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Esophageal Cancer Dose Escalation Using a Simultaneous Integrated Boost Technique

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CLINICAL INVESTIGATON Thoracic Cancer ESOPHAGEAL CANCER DOSE ESCALATION USING A SIMULTANEOUS INTEGRATED BOOST TECHNIQUE J AMES WELSH, M.D.,* MATTHEW B. P ALMER, M.B.A., C.M.D.,* J AFFER A. AJANI, M.D., y ZHONGXING LIAO, M.D.,* STEVEN G. SWISHER, M.D., z WAYNE L. HOFSTETTER, M.D., z P AMELA K. ALLEN,PH.D.,* STEVEN H. SETTLE, M.D.,* DANIEL GOMEZ, M.D.,* ANNA LIKHACHEVA, M.D.,* J AMES D. COX, M.D.,* AND RITSUKO KOMAKI, M.D.* Departments of *Radiation Oncology, yGastrointestinal Medical Oncology, and z Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX Purpose: We previously showed that 75% of radiation therapy (RT) failures in patients with unresectable esoph- ageal cancer are in the gross tumor volume (GTV). We performed a planning study to evaluate if a simultaneous integrated boost (SIB) technique could selectively deliver a boost dose of radiation to the GTV in patients with esophageal cancer. Methods and Materials: Treatment plans were generated using four different approaches (two-dimensional con- formal radiotherapy [2D-CRT] to 50.4 Gy, 2D-CRT to 64.8 Gy, intensity-modulated RT [IMRT] to 50.4 Gy, and SIB-IMRT to 64.8 Gy) and optimized for 10 patients with distal esophageal cancer. All plans were constructed to deliver the target dose in 28 fractions using heterogeneity corrections. Isodose distributions were evaluated for target coverage and normal tissue exposure. Results: The 50.4 Gy IMRT plan was associated with significant reductions in mean cardiac, pulmonary, and he- patic doses relative to the 50.4 Gy 2D-CRT plan. The 64.8 Gy SIB-IMRT plan produced a 28% increase in GTV dose and comparable normal tissue doses as the 50.4 Gy IMRT plan; compared with the 50.4 Gy 2D-CRT plan, the 64.8 Gy SIB-IMRT produced significant dose reductions to all critical structures (heart, lung, liver, and spinal cord). Conclusions: The use of SIB-IMRTallowed us to selectively increase the dose to the GTV, the area at highest risk of failure, while simultaneously reducing the dose to the normal heart, lung, and liver. Clinical implications warrant systematic evaluation. Ó 2012 Elsevier Inc. IMRT, Dosimetry. INTRODUCTION Trimodality therapy (surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation) for esophageal cancer has led to apparent improved treatment outcomes, with the administration of concurrent chemother- apy and radiation therapy (RT) believed to contribute to improvements in local control and survival in the bimodality setting (1, 2). Although techniques for radiation planning, tumor imaging, and radiation delivery have advanced rapidly over the past several decades, the radiation techniques and doses used for treating esophageal cancer have remained relatively unchanged. In a previous single- institution review, we evaluated patterns of treatment failure among 66 patients with unresectable esophageal cancer given chemoradiation therapy with definitive intent at The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center (3). All patients received concurrent fluorouracil-based chemother- apy and a median prescribed RT dose of 50.4 Gy. Of these 66 patients, 24 had locoregional failure (37%); notably, 18 of those failures (75%) were located within the gross tumor volume (GTV). This finding suggests that although current therapies can be quite effective in some cases, local disease control, specifically within the GTV, remains a problem. Logically, the demonstrated benefits of radiation dose escalation for tumors at other anatomic sites in terms of im- proved local control and survival (4–6) could be expected to apply to esophageal cancer as well. However, there is no guarantee that enhanced local control will translate into improved survival as the majority of our patients still die of metastatic disease, and the overall benefit of improved local control may not be realized until systemic therapies improve. The effectiveness of dose-escalation for esophageal tu- mors was evaluated in the Intergroup (INT) 0123/Radiation Reprint requests to: James Welsh, M.D., Department of Radiation Oncology, Unit 97, The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, 1515 Holcombe Blvd, Houston, TX 77030. Tel: (713) 563- 2447; Fax: (713) 563-2331; E-mail: [email protected] Conflicts of interest notification: The authors declare no conflicts of interest. Received March 23, 2010, and in revised form July 7, 2010. Accepted for publication Oct 25, 2010. 468 Int. J. Radiation Oncology Biol. Phys., Vol. 82, No. 1, pp. 468–474, 2012 Copyright Ó 2012 Elsevier Inc. Printed in the USA. All rights reserved 0360-3016/$ - see front matter doi:10.1016/j.ijrobp.2010.10.023

