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Evaluation of errors associated with d 13 C analysis of lignin-derived TMAH thermochemolysis products by gas chromatography–combustion–isotope ratio mass spectrometry L.E. Beramendi-Orosco a, * , C.H. Vane b , M. Cooper a , C.G. Sun a , D.J. Large a , C.E. Snape a a Nottingham Fuel and Energy Centre, School of Chemical, Environmental and Mining Engineering, University of Nottingham, University Park, Nottingham NG7 2RD, UK b British Geological Survey, Keyworth, Nottingham NG12 5GG, UK Received 17 July 2005; accepted 19 July 2005 Available online 14 November 2005 Abstract This study reports the compound specific stable carbon isotope compositions (d 13 C) of lignin tetramethylammonium hydroxide (TMAH) chemolysates obtained with gas chromatography–combustion–isotope ratio mass spectrometry (GC–C–IRMS). The possible sources of the errors associated are considered. Off-line (TMAH) thermochemolysis was performed on wood samples and the d 13 C values of the chemolysates were compared with the bulk d 13 C of the native woods and their Klason lignins. For the four woods investigated, the d 13 C values, corrected for derivative carbons added, were spread over a wide range of values, ranging from 40 to 25% and were, on average, depleted in 13 C by ca. 9% relative to the native woods and by ca. 7% relative to the Klason lignins. This large variability can be partially attributed to overlapping chromatographic peaks and to the low intensity of some of the peaks. However, isotopic fractionation cannot be ruled out, especially in compounds resulting from C–C bond cleavage in the propyl side chain. The uncertainties associated with the correction for carbons added by derivatisation were found to be high, especially for compounds having high contribution of derivative carbons. # 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. Keywords: Tetramethylammonium hydroxide; Thermochemolysis; Lignin; Lignin derivatives; Stable carbon isotope; Gas chromatography–combustion– isotope ratio mass spectrometry 1. Introduction Lignin-derived products have the potential to be used as geochemical indicators because lignin is a specific component of vascular plants and is relatively refractory [1,2]. In particular, stable carbon isotope composition (d 13 C) of lignin and its derivatives can be used to complement palaeoenvir- onmental studies based on structural data obtained from its pyrolysates and phenols generated by CuO oxidation [3–7]. The combination of detailed molecular information with stable carbon isotope analysis in palaeoenvironmental studies allows the assessment of whether variations in d 13 C values are due to the presence of polysaccharides, or due to alterations suffered by the lignin polymer [8,9]. A key issue in obtaining reliable d 13 C data of lignin derivatives by gas chromato- graphy–combustion–isotope ratio mass spectrometry (GC– C–IRMS) is to determine if these compounds reflect the isotopic composition of the parent macromolecule. Analytical pyrolysis and CuO oxidation, both widely used methods for lignin structural studies, have been combined with GC–C–IRMS to study past vegetation changes [5], sources and distribution of organic matter in marine sediments [6,10] and genesis of humic substances www.elsevier.com/locate/jaap J. Anal. Appl. Pyrolysis 76 (2006) 88–95 * Corresponding author. Present address: Instituto de Geofisica, Univer- sidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Ciudad Universitaria, Mexico DF 04510, Mexico. E-mail address: laura@geofisica.unam.mx (L.E. Beramendi-Orosco). 0165-2370/$ – see front matter # 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.jaap.2004.07.010

Evaluation of errors associated with d13C analysis of lignin-derived

TMAH thermochemolysis products by gas

chromatography–combustion–isotope ratio mass spectrometry

L.E. Beramendi-Orosco a,*, C.H. Vane b, M. Cooper a, C.G. Sun a,D.J. Large a, C.E. Snape a

a Nottingham Fuel and Energy Centre, School of Chemical, Environmental and Mining Engineering, University of Nottingham,

University Park, Nottingham NG7 2RD, UKb British Geological Survey, Keyworth, Nottingham NG12 5GG, UK

