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examination of the impact of branding on the sales ...

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Celestina Flavian Bwana

A Dissertation Submitted to the School of Business in Partial/Fulfillment of the

Requirements for the Award of

Master of Science in Marketing of Mzumbe University;




We, the undersigned, certify that we have read and hereby recommend for

acceptance by the Mzumbe University a dissertation entitled, Eexamination of the

impact of branding on the sales performance of soft drink products in Tanzania: the

case of seven up bottling company, in Partial/Fulfilment of the Requirements for

Award of the Master’s Degree of Science in Marketing of Mzumbe University.


Major Supervisor


Internal Examiner


External Examiner

Accepted for the Board of Mzumbe University Dar es Salaam Campus College





I, Celestina Flavian Bwana, declare that this dissertation is my own original work

that all reference sources have been accurately acknowledged and reported, and that

it has not been presented and will not be presented in any other university for similar

or any other to obtain an academic qualification.

Signature: _________________

Date: ____________________

© 2020

This dissertation is a copyright material protected under the Berne Convention, the

Copyright Act 1999 and other international and national enactments, in that behalf,

on intellectual property. It may not be reproduced by any means in full or in part,

except for short extracts in fair dealings, for research or private study, critical

scholarly review or discourse with an acknowledge, without the written permission

of Mzumbe University, on behalf of the author.



I thank all who in one way or another contributed in the completion of this research.

First, I give thanks to God for protection and ability to do my work. I give deep

thanks to Dr. Hawa Petro Tundui who was the major supervisor of this research for

her untiring leadership and guidance. I am also deeply thankful to my informants.

Their names cannot be disclosed, but I want to acknowledge and appreciate their

help and transparency during my research. Their information has helped me

complete this thesis.

I am also so thankful to my fellow students whose challenges and productive critics

have provided new ideas to the work. Last but not least, I can’t be thankful enough

to my beloved family who encouraged me and prayed for me throughout the time of

my research.

May the Almighty God richly bless all of you.



I would like to dedicate this work to my late parents Mr. and Mrs. Flavian Bwana, to

my siblings and to all my nieces and nephews, May God bless them all.



AMA American Marketing Association

SBC Seven Up Bottling Company

7UP Seven Up

TCC The Coca Cola Company



This study aimed to examine the impact of branding on the sales performance of soft

drink products in Tanzania. A case study approach was used and Seven Up Bottling

Company in Dar es Salaam was selected as a case study specifically, aiming at

identifying the factors influencing branding soft drink products, assessing the brand

strengths of soft drinks manufactured by Seven Up Bottling Company, identifying

the influence of brand awareness on the sales performance of soft drink products and

identifying the influence of brand association on the sales performance of soft drink

products at Seven Up Bottling Company. A target population was 400 individuals

comprising 18 employees in the sales and marketing department of the organization

and 382 corporate customers of the company. Systematic sampling method was used

to select a sample of 200 individuals comprising sales and marketing staff and

customers of the company.The research data were collected by distributing a closed

ended questionnaire. The obtained data were analyzed quantitatively with the aid of

descriptive statistics, correlation and regression analysis. The study found that the

factors influencing branding of soft drink by the company included ensuring

recognition of the soft drinks in the market place. Also, it was found that the strength

of 7UP was generally negative in terms of respect of brand and thinking about the

brand by customers while that of Mirinda and Pespi were generally positive.

Correlation analysis showed that both brand awareness and brand association have

positive correlation with the sales performance of soft drink products. Also,

regression analysis showed that both brand awareness and brand associated have

strong positive and statistically significant relationship with the sales performance of

soft drinks. This implied both, brand awareness and brand association have positive

influence on the sales performance of soft drink products. The recommendations of

the study is that branding should be considered as the candid marketing strategy in

influencing the sales performance of soft drink products of the company and should

be used to increase and maintain the sales performance of the soft drinks products of

the company.



CERTIFICATION ........................................................................................................... i

DECLARATION AND COPYRIGHT .........................................................................ii

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS .......................................................................................... iii

DEDICATION ................................................................................................................ iv

ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS ....................................................................... v

ABSTRACT .................................................................................................................... vi

LIST OF TABLES ......................................................................................................... xi

LIST OF FIGURES ......................................................................................................xii

CHAPTER ONE ............................................................................................................. 1

PROBLEM SETTING .................................................................................................... 1

1.1. Introduction ................................................................................................................ 1

1.2. Background to the problem ........................................................................................ 1

1.3. Statement of the problem ........................................................................................... 4

1.4. Research objectives .................................................................................................... 5

1.4.1. General objective .................................................................................................... 5

1.4.2. Specific objectives .................................................................................................. 5

1.5. Research questions ..................................................................................................... 5

1.6. The significance of the study ..................................................................................... 5

1.6.1. To the management of SBC .................................................................................... 6

1.6.2. To academicians ...................................................................................................... 6

1.6.3. To existing stock of knowledge .............................................................................. 6

1.7. Limitations of the study ............................................................................................. 6

1.8. Delimitations of the study .......................................................................................... 7

1.9. Structure of the dissertation ....................................................................................... 9

CHAPTER TWO .......................................................................................................... 11

LITERATURE REVIEW ............................................................................................. 11

2.1. Introduction .............................................................................................................. 11

2.2. Theoretical literature ................................................................................................ 11

2.2.1. Definitions of Concepts......................................................................................... 11

viii Product ............................................................................................................... 11 Branding ............................................................................................................. 13 Brand strength .................................................................................................... 14 Brand awareness................................................................................................. 15 Brand association ............................................................................................... 15 Sales performance .............................................................................................. 16

2.2.2. Review of related theory ....................................................................................... 17

2.2.3. Factors influencing branding ................................................................................ 20

2.2.4. Brand strength ....................................................................................................... 21

2.2.5. Influence of brand awareness on the sales performance ....................................... 21

2.2.6. Influence of brand association on the sales performance...................................... 21

2.3. Empirical literature................................................................................................... 22

2.4. Research gap ............................................................................................................ 26

2.5. Conceptual framework ............................................................................................. 27

Table 2.1: Explanation of the conceptual framework ..................................................... 29

CHAPTER THREE ...................................................................................................... 26

RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ................................................................................ 26

3.1. Introduction .............................................................................................................. 26

3.2. Area of the study ...................................................................................................... 26

3.3. Research design ........................................................................................................ 27

3.4. Target population ..................................................................................................... 27

3.5. Sampling techniques and sample size ...................................................................... 28

3.5.1. Sampling techniques ............................................................................................. 28

3.5.2. Sample size............................................................................................................ 29

3.6. Data collection method ............................................................................................ 30

3.7. Data analysis ............................................................................................................ 31

3.7.1. Assumptions of linear regression equation ........................................................... 34

3.8. Validity and reliability ............................................................................................. 34

3.8.1. Validity .................................................................................................................. 34

3.8.2. Reliability .............................................................................................................. 35


3.9. Ethical considerations .............................................................................................. 36

CHAPTER FOUR ......................................................................................................... 38

PRESENTATION OF THE FINDINGS ..................................................................... 38

4.1. Introduction .............................................................................................................. 38

4.2. Factors influencing branding soft drink products at SBC ........................................ 38

4.3. Brand strength of soft drinks manufactured by SBC ............................................... 39

Table 4.2: Brand strengths of soft drinks manufactured by SBC ................................... 40

4.4. Influence of brand awareness on the sales performance of soft drink products ..... 40

4.5. Influence of brand association on the sales performance of soft drink products .... 41

4.4: Influence of brand association on the sales performance of soft drink products .... 42

4.6. The influence of brand awareness and brand association on the sales ................ 43

4.6.1. Correlation analysis ............................................................................................... 43

4.6.2. Regression analysis ............................................................................................... 44

CHAPTER FIVE ........................................................................................................... 47

DISCUSSION OF THE FINDINGS ............................................................................ 47

5.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................... 47

5.2 Factors influencing branding soft drink products at SBC ......................................... 47

5.3 Brand strength of soft drinks manufactured by SBC ................................................ 48

5.4 Influence of brand awareness on the sales performance of soft drink products ...... 49

5.5 Influence of brand association on the sales performance of soft drink product ........ 50

CHAPTER SIX ............................................................................................................. 53

SUMMARY, CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS ................................. 53

6.1. Introduction .............................................................................................................. 53

6.2. Summary .................................................................................................................. 53

6.3. Conclusion ............................................................................................................... 56

6.3.1Factors influencing branding soft drink products at Seven Up Bottling Company 56

6.3.2 Brand strengths of soft drinks manufactured by Seven Up Bottling Company ..... 56

6.3.2 Influence of brand awareness and brand association on the sales performa .......... 57


6.4. Recommendations .................................................................................................... 57

6.5. Implications of the study .......................................................................................... 58

6.6. Recommendations for further researches ................................................................. 58

REFERENCES ................................................................................................................ 60

APPENDIX I: QUESTIONNAIRE ................................................................................ 63



Table 3. 1: Interpretation of the rating scale .............................................................. 32

Table 3. 2: Translations of the responses into binary data ......................................... 33

Table 4. 1: Factors influencing branding soft drink product at SBC ......................... 39

Table 4. 2: Brand strengths of soft drinks manufactured by SBC ............................. 40

Table 4. 3: Brand awareness and the sales performance of soft drink products ....... 41

Table 4 4: Influence of brand association on the sales performance of soft drink .... 42

Table 4. 5: Correlation coefficients of the brand awareness, brand association ....... 44

Table 4. 6: Correlation coefficients of brand awareness and brand association ....... 45



Figure 2. 1 : The products of Seven Up Bottling Company....................................... 12

Figure 2. 2: Conceptual framework on the impact of branding on the sales performance of soft drink products ............................................................................ 28




1.1. Introduction

Branding is increasingly gaining the great deal in marketing strategies among

modern companies and it is generally connected with the sales of the branded

products. This study therefore, seeks to examine the impact of branding on the sales

performance of soft drink products in Tanzania. In this chapter one of this study

covers the background, statement, objectives and research questions. Besides, this

chapter gives the significance, limitations and delimitations of the study and

organization of this dissertation.

1.2. Background to the problem

Branding is a well known marketing strategies implemented by business companies

all over the world. Ideally, no product can exist in the market place without being

branded. Branding is manifested by the presence of names, terms, signs, symbols,

designs or combinations of both in identifying and differentiating the product from

others in the markets (Kumar, Poornima, Abraham, and Jayashree, 2006; American

Marketing Association [AMA] quote by Kotler and Keller, 2012; Hagee, 2017).

Branding is important as the product itself,without it a particualr product may not be

differentiated easily from the competing brands in the markets where products are


Branding offers the customers with important information and knowledge about the

products and hence it is increasingly used by companies and marketers to raise

customer awareness about the products and to influence purchase decisions of the

product (Singh, 2013; Sarwar, Aftab, Iqbal, 2016; Akkucuk and Esmaeili, 2016;

Kyei, 2016; Alamgir, Nasir, and Shamsuddoha, 2014; Sabharwal, Pratap and Lamba,



Also, branding is used as the powerful tool of increasing customer attention to the

brand and reducing recognition of certain competing brands (Sabharwal et al., 2016).

The information stored by individual about the brands is very crucial making

decisions for buying the product (Sabharwal et al., 2016).

Branding the products allows consumers to quickly recognize a product as one they

are familiar with or one, they like. Also, it acts as a memory cue, allowing consumers

to retrieve relevant information from memory which may be about past experience of

the brand, brand perceptions or brand associations (Sabharwal et al., 2016). To some

reserachers, experience about the brand, brand perception and brand associations

significantly affect the sales performance of the products (Alamgir et al., 2014;

Sarwar et al., 2016; Kyei, 2016).

Tanzania in particular, branding has remained a significant factor used for the

purpose of influencing sales of the products. With an increasing number of business

companies, branding is dominating marketing strategies among companies so as to

identify and to differentiate products of one company from those of competitors and

hence high sales of the product in the competitive markets. As the common practices,

local companies in Tanzania use different names, terms, signs, symbols, designs or

combinations of all of them to brand their products (Kikwilu et al .2008).

Branding tends to create recognition of the products, differentiation and also

inculcating useful information and experience about the products thereby

contributing largely on the sales of the products (Kikwilu, Mulder and Frencken,

2008). That is why some new products competing with strong branded products and

highly customer experienced brands have been characterized with low sales and

subsequent disappearance from market. Talking about such products, one would not

forget Aha and Rungu Toothpastes emerged to compete against White dent a decade

ago which have already disappeared from market places (Kikwilu et al., 2008). This

phenomenon supports view by Sabharwal et al. (2016) that branding is being used as

the powerful tool in influencing sales of the product by increasing customer attention

to brand whilst reducing recognition of certain competing brands.


