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GENERAL INTRODUCTION In contemporary Africa, youth are viewed as the hope of today and tomorrow. They are the foundation of the future and are expected to be the leaders of a better tomorrow. They are young, energetic and ready to take reasonable risks that enable them to enjoy their as youths and also earn them descent living. However, the current African society is faced with many problems and has largely ignored the plight of youths, who are used in violence or lack basic empowerment for better future. Their God given talents have not been enhanced to serve God, humanity, and environment in which they live in and extract their daily bread. Prostitution in accordance with the Longmans dictionary of the contemporary English is defined as “the act of earning money by having sex with people who pay for it.” 1 The people who engage in such activities are referred to as prostitutes. In the ancient times, only women were regarded as prostitute and even the Bible has some verses where women were referred to as prostitutes. But the social-economic dynamics of the modern society, debates on gender sensitivity and equality has broadened the concept of prostitution. Today, both men and women engage in prostitution to earn a living yet it is illegal, immoral and sinful. It is the major ways of transmitting HIV/AIDS. 1 Longmans Dictionary of the Contemporary English. 1


In contemporary Africa, youth are viewed as the hope of today

and tomorrow. They are the foundation of the future and are

expected to be the leaders of a better tomorrow. They are

young, energetic and ready to take reasonable risks that

enable them to enjoy their as youths and also earn them

descent living. However, the current African society is faced

with many problems and has largely ignored the plight of

youths, who are used in violence or lack basic empowerment for

better future. Their God given talents have not been enhanced

to serve God, humanity, and environment in which they live in

and extract their daily bread.


Prostitution in accordance with the Longmans dictionary of the

contemporary English is defined as “the act of earning money

by having sex with people who pay for it.”1 The people who

engage in such activities are referred to as prostitutes. In

the ancient times, only women were regarded as prostitute and

even the Bible has some verses where women were referred to as

prostitutes.  But the social-economic dynamics of the modern

society, debates on gender sensitivity and equality has

broadened the concept of prostitution. Today, both men and

women engage in prostitution to earn a living yet it is

illegal, immoral and sinful. It is the major ways of

transmitting HIV/AIDS.

 1 Longmans Dictionary of the Contemporary English. 


In this study, the researcher will discuss about prostitution

which is illegal and immoral in this country (See Appendix

II). The researcher will analyze the causes and effects of

prostitution among the youth along the coastline in Mombasa,

Jomo Kenyatta Beach (Pirates beach). The study will attempt to

suggest some possible solutions on how the society can

prevent, rehabilitate or eradicate prostitution at Kenyan

cost. It will take theological and pastoral approach that

their bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit who dwell in them

and which they received from God. The solutions must be

approached in a godly way but with firmness on forgiveness,

unconditional love and by imitation of Christ who forgave Mary

Magdalene and received her as a child of God. She embrace

Christ’s love and became a saint, hence a role model for those

facing the challenge of prostitution.


Prostitution is as old as human history; it is highlighted in

both the Old and New Testament. However, it acquires different

dimensions and mean overtime. The good example is when God

told prophet Hosea marry Gomer who was a prostitute and not

accorded any honor in society to communicate his displeasure

with the Israelites. It is the responsibility of the society

to find out the root cause of this behavior and solve it.

Prostitution is worsened by poverty, peer pressure, curiosity,

and lack of good morals, inheritance, and new technology like

internet. It exposes the youth to diseases such as aids, early

deaths, psychological problems, schools dropouts and thus it

becomes cyclical in the society.  



In this paper the researcher will discuss about prostitution

in Pirates beach (Jomo Kenyatta Beach), along the Mombasa

Coast. Pirate beach is a public beach and open to everyone who

is able to reaching there. Most people go there, but their

intentions are different. It is growing day by day because of

the small businesses like hawking, hotels, restaurants, clubs,

paying for the boats, taxis, been carried by camels and thus

providing employment for those who are toiling to make ends

meet. Not forgetting the tourists who visit to enjoy life in

Kenya especially in Mombasa “raha” but engage in extreme

activities such as sex tourism. Unfortunately the youth join

them in such pleasure and end up getting money by misusing sex

which is given by God.


 Scripture teaches that one of the good purposes for sexual

intercourse is the expression of love, and procreation. On the

other hand, prostitution is bad because it distorts God’s

given good intention and purpose of sexual act. It violates

all cultural, religious and legal beliefs and values that

promote social wellbeing of individual, family, community and

the entire nation. People who engage in prostitution are dead

in their sins and in danger of damnation, but God being

infinite in mercy and compassion, want to redeem them.

Although God threatens punishment, He offers pardon,

forgiveness and cleansing for those who are willing and ready

to repent and be rehabilitated.



This study seeks to discuss various causes and effects that

brings about prostitution which is an immoral aspect in the

society and its impact on the entire society. It will suggest

possible measures that can be implemented to eradicate

prostitution because one can be poor but still maintain honor

and integrity. The lord Jesus was born in a poor environment

but poverty was not born in him. He never lost his identity

and become cheap or failed to respect his body which was

created in the image and likeness God. 




After serving for many years in the Catholic Archdiocese of

Mombasa in Mtwapa as a religious (nun), I have come to

understand the life of the parishioners. The youths are one of

a group of people who appealed to my special interest,

especially in Pirates beach (Jomo Keynoter public beach).

Pirate’s beach is a public beach in Mombasa County, Mtwapa

area. (See Appendix III). It becomes very active with human

activities on the weekends and public holidays. The beach is

in urban area where many youths have migrated to the city to

look for jobs. Many families along coastline are polygamous

yet they are poor and therefore, children drop out of school

in order to search for basic needs such as food, shelter and




Youths from various places visit Pirates beach with various

intentions. Most youths come from poor background, different

religions and different schooling. In that beach, many go

there with different intentions and they meet others who lead

them astray. Others end up in prostitution, addiction to drugs

or crimes.


This background of the Pirates beach presents some causes and

effects of prostitution among the youth and makes possible

solutions on how solve this problem in order to win back the

youths to use their different talents in serving God fully.


The Pirates Beach area is a multicultural because of its

social, political and economic status with people from all

over Kenya and even worldwide. The society has been influenced

negatively and affected the youth’s role in church mission

hence ending up indulging in prostitution. This study will

attempt to find out causes of prostitution among youths at

Pirate beach and how they can be helped to live a better life.

It will endeavor to propose appreciate ways in which the youth

can become worthy in the society and especially in the Pirates

beach and avoid selling their bodies. (See Appendix V).


At the end of this study, the researcher intends to attain the

following objectives:

Highlight the church’s teaching on Prostitution.


To find out the causes and effects of Prostitution at

Pirates Beach.

To suggest some possible solutions to the problem of

Prostitution among the youths.   

Enlighten the youth about their mission in the Church.

Empower the youths to change from Prostitution to

responsible Christians. 


The researcher will identify and categorize the causes and

effects of prostitution. Develop and suggest some possible

solutions on how to solve this problem, through evangelization

and other pastoral methodology. The church leadership, all

religious men and women must know the status of these youths

and try to help them to understand themselves better. They

should make sure that they pay much attention to them

especially when they come to the church because many never

fail to give thanks to God for what they have attained.


Educate them how the society depend on them as future leaders

and thus call upon more people to deal with these lonely

brothers and sisters in Christ who need all of us to regain

strength as the Swahili saying goes, “kuteleza sio kuanguka”. This

study is very significant because it will highlight the causes

of prostitution. It will provide literature and the

recommendations will be adopted by leaders to change the

plight of most youths trapped in prostitution. Fellow students

and lecturers will use these materials to learn and teach this


topic respectively. The community living around pirates Beach

will benefit from the study because they will know the cause,

effects and solutions of prostitution.

1.5 WORKING HYPOTHESIS The youth are very important people in the church family and

society especially when well understood and given wise

guidance on how to discover and express their talents. The

youth in prostitution must be rehabilitate and given the right

direction to their Jesus Christ. Their faith will be actively

performed in good works in their mission and especially in

leadership. Those who have strayed must be welcomed like the

prodigal son but change totally and become good people who can

be relied on.


The scope of this study is narrowed down to the causes and

effects of prostitution among the youth. This study

specifically targets the youths of Jomo Kenyatta public beach

(Pirates). The research was conducted among the youths at

Pirates beach because of their vulnerability to the vice at

the coast.


In this research the methodology used include, interviews with

specific informant and secondary date through literature





This research has four chapters. The first chapter deals with

the background of the study. It shows how the study is

important and very effective, the statement of the research,

objectives of the study, significance of the study, working

hypothesis, structure of the research, and scope of the study

and methodology of the study.


In the second chapter, I have looked on the causes and

effectives of prostitution among the youth, the historical

background of Pirates beach and the geographical location,

prostitution among the youth at Pirates beach, the causes of

prostitution and effects of prostitution generally.


In the third chapter, I have reviewed the church and biblical

teaching on the prostitution, biblical teaching in both the

Old and New Testament on prostitution, Vatican 11 council on

prostitution, the catholic catechism on prostitution and papal

encyclical letter on prostitution.


Lastly the fourth chapter, deals with pastoral recommendation

on youth for deeper evangelization, the role of the catholic

church on youth and evangelization, the role of the family on

youth, the role of the government on youth and finally




2.0 JOMO KENYATTA PUBLIC BEACH (PIRATES BEACH)                                2.1 INTRODUCTION

This chapter introduces the Jomo Kenyatta Public Pirates

Beach. It outlines its historical background, geographical

location, economic activities and rampant spread of

prostitution among the youth. It also examines causes and

effects of prostitution among the youth.


Mombasa is a city located at the Kenyan Coast about 432 km

South East of Nairobi, the capital city. Coral reefs, mangrove

forests, beaches, lowlands, and kaya forests characterize the

area. The main economic activities include tourism, fishing

and trade along the coastal area. Mombasa is a historical

trading town that attracts hundreds of thousands of tourists

annually. It is well-known for its beautiful beaches and Jomo

Kenyatta Public Beach (JKPB) is one of them. (See Appendix

IV). It is the only remaining stretch of beach in Mombasa that

is not under private management and very important to the

local community. The rest of the Mombasa shoreline contains

many private hotels that block public access to the ocean.


The high level of development has not been friendly to the

environment along the beaches of Mombasa and has affected

various species in the ocean. Furthermore, there are intense

conflicts among resource users. Some conflicting interests

have arisen from individuals and private companies who intend

to develop the public beach into a private enterprise. Solid

waste on the public beach is also a major problem, despite

there being official waste bins provided by the city council.

Other factors contributing to the degradation of the public

beach are overcrowding due to poor planning. Tourists are also

being hassled, making the area less attractive for visitors.

The economic potential of Jomo Kenyatta Public Beach is

undisputed, if only it can be unlocked to its full potential.

However there are some efforts towards improvement of the

overall situation. Some of the reefs in Mombasa were declared

a Marine National Reserve in1986 with a 10 km² core zone known

as the Mombasa Marine National Park. Kenya Wildlife Service

manages the area and prohibits fishing inside the Marine

National Park to allow recovery of the fish populations and

then the stocks “spill over” into the surrounding areas where

fishing occurs. The marine park is also popular among


A wide range of stakeholders can be identified on the public

beach area and they range from the boat owners association,

the fishers’ association, the photographers, the camel riders,


the adjacent hotels, Kenya Wildlife Service and many more. The

challenge is whether making Jomo Kenyatta Public Beach a

demonstration site can help to solve conflicts and improve

better usage of the rich resources that occur there, including

cultural resources. Indications are that careful planning of

the beach and its surroundings, with the full involvement of

all stakeholders will be a step in the right direction.

The JKPB was in the hands of the Municipal Council of Mombasa

until November 2011, when ownership of the site was handed

over to the treasury to hold trust for the Ministry of

National Heritage and Culture, who in turn handed over

ownership of JKPB to the National Museums of Kenya (NMK). The

NMK is in the process of working out a Management Plan of

JKPB, in consultation with the various stakeholders. A draft

Master-plan has already been prepared.2


The Jomo Kenyatta Public beach is situated twenty five minutes

drive from Moi International Airport and fifteen minutes drive

north of Mombasa Island, along Mombasa/Malindi highway at

Bamburi near Mtwapa. It is among the public beaches in the

Mombasa/Mtwapa area which becomes active on the weekends due

to many people who go there for leisure, business,

prostitution and other various reasons and interests.3


2 Dr. Kala, Interviewed by the Author at Pirates Beach, 20/05/2011.3 Hassan Ali, Interviewed by the Author at Pirates Beach, 20/05/2011.