Received 17 July 2005; accepted 19 July 2005

Available online 14 November 2005


This study reports the compound specific stable carbon isotope compositions (d13C) of lignin tetramethylammonium hydroxide (TMAH)

chemolysates obtained with gas chromatography–combustion–isotope ratio mass spectrometry (GC–C–IRMS). The possible sources of the

errors associated are considered. Off-line (TMAH) thermochemolysis was performed on wood samples and the d13C values of the

chemolysates were compared with the bulk d13C of the native woods and their Klason lignins. For the four woods investigated, the d13C

values, corrected for derivative carbons added, were spread over a wide range of values, ranging from �40 to �25% and were, on average,

depleted in 13C by ca. 9% relative to the native woods and by ca. 7% relative to the Klason lignins. This large variability can be partially

attributed to overlapping chromatographic peaks and to the low intensity of some of the peaks. However, isotopic fractionation cannot be ruled

out, especially in compounds resulting from C–C bond cleavage in the propyl side chain. The uncertainties associated with the correction for

carbons added by derivatisation were found to be high, especially for compounds having high contribution of derivative carbons.

# 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Tetramethylammonium hydroxide; Thermochemolysis; Lignin; Lignin derivatives; Stable carbon isotope; Gas chromatography–combustion–

isotope ratio mass spectrometry


J. Anal. Appl. Pyrolysis 76 (2006) 88–95

1. Introduction

Lignin-derived products have the potential to be used as

geochemical indicators because lignin is a specific component

of vascular plants and is relatively refractory [1,2]. In

particular, stable carbon isotope composition (d13C) of lignin

and its derivatives can be used to complement palaeoenvir-

onmental studies based on structural data obtained from its

pyrolysates and phenols generated by CuO oxidation [3–7].

* Corresponding author. Present address: Instituto de Geofisica, Univer-

sidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Ciudad Universitaria, Mexico DF

04510, Mexico.

E-mail address: [email protected] (L.E. Beramendi-Orosco).

0165-2370/$ – see front matter # 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


The combination of detailed molecular information with

stable carbon isotope analysis in palaeoenvironmental studies

allows the assessment of whether variations in d13C values are

due to the presence of polysaccharides, or due to alterations

suffered by the lignin polymer [8,9]. A key issue in obtaining

reliable d13C data of lignin derivatives by gas chromato-

graphy–combustion–isotope ratio mass spectrometry (GC–

C–IRMS) is to determine if these compounds reflect the

isotopic composition of the parent macromolecule.

Analytical pyrolysis and CuO oxidation, both widely

used methods for lignin structural studies, have been

combined with GC–C–IRMS to study past vegetation

changes [5], sources and distribution of organic matter in

marine sediments [6,10] and genesis of humic substances

L.E. Beramendi-Orosco et al. / J. Anal. Appl. Pyrolysis 76 (2006) 88–95 89

[11]. The reliability of using lignin derivatives obtained by

these methods in isotope studies has already been

demonstrated. Goni and Eglinton [3] found that flash

pyrolysis of both steam explosion and milled wood lignin

preparations did not appear to produce major isotopic

fractionation, and it has been demonstrated that pyrolysis

takes place without major molecular rearrangements [12].

The possibility of combining analysis of phenols derived

from the CuO oxidation of lignin with GC–C–IRMS was

first evaluated by Goni and Eglinton [4]. They found that

after correction for added derivative carbons, phenols

derived by CuO oxidation retain the isotopic signature of

the parent milled wood lignin to within �1%.

Another widely used method for structural study of lignin

is thermochemolysis with tetramethylammonium hydroxide

(TMAH thermochemolysis). This technique has proved to be

a selective and reliable thermal method for characterising

lignin [13–16]. To date, only one study thus far has combined

off-line TMAH thermochemolysis with GC–C–IRMS [17].

They reported that it is possible to obtain d13C values of

phenolic and fatty acid standards after TMAH thermoche-

molysis with no evidence of isotopic fractionation from

methylation. However, unlike CuO oxidation, this technique

in combination with GC–C–IRMS analysis has not been

performed on lignin preparations. In this study, we investigate

if TMAH thermochemolysis can be used in lignin isotope

characterisation, by analysing TMAH thermochemolysis

products of wood by GC–C–IRMS and comparing these data

to the bulk d13C of Klason lignin concentrates.