The soft drinks like other products are normally branded by manufacturing

companies in Tanzania for enhancing identity and difference. Each new soft drink

entering the market is assigned with its own and unique name, term, sign, symbol,

design or some combinations of them. The Seven Up Bottling Company (T) Ltd for

example which is among the successfully soft drink bottling companies in Tanzania

is used to produce varieties of soft drinks since its establishment in 2001 (Seven Up

Company [SBC], 2019).

All soft drinks manufactured by the SBC are identified and differentiated from other

soft drink products of the same company and competing soft drink products

manufactured by other company mainly through branding. Branding the SBC soft

drinks products uses the varieties of names, terms, signs, symbols, designs or their

combinations giving into the rise of four major brand of the soft drinks of the

products of the company namely; Pepsi, Mountain Dew, Mirinda and 7UP (SBC,


Among the soft drinks manufactured by the SBC above, the most recently adopted

brand is Mountain Dew and the oldest being 7UP (SBC, 2019). The sales

performance of the 7UP has remained relatively very low compared to the sale level

of the rest brands of the company (Pepsi, Mountain Dew and Mirinda)1 despite that

the 7UP is the earliest product branding the company ‘Seven Up Company’.

For understanding the influence of branding on the sale performance of the soft drink

products and to contribute in enhancing the sales performance of different soft drinks

of the products of the company in different markets, the researcher was motivated to

examine the impact of branding on the sales performance of the soft drinks in

Tanzania drawing experience from Seven Up Bottling Company.

1Accessed from company’s website: http:/www.sbctanzania.com= sales+performance+data+of+sbc+brands on Friday 19th July, 2019


1.3. Statement of the problem

Branding has remained one of the fundamental marketing strategies that enable

marketers and companies to influence the sales performance of their products. This

has been established by several researchers including Sabharwal et al. (2016)

demonstrating that branding influences the sales performance of the products by

increasing customer attention to brand and reducing recognition of certain competing

brands. Branding stores useful information about the products in the memory of the

consumers which allows consumers to quickly recognize a product as one they are

familiar or aware with or one, they like basing on the past experience of the brand,

brand perceptions or brand associations (Sabharwal et al., 2016). Customer

information, awareness and experience about products are very crucial for the sales

performance of any product (Alamgir et al., 2014; Sarwar et al., 2016; Kyei, 2016).

However, several researchers report conflicting results on the influence of brand

awareness and brand association on the sales performance of the product. For

instance, Akkucuk and Esmaeili (2016) reported that buying the Smartphone was

influenced by brand awareness. On the contrary, Akkucuk and Esmaeili found that

brand association did not have influence on the purchase behavior of smart phone

buyers. Kyei (2016) found that both brand awareness and brand associations had

positive and significant impact on the sales of the products (Kyei, 2016). Alamgir et

al. (2014) aligned with Kyei stating that when consumers went to purchase cars, they

preferred to purchase the well known and branded cars.

Having encountered with the above contradictions, the researcher developed the

interest to assess the impact of branding on the sales performance of the soft drink

products in Tanzania drawing experience from SBC.


1.4. Research objectives

1.4.1. General objective

The general objective of this study was to examine the impact of branding on the

sales performance of soft drink products in Tanzania.

1.4.2. Specific objectives

The study was guided by the following specific objectives:

i. To identify the factors influencing branding soft drink products at Seven Up

Bottling Company.

ii. To assess the brand strengths of soft drinks manufactured by Seven Up Bottling


iii. To identify the influence of brand awareness on the sales performance of soft

drink products at Seven Up Bottling Company.

iv. To identify the influence of brand association on the sales performance of soft

drink products at Seven Up Bottling Company.

1.5. Research questions

The study was guided by the following research questions:

i. What are the factors for branding soft drink products at Seven Up Bottling


ii. What are the brand strengths of soft drinks manufactured by Seven Up Bottling


iii. What is the influence of brand awareness on the sales performance of soft drink

products at Seven Up Bottling Company?

iv. What is the influence of brand association on the sales performance of soft drink

products at Seven Up Bottling Company?

1.6. The significance of the study

Undertaking and completion of this study will be helpful to different authorities and

and individuals specifically, the management of company under the study,

academicians and in the existing stock of knowledge.


1.6.1. To the management of SBC

This study would help the company in reviewing branding strategy that will boost

the sales performance of 7UP which has remained relatively low compared with the

sales achieved by sister brands such as Pepsi, Mirinda and Mountain Dew. This

significance is enhanced by the research finding results on the assessment of brand

strengths of soft drinks manufactured by Seven Up Bottling Company which is the

second objective of this study.

1.6.2. To academicians

This study is resolving the conflicting ideas on the impact branding on the purchase

of the products. Prior to this study, Akkucuk and Esmaeili (2016) claimed that brand

association has no influence on the sales. Kyei (2016) on the other hand found that

brand association has positive and statistically significant influence of the sales

performance of the products. With the aid of correlation and regression analyses, this

study tested influence of brand association on the sales performance of soft drink

products and the proof has been established.

1.6.3. To existing stock of knowledge

Prior to this study, there was evidence that every studies existed pertaining to the

impact of branding on the sales performance of the products in Tanzania. Therefore

this study is contributing useful knowledge in this research area specifically by

informing the factors influencing branding soft drink products at Seven Up Bottling

Company, brand strength of soft drink products manufactured by Seven Up Bottling

Company, the influence of brand awareness on the sales performance of soft drink

products at Seven Up Bottling Company and the influence of brand association on

the sales performance of soft drink products at Seven Up Bottling Company.

1.7. Limitations of the study

One of the limitations of this study is related with the research design adopted. The

researcher adopted a case study design whereby examination of the impact of

branding on the sales of the product was based in single organization that is SBC in


Dar es Salaam. As the result, the finding results are not capable of making

generalization other Tanzanian companies; instead they are specific to the SBC Dar

es Salaam.

The other limitation is related with sample selection. In order to select the samples,

the researcher targeted a population of 400 individuals comprising 18 employees in

the sales and marketing department of the company and 382 corporate customers.

A systematic sampling technique was used to construct a sample of 200 individuals

comprising 9 employees and 191 corporate customers of the company. In the end,

only 159 respondents out of the total completed their questionnaires equals to 79.5%

response rate. The remaining 41 respondents (30.5%) did not complete the

questionnaire. Therefore, the data analysis did not use 100% response rate which

could influence the results otherwise.

1.8. Delimitations of the study

The study concentrated on the examination of the impact of branding on the sales

performance of soft drink products at Seven Up Bottling Company. Among five

branches where SCB operates in Tanzania, namely; Dar es Salaam, Morogoro,

Mwanza, Arusha and Mbeya, the study was conducted at SBC in Dar es Salaam.

The study aimed at achieving four main objectives only namely; 1) to identify the

factors influencing branding soft drink products at Seven Up Bottling Company, 2)

to assess the brand strengths of soft drinks manufactured by Seven Up Bottling

Company, 3) to identify the influence of brand awareness on the sales performance

of soft drink products at Seven Up Bottling Company and 4) to identify the influence

of brand association on the sales performance of soft drink products at Seven Up

Bottling Company.

The data required to achieve the objectives above were collected by distributing the

closed ended questionnaire to 200 individuals comprised 9 (4.5%) employees of the


company who worked in the marketing and sales department and 191 (95.5%)

corporate customers of the company.

The questionnaire was the only method of data collection method in this study and

was constructed by the Likert type scale with five levels, that is; extremely agree [5],

agree [4], neither [3], disagree [2] and extremely disagree [1]. The questions were

developed based on the researcher’s understanding of relevant concepts, variables

and ideas of the consulted literature ad empirical researches. This Likert type

questionnaire was preferred so as to quantify opinions, knowledge and experience of

individuals on the impact of branding on the sales performance of the soft drink

products of the company.

There were a total of six sections in the questionnaire. The first section contained

questions which were guided the study to obtain data on the demographic

information of the respondents. The questions in this section were based on the ages,

sex, education levels and years which respondents had been the customers/employees

of the company.

The second subsection contained items/questions which guided the study to collect

data on the factors influencing branding soft drink products at SBC. The third

subsection contained items/questions which guided the study to obtain data on brand

strength of soft drink products manufactured by SBC.

The fourth subsection contained items/questions which guided the study to collect

data on the influence of brand awareness on the sales performance of soft drink

products at SBC. The fifth subsection contained items/questions which guided the

study to collect data on the influence of brand association on the sales performance

of soft drink products at SBC. Section six contained items/questions which guided

the study to collect data on the sales performance of soft drink products of the



The obtained data was analyzed quantitatively with the aid of descriptive statistics

only the presentation used table of number and mean values. The relationship

between brand awareness and brand association with the sales performance of soft

drinks products of the company was identified by performing the correlation and

regression analyses.

1.9. Structure of the dissertation

This dissertation is structured into six chapters. The first chapter is about the problem

setting which is elaborated covering nine subsections namely, introduction,

background to the problem, statement of the problem, research questions, research

objectives, significance of the study, limitations of the study, delimitation of the

study and structure of the study.

The second chapter is about literature review which involved extensive review of

related literature. The concepts extracted from literature are presented into two

subheadings namely; theoretical literature (concept definitions and review of related

theories) and empirical literature (similar researches, methodology used and major

findings and conclusions made). There are also three major subheadings about

introduction to the chapter, research gap and conceptual framework making five

subheadings of the chapter in total.

The third chapter is about research methodology which comprises subheadings

like research design, area of the study, target population, sampling techniques and

sample size, data collection methods, data analysis, validity and reliability of

research instrument and ethical consideration.

Chapter four is about presentations of the findings based on the data collected on the

demographic information of the respondents and the first, second, third and fourth

objectives of the study. The first subsection of this chapter is about introduction. The

second subsection makes presentation of the research finding results on the first

objective about the factors influencing branding soft drink products at SBC. The

third subsection makes presentation of finding results on the second objective about


brand strengths of soft drinks manufactured by SBC.The fourth subsection makes

presentation of finding results on the third objective about influence of brand

awareness on the sales performance of soft drink products at SBC. The fifth

subsection makes presentation of finding results on the fourth objective about the

influence of brand association on the sales performance of soft drink products at

SBC. The last subsection tests the relationship between brand awareness and brand

association on the sales performance of soft drink products at SBC.

Chapter five, gives a thorough discussion of the research findings which was

obtained under the guidance of the research objectives by using the research question

as the tool to obtain relevant data relating to the research objectives

Chapter six provides summary, conclusions and recommendations of the research

findings. Also, it provides policy implication of the study and the recommendations

for the coming researches.




2.1. Introduction

In this chapter, the researcher reviews scholarly articles/journals, books, papers,

publications and some academic reports. The review of these sources aims to

enhance acquisition of useful information, generation of knowledge and

understanding about the key concepts, variables and ideas about branding, brand

strengths, brand awareness, brand association and sales performance of the products

as the result of branding.

The above concepts, variables and ideas are presented into two major subheadings

namely the theoretical literature and empirical literature. The theoretical literature

comprises the definitions of key concepts, variables and attitude theory which is used

to guide this study. Besides to that, this subsection explains the factors influencing

branding and offers insight elaboration on the brand strength, brand awareness, brand

association and sales performance.

The empirical literature covers the earlier researches on the similar problem of the

study to inform the methodologies which were used, major findings and conclusions.

The purpose of empirical literature is to assist in identifying research gap that will be

given attention by the current study. This chapter concluded with the conceptual

framework that demonstrates tentative relationship among key variables of the study.

2.2. Theoretical literature

2.2.1. Definitions of Concepts Product

A product generally means the article or substance manufactured or refined by

individuals or companies for sale (Gupta, 2005). Alamgir et al. (2014) define the


product as something made in the factory. According to these definitions,

manufacturing is a key process which brings the product into existence and hence, a

product should be distinguished from services which are created through non-

manufacturing processes.

The products have physical characteristics such as tangibility which distinguishes

them from services (Kotler and Keller, 2012). Such physical characteristics of the

products can be copied by the competitors giving into the rise of the competing

products with close similarities in terms of physical features (Alamgir et al. 2014).

Basing on the Seven Up Bottling Company (SBC), the products include all soft

drinks products manufactured by the company for sale in different markets.

