 report to comply more closely with present

requirements of the World Bank.

In parallel with the preparation of this document and preparation for the World Bank

Appraisal Mission in October 1994, an environmental assessment of the transmission line

system to distribute power generated at Ertan was prepared by the Sichuan Electric Power

Association to support a request for funding from the World Bank to construct the facilities.

The Transniissiora Line EA is presented separately (SEPA. 1994). Consequently, the

environmental impacts associated with the transmission line are not addressed in the main

body of this EA and the reader is referred to the Transmission Line EA for discussion of the

anticipated impact.

The information contained in this document addresses the environment. potential impacts and

mitigation measures associated with the construction and operation of the Ertan Dam and

Hydroelectric Facilities. A summary of the Resettlement Action Plan is also provided within

the text of this document. The revised, detailed Resettlement Action Plan is presented as a

separate document in support of the application for the second phase loan from the World


EnA2 EA CHI 1.9

To accomplish the revision and update of cne Ertn Environmental Assessment, EHDC

contracted with Ham Engineering International, LP (USA) for two environmental specialiss

(Drs John R. Bizer, Harza; and Anthony Whitten, Diversity Matters) to work with EHDC,

CHIDI, and Sichuan Provincial Resetlement Agency personnel. The draft EA was reviewed

by EHDC, CHIDI and was given a preliminary review by the World Bank. Comments of

these groups were incorporated into this final document by Dr. Bizer, who completed the

document in September1994.

6112RTfAN EA CAI 1.10


2.1. General Project Description

Ertan Hydroelectric Project is located in Panzhihua Municipality on the lower reaches of the

Yalong River in south-western Sichuan Province (Figure 2.1). It is a comprehensive

development with power generation as its primary objective. It is planned to be the

penultimate dam in a cascade of eleven dams along the Yalong River (Figure 2.2). These

damns comprise the first stage in the development of hydro resources of the Yalong River.

Ultimately, ten additional sites in the upper Yalong have also been identified and may be

developed as part of a second stage deveopment program. When aU of the 21 sites are

developed, the total installed capacity in the Yalong River Basin will be 22,650 MW.

Construction of Ertan is expected to tak-e ten years from the start of construction to the

commissioning of the first of six power units in 1998. T'he Ertan project will supply

electricity to the Sichuan and Yunnan power systems via a 500 kIV transmission line system

currently under design and construction (see SEPA 1994 for EA and project description).

The system will provide energy to load centers in Zigong, Chengdu, Yibin Xichang,

Chongquin. and numerous smaller load centers along the transmission corridors. Panzhihua

and Xichang will also be supplied with electricity for the smelting of vanadium and titanium.

The Yalong River is a lar=e tributarv of the linsha River, which rises in Yushu Countv of

Qinrhai Province. From its origin. the river generally flows southward as it passes through

the western portion of Sichuan to its confluence with the Jinsha River near Panzhihua City.

The Yalong valley is at the eastern extreme of the Himalayan Range. The geology and

topography of this anrea is characteristic of very young mountain ranges in geological terms

.vith geologic folding and movement continuing. The geology of the valley is varied,

comprised of old Permian basalt, younger intrusive granites. and young sedimentary marl and

shale. The total length of the Yalong River mainstem is 1500 km, with a total catchment

MAJN E Ca 2.1


' ^ yYA~NBIANs,> gMYI


Figure 2. 1: Location of Ertan Hydroelezri.- Project on Yalong, River in Southwestern Sichuan.


a " Figuire 2.2: Coiiiprelhensive Development Plan for Lower Yalong River Involving 11HJydroelectric Projects

0 10

z I



4~~~~4 ~~~Tongzilin

700 600 500 400 300 -32'00 100 0


area of 130,000 Icn2 - somewhat larger Ohan New York State in the US, slightly smaller than

Nepal, and more than half the area of Great Britain. The catchment area comprises 27.5

percent of the Jinsha catchment. The mean flow at the mouth of the Yalong River is 1800

m3/sec, and the mean runoff is 56.8 x 109 m3. The length of the river above the Ertan

damsite is about 1470 km and encompasses some 90 percent of the catchment. The power

station is just over 40 km from Panzhihua City and 18 km upstream from Tongzilin Station

on the Chengdu-Kunming Railway line.

2.2. Physical Plant

2.2.1. Dam and Spillway

The dam area is located in a 1 km-long gorge between the Jinlong and Zhongtan Streams on

the lower Yalong River (Figure 2.3). The valley is V-shaped with left and right bank- slopes

of 25-40a and 30W450 respectively. The Ertan damsite is characterized by a narrow river

channel with a high discharge. The bedrock within the dam site is composed of Permian

basalt. svenite intruding into basalt. and altered basalt formed bv the intrusion.

The dam will be a double curvature arch dam with a maximum heiaht of 240 m, and a

maximum static height of 188 m. The dam will impound a reservoir that will extend

approximately 143 km upstream from the dam site, have a surface area of 10.100 ha. and

a normal maximum operating level of 1200 m above mean sea level.

The dam is equipped with four sets of spillway structures to facilitate release or excess

discharge and to enable evacuation of the reservoir under emergency conditions (Figure 2.4-

Three of the spillways are integral with the dam. The upper spillway, with crest elevation

at 1188.5 m. consists of 7 gates each with a hydraulic capacity of 900 m3/s. The second set

of spillwray gates, with crest elevation at 1120 m, consists of 6 gates each with a hydraulic

capacitv of 1160 m3/s. Both of these spillways will be used during the wet season when

inflow to the reservoir is greater than the hydraulic capacity of the 6 turbine/generator units.

The two spillways are designed to act in coordination to partially dissipate the energy as the

MAN !A C 2.4


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Fiur 24 Fevtinan Lngiudna Sponthog~EranDm epctn Dm,Splwas n

Plunge Pool.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I

sar- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ tOMAN FA OC 2S' .6

water falls into the plunge pool at the base of the dam. The third set of spillway gates in the

dam consists of 4 gates with crest elevations at elevation 1080 m.

The fourth spillway consists of two, low-level tunnels, each with crest elevations of 1165 m.

The hydraulic capacity of each tunnel is 3400 m31s. The two tunnels may be operated

independendy or in coordination with the upper and mid-level spillways to facilit rapid

evacuation of the reservoir in emergency situations. The tunnel spillways will discharge to

the Yalong River approximately 800 m and 1200 m downstream from the dam, respectively.

Water discharged from the upper and mid-level spillway structures will faUl in to a plunge

pool area at the base of the dam. The plunge pool will be founded on bedrock and lined with

concrete. A low dam, approximately 300 m downstream from the base of the dam will

control the water elevation in the plunge pool. The crest of the plunge pool dam is at 1012

m. With the bottom of the plunge pool area at 980 m elevation, the total water depth

maintained in the plunge pool will be 32 m.

2.2.2. Powerhouse and Switchgear

An underground powerhouse with six turbine/generator units will be constructed. Each unit

will have a hydraulic capacity of 277 m3/sec and an installed generating capacity of 550

MIW. The total hydraulic capacity will be 1660 m31s and the installed generating capacity

will be 3300 MW. The firm generating capacity will be 1000 MW. The six

rurbincfgenerator units will be conmined in an underground cavem measuring 296.24 M X

31.' m X 71 m. Each unit will be served by a 9 m diameter penstock. The centerline of

the intake for the penstocks will be at elevation 1132.5 m. The 6 draft tubes will discharge

water into a 94 m X 19.5 m X 70 m surge chamber which will-then direct the water into two

tailrace tunnels one 16.5 m in diameter and the other 23 m in diameLer. The two tailrace

tunnels will return water to the Yalong River channel approximately 800 m downstream fro;n

the base of the dam. Figure 2.5 presents a section through the intake, powerhouse and

tailrace of the Eran Power Station.

ErrAN EWCW- 2.7

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The transformers and switching gear for each of the geneator units will be housed in a

separate chamber located above the turbinedgenerator cavern. A shaft from the transformer

chamber to the surface will allow transmission of the power to the surface switch yard,

located immediately downstream from the dam above the left abutment.

2.2.3. Access Tunnels

Access to the underground facilities will be provided by a series of tunnels. The locations

of these tunnels are depicted in Figure 2.3.

In addition to the water convevance tunnels and access tunnels, a third tunnel will be

excavated on the left abutment of the dam. The purpose of this tunnel is to iouse conveyor

equipment for transporting harvested timber (mainly plantation timber) from the

impoundment to the tail water area. The log tunnel, with two inlets to take account of the

varying water surface height, will be 2450 m long. The tunnel will be used each year

beginning in June when the logs start arriving from upstream. The log transfer process will

continue for approximately three months during which the logs will be transferred from the

reservoir to the downstream reach of the Yalong River.

2.2.4. Access Roads and Bridges

Prior to project construction, the main road in the Yalong River Valley was located along

the left bank of the river. Prior to construction of the dam and powerhouse, a 10.5 m-wide

paved road was constructed from the Tongzilin Railroad Station to the damsite along the right

bank via a new bridge. This road is being extended to the Ganyu vallev as part of the

compensation paclage to Yanbian county. The left bank road is also being improved to 5-6

m-wide and another bridge was built at Santan to accommodate the flow of traffic associated

with project construction and operation. The right bank road was constructed to

accommodate the 20-ton cement trucks and the 35-ton dump trucks required for construction

and deliverv of proqject equipment.

EiffmFAOC 2.9

2.2.5. Other Appurtenances

Because of the steepness of the valley and the consequent shortage of suitable construction

staging sites, it has been necessry to adopt advanced site organization features involving

highly mechanized construction methods to reduce construction labor and time. Facilities for

promoting construction activities include on-site concrete batch plants, and machinery

assembly sites. Concet for dam construction will be transported from the batch plant to

the dam site via a cable way constructed across the Yalong River valley.

2.3. Reservoir

Ertan Reservoir will be a typical river-channel reservoir with a storage capacity of 5.8x109

m3, and an active storage of 3.3ix109 m3 of water. Mountain slopes on both banks of the

planned reservoir are steep with peaks rising to 1500 m above the eventual water surface.

The width of the reservoir is generally about 400 m in the lower part of the reservoir. In

the Ganyu Arm, in Yanbian County, the reservoir will be as much as 1,000 m across in

some areas.

When the reservoir is filled to its maximum level of 1,200 m. its total length from the dam

to the back-water on the Yalong River will be 143 km. and the length from the mouth of the

Ganyu to the backwater on the Ganyu River will be 40 km. The maximum reservoir area

will be 101 km- (10. 100 ha) (Figure 2. 1).

Thirty-one villages and approximatelv 30,000 people will be affected (Resettlement Action

Plan. 1994). 92% of whom live in the rural areas. The human population density in the area

of the Yalong River to be inundated is about 80 persons/km". The land use rate in the

reservoir area is about 16 percent.

Along the middle reaches of the Ganyu River the land to be inundated comprises wide and

gentle terraces, and the human population affected by the reservoir is concentrated here (630

persons/kM2) with cultivaLed land accounting for 36 ha/km-. Outside this area the human

MNAC 2.10

population is scattered (80 persons/lan2) with cultivated land accounting for just 10 ha/km2.

Along the main Yalong River, scattered trees dominate the landscape on the left bank, while

grassy slopes dominate on the right bank. Both banks have scattered areas of culdvated land

wherever the slopes are more gentle.

2.4. Construdion Methods-

2.4.1. Diversion Works

Year-round dam construction is made possible by the construction of two diversion tunnels,

one on each bank, and of non-overflow cofferdams upstream and downstream of the main

dam site. Diversion tunnels 1230-1315 m long, 18 m wide and 23-25 m high were excavated

into the left and right abutments. During construction the diversion tunnels are able to

convey the logs floating downstream, but only when the water is below 1036 m. Above that

level the logs will be stored in the reservoir created by the cofferdam. The river was closed

successfully in November 1993, two weeks ahead of schedule. The diversion works required

the excavation of 1.23 million m3 of rock, and the placement of 0.33 million m3 of concrete.

2.4.2. Main Structures

T he main structures are divided into four independent groups to improve efficiencv: the arch

dam. the underground powerhouse, the spillway tunnels. and the mechanical log pass. Arch Dam

The excavation of the side abutments was accomplished by blasting, drilling, pre-splitting,

and using excavators, dump trucks, shotcrete, and support bolts. Over 2.3 million m3 of

open rock cut was displaced. The abutment excavation was completed, as planned, before

river closure. Similar methods will be used to excavate the dam foundations, plunge pool,

spillway tunnels foundations, and powerhouse intake.

rAA C 2.11

The concrete for the dam will be mixed in the Jinlong Gully plant above and just upstream

of the dan. The concrete will be mixed at the construction site in 20-ton trucks. From the

batch plant, the concrete will be decanted into 6 m3 buckets suspended from high-speed

cableways. The buckets will be emptied into one of 47 blocks (the largest of which is 20x49

m) where the concrete will be consolidated using flat-boot vibrators. The dam will be 70 m

wide at its base. Once construction of the dam begins, the height of the dam will increase

approximately 5 m each month, on avesage. The dam will require 4.7 million m3 of

concrete grouting material, fully tested for the physical conditions of the site, will be used

to seal the concrete in the dam.

The concrete batch plant at the mouth of the Santan Gully will supply the concrete for the

plunge pool and end sill. The concrete will be hauled to the plunge pool area in 10 ton

trucks and distributed to the forms using high gantry cranes. Underground Powerhouse System

The underground powerhouse svstem includes the intake, penstock, powerhouse, main

transformer gallery, surge chamber, tail-race tunnel, and out-flow field. The structures

require removal of 0.9 million m3 of open cut rock, 1.9 million m3 of unconsolidated rock.

and placement of 0.8 million m3 of concrete. The maximum underground excavation rate

will be 0.5 million m3/lyr. The powerhouse will be built first. followed bv the surge

chamber. and then the main transformer gallery. The chambers will be excavated from the

top down, with excavated surfaces supported with bolts and shotcrete. Smooth blastino

procedures are to be used for the roof, while presplittine procedures will be used for the

middle and floor sections. The concrete for the intake and penstock will be supplied from

the Jinlona Gully batch plant. and the concrete for the underground facilities will be supplied

from the Santan Gully batch plant. Spillwav Tunnels

There will be two spillway tunnels, 60 m apart, in the right abutment. One tunnel will be

1250 m long and the other 1385 m. The construction of the tunnel will require removal of


0.9 million m3 of open cut rock, and the excavation of 0.6 million m:3 of unconsolidated

rock, and placement of 0.4 million m3 of concrete, and 24,000 m3 of shotrete. The tunnels

will be driven from both ends to meet in the middle, as was done for the diversion tunnels.

The concrete will be supplied from the Santan Gully batch plant. The schedule for

constructing these tunnels is relatively flexible because they are not on the critical pathway. Meical Log Pass

The mechanical log pass (the log tunnels) wil be equipped with two intakes leading to a

single transport tunnel 14 m wide and-I 1.5 m high. Construction of the facility will require

the clearance of 0.6 million m3 of open cut rock to form the staging areas, and the

excavation of 0.3 million m3 of underground rock. The tunnel will require placement of 0.3

million m3 of concrete to complete construction, 57,400 mn3 of which is in the tunnel.

2.4.3. Quarries

The existing rock material from both south and north sides of the dam site are of good

quality and will be used as aggregate in the concrete. The available reserves meet the total

volumes required for the project. Most of the dolomite aggregate will be obtained from Mt.

Bawang, 6 km upstream from the damsite. Supplementary aggregate will be obtained from

the spoil naterial at the dame site. The cement for the dam is derived from the Emei

Cement Plant, while the cement for other uses is produced at the Panzhihua Cement Works.

2.4.4. Camps

Housing facilities for the work fDrce are provided by EHDC near the construction area.

Four separate facilities are constructed. A contractor camp is located along the right side of

the Yalong River, approximately 6 km downstream from the dam axis. Three separate

camps are provided for the Chinese management and construction staff. These camps are

located at Santan Gullv on the left bank of the river downstream from the dam site, Santanda

Gully on the right bank across from Santan Gully, and near the Xiaodeshi gaging station

approximately 10 man downstream from the construction site. The Santan Gully camp houses

9ui: 2.13WTVA4 4c 13

Chinese labores worldng on the dam and above ground facilities (Lot 1 Contract), the

Santanda Gully Camp house Chinese laborers constructing the underground facilities (Lot 2

Contract), and Xiaodeshi liouses EHDC staff. Each camp is fully equipped with housing,

eating facilities, drinking water treatment facilities, and wastewater treatment facilities.

2A.5. Labor

The labor required for completion is 29.6 million worker days, and the maximum number

of workers at any time will be 19,000, with an average of 11,100.

2.4.6. Materials

The total materials needed for completion are: 1.8 million tons of concrete, 0.1 m3 of

timber, 93.7 million tons of reinforcement bars, 541 million tons of steel products, 15,000

million tons of explosives, and 65,000 tons of fuel oils.

2.5. Project Operation

The dam will be operated in two modes: During the high flow, wet season, when inflow to

the reservoir is greater than the hydraulic capacity of the power station. the project will

provide base load capacitv. The turbines will be operated on a 24-hour basis and no

variation in output will be anticipated. Excess water will be discharged through the upper

and mid-level spillway structures.

During the dry. low-flow season, the Project will be operated on a daily peak-ing basis and

the energy will be generated to meet daily load demand variation in the system. Generally,

the turbines will be operated between 17 and 20 hours each day during dry and normal runoff

vears. During wet years, some generation will be maintained throughout the 24 hour period.

During the dry season period when the project is operated on a peaking basis, the reservoir

will be drawn down by a maximum of 45 m. Because the dry season lasts approximately 5

months, the maximum draw down rate will average 0.3 m/day. At the beginning of the high

MAEN A 2.14

flow season, the project will be operated on a 24-hour basis but at a reduced capacity to

allow for refilling of thereservoir. It is expected that the refil period will begin on or about

June 1 each year and refil completed by the middle of July. When the reservoir is refilled,

the reservoir surface wuill zse an average of 1.0 mlday. Details of the proposed opewing

regime.are presented in Chapter 5.

2.5.1. Flood Discharge Pattern m

Four layout schemes of flood discharge and energy dissipation stuctures were considered in

the design. They were alU technically feasible, but the final choice wasgadouble curvature

arch dam with flood discharging from a surface spillway and a middle level outlet, with the

discharge streams meeting in the air to dissipate the energy. In comparison with the other

altematives, the scheme has the significant advantage of reasonable arrangement, flexible and

reliable operation, cost saving and short construction period.

2.6. Transmission Line and"Substations

The transmission distances from the Ertan plant to Panzhihua, Xichang, Yibin, Chengdu,

Chongqing will be 40, 150, 440, 670, and 670 km respectively. A more complete

description of the transmission line system is presented in the Transmission Line

Environmental Assessment (SEPA, 1994).

2.7. Cost Summary

Prior to the start of construction, EHDC and CHIDI prepared design cost estimates for the

Ertan Project which was used in securing the Phase I loan from the World Bank and

matching funds from the National and Provincial governments. A summary of the costs is

presented below. The estimate is based on the value of the Chinese yuan in 1991 relative

to the US dollar ($1 US = 5.45 RMB #).

A A 2.15

Component TotalStructure Component Cost Cost

(X 10a )

1. Civil Works 4266.45Dam 2005.25.Spillway 293.31hIak Structures 290.66Powerhouse 765.95-Log Tunnel Civil Worls 218.48Log Tunnel Mechanical 69.47Landslide Treatnent (Jinlong Mt) 32.97Access Road 293.27Buildings and Houses 51.19 ' -

Other Wor's 19.43Miscelaneous 226.47

2. Mechar.ical and Electrical Equipment and Installatid&902.78

3. Cranes, Hoists, etc Equipment and installation 514.55

4. Temporary Works 1773.79Diversion Works 594.93Roads 81.02Construction Camps 102.60Mobilization 738.90Other Works 166.40Miscellaneous 89.94

5. Resettlement and Compensation 786.65

6. Other (Design. Const. Mgt. Environmental) 724.96

Total 10544.57

A number of items are ir,corpor21ed within these estimated project costs that achieve the

environmental and resettlement goals set forth within the project funding. Specific items

included in the cost estimate that address environmental and socioeconomic issues are as


MTA.'c EA'a C.16

Item Estimated Cost(X 106 M)

Resettlement 786.65Log Tunndel nd Equipment 288.95Landslide Treatment 32.97Wastewater Treatment P.14Environmental Impact Compensaion and Monitoring 10.46Reservoir Clearing 3.16

Total For Environmental Consideations - 1122.33

AN AC 2.17

Chapter 3



3.1. Environmental Protection

This environmental assesment is prepared in compliance with the requirements of the World

Bank. However, much of the work conducted in support of the Ertan Hydroelectric Project

is also in response to numerous laws and policies of the People's Republic of China and the

Sichuan Province. Principle laws and policies pertinent to the Eran Hydroelectric Project

are summarized below.

3.1.1. Legal Framework Environmental Protection Law of the People's

Republic of China. (December. 1989).

The law was formulated for the prevention of pollution and other public harms. and for

protecting and improving the ecological and social environments. The definition of

*environment" here, is the sum of the natural environment and human-modified natural

environment, including atmospheric, water, ocean, land, mineral resources. forest. grassland.

wildlife. plants, natural and human remains. nature reserves. historic and scenic areas. and

urban and rural areas.

The law provides for the establishment of resource management agencies that are delegated

the responsibility of establishing environmental standards, monitoring the condition of the

resources, and developing measures to protect the resources.

95r A3EItSIA Cm4 3.1

The law further provides for review of construction and operation practices to assure

compliance with the environmental protection and mitigation measures specified for the

project. The Forest Law of the People's Republic of China

(Mrh, 19S9)..

Relevant aspects of this law include povision for the protection of forest lands within the

project area. Tne law was promulgated for the protection, cultivation, and reasonable use

of the forest resources. The policy established by the law provides for the reasonable

cutting, planting and renewal of managed forest areas and for the protection of natural

forested areas. The law forbids investigation, design, and construction of projects, as weU

as the exploitation of mineral resources that adversely affect forest land. If total avoidance

of damage is not possible, application must be made in accordance with applicable laws and

effective measures to minimize effects on forest lands must be incorporated into the project

plan. If the project occupies more than 133 ha of forest land, it must get approval from the

national government.

The forest law also provides for the protection of wildlife and plant resources. According

to the law. it is forbidden to kill or hunt protected species or to disturb protected plant

species. Wildlife Protection Law of the People's Republic of

China (March, 1989).

The Wildlife Protection Law is equivalent to an endangered species protection la>. It was

formulatcd to protect rare and endangered wildlife and to provide for the proper use of

wildlife resources and for maintaining their habimats.

98 11 3.2 Water Law of the People's Republic of China

(January, 1988).

The Water Law was fomulUed for protctdon and proper use of water resources, for

prevention of water pollution, and to provide for the comprehensive development of water

resources to meet demands of national economic development goals and to provide for the.

quality of the human environment.

3.1.2. Regulations Implementing Environmental laws

3:1.2.1. Environmental Protection Management Regulations

for Development Projects. (March, 1986)

These regulations were formulated to strengthen the administration of environmental

protection measures associated with water and land resource development projects. The

regulations provide for control of new polluuon sources and encourage treatment of original

pollution sources with the goal of protecting and imDroving existing environmental

conditions. The regulations are part of the implementation of the Environmental Protection

Law of the P.R. China.

The regulations apply to all capital construction projects, technical transfer and regional

development projects with environmental effects. They require the preparation, review and

approval of an environmental impact assessment at the same time the plans for the design.

construction and operation of a project are prepared. After completion of the project,

pollution discharges from the project must meet the relevant national or local standards.

The responsibility for implementing the laws and regulations lies with the environmental

protection agencies at all levels of the government. The agencies are responsible for

reviewing and approving the environmental assessment and proposed mitigation measures at

the same time the preliminary design is reviewed and approved. They must also approve the

monitoring program to be implemented during construction, examination and receiving of

E AtS^ E CH3 3.3

environmental protection facilities after completion, and supervision and monitoring of

environmental protection facilities during project operation.

During construction, protection of the environment around the construction site is required

to prevent unreasonable adverse effects to the natural environment and to prevent and reduce

dust and noise. After completion of the project, the construction contractors are required to-

reclaim lands disturbed during project construction but unneeded during project operation. SpecIfications of the Environmental Inpact

Assessment Addressing Water Resources and

Hydropower Projects, Ministry of Energy and

Ministr) of Water Resources, People's Republic of

China (1988)

These regulations outline implementation of the National Environmental Protection Act for

Water Resource and Hydropower development projects. The regulations provide for the

preparation of an Environmental Impact Statement or an Environmental Impact Assessment

during the feasibility studies for the project. The EIS or EIA is to evaluate the likely impacts

of the project to physical and socio-economic environments and to specify measures to

mitigate or minimize adverse effects and to enhance positive effects.

For projects involving reservoirs. the EIA should discuss effects realized in the reservoir area

and its surroundinas as well as downstream reaches affected by project: 'eration. However.

the focus of the analysis should be on the reservoir area and its surroundings. Specifications for Reservoir Bottom Clearing

(November, 1986)

These regulations implement the Environmental Protection Laws with respect to the disposal

of materials removed from the inundation zones of water conservancy and hydropower

projects. The purpose is to ensure the safety of projects during operation, prevent pollution

"I 12UT*I FA 3.4

of the water, protect publich health in the vicinity of the project, facilitate use of the reservoir

for aquaculture, navigation, water-based recreation, and tourism. These specifications are

attained by clearing the reservoir area prior to inundation.

Clearing includes: removal of existing physical structwes and buildings, sanitary clearing,

removal of forest, and removal of special aspects specific to the various developments.

General clearing-of the reservoir area includes removal of houses, buildings and other

physical works such as bridge piez. and other major architectural structures. Special clearing

specifications cover areas selected for aquaculture, fishing, swimming, navigation lines,

piers, and water supply intake areas. * Environlmental Quality Standards for Surface Water


These standards were developed to implement the water pollution prevention articles of the

National Environmental Protection Law and the Water Pollution Prevention and Treatment

Law of the People's Republic of China. This standard applies to all surface water of the

nation including rivers, lakes and reservoirs which have functional use in China.

The standards first provide for the classification of all water bodies according to their use and

existing conditions. Five classifications are defined:

Class 1: Applies to source waters and national reserves

Class 11: Applies to Class-A protection areas for concentrated drinking water

sources. areas protected for valuable and rare fishes and spawning

areas of fishes and other aquaculture species.

Class m: Applies to Class B protection areas for concentrated drinking water

sources, areas for protecting common fishes and swimming areas.

EKrANd VA a3 3.5

Class IV: Applies to areas for industrial water supply and non-contact water


Class V: Applies to water used for iipgation or general landscape.

If a particular body of water is used for sevesal purposes, the use requiring the highest water

quality standard should apply. In some instances, a water body may be classified differently

during different seasons.

The Yalong River in the reach affected by the Ertan Project is placed in Class m. However,

upstream from Ertan, upstream from the provincial boundary, the Yalong is placed in Class

II. Reevant reaches of the Anning and 1insha are placed in Class m.

Standards for over 30 parameters are established for each of the five classifications. Also

included in this set of standards are specifications for the quality of treated drnking water. Regulations for Aquatic Resources Reproduction

Protection, Articles 4 and 13 (February, 1979)

The regulations for protecting aquatic resource reproduction apply to the protection of all

valuable aquatic fauna and flora and their habitats. Several of the regulations are relevant

to the evaluation and planning for the Ertan Hydroelecuic Project.

Anicle 4 of the regulations provide for particular consideration of certain marine and

freshwater fish during t'e planning for water resource project development. including

hydropower. Specific freshwater fish species that are protected by these regulations include:

Common carp Cprinus carpio

M,ylophaiyngodon piceus

Grass carp Cenopharyngodon idellus

Silver carp HyPophythllnichthys molomX

A C" 3.6

Bighead carp Arisdchthys mobilis

Black carp Carasius auraws

Culrer erythropenrus

PaFabramis peiwuewis

Giant Chinese surgeon Acipensar sinensis

Yangtzc sturgeon Acipcensr dabryanu

Salmon relatives Salmonidae

Psephurus gladius

Common eel Anguillajaponmca

Article 13 of the Aquatic Resources Reproduction Protection Regulations provides for the

consideration of providing for passage of migratory fish species. If such species are affected

by construction of a dam, the need for fish passage facilities must be determined prior to

initiating construction of the facility and, .if necessary, fish passage facilities must be

incorporated into the project plans.

3.1.3. Administrative Framework

Since the 1980s, specific agencies at various levels were established under governments to

carry on environmental monitoring and management for development projects, protection and

management of natural resources. The following chart shows the environmentai

administrative framework pertinent to Ertan Hydroelectric Project.

94112ENTAX EA 0423.7

aNational EnvironmentEal Protecthn Agency P

Safety and Envirozunental Bureau Enviromnental Protectiionof Ministry of Electric Power Agency of Sichuan Province

Pan2hibus Environmeotal Protec:tionAgency, Liangshan Environmental

Protection Agency

Enlvironmental Protection Agencies ofkanbian, Yanyuan, Miyi, Dechang

. ~~~~and Xichang couinties

Ertan Hydroelectric Development Corporation(EHDC)

3.2. Resettlement

3.2.1. Legal Framework Land Administration Law of the People's Republic

of China (June, 1986)

This law was formulated to strengthen land management procedures and to provide for

maintaining public ownership of land, protection and exploitation of land resources, and

proper use of land. especiallv protection of cultivated land.


EAM L3 3.8 Regulations for Land Requisition, Compensation,

and Resettlement Applicable to Large and Median

Scale Water Resource and Hydropower

Developments (February, 1991).

The regulations were developed to implemernt portions of the 'Land Administration Law of

the P. R. China" and the "Water Law of tie P. R. Chinae.- They are designed to strengthen

administration of land requisition and resettlement of persons displaced by large and median-

scale hydroelectric and other water resource developments. The aim is to enable equitable

requisition of necessary land and the resettlement of persons occupying the land.

The regulations provide guidelines for correctly handling the relations between the State,

collective groups, and individuals both in the areas from which the people must move and

in the areas to which the displaed persons will be relocated. The regulations mandate the

integation of resettlement of displaced persons with the planilng and construction of the

project. The interests of the displaced persons are given equal consideration with the

exploitation of the resources, water and soil conservation considerations and the overall

economic development to ensure that the affected persons are able to attain a living standard

equal to or higher than in their original conditions. In developing the resettlement plan, first

consideration will be to move the individuals as short a distance as possible. If not possible.

resettlement areas can be developed by reclaiming otherwise unused lands.

The resettlement plan must be developed early in the project planning process. The project

owner should develop the plan on the basis of natural and economic conditions in the

receiving area and in cooperation with local governments. The resettlement plan must be

submitted at the same time the feasibility and preliminarv design documents are reviewed.

For large scale projects, it is the responsibility of the project owner to pay compensation for

acquired lands and to provide subsidies to the displaced persons. The specific criteria for

compensation and subsidy is determined by local provincial or autonomous district


4112 3ERTA EO CM3 3.9

3.2.2. Administrative Framework

The following chart shows the administrative organizaons responsible for the resettlement

of the Ertan project.

_ !e Peopless Govermnent of Sichuan PMrovinc

Si;uan PrvindalRemn Agency|

Govermnents of Panzhihua Cityj | and eiangshan Prefecture

Panzhihua and LiangshanResettlement Agences

Governments Of Yanbian, Yanyuan,Miyi, Dedhang and wkiang Counties

Resextlement Agencies ofVarious Counties

Resettement Groups ofVarious Vi[Vages

Tzte administrauve framework for management of land resources is similar to that described

for administration of resettlement policies.

ER*N EA C00 .. 0

Chapter 4


A.. Physical Geography

1.. Topography

The Yalong River is a major tributary in the upper Chang Jiang (Yangzte) basin (Figure 4.1).

It arises to the south of Bayankela Mountains in Yushu County, Qinghai Province, and is

adjacent to the Dadu River basin in the east and the Jinsha River basin in the south. The

main stream and its tributaries give the appearance of a feather pattern. Most of the west,

north and east of the basin are surrounded by high mountains over 4000 m altitude. The

most famous ones are Mt. Gongga, Mt. Daxue and Mt. Bayankela, all of which exceed 5500

mn. The highest is Mt. Gongga which reaches 7590 m (Figure 4.2). The source of the

Yalong is at about 5400 m and its mouth. 1500 km away, is at 980 m giving a totl elevation

range of 4420 m or about 3 rn/km.

The landscape and climate of the river change along its length. The headwater region is a

high altitude plateau with undulating, low, and grass-covered hills. wide and flat river

vallevs. and a gentle river flow- South of this plateau, to about 28°N latitude, the

topography of the basin is characterized bv high mountains, gorges, and forests. South of

28°N latitude, wide river vallevs with developed agriculture alternate with rather wide gorges

and high mountains. This combination of features characterizes the landscape in the project

area (Figure 4.3).

S"42IT,. 04 4.1


t s > 1.< g r P ti HENAN i 57 ~~~~~~~~~JIANGSU HENAN

t XE.rtall(X) G iSHUANlANGXI Jvf


ClwniCgdui '.a


Cx.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ HU A


Figuire 41.11: The Clhang Jiatng (Yangtze) River antl its tributiaries, inclluding the Yalong River (inboild) anl (lhe locations of (lie r-ru~n nd 0who7tulmI hydroeletric pr(olects.[Ifl'If [A C114 4.2


{ . ,+~~~~~~DAM

0 40 SD 120 160-X} (bul UHHP

Figure 42: Yalong River watershed within Sichuan Province: Drainage area of ErmanHydroelectric Project. -34122Sam A c m& 4.3

' |~~ ~ ~~~~ -- -4 ts ng ; H,,,, ngt, '

s < - ~~~~ t PANi!HIHUA< 't-' -i-a

Figure 4.3: Relief map of Yalong R;.ver Basin in Southwest Sichuan Province, China.

S.(12 1RTA.f EA Q

- 4.4

2.. Climate

The climate of the Yalong River basin is characteistic of the Western Sichuan Plateau Zone

defined by the Sichuan Meteorology Board. Climate is influenced mainly by a west wind

circulation and a southwest monsoon. Dry and wet seasons are clearly divided: the dry

season lasts from December to May, and the wet season from June to November.

The mean dnnual rainfall in the basin ranges from 500 mm in the north and west to 1560 mm

in the south and east. The annual rainfall at the dam site is about 1000 mm. Rainstorms

generally occur between June and September in the south of the catchment where daily tQoals

can reach 200 mm. The mean annual temperature ranges from -4.9°C in the north to 19.7,C

in the south. The annual cvaporation rates range from 1326 mm in the north and west to

2544 mm in the south and east. Relative humidity is generally low, from 57-69 percent

which corresponds with the higher evaporation rates. The maximum wind velocity recorded

at the dam site is 18 misec. A variety of meteorological data are given in Table 4.1.

Various climatic extremes affect the basin. Droughts in the spring and autumn can disturb

agricultural production, as can hail storms between August and September in higher regions

between 1600-2300 m. Rain storms (days with precipitation over 50 mm) occur on about

three days each year (maximum ever recorded 175 mm in one day). These storms can cause

landslides which damage fields. roads, railways and bridges. Economic losses occur every

Year because of the storms. In addition, gales and occasional unseasonable fTosts may cause

agricultural damage.

3.. Geology

The geology of the Yalong watershed is complex, with exposed strata revealing the

underlying granite, gneiss, schist, shale, marble, other limestones. sandstone. shales,

conglomerates, basalt, and other magmatic rocks.

The Ertan dam and power station are located on the western side of the middle section of the

W 12MT FAc 4 -:-

Table 4.1: Summary of Meteorological Data Characterizing the Climate of the YalongRiver Catchment.


Parametw Yambian bMyi

Averag AnnlmW - (OC) 19.2 19.9Temper t

Highest Recorded (QC) 41.2 39.9


- Lowest Recorded (oC) -1.9 -2.4Tempeature

Mean Tempere (QC) 25.2 25.8of Hoest Mouth

Mean Temperature (oC) 10.5 11.6of Coldest Month

Average Annual (mm) 1081 1084Precipitaion

Average Annual (m) 2030 2379Evapration

Avemge Annual (hr) 2357 2417Hours of Sunshine

Avea Annual (%) 64 65Relative Humidity

Sichuan-Yunnan North-South Tectonic Belt. the basic structure of which consists of large,

deep fault zones and divided blocks. The Ertan dam site is situated on the Gonghe Fault

Block and is surrounded by five fault zones. The Gonghe Fault Block itself has an area of

some 1700 km2. The cen:ral part of the block is 800 ki 2, and tectonic failure is rather

weak. The rock mass is relatively integrated, and the faults are small and run generally

north-south (Figure 4.4). The fractuTe zones are compact and filled by a later rock dike.

The Ertan dam site is in this relatively stable area and there is no major fault within 12 kmn

of the dam site.

04112IrTAN IA C4'- 4.6

Seismic activity in the area amund the dam-site is monitored by eight seismic stions which

feed data continuously into a central computer-assisted monitoring station at the EHDC office

at Tongzilin (Figure 4.4).

4.. Mineral resources

More than 20 different economically important mineals have boen found in the Yalong

watershed including iron, copper, nickel, chromium, titanium, lead, zinc, mercury,

muscovite, coal, and calcaeous spar. Thee are more than 160 mnine sites, though none is


5.. Soils

Because the area in the immediate area of the Ertan Project is mountainous and the valley

wals steep, soils are generally quite thin over the bedrock. Thicker layers of soil are found

in the bottoms of the valleys. Most of the soils in the Yalong watershed are drab red soils,

red soils, and mountain yellow-brown soils. The organic content of most of the soils is

quite low because the topographic relief and geologic movement is not conducive to retaining

organic materials in the soils. Much of the organic material is flushed from the mountain

sides during the wet season. The poor soil types within the project area are also typical of

subtropical regions in general where most of the nutrients are tied up as vegetative biomass.

B.. Biogeography

Tnc delimitation of biogeo_raphic arcas is very dependent on the group of animals or plants

sEudied. According to the Udvardy system, the study area is located in the Sichuan

Highlands, the southemmost portion of the Palearctic Realm which stretches from Europe

to Japan. To the south, the Sichuan Highland abuts the Indo-Malayan Realm which extends

from the south northwards tO the southern portion of Yunnan Province. Under this system,

the Sichuan Highlands represent one of eleven divisions of the Chinese portion of the

Palearctic Realm. Under the Cheng and Zhang system, the project area lies in China's

94112 l%T&N c 4.7

* /GE~~~~~~~~~~~ODA FA t ULT-

1 --Mafnla IIM21 NIIUF


i~~~~~ I 1 * S* @,z

.^e-^,_) \ .\ - . 87 bn~~~~~~~lpr 4.4. Lomdo I( i R Gk liFmW In le Vy oft_; <' \ | 3L 1 >-- 1 1~~~~~~~~~~~~Ptjeua

Southwest Region of the Oriental Realm, outside the Palearctic.

An important point missed by many biogeographic studies is that the division between the

southwest plains and the eastern end of the Himalayas is not strictly a line, but rather a

crescent-shaped zone deserving recognition as a biogeogaphical unit in its own right. As

the Ministry of Forestry's (1993) Biodiversay Action Plan notes, It is here that many of

China's most significanr and distncdve animals live - giant panda, red panda. ral4n, golden

monkey, many species of pheasants, and an enormous richness of planu. ' The

biogeographic divisions (termed biounits) used in ta report are adopted here in discussions

of the project area. The relative locafiens of these units are shown in Figure 4.5. Based on

this definition of biography, the project area lies in the Yiinnan Plateau subunit (39a) of

Southwest Mountains biounit (39).

C.. The Aquatic System

1. Hydrology

During the initial planning stages for the Ertan Hydroelectric Project, EHDC in consultation

with CHIDI, established several hydrologic, water quality, and climate monitoring stations

throughout the Yalong, Anning, and Jinsha River basins. The locations of these sites are

shown on Figure 4.6. Data obtained from these sites are used to summarized the

hydrological, water qualitv and climate regimes of the river basin.

The primanr source of water in the Yalong River is precipitation (both rainfall and snow in

the upper reaches of the basin). The Yalong River originates in Qinghai Province at the

southern boundary of the Bavankela Mountains of the Himalavan Mountains. Elevations in

the upper reaches range from 4,180 m to over 5,000 m above sea level. The river valley

is oriented generally from northwest to southeast with small tributaries entering the river

from both the east and west sides of the main valley. Most of the catchment area of the

Yalong lies to the west of the river.

Based on the 29-year hydrologic record (1953-1982) from the Xiaodeshi Hydrology Station,

the mean annual flow in the river is 1,670 m31s. Because the discharge regime is dependent


ERo.,N EACH& 4.9 -


39c - along la9ea

39d - Liangshan~~39

39en X Q9

LEGEN-D \; t(i

Double bold line biounit bounfdary Sichuan.Single bold line =sub-biounit boundary t1 #a r39a - Yunnan plateau !39b - Hengduan Mts \ ~ 3 39c - Yalong plateau ., 9 a39d - Liangshan > 39e - Qionalai-Minshan) V6

Figure 4.S: Biounits of western Sichuan.

9112EADNid 4.10


3a p_mrd efiuw/DIGS T _on padalfik /. Lianhe nhe 5

3- twa quaityA agunkqual mt.*png s

T wotetIefulwureobagesr \\af rhe*- wow qulty unyling du'

(to utrpuqiume) /1

y pubbc huhiaing . -s-.


-- _>w/. Dalu

S Gonhe- + *,@


XGo he / Shenli.

Yongxing S.

> r Gany%nj~~~ ~~ie j


J o~~~Xiaodeshi

J. Tongztiin


Figure 4.6: Locations of Hydrologic, Water Quality and Meteorological Monitoring Stationsin the Yalong River Basin.

5412TN A CS 4.11

primarily on precipitation, rather than groundwater, there is considerable variation in flow

from season to season and year to year.




2 2500

2 2000 -


1000 1

Jan Feb MUr Apr May Jun JLi Aug Sep Oct Nov DecMonth

r-Xicadeshi -_ Luning - Wal

Figure 4.7: Average Monthly Discharge at Waii. Luning and Xiaodeshi Hydrologic GaugingStations on Yalong River.

