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Exergoeconomic Analysis of Plum Drying in a Heat Pump Conveyor Dryer

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PLEASE SCROLL DOWN FOR ARTICLE This article was downloaded by: [TÜBİTAK EKUAL] On: 3 February 2011 Access details: Access Details: [subscription number 772815469] Publisher Taylor & Francis Informa Ltd Registered in England and Wales Registered Number: 1072954 Registered office: Mortimer House, 37- 41 Mortimer Street, London W1T 3JH, UK Drying Technology Publication details, including instructions for authors and subscription information: http://www.informaworld.com/smpp/title~content=t713597247 Exergoeconomic Analysis of Plum Drying in a Heat Pump Conveyor Dryer Arif Hepbasli a ; Neslihan Colak b ; Ebru Hancioglu c ; Filiz Icier d ; Zafer Erbay d a Department of Mechanical Engineering, College of Engineering, King Saud University, Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia b Department of Food Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Pamukkale University, Denizli, Turkey c Geothermal Energy Research and Application Center, Izmir Institute of Technology, Izmir, Turkey d Department of Food Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Ege University, Izmir, Turkey Online publication date: 24 November 2010 To cite this Article Hepbasli, Arif , Colak, Neslihan , Hancioglu, Ebru , Icier, Filiz and Erbay, Zafer(2010) 'Exergoeconomic Analysis of Plum Drying in a Heat Pump Conveyor Dryer', Drying Technology, 28: 12, 1385 — 1395 To link to this Article: DOI: 10.1080/07373937.2010.482843 URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/07373937.2010.482843 Full terms and conditions of use: http://www.informaworld.com/terms-and-conditions-of-access.pdf This article may be used for research, teaching and private study purposes. Any substantial or systematic reproduction, re-distribution, re-selling, loan or sub-licensing, systematic supply or distribution in any form to anyone is expressly forbidden. The publisher does not give any warranty express or implied or make any representation that the contents will be complete or accurate or up to date. The accuracy of any instructions, formulae and drug doses should be independently verified with primary sources. The publisher shall not be liable for any loss, actions, claims, proceedings, demand or costs or damages whatsoever or howsoever caused arising directly or indirectly in connection with or arising out of the use of this material.


This article was downloaded by: [TÜBİTAK EKUAL]On: 3 February 2011Access details: Access Details: [subscription number 772815469]Publisher Taylor & FrancisInforma Ltd Registered in England and Wales Registered Number: 1072954 Registered office: Mortimer House, 37-41 Mortimer Street, London W1T 3JH, UK

Drying TechnologyPublication details, including instructions for authors and subscription information:http://www.informaworld.com/smpp/title~content=t713597247

Exergoeconomic Analysis of Plum Drying in a Heat Pump Conveyor DryerArif Hepbaslia; Neslihan Colakb; Ebru Hanciogluc; Filiz Icierd; Zafer Erbayd

a Department of Mechanical Engineering, College of Engineering, King Saud University, Riyadh,Kingdom of Saudi Arabia b Department of Food Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, PamukkaleUniversity, Denizli, Turkey c Geothermal Energy Research and Application Center, Izmir Institute ofTechnology, Izmir, Turkey d Department of Food Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Ege University,Izmir, Turkey

Online publication date: 24 November 2010

To cite this Article Hepbasli, Arif , Colak, Neslihan , Hancioglu, Ebru , Icier, Filiz and Erbay, Zafer(2010) 'ExergoeconomicAnalysis of Plum Drying in a Heat Pump Conveyor Dryer', Drying Technology, 28: 12, 1385 — 1395To link to this Article: DOI: 10.1080/07373937.2010.482843URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/07373937.2010.482843

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Exergoeconomic Analysis of Plum Drying in a Heat PumpConveyor Dryer

