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Examining Factors Influencing the Disruptiveness of Notifications in a Mobile Museum Context

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- 1 - ABSTRACT Ubiquitous computing environments continuously infer our context and proactively offer us context aware services and information, suggested by notifications on our mobile devices. However, notifications come with a cost. They may interrupt the user in the current task and be annoying in the wrong context. The challenge becomes how to notify the user about the availability of relevant services while minimizing the level of disruptiveness. Thus, an understanding of what affects the subjective perception of the disruptiveness of the notification in a mobile context is needed. As yet, most of the research on disruptiveness of notifications focused on stationary, task-oriented environments. In this study, we examine the effect of notifications in a museum visit scenario. In two user studies conducted in a museum setting, participants used a context- aware mobile museum guide to receive information on various museum exhibits while periodically receiving notifications. We examined how the user’s activity, the modality of the notification, and the message content affected the perceived level of disruption that the notifications created. Results indicate that the perceived level of disruption was linked to the user's activity at the time of interruption and the type of information delivered, and was also affected by the way the notification was presented.

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Ubiquitous computing environments continuously infer our context and proactively offer

us context aware services and information, suggested by notifications on our mobile

devices. However, notifications come with a cost. They may interrupt the user in the

current task and be annoying in the wrong context. The challenge becomes how to notify

the user about the availability of relevant services while minimizing the level of

disruptiveness. Thus, an understanding of what affects the subjective perception of the

disruptiveness of the notification in a mobile context is needed. As yet, most of the

research on disruptiveness of notifications focused on stationary, task-oriented

environments. In this study, we examine the effect of notifications in a museum visit

scenario. In two user studies conducted in a museum setting, participants used a context-

aware mobile museum guide to receive information on various museum exhibits while

periodically receiving notifications. We examined how the user’s activity, the modality of

the notification, and the message content affected the perceived level of disruption that

the notifications created. Results indicate that the perceived level of disruption was linked

to the user's activity at the time of interruption and the type of information delivered, and

was also affected by the way the notification was presented.

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2.1. Factors that influence interruptability in a desktop environment

2.2. Subjective characteristics of the notification message

2.3. Mobile notifications

2.4. Notifications in the museum environment


3.1. The museum environment



4.1. Study design

4.2. Hypotheses

4.3. Participants

4.4. Procedure

4.5. Results

4.5.1. Visual notifications

4.5.2. Modality of the notification

4.5.3. User activity



5.1. Study design

5.2. Hypotheses

5.3. Participants

5.4. Procedure

5.5. Results

5.5.1. Relevance and importance

5.5.2. Message types

5.5.3. User activity


6.1. Guidelines for museum curators and mobile guide designers

6.2. Generalizing the results



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Context-aware mobile systems react to their environment and use contextual aspects such

as location to suggest relevant information or services to the user (Dey, 2001). The

services and information are often provided proactively where the system anticipates the

user’s needs and accordingly initiates the information presentation. However, proactively

suggesting information requires the system to interrupt the user in his or her current

activity. This interruption might be annoying to the user who may not wish to be

disrupted at the current time. Thus, intelligent context-aware systems aim at delivering

the right notifications at the right time and in the right way in order to maximize the

possible benefits while minimizing the possible cost of the notification to the user.

An intelligent mobile museum visitors’ guide is a specific case of a context-aware mobile

system. Museum visitors move in the museum, looking for interesting exhibits, and wish

to acquire information to deepen their knowledge and satisfy their interests. A smart

context-aware mobile guide may provide the visitor with personalized relevant

information from the vast amount of content available at the museum, adapted for his or

her personal needs. Furthermore, the system may notify museum visitors of events,

provide recommendations, location-relevant information, or deliver messages from other

visitors. For example, a smart museum visitors’ guide system might anticipate the

visitor’s interests and availability and suggest attending a lecture that is just about to start

on the other side of the museum. However, to offer such services, the system must

interrupt the visitor to notify him or her of the service or information, hence, this

potential benefit may also have a cost.

We examine notifications in a museum context for users wandering around the museum

while using a mobile museum guide. According to McCrickard and Chewar (2003),

notification systems are “designed interfaces that are typically used in a divided-attention,

multi-tasking situation, attempting to deliver current, valued information through a

variety of platforms and modes in an efficient and effective manner". We use Bailey,

Konstan, and Carlis’s (2001) definition of interruption as providing information that is

useful or of interest to the user, but not necessarily related to the user's current task. Thus,

in a museum context, the notification system delivers information to the visitor through

interruptions on the mobile museum guide. In the context of this paper, we use the terms

notification and interruption to describe a text message arriving to the user while the user

is engaged in something else. We use the term disruption as a negative implication of


In this work, we examine the factors that affect the disruptiveness of notifications in a

museum visit scenario with the main goal of better understanding how to design museum

notification systems. Many factors may influence the possible cost of the notification.

These factors include the current activity of the user, the emotional state of the user, the

modality of interruption, the utility of the notification and more (Ho and Intille, 2005). To

date, most of the works examining these factors were done in a static, desktop

environment. Monitoring the user’s current activity was used to determine when to

interrupt the user in order to defer the notification to a preferred time (Czerwinski, Cutrell

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& Horvitz, 2000a; Iqbal & Bailey, 2005). It has been suggested that scheduling

notifications at subtasks’ boundaries or breakpoints would reduce the cost of interruption

(Bailey & Constan, 2006; Iqbal & Bailey, 2006). This is based on the notion that a

notification would be less disruptive if delivered when there is a lower mental workload

(Miyata and Norman, 1986; Bailey & Iqbal, 2008). As to how to interrupt the user, there

is a tradeoff between increasing a notification’s noticeability and lowering its

disruptiveness level (McCrickard et al., 2003). The effect of different modalities on the

disruptiveness of the notification has been measured (Arroyo, Selker & Stouffs, 2002). It

has been shown that the interruption presentation format and modality affects the way it

is perceived by the users (Latorella, 1998). Still, it mostly remains unclear which

modality is less disruptive under which circumstance (Warnock, McGee-Lennon &

Brewster, 2011; Arroyo, Selker & Stouffs, 2002). As to what content is delivered in the

notification, it has been shown that the perceived utility of the message has an influence

on the way the interruption is perceived by users (Gluck, Bunt & McGrenere, 2007). For

example, a look at Instant Messages and how they interrupt users working on typical

desktop tasks revealed that relevant messages were perceived as less disruptive than

irrelevant ones (Czerwinski, Cutrell & Horvitz, 2000a).

These research results and others have been used as input for devising models that

determine when and how to apply notifications (Iqbal & Bailey, 2007; Iqbal & Horvitz,

2007; Horvitz et al., 2003). However, most of the studies that examined the factors, costs,

and effects of notifications as mentioned above, assumed goal-directed, structured tasks

(e.g., video editing, route planning, word processing , etc.) on a desktop environment.

Furthermore, most of these studies were conducted in a controlled laboratory

environment (i.e., participants sat in front of a desktop computer, and performed a

primary task, which was then interrupted). A museum offers a different environment with

different user goals, needs, and reactions. In a mobile museum scenario, the users are

moving around (navigating), paying attention to exhibits, and interacting with the

surroundings and with their companions (Falk, 2009). They also interact with the

computing device, but it acts more as a periodical assistant than the continuous focus of

interaction. Assumptions and conclusions made by looking at a work-oriented desktop

setting may not necessarily apply in such a setting.

In the current study setting, participants were wandering around a museum, receiving

contextual information on a smart mobile museum guide. In two user studies, we

examined factors affecting the perceived level of interruption for users’ visiting a

museum and receiving notifications, varying when, how, and what type of notification

message was received. The contribution of this work is first and foremost a framework

for the use of notification with a mobile guide at a museum scenario. We apply

understanding gained in the desktop environment and examine whether and how they

apply in a mobile museum scenario. Second, we discuss the possibility to generalize our

understanding to other context-aware mobile environments.