Int. J. Radiation Oncology Biol. Phys., Vol. 82, No. 1, pp. 468–474, 2012Copyright � 2012 Elsevier Inc.

Printed in the USA. All rights reserved0360-3016/$ - see front matter








Departments of *Radiation Oncology, yGastrointestinal Medical Oncology, and zThoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, The Universityof Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX

ReprinOncologyCenter, 152447; Fax

Purpose: We previously showed that 75% of radiation therapy (RT) failures in patients with unresectable esoph-ageal cancer are in the gross tumor volume (GTV). We performed a planning study to evaluate if a simultaneousintegrated boost (SIB) technique could selectively deliver a boost dose of radiation to the GTV in patients withesophageal cancer.Methods and Materials: Treatment plans were generated using four different approaches (two-dimensional con-formal radiotherapy [2D-CRT] to 50.4 Gy, 2D-CRT to 64.8 Gy, intensity-modulated RT [IMRT] to 50.4 Gy, andSIB-IMRT to 64.8 Gy) and optimized for 10 patients with distal esophageal cancer. All plans were constructedto deliver the target dose in 28 fractions using heterogeneity corrections. Isodose distributions were evaluatedfor target coverage and normal tissue exposure.Results: The 50.4 Gy IMRT plan was associated with significant reductions in mean cardiac, pulmonary, and he-patic doses relative to the 50.4 Gy 2D-CRT plan. The 64.8 Gy SIB-IMRT plan produced a 28% increase in GTVdose and comparable normal tissue doses as the 50.4 Gy IMRT plan; compared with the 50.4 Gy 2D-CRT plan, the64.8 Gy SIB-IMRT produced significant dose reductions to all critical structures (heart, lung, liver, and spinalcord).Conclusions: The use of SIB-IMRTallowed us to selectively increase the dose to the GTV, the area at highest risk offailure, while simultaneously reducing the dose to the normal heart, lung, and liver. Clinical implications warrantsystematic evaluation. � 2012 Elsevier Inc.

IMRT, Dosimetry.


Trimodality therapy (surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation)for esophageal cancer has led to apparent improved treatmentoutcomes, with the administration of concurrent chemother-apy and radiation therapy (RT) believed to contribute toimprovements in local control and survival in the bimodalitysetting (1, 2). Although techniques for radiation planning,tumor imaging, and radiation delivery have advancedrapidly over the past several decades, the radiationtechniques and doses used for treating esophageal cancerhave remained relatively unchanged. In a previous single-institution review, we evaluated patterns of treatment failureamong 66 patients with unresectable esophageal cancergiven chemoradiation therapy with definitive intent at TheUniversity of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center (3). Allpatients received concurrent fluorouracil-based chemother-

t requests to: JamesWelsh,M.D., Department of Radiation, Unit 97, TheUniversity of TexasM. D. Anderson Cancer15 Holcombe Blvd, Houston, TX 77030. Tel: (713) 563-: (713) 563-2331; E-mail: [email protected]


apy and a median prescribed RT dose of 50.4 Gy. Of these66 patients, 24 had locoregional failure (37%); notably, 18of those failures (75%) were located within the gross tumorvolume (GTV). This finding suggests that although currenttherapies can be quite effective in some cases, local diseasecontrol, specifically within the GTV, remains a problem.Logically, the demonstrated benefits of radiation doseescalation for tumors at other anatomic sites in terms of im-proved local control and survival (4–6) could be expected toapply to esophageal cancer as well. However, there is noguarantee that enhanced local control will translate intoimproved survival as the majority of our patients still die ofmetastatic disease, and the overall benefit of improvedlocal control may not be realized until systemic therapiesimprove.

