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1 23 Aquaculture International Journal of the European Aquaculture Society ISSN 0967-6120 Aquacult Int DOI 10.1007/s10499-014-9806-2 Feeding frequency influences growth, feed consumption and body composition of juvenile rock bream (Oplegnathus fasciatus) Sung-Yong Oh & B. A. Venmathi Maran

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Aquaculture InternationalJournal of the European AquacultureSociety ISSN 0967-6120 Aquacult IntDOI 10.1007/s10499-014-9806-2

Feeding frequency influences growth,feed consumption and body compositionof juvenile rock bream (Oplegnathusfasciatus)

Sung-Yong Oh & B. A. Venmathi Maran

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Feeding frequency influences growth, feed consumptionand body composition of juvenile rock bream(Oplegnathus fasciatus)

Sung-Yong Oh • B. A. Venmathi Maran

Received: 4 March 2014 / Accepted: 9 June 2014� Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2014

Abstract The influence of feeding frequency on growth, feed consumption and body

composition of juvenile rock bream (Oplegnathus fasciatus) was investigated for 70 days

under an ambient water temperature (mean = 22.1 �C) in sea cages at Tongyeong, in the

southern part of Korea. A total of 600 juveniles were used in this experiment, from which

50 juveniles (initial mean body weight 11.6 g) per cage were randomly distributed to 12

cages. They were hand-fed to satiation with a commercial diet (42.5 % protein and 21.2 kJ/g

energy) at one of four different feeding frequency trials (one, two, three, and four meals per

day) with triplicates. At the end of the experiment, the mean final weight of fish fed one, two,

three and four meals per day were 46.3, 54.5, 60.7 and 60.1 g, respectively. The fish fed three

and four meals per day showed the highest specific growth and feeding rates. The feed

conversion ratio was not significantly (P [ 0.05) affected by the feeding frequency. The

extent of size variation in weight significantly (P \ 0.05) decreased with the increase of

feeding frequency. The maximum feed intake of fish appeared at the first meal (08:30) of

each treatment. As feeding frequency increased, lipid and energy contents also increased

significantly (P \ 0.05), but ash content decreased (P \ 0.05). The total nitrogen waste

output of fish was not significantly (P [ 0.05) affected by the feeding frequency. We con-

clude that the optimum feeding frequency aimed at optimized growth of juvenile rock bream

weighing from 10 to 60 g reared in sea cages is three meals per day under our experimental

conditions including particular diet and temperature.

Keywords Oplegnathus fasciatus � Feeding optimization � Feed intake � Aquaculture �South Korea

S.-Y. Oh � B. A. V. Maran (&)Marine Ecosystem Research Division, Korea Institute of Ocean Science and Technology,Ansan P.O. Box 29, Seoul 425-600, Koreae-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]

S.-Y. OhDepartment of Marine Biology, Korea University of Science and Technology, Daejeon, Korea


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An optimized feeding regime for maximal growth of fish is an important aspect for

commercial fish farming (Cho et al. 2003; Silva et al. 2007; Hafs et al. 2012; Oh et al.

2013). In relation to that, fish are commonly overfed by fish farmers without determining

the satiation point. This could easily lead to an increase in production costs and poor

environmental factors including water quality (Lee et al. 2000a; Cho et al. 2003; Biswas

et al. 2006). On the other hand, if fish are fed insufficiently, their growth is reduced and

size variation is enhanced (Jobling 1983; Wang et al. 1998; Lawrence et al. 2012).

Therefore, for successful fish culture, some economical feeding regimes need to be

developed to save feed costs without causing growth retardation and profit reduction (Silva

et al. 2007; Oh et al. 2013).

Feeding frequency plays a major role in regulating feed consumption, growth, and food

waste of fish (Wang et al. 1998, 2007; Xie et al. 2011). It is therefore important to

determine the optimal feeding frequency in order to (1) improve fish production, (2)

produce fish of uniform sizes, (3) minimize water pollution and (4) optimize economical

benefit (Wang et al. 1998; Kubitza and Lovshin 1999; Dwyer et al. 2002; Zhou et al. 2003;

Biswas et al. 2006; Kucuk et al. 2013). However, the influence of feeding frequency on fish

growth is depending on experimental species, size, feed composition, rearing conditions

and other factors (Wang et al. 1998; Lee et al. 2000a, b; Cho et al. 2003; Xie et al. 2011).

Such inconsistency suggests that the effect of feeding frequency on fish growth should be

analyzed in detail before practical suggestions are made for the daily practice.

