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Fault-tolerant meshes with small degree

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Fault-Tolerant Meshes with Small Degree�Jehoshua Brucky Robert Cypherz Ching-Tien HoxAbstractThis paper presents constructions for fault-tolerant two-dimensional mesh architec-tures. The constructions are designed to tolerate k faults while maintaining a healthy nby n mesh as a subgraph. They utilize several novel techniques for obtaining trade-o�sbetween the number of spare nodes and the degree of the fault-tolerant network.We consider both worst-case and random fault distributions. In terms of worst-casefaults, we give a construction that has constant degree and O(k3) spare nodes. This isthe �rst construction known in which the degree is constant and the number of sparenodes is independent of n. In terms of random faults, we present several new degree-6and degree-8 constructions and show (both analytically and through simulations) thatthey can tolerate large numbers of randomly placed faults.�A preliminary version of this paper appeared in Proceedings of the Fifth Annual ACM Symposium onParallel Algorithms and Architectures, 1993.yCalifornia Institute of Technology, Mail Code 116-81, Pasadena, CA 91125, [email protected] research was performed while the author was at the IBM Almaden Research Center.zDept. of Computer Science, Johns Hopkins University, 3400 N. Charles Street, Baltimore, MD 21218,[email protected]. This research was performed while the author was at the IBM Almaden Research Center.xIBM Almaden Research Center, 650 Harry Road, San Jose, CA 95120, [email protected]

1 IntroductionAs the number of processors in parallel machines increases, physical limitations and costconsiderations will tend to favor interconnection networks with constant degree and shortwires, such as mesh networks [6]. In fact, the two-dimensional mesh is already one ofthe most important interconnection networks for parallel computers. Examples of existingtwo-dimensional mesh computers include the MPP (from Goodyear Aerospace), VICTOR(from IBM), and DELTA and Paragon (from Intel).Another signi�cant issue in the design of massively parallel computers is fault-tolerance. Inorder to create parallel computers with very large numbers of complex processors, it willbecome necessary to utilize these machines even when several components have failed. Inparticular, the ability to tolerate even a small number of faults may allow the machine tocontinue operation between the occurrence of the �rst fault and the repair of the faults.A large amount of research has been devoted to creating fault-tolerant parallel architectures.The techniques used in this research can be divided into two main classes. The �rst classconsists of techniques which do not add redundancy to the desired architecture. Instead,these techniques attempt to mask the e�ects of faults by using the healthy part of thearchitecture to simulate the entire machine [2, 11, 17, 19, 23]. These techniques do notpay any costs for adding fault-tolerance, but they can experience a signi�cant degradationin performance. The second class consists of techniques which do add redundancy to thedesired architecture. These techniques attempt to isolate the faults, usually by disablingcertain links or disallowing certain switch settings, while maintaining the complete desiredarchitecture [1, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10, 13, 14, 15, 18, 20, 22, 24, 25, 26, 27, 29]. The goal with thesetechniques is to maintain the full performance of the desired architecture while minimizingthe cost of the redundant components.One of the most powerful techniques for adding redundancy is based on a graph-theoreticmodel of fault-tolerance [18]. In this model, the desired architecture is viewed as a graph(called the target graph) and a fault-tolerant graph is created such that after the removal ofk faulty nodes, the target graph is still present as a subgraph. This technique yields fault-tolerant networks that can tolerate both node faults and edge faults (by viewing a nodeincident with the faulty edge as being faulty) and can implement algorithms designed for thetarget network without any slowdown (due to the simulation of multiple nodes by a singlenode or the routing of messages through switches or intermediate nodes). Unfortunately,the degree of the fault-tolerant network created with this model can be prohibitably large.In particular, all previously published techniques for creating fault-tolerant meshes withexactly k spares have a degree that is linear in the number of faults being tolerated.In this paper we create fault-tolerant n by n meshes with small degree by trading-o�the number of spare nodes with the degree of the fault-tolerant network. We considerboth worst-case and random fault distributions. In terms of worst-case faults, we give aconstruction that tolerates k faults and has constant degree and O(k3) spares. This isthe �rst construction known in which the degree is constant and the number of spares isindependent of n. The only other known constant degree construction for this problem2

requires �(n2) spares [27]. In terms of random faults, we present several new degree-6and degree-8 constructions and show (both analytically and through simulations) that theycan tolerate large numbers of randomly placed faults. Our constructions require at mostO(n) spares and appear to be of practical interest. The only other known construction thatis proven to tolerate large numbers of random faults was created by Tamaki [27]. Thatconstruction can tolerate nodes and edges which fail with constant probability, but requires�(n2) spares and has degree O(log logn) [27].In addition, our construction for worst-case faults is shown to require only wires of lengthO(k3) in Thompson's VLSI model [28], while our constructions for random faults are shownto require only constant length wires. Thus our fault-tolerant constructions maintain muchof the scalability of the mesh network. We remark that we use Thompson's VLSI modelonly because it provides a well-established means for quantifying the locality of an inter-connection network; the use of this model does not imply that the constructions presentedhere are designed for the wafer-scale implementation of a parallel machine. In fact, mostexisting parallel machines have one, or at most a few, processors per chip. This fact mo-tivates our concern with the degree of the fault-tolerant network (because of the limitednumber of pins available to connect one chip to another [12]).The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. De�nitions and several previouslyknown results are given in Section 2. The results for worst-case fault distributions andrandom fault distributions are presented in Sections 3 and 4, respectively.2 PreliminariesDe�nitions: Let k be a nonnegative integer and let T = (V;E) be a graph. The graphF = (V 0; E 0) is a k-fault-tolerant graph with respect to T , denoted a k-FT T , if the subgraphof F induced by any set of jV 0j � k nodes contains T as a subgraph. The graph T will becalled the target graph. The graph F will be said to contain jV 0j � jV j spare nodes (orspares).De�nition: The cycle with n nodes will be denoted Cn.De�nition: The two-dimensional mesh with r � 2 rows and c � 2 columns will be denotedMr;c. Each node is M r;c has a unique label of the form (i; j) where 0 � ir and 0 � j < c.Each node (i; j) is connected to all nodes of the form (i� 1; j) and (i; j� 1), provided theyexist. The node (i; j) will be said to be in row i and column j.De�nitions: Let n be a positive integer and let S be a set of integers in the range 1through n � 1. The graph C(n; S), called the n-node circulant graph with connection setS [16, 14, 10], consists of n nodes numbered 0; 1; : : : ; n� 1. Each node i is connected to allnodes of the form (i�s) mod n where s 2 S. The graph D(n; S), called the n-node diagonalgraph with connection set S [10], consists of n nodes numbered 0; 1; : : : ; n� 1. Each nodei is connected to all nodes of the form i� s where s 2 S, provided they exist. (The terms\circulant" and \diagonal" refer to the structure of the adjacency matrix.) The values ina connection set S will be referred to as \jumps" or \o�sets" and an edge de�ned through3