According to the company’s annual sales report for the year 2019, there are four

major soft drink products which the company manufacturer for sales namely; Pepsi,

Mountain Dew, Mirinda and 7UP (SBC, 2019). These soft drinks products appear as

shown by Fig.2.1.

Figure 2. 1 : The products of Seven Up Bottling Company

Source: Seven Up Bottling Company Profile, 2019

The first from the left is the Mountain Dew soft drink of the company which entered

into Tanzanian soft drink market in 2009 and its popularity was anchored by

marketing slogan that ‘it does not matter what you do, but how you Dew’ (SBC,



The second is 7UP soft drink of the company which dates back to 1992 in Tanzania

market and is the SBC first soft drink circulated countrywide. Its popularity rose out

of being promoted as a healthier and better alternative to other soft drinks which

were presented in the local market in that time (SBC, 2019).

The third is Pepsi soft drink which is the most famous product of the company which

was innovated in the Unites Stated of America (U.S.A) in 1886 and went into

renovations that have brought it in Tanzanian soft market where it is registering

highest sales performance among soft drink of the company (SBC, 2019).

The fourth is Mirinda soft drink of the company which gained recognition in 2008

when it was revived and supplied in Tanzanian soft drink market in large quantities

in the booming market (SBC, 2019). Branding

The term brand which forms the root of branding simply means whatever assigned

(whether name, sign or label) to the product by the manufacturer so as to distinguish

particular product from other products of the same or different manufacturers

(Kumar et al., 2006). According to Alamgir et al. (2014), a brand is something that is

bought by a customer. As opposed to the product, a brand cannot be copied by the

competitor instead it is unique for the particular product and manufacturing company

(Alamgir et al., 2014).

Branding is defined as a name, term, sign, symbol, or design or a combination of

them, intended to identify the goods or services of one seller or group of sellers and

to differentiate them from those of competitors (AMA in Kotler and Keller, 2012).

From SBC perspective, branding implies assigning different names, signs and

symbols on the different soft drink products of the company.

Branding has remained a standalone strategy that creates recognition and

distinguishes one product of SBC from all others soft drinks in the markets. Hagee


(2017) stresses that branding tries to affect the minds of customers as they interact

with the brand owner and brand it. In so doing, branding influences positively the

sales performance of the product by influences the sales of the products by increasing

customer attention to brand and reducing recognition of certain competing brands

(Sabharwal et al., 2016). Brand strength

Brand strength refers to the value carrying the brand evaluated basing on the

perceptions of customers about the brand over a period of time (Bhasin, 2019). The

brand may have positive or negative strength and the positive brand strength is

manifested by high respect for brand among customer, positive thinking about the

quality and price of the brand while negative brand strength normally lacks respect

among customers as they think negative about the quality and price of the brand

ultimately the sales performance of the brand fall below the expectations (Bhasin,


Brand strength can be built build, managed and protected (Fetscherin, 2010) and

improving brand perception, brand awareness, brand loyalty and brand association

are the key approaches in building, managing and protecting the brand strength

(Bhasin, 2019).

Two approaches have been proposed in measuring brand strength, that is; consumer-

based and company–based approaches (Kotler and Keller, 2012; Fetscherin, 2010).

Consumer-based approach emphasizes on the meaning of the brand and the value

that consumers place on it while company-based approach takes total value the brand

creates as the separable asset of the company (Fetscherin, 2010).

This study utilized the consumer-based approach to measure brand strength

considering that brands normally exist in the minds of customers not the company

(Kotler and Keller, 2012; Hagee, 2017) and hence, accurate and true understanding

of the brand strength was dependent on how customers respected, perceived and

thought about the brand (Fetscherin, 2010).

15 Brand awareness

Brand awareness refers to consumers’ ability to identify the brand under different

conditions or categories as reflected by their brand recognition or recall performance

(Kotler and Keller, 2012). Akkucuk and Esmaeili (2016) defined brand awareness as

the ability of the potential buyers to recognize or recall that ascertain brand is a

member of a certain product category.

Customers’ awareness to brand plays important role making decisions pertaining to

buying the products by affecting perceptions and tastes of the buyers (Kyei, 2016). If

the customer had already heard the brand name normally will feel more comfortable

at the time of making buying decision because customers do not prefer buying an

unknown brand (Akkucuk and Esmaeili; 2016; Kyei, 2016).

Bhasin (2019) viewed that brand awareness is the mindshare that a brand has among

its customers. Bhasin illustrates that if customer wants to buy soft drink and soft

drink brand Q comes to his mind first, then Q has a positive mindshare in the

customer. Also, if the consumer thinks that Q is the most of his/her purchase, it

implies that customer awareness to soft drink brand Q is positive (Bhasin, 2019).

From Bhasin (2019) illustrations, it is worth noting that the brand of the soft drink

which customers are more aware about should be given first priority throughout all

stages of making decisions regarding buying the soft drink thereby leading into high

sale performance over the brands which customers are completely not aware or

limited awareness. Brand association

According to Rio, Vazquez and Iglesias (2001), brand association refers to other

informational nodes linked to the brand node in memory and contains the meaning of

the brand for consumers. Aaker (1991) defines brand association as thoughts and

ideas that held by individuals in their memory related to a specific service or a

product. He argued that some values of a brand are not visible and they can be based


on the association of the brand with certain factors or personalities that provide

confidence and credibility among the customers. Some brands can be associated with

other attributes, like good service; competitors trying to compete with this attribute,

it can be extremely difficult because of the established trust and faith of the customer

in the market (Aaker, 1991).

In order to understand the brand association of the products, one need to know how

much information is summarizing the meaning that consumers have about the

product (Rio et al., 2001). Kotler and Keller (2012) make classification of brand

associations into three major categories, 1) attributes, 2) benefits and 3) attitudes.

Attributes are the descriptive features characterizing a brand such as what a

consumer thinks the brand is or has and what is involved with its purchase or

consumption (Kottler and Keller, 2012). According to Lee and Leh (2011), symbolic

attributes of the brand are of four categories. The first is social image which can be

viewed as the consumer perception of the esteem in which the consumer social group

holds the brand. The second is perceived value which is a balance between the price

of a product and all its utilities. Third is trustworthiness which is the level of

confidence consumer places in the organization. The fourth and the last is country-

of- origin which can influence perceived quality and brand loyalty (Leh and Leh,


Benefits are just personal value consumers attach to the brand attributes, that is, what

consumers think the brand can do for them. Brand attitudes are consumers' overall

evaluations of a brand (Kottler and Keller, 2012). Sales performance

A sale is defined as exchange of commodities, products or service for money

including the actions of manufacturers or sellers and the buyers (Kumar et al., 2006;

Shah et al., 2015). Selling the commodity, product or service is the foundation of


company’s revenues and profits on the particular product being sold. Normally, the

sales data of the products is recorded in the sales books.

The sales performance of the product can be understood directly by quantifying the

units of the particular product sold in markets or the amount of money paid on the

units of the products sold to customers (Kumar et al., 2006). Factors such as market

share of the product and direct observation of the frequency at which a product is

sold to customers in the market (Shafiq and Khan, 2016) are also used to measures

the sales performance of the products by the manufacturer/seller. In this study, the

sales performance was measured basing on the frequency of selling/buying the

particular soft drink product by the customers who were the sellers and buyers.

2.2.2. Review of related theory

This study was guided by the Attitude Theory which relies on the assumption that

the more a person has a favorable attitude towards a given product/service, the more

likely that person is to buy or use that product/service (Erick, 2015). The term

attitude forms a major construct of this theory and is useful to understand how

attitude of the consumers towards the product/brand affects in sale performance.

Researchers who have tried to use this theory in their studies attempted to provide

the meaning of the term attitude. According to Mugambi (2013), attitude refers to a

degree to which a person has a favorable or unfavorable evaluation of the behavior of


Gibson et al. As cited by Erick (2015) define attitude as a positive or negative feeling

or mental state of readiness, learned and organized through experience that exerts

specific influences on a person’s response to people, objects and situations.

Attitude of the customers of the product refers to the feeling of liking or disliking

which have towards products, stores, brands and other marketing stimuli (Erick,

2015). The attitude of the customers is very important to the manufactures and sellers

because it provides a summary of the information which have direct effect on the

intentions and behaviors of buying and using the product (Erick, 2015).


Attitudes are learned and those which result in purchase behavior are formed as the

result of direct experience with the product, information acquired from others or

exposure to the various advertising programs of the product (Hawkins et al., 1989 as

cited in Erick, 2015). Branding tries to assigns the product with their unique names,

terms, sign, symbols or designs or their combinations to enhance gaining experience

and familiarity with the product. Branding tries to affect the minds of customers as

they interact with the brand owner and brand (Hagee, 2017).

Based on the Attitude theory, if branding manages to influence positively the feeling

or mental state of readiness among customers to buy and use the product/brand, the

sales performance would increase. It orders to achieve this, branding should focus on

increasing customers’ attention to brand and reducing recognition of certain

competing brands whilst trying to built positive feelings or mental state about the

brand (Sabharwal et al., 2016).

One of the major weaknesses of the Attitude theory is lack of objectivity due to lack

of established common measures of attitudes of customers about the product/brand

(Mugambi, 2013). When this theory is applied by the researcher to guide

understanding of the influence of attitude customers in making buying decisions of

the product, it is upon the researcher to establish how the attitude should be

measured. This has been the source of rise of different measurements of the attitudes

of customers among different researchers on the same or similar research problem.

One of the most adopted measure of the attitude is the use of scales whereby the

customers should indicate the extent which the like or dislike buying or using the

product/brand (Henn, Weinstein and Foard, 2015). Using this scale, the extent which

the attitude on the product is whether positive or negative can be made by looking at

the weight/score give by the customer on the scale. If five is the highest can indicate

very positive, four indicating positive, three indicating neutral, 2 indicating negative

and 1 indicating very negative (Henn et al., 2015).


In this study, the questionnaire which comprises the Likert type scale of questions

constructed in five levels, five [5] indicating the highest and one [1] indicating the

lowest was adopted to quantify overall opinions, knowledge and experience which

changes with learning and experience of individual about the product/brand. This

enabled to understand the impact of branding on the sales performance of the soft

drink products of the company.

Despite the weaknesses of the Attitude theory highlighted above, it has remained

very common in several studies exploring the intentions of customers to use various

products. For instance, Sarwar et al. (2016) used Attitude theory to examine the

impact of branding on customer buying behavior. It was established that brand

knowledge is very important factor in consumer buying decisions making. When

consumers were more aware of the brand and had all the knowledge about the prices,

quality, manufacturers and availability, they were more attracted and decided to buy

the product/ brand.

Erick (2015) used the Attitude theory to examine the customer perceptions on e-

banking in commercial banks in Tanzania by involving 184 customers of CRDB

Bank, NBC bank, NMB Bank, DCB Bank and TPB Bank in Dar es Salaam. The

research established that customer perceptions on benefits of e-banking was the

driving factor of involvement is e-banking transactions. The researcher highlighted

that customer perceptions on risks associated with e-banking did not restrict them

from making e-banking transactions.

Kiunsi (2013) used Attitude theory to study e-banking and customer’s perceptions in

Tanzanian commercial banks specifically at CRDB Bank Tanzania Limited. It was

established that establishment of e-banking was the function of customers’ positive

attitude on the need of e-banking specifically perceived convenience; time saving,

perceived usefulness and perceived and ease of use.

Mazwile (2014) used Attitude theory to investigate the influence of e-banking on

service delivery satisfaction to bank customers in Tanzania. It showed that positive


perception of the respondents in terms of usage, convenience, time saving,

transportation cost and quickness of service delivery influenced establishment of

electronic banking products.

Equally, the current study selected the Attitude theory to guide the examination of

the impact of branding on the sales performance of soft drink products in Tanzania.

Through the customers’ attitudes, the researcher was able to understand and make

analysis of the research findings on four objectives as indicated below.

2.2.3. Factors influencing branding

Branding is perceived to be a main strategy that companies use to affect relationship

between brand and customers such as creation of recognition, attraction and

differentiation (Kotler and Keller, 2012; Hagee, 2017). Through branding, the

company is able to change positively the attitude of customers and purchase behavior

of its products/brands (Hagee, 2017).

Some studies reported that branding not only to identify and differentiate the

products in the market but also change the attitude and behavior that customers have

about the products or brands. For instance, Alamgir et al. (2014) found that branded

cars had a great place in consumers’ minds and consumers preferred purchase of a

well known branded cars.