2. Materials and methods

2.1. Samples

A sample of English oak wood (Quercus robur L.) of

unknown regional provenance was obtained from a sawmill

near Newark, UK. The sample was collected from the trunk

of a tree estimated to be about 120 years old. The tree was

felled approximately 1 month prior to sampling. Sections of

the tree were dried at 40 8C before milling.

Samples of Ash (Fraxinus excelsior L.), Beech (Fagus

sylvatica L.) and Silver birch (Betula pendula L.) woods, of

unknown provenance, were obtained from freshly cut trees

from a sawmill in the Peak District, UK. Again samples were

dried at 40 8C before milling.

Klason lignin was selected as a model for the lignin

fraction of wood because, from a quantitative point of view,

it is the most representative of the wet chemical methods

[18]. It was prepared from each of the wood samples

investigated using the method reported by Adams [19].

2.2. Off-line thermochemolysis

Thermochemolysis with TMAH was performed accord-

ing to the method reported by Vane [20]. For each

experiment, borosilicate glass tubing (o.d. 5 mm, i.d.

4 mm) was sealed at one end with a natural gas/oxygen

flame to give a vessel of length 13 cm. Each vessel was

rinsed with dichloromethane (DCM), and oven dried for

12 h at approximately 75 8C. Wood samples (0.5–1 mg)

were placed in individual reaction vessels with 100 ml of

TMAH solution (25%, w/w, in methanol). The TMAH

preparations were left overnight in a vacuum desiccator in

order to facilitate thorough mixing prior to the removal of

methanol under vacuum. The dried mixtures were sealed

under vacuum and heated in an oven at a temperature of

250 8C for 30 min. After cooling, the reaction vessels were

opened and the inner surfaces of the tube were washed five

times with 1 ml of DCM. The combined extracts were dried

under a stream of N2 and dissolved in 100 ml of DCM.

2.3. Gas chromatography–mass spectrometry

The TMAH thermochemolysis products were analysed

using a Fisons 8000 series gas chromatograph coupled to a

Fisons MD800 mass spectrometer (Fisons Instruments,

Loughborough, UK). The GC was fitted with a DB-5MS

fused silica capillary column (50 m � 0.32 mm i.d., film

thickness 0.25 mm). Samples were injected on-column with

helium as carrier gas. The temperature program was set from

30 to 300 8C at 4 8C min�1 and held isothermally at 300 8Cfor 5 min. The mass spectrometer was operated in electron

ionisation mode at a source temperature of 280 8C and 70 eV

ionisation energy. Identification of the thermochemolysis

products was carried out by comparison of their mass spectra

and relative retention times with those reported in the

literature [20–23].

2.4. Bulk stable isotope analysis

Stable carbon isotopic compositions of wood samples

and their Klason lignin concentrates were determined by on-

line combustion in a Carlo Erba NA 1500 (Carlo Erba

Instruments, Milan, Italy) elemental analyser coupled via a

Con–Flo II interface to a Thermo Finnigan Delta plus XP

isotope ratio–mass spectrometer (Thermo Finnigan Cor-

poration, Bremen, Germany).

Samples were run in triplicate and the reported values are

the mean � S.D. relative to the Vienna PeeDee Belemnite

(vPDB) standard. Accuracy and precision of the bulk

measurements were evaluated by analysing a reference

material of known isotopic composition (IAEA-CH-7 polye–

thylene, d13C = �31.80%), precision was found to be better

than �0.06% (1s, n = 5) and accuracy better than 0.1%.