an o�set s will be referred to as an s-o�set edge.De�nition: Let S be a set of integers and let k be a nonnegative integer. The expansionof S by k, denoted expand(S; k), is the set T whereT = [s2Sfs; s+ 1; : : :s + kg:The following theorems give constructions for creating fault-tolerant circulant and diagonalgraphs. The basic idea is to add o�sets so that faulty nodes can be \jumped over". Theconstruction for diagonal target graphs has lower degree because a cluster of faults can beavoided by placing the cluster in the position where the missing wraparound edges wouldjump over them.Theorem 2.1 [14] Let n be a positive integer, let S be a set of integers in the range 1through n � 1, let k be a nonnegative integer, and let T = expand(S; k). The circulantgraph C(n+ k; T ) is a k-FT C(n; S).Theorem 2.2 [10] Let n be a positive integer, let y = dn=3e, let S be a set of integersin the range 1 through y, let k be a positive integer, and let T = expand(S; bk=2c). Thecirculant graph C(n+ k; T ) is a k-FT D(n; S).The following theorems relate meshes, circulant graphs and diagonal graphs. Combin-ing these theorems with the two previous theorems yields constructions for fault-tolerantmeshes. The �rst theorem follows immediately from the row-major labeling of the nodes ina mesh. The second theorem follows from a diagonal-major order of the nodes in a mesh;see Figure 1 for an example.Theorem 2.3 The mesh Mr;c is a subgraph of C(rc; f1; cg) and of D(rc; f1; cg).Theorem 2.4 The mesh Mr;c is a subgraph of C(rc; fc� 1; cg).Proof: Let �(i; j) = ((i� j) mod r)c+ j. It is straightforward to verify that � de�nes anembedding of Mr;c into C(rc; fc� 1; cg). 23 Worst Case FaultsIn this section we present a graph ~M that is a k-FT Mn;n and has constant degree andO(k3) spares. Our construction is hierarchical. We �rst construct a graph M 0 that is ak-FTMr;c (for some suitably chosen parameters r and c) and has degree which is dependenton k. We then replace each node in M 0 with a supernode (a graph with certain properties)to obtain a graph ~M with constant degree. 4

0 33 26 19 12 5 38 318 1 34 27 20 13 6 3916 9 2 35 28 21 14 724 17 10 3 36 29 22 1532 25 18 11 4 37 30 23Figure 1: An example of a diagonal-major ordering of a mesh.3.1 The Basic ConstructionWe �rst present a construction for a k-FT cycle with degree 4 and k2 spare nodes. We willthen use this construction to create the graph M 0 which is a k-FT Mr;c.Theorem 3.1 Let k and N be positive integers where N � k2 + k + 1, and let the graphC0 = C(N + k2; f1; k+ 1g). The graph C 0 is a k-FT CN .Proof: First consider the case where (N + k2) mod (k + 1) = 0. For each i, 0 � i � k,let Xi be the set consisting of all nodes fjjj mod (k + 1) = ig. Because there are only kfaults and there are k + 1 disjoint sets Xi, at least one of them must be fault-free. LetX be such a fault-free Xi. Note that the nodes in X form a fault-free cycle C 00 of length(N + k2)=(k + 1) using the (k + 1)-o�set edges. Next, we augment C 00 to get a healthycycle of length at least N . For any two adjacent nodes a and b in C 00, if all k of the nodesin C 0 between a and b are healthy, we traverse all k of these nodes by using the 1-o�setedges. On the other hand, if there is a fault between a and b, we skip over all k of thenodes between them by traversing the (k+1)-o�set edge connecting a and b. It is clear thatwe will traverse (k+ 1)-o�set edges at most k times, so the resulting augmented cycle willhave at least N nodes. If it has more than N nodes, we can choose to traverse additional(k + 1)-o�set edges, rather than 1-o�set edges, until the cycle has length exactly N . Anexample of a 2-FT cycle is shown in Figure 2.Now consider the case where (N + k2) mod (k+ 1) = x 6= 0. Let R be a region of k+1+ xconsecutive healthy nodes in C 0. Note that such a region must exist because N + k2 �2k2+ k+1, so there must be a region of 2k+1 or more consecutive healthy nodes betweentwo faults. Without loss of generality, we will assume that R consists of the k+1+x highestnumbered nodes in C 0. For each i, 0 � i � k, create the cycle C 00i as follows. First, startat node i and traverse the (k+ 1)-o�set edges until a node in R is reached. Then, traversethe 1-o�set edges x times. Finally, traverse one additional (k + 1)-o�set edge to return toi. Note that these k + 1 cycles only share nodes within R. Because all of the nodes in Rare healthy, there must exist an i such that C 00i is healthy. We can augment C 00i as beforeto obtain a cycle of length N . 2 5

11109 543210

0 01 12 23 4 5 6 7 8 99 1010 1111




0 01 12 23 4 5 6 7 8 99 1010 1111

0 1 26 7 8 9 10 11Figure 2: A degree-4 2-fault-tolerant cycle with 4 spare nodes.Theorem 3.2 Let k, r and c be positive integers where r; c � 2 and rc � k2 + k + 1, letN = rc, and let M 0 = C(N + k2; f1; k+ 1g [ fc+ ikj0 � i � kg). The graph M 0 is a k-FTMr;c.Proof: Let T = C(N; f1; cg). We will prove that M 0 is a k-FT T . Applying Theorem 2.3will complete the proof. First, it follows from Theorem 3.1 that in the presence of k faults,M 0 contains a cycle of N healthy nodes. Let C 00 denote a cycle of healthy nodes constructedaccording to the proof of Theorem 3.1 and number the nodes in C 00 from 0 through N � 1.We will now prove that any two nodes numbered a and b in C 00, where (a+ c) mod N = b,are connected in M 0. Let a0 and b0 be the labels of a and b in M 0, and assume without lossof generality that a0 < b0. We know that it is possible to traverse the cycle C 00 from a to bby traversing 1-o�set edges and at most k (k + 1)-o�set edges. Therefore, b0 � a0 = c+ jkfor some integer j where 0 � j � k, which implies that a and b are connected in M 0. 23.2 Hierarchical ConstructionsIn the previous subsection we described a construction of a k-FT cycle with k2 spare nodesand degree 4 and a construction of a k-FT 2-dimensional mesh with k2 spare nodes anddegree 2k+6. In this subsection we will present techniques for reducing the degree of theseFT graphs. The general idea is to replace each node in the original FT graph by a smallgraph (which we call a supernode). Then, for each edge (a; b) in the original graph, one ormore nodes in the supernode corresponding to a is connected to one or more nodes in thesupernode corresponding to b. This approach results in a FT graph with lower degree thanthe original graph, although it does increase the number of spare nodes that are required.6

3.2.1 Hierarchical fault-tolerant cyclesWe illustrate the concept of a supernode by creating a hierarchical FT cycle.Theorem 3.3 Let k and N be positive integers where N � k2 + k + 1, and let C be thegraph with 2N + 2k2 nodes, numbered 0 through 2N + 2k2 � 1, and with edges speci�ed asfollows: each odd numbered node i is connected to nodes (i+1), (i� 1) and i+2k+1, andeach even numbered node i is connected to nodes (i+ 1), (i� 1) and i� 2k � 1, where allof the arithmetic is performed modulo (2N + 2k2). Then C is a k-FT C2N .Proof: The graph C can be obtained from the graph C 0 of Theorem 3.1 by replacing eachnode with a supernode consisting of a pair of nodes connected to one another. The edgesthat correspond to the positive direction connections in C 0 are connected to odd nodes inC while the edges that correspond to negative direction connections in C 0 are connected toeven nodes in C. Consider the graph C 0 in which a node a is faulty i� at least one of thenodes in the supernode corresponding to a in C is faulty. It follows from Theorem 3.1 thatC0 contains a cycle of N healthy nodes. Therefore, C must contain a cycle of 2N healthynodes corresponding to the cycle of N healthy nodes in C 0. 2Figure 3 shows an example of a 2-FT cycle of degree 3 with 2k2 = 8 spares.(b)