Also, Sabharwal et al. (2016) reported that was able to increase customer attention to

brand while reducing recognition of certain competing brands. In the same context,

Akkucuk and Esmaeili (2016) reported that when customer had already heard the

brand name, they felt more comfortable at the time of making a decision as they did

prefer buying an unknown brand.


2.2.4. Brand strength

According to Bhasin (2019), a brand may have positive or negative strength. The

attitude is therefore very useful when judging the strength of the brand. The positive

or negative brand strength depends on the attitudes which customers have about the

brand whether they respect the brand or disrespect the brand (Fetscherin, 2010).

2.2.5. Influence of brand awareness on the sales performance

When customers have positive awareness and attitude on the brand, its sales

performance is normally high because a product with a high level of brand awareness

will receive higher consumer preferences (Akkucuk and Esmaeili, 2016).

Also, people generally tend to buy brands that they are familiar/ experience with and

on which they have confidence (perceived behavioral control). When selling the

product/brand, normally unknown brand face tough competition from the brands

already having a place in the market (Hoyer and Brown, 1990).

Akkucuk and Esmaeili (2016) noted that if the customer had already heard the brand

name, the customer would feel more comfortable at the time of making buying

decisions because they not prefer buying an unknown brand.

Bhasin (2019) contended that in order a brand to have high sale performance, the

attitude in the mindshare of customers should be positive. The same is agreed by

number of researchers reporting positive influence of brand awareness in buying the

product/brand (Akkucuk and Esmaeili, 2016; Kyei, 2016).

It is worth noting that, the brand which customers are more aware with normally has

positive mindshare and hence, they are given first priority during product search and

in purchasing and hence, particular product should account higher sale performance.

2.2.6. Influence of brand association on the sales performance

Brand association is categorized based into attributes, benefits and attitudes (Kotler

and Keller, 2012). The attributes refer to expressive features of the brand to


customers such as the ways they think the brand is about, what the brand has or what

are involved with the purchase or consumption of the brand (Rio et al., 2001).

Lee and Leh (2011) categorized symbolic attributes that affect the sale performance

of the products into social image, perceived value, trustworthiness and the country of

origin. Authors elaborates that social image is based on consumer’s perception of the

esteem in which the consumer’s social group holds the brand. The perceived value is

a balance between the price of a product and all its utilities. The trustworthiness

refers to the level of confidence consumer places in the organization. The country of

origin refers to the country or place where the brand/product is made which

influences perceived quality and brand loyalty (Lee and Leh, 2011).

Benefits refer to all values of the brand/product which consumers attach to it. These

benefits include what consumers think the brand can do for them (Rio et al., 2001).

Attitudes towards the brand refer to the overall evaluations of a brand whether good

or bad by the consumers (Rio et al., 2001).

Akkucuk and Esmaeili (2016) reported that brand association did not seem to

influence purchase decision of the product. On the contrary, Kyei (2016) found that

brand association had positive and significant association with consumer purchase

decision making.

2.3. Empirical literature

Singht (2013) research entitled “the impact of branding strategy on consumers

buying behavior” established that branding was affecting all stages of consumers’

purchase decisions making from need recognition through information search,

evaluation of alternatives, purchase and post purchase behavior.

Makki (2014) investigated the influence of branding on consumer behavior which

took Palais Hansen Kempinski Vienna as the case study. The target population of the

study comprises both, the management and customers of the hotel. Required data

were collected by using face-to-face interviews with the Hotel manager and through


distribution of the questionnaires to customers of the Hotel. Makki establishes that

branding enabled the company’s products to be the standout in the market place.

Sarwar et al. (2016) examined the impact of branding on customer buying behavior.

Their research used a survey research design and the research data were obtained

through distribution of the survey questionnaires to 80 people. Among them, 78 (44

males and 33 females) managed to complete their questionnaires.

Sarwat et al. established that brand knowledge is very important factor in consumer

buying decisions making. When consumers were more aware of the brand and had

all the knowledge about the prices, quality, manufacturers and availability, they were

more attracted and decided to buy the product/ brand.

Akkucuk and Esmaeili (2016) examined the impact of branding on consumer buying

behavior drawing empirical evidence from Smartphone buyers which comprised the

first and second year students in the management profession in one of the University

in the Istanbul District in Turkey. The main objective of this research was to

investigate how smartphone brands can influence consumers’ buying decisions.

Akkucuk and Esmaeili used the samples of 400 students and the required data were

gathered using the questionnaire which was provided directly to the students during

the class session between December 2015 and February of 2016. Out of the total

respondents give questionnaire, 171 completed the questionnaires and were used for

data analyses. The researchers used SPSS computer program was to analyze research

data with the aid of frequencies, cross-tabulations, correlations and regression

analyses. In order to explain the structure within the 15 Likert scale questions in the

survey EFA analysis was applied. Also, the factor option of SPSS was used to

calculate the factor loadings.

Akkucuk and Esmaeili established that majorities of the Smartphone buyers’

decisions were mainly influenced by brand awareness. The researchers established

further that brand association did not seem to influence purchase decision for the


Smartphone buyers. It was concluded and generalized that a majority of the

consumers’ purchase decisions are mainly influenced by brand loyalty and brand

awareness. Brand association has no influence on the customers’ purchase decisions

as much as brand awareness for the 171 samples used by the study.

Kyei (2016) assessed the effect of branding on consumer behavior in Telecom

companies in Ghana. The researcher was guided by four objectives and the first one

sought to examine the branding strategies employed by Ghanaian Telecom

companies. The second objective sought to investigate customers view on branding

in the Ghanaian Telecom companies. The third objective sought to evaluate the

impact of branding on the consumer behaviours of Ghanaian Telecom companies.

The fourth and the last objective sought to evaluate the relationship between

branding and consumer buying behaviour among Ghanaian Telecom companies.

Both descriptive and longitudinal research design were adopted. The population of

the study comprised 230 customers and 20 service providers of the Ghanaian

Telecom companies. A structured questionnaire was designed to facilitate collection

of the primary data. The data which were collected were further analyzed

quantitatively using descriptive statistics with the aid of SPSS program and

Microsoft Excel and the results were presented using tables and charts.

Kyei established that brand awareness had positive and significant association with

consumer buying behavior. Further, it was established that brand association had

positive and significant association with consumer buying behavior. The conclusion

of this research was that branding has the positive and statistically significant

influence on the branding and customer buying behavior among Ghanaian Telecom

companies. It concluded further that brand awareness has positive and statistically

significant influence on the customer buying behaviors among Ghanaian Telecom


Kyei’s research result was contrary with the results by Akkucuk and Esmaeili (2016)

as already discussed earlier. The difference arises in the sense that Akkucuk and


Esmaeili found that brand association did not seem to influence purchase decision for

the Smartphone buyers.

Alamgir et al. (2014) conducted research to determine the influence of brand name

on consumer decision making process drawing experience from car buyers. The aims

of their research were to create a deeper consideration of what influence a brand

name can have when people go for purchasing, choose the products between

different brands, especially private vehicle like car and to explore the relation

between brands and the consumer decision making process.

The study population comprises 100 respondents who have knowledge and

experience in buying verities cars with the aid of simple random sampling and a

convenience sampling procedure. The required data was obtained from the primary

sources mainly survey questionnaire which was administered through personal -

contact approach and the secondary sources mainly existing literatures on the

influence of brand name on consumer decision making process.

Alamgir et al. established that when consumers purchased the cars, brand names of

the cars influenced their choices most. The branded cars were having the great place

in the minds of buyers and they preferred to purchase the well known branded cars.

Also, researchers reported that consumers did not want to buy new cars/unknown

branded cars because of lack of information, knowledge and awareness about those


Yeboah (2016) investigated the impact of product branding on sales revenues of

listed companies in Ghana. The case study approach was used taking Unilever Ghana

Limited. The quantitative research design was adopted and the required data was

collected by administering a survey questionnaire employees and customers of the

company. The obtained data was analyzed quantitatively with the aid of regression

analysis which was guided by the linear regression model/equation.


Yeboah reported that product branding had long run positive impact on the sales

revenues but did not have significant short tin impact on the sales revenues. It was

concluded that branding (trademarks and brand awareness) significantly has the long

run positive impact on sales of the company products. Finally, Yeboah concludes

that normally the companies which create and manage effectively their brand have

the tendencies of securing and maintaining more sales in the long run. In order to

achieve this, it was suggested that the companies should focus on the long run impact

of branding instead of the immediate impact of branding.

Shafiq and Khan (2016) on the effect of marketing and branding on sales

performance via Media of employees training in Telecom industries in Pakistan.

Their study found that marketing and branding practices significantly predicted the

sales performance in the Telecom sector.

Rotich et al. (2016) in particular reported that brand reinforcement of smart shopping

to the customers had positive effect on the brands sales performance.

2.4. Research gap

Earlier researcher has shown that branding the product increases sales performance

(Singht, 2013; Makki, 2014; Sarwar et al., 2016 Yeboah, 2016; Shafiq and Khan,

2016; Rotich et al., 2016) by creating recognition, differentiating and even by

increasing customer attention to brand and reducing recognition of certain competing

brands (Sabharwal et al., 2016).

Alamgir et al. (2014) stresses further that consumers normally do not want to buy

unbranded products because they had no much information about it. Hence, if a

product is to increase or maintain its sales performance over period of time, strong

brand name should be built, managed and protected (Bhasin, 2019).

Some other researchers reported contradicting results on the influence of brand

awareness and brand association on the sales of the products. For instance, Akkucuk


and Esmaeili (2016) claimed that only brand awareness had positive influence on the

sales but brand association did not seem to sales of smart phone buyers. Also, Kyei

(2016) and Alamgir et al. (2014) found that both brand awareness and brand

associations had positive and significant association with sales of the products.

Observing this research gap created by conflicting ideas, this study was motivated to

cover the gap by examining the impact of branding on the sales performance of the

soft drink products in Tanzania drawing experience from SBC.

2.5. Conceptual framework

In order to achieve four study objectives, the conceptual framework that guided the

study assumed that the sales performance of soft drink products was being dependent

on the branding, brand strength, brand awareness and brand association. The

relationship of these independent variables and dependent variable is shown by

Fig.2.1 in the next page of this dissertation.


Figure 2. 2: Conceptual framework on the impact of branding on the sales performance of soft drink products

Source: Researcher’s Conceptualization (2020)

Branding Creating recognition of the

product Differentiating the product Customer attention Reducing recognition of competing

Brand strength Respect to brand Perception on the brand Thinking about the brand

Brand association Attributes Benefits Attitudes

Brand awareness Brand recognition abilities Brand recall abilities Brand’s mind share among


Sales performance Frequency of buying particular soft drink by customers


Tables 2.1: Explanation of the conceptual framework

S/N Variables Definition Category of the variable

Indicators Measurement techniques

1 Branding

… whatever assigned to the product for creating recognition and distinguishing the product from all others in the market (Kottler and Keller, 2012)


Whether or not branding is used as the factor of creating recognition of soft drinks of the company

Whether or not branding is used as the factor of differentiating soft drinks of the company

Whether or not branding is used as the factor of drawing attention of customers on soft drinks of the company

Whether or not branding is used as the factor of reducing attentions of customers on soft drinks of company’s competitors

Whether or not identifying and distinguishing the brand influence buying the brand

Ordinal scale

2 Brand strength

…value carrying the brand from customers’ perceptions (Bhasin, 2019).


Whether or not soft drink brand gain respect in terms of admiration among customers

Perception of customer about the brands among his/her favorite soft drinks

Customer thinking about the quality of the soft drink brands of the company

Whether or not the values carrying the brand influences buying the brand

Ordinal scale


S/N Variables Definition Category of the variable

Indicators Measurement techniques

3 Brand awareness

… ability of the potential buyers to recognize or recall that a certain brand is a member of a certain product category (Akkucuk and Esmaeili, 2016)


Whether or not the brand is easily recognized when making purchase among customers

Whether or not the brand is easily to recall when making purchase among customers

Whether or not the brand constitutes most of customer purchase of soft drinks

Whether or not the brand comes first in the mind of customer when he/she wants to buy soft drink.

Whether or recalling the brand influenced buying the brand

Ordinal scale

4 Brand association

… thoughts and ideas that held by individuals in their memory related to a specific service or a product (Aaker, 1991)


Attributes/features does customer think that the brand has basing on their experience.

