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Fig 7.1-Home Page Logging in

Date post: 02-Feb-2023
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Fig 7.1-Home Page Logging in: Admin can access few of the functionalities on the site without having to log in, but to use the main functionalities of the site admin must log in with their username and password. Fig 7.2: Login

Fig 7.1-Home Page

Logging in: Admin can access few of the functionalities on the site without having to log in, but to use the main functionalities of the site admin must log in with their username and password.

Fig 7.2: Login


When admin has logged in successfully the screen will change to

reflect the information that the system has stored about you.

Fig 7.3: Company Register

Company Register: First of all admin have to register the name of the company along with the requited field in fig no 7.3.Validation: There is validation in the field which developer as describe in the popup menu in fig 7.3.Admin can also refer to the help menu to know about the validation.

Fig 7.4 Ledger Creation

Ledger Creation: After successfully registered the company, admin can able to create the ledger of the client as shown in fig 7.4. Validation: There is validation in the field which developer as describe in the popup menu in fig 7.4.Admin can also refer to the helpmenu to know about the validation.

Fig 7.5 Voucher Entries

Voucher Creation: After successfully create a ledger, admin can able transaction of particular ledger. As screen given above fig 7.5 there are 9 type of voucher which admin can able to transaction. (By defaultits show contra vouchers transaction.).

Fig no-7.6 Trial Balance

Trial Balance: Admin can check the trail balance to maintain the consistency of the amount through of the website. As showing in the above fig 7.6 there is debit and credit field is there. It should be equal.

Fig7.7-Trading Account

Trading Account: Admin can able to see the status of gross profit or loss of the company with the help of this account as shown in fig 7.7 above ,there is the field of gross profit and gross loss which show that how much amount of money your company is in profit or loss.

Fig7.8-Balance Sheet

Balance Sheet: Admin can able to see the Assets or liabilities of the company with the help of this account as shown in fig 7.8 above, thereis field of Total Assets and Total Liabilities.

Fig: 7.9-Account Payable & its Report

Account Payable & it Report : Admin can able to see particular ledger report as shown in fig 7.9.He/She can able to store the report in CSV,Excel and XML and also able to mail them to particular ledger .

7.10 Graph

Graph: As shown in fig there is a graph of purchase account in which the total amount of Debit and total amount of credit is shown with thehelp of Bar Chart.

Logout: When admin finished their transaction session, return to the home page and sign out. Please kept in mind to sign out when you finished a session otherwise any unauthentic person can access your data. The system will stay signed in until you• quit your web browser or• shut down your computer, or• sign out.