Arif Hepbasli,1 Neslihan Colak,2 Ebru Hancioglu,3 Filiz Icier,4 and Zafer Erbay41Department of Mechanical Engineering, College of Engineering, King Saud University, Riyadh,Kingdom of Saudi Arabia2Department of Food Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Pamukkale University, Denizli, Turkey3Geothermal Energy Research and Application Center, Izmir Institute of Technology, Izmir, Turkey4Department of Food Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Ege University, Izmir, Turkey

In this study, plum slices were dried in a heat pump dryerdesigned and constructed in Ege University, Izmir, Turkey. Dryingexperiments were carried out at an air temperature range of45–55�C. The performance of the dryer along with its main compo-nents were evaluated using an exergy analysis method. Exergydestruction and capital cost rates were used for the exergoeconomicanalysis, which is based on the quantities exergy, cost, energy, andmass (EXCEM) method. Exergy destruction rates to capital costvalues Rex were obtained to vary between 1.668 and 2.063W/USD at different drying air temperatures. Ren values were observedto range from 6.258 to 5.749W/USD. Ren values decreased as thedrying air temperature increased, contrary to Rex values. _RRex and_RRen values increased linearly with increasing temperature due tothe loss, whereas _RRen decreased due to the relatively higher energyutilization efficiency of the heat pump. In the compressor, _RRen and_RRex values decreased with the increase in the temperature contraryto the other components. _RRex had the lowest value in the drying duct.However, in the compressor, expansion valve, and heat recovery, _RRex

values were found to be higher and should be improved in these units.

Keywords Exergoeconomic analysis; Food drying; Heat pumpdryer


Drying is one of the oldest unit operations and has beenwidely used in various industries in recent years. In thefood industry, foods are dried starting from their naturalform (vegetables, fruits, grains, spices, milk) or after hand-ling (e.g., instant coffee, soup mixes, whey). The pro-duction of a processed food may involve more than onedrying process at different stages, and in some cases pre-treatment of food is necessary before drying. The main pur-pose of food drying is to preserve and extend the shelf lifeof the product. In addition, drying in the food industry isused to (1) obtain the desired physical form (e.g., powder,

flakes, granules); (2) obtain the desired color, flavor, ortexture; (3) reduce volume or weight for transportation;(4) and produce new products that would not otherwisebe feasible.[1,2] The methods of drying are diversified withthe purpose of the process. There are more than 200 typesof dryers.[1] For every dryer, the process conditions, such asdrying chamber temperature, pressure, air velocity (if thecarrier gas is air), relative humidity, and product retentiontime, have to be determined according to feed, product,purpose, and method. Drying is an energy-intensive pro-cess, and its energy consumption value is 10–15% of thetotal energy consumption in all industries in developedcountries.[1,3] So optimization of drying processes and sys-tems is important in terms of their energetic efficiencies.

During the past few decades, thermodynamic analyses,particularly exergy analyses, have appeared to be an essen-tial tool for the system design, analysis, and optimizationof thermal systems. From a thermodynamic point of view,exergy is defined as the maximum amount of work that canbe produced by a stream of matter, heat, or work as itcomes to equilibrium with a reference environment. Exergyis not subject to a conservation law; rather exergy is con-sumed or destroyed, due to irreversibilities in any process.It is a measure of the potential of a stream to cause change,as a consequence of not being completely stable relative tothe reference environment. For this reason, the state of thereference environment, or the reference state, must bespecified completely. This is commonly done by specifyingthe temperature, pressure, and chemical composition of thereference environment.[4] By using an exergy analysismethod, magnitudes and locations of exergy destructions(irreversibilities) in the whole system can be identified,and potential for energy efficiency improvements can beintroduced.[5] Mathematical models for exergy analysis ofdrying of biological products have been developed by someinvestigators.[4,6–9] The energy analysis method has beenwidely used for evaluating the performance of food systems

Correspondence: Arif Hepbasli, Department of MechanicalEngineering, College of Engineering, King Saud University,P.O. Box 800, Riyadh 11421, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia; E-mail:[email protected] or [email protected]