21 23 23

22 22




















22 0






21 23 23

22 22




















22 0



Figure 3: A degree-3 2-fault-tolerant cycle with 8 spare nodes.7

3.2.2 Hierarchical fault-tolerant meshesWe will now show how hierarchical constructions can be used to reduce the degree of thegraph M 0 of Theorem 3.2. We will start with an approach that reduces the degree to�(pk). We will then consider a more powerful technique that reduces the degree to aconstant. The �rst approach uses the following graph as a supernode.De�nition: Let Hn be a graph with n nodes and degree 3 (if n is even) or degree 4 (if nis odd) such that for every pair of distinct nodes in Hn, there is a Hamiltonian path thathas those nodes as endpoints. Hn graphs have been created for all n � 2 [5]. See Figure 4for an example.(b)(a)Figure 4: Examples of Hamiltonian graphs by Moon with minimal degree. The number ofnodes is even in (a) and is odd in (b).Construction 3.4 Let k, r, c, n and s be positive integers where r; c; s� 2, rc � k2+k+1,and 2rs = c = n, let V = fc+ ikj0 � i � kg), and let the graph M 0 = C(rc+ k2; f1; k+1g[V ). Let M be the hierarchical graph obtained from M 0 by replacing each node in M 0 bya supernode H2s. Divide the nodes in each supernode arbitrarily into two halves of s nodeseach. Add connections between supernodes as follows:1. Connect each node in each supernode i to every node in supernodes i�1, i+1, i�k�1and i+ k+1 (all modulo rc+ k2). These edges, called horizontal edges, contribute 8sto the degree of each node.2. For each o�set v 2 V and for every supernode i, connect one of the nodes in the secondhalf of supernode i to one of the nodes in the �rst half of supernode (i+ v) mod (rc+8

k2). These edges, called vertical edges, should be evenly distributed among the nodesin each half of each supernode, so they contribute at most d(k+ 1)=se to the degree ofeach node.Note that the degree of M is at most 8s + d(k+ 1)=se+ 3. Choosing s = �(pk) yields agraph M with degree O(pk) and with O(k5=2) spare nodes.Theorem 3.5 The graph M de�ned in Construction 3.4 is a k-FT Mn;n.Proof: Consider the graphM 0 of Theorem 3.2 in which a node a0 is faulty i� at least one ofthe nodes in the supernode corresponding to a0 in M is faulty. It follows from Theorem 3.2thatM 0 contains a healthy Mr;c subgraph. We will show that this implies that M containsa healthy Mn;n subgraph.Let a0 be any node in the healthy Mr;c subgraph of M 0 and let a be the supernode in Mcorresponding to a0. We will view a as a column of 2s nodes in Mn;n. Note that a0 hasvertical neighbors a0 � v1 mod (rc + k2) and a0 + v2 mod (rc + k2), where v1 and v2 arein V . Let t be the node in the �rst half of a that is connected to a node in supernodea � v1 mod (rc + k2) and let b be the node in the second half of a that is connected to anode in supernode a + v2 mod (rc + k2). We will view t as being the top node and b asbeing the bottom node in the column of 2s nodes formed by a. Recall that for every pairof nodes in H2s, there is a Hamiltonian path that has those nodes as endpoints. Therefore,we can use the Hamiltonian path with endpoints t and b as the vertical connections withina. Furthermore, the connections between the node b in one supernode and the node tin the next supernode provide the vertical connections between supernodes. Finally, notethat a0 has horizontal neighbors a0 � x1 mod (rc+ k2) and a0 + x2 mod (rc+ k2) where x1and x2 are in f1; k+ 1g. Because each node in a is connected to every node in supernodesa�x1 mod (rc+k2) and a+x2 mod (rc+k2), the horizontal connections between supernodesare also present. 2We will now show how the use of a di�erent supernode graph can yield a k-FT mesh withO(k3) spare nodes and constant degree. The following graph will be used as the supernodegraph.De�nition: The graph Pk consists of 2k + 4 nodes. This graph consists of two parts,denoted S1 and S2, each of which is the graph C(k + 2; f1; 2g), plus an edge connectingnode k + 1 in S1 with node k + 1 in S2. See Figure 5 for an example of P6.Now we describe the construction of a k-FT mesh based on the graph Pk as a supernode.Construction 3.6 Let k, r, c, and n be positive integers where r; c � 2, rc � k2 + k + 1,and (2k+4)r = c = n, let V = fc+ ikj0 � i � kg), and let M 0 = C(rc+k2; f1; k+1g[V ).Let ~M be the hierarchical graph obtained from M 0 by replacing each node in M 0 by thesupernode Pk. Add connections between supernodes as follows:9



















Figure 5: An example of the graph P6.10

1. Connect each node j 2 S1 of supernode i to nodes fj�2; j�1; j; j+1; j+2gmod (k+2)in S1 of supernodes fi�1; i+1; i�k�1; i+k+1g mod (rc+k2). These edges, calledhorizontal edges, contribute 20 to the degree of each node in S1.2. Connect each node j 2 S2 of supernode i to nodes fj�2; j�1; j; j+1; j+2gmod (k+2)in S2 of supernodes fi� 1; i+ 1; i� k� 1; i+ k+ 1g mod (rc+ k2). These edges, alsocalled horizontal edges, contribute 20 to the degree of each node in S2.3. Connect each node j 2 S2 of supernode i, where 0 � j � k, to node j 2 S1 ofsupernode (i+ c+ jk) mod (rc+k2). These edges, called vertical edges, correspond tothe k+ 1 o�sets in V and contribute 1 to the degree of each node numbered less thank + 1 in each half of each supernode.Note that the degree of ~M is 25. The fact that ~M is a k-FT mesh relies on the followinglemmas.Lemma 3.7 Consider the subgraph S = S1 (or equivalently, S = S2) of Pk. There existsa set of paths, fQ0; Q1; : : : ; Qkg, such that for each i, 0 � i � k, Qi is a Hamiltonianpath through S with endpoints i and k + 1, and for each i, 0 � i < k, and for each j,0 � j � k + 1, if a is the j-th node in Qi and b is the j-th node in Qi+1, then (a� b) � x(mod k + 2) where x 2 f�2;�1; 0; 1; 2g.Proof: For each i, 0 � i � k, de�ne Qi as follows. Start at i and traverse the 1-o�setedges in the positive direction until node k is reached. Then traverse the 2-o�set edges inthe positive direction until either node i � 1 or i � 2 is reached. If node i � 1 is reached,traverse the 1-o�set edge to node i� 2 and then traverse the 2-o�set edges in the negativedirection until node k + 1 is reached. On the other hand, if node i � 2 is reached beforenode i � 1, traverse the 1-o�set edge to node i � 1 and then traverse the 2-o�set edges inthe negative direction until node k+1 is reached. See Figure 6 for an example of the pathsQ4 and Q5 in S1 of P6.If i � a � k � 1, then b = a + 1. If a = k, then b = 0. If a = k + 1, then b = a. If0 � a � i� 1, we have the following cases: (i) if a is even and 0 � a � i� 2, then b = a+2,(ii) if a is even and a = i� 1, then b = a+ 1, and (iii) if a is odd and 1 � a � i� 1, thenb = a. Therefore, in every case (a� b) � x (mod k + 2) where x 2 f�2;�1; 0; 1; 2g. 2Lemma 3.8 Let k, r, c, n, V , and M 0 be as de�ned in Construction 3.6. Consider anyset of k faulty nodes in M 0 and let M be the healthy mesh Mr;c in M 0 that is obtainedby applying Theorem 3.2. Let a, b, a0, and b0 be any nodes in M 0 such that a and b arehorizontal neighbors in M , a0 and b0 are horizontal neighbors in M , a and a0 are verticalneighbors in M , and b and b0 are vertical neighbors in M . If a0 = (a+c+ ik) mod (rc+k2)and b0 = (b+ c+ jk) mod (rc+ k2) where 0 � i; j � k, then ji� jj � 1.Proof: Assume without loss of generality that a is to the left of b in M and a0 is tothe left of b0 in M . Note that (b � a) � x (mod rc + k2) where x 2 f1; k + 1g and11