The effectiveness of dose-escalation for esophageal tu-mors was evaluated in the Intergroup (INT) 0123/Radiation

Conflicts of interest notification: The authors declare no conflictsof interest.Received March 23, 2010, and in revised form July 7, 2010.

Accepted for publication Oct 25, 2010.

Simultaneous integrated boost technique for esophageal dose escalation d J. WELSH et al. 469

Therapy Oncology Group (RTOG) 94-05 study (7); in thattrial, escalating the dose to 64.8 Gy was unsuccessful inthat it did not improve survival or locoregional control,and as such was stopped prematurely. The radiation tech-nique used in that study, however, was two-dimensional con-formal radiotherapy (2D-CRT) with a sequential boost fordose escalation. The margins for both the primary andhigh-dose volumes were significantly larger than thoseused in current clinical practice, resulting in higher dosesto the normal esophagus, heart, and lungs, which wouldhave increased the possibility of toxicity. Perhaps the out-come would have been different if more modern techniqueshad been applied.

Several groups have demonstrated that the implementa-tion of intensity-modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) canprovide additional flexibility to modify dose distributionsand improve normal tissue sparing (8). Although IMRT isclearly useful for reducing the dose to critical structures, itis also beneficial for increasing the dose to volumes athigh risk. Moreover, the simultaneous integrated boost(SIB) technique offers the advantage of simultaneously de-livering a higher dose to the primary tumor (at 2.2 Gy or2.3 Gy per fraction), whereas conventional lower doses areused to treat subclinical disease or electively treated regions(at 1.8 Gy or 2.0 Gy per fraction). The rapid advancements inour ability to more accurately stage esophageal cancer hasled some institutions to reduce the irradiation treatment vol-umes, and although the majority of local failures after radi-ation therapy for esophageal cancer occur in the GTV, wehypothesized that by using an SIB-IMRT technique couldbe used to selectively escalate the RT dose to the area athighest risk of recurrence. In the current study, we soughtto compare the dose–volume constraints to critical structuresof a traditional 2D-CRT plan, a modern-day IMRT plan, anda dose-escalated SIB-IMRT plan. Our goal was to evaluate ifthe dose could be escalated while still meeting dose–volumehistogram (DVH) dose constraints to critical normal-tissuestructures, specifically the heart, lung, liver, and spinal cord.


We retrospectively identified 10 patients with biopsy-provenadenocarcinoma of the distal esophagus treated at M. D. AndersonCancer Center whose staging evaluations included positron emis-sion tomography (PET)/CT and endoscopic ultrasonography. Thispost-hoc analysis of these treatment plans was approved by the ap-propriate institutional review board of M. D. Anderson.For treatment simulation and planning purposes, all patients had

undergone four-dimensional (4D) CT scanning to account for respi-ratory motion. The CT images were acquired first while the patientwas free-breathing, with 4D images acquired immediately thereaf-ter. During the 4D CT image acquisition, patient respiration wasmonitored with an external respiratory gating system (Real-TimePosition Management Respiratory Gating System; Varian MedicalSystems, Palo Alto, CA). Each 4D CT image set consisted of 10 CTdata sets representing 10 equally divided breathing phases in a com-plete respiratory cycle. The 4D CT images provided quantitativetime-dependent 3D information about internal organ motion,

allowing quantitative description of internal organ motion forboth treatment targets and normal organs.The GTV was delineated by the attending physician using all

available resources, including fused PET/CT data, endoscopic re-ports, and diagnostic CT images, in cases where the PETand endos-copy did not agree, the GTV was based on the endoscopy findings.The GTV was expanded to the clinical target volume (CTV) by ex-tending coverage 3 cm superiorly, 1 cm laterally, 3 cm inferiorly,and 3 cm into the mucosa of the stomach, depending on the physi-cian’s preference. The planning target volume (PTV) was the CTVplus a uniform 0.5-cm expansion margin. Organs at risk were out-lined. Calculations of the total lung volume (and mean lung dose)excluded portions of the lung included in the GTV. The heart wascontoured from the apex to the base of the right pulmonary artery.For each of the 10 patients, we then developed a 2D-CRT plan andan IMRT plan, both to a total dose of 50.4 Gy, and then an SIB-IMRT plan in which the GTV was dose-escalated to 64.8 Gy. Wethen evaluated DVH parameters for each plan to estimate thedose to critical structures, specifically the lung, heart, liver, andspinal cord.2D-CRT plans were generated by using techniques similar to that