Prostitution at Pirates beach involves both male and female

youths. Prostitution among the youths is on increase, as

levels of poverty, lack of employment, poor health increases

and makes youth vulnerable to manipulation by politicians and

other interested groups. Many tourist visitors visit the

Pirate beach for leisure but others have hidden agendas.

Pirate beach is a lovely place despite the hot climate.

Prostitution is rampant among the youths in pirate beach. They

are exploited by the youth themselves, “sugar daddies” (old men) or

“sugar mummies” (old women). Tourists are included because it is

believed that they say that, “the girls in Pirates beach serve

them well as if they knew them before and this enables them to

qualify to the categories of friends.”4 This experience is

hilarious and stimulates to give more dollars foot services

offered by the young women and men.

The beach boys are also available but doing other jobs such as

tour guides; take visitors around with boats, others with

camels for making money, even selling fast moving food staffs.

They also secretly serve those who go there with the ideal

sex. The beach boys; said Musa, “is the name given to young

men looking for rich white female tourists visiting Kenya for

more than the usual ocean, sun and sand. Mostly sporting

dreadlocks and tight- fitting shirts that reveal their

athletic torsi, and they are twenty five years and below.”5

4 Jeff Ken, Interviewed by the Author at Mtwapa, 21/05/2011.5 Musa Karisa, Interviewed by the Author at Ukunda, 22/05/2011.


According to records said Tom, “Kenya welcomes two millions

tourists; most of them are from United Kingdom, the United

States of America and from Germany but some of them are

notorious for sex tourism.”6 This does not mean that is the

exact number up to today but the population is growing day and

night. Beach boys in Pirates not only speak English but add

some local languages like Swahili, but also try to master

German, French, Italian and Spanish. Many learn this by virtue

of the years of association with tourists. Others go to school

in order to be updated so that they can communicate

effectively for benefit of the business. Omar said, “A perfect

command of a European language is always an advantage.”7

In my research I met one of the beach boys who shared with me

about Pirates Beach prostitution. The beach boy said, “I

usually go and talk to a mzungu mama and ask her if she needs

something, if she is looking for a guide, so I become her tour

guide. I go with her for jet skiing, boat cruise and if she

wants something more, I can also give her generously. But

during peak seasons like summer, one can have six old

different sexual partners.”8 This clearly expresses my desire

to guide and empower them in order to earn a living well.

Some tourists really exploit youths in Pirates beach and

mostly they seduce them with cash. This has made others to

6 Bahati Tom, Interviewed by the Author at Serena Beach, 22/05/2011.7 Omar Kea, Interviewed by the Author at Mombasa Beach, 23 /05/2011.8 Beach Boy, Interviewed by the Author at Pirates Beach, 24/05/2011.


become life-long sex workers because of getting used to it

from very young ages. Indeed, they affirm the saying that

says, “Practice makes perfect” and once addicted, it become

very hard to for the youth to engage in other in legal and

morally accepted enterprises.

In African cultures, no one was allowed to betray and exploit

the youth. Africans valued traditions and respected human

dignity and thus immorality was not very high as it is now.

Although Africans sold fellow Africans in to slavery, it was

rare for Africans to do this to their children. Our youths

should really be serious with their personal principles in

order to avoid this problem and be firm in their lives. Not

becoming too cheap and selling their bodies hence lowering

their dignity and self esteem. Anthony supports the view the

society should, “help youngsters to value their own body as

unique and profoundly priceless. He point out that people

should abstain from sex before marriage. Affirm sex rather

than deny It, that they view sex not only as a form of

pleasures but also as a sign of commitment and as a means of

transmitting life.”9

When one reaches Pirates beach, the older European men are

seen everywhere with very young girls holding hands as if they

are going for wedding. They swim and burst in the sun, share

stories and even drink and eat in hotels, clubs, bars and

restaurants. They end up introducing the youths to sex trade

9 A. Grugni, Dear Youth Counselor, St. Paul Press, Bombay, 2001, Pg. 126.


and leave them brain washed. One of the youth said, “I know I

am sinning, but am forced to because I am looking for my

livelihood. So to me it’s just acceptable to do prostitution

to earn a living.”10 (See Appendix VI).

In my research, I was curious about how customers know who is

a prostitute and who is not? But one of them told me that,

“waarabu wapemba wajuana wenyewe.”11 In this case I would like to

comment that sex is sometimes abused and we are called upon to

help our dear youths to come out from prostitution trap. The

youth forget how precious they are and start lowering their

dignity. Others forget that virginity is the best and precious

gift that one can give to the husband or wife after they

marry. This is because it shows how one should take care of

themselves. Leonie affirms this by stating that, “It is by our

daily interaction with the opposite sex that we complement

each other, but this relationship does not always require a

genital expression.”12

During my research I was really interested with the tourists

because I felt that, they contributed a lot to prostitution at

Pirates beach. They were happy to share with me and they were

very open and proud to get what they called treasures from the

youth. This made me to wonder how these tourists behave and

they do not exploit youths from their countries but do that to10 A Prostitute (Name withheld), Interviewed by the Author at Pirates Beach,24/05/2011.11 Ibid.12 P. Leonie, Love and Life. Billings Method of Natural Family Planning, African UniversityPress, Banda, 1976, Pg. 18.


Kenyan youths especially youths in Pirates beach. One of the

tourist Mac said, “We come to the youths of pirates because

many claim that they are poor in many ways and when we offer

them dollars their hearts are cooled, and so they entertain us

and as well.”13 It is poverty which makes the youths to be

trapped and   also the desire to have money which they can

call theirs.


In a world that is increasingly receptive to immorality, many

young people happen to be friends to other youngsters who have

been or are in unaccepted sexual relationships. When the

latter share their experiences with the former, some get

curious and innocently accept to get into similar

relationships so that they fit in their social circles.

Young people are living in the fast changing society with less

or no preparation for the challenges of their future that

awaits them. Most of them learn and are controlled by peer

pressure. Today’s society is not the same as it was before,

because youths are aware of their rights and they take

advantage rights to engage in unacceptable behaviors. They do

many things that are destructive to their future and lives,

yet parents have little time or access to the activities of

the youth in order to control them.

13 Mac Bosco, Interviewed by the Author at Pirates Beach, 24/05/ 2012.


Young people goes to parties and interact with all kinds of

friends who initiate them into drug abuse, prostitution and

all sorts of immoral things. But parents are either busy,

unable to confront them or have nothing to say because they

claim to have their rights and their own principles. They fail

to understand that the principles should help or direct them

to do what is good and overcome such challenges. Kiura urges

the youth to develop their own principles by advising them,

“to follow their own set of values and goals in spite of

public opinion. This will help them to develop an independent

character able to resist peer pressure.”14

This influence of peer group pushes many to prostitution

because they are trapped by their friends, poverty and desire

to get quick money. For example, the researcher shared with

one of the prostitute and she said that she joint her friends

at the beach for refreshments. But unfortunately she

encountered friend who were prostitute. Being naïve she wanted

to please them by accepting the deal. Unfortunately that

single afternoon has been hounding her from that incident. She

claimed that she is addicted on prostitution as if it is glue

applied on her and she cannot come out of it.15 The trap has

made them to selling their bodies in order to get money so

that they can do wherever pleases them like, taking alcohol

and enjoying pleasure to the fullest. They claim that, better

to have, “maisha mafupi ya raha kuliko marefu ya shida” (it is better to

14 J. Kiura, Sexuality and Fertility Awareness, Kolbe Press, Limuru, 1986, Pg. 75.15A Prostitute (Name withheld), Interviewed by the Author at Pirates Beach,24/05/2011.


have a short happy life than to have long life full of


Some of the youths go to Pirates together and enjoy themselves

in the clubs, restaurants and even in the beach as they swim

thus end up being introduced by some of them to prostitution.

This is because they want to be seen that they are fashionable

and can enjoy life in many ways and earn money to enjoy with

their friends. The influence from the peer is one of the

pregnant factors, which lead many young people of Pirates

beach to the ditch. Most of them confess that, “If it were not

my friends I could not be involved in prostitution and I could

be a better person in the society.”17 Many end up regretting

later but the situation is worse and even if you help it

cannot be as before. This reminds me when I was in class four,

my mother told me that, “always regrets come later but not

before and I should think before I act.”18

Peers pressure can lead youth to do outrageous things. They

can make one end up in prostitution out of innocent self will

or sometimes willingly. For example, a youth may have a peer

who has a lot of money from prostitution or other illegal

means; that friend may influence others to engage in the vice.

There is in no way that the peers will keep supporting the

other when they endure all what comes in the way of

prostitution when the person can as well endure. They will

16 Mariam Kadzo, Interviewed by the Author at Pirates Beach, 24/05/2011.17 Conso, Interviewed by the Author at Mtwapa, 25/05/2011. 18 Mother, Advice in Class Four (n.d.).


take the option of introducing the peer to the way of getting

her own money. This pulls the person into prostitution. Kiura,

advices the youth to, “avoid bad company. Steer clear of peers

or other friends who do not respect your values. Look for good

characters that will protect rather than compromise your moral



Youths also engage in prostitution, however, when they

exchange sex outside these environments and in return not only

for basic needs such as shelter, food, clothing, or safety,

but also for extra pocket money. There is a subculture of

"pocket money prostitution" in many consumer societies,

including the Kenya whereby girls and boys under 18 years rent

out their sexual services for cash or expensive gifts, or to

save up for cars, motorcycles, even college tuition.

During my research I met many youths who were telling me that

they should go in hand with the time not to be left behind.

Others said that they are not contented with the classes of

their families. Omosh said, “Even those who live amongst the

middle class sometimes own expensive electronics like Hi- Fi

systems and huge TV screens and state of the art handsets.

Mostly, they have a taste in their dressing (however scanty)

and their hair styles are enviable. Their lifestyles always

revolve around having fun without much sweating.”20

19 J. Kiura (eds.), On Life and Love. Guides for Parents and Educators, Kolbe Press, Limuru, 1999, Pg. 58.20 Omosh, Interviewed by the Author at Mtwapa, 27/05/2011.


These lifestyles, sadly, lure younger girls to turn their back

on their moral obligations and venture into the trappings of

‘easy wealth’ that come with prostitution. Many say that they

are pushed by curiosity and life becomes full of imaginations

and one sees getting “a mzungu” is all she needs in life.

Parents must be guilty because they contribute to the spread

of prostitution. One shared, “as a parent you are everything

but you want your child to contribute getting “musungu” to

bring money home which is wrong.”21


Poverty is one of the major causes for many youths in Pirates

beach to engage in prostitution for survival. Some are

university students who go there to engage in prostitution in

order to acquire money to sustain a lifestyle their parents

cannot afford.  I shared with a student from a certain

university in Nairobi, she said, “we are poor and we need more

money for pocket and for fun with our friends so as to be in a

position of studying well and to enjoy life as we are still


Poverty is the talk among the third world countries. Most

people live on less than dollar a day and lack most basic

needs. A hungry person can indulge in any activity to satisfy

the physiological needs. Given the scarcity of job

opportunities, our young men and women end up using their21Juli, Interviewed by the Author at Bamburi, 27/05/2011.22 University Youth, Interviewed by the Author at Mtwapa, 25/05/2011.


bodies as tools of earning a living and they involve

themselves into prostitution not because they do not know the

effects it can bring into their lives but because it is the

only way remaining. They prepare themselves psychologically to

bear the consequences. After a few days involvement they get

used to the job and take it as any other that even after

getting other means of earning their living they become very

much attached to the prostitution and use it as a means of

getting extra coins. This affirms what a parent said, “youth

of nowadays looks for easiest way of getting money or goes out

to earn it through different ways which may include


Parents in the modern times send their sons and daughters into

the streets to look for money and take back for the support of

the family. This is the reason why you get girls in different

streets of Nairobi practicing prostitution like Koinage

Street. The parent should be the voice that spells moral

ideals to the children and if they speak the opposite, it is a

sad moment to the society in fighting against prostitution.

The parents are encouraging this because it is their duty to

provide for their youth but they are encouraged to go to town

to look for jobs.