(b) Path starts from node 5(a) Path starts from node 4

7 in S2








7 in S2








Figure 6: An example of two paths in S1 of P6 starting from nodes 4 and 5, respectively.12

(b0�a0) � x0 (mod rc+k2) where x0 2 f1; k+1g. Therefore, (i�j)k � (c+ik)�(c+jk) �(a0 � a)� (b0 � b) � x � x0 (mod rc+ k2), which implies that ji� jj � 1. 2Theorem 3.9 The graph ~M de�ned in Construction 3.6 is a k-FT Mn;n and has constantdegree and 2k3 + 4k2 spare nodes.Proof: The proof is analogous to that of Theorem 3.5. In particular, as in the proof ofTheorem 3.5, we project the faults in ~M onto M 0 and use Theorem 3.2 to �nd a healthyMr;c subgraph of M 0.Let a0 be any node in the healthy Mr;c subgraph of M 0 and let ~a be the correspondingsupernode in ~M . We view ~a as a column of 2k + 4 nodes in Mn;n. We �nd top andbottom nodes t and b in ~a as in the proof of Theorem 3.5, and we use Lemma 3.7 (twice)to create a Hamiltonian path through ~a with endpoints t and b. Then, let b0 be a nodethat is horizontally adjacent to a0 in the healthy Mr;c subgraph of M 0, and let ~b be thecorresponding supernode in ~M . It follows from Lemma 3.8 that the top nodes in ~a and~b have positions within their supernodes that di�er by at most one. A similar argumentapplies to the bottom nodes in ~a and ~b. Therefore, it follows from Lemma 3.7 that for eachi, 0 � i < 2k + 4, the i-th node in the Hamiltonian path in ~a has a horizontal connectionto the i-th node in the Hamiltonian path in ~b, which completes the proof. 2Hence, we have obtained a construction of a k-FT two-dimensional mesh with constantdegree and O(k3) spare nodes. Although the construction given above is for a k-FT Mn;nwhere n is a multiple of 2k + 4, it is straightforward to generalize the construction toarbitrary values of n as follows.Construction 3.10 Let k, r, c, and n be positive integers where r; c � 2, rc � k2+ k+ 1,r = bn=(2k + 4)c, and c = n, let V = fc+ ikj0 � i � kg), and let M 0 = C(rc+ k2; f1; k+1g [ V ).Let n mod (2k + 4) = �. If � = 0, let M be the graph ~M de�ned in Construction 3.6. If� 6= 0, �rst de�ne the graph P 0k from Pk as follows. Add a node, denoted x, to Pk, connectnode x to node k + 1 of S1 in Pk, and connect node x to node k + 1 of S2 in Pk. Let Mbe the graph obtained by replacing each of the �rst �n + k2 nodes in M 0 by the supernodeP 0k and replacing each of the remaining nodes in M 0 by the supernode Pk. Add connectionsbetween supernodes as follows:1. Ignore the x nodes in the P 0k supernodes and add connections between supernodes asrequired by Construction 3.6.2. For each supernode i, where 0 � i < �n+ k2, connect node x in supernode i to nodex in supernode j, where j 2 fi� 1; i+ 1; i� k � 1; i+ k + 1g and 0 � j < �n + k2.The following theorem is immediate from the preceding construction.13

Theorem 3.11 Let k and n be positive integers, let r = bn=(2k+ 4)c, and let c = n. Ifr; c � 2 and rc � k2 + k + 1, then there exists a k-FT Mn;n with constant degree and2k3 + 5k2 spare nodes.Although the degree of M is increased to 26 (as both node k + 1 of S1 and node k + 1of S2 have an edge to node x in the same supernode), one can easily reduce the numberof horizontal edges of node k + 1 to 4 (as opposed 20 of the current de�nition) so thatthe degree of M remains 25. In fact, we remark that it is possible to reduce the degreestill further by using a di�erent graph for each supernode. Speci�cally, if each supernodeis de�ned to be the product graph of Pk and a 4-node linear array, and if each supernodeplays the role of a (2k + 4)� 4 submesh, it is possible to obtain a k-FT mesh with degree12 and 8k3 + 16k2 spare nodes. The details are omitted.Finally, we will consider laying out the fault-tolerant graph M using Thompson's VLSImodel [28]. One of the greatest advantages of two-dimensional mesh networks is that theycan be laid out using only short (constant length) wires. The following theorem shows thatthe fault-tolerant graph M may require somewhat longer wires, but the wire lengths arestill independent of n.Theorem 3.12 It is possible to lay out the graph M de�ned in Construction 3.10 usingonly wires with length O(k3).Proof: We will begin by presenting a mapping from the nodes in M 0 to the nodes in atorus network which maintains locality. We will then use standard techniques for layingout torus networks to obtain the �nal layout of M . First, consider the case where k2 is amultiple of c. In this case, lay out the nodes in M 0 in row-major order on an (rc+k2)=c byc torus. It is straightforward to verify that any pair of nodes that are connected in M 0 mapto nodes that are in columns of the torus that di�er by at most O(k2) and in rows of thetorus that di�er by at most O(1). This torus can then be mapped to on an (rc+k2)=c by cgrid by using the standard technique of placing the �rst half of the torus columns (rows) inincreasing order in the even numbered columns (rows) of the grid and the remaining toruscolumns (rows) in decreasing order in the odd numbered columns (rows) of the grid (see,for example, [21, p. 246]). Finally, each node in M 0 can be layed out using an O(k) byO(k) square. The vertical tracks between grid columns are O(k) wide and the horizontaltracks between grid rows are O(k3) wide (to accommodate wires that traverse O(k2) nodes,each of which is O(k) wide). Thus each wire is of length O(k3).Now consider the case where c does not evenly divide k2. In this case, let � = k2 mod cand use a (rc+ k2)=c by c+1 torus. The nodes of M 0 are placed in the torus in row-majororder, with the �rst � rows receiving c + 1 nodes and all remaining rows receiving only cnodes. Again, it is straightforward to verify that any pair of nodes that are connected inM 0 map to nodes that are in columns of the torus that di�er by at most O(k2) and in rowsof the torus that di�er by at most O(1). This torus can then be laid out as described forthe other case. 2 14