used for the RTOG 94-05 trial, which used a 5-cm superior/inferiorexpansion and a 2-cm right/left expansion for the primary field fol-lowed by a 2 cm radial expansion for the boost (7). The Pinnacleplanning system (Phillips Medical Systems, Andover, MA) wasused to generate treatment plans by starting with anteroposteriorbeams to a dose of 39.6 Gy in 22 fractions then the plan waschanged to oblique beams. The oblique angles were chosen spe-cially for each patient to minimize cardiac and pulmonary dose.The dose of 50.4 Gy was prescribed in 28 fractions to the isodoseline, which covered the volume at risk. Although RTOG 94-05did not use lung heterogeneity corrections, we did use them inthis study to improve the comparability of this technique to moremodern IMRT techniques.IMRT plans were generated by using the step-and-shoot tech-

nique using the Pinnacle planning system (Phillips Medical Sys-tems). Beam arrangements were optimized for each of the 10patients with the goal of reducing both cardiac and pulmonarydose. The prescribed dose was 50.4 Gy in 28 fractions of 1.8 Gyper fraction, with the requirement that 95% of the PTV receivethe prescribed dose. Planning objectives placed the highest priorityon achieving PTV coverage, with secondary objectives to avoidnormal lung and heart. Mean doses to normal tissues and totalvolumes irradiated to given dose levels were recorded, and lungheterogeneity corrections were used.SIB-IMRT plans were generated similarly to the IMRT plans de-

scribed previously, except that the dose to the GTV was simulta-neously escalated to 64.8 Gy (28 fractions at 2.3 Gy per fraction)and the CTV and PTV received the standard IMRT dose of 50.4Gy (28 fractions at 1.8 Gy per fraction). All SIB-IMRT planswere generated with the same five beams, as the IMRT plan, withbeams at 80, 110, 160, 210, and 240�, using 6-MV photons.Data were analyzed by using Stata/MP 11.0 statistical software.

The equality of means for continuous variables was assessed byusing t tests. A p value of 0.05 or less was considered to indicatestatistical significance. Statistical tests were based on a two-sidedsignificance level.


Mean dose–volume parameters for all four plans (50.4 Gy2D-CRT, 50.4 Gy IMRT, 64.8 Gy 2D-CRT, and 64.8 Gy SIB-

470 I. J. Radiation Oncology d Biology d Physics Volume 82, Number 1, 2012

IMRT) for 10 patients are listed in Table 1. Specific compar-isons among the plans are discussed in the following para-graphs

2D-CRT versus IMRTWe first compared the mean dose–volume parameters

from a traditional 2D-CRT plan with those from a modernIMRT plan, both to a total dose of 50.4 Gy, for all 10 patients(Table 1, columns 1 and 2). Both the mean lung dose and thelung V20 were significantly lower with IMRT, from 9.9 Gy to7.4 Gy (a 25% reduction, p = 0.003) and from 19% to 13% (p= 0.007). Mean doses to cardiac and hepatic tissue were alsoreduced in the IMRT plan (heart from 32.4 Gy to 22.7 Gy[33%], p = 0.0006; and liver from 18.4 Gy to 14.9 Gy[20%], p = 0.04). The mean spinal cord maximum pointdose was 6% lower in the IMRT plan 34 Gy vs. 37 Gy inthe 2D-CRT plan) (p = not significant), even though bothplans met the predefined dose constraints. Representativedose distributions between the 2D-CRT and IMRT plans to50.4 Gy are presented in Figure 1.