Not only to the unmarried but to astonishment, even married

couples end up being workers in this sector. In a dialogue

with a friend who had a firsthand information, a man had taken

23 Tuzo, Interviewed by the Author at Mtwapa, 25/05/2011.


the responsibility of taking care of children in the evening

and looking after the family so that his wife may get time to

rush into the streets and get something for their family. It

therefore has gone to the extent of couples agreeing to work

in this sector of prostitutions. This may encourage the youth

of that family to engage in prostitution because parents set

bad example to their children.


Most people in their lower levels of study are very innocent

for they belief in the commandments of God and teachings of

the Church. These studies  instills fear in their minds and

they by all means do what is right not because their

consciousness compels them but the natural law implanted in

them as Josephs Rickaby spells in his book, “Moral philosophy

that there is a law planted deep within every person that

helps the person to differentiate between good and evil.”24  


They fear the punishments that are likely to befall them at

the end of time according to the Church doctrines. They end up

following the teachings of existential philosophers like

Fredrick Nietzsche who said, “God is dead.”25 And Jean Paul

Sartre who argues that, there is no one like God and human

beings have unbounded freedom which involves disengagement

from one activity and engagement in another.”26 When these24 J. Rickaby, Moral Philosophy, Longmans Green Co., London, 1918, Pg. 48.25 F. Patka, Existentialist Thinkers and Thought, Citadel Press, London, 1962, Pg. 126.26 Ibid., Pg. 137.


arguments enter the ears of our poor young men and women, they

opt to disengage in maintaining their chastity and engage in

business of using their sexual organs for short material



Proceeding to tertiary institutes of education increases the

demands for fashion and other related demands such luxury.

These demands can only be achieved by adopting the easy way of

getting more to certify their needs. I therefore cannot

hesitate to state that, “most people you find in the streets

are students in our universities and colleges or graduates

from these institutions as Adhiambo shared with me.”27 You will

hardly get uneducated person in the streets and therefore

education is ending up destroying life instead of mending it

and making the society a better place to dwell.

In my research I met many parents who readily agreed that they

have failed in their duties. They claimed that they are

contributing a lot in the way some of the youths are

misbehaving. One of the parents said, “I am among the parents

and we do not advice our youths the way we are supposed to

because we claim we are busy and we do not have time. Dressing

badly in a seductive way more than the youths wear as if we

want to be approached by the young but others say that they

are going with signs of time.”28


27 Adhiambo, Interviewed by the Author at Kilifi, 26/05/2012.28 Wamboi, Interviewed by the Author at Mwembetayari, 26/05/2011.


The Society has turned a blind eye to youths behaving badly.

No one would stop to rebuke a young person doing the wrong

things. Many young girls escape from school to pass away the

afternoon at the beach but no one would report them to their

head teachers. Many girls are dated by grown up men and are

fond of visiting their boyfriends in their houses

unaccompanied but no one will caution them against it, but

rather backbite them. When the society is tolerable, the young

people think what they are justified since the society does

not sanction them.

The society mighty be sexually affected but it does not mean

that you have to be also affected. The youths are supposed to

be focused on what they are doing. They should relate well as

friends and be aware of the boundaries. Swai says, “Love for a

special friend does not necessarily mean exciting feelings

that inevitably lead to sexual intimacy. Friends should

respect each other and protect one another from harmful


The society may be affected by the way of dressing and even

because of how the technology has changed everything even the

advertisement to be sexy. This affects the young as they grow

to be psychologically affected. The songs which are sung are

not all educative but they are somehow seductive. Some

ceremonial places like in discos many things can take place.

29 T. Swai (eds.), Youths Problems, Pauline’s Publications Africa, Nairobi, 1996, Pg. 20.


This is devaluing our cultures which are good but some are not

pleasing at all and we should struggle to change them. I

shared with a friend who said that, “she attended funeral in

Luhya land in Busia and after burying the diseased, people

engaged in “Random sex”. That according to their culture it is

okay and they claimed that they were replacing the one who had

died but this can encourage prostitution.”30 Oh! ASI! Ngai wakwa,

I got a shock of the day and concluded that, really negative

cultural traits can ruin youth’s lives totally.

Early sexual abuse increases the chances that youth will

become prostitutes. For instance, “Amina’s mother had

separated from her father when Amina was four years old. The

mother remarried but had problems with her new husband and had

serious affairs. The new husband raped Amina; this is what

caused her to become a prostitute.”31 The scar of that rape has

continued to affect her psychologically and healing may be

provided to the victim.



According to Simon “in his journal on family issues written in

1991, early child abuse on sexuality can bring the child into

hell of prostitution later on in life. The abused child

becomes psychologically affected and finds sexuality valueless

that she can misuse it anyhow.”32 This child does not give

respect to who she is as far as sexuality is concerned. The30 Marto, Interviewed by the Author at Mtwapa, 27/05/2011.31 Amina, Interviewed by the Author at Mtwapa, 28/05/2011.32 Doctor, Interviewed by the Author at Makadara Hospital, 26/05/2011.


pain of the first abuse remains in the child through out her

life and finally does not take it as a big deal to go on to

having sex with any person and for in most times prostitution

is avoided from the fear of meeting different people of

different characters and allowing them enter once privacy, if

the privacy has already been opened then this person can go on

to bed with any person and she finds it very comfortable.


In the same line during the abuse a person may be infected

with HIV or any other disease and from the pain she or he end

up spreading the disease to others. This person therefore will

involve him or herself in prostitution not because they are in

need of money but for it is a faster field of spreading and

boosting the ego. Youth fail to understand that, “sex is

powerful force, used carelessly, it can cause an emotional

explosion that may blow up our chances for happiness used

wisely, and it can warm and enrich our lives.”33


Lack of job opportunities forces some youth to go to the

street and look for the alternative source of income. The

economy is tough and people who do not have jobs are worse

off, it is very hard to survive, especially without skills or

capital to start a business, some find themselves in

prostitution to survive. In another perspective, young girls

envy the fancy lifestyles of ‘established’ commercial sex

workers. The elitist commercial sex workers who might have33 R. Boisvert, Adolescents and Parents Talk about Love, Kolbe Press, Limuru, 1998, Pg. 53.


been ‘lucky’ to get hooked up to rich clients live in clean,

expensive and well furnished apartments.

Some of the youths join prostitution in Pirates because they

come from the rural areas and have been promised to get jobs.

They are seduced by the fast cash which they are given after

having sex hence end up becoming life-long sex workers, with

lives cut tragically short by diseases and many problems. But

other people forget that we have good people who are well

wishes and they can assist them in all dimensions not only

those who want to abuse them sexually.

Others it becomes hard because they had jobs and lost them and

later joined the prostitution. It remains a thorn in their

hearts. Sometimes the wounds bleed when they recall. “Memories

of the abuse are hardest to erase.”34 Said one of the victims.

A good example is the displacement caused by the post election

violent of 2007 disputed presidential election. This becomes

too sad when it is caused by the government and our leaders

are just quiet and innocent people are really suffering. This

means that the government has not stood up to take serious

cautions to the prostitutes and stop those tourists who come

to Kenya for sex tourism.


Most of the single parents especially women tend to take the

client to their houses, so sometimes their children watch what

34 Hope, Interviewed by the Author at Majengo, 27/05/2011.


they do and end up imitating their mothers and fall in to the

same trap. Others come to the house with two men and they

serve one and the other is given to the daughter and she

becomes introduced to prostitution by the mother. Really

parents sometimes fail in their responsibilities and seek all

ways to be assisted. They ask their daughters how will we

survive and I’m single after divorce or death of the husband.

This makes some of the parents to abandon their children and

stop catering for their needs. They tell them that so long as

I have introduced to some the jobs you can do to cater for you

requirements. I met a victim crying because of the mother and

she told me that, “Oh! My mother introduced me to tough thing

and now I live in contract with many men because one pays

electricity, water, another for food, and for quoting and I

have given each a certain responsibility and they don’t know

each other. I blame my mother but God forgive her.” 35


To some extend the church has failed to teach by example due

to many scandals which are caused by her members especially of

sexual nature. The scandals have made many church leaders

speechless, but you cannot give what you do not have. Poor

instructions during the preparation for sacraments make many

35 A Prostitute (Name withheld), Interviewed by the Author at Mtwapa, 28/05/2011.


youth to forget immediately after they have received the


The church lacks emphasis on introducing sex education in

schools and thus the youth live the way they think is pleasing

them not having more knowledge on how to live this is because

they lack the pastoral agents who are ready to educate them on

the good morals. They youths spiritual life becomes too low.

The church should intervene and help poor youths in spirit as

Kiura says, “develop spirituality, this means developing sound

principles in life on which to base your personal conduct.

Through prayer and the word of God develop your relationship

with God.”36

The youths should also struggle to come out from this

situation and make decisions on their own and be firm not to

blame the church. This is because there is neither the clergy

nor the leaders but even them. They should uphold Kiura’s

advice in her book, “keep your soul in union with its creator

by a life of prayer and penance. If you do not feed your soul

each day, it will be difficult to resist the attraction of

casual sex, which is the devil’s favorite device for

subverting youth.”37


36 J. Kiura, (eds.), On Life and Love, Pg. 59.37 Ibid.


The technology and mass media has both negative and positive

impact but many choose to use it negatively. The world is

changing day and night because of high thinking capacity of

people and thus this has started affecting our youths so much.

Everything has become computerized and many start making

relationship through it and once you are introduced to it you


Due to the advancement in technology many young girls and boys

get access to the internet, and through internet they can

access pornography and other sexual practices which they will

try to practice. They should be keen not to be trapped by what

they see and do away with what is evil. Even writers say,

“Avoid all forms of pornography like the plague. Its

contamination can prove distorts, as it dehumanizes sex and

distorts the value of love.”38 

Many teenagers engage in premarital sex to experiment what

they consume in the social media. Social sites like Face book,

twitter and the web which are accessible through mobile phones

glorify sex and the weak minds are usually easily pulled into

trying out of curiosity. Pornographic sites are also

accessible and they increase the sexual urge in those hooked

into them hence the search for sexual partners.

38 Ibid., Pg. 76.


Face book has made it easier for youngsters to meet new

friends of the opposite sex and engage in private

communication. This kind of communication mostly revolves

around romance and they end up in relationships that are

driven by the possibility of sex. This possibility is mostly

than not achieved if the geographical distance involved is


The youths use their leisure time the way they think pleasing

to them. Others have active leisure such as sports, dancing,

outings, and reading and even in different hobbies. Others

like passive activities like viewing television, movies and

especially being in the cyber chatting and making new friends.

They should be helped on how to use their time and energy as

Jane says, “Free time and leisure activities are more pleasant

and require less effort for growth and maturity. They leave

more room to choose and decide what one wish to do and know

the purpose of leisure is enjoyment, relation, stimulation, to

regain energy lost in work, to provide rest, social and


Many underage girls and boys are hooked on TV soaps many of

whose subject matter revolves around love affairs. As much as

they are not pornographic, the soaps contain many scenes of

compromising postures and acts such as passionate kisses and

cuddling. While the teens watch these scenes, they end up

39 Ibid., Pg. 90.


craving for similar lifestyles and end up looking for boy/girl

friends with whom they too can cuddle and kiss. These

escapades end up in premarital sex as most are done in

discreet places.