Benefits consumers think the brand can offer to them

Attitude customer has on the brand

Whether or not ideas customer has about the brand influence buying the brand

Ordinal scale

5 Sales performance

… act of exchanging the product for money that involve seller/manufacturer and the buyer (Kottler and Keller, 2012)

Dependent Frequency of buying

particular soft drinks among customers

Ordinal scale

Source: Researcher’s Conceptualization (2020)




3.1. Introduction

This chapter elaborates the research methodologies that were employed to

accomplish the study, that is; research design, area where the study, target

population, sampling techniques and sample size, data collection methods and data

analysis procedure.

3.2. Area of the study

The area of the study refers to a physical place within which researcher intend to

inquiry the phenomenon (Henn et al., 2015). When selecting the area of the steed, it

is advised that the area must be the one where required information about the

problem can be obtained by inquiring individuals who are familiar or experience

with the problem (Ndunguru, 2007). It is from the above factor this study selected

SBC in Dar es Salaam as its area of study. The SBC is among the successfully soft

drink bottling companies in Tanzania since its establishment in 2001. The company

is used to produce varieties of soft drinks each identified and differentiated from

sister products and competing products through branding.

The names, terms, signs, symbols, designs or some combinations are used in this

endeavor and they are evident to all its common soft drinks mainly; Pepsi, Mountain

Dew, Mirinda and 7UP (SBC, 2019). This branding creates impact on the sales

performance of its products and brands and hence, SBC was the right company

where the information required achieving all objectives of the study was likely to be



3.3. Research design

The research design refers to a plan or strategy adopted for effective execution of the

study (Henn et al., 2015). Hakim (1987) in Henn et al. (2015) defined research

design as the aspect of research dealing with the aims, purposes, intentions and plans

of carryout the study within the practical constraints of location, time, money and


For this study which assessed the impact of branding on the sales performance of soft

drinks products in Tanzania, a case study design was adopted. The first reason for

choosing this design was to facilitate in-depth and intensive inquiry of the branding

the soft drink products and the sales performance within a single company.

Also, the case study design was appropriate to facilitate distribution of large copies

of questionnaire covering respondents who were available within a local place where

the company was located and selling its soft drinks. Furthermore, the use of case

study facilitates ease interactions of the researchers with the respondents which

reasoned the activities of distributions, follow-up and collection of the filled


Further, the results obtained using the case study designs were capable of drawing

conclusion on the impact of branding on the sales performance of soft drinks

products in Tanzania by restricting to the single company where the study was

conducted, that is Seven Up Bottling Company (SBC) in Dar es Salaam.

3.4. Target population

The target population refers to the things or people that the study intends to gather

required information (Henn et al., 2015). The essential attributes of the target

population are that the members must be familiar with the problem being studied and

willing to provide the useful information that will assist to achieve objectives of the

study by answering research questions (Kombo and Tromph, 2006).


As the study wanted to assess the impact of branding on the sales performance of soft

drinks products, a target population of 400 individuals comprising the employees in

the sales and marketing department of the company and corporate customers was

used. This is because customers and sales and marketing staff of the company were

the most appropriate individuals who had experience and information that could

facilitate achievement of the study objectives pertaining to, 1) the factors influencing

branding soft drink products at Seven Up Bottling Company, 2) the brand strength of

soft drink products manufactured by Seven Up Bottling Company, 3) the influence of

brand awareness on the sales performance of soft drink products at Seven Up

Bottling Company and 4) the influence of brand association on the sales performance

of soft drink products at Seven Up Bottling Company.

3.5. Sampling techniques and sample size

3.5.1. Sampling techniques

Sampling techniques are the set of methods used to select a portion of from the entire

population and it may be probabilistic or non-probabilistic sampling technique

(Ndunguru, 2007).

This study used the probability sampling technique mainly systematic sampling

technique to select a sample of 200 individuals comprising 9 employees and 191

corporate customers of the company. In order to select the samples using this

technique, the researcher obtained a list of sales and marketing staff of the company

who were 18 in total and list of corporate customers who were 382 in total. The list

was combined together and numbered whereby 1 to 18 were company’s sales and

marketing staff and from 19 - 382 were corporate customers.

A sampling interval (i) was determined by dividing total population (400) to the

desired sample (200). Finally, the researcher selected the first member from the list

and each of the next members after the sampling interval of 2 and the 200 samples

comprising 9 employees of the company and 191 corporate customers was obtained

at400th selection order.


The systematic sampling was suitable in the sense that it provided equal chances to

all individuals in the population to form the study samples. Also, this technique is

recommended to any study which involves statistical tests (Henn et al., 2015), the

context which the current study was in order to determine the impact of branding on

the sales performance of soft drink products at Seven Up Bottling Company.

3.5.2. Sample size

The sample refers to total sum of the individuals selected to represent the whole

population in the study (Henn et al., 2015). Using samples is recommended in

researches because it assists in making computations, economization of time and

resources (e.g., papers). Also, using sample is useful in making generalization and in

ensuring members of required population participates in the study instead of the

whole population which may not necessarily possess the required information

(Kombo and Tromph, 2006).

The sample size (n) of this research was computed with the aid of Taro Yamane

formula which is very common in researches which involve the finite or known

population (N) (Kombo and Tromph, 2006). This formula was suitable since the

total population (N) is known which was 400 individuals comprising 18 employees

and 382 corporate customers of the company.

Normally, Taro Yamane formula uses the 90% to 95% confidence level and 10% to

5% level of procession respectively depending on the size of population and the

sample size which the study wants to use. The current study used the confidence

level of 95% and 5% procession level since the size of population was relative small

and the researcher wanted to obtain large samples which could enable to detect very

small differences existed on the influence of both brands awareness and brand

associations on the sales performance of soft drink products.

The Taro Yamane formula uses the general expressions shown below:

n = N / [1+ N (e) 2]

Where :


n= required sample size;

N = A total target population which was 400 individuals

e = level of precession which was 5% = 0.05

By substituting N into the formula, the ‘n’ the value was obtained as follows:

n = 400/ [1+400(0.05)2] = 400 ÷ 2= 200 samples.

Using systematic simple random sampling, 200 samples were obtained from 400

population using sampling internal (i) of 2. The researcher selected the first member

in the random list of all study population and next members after interval of 2. Until

the 400th member, a sample of 200 was constructed comprising 9 staff and 191

corporate customers of the company.

3.6. Data collection method

A self-administered questionnaire was the method of collecting primary data in this

study. A questionnaire is a common method of collecting primary data which

contains questions that can be asked either in a closed or open format and may

employ the use of attitude scale (Henn et al., 2015).

This questionnaire contained the closed ended questions which were prepared in

English. In order to quantify the opinions, knowledge and experience the respondents

on the impact of branding on the sales performance of the soft drink products, all

questions of the questionnaire were based on the Likert scale of five points that is;

extremely agree [5], agree [4], neither [3], disagree [2] and extremely disagree [1].

All questions were developed based on the researcher’s understanding of relevant

concepts, variables and ideas of the consulted literature ad empirical researches. This

Likert type questionnaire was preferred so as to quantify opinions, knowledge and

experience of individuals on the impact of branding on the sales performance of the

soft drink products of the company.


There was a total of six sections in the questionnaire. The first section contained

questions which were guided the study to obtain data on the demographic

information of the respondents. The questions in this section were based on the ages,


sex, education levels and years which respondents had been the customers/employees

of the company.

The second subsection contained items/questions which guided the study to collect

data on the factors influencing branding soft drink products at SBC. The third

subsection contained items/questions which guided the study to obtain data on brand

strength of soft drink products manufactured by SBC.

The fourth subsection contained items/questions which guided the study to collect

data on the influence of brand awareness on the sales performance of soft drink

products at SBC. The fifth subsection contained items/questions which guided the

study to collect data on the influence of brand association on the sales performance

of soft drink products at SBC. Section six contained items/questions which guided

the study to collect data on the sales performance of soft drink products of the

company. This questionnaire is appended as Appendix I.

3.7. Data analysis

Data analysis refers to the logical and structured way of establishing relationships of

the diverse opinions into a meaningful way and logical sense with the aid of coding

and computations (Henn et al., 2015). The opinions, knowledge and experienced of

the respondents on the series of questions in the questionnaire were analyzed

quantitatively with the aid of descriptive statistics and presentation used tables of

total scores and mean values.

The relationship between brand awareness and brand association with the sales

performance of the soft drinks products was determined with the aid of correlation

and regression analysis.

The data analysis procedure started with collection of the filled questionnaires from

the respondents which were then checked to see their completeness and

comprehensiveness. The study planned to gather data from 200 samples. However, a

total of 41 respondents (20.5%) did not complete questionnaires and hence, the

response rate used for data analysis was 159 (79.5%) which was considered


appropriate because any response rate from 50% is sufficient for data analysis

(Babbie, 2002).

All responses were coded by assigning number on each response as tags. This

ensured that all answers on the items/questions are represented by specific number.

Except the answers on the items/questions that solicited data on the demographic

information of the respondents, all answers on the items/questions in each research

objective was given number depending on the point in the Likert scale; 5 was the

maximum number that denoted extremely agree, 4 = agree, 3 = neither, 2= disagree,

1= extremely disagree.

The coded data were recorded into Ms Excel and transferred into STATA program

version 11.2 where the data were analysis quantitatively. All data on the factors

influencing branding soft drink products at Seven Up Bottling Company, brand

strength of soft drink products manufactured by Seven Up Bottling Company, brand

awareness on the sales performance of soft drink products at Seven Up Bottling

Company and brand association on the sales performance of soft drink products at

Seven Up Bottling Company as referred to the first, second, third and fourth

objectives of the study were analyzed using descriptive statistics and presentation

used tables of total score and mean score. The following was the interpretation of the

rating scale

Table 3. 1: Interpretation of the rating scale

S/N Mean range Responses made Interpretation with respect to

brand strengths of soft drinks

1 4.5 to 5.0 Extremely agree Positive

2 3.5 to 4.4 Agree Positive

3 2.6 to 3.4 Neither Neutral

4 1.5 to 2.5 Disagree Negative

5 1 to 1.4 Extremely disagree Negative

Source: Researcher’s construct (2019)


The factor analysis was performed to identify and eliminate outliers. The most

influential factors were used to perform correlation and regression analysis with the

aim of identifying the relationship between two dependent variables, that is; brand

awareness and brand association with one dependent variable, that is; sales

performance of soft drinks. The correlation analysis was based on the following

regression equation.

Y= α + β1A1 + β2A2 + µ


Y = Sales performance of soft drinks

A1 =Brand awareness

A2 = Brand association

β = Coefficients

µ = Error term

α = Constant

The binary data was used to facilitate correlation and regression analysis and were

constructed based on the response of the respondents on three questions as indicated

by Section Six of the questionnaire (Appendix I). These questions asked 1)

experience of the respondents regarding the frequency of buying/selling soft drinks

products manufactured by SBC, 2) opinion regarding the influence of brand

awareness among customers on the frequency of buying particular soft drinks

products, and 3) opinion regarding the influence of brand association (experience

with brand features) on the frequency of buying particular soft drinks.

The responses on these questions were translated into binary data basing on the

following interpretations.

Table 3. 2: Translations of the responses into binary data

S/N Response made Translations 1 Very high High 2 High High 3 Low Low 4 Very low Low

Source: Researcher’s construct (2019)


3.7.1. Assumptions of linear regression equation

The linear regression equation in section 3.7 had the following assumptions. The first

assumption is that A1 and A2 are independent to each other, that is, there is

multicollinearity. Also, both A1 and A2 have positive relationship with Y. Again, the

equation assumes that there would be certain level of sales performance of soft

drinks irrespective the presence of A1, and A1 which is represented by constant term


Furthermore, the equation assumes that there are some other factors which would

influence sales performance of soft drink products which are not included in the

model (µ). Therefore, the influence of A1 and A1 on Y is unlikely to be100 per cent.

3.8. Validity and reliability

3.8.1. Validity

Validity is the measure of quality of the research data which should be real, rich and

deep (Henn et al., 2015). Based on Heale and Twycross (2015), validity refers to a

measure of the level of accuracy of the measurement of the data collection

instrument. Heale and Twycross classify the validity into the content validity and

construct validity. The former refers to the level which data collection instrument

accurately measures all aspects of the research. The later refers to the level which

data collection instrument measures the intended construct.

In order to increase the level of validity of the questionnaire of this research, all

questions were developed in line with the specific objectives which in turn focused

on addressing research gap. Also, all the concepts, variables and ideas in the

questionnaire were extracted based on researcher’s knowledge and understanding of

the consulted literature and empirical researches.