2.5. Gas chromatography–combustion–isotope ratio

mass spectrometry

Compound specific isotope analyses of TMAH thermo-

chemolysis products were performed on a Trace GC

(Thermo Finnigan, Milan, Italy) gas chromatograph coupled

L.E. Beramendi-Orosco et al. / J. Anal. Appl. Pyrolysis 76 (2006) 88–9590

to a Thermo Finnigan Delta plus XP isotope ratio mass

spectrometer (Thermo Finnigan) via a GC combustion III

interface. The GC was fitted with a DB-5 fused silica

capillary column (30 m � 0.25 mm i.d., film thickness

0.25 mm). Samples were injected in splitless mode with

helium as carrier gas and an oven temperature program from

50 8C (held for 3 min) to 320 8C at 5 8C min�1 (held for

25 min) applied. As components eluted from the column

they were passed to a combustion interface set at 940 8C, and

then a reduction reactor held at 600 8C; finally, the CO2

produced was transferred to the isotope mass spectrometer.

The standard deviation of d13C measurements, based on

pulses of reference CO2 of known isotopic composition

(d13C = �33.92%, Air Products, UK), was determined to be

Fig. 1. Structures of the TMAH thermochemolysis products from l

�0.05%; however, it has been reported that chromato-

graphic inefficiencies may increase the standard deviation to

ca. �0.3% for compound specific d13C analyses [24].

3. Results and discussions

3.1. Identification of TMAH thermochemolysis products

from wood

Gas chromatography–mass spectrometry analysis (GC/

MS) was performed to identify the TMAH thermochemo-

lysis products prior to GC–C–IRMS. The chemical

structures of the TMAH products are illustrated in Fig. 1

ignin. G denotes guaiacyl units and S denotes syringyl units.

L.E. Beramendi-Orosco et al. / J. Anal. Appl. Pyrolysis 76 (2006) 88–95 91

Fig. 2. Partial chromatograms of the TIC for the TMAH thermochemolysis products of beech wood (top) and oak wood (bottom). Peak assignments are listed in

Table 1.

and the partial chromatograms of the total ion current (TIC)

for beech and oak are presented in Fig. 2. Product

identifications (Table 1) were made by comparison of their

mass spectra and relative retention times with those reported

in the literature [20–23].

The chromatograms indicate that the TMAH thermo-

chemolysis products consist of very complex mixtures of

compounds, including dimethoxy- and trimethoxy-substi-

tuted products. These monomers are derived from guaiacyl

(G) and syringyl (S) units with propyl side chains linked

mainly via b-O-4 bonds [25]. These results are supported by

recent work by Nakawaga-izumi et al. [26] reporting that

TMAH products derived from b–b linked lignin structures

included mainly di-O-methylresinols and that monomeric

compounds, such as those found here, were present only in

very low yields.

The presence of components derived from both types of

lignin units (G and S) is consistent with the fact that the

analysed woods are angiosperm, with lignin composed of

guaiacyl and syringyl units. The product distribution

patterns for all the samples investigated are very similar.