The hydrologic regime of the Yalong is characterized as seasonal, with high discharge

occurring from June through October and low flow conditions extending from November

through May. Average discharge in the high flow season is approximately 3,240 m3is and

in the low flow season discharge averages 450 m3 /s, as measured at the Xiaodeshi Hydrology

Station. The differences between the high flow and low flow seasons are demonstrated by

the average monthly discharges presented in Figure 4.7 for the Yalong at Xiaodeshi, Luning

and Wali Hydrologic Gauging Stations. Examples of the year to year variation in discharge

are shown in Figures 4.8, 4.9. and 4.10, representing normal, high and low flow years,


Annual flooding of the Yalong River occurs during rainstorm events occurring in the middle

a 12 ci2 E| 4.1.2

* . . . Il . { * * * * * Figure 4.8: Flow Regime Representing High Flow Year in Yalong RiverBoqo0 . * . . 1 . \ | ' * ^ * @ (Measured at Xiaodeshi Gaging Station)

Flow. .l:lo. * * k * 11* *1 -.

6000 . . . . . * . A. * . l. . . . . . \. .

4000 .*

*. 1. 1 . 1 . *1 1 *

. I . . . \. I *t *1 . \ . . .

400 * . * ' I1 * C t * -* *. * . .

4000 I

. * *V-II * ' * * \ * * '

*I . . . .. A A I*

* . . . . . . . .

2000 9 Ilo as 45 A 205 113 79 58 3 104 Alo

* 1- . * * * vI * C

. 2000 t . .9. .382 .. 43 .58 .0~ .15 80 5.9 .2 .t .1 . .....

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . _

Mon ' Juln Jull Ati&z scp |Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar |Apr |May Whole year i 1)

Ava 3030 6110 50 5oS7l0 2 g 15 s11 945 667 556 554 S72 711 2480 -

Max 6S90 8[90 91100 818° 4530 2050 1130 797 587 566 631 (040 111°° 8

Minl 1190 3820 3430 3580 2080 1150 B07 596 527 S16 8I6 542 5l J1 3.

EnAIA CHI 4.13

Flow(rnl3 s) * 8540 lngls Figure 4.9: Flow Regimne Represeiiting a Notial Year in Yalonig River80XO . . - (Measured at Xiaodeslii Gaginig Station).Fl

2000 I0~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Ava .... 1 560 4420 3600 iO2 I () 2 5(0( 1 200 736 531 4fi2 457 527 956 1 640

n4000 . T 170 1 WI- 93* 632 481 441 438 478 505 4383

041? *ElAEC.' 14 1

l | , .~~~~~~~~

Flow (11l3/S).lFFlgigre 4.10: Fiow Regime Represenling Low Flow Conditions in Yalong River

8000 (Meastired at Xiaodeshii Station).

70R(; nri/s* * . IyM* . -

6000. . . . . .

. . . . ..

6000. . * . . . . . .

Min8 . . 15 . . . . 77 . . '

*A. . . A , . 4.

*00 1 *\ rw . . .* .

Mon. °JlIII Jul Auig |Sep | Oct Nov 1Dec l an_ Feb 1Mar Aprs May IWlhole year

lAva 2160 j229013250 19410 [1710 1040 1649 j460 425 1409 443 .54 13(00

Max 4280 1404017080 28401 209() 14301773 S516 441 1425 481 1680 7080

Min. 7871 145 is 1800 1690 [1420 778 S 091' 421 415 1396 405 I396 396


EATAU IA ClH4 4 .1|5

and lower reaches of the valley. These events normally occur between June and September

with the largest number occurring in July and August. Generally, flood events a,e of

relativcly long duiadon. At Xaodeshi, peak flood events last from 7 to 9 days. The

observed maximum fRood during the 29-year hydrologic record occurred in August, 1965,

* with maximum discharge of 11, l00m 31s. The estimated maximum flood occurring in the

valley within the last 100 years is 16,500 m3Js.

The largest tributary to the Yalong River within the Ertan Reservoir area is the Ganyu River.

The river arises on the west -side of the Yalong catchment and flows to the east where it

flows into the Yalong approximately 19 km upstream from the Ertan Dam site. Flow in the

Ganyu is monitored at the Yanbian Hydrology Staion. The 17-year hydrologic record is

from 1976 to 1993. The annual hydrologic regime is similar to that described for the Yalong

with high flow occurring between June and October and low tlow conditions occurring fmm


I w I~~~~~~~~I


1 5O



_ 0C


I-/' ,~~~~~~~~~~

Jon Feb Mar Apr May J r JLJ AUO sep Oc! Nov DecMonth

;C-anr |

Figure 4.11: Average monthly flow in GanyRiver (Yanbian Gauging Szatior.. 196-19931:

3E114iRwi 4 > . 16

November through May. Average discharge in the Ganyu is approximately 69.8 m3/s.

Average discharge during the high flow period is 140 m3/s and during the low flow period

average discharge is 19.4 m3/s. Average annual flows in the Ganyu River are demonstrated

in Figure 4.11.

Annual flooding in the Ganyu River basin occurs during the wet season with most of the

flood events occurring in July and August, as with the Yalong River. Basedon the available

hydrologic record, the maximum flood of record occurred in September, 1979, and was

estimated to be 989 m3/s. Annual average, maximum and minimum discharges in the

Ganyu, as measured at the Yanbian Station, are presented in Table 4.2

Table 4.2: Average and Extreme Discharges Measured at Yanbian Station on Ganvu River

Discharge Year(mI3/s) 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982

Mean 53.3 52.3 91.6 62.4 78.3 80.2 46.0

Maximum 871.0 460.0 745.0 989.0 913.0 974.0 495.0

Minimum 6.1 3.0 5.5 4.5 4.8 4.7 4.9

As demonstrated in Figure 4.12. discharge from the Yalong is approximately equal to the

flow in the Jinsha. upstream from Panzhihua. Consequently. the Yalong conrnbuies

approximately 50 percent of the flow in the Jinsha as observed at Jinjiang Railwav Station

located downstream from the confluence of the Yalong and Upper Jinsha Rivers.

2.. Sedunent

ERM4 LA O4. 17




7E000 _ _

* 4000



Jon Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov DecMonth

-Jnsha - Yn

Figure 4.12: Relative average monthly discharge of Yalong and Jinsha River downstream fromconfluence.

To understand the sediment and bedload regime within the Yalong River, it is first necessary

to describe the types of terrain through which the river flows. Because the mountains of this

area are relatively young, considerable amounts of sediment and bedload materials are

introduced into the river and carried downstream. Above Ganzi. Figure 1.1. the Yalong

River flows through a high plateau area in which the river vallec is wide and flat with gently

undulating topographv. The area is covered by grassland. From Ganzi to Yajiang. the area

is mountainous, although with gentle slopes and well developed soil layers. This is an

agncultural region with fairly extensive grassland. The cultivated areas are relativelv flat

but disconnected. Approximately 18 km downstream from Yajiang, the Xianshui River flows

into the Yilong. This area is subject to frequent earthquak-es and is characterized by

fractured rocks and collapsed mud and rockl flows. Between the Xianshui River and the Wali

Gauging Station, the Yalong flows through an area of high mountains with deep gorges and

steep slopes. The area above Wali is forested mountains and valleys.

94112VWN EA CM . 4.18

Downstream from Wali, the valley walls nse 700 to 1,500 m above the river. The area is

subjected to frequent storm events. The rock on both sides of the valley are weathered and

fractured and are subject to extensive erosion during storm events. This portion of the valley

is the primary source of the sediment and bedload materials carried by the Yalong River.

Based on masureaments of sediment and bedload transport made at the Wali Gauging Station,

the estimated annual sediment yield from the upper pordon of the Yalong Catchment is 144

tons/lkm2 and the average sediment content in the river is 0.38 kg/m3. At the upper end of

the Ertan Reservoir, the estimated annual sediment yield is 233 tons/lkm and the estimated

average sediment eontent is 0.435 kg/m3. At the Xiaodeshi Gauging Station, the estimated

annual yield of sediment and bedload is 169 tonslkm2 (less than at the upper end of the

reservoir) and the annual averge sediment content is 0.61 kg/m 3 (greater than at the upper

end of the reservoir).

The suspended sediment and bedload discharge in the Yalong River is not uniform through

the year, as is expected in such rivers with extended high flow and low flow seasons.

During the high flow season, suspended sedimentand bedload discharge normally contributes

to over 90 percent of the total annual yield. During the high flow season (June through

September), the average discharge at Xiaodeshi is approximately 3,240 m3/s. Average

sediment content is 0.61 kg/rn3. The extreme differences in suspended sediment discharge

between high and low flow seasons is exemplified from the observations made in 1981. The

total annual sediment discharge estimated at Xiaodeshi was 36.3 million tons of which 35.7

million tons, or 98.3 percent, passed Xiaodeshi during the high flow season.

Although the total estimated sediment load for the Yalong River at Xiaodeshi includes the

contribution of tributaries, the expected configuration of the Ertan Reservoir merits

discussion of sediment and bedload characteristics of the Ganyu River of which 40 km of the

lower portion of the river will be inundated by the reservoir. As discussed above and

elsewhere, the inundated portion of the Ganyu River is sufficiently distinct from the main

body of the reservoir that the Ganyu Ann of the reservoir, in many ways, will act as a

separate reservoir. According to data obtained at the Yanbian Gauging Station, average flow

in the Ganyu River is 69.8 m3/s. The annual average sediment content is 0.76 kg/m3.

E"M EAs4 O4.19

Based on these data, it is assumed that the average annual bedload contnbuted to the upper

end of the Ertan Reservoir will be approximately 579,400 tons and the annual bedload

contributed to the Ganyu Arm will be 90,600 tons.

3. Water Quality

a.. Factors Affecting Vater Quality

(1). Geology and Mineral Resources.

The geologic structure of the Yalong Catchment is complicated. The exposed rock strata are

comprised of granite, gneiss. schist. slate, marble, limestone, sandstone, shale,

conglomerate, magmatic and super basalt, and neutral and alkaline magmatic rocks.

Differential weathering of this complex array of geologic materials contributes greatly to the

quality of the water in the Yalong River. Water quality in the reaches of the Yalong River

in Qinghai Province is categorized as Class 1I with respect to water quality (see Section Within Sichuan Province, the Yalong River is categorized as Class III with respect

to water quality.

(2). Pertinent Topographv, Climate, and Soil


Summanzing the topography presented above. the Yalong River system arises on the

southern slopes of Bavankela Mountain. The upper reaches of the Yalong flow throueh an

area of high plateau with low hills and wide valleys. Although snow melt contributes to flow

in the Yalong. most of the flow arises from rain runoff. There is some groundwater

contribution, but this is a minor source of water to the river. The middle reach of the

Yalong Valley is characterized by high mountains and deep gorges. This mountainous terrain

is also present in the lower portions of the valley. The steepness of the Yalong Valley allows

precipitation runoff to leave the valley quickly. Consequently, water does not remain in the

upper portions of the catchment for a sufficient length of time that disolution or biological

processes to affect water quality.

E1 A2ERVAN BA c.~~~~~ 4.20

Climate in the Yalong Valley is generally considered to be wet, subtropical. Mean annual

precipitation ranges from about 500 mm per year in the upper portion of the basin to over

1,500 mm per year at the mouth of the Yalong at the Jinfsa River. Seasonal differences in

precipitation coupled with the extreme topographic relief results in extreme seasonal

differeices in cetain water quality parameters (eg. turbidity and sediment load).

The soils in the basin are generally drab red soil, red soil, and mountain yellow brown soil.

Soils on the mountain slopes are generaly thin although most is covered with vegetation

which reduces erosion potential. Soils in the upper plateau area and in agricultural areas

with gentle slopes are somewhat deeper. Again these soils are either covered with grassland

or savannah-like vegetation, or are terraced into tillable fields. The vegetative cover and the

agricultural practices all reduce the potential for excessive erosion. The lack of nutrients in

the soils and their generally shallow depths minimizes the contribution of nutrients and

organic compounds to water draining from the more gentle slopes into the Yalong River or

its tributaries.

(3). Discharge from Domestic and Industrial Pollution


Because the area above the Ertan Project Site is very sparselv populated, sources of domestic

and industrial pollution are limited and their total contribution to the quality of water in the

Yalong in the vicinity of the Ertan Project is not detectable.

Approximately 21.400 individuals reside in the urban center of Yanbian and Yanvuan

Counties. Using the national average production of wastewater per person. the daily

production of domestic waste%ater from these urban areas is approximatelv 2.100 tons (0.1


The main industrial sources of pollution include the Yanbian Paper Mill (with a waste water

discharge of approximatelv 300 tons per day), a slaughterhouse, brewery, and cement plants.

Wastes discharged from these industrial sources consist primarily of alkali and biochemical

oxygen demanding materials (measured as BOD). Approximately 500 tons of wastes are

34112EqTA EA Ca 4.21

discharged daily from the Eran Clay Mine. These wastes consist almost exclusively of

suspended solids. In addition, many of these industrial areas utilize watr from the Yalong

as well as other tributaries to the Yalong. A summary of the water consumption, water

discharge, and the major pollutants from several of these sites is presented in Table 4.3.

In Yanbian County, approximately 50 tons of various organochloride pesticides are used

annually in agriculturc. If 11 of these pesticides enter the river (disregarding any degradation

or retention in the soil), the concentration of organic pesticides in the river would be less

than 0.001 mg/l. This concentration is less than the national standard for drinking water.

In general, discharge of wastewater from various sources in the Yalong River is much less

Table 4.3: Industrial Water Consumption and Discharge Rates and Major Pollutants inArea of Ertan Reservoir.

Industry Water Water COD BOD Sus. ReceivingConsumed Discharge Solids River(X 0I t/IrXX 104 tlyrTxt/Yr) (tlvr) (tlyr)

Pingchuan Iron Mine 30.0 14.6 PingchuanYanbian Paper Mill 136.5 85.3 1092 375.4 1024 Gan,yuYanbian Cement Plant 4.7 GanyuYanbian Ferroalloy Plant 0.5 0.4 GanyuPanyan Ferroalloy Plant 4.0 3.0 XingpingHongus Cement Plant 1.9 Yaloneloogna Coal Mane 54.8 21.9 Yalon,

Eran Clav Mine 13.9 12.5 YalongTuanjie Iron Mine 0.9 0.5 YalongCaiziad Gold Mine 200.0 YalongYanvuan Cement Plant 7.3 YanjangYanvuan Salt Plant !SS.4 47.S '730 545 Yanjing

than the assimilative capacity of the river. The primary factors affecting the quality of

Yalona River water are the rock and soil conditions, and precipiation.

u1 4.22

b.. Characterization of Water Quality

(1) Water Temperature

Water tempeature data for the Yalong River are available for the period 1959 through 1992

for the Xlaodeshi Gauging Stadon, located dowastream from the Ertan Project site tSee

Figure 4.6). Average monthly water temperes at Xaodeshi for the 'penod of record are

depicted in Figure 4.13. As shown in the figure, water temperatures at Xiaodeshi vary

seasonally from appromimately 8°C during Demnber and January to approximatdy 190C

from June through August Aveage monthly water temperature data from the upper end of -

the impoundment zone at the Wali and Luning Gauging Stations are also presented .in Figure

4.13 to demonstrate the increase in temperature from Wali to Xiaodeshi, through the

impoundment zone.

Water temperature data for the Ganyu River are available for the period 1978-1982 from the

Yanbian Gauging Station. Mean, maximum and minimum temperatures by month for the

period of record are depicted in Figure 4.14. The geneal pattern of variation in seasonal

temperature is similar to that observed in the Yalong. The primary difference is that the

overall temperature of the Ganyu is somewhat higher than that in the Yalong. Minimum

temperatures in December and January range between 10 and 12°C and the annual highs,

occurring in May through July, generally range from 20 to 22°C

(2). Water Chemistry

Water-samples from the Yalong River were obtained on three occasions each year from 1973

- 1979. and 19B1 at the Xiaodeshi Gauging Station (See Figure 4.4), representing the high

flow season, the low tlow season, and the transition between the low flow and high flow

seasons. The samples were analyzed for 20 parameters. Summaries of the results of these

analyses are presented in Table 4.4. (Data from the three samples are pooled in the table).

In 1989 and 1990, water quality samples were collected at Xiaodeshi each month. These

data awe summarized in Table 4.5.

EAO 4.23

30 -

25 -

0 20

a 15L.


0* .Jon Feb MLr Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec


-1- Xiaodesh Luning WdiI

Figure 4.13: Monthly average water temperature of Yalong River at Xiaodeshi Gaging Station(1959 - 1992)

Based on the data presented in Tables 4.4 and 4.5. the quality of the Yalong River is

characterized as calcium bicarbonate Type I with total alkalinity generally greater than total

hardness. This is reflected in the slightly alkaline pH values which generally range between

7.6 and 9.1. Dissolved oxygen concentrations are generally below saturation with annual

measurements frequently lower than 6 mg/l. However, in 1989 and 1990. the DO

concentrations remained at or above 6 mgll throughout the vear. The dissolved minerals are

characteristic of water that arises from igneous/metmorphic rock and suggests that

groundwater influence is fairly great in the upper portions of the basin. Nutrient

concentrations are relatively low reflecting the lack of organic materials (organic soils) in the

river basin.

Water quality samples were collected from the Yalong River basin in 1980, 1981, 1989 and

1990 at several locations through the valley (See Figure 4.6). Again three samples werc

"112OgrAIJ EA CM 4.24

ZD-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 30

- ~~~~~~~~~01ID-


O1. T , , Jon Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul AUg Sep Oct Nov Dec



Figure 4.14: Monthly water temperature regime of Ganyu River at Yanbian Gaging Station(1978 - 1982)

collected each year at each location. Results of the analyses are summarized in Table 4.6.

Data collected during the high and low flow periods are presented separately in the table.

Arranged from the upper end of the valley to the mouth, the temperature data indicate the

warming of the river during both the high and low flow seasons. Several of the water quality

parameters indicate conspicuous changes in conccntrations between the Clay Mine and the

Yanbian bridge sampling site. This is exemplified bv the turbidity of the Yalong which is

between 5 and 7 turbidity units at the upstream sites and increases to 15 to 20 turbidity units

at the two bridge sites. During high flow, turbidity remains fairly constant through the

reach. For dissolved oxvgen, the percent saturation remains above 95 percent during both

the high and low flow seasons in the upper portion of the basin. However, at the two

downstream sites, the percent saturation appears to be somewhat lower and is below 90

percent saturation at times.

Data pertaining to the water quality in the Jinsha River upstream and downstream from the

34112EtrAM FACH 4.25


Table 4.4: Water quality charancertics of the Yalong River at the Xiaodeshi Gaging StationCgs-l9W9,16)

ParameesDischage Temp. C02 DO pH Ca4 Mg' Nf+l}CCI

Year (mI/s) (°C) (mg/) (mg/4) (mg1/) (Ing/) (MgIIxqp1973 Max. 3120 20.4 3.0 8.7 9.1 38.8 11.5 19.74.7

Min. 450 8.8 5.9 7.7 27.6 .2 1.7 1.8Mean 1573 16.3 2.0 7.3 7.9 32.2 8.8 5.2 3.7

1974 Max. 6020 21.0 2.7. 9.1 8.2 3S.P 12.4 11.L 6:2Min. 366 7.0 6.4 7.8 21.5 1.0 6.6 1.7 -

Mean 1948 16.3 1.9 7.7 7.9 32.2 8.5 8.5 3.61975 Mox. 4972 20.6 3.7 9.4 8.1 39.1 14.1 18.8 6.4

Min. 465 0.2 2.1 S.7 7.7 25.3 7.0 6.3 3.2Mean 1528 14.3 2.7 7.5 7.9 34.5 10.7 14.5 5.3

1976 Max. 32S0 19.3 2.6 8.9 - 8.1 39.5 13.7 18.5 7.2Min. 376 8.8 1.7 6.2 7.6 21.0 7.3 8.2 3.6Mean 1246 14.9 2.3 7.6 7.9 33.6 10.7 12.8 5.3

1977 Max. 2649 20.0 2.4 9.0 8.1 37.5 14.7 13.3 6.4Min. 414 8.2 1.S 6.0 7.7 24.4 6.2 5.4 3.9Meun 1363 14.8 2.0 7.3 7.9 31.6 9.4 9.4 4.9

1978 Max. 3700 20.0 2.9 9.4 8.1 37.5 11.7 15.0 5.7Min. 396 11.8 6.4 7.7 25.3 6.2 10.0 4.3Mean 1786 17.0 1.2 7.4 7.9 29.7 8.4 11.7 5.1

1979 Max 4060 20.2 1.7 9.9 8.0 38.1 10.9 26.0 4.6Min 411 7.8 6.1 7.6 26.3 8.0 5.5 Z8Mean 1407 13.0 1.0 8.0 7.9 32.2 9.7 13.5 3.9

1981 Max 20.4 2.3 10.5 8.3 37.9 12.2 11.8 3.2-Min 4590 ' 2 7.4 8.0 4.6 6.3 4.5 0.7mea= J6. J.l as.8 r3.9 9.7 ZS5Z2

;'A C 4.26

Table 4.4: (ContInued)

Total Tota)HC03' so;- Salinity Hardus COD NH4

4 Fe4 +EV*-yrear (Mgny f M) (mghi) (Gr Deg (szngh) (rgl) (mga)t1973 Max. 188.6 7.5 6.68 8.06 1.9 0.25 0.04 OM

Milt. 114.5 1.0 4.01 5.33 0.1 0.05 0.01 CmMe4n 148.7 4.7 5.08 6.53 0.6 0.14 0.02 M

1974 Max. 189.6 9.4 7.10 8.23 - 1.4 0.25 0.02MMMUL 105.6 0.1 3.81 4.44 0.2 0.15 0.01 mMean 151.5 4.1 5.51 6.67 0.7 0.20 0.02 M

197S Max. 215.0 7.6 7.69 8.70 1.9 0.25 0.04 coMMin. 132.1 1.2 4.83 S.31 0.1 0.01 0.01 OODMean' 179.7 4.3 6.32 7.29 0.6 0.09 0.03 M

1976 Max. 210.3 12.4 7.63 8.69 2.6 0.50 0.04 CCMiii. 128.5 0.8 4.56 5.23 0.2 0.05 0.01 CCDMean 170.1 5.0 6.14 7.16 0.9 0.20 0.03 ML

1977 Max. 186.0 13.0 6.70 7.99 2.7 0.45 0.04 CDtMilk. 112.0 1.4 4.10 4.99 0.2 0.05 0.02 CtMean 150.6 5.2 5.46 6.60 1.0 0.18 0.03 CtZ

1978 Max. 165.0 7.2 6.86 7.94 1.1 0.25 0.04 C(LMilk. 128.0 0.5 4.34 4.96 0.0 0.05 0.01 CLDmean 141.8 3.3 5.27 6.08 0.5 0.12 0.03 02

1979 Max. 187.0 10.1 7.64 7.85 0.8 0.20 0.05 OMMin. 123.0 1.0 4.58 5.61 0.2 0.03 0.00 CDblean 153.8 4.9 5.89- 6.74 0.4 0.10 0.02 (X

i981 Max. 179.0 10.6 6.50 8.05 1.4 0.12 0.01 am

Min. 111.0 3.8 4.04 4.91 0.2 0.07 0.00 OLDMean 150.2 7.0 5.49 6.86 0.6 0.09 0.01 CCZ

Annual Mean 155.8 4.8 5.65 6.74 0.7 0.14 0.02 M2

EA CM 4.27

Table 4.4: (Continued)

Paameter,, ~~~Total

N10. N03- SiO, AlkalinityYear (Moll) (m,g/l) (mgl;) (Get. Deg.)

1973 Max. 0.00 0.99 10.0 8.67Min. 0.27 5.0 5.26Mean 0.00 .0.64 8.4 6.54

1974 Max. 0.00 I.L9 10.0 S.90.Min. 0.29 2.0 4.85Mean 0.00 0.78 6.3 7.10

1975 Max. 0.03 0.96 9.0 9.88Min. 0.00 0.19 2.0 6.07Mean 0.01 0.60 7.A 8.26

1976 Max. 0.00 0.79 10.0 9.66Min. 0.29- 4.0 5.91Mean- 0.00 0.46 7.2 7.82

1977 Max. 0.00 0.49 10.0 8.55Min. 0.19 3.0 5.16Mean 0.00 0.35 7.3 6.93

1978 Max. 0.00 0.80 10.0 6.41Min. 0.20 6.0 5.52Mean 0.00 0.42 7.8 6.64

1979 Max. 0.00 0.89 10.0 9.59Min. 0.29 4.0 5.64Mean 0.00 0.67 7.4 7.34

1981 Max. 0.00 1.00 10.0 8.22Min. 0.58 7.0 5.10Mean 0.00 0.78 9.1 6.89

Annual Mean 0.00 0.59 7.6 7.19

[RTA EACM 4.28

Table 4.5: Monthly Average Water Quality Values at Xiaodeshi Gauging Station in 1989 and

1989TotaL Totad

Month Temp Dis. 02 Hard. AIc. NH3-N NH,-N COD pH(0C) (mg/1) (mI/1) (mg/I) (mg/I) (min) (mgnI)

Jan 1.6 7.6 75.4 72.9 0.07 0.006 0.5 8.1Feb 10.2 6.0 77.4 77.1 0.07 0.004 0.6 8.1Mar 11.8 6.7 77.7 . 79.1 0.06 0.005 0.7 8.1Apr 15.6 -8.6 78.0 82.2 0.07 0.002 0.8 8.2

May 19.2 7.2 74.0 79.4 0.06 0.002 1.2 6.1Jun 20.6 7.4 62.8 63.4 0.10 0.005 1.4 8.1Jul 18.0 11.1 48.8 48.2 0.10 0.015 1.3 8.1

Aug 18.4 8.1 54.1 59.4 0.12 0.005 .1.1 8.1Sep 18.0 7.9 54.1 56.6 0.08 0.015 1.1 8.1Oct 14.8 9.0 56.6 58.9 0.08 0.003 0.8 8.0

Nov 12.4 9.5 64.8 66.7 0.05 0.004 0.4 8.1Dec 10.2 10.3 73.7 71.2 0.18 0.010 0.8 8.1

Avenge 8.3 66.4 67.9 0.09 0.006 0.9 - -

1990TOW Total

Month Temp Dis. O. Hard. Alk. NH3 .N NH,-N COD pH('C) (mgll) (mg/I) (mg/I) (mg /I) (m^I1) (mrll)

Jan 7.6 9.7 75.1 75.4 0.03 0.006 0.5 8.1Feb 11.0 9 78.0 78.2 - 0.080 0.7 8.1Mar 11.4 9.u 78.0 80.5 0.03 0.008 1.0 8.2

Apr 15.6 8.6 76.6 79.9 0.06 0.003 0.6 8.2Mlay 17.4 7.2 65.6 64.5 0.06 0.005 1.4 8.1jun 16.6 8.6 43.5 46.8 0.10 0.025 1.5 8.0Jul 21 .0 7.0 53.3 58.6 0.05 0.002 0.9 8. 1

Aue 20.0 7.0 56.4 58.9 0.03 0.004 0.4 8.3Sep IS.0 7.8 51 6 50.2 0.03 0.002 1.3 8.2Oc 16.0 9.0 49.6 52.4 0.04 0.008 0.S 8.INo% 11.0 9.0 67.9 67.0 0.06 0.003 0.4 S.l

Dc; 8.0 7.6 27.9 70.9 0.05 0.002 0.4 8.I

Average 8.3 60.3 65.3 0.04 0.012 0.08

7. E 4.29

Table 4.6: Longitudinal profile of water qulity parametrs in Yalong River ftom Gabiao toTongzilin

Flood SeasonLocadon

Pamter Unit GmnyuDaluo Jinhe Gubio GoaeTmieAodeX YabianTownship

Temperture (oC) 19.1 19.1 19.4 19.5 19.9 19.8 22.S 21.3pH 8.3 8:4 8.2 8.2 8.1 8.2 8.4 8.2

SO; (mg/I) 9.7 7.5 9.4 S.7 9.2 17.9 15.7 15.7cr (mg/i) 3.6 3.7 5.4 3.6 3.2 3.2 9.0 6.5Fe (mg/i) 0.04 0.06 <0.03 <0.03 0.14 0.03 (0.03 <0.03

Mn (mg/l) 0.532 0.564 OS78 0.S53 0.694 0.714 0.211 0.250Cu - (mg/I) 0.052 0.056 0.057 0.053 0.072 0.102 0.013 0.015Zn (mg/A) 0.104 0.124 0.1L8 0.127 0.S67 0.202 0.399 0.036

NOj- (mg/I) 0.22 0.22 0.2 0.25 0.2 0.38 0.43 <0.49NO:C (mg/l) c0.003 <0.003 c0.003 0.007 <0.003 <0.003 0.010 0.009NH3 (mg/I) 0.004 0.002 0.011 0.07 0.004 0.008 0.011 0.011

Tot. N (mg/I) 1.980 2.020 1.820 2.050 0.473 2.190 0.521 0.695P (mg/I) 0.90 0.90 1.1 1.11 1.39 1.29 0.28 0.31

Permangte (mg/I) 18.2 16.0 17.2 17.5 20.5 17.9 3.7 4.4Index

DO (mg/i) 9.6 9.3 8.4 8.2 8.4 8.4 7.1 7.7COD (mg/I) 37.6 45.9 33.6 23.3 77.2 36.8 8.8 39.8BOD5 (mg/1) 0.6 0.7 0.5 0.8 1.3 0.5 0.9 1.0

F- (mg/I) 0.10 0.11 0.1 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.12 0.11Sc (mg/1) 0.0166 0.0088 0.0132 0.0101 0.0064 0.0059 0.0046 0.0059

As (mg/l) <0.007 <0.007 <0.007 <0.007 <0.007 <0.007 <0.007 <0.007

HS (mg/1) 0.00011 0.oOe0.00008 0.00018 0.00009 0.00014tO.O000t0.00008

Cd (mg/1) < 0.0002< 0.0002< 0.0002< 0.0002< 0.0002< 0.0002< 0.0002< 0.0002

C: (mg/Ib <0.002 < 0.002 <0.002 <0.002 <0.00 < 0.002 <0.002 <0.002

Pb (mgM) 0.026 0.026 0.030 0.029 0.032 0.085 0.007 0.00S'-anadc tmg/I) <0.004 <0.004 <0.004 <0.004 <0.004 <0.004 <0.004 <0.004

VulAilic Phenol (mg/1) <0.002 0.00 0.002 0.002 0.00 0.002 0.002 0.002Petrolcum (mgll) <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05

Sulta A;iavw 1mg/I) <0.050 <0.050 <0.050 <0.050 <0.050 <O.0c0 <0.050 <0.050Aren: ui Anion

Culdlormn Bact. (no.A1000. 26000>24000. 4900. 24000. 54000. 54000. 160000.Susp. Solids (mg/) 982. 11000. 476. 1090. 557. 1300. 145. 171.


Table 4.6 (Continued)

Norml SeasomLocadon

Paraumetr Unit GanyuDaluo Jinhe Gubiso Goughe Tuan JidCiaodeshiYabianTownship

Tempeature (CC) 12.6 12.8 13.0 13.0 13.5 14.0 18.3 18.0pH 8.38 8.35 8.33 8.37 8.35 8.39 8.42 8.40iSO4- (Mg/I) 13.6 13.2 14.2 8.0 15.0 14.1 11.1 6.6C1- (Mg/) S.4 7.5 S.6 S.0 6.1 4.4 6.9 5.4Fe (mg/I) <0.03 <0.03 <0.03 <0.03 <0.03 <0.03 <0.03 <0.03Mn (mg/A) 0.069 0.054 0.076 0.078 0.075 0.085 0.031 0.043Cu (mg/1) 0.006 0.004 0.005 0.006 0.085 0.087 0.002 0.003Zn (mg/I) 0.022 0.041 0.022 0.052 0.05 0.073 0.017 0.029N03 (mg/I) 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.21 0.32 0.02NO, (mg/I) <0.003 0.003 <0.003 <0.003 <0.003 <0.003 <0.003 <0.003NH3 (mg/I) <0.002 <0.002 <0.002 <0.002 <0.002 <0.002 <0.002 <0.002Total N (mg/I) 0.153 0.193 0.209 0.080 0.112 0.102 0.090 0.177P (mg/I) 0.062 0.058 0.058 0.074 0.069 0.079 0.046 0.053Permanganate (mg/I) 1.5 1.5 1.4 1.5 1.4 1.4 1.1 1.5IndexDO (mg/I) 10.9 10.8 9.6 8.6 9.6 9.7 8.6 8.8COD (mg/1) 4.8 6.1 3.6 - 5.7 5.5 3.7 5.3 4.5BODs (mg/I) 0.5 0.6 0.6 0.8 0.3 0.5 0.6 0.2} (mg/,) 0.120 0.110 0.119 0.115 0.124 0.119 0.110 0.134Se (mgtI) <0.0025C0.0025<0.0025e 0.0025< 0.0025<0.0025<0.0025< 0.00o5As (mg/I) <0.007 <0.007 <0.07 <0.007 <0.007 <0.007 <0.007 <0.007'g (mg/i) <0.00000.00008: 0.0000 0.000060.00000.00R060.00006 0.00008Cd (mg/i) <0.0002O.0002< 0.0002<0.0002<0.0002<0.0002<0.0002<0.0002Cr - (mg/I) <0.002<0.00 <0.002 <0.002 <0.002 <0.002 <0.002 <0.002Pb (mgn) O.OD4 0.009 0.003 0.003 0.002 0.002 0.002 0.013Cyanide (mCII) <0.004 <0.004 <O.004 <0.004 <0c004 <0.004 <0.004 <0.004V'olatile Phenol (m_/1) <0.002 <0.002 <0.002 <0.00M <0.002 <0.002 <0.002 <0.002Petroleum (mg/i) <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05Sulfa Active (mg/n) <0.050 <0.050 <0.050 <0.050 <0.050 <0.050 <0.050 <0.050Acent with AnionColiform Bacteria (no.11) 1500. 1300. 3500. 790. 2400. 34000. 16000. 22000.Susp. Solids (mglI) 75.5 91.0 75.3 99.0 55.4 45.2 44.6 41.3

FA CM. 4.31

Table 4.6 (Continued)

LOw Flow SeasonLoation

Parameter Unit GanyuDaluo Jinhe Gubiao Goughe T'u JieXaodeshiYanbianTownship

Temperaure (oC) 10.4 10.4 11.2 11.6 12.0 12.2 13.7 14.0pH 1.47 .47 . 8.49 5.49 8.48 8.48 8.34 8.47

SOg (mg/I) 9.6 9.6 11.0 13.0 10.0 9.9 10.0 9.0cr (mgII) 1.1 2.S 2.5 - 2.S 3.2 2.5 7.5 4.0Fe (mg/I) <0.03 <0.03 <0.03 <0.03 <0.03 <0.03 <0.03 <0.03

Mn (mg/1) 0.012 0.013 0.030 0.028 0.006 0.026 0.016 0.020Cu "MgII) 0.002 0.003 0.003 0.003 0.002 0.002 0.001 0.001Zn (mg/I) 0.010 0.021 0.020 0.033 0.039 0.012 0.028 0.024

NOj- (mg/i) 0.15 0.16 0.18 0.16 0.12 0.13 0.08 <0.08NO (mg/1) <0.003 <0.003 <0.003 <0.003 <0.003 <0.003 <0.003 <0.003NH3 (mg/I) <0.002 <0.002 <0.002 <0.002 <0.002 <0.002 <0.002 <0.002

Tot. N (mgII) 0.112 0.067 0.074 0.064 0.106 0.061 0.252 0.330P (mg/l) 0.029 0.020 0.012 0.022 0.020 0.019 0.070 0.053

Permanganate (mg/l) 0.9 1.1 0.8 0.9 0.9 0.8 1.1 2.4Index

DO (mg/I) 10.7 10.6 9.5 9.3 9.8 9.7 9.3 9.9COD (mg/I) 1.9 3.7 2.5 3.7 2.9 1.5 2.0 9.0

BOD3 (mni) 0.5 0.5 0.2 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.4 0.5r (mg,I) 0.120 0.172 0.182 0.116 0.122 0.122 0.122 0.114Se (mg/I) <0.0025<0.0025<0.0025e0.0025<0.0025<0.0025<0.0025<0.0025As (mg/l) <0.007 <0.007 <0.007 <0.007 <0.007 <0.007 <0.007 <0.007Hg (mg/i) <0.0000t 0.00001 0.0000t0.000010.00 000.00001t0.00001 0.00008Cd (mg/I) <0.0002<0.000c<0.0002<0.0002<0.0002<0.0002<0.0002<0 0002Cr (mg/l) <0.002 <0.002 <0.00_ <0.002 <0.002 <0.002 <0.002 <0.002Pb (mg/I) <0.002 0.003 0.003 0.003 0.002 0.00_ 0.002 0.002

Cyanide (mg/l) <0.004 <0.004 <0.004 <0.004 <0.004 <0.004 <0.004 <0.004Volaltle Phenol (mgll) <0.002 <0.002 <0.002 <0.002 <0.002 <0.002 <0.002 <0.002

Petroleum (mg/I) <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05Sulfa Active (mg/I) <0.050 <0.050 <0.050 <0.050 <0.050 <0.050 <0.050 <0.050

Agent with AnionColiform Bact (no./I 140. 330. 70. 330. 700. 3500. 4600. 3500.Susp.Solids (men1) 8.4 9.8 S.1 12.0 7.9 14.0 9.2 7.4

ERT*I LA CM& 4.32

Table 4.7: Summary of water quality data from Jinsha River Upstream and downstreum from_ Yalong confluence.

1989Lonip Don¢ Luo Guo

Parameter MuaBh Agust Novmer MajSh As November

Temperature 13.5 22.5 12.8 14.5 20.8 13.2Suspended Solids 11.7 801.0 195.0 57.8 744.7 226.2

Tota Hard 79.5 75.7 79.2 79.0 73.7 79.5DO 8.8 7.7 9.3 8.7 7.5 9.2

NH3-N 0.m 0.03 c0.02 0.05 <0.02 <0.03N02N 0.002 0.002COD 1.6 6.2 '.0 1.8 5.5 2.1

BODs 0.7 0.9 0.5 0.3 0.7As <.01 <0.007 <0.01 <0.007Hg 0.0001 0.0001Cd 0.0001 < 0.0004 0.000; <0.0006Pb 0.012 0.047 <0.005 0.0001 0.023 <0.003

Colitorm Bactcria 105. 35000. 1430. 185000. 205000. 240000.pH 8.4 8.3 8.4 8.4 8.3 S.4


Temperature 12.7 '1.3 13.8 12.3 20.7 13.9Suspended Solids 15.0 588.3 109.8 37.3 589.0 300.0Total Hard 88.2 66.' 74.0 79.3 60.2 68.3DO 9.4 7.9 9. ! 9.3 7.8 9.1

<0.04 <0.07 <0.62 0.04

COD 1.6 4 5 2.0 1.7 4.1 2.1

BOD, 0.6 0.7 0.3 0.7 0.7 n.5

A% <0 008 0.013 <0.007 0.011 0.016Hg u.0002 <0.0003 <0.002 0.0002 0.0003 0.000M

Cd 0.0002

Pb 0.002 0.014 0.003 0.003 0.017 0.004

Colifonn Bacteria 1300. 2'W00. 5R50. 175000. 335000. 104500.pH 8.4 S.4 8.4 8.4 8.4 8.3

(Long Dong is Down.qrram trom coniluceice. Luo Guo is upstream from confluence but downstreai from

Panzhihua Cit.j

EM: PtA O 4.33

confluence of the Yalong River are presented in Table 4.7. Samples were obmained during

dry, median and wet seasons at four locaions on the Jinsha (Long Dnng, Panzhihua

Hydrographic Station, Luo Gou, and Jinjiang Railway Station. Additional samples wyere

obtained at the mouth of the Anning River and atrae mouth of the Yalong River (see Figure

4.6). The data indicate that water in the Jinsha River, except for intestinal bacteria and

copper, indicate high quality water at all of the Jinsha River Stations. The primary pollutant,

that detracts from the quality of water in the Jinsha is the exceedingly high intesdnal bacteria

concentrations at all stations with the exception of the Long Dong Station.

In general, the quality of the water in the Jinsha, upstream from Panzhihua City is quite good

corresponding to a Class III river. After passing through Panzhihua City concentrations of

cadmium, lead, BOD, COD, and total nitrogen increase significantly along with the dramatic

increase in intestinal bacteria concentrations. These increases are attributable to sewage

discharge from Panzhihua City. An estimated 57.2 million tons of untreated sewage

discharged to the Jinsha River annually. Water quality recovers somewhat downstream prior

to the inflow from the Yalong. However, the general quality of the water in the Jinsha is

within Class III in comparison with the Water Quality Standards of the Environmental

Protection Law.

4.. Aquatic Vegetation

Rooted aquatic vegetation in the Yalong River is sparsely distributed. Small pockets of

rooted aquatics are present throughout the system but hvdrologic, hydraulic and suspended

sediment conditions prevent extensive areas of these plants both in the Yalong and in the

Ganyu River. A reconnaissance of the Yalong and Ganyu River reaches to be inundated by

the Ertan Reservoir revealed five species of rooted aquatic plants consisting of Potamogeton

francluns. Potamogeron crispis, Ulieudria aurea, Charafagilis, and Hvdrilla quadrifolia.

Floating aquatic vegetation such as Eichhomia crassipes, has been observed in the reservoir

ft?At EA CM 4.34 T-

area, but not in the Ganyu or Yalong Rivers. Farmers in the vicinity of Yanbian County use

small irrigation reservoirs to culture Eichornia as a source of fodder for pigs. Other

floating species such as Pistia stradiores and Salvinia were not observed in either the Yalong

or Ganyu River Valleys.

Phytoplankton have been surveyed and, as would be expected, populations are denser in the

relativery sluggish Ganyu Arm than in the Yalong Mainstem.

S.. Fish and Other Aquatic Organisms

a.. FLsh

The Yalong River is a major tributary of the Jinsha River (Yangtze River) which is the

largest river of China and one of the largest river systems in the world (Figure 4.1). As

large as the Jinsha River system is, the fish fauna is relatively unk-.-uw.. The most intensive

fishery surveys in the project area were conducted in 1983 and 1984 by the Sichuan Aquaaic

Product Research Institute in association with CHIDI to support the environmental assessment

for the first stage loan. Additional surveys were conducted in 1990 and 1991 by the

Biological Department of Shichuan Teacher's College and CHIDI. In 1992 and 1993.

CHIDI. the Sichuan Teacher's College and the Sichuan Environmental Science Research

Institute conducted a fish survev to support the Tongzilin Environmental Assessment. Other

survevs have been conducted bv a number of other institutes for various purposes. The most

recent compilation of species known or expected to occur in the Yalong and Jinsha Rivers

in Sichuan Province is presented in Annex 2.1. The list includes 151 species of fish in the

Jinsha River. and 100 species occur in the Yalong of which all but three are found in the

Jinsha as well.

Generally, fish species occurring in the Yalong and Jinsha rivers can be characterized into

three major groups: Type A fish include those species which are generally found in the

plains area in which the rivers are characteristically low gradient and velocities are slow.

9112mThJ FA C14 4.35

Fpgure 4.1S:Distributions of three fishspecies found in the projectare represendng the threemajor distributioniecologicalypes: Type A = plains;Type B X mid-elevation: and

f 21 @ \t S Type C = high elevation.

Swamp eel___________________________________ Monopterus alTus

Catfish_Euchiloglanis davidi

-Scliizolhorax: .tkoiovi


Type B fish occur in rivers at middle elevations where the gradients are somewhat higher and

water velocities are swifter. Type C fish are found in high elevation rivers characterized as

high gradient, cold, and highly oxygenated. Examples of the distributions of fish. in each of

these habitat types is presented in Figure 4.15. The general type (A, B or C) of habitat

utilized by each of the fish species in the Yalong Basin is also presented in Annex 2.1. As

indicated in the list, the majoritv of the species occurring in the Ertan Reach of the Yalong

belong to the second category (Type B).

Because a primary source of the Yalong River is snowmelt of the Bayankela Mountains and

other mountain ranges surrounding the upper Yalong Basin, water temperature is relatively

low. Upstream from Jinping Mountains, the fish fauna is generally characteristic of the

Qinghai-Tibet associations comprised of relatively few species. The primarv genera in this

area include Schizothorax. Nemacheilus, and Sisoridae spp.

Below elevation 2,000 m, the climate is generally dry and warm. Consequently, water

temperature in tributaries to the Yalong and in the Yalong itself awe somewhat hiat.er. More

species occur in this type of condition as indicated in Anncx 2. 1. Although there are more

species represented in this reach, the populations of each species tend to be somewhat


The difference in the numbers of species of fish residing at various elevations is supported

by results of several surveys conducted by CHIDI. Sichuan Teacher's College and the

Sichuan Environmental Science Research Institute. Some fifty species were identified frem

the lower reach of the Yalong River and near its confluence with the Jinsha River. Within

the reservoir area 37 species were documented from the river. In studies Lo suppor, the

Jinping I.and Jinping 1I projects. upstream from Ertan, 28 species were identified.

Surveys of fish made at four stations around the reservoir area to support the Ertan Projec!

revealed great differences in the species present and their relative abundances. Schizorhorax

species (average weights of 200-500 g) were among the most conspicuous in numbers and

total biomass. Common carp, Cyprinus carpio, (average weight 500-2500 g) formed a

EV.^N EA Co" 4.37

conspicuous propordon of the catch at three of the stations, but the large catfish, Silurus

merid&onalis (average weight 4.5 - 6 kg) dominated the catch in terms of biomass at two

stations although few indiwduals were caught. The inconsistency between the results

indicates that the complexities of the total aquatic environment are little understood.

During a reconnaissance of the reservoir area conducted between May 26 and June 1, 1994,

incidental observations of local fishermen in the Puwei River (tributary to the Yalong on east

side of vallev approximately 10 km upstream from mouth of Ganyu) indicated up to 17

species occurring at the mouth of the Puwei River. Preliminary identification of the fish

indicated the occurrence of Schizothorax spp., several other Cyprinidac spp., Bagridae spp,

and Sisoridae spp. Species of the fish were not identified in the field. The diversity of fish

collected is depicted in Figure 4.16.

Of concern relative to the construction of the Ertan Dam is the occurrence of migratory fish

species that periodically use the Yalong River for spawning, rearing or foraging. Based on

current understanding of thc habits Qf fish known to occur in the Yalong, the only migratory

species that might occur in the river is-the eel, Anguillajaponica. This catadromous species

is economically important. Although Ding, et al. (1994) indicates that it occurs in the

Yalong, recent surveys of the fish fauna in the Yalong have not reported its presence. The

potential for this species occurring in the Yalong is quite high. The only possible barrier to

its movement into the Yalong River is the Gezhouba Dam located in Hubei Province

downstream from the Three Gorges reach of the Chang Jiang (Yangtze) River. Based on

familiarity with the ability of the eel to pass through such barriers. the frequencv with

Gezhouba spills and the presence of navigation locks in the dam would not inhibit upstream

or downstream passage of the eel. Therefore, it is likely that Anguilla is present in the

Yalonv River fr. h .Lher sampling of the fish fauna in the Yalong is needed to confirm its

presence or absence.

As noted above, three species identified bv Ding (1994) appear to occur in the Yalong but

not in the Jinsha. The three species are: Gymnocypris patanini. Triplophvsa markehenensis,

and T. angeli. These species have also been identified from the Upper Jinsha. mid and upper

g41M EA CM 4.38

_' '"- - ;