The parents should help their youths from all this as Rose

urges them, “Parents can also help their children manage their

sexual energy by teaching them the dangers of pornography. It

is important not to have any pornographic materials in the

home, not even for parents, parents need to teach through

example as well.”40 Youth of today are much better informed

that their predecessors ever were. The media is really

influencing them and Castillo supports, “Besides… the valuable

and the value less are presented to them in one and the same

manner and with the same emphasis. Often there is no longer an

adult environment that can be said to be educational; there is

no public opinion that youth can follow.”41


Due to dieting, many young girls get into puberty earlier than

their intellect is ready enough to handle the challenges that

come with maturing. Their bodies develop curves making them

sexually appealing to their peers or grown up men while they

(girls) are still at their tender ages. Unfortunately, this is

made worse by those who dress scantily. Their childish naivety

40 R. Wachira, Parents and Teenagers. Bridging the Gap, Paulines Publication, Nairobi, 1995, Pg. 40.41 A. Castillo, Teenagers and their Problems, Focus Publishers Ltd. Nairobi, 2004, Pg. 79.


makes it hard for them to resist sexual pleas from men out to

take advantage of them and they end up succumbing to some of

the many advances made to them either at school or in their


The youths should be educated and be given enough knowledge to

understand well who they are and what is sex. Raymond expounds

well, “Sex is a powerful force used carelessly, it can cause

an emotional explosion that may blow up our chances for

happiness used wisely, it can warm and enrich our lives.”42

2.5.12 TOURISM

Many tourists come to Mombasa and especially Pirates beach

with different intentions. Others come to tour in that they

enjoy the beauty of our country and even others for

development but others come with sex tourism. They bear in

their minds that we are poor and we lack many resources then

they come to abuse youths. I met one who said, “Mombasa is

very safe and pleasant, so you can move about quite freely and

enjoy. Sex in Mombasa is very cheap so long as you can smile

at somebody and they smile back. Girls are educated on

condoms, so they insist.”43

The government does not address this issue seriously because

they fear that the tourists will stop visiting and they will

42 R. Bolsvert, Let us Talk about Love. Parents and Teenagers Talk about Love, Kolbe Press, Limuru, 1998, Pg. 76.43 Tourist, Interviewed by the Author at Pirates Beach, 28/05/2011.


lack what they get. The laws don’t help either, since they

don’t specifically address prostitution or provide for stiff

punishment of offenders. A further by-product of corruption is

that, offending tourists are ultimately able to bribe their

way out of any crime or buy the silence of their young


In beaches around Mombasa luxury hotels are covered with beach

boys, many of whom cater to older women, and illegal drug use

example the Pirates beach. Here prostitution takes place in

both girls and boys. These tourists come to destroy our

cultures and abuse our youths. They change the traditions and

make our youths to stop respecting the elders because they

even sleep with old men as old as their fathers. To the youths

I say it is very bad to sell sex and risk their lives and

health just so they can earn living. To the tourists please

they must give our poor youths a break to stop going against

the rules of traditions and religion in pursuit of living. One

said, “Funnily enough, the prostitutes in Pirates beach do not

behave like professional escorts, but more like your

girlfriend. Treat them nicely and they will give you the same


During my research I met one of the prostitutes who were in

support of tourists and that they should continue coming to

Pirates beach because according to her they bring life and

make it easier for her to earn a living. I wanted to visit her

44 Tourist, Interviewed by the Author at Custom Beach, 29/05/2011.


during the weekends and she said, “please don’t come because I

will go to the beach to meet “wazungu”, we have business, I get

“chapa”, on Sunday I offer “sadaka” to the church and I’m sure

evangelization goes on and “Utukufu wa Mungu.”45 Even they get the

money in an evil way they know and can remember to go back to

the church to say thanks be to God.


There are many impacts that come as a result of prostitution.

Some as experienced immediately while others take time to

manifest themselves. Among the effects include;


One of the common physical problems “is a chronic pelvic

congestion characterized by a copious discharge from the

cervixes and virginal lining, and a sensation of tenderness

and fullness of the side walls of the pelvis.”46 The congestion

result from the prostitute’s avoidance of orgasm during

intercourse. She may try to get relief through narcotic drugs.

Another disease is HIV and AIDS, many prostitutes and client

have lost their life due to diseases.


In most cases, those people who are commercial sex workers use

contraceptives to prevent transmission of diseases or getting

pregnant for women. This cannot work all through given that

45 A Prostitute (Name withheld), Interviewed by the Author at Mtwapa, 29/05/2011.46 R. Lauer, Social Problems and the Quality of Life, New York, 1998, Pg. 67.


this is what the person involves himself with all days.

Chances of survival without contracting sexual diseases when

you come into contact with an infected person are very few.

This is one of the reasons as to why there is a wide spread of

diseases like HIV/AIDS.


Youths should be counseled to give them hope and encourage

them not to engage in sex before marriage, because that is a

passport to an early grave. They should see how those who are

affected regrets their past decisions, “I got married in 1994

after years of careless sexual behavior. I had several

girlfriends most of them prostitutes. Life has never become

the same for me since I tested HIV positive. Nobody wants to

employ such person. My employer fired me immediately he learnt

that I was sick.”47


We might think that it’s not true but even the reporters of

the magazines affirms this, “As the big issue found out,

Kenyan prostitutes have now been put on the fore front of

HIV/AIDS and Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDS) intervention

programmes with considerable success.”48


This is as a result of the energetic and young men and women

who can till the land and produce for the consumption of the

society migrating to towns where they will get quick access to47 D. Kioko, Sex Before Marriage and Source of Income, in <<East African Standard>>, Monday, January 24, 2000, Pg. 4.48 Ibid., Pg. 2.


prostitution centers. They end up wasting their energy for no

good reason and poverty increases beyond control.


This problem makes many to migrate from their places and get

married to the white men and they go together to foreign

countries where they end up being misused and they come back

more poor than before they left the country. Others curse the

days they remembers what happened, “When I went to “ulaya” I

thought I will become a millionaire but I came back more poor

than I was.”49


This is because in the act of unprotected sexual intercourse,

the women may end up   getting pregnant and later giving birth

to children whose fathers are not committed to take fatherhood

responsibility for being a father is not just a matter of

fertilizing the ovum but as well upbringing the child. The

father may even be unknown or unaware of whether he has a

responsibility for he was a client in the business and issue

of pregnancy was an absent term.


The child will grow in an incomplete manner for psychologists

argue that every parent has a distinct role to play in

upbringing of children. There is still a great probability

that the child ends up following the footsteps of the mother.

This leads to growth in the field of prostitution. Other

49 Katy, Interviewed by the Author at Mtwapa, 29/05/2011.


people might opt to be single so that their freedom in

continuing with it may not be curtailed by a husband.



The institution of marriage does not provide sufficient sexual

gratification for some males. Married men may go to

prostitutes to experience variety, to compensate for lack of

gratification with their mates, or to avoid concern about

pregnancy.  Some married men go out look for oral sexual from

prostitutes, which they miss from marriage life. This can lead

to divorce or promoting prostitution in the world.

The nature of the economy also facilitates male use of

prostitutes. Workers such as male truck drives and salesmen

must spend a considerable amount of time away from home, so

most of the time they tends to have sexual intercourse with

prostitutes which also can lead to divorce or unfaithfulness

in life.


Others are addicted and thus it becomes a great problem to do

away with them because addition has become part and parcel of

their lives. They lose trust to their partners and they feels

that they are not satisfied. This is because many are used to

having many men per day. One informant said that, “When you

get used to “mpango wa kando” it is hard to settle without it.

So it is really a problem to handle with great care.”50


50 Chris, Interviewed by the Author at Bamburi, 29/05/2011.


There are many physical abuses which threaten the prostitutes,

such are rape or beating, and this abuse may come from a

customer or from the pimp.  The highly paid call girls, who

serve a more affluent client, are not likely to endure

physical abuse, but the street walker must be constantly

alert. As one former prostitute said Lilly, “I remember having

knives pulled on me, broken bottles held over my head, being

raped, having my money stolen back by my clients.”51


This physical abuse is very bad and some of the philosophers

support, “Because in our culture we connect sex with harm that

men do to women and because we think of the female role in sex

as that of harmed object, we can see that to treat a woman as

a sex object is automatically to treat her as less than fully



One of the prostitutes interviewed said, “The worst part of

the life is that the woman sells her human dignity, not really

so much in bed, but in accepting the agreement in becoming a

bought person.”53 A sense of alienation and isolation may all

express a prostitute’s sense of lost dignity and

dehumanization. Nobody cares for them, they are treated just

like objects.


51 Lilly, Interviewed by the Author at Mtwapa, 29/05/2011.52 A. Soble, The Philosophy of Sex. Contemporary Readings, Row Man and Little Publishers, New York ,  1997, Pg. 318.53 Asha, Interviewed by the Author at Mtwapa, 29/05/2011.


The youths sometimes forget that the purpose of sex is

reproduction and pleasure but only within the marriage union.

They are supposed to be rooted in the biblical culture. The

young should be reminded that the most expensive gift they can

offer to their spouses after marriage is virginity. “No amount

of money can buy this precious gift.”54


I feel for those young who do not respect their human dignity

and even they fail to take care of it as a sign of showing God

appreciation. The youths should respect their sexuality and

adhere to what Maweu says that, “The youth need to know that

sex was created by God for the good of human beings, contrary

to popular belief, sexuality is actually God’s gift to

mankind. Sexuality was God’s idea from the beginning.”55


They should try to adhere to what the bible say as it is

supported by Patrick in his book, “The bible states that God

heartily approves sexuality: Genesis 1:27, when God made human

beings, He deliberately made them sexual beings complete with

sex organs and equipped for sexual intercourse.”56 The youths

should not lower their dignity. They should understand that,

“their self-esteem shall be strengthened or weakened by their

acceptance of their own body image.”57 Many pretend not to be

aware of what they are doing is evil because they claim that,

“Excuses and arguments advanced for having premarital sex is

54 Parent, Interviewed by the Author at Mtwapa, 29/05/2011.55 P. Maweu, Developing Youth, Uzima Publishing House, Nairobi , 2008, Pg. 2856 Ibid., Pg. 28. 57 S. Ndirange, About Girls. The Beauty Within, Paulines Publication, Nairobi, 2007, Pg. 11.


the need to experiment, to express affection, to appear

modern, knowledgeable in matters of sex and so on.”58


One way prostitutes cope with this problem is to seek refuge

in drug. We do not know the extent of drug use among

prostitutes, but we can be fairly confident from various

reports that drugs abuse is high. One prostitute said that,

“many of us use drugs such as bang and heroine to remove



In most times people end up having sex unknowingly when they

are not sober and are controlled by drugs. This promotes

prostitution in that the availability of such people will give

ready market to the prostitutes and there is in no way they

will miss the golden opportunity. The prostitutes may as well

be drunk or having taken other drugs so as not to think of the

impacts of the act.


The youth fails to remember that; they enjoy using the drugs

which will affect them later. It is common to them and the

writers like Maweu say, “Drugs and substance abuse are great

concerns for today’s youth. The youth says, “Sooner or later,

no matter where you live or how old you are, someone is going

to offer you a drug. The drug could be a cigarette, beer or

58 D. Nyaga, About Keep Your Dignity Young Person, Paulines Publications, Nairobi, 2001, Pg. 22.59 A Prostitute (Name withheld), Interviewed by the Author at Ukunda, 30/05/2011.


marijuana joint. It may be a sniff of glue or a pill of some



The youths know the names of the drugs, the strong ones and

the weak. So while you are teaching them they know more. I

interviewed one who told me the names, “Hallueinogens like

marijuana, stimulants like cocaine, alcoholic beverages like

beer and wine, tobacco like cigarettes, sleeping pills like

dalmane and halcion and many others.”61


According to the Catholic Church abortion is killing of an

innocent person. Many prostitutes use their body to getting

money as suggested in the title, but when they conceive the

higher chance is to abort, which is killing of innocent

person. Oh! Poor people of God they should understand that

abortion is a sin. Margaret quotes in the seed magazine,

“Abortion stems from a lack of love, leading one to kill and

thus break the fifth commandment. Every creature is created by

God and nobody has the right to kill but rather, to respect

and protect life.”62


When the youths abort, they think that nobody is watching

them, but God is always watching them. Rose affirms this in

her book, “It is important for someone who has had an abortion

60 P. Maweu, Developing Youth, Pg. 36.61 Bosco, Interviewed by the Author at Custom Beach, 30/05/2011.62 Margaret, Abortion, in << The Seed Magazine>>, September, 2006, Vol. 18, No. 9.


to realize that God’s mercy is infinite and that true

repentance brings pardon. God will forgive.”63

The youths pretend to have confident while they abort but it

is not true because, when you are comfortable with yourself,

confidence flows from within you. The youths have different

claims as to why they abort, “Moral right to control one’s own

body, the moral necessity of autonomy and choice in personal

responsibility, moral claim for the contingent value of fetal

life and moral right of women to true social equality.”64


This chapter has mostly emphasized on the causes and effects

of prostitution among the youth, historical background and

geographical location of pirates beach, prostitution among the

youth of pirates and it is my greatest hope many will take

care because they will have an idea what can lead them to the

prostitution and the effects that can occur after they read

this and be ready to change.