The rest of this work is organized as follows. In Section 2, the background and related

work are presented. In Section 3, we describe the current study setting including the

museum environment in which the user studies were conducted. In Section 4, we describe

the first user study examining how the visitor’ activity, as well as how the modality of the

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notification, affects its perceived level of interruption. In Section 5, we describe the

second user study, which examined more closely how the content of the message affects

the way it disrupts the visitor. In Section 6, we discuss the results, including the

implications of these two user studies for museum curators and mobile guide developers,

generalization of the results and limitations. Finally, in Section 7, we present our

conclusions and directions for future research.


This section details the background for our work. To get an understanding of how to

design interruptions in a mobile guide context, we first take a look at the more established

area of desktop computing interruptions. Thus, we first examine the common strategies

and understandings that were used in desktops to reduce the disruptiveness of

notifications, focusing on when to interrupt the user and how (through which modality) to

interrupt the user. Next we look at works that examined how the content of the

notification message (what) affects its acceptability in the desktop environment. Next, we

look at studies that tried to extend these works and examined notifications in a mobile,

rather than a desktop environment. Finally, we first describe existing work on

notifications with mobile museum guides. We show that while notifications are

commonly used in many mobile museum guide systems, no systematic approach has

been taken to examine the implications of how these notifications affect museum visitors.

2.1 Factors that influence interruptability in a desktop environment

While very few studies explicitly examined the interruptability of notifications with a

mobile guide, there is a wealth of information on notifications and interruptions in

desktop computing. In this section we survey studies that examined the various factors

that influence the disruption of a notification in a desktop environment. Our purpose is to

apply the knowledge gained on disruption within desktop tasks, in a mobile museum

environment and to examine where and how the disruption of the notification differs in a

mobile environment.

Many studies looked at the conflict between the usefulness and potential benefits of

notifications and their disruptiveness in a desktop environment (Hudson et al., 2002). On

the benefits side, notifications may provide significant value to the users, and are often

essential in communication in the workspace and other areas (O’Conaill & Frohlich,

1995). People are willing to accept some distraction in exchange for valued information.

For example, Managers reported the need to receive immediate unplanned items and

important news to accomplish higher level goals (Hudson et al., 2002). Other studies

showed that users can make better decisions and accomplish more when interrupted with

helpful information (McFarlane, 1999). Furthermore, in proactive systems, users often

agree to receive interrupting messages, given that they provide them with useful

information or services (Billsus, Hilbert & Maynes-Aminzade, 2005). On the flip side,

notifications do come with a cost. Studies have shown that notification of an incoming

message, even when the message is ignored, disrupts the current task performance

(Cutrell, Czerwinsky & Horvitz, 2001; Gillie & Broadbent, 1989; Latorella 1998). This is

reflected in slower task completion times (Bailey, Konstan & Carlis, 2001; Czerwinski,

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Cutrell & Horvitz, 2000b; McFarlane, 1999), more errors (Kreifeldt & McCarthy 1981),

and worse decision making (Speier, Valacich & Vessey, 1999). Interruptions may also

affect users’ emotional state (Bailey, Konstan & Carlis, 2001), causing people to

experience more frustration, annoyance, and anxiety (Adamczyk & Bailey, 2004; Bailey,

Konstan & Carlis, 2001; Zijlstra et al., 1999). For example, Bailey, Konstan and Carlis

(2001) conducted an experiment to measure the effects of interruptions on users’ task

performance, and users’ emotional state. Their findings indicated that interruptions

caused users to perform the interrupted tasks more slowly, which was also reflected in the

user’s perception of the interrupted task being more difficult. Furthermore, they found

that the user's level of annoyance depended on the category of the current task and the

time when the interruption occurred. Finally, they found that users experienced a greater

increase in anxiety during interruptions.

As shown above, the costs resulting from interruptions are a major concern for the

research community. Thus, factors that influence the interruptability of notifications are

investigated in order to devise strategies to reduce their level of disruption. One of the

major factors that influence the perceived level of interruption, and one that can be fairly

well controlled, is the timing of the notification (Adamczyk & Bailey, 2004; Ho & Intille,

2005; Iqbal et al., 2005; Iqbal & Bailey, 2006; Fogarty, Hudson & Lai, 2004). Some

studies tried to define moments for interruptions, suggesting that interruptions should

appear between instances of repetitive action sequences, or at break points in a task

sequence (Fischer, Greenhalgh & Benford, 2011; Iqbal & Bailey, 2007; Monk, Boehm-

Davis & Trafton, 2002). Czerwinski, Cutrell & Horvitz (2000b) described task execution

in three phases: planning, execution, and evaluation. They suggested placing moments for

interruption toward the beginning, middle, or end of a task. Similarly, Bailey, Konstan

and Carlis (2001) suggested that task boundaries are an opportune moment, since these

are times of low memory-load within a user’s task sequence. This is in line with the

suggestion of Miyata and Norman (1986), which noted that moments of lower mental

workload occur between the evaluation of one subtask and the beginning of the next, like

a subtask boundary. Other studies also examined the cognitive load of users as a way to

find an opportune moment for an interruption (Adamczyk & Bailey, 2004; Bailey,

Konstan & Carlis, 2001; Cutrell, Czerwinsky & Horvitz, 2001; Czerwinski, Cutrell &

Horvitz, 2000a; Czerwinski, Cutrell & Horvitz, 2000b; McFarlane, 1999; Speier,

Valacich &Vessey, 1999; Gillie & Broadbent, 1989).

The perceived level of interruption may also be affected by the way the notification is

presented to the user. Researchers looked at using novel visual strategies (Van Dantzich

et al., 2002), as well as using multimodal notification methods (Brewster Wright &

Edwards, 1994; Bailey, Konstan, & Carlis, 2000; Maglio & Campbell, 2000; Somervell,

Chewar & McCrickard, 2002; Arroyo Selker & Stouffs, 2002) to reduce the perceived

disruption levels. The way the notification is presented affects the effectiveness of the

notification as can be measured using response time. A large, blinking icon will be more

noticeable than a small icon on the side of the screen. Warnock, McGee-Lennon and

Brewster (2011) compared different modalities of interruption (visual, audio, tactile, and

olfactory) and found that olfactory notifications showed the longest response time (and

thus were least effective) followed by tactile notifications. Visual and audio notifications

took around the same time and were fastest. In the same study, no difference was found

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for the modality in terms of the amount of disruptiveness of the notification. Arroyo,

Selker and Stouffs (2002) examined and compared five different modalities (heat, smell,

sound, vibration, and light) as a way to deliver interruptions. They examined which

modality is most effective and least disruptive. They found large individual differences

between participants with no significant differences between the modalities. Other studies

tried to compare interruption modalities in home care, office, and flight deck

environments (Warnock, McGee-Lennon & Brewster, 2011; Latorella, 1998; Arroyo &

Selker, 2003). Again, most of the studies did not find significant differences between the

modalities with respect to the levels of disruption. Thus, no guidelines or models exist

that can help developers choose the appropriate notification modality for a given situation

(Warnock, McGee-Lennon & Brewster, 2011).

2.2 Subjective characteristics of the notification message

In the current research, we focus on interruptions in the form of text notifications that are

simply read, after which the previous task is resumed. Assuming the interruption’s

purpose is to convey a message, the perceived utility of the message has an influence on

the perceived level of its disruptiveness. The perceived utility of a message can be

defined as how important, relevant, and urgent the content is to the recipient (Gluck, Bunt

& McGrenere, 2007). Dabbish and Baker (2003) claimed that the importance of a

message should be considered when deciding when and how to show the notification.

Based on interviews, they developed a model that considers the identity of the interrupter

together with the importance of the message to decide whether to allow or disallow an

interruption. Obermayer and Nugent (2000) recommended that systems present messages

that are more important using notification signals with a high attentional draw (i.e., that

are noticed immediately), while presenting less important messages more subtly so that

they will be noticed only during a natural break. Gluck, Bunt and McGrenere (2007)

examined this guideline and measured the attentional draw of different visual interruption

methods. They suited the level of the attentional draw of a method to the importance and

utility of the interruption and showed that this decreased the users' perceived annoyance

and increased their perception of benefit. Looking at the relevance of a message,

Czerwinski, Cutrell and Horvitz (2000a) found that Instant Messages that are relevant to

the users’ current task were perceived to be less disruptive than irrelevant messages.