4 Random FaultsIn this section we consider random fault distributions. More speci�cally, we will assumethat the fault-tolerant graph contains k faults, and that every con�guration of k faultynodes is equally likely. We will focus on the problem of creating fault-tolerant graphs forthe mesh Mn;n. We will present six constructions for fault-tolerant meshes, analyze theirasymptotic fault-tolerance, and study their fault-tolerance for realistic values of n.The �rst three constructions are simple generalizations of previously known construc-tions [10] designed to tolerate worst-case fault distributions, while the remaining threeconstructions are new. In particular, the fourth construction introduces the concept ofadding \dummy faults" in order to provide a fairly regular fault pattern. The �fth con-struction introduces the use of a 2 by 2 \submeshes", and the sixth construction combinesthe use of dummy faults with the use of submeshes.De�nition: The graph T1(n) = C(n2; fn � 1; ng). Recall from Theorem 2.4 that T1(n)contains Mn;n as a subgraph.De�nition: The graph T2(n) = D(n2; f1; ng). Recall from Theorem 2.3 that T2(n) containsMn;n as a subgraph.De�nition: A graph tolerates �(f(n)) random faults i� o(f(n)) random faults can betolerated with a probability that is 1 � o(1) and !(f(n)) random faults can be toleratedwith a probability that is o(1).De�nition: Given a circulant graph with x nodes, and given integers y and z where0 � y; z < x, the y-node window starting at z, denoted W (y; z), consists of the y nodes inthe graph numbered z; z + 1 mod x; : : : ; z + y � 1 mod x.De�nition: Given a circulant graph with x nodes, and given integers y and z where0 � y; z < x, the distance between y and z, denoted dist(y; z), is the minimum of z�y mod xand y � z mod x, and nodes x and y are consecutive i� dist(y; z) = 1.De�nition: Given a circulant graph with x nodes, and given integers y and z where 1 � y <x and 0 � z < x, the y-th healthy node following (respectively, preceding) z is the healthynode a such that there are exactly y healthy nodes in the set fz+1 mod x; z+2 mod x; : : : ; ag(respectively, fz � 1 mod x; z � 2 mod x; : : : ; ag).It will be assumed throughout that k � n=2 and k = o(n). For constructions 1 through 4,we will consider only embeddings of the target graph in which node 0 of the target graphmaps to some healthy node h in the fault-tolerant graph, and for each i, node i in the targetgraph maps to the i-th healthy node following node h. For constructions 5 and 6, we willconsider only embeddings obtained by viewing 2 by 2 \submeshes" that contain faults asrepresenting faulty nodes in the corresponding fault-tolerant graph.15

4.1 Construction 1The �rst construction is based on the target graph T1(n).De�nition: The graph M1(n; k) = C(n2 + k; fn� 1; n; n+ 1g).Note that M1(n; k) has degree 6. The idea behind this construction is that it can toleratefaults by using the (n+ 1)-o�set edges to jump over them.Lemma 4.1 Assume that M1(n; k) contains k faulty nodes. M1(n; k) tolerates the faultsi� for each i, 0 � i < n2 + k, W (n + 1; i) contains at most one fault.Proof: First, assume that for each i, 0 � i < n2+k,W (n+1; i) contains at most one fault.In this case, given any healthy node i, W (n + 2; i) contains at most one fault. Therefore,there is an edge between each healthy node and both the (n� 1)-st healthy node followingit and the n-th healthy node following it. As a result, M1(n; k) contains a healthy copy ofT1(n).Next, assume that there exists an i, 0 � i < n2 + k, such that W (n+ 1; i) contains two ormore faults. Let a be the �rst healthy node preceding i. Let a0 be the node in T1(n) thatmaps to a, let b0 be node a0 + n mod n2 in T1(n), and let b be the node to which b0 maps.Note that b is the n-th healthy node following a, so b 62 W (n + 1; i) and a and b are notconnected to one another. 2Lemma 4.2 Let M 0 be a circulant graph with �(n2) nodes and let y = �(n). Assume thatM 0 contains k randomly located faulty nodes. If k is o(n1=2), the probability that there existsa node i such that W (y; i) contains two or more faults is o(1).Proof: Given any two faults a and b, the probability that there exists a node i suchthat both a and b lie in W (y; i) is �(n�1). There are o(n) distinct pairs of faults, sothe probability that there exists a node i such that W (y; i) contains two or more faults iso(n�1n) = o(1). 2Lemma 4.3 LetM 0 be a circulant graph with �(n2) nodes and letW = W (y; z1);W (y; z2),: : : ;W (y; zq) be a collection of q mutually disjoint y-node windows in M 0, where y = �(n)and q = �(n). Assume that M 0 contains k randomly located faulty nodes. If k is !(n1=2),the probability that there exists a window in W that contains two or more faults is 1� o(1).Proof: Divide the faults into halves. After the �rst half of the faults have been placed, ifno window in W contains two or more faults then there must be !(n3=2) healthy locations,each of which lies within a window in W that contains a fault. Therefore, the probabilitythat any given fault in the second half will lie in a window in W that contains another faultis !(n�1=2). As a result, the probability that no window in W contains two or more faultsafter all of the faults have been placed is at most (1� n�1=2)!(n1=2) = (1� n�1=2)n1=2!(1) =(1=e)!(1) = o(1). 2 16

Theorem 4.4 The graph M1(n; k) tolerates �(n1=2) random faults.Proof: The proof is immediate from Lemmas 4.2, 4.3 and 4.1. 24.2 Construction 2The second construction is also based on the target graph T1(n).De�nition: The graph M2(n; k) = C(n2 + k; fn� 1; n; n+ 1; n+ 2g).Note that M2(n; k) has degree 8. It is similar to M1(n; k), except the (n+ 2)-o�set edgesallows it to jump over more faults. The proof of the following lemma is analogous to thatof Lemma 4.1 and is omitted.Lemma 4.5 Assume that M2(n; k) contains k faulty nodes. M2(n; k) tolerates the faultsi� for each i, 0 � i < n2 + k, W (n + 2; i) contains at most two faults.Lemma 4.6 Let M 0 be a circulant graph with �(n2) nodes and let y = �(n). Assume thatM 0 contains k randomly located faulty nodes. If k is o(n2=3), the probability that there existsa node i such that W (y; i) contains three or more faults is o(1).Proof: Given any three faults, the probability that there exists a node i such that allthree faults lie in W (y; i) is �(n�2). There are o(n2) distinct sets of three faults, so theprobability that there exists a node i such that W (y; i) contains three or more faults iso(n�2n2) = o(1). 2Lemma 4.7 Let f(n) be any function such that 1 � f(n) � n. Given !(n) independentBernoulli trials, each of which has a probability of success of at least 1=f(n), the probabilityof at least n=f(n) successes is 1� o(1).Proof: Divide the trials into !(n=f(n)) groups, each of which contains at least df(n)etrials. Given any one group of trials, the probability of at least one success in that groupis at least 1=2. Therefore, given any 2 dn=f(n)e groups, the probability of at least n=f(n)successes is at least 1=2. This implies that the probability that the entire set of !(n) trialscontains at least n=f(n) successes is at least 1� (1=2)!(1) = 1� o(1). 2Lemma 4.8 LetM 0 be a circulant graph with �(n2) nodes and letW = W (y; z1);W (y; z2),: : : ;W (y; zq) be a collection of q mutually disjoint y-node windows in M 0, where y = �(n)and q = �(n). Assume that M 0 contains k randomly located faulty nodes. If k is !(n2=3),the probability that there exists a window in W that contains three or more faults is 1�o(1).Proof: Divide the faults into three groups, each of which contains !(n2=3) faults. Considerthe three following statements: 17