Drying Technology, 28: 1385–1395, 2010

Copyright # 2010 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC

ISSN: 0737-3937 print=1532-2300 online

DOI: 10.1080/07373937.2010.482843


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(especially food dryers), though studies on exergy analysisare relatively few in numbers.[10–15]

Exergoeconomic analysis helps designers to find ways toimprove the performance of a system in a cost-effectiveway.[16] Many researchers have developed methods ofperforming economic analyses based on exergy, whichare referred to by a variety of names (e.g., thermo-economics, second law costing, cost accounting, andexergoeconomics).[17–20]

Exergoeconomic analysis has been applied to variousenergy-related systems, such as the residential commercialsector,[21] thermal systems,[22] power plants,[17] combinedcycle cogeneration plants,[23] and diesel engine–poweredcogeneration.[24] Based on a literature survey, no studieshave appeared on the exergoeconomic analysis of heatpump drying systems to the best of the authors’ knowledge.This was the prime motivation in doing the present study,which applied the exergy, cost, energy, and mass (EXCEM)method to a heat pump system for drying of plums slices,and the performance assessment for each component ofthis system and the whole system was done using the exergyanalysis method. The effect of drying temperature on theefficiencies of the systems was also evaluated in terms ofexergetic efficiency, improvement potential rate, and exer-goeconomic analysis. In this regard, the authors investigatethe relations between thermodynamic losses and capitalcosts for devices in the heat pump drying system basedon the experimental data and actual cost and suggest poss-ible generalizations in the relation between thermodynamiclosses and capital costs. Suggestions for improving the effi-ciencies of the drying systems are also made. This workalso provides insight that will aid investigators, designers,and operators of such systems.



Freshly harvested plums (Prunus domestica Insititia) werepurchased from a local market in Izmir, Turkey. The pur-chased plums were cleaned and dipped into 1% NaOH sol-ution for 15 s.[25,26] Plums were then washed with water and,after removing the excess water on the surface of plums witha filter paper, sliced uniformly (average thickness: 4.0�0.5mm). The purchased plums were processed within 24 h.

The moisture content of the plums was determined usinga vacuum oven method.[27] The moisture content of thefresh and dried plums was determined to be 84.49%�1.10 and 15.70%� 2.56, respectively.

Experimental Setup

Plums were dried in the heat pump dryer. A pilot-scaleheat pump conveyor dryer, which was designed andconstructed in the Department of Mechanical Engineer-ing, Faculty of Engineering, Ege University (Izmir,

Turkey), was used in this study.[14] Figure 1a shows aschematic diagram of the heat pump dryer, and a pictureis shown in Fig. 1b. The drying system consisted of twomain parts, namely, (1) the heat pump and (2) the dryingchamber. The air was heated by the heat pump system,which included a scroll compressor, two condensers (inter-nal and external ones), the expansion valve, the evaporator,

FIG. 1. (a) Schematic of the heat pump dryer with coded points used in

equations; (b) Picture of the heat pump dryer.


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and a heat recovery unit. R407C was used as refrigerant inthe heat pump system. The R407C at a low pressure isvaporized in the evaporator by extracting heat from theair. The compressor raises the enthalpy of the R407C ofthe heat pump and discharges it as superheated vapor ata high pressure. Heat is removed from the R407C andreturned to the process air at the condenser. The R407Cis then throttled to a low-pressure line (using an expansionvalve) and enters the evaporator to complete the cycle. Inthe cabinet drying system, the hot air at the exit of the con-denser is allowed to pass through the drying chamberwhere it gains heat from the product to be dried. Someof the fresh air from the ambient air is mixed with the moistair expelled from the drying chamber before entering to thecondenser. The air temperature is controlled by a controlunit. The drying air velocity is regulated by a fan and itsspeed control unit, and the drying air is recycled. Dryingcompartment dimensions are 3.0� 1.0� 1.0m. Plums aremoved by a conveyor band system driven by an electricmotor.