3.2. GC–C–IRMS of TMAH thermochemolysis products

from wood

The m/z 44 chromatograms obtained by GC–C–IRMS

(Fig. 3) are analogous to the TIC chromatograms obtained

by GC/MS; however, as expected, the chromatographic

resolution in GC–C–IRMS is impaired. The reason for the

lower chromatographic separation is a consequence of

different factors. One is that after the GC column and prior

to the IRMS the sample stream is passed through furnaces

and dryers, generally reducing the chromatographic

efficiency. Another factor is that CO2 disperses more freely

within the carrier gas stream than the parent organic

compounds, resulting in broader CO2 peaks [27,28]. A third

factor is that a 30 m column, with a slightly different

temperature program, was used in the GC–C–IRMS instead

of the 50 m column used in the GC/MS analysis and this

may have contributed to the lower chromatographic


The d13C values of the identified TMAH products

(uncorrected for the derivative carbons) are spread over a

L.E. Beramendi-Orosco et al. / J. Anal. Appl. Pyrolysis 76 (2006) 88–9592

Table 1

Identified TMAH thermochemolysis products of angiosperm woods

Label Molecular weight Assignment Characteristic ions

G3 164 3,4-Dimethoxystyrene 121, 149, 164

S1 168 1,2,3-Trimethoxybenzene 110, 153, 168

G4 166 3,4-Dimethoxybenzaldehyde 151, 165, 166

G5 180 3,4-Dimethoxyacetophenone 137, 165, 180

G6 196 Methyl 3,4-demethoxybenzoate 165, 181, 196

S4 196 3,4,5-Trimmethoxybenzaldehyde 125, 181, 196

G7 194 cis-2-(3,4-Dimethoxyphenyl)-1-methoxyethylene 151, 179, 194

G8 194 trans-2-(3,4-Dimethoxyphenyl)-1-methoxyethylene 151, 179, 194

G10 208 cis-1-(3,4-Dimethoxyphenyl)-1-methoxy-1-propene 165, 193, 208

S5 195 3,4,5-Trimethoxyacetophenone 139, 195, 210

S6 226 Methyl 3,4,5-trimethoxybenzoate 195, 211, 226

S7 209 cis-1-(3,4,5-Trimethoxylphenyl)-2-methoxyethylene 209, 224, 181

S8 209 trans-1-(3,4,5-Trimethoxylphenyl)-2-methoxyethylene 209, 224, 181

G14 181 threo/erythro-1-(3,4-Dimethoxylphenyl)-1,2,3-trimethoxypropane 166, 181, 270

S10 223 cis-1-(3,4,5-Trimethoxyphenyl)-methoxyprop-1-ene 223, 238, 195

S14 211 threo/erythro-1-(3,4,5-Trimethoxyphenyl)-1,2,3-trimethoxypropane 211, 181, 300

S15 211 threo/erythro-1-(3,4,5-Trimethoxyphenyl)-1,2,3-trimethoxypropane 211, 181, 300

Structures of the compounds are shown in Fig. 1 [14,16–18].

very wide range of values, most of these being significantly

isotopically lighter than Klason lignin, with values ranging

from �40 to �27%. Corrections to determine the isotopic

composition of the underivatised guaiacyl and syringyl

markers were carried out by performing a mass balance,

assuming that the methylating carbons from TMAH are

isotopically identical to parent TMAH carbons (cf. [17]).

d13Cunderivatised ¼ d13CTMAH product � ð1 � xÞd13CTMAH


The mass balance was performed using Eq. (1) where x is

the fractional carbon contribution of the underivatised

Fig. 3. Partial trace of the m/z 44 GC–C–IRMS chromatogram (bottom) and 45/44 r

d13C values are tabulated in Table 2.

compound to the methylated product (C in original

compound/C in original compound + OCH3 added,

Table 2). The d13CTMAH value was determined by bulk

isotope analysis (�34.21 � 0.25%, n = 6). Corrected values

for the identified TMAH products are listed in Table 2,

together with the bulk d13C values of the corresponding

wood and Klason lignin.

The corrected d13C values of the TMAH products

obtained from wood are still spread over a very wide range,

from �40 to �25% (Table 2). For all the cases the TMAH

products are, on average, depleted in 13C relative to wood

and to the corresponding Klason lignin. For example, for oak

atio (top) for oak wood TMAH products. Identified peaks and their corrected

L.E. Beramendi-Orosco et al. / J. Anal. Appl. Pyrolysis 76 (2006) 88–95 93

Table 2

d13C values of wood, Klason lignin and TMAH thermochemolysis products (corrected for derivative carbons added)

Compound OCH3 added C in original compound d13C (%)

Ash Beech Oak Silver birch

Wood – – �25.23 �23.40 �24.13 �25.86

Klason lignin – – �27.49 �25.71 �26.56 �28.37

S1 1 8 n.d. �28.52 �29.82 �30.46

G7 2 9 �37.73 �33.63 �32.91 �34.85

G8 2 9 �38.11 �34.97 �34.41 �35.86

G10 2 10 �29.85 �29.94 �29.37 �31.31

S5 1 10 �28.91 �26.56 �27.22 �27.66

S6 2 9 �31.16 �25.48 �26.00 �28.04

S7 2 10 �35.22 �33.48 �31.90 �36.19

S8 2 10 �36.54 �33.76 �33.46 �36.21

G14 4 10 �36.88 �37.37 �35.88 �38.33

S10 2 11 �36.20 �38.74 �34.41 �38.60

S14 4 11 �41.98 �38.62 �37.99 �40.27

S15 4 11 �35.35 �37.67 �34.03 �34.50

Samples were analysed in triplicate. S.D. were less than �3.6% for TMAH products and �0.2% for bulk d13C of wood and Klason lignins. n.d., not detected.

wood, the TMAH products average �32.35 � 5.79%, and

range from �26.82 to �37.99%, whereas its Klason lignin

has a bulk d13C value of �26.56 � 0.20%.