Statement 1: At least n2=3 windows in W contain at least one fault each.Statement 2: At least n1=3 windows in W contain at least two faults each.Statement 3: There exists a window in W that contains three or more faults.For all su�ciently large n, after the �rst group of faults has been placed, at least one ofthe three statements above must be true.First, consider the situation in which Statement 1 is true after the �rst group of faults hasbeen placed. For each fault in the second group, consider that fault to be a success i� itlies in a window in W that contains a fault from the �rst group. Given any fault in thesecond group, the probability that it is a success is (n�1=3). It follows from Lemma 4.7that with probability 1� o(1) at least n1=3 faults in the second group are successes.Therefore, regardless of which statement is true after the �rst group of faults is placed,there is a probability of at least 1 � o(1) that after the second group of faults is placed,either Statement 2 or Statement 3 (or both) is true. Now consider the situation in whichStatement 2 is true and Statement 3 is false after the second group of faults is placed. Foreach fault in the third group, consider that fault to be a success i� it lies in a window inW that contains at least two faults from the union of the �rst and second groups. Givenany fault in the third group, the probability that it is a success is (n�2=3). It follows fromLemma 4.7 that with probability 1� o(1) at least one fault in the third group is a success.As a result, in any case there is a probability of at least 1� o(1) that after all of the faultshave been placed, Statement 3 holds. 2Theorem 4.9 The graph M2(n; k) tolerates �(n2=3) random faults.Proof: The proof is immediate from Lemmas 4.6, 4.8 and 4.5. 24.3 Construction 3All of the remaining constructions are based on the target graph T2(n).De�nition: The graph M3(n; k) = C(n2 + k; f1; 2; n; n+ 1g).Note thatM3(n; k) has degree 8. The 1-o�set and 2-o�set edges of the fault-tolerant graphimplement the 1-o�set edges of the target graph and the n-o�set and (n + 1)-o�set edgesof the fault-tolerant graph implement the n-o�set edges of the target graph.Lemma 4.10 Assume that M3(n; k) contains k faulty nodes. M3(n; k) tolerates the faultsif for each i, 0 � i < n2 + k, W (n + 1; i) contains at most one fault.Proof: Given any healthy node i, W (n+ 2; i) contains at most one fault. Therefore, thereis an edge between each healthy node and both the �rst healthy node following it and then-th healthy node following it. As a result, M3(n; k) contains a healthy copy of T2(n). 218

Lemma 4.11 Assume that M3(n; k) contains k faulty nodes. M3(n; k) does not toleratethe faults if there exist x and y, where 0 � x; y < n2 + k, dist(x; y) � 2n, W (n + 1; x)contains at least two faults, and W (n + 1; y) contains at least two faults.Proof: Assume for the sake of contradiction that the faults can be tolerated. Let a bethe �rst healthy node preceding x and let a0 be the node in T2(n) that maps to a. If thereexists a node b0 in T2(n) where b0 = a0+ n, let b be the node to which b0 maps. Note that bis the n-th healthy node following a, so b 62 W (n+ 1; x) and a and b are not connected toone another. Therefore, no such node b exists, which implies that a0 � n2 � n.Let c be the �rst healthy node preceding y and let c0 be the node in T2(n) that maps to c. Asimilar argument shows that c0 � n2�n. As a result, ja0�c0j � n�1, so dist(a; c) � n�1+kand dist(x; y) � n� 1 + 2k < 2n, which is a contradiction. 2Theorem 4.12 The graph M3(n; k) tolerates �(n1=2) random faults.Proof: If the number of faults is o(n1=2), it follows from Lemmas 4.2 and 4.10 that theprobability of tolerating the faults is 1 � o(1). If the number of faults is !(n1=2), dividethe faults into halves. Let W1 = W (y; 0);W (y; y);W (y; 2y); : : : ;W (y; qy) and let W2 =W (y; (q+2)y);W (y; (q+3)y);W (y; (q+4)y) : : : ;W (y; 2qy) where y = n+1 and q = bn=4c.Apply Lemma 4.3 to the �rst half of the faults with W = W1, apply Lemma 4.3 to thesecond half of the faults with W = W2, and apply Lemma 4.11 to complete the proof. 24.4 Construction 4De�nition: The graph M4(n; k) = C(n2 + n + k; f1; 2; n+ 1; n+ 2g).Note thatM4(n; k) has degree 8. The 1-o�set and 2-o�set edges of the fault-tolerant graphimplement the 1-o�set edges of the target graph and the (n+1)-o�set and (n+2)-o�set edgesof the fault-tolerant graph implement the n-o�set edges of the target graph. In particular,the (n + 1)-o�set and (n+ 2)-o�set edges of M4(n; k) can implement the n-o�set edges ofthe target graph provided that each window of n + 1 consecutive nodes contains at least1 fault and each window of n + 2 consecutive nodes contains at most 2 faults. Althoughit is very unlikely (or impossible) that each window of n+ 1 consecutive nodes contains atleast 1 fault, we can view up to n healthy nodes as being \dummy faults" (because thereare n+ k spares) in order to satisfy this requirement.De�nition: Given a circulant graph with x nodes, a block of healthy nodes is a windowW (y; i) , where 1 � y < x and 0 � i < x, consisting solely of healthy nodes such that bothnode i� 1 mod x and node i+ y mod x are faulty.Consider the following algorithm for adding dummy faults to M4(n; k):Algorithm A: Consider each block of healthy nodes separately. Assume a block consistsof y healthy nodes. There are three cases based on the value of y.19