63 R. Wachira, About I Am Pregnant What Shall I Do, Paulines Publications, Nairobi, 1998, Pg. 18.64 A. Solbe, The Philosophy of Sex, Pg. 152.





The many causes and effects of prostitution mentioned above

indicate that many youths are really ignorant or they engage

themselves knowingly. There is need to give a deeper

evangelization to the youths and especially those who are

already prostitutes in order to rehabilitee them and safe

their lives (pastoral theology). The teaching in this chapter

will mainly focus on Biblical teaching on prostitution that is

found in Old and New Testament, Vatican 11 Council, Catechism


of the Catholic Church, Papal Encyclicals letters and

Patristic teaching on prostitution.



The Bible is the word of God and it addresses all issues that

concern man. Here we want to know what the Holy book “Bible”

says about prostitution. In the Old Testament, God uses his

prophet to marry a prostitute in order to communicate his

anger on Israelite. This does not mean that God was promoting

prostitution? No, it was a symbolic way that He used in order

to symbolize Yahweh’s relationship with adulterous Israel (cf

Hos 1:1ff)


God always demands to be first in our lives but many are the

times that we live a double life and double deal God with

other things like money, cars, pleasure, thus end up being

unfaithful to Him.

 Gordon states that, “What they imagined they knew, they did

not know, because knowledge was knowledge of God.”65 It is good

to be sincere to our God who knows us in and out. We are

supposed to love, encourage and also be close to the young

ones and especially those who have embraced prostitution in

order to pull them out from the dark pits. Etienne encourages

us very much as he uses example of Prophet Hosea, “Hosea loved

his wife although she behaved badly towards him, through his

love he succeeded in restoring to her the feelings she had

65 R. Gordon, The Old Testament. A Beginning Survey, United States of America, 1985, Pg. 178.


when she was young. This is how God loves us, not because we

are good, but so that we can become good.”66


In the Old Testament, prostitution was forbidden, and this can

be testified by the book of Leviticus, “None of you may

approach a woman who is closely related to him, to uncover her

nakedness”. (Lev 18:6). This book emphasizes on the respect of

opposite sex and morality.


In the Old Testament, a priest was also barred from marrying a

prostitute, because she is unclean and a priest was supposed

to offer sacrifices to God. The book of Leviticus emphasizes

on this when it says, “Priests must not marry a woman profaned

by prostitution, or one divorced by her husband; for the

priest is consecrated to his God.”(Lev 21:7).


There is need for us human beings to respect our human dignity

because of the way we were created. This is because God loved

us and saw it was good to create us in His own image as it is

quoted in the book of Genesis, “God created man in the image

of Himself, in the image of God He created him, male and

female He created them.” (Gen 1:27).


Prostitution sometimes makes people to be blind because they

do not choose who they are to sleep with or not. This is

66 C. Etienne, How to Read the Old Testament, St. Paul Publication, Nairobi, 1993,Pg. 42.


because people practice this with their family members and

they are comfortable so long as their desires are cooled. We

affirm this in Genesis, “When Judah saw her; he mistook her

for a harlot, since she had covered her face. So he went over

to her at the roadside and not realizing that she was his

daughter – in – law, he said, “come, let me have intercourse

with you”. She replied, “What will you pay me for letting you

have intercourse with me”? (Gen 38:15-16)


In the book of Leviticus we are shown how this prostitution

degrades and lowers our dignity really. Many of the youths do

not worry of this so long as they will achieve what they are

after. (Lev 19:29) it says, “You shall not degrade your

daughter by making a prostitute of her; else the land will

become corrupt and full of lewdness.”


Sacred prostitution was common practices in Canaanite society,

which also influenced the Israelites when they entered Canaan

land; but it was forbidden for both men and women by God of

Israel. In Deuteronomy, it reads, “there must be no sacred

prostitute among the daughters of Israel and no sacred

prostitute among the sons of Israel” (Deut 23:18-19).


In the book of proverbs prostitutes were also condemned; the

writer has put much emphasis on the keeping aloof from the

alien women because they may be prostitutes. For proverb it is

necessary to know the background of the women you’re dealing

and not be allure by her beauty look, it says, “do not covet


her beauty in your heart or let her captivate you with the

play of her eyes; a harlot  can be  bought for a hank of

bread” (Pro 6:25-26).


We have some wise sayings in the book of Proverbs that makes

one to think deeply and may make one to change from his or her

bad behaviors. Trying to highlight how these youths dress in a

harlot way. (Pro 7:10), it says, “And look, a woman is coming

to meet him, dressed like a prostitute, false of heart”.

Another verse is, “A prostitute is a deep pit, a narrow well,

and the woman belongs to another” (Pro 23:27). Then in the

proverbs it encourages us to be wise as the author quotes,

“The lover of wisdom makes his father glad, but the patron of

prostitutes’ fritters his wealth away” (Pro 29:3).


In the book of Joshua, we are also shown how prostitution is

done mostly at night. This is because of the darkness which is

attributed to evil. Many people think that when they do

anything at night nobody sees them even God but He sees every

corner in our life. (Jos 2:1), it says, “From Shittim, Joshua

son of Nun secretly sent men to reconnoiter. He said, “Go and

explore the country and Jericho. “They left; they went in to

the house of a prostitute called Rahab, to spend the night



Sometimes we judge these poor youths and end up calling them

different names “ilaya” meaning a prostitute. A harlot, whore

and all bad names as if they are not God’s people and as if


they do not deserve the good names. Refer to the first book of

Kings which says, “Later two prostitutes came to the king and

stood before him.” (1Kgs 3:16).


Prostitution includes both male and female. Mostly people

think that only females participate in prostitution but that

is very wrong because they are not involved in the act alone?

Even the Bible indicates that there are male prostitutes. In

the book of Kings, “There were even male prostitutes in the

country. He copied all the shameful practices of the nations

whom Yahweh had dispossessed for the Israelites” (1Kgs 14:24).

And also in chapter fifteen, “He drove the male prostitutes

out of the country and got rid of all the idols which his

ancestors had made” (1Kgs 15:12).


Finally in the book of Psalms we are shown how the prostitutes

behave. So where ever you are, even if you hide and you are a

prostitute people can trace you because of your behaviors as

quoted, “They defiled themselves by such actions, their

behavior was that of a harlot” (Ps 106:39). This also affirmed

by the book of Sirach which says, “Give not yourself to

harlots, lest you surrender your inheritance” (Sir 9:6).


In conclusion, prostitution practice was forbidden in Israel,

this can be testified from what we have seen above. Though the

Israelites practiced prostitution among themselves, and with

other nations, still it was illegal and against God’s


commandments. Let us examine, how Jesus and apostles did,

understand the practices during their time in the next topic.


In the New Testament, Jesus condemned the infidelity and

adulterous practice of husbands as well as wives as stated in

the Gospel of St. Mark, “The man who divorce his wife and

marries another is guilty of adultery against her. And if a

woman divorces her husband and marries another she is guilty

of adultery” (Mk. 10:10-12).


In the gospel Jesus talked positively on the conversion of the

prostitutes, He said, “prostitutes were entering the kingdom

of God before the chief priests and elders, because they

believed John Baptist and acted on his message of repentance

(Mt 21:31-32). Jesus was real positive on conversion of

prostitutes and He believed it is possible for prostitutes to

change and to become even disciple of Christ, like Mary



Many are the times that we are not ready to welcome back those

who have sinned and ask for forgiveness. A good example is the

brother of the prodigal son as he stated, “But when your son

returns who swallowed up your property with prostitutes, for

him you slaughter the fattened calf” (Lk 15:30). He tries to

show how his brother mixed with bad people the prostitutes but

they are just like us and they have to be respected.



The Letter to Hebrews indicate the Exemplary faith of

ancestors to God as it states that, “It was by faith that

Rahab the prostitute welcomed the spies and so was not killed

with the unbelievers” (Heb 11:31). This shows us how we are

supposed not to be quick in judging others.


The similar incident is shown in the book of James where we

are enlightened about the faith and good deeds, “There is

another example of the same kind: Rahab the prostitute was not

justified by her deeds because she welcomed the messengers and

showed them a different way to leave? As a body without a

Spirit is dead, so is faith without deeds.” (Jas 2: 25-26).


Prostitution is attributed to evil as quoted in St. Paul’s

letter, “Do you not realize that people who do evil will never

inherit the kingdom of God? Make no mistake the sexually

immoral, idolaters, adulterers, the self-indulgent, sodomites”

(1Cor 6:9).


Our bodies are not bodies but are members of Christ’s body.

This makes us to know how we are supposed to care for our

bodies because it is said, “Do you realize that your bodies

are members of Christ’s body; do you think, one can take part

of Christ’s body and join them to the body of a prostitute?

That is out of the question?”(1Cor 6:15).


In the first letter of St. Paul to the Corinthians, the text

talks about sexual immorality (1Cor 6:12-18). It advises the


youth on how to avoid sin and especially the sin of

prostitution. A sin is a sin but a sin of sexual immorality

make a person to sin against one’s own body. We are supposed

to respect our human dignity because if we fail we will not be

appreciating the work God did in creating us in His own



St. Paul also reminds the youth that their bodies are precious

and temples of God so they should take great care of

themselves. This makes the youth to love each other knowing

that the other person is also a temple of Christ and treat him

or her the way they would like to be treated. The text says,

“Do you not realize that your body is the temple of the Holy

Spirit, who is in you and whom you received from God? You are

not your own property, then; you have been bought at a price.

So use your body for the glory of God” (1Cor 19:20).


In the Gospel of St. Luke 7:36-50, there is the story of the

woman who was a sinner (Mary Magdalene). Later because of her

self conviction and inner introspection she was sorry,

repented and her sins were forgiven. It is good youths to

imitate the example given in this text about Mary Magdalene.

Though she was a prostitute, she had a u-turn in her life. She

changed from a bad life to a good one. This happened after she

anointed the feet of Jesus and her sins were forgiven.

Prostitution at the time of St. Paul was rampant. Men married

and unmarried, could have sexual intercourse with slaves and


prostitutes without qualm or scandal. The degeneracy of the

Hellenistic – Roman would explain the many New Testament

allusions to prostitution and warnings against it and this can

be manifested in the following letters, ( Rom 1:24, Gal 5:19,

Eph. 5:3, Col:3:5, I Cor 5:9-12, 6:15-20, 2Cor 12:21). Paul

said, “ I am afraid that on my next visit, my God may make me

ashamed on your account and I shall be grieving over all those

who sinned before and have still not repented of the

impurities, fornication and debauchery they committed” (2Cor



According to Anthony Kusinik, “the harbor city of Corinth was

notorious for vices” It is temple to Aphrodite was serviced by

a thousand prostitutes, and a common Greek name for a

prostitute was, “Corinthian girl.”67 Hence all forms of

premarital sexual intercourse were condemned in St. Paul’s



According to Vatican II, Pastoral Constitution "Gaudium et

spes," No. 27, “Prostitution, is a type of behavior which

Christian morality has always considered gravely immoral.”68

Wishing to come down to topics that are practical and of some

urgency, the council lays stress on respect for the human

person. Everyone should look upon his neighbor (without any67 A. Kusinik, Human Sexuality. New Directions in American Catholic Thought. A Study Commissioned by the Catholic Theological Society of America, Paulist Press, New York, 1977, Pg. 23.68 A. Flannery, Vatican Council II, The Councilor and Post Councilor Documents, St. Paul ’sBandra,  Mumbay, 1975, No. 27, Pg. 815-816.


exception) as another self, bearing in mind above all his life

and the means necessary for living it in a dignified way lest

he follow the example of the rich man who ignored Lazarus, the

poor man.69


God created us and gave us the excellence of freedom to choose

what is right and bad but many are the times we end up doing

what is contrary. This is supported by the Vatican II council

on Pastoral constitution on the Church in the modern world

(G.E.S.), “It is, however, only in freedom that man can turn

himself towards what is good.”70 It continues to say, “Although

set by God in a state of rectitude, man, enticed by the evil

one, abused his freedom at the very start of history.”71

It is our duty as Christians to know how to take care of

ourselves and if not aware we have aright to know because the

document on the declaration on Christian education (G.E.)

says, “All Christians (all those reborn in water and the

Spirit) are called infact as children of God and have a right

to a Christian education.”72 This awareness should help the

youths to value their dignity of moral conscience, but not

always when you know you are ready to follow like the document

G.E.S. says, “Deep within his conscience man discovers a law

which he has not laid upon himself but which he must obey.”73

69 Ibid., Pg. 815-816.70 A. Flannery, Vatican Council II, No. 17, Pg. 806.71 Ibid., No.13, Pg. 803.72 A. Flannery, Vatican Council II, On the Declaration on Christian Education, Pg. 644.73 A. Flannery, Vatican Council II, On Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modern World, No. 16, Pg. 805.