As already mentioned, this large variability in the d13C

values of TMAH products may be a consequence of different

factors. The first one is related to the poor chromatographic

resolution, which results in peaks having contributions from

more than one compound. In addition, overlapping peaks

have been observed to be systematically distorted in isotope

ratio [27,29]. Goodman and Brenna [27] reported errors in

accuracy of up to �10% even for compounds with d13C

values differing by only 0.30%. This may explain the

difference in d13C values for S14 and S15, which are R and S

isomers but have values differing by up to ca. 6.63%(Table 2; Fig. 3).

Another source of error can be related to the low intensity

of some of the peaks. Errors in accuracy approaching �3%(D13C = d13Cmeasured � d13Cknown) have been reported for

peaks of intensities less than 0.5 of the intensity of the

reference peaks [24].

There is also the possibility of isotopic fractionation

caused during TMAH thermochemolysis. It has been

reported that TMAH thermochemolysis induces C–C bond

cleavage in the propyl side chain, generating a number of

products, some of which are oxidised on the remaining side

chain carbons [25,30]. In accordance with these reports,

some of the compounds detected among the TMAH products

from the studied woods have less than three carbons in the

side chain, and some of them also exhibit oxidation; e.g. G4,

S4, G5, S5, G6 and S6 (Fig. 1). On the other hand, solid-state13C NMR spectra of various milled lignins extracted from

fresh woods show small resonances from lignin-derived

carbonyl/carboxyl groups that could be present in small

amounts in the parent polymer [31], suggesting that these

type of compounds could be derived from lignin units.

However, if these compounds are, in fact, products of C–C

bond cleavage and oxidation reactions in the side chain

induced by the TMAH thermochemolysis, then the

possibility of some isotopic fractionation occurring would

yield TMAH products isotopically lighter, and not

representative of the parent polymer. Despite it having

been reported that TMAH thermochemolysis preserves the

isotopic composition of standard phenols [17], this has not

been hitherto explored in lignin preparations. Clearly, more

work is needed to assess the possible isotopic fractionation

during thermochemolysis of native lignin and lignin


In addition to the potential problem of isotopic

fractionation, another source of error associated with the

TMAH thermochemolysis relates to derivatisation. The

mass balance used for calculating the d13C values of the

underivatised TMAH products (Eq. (1)) did not consider the

errors (or uncertainties) associated with the measurements

of d13CTMAH and d13CTMAHproduct. The uncertainty asso-

ciated with the calculation of d13Cunderivatised can be

estimated from the equation of error propagation (Eq. (2))


e2underivatised ¼ e2





þ e2TMAH product

�nunderivatised þ nTMAH




where e is the uncertainty and nunderivatised and nTMAH are the

number of moles of carbon in the underivatised compound

and TMAH, respectively. The smaller the relative contribu-

tion of derivative carbons to the derivatised compound, the

smaller the eunderivatised [25]. The uncertainties calculated

with Eq. (2) for d13C values of the underivatised TMAH

products are tabulated in Table 3, the errors used for the

TMAH products were the standard deviations for each peak

found by triplicate injection.