The rock bream Opleganthus fasciatus (Temminck & Schlegel, 1844) is one of the most

popular and economically important fish in the marine aquaculture in Korea and Japan

because of its high market value and meat quality (Wang et al. 2003; Biswas et al. 2008;

Lim and Lee 2009). In Korea, the annual aquaculture production was ranged from 711 to

902 metric tons between 2010 and 2011 (MFAFF 2012). The hatchery-reared juveniles are

commonly cultured in sea cages, especially in the southern part of Korea until their growth

up to market size. A little attention has been paid to optimizing feeding management such

as feeding frequency in rock breams. Recently, in western Japan, researchers tried to

determine the most efficient feeding interval and photoperiod for the optimal growth of

rock bream (Biswas et al. 2010). A few more studies focused on the nutritional aspects to

improve the feed efficiency of rock bream (Wang et al. 2003; Lim and Lee 2009). Hence,

in this study, we investigated the effects on growth, size variation and feed consumption in

juvenile rock bream subjected to various feeding frequencies in order to determine opti-

mum feeding frequency for species reared in sea cages. To see the effect of feeding

frequency on the body composition and the nitrogen waste of the juveniles, we also

investigated the temporal changes in chemical attributes such as protein, lipid, energy, ash

and moisture contents.

Materials and methods

Experimental fish and conditions

The juveniles of O. fasciatus were obtained from a private hatchery (Shinyangsusan,

Tongyeong, Korea). All juveniles were transferred to a floating sea cage (10 9 10 9 6 m)

at Tongyeong Marine Living Resources Research & Conservation Center (TMRC) and

acclimated for 1 month. During acclimation, fish were hand-fed on a commercial diet of

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dry pellets (Aller Aqua Co., Christiansfeld, Denmark: 11.4 % moisture, 42.5 % crude

protein, 9.4 % crude lipid, 8.0 % ash and 21.2 kJ/g energy) to apparent satiation twice


During the feeding trial, water temperature, salinity, pH and dissolved oxygen were

monitored every day. Water temperature was maintained at 22.1 ± 1.7 �C. Salinity ranged

from 30.1 to 34.4 psu; dissolved oxygen was greater than 6.8 mg/L; and pH ranged from

8.0 to 8.3 throughout the experiment.

Experimental design and management

After acclimation, a total of 600 juveniles were divided into 4 groups from 12 numbers of

cages, and each group was randomly assigned to one of four different feeding frequency

trials. Each feeding frequency group consisted of 3 replicates with 50 juveniles [initial

body weight: 11.6 ± 0.1 g (mean ± SE, n = 12)] per cage (0.7 9 1.0 9 1.0 m). We

provided every day: (A) one meal at 08:30, (B) two meals at 08:30 and 17:30, (C) three

meals at 08:30, 13:00 and 17:30 and (D) four meals at 08:30, 11:30, 14:30 and 17:30,

respectively. During the experimental period, fish in all feeding treatment groups were fed

by hand on commercial dry pellets (same as during the acclimation period). Pellets were

dropped into each cage until the fish stopped to eat, and the container of the pellets was

weighed before the first feeding and after the last feeding in a day to record the daily

amount of feed that fish actually consumed. The feeding trial lasted for 70 days.

At the beginning and the end of the experiment, all the fish in each cage were fasted for

a day to empty their gut and then anaesthetized with 2-phenoxyethanol (Sigma, St. Louis,

MO, USA) solution (150 mg/L) to minimize stress before body weight measurements were

taken individually. Prior to measurement, the fish were dried by blotting with a paper towel

and then weighed to the nearest 0.1 g.

On day 69, the amount of feed consumed by the fish in each experimental cage at each

meal was measured to determine daily feed consumption patterns within the four feeding

frequency groups.

Chemical analysis

Chemical body composition was determined at the beginning and at the end of the

experiment. Thirty fish at the beginning of the experiment and 15 fish in each cage at the

end of the experiment were randomly sampled and stored at -30 �C for the analysis of

proximate body composition. Chemical composition of the experimental diet and fish were

analyzed according to the standard method (AOAC 1995). Crude protein content was

determined by the Kjeldahl method using an Auto Kjeldahl System (Foss Tecator, Hog-

anas, Sweden). Moisture content was measured by oven drying at 105 �C for 24 h. Crude

lipid was determined by the ether-extraction method, and ash content was determined by a

muffle furnace at 600 �C for 3 h. Energy content was determined by a bomb calorimeter

(PARR 1351, Moline, IL, USA).