According to Catechism of the Catholic Church, “Prostitution

does injury to the dignity of the person who engages in it,

reducing the person to an instrument of sexual pleasure. The

one who pays sins gravely against himself: he violates the

chastity to which his Baptism pledged him and defiles his

body, the temple of the Holy Spirit.”74

Prostitution is a social scourge. It usually involves women,

but also men, children, and adolescents. While it is always

gravely sinful to engage in prostitution, the imputability of

the offense can be attenuated by destitution, blackmail, or

social pressure.”75

During creation God created us in a unique way such that every

ones dignity is the same with the other and no one should feel

worthy than the other. CCC states clearly, “By creating the

human being man and woman, God gives personal dignity equally

to the one and the other. Each of them, man and woman, should

acknowledge and accept his sexual identity.”76

My dear youths, why can you imitate Jesus who was a youth like

you and lived a perfect life during His youth time. Let’s

imitate Him in chastity as He is our model as written in CCC,

“Christ is the model of chastity. Every baptized person is

74 Catechism of the Catholic Church, Revised Edition, Paulines Publication, Nairobi,1995, No.2355, Pg. 497.                              75 Ibid., No. 2335.76 Catechism of the Catholic Church, No. 2393.


called to lead a chaste life, each according to his particular

state of life.”77

Many young people may start asking what this animal we call

chastity is. In the Catechism is well defined as, “Chastity is

the integration of sexuality within the person. It includes an

apprenticeship in self-mastery.”78 The Catechism continues to

say, “All the baptized are called to chastity. The Christian

has “put on Christ”, the model for all chastity. All Christ’s

faithful are called to lead a chaste life in keeping with

their particular states of life. At the moment of his baptism,

Christian pledges to lead their affective life in chastity.”79


The response of the entire Christian tradition – and indeed

not only of the Christian tradition to the practice of

prostitution can be summed up in the words of St. Paul: "Flee

from fornication" (1 Cor 6:18). The practice of prostitution

should be shunned, and it is the duty of the agencies of the

Church, of civil society and of the State to do all they can

to liberate those involved from this practice. In the

Encyclical Letter "Veritatis splendor," No. 75-77, John Paul

II, Emphases that prostitution is evil, “prostitution is an

action which is objectively evil, even if a lesser evil can

77 Catechism of the Catholic Church, No. 2394.78 Catechism of the Catholic Church, No. 2395.79 Catechism of the Catholic Church, No. 2348.


never be licitly willed.”80 Thus says the Pope, prostitution

remains in all its gravity evil.

Some of the youths claims that they indulge themselves in

prostitution because they do not see hope in the future and

especially in the Church. This is so because of some of the

scandals that happen but no one who is an angle one can fall

and raise up to continue with salvation journey. Pope John

Paul 11 encourages the youths by saying that, “The Church

looks to you with confidence and with love… she is the real

youthfulness of the world… look upon the Church and you will

find in her the face of Christ.”81

Some youth prostitutes are baptized Christians in our church

and they have names of saints who they imitate in their lives.

This does not mean that these youths are bad and can not

become saints. No! Because God gives us a room for turning

back to Him and we support this by the words spoken by Pope

Benedict XVI, “He recalled those saints who were “anonymous”

to us, but not to God. For him, each person is unique, with

his own name and his own face. Everyone, as you know, is

called to be a saint. The Pope then called on the youth to

look to Mary as an example of how to live a life of


80 Paul John II, Encyclical Letter "Veritatis Splendor," No. 75-77. PaulinePublication, 1992, Pg. 78.81 John Paul 11, Vocation and Mission of the Lay Faithful. Apostolic Exhortation Christifideles Laici, St. Paul Communications, Nairobi, 1994, Pg. 78.82 www.catholicnewsagency.com,Rome,Italy,2/September/2007.


This period of Youth is very delicate because it is a time

when these youths are understanding themselves better and need

information about who they are and how they are to relate with

each other because Pope John Paul II writes that, “ It is the

time of discovering oneself and one’s own inner world, the

time of generous plans, the time when the feeling of love

awakens with the biological impulses of sexuality, the time of

the desire to be together, the time of a particular intense

joy connected with the exhilarating discovery of live.”83

The youths need to be loved, given courage in their life. This

is the reason why Pope John Paul II was addressing young

people and called them in a kindly special way, “My dear young

friends!” This is friendship with you that is rooted in the

Good News of Christ’s love.”84 This is a time which is not so

easy to them but with God’s graces one can try and do well. In

the Catholic Family Pope addresses the youth by saying that,

“This is an age of deeper questioning and searching, a time of

experiencing for the first time life’s frustration, setbacks

and disappointments.”85


83 The Catholic Family, A Source Book for Catholic Family, Parents, Youth and Married Couples, Kenya Episcopal Conference, 1986, Pg. 84.84 J. Vitek, My Dear Young Friends, Pope John Paul II Speaks to Teens on Life, Love and Courage, St. Mary’s Press Minnestal, 2009, Pg. 11.85 The Catholic Family, Pg. 85.


It is not good to fail to hear what the Fathers of the Church

contribute towards this issue of prostitution. The fathers of

the Church were Holy men, who were intellectuals, devoted men

and agents of the truth. They faced many challenges in their

life but used the methodology of the Church to solve. Are we

ready to use the same Church methodology to solve this problem

of prostitution?

Among the church fathers, Justine the Martyr explain that, “we

have been taught that it is wrong to expose even the new born…

because we have observed that early all such children, boys as

well as girls, will be used as prostitutes.”86 Justine enjoins

against recourse to prostitution.

According to Tertullian, argues against exposing or offering

for adoption children who may ultimately engage in incestuous

relation with parents they cannot recognize and Clement of

Alexandria, laments, “the countless unknown tragedies

occasioned by casual sexual encounters. How father, forgetting

the children they abandoned of unknowingly have sexual

relation with a son who is a prostitute or daughter a



It is good to see what St. Augustine says about sin because

this prostitution is really a sin. He says that, “Every good

is from God. There is no nature, therefore, which is not from86 J. Baswell, Christianity Social Tolerance and Homosexuality, University of ChicagoPress, London , 1980, Pg. 34.87 Ibid., Pg. 34.


God. That movement, however, of turning away from God is what

we acknowledge as sin, because it is a defective movement and

every defect is from nothing.”88


St. Augustine is a good example that the poor youths should

imitate because of how he changed after along struggle of the

mother praying for him. He really changed from the worst to

the best. He claims, “I myself used to swear regularly. I had

contracted that baneful and deadly habit. But, dearly beloved,

I assure you that from the time I began to serve God and

realized how harmful a thing was this habit of swearing I got

terrified, and through fear I put a bridle on what had become

a rooted habit.”89


This chapter has addressed the Biblical teaching on

prostitution in Old and New Testament, the documents of the

Church such as the Vatican 11Council, the Catholic Catechism,

Papal Encyclicals letters and Patristic teaching on

prostitution. Finally it is my trust that even if the Holy

Bible talks of the prostitution, it does not condemn

prostitutes. If Jesus never condemned them, then who are we to

do so? The good way of helping them is to assist them to come

out from those dark corners of life. It is clearly declared in

the Gospel of St. John, “No one, sir, she replied, “Neither do88 W. Jurgens, The Faith of the Early Fathers, Vol. 3, The Liturgical Press, Minnesota,1979, Pg. 39.89 H. Augustine, A Penetrating Study of St. Augustine’s Life. Thought and Impact on Western Civilization, Doubleday and Company, Inc., New York, 1961, Pg. 85.


I condemn you, said Jesus, “Go away, and from this moment sin

no more” (Jn 8:11).





The researcher interviewed people on prostitution, linked

Church teachings on prostitution from the bible, the Church

documents and even the fathers of the Church. Finally in this

last chapter, the study will focus on possible pastoral

recommendations in evangelization of the youth. It will also

highlight some practical roles of the Catholic Church in

evangelizing the youth, the role of the family on youth, the

role of the society on youth and the role of the government on

youth. This will help millions of young people who are

addicted to prostitution to gather courage and God’s grace

that will help them to stop prostitution.


The Church plays a great role and especially in the projects

they run like schools, hospitals and many others. The first,

schools because of the foundation they give to youths as

stated in GE, “However, the special function of the Catholic


schools is to develop in the school community an atmosphere

animated by the Spirit of liberty and charity based on the

Gospel. It enables young people, while developing their own

personality, to grow at the same time in that new life which

has been given to them in baptism.”90


The Church sometimes faces challenges such as not allowing the

young ones to grow as human and live their spirituality hence

end up not expressing themselves fully. Since only God can

ultimately tell what a person’s state is, this is because God

does not judge by our appearances but by our actions (this

explains the scripture message therefore “Judge not that you

be not Judged (Lk 6:37) but our chances of making a correct

assement of any person’s state before God will be much better

if we look to the person’s pattern of life. On the other hand,

“Young people who are well trained in faith and prayer and

must become more and more the apostles of youth. The Church

counts greatly on their contribution and we ourselves have

often manifested our full confidence in them.”91

 Maweu states that, “The Church must overcome its present day

challenges in youth ministry. In many Churches, the youth

worker is stereotyped as a social worker. Their primary task

is defined as helping the young people work off all that

energy with constructive activities.”92 The Church has to help

90 A. Flannery, Vatican II Council, Declaration on Christian Education, (G.E.), Pg. 648.91 Paul VI, On Evangelization in the Modern World. Apostolic Exhortation “Evangelii Nuntiandi,” St. Paul Publication, Nairobi, 1975, Pg. 57.92 P. Maweu, Developing Youth, Pg. 11.


the youths to grow up morally and adhere to the rules of Code

of Canon law. the youth are, “therefore to be cared for in a

such a way that their physical, moral and intellectual talents

may develop in a harmonious manner, so that they may attain a

greater sense of responsibility and rights, use of freedom and

be formed to take an active part in social life.”93


During my research I tried to observe what the Church has done

for the poor youths and especially in the Archdiocese of

Mombasa. I found out that the Church has tried. I met Agnes

who works in SOLGIDI project that rehabilitate girls and women

who are commercial sex workers.She said that, “The Mission of SOLGIDI is committed toimplement activities aimed at assisting, encouraging andproviding care and protection as well as enjoyment ofboth children and human rights by girls in distress. Shegave their Goal: Children of commercial sex workers(CSW’S) given opportunity in life to lead normalacceptance lifestyle and education. Their Vision: Asociety that is free from all forms of child abuse inwhich high premium is placed on all children with respectto provision of care and support. The Achievements theyhad: 600-girls getting psychosocial support, 300-guardians getting psychosocial support, 64-girlscompleted form four, 24-supported in different collegesand universities, 155-supported in primary and secondaryschools and 179-total beneficiaries 2010.”94

 I also visited “Mahali pa usalama” in Tudor where the Missionary

Sisters of Charity live and do their apostolate. I was really

touched by those religious nuns who have devoted themselves to

Gods people who are in distress. They were really pleased by

93 The Code of the Canon Law, In English Translation, Catholic Education, No. 183-184.94 Mailu Agnes (SOLGIDI), Interviewed by the Author at Star of the Sea, 1/06/2011.


my research because they claimed that many people and

especially we the religious men and women have left this

apostolate to them and they were encouraging that we should

help them to bring the people of God closer to Him.

Sr. Angela shared with me what they do in that rescue center, “Mission and policy statement: the Catholic Archdioceseof Mombasa exists to witness Christ through Church’ssocial teaching, as their guide and inspiration strivingto create a just, loving and caring society thatrecognizes the dignity of the human person from themoment of conception to natural death. They give serviceto sick people as a way of bringing about the Kingdom ofGod … “Truly I tell you as you did it to one of the leastof these brothers or sisters of mine, you did it to me”Mt. 25:40. Their Institute Aim: To uplift the dignity ofchildren and youth who are sexually abused, exploited andtrafficked to engage in commercial sex. They give themshelter, food, clothing, counseling and rebuild theirlives in order to recover their worth and dignity. Shewas happy to share their Objectives: Mahali pa usalamaprovides temporary shelter, psychosocial counseling,rehabilitation programs to ensure the target groupsovercome their trauma, develop self-esteem and skills sothat they could depend on themselves.”95

 The experience of that place made me think deeply about many

people who are in need of support and they cannot access it.