~~~4 ~~~4

~~~~~~~.' .~, - ''

F.~ ~ ~~F0

Figure 4.16: Photograph of Fish Species Observed in Fishermen's Catch at Mouth of Puwei Riveron May 28, 1994.

Dadu, Mingjiang and Anning Rivers. Further investigation regarding the distribution and

abundance of these species is warranted.

Two species of fish, identified as occurring in the Jinsha River in Sichuan Province and

identified in the IUCN list of endangered species of the world are the two sturgeon species,

Acipenser sinensis and A. dabryanus. A. sinensis. the giant Chinese sturgeon, is

anadromous. It grows to nearly 500 Lkg (over 3.0 m in length) in the ocean and would return

to spawn in the lower Jinsha in the vicinity of Yibin in Sichuan Province, approximatelv

3,000 km from the ocean. Construction of the Gezhouba Dam has effectively block}ed the

migration of the sturgeon. Efforts to artificially spawn the species and return juveniles to

the river downstream from Gczhouba are reportedly relatively successful (Yu, CHIDI, pers.

comm; Bi, Ministry of Forestry, pers. comm.). The artificial spawning program includes

collection of gravid adults, artificial extrusion and fertilization of the eggs, incubation of the

eggs, and rearing the fry to a free-swimming stage in a series of ponds. Juvenile sturgeon

fWA2 EO4 4.39

' t~

are released to the Chang Jiang (Yangcze) downstream from Gezlhouba Dam.

The habits of A. dabryanus are not known. This species is much smaUler than A. sinensis,

reaching an adult length of only 90 cm. It is likely that the species follows a life history

similar to that described for A. sinensis but the locations of the spawning areas have not been

identified. It is not known if an artificial reproduction program for this species hat been


b.. Plankton and benthos

Zooplankton have been surveyed and, as would be expected. populations are denser in the

relativelv sluggish Ganyu arm than in the Yalong mainstem. The benthos is dominated by

the larvae of caddisflies (Trichoptera), with larvae of mayflies (Ephemeroptera) and other

insects being rare. Snails appeared to be restricted to the rice fields.

D.. Terrestrial Vegetation. Wildlife and Biodiversity

L.. Vegetation

The Enan Reser-oir area of the Yainn2 River is in a transition zone t.etween the more

widely d;stributed trcpic and subtropic zones of southern China. The climate alternates

be:n.en .ot int! zvol and drv and humid. This varied climatic condition is reflected in the

:11s. which ntergrades between subtropical and tropical vegetation types.

Nat:e veanion artind the Ertan reservoir is characteristic of the subtropical biome with

some tropical elements present. T he species composition reflects the moderate climate, lack

of four seasons, and relatively constnt temperature throug,h the year. Most of the area that

will be inundated has been disturbed bv human activities. Only about 1,000 ha of relatively

undisturbed stands of native vegetation remain within the 10.100 ha reservoir area. The

Chinese subtropical evergreen broad-leaved forests that once dominated the area are

Sui .;af EJA Cii4 4.40

cutting land 3 )

[W; poorly-forested land 2 S waste land for reforestation \ _ ERTAN

Figure 4.17: Forestry map (1978) of the lower Yialong watershed and surroundings.

1ARN EA C4 4.41 ;;

-A E

1, g* ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ &I~~M VI liJvAu

e ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~e -

\ j * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'5H61 til LIMMI SUOII!A lA"tXI -IIIII%,''ll! nlllill'lttillol8IJS( P)'@J2.


A., Uls @ l l1_1

.. ''.


~~~bhNVp N

charact by some 14,500 species of flowering plants, with many of these speces are

known only from China. The forests were dominated by oaks (Fagacae: Custanopsis.

Lithocarpus and up to a dozen other genera), and laurels (Lauraceae). Among the endemic

species of trees of this area are Schottky's oak Cyclbanoides glaucoides, Delavay's oak

Csaunopsir delayi, Smith's fir Abies georgei, Evelyn's bezeleeria A. evelyniana, and the

Yunnan pine P snyusyw esais. This later species is a pioneer species typical of open forest

gaps, landslips and similar sites in the lower montane zone. The forest trees of the main

canopy would typically reach 20 m in height, with layers of smaller trees and shrubs beneath

them. A very small percentage of the original cover of this forest type remains in China.

The distribution of remnant areas of subtropical broatleaf evergreen forest and other

vegetation types in the vicinity of the Yalong River in southwest Sichuan is shown in Figures

4.17 and 4.18.

The primary vegetation on the steep slopes immediately above the Yalong River have the

appearance of a savannah scattred, open canopy trees with grasses and forbs prevalent

between the trees, as shown in Figure 4.19. This savanna-like appearance of the lower

elevation forests (from the river level to approximately 1200 m) is probably the result of

harvesting of the mature timber with the only partal rgeneration of some trees. The open

canopy is probably now minXtained by livestock grazing, as evidenced by numerous trails

observed on the steep slopes, coupled with the steepness of the slopes and the associated

shallow soils.

As is typical in mountainous regions with extreme topographic relief, the distribution of

vegetative types is highlv correlated with elevation in the Yalong Vallev. This elevational

zonation in the Yalong valley is depicted schematically in Figure 4.20. Within the area of

the Ertan Reservoir, the vegetative cover is dominated by various grasses and forbs with

small shrubs and trees scattered on the steep slopes of the valley (See Figure 4. I9). The

grass-shrub-scattered tree type vegetation dominates the valley floor and slopes with

elevations less than 1,100 to 1,200 mn. Semi-humid evergreen broadleaf forest, characteristic

of the subtropical climate, occurs at mid elevations in the vicinity of the Ertan Reservoir

(between elevations 1,100 and 1,600 on north facing slopes and between eevations 1,200 and


,AN ER CM 4.43 0

1,700 m on south facing slopes). Because the aea is also influenced by the southwest

monsoons, pine forests (dominated by P. yunnanensis) occur at higher elevations (above

1,600 m on the north fcing slopes anid above 1.700 m on south facing slopes).

More than 300 species of higher plants are known from the inundation zone, most of which

are widespread species of disturbed communides (below 1,200 m elevation). Typical trees

in these areas are the kapok reladve Gossanpinus malabaricu, the timber tree Toona fureni,

Figure 4.19: Open, savannah-type vegetation characteristic of the steep slopes of the valley wallswithin the Eatan Reservoir area.

14112EW1* iA H 4.44

2500 Pinus yunnanesn forest 2500/ (or mixed forest with pine and oak)

2000 2000

- - *__\ Evergreen oak forest1500 .- 1500

bush and grasswith few trees

I _ooo _'1000 -

shade slope sunny slope

Figure 4.20: Schematic representation of altitudinal zones of vegetation in the Yalong Valley.

Engelhardia spica a, Phyllawhus emblica, and Jarropha curcas. The grasses are comprised

of Imperata cylindrica. Heteropogon conlonus, 7hemeda triondra. and Cymbopogon distons.

Of the 10,100 ha area to be inundated by the Ertan Reservoir, approximately 2,400 ha are

covered by this type of vegetation. Above 1,200 m the remnant broadleaf forests are

dominated by Quercus franceii. mixed with Engelhardia colebrookiana. Diospyros

mollifolia, Cyclobalanopsis delavayi and others. Because the distribution of this type of forest

is limited below 1,200 m, only scattered tracts, ranging in size from 10 to 100 ha occur

within the area to be inundated by the reservoir. The total amount of land covered bv these

remnant areas within the reservoir area is approximatelv 1.050 ha. Above 1.700 m the

oakllaurel vegetation is mixed with rhododendrons Rhdodendrnn. winterareen Gautiheria.

and bilberries Vaccciniunm. These species intergrade with the Yunnan pine (P. vannianertsis)

forests above Elevation 1600 m (See Figure 4.20).

2. Fauna

Recent information pertaining to the fauna of the Yalong River basin is not readily available.

Description of the vertebrate communities is based on records of collections made in the

*t 12TMl EmACHO 4.45

1930s and 1940s. Consequendy the curent condition of the vertebrate communities, even for

the birds, is poorly understood. Human intervention in the area, consisting of timber

harvest, agriculture and grazing practices has changed the community structure considerably.

The following descriptions are based on the best available information.

a.. . Amphibiaps

Over 20 species of amnphibians have been recorded from the reservoir area and its

surroundings (Annex 2.2). Four of these, Batrachuperus yenguanensis, Megophrys

shapingensi, Scudger auberculanrs and Amolops loloensis, are endemic to Sichuan and are

known to occur in the vicinity of the -project reservoir. None of these endemic amphibian

species is considered treatened or endangered.

Two species of Batrachuperus and Bufo andrewsi are used by local residents for medicinal

purposes, and the larger frogs are eaten. Their economic importance also stems from their

habit of eating insects that are deleterious to agriculture.

b.. Reptiles

Two turtle, eight lizard, and 18 snake species are known from the reservoir area and its

surroundings (Annex 2.3). None of the reptilian species is considered threatened at a globai

level. The turtles and larger snakes have medicinal and food value and consequently the

populations are relatively sparse. The cobra Naja naja and the three vipers are dangerous

to humans. Local residents recognize that some snakes and lizards feed on agricultural pests

and. therefore. are considered beneficial.

c.. Birds

Birds in and around the project are generally rare, as they are in much of lowland China.

This general cendition is due to efforts in the 1950s by the national and provincial

U1412ERTN IA a" E4.46,,

governments to control insect that caused considerable damage to agricultural crops. In lieu

of the effects of widespread use of pesticides. a total of 229 species of birds are recorded

from the area surunding the Ertan Reservoir (Annex 2.4). Five species are considered

endangered by the global community and, of these, four occur in the subtropical broadleaf

forest (see discussion of Biological Diversity, Section 4.4.3). The fifth species, the

black-necked crane, winters in cultivated areas of the Yalong Valley and is classified as

Vulnerable by IUCN. In China, the black-necked cane is designated as a first-grade species

(endangered) under-the Cninese Endangered Speces Act (See Chapter 3). Temminck's

tragopan, Tmagopn renmbnafic, is also protected as a second-grade species (threatened) under

the Chinese Endangered Species Act.

The bird species occurring in the vicinity of the Ertan Project can be categorized into one

of four groups based on their distribution:

1. Birds of the river valleys with the tree sparrow, Passer monawnus, being the dominant

resident species. Other species include wading birds, water fowl and other migratory

species that move into the area during different seasons.

2. Birds of agricultural areas including tree sparrow, tawny-flanked prinia (Prinia

subflava), white wagtail (Motacilla alba), and Japanese white-eye (Zosrerops


3. Birds of the disturbed broaaleaf forest, represented by the crested finch-billed bulbul

(Spizixos canifrons), the white-collared babbler (Yuhiina diademara), and the

black-headed sibia babbler (Heterophasia melanoleuca).

4. Birds of the conifer forest, represented by the red-tailed siva babbler (Minla


The common pheasant (Phasianus coichicus), Chinese francolin (Francolinus pintadeanus),

ruddy shelduck ('. iorna ferruginea), teal (Anas creca), spot-billed duck (Anas

U & AC4 4.47

poecilorhyncha). herons, pigeons, woodcock, and various other wading birds are considered

game species and are hunted for their meat and feathers. Certain species are also hunted

because of their medicina; properties [herons for their livers, ducks for their feathers, black

kite (Milvus migrans) for their brains and claws, and various pheasants, hoopoo,

woodpeckers, common myna, crows, thrushes and others.for their whole bodies].

d.. Mammals

The mammals potentiallv present in and around the project area and adjacent upper catchment

are listed in Annex 2.5, together with those known to occur at elevations above the level of

the planned reservoir, and those known to occur between the dam Site and the confluence of

the Yalong with the Jinsha river. Although many mammal species in China are considered

threatened or endangered both by the Chinese government and by the international

community, none is known to occur in the vicinity of the Erman Project either because it is

not suitable for those species or because it was eliminated from the valley many decades

previouslv. The historical range of the tiger Panthera tigris. leopard P. pardus, and possibly

Javan rhino Rhinoceros sondicus includes the Yalong catchment. However. these species

were eradicated from the adjacent catchment of the reservoir many decades ago and

consequently are no longer considered residents and are not included in the list presented in

Annex 2.5.

The most well-known mammal of western and southwestern China. the giant panda. is not

known to inhabit the Yalong Basin. The closest survivins populations are some 200 km

awav (Ficure 4.2I.

Several mammal species occurring in the vicinitv of the Ertan Project are considered

.;ur-beare.s and are consequently hunted by local residents. These species include the bears.

foxes. martens, hares, and squirrels. Other mammalian species are hunted for their

medicinal properties. Musk deer. deer, pangolin. several primates, and river otters fall into

this group of mammals.

Insectivorous species, such as bats, and certain carnivores are considered beneficial because

ERT AN EA 04 4.48


g g ~Xichan

Ertan Dam_

_/ J O~~~~~ 100 200

Figure 4.21: Current. Cnown Distributionof Giant Pandas in Western Sichuan (narrow lines)and Locatinns of Nature Reserves (bold-gazetted. hatched-proposed) (SichuanForestry Department. 1985).

3112ERAN 0E4A 4.49.

they feed on insects, rats and mice that are considered pests on agricultural rop. Other

species are considered pests (rats and mice) and some are important in public health

programs because they either carry various human diseases or they are host to invertebrate

vectors of human diseases.

3.. Biological Diversity and Cooservation

The maintenance of ecological biodiversity has become a major concem among conservation

organizations, caional governments and international funding agencies around the world.

This concern focuses on the maintenance and preservation of natural biological communities

and has grown out of the realization that human interfence in natural communities is

leading many species to the brink of extinction. The primary goal for maintaining biological

diversity throughout the world is to reduce the further destruction of natural communities and

to preserve the habitat for species near extinction. The concern for maintaining species

diversity in China is reflected in China's recently developed Biodiversity Action Plan.

Within this plan, the people of China have recognized that many ecosystems, unique to

China, are of value and should be maintained. Consequently, the biodiversity of the area tO

be affected by the Erran Hydroelectric Project has become a concern of both the

environmental community within China and international environmental organizations

monitoring development in developing nations.

The Ertan Project lies within the BioUnit 39(a) described in China's Biodiversity Action

Plan. This BioUnit. delineated as the Southwest Mountains Biounit. is described as 'ver

imporranz' because the richness of plant. bird and mammal species present. and it ranks

second or third in all China in terms of its diversity. To do a detailed. fine-grained

assessment of biological diversity for the Eran Project is not possible, however, due to the

limited amount of information available for the BioUnit. In general, the biodiversty within

the inundation zone is relatively low. The majority of the area is highly disturbed by historic

and cunent human activity: Nearly half of the inundation area is occupied by agricultural

activities (farming and herding), human settlement, replanted forest, timber harvest areas

(including maintained fuelwood forests), grassland hillside, or aquatic habitats (rivers,

MrM FA CPM 4.50

irrigation ponds, fish ponds, etc). Much of this intenrention occurred many years to several

decades ago and much of the area is only lightly used with some regeneation of typical

vegetation types apparent.

Even with the extent of human activity there are a few remnant areas of native vegetation

that have survived human intrvention. As described previously (Section 4.4.1), scattered

subtropical broadeaf evergmere forest remnants occur throughout the reservoir-arcaL Because

these forests are genrally found between elevations 1,100 m and 1,700 m, the total amount

of this type of forest within the inundation zone is relatively small and scattred. Tracts

ranging in size from 10 to 200 ha account for approximately 1,000 ha or 10 percent of the

total area to be inundated by the reservoir. This type of forest is somewhat more prevalent

at elevations above 1,200 m. The occurrence of this the broadleaf forest at elevations above

the inundation zone will be of importance in the overall environmental management plan

proposed for the Ertan Project. Although the subtropical broadleaf forest does occur within

the valley of the Yalong River, specific knowledge permining to the health of that biotype

is not available at this time.

Aside from the occurrence and distribution of the various forest types within the inundation

zone, little specific information is available to perform a fine-grained biodiversity assessment

of the Ertan Project. As described previously, the occurrence of vertebrate species within

the Yalong River basin has not been updated for many years. However, the potential

biodiversity in the area, based on international standards, can be best described with respect

to the bird community. The irnmortance of the diversitv of particular ecological communities

is generally indicated by the number of species which are endemic not only to the habitat

types but also to the particular area. Among the various vertebrate groups, the bird

community of southwestern Sichuan is best known and their levels of endemism are generally

indicative of endemism in other taxonomic groups.

An assessment of the world's most important areas for conservation has recently been

completed bv Bird Life International (formerly the ICBP). The basis of defining imporant

areas for targeting conservation efforts was the delineation of 'endemic bird areas (EBA).

12t4UrrA EA CH 4.S5I

An EBA is defined by the presence of two or more bird species that have restricted ranges

(less than 50,000 km2) and their entire distribution is within the area. Given this definition,

it was determined that twelve EBAs are found in China. One of these.EBAs is the 'South

Chinese Forests' which covers lowland areas up to about 2000 m. Another is the 'Centrl

Sichuan Forests' occurs at elevations above 2000 m in the montane zone. Pordons of the

Yalong River basin (including the vicinity of the Ertan Reservoir) occur in-both of these

EBAs. Because the Central Sichuan Forest occurs at elevations well above the reservoir

area, it is not of concern with respect to the Ertan Project However, the South Chinese

Forest EBA designation is relvant to the Ertan Project. A total of five restricted-range bird

species occur in the South Chinese Forest EBA (Table 4.8). The species axe further

restricted to the broadleaf forests that occur within the 10,000 khn' area comprising the EBA.

With the exception of the laughing-thrush, all are considered to be endangered (Bird Life

International). Although the area covered by this EBA is about 10,000 kn2, considerably

less than this is suitable habitat for these species and less than 5 percent is in currently in

gazetted conservation areas. Consequently, the Ertan Reservoir becomes important in the

overall assessment of the project and provides an opportunity for preserving habitat for these

endangered bird species.

Table 4.8: Restricted-range birds of the broad-leaved South Chinese Forests'.

Camnmeti Name Scientific Name Attitudinalauge (m)

Sichuan partndge Arboroptila rufipeclus 1200-1800Gold-rronted fulveta Alcippe rwgafaceps 700-1900

Red-winged laughing thrush Garmlarformosus 1200-2600Omei Shan liocichla Lociehla oneiesnsis 1000-2400Siiver oriole Oriolus meUianus 300-1450

Currently, there are only two existing nature reserves in the same sub-biounit as the project

area (Figure 4.22):

"24.2ErrAn EA CM4 4.52

s 8/rlanDamsite N


Figure 4.22: Locations of Reserves in the Southwest Mountains Biounit in Sichuan Province:Black - gazetted; white - proposed"3112


Luoji Shan

Area: 23,000 haAltitude range: 2000-4000 mGazetted: - 1986Agency: Local govemmcntJustification: Rare flora and fauna, glacial reics and natral

mountain sceneryStaff: 4 personsAnnual budget: 20,000 (0.9 yuanma)Condition: Reasonable

Panzhihua Suteilin

Area: 300 haAltitude range: 976-2920 mGazetted: 1983Agency: Local governmentJustification: Populations of the cycad Cycas paniuhuaeizssStaff: 5 personsAnnual budget: 10,000 yuan (33 yuan/ha)Condition: Rather diswrbed at lower elevations

Neither of these preserves target the preservation of the lowland broadleaf evergreen forest

cited within the South Chinese Forest EBA, nor do they contain the broadleaf forest types

like those found in the project area. Luoji Shan is situated at elevations much higher than

those in which the broadleaf forest is found and the Panzhihua Suteilin Preserve focuses

entirely on the preservation of the cvcad population. Consequently, neither preserve provides

for the colnservation of the broadleaf evergreen forest which is the habitat utilized bv the five

bNrd species cited in Table 4.8.

Be.ause the occurrence ot any of the five endemic bird species in the evergreen broadleaf

torcsts surroundinA the Ertan Project is not klnoun, the opportunity for preserving some of

the native forests is an important component as part of the Ertan Hydro mitigation plan.

Specific measures to advance this opportunity are described in the impact assessment and

mitigation section of this EA (Section 5).

94112OMTAN RA 044 4.54.

, a)o;5 ¢ ;-§, -o'>2 ' ..o .-- -. _ ' l * -C -

- .1 --

E.. Socioeconomic Environment

1.. Water Use

Although the Yalong River and the Ertan Project are located in a relatively uninhabited

portion of southwest Sichuan Province, there are some existing uses of the river that may be

affected- by project structures and operation. The potential effects to these uses may be

attributable to changes in the hydrologic regime, water quality, or sediment load in the river.

Because changes to the hydrologic and water quality regimes may be realzed downstrm

from the confluence of the Yalong with the Jinsha River, a survey of existing water uses was

conducted between the upper end of the Ertan Reservoir and Yibin. Existing uses of the

river and river channel are described below.

a.. Structures Present in the River Channel or Along the


Structures located in and along the Yalong River within the impoundment zone were

inventoried during the planning for resettlement activities and are discussed in the

resettlement sections of the EA- These structures and uses are not addressed here.

Structures in the Yalong River downstream from the Erian dam site include: timber handling

facilities located at Mishaituo, Xiaodeshi; Anninc River mouth, Dapingdi, Niupingzi. and

Sanduizi; an industrial water supply pumping station for the Panzhihua Mine Power Plani

near the confluence of the Yalong with the Jinsha; and the piers of three bridges across the

Yalong River between the dam site and the Jinsha River confluence.

Structures located on the banks of the Yalong River which may be impacted by project

operation include the shoreline facilities associated with the timber handling sites identified

above; residential buildings at Xiaodeshi and Tongzilin; and ancillary buildings associated

with the Panzhihua Mine Power Plant.

E£TrAN EA CM 4.55

b. Downstream Industrial, Agricultural, and Doiiestic Water


Use of the Yalong River downstrm fmm the Ertan Project for industrial, agricultural and

domestic water supply is limited. Currently, water is drawn from the Yalong River at the

Panzhihua Mine Power Plant and at several locadons on the Jnsha between the Yalong

confluence and the Jfnjiang Railway Station. During construction, water is withdrawn from

the Yalong for use at the construction labor camps, at the concrete batch plants, and at the

contractr/administration units established to house the construction managers. Once the

project is completed, the Yalong River wiMl serve as the primary source of water for the

Yanbian County town to be constructed on the right side of the Yalong River downstream

from the confluence of tihe Anning River.

The Panzhihua Mine Water Treatment Plant has a design purification capacity of

approximately i5,000 tons of water per day (about 0. 17 m.3/s). Water treated at this plant

is used primarily by 60,000 to 65.O00 residents in the Panzhihua City area to meet domestic

requirements. Very little of the water is used for industrial purposes. The pumping station

for the water treatment plant is located on the Yalong upstream from its confluence with the

Jinsha River and is operated on a 24-hour basis. The pumping station houses four pumps

each with a lifting capacity of 280 mn;Ih and a total capacitv of 27,000 m3;day. Currently,

onlv two pumps are used on a 2 4-hour basis with the remaining two operated as-needed or

as reserve pumping capacitv.

Several small pumping stations are located alonc the Jinsha River between the confluence of

the Yalon, River and the Jinjiang Railway Station. These pumping stations are mounted on

floating boats or on tracks that can be moved up and down with the water level. The amoun;

of water withdrawn at these sites is quite small.

C.. Trnnsportation of TLimber

A primarv existing use of the Yalong River is for transporting harvested timber - mainly

9J112MAN CA CM 4.56

from plantBa"ons located in the upper portions of the Yalong Catchmenr o- to-the collcetion . ,

and processing centers near the mouth of the Yalong and on the Jinsha River to Yibin. The

Yalong is the principal transportation corridor for timber within Sichuan Province. Forestv

practices in the upper basin are discussed in more detail in Section 4.5.2. Locations o' uhe

primarT forest maagemerareas where *his timber is harvested are depicted in Figure 4.23.

Harvested logs are placed in the river and conveyed downstream to the timber handiine

facilities at Xiaodeshi. Anning River Mouth and others. Most of dhe handling facilities

between Xiaodeshi and the mouth of the Yalong River are constructed of floating piers

anchored in the middle of the channel. At Xiaodeshi, a concrete-pier collection facility has

been constructed along the left bank of the river as showr in Ficure 4.24'.

At these locations the logs are accumulated irnto rafts which are th:n conveyed to the lumb r

mills in Yibin, approximatelv 800 km from the source in the upper Yalong Bacin.

Generally, use of the river for conveying logs occurs only eurng Til h'g.h flow season

between June and Seprei'ber w'hen narlv 98 pex-ent oi he lozf a.-iv: at the handling

facilities in the reach below the Ert-n Dam si:e. Ail of the zimber ;.a.;diling facifities at the

lower end of the Yalong River are design'td to operate unen dis hargte is at leass ,50C0 mn.rs.

d.. Commercial Navigation

The 3 k!m reach of the Yalon- River from the Ertan Dan; site Eu .;,a conwtuence with tht;

Jinsia River is currentiy unnavigablc due to the presence of shoals and rapids in the ..- er

cnannel. Transportation through this portion of the valley is accomplished via h?h.;2ay

al.ng ooth the left and right banks and via the rail line on the rieht bank throuc h Tongzi.in

Downst-eam from the confluence of the Yalong, the Jinsha River is navigab!e "or

avoroximately 140 km fr.m Panzhihua to Zaogutian. However. this reach is useu o::ti

seasonally in June and December between the extreme dry months and the extrenme wet

months. Between Zaogutian and Xinshizhen, extending approximately 150 kIn, the jinshl

contains many rapids and shoals making this reach unnavigable. The 58 k-n reach be:ween

Xinshizhen and Xiantan is used seasonally, again only duringr the months of June and