Irrelevant messages took longer to process and it was more difficult to reestablish task

context following the interruption. They concluded that interruptions that are relevant to

the ongoing tasks are less disruptive than those that are irrelevant. Finally, the urgency of

the message may also affect the way it is perceived (Szóstek & Markopoulos, 2006;

Obermayer & Nugent, 2000). For example, a study conducted in a home setting found

that the perceived message urgency is a primary indicator of acceptability of

notifications. If people thought the message was urgent, they wanted to receive the

message immediately (Vastenburg, Keyson & de-Ridder, 2008).

2.3 Mobile notifications

Very few studies have looked at what factors affect notifications’ perceived

disruptiveness in a mobile setting, and those that did, focused mostly on the timing of

delivering the notifications. Fischer, Greenhalgh and Benford (2011) looked at opportune

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moments to deliver notifications for mobile guides. They found that interruptions were

attended to more quickly when the user had finished an episode of a mobile interaction

(they examined voice calls and text messaging) compared to a random time. However,

the timing of the interruption (random or at the end of a mobile interaction episode) did

not affect the perceived level of disruptiveness or how appropriate participants rated the

timing of the notification. Similarly, Ho and Intille (2005) performed a study to examine

interruptions in a context-aware mobile setting. Their assumption was that notifications

arriving when the user is transitioning between physical activities will be less disruptive,

because physical transitions correlate with task switches. Using wireless accelerometers

to measure the amount of activity of the users, they showed that users were more

receptive to interruptions during physical transitions (between sitting and standing and

between sitting and walking) than at random times. However, most of their study

participants were office workers who sat most of the day in front of a computer. In such a

setting, it makes sense that a notification received when the person gets up and walks for

a few seconds is less disruptive than when it is received during work at the desk. In

another field study, this time in the home setting, Vastenburg, Keyson and de Ridder

(2008) presented various notifications at random times to participants in their own living

room. Upon receiving the notification, participants were asked to state their current

activity as well as other factors, including the acceptability of the notification. Unlike Ho

and Intille (2005), the researchers in this case found no effect of physical activity on the

acceptability of notifications. This might be because here, physical activity was not

correlated with task switches. Finally, a study by Picard and Liu (2004) examined the

connection between interruption and stress in a mobile everyday setting. They used

inputs from an accelerometer, a heart rate monitor, and a pedometer to trigger

interruptions on a mobile device at “non-stressful” moments. Subjects in the study were

more receptive to interruptions when the system was emotionally friendly and was

triggered during non-stressful activities.

2.4 Notifications in the museum environment

People usually come to the museum for a social, leisure activity that can provide a

meaningful learning experience (Falk, 2001). In such situations, they are open to explore

and engage in new experiences and thus are usually more susceptible to using novel

technologies (Gammon and Burch, 2008). Museum visitors’ behavior has been widely

researched, including also the impact of mobile technology on the visit experience

(Bowen et al., 2008; Lanir et al, 2013). Falk (2009) suggested the Identity-related

Museum Visit Experience Model, which contains a typology of five visitor-identity

prototypes: (i) Explorer, whose visit to the museum is motivated by curiosity or general

interest in discovering more about the subject matter introduced by the museum; (ii)

Experience Seeker, often a tourist, whose visit is typically motivated by the main

attraction the museum is known to offer; (iii) Professional/Hobbyist, who is interested in

specific topics out of the full collection of the museum; (iv) Recharger, who comes to the

museum to reflect and rejuvenate, or to relax and absorb the atmosphere; and finally, (v)

Facilitator, who visits the museum to satisfy the needs and desires of someone else.

Furthermore, Falk (2009) suggests a museum visit model that has a social, personal and

environment context. All in all, unlike other leisure activities such as a sports event or

watching a movie or theatre, where there is specific focus of attention, visitors in the

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museum are engaged in various aspects of the visit and are possibly more open to

receiving information and services via notifications.

There has been a vast amount of research conducted so far on applying novel

technologies, specifically a mobile museum guide, at the museum as can be seen in

several surveys (Ardissono, Kuflik, & Petrelli, 2012; Kenteris, Gavalas, & Economou,

2011; Kray & Baus, 2003). Much of the research focused on information delivery,

navigation, personalization, novel interaction modalities as well as context-aware issues.

Because there is usually an abundance of information available while visitor’s attention

span in a museum visit is limited, a smart mobile guide can provide the visitor with

personalized, contextualized information that is given at the right place at the right time.

Proactive mobile museum guides focus on understanding the user’s context and

accordingly providing relevant information to the visitor (Lanir et al., 2011, Cheverst et

al., 2000). However, in order to provide this information, these systems need to notify the

visitor on the existence of new information or services. In addition, many mobile guide

developers today realize that it is important to support inter-visitor and museum-visitor

communication. Thus, mobile notifications do not only relate to nearby artifacts, but may

also be in the form of a message from a friend, or a notification from the museum

advertising a service (e.g., a message on a museum event that will start soon).

Many mobile museum guide systems implemented some sort of notification mechanism.

Looking at when to deliver the information, mobile guide designers and researchers have

often looked at the user’s location as a mean to decide whether to deliver information

(Abowd et al., 1997; Cheverst et al., 2000; Kuflik et al., 2011; Opperman and Specht,

2000; Stock et al., 2007). When the system detects that the user arrives at a new exhibit,

information related to the exhibit is presented. Researchers have also looked at other

contextual factors such as previous user behavior (Abowd et al., 1997; Petrelli and Not,

2005), and visitor’s known interests (Cheverst et al., 2000). However, researchers rarely

looked at the user’s broader activity range such as general movements or engagement

with exhibits. In the current study, we examine the user activities in the museum more

deeply to see how the user’s activity, and not only the user’s location, can determine

when it is best to deliver notifications.

Looking at how to deliver the information, visitors can be notified of existing information

or services in several ways. Systems such as Cyberguide (Abowd et al., 1997), GUIDE

(Cheverst et al, 2000), and others use minor changes in the user interface of the mobile

guide to indicate existing information. The user then interacts with the interface to

request information specific to the location he or she is at. For example, Hippie

(Oppermann and Specht, 2000) signals the availability of new information by displaying

a blinking icon and playing a short indicator sound alert. Information is then delivered by

pressing the icon. Other systems take a more proactive approach. This is based on the

assumption that in the museum environment, most of the visitor’s attention is devoted to

the exhibit and not to the guide system. A guide that automatically decides what to do is

therefore expected to have a greater appeal than one that asks for user assistance (Petrelli

and Not, 2005). In HyperAudio ( Petrelli and Not, 2005), PEACH (Stock et al 2007),

Ubicicero (Ghiani et al, 2009) and in Lanir et al., (2011) a general audio commentary was

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proactively played when a visitor entered a new location or exhibit, with more

information available through the guide’s interface afterwards. LISTEN (Zimmermann &

Lorenz, 2008) takes the proactive approach to the extreme. In order for technology to be

invisible to the user, LISTEN users do not directly interact with a device and carry only

headphones. It provides museum visitors with audio presentations, adapted to the user's

context. The visitor moves freely in the museum and once the user reaches and faces an

exhibit, the attached acoustic information is proactively activated. The only way the

visitor can (implicitly) control the audio presentations is by moving or changing head

orientation. Finally, the PIL system (Kuflik et al., 2011) uses a hybrid approach. When

the visitor reaches a new exhibit, the display is automatically changed to a picture of the

current exhibit and a beep sound is played. The user can then interact with the system to

receive information about the exhibit. When considering the disruptiveness of the

notification, it is obvious that a proactive notification will be more disruptive than a more

subtle one. However, no studies that we are aware of have examined the modality of a

notification: sound vs. tactile vibration. In this study, we will compare between the

perceived disruption of a sound and a vibro-tactile notification.

Looking at what information to deliver to visitors, most mobile guides focus on providing

interpretive information on the museum exhibits. However, many guides also provide

other types of services such as navigation, means of exploration, and communication

services between visitors. Many visitors come to the museum in small groups, mostly

with family or friends (Aoki et al. 2002). And so, sharing the experience with

companions is an important consideration. In PIL (Kuflik, 2011), small groups of visitors

arriving together can send messages between themselves using the mobile guide.