Drying Procedure and Measurements

Plum slices were spread onto trays as a thin layer. Dryingexperiments were carried out at drying air temperatures of 45,50, and 55�C with a drying air velocity of 1.5m=s. Humid-ities, temperatures, and velocities were measured in the dry-ing chamber with robust humidity probes (0636.2140,Testo, Freiburg, Germany), vane=temperature probes(0635.9540, Testo), and professional telescopic handle forplug-in vane probes (0430.0941, Testo), respectively. Mea-surements of drying air temperature, velocity, and relativehumidity were recorded every 5min. An infrared ther-mometer (552-T2, Testo) and a surface thermometer(ME-32, Metex, Seoul, South Korea) were used to measurethe surface temperatures of product and drying chamberwalls, respectively. A digital balance (SBA 61, Scaltec,Gottingen, Germany) was used to measure the weight lossof the sample during drying experiments. The ambient tem-perature and relative humidity were also measured andrecorded. Pressures and temperatures of the refrigerant weremeasured using pressure probes (low=high pressure probes,0638.01941, Testo) and surface temperature probes (tempera-ture probes, 0628.0019, Testo), respectively. All measuredvalues were observed and recorded with a multifunctioninstrument (control unit 350-XL=454, Testo) and loggers.


Assumptions Made

The following assumptions were used during theanalyses:

1. All processes were steady state and steady flow withnegligible potential and kinetic energy effects and nochemical or nuclear reactions.

2. The heat transfer to the system and the work transferfrom the system were positive.

3. The heat transfer and refrigerant pressure drops in thetubing connecting the components were neglectedbecause their lengths are short.

4. The compressor mechanical gcomp,mech and the com-pressor motor electrical gcomp,elec efficiencies were 72and 75%, respectively.[28]

5. Air was an ideal gas with a constant specific heat.6. The reference (dead) state conditions were determined

to be T0¼ 10�C, P0¼ 101.325 kPa, and ø0¼ 60% forthe air and T0¼ 10�C and P0¼ 101.325 kPa for therefrigerant.

7. Cpa¼ 1.005 kJ=kg.�C, Cpv¼ 1.872 kJ=kg.�C, Ra¼0.287 kJ=kg.K, and Rv¼ 0.4615 kJ=kg.K were assumedas constant in all calculations.[29] The thermodynamicproperties of air and R407C were found using theEngineering Equation Solver (EES) softwarepackage.[30]

Exergetic Analysis Relations

For a general steady-state, steady-flow process, the threebalance equations, namely, mass, energy, and exergy bal-ance equations, were employed to find the heat input, therate of exergy destruction, and energy and exergy efficien-cies.[31]

In general, the mass balance equation can be expressedin the rate form as

X_mmin ¼

X_mmout ð1Þ

The general energy balance can be written as the totalenergy input equal to total energy output

X_EEin ¼

X_EEout ð2aÞ

with all energy terms as follows:


_mminhin ¼ _WW þX

_mmouthout þQloss ð2bÞ

For the drying processes, the energy balance can be writ-ten by applying the first law of thermodynamics or the lawof conservation of energy for the control volume. The sig-nificant heat transfer is due to the heat of evaporationbetween the solid and the drying air, and there is also heattransfer with the surroundings. Here, _QQloss is the energy lossor waste energy output and is to be heat transfer with thesurroundings. It is also assumed that all kinetic and poten-tial energy effects are ignored.