Furthermore, the questionnaire was compared against the questionnaires used for

data collections by Makki (2014) and Kyei (2016) in their researches on the


influence of branding on consumer behavior and effect of branding on consumer

behavior respectively. This enable to ensure that all aspects which were supposed to

be included on the related questions are included which increased contents and

construct validity.

3.8.2. Reliability

Reliability refers to an assurance that particular data collection method could produce

the same results if it is used over a period of time or across different studies (Heale

and Twycross, 2015). Henn, et al. (2015) defines reliability as the generalization of

hard data that is replicable by other researchers. Saunder et al. as cited by Erick

(2015) clarify that reliability indicates the degree to which data collection method

will yield consistent findings or similar observations would be made or conclusions

reached by other researchers or there is transparency in how sense was made from

source. Masue (2010) as cited by Rutaihwa (2018) defines reliability as the degree of

consistence within which instances are assigned to the same category by different or

the same observers in different occasions.

Henn et al. (2015) contend that there are many techniques of ensuring reliability of

data collection method and one of them is enabling colleagues of the researcher to

check and scrutinize the data collection instrument against its appropriateness,

consistency, and faithfulness and due considerations of the respondents.

Rutaihwa (2018) argues that reliability increases with the procedures which the

researcher undertakes to increase it by ensuring that data collection methods are

checked by the research supervisor, fellow students and other relevant academic

staffs in order to get comments for adding, deleting or holding some items for the

suitability of the research.

With the vast techniques of ensuring reliability, one of the important techniques

adopted by the researcher to increase reliability of the questionnaire was transmission

of the questionnaire for review by colleagues and friends having vast experience in


researches and statistics. Their opinions/suggestions were very useful for making

necessary amendments of the questions and improving the wordings in the


Next, the questionnaire was submitted for review by the University supervisor. His

opinions and commends were very useful to ensure that the questionnaire capture all

aspects of the study. The amendments were made to broaden the questionnaire by

encompassing all necessary aspects so as to increase its completeness and

appropriateness. The questionnaire that was them used for data collection was the

one approved by the University supervisor.

3.9. Ethical considerations

Ethical consideration was among the very important aspects which ensured and

maintained standards of this research throughout the procedure of its preparation,

execution and reporting. The ethical issues which were involved by the researcher

included the following:

The researcher ensured that the study is conducted within the agreed time and

guideline by the University and the Supervisor. This study was schedule to complete

within six months from its preparation, execution and reporting. The researcher

endeavored to comply with the scheduled time. Though, based on the size of the

samples which was involved, extension time was officially requested to the

University through main supervisor and granted to complete dissertation/report


The researcher ensured that the permission for data collection from the University is

granted by the University which indicated that the proposal and data collection

instrument (questionnaire) were well prepared and satisfied the standards of the



Prior to data collection, the researcher wrote a letter to the Managing Director of the

company asking for permission for data collection into the company and introduction

letter for data collection exercise.

During data collection, all respondents were informed about the study and its purpose

and finally they were requested for voluntary participation in the study.




4.1. Introduction

In this chapter, the researcher is making presentation of the research findings basing

on the data obtained on each objective. The first subsection makes presentation of the

research finding results on the first objective about the factors influencing branding

soft drink products at Seven Up Bottling Company (SBC). The second subsection

makes presentation of finding results on the second objective about brand strengths

of soft drinks manufactured by SBC. The third subsection makes presentation of

finding results on the third objective about influence of brand awareness on the sales

performance of soft drink products at SBC. The fourth subsection makes presentation

of finding results on the fourth objective about the influence of brand association on

the sales performance of soft drink products at SBC. The last subsection is about test

of relationship between brand awareness and brand association on the sales

performance of soft drink products at SBC.

4.2. Factors influencing branding soft drink products at SBC

In order to identify the factors influencing branding soft drinks products at SBC, a

total of four factors were examined by involving respondents who were required to

indicate the extent which they agree or disagree with each factor.

The results revealed that branding soft drinks by SBC were influenced largely by

creation of recognition of the soft drinks in the market place whose mean score of

4.8. This was followed by other three factors namely; differentiating soft drinks from

competing soft drinks, drawing attention of customers on particular soft drink and

reducing recognition of competing product by customers which had mean scores of

4.5, 4.3 and 3.5 respectively. A summary of the results is shown by Table 4.1.


Table 4. 1: Factors influencing branding soft drink product at SBC

SN Items No. of respondents

Total score

Mean score

1 Creation of recognition of the soft drinks in the market place

159 747 4.8

2 Differentiating soft drinks from competing soft drinks 159 716 4.5 3 Drawing attention of customers on particular soft drink 159 684 4.3

4 Reducing recognition of competing product by customers

159 557 3.5

Source: Field data, 2019

The mean scores analysis in Table 4.1 reveals that creation of recognition of the soft

drinks in the market place and differentiating soft drinks from competing soft drinks

were extremely agreed factors influencing branding soft drink product at SBC at

mean scores 4.8 and 4.6 respectively. This was followed by two factors which were

agreed namely; drawing attention of customers on particular soft drink and reducing

recognition of competing product by customers at mean scores 4.3 and 3.4


4.3. Brand strength of soft drinks manufactured by SBC

In order to assess brand strengths of soft drinks manufactured by SBC, four items

indicating brand strengths were examined by involving respondents/ consumers who

were required to indicate the extent which they agree or disagree with each item. A

summary of the results is shown by Table 4.2 in the page of this dissertation.

With regards to 7UP, the results revealed that customer perceptions on the strengths

of 7Up brand was negative and was represented by mean scores of 2.4, 2.4, 2.2 and

2.0 for respect of brand in terms of admiration of the brand, sense of favorite of the

brand, value given to brand a bad sense of quality of the soft brand among cus

With regard to Mirinda, the results revealed that customer perceptions on the strength

of Mirinda brand was positive and was represented by mean score 3.8, 3.6 and 3.5

for admiration of the brand, sense of favorite of the brand and sense quality of soft

drink among customers respectively.


Similar results were obtained with regard to Pepsi which had the mean scores 4.1, 3.9

and 3.9 for respect of brand in terms of admiration among customers, sense of

favorite of the brand and sense of quality of soft drink among customers which

translated existence of positive brand strength of Pepsi soft drink.

With regard to Mountain dew, the results showed that mean scores for admiration

among customers, sense of favorite of the brand, sense of quality of soft drink by

customers and value given to brands by customers respectively were 3.1, 2.9, 3.0 and

2.7 respectively which means that Mountain dew soft drink had neutral brand


Table 4. 2: Brand strengths of soft drinks manufactured by SBC

SN Items






7UP Mirinda Pepsi Mountain





e M







e M







e M













Respect of brand in

terms of admiration

among customers

159 38

2 2.4 604 3.8


2 4.1


3 3.1

2 Sense of favorite of the

brand by customer 159


2 2.4 572 3.6


0 3.9


1 2.9

3 Sense of quality of soft

drink by customers 159


8 2.0 557 3.5


0 3.9


7 3.0

4 Value given to brands

by customers 159


0 2.2 525 3.3


2 3.6


9 2.7

Source: Field data, 2019

4.4. Influence of brand awareness on the sales performance of soft drink products at SBC

In order to identify the influence of brand awareness on the sales performance of soft

drink products at SBC, opinions of the respondents regarding buying decision of the

soft drink was determined basing on four items describing brand awareness and later


the influence of brand awareness on the sales performance was established with the

aid of statistical test.

A summary of the results is shown by Table 4.3 in the next page of this dissertation.

Table 4. 3: Brand awareness and the sales performance of soft drink products at SBC

SN Items No. of

respondents Total score

Mean score

1 Usually I would buy soft drink whose brand name is easily recognized

159 795 5.0

2 Normally recalling brand name influence my decision to buy particular soft drink

159 763 4.8

3 Usually a soft drink whose brand name comes first in my mind is the one I would buy most

159 731 4.6

4 Brand name is an important factor I consider most when buying soft drink

159 557 3.5

Source: Field data, 2019

Mean score analysis in Table 4.3 indicated that three statement that, usually I would

buy soft drink whose brand name is easily recognized, normally recognition and

recall of brand name influence decision to buy particular soft drink and usually a soft

drink whose brand name comes first in my mind is the one I would buy most had

mean score 5.0, 4.8 and 4.6 respectively. This means that respondents extremely

agreed with the influence of brand awareness in buying soft drink product in terms of

brand recognition, brand recall and positive mindshare.

Mean score of the item namely, brand name is an important factor I consider most

when buying soft drink was 3.5 which is means that it was also agree to influence

buying the soft drink products of the company and hence, creation of recognition was

also the elements of brand awareness that influenced sales performance of soft drinks

at SBC.

4.5. Influence of brand association on the sales performance of soft drink products at SBC

In order to identify the influence of brand association on the sales performance of

soft drink products at SBC, respondents opinions regarding buying decision of the

soft drink was determined basing on four items describing brand association and later


the influence of brand association on the sales performance was established with the

aid of statistical test. A summary of the results is shown by Table 4.4 in the next page

of this dissertation.

Table 4 4: Influence of brand association on the sales performance of soft drink products at SBC

SN Items No. of

respondents Total score

Mean score

1 Normally experience about the features of brand lead to final choice of soft drink

159 763 4.8

2 Normally ideas about the brand leads to final choices of a particular brand

159 747 4.7

3 Normally benefits expected of soft drink make buying of particular soft drink

159 716 4.5

4 Positive information about soft drink makes choice of particular soft drink

159 700 4.4

Source: Field data, 2019

Based on the results in Table 4.3, mean scores for three items namely; normally

experience about the features of brand lead to final choice of soft drink, normally

ideas about the brand leads to final choices of a particular brand and normally

benefits expected of soft drink make buying of particular soft drink were 4.8, 4.7 and

4.5 respectively which indicated extremely agree. The study concluded that features

associated with the brand of the soft drink, ideas associated with the brand and

benefits expected of a brand of soft drink were the factors of brand association which

had very high influence on the sales performance of soft drinks at SBC.

Also, mean score of the item namely; positive information about soft drink makes

my choice of particular soft drink was 4.4 which means that it was agree buying the

soft drinks of the company. This concluded that positive information associated with

the brand of soft drinks was also the elements of brand association which influenced

sales performance of soft drinks at SBC.


4.6. The influence of brand awareness and brand association on the sales performance of soft drink products at SBC

In order to determine the influence of both, brand awareness and brand association

on the sales performance of the soft drinks, statistical test of relationship was

performed with the aid of correlation and regression analyses.

4.6.1. Correlation analysis

The correlation analysis was performed in order to determine the nature of the

relationship between variables with the aid of Spearman's rank correlation. The

researcher correlated brand awareness and brand association as the independent

variables against sales performance of soft drink product as the dependent variable.

The correlation coefficients were used to establish the relationship exhibited by

variables. Normally, the correlation coefficient range between –1 and +1 and

negative and positive signs indicate that the two variables are negatively or positively

related. A correlation coefficient of 0 (zero) means that there is no relationship

between the variable/s and dependent variable being studied (Nyaledzigbor, 2015).

The correlation coefficients of the brand awareness, brand association and sales

performance of soft drinks at SBC was as shown in Table 4.5 in the next page of this

dissertation. Basing on the correlation coefficients, both brand awareness and brand

association had positive and moderate correlation with sales performance of soft

drink products, at 0.5158 and 0.5885 respectively, given that strength of the

correlation increases as the value of correlation coefficient approaches to 1

(Nyaledzigbor, 2015).


Table 4. 5: Correlation coefficients of the brand awareness, brand association and sales performance of soft drinks at SBC

Variables Correlation coefficients column 1

Correlation coefficients column 2

Correlation coefficients column 3

Sales performance 1.0000 - - Brand awareness 0.5158 1.0000 - Brand association 0.5885 0.3615 1.0000

Dep. Variable: Sales performance of soft drinks

Source: Field data, 2019

4.6.2. Regression analysis

Regression analysis was performed to test statistical significance of the relationship

that existed between brand awareness and brand association with sales performance

of soft drinks. The researcher regressed two independent variables above against one

dependent variables at 95% degree of freedom and 5% marginal error.

The regression coefficients of each independent variable were determined and p-

values and t-value were used to test the level of significance and statistical

significance of each individual coefficient respectively.

The standard values used to test the level of significance and statistical significance

of coefficients/variables was as follows: if p value < 5%; it means that the level of

significance of individual coefficient was high. If t value > 2; it means that individual

coefficient was statistically significant. A summary of results of regression analysis

is shown in Table 4.6.