Message notifications are presented with a small icon that the user can press in order to

read the message. Thus, the PIL guide made a distinction between location-based

information which was presented proactively using a sound and a salient change of the

interface, and social-based information which was left for user control. In CyberGuide

(Abowd et al, 1997) users can send reports about their location to some central service

that others can access. Furthermore, the guide enables users to send general messages to a

set of users such as: “the bus will leave from the departure point in 15 minutes”. Hippie

(Oppermann and Specht, 1999) allows its users to send SMS-like messages that can be

directed to a dedicated addressee, such as family or group members in the museum or to a

full e-mail address of a remote user. While these systems all show the need to send

personal or system notification, none of them examine what messages are perceived as

more disruptive. In the current work, we will analyze different type of messages in the

museum and examine what makes one type of message more disruptive than another.

While all of the works mentioned above implemented information delivery and

notifications within a mobile museum guide system, each study had different assumptions

regarding the way notifications should be handled at the museum environment.

Moreover, none of these studies have empirically looked at the effect that notifications

have on visitors or evaluated the way notifications should be implemented in a museum

environment. In the current study, we systematically compare the various options of

notification design at an actual museum environment, examining when, how and what

notifications influence the subjective disruptiveness of visitors.

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3. THE CURRENT STUDY The current study examines what affects the disruptiveness of notifications in a museum

visit scenario. We use knowledge gained in the desktop environment and examine

whether it applies in the mobile museum context. Considering when to send notifications,

desktop studies suggest looking at task switches or breakpoints as a time for interruptions

(Iqbal & Bailey, 2007). Ho and Intille (2005) correlated task switches in a desktop

environment with physical activities in a mobile setting, finding that opportune moments

for interruptions are when the system detects that the user is in transition between two

physical activities. On the other hand, in a different mobile setting, Vastenburg, Keyson

and de Ridder (2008), did not find physical transitions to affect notifications’

acceptability. In the first user study, we first analyze the tasks that visitors perform in a

museum. We examine physical transitions as well as other visitor activities to see when it

is best to send a notification in the museum environment.

When considering how to convey a notification in the museum environment, various

methods come to mind. The most common notification modalities include a combination

of audio alert, vibrotactile feedback, and visual indication on the display. Hinckley and

Horvitz (2001) proposed different ways of using these combinations to render mobile

phones less intrusive to their users. They suggested inferring the reaction of the user to

the incoming call based on information received from sensors and the context, and

switching the modality accordingly. Still, it remains mostly unclear which modality is

perceived to be more disruptive in our setting. We also examine this in the first user


Finally, as listed above in Section 2.3, when examining how the message content might

affect the disruptiveness of the notification, evidence from studies done in the desktop

environment propose that important and relevant messages will be perceived as less

disruptive than less important or relevant ones. In the second user study, we will examine

this in the museum, also looking at the specific types of messages that are typical to the

museum setting.

3.1 The museum environment

We conducted the experiments in a museum environment in which participants used a

mobile museum guide to receive information about their surroundings. The studies were

conducted at the ***1 museum, a small to medium size archeological museum located on

the campus of ***. The museum includes several exhibition rooms showing exhibits

related to archeology. The museum is instrumented with a radio frequency (RF) based

indoor positioning system based on a wireless sensor network (WSN). The system

architecture (including both positioning and other services) is illustrated in Figure 1.

Forty five Fixed Beacons are placed in points of interest in the museum and the visitors

are carrying mobile devices called “Blinds”. When a Blind is in proximity of a Beacon

(determining location) that Blind reports this information to the server through the nearest

Gateway. The server parses, filters and enhances the information, determining the

visitor’s position.

1 Removed for anonymization purposes

- 12 -

Figure 1. Museum guide’s system architecture.

A research prototype multimedia mobile guide has been developed to provide visitors

with location-aware information about various exhibits in the museum (anonymous).

Visitors use a handheld device (in the current study participants used a Samsung Galaxy

S with a 4” display running an Android OS) to receive information about the various

exhibits in the form of multimedia presentations. When a visitor arrives at a point of

interest (the Blind detects the Beacon and reports this event to the server), he or she is

automatically prompted with an image of the location on which the system presents the

user with a selection of nearby objects (Figure 2, left). The user then selects a specific

object of interest (among those marked by yellow rectangles), which prompts a list of

questions (Figure 2, middle). The questions aim at initiating a dialogue with the visitor

and trigger the visitor to think and select the most interesting one to be answered. Once

the visitor selects a question of interest, a one-minute multimedia presentation is played,

providing an answer to that question (Figure 2, right). Presentations consist of a narrated

text over a set of selected images enhanced with illustrative graphics using different

cinematographic techniques such as pan, zoom and fade. In addition, other services such

as a map screen for each exhibition room, a general map of the museum, navigation to a

specific location and specific tours in the form of a list of locations are available using the

bottom bar on the mobile guide.

The mobile system was successfully deployed at the museum and has since then been

available to the museum visitors free of charge. The system has been evaluated (and

continues to be) by more than 400 actual visitors. We gathered visitors’ log records and

handed out questionnaires, enabling us to conclude that the use of a mobile guide

significantly changed the way visitors behave in the museum (anonymous). We

concluded that overall, visitors enjoyed to use and feel of the system and that it

contributes to the complete visit experience (for further details see anonymous).

Events / Requests

User Data

Sensors and Positioning data


Presentations and Information

PIL Museum Visitor’s Guide System Architecture

Fixed BeaconsCommunication




Museum guide


Visitor with Blind

- 13 -

Figure 2. The mobile museum guide interface. Left - position with highlighted items, middle - list of questions

question, right - presentation running

For the current study, we added to the system the notion of textual notifications. When a

visitor receives a notification, the message icon on the bottom bar changes, indicating

that an incoming message has arrived (Figure 3). When the visitor presses the message

button, a screen simulating the reception of a text message is displayed (see Figure 5).

Figure 3. Text message notification

- 14 -




As stated earlier, the timing of the notification as well as the visual presentation and

modality of the notification may affect its perceived level of disruptiveness. This study

first examined when it is best to interrupt the user. That is, given different user activities

such as standing, walking, engaged with an exhibit, etc., are there situations in which the

user perceives the notification as less interruptive? Second, we examined the perceived

level of disruption of a notification for different types and modalities of notification

methods (For example, it is likely that a sound notification will be more disruptive than a

visual-only notification; however, a sound notification creates more awareness of the

notification than only a visual icon).

4.1 Study design

We employed a three-way (2×3×3) within-subject design with visual indicator (icon,

pop-up), interruption modality (visual-only, sound, vibration), and user activity

(interacting with object, interacting with interface, moving) as independent variables. The

dependent variable was the perceived level of disruption.

For the first variable, visual indicator, we wanted to compare subtle and abrupt visual

notifications. We used an icon indicator as a subtle notification, and one that takes control

of the entire screen and simply appears as a more abrupt notification. Thus, the visual

indicator variable had two values:

Icon – An icon appears on the screen, indicating there is a message waiting. To read

the message, the icon is pressed.

Pop-up – When the message arrives, it immediately appears on the screen.

Interruption modality included the following values:

Visual-only – only a visual indicator appeared

Sound – a beep sound accompanied the visual indicator

Vibration – a vibrotactile notification accompanied the visual indicator

A standard notification sound was used, and the length of the vibration was determined to

be one second, similar to the default length of a vibrotactile notification on a mobile


The third variable, user activity, defined the visitor’s activity during the museum visit

when receiving the notification. To define the values of this variable, in a pilot study, we

conducted observations of real visitors visiting the museum while using the mobile guide.

We came up with the following user activities:

Interacting with the object – the visitor is examining the exhibit, getting a general

impression of the exhibit items and may or may not be reading the exhibit label. The

visitor is not using the mobile device.

- 15 -

Interacting with interface – the visitor is using the mobile guide and navigating

through the guide’s screens.

Moving – The visitor is moving around the museum. The visitor is not using the

mobile device.