Case 1: y � n. In this case, do not add any dummy faults to the block.Case 2: n + 1 � y � 2n. In this case, add one dummy fault to the block. Place the dummyfault in the middle of the block so that it divides the block into two subblocks ofhealthy nodes, the �rst of which has d(y � 1)=2e nodes and the second of which hasb(y � 1)=2c nodes.Case 3: 2n+ 1 � y. In this case, add two dummy faults that divide the block into threesubblocks of healthy nodes, the �rst of which has n�1 nodes, the second of which hasz = y � 2n nodes, and the third of which has n � 1 nodes. Let a and b denote thesetwo dummy nodes. Then add an additional x = bz=(n+ 1)c dummy faults between aand b. This leaves w = z� x healthy nodes in the block, which are divided into x+1subblocks of healthy nodes by the x dummy faults. Distribute the dummy faults sothat each subblock has length bw=(x+ 1)c or dw=(x+ 1)e.The following lemmas establish properties of Algorithm A.Lemma 4.13 Given w, x and z in Case 3 above, xn � w � (x+ 1)n.Proof: Because x = bz=(n+ 1)c, z � x(n + 1) and w = z � x � xn. Because x =bz=(n+ 1)c, z � xn+ n+ x and w = z � x � xn+ n = (x+ 1)n. 2Lemma 4.14 After applying Algorithm A, no block of n+ 1 or more healthy nodes exists.Proof: If there is a block of n + 1 � y � 2n healthy nodes prior to applying AlgorithmA, the algorithm adds a dummy node that divides the block into subblocks of at mostd(y � 1)=2e � n healthy nodes each. If there is a block of 2n + 1 � y healthy nodesprior to applying Algorithm A, the algorithm adds dummy nodes a and b that dividethe block into subblocks of n � 1, z = y � 2n, and n � 1 healthy nodes, each. Thenx = bz=(n+ 1)c dummy faults are added to the subblock of z healthy nodes, leavingw = z � x healthy nodes. These w healthy nodes occur in subblocks of length at mostdw=(x+ 1)e � d(x+ 1)n=(x+ 1)e � n. 2Lemma 4.15 After applying Algorithm A, no dummy fault is consecutive with another(actual or dummy) fault, provided that n � 2.Proof: If there is a block of n + 1 � y � 2n healthy nodes prior to applying AlgorithmA, the algorithm adds a dummy node that divides the block into subblocks of at leastb(y � 1)=2c � bn=2c � 1 healthy nodes each. If there is a block of 2n + 1 � y healthynodes prior to applying Algorithm A, the algorithm adds dummy nodes a and b that dividethe block into subblocks of n � 1, z = y � 2n, and n � 1 healthy nodes, each. Thenx = bz=(n+ 1)c dummy faults are added to the subblock of z healthy nodes, leavingw = z � x healthy nodes. If x = 0, there are w = z � 0 = y � 2n � 1 healthy nodesbetween dummy faults a and b. If x � 1, the w healthy nodes occur in subblocks of at leastbw=(x+ 1)c � bxn=(x+ 1)c � bn=2c � 1 nodes each. 220

Lemma 4.16 Consider any con�guration of actual faults such that no two faults are con-secutive and there does not exist a node i such that W (2n + 3; i) contains three or morefaults, where n � 2. After applying Algorithm A to this con�guration of faults, no two(actual or dummy) faults will be consecutive and there will not exist a node j such thatW (n+ 2; j) contains three or more (actual or dummy) faults.Proof: The fact that no two faults will be consecutive follows immediately from thepreceding lemma. Now assume for the sake of contradiction that after applying AlgorithmA, there exists a node j such that W (n + 2; j) contains three or more faults. Clearly,W (n + 2; j) must contain at least one dummy fault. Select one such dummy fault anddenote it as d, and let C denote the block of y originally healthy nodes containing d.Clearly, y � n + 1.If n+ 1 � y � 2n, then d is the only dummy fault in C, so either W (n+ 2; j) contains twoactual faults or W (n + 2; j) contains some other dummy fault located in some other blockof originally healthy nodes. First, consider the case where W (n+ 2; j) contains two actualfaults. Let e and f denote these actual faults. Either y lies between e and f or it does not.If y lies between e and f , W (n + 2; j) must contain at least y + 2 � n + 3 nodes, whichis a contradiction. Thus y does not lie between e and f . Now let y0 denote the number ofnodes between e and f . Because W (n+ 2; j) contains only n+ 2 nodes and because thereare at least b(y � 1)=2c � y=2� 1 nodes between d and every actual fault, it follows thaty0 + y=2 + 2 � n + 2, which implies that y0 � n � y=2 and there were three actual faultswithin a window of y + y0 + 3 � n+ y=2 + 3 � 2n+ 3 nodes, which is a contradiction.Now, consider the case where W (n+2; j) contains a dummy fault located in another blockof originally healthy nodes. Let d0 denote such a dummy fault and let C 0 denote the block ofy0 originally healthy nodes containing d0. Clearly, y0 � 2n, because otherwise there wouldbe at least n � 1 healthy nodes between d0 and the nearest actual fault. However, notethat if C 0 follows C then there are at least b(y � 1)=2c � bn=2c consecutive healthy nodesfollowing d and at least d(y0 � 1)=2e � dn=2e consecutive healthy nodes preceding d0, whichimplies that W (n + 2; j) contains at least n + 3 nodes, which is a contradiction. The casein which C 0 precedes C is analogous.If 2n + 1 � y, then either W (n + 2; j) contains at least one actual fault and at leastone dummy fault, or else W (n + 2; j) contains three dummy faults and no actual faults.If W (n + 2; j) contains at least one actual fault and at least one dummy fault, then itmust contain the n � 1 healthy nodes which separate the dummy faults in C from theactual faults. Furthermore, because no two (actual or dummy) faults are consecutive,W (n+2; j) must contain at least n+3 nodes, which is a contradiction. On the other hand,if W (n + 2; j) contains three dummy faults and no actual faults, let a, b, w, x, and z beas de�ned in Case 3 of Algorithm A. It follows that x � 1 and that W (n + 2; j) containsat least two blocks of bw=(x+ 1)c or more healthy nodes in addition to the three dummyfaults. However, the fact that x � 1 implies that z � n + 1. Therefore, the dummy faultsdesignated a and b cannot both be in W (n + 2; j), so it follows that x � 2. Therefore,bw=(x+ 1)c � bxn=(x+ 1)c � b2n=3c � n=2, so W (n + 2; j) contains at least n healthynodes and three dummy faults, which is a contradiction. 221

Lemma 4.17 After applying Algorithm A, at least n2 healthy nodes remain.Proof: First, we will show that Algorithm A adds at most one dummy fault per n + 1=3originally healthy nodes. In Case 2 of Algorithm A, one dummy fault is added to a blockof at least n + 1 originally healthy nodes. In Case 3 of Algorithm A, if two dummy faultsare added there are at least 2n + 1 originally healthy nodes in the block, so at most onedummy fault is added per n + 1=2 originally healthy nodes. In Case 3 of Algorithm A, ifi � 3 dummy faults are added there are at least in+ i� 2 originally healthy nodes in theblock, so at most one dummy fault is added per n+(i� 2)=i originally healthy nodes. Thisquantity is minimized when i = 3, at which point one dummy fault is added per n + 1=3originally healthy nodes.Now consider the case in which exactly k actual faults exist. In this case there must be n2+noriginally healthy nodes, so at most �(n2 + n)=(n+ 1=3)� � n dummy faults are added, andat least n2 healthy nodes remain. Now consider the case in which k� x actual faults exist,where x � 1. At most �(n2 + n+ x)=(n+ 1=3)� � �(n2 + n)=(n+ 1=3)�+ dx=(n+ 1=3)e �n + x dummy faults are added, and at least n2 healthy nodes remain. 2The proofs of the following two lemmas are analogous to those of Lemmas 4.10 and 4.11,and are omitted.Lemma 4.18 Assume thatM4(n; k) contains f � n+k (actual or dummy) faults. M4(n; k)tolerates the faults if no two faults are consecutive and for each i, 0 � i < n2 + n + k,W (n+ 1; i) contains at least one fault and W (n + 2; i) contains at most two faults.Lemma 4.19 Assume that M4(n; k) contains f faulty nodes. M4(n; k) does not toleratethe faults if there exist x and y, where 0 � x; y < n2 + n + k, dist(x; y) � 4n, W (n+ 2; x)contains at least three faults, and W (n + 2; y) contains at least three faults.Theorem 4.20 The graph M4(n; k) tolerates �(n2=3) random faults.Proof: First, consider the case where the number of faults is o(n2=3). It follows fromLemma 4.6 that with probability 1�o(1) there does not exist a node i such thatW (2n+3; i)contains three or more faults. Also, given any two faults, the probability that they areconsecutive is �(n�2). There are o(n2) distinct pairs of faults, so the probability that thereexists a pair of faults that are consecutive is o(n�2n2) = o(1). Therefore, it follows fromLemmas 4.17, 4.16 and 4.18 that after applying Algorithm A, the faults can be toleratedwith probability 1� o(1).Next, consider the case where the number of faults is !(n2=3). In this case, divide the faultsinto halves. Let W1 = W (y; 0);W (y; y);W (y; 2y); : : : ;W (y; qy) and let W2 = W (y; (q +4)y);W (y; (q+ 5)y);W (y; (q+ 6)y) : : : ;W (y; 2qy) where y = n + 2 and q = bn=4c. ApplyLemma 4.8 to the �rst half of the faults with W = W1, apply Lemma 4.8 to the second halfof the faults with W = W2, and apply Lemma 4.19 to complete the proof. 222