Next we compared the mean dose–volume parametersfrom a traditional 2D-CRT plan with those from a modernIMRT plan, both planned to 64.8 Gy (Table 1, columns 3

Table 1. Dosimetric comparison of traditional 2D-CRTplans with IMRT and SIB-IMRT plans

50.4 Gy 50.4 Gy 64.8 Gy 64.8 Gy





LungMean total dose,Gy

9.98 7.45 11.88 7.71

V5, % 47 35 49 37V10, % 32 22 36 22V20, % 19 13 23 12

HeartMean total dose,Gy

3242 2200 3795 2273

V20, % 73 45 75 46V30, % 58 25 65 26V40, % 36 15 48 15V50, % 32 7 31 8

LiverMean total dose,Gy

18.43 14.91 23.02 15.67

V30, % 23 13 37 13V40, % 9 7 19 7V50, % 5 4 9 4

Spinal CordMaximum dose,Gy

37.05 34.91 44.39 38.17

Maximum to1 cm3, Gy

34.34 33.49 41.14 35.69

Gross tumor volumeMean total dose,Gy

52.27 52.15 67.33 66.96

Abbreviations: 2D-CRT = two-dimensional conformal radiother-apy; IMRT = intensity-modulated radiotherapy; SIB = simulta-neous integrated boost.

and 4). Again both the mean lung dose and the lung V20

were reduced in the IMRT plan, from 11.8 Gy to 7.7 Gy (a35% reduction, p = 0.0006) and from 23% to 12% (p =0.0002). Mean heart and liver doses were similarly reducedin the IMRT plan (heart from 37.9 Gy to 22.7 Gy [41%], p =0.0001; and liver from 23 Gy to 15.6 Gy [32%], p = 0.003).The mean spinal cord maximum point dose was decreasedby 15% (from 44 Gy to 38 Gy), but again, this apparent dif-ference was not significant (p = 0.1362). Notably, the differ-ences between the two techniques were more apparent at thehigher dose of 64.8 Gy, yet most of the classical dose con-straints were still met.

IMRT versus SIB-IMRTTo evaluate the influence of using an SIB for dose escala-

tion, we next compared the mean dose–volume values for 10patients with treatment planned with IMRT to 50.4 Gy ver-sus those of a dose-escalation plan in which the SIB-IMRTtechnique was used to deliver 64.8 Gy to the GTV, whereasthe PTV was treated to 50.4 Gy (Table 1, columns 2 and 4).In the conventional IMRT plan, the mean GTV dose was 52Gy, whereas the SIB plan resulted in a 28% increase to theGTV with a mean dose of 66.9 Gy. The mean lung dosewas similar in the IMRT plan and the SIB plan (7.4 GySIB-IMRT vs. 7.7 Gy IMRT, p = 0.06), as was the lungV20 (13% SIB-IMRT vs. 12% IMRT, p = 0.06). Mean doseswere also comparable to the heart (22 Gy IMRTand 22.7 GySIB-IMRT, 3%) and to the liver (14.9 Gy IMRTand 15.6 GySIB-IMRT, 5%). Last, the maximum dose to the spinal cordmet the constraints set for both plans at 34.9 Gy IMRTand 38Gy SIB-IMRT (a 9% difference, p = 0.0041) (Fig. 2).

2D-CRT versus SIB-IMRTTo test our hypothesis that SIB-IMRT plan could selec-

tively escalate the dose to the GTV while reducing thedose to critical normal structures, we compared dose–volume values from a traditional 2D-CRT plan at 50.4 Gyto those of an SIB-IMRT boost plan delivery 64.8 Gy tothe GTV (Table 1, columns 1 and 4). In the traditional2D-CRT plan, the mean GTV dose was 52 Gy, whereas inthe SIB the mean dose was 66.9 Gy, a 28% increase (p =0.0001). Despite this higher GTV dose, both the meanlung dose and V20 were significantly lower in the SIB plan(9.9 Gy 2D-CRT and 7.7 Gy SIB-IMRT [23%], p = 0.007and 19% 2D-CRT and 12% SIB-IMRT [37%], p = 0.004).The mean heart dose was significantly reduced (32.4 Gy2D-CRT vs. 22.7 Gy SIB-IMRT [30%], p = 0.001). Themean liver dose seemed to have been reduced (18.4 Gy to15.6 Gy [15%]), but this apparent difference was not signif-icant at p = 0.1. The V30 for the liver, however, was signifi-cantly reduced (23% 2D-CRT vs. 13% SIB-IMRT [44%],p = 0.04). The maximum dose to the spinal cord was nodifferent for the 2D-CRT plan statistically (37 Gy) and theSIB-IMRT plan (38 Gy). Representative dose distributionsbetween 2D-CRT and IMRT plans are presented in Figures3 and 4.