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The general exergy balance is expressed in the rateform as

X_EExin ¼

X_EExout þ

X_EExd ð3Þ

Exergy destruction associated with the irreversibilities(entropy generation) within the system boundaries andexergy losses associated with the transfer of the exergy(through material and energy streams) to the surroundingsare[31]

_EExheat � _EExwork þ _EExmass;in � _EExmass;out ¼ _EExd ð4aÞ

X1� T0


� �_QQb � _WW þ



_mmoutexout ¼ _EExd



_EEx ¼ _mm:ex ð5Þ

The specific exergy (e.g., flow exergy) of the componentssuch as the refrigerant, water, and air is calculated by[4]

exr;w ¼ ðh� h0Þ � T0ðs� s0Þ ð6aÞ

exa ¼ ðCpa þ xaCpvÞðTa � T0Þ � T0

�ðCpa þ xaCpvÞ



� �� ðRa þ xaRvÞ ln



� ��

þ T0 ðRa þ xaRvÞ ln1þ 1; 6078x0

1þ 1; 6078xa

� ��

þ1; 6078xaRa lnxa


� ��ð6bÞ

The energy-based performance (or the coefficient of per-formance, COP) of the heat pump (HP) unit and the wholeHP dryer system is calculated as follows, respectively:

COPHP;theoretical ¼ðh2;rs � h3;rÞðh2;rs � h1;rÞ


COPHP;act ¼_QQcond



Exergy efficiency is defined as the ratio of total exergyout to total exergy in where out refers to net output, pro-duct, or desired value, and in refers to given, used, or fuel.

g ¼_EExout_EExin

� 100 ð8Þ

Van Gool[32] has proposed that maximum improvementin the exergy efficiency for a process or system was

obviously achieved when the difference between totalexergy output and total exergy input was minimized.Consequently, he suggested that it was useful to employthe concept of an exergetic improvement potential in therate form when analyzing different processes or sectors ofthe economy and this improvement potential in the rateform is given by the relation[33]

I _PP ¼ 1� gð Þ _EExin � _EExout� �


Mass and energy balances as well as exergy destructionsand exergetic efficiencies obtained from exergy balances foreach of the drying system components are given in theAppendix.

Exergoeconomic Analysis Relations

Thermodynamic losses are considered two types. Theseare described in Eqs. (2a) and (3) as differential forms ofthe thermodynamic balances.

Energy losses can be identified directly from theenergy balances in Eqs. (2a) and (2b). For convenience,the energy loss rate for a system is denoted in the presentanalysis as _LLen (loss rate based on energy). Becausethere is only one loss term, the waste energy output inEq. (2b)[17] is given by

_LLen ¼ Waste energy output rate ð10Þ

Exergy losses can be identified from the exergy balancein Eq. (3). There are two types of exergy losses, namely,the waste exergy output, which represents the loss associa-ted with exergy that is emitted from the system, and theexergy consumption, which represents the internal exergyloss due to process irreversibilities. These two exergy lossessum to the total exergy loss. Hence, the loss rate based onexergy, _LLex, is defined as[17]

_LLex ¼Exergy consumption rate+Waste exergy output rate


The capital cost is defined here using the cost balancesin Eq. (12) is denoted by K. Capital cost is simply thatpart of the cost generation attributable to the cost ofequipment:

K ¼ Capital cost of equipment ð12Þ

For a thermal system operating normally in a continu-ous steady-state, steady-flow process mode, the accumu-lation terms in Eqs. (1)–(3) are zero. Hence all losses areassociated with the already discussed terms _LLen and _LLex.The energy and exergy loss rates can be obtained through


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the following equations[17]:

_LLen ¼Xinputs

_EE �X


_EE ð13Þ


_LLex ¼Xinputs



_EEx ð14Þ

where the summations are over all input streams and allproduct output streams.

Another parameter, R, is used as the ratio of thermo-dynamic loss rate _LL to capital cost K as follows[17]:

R ¼_LL


The value of R generally depends on whether it is basedon energy loss rate, in which case it is denoted (Ren), orexergy loss rate (Rex), as follows:

Ren ¼_LLen



Rex ¼_LLex


Values of the parameter R based on energy loss rate andon total, internal, and external exergy loss rates areconsidered.