4.5 Construction 5ConstructionM5(n; k) is a hierarchical construction based onM3(n=2; k). It is de�ned onlyfor even values of n.De�nition: The graph M5(n; k) is created from M3(n=2; k) as follows:1. Create n0 = (n=2)(n=2)+ k = n2=4+ k squares (that is, cycles of length 4) numbered0 through n0 � 1.2. For each square i, connect the upper right corner of i to the upper left corners of(i+1) mod n0 and (i+2) mod n0, and connect the lower right corner of i to the lowerleft corners of (i+ 1) mod n0 and (i+ 2) mod n0.3. For each square i, connect the lower left corner of i to the upper left corners of(i+ n) mod n0 and (i+ n+ 1) mod n0, and connect the lower right corner of i to theupper right corners of (i+ n) mod n0 and (i+ n + 1) mod n0.Note that M5(n; k) has degree 6. The idea behind this construction is that the squares actas 2 by 2 submeshes and the graph can be recon�gured if the corresponding fault-tolerantgraph (namelyM3(n=2; k)) can tolerate faults located in the positions corresponding to thefaulty squares (see the proof of Theorem 3.5 for a description of hierarchical fault-tolerantgraphs). The following theorem follows immediately from Theorem 4.12.Theorem 4.21 The graph M5(n; k) tolerates �(n1=2) random faults.4.6 Construction 6ConstructionM6(n; k) is a hierarchical construction based onM4(n=2; k). It is de�ned onlyfor even values of n.De�nition: The graph M6(n; k) is created from M4(n=2; k) as follows:1. Create n0 = (n=2)(n=2)+(n=2)+k = n2=4+n=2+k squares (that is, cycles of length4) numbered 0 through n0 � 1.2. For each square i, connect the upper right corner of i to the upper left corners of(i+1) mod n0 and (i+2) mod n0, and connect the lower right corner of i to the lowerleft corners of (i+ 1) mod n0 and (i+ 2) mod n0.3. For each square i, connect the lower left corner of i to the upper left corners of(i+ n + 1) mod n0 and (i+ n+ 2) mod n0, and connect the lower right corner of i tothe upper right corners of (i+ n+ 1) mod n0 and (i+ n+ 2) mod n0.Note that M6(n; k) has degree 6. The following theorem follows immediately from Theo-rem 4.20.Theorem 4.22 The graph M6(n; k) tolerates �(n2=3) random faults.23

4.7 SummaryTable 4.7 summarizes various characteristics, including the asymptotic fault-tolerance, ofthe six fault-tolerant constructions.Construction Symbol Deg. No. spares O�sets Asymp. FTM1 circ6 6 k fn� 1; n; n+ 1g �(n1=2)M2 circ8 8 k fn� 1; n; n+ 1; n+ 2g �(n2=3)M3 diag8 8 k f1; 2; n; n+ 1g �(n1=2)M4 diag8r 8 k + n f1; 2; n+ 1; n+ 2g �(n2=3)M5 diag6 6 4k M3 + submesh �(n1=2)M6 diag6r 6 4k + 2n M4 + submesh �(n2=3)Table 1: Comparison of characteristics of the 6 FT meshes.Notice that M2(n; k) and M4(n; k) both have degree 8 and tolerate �(n2=3) faults, butM4(n; k) requires more spares than does M2(n; k). Thus, the technique of adding dummyfaults does not in itself provide a more practical fault-tolerant network. Similarly, noticethat M1(n; k) and M5(n; k) both have degree 6 and tolerate �(n1=2) faults, but M5(n; k)requires more spares than does M1(n; k). Thus, the technique of using 2 by 2 submeshesdoes not in itself provide a more practical fault-tolerant network. However, by combiningthese two techniques, M6(n; k) is the only degree 6 network that is capable of tolerating�(n2=3) faults.Finally, we will consider laying out the fault-tolerant graphs presented in this section usingThompson's VLSI model [28]. The following theorem shows that, just like the mesh itself,all of the fault-tolerant constructions can be laid out with constant length wires.Theorem 4.23 It is possible to lay out each of the graphs Mi(n; k) where 1 � i � 6 usingonly wires with length O(1).Proof: The layouts for graphs M1(n; k), M2(n; k), M3(n; k) and M4(n; k) follow immedi-ately from the techniques presented in the proof of Theorem 3.12. The layouts for graphsM5(n; k) and M6(n; k) follow from the layouts forM3(n=2; k) andM4(n=2; k), respectively,by replacing each node by a square of four nodes. 24.8 Simulation ResultsFigures 7 to 9 show the simulation results for the fault tolerance of an n � n target meshfor n = 16, 64 and 256, respectively. The probability given for each construction and eachvalue of k is the result of 10,000 simulation trials.For each �gure, the probability of recon�guration for each construction of the FT meshes,Mi(n; k) where 1 � i � 6, is plotted as a functions of k. Each curve has a name of the24







0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22



ty o

f rec




k = number of faults

Fault tolerance for a 16 by 16 target mesh

M1 circ6M5 diag6M3 diag8M2 circ8

M6 diag6rM4 diag8r

Figure 7: Simulation results of fault tolerance for a 16� 16 target mesh.0






0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45



ty o

f rec




k = number of faults

Fault tolerance for a 64 by 64 target mesh

M1 circ6M5 diag6M3 diag8M2 circ8

M6 diag6rM4 diag8r

Figure 8: Simulation results of fault tolerance for a 64� 64 target mesh.25







0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110



ty o

f rec




k = number of faults

Fault tolerance for a 256 by 256 target mesh

M1 circ6M5 diag6M3 diag8M2 circ8

M6 diag6rM4 diag8r

Figure 9: Simulation results of fault tolerance for a 256� 256 target mesh.form \xyz", where \x" is either \circ" for circulant graph or \diag" for diagonal graph (asthe basic target graph), \y" denotes the degree (6 or 8), and \z" is either \r" (designatingan extra row of spare nodes or supernodes) or an empty string. The solid lines denote thedegree-6 FT meshes while the dotted lines denote the degree-8 FT meshes.Note that the FT meshes for the three curves from the left tolerate �(n1=2) random faults,while the remaining three curves on the right can tolerate �(n2=3) random faults. Thusthe asymptotic bounds proven above do appear to describe the behavior of these networksfor realistic values of n. Also, note that the graph M6(n; k) (designated \diag6r" in the�gures) performs the best out of the degree-6 networks studied, and that it has over a 90%chance of tolerating 12 faults when n = 64.26

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