341 :2 4.57.cl.A -A Co 45



I ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Xinlon5JrDaofu


| ~~~LEGEM1 - i,4 IDING

I Ccnlrce or City or Coumy I N

~~~~I -oery_ _

Plnrned Foreslr Bavtu ____L County Boundvaty

! [fze ____\

. | ls ~~O]mlton,

'ur?,er F ore- Bures: j ..- r. an-du.;- ;

* 1Xa Xnlung i '!Fi.

j!w |Oor. mC.0CO) I, </ .a

1 ;MruUi ! SC v N J X1CHANuI

M L I 3uii '1 .

-' L..uke 0.'___ ______o >

I ' Jiulong v_"_|____(0 /

9 Yrr 70.000 __ g

10 PUwei S0.A0 Dmite11 TotI 11Xn.00O|.


Figure 423: Loc3tions otTimber iares- Areas aad Forest Managemenw Bureaus ir. valk.i- RiverBasin.eat i: -458EqT*dI EA a" -5

T.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

.a.' .. ~~.. ~ ~ .*' ,.

._: ~ ~ ~ , . . '

_ . < -WK t o' 7-'>_2.2

Figure 424: Log Handling Facilities in Yalong River at Xiaodeshi. 11 km Downstream FromErtan.

December. From Xiantan to Yibin, navigation use of the river is possible throughout the

vear. Because the industrial and agricultural production in the upper portions Ot the Jinsha

is quite low. there is little need for mass transportation o;' goods via the river.

There are several ferries present alona this rcach that link highways and provide for persons

wishing to cross the river. Such ferries are located at Qiaojia. Long,ie, Yuzha and Jinjianc.

Numerous boats observed at various locations along the river are used either by local

subsistence fishermen or bv operators of various facilities like the water pump stations

described previously.

2.. Land use

Surveys of land use in 1985 for the Sichuan portion of the Yalong watershed (96 percent of

94112RTMN EACH 4.:59

Table 4.9: Survey of Land Uses in Yalong River Basin i. Enan Reservoir Area.

Yalong catchment Yanbian Countyan- % km5

Forestry land 37,811 34 1,809 65Cultivaion 2.304 2 223 8Grazing land 58,946 5371 541 20Water surfTce 1,982 2 16 <1Odt.r 10.615 10 160 6

low 11 1 ,298 2.765

its total area) in general and of Yanbian County in parEicular were made in 1985 and the

resLilts are shown in Table 4.9. Land use is, in part, deternined by altitude with cultivated

sand more comn;on a. lower elevation "han at hiahcr- levation and forests lesc common at

jow altitudes than at high altitudes.

Table 4.10: Trends in Forest Cover. 1960-1980.

Catrimcnt Percent ForestLocaliuan in DXa!in Counties Arcm 60- 7O's 80's

I -!- Rcn:h Shiqu. GAJnzi. 3S.401° I.3; 1.-- 1.73%

Decc. Sc;a

MaiJJlc Reach X.Mnlone. Y :_.300 13.39cc 13.26% 11.61rcYajijn2. Luhun.

Daotu. w.can: m

Low=r R-ach Jiulorz. Muhl. Yan.uan 3i".r?9 25.06% 27.11% 26.58%

%liar.amc- il;, Mirl

Dxchane. Yanb:afs

Combined Catchznmen Area 111.298 12.33% L3.O252 12.32%

94A 2fRTAh EP 4.60

as * cove the"

The extent of forest (defuned as tree cover great-er ti- 0 percent)' in - the cachmenit-at ' '

present and in the past is shown in. Table 4.10. The increase in the proportion of -.he area

covered by forest from the l960s to the 1970s is due to a program of aerial sowing of tree

seeds in the 1960s. Results of this repianting became noticeable in the 1970s. Prior to the

1960s the practice of cuttng fore!ts and without replanting resulted in a decline in the forest

area. CurrentlY the propordon of thearea With forest cover in the lower reaches of the

Yalong around the reservoir (26 percent) is twice the Sichuan average. In Yanbian County

33 percent of the land area is covered by forest These forested areas contribute significandy

to water and soil conservation in the reservoir area.

a.. Agriculture

About 15 percent of the land within the reservoir area (about 1.700 ha) is cultivated. In

general the Han people occipy the valley bottoms where thicker and more fer ie soils.

combined with long experience with water mnanaggement and rice cultivation, each year

producc two or three harvests of rice. com. wheat, peanuts. sugarcanc and other minor

crops. Pigs and ducks are common stock animals. The Yi people tendl to occupy the hioger

elevations where only one har:est is produced each year because o, the lower temperatures.

greater diurnal temperature variation. slower plant growth, thin and relatively infertile soil.

and frequent landslips. The major crops are potato and buckwheat producing an average of

2250 kg/ha. The main stock animals are goats: sh:ep are found at higher altitudes. The

Rrassv areas of the midd!e mzontane reaions above 1500 m are the most suitable fwor eransc;

below this the grasslands are subject to a long drv season and are of poor quality.

Ecinomic trees in the reservoir region include walnut. chestnut, apple. pear. tung o;l tree.

mulberry. bamboo. and citrus. Yanyuan apples are :._.1 known for their color. smell. and

taste and are an imporLant export commodity.

b.. Forestry

In the Yalong catchment as a whole the timber forests cover approximatelv 0.85 million ha.

EWR EA Cm 4.61

An estimated 404 million m3 of timber is presenit within the valley of which there is

approximately 9.8 million me of harvestable timber. Spruce and fir trees comprised the

majority of the timber above 2000 m. After cutting, the logs are floated down the Yalong

and Jinsha rivers for processing in Yibin. Most of the logs are cut from old growth forests,

and regeneration/replanting is hampered by diseases caused by indigenous organisms of the

natural forests. The spruce and fir generaly grow on poor montane soils, and plantings often

take 1S Years to form a closed canopy, and 20 years to reach 20-m height. Annual

production of logs ir. the Yalong catchment reached a peak of 1.1 million rm3 prior to 1985,

with 90 percc-. 1:f uis production transported via the river. Annual timber production has

declined since 1985 to approoimately 0.3-0.4 million m3 in 1994. The reduced production

is attributed to new forestry policy designed to balance harvest and regeneration rates.

In the southern, mainly pine-growing areas of Puwei and Yanbian, the rate of harvesting

pines was, until quite recentld. greater than the rate of replanting. The forest bureau of both

Puwei and Yanbian are currently attempting to reverse this trend through replanting of the

pines in harvested areas. The areas replanted with Yanbian pine seeds and seedlings. The

Forestrv Bureaus expect the seedlings will form a closed-canopy and in seven years, and will

reach 6 m in height in 15 years.

The Forestrv Law enacted in 1989. requires that the quantity of timber harvested from an

area be less than the quantity grown. The purpose of this poiicv is to increase the amount

timner in a given area. In addition. the law requires that forestr management policy

- rcasonable use of timber resources.

- improvement of the forest compositior.

- increase in fores; cornpom;:ion.

- increase in ecolocical and environmental benefits.

- multiple uses. and

- increase in econoi liC beneflts.

ERTAN EA C_4 4.62

Certain forests, such as some of those in the Ganyu Valley, are recognized as important for

water conservation. These are owned by the Deparmet of Water Resources which entrusts

the management of them to the local bureau of the Department of Forestry. Only dead timber

may be cut froti these forests.

Provincial regulations for mountainous regions stipulate that to maintain ecosystem balance,

water conservation and soil conservation, tree harvesting is not allowed on slopes over 40a,

on slopes less than 40° where the soil is thin or replanting difficult, in tracts of i!olated

forest less than 20 ha in area, within 100-200 m of montane grassland or shrubs, within 50

m of all-season streams, and within I kIn of upper catchments. Onlv selective cutting of up

to 30 percent of the harvestable timber is permitted within 500 m of large rivers, or within

50 m of residential areas, reservoirs, and power stations.

In addition to use of available forests for timber, some pine tree stands are managed for

pmroduction of resin. Resin, tapped from pine trees, is collected in a manner similar to the

collection of rubber latex. Distillation of the pine resin produces ros.n and turpentine, the

former used in varnish,- paint, ink and paper industries, while turpentine is used in various

pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries.

c.. Industry and Mining

Industries located within the Ertan Reservoir area are generally small and self-supporting.

Repair shops, manufacture of spare parts. a small cement plant. cereal processing, brewery.

sugar refining (Table 4.11) constitute the majority of industries in the Yalong Valley. Up

to 160 active mines are present in the Yalong Valley, most of which are very small with

hrmrted production. The major mines include the Ertan Clay Mine which is exploiting a

deposit of approximately 5.5 million tons, and the Yanbian Hongni coal mine which is

exploiting a coal deposit with approximately 169 million tons in reserve. The mined clay is

important in the manufacture of refractories for the Panzhihua steelworks.

94112EITA EA C 4.63

Table 4.11: Industries Locaed in the Ertan Reservoir Area.

CompetentName Loeation Authority Owner Staff ain Products

Enan Clay Mine Jmlong HiU Paniibu StuIon State 108S KAolin:Production Company 110,000 I/yr

Jily I Power Third Village Watr Power Bureau idem Enery: I,O00kwivYUMe Yanbian County

Ce:nert Faotnry Xifaugian Industq: ldem 124 Cement:

JianLing Comunwications 30.000 tlyrBureau. Yanbiam County

3.. Land Transportation

Tne Calengdu-Kunming railway line passes along the left bank of the Yalong from the Anning

River mouth to the Jinsha River. Rail stations are located at Tongzilin and Jinjiang. The

Tonezilin Station, is located just 18 In from the dam site and is the major off loadino site

for heavy equipment a,nd materials necessary for construction of the project.

.T.e nmain highways are: Sichuan-Yunnan. Xxchang-Muli. Dechang-Yanbian.

Yanbian-Wudukou. Land transportation in the vicinitv of the Ertan Project is generallv quite

pk-kr becau%c of tze' rugged mourtain '.C..irn. Consequently. considerable road upgrade and

.^s::Iic:on swas nrcessary to accmimodate construction related traffic. Most of The proiect

:-!a :s accessible onLy on foot rT horseback. The rugaed mountain area has few yood roads

anc cornrion of means of travel "v loca! residents is by horse.

pal t2!rTAt4EA CN6- 4.64

4.. Administrative t nits and People

4.. Aidministrative USnits and Pcople

a.. Administrative Units

The region to be inundated by the reservoir directly involves five c-ounties:

- Yanbian and Miyi of Panzhihua Municipality, -and

- Dechang, Yanyuan and Xichang of Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture.

These counties and their adNinistrative centers are shown in Figure 4.25. The most

populous pa.t of the reservoir area is the Ganvu vallev where there are some 630 people/lkm2

and about 40 ha cultimated land/km-. Density of humans in the remaining part of the

reservoir is 60 people/knm2 and agricultural intensitv is limited to approximately 10 ha


b.. Socio-economic Conditions

The socio-economic conditions in the whole of the five ccunties affected bv the reservoir are

shown in Table 4. 1:2. It should be noted that these data were compiled .n 1 98 and revision

of these figures wouln be required if the survevs are reconducted. ihe apparent rapid

increase in population size between 1977 and 1983 obscr.ed in 'Yanyuan County was

apparentlv due to immigration associated with additional job oppu uities ard the ntflux of

governmental administrators. Similarly, the population growth in Xichang Countv was

stimulated by the rapid groWth of the aerospace industry and the associated infiux of officials

into the countv zovernmcntal agencies.

c.. Minoritv Nationalities

Although most of the people in the project area belong to the majoritv Hart nationality,

another '20 nationalikies are represented. The most numerous o.' the minority naaionalia;.es in

the project area is the Yi. Approximately 39,400 of 168.200 people in Yanbian County are

ERTAt ;. 4.65


* Mumcipality capital

* Countv capital IMuruicipalitylPrefecture boundary

County boundary 1 cHANG

Province boundary XICHAN

i' (


I Dechang\



Panzhihua 1

Figure 4.25: Administrative Units in the Ertan Reservoir Area.

ERTAN EAl4 - 4.66


Table 4.12: Socioeconomic Conditions in 1985 for the Five Counties Affected by the Reservoir.


Item Unit Yanbian Mi!i Dehng Yanyuanxdthang Total

Total Ae km2 2.765 2,105 2,240 8,370 2,484 17,964Cultivated Land ha 8.993 10,951 12.456 38296 24,845 95.531

Crxps ha 3.305 7,328 8,240 7,564 17.031 43.468Gszing ha 5.687 3.623 4.215 30,721 7,813 52,0S9

Annual Gmain tonlyear 48,360 55.320 63.045 86,295 15,255 268.275Production

Number of Households 25.637 35,588 48.496 5S.355Runl 23.255 30.029 26,870 44,7S8 52.282 177.194

Population 123.307 174.279. 147,474 248.627 260.000 953.687Rural 113.651 149.30 132.660 232.301 249.916 877.830

Annual Production X 106 yuan 36.75 62.70 48.20 72.45 78.74 98.84Industry X 106 yuan 10.60 24.82 10.97 13.86 8.09 69.24Agriculture X 10' yuan 26.15 37.88 37.33 58.59 70.65 230.60

Rural Labor -. 46.5 43.6 45.9 46.2 47.0 46.8Population Growth 6.6 6.4 8.6 17.9 14.4Grouth of Grai 3.9 1.6 5.6 4.7 7.I

minority nationalities, more than half of whom are Yi.

There are more than 5 million Yi pcople distributed throuch Yunnan. Sichuan and Guizhou

Provinces. Prior to the end of the Mling dynasty (1644), the Yi people were prevalent in the

project area. At that time the onlv permanent settlement of consequence was Yanyuan.

After the people's rebellion and the invasion by the Manchus in 164. many Han people fled

to safety in the western mountains, where some were taken as slaves by the Yi. Through

the years the proportion of Han incrcased as a result of their fleeing a variety of disturbances

in the low land areas. Finally. the number of Han people moved into the region as a

consequence of organized relocation programs. The town of Yanbian ('boundary of the Yan

area') was founded by Han pcople. probably earlier this century. A result of the immigration

of the Hans was displacement of the Yi into the more mountainous areas which the Han

tended to avoid as much as possible.

94112LUTAN LA Cli'- 4.67

The social structure of the Yi' people is relatively simple. The Yi are divided into distinct

clans which eacb have a social organization based on caste. The dominant caste owns all

poperty and thieeby controls he lower ase wlich , nefct, a laboring and landless

group. M is confined withizn caste and clanm Agriculture is the main ecouiomic

activity, work in the fields being done only by the lower cast The YlbeLieve that all

objects possess spirit and that their lives are ruled by destiny; amulets are wom throughout

life to effect proteition. -

Most of the Yi people living in the vicinity of the project confine their activities toareas

above 1600 m asm edevaion, where they combine cultivation of potatoes, con, and some

whea with te hrdng of goas. Some sheep are also kept but these are as much as for

jousdng con'tests as for meaL Sheep are more important to Yi living in westn regions.

The goats are very important to dhe Yi because they provide meat and leather, some of which

is taded to the Hlan for supplementary food and material goods (Figure 4.26). Other goods

traded are walnuts, muthrooms, and medicinal herbs..ne~~~~~~~~~~

The remaining 20,000 minority residents of Yanbian County comprise the other 19 minority.

grups represented in the county. Most of these minorities are immigrants from other areas

Of Sichuan and from other provinces. None of these minorities have estblished cultural

groups and tend to be integrated into the general population. A large portion of thcse

rSm FA C" : :4.68 .*1~~~*

* j

- - i W 2't

*;4f -

. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-

Figure 426: Yi Woman Herding Goats.

minority groups moved into the region to takle advantage of job opportunities and therefore

do not neessarily constitute politically or culturally distinct groups. Onlv the Yi people are

native to the area and retain much of their cultural integritv.

d.. Cultural Resources

The Yalong vallev has been an important traffic corridor and region of cultural exchange for

centuries. Remains from cultural periods starting from the Palaeoiithic have been found about

160 km south of the dam site in Yunnan. Excavations conducted in the middle of the Ertan

reservoir region in 1979i1980 revealed the presence of Neolithic sites with graves and

cultural objects similar to those found to the south in Da Dun-zi. Yuanmou Count;. Yunnan.

and to the north in Lizou. Xichang County. Sichuan. A thorough survev by provincial and

other experts is currently being conducted and the final repon is expected some nrme after

June 1995.

e.. Schools and other educational facilities

EEA EA Ci 4.69


Yanbian County has 2 primary schools and 2 secondary schools.

f. Public Health

(1). Infectious Diseases


In 1986, infectious diseases known tD occr in the vicinity of the Ertan Reservoir included

malaria, schistosomiasis, epidemic encephalitis, anthra, epidemic cerebrospminal meningitis,

infectious hepatitis, typhoid fever, paratyphoid fever, baillary dysentery, and endemic

goiter. In additional there are local problems with hemorrhagic fever and scrub typhus

(Ertan Phase I EA, 1989). In general, the occurrence of these diseases in the general

population has either remained relatively constant or has declined due to actions of public

health agencies in the respective govenmental sectors.

(a). Malaria

Malaria has more or less been brought under control over the last few decades. and

Panzhihua Municipality was declared free of malaria in 1991 by the Panzhihua Public Health

Bureau. Ihe control of malaria. in part, was the consequence of the massive program of

pesticide appliczauoa to control agricultural pests. This program had the dual purpose of

reducing agricultural losses to insect pests and to reduce or eliminate arthropod vectors of

human diseases, in this case the mosquito.

(b). Schistosomiasis

Buore 1979, Yanbian County was considered an epidemic area for schistobomias:>

(bilharzia), particularly in Yorj-xing. Jiangxi, Qiansheng and Huimin Rural Areas. The

disease is caused by a blood-fluke or trematode flatworm (Schistosoma japonicum). The

parasite is about one cm long and infesus the veinuoles of the middle and lower intestinal

tract !n both humans and certain other mammals including rats, water buffalo, cattle and

horses. although the domestic species genetally have low rates of infection. The b2sic

E 112ENTN A N44.70 -+

; {A nF~~~~~- t .l m

epidemiology of an infestion emerges from repeated inoculations of the organism into the

primary host (humans). At low infestations, the disease is generally asympwomatic. Early

symptoms of repeated invasions of schistosomid:. involve.itching of the sldn caused by the

entry of the aquatic larva, and slin eruption around the entry point. The disease mechanism

in humans includes blockage of the veinuoles draining the intesdnal tract, reaction to

metabolic byproducts from the flukes, and tissue damage of the intestinal tract caused by the

penetration of the eggs th-rough the intestinal wall into the lumen of the intestine. The

disease is difficult to treat because various chemical treatments are sensed by the flukes

which then move to the liver until the chemicals are removed from the system by the

uiietabolic processes of the infected person. Because the flukes are known to live for many

years, continued contact with water infested with the invasive form will eventually cause

clinical symptoms to appear. Clinical symptoms include high fever accompanied bv

coughing, abdominal pain and rashes. Chronic diarrhea and blood and mucus in the faeces

are also associated with clinical cases of the disease. In later stages with extremely massive

parasite loads, the disease may progress to the liver, heart, brain, spinal cord and pancreas

of the host eventually causing death. Victims may live for many . after contracting the

disease, but become graduallv vweaker, and mans eventually die of exhaustion or succumb

to other diseases because of their weak-ened condition.

The transmission of the disease requires an intermediate host. a small (2-3 mm). iight brown

snail Oncomelonia hupensris These snails are found in the Far East. inhabitinn irrigated rice

fields and growths of aquatic weeds particularly water hyacinth (Eic71ho0ro crassipes). Thev

also inhabit long grass adjacent to rice fields. and in srassv irrimauon ditches. The snails

become infected when feces from infected vertebrate hosts are deposited in the aouauc

environment inhabited by the snails. The eggs hatch in the open water and the iarvac ther.

invade the snai! to mature to the form that infects the vertebrate hos:. As with the ve-l7eb7t

hosts. not all snails in a population are infeaced. However. sufficient numbers car bcc.11M.

infected such that an infection rate of just 1 percent at a very low snail density of lOinr

would provide for approximately 1000 infected snails per ha. Both the snail and the

vertebrate hosts are required for the parasite to complete its life cvcle. If either of the hosts

are absent from the system or sanitation practices are implemented to prevent introductior.

94112ERTANd E CH& 4.71

of the infective forms into either the aquatic system or to the vertebrate hosts, the disease can

be controlled. In south China, the snail occurs most firequendy at elevations below 900 m.

Although the Ganyu River valley is a lkown endemic area, the fact that the Ertan Resevoir

ranges up to 1200 im elevation indicates a relatively small probability that the intermediate

host, the snail, will expand to the upper reaches of the reservoir.

Since 1958, all levels ofChinese government including national, provincial and county public

health agencies have paid more attention to the disease, establishing means of control and

cure through & combination of mass treatment of human sufferers, agro-engineering,

-molluscicides, improved sanitation and health education. This attention and associated

implementation of control measures led to the claim of eradication of the schistosomiasis

intermediate host from the Ganyu basin. However, in recent years it appears that the snail

has once again become prevalent in the area as shown in Figure 4.27 obtained from the

Yanbian County Health Bureau and the Sichuan Provincial Research Institute of Infectious

Diseases (1993). Although the snail is again present in the valley, according to these

sources, no new cases of schistosomiasis have been reported for some years. In order to

ensure the lowest possible incidence of the disease. measures to minimize the occurrence of

the snail and to improve sanitary practices must continue. In accordance with this desire,

measures to reduce the spread of the snail are proposed as part of the socioeconomic and

resettlement programs associated with the Ertan Project. Additionally. immigrant work-ers

to the Ertn Construction Site must be screened before hiring for schistosomiasis. as well as

a number of other infectious diseases, to further minimize the potential spread of these

diseases within the local population. These programs are described in more detail in Chapter

5 as part of the impact assessment and mitigation program being implemented during the

construction of the Ertan Proiect.

(c). Other Infectious Diseases

The cure and prevention of leprosy in Panzhihua Municipality has been marlkedly successful,

in part with WHO support. and the disease is expected to be eradicated by 1997.

Leptospirosis, a debilitating disease transmitted by rats and rat parasites. is found in Yanbian

"1t.ORTAe EA Oa 4.72

;-- .., .>..;,.


*t @' '

; na QinheX

Figure 4.27: Distributon ofSchis-tosomiasisDisease Vectors in Yanbian County (Panzhii-.ua HIealth

Bureau. IS93).34112



County, and there are a few hundred sufferers in the reservoir region. Cures are difficult

to effect but efforts are made to control rat numbers through direct Idling efforts and

environmental sanitation. Scrub typhus is also spread by rat parasites and despite measures

appers to be inceasing in the area. Epidenic hemorrha*ic feve and polio are effectively

absent from the area.

(2). Hospitals and other health-related insttutions

There are 5 clinics of dfferent sizes in Yanbian County.

g.. Occtlpations and Incomes.

About 90 percent of the population is engaged in agricultral labor. The remainder is

employed in factories, industrial projects, mines, commerce, or the government sector. In

1992 the average annual per capita income in Yanbian County was RMB 455; those working

in industies have the highest incomes, followed by those in government service. Although

those individuals working as farmers have the lowest incomes, much of their food

requirement is obtained through subsistence family practices. Generally, agriculturally-based

families raise not only their own rice and other vegetables, their protein sources (fish,

chickens. pigs, goats, etc.) are also raised by the household.

OTAN EA cMZ 4.74

Chapter 5.P.


This chapter describes the anticipated effecs of the Ertan Hydroelectric Project. The first

section (Section 5.1) describes the environmental and socioeconomic benefits either

incorporated as facilities within the projec structures or attributable to secondary features of

the project. Section 5.2 describes the potential impacts and proposed mitigation programs

for the aquatic ecosystem. Section 5.3 similarly describes the impacts and proposed

mitigation to the terrestial ecosystem. Impacts to the socioeconomic svstem and some of

the mitigation measures to be implemented are presented in Section 5.4. The impacts and

mitigation measures encountered during the construction of project facilities are presented

in Section 5.5.

Within the framework of this chapter, nine specific mitigation actions are presented to

compensate for anticipated losses attributable to project construction and operation. These

plans include:

i Establishment of a biodiversit' Conservanon oriamagement zone brweer ene'aion:

1200 m and 1300 m adjacent to the project reservoir, it will cost 1.99 million yuan;

2. Implementation of a commercial fishe-ry plan and a fish resources recovery plan.

Initially. some 820,000 vuan are needed to establish the program:

I. Institution o' a public health plan to control potential spread o. inirctious dis:ases:

Treatmen of the Ganvu River vaiey to eradcate rel.__s a. ::iE va:- we_

Eichhornic. and possible refuges oi ;;e snadi that carries schistosomiasia. Thni.

program will require 889.000 yuan;

5. Reconstruction and rehabilitation of the ferry located on the Jinsha River downstream

from the confluence of the Yalong with the Jinsha, and it will COSt 100.000 yuan;

6. Protection and recovery of cultura. relics occurring within the impoundment zone, and

some 303,000 yuan are required;

ER-Akt {A C4S 5.1

7. Instlation of a warning system downstream from the dam, and the cost for this

program will be 320,000 yuan:

8. Construction area restoration (its cost estimate is 250,000 yuan); and

9. Continuation of a public health monitoring program for construction workers

(approximately 1.22 million yuan are needed).

In addition bO these specific mitigation actions, seven monitoring programs have been

established and will be continued once the project is complete. These are described both in

this section and in CnapLer 7: Project Monitoring and include:

1. Hydrological. and sedimentation monitoring;

2. Meteorological monitoring;

3. Seismic monitoring;

4. Landslide monitoring;

5. Aquatic resources monitoring (including water quality, aquatic vegetation and

aquatic animals);

6. Terrestria resources monitoring (including vegetation and wildlife): and

7.. Public Health monitoring.

5.1. Environmental Benefits

Ertan Power Station on the Yalong River is a multipurpose project with the primarv objective

of electric power generation. During the planning phase, other objectives were identified and

have been incorporated into the overall operation and configuration of the project structures.

These include transport of harvested timber from Sute managed forests in the upper basin

and possible implementation of a fish culture program in the Ganyu River valley portion of

the reservoir (See Section 5.2.6). These benefits and other environmental benefits associated

with the Ertan Project are summarized below:

5.1.1. Power Generation


After completion, the Ertan Hydroelectric Project will play a central role in the Sichuan: -

Electric Power System. In addition to providing an additional 1000 MW of firm energy yield

to the Sichuan Electric System, the regulation of river discharge will enable a 5 percent

increase in the firm capacity of the Gezhouba Hydroelectric Plant located on the Yangze

River. This increase will be realized primarily during the dry season (January through


The Ertan Hydroelectric Project will also elininate the need to construct additional

generating capacity such as a coal-fired thermal generation station. The energy generated at

Ertan is equivalent to burning nearly 9 million tons of coal annually. Constructioti of Ertan,

then, will avoid potential air pollution and acid rain associated with thermal generating

stations (see Chapter 1).

5.1.2. Navigation

The river channel upstream and downstream of the Ertan Hvdroelectric Project is

characterized as steep gradient with frequent rapids and shoal areas. Currently. navigation

is not possible except for a few agricultural and sideline boats and motorized boats owned

by various factories and mines in the immediate area of the project. No commercial boats

currently operate on the river. After reservoir construction, up to 145 km of the Yalong

River and 40 km of the Ganvu River can be used for commercial transportation. This will

facilitate transportation to and from villages in a 5-county area around Lhe reservoir.

particularlv for the villages in Yanvuan County along the right bank of the Yalone River.

Navigation of the reservoir area will create favorable conditions for commercial development

and tourism within the reservoir area.

The Jinsha River, downstream from the project, is only partially navigable. Verv little

commercial navigation occurs on this reach because it is not connected with other navigable

channels. Construction of the Ertan Project and the associated regulation of th river will

not immediately affect navigation in the Jinsha River because of the daily fluctuation in river

discharge. However, when the Tongzilin Hydroelectric Plant is completed, navigation on


much of the Jinsha River may be realized. The TonL-Oin Hydroelectic Plant WMll be located

downstream from Ertan and will be designed to reregi.tte the flow from Ertan. The daTh'

flow fluctuation from Ertan will be altred at Tongzilin to ' more constant flow regime, thus

providing better condiions for navigation. Major improvei'.ents to commercial navigation

wiU be realized when additional projects on the Yalong are consructed and a larger

percentage of runoff from the Yalong Basin is regulated.

Following completion of Ertan, EHDC will pvi for the reconsuion and rehabilitation

of the Yuzha .' .y iocated on the Jrmsha River downstream from Jrmjiang Railway Station.

This ferry system currently provides linkage between roads on the north and south banks of

the Jinsha River and therefore is a critical link in the regional transportation network.

5.1.3. Industrial and Domestic Water Use

As currently planned, a water intake structure will be incorporated into the Ertan Project

components to provide industria water supply for the Panzhihua Steelworks. 1: is estimalee

that the Ertan Reservoir will serve as a source of approximately 50 million ui9 o. water

annually for use at the -steel works and in the town of Panzhihua.

5.1.4. Flood Contro;

Within the Yalong River Valley downstream from Ertan, numerous industrial and residential

areas are currently subiect to frequent flooding events. Facilities at risk to flooding incluce:

umDor receivinc and Eransfer sta:ionz. cLay mine production, coal transi;:; ;a.;i:tie^. a

hienwa%. 110 kv transmission la:r.. <t a rrizuiur area. and residential areas associated

' ;t: each of the stations. Currentiy, ai. structures are located above the 100-vear flood staee

ex%t. ,cr facilities located ir :ne :-: channel kthe timber receiving stationsj. Because all

structures are placed above the .IO-year fi'OO stage, the benefit. assc.ia.t with nver

regulation :t the Ertan Hvyroelecznc Projec: are not great.



Because the Ertan Reservoir will not store a significant amount of the total annual discharge

from the Yalong River Basin, significant reduction in flood levels will not be realized.

However. significant flood control will be achieved when the dam developments on the

Yalong River, upstream from Ertan are completed. Currentlv, floods in the Ydlong River

are chaiacterized by long duration and large volumes and comprise approximately 50 pcrcent

of the total flow in the Jinsha River at the confluence. The storage capacity of the Ertan

'Reservoir is relatively small in comparison with the total flow of the Yalong River and will

not have considerable flood control benefit.

5.1.5. Fisheries and Aquaculture

Within the Ertan area. soil, climate and water quality are suitable for production of fish and

other aquatic organisms eaten by fish. Currently, as descrioed above. native fish species in

the river include approximately 100 species in the river. The availability of forage fish and

other aquatic organisms in the river create favorable conditions for developing a commercial

fishery in portions of the Ertan Reservoir.

As is made clear in Section 5.2. the reservoir can be divided into two distinct regions: that

occurring along the original vallev of the Yalong and that occurring in the Ganvu River

valley. After the reservoir is coMNplete. these tno areas .ill remain somewhat distinct with

different water quality characteristics ana different hydraulic c:iaractenstics.

From a fisheries perspective. the main portion of the reservoir may be !ess suitable for

management. However, the expected conditions in the Ganyu arm of the reservoir offer an

opportunity to develop a commercial fisherv which will add to the benefits of the project.

Plans for the commercial fisherv in the Ganyu Arm of the reservoir are described as par. of

the fisheries mitigation plan in Section 5.2.6. It is estimated that the annual vield from the

commercial fisheries could exceed 260 tons from the Ganyu Arm and 160 tons from the main

reservoir area. This production from the open water areas of the reservoir will be

supplemented by a series of "fish farms' located both in the Ganyu Arm and in the main

reservoir area. It is esdrmn ed that annual yield from these fish farms will be 1.000 tons per

40615 ERTAN EA CMI 5.5

2 ha floating net. The fish mitigation program is described in more detail in Section 5.2.6.

5.2. Aquatic Impacts and Mitigation

The construction of a dam, of any type or purpose, has two basic imnpacts that cannot be

avoided. All other effects of the project are attributable in some measure to these two

effects. The first effect is the change in the hydrologic regime of the river. The

impoundment of the river creates conditions which will affect the sediment transport regime,

water quality, aquatic vegetation, and fish populations, both in the impounded portion of the

nver and the reach downstream from the dam. This section presents a description of the

changes to. the hydrologic regime and the consequent changes to other aquatic characteristics.

The second major, unavoidable impact of a dam is the inundation of land resources within

the impoundment zone. In the case of the Ertan Project. 101 kcn@ of land will be inundated.

Description of this effect and other effects attribumable to the inundation are presented in

Sections 5.3 and 5.4.

5.2.1. lhvdrologic Regime Reservoir

As described in Section 4.3. discharge in the Yalong is characterized in two relativelv

distinct regimes: High flow period extcnding from June through November and a low flow

period extending from December through May (See Figure 4.5). The basic operation of the

Ercan Reservoir is divided into two phases, based on the annual hydrologic regime of the

Yalong River.

MrM, EA CH6r 5.6

I ,-

Water level jescr't T iml-

F le. r n the Er Reser through nive

Years Of Operatio

h,ure i.l: Repiescnwtivt Yratet Ld n eE Rejnsersrtruh -v er o prto(Based on the 1965.1970 FloW ReimS)MoA.


Normally. refilling of the Ertan Reservoir will begin in June or July, depending upon when

flows increase in the river. It is expected, based on the historic hydrologic record, that the

reservoir will be filled bv tte middle of July each year. At that time, the Erman Power

Station wilU operate at its maximum hydraulic and generation capacity with excess water

spilled through the middle level spillway. When the reservoir is full and water is spilled.

discharge downstream from rrxn will be essentially the same as the natnral discharge in the

nver. This period wilI last generialy from mid July through November. However, the

length of time baseload operation will last is dependent on inflow to the reservoir as shown

m Figure 5.1. Once znflow to the reservoir decreases to less than the hydraulic capacity of

the Ertan turbines. operation of the power station w.ll be cnanged to a peaking mrrode of


When Ertan is operated on a peaking basis water levei in the reservoir will fluctuate

somewhat on a daily basis (some refill will Decur during off-peak- periods and some

drawdown will occur during peak generation period). Because the average daily release from

the powerhouse will exceed inflow, a net drawdown will occur during the time this mode of

operation is implemented. Between December and May each vear? it is expected that the

Ertan Reservoir wi:l be drawn douwn by a maximum o' 45 m during the period when peaking

operation is implemented.

The ainual cycle of refill. spill, and drawdown of the reser:oir is demonstrated in Figure

5.1. which includes a 5-year representative period. As shown in the figure. in some vears.

the resenoir will not be drawn dowr, to the maximum level and in some vears. the duration

of the spill period will be quite short. Discharge Regime to Yalong River

In June and July, during the period when the reservoir is refilled, discharge from the power

station will gradually increase as more water becomes available for power gpeneation.

mRImd EJi C1 5.8

Concurrently. discharge to the Yalong River will gradually increase. Although the increa

will be similar to that experienced without the project. the increase will be somewhat later

because of the retention of water to refill the reservoir.

During this period. the power station wil'D be operated on a continuous basis but the release

will be less than intlow to the reservoir.

Once the reservoir is refilled, the power station will be operated at its hydraulic capacity with

excess flow spilled through the upper and mid-level spillways. Downstream from Ertan,

flow in the river will be the same as .t would be without Ertan. This condidor will be

maintained from about mid-July through November each year.

At the time inflow becomes less than the hydraulic capacity of the power station. the

operation of the power station will be shifted to the peaking mode described above. The

effect of this operating modc to the discharge regime of the Yalon- River downstream from

Ertan will vary somewhat, depending upon the amount of water flowing .mo the reservoir.

in general, peakling operatLon will begin il December each year and wi'l conzinuz untii May.

During dry and average annual flow conditions. the daily variation in discharge throtigh the

powerhouse will range from 0 to 1661 m3!s. In average and dry years. generation will beein

at about 0700 and will last until 1700 to 2000 hrs. In these cases. the downstream reaches

will be without inflow for 4 to 7 hours each day. During wet years. power wvill be generated

throughout the day uwith a minimum release of approximately 100 m!s maintained even

during the driest month oi the year. Table 5.1 presents epres-ntative av rage hourly

discharge from Ertan during drv, normal and wet years.

The ramifications of the palking operating period are such that a more detailed description

of the effects to the hydrologic regime downstream from the project is warranted. The

following discussion is based on an analysis of the operating reglme performed by EHDC

and CHIDI. Results of this analysis are summarized telow.

mmAN EA CHs 5.9

Table SL: Hourly Discharge from Ertan Power Staion during Peaking Operation in Norm,Wet and Dry Years.

Thue Dry Year Normal Year WVet Year(bs) (amo) (ans) (CMi)

0000 0 540 1.2040100 0 70 7340200 0 0 221030Q 0 0 221-0400 0 0 100OS00 0 0 6640600 0 747 1,6610700 364 1,308 1.661O0W 768 1.661 1,6610900 1.606 1,661 1.6611000 .1,412 1,661 1,6611100 1.329 1,661 1.6611200 969 1.661 1.6611300 595 1,661 1.6611400 1.246 1.170 1.6611500 1.329 1,661 1,6611600 1,329 1,661 1.6611700 1,391 1,661 1,6611800 913 1,661 1,6611900 1,329 1,100 1.6612000 1.661 1.661 1.6612100 1.661 1.661 1.6612200 1.329 1.661 1.6612300 7J7 1.308 1.308

The effect of daily peaking at Ertan at six downstream locations were evaluated. The six

locations are depicted in Figure 4.4 and consist of Xiaodeshi (11 Ikm downstream from

Ertan), Niupingzi (29 k1m from Ertan) between the confluences of the Anning and Jinsha

Rivers with the Yalong, Sanduizi (37 kum from Ertan) immmediatelv downstrearn of the

confluence of the Yalong and Jinsha Rivers. Longjie (134 km from Eran). Qiaojia (389 km

from Ertan), and Pingshan (753 km downstream from Ertan). The last three sites are all on

the Jinsha River. The analvsis was performed using the driest month of the design dry vear

(March. 1960) as measured at Xiaodeshi Hydrologic Station.

During a peaking event. the hourly schedule of operation of the Ertan Power Station, used

for the simulation, is as delineated in Table 5.2.

EW?.ANA CM 5.10

7 -- ; 4 x ^ w .B. f.. J; -eS; A- -Z

Table S2: Schedule of Genmeaion by Hour for Erin Peaking Operation.

Time 6:00 6:02 7:00 7:02 8:00 8:02 9:30

Discharge(m3/s) 0 747 747 1,308 1,308 1,661 1,661

The hydrographs at each of the 6 stations downstream from Ertan, based on this operating

scenario, are depicted for a two day period in Figure 5.2. With this Wpe of operatioo it is

estimated that the wave generated by increasing discharge will move at a rate of

approximately 2.9 m/s. Based on results of the simulation model, the rapid increaser in

discharge will be most prominent in the channel between Ertan and the confluence of the

Yalong and Jinsha Rivers. Downstream from this confluence, the naturl flow of the Jinsha

will reduce the apparent rate of discharge increase significantly. However, upstream from

the Jinsha confluence, the rate of increase may create a significant hazard to persons in or

along the shoreline of the river. To provide a measure of safety for the operation of the

project, EHDC will install a warning system. consisting of a series of sirens and explanatory

warning signs along the river between Ertan Dam and the confluence of the Yalong with the

Jinsha. The sirens will be sounded when the power house begins operation each day to

provide sufficient time for persons in the river channel to move to higher ground.

It is anticipated that the Tongzilin Dam and Power Station. to be constructed approximatelv

20 km downstream from Ertan and approximately 2 km downstream from the confluence of

the Anning River. will allow mitigation of the extreme discharge variaLon in the Yalong

during the period of peaking operation. In fact, the primary purpose of the Tongzilin Dam

and Power Station is to reregulate the flow from Ertan, thereby ensuring a more constant

flow in the Yalong River. In addition. the power station will provide an additional 440 MW

of generating capacity to t.te system. At present, construction of the TongziIin Project is

scheduled to be completea nearly simultaneously with the completion of the Ertan Project.

Delay in completing this project will result in a period of time when the pealding operation

of Ertan will dramatically affect the hydrologic regime of the Yalong and the upper portions

4016 -MrM IA Cu 5.11

lovw (m3Is)



Ertan Qmax = 1661 m;IsO a [1 | |' | ~~~~~~~(0 km) !Qmin = Om3/s

loooj u t

1 / \ / Xiaodeshi Qmax = 1580 m31sO l J k / t (10.8 km) Qmin = 5 m3/s

100 r l| _ V / \ Niupingzi Qrnax = 1512 m;'s

I\ O (29.3 km) Qminl= 48 m3Js

1 ) ' Sanduizi Qmax = 1907 ni3/sol (37 Ian) Qmin =443 m3I


1 T-ongjie Qrnax = 1814 m3/s0t ° (134 km) Qmin = 825 m3/s

1000 Qiaojia Qmax = 1510 m3/s(389 km) .Qmin = 1274 m3/s

I S ~* . r . p 4 U

0 6 12 18 0 6 12 18 0 6 1' 18 0 6 12 O'clock

Figure 5.2: Effet of Dailv Flo% Fuctuation at Six Locations Downstream from Ermn Dam.

19406-NTSAI ,A CS 5.12

of the iinsha River. downsmream from the cor.fluencc of the Yalong.

The .hydrologic and water level monitoritg progrur, consisting of. eight stations, that

currently monitors conOiuons during tle pre-construction and construction periods, will be

continued after construction is complete and the project becomes operational. Costs for

continuing &he hydrologic monitorin; program are summarized in Chapter 7.

5.2.2. Sedinentation Processes

As described in Section 4.2.2. one of the main effects of the Ertan Dam will be the

disruption of the normal suspended sediment and bedload transport regime through the

Yalong River. n is dis. otion will be realized in two ways. First, the suspended sediment

and bedload carried into the reservoir area will be deposited at the upper end of the

reservoir, both in the main part of the reservoir on the Yalong River and in the Ganyu Arm.

This deposition wiU have two effects: it w-ill Teduce the storage capacity of the reservoir

after many years (see 5.2.2. 1) and it will decrease the turbidity of the water passing thouglh

the Ertan Dam and Powerhouse. The second effect is the reduced inflow of suspended

i.ediment and bedload To the Yalong downstream from the Ertan Project with thc resu;t that

the available capacity of the river to carrv suspended sediiena wilri be increased and sediment

and bedload will be carried out of the taliwater area iut no. be replaced from upstream

sources. This will resul; in son.e scour to the river Dec. Sediment Deposition in the ELlan Reservoir.

The discussion of sediment deposition in the Ertrn Reservoir is partitionetl into that deposited

in the main reservoir area and that deposited in the Ganyu Arm located approximateiv 19 km

upstream from the Ertan Dam site.

Most of the suspended sediment and bedload carried by inflow to the rsoervoir will be

deposited as the velocity o4 the river slows in the backwater area of the reservoir. The delta

created bv this deposition process will sradually expand toward the dam and consequently

9 EA CS- 5.13

will decrease the storage capacity of the reservoir. The expansion of the delta will occur

primarily during the high flow season when the reservoir is refilling or after the reservoir

is filled each year when the sediment bedload of the river is highest.

The rate of deposition of sediments in the Ertan Reservoir was estimated using a

sedimentation simulation model. Based on these calculations, after 30 years of operation,

the sediment deposition will extend from the headwaters of the reservouL to a point

approximately 83 km from the dam. Approximately 250 X 101 m3 of storage capacity in the

reservoir will b. !ost due to the accumulation of sediments. After 100 years of operation,

the deposited sediments will extend to a point approimately 53 km from the dam and

approximately 1.070 X 106 3 of' >>Wage will be lost. After 250 years of operadon, it is

expected that the entire reservoir will be nearly filled with sediments. Results of the

sediment simulation indicate that approximately 95% of the dead storge and 55% of the

active storage of the reservoir will be lost after 25 years. These calculations, however, do

not take into account planned construction of other dams upstream from Erman which will

reduce these effects dramatically. Longitudinal sections of the Ertan Reservoir depicting the

status of the sediment accumulation in the reservoir after various intervals of operation are

shown in Figure 5.3.

Based on the analyses, it is estimated that 75 percent of the annual suspended sediment load

will be deposited in the reservoir during the first 30 years of operation. The remaining 25

percent wili be transported through the power station and spillway.

1-. thc Ganvu Arm of Lhe reservoir. sediment accumulation will be somewhat slower because

the infliou of suspended sedimenL and bedload is considerablv less than that observed in the

'alcont. An anaivsis of the sediment accumulation in the Ganyu was performed in the same

manner described for the main Ertan Reservoir. Based on these analyses, sediment

deposition will extend from the headwater (40 km upstream from the mouth of the Ganyu)

approximately 10 km into the reservoir (28 - 30 km upstream from the Ganyu mouth). After

140 vears of operation, sediment deposits will extend downstream approximately 18 km to

a point approximately 22 km upstream from the Ganyu Mouth. After 270 years of opeation.

the sediment deposition will extend to a point approximately 15 km upstream from the mouth

M A 5.14.



0~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~10


140120 i 86040 20 Distanice from

Erlan Dam (km)


Figu re S.4: LouUgitcidiial i'rorile of SedimenLt Accumuilation in Ganyni Arm of Erlan Reservoir Elevatioln (ii

34 yea= 138 yeirs 266 years "Mo

>': 1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I11

.A. _ . . r . _ . _ - __ __

I 54N3

.35 JnII 3% o0 15 10 5 Dislance firoir niou

of Ganyt RKiver (ki

. ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ _ _


of the Ganyu. Longitudinal profiles of the Ganyu Arm depicting the extent of-the.sediment -

deposition areas is preset.ted in Figure 5.4.

The above simulations of sedimentaion rates were calculated on the assumption that no

upstreah reservoirs will be constructed. As described in Section 1.4.1, it is expected that

up. to 19 additional dams will be constructed on the Yalong upstream from Ertan.

Consequently, the suspended seditnent and bedload of the Yalong will be intercepted by the

upstream reservoirs and the accumulation of sediments in the Ertan Reservoir will be reduced

to almost nothing. However, because no additional reservoirs are anticipated on the Ganyu,

the estimated accumulation of sediments in the Ganyu 'Arm will be as discussed above.

Sediment load in the Yalong River and the accumulation of sediment at the upper ends of the

reservoir area will be monitored on a continuing basis after the construction of the dam and

power house is complete. This will be'a continuation of the existing monitoring program for

the pre-construction and construction periods. CDsts for containing the monitoring program

through the construction period are summarized in Chapter 7. Effects on Sedimentation and Bedload. in Yalong

River Downstream from Ertan Dam

Due to the interception of suspended sediments and bedload materials by the Ertan Reservoir.

the sediment content of the Yalong downstream from the dam will be reduced significantly.

It is estimated that the sediment content of water discharged through the Ertan Project will

be approximately 0.19 kg!m3 after 30 years of operation compared with the observed 0.75

k-gm3 currentlv transported by the river past the Xiaodeshi Gauging Station.

The Yalong River between Ertan and its confluence with the Jinsha is approximately 32 km

long primarily in a gorge-type channel. The river in this reach is dominated by shoals and

rpids. The river bed is comprised of big rubble and gravel. Both banks of the river are

characterized by exposed bedrock with only a portion of the reach, between Xiaodeshi and

Tongzilin having some alluvial materials and talus.


Under existing conditions, the bed materials are relatively stable with any movement of

parucles out of the area being replaced by other materials derived frm upstram. However,

after completion of the Ertan Project, the Yalong river bed downstream from the project will

become partially destabidize and development of a new equilibrium condition will strt. The

dessablization of the river channel will be characteized by the redistribution of alluvial

materials within the channel. The pattern of this redistnbution, endured by scour and

deposition hreas, will be dependent upon the opaating regime of the Ertan Power Station.

To determine if significant scouring will occur in the Yalong River downsream from Ertan,

the HEC-6 model, developed by the Hydraulic Engineering Center of the U.S. Army Corps

of Engineers, was used. Results of this analysis are summarized here. Details of the

analysis were presented in the Eran Hydroelectric Project Environmenml Assessment of 1989

(Note: The EA was translated to English in 1988 and submitted to the World Bank in 1989).

Results of the analysis indicate widespread but ,iinor scour throughout the affected Yalong

River reach with only a few areas of sediment accumulation. During the first five years of

operation, scouring will be most rapid. After this initial scouring process, the rates of scour

Table 5.3: Averaoge Scour Depth in Yalong River downstream from Ertan Dam

Years of Operation

ltnainn 10 20 30 40 50

Upstream ofAnning (m) 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5

Downstreamof Anning (m) 0.3 0.3 0.4 0.3 0.4 0.3

INA" IA04 .15

will be reduced primarily because the smaller materials in the river channel wull have been

carried downstream leaving only the larger materials which can be moved only at extremely

high discharges. After 50 years of opration, it is estimated that the average scour

throughout the affected ri.er will be less than 0.5 m. Average scour of the Yalong River

channdelupstream and downstream from the mouth of the Anning River after various intervals

of project operation are summarzed in Table 5.3.

Because the Ertan Project will be ope;ated on a peaking basis for approximately 4 to 6

months each year, a further analysis was performed to determine if the surge of water

coming from the power station during the daily start-up of the project will contribute

significantly to the scouring process. Based on the analysis, the contribution of daily peaking

to the overall scouring process will be overshadowed by the scouring processes occurnrng

during the higher discharge periods when Ertan is operated on a baseload basis and water is

spilled through the mid-level spillway.

Because the slope of the riverbank along the Yalong downstream from Ertan is composed

mostly of bedrock, only slight scouring of the margins of the river channel will occur.

Because the banks are composed of bedrock which is resistant to scour, the stabilitn of the

slopes will not be affected.

5.2.3. Landslides

The formation of the reservoir may aggravate the occurrence of landslides in some areas.

It is estimated that total volume of slidable rock mass above 1200 m is some 100 million m;

which is equivalent to just 1.7 percent of the reservoir storage capacity, and equivalent to just

5 years sediment deposition. Between 80-83 kLm upstream of the damsite there are potential

landslide areas on both the left and right banks from which the slidable rocks above 1200 m

total 37 million i 3. If major slides were to occur on both banks at the same time, then a

submerged nill would be produced but would have little effect on the operation or life of the


BAX FA C4S 5.19

Close to the damnsite is the potential landslide area from the Jin Long mountain. Major

slippage here. although of insignificant volume in terms of the total storage capacity, could

be problematic for activities close to the damsite depending on how much material slides into

the reservoir and the configuration of the resulting accumulation of materials.

No mitigation is necessary or feasible for the majority of potential landslide areas. The

potential for landslides on the Jin Long Mountain on the left bank just upstream of the dam

site is being monitored. It is already lnown that one section of the mountain is slipping by

about 10 mm a.nually. It may be prudent and cost effective, compared with the impact of

a major slippage. if rock bolts were installed as soon as possible and the monitoring prograir

continued. Once the project is complete, the Jin Long landslide area will continue to be

monitored to determine if the filling of the reservoir has caused the area to move more

rapidly. Costs for continuing the landslide monitoring through the construction period are

summarzed in Chapter 7.

S.2.4. Water Qualitv

Impoundment of the Yalona River bv the Ertan Proiect will affect the quality of the water

both in the reservoir and subsequently in the reach downstream from the project. lTributarn

inflow from the Anning wi:l moderate the effect to some extent. However. the main

mitioation will occur at the confluence of the Yalong with the Jinsha River. The effects of

Ertan on water quality in the Yalong are treated in two sections: effects realized in the

impoundment and the consequential effects expected in the Yalong River downstream from

the Ermn Project. Reservoir Effects

As presented in the baseline descriptions, numerous water quality parameters have been

measured in the Yalong River. and the concentrations of many of these parameters will be

affected to some extent. However. the primary indicators of water quality and those for

woe .sErTA EA CH> 5.20

which major changes will occur and uill nave some bearing on the biological components

of the river include three basic parameters: water temperature, dissolved oxygen, and

turbidity/suspended sediment.

To assist in the discussion of the effects on water quality, two areas of the reservoir will be

discussed separately because the two areas will be affected somewhat differently, The two

areas are: 1) The main body of the reservoir along the Yalong River which wiU extend Irom

Eran Dam upstream approximately 145 km when the reservoir is filled to its normal

maximum operating level at Elevation 1,200 m; and, 2) the Ganyu Arm of the reservoir

which extends from the mouth of the Ganyu River valley on the Yalong upstream

approximately 40 km when the reservoir is at its normal maximum operating level. Water Temperature

Given the inflow water temperature, volume of water in the reservoir and hydraulic behavior

of the reservoir due to the volume of inflow and operation of the Ertan Projecr, the

temperature regime of the Ertan Reservoir is expected to be relatively uniformly mixed.

Uniform temperatures from surface to bottom (no stratification) will be present but the

seasonal change in water temperature will not exhibit the annual range observed without the

project. This conclusion is based on several characteristics described briefly below.

As water flows into the upper end of Ertan Reservoir, the velocity through the reservoir will

decrease mark-edly. On the one hand, the delay in passage through the 145 km reservoir will

expose the water to a longer period of warming from the atmosphere and solar radiation.

This effect will be somewhat enhanced by the increased water surface area, further expanding

exposure of the water to the atmosphere and solar radiation.

The factors contributing to the overall warming of water in the Ertan Reservoir are countered

by seveal factors that will serve to reduce the seasonal variation in water temperature. The

primary factor is that the large volume of water in the reservoir will inhibit the overall

warming of the water. Even though the surface area will be larger within the reservoir, the

surface to volume ratio will be much smaller (Surface to volume ratio for the river is

"06 I .MTM EA CMS 5.21

approximately 0.2 m2 surface/lm volume; for the reskvoir the ratio is 0.02 m2 surface/m3

volume). This reduction in surface to volume ratio will zzduce the exchange of heat between

the water and the atmosphere and will result in geerally cooler water temperature in the

summer months (May through October) and warmer water temperatures in the winter months

(November through April) than are observed unde existing conditions. Maximum

differences between the existing water temperature and expected water temperature will be

observed at Ertan Dam.

Frequently, w=er bodies the size and depth of the Ertan Reservoir, become thermally

stratified during the summer months. If a reservoir becomes stratified, conditions become

such that other effects to water quality, such as the reduction of dissolved oxygen

concentrations in the bottom layer, become evident. However, temperature stratification of

the Ertan Reservoir is not expected.

A second factor leading to the prediction that the reservoir will not become thermally

stratified is based on an understanding of reservoir operations and the hydraulic conditions

within the reservoir. As described earlier, the reservoir will be refilled each year to the

normal maximum operating level of 1,200 m bv the middle of July. During this period,

temperature of the inflow to the reservoir will be increasina but is approximately at the

annual average temperature for the river under existing conditions. Because the reservoir

will be rilling. considerable turbulence within the entire length of the river will be present

which wil! serve to mix surface and bottom water thereby creating nearly uniform thermal

profiles throughou: the water column.

Once the reservoir is filled, inflow to the reservoir will continue to exceed outflow from the

Erman Project because the inflow volume is greater than the hvdraulic capacity of the power

station. Consequently, measurable water velocity will be present throughout the length of

the reservoir. The estimated water velocity in the middle of the reservoir may range up to

6.0 cm/s during the high flow season. Near the Dam, the average column velocity during

the during the high flow period is estimated at approximately 2.5 cm/s. Given the storage

capacity of the Ertan Reservoir relative to the inflow volumes, it is estiniated that the

residence time of water in the reservoir will be approximately 33 days. Both of these

IWAN EAcS 5.22

calculations awe based on a normal operating water level at 1200 m. elevation.. :However, .

because the reservoir will be drawn down during the dry season, and refilled at the beginning

of the wet season, the induced velocities in the reservoir will vary considerably.

In geneal, the development of thernal stratification in subtropical lakes is quite weak and

can easily be disrupted by wind or hydraulic movemnent in the water body. The energy

required to mix the water column is quite low and consequently, the likelihood of thermal

stratification in Ertan Reservoir is quite low.

The situation in the Ganyu Arm is somewhat complicated by the fact that the mouth of the

Ganyu River is constricted by a narrow valley. -The upper portion of the valley is much

broader and has higher surface to volume ratio. Once the reservoir is completed, the quality

of water in the Ganyu Arm will be dominated by the quality of water in the Yalong.

During the refilling period, inflow from the Yalong greatly exceeds inflow from the Ganyu

(average flow from the Yalong during the high flow period is approximately 3,200 m31s

whereas the average flow of the Ganyu is approximately 150 m3/s or 5 percent of the

Yalong). In contrast the storage volume of the Ertan Reservoir (without the Ganvu Arm) is

approximately 4,780 million m3 and the storage volume of the Ganyu Arm is approximately

1,070 million m3 or 18.4 percent of the total reservoir storage volume. A result of this

disparity is that water from the Yalong will flow into the Ganyu Arm during the refilline

period. Consequently, the temperature of the water will be more closely aligned with that

of the Yalong and the influence of the temperature of the Ganvu River will be limited to the

upper end of the arm. Because water will flow into the Ganyu Arm from the Yalong. it is

expected that considerable mixing of the two waters will occur.

Filling will be achieved in the middle of July when water temperature in the Ganyu is at its

peak (See Figure 4.12). Once the reservoir is filled, water temperature of the inflow from

the Ganyu will begin to decrease. The combination of the influence of the Yalong and the

decreasing temperature of the Ganyu will limit the possibility of creating thermal

stratification within the Ganyu Arm.

O616-TAM E C04 5.23

When draw down of the reservoir begins in December or Januarv each year. the net outflow

from the Ganyu Arm [(outflow - inflow)lvolume] will be proportionately greater than the net

outtlow from the Ertan Reservoir. As a consequence, the velocity of water moving through

the mouth of the Ganyu River may be somewhat morc than the velocity in the Ertan

Reservoir itself.

The combined influence of the refll/drawdown cycle and inflo v from the Yalong will likely

be sufficient to minimize the occurrence of stratified conditions in the Ganyu Arm.

Additionally, use movement of water into and out of the Ganyu will also create further

mixing in the Ertan Resevoir disrupting any initial formaion of thermal stratification that

might occur.

The basic effect of the Ertan Dam and Reservoir on water temperature. then. is a reduction

in the seasonal range of variation in the Yalong and Ganyu Rivers and a general decline in

the average annual temperature at various locations through the length of the reservoir. The

water temperature will not fall significantly during the winter months nor will it rise

significantly during the summer months. Overall, the average water temperature will exhibit

some what lower annual averages with the greatest difference observed at the Ertan Dam.

The magnitude of the difference is estimated to be approximately 2°C which is based on the

average water temperatures available from the Xiaodeshi Gauging Station. the Yanbian

Gauging Station and the Luling Gauging Station. This is an estimate onlv and insufficient

information is available verify this estimate. Dissolved OxYgen Concentrations

The primarv source of dissolved oxygen in the waters of the Ertan Reservoir will be from

the inflow. Some exchange will occur at the water surface which will be enhanced by the

turbulent flow in the reservoir. Inflow dissolved oxygen concentrations average

approximately 7.7 mg/l. Based on the analysis of potential primary and secondary

productivity of the reservoir, and the estimated low influx of oxygen demanding organic and

inorganic materials, it is estimated that the dissolved oxygen concentration will decrease

somewhat through the reservoir. However. because of the mixing of bottom and surface

ENTAN EA C46 5.24

water throughout the water column, dissolved oxygen- concentrions will remain sufficient

to prevent production of hydrogen sulfide and other noxious compounds in the bottom of the

reservoir. Oxygen depletion in the main Ermn Reservoir will be most significant when the

reservoir is drawn down to its lowest leveL However, the duration the resevoir is held at

that leVel is quite short with refilling beginning before water temperatures are sufficiently

high to induce high utlization of the available oxygen.

In the Ganyu Ann, it is more likely that anoxic conditions might arise in the bottom waters.

However, because of the major influence of Yalong River water in the Ganyu Arm,

conditions leading to thermal stratification and the inhibition'of water exchange between

surface and bottom layers will not be prevalent for a sufficiendy long period for development

of significant oxygen deficits in the lower water layers. Turbidity

Because measures of turbidity are not available for the existing Yalong River. the suspended

sediment load is used as an indicator of turbidity processes in the reservoir. As discussed

previously with respect to sedimentation processes in the Yalong River and the Ertan

Reservoir, suspended sediment concentrations coming into the reservoir from the Yalong

Reservoir average approximately 0.385 kg/m3 as measured at the Wali Gauging Station.

This sediment content currently increases to 0.52 kg/m3 . Once the reservoir is filled, it is

estimated that 25 percent of the suspended sediment load will be passed through the dam and

power station with some variation through the year according to the seasonal changes in

flow. The suspended sediment load passing through the station is estimated to be

approximately 0.188 kg/m3 . Average particle size of the suspended load is estimated to be

<0. 01 mm. The result is that the turbidity of the reservoir will decrease substantially from

the upper backwater to the dam. The decrease will be greatest at the upper end as the larger

particles setde first. However the reservoir will become gradually clearer throughout the

entire length.

A similar situation will occur in the Ganyu Arm. As discussed in the sedimentation

processes, the sediment content of the Ganyu River is somewhat higher than in the Yalong

W7. mA Cmr 5.25

with an average concentration of 0.76 kglm3. However, the volume of water coming into

the Ganyu is considerably less than tha in the Yalong and total contribution of the Ganyu

to the turbidity of the reservoir will be insignificant. Again, the turbidity of the Ganyu Arm

will be great at the inflow of the Ganyu River. The water will gradually clear from the

inflow to die mouth of the Arm. Annual operation of the reservoir, howaver, will disrupt

this pattem to some degree becau of the inflow of Yalong River watv into the Ganyu Arm

when the reservoir is refilled.

S. Other Wat Quality Parameters

In general, the nutrient concentrations in the Yalong and Ganyu Rivers are relatively low.

characteristic of an oligotrophic system. Although there will be some accumulation of

nutrients in the reservoir (both irn the main Ertan Reservoir and in the Ganvu Arm), the

accumulation will be limited because of the short residence time of water in the reservoir

coupled with the annual drawdown and refill cycle. Because of the rapid tumnover of

reservoir water and the low concentrations of numients in the inflow to the reservoir,

oligotrophic conditions will likely remain in the reservoir. It is possible that mesotrophic

conditions could develop. If so, total productivity of the reservoir would increase


Similarly, concentrations of dissolved inorganic materials are quite low and accumulation of

heavy metals, inorganic ions and organic compounds in the reservoir will not be excessive. Assessment of Reservoir Water Quality Effects

None of the water quality Lffects expected in the Eran Reservoir is significant. Maintenance

of the quality of the water in the Ertan Reservoir will depend primarily on the land use

pratices implemented along the reservoir margins. The primary objective of the land use

is to minimize the potential for erosion from agricultural areas and minimize the introduction

of human waste to the reservoir. Appropriate cautions to prevent erosion from agricultura

areas will minimize the potential for increased turbidity and for the introduction of pesticide

compounds into the reservoir. Appropriate sanitary treatment or other controi will minimize

MMVAa C 5.26

the introuction of nutrients to the reseroir and will reduce the potential for introducing

organisms and chemicals hazardous to human health into the reservoir wates. No other

mitigation measure is proposed or warrted.

Monitoring of water quality in the resrvoir axea will be continued after compledon and

filling of the project Water samples will be obtned for labomtoy analysis and profiles of

tmperaure, dissolved oxygen and other paraineters for which field instrumeitatdon is

avaiable will be obtained three times annually o ning to when the reservoir is filled,

during the drawdown period and when te reservoir is at its lowest point each year. This

program will be adminsred by the Envinnmental Monitonng Program within the EHDC

organizaton (s Chapter 7). Downstream Effects

The evaluation of the effects of the Ertan Project is presented for two conditions: Without

and with the Tongzilin Hydroelectric Project which will regulate the discharge from the Ertan

Project particularly dunng the dry season when the Ertan Project is operated on a daily basis. Water Temperature

When water is spilled from the Ertan Project, normally from the middle of July to the end

of November each year, tempemture of the water will be only slightly cooler than it is at

pesent. It is estimated that the decrease of water temperature after completion of the Ertan

Project will be approximately 2"C less, on average. This difference will be most prominent

during the months of July and August and will decrease in the September through November

period. By November, water temperature may, in fact, be warmer after the project is

completed than it is under current conditions. These changes are due mostly to the thermal

capacity of the water in the reservoir.

From December through May, the Ertan Project wiU be opeated on a peaking basis, with

periods of no release from the dam lasting up to 7 hours each day. For the most part, the

period of no discharge will occur during the night time hours so that, what water is left in

V'"FAaeCM 5.27

the Yalong channel between the Dam and the mouth of the Yalong will not be subjected to

excessive warming from the sun. When water is discharged from Eran (from approximately

0700 to 2400 hours each day), water temperature in the Yalong will be slightly higher than

under existing conditions during December, January and February, and will be slightly cooler

than existing tempeues in April and May.

It is expected that some warningtcooling of the watei will occur in the river channel between

the dam and the confluence of the Yalong with the rinsha. However, the rate of warning

will not be sufficient to allow the tempeature to increase to the level of the 1insha water as

it currently does. The difference between the water temperature of the Yalong and that of

the Jinsha, however, will likey not exceed the 20C difference observed at the Ertan Dam.

Once Tongzilin Dam is completed, the rate of warming of the Yalong downstream of Ertan

will be reduced. This will have the effect of increasing the expected difference between the

Jinsha River water tempamre and the Yalong River temperature. Under both conditions,