The energy-based (or first law) performance measure ofthe HP unit was calculated. Theoretical COP values of theHP unit were found to be in the range of 3.92–4.35 andthey decreased with the increase in the drying temperature.The actual COP values were obtained to vary between 2.56and 2.81 for the HP unit.

Table 1 illustrates exergetic analysis data provided forthe HP dryer. The highest improvement potential (IP) ratevalues occurred in the motor–compressor assembly. Theother important system components were the heat recoveryunit (HRU), expansion valve, and evaporator according tothe IP rate values.

Whereas g and IP rate values of the compressor wereobtained to vary between 52.38 and 64.20% and 0.99 and1.48 kW, respectively, g values increased as the drying tem-perature increased contrary t IP rate and f values. The totalmagnitude of the losses was over 54% of the actual powerinput, and mechanical–electrical losses accounted for 46%of that. Mechanical–electrical losses are due to imperfect

electrical, mechanical, and isentropic efficiencies andemphasize the need to pay close attention to the selectionof this equipment, because components of inferior per-formance can considerably reduce overall system perform-ance. Because compressor power depends strongly on theinlet and outlet pressures, any heat exchanger improve-ments that reduce the temperature difference will reducecompressor power by bringing the condensing and evapor-ating temperatures closer together. It is obvious that from adesign standpoint, the compressor irreversibility can bereduced independently. Recently, scroll-type compressors,which were used in this study, have been recommendeddue to their high efficiency values.[24,26] An alternativeapproach to this problem is using primary energy sourcesinstead of electricity. Then the losses arising from energyconversion processes of electricity production can be recov-ered, and gas engine–driven heat pump systems have thisadvantage.[34–36]

Other important components of the system are heatexchangers (condenser, evaporator, and HRU). It is impor-tant to reduce irreversibilities in the evaporator and HRUto improve the system performance. On the other hand, thecondenser was separated from other heat exchangers inthe system. The highest g values were obtained from thecondenser in the HP unit. Based on the results of the exergyanalysis of the HP dryer, the rise in the drying temperaturecaused a great decrease in the efficiency of the evaporator.This could be due to increasing the irreversibility as thetemperature difference increased. Irreversibilities in theheat exchangers could occur due to the temperature differ-ences between the two heat exchanger fluids, pressurelosses, flow imbalances, and heat transfer with theenvironment.

The expansion valve had the highest g values after thecondenser in the HP unit. The irreversibility was in thecapillary tube due to the pressure drop of the refrigerantpassing through it. The only way to eliminate throttlingloss would be to replace the capillary tube (the expansiondevice) with an isentropic turbine (an isentropic expander)and to recover some shaft work from the pressure drop.[24]

HP systems are heat-generating devices that transferheat from a low-temperature medium to a high-temperature one and are used in either hot water or spaceheating applications. HPs have been used mainly for spaceheating and water heating=cooling purposes, but manystudies have progressed in its industrial applications,especially in dehumidification and in drying agriculturalproducts, which are energy-intensive processes.[37–39] Theresults of the present study show a good agreement withthe literature[40,42] and highlight that HP systems are energyefficient and can be integrated to energy-intensive processes.

Figure 2 illustrates the Grassmann (or exergy loss andflow) diagram for the HP dryer. This diagram gives thequantitative information related to the share of exergy


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45� C

50� C

55� C

45� C

50� C

55� C

45� C

50� C

55� C

45� C

50� C

55� C

45� C

50� C

55� C

45� C

50� C

55� C



































































































































































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input to the HP dryer. Though the g values were found tovary between 72.72 and 75.66%, the rise in the drying tem-perature increased the dryer’s efficiency.