The Catholic Church has really tried to work upon this, though

they have not managed fully because sometimes it is hard to

know who truly need support because many are cheaters.


There was a success story in East African Standard by Kioko

that explained on how a person received some help from the

Religious Sisters. The man said that he, “had not saved any95 Sr. Angela, Interviewed by the Author at Mahali Pa Usalama Tudor, 2/06/2011.


money while in Employment. I now depend on the Franciscan

Sisters Missionary in Africa- Love and Hope Center- for all my

needs. Sr Patricia of the Love and Hope Center opened a second

hand clothes stall for me outside my house. It is now my only

source of income. They counseled me and I was given hope to

live again.”96


The Church should make sure that the youths get authentic

catechesis. This is supposed to be done not only by the

Catechists but with the help of the rest like the parents,

religious men and women and even teachers in schools to uplift

them. This is recommended well by Warren in his book that,

“One can see here that the catechetical tradition has a strong

ritual component, an active component, which is important for

teens. Catechesis is action leading to prayer and from prayer

to further action.”97

 4.3 THE ROLE OF THE FAMILY ON YOUTH The family is reminded that, “the different generations come

together and help one another to grow wiser and harmonize the

rights of individuals with the demand of social life: as such

it constitutes the basis of society.”98 Parents need to

encourage the youths by all means for, “They need their

96 D. Kioko, Sex Before Marriage and Source of Income, in <<East African Standard >>Pg. 5.97 M. Warren, Youth and the Future of the Church. Ministry with Youth and Young Adults, Seabury Press, USA, 1982, Pg. 6.98 C. Rodger, Introduction to Catholic Social Teaching, Family Publications Exford, San Francisco, 1999, Pg. 22.


counseling and direction when they are confused, and therefore

they need to provide them with wisdom and correct their

mistakes with kindness.”99The family should be clear to their

young ones and make sure they know how to live in their

present, past and future lives because the family is their

light and we know that, “The path to the future passes through

the family.”100

 Parents should be exemplary in the family. They should show

love, concern and support among themselves and to their

children. They have the responsibility to educate them

especially Christian and African values as well as other

aspects of life even making their dreams to become true. Fear

of failure can at times frustrate even the most beautiful

dreams. The youths are to be encouraged on how to behave and

be positive in everyway because Wachira says, “Having the

image of God in me implies that I have the potential to be

good because God is good.”101

The young are supposed to have a strong faith which helps them

to endure challenges of life and have a living faith which

always grows. Young people should lean on Christ as Pope

Benedict XVI puts it clearly, “Exhorted close to one million

young people not to be afraid “lean on Christ”, as He is the

99 J. Kiura, Youth in Transition. A Guide for Youth Animators, King’s Script Publishers,Nairobi, 2004, Pg. 48.100 Ibid., Pg.118.101 R. Wachira, Searching for Self Knowledge, Paulines Publications, Nairobi, 1996,Pg. 18.


rock on which they can fulfill their dreams. On Saturday

meeting; may 28 at Blonie Park in Krakow.”102


The parents should not bring up their youths as “angels” but

human beings. They must embrace open policy and dialogue with

youths about their sexuality. This will help them to

understand and grow as responsible youths. They should also

cultivate authentic faith and a pure heart in them that will

help them overcome challenges in life. Vatican II Council

reminds parents of their duties such as, “…making all

necessary arrangements and even to consist that their children

may be able to make advantage of these services and thus enjoy

a balanced progress in their preparation for life in the



The youths should understand themselves better before they

think of understanding others and loving them. This is because

when one encounters a problem, he/she suffers alone even if

others will empathize with them. Blumenthal puts it clear how

the youths should do, “Put you in neutral, success or failure,

gain or loss, must…depend upon man’s own exertions.”104


The author has also identified some important things which the

youths should observe keenly in order to be safe. These vital

things are, “Set yourself a goal, and let it provide you with

102 Benedict XIV, Missionary Concern, in << The Seed Magazine >> July-August 2006, Vol. 18, No. 7.103 A. Flannery, Vatican II Council, Declaration on Christian Education, (G.E.), Pg. 648.104 E. Blumenthal, To Understand and Be Understood, St. Paul Press, England, 2004,Pg. 84.


a direction for your efforts, work hard and give your best,

not to misuse the achievement or non-achievements of the goal

in order to influence your feelings about your own worth.”105


Parents should educate their children on matters of sexuality

and teach them to respect the sacredness of sex in marriage.

They should live an exemplary life and be role model to


Parents need to teach their children by deeds and words.

Parents’ life should aim at building exemplary future lives of

their children. The youths can also make their parents proud

and learn from them as Kiura states in her book, “Young people

can also catechize and challenge their parents simply by their

good behavior.”106

 4.4 THE ROLE OF THE SOCIETY ON YOUTH The society has some solutions to the problem of prostitution.

Some of the solutions are concerned with the social

activities. Maweu gives us a clear way on how we can help the

youths during their social and leisure time. They must know

what they are going to do for instance, “ the camps should

provide opportunity in four dimensional relationship: relating

to God to oneself, others (social), to the nature, drama and

skits, video shows and movies, rallies, debates and discussion

groups, retreats, hikes and parties.”107

105 Ibid.106 J. Kiura, Family Life. Learning the Faith Together, Kolbe Press, Limuru, 1993, Pg. 78.107 P. Maweu, Developing Youth, Pg. 96.



The society plays a major role in the lives of the youths. It

must educate and inform the youths on how prostitution

degrades them and the society. Igor puts it clearly that,

“There is no denying that the belief that prostitution

degrades those who practice it is very widespread. But this

belief may be wrong. The question is why should prostitution

be considered degrading? Because prostitution is utterly

impersonal, a human being to a mere means, because of the

intimate nature of the acts she/he performs for money and the

actually selling of their bodies.108


Prostitution is a wrong way of living because it is immoral

and illegal. This is because, “Sexuality is a social

construction, and individuals are not free to experience

errors just as they choose. Yet just as the extraction and

appropriation of surplus value by the capitalist represents a

choice available, if not to individuals, to society as a

whole, so too sexuality and the forms taken by Eros must be

seen as at some level open to change.”109


Members of the society are supposed to send light to

prostitutes, heal and, hold them, and especially doing all

these in love. They should be given insights of how morally

they should be. In the book Philosophy of Sex, the author

gives some four moral claims, “The moral right to control108 P. Igor, Ethics and Sex, Published in Canada, 1999, Pg. 99.109 A. Soble, The Philosophy of Sex, Contemporary Readings, Row Man and Littlefield Publishers, 1997, Pg. 178.


one’s own body, the moral necessity of autonomy and choice in

personal responsibility, the moral claim for the contingent

value of fetal life and the moral right of women to true

social equality.”110


The society must help the youths to understand that love

demands commitment so that they may avoid becoming too cheap.

Abata emphasis the role of society by saying that, “To help

keep sex from being just sex, society and religion insist that

two people should not use sex until they are sure enough of

their love to make a commitment to one another.”111The people

in the society are to help the youths to grow morally well and

be in a position to assist in a way that they belong in the

society fully. Adults “Should challenge young people by good

examples so that they take part in the Apostolate and if the

opportunity presents itself, by offering them effective advice

and willing assistance.”112


110 Ibid., Pg. 152.111 R. Abata, You and the Ten Commandments. Sexual Responsibility, Liguori Publications, U.S.A., 1978, Pg. 13.112 John Paul 11, The Sixteen Documents of Vatican I, Vocation and Mission of the Lay Faithful. Apostolic Exhortation “Christifideles Laici” of John I and the Instruction on the Liturgy, St. Paul Edition, -N, Apoc 22. 12-13, Pg. 349.


The wide-spread existence of prostitution in different society

and throughout history should, make us hesitant about

accepting any simple approach to the problem. To argue that

the police should enforce the law more vigorously is to be

naive, because both official and public attitudes give tacit

and sometime open support to prostitution.


The church and the government should work hard to ensure that

people have been employed according to their profession in

order to reduce the number of jobless youths who work at night

along the streets looking for men and women to hire them for

sex. This is because many of the prostitutes claim that they

embrace that evil way of life because they lack finance.

The government is trying to find out how youths can be

assisted and especially forming councils like Kenya National

Youth Council (KNYC) who are facing Challenges to their status

and the goals they does like:

*Opportunities for youth expression and cooperation.*Youth empowerment.*Mobilizing youth to achieve larger goals.*Taking an active role against discrimination and oppression.*Providing skills for youth to contribute to their communities.*Organizing events to increase awareness of issues and toprovide an open forum for discussion.*Collective approach; working with other organizations and groups.*Linking with the community to improve programs for youth.*Improving focus on Scarborough.*Financial resources needed to maintain staff and projectneeds.


*Ensuring that projects are meaningful to youth, who are -- by definition -- at a transitional stage, while building long-term leadership skills.Participation in KNYC meetings is a difficult commitmentto maintain in the face of school, work, social lives,and family commitments. Continuity of involvement is anongoing challenge. To further build on the Council'sability to influence public policy, we need to developthe means and internal capacity. We should identify,train, and most importantly, sustain a pool of youngpeople who can think critically and develop strategicactions, projects around the events, and issues whichcontinue to shape their lives and their communities.113

It is also good to see the Kenyan law and prostitution, how Catherine explains it in her book, A Walk at midnight:

“The law in Kenya is silent on the act of prostitution.However eating from the proceeds from prostitution isillegal. Kenyan law defines a prostitute: “as any person,male or female, who knowingly lives wholly or in part onthe earnings of prostitution or is found in any publicplace soliciting or offering sex. If a person is foundguilty by a court of law, the court may pass judgmentthat may be a fine or imprisonment. For repeat offenders,however, the court may, in addition to any term of prisonawarded, sentence the offender to corporal punishment.”114

 She also talks about Mombasa city:

Section 258 (m) and (n) of the Mombasa Municipal Councilby laws (2003) state that: “Any people who shall in anystreet or Public loiter or, for the purpose ofprostitution, procure or attempt to procure a female ormale for the purpose of prostitution or homosexuality,shall be guilty of an offence. The by-laws in Mombasatherefore criminalizes loitering. A unique feature in theby-law 258 of the Mombasa Municipal Council is that italso criminalizes homosexuality and therefore coversconsensual sex among men with one earring.”115

  113 http://kenyan national youth council. whereis. co.ke/profile.html, 7/02/2012.114 C. Wanjohi, A Walk at Midnight, Journeying with Abused Women and Girls Towards Inner Dignity and  Wholeness, Panel media, Naivasha, 2010, Pg. 117.115 Ibid., Pg. 119-120.



Below are suggestions that can be applied in the control of

prostitution. It grows to be something innate and that cannot

be easily controlled unless one convinces him or herself that

it is not health and morally upright to be a prostitute. It

becomes addiction and if one does not do it, something goes a

mess. It is very delicate and great care is needed to change

prostitutes unless they convince themselves and amend their

ways of living. This is why there are no many suggested

control measures as I found during my research.


(a) Workshops on Effects of Prostitution

The government or non governmental organizations can organize

classes on the effects of prostitution. This gives some

insight to prostitutes and may instill fear, a condition that

can touch even if not many, just one convert. The workshops

should be facilitated by former converts because of their



The other difficulty that might accompany such a plan is the

open availing of the prostitutes for the guidance. This can be

done probably through media or be a sacrifice for the few who

avails. The other option can be talking to every individual on

personal basis which is time consuming and expensive.

(b) Self Will

This is the effective way that can be used to change the

prostitutes in Pirates beach. There is the law implanted deep


within every individual, a voice that speaks to the person on

what is good and evil. The conversion from prostitution should

be left on personal conviction and decision. Specialization in

other fields of work can give such a person a very humble

opportunity to change his life in totality. St. Catherine of

Siena once said that, “Perfection does not consist in

macerating or killing the body, but killing our perverse self

will.”116To be understood clearly, she never talked of killing

the other persons perverse will but each person killing his or

her own. It is only in that way that the society can strive to



(c) The Role of Christian Family and Small Christian Community

Family life education based on Catholic teachings, intends to

develop the whole human person intellectually, socially,

physically and psychologically on authentic human family life.