Table 4. 6: Correlation coefficients of brand awareness and brand association against sales performance of soft drink products

Dep. variable: Sales performance of the soft drink product


Brandawarn~u = brand awareness

Brandassoc~r = brand association

-cons= constant

Source: Field data, 2019

The researcher evaluated coefficients of all variables using coefficients column and

the following results were found:

i. A regression coefficient for brand awareness is 0.35575 at p value 0.000) and t

value 5.54). These results inform that there is existence of a very high positive

and statistically significant relationship between brand awareness and sales

performance of soft drinks at SBC.

ii. A regression coefficient for brad association is 0.45905 at p value 0.000) and t

value 7.34. These results informed that there is existence of very high and

statistical insignificant relationship brand awareness and sales performance of

soft drinks at SBC.


iii. A regression coefficient of sales performance of soft drinks of .28812 at p

value 0.015 and t value 2.46. The conclusion reached is that there was a

positive and statistically significant relationship between brand awareness

and brand association with the sales parlance of soft drink products.

Next, the researcher evaluated the strength of the entire model using coefficient of

determination (R -Square) which is 0.4519. This means that about 45.19% of

variability of the dependent variable (sales performance of soft drinks) was

influenced by brand awareness and brand association. The remaining 54.81% of

variability of the dependent variable was influenced by other factors which were not

considered in the model.

Finally, the regression equation of the relationship between the influence of brand

awareness and brand association on the sales performance of soft drink was

established as follows:

Y= 0.28812+ 0.35575A1 + 0 .45905A2


Y = Sales performance of soft drinks

A1 =Brand awareness

A2 = Brand association

β = Coefficients which are 0.35575 and 0.45905 for brand awareness and brand

association respectively in the above equation.

Basing on the regression equation above, a unit increase in either brand awareness or

brand association while other factors are kept constant would lead to an increase in

sales performance of soft drink products at 0.35575 or 0.45905 respectively.




5.1 Introduction

This chapter gives a thorough discussion of the research findings which was obtained

under the guidance of the research objectives by using the research question as the

tool to obtain relevant data relating to the research objectives.

5.2 Factors influencing branding soft drink products at SBC

The study found that the factors influencing branding soft drink products at SBC

creation of recognition of the soft drinks in the market place whose mean score was

4.8. This was followed by other three factors namely; differentiating soft drinks from

competing soft drinks, drawing attention of customers on particular soft drink and

reducing recognition of competing product by customers which had mean scores of

4.5, 4.3 and 3.5 respectively.

Hegee (2017) established that companies are able to change the attitude of customers

and purchase behavior of the products/services through branding by drawing

attention of customers on particular soft drink and reducing recognition of competing

product by customers are psychological factor and may change the attitude of the

customers and purchase behavior.

Basing on the Attitude theory, branding the product using names, labels, signs or

symbols has psychological effect that manifests in the change of attitude of

customers (Mugambi, 2013). These results indicated that branding was the means of

changing attitudes of customers towards the product/brand and hence, increasing

attention on the particular soft drinks as well as reducing recognition of competing

soft drinks among customers.

Furthermore, results translate that branding soft drinks by the company was not only

to identify and differentiate the products in the market but also to change the attitude


and behavior that customers about the products or brands. Similar results were

reported by Alamgir et al. (2014) stating that branded cars influenced choices among

customers/buyers. The branded cars occupied the great place in the minds of buyers

and customers preferred purchasing the well known branded cars. Alamgir et al.

report that car buyer did not want to buy new cars/unknown branded cars because of

lack of information, knowledge and awareness about those cars.

Furthermore, the results were consisted with Sabharwal et al. (2016) reported that

branding was able to increase customer attention to brand while reducing recognition

of certain competing brands. In the same context, Akkucuk and Esmaeili (2016)

reported that when customer had already heard the brand name, they felt more

comfortable at the time of making a decision as they did prefer buying an unknown


5.3 Brand strength of soft drinks manufactured by SBC

The strength of 7UP was generally negative and was represented by low mean scores

on each item responsible for brand strength that was around or below 2. Brand

strength of Mirinda and Pespi was generally positive. Meanwhile, the brand strength

of Mountain dew was neutral because mean scores of all items responsible for brand

strengths were round to 3.0.

These results explained the reasons why sales performance of 7UP was

comparatively very low compared with sister soft drinks which were assessed.

Normally, positive brand strength accompany with high sales performance of the

product while negative brand strength accompany with poor/low sales performance

of the product.

The results in Table 4.2 explained why the sales performance of 7UP soft drink of

the company was comparatively very low as compared with sister soft drinks which

were assessed. Normally, positive brand strength accompanies with high sales


performance of the product while negative brand strength accompany with poor/low

sales performance of the product (Kottler and Keller, 2012).

The above results were consistent with Bhasin (2019) addressing that positive brand

strength was manifested by high respect for brand among customer, positive thinking

about the quality and price of the brand while negative brand strength normally lacks

respect among customers as they think negative about the quality and price of the

brand ultimately the sales performance of the brand fall below the expectations.

The researcher was surprised why brand strength of 7UP not protected by the

company despite that the product is the one which brands the company as the whole

with the name, ‘Seven Up Bottling Company. Brand strength can be built, managed

and protected (Fetscherin, 2010). According to Bhasin (2019) improving brand

perception, brand awareness, brand loyalty and brand association are the key

approaches in building, managing and protecting the brand strength. Equally, the

brand strength of 7UP would have been improved and maintained in a continuous

basis by improving brand perception, brand awareness, brand loyalty and brand


5.4 Influence of brand awareness on the sales performance of soft drink products at SBC

The results showed that brand awareness had influence on the sales performance of

soft drink products at SBC because all items describing influence of brand awareness

on the sales of the products specifically, brand recognition, brand recall and positive

mindshare had mean scores of 5.0, 4.8 and 4.6.

The above results are aligned with the research report by Akkucuk and Esmaeili

(2016) which reported that products that have high level of brand awareness receive

higher consumer preferences (Akkucuk and Esmaeili, 2016). Normally, individuals

tend to buy brands that they are familiar with and on which they have confidence

(perceived behavioral control). When selling the product/brand, normally unknown


brand face tough competition from the brands already having a place in the market

(Hoyer and Brown, 1990).

According to the results, the soft drink products that were frequently sold by the

Company, namely Pepsi and Mirinda, were the ones with high brand recognition,

high brand recall, positive mindshare and familiar brand name. In the research by

Akkucuk and Esmaeili (2016), the statement was proved. Researchers noted that if

the customer had already heard the brand name, the customer would feel more

comfortable at the time of making a decision as they not prefer buying an unknown

brand (behavioral intention).

Also, Bhasin (2019) studied sales performance of the product in the context of the

Attitude theory which highlights that in order a brand to have high sale performance,

the attitude in the mindshare of customers should be positive. As far as the sales of

soft drink products of SBC, the results translated that an element of awareness that

was responsible for frequent sales of Pepsi and Mirinda was possession of positive

mindshare in the minds of customers. In the contrary, 7UP whose sales performance

has remained very low is simply due to presence of negative mindshare in the minds

of customers.

Overall implication of the results is that brand awareness had great influence in

buying the product/brand. Normally the soft drink brand which customers were more

aware normally had positive mindshare and hence, they are given first priority during

product search and in purchasing and hence, particular product should account high

sale performance (Akkucuk and Esmaeili, 2016; Kyei, 2016).

5.5 Influence of brand association on the sales performance of soft drink products at SBC

the study revealed that brand association has influence on the sales performance of

soft drink products at SBC because all elements of brand associations that influence

sales of the product namely; features associated with the brand of the soft drink,


ideas associated with the brand and benefits expected of a brand of soft drink had

mean values of 4.8, 4.7 and 4.5 respectively.

Based on the results above, brand association in terms of the features associated with

the brand of the soft drink, ideas associated with the brand, benefits expected of a

brand of soft drink and positive information associated with the brand of soft drinks

are important in making buying decision of the soft drinks at SBC.

These results were consistent with Kyei (2016) research which found that brand

association had positive and significant association with consumer purchase decision


However, the finding in Table 4.3 was contrary with the research by Akkucuk and

Esmaeili (2016) reporting that brand association did not seem to influence purchase

decision of the product. Whether or not brand association had influence on the sales

of soft drinks at SBC was subject to statistical tests with the aid of correlation and

regression analysis. The procedures adopted and the results which were found are

explained in the next subsection.

5.6 The results of regression analysis above dismissed the claim by Akkucuk and

Esmaeili (2016) that brand association do not have any influence on the purchase

decision among Smartphone buyers. Though, they support Akkucuk and Esmaeili

report pertaining to existence of positive influence of brand awareness on the

purchase decision of Smartphone buyers.

The finding results were also consistent with a number of earlier researchers in the

similar research areas such as Kyei (2016) report on the effect of branding on

consumer behavior in Telecom companies in Ghana which found that brand

awareness and brand association had positive and significant association with

consumer buying behavior.


Also, this study is consistent with report by Alamgir et al. (2014) on the influence of

brand name on consumer decision making process which used car buyers as the case.

Alamgir et al. reported that when customers went for purchasing cars, they preferred

purchasing a well known branded cars. Alamgir et al. observed that consumers did

not want to try new cars/unknown branded cars because they had no much

information about the lesser or unknown brands.

Also, the results in this study are aligned with Shafiq and Khan (2016) research on

the effect of marketing and branding on sales performance via Media of employees

training in Telecom industries in Pakistan. Shafiq and Khan found that marketing and

branding practices significantly predicted the sales performance in the Telecom





6.1. Introduction

This chapter provides the summary of the entire study, the conclusion,

recommendations, policy implication and areas for further researches.

6.2. Summary

This study aimed to examine the impact of branding on the sales performance of soft

drink products in Tanzania. A case study approach was used and Seven Up Bottling

Company in Dar es Salaam was selected for examination. Specifically, the study

aimed to address the factors influencing branding the soft drink products, the brand

strengths of soft drinks manufactured by Seven Up Bottling Company, the influence

of brand awareness on the sales performance of soft drink products, the influence of

brand association on the sales performance of soft drink products at Seven Up

Bottling Company. In order to achieve these objectives, the conceptual framework

was constructed which assumed that sales performance of soft drink products is

determined by four factors namely; branding, brand strength, brand awareness and

brand association.

The study was guided by the Attitude Theory which relies on the assumption that

the more a person has a favorable attitude towards a given product/service, the more

likely that person is to buy or use that product/service. The attitude was a major

construct of this theory and was used to understand how attitude of the consumers

towards the soft drink products/brands affected the sale performance of the particular

soft drinks products/brands of the company under study.

The conceptual framework which provided the relationships between variables of

this study was based on the assumption that sales performance of soft drink products

was being dependent on the branding, brand strength, brand awareness and brand



A target population was 400 individuals comprising 18 employees in the sales and

marketing department of the organization and 382 corporate customers of the

company. Probability sampling technique specifically systematic sampling methods

was used to obtain the samples of 200 comprising 9 employees in the sales and

marketing department and 191 corporate customers of the company. The data

required to achieve the study objectives was gathered by administering questionnaire

to all 200 respondents. A total of 41 respondents (20.5%) did not complete

questionnaires and hence, the response rate that was used for data analysis was from

159 respondents (79.5%).

On branding the soft drinks products/brands of the company, the data were gathered

on four factors namely, creating recognition of the product, differentiating the

product, customer attention and reducing recognition of competing brands. On the

brand strengths of soft drinks manufactured by the company, the data were gathered

on three factors namely; respect to brand, perceptions towards the brand and thinking

about the brand. On the brand awareness, the data were gathered on the brand

recognition abilities, brand recall abilities and the share of the brands in the minds of

customers. On the brand association, the data were gathered on three factors namely;

attributes of the brand, benefits of the brand and attitudes towards the brand.

The obtained data were analyzed quantitatively with the aid of descriptive statistics

and presentation by the use of tables of total score and mean score. In order to test

the relationship between variables and ultimately determine the influence of brand

awareness and brand association on the sales of products both correlation and

regression analysis were performed and the contradiction was resolved.

The study found that the factors influencing branding soft drink products at SBC

creation of recognition of the soft drinks in the market place whose mean score was

4.8. This was followed by other three factors namely; differentiating soft drinks from

competing soft drinks, drawing attention of customers on particular soft drink and

reducing recognition of competing product by customers which had mean scores of

4.5, 4.3 and 3.5 respectively.