Table 2 lists the _LL and R variations for the componentsof the heat pump system and the whole system. _RRen valueswere observed to be between 6.258 and 5.749W=USD forthe whole system with the drying air temperatures of 45,50, and 55�C. Namely, Rex values were found to be inthe range of 1.668 and 2.063W=USD. _RRen values decreasedas the drying air temperature increased, contrary to _RRex

values. Normally, we expect that _RRex and _RRen valuesincrease linearly with increasing the temperature due tothe loss, whereas _RRen decreases because the heat pump isan energy-efficient system. _RRex increased because of theambient temperature. Figures 3 and 4 show changing _RRen

and _RRex values at different drying temperatures, andFigs. 5 and 6 illustrate variations of _RRen and _RRex for eachcomponent of the system. In the compressor, _RRen and _RRex

values decreased with the increase in the temperature,contrary to other components. Figure 6 indicates the

TABLE 2Exergoeconomic parameters of the heat pump dryer system studied

_LLen (kW) _RRen (W=USD) _LLex (kW) _RRex (W=USD)

Item No. Component 45�C 50�C 55�C 45�C 50�C 55�C 45�C 50�C 55�C 45�C 50�C 55�C

II Compressor 2.657 2.394 2.178 0.792 0.713 0.649 3.101 2.971 2.752 0.923 0.885 0.819III Condenser 0.006 0.007 0.010 0.002 0.002 0.003 0.232 0.290 0.430 0.069 0.086 0.128IV Expansion valve 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.221 1.407 1.801 0.363 0.419 0.536V Evaporator 8.442 7.800 6.453 2.515 2.324 1.923 0.070 0.187 0.462 0.020 0.055 0.137VI Heat recovery 7.001 6.619 5.191 2.086 1.972 1.547 0.701 0.771 0.905 0.208 0.229 0.269VII Drying ducts 0.489 0.910 1.224 0.146 0.271 0.365 0.054 0.108 0.164 0.016 0.032 0.048I Drying cabinet 1.921 2.370 3.014 0.572 0.706 0.898 0.220 0.290 0.408 0.065 0.086 0.121I–VII Overall system 21.004 21.010 19.294 6.258 6.260 5.749 5.601 6.024 6.924 1.668 1.794 2.063

FIG. 2. Exergy loss and flow diagram (Grassmann diagram) for the heat pump dryer at 50�C.


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lowest value of _RRex in the drying duct. However, in thecompressor, expansion valve, and heat recovery, _RRex valueswere high and should be improved in these units. Thus, wecan obtain not only energy efficiency but also cost savings.

Capital costs are often the most significant componentof the total cost generation. The observation that the meanR value for the devices in a given system is approximatelyequal to the overall station R value (based on total andinternal exergy loss) may indicate that devices in a success-ful system are arranged to achieve an optimal overall sys-tem configuration. However, such an indication is evidentfrom the relations for the devices between capital costand exergy loss (total and internal) but not between energyloss or external exergy loss and capital cost. In other words,

the relations between capital cost and total and internalexergy loss suggest that the collective characteristics ofthe system match and benefit the overall system.[17]

The value of _RRex may vary for different situations (e.g.,technology, time, location, resource costs, knowledge, airtemperature due to exergy loss). For example, the valuesof Rex may be different for different technologies. Also,during periods when energy-resource costs increase (aswas the case in many locations in the 1970s), the value of_RRex likely decreases (i.e., greater capital is invested toreduce losses).[17]


In this study, an exergoeconomic analysis of a heatpump dryer was made using experimental values and the

FIG. 4. Variation of _RRen for each component of the system with the

different drying air temperatures.

FIG. 3. Variation of _RRen for the whole system with different drying air

temperatures.FIG. 5. Variation of _RRex with different drying air temperatures.

FIG. 6. Variation of _RRex for each component of the system with different

drying air temperatures.


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EXCEM method. The following main conclusions may bedrawn from the main results of the present study:

1. The most important system component of the HP dryerwas the motor–compressor assembly because of thehighest improvement potential rate and exergetic factorvalues.