As expected, the compounds with more than one deri-

vative carbon added are those with higher uncertainties. For

L.E. Beramendi-Orosco et al. / J. Anal. Appl. Pyrolysis 76 (2006) 88–9594

Table 3

Uncertainty in the estimation of d13Cunderivatised of TMAH thermochemo-

lysis products, calculated using Eq. (2) with eTMAH = �0.26% and eTMAH -

product corresponding to the S.D. for each peak after triplicate injection,

which was less than 3.6% for all cases

Compound eunderivatised

Ash Beech Oak Silver birch

S1 n.d. 0.65 0.95 0.56

G7 0.79 0.81 2.01 1.39

G8 1.17 0.97 1.51 0.76

G10 2.48 3.47 0.97 0.69

S5 1.08 0.89 0.53 0.76

S6 0.56 0.98 1.11 0.75

G7 1.61 1.30 0.63 1.08

G8 0.46 2.92 0.94 1.13

G14 1.18 5.03 2.13 3.96

S10 1.69 2.52 1.87 1.85

S14 2.57 3.05 1.79 1.73

S15 1.87 3.73 1.72 1.30

n.d., not detected.

example, G14 has 10 carbons in the original compound and

4 added carbons, the uncertainties found for this compound

are 1.18, 5.03, 2.13 and 3.96 for ash, beech, oak and silver

birch, respectively.

For the reasons discussed above, in order to obtain

meaningful information from isotope data of TMAH

products, only the chromatographic peaks that are relatively

intense and well resolved should be considered. In addition,

it would be preferable to consider only those compounds

with a complete propyl side chain, like G10 and S10, in

order to minimise the effect of possible isotopic fractiona-

tion caused during thermochemolysis, and finally, com-

pounds with high relative contribution of derivative carbons,

such as G14, S14 and S15, should be avoided to minimise

imprecision in d13C calculations.

In the m/z 44 chromatograms of the samples investigated,

S5 and S6 are peaks with high intensity, and S14 is a peak

with relatively good chromatographic resolution (Fig. 3);

however, these peaks have some problems associated. For

S5, the poor shape seems to indicate front co-elution

although there is no peak between G10 and S5 in the GC/MS

trace (Fig. 2); whereas for S6, it can be confirmed in Fig. 2

that there is back co-elution. Despite these compounds

having d13C values close to the bulk value of the

corresponding Klason lignin, they do not possess a three-

carbon side chain (Fig. 1), and therefore isotopic fractiona-

tion induced by C–C bond cleavage in the side chain during

thermochemolysis cannot be ruled out, yielding compounds

that are not representative of the original lignin signal. In

terms of reducing the uncertainty derived from the

introduction of derivative carbons, S5 and S6 are among

the compounds with lower relative contribution of derivative

carbons per carbon in the original compound (Tables 2 and


Regarding S14, the chromatographic resolution is better

and isotopic fractionation induced by C–C bond cleavage

can be ruled out, as this compound has a complete side

chain. However, the uncertainty associated with the

introduction of derivative carbons is quite high because

this compound has 4 TMAH-derived carbon atoms per 11

carbons in the original compound (Tables 2 and 3). This may

be reflected in the fact that the d13C values for S14 are

depleted in 13C, relative to the bulk values of the

corresponding Klason lignin, by more than 11.43%.

4. Conclusions

In spite of TMAH thermochemolysis being a powerful

method for identifying variations in lignin composition, it

seems unreliable as a preparation method for lignin isotopic

analysis, owing to the limitations encountered through GC–

C–IRMS analysis of TMAH products, and the increased

uncertainties for compounds with more than one derivative

carbon atom added.

In addition to these issues, potential isotopic fractionation

caused by C–C bond cleavage during the thermochemolysis

may occur. In order to establish if lignin-derived TMAH

chemolysates are representative of the parent polymer and

can be used in isotope studies, more research is needed in

assessing the degree of isotopic fractionation produced by

this thermal technique, because only preliminary results on

standard phenols have been reported [17]. One possible

route to explore is to perform TMAH thermochemolysis on

dimeric lignin model compounds. This would help to

elucidate if the wide range of d13C values found for lignin-

derived TMAH chemolysates results from isotopic fractio-

nation associated with the thermal technique, or is a result of

isotopic heterogeneity of the lignin macromolecule.


Financial support and the Ph.D. scholarship from the

Mexican Council for Science and Technology (CONACyT)

for L.E. Beramendi-Orosco are gratefully acknowledged.


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