Another activity that appeared in our observations was that of a visitor interacting with

another visitor (usually a friend or family member). However, a museum visit is a social

activity and it is ill-advised to interrupt the museum visitor during a conversation

(Leindhardt & Knutson, 2004). Other studies have shown that conversations are an

inappropriate time to disturb users (Hudson et al., 2003; Szóstek & Markopoulos, 2006).

Furthermore, to test this situation, we would need to create conversations for the

participants in an artificial way. This is difficult to simulate, and artificial conversations

would have differed from one participant to another. Therefore, we decided not to

examine this situation in our study.

When moving or interacting with an object, the user is not looking at the device’s screen.

Thus, for these situations, we excluded the visual-only modality in which the user is

assumed to be looking at the screen. Except for this, we tested all combinations of visual

notifications, interruption modalities, and user activities.

In order to measure the costs of interruption, the resumption lag (the time it takes from

when the notification window is closed till the user resumes the task) is often used (Iqbal

& Bailey, 2005; Iqbal & Bailey, 2006; Horvitz et al., 2003). However, resumption lag

can only be measured in structured computerized tasks in which the user is fully engaged.

In a mobile scenario such as that used in our study, there is often no primary task to

resume, and even if there is, it is not always measurable. Thus, as in other studies on the

effect of notifications in a mobile environment with unstructured tasks (Ho & Intille,

2005; Vastenburg, Keyson & De Ridder, 2008), we use subjective self-reported measures

to indicate how much the user was interrupted.

4.2 Hypotheses

Based on our assumptions and previous works, we came up with the following


H1. When looking at the screen, users would experience less disruption with the icon

visual indicator than the pop-up visual indicator. The visual indicator provides the

user to control when to respond to the interruption, while the pop-up method forces the

user to react to the interruption when it appears. While proactively delivering information

can be useful, it usually comes with a feeling of a loss of control (Lanir et al., 2011). We

therefore assume that pop-up will cause a higher level of perceived interruption to the

user than icon changing.

H2. When not looking at the screen, users would experience less disruption with the

vibration method than with the sound method. Hopp et al. (2005) examined the

effectiveness of using tactile cues, such as vibration, to mitigate the negative effects of

interruptions. They found that using such cues led to more frequent and faster responses

- 16 -

to the secondary task without any significant associated decrement in the central task.

Based on their discussion, we hypothesize that tactile cues would be perceived as less

interruptive than audible cues.

H3. The users’ current activity would affect the way users perceive interruptions. As

detailed in Section 2.2, the level of attention is related to the level of mental workload,

and it is not recommended to create interruptions when the user has a high mental

workload (Adamcyzk et al., 2005). We expect these results to be applicable in a mobile

environment as well. Thus, when the user’s current task requires low-level attention,

such as moving from one place to another, the level of the perceived interruption will be

lower than when the user’s current task requires high-level attention, such as when

interacting with the mobile device or an exhibit.

4.3 Participants

Twenty four participants took part in the study (12 males, 12 females) of ages ranking

between 20 and 37 (M=23.95, SD=3.94). All were students from our university. Most

mentioned that they had good computer skills (22), used computers on a daily basis (24),

had an advanced control of mobile phones (12), used them on a daily basis (18), and in

the past used mobile guides a couple of times (13).

4.4 Procedure

Participants first received a short explanation about how to use the mobile guide system,

followed by a short demonstration of the guide and the way notifications are presented.

Participants were then asked to visit the museum at their own pace using the mobile

guide. During the experiment, participants moved freely from one exhibit to another,

examining the exhibits and using the mobile guide to receive information about the

museum's exhibits (Figure 4). At various times during the visit, participants received a

notification of a text message waiting to be read. The participants were told that this

simulates a message with information from the museum, the mobile guide system, or a

friend who came to the museum with them. When the participant accessed the message

content, instead of text, a rating screen appeared (Figure 5). Participants were instructed

that upon receiving the notification they should rate their perceived level of interruption

on a 5-point Likert scale ranging from 1 (not disruptive) to 5 (very disruptive).

Figure 4. A participant receiving information on an exhibit using the mobile guide during the experiment

- 17 -

Figure 5. Notification rating screen

In order to create the interruptions at the right time (according to the participants’

activity), we used the Wizard of Oz technique. An experimenter followed the participants

during the visit at a reasonable distance and, using a handheld device that he carried with

him, triggered interruption events according to the participant’s activity at that particular

time. The order of the interruption method and user activity were randomized for each

participant and determined in advance. Each participant experienced 14 interruptions

(2×3×3, excluding both the visual-only notifications when interacting with an object or

when moving) with a 3-4 minute break between the interruptions to avoid the effects that

sequential interruptions would have on each other. This interruption frequency falls

within the range used in previous studies (Bailey, Konstan & Carlis, 2001; Cutrell,

Czerwinsky & Horvitz, 2001; Czerwinski, Cutrell & Horvitz, 2000b; Fogarty, Hudson &

Lai, 2004; Iqbal et al., 2005; McFarlane, 2002), in which frequency varied from 3

seconds to 5 minutes, but was usually between 2-5 minutes. The entire session took a

little more than one hour, and participants were compensated with cash for their time.

4.5 Results

With ranked ordinal data and a relatively small sample size, a non-parametric statistical

test is recommended (Huck et al., 1974). We therefore used the Friedman analysis of

variance of ranks test to examine differences in ranking between the groups, followed by

post hoc Wilcoxon Signed Ranked-test for pair-wise comparisons if needed.

4.5.1 Visual notifications

We compared participants’ ratings of perceived interruption (on a Likert scale between 1,

indicating a low-level interruption, and 5 indicating a high-level interruption). Results

indicate that the Icon notification (M = 2.8) was perceived to be overall less interruptive

than the pop-up notification (M = 3.44). This difference was significant, (1) = 4.20, p <

- 18 -

.001, supporting H1. Figure 6 presents the average ratings for both types of notifications

for the overall results as well as in each situation independently.

User activity Methods

p-value icon Pop-up

Overall 08.2 (1.19) 4833 (1.19) 0.000

Interacting with interface 0822 (1.26) 4823 (1.23) 0.001

Interacting with object 4832 (1.18) 4833 (1.09) 0.098

Moving from one place to another 0823 (1.06) 4832 (1.19) 0.036

Figure 6. Mean (and standard deviation) of the perceived level of disruption for the icon and pop-up visual

notifications. The Wilcoxon signed ranked test was used to measure significant differences (bold marks

significant difference). N=24.

4.5.2 Modality of the notification

We compared participants’ ratings of perceived interruption between the different

interruption modalities. Because the visual-only modality was applied only in the

“interacting with interface” activity (as this is the only one where it is meaningful), we

first examined the differences between the three modalities when “interacting with

interface.” Unsurprisingly, results indicated that the visual-only modality (“none”) was

less interruptive than the sound or vibration modality (unsurprisingly, since the sound and

vibration notifications also included the visual component). The Friedman test indicated

significant differences between the three modalities (2) = 22.30, p < .001. The results

of a Wilcoxon signed ranked test for pair-wise comparison indicated a significant

difference between the visual-only modality and both the vibration (p<.001) and the

sound (p<.001) modalities.

Next, we examined the overall differences between the sound and the vibration

modalities. Results of the Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test indicate an overall significant

difference (p = .003) with vibration being less disturbing (M = 3.00) than sound (M =

3.46), thus supporting H2. Figure 7 summarizes the results of the comparison between the

sound and vibration modalities overall and in each situation.

User activity Methods

p-value Sound Vibration

Overall 3.46 3.00 0.003 Interacting with interface 482. 4843 28003

Interacting with object 48.0 4822 28230 Moving from one place to another 483. 0820 020.0

Figure 7. Mean ratings of the perceived level of disruption for vibration and sound methods and the significance

of the difference between them using the Wilcoxon signed ranks test. A higher rating number denotes a higher

level of disruption (bold marks significant differences). N = 24.