Calculations and statistical analysis

Specific growth rate (SGR), feeding rate (FR), feed conversion ratio (FCR), protein

retention efficiency (PRE), energy retention efficiency (ERE), and total nitrogen waste

output (TNW) were calculated as follows:

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SGR ð%=day) ¼ 100� ½ln Wf=Nfð Þ�ln Wi=Nið Þ�=t

FR ð% body weight=day) ¼ 100 � D= Wf þWi þWdð Þ=2½ �=t ðOh et al: 2013Þ

FCR ¼ D= Wf�Wi þWdð Þ

PRE ð% ) ¼ 100� ðWfnf �Wi � Cni þWd � CniÞ= D� Cndð Þ ðWang et al: 2007Þ

ERE ð%Þ ¼ 100� ðWfef �Wi � Cei þWd � CeiÞ= D� Cedð Þ ðBiswas et al: 2010Þ

TNW ðgN=kg fish gain) ¼ 1;000� f D� Cndð Þ � ð1�PRE=100Þ=½ðWf�WiÞ � 6:25�gðWang et al: 2007Þ

where Wf and Wi are total final and initial weights (g), Wd is total body weight of the dead

fish, t is the experimental duration (d), Nf and Ni are final and initial numbers of fish, D is

the total amount of the consumed feed on a g-dry weight basis during t days, Cni (%) and

Cnf (%) are protein content in the whole fish body at the beginning and at the end of the

experiment, and Cnd (%) is protein content in the feed. Cei (%) and Cef (%) are energy

content in the whole fish body at the beginning and at the end of the experiment, and Ced

(%) is energy content in the feed.

The coefficient of variation (CV) of the initial (CVi) or final (CVf) weight was used to

determine the inter-individual variation among the fish in each cage: CVi

(%) = 100 9 (standard deviation of the initial weight/mean initial weight of the fish in

each cage) and CVf (%) = 100 9 (standard deviation of the final weight/mean final

weight of the fish in each cage).

Data associated with final body weight, SGR, FR, FCR, PRE, ERE, TNW, CV, feed

consumption and body protein, lipid, ash, moisture and energy contents were subjected to

one-way ANOVA followed by a Duncan’s multiple range test (P \ 0.05) with a 95 %

significance level to compare the means when differences occurred, except feed con-

sumption of fish with two meals daily was subjected to a t test to evaluate the daily feed

consumption pattern. Levene’s test was used to check homogeneity of variance, and

percent data were arcsine-transformed before ANOVA and t test. All statistical analyses

were carried out using an SPSS program (SPSS Michigan Avenue, Chicago, IL, USA). The

data presented are mean ± SE of three replications.


The experimental results revealed that survival rate was 96.2 ± 0.6 % (mean ± SE,

n = 12) and not significantly (P [ 0.05) affected by the feeding frequency. Final body

weight, SGR, FR and FCR of juvenile rock bream fed at different feeding frequencies for

70 days are presented in Table 1. Final body weight, SGR and FR of the fish fed three and

four meals per day were significantly (P \ 0.05) higher than those of fish fed one and two

meals per day, but were not significantly (P [ 0.05) different between three and four meals

per day. There were no significant (P [ 0.05) differences in FCR among the treatments fed

at different feeding frequencies, although the treatment fed three meals per day had a

relatively low FCR compared with the treatments fed one, two and four meals per day.

At the beginning of the experiment, size variation (i.e., CVi = 7.2 %) in fish weight

among the treatments had no significant (P [ 0.05) difference (Table 1). However, at the

end of the experiment, the CVf in fish weight of four meals per day (CVf = 9.2 %) was

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significantly (P \ 0.05) lower than those in fish weight of one (CVf = 11.1 %) and two

(CVf = 11.0 %) meals per day. But, this was not significantly (P [ 0.05) different from

that of fish fed three meals (CVf = 9.8 %) per day.

Daily feed consumption patterns of fish fed with different feeding frequencies showed a

similar tendency among the treatments (Fig. 1). The feed consumption of fish fed two,

three and four meals per day was significantly (P \ 0.05) higher at the feeding time of

08:30 than at other feeding times. Fish fed three or four meals per day consumed similar

feed amounts at each feeding time except at 08:30.