2. The HP dryer had the highest exergetic efficiency valuesin the range of 72.72–75.66%.

3. The COPHP,theoretical values were found to be in therange of 3.92–4.35 and the COPHP,actual values wereobtained to vary from 2.56 to 2.81 for the HP unit.

4. _RRex values were found to range from 1.668 to 2.063W=USD.

5. _RRen values were observed to be between 6.258 and5.749W=USD for the whole system with drying air tem-peratures of 45, 50, and 55�C.

6. The exergoeconomic analysis used here to search for theoptimal design of the HP drying systems should beextended to other related systems to achieve greaterincreases in energy savings. This conclusion is impor-tant, given the increasing influence of heat pumps (withhigher energy utilization efficiencies compared to con-ventional systems) and drying (an energy-intensive pro-cess) in global energy consumption.


C Specific heat (kJ kg�1 K�1)_EE Energy rate (kJ s�1 or kW)_EEx ¼ 3:353 Exergy rate (kW)ex Specific exergy (kJ kg�1)F Function of the independent variables_FF Exergy rate of the fuel (or exergetic fuel rate)

(kW)h Specific enthalpy (kJ kg�1)I Current (A)I _PP Improvement potential rate (kW)K Capital cost (USD)_LL Thermodynamic loss rate (kW)m Mass (kg)_mm Mass flow rate (kgs�1)P Pressure (kPa)_QQ Heat transfer rate (kW)R Gas law constant (kJ kg�1 K�1); ratio of

thermodynamic loss rate to capital cost (kWUSD�1)

s Specific entropy (kJ kg�1 K�1)T Temperature (�C or K)V Voltage (V)_WW Work rate or power (kW)

Greek Symbols

g Exergetic efficiency (%)ø Relative humidity of air (%)

x Absolute humidity of air [kg water(kg dry air)�1]


a Airact Actualb Boundary or surface locationcomp Compressorcond Condenserd Destruction or destroyeddcab Drying cabinetdduct Drying ductselec Electricalen Energyex Exergyexp Expansion valveevap EvaporatorHP Heat pumpin Inflowmech Mechanicalout Outflowr Refrigerantrecovery Heat recovery units Isentropicv Vaporw Water0 Dead (reference) stateOverdot Quantity per unit time


The authors are grateful for the financial support pro-vided for the project ‘‘Design, Test and PerformanceEvaluation of a Gas Engine–Driven Solar Assisted BandConveyor Heat Pump Drying System’’ under project no.106M482 by the Scientific and Technological ResearchCouncil of Turkey (TUBITAK). They are also grateful tothe reviewers for the valuable comments, which have beenutilized to improve the quality of the article, as well as toAssociate Editor Dr. Sakamon Devahastin for his con-structive comments and prompt review process.


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Mass and energy balances as well as exergy destructionsand exergetic efficiencies obtained from exergy balances foreach of the drying system components illustrated in Fig. 1were derived as follows:

Drying cabinet (I):

gdcab ¼_EEx6;a_EEx5;a



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Compressor (II):

_WWcomp;elec ¼Vcomp:Icomp:



1000:Cosu ðA2aÞ

_WWcomp ¼ _WWcomp;elecgcomp;elecgcomp;mech ðA2bÞ

gcomp ¼_EEx2;r;act � _EEx1;r



Condenser (III):

gcond ¼_EEx1;a � _EEx7;a_EEx2;r;act � _EEx3;r


Expansion valve (IV):

gexp ¼_EEx4;r_EEx3;r


Evaporator (V):

gevap ¼_EEx5;a � _EEx6;a_EEx1;r � _EEx4;r


Heat recovery unit (VI):

grecovery ¼_EEx7;a þ _EEx6;a_EEx4;a þ _EEx5;a


Drying ducts (VII):

gdduct;1 ¼_EEx2;a_EEx1;a


gdduct;2 ¼_EEx4;a_EEx3;a


gdduct;total ¼_EEx2;a þ _EEx4;a_EEx1;a þ _EEx3;a



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