4.5.3 User activity

Figure 8 shows the differences in perceived level of interruption between the three user

activities. The results indicate that when moving from one place to another participants

- 19 -

perceived a lower level of interruption (M = 2.91, SD = 0.42) than when interacting with

an object (M = 3.29, SD = 0.67), which in turn, was perceived as having a lower level of

interruption than when interacting with the interface (M =3.50, SD = 0.56). The Friedman

test provided evidence for significant differences among the three groups, (2) = 18.6, p

< .001, supporting H3. When examining the pair-wise comparisons using the Wilcoxon

test, we found that receiving a notification while moving was perceived as less

interruptive than when interacting with an object, Z = -277, p < 0.05, or when interacting

with the interface, Z = -3.84, p < 0.001. The difference between interacting with an object

and interacting with an interface was not significant, Z = -1.49, p = ns.

Figure 8. Mean of perceived level of disruption of participants in the different user activities. Error bars display

95% confidence interval.



The second study looked at how the content of the notification, specifically the perceived

importance and relevance of the received message, affects the perceived level of


5.1 Study Design

We employed a within-subject design with Message type (4) and user activity (3) as

independent variables. As in study 1, the dependent variable was the perceived level of

interruption. In addition, we asked participants to rate each message's perceived level of

importance and relevance. Importance and relevance are subjective: a message can be

important to some people and not to others, and the same applies to relevance. According

to these subjective results, we tested whether there was a correlation between

importance/relevance and the perceived level of disruption.

We expect a high variability in perceived level of importance and relevance of a message.

Different participants may rate messages differently according to the message structure,

content, and phrasing, and according to individual subjective traits. Thus, similarly to








Interacting withInterface

Interacting withobject

Moving fromone place to


- 20 -

Vastenburg , Keyson and de Ridder (2007; 2008), we analyze our results according to

perceived importance and relevance rather than trying to induce importance or relevance

as independent variables. In order to elicit a wide range of perceived importance and

relevance ratings, we devised four kinds of message categories that are relevant to the

museum context.

Recommendation. Messages that provide the museum visitors with information about

what to see and what to do in the museum.

Social. Messages that support the visit in its social context by creating

communication between the visitors during the visit.

Urgent. Messages informing the visitors about events concerning the museum. These

are time sensitive information sent by the system, with an expiration time.

Regular (control). As a control message type, regular, irrelevant messages were also

sent to the users. These contained general information that was related to the museum

visit scenario but not related to any other type of message.

Figure 9 shows the messages used in the study according to the four message categories.

Message Category Message Text


For your information, most visitors selected the second

question/presentation from the list.

For your information, this exhibit is one of the five most observed exhibits

among the museum visitors.

For your information, the exhibit on your right is highly recommended as

it is related to the current exhibit.

Regular (Control)

For your information, you can come to the museum with your own smart

phone and use the system with it.

For your information, you can watch the presentations that are in the

guide from your home as well through the museum website.

For your information, next week the museum will be closed on Wednesday

for replacement of exhibits.


You received a message from your friend John: You should visit the

exhibit of the ancient ship from Ma'agan Michael.

You received a message from your friend John: I can see your position

from the device. I will join you in a few minutes.

You received a message from your friend John: The visit is very

interesting. I'll be happy to come back to this museum.


System message: the museum will close in ten minutes.

System message: In the exhibit you are currently in, a guided tour will

start for a group of visitors. You are welcome to stay and listen to the

guide or move elsewhere because of the expected noise

System message: A movie that describes the removal of the ship from the

sea will be broadcast in a five minutes at the shipyard

Figure 9. Notification messages according to message category

- 21 -

The user activity, included the same activities as in study 1:

Interacting with the object – the visitor is examining the exhibit, getting a general

impression of the exhibit items. The visitor is not using the mobile device.

Interacting with interface – the visitor is using the mobile device and navigating

through the screens.

Moving – the visitor is moving around the site. The visitor is not using the mobile


5.2 Hypotheses

H4. Relevant messages will be perceived as less disrupting than irrelevant messages.

In a desktop environment, irrelevant messages were found to take longer to process and it

was more difficult to reestablish task context following the interruption, and thus they

were determined to be more disruptive (Czerwinski, Cutrell & Horvitz, 2000a). We

hypothesize that in a mobile environment they will also be more disruptive. We assume

this disruptiveness will also be reflected in the perceived ratings.

H5. Visitors will be more tolerant toward messages that are interesting and/or

important to them. Several researchers, looking at the office setting, claimed that the

subjective importance of the message should be considered when deciding when and how

to interrupt the user (Dabbish & Baker, 2003; Szóstek & Markopoulos, 2006). We thus

hypothesize that also in a leisure mobile setting important messages will be perceived as

causing a lower level of interruption than non-important messages.

H6. There will be differences in the perceived level of disruption between different

types of messages. Specifically, urgent, social, and recommendation types of

messages will be less disruptive than regular messages. In a museum scenario, visitors

may receive different types of messages. Messages may contain recommendations about

what to do or where to go, have a social aspect when they are sent from other visitors, or

can have a time barrier that makes them urgent. A study by Vastenburg , Keyson and de

Ridder, (2007) showed that urgency and the delivery method may affect the acceptability

of a notification. A different study (Nagel, Hudson & Abowd, 2004) showed that the

user’s activity and social context are also important factors in determining the

acceptability of an interruption. According to Bowen and Filippini-Fantoni (2004),

personalized recommendations help visitors deal with the "information overload" of the

museum environment by presenting information based on their interests and background.

Thus, we hypothesized that these types of messages would be more relevant to the user

and thus less interruptive.

5.3 Participants

Twenty four paid participants (3 males, 21 females) of ages ranging between 20 and 27

(M = 22.87, SD = 1.65) participated in the study; none of them participated in study 1. All

were students from our university. Most mentioned that they had advanced computer

skills (23), used computers on a daily basis (19), had a basic and advanced control of

mobile phones (10 for each option), and in the past had used mobile guides a couple of

times (12).

- 22 -

5.4 Procedure

As in the previous study, participants were requested to go around the museum using a

handheld mobile museum visitors’ guide, stopping at various exhibits and listening to

information on the exhibits using the mobile guide. While touring the museum,

participants received notifications. Unlike in the previous experiment, here the

notifications were accompanied by a text message, which the participants were requested

to first read, and only then rate the perceived level of interruption for that message.

Participants were asked to imagine that these were real messages that related to their visit

(i.e., the social message was actually from a friend that came with them to the museum).

After rating the perceived level of interruption, participants were presented with a form

asking them to rate the subjective level of importance and relevance of the message on a

5-point Likert scale, with 1 denoting a low and 5 denoting a high level. Participants were

asked: “How important was the message to you”, and “How relevant was the message to

what you are currently doing?” Participants were informed of an incoming notification by

a vibration plus an icon notification. The vibration method was chosen since it was the

preferred method from the first study. Pressing the message button (see Figure 2) brings

the participants to the message and rating screen.

As in the first study, we used the Wizard of Oz technique in which the experimenter

followed the visitor during the visit at a reasonable distance and triggered the

interruptions according to the observed situations. The visitor was instructed to ignore the

experimenter. Each participant received 12 messages during the visit (4 message types

3 situations), resulting in a total of 288 total notifications in the entire experiment.

Messages were sent within 4-5 minutes of each other in order to avoid effects that one

message may have on the other. The order of the messages for each participant was


5.5 Results

5.5.1 Relevance and importance

To examine the effect of perceived importance on perceived interruption, we performed a

random effects model (mixed) with message as a repeated measure, perceived

interruption as the dependent variable, perceived importance as the fixed variable and

subject as a random variable. Results indicate an estimate of -0.23 for perceived

importance indicating a negative correlation of perceived importance on perceived

interruption. These results were significant (p<0.001). This relation suggests that the

higher the importance of a message, the lower the perceived interruption, supporting H5.

We performed the same analysis, this time with the perceived relevance as the fixed

variable. Results indicate an estimate of -0.17 for perceived relevance indicating a

negative correlation of perceived relevance on perceived interruption. These results were

also significant (p<0.01). This relation suggests that a higher relevance of a message is

tied to a lower interruption level, supporting H6.

- 23 -

To visualize these results we show the cross tabulation rating counts of all results. While

not taking into account personal repeated measures, this gives an indication of the general

correlation of both importance and relevance with the perceived interruption.