The teaching that intends to guarantee continuous harmonious

generation of harmonious life values and inclusively upholds

faith and integral human formation.  This enables growth of

mature human living and life. This prospect should be provided

to give true value and meaning to family life and the entire



Family is primary and fundamental human value; it is the

primary vital cell of society in which the child finds its

first social world. It is in the family that the child learns

appropriate social behaviors and experience love for others;116 T. Castle, More Quotes and Anectodes, The Mercier Press, Britain, 1986, Pg. 34.


lived and shared human values in the community. For instance,

the education that children receive from the parents helps

them to acquire values that lift their dignity and their

respect for the human person. This will help them to

understand who God is and affirm the God’s part as Kelly says,

“God’s special part in the making of a human being is

obviously, the creation of the soul. The creation of the soul

is the work of God and of God alone.”117


The Christian communities instills the biblical values of

faith, love, honors, respect, kindness, hard working, honesty,

truthfulness, forgiveness and appreciate the positive efforts

of others in the society. Whereas bad practices rang from;

laziness, alcoholic, pre-mature sexual practices, drug

addictions and abuse, indecent dress/wears, un-natural sexual

orientations, greed/selfishness and many others, are top on

the teaching package material; by the Small Christian

Community (SCC) in the attempts to ensure the children brought

forth from such a Christian community are potential future

parents, good citizens of the country to continue and vibrant

reliable human community and generation.

  (d) Way out

Rescuing teenagers from engaging in prostitution is not

something that will be achieved in a day, a week, a month or

even a year. It is a feat that needs the patient investment in

time and the involvement of a string of stakeholders. Teens

should have health and true relationships. These friends

117 G. Kelly, Modern Youth and Chastity, St. Paul Publications, Bombay, 1941, Pg. 42.


should be, finally a moral inspiration to the other; and there

is no doubt that the day-in and day-out attempt to be worthy

of the other, to be a help to the other, makes constant

demands on one’s self-love.”118

Parenting methods need to be adjusted because of granting

small children a too liberal outlook of life is harmful.

Parents need to dedicate the moral path taken by their

children right from the way they dress to the company they

keep and the games they play and the TV programmes they watch.

Parents need to involve their children more in the pursuit of

their spiritual lives. This kind of upbringing will help in a

way to help teenagers view sin with contempt and be in a state

of valuing virginity because, “Virginity is a heavenly

perfection, anticipation, for those who are called to it, of

what will be the final destiny of all in the kingdom of


We need to punish teenagers who engage in premarital sex as a

deterrent to those with similar intentions. This should

however be done in very organized ways. It can be sentencing

them to community service where they are required to clean

roads or other public utilities. Disqualify them to join

university but allow them to join other tertiary institutions,

or disqualify them from joining other privileges like military

careers or civil service but allow them to join other courses

118 Ibid., Pg. 15.119 L. Legrand, The Biblical Doctrine of Virginity, Geoffrey Chapman, London, 1963, Pg.47.


or jobs. In a way, let them feel the impact of their actions

and the rest will learn to avoid the same pitfalls.

The youth should be discouraged from early marriage and wait

until they have attained minimum age prescribed by law.

Currently, the number of young men and women in their sexual

peak is astounding yet many do not know how to contain their

urge hence the craze for all kinds of sexual crimes and

perverts. One way can be to do away with inhibitions like

dowry or lavish parties for wedding receptions which keep

youths off. This again, needs the restructuring of our

priorities as a society.

Curtail access to hard drugs by young people not just in law

but in action. Maybe we can say for one to get into a pub,

they should be 21 or 25 years instead of 18 years or under.

Hard drugs like cocaine, bhang have made many young people to

be zombies and they engage in prostitution without care. If

there was a way these drugs could be cut off from the society,

a great leap would have been made in restructuring the social

fibre of our young people.

Let us control the content of adverts, internet, TV

programmes, Radio programs, magazines and movies so that they

have less or no dirty undertones in their packaging. Last but

not least, we need to devise ways of empowering the Kenyan

masses economically so that our young people are not pushed

into prostitution by lack of basic needs.


The Lasting Solution that the internet gives is that;

Men or pimps will only ever get temporary benefits fromprostitution. Generally, women will get no benefits. Evenif voluntary, the thrill soon wears off and self-esteemlowers. The long term solution depends on alteringindividuals and what they want. When any human beingthirsts for something better, if they knew a lastingsolution was available then hopefully they would try it.Prem Rawat has for many years helped people, irrespectiveof their social, cultural background or beliefs discoverthe real happiness they have within themselves. Evenpeople in prisons have turned their lives aroundcompletely when given the gift of Knowledge, a practicalexperience of lasting inner fulfilment. Political changeswill never fully work unless we all change as well, buthere are some useful links about prostitution and actionsbeing taken.120

I encourage the youths to find ways and means of making God’s

decisive act effective in the world as they have sense of

shame and guilty conscience and be a position to have,

Sense of sacredness of life.

Sense of morality and righteousness.

Sense of Religion and mystical powers.

Sense of respecting taboos.

Sense of hospitality and kindness.

Sense of marriage and procreation.

Sense of Worship and sacrifice to Mlungu (God).

Sense of celebration life.121

The youth should understand the four basic principles about

the nature of human beings as quoted by Catherine in her book:

120 http://4-ever.org/prostitution, 8/02/2012.121 C. Majawa, African Christian Reconciliation. In the Light of Yao Traditions, Creations Enterprises, Nairobi, 2009, Pg. 147.


  All human beings are basically good and trustworthy.

  That all human beings have a self actualizing tendency.

  That all human beings are in the process of becoming.

  That all human beings are self directing; (we all know

what is best for us).122

Finally I recommend and give more courage to these youths to:

  Become more congruent in their relationships with

themselves and with others.

  Develop Emphatic understanding.

  Develop a more Non Judgmental attitude or unconditional

positive regard towards all



The above chapter has dealt with pastoral recommendation on

the youth for deeper evangelization, the role of the Catholic

Church on youth and evangelization, the role of the family on

youth, the role of the society on youth, the role of the

government on youth and few recommendations. It is my great

hope and trust that these youths will find enough courage,

strength and support from each other and even from the Church,

the family, the society, and the government to embrace the

journey towards transformation to dignity and wholeness!



122 C. Wanjohi, A Walk at Midnight, Pg. 60.123 Ibid.



This research consists of four main chapters. The first

chapter, deals with background of the study, statement of

research, objectives of the study, significance of the study,

working hypothesis, structure of the research, scope of the

study and methodology of the study. The second chapter tackled

Jomo Kenyatta public beach (Pirates beach), historical

background, and geographical location, prostitution among the

youth at pirates’ beach, causes and effects of prostitution

among the youth.


The third chapter examines the Church and Biblical teaching on

prostitution in Old Testament and New Testament, Vatican II

Council on prostitution, The Catholic Catechism on

prostitution, Papal Encyclical Letters on prostitution and

Patristic teaching on prostitution. Lastly, the fourth chapter

dealt with Pastoral recommendation on the youth for deeper

evangelization, the role of the Catholic Church on youth and

evangelization, the role of the family on youth, the role of

the society on youth, the role of the government on youth and

few recommendations.

  My dear youth’s prostitution is really a degrading issue

because many clients and especially men have no time for

negotiating because they are only looking for a source of

satisfaction of sexual urges, there is nothing more than a sex

object. This lowers the human dignity in to a sexual object.

Others they do not care so long as they get money even if they


serve human beings or animals. This is the time when their

business turns sour but they encourage themselves because at

times they share and console each other hence they end up

laughing themselves and especially when they remember how they

dance naked.


The money they use for plastic surgery and enlarge or make

their breasts small in order to become more attractive and

thus one ends up not appreciating the beauty God has given to

them freely. Though they do not mind as they claim that the

beautiful ones are not yet born thus ends up wishing to take

that chance of those beautiful ones. Surely youths why do you

not value your dignity and be proud of yourselves and how God

made you in a unique way and there none like you.


One of the good purposes for sexual intercourse is the

expression of love, and then we know that prostitution is bad

because it serves the sexual act from that good purpose. When

challenges of life come, the youths  have to ask God to grant

them the serenity to accept the things they can not change,

courage to change the things they can and wisdom to know the

difference and that God’s will to be done not theirs.


I recommend these youths to join St. Augustine in his prayer

of the Holy Spirit so that it may give impact in their lives.

He prays; breathe in to me, Holy Spirit, that my thoughts may

be holy. Move in me, Holy Spirit, that my work too may be

holy. Attract my heart, Holy Spirit, that I may love only what


is holy; strengthen me Holy Spirit, that I may defend all that

is holy. Protect me, Holy Spirit, that I always may be holy.


The recommendations of my research have at last given

proposals on how this can be handled and minimized or uprooted

from the society. As indicated in the paper, it is on the

personal grounds that prostitution can be handled. It is until

one is intrinsically convinced that prostitution is evil that

he can live to be a prostitute free. In conclusion, therefore,

a striking characteristic of prostitution as a social

phenomenon is that, despite the violent attitudes that have

often been held against it, it appears to have flourished

throughout human history. In fact, so widespread to has been

its practice that it has frequently been justified by scholars

and civic leaders alike, as a necessary evil, if not an

outright good.


I am   convinced that, it will take time to reduce the high

number of prostitutes in the world due to the poor policy in

many countries. Many prostitutes would like to live this ugly

profession but there is no alternative job or work. So the

government should create employment to its citizens in order

to avoid this shame. I propose that prostitution will be

reduced when one is convinced that what s/he doing is evil.

You can tell them that it is bad but they are earning from it,

which methodology should be used to convince them otherwise.

 We can compare this issue of prostitution with Prophet Hosea

and Gomer who was a prostitute. Hosea bought Gomer, a sinner;


he paid a price for her. So Hosea redeemed Gomer in OT and in

the NT the way Christ redeemed us by paying the price for us,

the sinful people of God. Hosea buys back Gomer and Christ

buys back you and me, the sinners. This is contributed because

of love and especially sacrifice. Who are we then, not to buy

back our dear youths who are in the dark corners of

prostitution? It is an advice to these youths that they have

fallen not thrice but a thousand times and it is not falling

that matters, but rising up again and continuing with our

journey of salvation.

During my research I faced some challenges like, my colleagues

asking me why I chose that topic and it seemed to be shameful

as a religious sister. The youths in the Church hesitated

first to share ideas about prostitution because they claimed

that they were not part of prostitution. The prostitutes were

hesitant because they were wondering what I was after and

especially as a religious person. The place where I focused my

study was hard to attain much information as pertaining the

history and other ideas. Even the beach boys were wondering

and resisting but later they gave me information. It was hard

to get books in the library.

Finally it was not easy but later God helped me and I managed

to acquire some relevant data and this has given me more

courage to empower these dear youths to respect their human

dignity and ultimate values in their lives, the family, Church

and entire society. I really thank God and I am happy for this

study because I am very sure this will help the youths not to


join prostitution and rehabilitate those addicted to

prostitution in Pirates Public Beach.






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Adhiambo 25 Hair dresser


Amina 26 Jobless


Asha 23 College


Bahati Tom 24 Hawker


Beach boy 30 Divers


Bosco 22 University


Chris 25 Electrician


Conso 21 Cateress


Doctor 40 Psychologist


Dr. Kala 41 Manager


Hassan Ali 31 Beach boy



Hope 19 School dropout


Jeff Ken 50 Retired

Teacher 21/05/2011

Juli 18 Student


Katy 23 Jobless


Lilly 21 University


Mac Bosco 48 Tour guide

24/05/ 2012

Mailu Agnes 45 Social worker


Mariam Kadzo 33 Teacher


Marto 32 Youth leader


Mother 50 Business

Lady n.d

Musa Karisa 35 Social worker


Omar Kea 31 Fisherman


Omosh 25 University


Parent 42 Farmer



Prostitute 30 Jobless


Prostitute 29 Jobless


Prostitute 28 Jobless


Prostitute 25 Jobless


Sr. Francisca 35 Matron


Tourist 50 Engineer


Tourist 55 Social

worker 28/05/2011

Tuzo 38 Choir

member 25/05/2011

University youth 25 Student


Wambui 42 Church leader