The strength of 7UP was generally negative and was represented by low mean scores

on each item responsible for brand strength that was around or below 2. Brand

strength of Mirinda and Pespi was generally positive. Meanwhile, the brand strength

of Mountain dew was neutral because mean scores of all items responsible for brand

strengths were round to 3.0. These results explained the reasons why sales

performance of 7UP was comparatively very low compared with sister soft drinks

which were assessed. Normally, positive brand strength accompany with high sales

performance of the product while negative brand strength accompany with poor/low

sales performance of the product.

The results showed that brand awareness had influence on the sales performance of

soft drink products at SBC because all items describing influence of brand awareness

on the sales of the products specifically, brand recognition, brand recall and positive

mindshare had mean scores of 5.0, 4.8 and 4.6.

Also, the study revealed that brand association has influence on the sales

performance of soft drink products at SBC because all elements of brand associations

that influence sales of the product namely; features associated with the brand of the

soft drink, ideas associated with the brand and benefits expected of a brand of soft

drink had mean values of 4.8, 4.7 and 4.5 respectively.

The above relationship was tested to identify the influence of brand awareness and

brand association with the sales performance of soft drink products using correlation

and regression analysis. Basing on the correlation coefficients, both brand awareness

and brand association had positive and strong correlation with sales performance of

soft drink products at correlation coefficients 0.5158 and 0.5885 respectively.

Also, regression coefficient for brand awareness is 0.35575 at p value 0.000 and t

value 5.54 which means that there is existence of high and positive and statistically

significant relationship between brand awareness and sales performance of soft

drinks at SBC.


Regression coefficient for brad association is 0.45905 at p value 0.000) and t-value

7.34 which means that there is existence of very high and statistical insignificant

relationship brand awareness and sales performance of soft drinks at SBC. A

constant value of regression coefficient of sales performance of soft drinks was

0.28812 at p value 0.015 and t value 2.46 which concludes that there is a positive and

statistically significant relationship between brand awareness and brand association

with the sales parlance of soft drink products.

6.3. Conclusion

6.3.1Factors influencing branding soft drink products at Seven Up Bottling Company

SBC branded its soft drink products due to a number of factors. The most important

one was to identify the soft drinks in the market place. Also, branding was

influencing by desired to differentiate soft drinks from competing soft drinks,

drawing attention of customers on particular soft drink and reducing recognition of

competing product by customers.

Therefore, branding was a key marketing strategy that enabled the company to

change attitude of customers and purchase behavior on its products/brands. In

addition, branding was enabled to increase customer attention to some brands

specifically Pepsi and Mirinda while reducing recognition of a number of soft drinks

that were competing with company’s soft drinks.

6.3.2 Brand strengths of soft drinks manufactured by Seven Up Bottling


Brand strength is very important if the sales performance of the soft drink is to

increase or to be maintained. Once the brand strength of the product is allowed to be

negative in the minds of customers, the sales performance of particular product falls.

7UP for examples had negative brand strength while the brand strengths of the rest

sister brand which were frequently bought such as Pepsi and Mirinda was positive.

This explained why its sales performance was comparatively very low as compared

with sister soft drinks which were assessed. Normally, positive brand strength


accompany with high sales performance of the product while negative brand strength

accompany with poor/low sales performance of the product.

6.3.2 Influence of brand awareness and brand association on the sales

performance of soft drink products at Seven Up Bottling Company

Both brand awareness and brand association had influence on the sales performance

of soft drink products at SBC. This relationship was tested statistically using

correlation and regression analysis. Basing on the correlation coefficients, both brand

awareness and brand association had positive and strong correlation with sales

performance of soft drink products, that is; 0.5158 and 0.5885 respectively. Also,

regression coefficient for brand awareness revealed that there is existence of high

and positive and statistically significant relationship between brand awareness and

sales performance of soft drinks at SBC.

Brand association had very high and statistical insignificant relationship brand

awareness and sales performance of soft drinks at SBC. Also, regression coefficient

of sales performance of soft drinks of .28812 and hence there is a positive and

statistically significant relationship between brand awareness and brand association

with the sales parlance of soft drink products.

6.4. Recommendations

This study concludes that the company should use branding as the marketing strategy

of improving and maintaining brand strength of its soft drinks specifically 7UP

which brand strength was negative and hence, very low sales performance compared

with sister soft drinks. This brand strength could be built build, managed and

protected by improving brand perception, brand awareness, brand loyalty and brand


Also, the company should ensure that it is increased brand awareness and improve

brand association in order to increase and maintain the sale performance of its soft


drinks. This is because both brand awareness and brand association were proved to

influence positively the sales performance of soft drinks.

The brand awareness should be increased with brand recognition; brand recall and

positive mindshare were the most influential factors of sales performance of soft

drinks at SBC. Brand association should be improved with the features associated

with the brand of the soft drink, ideas associated with the brand and benefits

expected of a brand of soft drink were the most influential factors on the sales

performance of soft drinks at SBC.

6.5. Implications of the study

The implications of this study are that branding is a candid marketing strategy that is

implemented by the company so as to identify the soft drinks in the market place, to

differentiate soft drinks from competing soft drinks, to draw attention of customers

on particular soft drink and to reduce recognition of competing product by

customers. Also, the study implies that possession of negative brand strength was the

factors responsible for poor sales performance of 7UP soft drink of the company.

Building positive brand strength seems to be very important strategy for improving,

increasing and even maintaining the sales performance of the soft drink product.

Also, both brand awareness and brand association had strong positive and

statistically significant relationship with sales performance of soft drinks. The

company would lean the market by increasing brand awareness and improving brand

association by increasing brand recognition, brand recall and positive mindshare in

the first hand and improving features associated with the brand of the soft drink,

ideas associated with the brand and benefits expected of a brand of soft drink on the

other hand.

6.6. Recommendations for further researches

The regression analysis which tested the relationship between brand awareness and

brand association on the sales performance revealed that there was a certain level of

sales performance of SBC soft drink irrespective the brand awareness and brand


association which was denoted by constant value (α) = 0.2881 at t value 7.34 and p

value 0.000.

Based on the regression model, only 45% of the variability of sales performance of

soft drinks of SBC was influenced by brand awareness and brand association. The

other 55% was explained by factors not included in the model (µ).

Therefore, further research is needed to examine other factors responsible for the

sales of soft drinks irrespective brand awareness and brand association and their

influence on the sales performance of soft drink products of the company

Also, the study adopted a case study design whereby examination of the impact of

branding on the sales of the product was based in single organization that is SBC in

Dar es Salaam. As the result, the finding results are not capable of making

generalization other Tanzanian companies; instead they are specific to the SBC Dar

es Salaam. Therefore, further researches are required in different soft drinks

manufacturing companies.

The researcher targeted a population of 400 individuals comprising 18 employees in

the sales and marketing department of the company and 382 corporate customers. A

systematic sampling technique was used to construct a sample of 200 individuals

comprising 9 employees and 191 corporate customers of the company using a

sampling interval of 2. However, no assurance that individuals selected into the

samples were the ones who had required information than others. Thus, similar

research is needed focusing on different sampling techniques and sample inclusion.

Again, a questionnaire contained uniform questions/items was designed to solicit

data by involving samples of 200 which comprised employees and customers of the

company. Given that research projects are not given priorities by most individuals in

Tanzania, a total of 41 respondents (20.5%) did not complete questionnaires and

hence, the response rate was not 100 per cent as expected. The research is needed to

see whether or not using the different response rate would provide the same or

different results.



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My name is Celestina Flavian Bwana, a master student at Mzumbe University - Dar

es Salaam Campus College pursuing a Master of Science in Marketing. I am

conducting research on the impact of branding on the sales performance of soft

drink products in Tanzania Seven Up Bottling Company which is one of the leading

manufacturers of soft drink products in Tanzania is selected by this study. This

research is a part of my study and information you give will be treated confidentially

and used for the academic purpose. I request your voluntary participation by

providing required information on the questions in this questionnaire.

Thank you in advance

Section One

Demographic information of the respondents: Tick () in the appropriate box. 1.1. What is your gender? Male […] Female […] 1.2. What is your age group? 18 to 24 years […] 25 to 34 years […] 35 to 44 […] 45 to 55 years […] More than 55 years […] 1.3. What is your education level? Secondary education […] Technician certificate […] Ordinary diploma […] University Degree […] Master’s degree […] PhD […] 1.4. How long have you been the customer/employee of the Company? Less than 6 months […] 6 months to 1 year […]


1 to 3 years […] 3 to 6 years […] 6 to 10 years […] Above 10 years […]

SECTION TWO Factors influencing branding soft drink products at the Company:

Tick () in the appropriate box besides each statement

SN Items


















2.1 I prefer buying soft drink product whose bottle is well identified using name, sign, label or symbol.

2.2 I’m interested buying soft drink product whose bottle is well differentiated from others using names, sign, label or symbol.

2.3 I normally draw attention on the name, sign, label or symbol on the bottle when buying soft drinks

2.4 I would prefer buying soft drink that is easily recognized by name, sign, label or symbol on the bottle

SECTION THREE Brand strengths of soft drinks manufactured by Seven Up Bottling Company:

Tick () in the appropriate box besides each statement 3.1. Brand strength of the 7Up

SN Items



















3.1.1 7Up is the most admired soft drink when buying soft drinks manufactured by Seven Up Bottling Company

3.1.2 7Up is my favorite soft drink among soft drinks manufactured by Seven Up Bottling Company


3.1.3 I perceive 7UP the highly quality soft drink manufactured by Seven Up Bottling Company

3.1.4 The values in my mind about 7Up brand convinces buying 7UP

3.2. Brand strength of the Mirinda

SN Items


















3.2.1 Mirinda is the most admired soft drink when buying soft drinks manufactured by Seven Up Bottling Company

3.2.2 Mirinda is my favorite soft drink among soft drinks manufactured by Seven Up Bottling Company

3.2.3 I perceive Mirinda the highly quality soft drink manufactured by Seven Up Bottling Company

3.2.4 The values in my mind about Mirinda brand convinces buying Mirinda

3.3. Brand strength of the Pepsi

SN Items



















3.3.1 Pespi is the most admired soft drink when buying soft drinks manufactured by Seven Up Bottling Company

3.3.2 Pespi is my favorite soft drink among soft drinks manufactured by Seven Up Bottling Company

3.3.3 I perceive Pepsi the highly quality soft drink manufactured by Seven Up Bottling Company

3.3.4 The values in my mind about Pespi brand convinces buying Pespi


3.4. Brand strength of the Mountain Dew

SN Items E



y ag















3.4.1 Mountain Dew is the most admired soft drink when buying soft drinks manufactured by Seven Up Bottling Company

3.4.2 Mountain Dew is my favorite soft drink among soft drinks manufactured by Seven Up Bottling Company

3.4.3 I perceive Mountain Dew the highly quality soft drink manufactured by Seven Up Bottling Company

3.4.4 The values in my mind about Mountain Dew brand convinces buying Mountain Dew

SECTION FOUR Influence of brand awareness on the sales performance of soft drink products at

Seven Up Bottling Company: Tick () in the appropriate box besides each statement


SN Statements















ely di



4.1 Usually I would buy a soft drink whose brand name is easily recognized

4.2 A soft drink whose brand name is easy to recall is the one I used to buy most

4.3 Brand name is very important factor I consider when buying soft drink

4.4 Usually a soft drink whose brand name comes first in my mind is the one I would buy most

SECTION FIVE Influence of brand association on the sales performance of soft drink products

at Seven Up Bottling Company: Tick () in the appropriate box besides each statement

SN Statements



















5.1 Normally experience with the features of brand guide my choice of particular soft drink

5.2 Benefits expected from certain soft drink would make buying of particular soft drink

5.3 Positive information about the brand name of soft drink constitute my choice of soft drink to buy

5.4 Ideas I have about the brand name would always constitute my purchase of a soft drink


SECTION SIX Sales performance of soft drink products of Seven Up Bottling Company:

Tick () in the appropriate box besides each statement 6.1. What is your experience regarding the frequency of buying/selling soft drinks products manufactured by SBC? Very high […] High […] Low […] Very low […] 6.2. What is your opinion regarding the influence of brand awareness among customers on the frequency of buying particular soft drinks products? Very high […] High […] Low […] Very low […] 6.3. What is your opinion regarding the influence of brand association (experience with brand features) on the frequency of buying particular soft drinks? Very high […] High […] Low […] Very low […]

…………………………. THE END …………………………