Importance Relevance

rating 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5







1 6 7 8 21 26 9 7 10 12 27

2 5 9 20 27 8 8 12 11 21 15

3 4 19 18 9 10 10 16 19 5 8

4 9 16 12 8 4 20 12 10 7 6

5 19 9 3 5 6 18 11 2 4 8

Figure 10. Cross distribution count of perceived disruption vs. importance and perceived disruption vs.

relevance. Ratings are on a 5-point Likert scale with 1 denoting low and 5 denoting high. N = 24, total of 288


5.5.2 Message types

We compared participants’ ratings of perceived interruption between the different

message types. The mean results of the four categories are presented in Figure 11. Results

of the Friedman one-way ANOVA by ranks showed that the differences between the

groups were significant (2) = 8.59, p < .035, supporting H6. Examining pair-wise

comparisons using the Wilcoxon signed-ranked test with the Bonferroni correction found

that social messages (M = 2.53, SD = 0.81) were perceived to be less interruptive than the

control messages (M = 2.90, SD = 1.34), Z = -2.14, p = .031, while the difference

between urgent (M= 2.55, SD = 1.2) and control messages was marginally significant (Z

= -1.80, p = 0.064). No other pair-wise comparison was significant.





recommendation social urgent control

- 24 -

Figure 11 – Mean ranking of perceived interruption according to different message types. Ranking is on a 5-

point Likert scale with 1 denoting low interruption and 5 denoting high interruption. Error bars display 95%

confidence intervals.

To examine the difference between message types further, we compared the four message

types according to the perceived relevance and perceived importance ratings given to

messages of each type. The results are presented in Figure 12. For the analysis, we used

pair-wise comparisons with the Wilcoxon signed-ranked test with the Bonferroni

correction. Comparing the perceived importance of the messages, results indicate that

urgent messages were perceived to be significantly more important than social messages

and recommendation messages, which in turn were perceived to be significantly more

important than control messages. Looking at the perceived relevance of the messages, we

found that urgent and recommendation messages were perceived to be significantly more

relevant than control and social messages.

Figure 12 – Mean ranking of perceived importance and relevance according to different message types. Ranking

is on a 5-point Likert scale with 1 denoting high importance or relevance and 5 denoting low importance or

relevance. Error bars displaying 95% confidence intervals.

5.5.3 User activity

To corroborate our results from study 1 (Section 4.6.3), we again looked at the difference

in the perceived interruption level between the three user activities. Similar to the results

in study 1, when receiving messages while moving, participants were least interrupted (M

= 2.22, SD = .79), followed by when participants interacted with an object (M=2.78, SD

= 1.02). Finally, participants were most interrupted when receiving a notification while

interacting with the interface (M=3.10, SD = .90). Results of the Friedman one-way

ANOVA by ranks showed these differences were significant, (2) = 16.4, p < .001.

Results of the Wilcoxon signed-ranked test of the pair-wise comparisons showed

significant differences between all pairs (moving-interacting with interface: Z=-3.84,

p<0.01; moving-interacting with object: Z=-2.85, p<0.01; interacting with interface-

interacting with object: Z=-2.21, p=.026). These results further support H3.








- 25 -


Many factors may influence the disruptiveness of a notification. These may include the

activity of the user, the modality and utility of the message, the emotional state and the

social engagement of the user and more. Furthermore, different factors may be more or

less influential in different contexts (Ho and Intille, 2005). Our main purpose in this study

was to examine the main factors that influence interruptability in the context of a museum

visit. This can help mobile guide designers in building models and strategies that would

reduce disruptiveness by deciding on when and how to send the notification, similar to

what has been done at the desktop environment (Iqbal & Bailey, 2007; Iqbal & Horvitz,

2007; Horvitz et al., 2003). Out of the possible factors, we chose to closely examine the

activity of the user (when), the modality of the message (how) and the utility of the

message (what) since these factors are commonly used in interruption models and are

most easily detectable in a context-aware mobile system.

In order to explore when to send the notification, we looked at how the activity of the

visitor at the museum environment affects the subjective disruptiveness of the

notification. Our results support the idea that the perceived level of disruption depends on

the current activity of the museum visitor. Participants felt that the notifications were less

disruptive when they were walking between exhibits than when they were standing in

front of an exhibit or when they were interacting with the mobile guide. This supports the

results of Ho and Intille (2005), which showed that interruptions were better accepted

during times of physical transition in a mobile computing environment. The results for

how the notification was presented showed that visitors experienced less disruption with

an icon visual indicator than with a pop-up (full screen) visual indicator. This is not

surprising. A pop-up visual indicator is much more abrupt and naturally more disruptive

than an icon indicator. We note that both of these options are mostly relevant in situations

where the visitor is looking at the screen of a mobile device when receiving the message.

In other situations, the indicator has to be combined with other modalities of notification

(such as sound or vibration) to be effective. We also found that tactile notifications in the

form of vibration were perceived to be less interruptive than a sound notification. This

builds upon and extends the work of Hopp et al. (2005). Finally, focusing on what

content is delivered, we examined different aspects of the notification message and how

the content might affect the perceived level of the disruption. Our results showed a

negative correlation between the relevance of a notification and its perceived level of

disruption. That is, messages that are highly relevant to the user’s current task were

perceived as less disruptive and vice versa. These findings extends the results of

Czerwinski, Cutrell and Horvitz (2000a) about the effects of relevance in Instant

Messaging. Regarding the importance of a message, results showed a negative correlation

between the perceived level of importance and the perceived level of disruption,

indicating that important messages were also perceived as less disruptive. These results

support the literature research in the desktop environment that claimed that the

importance of a message is also a factor to consider when modeling when to show

notifications (Dabbish & Baker, 2003; Szóstek & Markopoulos, 2006) and extends them

to the museum area.

6.1 Guidelines for museum curators and mobile guide designers

- 26 -

In order to enhance the museum visitor’s experience, museum curators and mobile guide

designers are interested in offering the visitor options from a wide range of information

and services that are available at the museum. However, they need to be cautious not to

overload the visitor with messages, which may eventually detract rather than enhance

from the visitor experience. Thus, it is critical for mobile guide designers to understand

how to minimize the level of disruption that the notifications cause.

Looking for the opportune moments to send notifications, we first examined the main

visitor activities at the museum. For a typical exhibit-centered museum such as the one

used in the current study, the main activities we observed were a visitor interacting with

an exhibit, interacting with the mobile guide, transitioning from one exhibit to another,

and talking to a friend. Our results indicated that out of the first three activities, it is best

to send notifications when transitioning from one exhibit to another. In previous studies

in the desktop environment, the level of mental workload was shown to affect the

perceived level of interruption (Adamcyzk et al., 2005). Thus, breakpoints between tasks,

when mental workload is low, were recommended as opportune moments for interruption

(Iqbal & Bailey, 2007). When moving around the museum, the museum visitor, being in

transition between exhibits and searching for the next interesting item, most probably

uses less cognitive effort than in the other situations. This is of course also true when the

visitor is resting. When interacting with an exhibit, on the other hand, the visitor is

focusing on the object, often trying to understand or learn about it. This demands much

more attention. When interacting with interface, the visitor is trying to navigate through

the mobile device’s screens until he or she reaches the service they want. This also

requires a high level of attention, this time focused on the device. Finally, it is

recommended not to disrupt the user when they are having a conversation (Leindhardt &

Knutson, 2004, Hudson et al., 2003; Szóstek & Markopoulos, 2006). Thus, museum

systems should aim at recognizing the visitor activity and send the notifications when the

visitor is doing an activity with a low level of mental workload such as when

transitioning between exhibits or resting. Still, it might be difficult to recognize when the

visitor is in transition and is not focusing on exhibits. One way may be to look for

physical movements of visitors. Another is to try to recognize when a visitor is engaged

with an exhibit, which is not a good time to send notifications. Several works have started

exploring how to recognize visitor engagement using information such as eye gaze

(Yamazaki et al., 2009, Qvarfordt, and Zhai, 2005).