Fig. 1. (top row) Axial, sagittal, and coronal views of a two-dimensional conformal radiotherapy (2D-CRT) plan to de-liver 50.4 Gy to a patient with esophageal cancer, similar to the plans used in Intergroup 0123. (bottom row) A modernplan for delivering 50.4 Gy as intensity-modulated radiation therapy to the same patient with esophageal cancer.

Simultaneous integrated boost technique for esophageal dose escalation d J. WELSH et al. 471

No significant differences were found among plans withrespect to target coverage of the PTV or GTV. All plansachieved excellent target coverage with 95% or more ofthe PTV receiving at least 100% of the prescription dose,as expected based on our standard in-house planning restric-tions.


The treatment related outcomes for locally advancedesophageal cancer are poor with a median survival justover 1 year (7), and outcomes in patients with unresectabledisease are even worse. Our prior work demonstrated thatin most cases, local failure after combined chemoradiationtherapy with a radiation dose of 50.4 Gy for unresectableesophageal cancer develops in the GTV (3). In the currentstudy, we sought to evaluate if an SIB-IMRT technique couldbe used to escalate the dose to the area at highest risk of re-currence while still achieving safe DVH constraints. Wefound that an SIB-IMRT technique could significantly esca-late the dose to the GTV by 28% (to 64.8 Gy), not only with-out violating the DVH parameters for the lung, heart, andliver, but also reducing the dose to those normal structuresrelative to doses from traditional 2D-CRT plans. These en-hanced dosimetric outcomes are the combined result of

both improvements in radiation planning as well as the useof smaller treatment volumes.

The radiation dose used currently for esophageal cancer,either as preoperative or definitive treatment, has largely re-mains unchanged over the past several decades. Yet duringthis same period, profound improvements in tumor localiza-tion, radiation planning, and radiation delivery have allowedboth improved tumor treatment and reduced toxicity to prox-imal critical structures. We have gone from relying on x-rayfilms to map the extent of disease to using 3D planning withCT and now PET/CT fusions scans plus bronchoscopy andendoscopy. Also vastly improved are treatment planning sys-tems, which allow dramatic reductions in lung dose, for ex-ample, relative to older 3D techniques (9). Another majoradvance in the past several years has come from the use ofcharged-particle radiation such as protons, which offers fur-ther benefits for sparing critical tissues beyond those offeredby current IMRT planning systems (10). Patient setup anddelivery have also been greatly improved through the useof image-guided radiation therapy (IGRT), which uses theenhanced imaging provided by kV x-ray images as well asthose from cone beam-CT scans. Although the majority ofthese technologies are now being used for the treatment ofesophageal cancer, they have not resulted in dose escalation.

Fig. 2. (top row) Axial, sagittal, and coronal views of an intensity-modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) plan with theplanning target volume being treated to 50.4 Gy. (bottom row) Simultaneous integrated boost IMRT plan with the grosstumor volume being treated to 64.8 Gy and the planning target volume to 50.4 Gy.

472 I. J. Radiation Oncology d Biology d Physics Volume 82, Number 1, 2012

Another shortcoming of older planning systems is their in-ability to account for the influence of different tissue densi-ties, such as lung and bone, on photon delivery and theresulting isodose lines. Other groups have demonstratedthat when heterogeneity corrections are applied to plansthat had been generated without them, coverage of the vol-ume of interest is reduced, as such we now know that the ear-lier plans form the 2D era where in reality delivering higherdoses to both the treatment planning volume and the criticalstructures of interest (11). The exact amount that the deliv-ered dose is reduced depends on patient variables such aslung volume and anatomy and has been shown to rangefrom 0 to 3.0 Gy lower with an average equivalent uniformdose reduction of 1.4 Gy (12). Taking this difference into ac-count, older 2D plans were actually delivering a higher doseto the tumor, whereas more modern plans which account fortissue heterogeneity are better able to deliver the actual pre-scribed dose of 50.4 Gy and have unintentionally lead toa dose reduction. This again speaks to the irony of thedose used for treating this tumor, which has gradually be-come lower over time despite vast improvements in radiationplanning and delivery. By comparison, many of these im-provements have been quickly adopted for the treatment oflung cancer, resulting in a steady rise in dose from 60 Gy