the discharges in the finsha and Yalong, during any month of the year, are nearly equal.

Complete mixing of the waters of the two rivers occurs relatively quickly downstream from

the confluence and the observed change in tempemure in the Jinsha will be insignificant.

Monitoring of water quality in the Yalong and the Jinsha will be conducted at 3 locations

downstream from the Ertn Project. The purpose of these monitoring stations is to document

tde effect of the project on various water quality parameters by comparison with the values

of the same parameters obtained from upstream of the reservoir and within the reservoir

area. These data will be used to confirm the expected effects of the project on water quality

and will be used as necessarv to provide for adjustments to the operation of the project to

maintamn water quality within the nauonal standards. Costs for continuation of the water

quality monitoring program are summarized in Chapter 7.

of"YA casm 5.28

5.2A.2.2. Dissoived Gas Concentrtions

Operation of the Ertan Project will affect concentrations of twu disso.ved gases that, in tum,

may affect aquatic organisms in Fhe reach of the Yalong River downstream from the dam.

These gases include dissoled oxygen and dissolved nitrogen. Dissolved Oxygen

Water released from Ertan Dam is anticipated to be somewhat deficient in dissolved oxygen

concentrations. However, immediately downstream. from the project, dissolved oxygen

concentrations wiU be highly dependent upon the mode of operation and Lhc presence of the

Tongzilin Hydroelectric Project which will regulate the tlow from Erman.

During the more critical time of the year (July through August) when low dissolved oxygen

concentrations are most likely to develop in the reservoir, inflow to the reservoir greatly

exceeds the hydraulic capacity of the Erman Power Station and the exc-ss water will be spilled

through either the upper or mid-level spilluays. The effect of this spill is that water will be

re-aerated in the plunge pool below the dam and dissolved oxygen concentrations are likely

to rise to at or above saturation. This may be viewed as an environmental benefit of project

operation. Saturated concentrations of dissolved oxygen will likelv remain in the Yalong

downstream to its confluence with the Jinsha. having the furEher benefit of improving the

dissolved oxygen conceitirations in the Jiiisha. The construction of the Ton,zilin

Hvdroelectric Project, wiil have no effect on these concentrations and additional aeration of

the water will occur at the Tong,zilin Dam. again due to spill over Uie soilhway.

During the low flow season, when Ertan is operated on a peaking basis. water with lower

dissolved oxygen concentrationis will be released to the Yalong River. However, the

deficiency is not expected to be great and re-aeration of the w'ater is expected within a few

kilometers downstream from the dam. The re-aeration will occur in the shoals and rapids

which doniinate the river channel between the Dlam and the Jinsha River. The overall cffect

MUTM L.A CS_ 5.29

of releasing deoxygenated water to the Yalong will be overshadowed -by the 4 to 7 hours each

day when no water is released from the dam.

After completion of the Tongzilin Project, water release from the Ertan Power Station will

not be re-aerated as quicldy and the low oxygen concentrations will be extended downstream

to below Tongzjlin. However, the periodic increase and decrease in discharge will provide

sufent turbulence m the river to allow reaeration and a significant adverse effect is not

expected. Dissolved Nitrogen

Dam operation will also affect dissolved nitrogen concentrations in the talwater are and these

may create adverse conditions for fish-and other aquatic organisms in the downstream reach.

This problem will only occur during the high flow season when water is spiled from the dam

spillways. Because the spiUways-are elevated above the tailwater (upper level spillway is 180

m above tailwater, mid Level spillway is 120 m above tailwater and the low level outlet is 73

m above tailwater at elevation 1007). water released from the spillways will fall vertically

into the plunge pool at the base of the dam. As the water enters the plunge pool. air will be

entrained and pulled down into the water a significant depth. As depicted in Figure 2.4, the

bottom of the plunge pool will be at Elevation 980 and the water depth in the plunge pool

will be at least 32 m. Entrained air reaching the bottom will be place under approximately

4 atmospheres of pressure which will cause dissolution of excess atmospheric nitrogen into

the water. When the water returns to the surface. the pressure will be reduced and

supersaturated concentrations (> 100 percent) may be observed. The effects of

supersaturated concentrations of nitrogen on fish and other aquatic organisms is discussed

below in Section 5.2.6.

Before Tongzilin is constructed, the turbulence in the Yalong River channel downstream from

the dam may be sufficient-to allow the water to return to equilibrium with the atmosphere

in a relatively short distance. However, once Tongzilin is constructed, the nitrogen

concentrations will remain high through the Tongzilin impoundment and may in fact be

increased further by spill over the Tongzilin Dam.

".s'si<^¢ 5.30

3. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Turbidity

In general, the major effect of the Ertan Project on turbidity will be to significantly decrea

turbidity in the Yalong River. From the standpoint of domestic and industrial water supplies

and from the pepective of aquatclife, this effect is viewed as a benefit of the prcect. The

mng of the Yalong River with the linsha River wll have also have a net benefit to the

Jinsha River downstream from the confluence of the Yalong River.

Increasing the clarity of the water in the Yalong will have the secondary effect of increasing

light penetrtion into the water. This increased penetmation will have the further effect of

stimulating more productivity from the algal communities present in the river. Other Water Quality Parameters

With the exception of the parameters discussed above, the Ertan Dam and Power Station will

have little effect on other water parameters identified in the Chinese environmental protection

laws and regulations to prevent adverse water quality in rivers.

5.2A.2.5. Assessment of Downstream Effects

Although the immediate effect of the Ertan Project to gas supersaturation in the Yalong River

may be considered insignificant by itself, future construction of the Tongzilin Project and

other projects upstream and downstream from Ertan should consider providing mechanisms

to minimize conditions for development of dissolved nitrogen gas supersaturation. The basic

design principle for minimizing the potential for generating supersaturated concentrations of

nitrogen is to minimize the depth at which air is entrained into the tail%water when water is

spilled from the spillway. This can be accomplished either by reducing Lhe depth of the

plunge pool to less than 10 m or by directing the water more or less parallel to the surface

of the tailwater. As has been experienced in the United States, the cumulative effect of

several projects on nitrogen supersaturation is known to have major impacts on fish

populations both in the free-flowing reiaches between dams and on fish populations occurring

in the reservoirs of the projects. This in turn may significantly reduce the potential for

commercial fisheries within the reservoirs.

p406N1EWTMFAN CKS c5.31

5.2.5. Aquatic Vegetation

Rooted aquatic plan: species are present ir. the Ertan Reservoir area. Frequently, the creation

of reservoir conditions results in damatic expansion of these plants, particularly along the

margins, which in turn can create unfavorable conditions for use of the resources present in

the reservoir. However, the operation of the Ertan Projcct involving the annual drawdown

of the resoi by up to 45 m will prevent establishment of the rooted aquatic sjiecies,

induding Htdrilla. which in some areas has become a pest spwcies.

On the other hand. there is i significan: risk that floating plant species, particularly

Ekchhornia, may become esmblished in the reservoir. The prcsence of this species in the

reservoir ara (particularly in the Ganyu River Basin) unier current conditions nearly

guarantees introduction of the species to the reservoir unless certain precautions dre


At numerous other reservoirs throughout the world, Eichhornia has rapidly become a serious

threaw to not only project operation, but also to public health in the vicmniv of the reservo-rs.

Once established on a reservoir, Eichhornia is known to form dense mats on the surface that

prevent penetration of light and oxygen to the underiving water. The water below the mats

becomes darki and anoxic. As the plants die and sink to the bottom, decomposition of the

organic material removes oxygen from the water resulting in massive fish kills. and the

formation of methane and hvdrogen sulfide gases. In some cases the amounts oi methane

and hydrogen sulfide produced from affected areas have led to explosions and Doisoning of

humans. In addition, these weeds offer ideal habitat for two disease vectors: the mosquito

which is the vector for malaria, and the Oncomelania snail which is the vector for


With the presence of Ec'homrnia in the Ganvu River valley, it must be assumed that it will

become established in the reservoir and actions must be implemented to reduce the magnitude

of the infestation and to control it on a continuous basis throughout the operational period

of the reservoir.


NTM EA CM. 5.32

Although Fichhorna is most certain to invade the main channel of the Ertan Reservoir from

the large catchment upstream. it is noi expected to be as severe as in the Ganyu Arm. This

is due prmarily to the constant vdocity gradients within the main portion of the reservoir

combined with the drawdown refill cycle. Additionally, the constant use of the main area

for conveying logs from Lhe upper end to the dam may inhibit the spread of the weed. If

Eichhorrua does become established in the reservoir. control or the weed in the main

reservoir may be accorriplished by periodically collecting the weed at the log handling site

and moving it through the log passage tunnel where it can be loaded onto trucks and either

sold as pig fodder or placed in a compost pile in an adjacent valley. Use of an herbicide to

control the weed is not recommended because of the water quality compiications arising from

application of the chemical to the water.

To minimize the introduction of Eichhonma into the Ganvu Arm, a pre-impoundment

program to eradicate Eichhorna from the valley is being devised. At least two years prior

to impoundment, a thorough survey of ponds and pools containing Eichhornia will be

conducted. During the first year, all populations of the plant in agricultural pools and

waterways will be identified and destroyed. During the succeeding year, the process will be

repeated. If significant numbers of plants are discovered during the second year, an

additional mission to destroy the plants will be undertaken prior to reservoir impoundment.

Two or three repetitions of the program, on an annual basis, will be undertaken to ensure

eradication of Eichhornia from the Ganyu Valley prior to impoundment.

This eradication program will be undertaken not oniv to reduce the invasion of Eichhornia

into the Ganvu Arm to preserve water quality and to enhance the feasibilitv of a commercial

fisheries industry in the lake but also as a precautionary measure to further reduce the risk

of spread of the Oncomelaiia snail and schistosomiasis. Periodic monitoring to determine

the occurrence of Eichhomia in the Ganyu Valley and elsewhere in the Ertan Reservoir area

will continue on an annual basis in conjunction with the schistosomiasis monitoring, reservoir

area management, water quality and fisheries programs. Presence of Eichhomna in any

portion of the reservoir will be reported to the Panzhihua Public Health Department

(respons ible for the schisEosomiasis monitoring program) for remedial action. The detailed

plans for implementing this program are described in Section

EWAN vA Cm 5.33

5.2.6. FMsh and Other Aquatic Orpnisms

The changes to the hydrologic, temperature and sediment transport regimes caused by the

impoundment of the Yalong River by the Ertan Project will change the habitat available for

fish from that of a river to onc like a lale This change will alter species composition and

productivity of fish in both the reservoir'and the downstream reaches. The effects and

possible mitigation measures are described below. Reservoir Fish and Other Aquatic Organisms

The impoundment of the Yalong River by the Ertan Dam will convert 145 km of iverine

habitat into 10,100 ha of lakelike habitat. Although the habitat available in the reservoir

will be suitable for many species of fish, some of the fish currently inhabiting the reservoir

area may require relatively high velocity and feed primarily on benthic organisms and, thus,

may not survive. However, these species wiU likely be replaced, either naturally or through

the implementation of a stocking program to subsidize the proposed commercial fishery in

the reservoir. An accurate evaluation of the potential fish species composition in the Ertan

Reservoir is not possible at this time. Many fish species commonly found in rivers are able

to adapt to lake-like environments with relative ease. For example, populations of Pacific

salmon (Onchorhynchus spp.), which are normally anadromous, have readily adapted to

completely frcsh-water environments, e.g. the Great Lakes Region of North America. Some

species of salmonids, such as the rainbow trout (0. mnykiss) are characterized as having two

forms: one which lives entirely in fresh-water cnvironments and the other which is

anadromous. Because the habitat preferences and tolerance ranges for most of the fish

species found in the Yalong River are poorly understood. an understanding of what species

are likely to occur in the reservoir cannot be made at this time. For this reason, a program

of monitoring fish populations throughout the year at a number of locations in the reservoir

is necessary.

At least five species of fish inhabiting the Yalong River exhibit seasonal movements between

the Yalong and Jinsha Rivers. Once the Ertan Dam is complete, these fish will no longer

armANEAcm' - 5.34

' - ' ' ' '" '' ' '' '' M' -- -

be able to move between the rivers. It is possible that some of the populations vill be able

to establish sustainable populations in the reservoir. However, no definite prediction can be

made because the adaptability of these specics is unknown.

The main portion of the reservoir wil have some current (up to 6.0 cm/s average column

velocity in mid-reservoir) but will gradually become less turbid from the upstream end to the

dam. Water temperature will remain rlatively cool throughout the reservoir area. Because

of the current in the reservoir (both resulting from the high flow conditions and from the

drawdownlrefill cycles, many of the nutrients entering the reservoir will be flushed through

leading to the prediction that the reservoir will be oligotrophic in nature.

During the refill cycle, water level in the resevoir will rise approximatdy I m/day. This

rapid rate is unsuitable for fish species that spawn in shallow water in nests and produce

demersal eggs. Species which produce panmktonic eggs will not be affected.

Species, such as arassius aurawus, Cyprinus carpio, Zacco plarypus, Hemicuker bleekeri,

Pseudorasbora parva, Rhodeus sinensis, and RNinogobius giurinus, are known to prefer

lacustrine conditions. These species are either omnivorous or feed on phytoplankton or

zooplankton, both of which are expected to be relatively abundant in the Ganyu Arm. All

of these species are important in commercial fisheries. Several hydroelectric projects, such

as in the Province of Hubei, and in Sichuan Province on the Dadu River constructed in the

1970s, have produced viable commercial fisheries for these species. Therefore, it is likely

that similar fishery resources will become established in the Ertan Reservoir, particularly

with the establishment of fish propagation facilities in the upper portions of the Ganyu Arm.

It is possible that Schizorhorax spp may be able to establish populations in the upper end of

.the reservoir, particularly after formation of the sediment delta begins to form. Schizothorax

utilizes flood plain areas for spawning. The drawdown-refill cycle of the reservoir, coupled

with the accumulated bedloads at the upper end of the reservoir may result in the creation

of suitable spawning areas for Schizothorax spp. Once the reservoir is completed, continued

monitoring of the status of Schizothorax in the main reservoir should be undertaken. This

species is utilized as a food source by local residents.

'""nSTAN cm 5.35

The conditions in the Ganyu Arm of the resenroir will be more conducive to fish populations.

However, without artificial inaroduction of fish into the Ganyu Arm, fish species likely to

inhabit the area include Hvpophihalmichtkvs molitrnx and Arisrich:hys nobifis, both of which

feed on planktonic organisms. Additionally, omnivorous species such as Cyprnus carpio and

CarassWus aurazu will inhabit the ae and are epected to provide bases for the development

of both subsistence and commercial fisheries.

Because the Ganyu Arm wiU provide suitable habitat for cetain species of cultured fish, an

option of the resetlement and compensation plan under consideration by residents of Yanbian

County is the opportunity to introduce commercial fisheries into the Ganyu Arm. When the

reservoir is at its normal maximum operating level of 1,200 m, the water surface of the

G!anyu Arm covers approximately 2,500 ha. Approximately 1.870 ha has been idenified as

potential area for developing an artificial fishery. Artificial rearing ponds for various species

of fish will be constructed iust beloOv or at the normal operating level of the reservoir.

Spawning stock, fertilized eggs, or frv can be obtained from other hatcheries in the region

and tansported to the rearing ponds to be raised to fingerling size. Approximately 2.4

million fingerlings may be produced annually in these ponds. When the reservoir is filled,

most of the fingerlings will be released into the reservoir.

Of the 2.4 million fingerlings produced in the rearing ponds, approximately 1.0 million will

be placed in "fish farms' constructed of floating nets. In the Ganyu Arm, about 2 ha of

floating nets is currently planned. Within the nets, the fish will be artificially fed with

artificial food of wheat, rice or com. Annual Droduction from these nets is expected to be

about 1.000 tons annuallv for each 2 ha area of farm.

The re-raining 1.4 million fingerlings will be released to the Ganvu Arm o' the reservoir

where the fish will feed on natural food sources (phyto and zooplankton). To ensure the

majority of the released fish remain in the Ganyu Arm, a barrier net may be strung across

the reservoir at the outflow from the Ganyu Arm. This will retain the fish in the rescrvoir

area and will facilitate harvesting the fish. Assuming that the naturally breeding species are

equally productive as the cultured fish introduced into the reservoir and average weight of

the harvested fish is I kg, the expected yield from the Ganyu Arm is approximately 260,000

TAm Ea Css 5.36

fish or 260 tons per year (approximately 150 Mg/ha) if the harvest rare is 5 percent of the -

available populations. Harvest rate from the mair. reservoir is expected to yield

approximately 160 tons per year. It is expected that up to 50 percent of this harvest will be

from nauraly occurrizik populadons.

The main fish species considered in fte planning effort include: HypopthaImichrhys.

molirrix, Arislich:*hs nobitis, Crenopharyndon ideius, Cyprinus carpio, Carassius aurasus.

parabramus peidnensis, Megalobrama erminalis, and Xenocypris argentea. The fingerling

rearing facilities would be established at Huimin and Yongxing at the upper end of the Ganyu


Within the main Ermn Reservoir area, an estimated 5,300 ha of water surface is available

for fish culture. Fingerling fish will released to the main reservoir in a manner similar to

that described for the Ganyu Arm. Two bavs of the main reservoir, Huangjiaowan arLd

Puwei have also been identified as potential areas for tie construction of fLsh farms. To

facilitate the commercial fishery in the main Eran Reservoir. eigL-. ::i harvest facilities are

planned at strategic locations - (See Figure 5.5). These harvest facilities wi,l consist of

landing and transshipment facilities. Harvest will be acWieved from fleets of fishing boats

using trammel nets (to block escape of harvestable fish) and trap nets (to collect the fish).

A diagrammatic representation of the deployment of these nets is presented in Figure 5.6. Dowvnstream Fi-sh anid Other Aquatic Organisms

The Ertan Hydroelectric Project will affect fish populations downstream from the projec: due

to changes attributed to the changes associated with the hvdrologic reginme. chances in water

temperature. dissolved g2ses. and turbidity, and the creation of a barrier to movemnent nt fish

between reaches of the Yalong upstream and downstream .from the daIr. When the Tonpzilin

Project is constructed. the re-regulating capacity of the projct wr,ll mitigate much of the

anticipated impacts of the Ertan Project operation. EffecLs of Altered Hydrologic Regime







5t' > 5 i. J '"t ~~~LE-GEND)

A Rearing Areas

0 Harvest AreasFiguire 5.5: Loczlions of proposee lislh harvest facilities owi Erlan Rescrvoir and Ganyu Arin

a ~. S _ S

Dlqramn d Commerci Flshtiy Not Deployment

Rw . 1'

Upeba BodcNk NO -


I I ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I

~~' IDow0810ekNrAet~

I ICvO AM----,, i

Figure S.6: Schematic diara of trammel and ap net deployment fbr fish harvest.

eRTh lAMOS 539

From June through November, the hydrologic regime in the Yalong River downsmre from

En will remain the same as curnent conditions. Inflow to the reSeNoir will exceed the

hydraulic capacity of the power station and excess water wvill be spiled through the upper

and mid-level spillways stich that the total outflow from the project will be the same as

existing conditions.

Between December and May each year, Ertan will be opeted on a pealdng basis. Without

the Tongzilin 2roject, during nonnal and dry years, discharge from the project will be

discontinued for period of betweenIA-and 7 hours each day. Although some pockets of water

will remain in the channel between. the dam and the mouch of the Anning River, it is likely

that survival of fish will be limited. Downstream from the confluence of the Anning, some

water will continue to flow but will bedramaticaily reduced from existing conditions through

the 4 to 7 hour period.

Wnen gene-ation begins, the rapid increase in discharge through the reach may be sufficient

tOflu:h any ftish remaining in the cnannel downstream to the Jinsha; Thus. i: is expected tha;

few, it any fish will be able to remain in the channel during the period Ertan is operated on

a peaking basis. This effect will be realized through the entiTe downstream reach oF the

Yalorg to .ts i'outh at the Jinsha River.

Once the Tongzilin Project is completed, the effects of peaking operation %will be largely

raitigated. The Tonrziinr. inmpound-ment wi'il prevent dewatering of the Ya!onc River channel

wher Ertan is not operating. Also, colninuous operation of Tongzilin Dower station throu:h

the period when Er1an is not operatina wiil provide flow through the Yalong on a '4-hour

basi: and will reduce the fushing effect of The initial star up of £rnan eacn uay.

The dailv pealing operating is not expected to affect sturgeon habitac in the .insha River

because the tlow variation will have attenuated bv the time it reaches Yibin as discussed in

the effects of Ertan on the Yalong hydrologic regime in Section 5.2.1. Effects of Altered Water Quality

U- 39.4A- FA CN6S..4

As discussed in Section 5.2.4, the quality of water released from Ertan will generally be,

more moderate on an annual basis than under current conditions. During the winter months!

water temperature is expected to be somewhat warmer than under natral conditions and

during the summer months, it is expected to be somewhat cooler. On the average, however,

water relased from Ertan will generally be cooler than under existing conditions.

Dissolved oxygen concentrations are expected to be suitable for supporting fish populations

and any deficit will be regained in a short distance downstream from the project. Reduced

turbidity in the water discharged from Ertan will generally benefit fish populations.

The only potential adverse water quality condition that will arise from the Erman Dam is the

potential for supersaturated gas (nitrogen) concentrations resulting from the spill of water

from the dam into a plunge pool (See Section 5.3.2).

Supersaturated concentration of nitrogen in tailwaters of hydropower dams causes "gas

bubble disease' in fish and other aquatic organisms. Concentrari-s if dissolved nitrogen

in excess of 120 percent saturation is generally lethal to many species of fish. Evidence of

the effect of gas supersaturation is present in the tailwater of the Gezhouba Dam where gas

supersaturation causes an estimated 2 percent mortality in fingerlings. In the United States,

the cumulative effect of gas supersaturation caused by the cascaae of hydropower projects

on the Columbia River contributed sigrificantly to the decline of salmon populations in the

river until structural and operational modifications to the danis to minimize gas

supersaturation were implemcnted.

The conservative nature of dissolved nitrogen in water leads to a potentially significant

cumulative effect of several projects placed in ciose proximitv to each other. Although the

potential for significant adverse effects of gas supersaturation associated with Eran and

Tongzilin may not be greaT. the effects of these projects coupled with similar effects at up

to 20 projects along the Yalong and Jinsha Rivers may result in increasing the observed 2

percent fingerling mortality at Gezhouba Dam to an unacceptable level. As outlined

previously, consideration must be given to minimize the risk of gas supersaturtion in the

planning for additional priects on both the Yalong and Jinsha Rivers.

"0615ElTAN EA C4S 5.41 Effects of the Barrier Created by Dam

Ertan Dam will create a barrie to the upstream and downstream movement of fish through

the Yalong River. However, the only migratory species that might occur in the Yalong is

the eel, Angwullajaponica. Based on recent surveys conducted in the Yalong River from its

confluence with the Jinsha to reaches upstram from the Ertan Reservoir, the occurrence of

the eel has not been recorded. However, it-is likely that at one time the species did occur


Additionally, entaminment of fish through the project facilities, either through the power

station or through the spiliways. is not expected to be significant. As described above, fish

populations in the reservoir are expected to consist of shallow water and open water species

and are expected to inhabit the surface water of the reservoir. The intakes for both the power

station and for the spillways will be approximately mid depth in the water column even when

the reservoir is drawn down to its lowest level. Consequently, the potential numbers -of fish

susceptible to entrainment through either the power station or through the spillways is

expected to be smatl and no significant adverse effect to the fish populations is expected.

The expected harvest rates from the reservoir area (equivalent to a mortality rate from the

perspective of the fish populations) is likely to have a greater impact on the fish population

densities than wu1: ary mortality or loss of fish from the reservoir attributable to entrainment.

The sustainability of the fisheries populations in the reservoir is amply supported by the

sustained fisheries in numerous other hydroelectric impoundments such as those found in

Hubei ann other provinces in China.

To understand the effects of the project on fish resources an aquatic monitoring program will

be implemented prior to completion of construction. The program will be continued through

the operational period to identify ary fish resources problems that may be resolved through

a revised management practice. Costs for implementing this program during the construction

period are summarized in Chapter 7. Costs associated with the establishment of the program

are also presented in Chapter 7, as well as in the Resettlement Action Plan for Ertan (1994).

5.3. Terrestrial Impacts and Mitigation



The second unavoidable impact of dams is the. inundation of land- resources. In such cases,

the only altemative that is avaiable is to comp for the loss either by relocation of

certain of the resources (e.g. wildlife species and humans), or the management of comparable

areas such as designated managment ares or presves to encourage expansion of resources

(e.g. wildlife and vegetation) comparable to those lost to inundation. For the Ertan Project,

the amount of land inundated is approximately 10,100 ha. Losses of vegetation, wildlife and

socio-economic resources and the compensation for these losses-are discussed in this secion

and the foliowing section. A management plan consisting of the establishment of a

management buffer zone around the reservoir is needed to compensate for the losses.

5.3.1. Vegetation

Most of the vegetation to be inundated by the reservoir is of neither conservation nor

economic value. Economic trces such .; Nouella inai..., .oono sureni. Cyclobalanopsis

glaucoides and C. heMreianr that are destined to be subm-rged |L and removed

durirng the bank- clearing phase. Analysis of the * ation zone shows that some 2000 ha

of regularlv-harvested fuelwood forest and 1000 ha oi broadleaf timber forest will be lost.

These areas are comvo--ed o: numerous smaller areas ranging in bize from 50 to 200 ha. In

a trivial sense, the loss of the broadleaf forest is of no consequence neraitsc ..o single area

has much signifi-an:e. On the other hand, the presence of relatively undisturbed lowland

broadleaf forest anywhere in the subtropical and tropical zones has been so reduced in size

because of human intervention of various types. thaL the conservation value of even small

pockets steadily increases. Indirectly. the formation of the Ertan Reservoir will potentiallv

affect the vegettion in the vicinity by virtue of the construction of new roads and the

provision of access to various, previously inaccessible, areas (principallv by boat). This

increased accessibility to the higher slopes of the valley could encourage further degradation

of native vegetation types.

To compensate for these losses, EHDC will assume management responsibility for a 10D m

elevation buffer zone above the maximum operational water surface elevation (1200 m)

around the entire Eran Reservoir. Management of this zone will include provision for the

340611ErAht EA CH6 5.43

_ ,

socio-economic compensaion plans (e.g. restlement areas, fuewood timber areas, and fish

rearing and narvest facilities) and for the preservation and enhancement of tacts of native

broadleaf forest. Establishment of this manage:ment zone will provide for achievement of

several objectives:

Prervation and enhancement of viable tracts-of subtmpical broadleaf forest;

Control of human occupation ad3acent to the reservoir,

Minimization of the potential for increased erosion along the reservoir margin;

-duction in the Dotential for sediment deposition in the reservoir from

adjacent valley slopes;

Management of timber and fuielwood forested areas along the margin of the

reservoir to minimize potential over-exploimation; and

Reduce the potential for adverse affects to water quality due to runoff from

adjacent areas.

,e etotal area of the managenen: zone between elevations 1200 and 1300 mnis approximately

l .400 ha. Currently. approximately 3200 ha is cultivated either for wetland (rice, etc.) or

dry la.. (com, etc.) crops. In the Ganyu Vallev. 162 ha of the management zone is

occupied b' Yanbian Town and other small nearbv villages. An additional 46 ha of the zone

is currentlv occunii4 by small homesteads scattered around the Ertan Reservoir area. The

remainder of the area (approximately 10,000 ha) is uninhabited bv humans and is covered

by va-2ous iypes of vegetative communities including shrub!grassland (1000 ha): savairnah-

like foxt. i2900 ha); wasteland (suitable for reforestation, 1500 ha): and subtropical

brmaditaf tores; (4600 ha). The prevalence of broadleaf forest in !he management provides

amp'e opportunitv to designate up to 4.600 ha as a conservation preserve for this native

vete;a:Ion ;ype. Such designatior will compensate for the loss of 1000 ha of-native forests

tn tlhe reserVoir area. Desionation of the conser.ation area and management of he buffer

zone will be coordinated with the Sichuan Ministry of Forestry and implemented by the Local

Forestry Bureaus having jurnsdiction in the area adjacent to the Ertan Reservoir area as soon

as the loan becomes effective.

rA06 l D -FMAB ia ci' 5.,44

-~~~~~~~~~UM; ~ :r3 -' ISM * - . ~ . .~ ,r. . X:;ss X

Up to 1,000 ha of additional land may be included in the conservatidon prserves. This, L -00

ha consists of the wasteland areas which will be reforested through a replanting program.

Plans for the reforestation of the wasteland area includes the planting of native, fast growing

species derived from sources similar to those wiEhin the existing bradleaf forest. Two

species have been identified as potential for implementing this reforestanon program: Pinus

Icesiya var. langbionwsis and Acacia nichii. Initial planting of these species will be in three-

combinations: pure forests of Pinus kestya var. langbionensis, pure forests of Acacia richii,

and a mixture of these two species. The intent is to start the forests with a few fast growing

species and allow invasion of other species into the areas from adjacent mature broadleaf

forests. These forests as well as the existing stands of naturally occurring broadleaf forests

will be protected. Harvest of timber from either the natural or the reeforested areas wiU be


The construction of the Ertan Project will cause the loss of aDproximately 1080 ha of

subtropical evergreen broadleaf forest. a forest type that is rapidly i.iisappearing in siubtrop!ali

China. However. the loss of this amount of forest is offset bv the preservation of 4600 ha

of existing, undisturbed forest which is currentlv not represeated in any of *he preserves in

southwest China. In addition, the manageement obiective of reft;restin2 approxi-mateiy 1000

ha of additional area in the conservation zone around the Ertar. Reservoir wi!] creatc an

opportunitv to evaluate the feasibilitv of reforestation techniques ;n reestablishing the

evergreen broadleaf forest biotype. WVthott the construction: of the reservoir and the

assumption of management responsioility around the reservoir. the conEinued destruM1cion ,'

the broadleaf forest will surely continue. T'herefore. the loss oi PuSO ha of this i:: . tvmt

is fully compensated by the protection of 4600 ha of nativ forest and the opctuorn ;,t;

expand this total. through appropriatc management. to ovcr 56iJ1 ta.

5.3.2. Wildlife

The available data indicate that there will be no significan: direct impact -of the reservoir on a

wildlife because most species present in the inundation zone are relatively abundant and

widespread. Some species of waterfowl and wading birds mav be attracted to the relativelv

slow-flowing water and the drawdow-n zoncs. There may. howev.r. be si:itficxl'n indirect

WO"5 _E.'IA, SA C-S 5.45

impacts on populations of species inhabiting the broadleaf forests and the higher, more

forested regions. In the absence of adequate data, the conservadve view must be that the

species, sume globally threatened, that are semingly restricted to the broadleaf forests of the

region (Section 4.4.3) will be reduced as human and livestock pressure increases on the

forests of higher elevations unless definitive management actions are undertaken.


As described above in Sction 5.3.1, EHDC will assume direct management responsibility

for a buffer zone between elevations. 1200 ard 1300 m adjacent to the Ertan Reservoir.

Designation of conservation -areas to protect the broadleaf forests curently present in the

zone will provide for the preservation of habitat suitable to the endangered bird species.

Management goals seeldng to expand the distribution of this forest type within the

management zone will also be incorporated into the ovemll plan for the management - his

area. Among the management goals to be included in the plan is the provision of full

attention will be given to providing habitat 'corridors' between areas of suitable wildlife


5.33. Biological diversity

At present the biological diversity in the area to be inundated and immediatelv around the

reservoir is not - understood and the impact of the reservoir cannot be ful!v evaluated.

However, it is recognized that the lowland subtropical broadleaf forest. present within the

reservoir area may be important to some threatened species. particularly some bird species.

To provide for the continued maintenance of this forest type withir. the Yalong Vallev.

.1IDC will assume direct management responsibility for a buifer zone ;mnediatcl'

surrounding the reservoir between elevations 1200 and 1300 m. Amona the manapmen:

goals for this area is the preservation and conservation of remaining tracts of; the sub:ropacal

broadleaf forest known to exist in the area and described in Section 5.3.1. However. the

value of these forests in representing the broadleaf forest is not known and specific areas to

be conserved cannot be identified at this time. To assist in determining the integrity of the

broadleaf forests that will be inundaLed and to identify significant areas in the manageTient

zone for conservation, EHDC is planning to conduct an survey of bird species present in the

existing forest areas. A team of national and international ornithologists wiil coi.duct the

1 E5616

WA!4! A cMI 5.46

-..- , ! E {rlb- s .t -7siaSlz-

survey in the spring of 1995 when many of the bird species are known to be breeding. Based

on this inventory, as well as an appraisal of the condition of the forests within the inundation

zone and in the management zone, specific areas will be identified either for conservation

or for active management to encourage the expansion of this-important habitat type. As the

additional information becomes available, the detailed plan for the management of the buffer

zone (with goals defined in Section 5.3.1) will be formulated.

Available information regarding the distribution of intact tracts of the broadleaf forest

indicates that there is a good opportunity (up to 4,600 ha) for establishing conservation areas

within the management zone to fuUy compensate for the loss of broadleaf forest in the

inundation zone and to conserve valuable representation-of this forest type. Costs for

implementing the management zone plars and studies to support the management pianninr

process are sumnmarized in Chapter 7.

5.4. Socio-economic Impacts and Mitigation

The primary effects on the socio-economic environment will be the loss of various valued

services and obiects as a result ot the inundation. Their impacts are assessed below.

5.4.1. Water Use Impacts

Chanoes to the hydrology and water qualitv in the Ya2ong River attributable to construction

and operation of the Ertan Dam and Power Station have the potential for adversely affectin-

use of the Yalong River and potentially use of the Jinsha River. downstream from the

confluence of the Yalong. Four uses-of the Yalong River have been identified which may

be affected by the Ertan Project. Evaluations of the potential adverse effects of the project

on these uses and measures adopted by EHDC to mitigate or minimize the effects are

described below. Effects to Structures in and along River Channel

A0615 _ 5fqTAN s~~~~ c.es ~5.47

The evaluation of potential effects to structures located in and along the Yilong River

downstream from the Ertn Project are made in reference to the changes in the hydrologic

regime and the analysis of bedload aggregation and degradation presented above.

The Misaimuo timber handling facilities, located approximately 10 Ian downstream from Lte

Ertan Dam. consist of a ring-type wood structure connect by several concrete piers founded

on bedrock outcropping in the Yalong River channel. The analysis of bedload tansport

processes downstream from the Ertan Dam indicates that the bed at this site will be scoured

by an average depth of approximately 0.5 m after 50 years of operation. Because the piers

are founded on bedrock. it is likely that the channel in the immediate area of the piers will

not be degraded and the foundations of the piers will not be affected by project opeation.

Nonnallv this facility is operated onlv during the or.nths of June through Septe:mber when

the Erman Proiec! will most likelv be spilling water. the operation of the prqoect on a dailv.

peaking basis will not affect the use of the facilities.

The timber handlinr facilities at Xiacdeshi, Anning River Moouth, Dapingdi, Miupingzi, and

Sanduizi. consist of f.oating booms attched to the shoreline by overhanging cables. The

positioa of these booms can be changed as necessary. Ther are no foundations associated

with thesc facilities and the-fore will not be affected by bedload processes. Tne pr.mary

effecL to th2 'U.Iatl2on of f trese strluctures is that they cannot be operated during the period

when Ertan is .perated on a daily basis. How.ever, because the height of Ltse is assocated

with the high flow pe-iod, june th-rough November. when Ertan will :%e operaLed on a

continuous basis. :nre fact that fluctuatint tlow will interrupt use of the facilities is irrelevana.

During the period when Ertan is operated on a peai;ing mode. the booms may be moved and

stored on the shoreline to prevenL damage. Dependinrg upon the site specific conditions. it

may be possible to alter the attachment cables and positions of ,hc booms such tha. the booms

will rise and fall with the cha!uses in river discharge. In addition, once Tongzilin Dam is

constructed, fluctuations in river discharge downstream from the project wilI be reduced

thereby providing further protection to river channel and river bank structures associated with

the timber handling. facilities.

EWAn IA * hS 5 .4S

- - ;- P ' ' - * ; -I ' ' ' - E - , *'

The Xiaodeshi dtmber storage and loading facilities are constructed`along the left bank of the

Yalong River in an area characterized as having a shallow slope. The facilities are protected

by a concrete and eoncrete/masonry revetment wall which is founded oan bedrock. Because

of the shallow slope of the river bank, river bed scour and fluucuating river discharges are

not expected to adversely affect the storage and loading facilities. Again. once 'rongzilin

Dam is constructed, water velocities will be reduced and potential damage to the picrs and

shoreine facilities at the Xiaodeshi timber handling site will he further reduced.

Structures associated with the Panzhihua bMine Power Plant and the piers of the three brdges

across the Yalong River are founded on bedrock and are not subject toT foundation problems

associated with scour or discharge fluctuation.

Several buildings associated with the Xiaodeshi Hydrologic Station are located along the

Yalong River and are founded on crodible materials. However, based on the sediment

transport analysis, it is expected that the particular locations of the biuildings are in an area

of sediment deposition rather thari sediment scour. Consequently, the risk of impact

associated with flow fluctuation or bedload movement is extremely iow throuah the life of

the Ertan Project.

Near the town of Tongzi!in. downstream from the confluence of the Anning River with the

Yalong, severl residentia! buildings are priesent along the river. However, manv of these

residences are built on bedrock foundations or are on alluvial materials that have a reiatively

shallow slope toward the river. The bedload transport analysis indicates that there may be

some scour of the river bed during SQ vear, of operation. However, the amount of scour is

estimated to be quite minimal and poses no threat to these buildings. Additionallv, the

location of these residences has been identified as an area for por:ions of the construction

staging sites associated with the construction of the Ertan Dam. Consequently, these

residences have been requisitioned by the State and the residents relocated to other, higher

elevation, locations within Tongzilin.

Overall, it is expected that the construction and operation of the Ertan Dam and Power

Station will not cause significant adverse impacts to structures located in or along the Yalong

uO aSlff!M IAai 5.49

River benween the dam site and the confluence of the Yalong River with the Jinsha River.

Any anticipated effects will be reduced further after construeion of the Tongzilin Dam and

Power Station.

5A.1.2. Efects on Dowsrm Industrial, Agricultural, and

Domestic Water Supplies

During the high flow season, the operation of the Panzhihua Mine Water Treatment Plant

will not be affected by the opemion of the Ertan Project. During the low flow season, when

Ertan is operated on a peaking basis, it is estimated that flow in the Yalong wil remain at

a minimum of 20 - 80 n3/s, derived primarily from the Anning River. Because the intake

for the pumping station is positioned in a deep well, the low water levels associated with the

low flows will stilU be above the intakes to the pumping station. The primary risk to the

water intake at the Panzhihua Mine Water Treatment Plant is with respect to the quality of

the water (primarily from the Anning) during the low flow period. Currently, the quality of

the Anning River is classified between I and II according to the Republic Water Quality

Standards (See above). Towns and villages along the Anning currently use Anning water for

domestic supplies. However, the water is purified and sterilized to meet the Republic Water

Quality Standard for Drinking Water, prior to distribution. The Panzhihua Mine Water

Treatment Plant ;%cilitv is also subject to this standard.

Once the construction of Ertan Dam is completed, the Yalong River will become the primary

sou.-e o: watcr f:r the new Yanbian County Town. Although the pumping station will be

v csi!ncd to accommodate flow fluctuation in the Yalong River, additional precautions will

t'c Inmpiemcnicd to prevent contamination of the water source by sewage discharge into the

ri%C: Sewa-e discharge will be restricted and controlled along both banls of the Yalong

below the dam and in the area surrounding Yanbian County Town.

The floating pumping staticns located on the Jinsha River between the confluence of the

Yalong and Jinjiang Railway Station will not be affected by water level fluctuation or

minimum released attributable to the operation of the Ertan Project. No impact is anticipated

because of the mobility of the pumps to accommodate water level varatis.

4TA CS 5.50ERTAN LA 011~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

SA.1.3. Impact on Timber Transportation System

The Ertan Project will create two major obstacles to the continued use of the Yalong River

for transporting harveted timber from the upper basin to Yibin: The Ertan Impoundment

and the Ertan Dam. Because of the importance of the timber harvest to the economy of

Sichuan Province, specific measures have been incorporated into the design and operation

of thq Ertan Project to mitigate the impact to this use of the Yalong River water.

The Ertan Reservoir will restrict the conveyance of the harvested timber through 145 km.

To mitigate this impact, EHDC and CHIDI have incorporated a log handling facility at the

upper end of the Ertan Reservoir. Logs entering the upper end of the reservoir will be

interepted and gathered into rfts of logs. These rafts will then be towed down the reservoir

to a second handling facilitv on the upstream side of the dam.

To pass the logs through the dam. the design of the project includes two tunnels passing

through the right dam abutment. Conveyor belt assemblies will carry the logs through the

tunnels and deposit the logs in the tailwater. The log passage tunnels are depicted on the

project layout (Figure 2.3). The log rafts will be dismantled and individual logs placed on

the conveyor belt to be carried to the tailwater of the dam and power station. The timber

conveyor will consis; of a loading area at the upper end of the tunne.. tne nrachinerv and

conveyor belt structures. and an off-loading area at the downstream end of the tunnel. The

belts are designed to pass logs at a rate of 300 m3/h. It is estimated that approximate'!

11,500 m3 of timber can be conveved per day, based on a two shift operation. Given this

rate. the current volume of 0.4 million m3 of timber can be moved through the dam in

approximately 35 days.

Because the season during which timber is transported from the upper Yalong Catchment

extends from July through September, the Erman Reservoir will be filled, the power station

will be oprated on a continuous basis at the hydraulic capacity, and discharge downstream

from the dam wull be in excess of the 1,500 m31s minimum operating level at the existing

handling facilities. Costs for construction of the log tunnel are integrated with the costs

associated with the construction of the dam and powerhouse.

'joA'.*UTNI04 5.51

The only other obsmcle will be the impoundment and dam associated with the Tongzilin

Power station. Measures to maintain the use of the Yalong for transporting the Yalong

Catchment timber will also be incorporated into the design and operation of the Tongzilin

Project. Effts on Navigation

Construction and operation of the Ertan Project is expected to benefit navigation on both the

"'along and the Jinsha Rivers. These benefEts have been discussed previouslv.

5.4.2. land Use

5.4_2.1. Submersion losses

TXhe ,!--avion of the Ertan reservoir wiil submerge 10. 00 ha. some 24 percent comprises

..issv hillsides. 20 rercent timber torests. 16 percent wct and dry ficdds. 10 percent

fuelwood forests. 20 percent the former river channel, and I nercent habitation. I; is clear

that by far the greatest losses with be in the Ganvu Vallev oi Yanbian County (Table 5.4).

EHDC will bL-ar, active!v involved in management of Lhe 16.000 km2 of the watershed

atove F-tan reservoir and will assume direct management responsibdli;x for a zone around

:I1: mer!!n o; ;he L.rtan Reservoir exter.ding fron the normal ma ....um operaung leel ot

; f*um aione the land surfac- to an elevation of 1300 m. Mlis zone includes approximalelv

;3.3.) ha as described in Section 5.3. The purpose of this is to conserve water. decrease

so. r-os:on. and improve the esthet:cs cf the reservoir margin. Gfidelines from ihe Ministrv

of Forestr indicate that the rc ponsibility of a reservoir owner extends onlv over a belt of

100 m elevation above the rna&ximum level of the reservoiT. EHDC will generally entrust the

practical management to other aeenc:cs: for example. Panzhihua MuniciDalitv has establisned

a s..'all forestry bureau to execute the necessary works. Within EHDC, the watershed

rmanagement will be the responsibilitv of the Environmental Protection Committee of EHDC.


Table SA: Summary of submersion losses In Ertm Reservoir Area.

CountyItem Unit Totd Yanbian Mi$ Deuti Yanmyn Xluid

Reseroir Water Surface 0km2) 101 42 22 6 L6 10Agriculural Land (ha) 1656 1036 299 8S 231 6

Paddy Fields (ha) 839 589 125 32 93 1Dry TAd (ha) 818. 447 174 53. 138 5

Qther Land Use (ha) 5464 26SS - 130 165 1224 122Fish Ponds (ha) 0.6 0.6Mulbey Trees (ha) 1.5 1.SOrchards (ha) 0.2 0.1 0.1Timber Forest (ha) 1043 766 181 44 48Fuel Forest -(h) 1979 1087 31S 97 408Grassland (ha) 2440 802 799 23 783

Annual Carel Productio,(X 106 kg) 15.27 9.97 2.62 0.7 2Households (no.) 4462 3830 408 52 166

Urban (no.) 1581 1549 18 8Rura (no.) 2881 2281 390 44 166

Population (persons) 21917 16261 2159 321 1026Urban (persons) 3003 5722 97 32 2Runl (persons) 13914 10539 2062 298 1024

Houses (m2) 961500 771200 118500 15200 3200Brick (m2) 97300 79200Wood (.2) 82200 74600 3400 1800Earthwood (za) 635600 512100 84900 1110 22500

Other Buildings (.2) 145300 105300 3020 2300 8500Small Hydro Staions (no.) 16 3 3 1 8

(McW) 2344 1187 336.6 55 516Highways/Roads (km) 358 90 53 5Communication Lines OM) 397 165 70 19 38Transmission Lines (kIn) 648 170 319 20 121Broadcast Lines 10m) 819 155 664Factories lo) 12 11

Notes:1. The resmvoir area includes areas of existing rivers and streams

5.42.2. Living Areas and Agricultural Lands

Although not large in area, one of the major impacts of the reservoir will be the submergence

of homes and cultivated land. Parts of 31 Rural Areas from five Counties will be flooded

by the reservoir, and the homes of over 29,000 people will be lost in both farming and

village areas, mainly in the Ganyu Valley. A total of 1,656 ha of cultivated land will be

submerged, representing an annual loss of over 15,000 tons of cereal production. Some

people will lose land but not their homes, others will lose their homes but not their land,

04061 'V3TAN EA C45 553

while others may lose both. If the popuaon were smply moved out of the reach of the

rservoir the area of cultivated land per capita would be reduced by an aveage of 18 percent

and the available land would be of lower aveagc quality than the.land currently used. To

solve this problem, only about 9,000 of the Mfected pople will be moved up above the

reservoir (wihin their administative area), and the remainder wiU be reseted. The people

who move up the slopes can use their compenain money from EHDC to develop the new

l;Id with the- guidance of the county agriculture 1etmenL EHDC, as owners of the

reservoir area, have agreed to allow the inhabitants remainng in the Ganyu Valley to exploit

the approximaely 330 ha of broad dmawdown areas by way of compenation for the land lost

by the communities (Figure 5.7 and Table 5.5). The options being drwn up by CHII will

be considered by representatives from Yanbian County, and are discussed briefly in Chapter

6 and in more detail in the Resettlement Action Plan (EHDC, 1994). Responsibility for the

development of these areas is borne entirely by Yanbian County.

When resettement is deemed necessary, it is state policy to reconstruct features to their

original scale and wt to cams any lowering in living standards. The loss of Yanbian Town

will be compensated by the construction of a new town near the site of the Tongzilin damsite,

and the boundaries of the County will be redrawn to allow people resettled to remain in their

original administrative area Detailed plans for the resettlement of other displaced

communities have been drwn up and are discussed in the Resetlement Acdon Plan (EHDC,


5A..2.3. Forestry

Some 2,000 ha of fuelwood forest and 1,000 ha of broadleaf timber forest in numerous

patches will be submerged These will be compensated for by planting and protection within

the Environmental Management Zone (Section 5.3.1). The forests within the zone, when its

boundaries are finally agreed, will be included in either the protected area or within areas

subject to various management practices and policies. Delineation of the protected forests

as well as the managed forest areas will be determined after the Biological Diversity Survey

(Section 5.3.3) is completed and other requirements associated with the resettlement plan

have been further delineated.

TMa CA CM 5.54


g § n>~~FIUt s.7: Dlsttibutlkmnt Of 12400n Ac;ru r Oic Mehopne In the Ganu Arm. .@ 1 i

1.~~~ I ShiiS rI

A yng R nA RtoAig . .l ,e

f ., x tffibuang \ * t '' -g

Wanh ui -i

Yumnwn R.A iant Xlnglong village;


o Twflhi capiutjf O ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Townshp apttl'

Silanill * village

km < Towhip bOWA_tqY

.. t Huiiin R.A km jRizeD a

Xlnind °- 4 DfawdcK: Yc


Table 5.S: Enumeration of the utilizable area of the drawdown zone for delopment in theGanyu Arm of the Ertan Reservoir.

* Land in Drawdown Zone (ha)Rurl Ara blage Above 180 m Above 1190 m

Junking 62.2 S.6Yanlong 16.0 S.8Bain 8.7 3.1Taoluh i.2 4.3Duogu 13.9 7.7Xiniiz 10.6 2.3Tuanjiu 3.B 2.4

Yongxing 148.2 102.2Wang 5S.7 ' 27.8Pingtian 19.2 9.6YongxrnZ 39.0 30.5Pmncun 34.3 34.3

Haimnin 62.S 56.8Yinhe 8.1 4.5Xiolin 26.6 252.Xinglong 37.1 27.1

* Yam=n - 72.2 36.6Villag 14.5 1S.5Villages 23.2 12.7Villages 7.5 2.4

:Xinping 8.9 8.9 Industry

A total of 12 factories and mines will be submerged (Table 4.11). It is the policy of the

Government of China to rebuild submerged industries to their original scale at another

location. The large Ertan clay mine will lose access to about 1.5 million tons of clay, about

25 percent of the total reserves. The main facilities have already been moved to another site

and are opeational. The Hongni anthracite coal mine will lose 4.5 million tons of its 169

million reserves which are exploited at an annual rate of 0.3 million tons. The impact on this

mine is not considered significant Most of the remaining small industries will be rebuilt in

the new Yanbian Town. Others are relocating outside Yanbian. Costs associated with the

relocation of the affected industries are included in the Resettlement Action Plan (EHDC,


LrM A CMS 5.56


5.4.3. Population Distribution and Inf:istructure. Effects on Minority Nationalities

People belonging to minority nationalities living in areas destined to be inundated are treated

in the same mann as the majoritv Ian nationality. The more traditional mianority groups

live well above the maximum reservoir levea and will experience no dire. impacts. Local

health agencies report no significant differences between the health of Har. and the other

nationalities. Almost all the construction Workers confine their acti.ities to the damsite and

camp, and are unLikelv to come into close contact with the minorint nationalities. Ever. so,

sanitary and quarantine precautions taken against possible diseases brought by the workers

will be conducted (see below). Cultural Resources

Although the results of the detailed survevs of cultural property that wilU b.- suomerged arc

not yet available, the princiDle has aireadv been established by Sichuan Bulreau of Art ard

Culture that the excavation and remvu.-a; of the }mnown tombs ar.d other rehils for st;idy will

be permitted.

5.43.3. Human health

Humani health will be monitored regulariv and the Eftan Inbutute ot e:n:c Disezse

Protection wiil 'e established accoradi.r to the iaw on the pree endor anci :rea!-.nt ut

infectious diseases. Prior to the completion of the Ertan !iC'ies;. eus ins:'.:ue. I!

cooperation with the Panzh;ihua PuDlic 14-eaith Bureau. the Yaanb;an Counts i'u':;c Hea!:-.

Bureau and the Sichuan Provincial Rzse:tlement Office ;in consultation with !he United

Nations World Health Organization) wi'l conduct a survev of residents in Yanbian CounLv

including those residents who will be displaced to the resetteinent area. The purpose ot th-

survev will be to determine Lhe incidence ot infectious diseases in the affected population and

to implement procedures to cure infictca individuals and to deveiop treatmen.t plans for

munimizing the risk of future epidemics of the diseases in the area. Once the inimal survey

ER.AN E^ .;.9^tl6tE~ ~~4

is completed and the project is in operation, 3nnual monitoring of the occuirrcnce of

infectious diseases will be implemented. This monitoring will corsist primarily of

establishing reporing procedures from local health professionals who are responsible for the

heaith care of the residents. The incidence of all potentially fatal infectious diseases will be

reported to the respective public health agencies having jurisdiction in the area. These

agencies in turn will provide annual reports to the EEDC environmentl management office

to enable a central information center necessary for the comprehensive administration of the

Ertan HydroeLectric Project operations. Specific components of the potential effects to

public health attributable to Eran con$truction and operaion are described in more detail in

the following paragraphs. Costs for implementing tnese procedures are summanzea in

Chapter 7 and in the Resettlement Action Plan (EHDC 1994). Malaria

Aplthouch Panzhihua Municipality is now considered free of malaria since 1991, there are two

potenna: impacts of the project which need attention: the reintroduction of the disease

organism into the area by workers arriving from neighboring regions where the disease is

st .l x_val:n. and the potential creation of ecological conditions suitable for proliferatior

v: the mosquito species that transmit the disease. It is likely that populations of the mosquito

%ect; are s:. iresent in the vicinitr oif Ertan. Consequent!y, these populations mav once

again t&zome a...i'c vectors of malana as a consequence of workers coming into the area

-hi, are -- :ers of *,;e disease organism. Although in situations where the disease is absent

x;c .. - .::e associated with the infection of o,:her humans via the mosquito are

r;..v.& ,..;a;i. safeguards wuill be i:mfernented to further .cduce the probabilitv that malaria

.<...-: re-established a..'jnd Em-rn Reservoir. These safeguards include:

Implernentation of routine program to eradicate mosquito populations in the vicinity

of all construction siLes:

Pre-employment screening o, all workers at the project site to include blood tests for

malaria (All workers are recuered to obtain a Certificate of Verification of Physical

Examination prior .o cor.men:nrg work at :he sites):

£RTAdJ F; C"6'

-.- - . r :.,u'' V

- treatnent and isolation (undl cured) of persons found suffering nom the disease,

- issuance of malarial prophylacics to workers and administraive stff;

- nmonitoring of mosquito populaions in the vicinity of the construction area; and

- implementing routine malaria prevention icdons in the area surrounding the eservoir.

Costs for implementing these actions are summarized in Chapter 7.

During the operation phase and while the reservoir remains at its maximum operating level

there are no particular problems related to potential re-establishment of malaria in the projec;

area. However, during the drawdown periods pools of shallow water attractive to malaria

vectors may be expected to form in the flatter and hither areas of the Ganyu Valley.

Consequently, care will be taken during the reservoir clearing process (See Section 5.5.f)

to remove topographic feamres within the drawdown zone that miLI. retain standing water

thmough the drawdown period. Specific areas to be removed are existing irrigation ponds,

fis'n ponds, rice fields and irrigation ditches in the agricultural areas surrounding the

reservoir. Additionally, periodic surveys of the upper reaches of the reservoir, both in the

main reservoir and in the Ganyu arm will be perforned to identifv areas of standing water

that remain after drawdown. Such areas may not be present initiallv but may develop as

sediment from the upper reaches of the drainage basin accumulates at the head of the

reservoir. If such areas are detected, they will be filled or otherwise dramined to prevent

infestation by mosquito populations. Schistosomiasis

As discussed in Section 4.4.3, no new cases of schistosomiasis have been recorded from the

Ganyu River Valley in the last few years. In order to minimize the risk of schistosomiasis

recurring in the Ganyu Valley several measures will be implemented by EHDC pror to and

during operation of the Eran Project. Although the operation of the project itself will not

encourage the spread of either the disease or the disease vector. several components of the

ERT*t EA a. 5.59

project increases the riskl that the disease may reappear in the vicinity of the project,

particularly in the Ganvu basin, an historic focus of this disea. Three aspects of tht

epidemiology of schistosomiasis are addressed in various management and monitoring

programs proposed in association with the Ermn Project. These include minimization of the

presence of suitable habitat for the intermediate hust for the diseae (the Oncomelanic snail):

a program to reauce 'the occurrence and distribution of the intermediame host: and the

identification of human carriers of the disease that either reside in the area or have moved

into the area ;- ran of the constniction work force.

The proposed progra to control the occurrence of the water weed, Eichhonua. as presented

in SecEion 5.2.5, has thmee objectives: reducing potendal.effects to navigation and project

operaion. reducing the risk of potentiai adverse effects to water qualiry and fishery

produ:tion. and to reduce the availability of suitable habitat for the vectors oi infectious

diseases. Of principal concern here is the cor.trol of the potential spread of snail populations

known to be vectors of Schistosoma japonicum, the disease organism.

The drawdown zone around tile reservoir may not be suitable snail (secondarv h,ost; habitst.

but :he terraced rice fields and ditches above the reservoir will remain as potential refuges.

In addition there are other locations in China where die disease can still be found and there

.s alwsys a risk that the disease organism may be brought to the reservoir area by migran:

w o6ros.

Durinn che Eichhuinio eradication program proposed for inmpiementation p:lOr :- __servoir

filiino. a simultaneous surve- of the presence of populations of the snail wil! be conducted.

An% populations of the snail discovered during this process will be eradicaLed preierablv

throuch a combination of mnlluscinide application and removai of the habitat feature. Once

the project becomes operational. monitoring of the occurrence of the disease will be

continued as part of dte overall public health monitoring program described above for malaria


To rminimize the risk that workers coming ,o the project area as part of the construction force

do not reintroduce schistosomiasis to the area around the Ertan Proiect, each2 work;er is

MM EA Cg 5.60Fq'!dIA '1

; * -. '- ' >,*ge;zV.i d l <

required to obtain a Certificate of Verification of Physical Examination prior to commencing

work at the site. To obtain these certi'icates. the workers are screened for a marietv of

infectious diseases including schistosomiasis. This program was implemented prior to the

commencement of project construction and continues as a policy of employment by EHDC

and the construction contractors. EHDC will ensure tht the screening and cquipment are

adequate. Occupational changes

Occupations are recorded in two categories: agricultural and non-agriculiural. In general,

people will maintain their existing occupations, but 2,000-3,000 people from the Ganyu

Valley will switch from agricultural to non-agricultural labor when they are resettled in the

new Yanbian County Town.

5.5. Construction Impacts and Mitigation

The potential environmental effects observed during the construction of the Ertan Project are

generally of a teimporary nature ard stem from grounid disturbance, operation of equipment

and housing of the labor force. Processes which lead to the effects include erosion and

.unoff from construction related areas. production of dus: and noise resulting from blasting

and operation of heavv equipment. emissions and waste oils from heavy eatqipment operation.

and wastewater dischar2es from the housing areas.

5.5.1. Eros;on and Runoff from Construction Areas

Clearing of vegetative cover for excavation and filling of construction areas exposes the

underlying soils and rock surfaces to erosion. In general, erosion from the rock} surfaces will

be minimal. However, placement of fill materials, either for creation ol construction staging

areas or for the placement of spoil materials removed from the tunnels and foundations may

W. EAA CHS 5.61

lead to excessive erosion. Erodible materials may eventually find their way into the nver

causing increases in the suspended sediment concentrations in the river.

In general, surfaces of the work areas will be either covered with concrete, consist of

exposed bedrock, or will be contained between the main diversion cofferdams upstream and

downstream from the construction site. Additionally, runoff from major construction support

sites will be controlled and directed to settling basins prior to releasing the water to the river.

Clarified water will be skimmed from the surface of the settling basins for discharge to the

Yalong River. Principle areas for which control of runoff is particularly necessary include

the concrete batck plant areas, the aggregate processing areas, and the equipment storage


Much of the spoil removed from the tunnels and power staion caverns will be stored

temporarily on site and eventually used as aggregate for the concrete. Excess spoil materials

and overburden removed from the construction site is used either for fill in the construction

staging areas or is placed in the spoil disposal area located upstream from the dam in Jinlong

Gully on the left bank of the river. All of the spoil materials will be placed in the gully

below the minimum operating pool elevation of 1155 m and consequently will not be

subjected to erosion processes once the reservoir is filled.

Berms, drainage channels and settling basins will be constructed around all areas exposed to

runoff and erosion. Runoff from most of the cleared and excavation areas drain into the

river channel between the cofferdams from which clarified water is pumped over the

downstream cofferdam.

Following comp' -ion of the construction, the construction contractors are required to remove

all consLructh" a iuipment and recontour and landscape the disturbed areas. Restoration

plans include regrading of the disturbed areas and planting of appropriate ground cover to

minimize erosion and to provide a more aesthetically pleasing appearance to the visible

project facilities.

ESTA EA CHI . 5.62

; ~-~ -.. m:C

5.5.2. Control of Dust and Noise Emissions from the Constmction Site-.

Dust from the project area arises from the excavation processes and from the movement of

heavy machinery over unpaved roads: Use of explosives to remove overburden, excavate

foundation areas and tunnels and to obtain aggregate will generate some dust. Dust geerateG

in the tunnels and underground caverns (power station, switchgear and operations cavems)

will be controlled underground and little of the dust will be emitted to the atmosphere.

Noise generated from the operation of heavy equipment and from the use of explosives is

geneally directed upward by the configuration of the river valley. Few residents, other than

the construction labor force, are present in the vicinity of the dam and consequently, noise

generated from the site will not be a major annoyance to large numbers of people.

5.5.3. Handling of Petroleum products and other hazardous materials.

Fuel oils and lubricants required for the operatior of heavy equipment will be stored in

designated areas for which measures to prevent introduction into the environment will be

strictly enforced.

Waste oils and lubricants are collected in the equipment rnaintenance areas and are trucked

off site to recycling centers in Panzhihua Cin.

Explosive materials are stored in appropriate shelters away from the construction site in

Jinlong Gully adjacent to the spoil area. Explosives are brought to the site as needed during

vanous stages of the excavation.

Small amounts of other hazardous materials will be brought onto the site. These materials

consist primarily of organic solvents used for cleaning and maintaining machinery. No

organochloride compounds. such as PCB, will be used on the construction site. Alternative.

non-hazardous insulating fluids for electrical equipment will be used in electrical


"0E1.CA sOeH 5.63

53.4. Wastewater Treatment Facilities

To prevent contaminadon of the water of the Yalong Jiver, appropriate wastcewater teatment

facilities are construted a: crnical locations throughout the construction site. Each of the

concrete mixing plants is equipped %ith a settling basin to control runoff of waste concrete.

The largest source of waste concrcte is the area used to clean the concrete hauling trucks

betwere loads. Water from these areas is collected into a settling basin and clarified water

is sl;immed from the surface before discharge to the river. Sewage treatment facilities are

also constructed to treat wastewater derived from the three labor camps and the contract'r

housin! areas.

The major sources of uncontrolled runoff and wasewvater that will enter the Yalong River

are the areas inhabited bv immigrants to the area that are either seeldng enployment with the

construction force or are seeking other benefi.s from the presence of well-paid laborers

associated wuith the cons-tuction of the dam and power station. Because the locations these

on-look-e-s" choose for setting up residence and the uncertainty as to the numbers involved.

nc' soeiZi c plans for controlling the immigrarts have been implemented. Tc the extent

r.:bi. procedures to limit access to the construction areas bv individuals o;h.r than

.i:-nbcrs of the labor force have been impiemented. Howevcr, complete control of access

tv conn-:7:.1.. site ard to the vici.ni:y of thc project cannot be achieved.

Con;rol - the "'oor.-!own' nature of construction areas has beeii a nmajor problem that has

z;_ .. ::: .resource developments throughout the world. Satisfactorv solutolis to

t . r';n :e -:nblems are %-w and .ar between.

-. 3.5. Reservnir Clenring.

Anv organic material. mainiv !rees. in the inundated area will decompose and are a potential

source of water qualitv probiems. In audition. garbage, sewage. manure. recent graves and

ocher sites would pollute the waier .'.so. semi-floating trees can block the inlets to the

power-h.ouse. and standing Eret:s. sh.aiHow shoals and reefs can block navigation and snag

fishing nets.

StMM E£L C0S 5.64