Visitors experienced less disruption with an icon visual indicator than with a pop-up (full

screen) visual indicator. The difference between these methods is in their noticeability

and control. There is a tradeoff here. The icon visual indicator is subtle and keeps the user

in control – the user may decide to take action or not, while the pop-up notification is

more noticeable, but does not leave the user much choice. As was seen in Lanir et al.

(2011) visitors usually prefer control over enhanced proactiveness in mobile guides.

McFarlane (2002) distinguishes between immediate and negotiated interruption

strategies. In an immediate strategy, the user is immediately interrupted regardless of his

or her current actions. In the negotiated strategy, the agents announce their need to

interrupt, and then support a negotiation with the user. This allows the user to control

how to deal with the interruption. While the pop-up visual indicator fits the immediate

strategy in which the interruption is forced upon the user, the icon visual indicator fits the

- 27 -

negotiated strategy in which the user decides when to address the interruption. Although

participants were instructed to rate the interruption as soon as they were aware of it, and

thus immediately responded to the interruption, participants still preferred the icon visual

indicator, which is associated with the “friendlier” negotiation strategy that leaves control

in the hand of the user. Participants also preferred the vibration over the sound

notification. This can be explained by the experiment’s environment, which was a quiet

archeological museum during its opening hours. In such an environment, a sound

notification may be perceived as more disturbing to other museum visitors and the

general museum atmosphere than a tactile notification. Still, there might be a tradeoff

here between the disruptiveness and noticeability of the interruption. Thus, in a museum

we recommend to use subtle visual notifications rather than abrupt ones and tactile

vibration notifications rather than audio alerts.

Finally, our results point out that designers should carefully consider the content of the

notification. Important notifications and ones that are relevant to the visitor’s current task

are more acceptable. Moreover, we examined three message types typical to the museum

scenario: recommendation, social and urgent (time related) messages and compared them

to baseline, control messages. Our Results showed that social messages caused a lower

perceived level of disruption than regular (control) messages (see Figure 11). The

museum is a social place, with most visits occurring in small groups of family and friends

(Falk, 2009). Museum researchers have shown that communication between visitors is

essential and important for the visit experience (Leindhardt & Knutson, 2004; Aoki et al.,

2002). However, the use of a mobile guide is mostly personal and often isolates and

detaches the visitor from his or her group (Lanir et al., 2013). Thus, we recommend that

mobile guide systems support small group messaging services, and give preference for

social, visitor-to-visitor messages over other types of messages.

Looking at the other categories of message types, the difference in perceived disruption

between urgent and regular messages was only partly significant, even though urgent

messages were perceived to be both more important and relevant. Since other studies

showed that the urgency of a message affects its acceptability (Vastenburg , Keyson & de

Ridder, 2008), we believe that there is an actual difference, and the articulation and

possibly the context of our current messages caused them to be only partly significant.

Further research will examine recommendation, social, and urgent messages in other

mobile contexts.

6.2 Generalizing the results

One of the purposes of this work was to take a close look at notifications in a mobile

setting. As mentioned, while many studies examined the disruption of notifications in the

desktop environment, very few have looked at mobile contexts. A location-aware mobile

guide is a canonical context-aware application and is a perfect medium for investigating

issues of context-aware applications (Dey, 2001). Examples of other context-aware

scenarios include a shopper walking in a shopping center, occasionally using his or her

mobile device to get directions or information on certain stores, a tourist walking the

streets of a new city looking for tourist attractions, or a person strolling in a library. In

- 28 -

such settings, a smart system might be able to assist the user by offering context-aware

services or information via notifications.

As any study conducted in a specific environment, we should be cautious in generalizing

our results. However, we believe that while some results are museum specific, others can

generalize to other mobile contexts. For example, while the activities we examined are

specific to the museum, the guideline of looking for times with a lower mental workload

is more general and stands in other contexts. Looking at an exhibit at the museum may be

similar to looking at a shop window in a mall, where in both situations the user is visually

and mentally engaged. Thus, our results that an opportune time for a notification is when

the user is transitioning from one exhibit to another seems to generalize to other mobile

contexts whenever moving demands less mental effort than sitting or standing. Regarding

the modality of the message, the tactile notification may have been perceived as less

disruptive than the auditory notification because of the quiet museum environment.

Future research should examine if a tactile notification is also perceived as less disruptive

in other context-aware environments, such as a shopping center or a sports event, and

whether tactile notifications are less noticeable than auditory ones.

The contents of the messages were highly related to the museum visit. Still, our results

regarding the perception of relevant and important notifications were in line with desktop

studies that found that relevant notifications disrupted productivity tasks less

(Czerwinski, Cutrell and Horvitz, 2000) and that important notifications were considered

less disruptive (Dabbish & Baker, 2003). Thus, we extend these claims to the perceived

level of disruption caused by notifications in a mobile museum environment. While the

notions of relevancy as well as importance are very different in a goal-directed, structured

desktop environment, we believe that similar to how we showed these to affect

notifications in the museum environment, these results will hold in other mobile contexts.

Still, future work would validate this and examine different message types in other


6.3 Limitations

The current study has several limitations. First, while conducted in an actual museum at

opening hours, this was still a structured user study in which participants were instructed

what to do. Participants were asked to wander around the museum looking at exhibits as

in a regular visit. Still, their behavior and motivation was probably affected by the user

study setting. Future studies will look at actual museum visitor behavior. Second, as

mentioned above in Section 6.2, the study was conducted in one specific environment: an

archeology museum. It might be difficult to generalize the results to other, different type

of context-aware environments such as shopping malls or sport events. Finally, in the

current study we isolated the variables (user activity + visual indicator, and user activity

+ message content) to create two separate studies. This was done mostly because the

experimental setup was too complex to examine all variable combinations in one

experiment. Thus, there might have been an interaction effect between the modality and

the content of the interruption that we did not meausre. Future research will examine the

connection between the urgency or relevance of a notification and its attentional draw.

- 29 -


With the vast increase in smart mobile devices and various mobile services, context-

aware computing has emerged as a new and important research topic. However, for

applications to suggest services and information to users proactively, systems need to

control the amount and rate of notifications arriving at the user. Thus, mobile notification

management is crucial for the success and acceptability of such services. In this research,

we examined the factors that affect disruptiveness in a context-aware mobile museum

environment, looking at when, how, and what type of notifications are less disruptive.

Our results indicate that the user activity affected the perceived level of disruption. It

seems that the perceived level of disruption is correlated to the level of attention that is

required from the user in his or her current activity. In a museum environment,

transitioning between exhibits demands the least amount of attention and therefore is the

best time for sending notifications. We also found that in the museum environment,

tactile notifications provided a lower perceived level of disruption than audible

notifications. Finally, the characteristics of the notification itself, such as the relevancy

and importance of the message, also affected its perceived level of disruption.

These results can be specifically applied to a context-aware museum environment. Many

museums are equipped today with various sensors that are placed in the environment or

that already exist in the mobile device (Kuflik et al., 2011; Cheverst et al., 2000; Stock et

al., 2007). These sensors may help the system to infer the user context and react

accordingly. The system can thus infer the preferred time to present notifications by

recognizing when the visitor is transitioning between activities, specifically when the user

moves from one exhibit to another. Since the museum visit scenario is composed of

repetitive sessions of examining exhibits and pausing, finding an appropriate moment can

be possible without delaying the notification too much. When the visitor is recognized to

be engaged in other activities (such as interacting with an exhibit), it is recommended to

notify him or her only of highly relevant or important information. Finally, in the

museum environment, a negotiation strategy (McFarlane, 2002) is recommended along

with a tactile notification.

While this research contributed specifically in providing guidelines for optimizing the use

of notifications in the museum environment, we believe that most of these results are

generalizable for understanding notification acceptability in other leisure-oriented,

context-aware mobile computing environments. For example, it is likely that transitioning

from one activity to another poses an opportune moment for interruption, as has also been

suggested by other studies. However, other results, such as preferring tactile over audio

notifications, should be examined in other types of mobile environments that may include

other types of activities. Further research will apply these guidelines in museum and other

mobile environments, using sensors to infer the user’s current activities, while modeling

the users’ information needs in order to provide the users with the right notifications in

the right way at the right time.

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