At the end of the feeding trial, chemical attributes (protein, lipid, ash, moisture and

energy contents), PRE, ERE and TNW of rock bream were calculated (Table 2). The body

composition was increased for crude protein and lipid from initial to final sampling in all

treatments. However, it was decreased for moisture and ash contents. Contents of moisture

and crude protein of the whole body of rock bream were not significantly (P [ 0.05)

affected by the feeding frequency. However, fish fed one meal per day showed a signifi-

cantly (P \ 0.05) higher ash content and lower crude lipid, energy and ERE than fish fed

two, three and four meals per day. There were no significant (P [ 0.05) differences in

crude lipid, ash and energy contents among the fish fed at two, three and four meals per

day. The PRE and TNW of fish was not significantly (P [ 0.05) affected by the feeding

frequency, although the fish fed at three meals per day had a relatively high PRE and low



The enhanced growth and feeding rates of fish experiencing increased feeding frequency

were demonstrated by several studies (Jobling 1983; Ruohonen et al. 1998; Zhou et al.

2003; Wang et al. 2007). In the present study, we could reveal that SGR and FR of juvenile

rock bream were significantly increased with up to three meals per day. At the same time, a

further increase in feeding (i.e., four meals per day) did not enhance the growth rate of


Our results demonstrated that the optimum feeding frequency for juvenile rock bream

weighing from 10 to 60 g was three meals per day (Tables 1, 2), because at this frequency

the fish had a relatively high SGR, FR, PRE and ERE, but low FCR compared with one,

two and four meals per day. The optimum feeding frequency for fish growth varies largely

depends on the fish species and size. For instance, the juveniles of Korean rockfish (Se-

bastes schlegelii, average initial weight 5.7 g) fed one meal a day grew faster and used feed

more effectively than two meals a day or one meal every 2 days (Lee et al. 2000b). In

contrast, the optimum feeding frequencies of juveniles of yellowtail flounder (Limanda

ferruginea, initial weight 6.8 g), hybrid sunfish (F1 hybrid of female green sunfish Lepomis

cyanellus 9 male bluegill L. macrochirus, initial weight 7.4 g), ayu (Plecoglossus altiv-

elis, initial weight 0.15 g), and gibel carp (Carassius auratus gibelio, initial weight 3.0 g),

were reported to be two meals (Dwyer et al. 2002), three meals (Wang et al. 1998), four

meals (Cho et al. 2003), and 24 meals (Zhou et al. 2003) per day, respectively. Our FCR

result that was not affected by feeding frequency is well agreed with other observations of

Korean rockfish fed moisture pellets (Lee et al. 2000b), channel catfish (Ictalurus punct-

atus) reared in a cage (Webster et al. 1992), mrigal (Cirrhinus mrigala) and rohu (Labeo

rohita) reared in a nursery (Biswas et al. 2006) and flounder (Platichthys flesus luscus)

reared in a indoor tank (Kucuk et al. 2013). These reports indicated that feed consumption

was the growth-limiting factor of fish that experienced various feeding frequencies

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(Andrews and Page 1975). Therefore, enhanced growth in the fish fed three meals per day

in the present study was achieved by the improvement of FR, not by the improvement of











n (%


y w















Time (h)




b ba

bb b

1 meal/d 2 meals/d

3 meals/d 4 meals/d

08:30 11:30 14:30 17:30 08:30 11:30 14:30 17:30

08:30 11:30 14:30 17:30 08:30 11:30 14:30 17:30

Fig. 1 Daily variation in mean feed consumption at four feeding times of juvenile rock bream fed at fourdifferent feeding frequencies. Values (mean ± SE) with different letters are significantly different (n = 3,P \ 0.05)

Table 2 Whole body proximate composition (%, wet weight basis), energy content (kJ/g), protein (PRE)and energy (ENE) retention efficiencies and total nitrogen waste (TNW) of juvenile rock bream Oplegnathusfasciatus fed at four different feeding frequencies for 70 days

Parameters Initial 1 meal/day 2 meals/day 3 meals/day 4 meals/day

Moisture 75.3 ± 0.4 72.4 ± 0.0 73.0 ± 0.4 73.2 ± 0.6 73.3 ± 0.3

Crude protein 16.2 ± 0.1 16.3 ± 0.2 16.3 ± 0.1 16.5 ± 0.4 16.6 ± 0.3

Crude lipid 4.7 ± 0.0 5.7 ± 0.2a 6.2 ± 0.1b 6.4 ± 0.1b 6.2 ± 0.1b

Ash 4.6 ± 0.0 3.8 ± 0.1b 3.3 ± 0.0a 3.4 ± 0.1a 3.4 ± 0.0a

Energy 5.1 ± 0.2 5.5 ± 0.1a 6.6 ± 0.2b 6.6 ± 0.0b 6.5 ± 0.7b

PRE (%) 29.0 ± 0.1 29.5 ± 0.9 30.7 ± 0.5 30.0 ± 0.2

ERE (%) 19.9 ± 0.1a 25.3 ± 0.7b 25.7 ± 0.4b 24.4 ± 0.1b

TNW (gN/kg fish gain) 63.8 ± 0.3 62.6 ± 2.6 60.1 ± 1.3 62.5 ± 0.5

Values (mean ± SE, n = 3) with different superscripts in the same row are significantly different(P \ 0.05)