~~~~~~- : *:: \- v l ; *- . -r

The organic mateials and inorganic structures that must be deared from the inundation have,

Table 5.6: Invenory of Vegetation, Stuctr and Sanitary Facilities to be Removed as Part ofReservoir acel . -

.Im Area VolumeW- l@) ( MI')

HOUS 838,327Aniumal sheds 111,347Manure pits 49,900Public mtroom 9,025Vegetable fields 680,700Gmveyuds less than 15 yeas old 7,700Hospitals X,800Sanitary landfill 4,600Sewage ditches and pits 300 7,400Harvestable Fomest - 3 X 106Methane genemting pits 8,863

Total 31,642,499 78,463

been exhaustively inventoried (Table 5.6). Regulations require that the clearing be completed

one year before the diversion tunnels are closed, and that the area will be inspected for

acceptance by EHDC, the Provincial Resettlement Office, Panzhihua Municipality, and

C'IDI. The clearance is a complex operation, and detailed plans will be developed prior

to town implementaion is required. The work will be conducted by local inhabitants, before

resettlement is completed, and they will be allowed to salvage any timber or fuelwood of

value. Remaining organic material will be burned.

S.S.6. Site CPean-Up Following Construction

Once the construction of the Ertan Project is oDmplete, each of the contractors is required

to remove al equipment from the site and clear the site of potentially hazardous materials.

Reclamation of sites exposed during construction will include Tegrading and revegetation.

Exceotions to this will be at certain locations where permanent structures will be remodelled

OMA6N1. 5.65^~~~~~~T 'A 045

for other uses or where other structures may be constructed. All sites will be inspected by

governmental agencies and the site clean-up approved before the contractors are allowied to

abandon the site.

5.5.7. Summary of Construction Related Effects.

In general, measures to minimize -the impacts of the construction have been implemented

during the constauction of the Ertan Dam and Power Staion. Potential discharge of sediment

and hazardous materials to the Yalong River has been minimized and no significant adverse

effects have been observed. Provisions are made to control discharge of suspended sediments

to the Yalong River from construction and spoil areas. Dust and noise from the project site

are minimal. Fuel oil, lubricants, and waste oils are effectively isolated from the river.

Adequate fcilities for the treatment of waste water from the project site and from the labor

camps have been constructed. Provisions for the reclamation of disturbed areas following

completioni of construction are in place.

The only effects for which environmental controls have not been implemented is with the

influx of non-labor immigrants to the project area. Although the numbers of persons in this

"on-looker" group will likelv grow as construciion continues, the overall risk of significant

adverse impacts, relative to the magnitude of the projects. is considered relativelv small.

During the latter stages of construction, it is recommended that some consideration be given

to ease the social impact of the "boom-Lown' decline that will be realized in the vicinitv of

ihe project. Of particular concern will be the economic and social impacts that residents of

the small villages lik-e Ton pzilin Station will experience once construction is completed.

5.6. Transmission Line Effects and MIitigation

The environmental assessment of Lhe transmissi^n line route and construction methodss

presen;.d in a separate document (SEPA, 1994). The seleced routc for i.' tranutissio;

lines and Lhe construction methivs. wi avwiA t , r.; th: e extent pz'zsib!.. ad'er e



impacts to natural and human resources along the route. For those aspect of the

transmission line that cause unavoidable impact to the natural or human environments,

adequate measures to minimize and compensate for the impacts have been incorporated into

the design and implementation plan.

GWA A 5.67

Chapter 6


6.1. National Resettlement Policies

The national policies for resettlement are summarm d in ChaDcers 3 and . It should be

noted that neither Chincse nor World Bank policies allow for short.-term develop-ments which

ir.reasc the devendenc; of people on S6a:te funds. The F.rtan prvjeet is of _Pe1±t -importance

and cannot nroce-d without resettlement: thus everu effor wi7l e nemAde to .T.-Ae the

rewettlemenr progratn bolh susmainable z'nd successful.

As explained in Chapter 5. the mitipationS for dealin vrith the impavc o' zbout 30.000 people

losing their honeb and liveihcods is to resettle fiac t uha cr tha: rarno; remain in t'E original

nre,a. The Drocess ar.d iv s o r,ese.le,nent develop.ner., are dealt witli ;n dtaWIi jl Lkht

Resnt-einent Action LiPn tFi.iiDC 19-94) Some addifior.a! informnation is proviC;ed hem.

6.2. ('harC:nteristics of Resettlement. Areas

1 ;as; .ilaned in:ta0i :o fa-e two major resettlement area : one a: Hnn-e. and the okhv-

x,; Y ::r.:s.an. HonPc: has ;roved to b_ feasible, with. appropriaze inpums. Zlowever. thi_

z :zhishan area is no. suitable ;or developmen. of adequa-e water and esec:rcIm.t iutpplies, or

:n: :anstrLcuon o& an ac_css road. 'Would need a mnuch 'arser Inp:ut of zaoxair than 'he

cea' e: a Hon Ae:. Adu;::osiailv, the 'Yizhishat a;ea is c curenEy !nhibzo;td. b nunic:uus

families who woUWd h.a%e ic, bc rsertled to other areas to enabie movement of the Ertan

group;. Beause of the o.not. ;cs.%ciated wiLh the development of :he Yizis.hn site. E!DC

decided to forego furthtr conside-tior; of the Yirzishan site. r.d focus or. development o th1e

Hongge area. The oustis from lhe Erta aqea destined for Yizhisziar, . .w e distributed

throughout thle Anninn basisnwherc soial economn is rel-adveiv developed.

-M-vi~.V i EA-46 6.1.


Tne site f'or tlhe Hionege resettlement is located in _ hillv area that has a historv of

agriculture. Locai residents have utilized the area for several drv land crops such 2s peanuts,

corn. fruit trees. and grapes (Figt:re 6.1). The site is located along the left bank of lower

Jinsha Thv-:, downstream from Panzhihua City. The cLaivation of the Hongge areas has

alwvavs been a means of providing supplementary rather than core income for residents in the

viernitr of the site. In recognition of the local residents' previous use of the land, some 200

ha of land next to the existing riverside village will be developed by the project as a form

of compensatior, in .- uri' for their loss of that area.

Productivity of tne cultivated portions of the Hongge a-.a has alwavs been lo.w and in some

vears the crops have failed for lack of w2ter. SLudies nave shown. however, that the soils

are potentialy producuve if adequate water is available. It it su.rounded bv JSnsha River to

:e west and WaJa River to the north. . road lirkling ?z:zhi.iua an<d Hiuili passes through this

area. T he desirnated resettiemc-t area is dir' idcn int :-.G parrs rnon-hern par. ar.i soutnern

part) bv the Yanyang River. 7he toai area o. t h s:Lt: ! s.S6 h2

Ac.ur_z:is :o trne Danring iur th; IHon-t- rC: .:: -- e sormt- .38 6;. -;a. w;it ;e

-ie .ec ,: armnine wath 7o hei. o. cufti%.:*. . .. -. - . . t; r: :: ... vou,

a iiitmds. lnialf%. some '.G0- t esidi:..ns n' Er. s - z. eae -. r r ; e t: 2

r!. *se.. [c. . a.-ea In o-i.er ;:.'isir. Jn Cciovmzn: - -ne art.. ine . umb .7

; .- :z';t:. ': _r : a.-c *1 Eha:s a.-ez ha -m U-;. SFZL.. Xi J'J' i -,x .-)C - '. EJ%: v.;- J'

.- -.. r.al :o - ;e :-rz :.1.;i.-.oz o -;;.- .... *:_.- .n. -- w..;:^.-; .. i:n

* .. _ _ .*. . . _i 3r -- - 7r ~> :>-- ?- -:: :- ~ -.:- Z.er-J .;.

: - .., , .W * . , .- - . ,,. ,. .1a ., e ,ev , _, . . .ta


I~~~~ %

11glure 6.1 n: The 11nEn Resettlemewv Ai-e. X!-

t_ fX~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~A

... j..,. .

7brL ; . ; ........................................ *. .. ' . ' ,'. c-helm .1s

63. Socioeconomic profile in areas to be inundated

The socio-economic profiles of the areas to be inundated have been shown earlier in Table

S.x. The ousts are, in general, less rural and wealther than the average resident of

Yanbian County or of the reservoir area.