to 74 Gy, with at least two Phase II trials (6, 13) showing that74 Gy can be delivered safely and a Phase III trial (RTOG0617) now under way to investigate the effectiveness 60 Gyvs 74 Gy for lung cancer. Given that most patients withunresectable non-small-cell lung cancer have N2 or N3disease, some or all of the esophagus in such patients is nowroutinely treated to 74 Gy. Yet patients with unresectableesophageal cancer receive a lower esophageal dose of only50.4 Gy.

Although dose escalation has been shown to improve localcontrol and survival in patients with tumors at other ana-tomic sites (14), caution is needed in applying this logic toesophageal cancer. Given the proximity of the esophagusto several critical structures, care must be taken in treatingesophageal cancer to not exchange improvements in localcontrol with increased morbidity. Excessive exposure ofthe esophagus during high-dose irradiation of lung cancercan result in esophageal stricture, a potentially life-threatening complication (15). Because late effects arehighly correlation with fraction size, the higher dose deliv-ered with an SIB-IMRT technique could potentially havegreater impact on toxicity compared with standard fraction-ated radiation. Other theoretical disadvantages of multifieldIMRT could come from an increase in low dose irradiation to

Fig. 3. (top row) Axial, sagittal, and coronal view of a two-dimensional conformal radiotherapy (2D-CRT) plan to deliver50.4 Gy to a patient with esophageal cancer (similar to the plans used in Intergroup 0123). (bottom row) Simultaneousintegrated boost intensity-modulated radiotherapy plan with the gross tumor volume being treated to 64.8 Gy and theplanning target volume to 50.4 Gy.

Fig. 4. Dose–volume histogram of an individual patient comparinga two-dimensional conformal radiotherapy (2D-CRT) plan (dashedline) to 50.4 Gy (similar to that used in Intergroup 0123) to a simul-taneous integrated boost (SIB)-intensity-modulated radiotherapy(IMRT) plan (solid line) in which the gross tumor volume is treatedto 64.8 Gy and the planning target volume to 50.4 Gy. The SIB-IMRT plan increased the mean GTV dose by 28% (p = 0.001)and decreased the mean heart dose by 30% (p = 0.001), the meantotal lung dose by 23% (p = 0.007), and the lung V20 by 37% (p= 0.004).

Simultaneous integrated boost technique for esophageal dose escalation d J. WELSH et al. 473

critical normal structures such as lung, which could enhancepulmonary toxicity. Another consideration would bechanges in tumor size over the course of treatment, whichis likely to be a dose-limiting parameter that will need tobe monitored. Last, tumors with extensive gastric penetra-tion should be restricted, because gastric radiation toleranceis thought to be less than that of the esophagus (16, 17).

In summary, over the past two decades, tremendous ad-vances have been made in treatment planning and delivery.Yet despite these dramatic improvements we now routinelyuse a lower dose for treating esophageal cancer then wasused several decades ago. Not only has the dose been re-duced from 60 Gy to 50 Gy, but the routine use of heteroge-neity corrections may have inadvertently reduced thetreatment dose still further. Not surprisingly, the GTV is athigh risk of failure after chemoradiation therapy for unre-sectable esophageal cancer (3). This planning series illus-trates that, theoretically, using an SIB-IMRT technique cansafely increase the dose to the GTV while also reducing tox-icity to critical structures. We are evaluating this techniquein a Phase I clinical trial to establish the maximum tolerateddose to which the GTV can be both safely and effectivelyescalated.

474 I. J. Radiation Oncology d Biology d Physics Volume 82, Number 1, 2012


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