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In this study, the CV in weight was increased in all treatment groups at the end of the

experiment (CVf) compared with initial (CVi). However, inter-individual size variation

decreased with increasing feeding frequency, which is consistent with some of the previous

studies (Wang et al. 1998; Liu and Liao 1999). Thus, the increase in feeding frequency

from one to four meals per day provided more uniform size in hybrid sunfish (Wang et al.

1998). In the case of juvenile gilthead seabream (Sparus auratus), size variation depended

on feeding frequency as well as on dry feed particle size (Goldan et al. 1997). However,

few reports showed that feeding frequency did not affect size variation of juvenile gibel

carp (Zhou et al. 2003), white sturgeon (Acipenser transmontanus) (Cui et al. 1997), and

flounder (Kucuk et al. 2013).

Information on feed consumption pattern is necessary to achieve an optimized feeding

regime for particular fish species (Wang et al. 1998). In the present study, the daily feed

consumption pattern of juvenile rock bream indicated that the greatest ratio of feeding

activity in fish occurred in the morning time (i.e., 08:30) and became more uniform feeding

ratio when fish were fed at higher feeding frequencies (i.e., three or four meals per day)

after maximum feed intake. Similarly, hybrid sunfish (Wang et al. 1998) and flounder

(Kucuk et al. 2013) showed more uniform feeding ratio at higher feeding frequencies, but

maximal feeding activity changed depending on feeding frequency. The fish fed at lower

feeding frequencies daily consumed more feed during each meal (Dwyer et al. 2002). The

ingested ratio related to feeding frequency depends on the stomach volume (Grayton and

Beamish 1977; Jobling 1983; Ruohonen and Grove 1996), feeding intervals (Liu and Liao

1999; Biswas et al. 2010), and gastric evacuation rate (Lee et al. 2000b). The data con-

cerning the daily feed consumption pattern will provide important information associated

with the feeding time and the supplied amounts of feed in each feeding for improved

growth of juvenile rock bream.

The increase in the body lipid content with feeding frequency in the present study is

similar to other fish species (Grayton and Beamish 1977; Kayano et al. 1993; Yao et al.

1994; Lee et al. 2000a, b), but another study with same species did not show any significant

increase in different feeding intervals and photoperiods (Biswas et al. 2010). The surplus

feed ingested by frequent feeding was found to be converted into body lipid in the post-

larvae of ayu (Cho et al. 2003), as well in juvenile flounder (Paralichthys olivaceus) (Lee

et al. 2000a). However, Harpaz et al. (1999) reported that the body lipid content of juvenile

silver perch (Bidyanus bidyanus) was affected by dietary energy levels and not by feeding


Commercial fish farming in sea cages is recognized as one of the causes of water

deterioration through TNW originated from uneaten or wasted feed, fecal and metabolites

of cultured fish (Islam 2005; Wang et al. 2007). The nitrogen waste production in fish

farms is directly affected by the feeding regime (Azevedo et al. 1998), which has an

inverse correlation with feed utilization in fish (Wang et al. 2007). Wang et al. (2007)

further suggested that nitrogen waste can be minimized by regulating feeding frequency

and estimated that about 50 g nitrogen waste is released into the water by 1 kg of cuneate

drum (Nibea miichthioides) offered for one meal per day. This amount of nitrogen waste is

comparable with our results with three meals per day (about 60 g).

In this study, based on growth performance, size variation, feed consumption and

nitrogen waste of juvenile rock bream, it is concluded that the optimum feeding frequency

for growth of juvenile rock bream of 10–60 g body weight was three meals per day under

our experimental conditions. In addition, the fish fed with three meals per day produced a

relatively low TNW compared with other feeding frequencies. This also means that three

meals per day provided appropriate intervals for optimal growth of juvenile rock bream. At

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the same time, water pollution was minimized in sea cages, which is essential for an eco-

friendly culture.

Acknowledgments We thank Mr. David Berry for language editing and two anonymous reviewers fortheir constructive comments. We also thank TMRC colleagues for their generous assistance in the field. Thefunding was supported by the Korea Institute of Ocean Science and Technology (KIOST) projects (PO01110and PE99202).


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