6.3.1. Movement of Poople

T'he sources, destnaions, and numbers of people to be relocaed under the resettlement plan

are shown in Figure 6.2. Based on a survey of the number of persons that reside within the

inundation zone, provision for approxely 21,000 persons will be made. As indicated in

the figure, the majority of the persons will be relocated in the vicinity of the Ertan

Reservoir with most of them having to move only a few hundred meters. Approximate'y

7,000 residents will be moved to the Hongge Resettlement area located southeast of the

present Yanbian Town. Additionally, approximately 11,000 of the residents will be relocated

to the new county seat located to the west of Tongzilin.

Recent negotiations with the residents of Yanbian County have resulted in the delineation of

another option for the resettlement and compensation plan (Cheng, Sichuan Resettlement

Department, 1994, pers. comm.). During these negotiations, a plan to construct a dike

system along the margin of the Ganyu River at the upper end of the backwater zone was

suggested. The Provincial Resettlement Office discussed this potential with EHDC and it

was decided to implement this program. The dike will prevent flooding of land at the upper

end of the drawdown zones along the Ganyu River and one of its tributaries. Approximately

20 kn of dikes along both sides of the river and tributaries will be constructed to a :eight

of no more than 10 m. This construction will protect the land of approximately 3,000 people

UG A CH 6.4

^\w\x Agricultural resettlement areas for those moving up Xichang

o Agricultural resettlement areas for moving away

0 Urban resalement areas

County boundaries XICRANG

-*.._... Proy<ince boundary

_____ Movenments of those moving away

. . move up - - J

,~5*~ *. / 'DECHANG500

_ >! \ - jq; tn~~ove up/

5000 j) w.. /1dz


>.v;. 9y ~~~move upj

-~ ~~T~ o. 2 .000 . *-- Lols500 /

& IYanbiran amsi e , /

2.000 ) New Yanti:mr To? r.\

Panzhihu 1uonae



in Yongxing and Htuimin in the uppe'r Ganyu Valley wo-nsequetywino'ed't e


6.4. Consultation process

During development of the resttlement plan, the Provinicial Resettlement Bureau in

cooperation with EHDC, undertook an extensive consultation process with both the local

governments in the areas from which the residents would be removed and with the local

go,qernments in the area to which the oustees would be resettled. Additionally, individual

residents within the Ertaz-reservoir area and in the aireas to which people could be relocated

were interiewed regarding their concerns and requirements. It was on the basis of the

results of this interview process that the decision was made to abandon the Yizhishan area

as a potential area for accepting the Ertan reservoir residents. More extensive discussion of

the results of the consultation process, as currently planned, is presented in the Resettlement

Action Plan (EHDC, 1994).

6.4.1. Methods

Consultation with individual residents of the Ertmn reservoir area was conducted household

byhousehold, starting in 1984. During the consultation process. an inventory of property

and other assets present in the area was made to determine'the magnitude of losses that

would result from the impoundment created by Erman Darn. In each household, the scale and

scope of the project was explained. toggether with its impiications. (It is noteworthv that in

1984. some of the people residing in the project area had never seen a car or train.) Details

of the draft outline resettlement plan were presented to the residents and their questions were

inv~ited. Later, as the resettlement plan developed, all the officials in counties affected by

the project were invited to a meeting in P'anzhihua. The purpose of this meeting was to

provide more information that could be distributed to the people affected by the planning

process. Additionally, representatives of the affected residents were given the opportunity

to visit the possible resettlement sites so they could report back- to their communities what

the conditions were like.

MAN*t EA C " 6.5

6.4.2. Summary of Oustee Comments

The people to be resettled showed a great understanding of the role the Ertan project will

play in national development and attained a favorable understanding of and gave support to

the national resettlement policies and legal regulations. They were not thrilled with the

prospect of being uprooted but understood that there were legal assurances for proper-

compensation for production and standard of living. Follow up interviews with the people

already resettled indicate that they are satisfied with ther new homes and the much improved

facilities. At their option, some of the younger people elected to move to an urban center

rather than another rural area. Also, some residents requested that they be allowed to stay

in their original area, relocate their homes, in order to cultivate land they had developed

above the reservoir level.

6.4.3. Conclusions

The consultations were useful in the resettlement planning effort. The results underlined the

imperative to provide sites and mechanisms tnat would allow the affected people to maintain

and improve their quality of life as well as comply with governmental policies. A major

feature of the resettement planning arising out of the consultation efforts was that the final

plan be extremelv flexible: This allows for the incorporation of specific requests, such as

permission to stay in the area to work existing land. or move to other locations. Because the

resettlement plan has incorporated their flexibility details of each component are constantly

under revision. The current status of the resettlement plan associated with the Ertan Project

is presented in tne Resettlement Action Plan (EHDC 1994).

6.5. Institutional arrangements

In terms of the governmental administrative structure, there will be no change for the

majority of those affected hy the resettlement program. By redrawing the county boundaries

4N6616IftlN.eLc4. 6.6

to include the new site of YanbianCounty town and. the Hngge' e a, mos oJ.

the people rmoving frnm the Ganyu valley will be govemw. by dhe same instimtions-and staff

that is governing them at present. The oniy major change is that the Provincial Resettdement

Bureau -will assist local official in directing and financing infrastructure and cultu:al.

developments. This assistance will be funded from a 0.1 fen (0.001 yuan) allocadon of

revenues from every kilovwt-hour of eectricity produced by Ertan. This allocaton, an

estinatedAMB 14,52106 g per year will be paid by EHMC to he Provincial Reseftlement

Bureau for disbursement according w e final resettlement plan.

The Hor.gge resettlemernt aea is not first-class agrcultral land. but it was the best of tie

whole range of altenatves =xamined. and by pumpin.g, ci'.anneling, and stonnng water fo:

agricultural and domestic use, the area wiil provide a zood livelihood for the people. Thne

project will pay part of the cost (power. maintenanccs o; the pumping, which will be

determined after tests in fixed spots, from the levy metitioned above, but it is intended that

once the people's fields and practices have becomne established, the pumping costs wilt be

paid by the people them:seves. It is expected that this will be achieved after 5-10 years; the

situation will be kept under review.


;c-hapter 7



This secion presents a comtve oni m ing pogam for the Er

Hydroelectric Project and outlines a urining p m that will- provide the espertise.-

necessary for conducting the studies nd- invesdganons to monitor the effectiveness of ;the

environmenal protedon measures.

7.1. Overview of The Mlonitoring Program

7.1.1. Objectives

The objectives of the environmental monito-ing program are:

1. To monitor the environmen:al conditions o. the Yalong River as ir ne by-

the Ertan Hydroelectric Proiect.

2. To determine the effectiveness of ernvironmental protectior neasures

implemented to mitigate for the impacts:of the Ernan Hvdroelecuic Project.

3. To develop a base of intormation retardirng-the cts of large damrs in

Sichuan to assist in the evaiuation of futur-e hydropower development on the

Yalong River, and elsewhere in Sichuan and other provinces of China.


-:9- ;l 'q'1p4

; ~ -7.12.-. CompoenUt or w-t.e- _ _Jnvinenetna _i MOD F5

Programs and anpower` Reqire .s

The envirnmental program outhued below decibes the patcula resources that will be

monitred on a continuing basis though constuction and operado of the project and the

types of data that will be loUected to describe each resource- Foreach monitoring program.

an esimate of the number of staff required to c t-the program is presented togete w.-h

a discussion of the faciity and equipmt requirements for implmenting the programs.

Seven resource areas have been idenified that will be the subjects of the Ertn Evironmental

Monitoring Program. The invesdgations included under ach program are designed to

direcdy evaluate the effects of operation of the Ertan Hydroelectric -Project on the various

resources. Although EEDC will retain administrative direction and management

responsibilities for all of the monitoring programs, crtairn of the monitoring programs, as

described for each resource category, will be performed by other governmental agencies

under contract to EHDC. .Hvdrology, Sedimentation and Climate

The purposc ot :is program will be to monitor a -range of hydrological, climatic and

sedimentaton parameters that either affect or are affected by the operation of the Ertan


7.1 '.1.1. Hydrology

*A: par! *' Mhe pianning process.-eight hydrologic monitoring stations were established to

mnLvior ::; ;sc-nar_e ir. the Yalong River throughout the year. The baseline hydrology

derived from these stations has enabled planning for project operation. Once the project

becomes operational. river hydrology will confinue to be monitored to enable adjustment to

the operation of the project as required bv the uncertainties of the hydrologic regime.

Additionally. records of the inflow and outflow from the reserv*ir will be used in conjunction

with water quality data to evaluate how the project affects othter resources within the

impoundment and downstream froTr. the impoundemnt.

aN AC 7.2

Teb hvdrology of te Yalong River wil bemonitord aon a co.tinuous ba sas:hasbeen dose-.-

in the plaming phase of project develoment. The excisting monitoring. .p . -;

augmented twough the in atio of automatic datalogging equ ipmento record irlow and--

ouffiow from the resrvoir. Addtidonal equipment wil be intallea to provide a continuous

record of reservoir water lvn y for, optmizing operation of the projectT AU

hydrologic data, obtained either maluaUy or from the automatic recording systems, will be

available for- use in oprtng te-generators and-will be retrieved-and for inclusionin a

master, computer datbase. Monthly summaries --of h hydrologic infrmation will be -

compiled into appropia tables and graphs for use in evaluating -the project operation and

project effects on water quality in the resrvoir and tail waters. Annual summaries of

hydrologic data will be distributed to approprate oranizaons. This program will require

the continued services of 89 saff members. Sedinent Monitoring

Bedload and sediment tansport in the Yalong River is currenty being monitored at eight-

locations upstream and downstream from the dam site and in the Ganyu River. The maiin

concern addressed with the data obtained from these monitoring stations is the accumulation -

of sediment in the reservoir once the dam is completed and the Erar. ReservDir is

impounded. The monitoring of the sediment load upstream and downstr.e from the dam- - -

will continue through project operation. This program will be augmented with the additior.

of 46 sections in the main portion of the Etan Impoundment and 18 sections in the Ganyu

Arm at which the accumulation of sediments will be monitored. The sediment accumulation

monitoring stations will be established to-determine if the predicted rate of accumulauon is

realized after the project becomes operational. The information will be used in evaluated the

accumulation of sediments in upstream reservoirs and will indicate any changes attribuable

to the upstream projects when they are constructed. - Climate

Automatic data logging equipment will be used where appropriate. Data will be downloaded

weeldy into a computer to produce graphic summaries of dat. Every month and everv vear

grM All 7.3~~~~~~TAN EACH?~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:,

dam willQ .be combined and graphic smaries F o r t

memorological monioring profiles-with 18 obs e-atior sitesand onie comparadiv -observation

site will be established througout thie reservoir aea... dit three precipation stations

will be established to coodinate with landslide monitoring. Ii-e xiting 15 precipitation

stations and Xiaodeshi Climafic Staion wiil serve for hydrologicat. predication and

environ-mental monitoring of Ertan project.

7.122. Seismic Activity monitoring Program

A center to monitor earthquake activity ifthe vicinity of Ertr. Dam was established dunne

the mobifizamon for construction of the proeacL T.he prpose of the monitoring program was

to derermine earthqua'e frequency and in!tensity a the dm site t assist in the design of

project facilities. Tne Ertan Project is located in a seismically acti've area at the eastme edge

of the Himalayan U-plift. Monitoring of seismic activity prior to final design was essential

for adjusting design parameters to account for changes in seismic activity associated with

fliling of the resenvoir. T hese desigr. adJustmenst must be a-iade to allow for Dotential

damrac to project facilities amtributable to increased reouencv and intensitv of eardthuakeacrnv;ty. B-e on the oami rela:ive to existing seism:c activity. changes in the fircquncy ana

intensity of earthquakes were predicted. Because of the unceraminty associated with these

pr-edicions. continued moritoring of seismic activit- is necessarv. If. after fillitig of the

reservoir. seismic activitv in.xeases beyond design cnterna. appropra'e operational or

structura nieasures may need tO be im.plemented. Thetrefore. to assure continuitv of the dat

recorc. the existin seismic monitoring program. will be continued through the construction.

flling anc coe-sornal piascs of Mhe piect. This prora ilU require a staff otf i persons. Bankslope Deformation Monitoring Program

During the -iitial s;,rveys to determine the feasibility of building the Ertan Project, severl

areas were identified in wvhich the srfi;Cial rock and soils layers exhibited the potential for

CRT&% :A '7 - 4

releasing once the reservoir is led and beomes operational.; ,major area wth lAt- andslide-.

potential is located immediately upsteam from the dam site. If, when the reservoir is filled.

this slide releases. the valley immediately upsLram from the dam could become filled and

cause severe disruption of project op on. A landslide monitoring program is ir. operation

to obtain baseline information regarding movment of the slide under pre-impoundment-

conditions. This monitoring program will intensify asithe resevoir- is fied. Or.ce the

resevoir is filled, movement of tie landslide wMi be continued indefinitelv to detect- any -

excessive movement of the slide during project operaton. Continuation of this program will

require the continued services of 12 persons. Water Quality and Bilogical Mlonitoring Program

The environmental monitoring program will be established to monitor a varietv of

environmenmai resources representine the natural world widtin the vicinity of the Ertar

Reservoir. This program will inciude water quality monitrinc v. une reservoir and the

tailwater of the powerhouse. The existing meteorological monitoring program will be

continued and various components of the aouatic and terrestrial ecossmems will be monitored

and the mitigation and comp on programrs implemented. This program will also serve

as a repository for the hydrologic data including stream flow records and water level data

A staff of 61 technicians and administators will be required wo implement this program. WVater qualitv

Water quality will be monitored at a minimum of eight locations in the reservoir area and

downstream from the reservoir. Parameters to be monitored vvill inc'lude those contained in - --

the nationil water quality regulations. Water samples will be collected at least three times

per year for chemical and physical analysis. Results of the analvses wiU be maintained

within the studv program offices. Annual summaries of the data will be prepared. At this

time, EHDC plans to contract with the Environmental Protection Bureaus of the affected

counties to conduct the field data co',lection and sampling efforts necessary to accomDlish this

monitoring program. Water samples for will be transported to appropriate water aualitv

r EACH? . 7.5

testing laboratorie for aalysis. Retts of- the labo=atory c eowill be reported to the EHDC Environmental Studies P stafor accumulaton into the -

water quality data base mair.tained by EHDC.

7.1.2A.2. Aquatic ecology

The purpose of this prograM is tD dbcument how the aquatc commnmity (pi ly fish and

invertebrate populations) responds to the fiLling of the reservoir. Samples of the fish and

invertebrate communities wi be obtained from eight locations within the reservoir and

downstream from the prjec at least three times per year for the fs five- yes of project

opeaton. Results of these sampling programs will ten be used to detrmine th frequency

of sampling to be employed theeafter.

The aquatic ecosYste. sampling stations will be located as indicated in Figure 4.4. Standard

samples of fish populations will be caught in dip. giU and seine nets tree times amually for3 or 5 years. The frequencies and relative abundances of the fsh species in each sample will

be determined and corredaed witv. esults obtained from the development of the commercial

fisherY. Lengts ahd weights of all fis colletd in the samples will be used to determined

the rive health of the populations. In addition, selected fish wil be retained to detrmine

reproductive state. stomach contents, ar.d the occurrence of internal or external parasites that

might affect the fisherv.

At present. EHDC pians to contact CHIDI and sevei unwersities to conciue: the daa

col'imtion efforts associated w.tn this programn. Results oi the field efforts and any necessarn

ianoraowv anaivses uiH be reported to EHIDC for incorporation into Ohe Yalora Riv.r

em.ivnrxen:itai data bas*. Terrestrial fauna and vegetation

The Purpose of this prog;ram is to monitor changes in. the terrrestrial communi.ty in the

managment area around the reservoir reservoir ae durinc and after the project is completed

EIrA c.. 7.0

is closed. A secondary role of the Ertan Environmental Monioring pam wvll be to.

coordinate the management of the buffer zone around the project reservoir.

Initally, this progam will conduct studies to detrmine the suitability of various areas

around the resevoir for consLvatio of vegetative pes. rge for actdve enhancment of

forest conditions and to idenify potential locations of commercial fishn retrieva ars and

oder land uses of thebufferzone. As descibein Secdon 5.3, the staff of this progmwiUcoordinate wit th hrespective fortry bureaus to reestablish native foresf on areas currendy

considered wastnd. Three types of forests will be esmblished, a .Piu kesbia r

langbionensis forest, a Aca foes and a mixed forest of these wo- speies. - The

replanted forests will be monitored tO determine the suvival of the seedngs. The forestry

bureaus wil be consulted to idenify sources of the seedlings and to dtermine which areas

each of the three ypes of forest stands should be planted. In conjuncion with the forest

reestablishment and the consemvation of the existing stands of native forests, members of this

group wil also monitor wildlife populations within the natual forests, in the harvested areas

and in the replanted forests. This monitoring will be based on the pre-impoundment

inventories performed during 1995.

The managment and monitonng components associted with the terrestial moniotirng

program will be contracted to the Forestrv Bureaus of the respective counties affected by the

Ertan Project Results of the field data collection efforts will be reported to EHDC.

Mtanagement policies for tne impounment buffer zone will be established, coordinated and

administered bv EHDC in consultation with the respective Forestry Bureaus. The Forestry

Bureaus. in turn. wil implemen: the selected management techniques and will- report the

progress of the implementation to the EHDC Environmental Monitoriv Center.-

7 1.2.5. Protection and Rehabilitation of the Construction


This program will be maintained fior only a short duration during the construction period and

the clean up of the constrution site. The pmgram wiU have the responsibility for ensuring

that environmental precautions are implemented by the construction contractors and that the

941AD 7.7ERThNSA 04

required landscaping and revegetadon progmwrs are implemented as part-of the construction-

demobilization process. This progmm wil require the sevics of 6 staff members. Publc Hcalth

The monitoring of public health will focus primarily ow the control- o malaria,

schistosomiasis-and other epidemic diseases that mzy become established in -the reservoir

area Toe monitoring will be conducted by fte Public Health Depatments of the respective -

counties affectea by the Ertan Project under contrc to the ERDC Environmental Monitorng

Ccter. Tne Public Health Departmens Will have- i reponsiility for treatment and

control of the vectors of both malaria and schirosomiasis and will be responsible for tile

mcllusc and mosquito eradication prograns prior to reservoir fiing. In addition. the public

health. departments will conduct periodic survevs of die project area once the reseroir is

filled to deterrurne any firher remedial measures that may be .required to reduce the potential

for establishment of mosquito and mollusc pop7:lations within tie reservoir area.

7.1.'.7. rTemporary Monitoring Programs

Two programs will be initiated prior to filling of the reservoir and continued through

construction. Once the project is opeatonal, these programs wlla be discontinued.

The two programs inciude: I) performance of an inventory of the reservoir a to evaluate

the biodve-sitv o& the imDoundment zone and the management buffer zone: and :)

- n an mvientorv of natural and human resources within the impounamen zone

nezessary for planning and implementing --he reservoir clearing program.

Currently, the biodiversity evaluation is scheduled to be completed in Spring 1995 by a team

of internationally kn.own specialists. The evaluation wil! be made on the basis of bird

divers:tv as-descri-bed in Section 5.3.

.te inmenrory of human features will be conducted by a Lcair: of specialists assembled from

the Sichuan Provincial Resendement Bureau. the Panzhihua Citv Puolic Hiealt. Department.,

tATAd EA 7.8

and cultural resource spciaiists from a university in Sichuan. Locio of -al human

structures and fcilities will be identified for removal. Also, the locations of any -features

having cultural value will be noted along with the significance of the artifacts. As necessary.

culturally significant features wiil be excavated and removed to appropnate iocations.

Although these progamms will be snort-lived, considerable intensive effort will be required

to complete the tasks. The survey-of r envionrment will require a staff of 31

individuals while the coordination of the rsvoir learing operadon will require a staff- of


7.13. Locations, Equipment and Facilities

The main building for offices, laboratories, and equipment necessarv for contucting the

environmenal monitoring programs will be located near the damsite. probably a ated

with the EHDC headquarters complex at Tongailin. Additionally five live-in field stations

wil be established to provide for various components of the monitoring program. Currently.

the locations of the live-in field stations include:

- reservoir field station at Tuanjie:

- reservoir field station at Gubiao; and

- reservoir field station at Yumen;

- inflow field station near the backuter point;

- dam area field station.

In addition, other stations will be established as necessarv to monitor resources as outlned

in the previous section.

7.1.4. Buildings

The main study center building will have offices, wet labs, dry labs, meetng room. computer

rooms. library, archive. living quarters. Food hall, and cooking facilities. It will house most

of the equipment. The necessary housing for these facilities will be established at the EHDC

headquarters complex in Tongezilin.or at another location as appropriate. Field equipment

04112 A.9

and necessary offices and proessing facilities wilt be housed at thfield stations w= .will be able to stay when conducting field work around the reservoir area. -- =L

7.1.5. Equipment

A preliminary list of equipmentmecessary for conductng the monitoring program descibed

above is prented in Table 7.1. Aslpart of the planing and miobilizaion of the programs,

a team of cxpers in each of the areas should be convened to prepae deailed plans for each

of the mon-uomng progams. A part of is planning process wiU be to prepare a more

complete list of equipment, including field, laboratory and office equipment neceisary to

adequately perform the monitoring programs.

Table 7.1: Preliminary List of Equipment fbr Monitorinc Program.

4-wheel vehicles Analvtical balancesBenthic grabs BinocularsBoat with inooard motor Boats with outboard motorCdmeras Chemical reagentsCiimate stations CompassesComputers Computer sottware iword processing, spreadsheet.

statistics. GIS. database)Dissecting euuipment Drawing tablesHand lenses Herbarium pressesHvdro-lab'sSlfHach MotorcvclesNets - dip Nets - gill

- seinr Oven_-Nr;r . r.:ssware Refrigerators

Win= gear

7.1.6. Administrtive Frameworkl for the Mionitoring Program

Initiallv. the Brtan Environme.ental Monitoring Program will be administered within the

Department of ManagemerN; of the EHDC. The implementation of the program will begin

with a relatively small g.oup of specialists to assist in monitoring the environmental effects

MAN :A C-0 7.10

during the construction perod. Through the consuction period the program wi liiely

increase in size and scope. It is expeced that evenaly, the program will be adminiswred

witin EIDC as a separate Depar.ment.

In order to effectively implement acompehesive monitoring program,. an initial and -

ongoing component of the administaton of the progam will be the coordination of efforts

nEcessary to adequtely monitor the- evironmental effects of the Ertawr Project with the.-

management resonsibilities of various governmental and -management ons within.

the Yalong Vulley. Some of the organzaio that wiMl participate in die conduct of the

monitoring and management pmgramms include: - -

1) Panzhihua City Environmental Protection Bureau

2) Environment Protection Office of Sichuan Electric Power Bureau

3) Puwei Forest Mngement Bureau

4) Yanbian County Environmental Protection Bureau

5) Miyi County Environmental Protection Bureau

During the first phase there will be special emphasis on the impacts of Ehe Ertan Dam. With

the increasing capability within the program, the area will increase from the immediate area

of the Ertan Reservoir to the remainder of the Yalong Vallev. Information obtained from

the monitoring program will facilitate the necessary environmental assessments supporting

development of upstream hydroelectric projects. The administrative structure within EHDC

that will implement and oversee the monitoring programs is depicted in Figture .

7.2. Training Program and Special Activities

7.2.1. Components of the Training Program

If the Yalorg Environmental Studv Center is to become of international standard and to set

new standards for the monitoring of, and support for, hydropower projects. it is essential for

a range of taining to start as soon as possible. There will be three general types of training:

E112 : 7BrAN i& ck7 I~~~~.1

f-a-ea' ia) n- s Erv iA c.t-

lal in-service tmaining, out-os-area (withm d oud e Cha in-se S fatn!ng,tainin.g in country, degree training abmad (rtictd' G most cases- io l-jstea r

programs). It has been recommended that the field scientiss engaged to complete the listig.

of the equipment also compile a list of courses and lecturers to be broight into effect once- - -

the study center is operational.

Ih addition to the technical training proa, EHDC, in coordination-with CH1DI, will

conduct an inernational study tour of hydroelectric projects at which various types- of

mitigation and monitoring programs have been established. The purpose of this tour, to be

conducted in 1995, is to see firsthand how many5of the issues raised during the construcdon

Of Ertan and the completion of the environmental assessment have beeh addressed at various

projects throughout the world. It is expected that this tour will involve up to 10 individuals

and will require approximately four weeks to compiete.

7.2.2. Development of Technical Expertise

It is recommended that a 3-5 vear technical assistance package be negotiated within this

project with part-loan, part-grant funding to develop the equipment base. methodologies.

sampling regimes. short-course and other training, library. etc. It would probably be

necessarv to arange for one or more field scientiss to help determine the scope and details.

7.2.3. Environmental Evaluation Panel and Lnvironmental Advisorv


Two panels of experts are being created to evaluate and provide guidance for the Ertan

Environmental Monitorinc Center. The first group. providing direct monitorinig and

evaluation of the monitoring programs will be the Environmental Monitoring and Evaluation

Panel (See Figure 7.1). This panei will be -composed of prominent professional

environmental scientists and engineers with experience in addressing environmental concer

associated with hydroelectric projects.. The panel will be assembled from available scientists

and engineers from Sichuan and from other provinces in China who have some familiarity

with hydroelectric projects. the environment of southwesten Sichuan, and other aspects of

environmental concerns as outlined in the regulatory framework. It is expected that this

-1W72W. An LA CeOIy 7.1 e

I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. .... ,._tI *- t:

Efnwilonwmalw ctaihn Offic oDi. s idua Ewqvwjaw Pat -

'Evirann 'uecBta Ofncice of -- , rah EmviMn. Pieataoa A:le j

VIce aujima: - ._ : ;I~ .mnnin .n" . .e~Ie .aa : * - -

'ariaLk" Egv. - .n - "c ramEnv. -aio6nv and .,ah Pan-!

Ertaii Evironmental Study CenterHead; Cu o Zi-un

I gc~~euy Hea: Uun Xhmme-

I Xydmbgicl Seismic anksicnc Eavmcma 'Ewami E,* lI lgus| Monitorn g Derv. moni wEngv. p rno-@irn II SYsteM I Cemer ie E an Er.virnmentae Stci Cent

' ,eiead:M:Lad Head: M

1~~~~~~~~ ~q t Sff. t: Xttt

I s_ Z.. -

. . :a *~. *

C r~~~ i1-L i i . ' i I

l~~~~a Nrd I sim j ninxcsijta ;

Sy c _-r -Lc

M~~~~~ !.- -o -. o..r;..*. .os:; ' j .m*j9

i .> I ss;;ircflO ll ; - I i, , i ,C

. , .~~~~~~~~~~r .:; . zirI. * *!.I. .

I ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ s. _* Ii i .

- e, .. nv.r.;c: * .a t * ^

~~:_::.: :: ....... I ~~~* a:i. .Ca5:.cri. * aU*a: . I i:^;.n.:!.: i asz. cz

ure 7.1: -dministrative fr-a M. e-rk -r-E rt-'n Environmenml Monit_::ring Progggmm94;: -1..1;

W41F 7- 1,ER-. AS 0 C7 ,

panel wil consist of 8 persn who will meet at leat seanally to review the reportrof the

monitoring programs and to evaluate the success of theprgrams, suggest modificatons and

to determine whether addidonal midgation measur need to be implemented.

The second panel wil provide overall advie on the establshment and progress of the

environmental monitoring program. This group wiU be comprsed of five Chinese and

Internamonal experts in environmenrtl scienc and resetlement issues. This group is

currenly being formed and it is expcted that th initial meedng will be onvened in 1995.

This group will then mneet annually during the net 3 to 5 years to advise the staff of the

monitonng center about implementtion of the respective monitonng programs.

7.3. Costs

Costs for implementing the Envimnmental Mitigation (Protecton) programs, described in

Chapter 5; public health components of the Resettlement Action Plan, described in Chapter

6 and the Resettlement Action Plan; and the environmental monitoring programs described

in Chapters 5 and 7 have been estimated for the period 1993 through the year 2000.

Esimated costs for the environmental mitigation facilities and programs are presented in

Table 7.2. Esdmated costs for the environmental monitoring programs are summarized in

Table 7.3. Costs for each of the progams. distributed through the period 1993-2000. are

presented in Table 7.4. The estimated costs by year arc developed using the value of the

RIG ! in 1993. Escalation of these costs through time are summarized at the end of the


W-% M C917.14 v

Talbk 7.2: I_mind Coss for Envisuamental itatio. P,g...

item Unit Qantty UnitCost Cot NoteMMuan (Yuan)

Envirormentw Protect -n 'e-su

1. Consevtion Fore Mngemnent (Buffer) Zone(1) Seed - kg 8,932 9 80,400 AWqkest ,A'ciai;(2) Sitk Pmeparation & Seedin ha 1,488.7 600 893,200(3) Seedling Maagemet ha 1,488.7 120 714.600 for 4 yeas(4) Forest Management ha 1,488.7 26.1 155.200 for 4 yeas-(5) Pestcide 89,300

Sub-tol 1.993.700

2. Fish Resou:ces Reovery(1) Fingrling fish 2,385,000 0.3 715.000(2) Transportation trip 1S 3S0 5.000(3) Labor 26.000(4) Admxisaion 74.000 10 % X [(1)+(Z)+(3)J

Sub-total 820.000

3. Yuzba Ferr Reconstruction(1) Capital Consruction km 0.3 300,000 90.000(2) Administration 10.000 10 5 of construction cost

Sub-total 100.W00

4. Culttual Porperty Protection

5. Public Health Programs in Reservoir Area(1f Hc;lth Education 100.000i.) Sanitation Management 60.000(3) Survey of Public Health 50.000 coveringS counties (city)l4i Ouamntitne and Health Files person 5.000 40 200.000uSa Treatmtn: of Source Areas knr 70 !.200 -84.000(6' %ledical-. reatment k1 2.S00 230 57,5.000

; Pesticides (Rodent) ton 1S 6.000 90.00015' Repeat Sunrey mnwn-ay -250 85 21.000.Q1 Admunistration 118.700 lOSX;(10- % (8);

Sub-total 1.298.700

6. Treatment of Schiswsonuasis Areas (Subsides)(1) Education 40,000(2) Mollusacide (Snails) 1 1.300 220 286.000(3) Labor man-day 3.300 25 75.000(4) Blood Examination sample 11.400 6.75 77.000(5) Chemicals for Analysis sample 11.400 1.4 16.000(6) Treatment of Small Streams km 2 100,000 200.000(7), Survev of endemic snail areas man-day 500 85 43.00G

El;AN EA CH 7.15

Tabk 7.2: (Coadnued) -

13 urnit . QUtity Unit Cost Cost NotetY( Yuau) ( )-- --

(6) Medical treat,mts person 250 200 50.000(9) Repent Surwys ms- 250 85 21,000.(10) Administraion 80,800 10%xrcl)4(2)+...(-..

Sub-total 6S.OOO .

7. Dor.-ztMe Ahl. nxWmw Qesr(1) Brodeaming Equipment "S t W 10,00 10,000(2) Speakers 34 IOD 3,A(O) oncete ?Oles pic 330 SOO 165.000 33 km. 10 poles per A-i.(4) Concrete u 120 . 300 36,00D

- (5) Tranportation truckr-Jav 8u 35 28.000(6) Consructior & Instl,aion

L) lbvanpower M5-Jay S00 1 S2) CotsttCtito Equipnient dav IS 600 9,000

(7) Other Equipmuen 7.000(Si Electrical Tansmission k km 33 66.1 20.000(9) Adminisration 29,1ao

Sub-total .0' 0

S. P'u!lic HIeath im Constr::tion AM*2

C ) I£eaId. F.i;:s tI.2-50 8 90.00Q(3) 'Lvo-tcr and R.esident Qunanutinc 76,0004) Ris Pr:evntion 24.000;5j Sanitan Man

Ii Mied:cal Treatments k 1.20r 220 264.00D:: e!t:ctdes tRodentij mnr 2 6.000 12.000

311) Food Sanimzion 90..00I;. WvtTi Scuree Trman- sample ino 530 53.000

(62 Coni-mencv (A ciJcntal Dwse 1C0,000(a h arnn arad Otrf;s 45.000,S: LsNr prson .SCC0 .332.JO


Lt r, .nJ Rc :.'r.ron of Conmruzeto, A-eaw;2 S;rt:.3rw Gras 3.6 9.00_ _,400(2) Tree Pantation plect 13.000 11.2 145.000(3) Artificial Lancpe spot S 10,000 50.000(4) Admitnia;ation 22.600

Sub-t- I 250.000

10. Total Cros


95A41 IA O'

Table 7.3: ltem.d Costs for E.v_anml Monitosizig Pro o:--lm

Dim Unit Quuit -Un cost CNst Note(YUMu) (Yuan)

*--~, Envwomentudl omuoniag System

1. Wae Level Montoring System(1) Water Lavel Ruler set 6 29,400 176.400(2) Simpl Access Road nuwber 6 10.000 60.OO0(3) H -RO 70 S69.8 39,900(4) Administratio 27.000 10 % X [(l)+(2)+(3)1O

Sub-total 303.300

2. Pecipition Monitoring Sytem(I) Rain Gauge pe 3 1,000 3.000(2) House - m' 90 569.8 51.300(3) SAdminitmhtion 5,430 10 S X [(1)+(2)]

Sub-tol 59.730

3. Cinatic Monitoring System(1) Constuction site 19 19200 555,000 site leveling, access d

and fence(Z) House mu2 1,330 569.8 757.800(3) Adminisation 131.000 10 1 X [(1)4(2)]

Sub-total 1.443.800

4. Sediment Monitoring System(I) Section Mark piece 187 950 178.000(_7) Elevation point piece 224 360 81.000(3) Control Measurment kmr 36 16.000 576.OO(4) Elevauion Measurment km 9.2 16.000 142.200(5) Admistrtion 97.720 10 % of all above

Sub-total 1.074.92-.

S. Environmental Monitoring Buildine & Equipment(1) Building m 2.680 569.8 1.5'-.000(21) Equipet set 2 .350.000(3) Administration 3S-7.70O

Sub-total 4.364.700

6. Prepation and Other Costs(1) MUncipal Inf_st-r 100.000(2) Preparation 1.510.000(3) Othrs 200.000

Sub-total 1.810.000

7. Tolal

git2 90- 7.17

Table 7.4: tml Costs and Their eab . ,,,

Item I993 1994 199S 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 Toal

1. Dmnestic Funding (X 103 Yuan RMB, 1993)

Envronmental Proteion Me-sures(1) Consvaio Mageamet Zone 300 40 400 40O 300 133 1,933(2) Resrvoir Fish Resue Reovery 100 400 200 120 820(3) Yu"ii FPoy -ecoa-t: 100 .100(4) CulItall Propert, Pro0ection 100 100 100 300-(5) Public eath (Reseir Are) 400 500 378.7 - _ 1291.7 (6) Schistosomiusis Treatment (Subidies) 300 400 138.9 388L9(7) Downstam AJm System 160 160 320(8) Public He&._ o."=ructicn Ar) 100 400 300 - 300 150 100 65 1415(9) Pout- COOnS DIcon Lad scaping 100 100 50 250

Sub-Total 100 1SO0 1360 1747.6 1050 700 368 7325.6

2. Environmental Monitorng Systems -(1) Sediment Monitorng System 165 500 506 1171(2) Water Level/Precpitation Monitoring 100 127 227(3) Climate/Ecological Resources Monitoring 250 360 610(4) ouses & Buildings 400 1210 700 647 2957(5) Insmunenis & Equipment 150 250 150 150 900 800 185 2585(6) Prpartio Work and Others 200 680 350 100 50 32.4 1412.4

Sub-Total 1165 2500 1100 883 1650 1479.4 185 8962.4

3. EnvironmenSal Monitoinn Dunfg ConStmlction(1) Wages 50 260 260 260 330 330 264 1754(2) Opeation and Management 270 270 270 270 270 286.5 1636.5(3) Aquatic ResourCeS Monitoring 80 60 60 200(4) Water Quality Monitoring 35 30 30 - 95(5) Public Health Monitoring (Reservoir) included in 1 (5) above(6) Waste Water. Noise and Ar QualitV 70 120 - 120 120 120 120 46.9 716.9*7) Terrestial Wildlife aid Vereaijon 100 100(8) Land Use MonitOnOg 60 60 120

Sub-Totam 115 120 810 800 740 720 720 597.4 4622.4

4 Sutf Training and Study Tour' Sleetings and Consultation 45 45

(-I ColIev TraminS! 30 40 30 100t3j Study Tour to Domestic Hydro Proje. 3D 30 60

Sub-Total '75 6C* 40 30 2105

5. SceuItific Research(1) Biodiversitv Assessmen! of Reservoir Area 93.; 163 256.3(2 Environmental Plannine for Talono Caz:hment 204.9 204.9

Sub-Ttal 93._ 367.9 461.2

3 Erviroa.,=zal Evaluation Pane! 100 320 32C 320 320 32C 320 2020



Table 7.4: (Continued)

urn Year 1993 1994 199 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 Total

* 7. TotalCoast(1 .. 2 +3+~4 4.5 +6) 115 1485 5298.3 4507.9 3730.6 3 770 3219.4 1470.423596.6

S. Escalation of Domestic Funds(1) Coot in 1993 prices its 1435 5293.3 4507.9 3730.6 3770 3219.4 1470.423596.6(2) Contingency (10 %). 12 149 529.3 450.2 373.1 377 321.9 147 2360(3)Escaltion, Incrment (1994 - 2000) 163.4 119.8 1462.4 1592.8 1953.9 2034.4 1094.7 9491.4.

(4) Total Cost 127 1797.4 6987.9 6420.5 5696.5 6130.9 5575.7 2712.1 3544S

9. Technical monitoring(1) Dmnkilape Deformation Monitoring 3249 . 3249(2) Seismic Monitoring 450.3 4550.3(3) Natrl Diustr and Pollution Sources 198 1 198(4) Hydrologic Monitoring 14000 14000


10. Ove Total (Domestic) 22124.3 1797.4 6987.9 6420.5 5696.5 6130.9 3575.7 2712.1 74415.3

IL InEroxaio.aFundof i(XOid, Un.SUS=8.6 YanRM) -

1. Staff Training(1) Lecsk= by Foreign Experts 40 40(2) Tining Fomreg Univertes 1 33.8 33.8 261 67.6(3) Short-term Intenational Study Tour 120 120

2 Irnational Participation(Biodivemity) 20 20 4-

3 Environmental Planning for Yalong Ca20.S 67.2 67.2

4 lamuments. Equip~met & Vehicle 90 90 4:5.6 225.6

S Consultaton with World Banic Eprs60 60 120

6 Cost Escalation(1) Cost in 1993 Prices 363. 211 105.6 6330.4(2) Contingecies 36.4 21.1 10.6 6_(3) Escalation Incment (1994-2000) 8.8 2.5 7.8 19.1

(4) Total Cos (Forei. USS) 409 234.6 124 670.6Tota Cost (Foreign. RMB W) 3517.4 2017.6 1066.4 6601.4

O10rall Totl (I + M (DID ) 22124.3 1797.4 10505.3 8438.1 6762.9 6130.9 5575.7 2712.1 64046.7

Shrm [Acm, 7.19

lum'ratoa EASH onBoietiy 2 04

; X MM " . ,-__'g w. . M d,.

-; Chapter 8 :


EDC wishes to makme two recommeundafos to fte Word Bank for te satsoy

compleion of the enmental assessment

1) It is not possible with the data available to make confident predictions about

the impacts of the project on biological diversity. A comparative survey of

biological diversity using birds as the indicator group in broad-leaved and

other forest and vegetaton ps should be conducted in the project area,

particularly in the Ganyu Valley. This should be initiated soon, and a budget

of about UTS $40,000 should be allocated in addition to local funds.

Specialist should be contacted to execute this as a cooperative venture with

local scientists.

2) EHDC has a major responsibility for the integrity of the Yalong watershed.

At present this extends only above the Ertan reservoir. but it is expected to

extend far upstream. An external consultation should be agreed to produce

a formal and detailed short- and long-term plan for the Yalor.g Environmental

Study Centre (Chapter 7). as a prelude to a long-term technical assistance


, .

9112 .wil; Ea cko SA


Annex 1: References

rAnnex 2: Species Usts

Amex 3: The Ip1mmtatLon of a talProtection'' Naureu*

'.- * ', ' F- " : = - .'. ='* .- _r~ ] *,-*- *. _ i.

Annex 1: References --

Bibbey, C. er aL 1993. Pwng biodiwriy on the map. Birdlifec Intrntnal, Cambridge.

Birstein, C. 1993. Streons and paddlefishes: threatened fishes in need of conservation.

Conse- mon Biology 7: 770-778.

Corbet, G.B. and Hill, I.E. 1992. The mammals oftihe Jndo-Malayan region. Oxford University

Press, Oxford.

Chengdu Hydrodectric Investigation and Design Institute. 1994. Plamning Report on Power

Development in Sichuan Main Power System from 1991-2020.

Ding Ruibua et al 1994. T7he fishes of Sichuan. Sichuan Science and Technology Publ..


Doroshov. S.I. and Binowsli, F.P. 1985. Epilogue: a perspective on sturgeon culture. In Nort.

American snrgeons: Biology and aquaculture potential (ed. F.P. Binowskd and S.I.

Doroshov). pp. 147-151. Junk. Dordrecht.

Eran Hydroelectric Development Corporaiion. 1994. General Repon for World Bank

Appraisal of Ertan Pnase II. Chapter 6. Environmental Protection and Resettlement.

Hu Tieqing. 1991. Tne *ildfife treasure houses - nagurr reserves in Sichuan. China Forestry

Publishing House, Beijing.

Huang Hongjin. Le Peqi, and Yu Xuefang. 1982. 7hefreshwaterfishes of China in coboured

illusrraiions. Aquatic Life Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai.

Meyer de Schaunsee, R. 1984. The birds of China. Oxford University Press, Oxford.

Ministry of Fortry/World Wildlife Fund for Nature. 1993. Blodtversity pinfor China. World

WildlifeFund, Hong Kong. .

Smil, V. 1993. Chinas envronmma crisns: An enquiry Into the limins of naional development.

Sharpe, New York.

Zhao, J., et aL 1990. The nawal history of Chin Colis, London.

Annex 2.1Fish Species of the Jinsha Yaloag and Rives. From Ding, R. eraL (1994).A - species 6f.the plaims. B - species of midd aches, C - species of upper reaches.

Jinu Yalaug Annng Boogq1DistriWn


Adcpeerdabr3urn v I AAcipeme snr5iMsis -t . A ._POLYODOTMAE PsephwuS~fadhu4 ANGUIIFORMESA.NGLIMAEAngoaGjapoma i wCYPRU4IFORkIESCATOSOMMDAE

wauazzcns 4 - ACOBrrDAE

OFeicsdabrva V I aParacobds'poaanfu -.Parbids vwarfegauvs V a BSchmawah scio/- v' v V! Br npJophsaaa V - CThplopkpksa uwad,mals V,hrfplok"sa b bek' I v

Tripkipkvsa brevieada 41 4 v CTriplopkvsa kapsoe .Triplopkvsa niaewnsi - * -

Triplophvso orienals i svThplophvsapfeduoscleropru e v -Triptophsasieuwra i - - cTriplop#sa 5siolJcik v V V cTnplophvwa chengensis - -

(BoUnae)&!oa reewsae rIB3oiia superd;lioris ALepinibifla elo?igaroa V ` -. BI.p:oboria rncbrilobns V - - AParahouia bNnaaa-alaia v:-Parahlvoa hoaw-aI coImunae,i nh,rz.s Sm n~sa^ -

.A1i6grtur ang ;i;c-gudat a A

VhVwirprz L hine'ns: A A'Jpuwmnithhi bidens i

/.irr' planpun r % A(LcucisolnaeiCienopirnWoso idelleus i i ' AElopwehihVsbamhxsvaV AIo-,iohrano inarnrephnhs * - -

.WlkPpharvneodo&nprcew v 4 _Orhe abi us elonganis * - ¶

Sqgaliabarbtu ci7rriculks V VI.XcnocnriznnaelDisineczadon rumirosrirs v - TXenem'priv argex ea a_XehlrI,?pris da vidi - |

Xe nVprLw fisi -

X.wsp$s micrloes ;.Xeocyvpns yNumejmita St-H)Vophthalmtino.yi .e)AivdcrLosm ilIf i i AHipophilmichthvsnaolitrir vI A

* tAcheilognau6lo, hinu',* ^~AcheiogmdIh babatub& v -I

.4eilogsaihus chankaesu i VAchkloinaths grcadts 4 *RhodeaswIf if - -, ARIOs owedlaiws 'v ANodewssiwmis VI - i A-(Culfinac)A,w,hanriliscut 11w rtl v -/ -Anchervrhrocdlter buremaisni 4 iAnceivAthroadter w*ngi vCulaereryfaropwems V I iE,wIu&r dabrvi vErvihioculiishoefowis v vEiwhrocuWr mongols I * ErwkrocuileroxvccpaIoids vI

Eiw&Iuocuer xvcephaias 4 Hmicalar bkeeeri - -

Hemikaher kaciwsus VI i V AHicnlcer Wiangi V vHeinicahraasoaw*gei i - -Mealobrawuapeflpini VI-Parahramispeianis - J i?xeAd buca engrauUs 4Psecudobkwca sineis f i -Snbrana changi vSinibrarwnr wul i - -(Gobioninac)Abboatina obrasirostrit s - -Abbomina rivdaris 4 - - ABeiligobia numWifer Coreilispguicheoi i s - AC:oreins leierodoti % -

Gwa Jaopgia imberbis J/ - V AHemiharbits lafeo - vHemibrbtLs tnrClarus v *

rirrophsogobio kiaringeasis i% Pseudorasbora partva . v ARhinogobio cylindrirus v .Rlunogohio nprrs * vRthinogobio reniralis * - ASarrorheilicliuh Vitripiirnzs iSnrrodeieichrIins sine'nsis - -

iasurogobio dabrni v v ASamrogobio dwaneriliSquafidsarVenarmus vSqualidus woaers,orffi v - -

Gdobiobotinae3Gobiobotia abhrevaratGobiobotia boudengeriGobioboriafilifer vGobioboda nwdicorpa i B(Barbinae)

- Acrassocheilus monticola -

.4croswocheiller WmWnEaNlicsfs v B 8Onwrchosrwoa angwastomnara v' - BO,riwosna sirna A - A

Pe,cihphn i-. p - r -g$plnibarbmuuiumis 4 ATor evif 4 - - A(Labeonim)Dic@gobJO,WvuW is B 4 - BGarapuagl v 4 4 BSm beo xabls - -

Seaiabeoproehila 4 - BSiulab.o premd( 4 -

(SchiWmp )

SdiOrax d i 4J c Sdkbuhw=a&kWd 4G;.woeisv pawnini -

Sdi oppsam iachnew 4 4 -

Schi:oihoraxdwui ' 4 4 - C

5W-twhom S ;MW

Sc*ehD1 rio*f 4 4 - C

Schi.dmmx %rAwWgi a -C(Cvpininc)Cwar.uladunm 4 4 4 Acirbu cpr,o 4 4 4 A

*Prw rabaait 4 4 BHOMALOPTERIDAE(Gumaun#y*nbriic chiainsi . 4 4

mmchvaysfiusbraa 4 4 4 A(HlomaleioUaI)_-nIon abJnira 4 4 4 BHemb.Wm asmnims 4 . BHembmri n wi sais V - -B

Mel ahomloptera amriensis I vSinogusfromvonskcha cnsz v 4 4 BSiaogasfromnvon:echuanew 4 4SILUP!FORMSSniLW.%ESilurus a&owus ASilnwa meridiois oa1 AB AGRIDAEPchfeobarfalviwdraco 4 4 - APelfeaba7nws vadelwli - A3-Ifrebagrus niridus - A!.eiormalSLtlonpirUsiOisS'. - ALesorassLi crassiiabrs APseudbrus munris5 V i - APseudobagrus nrrncana APs.dobagras emarianis is APseudobaruspratti v APseidohatrus brevicatdats - - AIS%UtLs marpt en- - A


Liobogrits marg;natws2 BLiabagrusk angi 4 BLjoba,grta ni grica-da - B

SISORIDAEGlhpiothoraxfuesisei i BF.ilm.nis ki kwshww 4 4 - BEudchloglanib david 4 Y BPand-litloglanlis sies VI - - B Jpa,'mihiI;g1anis anteanalis B! 4 _ BCYPRINODONTIFORMES


ORE~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ;; '. - ;


* Sialpereachri 4 XSiuipevcebteH v v -Sbnpearw hvert 4 4 4 . AELEDTRIDAE

* -' _psEWIsOIiSJbSoIfS 4 v -

OOBMDAECeni oblgSuI v 4 ACtenooDbluSCls popD' v 4 ABELDNOIDAEMopopdu' - ACHANNDAEChima wr J ATOTALS 151 100 56

Anne.x 2.2: Amphibian Species Found in Yalong River Basin



I . Barrchupenw pinchoail2. Benyuawws

Salamanliriac3. Tylototnon taliangensis


Z. Bnonbina maxdma

Pelobatidae5. Brachy:arsophrys caruensis

6. Megoph'ys shapingensis

7. M. minor

8. OreoIalot puxiongensis9. 0. rugasa

IO.Scutiger nrbercuatus

BufonidaeIl.Bufo andrewsi

12.B. melanosticus

13.B. ciberanus


14.Hvla annecrans


15.Rana grahami

16.R. japonia chaochiaoensis

17.R. chensinensis

I&R. phlrnoides

19.R. pleuraden

20.R. weiningensis

21.Amolops loloensis


A.A. mamzorm

Microhylidae2 "-odUka ivemrcasa24. Calelia ywuneassis


2.5Jihacophorus dugritei

94616, * ERTAN EA

Annex 23: Raptle Species Found -in Yan Rive sin - . n; - 5:


1. uinemys reevesuTrionichidae



3. Japalura dynondi4. J. flavicps5. J. grahwmi6. J. splendida

Gekkonidae7. Gekko chinesis

Scincidae8. Ewmeces elegans9. Leiolopisma potanini1O.Lvgosoma indicum


Il.Dinodon ntfozonarumI2.EJaphe carinata

13.r. ;raemura'.E. porphvracea¶5.E. frenarc

16.Lycodon fasc.ious

8.Mlacropis:hodion rndi nmultiprefrontalis19.Amphiesma ohannts20.A. oaolineatu

946:CPEltAN' ai

21.Rhcbd.- i- ,- pl22.R. subiniata23.R. dgnina eralis --24.Pseudoxenodon macraps sinasis

25.Sibynophis dcinesis26.Zaoys nig?omaggmahs-;

Epidae27.Ophiophus hwanali28.Naja n. kaouhia


29.Agkhadon blomhoffii brevicwdus

30. nmeresunus jerdonil31.T. stejnegeri yuwmnensis

94616ELAN EA

-:: -, '-- : f 0 SS f'

Annex 2.4: Bird Species Fuund in Yalong River Ba-in


1. Podiceps nificollis.poQgeiDELECANIFORNMES

Phalacrocoracidae2. Phlaacrcorax ca.bo snernsis


3. Ardea cinerea remrjrostris4. A.rdoja baochusS. Bubulcus ibis cormoradus6. Egrcaa alba7 E. garxeno

8. E. intenzadiaJ'. :Zoirvchiis sinnsis

JCO '. cinniar.wmeus

.. Baran=us srellaris


i '. Plaraocc. kaccorodia


, ' j ,dorna. t±'rri.gihc'U

,:' .4rza crea=

.'. .4.a2 ieciIu7yl.drlvnlu_ nr,ri1vncha

!. t. lecrmriyncha

;T. Bucep,iwla cangula

18. Meirgus nerganser




19. Arcuda lewihores20. M.irus korschur. jinearus21. Accipiter nnus nisosimilis

Z7. Bweo hemilcasius

23. B.uateo burnanicus24. Ciraus aeruginoss spilonows

25. Pandioii halianas

Fplconiudze26. Fraco kmuiwnwwcui irersdncrus


Z7. Teimrstecs seveo?wiviPhaosiidae

28. Terraophasis obscurus

29. Francolinus p.inmadeanus

30. Corurnix xoturti iJaportica31. Bambu sico'caj0vchi

32. B. t)horadca33. ithgirdis cnrenrus geoffro,7r34. Tragoq,n ienini-nckii

35. Lophwphocni triwssii

36. Cossopdlon crossonilon

37. Pucrasia macrolopha

38. Phasianus coildicus e!ega,ns3.9. C.i,sidqvhus ambersdiae


40. Grus grus lIlfordi

41. G. nigriccilis


4. Ainurornis phoenicuris

43. Ratlus aiuuanicus korejewi

44. Ponana fiusca bakeri45. Galflinua ddoropusindici


MffASN EA.~~~~~~4I

-~~~ ~ ~ ~ .-, , '-. ,,, C, w . S

46. Fuica atraCHARAMDORKMS

Charadriidae47. Vaneilus vanelus48. V. cinercus49. Pluvias squatavola50. P. dominicafidva51. Chomrdrius hiadcuk pladdis52. C dubius gerdoni


53. Tnnga ochropus54. T. gkeola55. T. hypolcucos56. CapeUa solita57. C gaUlinago

58. . Calidrs gmninckii59. .Scolopax nsdcola60. Ibidorhyncha strwhersii



61. Srerma hindo dbeganaCOLUNBUFORMES


62. Treron opicauda63. T. sphenura64. Columba leuconora

65. C. nipesrris

66. C. hodgsonii67. S:repropelia oricntalis68. S. chinensis vacillans

69. Oenopopeia tranquebaicaPSITTACFORMES


70. Psittacula himalayanafinschii


71. P. derbtmaCUCULIFORMES

Cuculidae72. Cuci miUcppe

73. C sparverioidae

74. C. canonw baked

75. C. polocephalus

76. C. meLndisus qwndus

77. Chakcis macidu

78. Ewdynamys scolpaca chine,ws


Stigice79. Orus bakkamoena erythrocampe

80. 0. scops81. Bubo bubo kiamschensis

82. Srix aluco

83. Glaucidium cucudoiaes whelyi


84. Carprimulgaus indicus


85. Collocalia breWrosmris

86. Apus pacdficua

87. A. affinis suhfurcarus



88. Alcedo .aibis bengalensis

S9. Halcyon smrnvensis perpulchra

90. H. pileata


91. Merops phippi;ns

92. M. orienmaisferrugeiceps


94616ETAN EA

* ~~~~~- ;***.. **,- ; - ~ .9 : T

93. Coracias benghaknsis asqinisUpupidae

94. Upupe epops saturva-PICIFORIMES

Picidae - ;95. iynx toruilla chitne:sis96. Picumnur innominatus97. Picus canus sordidior

98. Dryocopusjawensisforresd

99. D. mardus

100. Dendrocopos major sesemanni

101. D. iyvpennhs102. D. car.iccpiUus ordssus

103. Picoides iridaccylus


104. A4iLrdau gulgula

O1) Ag. wigodi

(2)o A.g. VCMnai

Elirundiridae40O. Riparia niprianapkiewsis

106. Hlirnundo rusaica uwuralis

107. H. daorica gepi7yro

0'(8. Delichon r rbi.cc. caohmriens-isMotaciilidae

, 09. Dendronanthu. indicus

11i. Aoruciulafiava angcsurensis

111. Af. .rreolaiJ;. . .V. cinerea robuevw

4it. A1. u45bd'1, M. A. alboides

't,j.U. A. oculo-ris()) . .A. .eucopsis

1A4. .4nrhus rovaeseelardine richandi

EkTA.N Ei.

142. Cissa crythrorhyncha143. Pica pica sericea144. Nucwfa caryocaracs macella145. Pv pyhro ha n146. Corvas monedula dauwicus147. C macrorhynchu colonorum


148. Cncls cincldus Pzwaski149. C. palasii

TroglodyWwae150. Trglodytes troglodytes tal4ufLis

Prunelda151. Prwiella strophiia-152. P. montaneUa153. P. immaculata154. P. collaris


155. Brachypteryx montan cnrralis156. Luscinia calliops157. L. brwnmea158. L. cvane159. Tarsiger cvanurus160. Cops.ychus saularis Prostzopellus161. Plzoenicurus hodgsoni162. P. ochruros

163. P. fionralis164. P. auroreus leucoprerus165. Rizyacornis furiginosus166. Hodgsonius phoenicuroides167. Enicurus leschenauli sinensis168. E. scouleri169. E. schisraceus170. Saxicola rorquata przewalsktii

_ T94616

ERTAN~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ . -

- -.. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ -

us5. .4. campesrris goeleskiu116. A. howisoni yuninamensis

117. A. rseatus-118. A. qylan.,


1Y9. Corocina measchisros avensis120. Pcrcrvcorus roseusM1. P. etrologus122. P. br vfroW affinis


123. Sipzixos cadfeons

124. P-cnononis xamhorrhous andersoni

125. P. ourigaster iatouchei126. Hiypsiperes macdellaidii hokil127. H. mudagascariensis

-28. Lanius tigrnms

129. 1. lucionensis1?0. '. sciwach

'3,. . lepirOnowL.s

132.'. L..bCnccercLu


l i.53 CIrio.;11 c;i.;.nelms.


I134. I'icninis macrocerus ccrhoec"-

'.35. D. 'eucqi7rlisccus- hapsrm-o d

:36. D. Ihouenrunits bre:irvs',n.S-mrnid.

:37. Siurnu.us mabw c;s n:cra.-mirus

139. S. cne.raceus140. Acridoihzers trisris

Corvidae14.1. Gamdus glararmis siners:s


in7. S. caprala buwmanica172. S. fenva.e naarng:oni173. Ouwmarromi& leudocephalus

* ~~~~174. Moniicola rufivenmris176. M. solkraria(1) M. S. Pawaoo

r2) Ml. S. philippensis1 77 Mylophioneus caendeus eugemt

178. Zoothera dawJn auvea179. Z. moiUssinrna180. Zdidro,181. Turaus horulontm182. T. paslidus obseuus183. T. mrwuda184. T. iubroca,nus187. T. kmoessri186. T. meawnanu(1) 1. eunomus

(2) 1. nauW187. T. mwpiniensis


188. Pornatorhinus erythrogenys decarlei

189. P. ruficoilis siilisI9. Moupinia poecilods

191. Babax lanceolrats

192. Pnoepvga albi.venrer

193. P. pusilla

194. Goamlax canonrs195. G. Sarnio comis

196. G. elliori

197. G. albogularis198. G. davidi

199. G. cineraceus

200. G. lunwdattus

94616SMrAN EA

702.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~. G. .aioN - ..

20). G. rnarimus202. 0. qfflnis203. Ldcghrihx lirea204. Prerurliusfiaviscapis -

'I5. P. xanthochlord205. Minla cyanuroptera wingtel207. M. strignia yununaensis208. M. i.gnodinctije;rdoii

209. Alcippe 'irpeYus bier.210. A. ri{f:apilla sordidior211. A. dubia genestieri212. A. mordsonia yaownaeniis213. Hererpholsia melanoleula descodinsi214. Yahina diademara215. Y. occipiralis obscuror216. Paradoxonis weblianus rick,.mri

P. Pdfir-rons alb.fuci


-18. ceirdaforficeps divi'na219. c. anthizoides

G. Brndp-prents lurcovrentris

1-. .4crocephalus arundinacezu orientalis_'. .4. srenrnreus bniomescewi2-1:7. Ahimrcgmaricola aedon rnVseC's

_Y'. PilvloscnSu.s suboffi7is

_ '; P piia. v.'st

; .~. " jr nwndii

_.'.s P *..i-her

__ . P' :7ie)r1L;rIuS

230. P. proregldus

231. P. macilipcnnis

232. P. magpirostris233. P. rrodhiloides


234. P. r-gslo4d*235. P. conwanr236 &icercus burktd dlsii'vnw:237. CisiurcoIjlzncidUrf naaula.-23:. P.uniu, hodpsoni confuSsa239. P. subflava ertensicanda240. P. polychroo car.tida241. P. atrploqaris

(rif.Muscicapinae242. Ficedula panra aibidlla243. F. sirophiaea24'4p. F. hodIsord245. F. superellicris aesiigma246. F. tricolor divra24,. Niltwv siudara denoratw

248. X ndiecidoidcs glaucicorncns249. X. poliogneys250. Aiuscicava sibirca rorhaockidi2 S.,t1. oa;irostris252. M. ferngitino253. M,t. r.ala.ssino254. :4uiicicama cevionen,sis ca!xihraseo25S5. .IIvp,frl;,Xflhi o7-.ir;eo sivna'

26. *RhiDidura alb.coli?s257. It. Iypforan;/lcW

?aidae_.,. I',jra. ma 'or sIhlhcIaiLretns -259. P. munricollas v!nIwcnessi260. P. ventisluls-.61. P. ate'

-!a:. P. nrbidii.entris

263. R palustris264. P. Prrntanus265. P. daildi


-266. Sylvfpaus modems- 267. Aegithalos concinnus ralifensis268. A. iouschiitos

Sittidae -

269. Sina magna ligea270. S. yumanewis271. S. europoea nonuum272. Tlchodroma muraria nepdJlesL

Cthdae273. Cerrhic hialayana ywmnensis274. C familiaris

Remfzidac275. Cephalpynaflammiceps olivaccus

Dicaeklae276. Dicaeum lgnrpecnws277. D. melanozanhum

Nectainiidae278. Aedhopyga gouldiae debrgdi

Zosteropidae279. Zosterops japonica simplex280. Z. paopebrosa siamensis

Ploceidae281. Passer montanus saturaius282. P. nulilans intensior283. Lonchura striata swirhoe.284. L. punc:ulara yunnanensis

Fringillidae85. Eringlla monrifringiila

.86. Carduelis sinica287. C. ambigua288. Lencosticte branddi walteri289. Carpadacus vinaceus290. C erythinus rosearus291. C. puniceus


292. C rhodopepiw293. C. puicma---w294. C eos -

295. C tuira296. C trfascida

*297. Propynhuda subh iahada

298. Pynh*da edwc299. ophona migrmtorla300. My mcroba omhfol. M. 4ffilis302. Etberiza ekgans eleceuda303. F. spobocephala sordida304. E. da ywmanensis305. E. Jica arcucta306. E. pusilla307. Melophus laii


Arnnex 2.5: Mammal Species Found linYalong -River Basin..

Mamrmai species potentialy occrrnng --I or around the project area, indicating those known tooccur (A) adjacent to or above 'die planned reservoir, aid (B) between the damsite and the

junction with the Jinsha River. with notes on their ecology and distribution, and theirconservation status. Based on Corbet and Hill (1992) and recent surveys. C 1S = Conventionon Trade in Endangered Species. i = no =ade allowed, II - trade under licence only. IUCN- Vorld Conservation Union. E - endangeed, V - vulnerable. R = K insufficiendyknown but suspz4ted o' being threatened; letters in parenthese indicted that the status applies topart of the species only. CH! = protection status in China according to the list of protectedanimals issued by the Ministries of Foresty and Agriculture in 1989, 1 = Grade I (nointerference without permnission from national authorities), U = Grade II (no interference withoutpernission from provincial authorities).

A B Dismitunnt wC Con3ervaUon


Chinese Par.2clm Marn:s pc7wada vmql Widespread in lowiand %nd CITES 11. (Ri it

snbmontane areas



Chi,aes ge aswgui !W4,rn .iJnepn'i Mainl montane amas.

300'700 m: restncted

Lnm-';icj mole Sca-.%rz fa:r.wcauda 2' ao- 4 Cu m. very


Leme-no.-mole 7nltnet.'.lveiros1ris .G i80G9006rm. re:tnclcd

Cmntnc'c anrcw-mole Ur.nndl..i: ,zvrlh 'ZOWD4250 m. restnctd

Surev. Anourc.o7r s.pWIIpcs

btcnura -hvin-ilJcd Bier;r.ciL quadnratic=:c 2000-3500 m. rcstnctcd

*Himsalakyn water shrew Ch;marrarcde himaalkim. Im Mountain streams.

SOO- Sofn m


-p~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :

A 5 ; unbutton. Cons'.'atio.Croy shrew Cradharo a.enu Aaa-:rma.Shrew Ctrocdurafuilnowa L1 4 EwlEIdI up to 17' in.


Shrew Croddura gueLeuwdietil l000-2900 m. restrictedElegn wate shrew ?Vraogak dekga 4 900-27,00 inLener striped-backed Soa beie 2 0440 I


Shrew Soniculus hypsibiw - Posdbv Wy low;landShrew Sonrtia Lcmul 200-3000 m, restictedShrew SuricmuLs parc. Montue up to 7-00 an.


NomLem tree shrew Tupeaa belangeri 4 4 Up to 2700 en. widespread



!lurnediate horsehboe Zrinolop-hs affinis vs Mainiy lowlands.bat ewidespread

Greater borsehoc bat RUdnolophw ferrunsequiaurnu s Mainly lowlands, very

widespreadElI^'s horseshoe oat hiwolopls Lepidr. LowipoidS. widespedPearson'- hnrmsshoe har Rhinobiophw pen."nnai - U *. up to 330Ci ni. widcsureadRowC' h'e.-shoe bat Rhin olphyh rouci Mainl' ejwiand..


Tr.d,<s- .horseshoc bat RWno,ohuslo:wmnri; Lowian4 a.t. resric:RU;PCiiMDERIDAE

T:J'icss leaf-nosed bat Cociop.:frin;d.; Lo wiand t. wi'lesmcadhim,0ayan ilaf-nosed Hipvosidou armi,ger 4 LoJLsrdF. WiJ:tead

Prat'Cs icaf-nswed bait Hipposivisrus pranti Lo'vlan%6%IELADEV4A'rIrrAE

Greater :.a:sc ;aurc.re Mfc^fzoJena Ur Lowl3dL. wiWOeS3rc'n


Bsetr 'aItrbasrdlle Beit.rIellu ieuconmw& Lowlamlns, widespread£rcrotin bat .Episicus sermlinus i Lowlands, widespreadGeae eivreing bat in io Lowlands. rcsni.cred

Hardwicke's forest bat Xerwn harwikci Lowids. widespread



Gral beuilwapd hat Miuaopwi maqW .e Lowla, rem d.--' - - . .. mr ew

Greate tu be-nosed bat Murina leuognrer- Lowlands. vwy

~~ M~~~~ ~widhmpadCbinesK mouse-etd Myoris Wiansr ,' Lowands, widespread

batWater bitt d Mo Lowlnds, very

* ~~~~~widqroadMiouse but Myork mwicolo Lowafds. very

wides. -a;Nocttle Jlwalw waule Lowlands, very

widespceadPipistrefl bat ipLUus pawerculu Lowlads, widespreadLeast pipistele PipkireUus ienaw Lowlands. widsprd

Harequin bat S&awoanes onmtws Luowlads. widesprdPRMAUTES PRIMATA


Rhesius macaque Macoca mulaua Lowlands CHl Chins stunup-tailed Macea hiberhana 1000-2500. widesprad IUCN K. CHI II



Wolf Canis lupus Very widespread CI. TE n. JUCN V

Red dog Cuon alpinus Ver widespread CITES U. IUCN V.* ~~~~~~CH ]1

Racoon-dog lWacreues proqwonoide 4 Widespread

Red fox Vulpes vulpes 4 v 1000-4000 m. very



Giant panda .-liuropoda melanole; Very restricted CmTS 1. IUCN E.CH I

A..asmit bl.LJk bcar Ursus thibeipuftr 10004090 m. wlde!pread CITES I. IUCN


Red pandA Ailurus fuiscw '00 S400 m. widespread CMS It. IUCN K.CH It



Beech marten Manresfoina If 4 Widespread CH U



A B DiltnbuhaOe ConIeub:reiUow-bethd weV1el MW*e RArhrnh IUWllZO 3. relnrI -- :Sibeian wael Mf sf3ibea 4 4 Above 2400 m

widesprea(MoMma.) -

Hog-badgr Arcrw) cLluk 4 4 Widepred

Euaian badger Mde es . Vey widbprdSmll.tootbed ferm MeloUsk musmm 4 4 Widespread

badge -

(LUtrna)Oruimntl small-clawd MAonc drn Widesrad c S 11, IUCN K,OUlr , CH IIEuasian ouer Lur lw 4 4 May mirtae in regiI, CTS , CH -:

very wii


Mased palm civet fPqmW larva 4 4 'WidespreadSpouet ling Prodon parolor Widepad CIES ILag Indian civet Viverra ziberha Widespread CH IISmall Indian civet 14wmiad indica 4f Very widesped CH 11FEL,AE-

Golden cat Ciuopma rtmincdfi Widespread Cis I, IUCN 1.CH U

Jungle cat Feis chaus v Vey widesprd CH 1ILetparJ cat Paoiaelunw bengalewasis 4 Vaery widespread CITES 1/lUNGULATES ARTIODACTYLA


Wild boar Sws swofa 41 4 Very widespradMOSCHIDAEChinese forest musk Moscrus berezoskAii 4 4 Widespread CHR dleer'


Sdmba I%c: Cecu uniclo1r 4 Very widespread CH llTulteJ dietr Elephaodus cephalodus 4f Widespreadaiark.ni deer ,Mlundiacus Enwiruac %/ Vey widespreadB'JV1DAE

TaiAn Budorcas tazicolo i 1504500 I m. retrtnced CITEs 1. IUCN


Chinese gorl Nuaemorhedus caudatrs 4r Widespread CHI

94616MRAN EA

* , 1 I,e f, 1 $st, - .- -; X I 7 ; '. ' *,@

A I D'.srnbuttow Co uw .*n;-Soucherza serow .MeaeoaVuedu swmartjeagts WIrespred CITES 1, LUCN

$E). CH 11

Wild sheep Pse"dois nuqa)r 2600-3SOD m. rericted CH 11RODENTS RODENTIA

SCWJRIDAIDavid'i ruck squirrld Sclurmamiat dSvjdianLs Lower montane,


N.lias's quirrel &acsduru ea,hrum 4 ir Up to 3600 m. wivdepreadSwinhoe's striped Tunmops swinhoei 4 S 15O-3500 ms. widespread


Pen:y's Inn.-nosed Dremoam pcnyi 4 4f Up to 3900 m. widespread


Partti-coloued flying vWIopmer edbon.!gwr Montane. widespread


G-e"-heaaed flying Pegnzatrasa canzicps 4 Montane. restricted


lndo-'hinesw flying Peaursta phiippuwsis ' V : Lowland, very widespmd


Complex toothed flyin 7-ogoarpta.-wzrhipcs Lower momane. very

squirrel rcuricted

NI :UR1DAEI IM u I i erA

Stsrred field mouse Apvidemai aq. arise: Verv widespreadC.avncrc. hIeWd mnouse .4pode:tsa .dw.riert , 1800-300 in. restricted

i-tell in;uic .4podm.'n= tricio M!ontAuc. iAidesprcdd

-- IJ mouse Ae-drmutle. hro'tr 27004000 m. restricted

Fieid nouse 4.'emitnus r.,mvCis Up :1 3400 m. restricted

Lai :- ud1:uiCoo:--31 Bat,diceri' imAir .' Ver; widespread

&nBe,- arns l s'Irsi DO00-2100 m. widespread

&r!n.uns n;in:spusw r Lower montane, restnrted

' . fi|-UL; :;a .a.: ra: LcaVowoa..m. Zmix jLadr_ LoDer. montane.


4ar'._4 Ynt'us . ms'.g : v L'ouland. very widespread

Rouse mnaLtae Mus neN s:Uhm v- Lowlands. verv


Sikki Mrnmause Maus ;pahari v . i500-2000 m. widespread

.Amwon's rat ANhitit ..er anderio, Hi 16 00-300 m. restricted


A B DitnbuOae Coo.,w o-

Dramams rMt NitWvWe brhAm 20 m vey fre aed

Cnficuas fat NMiva,r coufidamw 4 4 Very widespreadRat Mvi rexceasor 2300-3000 m. very

. -- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~v"tesde-Himalaya rat Rn mid4 Lowlas wid

Norway rat Ran. orgisw 4 J Very wieprdPof fat Ramarmnp 4t 4US Lvery

widespridVery's clmbinf, Vermyafalva 2100-2700 ms verymm restrictd

Ct.an chins ; mkor Myospalfur frdevil Resticted

(Pltmpnlbomyiaas) Typblomys 7phomy ciww Restrictod

Vole Eothenomys nurQs 4 2700-3900 m. v-r


Vole Eoth.om s meiogaruer 4 1000-3000 m. widesprad

Vole Eahu5nwmys prodkor 4 200-4200 m, very

* . rictedVole Eothnom, miletus 2500-0 m, very

Vole Eodaonr chine,sis 1800-3000 M. vuy


Volt Pk"Wm uikk,mnes 2700-4000 M. restricted(Rhizomyidae)

Hoary bamboo mw Rhiomvs prainaosw I 100W-4000 m. widespread- Chinese bamboo rat RhUon siwisi 2000-3000 M. restricted

HYSTItCIDAEShon-tlaJia porcupine hysinsx bra chvura 4 v Very widesread



Yum haft Lepus como" f 4 IS00-2500 m. resticted


Chmews pika Ochona,u j'mwn About 3000 m. very


Tibetan pika Ochorona rhibezana 2400+, very restrict



The ImplementaIon ofEnvironmental Protection Measurms

1. Introduclion

The impltiecnaliaon or cnvironmcntal prolection has been conducting fmirthrec years. Some jobs have becn completed, and the other are heingconducted smoothly. The works completed in recent three years andimplemented in fritimres anid their design are summarized below.

2. Works Completed in Recent Three Years

During pasi threc years, since the start of constuiction or ErianIlydrocicciric Projccl. EIIDX has paid much attention to the environmnitalprotection. and cond"ctccl it positively according to thc Starr Appraisal Rcporlof the World Bank (Jimc. 1991) and the design of CHIDI as well as nationallegal frameworks. lip lo dalc. EHDC has not only rull-time staff mcmbers oncnvironniental managemcnt or the project with rocus on environmentalstratCgies' study. rcview or pr posed programs, contract negotiations and thcirmanagement. but alsn an cnvironmental protecion team wilh morc than 20(Xpersons on hydrology. mcicorology, seismicity, ecology and sn on. Inaddition. an cconomic management lool, i.e. contract, is adopted to deal withvarious cnviron'menal programs, and social expertise or vatious research.design instiluics. cnvironmental and sanitation organizations will he appliedfur the environmental protectinn of Ertan project. The works done at earlicrstaec are descrihed as fiollnws.

2.1 1 lydrological and Mcteorological Monitoring Systcmils

For normal consitiction and safety of the project during flood seasons, 4gatuging stations. 7 -ater level observation stations, 16 precipitation stations.and 3 meteorological stations are established to observe and prcdicthydrological regime variation by CHIDI and Sichuan Hydrological and WaterResources lnvcsligaitin Burcau and Panzhihua Meteorological Bureau jointly.

These systcms slartcd lo onperate in May 1991, 89 technical personnelwork in the field to observc. manage and maintain the systems, and compilethe data obtained according to relevant codes and specifications of Ministries.and servc for the project as nccd.

The cost or capital construction- and equipmcnt amounts to 4.00 millionYuan . and Ilic operalinn and management co6t is about 10.1W) million Yuan.

2.2 Scsimic Monitoring System -

Radin-Iclemetering method is used for natural seismicily and carlhquakcpossibly induced by the reservoir in future. A monitoring center at Fangjiagou(Headquatcr) and R substations around reservoir are set up.

This joh is leing donc by Sichuan Seismic Bureau and Anti-carlhquakeResearch Institute of Scicntific Rescarch Institute or Watcr Rcsource andHydropower or China.

Thc work started in August 1989 to prepare sites, purchasc. install andtest equipmcnt and instruments. On July 1, 1992, the system started to nperate.Since operation starting, there has had a staff with 10 personnel working inthe field to maintain and manage the system, to observe and compile the dataobtained. and predict.

The cxpendilure is 4.55 million Yuans.

2.3 Jinlong Mt. Slope Deformation Monitoring System

According to the design of CHIDI, for the sysleni. three stages arcidentified.

First stage was organizcd and implemented by CHIDI and the ChcngduBranch of Acadcmy of Sciences of China. Since September 1991. land survcy.establishmcnt or nctwork, mon4oring drilling holes and monitoring adits aswell as their cicarance and cnforcement has been complced. and monitoringinstrumenhs havc bccn purchased, installed, tested and put into opcration.

Since the start of operation of the system, there are 12 professional andtechnical pcrsnnncl working in the field to manage and maintain the svstem.observe. predict and order the date.

The cxpenditure of the first stage is 3.25 Million Yuan.

2.4 Sediment Monitoring System

The purposc of seting up sediment monitoring system is to monitor thesedimentation variation of Ihe Yalong River without/with Ertan project,according to requirements of design. At early stage, 14 permanent sediment


'- .' . ' .- ' ; ' * ' 5 i.,- .,

cross-sccions arc required along lhe Yalong River channel with a length o' 31km abovc the dam.

This job is done by CHIDI. During March - June, 1994, 14 monitoringsection remarks and relevant small blocks of concrete for observation wercsetup, and layout of sections and cross-section drawings with tables or dataand notes were nresenied.

Thc expcnditurc is 165,000 Yuan.

2.5 Watcr Quality Monitoring in Reservoir Area

Somc 8 sampling sites arc selected for water quality monitoring. During1993, Water sampics wcrc taken in different seasons (dry, nond and normalseasons) at various sies, and detected with all water quality parametersspecified in the Environmcntal Quality Standard for Surface Waler anddeposited materials by Pan.hihua Enviromnental Proteclion Research Instihuteaccording to rclevant monitoring specifications and standards. Monitoringrcsults wcre presented.

This job costed 34.378 Yuan.

2.6 Aquatic Lifc Surveys/Monitoring Before Closurc of theCoffcrdam

Some R sampling or monitoring sites are selected, same as those for waterquality. One-year (1993, thrce seasons) surveys of plankton. water weeds.henthos and fish wcre conducted by CHIDI, and a report, fishes samples andphotos werc precented to FHDC.

The expcndittirc is M(UM(0 Yuan.

2.7 Investigation of Environmental Conditions and MountainousHarms in Rcscrvoir Region

A completc investigation of the background conditions or the reservoir(including polluiion sources and their discharges, land use, use of pesticidesand fertilizer. vcgetation, social-economic conditions, climate and distributionof landslides and muddy flows. etc.) was conducted by .Xichang Hydrologicaland Water Resources Investigation Institute and Chengdu Branch of Academyof Sciences of China with the beginning in June, 1993, and a report wassubmitted in AprU, 1994. About 40 professional and technical personnel wereinvolved.


Thc cxpcnditurc or this work is 198,000 Yuan.

2.8 Environmcntal lProteclion of Construction Area

According to intemational practices and relevant articles of the contractsfor the projcct. it is Ihe contractors' responsibility to follow lhc rclcvant lawsand regulations or linc Governments of P.R. China to deal with environmentalprotection or the consiruction areas with die methods and tools agrced by theprojecl owner. to mcet IhC reasonable requirements of the owner, and toreceive monitoring and supervision of line governments or China and theowner.

At prcsent. wastc malerials are collected and stored in special areas. wastewater from concretc plant and equipment washing is transferred into sedimentbasin. and then discharged after deposition.

Drinking water for workcrs is mainly pumped from deep wells, anddelected periodically. It must meet relevant standards before drinking use.

Sevcral first-aid stations are established. The hospital set up by theHydroelectric Construction Bureau No. 8 of China has relatively completeprofes,sional sections and medical equipment to treat general health problems.

Underground construction environment should meet the relevantregulations of the labor proicction specifications of China. The concentrationsof suspended particlec. CO and frT.e SiO2 were detcted at the working faces

of the right and lcft divcrsion tunnels by Panzhihua Sanitation and Anti-epidemic Station with contract with EHDC in November 1992. a hygicnicevaluation and somc recommcndations for enforcing labor protection wercpresented.

In April 1993. Panzhihua Environmental Protection Agency reviewed theenvironmcntal protection- work of the construction area pursuant to Laws, andrequcsied thc contractors to rcport their pollution discharges. and definedperiods for pollution Ircamcnt for the contractors whom discharged wastesexcecding rcelvant standards.

2.9 Training and Study Tour

In order to cnhance the environmental management of Ertan project.EHDC has paid attention to staff training.


March - April, 1993, 3 stalf members on environmental managementwere sent In SinoNorwlon Training Center for three-week training

April - July, 1993, one staff member was trained for 3 months at awaterpower monitoring and management class held by the Ministry or ElectricPower.

April - May, 1994, four staff members conducted a study tour toXinganjinng and Gezhouha hydropower stations for 20) days.

May - June. 1994, two staff members visited to Geheyan. Shuiknu andGuangzhou Pumping Storage Power Station to learn their experiences.

2.10 Environmental Evaluation Panel

The Environmental Evaluation Panel has sarted its works, according toan 1.86 million Yuan contract signed with Sichuan Union University'sDepartmcnt or Environmental Sciences in November 1994. The Panel hasbeen responsiblc mr supervising the whole package of environmenial contractsfrom 1994 through 2000. by- ten proftssional staff under the direction orProfessor 7hang Shisen. Wang Bin and Di.ig Sanglan.

3. Works under Implementation

3.1 The General Design for Environmental Prolection of ErtanHydroproject

The Gcncral Dcsign for Environmental Protection of Ertan llydroprmjecthas been compicecd. which is in printing and publishing. The measuresincluded in the Gcneral Design will be implemented after the design examinedand approved hy the Hydraulic and Hydropower Planning Institute of IheMinistry of Elecric Power.

The design was responded by CHIDI. The representatives are Mr. ShiShuzi. Mr. Liu Zhcnhai and Mr. Yu Weiqi.

The expcndilure is included in the design ree of the Ertan HydropowerStation.

3.2 Environmental Monitoring Station


Five monitoring stations will be established at Yumen. Shengli. Gubuno. 5.

Daluo and the damsitc. The monitoring items involve in waler quality.sediment, mcteorology, biology, hydrology, water level and waterlcmperaturc. CIc.

This works will tc exccuted by the Sichusn Inslilulc of McietrologgScience. Mr. Zhang Yong is responsible for the task (totally 61 staff involvcd).

The expenditure (including house and buildings, insirumenis nndequipmcntl operation and management) is 12.35 million Yuans. and 1.215million Yuan has been spcnt for Ihe early stage work.

The preparation for Ilie negotiallon has been conipleted. Theimplemcnatinon is planied to hegin at Ihe end of the May 195. These statiois

will get ready to aperalc at thc end or this year.

3.3 Thc hiodivcrsity Evaluation

The Ibiodiversity Evaluation is scheduled to be completed in Spring 1995by the Sichuan Normal Collcgc. The represenlative is Mr. Yu Zhiwei. Aninternationally well-known specialist will paricipate in this program, and theinvitation letIcr has already heen send out.

Thc cxpcnditure is US$40.XX)0 (intcrnational funding) and 256.63(0 Yuan(domestic funding).

3.4 Schistosomiasis Control

Thc govcrnment nr China attach importance to schistosnmiasis conitil.The prevenlitin and treatment of schistosomiasis are incorporated into localgovernments' olbjectives. In the schistosomiasis inrected area. the control laskis carrying an smonthly by the local health agencies. In Yanhian County. Ihc instrurnents and equipmcnt bought by the World Bank loan (24.160 US dollars)arc ready to use. EIIDC is making arrangernents with the local healtilagencics to find a way to rcinforce the prevcntion and trcatmcnt of this disease.

3.5 Conservation Management Zone (Btiffer Zone)

The area or conservation management zone is about 1489 ha. The executiveagency is Sichuan Scientific lnstitjte for Forest. Mr. Yang Yubo is the personresponsible.


.. -.-t-i- , h TC* ... ......................... x

The expenditure is 1.933 million Yuna. Now the plan and design arcfinished. AAer tilc plan and deign ae examined and approved. they will beexecuted.

4. Other Works

Other miigalion and measures will be executed under the corpomtion andmanagement of EIIDC. aner the General Design being exatmined and approved.

S. The Environmeninil Mitigaion and Measures ImplementationSchelule




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